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ACME State Storage Specification

The ACME State Storage Specification (ACME-SSS) specifies how an ACME client can store state information in a directory on the local system in a way that facilitates its own access to and mutation of its state and the exposure of certificates and keys to other system services as required.

This specification relates to the use of ACME but has no official endorsement.

This specification is intended for use on POSIX-like systems.


The following example shows a state directory configured to obtain a certificate with hostnames and No state other than that shown below is used.

  desired/         ; Target expression file
      ;; By default a target expression file expresses a desire for the
      ;; hostname which is its filename. The following YAML-format
      ;; configuration directives are all optional.
      provider: URL of ACME server

  live/         ; Symlink to appropriate cert directory     ;

    (certificate/order ID)/
      cert              ; Contains the certificate
      chain             ; Contains the necessary chaining certificates
      fullchain         ; Contains the certificate and the necessary chaining certificates
      privkey           ; Symlink to a key privkey file
      account           ; Symlink to an account directory (required for ACMEv2)
      url               ; URL of the finalised order resource
      revoke            ; Empty file indicating certificate should be revoked
      revoked           ; Empty file indicating certificate has been revoked

    (key ID)/
      privkey           ; PEM-encoded certificate private key

    (account ID)/
      privkey           ; PEM-encoded account private key

  conf/                 ; Configuration data
    target              ; This has the same format as a target expression file
                        ; and is used to specify defaults. It is used to specify
                        ; a default provider URL. Not all values which are valid
                        ; in a target expression file may be used.

    webroot-path        ; DEPRECATED.
    rsa-key-size        ; DEPRECATED.

                        ; Other, implementation-specific files may be placed in conf.

  tmp/                  ; (used for writing files only)

Preferred Location

All ACME state is stored within a directory, the State Directory. On UNIX-like systems, this directory SHOULD be "/var/lib/acme".

Directory Tree


An ACME State Directory expresses targets in the form of desired hostnames for which certificates are required. This normatively expresses the target set of domains.

The desired hostnames list is a directory named "desired" inside the State Directory, containing zero or more files. Each file represents a target.

The function of an implementation of this specification is simply this: to ensure that currently valid certificates are always provisioned which provide for all hostnames expressed across all targets.

Each target is a YAML file. The file schema looks like this:


  provider: (URL of ACME server)

priority: 0

The target file is principally divided into "satisfy" and "request" sections. The satisfy section controls the conditions which must be satisfied by a certificate in order to satisfy this target. The request section controls the parameters of a new certificate request made to satisfy the target.

Conditions to be satisfied. The "satisfy" section can contain the following values:

  • names: A list of hostname strings. If not set, and the filename is a valid hostname, defaults to a list containing only that hostname. Hostnames SHOULD be in lowercase with no trailing dot but hostnames not in this form MUST be accepted and so canonicalized. IDN domain names in Unicode form MUST be converted to their equivalent ASCII form. (All text files in a State Directory must be UTF-8 encoded.)

  • key: type: Optional string containing "", "rsa" or "ecdsa". If set to a non-empty value, only satisfied by keys with a public key of that type.

  • margin: Optional positive integer. If set, expresses the number of days before expiry at which a certificate should be replaced. The default value is implementation-dependent.

(The lumping of hostnames into different target files controls when separate certificates are issued, and when single certificates with multiple SANs are issued. For example, creating two empty files, and, would result in two certificates. Creating a single file which specifies names to be satisfied of and would result in one certificate with both names.)

Certificate request parameters. The "request" section can contain the following values:

  • names: A list of hostname strings. Defaults to the names set under "satisfy". This setting is specified for design parity, but it is not envisioned that a user will ever need to set it explicitly.

  • provider: A string which is the URL of an ACME server from which to request certificates. Optional; if not specified, an implementation-specific default ACME server is used.

Backwards compatibility. For compatibility with previous versions, implementations SHOULD check for keys "names" and "provider" at the root level and if present, move them to the "satisfy" and "request" sections respectively.

