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Releases: ibis-project/ibis


15 Mar 22:36
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5.0.0 (2023-03-15)


  • api: Snowflake identifiers are now kept as is from the database. Many table names and column names may now be in SHOUTING CASE. Adjust code accordingly.
  • backend: Backends now raise ibis.common.exceptions.UnsupportedOperationError in more places during compilation. You may need to catch this error type instead of the previous type, which differed between backends.
  • ux: now returns an expression
  • ux: Passing a sequence of column names to Table.drop is removed. Replace drop(cols) with drop(*cols).
  • The spark plugin alias is removed. Use pyspark instead
  • ir: removed ibis.expr.scope and ibis.expr.timecontext modules, access them under ibis.backends.base.df.<module>
  • some methods have been removed from the top-level ibis.<backend> namespaces, access them on a connected backend instance instead.
  • common: removed ibis.common.geospatial, import the functions from ibis.backends.base.sql.registry.geospatial
  • datatypes: JSON is no longer a subtype of String
  • datatype: Category, CategoryValue/Column/Scalar are removed. Use string types instead.
  • ux: The metric_name argument to value_counts is removed. Use Table.relabel to change the metric column's name.
  • deps: the minimum version of parsy is now 2.0
  • ir/backends: removed the following symbols:
  • ibis.backends.duckdb.parse_type() function
  • ibis.backends.impala.Backend.set_database() method
  • ibis.backends.pyspark.Backend.set_database() method
  • method
  • ibis.expr.operations.DatabaseTable.change_name() method
  • ibis.expr.operations.ParseURL class
  • ibis.expr.operations.Value.to_projection() method
  • ibis.expr.types.Table.get_column() method
  • ibis.expr.types.Table.get_columns() method
  • ibis.expr.types.StringValue.parse_url() method
  • schema: Schema.from_dict(), .delete() and .append() methods are removed
  • datatype: struct_type.pairs is removed, use struct_type.fields instead
  • datatype: Struct(names, types) is not supported anymore, pass a dictionary to Struct constructor instead


  • add max_columns option for table repr (a3aa236)
  • add examples API (b62356e)
  • api: add map/array accessors for easy conversion of JSON to stronger-typed values (d1e9d11)
  • api: add array to string join operation (74de349)
  • api: add builtin support for relabeling columns to snake case (1157273)
  • api: add support for passing a mapping to (d365fd4)
  • api: allow single argument set operations (bb0a6f0)
  • api: implement to_pandas() API for ecosystem compatibility (cad316c)
  • api: implement isin (ac31db2)
  • api: make cache evaluate only once per session per expression (5a8ffe9)
  • api: make create_table uniform (833c698)
  • api: more selectors (5844304)
  • api: upcast pandas DataFrames to memtables in rlz.table rule (8dcfb8d)
  • backends: implement ops.Time for sqlalchemy backends (713cd33)
  • bigquery: add BIGNUMERIC type support (5c98ea4)
  • bigquery: add UUID literal support (ac47c62)
  • bigquery: enable subqueries in select statements (ef4dc86)
  • bigquery: implement create and drop table method (5f3c22c)
  • bigquery: implement create_view and drop_view method (a586473)
  • bigquery: support creating tables from in-memory tables (c3a25f1)
  • bigquery: support in-memory tables (37e3279)
  • change Rich repr of dtypes from blue to dim (008311f)
  • clickhouse: implement ArrayFilter translation (f2144b6)
  • clickhouse: implement ops.ArrayMap (45000e7)
  • clickhouse: implement ops.MapLength (fc82eaa)
  • clickhouse: implement ops.Capitalize (914c64c)
  • clickhouse: implement ops.ExtractMillisecond (ee74e3a)
  • clickhouse: implement ops.RandomScalar (104aeed)
  • clickhouse: implement ops.StringAscii (a507d17)
  • clickhouse: implement ops.TimestampFromYMDHMS, ops.DateFromYMD (05f5ae5)
  • clickhouse: improve error message for invalid types in literal (e4d7799)
  • clickhouse: support asof_join (7ed5143)
  • common: add abstract mapping collection with support for set operations (7d4aa0f)
  • common: add support for variadic positional and variadic keyword annotations (baea1fa)
  • common: hold typehint in the annotation objects (b3601c6)
  • common: support Callable arguments and return types in Validator.from_annotable() (ae57c36)
  • common: support positional only and keyword only arguments in annotations (340dca1)
  • dask/pandas: raise OperationNotDefinedError exc for not defined operations (2833685)
  • datafusion: implement ops.Degress, ops.Radians (7e61391)
  • datafusion: implement ops.Exp (7cb3ade)
  • datafusion: implement ops.Pi, ops.E (5a74cb4)
  • datafusion: implement ops.RandomScalar (5d1cd0f)
  • datafusion: implement ops.StartsWith (8099014)
  • datafusion: implement ops.StringAscii (b1d7672)
  • datafusion: implement ops.StrRight (016a082)
  • datafusion: implement ops.Translate (2fe3fc4)
  • datafusion: support substr without end (a19fd87)
  • datatype/schema: support datatype and schema declaration using type annotated classes (6722c31)
  • datatype: enable inference of Decimal type (8761732)
  • datatype: implement Mapping abstract base class for StructType (5df2022)
  • deps: add Python 3.11 support and tests ([6f3f759](
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25 Jan 12:29
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4.1.0 (2023-01-25)


