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AWS SAR for HERE Location Service APIs - Routing API v8


This project provides AWS Lambda as proxy for HERE Routing API v8 &HERE Routing(isoline & matrix). This AWS Lambda is packaged as per the AWS Serverless Application Model.

"AWS SAR is natively supported by AWS CloudFormation and defines simplified syntax for expressing serverless resources. The specification currently covers APIs, Lambda functions and Amazon DynamoDB tables."


The AWS API Gateway supports configuring both Cache and Throttling, and the lambdas are open source: we welcome pull requests with circuit breakers, graceful error handling, etc.!


To successfully call the HERE Routing API through the proxy in this project, you need to obtain HERE API credentials. Multiple plans are available:


Step 1: Register for an API Key

Visit the HERE Location Services on AWS Marketplace, and review the Access Control FAQ.

Step 2: Register an AWS Account

Visit AWS and sign up for a Free Tier account.

Step 3: Install the AWS CLI and run "aws configure"

Download and install the AWS CLI, and run aws configure as per the AWS CLI User Guide.

Step 4: Get the Source

From GitHub: clone this repository, or download the ZIP.

The folder containing the lambda source code (JS) and CloudFormation templates (YML) is serverlessFunctions\routing\.

Step 5: Package

An S3 bucket is required as a destination for the AWS SAR package. If you don't have one already, create one:

aws s3 mb s3://here-maps-api--aws sar

Note: If the folder contains a package.json file: run npm update:

x:\src\here-aws-repository\serverlessFunctions\routing>npm update

Use the AWS CLI to package (note the folder layout):

x:\src\here-aws-repository\serverlessFunctions>aws cloudformation package --s3-bucket here-maps-api--aws-sar --template-file routing\routing.yml --output-template-file routing-packaged.yml

Step 6: Deploy

Use the AWS CLI to deploy the AWS SAR package using CloudFormation:

x:\src\here-aws-repository\serverlessFunctions>aws cloudformation deploy --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --stack-name "HERE-Maps-API--Routing" --parameter-overrides HereApiKey=<apiKey> --template-file routing-packaged.yml

Step 7: Find new API Gateway URL

Once deployment completes, look for the URL of the new API Gateway. It should follow this pattern:


The API Gateway URL is an output from the CloudFormation template and can be found among the tabs when selecting a Stack in the AWS Console.

Alternatively look at the API Gateway in the AWS Console, select Stages, and then expand the tree until you see "Invoke URL".

Step 8: Secure your API Gateways/Lambdas

Note: The AWS Lambda proxy deployed above do not impose authentication or authorization restrictions!

You must decide how you will control access to your API Gateway and Lambda.

For guidance, see the AWS Lambda FAQ.

Consider implementing AWS API Gateway Custom Authorizers.

HERE Maps API with Lambda Proxy


URL Mapping

API HERE URL Prefix AWS Lambda App URL Prefix
CalculateRoute https://<apigw>.execute-api.<region>
Routing(Isoline) https://<apigw>.execute-api.<region>
Routing(Matrix) https://<apigw>.execute-api.<region>

An example of an HTTP GET request to HERE Routing API v8 & Routing Waypoints Sequence & equivalent AWS Lambda Proxy:

CalculateRoute HTTP and Proxy URL
  • An example of an HTTP GET request to HERE CalculateRoute API & equivalent AWS Lambda Proxy:

    HERE CalculateRoute API:<apiKey>&transportMode=car&origin=52.5308,13.3847&destination=52.5323,13.3789&return=summary
  • To call the Lambda proxy instead, replace the original URL with the API Gateway URL, change the type, resourcePath and Query String Parameters as follows:

    Equivalent AWS Lambda Proxy for HERE Routing API v8(Calculate Route API):

    API Gateway URL format:{resourcePath+}

    {resourcePath+}: v8/routes?transportMode=car&origin=52.5308,13.3847&destination=52.5323,13.3789&return=summary

    API Gateway URL:


For details document please refer HERE Routing API v8(Calculate Route API)

Routing(Isoline) HTTP and Proxy URL
  • An example of an HTTP GET request to HERE Routing(Isoline) API & equivalent AWS Lambda Proxy:

    HERE Routing(Isoline):<apiKey>&mode=fastest%3Bpedestrian&start=52.5160%2C13.3778&rangetype=distance&range=2000
  • To call the Lambda proxy instead, replace the original URL with the API Gateway URL, change the type, resourcePath and Query String Parameters as follows:

    Equivalent AWS Lambda Proxy for HERE Routing(Isoline) API:

    API Gateway URL format:


    {type}: isoline.route

    {resourcePath+}: routing/7.2/calculateisoline.json?mode=fastest%3Bpedestrian&start=52.5160%2C13.3778&rangetype=distance&range=2000

    API Gateway URL:


    The AWS Lambda Proxy URL depends on the base URL type. For example:

    Base URL/type: isoline.route

    Lambda Proxy URL: /routing/api/isoline.route/

Routing(Matrix) HTTP and Proxy URL
  • An example of an HTTP GET request to HERE Routing(Matrix) API & equivalent AWS Lambda Proxy:

    HERE Routing(Matrix) API:<apiKey>&mode=fastest%3Btruck%3Btraffic%3Adisabled%3B&start0=40.7790%2C-73.9622&destination0=40.7482%2C-73.9860&destination1=40.7558%2C-73.9870&destination2=40.7054%2C-73.9961
  • To call the Lambda proxy instead, replace the original URL with the API Gateway URL, change the type, resourcePath and Query String Parameters as follows:

    Equivalent AWS Lambda Proxy for HERE Routing(Matrix) API:

    API Gateway URL format:


    {type}: matrix.route

    {resourcePath+}: routing/7.2/calculatematrix.json?apiKey=<apiKey>&mode=fastest%3Btruck%3Btraffic%3Adisabled%3B&start0=40.7790%2C-73.9622&destination0=40.7482%2C-73.9860&destination1=40.7558%2C-73.9870&destination2=40.7054%2C-73.9961

    API Gateway URL:


    The AWS Lambda Proxy URL depends on the base URL type. For example:

    Base URL/type: matrix.route

    Lambda Proxy URL: /routing/api/matrix.route/

For details document please refer HERE Routing(isoline & matrix)

Waypoint Sequence (Routing)

URL Mapping

API HERE URL Prefix AWS Lambda App URL Prefix
Waypoint https://<apigw>.execute-api.<region>
Waypoint Sequence HTTP and Proxy URL
  • An example of an HTTP GET request to HERE Waypoint Sequence API equivalent AWS Lambda Proxy:

    HERE Waypoint Sequence API:<apiKey>&start=WiesbadenCentralStation;50.0715,8.2434&destination1=FranfurtCentralStation;50.1073,8.6647&destination2=DarmstadtCentralStation;49.8728,8.6326&destination3=FrankfurtAirport;50.050639,8.569641&destination4=HanauCentralStation;50.1218,8.9298&end=MainzCentralStation;50.0021,8.259&improveFor=distance&mode=fastest;truck;traffic:disabled;&hasTrailer=true&limitedWeight=18&height=4.00&width=2.50&length=18.35
  • To call the Lambda proxy instead, replace the original URL with the API Gateway URL and change the Query String Parameters as follows:

    Equivalent AWS Lambda Proxy for HERE Waypoint Sequence API:


For details document please refer HERE Routing Waypoints aka Sequence API


Copyright (c) 2017-2019 HERE Europe B.V.

See the LICENSE file in the root of this project for license details.