import sys import time import os import glob import numpy import pickle import aifc import math from numpy import NaN, Inf, arange, isscalar, array from scipy.fftpack import rfft from scipy.fftpack import fft from scipy.fftpack.realtransforms import dct from scipy.signal import fftconvolve from matplotlib.mlab import find import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import linalg as la import audioTrainTest as aT import audioBasicIO import utilities from scipy.signal import lfilter, hamming #from scikits.talkbox import lpc eps = 0.00000001 """ Time-domain audio features """ def stZCR(frame): """Computes zero crossing rate of frame""" count = len(frame) countZ = numpy.sum(numpy.abs(numpy.diff(numpy.sign(frame)))) / 2 return (numpy.float64(countZ) / numpy.float64(count-1.0)) def stEnergy(frame): """Computes signal energy of frame""" return numpy.sum(frame ** 2) / numpy.float64(len(frame)) def stEnergyEntropy(frame, numOfShortBlocks=10): """Computes entropy of energy""" Eol = numpy.sum(frame ** 2) # total frame energy L = len(frame) subWinLength = int(numpy.floor(L / numOfShortBlocks)) if L != subWinLength * numOfShortBlocks: frame = frame[0:subWinLength * numOfShortBlocks] # subWindows is of size [numOfShortBlocks x L] subWindows = frame.reshape(subWinLength, numOfShortBlocks, order='F').copy() # Compute normalized sub-frame energies: s = numpy.sum(subWindows ** 2, axis=0) / (Eol + eps) # Compute entropy of the normalized sub-frame energies: Entropy = -numpy.sum(s * numpy.log2(s + eps)) return Entropy """ Frequency-domain audio features """ def stSpectralCentroidAndSpread(X, fs): """Computes spectral centroid of frame (given abs(FFT))""" ind = (numpy.arange(1, len(X) + 1)) * (fs/(2.0 * len(X))) Xt = X.copy() Xt = Xt / Xt.max() NUM = numpy.sum(ind * Xt) DEN = numpy.sum(Xt) + eps # Centroid: C = (NUM / DEN) # Spread: S = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(((ind - C) ** 2) * Xt) / DEN) # Normalize: C = C / (fs / 2.0) S = S / (fs / 2.0) return (C, S) def stSpectralEntropy(X, numOfShortBlocks=10): """Computes the spectral entropy""" L = len(X) # number of frame samples Eol = numpy.sum(X ** 2) # total spectral energy subWinLength = int(numpy.floor(L / numOfShortBlocks)) # length of sub-frame if L != subWinLength * numOfShortBlocks: X = X[0:subWinLength * numOfShortBlocks] subWindows = X.reshape(subWinLength, numOfShortBlocks, order='F').copy() # define sub-frames (using matrix reshape) s = numpy.sum(subWindows ** 2, axis=0) / (Eol + eps) # compute spectral sub-energies En = -numpy.sum(s*numpy.log2(s + eps)) # compute spectral entropy return En def stSpectralFlux(X, Xprev): """ Computes the spectral flux feature of the current frame ARGUMENTS: X: the abs(fft) of the current frame Xpre: the abs(fft) of the previous frame """ # compute the spectral flux as the sum of square distances: sumX = numpy.sum(X + eps) sumPrevX = numpy.sum(Xprev + eps) F = numpy.sum((X / sumX - Xprev/sumPrevX) ** 2) return F def stSpectralRollOff(X, c, fs): """Computes spectral roll-off""" totalEnergy = numpy.sum(X ** 2) fftLength = len(X) Thres = c*totalEnergy # Ffind the spectral rolloff as the frequency position where the respective spectral energy is equal to c*totalEnergy CumSum = numpy.cumsum(X ** 2) + eps [a, ] = numpy.nonzero(CumSum > Thres) if len(a) > 0: mC = numpy.float64(a[0]) / (float(fftLength)) else: mC = 0.0 return (mC) def stHarmonic(frame, fs): """ Computes harmonic ratio and pitch """ M = numpy.round(0.016 * fs) - 1 R = numpy.correlate(frame, frame, mode='full') g = R[len(frame)-1] R = R[len(frame):-1] # estimate m0 (as the first zero crossing of R) [a, ] = numpy.nonzero(numpy.diff(numpy.sign(R))) if len(a) == 0: m0 = len(R)-1 else: m0 = a[0] if M > len(R): M = len(R) - 1 Gamma = numpy.zeros((M), dtype=numpy.float64) CSum = numpy.cumsum(frame ** 2) Gamma[m0:M] = R[m0:M] / (numpy.sqrt((g * CSum[M:m0:-1])) + eps) ZCR = stZCR(Gamma) if ZCR > 0.15: HR = 0.0 f0 = 0.0 else: if len(Gamma) == 0: HR = 1.0 blag = 0.0 Gamma = numpy.zeros((M), dtype=numpy.float64) else: HR = numpy.max(Gamma) blag = numpy.argmax(Gamma) # Get fundamental frequency: f0 = fs / (blag + eps) if f0 > 5000: f0 = 0.0 if HR < 0.1: f0 = 0.0 return (HR, f0) def mfccInitFilterBanks(fs, nfft): """ Computes the triangular filterbank for MFCC computation (used in the stFeatureExtraction function before the stMFCC function call) This function is taken from the scikits.talkbox library (MIT Licence): """ # filter bank params: lowfreq = 133.33 linsc = 200/3. logsc = 1.0711703 numLinFiltTotal = 13 numLogFilt = 27 if fs < 8000: nlogfil = 5 # Total number of filters nFiltTotal = numLinFiltTotal + numLogFilt # Compute frequency points of the triangle: freqs = numpy.zeros(nFiltTotal+2) freqs[:numLinFiltTotal] = lowfreq + numpy.arange(numLinFiltTotal) * linsc freqs[numLinFiltTotal:] = freqs[numLinFiltTotal-1] * logsc ** numpy.arange(1, numLogFilt + 3) heights = 2./(freqs[2:] - freqs[0:-2]) # Compute filterbank coeff (in fft domain, in bins) fbank = numpy.zeros((nFiltTotal, nfft)) nfreqs = numpy.arange(nfft) / (1. * nfft) * fs for i in range(nFiltTotal): lowTrFreq = freqs[i] cenTrFreq = freqs[i+1] highTrFreq = freqs[i+2] lid = numpy.arange(numpy.floor(lowTrFreq * nfft / fs) + 1, numpy.floor(cenTrFreq * nfft / fs) + 1, lslope = heights[i] / (cenTrFreq - lowTrFreq) rid = numpy.arange(numpy.floor(cenTrFreq * nfft / fs) + 1, numpy.floor(highTrFreq * nfft / fs) + 1, rslope = heights[i] / (highTrFreq - cenTrFreq) fbank[i][lid] = lslope * (nfreqs[lid] - lowTrFreq) fbank[i][rid] = rslope * (highTrFreq - nfreqs[rid]) return fbank, freqs def stMFCC(X, fbank, nceps): """ Computes the MFCCs of a frame, given the fft mag ARGUMENTS: X: fft magnitude abs(FFT) fbank: filter bank (see mfccInitFilterBanks) RETURN ceps: MFCCs (13 element vector) Note: MFCC calculation is, in general, taken from the scikits.talkbox library (MIT Licence), # with a small number of modifications to make it more compact and suitable for the pyAudioAnalysis Lib """ mspec = numpy.log10(, fbank.T)+eps) ceps = dct(mspec, type=2, norm='ortho', axis=-1)[:nceps] return ceps def stChromaFeaturesInit(nfft, fs): """ This function initializes the chroma matrices used in the calculation of the chroma features """ freqs = numpy.array([((f + 1) * fs) / (2 * nfft) for f in range(int(nfft))]) Cp = 27.50 nChroma = numpy.round(12.0 * numpy.log2(freqs / Cp)).astype(int) nFreqsPerChroma = numpy.zeros((nChroma.shape[0], )) uChroma = numpy.unique(nChroma) for u in uChroma: idx = numpy.nonzero(nChroma == u) nFreqsPerChroma[idx] = idx[0].shape return nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma def stChromaFeatures(X, fs, nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma): #TODO: 1 complexity #TODO: 2 bug with large windows chromaNames = ['A', 'A#', 'B', 'C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#'] spec = X**2 if nChroma.max()<nChroma.shape[0]: C = numpy.zeros((nChroma.shape[0],)) C[nChroma] = spec C /= nFreqsPerChroma[nChroma] else: I = numpy.nonzero(nChroma>nChroma.shape[0])[0][0] C = numpy.zeros((nChroma.shape[0],)) C[nChroma[0:I-1]] = spec C /= nFreqsPerChroma finalC = numpy.zeros((12, 1)) newD = int(numpy.ceil(C.shape[0] / 12.0) * 12) C2 = numpy.zeros((newD, )) C2[0:C.shape[0]] = C C2 = C2.reshape(C2.shape[0]/12, 12) #for i in range(12): # finalC[i] = numpy.sum(C[i:C.shape[0]:12]) finalC = numpy.matrix(numpy.sum(C2, axis=0)).T finalC /= spec.sum() # ax = plt.gca() # plt.hold(False) # plt.plot(finalC) # ax.set_xticks(range(len(chromaNames))) # ax.set_xticklabels(chromaNames) # xaxis = numpy.arange(0, 0.02, 0.01); # ax.set_yticks(range(len(xaxis))) # ax.set_yticklabels(xaxis) # # plt.draw() return chromaNames, finalC def stChromagram(signal, Fs, Win, Step, PLOT=False): """ Short-term FFT mag for spectogram estimation: Returns: a numpy array (nFFT x numOfShortTermWindows) ARGUMENTS: signal: the input signal samples Fs: the sampling freq (in Hz) Win: the short-term window size (in samples) Step: the short-term window step (in samples) PLOT: flag, 1 if results are to be ploted RETURNS: """ Win = int(Win) Step = int(Step) signal = numpy.double(signal) signal = signal / (2.0 ** 15) DC = signal.mean() MAX = (numpy.abs(signal)).max() signal = (signal - DC) / (MAX - DC) N = len(signal) # total number of signals curPos = 0 countFrames = 0 nfft = int(Win / 2) nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma = stChromaFeaturesInit(nfft, Fs) chromaGram = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.float64) while (curPos + Win - 1 < N): countFrames += 1 x = signal[curPos:curPos + Win] curPos = curPos + Step X = abs(fft(x)) X = X[0:nfft] X = X / len(X) chromaNames, C = stChromaFeatures(X, Fs, nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma) C = C[:, 0] if countFrames == 1: chromaGram = C.T else: chromaGram = numpy.vstack((chromaGram, C.T)) FreqAxis = chromaNames TimeAxis = [(t * Step) / Fs for t in range(chromaGram.shape[0])] if (PLOT): fig, ax = plt.subplots() chromaGramToPlot = chromaGram.transpose()[::-1, :] Ratio = chromaGramToPlot.shape[1] / (3*chromaGramToPlot.shape[0]) if Ratio < 1: Ratio = 1 chromaGramToPlot = numpy.repeat(chromaGramToPlot, Ratio, axis=0) imgplot = plt.imshow(chromaGramToPlot) Fstep = int(nfft / 5.0) # FreqTicks = range(0, int(nfft) + Fstep, Fstep) # FreqTicksLabels = [str(Fs/2-int((f*Fs) / (2*nfft))) for f in FreqTicks] ax.set_yticks(list(range(int(Ratio / 2), int(len(FreqAxis) * Ratio), int(Ratio)))) ax.set_yticklabels(FreqAxis[::-1]) TStep = countFrames / 3 TimeTicks = list(range(0, countFrames, int(TStep))) TimeTicksLabels = ['%.2f' % (float(t * Step) / Fs) for t in TimeTicks] ax.set_xticks(TimeTicks) ax.set_xticklabels(TimeTicksLabels) ax.set_xlabel('time (secs)') imgplot.set_cmap('jet') plt.colorbar() return (chromaGram, TimeAxis, FreqAxis) def phormants(x, Fs): N = len(x) w = numpy.hamming(N) # Apply window and high pass filter. x1 = x * w x1 = lfilter([1], [1., 0.63], x1) # Get LPC. ncoeff = 2 + Fs / 1000 A, e, k = lpc(x1, ncoeff) #A, e, k = lpc(x1, 8) # Get roots. rts = numpy.roots(A) rts = [r for r in rts if numpy.imag(r) >= 0] # Get angles. angz = numpy.arctan2(numpy.imag(rts), numpy.real(rts)) # Get frequencies. frqs = sorted(angz * (Fs / (2 * math.pi))) return frqs def beatExtraction(stFeatures, winSize, PLOT=False): """ This function extracts an estimate of the beat rate for a musical signal. ARGUMENTS: - stFeatures: a numpy array (numOfFeatures x numOfShortTermWindows) - winSize: window size in seconds RETURNS: - BPM: estimates of beats per minute - Ratio: a confidence measure """ # Features that are related to the beat tracking task: toWatch = [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] maxBeatTime = int(round(2.0 / winSize)) HistAll = numpy.zeros((maxBeatTime,)) for ii, i in enumerate(toWatch): # for each feature DifThres = 2.0 * (numpy.abs(stFeatures[i, 0:-1] - stFeatures[i, 1::])).mean() # dif threshold (3 x Mean of Difs) [pos1, _] = utilities.peakdet(stFeatures[i, :], DifThres) # detect local maxima posDifs = [] # compute histograms of local maxima changes for j in range(len(pos1)-1): posDifs.append(pos1[j+1]-pos1[j]) [HistTimes, HistEdges] = numpy.histogram(posDifs, numpy.arange(0.5, maxBeatTime + 1.5)) HistCenters = (HistEdges[0:-1] + HistEdges[1::]) / 2.0 HistTimes = HistTimes.astype(float) / stFeatures.shape[1] HistAll += HistTimes if PLOT: plt.subplot(9, 2, ii + 1) plt.plot(stFeatures[i, :], 'k') for k in pos1: plt.plot(k, stFeatures[i, k], 'k*') f1 = plt.gca() f1.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) f1.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) if PLOT: plt.figure() # Get beat as the argmax of the agregated histogram: I = numpy.argmax(HistAll) BPMs = 60 / (HistCenters * winSize) BPM = BPMs[I] # ... and the beat ratio: Ratio = HistAll[I] / HistAll.sum() if PLOT: # filter out >500 beats from plotting: HistAll = HistAll[BPMs < 500] BPMs = BPMs[BPMs < 500] plt.plot(BPMs, HistAll, 'k') plt.xlabel('Beats per minute') plt.ylabel('Freq Count') return BPM, Ratio def stSpectogram(signal, Fs, Win, Step, PLOT=False): """ Short-term FFT mag for spectogram estimation: Returns: a numpy array (nFFT x numOfShortTermWindows) ARGUMENTS: signal: the input signal samples Fs: the sampling freq (in Hz) Win: the short-term window size (in samples) Step: the short-term window step (in samples) PLOT: flag, 1 if results are to be ploted RETURNS: """ Win = int(Win) Step = int(Step) signal = numpy.double(signal) signal = signal / (2.0 ** 15) DC = signal.mean() MAX = (numpy.abs(signal)).max() signal = (signal - DC) / (MAX - DC) N = len(signal) # total number of signals curPos = 0 countFrames = 0 nfft = int(Win / 2) specgram = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.float64) while (curPos + Win - 1 < N): countFrames += 1 x = signal[curPos:curPos+Win] curPos = curPos + Step X = abs(fft(x)) X = X[0:nfft] X = X / len(X) if countFrames == 1: specgram = X ** 2 else: specgram = numpy.vstack((specgram, X)) FreqAxis = [((f + 1) * Fs) / (2 * nfft) for f in range(specgram.shape[1])] TimeAxis = [(t * Step) / Fs for t in range(specgram.shape[0])] if (PLOT): fig, ax = plt.subplots() imgplot = plt.imshow(specgram.transpose()[::-1, :]) Fstep = int(nfft / 5.0) FreqTicks = list(range(0, int(nfft) + Fstep, Fstep)) FreqTicksLabels = [str(Fs / 2 - int((f * Fs) / (2 * nfft))) for f in FreqTicks] ax.set_yticks(FreqTicks) ax.set_yticklabels(FreqTicksLabels) TStep = countFrames/3 TimeTicks = list(range(0, countFrames, int(TStep))) TimeTicksLabels = ['%.2f' % (float(t * Step) / Fs) for t in TimeTicks] ax.set_xticks(TimeTicks) ax.set_xticklabels(TimeTicksLabels) ax.set_xlabel('time (secs)') ax.set_ylabel('freq (Hz)') imgplot.set_cmap('jet') plt.colorbar() return (specgram, TimeAxis, FreqAxis) """ Windowing and feature extraction """ def stFeatureExtraction(signal, Fs, Win, Step): """ This function implements the shor-term windowing process. For each short-term window a set of features is extracted. This results to a sequence of feature vectors, stored in a numpy matrix. ARGUMENTS signal: the input signal samples Fs: the sampling freq (in Hz) Win: the short-term window size (in samples) Step: the short-term window step (in samples) RETURNS stFeatures: a numpy array (numOfFeatures x numOfShortTermWindows) """ Win = int(Win) Step = int(Step) # Signal normalization signal = numpy.double(signal) signal = signal / (2.0 ** 15) DC = signal.mean() MAX = (numpy.abs(signal)).max() signal = (signal - DC) / MAX N = len(signal) # total number of samples curPos = 0 countFrames = 0 nFFT = Win / 2 [fbank, freqs] = mfccInitFilterBanks(Fs, nFFT) # compute the triangular filter banks used in the mfcc calculation nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma = stChromaFeaturesInit(nFFT, Fs) numOfTimeSpectralFeatures = 8 numOfHarmonicFeatures = 0 nceps = 13 numOfChromaFeatures = 13 totalNumOfFeatures = numOfTimeSpectralFeatures + nceps + numOfHarmonicFeatures + numOfChromaFeatures # totalNumOfFeatures = numOfTimeSpectralFeatures + nceps + numOfHarmonicFeatures stFeatures = [] while (curPos + Win - 1 < N): # for each short-term window until the end of signal countFrames += 1 x = signal[curPos:curPos+Win] # get current window curPos = curPos + Step # update window position X = abs(fft(x)) # get fft magnitude X = X[0:nFFT] # normalize fft X = X / len(X) if countFrames == 1: Xprev = X.copy() # keep previous fft mag (used in spectral flux) curFV = numpy.zeros((totalNumOfFeatures, 1)) curFV[0] = stZCR(x) # zero crossing rate curFV[1] = stEnergy(x) # short-term energy curFV[2] = stEnergyEntropy(x) # short-term entropy of energy [curFV[3], curFV[4]] = stSpectralCentroidAndSpread(X, Fs) # spectral centroid and spread curFV[5] = stSpectralEntropy(X) # spectral entropy curFV[6] = stSpectralFlux(X, Xprev) # spectral flux curFV[7] = stSpectralRollOff(X, 0.90, Fs) # spectral rolloff curFV[numOfTimeSpectralFeatures:numOfTimeSpectralFeatures+nceps, 0] = stMFCC(X, fbank, nceps).copy() # MFCCs chromaNames, chromaF = stChromaFeatures(X, Fs, nChroma, nFreqsPerChroma) curFV[numOfTimeSpectralFeatures + nceps: numOfTimeSpectralFeatures + nceps + numOfChromaFeatures - 1] = chromaF curFV[numOfTimeSpectralFeatures + nceps + numOfChromaFeatures - 1] = chromaF.std() stFeatures.append(curFV) # delta features ''' if countFrames>1: delta = curFV - prevFV curFVFinal = numpy.concatenate((curFV, delta)) else: curFVFinal = numpy.concatenate((curFV, curFV)) prevFV = curFV stFeatures.append(curFVFinal) ''' # end of delta Xprev = X.copy() stFeatures = numpy.concatenate(stFeatures, 1) return stFeatures def mtFeatureExtraction(signal, Fs, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep): """ Mid-term feature extraction """ mtWinRatio = int(round(mtWin / stStep)) mtStepRatio = int(round(mtStep / stStep)) mtFeatures = [] stFeatures = stFeatureExtraction(signal, Fs, stWin, stStep) numOfFeatures = len(stFeatures) numOfStatistics = 2 mtFeatures = [] #for i in range(numOfStatistics * numOfFeatures + 1): for i in range(numOfStatistics * numOfFeatures): mtFeatures.append([]) for i in range(numOfFeatures): # for each of the short-term features: curPos = 0 N = len(stFeatures[i]) while (curPos < N): N1 = curPos N2 = curPos + mtWinRatio if N2 > N: N2 = N curStFeatures = stFeatures[i][N1:N2] mtFeatures[i].append(numpy.mean(curStFeatures)) mtFeatures[i+numOfFeatures].append(numpy.std(curStFeatures)) #mtFeatures[i+2*numOfFeatures].append(numpy.std(curStFeatures) / (numpy.mean(curStFeatures)+0.00000010)) curPos += mtStepRatio return numpy.array(mtFeatures), stFeatures # TODO def stFeatureSpeed(signal, Fs, Win, Step): signal = numpy.double(signal) signal = signal / (2.0 ** 15) DC = signal.mean() MAX = (numpy.abs(signal)).max() signal = (signal - DC) / MAX # print (numpy.abs(signal)).max() N = len(signal) # total number of signals curPos = 0 countFrames = 0 lowfreq = 133.33 linsc = 200/3. logsc = 1.0711703 nlinfil = 13 nlogfil = 27 nceps = 13 nfil = nlinfil + nlogfil nfft = Win / 2 if Fs < 8000: nlogfil = 5 nfil = nlinfil + nlogfil nfft = Win / 2 # compute filter banks for mfcc: [fbank, freqs] = mfccInitFilterBanks(Fs, nfft, lowfreq, linsc, logsc, nlinfil, nlogfil) numOfTimeSpectralFeatures = 8 numOfHarmonicFeatures = 1 totalNumOfFeatures = numOfTimeSpectralFeatures + nceps + numOfHarmonicFeatures #stFeatures = numpy.array([], dtype=numpy.float64) stFeatures = [] while (curPos + Win - 1 < N): countFrames += 1 x = signal[curPos:curPos + Win] curPos = curPos + Step X = abs(fft(x)) X = X[0:nfft] X = X / len(X) Ex = 0.0 El = 0.0 X[0:4] = 0 # M = numpy.round(0.016 * fs) - 1 # R = numpy.correlate(frame, frame, mode='full') stFeatures.append(stHarmonic(x, Fs)) # for i in range(len(X)): #if (i < (len(X) / 8)) and (i > (len(X)/40)): # Ex += X[i]*X[i] #El += X[i]*X[i] # stFeatures.append(Ex / El) # stFeatures.append(numpy.argmax(X)) # if curFV[numOfTimeSpectralFeatures+nceps+1]>0: # print curFV[numOfTimeSpectralFeatures+nceps], curFV[numOfTimeSpectralFeatures+nceps+1] return numpy.array(stFeatures) """ Feature Extraction Wrappers - The first two feature extraction wrappers are used to extract long-term averaged audio features for a list of WAV files stored in a given category. It is important to note that, one single feature is extracted per WAV file (not the whole sequence of feature vectors) """ def dirWavFeatureExtraction(dirName, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep, computeBEAT=False): """ This function extracts the mid-term features of the WAVE files of a particular folder. The resulting feature vector is extracted by long-term averaging the mid-term features. Therefore ONE FEATURE VECTOR is extracted for each WAV file. ARGUMENTS: - dirName: the path of the WAVE directory - mtWin, mtStep: mid-term window and step (in seconds) - stWin, stStep: short-term window and step (in seconds) """ allMtFeatures = numpy.array([]) processingTimes = [] types = ('*.wav', '*.aif', '*.aiff', '*.mp3','*.au') wavFilesList = [] for files in types: wavFilesList.