  • add ibis.get_backend function (2d27df8)
  • add py.typed to allow mypy to type check packages that use ibis (765d42e)
  • api: add ibis.set_backend function (e7fabaf)
  • api: add selectors for easier selection of columns (306bc88)
  • bigquery: add JS UDF support (e74328b)
  • bigquery: add SQL UDF support (db24173)
  • bigquery: add to_pyarrow method (30157c5)
  • bigquery: implement bitwise operations (55b69b1)
  • bigquery: implement ops.Typeof (b219919)
  • bigquery: implement ops.ZeroIfNull (f4c5607)
  • bigquery: implement struct literal (c5f2a1d)
  • clickhouse: properly support native boolean types (31cc7ba)
  • common: add support for annotating with coercible types (ae4a415)
  • common: make frozendict truly immutable (1c25213)
  • common: support annotations with typing.Literal (6f89f0b)
  • common: support generic mapping and sequence type annotations (ddc6603)
  • dask: support connect() with no arguments (67eed42)
  • datatype: add optional timestamp scale parameter (a38115a)
  • datatypes: add as_struct method to convert schemas to structs (64be7b1)
  • duckdb: add read_json function for consuming newline-delimited JSON files (65e65c1)
  • mssql: add a bunch of missing types (c698d35)
  • mssql: implement inference for DATETIME2 and DATETIMEOFFSET (aa9f151)
  • nicer repr for Backend.tables (0d319ca)
  • pandas: support connect() with no arguments (78cbbdd)
  • polars: allow ibis.polars.connect() to function without any arguments (d653a07)
  • polars: handle casting to scaled timestamps (099d1ec)
  • postgres: add Map(string, string) support via the built-in HSTORE extension (f968f8f)
  • pyarrow: support conversion to pyarrow map and struct types (54a4557)
  • snowflake: add more array operations (8d8bb70)
  • snowflake: add more map operations (7ae6e25)
  • snowflake: any/all/notany/notall reductions (ba1af5e)
  • snowflake: bitwise reductions (5aba997)
  • snowflake: date from ymd (035f856)
  • snowflake: fix array slicing (bd7af2a)
  • snowflake: implement ArrayCollect (c425f68)
  • snowflake: implement NthValue (0dca57c)
  • snowflake: implement ops.Arbitrary (45f4f05)
  • snowflake: implement ops.StructColumn (41698ed)
  • snowflake: implement StringSplit (e6acc09)
  • snowflake: implement StructField and struct literals (286a5c3)
  • snowflake: implement TimestampFromUNIX (314637d)
  • snowflake: implement TimestampFromYMDHMS (1eba8be)
  • snowflake: implement typeof operation (029499c)
  • snowflake: implement exists/not exists (7c8363b)
  • snowflake: implement extract millisecond (3292e91)
  • snowflake: make literal maps and params work (dd759d3)
  • snowflake: regex extract, search and replace (9c82179)
  • snowflake: string to timestamp (095ded6)
  • sqlite: implement _get_schema_using_query in SQLite backend (7ff84c8)
  • trino: compile timestamp types with scale (67683d3)
  • trino: enable ops.ExistsSubquery and ops.NotExistsSubquery (9b9b315)
  • trino: map parameters (53bd910)
  • ux: improve error message when column is not found (b527506)

