Integrates Claude Desktop with the web, Google and Atlassian workspaces.
- Make Claude a team member: Makes Claude an informed member of your organisation by accessing your organization's key knowledge resources.
- Integrate research and knowlege management: Enables your teams to contribute, refine, and maintain your organisation's knowledge resources within Claude - seamlessly integrating research and sharing knowledge.
- Improve efficiency: Automate repetitive workflows such as generating Confluence pages from Google Docs.
- Complete reference documenation on Read the Docs
- Transparent test coverage including unit and E2E tests (reported on Codecov)
- Matrix tested with multiple python versions to ensure compatibility (powered by Nox)
- Compliant with modern linting and formatting standards (powered by Ruff)
- Up-to-date dependencies (monitored by Renovate)
- A-grade code quality in security, maintainability, and reliability with low technical debt and low codesmell (verified by SonarQube)
- 1-liner for installation and execution of command line interface (CLI) via uv(x) or Docker
- Setup for developing inside a devcontainer included (supports VSCode and GitHub Codespaces)
- "Create a page about road cycling, focusing on Canyon bikes, in the personal confluence space of Helmut."
uvx starbridge install
- that's all.
- You are running Mac OS X
- You already have the uv package manager installed
- You already have Claude Desktop for Mac OS X installed
- You don't care for the imaging extra
If you need to first install homebrew and uv - and care for all extras:
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then # Install dependencies for macOS X
if ! command -v brew &> /dev/null; then # Install Homebrew if not present
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install cairo
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu"* ]]; then # Install dependencies for Linux
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install curl libcairo2 -y
if ! command -v uvx &> /dev/null; then # Install uv package manager if not present
curl -LsSf | sh
source $HOME/.local/bin/env
uvx --with "starbridge[imaging]" starbridge install # Install starbridge, including configuration and injection into Claude Desktop App
Starbridge can be run within Docker.
Starbridge implements the MCP Server interface, with Claude acting as an MCP client.
[TODO: Document resources exposed to Claude Desktop]
[TODO: Document prompts exposed to Claude Desktop]
[TODO: Document tools exposed to Claude Desktop]
[TODO: Document CLI commands]