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184 lines (144 loc) · 12 KB


File metadata and controls

184 lines (144 loc) · 12 KB


  • Even faster library! PICS chunk processing is now faster, decreasing initial startup time even more.


  • Supercharged library queries! For UI display reasons, you might not need to query ALL the data from applications.
    • Now, kSteam adds a full argument to most of the methods in Library that can skip extra information.
    • kSteam Library Queries got new parameters: alwaysFetchLicenses, alwaysFetchPlayTime and fetchFullInformation. All of them are false by default.
    • fetchFullInformation or full set to false will skip querying the following metadata: content descriptors, tags, categories, localized assets, developers, publishers and franchises
  • Improved PICS Database! With new fields included in SQLite tables, kSteam does no longer store any VDF at all, greatly improving update speeds and reducing database sizes.
  • SteamApplication: Content Descriptors are now parsed properly
  • Library: SQL query building is fixed for some collections and simple requests
  • Library: Added KsLibraryQuerySortBy.NormalizedName for sorting based on sortas field in AppInfo with fallback to regular names


  • Rewritten network communication! Inspired by job system in other Steam Network clients, the CMJob system in kSteam allows for more streamlined experience and better stability when working with the Steam Network.
    • kSteam also introduces Streaming CM Jobs, which allow for processing every received part of a multi-message job, instead of collecting to List first. This really helps with PICS, where this new method greatly reduces memory usage on updates.
  • Major PICS rewrite! The whole database is now powered by Room (SQLite ORM by Google), which enables following things:
    • Kotlin 2.1 support and beyond (Realm is currently "frozen")
    • More platforms supported (kSteam still primarily supports only JVM + Android)
    • Rewritten startup sequence, which should be more accurate in multi-user environments
    • A lot of internal DB objects were rewritten from scratch to improve performance and decrease memory usage
  • Jetpack Compose bindings removed. Refer to Jetpack Compose section on README on how to improve stability when using kSteam models in @Composable.
  • Synchronized Protobuf files and dependencies.
  • UserNews: statuses support
  • Account: IP fetching is now on separate thread to "fix" NetworkOnMainThreadException on Android


  • kSteam Library Queries! This all-new system interops with Steam Library Collections (while adding new filters), allowing to fetch user's game library with play time and license support.
  • Multi-license support! Now kSteam understands package licenses and can apply them to app queries - you can easily get information about multiple copies and who own them.


  • [breaking change]: ExtendedSteamClient now implements the new abstract SteamClient interface, while the old SteamClient is now internal and named SteamClientImpl.
  • [breaking change]: extension-client/published-files: all-new PublishedFile class that features more mapped variables and improved code style
  • [breaking change]: core: gRPC client authenticationClient renamed to authentication
  • core: move gRPC clients from extension-client's ExtendedSteamGrpcClients to SteamGrpcClients
  • extension-client/published-files: implemented getFilesAppList and getFiles
  • extension-client/published-files: implemented EPublishedFileInfoMatchingFileType and EWorkshopFileType enums
  • proto-common: merge protobuf files from core and extension-client
  • extension-client: implemented ClientCommunication for remote operations
  • core: add ClientCommService, FamilyGroupsService, GameNotesService, StoreService, MobileDeviceService, UserGameNotesService to SteamGrpcClients
  • proto-common: update to latest protobufs
  • proto-common: don't embed .proto files in JAR


  • [breaking change] extension-client/guard: getActiveSessions now returns an ActiveSessions object that separates current kSteam session and others
  • [breaking change] extension-client: implemented separate databases, "ks_shared.realm" for PICS and "ks_.realm" for user-specific items (personas, for example)
  • [breaking change] extension-client: Persona is now rebuilt, featuring built-in relationship indicator and new Status interface
  • [breaking change] core: trySignInSaved is now separated into trySignInSaved(SteamId) and trySignInSavedDefault()
  • core, extension-client/guard: replaced while (true) in flows with while (currentCoroutineContext().isActive)
  • extension-client/guard: fixed generation of revocation signature
  • core: add Account.getWebCookies for fetching required cookies to access secured Steam pages in a WebView
  • extension-client/guard: make MobileConfirmationItem.icon nullable to fix parsing when a confirmation does not have it (phone number changes)д
  • core-persistence: add secureGetSteamIds and improve secureContainsIdentity
  • core: implemented support for expired sessions
  • core: implemented auto-restoration of autologin
  • extension-client: implemented new rich presence formatter that automatically updates the database
  • extension-client: provide SteamRegexes to help QR scanning implementations


  • [breaking change] core: handler system was removed out in favour for static injection of subsystems
  • [breaking change] extension-client: due to handler system being removed, extension is now installed as a Kotlin extension for SteamClient (see extendToClient function)
  • [breaking change] extension-client/guard-management: AwaitingSession is now IncomingSession
  • [breaking change] extension-client/guard-management: IncomingSession and ActiveSession are now Serializable
  • [breaking change] extension-client/guard-management: reworked API to be more consistent
  • [breaking change] extension-client/guard: major refactor of creation/moving process, removing the state system
  • core: implement shared gRPC client storage
  • core: streamlined coroutines scope creation/usage
  • core: remove embedded libdeflate for native platforms multi-message support because Okio has support for gzip streams for K/N
  • core: improved performance by using an enum cache for EMsg and EResult
  • extension-client: implement shared gRPC client storage for easy invoking of supported autogenerated RPC interfaces
  • extension-client/guard: fixed generating signature for revoking sessions
  • extension-client/guard-management: added a method to revoke current session
  • update dependencies


