provide kubernetesNetworkConfig.serviceIpv6Cidr as output attribute of aws_eks_cluster #23308
Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope.
Issues and PRs that pertain to the eks service.
Community Note
Is your request related to a new offering from AWS?
AWS EKS supports IPv6 cluster now. EKS will return a kubernetesNetworkConfig which contains the randomly choosen serviceIpv6Cidr
$ aws eks describe-cluster --name my-ipv6-cluster
"cluster": {
"name": "my-ipv6-cluster",
"arn": "arn:aws:eks:eu-west-1::cluster/my-ipv6-cluster",
"kubernetesNetworkConfig": {
"serviceIpv6Cidr": "fd16:44b2:c6d7::/108",
"ipFamily": "ipv6"
Currently aws_eks_cluster data source only supports service_ipv4_cidr
Is your request related to a problem? Please describe.
unmanaged nodegroups and MNG with custom LT must supply this to the script as a reqwuired inut:
Describe the solution you'd like.
module.eks should provide an output attribute one can use to feed this into bootstrap_extra_args
Describe alternatives you've considered.
locals {
file must exist at least "touch" it ;-)
output_file = "eks-ipv6-svc-cidr.txt"
get EKS IPv6 service CIDR
data source "aws_eks_cluster" does not yet support IPv6, see:
resource "null_resource" "get-ipv6-svc-cidr" {
count = var.enable_ipv6_cluster ? 1 : 0
triggers = { always_run = "${timestamp()}" }
requires a recent AWS v2 CLI version which supports all EKS IPv6 attributes
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "export AWS_REGION=${local.region}; export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=${local.region}; /usr/local/bin/aws eks describe-cluster --name ${module.eks.cluster_id} --query 'cluster.kubernetesNetworkConfig.serviceIpv6Cidr' --output text | tr -d '\n' > ${path.module}/${local.output_file}"
data "local_file" "ipv6-svc-cidr" {
filename = "${path.module}/${local.output_file}"
depends_on = [null_resource.get-ipv6-svc-cidr]
Additional context
Without providing IPv6 CIDR range the will fail. Worker nodes in IPv6 EKS cluster must register with their IPv6 address to have kubelet choose proper communication with API server.
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