Author: @hugsy
Interface easily GDB-GEF with Binary Ninja
is a plugin that is the server-side of the XML-RPC defined for gef for BinaryNinja.
It will spawn a threaded XMLRPC server from your current BN session making it possible for gef to interact with Binary Ninja.
In Binary Ninja, press Ctrl-Shift-M
to open the Plugin Manager. Then search for GEF-Binja
and install it.
$ git clone "~/.binaryninja/plugins/gef-binja"
PS :\> git clone "$Env:APPDATA\Binary Ninja\plugins\gef-binja"
Untested but should work
$ git clone "~/Library/Application Support/Binary Ninja/plugins/gef-binja"
If you don't have gef
on the host where your GDB is running, the quickest way to install it is by running the following command from a shell prompt:
wget -q -O- | sh
In GDB, configure gef
to connect to Binary Ninja:
gef➤ gef config ida-interact
Note: the config option is called ida-interact
because GEF uses the same protocol for both communication with Binja and IDA.
This plugin requires the following minimum version of Binary Ninja:
- 1300
The following dependencies are required for this plugin:
- apt - gdb 7.7+ (or gdb-multiarch) with Python3 support
- other - (easy install)
This plugin is released under a MIT license.