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Cookbook - Deploy SteelConnect EX FlexVNF Image in Azure Locations


After having deployed a SteelConnect-EX Headend in Azure, following a cookbook like SteelConnect-EX Standalone Headend in Azure, you will probably need to deploy some SteelConnect-EX FlexVNF appliances in the VNET of multiple Azure Locations.

This cookbook allows to deploy the SteelConnect-EX FlexVNF image automating the creation of some Azure Image resource in other Azure Locations.


This cookbook requires URI with a SAS Token.

You might already have the VHD in one of your storage account (for example if you have used the Deploy Headend Cookbook), here is how to get the URI and generate a SAS Token

Tasks Description
1. Browse the Storage Account and the Blob Container that contain the .vhd of SteelConnect EX FlexVNF appliance
  • Resource Group name: Riverbed-Images
  • Container name: images
2. Select the vhd and copy the URL
  • URL: http
3. Generate a temporary Shared Access Signature for this Storage Account/Container. Hit Generate SAS and connection string button
  • Allowed services: Blob
  • End date: few days


Deploy using a script

1. Open a PowerShell Console

A PowerShell console having Az module and azcopy is required, like the Azure Cloud Shell.

Azure Cloud Shell can be launch from the Azure Portal, or connecting to, or by clicking Embed launch

2. Get Riverbed Community Toolkit sources

The following PowerShell downloads the latest sources from Riverbed Community Toolkit git repository on GitHub.

# Get a local copy of the Riverbed Community Toolkit scripts from Github
git clone

#  Initialization script
Set-Location ./Riverbed-Community-Toolkit/
Set-Location SteelConnect/Azure-DeployImageInLocations

3. Connect Azure context

The PowerShell script below allows to check and set the Azure context.

# Check the Azure context, i.e check if subscription and tenant id are correct

# uncomment the line below if not already connected to Azure.
# Connect-AzAccount

# uncomment the line below and replace {your subscription name} if you need to select a different subscription
# Set-AzContext -SubscriptionName "{your subscription name}"

4. Fill parameters and run the script

The script New-ImageFromVhdUri requires the following parameters:

Parameters Description Example
DestinationLocations comma separated list of Azure Location or "ALL" for all Azure Locations westeurope,francecentral,koreacentral or ALL
DestinationVhdFileName filename of the vhd to be copied in each Location. Can be the same name as in the source. steelconnect-ex-flexvnf-20.2.vhd
DestinationImageBaseName will be use to create Azure Image resource. The name will be {ImageBaseName}-{Location} steelconnect-ex-20.2
SourceVhdUri url of the vhd file in the Storage Account ""
SourceSASToken a valid SAS token generated on the Storage Account to grant read access to the vhd Blob "?sv=2019-10-10&ss=b&srt=co&sp=rwdlacx&se=2020-07-22T05:51:31Z&st=2020-07-21T21:51:31Z&spr=https&sig=JAFoNef"

For example the following script will deploy the images in the resource group Riverbed-Images

./New-ImageFromVhdUri.ps1 -ResourceGroupName "Riverbed-Images" -Location "westeurope" `
    -DestinationLocations westeurope,francecentral,koreacentral,westus,southeastasia `
    -DestinationVhdFileName "steelconnect-ex-flexvnf-20.2-bhd93.vhd" `
    -DestinationImageBasename "steelconnect-ex-20.2" `
    -SourceVhdUri "" `
    -SourceSASToken "?sv=2019-10-10&ss=b&srt=co&sp=rwdlacx&se=2020-07-22T05:51:31Z&st=2020-07-21T21:51:31Z&spr=https&sig=JAFoNefbVBktBuWIe2sYTNV3bCf1jjx%2FuERl%2FC%2BSsWo%3D"


The script will usually take few minutes to deploy the image in each location. When done the Storage Account and Image resources will be available in the resource group (default name: Riverbed-Images).

images in resource group

The Image resource can be be used to deploy the SteelConnect appliances directly from the Azure portal (navigate to the image and hit Create VM), referencing the image in an ARM templates, or else using the automated deployment from the SteelConnect-EX Director.


Delete the temporary Storage Accounts created in each Location?

The following script will list the Storage Account resources created in the resource group (default name: "Riverbed-Images") and having the default Image prefix name ("rctimg").

Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName "Riverbed-Images" | Where-Object { $_.StorageAccountName -like "rctimg*" } | Select-Object StorageAccountName,ResourceGroupName,Location

Then all the Storage Account can be deleted with the following command (using the default Resource Group name and Image prefix name.

Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName "Riverbed-Images" | Where-Object { $_.StorageAccountName -like "rctimg*" } | Remove-AzStorageAccount -Force


Copyright (c) 2019 Riverbed Technology, Inc. The scripts provided here are licensed under the terms and conditions of the MIT License accompanying the software ("License"). The scripts are distributed "AS IS" as set forth in the License. The script also include certain third party code. All such third party code is also distributed "AS IS" and is licensed by the respective copyright holders under the applicable terms and conditions (including, without limitation, warranty and liability disclaimers) identified in the license notices accompanying the software.

Copyright (c) 2019 Riverbed Technology, Inc.