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Slow Reader Proxy

HTTP-server to proxy all RSS fetching request from web client.

User could use it to bypass censorship or to try web client before they install upcoming extension (to bypass CORS limit of web app).

Server could use this proxy at /proxy/* endpoint.

See the full architecture guide first.


  • cd proxy && pnpm test: run all proxy tests.
  • cd proxy && pnpm start: run proxy server.
  • cd proxy && pnpm build: prepare deploy files with production dependencies only.
  • cd proxy && pnpm production: start production build of the proxy server.

Abuse Protection

  • Allows only GET requests and HTTP/HTTPS protocols.
  • Does not allow requests to in-cloud IP addresses like
  • Removes cookie headers.
  • Sets user’s IP in X-Forwarded-For header.
  • Has timeout and response size limit.

Environment Variables

To run proxy server you must define environment variables:

  • PORT with HTTP post to listen. It is Google Cloud Run convention.
  • PROXY_ORIGIN with RegExp for Origin header.


PORT=8080 PROXY_ORIGIN=^http:\\/\\/localhost:5173$ pnpm start


For deploy we:

  1. Use pnpm deploy to create dist/ only with production dependencies.
  2. Build Docker image with Node.js.
  3. Run this image on Google Cloud Run.

We have 2 proxy servers:

  • works only for production clients.
  • works with staging.

All Google Cloud settings are documented in script.