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File metadata and controls

418 lines (356 loc) · 10.5 KB

Tokens contract

Actions available:



Enables the staking feature for a token.

  • requires active key: yes

  • parameters:

    • symbol (string): symbol of the token you want to enable the staking feature
    • unstakingCooldown (integer): number of days that a user will have to wait until the tokens are added to their balance (between 1 and 365 days)
    • numberTransactions (integer): number of transactions that an unstake will be divided in (between 1 and 365 days)
  • examples:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "enableStaking",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "unstakingCooldown": 7, // 7 days to cooldown
        "numberTransactions": 7, // 1 transaction / day

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "enableStaking",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "unstakingCooldown": 30, // 30 days to cooldown
        "numberTransactions": 60, // 2 transactions / day

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "enableStaking",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "unstakingCooldown": 91, // 13 weeks to cooldown
        "numberTransactions": 13, // 1 transaction / week


Stakes tokens. (if it is a token that allows staking)

  • requires active key: yes

  • parameters:

    • to (string): account that will receive the stake
    • symbol (string): symbol of the token you want to stake
    • quantity (string): quantity of tokens to stake
  • example:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "stake",
    "contractPayload": {
        "to": "harpagon",
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "quantity": "3.5"


Unstakes tokens. (if it is a token that allows staking) There is a cooldown period that is setup per token (see "enableStaking" action)

  • requires active key: yes

  • parameters:

    • symbol (string): symbol of the token you want to unstake
    • quantity (string): quantity of tokens to unstake
  • example:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "unstake",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "quantity": "3.5"


Cancels an initiated unstake.

  • requires active key: yes

  • parameters:

    • txID (string): transaction id when the unstake was initiated
  • example:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "cancelUnstake",
    "contractPayload": {
        "txID": "ABCDE0123"



Enables the delegation feature for a token.

  • requires active key: yes

  • parameters:

    • symbol (string): symbol of the token you want to enable the delegation feature
    • undelegationCooldown (integer): number of days that a user will have to wait until the tokens that were delegated are added back to their balance (between 1 and 365 days)
  • examples:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "enableDelegation",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "undelegationCooldown": 7, // 7 days to cooldown

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "enableDelegation",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "undelegationCooldown": 30, // 30 days to cooldown

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "enableDelegation",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "undelegationCooldown": 91, // 13 weeks to cooldown


Delegates tokens. (if it is a token that allows delegation) If a delegation already exists for that account it will add the new quantity to it (to decrease a delegation you need to undelegate)

  • requires active key: yes

  • parameters:

    • to (string): account that will receive the delegation
    • symbol (string): symbol of the token you want to delegate
    • quantity (string): quantity of tokens to delegate
  • example:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "delegate",
    "contractPayload": {
        "to": "harpagon",
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "quantity": "3.5"


Undelegates tokens partially or totally. (if it is a token that allows delegation) There is a cooldown period that is setup per token (see "enableDelegation" action)

  • requires active key: yes

  • parameters:

    • from (string): account that will see its delegation decreased/removed
    • symbol (string): symbol of the token you want to undelegate
    • quantity (string): quantity of tokens to undelegate
  • example:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "undelegate",
    "contractPayload": {
	    "to": "harpagon",
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "quantity": "3.5"

Tokens parameters


Update the precision of a token (it can only be increased)

  • requires active key: yes

  • parameters:

    • symbol (string): symbol of the token to update
    • precision (integer): new precision for the token (can only be greater than the current precision)
  • example:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "updatePrecision",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "precision": 8

Other actions available


Creates a token (a token creation fee might be enforced)

  • requires active key: yes

  • parameters:

    • name (string): name of the token (letters, numbers, whitespaces only, max length of 50)
    • symbol (string): symbol of the token (uppercase letters only, max length of 10)
    • precision (integer): precision for the token (between 0 and 8)
    • maxSupply (string): maximum supply for the token (between 1 and 9,007,199,254,740,991)
    • url (string): url of the project (max length of 255)
  • example:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "create",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "name": "my token",
        "precision": 8,
        "maxSupply": "1000",
        "url": ""


Issue tokens to an account (can only be triggered by the account that created the token)

  • requires active key: yes

  • parameters:

    • to (string): account that will receive the newly created tokens (3 <= length <= 16)
    • symbol (string): symbol of the token (uppercase letters only, max length of 10)
    • quantity (string): quantity of tokens to issue (must match the requirements of the token (maxSupply limit, precision, etc...)
  • example:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "issue",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "to": "harpagon",
        "quantity": "15.21548745"


Transfer tokens to an account

  • requires active key: yes

  • parameters:

    • to (string): account that will receive the tokens (3 <= length <= 16)
    • symbol (string): symbol of the token (uppercase letters only, max length of 10)
    • quantity (string): quantity of tokens to issue (must match the requirements of the token (maxSupply limit, precision, etc...)
  • example:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "transfer",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "to": "harpagon",
        "quantity": "15.21548745"


Transfer tokens to a contract

  • requires active key: yes

  • parameters:

    • to (string): contract that will receive the tokens (3 <= length <= 50)
    • symbol (string): symbol of the token (uppercase letters only, max length of 10)
    • quantity (string): quantity of tokens to issue (must match the requirements of the token (maxSupply limit, precision, etc...)
  • example:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "transferToContract",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "to": "market",
        "quantity": "15.21548745"


Transfer ownership of a token from the current token issuer to an other account

  • requires active key: yes

  • parameters:

    • to (string): contract that will receive the ownership of the token (3 <= length <= 50)
    • symbol (string): symbol of the token (uppercase letters only, max length of 10)
  • example:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "transferOwnership",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "to": "harpagon"


Update the url of a token

  • requires active key: no

  • parameters:

    • url (string): the new url for the token (0 <= length <= 255)
    • symbol (string): symbol of the token (uppercase letters only, max length of 10)
  • example:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "updateUrl",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "url": ""


Update the metadata of a token

  • requires active key: no

  • parameters:

    • metadata (JSON): the metadata for the token (the JSON when stringified can't exceed 1000 characters)
    • symbol (string): symbol of the token (uppercase letters only, max length of 10)
  • example:

    "contractName": "tokens",
    "contractAction": "updateMetadata",
    "contractPayload": {
        "symbol": "TKN",
        "metadata": {
	        "url": "",
	        "description": "my description"

Tables available:


balances of the users

  • fields:
    • account = account owning the balance
    • symbol = symbol of the token
    • balance = quantity of tokens
    • stake = quantity of tokens staked
    • pendingUnstake = quantity of tokens being unstaked
    • delegationsIn = quantity of tokens being delegated to that account
    • delegationsOut = quantity of tokens being delegated to other accounts
    • pendingUndelegations = quantity of tokens being undelegated


opened delegations

  • fields:
    • from = account that initiated the delegation
    • to = account that received the delegation
    • symbol = symbol of the token delegated
    • quantity = quantity of tokens delegated


pending unstakes

  • fields:
    • account: account that initiated the unstake
    • symbol: symbol of the token being unstaked
    • quantity: quantity of tokens being unstaked
    • quantityLeft: quantity of tokens still to unstake
    • nextTransactionTimestamp: timestamp when the next unstake transaction will happen (in milliseconds)
    • numberTransactionsLeft: number of transactions left for this unstake
    • txID: transaction ID used to initiate the unstake


pending undelegations

  • fields:
    • account: account that initiated the undelegation
    • symbol: symbol of the token being undelegated
    • quantity: quantity of tokens being undelegated
    • completeTimestamp: timestamp when the undelegation will be completed (in milliseconds)
    • txID: transaction ID used to initiate the undelegation