diff --git a/docs/sources/reference/loki-http-api.md b/docs/sources/reference/loki-http-api.md index dbf0d38a0aedf..e68efc0d16b3d 100644 --- a/docs/sources/reference/loki-http-api.md +++ b/docs/sources/reference/loki-http-api.md @@ -438,6 +438,35 @@ curl -u "User:$API_TOKEN" \ --data-urlencode 'query=sum(rate({job="varlogs"}[10m])) by (level)' | jq ``` +### Response Format + +The Parquet can be request as a response format by setting the `Accept` header to `application/vnd.apache.parquet`. + +```bash +curl -G -s "http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/query" \ + -H "Accept: application/vnd.apache.parquet" \ + --data-urlencode 'query=sum(rate({job="varlogs"}[10m])) by (level)' + -o result.parquet +``` + +The Parquet schema is the following for streams: + +│ column_name │ column_type │ +│ varchar │ varchar │ +|-------------|--------------------------| +│ timestamp │ TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE │ +│ labels │ MAP(VARCHAR, VARCHAR) │ +│ line │ VARCHAR │ + +and for metrics: + +│ column_name │ column_type │ +│ varchar │ varchar │ +|-------------|--------------------------| +│ timestamp │ TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE │ +│ labels │ MAP(VARCHAR, VARCHAR) │ +│ line │ DOUBLE │ + ## Query logs within a range of time ```bash diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod index 5aca3328513b9..85c674fb8153d 100644 --- a/go.mod +++ b/go.mod @@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ require ( github.com/influxdata/tdigest v0.0.2-0.20210216194612-fc98d27c9e8b github.com/mitchellh/colorstring v0.0.0-20190213212951-d06e56a500db github.com/ncw/swift/v2 v2.0.3 + github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go v0.24.0 github.com/prometheus/alertmanager v0.27.0 github.com/prometheus/common/sigv4 v0.1.0 github.com/richardartoul/molecule v1.0.0 @@ -161,6 +162,7 @@ require ( github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/opentelemetry-operations-go/detectors/gcp v1.24.1 // indirect github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/opentelemetry-operations-go/exporter/metric v0.48.1 // indirect github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/opentelemetry-operations-go/internal/resourcemapping v0.48.1 // indirect + github.com/andybalholm/brotli v1.1.0 // indirect github.com/dlclark/regexp2 v1.11.0 // indirect github.com/ebitengine/purego v0.8.1 // indirect github.com/fxamacker/cbor/v2 v2.7.0 // indirect @@ -173,9 +175,11 @@ require ( github.com/imdario/mergo v0.3.16 // indirect github.com/kamstrup/intmap v0.5.0 // indirect github.com/lufia/plan9stats v0.0.0-20220913051719-115f729f3c8c // indirect + github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.16 // indirect github.com/moby/docker-image-spec v1.3.1 // indirect github.com/moby/sys/userns v0.1.0 // indirect github.com/ncw/swift v1.0.53 // indirect + github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter v0.0.5 // indirect github.com/pires/go-proxyproto v0.7.0 // indirect github.com/pkg/xattr v0.4.10 // indirect github.com/planetscale/vtprotobuf v0.6.1-0.20240319094008-0393e58bdf10 // indirect diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum index 79409e1e6cd17..f362242da3b3e 100644 --- a/go.sum +++ b/go.sum @@ -941,6 +941,8 @@ github.com/aliyun/aliyun-oss-go-sdk v3.0.2+incompatible/go.mod h1:T/Aws4fEfogEE9 github.com/amir/raidman v0.0.0-20170415203553-1ccc43bfb9c9/go.mod h1:eliMa/PW+RDr2QLWRmLH1R1ZA4RInpmvOzDDXtaIZkc= github.com/andreyvit/diff v0.0.0-20170406064948-c7f18ee00883/go.mod h1:rCTlJbsFo29Kk6CurOXKm700vrz8f0KW0JNfpkRJY/8= github.com/andybalholm/brotli v1.0.4/go.mod h1:fO7iG3H7G2nSZ7m0zPUDn85XEX2GTukHGRSepvi9Eig= +github.com/andybalholm/brotli v1.1.0 h1:eLKJA0d02Lf0mVpIDgYnqXcUn0GqVmEFny3VuID1U3M= +github.com/andybalholm/brotli v1.1.0/go.mod h1:sms7XGricyQI9K10gOSf56VKKWS4oLer58Q+mhRPtnY= github.com/antihax/optional v1.0.0/go.mod h1:uupD/76wgC+ih3iEmQUL+0Ugr19nfwCT1kdvxnR2qWY= github.com/apache/arrow/go/v10 v10.0.1/go.mod h1:YvhnlEePVnBS4+0z3fhPfUy7W1Ikj0Ih0vcRo/gZ1M0= github.com/apache/arrow/go/v11 v11.0.0/go.mod h1:Eg5OsL5H+e299f7u5ssuXsuHQVEGC4xei5aX110hRiI= @@ -2142,6 +2144,7 @@ github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.20/go.mod h1:W+V8PltTTMOvKvAeJH7IuucS94S2C6jfK/D github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.2/go.mod h1:LwmH8dsx7+W8Uxz3IHJYH5QSwggIsqBzpuz5H//U1FU= github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.3/go.mod h1:LwmH8dsx7+W8Uxz3IHJYH5QSwggIsqBzpuz5H//U1FU= github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.7/go.mod h1:H031xJmbD/WCDINGzjvQ9THkh0rPKHF+m2gUSrubnMI= +github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.9/go.mod h1:H031xJmbD/WCDINGzjvQ9THkh0rPKHF+m2gUSrubnMI= github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.13/go.mod h1:Jdepj2loyihRzMpdS35Xk/zdY8IAYHsh153qUoGf23w= github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.16 h1:E5ScNMtiwvlvB5paMFdw9p4kSQzbXFikJ5SQO6TULQc= github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.16/go.mod h1:Jdepj2loyihRzMpdS35Xk/zdY8IAYHsh153qUoGf23w= @@ -2271,6 +2274,8 @@ github.com/oklog/ulid/v2 v2.1.0/go.mod h1:rcEKHmBBKfef9DhnvX7y1HZBYxjXb0cP5ExxNs github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter v0.0.0-20170122224234-a0225b3f23b5/go.mod h1:vsDQFd/mU46D+Z4whnwzcISnGGzXWMclvtLoiIKAKIo= github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter v0.0.0-20180130162743-b8a9be070da4/go.mod h1:vsDQFd/mU46D+Z4whnwzcISnGGzXWMclvtLoiIKAKIo= github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter v0.0.4/go.mod h1:zq6QwlOf5SlnkVbMSr5EoBv3636FWnp+qbPhuoO21uA= +github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter v0.0.5 h1:P2Ga83D34wi1o9J6Wh1mRuqd4mF/x/lgBS7N7AbDhec= +github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter v0.0.5/go.mod h1:hPp6KlRPjbx+hW8ykQs1w3UBbZlj6HuIJcUGPhkA7kY= github.com/onsi/ginkgo v0.0.0-20170829012221-11459a886d9c/go.mod h1:lLunBs/Ym6LB5Z9jYTR76FiuTmxDTDusOGeTQH+WWjE= github.com/onsi/ginkgo v1.6.0/go.mod h1:lLunBs/Ym6LB5Z9jYTR76FiuTmxDTDusOGeTQH+WWjE= github.com/onsi/ginkgo v1.7.0/go.mod h1:lLunBs/Ym6LB5Z9jYTR76FiuTmxDTDusOGeTQH+WWjE= @@ -2335,6 +2340,8 @@ github.com/ovh/go-ovh v1.6.0 h1:ixLOwxQdzYDx296sXcgS35TOPEahJkpjMGtzPadCjQI= github.com/ovh/go-ovh v1.6.0/go.mod h1:cTVDnl94z4tl8pP1uZ/8jlVxntjSIf09bNcQ5TJSC7c= github.com/packethost/packngo v0.1.1-0.20180711074735-b9cb5096f54c/go.mod h1:otzZQXgoO96RTzDB/Hycg0qZcXZsWJGJRSXbmEIJ+4M= github.com/pact-foundation/pact-go v1.0.4/go.mod h1:uExwJY4kCzNPcHRj+hCR/HBbOOIwwtUjcrb0b5/5kLM= +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go v0.24.0 h1:VrsifmLPDnas8zpoHmYiWDZ1YHzLmc7NmNwPGkI2JM4= +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go v0.24.0/go.mod h1:OqBBRGBl7+llplCvDMql8dEKaDqjaFA/VAPw+OJiNiw= github.com/pascaldekloe/goe v0.0.0-20180627143212-57f6aae5913c/go.mod h1:lzWF7FIEvWOWxwDKqyGYQf6ZUaNfKdP144TG7ZOy1lc= github.com/pascaldekloe/goe v0.1.0 h1:cBOtyMzM9HTpWjXfbbunk26uA6nG3a8n06Wieeh0MwY= github.com/pascaldekloe/goe v0.1.0/go.mod h1:lzWF7FIEvWOWxwDKqyGYQf6ZUaNfKdP144TG7ZOy1lc= diff --git a/pkg/loki/modules.go b/pkg/loki/modules.go index 49a26498b8e31..e430e44059e76 100644 --- a/pkg/loki/modules.go +++ b/pkg/loki/modules.go @@ -1126,6 +1126,7 @@ func (t *Loki) initQueryFrontend() (_ services.Service, err error) { frontendHandler = gziphandler.GzipHandler(frontendHandler) } + // TODO: add SerializeHTTPHandler toMerge := []middleware.Interface{ httpreq.ExtractQueryTagsMiddleware(), httpreq.PropagateHeadersMiddleware(httpreq.LokiActorPathHeader, httpreq.LokiEncodingFlagsHeader, httpreq.LokiDisablePipelineWrappersHeader), diff --git a/pkg/querier/queryrange/codec.go b/pkg/querier/queryrange/codec.go index 4c586815426fa..f102e819742c2 100644 --- a/pkg/querier/queryrange/codec.go +++ b/pkg/querier/queryrange/codec.go @@ -1282,6 +1282,8 @@ func decodeResponseProtobuf(r *http.Response, req queryrangebase.Request) (query func (Codec) EncodeResponse(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request, res queryrangebase.Response) (*http.Response, error) { if req.Header.Get("Accept") == ProtobufType { return encodeResponseProtobuf(ctx, res) + } else if req.Header.Get("Accept") == ParquetType { + return encodeResponseParquet(ctx, res) } // Default to JSON. diff --git a/pkg/querier/queryrange/marshal.go b/pkg/querier/queryrange/marshal.go index 7ac435a7eceea..a31bdfab34b22 100644 --- a/pkg/querier/queryrange/marshal.go +++ b/pkg/querier/queryrange/marshal.go @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import ( const ( JSONType = `application/json; charset=utf-8` + ParquetType = `application/vnd.apache.parquet` ProtobufType = `application/vnd.google.protobuf` ) diff --git a/pkg/querier/queryrange/parquet.go b/pkg/querier/queryrange/parquet.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..aac8fcb33ea1d --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/querier/queryrange/parquet.go @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +package queryrange + +import ( + "bytes" + "context" + "io" + "net/http" + + "github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go" + "github.com/prometheus/prometheus/promql/parser" + + serverutil "github.com/grafana/loki/v3/pkg/util/server" + + "github.com/grafana/loki/v3/pkg/querier/queryrange/queryrangebase" +) + +func encodeResponseParquet(ctx context.Context, res queryrangebase.Response) (*http.Response, error) { + sp, _ := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "codec.EncodeResponse") + defer sp.Finish() + + var buf bytes.Buffer + + err := encodeResponseParquetTo(ctx, res, &buf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + resp := http.Response{ + Header: http.Header{ + "Content-Type": []string{ParquetType}, + }, + Body: io.NopCloser(&buf), + StatusCode: http.StatusOK, + } + return &resp, nil +} + +func encodeResponseParquetTo(_ context.Context, res queryrangebase.Response, w io.Writer) error { + switch response := res.(type) { + case *LokiPromResponse: + return encodeMetricsParquetTo(response, w) + case *LokiResponse: + return encodeLogsParquetTo(response, w) + default: + return serverutil.UserError("request does not support Parquet responses") + } +} + +type MetricRowType struct { + Timestamp int64 `parquet:"timestamp,timestamp(millisecond),delta"` + Labels map[string]string `parquet:"labels"` + Value float64 `parquet:"value"` +} + +type LogStreamRowType struct { + Timestamp int64 `parquet:"timestamp,timestamp(nanosecond),delta"` + Labels map[string]string `parquet:"labels"` + Line string `parquet:"line,lz4"` +} + +func encodeMetricsParquetTo(response *LokiPromResponse, w io.Writer) error { + schema := parquet.SchemaOf(new(MetricRowType)) + writer := parquet.NewGenericWriter[MetricRowType](w, schema) + + for _, stream := range response.Response.Data.Result { + lbls := make(map[string]string) + for _, keyValue := range stream.Labels { + lbls[keyValue.Name] = keyValue.Value + } + for _, sample := range stream.Samples { + row := MetricRowType{ + Timestamp: sample.TimestampMs, + Labels: lbls, + Value: sample.Value, + } + if _, err := writer.Write([]MetricRowType{row}); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + return writer.Close() +} + +func encodeLogsParquetTo(response *LokiResponse, w io.Writer) error { + schema := parquet.SchemaOf(new(LogStreamRowType)) + writer := parquet.NewGenericWriter[LogStreamRowType](w, schema) + + for _, stream := range response.Data.Result { + lbls, err := parser.ParseMetric(stream.Labels) + if err != nil { + return err + } + lblsMap := make(map[string]string) + for _, keyValue := range lbls { + lblsMap[keyValue.Name] = keyValue.Value + } + + for _, entry := range stream.Entries { + row := LogStreamRowType{ + Timestamp: entry.Timestamp.UnixNano(), + Labels: lblsMap, + Line: entry.Line, + } + if _, err := writer.Write([]LogStreamRowType{row}); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + + return writer.Close() +} diff --git a/pkg/querier/queryrange/parquet_test.go b/pkg/querier/queryrange/parquet_test.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8e09b13b9b688 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkg/querier/queryrange/parquet_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +package queryrange + +import ( + "os" + "testing" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go" + + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" + + "github.com/grafana/loki/v3/pkg/loghttp" + "github.com/grafana/loki/v3/pkg/logproto" + "github.com/grafana/loki/v3/pkg/querier/queryrange/queryrangebase" +) + +func TestEncodeMetricsParquet(t *testing.T) { + resp := &LokiPromResponse{ + Response: &queryrangebase.PrometheusResponse{ + Status: loghttp.QueryStatusSuccess, + Data: queryrangebase.PrometheusData{ + ResultType: loghttp.ResultTypeMatrix, + Result: sampleStreams, + }, + }, + } + + f, err := os.CreateTemp("", "metrics-*.parquet") + defer f.Close() // nolint:staticcheck + + require.NoError(t, err) + err = encodeMetricsParquetTo(resp, f) + require.NoError(t, err) + + rows, err := parquet.ReadFile[MetricRowType](f.Name()) + require.NoError(t, err) + + require.Len(t, rows, 3) +} + +func TestEncodeLogsParquet(t *testing.T) { + resp := &LokiResponse{ + Status: loghttp.QueryStatusSuccess, + Direction: logproto.FORWARD, + Limit: 100, + Version: uint32(loghttp.VersionV1), + Data: LokiData{ + ResultType: loghttp.ResultTypeStream, + Result: logStreams, + }, + } + + f, err := os.CreateTemp("", "logs-*.parquet") + defer f.Close() // nolint:staticcheck + + require.NoError(t, err) + err = encodeLogsParquetTo(resp, f) + require.NoError(t, err) + + rows, err := parquet.ReadFile[LogStreamRowType](f.Name()) + require.NoError(t, err) + + require.Len(t, rows, 3) +} diff --git a/pkg/querier/queryrange/result.parquet b/pkg/querier/queryrange/result.parquet new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d diff --git a/pkg/querier/queryrange/serialize.go b/pkg/querier/queryrange/serialize.go index 6f292a229f7eb..650336d47a3a1 100644 --- a/pkg/querier/queryrange/serialize.go +++ b/pkg/querier/queryrange/serialize.go @@ -70,6 +70,14 @@ func (rt *serializeHTTPHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request return } + // TODO(karsten): use rt.codec.EncodeResponse(ctx, r, response) which is the central encoding logic instead. + if r.Header.Get("Accept") == ParquetType { + w.Header().Add("Content-Type", ParquetType) + if err := encodeResponseParquetTo(ctx, response, w); err != nil { + serverutil.WriteError(err, w) + } + return + } version := loghttp.GetVersion(r.RequestURI) encodingFlags := httpreq.ExtractEncodingFlags(r) if err := encodeResponseJSONTo(version, response, w, encodingFlags); err != nil { diff --git a/pkg/util/server/error.go b/pkg/util/server/error.go index 3044a58f61e2d..79077ec23eac5 100644 --- a/pkg/util/server/error.go +++ b/pkg/util/server/error.go @@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ const ( ErrDeadlineExceeded = "Request timed out, decrease the duration of the request or add more label matchers (prefer exact match over regex match) to reduce the amount of data processed." ) +type UserError string + +func (e UserError) Error() string { + return string(e) +} + func ClientGrpcStatusAndError(err error) error { if err == nil { return nil @@ -55,6 +61,7 @@ func ClientHTTPStatusAndError(err error) (int, error) { var ( queryErr storage_errors.QueryError promErr promql.ErrStorage + userErr UserError ) me, ok := err.(util.MultiError) @@ -91,6 +98,8 @@ func ClientHTTPStatusAndError(err error) (int, error) { return http.StatusBadRequest, err case errors.Is(err, user.ErrNoOrgID): return http.StatusBadRequest, err + case errors.As(err, &userErr): + return http.StatusBadRequest, err default: if grpcErr, ok := httpgrpc.HTTPResponseFromError(err); ok { return int(grpcErr.Code), errors.New(string(grpcErr.Body)) diff --git a/tools/dev/loki-tsdb-storage-s3/compose-down.sh b/tools/dev/loki-tsdb-storage-s3/compose-down.sh index 7e20021c792c6..3fc100db86fae 100755 --- a/tools/dev/loki-tsdb-storage-s3/compose-down.sh +++ b/tools/dev/loki-tsdb-storage-s3/compose-down.sh @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd) -docker-compose -f "${SCRIPT_DIR}"/docker-compose.yml down --remove-orphans +docker compose -f "${SCRIPT_DIR}"/docker-compose.yml down --remove-orphans diff --git a/tools/dev/loki-tsdb-storage-s3/compose-up.sh b/tools/dev/loki-tsdb-storage-s3/compose-up.sh index 2d26a83123c9e..46c60c564060c 100755 --- a/tools/dev/loki-tsdb-storage-s3/compose-up.sh +++ b/tools/dev/loki-tsdb-storage-s3/compose-up.sh @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -mod=vendor -gcflags "all=-N -l" -o "${SCRIPT_ # ## install loki driver to send logs docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --alias loki-compose --grant-all-permissions || true # build the compose image -docker-compose -f "${SCRIPT_DIR}"/docker-compose.yml build distributor +docker compose -f "${SCRIPT_DIR}"/docker-compose.yml build distributor # cleanup sources rm -Rf "${SRC_DEST}" -docker-compose -f "${SCRIPT_DIR}"/docker-compose.yml up "$@" +docker compose -f "${SCRIPT_DIR}"/docker-compose.yml up "$@" diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..33b7cdd2dbaed --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2013-2016 by the Brotli Authors. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/README.md b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..00625211d7118 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +This package is a brotli compressor and decompressor implemented in Go. +It was translated from the reference implementation (https://github.com/google/brotli) +with the `c2go` tool at https://github.com/andybalholm/c2go. + +I have been working on new compression algorithms (not translated from C) +in the matchfinder package. +You can use them with the NewWriterV2 function. +Currently they give better results than the old implementation +(at least for compressing my test file, Newton’s *Opticks*) +on levels 2 to 6. + +I am using it in production with https://github.com/andybalholm/redwood. + +API documentation is found at https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/andybalholm/brotli?tab=doc. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/backward_references.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/backward_references.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..008c054d1c03e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/backward_references.go @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +package brotli + +import ( + "sync" +) + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Function to find backward reference copies. */ + +func computeDistanceCode(distance uint, max_distance uint, dist_cache []int) uint { + if distance <= max_distance { + var distance_plus_3 uint = distance + 3 + var offset0 uint = distance_plus_3 - uint(dist_cache[0]) + var offset1 uint = distance_plus_3 - uint(dist_cache[1]) + if distance == uint(dist_cache[0]) { + return 0 + } else if distance == uint(dist_cache[1]) { + return 1 + } else if offset0 < 7 { + return (0x9750468 >> (4 * offset0)) & 0xF + } else if offset1 < 7 { + return (0xFDB1ACE >> (4 * offset1)) & 0xF + } else if distance == uint(dist_cache[2]) { + return 2 + } else if distance == uint(dist_cache[3]) { + return 3 + } + } + + return distance + numDistanceShortCodes - 1 +} + +var hasherSearchResultPool sync.Pool + +func createBackwardReferences(num_bytes uint, position uint, ringbuffer []byte, ringbuffer_mask uint, params *encoderParams, hasher hasherHandle, dist_cache []int, last_insert_len *uint, commands *[]command, num_literals *uint) { + var max_backward_limit uint = maxBackwardLimit(params.lgwin) + var insert_length uint = *last_insert_len + var pos_end uint = position + num_bytes + var store_end uint + if num_bytes >= hasher.StoreLookahead() { + store_end = position + num_bytes - hasher.StoreLookahead() + 1 + } else { + store_end = position + } + var random_heuristics_window_size uint = literalSpreeLengthForSparseSearch(params) + var apply_random_heuristics uint = position + random_heuristics_window_size + var gap uint = 0 + /* Set maximum distance, see section 9.1. of the spec. */ + + const kMinScore uint = scoreBase + 100 + + /* For speed up heuristics for random data. */ + + /* Minimum score to accept a backward reference. */ + hasher.PrepareDistanceCache(dist_cache) + sr2, _ := hasherSearchResultPool.Get().(*hasherSearchResult) + if sr2 == nil { + sr2 = &hasherSearchResult{} + } + sr, _ := hasherSearchResultPool.Get().(*hasherSearchResult) + if sr == nil { + sr = &hasherSearchResult{} + } + + for position+hasher.HashTypeLength() < pos_end { + var max_length uint = pos_end - position + var max_distance uint = brotli_min_size_t(position, max_backward_limit) + sr.len = 0 + sr.len_code_delta = 0 + sr.distance = 0 + sr.score = kMinScore + hasher.FindLongestMatch(¶ms.dictionary, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, dist_cache, position, max_length, max_distance, gap, params.dist.max_distance, sr) + if sr.score > kMinScore { + /* Found a match. Let's look for something even better ahead. */ + var delayed_backward_references_in_row int = 0 + max_length-- + for ; ; max_length-- { + var cost_diff_lazy uint = 175 + if params.quality < minQualityForExtensiveReferenceSearch { + sr2.len = brotli_min_size_t(sr.len-1, max_length) + } else { + sr2.len = 0 + } + sr2.len_code_delta = 0 + sr2.distance = 0 + sr2.score = kMinScore + max_distance = brotli_min_size_t(position+1, max_backward_limit) + hasher.FindLongestMatch(¶ms.dictionary, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, dist_cache, position+1, max_length, max_distance, gap, params.dist.max_distance, sr2) + if sr2.score >= sr.score+cost_diff_lazy { + /* Ok, let's just write one byte for now and start a match from the + next byte. */ + position++ + + insert_length++ + *sr = *sr2 + delayed_backward_references_in_row++ + if delayed_backward_references_in_row < 4 && position+hasher.HashTypeLength() < pos_end { + continue + } + } + + break + } + + apply_random_heuristics = position + 2*sr.len + random_heuristics_window_size + max_distance = brotli_min_size_t(position, max_backward_limit) + { + /* The first 16 codes are special short-codes, + and the minimum offset is 1. */ + var distance_code uint = computeDistanceCode(sr.distance, max_distance+gap, dist_cache) + if (sr.distance <= (max_distance + gap)) && distance_code > 0 { + dist_cache[3] = dist_cache[2] + dist_cache[2] = dist_cache[1] + dist_cache[1] = dist_cache[0] + dist_cache[0] = int(sr.distance) + hasher.PrepareDistanceCache(dist_cache) + } + + *commands = append(*commands, makeCommand(¶ms.dist, insert_length, sr.len, sr.len_code_delta, distance_code)) + } + + *num_literals += insert_length + insert_length = 0 + /* Put the hash keys into the table, if there are enough bytes left. + Depending on the hasher implementation, it can push all positions + in the given range or only a subset of them. + Avoid hash poisoning with RLE data. */ + { + var range_start uint = position + 2 + var range_end uint = brotli_min_size_t(position+sr.len, store_end) + if sr.distance < sr.len>>2 { + range_start = brotli_min_size_t(range_end, brotli_max_size_t(range_start, position+sr.len-(sr.distance<<2))) + } + + hasher.StoreRange(ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, range_start, range_end) + } + + position += sr.len + } else { + insert_length++ + position++ + + /* If we have not seen matches for a long time, we can skip some + match lookups. Unsuccessful match lookups are very very expensive + and this kind of a heuristic speeds up compression quite + a lot. */ + if position > apply_random_heuristics { + /* Going through uncompressible data, jump. */ + if position > apply_random_heuristics+4*random_heuristics_window_size { + var kMargin uint = brotli_max_size_t(hasher.StoreLookahead()-1, 4) + /* It is quite a long time since we saw a copy, so we assume + that this data is not compressible, and store hashes less + often. Hashes of non compressible data are less likely to + turn out to be useful in the future, too, so we store less of + them to not to flood out the hash table of good compressible + data. */ + + var pos_jump uint = brotli_min_size_t(position+16, pos_end-kMargin) + for ; position < pos_jump; position += 4 { + hasher.Store(ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, position) + insert_length += 4 + } + } else { + var kMargin uint = brotli_max_size_t(hasher.StoreLookahead()-1, 2) + var pos_jump uint = brotli_min_size_t(position+8, pos_end-kMargin) + for ; position < pos_jump; position += 2 { + hasher.Store(ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, position) + insert_length += 2 + } + } + } + } + } + + insert_length += pos_end - position + *last_insert_len = insert_length + + hasherSearchResultPool.Put(sr) + hasherSearchResultPool.Put(sr2) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/backward_references_hq.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/backward_references_hq.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..21629c1cdb718 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/backward_references_hq.go @@ -0,0 +1,796 @@ +package brotli + +import "math" + +type zopfliNode struct { + length uint32 + distance uint32 + dcode_insert_length uint32 + u struct { + cost float32 + next uint32 + shortcut uint32 + } +} + +const maxEffectiveDistanceAlphabetSize = 544 + +const kInfinity float32 = 1.7e38 /* ~= 2 ^ 127 */ + +var kDistanceCacheIndex = []uint32{0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1} + +var kDistanceCacheOffset = []int{0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3} + +func initZopfliNodes(array []zopfliNode, length uint) { + var stub zopfliNode + var i uint + stub.length = 1 + stub.distance = 0 + stub.dcode_insert_length = 0 + stub.u.cost = kInfinity + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + array[i] = stub + } +} + +func zopfliNodeCopyLength(self *zopfliNode) uint32 { + return self.length & 0x1FFFFFF +} + +func zopfliNodeLengthCode(self *zopfliNode) uint32 { + var modifier uint32 = self.length >> 25 + return zopfliNodeCopyLength(self) + 9 - modifier +} + +func zopfliNodeCopyDistance(self *zopfliNode) uint32 { + return self.distance +} + +func zopfliNodeDistanceCode(self *zopfliNode) uint32 { + var short_code uint32 = self.dcode_insert_length >> 27 + if short_code == 0 { + return zopfliNodeCopyDistance(self) + numDistanceShortCodes - 1 + } else { + return short_code - 1 + } +} + +func zopfliNodeCommandLength(self *zopfliNode) uint32 { + return zopfliNodeCopyLength(self) + (self.dcode_insert_length & 0x7FFFFFF) +} + +/* Histogram based cost model for zopflification. */ +type zopfliCostModel struct { + cost_cmd_ [numCommandSymbols]float32 + cost_dist_ []float32 + distance_histogram_size uint32 + literal_costs_ []float32 + min_cost_cmd_ float32 + num_bytes_ uint +} + +func initZopfliCostModel(self *zopfliCostModel, dist *distanceParams, num_bytes uint) { + var distance_histogram_size uint32 = dist.alphabet_size + if distance_histogram_size > maxEffectiveDistanceAlphabetSize { + distance_histogram_size = maxEffectiveDistanceAlphabetSize + } + + self.num_bytes_ = num_bytes + self.literal_costs_ = make([]float32, (num_bytes + 2)) + self.cost_dist_ = make([]float32, (dist.alphabet_size)) + self.distance_histogram_size = distance_histogram_size +} + +func cleanupZopfliCostModel(self *zopfliCostModel) { + self.literal_costs_ = nil + self.cost_dist_ = nil +} + +func setCost(histogram []uint32, histogram_size uint, literal_histogram bool, cost []float32) { + var sum uint = 0 + var missing_symbol_sum uint + var log2sum float32 + var missing_symbol_cost float32 + var i uint + for i = 0; i < histogram_size; i++ { + sum += uint(histogram[i]) + } + + log2sum = float32(fastLog2(sum)) + missing_symbol_sum = sum + if !literal_histogram { + for i = 0; i < histogram_size; i++ { + if histogram[i] == 0 { + missing_symbol_sum++ + } + } + } + + missing_symbol_cost = float32(fastLog2(missing_symbol_sum)) + 2 + for i = 0; i < histogram_size; i++ { + if histogram[i] == 0 { + cost[i] = missing_symbol_cost + continue + } + + /* Shannon bits for this symbol. */ + cost[i] = log2sum - float32(fastLog2(uint(histogram[i]))) + + /* Cannot be coded with less than 1 bit */ + if cost[i] < 1 { + cost[i] = 1 + } + } +} + +func zopfliCostModelSetFromCommands(self *zopfliCostModel, position uint, ringbuffer []byte, ringbuffer_mask uint, commands []command, last_insert_len uint) { + var histogram_literal [numLiteralSymbols]uint32 + var histogram_cmd [numCommandSymbols]uint32 + var histogram_dist [maxEffectiveDistanceAlphabetSize]uint32 + var cost_literal [numLiteralSymbols]float32 + var pos uint = position - last_insert_len + var min_cost_cmd float32 = kInfinity + var cost_cmd []float32 = self.cost_cmd_[:] + var literal_costs []float32 + + histogram_literal = [numLiteralSymbols]uint32{} + histogram_cmd = [numCommandSymbols]uint32{} + histogram_dist = [maxEffectiveDistanceAlphabetSize]uint32{} + + for i := range commands { + var inslength uint = uint(commands[i].insert_len_) + var copylength uint = uint(commandCopyLen(&commands[i])) + var distcode uint = uint(commands[i].dist_prefix_) & 0x3FF + var cmdcode uint = uint(commands[i].cmd_prefix_) + var j uint + + histogram_cmd[cmdcode]++ + if cmdcode >= 128 { + histogram_dist[distcode]++ + } + + for j = 0; j < inslength; j++ { + histogram_literal[ringbuffer[(pos+j)&ringbuffer_mask]]++ + } + + pos += inslength + copylength + } + + setCost(histogram_literal[:], numLiteralSymbols, true, cost_literal[:]) + setCost(histogram_cmd[:], numCommandSymbols, false, cost_cmd) + setCost(histogram_dist[:], uint(self.distance_histogram_size), false, self.cost_dist_) + + for i := 0; i < numCommandSymbols; i++ { + min_cost_cmd = brotli_min_float(min_cost_cmd, cost_cmd[i]) + } + + self.min_cost_cmd_ = min_cost_cmd + { + literal_costs = self.literal_costs_ + var literal_carry float32 = 0.0 + num_bytes := int(self.num_bytes_) + literal_costs[0] = 0.0 + for i := 0; i < num_bytes; i++ { + literal_carry += cost_literal[ringbuffer[(position+uint(i))&ringbuffer_mask]] + literal_costs[i+1] = literal_costs[i] + literal_carry + literal_carry -= literal_costs[i+1] - literal_costs[i] + } + } +} + +func zopfliCostModelSetFromLiteralCosts(self *zopfliCostModel, position uint, ringbuffer []byte, ringbuffer_mask uint) { + var literal_costs []float32 = self.literal_costs_ + var literal_carry float32 = 0.0 + var cost_dist []float32 = self.cost_dist_ + var cost_cmd []float32 = self.cost_cmd_[:] + var num_bytes uint = self.num_bytes_ + var i uint + estimateBitCostsForLiterals(position, num_bytes, ringbuffer_mask, ringbuffer, literal_costs[1:]) + literal_costs[0] = 0.0 + for i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++ { + literal_carry += literal_costs[i+1] + literal_costs[i+1] = literal_costs[i] + literal_carry + literal_carry -= literal_costs[i+1] - literal_costs[i] + } + + for i = 0; i < numCommandSymbols; i++ { + cost_cmd[i] = float32(fastLog2(uint(11 + uint32(i)))) + } + + for i = 0; uint32(i) < self.distance_histogram_size; i++ { + cost_dist[i] = float32(fastLog2(uint(20 + uint32(i)))) + } + + self.min_cost_cmd_ = float32(fastLog2(11)) +} + +func zopfliCostModelGetCommandCost(self *zopfliCostModel, cmdcode uint16) float32 { + return self.cost_cmd_[cmdcode] +} + +func zopfliCostModelGetDistanceCost(self *zopfliCostModel, distcode uint) float32 { + return self.cost_dist_[distcode] +} + +func zopfliCostModelGetLiteralCosts(self *zopfliCostModel, from uint, to uint) float32 { + return self.literal_costs_[to] - self.literal_costs_[from] +} + +func zopfliCostModelGetMinCostCmd(self *zopfliCostModel) float32 { + return self.min_cost_cmd_ +} + +/* REQUIRES: len >= 2, start_pos <= pos */ +/* REQUIRES: cost < kInfinity, nodes[start_pos].cost < kInfinity */ +/* Maintains the "ZopfliNode array invariant". */ +func updateZopfliNode(nodes []zopfliNode, pos uint, start_pos uint, len uint, len_code uint, dist uint, short_code uint, cost float32) { + var next *zopfliNode = &nodes[pos+len] + next.length = uint32(len | (len+9-len_code)<<25) + next.distance = uint32(dist) + next.dcode_insert_length = uint32(short_code<<27 | (pos - start_pos)) + next.u.cost = cost +} + +type posData struct { + pos uint + distance_cache [4]int + costdiff float32 + cost float32 +} + +/* Maintains the smallest 8 cost difference together with their positions */ +type startPosQueue struct { + q_ [8]posData + idx_ uint +} + +func initStartPosQueue(self *startPosQueue) { + self.idx_ = 0 +} + +func startPosQueueSize(self *startPosQueue) uint { + return brotli_min_size_t(self.idx_, 8) +} + +func startPosQueuePush(self *startPosQueue, posdata *posData) { + var offset uint = ^(self.idx_) & 7 + self.idx_++ + var len uint = startPosQueueSize(self) + var i uint + var q []posData = self.q_[:] + q[offset] = *posdata + + /* Restore the sorted order. In the list of |len| items at most |len - 1| + adjacent element comparisons / swaps are required. */ + for i = 1; i < len; i++ { + if q[offset&7].costdiff > q[(offset+1)&7].costdiff { + var tmp posData = q[offset&7] + q[offset&7] = q[(offset+1)&7] + q[(offset+1)&7] = tmp + } + + offset++ + } +} + +func startPosQueueAt(self *startPosQueue, k uint) *posData { + return &self.q_[(k-self.idx_)&7] +} + +/* Returns the minimum possible copy length that can improve the cost of any */ +/* future position. */ +func computeMinimumCopyLength(start_cost float32, nodes []zopfliNode, num_bytes uint, pos uint) uint { + var min_cost float32 = start_cost + var len uint = 2 + var next_len_bucket uint = 4 + /* Compute the minimum possible cost of reaching any future position. */ + + var next_len_offset uint = 10 + for pos+len <= num_bytes && nodes[pos+len].u.cost <= min_cost { + /* We already reached (pos + len) with no more cost than the minimum + possible cost of reaching anything from this pos, so there is no point in + looking for lengths <= len. */ + len++ + + if len == next_len_offset { + /* We reached the next copy length code bucket, so we add one more + extra bit to the minimum cost. */ + min_cost += 1.0 + + next_len_offset += next_len_bucket + next_len_bucket *= 2 + } + } + + return uint(len) +} + +/* REQUIRES: nodes[pos].cost < kInfinity + REQUIRES: nodes[0..pos] satisfies that "ZopfliNode array invariant". */ +func computeDistanceShortcut(block_start uint, pos uint, max_backward_limit uint, gap uint, nodes []zopfliNode) uint32 { + var clen uint = uint(zopfliNodeCopyLength(&nodes[pos])) + var ilen uint = uint(nodes[pos].dcode_insert_length & 0x7FFFFFF) + var dist uint = uint(zopfliNodeCopyDistance(&nodes[pos])) + + /* Since |block_start + pos| is the end position of the command, the copy part + starts from |block_start + pos - clen|. Distances that are greater than + this or greater than |max_backward_limit| + |gap| are static dictionary + references, and do not update the last distances. + Also distance code 0 (last distance) does not update the last distances. */ + if pos == 0 { + return 0 + } else if dist+clen <= block_start+pos+gap && dist <= max_backward_limit+gap && zopfliNodeDistanceCode(&nodes[pos]) > 0 { + return uint32(pos) + } else { + return nodes[pos-clen-ilen].u.shortcut + } +} + +/* Fills in dist_cache[0..3] with the last four distances (as defined by + Section 4. of the Spec) that would be used at (block_start + pos) if we + used the shortest path of commands from block_start, computed from + nodes[0..pos]. The last four distances at block_start are in + starting_dist_cache[0..3]. + REQUIRES: nodes[pos].cost < kInfinity + REQUIRES: nodes[0..pos] satisfies that "ZopfliNode array invariant". */ +func computeDistanceCache(pos uint, starting_dist_cache []int, nodes []zopfliNode, dist_cache []int) { + var idx int = 0 + var p uint = uint(nodes[pos].u.shortcut) + for idx < 4 && p > 0 { + var ilen uint = uint(nodes[p].dcode_insert_length & 0x7FFFFFF) + var clen uint = uint(zopfliNodeCopyLength(&nodes[p])) + var dist uint = uint(zopfliNodeCopyDistance(&nodes[p])) + dist_cache[idx] = int(dist) + idx++ + + /* Because of prerequisite, p >= clen + ilen >= 2. */ + p = uint(nodes[p-clen-ilen].u.shortcut) + } + + for ; idx < 4; idx++ { + dist_cache[idx] = starting_dist_cache[0] + starting_dist_cache = starting_dist_cache[1:] + } +} + +/* Maintains "ZopfliNode array invariant" and pushes node to the queue, if it + is eligible. */ +func evaluateNode(block_start uint, pos uint, max_backward_limit uint, gap uint, starting_dist_cache []int, model *zopfliCostModel, queue *startPosQueue, nodes []zopfliNode) { + /* Save cost, because ComputeDistanceCache invalidates it. */ + var node_cost float32 = nodes[pos].u.cost + nodes[pos].u.shortcut = computeDistanceShortcut(block_start, pos, max_backward_limit, gap, nodes) + if node_cost <= zopfliCostModelGetLiteralCosts(model, 0, pos) { + var posdata posData + posdata.pos = pos + posdata.cost = node_cost + posdata.costdiff = node_cost - zopfliCostModelGetLiteralCosts(model, 0, pos) + computeDistanceCache(pos, starting_dist_cache, nodes, posdata.distance_cache[:]) + startPosQueuePush(queue, &posdata) + } +} + +/* Returns longest copy length. */ +func updateNodes(num_bytes uint, block_start uint, pos uint, ringbuffer []byte, ringbuffer_mask uint, params *encoderParams, max_backward_limit uint, starting_dist_cache []int, num_matches uint, matches []backwardMatch, model *zopfliCostModel, queue *startPosQueue, nodes []zopfliNode) uint { + var cur_ix uint = block_start + pos + var cur_ix_masked uint = cur_ix & ringbuffer_mask + var max_distance uint = brotli_min_size_t(cur_ix, max_backward_limit) + var max_len uint = num_bytes - pos + var max_zopfli_len uint = maxZopfliLen(params) + var max_iters uint = maxZopfliCandidates(params) + var min_len uint + var result uint = 0 + var k uint + var gap uint = 0 + + evaluateNode(block_start, pos, max_backward_limit, gap, starting_dist_cache, model, queue, nodes) + { + var posdata *posData = startPosQueueAt(queue, 0) + var min_cost float32 = (posdata.cost + zopfliCostModelGetMinCostCmd(model) + zopfliCostModelGetLiteralCosts(model, posdata.pos, pos)) + min_len = computeMinimumCopyLength(min_cost, nodes, num_bytes, pos) + } + + /* Go over the command starting positions in order of increasing cost + difference. */ + for k = 0; k < max_iters && k < startPosQueueSize(queue); k++ { + var posdata *posData = startPosQueueAt(queue, k) + var start uint = posdata.pos + var inscode uint16 = getInsertLengthCode(pos - start) + var start_costdiff float32 = posdata.costdiff + var base_cost float32 = start_costdiff + float32(getInsertExtra(inscode)) + zopfliCostModelGetLiteralCosts(model, 0, pos) + var best_len uint = min_len - 1 + var j uint = 0 + /* Look for last distance matches using the distance cache from this + starting position. */ + for ; j < numDistanceShortCodes && best_len < max_len; j++ { + var idx uint = uint(kDistanceCacheIndex[j]) + var backward uint = uint(posdata.distance_cache[idx] + kDistanceCacheOffset[j]) + var prev_ix uint = cur_ix - backward + var len uint = 0 + var continuation byte = ringbuffer[cur_ix_masked+best_len] + if cur_ix_masked+best_len > ringbuffer_mask { + break + } + + if backward > max_distance+gap { + /* Word dictionary -> ignore. */ + continue + } + + if backward <= max_distance { + /* Regular backward reference. */ + if prev_ix >= cur_ix { + continue + } + + prev_ix &= ringbuffer_mask + if prev_ix+best_len > ringbuffer_mask || continuation != ringbuffer[prev_ix+best_len] { + continue + } + + len = findMatchLengthWithLimit(ringbuffer[prev_ix:], ringbuffer[cur_ix_masked:], max_len) + } else { + continue + } + { + var dist_cost float32 = base_cost + zopfliCostModelGetDistanceCost(model, j) + var l uint + for l = best_len + 1; l <= len; l++ { + var copycode uint16 = getCopyLengthCode(l) + var cmdcode uint16 = combineLengthCodes(inscode, copycode, j == 0) + var tmp float32 + if cmdcode < 128 { + tmp = base_cost + } else { + tmp = dist_cost + } + var cost float32 = tmp + float32(getCopyExtra(copycode)) + zopfliCostModelGetCommandCost(model, cmdcode) + if cost < nodes[pos+l].u.cost { + updateZopfliNode(nodes, pos, start, l, l, backward, j+1, cost) + result = brotli_max_size_t(result, l) + } + + best_len = l + } + } + } + + /* At higher iterations look only for new last distance matches, since + looking only for new command start positions with the same distances + does not help much. */ + if k >= 2 { + continue + } + { + /* Loop through all possible copy lengths at this position. */ + var len uint = min_len + for j = 0; j < num_matches; j++ { + var match backwardMatch = matches[j] + var dist uint = uint(match.distance) + var is_dictionary_match bool = (dist > max_distance+gap) + var dist_code uint = dist + numDistanceShortCodes - 1 + var dist_symbol uint16 + var distextra uint32 + var distnumextra uint32 + var dist_cost float32 + var max_match_len uint + /* We already tried all possible last distance matches, so we can use + normal distance code here. */ + prefixEncodeCopyDistance(dist_code, uint(params.dist.num_direct_distance_codes), uint(params.dist.distance_postfix_bits), &dist_symbol, &distextra) + + distnumextra = uint32(dist_symbol) >> 10 + dist_cost = base_cost + float32(distnumextra) + zopfliCostModelGetDistanceCost(model, uint(dist_symbol)&0x3FF) + + /* Try all copy lengths up until the maximum copy length corresponding + to this distance. If the distance refers to the static dictionary, or + the maximum length is long enough, try only one maximum length. */ + max_match_len = backwardMatchLength(&match) + + if len < max_match_len && (is_dictionary_match || max_match_len > max_zopfli_len) { + len = max_match_len + } + + for ; len <= max_match_len; len++ { + var len_code uint + if is_dictionary_match { + len_code = backwardMatchLengthCode(&match) + } else { + len_code = len + } + var copycode uint16 = getCopyLengthCode(len_code) + var cmdcode uint16 = combineLengthCodes(inscode, copycode, false) + var cost float32 = dist_cost + float32(getCopyExtra(copycode)) + zopfliCostModelGetCommandCost(model, cmdcode) + if cost < nodes[pos+len].u.cost { + updateZopfliNode(nodes, pos, start, uint(len), len_code, dist, 0, cost) + if len > result { + result = len + } + } + } + } + } + } + + return result +} + +func computeShortestPathFromNodes(num_bytes uint, nodes []zopfliNode) uint { + var index uint = num_bytes + var num_commands uint = 0 + for nodes[index].dcode_insert_length&0x7FFFFFF == 0 && nodes[index].length == 1 { + index-- + } + nodes[index].u.next = math.MaxUint32 + for index != 0 { + var len uint = uint(zopfliNodeCommandLength(&nodes[index])) + index -= uint(len) + nodes[index].u.next = uint32(len) + num_commands++ + } + + return num_commands +} + +/* REQUIRES: nodes != NULL and len(nodes) >= num_bytes + 1 */ +func zopfliCreateCommands(num_bytes uint, block_start uint, nodes []zopfliNode, dist_cache []int, last_insert_len *uint, params *encoderParams, commands *[]command, num_literals *uint) { + var max_backward_limit uint = maxBackwardLimit(params.lgwin) + var pos uint = 0 + var offset uint32 = nodes[0].u.next + var i uint + var gap uint = 0 + for i = 0; offset != math.MaxUint32; i++ { + var next *zopfliNode = &nodes[uint32(pos)+offset] + var copy_length uint = uint(zopfliNodeCopyLength(next)) + var insert_length uint = uint(next.dcode_insert_length & 0x7FFFFFF) + pos += insert_length + offset = next.u.next + if i == 0 { + insert_length += *last_insert_len + *last_insert_len = 0 + } + { + var distance uint = uint(zopfliNodeCopyDistance(next)) + var len_code uint = uint(zopfliNodeLengthCode(next)) + var max_distance uint = brotli_min_size_t(block_start+pos, max_backward_limit) + var is_dictionary bool = (distance > max_distance+gap) + var dist_code uint = uint(zopfliNodeDistanceCode(next)) + *commands = append(*commands, makeCommand(¶ms.dist, insert_length, copy_length, int(len_code)-int(copy_length), dist_code)) + + if !is_dictionary && dist_code > 0 { + dist_cache[3] = dist_cache[2] + dist_cache[2] = dist_cache[1] + dist_cache[1] = dist_cache[0] + dist_cache[0] = int(distance) + } + } + + *num_literals += insert_length + pos += copy_length + } + + *last_insert_len += num_bytes - pos +} + +func zopfliIterate(num_bytes uint, position uint, ringbuffer []byte, ringbuffer_mask uint, params *encoderParams, gap uint, dist_cache []int, model *zopfliCostModel, num_matches []uint32, matches []backwardMatch, nodes []zopfliNode) uint { + var max_backward_limit uint = maxBackwardLimit(params.lgwin) + var max_zopfli_len uint = maxZopfliLen(params) + var queue startPosQueue + var cur_match_pos uint = 0 + var i uint + nodes[0].length = 0 + nodes[0].u.cost = 0 + initStartPosQueue(&queue) + for i = 0; i+3 < num_bytes; i++ { + var skip uint = updateNodes(num_bytes, position, i, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, params, max_backward_limit, dist_cache, uint(num_matches[i]), matches[cur_match_pos:], model, &queue, nodes) + if skip < longCopyQuickStep { + skip = 0 + } + cur_match_pos += uint(num_matches[i]) + if num_matches[i] == 1 && backwardMatchLength(&matches[cur_match_pos-1]) > max_zopfli_len { + skip = brotli_max_size_t(backwardMatchLength(&matches[cur_match_pos-1]), skip) + } + + if skip > 1 { + skip-- + for skip != 0 { + i++ + if i+3 >= num_bytes { + break + } + evaluateNode(position, i, max_backward_limit, gap, dist_cache, model, &queue, nodes) + cur_match_pos += uint(num_matches[i]) + skip-- + } + } + } + + return computeShortestPathFromNodes(num_bytes, nodes) +} + +/* Computes the shortest path of commands from position to at most + position + num_bytes. + + On return, path->size() is the number of commands found and path[i] is the + length of the i-th command (copy length plus insert length). + Note that the sum of the lengths of all commands can be less than num_bytes. + + On return, the nodes[0..num_bytes] array will have the following + "ZopfliNode array invariant": + For each i in [1..num_bytes], if nodes[i].cost < kInfinity, then + (1) nodes[i].copy_length() >= 2 + (2) nodes[i].command_length() <= i and + (3) nodes[i - nodes[i].command_length()].cost < kInfinity + + REQUIRES: nodes != nil and len(nodes) >= num_bytes + 1 */ +func zopfliComputeShortestPath(num_bytes uint, position uint, ringbuffer []byte, ringbuffer_mask uint, params *encoderParams, dist_cache []int, hasher *h10, nodes []zopfliNode) uint { + var max_backward_limit uint = maxBackwardLimit(params.lgwin) + var max_zopfli_len uint = maxZopfliLen(params) + var model zopfliCostModel + var queue startPosQueue + var matches [2 * (maxNumMatchesH10 + 64)]backwardMatch + var store_end uint + if num_bytes >= hasher.StoreLookahead() { + store_end = position + num_bytes - hasher.StoreLookahead() + 1 + } else { + store_end = position + } + var i uint + var gap uint = 0 + var lz_matches_offset uint = 0 + nodes[0].length = 0 + nodes[0].u.cost = 0 + initZopfliCostModel(&model, ¶ms.dist, num_bytes) + zopfliCostModelSetFromLiteralCosts(&model, position, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask) + initStartPosQueue(&queue) + for i = 0; i+hasher.HashTypeLength()-1 < num_bytes; i++ { + var pos uint = position + i + var max_distance uint = brotli_min_size_t(pos, max_backward_limit) + var skip uint + var num_matches uint + num_matches = findAllMatchesH10(hasher, ¶ms.dictionary, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, pos, num_bytes-i, max_distance, gap, params, matches[lz_matches_offset:]) + if num_matches > 0 && backwardMatchLength(&matches[num_matches-1]) > max_zopfli_len { + matches[0] = matches[num_matches-1] + num_matches = 1 + } + + skip = updateNodes(num_bytes, position, i, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, params, max_backward_limit, dist_cache, num_matches, matches[:], &model, &queue, nodes) + if skip < longCopyQuickStep { + skip = 0 + } + if num_matches == 1 && backwardMatchLength(&matches[0]) > max_zopfli_len { + skip = brotli_max_size_t(backwardMatchLength(&matches[0]), skip) + } + + if skip > 1 { + /* Add the tail of the copy to the hasher. */ + hasher.StoreRange(ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, pos+1, brotli_min_size_t(pos+skip, store_end)) + + skip-- + for skip != 0 { + i++ + if i+hasher.HashTypeLength()-1 >= num_bytes { + break + } + evaluateNode(position, i, max_backward_limit, gap, dist_cache, &model, &queue, nodes) + skip-- + } + } + } + + cleanupZopfliCostModel(&model) + return computeShortestPathFromNodes(num_bytes, nodes) +} + +func createZopfliBackwardReferences(num_bytes uint, position uint, ringbuffer []byte, ringbuffer_mask uint, params *encoderParams, hasher *h10, dist_cache []int, last_insert_len *uint, commands *[]command, num_literals *uint) { + var nodes []zopfliNode + nodes = make([]zopfliNode, (num_bytes + 1)) + initZopfliNodes(nodes, num_bytes+1) + zopfliComputeShortestPath(num_bytes, position, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, params, dist_cache, hasher, nodes) + zopfliCreateCommands(num_bytes, position, nodes, dist_cache, last_insert_len, params, commands, num_literals) + nodes = nil +} + +func createHqZopfliBackwardReferences(num_bytes uint, position uint, ringbuffer []byte, ringbuffer_mask uint, params *encoderParams, hasher hasherHandle, dist_cache []int, last_insert_len *uint, commands *[]command, num_literals *uint) { + var max_backward_limit uint = maxBackwardLimit(params.lgwin) + var num_matches []uint32 = make([]uint32, num_bytes) + var matches_size uint = 4 * num_bytes + var store_end uint + if num_bytes >= hasher.StoreLookahead() { + store_end = position + num_bytes - hasher.StoreLookahead() + 1 + } else { + store_end = position + } + var cur_match_pos uint = 0 + var i uint + var orig_num_literals uint + var orig_last_insert_len uint + var orig_dist_cache [4]int + var orig_num_commands int + var model zopfliCostModel + var nodes []zopfliNode + var matches []backwardMatch = make([]backwardMatch, matches_size) + var gap uint = 0 + var shadow_matches uint = 0 + var new_array []backwardMatch + for i = 0; i+hasher.HashTypeLength()-1 < num_bytes; i++ { + var pos uint = position + i + var max_distance uint = brotli_min_size_t(pos, max_backward_limit) + var max_length uint = num_bytes - i + var num_found_matches uint + var cur_match_end uint + var j uint + + /* Ensure that we have enough free slots. */ + if matches_size < cur_match_pos+maxNumMatchesH10+shadow_matches { + var new_size uint = matches_size + if new_size == 0 { + new_size = cur_match_pos + maxNumMatchesH10 + shadow_matches + } + + for new_size < cur_match_pos+maxNumMatchesH10+shadow_matches { + new_size *= 2 + } + + new_array = make([]backwardMatch, new_size) + if matches_size != 0 { + copy(new_array, matches[:matches_size]) + } + + matches = new_array + matches_size = new_size + } + + num_found_matches = findAllMatchesH10(hasher.(*h10), ¶ms.dictionary, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, pos, max_length, max_distance, gap, params, matches[cur_match_pos+shadow_matches:]) + cur_match_end = cur_match_pos + num_found_matches + for j = cur_match_pos; j+1 < cur_match_end; j++ { + assert(backwardMatchLength(&matches[j]) <= backwardMatchLength(&matches[j+1])) + } + + num_matches[i] = uint32(num_found_matches) + if num_found_matches > 0 { + var match_len uint = backwardMatchLength(&matches[cur_match_end-1]) + if match_len > maxZopfliLenQuality11 { + var skip uint = match_len - 1 + matches[cur_match_pos] = matches[cur_match_end-1] + cur_match_pos++ + num_matches[i] = 1 + + /* Add the tail of the copy to the hasher. */ + hasher.StoreRange(ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, pos+1, brotli_min_size_t(pos+match_len, store_end)) + var pos uint = i + for i := 0; i < int(skip); i++ { + num_matches[pos+1:][i] = 0 + } + i += skip + } else { + cur_match_pos = cur_match_end + } + } + } + + orig_num_literals = *num_literals + orig_last_insert_len = *last_insert_len + copy(orig_dist_cache[:], dist_cache[:4]) + orig_num_commands = len(*commands) + nodes = make([]zopfliNode, (num_bytes + 1)) + initZopfliCostModel(&model, ¶ms.dist, num_bytes) + for i = 0; i < 2; i++ { + initZopfliNodes(nodes, num_bytes+1) + if i == 0 { + zopfliCostModelSetFromLiteralCosts(&model, position, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask) + } else { + zopfliCostModelSetFromCommands(&model, position, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, (*commands)[orig_num_commands:], orig_last_insert_len) + } + + *commands = (*commands)[:orig_num_commands] + *num_literals = orig_num_literals + *last_insert_len = orig_last_insert_len + copy(dist_cache, orig_dist_cache[:4]) + zopfliIterate(num_bytes, position, ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, params, gap, dist_cache, &model, num_matches, matches, nodes) + zopfliCreateCommands(num_bytes, position, nodes, dist_cache, last_insert_len, params, commands, num_literals) + } + + cleanupZopfliCostModel(&model) + nodes = nil + matches = nil + num_matches = nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/bit_cost.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/bit_cost.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..0005fc15e63b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/bit_cost.go @@ -0,0 +1,436 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Functions to estimate the bit cost of Huffman trees. */ +func shannonEntropy(population []uint32, size uint, total *uint) float64 { + var sum uint = 0 + var retval float64 = 0 + var population_end []uint32 = population[size:] + var p uint + for -cap(population) < -cap(population_end) { + p = uint(population[0]) + population = population[1:] + sum += p + retval -= float64(p) * fastLog2(p) + } + + if sum != 0 { + retval += float64(sum) * fastLog2(sum) + } + *total = sum + return retval +} + +func bitsEntropy(population []uint32, size uint) float64 { + var sum uint + var retval float64 = shannonEntropy(population, size, &sum) + if retval < float64(sum) { + /* At least one bit per literal is needed. */ + retval = float64(sum) + } + + return retval +} + +const kOneSymbolHistogramCost float64 = 12 +const kTwoSymbolHistogramCost float64 = 20 +const kThreeSymbolHistogramCost float64 = 28 +const kFourSymbolHistogramCost float64 = 37 + +func populationCostLiteral(histogram *histogramLiteral) float64 { + var data_size uint = histogramDataSizeLiteral() + var count int = 0 + var s [5]uint + var bits float64 = 0.0 + var i uint + if histogram.total_count_ == 0 { + return kOneSymbolHistogramCost + } + + for i = 0; i < data_size; i++ { + if histogram.data_[i] > 0 { + s[count] = i + count++ + if count > 4 { + break + } + } + } + + if count == 1 { + return kOneSymbolHistogramCost + } + + if count == 2 { + return kTwoSymbolHistogramCost + float64(histogram.total_count_) + } + + if count == 3 { + var histo0 uint32 = histogram.data_[s[0]] + var histo1 uint32 = histogram.data_[s[1]] + var histo2 uint32 = histogram.data_[s[2]] + var histomax uint32 = brotli_max_uint32_t(histo0, brotli_max_uint32_t(histo1, histo2)) + return kThreeSymbolHistogramCost + 2*(float64(histo0)+float64(histo1)+float64(histo2)) - float64(histomax) + } + + if count == 4 { + var histo [4]uint32 + var h23 uint32 + var histomax uint32 + for i = 0; i < 4; i++ { + histo[i] = histogram.data_[s[i]] + } + + /* Sort */ + for i = 0; i < 4; i++ { + var j uint + for j = i + 1; j < 4; j++ { + if histo[j] > histo[i] { + var tmp uint32 = histo[j] + histo[j] = histo[i] + histo[i] = tmp + } + } + } + + h23 = histo[2] + histo[3] + histomax = brotli_max_uint32_t(h23, histo[0]) + return kFourSymbolHistogramCost + 3*float64(h23) + 2*(float64(histo[0])+float64(histo[1])) - float64(histomax) + } + { + var max_depth uint = 1 + var depth_histo = [codeLengthCodes]uint32{0} + /* In this loop we compute the entropy of the histogram and simultaneously + build a simplified histogram of the code length codes where we use the + zero repeat code 17, but we don't use the non-zero repeat code 16. */ + + var log2total float64 = fastLog2(histogram.total_count_) + for i = 0; i < data_size; { + if histogram.data_[i] > 0 { + var log2p float64 = log2total - fastLog2(uint(histogram.data_[i])) + /* Compute -log2(P(symbol)) = -log2(count(symbol)/total_count) = + = log2(total_count) - log2(count(symbol)) */ + + var depth uint = uint(log2p + 0.5) + /* Approximate the bit depth by round(-log2(P(symbol))) */ + bits += float64(histogram.data_[i]) * log2p + + if depth > 15 { + depth = 15 + } + + if depth > max_depth { + max_depth = depth + } + + depth_histo[depth]++ + i++ + } else { + var reps uint32 = 1 + /* Compute the run length of zeros and add the appropriate number of 0 + and 17 code length codes to the code length code histogram. */ + + var k uint + for k = i + 1; k < data_size && histogram.data_[k] == 0; k++ { + reps++ + } + + i += uint(reps) + if i == data_size { + /* Don't add any cost for the last zero run, since these are encoded + only implicitly. */ + break + } + + if reps < 3 { + depth_histo[0] += reps + } else { + reps -= 2 + for reps > 0 { + depth_histo[repeatZeroCodeLength]++ + + /* Add the 3 extra bits for the 17 code length code. */ + bits += 3 + + reps >>= 3 + } + } + } + } + + /* Add the estimated encoding cost of the code length code histogram. */ + bits += float64(18 + 2*max_depth) + + /* Add the entropy of the code length code histogram. */ + bits += bitsEntropy(depth_histo[:], codeLengthCodes) + } + + return bits +} + +func populationCostCommand(histogram *histogramCommand) float64 { + var data_size uint = histogramDataSizeCommand() + var count int = 0 + var s [5]uint + var bits float64 = 0.0 + var i uint + if histogram.total_count_ == 0 { + return kOneSymbolHistogramCost + } + + for i = 0; i < data_size; i++ { + if histogram.data_[i] > 0 { + s[count] = i + count++ + if count > 4 { + break + } + } + } + + if count == 1 { + return kOneSymbolHistogramCost + } + + if count == 2 { + return kTwoSymbolHistogramCost + float64(histogram.total_count_) + } + + if count == 3 { + var histo0 uint32 = histogram.data_[s[0]] + var histo1 uint32 = histogram.data_[s[1]] + var histo2 uint32 = histogram.data_[s[2]] + var histomax uint32 = brotli_max_uint32_t(histo0, brotli_max_uint32_t(histo1, histo2)) + return kThreeSymbolHistogramCost + 2*(float64(histo0)+float64(histo1)+float64(histo2)) - float64(histomax) + } + + if count == 4 { + var histo [4]uint32 + var h23 uint32 + var histomax uint32 + for i = 0; i < 4; i++ { + histo[i] = histogram.data_[s[i]] + } + + /* Sort */ + for i = 0; i < 4; i++ { + var j uint + for j = i + 1; j < 4; j++ { + if histo[j] > histo[i] { + var tmp uint32 = histo[j] + histo[j] = histo[i] + histo[i] = tmp + } + } + } + + h23 = histo[2] + histo[3] + histomax = brotli_max_uint32_t(h23, histo[0]) + return kFourSymbolHistogramCost + 3*float64(h23) + 2*(float64(histo[0])+float64(histo[1])) - float64(histomax) + } + { + var max_depth uint = 1 + var depth_histo = [codeLengthCodes]uint32{0} + /* In this loop we compute the entropy of the histogram and simultaneously + build a simplified histogram of the code length codes where we use the + zero repeat code 17, but we don't use the non-zero repeat code 16. */ + + var log2total float64 = fastLog2(histogram.total_count_) + for i = 0; i < data_size; { + if histogram.data_[i] > 0 { + var log2p float64 = log2total - fastLog2(uint(histogram.data_[i])) + /* Compute -log2(P(symbol)) = -log2(count(symbol)/total_count) = + = log2(total_count) - log2(count(symbol)) */ + + var depth uint = uint(log2p + 0.5) + /* Approximate the bit depth by round(-log2(P(symbol))) */ + bits += float64(histogram.data_[i]) * log2p + + if depth > 15 { + depth = 15 + } + + if depth > max_depth { + max_depth = depth + } + + depth_histo[depth]++ + i++ + } else { + var reps uint32 = 1 + /* Compute the run length of zeros and add the appropriate number of 0 + and 17 code length codes to the code length code histogram. */ + + var k uint + for k = i + 1; k < data_size && histogram.data_[k] == 0; k++ { + reps++ + } + + i += uint(reps) + if i == data_size { + /* Don't add any cost for the last zero run, since these are encoded + only implicitly. */ + break + } + + if reps < 3 { + depth_histo[0] += reps + } else { + reps -= 2 + for reps > 0 { + depth_histo[repeatZeroCodeLength]++ + + /* Add the 3 extra bits for the 17 code length code. */ + bits += 3 + + reps >>= 3 + } + } + } + } + + /* Add the estimated encoding cost of the code length code histogram. */ + bits += float64(18 + 2*max_depth) + + /* Add the entropy of the code length code histogram. */ + bits += bitsEntropy(depth_histo[:], codeLengthCodes) + } + + return bits +} + +func populationCostDistance(histogram *histogramDistance) float64 { + var data_size uint = histogramDataSizeDistance() + var count int = 0 + var s [5]uint + var bits float64 = 0.0 + var i uint + if histogram.total_count_ == 0 { + return kOneSymbolHistogramCost + } + + for i = 0; i < data_size; i++ { + if histogram.data_[i] > 0 { + s[count] = i + count++ + if count > 4 { + break + } + } + } + + if count == 1 { + return kOneSymbolHistogramCost + } + + if count == 2 { + return kTwoSymbolHistogramCost + float64(histogram.total_count_) + } + + if count == 3 { + var histo0 uint32 = histogram.data_[s[0]] + var histo1 uint32 = histogram.data_[s[1]] + var histo2 uint32 = histogram.data_[s[2]] + var histomax uint32 = brotli_max_uint32_t(histo0, brotli_max_uint32_t(histo1, histo2)) + return kThreeSymbolHistogramCost + 2*(float64(histo0)+float64(histo1)+float64(histo2)) - float64(histomax) + } + + if count == 4 { + var histo [4]uint32 + var h23 uint32 + var histomax uint32 + for i = 0; i < 4; i++ { + histo[i] = histogram.data_[s[i]] + } + + /* Sort */ + for i = 0; i < 4; i++ { + var j uint + for j = i + 1; j < 4; j++ { + if histo[j] > histo[i] { + var tmp uint32 = histo[j] + histo[j] = histo[i] + histo[i] = tmp + } + } + } + + h23 = histo[2] + histo[3] + histomax = brotli_max_uint32_t(h23, histo[0]) + return kFourSymbolHistogramCost + 3*float64(h23) + 2*(float64(histo[0])+float64(histo[1])) - float64(histomax) + } + { + var max_depth uint = 1 + var depth_histo = [codeLengthCodes]uint32{0} + /* In this loop we compute the entropy of the histogram and simultaneously + build a simplified histogram of the code length codes where we use the + zero repeat code 17, but we don't use the non-zero repeat code 16. */ + + var log2total float64 = fastLog2(histogram.total_count_) + for i = 0; i < data_size; { + if histogram.data_[i] > 0 { + var log2p float64 = log2total - fastLog2(uint(histogram.data_[i])) + /* Compute -log2(P(symbol)) = -log2(count(symbol)/total_count) = + = log2(total_count) - log2(count(symbol)) */ + + var depth uint = uint(log2p + 0.5) + /* Approximate the bit depth by round(-log2(P(symbol))) */ + bits += float64(histogram.data_[i]) * log2p + + if depth > 15 { + depth = 15 + } + + if depth > max_depth { + max_depth = depth + } + + depth_histo[depth]++ + i++ + } else { + var reps uint32 = 1 + /* Compute the run length of zeros and add the appropriate number of 0 + and 17 code length codes to the code length code histogram. */ + + var k uint + for k = i + 1; k < data_size && histogram.data_[k] == 0; k++ { + reps++ + } + + i += uint(reps) + if i == data_size { + /* Don't add any cost for the last zero run, since these are encoded + only implicitly. */ + break + } + + if reps < 3 { + depth_histo[0] += reps + } else { + reps -= 2 + for reps > 0 { + depth_histo[repeatZeroCodeLength]++ + + /* Add the 3 extra bits for the 17 code length code. */ + bits += 3 + + reps >>= 3 + } + } + } + } + + /* Add the estimated encoding cost of the code length code histogram. */ + bits += float64(18 + 2*max_depth) + + /* Add the entropy of the code length code histogram. */ + bits += bitsEntropy(depth_histo[:], codeLengthCodes) + } + + return bits +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/bit_reader.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/bit_reader.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..fba8687c69f38 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/bit_reader.go @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ +package brotli + +import "encoding/binary" + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Bit reading helpers */ + +const shortFillBitWindowRead = (8 >> 1) + +var kBitMask = [33]uint32{ + 0x00000000, + 0x00000001, + 0x00000003, + 0x00000007, + 0x0000000F, + 0x0000001F, + 0x0000003F, + 0x0000007F, + 0x000000FF, + 0x000001FF, + 0x000003FF, + 0x000007FF, + 0x00000FFF, + 0x00001FFF, + 0x00003FFF, + 0x00007FFF, + 0x0000FFFF, + 0x0001FFFF, + 0x0003FFFF, + 0x0007FFFF, + 0x000FFFFF, + 0x001FFFFF, + 0x003FFFFF, + 0x007FFFFF, + 0x00FFFFFF, + 0x01FFFFFF, + 0x03FFFFFF, + 0x07FFFFFF, + 0x0FFFFFFF, + 0x1FFFFFFF, + 0x3FFFFFFF, + 0x7FFFFFFF, + 0xFFFFFFFF, +} + +func bitMask(n uint32) uint32 { + return kBitMask[n] +} + +type bitReader struct { + val_ uint64 + bit_pos_ uint32 + input []byte + input_len uint + byte_pos uint +} + +type bitReaderState struct { + val_ uint64 + bit_pos_ uint32 + input []byte + input_len uint + byte_pos uint +} + +/* Initializes the BrotliBitReader fields. */ + +/* Ensures that accumulator is not empty. + May consume up to sizeof(brotli_reg_t) - 1 bytes of input. + Returns false if data is required but there is no input available. + For BROTLI_ALIGNED_READ this function also prepares bit reader for aligned + reading. */ +func bitReaderSaveState(from *bitReader, to *bitReaderState) { + to.val_ = from.val_ + to.bit_pos_ = from.bit_pos_ + to.input = from.input + to.input_len = from.input_len + to.byte_pos = from.byte_pos +} + +func bitReaderRestoreState(to *bitReader, from *bitReaderState) { + to.val_ = from.val_ + to.bit_pos_ = from.bit_pos_ + to.input = from.input + to.input_len = from.input_len + to.byte_pos = from.byte_pos +} + +func getAvailableBits(br *bitReader) uint32 { + return 64 - br.bit_pos_ +} + +/* Returns amount of unread bytes the bit reader still has buffered from the + BrotliInput, including whole bytes in br->val_. */ +func getRemainingBytes(br *bitReader) uint { + return uint(uint32(br.input_len-br.byte_pos) + (getAvailableBits(br) >> 3)) +} + +/* Checks if there is at least |num| bytes left in the input ring-buffer + (excluding the bits remaining in br->val_). */ +func checkInputAmount(br *bitReader, num uint) bool { + return br.input_len-br.byte_pos >= num +} + +/* Guarantees that there are at least |n_bits| + 1 bits in accumulator. + Precondition: accumulator contains at least 1 bit. + |n_bits| should be in the range [1..24] for regular build. For portable + non-64-bit little-endian build only 16 bits are safe to request. */ +func fillBitWindow(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32) { + if br.bit_pos_ >= 32 { + br.val_ >>= 32 + br.bit_pos_ ^= 32 /* here same as -= 32 because of the if condition */ + br.val_ |= (uint64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(br.input[br.byte_pos:]))) << 32 + br.byte_pos += 4 + } +} + +/* Mostly like BrotliFillBitWindow, but guarantees only 16 bits and reads no + more than BROTLI_SHORT_FILL_BIT_WINDOW_READ bytes of input. */ +func fillBitWindow16(br *bitReader) { + fillBitWindow(br, 17) +} + +/* Tries to pull one byte of input to accumulator. + Returns false if there is no input available. */ +func pullByte(br *bitReader) bool { + if br.byte_pos == br.input_len { + return false + } + + br.val_ >>= 8 + br.val_ |= (uint64(br.input[br.byte_pos])) << 56 + br.bit_pos_ -= 8 + br.byte_pos++ + return true +} + +/* Returns currently available bits. + The number of valid bits could be calculated by BrotliGetAvailableBits. */ +func getBitsUnmasked(br *bitReader) uint64 { + return br.val_ >> br.bit_pos_ +} + +/* Like BrotliGetBits, but does not mask the result. + The result contains at least 16 valid bits. */ +func get16BitsUnmasked(br *bitReader) uint32 { + fillBitWindow(br, 16) + return uint32(getBitsUnmasked(br)) +} + +/* Returns the specified number of bits from |br| without advancing bit + position. */ +func getBits(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32) uint32 { + fillBitWindow(br, n_bits) + return uint32(getBitsUnmasked(br)) & bitMask(n_bits) +} + +/* Tries to peek the specified amount of bits. Returns false, if there + is not enough input. */ +func safeGetBits(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32, val *uint32) bool { + for getAvailableBits(br) < n_bits { + if !pullByte(br) { + return false + } + } + + *val = uint32(getBitsUnmasked(br)) & bitMask(n_bits) + return true +} + +/* Advances the bit pos by |n_bits|. */ +func dropBits(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32) { + br.bit_pos_ += n_bits +} + +func bitReaderUnload(br *bitReader) { + var unused_bytes uint32 = getAvailableBits(br) >> 3 + var unused_bits uint32 = unused_bytes << 3 + br.byte_pos -= uint(unused_bytes) + if unused_bits == 64 { + br.val_ = 0 + } else { + br.val_ <<= unused_bits + } + + br.bit_pos_ += unused_bits +} + +/* Reads the specified number of bits from |br| and advances the bit pos. + Precondition: accumulator MUST contain at least |n_bits|. */ +func takeBits(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32, val *uint32) { + *val = uint32(getBitsUnmasked(br)) & bitMask(n_bits) + dropBits(br, n_bits) +} + +/* Reads the specified number of bits from |br| and advances the bit pos. + Assumes that there is enough input to perform BrotliFillBitWindow. */ +func readBits(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32) uint32 { + var val uint32 + fillBitWindow(br, n_bits) + takeBits(br, n_bits, &val) + return val +} + +/* Tries to read the specified amount of bits. Returns false, if there + is not enough input. |n_bits| MUST be positive. */ +func safeReadBits(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32, val *uint32) bool { + for getAvailableBits(br) < n_bits { + if !pullByte(br) { + return false + } + } + + takeBits(br, n_bits, val) + return true +} + +/* Advances the bit reader position to the next byte boundary and verifies + that any skipped bits are set to zero. */ +func bitReaderJumpToByteBoundary(br *bitReader) bool { + var pad_bits_count uint32 = getAvailableBits(br) & 0x7 + var pad_bits uint32 = 0 + if pad_bits_count != 0 { + takeBits(br, pad_bits_count, &pad_bits) + } + + return pad_bits == 0 +} + +/* Copies remaining input bytes stored in the bit reader to the output. Value + |num| may not be larger than BrotliGetRemainingBytes. The bit reader must be + warmed up again after this. */ +func copyBytes(dest []byte, br *bitReader, num uint) { + for getAvailableBits(br) >= 8 && num > 0 { + dest[0] = byte(getBitsUnmasked(br)) + dropBits(br, 8) + dest = dest[1:] + num-- + } + + copy(dest, br.input[br.byte_pos:][:num]) + br.byte_pos += num +} + +func initBitReader(br *bitReader) { + br.val_ = 0 + br.bit_pos_ = 64 +} + +func warmupBitReader(br *bitReader) bool { + /* Fixing alignment after unaligned BrotliFillWindow would result accumulator + overflow. If unalignment is caused by BrotliSafeReadBits, then there is + enough space in accumulator to fix alignment. */ + if getAvailableBits(br) == 0 { + if !pullByte(br) { + return false + } + } + + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/bitwriter.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/bitwriter.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..dfc60360f3606 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/bitwriter.go @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Write bits into a byte array. */ + +type bitWriter struct { + dst []byte + + // Data waiting to be written is the low nbits of bits. + bits uint64 + nbits uint +} + +func (w *bitWriter) writeBits(nb uint, b uint64) { + w.bits |= b << w.nbits + w.nbits += nb + if w.nbits >= 32 { + bits := w.bits + w.bits >>= 32 + w.nbits -= 32 + w.dst = append(w.dst, + byte(bits), + byte(bits>>8), + byte(bits>>16), + byte(bits>>24), + ) + } +} + +func (w *bitWriter) writeSingleBit(bit bool) { + if bit { + w.writeBits(1, 1) + } else { + w.writeBits(1, 0) + } +} + +func (w *bitWriter) jumpToByteBoundary() { + dst := w.dst + for w.nbits != 0 { + dst = append(dst, byte(w.bits)) + w.bits >>= 8 + if w.nbits > 8 { // Avoid underflow + w.nbits -= 8 + } else { + w.nbits = 0 + } + } + w.bits = 0 + w.dst = dst +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/block_splitter.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/block_splitter.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..978a1314748db --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/block_splitter.go @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Block split point selection utilities. */ + +type blockSplit struct { + num_types uint + num_blocks uint + types []byte + lengths []uint32 + types_alloc_size uint + lengths_alloc_size uint +} + +const ( + kMaxLiteralHistograms uint = 100 + kMaxCommandHistograms uint = 50 + kLiteralBlockSwitchCost float64 = 28.1 + kCommandBlockSwitchCost float64 = 13.5 + kDistanceBlockSwitchCost float64 = 14.6 + kLiteralStrideLength uint = 70 + kCommandStrideLength uint = 40 + kSymbolsPerLiteralHistogram uint = 544 + kSymbolsPerCommandHistogram uint = 530 + kSymbolsPerDistanceHistogram uint = 544 + kMinLengthForBlockSplitting uint = 128 + kIterMulForRefining uint = 2 + kMinItersForRefining uint = 100 +) + +func countLiterals(cmds []command) uint { + var total_length uint = 0 + /* Count how many we have. */ + + for i := range cmds { + total_length += uint(cmds[i].insert_len_) + } + + return total_length +} + +func copyLiteralsToByteArray(cmds []command, data []byte, offset uint, mask uint, literals []byte) { + var pos uint = 0 + var from_pos uint = offset & mask + for i := range cmds { + var insert_len uint = uint(cmds[i].insert_len_) + if from_pos+insert_len > mask { + var head_size uint = mask + 1 - from_pos + copy(literals[pos:], data[from_pos:][:head_size]) + from_pos = 0 + pos += head_size + insert_len -= head_size + } + + if insert_len > 0 { + copy(literals[pos:], data[from_pos:][:insert_len]) + pos += insert_len + } + + from_pos = uint((uint32(from_pos+insert_len) + commandCopyLen(&cmds[i])) & uint32(mask)) + } +} + +func myRand(seed *uint32) uint32 { + /* Initial seed should be 7. In this case, loop length is (1 << 29). */ + *seed *= 16807 + + return *seed +} + +func bitCost(count uint) float64 { + if count == 0 { + return -2.0 + } else { + return fastLog2(count) + } +} + +const histogramsPerBatch = 64 + +const clustersPerBatch = 16 + +func initBlockSplit(self *blockSplit) { + self.num_types = 0 + self.num_blocks = 0 + self.types = self.types[:0] + self.lengths = self.lengths[:0] + self.types_alloc_size = 0 + self.lengths_alloc_size = 0 +} + +func splitBlock(cmds []command, data []byte, pos uint, mask uint, params *encoderParams, literal_split *blockSplit, insert_and_copy_split *blockSplit, dist_split *blockSplit) { + { + var literals_count uint = countLiterals(cmds) + var literals []byte = make([]byte, literals_count) + + /* Create a continuous array of literals. */ + copyLiteralsToByteArray(cmds, data, pos, mask, literals) + + /* Create the block split on the array of literals. + Literal histograms have alphabet size 256. */ + splitByteVectorLiteral(literals, literals_count, kSymbolsPerLiteralHistogram, kMaxLiteralHistograms, kLiteralStrideLength, kLiteralBlockSwitchCost, params, literal_split) + + literals = nil + } + { + var insert_and_copy_codes []uint16 = make([]uint16, len(cmds)) + /* Compute prefix codes for commands. */ + + for i := range cmds { + insert_and_copy_codes[i] = cmds[i].cmd_prefix_ + } + + /* Create the block split on the array of command prefixes. */ + splitByteVectorCommand(insert_and_copy_codes, kSymbolsPerCommandHistogram, kMaxCommandHistograms, kCommandStrideLength, kCommandBlockSwitchCost, params, insert_and_copy_split) + + /* TODO: reuse for distances? */ + + insert_and_copy_codes = nil + } + { + var distance_prefixes []uint16 = make([]uint16, len(cmds)) + var j uint = 0 + /* Create a continuous array of distance prefixes. */ + + for i := range cmds { + var cmd *command = &cmds[i] + if commandCopyLen(cmd) != 0 && cmd.cmd_prefix_ >= 128 { + distance_prefixes[j] = cmd.dist_prefix_ & 0x3FF + j++ + } + } + + /* Create the block split on the array of distance prefixes. */ + splitByteVectorDistance(distance_prefixes, j, kSymbolsPerDistanceHistogram, kMaxCommandHistograms, kCommandStrideLength, kDistanceBlockSwitchCost, params, dist_split) + + distance_prefixes = nil + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/block_splitter_command.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/block_splitter_command.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9dec13e4d907c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/block_splitter_command.go @@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ +package brotli + +import "math" + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +func initialEntropyCodesCommand(data []uint16, length uint, stride uint, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramCommand) { + var seed uint32 = 7 + var block_length uint = length / num_histograms + var i uint + clearHistogramsCommand(histograms, num_histograms) + for i = 0; i < num_histograms; i++ { + var pos uint = length * i / num_histograms + if i != 0 { + pos += uint(myRand(&seed) % uint32(block_length)) + } + + if pos+stride >= length { + pos = length - stride - 1 + } + + histogramAddVectorCommand(&histograms[i], data[pos:], stride) + } +} + +func randomSampleCommand(seed *uint32, data []uint16, length uint, stride uint, sample *histogramCommand) { + var pos uint = 0 + if stride >= length { + stride = length + } else { + pos = uint(myRand(seed) % uint32(length-stride+1)) + } + + histogramAddVectorCommand(sample, data[pos:], stride) +} + +func refineEntropyCodesCommand(data []uint16, length uint, stride uint, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramCommand) { + var iters uint = kIterMulForRefining*length/stride + kMinItersForRefining + var seed uint32 = 7 + var iter uint + iters = ((iters + num_histograms - 1) / num_histograms) * num_histograms + for iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++ { + var sample histogramCommand + histogramClearCommand(&sample) + randomSampleCommand(&seed, data, length, stride, &sample) + histogramAddHistogramCommand(&histograms[iter%num_histograms], &sample) + } +} + +/* Assigns a block id from the range [0, num_histograms) to each data element + in data[0..length) and fills in block_id[0..length) with the assigned values. + Returns the number of blocks, i.e. one plus the number of block switches. */ +func findBlocksCommand(data []uint16, length uint, block_switch_bitcost float64, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramCommand, insert_cost []float64, cost []float64, switch_signal []byte, block_id []byte) uint { + var data_size uint = histogramDataSizeCommand() + var bitmaplen uint = (num_histograms + 7) >> 3 + var num_blocks uint = 1 + var i uint + var j uint + assert(num_histograms <= 256) + if num_histograms <= 1 { + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + block_id[i] = 0 + } + + return 1 + } + + for i := 0; i < int(data_size*num_histograms); i++ { + insert_cost[i] = 0 + } + for i = 0; i < num_histograms; i++ { + insert_cost[i] = fastLog2(uint(uint32(histograms[i].total_count_))) + } + + for i = data_size; i != 0; { + i-- + for j = 0; j < num_histograms; j++ { + insert_cost[i*num_histograms+j] = insert_cost[j] - bitCost(uint(histograms[j].data_[i])) + } + } + + for i := 0; i < int(num_histograms); i++ { + cost[i] = 0 + } + for i := 0; i < int(length*bitmaplen); i++ { + switch_signal[i] = 0 + } + + /* After each iteration of this loop, cost[k] will contain the difference + between the minimum cost of arriving at the current byte position using + entropy code k, and the minimum cost of arriving at the current byte + position. This difference is capped at the block switch cost, and if it + reaches block switch cost, it means that when we trace back from the last + position, we need to switch here. */ + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + var byte_ix uint = i + var ix uint = byte_ix * bitmaplen + var insert_cost_ix uint = uint(data[byte_ix]) * num_histograms + var min_cost float64 = 1e99 + var block_switch_cost float64 = block_switch_bitcost + var k uint + for k = 0; k < num_histograms; k++ { + /* We are coding the symbol in data[byte_ix] with entropy code k. */ + cost[k] += insert_cost[insert_cost_ix+k] + + if cost[k] < min_cost { + min_cost = cost[k] + block_id[byte_ix] = byte(k) + } + } + + /* More blocks for the beginning. */ + if byte_ix < 2000 { + block_switch_cost *= 0.77 + 0.07*float64(byte_ix)/2000 + } + + for k = 0; k < num_histograms; k++ { + cost[k] -= min_cost + if cost[k] >= block_switch_cost { + var mask byte = byte(1 << (k & 7)) + cost[k] = block_switch_cost + assert(k>>3 < bitmaplen) + switch_signal[ix+(k>>3)] |= mask + /* Trace back from the last position and switch at the marked places. */ + } + } + } + { + var byte_ix uint = length - 1 + var ix uint = byte_ix * bitmaplen + var cur_id byte = block_id[byte_ix] + for byte_ix > 0 { + var mask byte = byte(1 << (cur_id & 7)) + assert(uint(cur_id)>>3 < bitmaplen) + byte_ix-- + ix -= bitmaplen + if switch_signal[ix+uint(cur_id>>3)]&mask != 0 { + if cur_id != block_id[byte_ix] { + cur_id = block_id[byte_ix] + num_blocks++ + } + } + + block_id[byte_ix] = cur_id + } + } + + return num_blocks +} + +var remapBlockIdsCommand_kInvalidId uint16 = 256 + +func remapBlockIdsCommand(block_ids []byte, length uint, new_id []uint16, num_histograms uint) uint { + var next_id uint16 = 0 + var i uint + for i = 0; i < num_histograms; i++ { + new_id[i] = remapBlockIdsCommand_kInvalidId + } + + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + assert(uint(block_ids[i]) < num_histograms) + if new_id[block_ids[i]] == remapBlockIdsCommand_kInvalidId { + new_id[block_ids[i]] = next_id + next_id++ + } + } + + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + block_ids[i] = byte(new_id[block_ids[i]]) + assert(uint(block_ids[i]) < num_histograms) + } + + assert(uint(next_id) <= num_histograms) + return uint(next_id) +} + +func buildBlockHistogramsCommand(data []uint16, length uint, block_ids []byte, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramCommand) { + var i uint + clearHistogramsCommand(histograms, num_histograms) + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + histogramAddCommand(&histograms[block_ids[i]], uint(data[i])) + } +} + +var clusterBlocksCommand_kInvalidIndex uint32 = math.MaxUint32 + +func clusterBlocksCommand(data []uint16, length uint, num_blocks uint, block_ids []byte, split *blockSplit) { + var histogram_symbols []uint32 = make([]uint32, num_blocks) + var block_lengths []uint32 = make([]uint32, num_blocks) + var expected_num_clusters uint = clustersPerBatch * (num_blocks + histogramsPerBatch - 1) / histogramsPerBatch + var all_histograms_size uint = 0 + var all_histograms_capacity uint = expected_num_clusters + var all_histograms []histogramCommand = make([]histogramCommand, all_histograms_capacity) + var cluster_size_size uint = 0 + var cluster_size_capacity uint = expected_num_clusters + var cluster_size []uint32 = make([]uint32, cluster_size_capacity) + var num_clusters uint = 0 + var histograms []histogramCommand = make([]histogramCommand, brotli_min_size_t(num_blocks, histogramsPerBatch)) + var max_num_pairs uint = histogramsPerBatch * histogramsPerBatch / 2 + var pairs_capacity uint = max_num_pairs + 1 + var pairs []histogramPair = make([]histogramPair, pairs_capacity) + var pos uint = 0 + var clusters []uint32 + var num_final_clusters uint + var new_index []uint32 + var i uint + var sizes = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0} + var new_clusters = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0} + var symbols = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0} + var remap = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0} + + for i := 0; i < int(num_blocks); i++ { + block_lengths[i] = 0 + } + { + var block_idx uint = 0 + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + assert(block_idx < num_blocks) + block_lengths[block_idx]++ + if i+1 == length || block_ids[i] != block_ids[i+1] { + block_idx++ + } + } + + assert(block_idx == num_blocks) + } + + for i = 0; i < num_blocks; i += histogramsPerBatch { + var num_to_combine uint = brotli_min_size_t(num_blocks-i, histogramsPerBatch) + var num_new_clusters uint + var j uint + for j = 0; j < num_to_combine; j++ { + var k uint + histogramClearCommand(&histograms[j]) + for k = 0; uint32(k) < block_lengths[i+j]; k++ { + histogramAddCommand(&histograms[j], uint(data[pos])) + pos++ + } + + histograms[j].bit_cost_ = populationCostCommand(&histograms[j]) + new_clusters[j] = uint32(j) + symbols[j] = uint32(j) + sizes[j] = 1 + } + + num_new_clusters = histogramCombineCommand(histograms, sizes[:], symbols[:], new_clusters[:], []histogramPair(pairs), num_to_combine, num_to_combine, histogramsPerBatch, max_num_pairs) + if all_histograms_capacity < (all_histograms_size + num_new_clusters) { + var _new_size uint + if all_histograms_capacity == 0 { + _new_size = all_histograms_size + num_new_clusters + } else { + _new_size = all_histograms_capacity + } + var new_array []histogramCommand + for _new_size < (all_histograms_size + num_new_clusters) { + _new_size *= 2 + } + new_array = make([]histogramCommand, _new_size) + if all_histograms_capacity != 0 { + copy(new_array, all_histograms[:all_histograms_capacity]) + } + + all_histograms = new_array + all_histograms_capacity = _new_size + } + + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&cluster_size, &cluster_size_capacity, cluster_size_size+num_new_clusters) + for j = 0; j < num_new_clusters; j++ { + all_histograms[all_histograms_size] = histograms[new_clusters[j]] + all_histograms_size++ + cluster_size[cluster_size_size] = sizes[new_clusters[j]] + cluster_size_size++ + remap[new_clusters[j]] = uint32(j) + } + + for j = 0; j < num_to_combine; j++ { + histogram_symbols[i+j] = uint32(num_clusters) + remap[symbols[j]] + } + + num_clusters += num_new_clusters + assert(num_clusters == cluster_size_size) + assert(num_clusters == all_histograms_size) + } + + histograms = nil + + max_num_pairs = brotli_min_size_t(64*num_clusters, (num_clusters/2)*num_clusters) + if pairs_capacity < max_num_pairs+1 { + pairs = nil + pairs = make([]histogramPair, (max_num_pairs + 1)) + } + + clusters = make([]uint32, num_clusters) + for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ { + clusters[i] = uint32(i) + } + + num_final_clusters = histogramCombineCommand(all_histograms, cluster_size, histogram_symbols, clusters, pairs, num_clusters, num_blocks, maxNumberOfBlockTypes, max_num_pairs) + pairs = nil + cluster_size = nil + + new_index = make([]uint32, num_clusters) + for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ { + new_index[i] = clusterBlocksCommand_kInvalidIndex + } + pos = 0 + { + var next_index uint32 = 0 + for i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++ { + var histo histogramCommand + var j uint + var best_out uint32 + var best_bits float64 + histogramClearCommand(&histo) + for j = 0; uint32(j) < block_lengths[i]; j++ { + histogramAddCommand(&histo, uint(data[pos])) + pos++ + } + + if i == 0 { + best_out = histogram_symbols[0] + } else { + best_out = histogram_symbols[i-1] + } + best_bits = histogramBitCostDistanceCommand(&histo, &all_histograms[best_out]) + for j = 0; j < num_final_clusters; j++ { + var cur_bits float64 = histogramBitCostDistanceCommand(&histo, &all_histograms[clusters[j]]) + if cur_bits < best_bits { + best_bits = cur_bits + best_out = clusters[j] + } + } + + histogram_symbols[i] = best_out + if new_index[best_out] == clusterBlocksCommand_kInvalidIndex { + new_index[best_out] = next_index + next_index++ + } + } + } + + clusters = nil + all_histograms = nil + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint8_t(&split.types, &split.types_alloc_size, num_blocks) + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&split.lengths, &split.lengths_alloc_size, num_blocks) + { + var cur_length uint32 = 0 + var block_idx uint = 0 + var max_type byte = 0 + for i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++ { + cur_length += block_lengths[i] + if i+1 == num_blocks || histogram_symbols[i] != histogram_symbols[i+1] { + var id byte = byte(new_index[histogram_symbols[i]]) + split.types[block_idx] = id + split.lengths[block_idx] = cur_length + max_type = brotli_max_uint8_t(max_type, id) + cur_length = 0 + block_idx++ + } + } + + split.num_blocks = block_idx + split.num_types = uint(max_type) + 1 + } + + new_index = nil + block_lengths = nil + histogram_symbols = nil +} + +func splitByteVectorCommand(data []uint16, literals_per_histogram uint, max_histograms uint, sampling_stride_length uint, block_switch_cost float64, params *encoderParams, split *blockSplit) { + length := uint(len(data)) + var data_size uint = histogramDataSizeCommand() + var num_histograms uint = length/literals_per_histogram + 1 + var histograms []histogramCommand + if num_histograms > max_histograms { + num_histograms = max_histograms + } + + if length == 0 { + split.num_types = 1 + return + } else if length < kMinLengthForBlockSplitting { + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint8_t(&split.types, &split.types_alloc_size, split.num_blocks+1) + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&split.lengths, &split.lengths_alloc_size, split.num_blocks+1) + split.num_types = 1 + split.types[split.num_blocks] = 0 + split.lengths[split.num_blocks] = uint32(length) + split.num_blocks++ + return + } + + histograms = make([]histogramCommand, num_histograms) + + /* Find good entropy codes. */ + initialEntropyCodesCommand(data, length, sampling_stride_length, num_histograms, histograms) + + refineEntropyCodesCommand(data, length, sampling_stride_length, num_histograms, histograms) + { + var block_ids []byte = make([]byte, length) + var num_blocks uint = 0 + var bitmaplen uint = (num_histograms + 7) >> 3 + var insert_cost []float64 = make([]float64, (data_size * num_histograms)) + var cost []float64 = make([]float64, num_histograms) + var switch_signal []byte = make([]byte, (length * bitmaplen)) + var new_id []uint16 = make([]uint16, num_histograms) + var iters uint + if params.quality < hqZopflificationQuality { + iters = 3 + } else { + iters = 10 + } + /* Find a good path through literals with the good entropy codes. */ + + var i uint + for i = 0; i < iters; i++ { + num_blocks = findBlocksCommand(data, length, block_switch_cost, num_histograms, histograms, insert_cost, cost, switch_signal, block_ids) + num_histograms = remapBlockIdsCommand(block_ids, length, new_id, num_histograms) + buildBlockHistogramsCommand(data, length, block_ids, num_histograms, histograms) + } + + insert_cost = nil + cost = nil + switch_signal = nil + new_id = nil + histograms = nil + clusterBlocksCommand(data, length, num_blocks, block_ids, split) + block_ids = nil + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/block_splitter_distance.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/block_splitter_distance.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..953530d518e5d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/block_splitter_distance.go @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ +package brotli + +import "math" + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +func initialEntropyCodesDistance(data []uint16, length uint, stride uint, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramDistance) { + var seed uint32 = 7 + var block_length uint = length / num_histograms + var i uint + clearHistogramsDistance(histograms, num_histograms) + for i = 0; i < num_histograms; i++ { + var pos uint = length * i / num_histograms + if i != 0 { + pos += uint(myRand(&seed) % uint32(block_length)) + } + + if pos+stride >= length { + pos = length - stride - 1 + } + + histogramAddVectorDistance(&histograms[i], data[pos:], stride) + } +} + +func randomSampleDistance(seed *uint32, data []uint16, length uint, stride uint, sample *histogramDistance) { + var pos uint = 0 + if stride >= length { + stride = length + } else { + pos = uint(myRand(seed) % uint32(length-stride+1)) + } + + histogramAddVectorDistance(sample, data[pos:], stride) +} + +func refineEntropyCodesDistance(data []uint16, length uint, stride uint, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramDistance) { + var iters uint = kIterMulForRefining*length/stride + kMinItersForRefining + var seed uint32 = 7 + var iter uint + iters = ((iters + num_histograms - 1) / num_histograms) * num_histograms + for iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++ { + var sample histogramDistance + histogramClearDistance(&sample) + randomSampleDistance(&seed, data, length, stride, &sample) + histogramAddHistogramDistance(&histograms[iter%num_histograms], &sample) + } +} + +/* Assigns a block id from the range [0, num_histograms) to each data element + in data[0..length) and fills in block_id[0..length) with the assigned values. + Returns the number of blocks, i.e. one plus the number of block switches. */ +func findBlocksDistance(data []uint16, length uint, block_switch_bitcost float64, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramDistance, insert_cost []float64, cost []float64, switch_signal []byte, block_id []byte) uint { + var data_size uint = histogramDataSizeDistance() + var bitmaplen uint = (num_histograms + 7) >> 3 + var num_blocks uint = 1 + var i uint + var j uint + assert(num_histograms <= 256) + if num_histograms <= 1 { + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + block_id[i] = 0 + } + + return 1 + } + + for i := 0; i < int(data_size*num_histograms); i++ { + insert_cost[i] = 0 + } + for i = 0; i < num_histograms; i++ { + insert_cost[i] = fastLog2(uint(uint32(histograms[i].total_count_))) + } + + for i = data_size; i != 0; { + i-- + for j = 0; j < num_histograms; j++ { + insert_cost[i*num_histograms+j] = insert_cost[j] - bitCost(uint(histograms[j].data_[i])) + } + } + + for i := 0; i < int(num_histograms); i++ { + cost[i] = 0 + } + for i := 0; i < int(length*bitmaplen); i++ { + switch_signal[i] = 0 + } + + /* After each iteration of this loop, cost[k] will contain the difference + between the minimum cost of arriving at the current byte position using + entropy code k, and the minimum cost of arriving at the current byte + position. This difference is capped at the block switch cost, and if it + reaches block switch cost, it means that when we trace back from the last + position, we need to switch here. */ + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + var byte_ix uint = i + var ix uint = byte_ix * bitmaplen + var insert_cost_ix uint = uint(data[byte_ix]) * num_histograms + var min_cost float64 = 1e99 + var block_switch_cost float64 = block_switch_bitcost + var k uint + for k = 0; k < num_histograms; k++ { + /* We are coding the symbol in data[byte_ix] with entropy code k. */ + cost[k] += insert_cost[insert_cost_ix+k] + + if cost[k] < min_cost { + min_cost = cost[k] + block_id[byte_ix] = byte(k) + } + } + + /* More blocks for the beginning. */ + if byte_ix < 2000 { + block_switch_cost *= 0.77 + 0.07*float64(byte_ix)/2000 + } + + for k = 0; k < num_histograms; k++ { + cost[k] -= min_cost + if cost[k] >= block_switch_cost { + var mask byte = byte(1 << (k & 7)) + cost[k] = block_switch_cost + assert(k>>3 < bitmaplen) + switch_signal[ix+(k>>3)] |= mask + /* Trace back from the last position and switch at the marked places. */ + } + } + } + { + var byte_ix uint = length - 1 + var ix uint = byte_ix * bitmaplen + var cur_id byte = block_id[byte_ix] + for byte_ix > 0 { + var mask byte = byte(1 << (cur_id & 7)) + assert(uint(cur_id)>>3 < bitmaplen) + byte_ix-- + ix -= bitmaplen + if switch_signal[ix+uint(cur_id>>3)]&mask != 0 { + if cur_id != block_id[byte_ix] { + cur_id = block_id[byte_ix] + num_blocks++ + } + } + + block_id[byte_ix] = cur_id + } + } + + return num_blocks +} + +var remapBlockIdsDistance_kInvalidId uint16 = 256 + +func remapBlockIdsDistance(block_ids []byte, length uint, new_id []uint16, num_histograms uint) uint { + var next_id uint16 = 0 + var i uint + for i = 0; i < num_histograms; i++ { + new_id[i] = remapBlockIdsDistance_kInvalidId + } + + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + assert(uint(block_ids[i]) < num_histograms) + if new_id[block_ids[i]] == remapBlockIdsDistance_kInvalidId { + new_id[block_ids[i]] = next_id + next_id++ + } + } + + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + block_ids[i] = byte(new_id[block_ids[i]]) + assert(uint(block_ids[i]) < num_histograms) + } + + assert(uint(next_id) <= num_histograms) + return uint(next_id) +} + +func buildBlockHistogramsDistance(data []uint16, length uint, block_ids []byte, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramDistance) { + var i uint + clearHistogramsDistance(histograms, num_histograms) + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + histogramAddDistance(&histograms[block_ids[i]], uint(data[i])) + } +} + +var clusterBlocksDistance_kInvalidIndex uint32 = math.MaxUint32 + +func clusterBlocksDistance(data []uint16, length uint, num_blocks uint, block_ids []byte, split *blockSplit) { + var histogram_symbols []uint32 = make([]uint32, num_blocks) + var block_lengths []uint32 = make([]uint32, num_blocks) + var expected_num_clusters uint = clustersPerBatch * (num_blocks + histogramsPerBatch - 1) / histogramsPerBatch + var all_histograms_size uint = 0 + var all_histograms_capacity uint = expected_num_clusters + var all_histograms []histogramDistance = make([]histogramDistance, all_histograms_capacity) + var cluster_size_size uint = 0 + var cluster_size_capacity uint = expected_num_clusters + var cluster_size []uint32 = make([]uint32, cluster_size_capacity) + var num_clusters uint = 0 + var histograms []histogramDistance = make([]histogramDistance, brotli_min_size_t(num_blocks, histogramsPerBatch)) + var max_num_pairs uint = histogramsPerBatch * histogramsPerBatch / 2 + var pairs_capacity uint = max_num_pairs + 1 + var pairs []histogramPair = make([]histogramPair, pairs_capacity) + var pos uint = 0 + var clusters []uint32 + var num_final_clusters uint + var new_index []uint32 + var i uint + var sizes = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0} + var new_clusters = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0} + var symbols = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0} + var remap = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0} + + for i := 0; i < int(num_blocks); i++ { + block_lengths[i] = 0 + } + { + var block_idx uint = 0 + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + assert(block_idx < num_blocks) + block_lengths[block_idx]++ + if i+1 == length || block_ids[i] != block_ids[i+1] { + block_idx++ + } + } + + assert(block_idx == num_blocks) + } + + for i = 0; i < num_blocks; i += histogramsPerBatch { + var num_to_combine uint = brotli_min_size_t(num_blocks-i, histogramsPerBatch) + var num_new_clusters uint + var j uint + for j = 0; j < num_to_combine; j++ { + var k uint + histogramClearDistance(&histograms[j]) + for k = 0; uint32(k) < block_lengths[i+j]; k++ { + histogramAddDistance(&histograms[j], uint(data[pos])) + pos++ + } + + histograms[j].bit_cost_ = populationCostDistance(&histograms[j]) + new_clusters[j] = uint32(j) + symbols[j] = uint32(j) + sizes[j] = 1 + } + + num_new_clusters = histogramCombineDistance(histograms, sizes[:], symbols[:], new_clusters[:], []histogramPair(pairs), num_to_combine, num_to_combine, histogramsPerBatch, max_num_pairs) + if all_histograms_capacity < (all_histograms_size + num_new_clusters) { + var _new_size uint + if all_histograms_capacity == 0 { + _new_size = all_histograms_size + num_new_clusters + } else { + _new_size = all_histograms_capacity + } + var new_array []histogramDistance + for _new_size < (all_histograms_size + num_new_clusters) { + _new_size *= 2 + } + new_array = make([]histogramDistance, _new_size) + if all_histograms_capacity != 0 { + copy(new_array, all_histograms[:all_histograms_capacity]) + } + + all_histograms = new_array + all_histograms_capacity = _new_size + } + + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&cluster_size, &cluster_size_capacity, cluster_size_size+num_new_clusters) + for j = 0; j < num_new_clusters; j++ { + all_histograms[all_histograms_size] = histograms[new_clusters[j]] + all_histograms_size++ + cluster_size[cluster_size_size] = sizes[new_clusters[j]] + cluster_size_size++ + remap[new_clusters[j]] = uint32(j) + } + + for j = 0; j < num_to_combine; j++ { + histogram_symbols[i+j] = uint32(num_clusters) + remap[symbols[j]] + } + + num_clusters += num_new_clusters + assert(num_clusters == cluster_size_size) + assert(num_clusters == all_histograms_size) + } + + histograms = nil + + max_num_pairs = brotli_min_size_t(64*num_clusters, (num_clusters/2)*num_clusters) + if pairs_capacity < max_num_pairs+1 { + pairs = nil + pairs = make([]histogramPair, (max_num_pairs + 1)) + } + + clusters = make([]uint32, num_clusters) + for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ { + clusters[i] = uint32(i) + } + + num_final_clusters = histogramCombineDistance(all_histograms, cluster_size, histogram_symbols, clusters, pairs, num_clusters, num_blocks, maxNumberOfBlockTypes, max_num_pairs) + pairs = nil + cluster_size = nil + + new_index = make([]uint32, num_clusters) + for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ { + new_index[i] = clusterBlocksDistance_kInvalidIndex + } + pos = 0 + { + var next_index uint32 = 0 + for i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++ { + var histo histogramDistance + var j uint + var best_out uint32 + var best_bits float64 + histogramClearDistance(&histo) + for j = 0; uint32(j) < block_lengths[i]; j++ { + histogramAddDistance(&histo, uint(data[pos])) + pos++ + } + + if i == 0 { + best_out = histogram_symbols[0] + } else { + best_out = histogram_symbols[i-1] + } + best_bits = histogramBitCostDistanceDistance(&histo, &all_histograms[best_out]) + for j = 0; j < num_final_clusters; j++ { + var cur_bits float64 = histogramBitCostDistanceDistance(&histo, &all_histograms[clusters[j]]) + if cur_bits < best_bits { + best_bits = cur_bits + best_out = clusters[j] + } + } + + histogram_symbols[i] = best_out + if new_index[best_out] == clusterBlocksDistance_kInvalidIndex { + new_index[best_out] = next_index + next_index++ + } + } + } + + clusters = nil + all_histograms = nil + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint8_t(&split.types, &split.types_alloc_size, num_blocks) + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&split.lengths, &split.lengths_alloc_size, num_blocks) + { + var cur_length uint32 = 0 + var block_idx uint = 0 + var max_type byte = 0 + for i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++ { + cur_length += block_lengths[i] + if i+1 == num_blocks || histogram_symbols[i] != histogram_symbols[i+1] { + var id byte = byte(new_index[histogram_symbols[i]]) + split.types[block_idx] = id + split.lengths[block_idx] = cur_length + max_type = brotli_max_uint8_t(max_type, id) + cur_length = 0 + block_idx++ + } + } + + split.num_blocks = block_idx + split.num_types = uint(max_type) + 1 + } + + new_index = nil + block_lengths = nil + histogram_symbols = nil +} + +func splitByteVectorDistance(data []uint16, length uint, literals_per_histogram uint, max_histograms uint, sampling_stride_length uint, block_switch_cost float64, params *encoderParams, split *blockSplit) { + var data_size uint = histogramDataSizeDistance() + var num_histograms uint = length/literals_per_histogram + 1 + var histograms []histogramDistance + if num_histograms > max_histograms { + num_histograms = max_histograms + } + + if length == 0 { + split.num_types = 1 + return + } else if length < kMinLengthForBlockSplitting { + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint8_t(&split.types, &split.types_alloc_size, split.num_blocks+1) + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&split.lengths, &split.lengths_alloc_size, split.num_blocks+1) + split.num_types = 1 + split.types[split.num_blocks] = 0 + split.lengths[split.num_blocks] = uint32(length) + split.num_blocks++ + return + } + + histograms = make([]histogramDistance, num_histograms) + + /* Find good entropy codes. */ + initialEntropyCodesDistance(data, length, sampling_stride_length, num_histograms, histograms) + + refineEntropyCodesDistance(data, length, sampling_stride_length, num_histograms, histograms) + { + var block_ids []byte = make([]byte, length) + var num_blocks uint = 0 + var bitmaplen uint = (num_histograms + 7) >> 3 + var insert_cost []float64 = make([]float64, (data_size * num_histograms)) + var cost []float64 = make([]float64, num_histograms) + var switch_signal []byte = make([]byte, (length * bitmaplen)) + var new_id []uint16 = make([]uint16, num_histograms) + var iters uint + if params.quality < hqZopflificationQuality { + iters = 3 + } else { + iters = 10 + } + /* Find a good path through literals with the good entropy codes. */ + + var i uint + for i = 0; i < iters; i++ { + num_blocks = findBlocksDistance(data, length, block_switch_cost, num_histograms, histograms, insert_cost, cost, switch_signal, block_ids) + num_histograms = remapBlockIdsDistance(block_ids, length, new_id, num_histograms) + buildBlockHistogramsDistance(data, length, block_ids, num_histograms, histograms) + } + + insert_cost = nil + cost = nil + switch_signal = nil + new_id = nil + histograms = nil + clusterBlocksDistance(data, length, num_blocks, block_ids, split) + block_ids = nil + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/block_splitter_literal.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/block_splitter_literal.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1c895cf38895d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/block_splitter_literal.go @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ +package brotli + +import "math" + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +func initialEntropyCodesLiteral(data []byte, length uint, stride uint, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramLiteral) { + var seed uint32 = 7 + var block_length uint = length / num_histograms + var i uint + clearHistogramsLiteral(histograms, num_histograms) + for i = 0; i < num_histograms; i++ { + var pos uint = length * i / num_histograms + if i != 0 { + pos += uint(myRand(&seed) % uint32(block_length)) + } + + if pos+stride >= length { + pos = length - stride - 1 + } + + histogramAddVectorLiteral(&histograms[i], data[pos:], stride) + } +} + +func randomSampleLiteral(seed *uint32, data []byte, length uint, stride uint, sample *histogramLiteral) { + var pos uint = 0 + if stride >= length { + stride = length + } else { + pos = uint(myRand(seed) % uint32(length-stride+1)) + } + + histogramAddVectorLiteral(sample, data[pos:], stride) +} + +func refineEntropyCodesLiteral(data []byte, length uint, stride uint, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramLiteral) { + var iters uint = kIterMulForRefining*length/stride + kMinItersForRefining + var seed uint32 = 7 + var iter uint + iters = ((iters + num_histograms - 1) / num_histograms) * num_histograms + for iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++ { + var sample histogramLiteral + histogramClearLiteral(&sample) + randomSampleLiteral(&seed, data, length, stride, &sample) + histogramAddHistogramLiteral(&histograms[iter%num_histograms], &sample) + } +} + +/* Assigns a block id from the range [0, num_histograms) to each data element + in data[0..length) and fills in block_id[0..length) with the assigned values. + Returns the number of blocks, i.e. one plus the number of block switches. */ +func findBlocksLiteral(data []byte, length uint, block_switch_bitcost float64, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramLiteral, insert_cost []float64, cost []float64, switch_signal []byte, block_id []byte) uint { + var data_size uint = histogramDataSizeLiteral() + var bitmaplen uint = (num_histograms + 7) >> 3 + var num_blocks uint = 1 + var i uint + var j uint + assert(num_histograms <= 256) + if num_histograms <= 1 { + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + block_id[i] = 0 + } + + return 1 + } + + for i := 0; i < int(data_size*num_histograms); i++ { + insert_cost[i] = 0 + } + for i = 0; i < num_histograms; i++ { + insert_cost[i] = fastLog2(uint(uint32(histograms[i].total_count_))) + } + + for i = data_size; i != 0; { + i-- + for j = 0; j < num_histograms; j++ { + insert_cost[i*num_histograms+j] = insert_cost[j] - bitCost(uint(histograms[j].data_[i])) + } + } + + for i := 0; i < int(num_histograms); i++ { + cost[i] = 0 + } + for i := 0; i < int(length*bitmaplen); i++ { + switch_signal[i] = 0 + } + + /* After each iteration of this loop, cost[k] will contain the difference + between the minimum cost of arriving at the current byte position using + entropy code k, and the minimum cost of arriving at the current byte + position. This difference is capped at the block switch cost, and if it + reaches block switch cost, it means that when we trace back from the last + position, we need to switch here. */ + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + var byte_ix uint = i + var ix uint = byte_ix * bitmaplen + var insert_cost_ix uint = uint(data[byte_ix]) * num_histograms + var min_cost float64 = 1e99 + var block_switch_cost float64 = block_switch_bitcost + var k uint + for k = 0; k < num_histograms; k++ { + /* We are coding the symbol in data[byte_ix] with entropy code k. */ + cost[k] += insert_cost[insert_cost_ix+k] + + if cost[k] < min_cost { + min_cost = cost[k] + block_id[byte_ix] = byte(k) + } + } + + /* More blocks for the beginning. */ + if byte_ix < 2000 { + block_switch_cost *= 0.77 + 0.07*float64(byte_ix)/2000 + } + + for k = 0; k < num_histograms; k++ { + cost[k] -= min_cost + if cost[k] >= block_switch_cost { + var mask byte = byte(1 << (k & 7)) + cost[k] = block_switch_cost + assert(k>>3 < bitmaplen) + switch_signal[ix+(k>>3)] |= mask + /* Trace back from the last position and switch at the marked places. */ + } + } + } + { + var byte_ix uint = length - 1 + var ix uint = byte_ix * bitmaplen + var cur_id byte = block_id[byte_ix] + for byte_ix > 0 { + var mask byte = byte(1 << (cur_id & 7)) + assert(uint(cur_id)>>3 < bitmaplen) + byte_ix-- + ix -= bitmaplen + if switch_signal[ix+uint(cur_id>>3)]&mask != 0 { + if cur_id != block_id[byte_ix] { + cur_id = block_id[byte_ix] + num_blocks++ + } + } + + block_id[byte_ix] = cur_id + } + } + + return num_blocks +} + +var remapBlockIdsLiteral_kInvalidId uint16 = 256 + +func remapBlockIdsLiteral(block_ids []byte, length uint, new_id []uint16, num_histograms uint) uint { + var next_id uint16 = 0 + var i uint + for i = 0; i < num_histograms; i++ { + new_id[i] = remapBlockIdsLiteral_kInvalidId + } + + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + assert(uint(block_ids[i]) < num_histograms) + if new_id[block_ids[i]] == remapBlockIdsLiteral_kInvalidId { + new_id[block_ids[i]] = next_id + next_id++ + } + } + + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + block_ids[i] = byte(new_id[block_ids[i]]) + assert(uint(block_ids[i]) < num_histograms) + } + + assert(uint(next_id) <= num_histograms) + return uint(next_id) +} + +func buildBlockHistogramsLiteral(data []byte, length uint, block_ids []byte, num_histograms uint, histograms []histogramLiteral) { + var i uint + clearHistogramsLiteral(histograms, num_histograms) + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + histogramAddLiteral(&histograms[block_ids[i]], uint(data[i])) + } +} + +var clusterBlocksLiteral_kInvalidIndex uint32 = math.MaxUint32 + +func clusterBlocksLiteral(data []byte, length uint, num_blocks uint, block_ids []byte, split *blockSplit) { + var histogram_symbols []uint32 = make([]uint32, num_blocks) + var block_lengths []uint32 = make([]uint32, num_blocks) + var expected_num_clusters uint = clustersPerBatch * (num_blocks + histogramsPerBatch - 1) / histogramsPerBatch + var all_histograms_size uint = 0 + var all_histograms_capacity uint = expected_num_clusters + var all_histograms []histogramLiteral = make([]histogramLiteral, all_histograms_capacity) + var cluster_size_size uint = 0 + var cluster_size_capacity uint = expected_num_clusters + var cluster_size []uint32 = make([]uint32, cluster_size_capacity) + var num_clusters uint = 0 + var histograms []histogramLiteral = make([]histogramLiteral, brotli_min_size_t(num_blocks, histogramsPerBatch)) + var max_num_pairs uint = histogramsPerBatch * histogramsPerBatch / 2 + var pairs_capacity uint = max_num_pairs + 1 + var pairs []histogramPair = make([]histogramPair, pairs_capacity) + var pos uint = 0 + var clusters []uint32 + var num_final_clusters uint + var new_index []uint32 + var i uint + var sizes = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0} + var new_clusters = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0} + var symbols = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0} + var remap = [histogramsPerBatch]uint32{0} + + for i := 0; i < int(num_blocks); i++ { + block_lengths[i] = 0 + } + { + var block_idx uint = 0 + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + assert(block_idx < num_blocks) + block_lengths[block_idx]++ + if i+1 == length || block_ids[i] != block_ids[i+1] { + block_idx++ + } + } + + assert(block_idx == num_blocks) + } + + for i = 0; i < num_blocks; i += histogramsPerBatch { + var num_to_combine uint = brotli_min_size_t(num_blocks-i, histogramsPerBatch) + var num_new_clusters uint + var j uint + for j = 0; j < num_to_combine; j++ { + var k uint + histogramClearLiteral(&histograms[j]) + for k = 0; uint32(k) < block_lengths[i+j]; k++ { + histogramAddLiteral(&histograms[j], uint(data[pos])) + pos++ + } + + histograms[j].bit_cost_ = populationCostLiteral(&histograms[j]) + new_clusters[j] = uint32(j) + symbols[j] = uint32(j) + sizes[j] = 1 + } + + num_new_clusters = histogramCombineLiteral(histograms, sizes[:], symbols[:], new_clusters[:], []histogramPair(pairs), num_to_combine, num_to_combine, histogramsPerBatch, max_num_pairs) + if all_histograms_capacity < (all_histograms_size + num_new_clusters) { + var _new_size uint + if all_histograms_capacity == 0 { + _new_size = all_histograms_size + num_new_clusters + } else { + _new_size = all_histograms_capacity + } + var new_array []histogramLiteral + for _new_size < (all_histograms_size + num_new_clusters) { + _new_size *= 2 + } + new_array = make([]histogramLiteral, _new_size) + if all_histograms_capacity != 0 { + copy(new_array, all_histograms[:all_histograms_capacity]) + } + + all_histograms = new_array + all_histograms_capacity = _new_size + } + + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&cluster_size, &cluster_size_capacity, cluster_size_size+num_new_clusters) + for j = 0; j < num_new_clusters; j++ { + all_histograms[all_histograms_size] = histograms[new_clusters[j]] + all_histograms_size++ + cluster_size[cluster_size_size] = sizes[new_clusters[j]] + cluster_size_size++ + remap[new_clusters[j]] = uint32(j) + } + + for j = 0; j < num_to_combine; j++ { + histogram_symbols[i+j] = uint32(num_clusters) + remap[symbols[j]] + } + + num_clusters += num_new_clusters + assert(num_clusters == cluster_size_size) + assert(num_clusters == all_histograms_size) + } + + histograms = nil + + max_num_pairs = brotli_min_size_t(64*num_clusters, (num_clusters/2)*num_clusters) + if pairs_capacity < max_num_pairs+1 { + pairs = nil + pairs = make([]histogramPair, (max_num_pairs + 1)) + } + + clusters = make([]uint32, num_clusters) + for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ { + clusters[i] = uint32(i) + } + + num_final_clusters = histogramCombineLiteral(all_histograms, cluster_size, histogram_symbols, clusters, pairs, num_clusters, num_blocks, maxNumberOfBlockTypes, max_num_pairs) + pairs = nil + cluster_size = nil + + new_index = make([]uint32, num_clusters) + for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ { + new_index[i] = clusterBlocksLiteral_kInvalidIndex + } + pos = 0 + { + var next_index uint32 = 0 + for i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++ { + var histo histogramLiteral + var j uint + var best_out uint32 + var best_bits float64 + histogramClearLiteral(&histo) + for j = 0; uint32(j) < block_lengths[i]; j++ { + histogramAddLiteral(&histo, uint(data[pos])) + pos++ + } + + if i == 0 { + best_out = histogram_symbols[0] + } else { + best_out = histogram_symbols[i-1] + } + best_bits = histogramBitCostDistanceLiteral(&histo, &all_histograms[best_out]) + for j = 0; j < num_final_clusters; j++ { + var cur_bits float64 = histogramBitCostDistanceLiteral(&histo, &all_histograms[clusters[j]]) + if cur_bits < best_bits { + best_bits = cur_bits + best_out = clusters[j] + } + } + + histogram_symbols[i] = best_out + if new_index[best_out] == clusterBlocksLiteral_kInvalidIndex { + new_index[best_out] = next_index + next_index++ + } + } + } + + clusters = nil + all_histograms = nil + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint8_t(&split.types, &split.types_alloc_size, num_blocks) + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&split.lengths, &split.lengths_alloc_size, num_blocks) + { + var cur_length uint32 = 0 + var block_idx uint = 0 + var max_type byte = 0 + for i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++ { + cur_length += block_lengths[i] + if i+1 == num_blocks || histogram_symbols[i] != histogram_symbols[i+1] { + var id byte = byte(new_index[histogram_symbols[i]]) + split.types[block_idx] = id + split.lengths[block_idx] = cur_length + max_type = brotli_max_uint8_t(max_type, id) + cur_length = 0 + block_idx++ + } + } + + split.num_blocks = block_idx + split.num_types = uint(max_type) + 1 + } + + new_index = nil + block_lengths = nil + histogram_symbols = nil +} + +func splitByteVectorLiteral(data []byte, length uint, literals_per_histogram uint, max_histograms uint, sampling_stride_length uint, block_switch_cost float64, params *encoderParams, split *blockSplit) { + var data_size uint = histogramDataSizeLiteral() + var num_histograms uint = length/literals_per_histogram + 1 + var histograms []histogramLiteral + if num_histograms > max_histograms { + num_histograms = max_histograms + } + + if length == 0 { + split.num_types = 1 + return + } else if length < kMinLengthForBlockSplitting { + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint8_t(&split.types, &split.types_alloc_size, split.num_blocks+1) + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&split.lengths, &split.lengths_alloc_size, split.num_blocks+1) + split.num_types = 1 + split.types[split.num_blocks] = 0 + split.lengths[split.num_blocks] = uint32(length) + split.num_blocks++ + return + } + + histograms = make([]histogramLiteral, num_histograms) + + /* Find good entropy codes. */ + initialEntropyCodesLiteral(data, length, sampling_stride_length, num_histograms, histograms) + + refineEntropyCodesLiteral(data, length, sampling_stride_length, num_histograms, histograms) + { + var block_ids []byte = make([]byte, length) + var num_blocks uint = 0 + var bitmaplen uint = (num_histograms + 7) >> 3 + var insert_cost []float64 = make([]float64, (data_size * num_histograms)) + var cost []float64 = make([]float64, num_histograms) + var switch_signal []byte = make([]byte, (length * bitmaplen)) + var new_id []uint16 = make([]uint16, num_histograms) + var iters uint + if params.quality < hqZopflificationQuality { + iters = 3 + } else { + iters = 10 + } + /* Find a good path through literals with the good entropy codes. */ + + var i uint + for i = 0; i < iters; i++ { + num_blocks = findBlocksLiteral(data, length, block_switch_cost, num_histograms, histograms, insert_cost, cost, switch_signal, block_ids) + num_histograms = remapBlockIdsLiteral(block_ids, length, new_id, num_histograms) + buildBlockHistogramsLiteral(data, length, block_ids, num_histograms, histograms) + } + + insert_cost = nil + cost = nil + switch_signal = nil + new_id = nil + histograms = nil + clusterBlocksLiteral(data, length, num_blocks, block_ids, split) + block_ids = nil + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/brotli_bit_stream.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/brotli_bit_stream.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ee6552982bf92 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/brotli_bit_stream.go @@ -0,0 +1,1539 @@ +package brotli + +import ( + "math" + "sync" +) + +const maxHuffmanTreeSize = (2*numCommandSymbols + 1) + +/* +The maximum size of Huffman dictionary for distances assuming that + + NPOSTFIX = 0 and NDIRECT = 0. +*/ +const maxSimpleDistanceAlphabetSize = 140 + +/* +Represents the range of values belonging to a prefix code: + + [offset, offset + 2^nbits) +*/ +type prefixCodeRange struct { + offset uint32 + nbits uint32 +} + +var kBlockLengthPrefixCode = [numBlockLenSymbols]prefixCodeRange{ + prefixCodeRange{1, 2}, + prefixCodeRange{5, 2}, + prefixCodeRange{9, 2}, + prefixCodeRange{13, 2}, + prefixCodeRange{17, 3}, + prefixCodeRange{25, 3}, + prefixCodeRange{33, 3}, + prefixCodeRange{41, 3}, + prefixCodeRange{49, 4}, + prefixCodeRange{65, 4}, + prefixCodeRange{81, 4}, + prefixCodeRange{97, 4}, + prefixCodeRange{113, 5}, + prefixCodeRange{145, 5}, + prefixCodeRange{177, 5}, + prefixCodeRange{209, 5}, + prefixCodeRange{241, 6}, + prefixCodeRange{305, 6}, + prefixCodeRange{369, 7}, + prefixCodeRange{497, 8}, + prefixCodeRange{753, 9}, + prefixCodeRange{1265, 10}, + prefixCodeRange{2289, 11}, + prefixCodeRange{4337, 12}, + prefixCodeRange{8433, 13}, + prefixCodeRange{16625, 24}, +} + +func blockLengthPrefixCode(len uint32) uint32 { + var code uint32 + if len >= 177 { + if len >= 753 { + code = 20 + } else { + code = 14 + } + } else if len >= 41 { + code = 7 + } else { + code = 0 + } + for code < (numBlockLenSymbols-1) && len >= kBlockLengthPrefixCode[code+1].offset { + code++ + } + return code +} + +func getBlockLengthPrefixCode(len uint32, code *uint, n_extra *uint32, extra *uint32) { + *code = uint(blockLengthPrefixCode(uint32(len))) + *n_extra = kBlockLengthPrefixCode[*code].nbits + *extra = len - kBlockLengthPrefixCode[*code].offset +} + +type blockTypeCodeCalculator struct { + last_type uint + second_last_type uint +} + +func initBlockTypeCodeCalculator(self *blockTypeCodeCalculator) { + self.last_type = 1 + self.second_last_type = 0 +} + +func nextBlockTypeCode(calculator *blockTypeCodeCalculator, type_ byte) uint { + var type_code uint + if uint(type_) == calculator.last_type+1 { + type_code = 1 + } else if uint(type_) == calculator.second_last_type { + type_code = 0 + } else { + type_code = uint(type_) + 2 + } + calculator.second_last_type = calculator.last_type + calculator.last_type = uint(type_) + return type_code +} + +/* +|nibblesbits| represents the 2 bits to encode MNIBBLES (0-3) + + REQUIRES: length > 0 + REQUIRES: length <= (1 << 24) +*/ +func encodeMlen(length uint, bits *uint64, numbits *uint, nibblesbits *uint64) { + var lg uint + if length == 1 { + lg = 1 + } else { + lg = uint(log2FloorNonZero(uint(uint32(length-1)))) + 1 + } + var tmp uint + if lg < 16 { + tmp = 16 + } else { + tmp = (lg + 3) + } + var mnibbles uint = tmp / 4 + assert(length > 0) + assert(length <= 1<<24) + assert(lg <= 24) + *nibblesbits = uint64(mnibbles) - 4 + *numbits = mnibbles * 4 + *bits = uint64(length) - 1 +} + +func storeCommandExtra(cmd *command, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var copylen_code uint32 = commandCopyLenCode(cmd) + var inscode uint16 = getInsertLengthCode(uint(cmd.insert_len_)) + var copycode uint16 = getCopyLengthCode(uint(copylen_code)) + var insnumextra uint32 = getInsertExtra(inscode) + var insextraval uint64 = uint64(cmd.insert_len_) - uint64(getInsertBase(inscode)) + var copyextraval uint64 = uint64(copylen_code) - uint64(getCopyBase(copycode)) + var bits uint64 = copyextraval< 0 + REQUIRES: length <= (1 << 24) +*/ +func storeCompressedMetaBlockHeader(is_final_block bool, length uint, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var lenbits uint64 + var nlenbits uint + var nibblesbits uint64 + var is_final uint64 + if is_final_block { + is_final = 1 + } else { + is_final = 0 + } + + /* Write ISLAST bit. */ + writeBits(1, is_final, storage_ix, storage) + + /* Write ISEMPTY bit. */ + if is_final_block { + writeBits(1, 0, storage_ix, storage) + } + + encodeMlen(length, &lenbits, &nlenbits, &nibblesbits) + writeBits(2, nibblesbits, storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(nlenbits, lenbits, storage_ix, storage) + + if !is_final_block { + /* Write ISUNCOMPRESSED bit. */ + writeBits(1, 0, storage_ix, storage) + } +} + +/* +Stores the uncompressed meta-block header. + + REQUIRES: length > 0 + REQUIRES: length <= (1 << 24) +*/ +func storeUncompressedMetaBlockHeader(length uint, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var lenbits uint64 + var nlenbits uint + var nibblesbits uint64 + + /* Write ISLAST bit. + Uncompressed block cannot be the last one, so set to 0. */ + writeBits(1, 0, storage_ix, storage) + + encodeMlen(length, &lenbits, &nlenbits, &nibblesbits) + writeBits(2, nibblesbits, storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(nlenbits, lenbits, storage_ix, storage) + + /* Write ISUNCOMPRESSED bit. */ + writeBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage) +} + +var storeHuffmanTreeOfHuffmanTreeToBitMask_kStorageOrder = [codeLengthCodes]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 17, 6, 16, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15} + +var storeHuffmanTreeOfHuffmanTreeToBitMask_kHuffmanBitLengthHuffmanCodeSymbols = [6]byte{0, 7, 3, 2, 1, 15} +var storeHuffmanTreeOfHuffmanTreeToBitMask_kHuffmanBitLengthHuffmanCodeBitLengths = [6]byte{2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 4} + +func storeHuffmanTreeOfHuffmanTreeToBitMask(num_codes int, code_length_bitdepth []byte, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var skip_some uint = 0 + var codes_to_store uint = codeLengthCodes + /* The bit lengths of the Huffman code over the code length alphabet + are compressed with the following static Huffman code: + Symbol Code + ------ ---- + 0 00 + 1 1110 + 2 110 + 3 01 + 4 10 + 5 1111 */ + + /* Throw away trailing zeros: */ + if num_codes > 1 { + for ; codes_to_store > 0; codes_to_store-- { + if code_length_bitdepth[storeHuffmanTreeOfHuffmanTreeToBitMask_kStorageOrder[codes_to_store-1]] != 0 { + break + } + } + } + + if code_length_bitdepth[storeHuffmanTreeOfHuffmanTreeToBitMask_kStorageOrder[0]] == 0 && code_length_bitdepth[storeHuffmanTreeOfHuffmanTreeToBitMask_kStorageOrder[1]] == 0 { + skip_some = 2 /* skips two. */ + if code_length_bitdepth[storeHuffmanTreeOfHuffmanTreeToBitMask_kStorageOrder[2]] == 0 { + skip_some = 3 /* skips three. */ + } + } + + writeBits(2, uint64(skip_some), storage_ix, storage) + { + var i uint + for i = skip_some; i < codes_to_store; i++ { + var l uint = uint(code_length_bitdepth[storeHuffmanTreeOfHuffmanTreeToBitMask_kStorageOrder[i]]) + writeBits(uint(storeHuffmanTreeOfHuffmanTreeToBitMask_kHuffmanBitLengthHuffmanCodeBitLengths[l]), uint64(storeHuffmanTreeOfHuffmanTreeToBitMask_kHuffmanBitLengthHuffmanCodeSymbols[l]), storage_ix, storage) + } + } +} + +func storeHuffmanTreeToBitMask(huffman_tree_size uint, huffman_tree []byte, huffman_tree_extra_bits []byte, code_length_bitdepth []byte, code_length_bitdepth_symbols []uint16, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < huffman_tree_size; i++ { + var ix uint = uint(huffman_tree[i]) + writeBits(uint(code_length_bitdepth[ix]), uint64(code_length_bitdepth_symbols[ix]), storage_ix, storage) + + /* Extra bits */ + switch ix { + case repeatPreviousCodeLength: + writeBits(2, uint64(huffman_tree_extra_bits[i]), storage_ix, storage) + + case repeatZeroCodeLength: + writeBits(3, uint64(huffman_tree_extra_bits[i]), storage_ix, storage) + } + } +} + +func storeSimpleHuffmanTree(depths []byte, symbols []uint, num_symbols uint, max_bits uint, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + /* value of 1 indicates a simple Huffman code */ + writeBits(2, 1, storage_ix, storage) + + writeBits(2, uint64(num_symbols)-1, storage_ix, storage) /* NSYM - 1 */ + { + /* Sort */ + var i uint + for i = 0; i < num_symbols; i++ { + var j uint + for j = i + 1; j < num_symbols; j++ { + if depths[symbols[j]] < depths[symbols[i]] { + var tmp uint = symbols[j] + symbols[j] = symbols[i] + symbols[i] = tmp + } + } + } + } + + if num_symbols == 2 { + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[0]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[1]), storage_ix, storage) + } else if num_symbols == 3 { + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[0]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[1]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[2]), storage_ix, storage) + } else { + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[0]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[1]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[2]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[3]), storage_ix, storage) + + /* tree-select */ + var tmp int + if depths[symbols[0]] == 1 { + tmp = 1 + } else { + tmp = 0 + } + writeBits(1, uint64(tmp), storage_ix, storage) + } +} + +/* +num = alphabet size + + depths = symbol depths +*/ +func storeHuffmanTree(depths []byte, num uint, tree []huffmanTree, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var huffman_tree [numCommandSymbols]byte + var huffman_tree_extra_bits [numCommandSymbols]byte + var huffman_tree_size uint = 0 + var code_length_bitdepth = [codeLengthCodes]byte{0} + var code_length_bitdepth_symbols [codeLengthCodes]uint16 + var huffman_tree_histogram = [codeLengthCodes]uint32{0} + var i uint + var num_codes int = 0 + /* Write the Huffman tree into the brotli-representation. + The command alphabet is the largest, so this allocation will fit all + alphabets. */ + + var code uint = 0 + + assert(num <= numCommandSymbols) + + writeHuffmanTree(depths, num, &huffman_tree_size, huffman_tree[:], huffman_tree_extra_bits[:]) + + /* Calculate the statistics of the Huffman tree in brotli-representation. */ + for i = 0; i < huffman_tree_size; i++ { + huffman_tree_histogram[huffman_tree[i]]++ + } + + for i = 0; i < codeLengthCodes; i++ { + if huffman_tree_histogram[i] != 0 { + if num_codes == 0 { + code = i + num_codes = 1 + } else if num_codes == 1 { + num_codes = 2 + break + } + } + } + + /* Calculate another Huffman tree to use for compressing both the + earlier Huffman tree with. */ + createHuffmanTree(huffman_tree_histogram[:], codeLengthCodes, 5, tree, code_length_bitdepth[:]) + + convertBitDepthsToSymbols(code_length_bitdepth[:], codeLengthCodes, code_length_bitdepth_symbols[:]) + + /* Now, we have all the data, let's start storing it */ + storeHuffmanTreeOfHuffmanTreeToBitMask(num_codes, code_length_bitdepth[:], storage_ix, storage) + + if num_codes == 1 { + code_length_bitdepth[code] = 0 + } + + /* Store the real Huffman tree now. */ + storeHuffmanTreeToBitMask(huffman_tree_size, huffman_tree[:], huffman_tree_extra_bits[:], code_length_bitdepth[:], code_length_bitdepth_symbols[:], storage_ix, storage) +} + +/* +Builds a Huffman tree from histogram[0:length] into depth[0:length] and + + bits[0:length] and stores the encoded tree to the bit stream. +*/ +func buildAndStoreHuffmanTree(histogram []uint32, histogram_length uint, alphabet_size uint, tree []huffmanTree, depth []byte, bits []uint16, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var count uint = 0 + var s4 = [4]uint{0} + var i uint + var max_bits uint = 0 + for i = 0; i < histogram_length; i++ { + if histogram[i] != 0 { + if count < 4 { + s4[count] = i + } else if count > 4 { + break + } + + count++ + } + } + { + var max_bits_counter uint = alphabet_size - 1 + for max_bits_counter != 0 { + max_bits_counter >>= 1 + max_bits++ + } + } + + if count <= 1 { + writeBits(4, 1, storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(s4[0]), storage_ix, storage) + depth[s4[0]] = 0 + bits[s4[0]] = 0 + return + } + + for i := 0; i < int(histogram_length); i++ { + depth[i] = 0 + } + createHuffmanTree(histogram, histogram_length, 15, tree, depth) + convertBitDepthsToSymbols(depth, histogram_length, bits) + + if count <= 4 { + storeSimpleHuffmanTree(depth, s4[:], count, max_bits, storage_ix, storage) + } else { + storeHuffmanTree(depth, histogram_length, tree, storage_ix, storage) + } +} + +func sortHuffmanTree1(v0 huffmanTree, v1 huffmanTree) bool { + return v0.total_count_ < v1.total_count_ +} + +var huffmanTreePool sync.Pool + +func buildAndStoreHuffmanTreeFast(histogram []uint32, histogram_total uint, max_bits uint, depth []byte, bits []uint16, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var count uint = 0 + var symbols = [4]uint{0} + var length uint = 0 + var total uint = histogram_total + for total != 0 { + if histogram[length] != 0 { + if count < 4 { + symbols[count] = length + } + + count++ + total -= uint(histogram[length]) + } + + length++ + } + + if count <= 1 { + writeBits(4, 1, storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[0]), storage_ix, storage) + depth[symbols[0]] = 0 + bits[symbols[0]] = 0 + return + } + + for i := 0; i < int(length); i++ { + depth[i] = 0 + } + { + var max_tree_size uint = 2*length + 1 + tree, _ := huffmanTreePool.Get().(*[]huffmanTree) + if tree == nil || cap(*tree) < int(max_tree_size) { + tmp := make([]huffmanTree, max_tree_size) + tree = &tmp + } else { + *tree = (*tree)[:max_tree_size] + } + var count_limit uint32 + for count_limit = 1; ; count_limit *= 2 { + var node int = 0 + var l uint + for l = length; l != 0; { + l-- + if histogram[l] != 0 { + if histogram[l] >= count_limit { + initHuffmanTree(&(*tree)[node:][0], histogram[l], -1, int16(l)) + } else { + initHuffmanTree(&(*tree)[node:][0], count_limit, -1, int16(l)) + } + + node++ + } + } + { + var n int = node + /* Points to the next leaf node. */ /* Points to the next non-leaf node. */ + var sentinel huffmanTree + var i int = 0 + var j int = n + 1 + var k int + + sortHuffmanTreeItems(*tree, uint(n), huffmanTreeComparator(sortHuffmanTree1)) + + /* The nodes are: + [0, n): the sorted leaf nodes that we start with. + [n]: we add a sentinel here. + [n + 1, 2n): new parent nodes are added here, starting from + (n+1). These are naturally in ascending order. + [2n]: we add a sentinel at the end as well. + There will be (2n+1) elements at the end. */ + initHuffmanTree(&sentinel, math.MaxUint32, -1, -1) + + (*tree)[node] = sentinel + node++ + (*tree)[node] = sentinel + node++ + + for k = n - 1; k > 0; k-- { + var left int + var right int + if (*tree)[i].total_count_ <= (*tree)[j].total_count_ { + left = i + i++ + } else { + left = j + j++ + } + + if (*tree)[i].total_count_ <= (*tree)[j].total_count_ { + right = i + i++ + } else { + right = j + j++ + } + + /* The sentinel node becomes the parent node. */ + (*tree)[node-1].total_count_ = (*tree)[left].total_count_ + (*tree)[right].total_count_ + + (*tree)[node-1].index_left_ = int16(left) + (*tree)[node-1].index_right_or_value_ = int16(right) + + /* Add back the last sentinel node. */ + (*tree)[node] = sentinel + node++ + } + + if setDepth(2*n-1, *tree, depth, 14) { + /* We need to pack the Huffman tree in 14 bits. If this was not + successful, add fake entities to the lowest values and retry. */ + break + } + } + } + + huffmanTreePool.Put(tree) + } + + convertBitDepthsToSymbols(depth, length, bits) + if count <= 4 { + var i uint + + /* value of 1 indicates a simple Huffman code */ + writeBits(2, 1, storage_ix, storage) + + writeBits(2, uint64(count)-1, storage_ix, storage) /* NSYM - 1 */ + + /* Sort */ + for i = 0; i < count; i++ { + var j uint + for j = i + 1; j < count; j++ { + if depth[symbols[j]] < depth[symbols[i]] { + var tmp uint = symbols[j] + symbols[j] = symbols[i] + symbols[i] = tmp + } + } + } + + if count == 2 { + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[0]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[1]), storage_ix, storage) + } else if count == 3 { + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[0]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[1]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[2]), storage_ix, storage) + } else { + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[0]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[1]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[2]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[3]), storage_ix, storage) + + /* tree-select */ + var tmp int + if depth[symbols[0]] == 1 { + tmp = 1 + } else { + tmp = 0 + } + writeBits(1, uint64(tmp), storage_ix, storage) + } + } else { + var previous_value byte = 8 + var i uint + + /* Complex Huffman Tree */ + storeStaticCodeLengthCode(storage_ix, storage) + + /* Actual RLE coding. */ + for i = 0; i < length; { + var value byte = depth[i] + var reps uint = 1 + var k uint + for k = i + 1; k < length && depth[k] == value; k++ { + reps++ + } + + i += reps + if value == 0 { + writeBits(uint(kZeroRepsDepth[reps]), kZeroRepsBits[reps], storage_ix, storage) + } else { + if previous_value != value { + writeBits(uint(kCodeLengthDepth[value]), uint64(kCodeLengthBits[value]), storage_ix, storage) + reps-- + } + + if reps < 3 { + for reps != 0 { + reps-- + writeBits(uint(kCodeLengthDepth[value]), uint64(kCodeLengthBits[value]), storage_ix, storage) + } + } else { + reps -= 3 + writeBits(uint(kNonZeroRepsDepth[reps]), kNonZeroRepsBits[reps], storage_ix, storage) + } + + previous_value = value + } + } + } +} + +func buildAndStoreHuffmanTreeFastBW(histogram []uint32, histogram_total uint, max_bits uint, depth []byte, bits []uint16, bw *bitWriter) { + var count uint = 0 + var symbols = [4]uint{0} + var length uint = 0 + var total uint = histogram_total + for total != 0 { + if histogram[length] != 0 { + if count < 4 { + symbols[count] = length + } + + count++ + total -= uint(histogram[length]) + } + + length++ + } + + if count <= 1 { + bw.writeBits(4, 1) + bw.writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[0])) + depth[symbols[0]] = 0 + bits[symbols[0]] = 0 + return + } + + for i := 0; i < int(length); i++ { + depth[i] = 0 + } + { + var max_tree_size uint = 2*length + 1 + tree, _ := huffmanTreePool.Get().(*[]huffmanTree) + if tree == nil || cap(*tree) < int(max_tree_size) { + tmp := make([]huffmanTree, max_tree_size) + tree = &tmp + } else { + *tree = (*tree)[:max_tree_size] + } + var count_limit uint32 + for count_limit = 1; ; count_limit *= 2 { + var node int = 0 + var l uint + for l = length; l != 0; { + l-- + if histogram[l] != 0 { + if histogram[l] >= count_limit { + initHuffmanTree(&(*tree)[node:][0], histogram[l], -1, int16(l)) + } else { + initHuffmanTree(&(*tree)[node:][0], count_limit, -1, int16(l)) + } + + node++ + } + } + { + var n int = node + /* Points to the next leaf node. */ /* Points to the next non-leaf node. */ + var sentinel huffmanTree + var i int = 0 + var j int = n + 1 + var k int + + sortHuffmanTreeItems(*tree, uint(n), huffmanTreeComparator(sortHuffmanTree1)) + + /* The nodes are: + [0, n): the sorted leaf nodes that we start with. + [n]: we add a sentinel here. + [n + 1, 2n): new parent nodes are added here, starting from + (n+1). These are naturally in ascending order. + [2n]: we add a sentinel at the end as well. + There will be (2n+1) elements at the end. */ + initHuffmanTree(&sentinel, math.MaxUint32, -1, -1) + + (*tree)[node] = sentinel + node++ + (*tree)[node] = sentinel + node++ + + for k = n - 1; k > 0; k-- { + var left int + var right int + if (*tree)[i].total_count_ <= (*tree)[j].total_count_ { + left = i + i++ + } else { + left = j + j++ + } + + if (*tree)[i].total_count_ <= (*tree)[j].total_count_ { + right = i + i++ + } else { + right = j + j++ + } + + /* The sentinel node becomes the parent node. */ + (*tree)[node-1].total_count_ = (*tree)[left].total_count_ + (*tree)[right].total_count_ + + (*tree)[node-1].index_left_ = int16(left) + (*tree)[node-1].index_right_or_value_ = int16(right) + + /* Add back the last sentinel node. */ + (*tree)[node] = sentinel + node++ + } + + if setDepth(2*n-1, *tree, depth, 14) { + /* We need to pack the Huffman tree in 14 bits. If this was not + successful, add fake entities to the lowest values and retry. */ + break + } + } + } + + huffmanTreePool.Put(tree) + } + + convertBitDepthsToSymbols(depth, length, bits) + if count <= 4 { + var i uint + + /* value of 1 indicates a simple Huffman code */ + bw.writeBits(2, 1) + + bw.writeBits(2, uint64(count)-1) /* NSYM - 1 */ + + /* Sort */ + for i = 0; i < count; i++ { + var j uint + for j = i + 1; j < count; j++ { + if depth[symbols[j]] < depth[symbols[i]] { + var tmp uint = symbols[j] + symbols[j] = symbols[i] + symbols[i] = tmp + } + } + } + + if count == 2 { + bw.writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[0])) + bw.writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[1])) + } else if count == 3 { + bw.writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[0])) + bw.writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[1])) + bw.writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[2])) + } else { + bw.writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[0])) + bw.writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[1])) + bw.writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[2])) + bw.writeBits(max_bits, uint64(symbols[3])) + + /* tree-select */ + bw.writeSingleBit(depth[symbols[0]] == 1) + } + } else { + var previous_value byte = 8 + var i uint + + /* Complex Huffman Tree */ + storeStaticCodeLengthCodeBW(bw) + + /* Actual RLE coding. */ + for i = 0; i < length; { + var value byte = depth[i] + var reps uint = 1 + var k uint + for k = i + 1; k < length && depth[k] == value; k++ { + reps++ + } + + i += reps + if value == 0 { + bw.writeBits(uint(kZeroRepsDepth[reps]), kZeroRepsBits[reps]) + } else { + if previous_value != value { + bw.writeBits(uint(kCodeLengthDepth[value]), uint64(kCodeLengthBits[value])) + reps-- + } + + if reps < 3 { + for reps != 0 { + reps-- + bw.writeBits(uint(kCodeLengthDepth[value]), uint64(kCodeLengthBits[value])) + } + } else { + reps -= 3 + bw.writeBits(uint(kNonZeroRepsDepth[reps]), kNonZeroRepsBits[reps]) + } + + previous_value = value + } + } + } +} + +func indexOf(v []byte, v_size uint, value byte) uint { + var i uint = 0 + for ; i < v_size; i++ { + if v[i] == value { + return i + } + } + + return i +} + +func moveToFront(v []byte, index uint) { + var value byte = v[index] + var i uint + for i = index; i != 0; i-- { + v[i] = v[i-1] + } + + v[0] = value +} + +func moveToFrontTransform(v_in []uint32, v_size uint, v_out []uint32) { + var i uint + var mtf [256]byte + var max_value uint32 + if v_size == 0 { + return + } + + max_value = v_in[0] + for i = 1; i < v_size; i++ { + if v_in[i] > max_value { + max_value = v_in[i] + } + } + + assert(max_value < 256) + for i = 0; uint32(i) <= max_value; i++ { + mtf[i] = byte(i) + } + { + var mtf_size uint = uint(max_value + 1) + for i = 0; i < v_size; i++ { + var index uint = indexOf(mtf[:], mtf_size, byte(v_in[i])) + assert(index < mtf_size) + v_out[i] = uint32(index) + moveToFront(mtf[:], index) + } + } +} + +/* +Finds runs of zeros in v[0..in_size) and replaces them with a prefix code of + + the run length plus extra bits (lower 9 bits is the prefix code and the rest + are the extra bits). Non-zero values in v[] are shifted by + *max_length_prefix. Will not create prefix codes bigger than the initial + value of *max_run_length_prefix. The prefix code of run length L is simply + Log2Floor(L) and the number of extra bits is the same as the prefix code. +*/ +func runLengthCodeZeros(in_size uint, v []uint32, out_size *uint, max_run_length_prefix *uint32) { + var max_reps uint32 = 0 + var i uint + var max_prefix uint32 + for i = 0; i < in_size; { + var reps uint32 = 0 + for ; i < in_size && v[i] != 0; i++ { + } + for ; i < in_size && v[i] == 0; i++ { + reps++ + } + + max_reps = brotli_max_uint32_t(reps, max_reps) + } + + if max_reps > 0 { + max_prefix = log2FloorNonZero(uint(max_reps)) + } else { + max_prefix = 0 + } + max_prefix = brotli_min_uint32_t(max_prefix, *max_run_length_prefix) + *max_run_length_prefix = max_prefix + *out_size = 0 + for i = 0; i < in_size; { + assert(*out_size <= i) + if v[i] != 0 { + v[*out_size] = v[i] + *max_run_length_prefix + i++ + (*out_size)++ + } else { + var reps uint32 = 1 + var k uint + for k = i + 1; k < in_size && v[k] == 0; k++ { + reps++ + } + + i += uint(reps) + for reps != 0 { + if reps < 2< 0) + writeSingleBit(use_rle, storage_ix, storage) + if use_rle { + writeBits(4, uint64(max_run_length_prefix)-1, storage_ix, storage) + } + } + + buildAndStoreHuffmanTree(histogram[:], uint(uint32(num_clusters)+max_run_length_prefix), uint(uint32(num_clusters)+max_run_length_prefix), tree, depths[:], bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + for i = 0; i < num_rle_symbols; i++ { + var rle_symbol uint32 = rle_symbols[i] & encodeContextMap_kSymbolMask + var extra_bits_val uint32 = rle_symbols[i] >> symbolBits + writeBits(uint(depths[rle_symbol]), uint64(bits[rle_symbol]), storage_ix, storage) + if rle_symbol > 0 && rle_symbol <= max_run_length_prefix { + writeBits(uint(rle_symbol), uint64(extra_bits_val), storage_ix, storage) + } + } + + writeBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage) /* use move-to-front */ + rle_symbols = nil +} + +/* Stores the block switch command with index block_ix to the bit stream. */ +func storeBlockSwitch(code *blockSplitCode, block_len uint32, block_type byte, is_first_block bool, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var typecode uint = nextBlockTypeCode(&code.type_code_calculator, block_type) + var lencode uint + var len_nextra uint32 + var len_extra uint32 + if !is_first_block { + writeBits(uint(code.type_depths[typecode]), uint64(code.type_bits[typecode]), storage_ix, storage) + } + + getBlockLengthPrefixCode(block_len, &lencode, &len_nextra, &len_extra) + + writeBits(uint(code.length_depths[lencode]), uint64(code.length_bits[lencode]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(uint(len_nextra), uint64(len_extra), storage_ix, storage) +} + +/* +Builds a BlockSplitCode data structure from the block split given by the + + vector of block types and block lengths and stores it to the bit stream. +*/ +func buildAndStoreBlockSplitCode(types []byte, lengths []uint32, num_blocks uint, num_types uint, tree []huffmanTree, code *blockSplitCode, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var type_histo [maxBlockTypeSymbols]uint32 + var length_histo [numBlockLenSymbols]uint32 + var i uint + var type_code_calculator blockTypeCodeCalculator + for i := 0; i < int(num_types+2); i++ { + type_histo[i] = 0 + } + length_histo = [numBlockLenSymbols]uint32{} + initBlockTypeCodeCalculator(&type_code_calculator) + for i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++ { + var type_code uint = nextBlockTypeCode(&type_code_calculator, types[i]) + if i != 0 { + type_histo[type_code]++ + } + length_histo[blockLengthPrefixCode(lengths[i])]++ + } + + storeVarLenUint8(num_types-1, storage_ix, storage) + if num_types > 1 { /* TODO: else? could StoreBlockSwitch occur? */ + buildAndStoreHuffmanTree(type_histo[0:], num_types+2, num_types+2, tree, code.type_depths[0:], code.type_bits[0:], storage_ix, storage) + buildAndStoreHuffmanTree(length_histo[0:], numBlockLenSymbols, numBlockLenSymbols, tree, code.length_depths[0:], code.length_bits[0:], storage_ix, storage) + storeBlockSwitch(code, lengths[0], types[0], true, storage_ix, storage) + } +} + +/* Stores a context map where the histogram type is always the block type. */ +func storeTrivialContextMap(num_types uint, context_bits uint, tree []huffmanTree, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + storeVarLenUint8(num_types-1, storage_ix, storage) + if num_types > 1 { + var repeat_code uint = context_bits - 1 + var repeat_bits uint = (1 << repeat_code) - 1 + var alphabet_size uint = num_types + repeat_code + var histogram [maxContextMapSymbols]uint32 + var depths [maxContextMapSymbols]byte + var bits [maxContextMapSymbols]uint16 + var i uint + for i := 0; i < int(alphabet_size); i++ { + histogram[i] = 0 + } + + /* Write RLEMAX. */ + writeBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage) + + writeBits(4, uint64(repeat_code)-1, storage_ix, storage) + histogram[repeat_code] = uint32(num_types) + histogram[0] = 1 + for i = context_bits; i < alphabet_size; i++ { + histogram[i] = 1 + } + + buildAndStoreHuffmanTree(histogram[:], alphabet_size, alphabet_size, tree, depths[:], bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + for i = 0; i < num_types; i++ { + var tmp uint + if i == 0 { + tmp = 0 + } else { + tmp = i + context_bits - 1 + } + var code uint = tmp + writeBits(uint(depths[code]), uint64(bits[code]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(uint(depths[repeat_code]), uint64(bits[repeat_code]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(repeat_code, uint64(repeat_bits), storage_ix, storage) + } + + /* Write IMTF (inverse-move-to-front) bit. */ + writeBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage) + } +} + +/* Manages the encoding of one block category (literal, command or distance). */ +type blockEncoder struct { + histogram_length_ uint + num_block_types_ uint + block_types_ []byte + block_lengths_ []uint32 + num_blocks_ uint + block_split_code_ blockSplitCode + block_ix_ uint + block_len_ uint + entropy_ix_ uint + depths_ []byte + bits_ []uint16 +} + +var blockEncoderPool sync.Pool + +func getBlockEncoder(histogram_length uint, num_block_types uint, block_types []byte, block_lengths []uint32, num_blocks uint) *blockEncoder { + self, _ := blockEncoderPool.Get().(*blockEncoder) + + if self != nil { + self.block_ix_ = 0 + self.entropy_ix_ = 0 + self.depths_ = self.depths_[:0] + self.bits_ = self.bits_[:0] + } else { + self = &blockEncoder{} + } + + self.histogram_length_ = histogram_length + self.num_block_types_ = num_block_types + self.block_types_ = block_types + self.block_lengths_ = block_lengths + self.num_blocks_ = num_blocks + initBlockTypeCodeCalculator(&self.block_split_code_.type_code_calculator) + if num_blocks == 0 { + self.block_len_ = 0 + } else { + self.block_len_ = uint(block_lengths[0]) + } + + return self +} + +func cleanupBlockEncoder(self *blockEncoder) { + blockEncoderPool.Put(self) +} + +/* +Creates entropy codes of block lengths and block types and stores them + + to the bit stream. +*/ +func buildAndStoreBlockSwitchEntropyCodes(self *blockEncoder, tree []huffmanTree, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + buildAndStoreBlockSplitCode(self.block_types_, self.block_lengths_, self.num_blocks_, self.num_block_types_, tree, &self.block_split_code_, storage_ix, storage) +} + +/* +Stores the next symbol with the entropy code of the current block type. + + Updates the block type and block length at block boundaries. +*/ +func storeSymbol(self *blockEncoder, symbol uint, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + if self.block_len_ == 0 { + self.block_ix_++ + var block_ix uint = self.block_ix_ + var block_len uint32 = self.block_lengths_[block_ix] + var block_type byte = self.block_types_[block_ix] + self.block_len_ = uint(block_len) + self.entropy_ix_ = uint(block_type) * self.histogram_length_ + storeBlockSwitch(&self.block_split_code_, block_len, block_type, false, storage_ix, storage) + } + + self.block_len_-- + { + var ix uint = self.entropy_ix_ + symbol + writeBits(uint(self.depths_[ix]), uint64(self.bits_[ix]), storage_ix, storage) + } +} + +/* +Stores the next symbol with the entropy code of the current block type and + + context value. + Updates the block type and block length at block boundaries. +*/ +func storeSymbolWithContext(self *blockEncoder, symbol uint, context uint, context_map []uint32, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte, context_bits uint) { + if self.block_len_ == 0 { + self.block_ix_++ + var block_ix uint = self.block_ix_ + var block_len uint32 = self.block_lengths_[block_ix] + var block_type byte = self.block_types_[block_ix] + self.block_len_ = uint(block_len) + self.entropy_ix_ = uint(block_type) << context_bits + storeBlockSwitch(&self.block_split_code_, block_len, block_type, false, storage_ix, storage) + } + + self.block_len_-- + { + var histo_ix uint = uint(context_map[self.entropy_ix_+context]) + var ix uint = histo_ix*self.histogram_length_ + symbol + writeBits(uint(self.depths_[ix]), uint64(self.bits_[ix]), storage_ix, storage) + } +} + +func buildAndStoreEntropyCodesLiteral(self *blockEncoder, histograms []histogramLiteral, histograms_size uint, alphabet_size uint, tree []huffmanTree, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var table_size uint = histograms_size * self.histogram_length_ + if cap(self.depths_) < int(table_size) { + self.depths_ = make([]byte, table_size) + } else { + self.depths_ = self.depths_[:table_size] + } + if cap(self.bits_) < int(table_size) { + self.bits_ = make([]uint16, table_size) + } else { + self.bits_ = self.bits_[:table_size] + } + { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < histograms_size; i++ { + var ix uint = i * self.histogram_length_ + buildAndStoreHuffmanTree(histograms[i].data_[0:], self.histogram_length_, alphabet_size, tree, self.depths_[ix:], self.bits_[ix:], storage_ix, storage) + } + } +} + +func buildAndStoreEntropyCodesCommand(self *blockEncoder, histograms []histogramCommand, histograms_size uint, alphabet_size uint, tree []huffmanTree, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var table_size uint = histograms_size * self.histogram_length_ + if cap(self.depths_) < int(table_size) { + self.depths_ = make([]byte, table_size) + } else { + self.depths_ = self.depths_[:table_size] + } + if cap(self.bits_) < int(table_size) { + self.bits_ = make([]uint16, table_size) + } else { + self.bits_ = self.bits_[:table_size] + } + { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < histograms_size; i++ { + var ix uint = i * self.histogram_length_ + buildAndStoreHuffmanTree(histograms[i].data_[0:], self.histogram_length_, alphabet_size, tree, self.depths_[ix:], self.bits_[ix:], storage_ix, storage) + } + } +} + +func buildAndStoreEntropyCodesDistance(self *blockEncoder, histograms []histogramDistance, histograms_size uint, alphabet_size uint, tree []huffmanTree, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var table_size uint = histograms_size * self.histogram_length_ + if cap(self.depths_) < int(table_size) { + self.depths_ = make([]byte, table_size) + } else { + self.depths_ = self.depths_[:table_size] + } + if cap(self.bits_) < int(table_size) { + self.bits_ = make([]uint16, table_size) + } else { + self.bits_ = self.bits_[:table_size] + } + { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < histograms_size; i++ { + var ix uint = i * self.histogram_length_ + buildAndStoreHuffmanTree(histograms[i].data_[0:], self.histogram_length_, alphabet_size, tree, self.depths_[ix:], self.bits_[ix:], storage_ix, storage) + } + } +} + +func jumpToByteBoundary(storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + *storage_ix = (*storage_ix + 7) &^ 7 + storage[*storage_ix>>3] = 0 +} + +func storeMetaBlock(input []byte, start_pos uint, length uint, mask uint, prev_byte byte, prev_byte2 byte, is_last bool, params *encoderParams, literal_context_mode int, commands []command, mb *metaBlockSplit, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var pos uint = start_pos + var i uint + var num_distance_symbols uint32 = params.dist.alphabet_size + var num_effective_distance_symbols uint32 = num_distance_symbols + var tree []huffmanTree + var literal_context_lut contextLUT = getContextLUT(literal_context_mode) + var dist *distanceParams = ¶ms.dist + if params.large_window && num_effective_distance_symbols > numHistogramDistanceSymbols { + num_effective_distance_symbols = numHistogramDistanceSymbols + } + + storeCompressedMetaBlockHeader(is_last, length, storage_ix, storage) + + tree = make([]huffmanTree, maxHuffmanTreeSize) + literal_enc := getBlockEncoder(numLiteralSymbols, mb.literal_split.num_types, mb.literal_split.types, mb.literal_split.lengths, mb.literal_split.num_blocks) + command_enc := getBlockEncoder(numCommandSymbols, mb.command_split.num_types, mb.command_split.types, mb.command_split.lengths, mb.command_split.num_blocks) + distance_enc := getBlockEncoder(uint(num_effective_distance_symbols), mb.distance_split.num_types, mb.distance_split.types, mb.distance_split.lengths, mb.distance_split.num_blocks) + + buildAndStoreBlockSwitchEntropyCodes(literal_enc, tree, storage_ix, storage) + buildAndStoreBlockSwitchEntropyCodes(command_enc, tree, storage_ix, storage) + buildAndStoreBlockSwitchEntropyCodes(distance_enc, tree, storage_ix, storage) + + writeBits(2, uint64(dist.distance_postfix_bits), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(4, uint64(dist.num_direct_distance_codes)>>dist.distance_postfix_bits, storage_ix, storage) + for i = 0; i < mb.literal_split.num_types; i++ { + writeBits(2, uint64(literal_context_mode), storage_ix, storage) + } + + if mb.literal_context_map_size == 0 { + storeTrivialContextMap(mb.literal_histograms_size, literalContextBits, tree, storage_ix, storage) + } else { + encodeContextMap(mb.literal_context_map, mb.literal_context_map_size, mb.literal_histograms_size, tree, storage_ix, storage) + } + + if mb.distance_context_map_size == 0 { + storeTrivialContextMap(mb.distance_histograms_size, distanceContextBits, tree, storage_ix, storage) + } else { + encodeContextMap(mb.distance_context_map, mb.distance_context_map_size, mb.distance_histograms_size, tree, storage_ix, storage) + } + + buildAndStoreEntropyCodesLiteral(literal_enc, mb.literal_histograms, mb.literal_histograms_size, numLiteralSymbols, tree, storage_ix, storage) + buildAndStoreEntropyCodesCommand(command_enc, mb.command_histograms, mb.command_histograms_size, numCommandSymbols, tree, storage_ix, storage) + buildAndStoreEntropyCodesDistance(distance_enc, mb.distance_histograms, mb.distance_histograms_size, uint(num_distance_symbols), tree, storage_ix, storage) + tree = nil + + for _, cmd := range commands { + var cmd_code uint = uint(cmd.cmd_prefix_) + storeSymbol(command_enc, cmd_code, storage_ix, storage) + storeCommandExtra(&cmd, storage_ix, storage) + if mb.literal_context_map_size == 0 { + var j uint + for j = uint(cmd.insert_len_); j != 0; j-- { + storeSymbol(literal_enc, uint(input[pos&mask]), storage_ix, storage) + pos++ + } + } else { + var j uint + for j = uint(cmd.insert_len_); j != 0; j-- { + var context uint = uint(getContext(prev_byte, prev_byte2, literal_context_lut)) + var literal byte = input[pos&mask] + storeSymbolWithContext(literal_enc, uint(literal), context, mb.literal_context_map, storage_ix, storage, literalContextBits) + prev_byte2 = prev_byte + prev_byte = literal + pos++ + } + } + + pos += uint(commandCopyLen(&cmd)) + if commandCopyLen(&cmd) != 0 { + prev_byte2 = input[(pos-2)&mask] + prev_byte = input[(pos-1)&mask] + if cmd.cmd_prefix_ >= 128 { + var dist_code uint = uint(cmd.dist_prefix_) & 0x3FF + var distnumextra uint32 = uint32(cmd.dist_prefix_) >> 10 + var distextra uint64 = uint64(cmd.dist_extra_) + if mb.distance_context_map_size == 0 { + storeSymbol(distance_enc, dist_code, storage_ix, storage) + } else { + var context uint = uint(commandDistanceContext(&cmd)) + storeSymbolWithContext(distance_enc, dist_code, context, mb.distance_context_map, storage_ix, storage, distanceContextBits) + } + + writeBits(uint(distnumextra), distextra, storage_ix, storage) + } + } + } + + cleanupBlockEncoder(distance_enc) + cleanupBlockEncoder(command_enc) + cleanupBlockEncoder(literal_enc) + if is_last { + jumpToByteBoundary(storage_ix, storage) + } +} + +func buildHistograms(input []byte, start_pos uint, mask uint, commands []command, lit_histo *histogramLiteral, cmd_histo *histogramCommand, dist_histo *histogramDistance) { + var pos uint = start_pos + for _, cmd := range commands { + var j uint + histogramAddCommand(cmd_histo, uint(cmd.cmd_prefix_)) + for j = uint(cmd.insert_len_); j != 0; j-- { + histogramAddLiteral(lit_histo, uint(input[pos&mask])) + pos++ + } + + pos += uint(commandCopyLen(&cmd)) + if commandCopyLen(&cmd) != 0 && cmd.cmd_prefix_ >= 128 { + histogramAddDistance(dist_histo, uint(cmd.dist_prefix_)&0x3FF) + } + } +} + +func storeDataWithHuffmanCodes(input []byte, start_pos uint, mask uint, commands []command, lit_depth []byte, lit_bits []uint16, cmd_depth []byte, cmd_bits []uint16, dist_depth []byte, dist_bits []uint16, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var pos uint = start_pos + for _, cmd := range commands { + var cmd_code uint = uint(cmd.cmd_prefix_) + var j uint + writeBits(uint(cmd_depth[cmd_code]), uint64(cmd_bits[cmd_code]), storage_ix, storage) + storeCommandExtra(&cmd, storage_ix, storage) + for j = uint(cmd.insert_len_); j != 0; j-- { + var literal byte = input[pos&mask] + writeBits(uint(lit_depth[literal]), uint64(lit_bits[literal]), storage_ix, storage) + pos++ + } + + pos += uint(commandCopyLen(&cmd)) + if commandCopyLen(&cmd) != 0 && cmd.cmd_prefix_ >= 128 { + var dist_code uint = uint(cmd.dist_prefix_) & 0x3FF + var distnumextra uint32 = uint32(cmd.dist_prefix_) >> 10 + var distextra uint32 = cmd.dist_extra_ + writeBits(uint(dist_depth[dist_code]), uint64(dist_bits[dist_code]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(uint(distnumextra), uint64(distextra), storage_ix, storage) + } + } +} + +func storeMetaBlockTrivial(input []byte, start_pos uint, length uint, mask uint, is_last bool, params *encoderParams, commands []command, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var lit_histo histogramLiteral + var cmd_histo histogramCommand + var dist_histo histogramDistance + var lit_depth [numLiteralSymbols]byte + var lit_bits [numLiteralSymbols]uint16 + var cmd_depth [numCommandSymbols]byte + var cmd_bits [numCommandSymbols]uint16 + var dist_depth [maxSimpleDistanceAlphabetSize]byte + var dist_bits [maxSimpleDistanceAlphabetSize]uint16 + var tree []huffmanTree + var num_distance_symbols uint32 = params.dist.alphabet_size + + storeCompressedMetaBlockHeader(is_last, length, storage_ix, storage) + + histogramClearLiteral(&lit_histo) + histogramClearCommand(&cmd_histo) + histogramClearDistance(&dist_histo) + + buildHistograms(input, start_pos, mask, commands, &lit_histo, &cmd_histo, &dist_histo) + + writeBits(13, 0, storage_ix, storage) + + tree = make([]huffmanTree, maxHuffmanTreeSize) + buildAndStoreHuffmanTree(lit_histo.data_[:], numLiteralSymbols, numLiteralSymbols, tree, lit_depth[:], lit_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + buildAndStoreHuffmanTree(cmd_histo.data_[:], numCommandSymbols, numCommandSymbols, tree, cmd_depth[:], cmd_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + buildAndStoreHuffmanTree(dist_histo.data_[:], maxSimpleDistanceAlphabetSize, uint(num_distance_symbols), tree, dist_depth[:], dist_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + tree = nil + storeDataWithHuffmanCodes(input, start_pos, mask, commands, lit_depth[:], lit_bits[:], cmd_depth[:], cmd_bits[:], dist_depth[:], dist_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + if is_last { + jumpToByteBoundary(storage_ix, storage) + } +} + +func storeMetaBlockFast(input []byte, start_pos uint, length uint, mask uint, is_last bool, params *encoderParams, commands []command, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var num_distance_symbols uint32 = params.dist.alphabet_size + var distance_alphabet_bits uint32 = log2FloorNonZero(uint(num_distance_symbols-1)) + 1 + + storeCompressedMetaBlockHeader(is_last, length, storage_ix, storage) + + writeBits(13, 0, storage_ix, storage) + + if len(commands) <= 128 { + var histogram = [numLiteralSymbols]uint32{0} + var pos uint = start_pos + var num_literals uint = 0 + var lit_depth [numLiteralSymbols]byte + var lit_bits [numLiteralSymbols]uint16 + for _, cmd := range commands { + var j uint + for j = uint(cmd.insert_len_); j != 0; j-- { + histogram[input[pos&mask]]++ + pos++ + } + + num_literals += uint(cmd.insert_len_) + pos += uint(commandCopyLen(&cmd)) + } + + buildAndStoreHuffmanTreeFast(histogram[:], num_literals, /* max_bits = */ + 8, lit_depth[:], lit_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + + storeStaticCommandHuffmanTree(storage_ix, storage) + storeStaticDistanceHuffmanTree(storage_ix, storage) + storeDataWithHuffmanCodes(input, start_pos, mask, commands, lit_depth[:], lit_bits[:], kStaticCommandCodeDepth[:], kStaticCommandCodeBits[:], kStaticDistanceCodeDepth[:], kStaticDistanceCodeBits[:], storage_ix, storage) + } else { + var lit_histo histogramLiteral + var cmd_histo histogramCommand + var dist_histo histogramDistance + var lit_depth [numLiteralSymbols]byte + var lit_bits [numLiteralSymbols]uint16 + var cmd_depth [numCommandSymbols]byte + var cmd_bits [numCommandSymbols]uint16 + var dist_depth [maxSimpleDistanceAlphabetSize]byte + var dist_bits [maxSimpleDistanceAlphabetSize]uint16 + histogramClearLiteral(&lit_histo) + histogramClearCommand(&cmd_histo) + histogramClearDistance(&dist_histo) + buildHistograms(input, start_pos, mask, commands, &lit_histo, &cmd_histo, &dist_histo) + buildAndStoreHuffmanTreeFast(lit_histo.data_[:], lit_histo.total_count_, /* max_bits = */ + 8, lit_depth[:], lit_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + + buildAndStoreHuffmanTreeFast(cmd_histo.data_[:], cmd_histo.total_count_, /* max_bits = */ + 10, cmd_depth[:], cmd_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + + buildAndStoreHuffmanTreeFast(dist_histo.data_[:], dist_histo.total_count_, /* max_bits = */ + uint(distance_alphabet_bits), dist_depth[:], dist_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + + storeDataWithHuffmanCodes(input, start_pos, mask, commands, lit_depth[:], lit_bits[:], cmd_depth[:], cmd_bits[:], dist_depth[:], dist_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + } + + if is_last { + jumpToByteBoundary(storage_ix, storage) + } +} + +/* +This is for storing uncompressed blocks (simple raw storage of + + bytes-as-bytes). +*/ +func storeUncompressedMetaBlock(is_final_block bool, input []byte, position uint, mask uint, len uint, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var masked_pos uint = position & mask + storeUncompressedMetaBlockHeader(uint(len), storage_ix, storage) + jumpToByteBoundary(storage_ix, storage) + + if masked_pos+len > mask+1 { + var len1 uint = mask + 1 - masked_pos + copy(storage[*storage_ix>>3:], input[masked_pos:][:len1]) + *storage_ix += len1 << 3 + len -= len1 + masked_pos = 0 + } + + copy(storage[*storage_ix>>3:], input[masked_pos:][:len]) + *storage_ix += uint(len << 3) + + /* We need to clear the next 4 bytes to continue to be + compatible with BrotliWriteBits. */ + writeBitsPrepareStorage(*storage_ix, storage) + + /* Since the uncompressed block itself may not be the final block, add an + empty one after this. */ + if is_final_block { + writeBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage) /* islast */ + writeBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage) /* isempty */ + jumpToByteBoundary(storage_ix, storage) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/cluster.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/cluster.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..df8a32822456d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/cluster.go @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Functions for clustering similar histograms together. */ + +type histogramPair struct { + idx1 uint32 + idx2 uint32 + cost_combo float64 + cost_diff float64 +} + +func histogramPairIsLess(p1 *histogramPair, p2 *histogramPair) bool { + if p1.cost_diff != p2.cost_diff { + return p1.cost_diff > p2.cost_diff + } + + return (p1.idx2 - p1.idx1) > (p2.idx2 - p2.idx1) +} + +/* Returns entropy reduction of the context map when we combine two clusters. */ +func clusterCostDiff(size_a uint, size_b uint) float64 { + var size_c uint = size_a + size_b + return float64(size_a)*fastLog2(size_a) + float64(size_b)*fastLog2(size_b) - float64(size_c)*fastLog2(size_c) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/cluster_command.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/cluster_command.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..45b569bb2a59c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/cluster_command.go @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Computes the bit cost reduction by combining out[idx1] and out[idx2] and if + it is below a threshold, stores the pair (idx1, idx2) in the *pairs queue. */ +func compareAndPushToQueueCommand(out []histogramCommand, cluster_size []uint32, idx1 uint32, idx2 uint32, max_num_pairs uint, pairs []histogramPair, num_pairs *uint) { + var is_good_pair bool = false + var p histogramPair + p.idx2 = 0 + p.idx1 = p.idx2 + p.cost_combo = 0 + p.cost_diff = p.cost_combo + if idx1 == idx2 { + return + } + + if idx2 < idx1 { + var t uint32 = idx2 + idx2 = idx1 + idx1 = t + } + + p.idx1 = idx1 + p.idx2 = idx2 + p.cost_diff = 0.5 * clusterCostDiff(uint(cluster_size[idx1]), uint(cluster_size[idx2])) + p.cost_diff -= out[idx1].bit_cost_ + p.cost_diff -= out[idx2].bit_cost_ + + if out[idx1].total_count_ == 0 { + p.cost_combo = out[idx2].bit_cost_ + is_good_pair = true + } else if out[idx2].total_count_ == 0 { + p.cost_combo = out[idx1].bit_cost_ + is_good_pair = true + } else { + var threshold float64 + if *num_pairs == 0 { + threshold = 1e99 + } else { + threshold = brotli_max_double(0.0, pairs[0].cost_diff) + } + var combo histogramCommand = out[idx1] + var cost_combo float64 + histogramAddHistogramCommand(&combo, &out[idx2]) + cost_combo = populationCostCommand(&combo) + if cost_combo < threshold-p.cost_diff { + p.cost_combo = cost_combo + is_good_pair = true + } + } + + if is_good_pair { + p.cost_diff += p.cost_combo + if *num_pairs > 0 && histogramPairIsLess(&pairs[0], &p) { + /* Replace the top of the queue if needed. */ + if *num_pairs < max_num_pairs { + pairs[*num_pairs] = pairs[0] + (*num_pairs)++ + } + + pairs[0] = p + } else if *num_pairs < max_num_pairs { + pairs[*num_pairs] = p + (*num_pairs)++ + } + } +} + +func histogramCombineCommand(out []histogramCommand, cluster_size []uint32, symbols []uint32, clusters []uint32, pairs []histogramPair, num_clusters uint, symbols_size uint, max_clusters uint, max_num_pairs uint) uint { + var cost_diff_threshold float64 = 0.0 + var min_cluster_size uint = 1 + var num_pairs uint = 0 + { + /* We maintain a vector of histogram pairs, with the property that the pair + with the maximum bit cost reduction is the first. */ + var idx1 uint + for idx1 = 0; idx1 < num_clusters; idx1++ { + var idx2 uint + for idx2 = idx1 + 1; idx2 < num_clusters; idx2++ { + compareAndPushToQueueCommand(out, cluster_size, clusters[idx1], clusters[idx2], max_num_pairs, pairs[0:], &num_pairs) + } + } + } + + for num_clusters > min_cluster_size { + var best_idx1 uint32 + var best_idx2 uint32 + var i uint + if pairs[0].cost_diff >= cost_diff_threshold { + cost_diff_threshold = 1e99 + min_cluster_size = max_clusters + continue + } + + /* Take the best pair from the top of heap. */ + best_idx1 = pairs[0].idx1 + + best_idx2 = pairs[0].idx2 + histogramAddHistogramCommand(&out[best_idx1], &out[best_idx2]) + out[best_idx1].bit_cost_ = pairs[0].cost_combo + cluster_size[best_idx1] += cluster_size[best_idx2] + for i = 0; i < symbols_size; i++ { + if symbols[i] == best_idx2 { + symbols[i] = best_idx1 + } + } + + for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ { + if clusters[i] == best_idx2 { + copy(clusters[i:], clusters[i+1:][:num_clusters-i-1]) + break + } + } + + num_clusters-- + { + /* Remove pairs intersecting the just combined best pair. */ + var copy_to_idx uint = 0 + for i = 0; i < num_pairs; i++ { + var p *histogramPair = &pairs[i] + if p.idx1 == best_idx1 || p.idx2 == best_idx1 || p.idx1 == best_idx2 || p.idx2 == best_idx2 { + /* Remove invalid pair from the queue. */ + continue + } + + if histogramPairIsLess(&pairs[0], p) { + /* Replace the top of the queue if needed. */ + var front histogramPair = pairs[0] + pairs[0] = *p + pairs[copy_to_idx] = front + } else { + pairs[copy_to_idx] = *p + } + + copy_to_idx++ + } + + num_pairs = copy_to_idx + } + + /* Push new pairs formed with the combined histogram to the heap. */ + for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ { + compareAndPushToQueueCommand(out, cluster_size, best_idx1, clusters[i], max_num_pairs, pairs[0:], &num_pairs) + } + } + + return num_clusters +} + +/* What is the bit cost of moving histogram from cur_symbol to candidate. */ +func histogramBitCostDistanceCommand(histogram *histogramCommand, candidate *histogramCommand) float64 { + if histogram.total_count_ == 0 { + return 0.0 + } else { + var tmp histogramCommand = *histogram + histogramAddHistogramCommand(&tmp, candidate) + return populationCostCommand(&tmp) - candidate.bit_cost_ + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/cluster_distance.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/cluster_distance.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1aaa86e6ed836 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/cluster_distance.go @@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ +package brotli + +import "math" + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Computes the bit cost reduction by combining out[idx1] and out[idx2] and if + it is below a threshold, stores the pair (idx1, idx2) in the *pairs queue. */ +func compareAndPushToQueueDistance(out []histogramDistance, cluster_size []uint32, idx1 uint32, idx2 uint32, max_num_pairs uint, pairs []histogramPair, num_pairs *uint) { + var is_good_pair bool = false + var p histogramPair + p.idx2 = 0 + p.idx1 = p.idx2 + p.cost_combo = 0 + p.cost_diff = p.cost_combo + if idx1 == idx2 { + return + } + + if idx2 < idx1 { + var t uint32 = idx2 + idx2 = idx1 + idx1 = t + } + + p.idx1 = idx1 + p.idx2 = idx2 + p.cost_diff = 0.5 * clusterCostDiff(uint(cluster_size[idx1]), uint(cluster_size[idx2])) + p.cost_diff -= out[idx1].bit_cost_ + p.cost_diff -= out[idx2].bit_cost_ + + if out[idx1].total_count_ == 0 { + p.cost_combo = out[idx2].bit_cost_ + is_good_pair = true + } else if out[idx2].total_count_ == 0 { + p.cost_combo = out[idx1].bit_cost_ + is_good_pair = true + } else { + var threshold float64 + if *num_pairs == 0 { + threshold = 1e99 + } else { + threshold = brotli_max_double(0.0, pairs[0].cost_diff) + } + var combo histogramDistance = out[idx1] + var cost_combo float64 + histogramAddHistogramDistance(&combo, &out[idx2]) + cost_combo = populationCostDistance(&combo) + if cost_combo < threshold-p.cost_diff { + p.cost_combo = cost_combo + is_good_pair = true + } + } + + if is_good_pair { + p.cost_diff += p.cost_combo + if *num_pairs > 0 && histogramPairIsLess(&pairs[0], &p) { + /* Replace the top of the queue if needed. */ + if *num_pairs < max_num_pairs { + pairs[*num_pairs] = pairs[0] + (*num_pairs)++ + } + + pairs[0] = p + } else if *num_pairs < max_num_pairs { + pairs[*num_pairs] = p + (*num_pairs)++ + } + } +} + +func histogramCombineDistance(out []histogramDistance, cluster_size []uint32, symbols []uint32, clusters []uint32, pairs []histogramPair, num_clusters uint, symbols_size uint, max_clusters uint, max_num_pairs uint) uint { + var cost_diff_threshold float64 = 0.0 + var min_cluster_size uint = 1 + var num_pairs uint = 0 + { + /* We maintain a vector of histogram pairs, with the property that the pair + with the maximum bit cost reduction is the first. */ + var idx1 uint + for idx1 = 0; idx1 < num_clusters; idx1++ { + var idx2 uint + for idx2 = idx1 + 1; idx2 < num_clusters; idx2++ { + compareAndPushToQueueDistance(out, cluster_size, clusters[idx1], clusters[idx2], max_num_pairs, pairs[0:], &num_pairs) + } + } + } + + for num_clusters > min_cluster_size { + var best_idx1 uint32 + var best_idx2 uint32 + var i uint + if pairs[0].cost_diff >= cost_diff_threshold { + cost_diff_threshold = 1e99 + min_cluster_size = max_clusters + continue + } + + /* Take the best pair from the top of heap. */ + best_idx1 = pairs[0].idx1 + + best_idx2 = pairs[0].idx2 + histogramAddHistogramDistance(&out[best_idx1], &out[best_idx2]) + out[best_idx1].bit_cost_ = pairs[0].cost_combo + cluster_size[best_idx1] += cluster_size[best_idx2] + for i = 0; i < symbols_size; i++ { + if symbols[i] == best_idx2 { + symbols[i] = best_idx1 + } + } + + for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ { + if clusters[i] == best_idx2 { + copy(clusters[i:], clusters[i+1:][:num_clusters-i-1]) + break + } + } + + num_clusters-- + { + /* Remove pairs intersecting the just combined best pair. */ + var copy_to_idx uint = 0 + for i = 0; i < num_pairs; i++ { + var p *histogramPair = &pairs[i] + if p.idx1 == best_idx1 || p.idx2 == best_idx1 || p.idx1 == best_idx2 || p.idx2 == best_idx2 { + /* Remove invalid pair from the queue. */ + continue + } + + if histogramPairIsLess(&pairs[0], p) { + /* Replace the top of the queue if needed. */ + var front histogramPair = pairs[0] + pairs[0] = *p + pairs[copy_to_idx] = front + } else { + pairs[copy_to_idx] = *p + } + + copy_to_idx++ + } + + num_pairs = copy_to_idx + } + + /* Push new pairs formed with the combined histogram to the heap. */ + for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ { + compareAndPushToQueueDistance(out, cluster_size, best_idx1, clusters[i], max_num_pairs, pairs[0:], &num_pairs) + } + } + + return num_clusters +} + +/* What is the bit cost of moving histogram from cur_symbol to candidate. */ +func histogramBitCostDistanceDistance(histogram *histogramDistance, candidate *histogramDistance) float64 { + if histogram.total_count_ == 0 { + return 0.0 + } else { + var tmp histogramDistance = *histogram + histogramAddHistogramDistance(&tmp, candidate) + return populationCostDistance(&tmp) - candidate.bit_cost_ + } +} + +/* Find the best 'out' histogram for each of the 'in' histograms. + When called, clusters[0..num_clusters) contains the unique values from + symbols[0..in_size), but this property is not preserved in this function. + Note: we assume that out[]->bit_cost_ is already up-to-date. */ +func histogramRemapDistance(in []histogramDistance, in_size uint, clusters []uint32, num_clusters uint, out []histogramDistance, symbols []uint32) { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < in_size; i++ { + var best_out uint32 + if i == 0 { + best_out = symbols[0] + } else { + best_out = symbols[i-1] + } + var best_bits float64 = histogramBitCostDistanceDistance(&in[i], &out[best_out]) + var j uint + for j = 0; j < num_clusters; j++ { + var cur_bits float64 = histogramBitCostDistanceDistance(&in[i], &out[clusters[j]]) + if cur_bits < best_bits { + best_bits = cur_bits + best_out = clusters[j] + } + } + + symbols[i] = best_out + } + + /* Recompute each out based on raw and symbols. */ + for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ { + histogramClearDistance(&out[clusters[i]]) + } + + for i = 0; i < in_size; i++ { + histogramAddHistogramDistance(&out[symbols[i]], &in[i]) + } +} + +/* Reorders elements of the out[0..length) array and changes values in + symbols[0..length) array in the following way: + * when called, symbols[] contains indexes into out[], and has N unique + values (possibly N < length) + * on return, symbols'[i] = f(symbols[i]) and + out'[symbols'[i]] = out[symbols[i]], for each 0 <= i < length, + where f is a bijection between the range of symbols[] and [0..N), and + the first occurrences of values in symbols'[i] come in consecutive + increasing order. + Returns N, the number of unique values in symbols[]. */ + +var histogramReindexDistance_kInvalidIndex uint32 = math.MaxUint32 + +func histogramReindexDistance(out []histogramDistance, symbols []uint32, length uint) uint { + var new_index []uint32 = make([]uint32, length) + var next_index uint32 + var tmp []histogramDistance + var i uint + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + new_index[i] = histogramReindexDistance_kInvalidIndex + } + + next_index = 0 + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + if new_index[symbols[i]] == histogramReindexDistance_kInvalidIndex { + new_index[symbols[i]] = next_index + next_index++ + } + } + + /* TODO: by using idea of "cycle-sort" we can avoid allocation of + tmp and reduce the number of copying by the factor of 2. */ + tmp = make([]histogramDistance, next_index) + + next_index = 0 + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + if new_index[symbols[i]] == next_index { + tmp[next_index] = out[symbols[i]] + next_index++ + } + + symbols[i] = new_index[symbols[i]] + } + + new_index = nil + for i = 0; uint32(i) < next_index; i++ { + out[i] = tmp[i] + } + + tmp = nil + return uint(next_index) +} + +func clusterHistogramsDistance(in []histogramDistance, in_size uint, max_histograms uint, out []histogramDistance, out_size *uint, histogram_symbols []uint32) { + var cluster_size []uint32 = make([]uint32, in_size) + var clusters []uint32 = make([]uint32, in_size) + var num_clusters uint = 0 + var max_input_histograms uint = 64 + var pairs_capacity uint = max_input_histograms * max_input_histograms / 2 + var pairs []histogramPair = make([]histogramPair, (pairs_capacity + 1)) + var i uint + + /* For the first pass of clustering, we allow all pairs. */ + for i = 0; i < in_size; i++ { + cluster_size[i] = 1 + } + + for i = 0; i < in_size; i++ { + out[i] = in[i] + out[i].bit_cost_ = populationCostDistance(&in[i]) + histogram_symbols[i] = uint32(i) + } + + for i = 0; i < in_size; i += max_input_histograms { + var num_to_combine uint = brotli_min_size_t(in_size-i, max_input_histograms) + var num_new_clusters uint + var j uint + for j = 0; j < num_to_combine; j++ { + clusters[num_clusters+j] = uint32(i + j) + } + + num_new_clusters = histogramCombineDistance(out, cluster_size, histogram_symbols[i:], clusters[num_clusters:], pairs, num_to_combine, num_to_combine, max_histograms, pairs_capacity) + num_clusters += num_new_clusters + } + { + /* For the second pass, we limit the total number of histogram pairs. + After this limit is reached, we only keep searching for the best pair. */ + var max_num_pairs uint = brotli_min_size_t(64*num_clusters, (num_clusters/2)*num_clusters) + if pairs_capacity < (max_num_pairs + 1) { + var _new_size uint + if pairs_capacity == 0 { + _new_size = max_num_pairs + 1 + } else { + _new_size = pairs_capacity + } + var new_array []histogramPair + for _new_size < (max_num_pairs + 1) { + _new_size *= 2 + } + new_array = make([]histogramPair, _new_size) + if pairs_capacity != 0 { + copy(new_array, pairs[:pairs_capacity]) + } + + pairs = new_array + pairs_capacity = _new_size + } + + /* Collapse similar histograms. */ + num_clusters = histogramCombineDistance(out, cluster_size, histogram_symbols, clusters, pairs, num_clusters, in_size, max_histograms, max_num_pairs) + } + + pairs = nil + cluster_size = nil + + /* Find the optimal map from original histograms to the final ones. */ + histogramRemapDistance(in, in_size, clusters, num_clusters, out, histogram_symbols) + + clusters = nil + + /* Convert the context map to a canonical form. */ + *out_size = histogramReindexDistance(out, histogram_symbols, in_size) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/cluster_literal.