Optimize the partial sum guessing order
pso.py [-h] [-s [STEPS]] tweakey_setting final_round start_round tweakey_cell balanced_cell input_active scale
tweakey_setting: Specify version of Skinny used
final_round: Final round of the key recovery
start_round: Start round of the key recovery
tweakey_cell: Specify which tweakey cell is controlled by the attacker
balanced_cell: Specify the balanced cell from the output of the distinguisher
input_active: Specify how many cell are active at the input of the distinguisher
scale: Scale the time complexity, must be used since many solver only support limited data types
s [STEPS], --steps [STEPS] Specify the maximum number of steps, default are the involved subtweakey cells
python pso.py 1 18 15 5 4 9 32
Visualize the partial sum recovery steps
psvisu.py [-h] [-c] [-s] [-n] [-m] [-p] input [input ...]
-c, --color Use different color for every step
-s, --steps Visualize each step individually
-n, --step-number Put the step number in each cell except the stk
-m, --memory Mark which states have to be stored in memory
-p, --pdf Run latex and output pdf
input: json file with key guess order (output of autopsy2)
python psvisu.py 1_18_15_5_4_9.json -n -p
python psvisu.py 1_18_15_5_4_9.json -s -m -p
Partial Sum Key Recovery Visualization stored in 3_25_17_14_1_4.pdf
Compiling the file requires the various cipher *.sty
files in the top-level directory. If using latexmk
to compile, this path is included automatically by the .latexmkrc
file; otherwise, please copy to the same directory as the tex file.