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(dirName, files))) wavFilesList = sorted(wavFilesList) for i, wavFile in enumerate(wavFilesList): print("Analyzing file {0:d} of {1:d}: {2:s}".format(i+1, len(wavFilesList), wavFile.encode('utf-8'))) if os.stat(wavFile).st_size == 0: print(" (EMPTY FILE -- SKIPPING)") continue [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile(wavFile) # read file t1 = time.clock() x = audioBasicIO.stereo2mono(x) # convert stereo to mono if x.shape[0]<float(Fs)/10: print(" (AUDIO FILE TOO SMALL - SKIPPING)") continue if computeBEAT: # mid-term feature extraction for current file [MidTermFeatures, stFeatures] = mtFeatureExtraction(x, Fs, round(mtWin * Fs), round(mtStep * Fs), round(Fs * stWin), round(Fs * stStep)) [beat, beatConf] = beatExtraction(stFeatures, stStep) else: [MidTermFeatures, _] = mtFeatureExtraction(x, Fs, round(mtWin * Fs), round(mtStep * Fs), round(Fs * stWin), round(Fs * stStep)) MidTermFeatures = numpy.transpose(MidTermFeatures) MidTermFeatures = MidTermFeatures.mean(axis=0) # long term averaging of mid-term statistics if computeBEAT: MidTermFeatures = numpy.append(MidTermFeatures, beat) MidTermFeatures = numpy.append(MidTermFeatures, beatConf) if len(allMtFeatures) == 0: # append feature vector allMtFeatures = MidTermFeatures else: allMtFeatures = numpy.vstack((allMtFeatures, MidTermFeatures)) t2 = time.clock() duration = float(len(x)) / Fs processingTimes.append((t2 - t1) / duration) if len(processingTimes) > 0: print("Feature extraction complexity ratio: {0:.1f} x realtime".format((1.0 / numpy.mean(numpy.array(processingTimes))))) return (allMtFeatures, wavFilesList) def dirsWavFeatureExtraction(dirNames, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep, computeBEAT=False): ''' Same as dirWavFeatureExtraction, but instead of a single dir it takes a list of paths as input and returns a list of feature matrices. EXAMPLE: [features, classNames] = a.dirsWavFeatureExtraction(['audioData/classSegmentsRec/noise','audioData/classSegmentsRec/speech', 'audioData/classSegmentsRec/brush-teeth','audioData/classSegmentsRec/shower'], 1, 1, 0.02, 0.02); It can be used during the training process of a classification model , in order to get feature matrices from various audio classes (each stored in a seperate path) ''' # feature extraction for each class: features = [] classNames = [] fileNames = [] for i, d in enumerate(dirNames): [f, fn] = dirWavFeatureExtraction(d, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep, computeBEAT=computeBEAT) if f.shape[0] > 0: # if at least one audio file has been found in the provided folder: features.append(f) fileNames.append(fn) if d[-1] == "/": classNames.append(d.split(os.sep)[-2]) else: classNames.append(d.split(os.sep)[-1]) return features, classNames, fileNames def dirWavFeatureExtractionNoAveraging(dirName, mtWin, mtStep, stWin, stStep): """ This function extracts the mid-term features of the WAVE files of a particular folder without averaging each file. ARGUMENTS: - dirName: the path of the WAVE directory - mtWin, mtStep: mid-term window and step (in seconds) - stWin, stStep: short-term window and step (in seconds) RETURNS: - X: A feature matrix - Y: A matrix of file labels - filenames: """ allMtFeatures = numpy.array([]) signalIndices = numpy.array([]) processingTimes = [] types = ('*.wav', '*.aif', '*.aiff') wavFilesList = [] for files in types: wavFilesList.