Bug Fixes

  • backend: read the default backend setting in _default_backend (11252af)
  • bigquery: move connection logic to do_connect (42f2106)
  • bigquery: remove invalid operations from registry (911a080)
  • bigquery: resolve deprecation warnings for StructType and Schema (c9e7078)
  • clickhouse: fix position call (702de5d)
  • correctly visualize array type (26b0b3f)
  • deps: make sure pyarrow is not an implicit dependency (10373f4)
  • duckdb: make read_csv on URLs work (9e61816)
  • duckdb: only try to load extensions when necessary for csv (c77bde7)
  • duckdb: remove invalid operations from registry (ba2ec59)
  • fallback to default backend with to_pyarrow/to_pyarrow_batches (a1a6902)
  • impala: remove broken alias elision (32b120f)
  • ir: error for order_by on nonexistent column (57b1dd8)
  • ir: ops.Where output shape should consider all arguments (...
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09 Jan 21:11
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4.0.0 (2023-01-09)


  • functions, methods and classes marked as deprecated are removed now
  • ir: replace HLLCardinality with ApproxCountDistinct and CMSMedian with ApproxMedian operations.
  • backends: the datatype of returned execution results now more closely matches that of the ibis expression's type. Downstream code may need to be adjusted.
  • ir: the JSONB type is replaced by the JSON type.
  • dev-deps: expression types have been removed from ibis.expr.api. Use import ibis.expr.types as ir to access these types.
  • common: removed @immutable_property decorator, use @attribute.default instead
  • timestamps: the timezone argument to to_timestamp is gone. This was only supported in the BigQuery backend. Append %Z to the format string and the desired time zone to the input column if necessary.
  • deps: ibis now supports at minimum duckdb 0.3.3. Please upgrade your duckdb install as needed.
  • api: previously ibis.connect would return a Table object when calling connect on a parquet/csv file. This now returns a backend containing a single table created from that file. When possible users may use instead to read files into ibis tables.
  • api: histogram()'s closed argument no longer exists because it never had any effect. Remove it from your histogram method calls.
  • pandas/dask: the Pandas and Dask backends now interpret casting ints to/from timestamps as seconds since the unix epoch, matching other backends.
  • datafusion: register_csv and register_parquet are removed. Pass filename to register method instead.
  • ir: ops.NodeList and ir.List are removed. Use tuples to represent sequence of expressions instead.
  • api: re_extract now follows re.match behavior. In particular, the 0th group is now the entire string if there's a match, otherwise the groups are 1-based.
  • datatypes: enums are now strings. Likely no action needed since no functionality existed.
  • ir: Replace t[t.x.topk(...)] with t.semi_join(t.x.topk(...), "x").
  • ir: ir.Analytic.type() and ir.TopK.type() methods are removed.
  • api: the default limit for table/column expressions is now None (meaning no limit).
  • ir: join changes: previously all column names that collided between left and right tables were renamed with an appended suffix. Now for the case of inner joins with only equality predicates, colliding columns that are known to be equal due to the join predicates aren't renamed.
  • impala: kerberos support is no longer installed by default for the impala backend. To add support you'll need to install the kerberos package separately.
  • ir: ops.DeferredSortKey is removed. Use ops.SortKey directly instead.
  • ir: ibis.common.grounds.Annotable is mutable by default now
  • ir: node.has_resolved_name() is removed, use isinstance(node, ops.Named) instead; node.resolve_name() is removed use instead
  • ir: removed ops.Node.flat_args(), directly use node.args property instead
  • ir: removed ops.Node.inputs property, use the multipledispatched get_node_arguments() function in the pandas backend
  • ir: Node.blocks() method has been removed.
  • ir: HasSchema mixin class is no longer available, directly subclass ops.TableNode and implement schema property instead
  • ir: Removed Node.output_type property in favor of abstractmethod Node.to_expr() which now must be explicitly implemented
  • ir: Expr(Op(Expr(Op(Expr(Op))))) is now represented as Expr(Op(Op(Op))), so code using ibis internals must be migrated
  • pandas: Use timezone conversion functions to compute the original machine localized value
  • common: use ibis.common.validators.{Patameter, Signature} instead
  • ir: ibis.expr.lineage.lineage() is now removed
  • ir: removed ir.DestructValue, ir.DestructScalar and ir.DestructColumn, use table.unpack() instead
  • ir: removed Node.root_tables() method, use ibis.expr.analysis.find_immediate_parent_tables() instead
  • impala: use other methods for pinging the database