Target set disjunction priority. The "priority" value is special. It is an integer defaulting to 0.

Target set label. The "label" value is an optional string value and defaults to "".

Target set disjunction procedure. In order to ensure consistent and deterministic behaviour, and to minimise the number of certificate requests which need to be made in regard of overlapping name sets, the sets of names to be satisfied by each target are modified to ensure that the sets are fully disjoint. That is, any given hostname must appear in at most one target's list of names to be satisfied.

The procedure operates as follows for all targets with a given label:

  • Take the list of targets and sort it in descending order of priority value. For targets with equal priority, tiebreak using the number of hostnames to be satisfied in descending order. Where the number of hostnames is equal, the tiebreaker is implementation-specified, but SHOULD be deterministic.

  • Now iterate through the targets in that order. Create an empty dictionary mapping hostnames to targets. This dictionary shall be called the Hostname-Target Mapping and should be retained in memory even after the disjunction procedure is completed.

    • For each hostname to be satisfied for a target, if that hostname is not already in the dictionary, add it, pointing to the given target.

    • Copy the list of hostnames to be satisfied by the given target, and remove any hostnames from it which were already in the dictionary (i.e., where the map does not point to this target). This modified hostname list is called the reduced set of hostnames to be satisfied.

Keep both the full set of hostnames to be satisfied and the reduced set of hostnames to be satisfied in memory for each target. The on-disk target files are not modified.

Wildcard certificates may be requested just as the wildcard name would be encoded in a certificate. For example, an empty file named * could be created in the "desired" directory.

Disjunction example. This section is non-normative. Suppose that the following targets were created:

Target 01:
Target 02:
Target 03:      
Target 04:       
Target 05:
Target 06:      
Target 07:                     
Target 08:
Target 09:
Target 10:

Suppose that all targets have the default priority zero and have filenames "Target 01", etc. The targets would be sorted as follows. The hostnames in brackets are not in the reduced set.

Target 08:
Target 01: []
Target 10:[][][]
Target 02:[][]
Target 03:               [][]
Target 04:[]               []
Target 09:[][]
Target 05:[]
Target 06:               []
Target 07:                              []

Suppose that Target 01 was changed to have a priority of 10. The sorted, reduced targets would now look like this:

Target 01:
Target 08:[]
Target 10:[][][]
Target 02:[][]
Target 03:               [][]
Target 04:[]               []
Target 09:[][]
Target 05:[]
Target 06:               []
Target 07:                              []

Extensions for specific implementations: acmetool. This section is non-normative, added as a practicality since this document serves as both specification and documentation. acmetool supports the following extensions:

  # Determines whether RSA or ECDSA keys are used. ECDSA keys must be
  # supported by the server. Let's Encrypt does not yet support ECDSA
  # keys, though support is imminent. Default RSA.
    type: rsa (must be "rsa" or "ecdsa")

    # RSA modulus size when using an RSA key. Default 2048 bits.
    # Legacy compatibility: if not present, the number of bits may be
    # contained in a file "rsa-key-size" inside the conf directory.
    rsa-size: 2048

    # ECDSA curve when using an ecdsa key. Default "nistp256".
    # It is strongly recommended that you use nistp256. Let's Encrypt
    # will not support nistp521.
    ecdsa-curve: nistp256 (must be "nistp256", "nistp384" or "nistp521")

    # If specified, specifies a key ID which should be used as the private
    # key for all generated requests. If not set or the key ID is not found,
    # generate a new key for every request.
    id: string

  # Request OCSP Must Staple in certificates. Defaults to false.
  ocsp-must-staple: true

    # Webroot paths to use when requesting certificates. Defaults to none.
    # This is usually used in the default target file. While you _can_ override
    # this in a specific target, you should think very carefully by doing so.
    # In almost all cases, it is better to use symlinks or aliases to ensure
    # that the same directory is used for all vhosts.
    # Legacy compatibility: the file "webroot-path" in the conf directory
    # contains a list of webroot paths, one per line.
      - /some/webroot/path/.well-known/acme-challenge