  • core/account now tries to search Steam Guard code for all bound extensions
  • [breaking change] extension-client handler extensions for PICS/Library/Guard are now moved back to bruhcollective.itaysonlab.ksteam.handlers package


Literally everything here is changed, more like a rewrite from scratch, leaving ~25% of original codebase

  • [breaking change] massive persistence rework, saved storage from earlier kSteam versions IS NOT COMPATIBLE (including Steam Guard)
  • re-enable support for macOS/iOS compilation
  • [breaking change] massive rework of extension architecture, simplifying everything to "core"-"implementation" model
  • [breaking change] introduce core-persistence for managing saved user data
  • core/unifiedmessages: provide a custom Wire client implementation for simplifying API requests
  • [breaking change] core/account: now uses secure persistence
  • extension-client: introduce Realm Mobile Database for persisting personas, collections, game metadata
  • extension-client/persona: optimize flows by using Realm queries
  • [breaking change] extension-client/pics: key-value DB is not required anymore
  • [breaking change] extension-client/pics: massive rework of querying, caching and storing to minimize extra requests
  • extension-client/guard: now uses secure persistence


  • [breaking change] Disable support for macOS/iOS compilation, effectively making kSteam a JVM/Android-only library
  • [breaking change] RPC calls now use Wire's gRPC custom client implementation instead of manually passing request/response adapters. This also enables usage of Steam-defined services directly.
  • extension-pics: support for 64-bit app IDs, making the client not crashing if providing folders with non-Steam applications
  • update dependencies
  • streamline the version updating procedure by introducing version catalogs
  • synchronized protobufs with the latest provided by Steam


  • Matches Cobalt 1.0-prototype build


  • extension-core/news: implement getUpcomingEvents and getUpcomingEvents
  • extension-core/news: extract friend activity to UserNews handler
  • extension-core/news: rework ActivityFeedEntry to be more UI-compliant
  • extension-core/news: other fixes and improvements
  • core/webapi: reworked API wrappers to be more modern and Kotlin-friendly
  • rewrite logging transport, now message value computation is done lazily (and is more likely to be removed by R8/Proguard)
  • streamline build process
  • provide android artifacts as well, with Compose stability bindings and logcat output


  • [breaking change] redone CMClientState featuring new AwaitingAuthorization state (connected as a guest) and renamed Logging to Authorizing + Idle to Offline
  • core: improved CMClientState exposing
  • core: introduce extractAccountIdFromSteam and toSteamId extensions for Long and Int
  • core: fixed rare Web API call crash
  • core/player: make getAchievementsProgress and getTopAchievements public (proto API only for now)
  • extension-pics: optimized database lists, fixing CallbackSuspendableMap must be initialized first! crash
  • extension-core/news: finalized parameters for getUserNews, introduced UserNewsFilterScenario
  • extension-core/news
  • updated kotlin from 1.8.20 to 1.8.21
  • updated kotlinx-coroutines from 1.7.0-RC to 1.7.1
  • updated kotlinx-serialization from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1
  • updated wire from 4.6.0 to 4.7.2
  • updated ktor from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1


  • [breaking change] updated wire from 4.5.3 to 4.6.0 (library consumers must also update wire to avoid issues)
  • [breaking change] extension-pics: fixed JSON exception when Steam can give absolutely random order values for collections (Int -> Double)
  • core: redone sign in process to extract Steam ID from JWT token (fixes QR login - btw I think that there is an easier way to know SteamID in QR logins...)
  • synchronized protobufs
  • updated ktor, kotlinx-serialization and coroutines


  • [breaking change] Kotlin Multiplatform support for jvm, ios (arm64/simulatorArm64/x64), tvos (arm64/simulatorArm64/x64) and macos (arm64/x64)
  • [breaking change] core: rootFolder is replaced from File of JVM to Path of okio
  • [breaking change] core, extension-core, extension-guard, extension-pics: removed AndroidX @Immutable/@Stable annotations from models, this will lead to recomposition issues if used directly in Jetpack Compose (wrap them in UI state objects)
  • [breaking change] extension-guard: migrated from custom protobuf to .mafile-style JSON files (migration tools are provided in a separate module named extension-guard-proto-migration)
  • [breaking change] core: ktorProxyConfig removed in favor of specifying your own Ktor HttpClient using ktor { } function in kSteam { } initializator
  • core: refactored a lot of internal I/O-related code
  • core: added SteamClientConfiguration.AuthPrivateIpLogic.Generate option for signing in (enabled by default on Apple platforms)
  • extension-guard: rewritten java.nio/javax.crypto (bytebuffer/hmac) usages with okio
  • extension-pics: collections are now filtered based on actual owned appids
  • extension-pics: optimize metadata updating
  • replaced implementation with api inside kSteam modules to prevent ClassNotFoundException