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Bare for native application development. The kit provides a web worker-like API to start and manage an isolated Bare thread, called a worklet1, that exposes an RPC abstraction with bindings for various languages.



In this example we create a simple RPC instance using Bare Kit that sends a ping request, handles the request and outputs pong to the console.

Create a new RPC instance, providing a request handler

const rpc = new BareKit.RPC((req) => {
  if (req.command === 'ping') {


Create an outgoing request with the command ping

const req = rpc.request('ping')

Send the request with the data ping


Store the received data and log it to console

const data = await req.reply()


In this example we create a simple RPC instance for iOS using Bare Kit and Objective-C that sends a ping request, handles the request and outputs pong.

Import the BareKit framework

#import <BareKit/BareKit.h>

Create a new Bare worklet instance

BareWorklet *worklet = [[BareWorklet alloc] init];

Start the worklet with the specified bundle source

[worklet start:@"/app.bundle" source:/* Source for `app.bundle` */];

Create an IPC instance associated with the worklet

BareIPC *ipc = [[BareIPC alloc] initWithWorklet:worklet];

Define a request handler block

BareRPCRequestHandler requestHandler = ^(BareRPCIncomingRequest *req, NSError *error) {
  if ([req.command isEqualToString:@"ping"]) {
    CFShow([req dataWithEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);

    [req reply:@"pong" encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

Create an RPC instance with the IPC and request handler

BareRPC *rpc = [[BareRPC alloc] initWithIPC:ipc requestHandler:requestHandler];

Create an outgoing request with the command ping

BareRPCOutgoingRequest *req = [rpc request:@"ping"];

Send the request with the data ping

[req send:@"ping" encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

Get the reply data asynchronously and log the received data

[req reply:NSUTF8StringEncoding completion:^(NSString *data, NSError *error) {

See for a complete example of using the kit in an iOS application.


In this example we create a simple RPC instance for Android using Bare Kit and Java that sends a ping request, handles the request and outputs pong.

Import necessary classes from BareKit.

import to.holepunch.bare.kit.IPC;
import to.holepunch.bare.kit.RPC;
import to.holepunch.bare.kit.Worklet;

Create a new worklet instance

Worklet worklet = new Worklet();

Start the worklet, loading the bundle from assets

try {
  worklet.start("/app.bundle", getAssets().open("app.bundle"));
} catch (Exception e) {
  throw new RuntimeException(e);

Create an IPC instance using the worklet

IPC ipc = new IPC(worklet);

Create an RPC instance with the IPC and a request handler

RPC rpc = new RPC(ipc, (req, error) -> {
  if (req.command.equals("ping")) {

    req.reply("pong", "UTF-8");

Create an outgoing request with command "ping"

RPC.OutgoingRequest req = rpc.request("ping");

Send the request with data "ping"

req.send("ping", "UTF-8");

Get the reply data asynchronously and log the received data

req.reply("UTF-8", (data, error) -> {
  Log.i(TAG, data);

See for a complete example of using the kit in an Android application.




  1. This term was chosen to avoid ambiguity with worker threads as implemented by