    # A list of additional ports to listen on. Each item can be a port
    # number, or an explicit bind address (e.g. "[::1]:402"). Specifying a
    # port number x is equivalent to specifying "[::1]:x" and "".
      - 80
      - 402
      - 4402

    # Defaults to true. If false, will not perform self-test but will assume
    # challenge can be completed. Rarely needed.
    http-self-test: true

    # Optionally set environment variables to be passed to hooks.
      FOO: BAR


An ACME State Directory MUST contain a subdirectory "accounts" which contains account-specific information. It contains zero or more subdirectories, each of which relates to a specific account. Each subdirectory MUST be named after the Account ID.

Each account subdirectory MUST contain a file "privkey" which MUST contain the account private key in PEM form.

An ACME client which needs to request a certificate from a given provider (as expressed by a target or used as a default) which finds that no account corresponding to that provider URL exists should generate a new account key and store it for that provider URL.


An ACME State Directory MUST contain a subdirectory "keys" which contains private keys used for certificates. It contains zero or more subdirectories, each of which relates to a specific key. Each subdirectory MUST be named after the Key ID.

Each key subdirectory MUST contain a file "privkey" which MUST contain the private key in PEM form.

An ACME client creates keys as necessary to correspond to certificates it requests. An ACME client SHOULD create a new key for every certificate request.


An ACME State Directory MUST contain a subdirectory "certs" which contains information about issued or requested certificates. It contains zero or more subdirectories, each of which relates to a specific certificate. Each subdirectory MUST be named after the Certificate ID.

Each certificate subdirectory MUST contain a file "url" which contains the URL for the finalised order encoded in UTF-8. Clients MUST NOT include trailing newlines or whitespace but SHOULD accept such whitespace and strip it.

NOTE: In previous versions of this specification (which targeted the draft ACME protocol prior to the addition of orders), the URL contained in the "url" file was the URL to the certificate. Such certificates may still exist in a state directory; it is recommended that implementations be able to detect whether an URL leads to a certificate or order via the Content-Type of the response yielded when dereferencing the URL. These old certificate directories (and some older new certificate directories) will also lack an "account" symlink.

Each certificate subdirectory MUST contain a relative symlink "account" to an account directory used to request the certificate. (Old certificate directories may lack this symlink.)

A client SHOULD automatically delete any certificate directory if the certificate it contains is expired AND is not referenced by the "live" directory. Certificates which have expired but are still referenced by the "live" directory MUST NOT be deleted to avoid breaking reliant applications.

A certificate subdirectory MAY also contain information obtained from the "url" file. If an ACME client finds only an "url" file, it MUST retrieve the certificate information to ensure that local system services can make use of the certificate:

  • If retrieval of the certificate fails with a permament error (e.g. 404), the certificate directory SHOULD be deleted.

  • If retrieval of the certificate fails with a temporary error (e.g. 202), the client tries again later. If provided, the Retry-After HTTP header should be consulted.

  • If retrieval of the certificate yields an application/json resource suggesting an order (rather than the certificate itself), it is parsed as an order to find the certificate URL. If the order is still in status "processing", handle it like a temporary error as above; if the order has somehow transitioned to "invalid", handle it like a permanent error as above.

  • If retrieval of the certificate succeeds, but the private key required to use it cannot be found, the certificate directory SHOULD be deleted.

After having successfully retrieved the certificate, the following files MUST be written in the certificate subdirectory:

  • "cert": A file which MUST contain the PEM-encoded certificate.

  • "chain": A file which MUST contain the PEM-encoded certificate chain, i.e. the concatenation of the PEM encodings of all certificates but for the issued certificate itself and the root certificate which are necessary to validate the certificate. In other words, this contains any necessary intermediate certificates.

