Python version 3.10.4
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin
im = cv2.imread(im_path)
enhanced_im = adjust_gamma(im, 0.4)
enhanced_im = hist_equalize(im)
pyinstaller --onefile -n enhancing
cp ./dist/enhancing ~/bin/
- First make sure that LSKNet was clone into current directory by name 'LSKNet'
git clone -q LSKNet
- Install dependencies
bash ./scripts/
- Start program
bash -i <path/to/scripts/>
# find the anomaly area
# save the mask.png and export anomaly areas to .txt, each line consists of keypoints
python ./anomaly/ <path/to/image>
# draw the anomaly albel
python ./anomaly/ <path/to/image> <path/to/label.txt>