Turns out, diversity is hard to classify [3]. It's personal, contextual, and depends as much on who you are as who you are around. Here are some identifiers we're going to consider.
*. Ability - Mental and/or physical
*. Age
*. Ethnicity
*. Gender
*. Race
*. Religion
*. Sexual Orientation
*. Socio-Economic Status/Class
*. ? / & / Etc.*
(insert the questions you are choosing to include here)
What else do you identify with? Call out anything we've missed that makes you, well, you! [ ]
add as many as appropriate.
() radio buttons
[] check boxes
[___________] fill-in-the-blank
[___________|v] drop-down select one
??? combo box/select many
[1] http://www.isdnetwork.org/what-is-diversity.html
[2] http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/diversity-in-tech/
[3] http://drnikki.github.io/2016/08/03/diversity-survey.html