This is a port of the original scalakoansexercises project to scala 2.11 and scalatest 3.
###Definition of koan a paradox to be meditated upon that is used to train Zen Buddhist monks to abandon ultimate dependence on reason and to force them into gaining sudden intuitive enlightenment
From within your sbt console, run:
> ;reload ;update ;clean ;compile
> ~ ;compile ;testOnly org.functionalkoans.forscala.Koans
This will make sbt continuously monitor file changes and compile and test your code when it detects any file changes. When a test is pending or fails, a message will be printed to the console, stating which suite and test needs attention and stop right there. As soon as you fix a test, it will pass and the next test will be checked. For each test fixed in this way, the suites will progress until you pass all exercises.