This is a feature of (post-MVP) "Full" FPC and not part of the MVP FPC Lite variant.
This document describes the external APIs, the properties and the high-level design of the module implementing a secure channel between the FPC Stub (ECC_Enclave) and the Ledger Enclave (TLCC_Enclave) enclaves.
Note: all functions in this API are expected to retun 0 on success and some non-zero value to denote failures. Specific error return codes will be defined by the implementation as appropriate.
The secure channel modules exposes following public functions to the core logic of ECC_Enclave via a C library.
typedef struct tl_ecc_ctx* tl_ecc_ctx_ptr_t;
// set up a secure channel between the fpc stub and trusted ledger enclaves.
// Notes:
// - u_shim_ctx is the handle to the go stub we pass with ecall_invoke so
// corresponding ocalls can find the correct go stub object ..
// - iff non-NULL tlcc_mrenclave is passed, then setup is only successful
// if peer attests to that identity. Otherwise, any valid attestation
// will be accepted and the identity can be retrived using `tl_session_get_tlcc_mrenclave`
// - For properties and guarantees of the channel, see separate section below.
int tl_session_setup(
void* u_shim_ctx,
char* channel_id,
char* chaincode_id,
char* enclave_id,
mrenclave_t* tlcc_mrenclave,
tl_ecc_ctx_ptr_t* ecc_ctx);
// do an RPC to the trusted ledger over the secure channel
// Notes:
// - u_shim_ctx is the handle to the go stub we pass with ecall_invoke so
// corresponding ocalls can find the correct go stub object ..
int tl_session_request(
void* u_shim_ctx,
tl_ecc_ctx_ptr_t ecc_ctx,
uint8_t* request,
uint32_t request_len
uint8_t* response,
uint32_t* response_len,
uint32_t max_response_len);
// close session
int tl_session_close(
void* u_shim_ctx,
tl_ecc_ctx_ptr_t ecc_ctx
// return the channel id associated with an (established) session
// Notes
// - this is served from local context but by the session properties
// must be consistent with tlcc_enclave's view
int tl_session_get_channel_id(
tl_ecc_ctx_ptr_t ecc_ctx,
char* channel_id,
uint32_t* channel_id_len,
uint32_t max_channel_id_len);
// return the channel hash associated with an (established) session
// Notes
// - this is served from local context but by the session properties
// must be consistent with tlcc_enclave's view
int tl_session_get_channel_hash(
tl_ecc_ctx_ptr_t ecc_ctx,
channel_hash_t* channel_hash);
// return the mrenclave of authenticated TLCC_Enclave associated with an (established) session
// Notes
// - this is served from local context but by the session properties
// must be consistent with tlcc_enclave's view
int tl_session_get_tlcc_mrenclave(
tl_ecc_ctx_ptr_t ecc_ctx,
mrenclave_t* tlcc_mrenclave);
(Untrusted) ECC requires a library for the ocall-handlers plus a
callback to enable, in go, cc2scc to tlcc and related mapping from
shim_cxt to the actual go stub. The handler (and related registration)
presumably would be implemented in enclave/enclave_stub.go
// ECC provided handler for handling cc2scc to tlcc
// Notes:
// - this cannot be done inside the module as we only get an opaque
// handle to the (go) stub necessary to do cc2cc/cc2scc
typedef int (*tl_cc2scc_handler_t)(
void* u_shim_ctx,
uint8_t* request,
uint32_t request_len
uint8_t* response,
uint32_t* response_len,
uint32_t max_response_len);
// register a request processor function
int tl_session_register_cc2scc_handler(
tl_cc2scc_handler_t handler_f);
C++ library with following interface. Presumably the caller will then cgo-integrate it in is own go code.
// function called by Invoke dispatcher to forward session messages
// Note:
// - depending on how Invoke demultiplexes (e.g., based on protobuf type or
// a separate string tag) this might also by SessionMsg instead of byte array ...
int tl_session_rpc(
void *u_shim_ctx,
uint8_t* request,
uint32_t request_len,
uint8_t* response,
uint32_t* response_len,
uint32_t max_response_len);
typedef struct tl_tlcc_ctx* tl_tlcc_ctx_ptr_t;
// TLCC_Enclave provided handler for processing requests and providing corresponding responses
// Notes:
// - in case TLCC_Enclave handler doesn't have to do ocalls requiring the
// untrusted shim context, that parameter could be dropped here (and
// below in `tl_session_rpc`..