  • add experimental decorator (791335f)
  • add to_pyarrow and to_pyarrow_batches (a059cf9)
  • add unbind method to expressions (4b91b0b), closes #4536
  • add way to specify sqlglot dialect on backend (f1c0608)
  • alchemy: implement json getitem for sqlalchemy backends (7384087)
  • api: add agg alias for aggregate (907583f)
  • api: add agg alias to group_by (6b6367c)
  • api: add top level API function (e67132c)
  • api: add JSON __getitem__ operation (3e2efb4)
  • api: implement __array__ (1402347)
  • api: make drop variadic (1d69702)
  • api: return object from to_sql to support notebook syntax highlighting (87c9833)
  • api: use rich for interactive __repr__ (04758b8)
  • backend: make ArrayCollect filterable (1e1a5cf)
  • backends/mssql: add backend support for Microsoft Sql Server (fc39323)
  • bigquery: add ops.DateFromYMD, ops.TimeFromHMS, ops.TimestampFromYMDHMS (a4a7936)
  • bigquery: add ops.ExtractDayOfYear (30c547a)
  • bigquery: add support for correlation (4df9f8b)
  • bigquery: implement argmin and argmax (40c5f0d)
  • bigquery: implement pi and e (b91370a)
  • bigquery: implement array repeat (09d1e2f)
  • bigquery: implement JSON getitem functionality (9c0e775)
  • bigquery: implement ops.ArraySlice (49414ef)
  • bigquery: implement ops.Capitalize (5757bb0)
  • bigquery: implement ops.Clip (5495d6d)
  • bigquery: implement ops.Degrees, ops.Radians (5119b93)
  • bigquery: implement ops.ExtractWeekOfYear (477d287)
  • bigquery: implement ops.RandomScalar (5dc8482)
  • bigquery: implement ops.StructColumn, ops.ArrayColumn (2bbf73c)
  • bigquery: implement ops.Translate (77a4b3e)
  • bigquery: implementt ops.NthValue (b43ba28)
  • bigquery: move bigquery backend back into the main repo (cd5e881)
  • clickhouse: handle more options in parse_url implementation (874c5c0)
  • clickhouse: implement INTERSECT ALL/EXCEPT ALL (f65fbc3)
  • clickhouse: implement quantile/multiquantile (96d7d1b)
  • common: support function annotations with both typehints and rules (7e23f3e)
  • dask: implement mode aggregation (017f07a)
  • dask: implement json getitem (381d805)
  • datafusion: convert column expressions to...
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15 Sep 11:01
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3.2.0 (2022-09-15)


