CLI App is a template for creating console applications based on Symfony Console and the Service Container. Think Silex, but for console applications, and easier.
use Herrera\Cli\Application;
$app = new Application(
'' => 'MyApp',
'app.version' => '1.2.3',
$myCommand = $app->add(
function ($in, $out) {
$out->writeln('Hello, ' . $in->getArgument('name') . '!');
return 123;
Running the example:
$ php myApp.php myCommand world
Hello, world!
Add it to your list of Composer dependencies:
$ composer require "herrera-io/cli-app=~2.0"
Creating a new application is as simple as instantiating the Application
class. The class itself is an extension of the Container
class from the service container library.
use Herrera\Cli\Application;
$app = new Application(
'' => 'Example',
'app.version' => '1.0',
The purpose of
will be later discussed in the section titled Configuration. It is one of many customizable options for the application.
When the application is instantiated two services are registered:
— Replaces the current error handler with one provided by the service. The custom error handler will simply convert all errors into instances ofErrorException
and throw them. The handler will respect the currenterror_reporting()
— The console service provider that is used by the application to configure, add commands, add helpers, and run.
The Application
class is designed so that you can replace the default
registered services by overriding a single method. You can also extend
the method to register additional default services.
class CustomApplication extends Application
* @override
protected function registerDefaultServices()
$this->register(new Service());
To add a new command to the application, you will need to call the add()
method. This method will create a new command and return it for further,
optional, configuration. The command returned is an instance of the
$command = $app->add(
function ($in, $out) {
// command code
To add a helper to the application, you will need to call the set()
This method will register the helper with the current helper set. Any instance
of Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperInterface
is accepted.
$app->set(new Helper());
The Application
container is registered as a helper in the console instance.
This will make it easier to access the container in order to use other services
within a command that extends the Command
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
class CustomCommand extends Command
protected function configure()
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$app = $this->getHelperSet()->get('app');
Running the application is simple:
$status = $app->run();
If auto exiting is disabled, $status
will hold the exit status code.
The majority of the all available configuration parameters and servics lie
within the ConsoleServiceProvider
that is registered with the Application
service container. The default parameters and services can be modified until
the console
service is used. Any further changes will not take any effect.
These are the default console parameters:
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput;
// the name of the application
'' => 'UNKNOWN',
// the version of the application
'app.version' => 'UNKNOWN',
// automatically exit once the app has run?
'console.auto_exist' => true,
// the overriding list of $_SERVER['argv'] values
'console.input.argv' => null,
// the default array of input definitions
'console.input.definition' => null,
// the default verbosity level
'console.output.verbosity' => ConsoleOutput::VERBOSITY_NORMAL,
// the default "use decorator" flag
'console.output.decorator' => null,
These are the default console services:
// the Symfony `Console` instance
// creates new `Command` instances
// the Symfony `ArgvInput` instance
// the Symfony `ConsoleOutput` instance
// the Symfony `OutputFormatter` instance
// runs `Application->run()` with input and output services