MAAS is an open-source tool that lets you build a data centre from bare-metal servers. You can discover, commission, deploy, and dynamically reconfigure a large network of individual units.
This repository contains the sourcecode for the MAAS web app, maas-ui.
It is comprised of the following yarn workspaces:
- ui: the react maas client (all new work should be in this workspace).
- legacy: the angularjs maas client.
- root: a single-spa app, providing top-level routing between both ui and legacy.
- shared: code shared between both legacy and ui.
- proxy: a proxying express project, used for serving both legacy and ui projects in development.
Community contributions are most welcome, and there are a number of ways to participate:
- Submit bugs and feature requests
- Assist with code review
- Submit bugs for the MAAS website
- Contribute to MAAS documentation
Please see HACKING for details on setting up a MAAS UI development environment.
- Ask a question about MAAS on Discourse.
- File a MAAS UI issue.
- File a MAAS issue.
MAAS server source and issue tracking can be found on Launchpad.
LXD is a next generation system container and virtual machine manager, used extensively by MAAS.
- React
- Redux
- single-spa
- Angularjs (legacy)
MAAS UI and Canonical Web & Design
This project adopts the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.
Code licensed AGPLv3 by Canonical Ltd.
With ♥ from Canonical