  • add api to get backend entry points (0152f5e)
  • api: add and_ and or_ helpers (94bd4df)
  • api: add argmax and argmin column methods (b52216a)
  • api: add distinct to Intersection and Difference operations (cd9a34c)
  • api: add ibis.memtable API for constructing in-memory table expressions (0cc6948)
  • api: add ibis.sql to easily get a formatted SQL string (d971cc3)
  • api: add Table.unpack() and StructValue.lift() APIs for projecting struct fields (ced5f53)
  • api: allow transmute-style select method (d5fc364)
  • api: implement all bitwise operators (7fc5073)
  • api: promote psql to a show_sql public API (877a05d)
  • clickhouse: add dataframe external table support for memtables (bc86aa7)
  • clickhouse: add enum, ipaddr, json, lowcardinality to type parser (8f0287f)
  • clickhouse: enable support for working window functions (310a5a8)
  • clickhouse: implement argmin and argmax (ee7c878)
  • clickhouse: implement bitwise operations (348cd08)
  • clickhouse: implement struct scalars (1f3efe9)
  • dask: implement StringReplace execution (1389f4b)
  • dask: implement ungrouped argmin and argmax (854aea7)
  • deps: support duckdb 0.5.0 (47165b2)
  • duckdb: handle query parameters in ibis.connect (fbde95d)
  • duckdb: implement argmin and argmax (abf03f1)
  • duckdb: implement bitwise xor (ca3abed)
  • duckdb: register tables from pandas/pyarrow objects (36e48cc)
  • duckdb: support unsigned integer types (2e67918)
  • impala: implement bitwise operations (c5302ab)
  • implement dropna for SQL backends (8a747fb)
  • log: make BaseSQLBackend._log print by default (12de5bb)
  • mysql: register BLOB types (1e4fb92)
  • pandas: implement argmin and argmax (bf9b948)
  • pandas: implement NotContains on grouped data (976dce7)
  • pandas: implement StringReplace execution (578795f)
  • pandas: implement Contains with a group by (c534848)
  • postgres: implement bitwise xor (9b1ebf5)
  • pyspark: add option to treat nan as null in aggregations (bf47250)
  • pyspark: implement ibis.connect for pyspark (a191744)
  • pyspark: implement Intersection and Difference (9845a3c)
  • pyspark: implement bitwise operators (33cadb1)
  • sqlalchemy: implement bitwise operator translation (bd9f64c)
  • sqlalchemy: make ibis.connect with sqlalchemy backends (b6cefb9)
  • sqlalchemy: properly implement Intersection and Difference (2bc0b69)
  • sql: implement StringReplace translation (29daa32)
  • sqlite: implement bitwise xor and bitwise not (58c42f9)
  • support table.sort_by(ibis.random()) (693005d)
  • type-system: infer pandas' string dtype (5f0eb5d)
  • ux: add duckdb as the default backend (8ccb81d)
  • ux: use rich to format output (67234c3)
  • ux: use sqlglot for pretty printing SQL (a3c81c5)
  • variadic union, intersect, & difference functions (05aca5a)