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/cluster_literal.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..6ba66f31b2ccf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/cluster_literal.go @@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ +package brotli + +import "math" + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Computes the bit cost reduction by combining out[idx1] and out[idx2] and if + it is below a threshold, stores the pair (idx1, idx2) in the *pairs queue. */ +func compareAndPushToQueueLiteral(out []histogramLiteral, cluster_size []uint32, idx1 uint32, idx2 uint32, max_num_pairs uint, pairs []histogramPair, num_pairs *uint) { + var is_good_pair bool = false + var p histogramPair + p.idx2 = 0 + p.idx1 = p.idx2 + p.cost_combo = 0 + p.cost_diff = p.cost_combo + if idx1 == idx2 { + return + } + + if idx2 < idx1 { + var t uint32 = idx2 + idx2 = idx1 + idx1 = t + } + + p.idx1 = idx1 + p.idx2 = idx2 + p.cost_diff = 0.5 * clusterCostDiff(uint(cluster_size[idx1]), uint(cluster_size[idx2])) + p.cost_diff -= out[idx1].bit_cost_ + p.cost_diff -= out[idx2].bit_cost_ + + if out[idx1].total_count_ == 0 { + p.cost_combo = out[idx2].bit_cost_ + is_good_pair = true + } else if out[idx2].total_count_ == 0 { + p.cost_combo = out[idx1].bit_cost_ + is_good_pair = true + } else { + var threshold float64 + if *num_pairs == 0 { + threshold = 1e99 + } else { + threshold = brotli_max_double(0.0, pairs[0].cost_diff) + } + var combo histogramLiteral = out[idx1] + var cost_combo float64 + histogramAddHistogramLiteral(&combo, &out[idx2]) + cost_combo = populationCostLiteral(&combo) + if cost_combo < threshold-p.cost_diff { + p.cost_combo = cost_combo + is_good_pair = true + } + } + + if is_good_pair { + p.cost_diff += p.cost_combo + if *num_pairs > 0 && histogramPairIsLess(&pairs[0], &p) { + /* Replace the top of the queue if needed. */ + if *num_pairs < max_num_pairs { + pairs[*num_pairs] = pairs[0] + (*num_pairs)++ + } + + pairs[0] = p + } else if *num_pairs < max_num_pairs { + pairs[*num_pairs] = p + (*num_pairs)++ + } + } +} + +func histogramCombineLiteral(out []histogramLiteral, cluster_size []uint32, symbols []uint32, clusters []uint32, pairs []histogramPair, num_clusters uint, symbols_size uint, max_clusters uint, max_num_pairs uint) uint { + var cost_diff_threshold float64 = 0.0 + var min_cluster_size uint = 1 + var num_pairs uint = 0 + { + /* We maintain a vector of histogram pairs, with the property that the pair + with the maximum bit cost reduction is the first. */ + var idx1 uint + for idx1 = 0; idx1 < num_clusters; idx1++ { + var idx2 uint + for idx2 = idx1 + 1; idx2 < num_clusters; idx2++ { + compareAndPushToQueueLiteral(out, cluster_size, clusters[idx1], clusters[idx2], max_num_pairs, pairs[0:], &num_pairs) + } + } + } + + for num_clusters > min_cluster_size { + var best_idx1 uint32 + var best_idx2 uint32 + var i uint + if pairs[0].cost_diff >= cost_diff_threshold { + cost_diff_threshold = 1e99 + min_cluster_size = max_clusters + continue + } + + /* Take the best pair from the top of heap. */ + best_idx1 = pairs[0].idx1 + + best_idx2 = pairs[0].idx2 + histogramAddHistogramLiteral(&out[best_idx1], &out[best_idx2]) + out[best_idx1].bit_cost_ = pairs[0].cost_combo + cluster_size[best_idx1] += cluster_size[best_idx2] + for i = 0; i < symbols_size; i++ { + if symbols[i] == best_idx2 { + symbols[i] = best_idx1 + } + } + + for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ { + if clusters[i] == best_idx2 { + copy(clusters[i:], clusters[i+1:][:num_clusters-i-1]) + break + } + } + + num_clusters-- + { + /* Remove pairs intersecting the just combined best pair. */ + var copy_to_idx uint = 0 + for i = 0; i < num_pairs; i++ { + var p *histogramPair = &pairs[i] + if p.idx1 == best_idx1 || p.idx2 == best_idx1 || p.idx1 == best_idx2 || p.idx2 == best_idx2 { + /* Remove invalid pair from the queue. */ + continue + } + + if histogramPairIsLess(&pairs[0], p) { + /* Replace the top of the queue if needed. */ + var front histogramPair = pairs[0] + pairs[0] = *p + pairs[copy_to_idx] = front + } else { + pairs[copy_to_idx] = *p + } + + copy_to_idx++ + } + + num_pairs = copy_to_idx + } + + /* Push new pairs formed with the combined histogram to the heap. */ + for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ { + compareAndPushToQueueLiteral(out, cluster_size, best_idx1, clusters[i], max_num_pairs, pairs[0:], &num_pairs) + } + } + + return num_clusters +} + +/* What is the bit cost of moving histogram from cur_symbol to candidate. */ +func histogramBitCostDistanceLiteral(histogram *histogramLiteral, candidate *histogramLiteral) float64 { + if histogram.total_count_ == 0 { + return 0.0 + } else { + var tmp histogramLiteral = *histogram + histogramAddHistogramLiteral(&tmp, candidate) + return populationCostLiteral(&tmp) - candidate.bit_cost_ + } +} + +/* Find the best 'out' histogram for each of the 'in' histograms. + When called, clusters[0..num_clusters) contains the unique values from + symbols[0..in_size), but this property is not preserved in this function. + Note: we assume that out[]->bit_cost_ is already up-to-date. */ +func histogramRemapLiteral(in []histogramLiteral, in_size uint, clusters []uint32, num_clusters uint, out []histogramLiteral, symbols []uint32) { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < in_size; i++ { + var best_out uint32 + if i == 0 { + best_out = symbols[0] + } else { + best_out = symbols[i-1] + } + var best_bits float64 = histogramBitCostDistanceLiteral(&in[i], &out[best_out]) + var j uint + for j = 0; j < num_clusters; j++ { + var cur_bits float64 = histogramBitCostDistanceLiteral(&in[i], &out[clusters[j]]) + if cur_bits < best_bits { + best_bits = cur_bits + best_out = clusters[j] + } + } + + symbols[i] = best_out + } + + /* Recompute each out based on raw and symbols. */ + for i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++ { + histogramClearLiteral(&out[clusters[i]]) + } + + for i = 0; i < in_size; i++ { + histogramAddHistogramLiteral(&out[symbols[i]], &in[i]) + } +} + +/* Reorders elements of the out[0..length) array and changes values in + symbols[0..length) array in the following way: + * when called, symbols[] contains indexes into out[], and has N unique + values (possibly N < length) + * on return, symbols'[i] = f(symbols[i]) and + out'[symbols'[i]] = out[symbols[i]], for each 0 <= i < length, + where f is a bijection between the range of symbols[] and [0..N), and + the first occurrences of values in symbols'[i] come in consecutive + increasing order. + Returns N, the number of unique values in symbols[]. */ + +var histogramReindexLiteral_kInvalidIndex uint32 = math.MaxUint32 + +func histogramReindexLiteral(out []histogramLiteral, symbols []uint32, length uint) uint { + var new_index []uint32 = make([]uint32, length) + var next_index uint32 + var tmp []histogramLiteral + var i uint + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + new_index[i] = histogramReindexLiteral_kInvalidIndex + } + + next_index = 0 + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + if new_index[symbols[i]] == histogramReindexLiteral_kInvalidIndex { + new_index[symbols[i]] = next_index + next_index++ + } + } + + /* TODO: by using idea of "cycle-sort" we can avoid allocation of + tmp and reduce the number of copying by the factor of 2. */ + tmp = make([]histogramLiteral, next_index) + + next_index = 0 + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + if new_index[symbols[i]] == next_index { + tmp[next_index] = out[symbols[i]] + next_index++ + } + + symbols[i] = new_index[symbols[i]] + } + + new_index = nil + for i = 0; uint32(i) < next_index; i++ { + out[i] = tmp[i] + } + + tmp = nil + return uint(next_index) +} + +func clusterHistogramsLiteral(in []histogramLiteral, in_size uint, max_histograms uint, out []histogramLiteral, out_size *uint, histogram_symbols []uint32) { + var cluster_size []uint32 = make([]uint32, in_size) + var clusters []uint32 = make([]uint32, in_size) + var num_clusters uint = 0 + var max_input_histograms uint = 64 + var pairs_capacity uint = max_input_histograms * max_input_histograms / 2 + var pairs []histogramPair = make([]histogramPair, (pairs_capacity + 1)) + var i uint + + /* For the first pass of clustering, we allow all pairs. */ + for i = 0; i < in_size; i++ { + cluster_size[i] = 1 + } + + for i = 0; i < in_size; i++ { + out[i] = in[i] + out[i].bit_cost_ = populationCostLiteral(&in[i]) + histogram_symbols[i] = uint32(i) + } + + for i = 0; i < in_size; i += max_input_histograms { + var num_to_combine uint = brotli_min_size_t(in_size-i, max_input_histograms) + var num_new_clusters uint + var j uint + for j = 0; j < num_to_combine; j++ { + clusters[num_clusters+j] = uint32(i + j) + } + + num_new_clusters = histogramCombineLiteral(out, cluster_size, histogram_symbols[i:], clusters[num_clusters:], pairs, num_to_combine, num_to_combine, max_histograms, pairs_capacity) + num_clusters += num_new_clusters + } + { + /* For the second pass, we limit the total number of histogram pairs. + After this limit is reached, we only keep searching for the best pair. */ + var max_num_pairs uint = brotli_min_size_t(64*num_clusters, (num_clusters/2)*num_clusters) + if pairs_capacity < (max_num_pairs + 1) { + var _new_size uint + if pairs_capacity == 0 { + _new_size = max_num_pairs + 1 + } else { + _new_size = pairs_capacity + } + var new_array []histogramPair + for _new_size < (max_num_pairs + 1) { + _new_size *= 2 + } + new_array = make([]histogramPair, _new_size) + if pairs_capacity != 0 { + copy(new_array, pairs[:pairs_capacity]) + } + + pairs = new_array + pairs_capacity = _new_size + } + + /* Collapse similar histograms. */ + num_clusters = histogramCombineLiteral(out, cluster_size, histogram_symbols, clusters, pairs, num_clusters, in_size, max_histograms, max_num_pairs) + } + + pairs = nil + cluster_size = nil + + /* Find the optimal map from original histograms to the final ones. */ + histogramRemapLiteral(in, in_size, clusters, num_clusters, out, histogram_symbols) + + clusters = nil + + /* Convert the context map to a canonical form. */ + *out_size = histogramReindexLiteral(out, histogram_symbols, in_size) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/command.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/command.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b1662a55552f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/command.go @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ +package brotli + +var kInsBase = []uint32{ + 0, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 8, + 10, + 14, + 18, + 26, + 34, + 50, + 66, + 98, + 130, + 194, + 322, + 578, + 1090, + 2114, + 6210, + 22594, +} + +var kInsExtra = []uint32{ + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 2, + 2, + 3, + 3, + 4, + 4, + 5, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 12, + 14, + 24, +} + +var kCopyBase = []uint32{ + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 12, + 14, + 18, + 22, + 30, + 38, + 54, + 70, + 102, + 134, + 198, + 326, + 582, + 1094, + 2118, +} + +var kCopyExtra = []uint32{ + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 2, + 2, + 3, + 3, + 4, + 4, + 5, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 24, +} + +func getInsertLengthCode(insertlen uint) uint16 { + if insertlen < 6 { + return uint16(insertlen) + } else if insertlen < 130 { + var nbits uint32 = log2FloorNonZero(insertlen-2) - 1 + return uint16((nbits << 1) + uint32((insertlen-2)>>nbits) + 2) + } else if insertlen < 2114 { + return uint16(log2FloorNonZero(insertlen-66) + 10) + } else if insertlen < 6210 { + return 21 + } else if insertlen < 22594 { + return 22 + } else { + return 23 + } +} + +func getCopyLengthCode(copylen uint) uint16 { + if copylen < 10 { + return uint16(copylen - 2) + } else if copylen < 134 { + var nbits uint32 = log2FloorNonZero(copylen-6) - 1 + return uint16((nbits << 1) + uint32((copylen-6)>>nbits) + 4) + } else if copylen < 2118 { + return uint16(log2FloorNonZero(copylen-70) + 12) + } else { + return 23 + } +} + +func combineLengthCodes(inscode uint16, copycode uint16, use_last_distance bool) uint16 { + var bits64 uint16 = uint16(copycode&0x7 | (inscode&0x7)<<3) + if use_last_distance && inscode < 8 && copycode < 16 { + if copycode < 8 { + return bits64 + } else { + return bits64 | 64 + } + } else { + /* Specification: 5 Encoding of ... (last table) */ + /* offset = 2 * index, where index is in range [0..8] */ + var offset uint32 = 2 * ((uint32(copycode) >> 3) + 3*(uint32(inscode)>>3)) + + /* All values in specification are K * 64, + where K = [2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 8, 7, 9, 10], + i + 1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], + K - i - 1 = [1, 1, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2] = D. + All values in D require only 2 bits to encode. + Magic constant is shifted 6 bits left, to avoid final multiplication. */ + offset = (offset << 5) + 0x40 + ((0x520D40 >> offset) & 0xC0) + + return uint16(offset | uint32(bits64)) + } +} + +func getLengthCode(insertlen uint, copylen uint, use_last_distance bool, code *uint16) { + var inscode uint16 = getInsertLengthCode(insertlen) + var copycode uint16 = getCopyLengthCode(copylen) + *code = combineLengthCodes(inscode, copycode, use_last_distance) +} + +func getInsertBase(inscode uint16) uint32 { + return kInsBase[inscode] +} + +func getInsertExtra(inscode uint16) uint32 { + return kInsExtra[inscode] +} + +func getCopyBase(copycode uint16) uint32 { + return kCopyBase[copycode] +} + +func getCopyExtra(copycode uint16) uint32 { + return kCopyExtra[copycode] +} + +type command struct { + insert_len_ uint32 + copy_len_ uint32 + dist_extra_ uint32 + cmd_prefix_ uint16 + dist_prefix_ uint16 +} + +/* distance_code is e.g. 0 for same-as-last short code, or 16 for offset 1. */ +func makeCommand(dist *distanceParams, insertlen uint, copylen uint, copylen_code_delta int, distance_code uint) (cmd command) { + /* Don't rely on signed int representation, use honest casts. */ + var delta uint32 = uint32(byte(int8(copylen_code_delta))) + cmd.insert_len_ = uint32(insertlen) + cmd.copy_len_ = uint32(uint32(copylen) | delta<<25) + + /* The distance prefix and extra bits are stored in this Command as if + npostfix and ndirect were 0, they are only recomputed later after the + clustering if needed. */ + prefixEncodeCopyDistance(distance_code, uint(dist.num_direct_distance_codes), uint(dist.distance_postfix_bits), &cmd.dist_prefix_, &cmd.dist_extra_) + getLengthCode(insertlen, uint(int(copylen)+copylen_code_delta), (cmd.dist_prefix_&0x3FF == 0), &cmd.cmd_prefix_) + + return cmd +} + +func makeInsertCommand(insertlen uint) (cmd command) { + cmd.insert_len_ = uint32(insertlen) + cmd.copy_len_ = 4 << 25 + cmd.dist_extra_ = 0 + cmd.dist_prefix_ = numDistanceShortCodes + getLengthCode(insertlen, 4, false, &cmd.cmd_prefix_) + return cmd +} + +func commandRestoreDistanceCode(self *command, dist *distanceParams) uint32 { + if uint32(self.dist_prefix_&0x3FF) < numDistanceShortCodes+dist.num_direct_distance_codes { + return uint32(self.dist_prefix_) & 0x3FF + } else { + var dcode uint32 = uint32(self.dist_prefix_) & 0x3FF + var nbits uint32 = uint32(self.dist_prefix_) >> 10 + var extra uint32 = self.dist_extra_ + var postfix_mask uint32 = (1 << dist.distance_postfix_bits) - 1 + var hcode uint32 = (dcode - dist.num_direct_distance_codes - numDistanceShortCodes) >> dist.distance_postfix_bits + var lcode uint32 = (dcode - dist.num_direct_distance_codes - numDistanceShortCodes) & postfix_mask + var offset uint32 = ((2 + (hcode & 1)) << nbits) - 4 + return ((offset + extra) << dist.distance_postfix_bits) + lcode + dist.num_direct_distance_codes + numDistanceShortCodes + } +} + +func commandDistanceContext(self *command) uint32 { + var r uint32 = uint32(self.cmd_prefix_) >> 6 + var c uint32 = uint32(self.cmd_prefix_) & 7 + if (r == 0 || r == 2 || r == 4 || r == 7) && (c <= 2) { + return c + } + + return 3 +} + +func commandCopyLen(self *command) uint32 { + return self.copy_len_ & 0x1FFFFFF +} + +func commandCopyLenCode(self *command) uint32 { + var modifier uint32 = self.copy_len_ >> 25 + var delta int32 = int32(int8(byte(modifier | (modifier&0x40)<<1))) + return uint32(int32(self.copy_len_&0x1FFFFFF) + delta) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/compress_fragment.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/compress_fragment.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c9bd05770565d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/compress_fragment.go @@ -0,0 +1,834 @@ +package brotli + +import "encoding/binary" + +/* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Function for fast encoding of an input fragment, independently from the input + history. This function uses one-pass processing: when we find a backward + match, we immediately emit the corresponding command and literal codes to + the bit stream. + + Adapted from the CompressFragment() function in + https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/snappy.cc */ + +const maxDistance_compress_fragment = 262128 + +func hash5(p []byte, shift uint) uint32 { + var h uint64 = (binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(p) << 24) * uint64(kHashMul32) + return uint32(h >> shift) +} + +func hashBytesAtOffset5(v uint64, offset int, shift uint) uint32 { + assert(offset >= 0) + assert(offset <= 3) + { + var h uint64 = ((v >> uint(8*offset)) << 24) * uint64(kHashMul32) + return uint32(h >> shift) + } +} + +func isMatch5(p1 []byte, p2 []byte) bool { + return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(p1) == binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(p2) && + p1[4] == p2[4] +} + +/* Builds a literal prefix code into "depths" and "bits" based on the statistics + of the "input" string and stores it into the bit stream. + Note that the prefix code here is built from the pre-LZ77 input, therefore + we can only approximate the statistics of the actual literal stream. + Moreover, for long inputs we build a histogram from a sample of the input + and thus have to assign a non-zero depth for each literal. + Returns estimated compression ratio millibytes/char for encoding given input + with generated code. */ +func buildAndStoreLiteralPrefixCode(input []byte, input_size uint, depths []byte, bits []uint16, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) uint { + var histogram = [256]uint32{0} + var histogram_total uint + var i uint + if input_size < 1<<15 { + for i = 0; i < input_size; i++ { + histogram[input[i]]++ + } + + histogram_total = input_size + for i = 0; i < 256; i++ { + /* We weigh the first 11 samples with weight 3 to account for the + balancing effect of the LZ77 phase on the histogram. */ + var adjust uint32 = 2 * brotli_min_uint32_t(histogram[i], 11) + histogram[i] += adjust + histogram_total += uint(adjust) + } + } else { + const kSampleRate uint = 29 + for i = 0; i < input_size; i += kSampleRate { + histogram[input[i]]++ + } + + histogram_total = (input_size + kSampleRate - 1) / kSampleRate + for i = 0; i < 256; i++ { + /* We add 1 to each population count to avoid 0 bit depths (since this is + only a sample and we don't know if the symbol appears or not), and we + weigh the first 11 samples with weight 3 to account for the balancing + effect of the LZ77 phase on the histogram (more frequent symbols are + more likely to be in backward references instead as literals). */ + var adjust uint32 = 1 + 2*brotli_min_uint32_t(histogram[i], 11) + histogram[i] += adjust + histogram_total += uint(adjust) + } + } + + buildAndStoreHuffmanTreeFast(histogram[:], histogram_total, /* max_bits = */ + 8, depths, bits, storage_ix, storage) + { + var literal_ratio uint = 0 + for i = 0; i < 256; i++ { + if histogram[i] != 0 { + literal_ratio += uint(histogram[i] * uint32(depths[i])) + } + } + + /* Estimated encoding ratio, millibytes per symbol. */ + return (literal_ratio * 125) / histogram_total + } +} + +/* Builds a command and distance prefix code (each 64 symbols) into "depth" and + "bits" based on "histogram" and stores it into the bit stream. */ +func buildAndStoreCommandPrefixCode1(histogram []uint32, depth []byte, bits []uint16, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var tree [129]huffmanTree + var cmd_depth = [numCommandSymbols]byte{0} + /* Tree size for building a tree over 64 symbols is 2 * 64 + 1. */ + + var cmd_bits [64]uint16 + + createHuffmanTree(histogram, 64, 15, tree[:], depth) + createHuffmanTree(histogram[64:], 64, 14, tree[:], depth[64:]) + + /* We have to jump through a few hoops here in order to compute + the command bits because the symbols are in a different order than in + the full alphabet. This looks complicated, but having the symbols + in this order in the command bits saves a few branches in the Emit* + functions. */ + copy(cmd_depth[:], depth[:24]) + + copy(cmd_depth[24:][:], depth[40:][:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[32:][:], depth[24:][:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[40:][:], depth[48:][:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[48:][:], depth[32:][:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[56:][:], depth[56:][:8]) + convertBitDepthsToSymbols(cmd_depth[:], 64, cmd_bits[:]) + copy(bits, cmd_bits[:24]) + copy(bits[24:], cmd_bits[32:][:8]) + copy(bits[32:], cmd_bits[48:][:8]) + copy(bits[40:], cmd_bits[24:][:8]) + copy(bits[48:], cmd_bits[40:][:8]) + copy(bits[56:], cmd_bits[56:][:8]) + convertBitDepthsToSymbols(depth[64:], 64, bits[64:]) + { + /* Create the bit length array for the full command alphabet. */ + var i uint + for i := 0; i < int(64); i++ { + cmd_depth[i] = 0 + } /* only 64 first values were used */ + copy(cmd_depth[:], depth[:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[64:][:], depth[8:][:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[128:][:], depth[16:][:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[192:][:], depth[24:][:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[384:][:], depth[32:][:8]) + for i = 0; i < 8; i++ { + cmd_depth[128+8*i] = depth[40+i] + cmd_depth[256+8*i] = depth[48+i] + cmd_depth[448+8*i] = depth[56+i] + } + + storeHuffmanTree(cmd_depth[:], numCommandSymbols, tree[:], storage_ix, storage) + } + + storeHuffmanTree(depth[64:], 64, tree[:], storage_ix, storage) +} + +/* REQUIRES: insertlen < 6210 */ +func emitInsertLen1(insertlen uint, depth []byte, bits []uint16, histo []uint32, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + if insertlen < 6 { + var code uint = insertlen + 40 + writeBits(uint(depth[code]), uint64(bits[code]), storage_ix, storage) + histo[code]++ + } else if insertlen < 130 { + var tail uint = insertlen - 2 + var nbits uint32 = log2FloorNonZero(tail) - 1 + var prefix uint = tail >> nbits + var inscode uint = uint((nbits << 1) + uint32(prefix) + 42) + writeBits(uint(depth[inscode]), uint64(bits[inscode]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(uint(nbits), uint64(tail)-(uint64(prefix)<> nbits + var code uint = uint((nbits << 1) + uint32(prefix) + 20) + writeBits(uint(depth[code]), uint64(bits[code]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(uint(nbits), uint64(tail)-(uint64(prefix)<> nbits + var code uint = uint((nbits << 1) + uint32(prefix) + 4) + writeBits(uint(depth[code]), uint64(bits[code]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(uint(nbits), uint64(tail)-(uint64(prefix)<> 5) + 30 + writeBits(uint(depth[code]), uint64(bits[code]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(5, uint64(tail)&31, storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(uint(depth[64]), uint64(bits[64]), storage_ix, storage) + histo[code]++ + histo[64]++ + } else if copylen < 2120 { + var tail uint = copylen - 72 + var nbits uint32 = log2FloorNonZero(tail) + var code uint = uint(nbits + 28) + writeBits(uint(depth[code]), uint64(bits[code]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(uint(nbits), uint64(tail)-(uint64(uint(1))<> nbits) & 1 + var offset uint = (2 + prefix) << nbits + var distcode uint = uint(2*(nbits-1) + uint32(prefix) + 80) + writeBits(uint(depth[distcode]), uint64(bits[distcode]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(uint(nbits), uint64(d)-uint64(offset), storage_ix, storage) + histo[distcode]++ +} + +func emitLiterals(input []byte, len uint, depth []byte, bits []uint16, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var j uint + for j = 0; j < len; j++ { + var lit byte = input[j] + writeBits(uint(depth[lit]), uint64(bits[lit]), storage_ix, storage) + } +} + +/* REQUIRES: len <= 1 << 24. */ +func storeMetaBlockHeader1(len uint, is_uncompressed bool, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var nibbles uint = 6 + + /* ISLAST */ + writeBits(1, 0, storage_ix, storage) + + if len <= 1<<16 { + nibbles = 4 + } else if len <= 1<<20 { + nibbles = 5 + } + + writeBits(2, uint64(nibbles)-4, storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(nibbles*4, uint64(len)-1, storage_ix, storage) + + /* ISUNCOMPRESSED */ + writeSingleBit(is_uncompressed, storage_ix, storage) +} + +func updateBits(n_bits uint, bits uint32, pos uint, array []byte) { + for n_bits > 0 { + var byte_pos uint = pos >> 3 + var n_unchanged_bits uint = pos & 7 + var n_changed_bits uint = brotli_min_size_t(n_bits, 8-n_unchanged_bits) + var total_bits uint = n_unchanged_bits + n_changed_bits + var mask uint32 = (^((1 << total_bits) - 1)) | ((1 << n_unchanged_bits) - 1) + var unchanged_bits uint32 = uint32(array[byte_pos]) & mask + var changed_bits uint32 = bits & ((1 << n_changed_bits) - 1) + array[byte_pos] = byte(changed_bits<>= n_changed_bits + pos += n_changed_bits + } +} + +func rewindBitPosition1(new_storage_ix uint, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var bitpos uint = new_storage_ix & 7 + var mask uint = (1 << bitpos) - 1 + storage[new_storage_ix>>3] &= byte(mask) + *storage_ix = new_storage_ix +} + +var shouldMergeBlock_kSampleRate uint = 43 + +func shouldMergeBlock(data []byte, len uint, depths []byte) bool { + var histo = [256]uint{0} + var i uint + for i = 0; i < len; i += shouldMergeBlock_kSampleRate { + histo[data[i]]++ + } + { + var total uint = (len + shouldMergeBlock_kSampleRate - 1) / shouldMergeBlock_kSampleRate + var r float64 = (fastLog2(total)+0.5)*float64(total) + 200 + for i = 0; i < 256; i++ { + r -= float64(histo[i]) * (float64(depths[i]) + fastLog2(histo[i])) + } + + return r >= 0.0 + } +} + +func shouldUseUncompressedMode(metablock_start []byte, next_emit []byte, insertlen uint, literal_ratio uint) bool { + var compressed uint = uint(-cap(next_emit) + cap(metablock_start)) + if compressed*50 > insertlen { + return false + } else { + return literal_ratio > 980 + } +} + +func emitUncompressedMetaBlock1(begin []byte, end []byte, storage_ix_start uint, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var len uint = uint(-cap(end) + cap(begin)) + rewindBitPosition1(storage_ix_start, storage_ix, storage) + storeMetaBlockHeader1(uint(len), true, storage_ix, storage) + *storage_ix = (*storage_ix + 7) &^ 7 + copy(storage[*storage_ix>>3:], begin[:len]) + *storage_ix += uint(len << 3) + storage[*storage_ix>>3] = 0 +} + +var kCmdHistoSeed = [128]uint32{ + 0, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, +} + +var compressFragmentFastImpl_kFirstBlockSize uint = 3 << 15 +var compressFragmentFastImpl_kMergeBlockSize uint = 1 << 16 + +func compressFragmentFastImpl(in []byte, input_size uint, is_last bool, table []int, table_bits uint, cmd_depth []byte, cmd_bits []uint16, cmd_code_numbits *uint, cmd_code []byte, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var cmd_histo [128]uint32 + var ip_end int + var next_emit int = 0 + var base_ip int = 0 + var input int = 0 + const kInputMarginBytes uint = windowGap + const kMinMatchLen uint = 5 + var metablock_start int = input + var block_size uint = brotli_min_size_t(input_size, compressFragmentFastImpl_kFirstBlockSize) + var total_block_size uint = block_size + var mlen_storage_ix uint = *storage_ix + 3 + var lit_depth [256]byte + var lit_bits [256]uint16 + var literal_ratio uint + var ip int + var last_distance int + var shift uint = 64 - table_bits + + /* "next_emit" is a pointer to the first byte that is not covered by a + previous copy. Bytes between "next_emit" and the start of the next copy or + the end of the input will be emitted as literal bytes. */ + + /* Save the start of the first block for position and distance computations. + */ + + /* Save the bit position of the MLEN field of the meta-block header, so that + we can update it later if we decide to extend this meta-block. */ + storeMetaBlockHeader1(block_size, false, storage_ix, storage) + + /* No block splits, no contexts. */ + writeBits(13, 0, storage_ix, storage) + + literal_ratio = buildAndStoreLiteralPrefixCode(in[input:], block_size, lit_depth[:], lit_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + { + /* Store the pre-compressed command and distance prefix codes. */ + var i uint + for i = 0; i+7 < *cmd_code_numbits; i += 8 { + writeBits(8, uint64(cmd_code[i>>3]), storage_ix, storage) + } + } + + writeBits(*cmd_code_numbits&7, uint64(cmd_code[*cmd_code_numbits>>3]), storage_ix, storage) + + /* Initialize the command and distance histograms. We will gather + statistics of command and distance codes during the processing + of this block and use it to update the command and distance + prefix codes for the next block. */ +emit_commands: + copy(cmd_histo[:], kCmdHistoSeed[:]) + + /* "ip" is the input pointer. */ + ip = input + + last_distance = -1 + ip_end = int(uint(input) + block_size) + + if block_size >= kInputMarginBytes { + var len_limit uint = brotli_min_size_t(block_size-kMinMatchLen, input_size-kInputMarginBytes) + var ip_limit int = int(uint(input) + len_limit) + /* For the last block, we need to keep a 16 bytes margin so that we can be + sure that all distances are at most window size - 16. + For all other blocks, we only need to keep a margin of 5 bytes so that + we don't go over the block size with a copy. */ + + var next_hash uint32 + ip++ + for next_hash = hash5(in[ip:], shift); ; { + var skip uint32 = 32 + var next_ip int = ip + /* Step 1: Scan forward in the input looking for a 5-byte-long match. + If we get close to exhausting the input then goto emit_remainder. + + Heuristic match skipping: If 32 bytes are scanned with no matches + found, start looking only at every other byte. If 32 more bytes are + scanned, look at every third byte, etc.. When a match is found, + immediately go back to looking at every byte. This is a small loss + (~5% performance, ~0.1% density) for compressible data due to more + bookkeeping, but for non-compressible data (such as JPEG) it's a huge + win since the compressor quickly "realizes" the data is incompressible + and doesn't bother looking for matches everywhere. + + The "skip" variable keeps track of how many bytes there are since the + last match; dividing it by 32 (i.e. right-shifting by five) gives the + number of bytes to move ahead for each iteration. */ + + var candidate int + assert(next_emit < ip) + + trawl: + for { + var hash uint32 = next_hash + var bytes_between_hash_lookups uint32 = skip >> 5 + skip++ + assert(hash == hash5(in[next_ip:], shift)) + ip = next_ip + next_ip = int(uint32(ip) + bytes_between_hash_lookups) + if next_ip > ip_limit { + goto emit_remainder + } + + next_hash = hash5(in[next_ip:], shift) + candidate = ip - last_distance + if isMatch5(in[ip:], in[candidate:]) { + if candidate < ip { + table[hash] = int(ip - base_ip) + break + } + } + + candidate = base_ip + table[hash] + assert(candidate >= base_ip) + assert(candidate < ip) + + table[hash] = int(ip - base_ip) + if isMatch5(in[ip:], in[candidate:]) { + break + } + } + + /* Check copy distance. If candidate is not feasible, continue search. + Checking is done outside of hot loop to reduce overhead. */ + if ip-candidate > maxDistance_compress_fragment { + goto trawl + } + + /* Step 2: Emit the found match together with the literal bytes from + "next_emit" to the bit stream, and then see if we can find a next match + immediately afterwards. Repeat until we find no match for the input + without emitting some literal bytes. */ + { + var base int = ip + /* > 0 */ + var matched uint = 5 + findMatchLengthWithLimit(in[candidate+5:], in[ip+5:], uint(ip_end-ip)-5) + var distance int = int(base - candidate) + /* We have a 5-byte match at ip, and we need to emit bytes in + [next_emit, ip). */ + + var insert uint = uint(base - next_emit) + ip += int(matched) + if insert < 6210 { + emitInsertLen1(insert, cmd_depth, cmd_bits, cmd_histo[:], storage_ix, storage) + } else if shouldUseUncompressedMode(in[metablock_start:], in[next_emit:], insert, literal_ratio) { + emitUncompressedMetaBlock1(in[metablock_start:], in[base:], mlen_storage_ix-3, storage_ix, storage) + input_size -= uint(base - input) + input = base + next_emit = input + goto next_block + } else { + emitLongInsertLen(insert, cmd_depth, cmd_bits, cmd_histo[:], storage_ix, storage) + } + + emitLiterals(in[next_emit:], insert, lit_depth[:], lit_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + if distance == last_distance { + writeBits(uint(cmd_depth[64]), uint64(cmd_bits[64]), storage_ix, storage) + cmd_histo[64]++ + } else { + emitDistance1(uint(distance), cmd_depth, cmd_bits, cmd_histo[:], storage_ix, storage) + last_distance = distance + } + + emitCopyLenLastDistance1(matched, cmd_depth, cmd_bits, cmd_histo[:], storage_ix, storage) + + next_emit = ip + if ip >= ip_limit { + goto emit_remainder + } + + /* We could immediately start working at ip now, but to improve + compression we first update "table" with the hashes of some positions + within the last copy. */ + { + var input_bytes uint64 = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(in[ip-3:]) + var prev_hash uint32 = hashBytesAtOffset5(input_bytes, 0, shift) + var cur_hash uint32 = hashBytesAtOffset5(input_bytes, 3, shift) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 3) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset5(input_bytes, 1, shift) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 2) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset5(input_bytes, 2, shift) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 1) + + candidate = base_ip + table[cur_hash] + table[cur_hash] = int(ip - base_ip) + } + } + + for isMatch5(in[ip:], in[candidate:]) { + var base int = ip + /* We have a 5-byte match at ip, and no need to emit any literal bytes + prior to ip. */ + + var matched uint = 5 + findMatchLengthWithLimit(in[candidate+5:], in[ip+5:], uint(ip_end-ip)-5) + if ip-candidate > maxDistance_compress_fragment { + break + } + ip += int(matched) + last_distance = int(base - candidate) /* > 0 */ + emitCopyLen1(matched, cmd_depth, cmd_bits, cmd_histo[:], storage_ix, storage) + emitDistance1(uint(last_distance), cmd_depth, cmd_bits, cmd_histo[:], storage_ix, storage) + + next_emit = ip + if ip >= ip_limit { + goto emit_remainder + } + + /* We could immediately start working at ip now, but to improve + compression we first update "table" with the hashes of some positions + within the last copy. */ + { + var input_bytes uint64 = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(in[ip-3:]) + var prev_hash uint32 = hashBytesAtOffset5(input_bytes, 0, shift) + var cur_hash uint32 = hashBytesAtOffset5(input_bytes, 3, shift) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 3) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset5(input_bytes, 1, shift) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 2) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset5(input_bytes, 2, shift) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 1) + + candidate = base_ip + table[cur_hash] + table[cur_hash] = int(ip - base_ip) + } + } + + ip++ + next_hash = hash5(in[ip:], shift) + } + } + +emit_remainder: + assert(next_emit <= ip_end) + input += int(block_size) + input_size -= block_size + block_size = brotli_min_size_t(input_size, compressFragmentFastImpl_kMergeBlockSize) + + /* Decide if we want to continue this meta-block instead of emitting the + last insert-only command. */ + if input_size > 0 && total_block_size+block_size <= 1<<20 && shouldMergeBlock(in[input:], block_size, lit_depth[:]) { + assert(total_block_size > 1<<16) + + /* Update the size of the current meta-block and continue emitting commands. + We can do this because the current size and the new size both have 5 + nibbles. */ + total_block_size += block_size + + updateBits(20, uint32(total_block_size-1), mlen_storage_ix, storage) + goto emit_commands + } + + /* Emit the remaining bytes as literals. */ + if next_emit < ip_end { + var insert uint = uint(ip_end - next_emit) + if insert < 6210 { + emitInsertLen1(insert, cmd_depth, cmd_bits, cmd_histo[:], storage_ix, storage) + emitLiterals(in[next_emit:], insert, lit_depth[:], lit_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + } else if shouldUseUncompressedMode(in[metablock_start:], in[next_emit:], insert, literal_ratio) { + emitUncompressedMetaBlock1(in[metablock_start:], in[ip_end:], mlen_storage_ix-3, storage_ix, storage) + } else { + emitLongInsertLen(insert, cmd_depth, cmd_bits, cmd_histo[:], storage_ix, storage) + emitLiterals(in[next_emit:], insert, lit_depth[:], lit_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + } + } + + next_emit = ip_end + + /* If we have more data, write a new meta-block header and prefix codes and + then continue emitting commands. */ +next_block: + if input_size > 0 { + metablock_start = input + block_size = brotli_min_size_t(input_size, compressFragmentFastImpl_kFirstBlockSize) + total_block_size = block_size + + /* Save the bit position of the MLEN field of the meta-block header, so that + we can update it later if we decide to extend this meta-block. */ + mlen_storage_ix = *storage_ix + 3 + + storeMetaBlockHeader1(block_size, false, storage_ix, storage) + + /* No block splits, no contexts. */ + writeBits(13, 0, storage_ix, storage) + + literal_ratio = buildAndStoreLiteralPrefixCode(in[input:], block_size, lit_depth[:], lit_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + buildAndStoreCommandPrefixCode1(cmd_histo[:], cmd_depth, cmd_bits, storage_ix, storage) + goto emit_commands + } + + if !is_last { + /* If this is not the last block, update the command and distance prefix + codes for the next block and store the compressed forms. */ + cmd_code[0] = 0 + + *cmd_code_numbits = 0 + buildAndStoreCommandPrefixCode1(cmd_histo[:], cmd_depth, cmd_bits, cmd_code_numbits, cmd_code) + } +} + +/* Compresses "input" string to the "*storage" buffer as one or more complete + meta-blocks, and updates the "*storage_ix" bit position. + + If "is_last" is 1, emits an additional empty last meta-block. + + "cmd_depth" and "cmd_bits" contain the command and distance prefix codes + (see comment in encode.h) used for the encoding of this input fragment. + If "is_last" is 0, they are updated to reflect the statistics + of this input fragment, to be used for the encoding of the next fragment. + + "*cmd_code_numbits" is the number of bits of the compressed representation + of the command and distance prefix codes, and "cmd_code" is an array of + at least "(*cmd_code_numbits + 7) >> 3" size that contains the compressed + command and distance prefix codes. If "is_last" is 0, these are also + updated to represent the updated "cmd_depth" and "cmd_bits". + + REQUIRES: "input_size" is greater than zero, or "is_last" is 1. + REQUIRES: "input_size" is less or equal to maximal metablock size (1 << 24). + REQUIRES: All elements in "table[0..table_size-1]" are initialized to zero. + REQUIRES: "table_size" is an odd (9, 11, 13, 15) power of two + OUTPUT: maximal copy distance <= |input_size| + OUTPUT: maximal copy distance <= BROTLI_MAX_BACKWARD_LIMIT(18) */ +func compressFragmentFast(input []byte, input_size uint, is_last bool, table []int, table_size uint, cmd_depth []byte, cmd_bits []uint16, cmd_code_numbits *uint, cmd_code []byte, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var initial_storage_ix uint = *storage_ix + var table_bits uint = uint(log2FloorNonZero(table_size)) + + if input_size == 0 { + assert(is_last) + writeBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage) /* islast */ + writeBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage) /* isempty */ + *storage_ix = (*storage_ix + 7) &^ 7 + return + } + + compressFragmentFastImpl(input, input_size, is_last, table, table_bits, cmd_depth, cmd_bits, cmd_code_numbits, cmd_code, storage_ix, storage) + + /* If output is larger than single uncompressed block, rewrite it. */ + if *storage_ix-initial_storage_ix > 31+(input_size<<3) { + emitUncompressedMetaBlock1(input, input[input_size:], initial_storage_ix, storage_ix, storage) + } + + if is_last { + writeBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage) /* islast */ + writeBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage) /* isempty */ + *storage_ix = (*storage_ix + 7) &^ 7 + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/compress_fragment_two_pass.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/compress_fragment_two_pass.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..79f9c7fdfc803 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/compress_fragment_two_pass.go @@ -0,0 +1,773 @@ +package brotli + +import "encoding/binary" + +/* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Function for fast encoding of an input fragment, independently from the input + history. This function uses two-pass processing: in the first pass we save + the found backward matches and literal bytes into a buffer, and in the + second pass we emit them into the bit stream using prefix codes built based + on the actual command and literal byte histograms. */ + +const kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize uint = 1 << 17 + +func hash1(p []byte, shift uint, length uint) uint32 { + var h uint64 = (binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(p) << ((8 - length) * 8)) * uint64(kHashMul32) + return uint32(h >> shift) +} + +func hashBytesAtOffset(v uint64, offset uint, shift uint, length uint) uint32 { + assert(offset <= 8-length) + { + var h uint64 = ((v >> (8 * offset)) << ((8 - length) * 8)) * uint64(kHashMul32) + return uint32(h >> shift) + } +} + +func isMatch1(p1 []byte, p2 []byte, length uint) bool { + if binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(p1) != binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(p2) { + return false + } + if length == 4 { + return true + } + return p1[4] == p2[4] && p1[5] == p2[5] +} + +/* +Builds a command and distance prefix code (each 64 symbols) into "depth" and + + "bits" based on "histogram" and stores it into the bit stream. +*/ +func buildAndStoreCommandPrefixCode(histogram []uint32, depth []byte, bits []uint16, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var tree [129]huffmanTree + var cmd_depth = [numCommandSymbols]byte{0} + /* Tree size for building a tree over 64 symbols is 2 * 64 + 1. */ + + var cmd_bits [64]uint16 + createHuffmanTree(histogram, 64, 15, tree[:], depth) + createHuffmanTree(histogram[64:], 64, 14, tree[:], depth[64:]) + + /* We have to jump through a few hoops here in order to compute + the command bits because the symbols are in a different order than in + the full alphabet. This looks complicated, but having the symbols + in this order in the command bits saves a few branches in the Emit* + functions. */ + copy(cmd_depth[:], depth[24:][:24]) + + copy(cmd_depth[24:][:], depth[:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[32:][:], depth[48:][:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[40:][:], depth[8:][:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[48:][:], depth[56:][:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[56:][:], depth[16:][:8]) + convertBitDepthsToSymbols(cmd_depth[:], 64, cmd_bits[:]) + copy(bits, cmd_bits[24:][:8]) + copy(bits[8:], cmd_bits[40:][:8]) + copy(bits[16:], cmd_bits[56:][:8]) + copy(bits[24:], cmd_bits[:24]) + copy(bits[48:], cmd_bits[32:][:8]) + copy(bits[56:], cmd_bits[48:][:8]) + convertBitDepthsToSymbols(depth[64:], 64, bits[64:]) + { + /* Create the bit length array for the full command alphabet. */ + var i uint + for i := 0; i < int(64); i++ { + cmd_depth[i] = 0 + } /* only 64 first values were used */ + copy(cmd_depth[:], depth[24:][:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[64:][:], depth[32:][:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[128:][:], depth[40:][:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[192:][:], depth[48:][:8]) + copy(cmd_depth[384:][:], depth[56:][:8]) + for i = 0; i < 8; i++ { + cmd_depth[128+8*i] = depth[i] + cmd_depth[256+8*i] = depth[8+i] + cmd_depth[448+8*i] = depth[16+i] + } + + storeHuffmanTree(cmd_depth[:], numCommandSymbols, tree[:], storage_ix, storage) + } + + storeHuffmanTree(depth[64:], 64, tree[:], storage_ix, storage) +} + +func emitInsertLen(insertlen uint32, commands *[]uint32) { + if insertlen < 6 { + (*commands)[0] = insertlen + } else if insertlen < 130 { + var tail uint32 = insertlen - 2 + var nbits uint32 = log2FloorNonZero(uint(tail)) - 1 + var prefix uint32 = tail >> nbits + var inscode uint32 = (nbits << 1) + prefix + 2 + var extra uint32 = tail - (prefix << nbits) + (*commands)[0] = inscode | extra<<8 + } else if insertlen < 2114 { + var tail uint32 = insertlen - 66 + var nbits uint32 = log2FloorNonZero(uint(tail)) + var code uint32 = nbits + 10 + var extra uint32 = tail - (1 << nbits) + (*commands)[0] = code | extra<<8 + } else if insertlen < 6210 { + var extra uint32 = insertlen - 2114 + (*commands)[0] = 21 | extra<<8 + } else if insertlen < 22594 { + var extra uint32 = insertlen - 6210 + (*commands)[0] = 22 | extra<<8 + } else { + var extra uint32 = insertlen - 22594 + (*commands)[0] = 23 | extra<<8 + } + + *commands = (*commands)[1:] +} + +func emitCopyLen(copylen uint, commands *[]uint32) { + if copylen < 10 { + (*commands)[0] = uint32(copylen + 38) + } else if copylen < 134 { + var tail uint = copylen - 6 + var nbits uint = uint(log2FloorNonZero(tail) - 1) + var prefix uint = tail >> nbits + var code uint = (nbits << 1) + prefix + 44 + var extra uint = tail - (prefix << nbits) + (*commands)[0] = uint32(code | extra<<8) + } else if copylen < 2118 { + var tail uint = copylen - 70 + var nbits uint = uint(log2FloorNonZero(tail)) + var code uint = nbits + 52 + var extra uint = tail - (uint(1) << nbits) + (*commands)[0] = uint32(code | extra<<8) + } else { + var extra uint = copylen - 2118 + (*commands)[0] = uint32(63 | extra<<8) + } + + *commands = (*commands)[1:] +} + +func emitCopyLenLastDistance(copylen uint, commands *[]uint32) { + if copylen < 12 { + (*commands)[0] = uint32(copylen + 20) + *commands = (*commands)[1:] + } else if copylen < 72 { + var tail uint = copylen - 8 + var nbits uint = uint(log2FloorNonZero(tail) - 1) + var prefix uint = tail >> nbits + var code uint = (nbits << 1) + prefix + 28 + var extra uint = tail - (prefix << nbits) + (*commands)[0] = uint32(code | extra<<8) + *commands = (*commands)[1:] + } else if copylen < 136 { + var tail uint = copylen - 8 + var code uint = (tail >> 5) + 54 + var extra uint = tail & 31 + (*commands)[0] = uint32(code | extra<<8) + *commands = (*commands)[1:] + (*commands)[0] = 64 + *commands = (*commands)[1:] + } else if copylen < 2120 { + var tail uint = copylen - 72 + var nbits uint = uint(log2FloorNonZero(tail)) + var code uint = nbits + 52 + var extra uint = tail - (uint(1) << nbits) + (*commands)[0] = uint32(code | extra<<8) + *commands = (*commands)[1:] + (*commands)[0] = 64 + *commands = (*commands)[1:] + } else { + var extra uint = copylen - 2120 + (*commands)[0] = uint32(63 | extra<<8) + *commands = (*commands)[1:] + (*commands)[0] = 64 + *commands = (*commands)[1:] + } +} + +func emitDistance(distance uint32, commands *[]uint32) { + var d uint32 = distance + 3 + var nbits uint32 = log2FloorNonZero(uint(d)) - 1 + var prefix uint32 = (d >> nbits) & 1 + var offset uint32 = (2 + prefix) << nbits + var distcode uint32 = 2*(nbits-1) + prefix + 80 + var extra uint32 = d - offset + (*commands)[0] = distcode | extra<<8 + *commands = (*commands)[1:] +} + +/* REQUIRES: len <= 1 << 24. */ +func storeMetaBlockHeader(len uint, is_uncompressed bool, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var nibbles uint = 6 + + /* ISLAST */ + writeBits(1, 0, storage_ix, storage) + + if len <= 1<<16 { + nibbles = 4 + } else if len <= 1<<20 { + nibbles = 5 + } + + writeBits(2, uint64(nibbles)-4, storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(nibbles*4, uint64(len)-1, storage_ix, storage) + + /* ISUNCOMPRESSED */ + writeSingleBit(is_uncompressed, storage_ix, storage) +} + +func storeMetaBlockHeaderBW(len uint, is_uncompressed bool, bw *bitWriter) { + var nibbles uint = 6 + + /* ISLAST */ + bw.writeBits(1, 0) + + if len <= 1<<16 { + nibbles = 4 + } else if len <= 1<<20 { + nibbles = 5 + } + + bw.writeBits(2, uint64(nibbles)-4) + bw.writeBits(nibbles*4, uint64(len)-1) + + /* ISUNCOMPRESSED */ + bw.writeSingleBit(is_uncompressed) +} + +func createCommands(input []byte, block_size uint, input_size uint, base_ip_ptr []byte, table []int, table_bits uint, min_match uint, literals *[]byte, commands *[]uint32) { + var ip int = 0 + var shift uint = 64 - table_bits + var ip_end int = int(block_size) + var base_ip int = -cap(base_ip_ptr) + cap(input) + var next_emit int = 0 + var last_distance int = -1 + /* "ip" is the input pointer. */ + + const kInputMarginBytes uint = windowGap + + /* "next_emit" is a pointer to the first byte that is not covered by a + previous copy. Bytes between "next_emit" and the start of the next copy or + the end of the input will be emitted as literal bytes. */ + if block_size >= kInputMarginBytes { + var len_limit uint = brotli_min_size_t(block_size-min_match, input_size-kInputMarginBytes) + var ip_limit int = int(len_limit) + /* For the last block, we need to keep a 16 bytes margin so that we can be + sure that all distances are at most window size - 16. + For all other blocks, we only need to keep a margin of 5 bytes so that + we don't go over the block size with a copy. */ + + var next_hash uint32 + ip++ + for next_hash = hash1(input[ip:], shift, min_match); ; { + var skip uint32 = 32 + var next_ip int = ip + /* Step 1: Scan forward in the input looking for a 6-byte-long match. + If we get close to exhausting the input then goto emit_remainder. + + Heuristic match skipping: If 32 bytes are scanned with no matches + found, start looking only at every other byte. If 32 more bytes are + scanned, look at every third byte, etc.. When a match is found, + immediately go back to looking at every byte. This is a small loss + (~5% performance, ~0.1% density) for compressible data due to more + bookkeeping, but for non-compressible data (such as JPEG) it's a huge + win since the compressor quickly "realizes" the data is incompressible + and doesn't bother looking for matches everywhere. + + The "skip" variable keeps track of how many bytes there are since the + last match; dividing it by 32 (ie. right-shifting by five) gives the + number of bytes to move ahead for each iteration. */ + + var candidate int + + assert(next_emit < ip) + + trawl: + for { + var hash uint32 = next_hash + var bytes_between_hash_lookups uint32 = skip >> 5 + skip++ + ip = next_ip + assert(hash == hash1(input[ip:], shift, min_match)) + next_ip = int(uint32(ip) + bytes_between_hash_lookups) + if next_ip > ip_limit { + goto emit_remainder + } + + next_hash = hash1(input[next_ip:], shift, min_match) + candidate = ip - last_distance + if isMatch1(input[ip:], base_ip_ptr[candidate-base_ip:], min_match) { + if candidate < ip { + table[hash] = int(ip - base_ip) + break + } + } + + candidate = base_ip + table[hash] + assert(candidate >= base_ip) + assert(candidate < ip) + + table[hash] = int(ip - base_ip) + if isMatch1(input[ip:], base_ip_ptr[candidate-base_ip:], min_match) { + break + } + } + + /* Check copy distance. If candidate is not feasible, continue search. + Checking is done outside of hot loop to reduce overhead. */ + if ip-candidate > maxDistance_compress_fragment { + goto trawl + } + + /* Step 2: Emit the found match together with the literal bytes from + "next_emit", and then see if we can find a next match immediately + afterwards. Repeat until we find no match for the input + without emitting some literal bytes. */ + { + var base int = ip + /* > 0 */ + var matched uint = min_match + findMatchLengthWithLimit(base_ip_ptr[uint(candidate-base_ip)+min_match:], input[uint(ip)+min_match:], uint(ip_end-ip)-min_match) + var distance int = int(base - candidate) + /* We have a 6-byte match at ip, and we need to emit bytes in + [next_emit, ip). */ + + var insert int = int(base - next_emit) + ip += int(matched) + emitInsertLen(uint32(insert), commands) + copy(*literals, input[next_emit:][:uint(insert)]) + *literals = (*literals)[insert:] + if distance == last_distance { + (*commands)[0] = 64 + *commands = (*commands)[1:] + } else { + emitDistance(uint32(distance), commands) + last_distance = distance + } + + emitCopyLenLastDistance(matched, commands) + + next_emit = ip + if ip >= ip_limit { + goto emit_remainder + } + { + var input_bytes uint64 + var cur_hash uint32 + /* We could immediately start working at ip now, but to improve + compression we first update "table" with the hashes of some + positions within the last copy. */ + + var prev_hash uint32 + if min_match == 4 { + input_bytes = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(input[ip-3:]) + cur_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 3, shift, min_match) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 3) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 2) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 1) + } else { + input_bytes = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(input[ip-5:]) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 5) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 4) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 2, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 3) + input_bytes = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(input[ip-2:]) + cur_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 2, shift, min_match) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 2) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 1) + } + + candidate = base_ip + table[cur_hash] + table[cur_hash] = int(ip - base_ip) + } + } + + for ip-candidate <= maxDistance_compress_fragment && isMatch1(input[ip:], base_ip_ptr[candidate-base_ip:], min_match) { + var base int = ip + /* We have a 6-byte match at ip, and no need to emit any + literal bytes prior to ip. */ + + var matched uint = min_match + findMatchLengthWithLimit(base_ip_ptr[uint(candidate-base_ip)+min_match:], input[uint(ip)+min_match:], uint(ip_end-ip)-min_match) + ip += int(matched) + last_distance = int(base - candidate) /* > 0 */ + emitCopyLen(matched, commands) + emitDistance(uint32(last_distance), commands) + + next_emit = ip + if ip >= ip_limit { + goto emit_remainder + } + { + var input_bytes uint64 + var cur_hash uint32 + /* We could immediately start working at ip now, but to improve + compression we first update "table" with the hashes of some + positions within the last copy. */ + + var prev_hash uint32 + if min_match == 4 { + input_bytes = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(input[ip-3:]) + cur_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 3, shift, min_match) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 3) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 2) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 2, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 1) + } else { + input_bytes = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(input[ip-5:]) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 5) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 4) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 2, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 3) + input_bytes = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(input[ip-2:]) + cur_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 2, shift, min_match) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 0, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 2) + prev_hash = hashBytesAtOffset(input_bytes, 1, shift, min_match) + table[prev_hash] = int(ip - base_ip - 1) + } + + candidate = base_ip + table[cur_hash] + table[cur_hash] = int(ip - base_ip) + } + } + + ip++ + next_hash = hash1(input[ip:], shift, min_match) + } + } + +emit_remainder: + assert(next_emit <= ip_end) + + /* Emit the remaining bytes as literals. */ + if next_emit < ip_end { + var insert uint32 = uint32(ip_end - next_emit) + emitInsertLen(insert, commands) + copy(*literals, input[next_emit:][:insert]) + *literals = (*literals)[insert:] + } +} + +var storeCommands_kNumExtraBits = [128]uint32{ + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 2, + 2, + 3, + 3, + 4, + 4, + 5, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 12, + 14, + 24, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 2, + 2, + 3, + 3, + 4, + 4, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 2, + 2, + 3, + 3, + 4, + 4, + 5, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 24, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 2, + 2, + 3, + 3, + 4, + 4, + 5, + 5, + 6, + 6, + 7, + 7, + 8, + 8, + 9, + 9, + 10, + 10, + 11, + 11, + 12, + 12, + 13, + 13, + 14, + 14, + 15, + 15, + 16, + 16, + 17, + 17, + 18, + 18, + 19, + 19, + 20, + 20, + 21, + 21, + 22, + 22, + 23, + 23, + 24, + 24, +} +var storeCommands_kInsertOffset = [24]uint32{ + 0, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 8, + 10, + 14, + 18, + 26, + 34, + 50, + 66, + 98, + 130, + 194, + 322, + 578, + 1090, + 2114, + 6210, + 22594, +} + +func storeCommands(literals []byte, num_literals uint, commands []uint32, num_commands uint, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var lit_depths [256]byte + var lit_bits [256]uint16 + var lit_histo = [256]uint32{0} + var cmd_depths = [128]byte{0} + var cmd_bits = [128]uint16{0} + var cmd_histo = [128]uint32{0} + var i uint + for i = 0; i < num_literals; i++ { + lit_histo[literals[i]]++ + } + + buildAndStoreHuffmanTreeFast(lit_histo[:], num_literals, /* max_bits = */ + 8, lit_depths[:], lit_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + + for i = 0; i < num_commands; i++ { + var code uint32 = commands[i] & 0xFF + assert(code < 128) + cmd_histo[code]++ + } + + cmd_histo[1] += 1 + cmd_histo[2] += 1 + cmd_histo[64] += 1 + cmd_histo[84] += 1 + buildAndStoreCommandPrefixCode(cmd_histo[:], cmd_depths[:], cmd_bits[:], storage_ix, storage) + + for i = 0; i < num_commands; i++ { + var cmd uint32 = commands[i] + var code uint32 = cmd & 0xFF + var extra uint32 = cmd >> 8 + assert(code < 128) + writeBits(uint(cmd_depths[code]), uint64(cmd_bits[code]), storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(uint(storeCommands_kNumExtraBits[code]), uint64(extra), storage_ix, storage) + if code < 24 { + var insert uint32 = storeCommands_kInsertOffset[code] + extra + var j uint32 + for j = 0; j < insert; j++ { + var lit byte = literals[0] + writeBits(uint(lit_depths[lit]), uint64(lit_bits[lit]), storage_ix, storage) + literals = literals[1:] + } + } + } +} + +/* Acceptable loss for uncompressible speedup is 2% */ +const minRatio = 0.98 + +const sampleRate = 43 + +func shouldCompress(input []byte, input_size uint, num_literals uint) bool { + var corpus_size float64 = float64(input_size) + if float64(num_literals) < minRatio*corpus_size { + return true + } else { + var literal_histo = [256]uint32{0} + var max_total_bit_cost float64 = corpus_size * 8 * minRatio / sampleRate + var i uint + for i = 0; i < input_size; i += sampleRate { + literal_histo[input[i]]++ + } + + return bitsEntropy(literal_histo[:], 256) < max_total_bit_cost + } +} + +func rewindBitPosition(new_storage_ix uint, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var bitpos uint = new_storage_ix & 7 + var mask uint = (1 << bitpos) - 1 + storage[new_storage_ix>>3] &= byte(mask) + *storage_ix = new_storage_ix +} + +func emitUncompressedMetaBlock(input []byte, input_size uint, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + storeMetaBlockHeader(input_size, true, storage_ix, storage) + *storage_ix = (*storage_ix + 7) &^ 7 + copy(storage[*storage_ix>>3:], input[:input_size]) + *storage_ix += input_size << 3 + storage[*storage_ix>>3] = 0 +} + +func compressFragmentTwoPassImpl(input []byte, input_size uint, is_last bool, command_buf []uint32, literal_buf []byte, table []int, table_bits uint, min_match uint, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + /* Save the start of the first block for position and distance computations. + */ + var base_ip []byte = input + + for input_size > 0 { + var block_size uint = brotli_min_size_t(input_size, kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize) + var commands []uint32 = command_buf + var literals []byte = literal_buf + var num_literals uint + createCommands(input, block_size, input_size, base_ip, table, table_bits, min_match, &literals, &commands) + num_literals = uint(-cap(literals) + cap(literal_buf)) + if shouldCompress(input, block_size, num_literals) { + var num_commands uint = uint(-cap(commands) + cap(command_buf)) + storeMetaBlockHeader(block_size, false, storage_ix, storage) + + /* No block splits, no contexts. */ + writeBits(13, 0, storage_ix, storage) + + storeCommands(literal_buf, num_literals, command_buf, num_commands, storage_ix, storage) + } else { + /* Since we did not find many backward references and the entropy of + the data is close to 8 bits, we can simply emit an uncompressed block. + This makes compression speed of uncompressible data about 3x faster. */ + emitUncompressedMetaBlock(input, block_size, storage_ix, storage) + } + + input = input[block_size:] + input_size -= block_size + } +} + +/* +Compresses "input" string to the "*storage" buffer as one or more complete + + meta-blocks, and updates the "*storage_ix" bit position. + + If "is_last" is 1, emits an additional empty last meta-block. + + REQUIRES: "input_size" is greater than zero, or "is_last" is 1. + REQUIRES: "input_size" is less or equal to maximal metablock size (1 << 24). + REQUIRES: "command_buf" and "literal_buf" point to at least + kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize long arrays. + REQUIRES: All elements in "table[0..table_size-1]" are initialized to zero. + REQUIRES: "table_size" is a power of two + OUTPUT: maximal copy distance <= |input_size| + OUTPUT: maximal copy distance <= BROTLI_MAX_BACKWARD_LIMIT(18) +*/ +func compressFragmentTwoPass(input []byte, input_size uint, is_last bool, command_buf []uint32, literal_buf []byte, table []int, table_size uint, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var initial_storage_ix uint = *storage_ix + var table_bits uint = uint(log2FloorNonZero(table_size)) + var min_match uint + if table_bits <= 15 { + min_match = 4 + } else { + min_match = 6 + } + compressFragmentTwoPassImpl(input, input_size, is_last, command_buf, literal_buf, table, table_bits, min_match, storage_ix, storage) + + /* If output is larger than single uncompressed block, rewrite it. */ + if *storage_ix-initial_storage_ix > 31+(input_size<<3) { + rewindBitPosition(initial_storage_ix, storage_ix, storage) + emitUncompressedMetaBlock(input, input_size, storage_ix, storage) + } + + if is_last { + writeBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage) /* islast */ + writeBits(1, 1, storage_ix, storage) /* isempty */ + *storage_ix = (*storage_ix + 7) &^ 7 + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/constants.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/constants.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a880dff789d06 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/constants.go @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Specification: 7.3. Encoding of the context map */ +const contextMapMaxRle = 16 + +/* Specification: 2. Compressed representation overview */ +const maxNumberOfBlockTypes = 256 + +/* Specification: 3.3. Alphabet sizes: insert-and-copy length */ +const numLiteralSymbols = 256 + +const numCommandSymbols = 704 + +const numBlockLenSymbols = 26 + +const maxContextMapSymbols = (maxNumberOfBlockTypes + contextMapMaxRle) + +const maxBlockTypeSymbols = (maxNumberOfBlockTypes + 2) + +/* Specification: 3.5. Complex prefix codes */ +const repeatPreviousCodeLength = 16 + +const repeatZeroCodeLength = 17 + +const codeLengthCodes = (repeatZeroCodeLength + 1) + +/* "code length of 8 is repeated" */ +const initialRepeatedCodeLength = 8 + +/* "Large Window Brotli" */ +const largeMaxDistanceBits = 62 + +const largeMinWbits = 10 + +const largeMaxWbits = 30 + +/* Specification: 4. Encoding of distances */ +const numDistanceShortCodes = 16 + +const maxNpostfix = 3 + +const maxNdirect = 120 + +const maxDistanceBits = 24 + +func distanceAlphabetSize(NPOSTFIX uint, NDIRECT uint, MAXNBITS uint) uint { + return numDistanceShortCodes + NDIRECT + uint(MAXNBITS<<(NPOSTFIX+1)) +} + +/* numDistanceSymbols == 1128 */ +const numDistanceSymbols = 1128 + +const maxDistance = 0x3FFFFFC + +const maxAllowedDistance = 0x7FFFFFFC + +/* 7.1. Context modes and context ID lookup for literals */ +/* "context IDs for literals are in the range of 0..63" */ +const literalContextBits = 6 + +/* 7.2. Context ID for distances */ +const distanceContextBits = 2 + +/* 9.1. Format of the Stream Header */ +/* Number of slack bytes for window size. Don't confuse + with BROTLI_NUM_DISTANCE_SHORT_CODES. */ +const windowGap = 16 + +func maxBackwardLimit(W uint) uint { + return (uint(1) << W) - windowGap +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/context.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/context.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..884ff8a2d6964 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/context.go @@ -0,0 +1,2176 @@ +package brotli + +/* Lookup table to map the previous two bytes to a context id. + +There are four different context modeling modes defined here: + contextLSB6: context id is the least significant 6 bits of the last byte, + contextMSB6: context id is the most significant 6 bits of the last byte, + contextUTF8: second-order context model tuned for UTF8-encoded text, + contextSigned: second-order context model tuned for signed integers. + +If |p1| and |p2| are the previous two bytes, and |mode| is current context +mode, we calculate the context as: + + context = ContextLut(mode)[p1] | ContextLut(mode)[p2 + 256]. + +For contextUTF8 mode, if the previous two bytes are ASCII characters +(i.e. < 128), this will be equivalent to + + context = 4 * context1(p1) + context2(p2), + +where context1 is based on the previous byte in the following way: + + 0 : non-ASCII control + 1 : \t, \n, \r + 2 : space + 3 : other punctuation + 4 : " ' + 5 : % + 6 : ( < [ { + 7 : ) > ] } + 8 : , ; : + 9 : . + 10 : = + 11 : number + 12 : upper-case vowel + 13 : upper-case consonant + 14 : lower-case vowel + 15 : lower-case consonant + +and context2 is based on the second last byte: + + 0 : control, space + 1 : punctuation + 2 : upper-case letter, number + 3 : lower-case letter + +If the last byte is ASCII, and the second last byte is not (in a valid UTF8 +stream it will be a continuation byte, value between 128 and 191), the +context is the same as if the second last byte was an ASCII control or space. + +If the last byte is a UTF8 lead byte (value >= 192), then the next byte will +be a continuation byte and the context id is 2 or 3 depending on the LSB of +the last byte and to a lesser extent on the second last byte if it is ASCII. + +If the last byte is a UTF8 continuation byte, the second last byte can be: + - continuation byte: the next byte is probably ASCII or lead byte (assuming + 4-byte UTF8 characters are rare) and the context id is 0 or 1. + - lead byte (192 - 207): next byte is ASCII or lead byte, context is 0 or 1 + - lead byte (208 - 255): next byte is continuation byte, context is 2 or 3 + +The possible value combinations of the previous two bytes, the range of +context ids and the type of the next byte is summarized in the table below: + +|--------\-----------------------------------------------------------------| +| \ Last byte | +| Second \---------------------------------------------------------------| +| last byte \ ASCII | cont. byte | lead byte | +| \ (0-127) | (128-191) | (192-) | +|=============|===================|=====================|==================| +| ASCII | next: ASCII/lead | not valid | next: cont. | +| (0-127) | context: 4 - 63 | | context: 2 - 3 | +|-------------|-------------------|---------------------|------------------| +| cont. byte | next: ASCII/lead | next: ASCII/lead | next: cont. | +| (128-191) | context: 4 - 63 | context: 0 - 1 | context: 2 - 3 | +|-------------|-------------------|---------------------|------------------| +| lead byte | not valid | next: ASCII/lead | not valid | +| (192-207) | | context: 0 - 1 | | +|-------------|-------------------|---------------------|------------------| +| lead byte | not valid | next: cont. | not valid | +| (208-) | | context: 2 - 3 | | +|-------------|-------------------|---------------------|------------------| +*/ + +const ( + contextLSB6 = 0 + contextMSB6 = 1 + contextUTF8 = 2 + contextSigned = 3 +) + +/* Common context lookup table for all context modes. */ +var kContextLookup = [2048]byte{ + /* CONTEXT_LSB6, last byte. */ + 0, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 11, + 12, + 13, + 14, + 15, + 16, + 17, + 18, + 19, + 20, + 21, + 22, + 23, + 24, + 25, + 26, + 27, + 28, + 29, + 30, + 31, + 32, + 33, + 34, + 35, + 36, + 37, + 38, + 39, + 40, + 41, + 42, + 43, + 44, + 45, + 46, + 47, + 48, + 49, + 50, + 51, + 52, + 53, + 54, + 55, + 56, + 57, + 58, + 59, + 60, + 61, + 62, + 63, + 0, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 11, + 12, + 13, + 14, + 15, + 16, + 17, + 18, + 19, + 20, + 21, + 22, + 23, + 24, + 25, + 26, + 27, + 28, + 29, + 30, + 31, + 32, + 33, + 34, + 35, + 36, + 37, + 38, + 39, + 40, + 41, + 42, + 43, + 44, + 45, + 46, + 47, + 48, + 49, + 50, + 51, + 52, + 53, + 54, + 55, + 56, + 57, + 58, + 59, + 60, + 61, + 62, + 63, + 0, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 11, + 12, + 13, + 14, + 15, + 16, + 17, + 18, + 19, + 20, + 21, + 22, + 23, + 24, + 25, + 26, + 27, + 28, + 29, + 30, + 31, + 32, + 33, + 34, + 35, + 36, + 37, + 38, + 39, + 40, + 41, + 42, + 43, + 44, + 45, + 46, + 47, + 48, + 49, + 50, + 51, + 52, + 53, + 54, + 55, + 56, + 57, + 58, + 59, + 60, + 61, + 62, + 63, + 0, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 11, + 12, + 13, + 14, + 15, + 16, + 17, + 18, + 19, + 20, + 21, + 22, + 23, + 24, + 25, + 26, + 27, + 28, + 29, + 30, + 31, + 32, + 33, + 34, + 35, + 36, + 37, + 38, + 39, + 40, + 41, + 42, + 43, + 44, + 45, + 46, + 47, + 48, + 49, + 50, + 51, + 52, + 53, + 54, + 55, + 56, + 57, + 58, + 59, + 60, + 61, + 62, + 63, + + /* CONTEXT_LSB6, second last byte, */ + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, 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+1,2581 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +const ( + decoderResultError = 0 + decoderResultSuccess = 1 + decoderResultNeedsMoreInput = 2 + decoderResultNeedsMoreOutput = 3 +) + +/** + * Error code for detailed logging / production debugging. + * + * See ::BrotliDecoderGetErrorCode and ::BROTLI_LAST_ERROR_CODE. + */ +const ( + decoderNoError = 0 + decoderSuccess = 1 + decoderNeedsMoreInput = 2 + decoderNeedsMoreOutput = 3 + decoderErrorFormatExuberantNibble = -1 + decoderErrorFormatReserved = -2 + decoderErrorFormatExuberantMetaNibble = -3 + decoderErrorFormatSimpleHuffmanAlphabet = -4 + decoderErrorFormatSimpleHuffmanSame = -5 + decoderErrorFormatClSpace = -6 + decoderErrorFormatHuffmanSpace = -7 + decoderErrorFormatContextMapRepeat = -8 + decoderErrorFormatBlockLength1 = -9 + decoderErrorFormatBlockLength2 = -10 + decoderErrorFormatTransform = -11 + decoderErrorFormatDictionary = -12 + decoderErrorFormatWindowBits = -13 + decoderErrorFormatPadding1 = -14 + decoderErrorFormatPadding2 = -15 + decoderErrorFormatDistance = -16 + decoderErrorDictionaryNotSet = -19 + decoderErrorInvalidArguments = -20 + decoderErrorAllocContextModes = -21 + decoderErrorAllocTreeGroups = -22 + decoderErrorAllocContextMap = -25 + decoderErrorAllocRingBuffer1 = -26 + decoderErrorAllocRingBuffer2 = -27 + decoderErrorAllocBlockTypeTrees = -30 + decoderErrorUnreachable = -31 +) + +const huffmanTableBits = 8 + +const huffmanTableMask = 0xFF + +/* We need the slack region for the following reasons: + - doing up to two 16-byte copies for fast backward copying + - inserting transformed dictionary word (5 prefix + 24 base + 8 suffix) */ +const kRingBufferWriteAheadSlack uint32 = 42 + +var kCodeLengthCodeOrder = [codeLengthCodes]byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 17, 6, 16, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15} + +/* Static prefix code for the complex code length code lengths. */ +var kCodeLengthPrefixLength = [16]byte{2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 4} + +var kCodeLengthPrefixValue = [16]byte{0, 4, 3, 2, 0, 4, 3, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 0, 4, 3, 5} + +/* Saves error code and converts it to BrotliDecoderResult. */ +func saveErrorCode(s *Reader, e int) int { + s.error_code = int(e) + switch e { + case decoderSuccess: + return decoderResultSuccess + + case decoderNeedsMoreInput: + return decoderResultNeedsMoreInput + + case decoderNeedsMoreOutput: + return decoderResultNeedsMoreOutput + + default: + return decoderResultError + } +} + +/* Decodes WBITS by reading 1 - 7 bits, or 0x11 for "Large Window Brotli". + Precondition: bit-reader accumulator has at least 8 bits. */ +func decodeWindowBits(s *Reader, br *bitReader) int { + var n uint32 + var large_window bool = s.large_window + s.large_window = false + takeBits(br, 1, &n) + if n == 0 { + s.window_bits = 16 + return decoderSuccess + } + + takeBits(br, 3, &n) + if n != 0 { + s.window_bits = 17 + n + return decoderSuccess + } + + takeBits(br, 3, &n) + if n == 1 { + if large_window { + takeBits(br, 1, &n) + if n == 1 { + return decoderErrorFormatWindowBits + } + + s.large_window = true + return decoderSuccess + } else { + return decoderErrorFormatWindowBits + } + } + + if n != 0 { + s.window_bits = 8 + n + return decoderSuccess + } + + s.window_bits = 17 + return decoderSuccess +} + +/* Decodes a number in the range [0..255], by reading 1 - 11 bits. */ +func decodeVarLenUint8(s *Reader, br *bitReader, value *uint32) int { + var bits uint32 + switch s.substate_decode_uint8 { + case stateDecodeUint8None: + if !safeReadBits(br, 1, &bits) { + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + if bits == 0 { + *value = 0 + return decoderSuccess + } + fallthrough + + /* Fall through. */ + case stateDecodeUint8Short: + if !safeReadBits(br, 3, &bits) { + s.substate_decode_uint8 = stateDecodeUint8Short + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + if bits == 0 { + *value = 1 + s.substate_decode_uint8 = stateDecodeUint8None + return decoderSuccess + } + + /* Use output value as a temporary storage. It MUST be persisted. */ + *value = bits + fallthrough + + /* Fall through. */ + case stateDecodeUint8Long: + if !safeReadBits(br, *value, &bits) { + s.substate_decode_uint8 = stateDecodeUint8Long + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + *value = (1 << *value) + bits + s.substate_decode_uint8 = stateDecodeUint8None + return decoderSuccess + + default: + return decoderErrorUnreachable + } +} + +/* Decodes a metablock length and flags by reading 2 - 31 bits. */ +func decodeMetaBlockLength(s *Reader, br *bitReader) int { + var bits uint32 + var i int + for { + switch s.substate_metablock_header { + case stateMetablockHeaderNone: + if !safeReadBits(br, 1, &bits) { + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + if bits != 0 { + s.is_last_metablock = 1 + } else { + s.is_last_metablock = 0 + } + s.meta_block_remaining_len = 0 + s.is_uncompressed = 0 + s.is_metadata = 0 + if s.is_last_metablock == 0 { + s.substate_metablock_header = stateMetablockHeaderNibbles + break + } + + s.substate_metablock_header = stateMetablockHeaderEmpty + fallthrough + + /* Fall through. */ + case stateMetablockHeaderEmpty: + if !safeReadBits(br, 1, &bits) { + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + if bits != 0 { + s.substate_metablock_header = stateMetablockHeaderNone + return decoderSuccess + } + + s.substate_metablock_header = stateMetablockHeaderNibbles + fallthrough + + /* Fall through. */ + case stateMetablockHeaderNibbles: + if !safeReadBits(br, 2, &bits) { + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + s.size_nibbles = uint(byte(bits + 4)) + s.loop_counter = 0 + if bits == 3 { + s.is_metadata = 1 + s.substate_metablock_header = stateMetablockHeaderReserved + break + } + + s.substate_metablock_header = stateMetablockHeaderSize + fallthrough + + /* Fall through. */ + case stateMetablockHeaderSize: + i = s.loop_counter + + for ; i < int(s.size_nibbles); i++ { + if !safeReadBits(br, 4, &bits) { + s.loop_counter = i + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + if uint(i+1) == s.size_nibbles && s.size_nibbles > 4 && bits == 0 { + return decoderErrorFormatExuberantNibble + } + + s.meta_block_remaining_len |= int(bits << uint(i*4)) + } + + s.substate_metablock_header = stateMetablockHeaderUncompressed + fallthrough + + /* Fall through. */ + case stateMetablockHeaderUncompressed: + if s.is_last_metablock == 0 { + if !safeReadBits(br, 1, &bits) { + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + if bits != 0 { + s.is_uncompressed = 1 + } else { + s.is_uncompressed = 0 + } + } + + s.meta_block_remaining_len++ + s.substate_metablock_header = stateMetablockHeaderNone + return decoderSuccess + + case stateMetablockHeaderReserved: + if !safeReadBits(br, 1, &bits) { + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + if bits != 0 { + return decoderErrorFormatReserved + } + + s.substate_metablock_header = stateMetablockHeaderBytes + fallthrough + + /* Fall through. */ + case stateMetablockHeaderBytes: + if !safeReadBits(br, 2, &bits) { + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + if bits == 0 { + s.substate_metablock_header = stateMetablockHeaderNone + return decoderSuccess + } + + s.size_nibbles = uint(byte(bits)) + s.substate_metablock_header = stateMetablockHeaderMetadata + fallthrough + + /* Fall through. */ + case stateMetablockHeaderMetadata: + i = s.loop_counter + + for ; i < int(s.size_nibbles); i++ { + if !safeReadBits(br, 8, &bits) { + s.loop_counter = i + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + if uint(i+1) == s.size_nibbles && s.size_nibbles > 1 && bits == 0 { + return decoderErrorFormatExuberantMetaNibble + } + + s.meta_block_remaining_len |= int(bits << uint(i*8)) + } + + s.meta_block_remaining_len++ + s.substate_metablock_header = stateMetablockHeaderNone + return decoderSuccess + + default: + return decoderErrorUnreachable + } + } +} + +/* Decodes the Huffman code. + This method doesn't read data from the bit reader, BUT drops the amount of + bits that correspond to the decoded symbol. + bits MUST contain at least 15 (BROTLI_HUFFMAN_MAX_CODE_LENGTH) valid bits. */ +func decodeSymbol(bits uint32, table []huffmanCode, br *bitReader) uint32 { + table = table[bits&huffmanTableMask:] + if table[0].bits > huffmanTableBits { + var nbits uint32 = uint32(table[0].bits) - huffmanTableBits + dropBits(br, huffmanTableBits) + table = table[uint32(table[0].value)+((bits>>huffmanTableBits)&bitMask(nbits)):] + } + + dropBits(br, uint32(table[0].bits)) + return uint32(table[0].value) +} + +/* Reads and decodes the next Huffman code from bit-stream. + This method peeks 16 bits of input and drops 0 - 15 of them. */ +func readSymbol(table []huffmanCode, br *bitReader) uint32 { + return decodeSymbol(get16BitsUnmasked(br), table, br) +} + +/* Same as DecodeSymbol, but it is known that there is less than 15 bits of + input are currently available. */ +func safeDecodeSymbol(table []huffmanCode, br *bitReader, result *uint32) bool { + var val uint32 + var available_bits uint32 = getAvailableBits(br) + if available_bits == 0 { + if table[0].bits == 0 { + *result = uint32(table[0].value) + return true + } + + return false /* No valid bits at all. */ + } + + val = uint32(getBitsUnmasked(br)) + table = table[val&huffmanTableMask:] + if table[0].bits <= huffmanTableBits { + if uint32(table[0].bits) <= available_bits { + dropBits(br, uint32(table[0].bits)) + *result = uint32(table[0].value) + return true + } else { + return false /* Not enough bits for the first level. */ + } + } + + if available_bits <= huffmanTableBits { + return false /* Not enough bits to move to the second level. */ + } + + /* Speculatively drop HUFFMAN_TABLE_BITS. */ + val = (val & bitMask(uint32(table[0].bits))) >> huffmanTableBits + + available_bits -= huffmanTableBits + table = table[uint32(table[0].value)+val:] + if available_bits < uint32(table[0].bits) { + return false /* Not enough bits for the second level. */ + } + + dropBits(br, huffmanTableBits+uint32(table[0].bits)) + *result = uint32(table[0].value) + return true +} + +func safeReadSymbol(table []huffmanCode, br *bitReader, result *uint32) bool { + var val uint32 + if safeGetBits(br, 15, &val) { + *result = decodeSymbol(val, table, br) + return true + } + + return safeDecodeSymbol(table, br, result) +} + +/* Makes a look-up in first level Huffman table. Peeks 8 bits. */ +func preloadSymbol(safe int, table []huffmanCode, br *bitReader, bits *uint32, value *uint32) { + if safe != 0 { + return + } + + table = table[getBits(br, huffmanTableBits):] + *bits = uint32(table[0].bits) + *value = uint32(table[0].value) +} + +/* Decodes the next Huffman code using data prepared by PreloadSymbol. + Reads 0 - 15 bits. Also peeks 8 following bits. */ +func readPreloadedSymbol(table []huffmanCode, br *bitReader, bits *uint32, value *uint32) uint32 { + var result uint32 = *value + var ext []huffmanCode + if *bits > huffmanTableBits { + var val uint32 = get16BitsUnmasked(br) + ext = table[val&huffmanTableMask:][*value:] + var mask uint32 = bitMask((*bits - huffmanTableBits)) + dropBits(br, huffmanTableBits) + ext = ext[(val>>huffmanTableBits)&mask:] + dropBits(br, uint32(ext[0].bits)) + result = uint32(ext[0].value) + } else { + dropBits(br, *bits) + } + + preloadSymbol(0, table, br, bits, value) + return result +} + +func log2Floor(x uint32) uint32 { + var result uint32 = 0 + for x != 0 { + x >>= 1 + result++ + } + + return result +} + +/* Reads (s->symbol + 1) symbols. + Totally 1..4 symbols are read, 1..11 bits each. + The list of symbols MUST NOT contain duplicates. */ +func readSimpleHuffmanSymbols(alphabet_size uint32, max_symbol uint32, s *Reader) int { + var br *bitReader = &s.br + var max_bits uint32 = log2Floor(alphabet_size - 1) + var i uint32 = s.sub_loop_counter + /* max_bits == 1..11; symbol == 0..3; 1..44 bits will be read. */ + + var num_symbols uint32 = s.symbol + for i <= num_symbols { + var v uint32 + if !safeReadBits(br, max_bits, &v) { + s.sub_loop_counter = i + s.substate_huffman = stateHuffmanSimpleRead + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + if v >= max_symbol { + return decoderErrorFormatSimpleHuffmanAlphabet + } + + s.symbols_lists_array[i] = uint16(v) + i++ + } + + for i = 0; i < num_symbols; i++ { + var k uint32 = i + 1 + for ; k <= num_symbols; k++ { + if s.symbols_lists_array[i] == s.symbols_lists_array[k] { + return decoderErrorFormatSimpleHuffmanSame + } + } + } + + return decoderSuccess +} + +/* Process single decoded symbol code length: + A) reset the repeat variable + B) remember code length (if it is not 0) + C) extend corresponding index-chain + D) reduce the Huffman space + E) update the histogram */ +func processSingleCodeLength(code_len uint32, symbol *uint32, repeat *uint32, space *uint32, prev_code_len *uint32, symbol_lists symbolList, code_length_histo []uint16, next_symbol []int) { + *repeat = 0 + if code_len != 0 { /* code_len == 1..15 */ + symbolListPut(symbol_lists, next_symbol[code_len], uint16(*symbol)) + next_symbol[code_len] = int(*symbol) + *prev_code_len = code_len + *space -= 32768 >> code_len + code_length_histo[code_len]++ + } + + (*symbol)++ +} + +/* Process repeated symbol code length. + A) Check if it is the extension of previous repeat sequence; if the decoded + value is not BROTLI_REPEAT_PREVIOUS_CODE_LENGTH, then it is a new + symbol-skip + B) Update repeat variable + C) Check if operation is feasible (fits alphabet) + D) For each symbol do the same operations as in ProcessSingleCodeLength + + PRECONDITION: code_len == BROTLI_REPEAT_PREVIOUS_CODE_LENGTH or + code_len == BROTLI_REPEAT_ZERO_CODE_LENGTH */ +func processRepeatedCodeLength(code_len uint32, repeat_delta uint32, alphabet_size uint32, symbol *uint32, repeat *uint32, space *uint32, prev_code_len *uint32, repeat_code_len *uint32, symbol_lists symbolList, code_length_histo []uint16, next_symbol []int) { + var old_repeat uint32 /* for BROTLI_REPEAT_ZERO_CODE_LENGTH */ /* for BROTLI_REPEAT_ZERO_CODE_LENGTH */ + var extra_bits uint32 = 3 + var new_len uint32 = 0 + if code_len == repeatPreviousCodeLength { + new_len = *prev_code_len + extra_bits = 2 + } + + if *repeat_code_len != new_len { + *repeat = 0 + *repeat_code_len = new_len + } + + old_repeat = *repeat + if *repeat > 0 { + *repeat -= 2 + *repeat <<= extra_bits + } + + *repeat += repeat_delta + 3 + repeat_delta = *repeat - old_repeat + if *symbol+repeat_delta > alphabet_size { + *symbol = alphabet_size + *space = 0xFFFFF + return + } + + if *repeat_code_len != 0 { + var last uint = uint(*symbol + repeat_delta) + var next int = next_symbol[*repeat_code_len] + for { + symbolListPut(symbol_lists, next, uint16(*symbol)) + next = int(*symbol) + (*symbol)++ + if (*symbol) == uint32(last) { + break + } + } + + next_symbol[*repeat_code_len] = next + *space -= repeat_delta << (15 - *repeat_code_len) + code_length_histo[*repeat_code_len] = uint16(uint32(code_length_histo[*repeat_code_len]) + repeat_delta) + } else { + *symbol += repeat_delta + } +} + +/* Reads and decodes symbol codelengths. */ +func readSymbolCodeLengths(alphabet_size uint32, s *Reader) int { + var br *bitReader = &s.br + var symbol uint32 = s.symbol + var repeat uint32 = s.repeat + var space uint32 = s.space + var prev_code_len uint32 = s.prev_code_len + var repeat_code_len uint32 = s.repeat_code_len + var symbol_lists symbolList = s.symbol_lists + var code_length_histo []uint16 = s.code_length_histo[:] + var next_symbol []int = s.next_symbol[:] + if !warmupBitReader(br) { + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + var p []huffmanCode + for symbol < alphabet_size && space > 0 { + p = s.table[:] + var code_len uint32 + if !checkInputAmount(br, shortFillBitWindowRead) { + s.symbol = symbol + s.repeat = repeat + s.prev_code_len = prev_code_len + s.repeat_code_len = repeat_code_len + s.space = space + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + fillBitWindow16(br) + p = p[getBitsUnmasked(br)&uint64(bitMask(huffmanMaxCodeLengthCodeLength)):] + dropBits(br, uint32(p[0].bits)) /* Use 1..5 bits. */ + code_len = uint32(p[0].value) /* code_len == 0..17 */ + if code_len < repeatPreviousCodeLength { + processSingleCodeLength(code_len, &symbol, &repeat, &space, &prev_code_len, symbol_lists, code_length_histo, next_symbol) /* code_len == 16..17, extra_bits == 2..3 */ + } else { + var extra_bits uint32 + if code_len == repeatPreviousCodeLength { + extra_bits = 2 + } else { + extra_bits = 3 + } + var repeat_delta uint32 = uint32(getBitsUnmasked(br)) & bitMask(extra_bits) + dropBits(br, extra_bits) + processRepeatedCodeLength(code_len, repeat_delta, alphabet_size, &symbol, &repeat, &space, &prev_code_len, &repeat_code_len, symbol_lists, code_length_histo, next_symbol) + } + } + + s.space = space + return decoderSuccess +} + +func safeReadSymbolCodeLengths(alphabet_size uint32, s *Reader) int { + var br *bitReader = &s.br + var get_byte bool = false + var p []huffmanCode + for s.symbol < alphabet_size && s.space > 0 { + p = s.table[:] + var code_len uint32 + var available_bits uint32 + var bits uint32 = 0 + if get_byte && !pullByte(br) { + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + get_byte = false + available_bits = getAvailableBits(br) + if available_bits != 0 { + bits = uint32(getBitsUnmasked(br)) + } + + p = p[bits&bitMask(huffmanMaxCodeLengthCodeLength):] + if uint32(p[0].bits) > available_bits { + get_byte = true + continue + } + + code_len = uint32(p[0].value) /* code_len == 0..17 */ + if code_len < repeatPreviousCodeLength { + dropBits(br, uint32(p[0].bits)) + processSingleCodeLength(code_len, &s.symbol, &s.repeat, &s.space, &s.prev_code_len, s.symbol_lists, s.code_length_histo[:], s.next_symbol[:]) /* code_len == 16..17, extra_bits == 2..3 */ + } else { + var extra_bits uint32 = code_len - 14 + var repeat_delta uint32 = (bits >> p[0].bits) & bitMask(extra_bits) + if available_bits < uint32(p[0].bits)+extra_bits { + get_byte = true + continue + } + + dropBits(br, uint32(p[0].bits)+extra_bits) + processRepeatedCodeLength(code_len, repeat_delta, alphabet_size, &s.symbol, &s.repeat, &s.space, &s.prev_code_len, &s.repeat_code_len, s.symbol_lists, s.code_length_histo[:], s.next_symbol[:]) + } + } + + return decoderSuccess +} + +/* Reads and decodes 15..18 codes using static prefix code. + Each code is 2..4 bits long. In total 30..72 bits are used. */ +func readCodeLengthCodeLengths(s *Reader) int { + var br *bitReader = &s.br + var num_codes uint32 = s.repeat + var space uint32 = s.space + var i uint32 = s.sub_loop_counter + for ; i < codeLengthCodes; i++ { + var code_len_idx byte = kCodeLengthCodeOrder[i] + var ix uint32 + var v uint32 + if !safeGetBits(br, 4, &ix) { + var available_bits uint32 = getAvailableBits(br) + if available_bits != 0 { + ix = uint32(getBitsUnmasked(br) & 0xF) + } else { + ix = 0 + } + + if uint32(kCodeLengthPrefixLength[ix]) > available_bits { + s.sub_loop_counter = i + s.repeat = num_codes + s.space = space + s.substate_huffman = stateHuffmanComplex + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + } + + v = uint32(kCodeLengthPrefixValue[ix]) + dropBits(br, uint32(kCodeLengthPrefixLength[ix])) + s.code_length_code_lengths[code_len_idx] = byte(v) + if v != 0 { + space = space - (32 >> v) + num_codes++ + s.code_length_histo[v]++ + if space-1 >= 32 { + /* space is 0 or wrapped around. */ + break + } + } + } + + if num_codes != 1 && space != 0 { + return decoderErrorFormatClSpace + } + + return decoderSuccess +} + +/* Decodes the Huffman tables. + There are 2 scenarios: + A) Huffman code contains only few symbols (1..4). Those symbols are read + directly; their code lengths are defined by the number of symbols. + For this scenario 4 - 49 bits will be read. + + B) 2-phase decoding: + B.1) Small Huffman table is decoded; it is specified with code lengths + encoded with predefined entropy code. 32 - 74 bits are used. + B.2) Decoded table is used to decode code lengths of symbols in resulting + Huffman table. In worst case 3520 bits are read. */ +func readHuffmanCode(alphabet_size uint32, max_symbol uint32, table []huffmanCode, opt_table_size *uint32, s *Reader) int { + var br *bitReader = &s.br + + /* Unnecessary masking, but might be good for safety. */ + alphabet_size &= 0x7FF + + /* State machine. */ + for { + switch s.substate_huffman { + case stateHuffmanNone: + if !safeReadBits(br, 2, &s.sub_loop_counter) { + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + /* The value is used as follows: + 1 for simple code; + 0 for no skipping, 2 skips 2 code lengths, 3 skips 3 code lengths */ + if s.sub_loop_counter != 1 { + s.space = 32 + s.repeat = 0 /* num_codes */ + var i int + for i = 0; i <= huffmanMaxCodeLengthCodeLength; i++ { + s.code_length_histo[i] = 0 + } + + for i = 0; i < codeLengthCodes; i++ { + s.code_length_code_lengths[i] = 0 + } + + s.substate_huffman = stateHuffmanComplex + continue + } + fallthrough + + /* Read symbols, codes & code lengths directly. */ + case stateHuffmanSimpleSize: + if !safeReadBits(br, 2, &s.symbol) { /* num_symbols */ + s.substate_huffman = stateHuffmanSimpleSize + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + s.sub_loop_counter = 0 + fallthrough + + case stateHuffmanSimpleRead: + { + var result int = readSimpleHuffmanSymbols(alphabet_size, max_symbol, s) + if result != decoderSuccess { + return result + } + } + fallthrough + + case stateHuffmanSimpleBuild: + var table_size uint32 + if s.symbol == 3 { + var bits uint32 + if !safeReadBits(br, 1, &bits) { + s.substate_huffman = stateHuffmanSimpleBuild + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + s.symbol += bits + } + + table_size = buildSimpleHuffmanTable(table, huffmanTableBits, s.symbols_lists_array[:], s.symbol) + if opt_table_size != nil { + *opt_table_size = table_size + } + + s.substate_huffman = stateHuffmanNone + return decoderSuccess + + /* Decode Huffman-coded code lengths. */ + case stateHuffmanComplex: + { + var i uint32 + var result int = readCodeLengthCodeLengths(s) + if result != decoderSuccess { + return result + } + + buildCodeLengthsHuffmanTable(s.table[:], s.code_length_code_lengths[:], s.code_length_histo[:]) + for i = 0; i < 16; i++ { + s.code_length_histo[i] = 0 + } + + for i = 0; i <= huffmanMaxCodeLength; i++ { + s.next_symbol[i] = int(i) - (huffmanMaxCodeLength + 1) + symbolListPut(s.symbol_lists, s.next_symbol[i], 0xFFFF) + } + + s.symbol = 0 + s.prev_code_len = initialRepeatedCodeLength + s.repeat = 0 + s.repeat_code_len = 0 + s.space = 32768 + s.substate_huffman = stateHuffmanLengthSymbols + } + fallthrough + + case stateHuffmanLengthSymbols: + var table_size uint32 + var result int = readSymbolCodeLengths(max_symbol, s) + if result == decoderNeedsMoreInput { + result = safeReadSymbolCodeLengths(max_symbol, s) + } + + if result != decoderSuccess { + return result + } + + if s.space != 0 { + return decoderErrorFormatHuffmanSpace + } + + table_size = buildHuffmanTable(table, huffmanTableBits, s.symbol_lists, s.code_length_histo[:]) + if opt_table_size != nil { + *opt_table_size = table_size + } + + s.substate_huffman = stateHuffmanNone + return decoderSuccess + + default: + return decoderErrorUnreachable + } + } +} + +/* Decodes a block length by reading 3..39 bits. */ +func readBlockLength(table []huffmanCode, br *bitReader) uint32 { + var code uint32 + var nbits uint32 + code = readSymbol(table, br) + nbits = kBlockLengthPrefixCode[code].nbits /* nbits == 2..24 */ + return kBlockLengthPrefixCode[code].offset + readBits(br, nbits) +} + +/* WARNING: if state is not BROTLI_STATE_READ_BLOCK_LENGTH_NONE, then + reading can't be continued with ReadBlockLength. */ +func safeReadBlockLength(s *Reader, result *uint32, table []huffmanCode, br *bitReader) bool { + var index uint32 + if s.substate_read_block_length == stateReadBlockLengthNone { + if !safeReadSymbol(table, br, &index) { + return false + } + } else { + index = s.block_length_index + } + { + var bits uint32 /* nbits == 2..24 */ + var nbits uint32 = kBlockLengthPrefixCode[index].nbits + if !safeReadBits(br, nbits, &bits) { + s.block_length_index = index + s.substate_read_block_length = stateReadBlockLengthSuffix + return false + } + + *result = kBlockLengthPrefixCode[index].offset + bits + s.substate_read_block_length = stateReadBlockLengthNone + return true + } +} + +/* Transform: + 1) initialize list L with values 0, 1,... 255 + 2) For each input element X: + 2.1) let Y = L[X] + 2.2) remove X-th element from L + 2.3) prepend Y to L + 2.4) append Y to output + + In most cases max(Y) <= 7, so most of L remains intact. + To reduce the cost of initialization, we reuse L, remember the upper bound + of Y values, and reinitialize only first elements in L. + + Most of input values are 0 and 1. To reduce number of branches, we replace + inner for loop with do-while. */ +func inverseMoveToFrontTransform(v []byte, v_len uint32, state *Reader) { + var mtf [256]byte + var i int + for i = 1; i < 256; i++ { + mtf[i] = byte(i) + } + var mtf_1 byte + + /* Transform the input. */ + for i = 0; uint32(i) < v_len; i++ { + var index int = int(v[i]) + var value byte = mtf[index] + v[i] = value + mtf_1 = value + for index >= 1 { + index-- + mtf[index+1] = mtf[index] + } + + mtf[0] = mtf_1 + } +} + +/* Decodes a series of Huffman table using ReadHuffmanCode function. */ +func huffmanTreeGroupDecode(group *huffmanTreeGroup, s *Reader) int { + if s.substate_tree_group != stateTreeGroupLoop { + s.next = group.codes + s.htree_index = 0 + s.substate_tree_group = stateTreeGroupLoop + } + + for s.htree_index < int(group.num_htrees) { + var table_size uint32 + var result int = readHuffmanCode(uint32(group.alphabet_size), uint32(group.max_symbol), s.next, &table_size, s) + if result != decoderSuccess { + return result + } + group.htrees[s.htree_index] = s.next + s.next = s.next[table_size:] + s.htree_index++ + } + + s.substate_tree_group = stateTreeGroupNone + return decoderSuccess +} + +/* Decodes a context map. + Decoding is done in 4 phases: + 1) Read auxiliary information (6..16 bits) and allocate memory. + In case of trivial context map, decoding is finished at this phase. + 2) Decode Huffman table using ReadHuffmanCode function. + This table will be used for reading context map items. + 3) Read context map items; "0" values could be run-length encoded. + 4) Optionally, apply InverseMoveToFront transform to the resulting map. */ +func decodeContextMap(context_map_size uint32, num_htrees *uint32, context_map_arg *[]byte, s *Reader) int { + var br *bitReader = &s.br + var result int = decoderSuccess + + switch int(s.substate_context_map) { + case stateContextMapNone: + result = decodeVarLenUint8(s, br, num_htrees) + if result != decoderSuccess { + return result + } + + (*num_htrees)++ + s.context_index = 0 + *context_map_arg = make([]byte, uint(context_map_size)) + if *context_map_arg == nil { + return decoderErrorAllocContextMap + } + + if *num_htrees <= 1 { + for i := 0; i < int(context_map_size); i++ { + (*context_map_arg)[i] = 0 + } + return decoderSuccess + } + + s.substate_context_map = stateContextMapReadPrefix + fallthrough + /* Fall through. */ + case stateContextMapReadPrefix: + { + var bits uint32 + + /* In next stage ReadHuffmanCode uses at least 4 bits, so it is safe + to peek 4 bits ahead. */ + if !safeGetBits(br, 5, &bits) { + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + if bits&1 != 0 { /* Use RLE for zeros. */ + s.max_run_length_prefix = (bits >> 1) + 1 + dropBits(br, 5) + } else { + s.max_run_length_prefix = 0 + dropBits(br, 1) + } + + s.substate_context_map = stateContextMapHuffman + } + fallthrough + + /* Fall through. */ + case stateContextMapHuffman: + { + var alphabet_size uint32 = *num_htrees + s.max_run_length_prefix + result = readHuffmanCode(alphabet_size, alphabet_size, s.context_map_table[:], nil, s) + if result != decoderSuccess { + return result + } + s.code = 0xFFFF + s.substate_context_map = stateContextMapDecode + } + fallthrough + + /* Fall through. */ + case stateContextMapDecode: + { + var context_index uint32 = s.context_index + var max_run_length_prefix uint32 = s.max_run_length_prefix + var context_map []byte = *context_map_arg + var code uint32 = s.code + var skip_preamble bool = (code != 0xFFFF) + for context_index < context_map_size || skip_preamble { + if !skip_preamble { + if !safeReadSymbol(s.context_map_table[:], br, &code) { + s.code = 0xFFFF + s.context_index = context_index + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + if code == 0 { + context_map[context_index] = 0 + context_index++ + continue + } + + if code > max_run_length_prefix { + context_map[context_index] = byte(code - max_run_length_prefix) + context_index++ + continue + } + } else { + skip_preamble = false + } + + /* RLE sub-stage. */ + { + var reps uint32 + if !safeReadBits(br, code, &reps) { + s.code = code + s.context_index = context_index + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + reps += 1 << code + if context_index+reps > context_map_size { + return decoderErrorFormatContextMapRepeat + } + + for { + context_map[context_index] = 0 + context_index++ + reps-- + if reps == 0 { + break + } + } + } + } + } + fallthrough + + case stateContextMapTransform: + var bits uint32 + if !safeReadBits(br, 1, &bits) { + s.substate_context_map = stateContextMapTransform + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + if bits != 0 { + inverseMoveToFrontTransform(*context_map_arg, context_map_size, s) + } + + s.substate_context_map = stateContextMapNone + return decoderSuccess + + default: + return decoderErrorUnreachable + } +} + +/* Decodes a command or literal and updates block type ring-buffer. + Reads 3..54 bits. */ +func decodeBlockTypeAndLength(safe int, s *Reader, tree_type int) bool { + var max_block_type uint32 = s.num_block_types[tree_type] + type_tree := s.block_type_trees[tree_type*huffmanMaxSize258:] + len_tree := s.block_len_trees[tree_type*huffmanMaxSize26:] + var br *bitReader = &s.br + var ringbuffer []uint32 = s.block_type_rb[tree_type*2:] + var block_type uint32 + if max_block_type <= 1 { + return false + } + + /* Read 0..15 + 3..39 bits. */ + if safe == 0 { + block_type = readSymbol(type_tree, br) + s.block_length[tree_type] = readBlockLength(len_tree, br) + } else { + var memento bitReaderState + bitReaderSaveState(br, &memento) + if !safeReadSymbol(type_tree, br, &block_type) { + return false + } + if !safeReadBlockLength(s, &s.block_length[tree_type], len_tree, br) { + s.substate_read_block_length = stateReadBlockLengthNone + bitReaderRestoreState(br, &memento) + return false + } + } + + if block_type == 1 { + block_type = ringbuffer[1] + 1 + } else if block_type == 0 { + block_type = ringbuffer[0] + } else { + block_type -= 2 + } + + if block_type >= max_block_type { + block_type -= max_block_type + } + + ringbuffer[0] = ringbuffer[1] + ringbuffer[1] = block_type + return true +} + +func detectTrivialLiteralBlockTypes(s *Reader) { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < 8; i++ { + s.trivial_literal_contexts[i] = 0 + } + for i = 0; uint32(i) < s.num_block_types[0]; i++ { + var offset uint = i << literalContextBits + var error uint = 0 + var sample uint = uint(s.context_map[offset]) + var j uint + for j = 0; j < 1<>5] |= 1 << (i & 31) + } + } +} + +func prepareLiteralDecoding(s *Reader) { + var context_mode byte + var trivial uint + var block_type uint32 = s.block_type_rb[1] + var context_offset uint32 = block_type << literalContextBits + s.context_map_slice = s.context_map[context_offset:] + trivial = uint(s.trivial_literal_contexts[block_type>>5]) + s.trivial_literal_context = int((trivial >> (block_type & 31)) & 1) + s.literal_htree = []huffmanCode(s.literal_hgroup.htrees[s.context_map_slice[0]]) + context_mode = s.context_modes[block_type] & 3 + s.context_lookup = getContextLUT(int(context_mode)) +} + +/* Decodes the block type and updates the state for literal context. + Reads 3..54 bits. */ +func decodeLiteralBlockSwitchInternal(safe int, s *Reader) bool { + if !decodeBlockTypeAndLength(safe, s, 0) { + return false + } + + prepareLiteralDecoding(s) + return true +} + +func decodeLiteralBlockSwitch(s *Reader) { + decodeLiteralBlockSwitchInternal(0, s) +} + +func safeDecodeLiteralBlockSwitch(s *Reader) bool { + return decodeLiteralBlockSwitchInternal(1, s) +} + +/* Block switch for insert/copy length. + Reads 3..54 bits. */ +func decodeCommandBlockSwitchInternal(safe int, s *Reader) bool { + if !decodeBlockTypeAndLength(safe, s, 1) { + return false + } + + s.htree_command = []huffmanCode(s.insert_copy_hgroup.htrees[s.block_type_rb[3]]) + return true +} + +func decodeCommandBlockSwitch(s *Reader) { + decodeCommandBlockSwitchInternal(0, s) +} + +func safeDecodeCommandBlockSwitch(s *Reader) bool { + return decodeCommandBlockSwitchInternal(1, s) +} + +/* Block switch for distance codes. + Reads 3..54 bits. */ +func decodeDistanceBlockSwitchInternal(safe int, s *Reader) bool { + if !decodeBlockTypeAndLength(safe, s, 2) { + return false + } + + s.dist_context_map_slice = s.dist_context_map[s.block_type_rb[5]< s.ringbuffer_size { + pos = uint(s.ringbuffer_size) + } else { + pos = uint(s.pos) + } + var partial_pos_rb uint = (s.rb_roundtrips * uint(s.ringbuffer_size)) + pos + return partial_pos_rb - s.partial_pos_out +} + +/* Dumps output. + Returns BROTLI_DECODER_NEEDS_MORE_OUTPUT only if there is more output to push + and either ring-buffer is as big as window size, or |force| is true. */ +func writeRingBuffer(s *Reader, available_out *uint, next_out *[]byte, total_out *uint, force bool) int { + start := s.ringbuffer[s.partial_pos_out&uint(s.ringbuffer_mask):] + var to_write uint = unwrittenBytes(s, true) + var num_written uint = *available_out + if num_written > to_write { + num_written = to_write + } + + if s.meta_block_remaining_len < 0 { + return decoderErrorFormatBlockLength1 + } + + if next_out != nil && *next_out == nil { + *next_out = start + } else { + if next_out != nil { + copy(*next_out, start[:num_written]) + *next_out = (*next_out)[num_written:] + } + } + + *available_out -= num_written + s.partial_pos_out += num_written + if total_out != nil { + *total_out = s.partial_pos_out + } + + if num_written < to_write { + if s.ringbuffer_size == 1<= s.ringbuffer_size { + s.pos -= s.ringbuffer_size + s.rb_roundtrips++ + if uint(s.pos) != 0 { + s.should_wrap_ringbuffer = 1 + } else { + s.should_wrap_ringbuffer = 0 + } + } + + return decoderSuccess +} + +func wrapRingBuffer(s *Reader) { + if s.should_wrap_ringbuffer != 0 { + copy(s.ringbuffer, s.ringbuffer_end[:uint(s.pos)]) + s.should_wrap_ringbuffer = 0 + } +} + +/* Allocates ring-buffer. + + s->ringbuffer_size MUST be updated by BrotliCalculateRingBufferSize before + this function is called. + + Last two bytes of ring-buffer are initialized to 0, so context calculation + could be done uniformly for the first two and all other positions. */ +func ensureRingBuffer(s *Reader) bool { + var old_ringbuffer []byte + if s.ringbuffer_size == s.new_ringbuffer_size { + return true + } + spaceNeeded := int(s.new_ringbuffer_size) + int(kRingBufferWriteAheadSlack) + if len(s.ringbuffer) < spaceNeeded { + old_ringbuffer = s.ringbuffer + s.ringbuffer = make([]byte, spaceNeeded) + } + + s.ringbuffer[s.new_ringbuffer_size-2] = 0 + s.ringbuffer[s.new_ringbuffer_size-1] = 0 + + if old_ringbuffer != nil { + copy(s.ringbuffer, old_ringbuffer[:uint(s.pos)]) + } + + s.ringbuffer_size = s.new_ringbuffer_size + s.ringbuffer_mask = s.new_ringbuffer_size - 1 + s.ringbuffer_end = s.ringbuffer[s.ringbuffer_size:] + + return true +} + +func copyUncompressedBlockToOutput(available_out *uint, next_out *[]byte, total_out *uint, s *Reader) int { + /* TODO: avoid allocation for single uncompressed block. */ + if !ensureRingBuffer(s) { + return decoderErrorAllocRingBuffer1 + } + + /* State machine */ + for { + switch s.substate_uncompressed { + case stateUncompressedNone: + { + var nbytes int = int(getRemainingBytes(&s.br)) + if nbytes > s.meta_block_remaining_len { + nbytes = s.meta_block_remaining_len + } + + if s.pos+nbytes > s.ringbuffer_size { + nbytes = s.ringbuffer_size - s.pos + } + + /* Copy remaining bytes from s->br.buf_ to ring-buffer. */ + copyBytes(s.ringbuffer[s.pos:], &s.br, uint(nbytes)) + + s.pos += nbytes + s.meta_block_remaining_len -= nbytes + if s.pos < 1<>1 >= min_size { + new_ringbuffer_size >>= 1 + } + } + + s.new_ringbuffer_size = new_ringbuffer_size +} + +/* Reads 1..256 2-bit context modes. */ +func readContextModes(s *Reader) int { + var br *bitReader = &s.br + var i int = s.loop_counter + + for i < int(s.num_block_types[0]) { + var bits uint32 + if !safeReadBits(br, 2, &bits) { + s.loop_counter = i + return decoderNeedsMoreInput + } + + s.context_modes[i] = byte(bits) + i++ + } + + return decoderSuccess +} + +func takeDistanceFromRingBuffer(s *Reader) { + if s.distance_code == 0 { + s.dist_rb_idx-- + s.distance_code = s.dist_rb[s.dist_rb_idx&3] + + /* Compensate double distance-ring-buffer roll for dictionary items. */ + s.distance_context = 1 + } else { + var distance_code int = s.distance_code << 1 + const kDistanceShortCodeIndexOffset uint32 = 0xAAAFFF1B + const kDistanceShortCodeValueOffset uint32 = 0xFA5FA500 + var v int = (s.dist_rb_idx + int(kDistanceShortCodeIndexOffset>>uint(distance_code))) & 0x3 + /* kDistanceShortCodeIndexOffset has 2-bit values from LSB: + 3, 2, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 */ + + /* kDistanceShortCodeValueOffset has 2-bit values from LSB: + -0, 0,-0, 0,-1, 1,-2, 2,-3, 3,-1, 1,-2, 2,-3, 3 */ + s.distance_code = s.dist_rb[v] + + v = int(kDistanceShortCodeValueOffset>>uint(distance_code)) & 0x3 + if distance_code&0x3 != 0 { + s.distance_code += v + } else { + s.distance_code -= v + if s.distance_code <= 0 { + /* A huge distance will cause a () soon. + This is a little faster than failing here. */ + s.distance_code = 0x7FFFFFFF + } + } + } +} + +func safeReadBitsMaybeZero(br *bitReader, n_bits uint32, val *uint32) bool { + if n_bits != 0 { + return safeReadBits(br, n_bits, val) + } else { + *val = 0 + return true + } +} + +/* Precondition: s->distance_code < 0. */ +func readDistanceInternal(safe int, s *Reader, br *bitReader) bool { + var distval int + var memento bitReaderState + var distance_tree []huffmanCode = []huffmanCode(s.distance_hgroup.htrees[s.dist_htree_index]) + if safe == 0 { + s.distance_code = int(readSymbol(distance_tree, br)) + } else { + var code uint32 + bitReaderSaveState(br, &memento) + if !safeReadSymbol(distance_tree, br, &code) { + return false + } + + s.distance_code = int(code) + } + + /* Convert the distance code to the actual distance by possibly + looking up past distances from the s->ringbuffer. */ + s.distance_context = 0 + + if s.distance_code&^0xF == 0 { + takeDistanceFromRingBuffer(s) + s.block_length[2]-- + return true + } + + distval = s.distance_code - int(s.num_direct_distance_codes) + if distval >= 0 { + var nbits uint32 + var postfix int + var offset int + if safe == 0 && (s.distance_postfix_bits == 0) { + nbits = (uint32(distval) >> 1) + 1 + offset = ((2 + (distval & 1)) << nbits) - 4 + s.distance_code = int(s.num_direct_distance_codes) + offset + int(readBits(br, nbits)) + } else { + /* This branch also works well when s->distance_postfix_bits == 0. */ + var bits uint32 + postfix = distval & s.distance_postfix_mask + distval >>= s.distance_postfix_bits + nbits = (uint32(distval) >> 1) + 1 + if safe != 0 { + if !safeReadBitsMaybeZero(br, nbits, &bits) { + s.distance_code = -1 /* Restore precondition. */ + bitReaderRestoreState(br, &memento) + return false + } + } else { + bits = readBits(br, nbits) + } + + offset = ((2 + (distval & 1)) << nbits) - 4 + s.distance_code = int(s.num_direct_distance_codes) + ((offset + int(bits)) << s.distance_postfix_bits) + postfix + } + } + + s.distance_code = s.distance_code - numDistanceShortCodes + 1 + s.block_length[2]-- + return true +} + +func readDistance(s *Reader, br *bitReader) { + readDistanceInternal(0, s, br) +} + +func safeReadDistance(s *Reader, br *bitReader) bool { + return readDistanceInternal(1, s, br) +} + +func readCommandInternal(safe int, s *Reader, br *bitReader, insert_length *int) bool { + var cmd_code uint32 + var insert_len_extra uint32 = 0 + var copy_length uint32 + var v cmdLutElement + var memento bitReaderState + if safe == 0 { + cmd_code = readSymbol(s.htree_command, br) + } else { + bitReaderSaveState(br, &memento) + if !safeReadSymbol(s.htree_command, br, &cmd_code) { + return false + } + } + + v = kCmdLut[cmd_code] + s.distance_code = int(v.distance_code) + s.distance_context = int(v.context) + s.dist_htree_index = s.dist_context_map_slice[s.distance_context] + *insert_length = int(v.insert_len_offset) + if safe == 0 { + if v.insert_len_extra_bits != 0 { + insert_len_extra = readBits(br, uint32(v.insert_len_extra_bits)) + } + + copy_length = readBits(br, uint32(v.copy_len_extra_bits)) + } else { + if !safeReadBitsMaybeZero(br, uint32(v.insert_len_extra_bits), &insert_len_extra) || !safeReadBitsMaybeZero(br, uint32(v.copy_len_extra_bits), ©_length) { + bitReaderRestoreState(br, &memento) + return false + } + } + + s.copy_length = int(copy_length) + int(v.copy_len_offset) + s.block_length[1]-- + *insert_length += int(insert_len_extra) + return true +} + +func readCommand(s *Reader, br *bitReader, insert_length *int) { + readCommandInternal(0, s, br, insert_length) +} + +func safeReadCommand(s *Reader, br *bitReader, insert_length *int) bool { + return readCommandInternal(1, s, br, insert_length) +} + +func checkInputAmountMaybeSafe(safe int, br *bitReader, num uint) bool { + if safe != 0 { + return true + } + + return checkInputAmount(br, num) +} + +func processCommandsInternal(safe int, s *Reader) int { + var pos int = s.pos + var i int = s.loop_counter + var result int = decoderSuccess + var br *bitReader = &s.br + var hc []huffmanCode + + if !checkInputAmountMaybeSafe(safe, br, 28) { + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + + if safe == 0 { + warmupBitReader(br) + } + + /* Jump into state machine. */ + if s.state == stateCommandBegin { + goto CommandBegin + } else if s.state == stateCommandInner { + goto CommandInner + } else if s.state == stateCommandPostDecodeLiterals { + goto CommandPostDecodeLiterals + } else if s.state == stateCommandPostWrapCopy { + goto CommandPostWrapCopy + } else { + return decoderErrorUnreachable + } + +CommandBegin: + if safe != 0 { + s.state = stateCommandBegin + } + + if !checkInputAmountMaybeSafe(safe, br, 28) { /* 156 bits + 7 bytes */ + s.state = stateCommandBegin + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + + if s.block_length[1] == 0 { + if safe != 0 { + if !safeDecodeCommandBlockSwitch(s) { + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + } else { + decodeCommandBlockSwitch(s) + } + + goto CommandBegin + } + + /* Read the insert/copy length in the command. */ + if safe != 0 { + if !safeReadCommand(s, br, &i) { + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + } else { + readCommand(s, br, &i) + } + + if i == 0 { + goto CommandPostDecodeLiterals + } + + s.meta_block_remaining_len -= i + +CommandInner: + if safe != 0 { + s.state = stateCommandInner + } + + /* Read the literals in the command. */ + if s.trivial_literal_context != 0 { + var bits uint32 + var value uint32 + preloadSymbol(safe, s.literal_htree, br, &bits, &value) + for { + if !checkInputAmountMaybeSafe(safe, br, 28) { /* 162 bits + 7 bytes */ + s.state = stateCommandInner + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + + if s.block_length[0] == 0 { + if safe != 0 { + if !safeDecodeLiteralBlockSwitch(s) { + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + } else { + decodeLiteralBlockSwitch(s) + } + + preloadSymbol(safe, s.literal_htree, br, &bits, &value) + if s.trivial_literal_context == 0 { + goto CommandInner + } + } + + if safe == 0 { + s.ringbuffer[pos] = byte(readPreloadedSymbol(s.literal_htree, br, &bits, &value)) + } else { + var literal uint32 + if !safeReadSymbol(s.literal_htree, br, &literal) { + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + + s.ringbuffer[pos] = byte(literal) + } + + s.block_length[0]-- + pos++ + if pos == s.ringbuffer_size { + s.state = stateCommandInnerWrite + i-- + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + i-- + if i == 0 { + break + } + } + } else { + var p1 byte = s.ringbuffer[(pos-1)&s.ringbuffer_mask] + var p2 byte = s.ringbuffer[(pos-2)&s.ringbuffer_mask] + for { + var context byte + if !checkInputAmountMaybeSafe(safe, br, 28) { /* 162 bits + 7 bytes */ + s.state = stateCommandInner + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + + if s.block_length[0] == 0 { + if safe != 0 { + if !safeDecodeLiteralBlockSwitch(s) { + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + } else { + decodeLiteralBlockSwitch(s) + } + + if s.trivial_literal_context != 0 { + goto CommandInner + } + } + + context = getContext(p1, p2, s.context_lookup) + hc = []huffmanCode(s.literal_hgroup.htrees[s.context_map_slice[context]]) + p2 = p1 + if safe == 0 { + p1 = byte(readSymbol(hc, br)) + } else { + var literal uint32 + if !safeReadSymbol(hc, br, &literal) { + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + + p1 = byte(literal) + } + + s.ringbuffer[pos] = p1 + s.block_length[0]-- + pos++ + if pos == s.ringbuffer_size { + s.state = stateCommandInnerWrite + i-- + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + i-- + if i == 0 { + break + } + } + } + + if s.meta_block_remaining_len <= 0 { + s.state = stateMetablockDone + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + +CommandPostDecodeLiterals: + if safe != 0 { + s.state = stateCommandPostDecodeLiterals + } + + if s.distance_code >= 0 { + /* Implicit distance case. */ + if s.distance_code != 0 { + s.distance_context = 0 + } else { + s.distance_context = 1 + } + + s.dist_rb_idx-- + s.distance_code = s.dist_rb[s.dist_rb_idx&3] + } else { + /* Read distance code in the command, unless it was implicitly zero. */ + if s.block_length[2] == 0 { + if safe != 0 { + if !safeDecodeDistanceBlockSwitch(s) { + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + } else { + decodeDistanceBlockSwitch(s) + } + } + + if safe != 0 { + if !safeReadDistance(s, br) { + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + } else { + readDistance(s, br) + } + } + + if s.max_distance != s.max_backward_distance { + if pos < s.max_backward_distance { + s.max_distance = pos + } else { + s.max_distance = s.max_backward_distance + } + } + + i = s.copy_length + + /* Apply copy of LZ77 back-reference, or static dictionary reference if + the distance is larger than the max LZ77 distance */ + if s.distance_code > s.max_distance { + /* The maximum allowed distance is BROTLI_MAX_ALLOWED_DISTANCE = 0x7FFFFFFC. + With this choice, no signed overflow can occur after decoding + a special distance code (e.g., after adding 3 to the last distance). */ + if s.distance_code > maxAllowedDistance { + return decoderErrorFormatDistance + } + + if i >= minDictionaryWordLength && i <= maxDictionaryWordLength { + var address int = s.distance_code - s.max_distance - 1 + var words *dictionary = s.dictionary + var trans *transforms = s.transforms + var offset int = int(s.dictionary.offsets_by_length[i]) + var shift uint32 = uint32(s.dictionary.size_bits_by_length[i]) + var mask int = int(bitMask(shift)) + var word_idx int = address & mask + var transform_idx int = address >> shift + + /* Compensate double distance-ring-buffer roll. */ + s.dist_rb_idx += s.distance_context + + offset += word_idx * i + if words.data == nil { + return decoderErrorDictionaryNotSet + } + + if transform_idx < int(trans.num_transforms) { + word := words.data[offset:] + var len int = i + if transform_idx == int(trans.cutOffTransforms[0]) { + copy(s.ringbuffer[pos:], word[:uint(len)]) + } else { + len = transformDictionaryWord(s.ringbuffer[pos:], word, int(len), trans, transform_idx) + } + + pos += int(len) + s.meta_block_remaining_len -= int(len) + if pos >= s.ringbuffer_size { + s.state = stateCommandPostWrite1 + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + } else { + return decoderErrorFormatTransform + } + } else { + return decoderErrorFormatDictionary + } + } else { + var src_start int = (pos - s.distance_code) & s.ringbuffer_mask + copy_dst := s.ringbuffer[pos:] + copy_src := s.ringbuffer[src_start:] + var dst_end int = pos + i + var src_end int = src_start + i + + /* Update the recent distances cache. */ + s.dist_rb[s.dist_rb_idx&3] = s.distance_code + + s.dist_rb_idx++ + s.meta_block_remaining_len -= i + + /* There are 32+ bytes of slack in the ring-buffer allocation. + Also, we have 16 short codes, that make these 16 bytes irrelevant + in the ring-buffer. Let's copy over them as a first guess. */ + copy(copy_dst, copy_src[:16]) + + if src_end > pos && dst_end > src_start { + /* Regions intersect. */ + goto CommandPostWrapCopy + } + + if dst_end >= s.ringbuffer_size || src_end >= s.ringbuffer_size { + /* At least one region wraps. */ + goto CommandPostWrapCopy + } + + pos += i + if i > 16 { + if i > 32 { + copy(copy_dst[16:], copy_src[16:][:uint(i-16)]) + } else { + /* This branch covers about 45% cases. + Fixed size short copy allows more compiler optimizations. */ + copy(copy_dst[16:], copy_src[16:][:16]) + } + } + } + + if s.meta_block_remaining_len <= 0 { + /* Next metablock, if any. */ + s.state = stateMetablockDone + + goto saveStateAndReturn + } else { + goto CommandBegin + } +CommandPostWrapCopy: + { + var wrap_guard int = s.ringbuffer_size - pos + for { + i-- + if i < 0 { + break + } + s.ringbuffer[pos] = s.ringbuffer[(pos-s.distance_code)&s.ringbuffer_mask] + pos++ + wrap_guard-- + if wrap_guard == 0 { + s.state = stateCommandPostWrite2 + goto saveStateAndReturn + } + } + } + + if s.meta_block_remaining_len <= 0 { + /* Next metablock, if any. */ + s.state = stateMetablockDone + + goto saveStateAndReturn + } else { + goto CommandBegin + } + +saveStateAndReturn: + s.pos = pos + s.loop_counter = i + return result +} + +func processCommands(s *Reader) int { + return processCommandsInternal(0, s) +} + +func safeProcessCommands(s *Reader) int { + return processCommandsInternal(1, s) +} + +/* Returns the maximum number of distance symbols which can only represent + distances not exceeding BROTLI_MAX_ALLOWED_DISTANCE. */ + +var maxDistanceSymbol_bound = [maxNpostfix + 1]uint32{0, 4, 12, 28} +var maxDistanceSymbol_diff = [maxNpostfix + 1]uint32{73, 126, 228, 424} + +func maxDistanceSymbol(ndirect uint32, npostfix uint32) uint32 { + var postfix uint32 = 1 << npostfix + if ndirect < maxDistanceSymbol_bound[npostfix] { + return ndirect + maxDistanceSymbol_diff[npostfix] + postfix + } else if ndirect > maxDistanceSymbol_bound[npostfix]+postfix { + return ndirect + maxDistanceSymbol_diff[npostfix] + } else { + return maxDistanceSymbol_bound[npostfix] + maxDistanceSymbol_diff[npostfix] + postfix + } +} + +/* Invariant: input stream is never overconsumed: + - invalid input implies that the whole stream is invalid -> any amount of + input could be read and discarded + - when result is "needs more input", then at least one more byte is REQUIRED + to complete decoding; all input data MUST be consumed by decoder, so + client could swap the input buffer + - when result is "needs more output" decoder MUST ensure that it doesn't + hold more than 7 bits in bit reader; this saves client from swapping input + buffer ahead of time + - when result is "success" decoder MUST return all unused data back to input + buffer; this is possible because the invariant is held on enter */ +func decoderDecompressStream(s *Reader, available_in *uint, next_in *[]byte, available_out *uint, next_out *[]byte) int { + var result int = decoderSuccess + var br *bitReader = &s.br + + /* Do not try to process further in a case of unrecoverable error. */ + if int(s.error_code) < 0 { + return decoderResultError + } + + if *available_out != 0 && (next_out == nil || *next_out == nil) { + return saveErrorCode(s, decoderErrorInvalidArguments) + } + + if *available_out == 0 { + next_out = nil + } + if s.buffer_length == 0 { /* Just connect bit reader to input stream. */ + br.input_len = *available_in + br.input = *next_in + br.byte_pos = 0 + } else { + /* At least one byte of input is required. More than one byte of input may + be required to complete the transaction -> reading more data must be + done in a loop -> do it in a main loop. */ + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + + br.input = s.buffer.u8[:] + br.byte_pos = 0 + } + + /* State machine */ + for { + if result != decoderSuccess { + /* Error, needs more input/output. */ + if result == decoderNeedsMoreInput { + if s.ringbuffer != nil { /* Pro-actively push output. */ + var intermediate_result int = writeRingBuffer(s, available_out, next_out, nil, true) + + /* WriteRingBuffer checks s->meta_block_remaining_len validity. */ + if int(intermediate_result) < 0 { + result = intermediate_result + break + } + } + + if s.buffer_length != 0 { /* Used with internal buffer. */ + if br.byte_pos == br.input_len { + /* Successfully finished read transaction. + Accumulator contains less than 8 bits, because internal buffer + is expanded byte-by-byte until it is enough to complete read. */ + s.buffer_length = 0 + + /* Switch to input stream and restart. */ + result = decoderSuccess + + br.input_len = *available_in + br.input = *next_in + br.byte_pos = 0 + continue + } else if *available_in != 0 { + /* Not enough data in buffer, but can take one more byte from + input stream. */ + result = decoderSuccess + + s.buffer.u8[s.buffer_length] = (*next_in)[0] + s.buffer_length++ + br.input_len = uint(s.buffer_length) + *next_in = (*next_in)[1:] + (*available_in)-- + + /* Retry with more data in buffer. */ + continue + } + + /* Can't finish reading and no more input. */ + break + /* Input stream doesn't contain enough input. */ + } else { + /* Copy tail to internal buffer and return. */ + *next_in = br.input[br.byte_pos:] + + *available_in = br.input_len - br.byte_pos + for *available_in != 0 { + s.buffer.u8[s.buffer_length] = (*next_in)[0] + s.buffer_length++ + *next_in = (*next_in)[1:] + (*available_in)-- + } + + break + } + } + + /* Unreachable. */ + + /* Fail or needs more output. */ + if s.buffer_length != 0 { + /* Just consumed the buffered input and produced some output. Otherwise + it would result in "needs more input". Reset internal buffer. */ + s.buffer_length = 0 + } else { + /* Using input stream in last iteration. When decoder switches to input + stream it has less than 8 bits in accumulator, so it is safe to + return unused accumulator bits there. */ + bitReaderUnload(br) + + *available_in = br.input_len - br.byte_pos + *next_in = br.input[br.byte_pos:] + } + + break + } + + switch s.state { + /* Prepare to the first read. */ + case stateUninited: + if !warmupBitReader(br) { + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + break + } + + /* Decode window size. */ + result = decodeWindowBits(s, br) /* Reads 1..8 bits. */ + if result != decoderSuccess { + break + } + + if s.large_window { + s.state = stateLargeWindowBits + break + } + + s.state = stateInitialize + + case stateLargeWindowBits: + if !safeReadBits(br, 6, &s.window_bits) { + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + break + } + + if s.window_bits < largeMinWbits || s.window_bits > largeMaxWbits { + result = decoderErrorFormatWindowBits + break + } + + s.state = stateInitialize + fallthrough + + /* Maximum distance, see section 9.1. of the spec. */ + /* Fall through. */ + case stateInitialize: + s.max_backward_distance = (1 << s.window_bits) - windowGap + + /* Allocate memory for both block_type_trees and block_len_trees. */ + s.block_type_trees = make([]huffmanCode, (3 * (huffmanMaxSize258 + huffmanMaxSize26))) + + if s.block_type_trees == nil { + result = decoderErrorAllocBlockTypeTrees + break + } + + s.block_len_trees = s.block_type_trees[3*huffmanMaxSize258:] + + s.state = stateMetablockBegin + fallthrough + + /* Fall through. */ + case stateMetablockBegin: + decoderStateMetablockBegin(s) + + s.state = stateMetablockHeader + fallthrough + + /* Fall through. */ + case stateMetablockHeader: + result = decodeMetaBlockLength(s, br) + /* Reads 2 - 31 bits. */ + if result != decoderSuccess { + break + } + + if s.is_metadata != 0 || s.is_uncompressed != 0 { + if !bitReaderJumpToByteBoundary(br) { + result = decoderErrorFormatPadding1 + break + } + } + + if s.is_metadata != 0 { + s.state = stateMetadata + break + } + + if s.meta_block_remaining_len == 0 { + s.state = stateMetablockDone + break + } + + calculateRingBufferSize(s) + if s.is_uncompressed != 0 { + s.state = stateUncompressed + break + } + + s.loop_counter = 0 + s.state = stateHuffmanCode0 + + case stateUncompressed: + result = copyUncompressedBlockToOutput(available_out, next_out, nil, s) + if result == decoderSuccess { + s.state = stateMetablockDone + } + + case stateMetadata: + for ; s.meta_block_remaining_len > 0; s.meta_block_remaining_len-- { + var bits uint32 + + /* Read one byte and ignore it. */ + if !safeReadBits(br, 8, &bits) { + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + break + } + } + + if result == decoderSuccess { + s.state = stateMetablockDone + } + + case stateHuffmanCode0: + if s.loop_counter >= 3 { + s.state = stateMetablockHeader2 + break + } + + /* Reads 1..11 bits. */ + result = decodeVarLenUint8(s, br, &s.num_block_types[s.loop_counter]) + + if result != decoderSuccess { + break + } + + s.num_block_types[s.loop_counter]++ + if s.num_block_types[s.loop_counter] < 2 { + s.loop_counter++ + break + } + + s.state = stateHuffmanCode1 + fallthrough + + case stateHuffmanCode1: + { + var alphabet_size uint32 = s.num_block_types[s.loop_counter] + 2 + var tree_offset int = s.loop_counter * huffmanMaxSize258 + result = readHuffmanCode(alphabet_size, alphabet_size, s.block_type_trees[tree_offset:], nil, s) + if result != decoderSuccess { + break + } + s.state = stateHuffmanCode2 + } + fallthrough + + case stateHuffmanCode2: + { + var alphabet_size uint32 = numBlockLenSymbols + var tree_offset int = s.loop_counter * huffmanMaxSize26 + result = readHuffmanCode(alphabet_size, alphabet_size, s.block_len_trees[tree_offset:], nil, s) + if result != decoderSuccess { + break + } + s.state = stateHuffmanCode3 + } + fallthrough + + case stateHuffmanCode3: + var tree_offset int = s.loop_counter * huffmanMaxSize26 + if !safeReadBlockLength(s, &s.block_length[s.loop_counter], s.block_len_trees[tree_offset:], br) { + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + break + } + + s.loop_counter++ + s.state = stateHuffmanCode0 + + case stateMetablockHeader2: + { + var bits uint32 + if !safeReadBits(br, 6, &bits) { + result = decoderNeedsMoreInput + break + } + + s.distance_postfix_bits = bits & bitMask(2) + bits >>= 2 + s.num_direct_distance_codes = numDistanceShortCodes + (bits << s.distance_postfix_bits) + s.distance_postfix_mask = int(bitMask(s.distance_postfix_bits)) + s.context_modes = make([]byte, uint(s.num_block_types[0])) + if s.context_modes == nil { + result = decoderErrorAllocContextModes + break + } + + s.loop_counter = 0 + s.state = stateContextModes + } + fallthrough + + case stateContextModes: + result = readContextModes(s) + + if result != decoderSuccess { + break + } + + s.state = stateContextMap1 + fallthrough + + case stateContextMap1: + result = decodeContextMap(s.num_block_types[0]<= 3 { + prepareLiteralDecoding(s) + s.dist_context_map_slice = s.dist_context_map + s.htree_command = []huffmanCode(s.insert_copy_hgroup.htrees[0]) + if !ensureRingBuffer(s) { + result = decoderErrorAllocRingBuffer2 + break + } + + s.state = stateCommandBegin + } + + case stateCommandBegin, stateCommandInner, stateCommandPostDecodeLiterals, stateCommandPostWrapCopy: + result = processCommands(s) + + if result == decoderNeedsMoreInput { + result = safeProcessCommands(s) + } + + case stateCommandInnerWrite, stateCommandPostWrite1, stateCommandPostWrite2: + result = writeRingBuffer(s, available_out, next_out, nil, false) + + if result != decoderSuccess { + break + } + + wrapRingBuffer(s) + if s.ringbuffer_size == 1<= uint64(block_size) { + return 0 + } + return block_size - uint(delta) +} + +/* Wraps 64-bit input position to 32-bit ring-buffer position preserving + "not-a-first-lap" feature. */ +func wrapPosition(position uint64) uint32 { + var result uint32 = uint32(position) + var gb uint64 = position >> 30 + if gb > 2 { + /* Wrap every 2GiB; The first 3GB are continuous. */ + result = result&((1<<30)-1) | (uint32((gb-1)&1)+1)<<30 + } + + return result +} + +func (s *Writer) getStorage(size int) []byte { + if len(s.storage) < size { + s.storage = make([]byte, size) + } + + return s.storage +} + +func hashTableSize(max_table_size uint, input_size uint) uint { + var htsize uint = 256 + for htsize < max_table_size && htsize < input_size { + htsize <<= 1 + } + + return htsize +} + +func getHashTable(s *Writer, quality int, input_size uint, table_size *uint) []int { + var max_table_size uint = maxHashTableSize(quality) + var htsize uint = hashTableSize(max_table_size, input_size) + /* Use smaller hash table when input.size() is smaller, since we + fill the table, incurring O(hash table size) overhead for + compression, and if the input is short, we won't need that + many hash table entries anyway. */ + + var table []int + assert(max_table_size >= 256) + if quality == fastOnePassCompressionQuality { + /* Only odd shifts are supported by fast-one-pass. */ + if htsize&0xAAAAA == 0 { + htsize <<= 1 + } + } + + if htsize <= uint(len(s.small_table_)) { + table = s.small_table_[:] + } else { + if htsize > s.large_table_size_ { + s.large_table_size_ = htsize + s.large_table_ = nil + s.large_table_ = make([]int, htsize) + } + + table = s.large_table_ + } + + *table_size = htsize + for i := 0; i < int(htsize); i++ { + table[i] = 0 + } + return table +} + +func encodeWindowBits(lgwin int, large_window bool, last_bytes *uint16, last_bytes_bits *byte) { + if large_window { + *last_bytes = uint16((lgwin&0x3F)<<8 | 0x11) + *last_bytes_bits = 14 + } else { + if lgwin == 16 { + *last_bytes = 0 + *last_bytes_bits = 1 + } else if lgwin == 17 { + *last_bytes = 1 + *last_bytes_bits = 7 + } else if lgwin > 17 { + *last_bytes = uint16((lgwin-17)<<1 | 0x01) + *last_bytes_bits = 4 + } else { + *last_bytes = uint16((lgwin-8)<<4 | 0x01) + *last_bytes_bits = 7 + } + } +} + +/* Decide about the context map based on the ability of the prediction + ability of the previous byte UTF8-prefix on the next byte. The + prediction ability is calculated as Shannon entropy. Here we need + Shannon entropy instead of 'BitsEntropy' since the prefix will be + encoded with the remaining 6 bits of the following byte, and + BitsEntropy will assume that symbol to be stored alone using Huffman + coding. */ + +var kStaticContextMapContinuation = [64]uint32{ + 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, +} +var kStaticContextMapSimpleUTF8 = [64]uint32{ + 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, +} + +func chooseContextMap(quality int, bigram_histo []uint32, num_literal_contexts *uint, literal_context_map *[]uint32) { + var monogram_histo = [3]uint32{0} + var two_prefix_histo = [6]uint32{0} + var total uint + var i uint + var dummy uint + var entropy [4]float64 + for i = 0; i < 9; i++ { + monogram_histo[i%3] += bigram_histo[i] + two_prefix_histo[i%6] += bigram_histo[i] + } + + entropy[1] = shannonEntropy(monogram_histo[:], 3, &dummy) + entropy[2] = (shannonEntropy(two_prefix_histo[:], 3, &dummy) + shannonEntropy(two_prefix_histo[3:], 3, &dummy)) + entropy[3] = 0 + for i = 0; i < 3; i++ { + entropy[3] += shannonEntropy(bigram_histo[3*i:], 3, &dummy) + } + + total = uint(monogram_histo[0] + monogram_histo[1] + monogram_histo[2]) + assert(total != 0) + entropy[0] = 1.0 / float64(total) + entropy[1] *= entropy[0] + entropy[2] *= entropy[0] + entropy[3] *= entropy[0] + + if quality < minQualityForHqContextModeling { + /* 3 context models is a bit slower, don't use it at lower qualities. */ + entropy[3] = entropy[1] * 10 + } + + /* If expected savings by symbol are less than 0.2 bits, skip the + context modeling -- in exchange for faster decoding speed. */ + if entropy[1]-entropy[2] < 0.2 && entropy[1]-entropy[3] < 0.2 { + *num_literal_contexts = 1 + } else if entropy[2]-entropy[3] < 0.02 { + *num_literal_contexts = 2 + *literal_context_map = kStaticContextMapSimpleUTF8[:] + } else { + *num_literal_contexts = 3 + *literal_context_map = kStaticContextMapContinuation[:] + } +} + +/* Decide if we want to use a more complex static context map containing 13 + context values, based on the entropy reduction of histograms over the + first 5 bits of literals. */ + +var kStaticContextMapComplexUTF8 = [64]uint32{ + 11, 11, 12, 12, /* 0 special */ + 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 4 lf */ + 1, 1, 9, 9, /* 8 space */ + 2, 2, 2, 2, /* !, first after space/lf and after something else. */ + 1, 1, 1, 1, /* " */ + 8, 3, 3, 3, /* % */ + 1, 1, 1, 1, /* ({[ */ + 2, 2, 2, 2, /* }]) */ + 8, 4, 4, 4, /* :; */ + 8, 7, 4, 4, /* . */ + 8, 0, 0, 0, /* > */ + 3, 3, 3, 3, /* [0..9] */ + 5, 5, 10, 5, /* [A-Z] */ + 5, 5, 10, 5, + 6, 6, 6, 6, /* [a-z] */ + 6, 6, 6, 6, +} + +func shouldUseComplexStaticContextMap(input []byte, start_pos uint, length uint, mask uint, quality int, size_hint uint, num_literal_contexts *uint, literal_context_map *[]uint32) bool { + /* Try the more complex static context map only for long data. */ + if size_hint < 1<<20 { + return false + } else { + var end_pos uint = start_pos + length + var combined_histo = [32]uint32{0} + var context_histo = [13][32]uint32{[32]uint32{0}} + var total uint32 = 0 + var entropy [3]float64 + var dummy uint + var i uint + var utf8_lut contextLUT = getContextLUT(contextUTF8) + /* To make entropy calculations faster and to fit on the stack, we collect + histograms over the 5 most significant bits of literals. One histogram + without context and 13 additional histograms for each context value. */ + for ; start_pos+64 <= end_pos; start_pos += 4096 { + var stride_end_pos uint = start_pos + 64 + var prev2 byte = input[start_pos&mask] + var prev1 byte = input[(start_pos+1)&mask] + var pos uint + + /* To make the analysis of the data faster we only examine 64 byte long + strides at every 4kB intervals. */ + for pos = start_pos + 2; pos < stride_end_pos; pos++ { + var literal byte = input[pos&mask] + var context byte = byte(kStaticContextMapComplexUTF8[getContext(prev1, prev2, utf8_lut)]) + total++ + combined_histo[literal>>3]++ + context_histo[context][literal>>3]++ + prev2 = prev1 + prev1 = literal + } + } + + entropy[1] = shannonEntropy(combined_histo[:], 32, &dummy) + entropy[2] = 0 + for i = 0; i < 13; i++ { + entropy[2] += shannonEntropy(context_histo[i][0:], 32, &dummy) + } + + entropy[0] = 1.0 / float64(total) + entropy[1] *= entropy[0] + entropy[2] *= entropy[0] + + /* The triggering heuristics below were tuned by compressing the individual + files of the silesia corpus. If we skip this kind of context modeling + for not very well compressible input (i.e. entropy using context modeling + is 60% of maximal entropy) or if expected savings by symbol are less + than 0.2 bits, then in every case when it triggers, the final compression + ratio is improved. Note however that this heuristics might be too strict + for some cases and could be tuned further. */ + if entropy[2] > 3.0 || entropy[1]-entropy[2] < 0.2 { + return false + } else { + *num_literal_contexts = 13 + *literal_context_map = kStaticContextMapComplexUTF8[:] + return true + } + } +} + +func decideOverLiteralContextModeling(input []byte, start_pos uint, length uint, mask uint, quality int, size_hint uint, num_literal_contexts *uint, literal_context_map *[]uint32) { + if quality < minQualityForContextModeling || length < 64 { + return + } else if shouldUseComplexStaticContextMap(input, start_pos, length, mask, quality, size_hint, num_literal_contexts, literal_context_map) { + } else /* Context map was already set, nothing else to do. */ + { + var end_pos uint = start_pos + length + /* Gather bi-gram data of the UTF8 byte prefixes. To make the analysis of + UTF8 data faster we only examine 64 byte long strides at every 4kB + intervals. */ + + var bigram_prefix_histo = [9]uint32{0} + for ; start_pos+64 <= end_pos; start_pos += 4096 { + var lut = [4]int{0, 0, 1, 2} + var stride_end_pos uint = start_pos + 64 + var prev int = lut[input[start_pos&mask]>>6] * 3 + var pos uint + for pos = start_pos + 1; pos < stride_end_pos; pos++ { + var literal byte = input[pos&mask] + bigram_prefix_histo[prev+lut[literal>>6]]++ + prev = lut[literal>>6] * 3 + } + } + + chooseContextMap(quality, bigram_prefix_histo[0:], num_literal_contexts, literal_context_map) + } +} + +func shouldCompress_encode(data []byte, mask uint, last_flush_pos uint64, bytes uint, num_literals uint, num_commands uint) bool { + /* TODO: find more precise minimal block overhead. */ + if bytes <= 2 { + return false + } + if num_commands < (bytes>>8)+2 { + if float64(num_literals) > 0.99*float64(bytes) { + var literal_histo = [256]uint32{0} + const kSampleRate uint32 = 13 + const kMinEntropy float64 = 7.92 + var bit_cost_threshold float64 = float64(bytes) * kMinEntropy / float64(kSampleRate) + var t uint = uint((uint32(bytes) + kSampleRate - 1) / kSampleRate) + var pos uint32 = uint32(last_flush_pos) + var i uint + for i = 0; i < t; i++ { + literal_histo[data[pos&uint32(mask)]]++ + pos += kSampleRate + } + + if bitsEntropy(literal_histo[:], 256) > bit_cost_threshold { + return false + } + } + } + + return true +} + +/* Chooses the literal context mode for a metablock */ +func chooseContextMode(params *encoderParams, data []byte, pos uint, mask uint, length uint) int { + /* We only do the computation for the option of something else than + CONTEXT_UTF8 for the highest qualities */ + if params.quality >= minQualityForHqBlockSplitting && !isMostlyUTF8(data, pos, mask, length, kMinUTF8Ratio) { + return contextSigned + } + + return contextUTF8 +} + +func writeMetaBlockInternal(data []byte, mask uint, last_flush_pos uint64, bytes uint, is_last bool, literal_context_mode int, params *encoderParams, prev_byte byte, prev_byte2 byte, num_literals uint, commands []command, saved_dist_cache []int, dist_cache []int, storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + var wrapped_last_flush_pos uint32 = wrapPosition(last_flush_pos) + var last_bytes uint16 + var last_bytes_bits byte + var literal_context_lut contextLUT = getContextLUT(literal_context_mode) + var block_params encoderParams = *params + + if bytes == 0 { + /* Write the ISLAST and ISEMPTY bits. */ + writeBits(2, 3, storage_ix, storage) + + *storage_ix = (*storage_ix + 7) &^ 7 + return + } + + if !shouldCompress_encode(data, mask, last_flush_pos, bytes, num_literals, uint(len(commands))) { + /* Restore the distance cache, as its last update by + CreateBackwardReferences is now unused. */ + copy(dist_cache, saved_dist_cache[:4]) + + storeUncompressedMetaBlock(is_last, data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), mask, bytes, storage_ix, storage) + return + } + + assert(*storage_ix <= 14) + last_bytes = uint16(storage[1])<<8 | uint16(storage[0]) + last_bytes_bits = byte(*storage_ix) + if params.quality <= maxQualityForStaticEntropyCodes { + storeMetaBlockFast(data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), bytes, mask, is_last, params, commands, storage_ix, storage) + } else if params.quality < minQualityForBlockSplit { + storeMetaBlockTrivial(data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), bytes, mask, is_last, params, commands, storage_ix, storage) + } else { + mb := getMetaBlockSplit() + if params.quality < minQualityForHqBlockSplitting { + var num_literal_contexts uint = 1 + var literal_context_map []uint32 = nil + if !params.disable_literal_context_modeling { + decideOverLiteralContextModeling(data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), bytes, mask, params.quality, params.size_hint, &num_literal_contexts, &literal_context_map) + } + + buildMetaBlockGreedy(data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), mask, prev_byte, prev_byte2, literal_context_lut, num_literal_contexts, literal_context_map, commands, mb) + } else { + buildMetaBlock(data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), mask, &block_params, prev_byte, prev_byte2, commands, literal_context_mode, mb) + } + + if params.quality >= minQualityForOptimizeHistograms { + /* The number of distance symbols effectively used for distance + histograms. It might be less than distance alphabet size + for "Large Window Brotli" (32-bit). */ + var num_effective_dist_codes uint32 = block_params.dist.alphabet_size + if num_effective_dist_codes > numHistogramDistanceSymbols { + num_effective_dist_codes = numHistogramDistanceSymbols + } + + optimizeHistograms(num_effective_dist_codes, mb) + } + + storeMetaBlock(data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), bytes, mask, prev_byte, prev_byte2, is_last, &block_params, literal_context_mode, commands, mb, storage_ix, storage) + freeMetaBlockSplit(mb) + } + + if bytes+4 < *storage_ix>>3 { + /* Restore the distance cache and last byte. */ + copy(dist_cache, saved_dist_cache[:4]) + + storage[0] = byte(last_bytes) + storage[1] = byte(last_bytes >> 8) + *storage_ix = uint(last_bytes_bits) + storeUncompressedMetaBlock(is_last, data, uint(wrapped_last_flush_pos), mask, bytes, storage_ix, storage) + } +} + +func chooseDistanceParams(params *encoderParams) { + var distance_postfix_bits uint32 = 0 + var num_direct_distance_codes uint32 = 0 + + if params.quality >= minQualityForNonzeroDistanceParams { + var ndirect_msb uint32 + if params.mode == modeFont { + distance_postfix_bits = 1 + num_direct_distance_codes = 12 + } else { + distance_postfix_bits = params.dist.distance_postfix_bits + num_direct_distance_codes = params.dist.num_direct_distance_codes + } + + ndirect_msb = (num_direct_distance_codes >> distance_postfix_bits) & 0x0F + if distance_postfix_bits > maxNpostfix || num_direct_distance_codes > maxNdirect || ndirect_msb<>25)), (last_command.dist_prefix_&0x3FF == 0), &last_command.cmd_prefix_) + } +} + +/* + Processes the accumulated input data and writes + the new output meta-block to s.dest, if one has been + created (otherwise the processed input data is buffered internally). + If |is_last| or |force_flush| is true, an output meta-block is + always created. However, until |is_last| is true encoder may retain up + to 7 bits of the last byte of output. To force encoder to dump the remaining + bits use WriteMetadata() to append an empty meta-data block. + Returns false if the size of the input data is larger than + input_block_size(). +*/ +func encodeData(s *Writer, is_last bool, force_flush bool) bool { + var delta uint64 = unprocessedInputSize(s) + var bytes uint32 = uint32(delta) + var wrapped_last_processed_pos uint32 = wrapPosition(s.last_processed_pos_) + var data []byte + var mask uint32 + var literal_context_mode int + + data = s.ringbuffer_.buffer_ + mask = s.ringbuffer_.mask_ + + /* Adding more blocks after "last" block is forbidden. */ + if s.is_last_block_emitted_ { + return false + } + if is_last { + s.is_last_block_emitted_ = true + } + + if delta > uint64(inputBlockSize(s)) { + return false + } + + if s.params.quality == fastTwoPassCompressionQuality { + if s.command_buf_ == nil || cap(s.command_buf_) < int(kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize) { + s.command_buf_ = make([]uint32, kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize) + s.literal_buf_ = make([]byte, kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize) + } else { + s.command_buf_ = s.command_buf_[:kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize] + s.literal_buf_ = s.literal_buf_[:kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize] + } + } + + if s.params.quality == fastOnePassCompressionQuality || s.params.quality == fastTwoPassCompressionQuality { + var storage []byte + var storage_ix uint = uint(s.last_bytes_bits_) + var table_size uint + var table []int + + if delta == 0 && !is_last { + /* We have no new input data and we don't have to finish the stream, so + nothing to do. */ + return true + } + + storage = s.getStorage(int(2*bytes + 503)) + storage[0] = byte(s.last_bytes_) + storage[1] = byte(s.last_bytes_ >> 8) + table = getHashTable(s, s.params.quality, uint(bytes), &table_size) + if s.params.quality == fastOnePassCompressionQuality { + compressFragmentFast(data[wrapped_last_processed_pos&mask:], uint(bytes), is_last, table, table_size, s.cmd_depths_[:], s.cmd_bits_[:], &s.cmd_code_numbits_, s.cmd_code_[:], &storage_ix, storage) + } else { + compressFragmentTwoPass(data[wrapped_last_processed_pos&mask:], uint(bytes), is_last, s.command_buf_, s.literal_buf_, table, table_size, &storage_ix, storage) + } + + s.last_bytes_ = uint16(storage[storage_ix>>3]) + s.last_bytes_bits_ = byte(storage_ix & 7) + updateLastProcessedPos(s) + s.writeOutput(storage[:storage_ix>>3]) + return true + } + { + /* Theoretical max number of commands is 1 per 2 bytes. */ + newsize := len(s.commands) + int(bytes)/2 + 1 + if newsize > cap(s.commands) { + /* Reserve a bit more memory to allow merging with a next block + without reallocation: that would impact speed. */ + newsize += int(bytes/4) + 16 + + new_commands := make([]command, len(s.commands), newsize) + if s.commands != nil { + copy(new_commands, s.commands) + } + + s.commands = new_commands + } + } + + initOrStitchToPreviousBlock(&s.hasher_, data, uint(mask), &s.params, uint(wrapped_last_processed_pos), uint(bytes), is_last) + + literal_context_mode = chooseContextMode(&s.params, data, uint(wrapPosition(s.last_flush_pos_)), uint(mask), uint(s.input_pos_-s.last_flush_pos_)) + + if len(s.commands) != 0 && s.last_insert_len_ == 0 { + extendLastCommand(s, &bytes, &wrapped_last_processed_pos) + } + + if s.params.quality == zopflificationQuality { + assert(s.params.hasher.type_ == 10) + createZopfliBackwardReferences(uint(bytes), uint(wrapped_last_processed_pos), data, uint(mask), &s.params, s.hasher_.(*h10), s.dist_cache_[:], &s.last_insert_len_, &s.commands, &s.num_literals_) + } else if s.params.quality == hqZopflificationQuality { + assert(s.params.hasher.type_ == 10) + createHqZopfliBackwardReferences(uint(bytes), uint(wrapped_last_processed_pos), data, uint(mask), &s.params, s.hasher_, s.dist_cache_[:], &s.last_insert_len_, &s.commands, &s.num_literals_) + } else { + createBackwardReferences(uint(bytes), uint(wrapped_last_processed_pos), data, uint(mask), &s.params, s.hasher_, s.dist_cache_[:], &s.last_insert_len_, &s.commands, &s.num_literals_) + } + { + var max_length uint = maxMetablockSize(&s.params) + var max_literals uint = max_length / 8 + max_commands := int(max_length / 8) + var processed_bytes uint = uint(s.input_pos_ - s.last_flush_pos_) + var next_input_fits_metablock bool = (processed_bytes+inputBlockSize(s) <= max_length) + var should_flush bool = (s.params.quality < minQualityForBlockSplit && s.num_literals_+uint(len(s.commands)) >= maxNumDelayedSymbols) + /* If maximal possible additional block doesn't fit metablock, flush now. */ + /* TODO: Postpone decision until next block arrives? */ + + /* If block splitting is not used, then flush as soon as there is some + amount of commands / literals produced. */ + if !is_last && !force_flush && !should_flush && next_input_fits_metablock && s.num_literals_ < max_literals && len(s.commands) < max_commands { + /* Merge with next input block. Everything will happen later. */ + if updateLastProcessedPos(s) { + hasherReset(s.hasher_) + } + + return true + } + } + + /* Create the last insert-only command. */ + if s.last_insert_len_ > 0 { + s.commands = append(s.commands, makeInsertCommand(s.last_insert_len_)) + s.num_literals_ += s.last_insert_len_ + s.last_insert_len_ = 0 + } + + if !is_last && s.input_pos_ == s.last_flush_pos_ { + /* We have no new input data and we don't have to finish the stream, so + nothing to do. */ + return true + } + + assert(s.input_pos_ >= s.last_flush_pos_) + assert(s.input_pos_ > s.last_flush_pos_ || is_last) + assert(s.input_pos_-s.last_flush_pos_ <= 1<<24) + { + var metablock_size uint32 = uint32(s.input_pos_ - s.last_flush_pos_) + var storage []byte = s.getStorage(int(2*metablock_size + 503)) + var storage_ix uint = uint(s.last_bytes_bits_) + storage[0] = byte(s.last_bytes_) + storage[1] = byte(s.last_bytes_ >> 8) + writeMetaBlockInternal(data, uint(mask), s.last_flush_pos_, uint(metablock_size), is_last, literal_context_mode, &s.params, s.prev_byte_, s.prev_byte2_, s.num_literals_, s.commands, s.saved_dist_cache_[:], s.dist_cache_[:], &storage_ix, storage) + s.last_bytes_ = uint16(storage[storage_ix>>3]) + s.last_bytes_bits_ = byte(storage_ix & 7) + s.last_flush_pos_ = s.input_pos_ + if updateLastProcessedPos(s) { + hasherReset(s.hasher_) + } + + if s.last_flush_pos_ > 0 { + s.prev_byte_ = data[(uint32(s.last_flush_pos_)-1)&mask] + } + + if s.last_flush_pos_ > 1 { + s.prev_byte2_ = data[uint32(s.last_flush_pos_-2)&mask] + } + + s.commands = s.commands[:0] + s.num_literals_ = 0 + + /* Save the state of the distance cache in case we need to restore it for + emitting an uncompressed block. */ + copy(s.saved_dist_cache_[:], s.dist_cache_[:]) + + s.writeOutput(storage[:storage_ix>>3]) + return true + } +} + +/* Dumps remaining output bits and metadata header to |header|. + Returns number of produced bytes. + REQUIRED: |header| should be 8-byte aligned and at least 16 bytes long. + REQUIRED: |block_size| <= (1 << 24). */ +func writeMetadataHeader(s *Writer, block_size uint, header []byte) uint { + storage_ix := uint(s.last_bytes_bits_) + header[0] = byte(s.last_bytes_) + header[1] = byte(s.last_bytes_ >> 8) + s.last_bytes_ = 0 + s.last_bytes_bits_ = 0 + + writeBits(1, 0, &storage_ix, header) + writeBits(2, 3, &storage_ix, header) + writeBits(1, 0, &storage_ix, header) + if block_size == 0 { + writeBits(2, 0, &storage_ix, header) + } else { + var nbits uint32 + if block_size == 1 { + nbits = 0 + } else { + nbits = log2FloorNonZero(uint(uint32(block_size)-1)) + 1 + } + var nbytes uint32 = (nbits + 7) / 8 + writeBits(2, uint64(nbytes), &storage_ix, header) + writeBits(uint(8*nbytes), uint64(block_size)-1, &storage_ix, header) + } + + return (storage_ix + 7) >> 3 +} + +func injectBytePaddingBlock(s *Writer) { + var seal uint32 = uint32(s.last_bytes_) + var seal_bits uint = uint(s.last_bytes_bits_) + s.last_bytes_ = 0 + s.last_bytes_bits_ = 0 + + /* is_last = 0, data_nibbles = 11, reserved = 0, meta_nibbles = 00 */ + seal |= 0x6 << seal_bits + + seal_bits += 6 + + destination := s.tiny_buf_.u8[:] + + destination[0] = byte(seal) + if seal_bits > 8 { + destination[1] = byte(seal >> 8) + } + if seal_bits > 16 { + destination[2] = byte(seal >> 16) + } + s.writeOutput(destination[:(seal_bits+7)>>3]) +} + +func checkFlushComplete(s *Writer) { + if s.stream_state_ == streamFlushRequested && s.err == nil { + s.stream_state_ = streamProcessing + } +} + +func encoderCompressStreamFast(s *Writer, op int, available_in *uint, next_in *[]byte) bool { + var block_size_limit uint = uint(1) << s.params.lgwin + var buf_size uint = brotli_min_size_t(kCompressFragmentTwoPassBlockSize, brotli_min_size_t(*available_in, block_size_limit)) + var command_buf []uint32 = nil + var literal_buf []byte = nil + if s.params.quality != fastOnePassCompressionQuality && s.params.quality != fastTwoPassCompressionQuality { + return false + } + + if s.params.quality == fastTwoPassCompressionQuality { + if s.command_buf_ == nil || cap(s.command_buf_) < int(buf_size) { + s.command_buf_ = make([]uint32, buf_size) + s.literal_buf_ = make([]byte, buf_size) + } else { + s.command_buf_ = s.command_buf_[:buf_size] + s.literal_buf_ = s.literal_buf_[:buf_size] + } + + command_buf = s.command_buf_ + literal_buf = s.literal_buf_ + } + + for { + if s.stream_state_ == streamFlushRequested && s.last_bytes_bits_ != 0 { + injectBytePaddingBlock(s) + continue + } + + /* Compress block only when stream is not + finished, there is no pending flush request, and there is either + additional input or pending operation. */ + if s.stream_state_ == streamProcessing && (*available_in != 0 || op != int(operationProcess)) { + var block_size uint = brotli_min_size_t(block_size_limit, *available_in) + var is_last bool = (*available_in == block_size) && (op == int(operationFinish)) + var force_flush bool = (*available_in == block_size) && (op == int(operationFlush)) + var max_out_size uint = 2*block_size + 503 + var storage []byte = nil + var storage_ix uint = uint(s.last_bytes_bits_) + var table_size uint + var table []int + + if force_flush && block_size == 0 { + s.stream_state_ = streamFlushRequested + continue + } + + storage = s.getStorage(int(max_out_size)) + + storage[0] = byte(s.last_bytes_) + storage[1] = byte(s.last_bytes_ >> 8) + table = getHashTable(s, s.params.quality, block_size, &table_size) + + if s.params.quality == fastOnePassCompressionQuality { + compressFragmentFast(*next_in, block_size, is_last, table, table_size, s.cmd_depths_[:], s.cmd_bits_[:], &s.cmd_code_numbits_, s.cmd_code_[:], &storage_ix, storage) + } else { + compressFragmentTwoPass(*next_in, block_size, is_last, command_buf, literal_buf, table, table_size, &storage_ix, storage) + } + + *next_in = (*next_in)[block_size:] + *available_in -= block_size + var out_bytes uint = storage_ix >> 3 + s.writeOutput(storage[:out_bytes]) + + s.last_bytes_ = uint16(storage[storage_ix>>3]) + s.last_bytes_bits_ = byte(storage_ix & 7) + + if force_flush { + s.stream_state_ = streamFlushRequested + } + if is_last { + s.stream_state_ = streamFinished + } + continue + } + + break + } + + checkFlushComplete(s) + return true +} + +func processMetadata(s *Writer, available_in *uint, next_in *[]byte) bool { + if *available_in > 1<<24 { + return false + } + + /* Switch to metadata block workflow, if required. */ + if s.stream_state_ == streamProcessing { + s.remaining_metadata_bytes_ = uint32(*available_in) + s.stream_state_ = streamMetadataHead + } + + if s.stream_state_ != streamMetadataHead && s.stream_state_ != streamMetadataBody { + return false + } + + for { + if s.stream_state_ == streamFlushRequested && s.last_bytes_bits_ != 0 { + injectBytePaddingBlock(s) + continue + } + + if s.input_pos_ != s.last_flush_pos_ { + var result bool = encodeData(s, false, true) + if !result { + return false + } + continue + } + + if s.stream_state_ == streamMetadataHead { + n := writeMetadataHeader(s, uint(s.remaining_metadata_bytes_), s.tiny_buf_.u8[:]) + s.writeOutput(s.tiny_buf_.u8[:n]) + s.stream_state_ = streamMetadataBody + continue + } else { + /* Exit workflow only when there is no more input and no more output. + Otherwise client may continue producing empty metadata blocks. */ + if s.remaining_metadata_bytes_ == 0 { + s.remaining_metadata_bytes_ = math.MaxUint32 + s.stream_state_ = streamProcessing + break + } + + /* This guarantees progress in "TakeOutput" workflow. */ + var c uint32 = brotli_min_uint32_t(s.remaining_metadata_bytes_, 16) + copy(s.tiny_buf_.u8[:], (*next_in)[:c]) + *next_in = (*next_in)[c:] + *available_in -= uint(c) + s.remaining_metadata_bytes_ -= c + s.writeOutput(s.tiny_buf_.u8[:c]) + + continue + } + } + + return true +} + +func updateSizeHint(s *Writer, available_in uint) { + if s.params.size_hint == 0 { + var delta uint64 = unprocessedInputSize(s) + var tail uint64 = uint64(available_in) + var limit uint32 = 1 << 30 + var total uint32 + if (delta >= uint64(limit)) || (tail >= uint64(limit)) || ((delta + tail) >= uint64(limit)) { + total = limit + } else { + total = uint32(delta + tail) + } + + s.params.size_hint = uint(total) + } +} + +func encoderCompressStream(s *Writer, op int, available_in *uint, next_in *[]byte) bool { + if !ensureInitialized(s) { + return false + } + + /* Unfinished metadata block; check requirements. */ + if s.remaining_metadata_bytes_ != math.MaxUint32 { + if uint32(*available_in) != s.remaining_metadata_bytes_ { + return false + } + if op != int(operationEmitMetadata) { + return false + } + } + + if op == int(operationEmitMetadata) { + updateSizeHint(s, 0) /* First data metablock might be emitted here. */ + return processMetadata(s, available_in, next_in) + } + + if s.stream_state_ == streamMetadataHead || s.stream_state_ == streamMetadataBody { + return false + } + + if s.stream_state_ != streamProcessing && *available_in != 0 { + return false + } + + if s.params.quality == fastOnePassCompressionQuality || s.params.quality == fastTwoPassCompressionQuality { + return encoderCompressStreamFast(s, op, available_in, next_in) + } + + for { + var remaining_block_size uint = remainingInputBlockSize(s) + + if remaining_block_size != 0 && *available_in != 0 { + var copy_input_size uint = brotli_min_size_t(remaining_block_size, *available_in) + copyInputToRingBuffer(s, copy_input_size, *next_in) + *next_in = (*next_in)[copy_input_size:] + *available_in -= copy_input_size + continue + } + + if s.stream_state_ == streamFlushRequested && s.last_bytes_bits_ != 0 { + injectBytePaddingBlock(s) + continue + } + + /* Compress data only when stream is not + finished and there is no pending flush request. */ + if s.stream_state_ == streamProcessing { + if remaining_block_size == 0 || op != int(operationProcess) { + var is_last bool = ((*available_in == 0) && op == int(operationFinish)) + var force_flush bool = ((*available_in == 0) && op == int(operationFlush)) + var result bool + updateSizeHint(s, *available_in) + result = encodeData(s, is_last, force_flush) + if !result { + return false + } + if force_flush { + s.stream_state_ = streamFlushRequested + } + if is_last { + s.stream_state_ = streamFinished + } + continue + } + } + + break + } + + checkFlushComplete(s) + return true +} + +func (w *Writer) writeOutput(data []byte) { + if w.err != nil { + return + } + + _, w.err = w.dst.Write(data) + if w.err == nil { + checkFlushComplete(w) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/encoder.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/encoder.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..650d1e42b49ef --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/encoder.go @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +package brotli + +import "github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder" + +// An Encoder implements the matchfinder.Encoder interface, writing in Brotli format. +type Encoder struct { + wroteHeader bool + bw bitWriter + distCache []distanceCode +} + +func (e *Encoder) Reset() { + e.wroteHeader = false + e.bw = bitWriter{} +} + +func (e *Encoder) Encode(dst []byte, src []byte, matches []matchfinder.Match, lastBlock bool) []byte { + e.bw.dst = dst + if !e.wroteHeader { + e.bw.writeBits(4, 15) + e.wroteHeader = true + } + + var literalHisto [256]uint32 + var commandHisto [704]uint32 + var distanceHisto [64]uint32 + literalCount := 0 + commandCount := 0 + distanceCount := 0 + + if len(e.distCache) < len(matches) { + e.distCache = make([]distanceCode, len(matches)) + } + + // first pass: build the histograms + pos := 0 + + // d is the ring buffer of the last 4 distances. + d := [4]int{-10, -10, -10, -10} + for i, m := range matches { + if m.Unmatched > 0 { + for _, c := range src[pos : pos+m.Unmatched] { + literalHisto[c]++ + } + literalCount += m.Unmatched + } + + insertCode := getInsertLengthCode(uint(m.Unmatched)) + copyCode := getCopyLengthCode(uint(m.Length)) + if m.Length == 0 { + // If the stream ends with unmatched bytes, we need a dummy copy length. + copyCode = 2 + } + command := combineLengthCodes(insertCode, copyCode, false) + commandHisto[command]++ + commandCount++ + + if command >= 128 && m.Length != 0 { + var distCode distanceCode + switch m.Distance { + case d[3]: + distCode.code = 0 + case d[2]: + distCode.code = 1 + case d[1]: + distCode.code = 2 + case d[0]: + distCode.code = 3 + case d[3] - 1: + distCode.code = 4 + case d[3] + 1: + distCode.code = 5 + case d[3] - 2: + distCode.code = 6 + case d[3] + 2: + distCode.code = 7 + case d[3] - 3: + distCode.code = 8 + case d[3] + 3: + distCode.code = 9 + + // In my testing, codes 10–15 actually reduced the compression ratio. + + default: + distCode = getDistanceCode(m.Distance) + } + e.distCache[i] = distCode + distanceHisto[distCode.code]++ + distanceCount++ + if distCode.code != 0 { + d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3] = d[1], d[2], d[3], m.Distance + } + } + + pos += m.Unmatched + m.Length + } + + storeMetaBlockHeaderBW(uint(len(src)), false, &e.bw) + e.bw.writeBits(13, 0) + + var literalDepths [256]byte + var literalBits [256]uint16 + buildAndStoreHuffmanTreeFastBW(literalHisto[:], uint(literalCount), 8, literalDepths[:], literalBits[:], &e.bw) + + var commandDepths [704]byte + var commandBits [704]uint16 + buildAndStoreHuffmanTreeFastBW(commandHisto[:], uint(commandCount), 10, commandDepths[:], commandBits[:], &e.bw) + + var distanceDepths [64]byte + var distanceBits [64]uint16 + buildAndStoreHuffmanTreeFastBW(distanceHisto[:], uint(distanceCount), 6, distanceDepths[:], distanceBits[:], &e.bw) + + pos = 0 + for i, m := range matches { + insertCode := getInsertLengthCode(uint(m.Unmatched)) + copyCode := getCopyLengthCode(uint(m.Length)) + if m.Length == 0 { + // If the stream ends with unmatched bytes, we need a dummy copy length. + copyCode = 2 + } + command := combineLengthCodes(insertCode, copyCode, false) + e.bw.writeBits(uint(commandDepths[command]), uint64(commandBits[command])) + if kInsExtra[insertCode] > 0 { + e.bw.writeBits(uint(kInsExtra[insertCode]), uint64(m.Unmatched)-uint64(kInsBase[insertCode])) + } + if kCopyExtra[copyCode] > 0 { + e.bw.writeBits(uint(kCopyExtra[copyCode]), uint64(m.Length)-uint64(kCopyBase[copyCode])) + } + + if m.Unmatched > 0 { + for _, c := range src[pos : pos+m.Unmatched] { + e.bw.writeBits(uint(literalDepths[c]), uint64(literalBits[c])) + } + } + + if command >= 128 && m.Length != 0 { + distCode := e.distCache[i] + e.bw.writeBits(uint(distanceDepths[distCode.code]), uint64(distanceBits[distCode.code])) + if distCode.nExtra > 0 { + e.bw.writeBits(distCode.nExtra, distCode.extraBits) + } + } + + pos += m.Unmatched + m.Length + } + + if lastBlock { + e.bw.writeBits(2, 3) // islast + isempty + e.bw.jumpToByteBoundary() + } + return e.bw.dst +} + +type distanceCode struct { + code int + nExtra uint + extraBits uint64 +} + +func getDistanceCode(distance int) distanceCode { + d := distance + 3 + nbits := log2FloorNonZero(uint(d)) - 1 + prefix := (d >> nbits) & 1 + offset := (2 + prefix) << nbits + distcode := int(2*(nbits-1)) + prefix + 16 + extra := d - offset + return distanceCode{distcode, uint(nbits), uint64(extra)} +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/encoder_dict.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/encoder_dict.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..55c051c6238b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/encoder_dict.go @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +package brotli + +/* Dictionary data (words and transforms) for 1 possible context */ +type encoderDictionary struct { + words *dictionary + cutoffTransformsCount uint32 + cutoffTransforms uint64 + hash_table []uint16 + buckets []uint16 + dict_words []dictWord +} + +func initEncoderDictionary(dict *encoderDictionary) { + dict.words = getDictionary() + + dict.hash_table = kStaticDictionaryHash[:] + dict.buckets = kStaticDictionaryBuckets[:] + dict.dict_words = kStaticDictionaryWords[:] + + dict.cutoffTransformsCount = kCutoffTransformsCount + dict.cutoffTransforms = kCutoffTransforms +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/entropy_encode.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/entropy_encode.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..3f469a3dd94a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/entropy_encode.go @@ -0,0 +1,592 @@ +package brotli + +import "math" + +/* Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Entropy encoding (Huffman) utilities. */ + +/* A node of a Huffman tree. */ +type huffmanTree struct { + total_count_ uint32 + index_left_ int16 + index_right_or_value_ int16 +} + +func initHuffmanTree(self *huffmanTree, count uint32, left int16, right int16) { + self.total_count_ = count + self.index_left_ = left + self.index_right_or_value_ = right +} + +/* Input size optimized Shell sort. */ +type huffmanTreeComparator func(huffmanTree, huffmanTree) bool + +var sortHuffmanTreeItems_gaps = []uint{132, 57, 23, 10, 4, 1} + +func sortHuffmanTreeItems(items []huffmanTree, n uint, comparator huffmanTreeComparator) { + if n < 13 { + /* Insertion sort. */ + var i uint + for i = 1; i < n; i++ { + var tmp huffmanTree = items[i] + var k uint = i + var j uint = i - 1 + for comparator(tmp, items[j]) { + items[k] = items[j] + k = j + if j == 0 { + break + } + j-- + } + + items[k] = tmp + } + + return + } else { + var g int + if n < 57 { + g = 2 + } else { + g = 0 + } + for ; g < 6; g++ { + var gap uint = sortHuffmanTreeItems_gaps[g] + var i uint + for i = gap; i < n; i++ { + var j uint = i + var tmp huffmanTree = items[i] + for ; j >= gap && comparator(tmp, items[j-gap]); j -= gap { + items[j] = items[j-gap] + } + + items[j] = tmp + } + } + } +} + +/* Returns 1 if assignment of depths succeeded, otherwise 0. */ +func setDepth(p0 int, pool []huffmanTree, depth []byte, max_depth int) bool { + var stack [16]int + var level int = 0 + var p int = p0 + assert(max_depth <= 15) + stack[0] = -1 + for { + if pool[p].index_left_ >= 0 { + level++ + if level > max_depth { + return false + } + stack[level] = int(pool[p].index_right_or_value_) + p = int(pool[p].index_left_) + continue + } else { + depth[pool[p].index_right_or_value_] = byte(level) + } + + for level >= 0 && stack[level] == -1 { + level-- + } + if level < 0 { + return true + } + p = stack[level] + stack[level] = -1 + } +} + +/* Sort the root nodes, least popular first. */ +func sortHuffmanTree(v0 huffmanTree, v1 huffmanTree) bool { + if v0.total_count_ != v1.total_count_ { + return v0.total_count_ < v1.total_count_ + } + + return v0.index_right_or_value_ > v1.index_right_or_value_ +} + +/* This function will create a Huffman tree. + + The catch here is that the tree cannot be arbitrarily deep. + Brotli specifies a maximum depth of 15 bits for "code trees" + and 7 bits for "code length code trees." + + count_limit is the value that is to be faked as the minimum value + and this minimum value is raised until the tree matches the + maximum length requirement. + + This algorithm is not of excellent performance for very long data blocks, + especially when population counts are longer than 2**tree_limit, but + we are not planning to use this with extremely long blocks. + + See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huffman_coding */ +func createHuffmanTree(data []uint32, length uint, tree_limit int, tree []huffmanTree, depth []byte) { + var count_limit uint32 + var sentinel huffmanTree + initHuffmanTree(&sentinel, math.MaxUint32, -1, -1) + + /* For block sizes below 64 kB, we never need to do a second iteration + of this loop. Probably all of our block sizes will be smaller than + that, so this loop is mostly of academic interest. If we actually + would need this, we would be better off with the Katajainen algorithm. */ + for count_limit = 1; ; count_limit *= 2 { + var n uint = 0 + var i uint + var j uint + var k uint + for i = length; i != 0; { + i-- + if data[i] != 0 { + var count uint32 = brotli_max_uint32_t(data[i], count_limit) + initHuffmanTree(&tree[n], count, -1, int16(i)) + n++ + } + } + + if n == 1 { + depth[tree[0].index_right_or_value_] = 1 /* Only one element. */ + break + } + + sortHuffmanTreeItems(tree, n, huffmanTreeComparator(sortHuffmanTree)) + + /* The nodes are: + [0, n): the sorted leaf nodes that we start with. + [n]: we add a sentinel here. + [n + 1, 2n): new parent nodes are added here, starting from + (n+1). These are naturally in ascending order. + [2n]: we add a sentinel at the end as well. + There will be (2n+1) elements at the end. */ + tree[n] = sentinel + + tree[n+1] = sentinel + + i = 0 /* Points to the next leaf node. */ + j = n + 1 /* Points to the next non-leaf node. */ + for k = n - 1; k != 0; k-- { + var left uint + var right uint + if tree[i].total_count_ <= tree[j].total_count_ { + left = i + i++ + } else { + left = j + j++ + } + + if tree[i].total_count_ <= tree[j].total_count_ { + right = i + i++ + } else { + right = j + j++ + } + { + /* The sentinel node becomes the parent node. */ + var j_end uint = 2*n - k + tree[j_end].total_count_ = tree[left].total_count_ + tree[right].total_count_ + tree[j_end].index_left_ = int16(left) + tree[j_end].index_right_or_value_ = int16(right) + + /* Add back the last sentinel node. */ + tree[j_end+1] = sentinel + } + } + + if setDepth(int(2*n-1), tree[0:], depth, tree_limit) { + /* We need to pack the Huffman tree in tree_limit bits. If this was not + successful, add fake entities to the lowest values and retry. */ + break + } + } +} + +func reverse(v []byte, start uint, end uint) { + end-- + for start < end { + var tmp byte = v[start] + v[start] = v[end] + v[end] = tmp + start++ + end-- + } +} + +func writeHuffmanTreeRepetitions(previous_value byte, value byte, repetitions uint, tree_size *uint, tree []byte, extra_bits_data []byte) { + assert(repetitions > 0) + if previous_value != value { + tree[*tree_size] = value + extra_bits_data[*tree_size] = 0 + (*tree_size)++ + repetitions-- + } + + if repetitions == 7 { + tree[*tree_size] = value + extra_bits_data[*tree_size] = 0 + (*tree_size)++ + repetitions-- + } + + if repetitions < 3 { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < repetitions; i++ { + tree[*tree_size] = value + extra_bits_data[*tree_size] = 0 + (*tree_size)++ + } + } else { + var start uint = *tree_size + repetitions -= 3 + for { + tree[*tree_size] = repeatPreviousCodeLength + extra_bits_data[*tree_size] = byte(repetitions & 0x3) + (*tree_size)++ + repetitions >>= 2 + if repetitions == 0 { + break + } + + repetitions-- + } + + reverse(tree, start, *tree_size) + reverse(extra_bits_data, start, *tree_size) + } +} + +func writeHuffmanTreeRepetitionsZeros(repetitions uint, tree_size *uint, tree []byte, extra_bits_data []byte) { + if repetitions == 11 { + tree[*tree_size] = 0 + extra_bits_data[*tree_size] = 0 + (*tree_size)++ + repetitions-- + } + + if repetitions < 3 { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < repetitions; i++ { + tree[*tree_size] = 0 + extra_bits_data[*tree_size] = 0 + (*tree_size)++ + } + } else { + var start uint = *tree_size + repetitions -= 3 + for { + tree[*tree_size] = repeatZeroCodeLength + extra_bits_data[*tree_size] = byte(repetitions & 0x7) + (*tree_size)++ + repetitions >>= 3 + if repetitions == 0 { + break + } + + repetitions-- + } + + reverse(tree, start, *tree_size) + reverse(extra_bits_data, start, *tree_size) + } +} + +/* Change the population counts in a way that the consequent + Huffman tree compression, especially its RLE-part will be more + likely to compress this data more efficiently. + + length contains the size of the histogram. + counts contains the population counts. + good_for_rle is a buffer of at least length size */ +func optimizeHuffmanCountsForRLE(length uint, counts []uint32, good_for_rle []byte) { + var nonzero_count uint = 0 + var stride uint + var limit uint + var sum uint + var streak_limit uint = 1240 + var i uint + /* Let's make the Huffman code more compatible with RLE encoding. */ + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + if counts[i] != 0 { + nonzero_count++ + } + } + + if nonzero_count < 16 { + return + } + + for length != 0 && counts[length-1] == 0 { + length-- + } + + if length == 0 { + return /* All zeros. */ + } + + /* Now counts[0..length - 1] does not have trailing zeros. */ + { + var nonzeros uint = 0 + var smallest_nonzero uint32 = 1 << 30 + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + if counts[i] != 0 { + nonzeros++ + if smallest_nonzero > counts[i] { + smallest_nonzero = counts[i] + } + } + } + + if nonzeros < 5 { + /* Small histogram will model it well. */ + return + } + + if smallest_nonzero < 4 { + var zeros uint = length - nonzeros + if zeros < 6 { + for i = 1; i < length-1; i++ { + if counts[i-1] != 0 && counts[i] == 0 && counts[i+1] != 0 { + counts[i] = 1 + } + } + } + } + + if nonzeros < 28 { + return + } + } + + /* 2) Let's mark all population counts that already can be encoded + with an RLE code. */ + for i := 0; i < int(length); i++ { + good_for_rle[i] = 0 + } + { + var symbol uint32 = counts[0] + /* Let's not spoil any of the existing good RLE codes. + Mark any seq of 0's that is longer as 5 as a good_for_rle. + Mark any seq of non-0's that is longer as 7 as a good_for_rle. */ + + var step uint = 0 + for i = 0; i <= length; i++ { + if i == length || counts[i] != symbol { + if (symbol == 0 && step >= 5) || (symbol != 0 && step >= 7) { + var k uint + for k = 0; k < step; k++ { + good_for_rle[i-k-1] = 1 + } + } + + step = 1 + if i != length { + symbol = counts[i] + } + } else { + step++ + } + } + } + + /* 3) Let's replace those population counts that lead to more RLE codes. + Math here is in 24.8 fixed point representation. */ + stride = 0 + + limit = uint(256*(counts[0]+counts[1]+counts[2])/3 + 420) + sum = 0 + for i = 0; i <= length; i++ { + if i == length || good_for_rle[i] != 0 || (i != 0 && good_for_rle[i-1] != 0) || (256*counts[i]-uint32(limit)+uint32(streak_limit)) >= uint32(2*streak_limit) { + if stride >= 4 || (stride >= 3 && sum == 0) { + var k uint + var count uint = (sum + stride/2) / stride + /* The stride must end, collapse what we have, if we have enough (4). */ + if count == 0 { + count = 1 + } + + if sum == 0 { + /* Don't make an all zeros stride to be upgraded to ones. */ + count = 0 + } + + for k = 0; k < stride; k++ { + /* We don't want to change value at counts[i], + that is already belonging to the next stride. Thus - 1. */ + counts[i-k-1] = uint32(count) + } + } + + stride = 0 + sum = 0 + if i < length-2 { + /* All interesting strides have a count of at least 4, */ + /* at least when non-zeros. */ + limit = uint(256*(counts[i]+counts[i+1]+counts[i+2])/3 + 420) + } else if i < length { + limit = uint(256 * counts[i]) + } else { + limit = 0 + } + } + + stride++ + if i != length { + sum += uint(counts[i]) + if stride >= 4 { + limit = (256*sum + stride/2) / stride + } + + if stride == 4 { + limit += 120 + } + } + } +} + +func decideOverRLEUse(depth []byte, length uint, use_rle_for_non_zero *bool, use_rle_for_zero *bool) { + var total_reps_zero uint = 0 + var total_reps_non_zero uint = 0 + var count_reps_zero uint = 1 + var count_reps_non_zero uint = 1 + var i uint + for i = 0; i < length; { + var value byte = depth[i] + var reps uint = 1 + var k uint + for k = i + 1; k < length && depth[k] == value; k++ { + reps++ + } + + if reps >= 3 && value == 0 { + total_reps_zero += reps + count_reps_zero++ + } + + if reps >= 4 && value != 0 { + total_reps_non_zero += reps + count_reps_non_zero++ + } + + i += reps + } + + *use_rle_for_non_zero = total_reps_non_zero > count_reps_non_zero*2 + *use_rle_for_zero = total_reps_zero > count_reps_zero*2 +} + +/* Write a Huffman tree from bit depths into the bit-stream representation + of a Huffman tree. The generated Huffman tree is to be compressed once + more using a Huffman tree */ +func writeHuffmanTree(depth []byte, length uint, tree_size *uint, tree []byte, extra_bits_data []byte) { + var previous_value byte = initialRepeatedCodeLength + var i uint + var use_rle_for_non_zero bool = false + var use_rle_for_zero bool = false + var new_length uint = length + /* Throw away trailing zeros. */ + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + if depth[length-i-1] == 0 { + new_length-- + } else { + break + } + } + + /* First gather statistics on if it is a good idea to do RLE. */ + if length > 50 { + /* Find RLE coding for longer codes. + Shorter codes seem not to benefit from RLE. */ + decideOverRLEUse(depth, new_length, &use_rle_for_non_zero, &use_rle_for_zero) + } + + /* Actual RLE coding. */ + for i = 0; i < new_length; { + var value byte = depth[i] + var reps uint = 1 + if (value != 0 && use_rle_for_non_zero) || (value == 0 && use_rle_for_zero) { + var k uint + for k = i + 1; k < new_length && depth[k] == value; k++ { + reps++ + } + } + + if value == 0 { + writeHuffmanTreeRepetitionsZeros(reps, tree_size, tree, extra_bits_data) + } else { + writeHuffmanTreeRepetitions(previous_value, value, reps, tree_size, tree, extra_bits_data) + previous_value = value + } + + i += reps + } +} + +var reverseBits_kLut = [16]uint{ + 0x00, + 0x08, + 0x04, + 0x0C, + 0x02, + 0x0A, + 0x06, + 0x0E, + 0x01, + 0x09, + 0x05, + 0x0D, + 0x03, + 0x0B, + 0x07, + 0x0F, +} + +func reverseBits(num_bits uint, bits uint16) uint16 { + var retval uint = reverseBits_kLut[bits&0x0F] + var i uint + for i = 4; i < num_bits; i += 4 { + retval <<= 4 + bits = uint16(bits >> 4) + retval |= reverseBits_kLut[bits&0x0F] + } + + retval >>= ((0 - num_bits) & 0x03) + return uint16(retval) +} + +/* 0..15 are values for bits */ +const maxHuffmanBits = 16 + +/* Get the actual bit values for a tree of bit depths. */ +func convertBitDepthsToSymbols(depth []byte, len uint, bits []uint16) { + var bl_count = [maxHuffmanBits]uint16{0} + var next_code [maxHuffmanBits]uint16 + var i uint + /* In Brotli, all bit depths are [1..15] + 0 bit depth means that the symbol does not exist. */ + + var code int = 0 + for i = 0; i < len; i++ { + bl_count[depth[i]]++ + } + + bl_count[0] = 0 + next_code[0] = 0 + for i = 1; i < maxHuffmanBits; i++ { + code = (code + int(bl_count[i-1])) << 1 + next_code[i] = uint16(code) + } + + for i = 0; i < len; i++ { + if depth[i] != 0 { + bits[i] = reverseBits(uint(depth[i]), next_code[depth[i]]) + next_code[depth[i]]++ + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/entropy_encode_static.