Releases: grimme-lab/xtb
xtb version 6.3.2
Maintenance and bugfix release. Many thanks to @pprcht, @susilehtola and @felixmusil for contributing to this release.
- Bugfix: Reference occupations for GFN2-xTB were incorrect for d-block elements 🪲
- Bugfix: CT file charges were not read correctly 🪲
- Bugfix: The loader API functions for xTB parameters did ignore the optional parameter files 🪲
- Bugfix: Wigner-Seitz cell generation was erroring on certain architectures 🪲
- Bugfix: OMP parallelisation of Hessian was not working with solvation models 🪲
- Bugfix: Turbomole gradient file is written with $gradient but should be $grad 🪲
- updated metadynamics pathfinder
- ALPB model is now available
- Failed geometry optimizations are now rescued to perform a final diagnostic SP before stopping the xtb run
xtb version 6.3.1
Maintenance and bugfix release.
- Bugfix: Total charge was not used in GFN-FF 🪲
- Bugfix: Error handling in GBSA was not returned correctly 🪲
- Bugfix: Copy mode overwrite of coordinate input 🪲
- Bugfix: Negative charge was recognized as command line flag 🪲
- Bugfix: Scan mode was not working correctly 🪲
- Bugfix: GBSA energy was added twice for GFN-FF 🪲
- Bugfix: Fix parallelisation issues in build (binary includes acf1ac7) 🪲
- Logic for MKL linking has been reworked
- PGI Compiler is now supported for builds with meson
- Support for GCC 10.1 added
Please check version header for the correct version: 6.3.1-r1!
xtb version 6.3.0
Feature release with a novel method, new runtypes and more periodic boundary conditions. Many thanks to Sebastian Spicher (@sespic) for contributing to this release.
- Bugfix: missing symmetry numbers for S4, S8, T, Th and O 🪲
- Bugfix: D4-ATM gradient for GFN2-xTB was slightly off 🪲
- new format for the parameter files for the xTB Hamiltonians
- GFN-FF implemented (see DOI: 10.1002/anie.202004239)
- 2D to 3D structure conversion for 2D connection tables in (sdf/mol)
- improved defaults for optimizer (RF based for less than 500 atoms, L-BFGS based otherwise)
- GFN1-xTB available under periodic boundary conditions
- new identifier system for the input
- new submodule: info, thermo, topo
- first stable C-API version (1.0.0)
- Deprecation: Python API has been migrated to
xtb version 6.2.3
Maintenance and bugfix release. Thanks to Christoph Bannwarth (@cbannwarth) and Jan Unsleber (@nabbelbabbel) for contributing to this release.
- Bugfix: JSON dump did not return correct version number 🪲
- Bugfix: Sign error in printout for GFN1-xTB Mulliken charges 🪲
- Bugfix: PDB charges were not written correctly in PDB output 🪲
- Bugfix: SRB strain derivatives were wrong 🪲
- Bugfix: EEQ returns correct energy for one atom systems 🪲
- The error handling has been completely reworked
- Improved implementation of CM5 charges
- Analytical gradients for the Halogen-bond correction
- Benzene is now available as synonym for toluene for GFN2/GBSA
- Massively improved C-API
- Gaussian external input and output formats
- CMake support for building
- GCC support for building
with both meson and CMake
This release is API compatible to version 6.2.2
Addendum: otool_xtb
bash script to fix incompatibility of this release with the Orca 4.2.1 interface
xtb version 6.2.2 (hotfix)
Maintenance, bugfix and hotfix release.
- configuration scripts are back in xtb
- pkg-config file is now available
- DFTB+ genFormat is supported as geometry input
- additional check to prevent calculations on invalid geometry input
- RF-Optimizer will not read hessian file by default anymore (now really)
- GFN0-xTB can now be correctly requested from the $gfn group
- Thermodynamic functions will not attempted to be calculated for T=0K anymore
- Bugfix: periodic GFN0-xTB used wrong i-i' D4 dispersion interactions
This release is API compatible to version 6.2.1
xtb preview 6.3.0
Feature preview for version 6.3.0
- periodic boundary conditions for GFN1-xTB Hamiltonians
- API support for periodic GFN1-xTB Hamiltonians (C, Python, ASE)
- general GFN Force Field (GFN-FF) for all elements up to Z=86
- 2D to 3D conversion of SDF input using the GFN-FF
This release is API compatible to version 6.2.2
xtb version 6.2.1
Maintenance and bugfix (:beetle:) release.
- add version number notice including git commit
- optional arguments for the C-API using C
- allow multiplicity in API
- add GBSA solvation for GFN0 via API
- allow GFN1 interface to return partial charges, dipole moments, bond orders, ...
- custom solvent parameters and preloading from API
- GBSA solvation free energy, Born-radii and SASA are available in Python
- Bugfix: GBSA
calls used wrong interface 🪲 - Bugfix: C-API calls to calculators used wrong interface 🪲
- Bugfix: SDF input read in the wrong order 🪲
- Bugfix: thermodynamic functions including isotope information 🪲
This release is breaking API compatibility to version 6.2
xtb version 6.2
First GH release of xtb
, so we are finally open source now. For older version, compare the changelog at read-the-docs
- Bugfix: Fukui index calculation 🪲
- Bugfix: wrong forces in FIRE optimizer 🪲
- Bugfix: $cube instructions were not read 🪲
- Bugfix: Input error for $gbsa data group 🪲
- GFN0-xTB Hamiltonian consistent with ChemRxiv preprint
- periodic boundary conditions for GFN0-xTB
- preliminary implicit solvation model GBSA for GFN0-xTB