  • "fullchain": A file which MUST contain the concatenation of the "cert" and "chain" files.

  • "privkey": This MUST be a relative symlink to the privkey file of the private key used to create the certificate (i.e. a symlink pointing to ../../keys/(key ID)/privkey).


An ACME State Directory MUST contain a subdirectory "live". It contains zero or more relative symlinks, each of which MUST link to a subdirectory of the "certs" directory. The name of each symlink MUST be a hostname which is expressed, or was previously expressed by one or more targets, followed by a colon and the label of the target. If the label of the target is "", the colon is omitted.

The "live" directory MUST point to the Most Preferred Certificate for each target, as specified below. Thus an application requiring a certificate for a given hostname can unconditionally specify /var/lib/acme/live/{cert,privkey} for the certificate, private key, etc.

tmp, Rules for State Directory Mutation

An ACME State Directory MUST contain a subdirectory "tmp" which is used for storing temporary files. This directory is used instead of some system-scope temporary directory to ensure that new files are created on the same filesystem and thus can be atomically renamed to their desired final locations in the ACME State Directory. For temporary files which do not require this, other temporary directories may be more suitable.

Any change to any object in the ACME State Directory MUST be one of the following operations:

  • An idempotent recursive directory creation ("mkdir -p").

  • Writing to a temporary file securely created with a high-entropy filename in "tmp" and appropriately locked, then either atomically moving it to its desired location in the ACME State Directory (potentially overwriting an existing file) or deleting it (e.g. in the event of an error before the file is completely written).

  • Securely creating a new symlink with a high-entropy filename in "tmp", then either atomically moving it to its desired location in the ACME State Directory (potentially overwriting an existing symlink) or deleting it.

  • Atomically deleting a file or recursively deleting a directory.

  • Idempotently changing file or directory permissions or ownership to conform with security requirements.

When an ACME client finds files in the "tmp" directory which it did not itself open (in its current invocation), it SHOULD delete them. It SHOULD perform this check whenever invoked.

Files MUST be created with the permissions they are to ultimately hold, not have their permissions modified afterwards. Where particular permissions are required of certain files, those permissions SHOULD be verified on every invocation of the client. Where particular permissions are required of a directory, those permissions MUST be verified before moving any file into that directory. Note that because all files begin in the "tmp" directory, their permissions MUST be strictly as strict or stricter than the permissions of any direct or indirect parent directory, at least until the move is completed.

Permissions (POSIX)

The following permissions on a State Directory MUST be enforced:

  • The "accounts", "keys" and "tmp" directories and all subdirectories within them MUST have mode 0770 or stricter. All files directly or ultimately within these directories MUST have mode 0660 or stricter, except for files in "tmp", which MUST have the permissions appropriate for their ultimate location before they are moved to that location.

  • For all other files and directories, appropriate permissions MUST be enforced as determined by the implementation. Generally this will mean directories having mode 0755 and files having mode 0644. Files and directories MUST NOT be world writable.

The ownership of a State Directory and all files and directories directly or ultimately within it SHOULD be verified and enforced.

Use of Symlinks

All symlinks used within the State Directory MUST be unbroken, MUST point to locations within the State Directory and MUST be relatively expressed (i.e., they MUST NOT break if the State Directory were to be moved). Implementations SHOULD verify these properties for any symlinks they encounter in the State Directory.


It is desirable to provide extensibility in certain circumstances via the means of hooks. These hooks are implemented using executable shell scripts or binaries external to an implementation. Several types of hook are defined.

All hooks are kept in a separate directory, the ACME Hooks Directory. The RECOMMENDED path is /usr/lib/acme/hooks, except for systems which use /usr/libexec, which SHOULD use /usr/libexec/acme/hooks.

The hooks directory MUST contain only executable objects (i.e. executable scripts or binaries or symlinks to them). However, implementations SHOULD ignore non-executable objects. "Executable" here means executable in practical terms, and does not refer merely to the file having the executable bits set in its mode, which is a necessary but not sufficient condition.