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/entropy_encode_static.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..294aff4f4e67e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/entropy_encode_static.go @@ -0,0 +1,4399 @@ +package brotli + +var kCodeLengthDepth = [18]byte{4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 0, 4, 4} + +var kStaticCommandCodeDepth = 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0x000023a7, + 0x00002ba7, + 0x000033a7, + 0x00003ba7, + 0x000003b7, + 0x00000bb7, + 0x000013b7, + 0x00001bb7, + 0x000023b7, + 0x00002bb7, + 0x000033b7, + 0x00003bb7, + 0x000003c7, + 0x00000bc7, + 0x000013c7, + 0x00001bc7, + 0x000023c7, + 0x00002bc7, + 0x000033c7, + 0x00003bc7, + 0x000003d7, + 0x00000bd7, + 0x000013d7, + 0x00001bd7, + 0x000023d7, + 0x00002bd7, + 0x000033d7, + 0x00003bd7, + 0x000003e7, + 0x00000be7, + 0x000013e7, + 0x00001be7, + 0x000023e7, + 0x00002be7, + 0x000033e7, + 0x00003be7, + 0x000003f7, + 0x00000bf7, + 0x000013f7, + 0x00001bf7, + 0x000023f7, + 0x00002bf7, + 0x000033f7, + 0x00003bf7, + 0x0001c387, + 0x0005c387, + 0x0009c387, + 0x000dc387, + 0x0011c387, + 0x0015c387, + 0x0019c387, + 0x001dc387, + 0x0001cb87, + 0x0005cb87, + 0x0009cb87, + 0x000dcb87, + 0x0011cb87, + 0x0015cb87, + 0x0019cb87, + 0x001dcb87, + 0x0001d387, + 0x0005d387, + 0x0009d387, + 0x000dd387, + 0x0011d387, + 0x0015d387, + 0x0019d387, + 0x001dd387, + 0x0001db87, + 0x0005db87, + 0x0009db87, + 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kStaticCommandCodeBits = [numCommandSymbols]uint16{ + 0, + 256, + 128, + 384, + 64, + 320, + 192, + 448, + 32, + 288, + 160, + 416, + 96, + 352, + 224, + 480, + 16, + 272, + 144, + 400, + 80, + 336, + 208, + 464, + 48, + 304, + 176, + 432, + 112, + 368, + 240, + 496, + 8, + 264, + 136, + 392, + 72, + 328, + 200, + 456, + 40, + 296, + 168, + 424, + 104, + 360, + 232, + 488, + 24, + 280, + 152, + 408, + 88, + 344, + 216, + 472, + 56, + 312, + 184, + 440, + 120, + 376, + 248, + 504, + 4, + 260, + 132, + 388, + 68, + 324, + 196, + 452, + 36, + 292, + 164, + 420, + 100, + 356, + 228, + 484, + 20, + 276, + 148, + 404, + 84, + 340, + 212, + 468, + 52, + 308, + 180, + 436, + 116, + 372, + 244, + 500, + 12, + 268, + 140, + 396, + 76, + 332, + 204, + 460, + 44, + 300, + 172, + 428, + 108, + 364, + 236, + 492, + 28, + 284, + 156, + 412, + 92, + 348, + 220, + 476, + 60, + 316, + 188, + 444, + 124, + 380, + 252, + 508, + 2, + 258, + 130, + 386, + 66, + 322, + 194, + 450, + 34, + 290, + 162, + 418, + 98, + 354, + 226, + 482, + 18, + 274, + 146, + 402, + 82, + 338, + 210, + 466, + 50, + 306, + 178, + 434, + 114, + 370, + 242, + 498, + 10, + 266, + 138, + 394, + 74, + 330, + 202, + 458, + 42, + 298, + 170, + 426, + 106, + 362, + 234, + 490, + 26, + 282, + 154, + 410, + 90, + 346, + 218, + 474, + 58, + 314, + 186, + 442, + 122, + 378, + 250, + 506, + 6, + 262, + 134, + 390, + 70, + 326, + 198, + 454, + 38, + 294, + 166, + 422, + 102, + 358, + 230, + 486, + 22, + 278, + 150, + 406, + 86, + 342, + 214, + 470, + 54, + 310, + 182, + 438, + 118, + 374, + 246, + 502, + 14, + 270, + 142, + 398, + 78, + 334, + 206, + 462, + 46, + 302, + 174, + 430, + 110, + 366, + 238, + 494, + 30, + 286, + 158, + 414, + 94, + 350, + 222, + 478, + 62, + 318, + 190, + 446, + 126, + 382, + 254, + 510, + 1, + 257, + 129, + 385, + 65, + 321, + 193, + 449, + 33, + 289, + 161, + 417, + 97, + 353, + 225, + 481, + 17, + 273, + 145, + 401, + 81, + 337, + 209, + 465, + 49, + 305, + 177, + 433, + 113, + 369, + 241, + 497, + 9, + 265, + 137, + 393, + 73, + 329, + 201, + 457, + 41, + 297, + 169, + 425, + 105, + 361, + 233, + 489, + 25, + 281, + 153, + 409, + 89, + 345, + 217, + 473, + 57, + 313, + 185, + 441, + 121, + 377, + 249, + 505, + 5, + 261, + 133, + 389, + 69, + 325, + 197, + 453, + 37, + 293, + 165, + 421, + 101, + 357, + 229, + 485, + 21, + 277, + 149, + 405, + 85, + 341, + 213, + 469, + 53, + 309, + 181, + 437, + 117, + 373, + 245, + 501, + 13, + 269, + 141, + 397, + 77, + 333, + 205, + 461, + 45, + 301, + 173, + 429, + 109, + 365, + 237, + 493, + 29, + 285, + 157, + 413, + 93, + 349, + 221, + 477, + 61, + 317, + 189, + 445, + 125, + 381, + 253, + 509, + 3, + 259, + 131, + 387, + 67, + 323, + 195, + 451, + 35, + 291, + 163, + 419, + 99, + 355, + 227, + 483, + 19, + 275, + 147, + 403, + 83, + 339, + 211, + 467, + 51, + 307, + 179, + 435, + 115, + 371, + 243, + 499, + 11, + 267, + 139, + 395, + 75, + 331, + 203, + 459, + 43, + 299, + 171, + 427, + 107, + 363, + 235, + 491, + 27, + 283, + 155, + 411, + 91, + 347, + 219, + 475, + 59, + 315, + 187, + 443, + 123, + 379, + 251, + 507, + 7, + 1031, + 519, + 1543, + 263, + 1287, + 775, + 1799, + 135, + 1159, + 647, + 1671, + 391, + 1415, + 903, + 1927, + 71, + 1095, + 583, + 1607, + 327, + 1351, + 839, + 1863, + 199, + 1223, + 711, + 1735, + 455, + 1479, + 967, + 1991, + 39, + 1063, + 551, + 1575, + 295, + 1319, + 807, + 1831, + 167, + 1191, + 679, + 1703, + 423, + 1447, + 935, + 1959, + 103, + 1127, + 615, + 1639, + 359, + 1383, + 871, + 1895, + 231, + 1255, + 743, + 1767, + 487, + 1511, + 999, + 2023, + 23, + 1047, + 535, + 1559, + 279, + 1303, + 791, + 1815, + 151, + 1175, + 663, + 1687, + 407, + 1431, + 919, + 1943, + 87, + 1111, + 599, + 1623, + 343, + 1367, + 855, + 1879, + 215, + 1239, + 727, + 1751, + 471, + 1495, + 983, + 2007, + 55, + 1079, + 567, + 1591, + 311, + 1335, + 823, + 1847, + 183, + 1207, + 695, + 1719, + 439, + 1463, + 951, + 1975, + 119, + 1143, + 631, + 1655, + 375, + 1399, + 887, + 1911, + 247, + 1271, + 759, + 1783, + 503, + 1527, + 1015, + 2039, + 15, + 1039, + 527, + 1551, + 271, + 1295, + 783, + 1807, + 143, + 1167, + 655, + 1679, + 399, + 1423, + 911, + 1935, + 79, + 1103, + 591, + 1615, + 335, + 1359, + 847, + 1871, + 207, + 1231, + 719, + 1743, + 463, + 1487, + 975, + 1999, + 47, + 1071, + 559, + 1583, + 303, + 1327, + 815, + 1839, + 175, + 1199, + 687, + 1711, + 431, + 1455, + 943, + 1967, + 111, + 1135, + 623, + 1647, + 367, + 1391, + 879, + 1903, + 239, + 1263, + 751, + 1775, + 495, + 1519, + 1007, + 2031, + 31, + 1055, + 543, + 1567, + 287, + 1311, + 799, + 1823, + 159, + 1183, + 671, + 1695, + 415, + 1439, + 927, + 1951, + 95, + 1119, + 607, + 1631, + 351, + 1375, + 863, + 1887, + 223, + 1247, + 735, + 1759, + 479, + 1503, + 991, + 2015, + 63, + 1087, + 575, + 1599, + 319, + 1343, + 831, + 1855, + 191, + 1215, + 703, + 1727, + 447, + 1471, + 959, + 1983, + 127, + 1151, + 639, + 1663, + 383, + 1407, + 895, + 1919, + 255, + 1279, + 767, + 1791, + 511, + 1535, + 1023, + 2047, +} + +func storeStaticCommandHuffmanTree(storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + writeBits(56, 0x92624416307003, storage_ix, storage) + writeBits(3, 0x00000000, storage_ix, storage) +} + +var kStaticDistanceCodeBits = [64]uint16{ + 0, + 32, + 16, + 48, + 8, + 40, + 24, + 56, + 4, + 36, + 20, + 52, + 12, + 44, + 28, + 60, + 2, + 34, + 18, + 50, + 10, + 42, + 26, + 58, + 6, + 38, + 22, + 54, + 14, + 46, + 30, + 62, + 1, + 33, + 17, + 49, + 9, + 41, + 25, + 57, + 5, + 37, + 21, + 53, + 13, + 45, + 29, + 61, + 3, + 35, + 19, + 51, + 11, + 43, + 27, + 59, + 7, + 39, + 23, + 55, + 15, + 47, + 31, + 63, +} + +func storeStaticDistanceHuffmanTree(storage_ix *uint, storage []byte) { + writeBits(28, 0x0369DC03, storage_ix, storage) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/fast_log.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/fast_log.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9d6607f7e2ff0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/fast_log.go @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +package brotli + +import ( + "math" + "math/bits" +) + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Utilities for fast computation of logarithms. */ + +func log2FloorNonZero(n uint) uint32 { + return uint32(bits.Len(n)) - 1 +} + +/* A lookup table for small values of log2(int) to be used in entropy + computation. + + ", ".join(["%.16ff" % x for x in [0.0]+[log2(x) for x in range(1, 256)]]) */ +var kLog2Table = []float32{ + 0.0000000000000000, + 0.0000000000000000, + 1.0000000000000000, + 1.5849625007211563, + 2.0000000000000000, + 2.3219280948873622, + 2.5849625007211561, + 2.8073549220576042, + 3.0000000000000000, + 3.1699250014423126, + 3.3219280948873626, + 3.4594316186372978, + 3.5849625007211565, + 3.7004397181410922, + 3.8073549220576037, + 3.9068905956085187, + 4.0000000000000000, + 4.0874628412503400, + 4.1699250014423122, + 4.2479275134435852, + 4.3219280948873626, + 4.3923174227787607, + 4.4594316186372973, + 4.5235619560570131, + 4.5849625007211570, + 4.6438561897747244, + 4.7004397181410926, + 4.7548875021634691, + 4.8073549220576037, + 4.8579809951275728, + 4.9068905956085187, + 4.9541963103868758, + 5.0000000000000000, + 5.0443941193584534, + 5.0874628412503400, + 5.1292830169449664, + 5.1699250014423122, + 5.2094533656289501, + 5.2479275134435852, + 5.2854022188622487, + 5.3219280948873626, + 5.3575520046180838, + 5.3923174227787607, + 5.4262647547020979, + 5.4594316186372973, + 5.4918530963296748, + 5.5235619560570131, + 5.5545888516776376, + 5.5849625007211570, + 5.6147098441152083, + 5.6438561897747244, + 5.6724253419714961, + 5.7004397181410926, + 5.7279204545631996, + 5.7548875021634691, + 5.7813597135246599, + 5.8073549220576046, + 5.8328900141647422, + 5.8579809951275719, + 5.8826430493618416, + 5.9068905956085187, + 5.9307373375628867, + 5.9541963103868758, + 5.9772799234999168, + 6.0000000000000000, + 6.0223678130284544, + 6.0443941193584534, + 6.0660891904577721, + 6.0874628412503400, + 6.1085244567781700, + 6.1292830169449672, + 6.1497471195046822, + 6.1699250014423122, + 6.1898245588800176, + 6.2094533656289510, + 6.2288186904958804, + 6.2479275134435861, + 6.2667865406949019, + 6.2854022188622487, + 6.3037807481771031, + 6.3219280948873617, + 6.3398500028846252, + 6.3575520046180847, + 6.3750394313469254, + 6.3923174227787598, + 6.4093909361377026, + 6.4262647547020979, + 6.4429434958487288, + 6.4594316186372982, + 6.4757334309663976, + 6.4918530963296748, + 6.5077946401986964, + 6.5235619560570131, + 6.5391588111080319, + 6.5545888516776376, + 6.5698556083309478, + 6.5849625007211561, + 6.5999128421871278, + 6.6147098441152092, + 6.6293566200796095, + 6.6438561897747253, + 6.6582114827517955, + 6.6724253419714952, + 6.6865005271832185, + 6.7004397181410917, + 6.7142455176661224, + 6.7279204545631988, + 6.7414669864011465, + 6.7548875021634691, + 6.7681843247769260, + 6.7813597135246599, + 6.7944158663501062, + 6.8073549220576037, + 6.8201789624151887, + 6.8328900141647422, + 6.8454900509443757, + 6.8579809951275719, + 6.8703647195834048, + 6.8826430493618416, + 6.8948177633079437, + 6.9068905956085187, + 6.9188632372745955, + 6.9307373375628867, + 6.9425145053392399, + 6.9541963103868758, + 6.9657842846620879, + 6.9772799234999168, + 6.9886846867721664, + 7.0000000000000000, + 7.0112272554232540, + 7.0223678130284544, + 7.0334230015374501, + 7.0443941193584534, + 7.0552824355011898, + 7.0660891904577721, + 7.0768155970508317, + 7.0874628412503400, + 7.0980320829605272, + 7.1085244567781700, + 7.1189410727235076, + 7.1292830169449664, + 7.1395513523987937, + 7.1497471195046822, + 7.1598713367783891, + 7.1699250014423130, + 7.1799090900149345, + 7.1898245588800176, + 7.1996723448363644, + 7.2094533656289492, + 7.2191685204621621, + 7.2288186904958804, + 7.2384047393250794, + 7.2479275134435861, + 7.2573878426926521, + 7.2667865406949019, + 7.2761244052742384, + 7.2854022188622487, + 7.2946207488916270, + 7.3037807481771031, + 7.3128829552843557, + 7.3219280948873617, + 7.3309168781146177, + 7.3398500028846243, + 7.3487281542310781, + 7.3575520046180847, + 7.3663222142458151, + 7.3750394313469254, + 7.3837042924740528, + 7.3923174227787607, + 7.4008794362821844, + 7.4093909361377026, + 7.4178525148858991, + 7.4262647547020979, + 7.4346282276367255, + 7.4429434958487288, + 7.4512111118323299, + 7.4594316186372973, + 7.4676055500829976, + 7.4757334309663976, + 7.4838157772642564, + 7.4918530963296748, + 7.4998458870832057, + 7.5077946401986964, + 7.5156998382840436, + 7.5235619560570131, + 7.5313814605163119, + 7.5391588111080319, + 7.5468944598876373, + 7.5545888516776376, + 7.5622424242210728, + 7.5698556083309478, + 7.5774288280357487, + 7.5849625007211561, + 7.5924570372680806, + 7.5999128421871278, + 7.6073303137496113, + 7.6147098441152075, + 7.6220518194563764, + 7.6293566200796095, + 7.6366246205436488, + 7.6438561897747244, + 7.6510516911789290, + 7.6582114827517955, + 7.6653359171851765, + 7.6724253419714952, + 7.6794800995054464, + 7.6865005271832185, + 7.6934869574993252, + 7.7004397181410926, + 7.7073591320808825, + 7.7142455176661224, + 7.7210991887071856, + 7.7279204545631996, + 7.7347096202258392, + 7.7414669864011465, + 7.7481928495894596, + 7.7548875021634691, + 7.7615512324444795, + 7.7681843247769260, + 7.7747870596011737, + 7.7813597135246608, + 7.7879025593914317, + 7.7944158663501062, + 7.8008998999203047, + 7.8073549220576037, + 7.8137811912170374, + 7.8201789624151887, + 7.8265484872909159, + 7.8328900141647422, + 7.8392037880969445, + 7.8454900509443757, + 7.8517490414160571, + 7.8579809951275719, + 7.8641861446542798, + 7.8703647195834048, + 7.8765169465650002, + 7.8826430493618425, + 7.8887432488982601, + 7.8948177633079446, + 7.9008668079807496, + 7.9068905956085187, + 7.9128893362299619, + 7.9188632372745955, + 7.9248125036057813, + 7.9307373375628867, + 7.9366379390025719, + 7.9425145053392399, + 7.9483672315846778, + 7.9541963103868758, + 7.9600019320680806, + 7.9657842846620870, + 7.9715435539507720, + 7.9772799234999168, + 7.9829935746943104, + 7.9886846867721664, + 7.9943534368588578, +} + +/* Faster logarithm for small integers, with the property of log2(0) == 0. */ +func fastLog2(v uint) float64 { + if v < uint(len(kLog2Table)) { + return float64(kLog2Table[v]) + } + + return math.Log2(float64(v)) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/find_match_length.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/find_match_length.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..09d2ae6726830 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/find_match_length.go @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +package brotli + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "math/bits" + "runtime" +) + +/* Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Function to find maximal matching prefixes of strings. */ +func findMatchLengthWithLimit(s1 []byte, s2 []byte, limit uint) uint { + var matched uint = 0 + _, _ = s1[limit-1], s2[limit-1] // bounds check + switch runtime.GOARCH { + case "amd64": + // Compare 8 bytes at at time. + for matched+8 <= limit { + w1 := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(s1[matched:]) + w2 := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(s2[matched:]) + if w1 != w2 { + return matched + uint(bits.TrailingZeros64(w1^w2)>>3) + } + matched += 8 + } + case "386": + // Compare 4 bytes at at time. + for matched+4 <= limit { + w1 := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s1[matched:]) + w2 := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(s2[matched:]) + if w1 != w2 { + return matched + uint(bits.TrailingZeros32(w1^w2)>>3) + } + matched += 4 + } + } + for matched < limit && s1[matched] == s2[matched] { + matched++ + } + return matched +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/h10.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/h10.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5662fbbbb52c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/h10.go @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +package brotli + +import "encoding/binary" + +/* Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +func (*h10) HashTypeLength() uint { + return 4 +} + +func (*h10) StoreLookahead() uint { + return 128 +} + +func hashBytesH10(data []byte) uint32 { + var h uint32 = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data) * kHashMul32 + + /* The higher bits contain more mixture from the multiplication, + so we take our results from there. */ + return h >> (32 - 17) +} + +/* A (forgetful) hash table where each hash bucket contains a binary tree of + sequences whose first 4 bytes share the same hash code. + Each sequence is 128 long and is identified by its starting + position in the input data. The binary tree is sorted by the lexicographic + order of the sequences, and it is also a max-heap with respect to the + starting positions. */ +type h10 struct { + hasherCommon + window_mask_ uint + buckets_ [1 << 17]uint32 + invalid_pos_ uint32 + forest []uint32 +} + +func (h *h10) Initialize(params *encoderParams) { + h.window_mask_ = (1 << params.lgwin) - 1 + h.invalid_pos_ = uint32(0 - h.window_mask_) + var num_nodes uint = uint(1) << params.lgwin + h.forest = make([]uint32, 2*num_nodes) +} + +func (h *h10) Prepare(one_shot bool, input_size uint, data []byte) { + var invalid_pos uint32 = h.invalid_pos_ + var i uint32 + for i = 0; i < 1<<17; i++ { + h.buckets_[i] = invalid_pos + } +} + +func leftChildIndexH10(self *h10, pos uint) uint { + return 2 * (pos & self.window_mask_) +} + +func rightChildIndexH10(self *h10, pos uint) uint { + return 2*(pos&self.window_mask_) + 1 +} + +/* Stores the hash of the next 4 bytes and in a single tree-traversal, the + hash bucket's binary tree is searched for matches and is re-rooted at the + current position. + + If less than 128 data is available, the hash bucket of the + current position is searched for matches, but the state of the hash table + is not changed, since we can not know the final sorting order of the + current (incomplete) sequence. + + This function must be called with increasing cur_ix positions. */ +func storeAndFindMatchesH10(self *h10, data []byte, cur_ix uint, ring_buffer_mask uint, max_length uint, max_backward uint, best_len *uint, matches []backwardMatch) []backwardMatch { + var cur_ix_masked uint = cur_ix & ring_buffer_mask + var max_comp_len uint = brotli_min_size_t(max_length, 128) + var should_reroot_tree bool = (max_length >= 128) + var key uint32 = hashBytesH10(data[cur_ix_masked:]) + var forest []uint32 = self.forest + var prev_ix uint = uint(self.buckets_[key]) + var node_left uint = leftChildIndexH10(self, cur_ix) + var node_right uint = rightChildIndexH10(self, cur_ix) + var best_len_left uint = 0 + var best_len_right uint = 0 + var depth_remaining uint + /* The forest index of the rightmost node of the left subtree of the new + root, updated as we traverse and re-root the tree of the hash bucket. */ + + /* The forest index of the leftmost node of the right subtree of the new + root, updated as we traverse and re-root the tree of the hash bucket. */ + + /* The match length of the rightmost node of the left subtree of the new + root, updated as we traverse and re-root the tree of the hash bucket. */ + + /* The match length of the leftmost node of the right subtree of the new + root, updated as we traverse and re-root the tree of the hash bucket. */ + if should_reroot_tree { + self.buckets_[key] = uint32(cur_ix) + } + + for depth_remaining = 64; ; depth_remaining-- { + var backward uint = cur_ix - prev_ix + var prev_ix_masked uint = prev_ix & ring_buffer_mask + if backward == 0 || backward > max_backward || depth_remaining == 0 { + if should_reroot_tree { + forest[node_left] = self.invalid_pos_ + forest[node_right] = self.invalid_pos_ + } + + break + } + { + var cur_len uint = brotli_min_size_t(best_len_left, best_len_right) + var len uint + assert(cur_len <= 128) + len = cur_len + findMatchLengthWithLimit(data[cur_ix_masked+cur_len:], data[prev_ix_masked+cur_len:], max_length-cur_len) + if matches != nil && len > *best_len { + *best_len = uint(len) + initBackwardMatch(&matches[0], backward, uint(len)) + matches = matches[1:] + } + + if len >= max_comp_len { + if should_reroot_tree { + forest[node_left] = forest[leftChildIndexH10(self, prev_ix)] + forest[node_right] = forest[rightChildIndexH10(self, prev_ix)] + } + + break + } + + if data[cur_ix_masked+len] > data[prev_ix_masked+len] { + best_len_left = uint(len) + if should_reroot_tree { + forest[node_left] = uint32(prev_ix) + } + + node_left = rightChildIndexH10(self, prev_ix) + prev_ix = uint(forest[node_left]) + } else { + best_len_right = uint(len) + if should_reroot_tree { + forest[node_right] = uint32(prev_ix) + } + + node_right = leftChildIndexH10(self, prev_ix) + prev_ix = uint(forest[node_right]) + } + } + } + + return matches +} + +/* Finds all backward matches of &data[cur_ix & ring_buffer_mask] up to the + length of max_length and stores the position cur_ix in the hash table. + + Sets *num_matches to the number of matches found, and stores the found + matches in matches[0] to matches[*num_matches - 1]. The matches will be + sorted by strictly increasing length and (non-strictly) increasing + distance. */ +func findAllMatchesH10(handle *h10, dictionary *encoderDictionary, data []byte, ring_buffer_mask uint, cur_ix uint, max_length uint, max_backward uint, gap uint, params *encoderParams, matches []backwardMatch) uint { + var orig_matches []backwardMatch = matches + var cur_ix_masked uint = cur_ix & ring_buffer_mask + var best_len uint = 1 + var short_match_max_backward uint + if params.quality != hqZopflificationQuality { + short_match_max_backward = 16 + } else { + short_match_max_backward = 64 + } + var stop uint = cur_ix - short_match_max_backward + var dict_matches [maxStaticDictionaryMatchLen + 1]uint32 + var i uint + if cur_ix < short_match_max_backward { + stop = 0 + } + for i = cur_ix - 1; i > stop && best_len <= 2; i-- { + var prev_ix uint = i + var backward uint = cur_ix - prev_ix + if backward > max_backward { + break + } + + prev_ix &= ring_buffer_mask + if data[cur_ix_masked] != data[prev_ix] || data[cur_ix_masked+1] != data[prev_ix+1] { + continue + } + { + var len uint = findMatchLengthWithLimit(data[prev_ix:], data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length) + if len > best_len { + best_len = uint(len) + initBackwardMatch(&matches[0], backward, uint(len)) + matches = matches[1:] + } + } + } + + if best_len < max_length { + matches = storeAndFindMatchesH10(handle, data, cur_ix, ring_buffer_mask, max_length, max_backward, &best_len, matches) + } + + for i = 0; i <= maxStaticDictionaryMatchLen; i++ { + dict_matches[i] = kInvalidMatch + } + { + var minlen uint = brotli_max_size_t(4, best_len+1) + if findAllStaticDictionaryMatches(dictionary, data[cur_ix_masked:], minlen, max_length, dict_matches[0:]) { + var maxlen uint = brotli_min_size_t(maxStaticDictionaryMatchLen, max_length) + var l uint + for l = minlen; l <= maxlen; l++ { + var dict_id uint32 = dict_matches[l] + if dict_id < kInvalidMatch { + var distance uint = max_backward + gap + uint(dict_id>>5) + 1 + if distance <= params.dist.max_distance { + initDictionaryBackwardMatch(&matches[0], distance, l, uint(dict_id&31)) + matches = matches[1:] + } + } + } + } + } + + return uint(-cap(matches) + cap(orig_matches)) +} + +/* Stores the hash of the next 4 bytes and re-roots the binary tree at the + current sequence, without returning any matches. + REQUIRES: ix + 128 <= end-of-current-block */ +func (h *h10) Store(data []byte, mask uint, ix uint) { + var max_backward uint = h.window_mask_ - windowGap + 1 + /* Maximum distance is window size - 16, see section 9.1. of the spec. */ + storeAndFindMatchesH10(h, data, ix, mask, 128, max_backward, nil, nil) +} + +func (h *h10) StoreRange(data []byte, mask uint, ix_start uint, ix_end uint) { + var i uint = ix_start + var j uint = ix_start + if ix_start+63 <= ix_end { + i = ix_end - 63 + } + + if ix_start+512 <= i { + for ; j < i; j += 8 { + h.Store(data, mask, j) + } + } + + for ; i < ix_end; i++ { + h.Store(data, mask, i) + } +} + +func (h *h10) StitchToPreviousBlock(num_bytes uint, position uint, ringbuffer []byte, ringbuffer_mask uint) { + if num_bytes >= h.HashTypeLength()-1 && position >= 128 { + var i_start uint = position - 128 + 1 + var i_end uint = brotli_min_size_t(position, i_start+num_bytes) + /* Store the last `128 - 1` positions in the hasher. + These could not be calculated before, since they require knowledge + of both the previous and the current block. */ + + var i uint + for i = i_start; i < i_end; i++ { + /* Maximum distance is window size - 16, see section 9.1. of the spec. + Furthermore, we have to make sure that we don't look further back + from the start of the next block than the window size, otherwise we + could access already overwritten areas of the ring-buffer. */ + var max_backward uint = h.window_mask_ - brotli_max_size_t(windowGap-1, position-i) + + /* We know that i + 128 <= position + num_bytes, i.e. the + end of the current block and that we have at least + 128 tail in the ring-buffer. */ + storeAndFindMatchesH10(h, ringbuffer, i, ringbuffer_mask, 128, max_backward, nil, nil) + } + } +} + +/* MAX_NUM_MATCHES == 64 + MAX_TREE_SEARCH_DEPTH */ +const maxNumMatchesH10 = 128 + +func (*h10) FindLongestMatch(dictionary *encoderDictionary, data []byte, ring_buffer_mask uint, distance_cache []int, cur_ix uint, max_length uint, max_backward uint, gap uint, max_distance uint, out *hasherSearchResult) { + panic("unimplemented") +} + +func (*h10) PrepareDistanceCache(distance_cache []int) { + panic("unimplemented") +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/h5.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/h5.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f391b73fdd788 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/h5.go @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +package brotli + +import "encoding/binary" + +/* Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* A (forgetful) hash table to the data seen by the compressor, to + help create backward references to previous data. + + This is a hash map of fixed size (bucket_size_) to a ring buffer of + fixed size (block_size_). The ring buffer contains the last block_size_ + index positions of the given hash key in the compressed data. */ +func (*h5) HashTypeLength() uint { + return 4 +} + +func (*h5) StoreLookahead() uint { + return 4 +} + +/* HashBytes is the function that chooses the bucket to place the address in. */ +func hashBytesH5(data []byte, shift int) uint32 { + var h uint32 = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data) * kHashMul32 + + /* The higher bits contain more mixture from the multiplication, + so we take our results from there. */ + return uint32(h >> uint(shift)) +} + +type h5 struct { + hasherCommon + bucket_size_ uint + block_size_ uint + hash_shift_ int + block_mask_ uint32 + num []uint16 + buckets []uint32 +} + +func (h *h5) Initialize(params *encoderParams) { + h.hash_shift_ = 32 - h.params.bucket_bits + h.bucket_size_ = uint(1) << uint(h.params.bucket_bits) + h.block_size_ = uint(1) << uint(h.params.block_bits) + h.block_mask_ = uint32(h.block_size_ - 1) + h.num = make([]uint16, h.bucket_size_) + h.buckets = make([]uint32, h.block_size_*h.bucket_size_) +} + +func (h *h5) Prepare(one_shot bool, input_size uint, data []byte) { + var num []uint16 = h.num + var partial_prepare_threshold uint = h.bucket_size_ >> 6 + /* Partial preparation is 100 times slower (per socket). */ + if one_shot && input_size <= partial_prepare_threshold { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < input_size; i++ { + var key uint32 = hashBytesH5(data[i:], h.hash_shift_) + num[key] = 0 + } + } else { + for i := 0; i < int(h.bucket_size_); i++ { + num[i] = 0 + } + } +} + +/* Look at 4 bytes at &data[ix & mask]. + Compute a hash from these, and store the value of ix at that position. */ +func (h *h5) Store(data []byte, mask uint, ix uint) { + var num []uint16 = h.num + var key uint32 = hashBytesH5(data[ix&mask:], h.hash_shift_) + var minor_ix uint = uint(num[key]) & uint(h.block_mask_) + var offset uint = minor_ix + uint(key<= h.HashTypeLength()-1 && position >= 3 { + /* Prepare the hashes for three last bytes of the last write. + These could not be calculated before, since they require knowledge + of both the previous and the current block. */ + h.Store(ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, position-3) + h.Store(ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, position-2) + h.Store(ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, position-1) + } +} + +func (h *h5) PrepareDistanceCache(distance_cache []int) { + prepareDistanceCache(distance_cache, h.params.num_last_distances_to_check) +} + +/* Find a longest backward match of &data[cur_ix] up to the length of + max_length and stores the position cur_ix in the hash table. + + REQUIRES: PrepareDistanceCacheH5 must be invoked for current distance cache + values; if this method is invoked repeatedly with the same distance + cache values, it is enough to invoke PrepareDistanceCacheH5 once. + + Does not look for matches longer than max_length. + Does not look for matches further away than max_backward. + Writes the best match into |out|. + |out|->score is updated only if a better match is found. */ +func (h *h5) FindLongestMatch(dictionary *encoderDictionary, data []byte, ring_buffer_mask uint, distance_cache []int, cur_ix uint, max_length uint, max_backward uint, gap uint, max_distance uint, out *hasherSearchResult) { + var num []uint16 = h.num + var buckets []uint32 = h.buckets + var cur_ix_masked uint = cur_ix & ring_buffer_mask + var min_score uint = out.score + var best_score uint = out.score + var best_len uint = out.len + var i uint + var bucket []uint32 + /* Don't accept a short copy from far away. */ + out.len = 0 + + out.len_code_delta = 0 + + /* Try last distance first. */ + for i = 0; i < uint(h.params.num_last_distances_to_check); i++ { + var backward uint = uint(distance_cache[i]) + var prev_ix uint = uint(cur_ix - backward) + if prev_ix >= cur_ix { + continue + } + + if backward > max_backward { + continue + } + + prev_ix &= ring_buffer_mask + + if cur_ix_masked+best_len > ring_buffer_mask || prev_ix+best_len > ring_buffer_mask || data[cur_ix_masked+best_len] != data[prev_ix+best_len] { + continue + } + { + var len uint = findMatchLengthWithLimit(data[prev_ix:], data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length) + if len >= 3 || (len == 2 && i < 2) { + /* Comparing for >= 2 does not change the semantics, but just saves for + a few unnecessary binary logarithms in backward reference score, + since we are not interested in such short matches. */ + var score uint = backwardReferenceScoreUsingLastDistance(uint(len)) + if best_score < score { + if i != 0 { + score -= backwardReferencePenaltyUsingLastDistance(i) + } + if best_score < score { + best_score = score + best_len = uint(len) + out.len = best_len + out.distance = backward + out.score = best_score + } + } + } + } + } + { + var key uint32 = hashBytesH5(data[cur_ix_masked:], h.hash_shift_) + bucket = buckets[key< h.block_size_ { + down = uint(num[key]) - h.block_size_ + } else { + down = 0 + } + for i = uint(num[key]); i > down; { + var prev_ix uint + i-- + prev_ix = uint(bucket[uint32(i)&h.block_mask_]) + var backward uint = cur_ix - prev_ix + if backward > max_backward { + break + } + + prev_ix &= ring_buffer_mask + if cur_ix_masked+best_len > ring_buffer_mask || prev_ix+best_len > ring_buffer_mask || data[cur_ix_masked+best_len] != data[prev_ix+best_len] { + continue + } + { + var len uint = findMatchLengthWithLimit(data[prev_ix:], data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length) + if len >= 4 { + /* Comparing for >= 3 does not change the semantics, but just saves + for a few unnecessary binary logarithms in backward reference + score, since we are not interested in such short matches. */ + var score uint = backwardReferenceScore(uint(len), backward) + if best_score < score { + best_score = score + best_len = uint(len) + out.len = best_len + out.distance = backward + out.score = best_score + } + } + } + } + + bucket[uint32(num[key])&h.block_mask_] = uint32(cur_ix) + num[key]++ + } + + if min_score == out.score { + searchInStaticDictionary(dictionary, h, data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length, max_backward+gap, max_distance, out, false) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/h6.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/h6.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..80bb224aa8759 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/h6.go @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +package brotli + +import "encoding/binary" + +/* Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* A (forgetful) hash table to the data seen by the compressor, to + help create backward references to previous data. + + This is a hash map of fixed size (bucket_size_) to a ring buffer of + fixed size (block_size_). The ring buffer contains the last block_size_ + index positions of the given hash key in the compressed data. */ +func (*h6) HashTypeLength() uint { + return 8 +} + +func (*h6) StoreLookahead() uint { + return 8 +} + +/* HashBytes is the function that chooses the bucket to place the address in. */ +func hashBytesH6(data []byte, mask uint64, shift int) uint32 { + var h uint64 = (binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(data) & mask) * kHashMul64Long + + /* The higher bits contain more mixture from the multiplication, + so we take our results from there. */ + return uint32(h >> uint(shift)) +} + +type h6 struct { + hasherCommon + bucket_size_ uint + block_size_ uint + hash_shift_ int + hash_mask_ uint64 + block_mask_ uint32 + num []uint16 + buckets []uint32 +} + +func (h *h6) Initialize(params *encoderParams) { + h.hash_shift_ = 64 - h.params.bucket_bits + h.hash_mask_ = (^(uint64(0))) >> uint(64-8*h.params.hash_len) + h.bucket_size_ = uint(1) << uint(h.params.bucket_bits) + h.block_size_ = uint(1) << uint(h.params.block_bits) + h.block_mask_ = uint32(h.block_size_ - 1) + h.num = make([]uint16, h.bucket_size_) + h.buckets = make([]uint32, h.block_size_*h.bucket_size_) +} + +func (h *h6) Prepare(one_shot bool, input_size uint, data []byte) { + var num []uint16 = h.num + var partial_prepare_threshold uint = h.bucket_size_ >> 6 + /* Partial preparation is 100 times slower (per socket). */ + if one_shot && input_size <= partial_prepare_threshold { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < input_size; i++ { + var key uint32 = hashBytesH6(data[i:], h.hash_mask_, h.hash_shift_) + num[key] = 0 + } + } else { + for i := 0; i < int(h.bucket_size_); i++ { + num[i] = 0 + } + } +} + +/* Look at 4 bytes at &data[ix & mask]. + Compute a hash from these, and store the value of ix at that position. */ +func (h *h6) Store(data []byte, mask uint, ix uint) { + var num []uint16 = h.num + var key uint32 = hashBytesH6(data[ix&mask:], h.hash_mask_, h.hash_shift_) + var minor_ix uint = uint(num[key]) & uint(h.block_mask_) + var offset uint = minor_ix + uint(key<= h.HashTypeLength()-1 && position >= 3 { + /* Prepare the hashes for three last bytes of the last write. + These could not be calculated before, since they require knowledge + of both the previous and the current block. */ + h.Store(ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, position-3) + h.Store(ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, position-2) + h.Store(ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, position-1) + } +} + +func (h *h6) PrepareDistanceCache(distance_cache []int) { + prepareDistanceCache(distance_cache, h.params.num_last_distances_to_check) +} + +/* Find a longest backward match of &data[cur_ix] up to the length of + max_length and stores the position cur_ix in the hash table. + + REQUIRES: PrepareDistanceCacheH6 must be invoked for current distance cache + values; if this method is invoked repeatedly with the same distance + cache values, it is enough to invoke PrepareDistanceCacheH6 once. + + Does not look for matches longer than max_length. + Does not look for matches further away than max_backward. + Writes the best match into |out|. + |out|->score is updated only if a better match is found. */ +func (h *h6) FindLongestMatch(dictionary *encoderDictionary, data []byte, ring_buffer_mask uint, distance_cache []int, cur_ix uint, max_length uint, max_backward uint, gap uint, max_distance uint, out *hasherSearchResult) { + var num []uint16 = h.num + var buckets []uint32 = h.buckets + var cur_ix_masked uint = cur_ix & ring_buffer_mask + var min_score uint = out.score + var best_score uint = out.score + var best_len uint = out.len + var i uint + var bucket []uint32 + /* Don't accept a short copy from far away. */ + out.len = 0 + + out.len_code_delta = 0 + + /* Try last distance first. */ + for i = 0; i < uint(h.params.num_last_distances_to_check); i++ { + var backward uint = uint(distance_cache[i]) + var prev_ix uint = uint(cur_ix - backward) + if prev_ix >= cur_ix { + continue + } + + if backward > max_backward { + continue + } + + prev_ix &= ring_buffer_mask + + if cur_ix_masked+best_len > ring_buffer_mask || prev_ix+best_len > ring_buffer_mask || data[cur_ix_masked+best_len] != data[prev_ix+best_len] { + continue + } + { + var len uint = findMatchLengthWithLimit(data[prev_ix:], data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length) + if len >= 3 || (len == 2 && i < 2) { + /* Comparing for >= 2 does not change the semantics, but just saves for + a few unnecessary binary logarithms in backward reference score, + since we are not interested in such short matches. */ + var score uint = backwardReferenceScoreUsingLastDistance(uint(len)) + if best_score < score { + if i != 0 { + score -= backwardReferencePenaltyUsingLastDistance(i) + } + if best_score < score { + best_score = score + best_len = uint(len) + out.len = best_len + out.distance = backward + out.score = best_score + } + } + } + } + } + { + var key uint32 = hashBytesH6(data[cur_ix_masked:], h.hash_mask_, h.hash_shift_) + bucket = buckets[key< h.block_size_ { + down = uint(num[key]) - h.block_size_ + } else { + down = 0 + } + for i = uint(num[key]); i > down; { + var prev_ix uint + i-- + prev_ix = uint(bucket[uint32(i)&h.block_mask_]) + var backward uint = cur_ix - prev_ix + if backward > max_backward { + break + } + + prev_ix &= ring_buffer_mask + if cur_ix_masked+best_len > ring_buffer_mask || prev_ix+best_len > ring_buffer_mask || data[cur_ix_masked+best_len] != data[prev_ix+best_len] { + continue + } + { + var len uint = findMatchLengthWithLimit(data[prev_ix:], data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length) + if len >= 4 { + /* Comparing for >= 3 does not change the semantics, but just saves + for a few unnecessary binary logarithms in backward reference + score, since we are not interested in such short matches. */ + var score uint = backwardReferenceScore(uint(len), backward) + if best_score < score { + best_score = score + best_len = uint(len) + out.len = best_len + out.distance = backward + out.score = best_score + } + } + } + } + + bucket[uint32(num[key])&h.block_mask_] = uint32(cur_ix) + num[key]++ + } + + if min_score == out.score { + searchInStaticDictionary(dictionary, h, data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length, max_backward+gap, max_distance, out, false) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..00f812e87ec86 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash.go @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ +package brotli + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" +) + +type hasherCommon struct { + params hasherParams + is_prepared_ bool + dict_num_lookups uint + dict_num_matches uint +} + +func (h *hasherCommon) Common() *hasherCommon { + return h +} + +type hasherHandle interface { + Common() *hasherCommon + Initialize(params *encoderParams) + Prepare(one_shot bool, input_size uint, data []byte) + StitchToPreviousBlock(num_bytes uint, position uint, ringbuffer []byte, ringbuffer_mask uint) + HashTypeLength() uint + StoreLookahead() uint + PrepareDistanceCache(distance_cache []int) + FindLongestMatch(dictionary *encoderDictionary, data []byte, ring_buffer_mask uint, distance_cache []int, cur_ix uint, max_length uint, max_backward uint, gap uint, max_distance uint, out *hasherSearchResult) + StoreRange(data []byte, mask uint, ix_start uint, ix_end uint) + Store(data []byte, mask uint, ix uint) +} + +const kCutoffTransformsCount uint32 = 10 + +/* 0, 12, 27, 23, 42, 63, 56, 48, 59, 64 */ +/* 0+0, 4+8, 8+19, 12+11, 16+26, 20+43, 24+32, 28+20, 32+27, 36+28 */ +const kCutoffTransforms uint64 = 0x071B520ADA2D3200 + +type hasherSearchResult struct { + len uint + distance uint + score uint + len_code_delta int +} + +/* kHashMul32 multiplier has these properties: + * The multiplier must be odd. Otherwise we may lose the highest bit. + * No long streaks of ones or zeros. + * There is no effort to ensure that it is a prime, the oddity is enough + for this use. + * The number has been tuned heuristically against compression benchmarks. */ +const kHashMul32 uint32 = 0x1E35A7BD + +const kHashMul64 uint64 = 0x1E35A7BD1E35A7BD + +const kHashMul64Long uint64 = 0x1FE35A7BD3579BD3 + +func hash14(data []byte) uint32 { + var h uint32 = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data) * kHashMul32 + + /* The higher bits contain more mixture from the multiplication, + so we take our results from there. */ + return h >> (32 - 14) +} + +func prepareDistanceCache(distance_cache []int, num_distances int) { + if num_distances > 4 { + var last_distance int = distance_cache[0] + distance_cache[4] = last_distance - 1 + distance_cache[5] = last_distance + 1 + distance_cache[6] = last_distance - 2 + distance_cache[7] = last_distance + 2 + distance_cache[8] = last_distance - 3 + distance_cache[9] = last_distance + 3 + if num_distances > 10 { + var next_last_distance int = distance_cache[1] + distance_cache[10] = next_last_distance - 1 + distance_cache[11] = next_last_distance + 1 + distance_cache[12] = next_last_distance - 2 + distance_cache[13] = next_last_distance + 2 + distance_cache[14] = next_last_distance - 3 + distance_cache[15] = next_last_distance + 3 + } + } +} + +const literalByteScore = 135 + +const distanceBitPenalty = 30 + +/* Score must be positive after applying maximal penalty. */ +const scoreBase = (distanceBitPenalty * 8 * 8) + +/* Usually, we always choose the longest backward reference. This function + allows for the exception of that rule. + + If we choose a backward reference that is further away, it will + usually be coded with more bits. We approximate this by assuming + log2(distance). If the distance can be expressed in terms of the + last four distances, we use some heuristic constants to estimate + the bits cost. For the first up to four literals we use the bit + cost of the literals from the literal cost model, after that we + use the average bit cost of the cost model. + + This function is used to sometimes discard a longer backward reference + when it is not much longer and the bit cost for encoding it is more + than the saved literals. + + backward_reference_offset MUST be positive. */ +func backwardReferenceScore(copy_length uint, backward_reference_offset uint) uint { + return scoreBase + literalByteScore*uint(copy_length) - distanceBitPenalty*uint(log2FloorNonZero(backward_reference_offset)) +} + +func backwardReferenceScoreUsingLastDistance(copy_length uint) uint { + return literalByteScore*uint(copy_length) + scoreBase + 15 +} + +func backwardReferencePenaltyUsingLastDistance(distance_short_code uint) uint { + return uint(39) + ((0x1CA10 >> (distance_short_code & 0xE)) & 0xE) +} + +func testStaticDictionaryItem(dictionary *encoderDictionary, item uint, data []byte, max_length uint, max_backward uint, max_distance uint, out *hasherSearchResult) bool { + var len uint + var word_idx uint + var offset uint + var matchlen uint + var backward uint + var score uint + len = item & 0x1F + word_idx = item >> 5 + offset = uint(dictionary.words.offsets_by_length[len]) + len*word_idx + if len > max_length { + return false + } + + matchlen = findMatchLengthWithLimit(data, dictionary.words.data[offset:], uint(len)) + if matchlen+uint(dictionary.cutoffTransformsCount) <= len || matchlen == 0 { + return false + } + { + var cut uint = len - matchlen + var transform_id uint = (cut << 2) + uint((dictionary.cutoffTransforms>>(cut*6))&0x3F) + backward = max_backward + 1 + word_idx + (transform_id << dictionary.words.size_bits_by_length[len]) + } + + if backward > max_distance { + return false + } + + score = backwardReferenceScore(matchlen, backward) + if score < out.score { + return false + } + + out.len = matchlen + out.len_code_delta = int(len) - int(matchlen) + out.distance = backward + out.score = score + return true +} + +func searchInStaticDictionary(dictionary *encoderDictionary, handle hasherHandle, data []byte, max_length uint, max_backward uint, max_distance uint, out *hasherSearchResult, shallow bool) { + var key uint + var i uint + var self *hasherCommon = handle.Common() + if self.dict_num_matches < self.dict_num_lookups>>7 { + return + } + + key = uint(hash14(data) << 1) + for i = 0; ; (func() { i++; key++ })() { + var tmp uint + if shallow { + tmp = 1 + } else { + tmp = 2 + } + if i >= tmp { + break + } + var item uint = uint(dictionary.hash_table[key]) + self.dict_num_lookups++ + if item != 0 { + var item_matches bool = testStaticDictionaryItem(dictionary, item, data, max_length, max_backward, max_distance, out) + if item_matches { + self.dict_num_matches++ + } + } + } +} + +type backwardMatch struct { + distance uint32 + length_and_code uint32 +} + +func initBackwardMatch(self *backwardMatch, dist uint, len uint) { + self.distance = uint32(dist) + self.length_and_code = uint32(len << 5) +} + +func initDictionaryBackwardMatch(self *backwardMatch, dist uint, len uint, len_code uint) { + self.distance = uint32(dist) + var tmp uint + if len == len_code { + tmp = 0 + } else { + tmp = len_code + } + self.length_and_code = uint32(len<<5 | tmp) +} + +func backwardMatchLength(self *backwardMatch) uint { + return uint(self.length_and_code >> 5) +} + +func backwardMatchLengthCode(self *backwardMatch) uint { + var code uint = uint(self.length_and_code) & 31 + if code != 0 { + return code + } else { + return backwardMatchLength(self) + } +} + +func hasherReset(handle hasherHandle) { + if handle == nil { + return + } + handle.Common().is_prepared_ = false +} + +func newHasher(typ int) hasherHandle { + switch typ { + case 2: + return &hashLongestMatchQuickly{ + bucketBits: 16, + bucketSweep: 1, + hashLen: 5, + useDictionary: true, + } + case 3: + return &hashLongestMatchQuickly{ + bucketBits: 16, + bucketSweep: 2, + hashLen: 5, + useDictionary: false, + } + case 4: + return &hashLongestMatchQuickly{ + bucketBits: 17, + bucketSweep: 4, + hashLen: 5, + useDictionary: true, + } + case 5: + return new(h5) + case 6: + return new(h6) + case 10: + return new(h10) + case 35: + return &hashComposite{ + ha: newHasher(3), + hb: &hashRolling{jump: 4}, + } + case 40: + return &hashForgetfulChain{ + bucketBits: 15, + numBanks: 1, + bankBits: 16, + numLastDistancesToCheck: 4, + } + case 41: + return &hashForgetfulChain{ + bucketBits: 15, + numBanks: 1, + bankBits: 16, + numLastDistancesToCheck: 10, + } + case 42: + return &hashForgetfulChain{ + bucketBits: 15, + numBanks: 512, + bankBits: 9, + numLastDistancesToCheck: 16, + } + case 54: + return &hashLongestMatchQuickly{ + bucketBits: 20, + bucketSweep: 4, + hashLen: 7, + useDictionary: false, + } + case 55: + return &hashComposite{ + ha: newHasher(54), + hb: &hashRolling{jump: 4}, + } + case 65: + return &hashComposite{ + ha: newHasher(6), + hb: &hashRolling{jump: 1}, + } + } + + panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown hasher type: %d", typ)) +} + +func hasherSetup(handle *hasherHandle, params *encoderParams, data []byte, position uint, input_size uint, is_last bool) { + var self hasherHandle = nil + var common *hasherCommon = nil + var one_shot bool = (position == 0 && is_last) + if *handle == nil { + chooseHasher(params, ¶ms.hasher) + self = newHasher(params.hasher.type_) + + *handle = self + common = self.Common() + common.params = params.hasher + self.Initialize(params) + } + + self = *handle + common = self.Common() + if !common.is_prepared_ { + self.Prepare(one_shot, input_size, data) + + if position == 0 { + common.dict_num_lookups = 0 + common.dict_num_matches = 0 + } + + common.is_prepared_ = true + } +} + +func initOrStitchToPreviousBlock(handle *hasherHandle, data []byte, mask uint, params *encoderParams, position uint, input_size uint, is_last bool) { + var self hasherHandle + hasherSetup(handle, params, data, position, input_size, is_last) + self = *handle + self.StitchToPreviousBlock(input_size, position, data, mask) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash_composite.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash_composite.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a65fe2e6a9a22 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash_composite.go @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +func (h *hashComposite) HashTypeLength() uint { + var a uint = h.ha.HashTypeLength() + var b uint = h.hb.HashTypeLength() + if a > b { + return a + } else { + return b + } +} + +func (h *hashComposite) StoreLookahead() uint { + var a uint = h.ha.StoreLookahead() + var b uint = h.hb.StoreLookahead() + if a > b { + return a + } else { + return b + } +} + +/* Composite hasher: This hasher allows to combine two other hashers, HASHER_A + and HASHER_B. */ +type hashComposite struct { + hasherCommon + ha hasherHandle + hb hasherHandle + params *encoderParams +} + +func (h *hashComposite) Initialize(params *encoderParams) { + h.params = params +} + +/* TODO: Initialize of the hashers is defered to Prepare (and params + remembered here) because we don't get the one_shot and input_size params + here that are needed to know the memory size of them. Instead provide + those params to all hashers InitializehashComposite */ +func (h *hashComposite) Prepare(one_shot bool, input_size uint, data []byte) { + if h.ha == nil { + var common_a *hasherCommon + var common_b *hasherCommon + + common_a = h.ha.Common() + common_a.params = h.params.hasher + common_a.is_prepared_ = false + common_a.dict_num_lookups = 0 + common_a.dict_num_matches = 0 + h.ha.Initialize(h.params) + + common_b = h.hb.Common() + common_b.params = h.params.hasher + common_b.is_prepared_ = false + common_b.dict_num_lookups = 0 + common_b.dict_num_matches = 0 + h.hb.Initialize(h.params) + } + + h.ha.Prepare(one_shot, input_size, data) + h.hb.Prepare(one_shot, input_size, data) +} + +func (h *hashComposite) Store(data []byte, mask uint, ix uint) { + h.ha.Store(data, mask, ix) + h.hb.Store(data, mask, ix) +} + +func (h *hashComposite) StoreRange(data []byte, mask uint, ix_start uint, ix_end uint) { + h.ha.StoreRange(data, mask, ix_start, ix_end) + h.hb.StoreRange(data, mask, ix_start, ix_end) +} + +func (h *hashComposite) StitchToPreviousBlock(num_bytes uint, position uint, ringbuffer []byte, ring_buffer_mask uint) { + h.ha.StitchToPreviousBlock(num_bytes, position, ringbuffer, ring_buffer_mask) + h.hb.StitchToPreviousBlock(num_bytes, position, ringbuffer, ring_buffer_mask) +} + +func (h *hashComposite) PrepareDistanceCache(distance_cache []int) { + h.ha.PrepareDistanceCache(distance_cache) + h.hb.PrepareDistanceCache(distance_cache) +} + +func (h *hashComposite) FindLongestMatch(dictionary *encoderDictionary, data []byte, ring_buffer_mask uint, distance_cache []int, cur_ix uint, max_length uint, max_backward uint, gap uint, max_distance uint, out *hasherSearchResult) { + h.ha.FindLongestMatch(dictionary, data, ring_buffer_mask, distance_cache, cur_ix, max_length, max_backward, gap, max_distance, out) + h.hb.FindLongestMatch(dictionary, data, ring_buffer_mask, distance_cache, cur_ix, max_length, max_backward, gap, max_distance, out) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash_forgetful_chain.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash_forgetful_chain.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..306e46d3dba95 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash_forgetful_chain.go @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +package brotli + +import "encoding/binary" + +/* Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +func (*hashForgetfulChain) HashTypeLength() uint { + return 4 +} + +func (*hashForgetfulChain) StoreLookahead() uint { + return 4 +} + +/* HashBytes is the function that chooses the bucket to place the address in.*/ +func (h *hashForgetfulChain) HashBytes(data []byte) uint { + var hash uint32 = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data) * kHashMul32 + + /* The higher bits contain more mixture from the multiplication, + so we take our results from there. */ + return uint(hash >> (32 - h.bucketBits)) +} + +type slot struct { + delta uint16 + next uint16 +} + +/* A (forgetful) hash table to the data seen by the compressor, to + help create backward references to previous data. + + Hashes are stored in chains which are bucketed to groups. Group of chains + share a storage "bank". When more than "bank size" chain nodes are added, + oldest nodes are replaced; this way several chains may share a tail. */ +type hashForgetfulChain struct { + hasherCommon + + bucketBits uint + numBanks uint + bankBits uint + numLastDistancesToCheck int + + addr []uint32 + head []uint16 + tiny_hash [65536]byte + banks [][]slot + free_slot_idx []uint16 + max_hops uint +} + +func (h *hashForgetfulChain) Initialize(params *encoderParams) { + var q uint + if params.quality > 6 { + q = 7 + } else { + q = 8 + } + h.max_hops = q << uint(params.quality-4) + + bankSize := 1 << h.bankBits + bucketSize := 1 << h.bucketBits + + h.addr = make([]uint32, bucketSize) + h.head = make([]uint16, bucketSize) + h.banks = make([][]slot, h.numBanks) + for i := range h.banks { + h.banks[i] = make([]slot, bankSize) + } + h.free_slot_idx = make([]uint16, h.numBanks) +} + +func (h *hashForgetfulChain) Prepare(one_shot bool, input_size uint, data []byte) { + var partial_prepare_threshold uint = (1 << h.bucketBits) >> 6 + /* Partial preparation is 100 times slower (per socket). */ + if one_shot && input_size <= partial_prepare_threshold { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < input_size; i++ { + var bucket uint = h.HashBytes(data[i:]) + + /* See InitEmpty comment. */ + h.addr[bucket] = 0xCCCCCCCC + + h.head[bucket] = 0xCCCC + } + } else { + /* Fill |addr| array with 0xCCCCCCCC value. Because of wrapping, position + processed by hasher never reaches 3GB + 64M; this makes all new chains + to be terminated after the first node. */ + for i := range h.addr { + h.addr[i] = 0xCCCCCCCC + } + + for i := range h.head { + h.head[i] = 0 + } + } + + h.tiny_hash = [65536]byte{} + for i := range h.free_slot_idx { + h.free_slot_idx[i] = 0 + } +} + +/* Look at 4 bytes at &data[ix & mask]. Compute a hash from these, and prepend + node to corresponding chain; also update tiny_hash for current position. */ +func (h *hashForgetfulChain) Store(data []byte, mask uint, ix uint) { + var key uint = h.HashBytes(data[ix&mask:]) + var bank uint = key & (h.numBanks - 1) + idx := uint(h.free_slot_idx[bank]) & ((1 << h.bankBits) - 1) + h.free_slot_idx[bank]++ + var delta uint = ix - uint(h.addr[key]) + h.tiny_hash[uint16(ix)] = byte(key) + if delta > 0xFFFF { + delta = 0xFFFF + } + h.banks[bank][idx].delta = uint16(delta) + h.banks[bank][idx].next = h.head[key] + h.addr[key] = uint32(ix) + h.head[key] = uint16(idx) +} + +func (h *hashForgetfulChain) StoreRange(data []byte, mask uint, ix_start uint, ix_end uint) { + var i uint + for i = ix_start; i < ix_end; i++ { + h.Store(data, mask, i) + } +} + +func (h *hashForgetfulChain) StitchToPreviousBlock(num_bytes uint, position uint, ringbuffer []byte, ring_buffer_mask uint) { + if num_bytes >= h.HashTypeLength()-1 && position >= 3 { + /* Prepare the hashes for three last bytes of the last write. + These could not be calculated before, since they require knowledge + of both the previous and the current block. */ + h.Store(ringbuffer, ring_buffer_mask, position-3) + h.Store(ringbuffer, ring_buffer_mask, position-2) + h.Store(ringbuffer, ring_buffer_mask, position-1) + } +} + +func (h *hashForgetfulChain) PrepareDistanceCache(distance_cache []int) { + prepareDistanceCache(distance_cache, h.numLastDistancesToCheck) +} + +/* Find a longest backward match of &data[cur_ix] up to the length of + max_length and stores the position cur_ix in the hash table. + + REQUIRES: PrepareDistanceCachehashForgetfulChain must be invoked for current distance cache + values; if this method is invoked repeatedly with the same distance + cache values, it is enough to invoke PrepareDistanceCachehashForgetfulChain once. + + Does not look for matches longer than max_length. + Does not look for matches further away than max_backward. + Writes the best match into |out|. + |out|->score is updated only if a better match is found. */ +func (h *hashForgetfulChain) FindLongestMatch(dictionary *encoderDictionary, data []byte, ring_buffer_mask uint, distance_cache []int, cur_ix uint, max_length uint, max_backward uint, gap uint, max_distance uint, out *hasherSearchResult) { + var cur_ix_masked uint = cur_ix & ring_buffer_mask + var min_score uint = out.score + var best_score uint = out.score + var best_len uint = out.len + var key uint = h.HashBytes(data[cur_ix_masked:]) + var tiny_hash byte = byte(key) + /* Don't accept a short copy from far away. */ + out.len = 0 + + out.len_code_delta = 0 + + /* Try last distance first. */ + for i := 0; i < h.numLastDistancesToCheck; i++ { + var backward uint = uint(distance_cache[i]) + var prev_ix uint = (cur_ix - backward) + + /* For distance code 0 we want to consider 2-byte matches. */ + if i > 0 && h.tiny_hash[uint16(prev_ix)] != tiny_hash { + continue + } + if prev_ix >= cur_ix || backward > max_backward { + continue + } + + prev_ix &= ring_buffer_mask + { + var len uint = findMatchLengthWithLimit(data[prev_ix:], data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length) + if len >= 2 { + var score uint = backwardReferenceScoreUsingLastDistance(uint(len)) + if best_score < score { + if i != 0 { + score -= backwardReferencePenaltyUsingLastDistance(uint(i)) + } + if best_score < score { + best_score = score + best_len = uint(len) + out.len = best_len + out.distance = backward + out.score = best_score + } + } + } + } + } + { + var bank uint = key & (h.numBanks - 1) + var backward uint = 0 + var hops uint = h.max_hops + var delta uint = cur_ix - uint(h.addr[key]) + var slot uint = uint(h.head[key]) + for { + tmp6 := hops + hops-- + if tmp6 == 0 { + break + } + var prev_ix uint + var last uint = slot + backward += delta + if backward > max_backward { + break + } + prev_ix = (cur_ix - backward) & ring_buffer_mask + slot = uint(h.banks[bank][last].next) + delta = uint(h.banks[bank][last].delta) + if cur_ix_masked+best_len > ring_buffer_mask || prev_ix+best_len > ring_buffer_mask || data[cur_ix_masked+best_len] != data[prev_ix+best_len] { + continue + } + { + var len uint = findMatchLengthWithLimit(data[prev_ix:], data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length) + if len >= 4 { + /* Comparing for >= 3 does not change the semantics, but just saves + for a few unnecessary binary logarithms in backward reference + score, since we are not interested in such short matches. */ + var score uint = backwardReferenceScore(uint(len), backward) + if best_score < score { + best_score = score + best_len = uint(len) + out.len = best_len + out.distance = backward + out.score = best_score + } + } + } + } + + h.Store(data, ring_buffer_mask, cur_ix) + } + + if out.score == min_score { + searchInStaticDictionary(dictionary, h, data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length, max_backward+gap, max_distance, out, false) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash_longest_match_quickly.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash_longest_match_quickly.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9375dc155398b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash_longest_match_quickly.go @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +package brotli + +import "encoding/binary" + +/* Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* For BUCKET_SWEEP == 1, enabling the dictionary lookup makes compression + a little faster (0.5% - 1%) and it compresses 0.15% better on small text + and HTML inputs. */ + +func (*hashLongestMatchQuickly) HashTypeLength() uint { + return 8 +} + +func (*hashLongestMatchQuickly) StoreLookahead() uint { + return 8 +} + +/* HashBytes is the function that chooses the bucket to place + the address in. The HashLongestMatch and hashLongestMatchQuickly + classes have separate, different implementations of hashing. */ +func (h *hashLongestMatchQuickly) HashBytes(data []byte) uint32 { + var hash uint64 = ((binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(data) << (64 - 8*h.hashLen)) * kHashMul64) + + /* The higher bits contain more mixture from the multiplication, + so we take our results from there. */ + return uint32(hash >> (64 - h.bucketBits)) +} + +/* A (forgetful) hash table to the data seen by the compressor, to + help create backward references to previous data. + + This is a hash map of fixed size (1 << 16). Starting from the + given index, 1 buckets are used to store values of a key. */ +type hashLongestMatchQuickly struct { + hasherCommon + + bucketBits uint + bucketSweep int + hashLen uint + useDictionary bool + + buckets []uint32 +} + +func (h *hashLongestMatchQuickly) Initialize(params *encoderParams) { + h.buckets = make([]uint32, 1<> 7 + /* Partial preparation is 100 times slower (per socket). */ + if one_shot && input_size <= partial_prepare_threshold { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < input_size; i++ { + var key uint32 = h.HashBytes(data[i:]) + for j := 0; j < h.bucketSweep; j++ { + h.buckets[key+uint32(j)] = 0 + } + } + } else { + /* It is not strictly necessary to fill this buffer here, but + not filling will make the results of the compression stochastic + (but correct). This is because random data would cause the + system to find accidentally good backward references here and there. */ + for i := range h.buckets { + h.buckets[i] = 0 + } + } +} + +/* Look at 5 bytes at &data[ix & mask]. + Compute a hash from these, and store the value somewhere within + [ix .. ix+3]. */ +func (h *hashLongestMatchQuickly) Store(data []byte, mask uint, ix uint) { + var key uint32 = h.HashBytes(data[ix&mask:]) + var off uint32 = uint32(ix>>3) % uint32(h.bucketSweep) + /* Wiggle the value with the bucket sweep range. */ + h.buckets[key+off] = uint32(ix) +} + +func (h *hashLongestMatchQuickly) StoreRange(data []byte, mask uint, ix_start uint, ix_end uint) { + var i uint + for i = ix_start; i < ix_end; i++ { + h.Store(data, mask, i) + } +} + +func (h *hashLongestMatchQuickly) StitchToPreviousBlock(num_bytes uint, position uint, ringbuffer []byte, ringbuffer_mask uint) { + if num_bytes >= h.HashTypeLength()-1 && position >= 3 { + /* Prepare the hashes for three last bytes of the last write. + These could not be calculated before, since they require knowledge + of both the previous and the current block. */ + h.Store(ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, position-3) + h.Store(ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, position-2) + h.Store(ringbuffer, ringbuffer_mask, position-1) + } +} + +func (*hashLongestMatchQuickly) PrepareDistanceCache(distance_cache []int) { +} + +/* Find a longest backward match of &data[cur_ix & ring_buffer_mask] + up to the length of max_length and stores the position cur_ix in the + hash table. + + Does not look for matches longer than max_length. + Does not look for matches further away than max_backward. + Writes the best match into |out|. + |out|->score is updated only if a better match is found. */ +func (h *hashLongestMatchQuickly) FindLongestMatch(dictionary *encoderDictionary, data []byte, ring_buffer_mask uint, distance_cache []int, cur_ix uint, max_length uint, max_backward uint, gap uint, max_distance uint, out *hasherSearchResult) { + var best_len_in uint = out.len + var cur_ix_masked uint = cur_ix & ring_buffer_mask + var key uint32 = h.HashBytes(data[cur_ix_masked:]) + var compare_char int = int(data[cur_ix_masked+best_len_in]) + var min_score uint = out.score + var best_score uint = out.score + var best_len uint = best_len_in + var cached_backward uint = uint(distance_cache[0]) + var prev_ix uint = cur_ix - cached_backward + var bucket []uint32 + out.len_code_delta = 0 + if prev_ix < cur_ix { + prev_ix &= uint(uint32(ring_buffer_mask)) + if compare_char == int(data[prev_ix+best_len]) { + var len uint = findMatchLengthWithLimit(data[prev_ix:], data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length) + if len >= 4 { + var score uint = backwardReferenceScoreUsingLastDistance(uint(len)) + if best_score < score { + best_score = score + best_len = uint(len) + out.len = uint(len) + out.distance = cached_backward + out.score = best_score + compare_char = int(data[cur_ix_masked+best_len]) + if h.bucketSweep == 1 { + h.buckets[key] = uint32(cur_ix) + return + } + } + } + } + } + + if h.bucketSweep == 1 { + var backward uint + var len uint + + /* Only one to look for, don't bother to prepare for a loop. */ + prev_ix = uint(h.buckets[key]) + + h.buckets[key] = uint32(cur_ix) + backward = cur_ix - prev_ix + prev_ix &= uint(uint32(ring_buffer_mask)) + if compare_char != int(data[prev_ix+best_len_in]) { + return + } + + if backward == 0 || backward > max_backward { + return + } + + len = findMatchLengthWithLimit(data[prev_ix:], data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length) + if len >= 4 { + var score uint = backwardReferenceScore(uint(len), backward) + if best_score < score { + out.len = uint(len) + out.distance = backward + out.score = score + return + } + } + } else { + bucket = h.buckets[key:] + var i int + prev_ix = uint(bucket[0]) + bucket = bucket[1:] + for i = 0; i < h.bucketSweep; (func() { i++; tmp3 := bucket; bucket = bucket[1:]; prev_ix = uint(tmp3[0]) })() { + var backward uint = cur_ix - prev_ix + var len uint + prev_ix &= uint(uint32(ring_buffer_mask)) + if compare_char != int(data[prev_ix+best_len]) { + continue + } + + if backward == 0 || backward > max_backward { + continue + } + + len = findMatchLengthWithLimit(data[prev_ix:], data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length) + if len >= 4 { + var score uint = backwardReferenceScore(uint(len), backward) + if best_score < score { + best_score = score + best_len = uint(len) + out.len = best_len + out.distance = backward + out.score = score + compare_char = int(data[cur_ix_masked+best_len]) + } + } + } + } + + if h.useDictionary && min_score == out.score { + searchInStaticDictionary(dictionary, h, data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length, max_backward+gap, max_distance, out, true) + } + + h.buckets[key+uint32((cur_ix>>3)%uint(h.bucketSweep))] = uint32(cur_ix) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash_rolling.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash_rolling.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..6630fc07e4bbd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/hash_rolling.go @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* NOTE: this hasher does not search in the dictionary. It is used as + backup-hasher, the main hasher already searches in it. */ + +const kRollingHashMul32 uint32 = 69069 + +const kInvalidPosHashRolling uint32 = 0xffffffff + +/* This hasher uses a longer forward length, but returning a higher value here + will hurt compression by the main hasher when combined with a composite + hasher. The hasher tests for forward itself instead. */ +func (*hashRolling) HashTypeLength() uint { + return 4 +} + +func (*hashRolling) StoreLookahead() uint { + return 4 +} + +/* Computes a code from a single byte. A lookup table of 256 values could be + used, but simply adding 1 works about as good. */ +func (*hashRolling) HashByte(b byte) uint32 { + return uint32(b) + 1 +} + +func (h *hashRolling) HashRollingFunctionInitial(state uint32, add byte, factor uint32) uint32 { + return uint32(factor*state + h.HashByte(add)) +} + +func (h *hashRolling) HashRollingFunction(state uint32, add byte, rem byte, factor uint32, factor_remove uint32) uint32 { + return uint32(factor*state + h.HashByte(add) - factor_remove*h.HashByte(rem)) +} + +/* Rolling hash for long distance long string matches. Stores one position + per bucket, bucket key is computed over a long region. */ +type hashRolling struct { + hasherCommon + + jump int + + state uint32 + table []uint32 + next_ix uint + factor uint32 + factor_remove uint32 +} + +func (h *hashRolling) Initialize(params *encoderParams) { + h.state = 0 + h.next_ix = 0 + + h.factor = kRollingHashMul32 + + /* Compute the factor of the oldest byte to remove: factor**steps modulo + 0xffffffff (the multiplications rely on 32-bit overflow) */ + h.factor_remove = 1 + + for i := 0; i < 32; i += h.jump { + h.factor_remove *= h.factor + } + + h.table = make([]uint32, 16777216) + for i := 0; i < 16777216; i++ { + h.table[i] = kInvalidPosHashRolling + } +} + +func (h *hashRolling) Prepare(one_shot bool, input_size uint, data []byte) { + /* Too small size, cannot use this hasher. */ + if input_size < 32 { + return + } + h.state = 0 + for i := 0; i < 32; i += h.jump { + h.state = h.HashRollingFunctionInitial(h.state, data[i], h.factor) + } +} + +func (*hashRolling) Store(data []byte, mask uint, ix uint) { +} + +func (*hashRolling) StoreRange(data []byte, mask uint, ix_start uint, ix_end uint) { +} + +func (h *hashRolling) StitchToPreviousBlock(num_bytes uint, position uint, ringbuffer []byte, ring_buffer_mask uint) { + var position_masked uint + /* In this case we must re-initialize the hasher from scratch from the + current position. */ + + var available uint = num_bytes + if position&uint(h.jump-1) != 0 { + var diff uint = uint(h.jump) - (position & uint(h.jump-1)) + if diff > available { + available = 0 + } else { + available = available - diff + } + position += diff + } + + position_masked = position & ring_buffer_mask + + /* wrapping around ringbuffer not handled. */ + if available > ring_buffer_mask-position_masked { + available = ring_buffer_mask - position_masked + } + + h.Prepare(false, available, ringbuffer[position&ring_buffer_mask:]) + h.next_ix = position +} + +func (*hashRolling) PrepareDistanceCache(distance_cache []int) { +} + +func (h *hashRolling) FindLongestMatch(dictionary *encoderDictionary, data []byte, ring_buffer_mask uint, distance_cache []int, cur_ix uint, max_length uint, max_backward uint, gap uint, max_distance uint, out *hasherSearchResult) { + var cur_ix_masked uint = cur_ix & ring_buffer_mask + var pos uint = h.next_ix + + if cur_ix&uint(h.jump-1) != 0 { + return + } + + /* Not enough lookahead */ + if max_length < 32 { + return + } + + for pos = h.next_ix; pos <= cur_ix; pos += uint(h.jump) { + var code uint32 = h.state & ((16777216 * 64) - 1) + var rem byte = data[pos&ring_buffer_mask] + var add byte = data[(pos+32)&ring_buffer_mask] + var found_ix uint = uint(kInvalidPosHashRolling) + + h.state = h.HashRollingFunction(h.state, add, rem, h.factor, h.factor_remove) + + if code < 16777216 { + found_ix = uint(h.table[code]) + h.table[code] = uint32(pos) + if pos == cur_ix && uint32(found_ix) != kInvalidPosHashRolling { + /* The cast to 32-bit makes backward distances up to 4GB work even + if cur_ix is above 4GB, despite using 32-bit values in the table. */ + var backward uint = uint(uint32(cur_ix - found_ix)) + if backward <= max_backward { + var found_ix_masked uint = found_ix & ring_buffer_mask + var len uint = findMatchLengthWithLimit(data[found_ix_masked:], data[cur_ix_masked:], max_length) + if len >= 4 && len > out.len { + var score uint = backwardReferenceScore(uint(len), backward) + if score > out.score { + out.len = uint(len) + out.distance = backward + out.score = score + out.len_code_delta = 0 + } + } + } + } + } + } + + h.next_ix = cur_ix + uint(h.jump) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/histogram.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/histogram.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..0346622beb310 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/histogram.go @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +package brotli + +import "math" + +/* The distance symbols effectively used by "Large Window Brotli" (32-bit). */ +const numHistogramDistanceSymbols = 544 + +type histogramLiteral struct { + data_ [numLiteralSymbols]uint32 + total_count_ uint + bit_cost_ float64 +} + +func histogramClearLiteral(self *histogramLiteral) { + self.data_ = [numLiteralSymbols]uint32{} + self.total_count_ = 0 + self.bit_cost_ = math.MaxFloat64 +} + +func clearHistogramsLiteral(array []histogramLiteral, length uint) { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + histogramClearLiteral(&array[i:][0]) + } +} + +func histogramAddLiteral(self *histogramLiteral, val uint) { + self.data_[val]++ + self.total_count_++ +} + +func histogramAddVectorLiteral(self *histogramLiteral, p []byte, n uint) { + self.total_count_ += n + n += 1 + for { + n-- + if n == 0 { + break + } + self.data_[p[0]]++ + p = p[1:] + } +} + +func histogramAddHistogramLiteral(self *histogramLiteral, v *histogramLiteral) { + var i uint + self.total_count_ += v.total_count_ + for i = 0; i < numLiteralSymbols; i++ { + self.data_[i] += v.data_[i] + } +} + +func histogramDataSizeLiteral() uint { + return numLiteralSymbols +} + +type histogramCommand struct { + data_ [numCommandSymbols]uint32 + total_count_ uint + bit_cost_ float64 +} + +func histogramClearCommand(self *histogramCommand) { + self.data_ = [numCommandSymbols]uint32{} + self.total_count_ = 0 + self.bit_cost_ = math.MaxFloat64 +} + +func clearHistogramsCommand(array []histogramCommand, length uint) { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + histogramClearCommand(&array[i:][0]) + } +} + +func histogramAddCommand(self *histogramCommand, val uint) { + self.data_[val]++ + self.total_count_++ +} + +func histogramAddVectorCommand(self *histogramCommand, p []uint16, n uint) { + self.total_count_ += n + n += 1 + for { + n-- + if n == 0 { + break + } + self.data_[p[0]]++ + p = p[1:] + } +} + +func histogramAddHistogramCommand(self *histogramCommand, v *histogramCommand) { + var i uint + self.total_count_ += v.total_count_ + for i = 0; i < numCommandSymbols; i++ { + self.data_[i] += v.data_[i] + } +} + +func histogramDataSizeCommand() uint { + return numCommandSymbols +} + +type histogramDistance struct { + data_ [numDistanceSymbols]uint32 + total_count_ uint + bit_cost_ float64 +} + +func histogramClearDistance(self *histogramDistance) { + self.data_ = [numDistanceSymbols]uint32{} + self.total_count_ = 0 + self.bit_cost_ = math.MaxFloat64 +} + +func clearHistogramsDistance(array []histogramDistance, length uint) { + var i uint + for i = 0; i < length; i++ { + histogramClearDistance(&array[i:][0]) + } +} + +func histogramAddDistance(self *histogramDistance, val uint) { + self.data_[val]++ + self.total_count_++ +} + +func histogramAddVectorDistance(self *histogramDistance, p []uint16, n uint) { + self.total_count_ += n + n += 1 + for { + n-- + if n == 0 { + break + } + self.data_[p[0]]++ + p = p[1:] + } +} + +func histogramAddHistogramDistance(self *histogramDistance, v *histogramDistance) { + var i uint + self.total_count_ += v.total_count_ + for i = 0; i < numDistanceSymbols; i++ { + self.data_[i] += v.data_[i] + } +} + +func histogramDataSizeDistance() uint { + return numDistanceSymbols +} + +type blockSplitIterator struct { + split_ *blockSplit + idx_ uint + type_ uint + length_ uint +} + +func initBlockSplitIterator(self *blockSplitIterator, split *blockSplit) { + self.split_ = split + self.idx_ = 0 + self.type_ = 0 + if len(split.lengths) > 0 { + self.length_ = uint(split.lengths[0]) + } else { + self.length_ = 0 + } +} + +func blockSplitIteratorNext(self *blockSplitIterator) { + if self.length_ == 0 { + self.idx_++ + self.type_ = uint(self.split_.types[self.idx_]) + self.length_ = uint(self.split_.lengths[self.idx_]) + } + + self.length_-- +} + +func buildHistogramsWithContext(cmds []command, literal_split *blockSplit, insert_and_copy_split *blockSplit, dist_split *blockSplit, ringbuffer []byte, start_pos uint, mask uint, prev_byte byte, prev_byte2 byte, context_modes []int, literal_histograms []histogramLiteral, insert_and_copy_histograms []histogramCommand, copy_dist_histograms []histogramDistance) { + var pos uint = start_pos + var literal_it blockSplitIterator + var insert_and_copy_it blockSplitIterator + var dist_it blockSplitIterator + + initBlockSplitIterator(&literal_it, literal_split) + initBlockSplitIterator(&insert_and_copy_it, insert_and_copy_split) + initBlockSplitIterator(&dist_it, dist_split) + for i := range cmds { + var cmd *command = &cmds[i] + var j uint + blockSplitIteratorNext(&insert_and_copy_it) + histogramAddCommand(&insert_and_copy_histograms[insert_and_copy_it.type_], uint(cmd.cmd_prefix_)) + + /* TODO: unwrap iterator blocks. */ + for j = uint(cmd.insert_len_); j != 0; j-- { + var context uint + blockSplitIteratorNext(&literal_it) + context = literal_it.type_ + if context_modes != nil { + var lut contextLUT = getContextLUT(context_modes[context]) + context = (context << literalContextBits) + uint(getContext(prev_byte, prev_byte2, lut)) + } + + histogramAddLiteral(&literal_histograms[context], uint(ringbuffer[pos&mask])) + prev_byte2 = prev_byte + prev_byte = ringbuffer[pos&mask] + pos++ + } + + pos += uint(commandCopyLen(cmd)) + if commandCopyLen(cmd) != 0 { + prev_byte2 = ringbuffer[(pos-2)&mask] + prev_byte = ringbuffer[(pos-1)&mask] + if cmd.cmd_prefix_ >= 128 { + var context uint + blockSplitIteratorNext(&dist_it) + context = uint(uint32(dist_it.type_< bestQ && + (spec.Value == "*" || spec.Value == offer) { + bestQ = spec.Q + bestOffer = offer + } + } + } + if bestQ == 0 { + bestOffer = "" + } + return bestOffer +} + +// acceptSpec describes an Accept* header. +type acceptSpec struct { + Value string + Q float64 +} + +// parseAccept parses Accept* headers. +func parseAccept(header http.Header, key string) (specs []acceptSpec) { +loop: + for _, s := range header[key] { + for { + var spec acceptSpec + spec.Value, s = expectTokenSlash(s) + if spec.Value == "" { + continue loop + } + spec.Q = 1.0 + s = skipSpace(s) + if strings.HasPrefix(s, ";") { + s = skipSpace(s[1:]) + if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "q=") { + continue loop + } + spec.Q, s = expectQuality(s[2:]) + if spec.Q < 0.0 { + continue loop + } + } + specs = append(specs, spec) + s = skipSpace(s) + if !strings.HasPrefix(s, ",") { + continue loop + } + s = skipSpace(s[1:]) + } + } + return +} + +func skipSpace(s string) (rest string) { + i := 0 + for ; i < len(s); i++ { + if octetTypes[s[i]]&isSpace == 0 { + break + } + } + return s[i:] +} + +func expectTokenSlash(s string) (token, rest string) { + i := 0 + for ; i < len(s); i++ { + b := s[i] + if (octetTypes[b]&isToken == 0) && b != '/' { + break + } + } + return s[:i], s[i:] +} + +func expectQuality(s string) (q float64, rest string) { + switch { + case len(s) == 0: + return -1, "" + case s[0] == '0': + q = 0 + case s[0] == '1': + q = 1 + default: + return -1, "" + } + s = s[1:] + if !strings.HasPrefix(s, ".") { + return q, s + } + s = s[1:] + i := 0 + n := 0 + d := 1 + for ; i < len(s); i++ { + b := s[i] + if b < '0' || b > '9' { + break + } + n = n*10 + int(b) - '0' + d *= 10 + } + return q + float64(n)/float64(d), s[i:] +} + +// Octet types from RFC 2616. +var octetTypes [256]octetType + +type octetType byte + +const ( + isToken octetType = 1 << iota + isSpace +) + +func init() { + // OCTET = + // CHAR = + // CTL = + // CR = + // LF = + // SP = + // HT = + // <"> = + // CRLF = CR LF + // LWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT ) + // TEXT = + // separators = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@" | "," | ";" | ":" | "\" | <"> + // | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "=" | "{" | "}" | SP | HT + // token = 1* + // qdtext = > + + for c := 0; c < 256; c++ { + var t octetType + isCtl := c <= 31 || c == 127 + isChar := 0 <= c && c <= 127 + isSeparator := strings.ContainsRune(" \t\"(),/:;<=>?@[]\\{}", rune(c)) + if strings.ContainsRune(" \t\r\n", rune(c)) { + t |= isSpace + } + if isChar && !isCtl && !isSeparator { + t |= isToken + } + octetTypes[c] = t + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/huffman.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/huffman.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..182f3d2a5520c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/huffman.go @@ -0,0 +1,653 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Utilities for building Huffman decoding tables. */ + +const huffmanMaxCodeLength = 15 + +/* Maximum possible Huffman table size for an alphabet size of (index * 32), + max code length 15 and root table bits 8. */ +var kMaxHuffmanTableSize = []uint16{ + 256, + 402, + 436, + 468, + 500, + 534, + 566, + 598, + 630, + 662, + 694, + 726, + 758, + 790, + 822, + 854, + 886, + 920, + 952, + 984, + 1016, + 1048, + 1080, + 1112, + 1144, + 1176, + 1208, + 1240, + 1272, + 1304, + 1336, + 1368, + 1400, + 1432, + 1464, + 1496, + 1528, +} + +/* BROTLI_NUM_BLOCK_LEN_SYMBOLS == 26 */ +const huffmanMaxSize26 = 396 + +/* BROTLI_MAX_BLOCK_TYPE_SYMBOLS == 258 */ +const huffmanMaxSize258 = 632 + +/* BROTLI_MAX_CONTEXT_MAP_SYMBOLS == 272 */ +const huffmanMaxSize272 = 646 + +const huffmanMaxCodeLengthCodeLength = 5 + +/* Do not create this struct directly - use the ConstructHuffmanCode + * constructor below! */ +type huffmanCode struct { + bits byte + value uint16 +} + +func constructHuffmanCode(bits byte, value uint16) huffmanCode { + var h huffmanCode + h.bits = bits + h.value = value + return h +} + +/* Builds Huffman lookup table assuming code lengths are in symbol order. */ + +/* Builds Huffman lookup table assuming code lengths are in symbol order. + Returns size of resulting table. */ + +/* Builds a simple Huffman table. The |num_symbols| parameter is to be + interpreted as follows: 0 means 1 symbol, 1 means 2 symbols, + 2 means 3 symbols, 3 means 4 symbols with lengths [2, 2, 2, 2], + 4 means 4 symbols with lengths [1, 2, 3, 3]. */ + +/* Contains a collection of Huffman trees with the same alphabet size. */ +/* max_symbol is needed due to simple codes since log2(alphabet_size) could be + greater than log2(max_symbol). */ +type huffmanTreeGroup struct { + htrees [][]huffmanCode + codes []huffmanCode + alphabet_size uint16 + max_symbol uint16 + num_htrees uint16 +} + +const reverseBitsMax = 8 + +const reverseBitsBase = 0 + +var kReverseBits = [1 << reverseBitsMax]byte{ + 0x00, + 0x80, + 0x40, + 0xC0, + 0x20, + 0xA0, + 0x60, + 0xE0, + 0x10, + 0x90, + 0x50, + 0xD0, + 0x30, + 0xB0, + 0x70, + 0xF0, + 0x08, + 0x88, + 0x48, + 0xC8, + 0x28, + 0xA8, + 0x68, + 0xE8, + 0x18, + 0x98, + 0x58, + 0xD8, + 0x38, + 0xB8, + 0x78, + 0xF8, + 0x04, + 0x84, + 0x44, + 0xC4, + 0x24, + 0xA4, + 0x64, + 0xE4, + 0x14, + 0x94, + 0x54, + 0xD4, + 0x34, + 0xB4, + 0x74, + 0xF4, + 0x0C, + 0x8C, + 0x4C, + 0xCC, + 0x2C, + 0xAC, + 0x6C, + 0xEC, + 0x1C, + 0x9C, + 0x5C, + 0xDC, + 0x3C, + 0xBC, + 0x7C, + 0xFC, + 0x02, + 0x82, + 0x42, + 0xC2, + 0x22, + 0xA2, + 0x62, + 0xE2, + 0x12, + 0x92, + 0x52, + 0xD2, + 0x32, + 0xB2, + 0x72, + 0xF2, + 0x0A, + 0x8A, + 0x4A, + 0xCA, + 0x2A, + 0xAA, + 0x6A, + 0xEA, + 0x1A, + 0x9A, + 0x5A, + 0xDA, + 0x3A, + 0xBA, + 0x7A, + 0xFA, + 0x06, + 0x86, + 0x46, + 0xC6, + 0x26, + 0xA6, + 0x66, + 0xE6, + 0x16, + 0x96, + 0x56, + 0xD6, + 0x36, + 0xB6, + 0x76, + 0xF6, + 0x0E, + 0x8E, + 0x4E, + 0xCE, + 0x2E, + 0xAE, + 0x6E, + 0xEE, + 0x1E, + 0x9E, + 0x5E, + 0xDE, + 0x3E, + 0xBE, + 0x7E, + 0xFE, + 0x01, + 0x81, + 0x41, + 0xC1, + 0x21, + 0xA1, + 0x61, + 0xE1, + 0x11, + 0x91, + 0x51, + 0xD1, + 0x31, + 0xB1, + 0x71, + 0xF1, + 0x09, + 0x89, + 0x49, + 0xC9, + 0x29, + 0xA9, + 0x69, + 0xE9, + 0x19, + 0x99, + 0x59, + 0xD9, + 0x39, + 0xB9, + 0x79, + 0xF9, + 0x05, + 0x85, + 0x45, + 0xC5, + 0x25, + 0xA5, + 0x65, + 0xE5, + 0x15, + 0x95, + 0x55, + 0xD5, + 0x35, + 0xB5, + 0x75, + 0xF5, + 0x0D, + 0x8D, + 0x4D, + 0xCD, + 0x2D, + 0xAD, + 0x6D, + 0xED, + 0x1D, + 0x9D, + 0x5D, + 0xDD, + 0x3D, + 0xBD, + 0x7D, + 0xFD, + 0x03, + 0x83, + 0x43, + 0xC3, + 0x23, + 0xA3, + 0x63, + 0xE3, + 0x13, + 0x93, + 0x53, + 0xD3, + 0x33, + 0xB3, + 0x73, + 0xF3, + 0x0B, + 0x8B, + 0x4B, + 0xCB, + 0x2B, + 0xAB, + 0x6B, + 0xEB, + 0x1B, + 0x9B, + 0x5B, + 0xDB, + 0x3B, + 0xBB, + 0x7B, + 0xFB, + 0x07, + 0x87, + 0x47, + 0xC7, + 0x27, + 0xA7, + 0x67, + 0xE7, + 0x17, + 0x97, + 0x57, + 0xD7, + 0x37, + 0xB7, + 0x77, + 0xF7, + 0x0F, + 0x8F, + 0x4F, + 0xCF, + 0x2F, + 0xAF, + 0x6F, + 0xEF, + 0x1F, + 0x9F, + 0x5F, + 0xDF, + 0x3F, + 0xBF, + 0x7F, + 0xFF, +} + +const reverseBitsLowest = (uint64(1) << (reverseBitsMax - 1 + reverseBitsBase)) + +/* Returns reverse(num >> BROTLI_REVERSE_BITS_BASE, BROTLI_REVERSE_BITS_MAX), + where reverse(value, len) is the bit-wise reversal of the len least + significant bits of value. */ +func reverseBits8(num uint64) uint64 { + return uint64(kReverseBits[num]) +} + +/* Stores code in table[0], table[step], table[2*step], ..., table[end] */ +/* Assumes that end is an integer multiple of step */ +func replicateValue(table []huffmanCode, step int, end int, code huffmanCode) { + for { + end -= step + table[end] = code + if end <= 0 { + break + } + } +} + +/* Returns the table width of the next 2nd level table. |count| is the histogram + of bit lengths for the remaining symbols, |len| is the code length of the + next processed symbol. */ +func nextTableBitSize(count []uint16, len int, root_bits int) int { + var left int = 1 << uint(len-root_bits) + for len < huffmanMaxCodeLength { + left -= int(count[len]) + if left <= 0 { + break + } + len++ + left <<= 1 + } + + return len - root_bits +} + +func buildCodeLengthsHuffmanTable(table []huffmanCode, code_lengths []byte, count []uint16) { + var code huffmanCode /* current table entry */ /* symbol index in original or sorted table */ /* prefix code */ /* prefix code addend */ /* step size to replicate values in current table */ /* size of current table */ /* symbols sorted by code length */ + var symbol int + var key uint64 + var key_step uint64 + var step int + var table_size int + var sorted [codeLengthCodes]int + var offset [huffmanMaxCodeLengthCodeLength + 1]int + var bits int + var bits_count int + /* offsets in sorted table for each length */ + assert(huffmanMaxCodeLengthCodeLength <= reverseBitsMax) + + /* Generate offsets into sorted symbol table by code length. */ + symbol = -1 + + bits = 1 + var i int + for i = 0; i < huffmanMaxCodeLengthCodeLength; i++ { + symbol += int(count[bits]) + offset[bits] = symbol + bits++ + } + + /* Symbols with code length 0 are placed after all other symbols. */ + offset[0] = codeLengthCodes - 1 + + /* Sort symbols by length, by symbol order within each length. */ + symbol = codeLengthCodes + + for { + var i int + for i = 0; i < 6; i++ { + symbol-- + sorted[offset[code_lengths[symbol]]] = symbol + offset[code_lengths[symbol]]-- + } + if symbol == 0 { + break + } + } + + table_size = 1 << huffmanMaxCodeLengthCodeLength + + /* Special case: all symbols but one have 0 code length. */ + if offset[0] == 0 { + code = constructHuffmanCode(0, uint16(sorted[0])) + for key = 0; key < uint64(table_size); key++ { + table[key] = code + } + + return + } + + /* Fill in table. */ + key = 0 + + key_step = reverseBitsLowest + symbol = 0 + bits = 1 + step = 2 + for { + for bits_count = int(count[bits]); bits_count != 0; bits_count-- { + code = constructHuffmanCode(byte(bits), uint16(sorted[symbol])) + symbol++ + replicateValue(table[reverseBits8(key):], step, table_size, code) + key += key_step + } + + step <<= 1 + key_step >>= 1 + bits++ + if bits > huffmanMaxCodeLengthCodeLength { + break + } + } +} + +func buildHuffmanTable(root_table []huffmanCode, root_bits int, symbol_lists symbolList, count []uint16) uint32 { + var code huffmanCode /* current table entry */ /* next available space in table */ /* current code length */ /* symbol index in original or sorted table */ /* prefix code */ /* prefix code addend */ /* 2nd level table prefix code */ /* 2nd level table prefix code addend */ /* step size to replicate values in current table */ /* key length of current table */ /* size of current table */ /* sum of root table size and 2nd level table sizes */ + var table []huffmanCode + var len int + var symbol int + var key uint64 + var key_step uint64 + var sub_key uint64 + var sub_key_step uint64 + var step int + var table_bits int + var table_size int + var total_size int + var max_length int = -1 + var bits int + var bits_count int + + assert(root_bits <= reverseBitsMax) + assert(huffmanMaxCodeLength-root_bits <= reverseBitsMax) + + for symbolListGet(symbol_lists, max_length) == 0xFFFF { + max_length-- + } + max_length += huffmanMaxCodeLength + 1 + + table = root_table + table_bits = root_bits + table_size = 1 << uint(table_bits) + total_size = table_size + + /* Fill in the root table. Reduce the table size to if possible, + and create the repetitions by memcpy. */ + if table_bits > max_length { + table_bits = max_length + table_size = 1 << uint(table_bits) + } + + key = 0 + key_step = reverseBitsLowest + bits = 1 + step = 2 + for { + symbol = bits - (huffmanMaxCodeLength + 1) + for bits_count = int(count[bits]); bits_count != 0; bits_count-- { + symbol = int(symbolListGet(symbol_lists, symbol)) + code = constructHuffmanCode(byte(bits), uint16(symbol)) + replicateValue(table[reverseBits8(key):], step, table_size, code) + key += key_step + } + + step <<= 1 + key_step >>= 1 + bits++ + if bits > table_bits { + break + } + } + + /* If root_bits != table_bits then replicate to fill the remaining slots. */ + for total_size != table_size { + copy(table[table_size:], table[:uint(table_size)]) + table_size <<= 1 + } + + /* Fill in 2nd level tables and add pointers to root table. */ + key_step = reverseBitsLowest >> uint(root_bits-1) + + sub_key = reverseBitsLowest << 1 + sub_key_step = reverseBitsLowest + len = root_bits + 1 + step = 2 + for ; len <= max_length; len++ { + symbol = len - (huffmanMaxCodeLength + 1) + for ; count[len] != 0; count[len]-- { + if sub_key == reverseBitsLowest<<1 { + table = table[table_size:] + table_bits = nextTableBitSize(count, int(len), root_bits) + table_size = 1 << uint(table_bits) + total_size += table_size + sub_key = reverseBits8(key) + key += key_step + root_table[sub_key] = constructHuffmanCode(byte(table_bits+root_bits), uint16(uint64(uint(-cap(table)+cap(root_table)))-sub_key)) + sub_key = 0 + } + + symbol = int(symbolListGet(symbol_lists, symbol)) + code = constructHuffmanCode(byte(len-root_bits), uint16(symbol)) + replicateValue(table[reverseBits8(sub_key):], step, table_size, code) + sub_key += sub_key_step + } + + step <<= 1 + sub_key_step >>= 1 + } + + return uint32(total_size) +} + +func buildSimpleHuffmanTable(table []huffmanCode, root_bits int, val []uint16, num_symbols uint32) uint32 { + var table_size uint32 = 1 + var goal_size uint32 = 1 << uint(root_bits) + switch num_symbols { + case 0: + table[0] = constructHuffmanCode(0, val[0]) + + case 1: + if val[1] > val[0] { + table[0] = constructHuffmanCode(1, val[0]) + table[1] = constructHuffmanCode(1, val[1]) + } else { + table[0] = constructHuffmanCode(1, val[1]) + table[1] = constructHuffmanCode(1, val[0]) + } + + table_size = 2 + + case 2: + table[0] = constructHuffmanCode(1, val[0]) + table[2] = constructHuffmanCode(1, val[0]) + if val[2] > val[1] { + table[1] = constructHuffmanCode(2, val[1]) + table[3] = constructHuffmanCode(2, val[2]) + } else { + table[1] = constructHuffmanCode(2, val[2]) + table[3] = constructHuffmanCode(2, val[1]) + } + + table_size = 4 + + case 3: + var i int + var k int + for i = 0; i < 3; i++ { + for k = i + 1; k < 4; k++ { + if val[k] < val[i] { + var t uint16 = val[k] + val[k] = val[i] + val[i] = t + } + } + } + + table[0] = constructHuffmanCode(2, val[0]) + table[2] = constructHuffmanCode(2, val[1]) + table[1] = constructHuffmanCode(2, val[2]) + table[3] = constructHuffmanCode(2, val[3]) + table_size = 4 + + case 4: + if val[3] < val[2] { + var t uint16 = val[3] + val[3] = val[2] + val[2] = t + } + + table[0] = constructHuffmanCode(1, val[0]) + table[1] = constructHuffmanCode(2, val[1]) + table[2] = constructHuffmanCode(1, val[0]) + table[3] = constructHuffmanCode(3, val[2]) + table[4] = constructHuffmanCode(1, val[0]) + table[5] = constructHuffmanCode(2, val[1]) + table[6] = constructHuffmanCode(1, val[0]) + table[7] = constructHuffmanCode(3, val[3]) + table_size = 8 + } + + for table_size != goal_size { + copy(table[table_size:], table[:uint(table_size)]) + table_size <<= 1 + } + + return goal_size +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/literal_cost.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/literal_cost.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5a9ace94ee079 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/literal_cost.go @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +package brotli + +func utf8Position(last uint, c uint, clamp uint) uint { + if c < 128 { + return 0 /* Next one is the 'Byte 1' again. */ + } else if c >= 192 { /* Next one is the 'Byte 2' of utf-8 encoding. */ + return brotli_min_size_t(1, clamp) + } else { + /* Let's decide over the last byte if this ends the sequence. */ + if last < 0xE0 { + return 0 /* Completed two or three byte coding. */ /* Next one is the 'Byte 3' of utf-8 encoding. */ + } else { + return brotli_min_size_t(2, clamp) + } + } +} + +func decideMultiByteStatsLevel(pos uint, len uint, mask uint, data []byte) uint { + var counts = [3]uint{0} /* should be 2, but 1 compresses better. */ + var max_utf8 uint = 1 + var last_c uint = 0 + var i uint + for i = 0; i < len; i++ { + var c uint = uint(data[(pos+i)&mask]) + counts[utf8Position(last_c, c, 2)]++ + last_c = c + } + + if counts[2] < 500 { + max_utf8 = 1 + } + + if counts[1]+counts[2] < 25 { + max_utf8 = 0 + } + + return max_utf8 +} + +func estimateBitCostsForLiteralsUTF8(pos uint, len uint, mask uint, data []byte, cost []float32) { + var max_utf8 uint = decideMultiByteStatsLevel(pos, uint(len), mask, data) + /* Bootstrap histograms. */ + var histogram = [3][256]uint{[256]uint{0}} + var window_half uint = 495 + var in_window uint = brotli_min_size_t(window_half, uint(len)) + var in_window_utf8 = [3]uint{0} + /* max_utf8 is 0 (normal ASCII single byte modeling), + 1 (for 2-byte UTF-8 modeling), or 2 (for 3-byte UTF-8 modeling). */ + + var i uint + { + var last_c uint = 0 + var utf8_pos uint = 0 + for i = 0; i < in_window; i++ { + var c uint = uint(data[(pos+i)&mask]) + histogram[utf8_pos][c]++ + in_window_utf8[utf8_pos]++ + utf8_pos = utf8Position(last_c, c, max_utf8) + last_c = c + } + } + + /* Compute bit costs with sliding window. */ + for i = 0; i < len; i++ { + if i >= window_half { + var c uint + var last_c uint + if i < window_half+1 { + c = 0 + } else { + c = uint(data[(pos+i-window_half-1)&mask]) + } + if i < window_half+2 { + last_c = 0 + } else { + last_c = uint(data[(pos+i-window_half-2)&mask]) + } + /* Remove a byte in the past. */ + + var utf8_pos2 uint = utf8Position(last_c, c, max_utf8) + histogram[utf8_pos2][data[(pos+i-window_half)&mask]]-- + in_window_utf8[utf8_pos2]-- + } + + if i+window_half < len { + var c uint = uint(data[(pos+i+window_half-1)&mask]) + var last_c uint = uint(data[(pos+i+window_half-2)&mask]) + /* Add a byte in the future. */ + + var utf8_pos2 uint = utf8Position(last_c, c, max_utf8) + histogram[utf8_pos2][data[(pos+i+window_half)&mask]]++ + in_window_utf8[utf8_pos2]++ + } + { + var c uint + var last_c uint + if i < 1 { + c = 0 + } else { + c = uint(data[(pos+i-1)&mask]) + } + if i < 2 { + last_c = 0 + } else { + last_c = uint(data[(pos+i-2)&mask]) + } + var utf8_pos uint = utf8Position(last_c, c, max_utf8) + var masked_pos uint = (pos + i) & mask + var histo uint = histogram[utf8_pos][data[masked_pos]] + var lit_cost float64 + if histo == 0 { + histo = 1 + } + + lit_cost = fastLog2(in_window_utf8[utf8_pos]) - fastLog2(histo) + lit_cost += 0.02905 + if lit_cost < 1.0 { + lit_cost *= 0.5 + lit_cost += 0.5 + } + + /* Make the first bytes more expensive -- seems to help, not sure why. + Perhaps because the entropy source is changing its properties + rapidly in the beginning of the file, perhaps because the beginning + of the data is a statistical "anomaly". */ + if i < 2000 { + lit_cost += 0.7 - (float64(2000-i) / 2000.0 * 0.35) + } + + cost[i] = float32(lit_cost) + } + } +} + +func estimateBitCostsForLiterals(pos uint, len uint, mask uint, data []byte, cost []float32) { + if isMostlyUTF8(data, pos, mask, uint(len), kMinUTF8Ratio) { + estimateBitCostsForLiteralsUTF8(pos, uint(len), mask, data, cost) + return + } else { + var histogram = [256]uint{0} + var window_half uint = 2000 + var in_window uint = brotli_min_size_t(window_half, uint(len)) + var i uint + /* Bootstrap histogram. */ + for i = 0; i < in_window; i++ { + histogram[data[(pos+i)&mask]]++ + } + + /* Compute bit costs with sliding window. */ + for i = 0; i < len; i++ { + var histo uint + if i >= window_half { + /* Remove a byte in the past. */ + histogram[data[(pos+i-window_half)&mask]]-- + + in_window-- + } + + if i+window_half < len { + /* Add a byte in the future. */ + histogram[data[(pos+i+window_half)&mask]]++ + + in_window++ + } + + histo = histogram[data[(pos+i)&mask]] + if histo == 0 { + histo = 1 + } + { + var lit_cost float64 = fastLog2(in_window) - fastLog2(histo) + lit_cost += 0.029 + if lit_cost < 1.0 { + lit_cost *= 0.5 + lit_cost += 0.5 + } + + cost[i] = float32(lit_cost) + } + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/emitter.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/emitter.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..37ed8e133405c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/emitter.go @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +package matchfinder + +// An absoluteMatch is like a Match, but it stores indexes into the byte +// stream instead of lengths. +type absoluteMatch struct { + // Start is the index of the first byte. + Start int + + // End is the index of the byte after the last byte + // (so that End - Start = Length). + End int + + // Match is the index of the previous data that matches + // (Start - Match = Distance). + Match int +} + +// A matchEmitter manages the output of matches for a MatchFinder. +type matchEmitter struct { + // Dst is the destination slice that Matches are added to. + Dst []Match + + // NextEmit is the index of the next byte to emit. + NextEmit int +} + +func (e *matchEmitter) emit(m absoluteMatch) { + e.Dst = append(e.Dst, Match{ + Unmatched: m.Start - e.NextEmit, + Length: m.End - m.Start, + Distance: m.Start - m.Match, + }) + e.NextEmit = m.End +} + +// trim shortens m if it extends past maxEnd. Then if the length is at least +// minLength, the match is emitted. +func (e *matchEmitter) trim(m absoluteMatch, maxEnd int, minLength int) { + if m.End > maxEnd { + m.End = maxEnd + } + if m.End-m.Start >= minLength { + e.emit(m) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/m0.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/m0.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..773b7c49f3ff6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/m0.go @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +package matchfinder + +import ( + "encoding/binary" +) + +// M0 is an implementation of the MatchFinder interface based +// on the algorithm used by snappy, but modified to be more like the algorithm +// used by compression level 0 of the brotli reference implementation. +// +// It has a maximum block size of 65536 bytes. +type M0 struct { + // Lazy turns on "lazy matching," for higher compression but less speed. + Lazy bool + + MaxDistance int + MaxLength int +} + +func (M0) Reset() {} + +const ( + m0HashLen = 5 + + m0TableBits = 14 + m0TableSize = 1 << m0TableBits + m0Shift = 32 - m0TableBits + // m0TableMask is redundant, but helps the compiler eliminate bounds + // checks. + m0TableMask = m0TableSize - 1 +) + +func (m M0) hash(data uint64) uint64 { + hash := (data << (64 - 8*m0HashLen)) * hashMul64 + return hash >> (64 - m0TableBits) +} + +// FindMatches looks for matches in src, appends them to dst, and returns dst. +// src must not be longer than 65536 bytes. +func (m M0) FindMatches(dst []Match, src []byte) []Match { + const inputMargin = 16 - 1 + const minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin + + if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize { + dst = append(dst, Match{ + Unmatched: len(src), + }) + return dst + } + if len(src) > 65536 { + panic("block too long") + } + + var table [m0TableSize]uint16 + + // sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin + // lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are + // looking for copies. + sLimit := len(src) - inputMargin + + // nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from. + nextEmit := 0 + + // The encoded form must start with a literal, as there are no previous + // bytes to copy, so we start looking for hash matches at s == 1. + s := 1 + nextHash := m.hash(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(src[s:])) + + for { + // Copied from the C++ snappy implementation: + // + // Heuristic match skipping: If 32 bytes are scanned with no matches + // found, start looking only at every other byte. If 32 more bytes are + // scanned (or skipped), look at every third byte, etc.. When a match + // is found, immediately go back to looking at every byte. This is a + // small loss (~5% performance, ~0.1% density) for compressible data + // due to more bookkeeping, but for non-compressible data (such as + // JPEG) it's a huge win since the compressor quickly "realizes" the + // data is incompressible and doesn't bother looking for matches + // everywhere. + // + // The "skip" variable keeps track of how many bytes there are since + // the last match; dividing it by 32 (ie. right-shifting by five) gives + // the number of bytes to move ahead for each iteration. + skip := 32 + + nextS := s + candidate := 0 + for { + s = nextS + bytesBetweenHashLookups := skip >> 5 + nextS = s + bytesBetweenHashLookups + skip += bytesBetweenHashLookups + if nextS > sLimit { + goto emitRemainder + } + candidate = int(table[nextHash&m0TableMask]) + table[nextHash&m0TableMask] = uint16(s) + nextHash = m.hash(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(src[nextS:])) + if m.MaxDistance != 0 && s-candidate > m.MaxDistance { + continue + } + if binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[s:]) == binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[candidate:]) { + break + } + } + + // Invariant: we have a 4-byte match at s. + base := s + s = extendMatch(src, candidate+4, s+4) + + origBase := base + if m.Lazy && base+1 < sLimit { + newBase := base + 1 + h := m.hash(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(src[newBase:])) + newCandidate := int(table[h&m0TableMask]) + table[h&m0TableMask] = uint16(newBase) + okDistance := true + if m.MaxDistance != 0 && newBase-newCandidate > m.MaxDistance { + okDistance = false + } + if okDistance && binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[newBase:]) == binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[newCandidate:]) { + newS := extendMatch(src, newCandidate+4, newBase+4) + if newS-newBase > s-base+1 { + s = newS + base = newBase + candidate = newCandidate + } + } + } + + if m.MaxLength != 0 && s-base > m.MaxLength { + s = base + m.MaxLength + } + dst = append(dst, Match{ + Unmatched: base - nextEmit, + Length: s - base, + Distance: base - candidate, + }) + nextEmit = s + if s >= sLimit { + goto emitRemainder + } + + if m.Lazy { + // If lazy matching is enabled, we update the hash table for + // every byte in the match. + for i := origBase + 2; i < s-1; i++ { + x := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(src[i:]) + table[m.hash(x)&m0TableMask] = uint16(i) + } + } + + // We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve + // compression we first update the hash table at s-1 and at s. + x := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(src[s-1:]) + prevHash := m.hash(x >> 0) + table[prevHash&m0TableMask] = uint16(s - 1) + nextHash = m.hash(x >> 8) + } + +emitRemainder: + if nextEmit < len(src) { + dst = append(dst, Match{ + Unmatched: len(src) - nextEmit, + }) + } + return dst +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/m4.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/m4.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5b2acba2e1446 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/m4.go @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ +package matchfinder + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "math/bits" + "runtime" +) + +// M4 is an implementation of the MatchFinder +// interface that uses a hash table to find matches, +// optional match chains, +// and the advanced parsing technique from +// https://fastcompression.blogspot.com/2011/12/advanced-parsing-strategies.html. +type M4 struct { + // MaxDistance is the maximum distance (in bytes) to look back for + // a match. The default is 65535. + MaxDistance int + + // MinLength is the length of the shortest match to return. + // The default is 4. + MinLength int + + // HashLen is the number of bytes to use to calculate the hashes. + // The maximum is 8 and the default is 6. + HashLen int + + // TableBits is the number of bits in the hash table indexes. + // The default is 17 (128K entries). + TableBits int + + // ChainLength is how many entries to search on the "match chain" of older + // locations with the same hash as the current location. + ChainLength int + + // DistanceBitCost is used when comparing two matches to see + // which is better. The comparison is primarily based on the length + // of the matches, but it can also take the distance into account, + // in terms of the number of bits needed to represent the distance. + // One byte of length is given a score of 256, so 32 (256/8) would + // be a reasonable first guess for the value of one bit. + // (The default is 0, which bases the comparison solely on length.) + DistanceBitCost int + + table []uint32 + chain []uint16 + + history []byte +} + +func (q *M4) Reset() { + for i := range q.table { + q.table[i] = 0 + } + q.history = q.history[:0] + q.chain = q.chain[:0] +} + +func (q *M4) score(m absoluteMatch) int { + return (m.End-m.Start)*256 + bits.LeadingZeros32(uint32(m.Start-m.Match))*q.DistanceBitCost +} + +func (q *M4) FindMatches(dst []Match, src []byte) []Match { + if q.MaxDistance == 0 { + q.MaxDistance = 65535 + } + if q.MinLength == 0 { + q.MinLength = 4 + } + if q.HashLen == 0 { + q.HashLen = 6 + } + if q.TableBits == 0 { + q.TableBits = 17 + } + if len(q.table) < 1< q.MaxDistance*2 { + // Trim down the history buffer. + delta := len(q.history) - q.MaxDistance + copy(q.history, q.history[delta:]) + q.history = q.history[:q.MaxDistance] + if q.ChainLength > 0 { + q.chain = q.chain[:q.MaxDistance] + } + + for i, v := range q.table { + newV := int(v) - delta + if newV < 0 { + newV = 0 + } + q.table[i] = uint32(newV) + } + } + + // Append src to the history buffer. + e.NextEmit = len(q.history) + q.history = append(q.history, src...) + if q.ChainLength > 0 { + q.chain = append(q.chain, make([]uint16, len(src))...) + } + src = q.history + + // matches stores the matches that have been found but not emitted, + // in reverse order. (matches[0] is the most recent one.) + var matches [3]absoluteMatch + for i := e.NextEmit; i < len(src)-7; i++ { + if matches[0] != (absoluteMatch{}) && i >= matches[0].End { + // We have found some matches, and we're far enough along that we probably + // won't find overlapping matches, so we might as well emit them. + if matches[1] != (absoluteMatch{}) { + e.trim(matches[1], matches[0].Start, q.MinLength) + } + e.emit(matches[0]) + matches = [3]absoluteMatch{} + } + + // Calculate and store the hash. + h := ((binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(src[i:]) & (1<<(8*q.HashLen) - 1)) * hashMul64) >> (64 - q.TableBits) + candidate := int(q.table[h]) + q.table[h] = uint32(i) + if q.ChainLength > 0 && candidate != 0 { + delta := i - candidate + if delta < 1<<16 { + q.chain[i] = uint16(delta) + } + } + + if i < matches[0].End && i != matches[0].End+2-q.HashLen { + continue + } + if candidate == 0 || i-candidate > q.MaxDistance { + continue + } + + // Look for a match. + var currentMatch absoluteMatch + + if i-candidate != matches[0].Start-matches[0].Match { + if binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[candidate:]) == binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[i:]) { + m := extendMatch2(src, i, candidate, e.NextEmit) + if m.End-m.Start > q.MinLength { + currentMatch = m + } + } + } + + for j := 0; j < q.ChainLength; j++ { + delta := q.chain[candidate] + if delta == 0 { + break + } + candidate -= int(delta) + if candidate <= 0 || i-candidate > q.MaxDistance { + break + } + if i-candidate != matches[0].Start-matches[0].Match { + if binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[candidate:]) == binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[i:]) { + m := extendMatch2(src, i, candidate, e.NextEmit) + if m.End-m.Start > q.MinLength && q.score(m) > q.score(currentMatch) { + currentMatch = m + } + } + } + } + + if currentMatch.End-currentMatch.Start < q.MinLength { + continue + } + + overlapPenalty := 0 + if matches[0] != (absoluteMatch{}) { + overlapPenalty = 275 + if currentMatch.Start <= matches[1].End { + // This match would completely replace the previous match, + // so there is no penalty for overlap. + overlapPenalty = 0 + } + } + + if q.score(currentMatch) <= q.score(matches[0])+overlapPenalty { + continue + } + + matches = [3]absoluteMatch{ + currentMatch, + matches[0], + matches[1], + } + + if matches[2] == (absoluteMatch{}) { + continue + } + + // We have three matches, so it's time to emit one and/or eliminate one. + switch { + case matches[0].Start < matches[2].End: + // The first and third matches overlap; discard the one in between. + matches = [3]absoluteMatch{ + matches[0], + matches[2], + absoluteMatch{}, + } + + case matches[0].Start < matches[2].End+q.MinLength: + // The first and third matches don't overlap, but there's no room for + // another match between them. Emit the first match and discard the second. + e.emit(matches[2]) + matches = [3]absoluteMatch{ + matches[0], + absoluteMatch{}, + absoluteMatch{}, + } + + default: + // Emit the first match, shortening it if necessary to avoid overlap with the second. + e.trim(matches[2], matches[1].Start, q.MinLength) + matches[2] = absoluteMatch{} + } + } + + // We've found all the matches now; emit the remaining ones. + if matches[1] != (absoluteMatch{}) { + e.trim(matches[1], matches[0].Start, q.MinLength) + } + if matches[0] != (absoluteMatch{}) { + e.emit(matches[0]) + } + + dst = e.Dst + if e.NextEmit < len(src) { + dst = append(dst, Match{ + Unmatched: len(src) - e.NextEmit, + }) + } + + return dst +} + +const hashMul64 = 0x1E35A7BD1E35A7BD + +// extendMatch returns the largest k such that k <= len(src) and that +// src[i:i+k-j] and src[j:k] have the same contents. +// +// It assumes that: +// +// 0 <= i && i < j && j <= len(src) +func extendMatch(src []byte, i, j int) int { + switch runtime.GOARCH { + case "amd64": + // As long as we are 8 or more bytes before the end of src, we can load and + // compare 8 bytes at a time. If those 8 bytes are equal, repeat. + for j+8 < len(src) { + iBytes := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(src[i:]) + jBytes := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(src[j:]) + if iBytes != jBytes { + // If those 8 bytes were not equal, XOR the two 8 byte values, and return + // the index of the first byte that differs. The BSF instruction finds the + // least significant 1 bit, the amd64 architecture is little-endian, and + // the shift by 3 converts a bit index to a byte index. + return j + bits.TrailingZeros64(iBytes^jBytes)>>3 + } + i, j = i+8, j+8 + } + case "386": + // On a 32-bit CPU, we do it 4 bytes at a time. + for j+4 < len(src) { + iBytes := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[i:]) + jBytes := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src[j:]) + if iBytes != jBytes { + return j + bits.TrailingZeros32(iBytes^jBytes)>>3 + } + i, j = i+4, j+4 + } + } + for ; j < len(src) && src[i] == src[j]; i, j = i+1, j+1 { + } + return j +} + +// Given a 4-byte match at src[start] and src[candidate], extendMatch2 extends it +// upward as far as possible, and downward no farther than to min. +func extendMatch2(src []byte, start, candidate, min int) absoluteMatch { + end := extendMatch(src, candidate+4, start+4) + for start > min && candidate > 0 && src[start-1] == src[candidate-1] { + start-- + candidate-- + } + return absoluteMatch{ + Start: start, + End: end, + Match: candidate, + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/matchfinder.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/matchfinder.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f6bcfdb39cdc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/matchfinder.go @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +// The matchfinder package defines reusable components for data compression. +// +// Many compression libraries have two main parts: +// - Something that looks for repeated sequences of bytes +// - An encoder for the compressed data format (often an entropy coder) +// +// Although these are logically two separate steps, the implementations are +// usually closely tied together. You can't use flate's matcher with snappy's +// encoder, for example. This package defines interfaces and an intermediate +// representation to allow mixing and matching compression components. +package matchfinder + +import "io" + +// A Match is the basic unit of LZ77 compression. +type Match struct { + Unmatched int // the number of unmatched bytes since the previous match + Length int // the number of bytes in the matched string; it may be 0 at the end of the input + Distance int // how far back in the stream to copy from +} + +// A MatchFinder performs the LZ77 stage of compression, looking for matches. +type MatchFinder interface { + // FindMatches looks for matches in src, appends them to dst, and returns dst. + FindMatches(dst []Match, src []byte) []Match + + // Reset clears any internal state, preparing the MatchFinder to be used with + // a new stream. + Reset() +} + +// An Encoder encodes the data in its final format. +type Encoder interface { + // Encode appends the encoded format of src to dst, using the match + // information from matches. + Encode(dst []byte, src []byte, matches []Match, lastBlock bool) []byte + + // Reset clears any internal state, preparing the Encoder to be used with + // a new stream. + Reset() +} + +// A Writer uses MatchFinder and Encoder to write compressed data to Dest. +type Writer struct { + Dest io.Writer + MatchFinder MatchFinder + Encoder Encoder + + // BlockSize is the number of bytes to compress at a time. If it is zero, + // each Write operation will be treated as one block. + BlockSize int + + err error + inBuf []byte + outBuf []byte + matches []Match +} + +func (w *Writer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { + if w.err != nil { + return 0, w.err + } + + if w.BlockSize == 0 { + return w.writeBlock(p, false) + } + + w.inBuf = append(w.inBuf, p...) + var pos int + for pos = 0; pos+w.BlockSize <= len(w.inBuf) && w.err == nil; pos += w.BlockSize { + w.writeBlock(w.inBuf[pos:pos+w.BlockSize], false) + } + if pos > 0 { + n := copy(w.inBuf, w.inBuf[pos:]) + w.inBuf = w.inBuf[:n] + } + + return len(p), w.err +} + +func (w *Writer) writeBlock(p []byte, lastBlock bool) (n int, err error) { + w.outBuf = w.outBuf[:0] + w.matches = w.MatchFinder.FindMatches(w.matches[:0], p) + w.outBuf = w.Encoder.Encode(w.outBuf, p, w.matches, lastBlock) + _, w.err = w.Dest.Write(w.outBuf) + return len(p), w.err +} + +func (w *Writer) Close() error { + w.writeBlock(w.inBuf, true) + w.inBuf = w.inBuf[:0] + return w.err +} + +func (w *Writer) Reset(newDest io.Writer) { + w.MatchFinder.Reset() + w.Encoder.Reset() + w.err = nil + w.inBuf = w.inBuf[:0] + w.outBuf = w.outBuf[:0] + w.matches = w.matches[:0] + w.Dest = newDest +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/textencoder.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/textencoder.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..75ecc5908b9dd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder/textencoder.go @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +package matchfinder + +import "fmt" + +// A TextEncoder is an Encoder that produces a human-readable representation of +// the LZ77 compression. Matches are replaced with symbols. +type TextEncoder struct{} + +func (t TextEncoder) Reset() {} + +func (t TextEncoder) Encode(dst []byte, src []byte, matches []Match, lastBlock bool) []byte { + pos := 0 + for _, m := range matches { + if m.Unmatched > 0 { + dst = append(dst, src[pos:pos+m.Unmatched]...) + pos += m.Unmatched + } + if m.Length > 0 { + dst = append(dst, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("<%d,%d>", m.Length, m.Distance))...) + pos += m.Length + } + } + if pos < len(src) { + dst = append(dst, src[pos:]...) + } + return dst +} + +// A NoMatchFinder implements MatchFinder, but doesn't find any matches. +// It can be used to implement the equivalent of the standard library flate package's +// HuffmanOnly setting. +type NoMatchFinder struct{} + +func (n NoMatchFinder) Reset() {} + +func (n NoMatchFinder) FindMatches(dst []Match, src []byte) []Match { + return append(dst, Match{ + Unmatched: len(src), + }) +} + +// AutoReset wraps a MatchFinder that can return references to data in previous +// blocks, and calls Reset before each block. It is useful for (e.g.) using a +// snappy Encoder with a MatchFinder designed for flate. (Snappy doesn't +// support references between blocks.) +type AutoReset struct { + MatchFinder +} + +func (a AutoReset) FindMatches(dst []Match, src []byte) []Match { + a.Reset() + return a.MatchFinder.FindMatches(dst, src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/memory.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/memory.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a07c7050a07f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/memory.go @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* +Dynamically grows array capacity to at least the requested size +T: data type +A: array +C: capacity +R: requested size +*/ +func brotli_ensure_capacity_uint8_t(a *[]byte, c *uint, r uint) { + if *c < r { + var new_size uint = *c + if new_size == 0 { + new_size = r + } + + for new_size < r { + new_size *= 2 + } + + if cap(*a) < int(new_size) { + var new_array []byte = make([]byte, new_size) + if *c != 0 { + copy(new_array, (*a)[:*c]) + } + + *a = new_array + } else { + *a = (*a)[:new_size] + } + + *c = new_size + } +} + +func brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(a *[]uint32, c *uint, r uint) { + var new_array []uint32 + if *c < r { + var new_size uint = *c + if new_size == 0 { + new_size = r + } + + for new_size < r { + new_size *= 2 + } + + if cap(*a) < int(new_size) { + new_array = make([]uint32, new_size) + if *c != 0 { + copy(new_array, (*a)[:*c]) + } + + *a = new_array + } else { + *a = (*a)[:new_size] + } + *c = new_size + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/metablock.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/metablock.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..3014df8cdf100 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/metablock.go @@ -0,0 +1,574 @@ +package brotli + +import ( + "sync" +) + +/* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Algorithms for distributing the literals and commands of a metablock between + block types and contexts. */ + +type metaBlockSplit struct { + literal_split blockSplit + command_split blockSplit + distance_split blockSplit + literal_context_map []uint32 + literal_context_map_size uint + distance_context_map []uint32 + distance_context_map_size uint + literal_histograms []histogramLiteral + literal_histograms_size uint + command_histograms []histogramCommand + command_histograms_size uint + distance_histograms []histogramDistance + distance_histograms_size uint +} + +var metaBlockPool sync.Pool + +func getMetaBlockSplit() *metaBlockSplit { + mb, _ := metaBlockPool.Get().(*metaBlockSplit) + + if mb == nil { + mb = &metaBlockSplit{} + } else { + initBlockSplit(&mb.literal_split) + initBlockSplit(&mb.command_split) + initBlockSplit(&mb.distance_split) + mb.literal_context_map = mb.literal_context_map[:0] + mb.literal_context_map_size = 0 + mb.distance_context_map = mb.distance_context_map[:0] + mb.distance_context_map_size = 0 + mb.literal_histograms = mb.literal_histograms[:0] + mb.command_histograms = mb.command_histograms[:0] + mb.distance_histograms = mb.distance_histograms[:0] + } + return mb +} + +func freeMetaBlockSplit(mb *metaBlockSplit) { + metaBlockPool.Put(mb) +} + +func initDistanceParams(params *encoderParams, npostfix uint32, ndirect uint32) { + var dist_params *distanceParams = ¶ms.dist + var alphabet_size uint32 + var max_distance uint32 + + dist_params.distance_postfix_bits = npostfix + dist_params.num_direct_distance_codes = ndirect + + alphabet_size = uint32(distanceAlphabetSize(uint(npostfix), uint(ndirect), maxDistanceBits)) + max_distance = ndirect + (1 << (maxDistanceBits + npostfix + 2)) - (1 << (npostfix + 2)) + + if params.large_window { + var bound = [maxNpostfix + 1]uint32{0, 4, 12, 28} + var postfix uint32 = 1 << npostfix + alphabet_size = uint32(distanceAlphabetSize(uint(npostfix), uint(ndirect), largeMaxDistanceBits)) + + /* The maximum distance is set so that no distance symbol used can encode + a distance larger than BROTLI_MAX_ALLOWED_DISTANCE with all + its extra bits set. */ + if ndirect < bound[npostfix] { + max_distance = maxAllowedDistance - (bound[npostfix] - ndirect) + } else if ndirect >= bound[npostfix]+postfix { + max_distance = (3 << 29) - 4 + (ndirect - bound[npostfix]) + } else { + max_distance = maxAllowedDistance + } + } + + dist_params.alphabet_size = alphabet_size + dist_params.max_distance = uint(max_distance) +} + +func recomputeDistancePrefixes(cmds []command, orig_params *distanceParams, new_params *distanceParams) { + if orig_params.distance_postfix_bits == new_params.distance_postfix_bits && orig_params.num_direct_distance_codes == new_params.num_direct_distance_codes { + return + } + + for i := range cmds { + var cmd *command = &cmds[i] + if commandCopyLen(cmd) != 0 && cmd.cmd_prefix_ >= 128 { + prefixEncodeCopyDistance(uint(commandRestoreDistanceCode(cmd, orig_params)), uint(new_params.num_direct_distance_codes), uint(new_params.distance_postfix_bits), &cmd.dist_prefix_, &cmd.dist_extra_) + } + } +} + +func computeDistanceCost(cmds []command, orig_params *distanceParams, new_params *distanceParams, cost *float64) bool { + var equal_params bool = false + var dist_prefix uint16 + var dist_extra uint32 + var extra_bits float64 = 0.0 + var histo histogramDistance + histogramClearDistance(&histo) + + if orig_params.distance_postfix_bits == new_params.distance_postfix_bits && orig_params.num_direct_distance_codes == new_params.num_direct_distance_codes { + equal_params = true + } + + for i := range cmds { + cmd := &cmds[i] + if commandCopyLen(cmd) != 0 && cmd.cmd_prefix_ >= 128 { + if equal_params { + dist_prefix = cmd.dist_prefix_ + } else { + var distance uint32 = commandRestoreDistanceCode(cmd, orig_params) + if distance > uint32(new_params.max_distance) { + return false + } + + prefixEncodeCopyDistance(uint(distance), uint(new_params.num_direct_distance_codes), uint(new_params.distance_postfix_bits), &dist_prefix, &dist_extra) + } + + histogramAddDistance(&histo, uint(dist_prefix)&0x3FF) + extra_bits += float64(dist_prefix >> 10) + } + } + + *cost = populationCostDistance(&histo) + extra_bits + return true +} + +var buildMetaBlock_kMaxNumberOfHistograms uint = 256 + +func buildMetaBlock(ringbuffer []byte, pos uint, mask uint, params *encoderParams, prev_byte byte, prev_byte2 byte, cmds []command, literal_context_mode int, mb *metaBlockSplit) { + var distance_histograms []histogramDistance + var literal_histograms []histogramLiteral + var literal_context_modes []int = nil + var literal_histograms_size uint + var distance_histograms_size uint + var i uint + var literal_context_multiplier uint = 1 + var npostfix uint32 + var ndirect_msb uint32 = 0 + var check_orig bool = true + var best_dist_cost float64 = 1e99 + var orig_params encoderParams = *params + /* Histogram ids need to fit in one byte. */ + + var new_params encoderParams = *params + + for npostfix = 0; npostfix <= maxNpostfix; npostfix++ { + for ; ndirect_msb < 16; ndirect_msb++ { + var ndirect uint32 = ndirect_msb << npostfix + var skip bool + var dist_cost float64 + initDistanceParams(&new_params, npostfix, ndirect) + if npostfix == orig_params.dist.distance_postfix_bits && ndirect == orig_params.dist.num_direct_distance_codes { + check_orig = false + } + + skip = !computeDistanceCost(cmds, &orig_params.dist, &new_params.dist, &dist_cost) + if skip || (dist_cost > best_dist_cost) { + break + } + + best_dist_cost = dist_cost + params.dist = new_params.dist + } + + if ndirect_msb > 0 { + ndirect_msb-- + } + ndirect_msb /= 2 + } + + if check_orig { + var dist_cost float64 + computeDistanceCost(cmds, &orig_params.dist, &orig_params.dist, &dist_cost) + if dist_cost < best_dist_cost { + /* NB: currently unused; uncomment when more param tuning is added. */ + /* best_dist_cost = dist_cost; */ + params.dist = orig_params.dist + } + } + + recomputeDistancePrefixes(cmds, &orig_params.dist, ¶ms.dist) + + splitBlock(cmds, ringbuffer, pos, mask, params, &mb.literal_split, &mb.command_split, &mb.distance_split) + + if !params.disable_literal_context_modeling { + literal_context_multiplier = 1 << literalContextBits + literal_context_modes = make([]int, (mb.literal_split.num_types)) + for i = 0; i < mb.literal_split.num_types; i++ { + literal_context_modes[i] = literal_context_mode + } + } + + literal_histograms_size = mb.literal_split.num_types * literal_context_multiplier + literal_histograms = make([]histogramLiteral, literal_histograms_size) + clearHistogramsLiteral(literal_histograms, literal_histograms_size) + + distance_histograms_size = mb.distance_split.num_types << distanceContextBits + distance_histograms = make([]histogramDistance, distance_histograms_size) + clearHistogramsDistance(distance_histograms, distance_histograms_size) + + mb.command_histograms_size = mb.command_split.num_types + if cap(mb.command_histograms) < int(mb.command_histograms_size) { + mb.command_histograms = make([]histogramCommand, (mb.command_histograms_size)) + } else { + mb.command_histograms = mb.command_histograms[:mb.command_histograms_size] + } + clearHistogramsCommand(mb.command_histograms, mb.command_histograms_size) + + buildHistogramsWithContext(cmds, &mb.literal_split, &mb.command_split, &mb.distance_split, ringbuffer, pos, mask, prev_byte, prev_byte2, literal_context_modes, literal_histograms, mb.command_histograms, distance_histograms) + literal_context_modes = nil + + mb.literal_context_map_size = mb.literal_split.num_types << literalContextBits + if cap(mb.literal_context_map) < int(mb.literal_context_map_size) { + mb.literal_context_map = make([]uint32, (mb.literal_context_map_size)) + } else { + mb.literal_context_map = mb.literal_context_map[:mb.literal_context_map_size] + } + + mb.literal_histograms_size = mb.literal_context_map_size + if cap(mb.literal_histograms) < int(mb.literal_histograms_size) { + mb.literal_histograms = make([]histogramLiteral, (mb.literal_histograms_size)) + } else { + mb.literal_histograms = mb.literal_histograms[:mb.literal_histograms_size] + } + + clusterHistogramsLiteral(literal_histograms, literal_histograms_size, buildMetaBlock_kMaxNumberOfHistograms, mb.literal_histograms, &mb.literal_histograms_size, mb.literal_context_map) + literal_histograms = nil + + if params.disable_literal_context_modeling { + /* Distribute assignment to all contexts. */ + for i = mb.literal_split.num_types; i != 0; { + var j uint = 0 + i-- + for ; j < 1< 0 { + var entropy [maxStaticContexts]float64 + var combined_histo []histogramLiteral = make([]histogramLiteral, (2 * num_contexts)) + var combined_entropy [2 * maxStaticContexts]float64 + var diff = [2]float64{0.0} + /* Try merging the set of histograms for the current block type with the + respective set of histograms for the last and second last block types. + Decide over the split based on the total reduction of entropy across + all contexts. */ + + var i uint + for i = 0; i < num_contexts; i++ { + var curr_histo_ix uint = self.curr_histogram_ix_ + i + var j uint + entropy[i] = bitsEntropy(histograms[curr_histo_ix].data_[:], self.alphabet_size_) + for j = 0; j < 2; j++ { + var jx uint = j*num_contexts + i + var last_histogram_ix uint = self.last_histogram_ix_[j] + i + combined_histo[jx] = histograms[curr_histo_ix] + histogramAddHistogramLiteral(&combined_histo[jx], &histograms[last_histogram_ix]) + combined_entropy[jx] = bitsEntropy(combined_histo[jx].data_[0:], self.alphabet_size_) + diff[j] += combined_entropy[jx] - entropy[i] - last_entropy[jx] + } + } + + if split.num_types < self.max_block_types_ && diff[0] > self.split_threshold_ && diff[1] > self.split_threshold_ { + /* Create new block. */ + split.lengths[self.num_blocks_] = uint32(self.block_size_) + + split.types[self.num_blocks_] = byte(split.num_types) + self.last_histogram_ix_[1] = self.last_histogram_ix_[0] + self.last_histogram_ix_[0] = split.num_types * num_contexts + for i = 0; i < num_contexts; i++ { + last_entropy[num_contexts+i] = last_entropy[i] + last_entropy[i] = entropy[i] + } + + self.num_blocks_++ + split.num_types++ + self.curr_histogram_ix_ += num_contexts + if self.curr_histogram_ix_ < *self.histograms_size_ { + clearHistogramsLiteral(self.histograms_[self.curr_histogram_ix_:], self.num_contexts_) + } + + self.block_size_ = 0 + self.merge_last_count_ = 0 + self.target_block_size_ = self.min_block_size_ + } else if diff[1] < diff[0]-20.0 { + split.lengths[self.num_blocks_] = uint32(self.block_size_) + split.types[self.num_blocks_] = split.types[self.num_blocks_-2] + /* Combine this block with second last block. */ + + var tmp uint = self.last_histogram_ix_[0] + self.last_histogram_ix_[0] = self.last_histogram_ix_[1] + self.last_histogram_ix_[1] = tmp + for i = 0; i < num_contexts; i++ { + histograms[self.last_histogram_ix_[0]+i] = combined_histo[num_contexts+i] + last_entropy[num_contexts+i] = last_entropy[i] + last_entropy[i] = combined_entropy[num_contexts+i] + histogramClearLiteral(&histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_+i]) + } + + self.num_blocks_++ + self.block_size_ = 0 + self.merge_last_count_ = 0 + self.target_block_size_ = self.min_block_size_ + } else { + /* Combine this block with last block. */ + split.lengths[self.num_blocks_-1] += uint32(self.block_size_) + + for i = 0; i < num_contexts; i++ { + histograms[self.last_histogram_ix_[0]+i] = combined_histo[i] + last_entropy[i] = combined_entropy[i] + if split.num_types == 1 { + last_entropy[num_contexts+i] = last_entropy[i] + } + + histogramClearLiteral(&histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_+i]) + } + + self.block_size_ = 0 + self.merge_last_count_++ + if self.merge_last_count_ > 1 { + self.target_block_size_ += self.min_block_size_ + } + } + + combined_histo = nil + } + + if is_final { + *self.histograms_size_ = split.num_types * num_contexts + split.num_blocks = self.num_blocks_ + } +} + +/* Adds the next symbol to the current block type and context. When the + current block reaches the target size, decides on merging the block. */ +func contextBlockSplitterAddSymbol(self *contextBlockSplitter, symbol uint, context uint) { + histogramAddLiteral(&self.histograms_[self.curr_histogram_ix_+context], symbol) + self.block_size_++ + if self.block_size_ == self.target_block_size_ { + contextBlockSplitterFinishBlock(self, false) /* is_final = */ + } +} + +func mapStaticContexts(num_contexts uint, static_context_map []uint32, mb *metaBlockSplit) { + var i uint + mb.literal_context_map_size = mb.literal_split.num_types << literalContextBits + if cap(mb.literal_context_map) < int(mb.literal_context_map_size) { + mb.literal_context_map = make([]uint32, (mb.literal_context_map_size)) + } else { + mb.literal_context_map = mb.literal_context_map[:mb.literal_context_map_size] + } + + for i = 0; i < mb.literal_split.num_types; i++ { + var offset uint32 = uint32(i * num_contexts) + var j uint + for j = 0; j < 1<= 128 { + blockSplitterAddSymbolDistance(&dist_blocks, uint(cmd.dist_prefix_)&0x3FF) + } + } + } + + if num_contexts == 1 { + blockSplitterFinishBlockLiteral(&lit_blocks.plain, true) /* is_final = */ + } else { + contextBlockSplitterFinishBlock(&lit_blocks.ctx, true) /* is_final = */ + } + + blockSplitterFinishBlockCommand(&cmd_blocks, true) /* is_final = */ + blockSplitterFinishBlockDistance(&dist_blocks, true) /* is_final = */ + + if num_contexts > 1 { + mapStaticContexts(num_contexts, static_context_map, mb) + } +} + +func buildMetaBlockGreedy(ringbuffer []byte, pos uint, mask uint, prev_byte byte, prev_byte2 byte, literal_context_lut contextLUT, num_contexts uint, static_context_map []uint32, commands []command, mb *metaBlockSplit) { + if num_contexts == 1 { + buildMetaBlockGreedyInternal(ringbuffer, pos, mask, prev_byte, prev_byte2, literal_context_lut, 1, nil, commands, mb) + } else { + buildMetaBlockGreedyInternal(ringbuffer, pos, mask, prev_byte, prev_byte2, literal_context_lut, num_contexts, static_context_map, commands, mb) + } +} + +func optimizeHistograms(num_distance_codes uint32, mb *metaBlockSplit) { + var good_for_rle [numCommandSymbols]byte + var i uint + for i = 0; i < mb.literal_histograms_size; i++ { + optimizeHuffmanCountsForRLE(256, mb.literal_histograms[i].data_[:], good_for_rle[:]) + } + + for i = 0; i < mb.command_histograms_size; i++ { + optimizeHuffmanCountsForRLE(numCommandSymbols, mb.command_histograms[i].data_[:], good_for_rle[:]) + } + + for i = 0; i < mb.distance_histograms_size; i++ { + optimizeHuffmanCountsForRLE(uint(num_distance_codes), mb.distance_histograms[i].data_[:], good_for_rle[:]) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/metablock_command.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/metablock_command.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..14c7b77135dab --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/metablock_command.go @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Greedy block splitter for one block category (literal, command or distance). + */ +type blockSplitterCommand struct { + alphabet_size_ uint + min_block_size_ uint + split_threshold_ float64 + num_blocks_ uint + split_ *blockSplit + histograms_ []histogramCommand + histograms_size_ *uint + target_block_size_ uint + block_size_ uint + curr_histogram_ix_ uint + last_histogram_ix_ [2]uint + last_entropy_ [2]float64 + merge_last_count_ uint +} + +func initBlockSplitterCommand(self *blockSplitterCommand, alphabet_size uint, min_block_size uint, split_threshold float64, num_symbols uint, split *blockSplit, histograms *[]histogramCommand, histograms_size *uint) { + var max_num_blocks uint = num_symbols/min_block_size + 1 + var max_num_types uint = brotli_min_size_t(max_num_blocks, maxNumberOfBlockTypes+1) + /* We have to allocate one more histogram than the maximum number of block + types for the current histogram when the meta-block is too big. */ + self.alphabet_size_ = alphabet_size + + self.min_block_size_ = min_block_size + self.split_threshold_ = split_threshold + self.num_blocks_ = 0 + self.split_ = split + self.histograms_size_ = histograms_size + self.target_block_size_ = min_block_size + self.block_size_ = 0 + self.curr_histogram_ix_ = 0 + self.merge_last_count_ = 0 + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint8_t(&split.types, &split.types_alloc_size, max_num_blocks) + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&split.lengths, &split.lengths_alloc_size, max_num_blocks) + self.split_.num_blocks = max_num_blocks + *histograms_size = max_num_types + if histograms == nil || cap(*histograms) < int(*histograms_size) { + *histograms = make([]histogramCommand, (*histograms_size)) + } else { + *histograms = (*histograms)[:*histograms_size] + } + self.histograms_ = *histograms + + /* Clear only current histogram. */ + histogramClearCommand(&self.histograms_[0]) + + self.last_histogram_ix_[1] = 0 + self.last_histogram_ix_[0] = self.last_histogram_ix_[1] +} + +/* Does either of three things: + (1) emits the current block with a new block type; + (2) emits the current block with the type of the second last block; + (3) merges the current block with the last block. */ +func blockSplitterFinishBlockCommand(self *blockSplitterCommand, is_final bool) { + var split *blockSplit = self.split_ + var last_entropy []float64 = self.last_entropy_[:] + var histograms []histogramCommand = self.histograms_ + self.block_size_ = brotli_max_size_t(self.block_size_, self.min_block_size_) + if self.num_blocks_ == 0 { + /* Create first block. */ + split.lengths[0] = uint32(self.block_size_) + + split.types[0] = 0 + last_entropy[0] = bitsEntropy(histograms[0].data_[:], self.alphabet_size_) + last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0] + self.num_blocks_++ + split.num_types++ + self.curr_histogram_ix_++ + if self.curr_histogram_ix_ < *self.histograms_size_ { + histogramClearCommand(&histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_]) + } + self.block_size_ = 0 + } else if self.block_size_ > 0 { + var entropy float64 = bitsEntropy(histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_].data_[:], self.alphabet_size_) + var combined_histo [2]histogramCommand + var combined_entropy [2]float64 + var diff [2]float64 + var j uint + for j = 0; j < 2; j++ { + var last_histogram_ix uint = self.last_histogram_ix_[j] + combined_histo[j] = histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_] + histogramAddHistogramCommand(&combined_histo[j], &histograms[last_histogram_ix]) + combined_entropy[j] = bitsEntropy(combined_histo[j].data_[0:], self.alphabet_size_) + diff[j] = combined_entropy[j] - entropy - last_entropy[j] + } + + if split.num_types < maxNumberOfBlockTypes && diff[0] > self.split_threshold_ && diff[1] > self.split_threshold_ { + /* Create new block. */ + split.lengths[self.num_blocks_] = uint32(self.block_size_) + + split.types[self.num_blocks_] = byte(split.num_types) + self.last_histogram_ix_[1] = self.last_histogram_ix_[0] + self.last_histogram_ix_[0] = uint(byte(split.num_types)) + last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0] + last_entropy[0] = entropy + self.num_blocks_++ + split.num_types++ + self.curr_histogram_ix_++ + if self.curr_histogram_ix_ < *self.histograms_size_ { + histogramClearCommand(&histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_]) + } + self.block_size_ = 0 + self.merge_last_count_ = 0 + self.target_block_size_ = self.min_block_size_ + } else if diff[1] < diff[0]-20.0 { + split.lengths[self.num_blocks_] = uint32(self.block_size_) + split.types[self.num_blocks_] = split.types[self.num_blocks_-2] + /* Combine this block with second last block. */ + + var tmp uint = self.last_histogram_ix_[0] + self.last_histogram_ix_[0] = self.last_histogram_ix_[1] + self.last_histogram_ix_[1] = tmp + histograms[self.last_histogram_ix_[0]] = combined_histo[1] + last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0] + last_entropy[0] = combined_entropy[1] + self.num_blocks_++ + self.block_size_ = 0 + histogramClearCommand(&histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_]) + self.merge_last_count_ = 0 + self.target_block_size_ = self.min_block_size_ + } else { + /* Combine this block with last block. */ + split.lengths[self.num_blocks_-1] += uint32(self.block_size_) + + histograms[self.last_histogram_ix_[0]] = combined_histo[0] + last_entropy[0] = combined_entropy[0] + if split.num_types == 1 { + last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0] + } + + self.block_size_ = 0 + histogramClearCommand(&histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_]) + self.merge_last_count_++ + if self.merge_last_count_ > 1 { + self.target_block_size_ += self.min_block_size_ + } + } + } + + if is_final { + *self.histograms_size_ = split.num_types + split.num_blocks = self.num_blocks_ + } +} + +/* Adds the next symbol to the current histogram. When the current histogram + reaches the target size, decides on merging the block. */ +func blockSplitterAddSymbolCommand(self *blockSplitterCommand, symbol uint) { + histogramAddCommand(&self.histograms_[self.curr_histogram_ix_], symbol) + self.block_size_++ + if self.block_size_ == self.target_block_size_ { + blockSplitterFinishBlockCommand(self, false) /* is_final = */ + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/metablock_distance.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/metablock_distance.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5110a810e96de --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/metablock_distance.go @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Greedy block splitter for one block category (literal, command or distance). + */ +type blockSplitterDistance struct { + alphabet_size_ uint + min_block_size_ uint + split_threshold_ float64 + num_blocks_ uint + split_ *blockSplit + histograms_ []histogramDistance + histograms_size_ *uint + target_block_size_ uint + block_size_ uint + curr_histogram_ix_ uint + last_histogram_ix_ [2]uint + last_entropy_ [2]float64 + merge_last_count_ uint +} + +func initBlockSplitterDistance(self *blockSplitterDistance, alphabet_size uint, min_block_size uint, split_threshold float64, num_symbols uint, split *blockSplit, histograms *[]histogramDistance, histograms_size *uint) { + var max_num_blocks uint = num_symbols/min_block_size + 1 + var max_num_types uint = brotli_min_size_t(max_num_blocks, maxNumberOfBlockTypes+1) + /* We have to allocate one more histogram than the maximum number of block + types for the current histogram when the meta-block is too big. */ + self.alphabet_size_ = alphabet_size + + self.min_block_size_ = min_block_size + self.split_threshold_ = split_threshold + self.num_blocks_ = 0 + self.split_ = split + self.histograms_size_ = histograms_size + self.target_block_size_ = min_block_size + self.block_size_ = 0 + self.curr_histogram_ix_ = 0 + self.merge_last_count_ = 0 + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint8_t(&split.types, &split.types_alloc_size, max_num_blocks) + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&split.lengths, &split.lengths_alloc_size, max_num_blocks) + self.split_.num_blocks = max_num_blocks + *histograms_size = max_num_types + if histograms == nil || cap(*histograms) < int(*histograms_size) { + *histograms = make([]histogramDistance, *histograms_size) + } else { + *histograms = (*histograms)[:*histograms_size] + } + self.histograms_ = *histograms + + /* Clear only current histogram. */ + histogramClearDistance(&self.histograms_[0]) + + self.last_histogram_ix_[1] = 0 + self.last_histogram_ix_[0] = self.last_histogram_ix_[1] +} + +/* Does either of three things: + (1) emits the current block with a new block type; + (2) emits the current block with the type of the second last block; + (3) merges the current block with the last block. */ +func blockSplitterFinishBlockDistance(self *blockSplitterDistance, is_final bool) { + var split *blockSplit = self.split_ + var last_entropy []float64 = self.last_entropy_[:] + var histograms []histogramDistance = self.histograms_ + self.block_size_ = brotli_max_size_t(self.block_size_, self.min_block_size_) + if self.num_blocks_ == 0 { + /* Create first block. */ + split.lengths[0] = uint32(self.block_size_) + + split.types[0] = 0 + last_entropy[0] = bitsEntropy(histograms[0].data_[:], self.alphabet_size_) + last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0] + self.num_blocks_++ + split.num_types++ + self.curr_histogram_ix_++ + if self.curr_histogram_ix_ < *self.histograms_size_ { + histogramClearDistance(&histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_]) + } + self.block_size_ = 0 + } else if self.block_size_ > 0 { + var entropy float64 = bitsEntropy(histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_].data_[:], self.alphabet_size_) + var combined_histo [2]histogramDistance + var combined_entropy [2]float64 + var diff [2]float64 + var j uint + for j = 0; j < 2; j++ { + var last_histogram_ix uint = self.last_histogram_ix_[j] + combined_histo[j] = histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_] + histogramAddHistogramDistance(&combined_histo[j], &histograms[last_histogram_ix]) + combined_entropy[j] = bitsEntropy(combined_histo[j].data_[0:], self.alphabet_size_) + diff[j] = combined_entropy[j] - entropy - last_entropy[j] + } + + if split.num_types < maxNumberOfBlockTypes && diff[0] > self.split_threshold_ && diff[1] > self.split_threshold_ { + /* Create new block. */ + split.lengths[self.num_blocks_] = uint32(self.block_size_) + + split.types[self.num_blocks_] = byte(split.num_types) + self.last_histogram_ix_[1] = self.last_histogram_ix_[0] + self.last_histogram_ix_[0] = uint(byte(split.num_types)) + last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0] + last_entropy[0] = entropy + self.num_blocks_++ + split.num_types++ + self.curr_histogram_ix_++ + if self.curr_histogram_ix_ < *self.histograms_size_ { + histogramClearDistance(&histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_]) + } + self.block_size_ = 0 + self.merge_last_count_ = 0 + self.target_block_size_ = self.min_block_size_ + } else if diff[1] < diff[0]-20.0 { + split.lengths[self.num_blocks_] = uint32(self.block_size_) + split.types[self.num_blocks_] = split.types[self.num_blocks_-2] + /* Combine this block with second last block. */ + + var tmp uint = self.last_histogram_ix_[0] + self.last_histogram_ix_[0] = self.last_histogram_ix_[1] + self.last_histogram_ix_[1] = tmp + histograms[self.last_histogram_ix_[0]] = combined_histo[1] + last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0] + last_entropy[0] = combined_entropy[1] + self.num_blocks_++ + self.block_size_ = 0 + histogramClearDistance(&histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_]) + self.merge_last_count_ = 0 + self.target_block_size_ = self.min_block_size_ + } else { + /* Combine this block with last block. */ + split.lengths[self.num_blocks_-1] += uint32(self.block_size_) + + histograms[self.last_histogram_ix_[0]] = combined_histo[0] + last_entropy[0] = combined_entropy[0] + if split.num_types == 1 { + last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0] + } + + self.block_size_ = 0 + histogramClearDistance(&histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_]) + self.merge_last_count_++ + if self.merge_last_count_ > 1 { + self.target_block_size_ += self.min_block_size_ + } + } + } + + if is_final { + *self.histograms_size_ = split.num_types + split.num_blocks = self.num_blocks_ + } +} + +/* Adds the next symbol to the current histogram. When the current histogram + reaches the target size, decides on merging the block. */ +func blockSplitterAddSymbolDistance(self *blockSplitterDistance, symbol uint) { + histogramAddDistance(&self.histograms_[self.curr_histogram_ix_], symbol) + self.block_size_++ + if self.block_size_ == self.target_block_size_ { + blockSplitterFinishBlockDistance(self, false) /* is_final = */ + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/metablock_literal.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/metablock_literal.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..307f8da88f48f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/metablock_literal.go @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Greedy block splitter for one block category (literal, command or distance). + */ +type blockSplitterLiteral struct { + alphabet_size_ uint + min_block_size_ uint + split_threshold_ float64 + num_blocks_ uint + split_ *blockSplit + histograms_ []histogramLiteral + histograms_size_ *uint + target_block_size_ uint + block_size_ uint + curr_histogram_ix_ uint + last_histogram_ix_ [2]uint + last_entropy_ [2]float64 + merge_last_count_ uint +} + +func initBlockSplitterLiteral(self *blockSplitterLiteral, alphabet_size uint, min_block_size uint, split_threshold float64, num_symbols uint, split *blockSplit, histograms *[]histogramLiteral, histograms_size *uint) { + var max_num_blocks uint = num_symbols/min_block_size + 1 + var max_num_types uint = brotli_min_size_t(max_num_blocks, maxNumberOfBlockTypes+1) + /* We have to allocate one more histogram than the maximum number of block + types for the current histogram when the meta-block is too big. */ + self.alphabet_size_ = alphabet_size + + self.min_block_size_ = min_block_size + self.split_threshold_ = split_threshold + self.num_blocks_ = 0 + self.split_ = split + self.histograms_size_ = histograms_size + self.target_block_size_ = min_block_size + self.block_size_ = 0 + self.curr_histogram_ix_ = 0 + self.merge_last_count_ = 0 + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint8_t(&split.types, &split.types_alloc_size, max_num_blocks) + brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t(&split.lengths, &split.lengths_alloc_size, max_num_blocks) + self.split_.num_blocks = max_num_blocks + *histograms_size = max_num_types + if histograms == nil || cap(*histograms) < int(*histograms_size) { + *histograms = make([]histogramLiteral, *histograms_size) + } else { + *histograms = (*histograms)[:*histograms_size] + } + self.histograms_ = *histograms + + /* Clear only current histogram. */ + histogramClearLiteral(&self.histograms_[0]) + + self.last_histogram_ix_[1] = 0 + self.last_histogram_ix_[0] = self.last_histogram_ix_[1] +} + +/* Does either of three things: + (1) emits the current block with a new block type; + (2) emits the current block with the type of the second last block; + (3) merges the current block with the last block. */ +func blockSplitterFinishBlockLiteral(self *blockSplitterLiteral, is_final bool) { + var split *blockSplit = self.split_ + var last_entropy []float64 = self.last_entropy_[:] + var histograms []histogramLiteral = self.histograms_ + self.block_size_ = brotli_max_size_t(self.block_size_, self.min_block_size_) + if self.num_blocks_ == 0 { + /* Create first block. */ + split.lengths[0] = uint32(self.block_size_) + + split.types[0] = 0 + last_entropy[0] = bitsEntropy(histograms[0].data_[:], self.alphabet_size_) + last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0] + self.num_blocks_++ + split.num_types++ + self.curr_histogram_ix_++ + if self.curr_histogram_ix_ < *self.histograms_size_ { + histogramClearLiteral(&histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_]) + } + self.block_size_ = 0 + } else if self.block_size_ > 0 { + var entropy float64 = bitsEntropy(histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_].data_[:], self.alphabet_size_) + var combined_histo [2]histogramLiteral + var combined_entropy [2]float64 + var diff [2]float64 + var j uint + for j = 0; j < 2; j++ { + var last_histogram_ix uint = self.last_histogram_ix_[j] + combined_histo[j] = histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_] + histogramAddHistogramLiteral(&combined_histo[j], &histograms[last_histogram_ix]) + combined_entropy[j] = bitsEntropy(combined_histo[j].data_[0:], self.alphabet_size_) + diff[j] = combined_entropy[j] - entropy - last_entropy[j] + } + + if split.num_types < maxNumberOfBlockTypes && diff[0] > self.split_threshold_ && diff[1] > self.split_threshold_ { + /* Create new block. */ + split.lengths[self.num_blocks_] = uint32(self.block_size_) + + split.types[self.num_blocks_] = byte(split.num_types) + self.last_histogram_ix_[1] = self.last_histogram_ix_[0] + self.last_histogram_ix_[0] = uint(byte(split.num_types)) + last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0] + last_entropy[0] = entropy + self.num_blocks_++ + split.num_types++ + self.curr_histogram_ix_++ + if self.curr_histogram_ix_ < *self.histograms_size_ { + histogramClearLiteral(&histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_]) + } + self.block_size_ = 0 + self.merge_last_count_ = 0 + self.target_block_size_ = self.min_block_size_ + } else if diff[1] < diff[0]-20.0 { + split.lengths[self.num_blocks_] = uint32(self.block_size_) + split.types[self.num_blocks_] = split.types[self.num_blocks_-2] + /* Combine this block with second last block. */ + + var tmp uint = self.last_histogram_ix_[0] + self.last_histogram_ix_[0] = self.last_histogram_ix_[1] + self.last_histogram_ix_[1] = tmp + histograms[self.last_histogram_ix_[0]] = combined_histo[1] + last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0] + last_entropy[0] = combined_entropy[1] + self.num_blocks_++ + self.block_size_ = 0 + histogramClearLiteral(&histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_]) + self.merge_last_count_ = 0 + self.target_block_size_ = self.min_block_size_ + } else { + /* Combine this block with last block. */ + split.lengths[self.num_blocks_-1] += uint32(self.block_size_) + + histograms[self.last_histogram_ix_[0]] = combined_histo[0] + last_entropy[0] = combined_entropy[0] + if split.num_types == 1 { + last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0] + } + + self.block_size_ = 0 + histogramClearLiteral(&histograms[self.curr_histogram_ix_]) + self.merge_last_count_++ + if self.merge_last_count_ > 1 { + self.target_block_size_ += self.min_block_size_ + } + } + } + + if is_final { + *self.histograms_size_ = split.num_types + split.num_blocks = self.num_blocks_ + } +} + +/* Adds the next symbol to the current histogram. When the current histogram + reaches the target size, decides on merging the block. */ +func blockSplitterAddSymbolLiteral(self *blockSplitterLiteral, symbol uint) { + histogramAddLiteral(&self.histograms_[self.curr_histogram_ix_], symbol) + self.block_size_++ + if self.block_size_ == self.target_block_size_ { + blockSplitterFinishBlockLiteral(self, false) /* is_final = */ + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/params.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/params.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..0a4c6875212a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/params.go @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Parameters for the Brotli encoder with chosen quality levels. */ +type hasherParams struct { + type_ int + bucket_bits int + block_bits int + hash_len int + num_last_distances_to_check int +} + +type distanceParams struct { + distance_postfix_bits uint32 + num_direct_distance_codes uint32 + alphabet_size uint32 + max_distance uint +} + +/* Encoding parameters */ +type encoderParams struct { + mode int + quality int + lgwin uint + lgblock int + size_hint uint + disable_literal_context_modeling bool + large_window bool + hasher hasherParams + dist distanceParams + dictionary encoderDictionary +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/platform.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/platform.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4ebfb1528ba97 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/platform.go @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +func brotli_min_double(a float64, b float64) float64 { + if a < b { + return a + } else { + return b + } +} + +func brotli_max_double(a float64, b float64) float64 { + if a > b { + return a + } else { + return b + } +} + +func brotli_min_float(a float32, b float32) float32 { + if a < b { + return a + } else { + return b + } +} + +func brotli_max_float(a float32, b float32) float32 { + if a > b { + return a + } else { + return b + } +} + +func brotli_min_int(a int, b int) int { + if a < b { + return a + } else { + return b + } +} + +func brotli_max_int(a int, b int) int { + if a > b { + return a + } else { + return b + } +} + +func brotli_min_size_t(a uint, b uint) uint { + if a < b { + return a + } else { + return b + } +} + +func brotli_max_size_t(a uint, b uint) uint { + if a > b { + return a + } else { + return b + } +} + +func brotli_min_uint32_t(a uint32, b uint32) uint32 { + if a < b { + return a + } else { + return b + } +} + +func brotli_max_uint32_t(a uint32, b uint32) uint32 { + if a > b { + return a + } else { + return b + } +} + +func brotli_min_uint8_t(a byte, b byte) byte { + if a < b { + return a + } else { + return b + } +} + +func brotli_max_uint8_t(a byte, b byte) byte { + if a > b { + return a + } else { + return b + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/prefix.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/prefix.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..484df0d61ec0b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/prefix.go @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Functions for encoding of integers into prefix codes the amount of extra + bits, and the actual values of the extra bits. */ + +/* Here distance_code is an intermediate code, i.e. one of the special codes or + the actual distance increased by BROTLI_NUM_DISTANCE_SHORT_CODES - 1. */ +func prefixEncodeCopyDistance(distance_code uint, num_direct_codes uint, postfix_bits uint, code *uint16, extra_bits *uint32) { + if distance_code < numDistanceShortCodes+num_direct_codes { + *code = uint16(distance_code) + *extra_bits = 0 + return + } else { + var dist uint = (uint(1) << (postfix_bits + 2)) + (distance_code - numDistanceShortCodes - num_direct_codes) + var bucket uint = uint(log2FloorNonZero(dist) - 1) + var postfix_mask uint = (1 << postfix_bits) - 1 + var postfix uint = dist & postfix_mask + var prefix uint = (dist >> bucket) & 1 + var offset uint = (2 + prefix) << bucket + var nbits uint = bucket - postfix_bits + *code = uint16(nbits<<10 | (numDistanceShortCodes + num_direct_codes + ((2*(nbits-1) + prefix) << postfix_bits) + postfix)) + *extra_bits = uint32((dist - offset) >> postfix_bits) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/prefix_dec.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/prefix_dec.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..183f0d53fed55 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/prefix_dec.go @@ -0,0 +1,723 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +type cmdLutElement struct { + insert_len_extra_bits byte + copy_len_extra_bits byte + distance_code int8 + context byte + insert_len_offset uint16 + copy_len_offset uint16 +} + +var kCmdLut = [numCommandSymbols]cmdLutElement{ + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x00, 0x0000, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x01, 0x0000, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x02, 0x0000, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x00, 0x0001, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x01, 0x0001, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x02, 0x0001, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x00, 0x0002, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x01, 0x0002, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x02, 0x0002, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x00, 0x0003, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x01, 0x0003, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x02, 0x0003, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x00, 0x0004, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x01, 0x0004, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x02, 0x0004, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x00, 0x0005, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x01, 0x0005, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x02, 0x0005, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x00, 0x0006, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x01, 0x0006, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x02, 0x0006, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x00, 0x0008, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x01, 0x0008, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x02, 0x0008, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x01, 0, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x02, 0, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x03, 0, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x04, 0, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0000, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x0000, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x0000, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0001, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x0001, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x0001, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0002, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x0002, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x0002, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0003, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x0003, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x0003, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0004, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x0004, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x0004, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0005, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x0005, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x0005, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0006, 0x0002}, + 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cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0000, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0001, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0002, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0003, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0004, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x00, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0005, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0006, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x000a, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x000a, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x000a, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x000a, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x000a, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x000a, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x000a, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x000a, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x000e, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x000e, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x000e, 0x0004}, + 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cmdLutElement{0x01, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x0008, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0082, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x0082, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x0082, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x00c2, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x00c2, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x00c2, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0142, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x0142, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x0142, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0242, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x0242, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x0242, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0442, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x0442, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x0442, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x0842, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x0842, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x0842, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x1842, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x1842, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x1842, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x00, -1, 0x00, 0x5842, 0x0002}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x00, -1, 0x01, 0x5842, 0x0003}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x00, -1, 0x02, 0x5842, 0x0004}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0005}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0006}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0007}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0008}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x00, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0009}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x000a, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x000a, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x000a, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x000a, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x000a, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x000a, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x000a, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x000a, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x000e, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x000e, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x000e, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x000e, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x000e, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x000e, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x000e, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x02, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x000e, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0012, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0012, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x0012, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x0012, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x0012, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x0012, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x0012, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x0012, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x001a, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x001a, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x001a, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x001a, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x001a, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x001a, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x001a, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x03, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x001a, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0022, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0022, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x0022, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x0022, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x0022, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x0022, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x0022, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x0022, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0032, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0032, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x0032, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x0032, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x0032, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x0032, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x0032, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x04, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x0032, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0042, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0042, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x0042, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x0042, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x0042, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x0042, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x0042, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x0042, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0062, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0062, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x0062, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x0062, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x0062, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x0062, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x0062, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x05, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x0062, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x000a}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x01, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x000c}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x000e}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x02, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0012}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0016}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x03, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x001e}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0026}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x04, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0036}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x06, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x0082, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x07, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x00c2, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x08, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x0142, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x09, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x0242, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x0a, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x0442, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x0c, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x0842, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x0e, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x1842, 0x0846}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0046}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x05, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0066}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x06, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0086}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x07, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x00c6}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x08, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0146}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x09, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0246}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x0a, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0446}, + cmdLutElement{0x18, 0x18, -1, 0x03, 0x5842, 0x0846}, +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/quality.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/quality.