typedef int (*tl_request_handler_t)(
void* u_shim_ctx,
tl_tlcc_ctx_ptr_t ecc_ctx
uint8_t* request,
uint32_t request_len
uint8_t* response,
uint32_t* response_len,
uint32_t max_response_len);
// register a request processor function
int tl_session_register_request_handler(
tl_request_handler_t handler_f);
// return the channel_id associated with an (established) session
// Notes
// - this is served from local context but by the session properties
// must be consistent with ecc_enclave's view
int tl_session_get_channel_id(
tl_tlcc_ctx_ptr_t ecc_ctx,
char* channel_id,
uint32_t* channel_id_len,
uint32_t max_channel_id_len);
// return the chaincode_id associated with an (established) session
// Notes
// - this is served from local context but by the session properties
// must be consistent with ecc_enclave's view
int tl_session_get_chaincode_id(
tl_tlcc_ctx_ptr_t ecc_ctx,
char* chaincode_id,
uint32_t* chaincode_id_len,
uint32_t max_chaincode_id_len);
// return the enclave_id associated with an (established) session
// Notes
// - this is served from local context but by the session properties
// must be consistent with ecc_enclave's view
int tl_session_get_enclave_id(
tl_tlcc_ctx_ptr_t ecc_ctx,
char* enclave_id);
uint32_t* enclave_id_len,
uint32_t max_enclave_id_len);
- after successful
to be delivered to TLCC_Enclave in an authentic (i.e. integrity protected) but non confidential manner; similarly, any responseresponse
is delivered in an authentic manner as return parameter oftl_session_request
. - for any request, TLCC_Enclave and ECC_Enclave agree on the set
<chaincode_id, enclave_id, tlcc_mrenclave, channel_id, channel_hash>
as returned by thetl_session_get_*
functions and their view on their own identity. - lastly, the module ensures that for the duration of a single sessions, the interaction is between the same set of enclave instances. Or put differently, restarting a tlcc or ecc enclave will not allow to hijack a session and confuse the existing enclaves. More concretely, it means that all session state and in particular the session keys reside only ephemerally in private memory but are not persisted.
Note: Below internals are an initial design to validate feasability of implementing above API but might be subject to change in the actual implementation.
The actual message authentication code is abstracted below as mac/MAC. For actual choice we have following considerations:
- SGX SDK provides us with sgx_key_128bit_t as only choice (underlying assumption seems that one would use the key for AES128-GCM).
- that keylength would match CMAC. However, CMAC is not currently offered by PDO crypto.
- HMAC-SHA256 would from security perspective ask for 256-bit key (but "technically" supports shorter keys)
This would lead to following options:
- add CMAC to pdo crypto
- use HMAC with 128bit keys (and reduced security)
- use HMAC & use a KDF to stretch the 128bit to 256bit (and better security over (2))
tl_cc2scc_handler_t cc2scc_handler;
#include <sgx_dh.h>
// interal session context
enum tl_ecc_state {INIT1, INIT2, ACTIVE, CLOSING, CLOSED} tl_ecc_state_t;
struct tl_ecc_ctx {
session_id_t session_id,
tl_ecc_state_t state,
sgx_dh_session_t dh
sgx_key_128bit_t session_key
char* channel_id,
channel_hash_t channel_hash,
char* chaincode_id,
char* enclave_id,
sgx_dh_session_enclave_identity_t tlcc_mrenclave,
} tl_ecc_ctx_t;
#include <sgx_dh.h>
#include <map>
// internal session context
// - ACTIVE means tl_session_setup succeeded
// - ACTIVE_VALIDATED means tl_session_setup succeeded, enclave_id is confirmed
// _and_ we have verified chaincode_id & ecc_mrenclave via ERCC
typedef tl_tlcc_state enum{INIT, ACTIVE, ACTIVE_VALIDATED, CLOSED} tl_tlcc_state_t;
struct tl_tlcc_ctx {
uint64_t session_id,
tl_tlcc_state_t state,
sgx_dh_session_t dh,
sgx_key_128bit_t session_key
char* channel_id,
channel_hash_t channel_hash,
char* cc,
char* enclave_id,
sgx_dh_session_enclave_identity_t ecc_mrenclave,
} tl_tlcc_ctx_t;
// global variables
// - configured request processor
static tl_request_handler_t tl_req_handler;
static uint64_t next_session_id = 0;
// - in-flight sessions: map session-id -> context
static std::map<uint64_t, tl_tlcc_ctx_t> tl_sessions;
untrusted {
int ocall_tl_session_rpc(
[in, size=request_len] uint8_t* request, uint32_t request_len,
[out, size=max_response_len] uint8_t* response, uint32_t max_response_len,
[out] uint32_t* response_len,
[user_check] void *u_shim_ctx);
trusted {
public int ecall_tl_session_rpc(
[in, size=request_len] uint8_t* request, uint32_t request_len,
[out, size=max_response_len] uint8_t* response, uint32_t max_response_len,
[out] uint32_t* response_len,
[user_check] void *u_shim_ctx);
See message definition in protos/fpc/tl_session.proto
- tl_enclave calls tl_session_register_request_handler(&tl_fpc_stub_msg_processor);
- ecc calls tl_session_register_cc2scc_handler(&tl_fpc_cc2scc_forwarder);
The session setup is built around DH key-exchange provided by the SGX SDK. See Developer Reference Guide v2.12 for more information; in particular, pages 97-102 for an overview and the corresponding message flows, and page 121 and 305ff for the function definitions.
