The jamesdemodata
is a lightweight repo with demo and test children.
The goal of the package is to test the Joint Automatic Measurement and
Evaluation System (JAMES). JAMES is an experimental online
resource for creating and analysing growth charts.
The following statements will install the jamesdemodata
Test en demo data are stored in the inst/extdata
directory. In order
to generate a file name of the SMOCC child Laura S use
fn <- system.file("extdata", "bds_v3.0", "smocc", "Laura_S.json", package = "jamesdemodata")
Read the data into R using the bdsreader
tgt <- read_bds(fn)
## # A tibble: 1 × 22
## id name dob dobm dobf src dnr sex gad ga
## <int> <chr> <date> <date> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 -1 Laura S 1989-01-21 1961-07-22 NA 0 <NA> female 276 39
## # ℹ 12 more variables: smo <dbl>, bw <dbl>, hgtm <dbl>, hgtf <dbl>, agem <dbl>,
## # etn <chr>, pc4 <chr>, blbf <int>, blbm <int>, eduf <int>, edum <int>,
## # par <int>
## # A tibble: 58 × 8
## age xname yname zname zref x y z
## <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0 age hgt hgt_z nl_1997_hgt_female_nl 0 48 -1.52
## 2 0.101 age hgt hgt_z nl_1997_hgt_female_nl 0.101 53.5 -0.499
## 3 0.159 age hgt hgt_z nl_1997_hgt_female_nl 0.159 56 -0.261
## 4 0.236 age hgt hgt_z nl_1997_hgt_female_nl 0.236 59.5 0.163
## 5 0.485 age hgt hgt_z nl_1997_hgt_female_nl 0.485 65.5 -0.259
## 6 0.753 age hgt hgt_z nl_1997_hgt_female_nl 0.753 71.5 0.131
## 7 1.02 age hgt hgt_z nl_1997_hgt_female_nl 1.02 75 -0.18
## 8 1.25 age hgt hgt_z nl_1997_hgt_female_nl 1.25 80 0.421
## 9 1.54 age hgt hgt_z nl_1997_hgt_female_nl 1.54 84 0.527
## 10 2.04 age hgt hgt_z nl_1997_hgt_female_nl 2.04 90 0.67
## # ℹ 48 more rows
See for installation notes
of bdsreader