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(dirName, files))) wavFilesList = sorted(wavFilesList) for i, wavFile in enumerate(wavFilesList): [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile(wavFile) # read file x = audioBasicIO.stereo2mono(x) # convert stereo to mono [MidTermFeatures, _] = mtFeatureExtraction(x, Fs, round(mtWin * Fs), round(mtStep * Fs), round(Fs * stWin), round(Fs * stStep)) # mid-term feature MidTermFeatures = numpy.transpose(MidTermFeatures) # MidTermFeatures = MidTermFeatures.mean(axis=0) # long term averaging of mid-term statistics if len(allMtFeatures) == 0: # append feature vector allMtFeatures = MidTermFeatures signalIndices = numpy.zeros((MidTermFeatures.shape[0], )) else: allMtFeatures = numpy.vstack((allMtFeatures, MidTermFeatures)) signalIndices = numpy.append(signalIndices, i * numpy.ones((MidTermFeatures.shape[0], ))) return (allMtFeatures, signalIndices, wavFilesList) # The following two feature extraction wrappers extract features for given audio files, however # NO LONG-TERM AVERAGING is performed. Therefore, the output for each audio file is NOT A SINGLE FEATURE VECTOR # but a whole feature matrix. # # Also, another difference between the following two wrappers and the previous is that they NO LONG-TERM AVERAGING IS PERFORMED. # In other words, the WAV files in these functions are not used as uniform samples that need to be averaged but as sequences def mtFeatureExtractionToFile(fileName, midTermSize, midTermStep, shortTermSize, shortTermStep, outPutFile, storeStFeatures=False, storeToCSV=False, PLOT=False): """ This function is used as a wrapper to: a) read the content of a WAV file b) perform mid-term feature extraction on that signal c) write the mid-term feature sequences to a numpy file """ [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile(fileName) # read the wav file x = audioBasicIO.stereo2mono(x) # convert to MONO if required if storeStFeatures: [mtF, stF] = mtFeatureExtraction(x, Fs, round(Fs * midTermSize), round(Fs * midTermStep), round(Fs * shortTermSize), round(Fs * shortTermStep)) else: [mtF, _] = mtFeatureExtraction(x, Fs, round(Fs*midTermSize), round(Fs * midTermStep), round(Fs * shortTermSize), round(Fs * shortTermStep)), mtF) # save mt features to numpy file if PLOT: print("Mid-term numpy file: " + outPutFile + ".npy saved") if storeToCSV: numpy.savetxt(outPutFile+".csv", mtF.T, delimiter=",") if PLOT: print("Mid-term CSV file: " + outPutFile + ".csv saved") if storeStFeatures:"_st", stF) # save st features to numpy file if PLOT: print("Short-term numpy file: " + outPutFile + "_st.npy saved") if storeToCSV: numpy.savetxt(outPutFile+"_st.csv", stF.T, delimiter=",") # store st features to CSV file if PLOT: print("Short-term CSV file: " + outPutFile + "_st.csv saved") def mtFeatureExtractionToFileDir(dirName, midTermSize, midTermStep, shortTermSize, shortTermStep, storeStFeatures=False, storeToCSV=False, PLOT=False): types = (dirName + os.sep + '*.wav', ) filesToProcess = [] for files in types: filesToProcess.extend(glob.glob(files)) for f in filesToProcess: outPath = f mtFeatureExtractionToFile(f, midTermSize, midTermStep, shortTermSize, shortTermStep, outPath, storeStFeatures, storeToCSV, PLOT)