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This project is a work-in-progress and should not be used yet.


doom-themer makes writing themes for GNU Emacs easier.

How? With theme inheritance, abstracting colors and styles behind logical groups, and sane base themes that cover over 100 packages and counting that folks can extend for their own themes. And users can extend those after that.

Why? Because writing themes for Emacs is a hassle. Every theme needs to reinvent the wheel to cover all them packages.

I wrote this to replace the "API" doom-themes currently uses, which is so super slow that it murders the byte-compiler. I knew diddly squat about E-to-the-lisp when I wrote it; now that I have 99 more bullet holes in my shoes, I can make that 100th count!


  • Linear inheritance of face specs and theme palettes/logical groups.
  • Two comprehensive base themes called doom-base-dark and doom-base-light with coverage for 100+ packages and counting.
  • A comprehensive and stable list of logical groups for our two base themes to define, to categorize all UI/syntax/semantic elements under.
  • A secondary library of helper functions for fetching information about the current theme, like color information.
  • An elisp-based import/export mechanism for getting your doom themes out into your favorite apps and back. No external dependencies required!
  • Commands for generating color schemes based on a variety of sources: pywal, images, etc.

Table of Contents


This package is will be available on MELPA:

M-x package-install RET doom-themer

However, themer authors should place it in the Package-Requires header of your package, and require doom-themer-base (if you are extending from it):

;;; my-theme.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Author: John Doe <http://github/...>
;; Created: July 1, 2040
;; Modified: July 1, 2040
;; Version: 1.0.0
;; Keywords: themes faces customization
;; Homepage:
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (doom-themer "3.0"))
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:

  (require 'doom-themer-base))
(define-doom-theme (my-theme :extend doom-base-dark)


Writing a theme


Exporting a theme to ...


Importing a theme from ...


Generating themes




Similar/related projects

  • doom-themes
  • autothemr