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File metadata and controls

53 lines (52 loc) · 5.9 KB

OSQuery Commands

No. Description Command
1 See all tables heading .tables
2 See all columns from schema .schema tablename
3 See system info select * from system_info;
4 See users select username, uid, shell from users;
5 See a process with multi table join select, p.path, as parentname, pp.path as parentpath from processes as p left outer join processes as pp on order by;
6 Check process vulnerabilities select name, pid, path, display_name from services where start_type = 'auto_start' and path not like 'C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k %';
7 See install location for program select name, install_location from programs;
8 See specific installed apps select name, install_location from programs where name like '%brave%';
9 See user directory select uid, username, shell, directory from users;
10 See auto startup select name, path, source, status from startup_items where path not like '%desktop.ini%';
11 See registry data select DATA from registry where key like '(type or copy paste registry location)';
12 See admin level users select users.uid, users.username, shell from user_groups inner join users on user_groups.uid = users.uid where user_groups.gid = 544;
13 See browser extensions select * from chrome_extensions;
14 See browser extension permissions select name, permissions from chrome_extensions;
15 Check threats via shim based id select executable, path, description, sdb_id from appcompat_shims;
16 Check network-based web server problems select name, cwd, parent, pid from processes;
17 Check network-based problems on a specific app select name, cwd, parent, pid from processes where name like '%brave.exe%';
18 Check processes open from remote machine by cmdline select name, cwd, parent, cmdline pid from processes where name like '%brave.exe%' limit 1;
19 See active listening ports select distinct, listening_ports.port, from processes left join listening_ports using (pid);
20 See logged-in users select * from logged_in_users;
21 See system last shutdown event select * from shutdown_events;
22 Check open network connections select * from open_sockets;
23 See installed packages (Linux) select * from packages;
24 See kernel modules (Linux) select * from kernel_modules;
25 See loaded drivers (Windows) select * from drivers;
26 Check scheduled tasks (Windows) select * from scheduled_tasks;
27 See user account policy (Windows) select * from user_account_policy_data;
28 Check last user logon time (Windows) select * from last;
29 Check ARP table (Windows) select * from arp_cache;
30 See DNS cache (Windows) select * from dns_cache;
31 Check process network connections (Windows) select * from process_open_sockets;
32 Check process file hashes (Windows) select * from process_events where action = 'load' and path like '%.exe%';
33 See active users (Windows) select * from logged_in_users;
34 Check USB devices (Windows) select * from usb_devices;
35 Check startup items (Windows) select * from startup_items;
36 Check browser history select * from browser_history;
37 Check running processes (Linux) select * from processes;
38 Check installed software (Windows) select * from programs;
39 Check network interfaces (Linux) select * from interface_addresses;
40 Check active network connections (Linux) select * from socket_events;
41 See running services (Linux) select * from services;
42 See user accounts (Linux) select * from users;
43 Check sudoers file (Linux) select * from sudoers;
44 Check firewall rules (Linux) select * from iptables;
45 See hardware info (Linux) select * from hardware_info;
46 Check startup programs (Linux) select * from startup_items;
47 Check cron jobs (Linux) select * from crontab;
48 Check file hashes (Linux) select * from file_events where category = 'hash' and directory not like '/sys%' and directory not like '/dev%';
49 Check file permissions (Linux) select * from file where path ...