Kerberos client
- KDC (Key Distribution Center): Service that distributes the tickets. The host that provides this server is also called KDC.
- TGS (Ticket Granting Server): Ticket used to authenticate the user against a specified service.
- TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket): Ticket used to retrieve the TGS's from the KDC.
Asking for a TGT:
use kerbeiros::*;
use ascii::AsciiString;
use std::net::*;
// Prepare the arguments
let realm = AsciiString::from_ascii("CONTOSO.COM").unwrap();
let kdc_address = IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(192, 168, 0, 1));
let username = AsciiString::from_ascii("Bob").unwrap();
let user_key = Key::Password("S3cr3t".to_string());
// Request the TGT
let tgt_requester = TgtRequester::new(realm, kdc_address);
let credential = tgt_requester.request(&username, Some(&user_key)).unwrap();
// Save the ticket into a Windows format file
// Save the ticket into a Linux format file
Follow the rustfmt code style.
To format code:
cargo fmt
To run tests:
cargo test