Calling Convention

An ACME client MUST invoke hooks as follows: Take the list of objects in the hooks directory and sort them in ascending lexicographical order by filename. Execute each object in that order. If execution of an object fails, execution of subsequent objects MUST continue.

The first argument when invoking a hook is always the event type causing invocation of the hook.

When invoking a hook, the environment variable ACME_STATE_DIR MUST be set to the absolute path of the State Directory.

A hook is invoked successfully if it exits with exit code 0. A hook which exits with exit code 42 indicates a lack of support for the event type. Any other exit code indicates an error.

sudo Protocol

It may be desirable for an implementation to run as an unprivileged user. In this case, it is necessary to have some way to elevate notification hooks so they can perform privileged operations such as restarting system services. Since most POSIX systems do not support the setuid bit on scripts, the use of "sudo" is suggested.

When an implementation is not running as root, and executes a hook, and that hook is owned by root, and it has the setuid bit set, and the OS does not (as currently configured) support setuid on scripts, and the "sudo" command is available, and the file begins with the characters "#!", execute "sudo -n -- FILE EVENT-TYPE ARGS...", where FILE is the absolute path to the file and ARGS are dictated by hook event type. Success is not guaranteed as the system administrator must have configured the sudoers file to allow this operation.


The "live-updated" hook is invoked when one or more symlinks in the "live" directory are created or updated. There are no arguments.

Each object invoked MUST have passed to stdin a list of the names of the symlinks in the "live" directory which have changed target, i.e. the hostnames for which the preferred certificate has changed. The hostnames are separated by newlines, and the final hostname also ends with a newline.

challenge-http-start, challenge-http-stop

These hooks are invoked when an HTTP challenge attempt begins and ends. They can be used to install challenge files at arbitrary locations.

The first argument is the hostname to which the challenge relates.

The second argument is the filename of the target file causing the challenge to be completed. This may be the empty string in some circumstances; for example, when an authorization is being obtained for the purposes of performing revocation rather than for obtaining a certificate.

The third argument is the filename which must be provisioned under /.well-known/acme-challenge/.

The required contents of the file is passed as stdin.

A hook should exit with exit code 0 only if it successfully installs or removes the challenge file. For challenge-http-start, an implementation may consider such an exit to authoritatively indicate that it is now feasible to complete the challenge.

Example call:

echo evaGxfADs6pSRb2LAv9IZf17Dt3juxGJ-PCt92wr-oA.nP1qzpXGymHBrUEepNY9HCsQk7K8KhOypzEt62jcerQ | \
ACME_STATE_DIR=/var/lib/acme /usr/lib/acme/hooks/foo \
  challenge-http-start some-target-file \

challenge-tls-sni-start, challenge-tls-sni-stop

These hooks are invoked when a TLS-SNI challenge begins and ends. They can be used to install the necessary validation certificate by arbitrary means.

The hook MUST return 0 only if it succeeds at provisioning/deprovisioning the challenge. When returning 0 in the challenge-tls-sni-start case, it MUST return only once the certificate is globally visible.

The first argument is the hostname to which the challenge relates.

The second argument is the filename of the target file causing the challenge to be completed. This may be the empty string in some circumstances; for example, when an authorization is being obtained for the purposes of performing revocation rather than for obtaining a certificate.

The third argument is the hostname which will be specified via SNI when the validation server checks for the certificate.

The fourth argument is an additional hostname which must appear in the certificate. Both hostnames must appear as dNSName SubjectAlternateNames in the certificate returned.

The third and fourth argument may be equal in some cases.

A PEM-encoded certificate followed by a PEM-encoded private key is fed on stdin. A hook can choose to provision this certificate to satisfy the challenge. It can also construct its own certificate.

challenge-dns-start, challenge-dns-stop

These hooks are invoked when a DNS challenge begins and ends. They can be used to install the necessary validation DNS records, for example via DNS UPDATE.