Bug Fixes

  • api: make sure column names that are already inferred are not overwritten (6f1cb16)
  • api: support deferred objects in existing API functions (241ce6a)
  • backend: ensure that chained limits respect prior limits (02a04f5)
  • backends: ensure select after filter works (e58ca73)
  • backends: only recommend installing ibis-foo when foo is a known backend (ac6974a)
  • base-sql: fix String-generating backend string concat implementation (3cf78c1)
  • clickhouse: add IPv4/IPv6 literal inference (0a2f315)
  • clickhouse: cast repeat times argument to UInt64 (b643544)
  • clickhouse: fix listing tables from databases with no tables (08900c3)
  • compilers: make sure memtable rows have names in the SQL string compilers (18e7f95)
  • compiler: use repr for SQL string VALUES data (75af658)
  • dask: ensure predicates are computed before projections (5cd70e1)
  • dask: implement timestamp-date binary comparisons (48d5058)
  • dask: set dask upper bound due to large scale test breakage (796c645), closes #9221
  • decimal: add decimal type inference (3fe3fd8)
  • deps: update dependency duckdb-engine to >=0.1.8,<0.4.0 (113dc8f)
  • deps: update dependency duckdb-engine t...
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26 Jul 09:54
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3.1.0 (2022-07-26)


  • add __getattr__ support to StructValue (75bded1)
  • allow selection subclasses to define new node args (2a7dc41)
  • api: accept Schema objects in public ibis.schema (0daac6c)
  • api: add .tables accessor to BaseBackend (7ad27f0)
  • api: add e function to public API (3a07e70)
  • api: add ops.StructColumn operation (020bfdb)
  • api: add cume_dist operation (6b6b185)
  • api: add toplevel ibis.connect() (e13946b)
  • api: handle literal timestamps with timezone embedded in string (1ae976b)
  • api: ibis.connect() default to duckdb for parquet/csv extensions (ff2f088)
  • api: make struct metadata more convenient to access (3fd9bd8)
  • api: support tab completion for backends (eb75fc5)
  • api: underscore convenience api (81716da)
  • api: unnest (98ecb09)
  • backends: allow column expressions from non-foreign tables on the right side of isin/notin (e1374a4)
  • base-sql: implement trig and math functions (addb2c1)
  • clickhouse: add ability to pass arbitrary kwargs to Clickhouse do_connect (583f599)
  • clickhouse: implement ops.StructColumn operation (0063007)
  • clickhouse: implement array collect (8b2577d)
  • clickhouse: implement ArrayColumn (1301f18)
  • clickhouse: implement bit aggs (f94a5d2)
  • clickhouse: implement clip (12dfe50)
  • clickhouse: implement covariance and correlation (a37c155)
  • clickhouse: implement degrees (7946c0f)
  • clickhouse: implement proper type serialization (80f4ab9)
  • clickhouse: implement radians (c7b7f08)
  • clickhouse: implement strftime (222f2b5)
  • clickhouse: implement struct field access (fff69f3)
  • clickhouse: implement trig and math functions (c56440a)
  • clickhouse: support subsecond timestamp literals (e8698a6)
  • compiler: restore intersect_class and difference_class overrides in base SQL backend (2c46a15)
  • dask: implement trig functions (e4086bb)
  • dask: implement zeroifnull (38487db)
  • datafusion: implement negate (69dd64d)
  • datafusion: implement trig functions (16803e1)
  • duckdb: add register method to duckdb backend to load parquet and csv files (4ccc6fc)
  • duckdb: enable find_in_set test (377023d)
  • duckdb: enable group_concat test (4b9ad6c)
  • duckdb: implement ops.StructColumn operation (211bfab)
  • duckdb: implement approx_count_distinct (03c89ad)
  • duckdb: implement approx_median (894ce90)
  • duckdb: implement arbitrary first and last aggregation (8a500bc)
  • duckdb: implement NthValue (1bf2842)
  • duckdb: implement strftime (aebc252)
  • duckdb: return the ir.Table instance from DuckDB's register API (0d05d41)
  • mysql: implement FindInSet (e55bbbf)
  • mysql: implement StringToTimestamp (169250f)
  • pandas: implement bitwise aggregations (37ff328)
  • pandas: implement degrees (25b4f69)
  • pandas: implement radians (6816b75)
  • pandas: implement trig functions (1fd52d2)
  • pandas: implement zeroifnull (48e8ed1)
  • postgres/duckdb: implement covariance and correlation (464d3ef)
  • postgres: implement ArrayColumn (7b0a506)
  • pyspark: implement approx_count_distinct (1fe1d75)
  • pyspark: implement approx_median (07571a9)
  • pyspark: implement covariance and correlation (ae818fb)
  • pyspark: implement degrees (f478c7c)
  • pyspark: implement nth_value (abb559d)
  • pyspark: implement nullifzero (640234b)
  • pyspark: implement radians (18843c0)
  • pyspark: implement trig functions (fd7621a)
  • pyspark: implement Where (32b9abb)
  • pyspark: implement xor (550b35b)
  • pyspark: implement zeroifnull (db13241)
  • pyspark: topk support (9344591)
  • sqlalchemy: add degrees and radians (8b7415f)
  • sqlalchemy: add xor translation rule (2921664)
  • sqlalchemy: allow non-primitive arrays ([4e02918](4e02918...
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28 Apr 16:30
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3.0.2 (2022-04-28)

