This is a simple board to be able to
- Generate 4 0-10V analog output to drive industrial devices
- 2 0-10V analog input (unprotected)
- A RS485 Driver (use RX/TX of Arduino)
- 2 I2C Oled connector (Adafruit or Tindie Oled)
- 1 Rotary Encoder
- 1 WS2812B RGB Led
This is a proto board, I've just ordered one on OSHPark, will put
more details once received and tested This shield has been fully tested and it's working fine on all features.
The only problem was my bad datasheet reading, the DAC7565 output from the chip are not 0V 5V as I expected but 0V 2.5V (internal VREF) So as I multiply ouput per 2, the output for these 4 outputs are 0V-5V not 0V-10V, you can change the multiplier by changing resitor R2/R4/R6/R8 from 10K to 30K.
Also TL072 are not working well with single rail supply for PWM to DAC conversion at low level (says from 0V to 1V), I replaced them
by LM358 (same package) but more suited for single rail supply.
I wrote an Arduino Library to drive the DAC7565 here
Check out news and other projects on my blog
Everything will be documented on my blog