diff --git a/dendron.yml b/dendron.yml
index 3d4b103e7..28e9ab42a 100644
--- a/dendron.yml
+++ b/dendron.yml
@@ -85,7 +85,10 @@ publishing:
enableKatex: true
copyAssets: true
- - root
+ - home
+ - misc
+ - books
+ - projects
writeStubs: false
siteRootDir: docs
diff --git a/notes/daily.journal.2023.10.18.md b/notes/daily.journal.2023.10.18.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 458519ff1..000000000
--- a/notes/daily.journal.2023.10.18.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-id: 01ewl10v2pg4aqjqr2vpjer
-title: '2023-10-18'
-desc: ''
-updated: 1729546521907
-created: 1697641752431
- - journalNote
-published: false
-a job posting mentioned [Chakra](https://chakra-ui.com/)
-## Exercise
diff --git a/notes/daily.journal.2024.01.02.md b/notes/daily.journal.2024.01.02.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 13f5e0694..000000000
--- a/notes/daily.journal.2024.01.02.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-id: tqpe7b1nery8e2bz5enfb54
-title: '2024-01-02'
-desc: ''
-updated: 1704219107080
-created: 1704219063427
- - journalNote
-published: false
-## Exercise
-## LeetCode
-Finished a fun little linked list problem:
diff --git a/notes/home.md b/notes/home.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9829b9d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/home.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+id: 0ieq1m81kni1smx4gmu94rj
+title: Home
+desc: ''
+updated: 1730393792032
+created: 1730393636355
+Hey, my name is Nathan.
+I'm a programmer a Blue Bottle Coffee.
+My day job involves a lot of Typescript and Ruby. I bang on the frontend, the backend, and everything in between. Owing to this, I've had a lot of exposure to just about every part of our stack - from Tailwind & UI components to our [mobile app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/blue-bottle-coffee/id1440573734) to CDK and provisioning/managing AWS resources. To be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love learning - having my fingers in every part of the software pie (frontend, backend, devops, [...]) ensures I've always got something new consider.
+This website is markdown and I use [Dendron](https://www.dendron.so/) to take notes. Not much here (yet) but hopefully that will change. You can look at the source [here](https://github.com/helle253/notes).
diff --git a/notes/media.anime.md b/notes/misc.anime.md
similarity index 100%
rename from notes/media.anime.md
rename to notes/misc.anime.md
diff --git a/notes/projects.software.dendron.md b/notes/projects.software-projects.dendron.md
similarity index 100%
rename from notes/projects.software.dendron.md
rename to notes/projects.software-projects.dendron.md
diff --git a/notes/projects.software.face-scanner.md b/notes/projects.software-projects.face-scanner.md
similarity index 100%
rename from notes/projects.software.face-scanner.md
rename to notes/projects.software-projects.face-scanner.md
diff --git a/notes/projects.software-projects.md b/notes/projects.software-projects.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f55cb3da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/projects.software-projects.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+id: 08xg06wjojvpurfgoehgld1
+title: Software Projects
+desc: ''
+updated: 1730393987129
+created: 1730393978819
+A collection of software projects I've worked on.
diff --git a/notes/projects.software.packmule.md b/notes/projects.software-projects.packmule.md
similarity index 100%
rename from notes/projects.software.packmule.md
rename to notes/projects.software-projects.packmule.md
diff --git a/notes/projects.software.osint-mapping.md b/notes/projects.software.osint-mapping.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 99c9aafbe..000000000
--- a/notes/projects.software.osint-mapping.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-id: nv1e9lajog4b3j1g7bk7bux
-title: OSInt Mapping
-desc: ''
-updated: 1729546448721
-created: 1704308910147
-published: false
-Conversation Log:
-Other Person
-> for a terrain map of ukraine:
-> - integrate acars + marine open source data to form a better picture around vehicle movements
-> - integrate planet labs scans + ability to request new ones to show photographs of key areas
-> - use gpt vision to describe photographs and mark key objects
-> - integrate internet radio recordings, particularly around uk and ru unencrypted transmissions, using whisper+gpt to translate foreign voice to english text
-> - integrate telegram group channels, converting foreign language to text, and surfacing keywords and locations using proper noun recognition
-> basically by using only internet services you can build a pretty-accurate picture of all vehicle and troop movements on both sides and put it on a constantly updated map, then integrate search and embeddings to be able to search for specific things like "blown up buildings" or "tanks" or "minefields"
-> telegram/sm posts from live conflicts often (not always but enough) carry location metadata. ive wondered how often thats spoofed - iirc a case where some idf geopositioning thing was listed as over in… north sinai or something? wish i could remember more.
-> anyways i need to read up on how transformers work and noodle on it. would be nice to be able to show hourly snapshots.
-> back to tbis though, its basically boils down to:
-> 1. ingesting data from disparate sources into text for indexing + ease of use
-> 2. making datapoint indexable (eg tagging images based on subjects in view)
-> 3. where possible tag location data and render on a map of some sort
-> none of these are trivial but they are tractable (i think)
-## Data Sources
-### Acars
-#### Airframes
-It's cool, relies on more than just ads-b. but no stations anywhere near any place of interest
-#### Flightradar
-### Marine Vessel Location Data
-#### [aisstream.io](https://aisstream.io/)
-Tracks more than just location data:
-- Binary Ship To Ship Messages
-- SAR Aircraft Position
-- Accident And Danger Reports
-- Ship Property and Voyage Data
-### Planet Labs
-### Internet Radio Recordings
-### Telegram Group Channels
-### (Unsecured) CCTV cameras
-## Ingestion Tools
-### GPT Vision
-## Mapping/GIS Tools
-I have the most familiarity with Mapbox but it is not a significant familiarity. Seems like it might be useful as it provides good mobile interface support?
-OTOH ArcGIS has direct PG support, which might be handy to explore.
diff --git a/notes/misc.religion.trinity.md b/notes/religion.trinity.md
similarity index 100%
rename from notes/misc.religion.trinity.md
rename to notes/religion.trinity.md
diff --git a/notes/root.md b/notes/root.md
index 371aef4a7..82fd9d7ee 100644
--- a/notes/root.md
+++ b/notes/root.md
@@ -2,14 +2,8 @@
id: vpx7sx5zczxxcbwx8woyd2x
title: Home
desc: ''
-updated: 1687480838665
+updated: 1730394125646
created: 1687369600711
-Hey, my name is Nathan.
-I'm a programmer a Blue Bottle Coffee.
-My day job involves a lot of Typescript and Ruby. I bang on the frontend, the backend, and everything in between. Owing to this, I've had a lot of exposure to just about every part of our stack - from Tailwind & UI components to our [mobile app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/blue-bottle-coffee/id1440573734) to CDK and provisioning/managing AWS resources. To be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love learning - having my fingers in every part of the software pie (frontend, backend, devops, [...]) ensures I've always got something new consider.
-This website is markdown and I use [Dendron](https://www.dendron.so/) to take notes. Not much here (yet) but hopefully that will change. You can look at the source [here](https://github.com/helle253/notes).
+Nothing to see here but us chickens.