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..49709a3823908 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/quality.go @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +package brotli + +const fastOnePassCompressionQuality = 0 + +const fastTwoPassCompressionQuality = 1 + +const zopflificationQuality = 10 + +const hqZopflificationQuality = 11 + +const maxQualityForStaticEntropyCodes = 2 + +const minQualityForBlockSplit = 4 + +const minQualityForNonzeroDistanceParams = 4 + +const minQualityForOptimizeHistograms = 4 + +const minQualityForExtensiveReferenceSearch = 5 + +const minQualityForContextModeling = 5 + +const minQualityForHqContextModeling = 7 + +const minQualityForHqBlockSplitting = 10 + +/* For quality below MIN_QUALITY_FOR_BLOCK_SPLIT there is no block splitting, + so we buffer at most this much literals and commands. */ +const maxNumDelayedSymbols = 0x2FFF + +/* Returns hash-table size for quality levels 0 and 1. */ +func maxHashTableSize(quality int) uint { + if quality == fastOnePassCompressionQuality { + return 1 << 15 + } else { + return 1 << 17 + } +} + +/* The maximum length for which the zopflification uses distinct distances. */ +const maxZopfliLenQuality10 = 150 + +const maxZopfliLenQuality11 = 325 + +/* Do not thoroughly search when a long copy is found. */ +const longCopyQuickStep = 16384 + +func maxZopfliLen(params *encoderParams) uint { + if params.quality <= 10 { + return maxZopfliLenQuality10 + } else { + return maxZopfliLenQuality11 + } +} + +/* Number of best candidates to evaluate to expand Zopfli chain. */ +func maxZopfliCandidates(params *encoderParams) uint { + if params.quality <= 10 { + return 1 + } else { + return 5 + } +} + +func sanitizeParams(params *encoderParams) { + params.quality = brotli_min_int(maxQuality, brotli_max_int(minQuality, params.quality)) + if params.quality <= maxQualityForStaticEntropyCodes { + params.large_window = false + } + + if params.lgwin < minWindowBits { + params.lgwin = minWindowBits + } else { + var max_lgwin int + if params.large_window { + max_lgwin = largeMaxWindowBits + } else { + max_lgwin = maxWindowBits + } + if params.lgwin > uint(max_lgwin) { + params.lgwin = uint(max_lgwin) + } + } +} + +/* Returns optimized lg_block value. */ +func computeLgBlock(params *encoderParams) int { + var lgblock int = params.lgblock + if params.quality == fastOnePassCompressionQuality || params.quality == fastTwoPassCompressionQuality { + lgblock = int(params.lgwin) + } else if params.quality < minQualityForBlockSplit { + lgblock = 14 + } else if lgblock == 0 { + lgblock = 16 + if params.quality >= 9 && params.lgwin > uint(lgblock) { + lgblock = brotli_min_int(18, int(params.lgwin)) + } + } else { + lgblock = brotli_min_int(maxInputBlockBits, brotli_max_int(minInputBlockBits, lgblock)) + } + + return lgblock +} + +/* Returns log2 of the size of main ring buffer area. + Allocate at least lgwin + 1 bits for the ring buffer so that the newly + added block fits there completely and we still get lgwin bits and at least + read_block_size_bits + 1 bits because the copy tail length needs to be + smaller than ring-buffer size. */ +func computeRbBits(params *encoderParams) int { + return 1 + brotli_max_int(int(params.lgwin), params.lgblock) +} + +func maxMetablockSize(params *encoderParams) uint { + var bits int = brotli_min_int(computeRbBits(params), maxInputBlockBits) + return uint(1) << uint(bits) +} + +/* When searching for backward references and have not seen matches for a long + time, we can skip some match lookups. Unsuccessful match lookups are very + expensive and this kind of a heuristic speeds up compression quite a lot. + At first 8 byte strides are taken and every second byte is put to hasher. + After 4x more literals stride by 16 bytes, every put 4-th byte to hasher. + Applied only to qualities 2 to 9. */ +func literalSpreeLengthForSparseSearch(params *encoderParams) uint { + if params.quality < 9 { + return 64 + } else { + return 512 + } +} + +func chooseHasher(params *encoderParams, hparams *hasherParams) { + if params.quality > 9 { + hparams.type_ = 10 + } else if params.quality == 4 && params.size_hint >= 1<<20 { + hparams.type_ = 54 + } else if params.quality < 5 { + hparams.type_ = params.quality + } else if params.lgwin <= 16 { + if params.quality < 7 { + hparams.type_ = 40 + } else if params.quality < 9 { + hparams.type_ = 41 + } else { + hparams.type_ = 42 + } + } else if params.size_hint >= 1<<20 && params.lgwin >= 19 { + hparams.type_ = 6 + hparams.block_bits = params.quality - 1 + hparams.bucket_bits = 15 + hparams.hash_len = 5 + if params.quality < 7 { + hparams.num_last_distances_to_check = 4 + } else if params.quality < 9 { + hparams.num_last_distances_to_check = 10 + } else { + hparams.num_last_distances_to_check = 16 + } + } else { + hparams.type_ = 5 + hparams.block_bits = params.quality - 1 + if params.quality < 7 { + hparams.bucket_bits = 14 + } else { + hparams.bucket_bits = 15 + } + if params.quality < 7 { + hparams.num_last_distances_to_check = 4 + } else if params.quality < 9 { + hparams.num_last_distances_to_check = 10 + } else { + hparams.num_last_distances_to_check = 16 + } + } + + if params.lgwin > 24 { + /* Different hashers for large window brotli: not for qualities <= 2, + these are too fast for large window. Not for qualities >= 10: their + hasher already works well with large window. So the changes are: + H3 --> H35: for quality 3. + H54 --> H55: for quality 4 with size hint > 1MB + H6 --> H65: for qualities 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. */ + if hparams.type_ == 3 { + hparams.type_ = 35 + } + + if hparams.type_ == 54 { + hparams.type_ = 55 + } + + if hparams.type_ == 6 { + hparams.type_ = 65 + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/reader.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/reader.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9419c79c17a0a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/reader.go @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +package brotli + +import ( + "errors" + "io" +) + +type decodeError int + +func (err decodeError) Error() string { + return "brotli: " + string(decoderErrorString(int(err))) +} + +var errExcessiveInput = errors.New("brotli: excessive input") +var errInvalidState = errors.New("brotli: invalid state") + +// readBufSize is a "good" buffer size that avoids excessive round-trips +// between C and Go but doesn't waste too much memory on buffering. +// It is arbitrarily chosen to be equal to the constant used in io.Copy. +const readBufSize = 32 * 1024 + +// NewReader creates a new Reader reading the given reader. +func NewReader(src io.Reader) *Reader { + r := new(Reader) + r.Reset(src) + return r +} + +// Reset discards the Reader's state and makes it equivalent to the result of +// its original state from NewReader, but reading from src instead. +// This permits reusing a Reader rather than allocating a new one. +// Error is always nil +func (r *Reader) Reset(src io.Reader) error { + if r.error_code < 0 { + // There was an unrecoverable error, leaving the Reader's state + // undefined. Clear out everything but the buffer. + *r = Reader{buf: r.buf} + } + + decoderStateInit(r) + r.src = src + if r.buf == nil { + r.buf = make([]byte, readBufSize) + } + return nil +} + +func (r *Reader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) { + if !decoderHasMoreOutput(r) && len(r.in) == 0 { + m, readErr := r.src.Read(r.buf) + if m == 0 { + // If readErr is `nil`, we just proxy underlying stream behavior. + return 0, readErr + } + r.in = r.buf[:m] + } + + if len(p) == 0 { + return 0, nil + } + + for { + var written uint + in_len := uint(len(r.in)) + out_len := uint(len(p)) + in_remaining := in_len + out_remaining := out_len + result := decoderDecompressStream(r, &in_remaining, &r.in, &out_remaining, &p) + written = out_len - out_remaining + n = int(written) + + switch result { + case decoderResultSuccess: + if len(r.in) > 0 { + return n, errExcessiveInput + } + return n, nil + case decoderResultError: + return n, decodeError(decoderGetErrorCode(r)) + case decoderResultNeedsMoreOutput: + if n == 0 { + return 0, io.ErrShortBuffer + } + return n, nil + case decoderNeedsMoreInput: + } + + if len(r.in) != 0 { + return 0, errInvalidState + } + + // Calling r.src.Read may block. Don't block if we have data to return. + if n > 0 { + return n, nil + } + + // Top off the buffer. + encN, err := r.src.Read(r.buf) + if encN == 0 { + // Not enough data to complete decoding. + if err == io.EOF { + return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + return 0, err + } + r.in = r.buf[:encN] + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/ringbuffer.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/ringbuffer.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1c8f86feece36 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/ringbuffer.go @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* A ringBuffer(window_bits, tail_bits) contains `1 << window_bits' bytes of + data in a circular manner: writing a byte writes it to: + `position() % (1 << window_bits)'. + For convenience, the ringBuffer array contains another copy of the + first `1 << tail_bits' bytes: + buffer_[i] == buffer_[i + (1 << window_bits)], if i < (1 << tail_bits), + and another copy of the last two bytes: + buffer_[-1] == buffer_[(1 << window_bits) - 1] and + buffer_[-2] == buffer_[(1 << window_bits) - 2]. */ +type ringBuffer struct { + size_ uint32 + mask_ uint32 + tail_size_ uint32 + total_size_ uint32 + cur_size_ uint32 + pos_ uint32 + data_ []byte + buffer_ []byte +} + +func ringBufferInit(rb *ringBuffer) { + rb.pos_ = 0 +} + +func ringBufferSetup(params *encoderParams, rb *ringBuffer) { + var window_bits int = computeRbBits(params) + var tail_bits int = params.lgblock + *(*uint32)(&rb.size_) = 1 << uint(window_bits) + *(*uint32)(&rb.mask_) = (1 << uint(window_bits)) - 1 + *(*uint32)(&rb.tail_size_) = 1 << uint(tail_bits) + *(*uint32)(&rb.total_size_) = rb.size_ + rb.tail_size_ +} + +const kSlackForEightByteHashingEverywhere uint = 7 + +/* Allocates or re-allocates data_ to the given length + plus some slack + region before and after. Fills the slack regions with zeros. */ +func ringBufferInitBuffer(buflen uint32, rb *ringBuffer) { + var new_data []byte + var i uint + size := 2 + int(buflen) + int(kSlackForEightByteHashingEverywhere) + if cap(rb.data_) < size { + new_data = make([]byte, size) + } else { + new_data = rb.data_[:size] + } + if rb.data_ != nil { + copy(new_data, rb.data_[:2+rb.cur_size_+uint32(kSlackForEightByteHashingEverywhere)]) + } + + rb.data_ = new_data + rb.cur_size_ = buflen + rb.buffer_ = rb.data_[2:] + rb.data_[1] = 0 + rb.data_[0] = rb.data_[1] + for i = 0; i < kSlackForEightByteHashingEverywhere; i++ { + rb.buffer_[rb.cur_size_+uint32(i)] = 0 + } +} + +func ringBufferWriteTail(bytes []byte, n uint, rb *ringBuffer) { + var masked_pos uint = uint(rb.pos_ & rb.mask_) + if uint32(masked_pos) < rb.tail_size_ { + /* Just fill the tail buffer with the beginning data. */ + var p uint = uint(rb.size_ + uint32(masked_pos)) + copy(rb.buffer_[p:], bytes[:brotli_min_size_t(n, uint(rb.tail_size_-uint32(masked_pos)))]) + } +} + +/* Push bytes into the ring buffer. */ +func ringBufferWrite(bytes []byte, n uint, rb *ringBuffer) { + if rb.pos_ == 0 && uint32(n) < rb.tail_size_ { + /* Special case for the first write: to process the first block, we don't + need to allocate the whole ring-buffer and we don't need the tail + either. However, we do this memory usage optimization only if the + first write is less than the tail size, which is also the input block + size, otherwise it is likely that other blocks will follow and we + will need to reallocate to the full size anyway. */ + rb.pos_ = uint32(n) + + ringBufferInitBuffer(rb.pos_, rb) + copy(rb.buffer_, bytes[:n]) + return + } + + if rb.cur_size_ < rb.total_size_ { + /* Lazily allocate the full buffer. */ + ringBufferInitBuffer(rb.total_size_, rb) + + /* Initialize the last two bytes to zero, so that we don't have to worry + later when we copy the last two bytes to the first two positions. */ + rb.buffer_[rb.size_-2] = 0 + + rb.buffer_[rb.size_-1] = 0 + } + { + var masked_pos uint = uint(rb.pos_ & rb.mask_) + + /* The length of the writes is limited so that we do not need to worry + about a write */ + ringBufferWriteTail(bytes, n, rb) + + if uint32(masked_pos+n) <= rb.size_ { + /* A single write fits. */ + copy(rb.buffer_[masked_pos:], bytes[:n]) + } else { + /* Split into two writes. + Copy into the end of the buffer, including the tail buffer. */ + copy(rb.buffer_[masked_pos:], bytes[:brotli_min_size_t(n, uint(rb.total_size_-uint32(masked_pos)))]) + + /* Copy into the beginning of the buffer */ + copy(rb.buffer_, bytes[rb.size_-uint32(masked_pos):][:uint32(n)-(rb.size_-uint32(masked_pos))]) + } + } + { + var not_first_lap bool = rb.pos_&(1<<31) != 0 + var rb_pos_mask uint32 = (1 << 31) - 1 + rb.data_[0] = rb.buffer_[rb.size_-2] + rb.data_[1] = rb.buffer_[rb.size_-1] + rb.pos_ = (rb.pos_ & rb_pos_mask) + uint32(uint32(n)&rb_pos_mask) + if not_first_lap { + /* Wrap, but preserve not-a-first-lap feature. */ + rb.pos_ |= 1 << 31 + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/state.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/state.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..38d753ebe4d0d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/state.go @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +package brotli + +import "io" + +/* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Brotli state for partial streaming decoding. */ +const ( + stateUninited = iota + stateLargeWindowBits + stateInitialize + stateMetablockBegin + stateMetablockHeader + stateMetablockHeader2 + stateContextModes + stateCommandBegin + stateCommandInner + stateCommandPostDecodeLiterals + stateCommandPostWrapCopy + stateUncompressed + stateMetadata + stateCommandInnerWrite + stateMetablockDone + stateCommandPostWrite1 + stateCommandPostWrite2 + stateHuffmanCode0 + stateHuffmanCode1 + stateHuffmanCode2 + stateHuffmanCode3 + stateContextMap1 + stateContextMap2 + stateTreeGroup + stateDone +) + +const ( + stateMetablockHeaderNone = iota + stateMetablockHeaderEmpty + stateMetablockHeaderNibbles + stateMetablockHeaderSize + stateMetablockHeaderUncompressed + stateMetablockHeaderReserved + stateMetablockHeaderBytes + stateMetablockHeaderMetadata +) + +const ( + stateUncompressedNone = iota + stateUncompressedWrite +) + +const ( + stateTreeGroupNone = iota + stateTreeGroupLoop +) + +const ( + stateContextMapNone = iota + stateContextMapReadPrefix + stateContextMapHuffman + stateContextMapDecode + stateContextMapTransform +) + +const ( + stateHuffmanNone = iota + stateHuffmanSimpleSize + stateHuffmanSimpleRead + stateHuffmanSimpleBuild + stateHuffmanComplex + stateHuffmanLengthSymbols +) + +const ( + stateDecodeUint8None = iota + stateDecodeUint8Short + stateDecodeUint8Long +) + +const ( + stateReadBlockLengthNone = iota + stateReadBlockLengthSuffix +) + +type Reader struct { + src io.Reader + buf []byte // scratch space for reading from src + in []byte // current chunk to decode; usually aliases buf + + state int + loop_counter int + br bitReader + buffer struct { + u64 uint64 + u8 [8]byte + } + buffer_length uint32 + pos int + max_backward_distance int + max_distance int + ringbuffer_size int + ringbuffer_mask int + dist_rb_idx int + dist_rb [4]int + error_code int + sub_loop_counter uint32 + ringbuffer []byte + ringbuffer_end []byte + htree_command []huffmanCode + context_lookup []byte + context_map_slice []byte + dist_context_map_slice []byte + literal_hgroup huffmanTreeGroup + insert_copy_hgroup huffmanTreeGroup + distance_hgroup huffmanTreeGroup + block_type_trees []huffmanCode + block_len_trees []huffmanCode + trivial_literal_context int + distance_context int + meta_block_remaining_len int + block_length_index uint32 + block_length [3]uint32 + num_block_types [3]uint32 + block_type_rb [6]uint32 + distance_postfix_bits uint32 + num_direct_distance_codes uint32 + distance_postfix_mask int + num_dist_htrees uint32 + dist_context_map []byte + literal_htree []huffmanCode + dist_htree_index byte + repeat_code_len uint32 + prev_code_len uint32 + copy_length int + distance_code int + rb_roundtrips uint + partial_pos_out uint + symbol uint32 + repeat uint32 + space uint32 + table [32]huffmanCode + symbol_lists symbolList + symbols_lists_array [huffmanMaxCodeLength + 1 + numCommandSymbols]uint16 + next_symbol [32]int + code_length_code_lengths [codeLengthCodes]byte + code_length_histo [16]uint16 + htree_index int + next []huffmanCode + context_index uint32 + max_run_length_prefix uint32 + code uint32 + context_map_table [huffmanMaxSize272]huffmanCode + substate_metablock_header int + substate_tree_group int + substate_context_map int + substate_uncompressed int + substate_huffman int + substate_decode_uint8 int + substate_read_block_length int + is_last_metablock uint + is_uncompressed uint + is_metadata uint + should_wrap_ringbuffer uint + canny_ringbuffer_allocation uint + large_window bool + size_nibbles uint + window_bits uint32 + new_ringbuffer_size int + num_literal_htrees uint32 + context_map []byte + context_modes []byte + dictionary *dictionary + transforms *transforms + trivial_literal_contexts [8]uint32 +} + +func decoderStateInit(s *Reader) bool { + s.error_code = 0 /* BROTLI_DECODER_NO_ERROR */ + + initBitReader(&s.br) + s.state = stateUninited + s.large_window = false + s.substate_metablock_header = stateMetablockHeaderNone + s.substate_tree_group = stateTreeGroupNone + s.substate_context_map = stateContextMapNone + s.substate_uncompressed = stateUncompressedNone + s.substate_huffman = stateHuffmanNone + s.substate_decode_uint8 = stateDecodeUint8None + s.substate_read_block_length = stateReadBlockLengthNone + + s.buffer_length = 0 + s.loop_counter = 0 + s.pos = 0 + s.rb_roundtrips = 0 + s.partial_pos_out = 0 + + s.block_type_trees = nil + s.block_len_trees = nil + s.ringbuffer_size = 0 + s.new_ringbuffer_size = 0 + s.ringbuffer_mask = 0 + + s.context_map = nil + s.context_modes = nil + s.dist_context_map = nil + s.context_map_slice = nil + s.dist_context_map_slice = nil + + s.sub_loop_counter = 0 + + s.literal_hgroup.codes = nil + s.literal_hgroup.htrees = nil + s.insert_copy_hgroup.codes = nil + s.insert_copy_hgroup.htrees = nil + s.distance_hgroup.codes = nil + s.distance_hgroup.htrees = nil + + s.is_last_metablock = 0 + s.is_uncompressed = 0 + s.is_metadata = 0 + s.should_wrap_ringbuffer = 0 + s.canny_ringbuffer_allocation = 1 + + s.window_bits = 0 + s.max_distance = 0 + s.dist_rb[0] = 16 + s.dist_rb[1] = 15 + s.dist_rb[2] = 11 + s.dist_rb[3] = 4 + s.dist_rb_idx = 0 + s.block_type_trees = nil + s.block_len_trees = nil + + s.symbol_lists.storage = s.symbols_lists_array[:] + s.symbol_lists.offset = huffmanMaxCodeLength + 1 + + s.dictionary = getDictionary() + s.transforms = getTransforms() + + return true +} + +func decoderStateMetablockBegin(s *Reader) { + s.meta_block_remaining_len = 0 + s.block_length[0] = 1 << 24 + s.block_length[1] = 1 << 24 + s.block_length[2] = 1 << 24 + s.num_block_types[0] = 1 + s.num_block_types[1] = 1 + s.num_block_types[2] = 1 + s.block_type_rb[0] = 1 + s.block_type_rb[1] = 0 + s.block_type_rb[2] = 1 + s.block_type_rb[3] = 0 + s.block_type_rb[4] = 1 + s.block_type_rb[5] = 0 + s.context_map = nil + s.context_modes = nil + s.dist_context_map = nil + s.context_map_slice = nil + s.literal_htree = nil + s.dist_context_map_slice = nil + s.dist_htree_index = 0 + s.context_lookup = nil + s.literal_hgroup.codes = nil + s.literal_hgroup.htrees = nil + s.insert_copy_hgroup.codes = nil + s.insert_copy_hgroup.htrees = nil + s.distance_hgroup.codes = nil + s.distance_hgroup.htrees = nil +} + +func decoderStateCleanupAfterMetablock(s *Reader) { + s.context_modes = nil + s.context_map = nil + s.dist_context_map = nil + s.literal_hgroup.htrees = nil + s.insert_copy_hgroup.htrees = nil + s.distance_hgroup.htrees = nil +} + +func decoderHuffmanTreeGroupInit(s *Reader, group *huffmanTreeGroup, alphabet_size uint32, max_symbol uint32, ntrees uint32) bool { + var max_table_size uint = uint(kMaxHuffmanTableSize[(alphabet_size+31)>>5]) + group.alphabet_size = uint16(alphabet_size) + group.max_symbol = uint16(max_symbol) + group.num_htrees = uint16(ntrees) + group.htrees = make([][]huffmanCode, ntrees) + group.codes = make([]huffmanCode, (uint(ntrees) * max_table_size)) + return !(group.codes == nil) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/static_dict.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/static_dict.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..bc05566d6f855 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/static_dict.go @@ -0,0 +1,662 @@ +package brotli + +import "encoding/binary" + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Class to model the static dictionary. */ + +const maxStaticDictionaryMatchLen = 37 + +const kInvalidMatch uint32 = 0xFFFFFFF + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ +func hash(data []byte) uint32 { + var h uint32 = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data) * kDictHashMul32 + + /* The higher bits contain more mixture from the multiplication, + so we take our results from there. */ + return h >> uint(32-kDictNumBits) +} + +func addMatch(distance uint, len uint, len_code uint, matches []uint32) { + var match uint32 = uint32((distance << 5) + len_code) + matches[len] = brotli_min_uint32_t(matches[len], match) +} + +func dictMatchLength(dict *dictionary, data []byte, id uint, len uint, maxlen uint) uint { + var offset uint = uint(dict.offsets_by_length[len]) + len*id + return findMatchLengthWithLimit(dict.data[offset:], data, brotli_min_size_t(uint(len), maxlen)) +} + +func isMatch(d *dictionary, w dictWord, data []byte, max_length uint) bool { + if uint(w.len) > max_length { + return false + } else { + var offset uint = uint(d.offsets_by_length[w.len]) + uint(w.len)*uint(w.idx) + var dict []byte = d.data[offset:] + if w.transform == 0 { + /* Match against base dictionary word. */ + return findMatchLengthWithLimit(dict, data, uint(w.len)) == uint(w.len) + } else if w.transform == 10 { + /* Match against uppercase first transform. + Note that there are only ASCII uppercase words in the lookup table. */ + return dict[0] >= 'a' && dict[0] <= 'z' && (dict[0]^32) == data[0] && findMatchLengthWithLimit(dict[1:], data[1:], uint(w.len)-1) == uint(w.len-1) + } else { + /* Match against uppercase all transform. + Note that there are only ASCII uppercase words in the lookup table. */ + var i uint + for i = 0; i < uint(w.len); i++ { + if dict[i] >= 'a' && dict[i] <= 'z' { + if (dict[i] ^ 32) != data[i] { + return false + } + } else { + if dict[i] != data[i] { + return false + } + } + } + + return true + } + } +} + +func findAllStaticDictionaryMatches(dict *encoderDictionary, data []byte, min_length uint, max_length uint, matches []uint32) bool { + var has_found_match bool = false + { + var offset uint = uint(dict.buckets[hash(data)]) + var end bool = offset == 0 + for !end { + w := dict.dict_words[offset] + offset++ + var l uint = uint(w.len) & 0x1F + var n uint = uint(1) << dict.words.size_bits_by_length[l] + var id uint = uint(w.idx) + end = !(w.len&0x80 == 0) + w.len = byte(l) + if w.transform == 0 { + var matchlen uint = dictMatchLength(dict.words, data, id, l, max_length) + var s []byte + var minlen uint + var maxlen uint + var len uint + + /* Transform "" + BROTLI_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY + "" */ + if matchlen == l { + addMatch(id, l, l, matches) + has_found_match = true + } + + /* Transforms "" + BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_LAST_1 + "" and + "" + BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_LAST_1 + "ing " */ + if matchlen >= l-1 { + addMatch(id+12*n, l-1, l, matches) + if l+2 < max_length && data[l-1] == 'i' && data[l] == 'n' && data[l+1] == 'g' && data[l+2] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+49*n, l+3, l, matches) + } + + has_found_match = true + } + + /* Transform "" + BROTLI_TRANSFORM_OMIT_LAST_# + "" (# = 2 .. 9) */ + minlen = min_length + + if l > 9 { + minlen = brotli_max_size_t(minlen, l-9) + } + maxlen = brotli_min_size_t(matchlen, l-2) + for len = minlen; len <= maxlen; len++ { + var cut uint = l - len + var transform_id uint = (cut << 2) + uint((dict.cutoffTransforms>>(cut*6))&0x3F) + addMatch(id+transform_id*n, uint(len), l, matches) + has_found_match = true + } + + if matchlen < l || l+6 >= max_length { + continue + } + + s = data[l:] + + /* Transforms "" + BROTLI_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY + */ + if s[0] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+n, l+1, l, matches) + if s[1] == 'a' { + if s[2] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+28*n, l+3, l, matches) + } else if s[2] == 's' { + if s[3] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+46*n, l+4, l, matches) + } + } else if s[2] == 't' { + if s[3] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+60*n, l+4, l, matches) + } + } else if s[2] == 'n' { + if s[3] == 'd' && s[4] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+10*n, l+5, l, matches) + } + } + } else if s[1] == 'b' { + if s[2] == 'y' && s[3] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+38*n, l+4, l, matches) + } + } else if s[1] == 'i' { + if s[2] == 'n' { + if s[3] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+16*n, l+4, l, matches) + } + } else if s[2] == 's' { + if s[3] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+47*n, l+4, l, matches) + } + } + } else if s[1] == 'f' { + if s[2] == 'o' { + if s[3] == 'r' && s[4] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+25*n, l+5, l, matches) + } + } else if s[2] == 'r' { + if s[3] == 'o' && s[4] == 'm' && s[5] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+37*n, l+6, l, matches) + } + } + } else if s[1] == 'o' { + if s[2] == 'f' { + if s[3] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+8*n, l+4, l, matches) + } + } else if s[2] == 'n' { + if s[3] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+45*n, l+4, l, matches) + } + } + } else if s[1] == 'n' { + if s[2] == 'o' && s[3] == 't' && s[4] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+80*n, l+5, l, matches) + } + } else if s[1] == 't' { + if s[2] == 'h' { + if s[3] == 'e' { + if s[4] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+5*n, l+5, l, matches) + } + } else if s[3] == 'a' { + if s[4] == 't' && s[5] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+29*n, l+6, l, matches) + } + } + } else if s[2] == 'o' { + if s[3] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+17*n, l+4, l, matches) + } + } + } else if s[1] == 'w' { + if s[2] == 'i' && s[3] == 't' && s[4] == 'h' && s[5] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+35*n, l+6, l, matches) + } + } + } else if s[0] == '"' { + addMatch(id+19*n, l+1, l, matches) + if s[1] == '>' { + addMatch(id+21*n, l+2, l, matches) + } + } else if s[0] == '.' { + addMatch(id+20*n, l+1, l, matches) + if s[1] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+31*n, l+2, l, matches) + if s[2] == 'T' && s[3] == 'h' { + if s[4] == 'e' { + if s[5] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+43*n, l+6, l, matches) + } + } else if s[4] == 'i' { + if s[5] == 's' && s[6] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+75*n, l+7, l, matches) + } + } + } + } + } else if s[0] == ',' { + addMatch(id+76*n, l+1, l, matches) + if s[1] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+14*n, l+2, l, matches) + } + } else if s[0] == '\n' { + addMatch(id+22*n, l+1, l, matches) + if s[1] == '\t' { + addMatch(id+50*n, l+2, l, matches) + } + } else if s[0] == ']' { + addMatch(id+24*n, l+1, l, matches) + } else if s[0] == '\'' { + addMatch(id+36*n, l+1, l, matches) + } else if s[0] == ':' { + addMatch(id+51*n, l+1, l, matches) + } else if s[0] == '(' { + addMatch(id+57*n, l+1, l, matches) + } else if s[0] == '=' { + if s[1] == '"' { + addMatch(id+70*n, l+2, l, matches) + } else if s[1] == '\'' { + addMatch(id+86*n, l+2, l, matches) + } + } else if s[0] == 'a' { + if s[1] == 'l' && s[2] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+84*n, l+3, l, matches) + } + } else if s[0] == 'e' { + if s[1] == 'd' { + if s[2] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+53*n, l+3, l, matches) + } + } else if s[1] == 'r' { + if s[2] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+82*n, l+3, l, matches) + } + } else if s[1] == 's' { + if s[2] == 't' && s[3] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+95*n, l+4, l, matches) + } + } + } else if s[0] == 'f' { + if s[1] == 'u' && s[2] == 'l' && s[3] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+90*n, l+4, l, matches) + } + } else if s[0] == 'i' { + if s[1] == 'v' { + if s[2] == 'e' && s[3] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+92*n, l+4, l, matches) + } + } else if s[1] == 'z' { + if s[2] == 'e' && s[3] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+100*n, l+4, l, matches) + } + } + } else if s[0] == 'l' { + if s[1] == 'e' { + if s[2] == 's' && s[3] == 's' && s[4] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+93*n, l+5, l, matches) + } + } else if s[1] == 'y' { + if s[2] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+61*n, l+3, l, matches) + } + } + } else if s[0] == 'o' { + if s[1] == 'u' && s[2] == 's' && s[3] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+106*n, l+4, l, matches) + } + } + } else { + var is_all_caps bool = (w.transform != transformUppercaseFirst) + /* Set is_all_caps=0 for BROTLI_TRANSFORM_UPPERCASE_FIRST and + is_all_caps=1 otherwise (BROTLI_TRANSFORM_UPPERCASE_ALL) + transform. */ + + var s []byte + if !isMatch(dict.words, w, data, max_length) { + continue + } + + /* Transform "" + kUppercase{First,All} + "" */ + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 44 + } else { + tmp = 9 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l, l, matches) + + has_found_match = true + if l+1 >= max_length { + continue + } + + /* Transforms "" + kUppercase{First,All} + */ + s = data[l:] + + if s[0] == ' ' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 68 + } else { + tmp = 4 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+1, l, matches) + } else if s[0] == '"' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 87 + } else { + tmp = 66 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+1, l, matches) + if s[1] == '>' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 97 + } else { + tmp = 69 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+2, l, matches) + } + } else if s[0] == '.' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 101 + } else { + tmp = 79 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+1, l, matches) + if s[1] == ' ' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 114 + } else { + tmp = 88 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+2, l, matches) + } + } else if s[0] == ',' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 112 + } else { + tmp = 99 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+1, l, matches) + if s[1] == ' ' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 107 + } else { + tmp = 58 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+2, l, matches) + } + } else if s[0] == '\'' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 94 + } else { + tmp = 74 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+1, l, matches) + } else if s[0] == '(' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 113 + } else { + tmp = 78 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+1, l, matches) + } else if s[0] == '=' { + if s[1] == '"' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 105 + } else { + tmp = 104 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+2, l, matches) + } else if s[1] == '\'' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 116 + } else { + tmp = 108 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+2, l, matches) + } + } + } + } + } + + /* Transforms with prefixes " " and "." */ + if max_length >= 5 && (data[0] == ' ' || data[0] == '.') { + var is_space bool = (data[0] == ' ') + var offset uint = uint(dict.buckets[hash(data[1:])]) + var end bool = offset == 0 + for !end { + w := dict.dict_words[offset] + offset++ + var l uint = uint(w.len) & 0x1F + var n uint = uint(1) << dict.words.size_bits_by_length[l] + var id uint = uint(w.idx) + end = !(w.len&0x80 == 0) + w.len = byte(l) + if w.transform == 0 { + var s []byte + if !isMatch(dict.words, w, data[1:], max_length-1) { + continue + } + + /* Transforms " " + BROTLI_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY + "" and + "." + BROTLI_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY + "" */ + var tmp int + if is_space { + tmp = 6 + } else { + tmp = 32 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+1, l, matches) + + has_found_match = true + if l+2 >= max_length { + continue + } + + /* Transforms " " + BROTLI_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY + and + "." + BROTLI_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY + + */ + s = data[l+1:] + + if s[0] == ' ' { + var tmp int + if is_space { + tmp = 2 + } else { + tmp = 77 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+2, l, matches) + } else if s[0] == '(' { + var tmp int + if is_space { + tmp = 89 + } else { + tmp = 67 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+2, l, matches) + } else if is_space { + if s[0] == ',' { + addMatch(id+103*n, l+2, l, matches) + if s[1] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+33*n, l+3, l, matches) + } + } else if s[0] == '.' { + addMatch(id+71*n, l+2, l, matches) + if s[1] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+52*n, l+3, l, matches) + } + } else if s[0] == '=' { + if s[1] == '"' { + addMatch(id+81*n, l+3, l, matches) + } else if s[1] == '\'' { + addMatch(id+98*n, l+3, l, matches) + } + } + } + } else if is_space { + var is_all_caps bool = (w.transform != transformUppercaseFirst) + /* Set is_all_caps=0 for BROTLI_TRANSFORM_UPPERCASE_FIRST and + is_all_caps=1 otherwise (BROTLI_TRANSFORM_UPPERCASE_ALL) + transform. */ + + var s []byte + if !isMatch(dict.words, w, data[1:], max_length-1) { + continue + } + + /* Transforms " " + kUppercase{First,All} + "" */ + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 85 + } else { + tmp = 30 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+1, l, matches) + + has_found_match = true + if l+2 >= max_length { + continue + } + + /* Transforms " " + kUppercase{First,All} + */ + s = data[l+1:] + + if s[0] == ' ' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 83 + } else { + tmp = 15 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+2, l, matches) + } else if s[0] == ',' { + if !is_all_caps { + addMatch(id+109*n, l+2, l, matches) + } + + if s[1] == ' ' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 111 + } else { + tmp = 65 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+3, l, matches) + } + } else if s[0] == '.' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 115 + } else { + tmp = 96 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+2, l, matches) + if s[1] == ' ' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 117 + } else { + tmp = 91 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+3, l, matches) + } + } else if s[0] == '=' { + if s[1] == '"' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 110 + } else { + tmp = 118 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+3, l, matches) + } else if s[1] == '\'' { + var tmp int + if is_all_caps { + tmp = 119 + } else { + tmp = 120 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+3, l, matches) + } + } + } + } + } + + if max_length >= 6 { + /* Transforms with prefixes "e ", "s ", ", " and "\xC2\xA0" */ + if (data[1] == ' ' && (data[0] == 'e' || data[0] == 's' || data[0] == ',')) || (data[0] == 0xC2 && data[1] == 0xA0) { + var offset uint = uint(dict.buckets[hash(data[2:])]) + var end bool = offset == 0 + for !end { + w := dict.dict_words[offset] + offset++ + var l uint = uint(w.len) & 0x1F + var n uint = uint(1) << dict.words.size_bits_by_length[l] + var id uint = uint(w.idx) + end = !(w.len&0x80 == 0) + w.len = byte(l) + if w.transform == 0 && isMatch(dict.words, w, data[2:], max_length-2) { + if data[0] == 0xC2 { + addMatch(id+102*n, l+2, l, matches) + has_found_match = true + } else if l+2 < max_length && data[l+2] == ' ' { + var t uint = 13 + if data[0] == 'e' { + t = 18 + } else if data[0] == 's' { + t = 7 + } + addMatch(id+t*n, l+3, l, matches) + has_found_match = true + } + } + } + } + } + + if max_length >= 9 { + /* Transforms with prefixes " the " and ".com/" */ + if (data[0] == ' ' && data[1] == 't' && data[2] == 'h' && data[3] == 'e' && data[4] == ' ') || (data[0] == '.' && data[1] == 'c' && data[2] == 'o' && data[3] == 'm' && data[4] == '/') { + var offset uint = uint(dict.buckets[hash(data[5:])]) + var end bool = offset == 0 + for !end { + w := dict.dict_words[offset] + offset++ + var l uint = uint(w.len) & 0x1F + var n uint = uint(1) << dict.words.size_bits_by_length[l] + var id uint = uint(w.idx) + end = !(w.len&0x80 == 0) + w.len = byte(l) + if w.transform == 0 && isMatch(dict.words, w, data[5:], max_length-5) { + var tmp int + if data[0] == ' ' { + tmp = 41 + } else { + tmp = 72 + } + addMatch(id+uint(tmp)*n, l+5, l, matches) + has_found_match = true + if l+5 < max_length { + var s []byte = data[l+5:] + if data[0] == ' ' { + if l+8 < max_length && s[0] == ' ' && s[1] == 'o' && s[2] == 'f' && s[3] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+62*n, l+9, l, matches) + if l+12 < max_length && s[4] == 't' && s[5] == 'h' && s[6] == 'e' && s[7] == ' ' { + addMatch(id+73*n, l+13, l, matches) + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + + return has_found_match +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/static_dict_lut.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/static_dict_lut.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b33963e967a3c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/static_dict_lut.go @@ -0,0 +1,75094 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Lookup table for static dictionary and transforms. */ + +type dictWord struct { + len byte + transform byte + idx uint16 +} + +const kDictNumBits int = 15 + +const kDictHashMul32 uint32 = 0x1E35A7BD + +var kStaticDictionaryBuckets = [32768]uint16{ + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 3, + 6, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 20, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 21, + 0, + 22, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 23, + 0, + 0, + 25, + 0, + 29, + 0, + 53, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 55, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 61, + 76, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 94, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 96, + 0, + 97, + 0, + 98, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 99, + 101, + 106, + 108, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 110, + 0, + 111, + 112, + 0, + 113, + 118, + 124, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 125, + 128, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 129, + 0, + 0, + 131, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 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159}, + dictWord{11, 11, 253}, + dictWord{11, 11, 506}, + dictWord{12, 11, 487}, + dictWord{12, 11, 531}, + dictWord{144, 11, 33}, + dictWord{136, 10, 760}, + dictWord{5, 11, 14}, + dictWord{5, 11, 892}, + dictWord{6, 11, 283}, + dictWord{7, 11, 234}, + dictWord{136, 11, 537}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1251}, + dictWord{4, 11, 126}, + dictWord{8, 11, 635}, + dictWord{147, 11, 34}, + dictWord{4, 11, 316}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1561}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 999, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1310}, + dictWord{137, 11, 861}, + dictWord{4, 11, 64}, + dictWord{5, 11, 352}, + dictWord{5, 11, 720}, + dictWord{6, 11, 368}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 359, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 75}, + dictWord{5, 0, 180}, + dictWord{6, 0, 500}, + dictWord{7, 0, 58}, + dictWord{7, 0, 710}, + dictWord{10, 0, 645}, + dictWord{136, 10, 770}, + dictWord{133, 0, 649}, + dictWord{6, 0, 276}, + dictWord{7, 0, 282}, + dictWord{7, 0, 879}, + dictWord{7, 0, 924}, + dictWord{8, 0, 459}, + dictWord{9, 0, 599}, + dictWord{9, 0, 754}, + 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dictWord{145, 0, 72}, + dictWord{6, 0, 345}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1247}, + dictWord{144, 11, 82}, + dictWord{5, 11, 931}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1698}, + dictWord{8, 0, 767}, + dictWord{8, 0, 803}, + dictWord{9, 0, 301}, + dictWord{137, 0, 903}, + dictWord{139, 0, 203}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1154}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1949}, + dictWord{136, 0, 674}, + dictWord{134, 0, 259}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1275, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 774}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1637}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1686}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1751}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1231}, + dictWord{7, 10, 445}, + dictWord{8, 10, 307}, + dictWord{8, 10, 704}, + dictWord{10, 10, 41}, + dictWord{10, 10, 439}, + dictWord{11, 10, 237}, + dictWord{11, 10, 622}, + dictWord{140, 10, 201}, + dictWord{136, 0, 254}, + dictWord{6, 11, 260}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1484}, + dictWord{139, 0, 277}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1977}, + dictWord{4, 10, 189}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 713, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 573}, + dictWord{136, 10, 57}, + dictWord{138, 10, 371}, + dictWord{132, 10, 552}, + dictWord{134, 11, 344}, + dictWord{133, 0, 248}, + dictWord{9, 0, 800}, + dictWord{10, 0, 693}, + dictWord{11, 0, 482}, + dictWord{11, 0, 734}, + dictWord{11, 0, 789}, + dictWord{134, 11, 240}, + dictWord{4, 0, 116}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 95, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 445}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1688}, + dictWord{8, 0, 29}, + dictWord{9, 0, 272}, + dictWord{11, 0, 509}, + dictWord{11, 0, 915}, + dictWord{4, 11, 292}, + dictWord{4, 11, 736}, + dictWord{5, 11, 871}, + dictWord{6, 11, 171}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1689}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1324}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1944}, + dictWord{9, 11, 415}, + dictWord{9, 11, 580}, + dictWord{14, 11, 230}, + dictWord{146, 11, 68}, + dictWord{7, 0, 490}, + dictWord{13, 0, 100}, + dictWord{143, 0, 75}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1641}, + dictWord{133, 0, 543}, + dictWord{7, 11, 209}, + dictWord{8, 11, 661}, + dictWord{10, 11, 42}, + dictWord{11, 11, 58}, + dictWord{12, 11, 58}, + dictWord{12, 11, 118}, + dictWord{141, 11, 32}, + dictWord{5, 0, 181}, + dictWord{8, 0, 41}, + dictWord{6, 11, 63}, + dictWord{135, 11, 920}, + dictWord{133, 0, 657}, + dictWord{133, 11, 793}, + dictWord{138, 0, 709}, + dictWord{7, 0, 25}, + dictWord{8, 0, 202}, + dictWord{138, 0, 536}, + dictWord{5, 11, 665}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1788}, + dictWord{145, 10, 49}, + dictWord{9, 0, 423}, + dictWord{140, 0, 89}, + dictWord{5, 11, 67}, + dictWord{6, 11, 62}, + dictWord{6, 11, 374}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1391}, + dictWord{8, 0, 113}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 877, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 554}, + dictWord{11, 0, 83}, + dictWord{12, 0, 136}, + dictWord{19, 0, 109}, + dictWord{9, 11, 790}, + dictWord{140, 11, 47}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 661, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 963}, + dictWord{10, 0, 927}, + dictWord{14, 0, 442}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1945}, + dictWord{133, 0, 976}, + dictWord{132, 0, 206}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 391, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1169}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2002}, + dictWord{6, 0, 696}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1008}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1170}, + dictWord{132, 11, 271}, + dictWord{7, 0, 13}, + dictWord{8, 0, 226}, + dictWord{10, 0, 537}, + dictWord{11, 0, 570}, + dictWord{11, 0, 605}, + dictWord{11, 0, 799}, + dictWord{11, 0, 804}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 85, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 516}, + dictWord{12, 0, 623}, + dictWord{13, 0, 112}, + dictWord{13, 0, 361}, + dictWord{14, 0, 77}, + dictWord{14, 0, 78}, + dictWord{17, 0, 28}, + dictWord{19, 0, 110}, + dictWord{140, 11, 314}, + dictWord{132, 0, 769}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1544}, + dictWord{4, 0, 551}, + dictWord{137, 0, 678}, + dictWord{5, 10, 84}, + dictWord{134, 10, 163}, + dictWord{9, 0, 57}, + dictWord{9, 0, 459}, + dictWord{10, 0, 425}, + dictWord{11, 0, 119}, + dictWord{12, 0, 184}, + dictWord{12, 0, 371}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 358, + }, + dictWord{145, 0, 51}, + dictWord{5, 0, 188}, + dictWord{5, 0, 814}, + dictWord{8, 0, 10}, + dictWord{9, 0, 421}, + dictWord{9, 0, 729}, + dictWord{10, 0, 609}, + dictWord{11, 0, 689}, + dictWord{4, 11, 253}, + dictWord{5, 10, 410}, + dictWord{5, 11, 544}, + dictWord{7, 11, 300}, + dictWord{137, 11, 340}, + dictWord{134, 0, 624}, + dictWord{138, 11, 321}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1941}, + dictWord{18, 0, 130}, + dictWord{5, 10, 322}, + dictWord{8, 10, 186}, + dictWord{9, 10, 262}, + dictWord{10, 10, 187}, + dictWord{142, 10, 208}, + dictWord{5, 11, 53}, + dictWord{5, 11, 541}, + dictWord{6, 11, 94}, + dictWord{6, 11, 499}, + dictWord{7, 11, 230}, + dictWord{139, 11, 321}, + dictWord{133, 10, 227}, + dictWord{4, 0, 378}, + dictWord{4, 11, 920}, + dictWord{5, 11, 25}, + dictWord{5, 11, 790}, + dictWord{6, 11, 457}, + dictWord{135, 11, 853}, + dictWord{137, 0, 269}, + dictWord{132, 0, 528}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1146}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1395}, + dictWord{8, 10, 486}, + dictWord{9, 10, 236}, + dictWord{9, 10, 878}, + dictWord{10, 10, 218}, + dictWord{11, 10, 95}, + dictWord{19, 10, 17}, + dictWord{147, 10, 31}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2043}, + dictWord{8, 10, 672}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 10, + 448, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1105}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1616}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1765}, + dictWord{140, 11, 163}, + dictWord{5, 10, 412}, + dictWord{133, 11, 822}, + dictWord{132, 11, 634}, + dictWord{6, 0, 656}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1730}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1940}, + dictWord{5, 0, 104}, + dictWord{6, 0, 173}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1631, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 562}, + dictWord{6, 11, 36}, + dictWord{7, 11, 658}, + dictWord{8, 11, 454}, + dictWord{147, 11, 86}, + dictWord{5, 0, 457}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 1771, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 810}, + dictWord{8, 0, 138}, + dictWord{8, 0, 342}, + dictWord{9, 0, 84}, + dictWord{10, 0, 193}, + dictWord{11, 0, 883}, + dictWord{140, 0, 359}, + dictWord{9, 0, 620}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1190}, + dictWord{137, 10, 132}, + dictWord{7, 11, 975}, + dictWord{137, 11, 789}, + dictWord{6, 0, 95}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1934}, + dictWord{136, 0, 967}, + dictWord{141, 11, 335}, + dictWord{6, 0, 406}, + dictWord{10, 0, 409}, + dictWord{10, 0, 447}, + dictWord{11, 0, 44}, + dictWord{140, 0, 100}, + dictWord{4, 10, 317}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1279}, + dictWord{132, 0, 477}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1268}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1941}, + dictWord{8, 0, 944}, + dictWord{5, 10, 63}, + dictWord{133, 10, 509}, + dictWord{132, 0, 629}, + dictWord{132, 11, 104}, + dictWord{4, 0, 246}, + dictWord{133, 0, 375}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1636}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 288, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1614}, + dictWord{9, 0, 49}, + dictWord{10, 0, 774}, + dictWord{8, 10, 89}, + dictWord{8, 10, 620}, + dictWord{11, 10, 628}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 322, + }, + dictWord{143, 10, 124}, + dictWord{4, 0, 282}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1034}, + dictWord{11, 0, 398}, + dictWord{11, 0, 634}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1}, + dictWord{12, 0, 79}, + dictWord{12, 0, 544}, + dictWord{14, 0, 237}, + dictWord{17, 0, 10}, + dictWord{146, 0, 20}, + dictWord{132, 0, 824}, + dictWord{7, 11, 45}, + dictWord{9, 11, 542}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 566, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 728}, + dictWord{5, 0, 118}, + dictWord{5, 0, 499}, + dictWord{6, 0, 476}, + dictWord{6, 0, 665}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1176}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1196, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 600}, + dictWord{7, 0, 888}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1096}, + dictWord{7, 0, 296}, + dictWord{7, 0, 596}, + dictWord{8, 0, 560}, + dictWord{8, 0, 586}, + dictWord{9, 0, 612}, + dictWord{11, 0, 304}, + dictWord{12, 0, 46}, + dictWord{13, 0, 89}, + dictWord{14, 0, 112}, + dictWord{145, 0, 122}, + dictWord{5, 0, 894}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1772, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 1009}, + dictWord{138, 10, 120}, + dictWord{5, 11, 533}, + dictWord{7, 11, 755}, + dictWord{138, 11, 780}, + dictWord{151, 10, 1}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1474, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 87}, + dictWord{142, 11, 288}, + dictWord{139, 0, 366}, + dictWord{137, 10, 461}, + dictWord{7, 11, 988}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1939}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 64, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 502}, + dictWord{12, 11, 7}, + dictWord{12, 11, 34}, + dictWord{13, 11, 12}, + dictWord{13, 11, 234}, + dictWord{147, 11, 77}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1599, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1723}, + dictWord{8, 0, 79}, + dictWord{8, 0, 106}, + dictWord{8, 0, 190}, + dictWord{8, 0, 302}, + dictWord{8, 0, 383}, + dictWord{8, 0, 713}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 119, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 233}, + dictWord{9, 0, 419}, + dictWord{9, 0, 471}, + dictWord{10, 0, 181}, + dictWord{10, 0, 406}, + dictWord{11, 0, 57}, + dictWord{11, 0, 85}, + dictWord{11, 0, 120}, + dictWord{11, 0, 177}, + dictWord{11, 0, 296}, + dictWord{11, 0, 382}, + dictWord{11, 0, 454}, + dictWord{11, 0, 758}, + dictWord{11, 0, 999}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 27, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 98}, + dictWord{12, 0, 131}, + dictWord{12, 0, 245}, + dictWord{12, 0, 312}, + dictWord{12, 0, 446}, + dictWord{12, 0, 454}, + dictWord{13, 0, 25}, + dictWord{13, 0, 98}, + dictWord{13, 0, 426}, + dictWord{13, 0, 508}, + dictWord{14, 0, 70}, + dictWord{14, 0, 163}, + dictWord{14, 0, 272}, + dictWord{14, 0, 277}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 370, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 95}, + dictWord{15, 0, 138}, + dictWord{15, 0, 167}, + dictWord{17, 0, 38}, + dictWord{148, 0, 96}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1346}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 200, + }, + dictWord{19, 0, 2}, + dictWord{151, 0, 22}, + dictWord{135, 11, 141}, + dictWord{134, 10, 85}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1759}, + dictWord{138, 0, 372}, + dictWord{ + 145, + 0, + 16, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 943}, + dictWord{132, 11, 619}, + dictWord{139, 11, 88}, + dictWord{5, 11, 246}, + dictWord{8, 11, 189}, + dictWord{9, 11, 355}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 512, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 124}, + dictWord{10, 11, 453}, + dictWord{11, 11, 143}, + dictWord{11, 11, 416}, + dictWord{11, 11, 859}, + dictWord{141, 11, 341}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 258, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 719}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1798}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1839}, + dictWord{8, 0, 900}, + dictWord{10, 0, 874}, + dictWord{10, 0, 886}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 698, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 732}, + dictWord{12, 0, 770}, + dictWord{16, 0, 106}, + dictWord{18, 0, 163}, + dictWord{18, 0, 170}, + dictWord{18, 0, 171}, + dictWord{152, 0, 20}, + dictWord{9, 0, 707}, + dictWord{11, 0, 326}, + dictWord{11, 0, 339}, + dictWord{12, 0, 423}, + dictWord{12, 0, 502}, + dictWord{20, 0, 62}, + dictWord{9, 11, 707}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 326, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 339}, + dictWord{12, 11, 423}, + dictWord{12, 11, 502}, + dictWord{148, 11, 62}, + dictWord{5, 0, 30}, + dictWord{7, 0, 495}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 134, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 788}, + dictWord{140, 0, 438}, + dictWord{133, 11, 678}, + dictWord{5, 10, 279}, + dictWord{6, 10, 235}, + dictWord{7, 10, 468}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 446, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 637}, + dictWord{10, 10, 717}, + dictWord{11, 10, 738}, + dictWord{140, 10, 514}, + dictWord{5, 11, 35}, + dictWord{6, 11, 287}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 862, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1886}, + dictWord{138, 11, 179}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1948}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2004}, + dictWord{132, 11, 517}, + dictWord{5, 10, 17}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 371, + }, + dictWord{137, 10, 528}, + dictWord{4, 0, 115}, + dictWord{5, 0, 669}, + dictWord{6, 0, 407}, + dictWord{8, 0, 311}, + dictWord{11, 0, 10}, + dictWord{141, 0, 5}, + dictWord{137, 0, 381}, + dictWord{5, 0, 50}, + dictWord{6, 0, 439}, + dictWord{7, 0, 780}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1040}, + dictWord{136, 11, 667}, + dictWord{11, 11, 403}, + dictWord{146, 11, 83}, + dictWord{5, 0, 1}, + dictWord{6, 0, 81}, + dictWord{138, 0, 520}, + dictWord{134, 0, 738}, + dictWord{5, 0, 482}, + dictWord{8, 0, 98}, + dictWord{9, 0, 172}, + dictWord{10, 0, 360}, + dictWord{10, 0, 700}, + dictWord{10, 0, 822}, + dictWord{11, 0, 302}, + dictWord{11, 0, 778}, + dictWord{12, 0, 50}, + dictWord{12, 0, 127}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 396, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 62}, + dictWord{13, 0, 328}, + dictWord{14, 0, 122}, + dictWord{147, 0, 72}, + dictWord{9, 11, 157}, + dictWord{10, 11, 131}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 72, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 714}, + dictWord{135, 11, 539}, + dictWord{5, 0, 2}, + dictWord{6, 0, 512}, + dictWord{7, 0, 797}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1494}, + dictWord{8, 0, 253}, + dictWord{8, 0, 589}, + dictWord{9, 0, 77}, + dictWord{10, 0, 1}, + dictWord{10, 0, 129}, + dictWord{10, 0, 225}, + dictWord{11, 0, 118}, + dictWord{11, 0, 226}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 251, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 430}, + dictWord{11, 0, 701}, + dictWord{11, 0, 974}, + dictWord{11, 0, 982}, + dictWord{12, 0, 64}, + dictWord{12, 0, 260}, + dictWord{12, 0, 488}, + dictWord{140, 0, 690}, + dictWord{5, 11, 394}, + dictWord{7, 11, 367}, + dictWord{7, 11, 487}, + dictWord{7, 11, 857}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1713}, + dictWord{8, 11, 246}, + dictWord{9, 11, 537}, + dictWord{10, 11, 165}, + dictWord{12, 11, 219}, + dictWord{140, 11, 561}, + dictWord{136, 0, 557}, + dictWord{5, 10, 779}, + dictWord{5, 10, 807}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1655}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1676}, + dictWord{4, 10, 196}, + dictWord{5, 10, 558}, + dictWord{133, 10, 949}, + dictWord{11, 11, 827}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 56, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 34}, + dictWord{143, 11, 148}, + dictWord{137, 0, 347}, + dictWord{133, 0, 572}, + dictWord{134, 0, 832}, + dictWord{4, 0, 12}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 504, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 522}, + dictWord{7, 0, 809}, + dictWord{8, 0, 797}, + dictWord{141, 0, 88}, + dictWord{4, 10, 752}, + dictWord{133, 11, 449}, + dictWord{7, 11, 86}, + dictWord{8, 11, 103}, + dictWord{145, 11, 69}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2028}, + dictWord{138, 11, 641}, + dictWord{5, 0, 528}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1}, + dictWord{142, 11, 2}, + dictWord{134, 0, 861}, + dictWord{10, 0, 294}, + dictWord{4, 10, 227}, + dictWord{5, 10, 159}, + dictWord{5, 10, 409}, + dictWord{7, 10, 80}, + dictWord{10, 10, 479}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 418, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 50}, + dictWord{14, 10, 249}, + dictWord{142, 10, 295}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1470}, + dictWord{8, 10, 66}, + dictWord{8, 10, 137}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 761, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 638}, + dictWord{11, 10, 80}, + dictWord{11, 10, 212}, + dictWord{11, 10, 368}, + dictWord{11, 10, 418}, + dictWord{12, 10, 8}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 15, + }, + dictWord{16, 10, 61}, + dictWord{17, 10, 59}, + dictWord{19, 10, 28}, + dictWord{148, 10, 84}, + dictWord{20, 0, 109}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1148}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 277, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1274}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1386}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1392}, + dictWord{12, 11, 129}, + dictWord{146, 11, 87}, + dictWord{6, 11, 187}, + dictWord{7, 11, 39}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1203}, + dictWord{8, 11, 380}, + dictWord{8, 11, 542}, + dictWord{14, 11, 117}, + dictWord{149, 11, 28}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1187}, + dictWord{5, 0, 266}, + dictWord{9, 0, 290}, + dictWord{9, 0, 364}, + dictWord{10, 0, 293}, + dictWord{11, 0, 606}, + dictWord{142, 0, 45}, + dictWord{6, 11, 297}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 793, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 938}, + dictWord{4, 0, 50}, + dictWord{6, 0, 594}, + dictWord{9, 0, 121}, + dictWord{10, 0, 49}, + dictWord{10, 0, 412}, + dictWord{139, 0, 834}, + dictWord{136, 0, 748}, + dictWord{7, 11, 464}, + dictWord{8, 11, 438}, + dictWord{11, 11, 105}, + dictWord{11, 11, 363}, + dictWord{12, 11, 231}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 386, + }, + dictWord{15, 11, 102}, + dictWord{148, 11, 75}, + dictWord{132, 0, 466}, + dictWord{13, 0, 399}, + dictWord{14, 0, 337}, + dictWord{6, 10, 38}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1220, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 185}, + dictWord{8, 10, 256}, + dictWord{9, 10, 22}, + dictWord{9, 10, 331}, + dictWord{10, 10, 738}, + dictWord{11, 10, 205}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 540, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 746}, + dictWord{13, 10, 465}, + dictWord{142, 10, 194}, + dictWord{9, 0, 378}, + dictWord{141, 0, 162}, + dictWord{137, 0, 519}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 159, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 115}, + dictWord{7, 10, 252}, + dictWord{7, 10, 257}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1928}, + dictWord{8, 10, 69}, + dictWord{9, 10, 384}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 91, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 615}, + dictWord{12, 10, 375}, + dictWord{14, 10, 235}, + dictWord{18, 10, 117}, + dictWord{147, 10, 123}, + dictWord{5, 11, 604}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 911, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 278}, + dictWord{132, 0, 667}, + dictWord{8, 0, 351}, + dictWord{9, 0, 322}, + dictWord{4, 10, 151}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1567}, + dictWord{134, 0, 902}, + dictWord{133, 10, 990}, + dictWord{12, 0, 180}, + dictWord{5, 10, 194}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1662}, + dictWord{137, 10, 90}, + dictWord{4, 0, 869}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1996}, + dictWord{134, 0, 813}, + dictWord{133, 10, 425}, + dictWord{137, 11, 761}, + dictWord{132, 0, 260}, + dictWord{133, 10, 971}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 20, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 298}, + dictWord{7, 11, 659}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1366}, + dictWord{137, 11, 219}, + dictWord{4, 0, 39}, + dictWord{5, 0, 36}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1843, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 407}, + dictWord{11, 0, 144}, + dictWord{140, 0, 523}, + dictWord{4, 0, 510}, + dictWord{10, 0, 587}, + dictWord{139, 10, 752}, + dictWord{7, 0, 29}, + dictWord{7, 0, 66}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1980}, + dictWord{10, 0, 487}, + dictWord{138, 0, 809}, + dictWord{13, 0, 260}, + dictWord{14, 0, 82}, + dictWord{18, 0, 63}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 662, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 72}, + dictWord{6, 10, 264}, + dictWord{7, 10, 21}, + dictWord{7, 10, 46}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2013}, + dictWord{8, 10, 215}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 513, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 266}, + dictWord{139, 10, 22}, + dictWord{134, 0, 570}, + dictWord{6, 0, 565}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1667}, + dictWord{4, 11, 439}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 95, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 603}, + dictWord{12, 11, 242}, + dictWord{13, 10, 443}, + dictWord{14, 10, 160}, + dictWord{143, 10, 4}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1464}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 431, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 372}, + dictWord{15, 0, 2}, + dictWord{19, 0, 10}, + dictWord{19, 0, 18}, + dictWord{5, 10, 874}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1677}, + dictWord{143, 10, 0}, + dictWord{132, 0, 787}, + dictWord{6, 0, 380}, + dictWord{12, 0, 399}, + dictWord{21, 0, 19}, + dictWord{7, 10, 939}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1172}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1671}, + dictWord{9, 10, 540}, + dictWord{10, 10, 696}, + dictWord{11, 10, 265}, + dictWord{11, 10, 732}, + dictWord{11, 10, 928}, + dictWord{11, 10, 937}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 10, + 438, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 200}, + dictWord{132, 11, 233}, + dictWord{132, 0, 516}, + dictWord{134, 11, 577}, + dictWord{132, 0, 844}, + dictWord{11, 0, 887}, + dictWord{14, 0, 365}, + dictWord{142, 0, 375}, + dictWord{132, 11, 482}, + dictWord{8, 0, 821}, + dictWord{140, 0, 44}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1655}, + dictWord{136, 0, 305}, + dictWord{5, 10, 682}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1887}, + dictWord{135, 11, 346}, + dictWord{132, 10, 696}, + dictWord{4, 0, 10}, + dictWord{7, 0, 917}, + dictWord{139, 0, 786}, + dictWord{5, 11, 795}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1741}, + dictWord{8, 11, 417}, + dictWord{137, 11, 782}, + dictWord{4, 0, 1016}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2031}, + dictWord{5, 0, 684}, + dictWord{4, 10, 726}, + dictWord{133, 10, 630}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1021}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1480}, + dictWord{8, 10, 802}, + dictWord{136, 10, 838}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 27, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 395}, + dictWord{135, 11, 622}, + dictWord{7, 11, 625}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1750}, + dictWord{4, 11, 203}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1936}, + dictWord{6, 10, 118}, + dictWord{7, 10, 215}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1521}, + dictWord{140, 10, 11}, + dictWord{132, 0, 813}, + dictWord{136, 0, 511}, + dictWord{7, 10, 615}, + dictWord{138, 10, 251}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1044}, + dictWord{145, 0, 56}, + dictWord{133, 10, 225}, + dictWord{6, 0, 342}, + dictWord{6, 0, 496}, + dictWord{8, 0, 275}, + dictWord{137, 0, 206}, + dictWord{4, 0, 909}, + dictWord{133, 0, 940}, + dictWord{132, 0, 891}, + dictWord{7, 11, 311}, + dictWord{9, 11, 308}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 255, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 370}, + dictWord{5, 10, 756}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1326}, + dictWord{4, 0, 687}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1596}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1342}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 1662, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 48}, + dictWord{8, 10, 771}, + dictWord{10, 10, 116}, + dictWord{13, 10, 104}, + dictWord{14, 10, 105}, + dictWord{14, 10, 184}, + dictWord{15, 10, 168}, + dictWord{19, 10, 92}, + dictWord{148, 10, 68}, + dictWord{138, 10, 209}, + dictWord{4, 11, 400}, + dictWord{5, 11, 267}, + dictWord{135, 11, 232}, + dictWord{151, 11, 12}, + dictWord{6, 0, 41}, + dictWord{141, 0, 160}, + dictWord{141, 11, 314}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1718}, + dictWord{136, 0, 778}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 11, + 261, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1610}, + dictWord{133, 0, 115}, + dictWord{132, 0, 294}, + dictWord{14, 0, 314}, + dictWord{132, 10, 120}, + dictWord{132, 0, 983}, + dictWord{5, 0, 193}, + dictWord{140, 0, 178}, + dictWord{138, 10, 429}, + dictWord{5, 10, 820}, + dictWord{135, 10, 931}, + dictWord{6, 0, 994}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1051}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1439}, + dictWord{7, 0, 174}, + dictWord{133, 11, 732}, + dictWord{4, 11, 100}, + dictWord{7, 11, 679}, + dictWord{8, 11, 313}, + dictWord{138, 10, 199}, + dictWord{6, 10, 151}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1675}, + dictWord{7, 10, 383}, + dictWord{151, 10, 10}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1796}, + dictWord{8, 0, 848}, + dictWord{8, 0, 867}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 907, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 855}, + dictWord{140, 0, 703}, + dictWord{140, 0, 221}, + dictWord{4, 0, 122}, + dictWord{5, 0, 796}, + dictWord{5, 0, 952}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1660}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1671}, + dictWord{8, 0, 567}, + dictWord{9, 0, 687}, + dictWord{9, 0, 742}, + dictWord{10, 0, 686}, + dictWord{11, 0, 682}, + dictWord{11, 0, 909}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 0, + 281, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 362}, + dictWord{5, 11, 443}, + dictWord{6, 11, 318}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1019}, + dictWord{139, 11, 623}, + dictWord{5, 11, 463}, + dictWord{136, 11, 296}, + dictWord{11, 0, 583}, + dictWord{13, 0, 262}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1624}, + dictWord{12, 10, 422}, + dictWord{142, 10, 360}, + dictWord{5, 0, 179}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1095}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1213}, + dictWord{4, 10, 43}, + dictWord{4, 11, 454}, + dictWord{5, 10, 344}, + dictWord{133, 10, 357}, + dictWord{4, 0, 66}, + dictWord{7, 0, 722}, + dictWord{135, 0, 904}, + dictWord{134, 0, 773}, + dictWord{7, 0, 352}, + dictWord{133, 10, 888}, + dictWord{5, 11, 48}, + dictWord{5, 11, 404}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 557, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 458}, + dictWord{8, 11, 597}, + dictWord{10, 11, 455}, + dictWord{10, 11, 606}, + dictWord{11, 11, 49}, + dictWord{11, 11, 548}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 476, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 18}, + dictWord{141, 11, 450}, + dictWord{134, 11, 418}, + dictWord{132, 10, 711}, + dictWord{5, 11, 442}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1984, + }, + dictWord{141, 0, 35}, + dictWord{137, 0, 152}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1197}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1093}, + dictWord{137, 11, 203}, + dictWord{137, 10, 440}, + dictWord{10, 0, 592}, + dictWord{10, 0, 753}, + dictWord{12, 0, 317}, + dictWord{12, 0, 355}, + dictWord{12, 0, 465}, + dictWord{12, 0, 469}, + dictWord{12, 0, 560}, + dictWord{12, 0, 578}, + dictWord{141, 0, 243}, + dictWord{133, 0, 564}, + dictWord{134, 0, 797}, + dictWord{5, 10, 958}, + dictWord{133, 10, 987}, + dictWord{5, 11, 55}, + dictWord{7, 11, 376}, + dictWord{140, 11, 161}, + dictWord{133, 11, 450}, + dictWord{134, 0, 556}, + dictWord{134, 0, 819}, + dictWord{11, 10, 276}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 10, + 293, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 544}, + dictWord{138, 0, 61}, + dictWord{8, 0, 719}, + dictWord{4, 10, 65}, + dictWord{5, 10, 479}, + dictWord{5, 10, 1004}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1913}, + dictWord{8, 10, 317}, + dictWord{9, 10, 302}, + dictWord{10, 10, 612}, + dictWord{141, 10, 22}, + dictWord{4, 0, 5}, + dictWord{5, 0, 498}, + dictWord{8, 0, 637}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 521, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 213}, + dictWord{4, 10, 261}, + dictWord{7, 11, 223}, + dictWord{7, 10, 510}, + dictWord{136, 11, 80}, + dictWord{5, 0, 927}, + dictWord{7, 0, 101}, + dictWord{4, 10, 291}, + dictWord{7, 11, 381}, + dictWord{7, 11, 806}, + dictWord{7, 11, 820}, + dictWord{8, 11, 354}, + dictWord{8, 11, 437}, + dictWord{8, 11, 787}, + dictWord{9, 10, 515}, + dictWord{9, 11, 657}, + dictWord{10, 11, 58}, + dictWord{10, 11, 339}, + dictWord{10, 11, 749}, + dictWord{11, 11, 914}, + dictWord{12, 10, 152}, + dictWord{12, 11, 162}, + dictWord{12, 10, 443}, + dictWord{13, 11, 75}, + dictWord{13, 10, 392}, + dictWord{14, 11, 106}, + dictWord{14, 11, 198}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 320, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 357}, + dictWord{14, 11, 413}, + dictWord{146, 11, 43}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1153}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1441}, + dictWord{136, 11, 747}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 893, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 780}, + dictWord{133, 0, 893}, + dictWord{138, 11, 654}, + dictWord{133, 11, 692}, + dictWord{133, 0, 238}, + dictWord{134, 11, 191}, + dictWord{4, 10, 130}, + dictWord{135, 10, 843}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1296}, + dictWord{5, 10, 42}, + dictWord{5, 10, 879}, + dictWord{7, 10, 245}, + dictWord{7, 10, 324}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1532, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 463}, + dictWord{11, 10, 472}, + dictWord{13, 10, 363}, + dictWord{144, 10, 52}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1729}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1999}, + dictWord{136, 0, 969}, + dictWord{4, 10, 134}, + dictWord{133, 10, 372}, + dictWord{4, 0, 60}, + dictWord{7, 0, 941}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1800}, + dictWord{8, 0, 314}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 700, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 487}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1144}, + dictWord{6, 11, 162}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1960}, + dictWord{136, 11, 831}, + dictWord{132, 11, 706}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1147}, + dictWord{138, 11, 426}, + dictWord{138, 11, 89}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1853}, + dictWord{138, 0, 437}, + dictWord{136, 0, 419}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1634, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 828}, + dictWord{5, 0, 806}, + dictWord{7, 0, 176}, + dictWord{7, 0, 178}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1240}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1976}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 644, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1877}, + dictWord{5, 11, 420}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1449}, + dictWord{4, 0, 51}, + dictWord{5, 0, 39}, + dictWord{6, 0, 4}, + dictWord{7, 0, 591}, + dictWord{7, 0, 849}, + dictWord{7, 0, 951}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1613}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1760}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1988}, + dictWord{9, 0, 434}, + dictWord{10, 0, 754}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 25, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 37}, + dictWord{10, 11, 57}, + dictWord{138, 11, 277}, + dictWord{135, 10, 540}, + dictWord{132, 11, 204}, + dictWord{135, 0, 159}, + dictWord{139, 11, 231}, + dictWord{133, 0, 902}, + dictWord{7, 0, 928}, + dictWord{7, 11, 366}, + dictWord{9, 11, 287}, + dictWord{12, 11, 199}, + dictWord{12, 11, 556}, + dictWord{140, 11, 577}, + dictWord{6, 10, 623}, + dictWord{136, 10, 789}, + dictWord{4, 10, 908}, + dictWord{5, 10, 359}, + dictWord{5, 10, 508}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1723}, + dictWord{7, 10, 343}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1996}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2026}, + dictWord{134, 0, 270}, + dictWord{4, 10, 341}, + dictWord{135, 10, 480}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 356, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 224}, + dictWord{11, 11, 588}, + dictWord{11, 11, 864}, + dictWord{11, 11, 968}, + dictWord{143, 11, 160}, + dictWord{132, 0, 556}, + dictWord{137, 0, 801}, + dictWord{132, 0, 416}, + dictWord{142, 0, 372}, + dictWord{5, 0, 152}, + dictWord{5, 0, 197}, + dictWord{7, 0, 340}, + dictWord{7, 0, 867}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 548, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 581}, + dictWord{11, 0, 6}, + dictWord{12, 0, 3}, + dictWord{12, 0, 19}, + dictWord{14, 0, 110}, + dictWord{142, 0, 289}, + dictWord{139, 0, 369}, + dictWord{7, 11, 630}, + dictWord{9, 11, 567}, + dictWord{11, 11, 150}, + dictWord{11, 11, 444}, + dictWord{141, 11, 119}, + dictWord{134, 11, 539}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1995, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 299}, + dictWord{11, 10, 890}, + dictWord{140, 10, 674}, + dictWord{7, 0, 34}, + dictWord{7, 0, 190}, + dictWord{8, 0, 28}, + dictWord{8, 0, 141}, + dictWord{8, 0, 444}, + dictWord{8, 0, 811}, + dictWord{9, 0, 468}, + dictWord{11, 0, 334}, + dictWord{12, 0, 24}, + dictWord{12, 0, 386}, + dictWord{140, 0, 576}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 757, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1553}, + dictWord{136, 0, 898}, + dictWord{133, 0, 721}, + dictWord{136, 0, 1012}, + dictWord{4, 0, 789}, + dictWord{5, 0, 647}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1102, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 898}, + dictWord{10, 0, 183}, + dictWord{4, 10, 238}, + dictWord{5, 10, 503}, + dictWord{6, 10, 179}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2003}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 381, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 473}, + dictWord{9, 10, 149}, + dictWord{10, 10, 788}, + dictWord{15, 10, 45}, + dictWord{15, 10, 86}, + dictWord{20, 10, 110}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 10, + 57, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 136}, + dictWord{19, 0, 107}, + dictWord{4, 10, 121}, + dictWord{5, 10, 156}, + dictWord{5, 10, 349}, + dictWord{10, 10, 605}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 10, + 342, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 235}, + dictWord{135, 11, 255}, + dictWord{4, 11, 194}, + dictWord{5, 11, 584}, + dictWord{6, 11, 384}, + dictWord{7, 11, 583}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 761, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 760}, + dictWord{139, 11, 851}, + dictWord{6, 10, 80}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1694}, + dictWord{7, 10, 173}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1974}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 547, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 730}, + dictWord{14, 10, 18}, + dictWord{150, 10, 39}, + dictWord{4, 10, 923}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1711}, + dictWord{5, 0, 277}, + dictWord{141, 0, 247}, + dictWord{132, 0, 435}, + dictWord{133, 11, 562}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1311}, + dictWord{5, 11, 191}, + dictWord{137, 11, 271}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 595, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1537}, + dictWord{14, 11, 96}, + dictWord{143, 11, 73}, + dictWord{5, 0, 437}, + dictWord{7, 0, 502}, + dictWord{7, 0, 519}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1122}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1751}, + dictWord{14, 0, 211}, + dictWord{6, 10, 459}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1753}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1805}, + dictWord{8, 10, 658}, + dictWord{9, 10, 1}, + dictWord{11, 10, 959}, + dictWord{141, 10, 446}, + dictWord{6, 0, 814}, + dictWord{4, 11, 470}, + dictWord{5, 11, 473}, + dictWord{6, 11, 153}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1503}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1923}, + dictWord{10, 11, 701}, + dictWord{11, 11, 132}, + dictWord{11, 11, 168}, + dictWord{11, 11, 227}, + dictWord{11, 11, 320}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 436, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 525}, + dictWord{11, 11, 855}, + dictWord{12, 11, 41}, + dictWord{12, 11, 286}, + dictWord{13, 11, 103}, + dictWord{13, 11, 284}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 255, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 262}, + dictWord{15, 11, 117}, + dictWord{143, 11, 127}, + dictWord{5, 0, 265}, + dictWord{6, 0, 212}, + dictWord{135, 0, 28}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 750, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 327}, + dictWord{6, 11, 552}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1754}, + dictWord{137, 11, 604}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2012}, + dictWord{132, 0, 702}, + dictWord{5, 11, 80}, + dictWord{6, 11, 405}, + dictWord{7, 11, 403}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1502}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1626}, + dictWord{8, 11, 456}, + dictWord{9, 11, 487}, + dictWord{9, 11, 853}, + dictWord{9, 11, 889}, + dictWord{10, 11, 309}, + dictWord{11, 11, 721}, + dictWord{11, 11, 994}, + dictWord{12, 11, 430}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 165, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 808}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2045}, + dictWord{5, 0, 166}, + dictWord{8, 0, 739}, + dictWord{140, 0, 511}, + dictWord{134, 10, 490}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 453, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 887}, + dictWord{6, 11, 535}, + dictWord{8, 11, 6}, + dictWord{136, 11, 543}, + dictWord{4, 0, 119}, + dictWord{5, 0, 170}, + dictWord{5, 0, 447}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1708}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1889}, + dictWord{9, 0, 357}, + dictWord{9, 0, 719}, + dictWord{12, 0, 486}, + dictWord{140, 0, 596}, + dictWord{137, 0, 500}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 250, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 507}, + dictWord{132, 10, 158}, + dictWord{6, 0, 809}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1500}, + dictWord{9, 0, 327}, + dictWord{11, 0, 350}, + dictWord{11, 0, 831}, + dictWord{13, 0, 352}, + dictWord{4, 10, 140}, + dictWord{7, 10, 362}, + dictWord{8, 10, 209}, + dictWord{9, 10, 10}, + dictWord{9, 10, 503}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 614, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 689}, + dictWord{11, 10, 327}, + dictWord{11, 10, 725}, + dictWord{12, 10, 252}, + dictWord{12, 10, 583}, + dictWord{13, 10, 192}, + dictWord{14, 10, 269}, + dictWord{14, 10, 356}, + dictWord{148, 10, 50}, + dictWord{135, 11, 741}, + dictWord{4, 0, 450}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1158}, + dictWord{19, 10, 1}, + dictWord{19, 10, 26}, + dictWord{150, 10, 9}, + dictWord{6, 0, 597}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1318}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1602}, + dictWord{6, 10, 228}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1341}, + dictWord{9, 10, 408}, + dictWord{138, 10, 343}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1375}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1466}, + dictWord{138, 0, 331}, + dictWord{132, 0, 754}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 557, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 101}, + dictWord{6, 11, 88}, + dictWord{6, 11, 543}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1677}, + dictWord{9, 11, 100}, + dictWord{10, 11, 677}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 169, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 302}, + dictWord{14, 11, 313}, + dictWord{15, 11, 48}, + dictWord{143, 11, 84}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1368}, + dictWord{4, 11, 310}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 795, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 733}, + dictWord{11, 11, 451}, + dictWord{12, 11, 249}, + dictWord{14, 11, 115}, + dictWord{14, 11, 286}, + dictWord{143, 11, 100}, + dictWord{132, 10, 548}, + dictWord{10, 0, 557}, + dictWord{7, 10, 197}, + dictWord{8, 10, 142}, + dictWord{8, 10, 325}, + dictWord{9, 10, 150}, + dictWord{9, 10, 596}, + dictWord{10, 10, 353}, + dictWord{11, 10, 74}, + dictWord{11, 10, 315}, + dictWord{12, 10, 662}, + dictWord{12, 10, 681}, + dictWord{14, 10, 423}, + dictWord{ + 143, + 10, + 141, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 587}, + dictWord{5, 0, 850}, + dictWord{136, 0, 799}, + dictWord{10, 0, 908}, + dictWord{12, 0, 701}, + dictWord{12, 0, 757}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 0, + 466, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 62}, + dictWord{5, 0, 275}, + dictWord{18, 0, 19}, + dictWord{6, 10, 399}, + dictWord{6, 10, 579}, + dictWord{7, 10, 692}, + dictWord{7, 10, 846}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1015, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1799}, + dictWord{8, 10, 403}, + dictWord{9, 10, 394}, + dictWord{10, 10, 133}, + dictWord{12, 10, 4}, + dictWord{12, 10, 297}, + dictWord{12, 10, 452}, + dictWord{16, 10, 81}, + dictWord{18, 10, 25}, + dictWord{21, 10, 14}, + dictWord{22, 10, 12}, + dictWord{151, 10, 18}, + dictWord{12, 0, 459}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1546, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 299}, + dictWord{142, 10, 407}, + dictWord{132, 10, 177}, + dictWord{132, 11, 498}, + dictWord{7, 11, 217}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 140, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 610}, + dictWord{5, 10, 411}, + dictWord{135, 10, 653}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1802}, + dictWord{7, 10, 439}, + dictWord{10, 10, 727}, + dictWord{11, 10, 260}, + dictWord{139, 10, 684}, + dictWord{133, 11, 905}, + dictWord{11, 11, 580}, + dictWord{142, 11, 201}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1397}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 208, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 753}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1528}, + dictWord{7, 0, 238}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2033}, + dictWord{8, 0, 120}, + dictWord{8, 0, 188}, + dictWord{8, 0, 659}, + dictWord{9, 0, 598}, + dictWord{10, 0, 466}, + dictWord{12, 0, 342}, + dictWord{12, 0, 588}, + dictWord{13, 0, 503}, + dictWord{14, 0, 246}, + dictWord{143, 0, 92}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1041}, + dictWord{4, 11, 456}, + dictWord{7, 11, 105}, + dictWord{7, 11, 358}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1637}, + dictWord{8, 11, 643}, + dictWord{139, 11, 483}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1318}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1324}, + dictWord{4, 0, 201}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1744}, + dictWord{8, 0, 602}, + dictWord{11, 0, 247}, + dictWord{11, 0, 826}, + dictWord{17, 0, 65}, + dictWord{133, 10, 242}, + dictWord{8, 0, 164}, + dictWord{146, 0, 62}, + dictWord{133, 10, 953}, + dictWord{139, 10, 802}, + dictWord{133, 0, 615}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1566}, + dictWord{8, 11, 269}, + dictWord{9, 11, 212}, + dictWord{9, 11, 718}, + dictWord{14, 11, 15}, + dictWord{14, 11, 132}, + dictWord{142, 11, 227}, + dictWord{133, 10, 290}, + dictWord{132, 10, 380}, + dictWord{5, 10, 52}, + dictWord{7, 10, 277}, + dictWord{9, 10, 368}, + dictWord{139, 10, 791}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1243, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 539}, + dictWord{11, 11, 919}, + dictWord{141, 11, 409}, + dictWord{136, 0, 968}, + dictWord{133, 11, 470}, + dictWord{134, 0, 882}, + dictWord{132, 0, 907}, + dictWord{5, 0, 100}, + dictWord{10, 0, 329}, + dictWord{12, 0, 416}, + dictWord{149, 0, 29}, + dictWord{10, 10, 138}, + dictWord{139, 10, 476}, + dictWord{5, 10, 725}, + dictWord{5, 10, 727}, + dictWord{6, 11, 91}, + dictWord{7, 11, 435}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1811}, + dictWord{4, 11, 16}, + dictWord{5, 11, 316}, + dictWord{5, 11, 842}, + dictWord{6, 11, 370}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1778}, + dictWord{8, 11, 166}, + dictWord{11, 11, 812}, + dictWord{12, 11, 206}, + dictWord{12, 11, 351}, + dictWord{14, 11, 418}, + dictWord{16, 11, 15}, + dictWord{16, 11, 34}, + dictWord{18, 11, 3}, + dictWord{19, 11, 3}, + dictWord{19, 11, 7}, + dictWord{20, 11, 4}, + dictWord{ + 149, + 11, + 21, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 176}, + dictWord{5, 0, 636}, + dictWord{5, 0, 998}, + dictWord{7, 0, 9}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1508}, + dictWord{8, 0, 26}, + dictWord{9, 0, 317}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 358, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 210}, + dictWord{10, 0, 292}, + dictWord{10, 0, 533}, + dictWord{11, 0, 555}, + dictWord{12, 0, 526}, + dictWord{12, 0, 607}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 263, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 459}, + dictWord{142, 0, 271}, + dictWord{6, 0, 256}, + dictWord{8, 0, 265}, + dictWord{4, 10, 38}, + dictWord{7, 10, 307}, + dictWord{7, 10, 999}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1481}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1732}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1738}, + dictWord{9, 10, 414}, + dictWord{11, 10, 316}, + dictWord{12, 10, 52}, + dictWord{13, 10, 420}, + dictWord{147, 10, 100}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1296}, + dictWord{4, 11, 611}, + dictWord{133, 11, 606}, + dictWord{4, 0, 643}, + dictWord{142, 11, 21}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 715, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 723}, + dictWord{6, 0, 610}, + dictWord{135, 11, 597}, + dictWord{10, 0, 127}, + dictWord{141, 0, 27}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1995}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 2001, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 119}, + dictWord{136, 0, 973}, + dictWord{4, 11, 149}, + dictWord{138, 11, 368}, + dictWord{12, 0, 522}, + dictWord{4, 11, 154}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 109, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 1784}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1134}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1895}, + dictWord{8, 11, 105}, + dictWord{12, 10, 296}, + dictWord{140, 10, 302}, + dictWord{4, 11, 31}, + dictWord{6, 11, 429}, + dictWord{7, 11, 962}, + dictWord{9, 11, 458}, + dictWord{139, 11, 691}, + dictWord{10, 0, 553}, + dictWord{11, 0, 876}, + dictWord{13, 0, 193}, + dictWord{13, 0, 423}, + dictWord{14, 0, 166}, + dictWord{19, 0, 84}, + dictWord{4, 11, 312}, + dictWord{5, 10, 216}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1879}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 141, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 270}, + dictWord{9, 10, 679}, + dictWord{10, 10, 159}, + dictWord{11, 10, 197}, + dictWord{12, 10, 538}, + dictWord{12, 10, 559}, + dictWord{14, 10, 144}, + dictWord{14, 10, 167}, + dictWord{143, 10, 67}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1582}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1578}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1578}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 81, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 236}, + dictWord{134, 10, 391}, + dictWord{134, 0, 795}, + dictWord{7, 10, 322}, + dictWord{136, 10, 249}, + dictWord{5, 11, 836}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 857, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 1680}, + dictWord{7, 11, 59}, + dictWord{147, 11, 53}, + dictWord{135, 0, 432}, + dictWord{10, 11, 68}, + dictWord{139, 11, 494}, + dictWord{4, 11, 81}, + dictWord{139, 11, 867}, + dictWord{7, 0, 126}, + dictWord{136, 0, 84}, + dictWord{142, 11, 280}, + dictWord{5, 11, 282}, + dictWord{8, 11, 650}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 295, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 907}, + dictWord{138, 11, 443}, + dictWord{136, 0, 790}, + dictWord{5, 10, 632}, + dictWord{138, 10, 526}, + dictWord{6, 0, 64}, + dictWord{12, 0, 377}, + dictWord{13, 0, 309}, + dictWord{14, 0, 141}, + dictWord{14, 0, 429}, + dictWord{14, 11, 141}, + dictWord{142, 11, 429}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1529}, + dictWord{6, 0, 321}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1857}, + dictWord{9, 0, 530}, + dictWord{19, 0, 99}, + dictWord{7, 10, 948}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1042}, + dictWord{8, 10, 235}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 461, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 453}, + dictWord{10, 10, 354}, + dictWord{145, 10, 77}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1104}, + dictWord{11, 0, 269}, + dictWord{11, 0, 539}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 627, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 706}, + dictWord{11, 0, 975}, + dictWord{12, 0, 248}, + dictWord{12, 0, 434}, + dictWord{12, 0, 600}, + dictWord{12, 0, 622}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 297, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 485}, + dictWord{14, 0, 69}, + dictWord{14, 0, 409}, + dictWord{143, 0, 108}, + dictWord{4, 10, 362}, + dictWord{7, 10, 52}, + dictWord{7, 10, 303}, + dictWord{10, 11, 70}, + dictWord{12, 11, 26}, + dictWord{14, 11, 17}, + dictWord{14, 11, 178}, + dictWord{15, 11, 34}, + dictWord{149, 11, 12}, + dictWord{11, 0, 977}, + dictWord{141, 0, 507}, + dictWord{9, 0, 34}, + dictWord{139, 0, 484}, + dictWord{5, 10, 196}, + dictWord{6, 10, 486}, + dictWord{7, 10, 212}, + dictWord{8, 10, 309}, + dictWord{136, 10, 346}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1700}, + dictWord{7, 0, 26}, + dictWord{7, 0, 293}, + dictWord{7, 0, 382}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1026}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1087}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 2027, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 24}, + dictWord{8, 0, 114}, + dictWord{8, 0, 252}, + dictWord{8, 0, 727}, + dictWord{8, 0, 729}, + dictWord{9, 0, 30}, + dictWord{9, 0, 199}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 231, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 251}, + dictWord{9, 0, 334}, + dictWord{9, 0, 361}, + dictWord{9, 0, 712}, + dictWord{10, 0, 55}, + dictWord{10, 0, 60}, + dictWord{10, 0, 232}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 332, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 384}, + dictWord{10, 0, 396}, + dictWord{10, 0, 504}, + dictWord{10, 0, 542}, + dictWord{10, 0, 652}, + dictWord{11, 0, 20}, + dictWord{11, 0, 48}, + dictWord{11, 0, 207}, + dictWord{11, 0, 291}, + dictWord{11, 0, 298}, + dictWord{11, 0, 342}, + dictWord{11, 0, 365}, + dictWord{11, 0, 394}, + dictWord{11, 0, 620}, + dictWord{11, 0, 705}, + dictWord{11, 0, 1017}, + dictWord{12, 0, 123}, + dictWord{12, 0, 340}, + dictWord{12, 0, 406}, + dictWord{12, 0, 643}, + dictWord{13, 0, 61}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 269, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 311}, + dictWord{13, 0, 319}, + dictWord{13, 0, 486}, + dictWord{14, 0, 234}, + dictWord{15, 0, 62}, + dictWord{15, 0, 85}, + dictWord{16, 0, 71}, + dictWord{18, 0, 119}, + dictWord{20, 0, 105}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1912}, + dictWord{4, 11, 71}, + dictWord{5, 11, 376}, + dictWord{7, 11, 119}, + dictWord{138, 11, 665}, + dictWord{10, 0, 918}, + dictWord{10, 0, 926}, + dictWord{4, 10, 686}, + dictWord{136, 11, 55}, + dictWord{138, 10, 625}, + dictWord{136, 10, 706}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 479, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 30}, + dictWord{133, 10, 43}, + dictWord{6, 0, 379}, + dictWord{7, 0, 270}, + dictWord{8, 0, 176}, + dictWord{8, 0, 183}, + dictWord{9, 0, 432}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 661, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 247}, + dictWord{12, 0, 617}, + dictWord{18, 0, 125}, + dictWord{7, 11, 607}, + dictWord{8, 11, 99}, + dictWord{152, 11, 4}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 792, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 900}, + dictWord{4, 11, 612}, + dictWord{133, 11, 561}, + dictWord{4, 11, 41}, + dictWord{4, 10, 220}, + dictWord{5, 11, 74}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1535, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1627}, + dictWord{11, 11, 871}, + dictWord{140, 11, 619}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1920}, + dictWord{7, 11, 94}, + dictWord{11, 11, 329}, + dictWord{11, 11, 965}, + dictWord{12, 11, 241}, + dictWord{14, 11, 354}, + dictWord{15, 11, 22}, + dictWord{148, 11, 63}, + dictWord{9, 11, 209}, + dictWord{137, 11, 300}, + dictWord{134, 0, 771}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1979}, + dictWord{4, 0, 901}, + dictWord{133, 0, 776}, + dictWord{142, 0, 254}, + dictWord{133, 11, 98}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 16, + }, + dictWord{141, 11, 386}, + dictWord{133, 11, 984}, + dictWord{4, 11, 182}, + dictWord{6, 11, 205}, + dictWord{135, 11, 220}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1725}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1774, + }, + dictWord{138, 10, 393}, + dictWord{5, 10, 263}, + dictWord{134, 10, 414}, + dictWord{4, 11, 42}, + dictWord{9, 11, 205}, + dictWord{9, 11, 786}, + dictWord{138, 11, 659}, + dictWord{14, 0, 140}, + dictWord{148, 0, 41}, + dictWord{8, 0, 440}, + dictWord{10, 0, 359}, + dictWord{6, 10, 178}, + dictWord{6, 11, 289}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 1750, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1670}, + dictWord{9, 10, 690}, + dictWord{10, 10, 155}, + dictWord{10, 10, 373}, + dictWord{11, 10, 698}, + dictWord{12, 11, 57}, + dictWord{13, 10, 155}, + dictWord{20, 10, 93}, + dictWord{151, 11, 4}, + dictWord{4, 0, 37}, + dictWord{5, 0, 334}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1253}, + dictWord{151, 11, 25}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 508, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 635}, + dictWord{5, 10, 97}, + dictWord{137, 10, 393}, + dictWord{139, 11, 533}, + dictWord{4, 0, 640}, + dictWord{133, 0, 513}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 1639, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 371}, + dictWord{4, 11, 272}, + dictWord{7, 11, 836}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1651}, + dictWord{145, 11, 89}, + dictWord{5, 11, 825}, + dictWord{6, 11, 444}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1640}, + dictWord{136, 11, 308}, + dictWord{4, 10, 191}, + dictWord{7, 10, 934}, + dictWord{8, 10, 647}, + dictWord{145, 10, 97}, + dictWord{12, 0, 246}, + dictWord{15, 0, 162}, + dictWord{19, 0, 64}, + dictWord{20, 0, 8}, + dictWord{20, 0, 95}, + dictWord{22, 0, 24}, + dictWord{152, 0, 17}, + dictWord{4, 0, 533}, + dictWord{5, 10, 165}, + dictWord{9, 10, 346}, + dictWord{138, 10, 655}, + dictWord{5, 11, 737}, + dictWord{139, 10, 885}, + dictWord{133, 10, 877}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 128, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 179}, + dictWord{137, 11, 307}, + dictWord{140, 0, 752}, + dictWord{133, 0, 920}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1048}, + dictWord{5, 0, 153}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 580, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 1663}, + dictWord{7, 10, 132}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1154}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1415}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1507}, + dictWord{12, 10, 493}, + dictWord{15, 10, 105}, + dictWord{151, 10, 15}, + dictWord{5, 10, 459}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1073}, + dictWord{8, 10, 241}, + dictWord{136, 10, 334}, + dictWord{138, 0, 391}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1952}, + dictWord{133, 11, 525}, + dictWord{8, 11, 641}, + dictWord{11, 11, 388}, + dictWord{140, 11, 580}, + dictWord{142, 0, 126}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 640, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 483}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1616}, + dictWord{9, 0, 69}, + dictWord{6, 10, 324}, + dictWord{6, 10, 520}, + dictWord{7, 10, 338}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1729, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 228}, + dictWord{139, 10, 750}, + dictWord{5, 11, 493}, + dictWord{134, 11, 528}, + dictWord{135, 0, 734}, + dictWord{4, 11, 174}, + dictWord{135, 11, 911}, + dictWord{138, 0, 480}, + dictWord{9, 0, 495}, + dictWord{146, 0, 104}, + dictWord{135, 10, 705}, + dictWord{9, 0, 472}, + dictWord{4, 10, 73}, + dictWord{6, 10, 612}, + dictWord{7, 10, 927}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1330}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1822}, + dictWord{8, 10, 217}, + dictWord{9, 10, 765}, + dictWord{9, 10, 766}, + dictWord{10, 10, 408}, + dictWord{11, 10, 51}, + dictWord{11, 10, 793}, + dictWord{12, 10, 266}, + dictWord{15, 10, 158}, + dictWord{20, 10, 89}, + dictWord{150, 10, 32}, + dictWord{7, 11, 548}, + dictWord{137, 11, 58}, + dictWord{4, 11, 32}, + dictWord{5, 11, 215}, + dictWord{6, 11, 269}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1782}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1892}, + dictWord{10, 11, 16}, + dictWord{11, 11, 822}, + dictWord{11, 11, 954}, + dictWord{141, 11, 481}, + dictWord{132, 0, 874}, + dictWord{9, 0, 229}, + dictWord{5, 10, 389}, + dictWord{136, 10, 636}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1749}, + dictWord{136, 11, 477}, + dictWord{134, 0, 948}, + dictWord{5, 11, 308}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1088}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 748, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 1009}, + dictWord{136, 10, 21}, + dictWord{6, 0, 555}, + dictWord{135, 0, 485}, + dictWord{5, 11, 126}, + dictWord{8, 11, 297}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 366, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 445}, + dictWord{12, 11, 53}, + dictWord{12, 11, 374}, + dictWord{141, 11, 492}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1551}, + dictWord{139, 11, 361}, + dictWord{136, 0, 193}, + dictWord{136, 0, 472}, + dictWord{8, 0, 653}, + dictWord{13, 0, 93}, + dictWord{147, 0, 14}, + dictWord{132, 0, 984}, + dictWord{132, 11, 175}, + dictWord{5, 0, 172}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1971}, + dictWord{132, 11, 685}, + dictWord{149, 11, 8}, + dictWord{133, 11, 797}, + dictWord{13, 0, 83}, + dictWord{5, 10, 189}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 442, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 443}, + dictWord{8, 10, 281}, + dictWord{12, 10, 174}, + dictWord{141, 10, 261}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1568}, + dictWord{133, 11, 565}, + dictWord{139, 0, 384}, + dictWord{133, 0, 260}, + dictWord{7, 0, 758}, + dictWord{7, 0, 880}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1359}, + dictWord{9, 0, 164}, + dictWord{9, 0, 167}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 156, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 588}, + dictWord{12, 0, 101}, + dictWord{14, 0, 48}, + dictWord{15, 0, 70}, + dictWord{6, 10, 2}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1262}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1737, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 22}, + dictWord{8, 10, 270}, + dictWord{8, 10, 612}, + dictWord{9, 10, 312}, + dictWord{9, 10, 436}, + dictWord{10, 10, 311}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 623, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 72}, + dictWord{11, 10, 330}, + dictWord{11, 10, 455}, + dictWord{12, 10, 321}, + dictWord{12, 10, 504}, + dictWord{12, 10, 530}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 543, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 17}, + dictWord{13, 10, 156}, + dictWord{13, 10, 334}, + dictWord{17, 10, 60}, + dictWord{148, 10, 64}, + dictWord{4, 11, 252}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1068, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 434}, + dictWord{11, 11, 228}, + dictWord{11, 11, 426}, + dictWord{13, 11, 231}, + dictWord{18, 11, 106}, + dictWord{148, 11, 87}, + dictWord{7, 10, 354}, + dictWord{10, 10, 410}, + dictWord{139, 10, 815}, + dictWord{6, 0, 367}, + dictWord{7, 10, 670}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1327}, + dictWord{8, 10, 411}, + dictWord{8, 10, 435}, + dictWord{9, 10, 653}, + dictWord{9, 10, 740}, + dictWord{10, 10, 385}, + dictWord{11, 10, 222}, + dictWord{11, 10, 324}, + dictWord{11, 10, 829}, + dictWord{140, 10, 611}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1174}, + dictWord{6, 10, 166}, + dictWord{135, 10, 374}, + dictWord{146, 0, 121}, + dictWord{132, 0, 828}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 231, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 509}, + dictWord{7, 11, 601}, + dictWord{9, 11, 277}, + dictWord{9, 11, 674}, + dictWord{10, 11, 178}, + dictWord{10, 11, 257}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 418, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 531}, + dictWord{11, 11, 544}, + dictWord{11, 11, 585}, + dictWord{12, 11, 113}, + dictWord{12, 11, 475}, + dictWord{13, 11, 99}, + dictWord{142, 11, 428}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1541}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1779}, + dictWord{5, 0, 343}, + dictWord{134, 10, 398}, + dictWord{135, 10, 50}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1683, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 440}, + dictWord{7, 0, 57}, + dictWord{8, 0, 167}, + dictWord{8, 0, 375}, + dictWord{9, 0, 82}, + dictWord{9, 0, 561}, + dictWord{9, 0, 744}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 620, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 744}, + dictWord{134, 0, 926}, + dictWord{6, 10, 517}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1159}, + dictWord{10, 10, 621}, + dictWord{139, 10, 192}, + dictWord{137, 0, 827}, + dictWord{8, 0, 194}, + dictWord{136, 0, 756}, + dictWord{10, 10, 223}, + dictWord{139, 10, 645}, + dictWord{7, 10, 64}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 10, + 245, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 399}, + dictWord{5, 11, 119}, + dictWord{5, 11, 494}, + dictWord{7, 11, 751}, + dictWord{137, 11, 556}, + dictWord{132, 0, 808}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 22, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1763}, + dictWord{140, 10, 310}, + dictWord{5, 0, 639}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1249}, + dictWord{11, 0, 896}, + dictWord{134, 11, 584}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1614, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 860}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1121}, + dictWord{5, 10, 129}, + dictWord{6, 10, 61}, + dictWord{135, 10, 947}, + dictWord{4, 0, 102}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 815, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1699}, + dictWord{139, 0, 964}, + dictWord{13, 10, 505}, + dictWord{141, 10, 506}, + dictWord{139, 10, 1000}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 679, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 899}, + dictWord{132, 0, 569}, + dictWord{5, 11, 694}, + dictWord{137, 11, 714}, + dictWord{136, 0, 795}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2045}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 7, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 52}, + dictWord{9, 0, 104}, + dictWord{9, 0, 559}, + dictWord{12, 0, 308}, + dictWord{147, 0, 87}, + dictWord{4, 0, 301}, + dictWord{132, 0, 604}, + dictWord{133, 10, 637}, + dictWord{136, 0, 779}, + dictWord{5, 11, 143}, + dictWord{5, 11, 769}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1760}, + dictWord{7, 11, 682}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1992}, + dictWord{136, 11, 736}, + dictWord{137, 10, 590}, + dictWord{147, 0, 32}, + dictWord{137, 11, 527}, + dictWord{5, 10, 280}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1226}, + dictWord{134, 0, 494}, + dictWord{6, 0, 677}, + dictWord{6, 0, 682}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1044}, + dictWord{133, 10, 281}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1064}, + dictWord{7, 0, 508}, + dictWord{133, 11, 860}, + dictWord{6, 11, 422}, + dictWord{7, 11, 0}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1544}, + dictWord{9, 11, 577}, + dictWord{11, 11, 990}, + dictWord{12, 11, 141}, + dictWord{12, 11, 453}, + dictWord{13, 11, 47}, + dictWord{141, 11, 266}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1014}, + dictWord{5, 11, 515}, + dictWord{137, 11, 131}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 957, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 646}, + dictWord{6, 0, 310}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1849}, + dictWord{8, 0, 72}, + dictWord{8, 0, 272}, + dictWord{8, 0, 431}, + dictWord{9, 0, 12}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 376, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 563}, + dictWord{10, 0, 630}, + dictWord{10, 0, 796}, + dictWord{10, 0, 810}, + dictWord{11, 0, 367}, + dictWord{11, 0, 599}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 686, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 672}, + dictWord{7, 0, 570}, + dictWord{4, 11, 396}, + dictWord{7, 10, 120}, + dictWord{7, 11, 728}, + dictWord{8, 10, 489}, + dictWord{9, 11, 117}, + dictWord{9, 10, 319}, + dictWord{10, 10, 820}, + dictWord{11, 10, 1004}, + dictWord{12, 10, 379}, + dictWord{12, 10, 679}, + dictWord{13, 10, 117}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 202, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 412}, + dictWord{14, 10, 25}, + dictWord{15, 10, 52}, + dictWord{15, 10, 161}, + dictWord{16, 10, 47}, + dictWord{20, 11, 51}, + dictWord{ + 149, + 10, + 2, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 121}, + dictWord{6, 11, 124}, + dictWord{6, 11, 357}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1138}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1295}, + dictWord{8, 11, 162}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 655, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 449}, + dictWord{4, 10, 937}, + dictWord{5, 10, 801}, + dictWord{136, 11, 449}, + dictWord{139, 11, 958}, + dictWord{6, 0, 181}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 537, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 64}, + dictWord{9, 0, 127}, + dictWord{10, 0, 496}, + dictWord{12, 0, 510}, + dictWord{141, 0, 384}, + dictWord{138, 11, 253}, + dictWord{4, 0, 244}, + dictWord{135, 0, 233}, + dictWord{133, 11, 237}, + dictWord{132, 10, 365}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1650}, + dictWord{10, 0, 702}, + dictWord{139, 0, 245}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 7, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 774}, + dictWord{13, 0, 463}, + dictWord{20, 0, 49}, + dictWord{13, 11, 463}, + dictWord{148, 11, 49}, + dictWord{4, 10, 734}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 662, + }, + dictWord{134, 10, 430}, + dictWord{4, 10, 746}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1090}, + dictWord{5, 10, 360}, + dictWord{136, 10, 237}, + dictWord{137, 0, 338}, + dictWord{143, 11, 10}, + dictWord{7, 11, 571}, + dictWord{138, 11, 366}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1279}, + dictWord{9, 11, 513}, + dictWord{10, 11, 22}, + dictWord{10, 11, 39}, + dictWord{12, 11, 122}, + dictWord{140, 11, 187}, + dictWord{133, 0, 896}, + dictWord{146, 0, 178}, + dictWord{134, 0, 695}, + dictWord{137, 0, 808}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 587, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 107}, + dictWord{7, 11, 838}, + dictWord{8, 11, 550}, + dictWord{138, 11, 401}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1117}, + dictWord{136, 0, 539}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 277, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 608}, + dictWord{6, 10, 493}, + dictWord{7, 10, 457}, + dictWord{140, 10, 384}, + dictWord{133, 11, 768}, + dictWord{12, 0, 257}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 27, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 316}, + dictWord{140, 0, 1003}, + dictWord{4, 0, 207}, + dictWord{5, 0, 586}, + dictWord{5, 0, 676}, + dictWord{6, 0, 448}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 244, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 1}, + dictWord{13, 0, 3}, + dictWord{16, 0, 54}, + dictWord{17, 0, 4}, + dictWord{18, 0, 13}, + dictWord{133, 10, 552}, + dictWord{4, 10, 401}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 264, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 516}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1883}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1883}, + dictWord{12, 0, 960}, + dictWord{132, 11, 894}, + dictWord{5, 0, 4}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 810, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 13}, + dictWord{6, 0, 538}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1690}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1726}, + dictWord{7, 0, 499}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1819}, + dictWord{8, 0, 148}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 696, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 791}, + dictWord{12, 0, 125}, + dictWord{143, 0, 9}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1268}, + dictWord{11, 0, 30}, + dictWord{14, 0, 315}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 543, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 524}, + dictWord{12, 10, 524}, + dictWord{16, 10, 18}, + dictWord{20, 10, 26}, + dictWord{148, 10, 65}, + dictWord{6, 0, 748}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 205, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 623}, + dictWord{7, 10, 104}, + dictWord{136, 10, 519}, + dictWord{11, 0, 542}, + dictWord{139, 0, 852}, + dictWord{140, 0, 6}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 848, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1385}, + dictWord{11, 0, 582}, + dictWord{11, 0, 650}, + dictWord{11, 0, 901}, + dictWord{11, 0, 949}, + dictWord{12, 0, 232}, + dictWord{12, 0, 236}, + dictWord{13, 0, 413}, + dictWord{13, 0, 501}, + dictWord{18, 0, 116}, + dictWord{7, 10, 579}, + dictWord{9, 10, 41}, + dictWord{9, 10, 244}, + dictWord{9, 10, 669}, + dictWord{10, 10, 5}, + dictWord{11, 10, 861}, + dictWord{11, 10, 951}, + dictWord{139, 10, 980}, + dictWord{4, 0, 945}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1811}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1845}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1853, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1858}, + dictWord{8, 0, 862}, + dictWord{12, 0, 782}, + dictWord{12, 0, 788}, + dictWord{18, 0, 160}, + dictWord{148, 0, 117}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 717, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 925}, + dictWord{5, 0, 803}, + dictWord{8, 0, 698}, + dictWord{138, 0, 828}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1416}, + dictWord{132, 0, 610}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 992, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 878}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1477}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1847}, + dictWord{138, 11, 531}, + dictWord{137, 11, 539}, + dictWord{134, 11, 272}, + dictWord{133, 0, 383}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1404}, + dictWord{132, 10, 489}, + dictWord{4, 11, 9}, + dictWord{5, 11, 128}, + dictWord{7, 11, 368}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 480, + }, + dictWord{148, 11, 3}, + dictWord{136, 0, 986}, + dictWord{9, 0, 660}, + dictWord{138, 0, 347}, + dictWord{135, 10, 892}, + dictWord{136, 11, 682}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 572, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 592}, + dictWord{11, 0, 680}, + dictWord{12, 0, 356}, + dictWord{140, 0, 550}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1411}, + dictWord{138, 11, 527}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 2, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 545}, + dictWord{135, 11, 894}, + dictWord{137, 10, 473}, + dictWord{11, 0, 64}, + dictWord{7, 11, 481}, + dictWord{7, 10, 819}, + dictWord{9, 10, 26}, + dictWord{9, 10, 392}, + dictWord{9, 11, 792}, + dictWord{10, 10, 152}, + dictWord{10, 10, 226}, + dictWord{12, 10, 276}, + dictWord{12, 10, 426}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 589, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 460}, + dictWord{15, 10, 97}, + dictWord{19, 10, 48}, + dictWord{148, 10, 104}, + dictWord{135, 10, 51}, + dictWord{136, 11, 445}, + dictWord{136, 11, 646}, + dictWord{135, 0, 606}, + dictWord{132, 10, 674}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1829}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1830}, + dictWord{132, 10, 770}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 79, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1027}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1477}, + dictWord{139, 10, 52}, + dictWord{5, 11, 530}, + dictWord{142, 11, 113}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1666}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 748, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 700}, + dictWord{134, 10, 195}, + dictWord{133, 10, 789}, + dictWord{9, 0, 87}, + dictWord{10, 0, 365}, + dictWord{4, 10, 251}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 688, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 513}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1284}, + dictWord{136, 11, 111}, + dictWord{133, 0, 127}, + dictWord{6, 0, 198}, + dictWord{140, 0, 83}, + dictWord{133, 11, 556}, + dictWord{133, 10, 889}, + dictWord{4, 10, 160}, + dictWord{5, 10, 330}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1434}, + dictWord{136, 10, 174}, + dictWord{5, 0, 276}, + dictWord{6, 0, 55}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1369}, + dictWord{138, 0, 864}, + dictWord{8, 11, 16}, + dictWord{140, 11, 568}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1752}, + dictWord{136, 0, 726}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1066}, + dictWord{133, 0, 764}, + dictWord{6, 11, 186}, + dictWord{137, 11, 426}, + dictWord{11, 0, 683}, + dictWord{139, 11, 683}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 309, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 331}, + dictWord{138, 0, 550}, + dictWord{133, 10, 374}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1212}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1852}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1062}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 874, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 882}, + dictWord{138, 0, 936}, + dictWord{132, 11, 585}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1364}, + dictWord{7, 0, 986}, + dictWord{133, 10, 731}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 723, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1408}, + dictWord{138, 0, 381}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1573}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1025}, + dictWord{4, 10, 626}, + dictWord{5, 10, 642}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 425, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 202}, + dictWord{139, 10, 141}, + dictWord{4, 11, 93}, + dictWord{5, 11, 252}, + dictWord{6, 11, 229}, + dictWord{7, 11, 291}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 550, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 644}, + dictWord{137, 11, 749}, + dictWord{137, 11, 162}, + dictWord{132, 11, 381}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1559}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 194, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 133}, + dictWord{10, 0, 493}, + dictWord{10, 0, 570}, + dictWord{139, 0, 664}, + dictWord{5, 0, 24}, + dictWord{5, 0, 569}, + dictWord{6, 0, 3}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 119, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 143}, + dictWord{6, 0, 440}, + dictWord{7, 0, 295}, + dictWord{7, 0, 599}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1686}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1854}, + dictWord{8, 0, 424}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 43, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 584}, + dictWord{9, 0, 760}, + dictWord{10, 0, 148}, + dictWord{10, 0, 328}, + dictWord{11, 0, 159}, + dictWord{11, 0, 253}, + dictWord{11, 0, 506}, + dictWord{12, 0, 487}, + dictWord{140, 0, 531}, + dictWord{6, 0, 661}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1517}, + dictWord{136, 10, 835}, + dictWord{151, 10, 17}, + dictWord{5, 0, 14}, + dictWord{5, 0, 892}, + dictWord{6, 0, 283}, + dictWord{7, 0, 234}, + dictWord{136, 0, 537}, + dictWord{139, 0, 541}, + dictWord{4, 0, 126}, + dictWord{8, 0, 635}, + dictWord{ + 147, + 0, + 34, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 316}, + dictWord{4, 0, 495}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1561}, + dictWord{4, 11, 187}, + dictWord{5, 11, 184}, + dictWord{5, 11, 690}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1869, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 756}, + dictWord{139, 11, 783}, + dictWord{4, 0, 998}, + dictWord{137, 0, 861}, + dictWord{136, 0, 1009}, + dictWord{139, 11, 292}, + dictWord{5, 11, 21}, + dictWord{6, 11, 77}, + dictWord{6, 11, 157}, + dictWord{7, 11, 974}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1301}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1339}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1490}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1873, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 628}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1283}, + dictWord{9, 11, 227}, + dictWord{9, 11, 499}, + dictWord{10, 11, 341}, + dictWord{11, 11, 325}, + dictWord{11, 11, 408}, + dictWord{14, 11, 180}, + dictWord{15, 11, 144}, + dictWord{18, 11, 47}, + dictWord{147, 11, 49}, + dictWord{4, 0, 64}, + dictWord{5, 0, 352}, + dictWord{5, 0, 720}, + dictWord{6, 0, 368}, + dictWord{139, 0, 359}, + dictWord{5, 10, 384}, + dictWord{8, 10, 455}, + dictWord{140, 10, 48}, + dictWord{5, 10, 264}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 184, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1577}, + dictWord{10, 0, 304}, + dictWord{10, 0, 549}, + dictWord{12, 0, 365}, + dictWord{13, 0, 220}, + dictWord{13, 0, 240}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 0, + 33, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1107}, + dictWord{134, 0, 929}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1142}, + dictWord{6, 0, 175}, + dictWord{137, 0, 289}, + dictWord{5, 0, 432}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 913, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 279}, + dictWord{7, 0, 219}, + dictWord{5, 10, 633}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1323}, + dictWord{7, 0, 785}, + dictWord{7, 10, 359}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 243, + }, + dictWord{140, 10, 175}, + dictWord{139, 0, 595}, + dictWord{132, 10, 105}, + dictWord{8, 11, 398}, + dictWord{9, 11, 681}, + dictWord{139, 11, 632}, + dictWord{140, 0, 80}, + dictWord{5, 0, 931}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1698}, + dictWord{142, 11, 241}, + dictWord{134, 11, 20}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1323}, + dictWord{11, 0, 526}, + dictWord{11, 0, 939}, + dictWord{141, 0, 290}, + dictWord{5, 0, 774}, + dictWord{6, 0, 780}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1637}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1686}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1751}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 559, + }, + dictWord{141, 0, 109}, + dictWord{141, 0, 127}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1167}, + dictWord{11, 0, 934}, + dictWord{13, 0, 391}, + dictWord{17, 0, 76}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 709, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 963}, + dictWord{6, 0, 260}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1484}, + dictWord{134, 0, 573}, + dictWord{4, 10, 758}, + dictWord{139, 11, 941}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1649}, + dictWord{145, 11, 36}, + dictWord{4, 0, 292}, + dictWord{137, 0, 580}, + dictWord{4, 0, 736}, + dictWord{5, 0, 871}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1689}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1944}, + dictWord{7, 11, 945}, + dictWord{11, 11, 713}, + dictWord{139, 11, 744}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1164}, + dictWord{135, 11, 937}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1922, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 982}, + dictWord{15, 0, 173}, + dictWord{15, 0, 178}, + dictWord{15, 0, 200}, + dictWord{18, 0, 189}, + dictWord{18, 0, 207}, + dictWord{21, 0, 47}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1652}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1695}, + dictWord{139, 10, 128}, + dictWord{6, 0, 63}, + dictWord{135, 0, 920}, + dictWord{133, 0, 793}, + dictWord{ + 143, + 11, + 134, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 918}, + dictWord{5, 0, 67}, + dictWord{6, 0, 62}, + dictWord{6, 0, 374}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1391}, + dictWord{9, 0, 790}, + dictWord{12, 0, 47}, + dictWord{4, 11, 579}, + dictWord{5, 11, 226}, + dictWord{5, 11, 323}, + dictWord{135, 11, 960}, + dictWord{10, 11, 784}, + dictWord{141, 11, 191}, + dictWord{4, 0, 391}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1169}, + dictWord{137, 0, 443}, + dictWord{13, 11, 232}, + dictWord{146, 11, 35}, + dictWord{132, 10, 340}, + dictWord{132, 0, 271}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 313, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 973}, + dictWord{137, 11, 659}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1140}, + dictWord{6, 11, 135}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1176}, + dictWord{4, 0, 253}, + dictWord{5, 0, 544}, + dictWord{7, 0, 300}, + dictWord{137, 0, 340}, + dictWord{7, 0, 897}, + dictWord{5, 10, 985}, + dictWord{7, 10, 509}, + dictWord{145, 10, 96}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 735, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 1919}, + dictWord{138, 0, 890}, + dictWord{5, 0, 818}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1122}, + dictWord{5, 0, 53}, + dictWord{5, 0, 541}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 94, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 499}, + dictWord{7, 0, 230}, + dictWord{139, 0, 321}, + dictWord{4, 0, 920}, + dictWord{5, 0, 25}, + dictWord{5, 0, 790}, + dictWord{6, 0, 457}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 853, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 788}, + dictWord{142, 11, 31}, + dictWord{132, 10, 247}, + dictWord{135, 11, 314}, + dictWord{132, 0, 468}, + dictWord{7, 0, 243}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 337, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 494}, + dictWord{8, 10, 27}, + dictWord{8, 10, 599}, + dictWord{138, 10, 153}, + dictWord{4, 10, 184}, + dictWord{5, 10, 390}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 618, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1456}, + dictWord{139, 10, 710}, + dictWord{134, 0, 870}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1238}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1765}, + dictWord{10, 0, 853}, + dictWord{10, 0, 943}, + dictWord{14, 0, 437}, + dictWord{14, 0, 439}, + dictWord{14, 0, 443}, + dictWord{14, 0, 446}, + dictWord{14, 0, 452}, + dictWord{14, 0, 469}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 471, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 473}, + dictWord{16, 0, 93}, + dictWord{16, 0, 102}, + dictWord{16, 0, 110}, + dictWord{148, 0, 121}, + dictWord{4, 0, 605}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 518, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1282}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1918}, + dictWord{10, 0, 180}, + dictWord{139, 0, 218}, + dictWord{133, 0, 822}, + dictWord{4, 0, 634}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 916, + }, + dictWord{142, 0, 419}, + dictWord{6, 11, 281}, + dictWord{7, 11, 6}, + dictWord{8, 11, 282}, + dictWord{8, 11, 480}, + dictWord{8, 11, 499}, + dictWord{9, 11, 198}, + dictWord{10, 11, 143}, + dictWord{10, 11, 169}, + dictWord{10, 11, 211}, + dictWord{10, 11, 417}, + dictWord{10, 11, 574}, + dictWord{11, 11, 147}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 395, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 75}, + dictWord{12, 11, 407}, + dictWord{12, 11, 608}, + dictWord{13, 11, 500}, + dictWord{142, 11, 251}, + dictWord{134, 0, 898}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 36, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 658}, + dictWord{8, 0, 454}, + dictWord{150, 11, 48}, + dictWord{133, 11, 674}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1776}, + dictWord{4, 11, 419}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 227, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 497}, + dictWord{11, 10, 709}, + dictWord{140, 10, 415}, + dictWord{6, 10, 360}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1664}, + dictWord{136, 10, 478}, + dictWord{137, 0, 806}, + dictWord{12, 11, 508}, + dictWord{14, 11, 102}, + dictWord{14, 11, 226}, + dictWord{144, 11, 57}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1123}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 138, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1012}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1280}, + dictWord{137, 11, 76}, + dictWord{5, 11, 29}, + dictWord{140, 11, 638}, + dictWord{136, 10, 699}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1326}, + dictWord{132, 0, 104}, + dictWord{135, 11, 735}, + dictWord{132, 10, 739}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1331}, + dictWord{7, 0, 260}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 260, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1063}, + dictWord{7, 0, 45}, + dictWord{9, 0, 542}, + dictWord{9, 0, 566}, + dictWord{10, 0, 728}, + dictWord{137, 10, 869}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 67, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 422}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1037}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1289}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1555}, + dictWord{9, 10, 741}, + dictWord{145, 10, 108}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 263, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1516}, + dictWord{14, 0, 146}, + dictWord{15, 0, 42}, + dictWord{16, 0, 23}, + dictWord{17, 0, 86}, + dictWord{146, 0, 17}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 468, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 1005}, + dictWord{4, 11, 17}, + dictWord{5, 11, 23}, + dictWord{7, 11, 995}, + dictWord{11, 11, 383}, + dictWord{11, 11, 437}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 460, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 532}, + dictWord{7, 0, 87}, + dictWord{142, 0, 288}, + dictWord{138, 10, 96}, + dictWord{135, 11, 626}, + dictWord{144, 10, 26}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 988, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1939}, + dictWord{9, 0, 64}, + dictWord{9, 0, 502}, + dictWord{12, 0, 22}, + dictWord{12, 0, 34}, + dictWord{13, 0, 12}, + dictWord{13, 0, 234}, + dictWord{147, 0, 77}, + dictWord{13, 0, 133}, + dictWord{8, 10, 203}, + dictWord{11, 10, 823}, + dictWord{11, 10, 846}, + dictWord{12, 10, 482}, + dictWord{13, 10, 277}, + dictWord{13, 10, 302}, + dictWord{13, 10, 464}, + dictWord{14, 10, 205}, + dictWord{142, 10, 221}, + dictWord{4, 10, 449}, + dictWord{133, 10, 718}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 141, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1842}, + dictWord{136, 0, 872}, + dictWord{8, 11, 70}, + dictWord{12, 11, 171}, + dictWord{141, 11, 272}, + dictWord{4, 10, 355}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 311, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 256}, + dictWord{138, 10, 404}, + dictWord{132, 0, 619}, + dictWord{137, 0, 261}, + dictWord{10, 11, 233}, + dictWord{10, 10, 758}, + dictWord{139, 11, 76}, + dictWord{5, 0, 246}, + dictWord{8, 0, 189}, + dictWord{9, 0, 355}, + dictWord{9, 0, 512}, + dictWord{10, 0, 124}, + dictWord{10, 0, 453}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 143, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 416}, + dictWord{11, 0, 859}, + dictWord{141, 0, 341}, + dictWord{134, 11, 442}, + dictWord{133, 10, 827}, + dictWord{5, 10, 64}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 10, + 581, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 442}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1047}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1352}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1643}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1709}, + dictWord{5, 0, 678}, + dictWord{6, 0, 305}, + dictWord{7, 0, 775}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1065}, + dictWord{133, 10, 977}, + dictWord{11, 11, 69}, + dictWord{12, 11, 105}, + dictWord{12, 11, 117}, + dictWord{13, 11, 213}, + dictWord{14, 11, 13}, + dictWord{14, 11, 62}, + dictWord{14, 11, 177}, + dictWord{14, 11, 421}, + dictWord{15, 11, 19}, + dictWord{146, 11, 141}, + dictWord{137, 11, 309}, + dictWord{5, 0, 35}, + dictWord{7, 0, 862}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1886}, + dictWord{138, 0, 179}, + dictWord{136, 0, 285}, + dictWord{132, 0, 517}, + dictWord{7, 11, 976}, + dictWord{9, 11, 146}, + dictWord{10, 11, 206}, + dictWord{10, 11, 596}, + dictWord{13, 11, 218}, + dictWord{142, 11, 153}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 254, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 214}, + dictWord{12, 0, 540}, + dictWord{4, 10, 275}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1219}, + dictWord{140, 10, 376}, + dictWord{8, 0, 667}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 403, + }, + dictWord{146, 0, 83}, + dictWord{12, 0, 74}, + dictWord{10, 11, 648}, + dictWord{11, 11, 671}, + dictWord{143, 11, 46}, + dictWord{135, 0, 125}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 1753, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 761}, + dictWord{6, 0, 912}, + dictWord{4, 11, 518}, + dictWord{6, 10, 369}, + dictWord{6, 10, 502}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1036}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1136, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 348}, + dictWord{9, 10, 452}, + dictWord{10, 10, 26}, + dictWord{11, 10, 224}, + dictWord{11, 10, 387}, + dictWord{11, 10, 772}, + dictWord{12, 10, 95}, + dictWord{12, 10, 629}, + dictWord{13, 10, 195}, + dictWord{13, 10, 207}, + dictWord{13, 10, 241}, + dictWord{14, 10, 260}, + dictWord{14, 10, 270}, + dictWord{143, 10, 140}, + dictWord{10, 0, 131}, + dictWord{140, 0, 72}, + dictWord{132, 10, 269}, + dictWord{5, 10, 480}, + dictWord{7, 10, 532}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1197, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1358}, + dictWord{8, 10, 291}, + dictWord{11, 10, 349}, + dictWord{142, 10, 396}, + dictWord{8, 11, 689}, + dictWord{137, 11, 863}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 333, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 182}, + dictWord{4, 11, 18}, + dictWord{7, 11, 145}, + dictWord{7, 11, 444}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1278}, + dictWord{8, 11, 49}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 400, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 71}, + dictWord{9, 11, 250}, + dictWord{10, 11, 459}, + dictWord{12, 11, 160}, + dictWord{144, 11, 24}, + dictWord{14, 11, 35}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 11, + 191, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1864}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1338}, + dictWord{148, 10, 15}, + dictWord{14, 0, 94}, + dictWord{15, 0, 65}, + dictWord{16, 0, 4}, + dictWord{ + 16, + 0, + 77, + }, + dictWord{16, 0, 80}, + dictWord{145, 0, 5}, + dictWord{12, 11, 82}, + dictWord{143, 11, 36}, + dictWord{133, 11, 1010}, + dictWord{133, 0, 449}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 646, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 86}, + dictWord{8, 0, 103}, + dictWord{135, 10, 657}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2028}, + dictWord{138, 0, 641}, + dictWord{136, 10, 533}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 970}, + dictWord{5, 11, 87}, + dictWord{7, 11, 313}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1103}, + dictWord{10, 11, 112}, + dictWord{10, 11, 582}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 389, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 813}, + dictWord{12, 11, 385}, + dictWord{13, 11, 286}, + dictWord{14, 11, 124}, + dictWord{146, 11, 108}, + dictWord{6, 0, 869}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 267, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 277}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1274}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1386}, + dictWord{146, 0, 87}, + dictWord{6, 0, 187}, + dictWord{7, 0, 39}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1203}, + dictWord{8, 0, 380}, + dictWord{14, 0, 117}, + dictWord{149, 0, 28}, + dictWord{4, 10, 211}, + dictWord{4, 10, 332}, + dictWord{5, 10, 335}, + dictWord{6, 10, 238}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 269, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 811}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1797}, + dictWord{8, 10, 836}, + dictWord{9, 10, 507}, + dictWord{141, 10, 242}, + dictWord{4, 0, 785}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 368, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 297}, + dictWord{7, 0, 793}, + dictWord{139, 0, 938}, + dictWord{7, 0, 464}, + dictWord{8, 0, 558}, + dictWord{11, 0, 105}, + dictWord{12, 0, 231}, + dictWord{14, 0, 386}, + dictWord{15, 0, 102}, + dictWord{148, 0, 75}, + dictWord{133, 10, 1009}, + dictWord{8, 0, 877}, + dictWord{140, 0, 731}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 289, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 249}, + dictWord{139, 11, 209}, + dictWord{132, 11, 561}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1608}, + dictWord{132, 11, 760}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1429}, + dictWord{9, 11, 154}, + dictWord{140, 11, 485}, + dictWord{5, 10, 228}, + dictWord{6, 10, 203}, + dictWord{7, 10, 156}, + dictWord{8, 10, 347}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 265, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1010}, + dictWord{11, 0, 733}, + dictWord{11, 0, 759}, + dictWord{13, 0, 34}, + dictWord{14, 0, 427}, + dictWord{146, 0, 45}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1131}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1468}, + dictWord{136, 11, 255}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1656}, + dictWord{9, 0, 369}, + dictWord{10, 0, 338}, + dictWord{10, 0, 490}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 154, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 545}, + dictWord{11, 0, 775}, + dictWord{13, 0, 77}, + dictWord{141, 0, 274}, + dictWord{133, 11, 621}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1038}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 368, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 641}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2010}, + dictWord{8, 0, 979}, + dictWord{8, 0, 985}, + dictWord{10, 0, 951}, + dictWord{138, 0, 1011}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1005, + }, + dictWord{19, 0, 121}, + dictWord{5, 10, 291}, + dictWord{5, 10, 318}, + dictWord{7, 10, 765}, + dictWord{9, 10, 389}, + dictWord{140, 10, 548}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 20, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 298}, + dictWord{7, 0, 659}, + dictWord{137, 0, 219}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1440}, + dictWord{11, 0, 854}, + dictWord{11, 0, 872}, + dictWord{11, 0, 921}, + dictWord{12, 0, 551}, + dictWord{13, 0, 472}, + dictWord{142, 0, 367}, + dictWord{5, 0, 490}, + dictWord{6, 0, 615}, + dictWord{6, 0, 620}, + dictWord{135, 0, 683}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1070, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1597}, + dictWord{139, 0, 522}, + dictWord{132, 0, 439}, + dictWord{136, 0, 669}, + dictWord{6, 0, 766}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1143}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1245, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 525}, + dictWord{139, 10, 82}, + dictWord{9, 11, 92}, + dictWord{147, 11, 91}, + dictWord{6, 0, 668}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1218}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 525, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 876}, + dictWord{140, 11, 284}, + dictWord{132, 0, 233}, + dictWord{136, 0, 547}, + dictWord{132, 10, 422}, + dictWord{5, 10, 355}, + dictWord{145, 10, 0}, + dictWord{6, 11, 300}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1515}, + dictWord{4, 0, 482}, + dictWord{137, 10, 905}, + dictWord{4, 0, 886}, + dictWord{7, 0, 346}, + dictWord{133, 11, 594}, + dictWord{133, 10, 865}, + dictWord{5, 10, 914}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1625}, + dictWord{135, 0, 334}, + dictWord{5, 0, 795}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1741, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 234}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1383}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1641}, + dictWord{136, 11, 820}, + dictWord{135, 0, 371}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1313}, + dictWord{138, 11, 660}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1312}, + dictWord{135, 0, 622}, + dictWord{7, 0, 625}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1750}, + dictWord{135, 0, 339}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 203, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1936}, + dictWord{15, 0, 29}, + dictWord{16, 0, 38}, + dictWord{15, 11, 29}, + dictWord{144, 11, 38}, + dictWord{5, 0, 338}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1256, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 1493}, + dictWord{10, 0, 130}, + dictWord{6, 10, 421}, + dictWord{7, 10, 61}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1540}, + dictWord{138, 10, 501}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 389, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 149}, + dictWord{9, 11, 142}, + dictWord{138, 11, 94}, + dictWord{137, 10, 341}, + dictWord{11, 0, 678}, + dictWord{12, 0, 307}, + dictWord{142, 10, 98}, + dictWord{6, 11, 8}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1881}, + dictWord{136, 11, 91}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2044}, + dictWord{6, 0, 770}, + dictWord{6, 0, 802}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 812, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 311}, + dictWord{9, 0, 308}, + dictWord{12, 0, 255}, + dictWord{6, 10, 102}, + dictWord{7, 10, 72}, + dictWord{15, 10, 142}, + dictWord{ + 147, + 10, + 67, + }, + dictWord{151, 10, 30}, + dictWord{135, 10, 823}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1266}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1746}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1870}, + dictWord{4, 0, 400}, + dictWord{5, 0, 267}, + dictWord{135, 0, 232}, + dictWord{7, 11, 24}, + dictWord{11, 11, 542}, + dictWord{139, 11, 852}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1739}, + dictWord{4, 11, 503}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1661}, + dictWord{5, 11, 130}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1314}, + dictWord{9, 11, 610}, + dictWord{10, 11, 718}, + dictWord{11, 11, 601}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 819, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 946}, + dictWord{140, 11, 536}, + dictWord{10, 11, 149}, + dictWord{11, 11, 280}, + dictWord{142, 11, 336}, + dictWord{7, 0, 739}, + dictWord{11, 0, 690}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1946}, + dictWord{8, 10, 48}, + dictWord{8, 10, 88}, + dictWord{8, 10, 582}, + dictWord{8, 10, 681}, + dictWord{9, 10, 373}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 864, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 157}, + dictWord{11, 10, 843}, + dictWord{148, 10, 27}, + dictWord{134, 0, 990}, + dictWord{4, 10, 88}, + dictWord{5, 10, 137}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 174, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 777}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1664}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1725}, + dictWord{7, 10, 77}, + dictWord{7, 10, 426}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1317}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1355, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 126}, + dictWord{8, 10, 563}, + dictWord{9, 10, 523}, + dictWord{9, 10, 750}, + dictWord{10, 10, 310}, + dictWord{10, 10, 836}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 42, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 318}, + dictWord{11, 10, 731}, + dictWord{12, 10, 68}, + dictWord{12, 10, 92}, + dictWord{12, 10, 507}, + dictWord{12, 10, 692}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 81, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 238}, + dictWord{13, 10, 374}, + dictWord{14, 10, 436}, + dictWord{18, 10, 138}, + dictWord{19, 10, 78}, + dictWord{19, 10, 111}, + dictWord{20, 10, 55}, + dictWord{20, 10, 77}, + dictWord{148, 10, 92}, + dictWord{141, 10, 418}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1831}, + dictWord{132, 10, 938}, + dictWord{6, 0, 776}, + dictWord{134, 0, 915}, + dictWord{138, 10, 351}, + dictWord{5, 11, 348}, + dictWord{6, 11, 522}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1668}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1499}, + dictWord{8, 10, 117}, + dictWord{9, 10, 314}, + dictWord{138, 10, 174}, + dictWord{135, 10, 707}, + dictWord{132, 0, 613}, + dictWord{133, 10, 403}, + dictWord{132, 11, 392}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 433, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 633}, + dictWord{139, 11, 629}, + dictWord{133, 0, 763}, + dictWord{132, 0, 878}, + dictWord{132, 0, 977}, + dictWord{132, 0, 100}, + dictWord{6, 0, 463}, + dictWord{4, 10, 44}, + dictWord{5, 10, 311}, + dictWord{7, 10, 639}, + dictWord{7, 10, 762}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1827}, + dictWord{9, 10, 8}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 462, + }, + dictWord{148, 10, 83}, + dictWord{134, 11, 234}, + dictWord{4, 10, 346}, + dictWord{7, 10, 115}, + dictWord{9, 10, 180}, + dictWord{9, 10, 456}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 363, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 362}, + dictWord{5, 0, 443}, + dictWord{6, 0, 318}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1019}, + dictWord{139, 0, 623}, + dictWord{5, 0, 463}, + dictWord{8, 0, 296}, + dictWord{7, 11, 140}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1950}, + dictWord{8, 11, 680}, + dictWord{11, 11, 817}, + dictWord{147, 11, 88}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1222}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 386, + }, + dictWord{142, 0, 137}, + dictWord{132, 0, 454}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1914}, + dictWord{6, 11, 5}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1051}, + dictWord{9, 10, 545}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 249, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 313}, + dictWord{16, 11, 66}, + dictWord{145, 11, 26}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1527}, + dictWord{145, 0, 58}, + dictWord{148, 11, 59}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 48, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 404}, + dictWord{6, 0, 557}, + dictWord{7, 0, 458}, + dictWord{8, 0, 597}, + dictWord{10, 0, 455}, + dictWord{10, 0, 606}, + dictWord{11, 0, 49}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 548, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 476}, + dictWord{13, 0, 18}, + dictWord{141, 0, 450}, + dictWord{5, 11, 963}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1773}, + dictWord{133, 0, 729}, + dictWord{138, 11, 586}, + dictWord{5, 0, 442}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1984}, + dictWord{134, 0, 449}, + dictWord{144, 0, 40}, + dictWord{4, 0, 853}, + dictWord{7, 11, 180}, + dictWord{8, 11, 509}, + dictWord{136, 11, 792}, + dictWord{6, 10, 185}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1899}, + dictWord{9, 10, 875}, + dictWord{139, 10, 673}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 524, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 227}, + dictWord{4, 10, 327}, + dictWord{5, 10, 478}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1332}, + dictWord{136, 10, 753}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1491}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 1020, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 1022}, + dictWord{4, 10, 103}, + dictWord{133, 10, 401}, + dictWord{132, 11, 931}, + dictWord{4, 10, 499}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1421}, + dictWord{5, 0, 55}, + dictWord{7, 0, 376}, + dictWord{140, 0, 161}, + dictWord{133, 0, 450}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1174}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1562}, + dictWord{10, 0, 62}, + dictWord{13, 0, 400}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1837}, + dictWord{140, 0, 207}, + dictWord{135, 0, 869}, + dictWord{4, 11, 773}, + dictWord{5, 11, 618}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 756, + }, + dictWord{132, 10, 96}, + dictWord{4, 0, 213}, + dictWord{7, 0, 223}, + dictWord{8, 0, 80}, + dictWord{135, 10, 968}, + dictWord{4, 11, 90}, + dictWord{5, 11, 337}, + dictWord{5, 11, 545}, + dictWord{7, 11, 754}, + dictWord{9, 11, 186}, + dictWord{10, 11, 72}, + dictWord{10, 11, 782}, + dictWord{11, 11, 513}, + dictWord{11, 11, 577}, + dictWord{11, 11, 610}, + dictWord{11, 11, 889}, + dictWord{11, 11, 961}, + dictWord{12, 11, 354}, + dictWord{12, 11, 362}, + dictWord{12, 11, 461}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 595, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 79}, + dictWord{143, 11, 121}, + dictWord{7, 0, 381}, + dictWord{7, 0, 806}, + dictWord{7, 0, 820}, + dictWord{8, 0, 354}, + dictWord{8, 0, 437}, + dictWord{8, 0, 787}, + dictWord{9, 0, 657}, + dictWord{10, 0, 58}, + dictWord{10, 0, 339}, + dictWord{10, 0, 749}, + dictWord{11, 0, 914}, + dictWord{12, 0, 162}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 75, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 106}, + dictWord{14, 0, 198}, + dictWord{14, 0, 320}, + dictWord{14, 0, 413}, + dictWord{146, 0, 43}, + dictWord{136, 0, 747}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 954, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1073}, + dictWord{135, 0, 556}, + dictWord{7, 11, 151}, + dictWord{9, 11, 329}, + dictWord{139, 11, 254}, + dictWord{5, 0, 692}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1395, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 563}, + dictWord{137, 10, 224}, + dictWord{134, 0, 191}, + dictWord{132, 0, 804}, + dictWord{9, 11, 187}, + dictWord{10, 11, 36}, + dictWord{17, 11, 44}, + dictWord{146, 11, 64}, + dictWord{7, 11, 165}, + dictWord{7, 11, 919}, + dictWord{136, 11, 517}, + dictWord{4, 11, 506}, + dictWord{5, 11, 295}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1680}, + dictWord{15, 11, 14}, + dictWord{144, 11, 5}, + dictWord{4, 0, 706}, + dictWord{6, 0, 162}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1960}, + dictWord{136, 0, 831}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1376, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 987}, + dictWord{9, 11, 688}, + dictWord{10, 11, 522}, + dictWord{11, 11, 788}, + dictWord{140, 11, 566}, + dictWord{150, 0, 35}, + dictWord{138, 0, 426}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1235}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1741}, + dictWord{7, 11, 389}, + dictWord{7, 11, 700}, + dictWord{7, 11, 940}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 514, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 116}, + dictWord{9, 11, 535}, + dictWord{10, 11, 118}, + dictWord{11, 11, 107}, + dictWord{11, 11, 148}, + dictWord{11, 11, 922}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 254, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 421}, + dictWord{142, 11, 238}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1234}, + dictWord{132, 11, 743}, + dictWord{4, 10, 910}, + dictWord{5, 10, 832}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1335}, + dictWord{141, 0, 96}, + dictWord{135, 11, 185}, + dictWord{146, 0, 149}, + dictWord{4, 0, 204}, + dictWord{137, 0, 902}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 784, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 745}, + dictWord{136, 0, 833}, + dictWord{136, 0, 949}, + dictWord{7, 0, 366}, + dictWord{9, 0, 287}, + dictWord{12, 0, 199}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 556, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 577}, + dictWord{5, 11, 81}, + dictWord{7, 11, 146}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1342}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1446}, + dictWord{8, 11, 53}, + dictWord{8, 11, 561}, + dictWord{8, 11, 694}, + dictWord{8, 11, 754}, + dictWord{9, 11, 97}, + dictWord{9, 11, 115}, + dictWord{9, 11, 894}, + dictWord{10, 11, 462}, + dictWord{10, 11, 813}, + dictWord{11, 11, 230}, + dictWord{11, 11, 657}, + dictWord{11, 11, 699}, + dictWord{11, 11, 748}, + dictWord{12, 11, 119}, + dictWord{12, 11, 200}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 283, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 273}, + dictWord{145, 11, 15}, + dictWord{5, 11, 408}, + dictWord{137, 11, 747}, + dictWord{9, 11, 498}, + dictWord{140, 11, 181}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 2020, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 992}, + dictWord{5, 0, 356}, + dictWord{135, 0, 224}, + dictWord{134, 0, 784}, + dictWord{7, 0, 630}, + dictWord{9, 0, 567}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 150, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 444}, + dictWord{13, 0, 119}, + dictWord{8, 10, 528}, + dictWord{137, 10, 348}, + dictWord{134, 0, 539}, + dictWord{4, 10, 20}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 616, + }, + dictWord{142, 0, 27}, + dictWord{7, 11, 30}, + dictWord{8, 11, 86}, + dictWord{8, 11, 315}, + dictWord{8, 11, 700}, + dictWord{9, 11, 576}, + dictWord{9, 11, 858}, + dictWord{11, 11, 310}, + dictWord{11, 11, 888}, + dictWord{11, 11, 904}, + dictWord{12, 11, 361}, + dictWord{141, 11, 248}, + dictWord{138, 11, 839}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 755, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1063}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1091}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1765}, + dictWord{134, 11, 428}, + dictWord{7, 11, 524}, + dictWord{8, 11, 169}, + dictWord{8, 11, 234}, + dictWord{9, 11, 480}, + dictWord{138, 11, 646}, + dictWord{139, 0, 814}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1462}, + dictWord{139, 11, 659}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 26, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 429}, + dictWord{6, 10, 245}, + dictWord{7, 10, 704}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1379}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1474}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1205}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 637, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 803}, + dictWord{132, 10, 621}, + dictWord{136, 0, 987}, + dictWord{4, 11, 266}, + dictWord{8, 11, 4}, + dictWord{9, 11, 39}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 166, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 918}, + dictWord{12, 11, 635}, + dictWord{20, 11, 10}, + dictWord{22, 11, 27}, + dictWord{150, 11, 43}, + dictWord{4, 0, 235}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 255, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 194}, + dictWord{5, 0, 584}, + dictWord{6, 0, 384}, + dictWord{7, 0, 583}, + dictWord{10, 0, 761}, + dictWord{11, 0, 760}, + dictWord{139, 0, 851}, + dictWord{133, 10, 542}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1086}, + dictWord{133, 10, 868}, + dictWord{8, 0, 1016}, + dictWord{136, 0, 1018}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1396}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1396, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 433}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1495}, + dictWord{138, 10, 215}, + dictWord{141, 10, 124}, + dictWord{7, 11, 157}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 279, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 759}, + dictWord{16, 11, 31}, + dictWord{16, 11, 39}, + dictWord{16, 11, 75}, + dictWord{18, 11, 24}, + dictWord{20, 11, 42}, + dictWord{152, 11, 1}, + dictWord{5, 0, 562}, + dictWord{134, 11, 604}, + dictWord{134, 0, 913}, + dictWord{5, 0, 191}, + dictWord{137, 0, 271}, + dictWord{4, 0, 470}, + dictWord{6, 0, 153}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1503}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1923}, + dictWord{10, 0, 701}, + dictWord{11, 0, 132}, + dictWord{11, 0, 227}, + dictWord{11, 0, 320}, + dictWord{11, 0, 436}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 525, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 855}, + dictWord{11, 0, 873}, + dictWord{12, 0, 41}, + dictWord{12, 0, 286}, + dictWord{13, 0, 103}, + dictWord{13, 0, 284}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 255, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 262}, + dictWord{15, 0, 117}, + dictWord{143, 0, 127}, + dictWord{7, 0, 475}, + dictWord{12, 0, 45}, + dictWord{147, 10, 112}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 567, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 859}, + dictWord{6, 0, 713}, + dictWord{6, 0, 969}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1290}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1551}, + dictWord{133, 0, 327}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 552, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1292}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1754}, + dictWord{137, 0, 604}, + dictWord{4, 0, 223}, + dictWord{6, 0, 359}, + dictWord{11, 0, 3}, + dictWord{13, 0, 108}, + dictWord{14, 0, 89}, + dictWord{16, 0, 22}, + dictWord{5, 11, 762}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1880}, + dictWord{9, 11, 680}, + dictWord{139, 11, 798}, + dictWord{5, 0, 80}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 405, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 403}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1502}, + dictWord{8, 0, 456}, + dictWord{9, 0, 487}, + dictWord{9, 0, 853}, + dictWord{9, 0, 889}, + dictWord{10, 0, 309}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 721, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 994}, + dictWord{12, 0, 430}, + dictWord{141, 0, 165}, + dictWord{133, 11, 298}, + dictWord{132, 10, 647}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2016}, + dictWord{18, 10, 10}, + dictWord{146, 11, 10}, + dictWord{4, 0, 453}, + dictWord{5, 0, 887}, + dictWord{6, 0, 535}, + dictWord{8, 0, 6}, + dictWord{8, 0, 543}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 826, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 975}, + dictWord{10, 0, 961}, + dictWord{138, 0, 962}, + dictWord{138, 10, 220}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1891}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1893}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 916, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 965}, + dictWord{9, 0, 972}, + dictWord{12, 0, 801}, + dictWord{12, 0, 859}, + dictWord{12, 0, 883}, + dictWord{15, 0, 226}, + dictWord{149, 0, 51}, + dictWord{132, 10, 109}, + dictWord{135, 11, 267}, + dictWord{7, 11, 92}, + dictWord{7, 11, 182}, + dictWord{8, 11, 453}, + dictWord{9, 11, 204}, + dictWord{11, 11, 950}, + dictWord{12, 11, 94}, + dictWord{12, 11, 644}, + dictWord{16, 11, 20}, + dictWord{16, 11, 70}, + dictWord{16, 11, 90}, + dictWord{147, 11, 55}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 1746, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 71}, + dictWord{7, 11, 845}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1308}, + dictWord{8, 11, 160}, + dictWord{137, 11, 318}, + dictWord{5, 0, 101}, + dictWord{6, 0, 88}, + dictWord{7, 0, 263}, + dictWord{7, 0, 628}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1677}, + dictWord{8, 0, 349}, + dictWord{9, 0, 100}, + dictWord{10, 0, 677}, + dictWord{14, 0, 169}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 302, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 313}, + dictWord{15, 0, 48}, + dictWord{15, 0, 84}, + dictWord{7, 11, 237}, + dictWord{8, 11, 664}, + dictWord{9, 11, 42}, + dictWord{9, 11, 266}, + dictWord{9, 11, 380}, + dictWord{9, 11, 645}, + dictWord{10, 11, 177}, + dictWord{138, 11, 276}, + dictWord{138, 11, 69}, + dictWord{4, 0, 310}, + dictWord{7, 0, 708}, + dictWord{7, 0, 996}, + dictWord{9, 0, 795}, + dictWord{10, 0, 390}, + dictWord{10, 0, 733}, + dictWord{11, 0, 451}, + dictWord{12, 0, 249}, + dictWord{14, 0, 115}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 286, + }, + dictWord{143, 0, 100}, + dictWord{5, 0, 587}, + dictWord{4, 10, 40}, + dictWord{10, 10, 67}, + dictWord{11, 10, 117}, + dictWord{11, 10, 768}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 935, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1942}, + dictWord{7, 0, 512}, + dictWord{136, 0, 983}, + dictWord{7, 10, 992}, + dictWord{8, 10, 301}, + dictWord{9, 10, 722}, + dictWord{12, 10, 63}, + dictWord{13, 10, 29}, + dictWord{14, 10, 161}, + dictWord{143, 10, 18}, + dictWord{136, 11, 76}, + dictWord{139, 10, 923}, + dictWord{134, 0, 645}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 851, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 498}, + dictWord{132, 11, 293}, + dictWord{7, 0, 217}, + dictWord{8, 0, 140}, + dictWord{10, 0, 610}, + dictWord{14, 11, 352}, + dictWord{ + 17, + 11, + 53, + }, + dictWord{18, 11, 146}, + dictWord{18, 11, 152}, + dictWord{19, 11, 11}, + dictWord{150, 11, 54}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1448}, + dictWord{138, 11, 841}, + dictWord{133, 0, 905}, + dictWord{4, 11, 605}, + dictWord{7, 11, 518}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1282}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1918}, + dictWord{10, 11, 180}, + dictWord{139, 11, 218}, + dictWord{139, 11, 917}, + dictWord{135, 10, 825}, + dictWord{140, 10, 328}, + dictWord{4, 0, 456}, + dictWord{7, 0, 105}, + dictWord{7, 0, 358}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1637}, + dictWord{8, 0, 643}, + dictWord{139, 0, 483}, + dictWord{134, 0, 792}, + dictWord{6, 11, 96}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1426}, + dictWord{137, 11, 691}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 651, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 289}, + dictWord{7, 11, 688}, + dictWord{8, 11, 35}, + dictWord{9, 11, 511}, + dictWord{10, 11, 767}, + dictWord{147, 11, 118}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 0, + 56, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 243}, + dictWord{5, 0, 535}, + dictWord{6, 10, 204}, + dictWord{10, 10, 320}, + dictWord{10, 10, 583}, + dictWord{13, 10, 502}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 72, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 274}, + dictWord{14, 10, 312}, + dictWord{14, 10, 344}, + dictWord{15, 10, 159}, + dictWord{16, 10, 62}, + dictWord{16, 10, 69}, + dictWord{ + 17, + 10, + 30, + }, + dictWord{18, 10, 42}, + dictWord{18, 10, 53}, + dictWord{18, 10, 84}, + dictWord{18, 10, 140}, + dictWord{19, 10, 68}, + dictWord{19, 10, 85}, + dictWord{20, 10, 5}, + dictWord{20, 10, 45}, + dictWord{20, 10, 101}, + dictWord{22, 10, 7}, + dictWord{150, 10, 20}, + dictWord{4, 10, 558}, + dictWord{6, 10, 390}, + dictWord{7, 10, 162}, + dictWord{7, 10, 689}, + dictWord{9, 10, 360}, + dictWord{138, 10, 653}, + dictWord{146, 11, 23}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1748}, + dictWord{5, 10, 856}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 1672, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 1757}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1781}, + dictWord{5, 0, 539}, + dictWord{5, 0, 754}, + dictWord{6, 0, 876}, + dictWord{132, 11, 704}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1078, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 92}, + dictWord{10, 10, 736}, + dictWord{140, 10, 102}, + dictWord{17, 0, 91}, + dictWord{5, 10, 590}, + dictWord{137, 10, 213}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1565}, + dictWord{6, 0, 91}, + dictWord{135, 0, 435}, + dictWord{4, 0, 939}, + dictWord{140, 0, 792}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1399}, + dictWord{4, 0, 16}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 316, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 842}, + dictWord{6, 0, 370}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1778}, + dictWord{8, 0, 166}, + dictWord{11, 0, 812}, + dictWord{12, 0, 206}, + dictWord{12, 0, 351}, + dictWord{14, 0, 418}, + dictWord{16, 0, 15}, + dictWord{16, 0, 34}, + dictWord{18, 0, 3}, + dictWord{19, 0, 3}, + dictWord{19, 0, 7}, + dictWord{20, 0, 4}, + dictWord{21, 0, 21}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 720, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 306}, + dictWord{144, 0, 95}, + dictWord{133, 11, 431}, + dictWord{132, 11, 234}, + dictWord{135, 0, 551}, + dictWord{4, 0, 999}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1966}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2042}, + dictWord{7, 0, 619}, + dictWord{10, 0, 547}, + dictWord{11, 0, 122}, + dictWord{12, 0, 601}, + dictWord{15, 0, 7}, + dictWord{148, 0, 20}, + dictWord{5, 11, 464}, + dictWord{6, 11, 236}, + dictWord{7, 11, 276}, + dictWord{7, 11, 696}, + dictWord{7, 11, 914}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1108}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1448, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 15}, + dictWord{9, 11, 564}, + dictWord{10, 11, 14}, + dictWord{12, 11, 565}, + dictWord{13, 11, 449}, + dictWord{14, 11, 53}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 11, + 13, + }, + dictWord{16, 11, 64}, + dictWord{145, 11, 41}, + dictWord{6, 0, 884}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1019}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1150}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1767}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 194, + }, + dictWord{145, 11, 107}, + dictWord{136, 10, 503}, + dictWord{133, 11, 840}, + dictWord{7, 0, 671}, + dictWord{134, 10, 466}, + dictWord{132, 0, 888}, + dictWord{4, 0, 149}, + dictWord{138, 0, 368}, + dictWord{4, 0, 154}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1134}, + dictWord{136, 0, 105}, + dictWord{135, 0, 983}, + dictWord{9, 11, 642}, + dictWord{11, 11, 236}, + dictWord{142, 11, 193}, + dictWord{4, 0, 31}, + dictWord{6, 0, 429}, + dictWord{7, 0, 962}, + dictWord{9, 0, 458}, + dictWord{139, 0, 691}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 643, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1102}, + dictWord{132, 0, 312}, + dictWord{4, 11, 68}, + dictWord{5, 11, 634}, + dictWord{6, 11, 386}, + dictWord{7, 11, 794}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 273, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 563}, + dictWord{10, 11, 105}, + dictWord{10, 11, 171}, + dictWord{11, 11, 94}, + dictWord{139, 11, 354}, + dictWord{133, 0, 740}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1642, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 95}, + dictWord{7, 11, 416}, + dictWord{8, 11, 211}, + dictWord{139, 11, 830}, + dictWord{132, 0, 236}, + dictWord{138, 10, 241}, + dictWord{7, 11, 731}, + dictWord{13, 11, 20}, + dictWord{143, 11, 11}, + dictWord{5, 0, 836}, + dictWord{5, 0, 857}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1680}, + dictWord{135, 0, 59}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 68, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 494}, + dictWord{152, 11, 6}, + dictWord{4, 0, 81}, + dictWord{139, 0, 867}, + dictWord{135, 0, 795}, + dictWord{133, 11, 689}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 1001, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 282}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1932}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1977}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1987}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1992}, + dictWord{8, 0, 650}, + dictWord{8, 0, 919}, + dictWord{8, 0, 920}, + dictWord{8, 0, 923}, + dictWord{8, 0, 926}, + dictWord{8, 0, 927}, + dictWord{8, 0, 931}, + dictWord{8, 0, 939}, + dictWord{8, 0, 947}, + dictWord{8, 0, 956}, + dictWord{8, 0, 997}, + dictWord{9, 0, 907}, + dictWord{10, 0, 950}, + dictWord{10, 0, 953}, + dictWord{10, 0, 954}, + dictWord{10, 0, 956}, + dictWord{10, 0, 958}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 959, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 964}, + dictWord{10, 0, 970}, + dictWord{10, 0, 972}, + dictWord{10, 0, 973}, + dictWord{10, 0, 975}, + dictWord{10, 0, 976}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 980, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 981}, + dictWord{10, 0, 984}, + dictWord{10, 0, 988}, + dictWord{10, 0, 990}, + dictWord{10, 0, 995}, + dictWord{10, 0, 999}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 1002, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 1003}, + dictWord{10, 0, 1005}, + dictWord{10, 0, 1006}, + dictWord{10, 0, 1008}, + dictWord{10, 0, 1009}, + dictWord{10, 0, 1012}, + dictWord{10, 0, 1014}, + dictWord{10, 0, 1015}, + dictWord{10, 0, 1019}, + dictWord{10, 0, 1020}, + dictWord{10, 0, 1022}, + dictWord{12, 0, 959}, + dictWord{12, 0, 961}, + dictWord{12, 0, 962}, + dictWord{12, 0, 963}, + dictWord{12, 0, 964}, + dictWord{12, 0, 965}, + dictWord{12, 0, 967}, + dictWord{12, 0, 968}, + dictWord{12, 0, 969}, + dictWord{12, 0, 970}, + dictWord{12, 0, 971}, + dictWord{12, 0, 972}, + dictWord{12, 0, 973}, + dictWord{12, 0, 974}, + dictWord{12, 0, 975}, + dictWord{12, 0, 976}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 977, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 979}, + dictWord{12, 0, 981}, + dictWord{12, 0, 982}, + dictWord{12, 0, 983}, + dictWord{12, 0, 984}, + dictWord{12, 0, 985}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 986, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 987}, + dictWord{12, 0, 989}, + dictWord{12, 0, 990}, + dictWord{12, 0, 992}, + dictWord{12, 0, 993}, + dictWord{12, 0, 995}, + dictWord{12, 0, 998}, + dictWord{12, 0, 999}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1000}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1001}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1002}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1004}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1005}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 1006, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 1007}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1008}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1009}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1010}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1011}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1012}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1014}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1015}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1016}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1017}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1018}, + dictWord{12, 0, 1019}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 1022, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 1023}, + dictWord{14, 0, 475}, + dictWord{14, 0, 477}, + dictWord{14, 0, 478}, + dictWord{14, 0, 479}, + dictWord{14, 0, 480}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 482, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 483}, + dictWord{14, 0, 484}, + dictWord{14, 0, 485}, + dictWord{14, 0, 486}, + dictWord{14, 0, 487}, + dictWord{14, 0, 488}, + dictWord{14, 0, 489}, + dictWord{14, 0, 490}, + dictWord{14, 0, 491}, + dictWord{14, 0, 492}, + dictWord{14, 0, 493}, + dictWord{14, 0, 494}, + dictWord{14, 0, 495}, + dictWord{14, 0, 496}, + dictWord{14, 0, 497}, + dictWord{14, 0, 498}, + dictWord{14, 0, 499}, + dictWord{14, 0, 500}, + dictWord{14, 0, 501}, + dictWord{14, 0, 502}, + dictWord{14, 0, 503}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 504, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 506}, + dictWord{14, 0, 507}, + dictWord{14, 0, 508}, + dictWord{14, 0, 509}, + dictWord{14, 0, 510}, + dictWord{14, 0, 511}, + dictWord{ + 16, + 0, + 113, + }, + dictWord{16, 0, 114}, + dictWord{16, 0, 115}, + dictWord{16, 0, 117}, + dictWord{16, 0, 118}, + dictWord{16, 0, 119}, + dictWord{16, 0, 121}, + dictWord{16, 0, 122}, + dictWord{16, 0, 123}, + dictWord{16, 0, 124}, + dictWord{16, 0, 125}, + dictWord{16, 0, 126}, + dictWord{16, 0, 127}, + dictWord{18, 0, 242}, + dictWord{18, 0, 243}, + dictWord{18, 0, 244}, + dictWord{18, 0, 245}, + dictWord{18, 0, 248}, + dictWord{18, 0, 249}, + dictWord{18, 0, 250}, + dictWord{18, 0, 251}, + dictWord{18, 0, 252}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 253, + }, + dictWord{18, 0, 254}, + dictWord{18, 0, 255}, + dictWord{20, 0, 125}, + dictWord{20, 0, 126}, + dictWord{148, 0, 127}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1717}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1769, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 546}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1127}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1572}, + dictWord{10, 11, 297}, + dictWord{10, 11, 422}, + dictWord{11, 11, 764}, + dictWord{11, 11, 810}, + dictWord{12, 11, 264}, + dictWord{13, 11, 102}, + dictWord{13, 11, 300}, + dictWord{13, 11, 484}, + dictWord{14, 11, 147}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 229, + }, + dictWord{17, 11, 71}, + dictWord{18, 11, 118}, + dictWord{147, 11, 120}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1148}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1586}, + dictWord{132, 0, 775}, + dictWord{135, 10, 954}, + dictWord{133, 11, 864}, + dictWord{133, 11, 928}, + dictWord{138, 11, 189}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1958}, + dictWord{6, 10, 549}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 34, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 283}, + dictWord{9, 10, 165}, + dictWord{138, 10, 475}, + dictWord{5, 10, 652}, + dictWord{5, 10, 701}, + dictWord{135, 10, 449}, + dictWord{135, 11, 695}, + dictWord{4, 10, 655}, + dictWord{7, 10, 850}, + dictWord{17, 10, 75}, + dictWord{146, 10, 137}, + dictWord{140, 11, 682}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 523, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 970}, + dictWord{136, 10, 670}, + dictWord{136, 11, 555}, + dictWord{7, 11, 76}, + dictWord{8, 11, 44}, + dictWord{9, 11, 884}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 580, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 399}, + dictWord{11, 11, 894}, + dictWord{15, 11, 122}, + dictWord{18, 11, 144}, + dictWord{147, 11, 61}, + dictWord{6, 10, 159}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 364, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 516}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1439}, + dictWord{137, 10, 518}, + dictWord{4, 0, 71}, + dictWord{5, 0, 376}, + dictWord{7, 0, 119}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 665, + }, + dictWord{141, 10, 151}, + dictWord{11, 0, 827}, + dictWord{14, 0, 34}, + dictWord{143, 0, 148}, + dictWord{133, 11, 518}, + dictWord{4, 0, 479}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1787, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1852}, + dictWord{135, 10, 993}, + dictWord{7, 0, 607}, + dictWord{136, 0, 99}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1960}, + dictWord{132, 0, 793}, + dictWord{4, 0, 41}, + dictWord{5, 0, 74}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1627}, + dictWord{11, 0, 871}, + dictWord{140, 0, 619}, + dictWord{7, 0, 94}, + dictWord{11, 0, 329}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 965, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 241}, + dictWord{14, 0, 354}, + dictWord{15, 0, 22}, + dictWord{148, 0, 63}, + dictWord{7, 10, 501}, + dictWord{9, 10, 111}, + dictWord{10, 10, 141}, + dictWord{11, 10, 332}, + dictWord{13, 10, 43}, + dictWord{13, 10, 429}, + dictWord{14, 10, 130}, + dictWord{14, 10, 415}, + dictWord{145, 10, 102}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 209, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 300}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1497}, + dictWord{138, 11, 255}, + dictWord{4, 11, 934}, + dictWord{5, 11, 138}, + dictWord{136, 11, 610}, + dictWord{133, 0, 98}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1316}, + dictWord{10, 11, 804}, + dictWord{138, 11, 832}, + dictWord{8, 11, 96}, + dictWord{9, 11, 36}, + dictWord{10, 11, 607}, + dictWord{11, 11, 423}, + dictWord{11, 11, 442}, + dictWord{12, 11, 309}, + dictWord{14, 11, 199}, + dictWord{15, 11, 90}, + dictWord{145, 11, 110}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 463, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 149}, + dictWord{136, 10, 233}, + dictWord{133, 10, 935}, + dictWord{4, 11, 652}, + dictWord{8, 11, 320}, + dictWord{9, 11, 13}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 398, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 727}, + dictWord{10, 11, 75}, + dictWord{10, 11, 184}, + dictWord{10, 11, 230}, + dictWord{10, 11, 564}, + dictWord{10, 11, 569}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 973, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 70}, + dictWord{12, 11, 189}, + dictWord{13, 11, 57}, + dictWord{13, 11, 257}, + dictWord{22, 11, 6}, + dictWord{150, 11, 16}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 0, + 291, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 582}, + dictWord{146, 10, 131}, + dictWord{136, 10, 801}, + dictWord{133, 0, 984}, + dictWord{145, 11, 116}, + dictWord{4, 11, 692}, + dictWord{133, 11, 321}, + dictWord{4, 0, 182}, + dictWord{6, 0, 205}, + dictWord{135, 0, 220}, + dictWord{4, 0, 42}, + dictWord{9, 0, 205}, + dictWord{9, 0, 786}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 659, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 801}, + dictWord{11, 11, 130}, + dictWord{140, 11, 609}, + dictWord{132, 0, 635}, + dictWord{5, 11, 345}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1016}, + dictWord{139, 0, 533}, + dictWord{132, 0, 371}, + dictWord{4, 0, 272}, + dictWord{135, 0, 836}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1282}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1100}, + dictWord{5, 0, 825}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1640}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1325}, + dictWord{133, 11, 673}, + dictWord{4, 11, 287}, + dictWord{133, 11, 1018}, + dictWord{135, 0, 357}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 467, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 879}, + dictWord{7, 0, 317}, + dictWord{135, 0, 569}, + dictWord{6, 0, 924}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1588}, + dictWord{5, 11, 34}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 406, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 724}, + dictWord{12, 11, 444}, + dictWord{13, 11, 354}, + dictWord{18, 11, 32}, + dictWord{23, 11, 24}, + dictWord{23, 11, 31}, + dictWord{ + 152, + 11, + 5, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1795}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1835}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1836}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1856}, + dictWord{8, 0, 844}, + dictWord{8, 0, 849}, + dictWord{8, 0, 854}, + dictWord{8, 0, 870}, + dictWord{8, 0, 887}, + dictWord{10, 0, 852}, + dictWord{138, 0, 942}, + dictWord{6, 10, 69}, + dictWord{135, 10, 117}, + dictWord{137, 0, 307}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 944, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1799}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1825}, + dictWord{10, 0, 848}, + dictWord{10, 0, 875}, + dictWord{10, 0, 895}, + dictWord{10, 0, 899}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 902, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 773}, + dictWord{11, 0, 43}, + dictWord{13, 0, 72}, + dictWord{141, 0, 142}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1830}, + dictWord{134, 11, 382}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 432, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 824}, + dictWord{132, 11, 329}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1820}, + dictWord{139, 11, 124}, + dictWord{133, 10, 826}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 525, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 906}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1940}, + dictWord{136, 11, 366}, + dictWord{138, 11, 10}, + dictWord{4, 11, 123}, + dictWord{4, 11, 649}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 605, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1509}, + dictWord{136, 11, 36}, + dictWord{6, 0, 110}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1681}, + dictWord{133, 0, 493}, + dictWord{133, 11, 767}, + dictWord{4, 0, 174}, + dictWord{135, 0, 911}, + dictWord{138, 11, 786}, + dictWord{8, 0, 417}, + dictWord{137, 0, 782}, + dictWord{133, 10, 1000}, + dictWord{7, 0, 733}, + dictWord{137, 0, 583}, + dictWord{4, 10, 297}, + dictWord{6, 10, 529}, + dictWord{7, 10, 152}, + dictWord{7, 10, 713}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1845}, + dictWord{8, 10, 710}, + dictWord{8, 10, 717}, + dictWord{12, 10, 639}, + dictWord{140, 10, 685}, + dictWord{4, 0, 32}, + dictWord{5, 0, 215}, + dictWord{6, 0, 269}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1782}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1892, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 16}, + dictWord{11, 0, 822}, + dictWord{11, 0, 954}, + dictWord{141, 0, 481}, + dictWord{4, 11, 273}, + dictWord{5, 11, 658}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 995, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 477}, + dictWord{134, 11, 72}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1345}, + dictWord{5, 0, 308}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1088}, + dictWord{4, 10, 520}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 575, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 589}, + dictWord{5, 0, 126}, + dictWord{8, 0, 297}, + dictWord{9, 0, 366}, + dictWord{140, 0, 374}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1551}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 361, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 117}, + dictWord{6, 11, 514}, + dictWord{6, 11, 541}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1164}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1436}, + dictWord{8, 11, 220}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 648, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 688}, + dictWord{139, 11, 560}, + dictWord{133, 11, 686}, + dictWord{4, 0, 946}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1807}, + dictWord{8, 0, 871}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 854, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 870}, + dictWord{10, 0, 888}, + dictWord{10, 0, 897}, + dictWord{10, 0, 920}, + dictWord{12, 0, 722}, + dictWord{12, 0, 761}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 763, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 764}, + dictWord{14, 0, 454}, + dictWord{14, 0, 465}, + dictWord{16, 0, 107}, + dictWord{18, 0, 167}, + dictWord{18, 0, 168}, + dictWord{ + 146, + 0, + 172, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 175}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1307}, + dictWord{132, 0, 685}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1834}, + dictWord{133, 0, 797}, + dictWord{6, 0, 745}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 858, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 963}, + dictWord{133, 0, 565}, + dictWord{5, 10, 397}, + dictWord{6, 10, 154}, + dictWord{7, 11, 196}, + dictWord{7, 10, 676}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 443, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 609}, + dictWord{9, 10, 24}, + dictWord{9, 10, 325}, + dictWord{10, 10, 35}, + dictWord{10, 11, 765}, + dictWord{11, 11, 347}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 535, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 552}, + dictWord{11, 11, 576}, + dictWord{11, 10, 672}, + dictWord{11, 11, 790}, + dictWord{11, 10, 1018}, + dictWord{12, 11, 263}, + dictWord{12, 10, 637}, + dictWord{13, 11, 246}, + dictWord{13, 11, 270}, + dictWord{13, 11, 395}, + dictWord{14, 11, 74}, + dictWord{14, 11, 176}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 190, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 398}, + dictWord{14, 11, 412}, + dictWord{15, 11, 32}, + dictWord{15, 11, 63}, + dictWord{16, 10, 30}, + dictWord{16, 11, 88}, + dictWord{ + 147, + 11, + 105, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 84}, + dictWord{141, 11, 122}, + dictWord{4, 0, 252}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1068}, + dictWord{10, 0, 434}, + dictWord{11, 0, 228}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 426, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 231}, + dictWord{18, 0, 106}, + dictWord{148, 0, 87}, + dictWord{137, 0, 826}, + dictWord{4, 11, 589}, + dictWord{139, 11, 282}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 381, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1792}, + dictWord{132, 0, 791}, + dictWord{5, 0, 231}, + dictWord{10, 0, 509}, + dictWord{133, 10, 981}, + dictWord{7, 0, 601}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 277, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 674}, + dictWord{10, 0, 178}, + dictWord{10, 0, 418}, + dictWord{10, 0, 571}, + dictWord{11, 0, 531}, + dictWord{12, 0, 113}, + dictWord{12, 0, 475}, + dictWord{13, 0, 99}, + dictWord{142, 0, 428}, + dictWord{4, 10, 56}, + dictWord{7, 11, 616}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1791}, + dictWord{8, 10, 607}, + dictWord{8, 10, 651}, + dictWord{10, 11, 413}, + dictWord{11, 10, 465}, + dictWord{11, 10, 835}, + dictWord{12, 10, 337}, + dictWord{141, 10, 480}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1591}, + dictWord{144, 0, 43}, + dictWord{9, 10, 158}, + dictWord{138, 10, 411}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1683}, + dictWord{8, 0, 289}, + dictWord{11, 0, 45}, + dictWord{12, 0, 278}, + dictWord{140, 0, 537}, + dictWord{6, 11, 120}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1188}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1710}, + dictWord{8, 11, 286}, + dictWord{9, 11, 667}, + dictWord{11, 11, 592}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 730, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 617}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1120}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1146}, + dictWord{139, 10, 563}, + dictWord{4, 11, 352}, + dictWord{4, 10, 369}, + dictWord{135, 11, 687}, + dictWord{143, 11, 38}, + dictWord{4, 0, 399}, + dictWord{5, 0, 119}, + dictWord{5, 0, 494}, + dictWord{7, 0, 751}, + dictWord{9, 0, 556}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 179, + }, + dictWord{15, 11, 151}, + dictWord{150, 11, 11}, + dictWord{4, 11, 192}, + dictWord{5, 11, 49}, + dictWord{6, 11, 200}, + dictWord{6, 11, 293}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 1696, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 488}, + dictWord{4, 0, 398}, + dictWord{133, 0, 660}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1030}, + dictWord{134, 10, 622}, + dictWord{135, 11, 595}, + dictWord{141, 0, 168}, + dictWord{132, 11, 147}, + dictWord{7, 0, 973}, + dictWord{10, 10, 624}, + dictWord{142, 10, 279}, + dictWord{132, 10, 363}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 642, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 934}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1615}, + dictWord{7, 11, 505}, + dictWord{135, 11, 523}, + dictWord{7, 0, 594}, + dictWord{7, 0, 851}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1858, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 411}, + dictWord{9, 0, 574}, + dictWord{9, 0, 666}, + dictWord{9, 0, 737}, + dictWord{10, 0, 346}, + dictWord{10, 0, 712}, + dictWord{11, 0, 246}, + dictWord{11, 0, 432}, + dictWord{11, 0, 517}, + dictWord{11, 0, 647}, + dictWord{11, 0, 679}, + dictWord{11, 0, 727}, + dictWord{12, 0, 304}, + dictWord{12, 0, 305}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 323, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 483}, + dictWord{12, 0, 572}, + dictWord{12, 0, 593}, + dictWord{12, 0, 602}, + dictWord{13, 0, 95}, + dictWord{13, 0, 101}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 171, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 315}, + dictWord{13, 0, 378}, + dictWord{13, 0, 425}, + dictWord{13, 0, 475}, + dictWord{14, 0, 63}, + dictWord{14, 0, 380}, + dictWord{14, 0, 384}, + dictWord{15, 0, 133}, + dictWord{18, 0, 112}, + dictWord{148, 0, 72}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1093}, + dictWord{132, 0, 679}, + dictWord{8, 0, 913}, + dictWord{10, 0, 903}, + dictWord{10, 0, 915}, + dictWord{12, 0, 648}, + dictWord{12, 0, 649}, + dictWord{14, 0, 455}, + dictWord{16, 0, 112}, + dictWord{138, 11, 438}, + dictWord{137, 0, 203}, + dictWord{134, 10, 292}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1492}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1374}, + dictWord{8, 0, 540}, + dictWord{5, 10, 177}, + dictWord{6, 10, 616}, + dictWord{7, 10, 827}, + dictWord{9, 10, 525}, + dictWord{138, 10, 656}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1486}, + dictWord{9, 0, 714}, + dictWord{138, 10, 31}, + dictWord{136, 0, 825}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1511, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 637}, + dictWord{134, 0, 952}, + dictWord{4, 10, 161}, + dictWord{133, 10, 631}, + dictWord{5, 0, 143}, + dictWord{5, 0, 769}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1760, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 682}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1992}, + dictWord{136, 0, 736}, + dictWord{132, 0, 700}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1540}, + dictWord{132, 11, 777}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 867, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 837}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1557}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1684}, + dictWord{133, 0, 860}, + dictWord{6, 0, 422}, + dictWord{7, 0, 0}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1544, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 605}, + dictWord{11, 0, 990}, + dictWord{12, 0, 235}, + dictWord{12, 0, 453}, + dictWord{13, 0, 47}, + dictWord{13, 0, 266}, + dictWord{9, 10, 469}, + dictWord{9, 10, 709}, + dictWord{12, 10, 512}, + dictWord{14, 10, 65}, + dictWord{145, 10, 12}, + dictWord{11, 0, 807}, + dictWord{10, 10, 229}, + dictWord{11, 10, 73}, + dictWord{139, 10, 376}, + dictWord{6, 11, 170}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1080}, + dictWord{8, 11, 395}, + dictWord{8, 11, 487}, + dictWord{11, 11, 125}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 147, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 515}, + dictWord{137, 0, 131}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1605}, + dictWord{11, 0, 962}, + dictWord{146, 0, 139}, + dictWord{132, 0, 646}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 396, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 728}, + dictWord{9, 0, 117}, + dictWord{13, 0, 202}, + dictWord{148, 0, 51}, + dictWord{6, 0, 121}, + dictWord{6, 0, 124}, + dictWord{6, 0, 357}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1138, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1295}, + dictWord{8, 0, 162}, + dictWord{8, 0, 508}, + dictWord{11, 0, 655}, + dictWord{4, 11, 535}, + dictWord{6, 10, 558}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 651, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 618}, + dictWord{9, 10, 0}, + dictWord{10, 10, 34}, + dictWord{139, 10, 1008}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1245}, + dictWord{138, 0, 357}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 11, + 23, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 237}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1784}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1832}, + dictWord{138, 10, 374}, + dictWord{132, 0, 713}, + dictWord{132, 11, 46}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1536}, + dictWord{10, 0, 348}, + dictWord{5, 11, 811}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1679}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1714}, + dictWord{135, 11, 2032}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 182, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 195}, + dictWord{6, 0, 523}, + dictWord{7, 0, 738}, + dictWord{7, 10, 771}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1731}, + dictWord{9, 10, 405}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 421, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1458}, + dictWord{9, 11, 407}, + dictWord{139, 11, 15}, + dictWord{6, 11, 34}, + dictWord{7, 11, 69}, + dictWord{7, 11, 640}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1089, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 708}, + dictWord{8, 11, 721}, + dictWord{9, 11, 363}, + dictWord{9, 11, 643}, + dictWord{10, 11, 628}, + dictWord{148, 11, 98}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 434, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1877}, + dictWord{7, 0, 571}, + dictWord{138, 0, 366}, + dictWord{5, 10, 881}, + dictWord{133, 10, 885}, + dictWord{9, 0, 513}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 25, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 39}, + dictWord{12, 0, 122}, + dictWord{140, 0, 187}, + dictWord{132, 0, 580}, + dictWord{5, 10, 142}, + dictWord{134, 10, 546}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 462, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 873}, + dictWord{5, 10, 466}, + dictWord{11, 10, 571}, + dictWord{12, 10, 198}, + dictWord{13, 10, 283}, + dictWord{14, 10, 186}, + dictWord{15, 10, 21}, + dictWord{143, 10, 103}, + dictWord{7, 0, 171}, + dictWord{4, 10, 185}, + dictWord{5, 10, 257}, + dictWord{5, 10, 839}, + dictWord{5, 10, 936}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 399, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 258}, + dictWord{10, 10, 395}, + dictWord{10, 10, 734}, + dictWord{11, 10, 1014}, + dictWord{12, 10, 23}, + dictWord{13, 10, 350}, + dictWord{14, 10, 150}, + dictWord{147, 10, 6}, + dictWord{134, 0, 625}, + dictWord{7, 0, 107}, + dictWord{7, 0, 838}, + dictWord{8, 0, 550}, + dictWord{138, 0, 401}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 73, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 23}, + dictWord{134, 11, 338}, + dictWord{4, 0, 943}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1850}, + dictWord{12, 0, 713}, + dictWord{142, 0, 434}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 588, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 864}, + dictWord{11, 0, 936}, + dictWord{11, 0, 968}, + dictWord{12, 0, 73}, + dictWord{12, 0, 343}, + dictWord{12, 0, 394}, + dictWord{13, 0, 275}, + dictWord{14, 0, 257}, + dictWord{15, 0, 160}, + dictWord{7, 10, 404}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1377}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1430}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2017}, + dictWord{8, 10, 149}, + dictWord{8, 10, 239}, + dictWord{8, 10, 512}, + dictWord{8, 10, 793}, + dictWord{8, 10, 818}, + dictWord{9, 10, 474}, + dictWord{9, 10, 595}, + dictWord{10, 10, 122}, + dictWord{10, 10, 565}, + dictWord{10, 10, 649}, + dictWord{10, 10, 783}, + dictWord{11, 10, 239}, + dictWord{11, 10, 295}, + dictWord{11, 10, 447}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 528, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 639}, + dictWord{11, 10, 800}, + dictWord{12, 10, 25}, + dictWord{12, 10, 157}, + dictWord{12, 10, 316}, + dictWord{12, 10, 390}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 391, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 395}, + dictWord{12, 10, 478}, + dictWord{12, 10, 503}, + dictWord{12, 10, 592}, + dictWord{12, 10, 680}, + dictWord{13, 10, 50}, + dictWord{13, 10, 53}, + dictWord{13, 10, 132}, + dictWord{13, 10, 198}, + dictWord{13, 10, 322}, + dictWord{13, 10, 415}, + dictWord{13, 10, 511}, + dictWord{14, 10, 71}, + dictWord{14, 10, 395}, + dictWord{15, 10, 71}, + dictWord{15, 10, 136}, + dictWord{17, 10, 123}, + dictWord{18, 10, 93}, + dictWord{147, 10, 58}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 768, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 103}, + dictWord{142, 0, 0}, + dictWord{136, 10, 712}, + dictWord{132, 0, 799}, + dictWord{132, 0, 894}, + dictWord{7, 11, 725}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 498, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 268}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1798}, + dictWord{135, 11, 773}, + dictWord{141, 11, 360}, + dictWord{4, 10, 377}, + dictWord{152, 10, 13}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1673}, + dictWord{132, 11, 583}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1052}, + dictWord{133, 11, 220}, + dictWord{140, 11, 69}, + dictWord{132, 11, 544}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 180, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 1906}, + dictWord{134, 0, 272}, + dictWord{4, 0, 441}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1421}, + dictWord{4, 0, 9}, + dictWord{5, 0, 128}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 368, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 480}, + dictWord{148, 0, 3}, + dictWord{5, 11, 176}, + dictWord{6, 11, 437}, + dictWord{6, 11, 564}, + dictWord{11, 11, 181}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 183, + }, + dictWord{132, 10, 491}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1182}, + dictWord{141, 11, 67}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1346}, + dictWord{4, 10, 171}, + dictWord{138, 10, 234}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 586, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1186}, + dictWord{138, 10, 631}, + dictWord{136, 0, 682}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1004}, + dictWord{15, 0, 24}, + dictWord{143, 11, 24}, + dictWord{134, 0, 968}, + dictWord{4, 0, 2}, + dictWord{6, 0, 742}, + dictWord{6, 0, 793}, + dictWord{7, 0, 545}, + dictWord{7, 0, 894}, + dictWord{9, 10, 931}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 334, + }, + dictWord{148, 10, 71}, + dictWord{136, 11, 600}, + dictWord{133, 10, 765}, + dictWord{9, 0, 769}, + dictWord{140, 0, 185}, + dictWord{4, 11, 790}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 273, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 394}, + dictWord{7, 0, 474}, + dictWord{137, 0, 578}, + dictWord{4, 11, 135}, + dictWord{6, 11, 127}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1185}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1511, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 613}, + dictWord{11, 11, 5}, + dictWord{12, 11, 133}, + dictWord{12, 11, 495}, + dictWord{12, 11, 586}, + dictWord{14, 11, 385}, + dictWord{15, 11, 118}, + dictWord{17, 11, 20}, + dictWord{146, 11, 98}, + dictWord{133, 10, 424}, + dictWord{5, 0, 530}, + dictWord{142, 0, 113}, + dictWord{6, 11, 230}, + dictWord{7, 11, 961}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1085}, + dictWord{136, 11, 462}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1954}, + dictWord{137, 11, 636}, + dictWord{136, 10, 714}, + dictWord{ + 149, + 11, + 6, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 685}, + dictWord{9, 10, 420}, + dictWord{10, 10, 269}, + dictWord{10, 10, 285}, + dictWord{10, 10, 576}, + dictWord{11, 10, 397}, + dictWord{13, 10, 175}, + dictWord{145, 10, 90}, + dictWord{132, 10, 429}, + dictWord{5, 0, 556}, + dictWord{5, 11, 162}, + dictWord{136, 11, 68}, + dictWord{132, 11, 654}, + dictWord{4, 11, 156}, + dictWord{7, 11, 998}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1045}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1860}, + dictWord{9, 11, 48}, + dictWord{9, 11, 692}, + dictWord{11, 11, 419}, + dictWord{139, 11, 602}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1317}, + dictWord{8, 0, 16}, + dictWord{9, 0, 825}, + dictWord{12, 0, 568}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1276}, + dictWord{8, 11, 474}, + dictWord{137, 11, 652}, + dictWord{18, 0, 97}, + dictWord{7, 10, 18}, + dictWord{7, 10, 699}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1966}, + dictWord{8, 10, 752}, + dictWord{9, 10, 273}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 412, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 703}, + dictWord{10, 10, 71}, + dictWord{10, 10, 427}, + dictWord{138, 10, 508}, + dictWord{10, 0, 703}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1454}, + dictWord{138, 11, 703}, + dictWord{4, 10, 53}, + dictWord{5, 10, 186}, + dictWord{135, 10, 752}, + dictWord{134, 0, 892}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1571}, + dictWord{8, 10, 575}, + dictWord{10, 10, 289}, + dictWord{139, 10, 319}, + dictWord{6, 0, 186}, + dictWord{137, 0, 426}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1101}, + dictWord{132, 10, 675}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 585, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1870}, + dictWord{137, 0, 937}, + dictWord{152, 11, 10}, + dictWord{9, 11, 197}, + dictWord{10, 11, 300}, + dictWord{12, 11, 473}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 90, + }, + dictWord{141, 11, 405}, + dictWord{4, 0, 93}, + dictWord{5, 0, 252}, + dictWord{6, 0, 229}, + dictWord{7, 0, 291}, + dictWord{9, 0, 550}, + dictWord{139, 0, 644}, + dictWord{137, 0, 749}, + dictWord{9, 0, 162}, + dictWord{6, 10, 209}, + dictWord{8, 10, 468}, + dictWord{9, 10, 210}, + dictWord{11, 10, 36}, + dictWord{12, 10, 28}, + dictWord{12, 10, 630}, + dictWord{13, 10, 21}, + dictWord{13, 10, 349}, + dictWord{14, 10, 7}, + dictWord{145, 10, 13}, + dictWord{132, 0, 381}, + dictWord{132, 11, 606}, + dictWord{4, 10, 342}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1179}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1587}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1707}, + dictWord{10, 11, 528}, + dictWord{139, 11, 504}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 39, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 265}, + dictWord{141, 11, 439}, + dictWord{4, 10, 928}, + dictWord{133, 10, 910}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1838}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1978}, + dictWord{136, 11, 676}, + dictWord{6, 0, 762}, + dictWord{6, 0, 796}, + dictWord{134, 0, 956}, + dictWord{4, 10, 318}, + dictWord{4, 10, 496}, + dictWord{7, 10, 856}, + dictWord{139, 10, 654}, + dictWord{137, 11, 242}, + dictWord{4, 11, 361}, + dictWord{133, 11, 315}, + dictWord{132, 11, 461}, + dictWord{132, 11, 472}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 857, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 21}, + dictWord{6, 0, 77}, + dictWord{6, 0, 157}, + dictWord{7, 0, 974}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1301}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1339}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1490}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1873, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 628}, + dictWord{7, 10, 915}, + dictWord{8, 10, 247}, + dictWord{147, 10, 0}, + dictWord{4, 10, 202}, + dictWord{5, 10, 382}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 454, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 936}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1803}, + dictWord{8, 10, 758}, + dictWord{9, 10, 375}, + dictWord{9, 10, 895}, + dictWord{10, 10, 743}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 792, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 978}, + dictWord{11, 10, 1012}, + dictWord{142, 10, 109}, + dictWord{7, 11, 617}, + dictWord{10, 11, 498}, + dictWord{11, 11, 501}, + dictWord{12, 11, 16}, + dictWord{140, 11, 150}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1150}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1425}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1453}, + dictWord{10, 11, 747}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 10, + 513, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 155}, + dictWord{11, 0, 919}, + dictWord{141, 0, 409}, + dictWord{138, 10, 791}, + dictWord{10, 0, 633}, + dictWord{139, 11, 729}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 163, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 319}, + dictWord{9, 11, 402}, + dictWord{10, 11, 24}, + dictWord{10, 11, 681}, + dictWord{11, 11, 200}, + dictWord{11, 11, 567}, + dictWord{12, 11, 253}, + dictWord{12, 11, 410}, + dictWord{142, 11, 219}, + dictWord{5, 11, 475}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1780}, + dictWord{9, 11, 230}, + dictWord{11, 11, 297}, + dictWord{11, 11, 558}, + dictWord{14, 11, 322}, + dictWord{147, 11, 76}, + dictWord{7, 0, 332}, + dictWord{6, 10, 445}, + dictWord{137, 10, 909}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1956, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 274}, + dictWord{134, 10, 578}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1489}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1848}, + dictWord{5, 11, 944}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 1769, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 144}, + dictWord{136, 10, 766}, + dictWord{4, 0, 832}, + dictWord{135, 10, 541}, + dictWord{8, 0, 398}, + dictWord{9, 0, 681}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 632, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 645}, + dictWord{9, 0, 791}, + dictWord{10, 0, 93}, + dictWord{16, 0, 13}, + dictWord{17, 0, 23}, + dictWord{18, 0, 135}, + dictWord{19, 0, 12}, + dictWord{20, 0, 1}, + dictWord{20, 0, 12}, + dictWord{148, 0, 14}, + dictWord{6, 11, 247}, + dictWord{137, 11, 555}, + dictWord{134, 0, 20}, + dictWord{132, 0, 800}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1841}, + dictWord{139, 10, 983}, + dictWord{137, 10, 768}, + dictWord{132, 10, 584}, + dictWord{141, 11, 51}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1993}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 620, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 280}, + dictWord{136, 0, 769}, + dictWord{11, 0, 290}, + dictWord{11, 0, 665}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1810}, + dictWord{11, 11, 866}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 103, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 495}, + dictWord{17, 11, 67}, + dictWord{147, 11, 74}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1426}, + dictWord{139, 0, 60}, + dictWord{4, 10, 326}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1770}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1874}, + dictWord{9, 0, 641}, + dictWord{132, 10, 226}, + dictWord{6, 0, 644}, + dictWord{5, 10, 426}, + dictWord{8, 10, 30}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 2, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 549}, + dictWord{147, 10, 122}, + dictWord{5, 11, 428}, + dictWord{138, 11, 442}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1871}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1757, + }, + dictWord{147, 10, 117}, + dictWord{135, 0, 937}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1652}, + dictWord{6, 0, 654}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1476}, + dictWord{133, 11, 99}, + dictWord{135, 0, 527}, + dictWord{132, 10, 345}, + dictWord{4, 10, 385}, + dictWord{4, 11, 397}, + dictWord{7, 10, 265}, + dictWord{135, 10, 587}, + dictWord{4, 0, 579}, + dictWord{5, 0, 226}, + dictWord{5, 0, 323}, + dictWord{135, 0, 960}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1486}, + dictWord{8, 11, 502}, + dictWord{144, 11, 9}, + dictWord{4, 10, 347}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 423, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 996}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1329}, + dictWord{7, 11, 727}, + dictWord{146, 11, 73}, + dictWord{4, 11, 485}, + dictWord{7, 11, 353}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1259}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1523}, + dictWord{9, 10, 125}, + dictWord{139, 10, 65}, + dictWord{6, 0, 325}, + dictWord{5, 10, 136}, + dictWord{6, 11, 366}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1384, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1601}, + dictWord{136, 10, 644}, + dictWord{138, 11, 160}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1345}, + dictWord{137, 11, 282}, + dictWord{18, 0, 91}, + dictWord{147, 0, 70}, + dictWord{136, 0, 404}, + dictWord{4, 11, 157}, + dictWord{133, 11, 471}, + dictWord{133, 0, 973}, + dictWord{6, 0, 135}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1176, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 116}, + dictWord{11, 11, 551}, + dictWord{142, 11, 159}, + dictWord{4, 0, 549}, + dictWord{4, 10, 433}, + dictWord{133, 10, 719}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 976, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 160}, + dictWord{7, 11, 363}, + dictWord{7, 11, 589}, + dictWord{10, 11, 170}, + dictWord{141, 11, 55}, + dictWord{144, 0, 21}, + dictWord{ + 144, + 0, + 51, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 314}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1363}, + dictWord{4, 11, 108}, + dictWord{7, 11, 405}, + dictWord{10, 11, 491}, + dictWord{139, 11, 498}, + dictWord{146, 0, 4}, + dictWord{4, 10, 555}, + dictWord{8, 10, 536}, + dictWord{10, 10, 288}, + dictWord{139, 10, 1005}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1005}, + dictWord{6, 0, 281}, + dictWord{7, 0, 6}, + dictWord{8, 0, 282}, + dictWord{8, 0, 480}, + dictWord{8, 0, 499}, + dictWord{9, 0, 198}, + dictWord{10, 0, 143}, + dictWord{10, 0, 169}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 211, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 417}, + dictWord{10, 0, 574}, + dictWord{11, 0, 147}, + dictWord{11, 0, 395}, + dictWord{12, 0, 75}, + dictWord{12, 0, 407}, + dictWord{12, 0, 608}, + dictWord{13, 0, 500}, + dictWord{142, 0, 251}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1093}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1405}, + dictWord{9, 10, 370}, + dictWord{138, 10, 90}, + dictWord{4, 11, 926}, + dictWord{133, 11, 983}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1776}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1528}, + dictWord{132, 0, 419}, + dictWord{132, 11, 538}, + dictWord{6, 11, 294}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1267, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 624}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1772}, + dictWord{138, 11, 301}, + dictWord{4, 10, 257}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2031}, + dictWord{4, 0, 138}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1012}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1280}, + dictWord{9, 0, 76}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1768}, + dictWord{132, 11, 757}, + dictWord{5, 0, 29}, + dictWord{140, 0, 638}, + dictWord{7, 11, 655}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1844}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1418}, + dictWord{6, 11, 257}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1522}, + dictWord{8, 11, 469}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 47, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 278}, + dictWord{6, 10, 83}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1733}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1389}, + dictWord{11, 11, 204}, + dictWord{11, 11, 243}, + dictWord{140, 11, 293}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1875}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1710}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2038}, + dictWord{137, 11, 299}, + dictWord{4, 0, 17}, + dictWord{5, 0, 23}, + dictWord{7, 0, 995}, + dictWord{11, 0, 383}, + dictWord{11, 0, 437}, + dictWord{12, 0, 460}, + dictWord{140, 0, 532}, + dictWord{133, 0, 862}, + dictWord{137, 10, 696}, + dictWord{6, 0, 592}, + dictWord{138, 0, 946}, + dictWord{138, 11, 599}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1718}, + dictWord{9, 10, 95}, + dictWord{9, 10, 274}, + dictWord{10, 10, 279}, + dictWord{10, 10, 317}, + dictWord{10, 10, 420}, + dictWord{11, 10, 303}, + dictWord{11, 10, 808}, + dictWord{12, 10, 134}, + dictWord{12, 10, 367}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 149, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 347}, + dictWord{14, 10, 349}, + dictWord{14, 10, 406}, + dictWord{18, 10, 22}, + dictWord{18, 10, 89}, + dictWord{18, 10, 122}, + dictWord{ + 147, + 10, + 47, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 70}, + dictWord{12, 0, 171}, + dictWord{141, 0, 272}, + dictWord{133, 10, 26}, + dictWord{132, 10, 550}, + dictWord{137, 0, 812}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 233, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 76}, + dictWord{134, 0, 988}, + dictWord{134, 0, 442}, + dictWord{136, 10, 822}, + dictWord{7, 0, 896}, + dictWord{4, 10, 902}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 809, + }, + dictWord{134, 10, 122}, + dictWord{5, 11, 150}, + dictWord{7, 11, 106}, + dictWord{8, 11, 603}, + dictWord{9, 11, 593}, + dictWord{9, 11, 634}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 44, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 173}, + dictWord{11, 11, 462}, + dictWord{11, 11, 515}, + dictWord{13, 11, 216}, + dictWord{13, 11, 288}, + dictWord{142, 11, 400}, + dictWord{136, 0, 483}, + dictWord{135, 10, 262}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1709}, + dictWord{133, 10, 620}, + dictWord{4, 10, 34}, + dictWord{5, 10, 574}, + dictWord{7, 10, 279}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1624}, + dictWord{136, 10, 601}, + dictWord{137, 10, 170}, + dictWord{147, 0, 119}, + dictWord{12, 11, 108}, + dictWord{141, 11, 291}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 69, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 105}, + dictWord{12, 0, 117}, + dictWord{13, 0, 213}, + dictWord{14, 0, 13}, + dictWord{14, 0, 62}, + dictWord{14, 0, 177}, + dictWord{14, 0, 421}, + dictWord{15, 0, 19}, + dictWord{146, 0, 141}, + dictWord{137, 0, 309}, + dictWord{11, 11, 278}, + dictWord{142, 11, 73}, + dictWord{7, 0, 608}, + dictWord{7, 0, 976}, + dictWord{9, 0, 146}, + dictWord{10, 0, 206}, + dictWord{10, 0, 596}, + dictWord{13, 0, 218}, + dictWord{142, 0, 153}, + dictWord{133, 10, 332}, + dictWord{6, 10, 261}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 182, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 943}, + dictWord{4, 11, 493}, + dictWord{144, 11, 55}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1721}, + dictWord{132, 0, 768}, + dictWord{4, 10, 933}, + dictWord{133, 10, 880}, + dictWord{7, 11, 555}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1316}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1412}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1839}, + dictWord{9, 11, 192}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 589, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 241}, + dictWord{11, 11, 676}, + dictWord{11, 11, 811}, + dictWord{11, 11, 891}, + dictWord{12, 11, 140}, + dictWord{12, 11, 346}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 479, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 30}, + dictWord{13, 11, 49}, + dictWord{13, 11, 381}, + dictWord{14, 11, 188}, + dictWord{15, 11, 150}, + dictWord{16, 11, 76}, + dictWord{18, 11, 30}, + dictWord{148, 11, 52}, + dictWord{4, 0, 518}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1136}, + dictWord{6, 11, 568}, + dictWord{7, 11, 112}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1804}, + dictWord{8, 11, 362}, + dictWord{8, 11, 410}, + dictWord{8, 11, 830}, + dictWord{9, 11, 514}, + dictWord{11, 11, 649}, + dictWord{142, 11, 157}, + dictWord{135, 11, 673}, + dictWord{8, 0, 689}, + dictWord{137, 0, 863}, + dictWord{4, 0, 18}, + dictWord{7, 0, 145}, + dictWord{7, 0, 444}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1278}, + dictWord{8, 0, 49}, + dictWord{8, 0, 400}, + dictWord{9, 0, 71}, + dictWord{9, 0, 250}, + dictWord{10, 0, 459}, + dictWord{12, 0, 160}, + dictWord{16, 0, 24}, + dictWord{132, 11, 625}, + dictWord{140, 0, 1020}, + dictWord{4, 0, 997}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1946}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1984}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1998}, + dictWord{6, 11, 16}, + dictWord{6, 11, 158}, + dictWord{7, 11, 43}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 129, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 181}, + dictWord{8, 11, 276}, + dictWord{8, 11, 377}, + dictWord{10, 11, 523}, + dictWord{11, 11, 816}, + dictWord{12, 11, 455}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 303, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 135}, + dictWord{133, 10, 812}, + dictWord{134, 0, 658}, + dictWord{4, 11, 1}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1143}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1463}, + dictWord{8, 11, 61}, + dictWord{9, 11, 207}, + dictWord{9, 11, 390}, + dictWord{9, 11, 467}, + dictWord{139, 11, 836}, + dictWord{150, 11, 26}, + dictWord{140, 0, 106}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1827}, + dictWord{10, 0, 931}, + dictWord{18, 0, 166}, + dictWord{20, 0, 114}, + dictWord{4, 10, 137}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1178}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1319}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1520}, + dictWord{133, 0, 1010}, + dictWord{4, 11, 723}, + dictWord{5, 11, 895}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1031}, + dictWord{8, 11, 199}, + dictWord{8, 11, 340}, + dictWord{9, 11, 153}, + dictWord{9, 11, 215}, + dictWord{10, 11, 21}, + dictWord{10, 11, 59}, + dictWord{10, 11, 80}, + dictWord{10, 11, 224}, + dictWord{11, 11, 229}, + dictWord{11, 11, 652}, + dictWord{12, 11, 192}, + dictWord{13, 11, 146}, + dictWord{142, 11, 91}, + dictWord{132, 11, 295}, + dictWord{6, 11, 619}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 898, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1092}, + dictWord{8, 11, 485}, + dictWord{18, 11, 28}, + dictWord{147, 11, 116}, + dictWord{137, 11, 51}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1661}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1975, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 2009}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2011}, + dictWord{5, 11, 309}, + dictWord{140, 11, 211}, + dictWord{5, 0, 87}, + dictWord{7, 0, 313}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1103, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 208}, + dictWord{10, 0, 582}, + dictWord{11, 0, 389}, + dictWord{11, 0, 813}, + dictWord{12, 0, 385}, + dictWord{13, 0, 286}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 124, + }, + dictWord{146, 0, 108}, + dictWord{5, 11, 125}, + dictWord{8, 11, 77}, + dictWord{138, 11, 15}, + dictWord{132, 0, 267}, + dictWord{133, 0, 703}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 155, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 439}, + dictWord{11, 11, 164}, + dictWord{140, 11, 76}, + dictWord{9, 0, 496}, + dictWord{5, 10, 89}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1915}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 185, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 235}, + dictWord{10, 10, 64}, + dictWord{10, 10, 270}, + dictWord{10, 10, 403}, + dictWord{10, 10, 469}, + dictWord{10, 10, 529}, + dictWord{10, 10, 590}, + dictWord{11, 10, 140}, + dictWord{11, 10, 860}, + dictWord{13, 10, 1}, + dictWord{13, 10, 422}, + dictWord{14, 10, 341}, + dictWord{14, 10, 364}, + dictWord{17, 10, 93}, + dictWord{18, 10, 113}, + dictWord{19, 10, 97}, + dictWord{147, 10, 113}, + dictWord{133, 10, 695}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1121}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 6, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 183}, + dictWord{7, 10, 680}, + dictWord{7, 10, 978}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1013}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1055}, + dictWord{12, 10, 230}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 172, + }, + dictWord{146, 10, 29}, + dictWord{4, 11, 8}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1152}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1153}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1715}, + dictWord{9, 11, 374}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 478, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 648}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1099}, + dictWord{6, 10, 29}, + dictWord{139, 10, 63}, + dictWord{4, 0, 561}, + dictWord{10, 0, 249}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 209, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 760}, + dictWord{7, 11, 799}, + dictWord{138, 11, 511}, + dictWord{136, 11, 87}, + dictWord{9, 0, 154}, + dictWord{140, 0, 485}, + dictWord{136, 0, 255}, + dictWord{132, 0, 323}, + dictWord{140, 0, 419}, + dictWord{132, 10, 311}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1740}, + dictWord{4, 0, 368}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 641, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 170}, + dictWord{8, 10, 90}, + dictWord{8, 10, 177}, + dictWord{8, 10, 415}, + dictWord{11, 10, 714}, + dictWord{142, 10, 281}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 69, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 122}, + dictWord{9, 11, 656}, + dictWord{138, 11, 464}, + dictWord{5, 11, 849}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1633}, + dictWord{8, 0, 522}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 0, + 328, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 91}, + dictWord{13, 10, 129}, + dictWord{15, 10, 101}, + dictWord{145, 10, 125}, + dictWord{7, 0, 562}, + dictWord{8, 0, 551}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 494, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 74}, + dictWord{7, 10, 44}, + dictWord{11, 11, 499}, + dictWord{12, 10, 17}, + dictWord{15, 10, 5}, + dictWord{148, 10, 11}, + dictWord{4, 10, 276}, + dictWord{133, 10, 296}, + dictWord{9, 0, 92}, + dictWord{147, 0, 91}, + dictWord{4, 10, 7}, + dictWord{5, 10, 90}, + dictWord{5, 10, 158}, + dictWord{6, 10, 542}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 221, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1574}, + dictWord{9, 10, 490}, + dictWord{10, 10, 540}, + dictWord{11, 10, 443}, + dictWord{139, 10, 757}, + dictWord{6, 0, 525}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1976, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 806}, + dictWord{9, 0, 876}, + dictWord{140, 0, 284}, + dictWord{5, 11, 859}, + dictWord{7, 10, 588}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1160}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 107, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 175}, + dictWord{9, 11, 291}, + dictWord{9, 11, 439}, + dictWord{10, 10, 530}, + dictWord{10, 11, 663}, + dictWord{11, 11, 609}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 197, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 168}, + dictWord{13, 11, 196}, + dictWord{141, 11, 237}, + dictWord{139, 0, 958}, + dictWord{133, 0, 594}, + dictWord{135, 10, 580}, + dictWord{7, 10, 88}, + dictWord{136, 10, 627}, + dictWord{6, 0, 479}, + dictWord{6, 0, 562}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1060}, + dictWord{13, 0, 6}, + dictWord{5, 10, 872}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 57, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 471}, + dictWord{9, 10, 447}, + dictWord{137, 10, 454}, + dictWord{136, 11, 413}, + dictWord{145, 11, 19}, + dictWord{4, 11, 117}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 372, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1905}, + dictWord{142, 11, 323}, + dictWord{4, 11, 722}, + dictWord{139, 11, 471}, + dictWord{17, 0, 61}, + dictWord{5, 10, 31}, + dictWord{134, 10, 614}, + dictWord{8, 10, 330}, + dictWord{140, 10, 477}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1200}, + dictWord{138, 10, 460}, + dictWord{6, 10, 424}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1866, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1641}, + dictWord{136, 0, 820}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1556}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1618}, + dictWord{9, 11, 5}, + dictWord{12, 11, 216}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 294, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 298}, + dictWord{12, 11, 400}, + dictWord{12, 11, 518}, + dictWord{13, 11, 229}, + dictWord{143, 11, 139}, + dictWord{15, 11, 155}, + dictWord{144, 11, 79}, + dictWord{4, 0, 302}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1766}, + dictWord{5, 10, 13}, + dictWord{134, 10, 142}, + dictWord{6, 0, 148}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1313}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 116, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 322}, + dictWord{8, 10, 755}, + dictWord{9, 10, 548}, + dictWord{10, 10, 714}, + dictWord{11, 10, 884}, + dictWord{141, 10, 324}, + dictWord{137, 0, 676}, + dictWord{9, 11, 88}, + dictWord{139, 11, 270}, + dictWord{5, 11, 12}, + dictWord{7, 11, 375}, + dictWord{137, 11, 438}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1674}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1472}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1554}, + dictWord{11, 0, 178}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1071}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1541}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1767}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1806, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 162}, + dictWord{11, 10, 242}, + dictWord{12, 10, 605}, + dictWord{15, 10, 26}, + dictWord{144, 10, 44}, + dictWord{6, 0, 389}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 149, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 142}, + dictWord{138, 0, 94}, + dictWord{140, 11, 71}, + dictWord{145, 10, 115}, + dictWord{6, 0, 8}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1881}, + dictWord{8, 0, 91}, + dictWord{11, 11, 966}, + dictWord{12, 11, 287}, + dictWord{13, 11, 342}, + dictWord{13, 11, 402}, + dictWord{15, 11, 110}, + dictWord{143, 11, 163}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 258, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 639}, + dictWord{6, 11, 22}, + dictWord{7, 11, 903}, + dictWord{138, 11, 577}, + dictWord{133, 11, 681}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1111}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1286}, + dictWord{9, 0, 112}, + dictWord{8, 10, 1}, + dictWord{138, 10, 326}, + dictWord{5, 10, 488}, + dictWord{6, 10, 527}, + dictWord{7, 10, 489}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1636, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 121}, + dictWord{8, 10, 144}, + dictWord{8, 10, 359}, + dictWord{9, 10, 193}, + dictWord{9, 10, 241}, + dictWord{9, 10, 336}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 882, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 266}, + dictWord{11, 10, 372}, + dictWord{11, 10, 944}, + dictWord{12, 10, 401}, + dictWord{140, 10, 641}, + dictWord{4, 11, 664}, + dictWord{133, 11, 804}, + dictWord{6, 0, 747}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1015}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1746}, + dictWord{9, 10, 31}, + dictWord{10, 10, 244}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 699, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 149}, + dictWord{141, 10, 497}, + dictWord{133, 10, 377}, + dictWord{135, 0, 24}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1352}, + dictWord{5, 11, 32}, + dictWord{ + 145, + 10, + 101, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1530}, + dictWord{10, 0, 158}, + dictWord{13, 0, 13}, + dictWord{13, 0, 137}, + dictWord{13, 0, 258}, + dictWord{14, 0, 111}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 225, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 253}, + dictWord{14, 0, 304}, + dictWord{14, 0, 339}, + dictWord{14, 0, 417}, + dictWord{146, 0, 33}, + dictWord{4, 0, 503}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1661, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 130}, + dictWord{6, 0, 845}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1314}, + dictWord{9, 0, 610}, + dictWord{10, 0, 718}, + dictWord{11, 0, 601}, + dictWord{11, 0, 819}, + dictWord{11, 0, 946}, + dictWord{140, 0, 536}, + dictWord{10, 0, 149}, + dictWord{11, 0, 280}, + dictWord{142, 0, 336}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1401}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1946, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 663}, + dictWord{144, 0, 8}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1607}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2023}, + dictWord{4, 11, 289}, + dictWord{7, 11, 629}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1698, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1711}, + dictWord{140, 11, 215}, + dictWord{6, 11, 450}, + dictWord{136, 11, 109}, + dictWord{10, 0, 882}, + dictWord{10, 0, 883}, + dictWord{10, 0, 914}, + dictWord{138, 0, 928}, + dictWord{133, 10, 843}, + dictWord{136, 11, 705}, + dictWord{132, 10, 554}, + dictWord{133, 10, 536}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 417, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 79}, + dictWord{11, 10, 625}, + dictWord{145, 10, 7}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1238}, + dictWord{142, 11, 37}, + dictWord{4, 0, 392}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1597, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 433}, + dictWord{9, 0, 633}, + dictWord{11, 0, 629}, + dictWord{132, 10, 424}, + dictWord{7, 10, 336}, + dictWord{136, 10, 785}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 355, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 234}, + dictWord{7, 0, 769}, + dictWord{9, 0, 18}, + dictWord{138, 0, 358}, + dictWord{4, 10, 896}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1777}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 323, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 140}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1950}, + dictWord{8, 0, 680}, + dictWord{11, 0, 817}, + dictWord{147, 0, 88}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1222}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 386, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 908}, + dictWord{11, 0, 249}, + dictWord{12, 0, 313}, + dictWord{16, 0, 66}, + dictWord{145, 0, 26}, + dictWord{134, 0, 5}, + dictWord{7, 10, 750}, + dictWord{9, 10, 223}, + dictWord{11, 10, 27}, + dictWord{11, 10, 466}, + dictWord{12, 10, 624}, + dictWord{14, 10, 265}, + dictWord{146, 10, 61}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 26, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1216}, + dictWord{5, 0, 963}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1773}, + dictWord{4, 11, 414}, + dictWord{5, 11, 467}, + dictWord{9, 11, 654}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 451, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 59}, + dictWord{141, 11, 375}, + dictWord{135, 11, 17}, + dictWord{4, 10, 603}, + dictWord{133, 10, 661}, + dictWord{4, 10, 11}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 128, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 231}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1533}, + dictWord{138, 10, 725}, + dictWord{135, 11, 955}, + dictWord{7, 0, 180}, + dictWord{8, 0, 509}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 792, + }, + dictWord{132, 10, 476}, + dictWord{132, 0, 1002}, + dictWord{133, 11, 538}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1807}, + dictWord{132, 0, 931}, + dictWord{7, 0, 943}, + dictWord{11, 0, 614}, + dictWord{140, 0, 747}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1837}, + dictWord{9, 10, 20}, + dictWord{10, 10, 324}, + dictWord{10, 10, 807}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 488, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 641}, + dictWord{6, 11, 280}, + dictWord{10, 11, 502}, + dictWord{11, 11, 344}, + dictWord{140, 11, 38}, + dictWord{5, 11, 45}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1161, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 448}, + dictWord{11, 11, 880}, + dictWord{13, 11, 139}, + dictWord{13, 11, 407}, + dictWord{15, 11, 16}, + dictWord{17, 11, 95}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 11, + 66, + }, + dictWord{18, 11, 88}, + dictWord{18, 11, 123}, + dictWord{149, 11, 7}, + dictWord{9, 0, 280}, + dictWord{138, 0, 134}, + dictWord{22, 0, 22}, + dictWord{23, 0, 5}, + dictWord{151, 0, 29}, + dictWord{136, 11, 777}, + dictWord{4, 0, 90}, + dictWord{5, 0, 545}, + dictWord{7, 0, 754}, + dictWord{9, 0, 186}, + dictWord{10, 0, 72}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 782, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 577}, + dictWord{11, 0, 610}, + dictWord{11, 0, 960}, + dictWord{12, 0, 354}, + dictWord{12, 0, 362}, + dictWord{12, 0, 595}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 410, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 521}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1778}, + dictWord{5, 10, 112}, + dictWord{6, 10, 103}, + dictWord{134, 10, 150}, + dictWord{138, 10, 356}, + dictWord{132, 0, 742}, + dictWord{7, 0, 151}, + dictWord{9, 0, 329}, + dictWord{139, 0, 254}, + dictWord{8, 0, 853}, + dictWord{8, 0, 881}, + dictWord{8, 0, 911}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 912, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 872}, + dictWord{12, 0, 741}, + dictWord{12, 0, 742}, + dictWord{152, 0, 18}, + dictWord{4, 11, 573}, + dictWord{136, 11, 655}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 921, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 934}, + dictWord{9, 0, 187}, + dictWord{10, 0, 36}, + dictWord{11, 0, 1016}, + dictWord{17, 0, 44}, + dictWord{146, 0, 64}, + dictWord{7, 0, 833}, + dictWord{136, 0, 517}, + dictWord{4, 0, 506}, + dictWord{5, 0, 295}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1680}, + dictWord{4, 10, 708}, + dictWord{8, 10, 15}, + dictWord{9, 10, 50}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 386, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 18}, + dictWord{11, 10, 529}, + dictWord{140, 10, 228}, + dictWord{7, 0, 251}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1701}, + dictWord{8, 0, 436}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 563, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 592}, + dictWord{7, 10, 637}, + dictWord{7, 10, 770}, + dictWord{8, 10, 463}, + dictWord{9, 10, 60}, + dictWord{9, 10, 335}, + dictWord{9, 10, 904}, + dictWord{10, 10, 73}, + dictWord{11, 10, 434}, + dictWord{12, 10, 585}, + dictWord{13, 10, 331}, + dictWord{18, 10, 110}, + dictWord{148, 10, 60}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 502, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 584}, + dictWord{6, 10, 347}, + dictWord{138, 10, 161}, + dictWord{7, 0, 987}, + dictWord{9, 0, 688}, + dictWord{10, 0, 522}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 788, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 137}, + dictWord{12, 0, 566}, + dictWord{14, 0, 9}, + dictWord{14, 0, 24}, + dictWord{14, 0, 64}, + dictWord{7, 11, 899}, + dictWord{142, 11, 325}, + dictWord{4, 0, 214}, + dictWord{5, 0, 500}, + dictWord{5, 10, 102}, + dictWord{6, 10, 284}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1079}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1423}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1702}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 470, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 554}, + dictWord{9, 10, 723}, + dictWord{139, 10, 333}, + dictWord{7, 10, 246}, + dictWord{135, 10, 840}, + dictWord{6, 10, 10}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 571, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 739}, + dictWord{143, 10, 91}, + dictWord{133, 10, 626}, + dictWord{146, 0, 195}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1775}, + dictWord{7, 0, 389}, + dictWord{7, 0, 700}, + dictWord{7, 0, 940}, + dictWord{8, 0, 514}, + dictWord{9, 0, 116}, + dictWord{9, 0, 535}, + dictWord{10, 0, 118}, + dictWord{11, 0, 107}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 148, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 922}, + dictWord{12, 0, 254}, + dictWord{12, 0, 421}, + dictWord{142, 0, 238}, + dictWord{5, 10, 18}, + dictWord{6, 10, 526}, + dictWord{13, 10, 24}, + dictWord{13, 10, 110}, + dictWord{19, 10, 5}, + dictWord{147, 10, 44}, + dictWord{132, 0, 743}, + dictWord{11, 0, 292}, + dictWord{4, 10, 309}, + dictWord{5, 10, 462}, + dictWord{7, 10, 970}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1097}, + dictWord{22, 10, 30}, + dictWord{150, 10, 33}, + dictWord{139, 11, 338}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1598}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1283, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 227}, + dictWord{11, 0, 325}, + dictWord{11, 0, 408}, + dictWord{14, 0, 180}, + dictWord{146, 0, 47}, + dictWord{4, 0, 953}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1805}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1814}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1862}, + dictWord{140, 0, 774}, + dictWord{6, 11, 611}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1733}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1464}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 81, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 146}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1342}, + dictWord{8, 0, 53}, + dictWord{8, 0, 561}, + dictWord{8, 0, 694}, + dictWord{8, 0, 754}, + dictWord{9, 0, 115}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 179, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 894}, + dictWord{10, 0, 462}, + dictWord{10, 0, 813}, + dictWord{11, 0, 230}, + dictWord{11, 0, 657}, + dictWord{11, 0, 699}, + dictWord{11, 0, 748}, + dictWord{12, 0, 119}, + dictWord{12, 0, 200}, + dictWord{12, 0, 283}, + dictWord{142, 0, 273}, + dictWord{5, 0, 408}, + dictWord{6, 0, 789}, + dictWord{6, 0, 877}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1253, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1413}, + dictWord{137, 0, 747}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1704}, + dictWord{135, 11, 663}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1910}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1915}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1923}, + dictWord{9, 0, 913}, + dictWord{9, 0, 928}, + dictWord{9, 0, 950}, + dictWord{9, 0, 954}, + dictWord{9, 0, 978}, + dictWord{9, 0, 993}, + dictWord{12, 0, 812}, + dictWord{12, 0, 819}, + dictWord{12, 0, 831}, + dictWord{12, 0, 833}, + dictWord{12, 0, 838}, + dictWord{12, 0, 909}, + dictWord{12, 0, 928}, + dictWord{12, 0, 931}, + dictWord{12, 0, 950}, + dictWord{15, 0, 186}, + dictWord{15, 0, 187}, + dictWord{15, 0, 195}, + dictWord{15, 0, 196}, + dictWord{15, 0, 209}, + dictWord{15, 0, 215}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 0, + 236, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 241}, + dictWord{15, 0, 249}, + dictWord{15, 0, 253}, + dictWord{18, 0, 180}, + dictWord{18, 0, 221}, + dictWord{18, 0, 224}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 227, + }, + dictWord{18, 0, 229}, + dictWord{149, 0, 60}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1826}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1938}, + dictWord{11, 0, 490}, + dictWord{18, 0, 143}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 86, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 743}, + dictWord{9, 10, 85}, + dictWord{10, 10, 281}, + dictWord{10, 10, 432}, + dictWord{12, 10, 251}, + dictWord{13, 10, 118}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 10, + 378, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 524}, + dictWord{133, 10, 744}, + dictWord{141, 11, 442}, + dictWord{10, 10, 107}, + dictWord{140, 10, 436}, + dictWord{135, 11, 503}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1162}, + dictWord{132, 10, 927}, + dictWord{7, 0, 30}, + dictWord{8, 0, 86}, + dictWord{8, 0, 315}, + dictWord{8, 0, 700}, + dictWord{9, 0, 576}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 858, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 414}, + dictWord{11, 0, 310}, + dictWord{11, 0, 888}, + dictWord{11, 0, 904}, + dictWord{12, 0, 361}, + dictWord{13, 0, 248}, + dictWord{13, 0, 371}, + dictWord{14, 0, 142}, + dictWord{12, 10, 670}, + dictWord{146, 10, 94}, + dictWord{134, 0, 721}, + dictWord{4, 11, 113}, + dictWord{5, 11, 163}, + dictWord{5, 11, 735}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1009}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1149}, + dictWord{9, 11, 9}, + dictWord{9, 10, 156}, + dictWord{9, 11, 771}, + dictWord{12, 11, 90}, + dictWord{13, 11, 138}, + dictWord{13, 11, 410}, + dictWord{143, 11, 128}, + dictWord{138, 0, 839}, + dictWord{133, 10, 778}, + dictWord{137, 0, 617}, + dictWord{133, 10, 502}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 196, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 283}, + dictWord{139, 10, 406}, + dictWord{6, 0, 428}, + dictWord{7, 0, 524}, + dictWord{8, 0, 169}, + dictWord{8, 0, 234}, + dictWord{9, 0, 480}, + dictWord{138, 0, 646}, + dictWord{133, 10, 855}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1648}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1205}, + dictWord{138, 0, 637}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1596}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 935, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 823}, + dictWord{5, 11, 269}, + dictWord{7, 11, 434}, + dictWord{7, 11, 891}, + dictWord{8, 11, 339}, + dictWord{9, 11, 702}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 594, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 718}, + dictWord{145, 11, 100}, + dictWord{7, 11, 878}, + dictWord{9, 11, 485}, + dictWord{141, 11, 264}, + dictWord{4, 0, 266}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 4, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 39}, + dictWord{10, 0, 166}, + dictWord{11, 0, 918}, + dictWord{12, 0, 635}, + dictWord{20, 0, 10}, + dictWord{22, 0, 27}, + dictWord{22, 0, 43}, + dictWord{ + 22, + 0, + 52, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 1713}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1400}, + dictWord{9, 10, 446}, + dictWord{138, 10, 45}, + dictWord{135, 11, 900}, + dictWord{132, 0, 862}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1554}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1033}, + dictWord{19, 0, 16}, + dictWord{147, 11, 16}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1208}, + dictWord{7, 0, 157}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 279, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 604}, + dictWord{136, 0, 391}, + dictWord{13, 10, 455}, + dictWord{15, 10, 99}, + dictWord{15, 10, 129}, + dictWord{144, 10, 68}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 172, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 945}, + dictWord{11, 0, 713}, + dictWord{139, 0, 744}, + dictWord{4, 0, 973}, + dictWord{10, 0, 877}, + dictWord{10, 0, 937}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 938, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 711}, + dictWord{139, 0, 1022}, + dictWord{132, 10, 568}, + dictWord{142, 11, 143}, + dictWord{4, 0, 567}, + dictWord{9, 0, 859}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 732, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1846}, + dictWord{136, 0, 628}, + dictWord{136, 10, 733}, + dictWord{133, 0, 762}, + dictWord{4, 10, 428}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1789}, + dictWord{10, 0, 784}, + dictWord{13, 0, 191}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2015}, + dictWord{140, 10, 665}, + dictWord{133, 0, 298}, + dictWord{7, 0, 633}, + dictWord{7, 0, 905}, + dictWord{7, 0, 909}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1538}, + dictWord{9, 0, 767}, + dictWord{140, 0, 636}, + dictWord{138, 10, 806}, + dictWord{132, 0, 795}, + dictWord{139, 0, 301}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1970}, + dictWord{5, 11, 625}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1617}, + dictWord{135, 11, 275}, + dictWord{7, 11, 37}, + dictWord{8, 11, 425}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 693, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 720}, + dictWord{10, 11, 380}, + dictWord{10, 11, 638}, + dictWord{11, 11, 273}, + dictWord{11, 11, 307}, + dictWord{11, 11, 473}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 61, + }, + dictWord{143, 11, 43}, + dictWord{135, 11, 198}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1236}, + dictWord{7, 0, 369}, + dictWord{12, 0, 644}, + dictWord{12, 0, 645}, + dictWord{144, 0, 90}, + dictWord{19, 0, 15}, + dictWord{149, 0, 27}, + dictWord{6, 0, 71}, + dictWord{7, 0, 845}, + dictWord{8, 0, 160}, + dictWord{9, 0, 318}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1623}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1681}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1447}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1255}, + dictWord{138, 0, 735}, + dictWord{8, 0, 76}, + dictWord{132, 11, 168}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 1748, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 715}, + dictWord{9, 10, 802}, + dictWord{10, 10, 46}, + dictWord{10, 10, 819}, + dictWord{13, 10, 308}, + dictWord{14, 10, 351}, + dictWord{14, 10, 363}, + dictWord{146, 10, 67}, + dictWord{135, 11, 91}, + dictWord{6, 0, 474}, + dictWord{4, 10, 63}, + dictWord{133, 10, 347}, + dictWord{133, 10, 749}, + dictWord{138, 0, 841}, + dictWord{133, 10, 366}, + dictWord{6, 0, 836}, + dictWord{132, 11, 225}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1622}, + dictWord{135, 10, 89}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 0, + 735, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1601}, + dictWord{138, 11, 145}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1390}, + dictWord{137, 0, 804}, + dictWord{142, 0, 394}, + dictWord{6, 11, 15}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 70, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 240}, + dictWord{147, 11, 93}, + dictWord{6, 0, 96}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1426}, + dictWord{4, 0, 651}, + dictWord{133, 0, 289}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 956, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 977}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1157}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1506}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1606}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1615}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1619}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1736, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1775}, + dictWord{8, 11, 590}, + dictWord{9, 11, 324}, + dictWord{9, 11, 736}, + dictWord{9, 11, 774}, + dictWord{9, 11, 776}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 784, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 567}, + dictWord{10, 11, 708}, + dictWord{11, 11, 518}, + dictWord{11, 11, 613}, + dictWord{11, 11, 695}, + dictWord{11, 11, 716}, + dictWord{11, 11, 739}, + dictWord{11, 11, 770}, + dictWord{11, 11, 771}, + dictWord{11, 11, 848}, + dictWord{11, 11, 857}, + dictWord{11, 11, 931}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 947, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 326}, + dictWord{12, 11, 387}, + dictWord{12, 11, 484}, + dictWord{12, 11, 528}, + dictWord{12, 11, 552}, + dictWord{12, 11, 613}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 189, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 256}, + dictWord{13, 11, 340}, + dictWord{13, 11, 432}, + dictWord{13, 11, 436}, + dictWord{13, 11, 440}, + dictWord{13, 11, 454}, + dictWord{14, 11, 174}, + dictWord{14, 11, 220}, + dictWord{14, 11, 284}, + dictWord{14, 11, 390}, + dictWord{145, 11, 121}, + dictWord{7, 0, 688}, + dictWord{8, 0, 35}, + dictWord{9, 0, 511}, + dictWord{10, 0, 767}, + dictWord{147, 0, 118}, + dictWord{134, 0, 667}, + dictWord{4, 0, 513}, + dictWord{5, 10, 824}, + dictWord{133, 10, 941}, + dictWord{7, 10, 440}, + dictWord{8, 10, 230}, + dictWord{139, 10, 106}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2034}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1399}, + dictWord{143, 11, 66}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1529, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 145}, + dictWord{6, 11, 176}, + dictWord{7, 11, 395}, + dictWord{9, 11, 562}, + dictWord{144, 11, 28}, + dictWord{132, 11, 501}, + dictWord{132, 0, 704}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1524}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1078}, + dictWord{134, 11, 464}, + dictWord{6, 11, 509}, + dictWord{10, 11, 82}, + dictWord{20, 11, 91}, + dictWord{151, 11, 13}, + dictWord{4, 0, 720}, + dictWord{133, 0, 306}, + dictWord{133, 0, 431}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1196}, + dictWord{4, 10, 914}, + dictWord{5, 10, 800}, + dictWord{133, 10, 852}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1189}, + dictWord{10, 0, 54}, + dictWord{141, 10, 115}, + dictWord{7, 10, 564}, + dictWord{142, 10, 168}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 464, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 236}, + dictWord{7, 0, 696}, + dictWord{7, 0, 914}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1108}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1448}, + dictWord{9, 0, 15}, + dictWord{9, 0, 564}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 14, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 565}, + dictWord{13, 0, 449}, + dictWord{14, 0, 53}, + dictWord{15, 0, 13}, + dictWord{16, 0, 64}, + dictWord{17, 0, 41}, + dictWord{4, 10, 918}, + dictWord{133, 10, 876}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1418}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1764}, + dictWord{4, 10, 92}, + dictWord{133, 10, 274}, + dictWord{134, 0, 907}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 114, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 501}, + dictWord{9, 11, 492}, + dictWord{13, 11, 462}, + dictWord{142, 11, 215}, + dictWord{4, 11, 77}, + dictWord{5, 11, 361}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 139, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 401}, + dictWord{6, 11, 404}, + dictWord{7, 11, 413}, + dictWord{7, 11, 715}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1716}, + dictWord{11, 11, 279}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 179, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 258}, + dictWord{13, 11, 244}, + dictWord{142, 11, 358}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1767}, + dictWord{12, 0, 194}, + dictWord{145, 0, 107}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 1717, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 743}, + dictWord{142, 11, 329}, + dictWord{4, 10, 49}, + dictWord{7, 10, 280}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1633}, + dictWord{5, 0, 840}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1061}, + dictWord{8, 11, 82}, + dictWord{11, 11, 250}, + dictWord{12, 11, 420}, + dictWord{141, 11, 184}, + dictWord{135, 11, 724}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 900, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 47}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1436}, + dictWord{144, 11, 0}, + dictWord{6, 0, 675}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1008}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1560}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 642, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 236}, + dictWord{14, 0, 193}, + dictWord{5, 10, 272}, + dictWord{5, 10, 908}, + dictWord{5, 10, 942}, + dictWord{8, 10, 197}, + dictWord{9, 10, 47}, + dictWord{11, 10, 538}, + dictWord{139, 10, 742}, + dictWord{4, 0, 68}, + dictWord{5, 0, 628}, + dictWord{5, 0, 634}, + dictWord{6, 0, 386}, + dictWord{7, 0, 794}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 273, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 563}, + dictWord{10, 0, 105}, + dictWord{10, 0, 171}, + dictWord{11, 0, 94}, + dictWord{139, 0, 354}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1911}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 891, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 95}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1297}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1604}, + dictWord{7, 0, 416}, + dictWord{139, 0, 830}, + dictWord{6, 11, 513}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1052, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 731}, + dictWord{13, 0, 20}, + dictWord{143, 0, 11}, + dictWord{137, 11, 899}, + dictWord{10, 0, 850}, + dictWord{140, 0, 697}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 662, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1417}, + dictWord{12, 11, 382}, + dictWord{17, 11, 48}, + dictWord{152, 11, 12}, + dictWord{133, 0, 736}, + dictWord{132, 0, 861}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 407, + }, + dictWord{132, 10, 560}, + dictWord{141, 10, 490}, + dictWord{6, 11, 545}, + dictWord{7, 11, 565}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1669}, + dictWord{10, 11, 114}, + dictWord{11, 11, 642}, + dictWord{140, 11, 618}, + dictWord{6, 0, 871}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1000}, + dictWord{5, 0, 864}, + dictWord{10, 0, 648}, + dictWord{11, 0, 671}, + dictWord{15, 0, 46}, + dictWord{133, 11, 5}, + dictWord{133, 0, 928}, + dictWord{11, 0, 90}, + dictWord{13, 0, 7}, + dictWord{4, 10, 475}, + dictWord{11, 10, 35}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 71, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 177}, + dictWord{142, 10, 422}, + dictWord{136, 0, 332}, + dictWord{135, 11, 192}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1055}, + dictWord{136, 11, 763}, + dictWord{11, 0, 986}, + dictWord{140, 0, 682}, + dictWord{7, 0, 76}, + dictWord{8, 0, 44}, + dictWord{9, 0, 884}, + dictWord{10, 0, 580}, + dictWord{11, 0, 399}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 894, + }, + dictWord{143, 0, 122}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1237}, + dictWord{135, 10, 636}, + dictWord{11, 0, 300}, + dictWord{6, 10, 222}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1620}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 409, + }, + dictWord{137, 10, 693}, + dictWord{4, 11, 87}, + dictWord{5, 11, 250}, + dictWord{10, 11, 601}, + dictWord{13, 11, 298}, + dictWord{13, 11, 353}, + dictWord{141, 11, 376}, + dictWord{5, 0, 518}, + dictWord{10, 0, 340}, + dictWord{11, 0, 175}, + dictWord{149, 0, 16}, + dictWord{140, 0, 771}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1108}, + dictWord{137, 0, 831}, + dictWord{132, 0, 836}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1852}, + dictWord{4, 0, 957}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1804}, + dictWord{8, 0, 842}, + dictWord{8, 0, 843}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 851, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 855}, + dictWord{140, 0, 767}, + dictWord{135, 11, 814}, + dictWord{4, 11, 57}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1195}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1438}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1548, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1835}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1904}, + dictWord{9, 11, 757}, + dictWord{10, 11, 604}, + dictWord{139, 11, 519}, + dictWord{133, 10, 882}, + dictWord{138, 0, 246}, + dictWord{4, 0, 934}, + dictWord{5, 0, 202}, + dictWord{8, 0, 610}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1897}, + dictWord{12, 11, 290}, + dictWord{13, 11, 80}, + dictWord{13, 11, 437}, + dictWord{145, 11, 74}, + dictWord{8, 0, 96}, + dictWord{9, 0, 36}, + dictWord{10, 0, 607}, + dictWord{10, 0, 804}, + dictWord{10, 0, 832}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 423, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 442}, + dictWord{12, 0, 309}, + dictWord{14, 0, 199}, + dictWord{15, 0, 90}, + dictWord{145, 0, 110}, + dictWord{132, 10, 426}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 654, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 240}, + dictWord{6, 10, 58}, + dictWord{7, 10, 745}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1969}, + dictWord{8, 10, 675}, + dictWord{9, 10, 479}, + dictWord{9, 10, 731}, + dictWord{10, 10, 330}, + dictWord{10, 10, 593}, + dictWord{10, 10, 817}, + dictWord{11, 10, 32}, + dictWord{11, 10, 133}, + dictWord{11, 10, 221}, + dictWord{ + 145, + 10, + 68, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 13}, + dictWord{9, 0, 398}, + dictWord{9, 0, 727}, + dictWord{10, 0, 75}, + dictWord{10, 0, 184}, + dictWord{10, 0, 230}, + dictWord{10, 0, 564}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 569, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 973}, + dictWord{12, 0, 70}, + dictWord{12, 0, 189}, + dictWord{13, 0, 57}, + dictWord{141, 0, 257}, + dictWord{4, 11, 209}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 902, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 391}, + dictWord{137, 10, 538}, + dictWord{134, 0, 403}, + dictWord{6, 11, 303}, + dictWord{7, 11, 335}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1437}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1668, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 553}, + dictWord{8, 11, 652}, + dictWord{8, 11, 656}, + dictWord{9, 11, 558}, + dictWord{11, 11, 743}, + dictWord{149, 11, 18}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 559, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 75}, + dictWord{142, 0, 267}, + dictWord{6, 0, 815}, + dictWord{141, 11, 2}, + dictWord{141, 0, 366}, + dictWord{137, 0, 631}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 1017, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 345}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1016}, + dictWord{133, 11, 709}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1745}, + dictWord{133, 10, 566}, + dictWord{7, 0, 952}, + dictWord{6, 10, 48}, + dictWord{9, 10, 139}, + dictWord{10, 10, 399}, + dictWord{11, 10, 469}, + dictWord{12, 10, 634}, + dictWord{141, 10, 223}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 673, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 850}, + dictWord{7, 11, 8}, + dictWord{136, 11, 206}, + dictWord{6, 0, 662}, + dictWord{149, 0, 35}, + dictWord{4, 0, 287}, + dictWord{133, 0, 1018}, + dictWord{6, 10, 114}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1224}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1556}, + dictWord{136, 10, 3}, + dictWord{8, 10, 576}, + dictWord{137, 10, 267}, + dictWord{4, 0, 884}, + dictWord{5, 0, 34}, + dictWord{10, 0, 724}, + dictWord{12, 0, 444}, + dictWord{13, 0, 354}, + dictWord{18, 0, 32}, + dictWord{23, 0, 24}, + dictWord{23, 0, 31}, + dictWord{ + 152, + 0, + 5, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 933}, + dictWord{132, 11, 776}, + dictWord{138, 0, 151}, + dictWord{136, 0, 427}, + dictWord{134, 0, 382}, + dictWord{132, 0, 329}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 846, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 827}, + dictWord{138, 11, 33}, + dictWord{9, 0, 279}, + dictWord{10, 0, 407}, + dictWord{14, 0, 84}, + dictWord{22, 0, 18}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1297, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 406}, + dictWord{132, 0, 906}, + dictWord{136, 0, 366}, + dictWord{134, 0, 843}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1443}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1372}, + dictWord{138, 0, 992}, + dictWord{4, 0, 123}, + dictWord{5, 0, 605}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1509}, + dictWord{136, 0, 36}, + dictWord{132, 0, 649}, + dictWord{8, 11, 175}, + dictWord{10, 11, 168}, + dictWord{138, 11, 573}, + dictWord{133, 0, 767}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1018}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1305}, + dictWord{12, 10, 30}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 148, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 87}, + dictWord{14, 10, 182}, + dictWord{16, 10, 42}, + dictWord{148, 10, 70}, + dictWord{134, 11, 607}, + dictWord{4, 0, 273}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 658, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 995}, + dictWord{6, 0, 72}, + dictWord{139, 11, 174}, + dictWord{10, 0, 483}, + dictWord{12, 0, 368}, + dictWord{7, 10, 56}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1989, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 337}, + dictWord{8, 10, 738}, + dictWord{9, 10, 600}, + dictWord{13, 10, 447}, + dictWord{142, 10, 92}, + dictWord{5, 11, 784}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 666, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1345}, + dictWord{139, 11, 882}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1293}, + dictWord{133, 0, 589}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1988}, + dictWord{5, 0, 117}, + dictWord{6, 0, 514}, + dictWord{6, 0, 541}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1164}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1436}, + dictWord{8, 0, 220}, + dictWord{8, 0, 648}, + dictWord{10, 0, 688}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 560, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 379}, + dictWord{5, 0, 686}, + dictWord{7, 10, 866}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1163}, + dictWord{132, 10, 328}, + dictWord{9, 11, 14}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 441, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 306}, + dictWord{139, 11, 9}, + dictWord{4, 10, 101}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1171}, + dictWord{5, 10, 833}, + dictWord{136, 10, 744}, + dictWord{5, 11, 161}, + dictWord{7, 11, 839}, + dictWord{135, 11, 887}, + dictWord{7, 0, 196}, + dictWord{10, 0, 765}, + dictWord{11, 0, 347}, + dictWord{11, 0, 552}, + dictWord{11, 0, 790}, + dictWord{12, 0, 263}, + dictWord{13, 0, 246}, + dictWord{13, 0, 270}, + dictWord{13, 0, 395}, + dictWord{14, 0, 176}, + dictWord{14, 0, 190}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 398, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 412}, + dictWord{15, 0, 32}, + dictWord{15, 0, 63}, + dictWord{16, 0, 88}, + dictWord{147, 0, 105}, + dictWord{6, 10, 9}, + dictWord{6, 10, 397}, + dictWord{7, 10, 53}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1742}, + dictWord{10, 10, 632}, + dictWord{11, 10, 828}, + dictWord{140, 10, 146}, + dictWord{5, 0, 381}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1792}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1452}, + dictWord{135, 11, 429}, + dictWord{8, 0, 367}, + dictWord{10, 0, 760}, + dictWord{14, 0, 79}, + dictWord{20, 0, 17}, + dictWord{152, 0, 0}, + dictWord{7, 0, 616}, + dictWord{138, 0, 413}, + dictWord{11, 10, 417}, + dictWord{12, 10, 223}, + dictWord{140, 10, 265}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1611}, + dictWord{13, 11, 14}, + dictWord{15, 11, 44}, + dictWord{19, 11, 13}, + dictWord{148, 11, 76}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1229}, + dictWord{6, 0, 120}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1188}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1710}, + dictWord{8, 0, 286}, + dictWord{9, 0, 667}, + dictWord{11, 0, 592}, + dictWord{139, 0, 730}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1814}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1146}, + dictWord{4, 10, 186}, + dictWord{5, 10, 157}, + dictWord{8, 10, 168}, + dictWord{138, 10, 6}, + dictWord{4, 0, 352}, + dictWord{135, 0, 687}, + dictWord{4, 0, 192}, + dictWord{5, 0, 49}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 200, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 293}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1696}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1151}, + dictWord{133, 10, 875}, + dictWord{5, 10, 773}, + dictWord{5, 10, 991}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 1635, + }, + dictWord{134, 10, 1788}, + dictWord{7, 10, 111}, + dictWord{136, 10, 581}, + dictWord{6, 0, 935}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1151}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1050}, + dictWord{132, 0, 650}, + dictWord{132, 0, 147}, + dictWord{11, 0, 194}, + dictWord{12, 0, 62}, + dictWord{12, 0, 88}, + dictWord{11, 11, 194}, + dictWord{12, 11, 62}, + dictWord{140, 11, 88}, + dictWord{6, 0, 339}, + dictWord{135, 0, 923}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1747}, + dictWord{7, 11, 643}, + dictWord{136, 11, 236}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 934, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1364}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1907}, + dictWord{141, 10, 158}, + dictWord{132, 10, 659}, + dictWord{4, 10, 404}, + dictWord{135, 10, 675}, + dictWord{7, 11, 581}, + dictWord{9, 11, 644}, + dictWord{137, 11, 699}, + dictWord{13, 0, 211}, + dictWord{14, 0, 133}, + dictWord{14, 0, 204}, + dictWord{15, 0, 64}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 0, + 69, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 114}, + dictWord{16, 0, 10}, + dictWord{19, 0, 23}, + dictWord{19, 0, 35}, + dictWord{19, 0, 39}, + dictWord{19, 0, 51}, + dictWord{19, 0, 71}, + dictWord{19, 0, 75}, + dictWord{152, 0, 15}, + dictWord{133, 10, 391}, + dictWord{5, 11, 54}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1513}, + dictWord{7, 0, 222}, + dictWord{8, 0, 341}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 540, + }, + dictWord{134, 10, 1697}, + dictWord{134, 10, 78}, + dictWord{132, 11, 744}, + dictWord{136, 0, 293}, + dictWord{137, 11, 701}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 930, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 402}, + dictWord{10, 11, 476}, + dictWord{13, 11, 452}, + dictWord{18, 11, 55}, + dictWord{147, 11, 104}, + dictWord{132, 0, 637}, + dictWord{133, 10, 460}, + dictWord{8, 11, 50}, + dictWord{137, 11, 624}, + dictWord{132, 11, 572}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1159}, + dictWord{4, 10, 199}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 34, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 847}, + dictWord{134, 10, 388}, + dictWord{6, 11, 43}, + dictWord{7, 11, 38}, + dictWord{8, 11, 248}, + dictWord{9, 11, 504}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 513, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 683}, + dictWord{4, 10, 511}, + dictWord{6, 10, 608}, + dictWord{9, 10, 333}, + dictWord{10, 10, 602}, + dictWord{11, 10, 441}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 723, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 976}, + dictWord{140, 10, 357}, + dictWord{9, 0, 867}, + dictWord{138, 0, 837}, + dictWord{6, 0, 944}, + dictWord{135, 11, 326}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1809, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 938}, + dictWord{7, 11, 783}, + dictWord{136, 10, 707}, + dictWord{133, 11, 766}, + dictWord{133, 11, 363}, + dictWord{6, 0, 170}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1080}, + dictWord{8, 0, 395}, + dictWord{8, 0, 487}, + dictWord{141, 0, 147}, + dictWord{6, 11, 258}, + dictWord{140, 11, 409}, + dictWord{4, 0, 535}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 618, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 249}, + dictWord{148, 11, 82}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1379}, + dictWord{149, 11, 15}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1625}, + dictWord{150, 0, 23}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 393, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 378}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1981}, + dictWord{9, 11, 32}, + dictWord{9, 11, 591}, + dictWord{10, 11, 685}, + dictWord{10, 11, 741}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 11, + 382, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 788}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1968}, + dictWord{10, 11, 19}, + dictWord{139, 11, 911}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1401}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1476, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 61}, + dictWord{5, 11, 58}, + dictWord{5, 11, 171}, + dictWord{5, 11, 635}, + dictWord{5, 11, 683}, + dictWord{5, 11, 700}, + dictWord{6, 11, 291}, + dictWord{6, 11, 566}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1650}, + dictWord{11, 11, 523}, + dictWord{12, 11, 273}, + dictWord{12, 11, 303}, + dictWord{15, 11, 39}, + dictWord{ + 143, + 11, + 111, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 469}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1709}, + dictWord{138, 10, 515}, + dictWord{4, 0, 778}, + dictWord{134, 11, 589}, + dictWord{132, 0, 46}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 811, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1679}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1714}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2032}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1458}, + dictWord{9, 0, 407}, + dictWord{11, 0, 15}, + dictWord{12, 0, 651}, + dictWord{149, 0, 37}, + dictWord{7, 0, 938}, + dictWord{132, 10, 500}, + dictWord{6, 0, 34}, + dictWord{7, 0, 69}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1089}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1281}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 708, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 721}, + dictWord{9, 0, 363}, + dictWord{148, 0, 98}, + dictWord{10, 11, 231}, + dictWord{147, 11, 124}, + dictWord{7, 11, 726}, + dictWord{ + 152, + 11, + 9, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 68}, + dictWord{134, 10, 383}, + dictWord{136, 11, 583}, + dictWord{4, 11, 917}, + dictWord{133, 11, 1005}, + dictWord{11, 10, 216}, + dictWord{139, 10, 340}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1675}, + dictWord{8, 0, 441}, + dictWord{10, 0, 314}, + dictWord{143, 0, 3}, + dictWord{132, 11, 919}, + dictWord{4, 10, 337}, + dictWord{6, 10, 353}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1934}, + dictWord{8, 10, 488}, + dictWord{137, 10, 429}, + dictWord{7, 0, 889}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1795}, + dictWord{8, 10, 259}, + dictWord{9, 10, 135}, + dictWord{9, 10, 177}, + dictWord{9, 10, 860}, + dictWord{10, 10, 825}, + dictWord{11, 10, 115}, + dictWord{11, 10, 370}, + dictWord{11, 10, 405}, + dictWord{11, 10, 604}, + dictWord{12, 10, 10}, + dictWord{12, 10, 667}, + dictWord{12, 10, 669}, + dictWord{13, 10, 76}, + dictWord{14, 10, 310}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 10, + 76, + }, + dictWord{15, 10, 147}, + dictWord{148, 10, 23}, + dictWord{4, 10, 15}, + dictWord{4, 11, 255}, + dictWord{5, 10, 22}, + dictWord{5, 11, 302}, + dictWord{6, 11, 132}, + dictWord{6, 10, 244}, + dictWord{7, 10, 40}, + dictWord{7, 11, 128}, + dictWord{7, 10, 200}, + dictWord{7, 11, 283}, + dictWord{7, 10, 906}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1199}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1299, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 616}, + dictWord{10, 11, 52}, + dictWord{10, 11, 514}, + dictWord{10, 10, 716}, + dictWord{11, 10, 635}, + dictWord{11, 10, 801}, + dictWord{11, 11, 925}, + dictWord{12, 10, 458}, + dictWord{13, 11, 92}, + dictWord{142, 11, 309}, + dictWord{132, 0, 462}, + dictWord{137, 11, 173}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1735, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 525}, + dictWord{5, 10, 598}, + dictWord{7, 10, 791}, + dictWord{8, 10, 108}, + dictWord{137, 10, 123}, + dictWord{5, 0, 73}, + dictWord{6, 0, 23}, + dictWord{134, 0, 338}, + dictWord{132, 0, 676}, + dictWord{132, 10, 683}, + dictWord{7, 0, 725}, + dictWord{8, 0, 498}, + dictWord{139, 0, 268}, + dictWord{12, 0, 21}, + dictWord{151, 0, 7}, + dictWord{135, 0, 773}, + dictWord{4, 10, 155}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1689}, + dictWord{4, 0, 164}, + dictWord{5, 0, 730}, + dictWord{5, 10, 151}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 741, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 210}, + dictWord{7, 10, 498}, + dictWord{7, 10, 870}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1542}, + dictWord{12, 10, 213}, + dictWord{14, 10, 36}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 391, + }, + dictWord{17, 10, 111}, + dictWord{18, 10, 6}, + dictWord{18, 10, 46}, + dictWord{18, 10, 151}, + dictWord{19, 10, 36}, + dictWord{20, 10, 32}, + dictWord{ + 20, + 10, + 56, + }, + dictWord{20, 10, 69}, + dictWord{20, 10, 102}, + dictWord{21, 10, 4}, + dictWord{22, 10, 8}, + dictWord{22, 10, 10}, + dictWord{22, 10, 14}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 10, + 31, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 624}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1752}, + dictWord{4, 0, 583}, + dictWord{9, 0, 936}, + dictWord{15, 0, 214}, + dictWord{18, 0, 199}, + dictWord{24, 0, 26}, + dictWord{134, 11, 588}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1462}, + dictWord{11, 0, 659}, + dictWord{4, 11, 284}, + dictWord{134, 11, 223}, + dictWord{133, 0, 220}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 803, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 544}, + dictWord{4, 10, 492}, + dictWord{133, 10, 451}, + dictWord{16, 0, 98}, + dictWord{148, 0, 119}, + dictWord{4, 11, 218}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 526, + }, + dictWord{143, 11, 137}, + dictWord{135, 10, 835}, + dictWord{4, 11, 270}, + dictWord{5, 11, 192}, + dictWord{6, 11, 332}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1322}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 9, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 70}, + dictWord{14, 11, 104}, + dictWord{142, 11, 311}, + dictWord{132, 10, 539}, + dictWord{140, 11, 661}, + dictWord{5, 0, 176}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 437, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 564}, + dictWord{11, 0, 181}, + dictWord{141, 0, 183}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1192}, + dictWord{6, 10, 113}, + dictWord{135, 10, 436}, + dictWord{136, 10, 718}, + dictWord{135, 10, 520}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1878}, + dictWord{140, 11, 196}, + dictWord{7, 11, 379}, + dictWord{8, 11, 481}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 377, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 1003}, + dictWord{6, 11, 149}, + dictWord{137, 11, 746}, + dictWord{8, 11, 262}, + dictWord{9, 11, 627}, + dictWord{10, 11, 18}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 214, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 404}, + dictWord{11, 11, 457}, + dictWord{11, 11, 780}, + dictWord{11, 11, 849}, + dictWord{11, 11, 913}, + dictWord{13, 11, 330}, + dictWord{13, 11, 401}, + dictWord{142, 11, 200}, + dictWord{149, 0, 26}, + dictWord{136, 11, 304}, + dictWord{132, 11, 142}, + dictWord{135, 0, 944}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 790, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 273}, + dictWord{134, 0, 394}, + dictWord{134, 0, 855}, + dictWord{4, 0, 135}, + dictWord{6, 0, 127}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1185}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1511}, + dictWord{8, 0, 613}, + dictWord{11, 0, 5}, + dictWord{12, 0, 336}, + dictWord{12, 0, 495}, + dictWord{12, 0, 586}, + dictWord{12, 0, 660}, + dictWord{12, 0, 668}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 385, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 118}, + dictWord{17, 0, 20}, + dictWord{146, 0, 98}, + dictWord{6, 0, 230}, + dictWord{9, 0, 752}, + dictWord{18, 0, 109}, + dictWord{12, 10, 610}, + dictWord{13, 10, 431}, + dictWord{144, 10, 59}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1954}, + dictWord{135, 11, 925}, + dictWord{4, 11, 471}, + dictWord{5, 11, 51}, + dictWord{6, 11, 602}, + dictWord{8, 11, 484}, + dictWord{10, 11, 195}, + dictWord{140, 11, 159}, + dictWord{132, 10, 307}, + dictWord{136, 11, 688}, + dictWord{132, 11, 697}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 812, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1261}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1360}, + dictWord{9, 11, 632}, + dictWord{140, 11, 352}, + dictWord{5, 0, 162}, + dictWord{8, 0, 68}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 964, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 654}, + dictWord{136, 11, 212}, + dictWord{4, 0, 156}, + dictWord{7, 0, 998}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1045}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1860}, + dictWord{9, 0, 48}, + dictWord{9, 0, 692}, + dictWord{11, 0, 419}, + dictWord{139, 0, 602}, + dictWord{133, 11, 221}, + dictWord{4, 11, 373}, + dictWord{5, 11, 283}, + dictWord{6, 11, 480}, + dictWord{135, 11, 609}, + dictWord{142, 11, 216}, + dictWord{132, 0, 240}, + dictWord{6, 11, 192}, + dictWord{9, 11, 793}, + dictWord{145, 11, 55}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 75, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 180}, + dictWord{6, 10, 500}, + dictWord{7, 10, 58}, + dictWord{7, 10, 710}, + dictWord{138, 10, 645}, + dictWord{4, 11, 132}, + dictWord{5, 11, 69}, + dictWord{5, 10, 649}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1242}, + dictWord{6, 10, 276}, + dictWord{7, 10, 282}, + dictWord{7, 10, 879}, + dictWord{7, 10, 924}, + dictWord{8, 10, 459}, + dictWord{9, 10, 599}, + dictWord{9, 10, 754}, + dictWord{11, 10, 574}, + dictWord{12, 10, 128}, + dictWord{12, 10, 494}, + dictWord{13, 10, 52}, + dictWord{13, 10, 301}, + dictWord{15, 10, 30}, + dictWord{143, 10, 132}, + dictWord{132, 10, 200}, + dictWord{4, 11, 111}, + dictWord{135, 11, 302}, + dictWord{9, 0, 197}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 300, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 473}, + dictWord{13, 0, 90}, + dictWord{141, 0, 405}, + dictWord{132, 11, 767}, + dictWord{6, 11, 42}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1416}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1590, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 2005}, + dictWord{8, 11, 131}, + dictWord{8, 11, 466}, + dictWord{9, 11, 672}, + dictWord{13, 11, 252}, + dictWord{148, 11, 103}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 958, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 999}, + dictWord{10, 0, 963}, + dictWord{138, 0, 1001}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1621}, + dictWord{135, 0, 858}, + dictWord{4, 0, 606}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 444, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 44}, + dictWord{136, 11, 368}, + dictWord{139, 11, 172}, + dictWord{4, 11, 570}, + dictWord{133, 11, 120}, + dictWord{139, 11, 624}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1978}, + dictWord{8, 0, 676}, + dictWord{6, 10, 225}, + dictWord{137, 10, 211}, + dictWord{7, 0, 972}, + dictWord{11, 0, 102}, + dictWord{136, 10, 687}, + dictWord{6, 11, 227}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1589}, + dictWord{8, 10, 58}, + dictWord{9, 10, 724}, + dictWord{11, 10, 809}, + dictWord{13, 10, 113}, + dictWord{ + 145, + 10, + 72, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 361}, + dictWord{133, 0, 315}, + dictWord{132, 0, 461}, + dictWord{6, 10, 345}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1247}, + dictWord{132, 0, 472}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 767, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 803}, + dictWord{9, 10, 301}, + dictWord{137, 10, 903}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1333}, + dictWord{135, 11, 477}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1949}, + dictWord{136, 10, 674}, + dictWord{6, 0, 905}, + dictWord{138, 0, 747}, + dictWord{133, 0, 155}, + dictWord{134, 10, 259}, + dictWord{7, 0, 163}, + dictWord{8, 0, 319}, + dictWord{9, 0, 402}, + dictWord{10, 0, 24}, + dictWord{10, 0, 681}, + dictWord{11, 0, 200}, + dictWord{12, 0, 253}, + dictWord{12, 0, 410}, + dictWord{142, 0, 219}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 475, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1780}, + dictWord{9, 0, 230}, + dictWord{11, 0, 297}, + dictWord{11, 0, 558}, + dictWord{14, 0, 322}, + dictWord{19, 0, 76}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1667}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2036}, + dictWord{138, 11, 600}, + dictWord{136, 10, 254}, + dictWord{6, 0, 848}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1956}, + dictWord{6, 11, 511}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 132, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 568}, + dictWord{6, 11, 138}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1293}, + dictWord{6, 0, 631}, + dictWord{137, 0, 838}, + dictWord{149, 0, 36}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 565, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 23}, + dictWord{136, 11, 827}, + dictWord{5, 0, 944}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1769}, + dictWord{4, 0, 144}, + dictWord{6, 0, 842}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1400, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 922}, + dictWord{133, 11, 1023}, + dictWord{133, 10, 248}, + dictWord{9, 10, 800}, + dictWord{10, 10, 693}, + dictWord{11, 10, 482}, + dictWord{11, 10, 734}, + dictWord{139, 10, 789}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1002}, + dictWord{139, 11, 145}, + dictWord{4, 10, 116}, + dictWord{5, 10, 95}, + dictWord{5, 10, 445}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1688}, + dictWord{8, 10, 29}, + dictWord{9, 10, 272}, + dictWord{11, 10, 509}, + dictWord{139, 10, 915}, + dictWord{14, 0, 369}, + dictWord{146, 0, 72}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1641}, + dictWord{132, 11, 740}, + dictWord{133, 10, 543}, + dictWord{140, 11, 116}, + dictWord{6, 0, 247}, + dictWord{9, 0, 555}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 181, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 41}, + dictWord{133, 10, 657}, + dictWord{136, 0, 996}, + dictWord{138, 10, 709}, + dictWord{7, 0, 189}, + dictWord{8, 10, 202}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 536, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 402}, + dictWord{4, 11, 716}, + dictWord{141, 11, 31}, + dictWord{10, 0, 280}, + dictWord{138, 0, 797}, + dictWord{9, 10, 423}, + dictWord{140, 10, 89}, + dictWord{8, 10, 113}, + dictWord{9, 10, 877}, + dictWord{10, 10, 554}, + dictWord{11, 10, 83}, + dictWord{12, 10, 136}, + dictWord{147, 10, 109}, + dictWord{133, 10, 976}, + dictWord{7, 0, 746}, + dictWord{132, 10, 206}, + dictWord{136, 0, 526}, + dictWord{139, 0, 345}, + dictWord{136, 0, 1017}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 152, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 53}, + dictWord{9, 11, 268}, + dictWord{9, 11, 901}, + dictWord{10, 11, 518}, + dictWord{10, 11, 829}, + dictWord{11, 11, 188}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 74, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 46}, + dictWord{15, 11, 17}, + dictWord{15, 11, 33}, + dictWord{17, 11, 40}, + dictWord{18, 11, 36}, + dictWord{19, 11, 20}, + dictWord{22, 11, 1}, + dictWord{152, 11, 2}, + dictWord{133, 11, 736}, + dictWord{136, 11, 532}, + dictWord{5, 0, 428}, + dictWord{138, 0, 651}, + dictWord{135, 11, 681}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1162, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 327}, + dictWord{13, 0, 230}, + dictWord{17, 0, 113}, + dictWord{8, 10, 226}, + dictWord{10, 10, 537}, + dictWord{11, 10, 570}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 605, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 799}, + dictWord{11, 10, 804}, + dictWord{12, 10, 85}, + dictWord{12, 10, 516}, + dictWord{12, 10, 623}, + dictWord{12, 11, 677}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 361, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 77}, + dictWord{14, 10, 78}, + dictWord{147, 10, 110}, + dictWord{4, 0, 792}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1717}, + dictWord{10, 0, 546}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 769, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 684}, + dictWord{136, 11, 384}, + dictWord{132, 10, 551}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1203}, + dictWord{9, 10, 57}, + dictWord{9, 10, 459}, + dictWord{10, 10, 425}, + dictWord{11, 10, 119}, + dictWord{12, 10, 184}, + dictWord{12, 10, 371}, + dictWord{13, 10, 358}, + dictWord{145, 10, 51}, + dictWord{5, 0, 672}, + dictWord{5, 10, 814}, + dictWord{8, 10, 10}, + dictWord{9, 10, 421}, + dictWord{9, 10, 729}, + dictWord{10, 10, 609}, + dictWord{139, 10, 689}, + dictWord{138, 0, 189}, + dictWord{134, 10, 624}, + dictWord{7, 11, 110}, + dictWord{7, 11, 188}, + dictWord{8, 11, 290}, + dictWord{8, 11, 591}, + dictWord{9, 11, 382}, + dictWord{9, 11, 649}, + dictWord{11, 11, 71}, + dictWord{11, 11, 155}, + dictWord{11, 11, 313}, + dictWord{12, 11, 5}, + dictWord{13, 11, 325}, + dictWord{142, 11, 287}, + dictWord{133, 0, 99}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1053}, + dictWord{135, 0, 298}, + dictWord{7, 11, 360}, + dictWord{7, 11, 425}, + dictWord{9, 11, 66}, + dictWord{9, 11, 278}, + dictWord{138, 11, 644}, + dictWord{4, 0, 397}, + dictWord{136, 0, 555}, + dictWord{137, 10, 269}, + dictWord{132, 10, 528}, + dictWord{4, 11, 900}, + dictWord{133, 11, 861}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1157, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 254}, + dictWord{7, 11, 985}, + dictWord{136, 11, 73}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1959}, + dictWord{136, 11, 683}, + dictWord{12, 0, 398}, + dictWord{ + 20, + 0, + 39, + }, + dictWord{21, 0, 11}, + dictWord{150, 0, 41}, + dictWord{4, 0, 485}, + dictWord{7, 0, 353}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1523}, + dictWord{6, 0, 366}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1384}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1601}, + dictWord{138, 0, 787}, + dictWord{137, 0, 282}, + dictWord{5, 10, 104}, + dictWord{6, 10, 173}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1631}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 146, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 157}, + dictWord{133, 0, 471}, + dictWord{134, 0, 941}, + dictWord{132, 11, 725}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1336}, + dictWord{8, 10, 138}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 342, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 84}, + dictWord{10, 10, 193}, + dictWord{11, 10, 883}, + dictWord{140, 10, 359}, + dictWord{134, 11, 196}, + dictWord{136, 0, 116}, + dictWord{133, 11, 831}, + dictWord{134, 0, 787}, + dictWord{134, 10, 95}, + dictWord{6, 10, 406}, + dictWord{10, 10, 409}, + dictWord{10, 10, 447}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 44, + }, + dictWord{140, 10, 100}, + dictWord{5, 0, 160}, + dictWord{7, 0, 363}, + dictWord{7, 0, 589}, + dictWord{10, 0, 170}, + dictWord{141, 0, 55}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1815}, + dictWord{132, 0, 866}, + dictWord{6, 0, 889}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1067}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1183}, + dictWord{4, 11, 321}, + dictWord{134, 11, 569}, + dictWord{5, 11, 848}, + dictWord{134, 11, 66}, + dictWord{4, 11, 36}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1636}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1387}, + dictWord{10, 11, 205}, + dictWord{11, 11, 755}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 271, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 689}, + dictWord{9, 0, 820}, + dictWord{4, 10, 282}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1034}, + dictWord{11, 10, 398}, + dictWord{11, 10, 634}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 1, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 79}, + dictWord{12, 10, 544}, + dictWord{14, 10, 237}, + dictWord{17, 10, 10}, + dictWord{146, 10, 20}, + dictWord{4, 0, 108}, + dictWord{7, 0, 804}, + dictWord{139, 0, 498}, + dictWord{132, 11, 887}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1119}, + dictWord{135, 11, 620}, + dictWord{6, 11, 165}, + dictWord{138, 11, 388}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 244, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 499}, + dictWord{6, 10, 476}, + dictWord{7, 10, 600}, + dictWord{7, 10, 888}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1096}, + dictWord{140, 0, 609}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1005, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 412}, + dictWord{133, 0, 581}, + dictWord{4, 11, 719}, + dictWord{135, 11, 155}, + dictWord{7, 10, 296}, + dictWord{7, 10, 596}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 560, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 586}, + dictWord{9, 10, 612}, + dictWord{11, 10, 304}, + dictWord{12, 10, 46}, + dictWord{13, 10, 89}, + dictWord{14, 10, 112}, + dictWord{ + 145, + 10, + 122, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 895}, + dictWord{133, 0, 772}, + dictWord{142, 11, 307}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1898}, + dictWord{4, 0, 926}, + dictWord{133, 0, 983}, + dictWord{4, 11, 353}, + dictWord{6, 11, 146}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1789}, + dictWord{7, 11, 288}, + dictWord{7, 11, 990}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1348}, + dictWord{9, 11, 665}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 898, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 893}, + dictWord{142, 11, 212}, + dictWord{132, 0, 538}, + dictWord{133, 11, 532}, + dictWord{6, 0, 294}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1267}, + dictWord{8, 0, 624}, + dictWord{141, 0, 496}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1325}, + dictWord{4, 11, 45}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1257}, + dictWord{138, 0, 301}, + dictWord{9, 0, 298}, + dictWord{12, 0, 291}, + dictWord{13, 0, 276}, + dictWord{14, 0, 6}, + dictWord{17, 0, 18}, + dictWord{21, 0, 32}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1599}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1723}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 79, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 106}, + dictWord{8, 10, 190}, + dictWord{8, 10, 302}, + dictWord{8, 10, 383}, + dictWord{8, 10, 713}, + dictWord{9, 10, 119}, + dictWord{9, 10, 233}, + dictWord{9, 10, 419}, + dictWord{9, 10, 471}, + dictWord{10, 10, 181}, + dictWord{10, 10, 406}, + dictWord{11, 10, 57}, + dictWord{11, 10, 85}, + dictWord{11, 10, 120}, + dictWord{11, 10, 177}, + dictWord{11, 10, 296}, + dictWord{11, 10, 382}, + dictWord{11, 10, 454}, + dictWord{11, 10, 758}, + dictWord{11, 10, 999}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 27, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 131}, + dictWord{12, 10, 245}, + dictWord{12, 10, 312}, + dictWord{12, 10, 446}, + dictWord{12, 10, 454}, + dictWord{13, 10, 98}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 426, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 508}, + dictWord{14, 10, 163}, + dictWord{14, 10, 272}, + dictWord{14, 10, 277}, + dictWord{14, 10, 370}, + dictWord{15, 10, 95}, + dictWord{15, 10, 138}, + dictWord{15, 10, 167}, + dictWord{17, 10, 38}, + dictWord{148, 10, 96}, + dictWord{132, 0, 757}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1263}, + dictWord{4, 0, 820}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1759}, + dictWord{133, 0, 722}, + dictWord{136, 11, 816}, + dictWord{138, 10, 372}, + dictWord{145, 10, 16}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1039}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 991, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 2028}, + dictWord{133, 10, 258}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1875}, + dictWord{139, 0, 124}, + dictWord{6, 11, 559}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1691}, + dictWord{135, 11, 586}, + dictWord{5, 0, 324}, + dictWord{7, 0, 881}, + dictWord{8, 10, 134}, + dictWord{9, 10, 788}, + dictWord{140, 10, 438}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1823}, + dictWord{139, 11, 693}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1348}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1545}, + dictWord{134, 0, 911}, + dictWord{132, 0, 954}, + dictWord{8, 0, 329}, + dictWord{8, 0, 414}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1948}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2004}, + dictWord{5, 0, 517}, + dictWord{6, 10, 439}, + dictWord{7, 10, 780}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1040}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 816, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 1}, + dictWord{6, 10, 81}, + dictWord{138, 10, 520}, + dictWord{9, 0, 713}, + dictWord{10, 0, 222}, + dictWord{5, 10, 482}, + dictWord{8, 10, 98}, + dictWord{10, 10, 700}, + dictWord{10, 10, 822}, + dictWord{11, 10, 302}, + dictWord{11, 10, 778}, + dictWord{12, 10, 50}, + dictWord{12, 10, 127}, + dictWord{12, 10, 396}, + dictWord{13, 10, 62}, + dictWord{13, 10, 328}, + dictWord{14, 10, 122}, + dictWord{147, 10, 72}, + dictWord{137, 0, 33}, + dictWord{5, 10, 2}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1494}, + dictWord{136, 10, 589}, + dictWord{6, 10, 512}, + dictWord{7, 10, 797}, + dictWord{8, 10, 253}, + dictWord{9, 10, 77}, + dictWord{10, 10, 1}, + dictWord{10, 11, 108}, + dictWord{10, 10, 129}, + dictWord{10, 10, 225}, + dictWord{11, 11, 116}, + dictWord{11, 10, 118}, + dictWord{11, 10, 226}, + dictWord{11, 10, 251}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 430, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 701}, + dictWord{11, 10, 974}, + dictWord{11, 10, 982}, + dictWord{12, 10, 64}, + dictWord{12, 10, 260}, + dictWord{12, 10, 488}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 10, + 690, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 456}, + dictWord{133, 11, 925}, + dictWord{5, 0, 150}, + dictWord{7, 0, 106}, + dictWord{7, 0, 774}, + dictWord{8, 0, 603}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 593, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 634}, + dictWord{10, 0, 44}, + dictWord{10, 0, 173}, + dictWord{11, 0, 462}, + dictWord{11, 0, 515}, + dictWord{13, 0, 216}, + dictWord{13, 0, 288}, + dictWord{142, 0, 400}, + dictWord{137, 10, 347}, + dictWord{5, 0, 748}, + dictWord{134, 0, 553}, + dictWord{12, 0, 108}, + dictWord{141, 0, 291}, + dictWord{7, 0, 420}, + dictWord{4, 10, 12}, + dictWord{7, 10, 522}, + dictWord{7, 10, 809}, + dictWord{8, 10, 797}, + dictWord{141, 10, 88}, + dictWord{6, 11, 193}, + dictWord{7, 11, 240}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1682, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 51}, + dictWord{10, 11, 640}, + dictWord{11, 11, 410}, + dictWord{13, 11, 82}, + dictWord{14, 11, 247}, + dictWord{14, 11, 331}, + dictWord{142, 11, 377}, + dictWord{133, 10, 528}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1777}, + dictWord{4, 0, 493}, + dictWord{144, 0, 55}, + dictWord{136, 11, 633}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 81, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 980}, + dictWord{136, 0, 321}, + dictWord{148, 10, 109}, + dictWord{5, 10, 266}, + dictWord{9, 10, 290}, + dictWord{9, 10, 364}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 293, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 606}, + dictWord{142, 10, 45}, + dictWord{6, 0, 568}, + dictWord{7, 0, 112}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1804}, + dictWord{8, 0, 362}, + dictWord{8, 0, 410}, + dictWord{8, 0, 830}, + dictWord{9, 0, 514}, + dictWord{11, 0, 649}, + dictWord{142, 0, 157}, + dictWord{4, 0, 74}, + dictWord{6, 0, 510}, + dictWord{6, 10, 594}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 121, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 49}, + dictWord{10, 10, 412}, + dictWord{139, 10, 834}, + dictWord{134, 0, 838}, + dictWord{136, 10, 748}, + dictWord{132, 10, 466}, + dictWord{132, 0, 625}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1443}, + dictWord{4, 11, 237}, + dictWord{135, 11, 514}, + dictWord{9, 10, 378}, + dictWord{141, 10, 162}, + dictWord{6, 0, 16}, + dictWord{6, 0, 158}, + dictWord{7, 0, 43}, + dictWord{7, 0, 129}, + dictWord{7, 0, 181}, + dictWord{8, 0, 276}, + dictWord{8, 0, 377}, + dictWord{10, 0, 523}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 816, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 455}, + dictWord{13, 0, 303}, + dictWord{142, 0, 135}, + dictWord{135, 0, 281}, + dictWord{4, 0, 1}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1143}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1463}, + dictWord{8, 0, 61}, + dictWord{9, 0, 207}, + dictWord{9, 0, 390}, + dictWord{9, 0, 467}, + dictWord{139, 0, 836}, + dictWord{6, 11, 392}, + dictWord{7, 11, 65}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 2019, + }, + dictWord{132, 10, 667}, + dictWord{4, 0, 723}, + dictWord{5, 0, 895}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1031}, + dictWord{8, 0, 199}, + dictWord{8, 0, 340}, + dictWord{9, 0, 153}, + dictWord{9, 0, 215}, + dictWord{10, 0, 21}, + dictWord{10, 0, 59}, + dictWord{10, 0, 80}, + dictWord{10, 0, 224}, + dictWord{10, 0, 838}, + dictWord{11, 0, 229}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 652, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 192}, + dictWord{13, 0, 146}, + dictWord{142, 0, 91}, + dictWord{132, 0, 295}, + dictWord{137, 0, 51}, + dictWord{9, 11, 222}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 43, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 900}, + dictWord{5, 0, 309}, + dictWord{140, 0, 211}, + dictWord{5, 0, 125}, + dictWord{8, 0, 77}, + dictWord{138, 0, 15}, + dictWord{136, 11, 604}, + dictWord{138, 0, 789}, + dictWord{5, 0, 173}, + dictWord{4, 10, 39}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1843}, + dictWord{8, 10, 407}, + dictWord{11, 10, 144}, + dictWord{140, 10, 523}, + dictWord{138, 11, 265}, + dictWord{133, 0, 439}, + dictWord{132, 10, 510}, + dictWord{7, 0, 648}, + dictWord{7, 0, 874}, + dictWord{11, 0, 164}, + dictWord{12, 0, 76}, + dictWord{18, 0, 9}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1980}, + dictWord{10, 10, 487}, + dictWord{138, 10, 809}, + dictWord{12, 0, 111}, + dictWord{14, 0, 294}, + dictWord{19, 0, 45}, + dictWord{13, 10, 260}, + dictWord{146, 10, 63}, + dictWord{133, 11, 549}, + dictWord{134, 10, 570}, + dictWord{4, 0, 8}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1152}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1153}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1715}, + dictWord{9, 0, 374}, + dictWord{10, 0, 478}, + dictWord{139, 0, 648}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1099}, + dictWord{5, 0, 575}, + dictWord{6, 0, 354}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 701, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 36}, + dictWord{8, 11, 201}, + dictWord{136, 11, 605}, + dictWord{4, 10, 787}, + dictWord{136, 11, 156}, + dictWord{6, 0, 518}, + dictWord{ + 149, + 11, + 13, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 224}, + dictWord{134, 0, 702}, + dictWord{132, 10, 516}, + dictWord{5, 11, 724}, + dictWord{10, 11, 305}, + dictWord{11, 11, 151}, + dictWord{12, 11, 33}, + dictWord{12, 11, 121}, + dictWord{12, 11, 381}, + dictWord{17, 11, 3}, + dictWord{17, 11, 27}, + dictWord{17, 11, 78}, + dictWord{18, 11, 18}, + dictWord{19, 11, 54}, + dictWord{149, 11, 5}, + dictWord{8, 0, 87}, + dictWord{4, 11, 523}, + dictWord{5, 11, 638}, + dictWord{11, 10, 887}, + dictWord{14, 10, 365}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 10, + 375, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 438}, + dictWord{136, 10, 821}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1908}, + dictWord{6, 11, 242}, + dictWord{7, 11, 227}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1581}, + dictWord{8, 11, 104}, + dictWord{9, 11, 113}, + dictWord{9, 11, 220}, + dictWord{9, 11, 427}, + dictWord{10, 11, 74}, + dictWord{10, 11, 239}, + dictWord{11, 11, 579}, + dictWord{11, 11, 1023}, + dictWord{13, 11, 4}, + dictWord{13, 11, 204}, + dictWord{13, 11, 316}, + dictWord{18, 11, 95}, + dictWord{148, 11, 86}, + dictWord{4, 0, 69}, + dictWord{5, 0, 122}, + dictWord{5, 0, 849}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1633}, + dictWord{9, 0, 656}, + dictWord{138, 0, 464}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1802}, + dictWord{4, 10, 10}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 786, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 861}, + dictWord{139, 0, 499}, + dictWord{7, 0, 476}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1592}, + dictWord{138, 0, 87}, + dictWord{133, 10, 684}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 840, + }, + dictWord{134, 10, 27}, + dictWord{142, 0, 283}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1620}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1328}, + dictWord{136, 11, 494}, + dictWord{5, 0, 859}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1160, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 107}, + dictWord{9, 0, 291}, + dictWord{9, 0, 439}, + dictWord{10, 0, 663}, + dictWord{11, 0, 609}, + dictWord{140, 0, 197}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1306, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 505}, + dictWord{9, 11, 482}, + dictWord{10, 11, 126}, + dictWord{11, 11, 225}, + dictWord{12, 11, 347}, + dictWord{12, 11, 449}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 19, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 218}, + dictWord{5, 11, 268}, + dictWord{10, 11, 764}, + dictWord{12, 11, 120}, + dictWord{13, 11, 39}, + dictWord{145, 11, 127}, + dictWord{145, 10, 56}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1672}, + dictWord{10, 11, 472}, + dictWord{11, 11, 189}, + dictWord{143, 11, 51}, + dictWord{6, 10, 342}, + dictWord{6, 10, 496}, + dictWord{8, 10, 275}, + dictWord{137, 10, 206}, + dictWord{133, 0, 600}, + dictWord{4, 0, 117}, + dictWord{6, 0, 372}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1905}, + dictWord{142, 0, 323}, + dictWord{4, 10, 909}, + dictWord{5, 10, 940}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1471}, + dictWord{132, 10, 891}, + dictWord{4, 0, 722}, + dictWord{139, 0, 471}, + dictWord{4, 11, 384}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1022}, + dictWord{132, 10, 687}, + dictWord{9, 0, 5}, + dictWord{12, 0, 216}, + dictWord{12, 0, 294}, + dictWord{12, 0, 298}, + dictWord{12, 0, 400}, + dictWord{12, 0, 518}, + dictWord{13, 0, 229}, + dictWord{143, 0, 139}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1703}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1602}, + dictWord{10, 11, 698}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 212, + }, + dictWord{141, 11, 307}, + dictWord{6, 10, 41}, + dictWord{141, 10, 160}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1077}, + dictWord{9, 11, 159}, + dictWord{11, 11, 28}, + dictWord{140, 11, 603}, + dictWord{4, 0, 514}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1304}, + dictWord{138, 0, 477}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1774}, + dictWord{9, 0, 88}, + dictWord{139, 0, 270}, + dictWord{5, 0, 12}, + dictWord{7, 0, 375}, + dictWord{9, 0, 438}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1718}, + dictWord{132, 11, 515}, + dictWord{136, 10, 778}, + dictWord{8, 11, 632}, + dictWord{8, 11, 697}, + dictWord{137, 11, 854}, + dictWord{6, 0, 362}, + dictWord{6, 0, 997}, + dictWord{146, 0, 51}, + dictWord{7, 0, 816}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1241}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 283, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 520}, + dictWord{10, 0, 213}, + dictWord{10, 0, 307}, + dictWord{10, 0, 463}, + dictWord{10, 0, 671}, + dictWord{10, 0, 746}, + dictWord{11, 0, 401}, + dictWord{11, 0, 794}, + dictWord{12, 0, 517}, + dictWord{18, 0, 107}, + dictWord{147, 0, 115}, + dictWord{133, 10, 115}, + dictWord{150, 11, 28}, + dictWord{4, 11, 136}, + dictWord{133, 11, 551}, + dictWord{142, 10, 314}, + dictWord{132, 0, 258}, + dictWord{6, 0, 22}, + dictWord{7, 0, 903}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1963}, + dictWord{8, 0, 639}, + dictWord{138, 0, 577}, + dictWord{5, 0, 681}, + dictWord{8, 0, 782}, + dictWord{13, 0, 130}, + dictWord{17, 0, 84}, + dictWord{5, 10, 193}, + dictWord{140, 10, 178}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 17, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 291}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1287}, + dictWord{9, 11, 44}, + dictWord{10, 11, 552}, + dictWord{10, 11, 642}, + dictWord{11, 11, 839}, + dictWord{12, 11, 274}, + dictWord{12, 11, 275}, + dictWord{12, 11, 372}, + dictWord{13, 11, 91}, + dictWord{142, 11, 125}, + dictWord{135, 10, 174}, + dictWord{4, 0, 664}, + dictWord{5, 0, 804}, + dictWord{139, 0, 1013}, + dictWord{134, 0, 942}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1349}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1353}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1450}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1518}, + dictWord{139, 11, 694}, + dictWord{11, 0, 356}, + dictWord{4, 10, 122}, + dictWord{5, 10, 796}, + dictWord{5, 10, 952}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1660}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 1671, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 567}, + dictWord{9, 10, 687}, + dictWord{9, 10, 742}, + dictWord{10, 10, 686}, + dictWord{11, 10, 682}, + dictWord{140, 10, 281}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 32, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 147}, + dictWord{7, 11, 886}, + dictWord{9, 11, 753}, + dictWord{138, 11, 268}, + dictWord{5, 10, 179}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1095}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1213, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 66}, + dictWord{7, 10, 722}, + dictWord{135, 10, 904}, + dictWord{135, 10, 352}, + dictWord{9, 11, 245}, + dictWord{138, 11, 137}, + dictWord{4, 0, 289}, + dictWord{7, 0, 629}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1698}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1711}, + dictWord{12, 0, 215}, + dictWord{133, 11, 414}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1975}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1762}, + dictWord{6, 0, 450}, + dictWord{136, 0, 109}, + dictWord{141, 10, 35}, + dictWord{134, 11, 599}, + dictWord{136, 0, 705}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 664, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 1749}, + dictWord{11, 11, 402}, + dictWord{12, 11, 109}, + dictWord{12, 11, 431}, + dictWord{13, 11, 179}, + dictWord{13, 11, 206}, + dictWord{14, 11, 175}, + dictWord{14, 11, 217}, + dictWord{16, 11, 3}, + dictWord{148, 11, 53}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1238}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1627}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 488, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 318}, + dictWord{10, 10, 592}, + dictWord{10, 10, 753}, + dictWord{12, 10, 317}, + dictWord{12, 10, 355}, + dictWord{12, 10, 465}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 469, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 560}, + dictWord{140, 10, 578}, + dictWord{133, 10, 564}, + dictWord{132, 11, 83}, + dictWord{140, 11, 676}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1872}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1906}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1907}, + dictWord{9, 0, 934}, + dictWord{9, 0, 956}, + dictWord{9, 0, 960}, + dictWord{9, 0, 996}, + dictWord{12, 0, 794}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 876, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 880}, + dictWord{12, 0, 918}, + dictWord{15, 0, 230}, + dictWord{18, 0, 234}, + dictWord{18, 0, 238}, + dictWord{21, 0, 38}, + dictWord{149, 0, 62}, + dictWord{134, 10, 556}, + dictWord{134, 11, 278}, + dictWord{137, 0, 103}, + dictWord{7, 10, 544}, + dictWord{8, 10, 719}, + dictWord{138, 10, 61}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 5, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 498}, + dictWord{8, 10, 637}, + dictWord{137, 10, 521}, + dictWord{7, 0, 777}, + dictWord{12, 0, 229}, + dictWord{12, 0, 239}, + dictWord{15, 0, 12}, + dictWord{12, 11, 229}, + dictWord{12, 11, 239}, + dictWord{143, 11, 12}, + dictWord{6, 0, 26}, + dictWord{7, 11, 388}, + dictWord{7, 11, 644}, + dictWord{139, 11, 781}, + dictWord{7, 11, 229}, + dictWord{8, 11, 59}, + dictWord{9, 11, 190}, + dictWord{9, 11, 257}, + dictWord{10, 11, 378}, + dictWord{140, 11, 191}, + dictWord{133, 10, 927}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1441}, + dictWord{4, 10, 893}, + dictWord{5, 10, 780}, + dictWord{133, 10, 893}, + dictWord{4, 0, 414}, + dictWord{5, 0, 467}, + dictWord{9, 0, 654}, + dictWord{10, 0, 451}, + dictWord{12, 0, 59}, + dictWord{141, 0, 375}, + dictWord{142, 0, 173}, + dictWord{135, 0, 17}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1350}, + dictWord{133, 10, 238}, + dictWord{135, 0, 955}, + dictWord{4, 0, 960}, + dictWord{10, 0, 887}, + dictWord{12, 0, 753}, + dictWord{18, 0, 161}, + dictWord{18, 0, 162}, + dictWord{152, 0, 19}, + dictWord{136, 11, 344}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1729}, + dictWord{137, 11, 288}, + dictWord{132, 11, 660}, + dictWord{4, 0, 217}, + dictWord{5, 0, 710}, + dictWord{7, 0, 760}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1926}, + dictWord{9, 0, 428}, + dictWord{9, 0, 708}, + dictWord{10, 0, 254}, + dictWord{10, 0, 296}, + dictWord{10, 0, 720}, + dictWord{11, 0, 109}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 255, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 165}, + dictWord{12, 0, 315}, + dictWord{13, 0, 107}, + dictWord{13, 0, 203}, + dictWord{14, 0, 54}, + dictWord{14, 0, 99}, + dictWord{14, 0, 114}, + dictWord{14, 0, 388}, + dictWord{16, 0, 85}, + dictWord{17, 0, 9}, + dictWord{17, 0, 33}, + dictWord{20, 0, 25}, + dictWord{20, 0, 28}, + dictWord{20, 0, 29}, + dictWord{21, 0, 9}, + dictWord{21, 0, 10}, + dictWord{21, 0, 34}, + dictWord{22, 0, 17}, + dictWord{4, 10, 60}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1800}, + dictWord{8, 10, 314}, + dictWord{9, 10, 700}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 487, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1035}, + dictWord{138, 11, 737}, + dictWord{7, 11, 690}, + dictWord{9, 11, 217}, + dictWord{9, 11, 587}, + dictWord{140, 11, 521}, + dictWord{6, 0, 919}, + dictWord{7, 11, 706}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1058}, + dictWord{138, 11, 538}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1853}, + dictWord{138, 10, 437}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 10, + 419, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 280}, + dictWord{10, 0, 502}, + dictWord{11, 0, 344}, + dictWord{140, 0, 38}, + dictWord{5, 0, 45}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1161}, + dictWord{11, 0, 448}, + dictWord{11, 0, 880}, + dictWord{13, 0, 139}, + dictWord{13, 0, 407}, + dictWord{15, 0, 16}, + dictWord{17, 0, 95}, + dictWord{18, 0, 66}, + dictWord{18, 0, 88}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 123, + }, + dictWord{149, 0, 7}, + dictWord{11, 11, 92}, + dictWord{11, 11, 196}, + dictWord{11, 11, 409}, + dictWord{11, 11, 450}, + dictWord{11, 11, 666}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 777, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 262}, + dictWord{13, 11, 385}, + dictWord{13, 11, 393}, + dictWord{15, 11, 115}, + dictWord{16, 11, 45}, + dictWord{145, 11, 82}, + dictWord{136, 0, 777}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1744}, + dictWord{4, 0, 410}, + dictWord{7, 0, 521}, + dictWord{133, 10, 828}, + dictWord{134, 0, 673}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1110}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1778}, + dictWord{7, 10, 176}, + dictWord{135, 10, 178}, + dictWord{5, 10, 806}, + dictWord{7, 11, 268}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1976}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 11, + 569, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 733}, + dictWord{9, 11, 194}, + dictWord{10, 11, 92}, + dictWord{11, 11, 198}, + dictWord{12, 11, 84}, + dictWord{12, 11, 87}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 128, + }, + dictWord{144, 11, 74}, + dictWord{5, 0, 341}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1129}, + dictWord{11, 0, 414}, + dictWord{4, 10, 51}, + dictWord{6, 10, 4}, + dictWord{7, 10, 591}, + dictWord{7, 10, 849}, + dictWord{7, 10, 951}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1613}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1760}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1988}, + dictWord{9, 10, 434}, + dictWord{10, 10, 754}, + dictWord{11, 10, 25}, + dictWord{139, 10, 37}, + dictWord{133, 10, 902}, + dictWord{135, 10, 928}, + dictWord{135, 0, 787}, + dictWord{132, 0, 436}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 270, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1587}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1707}, + dictWord{6, 0, 377}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1025}, + dictWord{9, 0, 613}, + dictWord{145, 0, 104}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 982, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1361}, + dictWord{10, 11, 32}, + dictWord{143, 11, 56}, + dictWord{139, 0, 96}, + dictWord{132, 0, 451}, + dictWord{132, 10, 416}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 10, + 372, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 152}, + dictWord{5, 10, 197}, + dictWord{7, 11, 306}, + dictWord{7, 10, 340}, + dictWord{7, 10, 867}, + dictWord{10, 10, 548}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 581, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 6}, + dictWord{12, 10, 3}, + dictWord{12, 10, 19}, + dictWord{14, 10, 110}, + dictWord{142, 10, 289}, + dictWord{134, 0, 680}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 609, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 483}, + dictWord{7, 10, 190}, + dictWord{8, 10, 28}, + dictWord{8, 10, 141}, + dictWord{8, 10, 444}, + dictWord{8, 10, 811}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 468, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 334}, + dictWord{12, 10, 24}, + dictWord{12, 10, 386}, + dictWord{140, 10, 576}, + dictWord{10, 0, 916}, + dictWord{133, 10, 757}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 721, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 1553}, + dictWord{133, 11, 178}, + dictWord{134, 0, 937}, + dictWord{132, 10, 898}, + dictWord{133, 0, 739}, + dictWord{ + 147, + 0, + 82, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 663}, + dictWord{146, 0, 128}, + dictWord{5, 10, 277}, + dictWord{141, 10, 247}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1087}, + dictWord{132, 10, 435}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 381, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 645}, + dictWord{7, 11, 694}, + dictWord{136, 11, 546}, + dictWord{7, 0, 503}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1885}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1965}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 925, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 955}, + dictWord{4, 0, 113}, + dictWord{5, 0, 163}, + dictWord{5, 0, 735}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1009}, + dictWord{9, 0, 9}, + dictWord{9, 0, 771}, + dictWord{12, 0, 90}, + dictWord{13, 0, 138}, + dictWord{13, 0, 410}, + dictWord{143, 0, 128}, + dictWord{4, 0, 324}, + dictWord{138, 0, 104}, + dictWord{7, 0, 460}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 265, + }, + dictWord{134, 10, 212}, + dictWord{133, 11, 105}, + dictWord{7, 11, 261}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1107}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1115}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1354}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1588}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1705}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1902}, + dictWord{9, 11, 465}, + dictWord{10, 11, 248}, + dictWord{10, 11, 349}, + dictWord{10, 11, 647}, + dictWord{11, 11, 527}, + dictWord{11, 11, 660}, + dictWord{11, 11, 669}, + dictWord{12, 11, 529}, + dictWord{141, 11, 305}, + dictWord{5, 11, 438}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 694, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 627}, + dictWord{141, 11, 210}, + dictWord{152, 11, 11}, + dictWord{4, 0, 935}, + dictWord{133, 0, 823}, + dictWord{132, 10, 702}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 269, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 434}, + dictWord{7, 0, 891}, + dictWord{8, 0, 339}, + dictWord{9, 0, 702}, + dictWord{11, 0, 594}, + dictWord{11, 0, 718}, + dictWord{17, 0, 100}, + dictWord{5, 10, 808}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2045}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1014}, + dictWord{9, 0, 485}, + dictWord{141, 0, 264}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1713}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1810}, + dictWord{11, 0, 866}, + dictWord{12, 0, 103}, + dictWord{13, 0, 495}, + dictWord{140, 11, 233}, + dictWord{4, 0, 423}, + dictWord{10, 0, 949}, + dictWord{138, 0, 1013}, + dictWord{135, 0, 900}, + dictWord{8, 11, 25}, + dictWord{138, 11, 826}, + dictWord{5, 10, 166}, + dictWord{8, 10, 739}, + dictWord{140, 10, 511}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 2018, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1270}, + dictWord{139, 11, 612}, + dictWord{4, 10, 119}, + dictWord{5, 10, 170}, + dictWord{5, 10, 447}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1708}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1889, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 357}, + dictWord{9, 10, 719}, + dictWord{12, 10, 486}, + dictWord{140, 10, 596}, + dictWord{12, 0, 574}, + dictWord{140, 11, 574}, + dictWord{132, 11, 308}, + dictWord{6, 0, 964}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1206}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1302}, + dictWord{4, 10, 450}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1158}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 150, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 649}, + dictWord{14, 0, 213}, + dictWord{148, 0, 38}, + dictWord{9, 11, 45}, + dictWord{9, 11, 311}, + dictWord{141, 11, 42}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 521, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1375}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1466}, + dictWord{138, 10, 331}, + dictWord{132, 10, 754}, + dictWord{5, 11, 339}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1442}, + dictWord{14, 11, 3}, + dictWord{15, 11, 41}, + dictWord{147, 11, 66}, + dictWord{136, 11, 378}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1022}, + dictWord{5, 10, 850}, + dictWord{136, 10, 799}, + dictWord{142, 0, 143}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2029}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1628}, + dictWord{8, 0, 523}, + dictWord{150, 0, 34}, + dictWord{5, 0, 625}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1617, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 275}, + dictWord{7, 10, 238}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2033}, + dictWord{8, 10, 120}, + dictWord{8, 10, 188}, + dictWord{8, 10, 659}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 598, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 466}, + dictWord{12, 10, 342}, + dictWord{12, 10, 588}, + dictWord{13, 10, 503}, + dictWord{14, 10, 246}, + dictWord{143, 10, 92}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 37, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 425}, + dictWord{8, 0, 693}, + dictWord{9, 0, 720}, + dictWord{10, 0, 380}, + dictWord{10, 0, 638}, + dictWord{11, 0, 273}, + dictWord{11, 0, 473}, + dictWord{12, 0, 61}, + dictWord{143, 0, 43}, + dictWord{135, 11, 829}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1943}, + dictWord{132, 0, 765}, + dictWord{5, 11, 486}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1349, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1635}, + dictWord{8, 11, 17}, + dictWord{10, 11, 217}, + dictWord{138, 11, 295}, + dictWord{4, 10, 201}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1744}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 602, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 247}, + dictWord{11, 10, 826}, + dictWord{145, 10, 65}, + dictWord{138, 11, 558}, + dictWord{11, 0, 551}, + dictWord{142, 0, 159}, + dictWord{8, 10, 164}, + dictWord{146, 10, 62}, + dictWord{139, 11, 176}, + dictWord{132, 0, 168}, + dictWord{136, 0, 1010}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1994}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 91, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 532}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1243}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1884}, + dictWord{132, 10, 907}, + dictWord{5, 10, 100}, + dictWord{10, 10, 329}, + dictWord{12, 10, 416}, + dictWord{149, 10, 29}, + dictWord{134, 11, 447}, + dictWord{132, 10, 176}, + dictWord{5, 10, 636}, + dictWord{5, 10, 998}, + dictWord{7, 10, 9}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1508}, + dictWord{8, 10, 26}, + dictWord{9, 10, 317}, + dictWord{9, 10, 358}, + dictWord{10, 10, 210}, + dictWord{10, 10, 292}, + dictWord{10, 10, 533}, + dictWord{11, 10, 555}, + dictWord{12, 10, 526}, + dictWord{12, 10, 607}, + dictWord{13, 10, 263}, + dictWord{13, 10, 459}, + dictWord{142, 10, 271}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 609, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 756}, + dictWord{6, 0, 15}, + dictWord{7, 0, 70}, + dictWord{10, 0, 240}, + dictWord{147, 0, 93}, + dictWord{4, 11, 930}, + dictWord{133, 11, 947}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1227}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1534}, + dictWord{133, 11, 939}, + dictWord{133, 11, 962}, + dictWord{5, 11, 651}, + dictWord{8, 11, 170}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 61, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 63}, + dictWord{10, 11, 23}, + dictWord{10, 11, 37}, + dictWord{10, 11, 834}, + dictWord{11, 11, 4}, + dictWord{11, 11, 187}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 281, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 503}, + dictWord{11, 11, 677}, + dictWord{12, 11, 96}, + dictWord{12, 11, 130}, + dictWord{12, 11, 244}, + dictWord{14, 11, 5}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 40, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 162}, + dictWord{14, 11, 202}, + dictWord{146, 11, 133}, + dictWord{4, 11, 406}, + dictWord{5, 11, 579}, + dictWord{12, 11, 492}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 11, + 15, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 392}, + dictWord{6, 10, 610}, + dictWord{10, 10, 127}, + dictWord{141, 10, 27}, + dictWord{7, 0, 655}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1844}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 10, + 119, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 145}, + dictWord{6, 0, 176}, + dictWord{7, 0, 395}, + dictWord{137, 0, 562}, + dictWord{132, 0, 501}, + dictWord{140, 11, 145}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 1019, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 509}, + dictWord{139, 0, 267}, + dictWord{6, 11, 17}, + dictWord{7, 11, 16}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1001}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1982}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 886, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 489}, + dictWord{10, 11, 800}, + dictWord{11, 11, 782}, + dictWord{12, 11, 320}, + dictWord{13, 11, 467}, + dictWord{14, 11, 145}, + dictWord{14, 11, 387}, + dictWord{143, 11, 119}, + dictWord{145, 11, 17}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1099}, + dictWord{133, 11, 458}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1983}, + dictWord{8, 11, 0}, + dictWord{8, 11, 171}, + dictWord{9, 11, 120}, + dictWord{9, 11, 732}, + dictWord{10, 11, 473}, + dictWord{11, 11, 656}, + dictWord{11, 11, 998}, + dictWord{18, 11, 0}, + dictWord{18, 11, 2}, + dictWord{147, 11, 21}, + dictWord{12, 11, 427}, + dictWord{146, 11, 38}, + dictWord{10, 0, 948}, + dictWord{138, 0, 968}, + dictWord{7, 10, 126}, + dictWord{136, 10, 84}, + dictWord{136, 10, 790}, + dictWord{4, 0, 114}, + dictWord{9, 0, 492}, + dictWord{13, 0, 462}, + dictWord{142, 0, 215}, + dictWord{6, 10, 64}, + dictWord{12, 10, 377}, + dictWord{141, 10, 309}, + dictWord{4, 0, 77}, + dictWord{5, 0, 361}, + dictWord{6, 0, 139}, + dictWord{6, 0, 401}, + dictWord{6, 0, 404}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 413, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 715}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1716}, + dictWord{11, 0, 279}, + dictWord{12, 0, 179}, + dictWord{12, 0, 258}, + dictWord{13, 0, 244}, + dictWord{142, 0, 358}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1717}, + dictWord{7, 0, 772}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1061}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1647}, + dictWord{8, 0, 82}, + dictWord{11, 0, 250}, + dictWord{11, 0, 607}, + dictWord{12, 0, 311}, + dictWord{12, 0, 420}, + dictWord{13, 0, 184}, + dictWord{13, 0, 367}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1104}, + dictWord{11, 10, 269}, + dictWord{11, 10, 539}, + dictWord{11, 10, 627}, + dictWord{11, 10, 706}, + dictWord{11, 10, 975}, + dictWord{12, 10, 248}, + dictWord{12, 10, 434}, + dictWord{12, 10, 600}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 622, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 297}, + dictWord{13, 10, 485}, + dictWord{14, 10, 69}, + dictWord{14, 10, 409}, + dictWord{143, 10, 108}, + dictWord{135, 0, 724}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 512, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 519}, + dictWord{133, 11, 342}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1133}, + dictWord{145, 11, 29}, + dictWord{11, 10, 977}, + dictWord{141, 10, 507}, + dictWord{6, 0, 841}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1042}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1194}, + dictWord{10, 0, 993}, + dictWord{140, 0, 1021}, + dictWord{6, 11, 31}, + dictWord{7, 11, 491}, + dictWord{7, 11, 530}, + dictWord{8, 11, 592}, + dictWord{9, 10, 34}, + dictWord{11, 11, 53}, + dictWord{11, 10, 484}, + dictWord{11, 11, 779}, + dictWord{12, 11, 167}, + dictWord{12, 11, 411}, + dictWord{14, 11, 14}, + dictWord{14, 11, 136}, + dictWord{15, 11, 72}, + dictWord{16, 11, 17}, + dictWord{144, 11, 72}, + dictWord{4, 0, 1021}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2037}, + dictWord{133, 11, 907}, + dictWord{7, 0, 373}, + dictWord{8, 0, 335}, + dictWord{8, 0, 596}, + dictWord{9, 0, 488}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1700}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 293, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 382}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1026}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1087}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2027}, + dictWord{8, 10, 252}, + dictWord{8, 10, 727}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 729, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 30}, + dictWord{9, 10, 199}, + dictWord{9, 10, 231}, + dictWord{9, 10, 251}, + dictWord{9, 10, 334}, + dictWord{9, 10, 361}, + dictWord{9, 10, 712}, + dictWord{10, 10, 55}, + dictWord{10, 10, 60}, + dictWord{10, 10, 232}, + dictWord{10, 10, 332}, + dictWord{10, 10, 384}, + dictWord{10, 10, 396}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 504, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 542}, + dictWord{10, 10, 652}, + dictWord{11, 10, 20}, + dictWord{11, 10, 48}, + dictWord{11, 10, 207}, + dictWord{11, 10, 291}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 298, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 342}, + dictWord{11, 10, 365}, + dictWord{11, 10, 394}, + dictWord{11, 10, 620}, + dictWord{11, 10, 705}, + dictWord{11, 10, 1017}, + dictWord{12, 10, 123}, + dictWord{12, 10, 340}, + dictWord{12, 10, 406}, + dictWord{12, 10, 643}, + dictWord{13, 10, 61}, + dictWord{13, 10, 269}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 311, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 319}, + dictWord{13, 10, 486}, + dictWord{14, 10, 234}, + dictWord{15, 10, 62}, + dictWord{15, 10, 85}, + dictWord{16, 10, 71}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 10, + 119, + }, + dictWord{148, 10, 105}, + dictWord{150, 0, 37}, + dictWord{4, 11, 208}, + dictWord{5, 11, 106}, + dictWord{6, 11, 531}, + dictWord{8, 11, 408}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 188, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 572}, + dictWord{132, 0, 564}, + dictWord{6, 0, 513}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1052}, + dictWord{132, 0, 825}, + dictWord{9, 0, 899}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 441, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 778}, + dictWord{133, 11, 379}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1417}, + dictWord{12, 0, 382}, + dictWord{17, 0, 48}, + dictWord{152, 0, 12}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 241, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1116}, + dictWord{6, 10, 379}, + dictWord{7, 10, 270}, + dictWord{8, 10, 176}, + dictWord{8, 10, 183}, + dictWord{9, 10, 432}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 661, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 247}, + dictWord{12, 10, 617}, + dictWord{146, 10, 125}, + dictWord{5, 10, 792}, + dictWord{133, 10, 900}, + dictWord{6, 0, 545}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 565, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1669}, + dictWord{10, 0, 114}, + dictWord{11, 0, 642}, + dictWord{140, 0, 618}, + dictWord{133, 0, 5}, + dictWord{138, 11, 7}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 259, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 192}, + dictWord{134, 0, 701}, + dictWord{136, 0, 763}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1979}, + dictWord{4, 10, 901}, + dictWord{133, 10, 776}, + dictWord{10, 0, 755}, + dictWord{147, 0, 29}, + dictWord{133, 0, 759}, + dictWord{4, 11, 173}, + dictWord{5, 11, 312}, + dictWord{5, 11, 512}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1285}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1603}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1691}, + dictWord{9, 11, 464}, + dictWord{11, 11, 195}, + dictWord{12, 11, 279}, + dictWord{12, 11, 448}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 11, + }, + dictWord{147, 11, 102}, + dictWord{7, 0, 370}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1007}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1177}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1565}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1237}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 87, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 250}, + dictWord{141, 0, 298}, + dictWord{4, 11, 452}, + dictWord{5, 11, 583}, + dictWord{5, 11, 817}, + dictWord{6, 11, 433}, + dictWord{7, 11, 593}, + dictWord{7, 11, 720}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1378}, + dictWord{8, 11, 161}, + dictWord{9, 11, 284}, + dictWord{10, 11, 313}, + dictWord{139, 11, 886}, + dictWord{4, 11, 547}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1409}, + dictWord{136, 11, 722}, + dictWord{4, 10, 37}, + dictWord{5, 10, 334}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1253}, + dictWord{132, 10, 508}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 107, + }, + dictWord{146, 0, 31}, + dictWord{8, 11, 420}, + dictWord{139, 11, 193}, + dictWord{135, 0, 814}, + dictWord{135, 11, 409}, + dictWord{140, 0, 991}, + dictWord{4, 0, 57}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1195}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1438}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1548}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1835}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1904}, + dictWord{9, 0, 757}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 604, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 519}, + dictWord{132, 0, 540}, + dictWord{138, 11, 308}, + dictWord{132, 10, 533}, + dictWord{136, 0, 608}, + dictWord{144, 11, 65}, + dictWord{4, 0, 1014}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2029}, + dictWord{4, 0, 209}, + dictWord{7, 0, 902}, + dictWord{5, 11, 1002}, + dictWord{136, 11, 745}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2030}, + dictWord{6, 0, 303}, + dictWord{7, 0, 335}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1437}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1668}, + dictWord{8, 0, 553}, + dictWord{8, 0, 652}, + dictWord{8, 0, 656}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 558, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 743}, + dictWord{149, 0, 18}, + dictWord{5, 11, 575}, + dictWord{6, 11, 354}, + dictWord{135, 11, 701}, + dictWord{4, 11, 239}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 477, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1607}, + dictWord{11, 11, 68}, + dictWord{139, 11, 617}, + dictWord{132, 0, 559}, + dictWord{8, 0, 527}, + dictWord{18, 0, 60}, + dictWord{ + 147, + 0, + 24, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 920}, + dictWord{138, 0, 511}, + dictWord{133, 0, 1017}, + dictWord{133, 0, 675}, + dictWord{138, 10, 391}, + dictWord{11, 0, 156}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1952}, + dictWord{138, 11, 369}, + dictWord{132, 11, 367}, + dictWord{133, 0, 709}, + dictWord{6, 0, 698}, + dictWord{134, 0, 887}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 10, + 126, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1745}, + dictWord{132, 10, 483}, + dictWord{13, 11, 299}, + dictWord{142, 11, 75}, + dictWord{133, 0, 714}, + dictWord{7, 0, 8}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 206, + }, + dictWord{138, 10, 480}, + dictWord{4, 11, 694}, + dictWord{9, 10, 495}, + dictWord{146, 10, 104}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1248}, + dictWord{11, 11, 621}, + dictWord{139, 11, 702}, + dictWord{140, 11, 687}, + dictWord{132, 0, 776}, + dictWord{139, 10, 1009}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1272}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1059}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 653, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 93}, + dictWord{147, 10, 14}, + dictWord{135, 11, 213}, + dictWord{136, 0, 406}, + dictWord{133, 10, 172}, + dictWord{132, 0, 947}, + dictWord{8, 0, 175}, + dictWord{10, 0, 168}, + dictWord{138, 0, 573}, + dictWord{132, 0, 870}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1567}, + dictWord{151, 11, 28}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 472, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 260}, + dictWord{136, 11, 132}, + dictWord{4, 11, 751}, + dictWord{11, 11, 390}, + dictWord{140, 11, 32}, + dictWord{4, 11, 409}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 78, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 554}, + dictWord{6, 11, 473}, + dictWord{145, 11, 105}, + dictWord{133, 0, 784}, + dictWord{8, 0, 908}, + dictWord{136, 11, 306}, + dictWord{139, 0, 882}, + dictWord{6, 0, 358}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1393}, + dictWord{8, 0, 396}, + dictWord{10, 0, 263}, + dictWord{14, 0, 154}, + dictWord{16, 0, 48}, + dictWord{ + 17, + 0, + 8, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1759}, + dictWord{8, 11, 396}, + dictWord{10, 11, 263}, + dictWord{14, 11, 154}, + dictWord{16, 11, 48}, + dictWord{145, 11, 8}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 163, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 180}, + dictWord{18, 11, 78}, + dictWord{148, 11, 35}, + dictWord{14, 0, 32}, + dictWord{18, 0, 85}, + dictWord{20, 0, 2}, + dictWord{152, 0, 16}, + dictWord{7, 0, 228}, + dictWord{10, 0, 770}, + dictWord{8, 10, 167}, + dictWord{8, 10, 375}, + dictWord{9, 10, 82}, + dictWord{9, 10, 561}, + dictWord{138, 10, 620}, + dictWord{132, 0, 845}, + dictWord{9, 0, 14}, + dictWord{9, 0, 441}, + dictWord{10, 0, 306}, + dictWord{139, 0, 9}, + dictWord{11, 0, 966}, + dictWord{12, 0, 287}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 342, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 402}, + dictWord{15, 0, 110}, + dictWord{15, 0, 163}, + dictWord{8, 10, 194}, + dictWord{136, 10, 756}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1578}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 967, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1820}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1847}, + dictWord{140, 0, 716}, + dictWord{136, 0, 594}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1428}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1640}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1867, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 169}, + dictWord{9, 0, 182}, + dictWord{9, 0, 367}, + dictWord{9, 0, 478}, + dictWord{9, 0, 506}, + dictWord{9, 0, 551}, + dictWord{9, 0, 557}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 648, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 697}, + dictWord{9, 0, 705}, + dictWord{9, 0, 725}, + dictWord{9, 0, 787}, + dictWord{9, 0, 794}, + dictWord{10, 0, 198}, + dictWord{10, 0, 214}, + dictWord{10, 0, 267}, + dictWord{10, 0, 275}, + dictWord{10, 0, 456}, + dictWord{10, 0, 551}, + dictWord{10, 0, 561}, + dictWord{10, 0, 613}, + dictWord{10, 0, 627}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 668, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 675}, + dictWord{10, 0, 691}, + dictWord{10, 0, 695}, + dictWord{10, 0, 707}, + dictWord{10, 0, 715}, + dictWord{11, 0, 183}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 201, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 244}, + dictWord{11, 0, 262}, + dictWord{11, 0, 352}, + dictWord{11, 0, 439}, + dictWord{11, 0, 493}, + dictWord{11, 0, 572}, + dictWord{11, 0, 591}, + dictWord{11, 0, 608}, + dictWord{11, 0, 611}, + dictWord{11, 0, 646}, + dictWord{11, 0, 674}, + dictWord{11, 0, 711}, + dictWord{11, 0, 751}, + dictWord{11, 0, 761}, + dictWord{11, 0, 776}, + dictWord{11, 0, 785}, + dictWord{11, 0, 850}, + dictWord{11, 0, 853}, + dictWord{11, 0, 862}, + dictWord{11, 0, 865}, + dictWord{11, 0, 868}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 875, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 898}, + dictWord{11, 0, 902}, + dictWord{11, 0, 903}, + dictWord{11, 0, 910}, + dictWord{11, 0, 932}, + dictWord{11, 0, 942}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 957, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 967}, + dictWord{11, 0, 972}, + dictWord{12, 0, 148}, + dictWord{12, 0, 195}, + dictWord{12, 0, 220}, + dictWord{12, 0, 237}, + dictWord{12, 0, 318}, + dictWord{12, 0, 339}, + dictWord{12, 0, 393}, + dictWord{12, 0, 445}, + dictWord{12, 0, 450}, + dictWord{12, 0, 474}, + dictWord{12, 0, 505}, + dictWord{12, 0, 509}, + dictWord{12, 0, 533}, + dictWord{12, 0, 591}, + dictWord{12, 0, 594}, + dictWord{12, 0, 597}, + dictWord{12, 0, 621}, + dictWord{12, 0, 633}, + dictWord{12, 0, 642}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 59, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 60}, + dictWord{13, 0, 145}, + dictWord{13, 0, 239}, + dictWord{13, 0, 250}, + dictWord{13, 0, 329}, + dictWord{13, 0, 344}, + dictWord{13, 0, 365}, + dictWord{13, 0, 372}, + dictWord{13, 0, 387}, + dictWord{13, 0, 403}, + dictWord{13, 0, 414}, + dictWord{13, 0, 456}, + dictWord{13, 0, 470}, + dictWord{13, 0, 478}, + dictWord{13, 0, 483}, + dictWord{13, 0, 489}, + dictWord{14, 0, 55}, + dictWord{14, 0, 57}, + dictWord{14, 0, 81}, + dictWord{14, 0, 90}, + dictWord{14, 0, 148}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 239, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 266}, + dictWord{14, 0, 321}, + dictWord{14, 0, 326}, + dictWord{14, 0, 327}, + dictWord{14, 0, 330}, + dictWord{14, 0, 347}, + dictWord{14, 0, 355}, + dictWord{14, 0, 401}, + dictWord{14, 0, 404}, + dictWord{14, 0, 411}, + dictWord{14, 0, 414}, + dictWord{14, 0, 416}, + dictWord{14, 0, 420}, + dictWord{15, 0, 61}, + dictWord{15, 0, 74}, + dictWord{15, 0, 87}, + dictWord{15, 0, 88}, + dictWord{15, 0, 94}, + dictWord{15, 0, 96}, + dictWord{15, 0, 116}, + dictWord{15, 0, 149}, + dictWord{15, 0, 154}, + dictWord{16, 0, 50}, + dictWord{16, 0, 63}, + dictWord{16, 0, 73}, + dictWord{17, 0, 2}, + dictWord{17, 0, 66}, + dictWord{17, 0, 92}, + dictWord{17, 0, 103}, + dictWord{ + 17, + 0, + 112, + }, + dictWord{17, 0, 120}, + dictWord{18, 0, 50}, + dictWord{18, 0, 54}, + dictWord{18, 0, 82}, + dictWord{18, 0, 86}, + dictWord{18, 0, 90}, + dictWord{18, 0, 111}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 115, + }, + dictWord{18, 0, 156}, + dictWord{19, 0, 40}, + dictWord{19, 0, 79}, + dictWord{20, 0, 78}, + dictWord{21, 0, 22}, + dictWord{135, 11, 883}, + dictWord{5, 0, 161}, + dictWord{135, 0, 839}, + dictWord{4, 0, 782}, + dictWord{13, 11, 293}, + dictWord{142, 11, 56}, + dictWord{133, 11, 617}, + dictWord{139, 11, 50}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 22, + }, + dictWord{145, 0, 64}, + dictWord{5, 10, 639}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1249}, + dictWord{139, 10, 896}, + dictWord{138, 0, 998}, + dictWord{135, 11, 2042}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 546, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 233}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1043}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1574}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1496}, + dictWord{4, 10, 102}, + dictWord{7, 10, 815}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1699}, + dictWord{139, 10, 964}, + dictWord{12, 0, 781}, + dictWord{142, 0, 461}, + dictWord{4, 11, 313}, + dictWord{133, 11, 577}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 639, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1114}, + dictWord{137, 0, 817}, + dictWord{8, 11, 184}, + dictWord{141, 11, 433}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1814}, + dictWord{135, 11, 935}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 997, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 958}, + dictWord{4, 0, 812}, + dictWord{137, 11, 625}, + dictWord{132, 10, 899}, + dictWord{136, 10, 795}, + dictWord{5, 11, 886}, + dictWord{6, 11, 46}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1790}, + dictWord{7, 11, 14}, + dictWord{7, 11, 732}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1654}, + dictWord{8, 11, 95}, + dictWord{8, 11, 327}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 616, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 598}, + dictWord{10, 11, 769}, + dictWord{11, 11, 134}, + dictWord{11, 11, 747}, + dictWord{12, 11, 378}, + dictWord{142, 11, 97}, + dictWord{136, 0, 139}, + dictWord{6, 10, 52}, + dictWord{9, 10, 104}, + dictWord{9, 10, 559}, + dictWord{12, 10, 308}, + dictWord{147, 10, 87}, + dictWord{133, 11, 1021}, + dictWord{132, 10, 604}, + dictWord{132, 10, 301}, + dictWord{136, 10, 779}, + dictWord{7, 0, 643}, + dictWord{136, 0, 236}, + dictWord{132, 11, 153}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1172, + }, + dictWord{147, 10, 32}, + dictWord{133, 11, 798}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1338}, + dictWord{132, 11, 587}, + dictWord{6, 11, 598}, + dictWord{7, 11, 42}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 695, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 212}, + dictWord{11, 11, 158}, + dictWord{14, 11, 196}, + dictWord{145, 11, 85}, + dictWord{135, 10, 508}, + dictWord{5, 11, 957}, + dictWord{5, 11, 1008}, + dictWord{135, 11, 249}, + dictWord{4, 11, 129}, + dictWord{135, 11, 465}, + dictWord{5, 0, 54}, + dictWord{7, 11, 470}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1057}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1201}, + dictWord{9, 11, 755}, + dictWord{11, 11, 906}, + dictWord{140, 11, 527}, + dictWord{7, 11, 908}, + dictWord{146, 11, 7}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 148, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 450}, + dictWord{144, 11, 1}, + dictWord{4, 0, 256}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1488}, + dictWord{9, 0, 351}, + dictWord{6, 10, 310}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1849, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 72}, + dictWord{8, 10, 272}, + dictWord{8, 10, 431}, + dictWord{9, 10, 12}, + dictWord{10, 10, 563}, + dictWord{10, 10, 630}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 796, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 810}, + dictWord{11, 10, 367}, + dictWord{11, 10, 599}, + dictWord{11, 10, 686}, + dictWord{140, 10, 672}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1885}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1898, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1899}, + dictWord{140, 0, 955}, + dictWord{4, 0, 714}, + dictWord{133, 0, 469}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1270}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1456}, + dictWord{132, 0, 744}, + dictWord{6, 0, 313}, + dictWord{7, 10, 537}, + dictWord{8, 10, 64}, + dictWord{9, 10, 127}, + dictWord{10, 10, 496}, + dictWord{12, 10, 510}, + dictWord{141, 10, 384}, + dictWord{4, 11, 217}, + dictWord{4, 10, 244}, + dictWord{5, 11, 710}, + dictWord{7, 10, 233}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1926}, + dictWord{9, 11, 428}, + dictWord{9, 11, 708}, + dictWord{10, 11, 254}, + dictWord{10, 11, 296}, + dictWord{10, 11, 720}, + dictWord{11, 11, 109}, + dictWord{11, 11, 255}, + dictWord{12, 11, 165}, + dictWord{12, 11, 315}, + dictWord{13, 11, 107}, + dictWord{13, 11, 203}, + dictWord{14, 11, 54}, + dictWord{14, 11, 99}, + dictWord{14, 11, 114}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 388, + }, + dictWord{16, 11, 85}, + dictWord{17, 11, 9}, + dictWord{17, 11, 33}, + dictWord{20, 11, 25}, + dictWord{20, 11, 28}, + dictWord{20, 11, 29}, + dictWord{21, 11, 9}, + dictWord{21, 11, 10}, + dictWord{21, 11, 34}, + dictWord{150, 11, 17}, + dictWord{138, 0, 402}, + dictWord{7, 0, 969}, + dictWord{146, 0, 55}, + dictWord{8, 0, 50}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 0, + 624, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1355}, + dictWord{132, 0, 572}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1650}, + dictWord{10, 10, 702}, + dictWord{139, 10, 245}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 847, + }, + dictWord{142, 0, 445}, + dictWord{6, 0, 43}, + dictWord{7, 0, 38}, + dictWord{8, 0, 248}, + dictWord{138, 0, 513}, + dictWord{133, 0, 369}, + dictWord{137, 10, 338}, + dictWord{133, 0, 766}, + dictWord{133, 0, 363}, + dictWord{133, 10, 896}, + dictWord{8, 11, 392}, + dictWord{11, 11, 54}, + dictWord{13, 11, 173}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 294, + }, + dictWord{148, 11, 7}, + dictWord{134, 0, 678}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1230}, + dictWord{136, 11, 531}, + dictWord{6, 0, 258}, + dictWord{140, 0, 409}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 249, + }, + dictWord{148, 0, 82}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1117}, + dictWord{136, 10, 539}, + dictWord{5, 0, 393}, + dictWord{6, 0, 378}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1981}, + dictWord{9, 0, 32}, + dictWord{9, 0, 591}, + dictWord{10, 0, 685}, + dictWord{10, 0, 741}, + dictWord{142, 0, 382}, + dictWord{133, 0, 788}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1281}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1295, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1968}, + dictWord{141, 0, 509}, + dictWord{4, 0, 61}, + dictWord{5, 0, 58}, + dictWord{5, 0, 171}, + dictWord{5, 0, 683}, + dictWord{6, 0, 291}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 566, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1650}, + dictWord{11, 0, 523}, + dictWord{12, 0, 273}, + dictWord{12, 0, 303}, + dictWord{15, 0, 39}, + dictWord{143, 0, 111}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 706, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1283}, + dictWord{134, 0, 589}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1433}, + dictWord{133, 11, 435}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1059}, + dictWord{13, 0, 54}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 4, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 810}, + dictWord{6, 10, 13}, + dictWord{6, 10, 538}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1690}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1726}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1819}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 148, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 696}, + dictWord{8, 10, 791}, + dictWord{12, 10, 125}, + dictWord{143, 10, 9}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1268}, + dictWord{5, 11, 85}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 419, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 134}, + dictWord{7, 11, 305}, + dictWord{7, 11, 361}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1337}, + dictWord{8, 11, 71}, + dictWord{140, 11, 519}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 0, + 824, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 688}, + dictWord{5, 11, 691}, + dictWord{7, 11, 345}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1385}, + dictWord{9, 11, 94}, + dictWord{11, 10, 582}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 650, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 901}, + dictWord{11, 10, 949}, + dictWord{12, 11, 169}, + dictWord{12, 10, 232}, + dictWord{12, 10, 236}, + dictWord{13, 10, 413}, + dictWord{13, 10, 501}, + dictWord{146, 10, 116}, + dictWord{4, 0, 917}, + dictWord{133, 0, 1005}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1598}, + dictWord{5, 11, 183}, + dictWord{6, 11, 582}, + dictWord{9, 11, 344}, + dictWord{10, 11, 679}, + dictWord{140, 11, 435}, + dictWord{4, 10, 925}, + dictWord{5, 10, 803}, + dictWord{8, 10, 698}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 828, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 919}, + dictWord{135, 11, 511}, + dictWord{139, 10, 992}, + dictWord{4, 0, 255}, + dictWord{5, 0, 302}, + dictWord{6, 0, 132}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 128, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 283}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1299}, + dictWord{10, 0, 52}, + dictWord{10, 0, 514}, + dictWord{11, 0, 925}, + dictWord{13, 0, 92}, + dictWord{142, 0, 309}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1369}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1847}, + dictWord{134, 0, 328}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1993}, + dictWord{136, 11, 684}, + dictWord{133, 10, 383}, + dictWord{137, 0, 173}, + dictWord{134, 11, 583}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1411}, + dictWord{19, 0, 65}, + dictWord{5, 11, 704}, + dictWord{8, 11, 357}, + dictWord{10, 11, 745}, + dictWord{14, 11, 426}, + dictWord{17, 11, 94}, + dictWord{147, 11, 57}, + dictWord{9, 10, 660}, + dictWord{138, 10, 347}, + dictWord{4, 11, 179}, + dictWord{5, 11, 198}, + dictWord{133, 11, 697}, + dictWord{7, 11, 347}, + dictWord{7, 11, 971}, + dictWord{8, 11, 181}, + dictWord{138, 11, 711}, + dictWord{141, 0, 442}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 842, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 924}, + dictWord{13, 0, 317}, + dictWord{13, 0, 370}, + dictWord{13, 0, 469}, + dictWord{13, 0, 471}, + dictWord{14, 0, 397}, + dictWord{18, 0, 69}, + dictWord{18, 0, 145}, + dictWord{7, 10, 572}, + dictWord{9, 10, 592}, + dictWord{11, 10, 680}, + dictWord{12, 10, 356}, + dictWord{140, 10, 550}, + dictWord{14, 11, 19}, + dictWord{14, 11, 28}, + dictWord{144, 11, 29}, + dictWord{136, 0, 534}, + dictWord{4, 11, 243}, + dictWord{5, 11, 203}, + dictWord{7, 11, 19}, + dictWord{7, 11, 71}, + dictWord{7, 11, 113}, + dictWord{10, 11, 405}, + dictWord{11, 11, 357}, + dictWord{142, 11, 240}, + dictWord{6, 0, 210}, + dictWord{10, 0, 845}, + dictWord{138, 0, 862}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1351}, + dictWord{9, 11, 581}, + dictWord{10, 11, 639}, + dictWord{11, 11, 453}, + dictWord{140, 11, 584}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1450}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 99, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 892}, + dictWord{12, 0, 719}, + dictWord{144, 0, 105}, + dictWord{4, 0, 284}, + dictWord{6, 0, 223}, + dictWord{134, 11, 492}, + dictWord{5, 11, 134}, + dictWord{6, 11, 408}, + dictWord{6, 11, 495}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1593}, + dictWord{136, 0, 529}, + dictWord{137, 0, 807}, + dictWord{4, 0, 218}, + dictWord{7, 0, 526}, + dictWord{143, 0, 137}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1444}, + dictWord{142, 11, 4}, + dictWord{132, 11, 665}, + dictWord{4, 0, 270}, + dictWord{5, 0, 192}, + dictWord{6, 0, 332}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1322}, + dictWord{4, 11, 248}, + dictWord{7, 11, 137}, + dictWord{137, 11, 349}, + dictWord{140, 0, 661}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1517}, + dictWord{11, 0, 597}, + dictWord{14, 0, 76}, + dictWord{14, 0, 335}, + dictWord{20, 0, 33}, + dictWord{7, 10, 748}, + dictWord{139, 10, 700}, + dictWord{5, 11, 371}, + dictWord{135, 11, 563}, + dictWord{146, 11, 57}, + dictWord{133, 10, 127}, + dictWord{133, 0, 418}, + dictWord{4, 11, 374}, + dictWord{7, 11, 547}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1700}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1833}, + dictWord{139, 11, 858}, + dictWord{6, 10, 198}, + dictWord{140, 10, 83}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1812}, + dictWord{13, 11, 259}, + dictWord{13, 11, 356}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 242, + }, + dictWord{147, 11, 114}, + dictWord{7, 0, 379}, + dictWord{8, 0, 481}, + dictWord{9, 0, 377}, + dictWord{5, 10, 276}, + dictWord{6, 10, 55}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1369, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 286}, + dictWord{5, 0, 1003}, + dictWord{6, 0, 149}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1752}, + dictWord{136, 10, 726}, + dictWord{8, 0, 262}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 627, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 18}, + dictWord{11, 0, 214}, + dictWord{11, 0, 404}, + dictWord{11, 0, 457}, + dictWord{11, 0, 780}, + dictWord{11, 0, 913}, + dictWord{13, 0, 401}, + dictWord{14, 0, 200}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1647}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1552}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2010}, + dictWord{9, 11, 494}, + dictWord{137, 11, 509}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 742, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 304}, + dictWord{132, 0, 142}, + dictWord{133, 10, 764}, + dictWord{6, 10, 309}, + dictWord{7, 10, 331}, + dictWord{138, 10, 550}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1062}, + dictWord{6, 11, 123}, + dictWord{7, 11, 214}, + dictWord{7, 10, 986}, + dictWord{9, 11, 728}, + dictWord{10, 11, 157}, + dictWord{11, 11, 346}, + dictWord{11, 11, 662}, + dictWord{143, 11, 106}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1573}, + dictWord{7, 0, 925}, + dictWord{137, 0, 799}, + dictWord{4, 0, 471}, + dictWord{5, 0, 51}, + dictWord{6, 0, 602}, + dictWord{8, 0, 484}, + dictWord{138, 0, 195}, + dictWord{136, 0, 688}, + dictWord{132, 0, 697}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1169}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1241}, + dictWord{6, 10, 194}, + dictWord{7, 10, 133}, + dictWord{10, 10, 493}, + dictWord{10, 10, 570}, + dictWord{139, 10, 664}, + dictWord{140, 0, 751}, + dictWord{7, 0, 929}, + dictWord{10, 0, 452}, + dictWord{11, 0, 878}, + dictWord{16, 0, 33}, + dictWord{5, 10, 24}, + dictWord{5, 10, 569}, + dictWord{6, 10, 3}, + dictWord{6, 10, 119}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 143, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 440}, + dictWord{7, 10, 599}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1686}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1854}, + dictWord{8, 10, 424}, + dictWord{9, 10, 43}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 584, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 760}, + dictWord{10, 10, 328}, + dictWord{11, 10, 159}, + dictWord{11, 10, 253}, + dictWord{12, 10, 487}, + dictWord{140, 10, 531}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 707, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 106}, + dictWord{18, 11, 49}, + dictWord{147, 11, 41}, + dictWord{5, 0, 221}, + dictWord{5, 11, 588}, + dictWord{134, 11, 393}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1437}, + dictWord{6, 11, 