diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0d942bc..26b11f1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@
@@ -21,3 +18,169 @@
# GISManager
Publish Your GIS Data(Vector Data) to PostGIS and Geoserver
+- How to install:
+ - `go get -v github.com/hishamkaram/gismanager`
+- Usage:
+ - create `ManagerConfig` instance:
+ ```
+ manager:= gismanager.ManagerConfig{
+ Geoserver: gismanager.GeoserverConfig{WorkspaceName: "golang", Username: "admin", Password: "geoserver", ServerURL: "http://localhost:8080/geoserver"},
+ Datastore: gismanager.DatastoreConfig{Host: "localhost", Port: 5432, DBName: "gis", DBUser: "golang", DBPass: "golang", Name: "gismanager_data"},
+ Source: gismanager.SourceConfig{Path: "./testdata"},
+ logger: gismanager.GetLogger(),
+ }
+ ```
+ - `testdata` folder content:
+ ```
+ ./testdata/
+ ├── neighborhood_names_gis.geojson
+ ├── nested
+ │ └── nyc_wi-fi_hotspot_locations.geojson
+ ├── sample.gpkg
+ ```
+ - get Supported GIS Files:
+ ```
+ files, _ := gismanager.GetGISFiles(manager.Source.Path)
+ for _, file := range files {
+ fmt.Println(file)
+ }
+ ```
+ - output:
+ ```
+ /testdata/neighborhood_names_gis.geojson
+ /testdata/nested/nyc_wi-fi_hotspot_locations.geojson
+ /testdata/sample.gpkg
+ ```
+ - read files and get layers Schema:
+ ```
+ for _, file := range files {
+ source, ok := manager.OpenSource(file, 0)
+ if ok {
+ for index := 0; index < source.LayerCount(); index++ {
+ layer := source.LayerByIndex(index)
+ gLayer := gismanager.GdalLayer{
+ Layer: &layer,
+ }
+ fmt.Println(layer.Name())
+ for _, f := range gLayer.GetLayerSchema() {
+ fmt.Printf("\n%+v\n", *f)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ - output sample:
+ ```
+ neighborhood_names_gis
+ {Name:geom Type:POINT}
+ {Name:stacked Type:String}
+ {Name:name Type:String}
+ {Name:annoline1 Type:String}
+ {Name:annoline3 Type:String}
+ {Name:objectid Type:String}
+ {Name:annoangle Type:String}
+ {Name:annoline2 Type:String}
+ {Name:borough Type:String}
+ ...
+ ```
+ - add your gis data to your database:
+ ```
+ for _, file := range files {
+ source, ok := manager.OpenSource(file, 0)
+ targetSource, targetOK := manager.OpenSource(manager.Datastore.BuildConnectionString(), 1)
+ if ok && targetOK {
+ for index := 0; index < source.LayerCount(); index++ {
+ layer := source.LayerByIndex(index)
+ gLayer := gismanager.GdalLayer{
+ Layer: &layer,
+ }
+ newLayer, postgisErr := gLayer.LayerToPostgis(targetSource, manager, true)
+ if postgisErr != nil {
+ panic(postgisErr)
+ }
+ logger.Infof("Layer: %s added to you database", newLayer.Name())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ - output:
+ ```
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:28:37] Layer: neighborhood_names_gis added to you database
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:28:38] Layer: nyc_wi_fi_hotspot_locations added to you database
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:28:38] Layer: hwy_patrol added to you database
+ ```
+ - update the previous code to publish your postgis layers to geoserver
+ ```
+ for _, file := range files {
+ source, ok := manager.OpenSource(file, 0)
+ targetSource, targetOK := manager.OpenSource(manager.Datastore.BuildConnectionString(), 1)
+ if ok && targetOK {
+ for index := 0; index < source.LayerCount(); index++ {
+ layer := source.LayerByIndex(index)
+ gLayer := gismanager.GdalLayer{
+ Layer: &layer,
+ }
+ if newLayer, postgisErr := gLayer.LayerToPostgis(targetSource, manager, true); newLayer.Layer != nil || postgisErr != nil {
+ ok, pubErr := manager.PublishGeoserverLayer(newLayer)
+ if pubErr != nil {
+ logger.Error(pubErr)
+ }
+ if !ok {
+ logger.Error("Failed to Publish")
+ } else {
+ logger.Info("published")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ - output:
+ ```
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:37:07] url:http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/golang Status=404
+ ERRO[14-10-2018 17:37:07] No such workspace: 'golang' found
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:37:07] url:http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces Status=201
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:37:07] url:http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/golang/datastores/gis?quietOnNotFound=true Status=404
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:37:07] url:http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/golang/datastores Status=201
+ ERRO[14-10-2018 17:37:07] {"featureType":{"name":"neighborhood_names_gis","nativeName":"neighborhood_names_gis"}}
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:37:07] url:http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/golang/datastores/gis/featuretypes Status=201
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:37:07] published
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:37:08] url:http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/golang Status=200
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:37:08] url:http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/golang/datastores/gis?quietOnNotFound=true Status=200
+ ERRO[14-10-2018 17:37:08] {"featureType":{"name":"nyc_wi_fi_hotspot_locations","nativeName":"nyc_wi_fi_hotspot_locations"}}
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:37:08] url:http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/golang/datastores/gis/featuretypes Status=201
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:37:08] published
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:37:08] url:http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/golang Status=200
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:37:08] url:http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/golang/datastores/gis?quietOnNotFound=true Status=200
+ ERRO[14-10-2018 17:37:08] {"featureType":{"name":"hwy_patrol","nativeName":"hwy_patrol"}}
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:37:08] url:http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/workspaces/golang/datastores/gis/featuretypes Status=201
+ INFO[14-10-2018 17:37:08] published
+ ```
+ - done check you geoserver or via geoserver rest api url http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/layers.json :
+ ```
+ {
+ "layers": {
+ "layer": [..., {
+ "name": "golang:hwy_patrol",
+ "href": "http:\/\/localhost:8080\/geoserver\/rest\/layers\/golang%3Ahwy_patrol.json"
+ }, {
+ "name": "golang:neighborhood_names_gis",
+ "href": "http:\/\/localhost:8080\/geoserver\/rest\/layers\/golang%3Aneighborhood_names_gis.json"
+ }, {
+ "name": "golang:nyc_wi_fi_hotspot_locations",
+ "href": "http:\/\/localhost:8080\/geoserver\/rest\/layers\/golang%3Anyc_wi_fi_hotspot_locations.json"
+ }]
+ }
+ }
+ ```