A resource's logicalId maps to the name of the created resource.
For example, take this CloudFormation YAML for an ASG:
Type: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
AvailabilityZones: !GetAZs ""
LaunchConfigurationName: !Ref DataNodeLaunchConfig
MinSize: 3
MaxSize: 4
Cooldown: 180
HealthCheckType: EC2
HealthCheckGracePeriod: 300
VPCZoneIdentifier: !Ref PrivateVpcSubnets
- { Key: Stack, Value: !Ref Stack, PropagateAtLaunch: true }
- { Key: App, Value: "elk-es-data", PropagateAtLaunch: true }
- { Key: Stage, Value: !Ref Stage, PropagateAtLaunch: true }
- { Key: ElasticSearchCluster, Value: !Ref ClusterName, PropagateAtLaunch: true }
This creates an ASG called `DataNodeAutoScalingGroup`. This pattern is widely used in YAML definitions of CloudFormation as YAML files are typically hand-written.
CDK changes this as it auto-generates the logicalIds, as there one will gain more understanding about the resource from looking at the CDK template.
In order to enable a no-op migration between a YAML stack a CDK stack, we allow the logicalId to be overridden.
Our constructs seem to follow different rules regarding when to override the logicalId of a CloudFormation resource.
For example, we have [this](https://github.com/guardian/cdk/blob/60cbf21698b3ddbb8cfd23556fd2af886e9551c7/src/constructs/rds/instance.ts#L38-L40):
if (props.overrideId || (scope.migratedFromCloudFormation && props.overrideId !== false))
And [this](https://github.com/guardian/cdk/blob/60cbf21698b3ddbb8cfd23556fd2af886e9551c7/src/constructs/iam/policies/base-policy.ts#L15-L18):
if (props.overrideId) {
This change aims to bring consistency and simplicity across our constructs by applying a universal rule that,
`migratedFromCloudFormation` on the `GuStack` must be `true` and `existingLogicalId` to be set for the logicalId to be overridden.
If these conditions are not met, we let CDK auto-generate the logicalId.
It's worth noting that this doesn't implement the change on the constructs, it's simply to define the behaviour.
This is mainly to keep the diff down - we'll migrate the constructs in follow-up PRs.
Usage will roughly look like this:
const MyComponentProps extends GuMigratingResource { }
class MyComponent extends SomeGuConstruct {
constructor(scope: GuStack, id: string, props: MyComponentProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
GuMigratingResource.setLogicalId(this, scope, props);