--- root: true extends: - airbnb-base/legacy env: browser: true node: true amd: true rules: # Customised whitespace max-len: - 1 - 80 - 2 - ignoreUrls: true ignoreComments: false indent: - 1 - 2 - SwitchCase: 1 VariableDeclarator: var: 2 let: 2 const: 3 outerIIFEBody: 1 no-multi-spaces: - 1 - exceptions: VariableDeclarator: true key-spacing: - 1 - align: value space-before-function-paren: - 1 - never # Customised to existing code's style semi: - 1 - never # You don't need this one when you know your operators no-mixed-operators: 0 # Additional rules func-names: 0 # Disabled for IE8 support comma-dangle: 0 # Airbnb rules that were disabled due to too many conflicts # with the existing code style vars-on-top: 0 one-var: 0 no-use-before-define: 0 no-plusplus: 0