- ecc_enclave calls tl_session_setup(u_shim_ctx, channel_id, chaincode_id, enclave_id, tlcc_mrenclave, &ecc_ctx)
# tlcc_mrenclave == NULL during enclave creation, otherwise it is value from CC_Params
- ecc_ctx={session_id=NULL, state=INIT1, dh, channel_id=channel_id, channel_hash=NULL, tlcc_mrenclave, enclave_id=enclave_id, chaincode_id=chaincode_id, session_key=NULL}
- sgx_dh_init_session(initiator, ecc_ctx.dh)
- init_req = SessionMsg.stp_int_req{channel_id=ecc_ctx.channel_id, chaincode_id=ecc_ctx.chaincode_id, enclave_id=ecc_ctx.enclave_id}.serialize()
- ocall_tl_session_rpc(u_shim_ctx, init_req)
- ecc::session-library
- initiates cc2scc(init_req) by calling cc2scc_handler(u_shim_ctx, ....)
- tl::invoke dispatcher
- ecall_tl_session_rpc(u_shim_ctx, init_req)
- tl_enclave:session-library
- init_req.deserialize()
- dispatching based on type of init_req
- tlcc_ctx = {session_id=next_session_id++, state=INIT, dh, channel_id=init_req.channel_id, channel_hash=channel_hash_for(tlcc_ctx.channel_id), ecc_mrenclave, enclave_id=init_req.enclave_id, chaincode_id=init_req.chaincode_id, session_key=NULL}
- tl_sessions.insert(tlcc_ctx.session_id, tlcc_ctx)
- sgx_dh_init_session(responder, tlcc_ctx.dh)
- init_rsp = SessionMsg.stp_int_rsp{session_id=tlcc_ctx.session_id, msg1}
- sgx_dh_responder_gen_msg1(init_rsp.msg1, tlcc_ctx.dh)
- return(init_rsp.serialize()}
- tl::invoke dispatcher (continued)
- returns init_rsp as result of cc2scc
- ecc::session-library (continued)
- returns init_rsp.deserialize() as result of ocall
- ecc_enclave:tl_session_setup (continued)
- ecc_ctx.session_id = init_rsp.session_id
- compl_req = SessionMsg.stp_cmp_req{session_id=ecc_ctx.session_id, msg2}
- sgx_dh_initiator_proc_msg1(init_rsp.msg1, compl_req.msg2, ecc_ctx.dh)
- ecc_ctx.state = INIT2
- ocall_tl_session_rpc(u_shim_ctx, compl_req.serialize())
- ecc::session-library
- initiates cc2scc(compl_req) by calling cc2scc_handler(u_shim_ctx, ....)
- tl::invoke dispatcher
- ecall_tl_session_rpc(u_shim_ctx, compl_req)
- comp_req.deserialize()
- tl_enclave:session-library
- dispatching based on type of compl_req
- tlcc_ctx = tl_sessions[compl_req.session_id]
- compl_rsp = SessionMsg.stp_cmp_req{session_id=tlcc_ctx.session_id, msg3, channel_id=tlcc_ctx.channel_id, channel_hash=tlcc_ctx.channel_hash, chaincode_id=tlcc_ctx.chaincode_id, enclave_id=tlcc_ctx.enclave_id}
- sgx_dh_responder_proc_msg2(compl_req.msg2, compl_rsp.msg3, tlcc_ctx.dh, tlcc_ctx.session_key, tlcc_ctx.ecc_mrenclave)
