- support MicroHs
- add instance ParseTime DayOfWeek
- make use of %s specifiers in parsing various types
- add Lift instances to all types
- add Generic instances to all types that have exposed constructors
- fix show of CalendarDiffTime
- fix diffGregorianDurationRollOver, diffJulianDurationRollOver
- Parsing is now maximal munch rather than ambiguous for
- digits of %q and %Q specifiers
- optional timezone for UTCTime
- optional specifiers in ISO8601 formats
- add weekFirstDay, weekLastDay, weekAllDays
- expose formatting/parsing internals
- fix: handle +HH format for ISO8601 timeOffsetFormat etc.
- fix clock_REALTIME for WebAssembly
- add DayPeriod class for periods of days
- add QuarterDay pattern and DayOfQuarter type synonym
- add CommonEra and BeforeCommonEra patterns
- support GHC 8.8, 8.10, 9.0 only
- add patterns for each month of year
- fix: don't provide TAI clock where it's unavailable (e.g. FreeBSD)
- fix: handle time of day 24:00:00 for ISO 8601 parsing (only)
- fix parsing of %f and %G with negative years
- fix cabal file
- correct "license" field in cabal file
- add dates to changelog entries
- fix module Safe status
- all modules Safe or Trustworthy
- fix NFData instances for DiffTime, NominalDiffTime, TimeOfDay
- add missing Ix, Enum, NFData instances to DayOfWeek, CalendarDiffDays, CalendarDiffTime, Month, Quarter, QuarterOfYear
- new calendrical type synonyms and abstract constructors
- new Month type, with appropriate functions
- new QuarterOfYear and Quarter type, with appropriate functions
- new functions for working with week-based years
- new parseTimeMultipleM function for a list of (format, input) pairs
- add instance Ord DayOfWeek
- add instance Read DiffTime (and NominalDiffTime)
- change instance Read UTCTime to allow omitted timezone
- parsing dates rejects ambiguity based on digits, even if there's only one valid date
- remove deprecated functions parseTime, readTime, readsTime
- deprecate iso8601DateFormat
- parsing: fix %_Q %-Q %_q %-q
- parsing: fix parsing of BCE years
- formatting: fix %3ES %3Es
- change internal members of ParseTime to allow newtype-deriving
- new functions (aliases) pastMidnight & sinceMidnight
- documentation fixes
- add Data and Typeable instance for CalendarDiffDays and CalendarDiffTime
- "@since" annotations for everything after 1.9
- fix import issue with GHC 8.6
- new functions secondsToNominalDiffTime & nominalDiffTimeToSeconds
- expose FormatTime and ParseTime in Data.Time.Format.Internal
- new conversion functions timeToDaysAndTimeOfDay & daysAndTimeOfDayToTime
- new DayOfWeek type
- new CalendarDiffDays and CalendarDiffTime types
- new ISO8601 module for ISO 8601 formatting & parsing
- new addLocalTime, diffLocalTime
- hide members of FormatTime and ParseTime classes
- formatting & parsing for diff types (NominalDiffTime, DiffTime, CalendarDiffDays, CalendarDiffTime)
- formatting: %Ez and %EZ for ±HH:MM format
- parseTimeM: use MonadFail constraint when supported
- parsing: reject invalid (and empty) time-zones with %z and %Z
- parsing: reject invalid hour/minute/second specifiers
- Fix "show minBound" bug
- haddock: example for parseTimeM
- Add "Quick start" documentation
- Fix behaviour of %Q in format
- Get building on 32 bit machine
- Added SystemTime
- Data.Time.Format: allow padding widths in specifiers for formatting (but not parsing)
- Test: use tasty, general clean-up
- Test: separate out UNIX-specific tests, so the others can be run on Windows
- Clean up haddock.
- Fix bounds issue in .cabal file
- Data.Time.Clock.TAI: change LeapSecondTable to LeapSecondMap with Maybe type; remove parseTAIUTCDATFile
- Get building with earlier GHC versions
- Set lower bound of base correctly
- FormatTime, ParseTime, Show and Read instances for UniversalTime
- diffTimeToPicoseconds
- this change log
- Use clock_gettime where available
- Read and Show instances exported in the same module as their types
- Fixed bug in fromSundayStartWeekValid
- Parsing functions now reject invalid dates
- Various documentation fixes