The hook MUST return 0 only if it succeeds at provisioning/deprovisioning the challenge. When returning 0 in the challenge-dns-start case, it MUST return only once the record to be provisioned is globally visible at all of the authoritative nameservers for the applicable zone. The hook is not required to consider the effects of caching resolvers as ACME servers will perform the lookup directly.

The first argument is the hostname to which the challenge relates.

The second argument is the filename of the target file causing the challenge to be completed. This may be the empty string in some circumstances; for example, when an authorization is being obtained for the purposes of performing revocation rather than for obtaining a certificate.

The third argument is the value of the DNS TXT record to be provisioned.

Note that as per the ACME specification, the TXT record must be provisioned at _acme-challenge.HOSTNAME, where HOSTNAME is the hostname given.

Example call:

ACME_STATE_DIR=/var/lib/acme /usr/lib/acme/hooks/foo \
  challenge-dns-start some-target-file \


The desire for a certificate containing a SRV-ID subjectAltName is expressed by placing a file in the "desired" directory named after the SRV-ID, e.g. "". This is recognised as a SRV-ID automatically by virtue of it starting with an underscore. Since hostnames may not contain underscores, this is not ambiguous.

Support for SRV-ID in ACME implementations remains to be seen.



To conform a State Directory means to examine everything in the directory for consistency and validity. Permissions are changed as necessary to ensure they match the implementation's policy. The implementation verifies that all symlinks are unbroken, relative and point to locations within the State Directory. Remnant temporary files are deleted. Errors are indicated for any malformed directory (e.g. account directory with no private key, etc.)

This operation is idempotent.


A certificate can be described as "satisfying" a target, or as being the Most Preferred Certificate for a target. These are distinct classifications, and neither implies the other. A certificate might be the Most Preferred Certificate for a target even though it does not satisfy it, because it is the "least worst option". A certificate might satisfy a target but not be the Most Preferred Certificate for it.

The reconcile operation is the actual act of “building” the State Directory.

  • Begin by performing the Conform operation.

  • If there are any uncached certificates (certificate directories containing only an "url" file), cache them, waiting for them to become available (orders to finish processing, etc.) if necessary.

  • If there are any certificates marked for revocation (meaning that a "revoke" file exists in the certificate directory), but which are not marked as being revoked (meaning that a "revoked" file exists in the certificate directory), request revocation of the certificate and, having obtained confirmation of that revocation, create an empty file "revoked" in the certificate directory.

  • For each target, satisfy that target.

    To satisfy a target:

    • If there exists a certificate satisfying the target, the target is satisfied. Done.

    • Otherwise, request a certificate with the hostnames listed under the "request" section of the target. If a certificate cannot be obtained, fail. Satisfy the target again.

      When making certificate requests, use the provider/account information specified in the "request" section.

    To request a certificate:

    • Create an order with the necessary identifiers and satisfy the authorizations specified within the newly created order. If the order becomes invalid due to a failed authorization, create another order and start again, until an order's authorization requirements are successfully fulfilled or it is determined that no further forward progress can be made regarding one or more authorizations.

    • Having obtained an order with status "ready", form an appropriate CSR containing the SANs specified in the "request" section of the applicable target and finalise the order. Write the order URL to the State Directory; there is no need to wait for it to exit the "processing" state.

  • Update the "live" directory as follows:

    • For each (hostname, target) pair in the Hostname-Target Mapping, create a symlink for the hostname pointing to the Most Preferred Certificate for the target, if one exists.
  • If any certificates were requested while satisfying targets, perform the Reconcile operation again; stop.

  • Optionally perform cleanup operations:

    • Delete the certificate directories for any cullable certificates.

    • Delete (optionally, securely erase) the key directories for any cullable private keys.

This operation is idempotent.

