Connecting localhost of different workstations using fast-reverse-proxy! (IPv6 Stack)
- Projecting and playing your favourite lan game over internet (like Hamachi!).
- Exposing local webserver/deployment for testing and showcasing your work.
- Making IPv4 only application use IPv6 only network to make end-to-end client-client connections.
- Many more..
Schematic of the process involved, notice how everything is done through frpc, henceforth it can be said that project orion is just a configuration manager to run fast-reverse-proxy in very limited but user friendly way.
APIs (expose, connect) are used with neccesary arguments to expose and connect two workstations in a way that brings the services to their localhost, Project-Orion just simplifies this process of managing different aspects and writing configuration files on your own.
Connecting localhost of different workstations using fast-reverse-proxy! (IPv6 Stack)
Needs Python3+ for running scripts.
- clone this repository, install requirements and cd to /sirius
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- run to download neccesary files for running this project.
- run to see for all options!
Honestly speaking, project-orion was made to support these projects, this was not supposed to be a standalone kind of stuff!
- TIntranet (for EACCESS) - here
- TLocalJitsi (link soon)
Uses fast-reverse-proxy made by @fatedier, link of project is here