# Notes
# - tlcc_ctx.enclave_id is at this point still unvalidated!
# Only a following request confirms the consistency with the ecc view!
# - as ecc might not yet be registered when opening the session,
# we can also not yet confirm that tlcc_ctx.chaincode_id, tlcc_ctx.enclave_id, tlcc_ctx.ecc_mrenclave are correct and consistent with ercc
# this validation, though, can be delayed until request handler calls a corresponding getter (which
# by definition) must be during processing of a tx by which time ecc must be registered
- tlcc_ctx.state = ACTIVE
- compl_resp.mac = MAC(tlcc_ctx.session_key, compl_resp.payload)
- return(compl_resp.serialize()}
- tl::invoke dispatcher (continued)
- returns compl_rsp as result of cc2scc
- ecc::session-library (continued)
- returns compl_rsp.deserialize() as result of ocall
- ecc_enclave:tl_session_setup (continued)
- var tlcc_mrenclave;
- sgx_dh_initiator_proc_msg3(compl_rsp.msg3, ecc_ctx, ecc_ctx.session_key, tlcc_mrenclave)
- verify (tlcc_mrenclave==ecc_ctx.tlcc_mrenclave || ecc_ctx.tlcc_mrenclave==NULL)
- ecc_ctx.tlcc_mrenclave = tlcc_mrenclave
- verify (compl_resp.mac == MAC(ecc_ctx.session_key,compl_resp.payload)) &&
(compl_resp.payload.enclave_id==ecc_ctx.enclave_id) &&
# this validates that SessionSetupInitRequest was not tampered with
- ecc_ctx.channel_hash = compl_rsp.channel_hash
- ecc_ctx.state = ACTIVE
- return success
- ecc_enclave calls tl_session_request(ecc_ctx, u_shim_ctx, request)
- tx_req = SessionMsg.tx_req{session_id = ecc_ctx.session_id, request = request)
- tx_req.nonce = random()
- tx_req.mac = MAC(ecc_ctx.session_key, tx_req.payload)
- ocall_tl_session_rpc(u_shim_ctx, tx_req.serialize())
- ecc::session-library
- initiates cc2scc(tx_req) by calling cc2scc_handler(u_shim_ctx, ....)
- tl::invoke dispatcher
- ecall_tl_session_rpc(u_shim_ctx, tx_req)
- tx_req.deserialize()
- tl_enclave:session-library
- dispatching based on type of tx_req
- tlcc_ctx = tl_sessions[tx_req.session_id]
- verify (tx_req.mac == MAC(tlcc_ctx.session_key,tx_req.payload))
- tx_rsp = SessionMsg.tx_rsp{session_id = tlcc_ctx.session_id, rsp)
- tx_rsp.payload.response = tl_req_handler(tx_req.request)
- - tx_rsp.nonce = tx_req.nonce
- tx_rsp.mac = MAC(tlcc_ctx.session_key, tx_rsp.payload)
- return(req_resp.serialize()}
- tl::invoke dispatcher (continued)
- returns tx_rsp as result of cc2scc
- ecc::session-library (continued)
- returns tx_rsp.deserialize() as result of ocall
- ecc_enclave:tl_session_request (continued)
- verify (tx_rsp.mac == MAC(ecc_ctx.session_key,tx_resp.payload)) &&
(tx_rsp.nonce == tx_req.nonce)
- return resp.payload.response
- ecc_enclave calls tl_session_close(ecc_ctx, u_shim_ctx)
- cls_req = SessionMsg.cls_req{session_id = ecc_ctx.session_id)
- cls_req.mac = MAC(ecc_ctx.session_key, cls_req.payload)
- ecc_ctx.state = CLOSING
- ocall_tl_session_rpc(u_shim_ctx, cls_req.serialize())
- ecc::session-library
- initiates cc2scc(cls_req) by calling cc2scc_handler(u_shim_ctx, ....)
- tl::invoke dispatcher
- ecall_tl_session_rpc(u_shim_ctx, cls_req)
- cls_req.deserialize()
- tl_enclave:session-library
- dispatching based on type of cls_req
- tlcc_ctx = tl_sessions[cls_req.session_id]
- verify (cls_req.mac == MAC(tlcc_ctx.session_key,cls_req.payload))
- cls_rsp = SessionMsg.cls_rsp{session_id = tlcc_ctx.session_id)
- cls_rsp.mac = MAC(tlcc_ctx.session_key, cls_rsp.payload)
- tlcc_ctx.state = CLOSED
- tl_sessions.erase(cls_req.session_id)
- return(req_resp.serialize()}
- tl::invoke dispatcher (continued)
- returns cls_rsp as result of cc2scc
- ecc::session-library (continued)
- returns cls_rsp.deserialize() as result of ocall
- ecc_enclave:tl_session_request (continued)
- verify (cls_rsp.mac == MAC(ecc_ctx.session_key,cls_resp.payload))
- ecc_ctx.state = CLOSED