This main objective of this project is to use Gradle as a tool to forcast weather around the world by using API and Gradle Http builder
- Search for a 5 days weather forecast for a specific city
./gradlew weatherForecast -Pcity=Follow by your city name
** Quick Note
If your city name contain more than one words, eg Kuala Lumpur or Sao Paolo
Please enter your city name with string Quoatation Mark
- Display more details about the weather forecast of the specific day
./gradlew weatherForecast -Pcity="Kuala Lumpur -Pday=Friday
- By using Open Weahter API from , it will return the locale time for every 3 hours in a day. This gave us a little problem to data at 12.00 depending on request time.
- We will assume that we will using UTC time for every request no matter from any country around thr worlds.