Bug Fixes

  • docs: fix tempdir location for docs build (dcd1b22)


28 Apr 15:16
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3.0.1 (2022-04-28)

Bug Fixes

  • build: replace version before exec plugin runs (573139c)


25 Apr 17:44
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3.0.0 (2022-04-25)


  • ir: The following are breaking changes due to simplifying expression internals
    • ibis.expr.datatypes.DataType.scalar_type and DataType.column_type factory
      methods have been removed, DataType.scalar and DataType.column class
      fields can be used to directly construct a corresponding expression instance
      (though prefer to use operation.to_expr())
    • ibis.expr.types.ValueExpr._name and ValueExpr._dtype`` fields are not accassible anymore. While these were not supposed to used directly now ValueExpr.has_name(), ValueExpr.get_name()andValueExpr.type()` methods
      are the only way to retrieve the expression's name and datatype.
    • ibis.expr.operations.Node.output_type is a property now not a method,
      decorate those methods with @property
    • ibis.expr.operations.ValueOp subclasses must define output_shape and
      output_dtype properties from now on (note the datatype abbreviation dtype
      in the property name)
    • ibis.expr.rules.cast(), scalar_like() and array_like() rules have been
  • api: Replace t["a"].distinct() with t[["a"]].distinct().
  • deps: The sqlalchemy lower bound is now 1.4
  • ir: Schema.names and Schema.types attributes now have tuple type rather than list
  • expr: Columns that were added or used in an aggregation or
    mutation would be alphabetically sorted in compiled SQL outputs. This
    was a vestige from when Python dicts didn't preserve insertion order.
    Now columns will appear in the order in which they were passed to
    aggregate or mutate
  • api: dt.float is now dt.float64; use dt.float32 for the previous behavior.
  • ir: Relation-based execute_node dispatch rules must now accept tuples of expressions.
  • ir: removed ibis.expr.lineage.{roots,find_nodes} functions
  • config: Use ibis.options.graphviz_repr = True to enable
  • hdfs: Use fsspec instead of HDFS from ibis
  • udf: Vectorized UDF coercion functions are no longer a public API.
  • The minimum supported Python version is now Python 3.8
  • config: register_option is no longer supported, please submit option requests upstream
  • backends: Read tables with pandas.read_hdf and use the pandas backend
  • The CSV backend is removed. Use Datafusion for CSV execution.
  • backends: Use the datafusion backend to read parquet files
  • Expr() -> Expr.pipe()
  • coercion functions previously in expr/ are now in udf/
  • api: materialize is removed. Joins with overlapping columns now have suffixes.
  • kudu: use impala instead:
  • Any code that was relying implicitly on string-y
    behavior from UUID datatypes will need to add an explicit cast first.


