first parameter is name of function to call, and rest of the parameters are arguments to the function.
std::thread t1(func, std::ref(s));
- All parameters are pass by value
- Use
to pass by reference. - function can be passed as function pointer, functors and lambda function.
- We can pass function as a
in case of use withfunctors
object.thread t1(std::ref(*functor), arg1, arg2);
starts thread as soon as it created.
- t1.
main process wait for the thread to complete. - t1.
→ it will freely on its own. You cannot join detached thread. - t2.
it will tell whether thread is joinable or not.
int step =10;
vector<int> partial_sum(5, 0);
vector<thread> threads;
for(int i =0 ; i < 5 ; i++) {
threads.push_back([&partial_sum, int i, int step]() {
for (int j = i * step ; j < (i+1) * step ; j++) {
partial_sum[i] += j;
for(std::thread &th : threads) {
if (th.joinable()) {
int result = std::accumulate(partial_sum.begin(), partial_sum.end(), 0);
- Alternative to
, using thisclass
we can capture return value of function usingfuture
- Future : return value from
by callingget()
function. it blocks main thread it future is not ready in similar manner tojoin()
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <future>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<std::future<int> > tasks;
int step = 10;
for (int i =0 ; i < 5; i ++) {
tasks.push_back(std::async([i , step]{
int sum =0;
for(int j = i*step ;j < (i+1)* step; j++) {
sum += j;
return sum;
int result =0;
for(auto& t : tasks) {
result+= t.get();
cout <<result;
return 0;
When two or more thread trying to write same variable then data racing condition arises.
//! here thread t1 & t2 racing to access g_x global variable.
auto t1 = std::thread([]() { g_x = 1; });
auto t2 = std::thread([]() { g_x = 2; });
Compiler may change order of execution which may cause undefined behavior in multi-thread environment.
& Locksstd::atomic
- Abstraction
(mutual exclusion) is used to synchronize access to common resource with threads. using std::mutex;
std::mutex g_mutex;
- It also provide sequential consistency.
void Incrementer() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- lock and unlock should match
- If exception occurs after lock then that thread remains in locked state.
Automatically unlocks while going out of scope.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(g_mutex);
lock_guard + lock/unlock feature.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard(g_mutex);
- It requires to have
instead ofstd::mutex
- It allows multiple threads to have reading access if no write is happening in another thread.
- If thread is in writing critical section then it will not even allow reading thread.
print1(string &s, int i) {
std::lock_guard<mutex> guard1(mu1);
std::lock_guard<mutex> guard2(mu2);
print2(string &s, int i) {
std::lock_guard<mutex> guard2(mu2);
std::lock_guard<mutex> guard1(mu1);
std::lock to lock more then one mutex simultaneously
void Incrementer_Better() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// lock both mutexes without deadlock
std::lock(g_mutex1, g_mutex2);
// make sure both already-locked mutexes are unlocked at the end of scope
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock1(g_mutex1, std::adopt_lock);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock2(g_mutex2, std::adopt_lock);
std::scoped_lock scoped_lock_name(g_mutex1, g_mutex2);
std::unique_lock locker(mu);
it provide flexibility to lock it and unlock it.
std::unique_lock locker(mu, std::defer); // do not lock mutex mu
does not provide this flexiblity. -
can be moved from one lock to another:
std::unique_lock<mutex> locker2 = sd::move(locker);
std::once_flag _flag;
std::call_once (_flag, & {”a.txt”)};
std::condition_variable g_cv;
- Protect conditional variable using mutex.
- Always use predicate.
We use conditional variable for thread communication and message passing.
does two things :
- if mutex is locked then it unblocks it so that other thread can continue with their work.
- if mutex is unlocked then it blocks it so that this current thread proceed with its work.
Important point to note in below producer - consumer program is that condition or wait
is protected by unique_lock
and notify_one
is not under critical section.
std::mutex g_mutex;
std::condition_variable g_cv;
bool g_ready = false;
int g_data = 0;
void ConsumeData(int& data) {}
void Consumer() {
int data = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(g_mutex);
//! critical section starts
// if blocked, ul.unlock() is automatically called.
// if unblocked, ul.lock() is automatically called.
g_cv.wait(ul, []() { return g_ready; });
// Sample data
data = g_data;
std::cout << "data: " << data << std::endl;
g_ready = false;
//critical section end
void Producer() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ul(g_mutex);
// Produce data
// critical section starts
g_data = GenRandomValue();
g_ready = true;
// critical section end here.
//critical section starts ans wait is inside critical section.
g_cv.wait(ul, []() { return g_ready == false; });
int main() {
std::thread t1(Consumer);
std::thread t2(Producer);
return 0;
std::atomic <int> x(0);
it ensures read, increment and write atomically.
- integral types such as
floating types, float
(pointer) andstd::shared_ptr
user defined types can be atomic but these classes should be trivially copyable.
- continous block of memory so that it can be copy using memcpy
- no user defiend copy, assignment and move constructor
- no virtual function or virtual base class.
auto is_trivialy = std::is_trivially_copyable<A>::value;
is not copy assignable. one atomic variable cannot be assigned to another atomic variable.
std::atmoic<int> a(10);
int b;
b = a;
a = b;
std::atomic<int> a(10);
int b;
b = a.load(); //equivalent to operator=;
old_value =
equivalent to
vzold_value = atomic_x;
atomic_x = new_value;
bool success = atomic_x.compare_exchange_strong(expected, desired);
equivalent to
//Atomically do this:
if (atomic_x == expected) {
atomic_x = desired;
return true;
else {
expected = atomic_x;
return false;
Lets say if we want to calculate :
atomix_x = f(atomic_x)
while calulating f(x), we check if someone else change value of x, so use new value of x and recalculate f(x) like below :
auto old_x = atomic_x.load();
while(!atomic_x.compare_exchange_strong(old_x, f(old_x));
compare_exchange_weak, similar to compare_exchange_strong
only difference is that there may be spurious success in case of weak
memory_order_seq_cst A sql_cst store synchronize with a sql_cst load on same variable. it keeps total order on the threads. It provides synchronization and total order.