We want to explain how to build software without the magic that most IDEs provide as part of their Run button. Part of that is the tooling necessary to achieve some measure of efficiency in working inside the console or without an IDE in general.
- git
- vim (basics)
- 1 konkrete Toolchain (Durchstich)
Intro 5min (Phil)
- Only an overview. Not going into depth on any of the tools
- IDEs are not evil
- git, vim, ant, cmake
- Control over your environment is important
- remove second guessing yourself
Why Command Line 10min (Nils)
- full control
- transparency
- important to the understanding (what happens when i click build)
- reproducibility
- efficiency
- with custom bash scripts
- Consistency
- shell doesn't really change much over the years
- see opera, firefox, thunderbird, chrome, android, iphone, youtube...
Command line tools 15min (Phil)
- ssh (& sshfs)
- rsync
- tmux
- for long builds
- for letting runs go over night
- history | tail -20
- Build your own shell script
- gdb
- Custom bash scripts
- example build.sh
Vim 15-20min (Nils)
Git 15-20min (Phil)
- Why not use the IDE integration?
- Better understanding
- more control
- Why not use the IDE integration?
PAUSE: 10min
Java Build Tools 10min (Demo Nils, Theorie Phil)
Why are there multiple ones?
- Example Rust
Misc: 5min (Nils)
- C/C++ Build Tools
- Honorable Mentions
- qmake
- autoconf
- etc.
- cmake/makefiles
- unit test runner
- Honorable Mentions
- C/C++ Build Tools
Questions 20-30min
- Demo 4 5.5min
tmux (+ i3?)
zsh completion system
zsh git integration
zsh "file manager" features
Again zsh: Global aliases with -g. This is really neat for grep or youtube-dl for example.
maybe even mention the key shortcuts you can do
Why command line tools? 6 8.2min
- command line power is more comfortably accessable
- scriptable
- Gets rid of "context switching" to CLI
- some people enjoy knowing what's going on behind the scenes
- A lot of CL tools are archaic and seldomly change their standards. Basic command line tools stay relevant for dozens of years and only have to be learnt once
- command line power is more comfortably accessable
vim 12 16.4min
- vim basics
- how to grok vi
- editing language
- what and why are modes?
- split (vert/hor)
- tabs
- how to grok vi
- essential vim plugins (livedemos)
- nerdtree
- comment plugin
- filetype
- mention eclim for java
- vim basics
Git 12 16.4min
- The problem it solves is as complex as git seems to be.
- Other systems aren't better, because you cannot easily solve a complex problem with a simple tool. The degrees of freedom are big
- basics
- tools
- tig
- gitk
- git gui
- gitshell
- zsh (integration)
Shell tools 2 2.7min
- ranger
- shell pdf viewer?
- zsh calc? No idea how good it is.
- There might be a wolfram alpha CLI tool now that I think of it
- history | tail -20 | cut -d " " -f 1
- moar plz?
- htop? Although sandro has already covered that
- parted? Not really a tool for daily use though.
Build Toolchains 24 32.7min
- cmake
- maven
- gradle
- ant
- setuptools (python)
Debugger 6 8.2min
- gdb
- "finestra"
- Java Debugger (jdb)
- gdb