  • add repr_html for expressions to print as tables in ipython (cd6fa4e)
  • add duckdb backend (667f2d5)
  • allow construction of decimal literals (3d9e865)
  • api: add ibis.asc expression (efe177e), closes #1454
  • api: add has_operation API to the backend (4fab014)
  • api: implement type for SortExpr (ab19bd6)
  • clickhouse: implement string concat for clickhouse (1767205)
  • clickhouse: implement StrRight operation (67749a0)
  • clickhouse: implement table union (e0008d7)
  • clickhouse: implement trim, pad and string predicates (a5b7293)
  • datafusion: implement Count operation (4797a86)
  • datatypes: unbounded decimal type (f7e6f65)
  • date: add,m,d) functionality (26892b6), closes #386
  • duckdb/postgres/mysql/pyspark: implement .sql on tables for mixing sql and expressions (00e8087)
  • duckdb: add functionality needed to pass integer to interval test (e2119e8)
  • duckdb: implement _get_schema_using_query (93cd730)
  • duckdb: implement now() function (6924f50)
  • duckdb: implement regexp replace and extract (18d16a7)
  • implement force argument in sqlalchemy backend base class (9df7f1b)
  • implement coalesce for the pyspark backend (8183efe)
  • implement semi/anti join for the pandas backend (cb36fc5)
  • implement semi/anti join for the pyspark backend (3e1ba9c)
  • implement the remaining clickhouse joins (b3aa1f0)
  • ir: rewrite and speed up expression repr (45ce9b2)
  • mysql: implement _get_schema_from_query (456cd44)
  • mysql: move string join impl up to alchemy for mysql (77a8eb9)
  • postgres: implement _get_schema_using_query (f2459eb)
  • pyspark: implement Distinct for pyspark (4306ad9)
  • pyspark: implement log base b for pyspark (527af3c)
  • pyspark: implement percent_rank and enable testing (c051617)
  • repr: add interval info to interval repr (df26231)
  • sqlalchemy: implement ilike (43996c0)
  • sqlite: implement date_truncate (3ce4f2a)
  • sqlite: implement ISO week of year (714ff7b)
  • sqlite: implement string join and concat (6f5f353)
  • support of arrays and tuples for clickhouse (db512a8)
  • ver: dynamic version identifiers (408f862)

Bug Fixes

Read more


12 Jan 23:12
Choose a tag to compare

2.1.1 (2022-01-12)

Bug Fixes

  • set the correct version number for 2.1.0 (f3d267b)


12 Jan 20:22
Choose a tag to compare

2.1.0 (2022-01-12)

Bug Fixes

  • consider all packages' entry points (b495cf6)
  • datatypes: infer bytes literal as binary #2915 (#3124) (887efbd)
  • deps: bump minimum dask version to 2021.10.0 (e6b5c09)
  • deps: constrain numpy to ensure wheels are used on windows (70c308b)
  • deps: update dependency clickhouse-driver to ^0.1 || ^0.2.0 (#3061) (a839d54)
  • deps: update dependency geoalchemy2 to >=0.6,<0.11 (4cede9d)
  • deps: update dependency pyarrow to v6 (#3092) (61e52b5)
  • don't force backends to override do_connect until 3.0.0 (4b46973)
  • execute materialized joins in the pandas and dask backends (#3086) (9ed937a)
  • literal: allow creating ibis literal with uuid (#3131) (b0f4f44)
  • restore the ability to have more than two option levels (#3151) (fb4a944)
  • sqlalchemy: fix correlated subquery compilation (43b9010)
  • sqlite: defer db connection until needed (#3127) (5467afa), closes #64


  • allow column_of to take a column expression (dbc34bb)
  • ci: More readable workflow job titles (#3111) (d8fd7d9)
  • datafusion: initial implementation for Arrow Datafusion backend (3a67840), closes #2627
  • datafusion: initial implementation for Arrow Datafusion backend (75876d9), closes #2627
  • make dayofweek impls conform to pandas semantics (#3161) (9297828)


  • "ci: install gdal for fiona" (8503361)