- Clone this repository
- Install Python 3.6+ (64-bit)
- (Linux only): Install corresponding Python3.X-dev package
- (Windows): Install Visual Studio build tools (search for 'Build Tools for Visual Studio' a ways down the page in the 'All Downloads' section here)
- (Optional) - create dedicated Python environment
- Install MAPLEAF:
$ pip install -e .
(needs to be run from the cloned repository)- Just like a normal pip install, but changes made to MAPLEAF's code will take effect without reinstalling
- If there's an error installing ray, either switch to a Linux/Mac environment, or remove it from the requirements.txt file
- Without ray, everything except multi-threaded sims will work
- (Optional) To be able to do a lot of the things described below, install the packages in requirements_Dev.txt:
$ pip install -r requirements_Dev.txt
Installing Mayavi can be problematic, if using Python 3.8+, try installing the latest version directly from git$ python3 -m pip install git+https://github.com/enthought/mayavi.git
, or check out mayavi's documentation for further assisstance
python3 test/runTests.py all
For more options: python3 test/runTests.py -h
See below for how to run unit and regression tests individually
Note: The Tests Github action runs these tests after every push to master Unit Testing Framework Info: https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html
To run all tests: python3 -m unittest -v
To run a single test module: python3 -m unittest -v test.test_Vector
To run tests by module use this script (-h is to see the help message): python3 test/runTests.py -h
All unit tests are run automatically whenever the master branch is updated, see UnitTests.yml to see how this works.
All regression and V&V tests are defined in batch file MAPLEAF/Examples/BatchSims/regressionTests.mapleaf
To run them:
mapleaf-batch MAPLEAF/Examples/BatchSims/regressionTests.mapleaf
For more info: mapleaf-batch -h
Shows results in console, generates plots in ./MAPLEAF/Examples/V&V/
Results of these simulations are automatically displayed on the verification and validation section of the documentation website
To see how this works, have a look at generateDocs.yml
- Place a breakpoint (red dot on the left)
- Open the simulation definition file you want to run
- On the left sidebar, click on the run tab (Bug + play button)
- At the top of the sidebar, in the dropdown menu, select 'RSim Curr Sim Def', which will run whatever simulation definition file you currently have selected
- Hit the green play button to the left of that dropdown
Program execution will pause at your breakpoint and you'll be able to inspect the values of variables. A mini window with debugging controls will pop up as well.
More details: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/python-tutorial#_configure-and-run-the-debugger
Note: Official instructions (incl. Windows version): https://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html
$ sudo python3 -m pip install virtualenvwrapper
- Note: If this does not create the script /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh, try uninstalling and reinstalling virtualenvwrapper, making sure to use SUDO on the reinstall
- Add lines to .bashrc:
export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.8
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
$ source ~/.bashrc
- Install virtualenvwrapper
- Create environment:
$ mkvirtualenv -a ~/Documents/MAPLEAF -r ~/Documents/MAPLEAF/requirements_Dev.txt MAPLEAF
- Environment will be automatically activated. To re-activate in the future:
$ workon MAPLEAF
- To deactivate:
$ deactivate
- To delete:
$ rmvirtualenv MAPLEAF
More commands here: https://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/command_ref.html
- To generate profile:
$ python3 -m cProfile -o testProfile.prof MAPLEAF/Main.py /path/to/SimDefinition.mapleaf
- To view results:
$ python3 -m snakeviz testProfile.prof
pyinstrument -r html ./MAPLEAF/Main.py ./MAPLEAF/Examples/Simulations/Wind.mapleaf
Benchmarks are defined in ./benchmarks/benchmarks.py
Benchmarking settings defined in ./asv.conf.json
Run benchmarks on latest commit in the master branch: $ asv run
Run benchmarks on new commits: $ asv run NEW
Run benchmarks on commits in a branch: $ asv run master..myBranch
To avoid running benchmarks for every single commit in a range of commits, use the --steps NSTEPS
argument to specify how many times you would like to run the benchmark suite
To see error messages produced while trying to run benchmarks: $ asv dev
To view the web interface (performance vs time/commits):
$ asv publish
$ asv preview
- Navigate to the IP address it provides you in your browser (often
To view available sets of results in the command line: $ asv show
To view a single set of results: $ asv show CommitHashHere
More information: https://asv.readthedocs.io/en/stable/using.html
Some of the files in MAPLEAF are .pyx/.pxd instead of .py.
These are Cython code files.
Cython is a superset of Python, meaning all Python code is valid Cython.
Note: Changes to the Cython code will not take effect without re-compiling the Cython code.
To re-compile: $ python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace
or simply reinstall: $ pip install -e .
(Must be done on Linux/Mac to preserve file cases) Requires twine
- Update the MAPLEAF version number in setup.py
python setup.py sdist
twine upload dist/MAPLEAF-X.X.X.tar.gz
Note: The Linting Github action runs these checks after every push to master
$ python3 -m flake8 --max-complexity 12
- Search for "import" in results (Powershell):
$ python3 -m flake8 --max-complexity 12 | findstr "import"
- Search for "import" in results (Bash):
$ python3 -m flake8 --max-complexity 12 | grep "import"
- Exact version GitHub auto-runs on commits to master (1 (check for show-stopper errors)):
python3 -m flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
- Exact version GitHub auto-runs on commits to master (2 (check for all errors)):
python3 -m flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
Note: The Tests Github action runs this check after every push to master
$ python3 -m coverage run --source=./MAPLEAF -m unittest discover -v
$ python3 -m coverage html
- open ./htmlcov/index.html with a web browser to see line-by-line coverage results
Project is currently set up to auto-generate documentation from module-, class-, function- and variable-level comments using Pdoc3
Live documentation is updated by a GitHub Action every time the master branch is updated.
To run a local, live html documentation server (see changes to the documentation live):
$ pdoc --http : ./MAPLEAF --template-dir ./Resources/DocTemplate
- then navigate to localhost:[PORT NUMBER HERE (default 8080)]
in a web browser
To generate static html docs
$ pdoc --html --output-dir docs ./MAPLEAF --template-dir ./Resources/DocTemplate
$ sudo apt install graphviz
- (To generate .png files directly):
$ pyreverse -o png -p MAPLEAF ./MAPLEAF
- (To generate editable .dot files):
$ pyreverse -p MAPLEAF ./MAPLEAF
- (To generate .png from .dot):
$ dot -Tpng packages_MAPLEAF.dot -o packages_MAPLEAF.png