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File metadata and controls

95 lines (80 loc) · 5.64 KB

Project management:

Phase 1: Beautiful, functional, and ease of use (TJW)

  • Status: COMPLETE
  • To do:
    • Clean up project folder. (TJW)
    • Handle a single project with input and output of files in specified folders. (TJW)
    • Fix Output Style options (nested, expanded, compact, compressed) (TJW)
    • Allow for common mixin libraries to be shipped with it (TJW)
    • Implement Environment options (production/development) (TJW)
    • Have a watch function that will watch input folder instead of just a doing one time run (TJW)
    • Finalize UX layout (Group)
    • Pretty up the app! (Group)
    • Pretty up the error output message and allow for it to be closed (TJW)
    • Fix icon (Will not release without this, no excuse for shoddy craftsmanship) (TJW)
    • BUG 1: In Ubuntu & OSX, @import 'buttons' fails, as Scout-App isn't loading the mixin libraries for some reason. (TJW)
    • BUG 3: In Ubuntu, the auto-guesser crashes on this specific repo. (TJW)
    • Upon creating a project, auto-guess input/output folders and project icon. (TJW)
    • Create a way of having multiple projects, switching between them, and removing specific projects from Scout-App (TJW)
    • Work on FTUX/Empty State view. (TJW)
    • Create ID system that will show alerts per project, and all together in the Status view. (TJW)
    • BUG 4: Projects object outputStyle not being set properly. Issues deleting projects. (TJW)
    • Localize the app. Create a template system, extract all text to a en.json file and allow for translations. (TJW)
    • Auto-guesser applied to all projects in GitHub folder
    • Make project icon show a + when hovering over it and allow changing it via click to browse. (TJW)
    • Clean up custom styles to allow for theme swapping. (SR)
    • BUG 5: Delete modal updates to be for the next project that gets auto-selected allowing you to double-delete on accident (TJW)
    • Add preference modal for language and theme settings. (TJW)
    • BUG 2: In OSX, CMD+V doesn't paste. Implement shortcuts for cut/copy/paste (TJW)
    • BUG 6: on ftux() only register browse button click once (TJW)
    • BUG 7: On OSX, browse for project folder doesn't click. (TJW)
    • BUG 8: Run a project then add new project, the running icon will show as play instead of stop. (TJW)
    • BUG 9: Select project settings A, run project B. It displays status updates of B on Settings view of A. (TJW)

Phase 2: Community Input and bugs (ZD/JM)

  • Status: COMPLETED
  • To do:
    • Discussions on UX and design (ZD/JM/TJW)
    • Create pre-built, but not optimized versions so people can test the app without needing to have Node installed or manually set up NW.js. (TJW)
    • Once the app is pretty much functional, have the crew try it out and give input.

Phase 3: Cross-platform testing (Ubuntu, Win, OSX), build tools

  • Status: In progress
  • To do:
    • Optimize the payload, so we don't include any junk files. (TJW)
    • Create custom build tools that package our app for distribution and remove files that are not needed in the production version
      • Windows (TJW)
      • Linux (TJW)
      • OSX
    • Test out the packaged versions on each targeted OS. Fix any issues that arise.
    • Research different installer options for each OS.

Phase 4: New Website

Phase 5: Bug fixes/Additional features/Maintenance

  • Status: Lower priority features, some have been claimed
  • To do:
    • Recursive Sass input folder rendering. We currently monitor all changes, but only process files in the root. (#241) (TJW)
    • Redesign FTUX
    • Possibly implement an ITCSS specificity graph into the UI for sucessfully outputted CSS files
    • Drag and drop sidebar items to reorder (HMN)
    • Scan Desktop for projects folders
    • Abilitity to clear all alerts and messags at once
    • Right-click to delete an project from the sidebar
    • Make sidebar resizable
    • Tray icon/Minimize to tray
    • Allow users to rename project titles
    • Tray icon indicators
    • Desktop notifications for alerts and errors (#240)
    • Import/Export projects (Would anyone even want this feature?)
    • Multi-project delete
    • Multi-project import outside of FTUX view
    • Delete settings file button in preferences
    • Accept pull requests for app translations.
    • Add in badges to show number of alerts/messages for the Status of All Projects button
    • Investigate adding Eyeglass into Scout-App, as it's the closest thing to Compass for Node-Sass.