Satisfying targets. A certifigate satisfies a target if:

  • the private key for the certificate is available in the State Directory, and

  • the certificate is not known to be revoked, and

  • all stipulations listed in the "satisfy" section of the target are met:

    • the "names" stipulation is met if the dNSName SANs in a given certificate are a superset of the names specified.


  • the certificate is not self-signed, and

  • the current time lies between the Not Before and Not After times, and

  • the certificate is not near expiry.

Near expiry. A certificate is near expiry if the difference between the current time and the "Not After" time is less than some implementation-specific threshold. The RECOMMENDED threshold is 30 days or 33% of the validity period, whichever is lower.

Most Preferred Certificate. The Most Preferred Certificate for a given target is determined as follows:

  • Certificates which satisfy the target are preferred over certificates that do not satisfy the target.

  • For two certficates neither of which satisfies the target, one is preferred over the other if the first criterion in the list of the criteria for satisfying a target which it does not satisfy is later in the list of criteria than for the other.

    For example, a revoked certificate for which a private key is available is preferred over a certificate for which no private key is available. A self-signed certificate with the right names is preferred over a self or CA-signed certificate with the wrong names. A self-signed certificate is preferred over a revoked certificate. (A revoked certificate may not be exemptible by a user; thus even a self-signed certificate is preferable to a certificate known to be revoked.)

  • Certificates with later "Not After" times are preferred.

Cullability. A certificate is cullable if:

  • it is expired, and
  • after reconcilation, it is unreferenced by any "live" symlink.

A private key is cullable if:

  • it does not relate to any known certificate, and
  • it was not recently created or imported. The definition of "recently" is implementation-specific.


A certificate is revoked by creating an empty file "revoke" in the certificate directory and reconciling.


Accounts, keys and certificates are stored in directories named by their identifiers. Their identifiers are calculated as follows:

Key ID: Lowercase base32 encoding with padding stripped of the SHA256 hash of the subjectPublicKeyInfo constructed from the private key.

Account ID: Take the Directory URL for the ACME server. Take the hostname, port (if applicable) and path, stripping the scheme (e.g. ""). If the path is "/", strip it ("" becomes ""). URL-encode this string so that any slashes are percent-encoded using lowercase hexadecimal. Take this string and append "/" followed by the string formed by calculating a Key ID using the account's private key.


Each account directory is thus an account key-specific subdirectory of the string formed from the directory URL.

For production use the scheme MUST be "https". In some cases, it may be desirable to test using HTTP. Where an HTTP URL is specified, it is prefixed with http:. For example:

Certificate ID: A certificate ID must be assignable before a certificate has been issued, when only the public key and order URL are known.

Thus, the Certificate ID shall be the lowercase base32 encoding with padding stripped of the SHA256 hash of the order URL (or, for legacy certificates, the certificate URL).

A certificate directory is invalid if the "url" file does not match the Certificate ID. Such a directory should be deleted.

Temporary Use of Self-Signed Certificates

Some daemons may fail terminally when a certificate file referenced by their configuration is not present. Thus, where a client is unable to procure a certificate immediately, it MAY choose to provision a self-signed certificate referenced by symlinks under 'live' instead. This will allow a daemon to continue operating (perhaps serving non-TLS requests or requests for other hostnames) with reduced functionality.

If a client uses such interim self-signed certificates, it MUST create an empty 'selfsigned' file in the certificate directory to indicate that the certificate is a self-signed certificate. The 'url' file MUST NOT exist. The 'cert' and 'fullchain' files MUST be identical, and the 'chain' file MUST exist and MUST be an empty file.

The self-signed certificate MAY contain information in it which points out the configuration issue the certificate poses, e.g. by placing a short description of the problem in the O and OU fields, e.g.:

OU=ACME Cannot Acquire Certificate O=ACME Failure Please Check Server Logs

The Certificate ID of a self-signed certificate is the string "selfsigned-" followed by the lowercase base32 encoding with padding stripped of the SHA256 hash of the DER encoded certificate.