211}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1690}, + dictWord{11, 11, 486}, + dictWord{140, 11, 369}, + dictWord{5, 10, 14}, + dictWord{5, 10, 892}, + dictWord{6, 10, 283}, + dictWord{7, 10, 234}, + dictWord{136, 10, 537}, + dictWord{4, 0, 988}, + dictWord{136, 0, 955}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1251}, + dictWord{4, 10, 126}, + dictWord{8, 10, 635}, + dictWord{147, 10, 34}, + dictWord{4, 10, 316}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1561}, + dictWord{137, 10, 861}, + dictWord{4, 10, 64}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 352, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 720}, + dictWord{6, 10, 368}, + dictWord{139, 10, 359}, + dictWord{134, 0, 192}, + dictWord{4, 0, 132}, + dictWord{5, 0, 69}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1242, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1577}, + dictWord{10, 10, 304}, + dictWord{10, 10, 549}, + dictWord{12, 10, 365}, + dictWord{13, 10, 220}, + dictWord{13, 10, 240}, + dictWord{142, 10, 33}, + dictWord{4, 0, 111}, + dictWord{7, 0, 865}, + dictWord{134, 11, 219}, + dictWord{5, 11, 582}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1646}, + dictWord{7, 11, 99}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1962, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1986}, + dictWord{8, 11, 515}, + dictWord{8, 11, 773}, + dictWord{9, 11, 23}, + dictWord{9, 11, 491}, + dictWord{12, 11, 620}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 52, + }, + dictWord{145, 11, 50}, + dictWord{132, 0, 767}, + dictWord{7, 11, 568}, + dictWord{148, 11, 21}, + dictWord{6, 0, 42}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1416}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 2005, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 131}, + dictWord{8, 0, 466}, + dictWord{9, 0, 672}, + dictWord{13, 0, 252}, + dictWord{20, 0, 103}, + dictWord{133, 11, 851}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1050, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 175}, + dictWord{137, 10, 289}, + dictWord{5, 10, 432}, + dictWord{133, 10, 913}, + dictWord{6, 0, 44}, + dictWord{136, 0, 368}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 784, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 570}, + dictWord{133, 0, 120}, + dictWord{139, 10, 595}, + dictWord{140, 0, 29}, + dictWord{6, 0, 227}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1589}, + dictWord{4, 11, 98}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1365}, + dictWord{9, 11, 422}, + dictWord{9, 11, 670}, + dictWord{10, 11, 775}, + dictWord{11, 11, 210}, + dictWord{13, 11, 26}, + dictWord{13, 11, 457}, + dictWord{141, 11, 476}, + dictWord{140, 10, 80}, + dictWord{5, 10, 931}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1698}, + dictWord{133, 0, 522}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1120, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1529}, + dictWord{12, 0, 739}, + dictWord{14, 0, 448}, + dictWord{142, 0, 467}, + dictWord{11, 10, 526}, + dictWord{11, 10, 939}, + dictWord{141, 10, 290}, + dictWord{5, 10, 774}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1637}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1686}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1751}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1667}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 2036, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1167}, + dictWord{11, 10, 934}, + dictWord{13, 10, 391}, + dictWord{145, 10, 76}, + dictWord{137, 11, 147}, + dictWord{6, 10, 260}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1484, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 821}, + dictWord{12, 11, 110}, + dictWord{12, 11, 153}, + dictWord{18, 11, 41}, + dictWord{150, 11, 19}, + dictWord{6, 0, 511}, + dictWord{12, 0, 132}, + dictWord{134, 10, 573}, + dictWord{5, 0, 568}, + dictWord{6, 0, 138}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1293}, + dictWord{132, 0, 1020}, + dictWord{8, 0, 258}, + dictWord{9, 0, 208}, + dictWord{137, 0, 359}, + dictWord{4, 0, 565}, + dictWord{8, 0, 23}, + dictWord{136, 0, 827}, + dictWord{134, 0, 344}, + dictWord{4, 0, 922}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 1023, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 477}, + dictWord{14, 11, 120}, + dictWord{148, 11, 61}, + dictWord{134, 0, 240}, + dictWord{5, 11, 209}, + dictWord{6, 11, 30}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 56, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 305}, + dictWord{6, 0, 171}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1002}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1324}, + dictWord{9, 0, 415}, + dictWord{14, 0, 230}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 68, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 292}, + dictWord{4, 10, 736}, + dictWord{5, 10, 871}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1689}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1944}, + dictWord{137, 10, 580}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 635, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 559}, + dictWord{4, 11, 150}, + dictWord{5, 11, 303}, + dictWord{134, 11, 327}, + dictWord{6, 10, 63}, + dictWord{135, 10, 920}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 793, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 192}, + dictWord{10, 11, 78}, + dictWord{10, 11, 555}, + dictWord{11, 11, 308}, + dictWord{13, 11, 359}, + dictWord{147, 11, 95}, + dictWord{135, 11, 786}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1712}, + dictWord{136, 0, 402}, + dictWord{6, 0, 754}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1638}, + dictWord{7, 11, 79}, + dictWord{7, 11, 496}, + dictWord{9, 11, 138}, + dictWord{10, 11, 336}, + dictWord{11, 11, 12}, + dictWord{12, 11, 412}, + dictWord{12, 11, 440}, + dictWord{142, 11, 305}, + dictWord{4, 0, 716}, + dictWord{141, 0, 31}, + dictWord{133, 0, 982}, + dictWord{8, 0, 691}, + dictWord{8, 0, 731}, + dictWord{5, 10, 67}, + dictWord{6, 10, 62}, + dictWord{6, 10, 374}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1391, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 790}, + dictWord{140, 10, 47}, + dictWord{139, 11, 556}, + dictWord{151, 11, 1}, + dictWord{7, 11, 204}, + dictWord{7, 11, 415}, + dictWord{8, 11, 42}, + dictWord{10, 11, 85}, + dictWord{11, 11, 33}, + dictWord{11, 11, 564}, + dictWord{12, 11, 571}, + dictWord{149, 11, 1}, + dictWord{8, 0, 888}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 610, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1501}, + dictWord{4, 10, 391}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1169}, + dictWord{5, 0, 847}, + dictWord{9, 0, 840}, + dictWord{138, 0, 803}, + dictWord{137, 0, 823}, + dictWord{134, 0, 785}, + dictWord{8, 0, 152}, + dictWord{9, 0, 53}, + dictWord{9, 0, 268}, + dictWord{9, 0, 901}, + dictWord{10, 0, 518}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 829, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 188}, + dictWord{13, 0, 74}, + dictWord{14, 0, 46}, + dictWord{15, 0, 17}, + dictWord{15, 0, 33}, + dictWord{17, 0, 40}, + dictWord{18, 0, 36}, + dictWord{ + 19, + 0, + 20, + }, + dictWord{22, 0, 1}, + dictWord{152, 0, 2}, + dictWord{4, 11, 3}, + dictWord{5, 11, 247}, + dictWord{5, 11, 644}, + dictWord{7, 11, 744}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1207}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1225}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1909}, + dictWord{146, 11, 147}, + dictWord{136, 0, 532}, + dictWord{135, 0, 681}, + dictWord{132, 10, 271}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 0, + 314, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 677}, + dictWord{4, 0, 684}, + dictWord{136, 0, 384}, + dictWord{5, 11, 285}, + dictWord{9, 11, 67}, + dictWord{13, 11, 473}, + dictWord{ + 143, + 11, + 82, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 253}, + dictWord{5, 10, 544}, + dictWord{7, 10, 300}, + dictWord{137, 10, 340}, + dictWord{7, 0, 110}, + dictWord{7, 0, 447}, + dictWord{8, 0, 290}, + dictWord{8, 0, 591}, + dictWord{9, 0, 382}, + dictWord{9, 0, 649}, + dictWord{11, 0, 71}, + dictWord{11, 0, 155}, + dictWord{11, 0, 313}, + dictWord{12, 0, 5}, + dictWord{13, 0, 325}, + dictWord{142, 0, 287}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1818}, + dictWord{136, 0, 1007}, + dictWord{138, 0, 321}, + dictWord{7, 0, 360}, + dictWord{7, 0, 425}, + dictWord{9, 0, 66}, + dictWord{9, 0, 278}, + dictWord{138, 0, 644}, + dictWord{133, 10, 818}, + dictWord{5, 0, 385}, + dictWord{5, 10, 541}, + dictWord{6, 10, 94}, + dictWord{6, 10, 499}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 230, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 321}, + dictWord{4, 10, 920}, + dictWord{5, 10, 25}, + dictWord{5, 10, 790}, + dictWord{6, 10, 457}, + dictWord{7, 10, 853}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 10, + 788, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 900}, + dictWord{133, 0, 861}, + dictWord{5, 0, 254}, + dictWord{7, 0, 985}, + dictWord{136, 0, 73}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1959}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 683, + }, + dictWord{134, 10, 1765}, + dictWord{133, 10, 822}, + dictWord{132, 10, 634}, + dictWord{4, 11, 29}, + dictWord{6, 11, 532}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1628}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1648, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 303}, + dictWord{9, 11, 350}, + dictWord{10, 11, 433}, + dictWord{11, 11, 97}, + dictWord{11, 11, 557}, + dictWord{11, 11, 745}, + dictWord{12, 11, 289}, + dictWord{12, 11, 335}, + dictWord{12, 11, 348}, + dictWord{12, 11, 606}, + dictWord{13, 11, 116}, + dictWord{13, 11, 233}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 466, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 181}, + dictWord{14, 11, 209}, + dictWord{14, 11, 232}, + dictWord{14, 11, 236}, + dictWord{14, 11, 300}, + dictWord{16, 11, 41}, + dictWord{ + 148, + 11, + 97, + }, + dictWord{19, 0, 86}, + dictWord{6, 10, 36}, + dictWord{7, 10, 658}, + dictWord{136, 10, 454}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1692}, + dictWord{132, 0, 725}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 501, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1704}, + dictWord{9, 11, 553}, + dictWord{11, 11, 520}, + dictWord{12, 11, 557}, + dictWord{141, 11, 249}, + dictWord{134, 0, 196}, + dictWord{133, 0, 831}, + dictWord{136, 0, 723}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1897}, + dictWord{13, 0, 80}, + dictWord{13, 0, 437}, + dictWord{145, 0, 74}, + dictWord{4, 0, 992}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 627, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 994}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1294}, + dictWord{132, 10, 104}, + dictWord{5, 0, 848}, + dictWord{6, 0, 66}, + dictWord{136, 0, 764}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 36, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1387}, + dictWord{10, 0, 205}, + dictWord{139, 0, 755}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1046}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1485}, + dictWord{134, 0, 950}, + dictWord{132, 0, 887}, + dictWord{14, 0, 450}, + dictWord{148, 0, 111}, + dictWord{7, 0, 620}, + dictWord{7, 0, 831}, + dictWord{9, 10, 542}, + dictWord{9, 10, 566}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 728, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 165}, + dictWord{138, 0, 388}, + dictWord{139, 10, 263}, + dictWord{4, 0, 719}, + dictWord{135, 0, 155}, + dictWord{138, 10, 468}, + dictWord{6, 11, 453}, + dictWord{144, 11, 36}, + dictWord{134, 11, 129}, + dictWord{5, 0, 533}, + dictWord{7, 0, 755}, + dictWord{138, 0, 780}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1465}, + dictWord{4, 0, 353}, + dictWord{6, 0, 146}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1789}, + dictWord{7, 0, 427}, + dictWord{7, 0, 990}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1348}, + dictWord{9, 0, 665}, + dictWord{9, 0, 898}, + dictWord{11, 0, 893}, + dictWord{142, 0, 212}, + dictWord{7, 10, 87}, + dictWord{142, 10, 288}, + dictWord{4, 0, 45}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1257}, + dictWord{12, 0, 7}, + dictWord{7, 10, 988}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1939}, + dictWord{9, 10, 64}, + dictWord{9, 10, 502}, + dictWord{12, 10, 34}, + dictWord{13, 10, 12}, + dictWord{13, 10, 234}, + dictWord{147, 10, 77}, + dictWord{4, 0, 607}, + dictWord{5, 11, 60}, + dictWord{6, 11, 504}, + dictWord{7, 11, 614}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1155}, + dictWord{140, 11, 0}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 141, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 198}, + dictWord{11, 11, 29}, + dictWord{140, 11, 534}, + dictWord{140, 0, 65}, + dictWord{136, 0, 816}, + dictWord{132, 10, 619}, + dictWord{139, 0, 88}, + dictWord{5, 10, 246}, + dictWord{8, 10, 189}, + dictWord{9, 10, 355}, + dictWord{9, 10, 512}, + dictWord{10, 10, 124}, + dictWord{10, 10, 453}, + dictWord{11, 10, 143}, + dictWord{11, 10, 416}, + dictWord{11, 10, 859}, + dictWord{141, 10, 341}, + dictWord{4, 11, 379}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1397}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 600, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 621}, + dictWord{133, 0, 367}, + dictWord{134, 0, 561}, + dictWord{6, 0, 559}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1691}, + dictWord{6, 0, 585}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 585, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1228}, + dictWord{4, 11, 118}, + dictWord{5, 10, 678}, + dictWord{6, 11, 274}, + dictWord{6, 11, 361}, + dictWord{7, 11, 75}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 441, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1818}, + dictWord{137, 11, 841}, + dictWord{5, 0, 573}, + dictWord{6, 0, 287}, + dictWord{7, 10, 862}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1886}, + dictWord{138, 10, 179}, + dictWord{132, 10, 517}, + dictWord{140, 11, 693}, + dictWord{5, 11, 314}, + dictWord{6, 11, 221}, + dictWord{7, 11, 419}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 650, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 396}, + dictWord{12, 11, 156}, + dictWord{13, 11, 369}, + dictWord{14, 11, 333}, + dictWord{145, 11, 47}, + dictWord{140, 10, 540}, + dictWord{136, 10, 667}, + dictWord{11, 10, 403}, + dictWord{146, 10, 83}, + dictWord{6, 0, 672}, + dictWord{133, 10, 761}, + dictWord{9, 0, 157}, + dictWord{10, 10, 131}, + dictWord{140, 10, 72}, + dictWord{7, 0, 714}, + dictWord{134, 11, 460}, + dictWord{134, 0, 456}, + dictWord{133, 0, 925}, + dictWord{5, 11, 682}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1887, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 510}, + dictWord{136, 11, 475}, + dictWord{133, 11, 1016}, + dictWord{9, 0, 19}, + dictWord{7, 11, 602}, + dictWord{8, 11, 179}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 781, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 126}, + dictWord{6, 11, 329}, + dictWord{138, 11, 111}, + dictWord{6, 0, 822}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1473}, + dictWord{144, 11, 86}, + dictWord{11, 0, 113}, + dictWord{139, 11, 113}, + dictWord{5, 11, 821}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1687}, + dictWord{133, 10, 449}, + dictWord{7, 0, 463}, + dictWord{ + 17, + 0, + 69, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 103}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2028}, + dictWord{138, 10, 641}, + dictWord{6, 0, 193}, + dictWord{7, 0, 240}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1682}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 51, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 640}, + dictWord{11, 0, 410}, + dictWord{13, 0, 82}, + dictWord{14, 0, 247}, + dictWord{14, 0, 331}, + dictWord{142, 0, 377}, + dictWord{6, 0, 471}, + dictWord{11, 0, 411}, + dictWord{142, 0, 2}, + dictWord{5, 11, 71}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1407}, + dictWord{9, 11, 388}, + dictWord{9, 11, 704}, + dictWord{10, 11, 261}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 619, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 547}, + dictWord{11, 11, 619}, + dictWord{143, 11, 157}, + dictWord{136, 0, 633}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1148}, + dictWord{6, 0, 554}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1392}, + dictWord{12, 0, 129}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1274}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1386}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2008}, + dictWord{9, 11, 337}, + dictWord{10, 11, 517}, + dictWord{146, 10, 87}, + dictWord{7, 0, 803}, + dictWord{8, 0, 542}, + dictWord{6, 10, 187}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1203}, + dictWord{8, 10, 380}, + dictWord{14, 10, 117}, + dictWord{149, 10, 28}, + dictWord{6, 10, 297}, + dictWord{7, 10, 793}, + dictWord{139, 10, 938}, + dictWord{8, 0, 438}, + dictWord{11, 0, 363}, + dictWord{7, 10, 464}, + dictWord{11, 10, 105}, + dictWord{12, 10, 231}, + dictWord{14, 10, 386}, + dictWord{15, 10, 102}, + dictWord{148, 10, 75}, + dictWord{5, 11, 16}, + dictWord{6, 11, 86}, + dictWord{6, 11, 603}, + dictWord{7, 11, 292}, + dictWord{7, 11, 561}, + dictWord{8, 11, 257}, + dictWord{8, 11, 382}, + dictWord{9, 11, 721}, + dictWord{9, 11, 778}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 581, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 466}, + dictWord{6, 0, 717}, + dictWord{4, 11, 486}, + dictWord{133, 11, 491}, + dictWord{132, 0, 875}, + dictWord{132, 11, 72}, + dictWord{6, 11, 265}, + dictWord{135, 11, 847}, + dictWord{4, 0, 237}, + dictWord{135, 0, 514}, + dictWord{6, 0, 392}, + dictWord{7, 0, 65}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2019}, + dictWord{140, 11, 261}, + dictWord{135, 11, 922}, + dictWord{137, 11, 404}, + dictWord{12, 0, 563}, + dictWord{14, 0, 101}, + dictWord{18, 0, 129}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1010, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 733}, + dictWord{11, 10, 759}, + dictWord{13, 10, 34}, + dictWord{146, 10, 45}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1656}, + dictWord{9, 10, 369}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 338, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 490}, + dictWord{11, 10, 154}, + dictWord{11, 10, 545}, + dictWord{11, 10, 775}, + dictWord{13, 10, 77}, + dictWord{141, 10, 274}, + dictWord{4, 0, 444}, + dictWord{10, 0, 146}, + dictWord{140, 0, 9}, + dictWord{139, 11, 163}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1260}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1790}, + dictWord{9, 0, 222}, + dictWord{10, 0, 43}, + dictWord{139, 0, 900}, + dictWord{137, 11, 234}, + dictWord{138, 0, 971}, + dictWord{137, 0, 761}, + dictWord{134, 0, 699}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 11, + 434, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1116}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1366}, + dictWord{5, 10, 20}, + dictWord{6, 11, 197}, + dictWord{6, 10, 298}, + dictWord{7, 10, 659}, + dictWord{8, 11, 205}, + dictWord{137, 10, 219}, + dictWord{132, 11, 490}, + dictWord{11, 11, 820}, + dictWord{150, 11, 51}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1440}, + dictWord{11, 10, 854}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 872, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 921}, + dictWord{12, 10, 551}, + dictWord{13, 10, 472}, + dictWord{142, 10, 367}, + dictWord{140, 11, 13}, + dictWord{132, 0, 829}, + dictWord{12, 0, 242}, + dictWord{132, 10, 439}, + dictWord{136, 10, 669}, + dictWord{6, 0, 593}, + dictWord{6, 11, 452}, + dictWord{7, 11, 312}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 219, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 333}, + dictWord{9, 11, 176}, + dictWord{12, 11, 353}, + dictWord{141, 11, 187}, + dictWord{7, 0, 36}, + dictWord{8, 0, 201}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 605, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 224}, + dictWord{132, 10, 233}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1430}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1806}, + dictWord{4, 0, 523}, + dictWord{133, 0, 638}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1889, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 958}, + dictWord{9, 0, 971}, + dictWord{9, 0, 976}, + dictWord{12, 0, 796}, + dictWord{12, 0, 799}, + dictWord{12, 0, 808}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 835, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 836}, + dictWord{12, 0, 914}, + dictWord{12, 0, 946}, + dictWord{15, 0, 216}, + dictWord{15, 0, 232}, + dictWord{18, 0, 183}, + dictWord{18, 0, 187}, + dictWord{18, 0, 194}, + dictWord{18, 0, 212}, + dictWord{18, 0, 232}, + dictWord{149, 0, 49}, + dictWord{132, 10, 482}, + dictWord{6, 0, 827}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1434}, + dictWord{135, 10, 346}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2043}, + dictWord{6, 0, 242}, + dictWord{7, 0, 227}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1581}, + dictWord{8, 0, 104}, + dictWord{9, 0, 113}, + dictWord{9, 0, 220}, + dictWord{9, 0, 427}, + dictWord{10, 0, 136}, + dictWord{10, 0, 239}, + dictWord{11, 0, 579}, + dictWord{11, 0, 1023}, + dictWord{13, 0, 4}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 204, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 316}, + dictWord{148, 0, 86}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1685}, + dictWord{7, 0, 148}, + dictWord{8, 0, 284}, + dictWord{141, 0, 63}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 0, + 10, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 584}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1249}, + dictWord{7, 0, 861}, + dictWord{135, 10, 334}, + dictWord{5, 10, 795}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1741}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 70, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 807}, + dictWord{7, 11, 135}, + dictWord{8, 11, 7}, + dictWord{8, 11, 62}, + dictWord{9, 11, 243}, + dictWord{10, 11, 658}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 697, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 456}, + dictWord{139, 11, 756}, + dictWord{9, 11, 395}, + dictWord{138, 11, 79}, + dictWord{137, 11, 108}, + dictWord{147, 0, 94}, + dictWord{136, 0, 494}, + dictWord{135, 11, 631}, + dictWord{135, 10, 622}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1510}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1750}, + dictWord{4, 10, 203}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1936, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 406}, + dictWord{7, 11, 459}, + dictWord{8, 11, 606}, + dictWord{139, 11, 726}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1306}, + dictWord{8, 0, 505}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 482, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 126}, + dictWord{11, 0, 225}, + dictWord{12, 0, 347}, + dictWord{12, 0, 449}, + dictWord{13, 0, 19}, + dictWord{14, 0, 218}, + dictWord{142, 0, 435}, + dictWord{5, 0, 268}, + dictWord{10, 0, 764}, + dictWord{12, 0, 120}, + dictWord{13, 0, 39}, + dictWord{145, 0, 127}, + dictWord{142, 11, 68}, + dictWord{11, 10, 678}, + dictWord{140, 10, 307}, + dictWord{12, 11, 268}, + dictWord{12, 11, 640}, + dictWord{142, 11, 119}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2044}, + dictWord{133, 11, 612}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 372, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 482}, + dictWord{8, 11, 158}, + dictWord{9, 11, 602}, + dictWord{9, 11, 615}, + dictWord{10, 11, 245}, + dictWord{10, 11, 678}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 744, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 248}, + dictWord{139, 11, 806}, + dictWord{7, 10, 311}, + dictWord{9, 10, 308}, + dictWord{140, 10, 255}, + dictWord{4, 0, 384}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1022}, + dictWord{5, 11, 854}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1991}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1266}, + dictWord{4, 10, 400}, + dictWord{5, 10, 267}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 232, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1703}, + dictWord{9, 0, 159}, + dictWord{11, 0, 661}, + dictWord{140, 0, 603}, + dictWord{4, 0, 964}, + dictWord{14, 0, 438}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 444, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 456}, + dictWord{22, 0, 60}, + dictWord{22, 0, 63}, + dictWord{9, 11, 106}, + dictWord{9, 11, 163}, + dictWord{9, 11, 296}, + dictWord{10, 11, 167}, + dictWord{10, 11, 172}, + dictWord{10, 11, 777}, + dictWord{139, 11, 16}, + dictWord{136, 0, 583}, + dictWord{132, 0, 515}, + dictWord{8, 0, 632}, + dictWord{8, 0, 697}, + dictWord{137, 0, 854}, + dictWord{5, 11, 195}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1685}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1123}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1365}, + dictWord{134, 11, 328}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1997, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 730}, + dictWord{139, 11, 1006}, + dictWord{4, 0, 136}, + dictWord{133, 0, 551}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1782}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1287}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 44, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 552}, + dictWord{10, 0, 642}, + dictWord{11, 0, 839}, + dictWord{12, 0, 274}, + dictWord{12, 0, 275}, + dictWord{12, 0, 372}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 91, + }, + dictWord{142, 0, 125}, + dictWord{5, 11, 751}, + dictWord{11, 11, 797}, + dictWord{140, 11, 203}, + dictWord{133, 0, 732}, + dictWord{7, 0, 679}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 313, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 100}, + dictWord{135, 11, 821}, + dictWord{10, 0, 361}, + dictWord{142, 0, 316}, + dictWord{134, 0, 595}, + dictWord{6, 0, 147}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 886, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 753}, + dictWord{138, 0, 268}, + dictWord{5, 10, 362}, + dictWord{5, 10, 443}, + dictWord{6, 10, 318}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1019}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 623, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 463}, + dictWord{136, 10, 296}, + dictWord{4, 10, 454}, + dictWord{5, 11, 950}, + dictWord{5, 11, 994}, + dictWord{134, 11, 351}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 137, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 48}, + dictWord{5, 10, 404}, + dictWord{6, 10, 557}, + dictWord{7, 10, 458}, + dictWord{8, 10, 597}, + dictWord{10, 10, 455}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 606, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 49}, + dictWord{11, 10, 548}, + dictWord{12, 10, 476}, + dictWord{13, 10, 18}, + dictWord{141, 10, 450}, + dictWord{133, 0, 414}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1762, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 421}, + dictWord{135, 11, 47}, + dictWord{5, 10, 442}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1984}, + dictWord{134, 0, 599}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1749}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1627}, + dictWord{4, 0, 488}, + dictWord{132, 11, 350}, + dictWord{137, 11, 751}, + dictWord{132, 0, 83}, + dictWord{140, 0, 676}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 967, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1639}, + dictWord{5, 10, 55}, + dictWord{140, 10, 161}, + dictWord{4, 11, 473}, + dictWord{7, 11, 623}, + dictWord{8, 11, 808}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 871, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 893}, + dictWord{11, 11, 38}, + dictWord{11, 11, 431}, + dictWord{12, 11, 112}, + dictWord{12, 11, 217}, + dictWord{12, 11, 243}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 562, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 683}, + dictWord{13, 11, 141}, + dictWord{13, 11, 197}, + dictWord{13, 11, 227}, + dictWord{13, 11, 406}, + dictWord{13, 11, 487}, + dictWord{14, 11, 156}, + dictWord{14, 11, 203}, + dictWord{14, 11, 224}, + dictWord{14, 11, 256}, + dictWord{18, 11, 58}, + dictWord{150, 11, 0}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 450, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 736}, + dictWord{139, 11, 264}, + dictWord{134, 0, 278}, + dictWord{4, 11, 222}, + dictWord{7, 11, 286}, + dictWord{136, 11, 629}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 869, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 97}, + dictWord{144, 0, 14}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1085}, + dictWord{4, 10, 213}, + dictWord{7, 10, 223}, + dictWord{136, 10, 80}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 388, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 644}, + dictWord{139, 0, 781}, + dictWord{132, 0, 849}, + dictWord{7, 0, 229}, + dictWord{8, 0, 59}, + dictWord{9, 0, 190}, + dictWord{10, 0, 378}, + dictWord{140, 0, 191}, + dictWord{7, 10, 381}, + dictWord{7, 10, 806}, + dictWord{7, 10, 820}, + dictWord{8, 10, 354}, + dictWord{8, 10, 437}, + dictWord{8, 10, 787}, + dictWord{9, 10, 657}, + dictWord{10, 10, 58}, + dictWord{10, 10, 339}, + dictWord{10, 10, 749}, + dictWord{11, 10, 914}, + dictWord{12, 10, 162}, + dictWord{13, 10, 75}, + dictWord{14, 10, 106}, + dictWord{14, 10, 198}, + dictWord{14, 10, 320}, + dictWord{14, 10, 413}, + dictWord{146, 10, 43}, + dictWord{141, 11, 306}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 10, + 747, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1115}, + dictWord{16, 0, 94}, + dictWord{16, 0, 108}, + dictWord{136, 11, 146}, + dictWord{6, 0, 700}, + dictWord{6, 0, 817}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1002, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 692}, + dictWord{4, 11, 465}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1663}, + dictWord{134, 10, 191}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1414}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 913, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 660}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1035}, + dictWord{138, 0, 737}, + dictWord{6, 10, 162}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1960}, + dictWord{136, 10, 831}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 706, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 690}, + dictWord{9, 0, 217}, + dictWord{9, 0, 587}, + dictWord{140, 0, 521}, + dictWord{138, 10, 426}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1235}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 82, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 138}, + dictWord{7, 11, 517}, + dictWord{9, 11, 673}, + dictWord{139, 11, 238}, + dictWord{138, 0, 272}, + dictWord{5, 11, 495}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 834, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 733}, + dictWord{139, 11, 378}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1744}, + dictWord{132, 0, 1011}, + dictWord{7, 11, 828}, + dictWord{142, 11, 116}, + dictWord{4, 0, 733}, + dictWord{9, 0, 194}, + dictWord{10, 0, 92}, + dictWord{11, 0, 198}, + dictWord{12, 0, 84}, + dictWord{13, 0, 128}, + dictWord{133, 11, 559}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 57, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 277}, + dictWord{6, 11, 21}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1737}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1444}, + dictWord{136, 11, 224}, + dictWord{4, 10, 204}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 902, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 833}, + dictWord{11, 0, 348}, + dictWord{12, 0, 99}, + dictWord{18, 0, 1}, + dictWord{18, 0, 11}, + dictWord{19, 0, 4}, + dictWord{7, 10, 366}, + dictWord{9, 10, 287}, + dictWord{12, 10, 199}, + dictWord{12, 10, 556}, + dictWord{140, 10, 577}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1981}, + dictWord{136, 0, 936}, + dictWord{ + 21, + 0, + 33, + }, + dictWord{150, 0, 40}, + dictWord{5, 11, 519}, + dictWord{138, 11, 204}, + dictWord{5, 10, 356}, + dictWord{135, 10, 224}, + dictWord{134, 0, 775}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 306, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 630}, + dictWord{9, 10, 567}, + dictWord{11, 10, 150}, + dictWord{11, 10, 444}, + dictWord{141, 10, 119}, + dictWord{5, 0, 979}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 539, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 611}, + dictWord{4, 11, 402}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1679}, + dictWord{5, 0, 178}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2}, + dictWord{8, 11, 323}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 11, + 479, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 59}, + dictWord{135, 11, 672}, + dictWord{4, 0, 1010}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1969}, + dictWord{138, 11, 237}, + dictWord{133, 11, 412}, + dictWord{146, 11, 34}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1740}, + dictWord{146, 11, 48}, + dictWord{134, 0, 664}, + dictWord{139, 10, 814}, + dictWord{4, 11, 85}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 549, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 94}, + dictWord{133, 11, 457}, + dictWord{132, 0, 390}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1510}, + dictWord{4, 10, 235}, + dictWord{135, 10, 255}, + dictWord{4, 10, 194}, + dictWord{5, 10, 584}, + dictWord{6, 11, 11}, + dictWord{6, 10, 384}, + dictWord{7, 11, 187}, + dictWord{7, 10, 583}, + dictWord{10, 10, 761}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 760, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 851}, + dictWord{4, 11, 522}, + dictWord{139, 11, 802}, + dictWord{135, 0, 493}, + dictWord{10, 11, 776}, + dictWord{13, 11, 345}, + dictWord{142, 11, 425}, + dictWord{146, 0, 37}, + dictWord{4, 11, 52}, + dictWord{135, 11, 661}, + dictWord{134, 0, 724}, + dictWord{134, 0, 829}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 520, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 562}, + dictWord{4, 11, 281}, + dictWord{5, 11, 38}, + dictWord{7, 11, 194}, + dictWord{7, 11, 668}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1893}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 397, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 191}, + dictWord{137, 10, 271}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1537}, + dictWord{14, 0, 96}, + dictWord{143, 0, 73}, + dictWord{5, 0, 473}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 168, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 470}, + dictWord{6, 10, 153}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1503}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1923}, + dictWord{10, 10, 701}, + dictWord{11, 10, 132}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 227, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 320}, + dictWord{11, 10, 436}, + dictWord{11, 10, 525}, + dictWord{11, 10, 855}, + dictWord{12, 10, 41}, + dictWord{12, 10, 286}, + dictWord{13, 10, 103}, + dictWord{13, 10, 284}, + dictWord{14, 10, 255}, + dictWord{14, 10, 262}, + dictWord{15, 10, 117}, + dictWord{143, 10, 127}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 105, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 438}, + dictWord{9, 0, 694}, + dictWord{12, 0, 627}, + dictWord{141, 0, 210}, + dictWord{133, 10, 327}, + dictWord{6, 10, 552}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1754, + }, + dictWord{137, 10, 604}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1256}, + dictWord{152, 0, 11}, + dictWord{5, 11, 448}, + dictWord{11, 11, 98}, + dictWord{139, 11, 524}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1626, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 80}, + dictWord{6, 10, 405}, + dictWord{7, 10, 403}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1502}, + dictWord{8, 10, 456}, + dictWord{9, 10, 487}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 853, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 889}, + dictWord{10, 10, 309}, + dictWord{11, 10, 721}, + dictWord{11, 10, 994}, + dictWord{12, 10, 430}, + dictWord{13, 10, 165}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 16, + }, + dictWord{146, 11, 44}, + dictWord{132, 0, 779}, + dictWord{8, 0, 25}, + dictWord{138, 0, 826}, + dictWord{4, 10, 453}, + dictWord{5, 10, 887}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 535, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 6}, + dictWord{8, 10, 543}, + dictWord{136, 10, 826}, + dictWord{137, 11, 461}, + dictWord{140, 11, 632}, + dictWord{132, 0, 308}, + dictWord{135, 0, 741}, + dictWord{132, 0, 671}, + dictWord{7, 0, 150}, + dictWord{8, 0, 649}, + dictWord{136, 0, 1020}, + dictWord{9, 0, 99}, + dictWord{6, 11, 336}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 552, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 285}, + dictWord{10, 11, 99}, + dictWord{139, 11, 568}, + dictWord{134, 0, 521}, + dictWord{5, 0, 339}, + dictWord{14, 0, 3}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 0, + 41, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 166}, + dictWord{147, 0, 66}, + dictWord{6, 11, 423}, + dictWord{7, 11, 665}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1210}, + dictWord{9, 11, 218}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 222, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 543}, + dictWord{5, 10, 101}, + dictWord{5, 11, 256}, + dictWord{6, 10, 88}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1677}, + dictWord{9, 10, 100}, + dictWord{10, 10, 677}, + dictWord{14, 10, 169}, + dictWord{14, 10, 302}, + dictWord{14, 10, 313}, + dictWord{15, 10, 48}, + dictWord{143, 10, 84}, + dictWord{4, 10, 310}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 708, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 996}, + dictWord{9, 10, 795}, + dictWord{10, 10, 390}, + dictWord{10, 10, 733}, + dictWord{11, 10, 451}, + dictWord{12, 10, 249}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 115, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 286}, + dictWord{143, 10, 100}, + dictWord{133, 10, 587}, + dictWord{13, 11, 417}, + dictWord{14, 11, 129}, + dictWord{143, 11, 15}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1358}, + dictWord{136, 11, 554}, + dictWord{132, 10, 498}, + dictWord{7, 10, 217}, + dictWord{8, 10, 140}, + dictWord{138, 10, 610}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 989, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 634}, + dictWord{6, 0, 155}, + dictWord{140, 0, 234}, + dictWord{135, 11, 462}, + dictWord{132, 11, 618}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1628, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 766}, + dictWord{4, 11, 339}, + dictWord{5, 10, 905}, + dictWord{135, 11, 259}, + dictWord{135, 0, 829}, + dictWord{4, 11, 759}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 169, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1445}, + dictWord{4, 10, 456}, + dictWord{7, 10, 358}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1637}, + dictWord{8, 10, 643}, + dictWord{139, 10, 483}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 486, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1349}, + dictWord{5, 11, 688}, + dictWord{135, 11, 712}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1635}, + dictWord{8, 0, 17}, + dictWord{10, 0, 217}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 295, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 2}, + dictWord{140, 11, 2}, + dictWord{138, 0, 558}, + dictWord{150, 10, 56}, + dictWord{4, 11, 278}, + dictWord{5, 11, 465}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1367, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 482}, + dictWord{133, 10, 535}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1362}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1461}, + dictWord{10, 11, 274}, + dictWord{10, 11, 625}, + dictWord{139, 11, 530}, + dictWord{5, 0, 599}, + dictWord{5, 11, 336}, + dictWord{6, 11, 341}, + dictWord{6, 11, 478}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1763}, + dictWord{136, 11, 386}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1748}, + dictWord{137, 11, 151}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1376}, + dictWord{133, 10, 539}, + dictWord{135, 11, 73}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1971}, + dictWord{139, 11, 283}, + dictWord{9, 0, 93}, + dictWord{139, 0, 474}, + dictWord{6, 10, 91}, + dictWord{135, 10, 435}, + dictWord{6, 0, 447}, + dictWord{5, 11, 396}, + dictWord{134, 11, 501}, + dictWord{4, 10, 16}, + dictWord{5, 10, 316}, + dictWord{5, 10, 842}, + dictWord{6, 10, 370}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1778}, + dictWord{8, 10, 166}, + dictWord{11, 10, 812}, + dictWord{12, 10, 206}, + dictWord{12, 10, 351}, + dictWord{14, 10, 418}, + dictWord{16, 10, 15}, + dictWord{16, 10, 34}, + dictWord{18, 10, 3}, + dictWord{19, 10, 3}, + dictWord{19, 10, 7}, + dictWord{20, 10, 4}, + dictWord{149, 10, 21}, + dictWord{7, 0, 577}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1432}, + dictWord{9, 0, 475}, + dictWord{9, 0, 505}, + dictWord{9, 0, 526}, + dictWord{9, 0, 609}, + dictWord{9, 0, 689}, + dictWord{9, 0, 726}, + dictWord{9, 0, 735}, + dictWord{9, 0, 738}, + dictWord{10, 0, 556}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 674, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 684}, + dictWord{11, 0, 89}, + dictWord{11, 0, 202}, + dictWord{11, 0, 272}, + dictWord{11, 0, 380}, + dictWord{11, 0, 415}, + dictWord{11, 0, 505}, + dictWord{11, 0, 537}, + dictWord{11, 0, 550}, + dictWord{11, 0, 562}, + dictWord{11, 0, 640}, + dictWord{11, 0, 667}, + dictWord{11, 0, 688}, + dictWord{11, 0, 847}, + dictWord{11, 0, 927}, + dictWord{11, 0, 930}, + dictWord{11, 0, 940}, + dictWord{12, 0, 144}, + dictWord{12, 0, 325}, + dictWord{12, 0, 329}, + dictWord{12, 0, 389}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 403, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 451}, + dictWord{12, 0, 515}, + dictWord{12, 0, 604}, + dictWord{12, 0, 616}, + dictWord{12, 0, 626}, + dictWord{13, 0, 66}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 131, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 167}, + dictWord{13, 0, 236}, + dictWord{13, 0, 368}, + dictWord{13, 0, 411}, + dictWord{13, 0, 434}, + dictWord{13, 0, 453}, + dictWord{13, 0, 461}, + dictWord{13, 0, 474}, + dictWord{14, 0, 59}, + dictWord{14, 0, 60}, + dictWord{14, 0, 139}, + dictWord{14, 0, 152}, + dictWord{14, 0, 276}, + dictWord{14, 0, 353}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 402, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 28}, + dictWord{15, 0, 81}, + dictWord{15, 0, 123}, + dictWord{15, 0, 152}, + dictWord{18, 0, 136}, + dictWord{148, 0, 88}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 929, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 799}, + dictWord{136, 11, 46}, + dictWord{142, 0, 307}, + dictWord{4, 0, 609}, + dictWord{7, 0, 756}, + dictWord{9, 0, 544}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 413, + }, + dictWord{144, 0, 25}, + dictWord{10, 0, 687}, + dictWord{7, 10, 619}, + dictWord{10, 10, 547}, + dictWord{11, 10, 122}, + dictWord{140, 10, 601}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 930, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 947}, + dictWord{133, 0, 939}, + dictWord{142, 0, 21}, + dictWord{4, 11, 892}, + dictWord{133, 11, 770}, + dictWord{133, 0, 962}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 651, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 170}, + dictWord{9, 0, 61}, + dictWord{9, 0, 63}, + dictWord{10, 0, 23}, + dictWord{10, 0, 37}, + dictWord{10, 0, 834}, + dictWord{11, 0, 4}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 187, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 281}, + dictWord{11, 0, 503}, + dictWord{11, 0, 677}, + dictWord{12, 0, 96}, + dictWord{12, 0, 130}, + dictWord{12, 0, 244}, + dictWord{14, 0, 5}, + dictWord{14, 0, 40}, + dictWord{14, 0, 162}, + dictWord{14, 0, 202}, + dictWord{146, 0, 133}, + dictWord{4, 0, 406}, + dictWord{5, 0, 579}, + dictWord{12, 0, 492}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 0, + 15, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 158}, + dictWord{135, 0, 597}, + dictWord{132, 0, 981}, + dictWord{132, 10, 888}, + dictWord{4, 10, 149}, + dictWord{138, 10, 368}, + dictWord{132, 0, 545}, + dictWord{4, 10, 154}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1134}, + dictWord{136, 10, 105}, + dictWord{135, 11, 2001}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1558}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 31, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 429}, + dictWord{7, 10, 962}, + dictWord{9, 10, 458}, + dictWord{139, 10, 691}, + dictWord{132, 10, 312}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1642}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 17, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1304}, + dictWord{7, 0, 16}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1001}, + dictWord{9, 0, 886}, + dictWord{10, 0, 489}, + dictWord{10, 0, 800}, + dictWord{11, 0, 782}, + dictWord{12, 0, 320}, + dictWord{13, 0, 467}, + dictWord{14, 0, 145}, + dictWord{14, 0, 387}, + dictWord{143, 0, 119}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1982}, + dictWord{17, 0, 17}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1461}, + dictWord{140, 11, 91}, + dictWord{4, 10, 236}, + dictWord{132, 11, 602}, + dictWord{138, 0, 907}, + dictWord{136, 0, 110}, + dictWord{7, 0, 272}, + dictWord{19, 0, 53}, + dictWord{5, 10, 836}, + dictWord{5, 10, 857}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1680}, + dictWord{5, 0, 458}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1218}, + dictWord{136, 11, 303}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1983}, + dictWord{8, 0, 0}, + dictWord{8, 0, 171}, + dictWord{9, 0, 120}, + dictWord{9, 0, 732}, + dictWord{10, 0, 473}, + dictWord{11, 0, 656}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 998, + }, + dictWord{18, 0, 0}, + dictWord{18, 0, 2}, + dictWord{19, 0, 21}, + dictWord{10, 10, 68}, + dictWord{139, 10, 494}, + dictWord{137, 11, 662}, + dictWord{4, 11, 13}, + dictWord{5, 11, 567}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1498}, + dictWord{9, 11, 124}, + dictWord{11, 11, 521}, + dictWord{140, 11, 405}, + dictWord{4, 10, 81}, + dictWord{139, 10, 867}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1006}, + dictWord{7, 11, 800}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1783}, + dictWord{138, 11, 12}, + dictWord{9, 0, 295}, + dictWord{10, 0, 443}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 282, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 650}, + dictWord{137, 10, 907}, + dictWord{132, 11, 735}, + dictWord{4, 11, 170}, + dictWord{4, 10, 775}, + dictWord{135, 11, 323}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1844, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 924}, + dictWord{11, 11, 844}, + dictWord{12, 11, 104}, + dictWord{140, 11, 625}, + dictWord{5, 11, 304}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1403}, + dictWord{140, 11, 498}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1232}, + dictWord{4, 0, 519}, + dictWord{10, 0, 70}, + dictWord{12, 0, 26}, + dictWord{14, 0, 17}, + dictWord{14, 0, 178}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 0, + 34, + }, + dictWord{149, 0, 12}, + dictWord{132, 0, 993}, + dictWord{4, 11, 148}, + dictWord{133, 11, 742}, + dictWord{6, 0, 31}, + dictWord{7, 0, 491}, + dictWord{7, 0, 530}, + dictWord{8, 0, 592}, + dictWord{11, 0, 53}, + dictWord{11, 0, 779}, + dictWord{12, 0, 167}, + dictWord{12, 0, 411}, + dictWord{14, 0, 14}, + dictWord{14, 0, 136}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 0, + 72, + }, + dictWord{16, 0, 17}, + dictWord{144, 0, 72}, + dictWord{133, 0, 907}, + dictWord{134, 0, 733}, + dictWord{133, 11, 111}, + dictWord{4, 10, 71}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 376, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 119}, + dictWord{138, 10, 665}, + dictWord{136, 0, 55}, + dictWord{8, 0, 430}, + dictWord{136, 11, 430}, + dictWord{4, 0, 208}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 106, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 531}, + dictWord{8, 0, 408}, + dictWord{9, 0, 188}, + dictWord{138, 0, 572}, + dictWord{12, 0, 56}, + dictWord{11, 10, 827}, + dictWord{14, 10, 34}, + dictWord{143, 10, 148}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1693}, + dictWord{133, 11, 444}, + dictWord{132, 10, 479}, + dictWord{140, 0, 441}, + dictWord{9, 0, 449}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 192, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 740}, + dictWord{134, 0, 928}, + dictWord{4, 0, 241}, + dictWord{7, 10, 607}, + dictWord{136, 10, 99}, + dictWord{8, 11, 123}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 11, + 6, + }, + dictWord{144, 11, 7}, + dictWord{6, 11, 285}, + dictWord{8, 11, 654}, + dictWord{11, 11, 749}, + dictWord{12, 11, 190}, + dictWord{12, 11, 327}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 120, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 121}, + dictWord{13, 11, 327}, + dictWord{15, 11, 47}, + dictWord{146, 11, 40}, + dictWord{4, 10, 41}, + dictWord{5, 10, 74}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1627, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 871}, + dictWord{140, 10, 619}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1525}, + dictWord{11, 10, 329}, + dictWord{11, 10, 965}, + dictWord{12, 10, 241}, + dictWord{14, 10, 354}, + dictWord{15, 10, 22}, + dictWord{148, 10, 63}, + dictWord{132, 0, 259}, + dictWord{135, 11, 183}, + dictWord{9, 10, 209}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 300, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 937}, + dictWord{135, 11, 100}, + dictWord{133, 10, 98}, + dictWord{4, 0, 173}, + dictWord{5, 0, 312}, + dictWord{5, 0, 512}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1285, + }, + dictWord{141, 0, 185}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1603}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1691}, + dictWord{9, 0, 464}, + dictWord{11, 0, 195}, + dictWord{12, 0, 279}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 448, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 11}, + dictWord{147, 0, 102}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1113}, + dictWord{133, 10, 984}, + dictWord{4, 0, 452}, + dictWord{5, 0, 583}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 720, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 547}, + dictWord{5, 0, 817}, + dictWord{6, 0, 433}, + dictWord{7, 0, 593}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1378}, + dictWord{8, 0, 161}, + dictWord{9, 0, 284}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 313, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 886}, + dictWord{8, 0, 722}, + dictWord{4, 10, 182}, + dictWord{6, 10, 205}, + dictWord{135, 10, 220}, + dictWord{150, 0, 13}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 42, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 205}, + dictWord{9, 10, 786}, + dictWord{138, 10, 659}, + dictWord{6, 0, 289}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1670}, + dictWord{12, 0, 57}, + dictWord{151, 0, 4}, + dictWord{132, 10, 635}, + dictWord{14, 0, 43}, + dictWord{146, 0, 21}, + dictWord{139, 10, 533}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1694}, + dictWord{8, 0, 420}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 193, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 409}, + dictWord{132, 10, 371}, + dictWord{4, 10, 272}, + dictWord{135, 10, 836}, + dictWord{5, 10, 825}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1640}, + dictWord{5, 11, 251}, + dictWord{5, 11, 956}, + dictWord{8, 11, 268}, + dictWord{9, 11, 214}, + dictWord{146, 11, 142}, + dictWord{138, 0, 308}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1863}, + dictWord{141, 11, 37}, + dictWord{137, 10, 879}, + dictWord{7, 10, 317}, + dictWord{135, 10, 569}, + dictWord{132, 11, 294}, + dictWord{134, 0, 790}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 1002, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 745}, + dictWord{5, 11, 346}, + dictWord{5, 11, 711}, + dictWord{136, 11, 390}, + dictWord{135, 0, 289}, + dictWord{5, 0, 504}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 68, + }, + dictWord{137, 10, 307}, + dictWord{4, 0, 239}, + dictWord{6, 0, 477}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1607}, + dictWord{139, 0, 617}, + dictWord{149, 0, 13}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 609, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 624}, + dictWord{5, 11, 783}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1998}, + dictWord{135, 11, 2047}, + dictWord{133, 10, 525}, + dictWord{132, 0, 367}, + dictWord{132, 11, 594}, + dictWord{6, 0, 528}, + dictWord{133, 10, 493}, + dictWord{4, 10, 174}, + dictWord{135, 10, 911}, + dictWord{8, 10, 417}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 782, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 694}, + dictWord{7, 0, 548}, + dictWord{137, 0, 58}, + dictWord{4, 10, 32}, + dictWord{5, 10, 215}, + dictWord{6, 10, 269}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1782}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1892}, + dictWord{10, 10, 16}, + dictWord{11, 10, 822}, + dictWord{11, 10, 954}, + dictWord{141, 10, 481}, + dictWord{140, 0, 687}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1749, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 477}, + dictWord{132, 11, 569}, + dictWord{133, 10, 308}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1088}, + dictWord{4, 0, 661}, + dictWord{138, 0, 1004}, + dictWord{5, 11, 37}, + dictWord{6, 11, 39}, + dictWord{6, 11, 451}, + dictWord{7, 11, 218}, + dictWord{7, 11, 667}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1166}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1687}, + dictWord{8, 11, 662}, + dictWord{144, 11, 2}, + dictWord{9, 0, 445}, + dictWord{12, 0, 53}, + dictWord{13, 0, 492}, + dictWord{5, 10, 126}, + dictWord{8, 10, 297}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 366, + }, + dictWord{140, 10, 374}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1551}, + dictWord{139, 10, 361}, + dictWord{148, 0, 74}, + dictWord{134, 11, 508}, + dictWord{135, 0, 213}, + dictWord{132, 10, 175}, + dictWord{132, 10, 685}, + dictWord{6, 0, 760}, + dictWord{6, 0, 834}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1248}, + dictWord{7, 11, 453}, + dictWord{7, 11, 635}, + dictWord{7, 11, 796}, + dictWord{8, 11, 331}, + dictWord{9, 11, 328}, + dictWord{9, 11, 330}, + dictWord{9, 11, 865}, + dictWord{10, 11, 119}, + dictWord{10, 11, 235}, + dictWord{11, 11, 111}, + dictWord{11, 11, 129}, + dictWord{11, 11, 240}, + dictWord{12, 11, 31}, + dictWord{12, 11, 66}, + dictWord{12, 11, 222}, + dictWord{12, 11, 269}, + dictWord{12, 11, 599}, + dictWord{12, 11, 689}, + dictWord{13, 11, 186}, + dictWord{13, 11, 364}, + dictWord{142, 11, 345}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1672}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 189, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 797}, + dictWord{133, 10, 565}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1548}, + dictWord{6, 11, 98}, + dictWord{7, 11, 585}, + dictWord{135, 11, 702}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 968, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 192}, + dictWord{149, 0, 56}, + dictWord{4, 10, 252}, + dictWord{6, 11, 37}, + dictWord{7, 11, 299}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1068}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1666, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 195}, + dictWord{8, 11, 316}, + dictWord{9, 11, 178}, + dictWord{9, 11, 276}, + dictWord{9, 11, 339}, + dictWord{9, 11, 536}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 102, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 362}, + dictWord{10, 10, 434}, + dictWord{10, 11, 785}, + dictWord{11, 11, 55}, + dictWord{11, 11, 149}, + dictWord{11, 10, 228}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 426, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 773}, + dictWord{13, 10, 231}, + dictWord{13, 11, 416}, + dictWord{13, 11, 419}, + dictWord{14, 11, 38}, + dictWord{14, 11, 41}, + dictWord{14, 11, 210}, + dictWord{18, 10, 106}, + dictWord{148, 10, 87}, + dictWord{4, 0, 751}, + dictWord{11, 0, 390}, + dictWord{140, 0, 32}, + dictWord{4, 0, 409}, + dictWord{133, 0, 78}, + dictWord{11, 11, 458}, + dictWord{12, 11, 15}, + dictWord{140, 11, 432}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1602}, + dictWord{10, 0, 257}, + dictWord{10, 0, 698}, + dictWord{11, 0, 544}, + dictWord{11, 0, 585}, + dictWord{12, 0, 212}, + dictWord{13, 0, 307}, + dictWord{5, 10, 231}, + dictWord{7, 10, 601}, + dictWord{9, 10, 277}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 674, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 178}, + dictWord{10, 10, 418}, + dictWord{10, 10, 509}, + dictWord{11, 10, 531}, + dictWord{12, 10, 113}, + dictWord{12, 10, 475}, + dictWord{13, 10, 99}, + dictWord{142, 10, 428}, + dictWord{6, 0, 473}, + dictWord{145, 0, 105}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1949}, + dictWord{15, 0, 156}, + dictWord{133, 11, 645}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1591}, + dictWord{144, 10, 43}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1779}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1683}, + dictWord{4, 11, 290}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1356}, + dictWord{134, 0, 763}, + dictWord{6, 11, 70}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1292}, + dictWord{10, 11, 762}, + dictWord{139, 11, 288}, + dictWord{142, 0, 29}, + dictWord{140, 11, 428}, + dictWord{7, 0, 883}, + dictWord{7, 11, 131}, + dictWord{7, 11, 422}, + dictWord{8, 11, 210}, + dictWord{140, 11, 573}, + dictWord{134, 0, 488}, + dictWord{4, 10, 399}, + dictWord{5, 10, 119}, + dictWord{5, 10, 494}, + dictWord{7, 10, 751}, + dictWord{137, 10, 556}, + dictWord{133, 0, 617}, + dictWord{132, 11, 936}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 50, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1518}, + dictWord{139, 0, 694}, + dictWord{137, 0, 785}, + dictWord{4, 0, 546}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2042}, + dictWord{7, 11, 716}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 97, + }, + dictWord{141, 11, 251}, + dictWord{132, 11, 653}, + dictWord{145, 0, 22}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1016}, + dictWord{4, 0, 313}, + dictWord{133, 0, 577}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 11, + 657, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 184}, + dictWord{141, 0, 433}, + dictWord{135, 0, 935}, + dictWord{6, 0, 720}, + dictWord{9, 0, 114}, + dictWord{146, 11, 80}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 186, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 292}, + dictWord{14, 0, 100}, + dictWord{18, 0, 70}, + dictWord{7, 10, 594}, + dictWord{7, 10, 851}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1858}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 411, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 574}, + dictWord{9, 10, 666}, + dictWord{9, 10, 737}, + dictWord{10, 10, 346}, + dictWord{10, 10, 712}, + dictWord{11, 10, 246}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 432, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 517}, + dictWord{11, 10, 647}, + dictWord{11, 10, 679}, + dictWord{11, 10, 727}, + dictWord{12, 10, 304}, + dictWord{12, 10, 305}, + dictWord{12, 10, 323}, + dictWord{12, 10, 483}, + dictWord{12, 10, 572}, + dictWord{12, 10, 593}, + dictWord{12, 10, 602}, + dictWord{13, 10, 95}, + dictWord{13, 10, 101}, + dictWord{13, 10, 171}, + dictWord{13, 10, 315}, + dictWord{13, 10, 378}, + dictWord{13, 10, 425}, + dictWord{13, 10, 475}, + dictWord{14, 10, 63}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 380, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 384}, + dictWord{15, 10, 133}, + dictWord{18, 10, 112}, + dictWord{148, 10, 72}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1093}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1836}, + dictWord{132, 10, 679}, + dictWord{137, 10, 203}, + dictWord{11, 0, 402}, + dictWord{12, 0, 109}, + dictWord{12, 0, 431}, + dictWord{13, 0, 179}, + dictWord{13, 0, 206}, + dictWord{14, 0, 217}, + dictWord{16, 0, 3}, + dictWord{148, 0, 53}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1368}, + dictWord{8, 11, 232}, + dictWord{8, 11, 361}, + dictWord{10, 11, 682}, + dictWord{138, 11, 742}, + dictWord{137, 10, 714}, + dictWord{5, 0, 886}, + dictWord{6, 0, 46}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1790}, + dictWord{7, 0, 14}, + dictWord{7, 0, 732}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1654, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 95}, + dictWord{8, 0, 327}, + dictWord{8, 0, 616}, + dictWord{9, 0, 892}, + dictWord{10, 0, 598}, + dictWord{10, 0, 769}, + dictWord{11, 0, 134}, + dictWord{11, 0, 747}, + dictWord{12, 0, 378}, + dictWord{14, 0, 97}, + dictWord{137, 11, 534}, + dictWord{4, 0, 969}, + dictWord{136, 10, 825}, + dictWord{137, 11, 27}, + dictWord{6, 0, 727}, + dictWord{142, 11, 12}, + dictWord{133, 0, 1021}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1190}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1657}, + dictWord{5, 10, 143}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 769, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 1760}, + dictWord{7, 10, 682}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1992}, + dictWord{136, 10, 736}, + dictWord{132, 0, 153}, + dictWord{135, 11, 127}, + dictWord{133, 0, 798}, + dictWord{132, 0, 587}, + dictWord{6, 0, 598}, + dictWord{7, 0, 42}, + dictWord{8, 0, 695}, + dictWord{10, 0, 212}, + dictWord{11, 0, 158}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 196, + }, + dictWord{145, 0, 85}, + dictWord{133, 10, 860}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1929}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1933}, + dictWord{5, 0, 957}, + dictWord{5, 0, 1008}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 577, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 141}, + dictWord{6, 10, 422}, + dictWord{7, 10, 0}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1544}, + dictWord{8, 11, 364}, + dictWord{11, 10, 990}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 453, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 47}, + dictWord{141, 10, 266}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1319}, + dictWord{4, 0, 129}, + dictWord{135, 0, 465}, + dictWord{7, 0, 470}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1057, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1201}, + dictWord{9, 0, 755}, + dictWord{11, 0, 906}, + dictWord{140, 0, 527}, + dictWord{7, 0, 908}, + dictWord{146, 0, 7}, + dictWord{5, 0, 148}, + dictWord{136, 0, 450}, + dictWord{5, 10, 515}, + dictWord{137, 10, 131}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1605}, + dictWord{11, 10, 962}, + dictWord{146, 10, 139}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 646, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1166}, + dictWord{4, 10, 396}, + dictWord{7, 10, 728}, + dictWord{9, 10, 117}, + dictWord{13, 10, 202}, + dictWord{148, 10, 51}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 121, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 124}, + dictWord{6, 10, 357}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1138}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1295}, + dictWord{8, 10, 162}, + dictWord{139, 10, 655}, + dictWord{14, 0, 374}, + dictWord{142, 11, 374}, + dictWord{138, 0, 253}, + dictWord{139, 0, 1003}, + dictWord{5, 11, 909}, + dictWord{9, 11, 849}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 805, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 237}, + dictWord{7, 11, 525}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1579}, + dictWord{8, 11, 497}, + dictWord{136, 11, 573}, + dictWord{137, 0, 46}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 879, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 806}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1868}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1837}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1846}, + dictWord{6, 0, 730}, + dictWord{134, 0, 881}, + dictWord{7, 0, 965}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1460}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1604}, + dictWord{7, 11, 193}, + dictWord{7, 11, 397}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1105}, + dictWord{8, 11, 124}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 619, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 305}, + dictWord{10, 11, 264}, + dictWord{11, 11, 40}, + dictWord{12, 11, 349}, + dictWord{13, 11, 134}, + dictWord{13, 11, 295}, + dictWord{14, 11, 155}, + dictWord{15, 11, 120}, + dictWord{146, 11, 105}, + dictWord{136, 0, 506}, + dictWord{143, 0, 10}, + dictWord{4, 11, 262}, + dictWord{7, 11, 342}, + dictWord{7, 10, 571}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1877}, + dictWord{10, 10, 366}, + dictWord{141, 11, 23}, + dictWord{133, 11, 641}, + dictWord{10, 0, 22}, + dictWord{9, 10, 513}, + dictWord{10, 10, 39}, + dictWord{12, 10, 122}, + dictWord{140, 10, 187}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1431}, + dictWord{150, 11, 49}, + dictWord{4, 11, 99}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 250, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 346}, + dictWord{8, 11, 127}, + dictWord{138, 11, 81}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2014}, + dictWord{8, 0, 928}, + dictWord{10, 0, 960}, + dictWord{10, 0, 979}, + dictWord{140, 0, 996}, + dictWord{134, 0, 296}, + dictWord{132, 11, 915}, + dictWord{5, 11, 75}, + dictWord{9, 11, 517}, + dictWord{10, 11, 470}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 155, + }, + dictWord{141, 11, 224}, + dictWord{137, 10, 873}, + dictWord{4, 0, 854}, + dictWord{140, 11, 18}, + dictWord{134, 0, 587}, + dictWord{7, 10, 107}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 838, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 550}, + dictWord{138, 10, 401}, + dictWord{11, 0, 636}, + dictWord{15, 0, 145}, + dictWord{17, 0, 34}, + dictWord{19, 0, 50}, + dictWord{ + 23, + 0, + 20, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 588}, + dictWord{11, 10, 864}, + dictWord{11, 10, 968}, + dictWord{143, 10, 160}, + dictWord{135, 11, 216}, + dictWord{7, 0, 982}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 32, + }, + dictWord{143, 0, 56}, + dictWord{133, 10, 768}, + dictWord{133, 11, 954}, + dictWord{6, 11, 304}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1114}, + dictWord{8, 11, 418}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 345, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 341}, + dictWord{11, 11, 675}, + dictWord{141, 11, 40}, + dictWord{9, 11, 410}, + dictWord{139, 11, 425}, + dictWord{136, 0, 941}, + dictWord{5, 0, 435}, + dictWord{132, 10, 894}, + dictWord{5, 0, 85}, + dictWord{6, 0, 419}, + dictWord{7, 0, 134}, + dictWord{7, 0, 305}, + dictWord{7, 0, 361}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1337, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 71}, + dictWord{140, 0, 519}, + dictWord{140, 0, 688}, + dictWord{135, 0, 740}, + dictWord{5, 0, 691}, + dictWord{7, 0, 345}, + dictWord{9, 0, 94}, + dictWord{140, 0, 169}, + dictWord{5, 0, 183}, + dictWord{6, 0, 582}, + dictWord{10, 0, 679}, + dictWord{140, 0, 435}, + dictWord{134, 11, 14}, + dictWord{6, 0, 945}, + dictWord{135, 0, 511}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1708}, + dictWord{5, 11, 113}, + dictWord{6, 11, 243}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1865}, + dictWord{11, 11, 161}, + dictWord{16, 11, 37}, + dictWord{145, 11, 99}, + dictWord{132, 11, 274}, + dictWord{137, 0, 539}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1993}, + dictWord{8, 0, 684}, + dictWord{134, 10, 272}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 659, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 982}, + dictWord{4, 10, 9}, + dictWord{5, 10, 128}, + dictWord{7, 10, 368}, + dictWord{11, 10, 480}, + dictWord{148, 10, 3}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 583, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 803}, + dictWord{133, 0, 704}, + dictWord{4, 0, 179}, + dictWord{5, 0, 198}, + dictWord{133, 0, 697}, + dictWord{7, 0, 347}, + dictWord{7, 0, 971}, + dictWord{8, 0, 181}, + dictWord{10, 0, 711}, + dictWord{135, 11, 166}, + dictWord{136, 10, 682}, + dictWord{4, 10, 2}, + dictWord{7, 10, 545}, + dictWord{7, 10, 894}, + dictWord{136, 11, 521}, + dictWord{135, 0, 481}, + dictWord{132, 0, 243}, + dictWord{5, 0, 203}, + dictWord{7, 0, 19}, + dictWord{7, 0, 71}, + dictWord{7, 0, 113}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 405, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 357}, + dictWord{142, 0, 240}, + dictWord{5, 11, 725}, + dictWord{5, 11, 727}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1811}, + dictWord{6, 0, 826}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 304, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1450}, + dictWord{139, 0, 99}, + dictWord{133, 11, 654}, + dictWord{134, 0, 492}, + dictWord{5, 0, 134}, + dictWord{6, 0, 408}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 495, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1593}, + dictWord{6, 11, 273}, + dictWord{10, 11, 188}, + dictWord{13, 11, 377}, + dictWord{146, 11, 77}, + dictWord{9, 10, 769}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 10, + 185, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 410}, + dictWord{142, 0, 4}, + dictWord{4, 0, 665}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1785}, + dictWord{4, 0, 248}, + dictWord{7, 0, 137}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 0, + 349, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 530}, + dictWord{142, 10, 113}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1270}, + dictWord{139, 0, 612}, + dictWord{132, 11, 780}, + dictWord{5, 0, 371}, + dictWord{135, 0, 563}, + dictWord{135, 0, 826}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1535}, + dictWord{23, 0, 21}, + dictWord{151, 0, 23}, + dictWord{4, 0, 374}, + dictWord{7, 0, 547}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1700, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1833}, + dictWord{139, 0, 858}, + dictWord{133, 10, 556}, + dictWord{7, 11, 612}, + dictWord{8, 11, 545}, + dictWord{8, 11, 568}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 642, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 717}, + dictWord{10, 11, 541}, + dictWord{10, 11, 763}, + dictWord{11, 11, 449}, + dictWord{12, 11, 489}, + dictWord{13, 11, 153}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 296, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 138}, + dictWord{14, 11, 392}, + dictWord{15, 11, 50}, + dictWord{16, 11, 6}, + dictWord{16, 11, 12}, + dictWord{148, 11, 9}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 311, + }, + dictWord{141, 0, 42}, + dictWord{8, 10, 16}, + dictWord{140, 10, 568}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1968}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2027}, + dictWord{138, 0, 991}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1647, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1552}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2010}, + dictWord{9, 0, 494}, + dictWord{137, 0, 509}, + dictWord{133, 11, 948}, + dictWord{6, 10, 186}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 426, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 769}, + dictWord{134, 0, 642}, + dictWord{132, 10, 585}, + dictWord{6, 0, 123}, + dictWord{7, 0, 214}, + dictWord{9, 0, 728}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 157, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 346}, + dictWord{11, 0, 662}, + dictWord{143, 0, 106}, + dictWord{142, 11, 381}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1435}, + dictWord{4, 11, 532}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 706, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 662}, + dictWord{5, 11, 837}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1651}, + dictWord{4, 10, 93}, + dictWord{5, 10, 252}, + dictWord{6, 10, 229}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 291, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 550}, + dictWord{139, 10, 644}, + dictWord{148, 0, 79}, + dictWord{137, 10, 749}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1425}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 162, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 362}, + dictWord{7, 11, 52}, + dictWord{7, 11, 303}, + dictWord{140, 11, 166}, + dictWord{132, 10, 381}, + dictWord{4, 11, 330}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 933, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 2012}, + dictWord{136, 11, 292}, + dictWord{135, 11, 767}, + dictWord{4, 0, 707}, + dictWord{5, 0, 588}, + dictWord{6, 0, 393}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 106, + }, + dictWord{18, 0, 49}, + dictWord{147, 0, 41}, + dictWord{6, 0, 211}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1690}, + dictWord{11, 0, 486}, + dictWord{140, 0, 369}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 883, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 703}, + dictWord{135, 11, 207}, + dictWord{4, 0, 187}, + dictWord{5, 0, 184}, + dictWord{5, 0, 690}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1869}, + dictWord{10, 0, 756}, + dictWord{139, 0, 783}, + dictWord{132, 11, 571}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1382}, + dictWord{5, 0, 175}, + dictWord{6, 10, 77}, + dictWord{6, 10, 157}, + dictWord{7, 10, 974}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1301}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1339}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1490}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1873}, + dictWord{137, 10, 628}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1493}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 873, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 960}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1007}, + dictWord{12, 11, 93}, + dictWord{12, 11, 501}, + dictWord{13, 11, 362}, + dictWord{14, 11, 151}, + dictWord{15, 11, 40}, + dictWord{15, 11, 59}, + dictWord{16, 11, 46}, + dictWord{17, 11, 25}, + dictWord{18, 11, 14}, + dictWord{18, 11, 134}, + dictWord{19, 11, 25}, + dictWord{ + 19, + 11, + 69, + }, + dictWord{20, 11, 16}, + dictWord{20, 11, 19}, + dictWord{20, 11, 66}, + dictWord{21, 11, 23}, + dictWord{21, 11, 25}, + dictWord{150, 11, 42}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 919, + }, + dictWord{141, 10, 409}, + dictWord{134, 0, 219}, + dictWord{5, 0, 582}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1646}, + dictWord{7, 0, 99}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1962}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1986, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 515}, + dictWord{8, 0, 773}, + dictWord{9, 0, 23}, + dictWord{9, 0, 491}, + dictWord{12, 0, 620}, + dictWord{142, 0, 93}, + dictWord{133, 0, 851}, + dictWord{5, 11, 33}, + dictWord{134, 11, 470}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1291}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1278}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1882}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1489}, + dictWord{132, 0, 1000}, + dictWord{138, 0, 982}, + dictWord{8, 0, 762}, + dictWord{8, 0, 812}, + dictWord{137, 0, 910}, + dictWord{6, 11, 47}, + dictWord{7, 11, 90}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 664, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 830}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1380}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2025}, + dictWord{8, 11, 448}, + dictWord{136, 11, 828}, + dictWord{4, 0, 98}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 940, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1819}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1834}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1841}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1365}, + dictWord{8, 0, 859}, + dictWord{8, 0, 897}, + dictWord{8, 0, 918}, + dictWord{9, 0, 422}, + dictWord{9, 0, 670}, + dictWord{10, 0, 775}, + dictWord{10, 0, 894}, + dictWord{10, 0, 909}, + dictWord{10, 0, 910}, + dictWord{10, 0, 935}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 210, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 750}, + dictWord{12, 0, 755}, + dictWord{13, 0, 26}, + dictWord{13, 0, 457}, + dictWord{13, 0, 476}, + dictWord{16, 0, 100}, + dictWord{16, 0, 109}, + dictWord{18, 0, 173}, + dictWord{18, 0, 175}, + dictWord{8, 10, 398}, + dictWord{9, 10, 681}, + dictWord{139, 10, 632}, + dictWord{9, 11, 417}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 493, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 645}, + dictWord{138, 0, 906}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1730}, + dictWord{134, 10, 20}, + dictWord{133, 11, 1019}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1185}, + dictWord{10, 0, 40}, + dictWord{136, 10, 769}, + dictWord{9, 0, 147}, + dictWord{134, 11, 208}, + dictWord{140, 0, 650}, + dictWord{5, 0, 209}, + dictWord{6, 0, 30}, + dictWord{11, 0, 56}, + dictWord{139, 0, 305}, + dictWord{132, 0, 553}, + dictWord{138, 11, 344}, + dictWord{6, 11, 68}, + dictWord{7, 11, 398}, + dictWord{7, 11, 448}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1629, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1813}, + dictWord{8, 11, 387}, + dictWord{8, 11, 442}, + dictWord{9, 11, 710}, + dictWord{10, 11, 282}, + dictWord{138, 11, 722}, + dictWord{5, 0, 597}, + dictWord{14, 0, 20}, + dictWord{142, 11, 20}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1614}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1757}, + dictWord{4, 0, 150}, + dictWord{5, 0, 303}, + dictWord{6, 0, 327}, + dictWord{135, 10, 937}, + dictWord{16, 0, 49}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1652}, + dictWord{144, 11, 49}, + dictWord{8, 0, 192}, + dictWord{10, 0, 78}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 0, + 359, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 786}, + dictWord{143, 0, 134}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1638}, + dictWord{7, 0, 79}, + dictWord{7, 0, 496}, + dictWord{9, 0, 138}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 336, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 12}, + dictWord{12, 0, 412}, + dictWord{12, 0, 440}, + dictWord{142, 0, 305}, + dictWord{136, 11, 491}, + dictWord{4, 10, 579}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 226, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 323}, + dictWord{135, 10, 960}, + dictWord{7, 0, 204}, + dictWord{7, 0, 415}, + dictWord{8, 0, 42}, + dictWord{10, 0, 85}, + dictWord{139, 0, 564}, + dictWord{132, 0, 614}, + dictWord{4, 11, 403}, + dictWord{5, 11, 441}, + dictWord{7, 11, 450}, + dictWord{11, 11, 101}, + dictWord{12, 11, 193}, + dictWord{141, 11, 430}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1927}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1330}, + dictWord{4, 0, 3}, + dictWord{5, 0, 247}, + dictWord{5, 0, 644}, + dictWord{7, 0, 744}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1207}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1225}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1909}, + dictWord{146, 0, 147}, + dictWord{136, 0, 942}, + dictWord{4, 0, 1019}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2023}, + dictWord{5, 11, 679}, + dictWord{133, 10, 973}, + dictWord{5, 0, 285}, + dictWord{9, 0, 67}, + dictWord{13, 0, 473}, + dictWord{143, 0, 82}, + dictWord{7, 11, 328}, + dictWord{137, 11, 326}, + dictWord{151, 0, 8}, + dictWord{6, 10, 135}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1176}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1128}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1309}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1796}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 314, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 574}, + dictWord{7, 11, 350}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1024}, + dictWord{8, 11, 338}, + dictWord{9, 11, 677}, + dictWord{10, 11, 808}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 508, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 818}, + dictWord{17, 11, 14}, + dictWord{17, 11, 45}, + dictWord{18, 11, 75}, + dictWord{148, 11, 18}, + dictWord{146, 10, 4}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1081, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 29}, + dictWord{6, 0, 532}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1628}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1648}, + dictWord{9, 0, 350}, + dictWord{10, 0, 433}, + dictWord{11, 0, 97}, + dictWord{11, 0, 557}, + dictWord{11, 0, 745}, + dictWord{12, 0, 289}, + dictWord{12, 0, 335}, + dictWord{12, 0, 348}, + dictWord{12, 0, 606}, + dictWord{13, 0, 116}, + dictWord{13, 0, 233}, + dictWord{13, 0, 466}, + dictWord{14, 0, 181}, + dictWord{14, 0, 209}, + dictWord{14, 0, 232}, + dictWord{14, 0, 236}, + dictWord{14, 0, 300}, + dictWord{ + 16, + 0, + 41, + }, + dictWord{148, 0, 97}, + dictWord{7, 0, 318}, + dictWord{6, 10, 281}, + dictWord{8, 10, 282}, + dictWord{8, 10, 480}, + dictWord{8, 10, 499}, + dictWord{9, 10, 198}, + dictWord{10, 10, 143}, + dictWord{10, 10, 169}, + dictWord{10, 10, 211}, + dictWord{10, 10, 417}, + dictWord{10, 10, 574}, + dictWord{11, 10, 147}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 395, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 75}, + dictWord{12, 10, 407}, + dictWord{12, 10, 608}, + dictWord{13, 10, 500}, + dictWord{142, 10, 251}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1676}, + dictWord{135, 11, 2037}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1692}, + dictWord{5, 0, 501}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1704}, + dictWord{9, 0, 553}, + dictWord{11, 0, 520}, + dictWord{12, 0, 557}, + dictWord{141, 0, 249}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1527}, + dictWord{14, 0, 324}, + dictWord{15, 0, 55}, + dictWord{15, 0, 80}, + dictWord{14, 11, 324}, + dictWord{15, 11, 55}, + dictWord{143, 11, 80}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1776}, + dictWord{8, 0, 988}, + dictWord{137, 11, 297}, + dictWord{132, 10, 419}, + dictWord{142, 0, 223}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 234, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1123}, + dictWord{12, 0, 508}, + dictWord{14, 0, 102}, + dictWord{14, 0, 226}, + dictWord{144, 0, 57}, + dictWord{4, 10, 138}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1012, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1280}, + dictWord{137, 10, 76}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1764}, + dictWord{5, 10, 29}, + dictWord{140, 10, 638}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2015}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1599}, + dictWord{138, 11, 56}, + dictWord{6, 11, 306}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1140}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1340}, + dictWord{8, 11, 133}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 449, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 1011}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1710}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2038}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1763}, + dictWord{140, 11, 310}, + dictWord{6, 0, 129}, + dictWord{4, 10, 17}, + dictWord{5, 10, 23}, + dictWord{7, 10, 995}, + dictWord{11, 10, 383}, + dictWord{11, 10, 437}, + dictWord{12, 10, 460}, + dictWord{140, 10, 532}, + dictWord{5, 11, 329}, + dictWord{136, 11, 260}, + dictWord{133, 10, 862}, + dictWord{132, 0, 534}, + dictWord{6, 0, 811}, + dictWord{135, 0, 626}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 657, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 25}, + dictWord{5, 0, 60}, + dictWord{6, 0, 504}, + dictWord{7, 0, 614}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1155}, + dictWord{12, 0, 0}, + dictWord{152, 11, 7}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1248, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 621}, + dictWord{139, 0, 702}, + dictWord{137, 0, 321}, + dictWord{8, 10, 70}, + dictWord{12, 10, 171}, + dictWord{141, 10, 272}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 233, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 76}, + dictWord{4, 0, 379}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1397}, + dictWord{134, 10, 442}, + dictWord{5, 11, 66}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1896}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 11, + 288, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 1643}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1709}, + dictWord{4, 11, 21}, + dictWord{5, 11, 91}, + dictWord{5, 11, 570}, + dictWord{5, 11, 648}, + dictWord{5, 11, 750}, + dictWord{5, 11, 781}, + dictWord{6, 11, 54}, + dictWord{6, 11, 112}, + dictWord{6, 11, 402}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1732}, + dictWord{7, 11, 315}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 749, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1347}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1900}, + dictWord{9, 11, 78}, + dictWord{9, 11, 508}, + dictWord{10, 11, 611}, + dictWord{11, 11, 510}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 728, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 36}, + dictWord{14, 11, 39}, + dictWord{16, 11, 83}, + dictWord{17, 11, 124}, + dictWord{148, 11, 30}, + dictWord{4, 0, 118}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 274, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 361}, + dictWord{7, 0, 75}, + dictWord{141, 0, 441}, + dictWord{10, 11, 322}, + dictWord{10, 11, 719}, + dictWord{139, 11, 407}, + dictWord{ + 147, + 10, + 119, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 549}, + dictWord{14, 11, 67}, + dictWord{147, 11, 60}, + dictWord{11, 10, 69}, + dictWord{12, 10, 105}, + dictWord{12, 10, 117}, + dictWord{13, 10, 213}, + dictWord{14, 10, 13}, + dictWord{14, 10, 62}, + dictWord{14, 10, 177}, + dictWord{14, 10, 421}, + dictWord{15, 10, 19}, + dictWord{146, 10, 141}, + dictWord{9, 0, 841}, + dictWord{137, 10, 309}, + dictWord{7, 10, 608}, + dictWord{7, 10, 976}, + dictWord{8, 11, 125}, + dictWord{8, 11, 369}, + dictWord{8, 11, 524}, + dictWord{9, 10, 146}, + dictWord{10, 10, 206}, + dictWord{10, 11, 486}, + dictWord{10, 10, 596}, + dictWord{11, 11, 13}, + dictWord{11, 11, 381}, + dictWord{11, 11, 736}, + dictWord{11, 11, 766}, + dictWord{11, 11, 845}, + dictWord{13, 11, 114}, + dictWord{13, 10, 218}, + dictWord{13, 11, 292}, + dictWord{14, 11, 47}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 10, + 153, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 693}, + dictWord{135, 11, 759}, + dictWord{5, 0, 314}, + dictWord{6, 0, 221}, + dictWord{7, 0, 419}, + dictWord{10, 0, 650}, + dictWord{11, 0, 396}, + dictWord{12, 0, 156}, + dictWord{13, 0, 369}, + dictWord{14, 0, 333}, + dictWord{145, 0, 47}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1684}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1731}, + dictWord{7, 11, 356}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1932}, + dictWord{8, 11, 54}, + dictWord{8, 11, 221}, + dictWord{9, 11, 225}, + dictWord{9, 11, 356}, + dictWord{10, 11, 77}, + dictWord{10, 11, 446}, + dictWord{10, 11, 731}, + dictWord{12, 11, 404}, + dictWord{141, 11, 491}, + dictWord{132, 11, 375}, + dictWord{4, 10, 518}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1136}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 913, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 411}, + dictWord{11, 11, 643}, + dictWord{140, 11, 115}, + dictWord{4, 11, 80}, + dictWord{133, 11, 44}, + dictWord{8, 10, 689}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 863, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 880}, + dictWord{4, 10, 18}, + dictWord{7, 10, 145}, + dictWord{7, 10, 444}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1278}, + dictWord{8, 10, 49}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 400, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 71}, + dictWord{9, 10, 250}, + dictWord{10, 10, 459}, + dictWord{12, 10, 160}, + dictWord{144, 10, 24}, + dictWord{136, 0, 475}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 1016, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 299}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1083}, + dictWord{7, 0, 602}, + dictWord{8, 0, 179}, + dictWord{10, 0, 781}, + dictWord{140, 0, 126}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 329, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 111}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1864}, + dictWord{4, 11, 219}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1761}, + dictWord{137, 11, 86}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1888}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1892, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1901}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1904}, + dictWord{9, 0, 953}, + dictWord{9, 0, 985}, + dictWord{9, 0, 991}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1001}, + dictWord{12, 0, 818}, + dictWord{12, 0, 846}, + dictWord{12, 0, 847}, + dictWord{12, 0, 861}, + dictWord{12, 0, 862}, + dictWord{12, 0, 873}, + dictWord{12, 0, 875}, + dictWord{12, 0, 877}, + dictWord{12, 0, 879}, + dictWord{12, 0, 881}, + dictWord{12, 0, 884}, + dictWord{12, 0, 903}, + dictWord{12, 0, 915}, + dictWord{12, 0, 926}, + dictWord{12, 0, 939}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 0, + 182, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 219}, + dictWord{15, 0, 255}, + dictWord{18, 0, 191}, + dictWord{18, 0, 209}, + dictWord{18, 0, 211}, + dictWord{149, 0, 41}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 328, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 918}, + dictWord{137, 0, 780}, + dictWord{12, 0, 82}, + dictWord{143, 0, 36}, + dictWord{133, 10, 1010}, + dictWord{5, 0, 821}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1687, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 514}, + dictWord{132, 0, 956}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1180}, + dictWord{10, 0, 112}, + dictWord{5, 10, 87}, + dictWord{7, 10, 313}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1103, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 582}, + dictWord{11, 10, 389}, + dictWord{11, 10, 813}, + dictWord{12, 10, 385}, + dictWord{13, 10, 286}, + dictWord{14, 10, 124}, + dictWord{146, 10, 108}, + dictWord{5, 0, 71}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1407}, + dictWord{9, 0, 704}, + dictWord{10, 0, 261}, + dictWord{10, 0, 619}, + dictWord{11, 0, 547}, + dictWord{11, 0, 619}, + dictWord{143, 0, 157}, + dictWord{4, 0, 531}, + dictWord{5, 0, 455}, + dictWord{5, 11, 301}, + dictWord{6, 11, 571}, + dictWord{14, 11, 49}, + dictWord{ + 146, + 11, + 102, + }, + dictWord{132, 10, 267}, + dictWord{6, 0, 385}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2008}, + dictWord{9, 0, 337}, + dictWord{138, 0, 517}, + dictWord{133, 11, 726}, + dictWord{133, 11, 364}, + dictWord{4, 11, 76}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1550}, + dictWord{9, 11, 306}, + dictWord{9, 11, 430}, + dictWord{9, 11, 663}, + dictWord{10, 11, 683}, + dictWord{11, 11, 427}, + dictWord{11, 11, 753}, + dictWord{12, 11, 334}, + dictWord{12, 11, 442}, + dictWord{14, 11, 258}, + dictWord{14, 11, 366}, + dictWord{ + 143, + 11, + 131, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1865}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1879}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1881}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1894}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1908}, + dictWord{9, 0, 915}, + dictWord{9, 0, 926}, + dictWord{9, 0, 940}, + dictWord{9, 0, 943}, + dictWord{9, 0, 966}, + dictWord{9, 0, 980}, + dictWord{9, 0, 989}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1005}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1010}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 813, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 817}, + dictWord{12, 0, 840}, + dictWord{12, 0, 843}, + dictWord{12, 0, 855}, + dictWord{12, 0, 864}, + dictWord{12, 0, 871}, + dictWord{12, 0, 872}, + dictWord{12, 0, 899}, + dictWord{12, 0, 905}, + dictWord{12, 0, 924}, + dictWord{15, 0, 171}, + dictWord{15, 0, 181}, + dictWord{15, 0, 224}, + dictWord{15, 0, 235}, + dictWord{15, 0, 251}, + dictWord{146, 0, 184}, + dictWord{137, 11, 52}, + dictWord{5, 0, 16}, + dictWord{6, 0, 86}, + dictWord{6, 0, 603}, + dictWord{7, 0, 292}, + dictWord{7, 0, 561}, + dictWord{8, 0, 257}, + dictWord{8, 0, 382}, + dictWord{9, 0, 721}, + dictWord{9, 0, 778}, + dictWord{11, 0, 581}, + dictWord{140, 0, 466}, + dictWord{4, 0, 486}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 491, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 1121}, + dictWord{4, 0, 72}, + dictWord{6, 0, 265}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1300}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1183}, + dictWord{10, 10, 249}, + dictWord{139, 10, 209}, + dictWord{132, 10, 561}, + dictWord{137, 11, 519}, + dictWord{4, 11, 656}, + dictWord{4, 10, 760}, + dictWord{135, 11, 779}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 154, + }, + dictWord{140, 10, 485}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1793}, + dictWord{135, 11, 144}, + dictWord{136, 10, 255}, + dictWord{133, 0, 621}, + dictWord{4, 10, 368}, + dictWord{135, 10, 641}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1373}, + dictWord{7, 11, 554}, + dictWord{7, 11, 605}, + dictWord{141, 11, 10}, + dictWord{137, 0, 234}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 815, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1688}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1755}, + dictWord{5, 11, 838}, + dictWord{5, 11, 841}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1649}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1987}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 2040, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 743}, + dictWord{133, 11, 1012}, + dictWord{6, 0, 197}, + dictWord{136, 0, 205}, + dictWord{6, 0, 314}, + dictWord{134, 11, 314}, + dictWord{144, 11, 53}, + dictWord{6, 11, 251}, + dictWord{7, 11, 365}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1357}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1497}, + dictWord{8, 11, 154}, + dictWord{141, 11, 281}, + dictWord{133, 11, 340}, + dictWord{6, 0, 452}, + dictWord{7, 0, 312}, + dictWord{138, 0, 219}, + dictWord{138, 0, 589}, + dictWord{4, 0, 333}, + dictWord{9, 0, 176}, + dictWord{12, 0, 353}, + dictWord{141, 0, 187}, + dictWord{9, 10, 92}, + dictWord{147, 10, 91}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1110}, + dictWord{11, 0, 47}, + dictWord{139, 11, 495}, + dictWord{6, 10, 525}, + dictWord{8, 10, 806}, + dictWord{9, 10, 876}, + dictWord{140, 10, 284}, + dictWord{8, 11, 261}, + dictWord{9, 11, 144}, + dictWord{9, 11, 466}, + dictWord{10, 11, 370}, + dictWord{12, 11, 470}, + dictWord{13, 11, 144}, + dictWord{142, 11, 348}, + dictWord{137, 11, 897}, + dictWord{8, 0, 863}, + dictWord{8, 0, 864}, + dictWord{8, 0, 868}, + dictWord{8, 0, 884}, + dictWord{10, 0, 866}, + dictWord{10, 0, 868}, + dictWord{10, 0, 873}, + dictWord{10, 0, 911}, + dictWord{10, 0, 912}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 944, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 727}, + dictWord{6, 11, 248}, + dictWord{9, 11, 546}, + dictWord{10, 11, 535}, + dictWord{11, 11, 681}, + dictWord{141, 11, 135}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 300, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1515}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1237}, + dictWord{139, 10, 958}, + dictWord{133, 10, 594}, + dictWord{140, 11, 250}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1685, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 567}, + dictWord{7, 0, 135}, + dictWord{8, 0, 7}, + dictWord{8, 0, 62}, + dictWord{9, 0, 243}, + dictWord{10, 0, 658}, + dictWord{10, 0, 697}, + dictWord{11, 0, 456}, + dictWord{139, 0, 756}, + dictWord{9, 0, 395}, + dictWord{138, 0, 79}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1641}, + dictWord{136, 10, 820}, + dictWord{4, 10, 302}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1766}, + dictWord{134, 11, 174}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1313}, + dictWord{135, 0, 631}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1674}, + dictWord{134, 11, 395}, + dictWord{138, 0, 835}, + dictWord{7, 0, 406}, + dictWord{7, 0, 459}, + dictWord{8, 0, 606}, + dictWord{139, 0, 726}, + dictWord{134, 11, 617}, + dictWord{134, 0, 979}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 389, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 149}, + dictWord{9, 10, 142}, + dictWord{138, 10, 94}, + dictWord{5, 11, 878}, + dictWord{133, 11, 972}, + dictWord{6, 10, 8}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1881, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 91}, + dictWord{136, 11, 511}, + dictWord{133, 0, 612}, + dictWord{132, 11, 351}, + dictWord{4, 0, 372}, + dictWord{7, 0, 482}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 158, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 602}, + dictWord{9, 0, 615}, + dictWord{10, 0, 245}, + dictWord{10, 0, 678}, + dictWord{10, 0, 744}, + dictWord{11, 0, 248}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 806, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 854}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1991}, + dictWord{132, 11, 286}, + dictWord{135, 11, 344}, + dictWord{7, 11, 438}, + dictWord{7, 11, 627}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1516, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 40}, + dictWord{9, 11, 56}, + dictWord{9, 11, 294}, + dictWord{10, 11, 30}, + dictWord{10, 11, 259}, + dictWord{11, 11, 969}, + dictWord{ + 146, + 11, + 148, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1492}, + dictWord{5, 11, 259}, + dictWord{7, 11, 414}, + dictWord{7, 11, 854}, + dictWord{142, 11, 107}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1746}, + dictWord{6, 0, 833}, + dictWord{134, 0, 998}, + dictWord{135, 10, 24}, + dictWord{6, 0, 750}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1739}, + dictWord{4, 10, 503}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1661, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 130}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1314}, + dictWord{9, 10, 610}, + dictWord{10, 10, 718}, + dictWord{11, 10, 601}, + dictWord{11, 10, 819}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 946, + }, + dictWord{140, 10, 536}, + dictWord{10, 10, 149}, + dictWord{11, 10, 280}, + dictWord{142, 10, 336}, + dictWord{132, 11, 738}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1946, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 195}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1685}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1997}, + dictWord{8, 0, 730}, + dictWord{139, 0, 1006}, + dictWord{151, 11, 17}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 866, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 463}, + dictWord{14, 0, 470}, + dictWord{150, 0, 61}, + dictWord{5, 0, 751}, + dictWord{8, 0, 266}, + dictWord{11, 0, 578}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 392, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 1597}, + dictWord{5, 10, 433}, + dictWord{9, 10, 633}, + dictWord{139, 10, 629}, + dictWord{135, 0, 821}, + dictWord{6, 0, 715}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1325, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 116}, + dictWord{6, 0, 868}, + dictWord{132, 11, 457}, + dictWord{134, 0, 959}, + dictWord{6, 10, 234}, + dictWord{138, 11, 199}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1053}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1950}, + dictWord{8, 10, 680}, + dictWord{11, 10, 817}, + dictWord{147, 10, 88}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1222}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 386, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 950}, + dictWord{5, 0, 994}, + dictWord{6, 0, 351}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1124}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1081}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1595}, + dictWord{6, 10, 5}, + dictWord{11, 10, 249}, + dictWord{12, 10, 313}, + dictWord{16, 10, 66}, + dictWord{145, 10, 26}, + dictWord{148, 0, 59}, + dictWord{5, 11, 527}, + dictWord{6, 11, 189}, + dictWord{135, 11, 859}, + dictWord{5, 10, 963}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1773}, + dictWord{11, 11, 104}, + dictWord{11, 11, 554}, + dictWord{15, 11, 60}, + dictWord{ + 143, + 11, + 125, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 47}, + dictWord{137, 0, 684}, + dictWord{134, 11, 116}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1606}, + dictWord{134, 0, 777}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1020}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 509, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 792}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1094}, + dictWord{132, 0, 350}, + dictWord{133, 11, 487}, + dictWord{4, 11, 86}, + dictWord{5, 11, 667}, + dictWord{5, 11, 753}, + dictWord{6, 11, 316}, + dictWord{6, 11, 455}, + dictWord{135, 11, 946}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1812}, + dictWord{13, 0, 259}, + dictWord{13, 0, 356}, + dictWord{14, 0, 242}, + dictWord{147, 0, 114}, + dictWord{132, 10, 931}, + dictWord{133, 0, 967}, + dictWord{4, 0, 473}, + dictWord{7, 0, 623}, + dictWord{8, 0, 808}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 871, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 893}, + dictWord{11, 0, 38}, + dictWord{11, 0, 431}, + dictWord{12, 0, 112}, + dictWord{12, 0, 217}, + dictWord{12, 0, 243}, + dictWord{12, 0, 562}, + dictWord{12, 0, 663}, + dictWord{12, 0, 683}, + dictWord{13, 0, 141}, + dictWord{13, 0, 197}, + dictWord{13, 0, 227}, + dictWord{13, 0, 406}, + dictWord{13, 0, 487}, + dictWord{14, 0, 156}, + dictWord{14, 0, 203}, + dictWord{14, 0, 224}, + dictWord{14, 0, 256}, + dictWord{18, 0, 58}, + dictWord{150, 0, 0}, + dictWord{138, 0, 286}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 943, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 614}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1837}, + dictWord{150, 11, 45}, + dictWord{132, 0, 798}, + dictWord{4, 0, 222}, + dictWord{7, 0, 286}, + dictWord{136, 0, 629}, + dictWord{4, 11, 79}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1773}, + dictWord{10, 11, 450}, + dictWord{11, 11, 589}, + dictWord{13, 11, 332}, + dictWord{13, 11, 493}, + dictWord{14, 11, 183}, + dictWord{14, 11, 334}, + dictWord{14, 11, 362}, + dictWord{14, 11, 368}, + dictWord{14, 11, 376}, + dictWord{14, 11, 379}, + dictWord{ + 19, + 11, + 90, + }, + dictWord{19, 11, 103}, + dictWord{19, 11, 127}, + dictWord{148, 11, 90}, + dictWord{5, 0, 337}, + dictWord{11, 0, 513}, + dictWord{11, 0, 889}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 961, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 461}, + dictWord{13, 0, 79}, + dictWord{15, 0, 121}, + dictWord{4, 10, 90}, + dictWord{5, 10, 545}, + dictWord{7, 10, 754}, + dictWord{9, 10, 186}, + dictWord{10, 10, 72}, + dictWord{10, 10, 782}, + dictWord{11, 10, 577}, + dictWord{11, 10, 610}, + dictWord{12, 10, 354}, + dictWord{12, 10, 362}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 10, + 595, + }, + dictWord{141, 0, 306}, + dictWord{136, 0, 146}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1646}, + dictWord{9, 10, 329}, + dictWord{11, 10, 254}, + dictWord{141, 11, 124}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 465, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1663}, + dictWord{132, 0, 525}, + dictWord{133, 11, 663}, + dictWord{10, 0, 299}, + dictWord{18, 0, 74}, + dictWord{9, 10, 187}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 1016, + }, + dictWord{145, 10, 44}, + dictWord{7, 0, 165}, + dictWord{7, 0, 919}, + dictWord{4, 10, 506}, + dictWord{136, 10, 517}, + dictWord{5, 10, 295}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1680, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 846}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1064}, + dictWord{5, 11, 378}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1402}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1414}, + dictWord{8, 11, 465}, + dictWord{9, 11, 286}, + dictWord{10, 11, 185}, + dictWord{10, 11, 562}, + dictWord{10, 11, 635}, + dictWord{11, 11, 31}, + dictWord{11, 11, 393}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 456, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 312}, + dictWord{18, 11, 65}, + dictWord{18, 11, 96}, + dictWord{147, 11, 89}, + dictWord{132, 0, 596}, + dictWord{7, 10, 987}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 688, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 522}, + dictWord{11, 10, 788}, + dictWord{140, 10, 566}, + dictWord{6, 0, 82}, + dictWord{7, 0, 138}, + dictWord{7, 0, 517}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1741}, + dictWord{11, 0, 238}, + dictWord{4, 11, 648}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1775}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1233}, + dictWord{7, 10, 700}, + dictWord{7, 10, 940}, + dictWord{8, 10, 514}, + dictWord{9, 10, 116}, + dictWord{9, 10, 535}, + dictWord{10, 10, 118}, + dictWord{11, 10, 107}, + dictWord{11, 10, 148}, + dictWord{11, 10, 922}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 254, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 421}, + dictWord{142, 10, 238}, + dictWord{4, 0, 962}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1824}, + dictWord{8, 0, 894}, + dictWord{12, 0, 708}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 725, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 451}, + dictWord{20, 0, 94}, + dictWord{22, 0, 59}, + dictWord{150, 0, 62}, + dictWord{5, 11, 945}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1656}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1787}, + dictWord{7, 11, 167}, + dictWord{8, 11, 824}, + dictWord{9, 11, 391}, + dictWord{10, 11, 375}, + dictWord{139, 11, 185}, + dictWord{5, 0, 495}, + dictWord{7, 0, 834}, + dictWord{9, 0, 733}, + dictWord{139, 0, 378}, + dictWord{4, 10, 743}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1273}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1204}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1645}, + dictWord{8, 11, 352}, + dictWord{137, 11, 249}, + dictWord{139, 10, 292}, + dictWord{133, 0, 559}, + dictWord{132, 11, 152}, + dictWord{9, 0, 499}, + dictWord{10, 0, 341}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 0, + 144, + }, + dictWord{19, 0, 49}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1283}, + dictWord{9, 10, 227}, + dictWord{11, 10, 325}, + dictWord{11, 10, 408}, + dictWord{14, 10, 180}, + dictWord{ + 146, + 10, + 47, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 21}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1737}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1444}, + dictWord{136, 0, 224}, + dictWord{133, 11, 1006}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1446}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 97, + }, + dictWord{17, 0, 15}, + dictWord{5, 10, 81}, + dictWord{7, 10, 146}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1342}, + dictWord{8, 10, 53}, + dictWord{8, 10, 561}, + dictWord{8, 10, 694}, + dictWord{8, 10, 754}, + dictWord{9, 10, 115}, + dictWord{9, 10, 894}, + dictWord{10, 10, 462}, + dictWord{10, 10, 813}, + dictWord{11, 10, 230}, + dictWord{11, 10, 657}, + dictWord{11, 10, 699}, + dictWord{11, 10, 748}, + dictWord{12, 10, 119}, + dictWord{12, 10, 200}, + dictWord{12, 10, 283}, + dictWord{142, 10, 273}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 408, + }, + dictWord{137, 10, 747}, + dictWord{135, 11, 431}, + dictWord{135, 11, 832}, + dictWord{6, 0, 729}, + dictWord{134, 0, 953}, + dictWord{4, 0, 727}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 565, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 351}, + dictWord{7, 11, 264}, + dictWord{136, 11, 565}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1948}, + dictWord{5, 0, 519}, + dictWord{5, 11, 40}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 598, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1638}, + dictWord{8, 11, 78}, + dictWord{9, 11, 166}, + dictWord{9, 11, 640}, + dictWord{9, 11, 685}, + dictWord{9, 11, 773}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 215, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 65}, + dictWord{14, 11, 172}, + dictWord{14, 11, 317}, + dictWord{145, 11, 6}, + dictWord{8, 11, 60}, + dictWord{9, 11, 343}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 769, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 455}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1193}, + dictWord{140, 0, 790}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1951}, + dictWord{8, 11, 765}, + dictWord{8, 11, 772}, + dictWord{140, 11, 671}, + dictWord{7, 11, 108}, + dictWord{8, 11, 219}, + dictWord{8, 11, 388}, + dictWord{9, 11, 639}, + dictWord{9, 11, 775}, + dictWord{11, 11, 275}, + dictWord{140, 11, 464}, + dictWord{132, 11, 468}, + dictWord{7, 10, 30}, + dictWord{8, 10, 86}, + dictWord{8, 10, 315}, + dictWord{8, 10, 700}, + dictWord{9, 10, 576}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 858, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 310}, + dictWord{11, 10, 888}, + dictWord{11, 10, 904}, + dictWord{12, 10, 361}, + dictWord{141, 10, 248}, + dictWord{5, 11, 15}, + dictWord{6, 11, 56}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1758}, + dictWord{8, 11, 500}, + dictWord{9, 11, 730}, + dictWord{11, 11, 331}, + dictWord{13, 11, 150}, + dictWord{142, 11, 282}, + dictWord{4, 0, 402}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2}, + dictWord{8, 0, 323}, + dictWord{136, 0, 479}, + dictWord{138, 10, 839}, + dictWord{11, 0, 580}, + dictWord{142, 0, 201}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 59, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 672}, + dictWord{137, 10, 617}, + dictWord{146, 0, 34}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1886}, + dictWord{4, 0, 961}, + dictWord{136, 0, 896}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1285, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 205}, + dictWord{6, 11, 438}, + dictWord{137, 11, 711}, + dictWord{134, 10, 428}, + dictWord{7, 10, 524}, + dictWord{8, 10, 169}, + dictWord{8, 10, 234}, + dictWord{9, 10, 480}, + dictWord{138, 10, 646}, + dictWord{148, 0, 46}, + dictWord{141, 0, 479}, + dictWord{133, 11, 534}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2019}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1648}, + dictWord{4, 0, 85}, + dictWord{7, 0, 549}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1205}, + dictWord{138, 10, 637}, + dictWord{4, 0, 663}, + dictWord{5, 0, 94}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 235, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1475}, + dictWord{15, 11, 68}, + dictWord{146, 11, 120}, + dictWord{6, 11, 443}, + dictWord{9, 11, 237}, + dictWord{9, 11, 571}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 695, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 139}, + dictWord{11, 11, 715}, + dictWord{12, 11, 417}, + dictWord{141, 11, 421}, + dictWord{132, 0, 783}, + dictWord{4, 0, 682}, + dictWord{8, 0, 65}, + dictWord{9, 10, 39}, + dictWord{10, 10, 166}, + dictWord{11, 10, 918}, + dictWord{12, 10, 635}, + dictWord{20, 10, 10}, + dictWord{22, 10, 27}, + dictWord{ + 22, + 10, + 43, + }, + dictWord{150, 10, 52}, + dictWord{6, 0, 11}, + dictWord{135, 0, 187}, + dictWord{132, 0, 522}, + dictWord{4, 0, 52}, + dictWord{135, 0, 661}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 383, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 520}, + dictWord{135, 11, 546}, + dictWord{11, 0, 343}, + dictWord{142, 0, 127}, + dictWord{4, 11, 578}, + dictWord{7, 10, 157}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 624, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 916}, + dictWord{8, 10, 279}, + dictWord{10, 11, 256}, + dictWord{11, 11, 87}, + dictWord{139, 11, 703}, + dictWord{134, 10, 604}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 281, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 38}, + dictWord{7, 0, 194}, + dictWord{7, 0, 668}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1893}, + dictWord{137, 0, 397}, + dictWord{7, 10, 945}, + dictWord{11, 10, 713}, + dictWord{139, 10, 744}, + dictWord{139, 10, 1022}, + dictWord{9, 0, 635}, + dictWord{139, 0, 559}, + dictWord{5, 11, 923}, + dictWord{7, 11, 490}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 553, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 100}, + dictWord{14, 11, 118}, + dictWord{143, 11, 75}, + dictWord{132, 0, 975}, + dictWord{132, 10, 567}, + dictWord{137, 10, 859}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1846}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1846}, + dictWord{8, 10, 628}, + dictWord{136, 11, 628}, + dictWord{148, 0, 116}, + dictWord{138, 11, 750}, + dictWord{14, 0, 51}, + dictWord{14, 11, 51}, + dictWord{15, 11, 7}, + dictWord{148, 11, 20}, + dictWord{132, 0, 858}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1075}, + dictWord{4, 11, 924}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 762, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 535}, + dictWord{133, 0, 448}, + dictWord{10, 10, 784}, + dictWord{141, 10, 191}, + dictWord{133, 10, 298}, + dictWord{7, 0, 610}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1501}, + dictWord{7, 10, 633}, + dictWord{7, 10, 905}, + dictWord{7, 10, 909}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1538}, + dictWord{9, 10, 767}, + dictWord{140, 10, 636}, + dictWord{4, 11, 265}, + dictWord{7, 11, 807}, + dictWord{135, 11, 950}, + dictWord{5, 11, 93}, + dictWord{12, 11, 267}, + dictWord{144, 11, 26}, + dictWord{136, 0, 191}, + dictWord{139, 10, 301}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1970}, + dictWord{135, 0, 267}, + dictWord{4, 0, 319}, + dictWord{5, 0, 699}, + dictWord{138, 0, 673}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 336, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 92}, + dictWord{7, 0, 182}, + dictWord{8, 0, 453}, + dictWord{8, 0, 552}, + dictWord{9, 0, 204}, + dictWord{9, 0, 285}, + dictWord{10, 0, 99}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 568, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 950}, + dictWord{12, 0, 94}, + dictWord{16, 0, 20}, + dictWord{16, 0, 70}, + dictWord{19, 0, 55}, + dictWord{12, 10, 644}, + dictWord{144, 10, 90}, + dictWord{6, 0, 551}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1308}, + dictWord{7, 10, 845}, + dictWord{7, 11, 994}, + dictWord{8, 10, 160}, + dictWord{137, 10, 318}, + dictWord{19, 11, 1}, + dictWord{ + 19, + 11, + 26, + }, + dictWord{150, 11, 9}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1406}, + dictWord{9, 0, 218}, + dictWord{141, 0, 222}, + dictWord{5, 0, 256}, + dictWord{138, 0, 69}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 233, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 320}, + dictWord{6, 11, 140}, + dictWord{7, 11, 330}, + dictWord{136, 11, 295}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1980}, + dictWord{136, 0, 952}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 833, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 678}, + dictWord{133, 11, 978}, + dictWord{4, 11, 905}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1701}, + dictWord{137, 11, 843}, + dictWord{138, 10, 735}, + dictWord{136, 10, 76}, + dictWord{17, 0, 39}, + dictWord{148, 0, 36}, + dictWord{18, 0, 81}, + dictWord{146, 11, 81}, + dictWord{14, 0, 352}, + dictWord{17, 0, 53}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 146, + }, + dictWord{18, 0, 152}, + dictWord{19, 0, 11}, + dictWord{150, 0, 54}, + dictWord{135, 0, 634}, + dictWord{138, 10, 841}, + dictWord{132, 0, 618}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 339, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 259}, + dictWord{17, 0, 73}, + dictWord{4, 11, 275}, + dictWord{140, 11, 376}, + dictWord{132, 11, 509}, + dictWord{7, 11, 273}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 377, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 759}, + dictWord{13, 0, 169}, + dictWord{137, 10, 804}, + dictWord{6, 10, 96}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1426}, + dictWord{4, 10, 651}, + dictWord{133, 10, 289}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1075}, + dictWord{8, 10, 35}, + dictWord{9, 10, 511}, + dictWord{10, 10, 767}, + dictWord{147, 10, 118}, + dictWord{6, 0, 649}, + dictWord{6, 0, 670}, + dictWord{136, 0, 482}, + dictWord{5, 0, 336}, + dictWord{6, 0, 341}, + dictWord{6, 0, 478}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1763}, + dictWord{136, 0, 386}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 802, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 2021}, + dictWord{8, 11, 805}, + dictWord{14, 11, 94}, + dictWord{15, 11, 65}, + dictWord{16, 11, 4}, + dictWord{16, 11, 77}, + dictWord{16, 11, 80}, + dictWord{145, 11, 5}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1035}, + dictWord{5, 11, 167}, + dictWord{5, 11, 899}, + dictWord{6, 11, 410}, + dictWord{137, 11, 777}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 1705, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 924}, + dictWord{133, 0, 969}, + dictWord{132, 10, 704}, + dictWord{135, 0, 73}, + dictWord{135, 11, 10}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1078}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 11, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 117}, + dictWord{6, 11, 485}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1133}, + dictWord{9, 11, 582}, + dictWord{9, 11, 594}, + dictWord{11, 11, 21}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 818, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 535}, + dictWord{141, 11, 86}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1971}, + dictWord{4, 11, 264}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1067}, + dictWord{8, 11, 204}, + dictWord{8, 11, 385}, + dictWord{139, 11, 953}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1458}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1344}, + dictWord{5, 0, 396}, + dictWord{134, 0, 501}, + dictWord{4, 10, 720}, + dictWord{133, 10, 306}, + dictWord{4, 0, 929}, + dictWord{5, 0, 799}, + dictWord{8, 0, 46}, + dictWord{8, 0, 740}, + dictWord{133, 10, 431}, + dictWord{7, 11, 646}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1730, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 446}, + dictWord{141, 11, 178}, + dictWord{7, 0, 276}, + dictWord{5, 10, 464}, + dictWord{6, 10, 236}, + dictWord{7, 10, 696}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 914, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1108}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1448}, + dictWord{9, 10, 15}, + dictWord{9, 10, 564}, + dictWord{10, 10, 14}, + dictWord{12, 10, 565}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 449, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 53}, + dictWord{15, 10, 13}, + dictWord{16, 10, 64}, + dictWord{145, 10, 41}, + dictWord{4, 0, 892}, + dictWord{133, 0, 770}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 1767, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 194}, + dictWord{145, 10, 107}, + dictWord{135, 0, 158}, + dictWord{5, 10, 840}, + dictWord{138, 11, 608}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1432}, + dictWord{138, 11, 250}, + dictWord{8, 11, 794}, + dictWord{9, 11, 400}, + dictWord{10, 11, 298}, + dictWord{142, 11, 228}, + dictWord{151, 0, 25}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1131, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1468}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2001}, + dictWord{9, 10, 642}, + dictWord{11, 10, 236}, + dictWord{142, 10, 193}, + dictWord{4, 10, 68}, + dictWord{5, 10, 634}, + dictWord{6, 10, 386}, + dictWord{7, 10, 794}, + dictWord{8, 10, 273}, + dictWord{9, 10, 563}, + dictWord{10, 10, 105}, + dictWord{10, 10, 171}, + dictWord{11, 10, 94}, + dictWord{139, 10, 354}, + dictWord{136, 11, 724}, + dictWord{132, 0, 478}, + dictWord{11, 11, 512}, + dictWord{13, 11, 205}, + dictWord{ + 19, + 11, + 30, + }, + dictWord{22, 11, 36}, + dictWord{151, 11, 19}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1461}, + dictWord{140, 0, 91}, + dictWord{6, 11, 190}, + dictWord{7, 11, 768}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1170, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 602}, + dictWord{8, 0, 211}, + dictWord{4, 10, 95}, + dictWord{7, 10, 416}, + dictWord{139, 10, 830}, + dictWord{7, 10, 731}, + dictWord{13, 10, 20}, + dictWord{143, 10, 11}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1068}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1872}, + dictWord{4, 0, 13}, + dictWord{5, 0, 567}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1498}, + dictWord{9, 0, 124}, + dictWord{11, 0, 521}, + dictWord{12, 0, 405}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1023}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1006}, + dictWord{132, 0, 735}, + dictWord{138, 0, 812}, + dictWord{4, 0, 170}, + dictWord{135, 0, 323}, + dictWord{6, 11, 137}, + dictWord{9, 11, 75}, + dictWord{9, 11, 253}, + dictWord{10, 11, 194}, + dictWord{138, 11, 444}, + dictWord{5, 0, 304}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1403}, + dictWord{5, 10, 864}, + dictWord{10, 10, 648}, + dictWord{11, 10, 671}, + dictWord{143, 10, 46}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1180}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 928, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 148}, + dictWord{133, 0, 742}, + dictWord{11, 10, 986}, + dictWord{140, 10, 682}, + dictWord{133, 0, 523}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1743}, + dictWord{7, 0, 730}, + dictWord{18, 0, 144}, + dictWord{19, 0, 61}, + dictWord{8, 10, 44}, + dictWord{9, 10, 884}, + dictWord{10, 10, 580}, + dictWord{11, 10, 399}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 894, + }, + dictWord{143, 10, 122}, + dictWord{5, 11, 760}, + dictWord{7, 11, 542}, + dictWord{8, 11, 135}, + dictWord{136, 11, 496}, + dictWord{136, 0, 981}, + dictWord{133, 0, 111}, + dictWord{10, 0, 132}, + dictWord{11, 0, 191}, + dictWord{11, 0, 358}, + dictWord{139, 0, 460}, + dictWord{7, 11, 319}, + dictWord{7, 11, 355}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 763, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 389}, + dictWord{145, 11, 43}, + dictWord{134, 0, 890}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1420}, + dictWord{136, 11, 557}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 518, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 444}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1787}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1852}, + dictWord{8, 0, 123}, + dictWord{15, 0, 6}, + dictWord{144, 0, 7}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 2041, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 38}, + dictWord{139, 11, 784}, + dictWord{136, 0, 932}, + dictWord{5, 0, 937}, + dictWord{135, 0, 100}, + dictWord{6, 0, 995}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 58, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 286}, + dictWord{6, 11, 319}, + dictWord{7, 11, 402}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1254}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1903}, + dictWord{8, 11, 356}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 408, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 389}, + dictWord{9, 11, 181}, + dictWord{9, 11, 255}, + dictWord{10, 11, 8}, + dictWord{10, 11, 29}, + dictWord{10, 11, 816}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 311, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 561}, + dictWord{12, 11, 67}, + dictWord{141, 11, 181}, + dictWord{138, 0, 255}, + dictWord{5, 0, 138}, + dictWord{4, 10, 934}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 10, + 610, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 965}, + dictWord{10, 0, 863}, + dictWord{138, 0, 898}, + dictWord{10, 10, 804}, + dictWord{138, 10, 832}, + dictWord{12, 0, 631}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 96, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 36}, + dictWord{10, 10, 607}, + dictWord{11, 10, 423}, + dictWord{11, 10, 442}, + dictWord{12, 10, 309}, + dictWord{14, 10, 199}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 10, + 90, + }, + dictWord{145, 10, 110}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1394}, + dictWord{4, 0, 652}, + dictWord{8, 0, 320}, + dictWord{22, 0, 6}, + dictWord{22, 0, 16}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 13, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 398}, + dictWord{9, 10, 727}, + dictWord{10, 10, 75}, + dictWord{10, 10, 184}, + dictWord{10, 10, 230}, + dictWord{10, 10, 564}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 569, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 973}, + dictWord{12, 10, 70}, + dictWord{12, 10, 189}, + dictWord{13, 10, 57}, + dictWord{141, 10, 257}, + dictWord{6, 0, 897}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1333, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 692}, + dictWord{133, 0, 321}, + dictWord{133, 11, 373}, + dictWord{135, 0, 922}, + dictWord{5, 0, 619}, + dictWord{133, 0, 698}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 631, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 345}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1016}, + dictWord{9, 0, 957}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1018}, + dictWord{12, 0, 828}, + dictWord{12, 0, 844}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 897, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 901}, + dictWord{12, 0, 943}, + dictWord{15, 0, 180}, + dictWord{18, 0, 197}, + dictWord{18, 0, 200}, + dictWord{18, 0, 213}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 214, + }, + dictWord{146, 0, 226}, + dictWord{5, 0, 917}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1659}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1100}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1173}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1930}, + dictWord{5, 0, 251}, + dictWord{5, 0, 956}, + dictWord{8, 0, 268}, + dictWord{9, 0, 214}, + dictWord{146, 0, 142}, + dictWord{133, 10, 673}, + dictWord{137, 10, 850}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 287, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 1018}, + dictWord{132, 11, 672}, + dictWord{5, 0, 346}, + dictWord{5, 0, 711}, + dictWord{8, 0, 390}, + dictWord{11, 11, 752}, + dictWord{139, 11, 885}, + dictWord{5, 10, 34}, + dictWord{10, 10, 724}, + dictWord{12, 10, 444}, + dictWord{13, 10, 354}, + dictWord{18, 10, 32}, + dictWord{23, 10, 24}, + dictWord{23, 10, 31}, + dictWord{152, 10, 5}, + dictWord{4, 11, 710}, + dictWord{134, 11, 606}, + dictWord{134, 0, 744}, + dictWord{134, 10, 382}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 145, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 329}, + dictWord{7, 11, 884}, + dictWord{140, 11, 124}, + dictWord{4, 11, 467}, + dictWord{5, 11, 405}, + dictWord{134, 11, 544}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 846, + }, + dictWord{138, 10, 827}, + dictWord{133, 0, 624}, + dictWord{9, 11, 372}, + dictWord{15, 11, 2}, + dictWord{19, 11, 10}, + dictWord{147, 11, 18}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 387, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1288}, + dictWord{5, 0, 783}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1998}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2047}, + dictWord{132, 10, 906}, + dictWord{136, 10, 366}, + dictWord{135, 11, 550}, + dictWord{4, 10, 123}, + dictWord{4, 10, 649}, + dictWord{5, 10, 605}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1509}, + dictWord{136, 10, 36}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1125, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 594}, + dictWord{133, 10, 767}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1227}, + dictWord{136, 11, 467}, + dictWord{4, 11, 576}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1263, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 268}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1534}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1534}, + dictWord{4, 10, 273}, + dictWord{5, 10, 658}, + dictWord{5, 11, 919}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 995, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 1673}, + dictWord{133, 0, 563}, + dictWord{134, 10, 72}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1345}, + dictWord{4, 11, 82}, + dictWord{5, 11, 333}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 904, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 207}, + dictWord{7, 11, 325}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1726}, + dictWord{8, 11, 101}, + dictWord{10, 11, 778}, + dictWord{139, 11, 220}, + dictWord{5, 0, 37}, + dictWord{6, 0, 39}, + dictWord{6, 0, 451}, + dictWord{7, 0, 218}, + dictWord{7, 0, 667}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1166}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1687}, + dictWord{8, 0, 662}, + dictWord{16, 0, 2}, + dictWord{133, 10, 589}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1332}, + dictWord{133, 11, 903}, + dictWord{134, 0, 508}, + dictWord{5, 10, 117}, + dictWord{6, 10, 514}, + dictWord{6, 10, 541}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1164}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1436}, + dictWord{8, 10, 220}, + dictWord{8, 10, 648}, + dictWord{10, 10, 688}, + dictWord{11, 10, 560}, + dictWord{140, 11, 147}, + dictWord{6, 11, 555}, + dictWord{135, 11, 485}, + dictWord{133, 10, 686}, + dictWord{7, 0, 453}, + dictWord{7, 0, 635}, + dictWord{7, 0, 796}, + dictWord{8, 0, 331}, + dictWord{9, 0, 330}, + dictWord{9, 0, 865}, + dictWord{10, 0, 119}, + dictWord{10, 0, 235}, + dictWord{11, 0, 111}, + dictWord{11, 0, 129}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 240, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 31}, + dictWord{12, 0, 66}, + dictWord{12, 0, 222}, + dictWord{12, 0, 269}, + dictWord{12, 0, 599}, + dictWord{12, 0, 684}, + dictWord{12, 0, 689}, + dictWord{12, 0, 691}, + dictWord{142, 0, 345}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1834}, + dictWord{4, 11, 705}, + dictWord{7, 11, 615}, + dictWord{138, 11, 251}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 11, + 345, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 527}, + dictWord{6, 0, 98}, + dictWord{7, 0, 702}, + dictWord{135, 0, 991}, + dictWord{11, 0, 576}, + dictWord{14, 0, 74}, + dictWord{7, 10, 196}, + dictWord{10, 10, 765}, + dictWord{11, 10, 347}, + dictWord{11, 10, 552}, + dictWord{11, 10, 790}, + dictWord{12, 10, 263}, + dictWord{13, 10, 246}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 270, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 395}, + dictWord{14, 10, 176}, + dictWord{14, 10, 190}, + dictWord{14, 10, 398}, + dictWord{14, 10, 412}, + dictWord{15, 10, 32}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 10, + 63, + }, + dictWord{16, 10, 88}, + dictWord{147, 10, 105}, + dictWord{134, 11, 90}, + dictWord{13, 0, 84}, + dictWord{141, 0, 122}, + dictWord{6, 0, 37}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 299, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1666}, + dictWord{8, 0, 195}, + dictWord{8, 0, 316}, + dictWord{9, 0, 178}, + dictWord{9, 0, 276}, + dictWord{9, 0, 339}, + dictWord{9, 0, 536}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 102, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 362}, + dictWord{10, 0, 785}, + dictWord{11, 0, 55}, + dictWord{11, 0, 149}, + dictWord{11, 0, 773}, + dictWord{13, 0, 416}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 419, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 38}, + dictWord{14, 0, 41}, + dictWord{142, 0, 210}, + dictWord{5, 10, 381}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1792}, + dictWord{7, 11, 813}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 497, + }, + dictWord{141, 11, 56}, + dictWord{7, 10, 616}, + dictWord{138, 10, 413}, + dictWord{133, 0, 645}, + dictWord{6, 11, 125}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1277}, + dictWord{132, 0, 290}, + dictWord{6, 0, 70}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1292}, + dictWord{10, 0, 762}, + dictWord{139, 0, 288}, + dictWord{6, 10, 120}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1188}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1710, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 286}, + dictWord{9, 10, 667}, + dictWord{11, 10, 592}, + dictWord{139, 10, 730}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1784}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1315}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1315}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1955}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1146}, + dictWord{7, 0, 131}, + dictWord{7, 0, 422}, + dictWord{8, 0, 210}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 0, + 573, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 352}, + dictWord{135, 10, 687}, + dictWord{139, 0, 797}, + dictWord{143, 0, 38}, + dictWord{14, 0, 179}, + dictWord{15, 0, 151}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 0, + 11, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 488}, + dictWord{4, 10, 192}, + dictWord{5, 10, 49}, + dictWord{6, 10, 200}, + dictWord{6, 10, 293}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1696}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 936, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 703}, + dictWord{6, 11, 160}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1106}, + dictWord{9, 11, 770}, + dictWord{10, 11, 618}, + dictWord{11, 11, 112}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 413, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 453}, + dictWord{134, 0, 441}, + dictWord{135, 0, 595}, + dictWord{132, 10, 650}, + dictWord{132, 10, 147}, + dictWord{6, 0, 991}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1182}, + dictWord{12, 11, 271}, + dictWord{145, 11, 109}, + dictWord{133, 10, 934}, + dictWord{140, 11, 221}, + dictWord{132, 0, 653}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 505, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 523}, + dictWord{134, 0, 903}, + dictWord{135, 11, 479}, + dictWord{7, 11, 304}, + dictWord{9, 11, 646}, + dictWord{9, 11, 862}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 262, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 696}, + dictWord{12, 11, 208}, + dictWord{15, 11, 79}, + dictWord{147, 11, 108}, + dictWord{146, 0, 80}, + dictWord{135, 11, 981}, + dictWord{142, 0, 432}, + dictWord{132, 0, 314}, + dictWord{137, 11, 152}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1368}, + dictWord{8, 0, 232}, + dictWord{8, 0, 361}, + dictWord{10, 0, 682}, + dictWord{138, 0, 742}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1586}, + dictWord{9, 0, 534}, + dictWord{4, 11, 434}, + dictWord{11, 11, 663}, + dictWord{12, 11, 210}, + dictWord{13, 11, 166}, + dictWord{13, 11, 310}, + dictWord{14, 11, 373}, + dictWord{147, 11, 43}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1091}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1765}, + dictWord{6, 11, 550}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 652, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 27}, + dictWord{142, 0, 12}, + dictWord{4, 10, 637}, + dictWord{5, 11, 553}, + dictWord{7, 11, 766}, + dictWord{138, 11, 824}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 737, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 298}, + dictWord{136, 11, 452}, + dictWord{7, 0, 736}, + dictWord{139, 0, 264}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1657}, + dictWord{133, 11, 292}, + dictWord{138, 11, 135}, + dictWord{6, 0, 844}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1117}, + dictWord{135, 0, 127}, + dictWord{9, 10, 867}, + dictWord{138, 10, 837}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1184, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1208}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1294}, + dictWord{136, 0, 364}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1415}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1334}, + dictWord{11, 0, 125}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 170, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 393}, + dictWord{8, 10, 395}, + dictWord{8, 10, 487}, + dictWord{10, 11, 603}, + dictWord{11, 11, 206}, + dictWord{141, 10, 147}, + dictWord{137, 11, 748}, + dictWord{4, 11, 912}, + dictWord{137, 11, 232}, + dictWord{4, 10, 535}, + dictWord{136, 10, 618}, + dictWord{137, 0, 792}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1973, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 716}, + dictWord{135, 11, 98}, + dictWord{5, 0, 909}, + dictWord{9, 0, 849}, + dictWord{138, 0, 805}, + dictWord{4, 0, 630}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 699, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 733}, + dictWord{14, 11, 103}, + dictWord{150, 10, 23}, + dictWord{12, 11, 158}, + dictWord{18, 11, 8}, + dictWord{19, 11, 62}, + dictWord{ + 20, + 11, + 6, + }, + dictWord{22, 11, 4}, + dictWord{23, 11, 2}, + dictWord{151, 11, 9}, + dictWord{132, 0, 968}, + dictWord{132, 10, 778}, + dictWord{132, 10, 46}, + dictWord{5, 10, 811}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1679}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1714}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2032}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1446}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1458}, + dictWord{9, 10, 407}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 15, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 206}, + dictWord{7, 0, 397}, + dictWord{7, 0, 621}, + dictWord{7, 0, 640}, + dictWord{8, 0, 124}, + dictWord{8, 0, 619}, + dictWord{9, 0, 305}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 643, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 264}, + dictWord{10, 0, 628}, + dictWord{11, 0, 40}, + dictWord{12, 0, 349}, + dictWord{13, 0, 134}, + dictWord{13, 0, 295}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 155, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 120}, + dictWord{18, 0, 105}, + dictWord{6, 10, 34}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1089}, + dictWord{8, 10, 708}, + dictWord{8, 10, 721}, + dictWord{9, 10, 363}, + dictWord{148, 10, 98}, + dictWord{4, 0, 262}, + dictWord{5, 0, 641}, + dictWord{135, 0, 342}, + dictWord{137, 11, 72}, + dictWord{4, 0, 99}, + dictWord{6, 0, 250}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 346, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 127}, + dictWord{138, 0, 81}, + dictWord{132, 0, 915}, + dictWord{5, 0, 75}, + dictWord{9, 0, 517}, + dictWord{10, 0, 470}, + dictWord{12, 0, 155}, + dictWord{141, 0, 224}, + dictWord{132, 10, 462}, + dictWord{11, 11, 600}, + dictWord{11, 11, 670}, + dictWord{141, 11, 245}, + dictWord{142, 0, 83}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 73, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 23}, + dictWord{134, 10, 338}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1031}, + dictWord{139, 11, 923}, + dictWord{7, 11, 164}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1571}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 107, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 225}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1470}, + dictWord{133, 0, 954}, + dictWord{6, 0, 304}, + dictWord{8, 0, 418}, + dictWord{10, 0, 345}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 341, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 675}, + dictWord{9, 0, 410}, + dictWord{139, 0, 425}, + dictWord{4, 11, 27}, + dictWord{5, 11, 484}, + dictWord{5, 11, 510}, + dictWord{6, 11, 434}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1000}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1098}, + dictWord{8, 11, 2}, + dictWord{136, 11, 200}, + dictWord{134, 0, 734}, + dictWord{140, 11, 257}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 725, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 498}, + dictWord{139, 10, 268}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1822}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1798}, + dictWord{135, 10, 773}, + dictWord{132, 11, 460}, + dictWord{4, 11, 932}, + dictWord{133, 11, 891}, + dictWord{134, 0, 14}, + dictWord{132, 10, 583}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1462}, + dictWord{8, 11, 625}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 659, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 113}, + dictWord{6, 0, 243}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1708}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1865}, + dictWord{11, 0, 161}, + dictWord{16, 0, 37}, + dictWord{17, 0, 99}, + dictWord{133, 10, 220}, + dictWord{134, 11, 76}, + dictWord{5, 11, 461}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1925}, + dictWord{140, 0, 69}, + dictWord{8, 11, 92}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 221, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 803}, + dictWord{132, 10, 544}, + dictWord{4, 0, 274}, + dictWord{134, 0, 922}, + dictWord{132, 0, 541}, + dictWord{5, 0, 627}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 437, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 564}, + dictWord{11, 10, 181}, + dictWord{141, 10, 183}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1192}, + dictWord{7, 0, 166}, + dictWord{132, 11, 763}, + dictWord{133, 11, 253}, + dictWord{134, 0, 849}, + dictWord{9, 11, 73}, + dictWord{10, 11, 110}, + dictWord{14, 11, 185}, + dictWord{145, 11, 119}, + dictWord{5, 11, 212}, + dictWord{12, 11, 35}, + dictWord{141, 11, 382}, + dictWord{133, 0, 717}, + dictWord{137, 0, 304}, + dictWord{136, 0, 600}, + dictWord{133, 0, 654}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 273, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 188}, + dictWord{13, 0, 377}, + dictWord{146, 0, 77}, + dictWord{4, 10, 790}, + dictWord{5, 10, 273}, + dictWord{134, 10, 394}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 543, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 410}, + dictWord{11, 0, 98}, + dictWord{11, 0, 524}, + dictWord{141, 0, 87}, + dictWord{132, 0, 941}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1175}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 250, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1612}, + dictWord{11, 0, 186}, + dictWord{12, 0, 133}, + dictWord{6, 10, 127}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1511}, + dictWord{8, 10, 613}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 495, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 586}, + dictWord{12, 10, 660}, + dictWord{12, 10, 668}, + dictWord{14, 10, 385}, + dictWord{15, 10, 118}, + dictWord{17, 10, 20}, + dictWord{ + 146, + 10, + 98, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1785}, + dictWord{133, 11, 816}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1339}, + dictWord{7, 0, 961}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1085}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1727}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 462, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 230}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1727}, + dictWord{9, 0, 636}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1954}, + dictWord{132, 0, 780}, + dictWord{5, 11, 869}, + dictWord{5, 11, 968}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1626}, + dictWord{8, 11, 734}, + dictWord{136, 11, 784}, + dictWord{4, 11, 542}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1716}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1727}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1082}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1545}, + dictWord{8, 11, 56}, + dictWord{8, 11, 118}, + dictWord{8, 11, 412}, + dictWord{8, 11, 564}, + dictWord{9, 11, 888}, + dictWord{9, 11, 908}, + dictWord{10, 11, 50}, + dictWord{10, 11, 423}, + dictWord{11, 11, 685}, + dictWord{11, 11, 697}, + dictWord{11, 11, 933}, + dictWord{12, 11, 299}, + dictWord{13, 11, 126}, + dictWord{13, 11, 136}, + dictWord{13, 11, 170}, + dictWord{141, 11, 190}, + dictWord{134, 11, 226}, + dictWord{4, 11, 232}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 202, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 474}, + dictWord{140, 11, 433}, + dictWord{137, 11, 500}, + dictWord{5, 0, 529}, + dictWord{136, 10, 68}, + dictWord{132, 10, 654}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 156, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 998}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1045}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1860}, + dictWord{9, 10, 48}, + dictWord{9, 10, 692}, + dictWord{11, 10, 419}, + dictWord{139, 10, 602}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1276}, + dictWord{8, 0, 474}, + dictWord{9, 0, 652}, + dictWord{6, 11, 108}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1003}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1181}, + dictWord{136, 11, 343}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1264}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1678}, + dictWord{11, 11, 945}, + dictWord{12, 11, 341}, + dictWord{12, 11, 471}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 569, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 1712}, + dictWord{5, 0, 948}, + dictWord{12, 0, 468}, + dictWord{19, 0, 96}, + dictWord{148, 0, 24}, + dictWord{4, 11, 133}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 711, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1298}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1585}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1929}, + dictWord{6, 0, 753}, + dictWord{140, 0, 657}, + dictWord{139, 0, 941}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 99, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1808}, + dictWord{145, 11, 57}, + dictWord{6, 11, 574}, + dictWord{7, 11, 428}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1250}, + dictWord{10, 11, 669}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 485, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 840}, + dictWord{12, 11, 300}, + dictWord{142, 11, 250}, + dictWord{4, 0, 532}, + dictWord{5, 0, 706}, + dictWord{135, 0, 662}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 837, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1651}, + dictWord{139, 0, 985}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1861}, + dictWord{9, 10, 197}, + dictWord{10, 10, 300}, + dictWord{12, 10, 473}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 90, + }, + dictWord{141, 10, 405}, + dictWord{137, 11, 252}, + dictWord{6, 11, 323}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1564}, + dictWord{4, 0, 330}, + dictWord{4, 0, 863}, + dictWord{7, 0, 933}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2012}, + dictWord{8, 0, 292}, + dictWord{7, 11, 461}, + dictWord{8, 11, 775}, + dictWord{138, 11, 435}, + dictWord{132, 10, 606}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 655, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 850}, + dictWord{17, 11, 75}, + dictWord{146, 11, 137}, + dictWord{135, 0, 767}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1978}, + dictWord{136, 10, 676}, + dictWord{132, 0, 641}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1559}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1233}, + dictWord{137, 0, 242}, + dictWord{17, 0, 114}, + dictWord{4, 10, 361}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 315, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 883}, + dictWord{132, 10, 461}, + dictWord{138, 0, 274}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2008}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1794}, + dictWord{4, 0, 703}, + dictWord{135, 0, 207}, + dictWord{12, 0, 285}, + dictWord{132, 10, 472}, + dictWord{132, 0, 571}, + dictWord{5, 0, 873}, + dictWord{5, 0, 960}, + dictWord{8, 0, 823}, + dictWord{9, 0, 881}, + dictWord{136, 11, 577}, + dictWord{7, 0, 617}, + dictWord{10, 0, 498}, + dictWord{11, 0, 501}, + dictWord{12, 0, 16}, + dictWord{140, 0, 150}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 747, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 431}, + dictWord{133, 10, 155}, + dictWord{11, 0, 283}, + dictWord{11, 0, 567}, + dictWord{7, 10, 163}, + dictWord{8, 10, 319}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 402, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 24}, + dictWord{10, 10, 681}, + dictWord{11, 10, 200}, + dictWord{12, 10, 253}, + dictWord{12, 10, 410}, + dictWord{142, 10, 219}, + dictWord{4, 11, 413}, + dictWord{5, 11, 677}, + dictWord{8, 11, 432}, + dictWord{140, 11, 280}, + dictWord{9, 0, 401}, + dictWord{5, 10, 475}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1780}, + dictWord{11, 10, 297}, + dictWord{11, 10, 558}, + dictWord{14, 10, 322}, + dictWord{147, 10, 76}, + dictWord{6, 0, 781}, + dictWord{9, 0, 134}, + dictWord{10, 0, 2}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 27, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 333}, + dictWord{11, 0, 722}, + dictWord{143, 0, 1}, + dictWord{5, 0, 33}, + dictWord{6, 0, 470}, + dictWord{139, 0, 424}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 2006, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 783}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1956}, + dictWord{136, 0, 274}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1882}, + dictWord{132, 0, 794}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1848}, + dictWord{5, 10, 944}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1769}, + dictWord{6, 0, 47}, + dictWord{7, 0, 90}, + dictWord{7, 0, 664}, + dictWord{7, 0, 830}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1380}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 2025, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 448}, + dictWord{136, 0, 828}, + dictWord{132, 10, 144}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1199}, + dictWord{4, 11, 395}, + dictWord{139, 11, 762}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1504}, + dictWord{9, 0, 417}, + dictWord{137, 0, 493}, + dictWord{9, 11, 174}, + dictWord{10, 11, 164}, + dictWord{11, 11, 440}, + dictWord{11, 11, 841}, + dictWord{143, 11, 98}, + dictWord{134, 11, 426}, + dictWord{139, 11, 1002}, + dictWord{134, 0, 295}, + dictWord{134, 0, 816}, + dictWord{6, 10, 247}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 555, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 1019}, + dictWord{4, 0, 620}, + dictWord{5, 11, 476}, + dictWord{10, 10, 280}, + dictWord{138, 10, 797}, + dictWord{139, 0, 464}, + dictWord{5, 11, 76}, + dictWord{6, 11, 458}, + dictWord{6, 11, 497}, + dictWord{7, 11, 764}, + dictWord{7, 11, 868}, + dictWord{9, 11, 658}, + dictWord{10, 11, 594}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 173, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 566}, + dictWord{12, 11, 20}, + dictWord{12, 11, 338}, + dictWord{141, 11, 200}, + dictWord{134, 0, 208}, + dictWord{4, 11, 526}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1029}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1054}, + dictWord{132, 11, 636}, + dictWord{6, 11, 233}, + dictWord{7, 11, 660}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1124}, + dictWord{ + 17, + 11, + 31, + }, + dictWord{19, 11, 22}, + dictWord{151, 11, 14}, + dictWord{10, 0, 442}, + dictWord{133, 10, 428}, + dictWord{10, 0, 930}, + dictWord{140, 0, 778}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 68, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 448}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1629}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1769}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1813}, + dictWord{8, 0, 442}, + dictWord{8, 0, 516}, + dictWord{9, 0, 710}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 282, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 722}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1717}, + dictWord{138, 10, 546}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1128}, + dictWord{11, 0, 844}, + dictWord{12, 0, 104}, + dictWord{140, 0, 625}, + dictWord{4, 11, 432}, + dictWord{135, 11, 824}, + dictWord{138, 10, 189}, + dictWord{133, 0, 787}, + dictWord{133, 10, 99}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 279, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 301}, + dictWord{137, 11, 362}, + dictWord{8, 0, 491}, + dictWord{4, 10, 397}, + dictWord{136, 10, 555}, + dictWord{4, 11, 178}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 399, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 711}, + dictWord{144, 0, 9}, + dictWord{4, 0, 403}, + dictWord{5, 0, 441}, + dictWord{7, 0, 450}, + dictWord{10, 0, 840}, + dictWord{11, 0, 101}, + dictWord{12, 0, 193}, + dictWord{141, 0, 430}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1246}, + dictWord{12, 10, 398}, + dictWord{20, 10, 39}, + dictWord{21, 10, 11}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 10, + 41, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 485}, + dictWord{7, 10, 353}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1523}, + dictWord{6, 10, 366}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1384}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1601}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1912, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 396}, + dictWord{10, 0, 160}, + dictWord{135, 11, 396}, + dictWord{137, 10, 282}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1692}, + dictWord{4, 10, 157}, + dictWord{5, 10, 471}, + dictWord{6, 11, 202}, + dictWord{10, 11, 448}, + dictWord{11, 11, 208}, + dictWord{12, 11, 360}, + dictWord{17, 11, 117}, + dictWord{ + 17, + 11, + 118, + }, + dictWord{18, 11, 27}, + dictWord{148, 11, 67}, + dictWord{133, 0, 679}, + dictWord{137, 0, 326}, + dictWord{136, 10, 116}, + dictWord{7, 11, 872}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 516, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 167}, + dictWord{132, 11, 224}, + dictWord{5, 11, 546}, + dictWord{7, 11, 35}, + dictWord{8, 11, 11}, + dictWord{8, 11, 12}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 315, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 533}, + dictWord{10, 11, 802}, + dictWord{11, 11, 166}, + dictWord{12, 11, 525}, + dictWord{142, 11, 243}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1128}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1920}, + dictWord{5, 11, 241}, + dictWord{8, 11, 242}, + dictWord{9, 11, 451}, + dictWord{10, 11, 667}, + dictWord{11, 11, 598}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 429, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 737}, + dictWord{5, 10, 160}, + dictWord{7, 10, 363}, + dictWord{7, 10, 589}, + dictWord{10, 10, 170}, + dictWord{141, 10, 55}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1796, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 254}, + dictWord{4, 0, 574}, + dictWord{7, 0, 350}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1024}, + dictWord{8, 0, 338}, + dictWord{9, 0, 677}, + dictWord{138, 0, 808}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1096}, + dictWord{137, 11, 516}, + dictWord{7, 0, 405}, + dictWord{10, 0, 491}, + dictWord{4, 10, 108}, + dictWord{4, 11, 366}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 498, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 337}, + dictWord{142, 11, 303}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1736}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1081}, + dictWord{140, 11, 364}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1005}, + dictWord{140, 10, 609}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1676}, + dictWord{4, 10, 895}, + dictWord{133, 10, 772}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2037}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1207}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 916, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 419}, + dictWord{14, 11, 140}, + dictWord{148, 11, 41}, + dictWord{6, 11, 331}, + dictWord{136, 11, 623}, + dictWord{9, 0, 944}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 969, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 1022}, + dictWord{12, 0, 913}, + dictWord{12, 0, 936}, + dictWord{15, 0, 177}, + dictWord{15, 0, 193}, + dictWord{4, 10, 926}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 983, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 354}, + dictWord{135, 11, 506}, + dictWord{8, 0, 598}, + dictWord{9, 0, 664}, + dictWord{138, 0, 441}, + dictWord{4, 11, 640}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 513, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 297}, + dictWord{132, 10, 538}, + dictWord{6, 10, 294}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1267}, + dictWord{136, 10, 624}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1772}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1888, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 289}, + dictWord{11, 11, 45}, + dictWord{12, 11, 278}, + dictWord{140, 11, 537}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1325}, + dictWord{138, 0, 751}, + dictWord{141, 0, 37}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1828}, + dictWord{132, 10, 757}, + dictWord{132, 11, 394}, + dictWord{6, 0, 257}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1522}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 582, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 191}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1931}, + dictWord{7, 11, 574}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1719}, + dictWord{137, 11, 145}, + dictWord{132, 11, 658}, + dictWord{10, 0, 790}, + dictWord{132, 11, 369}, + dictWord{9, 11, 781}, + dictWord{10, 11, 144}, + dictWord{11, 11, 385}, + dictWord{13, 11, 161}, + dictWord{13, 11, 228}, + dictWord{13, 11, 268}, + dictWord{148, 11, 107}, + dictWord{8, 0, 469}, + dictWord{10, 0, 47}, + dictWord{136, 11, 374}, + dictWord{6, 0, 306}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1140}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1340}, + dictWord{8, 0, 133}, + dictWord{138, 0, 449}, + dictWord{139, 0, 1011}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1875}, + dictWord{139, 10, 124}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 344, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 498}, + dictWord{139, 11, 323}, + dictWord{137, 0, 299}, + dictWord{132, 0, 837}, + dictWord{133, 11, 906}, + dictWord{5, 0, 329}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 260, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 10}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1320}, + dictWord{4, 0, 657}, + dictWord{146, 0, 158}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1191}, + dictWord{152, 0, 7}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1939, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 974}, + dictWord{138, 0, 996}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1665}, + dictWord{11, 11, 126}, + dictWord{139, 11, 287}, + dictWord{143, 0, 8}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 149, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 399}, + dictWord{143, 11, 57}, + dictWord{5, 0, 66}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1896}, + dictWord{136, 0, 288}, + dictWord{7, 0, 175}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 494, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 150}, + dictWord{8, 10, 603}, + dictWord{9, 10, 593}, + dictWord{9, 10, 634}, + dictWord{10, 10, 173}, + dictWord{11, 10, 462}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 515, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 216}, + dictWord{13, 10, 288}, + dictWord{142, 10, 400}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1643}, + dictWord{136, 11, 21}, + dictWord{4, 0, 21}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 91, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 648}, + dictWord{5, 0, 750}, + dictWord{5, 0, 781}, + dictWord{6, 0, 54}, + dictWord{6, 0, 112}, + dictWord{6, 0, 402}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1732}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 315, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 749}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1427}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1900}, + dictWord{9, 0, 78}, + dictWord{9, 0, 508}, + dictWord{10, 0, 611}, + dictWord{10, 0, 811}, + dictWord{11, 0, 510}, + dictWord{11, 0, 728}, + dictWord{13, 0, 36}, + dictWord{14, 0, 39}, + dictWord{16, 0, 83}, + dictWord{17, 0, 124}, + dictWord{148, 0, 30}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 668, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 570}, + dictWord{10, 0, 322}, + dictWord{10, 0, 719}, + dictWord{139, 0, 407}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1381}, + dictWord{136, 11, 193}, + dictWord{12, 10, 108}, + dictWord{141, 10, 291}, + dictWord{132, 11, 616}, + dictWord{136, 11, 692}, + dictWord{8, 0, 125}, + dictWord{8, 0, 369}, + dictWord{8, 0, 524}, + dictWord{10, 0, 486}, + dictWord{11, 0, 13}, + dictWord{11, 0, 381}, + dictWord{11, 0, 736}, + dictWord{11, 0, 766}, + dictWord{11, 0, 845}, + dictWord{13, 0, 114}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 292, + }, + dictWord{142, 0, 47}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1247}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1684}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1731}, + dictWord{7, 0, 356}, + dictWord{8, 0, 54}, + dictWord{8, 0, 221}, + dictWord{9, 0, 225}, + dictWord{9, 0, 356}, + dictWord{10, 0, 77}, + dictWord{10, 0, 446}, + dictWord{10, 0, 731}, + dictWord{12, 0, 404}, + dictWord{141, 0, 491}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1777}, + dictWord{4, 11, 305}, + dictWord{4, 10, 493}, + dictWord{144, 10, 55}, + dictWord{4, 0, 951}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1809}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1849}, + dictWord{8, 0, 846}, + dictWord{8, 0, 866}, + dictWord{8, 0, 899}, + dictWord{10, 0, 896}, + dictWord{12, 0, 694}, + dictWord{142, 0, 468}, + dictWord{5, 11, 214}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 603, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 611}, + dictWord{9, 11, 686}, + dictWord{10, 11, 88}, + dictWord{11, 11, 459}, + dictWord{11, 11, 496}, + dictWord{12, 11, 463}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 590, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 0}, + dictWord{142, 11, 214}, + dictWord{132, 0, 411}, + dictWord{4, 0, 80}, + dictWord{133, 0, 44}, + dictWord{140, 11, 74}, + dictWord{ + 143, + 0, + 31, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 669}, + dictWord{6, 10, 568}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1804}, + dictWord{8, 10, 362}, + dictWord{8, 10, 410}, + dictWord{8, 10, 830}, + dictWord{9, 10, 514}, + dictWord{11, 10, 649}, + dictWord{142, 10, 157}, + dictWord{7, 0, 673}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1703}, + dictWord{132, 10, 625}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1303}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 299, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1083}, + dictWord{138, 0, 704}, + dictWord{6, 0, 275}, + dictWord{7, 0, 408}, + dictWord{6, 10, 158}, + dictWord{7, 10, 129}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 181, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 276}, + dictWord{8, 10, 377}, + dictWord{10, 10, 523}, + dictWord{11, 10, 816}, + dictWord{12, 10, 455}, + dictWord{13, 10, 303}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 10, + 135, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 219}, + dictWord{7, 0, 367}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1713}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1761}, + dictWord{9, 0, 86}, + dictWord{9, 0, 537}, + dictWord{10, 0, 165}, + dictWord{12, 0, 219}, + dictWord{140, 0, 561}, + dictWord{8, 0, 216}, + dictWord{4, 10, 1}, + dictWord{4, 11, 737}, + dictWord{6, 11, 317}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1143}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1463, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 207}, + dictWord{9, 10, 390}, + dictWord{9, 10, 467}, + dictWord{10, 11, 98}, + dictWord{11, 11, 294}, + dictWord{11, 10, 836}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 60, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 437}, + dictWord{13, 11, 64}, + dictWord{13, 11, 380}, + dictWord{142, 11, 430}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1758}, + dictWord{8, 11, 520}, + dictWord{9, 11, 345}, + dictWord{9, 11, 403}, + dictWord{142, 11, 350}, + dictWord{5, 11, 47}, + dictWord{10, 11, 242}, + dictWord{138, 11, 579}, + dictWord{5, 11, 139}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1168}, + dictWord{138, 11, 539}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1319}, + dictWord{4, 10, 295}, + dictWord{4, 10, 723}, + dictWord{5, 10, 895}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1031, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 199}, + dictWord{8, 10, 340}, + dictWord{9, 10, 153}, + dictWord{9, 10, 215}, + dictWord{10, 10, 21}, + dictWord{10, 10, 59}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 80, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 224}, + dictWord{10, 10, 838}, + dictWord{11, 10, 229}, + dictWord{11, 10, 652}, + dictWord{12, 10, 192}, + dictWord{13, 10, 146}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 10, + 91, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 428}, + dictWord{137, 10, 51}, + dictWord{133, 0, 514}, + dictWord{5, 10, 309}, + dictWord{140, 10, 211}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1010}, + dictWord{5, 10, 125}, + dictWord{8, 10, 77}, + dictWord{138, 10, 15}, + dictWord{4, 0, 55}, + dictWord{5, 0, 301}, + dictWord{6, 0, 571}, + dictWord{142, 0, 49}, + dictWord{ + 146, + 0, + 102, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 370}, + dictWord{4, 11, 107}, + dictWord{7, 11, 613}, + dictWord{8, 11, 358}, + dictWord{8, 11, 439}, + dictWord{8, 11, 504}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 501, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 383}, + dictWord{139, 11, 477}, + dictWord{132, 11, 229}, + dictWord{133, 0, 364}, + dictWord{133, 10, 439}, + dictWord{4, 11, 903}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1816}, + dictWord{11, 0, 379}, + dictWord{140, 10, 76}, + dictWord{4, 0, 76}, + dictWord{4, 0, 971}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1550}, + dictWord{9, 0, 306}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 430, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 663}, + dictWord{10, 0, 683}, + dictWord{10, 0, 921}, + dictWord{11, 0, 427}, + dictWord{11, 0, 753}, + dictWord{12, 0, 334}, + dictWord{12, 0, 442}, + dictWord{14, 0, 258}, + dictWord{14, 0, 366}, + dictWord{143, 0, 131}, + dictWord{137, 0, 52}, + dictWord{4, 11, 47}, + dictWord{6, 11, 373}, + dictWord{7, 11, 452}, + dictWord{7, 11, 543}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1714}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1856}, + dictWord{9, 11, 6}, + dictWord{11, 11, 257}, + dictWord{139, 11, 391}, + dictWord{4, 10, 8}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1152, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1153}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1715}, + dictWord{9, 10, 374}, + dictWord{10, 10, 478}, + dictWord{139, 10, 648}, + dictWord{4, 11, 785}, + dictWord{133, 11, 368}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1099}, + dictWord{135, 11, 860}, + dictWord{5, 11, 980}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1754}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1258}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1058, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1359}, + dictWord{7, 11, 536}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1331}, + dictWord{136, 11, 143}, + dictWord{4, 0, 656}, + dictWord{135, 0, 779}, + dictWord{136, 10, 87}, + dictWord{5, 11, 19}, + dictWord{6, 11, 533}, + dictWord{146, 11, 126}, + dictWord{7, 0, 144}, + dictWord{138, 10, 438}, + dictWord{5, 11, 395}, + dictWord{5, 11, 951}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1776}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1373}, + dictWord{7, 0, 554}, + dictWord{7, 0, 605}, + dictWord{141, 0, 10}, + dictWord{4, 10, 69}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 122, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 656}, + dictWord{138, 10, 464}, + dictWord{5, 10, 849}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1633}, + dictWord{5, 0, 838}, + dictWord{5, 0, 841}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1649}, + dictWord{133, 0, 1012}, + dictWord{139, 10, 499}, + dictWord{7, 10, 476}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1592}, + dictWord{138, 10, 87}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 251, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 365}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1357}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1497}, + dictWord{8, 0, 154}, + dictWord{141, 0, 281}, + dictWord{132, 11, 441}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 695, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 497}, + dictWord{9, 11, 387}, + dictWord{147, 11, 81}, + dictWord{133, 0, 340}, + dictWord{14, 10, 283}, + dictWord{142, 11, 283}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 810, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1894}, + dictWord{139, 0, 495}, + dictWord{5, 11, 284}, + dictWord{6, 11, 49}, + dictWord{6, 11, 350}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 377, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1693}, + dictWord{8, 11, 18}, + dictWord{8, 11, 678}, + dictWord{9, 11, 161}, + dictWord{9, 11, 585}, + dictWord{9, 11, 671}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 839, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 912}, + dictWord{141, 11, 427}, + dictWord{5, 10, 859}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1160}, + dictWord{8, 10, 107}, + dictWord{9, 10, 291}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 439, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 663}, + dictWord{11, 10, 609}, + dictWord{140, 10, 197}, + dictWord{8, 0, 261}, + dictWord{9, 0, 144}, + dictWord{9, 0, 466}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 370, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 470}, + dictWord{13, 0, 144}, + dictWord{142, 0, 348}, + dictWord{137, 0, 897}, + dictWord{6, 0, 248}, + dictWord{9, 0, 546}, + dictWord{10, 0, 535}, + dictWord{11, 0, 681}, + dictWord{141, 0, 135}, + dictWord{4, 0, 358}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1496}, + dictWord{134, 0, 567}, + dictWord{136, 0, 445}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 117, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 372}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1905}, + dictWord{142, 10, 323}, + dictWord{4, 10, 722}, + dictWord{139, 10, 471}, + dictWord{6, 0, 697}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 996, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 2007}, + dictWord{9, 11, 101}, + dictWord{9, 11, 450}, + dictWord{10, 11, 66}, + dictWord{10, 11, 842}, + dictWord{11, 11, 536}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 587, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 577}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1336}, + dictWord{9, 10, 5}, + dictWord{12, 10, 216}, + dictWord{12, 10, 294}, + dictWord{12, 10, 298}, + dictWord{12, 10, 400}, + dictWord{12, 10, 518}, + dictWord{13, 10, 229}, + dictWord{143, 10, 139}, + dictWord{6, 0, 174}, + dictWord{138, 0, 917}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 1774, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 12}, + dictWord{7, 10, 375}, + dictWord{9, 10, 88}, + dictWord{9, 10, 438}, + dictWord{11, 11, 62}, + dictWord{139, 10, 270}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 1766, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 0}, + dictWord{7, 11, 84}, + dictWord{7, 10, 816}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1241}, + dictWord{9, 10, 283}, + dictWord{9, 10, 520}, + dictWord{10, 10, 213}, + dictWord{10, 10, 307}, + dictWord{10, 10, 463}, + dictWord{10, 10, 671}, + dictWord{10, 10, 746}, + dictWord{11, 10, 401}, + dictWord{11, 10, 794}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 895, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 517}, + dictWord{17, 11, 11}, + dictWord{18, 10, 107}, + dictWord{147, 10, 115}, + dictWord{5, 0, 878}, + dictWord{133, 0, 972}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 1665, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 256}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1388}, + dictWord{138, 11, 499}, + dictWord{4, 10, 258}, + dictWord{136, 10, 639}, + dictWord{4, 11, 22}, + dictWord{5, 11, 10}, + dictWord{6, 10, 22}, + dictWord{7, 11, 848}, + dictWord{7, 10, 903}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1963}, + dictWord{8, 11, 97}, + dictWord{138, 10, 577}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 681, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 782}, + dictWord{133, 11, 481}, + dictWord{132, 0, 351}, + dictWord{4, 10, 664}, + dictWord{5, 10, 804}, + dictWord{139, 10, 1013}, + dictWord{6, 11, 134}, + dictWord{7, 11, 437}, + dictWord{7, 11, 959}, + dictWord{9, 11, 37}, + dictWord{14, 11, 285}, + dictWord{14, 11, 371}, + dictWord{144, 11, 60}, + dictWord{7, 11, 486}, + dictWord{8, 11, 155}, + dictWord{11, 11, 93}, + dictWord{140, 11, 164}, + dictWord{132, 0, 286}, + dictWord{7, 0, 438}, + dictWord{7, 0, 627}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1516}, + dictWord{8, 0, 40}, + dictWord{9, 0, 56}, + dictWord{9, 0, 294}, + dictWord{10, 0, 30}, + dictWord{11, 0, 969}, + dictWord{11, 0, 995}, + dictWord{146, 0, 148}, + dictWord{5, 11, 591}, + dictWord{135, 11, 337}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1950}, + dictWord{133, 10, 32}, + dictWord{138, 11, 500}, + dictWord{5, 11, 380}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 650, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 310}, + dictWord{4, 11, 364}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1156}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1187}, + dictWord{137, 11, 409}, + dictWord{4, 0, 738}, + dictWord{134, 11, 482}, + dictWord{4, 11, 781}, + dictWord{6, 11, 487}, + dictWord{7, 11, 926}, + dictWord{8, 11, 263}, + dictWord{139, 11, 500}, + dictWord{135, 11, 418}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2047}, + dictWord{10, 0, 969}, + dictWord{4, 10, 289}, + dictWord{7, 10, 629}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1698}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1711}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 10, + 215, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 450}, + dictWord{136, 10, 109}, + dictWord{134, 0, 818}, + dictWord{136, 10, 705}, + dictWord{133, 0, 866}, + dictWord{4, 11, 94}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1265, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 417}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1467}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1238}, + dictWord{4, 0, 972}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1851}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1857, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 355}, + dictWord{133, 0, 116}, + dictWord{132, 0, 457}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1411}, + dictWord{4, 11, 408}, + dictWord{4, 11, 741}, + dictWord{135, 11, 500}, + dictWord{134, 10, 26}, + dictWord{142, 11, 137}, + dictWord{5, 0, 527}, + dictWord{6, 0, 189}, + dictWord{7, 0, 859}, + dictWord{136, 0, 267}, + dictWord{11, 0, 104}, + dictWord{11, 0, 554}, + dictWord{15, 0, 60}, + dictWord{143, 0, 125}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1613}, + dictWord{4, 10, 414}, + dictWord{5, 10, 467}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 654, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 451}, + dictWord{12, 10, 59}, + dictWord{141, 10, 375}, + dictWord{135, 10, 17}, + dictWord{134, 0, 116}, + dictWord{135, 11, 541}, + dictWord{135, 10, 955}, + dictWord{6, 11, 73}, + dictWord{135, 11, 177}, + dictWord{133, 11, 576}, + dictWord{134, 0, 886}, + dictWord{133, 0, 487}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 86, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 667}, + dictWord{5, 0, 753}, + dictWord{6, 0, 316}, + dictWord{6, 0, 455}, + dictWord{135, 0, 946}, + dictWord{142, 11, 231}, + dictWord{150, 0, 45}, + dictWord{134, 0, 863}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1953}, + dictWord{6, 10, 280}, + dictWord{10, 10, 502}, + dictWord{11, 10, 344}, + dictWord{140, 10, 38}, + dictWord{4, 0, 79}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1773}, + dictWord{10, 0, 450}, + dictWord{11, 0, 589}, + dictWord{13, 0, 332}, + dictWord{13, 0, 493}, + dictWord{14, 0, 183}, + dictWord{14, 0, 334}, + dictWord{14, 0, 362}, + dictWord{14, 0, 