google.account for Elephant SQL (OAth with google account) username: pinkfairyarmadillo38 password: codesmithLA birthday: Jan. 1, 2000
node-cron : to schedule tasks
1. Login form and signup form notes. (partially done, stretch) will pull username and password from input box.
url= /auth/login, info will come in req.body.
response is 200 status with and userId (primary key from database) /error status .
200= go to dashboard/front page.
userID will go into state.
error status= direct back to sign up page.
when user logs in, pull array of URLlinks that match user id and only render those in outputbox container.
2. Register (stretch)
api= /auth/register,
req.body = username, password, phoneNumber,
middleware will validate whether username or phone number is already taken,
store username, etc in database,
send to frontend- res.status 200 or error ,
frontend will direct to dashboard,
3. add URL with default interval.
user adds in URL that they want to track.
api= /main/addURL.
req.body = will hold URL.
res.status of 200 or error , and .send"success", send in res.locals url_Id (URL primary key).
FRONTEND- wait for success message before populating URL into state and creating URL container.
Url- primary key will go into state,
default interval every hour .
backend timer:
twillio API for text messages.
4. STRETCH FEATURE-C - change interval time.
api= /main/interval.
time will be req.body.
(default time is set when URL is inputted).
use this timer:
this will change #3.
5. check endpoint/API now.
based on user clicking on button in front end, will check current status code .
api= /main/checkNow - will be invoked on an interval or also based on a button click.
req.body = will hold the URL .
res.locals = will hold the "URL status".
6- STRETCH FEATURE- A -modal for historical data.
get historical data from database , will be default time (we will test to determine later).
api =/main /historicalData.
req.body = will hold URL.
res.locals = will send back 2 arrays,
A)all the times URL was pinged.
B)all the status codes.