368}, + dictWord{14, 0, 376}, + dictWord{14, 0, 379}, + dictWord{19, 0, 90}, + dictWord{19, 0, 103}, + dictWord{19, 0, 127}, + dictWord{ + 148, + 0, + 90, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 45}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1161}, + dictWord{11, 10, 448}, + dictWord{11, 10, 880}, + dictWord{13, 10, 139}, + dictWord{13, 10, 407}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 10, + 16, + }, + dictWord{17, 10, 95}, + dictWord{18, 10, 66}, + dictWord{18, 10, 88}, + dictWord{18, 10, 123}, + dictWord{149, 10, 7}, + dictWord{136, 10, 777}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 410, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 521}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1778}, + dictWord{135, 11, 538}, + dictWord{142, 0, 381}, + dictWord{133, 11, 413}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1142, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1189}, + dictWord{136, 11, 495}, + dictWord{5, 0, 663}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1962}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2003}, + dictWord{7, 11, 54}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 312, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 191}, + dictWord{10, 11, 614}, + dictWord{140, 11, 567}, + dictWord{132, 10, 436}, + dictWord{133, 0, 846}, + dictWord{10, 0, 528}, + dictWord{11, 0, 504}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1587}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1707}, + dictWord{5, 0, 378}, + dictWord{8, 0, 465}, + dictWord{9, 0, 286}, + dictWord{10, 0, 185}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 562, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 635}, + dictWord{11, 0, 31}, + dictWord{11, 0, 393}, + dictWord{13, 0, 312}, + dictWord{18, 0, 65}, + dictWord{18, 0, 96}, + dictWord{147, 0, 89}, + dictWord{7, 0, 899}, + dictWord{14, 0, 325}, + dictWord{6, 11, 468}, + dictWord{7, 11, 567}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1478}, + dictWord{8, 11, 530}, + dictWord{142, 11, 290}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1880}, + dictWord{9, 0, 680}, + dictWord{139, 0, 798}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1770}, + dictWord{132, 0, 648}, + dictWord{150, 11, 35}, + dictWord{5, 0, 945}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1656}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1787}, + dictWord{7, 0, 167}, + dictWord{8, 0, 824}, + dictWord{9, 0, 391}, + dictWord{10, 0, 375}, + dictWord{139, 0, 185}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 484, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 822}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2046}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1645}, + dictWord{8, 0, 352}, + dictWord{137, 0, 249}, + dictWord{132, 0, 152}, + dictWord{6, 0, 611}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1733}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1724}, + dictWord{135, 11, 2022}, + dictWord{133, 0, 1006}, + dictWord{141, 11, 96}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 420, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1449}, + dictWord{146, 11, 149}, + dictWord{135, 0, 832}, + dictWord{135, 10, 663}, + dictWord{133, 0, 351}, + dictWord{5, 0, 40}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 598, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1638}, + dictWord{8, 0, 78}, + dictWord{9, 0, 166}, + dictWord{9, 0, 640}, + dictWord{9, 0, 685}, + dictWord{9, 0, 773}, + dictWord{11, 0, 215}, + dictWord{13, 0, 65}, + dictWord{14, 0, 172}, + dictWord{14, 0, 317}, + dictWord{145, 0, 6}, + dictWord{8, 0, 60}, + dictWord{9, 0, 343}, + dictWord{139, 0, 769}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1354, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 724}, + dictWord{137, 0, 745}, + dictWord{132, 11, 474}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1951}, + dictWord{8, 0, 765}, + dictWord{8, 0, 772}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 0, + 671, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 108}, + dictWord{8, 0, 219}, + dictWord{8, 0, 388}, + dictWord{9, 0, 775}, + dictWord{11, 0, 275}, + dictWord{140, 0, 464}, + dictWord{137, 0, 639}, + dictWord{135, 10, 503}, + dictWord{133, 11, 366}, + dictWord{5, 0, 15}, + dictWord{6, 0, 56}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1758}, + dictWord{8, 0, 500}, + dictWord{9, 0, 730}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 331, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 150}, + dictWord{14, 0, 282}, + dictWord{5, 11, 305}, + dictWord{9, 11, 560}, + dictWord{141, 11, 208}, + dictWord{4, 10, 113}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 163, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 735}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1009}, + dictWord{9, 10, 9}, + dictWord{9, 10, 771}, + dictWord{12, 10, 90}, + dictWord{13, 10, 138}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 410, + }, + dictWord{143, 10, 128}, + dictWord{4, 10, 324}, + dictWord{138, 10, 104}, + dictWord{135, 11, 466}, + dictWord{142, 11, 27}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1886}, + dictWord{5, 0, 205}, + dictWord{6, 0, 438}, + dictWord{9, 0, 711}, + dictWord{4, 11, 480}, + dictWord{6, 11, 167}, + dictWord{6, 11, 302}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1642}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 130, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 656}, + dictWord{7, 11, 837}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1547}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1657}, + dictWord{8, 11, 429}, + dictWord{9, 11, 228}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 643, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 289}, + dictWord{13, 11, 343}, + dictWord{147, 11, 101}, + dictWord{134, 0, 865}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2025}, + dictWord{136, 0, 965}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 278, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 739}, + dictWord{11, 11, 708}, + dictWord{141, 11, 348}, + dictWord{133, 0, 534}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1922}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 0, + 691, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 935}, + dictWord{133, 10, 823}, + dictWord{6, 0, 443}, + dictWord{9, 0, 237}, + dictWord{9, 0, 571}, + dictWord{9, 0, 695}, + dictWord{10, 0, 139}, + dictWord{11, 0, 715}, + dictWord{12, 0, 417}, + dictWord{141, 0, 421}, + dictWord{5, 10, 269}, + dictWord{7, 10, 434}, + dictWord{7, 10, 891}, + dictWord{8, 10, 339}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 702, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 594}, + dictWord{11, 10, 718}, + dictWord{145, 10, 100}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1555}, + dictWord{7, 0, 878}, + dictWord{9, 10, 485}, + dictWord{141, 10, 264}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1713}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1810}, + dictWord{11, 10, 866}, + dictWord{12, 10, 103}, + dictWord{141, 10, 495}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 900, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1410}, + dictWord{9, 11, 316}, + dictWord{139, 11, 256}, + dictWord{4, 0, 995}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1033}, + dictWord{132, 0, 578}, + dictWord{10, 0, 881}, + dictWord{12, 0, 740}, + dictWord{12, 0, 743}, + dictWord{140, 0, 759}, + dictWord{132, 0, 822}, + dictWord{133, 0, 923}, + dictWord{142, 10, 143}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1696}, + dictWord{6, 11, 363}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1955}, + dictWord{136, 11, 725}, + dictWord{132, 0, 924}, + dictWord{133, 0, 665}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 2029, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1901}, + dictWord{4, 0, 265}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1092}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1417}, + dictWord{7, 0, 807}, + dictWord{135, 0, 950}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 93, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 267}, + dictWord{141, 0, 498}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1451}, + dictWord{5, 11, 813}, + dictWord{135, 11, 2046}, + dictWord{5, 10, 625}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1617}, + dictWord{135, 0, 747}, + dictWord{6, 0, 788}, + dictWord{137, 0, 828}, + dictWord{7, 0, 184}, + dictWord{11, 0, 307}, + dictWord{11, 0, 400}, + dictWord{15, 0, 130}, + dictWord{5, 11, 712}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1855}, + dictWord{8, 10, 425}, + dictWord{8, 10, 693}, + dictWord{9, 10, 720}, + dictWord{10, 10, 380}, + dictWord{10, 10, 638}, + dictWord{11, 11, 17}, + dictWord{11, 10, 473}, + dictWord{12, 10, 61}, + dictWord{13, 11, 321}, + dictWord{144, 11, 67}, + dictWord{135, 0, 198}, + dictWord{6, 11, 320}, + dictWord{7, 11, 781}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1921}, + dictWord{9, 11, 55}, + dictWord{10, 11, 186}, + dictWord{10, 11, 273}, + dictWord{10, 11, 664}, + dictWord{10, 11, 801}, + dictWord{11, 11, 996}, + dictWord{11, 11, 997}, + dictWord{13, 11, 157}, + dictWord{142, 11, 170}, + dictWord{136, 11, 271}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 994, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 103}, + dictWord{7, 11, 863}, + dictWord{11, 11, 184}, + dictWord{14, 11, 299}, + dictWord{145, 11, 62}, + dictWord{11, 10, 551}, + dictWord{142, 10, 159}, + dictWord{5, 0, 233}, + dictWord{5, 0, 320}, + dictWord{6, 0, 140}, + dictWord{8, 0, 295}, + dictWord{8, 0, 615}, + dictWord{136, 11, 615}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 978, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 905}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1701}, + dictWord{137, 0, 843}, + dictWord{132, 10, 168}, + dictWord{4, 0, 974}, + dictWord{8, 0, 850}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 709, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 768}, + dictWord{140, 0, 786}, + dictWord{135, 10, 91}, + dictWord{152, 0, 6}, + dictWord{138, 10, 532}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1884}, + dictWord{132, 0, 509}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1307}, + dictWord{135, 0, 273}, + dictWord{5, 11, 77}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1455}, + dictWord{10, 11, 843}, + dictWord{19, 11, 73}, + dictWord{150, 11, 5}, + dictWord{132, 11, 458}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1420}, + dictWord{6, 11, 109}, + dictWord{138, 11, 382}, + dictWord{6, 0, 201}, + dictWord{6, 11, 330}, + dictWord{7, 10, 70}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1084}, + dictWord{10, 10, 240}, + dictWord{11, 11, 142}, + dictWord{147, 10, 93}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1041}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 328, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 354}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1040}, + dictWord{133, 0, 693}, + dictWord{134, 0, 774}, + dictWord{139, 0, 234}, + dictWord{132, 0, 336}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1399}, + dictWord{139, 10, 392}, + dictWord{20, 0, 22}, + dictWord{148, 11, 22}, + dictWord{5, 0, 802}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2021}, + dictWord{136, 0, 805}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 167, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 899}, + dictWord{6, 0, 410}, + dictWord{137, 0, 777}, + dictWord{137, 0, 789}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1705}, + dictWord{7, 10, 655}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1844, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 145}, + dictWord{6, 10, 176}, + dictWord{7, 10, 395}, + dictWord{137, 10, 562}, + dictWord{132, 10, 501}, + dictWord{135, 0, 10}, + dictWord{5, 0, 11}, + dictWord{6, 0, 117}, + dictWord{6, 0, 485}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1133}, + dictWord{9, 0, 582}, + dictWord{9, 0, 594}, + dictWord{10, 0, 82}, + dictWord{11, 0, 21}, + dictWord{11, 0, 818}, + dictWord{12, 0, 535}, + dictWord{13, 0, 86}, + dictWord{20, 0, 91}, + dictWord{23, 0, 13}, + dictWord{134, 10, 509}, + dictWord{4, 0, 264}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1067, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 204}, + dictWord{8, 0, 385}, + dictWord{139, 0, 953}, + dictWord{139, 11, 737}, + dictWord{138, 0, 56}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1917}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 470, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 657}, + dictWord{14, 11, 297}, + dictWord{142, 11, 361}, + dictWord{135, 11, 412}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1198}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1198}, + dictWord{8, 11, 556}, + dictWord{14, 11, 123}, + dictWord{14, 11, 192}, + dictWord{143, 11, 27}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1985}, + dictWord{14, 11, 146}, + dictWord{15, 11, 42}, + dictWord{16, 11, 23}, + dictWord{17, 11, 86}, + dictWord{146, 11, 17}, + dictWord{11, 0, 1015}, + dictWord{136, 11, 122}, + dictWord{4, 10, 114}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 492, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 462}, + dictWord{142, 10, 215}, + dictWord{4, 10, 77}, + dictWord{5, 10, 361}, + dictWord{6, 10, 139}, + dictWord{6, 10, 401}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 404, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 413}, + dictWord{7, 10, 715}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1716}, + dictWord{11, 10, 279}, + dictWord{12, 10, 179}, + dictWord{12, 10, 258}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 244, + }, + dictWord{142, 10, 358}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1717}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1061}, + dictWord{8, 10, 82}, + dictWord{11, 10, 250}, + dictWord{12, 10, 420}, + dictWord{141, 10, 184}, + dictWord{133, 0, 715}, + dictWord{135, 10, 724}, + dictWord{9, 0, 919}, + dictWord{9, 0, 922}, + dictWord{9, 0, 927}, + dictWord{9, 0, 933}, + dictWord{9, 0, 962}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1000}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1002}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1021}, + dictWord{12, 0, 890}, + dictWord{12, 0, 907}, + dictWord{12, 0, 930}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 0, + 207, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 228}, + dictWord{15, 0, 238}, + dictWord{149, 0, 61}, + dictWord{8, 0, 794}, + dictWord{9, 0, 400}, + dictWord{10, 0, 298}, + dictWord{142, 0, 228}, + dictWord{5, 11, 430}, + dictWord{5, 11, 932}, + dictWord{6, 11, 131}, + dictWord{7, 11, 417}, + dictWord{9, 11, 522}, + dictWord{11, 11, 314}, + dictWord{141, 11, 390}, + dictWord{132, 0, 867}, + dictWord{8, 0, 724}, + dictWord{132, 11, 507}, + dictWord{137, 11, 261}, + dictWord{4, 11, 343}, + dictWord{133, 11, 511}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 190, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 768}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1170}, + dictWord{6, 10, 513}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1052}, + dictWord{7, 11, 455}, + dictWord{138, 11, 591}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1066}, + dictWord{137, 10, 899}, + dictWord{14, 0, 67}, + dictWord{147, 0, 60}, + dictWord{4, 0, 948}, + dictWord{18, 0, 174}, + dictWord{146, 0, 176}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1023}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1417}, + dictWord{12, 10, 382}, + dictWord{17, 10, 48}, + dictWord{152, 10, 12}, + dictWord{134, 11, 575}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 764, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 545}, + dictWord{7, 10, 565}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1669}, + dictWord{10, 10, 114}, + dictWord{11, 10, 642}, + dictWord{140, 10, 618}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 137, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 75}, + dictWord{9, 0, 253}, + dictWord{10, 0, 194}, + dictWord{138, 0, 444}, + dictWord{4, 0, 756}, + dictWord{133, 10, 5}, + dictWord{8, 0, 1008}, + dictWord{135, 10, 192}, + dictWord{132, 0, 842}, + dictWord{11, 0, 643}, + dictWord{12, 0, 115}, + dictWord{136, 10, 763}, + dictWord{139, 0, 67}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 759, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 821}, + dictWord{5, 0, 760}, + dictWord{7, 0, 542}, + dictWord{8, 0, 135}, + dictWord{8, 0, 496}, + dictWord{135, 11, 580}, + dictWord{7, 10, 370}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1007}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1177}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1565}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1237}, + dictWord{140, 0, 736}, + dictWord{7, 0, 319}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 355, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 763}, + dictWord{10, 0, 389}, + dictWord{145, 0, 43}, + dictWord{8, 11, 333}, + dictWord{138, 11, 182}, + dictWord{4, 10, 87}, + dictWord{5, 10, 250}, + dictWord{141, 10, 298}, + dictWord{138, 0, 786}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2044}, + dictWord{8, 11, 330}, + dictWord{140, 11, 477}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1338}, + dictWord{132, 11, 125}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1030}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1083}, + dictWord{132, 11, 721}, + dictWord{135, 10, 814}, + dictWord{7, 11, 776}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 145, + }, + dictWord{147, 11, 56}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1226}, + dictWord{4, 10, 57}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1195}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1438}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1548}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1835, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1904}, + dictWord{9, 10, 757}, + dictWord{10, 10, 604}, + dictWord{139, 10, 519}, + dictWord{7, 11, 792}, + dictWord{8, 11, 147}, + dictWord{10, 11, 821}, + dictWord{139, 11, 1021}, + dictWord{137, 11, 797}, + dictWord{4, 0, 58}, + dictWord{5, 0, 286}, + dictWord{6, 0, 319}, + dictWord{7, 0, 402}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1254, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1903}, + dictWord{8, 0, 356}, + dictWord{140, 0, 408}, + dictWord{4, 0, 389}, + dictWord{4, 0, 815}, + dictWord{9, 0, 181}, + dictWord{9, 0, 255}, + dictWord{10, 0, 8}, + dictWord{10, 0, 29}, + dictWord{10, 0, 816}, + dictWord{11, 0, 311}, + dictWord{11, 0, 561}, + dictWord{12, 0, 67}, + dictWord{141, 0, 181}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1472, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1554}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1071}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1541}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1767}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1806}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1999}, + dictWord{9, 11, 248}, + dictWord{10, 11, 400}, + dictWord{11, 11, 162}, + dictWord{11, 11, 178}, + dictWord{11, 11, 242}, + dictWord{12, 11, 605}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 11, + 26, + }, + dictWord{144, 11, 44}, + dictWord{5, 11, 168}, + dictWord{5, 11, 930}, + dictWord{8, 11, 74}, + dictWord{9, 11, 623}, + dictWord{12, 11, 500}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 579, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 41}, + dictWord{143, 11, 93}, + dictWord{6, 11, 220}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1101}, + dictWord{141, 11, 105}, + dictWord{5, 0, 474}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 507, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 209}, + dictWord{7, 11, 507}, + dictWord{135, 10, 902}, + dictWord{132, 0, 427}, + dictWord{6, 0, 413}, + dictWord{7, 10, 335}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1437, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1668}, + dictWord{8, 10, 553}, + dictWord{8, 10, 652}, + dictWord{8, 10, 656}, + dictWord{9, 10, 558}, + dictWord{11, 10, 743}, + dictWord{ + 149, + 10, + 18, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 730}, + dictWord{6, 11, 19}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1413}, + dictWord{139, 11, 428}, + dictWord{133, 0, 373}, + dictWord{132, 10, 559}, + dictWord{7, 11, 96}, + dictWord{8, 11, 401}, + dictWord{137, 11, 896}, + dictWord{7, 0, 799}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1972}, + dictWord{5, 10, 1017}, + dictWord{138, 10, 511}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1793}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1961}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1965}, + dictWord{8, 11, 702}, + dictWord{136, 11, 750}, + dictWord{8, 11, 150}, + dictWord{8, 11, 737}, + dictWord{140, 11, 366}, + dictWord{132, 0, 322}, + dictWord{133, 10, 709}, + dictWord{8, 11, 800}, + dictWord{9, 11, 148}, + dictWord{9, 11, 872}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 890, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 309}, + dictWord{11, 11, 1001}, + dictWord{13, 11, 267}, + dictWord{141, 11, 323}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1745}, + dictWord{7, 0, 290}, + dictWord{136, 10, 206}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1651}, + dictWord{145, 0, 89}, + dictWord{139, 0, 2}, + dictWord{132, 0, 672}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1860}, + dictWord{8, 0, 905}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 844, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 846}, + dictWord{10, 0, 858}, + dictWord{12, 0, 699}, + dictWord{12, 0, 746}, + dictWord{140, 0, 772}, + dictWord{135, 11, 424}, + dictWord{133, 11, 547}, + dictWord{133, 0, 737}, + dictWord{5, 11, 490}, + dictWord{6, 11, 615}, + dictWord{6, 11, 620}, + dictWord{135, 11, 683}, + dictWord{6, 0, 746}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1612}, + dictWord{132, 10, 776}, + dictWord{9, 11, 385}, + dictWord{149, 11, 17}, + dictWord{133, 0, 145}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1272}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 884, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 124}, + dictWord{4, 0, 387}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1288}, + dictWord{5, 11, 133}, + dictWord{136, 10, 406}, + dictWord{136, 11, 187}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 679, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 8}, + dictWord{138, 11, 0}, + dictWord{135, 0, 550}, + dictWord{135, 11, 798}, + dictWord{136, 11, 685}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1086}, + dictWord{145, 11, 46}, + dictWord{8, 10, 175}, + dictWord{10, 10, 168}, + dictWord{138, 10, 573}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1305}, + dictWord{4, 0, 576}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1263, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 686}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1563}, + dictWord{134, 0, 607}, + dictWord{5, 0, 919}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1673}, + dictWord{148, 0, 37}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 774, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 670}, + dictWord{140, 11, 51}, + dictWord{133, 10, 784}, + dictWord{139, 10, 882}, + dictWord{4, 0, 82}, + dictWord{5, 0, 333}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 904, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 207}, + dictWord{7, 0, 325}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1726}, + dictWord{8, 0, 101}, + dictWord{10, 0, 778}, + dictWord{139, 0, 220}, + dictWord{135, 11, 371}, + dictWord{132, 0, 958}, + dictWord{133, 0, 903}, + dictWord{4, 11, 127}, + dictWord{5, 11, 350}, + dictWord{6, 11, 356}, + dictWord{8, 11, 426}, + dictWord{9, 11, 572}, + dictWord{10, 11, 247}, + dictWord{139, 11, 312}, + dictWord{140, 0, 147}, + dictWord{6, 11, 59}, + dictWord{7, 11, 885}, + dictWord{9, 11, 603}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 397, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 367}, + dictWord{9, 10, 14}, + dictWord{9, 10, 441}, + dictWord{139, 10, 9}, + dictWord{11, 10, 966}, + dictWord{12, 10, 287}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 342, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 402}, + dictWord{15, 10, 110}, + dictWord{143, 10, 163}, + dictWord{134, 0, 690}, + dictWord{132, 0, 705}, + dictWord{9, 0, 651}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 971, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 273}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1428}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1640}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1867}, + dictWord{9, 10, 169}, + dictWord{9, 10, 182}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 367, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 478}, + dictWord{9, 10, 506}, + dictWord{9, 10, 551}, + dictWord{9, 10, 557}, + dictWord{9, 10, 648}, + dictWord{9, 10, 697}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 705, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 725}, + dictWord{9, 10, 787}, + dictWord{9, 10, 794}, + dictWord{10, 10, 198}, + dictWord{10, 10, 214}, + dictWord{10, 10, 267}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 275, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 456}, + dictWord{10, 10, 551}, + dictWord{10, 10, 561}, + dictWord{10, 10, 613}, + dictWord{10, 10, 627}, + dictWord{10, 10, 668}, + dictWord{10, 10, 675}, + dictWord{10, 10, 691}, + dictWord{10, 10, 695}, + dictWord{10, 10, 707}, + dictWord{10, 10, 715}, + dictWord{11, 10, 183}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 201, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 262}, + dictWord{11, 10, 352}, + dictWord{11, 10, 439}, + dictWord{11, 10, 493}, + dictWord{11, 10, 572}, + dictWord{11, 10, 591}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 608, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 611}, + dictWord{11, 10, 646}, + dictWord{11, 10, 674}, + dictWord{11, 10, 711}, + dictWord{11, 10, 751}, + dictWord{11, 10, 761}, + dictWord{11, 10, 776}, + dictWord{11, 10, 785}, + dictWord{11, 10, 850}, + dictWord{11, 10, 853}, + dictWord{11, 10, 862}, + dictWord{11, 10, 865}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 868, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 875}, + dictWord{11, 10, 898}, + dictWord{11, 10, 902}, + dictWord{11, 10, 903}, + dictWord{11, 10, 910}, + dictWord{11, 10, 932}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 942, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 957}, + dictWord{11, 10, 967}, + dictWord{11, 10, 972}, + dictWord{12, 10, 148}, + dictWord{12, 10, 195}, + dictWord{12, 10, 220}, + dictWord{12, 10, 237}, + dictWord{12, 10, 318}, + dictWord{12, 10, 339}, + dictWord{12, 10, 393}, + dictWord{12, 10, 445}, + dictWord{12, 10, 450}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 474, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 505}, + dictWord{12, 10, 509}, + dictWord{12, 10, 533}, + dictWord{12, 10, 591}, + dictWord{12, 10, 594}, + dictWord{12, 10, 597}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 621, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 633}, + dictWord{12, 10, 642}, + dictWord{13, 10, 59}, + dictWord{13, 10, 60}, + dictWord{13, 10, 145}, + dictWord{13, 10, 239}, + dictWord{13, 10, 250}, + dictWord{13, 10, 329}, + dictWord{13, 10, 344}, + dictWord{13, 10, 365}, + dictWord{13, 10, 372}, + dictWord{13, 10, 387}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 403, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 414}, + dictWord{13, 10, 456}, + dictWord{13, 10, 470}, + dictWord{13, 10, 478}, + dictWord{13, 10, 483}, + dictWord{13, 10, 489}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 55, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 57}, + dictWord{14, 10, 81}, + dictWord{14, 10, 90}, + dictWord{14, 10, 148}, + dictWord{14, 10, 239}, + dictWord{14, 10, 266}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 321, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 326}, + dictWord{14, 10, 327}, + dictWord{14, 10, 330}, + dictWord{14, 10, 347}, + dictWord{14, 10, 355}, + dictWord{14, 10, 401}, + dictWord{14, 10, 404}, + dictWord{14, 10, 411}, + dictWord{14, 10, 414}, + dictWord{14, 10, 416}, + dictWord{14, 10, 420}, + dictWord{15, 10, 61}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 10, + 74, + }, + dictWord{15, 10, 87}, + dictWord{15, 10, 88}, + dictWord{15, 10, 94}, + dictWord{15, 10, 96}, + dictWord{15, 10, 116}, + dictWord{15, 10, 149}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 10, + 154, + }, + dictWord{16, 10, 50}, + dictWord{16, 10, 63}, + dictWord{16, 10, 73}, + dictWord{17, 10, 2}, + dictWord{17, 10, 66}, + dictWord{17, 10, 92}, + dictWord{17, 10, 103}, + dictWord{17, 10, 112}, + dictWord{17, 10, 120}, + dictWord{18, 10, 50}, + dictWord{18, 10, 54}, + dictWord{18, 10, 82}, + dictWord{18, 10, 86}, + dictWord{18, 10, 90}, + dictWord{18, 10, 111}, + dictWord{18, 10, 115}, + dictWord{18, 10, 156}, + dictWord{19, 10, 40}, + dictWord{19, 10, 79}, + dictWord{20, 10, 78}, + dictWord{149, 10, 22}, + dictWord{7, 0, 887}, + dictWord{5, 10, 161}, + dictWord{135, 10, 839}, + dictWord{142, 11, 98}, + dictWord{134, 0, 90}, + dictWord{138, 11, 356}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 441, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 111}, + dictWord{7, 11, 4}, + dictWord{8, 11, 163}, + dictWord{8, 11, 776}, + dictWord{138, 11, 566}, + dictWord{134, 0, 908}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1261, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 813}, + dictWord{12, 0, 497}, + dictWord{141, 0, 56}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1235}, + dictWord{135, 0, 429}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1994}, + dictWord{138, 0, 904}, + dictWord{6, 0, 125}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1277}, + dictWord{137, 0, 772}, + dictWord{151, 0, 12}, + dictWord{4, 0, 841}, + dictWord{5, 0, 386}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 386, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 297}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1038}, + dictWord{6, 0, 860}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1069}, + dictWord{135, 11, 309}, + dictWord{136, 0, 946}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1814}, + dictWord{141, 11, 418}, + dictWord{136, 11, 363}, + dictWord{10, 0, 768}, + dictWord{139, 0, 787}, + dictWord{22, 11, 30}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 11, + 33, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 160}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1106}, + dictWord{9, 0, 770}, + dictWord{11, 0, 112}, + dictWord{140, 0, 413}, + dictWord{11, 11, 216}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 340, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 139}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1390}, + dictWord{135, 11, 808}, + dictWord{132, 11, 280}, + dictWord{12, 0, 271}, + dictWord{17, 0, 109}, + dictWord{7, 10, 643}, + dictWord{136, 10, 236}, + dictWord{140, 11, 54}, + dictWord{4, 11, 421}, + dictWord{133, 11, 548}, + dictWord{11, 0, 719}, + dictWord{12, 0, 36}, + dictWord{141, 0, 337}, + dictWord{7, 0, 581}, + dictWord{9, 0, 644}, + dictWord{137, 0, 699}, + dictWord{11, 11, 511}, + dictWord{13, 11, 394}, + dictWord{14, 11, 298}, + dictWord{14, 11, 318}, + dictWord{146, 11, 103}, + dictWord{7, 0, 304}, + dictWord{9, 0, 646}, + dictWord{9, 0, 862}, + dictWord{11, 0, 696}, + dictWord{12, 0, 208}, + dictWord{15, 0, 79}, + dictWord{147, 0, 108}, + dictWord{4, 0, 631}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1126}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1536}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1527}, + dictWord{8, 0, 880}, + dictWord{10, 0, 869}, + dictWord{138, 0, 913}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1513}, + dictWord{5, 10, 54}, + dictWord{6, 11, 254}, + dictWord{9, 11, 109}, + dictWord{138, 11, 103}, + dictWord{135, 0, 981}, + dictWord{133, 11, 729}, + dictWord{132, 10, 744}, + dictWord{132, 0, 434}, + dictWord{134, 0, 550}, + dictWord{7, 0, 930}, + dictWord{10, 0, 476}, + dictWord{13, 0, 452}, + dictWord{19, 0, 104}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1630}, + dictWord{10, 10, 402}, + dictWord{146, 10, 55}, + dictWord{5, 0, 553}, + dictWord{138, 0, 824}, + dictWord{136, 0, 452}, + dictWord{8, 0, 151}, + dictWord{137, 10, 624}, + dictWord{132, 10, 572}, + dictWord{132, 0, 772}, + dictWord{133, 11, 671}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 292, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 135}, + dictWord{132, 11, 889}, + dictWord{140, 11, 207}, + dictWord{9, 0, 504}, + dictWord{6, 10, 43}, + dictWord{7, 10, 38}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 248, + }, + dictWord{138, 10, 513}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1089}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1910}, + dictWord{4, 11, 627}, + dictWord{133, 11, 775}, + dictWord{135, 0, 783}, + dictWord{133, 10, 766}, + dictWord{133, 10, 363}, + dictWord{7, 0, 387}, + dictWord{135, 11, 387}, + dictWord{7, 0, 393}, + dictWord{10, 0, 603}, + dictWord{11, 0, 206}, + dictWord{7, 11, 202}, + dictWord{11, 11, 362}, + dictWord{11, 11, 948}, + dictWord{140, 11, 388}, + dictWord{6, 11, 507}, + dictWord{7, 11, 451}, + dictWord{8, 11, 389}, + dictWord{12, 11, 490}, + dictWord{13, 11, 16}, + dictWord{13, 11, 215}, + dictWord{13, 11, 351}, + dictWord{18, 11, 132}, + dictWord{147, 11, 125}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 912, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 232}, + dictWord{135, 11, 841}, + dictWord{6, 10, 258}, + dictWord{140, 10, 409}, + dictWord{5, 10, 249}, + dictWord{148, 10, 82}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 11, + 566, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 977}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1214}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1973}, + dictWord{136, 0, 716}, + dictWord{135, 0, 98}, + dictWord{133, 0, 733}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 912, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 1695}, + dictWord{5, 10, 393}, + dictWord{6, 10, 378}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1981}, + dictWord{9, 10, 32}, + dictWord{9, 10, 591}, + dictWord{10, 10, 685}, + dictWord{10, 10, 741}, + dictWord{142, 10, 382}, + dictWord{133, 10, 788}, + dictWord{10, 0, 19}, + dictWord{11, 0, 911}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1968}, + dictWord{141, 10, 509}, + dictWord{5, 0, 668}, + dictWord{5, 11, 236}, + dictWord{6, 11, 572}, + dictWord{8, 11, 492}, + dictWord{11, 11, 618}, + dictWord{144, 11, 56}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1789}, + dictWord{4, 0, 360}, + dictWord{5, 0, 635}, + dictWord{5, 0, 700}, + dictWord{5, 10, 58}, + dictWord{5, 10, 171}, + dictWord{5, 10, 683}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 291, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 566}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1650}, + dictWord{11, 10, 523}, + dictWord{12, 10, 273}, + dictWord{12, 10, 303}, + dictWord{15, 10, 39}, + dictWord{143, 10, 111}, + dictWord{133, 0, 901}, + dictWord{134, 10, 589}, + dictWord{5, 11, 190}, + dictWord{136, 11, 318}, + dictWord{140, 0, 656}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 726, + }, + dictWord{152, 0, 9}, + dictWord{4, 10, 917}, + dictWord{133, 10, 1005}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1598}, + dictWord{134, 11, 491}, + dictWord{4, 10, 919}, + dictWord{133, 11, 434}, + dictWord{137, 0, 72}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1269}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1566}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1621}, + dictWord{9, 0, 463}, + dictWord{10, 0, 595}, + dictWord{4, 10, 255}, + dictWord{5, 10, 302}, + dictWord{6, 10, 132}, + dictWord{7, 10, 128}, + dictWord{7, 10, 283}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1299}, + dictWord{10, 10, 52}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 514, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 925}, + dictWord{13, 10, 92}, + dictWord{142, 10, 309}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1454}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1287}, + dictWord{11, 0, 600}, + dictWord{13, 0, 245}, + dictWord{137, 10, 173}, + dictWord{136, 0, 989}, + dictWord{7, 0, 164}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1571}, + dictWord{9, 0, 107}, + dictWord{140, 0, 225}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1061}, + dictWord{141, 10, 442}, + dictWord{4, 0, 27}, + dictWord{5, 0, 484}, + dictWord{5, 0, 510}, + dictWord{6, 0, 434}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1000}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1098, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 2}, + dictWord{7, 11, 85}, + dictWord{7, 11, 247}, + dictWord{8, 11, 585}, + dictWord{10, 11, 163}, + dictWord{138, 11, 316}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 103, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 0}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1127}, + dictWord{4, 0, 460}, + dictWord{134, 0, 852}, + dictWord{134, 10, 210}, + dictWord{4, 0, 932}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 891, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 588}, + dictWord{147, 11, 83}, + dictWord{8, 0, 625}, + dictWord{4, 10, 284}, + dictWord{134, 10, 223}, + dictWord{134, 0, 76}, + dictWord{8, 0, 92}, + dictWord{137, 0, 221}, + dictWord{4, 11, 124}, + dictWord{10, 11, 457}, + dictWord{11, 11, 121}, + dictWord{11, 11, 169}, + dictWord{11, 11, 422}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 870, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 214}, + dictWord{13, 11, 389}, + dictWord{14, 11, 187}, + dictWord{143, 11, 77}, + dictWord{9, 11, 618}, + dictWord{138, 11, 482}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 218, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 526}, + dictWord{143, 10, 137}, + dictWord{13, 0, 9}, + dictWord{14, 0, 104}, + dictWord{14, 0, 311}, + dictWord{4, 10, 270}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 192, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 332}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1322}, + dictWord{140, 10, 661}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1193}, + dictWord{6, 11, 107}, + dictWord{7, 11, 638}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1632}, + dictWord{137, 11, 396}, + dictWord{132, 0, 763}, + dictWord{4, 0, 622}, + dictWord{5, 11, 370}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1756}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 253, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 546}, + dictWord{9, 0, 73}, + dictWord{10, 0, 110}, + dictWord{14, 0, 185}, + dictWord{17, 0, 119}, + dictWord{133, 11, 204}, + dictWord{7, 0, 624}, + dictWord{7, 0, 916}, + dictWord{10, 0, 256}, + dictWord{139, 0, 87}, + dictWord{7, 10, 379}, + dictWord{8, 10, 481}, + dictWord{137, 10, 377}, + dictWord{5, 0, 212}, + dictWord{12, 0, 35}, + dictWord{13, 0, 382}, + dictWord{5, 11, 970}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1706}, + dictWord{9, 0, 746}, + dictWord{5, 10, 1003}, + dictWord{134, 10, 149}, + dictWord{10, 0, 150}, + dictWord{11, 0, 849}, + dictWord{13, 0, 330}, + dictWord{8, 10, 262}, + dictWord{9, 10, 627}, + dictWord{11, 10, 214}, + dictWord{11, 10, 404}, + dictWord{11, 10, 457}, + dictWord{11, 10, 780}, + dictWord{11, 10, 913}, + dictWord{13, 10, 401}, + dictWord{142, 10, 200}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1466}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 3, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1299}, + dictWord{4, 11, 35}, + dictWord{5, 11, 121}, + dictWord{5, 11, 483}, + dictWord{5, 11, 685}, + dictWord{6, 11, 489}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1204}, + dictWord{136, 11, 394}, + dictWord{135, 10, 742}, + dictWord{4, 10, 142}, + dictWord{136, 10, 304}, + dictWord{4, 11, 921}, + dictWord{133, 11, 1007}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1518, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1229}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1175}, + dictWord{133, 0, 816}, + dictWord{12, 0, 159}, + dictWord{4, 10, 471}, + dictWord{4, 11, 712}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 51, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 602}, + dictWord{7, 10, 925}, + dictWord{8, 10, 484}, + dictWord{138, 10, 195}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1629}, + dictWord{5, 0, 869}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 968, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1626}, + dictWord{8, 0, 734}, + dictWord{136, 0, 784}, + dictWord{4, 0, 542}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1716}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1727}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1082, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1545}, + dictWord{8, 0, 56}, + dictWord{8, 0, 118}, + dictWord{8, 0, 412}, + dictWord{8, 0, 564}, + dictWord{9, 0, 888}, + dictWord{9, 0, 908}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 50, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 423}, + dictWord{11, 0, 685}, + dictWord{11, 0, 697}, + dictWord{11, 0, 933}, + dictWord{12, 0, 299}, + dictWord{13, 0, 126}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 136, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 170}, + dictWord{13, 0, 190}, + dictWord{136, 10, 688}, + dictWord{132, 10, 697}, + dictWord{4, 0, 232}, + dictWord{9, 0, 202}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 474, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 433}, + dictWord{136, 0, 212}, + dictWord{6, 0, 108}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1003}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1181}, + dictWord{8, 0, 111}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 343, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 221}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1255}, + dictWord{133, 11, 485}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1712}, + dictWord{142, 0, 216}, + dictWord{5, 0, 643}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 516, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 285}, + dictWord{5, 11, 317}, + dictWord{6, 11, 301}, + dictWord{7, 11, 7}, + dictWord{8, 11, 153}, + dictWord{10, 11, 766}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 468, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 467}, + dictWord{141, 11, 143}, + dictWord{4, 0, 133}, + dictWord{7, 0, 711}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1298}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1585}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 650, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 512}, + dictWord{6, 0, 99}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1808}, + dictWord{145, 0, 57}, + dictWord{6, 0, 246}, + dictWord{6, 0, 574}, + dictWord{7, 0, 428}, + dictWord{9, 0, 793}, + dictWord{10, 0, 669}, + dictWord{11, 0, 485}, + dictWord{11, 0, 840}, + dictWord{12, 0, 300}, + dictWord{14, 0, 250}, + dictWord{145, 0, 55}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 132, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 69}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1242}, + dictWord{136, 0, 1023}, + dictWord{7, 0, 302}, + dictWord{132, 10, 111}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1871}, + dictWord{132, 0, 728}, + dictWord{9, 0, 252}, + dictWord{132, 10, 767}, + dictWord{6, 0, 461}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1590}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1416}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2005}, + dictWord{8, 10, 131}, + dictWord{8, 10, 466}, + dictWord{9, 10, 672}, + dictWord{13, 10, 252}, + dictWord{148, 10, 103}, + dictWord{6, 0, 323}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1564}, + dictWord{7, 0, 461}, + dictWord{136, 0, 775}, + dictWord{6, 10, 44}, + dictWord{136, 10, 368}, + dictWord{139, 0, 172}, + dictWord{132, 0, 464}, + dictWord{4, 10, 570}, + dictWord{133, 10, 120}, + dictWord{137, 11, 269}, + dictWord{6, 10, 227}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1589}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1719}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1735}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 2016, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 2020}, + dictWord{8, 11, 837}, + dictWord{137, 11, 852}, + dictWord{7, 0, 727}, + dictWord{146, 0, 73}, + dictWord{132, 0, 1023}, + dictWord{135, 11, 852}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1529}, + dictWord{136, 0, 577}, + dictWord{138, 11, 568}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1037}, + dictWord{8, 11, 67}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 419, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 413}, + dictWord{5, 0, 677}, + dictWord{8, 0, 432}, + dictWord{140, 0, 280}, + dictWord{10, 0, 600}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1667}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 967, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 2036}, + dictWord{141, 11, 11}, + dictWord{6, 10, 511}, + dictWord{140, 10, 132}, + dictWord{6, 0, 799}, + dictWord{5, 10, 568}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 138, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 1293}, + dictWord{8, 0, 159}, + dictWord{4, 10, 565}, + dictWord{136, 10, 827}, + dictWord{7, 0, 646}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1730}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 446, + }, + dictWord{141, 0, 178}, + dictWord{4, 10, 922}, + dictWord{133, 10, 1023}, + dictWord{135, 11, 11}, + dictWord{132, 0, 395}, + dictWord{11, 0, 145}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1002}, + dictWord{9, 0, 174}, + dictWord{10, 0, 164}, + dictWord{11, 0, 440}, + dictWord{11, 0, 514}, + dictWord{11, 0, 841}, + dictWord{15, 0, 98}, + dictWord{149, 0, 20}, + dictWord{134, 0, 426}, + dictWord{10, 0, 608}, + dictWord{139, 0, 1002}, + dictWord{7, 11, 320}, + dictWord{8, 11, 51}, + dictWord{12, 11, 481}, + dictWord{12, 11, 570}, + dictWord{148, 11, 106}, + dictWord{9, 0, 977}, + dictWord{9, 0, 983}, + dictWord{132, 11, 445}, + dictWord{138, 0, 250}, + dictWord{139, 0, 100}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1982}, + dictWord{136, 10, 402}, + dictWord{133, 11, 239}, + dictWord{4, 10, 716}, + dictWord{141, 10, 31}, + dictWord{5, 0, 476}, + dictWord{7, 11, 83}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1990}, + dictWord{8, 11, 130}, + dictWord{139, 11, 720}, + dictWord{8, 10, 691}, + dictWord{136, 10, 731}, + dictWord{5, 11, 123}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 530, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 348}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1419}, + dictWord{5, 0, 76}, + dictWord{6, 0, 458}, + dictWord{6, 0, 497}, + dictWord{7, 0, 868}, + dictWord{9, 0, 658}, + dictWord{10, 0, 594}, + dictWord{11, 0, 173}, + dictWord{11, 0, 566}, + dictWord{12, 0, 20}, + dictWord{12, 0, 338}, + dictWord{141, 0, 200}, + dictWord{9, 11, 139}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 399, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 469}, + dictWord{12, 11, 634}, + dictWord{141, 11, 223}, + dictWord{9, 10, 840}, + dictWord{138, 10, 803}, + dictWord{133, 10, 847}, + dictWord{11, 11, 223}, + dictWord{140, 11, 168}, + dictWord{132, 11, 210}, + dictWord{8, 0, 447}, + dictWord{9, 10, 53}, + dictWord{9, 10, 268}, + dictWord{9, 10, 901}, + dictWord{10, 10, 518}, + dictWord{10, 10, 829}, + dictWord{11, 10, 188}, + dictWord{13, 10, 74}, + dictWord{14, 10, 46}, + dictWord{15, 10, 17}, + dictWord{15, 10, 33}, + dictWord{17, 10, 40}, + dictWord{18, 10, 36}, + dictWord{19, 10, 20}, + dictWord{22, 10, 1}, + dictWord{152, 10, 2}, + dictWord{4, 0, 526}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1029}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1054}, + dictWord{19, 11, 59}, + dictWord{150, 11, 2}, + dictWord{4, 0, 636}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1875}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1920}, + dictWord{9, 0, 999}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 807, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 825}, + dictWord{15, 0, 179}, + dictWord{15, 0, 190}, + dictWord{18, 0, 182}, + dictWord{136, 10, 532}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1699}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 660, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1124}, + dictWord{17, 0, 31}, + dictWord{19, 0, 22}, + dictWord{151, 0, 14}, + dictWord{135, 10, 681}, + dictWord{132, 11, 430}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 10, + 677, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 684}, + dictWord{136, 10, 384}, + dictWord{132, 11, 756}, + dictWord{133, 11, 213}, + dictWord{7, 0, 188}, + dictWord{7, 10, 110}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 290, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 591}, + dictWord{9, 10, 382}, + dictWord{9, 10, 649}, + dictWord{11, 10, 71}, + dictWord{11, 10, 155}, + dictWord{11, 10, 313}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 5, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 325}, + dictWord{142, 10, 287}, + dictWord{7, 10, 360}, + dictWord{7, 10, 425}, + dictWord{9, 10, 66}, + dictWord{9, 10, 278}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 644, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 164}, + dictWord{4, 0, 279}, + dictWord{7, 0, 301}, + dictWord{137, 0, 362}, + dictWord{134, 11, 586}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1743}, + dictWord{4, 0, 178}, + dictWord{133, 0, 399}, + dictWord{4, 10, 900}, + dictWord{133, 10, 861}, + dictWord{5, 10, 254}, + dictWord{7, 10, 985}, + dictWord{136, 10, 73}, + dictWord{133, 11, 108}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1959}, + dictWord{136, 10, 683}, + dictWord{133, 11, 219}, + dictWord{4, 11, 193}, + dictWord{5, 11, 916}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 364, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 398}, + dictWord{10, 11, 726}, + dictWord{11, 11, 317}, + dictWord{11, 11, 626}, + dictWord{12, 11, 142}, + dictWord{12, 11, 288}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 678, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 313}, + dictWord{15, 11, 113}, + dictWord{18, 11, 114}, + dictWord{21, 11, 30}, + dictWord{150, 11, 53}, + dictWord{6, 11, 241}, + dictWord{7, 11, 907}, + dictWord{8, 11, 832}, + dictWord{9, 11, 342}, + dictWord{10, 11, 729}, + dictWord{11, 11, 284}, + dictWord{11, 11, 445}, + dictWord{11, 11, 651}, + dictWord{11, 11, 863}, + dictWord{13, 11, 398}, + dictWord{146, 11, 99}, + dictWord{132, 0, 872}, + dictWord{134, 0, 831}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1692}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 202, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1006}, + dictWord{9, 0, 832}, + dictWord{10, 0, 636}, + dictWord{11, 0, 208}, + dictWord{12, 0, 360}, + dictWord{17, 0, 118}, + dictWord{18, 0, 27}, + dictWord{20, 0, 67}, + dictWord{137, 11, 734}, + dictWord{132, 10, 725}, + dictWord{7, 11, 993}, + dictWord{138, 11, 666}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1954}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 196, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 872}, + dictWord{10, 0, 516}, + dictWord{139, 0, 167}, + dictWord{133, 10, 831}, + dictWord{4, 11, 562}, + dictWord{9, 11, 254}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 879, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 313}, + dictWord{4, 0, 224}, + dictWord{132, 11, 786}, + dictWord{11, 0, 24}, + dictWord{12, 0, 170}, + dictWord{136, 10, 723}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 546, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 35}, + dictWord{8, 0, 11}, + dictWord{8, 0, 12}, + dictWord{9, 0, 315}, + dictWord{9, 0, 533}, + dictWord{10, 0, 802}, + dictWord{11, 0, 166}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 525, + }, + dictWord{142, 0, 243}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1937}, + dictWord{13, 10, 80}, + dictWord{13, 10, 437}, + dictWord{145, 10, 74}, + dictWord{5, 0, 241}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 242, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 451}, + dictWord{10, 0, 667}, + dictWord{11, 0, 598}, + dictWord{140, 0, 429}, + dictWord{150, 0, 46}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1273}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 0, + 830, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 848}, + dictWord{6, 10, 66}, + dictWord{136, 10, 764}, + dictWord{6, 0, 825}, + dictWord{134, 0, 993}, + dictWord{4, 0, 1006}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 327, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 271}, + dictWord{4, 10, 36}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1387}, + dictWord{139, 10, 755}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1023}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1580}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 366, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 516}, + dictWord{132, 10, 887}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1736}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1891}, + dictWord{6, 11, 216}, + dictWord{7, 11, 901}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1343, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 493}, + dictWord{6, 10, 165}, + dictWord{138, 10, 388}, + dictWord{7, 11, 341}, + dictWord{139, 11, 219}, + dictWord{4, 10, 719}, + dictWord{135, 10, 155}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1935}, + dictWord{132, 0, 826}, + dictWord{6, 0, 331}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1605}, + dictWord{8, 0, 623}, + dictWord{11, 0, 139}, + dictWord{139, 0, 171}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1734}, + dictWord{10, 11, 115}, + dictWord{11, 11, 420}, + dictWord{12, 11, 154}, + dictWord{13, 11, 404}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 346, + }, + dictWord{15, 11, 54}, + dictWord{143, 11, 112}, + dictWord{7, 0, 288}, + dictWord{4, 10, 353}, + dictWord{6, 10, 146}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1789}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 990, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1348}, + dictWord{9, 10, 665}, + dictWord{9, 10, 898}, + dictWord{11, 10, 893}, + dictWord{142, 10, 212}, + dictWord{6, 0, 916}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1592}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1888}, + dictWord{4, 10, 45}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1257}, + dictWord{5, 11, 1011}, + dictWord{136, 11, 701}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 596, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 54}, + dictWord{5, 11, 666}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1039}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1130}, + dictWord{9, 11, 195}, + dictWord{138, 11, 302}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1471, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1570}, + dictWord{132, 0, 394}, + dictWord{140, 10, 65}, + dictWord{136, 10, 816}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1931}, + dictWord{7, 0, 574}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1719}, + dictWord{134, 11, 467}, + dictWord{132, 0, 658}, + dictWord{9, 0, 781}, + dictWord{10, 0, 144}, + dictWord{11, 0, 385}, + dictWord{13, 0, 161}, + dictWord{13, 0, 228}, + dictWord{13, 0, 268}, + dictWord{20, 0, 107}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1669}, + dictWord{136, 0, 374}, + dictWord{135, 0, 735}, + dictWord{4, 0, 344}, + dictWord{6, 0, 498}, + dictWord{139, 0, 323}, + dictWord{7, 0, 586}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1063}, + dictWord{6, 10, 559}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1691}, + dictWord{137, 0, 155}, + dictWord{133, 0, 906}, + dictWord{7, 11, 122}, + dictWord{9, 11, 259}, + dictWord{10, 11, 84}, + dictWord{11, 11, 470}, + dictWord{12, 11, 541}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 379, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1139}, + dictWord{10, 0, 108}, + dictWord{139, 0, 116}, + dictWord{134, 10, 456}, + dictWord{133, 10, 925}, + dictWord{5, 11, 82}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 131, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1755}, + dictWord{8, 11, 31}, + dictWord{9, 11, 168}, + dictWord{9, 11, 764}, + dictWord{139, 11, 869}, + dictWord{134, 11, 605}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 278, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 68}, + dictWord{4, 11, 163}, + dictWord{5, 11, 201}, + dictWord{5, 11, 307}, + dictWord{5, 11, 310}, + dictWord{6, 11, 335}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 284, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 165}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1660}, + dictWord{6, 11, 33}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1244}, + dictWord{4, 0, 616}, + dictWord{136, 11, 483}, + dictWord{8, 0, 857}, + dictWord{8, 0, 902}, + dictWord{8, 0, 910}, + dictWord{10, 0, 879}, + dictWord{12, 0, 726}, + dictWord{4, 11, 199}, + dictWord{139, 11, 34}, + dictWord{136, 0, 692}, + dictWord{6, 10, 193}, + dictWord{7, 10, 240}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1682}, + dictWord{10, 10, 51}, + dictWord{10, 10, 640}, + dictWord{11, 10, 410}, + dictWord{13, 10, 82}, + dictWord{14, 10, 247}, + dictWord{14, 10, 331}, + dictWord{142, 10, 377}, + dictWord{6, 0, 823}, + dictWord{134, 0, 983}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 411, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 305}, + dictWord{136, 10, 633}, + dictWord{138, 11, 203}, + dictWord{134, 0, 681}, + dictWord{6, 11, 326}, + dictWord{7, 11, 677}, + dictWord{137, 11, 425}, + dictWord{5, 0, 214}, + dictWord{7, 0, 603}, + dictWord{8, 0, 611}, + dictWord{9, 0, 686}, + dictWord{10, 0, 88}, + dictWord{11, 0, 459}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 496, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 463}, + dictWord{12, 0, 590}, + dictWord{141, 0, 0}, + dictWord{136, 0, 1004}, + dictWord{142, 0, 23}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1703}, + dictWord{ + 147, + 11, + 8, + }, + dictWord{145, 11, 56}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1443}, + dictWord{4, 10, 237}, + dictWord{135, 10, 514}, + dictWord{6, 0, 714}, + dictWord{145, 0, 19}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 358, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 473}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1184}, + dictWord{10, 11, 662}, + dictWord{13, 11, 212}, + dictWord{13, 11, 304}, + dictWord{13, 11, 333}, + dictWord{145, 11, 98}, + dictWord{4, 0, 737}, + dictWord{10, 0, 98}, + dictWord{11, 0, 294}, + dictWord{12, 0, 60}, + dictWord{12, 0, 437}, + dictWord{13, 0, 64}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 380, + }, + dictWord{142, 0, 430}, + dictWord{6, 10, 392}, + dictWord{7, 10, 65}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2019}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1758}, + dictWord{8, 0, 520}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 345, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 403}, + dictWord{142, 0, 350}, + dictWord{5, 0, 47}, + dictWord{10, 0, 242}, + dictWord{138, 0, 579}, + dictWord{5, 0, 139}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1168}, + dictWord{138, 0, 539}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1459}, + dictWord{13, 0, 388}, + dictWord{141, 11, 388}, + dictWord{134, 0, 253}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1260}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1790, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 252}, + dictWord{9, 10, 222}, + dictWord{139, 10, 900}, + dictWord{140, 0, 745}, + dictWord{133, 11, 946}, + dictWord{4, 0, 107}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 613, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 439}, + dictWord{8, 0, 504}, + dictWord{9, 0, 501}, + dictWord{10, 0, 383}, + dictWord{139, 0, 477}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1485}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 871, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 411}, + dictWord{7, 11, 590}, + dictWord{8, 11, 631}, + dictWord{9, 11, 323}, + dictWord{10, 11, 355}, + dictWord{11, 11, 491}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 143, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 402}, + dictWord{13, 11, 73}, + dictWord{14, 11, 408}, + dictWord{15, 11, 107}, + dictWord{146, 11, 71}, + dictWord{132, 0, 229}, + dictWord{132, 0, 903}, + dictWord{140, 0, 71}, + dictWord{133, 0, 549}, + dictWord{4, 0, 47}, + dictWord{6, 0, 373}, + dictWord{7, 0, 452}, + dictWord{7, 0, 543}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1828, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1856}, + dictWord{9, 0, 6}, + dictWord{11, 0, 257}, + dictWord{139, 0, 391}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1467}, + dictWord{8, 11, 328}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 544, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 955}, + dictWord{13, 11, 320}, + dictWord{145, 11, 83}, + dictWord{5, 0, 980}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1754}, + dictWord{136, 0, 865}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 705, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 606}, + dictWord{7, 0, 161}, + dictWord{8, 10, 201}, + dictWord{136, 10, 605}, + dictWord{143, 11, 35}, + dictWord{5, 11, 835}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 483, + }, + dictWord{140, 10, 224}, + dictWord{7, 0, 536}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1331}, + dictWord{136, 0, 143}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1388}, + dictWord{5, 0, 724}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 305, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 151}, + dictWord{12, 0, 33}, + dictWord{12, 0, 121}, + dictWord{12, 0, 381}, + dictWord{17, 0, 3}, + dictWord{17, 0, 27}, + dictWord{17, 0, 78}, + dictWord{18, 0, 18}, + dictWord{19, 0, 54}, + dictWord{149, 0, 5}, + dictWord{4, 10, 523}, + dictWord{133, 10, 638}, + dictWord{5, 0, 19}, + dictWord{134, 0, 533}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 395, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 951}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1776}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1908}, + dictWord{132, 0, 846}, + dictWord{10, 0, 74}, + dictWord{11, 0, 663}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 210, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 166}, + dictWord{13, 0, 310}, + dictWord{14, 0, 373}, + dictWord{18, 0, 95}, + dictWord{19, 0, 43}, + dictWord{6, 10, 242}, + dictWord{7, 10, 227}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1581}, + dictWord{8, 10, 104}, + dictWord{9, 10, 113}, + dictWord{9, 10, 220}, + dictWord{9, 10, 427}, + dictWord{10, 10, 239}, + dictWord{11, 10, 579}, + dictWord{11, 10, 1023}, + dictWord{13, 10, 4}, + dictWord{13, 10, 204}, + dictWord{13, 10, 316}, + dictWord{148, 10, 86}, + dictWord{9, 11, 716}, + dictWord{11, 11, 108}, + dictWord{13, 11, 123}, + dictWord{14, 11, 252}, + dictWord{19, 11, 38}, + dictWord{21, 11, 3}, + dictWord{151, 11, 11}, + dictWord{8, 0, 372}, + dictWord{9, 0, 122}, + dictWord{138, 0, 175}, + dictWord{132, 11, 677}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1374}, + dictWord{136, 11, 540}, + dictWord{135, 10, 861}, + dictWord{132, 0, 695}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 497, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 387}, + dictWord{147, 0, 81}, + dictWord{136, 0, 937}, + dictWord{134, 0, 718}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1328}, + dictWord{136, 10, 494}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 331, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1581}, + dictWord{133, 11, 747}, + dictWord{5, 0, 284}, + dictWord{6, 0, 49}, + dictWord{6, 0, 350}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1}, + dictWord{7, 0, 377}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1693}, + dictWord{8, 0, 18}, + dictWord{8, 0, 678}, + dictWord{9, 0, 161}, + dictWord{9, 0, 585}, + dictWord{9, 0, 671}, + dictWord{9, 0, 839}, + dictWord{11, 0, 912}, + dictWord{141, 0, 427}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1306}, + dictWord{8, 10, 505}, + dictWord{9, 10, 482}, + dictWord{10, 10, 126}, + dictWord{11, 10, 225}, + dictWord{12, 10, 347}, + dictWord{12, 10, 449}, + dictWord{13, 10, 19}, + dictWord{14, 10, 218}, + dictWord{142, 10, 435}, + dictWord{10, 10, 764}, + dictWord{12, 10, 120}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 39, + }, + dictWord{145, 10, 127}, + dictWord{4, 0, 597}, + dictWord{133, 10, 268}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1094}, + dictWord{4, 0, 1008}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1973}, + dictWord{132, 0, 811}, + dictWord{139, 0, 908}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1471}, + dictWord{133, 11, 326}, + dictWord{4, 10, 384}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1022}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1935, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 324}, + dictWord{12, 0, 42}, + dictWord{4, 11, 691}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1935}, + dictWord{8, 11, 324}, + dictWord{9, 11, 35}, + dictWord{10, 11, 680}, + dictWord{11, 11, 364}, + dictWord{12, 11, 42}, + dictWord{13, 11, 357}, + dictWord{146, 11, 16}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2014}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2007}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 101, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 450}, + dictWord{10, 0, 66}, + dictWord{10, 0, 842}, + dictWord{11, 0, 536}, + dictWord{12, 0, 587}, + dictWord{6, 11, 32}, + dictWord{7, 11, 385}, + dictWord{7, 11, 757}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1916}, + dictWord{8, 11, 37}, + dictWord{8, 11, 94}, + dictWord{8, 11, 711}, + dictWord{9, 11, 541}, + dictWord{10, 11, 162}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 795, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 989}, + dictWord{11, 11, 1010}, + dictWord{12, 11, 14}, + dictWord{142, 11, 308}, + dictWord{139, 0, 586}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1703, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1077}, + dictWord{11, 0, 28}, + dictWord{9, 10, 159}, + dictWord{140, 10, 603}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1221}, + dictWord{136, 10, 583}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 152, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 349}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1682}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1252}, + dictWord{8, 11, 112}, + dictWord{9, 11, 435}, + dictWord{9, 11, 668}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 290, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 319}, + dictWord{10, 11, 815}, + dictWord{11, 11, 180}, + dictWord{11, 11, 837}, + dictWord{12, 11, 240}, + dictWord{13, 11, 152}, + dictWord{13, 11, 219}, + dictWord{142, 11, 158}, + dictWord{139, 0, 62}, + dictWord{132, 10, 515}, + dictWord{8, 10, 632}, + dictWord{8, 10, 697}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 854, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1766}, + dictWord{132, 11, 581}, + dictWord{6, 11, 126}, + dictWord{7, 11, 573}, + dictWord{8, 11, 397}, + dictWord{142, 11, 44}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 0, + 28, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 670}, + dictWord{22, 0, 25}, + dictWord{4, 10, 136}, + dictWord{133, 10, 551}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1665}, + dictWord{7, 0, 256}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1388, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 499}, + dictWord{4, 0, 22}, + dictWord{5, 0, 10}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1576}, + dictWord{136, 0, 97}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1782}, + dictWord{5, 0, 481}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1287}, + dictWord{9, 10, 44}, + dictWord{10, 10, 552}, + dictWord{10, 10, 642}, + dictWord{11, 10, 839}, + dictWord{12, 10, 274}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 275, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 372}, + dictWord{13, 10, 91}, + dictWord{142, 10, 125}, + dictWord{133, 11, 926}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1232}, + dictWord{137, 11, 531}, + dictWord{6, 0, 134}, + dictWord{7, 0, 437}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1824}, + dictWord{9, 0, 37}, + dictWord{14, 0, 285}, + dictWord{142, 0, 371}, + dictWord{7, 0, 486}, + dictWord{8, 0, 155}, + dictWord{11, 0, 93}, + dictWord{140, 0, 164}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1391}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1442}, + dictWord{133, 11, 670}, + dictWord{133, 0, 591}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 147, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 886}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1957}, + dictWord{9, 10, 753}, + dictWord{138, 10, 268}, + dictWord{5, 0, 380}, + dictWord{5, 0, 650}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1173, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 310}, + dictWord{4, 0, 364}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1156}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1187}, + dictWord{137, 0, 409}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1621}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 482, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 506}, + dictWord{4, 0, 781}, + dictWord{6, 0, 487}, + dictWord{7, 0, 926}, + dictWord{8, 0, 263}, + dictWord{139, 0, 500}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 137, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 242}, + dictWord{139, 11, 96}, + dictWord{133, 10, 414}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1762}, + dictWord{134, 0, 804}, + dictWord{5, 11, 834}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1202}, + dictWord{8, 11, 14}, + dictWord{9, 11, 481}, + dictWord{137, 11, 880}, + dictWord{134, 10, 599}, + dictWord{4, 0, 94}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1265}, + dictWord{4, 0, 415}, + dictWord{132, 0, 417}, + dictWord{5, 0, 348}, + dictWord{6, 0, 522}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1749}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1526}, + dictWord{138, 11, 465}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1627}, + dictWord{132, 0, 1012}, + dictWord{132, 10, 488}, + dictWord{4, 11, 357}, + dictWord{6, 11, 172}, + dictWord{7, 11, 143}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 413, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 83}, + dictWord{4, 11, 590}, + dictWord{146, 11, 76}, + dictWord{140, 10, 676}, + dictWord{7, 11, 287}, + dictWord{8, 11, 355}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 293, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 743}, + dictWord{134, 10, 278}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1803}, + dictWord{18, 0, 165}, + dictWord{24, 0, 21}, + dictWord{5, 11, 169}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 333, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 45}, + dictWord{12, 10, 97}, + dictWord{140, 11, 97}, + dictWord{4, 0, 408}, + dictWord{4, 0, 741}, + dictWord{135, 0, 500}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 198, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 388}, + dictWord{7, 10, 644}, + dictWord{139, 10, 781}, + dictWord{4, 11, 24}, + dictWord{5, 11, 140}, + dictWord{5, 11, 185}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1500, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 565}, + dictWord{139, 11, 838}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1321}, + dictWord{9, 0, 257}, + dictWord{7, 10, 229}, + dictWord{8, 10, 59}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 190, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 378}, + dictWord{140, 10, 191}, + dictWord{4, 11, 334}, + dictWord{133, 11, 593}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1885}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1138}, + dictWord{4, 0, 249}, + dictWord{6, 0, 73}, + dictWord{135, 0, 177}, + dictWord{133, 0, 576}, + dictWord{142, 0, 231}, + dictWord{137, 0, 288}, + dictWord{132, 10, 660}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1035}, + dictWord{138, 10, 737}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1487}, + dictWord{6, 0, 989}, + dictWord{9, 0, 433}, + dictWord{7, 10, 690}, + dictWord{9, 10, 587}, + dictWord{140, 10, 521}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1264}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1678}, + dictWord{11, 0, 945}, + dictWord{12, 0, 341}, + dictWord{12, 0, 471}, + dictWord{140, 0, 569}, + dictWord{132, 11, 709}, + dictWord{133, 11, 897}, + dictWord{5, 11, 224}, + dictWord{13, 11, 174}, + dictWord{146, 11, 52}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1840}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 1744, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 87}, + dictWord{16, 0, 74}, + dictWord{4, 10, 733}, + dictWord{9, 10, 194}, + dictWord{10, 10, 92}, + dictWord{11, 10, 198}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 84, + }, + dictWord{141, 10, 128}, + dictWord{140, 0, 779}, + dictWord{135, 0, 538}, + dictWord{4, 11, 608}, + dictWord{133, 11, 497}, + dictWord{133, 0, 413}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1375}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1466}, + dictWord{138, 11, 331}, + dictWord{136, 0, 495}, + dictWord{6, 11, 540}, + dictWord{136, 11, 136}, + dictWord{7, 0, 54}, + dictWord{8, 0, 312}, + dictWord{10, 0, 191}, + dictWord{10, 0, 614}, + dictWord{140, 0, 567}, + dictWord{6, 0, 468}, + dictWord{7, 0, 567}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1478}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 530, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 290}, + dictWord{133, 11, 999}, + dictWord{4, 11, 299}, + dictWord{7, 10, 306}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1004}, + dictWord{142, 11, 296}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1484}, + dictWord{133, 10, 979}, + dictWord{6, 0, 609}, + dictWord{9, 0, 815}, + dictWord{12, 11, 137}, + dictWord{14, 11, 9}, + dictWord{14, 11, 24}, + dictWord{142, 11, 64}, + dictWord{133, 11, 456}, + dictWord{6, 0, 484}, + dictWord{135, 0, 822}, + dictWord{133, 10, 178}, + dictWord{136, 11, 180}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 755, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 900}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1335}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1724}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2022}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1139}, + dictWord{5, 0, 640}, + dictWord{132, 10, 390}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1831}, + dictWord{138, 11, 633}, + dictWord{135, 11, 566}, + dictWord{4, 11, 890}, + dictWord{5, 11, 805}, + dictWord{5, 11, 819}, + dictWord{5, 11, 961}, + dictWord{6, 11, 396}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1631}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1678}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1967}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2041}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 630, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 8}, + dictWord{11, 11, 1019}, + dictWord{12, 11, 176}, + dictWord{13, 11, 225}, + dictWord{14, 11, 292}, + dictWord{149, 11, 24}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 474, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1103}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1504}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1576}, + dictWord{6, 0, 961}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1034}, + dictWord{140, 0, 655}, + dictWord{11, 11, 514}, + dictWord{149, 11, 20}, + dictWord{5, 0, 305}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1815}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1505}, + dictWord{10, 11, 190}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 634, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 792}, + dictWord{12, 11, 358}, + dictWord{140, 11, 447}, + dictWord{5, 11, 0}, + dictWord{6, 11, 536}, + dictWord{7, 11, 604}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 445, + }, + dictWord{145, 11, 126}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1236}, + dictWord{133, 10, 105}, + dictWord{4, 0, 480}, + dictWord{6, 0, 217}, + dictWord{6, 0, 302}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1642, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 130}, + dictWord{7, 0, 837}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1321}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1547}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1657}, + dictWord{8, 0, 429}, + dictWord{9, 0, 228}, + dictWord{13, 0, 289}, + dictWord{13, 0, 343}, + dictWord{19, 0, 101}, + dictWord{6, 11, 232}, + dictWord{6, 11, 412}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1074}, + dictWord{8, 11, 9}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 157, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 786}, + dictWord{9, 11, 196}, + dictWord{9, 11, 352}, + dictWord{9, 11, 457}, + dictWord{10, 11, 337}, + dictWord{11, 11, 232}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 877, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 480}, + dictWord{140, 11, 546}, + dictWord{5, 10, 438}, + dictWord{7, 11, 958}, + dictWord{9, 10, 694}, + dictWord{12, 10, 627}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 38, + }, + dictWord{141, 10, 210}, + dictWord{4, 11, 382}, + dictWord{136, 11, 579}, + dictWord{7, 0, 278}, + dictWord{10, 0, 739}, + dictWord{11, 0, 708}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 0, + 348, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 212}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1206}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1898}, + dictWord{6, 0, 708}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1344}, + dictWord{152, 10, 11}, + dictWord{137, 11, 768}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1840}, + dictWord{140, 0, 233}, + dictWord{8, 10, 25}, + dictWord{138, 10, 826}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2017}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 655, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1488}, + dictWord{139, 11, 290}, + dictWord{132, 10, 308}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1590}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1800}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1259}, + dictWord{16, 0, 28}, + dictWord{6, 11, 231}, + dictWord{7, 11, 95}, + dictWord{136, 11, 423}, + dictWord{133, 11, 300}, + dictWord{135, 10, 150}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 10, + 649, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1874}, + dictWord{137, 11, 641}, + dictWord{6, 11, 237}, + dictWord{7, 11, 611}, + dictWord{8, 11, 100}, + dictWord{9, 11, 416}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 335, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 173}, + dictWord{146, 11, 101}, + dictWord{137, 0, 45}, + dictWord{134, 10, 521}, + dictWord{17, 0, 36}, + dictWord{14, 11, 26}, + dictWord{ + 146, + 11, + 150, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1442}, + dictWord{14, 0, 22}, + dictWord{5, 10, 339}, + dictWord{15, 10, 41}, + dictWord{15, 10, 166}, + dictWord{147, 10, 66}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 378, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 581}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1119}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1507}, + dictWord{147, 11, 117}, + dictWord{139, 0, 39}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1054}, + dictWord{6, 0, 363}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1955}, + dictWord{136, 0, 725}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2036}, + dictWord{133, 11, 199}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1871}, + dictWord{9, 0, 935}, + dictWord{9, 0, 961}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1004}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1016}, + dictWord{12, 0, 805}, + dictWord{12, 0, 852}, + dictWord{12, 0, 853}, + dictWord{12, 0, 869}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 882, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 896}, + dictWord{12, 0, 906}, + dictWord{12, 0, 917}, + dictWord{12, 0, 940}, + dictWord{15, 0, 170}, + dictWord{15, 0, 176}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 0, + 188, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 201}, + dictWord{15, 0, 205}, + dictWord{15, 0, 212}, + dictWord{15, 0, 234}, + dictWord{15, 0, 244}, + dictWord{18, 0, 181}, + dictWord{18, 0, 193}, + dictWord{18, 0, 196}, + dictWord{18, 0, 201}, + dictWord{18, 0, 202}, + dictWord{18, 0, 210}, + dictWord{18, 0, 217}, + dictWord{18, 0, 235}, + dictWord{18, 0, 236}, + dictWord{18, 0, 237}, + dictWord{21, 0, 54}, + dictWord{21, 0, 55}, + dictWord{21, 0, 58}, + dictWord{21, 0, 59}, + dictWord{152, 0, 22}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1628}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 0, + 805, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 813}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2046}, + dictWord{142, 11, 42}, + dictWord{5, 0, 712}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1240}, + dictWord{11, 0, 17}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 321, + }, + dictWord{144, 0, 67}, + dictWord{132, 0, 617}, + dictWord{135, 10, 829}, + dictWord{6, 0, 320}, + dictWord{7, 0, 781}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1921}, + dictWord{9, 0, 55}, + dictWord{10, 0, 186}, + dictWord{10, 0, 273}, + dictWord{10, 0, 664}, + dictWord{10, 0, 801}, + dictWord{11, 0, 996}, + dictWord{11, 0, 997}, + dictWord{13, 0, 157}, + dictWord{142, 0, 170}, + dictWord{136, 0, 271}, + dictWord{5, 10, 486}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1349}, + dictWord{18, 11, 91}, + dictWord{147, 11, 70}, + dictWord{10, 0, 445}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1635}, + dictWord{8, 10, 17}, + dictWord{138, 10, 295}, + dictWord{136, 11, 404}, + dictWord{7, 0, 103}, + dictWord{7, 0, 863}, + dictWord{11, 0, 184}, + dictWord{145, 0, 62}, + dictWord{138, 10, 558}, + dictWord{137, 0, 659}, + dictWord{6, 11, 312}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1715}, + dictWord{10, 11, 584}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 546, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 692}, + dictWord{12, 11, 259}, + dictWord{12, 11, 295}, + dictWord{13, 11, 46}, + dictWord{141, 11, 154}, + dictWord{134, 0, 676}, + dictWord{132, 11, 588}, + dictWord{4, 11, 231}, + dictWord{5, 11, 61}, + dictWord{6, 11, 104}, + dictWord{7, 11, 729}, + dictWord{7, 11, 964}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1658}, + dictWord{140, 11, 414}, + dictWord{6, 11, 263}, + dictWord{138, 11, 757}, + dictWord{11, 0, 337}, + dictWord{142, 0, 303}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1363}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 320, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 506}, + dictWord{134, 10, 447}, + dictWord{5, 0, 77}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1455}, + dictWord{10, 0, 843}, + dictWord{147, 0, 73}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 577, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1432}, + dictWord{9, 10, 475}, + dictWord{9, 10, 505}, + dictWord{9, 10, 526}, + dictWord{9, 10, 609}, + dictWord{9, 10, 689}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 726, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 735}, + dictWord{9, 10, 738}, + dictWord{10, 10, 556}, + dictWord{10, 10, 674}, + dictWord{10, 10, 684}, + dictWord{11, 10, 89}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 202, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 272}, + dictWord{11, 10, 380}, + dictWord{11, 10, 415}, + dictWord{11, 10, 505}, + dictWord{11, 10, 537}, + dictWord{11, 10, 550}, + dictWord{11, 10, 562}, + dictWord{11, 10, 640}, + dictWord{11, 10, 667}, + dictWord{11, 10, 688}, + dictWord{11, 10, 847}, + dictWord{11, 10, 927}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 930, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 940}, + dictWord{12, 10, 144}, + dictWord{12, 10, 325}, + dictWord{12, 10, 329}, + dictWord{12, 10, 389}, + dictWord{12, 10, 403}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 451, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 515}, + dictWord{12, 10, 604}, + dictWord{12, 10, 616}, + dictWord{12, 10, 626}, + dictWord{13, 10, 66}, + dictWord{13, 10, 131}, + dictWord{13, 10, 167}, + dictWord{13, 10, 236}, + dictWord{13, 10, 368}, + dictWord{13, 10, 411}, + dictWord{13, 10, 434}, + dictWord{13, 10, 453}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 461, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 474}, + dictWord{14, 10, 59}, + dictWord{14, 10, 60}, + dictWord{14, 10, 139}, + dictWord{14, 10, 152}, + dictWord{14, 10, 276}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 353, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 402}, + dictWord{15, 10, 28}, + dictWord{15, 10, 81}, + dictWord{15, 10, 123}, + dictWord{15, 10, 152}, + dictWord{18, 10, 136}, + dictWord{148, 10, 88}, + dictWord{132, 0, 458}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1420}, + dictWord{6, 0, 109}, + dictWord{10, 0, 382}, + dictWord{4, 11, 405}, + dictWord{4, 10, 609}, + dictWord{7, 10, 756}, + dictWord{7, 11, 817}, + dictWord{9, 10, 544}, + dictWord{11, 10, 413}, + dictWord{14, 11, 58}, + dictWord{14, 10, 307}, + dictWord{16, 10, 25}, + dictWord{17, 11, 37}, + dictWord{146, 11, 124}, + dictWord{6, 0, 330}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1084}, + dictWord{11, 0, 142}, + dictWord{133, 11, 974}, + dictWord{4, 10, 930}, + dictWord{133, 10, 947}, + dictWord{5, 10, 939}, + dictWord{142, 11, 394}, + dictWord{16, 0, 91}, + dictWord{145, 0, 87}, + dictWord{5, 11, 235}, + dictWord{5, 10, 962}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1239}, + dictWord{11, 11, 131}, + dictWord{140, 11, 370}, + dictWord{11, 0, 492}, + dictWord{5, 10, 651}, + dictWord{8, 10, 170}, + dictWord{9, 10, 61}, + dictWord{9, 10, 63}, + dictWord{10, 10, 23}, + dictWord{10, 10, 37}, + dictWord{10, 10, 834}, + dictWord{11, 10, 4}, + dictWord{11, 10, 281}, + dictWord{11, 10, 503}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 677, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 96}, + dictWord{12, 10, 130}, + dictWord{12, 10, 244}, + dictWord{14, 10, 5}, + dictWord{14, 10, 40}, + dictWord{14, 10, 162}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 202, + }, + dictWord{146, 10, 133}, + dictWord{4, 10, 406}, + dictWord{5, 10, 579}, + dictWord{12, 10, 492}, + dictWord{150, 10, 15}, + dictWord{9, 11, 137}, + dictWord{138, 11, 221}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1239}, + dictWord{11, 0, 211}, + dictWord{140, 0, 145}, + dictWord{7, 11, 390}, + dictWord{138, 11, 140}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1418, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1144}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1049}, + dictWord{7, 0, 321}, + dictWord{6, 10, 17}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1001}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1982}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 886, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 489}, + dictWord{10, 10, 800}, + dictWord{11, 10, 782}, + dictWord{12, 10, 320}, + dictWord{13, 10, 467}, + dictWord{14, 10, 145}, + dictWord{14, 10, 387}, + dictWord{143, 10, 119}, + dictWord{145, 10, 17}, + dictWord{5, 11, 407}, + dictWord{11, 11, 489}, + dictWord{19, 11, 37}, + dictWord{20, 11, 73}, + dictWord{150, 11, 38}, + dictWord{133, 10, 458}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1985}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1983}, + dictWord{8, 10, 0}, + dictWord{8, 10, 171}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 120, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 732}, + dictWord{10, 10, 473}, + dictWord{11, 10, 656}, + dictWord{11, 10, 998}, + dictWord{18, 10, 0}, + dictWord{18, 10, 2}, + dictWord{ + 147, + 10, + 21, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 325}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1483}, + dictWord{8, 11, 5}, + dictWord{8, 11, 227}, + dictWord{9, 11, 105}, + dictWord{10, 11, 585}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 614, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 122}, + dictWord{132, 0, 234}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1196}, + dictWord{6, 0, 976}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1098}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1441}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 253, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 549}, + dictWord{6, 11, 621}, + dictWord{13, 11, 504}, + dictWord{144, 11, 19}, + dictWord{132, 10, 519}, + dictWord{5, 0, 430}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 932, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 131}, + dictWord{7, 0, 417}, + dictWord{9, 0, 522}, + dictWord{11, 0, 314}, + dictWord{141, 0, 390}, + dictWord{14, 0, 149}, + dictWord{14, 0, 399}, + dictWord{143, 0, 57}, + dictWord{5, 10, 907}, + dictWord{6, 10, 31}, + dictWord{6, 11, 218}, + dictWord{7, 10, 491}, + dictWord{7, 10, 530}, + dictWord{8, 10, 592}, + dictWord{11, 10, 53}, + dictWord{11, 10, 779}, + dictWord{12, 10, 167}, + dictWord{12, 10, 411}, + dictWord{14, 10, 14}, + dictWord{14, 10, 136}, + dictWord{15, 10, 72}, + dictWord{16, 10, 17}, + dictWord{144, 10, 72}, + dictWord{140, 11, 330}, + dictWord{7, 11, 454}, + dictWord{7, 11, 782}, + dictWord{136, 11, 768}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 507, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 676}, + dictWord{140, 11, 462}, + dictWord{6, 0, 630}, + dictWord{9, 0, 811}, + dictWord{4, 10, 208}, + dictWord{5, 10, 106}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 531, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 408}, + dictWord{9, 10, 188}, + dictWord{138, 10, 572}, + dictWord{4, 0, 343}, + dictWord{5, 0, 511}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1693}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 164, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 448}, + dictWord{7, 0, 455}, + dictWord{138, 0, 591}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1381}, + dictWord{12, 10, 441}, + dictWord{150, 11, 50}, + dictWord{9, 10, 449}, + dictWord{10, 10, 192}, + dictWord{138, 10, 740}, + dictWord{6, 0, 575}, + dictWord{132, 10, 241}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1175}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 653, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1761}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1198}, + dictWord{132, 10, 259}, + dictWord{6, 11, 343}, + dictWord{7, 11, 195}, + dictWord{9, 11, 226}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 197, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 575}, + dictWord{11, 11, 502}, + dictWord{139, 11, 899}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1127}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1572}, + dictWord{10, 0, 297}, + dictWord{10, 0, 422}, + dictWord{11, 0, 764}, + dictWord{11, 0, 810}, + dictWord{12, 0, 264}, + dictWord{13, 0, 102}, + dictWord{13, 0, 300}, + dictWord{13, 0, 484}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 147, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 229}, + dictWord{17, 0, 71}, + dictWord{18, 0, 118}, + dictWord{147, 0, 120}, + dictWord{135, 11, 666}, + dictWord{132, 0, 678}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 173, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 312}, + dictWord{5, 10, 512}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1285}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1603}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1691}, + dictWord{9, 10, 464}, + dictWord{11, 10, 195}, + dictWord{12, 10, 279}, + dictWord{12, 10, 448}, + dictWord{14, 10, 11}, + dictWord{147, 10, 102}, + dictWord{16, 0, 99}, + dictWord{146, 0, 164}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1125}, + dictWord{9, 11, 143}, + dictWord{11, 11, 61}, + dictWord{14, 11, 405}, + dictWord{150, 11, 21}, + dictWord{137, 11, 260}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 452, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 583}, + dictWord{5, 10, 817}, + dictWord{6, 10, 433}, + dictWord{7, 10, 593}, + dictWord{7, 10, 720}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1378}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 161, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 284}, + dictWord{10, 10, 313}, + dictWord{139, 10, 886}, + dictWord{132, 10, 547}, + dictWord{136, 10, 722}, + dictWord{14, 0, 35}, + dictWord{142, 0, 191}, + dictWord{141, 0, 45}, + dictWord{138, 0, 121}, + dictWord{132, 0, 125}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1622}, + dictWord{133, 11, 959}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 420, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 193}, + dictWord{132, 0, 721}, + dictWord{135, 10, 409}, + dictWord{136, 0, 145}, + dictWord{7, 0, 792}, + dictWord{8, 0, 147}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 821, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 970}, + dictWord{11, 0, 1021}, + dictWord{136, 11, 173}, + dictWord{134, 11, 266}, + dictWord{132, 0, 715}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1999}, + dictWord{138, 10, 308}, + dictWord{133, 0, 531}, + dictWord{5, 0, 168}, + dictWord{5, 0, 930}, + dictWord{8, 0, 74}, + dictWord{9, 0, 623}, + dictWord{12, 0, 500}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 0, + 579, + }, + dictWord{144, 0, 65}, + dictWord{138, 11, 246}, + dictWord{6, 0, 220}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1101}, + dictWord{13, 0, 105}, + dictWord{142, 11, 314}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 1002, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 745}, + dictWord{134, 0, 960}, + dictWord{20, 0, 0}, + dictWord{148, 11, 0}, + dictWord{4, 0, 1005}, + dictWord{4, 10, 239}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 477, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1607}, + dictWord{11, 10, 68}, + dictWord{139, 10, 617}, + dictWord{6, 0, 19}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1413}, + dictWord{139, 0, 428}, + dictWord{ + 149, + 10, + 13, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 96}, + dictWord{8, 0, 401}, + dictWord{8, 0, 703}, + dictWord{9, 0, 896}, + dictWord{136, 11, 300}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1595}, + dictWord{145, 0, 116}, + dictWord{136, 0, 1021}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1961}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1965}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2030}, + dictWord{8, 0, 150}, + dictWord{8, 0, 702}, + dictWord{8, 0, 737}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 750, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 366}, + dictWord{11, 11, 75}, + dictWord{142, 11, 267}, + dictWord{132, 10, 367}, + dictWord{8, 0, 800}, + dictWord{9, 0, 148}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 872, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 890}, + dictWord{11, 0, 309}, + dictWord{11, 0, 1001}, + dictWord{13, 0, 267}, + dictWord{13, 0, 323}, + dictWord{5, 11, 427}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 734, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 478}, + dictWord{136, 11, 52}, + dictWord{7, 11, 239}, + dictWord{11, 11, 217}, + dictWord{142, 11, 165}, + dictWord{132, 11, 323}, + dictWord{140, 11, 419}, + dictWord{13, 0, 299}, + dictWord{142, 0, 75}, + dictWord{6, 11, 87}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1734}, + dictWord{7, 11, 20}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1056}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 732, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 406}, + dictWord{9, 11, 911}, + dictWord{138, 11, 694}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1383}, + dictWord{132, 10, 694}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 613, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 779}, + dictWord{4, 0, 598}, + dictWord{140, 10, 687}, + dictWord{6, 0, 970}, + dictWord{135, 0, 424}, + dictWord{133, 0, 547}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 32, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 984}, + dictWord{8, 11, 85}, + dictWord{8, 11, 709}, + dictWord{9, 11, 579}, + dictWord{9, 11, 847}, + dictWord{9, 11, 856}, + dictWord{10, 11, 799}, + dictWord{11, 11, 258}, + dictWord{11, 11, 1007}, + dictWord{12, 11, 331}, + dictWord{12, 11, 615}, + dictWord{13, 11, 188}, + dictWord{13, 11, 435}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 8, + }, + dictWord{15, 11, 165}, + dictWord{16, 11, 27}, + dictWord{148, 11, 40}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1222}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1385}, + dictWord{132, 0, 876}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 151, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 213}, + dictWord{4, 11, 167}, + dictWord{135, 11, 82}, + dictWord{133, 0, 133}, + dictWord{6, 11, 24}, + dictWord{7, 11, 74}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 678, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 258}, + dictWord{5, 11, 62}, + dictWord{6, 11, 534}, + dictWord{7, 11, 684}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1043}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1072}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 280, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 541}, + dictWord{8, 11, 686}, + dictWord{10, 11, 519}, + dictWord{11, 11, 252}, + dictWord{140, 11, 282}, + dictWord{136, 0, 187}, + dictWord{8, 0, 8}, + dictWord{10, 0, 0}, + dictWord{10, 0, 818}, + dictWord{139, 0, 988}, + dictWord{132, 11, 359}, + dictWord{11, 0, 429}, + dictWord{15, 0, 51}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1672, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 685}, + dictWord{5, 11, 211}, + dictWord{7, 11, 88}, + dictWord{136, 11, 627}, + dictWord{134, 0, 472}, + dictWord{136, 0, 132}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 145, + }, + dictWord{141, 11, 336}, + dictWord{4, 10, 751}, + dictWord{11, 10, 390}, + dictWord{140, 10, 32}, + dictWord{6, 0, 938}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1060}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 263, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 409}, + dictWord{133, 10, 78}, + dictWord{137, 0, 874}, + dictWord{8, 0, 774}, + dictWord{10, 0, 670}, + dictWord{12, 0, 51}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 916, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 473}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1602}, + dictWord{10, 10, 698}, + dictWord{12, 10, 212}, + dictWord{13, 10, 307}, + dictWord{145, 10, 105}, + dictWord{146, 0, 92}, + dictWord{143, 10, 156}, + dictWord{132, 0, 830}, + dictWord{137, 0, 701}, + dictWord{4, 11, 599}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1634}, + dictWord{7, 11, 5}, + dictWord{7, 11, 55}, + dictWord{7, 11, 67}, + dictWord{7, 11, 97}, + dictWord{7, 11, 691}, + dictWord{7, 11, 979}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1697}, + dictWord{8, 11, 207}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 214, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 231}, + dictWord{8, 11, 294}, + dictWord{8, 11, 336}, + dictWord{8, 11, 428}, + dictWord{8, 11, 451}, + dictWord{8, 11, 460}, + dictWord{8, 11, 471}, + dictWord{8, 11, 622}, + dictWord{8, 11, 626}, + dictWord{8, 11, 679}, + dictWord{8, 11, 759}, + dictWord{8, 11, 829}, + dictWord{9, 11, 11}, + dictWord{9, 11, 246}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 484, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 573}, + dictWord{9, 11, 706}, + dictWord{9, 11, 762}, + dictWord{9, 11, 798}, + dictWord{9, 11, 855}, + dictWord{9, 11, 870}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 912, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 303}, + dictWord{10, 11, 335}, + dictWord{10, 11, 424}, + dictWord{10, 11, 461}, + dictWord{10, 11, 543}, + dictWord{10, 11, 759}, + dictWord{10, 11, 814}, + dictWord{11, 11, 59}, + dictWord{11, 11, 199}, + dictWord{11, 11, 235}, + dictWord{11, 11, 475}, + dictWord{11, 11, 590}, + dictWord{11, 11, 929}, + dictWord{11, 11, 963}, + dictWord{12, 11, 114}, + dictWord{12, 11, 182}, + dictWord{12, 11, 226}, + dictWord{12, 11, 332}, + dictWord{12, 11, 439}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 575, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 598}, + dictWord{13, 11, 8}, + dictWord{13, 11, 125}, + dictWord{13, 11, 194}, + dictWord{13, 11, 287}, + dictWord{14, 11, 197}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 383, + }, + dictWord{15, 11, 53}, + dictWord{17, 11, 63}, + dictWord{19, 11, 46}, + dictWord{19, 11, 98}, + dictWord{19, 11, 106}, + dictWord{148, 11, 85}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 127, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 350}, + dictWord{6, 0, 356}, + dictWord{8, 0, 426}, + dictWord{9, 0, 572}, + dictWord{10, 0, 247}, + dictWord{139, 0, 312}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1215}, + dictWord{6, 0, 59}, + dictWord{9, 0, 603}, + dictWord{13, 0, 397}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1853}, + dictWord{138, 11, 437}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1762}, + dictWord{ + 147, + 11, + 126, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 883}, + dictWord{13, 0, 293}, + dictWord{142, 0, 56}, + dictWord{133, 10, 617}, + dictWord{139, 10, 50}, + dictWord{5, 11, 187}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1518, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 694}, + dictWord{135, 0, 441}, + dictWord{6, 0, 111}, + dictWord{7, 0, 4}, + dictWord{8, 0, 163}, + dictWord{8, 0, 776}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 566, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 806}, + dictWord{4, 11, 215}, + dictWord{9, 11, 38}, + dictWord{10, 11, 3}, + dictWord{11, 11, 23}, + dictWord{11, 11, 127}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 796, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 233}, + dictWord{4, 10, 546}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2042}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1994}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1739}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1530}, + dictWord{136, 0, 393}, + dictWord{5, 0, 297}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1038}, + dictWord{14, 0, 359}, + dictWord{19, 0, 52}, + dictWord{148, 0, 47}, + dictWord{135, 0, 309}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 313, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 577}, + dictWord{8, 10, 184}, + dictWord{141, 10, 433}, + dictWord{135, 10, 935}, + dictWord{12, 10, 186}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 292, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 100}, + dictWord{146, 10, 70}, + dictWord{136, 0, 363}, + dictWord{14, 0, 175}, + dictWord{11, 10, 402}, + dictWord{12, 10, 109}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 431, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 179}, + dictWord{13, 10, 206}, + dictWord{14, 10, 217}, + dictWord{16, 10, 3}, + dictWord{148, 10, 53}, + dictWord{5, 10, 886}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 46, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 1790}, + dictWord{7, 10, 14}, + dictWord{7, 10, 732}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1654}, + dictWord{8, 10, 95}, + dictWord{8, 10, 327}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 616, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 892}, + dictWord{10, 10, 598}, + dictWord{10, 10, 769}, + dictWord{11, 10, 134}, + dictWord{11, 10, 747}, + dictWord{12, 10, 378}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 10, + 97, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 666}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1675}, + dictWord{6, 0, 655}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1600}, + dictWord{135, 0, 808}, + dictWord{133, 10, 1021}, + dictWord{4, 11, 28}, + dictWord{5, 11, 440}, + dictWord{7, 11, 248}, + dictWord{11, 11, 833}, + dictWord{140, 11, 344}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1654}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 280, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 54}, + dictWord{4, 0, 421}, + dictWord{133, 0, 548}, + dictWord{132, 10, 153}, + dictWord{6, 11, 339}, + dictWord{135, 11, 923}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 853, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 798}, + dictWord{132, 10, 587}, + dictWord{6, 11, 249}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1234}, + dictWord{139, 11, 573}, + dictWord{6, 10, 598}, + dictWord{7, 10, 42}, + dictWord{8, 10, 695}, + dictWord{10, 10, 212}, + dictWord{11, 10, 158}, + dictWord{14, 10, 196}, + dictWord{145, 10, 85}, + dictWord{7, 0, 249}, + dictWord{5, 10, 957}, + dictWord{133, 10, 1008}, + dictWord{4, 10, 129}, + dictWord{135, 10, 465}, + dictWord{6, 0, 254}, + dictWord{7, 0, 842}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1659}, + dictWord{9, 0, 109}, + dictWord{10, 0, 103}, + dictWord{7, 10, 908}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1201}, + dictWord{9, 10, 755}, + dictWord{11, 10, 906}, + dictWord{12, 10, 527}, + dictWord{146, 10, 7}, + dictWord{5, 0, 262}, + dictWord{136, 10, 450}, + dictWord{144, 0, 1}, + dictWord{10, 11, 201}, + dictWord{142, 11, 319}, + dictWord{7, 11, 49}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 392, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 20}, + dictWord{8, 11, 172}, + dictWord{8, 11, 690}, + dictWord{9, 11, 383}, + dictWord{9, 11, 845}, + dictWord{10, 11, 48}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 293, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 832}, + dictWord{11, 11, 920}, + dictWord{141, 11, 221}, + dictWord{5, 11, 858}, + dictWord{133, 11, 992}, + dictWord{134, 0, 805}, + dictWord{139, 10, 1003}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1630}, + dictWord{134, 11, 307}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1512}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1794}, + dictWord{6, 11, 268}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 62, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 1868}, + dictWord{133, 0, 671}, + dictWord{4, 0, 989}, + dictWord{8, 0, 972}, + dictWord{136, 0, 998}, + dictWord{132, 11, 423}, + dictWord{132, 0, 889}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1382}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1910}, + dictWord{7, 10, 965}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1460}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1604}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 627, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 775}, + dictWord{138, 11, 106}, + dictWord{134, 11, 348}, + dictWord{7, 0, 202}, + dictWord{11, 0, 362}, + dictWord{11, 0, 948}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 0, + 388, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 771}, + dictWord{6, 11, 613}, + dictWord{136, 11, 223}, + dictWord{6, 0, 560}, + dictWord{7, 0, 451}, + dictWord{8, 0, 389}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 490, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 16}, + dictWord{13, 0, 215}, + dictWord{13, 0, 351}, + dictWord{18, 0, 132}, + dictWord{147, 0, 125}, + dictWord{135, 0, 841}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 566, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 938}, + dictWord{132, 11, 670}, + dictWord{5, 0, 912}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1695}, + dictWord{140, 11, 55}, + dictWord{9, 11, 40}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 136, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1361}, + dictWord{7, 10, 982}, + dictWord{10, 10, 32}, + dictWord{143, 10, 56}, + dictWord{11, 11, 259}, + dictWord{140, 11, 270}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 236, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 572}, + dictWord{8, 0, 492}, + dictWord{11, 0, 618}, + dictWord{144, 0, 56}, + dictWord{8, 11, 572}, + dictWord{9, 11, 310}, + dictWord{9, 11, 682}, + dictWord{137, 11, 698}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1854}, + dictWord{5, 0, 190}, + dictWord{136, 0, 318}, + dictWord{133, 10, 435}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1376}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 296, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 352}, + dictWord{7, 11, 401}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1410}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1594}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1674}, + dictWord{8, 11, 63}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 660, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 74}, + dictWord{7, 0, 349}, + dictWord{5, 10, 85}, + dictWord{6, 10, 419}, + dictWord{7, 10, 305}, + dictWord{7, 10, 361}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1337}, + dictWord{8, 10, 71}, + dictWord{140, 10, 519}, + dictWord{4, 11, 139}, + dictWord{4, 11, 388}, + dictWord{140, 11, 188}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1972}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2013}, + dictWord{8, 0, 951}, + dictWord{10, 0, 947}, + dictWord{10, 0, 974}, + dictWord{10, 0, 1018}, + dictWord{142, 0, 476}, + dictWord{140, 10, 688}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 740, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 691}, + dictWord{7, 10, 345}, + dictWord{9, 10, 94}, + dictWord{140, 10, 169}, + dictWord{9, 0, 344}, + dictWord{5, 10, 183}, + dictWord{6, 10, 582}, + dictWord{10, 10, 679}, + dictWord{140, 10, 435}, + dictWord{135, 10, 511}, + dictWord{132, 0, 850}, + dictWord{8, 11, 441}, + dictWord{10, 11, 314}, + dictWord{ + 143, + 11, + 3, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1993}, + dictWord{136, 10, 684}, + dictWord{4, 11, 747}, + dictWord{6, 11, 290}, + dictWord{6, 10, 583}, + dictWord{7, 11, 649}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1479, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1583}, + dictWord{133, 11, 232}, + dictWord{133, 10, 704}, + dictWord{134, 0, 910}, + dictWord{4, 10, 179}, + dictWord{5, 10, 198}, + dictWord{133, 10, 697}, + dictWord{7, 10, 347}, + dictWord{7, 10, 971}, + dictWord{8, 10, 181}, + dictWord{138, 10, 711}, + dictWord{136, 11, 525}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 19, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 28}, + dictWord{144, 0, 29}, + dictWord{7, 0, 85}, + dictWord{7, 0, 247}, + dictWord{8, 0, 585}, + dictWord{138, 0, 163}, + dictWord{4, 0, 487}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 472, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1801}, + dictWord{10, 11, 748}, + dictWord{141, 11, 458}, + dictWord{4, 10, 243}, + dictWord{5, 10, 203}, + dictWord{7, 10, 19}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 71, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 113}, + dictWord{10, 10, 405}, + dictWord{11, 10, 357}, + dictWord{142, 10, 240}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1450}, + dictWord{139, 10, 99}, + dictWord{132, 11, 425}, + dictWord{138, 0, 145}, + dictWord{147, 0, 83}, + dictWord{6, 10, 492}, + dictWord{137, 11, 247}, + dictWord{4, 0, 1013}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 2033, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 134}, + dictWord{6, 10, 408}, + dictWord{6, 10, 495}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1593}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1922}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1768}, + dictWord{4, 0, 124}, + dictWord{10, 0, 457}, + dictWord{11, 0, 121}, + dictWord{11, 0, 169}, + dictWord{11, 0, 870}, + dictWord{11, 0, 874}, + dictWord{12, 0, 214}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 187, + }, + dictWord{143, 0, 77}, + dictWord{5, 0, 557}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1457}, + dictWord{139, 0, 66}, + dictWord{5, 11, 943}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1779}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 10, + 4, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 248}, + dictWord{4, 10, 665}, + dictWord{7, 10, 137}, + dictWord{137, 10, 349}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1193}, + dictWord{5, 11, 245}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 576, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 582}, + dictWord{136, 11, 225}, + dictWord{144, 0, 82}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1270}, + dictWord{139, 10, 612}, + dictWord{5, 0, 454}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 352, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 352}, + dictWord{18, 0, 57}, + dictWord{5, 10, 371}, + dictWord{135, 10, 563}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1333}, + dictWord{6, 0, 107}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 638, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1632}, + dictWord{9, 0, 396}, + dictWord{134, 11, 610}, + dictWord{5, 0, 370}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1756}, + dictWord{4, 10, 374}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 547, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1700}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1833}, + dictWord{139, 10, 858}, + dictWord{133, 0, 204}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1305}, + dictWord{9, 10, 311}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 10, + 42, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 970}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1706}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1647}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1552}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2010}, + dictWord{9, 10, 494}, + dictWord{137, 10, 509}, + dictWord{13, 11, 455}, + dictWord{15, 11, 99}, + dictWord{15, 11, 129}, + dictWord{144, 11, 68}, + dictWord{135, 0, 3}, + dictWord{4, 0, 35}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 121, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 483}, + dictWord{5, 0, 685}, + dictWord{6, 0, 489}, + dictWord{6, 0, 782}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1032}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1204}, + dictWord{136, 0, 394}, + dictWord{4, 0, 921}, + dictWord{133, 0, 1007}, + dictWord{8, 11, 360}, + dictWord{138, 11, 63}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1696}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1519}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 443, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 944}, + dictWord{6, 10, 123}, + dictWord{7, 10, 214}, + dictWord{9, 10, 728}, + dictWord{10, 10, 157}, + dictWord{11, 10, 346}, + dictWord{11, 10, 662}, + dictWord{143, 10, 106}, + dictWord{137, 0, 981}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1435}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1072}, + dictWord{132, 0, 712}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1629, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 728}, + dictWord{4, 11, 298}, + dictWord{137, 11, 483}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1177}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1271}, + dictWord{5, 11, 164}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 121, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 189}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1608}, + dictWord{4, 10, 707}, + dictWord{5, 10, 588}, + dictWord{6, 10, 393}, + dictWord{13, 10, 106}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 10, + 49, + }, + dictWord{147, 10, 41}, + dictWord{23, 0, 16}, + dictWord{151, 11, 16}, + dictWord{6, 10, 211}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1690}, + dictWord{11, 10, 486}, + dictWord{140, 10, 369}, + dictWord{133, 0, 485}, + dictWord{19, 11, 15}, + dictWord{149, 11, 27}, + dictWord{4, 11, 172}, + dictWord{9, 11, 611}, + dictWord{10, 11, 436}, + dictWord{12, 11, 673}, + dictWord{141, 11, 255}, + dictWord{5, 11, 844}, + dictWord{10, 11, 484}, + dictWord{11, 11, 754}, + dictWord{12, 11, 457}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 171, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 389}, + dictWord{146, 11, 153}, + dictWord{4, 0, 285}, + dictWord{5, 0, 27}, + dictWord{5, 0, 317}, + dictWord{6, 0, 301}, + dictWord{7, 0, 7}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 153, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 766}, + dictWord{11, 0, 468}, + dictWord{12, 0, 467}, + dictWord{141, 0, 143}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1462}, + dictWord{9, 11, 263}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 147, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 492}, + dictWord{133, 11, 537}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1945}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1986}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1991}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2038}, + dictWord{134, 10, 219}, + dictWord{137, 11, 842}, + dictWord{14, 0, 52}, + dictWord{17, 0, 50}, + dictWord{5, 10, 582}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1646}, + dictWord{7, 10, 99}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1962}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1986}, + dictWord{8, 10, 515}, + dictWord{8, 10, 773}, + dictWord{9, 10, 23}, + dictWord{9, 10, 491}, + dictWord{12, 10, 620}, + dictWord{142, 10, 93}, + dictWord{138, 11, 97}, + dictWord{20, 0, 21}, + dictWord{20, 0, 44}, + dictWord{133, 10, 851}, + dictWord{136, 0, 819}, + dictWord{139, 0, 917}, + dictWord{5, 11, 230}, + dictWord{5, 11, 392}, + dictWord{6, 11, 420}, + dictWord{8, 10, 762}, + dictWord{8, 10, 812}, + dictWord{9, 11, 568}, + dictWord{9, 10, 910}, + dictWord{140, 11, 612}, + dictWord{135, 0, 784}, + dictWord{15, 0, 135}, + dictWord{143, 11, 135}, + dictWord{10, 0, 454}, + dictWord{140, 0, 324}, + dictWord{4, 11, 0}, + dictWord{5, 11, 41}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1459}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1469}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1618}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1859}, + dictWord{9, 11, 549}, + dictWord{139, 11, 905}, + dictWord{4, 10, 98}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1365}, + dictWord{9, 10, 422}, + dictWord{9, 10, 670}, + dictWord{10, 10, 775}, + dictWord{11, 10, 210}, + dictWord{13, 10, 26}, + dictWord{13, 10, 457}, + dictWord{141, 10, 476}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1719}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1735}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2016}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2020}, + dictWord{8, 0, 837}, + dictWord{137, 0, 852}, + dictWord{133, 11, 696}, + dictWord{135, 0, 852}, + dictWord{132, 0, 952}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1730}, + dictWord{132, 11, 771}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 568, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 448}, + dictWord{139, 0, 146}, + dictWord{8, 0, 67}, + dictWord{138, 0, 419}, + dictWord{133, 11, 921}, + dictWord{137, 10, 147}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1826}, + dictWord{10, 0, 657}, + dictWord{14, 0, 297}, + dictWord{142, 0, 361}, + dictWord{6, 0, 666}, + dictWord{6, 0, 767}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1542}, + dictWord{139, 0, 729}, + dictWord{6, 11, 180}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1137}, + dictWord{8, 11, 751}, + dictWord{139, 11, 805}, + dictWord{4, 11, 183}, + dictWord{7, 11, 271}, + dictWord{11, 11, 824}, + dictWord{11, 11, 952}, + dictWord{13, 11, 278}, + dictWord{13, 11, 339}, + dictWord{13, 11, 482}, + dictWord{14, 11, 424}, + dictWord{ + 148, + 11, + 99, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 669}, + dictWord{5, 11, 477}, + dictWord{5, 11, 596}, + dictWord{6, 11, 505}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1221}, + dictWord{11, 11, 907}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 209, + }, + dictWord{141, 11, 214}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1215}, + dictWord{5, 0, 402}, + dictWord{6, 10, 30}, + dictWord{11, 10, 56}, + dictWord{139, 10, 305}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 564, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 168}, + dictWord{139, 0, 152}, + dictWord{7, 0, 912}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1614}, + dictWord{4, 10, 150}, + dictWord{5, 10, 303}, + dictWord{134, 10, 327}, + dictWord{7, 0, 320}, + dictWord{8, 0, 51}, + dictWord{9, 0, 868}, + dictWord{10, 0, 833}, + dictWord{12, 0, 481}, + dictWord{12, 0, 570}, + dictWord{ + 148, + 0, + 106, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 445}, + dictWord{7, 11, 274}, + dictWord{11, 11, 263}, + dictWord{11, 11, 479}, + dictWord{11, 11, 507}, + dictWord{140, 11, 277}, + dictWord{10, 0, 555}, + dictWord{11, 0, 308}, + dictWord{19, 0, 95}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1645}, + dictWord{8, 10, 192}, + dictWord{10, 10, 78}, + dictWord{141, 10, 359}, + dictWord{135, 10, 786}, + dictWord{6, 11, 92}, + dictWord{6, 11, 188}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1269}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1524}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1876}, + dictWord{10, 11, 228}, + dictWord{139, 11, 1020}, + dictWord{4, 11, 459}, + dictWord{133, 11, 966}, + dictWord{11, 0, 386}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1638}, + dictWord{7, 10, 79}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 496, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 138}, + dictWord{10, 10, 336}, + dictWord{12, 10, 412}, + dictWord{12, 10, 440}, + dictWord{142, 10, 305}, + dictWord{133, 0, 239}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 83, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1990}, + dictWord{8, 0, 130}, + dictWord{139, 0, 720}, + dictWord{138, 11, 709}, + dictWord{4, 0, 143}, + dictWord{5, 0, 550}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 752, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 123}, + dictWord{6, 0, 530}, + dictWord{7, 0, 348}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1419}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2024}, + dictWord{6, 11, 18}, + dictWord{7, 11, 179}, + dictWord{7, 11, 721}, + dictWord{7, 11, 932}, + dictWord{8, 11, 548}, + dictWord{8, 11, 757}, + dictWord{9, 11, 54}, + dictWord{9, 11, 65}, + dictWord{9, 11, 532}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 844, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 113}, + dictWord{10, 11, 117}, + dictWord{10, 11, 236}, + dictWord{10, 11, 315}, + dictWord{10, 11, 430}, + dictWord{10, 11, 798}, + dictWord{11, 11, 153}, + dictWord{11, 11, 351}, + dictWord{11, 11, 375}, + dictWord{12, 11, 78}, + dictWord{12, 11, 151}, + dictWord{12, 11, 392}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 248, + }, + dictWord{143, 11, 23}, + dictWord{7, 10, 204}, + dictWord{7, 10, 415}, + dictWord{8, 10, 42}, + dictWord{10, 10, 85}, + dictWord{139, 10, 564}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 958, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 965}, + dictWord{132, 0, 210}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1429}, + dictWord{138, 11, 480}, + dictWord{134, 11, 182}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 345, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 65}, + dictWord{10, 11, 488}, + dictWord{138, 11, 497}, + dictWord{4, 10, 3}, + dictWord{5, 10, 247}, + dictWord{5, 10, 644}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 744, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1207}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1225}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1909}, + dictWord{146, 10, 147}, + dictWord{132, 0, 430}, + dictWord{5, 10, 285}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 67, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 473}, + dictWord{143, 10, 82}, + dictWord{144, 11, 16}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1162}, + dictWord{9, 11, 588}, + dictWord{10, 11, 260}, + dictWord{151, 10, 8}, + dictWord{133, 0, 213}, + dictWord{138, 0, 7}, + dictWord{135, 0, 801}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1786}, + dictWord{135, 11, 308}, + dictWord{6, 0, 936}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1289}, + dictWord{133, 0, 108}, + dictWord{132, 0, 885}, + dictWord{133, 0, 219}, + dictWord{139, 0, 587}, + dictWord{4, 0, 193}, + dictWord{5, 0, 916}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1041}, + dictWord{7, 0, 364}, + dictWord{10, 0, 398}, + dictWord{10, 0, 726}, + dictWord{11, 0, 317}, + dictWord{11, 0, 626}, + dictWord{12, 0, 142}, + dictWord{12, 0, 288}, + dictWord{12, 0, 678}, + dictWord{13, 0, 313}, + dictWord{15, 0, 113}, + dictWord{146, 0, 114}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1165}, + dictWord{6, 0, 241}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 342, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 729}, + dictWord{11, 0, 284}, + dictWord{11, 0, 445}, + dictWord{11, 0, 651}, + dictWord{11, 0, 863}, + dictWord{13, 0, 398}, + dictWord{ + 146, + 0, + 99, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 907}, + dictWord{136, 0, 832}, + dictWord{9, 0, 303}, + dictWord{4, 10, 29}, + dictWord{6, 10, 532}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1628}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1648}, + dictWord{9, 10, 350}, + dictWord{10, 10, 433}, + dictWord{11, 10, 97}, + dictWord{11, 10, 557}, + dictWord{11, 10, 745}, + dictWord{12, 10, 289}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 335, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 348}, + dictWord{12, 10, 606}, + dictWord{13, 10, 116}, + dictWord{13, 10, 233}, + dictWord{13, 10, 466}, + dictWord{14, 10, 181}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 209, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 232}, + dictWord{14, 10, 236}, + dictWord{14, 10, 300}, + dictWord{16, 10, 41}, + dictWord{148, 10, 97}, + dictWord{7, 11, 423}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1692}, + dictWord{136, 11, 588}, + dictWord{6, 0, 931}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1454}, + dictWord{5, 10, 501}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1704}, + dictWord{9, 10, 553}, + dictWord{11, 10, 520}, + dictWord{12, 10, 557}, + dictWord{141, 10, 249}, + dictWord{136, 11, 287}, + dictWord{4, 0, 562}, + dictWord{9, 0, 254}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 879, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 786}, + dictWord{14, 11, 32}, + dictWord{18, 11, 85}, + dictWord{20, 11, 2}, + dictWord{152, 11, 16}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1294}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 723, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1135}, + dictWord{6, 0, 216}, + dictWord{7, 0, 901}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1343}, + dictWord{8, 0, 493}, + dictWord{134, 11, 403}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 719, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 809}, + dictWord{136, 11, 834}, + dictWord{5, 11, 210}, + dictWord{6, 11, 213}, + dictWord{7, 11, 60}, + dictWord{10, 11, 364}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 135, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 341}, + dictWord{11, 0, 219}, + dictWord{5, 11, 607}, + dictWord{8, 11, 326}, + dictWord{136, 11, 490}, + dictWord{4, 11, 701}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 472, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 639}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1249}, + dictWord{9, 11, 758}, + dictWord{139, 11, 896}, + dictWord{135, 11, 380}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1947}, + dictWord{139, 0, 130}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1734}, + dictWord{10, 0, 115}, + dictWord{11, 0, 420}, + dictWord{12, 0, 154}, + dictWord{13, 0, 404}, + dictWord{14, 0, 346}, + dictWord{143, 0, 54}, + dictWord{134, 10, 129}, + dictWord{4, 11, 386}, + dictWord{7, 11, 41}, + dictWord{8, 11, 405}, + dictWord{9, 11, 497}, + dictWord{11, 11, 110}, + dictWord{11, 11, 360}, + dictWord{15, 11, 37}, + dictWord{144, 11, 84}, + dictWord{141, 11, 282}, + dictWord{5, 11, 46}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1452}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1480}, + dictWord{8, 11, 634}, + dictWord{140, 11, 472}, + dictWord{4, 11, 524}, + dictWord{136, 11, 810}, + dictWord{10, 11, 238}, + dictWord{141, 11, 33}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 604, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 1011}, + dictWord{136, 0, 701}, + dictWord{8, 0, 856}, + dictWord{8, 0, 858}, + dictWord{8, 0, 879}, + dictWord{12, 0, 702}, + dictWord{142, 0, 447}, + dictWord{4, 0, 54}, + dictWord{5, 0, 666}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1039}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1130}, + dictWord{9, 0, 195}, + dictWord{138, 0, 302}, + dictWord{4, 10, 25}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 60, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 504}, + dictWord{7, 10, 614}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1155}, + dictWord{140, 10, 0}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1248}, + dictWord{11, 10, 621}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 702, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 997}, + dictWord{137, 10, 321}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1669}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1791}, + dictWord{4, 10, 379}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1397, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 372}, + dictWord{5, 11, 782}, + dictWord{5, 11, 829}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1738}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1228}, + dictWord{4, 10, 118}, + dictWord{6, 10, 274}, + dictWord{6, 10, 361}, + dictWord{7, 10, 75}, + dictWord{141, 10, 441}, + dictWord{132, 0, 623}, + dictWord{9, 11, 279}, + dictWord{10, 11, 407}, + dictWord{14, 11, 84}, + dictWord{150, 11, 18}, + dictWord{137, 10, 841}, + dictWord{135, 0, 798}, + dictWord{140, 10, 693}, + dictWord{5, 10, 314}, + dictWord{6, 10, 221}, + dictWord{7, 10, 419}, + dictWord{10, 10, 650}, + dictWord{11, 10, 396}, + dictWord{12, 10, 156}, + dictWord{13, 10, 369}, + dictWord{14, 10, 333}, + dictWord{ + 145, + 10, + 47, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1372}, + dictWord{7, 0, 122}, + dictWord{9, 0, 259}, + dictWord{10, 0, 84}, + dictWord{11, 0, 470}, + dictWord{12, 0, 541}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 0, + 379, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 837}, + dictWord{8, 0, 1013}, + dictWord{4, 11, 78}, + dictWord{5, 11, 96}, + dictWord{5, 11, 182}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1724}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1825, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 394}, + dictWord{10, 11, 471}, + dictWord{11, 11, 532}, + dictWord{14, 11, 340}, + dictWord{145, 11, 88}, + dictWord{134, 0, 577}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1964}, + dictWord{132, 10, 913}, + dictWord{134, 0, 460}, + dictWord{8, 0, 891}, + dictWord{10, 0, 901}, + dictWord{10, 0, 919}, + dictWord{10, 0, 932}, + dictWord{12, 0, 715}, + dictWord{12, 0, 728}, + dictWord{12, 0, 777}, + dictWord{14, 0, 457}, + dictWord{144, 0, 103}, + dictWord{5, 0, 82}, + dictWord{5, 0, 131}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1755, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 31}, + dictWord{9, 0, 168}, + dictWord{9, 0, 764}, + dictWord{139, 0, 869}, + dictWord{136, 10, 475}, + dictWord{6, 0, 605}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 1016, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 601}, + dictWord{9, 11, 619}, + dictWord{10, 11, 505}, + dictWord{10, 11, 732}, + dictWord{11, 11, 355}, + dictWord{140, 11, 139}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 602, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 179}, + dictWord{10, 10, 781}, + dictWord{140, 10, 126}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1246}, + dictWord{6, 10, 329}, + dictWord{138, 10, 111}, + dictWord{6, 11, 215}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1028}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1473}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1721}, + dictWord{9, 11, 424}, + dictWord{138, 11, 779}, + dictWord{5, 0, 278}, + dictWord{137, 0, 68}, + dictWord{6, 0, 932}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1084}, + dictWord{144, 0, 86}, + dictWord{4, 0, 163}, + dictWord{5, 0, 201}, + dictWord{5, 0, 307}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 310, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 335}, + dictWord{7, 0, 284}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1660}, + dictWord{136, 0, 165}, + dictWord{136, 0, 781}, + dictWord{134, 0, 707}, + dictWord{6, 0, 33}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1244}, + dictWord{5, 10, 821}, + dictWord{6, 11, 67}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1687}, + dictWord{7, 11, 258}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1630}, + dictWord{9, 11, 354}, + dictWord{9, 11, 675}, + dictWord{10, 11, 830}, + dictWord{14, 11, 80}, + dictWord{145, 11, 80}, + dictWord{6, 11, 141}, + dictWord{7, 11, 225}, + dictWord{9, 11, 59}, + dictWord{9, 11, 607}, + dictWord{10, 11, 312}, + dictWord{11, 11, 687}, + dictWord{12, 11, 555}, + dictWord{13, 11, 373}, + dictWord{13, 11, 494}, + dictWord{148, 11, 58}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1113}, + dictWord{9, 0, 388}, + dictWord{5, 10, 71}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1407}, + dictWord{9, 10, 704}, + dictWord{10, 10, 261}, + dictWord{10, 10, 619}, + dictWord{11, 10, 547}, + dictWord{11, 10, 619}, + dictWord{143, 10, 157}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1953}, + dictWord{136, 0, 720}, + dictWord{138, 0, 203}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 2008, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 337}, + dictWord{138, 10, 517}, + dictWord{6, 0, 326}, + dictWord{7, 0, 677}, + dictWord{137, 0, 425}, + dictWord{139, 11, 81}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1316, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1412}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1839}, + dictWord{9, 0, 589}, + dictWord{11, 0, 241}, + dictWord{11, 0, 676}, + dictWord{11, 0, 811}, + dictWord{11, 0, 891}, + dictWord{12, 0, 140}, + dictWord{12, 0, 346}, + dictWord{12, 0, 479}, + dictWord{13, 0, 140}, + dictWord{13, 0, 381}, + dictWord{14, 0, 188}, + dictWord{18, 0, 30}, + dictWord{148, 0, 108}, + dictWord{5, 0, 416}, + dictWord{6, 10, 86}, + dictWord{6, 10, 603}, + dictWord{7, 10, 292}, + dictWord{7, 10, 561}, + dictWord{8, 10, 257}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 382, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 721}, + dictWord{9, 10, 778}, + dictWord{11, 10, 581}, + dictWord{140, 10, 466}, + dictWord{4, 10, 486}, + dictWord{133, 10, 491}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1300}, + dictWord{132, 10, 72}, + dictWord{7, 0, 847}, + dictWord{6, 10, 265}, + dictWord{7, 11, 430}, + dictWord{139, 11, 46}, + dictWord{5, 11, 602}, + dictWord{6, 11, 106}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1786}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1821}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2018}, + dictWord{9, 11, 418}, + dictWord{137, 11, 763}, + dictWord{5, 0, 358}, + dictWord{7, 0, 535}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1184}, + dictWord{10, 0, 662}, + dictWord{13, 0, 212}, + dictWord{13, 0, 304}, + dictWord{13, 0, 333}, + dictWord{145, 0, 98}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 65, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 416}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1720}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1924}, + dictWord{8, 11, 677}, + dictWord{10, 11, 109}, + dictWord{11, 11, 14}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 70, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 569}, + dictWord{11, 11, 735}, + dictWord{15, 11, 153}, + dictWord{148, 11, 80}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1823}, + dictWord{8, 0, 839}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 852, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 903}, + dictWord{10, 0, 940}, + dictWord{12, 0, 707}, + dictWord{140, 0, 775}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1229}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1522}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 0, + 654, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 595}, + dictWord{139, 0, 163}, + dictWord{141, 0, 314}, + dictWord{132, 0, 978}, + dictWord{4, 0, 601}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2035}, + dictWord{137, 10, 234}, + dictWord{5, 10, 815}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1688}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1755}, + dictWord{133, 0, 946}, + dictWord{136, 0, 434}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 197, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 205}, + dictWord{7, 0, 411}, + dictWord{7, 0, 590}, + dictWord{8, 0, 631}, + dictWord{9, 0, 323}, + dictWord{10, 0, 355}, + dictWord{11, 0, 491}, + dictWord{12, 0, 143}, + dictWord{12, 0, 402}, + dictWord{13, 0, 73}, + dictWord{14, 0, 408}, + dictWord{15, 0, 107}, + dictWord{146, 0, 71}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1467}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 328, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 544}, + dictWord{11, 0, 955}, + dictWord{12, 0, 13}, + dictWord{13, 0, 320}, + dictWord{145, 0, 83}, + dictWord{142, 0, 410}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 511, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 394}, + dictWord{14, 0, 298}, + dictWord{14, 0, 318}, + dictWord{146, 0, 103}, + dictWord{6, 10, 452}, + dictWord{7, 10, 312}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 219, + }, + dictWord{138, 10, 589}, + dictWord{4, 10, 333}, + dictWord{9, 10, 176}, + dictWord{12, 10, 353}, + dictWord{141, 10, 187}, + dictWord{135, 11, 329}, + dictWord{132, 11, 469}, + dictWord{5, 0, 835}, + dictWord{134, 0, 483}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1743}, + dictWord{5, 11, 929}, + dictWord{6, 11, 340}, + dictWord{8, 11, 376}, + dictWord{136, 11, 807}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1685}, + dictWord{132, 0, 677}, + dictWord{5, 11, 218}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1610}, + dictWord{138, 11, 83}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 571, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1842}, + dictWord{132, 11, 455}, + dictWord{137, 0, 70}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1405}, + dictWord{7, 10, 135}, + dictWord{8, 10, 7}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 62, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 243}, + dictWord{10, 10, 658}, + dictWord{10, 10, 697}, + dictWord{11, 10, 456}, + dictWord{139, 10, 756}, + dictWord{9, 10, 395}, + dictWord{138, 10, 79}, + dictWord{137, 0, 108}, + dictWord{6, 11, 161}, + dictWord{7, 11, 372}, + dictWord{137, 11, 597}, + dictWord{132, 11, 349}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 777, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 331}, + dictWord{135, 10, 631}, + dictWord{133, 0, 747}, + dictWord{6, 11, 432}, + dictWord{6, 11, 608}, + dictWord{139, 11, 322}, + dictWord{138, 10, 835}, + dictWord{5, 11, 468}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1809}, + dictWord{10, 11, 325}, + dictWord{11, 11, 856}, + dictWord{12, 11, 345}, + dictWord{ + 143, + 11, + 104, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 223}, + dictWord{7, 10, 406}, + dictWord{7, 10, 459}, + dictWord{8, 10, 606}, + dictWord{139, 10, 726}, + dictWord{132, 11, 566}, + dictWord{142, 0, 68}, + dictWord{4, 11, 59}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1394}, + dictWord{6, 11, 436}, + dictWord{139, 11, 481}, + dictWord{4, 11, 48}, + dictWord{5, 11, 271}, + dictWord{135, 11, 953}, + dictWord{139, 11, 170}, + dictWord{5, 11, 610}, + dictWord{136, 11, 457}, + dictWord{133, 11, 755}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1217}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 612, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 197}, + dictWord{132, 0, 505}, + dictWord{4, 10, 372}, + dictWord{7, 10, 482}, + dictWord{8, 10, 158}, + dictWord{9, 10, 602}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 615, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 245}, + dictWord{10, 10, 678}, + dictWord{10, 10, 744}, + dictWord{11, 10, 248}, + dictWord{139, 10, 806}, + dictWord{133, 0, 326}, + dictWord{5, 10, 854}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1991}, + dictWord{4, 0, 691}, + dictWord{146, 0, 16}, + dictWord{6, 0, 628}, + dictWord{9, 0, 35}, + dictWord{10, 0, 680}, + dictWord{10, 0, 793}, + dictWord{11, 0, 364}, + dictWord{13, 0, 357}, + dictWord{143, 0, 164}, + dictWord{138, 0, 654}, + dictWord{6, 0, 32}, + dictWord{7, 0, 385}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 757, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1916}, + dictWord{8, 0, 37}, + dictWord{8, 0, 94}, + dictWord{8, 0, 711}, + dictWord{9, 0, 541}, + dictWord{10, 0, 162}, + dictWord{10, 0, 795}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 989, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 1010}, + dictWord{12, 0, 14}, + dictWord{142, 0, 308}, + dictWord{133, 11, 217}, + dictWord{6, 0, 152}, + dictWord{6, 0, 349}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1682, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1252}, + dictWord{8, 0, 112}, + dictWord{9, 0, 435}, + dictWord{9, 0, 668}, + dictWord{10, 0, 290}, + dictWord{10, 0, 319}, + dictWord{10, 0, 815}, + dictWord{11, 0, 180}, + dictWord{11, 0, 837}, + dictWord{12, 0, 240}, + dictWord{13, 0, 152}, + dictWord{13, 0, 219}, + dictWord{142, 0, 158}, + dictWord{4, 0, 581}, + dictWord{134, 0, 726}, + dictWord{5, 10, 195}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1685}, + dictWord{6, 0, 126}, + dictWord{7, 0, 573}, + dictWord{8, 0, 397}, + dictWord{142, 0, 44}, + dictWord{138, 0, 89}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1997}, + dictWord{8, 10, 730}, + dictWord{139, 10, 1006}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1531}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1167}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 926, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 203}, + dictWord{133, 10, 751}, + dictWord{4, 11, 165}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1398}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1829}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1232}, + dictWord{137, 0, 531}, + dictWord{135, 10, 821}, + dictWord{134, 0, 943}, + dictWord{133, 0, 670}, + dictWord{4, 0, 880}, + dictWord{139, 0, 231}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1617, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1957}, + dictWord{5, 11, 9}, + dictWord{7, 11, 297}, + dictWord{7, 11, 966}, + dictWord{140, 11, 306}, + dictWord{6, 0, 975}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 985, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 950}, + dictWord{5, 10, 994}, + dictWord{134, 10, 351}, + dictWord{12, 11, 21}, + dictWord{151, 11, 7}, + dictWord{5, 11, 146}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 411, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 721}, + dictWord{7, 0, 242}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1942}, + dictWord{6, 11, 177}, + dictWord{135, 11, 467}, + dictWord{5, 0, 421}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 47, + }, + dictWord{137, 10, 684}, + dictWord{5, 0, 834}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1202}, + dictWord{8, 0, 14}, + dictWord{9, 0, 481}, + dictWord{137, 0, 880}, + dictWord{138, 0, 465}, + dictWord{6, 0, 688}, + dictWord{9, 0, 834}, + dictWord{132, 10, 350}, + dictWord{132, 0, 855}, + dictWord{4, 0, 357}, + dictWord{6, 0, 172}, + dictWord{7, 0, 143}, + dictWord{137, 0, 413}, + dictWord{133, 11, 200}, + dictWord{132, 0, 590}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1812}, + dictWord{13, 10, 259}, + dictWord{13, 10, 356}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 242, + }, + dictWord{147, 10, 114}, + dictWord{133, 10, 967}, + dictWord{11, 0, 114}, + dictWord{4, 10, 473}, + dictWord{7, 10, 623}, + dictWord{8, 10, 808}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 871, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 893}, + dictWord{11, 10, 431}, + dictWord{12, 10, 112}, + dictWord{12, 10, 217}, + dictWord{12, 10, 243}, + dictWord{12, 10, 562}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 663, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 683}, + dictWord{13, 10, 141}, + dictWord{13, 10, 197}, + dictWord{13, 10, 227}, + dictWord{13, 10, 406}, + dictWord{13, 10, 487}, + dictWord{14, 10, 156}, + dictWord{14, 10, 203}, + dictWord{14, 10, 224}, + dictWord{14, 10, 256}, + dictWord{18, 10, 58}, + dictWord{150, 10, 0}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 286, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 222}, + dictWord{7, 10, 286}, + dictWord{136, 10, 629}, + dictWord{5, 0, 169}, + dictWord{7, 0, 333}, + dictWord{136, 0, 45}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 481, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 198}, + dictWord{4, 0, 24}, + dictWord{5, 0, 140}, + dictWord{5, 0, 185}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1500}, + dictWord{11, 0, 565}, + dictWord{11, 0, 838}, + dictWord{4, 11, 84}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1482}, + dictWord{10, 11, 76}, + dictWord{138, 11, 142}, + dictWord{133, 0, 585}, + dictWord{141, 10, 306}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 1015, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 315}, + dictWord{5, 11, 507}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1370}, + dictWord{136, 10, 146}, + dictWord{6, 0, 691}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1503}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 334, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 593}, + dictWord{4, 10, 465}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1663}, + dictWord{142, 11, 173}, + dictWord{135, 0, 913}, + dictWord{12, 0, 116}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1722}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1360}, + dictWord{132, 0, 802}, + dictWord{8, 11, 222}, + dictWord{8, 11, 476}, + dictWord{9, 11, 238}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 516, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 575}, + dictWord{15, 11, 109}, + dictWord{146, 11, 100}, + dictWord{6, 0, 308}, + dictWord{9, 0, 673}, + dictWord{7, 10, 138}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 517, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 238}, + dictWord{132, 0, 709}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1876}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1895}, + dictWord{9, 0, 994}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1006}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 829, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 888}, + dictWord{12, 0, 891}, + dictWord{146, 0, 185}, + dictWord{148, 10, 94}, + dictWord{4, 0, 228}, + dictWord{133, 0, 897}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1840, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 495}, + dictWord{7, 10, 834}, + dictWord{9, 10, 733}, + dictWord{139, 10, 378}, + dictWord{133, 10, 559}, + dictWord{6, 10, 21}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 1737, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1444}, + dictWord{136, 10, 224}, + dictWord{4, 0, 608}, + dictWord{133, 0, 497}, + dictWord{6, 11, 40}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1781}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1573}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2039}, + dictWord{6, 0, 540}, + dictWord{136, 0, 136}, + dictWord{4, 0, 897}, + dictWord{5, 0, 786}, + dictWord{133, 10, 519}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1878}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1884}, + dictWord{9, 0, 938}, + dictWord{9, 0, 948}, + dictWord{9, 0, 955}, + dictWord{9, 0, 973}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1012}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 895, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 927}, + dictWord{143, 0, 254}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1469}, + dictWord{133, 0, 999}, + dictWord{4, 0, 299}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1004}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 745, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 578}, + dictWord{136, 11, 574}, + dictWord{133, 0, 456}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1457}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1679}, + dictWord{132, 10, 402}, + dictWord{7, 0, 693}, + dictWord{8, 0, 180}, + dictWord{12, 0, 163}, + dictWord{8, 10, 323}, + dictWord{136, 10, 479}, + dictWord{11, 10, 580}, + dictWord{142, 10, 201}, + dictWord{5, 10, 59}, + dictWord{135, 10, 672}, + dictWord{132, 11, 354}, + dictWord{146, 10, 34}, + dictWord{4, 0, 755}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1558}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1740, + }, + dictWord{146, 0, 48}, + dictWord{4, 10, 85}, + dictWord{135, 10, 549}, + dictWord{139, 0, 338}, + dictWord{133, 10, 94}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1091}, + dictWord{135, 11, 469}, + dictWord{12, 0, 695}, + dictWord{12, 0, 704}, + dictWord{20, 0, 113}, + dictWord{5, 11, 830}, + dictWord{14, 11, 338}, + dictWord{148, 11, 81}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1464}, + dictWord{6, 10, 11}, + dictWord{135, 10, 187}, + dictWord{135, 0, 975}, + dictWord{13, 0, 335}, + dictWord{132, 10, 522}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1979, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 496}, + dictWord{135, 11, 203}, + dictWord{4, 10, 52}, + dictWord{135, 10, 661}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1566}, + dictWord{8, 0, 269}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 212, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 718}, + dictWord{14, 0, 15}, + dictWord{14, 0, 132}, + dictWord{142, 0, 227}, + dictWord{4, 0, 890}, + dictWord{5, 0, 805}, + dictWord{5, 0, 819}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 961, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 396}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1631}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1678}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1967}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2041}, + dictWord{9, 0, 630}, + dictWord{11, 0, 8}, + dictWord{11, 0, 1019}, + dictWord{12, 0, 176}, + dictWord{13, 0, 225}, + dictWord{14, 0, 292}, + dictWord{21, 0, 24}, + dictWord{4, 10, 383}, + dictWord{133, 10, 520}, + dictWord{134, 11, 547}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1748}, + dictWord{5, 11, 88}, + dictWord{137, 11, 239}, + dictWord{146, 11, 128}, + dictWord{7, 11, 650}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1310, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 281}, + dictWord{5, 10, 38}, + dictWord{7, 10, 194}, + dictWord{7, 10, 668}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1893}, + dictWord{137, 10, 397}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1815}, + dictWord{9, 10, 635}, + dictWord{139, 10, 559}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1505}, + dictWord{10, 0, 190}, + dictWord{10, 0, 634}, + dictWord{11, 0, 792}, + dictWord{12, 0, 358}, + dictWord{140, 0, 447}, + dictWord{5, 0, 0}, + dictWord{6, 0, 536}, + dictWord{7, 0, 604}, + dictWord{13, 0, 445}, + dictWord{145, 0, 126}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1076, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 80}, + dictWord{11, 11, 78}, + dictWord{11, 11, 421}, + dictWord{11, 11, 534}, + dictWord{140, 11, 545}, + dictWord{8, 0, 966}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 1023, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 369}, + dictWord{146, 11, 72}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1641}, + dictWord{6, 0, 232}, + dictWord{6, 0, 412}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1074}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 9, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 157}, + dictWord{8, 0, 786}, + dictWord{9, 0, 196}, + dictWord{9, 0, 352}, + dictWord{9, 0, 457}, + dictWord{10, 0, 337}, + dictWord{11, 0, 232}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 877, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 480}, + dictWord{140, 0, 546}, + dictWord{135, 0, 958}, + dictWord{4, 0, 382}, + dictWord{136, 0, 579}, + dictWord{4, 0, 212}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1206, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 497}, + dictWord{5, 11, 657}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1584}, + dictWord{132, 0, 681}, + dictWord{8, 0, 971}, + dictWord{138, 0, 965}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 448, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 535}, + dictWord{14, 0, 16}, + dictWord{146, 0, 44}, + dictWord{11, 0, 584}, + dictWord{11, 0, 616}, + dictWord{14, 0, 275}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 584, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 616}, + dictWord{142, 11, 275}, + dictWord{136, 11, 13}, + dictWord{7, 10, 610}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1501}, + dictWord{7, 11, 642}, + dictWord{8, 11, 250}, + dictWord{11, 11, 123}, + dictWord{11, 11, 137}, + dictWord{13, 11, 48}, + dictWord{142, 11, 95}, + dictWord{133, 0, 655}, + dictWord{17, 0, 67}, + dictWord{147, 0, 74}, + dictWord{134, 0, 751}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1967}, + dictWord{6, 0, 231}, + dictWord{136, 0, 423}, + dictWord{5, 0, 300}, + dictWord{138, 0, 1016}, + dictWord{4, 10, 319}, + dictWord{5, 10, 699}, + dictWord{138, 10, 673}, + dictWord{6, 0, 237}, + dictWord{7, 0, 611}, + dictWord{8, 0, 100}, + dictWord{9, 0, 416}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 335, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 173}, + dictWord{18, 0, 101}, + dictWord{6, 10, 336}, + dictWord{8, 10, 552}, + dictWord{9, 10, 285}, + dictWord{10, 10, 99}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 568, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1370}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1406}, + dictWord{9, 10, 218}, + dictWord{141, 10, 222}, + dictWord{133, 10, 256}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1208, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 213}, + dictWord{148, 11, 38}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1219}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1642}, + dictWord{13, 0, 417}, + dictWord{14, 0, 129}, + dictWord{143, 0, 15}, + dictWord{10, 11, 545}, + dictWord{140, 11, 301}, + dictWord{17, 10, 39}, + dictWord{148, 10, 36}, + dictWord{133, 0, 199}, + dictWord{4, 11, 904}, + dictWord{133, 11, 794}, + dictWord{12, 0, 427}, + dictWord{146, 0, 38}, + dictWord{134, 0, 949}, + dictWord{8, 0, 665}, + dictWord{135, 10, 634}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 618, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 259}, + dictWord{132, 10, 339}, + dictWord{133, 11, 761}, + dictWord{141, 10, 169}, + dictWord{132, 10, 759}, + dictWord{5, 0, 688}, + dictWord{7, 0, 539}, + dictWord{135, 0, 712}, + dictWord{7, 11, 386}, + dictWord{138, 11, 713}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1186}, + dictWord{6, 11, 7}, + dictWord{6, 11, 35}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 147, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1069}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1568}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1575}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1917}, + dictWord{8, 11, 43}, + dictWord{8, 11, 208}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 128, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 866}, + dictWord{10, 11, 20}, + dictWord{11, 11, 981}, + dictWord{147, 11, 33}, + dictWord{7, 11, 893}, + dictWord{8, 10, 482}, + dictWord{141, 11, 424}, + dictWord{6, 0, 312}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1715}, + dictWord{10, 0, 584}, + dictWord{11, 0, 546}, + dictWord{11, 0, 692}, + dictWord{12, 0, 259}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 295, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 46}, + dictWord{141, 0, 154}, + dictWord{5, 10, 336}, + dictWord{6, 10, 341}, + dictWord{6, 10, 478}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1763}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 10, + 386, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 151}, + dictWord{132, 0, 588}, + dictWord{152, 0, 4}, + dictWord{6, 11, 322}, + dictWord{9, 11, 552}, + dictWord{11, 11, 274}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 209, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 499}, + dictWord{14, 11, 85}, + dictWord{15, 11, 126}, + dictWord{145, 11, 70}, + dictWord{135, 10, 73}, + dictWord{4, 0, 231}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 61, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 104}, + dictWord{7, 0, 729}, + dictWord{7, 0, 964}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1658}, + dictWord{140, 0, 414}, + dictWord{6, 0, 263}, + dictWord{138, 0, 757}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1971}, + dictWord{4, 0, 612}, + dictWord{133, 0, 561}, + dictWord{132, 0, 320}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1344}, + dictWord{8, 11, 83}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 817, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 28}, + dictWord{9, 11, 29}, + dictWord{9, 11, 885}, + dictWord{10, 11, 387}, + dictWord{11, 11, 633}, + dictWord{11, 11, 740}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 235, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 254}, + dictWord{15, 11, 143}, + dictWord{143, 11, 146}, + dictWord{5, 10, 396}, + dictWord{134, 10, 501}, + dictWord{140, 11, 49}, + dictWord{132, 0, 225}, + dictWord{4, 10, 929}, + dictWord{5, 10, 799}, + dictWord{8, 10, 46}, + dictWord{136, 10, 740}, + dictWord{4, 0, 405}, + dictWord{7, 0, 817}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 58, + }, + dictWord{17, 0, 37}, + dictWord{146, 0, 124}, + dictWord{133, 0, 974}, + dictWord{4, 11, 412}, + dictWord{133, 11, 581}, + dictWord{4, 10, 892}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 770, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 996}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2026}, + dictWord{4, 0, 527}, + dictWord{5, 0, 235}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1239}, + dictWord{11, 0, 131}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 0, + 370, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 16}, + dictWord{13, 0, 386}, + dictWord{135, 11, 421}, + dictWord{7, 0, 956}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1157}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1506}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1606}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1615}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1619}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1736}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1775}, + dictWord{8, 0, 590}, + dictWord{9, 0, 324}, + dictWord{9, 0, 736}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 774, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 776}, + dictWord{9, 0, 784}, + dictWord{10, 0, 567}, + dictWord{10, 0, 708}, + dictWord{11, 0, 518}, + dictWord{11, 0, 613}, + dictWord{11, 0, 695}, + dictWord{11, 0, 716}, + dictWord{11, 0, 739}, + dictWord{11, 0, 770}, + dictWord{11, 0, 771}, + dictWord{11, 0, 848}, + dictWord{11, 0, 857}, + dictWord{11, 0, 931}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 947, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 326}, + dictWord{12, 0, 387}, + dictWord{12, 0, 484}, + dictWord{12, 0, 528}, + dictWord{12, 0, 552}, + dictWord{12, 0, 613}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 189, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 256}, + dictWord{13, 0, 340}, + dictWord{13, 0, 432}, + dictWord{13, 0, 436}, + dictWord{13, 0, 440}, + dictWord{13, 0, 454}, + dictWord{14, 0, 174}, + dictWord{14, 0, 220}, + dictWord{14, 0, 284}, + dictWord{14, 0, 390}, + dictWord{145, 0, 121}, + dictWord{135, 10, 158}, + dictWord{9, 0, 137}, + dictWord{138, 0, 221}, + dictWord{4, 11, 110}, + dictWord{10, 11, 415}, + dictWord{10, 11, 597}, + dictWord{142, 11, 206}, + dictWord{141, 11, 496}, + dictWord{135, 11, 205}, + dictWord{ + 151, + 10, + 25, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 778}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1656}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2001}, + dictWord{9, 11, 369}, + dictWord{10, 11, 338}, + dictWord{10, 11, 490}, + dictWord{11, 11, 154}, + dictWord{11, 11, 545}, + dictWord{11, 11, 775}, + dictWord{13, 11, 77}, + dictWord{141, 11, 274}, + dictWord{4, 11, 444}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 146, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 9}, + dictWord{7, 0, 390}, + dictWord{138, 0, 140}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1144}, + dictWord{134, 0, 464}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1461}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 10, + 91, + }, + dictWord{132, 10, 602}, + dictWord{4, 11, 283}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1194}, + dictWord{5, 0, 407}, + dictWord{11, 0, 204}, + dictWord{11, 0, 243}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 489, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 293}, + dictWord{19, 0, 37}, + dictWord{20, 0, 73}, + dictWord{150, 0, 38}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1218}, + dictWord{136, 0, 303}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 325, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 5}, + dictWord{8, 0, 227}, + dictWord{9, 0, 105}, + dictWord{10, 0, 585}, + dictWord{12, 0, 614}, + dictWord{4, 10, 13}, + dictWord{5, 10, 567}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1498, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 124}, + dictWord{11, 10, 521}, + dictWord{140, 10, 405}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1006}, + dictWord{7, 0, 800}, + dictWord{10, 0, 12}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1720}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1783}, + dictWord{132, 10, 735}, + dictWord{138, 10, 812}, + dictWord{4, 10, 170}, + dictWord{135, 10, 323}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 621, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 504}, + dictWord{144, 0, 89}, + dictWord{5, 10, 304}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1403}, + dictWord{137, 11, 216}, + dictWord{6, 0, 920}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1104, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 183}, + dictWord{139, 11, 286}, + dictWord{4, 0, 376}, + dictWord{133, 10, 742}, + dictWord{134, 0, 218}, + dictWord{8, 0, 641}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 388, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 580}, + dictWord{7, 0, 454}, + dictWord{7, 0, 782}, + dictWord{8, 0, 768}, + dictWord{140, 0, 686}, + dictWord{137, 11, 33}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 111, + }, + dictWord{144, 0, 0}, + dictWord{10, 0, 676}, + dictWord{140, 0, 462}, + dictWord{6, 0, 164}, + dictWord{136, 11, 735}, + dictWord{133, 10, 444}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 0, + 50, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1862}, + dictWord{12, 11, 491}, + dictWord{12, 11, 520}, + dictWord{13, 11, 383}, + dictWord{14, 11, 244}, + dictWord{146, 11, 12}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 132, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 486}, + dictWord{9, 11, 715}, + dictWord{10, 11, 458}, + dictWord{11, 11, 373}, + dictWord{11, 11, 668}, + dictWord{11, 11, 795}, + dictWord{11, 11, 897}, + dictWord{12, 11, 272}, + dictWord{12, 11, 424}, + dictWord{12, 11, 539}, + dictWord{12, 11, 558}, + dictWord{14, 11, 245}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 263, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 264}, + dictWord{14, 11, 393}, + dictWord{142, 11, 403}, + dictWord{8, 10, 123}, + dictWord{15, 10, 6}, + dictWord{144, 10, 7}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 285, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 654}, + dictWord{11, 0, 749}, + dictWord{12, 0, 190}, + dictWord{12, 0, 327}, + dictWord{13, 0, 120}, + dictWord{13, 0, 121}, + dictWord{13, 0, 327}, + dictWord{15, 0, 47}, + dictWord{146, 0, 40}, + dictWord{5, 11, 8}, + dictWord{6, 11, 89}, + dictWord{6, 11, 400}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1569}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1623}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1850, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 218}, + dictWord{8, 11, 422}, + dictWord{9, 11, 570}, + dictWord{138, 11, 626}, + dictWord{6, 11, 387}, + dictWord{7, 11, 882}, + dictWord{141, 11, 111}, + dictWord{6, 0, 343}, + dictWord{7, 0, 195}, + dictWord{9, 0, 226}, + dictWord{10, 0, 197}, + dictWord{10, 0, 575}, + dictWord{11, 0, 502}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 899, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 224}, + dictWord{7, 11, 877}, + dictWord{137, 11, 647}, + dictWord{5, 10, 937}, + dictWord{135, 10, 100}, + dictWord{135, 11, 790}, + dictWord{150, 0, 29}, + dictWord{147, 0, 8}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1812}, + dictWord{149, 0, 8}, + dictWord{135, 11, 394}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1125}, + dictWord{9, 0, 143}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 61, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 405}, + dictWord{150, 0, 21}, + dictWord{10, 11, 755}, + dictWord{147, 11, 29}, + dictWord{9, 11, 378}, + dictWord{141, 11, 162}, + dictWord{135, 10, 922}, + dictWord{5, 10, 619}, + dictWord{133, 10, 698}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1327}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1598}, + dictWord{137, 0, 575}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 569, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 12}, + dictWord{12, 11, 81}, + dictWord{12, 11, 319}, + dictWord{13, 11, 69}, + dictWord{14, 11, 259}, + dictWord{16, 11, 87}, + dictWord{ + 17, + 11, + 1, + }, + dictWord{17, 11, 21}, + dictWord{17, 11, 24}, + dictWord{18, 11, 15}, + dictWord{18, 11, 56}, + dictWord{18, 11, 59}, + dictWord{18, 11, 127}, + dictWord{18, 11, 154}, + dictWord{19, 11, 19}, + dictWord{148, 11, 31}, + dictWord{6, 0, 895}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1231}, + dictWord{5, 0, 959}, + dictWord{7, 11, 124}, + dictWord{136, 11, 38}, + dictWord{5, 11, 261}, + dictWord{7, 11, 78}, + dictWord{7, 11, 199}, + dictWord{8, 11, 815}, + dictWord{9, 11, 126}, + dictWord{138, 11, 342}, + dictWord{5, 10, 917}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1659}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1759}, + dictWord{5, 11, 595}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1863}, + dictWord{136, 0, 173}, + dictWord{134, 0, 266}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 0, + 261, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 628}, + dictWord{5, 10, 251}, + dictWord{5, 10, 956}, + dictWord{8, 10, 268}, + dictWord{9, 10, 214}, + dictWord{146, 10, 142}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 266, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 804}, + dictWord{135, 11, 208}, + dictWord{6, 11, 79}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1021}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1519}, + dictWord{11, 11, 704}, + dictWord{141, 11, 396}, + dictWord{5, 10, 346}, + dictWord{5, 10, 711}, + dictWord{136, 10, 390}, + dictWord{136, 11, 741}, + dictWord{134, 11, 376}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1427, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1033}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1217}, + dictWord{136, 0, 300}, + dictWord{133, 10, 624}, + dictWord{6, 11, 100}, + dictWord{7, 11, 244}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 632, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1609}, + dictWord{8, 11, 178}, + dictWord{8, 11, 638}, + dictWord{141, 11, 58}, + dictWord{6, 0, 584}, + dictWord{5, 10, 783}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1998, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 2047}, + dictWord{5, 0, 427}, + dictWord{5, 0, 734}, + dictWord{7, 0, 478}, + dictWord{136, 0, 52}, + dictWord{7, 0, 239}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 217, + }, + dictWord{142, 0, 165}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1129}, + dictWord{6, 0, 168}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1734}, + dictWord{7, 0, 20}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1056}, + dictWord{8, 0, 732}, + dictWord{9, 0, 406}, + dictWord{9, 0, 911}, + dictWord{138, 0, 694}, + dictWord{132, 10, 594}, + dictWord{133, 11, 791}, + dictWord{7, 11, 686}, + dictWord{8, 11, 33}, + dictWord{8, 11, 238}, + dictWord{10, 11, 616}, + dictWord{11, 11, 467}, + dictWord{11, 11, 881}, + dictWord{13, 11, 217}, + dictWord{13, 11, 253}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 11, + 268, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 476}, + dictWord{134, 0, 418}, + dictWord{133, 0, 613}, + dictWord{132, 0, 632}, + dictWord{132, 11, 447}, + dictWord{7, 0, 32}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 984, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 85}, + dictWord{8, 0, 709}, + dictWord{9, 0, 579}, + dictWord{9, 0, 847}, + dictWord{9, 0, 856}, + dictWord{10, 0, 799}, + dictWord{11, 0, 258}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 1007, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 331}, + dictWord{12, 0, 615}, + dictWord{13, 0, 188}, + dictWord{13, 0, 435}, + dictWord{14, 0, 8}, + dictWord{15, 0, 165}, + dictWord{ + 16, + 0, + 27, + }, + dictWord{20, 0, 40}, + dictWord{144, 11, 35}, + dictWord{4, 11, 128}, + dictWord{5, 11, 415}, + dictWord{6, 11, 462}, + dictWord{7, 11, 294}, + dictWord{7, 11, 578}, + dictWord{10, 11, 710}, + dictWord{139, 11, 86}, + dictWord{5, 0, 694}, + dictWord{136, 0, 909}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1109}, + dictWord{11, 0, 7}, + dictWord{5, 10, 37}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 39, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 451}, + dictWord{7, 10, 218}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1166}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1687}, + dictWord{8, 10, 662}, + dictWord{144, 10, 2}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 11, + 587, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 427}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1018}, + dictWord{138, 11, 692}, + dictWord{4, 11, 195}, + dictWord{6, 10, 508}, + dictWord{135, 11, 802}, + dictWord{4, 0, 167}, + dictWord{135, 0, 82}, + dictWord{5, 0, 62}, + dictWord{6, 0, 24}, + dictWord{6, 0, 534}, + dictWord{7, 0, 74}, + dictWord{7, 0, 678}, + dictWord{7, 0, 684}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1043, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1072}, + dictWord{8, 0, 280}, + dictWord{8, 0, 541}, + dictWord{8, 0, 686}, + dictWord{9, 0, 258}, + dictWord{10, 0, 519}, + dictWord{11, 0, 252}, + dictWord{140, 0, 282}, + dictWord{138, 0, 33}, + dictWord{4, 0, 359}, + dictWord{133, 11, 738}, + dictWord{7, 0, 980}, + dictWord{9, 0, 328}, + dictWord{13, 0, 186}, + dictWord{13, 0, 364}, + dictWord{7, 10, 635}, + dictWord{7, 10, 796}, + dictWord{8, 10, 331}, + dictWord{9, 10, 330}, + dictWord{9, 10, 865}, + dictWord{10, 10, 119}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 235, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 111}, + dictWord{11, 10, 129}, + dictWord{11, 10, 240}, + dictWord{12, 10, 31}, + dictWord{12, 10, 66}, + dictWord{12, 10, 222}, + dictWord{12, 10, 269}, + dictWord{12, 10, 599}, + dictWord{12, 10, 684}, + dictWord{12, 10, 689}, + dictWord{12, 10, 691}, + dictWord{142, 10, 345}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 527, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 596}, + dictWord{7, 0, 585}, + dictWord{135, 10, 702}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1683}, + dictWord{133, 0, 211}, + dictWord{6, 0, 145}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 0, + 336, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1130}, + dictWord{7, 0, 873}, + dictWord{6, 10, 37}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1666}, + dictWord{8, 10, 195}, + dictWord{8, 10, 316}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 178, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 276}, + dictWord{9, 10, 339}, + dictWord{9, 10, 536}, + dictWord{10, 10, 102}, + dictWord{10, 10, 362}, + dictWord{10, 10, 785}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 55, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 149}, + dictWord{11, 10, 773}, + dictWord{13, 10, 416}, + dictWord{13, 10, 419}, + dictWord{14, 10, 38}, + dictWord{14, 10, 41}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 10, + 210, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 840}, + dictWord{136, 0, 841}, + dictWord{132, 0, 263}, + dictWord{5, 11, 3}, + dictWord{8, 11, 578}, + dictWord{9, 11, 118}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 705, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 383}, + dictWord{141, 11, 279}, + dictWord{132, 0, 916}, + dictWord{133, 11, 229}, + dictWord{133, 10, 645}, + dictWord{15, 0, 155}, + dictWord{16, 0, 79}, + dictWord{8, 11, 102}, + dictWord{10, 11, 578}, + dictWord{10, 11, 672}, + dictWord{12, 11, 496}, + dictWord{13, 11, 408}, + dictWord{14, 11, 121}, + dictWord{145, 11, 106}, + dictWord{4, 0, 599}, + dictWord{5, 0, 592}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1634}, + dictWord{7, 0, 5}, + dictWord{7, 0, 55}, + dictWord{7, 0, 67}, + dictWord{7, 0, 97}, + dictWord{7, 0, 691}, + dictWord{7, 0, 979}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1600}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1697}, + dictWord{8, 0, 207}, + dictWord{8, 0, 214}, + dictWord{8, 0, 231}, + dictWord{8, 0, 294}, + dictWord{8, 0, 336}, + dictWord{8, 0, 428}, + dictWord{8, 0, 471}, + dictWord{8, 0, 622}, + dictWord{8, 0, 626}, + dictWord{8, 0, 679}, + dictWord{8, 0, 759}, + dictWord{8, 0, 829}, + dictWord{9, 0, 11}, + dictWord{9, 0, 246}, + dictWord{9, 0, 484}, + dictWord{9, 0, 573}, + dictWord{9, 0, 706}, + dictWord{9, 0, 762}, + dictWord{9, 0, 798}, + dictWord{9, 0, 855}, + dictWord{9, 0, 870}, + dictWord{9, 0, 912}, + dictWord{10, 0, 303}, + dictWord{10, 0, 335}, + dictWord{10, 0, 424}, + dictWord{10, 0, 461}, + dictWord{10, 0, 543}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 759, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 814}, + dictWord{11, 0, 59}, + dictWord{11, 0, 199}, + dictWord{11, 0, 235}, + dictWord{11, 0, 590}, + dictWord{11, 0, 631}, + dictWord{11, 0, 929}, + dictWord{11, 0, 963}, + dictWord{11, 0, 987}, + dictWord{12, 0, 114}, + dictWord{12, 0, 182}, + dictWord{12, 0, 226}, + dictWord{12, 0, 332}, + dictWord{12, 0, 439}, + dictWord{12, 0, 575}, + dictWord{12, 0, 598}, + dictWord{12, 0, 675}, + dictWord{13, 0, 8}, + dictWord{13, 0, 125}, + dictWord{13, 0, 194}, + dictWord{13, 0, 287}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 197, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 383}, + dictWord{15, 0, 53}, + dictWord{17, 0, 63}, + dictWord{19, 0, 46}, + dictWord{19, 0, 98}, + dictWord{19, 0, 106}, + dictWord{148, 0, 85}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1356, + }, + dictWord{132, 10, 290}, + dictWord{6, 10, 70}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1292}, + dictWord{10, 10, 762}, + dictWord{139, 10, 288}, + dictWord{150, 11, 55}, + dictWord{4, 0, 593}, + dictWord{8, 11, 115}, + dictWord{8, 11, 350}, + dictWord{9, 11, 489}, + dictWord{10, 11, 128}, + dictWord{11, 11, 306}, + dictWord{12, 11, 373}, + dictWord{14, 11, 30}, + dictWord{17, 11, 79}, + dictWord{147, 11, 80}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1235}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1392}, + dictWord{4, 11, 230}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 702, + }, + dictWord{147, 0, 126}, + dictWord{7, 10, 131}, + dictWord{7, 10, 422}, + dictWord{8, 10, 210}, + dictWord{140, 10, 573}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1179}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 435, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 797}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1728}, + dictWord{4, 0, 162}, + dictWord{18, 11, 26}, + dictWord{19, 11, 42}, + dictWord{20, 11, 43}, + dictWord{21, 11, 0}, + dictWord{23, 11, 27}, + dictWord{152, 11, 14}, + dictWord{132, 10, 936}, + dictWord{6, 0, 765}, + dictWord{5, 10, 453}, + dictWord{134, 10, 441}, + dictWord{133, 0, 187}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1286}, + dictWord{6, 0, 635}, + dictWord{6, 0, 904}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1210}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1489}, + dictWord{4, 0, 215}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 890, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 38}, + dictWord{10, 0, 923}, + dictWord{11, 0, 23}, + dictWord{11, 0, 127}, + dictWord{139, 0, 796}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1165}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1306, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 716}, + dictWord{13, 0, 97}, + dictWord{141, 0, 251}, + dictWord{132, 10, 653}, + dictWord{136, 0, 657}, + dictWord{146, 10, 80}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 622, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1032}, + dictWord{11, 11, 26}, + dictWord{11, 11, 213}, + dictWord{11, 11, 707}, + dictWord{12, 11, 380}, + dictWord{13, 11, 226}, + dictWord{141, 11, 355}, + dictWord{6, 0, 299}, + dictWord{5, 11, 70}, + dictWord{6, 11, 334}, + dictWord{9, 11, 171}, + dictWord{11, 11, 637}, + dictWord{12, 11, 202}, + dictWord{14, 11, 222}, + dictWord{145, 11, 42}, + dictWord{142, 0, 134}, + dictWord{4, 11, 23}, + dictWord{5, 11, 313}, + dictWord{5, 11, 1014}, + dictWord{6, 11, 50}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 51, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 142}, + dictWord{7, 11, 384}, + dictWord{9, 11, 783}, + dictWord{139, 11, 741}, + dictWord{4, 11, 141}, + dictWord{7, 11, 559}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 640, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 460}, + dictWord{12, 11, 183}, + dictWord{141, 11, 488}, + dictWord{136, 11, 614}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1368}, + dictWord{8, 10, 232}, + dictWord{8, 10, 361}, + dictWord{10, 10, 682}, + dictWord{138, 10, 742}, + dictWord{137, 10, 534}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1082}, + dictWord{140, 0, 658}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 27, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 2002}, + dictWord{142, 10, 12}, + dictWord{4, 0, 28}, + dictWord{5, 0, 440}, + dictWord{7, 0, 248}, + dictWord{11, 0, 833}, + dictWord{140, 0, 344}, + dictWord{7, 10, 736}, + dictWord{139, 10, 264}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1657}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1654}, + dictWord{138, 0, 531}, + dictWord{5, 11, 222}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 140, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 534}, + dictWord{6, 0, 634}, + dictWord{6, 0, 798}, + dictWord{134, 0, 840}, + dictWord{138, 11, 503}, + dictWord{135, 10, 127}, + dictWord{133, 0, 853}, + dictWord{5, 11, 154}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1491}, + dictWord{10, 11, 379}, + dictWord{138, 11, 485}, + dictWord{6, 0, 249}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1234}, + dictWord{139, 0, 573}, + dictWord{133, 11, 716}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1570}, + dictWord{140, 11, 542}, + dictWord{136, 10, 364}, + dictWord{138, 0, 527}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 91, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 388}, + dictWord{5, 11, 845}, + dictWord{6, 11, 206}, + dictWord{6, 11, 252}, + dictWord{6, 11, 365}, + dictWord{7, 11, 136}, + dictWord{7, 11, 531}, + dictWord{8, 11, 264}, + dictWord{136, 11, 621}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1419}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1441}, + dictWord{7, 0, 49}, + dictWord{7, 0, 392}, + dictWord{8, 0, 20}, + dictWord{8, 0, 172}, + dictWord{8, 0, 690}, + dictWord{9, 0, 383}, + dictWord{9, 0, 845}, + dictWord{10, 0, 48}, + dictWord{11, 0, 293}, + dictWord{11, 0, 832}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 920, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 984}, + dictWord{141, 0, 221}, + dictWord{5, 0, 858}, + dictWord{133, 0, 992}, + dictWord{5, 0, 728}, + dictWord{137, 10, 792}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 909, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 849}, + dictWord{138, 10, 805}, + dictWord{7, 0, 525}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1579}, + dictWord{8, 0, 497}, + dictWord{136, 0, 573}, + dictWord{6, 0, 268}, + dictWord{137, 0, 62}, + dictWord{135, 11, 576}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1201}, + dictWord{5, 11, 771}, + dictWord{5, 11, 863}, + dictWord{5, 11, 898}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 1632, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 1644}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1780}, + dictWord{133, 11, 331}, + dictWord{7, 0, 193}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1105}, + dictWord{10, 0, 495}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 397, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 124}, + dictWord{8, 10, 619}, + dictWord{9, 10, 305}, + dictWord{11, 10, 40}, + dictWord{12, 10, 349}, + dictWord{13, 10, 134}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 295, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 155}, + dictWord{15, 10, 120}, + dictWord{146, 10, 105}, + dictWord{138, 0, 106}, + dictWord{6, 0, 859}, + dictWord{5, 11, 107}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 201, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 518}, + dictWord{6, 11, 446}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1817}, + dictWord{13, 0, 23}, + dictWord{4, 10, 262}, + dictWord{135, 10, 342}, + dictWord{133, 10, 641}, + dictWord{137, 11, 851}, + dictWord{6, 0, 925}, + dictWord{137, 0, 813}, + dictWord{132, 11, 504}, + dictWord{6, 0, 613}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 223, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 99}, + dictWord{6, 10, 250}, + dictWord{6, 10, 346}, + dictWord{8, 10, 127}, + dictWord{138, 10, 81}, + dictWord{136, 0, 953}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 915, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 892}, + dictWord{5, 10, 75}, + dictWord{9, 10, 517}, + dictWord{10, 10, 470}, + dictWord{12, 10, 155}, + dictWord{141, 10, 224}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 666, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1017}, + dictWord{7, 11, 996}, + dictWord{138, 11, 390}, + dictWord{5, 11, 883}, + dictWord{133, 11, 975}, + dictWord{14, 10, 83}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 11, + 83, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 670}, + dictWord{5, 11, 922}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1707}, + dictWord{135, 0, 216}, + dictWord{9, 0, 40}, + dictWord{11, 0, 136}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 787, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 954}, + dictWord{5, 11, 993}, + dictWord{7, 11, 515}, + dictWord{137, 11, 91}, + dictWord{139, 0, 259}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1114}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 310, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 682}, + dictWord{10, 0, 440}, + dictWord{13, 0, 40}, + dictWord{6, 10, 304}, + dictWord{8, 10, 418}, + dictWord{11, 10, 341}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 675, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 296}, + dictWord{9, 10, 410}, + dictWord{139, 10, 425}, + dictWord{10, 11, 377}, + dictWord{12, 11, 363}, + dictWord{13, 11, 68}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 94, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 108}, + dictWord{142, 11, 306}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1401}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1476}, + dictWord{4, 0, 296}, + dictWord{6, 0, 475}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 401, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1410}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1594}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1674}, + dictWord{8, 0, 63}, + dictWord{8, 0, 660}, + dictWord{137, 0, 74}, + dictWord{4, 0, 139}, + dictWord{4, 0, 388}, + dictWord{140, 0, 188}, + dictWord{132, 0, 797}, + dictWord{132, 11, 766}, + dictWord{5, 11, 103}, + dictWord{7, 11, 921}, + dictWord{8, 11, 580}, + dictWord{8, 11, 593}, + dictWord{8, 11, 630}, + dictWord{138, 11, 28}, + dictWord{4, 11, 911}, + dictWord{5, 11, 867}, + dictWord{133, 11, 1013}, + dictWord{134, 10, 14}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1572}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1708}, + dictWord{21, 0, 39}, + dictWord{5, 10, 113}, + dictWord{6, 10, 243}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1865}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 161, + }, + dictWord{16, 10, 37}, + dictWord{145, 10, 99}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1563}, + dictWord{141, 11, 182}, + dictWord{5, 11, 135}, + dictWord{6, 11, 519}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1722, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 271}, + dictWord{11, 11, 261}, + dictWord{145, 11, 54}, + dictWord{132, 10, 274}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1594}, + dictWord{4, 11, 300}, + dictWord{5, 11, 436}, + dictWord{135, 11, 484}, + dictWord{4, 0, 747}, + dictWord{6, 0, 290}, + dictWord{7, 0, 649}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1479}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1583}, + dictWord{133, 11, 535}, + dictWord{147, 11, 82}, + dictWord{133, 0, 232}, + dictWord{137, 0, 887}, + dictWord{135, 10, 166}, + dictWord{136, 0, 521}, + dictWord{4, 0, 14}, + dictWord{7, 0, 472}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1801}, + dictWord{10, 0, 748}, + dictWord{141, 0, 458}, + dictWord{134, 0, 741}, + dictWord{134, 0, 992}, + dictWord{16, 0, 111}, + dictWord{137, 10, 304}, + dictWord{4, 0, 425}, + dictWord{5, 11, 387}, + dictWord{7, 11, 557}, + dictWord{12, 11, 547}, + dictWord{142, 11, 86}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1747, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 654}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1489}, + dictWord{7, 0, 789}, + dictWord{4, 11, 6}, + dictWord{5, 11, 708}, + dictWord{136, 11, 75}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 273, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 188}, + dictWord{13, 10, 377}, + dictWord{146, 10, 77}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1593}, + dictWord{4, 11, 303}, + dictWord{7, 11, 619}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 547, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 687}, + dictWord{11, 11, 122}, + dictWord{140, 11, 601}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1768}, + dictWord{135, 10, 410}, + dictWord{138, 11, 772}, + dictWord{11, 0, 233}, + dictWord{139, 10, 524}, + dictWord{5, 0, 943}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1779}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1785}, + dictWord{136, 11, 529}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 955, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 245}, + dictWord{6, 0, 576}, + dictWord{7, 0, 582}, + dictWord{136, 0, 225}, + dictWord{132, 10, 780}, + dictWord{142, 0, 241}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1943, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 106}, + dictWord{7, 11, 310}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1785}, + dictWord{10, 11, 690}, + dictWord{139, 11, 717}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1284}, + dictWord{5, 11, 890}, + dictWord{133, 11, 988}, + dictWord{6, 11, 626}, + dictWord{142, 11, 431}, + dictWord{10, 11, 706}, + dictWord{145, 11, 32}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 332, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 698}, + dictWord{135, 0, 709}, + dictWord{5, 10, 948}, + dictWord{138, 11, 17}, + dictWord{136, 0, 554}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1564}, + dictWord{139, 10, 941}, + dictWord{132, 0, 443}, + dictWord{134, 0, 909}, + dictWord{134, 11, 84}, + dictWord{142, 0, 280}, + dictWord{4, 10, 532}, + dictWord{5, 10, 706}, + dictWord{135, 10, 662}, + dictWord{132, 0, 729}, + dictWord{5, 10, 837}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1651}, + dictWord{139, 10, 985}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1861}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 348, + }, + dictWord{152, 11, 3}, + dictWord{5, 11, 986}, + dictWord{6, 11, 130}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1582}, + dictWord{8, 11, 458}, + dictWord{10, 11, 101}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 318, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 823}, + dictWord{134, 0, 758}, + dictWord{4, 0, 298}, + dictWord{137, 0, 848}, + dictWord{4, 10, 330}, + dictWord{7, 10, 933}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 2012, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 292}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1644}, + dictWord{137, 11, 129}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1422}, + dictWord{9, 0, 829}, + dictWord{135, 10, 767}, + dictWord{5, 0, 164}, + dictWord{7, 0, 121}, + dictWord{142, 0, 189}, + dictWord{7, 0, 812}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1261}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1360}, + dictWord{9, 0, 632}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 0, + 352, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1788}, + dictWord{139, 0, 556}, + dictWord{135, 11, 997}, + dictWord{145, 10, 114}, + dictWord{4, 0, 172}, + dictWord{9, 0, 611}, + dictWord{10, 0, 436}, + dictWord{12, 0, 673}, + dictWord{13, 0, 255}, + dictWord{137, 10, 883}, + dictWord{11, 0, 530}, + dictWord{138, 10, 274}, + dictWord{133, 0, 844}, + dictWord{134, 0, 984}, + dictWord{13, 0, 232}, + dictWord{18, 0, 35}, + dictWord{4, 10, 703}, + dictWord{135, 10, 207}, + dictWord{132, 10, 571}, + dictWord{9, 0, 263}, + dictWord{10, 0, 147}, + dictWord{138, 0, 492}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1756}, + dictWord{137, 11, 98}, + dictWord{5, 10, 873}, + dictWord{5, 10, 960}, + dictWord{8, 10, 823}, + dictWord{137, 10, 881}, + dictWord{133, 0, 537}, + dictWord{132, 0, 859}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1046}, + dictWord{139, 11, 160}, + dictWord{137, 0, 842}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 283, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 33}, + dictWord{6, 10, 470}, + dictWord{139, 10, 424}, + dictWord{6, 11, 45}, + dictWord{7, 11, 433}, + dictWord{8, 11, 129}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 21, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 392}, + dictWord{11, 11, 79}, + dictWord{12, 11, 499}, + dictWord{13, 11, 199}, + dictWord{141, 11, 451}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1291}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1882}, + dictWord{7, 11, 558}, + dictWord{136, 11, 353}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1482}, + dictWord{5, 0, 230}, + dictWord{5, 0, 392}, + dictWord{6, 0, 420}, + dictWord{9, 0, 568}, + dictWord{140, 0, 612}, + dictWord{6, 0, 262}, + dictWord{7, 10, 90}, + dictWord{7, 10, 664}, + dictWord{7, 10, 830}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1380}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 2025, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 81}, + dictWord{8, 10, 448}, + dictWord{8, 10, 828}, + dictWord{9, 11, 189}, + dictWord{9, 11, 201}, + dictWord{11, 11, 478}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 712, + }, + dictWord{141, 11, 338}, + dictWord{142, 0, 31}, + dictWord{5, 11, 353}, + dictWord{151, 11, 26}, + dictWord{132, 0, 753}, + dictWord{4, 0, 0}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 41, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1459}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1469}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1859}, + dictWord{9, 0, 549}, + dictWord{139, 0, 905}, + dictWord{9, 10, 417}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 493, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1113}, + dictWord{133, 0, 696}, + dictWord{141, 11, 448}, + dictWord{134, 10, 295}, + dictWord{132, 0, 834}, + dictWord{4, 0, 771}, + dictWord{5, 10, 1019}, + dictWord{6, 11, 25}, + dictWord{7, 11, 855}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1258}, + dictWord{144, 11, 32}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1076}, + dictWord{133, 0, 921}, + dictWord{133, 0, 674}, + dictWord{4, 11, 4}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1118}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1320}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1706}, + dictWord{8, 11, 277}, + dictWord{9, 11, 622}, + dictWord{10, 11, 9}, + dictWord{11, 11, 724}, + dictWord{12, 11, 350}, + dictWord{12, 11, 397}, + dictWord{13, 11, 28}, + dictWord{13, 11, 159}, + dictWord{15, 11, 89}, + dictWord{18, 11, 5}, + dictWord{19, 11, 9}, + dictWord{20, 11, 34}, + dictWord{150, 11, 47}, + dictWord{134, 10, 208}, + dictWord{6, 0, 444}, + dictWord{136, 0, 308}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 180, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1137}, + dictWord{8, 0, 751}, + dictWord{139, 0, 805}, + dictWord{4, 0, 183}, + dictWord{7, 0, 271}, + dictWord{11, 0, 824}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 952, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 278}, + dictWord{13, 0, 339}, + dictWord{13, 0, 482}, + dictWord{14, 0, 424}, + dictWord{148, 0, 99}, + dictWord{7, 11, 317}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 569, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 19}, + dictWord{5, 0, 477}, + dictWord{5, 0, 596}, + dictWord{6, 0, 505}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1221}, + dictWord{11, 0, 907}, + dictWord{12, 0, 209}, + dictWord{141, 0, 214}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1215}, + dictWord{6, 0, 271}, + dictWord{7, 0, 398}, + dictWord{8, 0, 387}, + dictWord{10, 0, 344}, + dictWord{7, 10, 448}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1629, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1813}, + dictWord{8, 10, 442}, + dictWord{9, 10, 710}, + dictWord{10, 10, 282}, + dictWord{138, 10, 722}, + dictWord{11, 10, 844}, + dictWord{12, 10, 104}, + dictWord{140, 10, 625}, + dictWord{134, 11, 255}, + dictWord{133, 10, 787}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1645}, + dictWord{11, 11, 956}, + dictWord{ + 151, + 11, + 3, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 92}, + dictWord{6, 0, 188}, + dictWord{7, 0, 209}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1269}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1524}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1876}, + dictWord{8, 0, 661}, + dictWord{10, 0, 42}, + dictWord{10, 0, 228}, + dictWord{11, 0, 58}, + dictWord{11, 0, 1020}, + dictWord{12, 0, 58}, + dictWord{12, 0, 118}, + dictWord{141, 0, 32}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 459, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 966}, + dictWord{4, 11, 536}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1141}, + dictWord{10, 11, 723}, + dictWord{139, 11, 371}, + dictWord{140, 0, 330}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1557}, + dictWord{7, 11, 285}, + dictWord{135, 11, 876}, + dictWord{136, 10, 491}, + dictWord{135, 11, 560}, + dictWord{6, 0, 18}, + dictWord{7, 0, 179}, + dictWord{7, 0, 932}, + dictWord{8, 0, 548}, + dictWord{8, 0, 757}, + dictWord{9, 0, 54}, + dictWord{9, 0, 65}, + dictWord{9, 0, 532}, + dictWord{9, 0, 844}, + dictWord{10, 0, 113}, + dictWord{10, 0, 117}, + dictWord{10, 0, 315}, + dictWord{10, 0, 560}, + dictWord{10, 0, 622}, + dictWord{10, 0, 798}, + dictWord{11, 0, 153}, + dictWord{11, 0, 351}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 375, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 78}, + dictWord{12, 0, 151}, + dictWord{12, 0, 392}, + dictWord{12, 0, 666}, + dictWord{14, 0, 248}, + dictWord{143, 0, 23}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1742, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 690}, + dictWord{4, 10, 403}, + dictWord{5, 10, 441}, + dictWord{7, 10, 450}, + dictWord{10, 10, 840}, + dictWord{11, 10, 101}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 193, + }, + dictWord{141, 10, 430}, + dictWord{133, 0, 965}, + dictWord{134, 0, 182}, + dictWord{10, 0, 65}, + dictWord{10, 0, 488}, + dictWord{138, 0, 497}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1346}, + dictWord{6, 0, 973}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1158}, + dictWord{10, 11, 200}, + dictWord{19, 11, 2}, + dictWord{151, 11, 22}, + dictWord{4, 11, 190}, + dictWord{133, 11, 554}, + dictWord{133, 10, 679}, + dictWord{7, 0, 328}, + dictWord{137, 10, 326}, + dictWord{133, 11, 1001}, + dictWord{9, 0, 588}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 260, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 446}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1128}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1796}, + dictWord{147, 11, 119}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1786}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1328, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1985}, + dictWord{8, 0, 962}, + dictWord{138, 0, 1017}, + dictWord{135, 0, 308}, + dictWord{11, 0, 508}, + dictWord{4, 10, 574}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 350, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1024}, + dictWord{8, 10, 338}, + dictWord{9, 10, 677}, + dictWord{138, 10, 808}, + dictWord{138, 11, 752}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1081}, + dictWord{137, 11, 96}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1676}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2037}, + dictWord{136, 0, 588}, + dictWord{132, 11, 304}, + dictWord{133, 0, 614}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 0, + 793, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 287}, + dictWord{137, 10, 297}, + dictWord{141, 10, 37}, + dictWord{6, 11, 53}, + dictWord{6, 11, 199}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1408}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 32, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 93}, + dictWord{9, 11, 437}, + dictWord{10, 11, 397}, + dictWord{10, 11, 629}, + dictWord{11, 11, 593}, + dictWord{11, 11, 763}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 326, + }, + dictWord{145, 11, 35}, + dictWord{134, 11, 105}, + dictWord{9, 11, 320}, + dictWord{10, 11, 506}, + dictWord{138, 11, 794}, + dictWord{5, 11, 114}, + dictWord{5, 11, 255}, + dictWord{141, 11, 285}, + dictWord{140, 0, 290}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2035}, + dictWord{8, 11, 19}, + dictWord{9, 11, 89}, + dictWord{138, 11, 831}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1136}, + dictWord{7, 0, 719}, + dictWord{8, 0, 796}, + dictWord{8, 0, 809}, + dictWord{8, 0, 834}, + dictWord{6, 10, 306}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1140}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1340, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 133}, + dictWord{138, 10, 449}, + dictWord{139, 10, 1011}, + dictWord{5, 0, 210}, + dictWord{6, 0, 213}, + dictWord{7, 0, 60}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 364, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 135}, + dictWord{5, 0, 607}, + dictWord{8, 0, 326}, + dictWord{136, 0, 490}, + dictWord{138, 11, 176}, + dictWord{132, 0, 701}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 472, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 380}, + dictWord{137, 0, 758}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1947}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1079}, + dictWord{138, 0, 278}, + dictWord{138, 11, 391}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 329, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 260}, + dictWord{139, 11, 156}, + dictWord{4, 0, 386}, + dictWord{7, 0, 41}, + dictWord{8, 0, 405}, + dictWord{8, 0, 728}, + dictWord{9, 0, 497}, + dictWord{11, 0, 110}, + dictWord{11, 0, 360}, + dictWord{15, 0, 37}, + dictWord{144, 0, 84}, + dictWord{5, 0, 46}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1452}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1480}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 634, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 472}, + dictWord{136, 0, 961}, + dictWord{4, 0, 524}, + dictWord{136, 0, 810}, + dictWord{10, 0, 238}, + dictWord{141, 0, 33}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 657, + }, + dictWord{152, 10, 7}, + dictWord{133, 0, 532}, + dictWord{5, 0, 997}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1665}, + dictWord{7, 11, 594}, + dictWord{7, 11, 851}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1858, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 411}, + dictWord{9, 11, 574}, + dictWord{9, 11, 666}, + dictWord{9, 11, 737}, + dictWord{10, 11, 346}, + dictWord{10, 11, 712}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 246, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 432}, + dictWord{11, 11, 517}, + dictWord{11, 11, 647}, + dictWord{11, 11, 679}, + dictWord{11, 11, 727}, + dictWord{12, 11, 304}, + dictWord{12, 11, 305}, + dictWord{12, 11, 323}, + dictWord{12, 11, 483}, + dictWord{12, 11, 572}, + dictWord{12, 11, 593}, + dictWord{12, 11, 602}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 95, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 101}, + dictWord{13, 11, 171}, + dictWord{13, 11, 315}, + dictWord{13, 11, 378}, + dictWord{13, 11, 425}, + dictWord{13, 11, 475}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 63, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 380}, + dictWord{14, 11, 384}, + dictWord{15, 11, 133}, + dictWord{18, 11, 112}, + dictWord{148, 11, 72}, + dictWord{5, 11, 955}, + dictWord{136, 11, 814}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1301}, + dictWord{5, 10, 66}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1896}, + dictWord{136, 10, 288}, + dictWord{133, 11, 56}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 1643, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1298}, + dictWord{148, 11, 100}, + dictWord{5, 0, 782}, + dictWord{5, 0, 829}, + dictWord{6, 0, 671}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1156}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1738}, + dictWord{137, 11, 621}, + dictWord{4, 0, 306}, + dictWord{5, 0, 570}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1347}, + dictWord{5, 10, 91}, + dictWord{5, 10, 648}, + dictWord{5, 10, 750}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 781, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 54}, + dictWord{6, 10, 112}, + dictWord{6, 10, 402}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1732}, + dictWord{7, 10, 315}, + dictWord{7, 10, 749}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1900, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 78}, + dictWord{9, 10, 508}, + dictWord{10, 10, 611}, + dictWord{10, 10, 811}, + dictWord{11, 10, 510}, + dictWord{11, 10, 728}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 36, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 39}, + dictWord{16, 10, 83}, + dictWord{17, 10, 124}, + dictWord{148, 10, 30}, + dictWord{8, 10, 570}, + dictWord{9, 11, 477}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 78, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 639}, + dictWord{10, 11, 4}, + dictWord{10, 10, 322}, + dictWord{10, 10, 719}, + dictWord{11, 10, 407}, + dictWord{11, 11, 638}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 177, + }, + dictWord{148, 11, 57}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1823}, + dictWord{139, 0, 693}, + dictWord{7, 0, 759}, + dictWord{5, 11, 758}, + dictWord{8, 10, 125}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 369, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 524}, + dictWord{10, 10, 486}, + dictWord{11, 10, 13}, + dictWord{11, 10, 381}, + dictWord{11, 10, 736}, + dictWord{11, 10, 766}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 845, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 114}, + dictWord{13, 10, 292}, + dictWord{142, 10, 47}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1932}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1684}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1731}, + dictWord{7, 10, 356}, + dictWord{8, 10, 54}, + dictWord{8, 10, 221}, + dictWord{9, 10, 225}, + dictWord{9, 10, 356}, + dictWord{10, 10, 77}, + dictWord{10, 10, 446}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 731, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 404}, + dictWord{141, 10, 491}, + dictWord{135, 11, 552}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1112}, + dictWord{4, 0, 78}, + dictWord{5, 0, 96}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 182, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1257}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1724}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1825}, + dictWord{10, 0, 394}, + dictWord{10, 0, 471}, + dictWord{11, 0, 532}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 340, + }, + dictWord{145, 0, 88}, + dictWord{139, 11, 328}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1964}, + dictWord{132, 10, 411}, + dictWord{4, 10, 80}, + dictWord{5, 10, 44}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 133, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 110}, + dictWord{6, 11, 169}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1702}, + dictWord{7, 11, 400}, + dictWord{8, 11, 538}, + dictWord{9, 11, 184}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 524, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 218}, + dictWord{4, 0, 521}, + dictWord{5, 10, 299}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1083}, + dictWord{140, 11, 554}, + dictWord{6, 11, 133}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 353, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 628}, + dictWord{146, 11, 79}, + dictWord{6, 0, 215}, + dictWord{7, 0, 584}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1028}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1473}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1721, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 424}, + dictWord{138, 0, 779}, + dictWord{7, 0, 857}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1209}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1713}, + dictWord{9, 10, 537}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 165, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 219}, + dictWord{140, 10, 561}, + dictWord{4, 10, 219}, + dictWord{6, 11, 93}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1422}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1761}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1851, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 673}, + dictWord{9, 10, 86}, + dictWord{9, 11, 529}, + dictWord{140, 11, 43}, + dictWord{137, 11, 371}, + dictWord{136, 0, 671}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 328, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 918}, + dictWord{132, 0, 529}, + dictWord{9, 11, 25}, + dictWord{10, 11, 467}, + dictWord{138, 11, 559}, + dictWord{4, 11, 335}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 942, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 716}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1509}, + dictWord{6, 0, 67}, + dictWord{7, 0, 258}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1630}, + dictWord{9, 0, 354}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 675, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 830}, + dictWord{14, 0, 80}, + dictWord{17, 0, 80}, + dictWord{140, 10, 428}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1112}, + dictWord{6, 0, 141}, + dictWord{7, 0, 225}, + dictWord{9, 0, 59}, + dictWord{9, 0, 607}, + dictWord{10, 0, 312}, + dictWord{11, 0, 687}, + dictWord{12, 0, 555}, + dictWord{13, 0, 373}, + dictWord{13, 0, 494}, + dictWord{ + 148, + 0, + 58, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 514}, + dictWord{8, 11, 39}, + dictWord{10, 11, 773}, + dictWord{11, 11, 84}, + dictWord{12, 11, 205}, + dictWord{142, 11, 1}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 783, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 601}, + dictWord{133, 11, 870}, + dictWord{136, 11, 594}, + dictWord{4, 10, 55}, + dictWord{5, 10, 301}, + dictWord{6, 10, 571}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 49, + }, + dictWord{146, 10, 102}, + dictWord{132, 11, 181}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1652}, + dictWord{133, 10, 364}, + dictWord{4, 11, 97}, + dictWord{5, 11, 147}, + dictWord{6, 11, 286}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1362}, + dictWord{141, 11, 176}, + dictWord{4, 10, 76}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1550}, + dictWord{9, 10, 306}, + dictWord{9, 10, 430}, + dictWord{9, 10, 663}, + dictWord{10, 10, 683}, + dictWord{11, 10, 427}, + dictWord{11, 10, 753}, + dictWord{12, 10, 334}, + dictWord{12, 10, 442}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 258, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 366}, + dictWord{143, 10, 131}, + dictWord{137, 10, 52}, + dictWord{6, 0, 955}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1498}, + dictWord{6, 11, 375}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 169, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 254}, + dictWord{136, 11, 780}, + dictWord{7, 0, 430}, + dictWord{11, 0, 46}, + dictWord{14, 0, 343}, + dictWord{142, 11, 343}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1183, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 602}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2018}, + dictWord{9, 0, 418}, + dictWord{9, 0, 803}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1447}, + dictWord{8, 0, 677}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1044, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 285}, + dictWord{4, 10, 656}, + dictWord{135, 10, 779}, + dictWord{135, 10, 144}, + dictWord{5, 11, 629}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1549, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 1373}, + dictWord{138, 11, 209}, + dictWord{7, 10, 554}, + dictWord{7, 10, 605}, + dictWord{141, 10, 10}, + dictWord{5, 10, 838}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 841, + }, + dictWord{134, 10, 1649}, + dictWord{133, 10, 1012}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1357}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1380}, + dictWord{144, 0, 53}, + dictWord{6, 0, 590}, + dictWord{7, 10, 365}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1357}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1497}, + dictWord{8, 10, 154}, + dictWord{141, 10, 281}, + dictWord{133, 10, 340}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 420, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 329}, + dictWord{147, 11, 32}, + dictWord{4, 0, 469}, + dictWord{10, 11, 429}, + dictWord{139, 10, 495}, + dictWord{8, 10, 261}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 144, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 466}, + dictWord{10, 10, 370}, + dictWord{12, 10, 470}, + dictWord{13, 10, 144}, + dictWord{142, 10, 348}, + dictWord{142, 0, 460}, + dictWord{4, 11, 325}, + dictWord{9, 10, 897}, + dictWord{138, 11, 125}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1743}, + dictWord{6, 10, 248}, + dictWord{9, 10, 546}, + dictWord{10, 10, 535}, + dictWord{11, 10, 681}, + dictWord{141, 10, 135}, + dictWord{4, 0, 990}, + dictWord{5, 0, 929}, + dictWord{6, 0, 340}, + dictWord{8, 0, 376}, + dictWord{8, 0, 807}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 963, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 980}, + dictWord{138, 0, 1007}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1603}, + dictWord{140, 0, 250}, + dictWord{4, 11, 714}, + dictWord{133, 11, 469}, + dictWord{134, 10, 567}, + dictWord{136, 10, 445}, + dictWord{5, 0, 218}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1610}, + dictWord{8, 0, 646}, + dictWord{10, 0, 83}, + dictWord{11, 11, 138}, + dictWord{140, 11, 40}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1512}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1794}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1216}, + dictWord{11, 0, 0}, + dictWord{16, 0, 78}, + dictWord{132, 11, 718}, + dictWord{133, 0, 571}, + dictWord{132, 0, 455}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1012}, + dictWord{5, 11, 124}, + dictWord{5, 11, 144}, + dictWord{6, 11, 548}, + dictWord{7, 11, 15}, + dictWord{7, 11, 153}, + dictWord{137, 11, 629}, + dictWord{142, 11, 10}, + dictWord{6, 11, 75}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1531}, + dictWord{8, 11, 416}, + dictWord{9, 11, 240}, + dictWord{9, 11, 275}, + dictWord{10, 11, 100}, + dictWord{11, 11, 658}, + dictWord{11, 11, 979}, + dictWord{12, 11, 86}, + dictWord{13, 11, 468}, + dictWord{14, 11, 66}, + dictWord{14, 11, 207}, + dictWord{15, 11, 20}, + dictWord{15, 11, 25}, + dictWord{144, 11, 58}, + dictWord{132, 10, 577}, + dictWord{5, 11, 141}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 915, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 1783}, + dictWord{7, 11, 211}, + dictWord{7, 11, 698}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1353}, + dictWord{9, 11, 83}, + dictWord{9, 11, 281}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 376, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 431}, + dictWord{11, 11, 543}, + dictWord{12, 11, 664}, + dictWord{13, 11, 280}, + dictWord{13, 11, 428}, + dictWord{14, 11, 61}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 128, + }, + dictWord{17, 11, 52}, + dictWord{145, 11, 81}, + dictWord{6, 0, 161}, + dictWord{7, 0, 372}, + dictWord{137, 0, 597}, + dictWord{132, 0, 349}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 702, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 245}, + dictWord{134, 0, 524}, + dictWord{134, 10, 174}, + dictWord{6, 0, 432}, + dictWord{9, 0, 751}, + dictWord{139, 0, 322}, + dictWord{147, 11, 94}, + dictWord{4, 11, 338}, + dictWord{133, 11, 400}, + dictWord{5, 0, 468}, + dictWord{10, 0, 325}, + dictWord{11, 0, 856}, + dictWord{12, 0, 345}, + dictWord{143, 0, 104}, + dictWord{133, 0, 223}, + dictWord{132, 0, 566}, + dictWord{4, 11, 221}, + dictWord{5, 11, 659}, + dictWord{5, 11, 989}, + dictWord{7, 11, 697}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1211}, + dictWord{138, 11, 284}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1070}, + dictWord{4, 0, 59}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1394}, + dictWord{6, 0, 436}, + dictWord{11, 0, 481}, + dictWord{5, 10, 878}, + dictWord{133, 10, 972}, + dictWord{4, 0, 48}, + dictWord{5, 0, 271}, + dictWord{135, 0, 953}, + dictWord{5, 0, 610}, + dictWord{136, 0, 457}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 773, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 618}, + dictWord{137, 0, 756}, + dictWord{133, 0, 755}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1217}, + dictWord{138, 11, 507}, + dictWord{132, 10, 351}, + dictWord{132, 0, 197}, + dictWord{143, 11, 78}, + dictWord{4, 11, 188}, + dictWord{7, 11, 805}, + dictWord{11, 11, 276}, + dictWord{142, 11, 293}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 884, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 991}, + dictWord{132, 10, 286}, + dictWord{10, 0, 259}, + dictWord{10, 0, 428}, + dictWord{7, 10, 438}, + dictWord{7, 10, 627}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1516, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 40}, + dictWord{9, 10, 56}, + dictWord{9, 10, 294}, + dictWord{11, 10, 969}, + dictWord{11, 10, 995}, + dictWord{146, 10, 148}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 356, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 217}, + dictWord{5, 0, 492}, + dictWord{5, 0, 656}, + dictWord{8, 0, 544}, + dictWord{136, 11, 544}, + dictWord{5, 0, 259}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1230}, + dictWord{7, 0, 414}, + dictWord{7, 0, 854}, + dictWord{142, 0, 107}, + dictWord{132, 0, 1007}, + dictWord{15, 0, 14}, + dictWord{144, 0, 5}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1580}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 738, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 596}, + dictWord{132, 0, 673}, + dictWord{133, 10, 866}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1843}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1847}, + dictWord{4, 0, 165}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1398}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1829}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1634}, + dictWord{147, 11, 65}, + dictWord{6, 0, 885}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1009}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 0, + 809, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 116}, + dictWord{132, 10, 457}, + dictWord{136, 11, 770}, + dictWord{9, 0, 498}, + dictWord{12, 0, 181}, + dictWord{10, 11, 361}, + dictWord{142, 11, 316}, + dictWord{134, 11, 595}, + dictWord{5, 0, 9}, + dictWord{7, 0, 297}, + dictWord{7, 0, 966}, + dictWord{140, 0, 306}, + dictWord{4, 11, 89}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 489, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 315}, + dictWord{7, 11, 553}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1745}, + dictWord{138, 11, 243}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1487}, + dictWord{132, 0, 437}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 146, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 411}, + dictWord{138, 0, 721}, + dictWord{5, 10, 527}, + dictWord{6, 10, 189}, + dictWord{135, 10, 859}, + dictWord{11, 10, 104}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 554, + }, + dictWord{15, 10, 60}, + dictWord{143, 10, 125}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1658}, + dictWord{9, 11, 3}, + dictWord{10, 11, 154}, + dictWord{11, 11, 641}, + dictWord{13, 11, 85}, + dictWord{13, 11, 201}, + dictWord{141, 11, 346}, + dictWord{6, 0, 177}, + dictWord{135, 0, 467}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1377}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 116, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 645}, + dictWord{4, 11, 166}, + dictWord{5, 11, 505}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1670}, + dictWord{137, 11, 110}, + dictWord{133, 10, 487}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 86, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 667}, + dictWord{5, 10, 753}, + dictWord{6, 10, 316}, + dictWord{6, 10, 455}, + dictWord{135, 10, 946}, + dictWord{133, 0, 200}, + dictWord{132, 0, 959}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1928}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1957}, + dictWord{139, 11, 203}, + dictWord{150, 10, 45}, + dictWord{4, 10, 79}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1773}, + dictWord{10, 10, 450}, + dictWord{11, 10, 589}, + dictWord{13, 10, 332}, + dictWord{13, 10, 493}, + dictWord{14, 10, 183}, + dictWord{14, 10, 334}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 362, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 368}, + dictWord{14, 10, 376}, + dictWord{14, 10, 379}, + dictWord{19, 10, 90}, + dictWord{19, 10, 103}, + dictWord{19, 10, 127}, + dictWord{148, 10, 90}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1435}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1275}, + dictWord{134, 0, 481}, + dictWord{7, 11, 445}, + dictWord{8, 11, 307}, + dictWord{8, 11, 704}, + dictWord{10, 11, 41}, + dictWord{10, 11, 439}, + dictWord{11, 11, 237}, + dictWord{11, 11, 622}, + dictWord{140, 11, 201}, + dictWord{135, 11, 869}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 84, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1482}, + dictWord{10, 0, 76}, + dictWord{138, 0, 142}, + dictWord{11, 11, 277}, + dictWord{144, 11, 14}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1977}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 189, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 713}, + dictWord{136, 11, 57}, + dictWord{133, 0, 1015}, + dictWord{138, 11, 371}, + dictWord{4, 0, 315}, + dictWord{5, 0, 507}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1370, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 552}, + dictWord{142, 10, 381}, + dictWord{9, 0, 759}, + dictWord{16, 0, 31}, + dictWord{16, 0, 39}, + dictWord{16, 0, 75}, + dictWord{18, 0, 24}, + dictWord{20, 0, 42}, + dictWord{152, 0, 1}, + dictWord{134, 0, 712}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1722}, + dictWord{133, 10, 663}, + dictWord{133, 10, 846}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 222, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 476}, + dictWord{9, 0, 238}, + dictWord{11, 0, 516}, + dictWord{11, 0, 575}, + dictWord{15, 0, 109}, + dictWord{146, 0, 100}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1402}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1414}, + dictWord{12, 0, 456}, + dictWord{5, 10, 378}, + dictWord{8, 10, 465}, + dictWord{9, 10, 286}, + dictWord{10, 10, 185}, + dictWord{10, 10, 562}, + dictWord{10, 10, 635}, + dictWord{11, 10, 31}, + dictWord{11, 10, 393}, + dictWord{13, 10, 312}, + dictWord{18, 10, 65}, + dictWord{18, 10, 96}, + dictWord{147, 10, 89}, + dictWord{4, 0, 986}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1958}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2032}, + dictWord{8, 0, 934}, + dictWord{138, 0, 985}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1880}, + dictWord{9, 10, 680}, + dictWord{139, 10, 798}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1770}, + dictWord{145, 11, 49}, + dictWord{132, 11, 614}, + dictWord{132, 10, 648}, + dictWord{5, 10, 945}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 1656, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 1787}, + dictWord{7, 10, 167}, + dictWord{8, 10, 824}, + dictWord{9, 10, 391}, + dictWord{10, 10, 375}, + dictWord{139, 10, 185}, + dictWord{138, 11, 661}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1273}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1945}, + dictWord{7, 0, 706}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1058}, + dictWord{138, 0, 538}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1645}, + dictWord{8, 10, 352}, + dictWord{137, 10, 249}, + dictWord{132, 10, 152}, + dictWord{11, 0, 92}, + dictWord{11, 0, 196}, + dictWord{11, 0, 409}, + dictWord{11, 0, 450}, + dictWord{11, 0, 666}, + dictWord{11, 0, 777}, + dictWord{12, 0, 262}, + dictWord{13, 0, 385}, + dictWord{13, 0, 393}, + dictWord{15, 0, 115}, + dictWord{16, 0, 45}, + dictWord{145, 0, 82}, + dictWord{133, 10, 1006}, + dictWord{6, 0, 40}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1781}, + dictWord{9, 11, 614}, + dictWord{139, 11, 327}, + dictWord{5, 10, 420}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1449}, + dictWord{135, 0, 431}, + dictWord{10, 0, 97}, + dictWord{135, 10, 832}, + dictWord{6, 0, 423}, + dictWord{7, 0, 665}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1210, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 237}, + dictWord{8, 0, 664}, + dictWord{9, 0, 42}, + dictWord{9, 0, 266}, + dictWord{9, 0, 380}, + dictWord{9, 0, 645}, + dictWord{10, 0, 177}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 276, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 264}, + dictWord{133, 10, 351}, + dictWord{8, 0, 213}, + dictWord{5, 10, 40}, + dictWord{7, 10, 598}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1638}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 166, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 640}, + dictWord{9, 10, 685}, + dictWord{9, 10, 773}, + dictWord{11, 10, 215}, + dictWord{13, 10, 65}, + dictWord{14, 10, 172}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 317, + }, + dictWord{145, 10, 6}, + dictWord{5, 11, 84}, + dictWord{134, 11, 163}, + dictWord{8, 10, 60}, + dictWord{9, 10, 343}, + dictWord{139, 10, 769}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 0, + 455, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 410}, + dictWord{8, 0, 906}, + dictWord{12, 0, 700}, + dictWord{12, 0, 706}, + dictWord{140, 0, 729}, + dictWord{21, 11, 33}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 11, + 40, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1951}, + dictWord{8, 10, 765}, + dictWord{8, 10, 772}, + dictWord{140, 10, 671}, + dictWord{7, 10, 108}, + dictWord{8, 10, 219}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 388, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 639}, + dictWord{9, 10, 775}, + dictWord{11, 10, 275}, + dictWord{140, 10, 464}, + dictWord{5, 11, 322}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1941}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 186, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 262}, + dictWord{10, 11, 187}, + dictWord{14, 11, 208}, + dictWord{146, 11, 130}, + dictWord{139, 0, 624}, + dictWord{8, 0, 574}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 227, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 29}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1546}, + dictWord{11, 11, 299}, + dictWord{142, 11, 407}, + dictWord{5, 10, 15}, + dictWord{6, 10, 56}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1758, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 500}, + dictWord{9, 10, 730}, + dictWord{11, 10, 331}, + dictWord{13, 10, 150}, + dictWord{142, 10, 282}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1395}, + dictWord{8, 11, 486}, + dictWord{9, 11, 236}, + dictWord{9, 11, 878}, + dictWord{10, 11, 218}, + dictWord{11, 11, 95}, + dictWord{19, 11, 17}, + dictWord{147, 11, 31}, + dictWord{135, 11, 2043}, + dictWord{4, 0, 354}, + dictWord{146, 11, 4}, + dictWord{140, 11, 80}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1558}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1886}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 205, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 438}, + dictWord{137, 10, 711}, + dictWord{133, 11, 522}, + dictWord{133, 10, 534}, + dictWord{7, 0, 235}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1475}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 0, + 68, + }, + dictWord{146, 0, 120}, + dictWord{137, 10, 691}, + dictWord{4, 0, 942}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1813}, + dictWord{8, 0, 917}, + dictWord{10, 0, 884}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 696, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 717}, + dictWord{12, 0, 723}, + dictWord{12, 0, 738}, + dictWord{12, 0, 749}, + dictWord{12, 0, 780}, + dictWord{16, 0, 97}, + dictWord{146, 0, 169}, + dictWord{6, 10, 443}, + dictWord{8, 11, 562}, + dictWord{9, 10, 237}, + dictWord{9, 10, 571}, + dictWord{9, 10, 695}, + dictWord{10, 10, 139}, + dictWord{11, 10, 715}, + dictWord{12, 10, 417}, + dictWord{141, 10, 421}, + dictWord{135, 0, 957}, + dictWord{133, 0, 830}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1771}, + dictWord{146, 0, 23}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 496, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 694}, + dictWord{7, 0, 203}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1190}, + dictWord{137, 11, 620}, + dictWord{137, 11, 132}, + dictWord{6, 0, 547}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1549, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 258}, + dictWord{9, 11, 208}, + dictWord{137, 11, 359}, + dictWord{4, 0, 864}, + dictWord{5, 0, 88}, + dictWord{137, 0, 239}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 493, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 317}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1279}, + dictWord{132, 11, 477}, + dictWord{4, 10, 578}, + dictWord{5, 11, 63}, + dictWord{133, 11, 509}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 650, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1310}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1076}, + dictWord{9, 0, 80}, + dictWord{11, 0, 78}, + dictWord{11, 0, 421}, + dictWord{11, 0, 534}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 0, + 545, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 288}, + dictWord{12, 0, 553}, + dictWord{14, 0, 118}, + dictWord{133, 10, 923}, + dictWord{7, 0, 274}, + dictWord{11, 0, 479}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 507, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 89}, + dictWord{8, 11, 620}, + dictWord{9, 11, 49}, + dictWord{10, 11, 774}, + dictWord{11, 11, 628}, + dictWord{12, 11, 322}, + dictWord{ + 143, + 11, + 124, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 497}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1584}, + dictWord{7, 0, 261}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1115}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1354}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1404}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1588, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1705}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1902}, + dictWord{9, 0, 465}, + dictWord{10, 0, 248}, + dictWord{10, 0, 349}, + dictWord{10, 0, 647}, + dictWord{11, 0, 527}, + dictWord{11, 0, 660}, + dictWord{11, 0, 669}, + dictWord{12, 0, 529}, + dictWord{13, 0, 305}, + dictWord{132, 10, 924}, + dictWord{133, 10, 665}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 13, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 791}, + dictWord{138, 11, 120}, + dictWord{7, 0, 642}, + dictWord{8, 0, 250}, + dictWord{11, 0, 123}, + dictWord{11, 0, 137}, + dictWord{13, 0, 48}, + dictWord{142, 0, 95}, + dictWord{4, 10, 265}, + dictWord{7, 10, 807}, + dictWord{135, 10, 950}, + dictWord{5, 10, 93}, + dictWord{140, 10, 267}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1429}, + dictWord{4, 0, 949}, + dictWord{10, 0, 885}, + dictWord{10, 0, 891}, + dictWord{10, 0, 900}, + dictWord{10, 0, 939}, + dictWord{12, 0, 760}, + dictWord{142, 0, 449}, + dictWord{139, 11, 366}, + dictWord{132, 0, 818}, + dictWord{134, 11, 85}, + dictWord{135, 10, 994}, + dictWord{7, 0, 330}, + dictWord{5, 10, 233}, + dictWord{5, 10, 320}, + dictWord{6, 10, 140}, + dictWord{136, 10, 295}, + dictWord{4, 0, 1004}, + dictWord{8, 0, 982}, + dictWord{136, 0, 993}, + dictWord{133, 10, 978}, + dictWord{4, 10, 905}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1701}, + dictWord{137, 10, 843}, + dictWord{10, 0, 545}, + dictWord{140, 0, 301}, + dictWord{6, 0, 947}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1062}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1188, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 904}, + dictWord{5, 0, 794}, + dictWord{152, 10, 6}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1372}, + dictWord{135, 11, 608}, + dictWord{5, 11, 279}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 235, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 468}, + dictWord{8, 11, 446}, + dictWord{9, 11, 637}, + dictWord{10, 11, 717}, + dictWord{11, 11, 738}, + dictWord{140, 11, 514}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 509, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 17}, + dictWord{6, 11, 371}, + dictWord{137, 11, 528}, + dictWord{132, 0, 693}, + dictWord{4, 11, 115}, + dictWord{5, 11, 669}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 407, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 311}, + dictWord{11, 11, 10}, + dictWord{141, 11, 5}, + dictWord{11, 0, 377}, + dictWord{7, 10, 273}, + dictWord{137, 11, 381}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 695, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 386}, + dictWord{138, 0, 713}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1041}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1291}, + dictWord{6, 0, 7}, + dictWord{6, 0, 35}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 147, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1069}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1568}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1575}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1917}, + dictWord{8, 0, 43}, + dictWord{8, 0, 208}, + dictWord{9, 0, 128}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 866, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 20}, + dictWord{11, 0, 981}, + dictWord{147, 0, 33}, + dictWord{7, 0, 893}, + dictWord{141, 0, 424}, + dictWord{139, 10, 234}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 11, + 56, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 779}, + dictWord{5, 11, 807}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1655}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1676}, + dictWord{5, 10, 802}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2021}, + dictWord{136, 10, 805}, + dictWord{4, 11, 196}, + dictWord{5, 10, 167}, + dictWord{5, 11, 558}, + dictWord{5, 10, 899}, + dictWord{5, 11, 949}, + dictWord{6, 10, 410}, + dictWord{137, 10, 777}, + dictWord{137, 10, 789}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1705}, + dictWord{8, 0, 904}, + dictWord{140, 0, 787}, + dictWord{6, 0, 322}, + dictWord{9, 0, 552}, + dictWord{11, 0, 274}, + dictWord{13, 0, 209}, + dictWord{13, 0, 499}, + dictWord{14, 0, 85}, + dictWord{15, 0, 126}, + dictWord{145, 0, 70}, + dictWord{135, 10, 10}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 11, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 117}, + dictWord{6, 10, 485}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1133}, + dictWord{9, 10, 582}, + dictWord{9, 10, 594}, + dictWord{11, 10, 21}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 818, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 535}, + dictWord{141, 10, 86}, + dictWord{4, 10, 264}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1067}, + dictWord{8, 10, 204}, + dictWord{8, 10, 385}, + dictWord{139, 10, 953}, + dictWord{132, 11, 752}, + dictWord{138, 10, 56}, + dictWord{133, 10, 470}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1808}, + dictWord{8, 0, 83}, + dictWord{8, 0, 742}, + dictWord{8, 0, 817}, + dictWord{9, 0, 28}, + dictWord{9, 0, 29}, + dictWord{9, 0, 885}, + dictWord{10, 0, 387}, + dictWord{11, 0, 633}, + dictWord{11, 0, 740}, + dictWord{13, 0, 235}, + dictWord{13, 0, 254}, + dictWord{15, 0, 143}, + dictWord{143, 0, 146}, + dictWord{140, 0, 49}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1832}, + dictWord{4, 11, 227}, + dictWord{5, 11, 159}, + dictWord{5, 11, 409}, + dictWord{7, 11, 80}, + dictWord{10, 11, 294}, + dictWord{10, 11, 479}, + dictWord{12, 11, 418}, + dictWord{14, 11, 50}, + dictWord{14, 11, 249}, + dictWord{142, 11, 295}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1470}, + dictWord{8, 11, 66}, + dictWord{8, 11, 137}, + dictWord{8, 11, 761}, + dictWord{9, 11, 638}, + dictWord{11, 11, 80}, + dictWord{11, 11, 212}, + dictWord{11, 11, 368}, + dictWord{11, 11, 418}, + dictWord{12, 11, 8}, + dictWord{13, 11, 15}, + dictWord{16, 11, 61}, + dictWord{17, 11, 59}, + dictWord{19, 11, 28}, + dictWord{148, 11, 84}, + dictWord{139, 10, 1015}, + dictWord{138, 11, 468}, + dictWord{135, 0, 421}, + dictWord{6, 0, 415}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1049, + }, + dictWord{137, 0, 442}, + dictWord{6, 11, 38}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1220}, + dictWord{8, 11, 185}, + dictWord{8, 11, 256}, + dictWord{9, 11, 22}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 331, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 738}, + dictWord{11, 11, 205}, + dictWord{11, 11, 540}, + dictWord{11, 11, 746}, + dictWord{13, 11, 399}, + dictWord{13, 11, 465}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 88, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 194}, + dictWord{139, 0, 289}, + dictWord{133, 10, 715}, + dictWord{4, 0, 110}, + dictWord{10, 0, 415}, + dictWord{10, 0, 597}, + dictWord{142, 0, 206}, + dictWord{4, 11, 159}, + dictWord{6, 11, 115}, + dictWord{7, 11, 252}, + dictWord{7, 11, 257}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1928}, + dictWord{8, 11, 69}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 384, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 91}, + dictWord{10, 11, 615}, + dictWord{12, 11, 375}, + dictWord{14, 11, 235}, + dictWord{18, 11, 117}, + dictWord{147, 11, 123}, + dictWord{5, 11, 911}, + dictWord{136, 11, 278}, + dictWord{7, 0, 205}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2000}, + dictWord{8, 10, 794}, + dictWord{9, 10, 400}, + dictWord{10, 10, 298}, + dictWord{142, 10, 228}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1774}, + dictWord{4, 11, 151}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1567}, + dictWord{8, 11, 351}, + dictWord{137, 11, 322}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 10, + 724, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 990}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1539}, + dictWord{11, 0, 512}, + dictWord{13, 0, 205}, + dictWord{19, 0, 30}, + dictWord{22, 0, 36}, + dictWord{23, 0, 19}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1539}, + dictWord{5, 11, 194}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1662}, + dictWord{9, 11, 90}, + dictWord{140, 11, 180}, + dictWord{6, 10, 190}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 768, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 1170}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1340}, + dictWord{4, 0, 283}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1194}, + dictWord{133, 11, 425}, + dictWord{133, 11, 971}, + dictWord{12, 0, 549}, + dictWord{14, 10, 67}, + dictWord{147, 10, 60}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1023}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1720}, + dictWord{138, 11, 587}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 72, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 264}, + dictWord{7, 11, 21}, + dictWord{7, 11, 46}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2013}, + dictWord{8, 11, 215}, + dictWord{8, 11, 513}, + dictWord{10, 11, 266}, + dictWord{139, 11, 22}, + dictWord{5, 0, 319}, + dictWord{135, 0, 534}, + dictWord{6, 10, 137}, + dictWord{9, 10, 75}, + dictWord{9, 10, 253}, + dictWord{10, 10, 194}, + dictWord{138, 10, 444}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1180}, + dictWord{20, 0, 112}, + dictWord{6, 11, 239}, + dictWord{7, 11, 118}, + dictWord{10, 11, 95}, + dictWord{11, 11, 603}, + dictWord{13, 11, 443}, + dictWord{14, 11, 160}, + dictWord{143, 11, 4}, + dictWord{134, 11, 431}, + dictWord{5, 11, 874}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1677}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 643, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 115}, + dictWord{143, 11, 0}, + dictWord{134, 0, 967}, + dictWord{6, 11, 65}, + dictWord{7, 11, 939}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1172}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1671, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 540}, + dictWord{10, 11, 696}, + dictWord{11, 11, 265}, + dictWord{11, 11, 732}, + dictWord{11, 11, 928}, + dictWord{11, 11, 937}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 399, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 438}, + dictWord{149, 11, 19}, + dictWord{137, 11, 200}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1940}, + dictWord{5, 10, 760}, + dictWord{7, 10, 542}, + dictWord{8, 10, 135}, + dictWord{136, 10, 496}, + dictWord{140, 11, 44}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1655}, + dictWord{136, 11, 305}, + dictWord{7, 10, 319}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 355, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 763}, + dictWord{10, 10, 389}, + dictWord{145, 10, 43}, + dictWord{136, 0, 735}, + dictWord{138, 10, 786}, + dictWord{137, 11, 19}, + dictWord{132, 11, 696}, + dictWord{5, 0, 132}, + dictWord{9, 0, 486}, + dictWord{9, 0, 715}, + dictWord{10, 0, 458}, + dictWord{11, 0, 373}, + dictWord{11, 0, 668}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 795, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 897}, + dictWord{12, 0, 272}, + dictWord{12, 0, 424}, + dictWord{12, 0, 539}, + dictWord{12, 0, 558}, + dictWord{14, 0, 245}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 263, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 264}, + dictWord{14, 0, 393}, + dictWord{142, 0, 403}, + dictWord{10, 0, 38}, + dictWord{139, 0, 784}, + dictWord{132, 0, 838}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 302, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1766}, + dictWord{133, 0, 379}, + dictWord{5, 0, 8}, + dictWord{6, 0, 89}, + dictWord{6, 0, 400}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1569}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1623}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1850}, + dictWord{8, 0, 218}, + dictWord{8, 0, 422}, + dictWord{9, 0, 570}, + dictWord{10, 0, 626}, + dictWord{4, 11, 726}, + dictWord{133, 11, 630}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 1017, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 660}, + dictWord{6, 0, 387}, + dictWord{7, 0, 882}, + dictWord{141, 0, 111}, + dictWord{6, 0, 224}, + dictWord{7, 0, 877}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 0, + 647, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 58}, + dictWord{5, 10, 286}, + dictWord{6, 10, 319}, + dictWord{7, 10, 402}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1254}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1903}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 356, + }, + dictWord{140, 10, 408}, + dictWord{135, 0, 790}, + dictWord{9, 0, 510}, + dictWord{10, 0, 53}, + dictWord{4, 10, 389}, + dictWord{9, 10, 181}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 29, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 816}, + dictWord{11, 10, 311}, + dictWord{11, 10, 561}, + dictWord{12, 10, 67}, + dictWord{141, 10, 181}, + dictWord{142, 0, 458}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 118, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 215}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1521}, + dictWord{140, 11, 11}, + dictWord{134, 0, 954}, + dictWord{135, 0, 394}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1367}, + dictWord{5, 11, 225}, + dictWord{133, 10, 373}, + dictWord{132, 0, 882}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1409}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1972}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1793}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 370, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 756}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1326}, + dictWord{150, 11, 13}, + dictWord{7, 11, 354}, + dictWord{10, 11, 410}, + dictWord{139, 11, 815}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1662}, + dictWord{7, 11, 48}, + dictWord{8, 11, 771}, + dictWord{10, 11, 116}, + dictWord{13, 11, 104}, + dictWord{14, 11, 105}, + dictWord{14, 11, 184}, + dictWord{15, 11, 168}, + dictWord{19, 11, 92}, + dictWord{148, 11, 68}, + dictWord{7, 0, 124}, + dictWord{136, 0, 38}, + dictWord{5, 0, 261}, + dictWord{7, 0, 78}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 199, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 815}, + dictWord{9, 0, 126}, + dictWord{10, 0, 342}, + dictWord{140, 0, 647}, + dictWord{4, 0, 628}, + dictWord{140, 0, 724}, + dictWord{7, 0, 266}, + dictWord{8, 0, 804}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1651}, + dictWord{145, 10, 89}, + dictWord{135, 0, 208}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1178}, + dictWord{6, 0, 79}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1519}, + dictWord{132, 10, 672}, + dictWord{133, 10, 737}, + dictWord{136, 0, 741}, + dictWord{132, 11, 120}, + dictWord{4, 0, 710}, + dictWord{6, 0, 376}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 606, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1347}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1494}, + dictWord{6, 0, 850}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1553}, + dictWord{137, 0, 821}, + dictWord{5, 10, 145}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 593, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1311}, + dictWord{140, 0, 135}, + dictWord{4, 0, 467}, + dictWord{5, 0, 405}, + dictWord{134, 0, 544}, + dictWord{5, 11, 820}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 931, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 100}, + dictWord{7, 0, 244}, + dictWord{7, 0, 632}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1609}, + dictWord{8, 0, 178}, + dictWord{8, 0, 638}, + dictWord{141, 0, 58}, + dictWord{4, 10, 387}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1288}, + dictWord{6, 11, 151}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1675}, + dictWord{7, 11, 383}, + dictWord{151, 11, 10}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 481, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 550}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1378}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1624}, + dictWord{11, 11, 11}, + dictWord{12, 11, 422}, + dictWord{13, 11, 262}, + dictWord{142, 11, 360}, + dictWord{133, 0, 791}, + dictWord{4, 11, 43}, + dictWord{5, 11, 344}, + dictWord{133, 11, 357}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1227}, + dictWord{140, 0, 978}, + dictWord{7, 0, 686}, + dictWord{8, 0, 33}, + dictWord{8, 0, 238}, + dictWord{10, 0, 616}, + dictWord{11, 0, 467}, + dictWord{11, 0, 881}, + dictWord{13, 0, 217}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 253, + }, + dictWord{142, 0, 268}, + dictWord{137, 0, 857}, + dictWord{8, 0, 467}, + dictWord{8, 0, 1006}, + dictWord{7, 11, 148}, + dictWord{8, 11, 284}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 63, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 576}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1263}, + dictWord{133, 11, 888}, + dictWord{5, 10, 919}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1673}, + dictWord{20, 10, 37}, + dictWord{148, 11, 37}, + dictWord{132, 0, 447}, + dictWord{132, 11, 711}, + dictWord{4, 0, 128}, + dictWord{5, 0, 415}, + dictWord{6, 0, 462}, + dictWord{7, 0, 294}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 578, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 710}, + dictWord{139, 0, 86}, + dictWord{4, 10, 82}, + dictWord{5, 10, 333}, + dictWord{5, 10, 904}, + dictWord{6, 10, 207}, + dictWord{7, 10, 325}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1726}, + dictWord{8, 10, 101}, + dictWord{10, 10, 778}, + dictWord{139, 10, 220}, + dictWord{136, 0, 587}, + dictWord{137, 11, 440}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 903, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 427}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1018}, + dictWord{138, 0, 692}, + dictWord{4, 0, 195}, + dictWord{135, 0, 802}, + dictWord{140, 10, 147}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1546, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 684}, + dictWord{132, 10, 705}, + dictWord{136, 0, 345}, + dictWord{11, 11, 678}, + dictWord{140, 11, 307}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 365, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1683}, + dictWord{4, 11, 65}, + dictWord{5, 11, 479}, + dictWord{5, 11, 1004}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1913}, + dictWord{8, 11, 317}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 302, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 612}, + dictWord{141, 11, 22}, + dictWord{138, 0, 472}, + dictWord{4, 11, 261}, + dictWord{135, 11, 510}, + dictWord{134, 10, 90}, + dictWord{142, 0, 433}, + dictWord{151, 0, 28}, + dictWord{4, 11, 291}, + dictWord{7, 11, 101}, + dictWord{9, 11, 515}, + dictWord{12, 11, 152}, + dictWord{12, 11, 443}, + dictWord{13, 11, 392}, + dictWord{142, 11, 357}, + dictWord{140, 0, 997}, + dictWord{5, 0, 3}, + dictWord{8, 0, 578}, + dictWord{9, 0, 118}, + dictWord{10, 0, 705}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 0, + 279, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1266}, + dictWord{7, 10, 813}, + dictWord{12, 10, 497}, + dictWord{141, 10, 56}, + dictWord{133, 0, 229}, + dictWord{6, 10, 125}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1277}, + dictWord{8, 0, 102}, + dictWord{10, 0, 578}, + dictWord{10, 0, 672}, + dictWord{12, 0, 496}, + dictWord{13, 0, 408}, + dictWord{14, 0, 121}, + dictWord{17, 0, 106}, + dictWord{151, 10, 12}, + dictWord{6, 0, 866}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1080}, + dictWord{136, 0, 1022}, + dictWord{4, 11, 130}, + dictWord{135, 11, 843}, + dictWord{5, 11, 42}, + dictWord{5, 11, 879}, + dictWord{7, 11, 245}, + dictWord{7, 11, 324}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1532}, + dictWord{11, 11, 463}, + dictWord{11, 11, 472}, + dictWord{13, 11, 363}, + dictWord{144, 11, 52}, + dictWord{150, 0, 55}, + dictWord{8, 0, 115}, + dictWord{8, 0, 350}, + dictWord{9, 0, 489}, + dictWord{10, 0, 128}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 306, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 373}, + dictWord{14, 0, 30}, + dictWord{17, 0, 79}, + dictWord{19, 0, 80}, + dictWord{4, 11, 134}, + dictWord{133, 11, 372}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 657, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 933}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1147}, + dictWord{4, 0, 230}, + dictWord{133, 0, 702}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1728}, + dictWord{4, 0, 484}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 26, + }, + dictWord{19, 0, 42}, + dictWord{20, 0, 43}, + dictWord{21, 0, 0}, + dictWord{23, 0, 27}, + dictWord{152, 0, 14}, + dictWord{7, 0, 185}, + dictWord{135, 0, 703}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 417, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 618}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1106}, + dictWord{9, 10, 770}, + dictWord{11, 10, 112}, + dictWord{140, 10, 413}, + dictWord{134, 0, 803}, + dictWord{132, 11, 644}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1262}, + dictWord{7, 11, 540}, + dictWord{12, 10, 271}, + dictWord{145, 10, 109}, + dictWord{135, 11, 123}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 633, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 623}, + dictWord{4, 11, 908}, + dictWord{5, 11, 359}, + dictWord{5, 11, 508}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1723}, + dictWord{7, 11, 343}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1996, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 2026}, + dictWord{135, 0, 479}, + dictWord{10, 0, 262}, + dictWord{7, 10, 304}, + dictWord{9, 10, 646}, + dictWord{9, 10, 862}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 696, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 208}, + dictWord{15, 10, 79}, + dictWord{147, 10, 108}, + dictWord{4, 11, 341}, + dictWord{135, 11, 480}, + dictWord{134, 0, 830}, + dictWord{5, 0, 70}, + dictWord{5, 0, 622}, + dictWord{6, 0, 334}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1032}, + dictWord{9, 0, 171}, + dictWord{11, 0, 26}, + dictWord{11, 0, 213}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 637, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 707}, + dictWord{12, 0, 202}, + dictWord{12, 0, 380}, + dictWord{13, 0, 226}, + dictWord{13, 0, 355}, + dictWord{14, 0, 222}, + dictWord{145, 0, 42}, + dictWord{135, 10, 981}, + dictWord{143, 0, 217}, + dictWord{137, 11, 114}, + dictWord{4, 0, 23}, + dictWord{4, 0, 141}, + dictWord{5, 0, 313}, + dictWord{5, 0, 1014}, + dictWord{6, 0, 50}, + dictWord{6, 0, 51}, + dictWord{7, 0, 142}, + dictWord{7, 0, 384}, + dictWord{7, 0, 559}, + dictWord{8, 0, 640}, + dictWord{9, 0, 460}, + dictWord{9, 0, 783}, + dictWord{11, 0, 741}, + dictWord{12, 0, 183}, + dictWord{141, 0, 488}, + dictWord{141, 0, 360}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1586}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1995}, + dictWord{8, 11, 299}, + dictWord{11, 11, 890}, + dictWord{140, 11, 674}, + dictWord{132, 10, 434}, + dictWord{7, 0, 652}, + dictWord{134, 10, 550}, + dictWord{7, 0, 766}, + dictWord{5, 10, 553}, + dictWord{138, 10, 824}, + dictWord{7, 0, 737}, + dictWord{8, 0, 298}, + dictWord{136, 10, 452}, + dictWord{4, 11, 238}, + dictWord{5, 11, 503}, + dictWord{6, 11, 179}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2003}, + dictWord{8, 11, 381}, + dictWord{8, 11, 473}, + dictWord{9, 11, 149}, + dictWord{10, 11, 183}, + dictWord{15, 11, 45}, + dictWord{143, 11, 86}, + dictWord{133, 10, 292}, + dictWord{5, 0, 222}, + dictWord{9, 0, 655}, + dictWord{138, 0, 534}, + dictWord{138, 10, 135}, + dictWord{4, 11, 121}, + dictWord{5, 11, 156}, + dictWord{5, 11, 349}, + dictWord{9, 11, 136}, + dictWord{10, 11, 605}, + dictWord{14, 11, 342}, + dictWord{147, 11, 107}, + dictWord{137, 0, 906}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1013}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1250}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1956}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2009}, + dictWord{8, 0, 991}, + dictWord{144, 0, 120}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1192}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 503, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 154}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1491}, + dictWord{10, 0, 379}, + dictWord{138, 0, 485}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1867}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1914}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1925}, + dictWord{9, 0, 917}, + dictWord{9, 0, 925}, + dictWord{9, 0, 932}, + dictWord{9, 0, 951}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1007}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1013}, + dictWord{12, 0, 806}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 810, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 814}, + dictWord{12, 0, 816}, + dictWord{12, 0, 824}, + dictWord{12, 0, 832}, + dictWord{12, 0, 837}, + dictWord{12, 0, 863}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 868, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 870}, + dictWord{12, 0, 889}, + dictWord{12, 0, 892}, + dictWord{12, 0, 900}, + dictWord{12, 0, 902}, + dictWord{12, 0, 908}, + dictWord{12, 0, 933}, + dictWord{12, 0, 942}, + dictWord{12, 0, 949}, + dictWord{12, 0, 954}, + dictWord{15, 0, 175}, + dictWord{15, 0, 203}, + dictWord{15, 0, 213}, + dictWord{15, 0, 218}, + dictWord{15, 0, 225}, + dictWord{15, 0, 231}, + dictWord{15, 0, 239}, + dictWord{15, 0, 248}, + dictWord{15, 0, 252}, + dictWord{18, 0, 190}, + dictWord{18, 0, 204}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 215, + }, + dictWord{18, 0, 216}, + dictWord{18, 0, 222}, + dictWord{18, 0, 225}, + dictWord{18, 0, 230}, + dictWord{18, 0, 239}, + dictWord{18, 0, 241}, + dictWord{ + 21, + 0, + 42, + }, + dictWord{21, 0, 43}, + dictWord{21, 0, 44}, + dictWord{21, 0, 45}, + dictWord{21, 0, 46}, + dictWord{21, 0, 53}, + dictWord{24, 0, 27}, + dictWord{152, 0, 31}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 716, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 844}, + dictWord{4, 0, 91}, + dictWord{5, 0, 388}, + dictWord{5, 0, 845}, + dictWord{6, 0, 206}, + dictWord{6, 0, 252}, + dictWord{6, 0, 365}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 136, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 531}, + dictWord{136, 0, 621}, + dictWord{7, 10, 393}, + dictWord{10, 10, 603}, + dictWord{139, 10, 206}, + dictWord{6, 11, 80}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 1694, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 173}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1974}, + dictWord{9, 11, 547}, + dictWord{10, 11, 730}, + dictWord{14, 11, 18}, + dictWord{150, 11, 39}, + dictWord{137, 0, 748}, + dictWord{4, 11, 923}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1711}, + dictWord{4, 10, 912}, + dictWord{137, 10, 232}, + dictWord{7, 10, 98}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1973}, + dictWord{136, 10, 716}, + dictWord{14, 0, 103}, + dictWord{133, 10, 733}, + dictWord{132, 11, 595}, + dictWord{12, 0, 158}, + dictWord{18, 0, 8}, + dictWord{19, 0, 62}, + dictWord{20, 0, 6}, + dictWord{22, 0, 4}, + dictWord{23, 0, 2}, + dictWord{23, 0, 9}, + dictWord{5, 11, 240}, + dictWord{6, 11, 459}, + dictWord{7, 11, 12}, + dictWord{7, 11, 114}, + dictWord{7, 11, 502}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1751}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1753}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1805}, + dictWord{8, 11, 658}, + dictWord{9, 11, 1}, + dictWord{11, 11, 959}, + dictWord{13, 11, 446}, + dictWord{142, 11, 211}, + dictWord{135, 0, 576}, + dictWord{5, 0, 771}, + dictWord{5, 0, 863}, + dictWord{5, 0, 898}, + dictWord{6, 0, 648}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1632, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1644}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1780}, + dictWord{133, 0, 331}, + dictWord{7, 11, 633}, + dictWord{7, 11, 905}, + dictWord{7, 11, 909}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1538, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 767}, + dictWord{140, 11, 636}, + dictWord{140, 0, 632}, + dictWord{5, 0, 107}, + dictWord{7, 0, 201}, + dictWord{136, 0, 518}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 446, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1817}, + dictWord{134, 11, 490}, + dictWord{9, 0, 851}, + dictWord{141, 0, 510}, + dictWord{7, 11, 250}, + dictWord{8, 11, 506}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 11, + 507, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 504}, + dictWord{137, 10, 72}, + dictWord{132, 11, 158}, + dictWord{4, 11, 140}, + dictWord{7, 11, 362}, + dictWord{8, 11, 209}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 10, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 160}, + dictWord{9, 11, 503}, + dictWord{10, 11, 689}, + dictWord{11, 11, 350}, + dictWord{11, 11, 553}, + dictWord{11, 11, 725}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 252, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 583}, + dictWord{13, 11, 192}, + dictWord{13, 11, 352}, + dictWord{14, 11, 269}, + dictWord{14, 11, 356}, + dictWord{148, 11, 50}, + dictWord{6, 11, 597}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1318}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1454}, + dictWord{5, 0, 883}, + dictWord{5, 0, 975}, + dictWord{8, 0, 392}, + dictWord{148, 0, 7}, + dictWord{6, 11, 228}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1341}, + dictWord{9, 11, 408}, + dictWord{138, 11, 343}, + dictWord{11, 11, 348}, + dictWord{11, 10, 600}, + dictWord{12, 11, 99}, + dictWord{13, 10, 245}, + dictWord{18, 11, 1}, + dictWord{18, 11, 11}, + dictWord{147, 11, 4}, + dictWord{134, 11, 296}, + dictWord{5, 0, 922}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1707}, + dictWord{132, 11, 557}, + dictWord{4, 11, 548}, + dictWord{7, 10, 164}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1571}, + dictWord{9, 10, 107}, + dictWord{140, 10, 225}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 197, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 142}, + dictWord{8, 11, 325}, + dictWord{9, 11, 150}, + dictWord{9, 11, 596}, + dictWord{10, 11, 350}, + dictWord{10, 11, 353}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 74, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 315}, + dictWord{14, 11, 423}, + dictWord{143, 11, 141}, + dictWord{5, 0, 993}, + dictWord{7, 0, 515}, + dictWord{137, 0, 91}, + dictWord{4, 0, 131}, + dictWord{8, 0, 200}, + dictWord{5, 10, 484}, + dictWord{5, 10, 510}, + dictWord{6, 10, 434}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1000}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1098}, + dictWord{136, 10, 2}, + dictWord{152, 0, 10}, + dictWord{4, 11, 62}, + dictWord{5, 11, 83}, + dictWord{6, 11, 399}, + dictWord{6, 11, 579}, + dictWord{7, 11, 692}, + dictWord{7, 11, 846}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1015, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1799}, + dictWord{8, 11, 403}, + dictWord{9, 11, 394}, + dictWord{10, 11, 133}, + dictWord{12, 11, 4}, + dictWord{12, 11, 297}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 452, + }, + dictWord{16, 11, 81}, + dictWord{18, 11, 19}, + dictWord{18, 11, 25}, + dictWord{21, 11, 14}, + dictWord{22, 11, 12}, + dictWord{151, 11, 18}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 459, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 177}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1433}, + dictWord{9, 0, 365}, + dictWord{137, 11, 365}, + dictWord{132, 10, 460}, + dictWord{5, 0, 103}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 2004, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 921}, + dictWord{8, 0, 580}, + dictWord{8, 0, 593}, + dictWord{8, 0, 630}, + dictWord{10, 0, 28}, + dictWord{5, 11, 411}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 653, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 932}, + dictWord{133, 10, 891}, + dictWord{4, 0, 911}, + dictWord{5, 0, 867}, + dictWord{5, 0, 1013}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2034}, + dictWord{8, 0, 798}, + dictWord{136, 0, 813}, + dictWord{7, 11, 439}, + dictWord{10, 11, 727}, + dictWord{11, 11, 260}, + dictWord{139, 11, 684}, + dictWord{136, 10, 625}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 208, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 753}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1528}, + dictWord{5, 0, 461}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1925}, + dictWord{12, 0, 39}, + dictWord{13, 0, 265}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 439, + }, + dictWord{134, 10, 76}, + dictWord{6, 0, 853}, + dictWord{8, 10, 92}, + dictWord{137, 10, 221}, + dictWord{5, 0, 135}, + dictWord{6, 0, 519}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1722}, + dictWord{10, 0, 271}, + dictWord{11, 0, 261}, + dictWord{145, 0, 54}, + dictWord{139, 11, 814}, + dictWord{14, 0, 338}, + dictWord{148, 0, 81}, + dictWord{4, 0, 300}, + dictWord{133, 0, 436}, + dictWord{5, 0, 419}, + dictWord{5, 0, 687}, + dictWord{7, 0, 864}, + dictWord{9, 0, 470}, + dictWord{135, 11, 864}, + dictWord{9, 0, 836}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 242, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1937}, + dictWord{4, 10, 763}, + dictWord{133, 11, 953}, + dictWord{132, 10, 622}, + dictWord{132, 0, 393}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 253, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 357}, + dictWord{10, 0, 745}, + dictWord{14, 0, 426}, + dictWord{17, 0, 94}, + dictWord{19, 0, 57}, + dictWord{135, 10, 546}, + dictWord{5, 11, 615}, + dictWord{146, 11, 37}, + dictWord{9, 10, 73}, + dictWord{10, 10, 110}, + dictWord{14, 10, 185}, + dictWord{145, 10, 119}, + dictWord{11, 0, 703}, + dictWord{7, 10, 624}, + dictWord{7, 10, 916}, + dictWord{10, 10, 256}, + dictWord{139, 10, 87}, + dictWord{133, 11, 290}, + dictWord{5, 10, 212}, + dictWord{12, 10, 35}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 10, + 382, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 380}, + dictWord{5, 11, 52}, + dictWord{7, 11, 277}, + dictWord{9, 11, 368}, + dictWord{139, 11, 791}, + dictWord{133, 0, 387}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 138, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 476}, + dictWord{4, 0, 6}, + dictWord{5, 0, 708}, + dictWord{136, 0, 75}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1351}, + dictWord{9, 0, 581}, + dictWord{10, 0, 639}, + dictWord{11, 0, 453}, + dictWord{140, 0, 584}, + dictWord{132, 0, 303}, + dictWord{138, 0, 772}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1175}, + dictWord{4, 0, 749}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 816, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 256}, + dictWord{7, 11, 307}, + dictWord{7, 11, 999}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1481}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1732}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1738}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 265, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 414}, + dictWord{11, 11, 316}, + dictWord{12, 11, 52}, + dictWord{13, 11, 420}, + dictWord{147, 11, 100}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1296}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1065, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 869}, + dictWord{5, 10, 968}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1626}, + dictWord{8, 10, 734}, + dictWord{136, 10, 784}, + dictWord{4, 10, 542}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 1716, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 1727}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1082}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1545}, + dictWord{8, 10, 56}, + dictWord{8, 10, 118}, + dictWord{8, 10, 412}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 564, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 888}, + dictWord{9, 10, 908}, + dictWord{10, 10, 50}, + dictWord{10, 10, 423}, + dictWord{11, 10, 685}, + dictWord{11, 10, 697}, + dictWord{11, 10, 933}, + dictWord{12, 10, 299}, + dictWord{13, 10, 126}, + dictWord{13, 10, 136}, + dictWord{13, 10, 170}, + dictWord{141, 10, 190}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 226, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 106}, + dictWord{7, 0, 310}, + dictWord{11, 0, 717}, + dictWord{133, 11, 723}, + dictWord{5, 0, 890}, + dictWord{5, 0, 988}, + dictWord{4, 10, 232}, + dictWord{9, 10, 202}, + dictWord{10, 10, 474}, + dictWord{140, 10, 433}, + dictWord{6, 0, 626}, + dictWord{142, 0, 431}, + dictWord{10, 0, 706}, + dictWord{150, 0, 44}, + dictWord{13, 0, 51}, + dictWord{6, 10, 108}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1003}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1181}, + dictWord{8, 10, 111}, + dictWord{136, 10, 343}, + dictWord{132, 0, 698}, + dictWord{5, 11, 109}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1784}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1895}, + dictWord{12, 11, 296}, + dictWord{140, 11, 302}, + dictWord{134, 0, 828}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 1712, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 17}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1929}, + dictWord{4, 10, 133}, + dictWord{5, 11, 216}, + dictWord{7, 10, 711}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1298}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1585, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1879}, + dictWord{9, 11, 141}, + dictWord{9, 11, 270}, + dictWord{9, 11, 679}, + dictWord{10, 11, 159}, + dictWord{10, 11, 553}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 197, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 438}, + dictWord{12, 11, 538}, + dictWord{12, 11, 559}, + dictWord{13, 11, 193}, + dictWord{13, 11, 423}, + dictWord{14, 11, 144}, + dictWord{14, 11, 166}, + dictWord{14, 11, 167}, + dictWord{15, 11, 67}, + dictWord{147, 11, 84}, + dictWord{141, 11, 127}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1872}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 81, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 99}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1808}, + dictWord{145, 10, 57}, + dictWord{134, 11, 391}, + dictWord{5, 0, 689}, + dictWord{6, 0, 84}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1250}, + dictWord{6, 10, 574}, + dictWord{7, 10, 428}, + dictWord{10, 10, 669}, + dictWord{11, 10, 485}, + dictWord{11, 10, 840}, + dictWord{12, 10, 300}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 10, + 250, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 322}, + dictWord{136, 11, 249}, + dictWord{7, 11, 432}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1649}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1871}, + dictWord{137, 10, 252}, + dictWord{6, 11, 155}, + dictWord{140, 11, 234}, + dictWord{7, 0, 871}, + dictWord{19, 0, 27}, + dictWord{147, 11, 27}, + dictWord{140, 0, 498}, + dictWord{5, 0, 986}, + dictWord{6, 0, 130}, + dictWord{138, 0, 823}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1793}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1582}, + dictWord{8, 0, 458}, + dictWord{10, 0, 101}, + dictWord{10, 0, 318}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 945, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 734}, + dictWord{16, 0, 104}, + dictWord{18, 0, 177}, + dictWord{6, 10, 323}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1564}, + dictWord{5, 11, 632}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 526, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 435}, + dictWord{7, 10, 461}, + dictWord{136, 10, 775}, + dictWord{6, 11, 144}, + dictWord{7, 11, 948}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1042}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1857, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 235}, + dictWord{8, 11, 461}, + dictWord{9, 11, 453}, + dictWord{9, 11, 530}, + dictWord{10, 11, 354}, + dictWord{17, 11, 77}, + dictWord{ + 19, + 11, + 99, + }, + dictWord{148, 11, 79}, + dictWord{138, 0, 966}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1644}, + dictWord{137, 0, 129}, + dictWord{135, 0, 997}, + dictWord{136, 0, 502}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 196, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 486}, + dictWord{7, 11, 212}, + dictWord{8, 11, 309}, + dictWord{136, 11, 346}, + dictWord{7, 10, 727}, + dictWord{146, 10, 73}, + dictWord{132, 0, 823}, + dictWord{132, 11, 686}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1927}, + dictWord{4, 0, 762}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1756}, + dictWord{137, 0, 98}, + dictWord{136, 10, 577}, + dictWord{24, 0, 8}, + dictWord{4, 11, 30}, + dictWord{5, 11, 43}, + dictWord{152, 11, 8}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1046}, + dictWord{139, 0, 160}, + dictWord{7, 0, 492}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 413, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 677}, + dictWord{7, 11, 492}, + dictWord{8, 10, 432}, + dictWord{140, 10, 280}, + dictWord{6, 0, 45}, + dictWord{7, 0, 433}, + dictWord{8, 0, 129}, + dictWord{9, 0, 21}, + dictWord{10, 0, 392}, + dictWord{11, 0, 79}, + dictWord{12, 0, 499}, + dictWord{13, 0, 199}, + dictWord{141, 0, 451}, + dictWord{7, 0, 558}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 353, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 220}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1535}, + dictWord{9, 11, 93}, + dictWord{139, 11, 474}, + dictWord{7, 10, 646}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1730}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 446, + }, + dictWord{141, 10, 178}, + dictWord{133, 0, 785}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1145}, + dictWord{8, 0, 81}, + dictWord{9, 0, 189}, + dictWord{9, 0, 201}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 478, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 712}, + dictWord{141, 0, 338}, + dictWord{5, 0, 353}, + dictWord{151, 0, 26}, + dictWord{11, 0, 762}, + dictWord{132, 10, 395}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 2024, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 611}, + dictWord{133, 0, 606}, + dictWord{9, 10, 174}, + dictWord{10, 10, 164}, + dictWord{11, 10, 440}, + dictWord{11, 10, 841}, + dictWord{ + 143, + 10, + 98, + }, + dictWord{134, 10, 426}, + dictWord{10, 10, 608}, + dictWord{139, 10, 1002}, + dictWord{138, 10, 250}, + dictWord{6, 0, 25}, + dictWord{7, 0, 855}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1258}, + dictWord{144, 0, 32}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1725}, + dictWord{138, 11, 393}, + dictWord{5, 11, 263}, + dictWord{134, 11, 414}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2011}, + dictWord{133, 10, 476}, + dictWord{4, 0, 4}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1118}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1320}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1706}, + dictWord{8, 0, 277}, + dictWord{9, 0, 622}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 9, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 724}, + dictWord{12, 0, 350}, + dictWord{12, 0, 397}, + dictWord{13, 0, 28}, + dictWord{13, 0, 159}, + dictWord{15, 0, 89}, + dictWord{18, 0, 5}, + dictWord{ + 19, + 0, + 9, + }, + dictWord{20, 0, 34}, + dictWord{22, 0, 47}, + dictWord{6, 11, 178}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1750}, + dictWord{8, 11, 251}, + dictWord{9, 11, 690}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 155, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 196}, + dictWord{10, 11, 373}, + dictWord{11, 11, 698}, + dictWord{13, 11, 155}, + dictWord{148, 11, 93}, + dictWord{5, 11, 97}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 393, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 764}, + dictWord{11, 0, 461}, + dictWord{12, 0, 172}, + dictWord{5, 10, 76}, + dictWord{6, 10, 458}, + dictWord{6, 10, 497}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 868, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 658}, + dictWord{10, 10, 594}, + dictWord{11, 10, 566}, + dictWord{12, 10, 338}, + dictWord{141, 10, 200}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1449}, + dictWord{138, 11, 40}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1639}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1445}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1168}, + dictWord{4, 10, 526}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1029}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1054, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 191}, + dictWord{7, 11, 934}, + dictWord{8, 11, 647}, + dictWord{145, 11, 97}, + dictWord{132, 10, 636}, + dictWord{6, 0, 233}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 660, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1124}, + dictWord{17, 10, 31}, + dictWord{19, 10, 22}, + dictWord{151, 10, 14}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1699}, + dictWord{136, 11, 110}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 246, + }, + dictWord{15, 11, 162}, + dictWord{19, 11, 64}, + dictWord{20, 11, 8}, + dictWord{20, 11, 95}, + dictWord{22, 11, 24}, + dictWord{152, 11, 17}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 165, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 346}, + dictWord{138, 11, 655}, + dictWord{5, 11, 319}, + dictWord{135, 11, 534}, + dictWord{134, 0, 255}, + dictWord{9, 0, 216}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 128, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 179}, + dictWord{9, 0, 183}, + dictWord{139, 0, 286}, + dictWord{11, 0, 956}, + dictWord{151, 0, 3}, + dictWord{4, 0, 536}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1141, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 723}, + dictWord{139, 0, 371}, + dictWord{4, 10, 279}, + dictWord{7, 10, 301}, + dictWord{137, 10, 362}, + dictWord{7, 0, 285}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 57, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 101}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1663}, + dictWord{7, 11, 132}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1048}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1154}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1415}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1507, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 493}, + dictWord{15, 11, 105}, + dictWord{151, 11, 15}, + dictWord{5, 11, 459}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1073}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1743}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 241, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 334}, + dictWord{4, 10, 178}, + dictWord{133, 10, 399}, + dictWord{135, 0, 560}, + dictWord{132, 0, 690}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1246}, + dictWord{18, 0, 157}, + dictWord{147, 0, 63}, + dictWord{10, 0, 599}, + dictWord{11, 0, 33}, + dictWord{12, 0, 571}, + dictWord{149, 0, 1}, + dictWord{6, 11, 324}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 520, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 338}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1616}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1729}, + dictWord{8, 11, 228}, + dictWord{9, 11, 69}, + dictWord{139, 11, 750}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1862, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 491}, + dictWord{12, 0, 520}, + dictWord{13, 0, 383}, + dictWord{142, 0, 244}, + dictWord{135, 11, 734}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1692}, + dictWord{10, 0, 448}, + dictWord{11, 0, 630}, + dictWord{17, 0, 117}, + dictWord{6, 10, 202}, + dictWord{7, 11, 705}, + dictWord{12, 10, 360}, + dictWord{17, 10, 118}, + dictWord{18, 10, 27}, + dictWord{148, 10, 67}, + dictWord{4, 11, 73}, + dictWord{6, 11, 612}, + dictWord{7, 11, 927}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1822}, + dictWord{8, 11, 217}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 472, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 765}, + dictWord{9, 11, 766}, + dictWord{10, 11, 408}, + dictWord{11, 11, 51}, + dictWord{11, 11, 793}, + dictWord{12, 11, 266}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 11, + 158, + }, + dictWord{20, 11, 89}, + dictWord{150, 11, 32}, + dictWord{4, 0, 190}, + dictWord{133, 0, 554}, + dictWord{133, 0, 1001}, + dictWord{5, 11, 389}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 636, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 229}, + dictWord{5, 0, 446}, + dictWord{7, 10, 872}, + dictWord{10, 10, 516}, + dictWord{139, 10, 167}, + dictWord{137, 10, 313}, + dictWord{132, 10, 224}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1313}, + dictWord{5, 10, 546}, + dictWord{7, 10, 35}, + dictWord{8, 10, 11}, + dictWord{8, 10, 12}, + dictWord{9, 10, 315}, + dictWord{9, 10, 533}, + dictWord{10, 10, 802}, + dictWord{11, 10, 166}, + dictWord{12, 10, 525}, + dictWord{142, 10, 243}, + dictWord{6, 0, 636}, + dictWord{137, 0, 837}, + dictWord{5, 10, 241}, + dictWord{8, 10, 242}, + dictWord{9, 10, 451}, + dictWord{10, 10, 667}, + dictWord{11, 10, 598}, + dictWord{140, 10, 429}, + dictWord{22, 10, 46}, + dictWord{150, 11, 46}, + dictWord{136, 11, 472}, + dictWord{11, 0, 278}, + dictWord{142, 0, 73}, + dictWord{141, 11, 185}, + dictWord{132, 0, 868}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 972, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 366}, + dictWord{137, 10, 516}, + dictWord{138, 0, 1010}, + dictWord{5, 11, 189}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1736}, + dictWord{7, 11, 442}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 443, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 281}, + dictWord{12, 11, 174}, + dictWord{13, 11, 83}, + dictWord{141, 11, 261}, + dictWord{139, 11, 384}, + dictWord{6, 11, 2}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 191, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 446}, + dictWord{7, 11, 758}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1262}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1737}, + dictWord{8, 11, 22}, + dictWord{8, 11, 270}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 612, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 4}, + dictWord{9, 11, 167}, + dictWord{9, 11, 312}, + dictWord{9, 11, 436}, + dictWord{10, 11, 156}, + dictWord{10, 11, 216}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 311, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 623}, + dictWord{11, 11, 72}, + dictWord{11, 11, 330}, + dictWord{11, 11, 455}, + dictWord{12, 11, 101}, + dictWord{12, 11, 321}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 504, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 530}, + dictWord{12, 11, 543}, + dictWord{13, 11, 17}, + dictWord{13, 11, 156}, + dictWord{13, 11, 334}, + dictWord{14, 11, 48}, + dictWord{15, 11, 70}, + dictWord{17, 11, 60}, + dictWord{148, 11, 64}, + dictWord{6, 10, 331}, + dictWord{136, 10, 623}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1231}, + dictWord{132, 0, 304}, + dictWord{6, 11, 60}, + dictWord{7, 11, 670}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1327}, + dictWord{8, 11, 411}, + dictWord{8, 11, 435}, + dictWord{9, 11, 653}, + dictWord{9, 11, 740}, + dictWord{10, 11, 385}, + dictWord{11, 11, 222}, + dictWord{11, 11, 324}, + dictWord{11, 11, 829}, + dictWord{140, 11, 611}, + dictWord{7, 0, 506}, + dictWord{6, 11, 166}, + dictWord{7, 11, 374}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1174}, + dictWord{14, 11, 43}, + dictWord{146, 11, 21}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1694}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1888}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 206, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 398}, + dictWord{135, 11, 50}, + dictWord{150, 0, 26}, + dictWord{6, 0, 53}, + dictWord{6, 0, 199}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1408}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 32, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 93}, + dictWord{10, 0, 397}, + dictWord{10, 0, 629}, + dictWord{11, 0, 593}, + dictWord{11, 0, 763}, + dictWord{13, 0, 326}, + dictWord{145, 0, 35}, + dictWord{134, 0, 105}, + dictWord{132, 10, 394}, + dictWord{4, 0, 843}, + dictWord{138, 0, 794}, + dictWord{11, 0, 704}, + dictWord{141, 0, 396}, + dictWord{5, 0, 114}, + dictWord{5, 0, 255}, + dictWord{141, 0, 285}, + dictWord{6, 0, 619}, + dictWord{7, 0, 898}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1092}, + dictWord{8, 0, 485}, + dictWord{18, 0, 28}, + dictWord{ + 19, + 0, + 116, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 1931}, + dictWord{9, 0, 145}, + dictWord{7, 10, 574}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1719}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2035}, + dictWord{8, 0, 19}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 89, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 831}, + dictWord{132, 10, 658}, + dictWord{6, 11, 517}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1159}, + dictWord{10, 11, 621}, + dictWord{139, 11, 192}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1933, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1933}, + dictWord{9, 10, 781}, + dictWord{10, 10, 144}, + dictWord{11, 10, 385}, + dictWord{13, 10, 161}, + dictWord{13, 10, 228}, + dictWord{13, 10, 268}, + dictWord{148, 10, 107}, + dictWord{136, 10, 374}, + dictWord{10, 11, 223}, + dictWord{139, 11, 645}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1728}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 64, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 289}, + dictWord{136, 11, 245}, + dictWord{4, 10, 344}, + dictWord{6, 10, 498}, + dictWord{139, 10, 323}, + dictWord{136, 0, 746}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1063, + }, + dictWord{137, 10, 155}, + dictWord{4, 0, 987}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1964}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1974}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1990}, + dictWord{136, 0, 995}, + dictWord{133, 11, 609}, + dictWord{133, 10, 906}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1550}, + dictWord{134, 0, 874}, + dictWord{5, 11, 129}, + dictWord{6, 11, 61}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 947, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 1018}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1938}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2021}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2039}, + dictWord{132, 0, 814}, + dictWord{11, 0, 126}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 287, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1264}, + dictWord{5, 0, 955}, + dictWord{136, 0, 814}, + dictWord{141, 11, 506}, + dictWord{132, 11, 314}, + dictWord{6, 0, 981}, + dictWord{139, 11, 1000}, + dictWord{5, 0, 56}, + dictWord{8, 0, 892}, + dictWord{8, 0, 915}, + dictWord{140, 0, 776}, + dictWord{148, 0, 100}, + dictWord{10, 0, 4}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 13, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 638}, + dictWord{148, 0, 57}, + dictWord{148, 11, 74}, + dictWord{5, 0, 738}, + dictWord{132, 10, 616}, + dictWord{133, 11, 637}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 10, + 692, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 758}, + dictWord{132, 10, 305}, + dictWord{137, 11, 590}, + dictWord{5, 11, 280}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1226}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 494, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1112}, + dictWord{133, 11, 281}, + dictWord{13, 0, 44}, + dictWord{14, 0, 214}, + dictWord{5, 10, 214}, + dictWord{7, 10, 603}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 611, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 686}, + dictWord{10, 10, 88}, + dictWord{11, 10, 459}, + dictWord{11, 10, 496}, + dictWord{12, 10, 463}, + dictWord{140, 10, 590}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 328, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1064}, + dictWord{137, 0, 133}, + dictWord{7, 0, 168}, + dictWord{13, 0, 196}, + dictWord{141, 0, 237}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1703}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1152}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1245}, + dictWord{5, 0, 110}, + dictWord{6, 0, 169}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1702}, + dictWord{7, 0, 400}, + dictWord{8, 0, 538}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 184, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 524}, + dictWord{140, 0, 218}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1816}, + dictWord{10, 0, 871}, + dictWord{12, 0, 769}, + dictWord{140, 0, 785}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 630, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 33}, + dictWord{7, 11, 120}, + dictWord{8, 11, 489}, + dictWord{9, 11, 319}, + dictWord{10, 11, 820}, + dictWord{11, 11, 1004}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 379, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 117}, + dictWord{13, 11, 412}, + dictWord{14, 11, 25}, + dictWord{15, 11, 52}, + dictWord{15, 11, 161}, + dictWord{16, 11, 47}, + dictWord{149, 11, 2}, + dictWord{6, 0, 133}, + dictWord{8, 0, 413}, + dictWord{9, 0, 353}, + dictWord{139, 0, 993}, + dictWord{145, 10, 19}, + dictWord{4, 11, 937}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 801, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 978}, + dictWord{6, 0, 93}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1508}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1422}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1851}, + dictWord{8, 0, 673}, + dictWord{9, 0, 529}, + dictWord{140, 0, 43}, + dictWord{6, 0, 317}, + dictWord{10, 0, 512}, + dictWord{4, 10, 737}, + dictWord{11, 10, 294}, + dictWord{12, 10, 60}, + dictWord{12, 10, 437}, + dictWord{13, 10, 64}, + dictWord{13, 10, 380}, + dictWord{142, 10, 430}, + dictWord{9, 0, 371}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1591}, + dictWord{144, 11, 43}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1758}, + dictWord{8, 10, 520}, + dictWord{9, 10, 345}, + dictWord{9, 10, 403}, + dictWord{142, 10, 350}, + dictWord{5, 0, 526}, + dictWord{10, 10, 242}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 579, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 25}, + dictWord{10, 0, 467}, + dictWord{138, 0, 559}, + dictWord{5, 10, 139}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1168}, + dictWord{138, 10, 539}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 335, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 942}, + dictWord{140, 0, 754}, + dictWord{132, 11, 365}, + dictWord{11, 0, 182}, + dictWord{142, 0, 195}, + dictWord{142, 11, 29}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 7, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 774}, + dictWord{4, 11, 746}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1090}, + dictWord{8, 0, 39}, + dictWord{10, 0, 773}, + dictWord{11, 0, 84}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 205, + }, + dictWord{142, 0, 1}, + dictWord{5, 0, 601}, + dictWord{5, 0, 870}, + dictWord{5, 11, 360}, + dictWord{136, 11, 237}, + dictWord{132, 0, 181}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 370, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1652}, + dictWord{8, 0, 358}, + dictWord{4, 10, 107}, + dictWord{7, 10, 613}, + dictWord{8, 10, 439}, + dictWord{8, 10, 504}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 501, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 383}, + dictWord{139, 10, 477}, + dictWord{132, 10, 229}, + dictWord{137, 11, 785}, + dictWord{4, 0, 97}, + dictWord{5, 0, 147}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 286, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1362}, + dictWord{141, 0, 176}, + dictWord{6, 0, 537}, + dictWord{7, 0, 788}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1816}, + dictWord{132, 10, 903}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 10, + 71, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 743}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1223}, + dictWord{6, 0, 375}, + dictWord{7, 0, 169}, + dictWord{7, 0, 254}, + dictWord{8, 0, 780}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1493}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1714}, + dictWord{4, 10, 47}, + dictWord{6, 10, 373}, + dictWord{7, 10, 452}, + dictWord{7, 10, 543}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1856}, + dictWord{9, 10, 6}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 257, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 391}, + dictWord{6, 0, 896}, + dictWord{136, 0, 1003}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1447}, + dictWord{137, 11, 341}, + dictWord{5, 10, 980}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1754}, + dictWord{145, 11, 22}, + dictWord{4, 11, 277}, + dictWord{5, 11, 608}, + dictWord{6, 11, 493}, + dictWord{7, 11, 457}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 384, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 536}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1331}, + dictWord{136, 10, 143}, + dictWord{140, 0, 744}, + dictWord{7, 11, 27}, + dictWord{135, 11, 316}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 126, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 19}, + dictWord{134, 10, 533}, + dictWord{4, 0, 788}, + dictWord{11, 0, 41}, + dictWord{5, 11, 552}, + dictWord{5, 11, 586}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 676, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 448}, + dictWord{8, 11, 244}, + dictWord{11, 11, 1}, + dictWord{11, 11, 41}, + dictWord{13, 11, 3}, + dictWord{16, 11, 54}, + dictWord{17, 11, 4}, + dictWord{146, 11, 13}, + dictWord{4, 0, 985}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1801}, + dictWord{4, 11, 401}, + dictWord{137, 11, 264}, + dictWord{5, 10, 395}, + dictWord{5, 10, 951}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1776}, + dictWord{5, 0, 629}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1549}, + dictWord{11, 10, 663}, + dictWord{12, 10, 210}, + dictWord{13, 10, 166}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 310, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 373}, + dictWord{147, 10, 43}, + dictWord{9, 11, 543}, + dictWord{10, 11, 524}, + dictWord{11, 11, 30}, + dictWord{12, 11, 524}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 315, + }, + dictWord{16, 11, 18}, + dictWord{20, 11, 26}, + dictWord{148, 11, 65}, + dictWord{4, 11, 205}, + dictWord{5, 11, 623}, + dictWord{7, 11, 104}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 11, + 519, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 293}, + dictWord{134, 0, 601}, + dictWord{7, 11, 579}, + dictWord{9, 11, 41}, + dictWord{9, 11, 244}, + dictWord{9, 11, 669}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 5, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 861}, + dictWord{11, 11, 951}, + dictWord{139, 11, 980}, + dictWord{132, 11, 717}, + dictWord{132, 10, 695}, + dictWord{7, 10, 497}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 387, + }, + dictWord{147, 10, 81}, + dictWord{132, 0, 420}, + dictWord{142, 0, 37}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1134}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1900}, + dictWord{12, 0, 830}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 878, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 894}, + dictWord{15, 0, 221}, + dictWord{143, 0, 245}, + dictWord{132, 11, 489}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1570}, + dictWord{140, 0, 542}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 933, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 957}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1371}, + dictWord{7, 0, 31}, + dictWord{8, 0, 373}, + dictWord{5, 10, 284}, + dictWord{6, 10, 49}, + dictWord{6, 10, 350}, + dictWord{7, 10, 377}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1693}, + dictWord{8, 10, 678}, + dictWord{9, 10, 161}, + dictWord{9, 10, 585}, + dictWord{9, 10, 671}, + dictWord{9, 10, 839}, + dictWord{11, 10, 912}, + dictWord{141, 10, 427}, + dictWord{135, 11, 892}, + dictWord{4, 0, 325}, + dictWord{138, 0, 125}, + dictWord{139, 11, 47}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 597, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 323}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1547}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1605}, + dictWord{9, 11, 473}, + dictWord{11, 11, 962}, + dictWord{146, 11, 139}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 908, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 819}, + dictWord{9, 11, 26}, + dictWord{9, 11, 392}, + dictWord{10, 11, 152}, + dictWord{10, 11, 226}, + dictWord{11, 11, 19}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 276, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 426}, + dictWord{12, 11, 589}, + dictWord{13, 11, 460}, + dictWord{15, 11, 97}, + dictWord{19, 11, 48}, + dictWord{148, 11, 104}, + dictWord{135, 11, 51}, + dictWord{4, 0, 718}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1216}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1896}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1905}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1912}, + dictWord{9, 0, 947}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 974, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 809}, + dictWord{12, 0, 850}, + dictWord{12, 0, 858}, + dictWord{12, 0, 874}, + dictWord{12, 0, 887}, + dictWord{12, 0, 904}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 929, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 948}, + dictWord{12, 0, 952}, + dictWord{15, 0, 198}, + dictWord{15, 0, 206}, + dictWord{15, 0, 220}, + dictWord{15, 0, 227}, + dictWord{15, 0, 247}, + dictWord{18, 0, 188}, + dictWord{21, 0, 48}, + dictWord{21, 0, 50}, + dictWord{24, 0, 25}, + dictWord{24, 0, 29}, + dictWord{7, 11, 761}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1051}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 545, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 124}, + dictWord{5, 0, 144}, + dictWord{6, 0, 548}, + dictWord{7, 0, 15}, + dictWord{7, 0, 153}, + dictWord{137, 0, 629}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 606, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 2014}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2007}, + dictWord{9, 11, 46}, + dictWord{9, 10, 101}, + dictWord{9, 10, 450}, + dictWord{10, 10, 66}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 842, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 536}, + dictWord{140, 10, 587}, + dictWord{6, 0, 75}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1531}, + dictWord{8, 0, 416}, + dictWord{9, 0, 240}, + dictWord{9, 0, 275}, + dictWord{10, 0, 100}, + dictWord{11, 0, 658}, + dictWord{11, 0, 979}, + dictWord{12, 0, 86}, + dictWord{14, 0, 207}, + dictWord{15, 0, 20}, + dictWord{143, 0, 25}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 141, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 915}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1783}, + dictWord{7, 0, 211}, + dictWord{7, 0, 698}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1353}, + dictWord{9, 0, 83}, + dictWord{9, 0, 281}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 376, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 431}, + dictWord{11, 0, 543}, + dictWord{12, 0, 664}, + dictWord{13, 0, 280}, + dictWord{13, 0, 428}, + dictWord{14, 0, 61}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 128, + }, + dictWord{17, 0, 52}, + dictWord{145, 0, 81}, + dictWord{132, 11, 674}, + dictWord{135, 0, 533}, + dictWord{149, 0, 6}, + dictWord{132, 11, 770}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 538, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 79}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1027}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1477}, + dictWord{139, 11, 52}, + dictWord{139, 10, 62}, + dictWord{4, 0, 338}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 400, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 789}, + dictWord{134, 11, 195}, + dictWord{4, 11, 251}, + dictWord{4, 11, 688}, + dictWord{7, 11, 513}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1284}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 87, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 365}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1766}, + dictWord{6, 0, 0}, + dictWord{7, 0, 84}, + dictWord{11, 0, 895}, + dictWord{145, 0, 11}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 892, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 221}, + dictWord{5, 0, 659}, + dictWord{7, 0, 697}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1211}, + dictWord{138, 0, 284}, + dictWord{133, 0, 989}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 889, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 160}, + dictWord{5, 11, 330}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1434}, + dictWord{136, 11, 174}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1665}, + dictWord{7, 10, 256}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1388, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 499}, + dictWord{139, 10, 670}, + dictWord{7, 0, 848}, + dictWord{4, 10, 22}, + dictWord{5, 10, 10}, + dictWord{136, 10, 97}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 507, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 481}, + dictWord{4, 0, 188}, + dictWord{135, 0, 805}, + dictWord{5, 0, 884}, + dictWord{6, 0, 732}, + dictWord{139, 0, 991}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 968, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 636}, + dictWord{15, 11, 145}, + dictWord{17, 11, 34}, + dictWord{19, 11, 50}, + dictWord{151, 11, 20}, + dictWord{7, 0, 959}, + dictWord{ + 16, + 0, + 60, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 134}, + dictWord{7, 10, 437}, + dictWord{9, 10, 37}, + dictWord{14, 10, 285}, + dictWord{142, 10, 371}, + dictWord{7, 10, 486}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 155, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 93}, + dictWord{140, 10, 164}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1653}, + dictWord{7, 0, 337}, + dictWord{133, 10, 591}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1989}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 922, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 978}, + dictWord{133, 11, 374}, + dictWord{132, 0, 638}, + dictWord{138, 0, 500}, + dictWord{133, 11, 731}, + dictWord{5, 10, 380}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 650, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 310}, + dictWord{138, 11, 381}, + dictWord{4, 10, 364}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1156}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1187}, + dictWord{137, 10, 409}, + dictWord{137, 11, 224}, + dictWord{140, 0, 166}, + dictWord{134, 10, 482}, + dictWord{4, 11, 626}, + dictWord{5, 11, 642}, + dictWord{6, 11, 425}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 202, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 141}, + dictWord{4, 10, 781}, + dictWord{6, 10, 487}, + dictWord{7, 10, 926}, + dictWord{8, 10, 263}, + dictWord{139, 10, 500}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 418, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 94}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1265}, + dictWord{136, 0, 760}, + dictWord{132, 10, 417}, + dictWord{136, 11, 835}, + dictWord{5, 10, 348}, + dictWord{134, 10, 522}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1277}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1538}, + dictWord{139, 11, 541}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1597}, + dictWord{5, 11, 384}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 455, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 48}, + dictWord{136, 0, 770}, + dictWord{5, 11, 264}, + dictWord{134, 11, 184}, + dictWord{4, 0, 89}, + dictWord{5, 0, 489}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 315, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 553}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1745}, + dictWord{138, 0, 243}, + dictWord{4, 10, 408}, + dictWord{4, 10, 741}, + dictWord{135, 10, 500}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1396, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 560}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1658}, + dictWord{9, 0, 3}, + dictWord{10, 0, 154}, + dictWord{11, 0, 641}, + dictWord{13, 0, 85}, + dictWord{13, 0, 201}, + dictWord{141, 0, 346}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1595}, + dictWord{5, 11, 633}, + dictWord{6, 11, 28}, + dictWord{7, 11, 219}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1323}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 769, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 185}, + dictWord{135, 11, 785}, + dictWord{7, 11, 359}, + dictWord{8, 11, 243}, + dictWord{140, 11, 175}, + dictWord{138, 0, 586}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1271, + }, + dictWord{134, 10, 73}, + dictWord{132, 11, 105}, + dictWord{4, 0, 166}, + dictWord{5, 0, 505}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1670}, + dictWord{133, 10, 576}, + dictWord{4, 11, 324}, + dictWord{138, 11, 104}, + dictWord{142, 10, 231}, + dictWord{6, 0, 637}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1264}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1678}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 945, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 341}, + dictWord{12, 10, 471}, + dictWord{12, 10, 569}, + dictWord{23, 11, 21}, + dictWord{151, 11, 23}, + dictWord{8, 11, 559}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 109, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1947}, + dictWord{7, 0, 445}, + dictWord{8, 0, 307}, + dictWord{8, 0, 704}, + dictWord{10, 0, 41}, + dictWord{10, 0, 439}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 237, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 622}, + dictWord{140, 0, 201}, + dictWord{135, 11, 963}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1977}, + dictWord{4, 0, 189}, + dictWord{5, 0, 713}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 57, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 371}, + dictWord{135, 10, 538}, + dictWord{132, 0, 552}, + dictWord{6, 0, 883}, + dictWord{133, 10, 413}, + dictWord{6, 0, 923}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 758, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 215}, + dictWord{136, 10, 495}, + dictWord{7, 10, 54}, + dictWord{8, 10, 312}, + dictWord{10, 10, 191}, + dictWord{10, 10, 614}, + dictWord{140, 10, 567}, + dictWord{7, 11, 351}, + dictWord{139, 11, 128}, + dictWord{7, 0, 875}, + dictWord{6, 10, 468}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1478}, + dictWord{8, 10, 530}, + dictWord{142, 10, 290}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1788}, + dictWord{17, 0, 49}, + dictWord{133, 11, 918}, + dictWord{12, 11, 398}, + dictWord{20, 11, 39}, + dictWord{ + 21, + 11, + 11, + }, + dictWord{150, 11, 41}, + dictWord{10, 0, 661}, + dictWord{6, 10, 484}, + dictWord{135, 10, 822}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1945}, + dictWord{134, 0, 794}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 900, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 1335}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1724}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2022}, + dictWord{132, 11, 340}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1135}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 784, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 745}, + dictWord{5, 0, 84}, + dictWord{134, 0, 163}, + dictWord{133, 0, 410}, + dictWord{4, 0, 976}, + dictWord{5, 11, 985}, + dictWord{7, 11, 509}, + dictWord{7, 11, 529}, + dictWord{145, 11, 96}, + dictWord{132, 10, 474}, + dictWord{134, 0, 703}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1919}, + dictWord{5, 0, 322}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 186, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 262}, + dictWord{10, 0, 187}, + dictWord{142, 0, 208}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1504}, + dictWord{133, 0, 227}, + dictWord{9, 0, 560}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 208, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 305}, + dictWord{132, 11, 247}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1395}, + dictWord{8, 0, 486}, + dictWord{9, 0, 236}, + dictWord{9, 0, 878}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 218, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 95}, + dictWord{19, 0, 17}, + dictWord{147, 0, 31}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2043}, + dictWord{8, 0, 672}, + dictWord{141, 0, 448}, + dictWord{4, 11, 184}, + dictWord{5, 11, 390}, + dictWord{6, 11, 337}, + dictWord{7, 11, 23}, + dictWord{7, 11, 494}, + dictWord{7, 11, 618}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1456}, + dictWord{8, 11, 27}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 599, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 153}, + dictWord{139, 11, 710}, + dictWord{135, 0, 466}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1236}, + dictWord{6, 0, 167}, + dictWord{7, 0, 186}, + dictWord{7, 0, 656}, + dictWord{10, 0, 643}, + dictWord{4, 10, 480}, + dictWord{6, 10, 302}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1642}, + dictWord{7, 10, 837}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1547}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1657, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 429}, + dictWord{9, 10, 228}, + dictWord{13, 10, 289}, + dictWord{13, 10, 343}, + dictWord{147, 10, 101}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1428}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1440}, + dictWord{5, 0, 412}, + dictWord{7, 10, 278}, + dictWord{10, 10, 739}, + dictWord{11, 10, 708}, + dictWord{141, 10, 348}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1118, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 562}, + dictWord{148, 11, 46}, + dictWord{9, 0, 316}, + dictWord{139, 0, 256}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1771}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1190}, + dictWord{137, 0, 132}, + dictWord{10, 11, 227}, + dictWord{11, 11, 497}, + dictWord{11, 11, 709}, + dictWord{140, 11, 415}, + dictWord{143, 0, 66}, + dictWord{6, 11, 360}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1664}, + dictWord{136, 11, 478}, + dictWord{144, 10, 28}, + dictWord{4, 0, 317}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1279}, + dictWord{5, 0, 63}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 509, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 699}, + dictWord{145, 10, 36}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1475}, + dictWord{11, 11, 343}, + dictWord{142, 11, 127}, + dictWord{132, 11, 739}, + dictWord{132, 0, 288}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1757}, + dictWord{8, 0, 89}, + dictWord{8, 0, 620}, + dictWord{9, 0, 608}, + dictWord{11, 0, 628}, + dictWord{12, 0, 322}, + dictWord{143, 0, 124}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1225}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1189}, + dictWord{4, 11, 67}, + dictWord{5, 11, 422}, + dictWord{6, 10, 363}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1037}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1289}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1555}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1955}, + dictWord{8, 10, 725}, + dictWord{9, 11, 741}, + dictWord{145, 11, 108}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1468, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 689}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1451}, + dictWord{138, 0, 120}, + dictWord{151, 0, 1}, + dictWord{137, 10, 805}, + dictWord{142, 0, 329}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 813, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 2046}, + dictWord{135, 0, 226}, + dictWord{138, 11, 96}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1855}, + dictWord{5, 10, 712}, + dictWord{11, 10, 17}, + dictWord{13, 10, 321}, + dictWord{144, 10, 67}, + dictWord{9, 0, 461}, + dictWord{6, 10, 320}, + dictWord{7, 10, 781}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1921}, + dictWord{9, 10, 55}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 186, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 273}, + dictWord{10, 10, 664}, + dictWord{10, 10, 801}, + dictWord{11, 10, 996}, + dictWord{11, 10, 997}, + dictWord{13, 10, 157}, + dictWord{142, 10, 170}, + dictWord{8, 11, 203}, + dictWord{8, 10, 271}, + dictWord{11, 11, 823}, + dictWord{11, 11, 846}, + dictWord{12, 11, 482}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 133, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 277}, + dictWord{13, 11, 302}, + dictWord{13, 11, 464}, + dictWord{14, 11, 205}, + dictWord{142, 11, 221}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1346}, + dictWord{4, 11, 449}, + dictWord{133, 11, 718}, + dictWord{134, 0, 85}, + dictWord{14, 0, 299}, + dictWord{7, 10, 103}, + dictWord{7, 10, 863}, + dictWord{11, 10, 184}, + dictWord{145, 10, 62}, + dictWord{4, 11, 355}, + dictWord{6, 11, 311}, + dictWord{9, 11, 256}, + dictWord{138, 11, 404}, + dictWord{137, 10, 659}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 758, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 827}, + dictWord{5, 11, 64}, + dictWord{140, 11, 581}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1171}, + dictWord{4, 11, 442}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1047}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1352, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1643}, + dictWord{132, 0, 980}, + dictWord{5, 11, 977}, + dictWord{6, 11, 288}, + dictWord{7, 11, 528}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1065}, + dictWord{5, 0, 279}, + dictWord{6, 0, 235}, + dictWord{7, 0, 468}, + dictWord{8, 0, 446}, + dictWord{9, 0, 637}, + dictWord{10, 0, 717}, + dictWord{11, 0, 738}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 0, + 514, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 293}, + dictWord{11, 10, 337}, + dictWord{142, 10, 303}, + dictWord{136, 11, 285}, + dictWord{5, 0, 17}, + dictWord{6, 0, 371}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 528, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 364}, + dictWord{132, 11, 254}, + dictWord{5, 10, 77}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1455}, + dictWord{10, 10, 843}, + dictWord{147, 10, 73}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 0, + 5, + }, + dictWord{132, 10, 458}, + dictWord{6, 11, 12}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1219}, + dictWord{145, 11, 73}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1420}, + dictWord{6, 10, 109}, + dictWord{138, 10, 382}, + dictWord{135, 11, 125}, + dictWord{6, 10, 330}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1084}, + dictWord{139, 10, 142}, + dictWord{6, 11, 369}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 502, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1036}, + dictWord{8, 11, 348}, + dictWord{9, 11, 452}, + dictWord{10, 11, 26}, + dictWord{11, 11, 224}, + dictWord{11, 11, 387}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 772, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 95}, + dictWord{12, 11, 629}, + dictWord{13, 11, 195}, + dictWord{13, 11, 207}, + dictWord{13, 11, 241}, + dictWord{14, 11, 260}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 270, + }, + dictWord{143, 11, 140}, + dictWord{132, 11, 269}, + dictWord{5, 11, 480}, + dictWord{7, 11, 532}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1197}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1358}, + dictWord{8, 11, 291}, + dictWord{11, 11, 349}, + dictWord{142, 11, 396}, + dictWord{150, 0, 48}, + dictWord{10, 0, 601}, + dictWord{13, 0, 353}, + dictWord{141, 0, 376}, + dictWord{5, 0, 779}, + dictWord{5, 0, 807}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1655}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1676}, + dictWord{142, 11, 223}, + dictWord{4, 0, 196}, + dictWord{5, 0, 558}, + dictWord{133, 0, 949}, + dictWord{148, 11, 15}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1764}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1322}, + dictWord{132, 0, 752}, + dictWord{139, 0, 737}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 657, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 533}, + dictWord{135, 0, 412}, + dictWord{4, 0, 227}, + dictWord{5, 0, 159}, + dictWord{5, 0, 409}, + dictWord{7, 0, 80}, + dictWord{8, 0, 556}, + dictWord{10, 0, 479}, + dictWord{12, 0, 418}, + dictWord{14, 0, 50}, + dictWord{14, 0, 123}, + dictWord{14, 0, 192}, + dictWord{14, 0, 249}, + dictWord{14, 0, 295}, + dictWord{143, 0, 27}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1470}, + dictWord{8, 0, 66}, + dictWord{8, 0, 137}, + dictWord{8, 0, 761}, + dictWord{9, 0, 638}, + dictWord{11, 0, 80}, + dictWord{11, 0, 212}, + dictWord{11, 0, 368}, + dictWord{11, 0, 418}, + dictWord{12, 0, 8}, + dictWord{13, 0, 15}, + dictWord{16, 0, 61}, + dictWord{17, 0, 59}, + dictWord{19, 0, 28}, + dictWord{ + 148, + 0, + 84, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 1985}, + dictWord{4, 11, 211}, + dictWord{4, 11, 332}, + dictWord{5, 11, 335}, + dictWord{6, 11, 238}, + dictWord{7, 11, 269}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 811, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1797}, + dictWord{8, 10, 122}, + dictWord{8, 11, 836}, + dictWord{9, 11, 507}, + dictWord{141, 11, 242}, + dictWord{6, 0, 683}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1252, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 873}, + dictWord{132, 10, 234}, + dictWord{134, 0, 835}, + dictWord{6, 0, 38}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1220}, + dictWord{8, 0, 185}, + dictWord{8, 0, 256}, + dictWord{9, 0, 22}, + dictWord{9, 0, 331}, + dictWord{10, 0, 738}, + dictWord{11, 0, 205}, + dictWord{11, 0, 540}, + dictWord{11, 0, 746}, + dictWord{13, 0, 465}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 88, + }, + dictWord{142, 0, 194}, + dictWord{138, 0, 986}, + dictWord{5, 11, 1009}, + dictWord{12, 11, 582}, + dictWord{146, 11, 131}, + dictWord{4, 0, 159}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 115, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 252}, + dictWord{7, 0, 257}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1928}, + dictWord{8, 0, 69}, + dictWord{9, 0, 384}, + dictWord{10, 0, 91}, + dictWord{10, 0, 615}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 375, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 235}, + dictWord{18, 0, 117}, + dictWord{147, 0, 123}, + dictWord{133, 0, 911}, + dictWord{136, 0, 278}, + dictWord{5, 10, 430}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 932, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 131}, + dictWord{7, 10, 417}, + dictWord{9, 10, 522}, + dictWord{11, 10, 314}, + dictWord{141, 10, 390}, + dictWord{14, 10, 149}, + dictWord{14, 10, 399}, + dictWord{143, 10, 57}, + dictWord{4, 0, 151}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1567}, + dictWord{136, 0, 749}, + dictWord{5, 11, 228}, + dictWord{6, 11, 203}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 156, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 347}, + dictWord{137, 11, 265}, + dictWord{132, 10, 507}, + dictWord{10, 0, 989}, + dictWord{140, 0, 956}, + dictWord{133, 0, 990}, + dictWord{5, 0, 194}, + dictWord{6, 0, 927}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1662}, + dictWord{9, 0, 90}, + dictWord{140, 0, 564}, + dictWord{4, 10, 343}, + dictWord{133, 10, 511}, + dictWord{133, 0, 425}, + dictWord{7, 10, 455}, + dictWord{138, 10, 591}, + dictWord{4, 0, 774}, + dictWord{7, 11, 476}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1592}, + dictWord{138, 11, 87}, + dictWord{5, 0, 971}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1381}, + dictWord{5, 11, 318}, + dictWord{147, 11, 121}, + dictWord{5, 11, 291}, + dictWord{7, 11, 765}, + dictWord{9, 11, 389}, + dictWord{140, 11, 548}, + dictWord{134, 10, 575}, + dictWord{4, 0, 827}, + dictWord{12, 0, 646}, + dictWord{12, 0, 705}, + dictWord{12, 0, 712}, + dictWord{140, 0, 714}, + dictWord{139, 0, 752}, + dictWord{137, 0, 662}, + dictWord{5, 0, 72}, + dictWord{6, 0, 264}, + dictWord{7, 0, 21}, + dictWord{7, 0, 46}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2013}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 215, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 513}, + dictWord{10, 0, 266}, + dictWord{139, 0, 22}, + dictWord{139, 11, 522}, + dictWord{6, 0, 239}, + dictWord{7, 0, 118}, + dictWord{10, 0, 95}, + dictWord{11, 0, 603}, + dictWord{13, 0, 443}, + dictWord{14, 0, 160}, + dictWord{143, 0, 4}, + dictWord{6, 0, 431}, + dictWord{134, 0, 669}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1127}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1572, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 297}, + dictWord{10, 10, 422}, + dictWord{11, 10, 764}, + dictWord{11, 10, 810}, + dictWord{12, 10, 264}, + dictWord{13, 10, 102}, + dictWord{13, 10, 300}, + dictWord{13, 10, 484}, + dictWord{14, 10, 147}, + dictWord{14, 10, 229}, + dictWord{17, 10, 71}, + dictWord{18, 10, 118}, + dictWord{ + 147, + 10, + 120, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 874}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1677}, + dictWord{15, 0, 0}, + dictWord{10, 11, 525}, + dictWord{139, 11, 82}, + dictWord{6, 0, 65}, + dictWord{7, 0, 939}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1172, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1671}, + dictWord{9, 0, 540}, + dictWord{10, 0, 696}, + dictWord{11, 0, 265}, + dictWord{11, 0, 732}, + dictWord{11, 0, 928}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 937, + }, + dictWord{141, 0, 438}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1350}, + dictWord{136, 11, 547}, + dictWord{132, 11, 422}, + dictWord{5, 11, 355}, + dictWord{145, 11, 0}, + dictWord{137, 11, 905}, + dictWord{5, 0, 682}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1887}, + dictWord{132, 0, 809}, + dictWord{4, 0, 696}, + dictWord{133, 11, 865}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1074}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1472}, + dictWord{14, 10, 35}, + dictWord{142, 10, 191}, + dictWord{5, 11, 914}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1625}, + dictWord{133, 11, 234}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1383, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 780}, + dictWord{132, 10, 125}, + dictWord{4, 0, 726}, + dictWord{133, 0, 630}, + dictWord{8, 0, 802}, + dictWord{136, 0, 838}, + dictWord{132, 10, 721}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1337}, + dictWord{7, 0, 776}, + dictWord{19, 0, 56}, + dictWord{136, 10, 145}, + dictWord{132, 0, 970}, + dictWord{7, 10, 792}, + dictWord{8, 10, 147}, + dictWord{10, 10, 821}, + dictWord{139, 10, 1021}, + dictWord{139, 10, 970}, + dictWord{8, 0, 940}, + dictWord{137, 0, 797}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1312, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 248}, + dictWord{10, 0, 400}, + dictWord{7, 11, 816}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1241}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1999}, + dictWord{9, 11, 283}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 520, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 213}, + dictWord{10, 11, 307}, + dictWord{10, 11, 463}, + dictWord{10, 11, 671}, + dictWord{10, 11, 746}, + dictWord{11, 11, 401}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 794, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 517}, + dictWord{18, 11, 107}, + dictWord{147, 11, 115}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1951}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2040}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 339, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 41}, + dictWord{15, 0, 93}, + dictWord{5, 10, 168}, + dictWord{5, 10, 930}, + dictWord{8, 10, 74}, + dictWord{9, 10, 623}, + dictWord{12, 10, 500}, + dictWord{140, 10, 579}, + dictWord{6, 0, 118}, + dictWord{7, 0, 215}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1521}, + dictWord{140, 0, 11}, + dictWord{6, 10, 220}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1101}, + dictWord{141, 10, 105}, + dictWord{6, 11, 421}, + dictWord{7, 11, 61}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1540}, + dictWord{10, 11, 11}, + dictWord{138, 11, 501}, + dictWord{7, 0, 615}, + dictWord{138, 0, 251}, + dictWord{140, 11, 631}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1044}, + dictWord{6, 10, 19}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1413}, + dictWord{139, 10, 428}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 225, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 96}, + dictWord{8, 10, 401}, + dictWord{8, 10, 703}, + dictWord{137, 10, 896}, + dictWord{145, 10, 116}, + dictWord{6, 11, 102}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 72, + }, + dictWord{15, 11, 142}, + dictWord{147, 11, 67}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1961}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1965}, + dictWord{8, 10, 702}, + dictWord{136, 10, 750}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 2030, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 150}, + dictWord{8, 10, 737}, + dictWord{12, 10, 366}, + dictWord{151, 11, 30}, + dictWord{4, 0, 370}, + dictWord{5, 0, 756}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1326, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 823}, + dictWord{8, 10, 800}, + dictWord{9, 10, 148}, + dictWord{9, 10, 872}, + dictWord{9, 10, 890}, + dictWord{11, 10, 309}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 1001, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 267}, + dictWord{141, 10, 323}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1662}, + dictWord{7, 0, 48}, + dictWord{8, 0, 771}, + dictWord{10, 0, 116}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 104, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 105}, + dictWord{14, 0, 184}, + dictWord{15, 0, 168}, + dictWord{19, 0, 92}, + dictWord{148, 0, 68}, + dictWord{10, 0, 209}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1870, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 68}, + dictWord{8, 11, 48}, + dictWord{8, 11, 88}, + dictWord{8, 11, 582}, + dictWord{8, 11, 681}, + dictWord{9, 11, 373}, + dictWord{9, 11, 864}, + dictWord{11, 11, 157}, + dictWord{11, 11, 336}, + dictWord{11, 11, 843}, + dictWord{148, 11, 27}, + dictWord{134, 0, 930}, + dictWord{4, 11, 88}, + dictWord{5, 11, 137}, + dictWord{5, 11, 174}, + dictWord{5, 11, 777}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1664}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1725}, + dictWord{7, 11, 77}, + dictWord{7, 11, 426}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1317}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1355}, + dictWord{8, 11, 126}, + dictWord{8, 11, 563}, + dictWord{9, 11, 523}, + dictWord{9, 11, 750}, + dictWord{10, 11, 310}, + dictWord{10, 11, 836}, + dictWord{11, 11, 42}, + dictWord{11, 11, 318}, + dictWord{11, 11, 731}, + dictWord{12, 11, 68}, + dictWord{12, 11, 92}, + dictWord{12, 11, 507}, + dictWord{12, 11, 692}, + dictWord{13, 11, 81}, + dictWord{13, 11, 238}, + dictWord{13, 11, 374}, + dictWord{18, 11, 138}, + dictWord{19, 11, 78}, + dictWord{19, 11, 111}, + dictWord{20, 11, 55}, + dictWord{20, 11, 77}, + dictWord{148, 11, 92}, + dictWord{4, 11, 938}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1831}, + dictWord{5, 10, 547}, + dictWord{7, 10, 424}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 617, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 351}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1286}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1668}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1499}, + dictWord{8, 11, 117}, + dictWord{9, 11, 314}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 174, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 759}, + dictWord{6, 0, 894}, + dictWord{7, 11, 707}, + dictWord{139, 11, 563}, + dictWord{4, 0, 120}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1894}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 385, + }, + dictWord{149, 0, 17}, + dictWord{138, 0, 429}, + dictWord{133, 11, 403}, + dictWord{5, 0, 820}, + dictWord{135, 0, 931}, + dictWord{10, 0, 199}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 133, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 151}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1675}, + dictWord{7, 0, 383}, + dictWord{151, 0, 10}, + dictWord{6, 0, 761}, + dictWord{136, 10, 187}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 365, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 0}, + dictWord{10, 10, 818}, + dictWord{139, 10, 988}, + dictWord{4, 11, 44}, + dictWord{5, 11, 311}, + dictWord{6, 11, 156}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 639, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 762}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1827}, + dictWord{9, 11, 8}, + dictWord{9, 11, 462}, + dictWord{148, 11, 83}, + dictWord{4, 11, 346}, + dictWord{7, 11, 115}, + dictWord{9, 11, 180}, + dictWord{9, 11, 456}, + dictWord{138, 11, 363}, + dictWord{136, 10, 685}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1086}, + dictWord{145, 0, 46}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1624, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 11}, + dictWord{12, 0, 422}, + dictWord{13, 0, 444}, + dictWord{142, 0, 360}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1020}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1260}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1589, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 43}, + dictWord{5, 0, 344}, + dictWord{5, 0, 357}, + dictWord{14, 0, 472}, + dictWord{150, 0, 58}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1864}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1866}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1868}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1869}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1874}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1877}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1903}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1911}, + dictWord{9, 0, 920}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 921, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 924}, + dictWord{9, 0, 946}, + dictWord{9, 0, 959}, + dictWord{9, 0, 963}, + dictWord{9, 0, 970}, + dictWord{9, 0, 997}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1008}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 1017, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 795}, + dictWord{12, 0, 797}, + dictWord{12, 0, 798}, + dictWord{12, 0, 800}, + dictWord{12, 0, 803}, + dictWord{12, 0, 811}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 820, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 821}, + dictWord{12, 0, 839}, + dictWord{12, 0, 841}, + dictWord{12, 0, 848}, + dictWord{12, 0, 911}, + dictWord{12, 0, 921}, + dictWord{12, 0, 922}, + dictWord{12, 0, 925}, + dictWord{12, 0, 937}, + dictWord{12, 0, 944}, + dictWord{12, 0, 945}, + dictWord{12, 0, 953}, + dictWord{15, 0, 184}, + dictWord{15, 0, 191}, + dictWord{15, 0, 199}, + dictWord{15, 0, 237}, + dictWord{15, 0, 240}, + dictWord{15, 0, 243}, + dictWord{15, 0, 246}, + dictWord{18, 0, 203}, + dictWord{21, 0, 40}, + dictWord{ + 21, + 0, + 52, + }, + dictWord{21, 0, 57}, + dictWord{24, 0, 23}, + dictWord{24, 0, 28}, + dictWord{152, 0, 30}, + dictWord{134, 0, 725}, + dictWord{145, 11, 58}, + dictWord{133, 0, 888}, + dictWord{137, 10, 874}, + dictWord{4, 0, 711}, + dictWord{8, 10, 774}, + dictWord{10, 10, 670}, + dictWord{140, 10, 51}, + dictWord{144, 11, 40}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 185, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1899}, + dictWord{139, 11, 673}, + dictWord{137, 10, 701}, + dictWord{137, 0, 440}, + dictWord{4, 11, 327}, + dictWord{5, 11, 478}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1332, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 753}, + dictWord{140, 11, 227}, + dictWord{4, 10, 127}, + dictWord{5, 10, 350}, + dictWord{6, 10, 356}, + dictWord{8, 10, 426}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 572, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 247}, + dictWord{139, 10, 312}, + dictWord{5, 11, 1020}, + dictWord{133, 11, 1022}, + dictWord{4, 11, 103}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 401, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1913}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1926}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1959}, + dictWord{9, 0, 914}, + dictWord{9, 0, 939}, + dictWord{9, 0, 952}, + dictWord{9, 0, 979}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 990, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 998}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1003}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1023}, + dictWord{12, 0, 827}, + dictWord{12, 0, 834}, + dictWord{12, 0, 845}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 912, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 935}, + dictWord{12, 0, 951}, + dictWord{15, 0, 172}, + dictWord{15, 0, 174}, + dictWord{18, 0, 198}, + dictWord{149, 0, 63}, + dictWord{5, 0, 958}, + dictWord{5, 0, 987}, + dictWord{4, 11, 499}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1421}, + dictWord{7, 0, 885}, + dictWord{6, 10, 59}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1762}, + dictWord{9, 10, 603}, + dictWord{141, 10, 397}, + dictWord{10, 11, 62}, + dictWord{141, 11, 164}, + dictWord{4, 0, 847}, + dictWord{135, 0, 326}, + dictWord{11, 0, 276}, + dictWord{142, 0, 293}, + dictWord{4, 0, 65}, + dictWord{5, 0, 479}, + dictWord{5, 0, 1004}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1913}, + dictWord{8, 0, 317}, + dictWord{9, 0, 302}, + dictWord{10, 0, 612}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 22, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 96}, + dictWord{4, 0, 261}, + dictWord{135, 0, 510}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1514}, + dictWord{6, 10, 111}, + dictWord{7, 10, 4}, + dictWord{8, 10, 163}, + dictWord{8, 10, 776}, + dictWord{138, 10, 566}, + dictWord{4, 0, 291}, + dictWord{9, 0, 515}, + dictWord{12, 0, 152}, + dictWord{12, 0, 443}, + dictWord{13, 0, 392}, + dictWord{142, 0, 357}, + dictWord{7, 11, 399}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1492}, + dictWord{4, 0, 589}, + dictWord{139, 0, 282}, + dictWord{6, 11, 563}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1994, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 297}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1038}, + dictWord{4, 0, 130}, + dictWord{7, 0, 843}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1562}, + dictWord{5, 0, 42}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 879, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 245}, + dictWord{7, 0, 324}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1532}, + dictWord{11, 0, 463}, + dictWord{11, 0, 472}, + dictWord{13, 0, 363}, + dictWord{144, 0, 52}, + dictWord{4, 0, 134}, + dictWord{133, 0, 372}, + dictWord{133, 0, 680}, + dictWord{136, 10, 363}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1997}, + dictWord{8, 0, 935}, + dictWord{136, 0, 977}, + dictWord{4, 0, 810}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1634}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1675}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1390}, + dictWord{4, 11, 910}, + dictWord{133, 11, 832}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 808, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 266}, + dictWord{139, 11, 578}, + dictWord{132, 0, 644}, + dictWord{4, 0, 982}, + dictWord{138, 0, 867}, + dictWord{132, 10, 280}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 540, + }, + dictWord{140, 10, 54}, + dictWord{135, 0, 123}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1978}, + dictWord{4, 10, 421}, + dictWord{133, 10, 548}, + dictWord{6, 0, 623}, + dictWord{136, 0, 789}, + dictWord{4, 0, 908}, + dictWord{5, 0, 359}, + dictWord{5, 0, 508}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1723}, + dictWord{7, 0, 343}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1996}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 2026, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1220}, + dictWord{4, 0, 341}, + dictWord{135, 0, 480}, + dictWord{6, 10, 254}, + dictWord{9, 10, 109}, + dictWord{138, 10, 103}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 888, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 528}, + dictWord{137, 11, 348}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1995}, + dictWord{8, 0, 299}, + dictWord{11, 0, 890}, + dictWord{12, 0, 674}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 20, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 616}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1094}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1630}, + dictWord{4, 0, 238}, + dictWord{5, 0, 503}, + dictWord{6, 0, 179}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 2003, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 381}, + dictWord{8, 0, 473}, + dictWord{9, 0, 149}, + dictWord{10, 0, 788}, + dictWord{15, 0, 45}, + dictWord{15, 0, 86}, + dictWord{20, 0, 110}, + dictWord{150, 0, 57}, + dictWord{133, 10, 671}, + dictWord{4, 11, 26}, + dictWord{5, 11, 429}, + dictWord{6, 11, 245}, + dictWord{7, 11, 704}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1379}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1474}, + dictWord{4, 0, 121}, + dictWord{5, 0, 156}, + dictWord{5, 0, 349}, + dictWord{9, 0, 431}, + dictWord{10, 0, 605}, + dictWord{142, 0, 342}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 943, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 614}, + dictWord{132, 10, 889}, + dictWord{132, 11, 621}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1382}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1382}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1910, + }, + dictWord{132, 10, 627}, + dictWord{133, 10, 775}, + dictWord{133, 11, 542}, + dictWord{133, 11, 868}, + dictWord{136, 11, 433}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1373}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1011}, + dictWord{11, 10, 362}, + dictWord{11, 10, 948}, + dictWord{140, 10, 388}, + dictWord{6, 0, 80}, + dictWord{7, 0, 173}, + dictWord{9, 0, 547}, + dictWord{10, 0, 730}, + dictWord{14, 0, 18}, + dictWord{22, 0, 39}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1495}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1694}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1974}, + dictWord{140, 0, 196}, + dictWord{4, 0, 923}, + dictWord{6, 0, 507}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1711}, + dictWord{7, 10, 451}, + dictWord{8, 10, 389}, + dictWord{12, 10, 490}, + dictWord{13, 10, 16}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 215, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 351}, + dictWord{18, 10, 132}, + dictWord{147, 10, 125}, + dictWord{6, 0, 646}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1047}, + dictWord{135, 10, 841}, + dictWord{136, 10, 566}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1611}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1214}, + dictWord{139, 0, 926}, + dictWord{132, 11, 525}, + dictWord{132, 0, 595}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 240, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 459}, + dictWord{7, 0, 12}, + dictWord{7, 0, 114}, + dictWord{7, 0, 949}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1753}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1805}, + dictWord{8, 0, 658}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 1, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 959}, + dictWord{141, 0, 446}, + dictWord{5, 10, 912}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1695}, + dictWord{132, 0, 446}, + dictWord{7, 11, 62}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 45, + }, + dictWord{147, 11, 112}, + dictWord{5, 10, 236}, + dictWord{6, 10, 572}, + dictWord{8, 10, 492}, + dictWord{11, 10, 618}, + dictWord{144, 10, 56}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 190, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 318}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1376}, + dictWord{4, 11, 223}, + dictWord{6, 11, 359}, + dictWord{11, 11, 3}, + dictWord{13, 11, 108}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 89, + }, + dictWord{144, 11, 22}, + dictWord{132, 11, 647}, + dictWord{134, 0, 490}, + dictWord{134, 0, 491}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1584}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 685, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 220}, + dictWord{7, 0, 250}, + dictWord{136, 0, 507}, + dictWord{132, 0, 158}, + dictWord{4, 0, 140}, + dictWord{7, 0, 362}, + dictWord{8, 0, 209}, + dictWord{9, 0, 10}, + dictWord{9, 0, 160}, + dictWord{9, 0, 503}, + dictWord{9, 0, 614}, + dictWord{10, 0, 689}, + dictWord{11, 0, 327}, + dictWord{11, 0, 553}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 725, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 767}, + dictWord{12, 0, 252}, + dictWord{12, 0, 583}, + dictWord{13, 0, 192}, + dictWord{14, 0, 269}, + dictWord{14, 0, 356}, + dictWord{148, 0, 50}, + dictWord{19, 0, 1}, + dictWord{19, 0, 26}, + dictWord{150, 0, 9}, + dictWord{132, 11, 109}, + dictWord{6, 0, 228}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1341}, + dictWord{9, 0, 408}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 343, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 373}, + dictWord{5, 0, 283}, + dictWord{6, 0, 480}, + dictWord{7, 0, 609}, + dictWord{10, 0, 860}, + dictWord{138, 0, 878}, + dictWord{6, 0, 779}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1209}, + dictWord{4, 0, 557}, + dictWord{7, 11, 263}, + dictWord{7, 11, 628}, + dictWord{136, 11, 349}, + dictWord{132, 0, 548}, + dictWord{7, 0, 197}, + dictWord{8, 0, 142}, + dictWord{8, 0, 325}, + dictWord{9, 0, 150}, + dictWord{9, 0, 596}, + dictWord{10, 0, 350}, + dictWord{10, 0, 353}, + dictWord{11, 0, 74}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 315, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 662}, + dictWord{12, 0, 681}, + dictWord{14, 0, 423}, + dictWord{143, 0, 141}, + dictWord{4, 11, 40}, + dictWord{10, 11, 67}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 117, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 768}, + dictWord{139, 11, 935}, + dictWord{7, 11, 992}, + dictWord{8, 11, 301}, + dictWord{9, 11, 722}, + dictWord{12, 11, 63}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 29, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 161}, + dictWord{143, 11, 18}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1490}, + dictWord{138, 11, 532}, + dictWord{5, 0, 580}, + dictWord{7, 0, 378}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 674, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1424}, + dictWord{15, 0, 83}, + dictWord{16, 0, 11}, + dictWord{15, 11, 83}, + dictWord{144, 11, 11}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1057}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1335}, + dictWord{10, 0, 316}, + dictWord{7, 10, 85}, + dictWord{7, 10, 247}, + dictWord{8, 10, 585}, + dictWord{138, 10, 163}, + dictWord{4, 0, 169}, + dictWord{5, 0, 83}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 399, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 579}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1513}, + dictWord{7, 0, 692}, + dictWord{7, 0, 846}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1015}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1799}, + dictWord{8, 0, 403}, + dictWord{9, 0, 394}, + dictWord{10, 0, 133}, + dictWord{12, 0, 4}, + dictWord{12, 0, 297}, + dictWord{12, 0, 452}, + dictWord{16, 0, 81}, + dictWord{18, 0, 25}, + dictWord{21, 0, 14}, + dictWord{22, 0, 12}, + dictWord{151, 0, 18}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1106}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1546}, + dictWord{11, 0, 299}, + dictWord{142, 0, 407}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1192}, + dictWord{132, 0, 177}, + dictWord{5, 0, 411}, + dictWord{135, 0, 653}, + dictWord{7, 0, 439}, + dictWord{10, 0, 727}, + dictWord{11, 0, 260}, + dictWord{139, 0, 684}, + dictWord{138, 10, 145}, + dictWord{147, 10, 83}, + dictWord{5, 0, 208}, + dictWord{7, 0, 753}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1528}, + dictWord{137, 11, 617}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1922, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 825}, + dictWord{11, 0, 422}, + dictWord{13, 0, 389}, + dictWord{4, 10, 124}, + dictWord{10, 10, 457}, + dictWord{11, 10, 121}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 169, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 870}, + dictWord{12, 10, 214}, + dictWord{14, 10, 187}, + dictWord{143, 10, 77}, + dictWord{11, 0, 615}, + dictWord{15, 0, 58}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 615, + }, + dictWord{143, 11, 58}, + dictWord{9, 0, 618}, + dictWord{138, 0, 482}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1952}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1970}, + dictWord{142, 0, 505}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1193, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1838}, + dictWord{133, 0, 242}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1333}, + dictWord{6, 10, 107}, + dictWord{7, 10, 638}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1632, + }, + dictWord{137, 10, 396}, + dictWord{133, 0, 953}, + dictWord{5, 10, 370}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1756}, + dictWord{5, 11, 28}, + dictWord{6, 11, 204}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 320, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 583}, + dictWord{13, 11, 502}, + dictWord{14, 11, 72}, + dictWord{14, 11, 274}, + dictWord{14, 11, 312}, + dictWord{14, 11, 344}, + dictWord{15, 11, 159}, + dictWord{16, 11, 62}, + dictWord{16, 11, 69}, + dictWord{17, 11, 30}, + dictWord{18, 11, 42}, + dictWord{18, 11, 53}, + dictWord{18, 11, 84}, + dictWord{18, 11, 140}, + dictWord{19, 11, 68}, + dictWord{19, 11, 85}, + dictWord{20, 11, 5}, + dictWord{20, 11, 45}, + dictWord{20, 11, 101}, + dictWord{22, 11, 7}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 11, + 20, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 558}, + dictWord{6, 11, 390}, + dictWord{7, 11, 162}, + dictWord{7, 11, 689}, + dictWord{9, 11, 360}, + dictWord{138, 11, 653}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 802, + }, + dictWord{141, 0, 67}, + dictWord{133, 10, 204}, + dictWord{133, 0, 290}, + dictWord{5, 10, 970}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1706}, + dictWord{132, 0, 380}, + dictWord{5, 0, 52}, + dictWord{7, 0, 277}, + dictWord{9, 0, 368}, + dictWord{139, 0, 791}, + dictWord{5, 11, 856}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1672}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1757}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 1781, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1150}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1425}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1453}, + dictWord{140, 11, 513}, + dictWord{5, 11, 92}, + dictWord{7, 10, 3}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 736, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 102}, + dictWord{4, 0, 112}, + dictWord{5, 0, 653}, + dictWord{5, 10, 483}, + dictWord{5, 10, 685}, + dictWord{6, 10, 489}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1204, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 394}, + dictWord{132, 10, 921}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1028}, + dictWord{133, 10, 1007}, + dictWord{5, 11, 590}, + dictWord{9, 11, 213}, + dictWord{145, 11, 91}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1696}, + dictWord{10, 0, 138}, + dictWord{139, 0, 476}, + dictWord{5, 0, 725}, + dictWord{5, 0, 727}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1811}, + dictWord{4, 0, 979}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1821}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1838}, + dictWord{8, 0, 876}, + dictWord{8, 0, 883}, + dictWord{8, 0, 889}, + dictWord{8, 0, 893}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 895, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 934}, + dictWord{12, 0, 720}, + dictWord{14, 0, 459}, + dictWord{148, 0, 123}, + dictWord{135, 11, 551}, + dictWord{4, 0, 38}, + dictWord{6, 0, 435}, + dictWord{7, 0, 307}, + dictWord{7, 0, 999}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1481}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1732}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1738}, + dictWord{8, 0, 371}, + dictWord{9, 0, 414}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 316, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 52}, + dictWord{13, 0, 420}, + dictWord{147, 0, 100}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1296}, + dictWord{132, 10, 712}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1629}, + dictWord{133, 0, 723}, + dictWord{134, 0, 651}, + dictWord{136, 11, 191}, + dictWord{9, 11, 791}, + dictWord{10, 11, 93}, + dictWord{11, 11, 301}, + dictWord{16, 11, 13}, + dictWord{17, 11, 23}, + dictWord{18, 11, 135}, + dictWord{19, 11, 12}, + dictWord{20, 11, 1}, + dictWord{20, 11, 12}, + dictWord{148, 11, 14}, + dictWord{136, 11, 503}, + dictWord{6, 11, 466}, + dictWord{135, 11, 671}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1200}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1330}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1255}, + dictWord{134, 0, 986}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 109, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1784}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1895}, + dictWord{12, 0, 296}, + dictWord{140, 0, 302}, + dictWord{135, 11, 983}, + dictWord{133, 10, 485}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 660, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 800}, + dictWord{5, 0, 216}, + dictWord{5, 0, 294}, + dictWord{6, 0, 591}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1879}, + dictWord{9, 0, 141}, + dictWord{9, 0, 270}, + dictWord{9, 0, 679}, + dictWord{10, 0, 159}, + dictWord{11, 0, 197}, + dictWord{11, 0, 438}, + dictWord{12, 0, 538}, + dictWord{12, 0, 559}, + dictWord{14, 0, 144}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 167, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 67}, + dictWord{4, 10, 285}, + dictWord{5, 10, 317}, + dictWord{6, 10, 301}, + dictWord{7, 10, 7}, + dictWord{8, 10, 153}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 766, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 468}, + dictWord{12, 10, 467}, + dictWord{141, 10, 143}, + dictWord{136, 0, 945}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1090}, + dictWord{137, 0, 81}, + dictWord{12, 11, 468}, + dictWord{19, 11, 96}, + dictWord{148, 11, 24}, + dictWord{134, 0, 391}, + dictWord{138, 11, 241}, + dictWord{7, 0, 322}, + dictWord{136, 0, 249}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1412}, + dictWord{135, 11, 795}, + dictWord{5, 0, 632}, + dictWord{138, 0, 526}, + dictWord{136, 10, 819}, + dictWord{6, 0, 144}, + dictWord{7, 0, 948}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1042}, + dictWord{8, 0, 235}, + dictWord{8, 0, 461}, + dictWord{9, 0, 453}, + dictWord{9, 0, 796}, + dictWord{10, 0, 354}, + dictWord{17, 0, 77}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 954, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 917}, + dictWord{6, 0, 940}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1228}, + dictWord{4, 0, 362}, + dictWord{7, 0, 52}, + dictWord{135, 0, 303}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 549, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 34}, + dictWord{8, 11, 283}, + dictWord{9, 11, 165}, + dictWord{138, 11, 475}, + dictWord{7, 11, 370}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1007}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1177, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1565}, + dictWord{5, 11, 652}, + dictWord{5, 11, 701}, + dictWord{135, 11, 449}, + dictWord{5, 0, 196}, + dictWord{6, 0, 486}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 212, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 309}, + dictWord{136, 0, 346}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1719}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1735}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2016}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2020}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 837, + }, + dictWord{137, 10, 852}, + dictWord{6, 11, 159}, + dictWord{6, 11, 364}, + dictWord{7, 11, 516}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1439}, + dictWord{137, 11, 518}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1912}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1290}, + dictWord{132, 0, 686}, + dictWord{141, 11, 151}, + dictWord{138, 0, 625}, + dictWord{136, 0, 706}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 10, + 568, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 412}, + dictWord{4, 0, 30}, + dictWord{133, 0, 43}, + dictWord{8, 10, 67}, + dictWord{138, 10, 419}, + dictWord{7, 0, 967}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 0, + 11, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 758}, + dictWord{14, 0, 441}, + dictWord{142, 0, 462}, + dictWord{10, 10, 657}, + dictWord{14, 10, 297}, + dictWord{142, 10, 361}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 729, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 220}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1535}, + dictWord{7, 11, 501}, + dictWord{9, 11, 111}, + dictWord{10, 11, 141}, + dictWord{11, 11, 332}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 43, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 429}, + dictWord{14, 11, 130}, + dictWord{14, 11, 415}, + dictWord{145, 11, 102}, + dictWord{4, 0, 950}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1859}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 11, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 873}, + dictWord{12, 0, 710}, + dictWord{12, 0, 718}, + dictWord{12, 0, 748}, + dictWord{12, 0, 765}, + dictWord{148, 0, 124}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 149, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 935}, + dictWord{136, 11, 233}, + dictWord{142, 11, 291}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1579}, + dictWord{7, 0, 890}, + dictWord{8, 10, 51}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 868, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 833}, + dictWord{12, 10, 481}, + dictWord{12, 10, 570}, + dictWord{148, 10, 106}, + dictWord{141, 0, 2}, + dictWord{132, 10, 445}, + dictWord{136, 11, 801}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1774}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1725}, + dictWord{138, 0, 393}, + dictWord{5, 0, 263}, + dictWord{134, 0, 414}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 322, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 239}, + dictWord{7, 0, 456}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1990}, + dictWord{8, 10, 130}, + dictWord{139, 10, 720}, + dictWord{137, 0, 818}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 123, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 530}, + dictWord{7, 10, 348}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1419}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2024}, + dictWord{6, 0, 178}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1750}, + dictWord{8, 0, 251}, + dictWord{9, 0, 690}, + dictWord{10, 0, 155}, + dictWord{10, 0, 196}, + dictWord{10, 0, 373}, + dictWord{11, 0, 698}, + dictWord{13, 0, 155}, + dictWord{ + 148, + 0, + 93, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 97}, + dictWord{137, 0, 393}, + dictWord{134, 0, 674}, + dictWord{11, 0, 223}, + dictWord{140, 0, 168}, + dictWord{132, 10, 210}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 464, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1639}, + dictWord{146, 0, 159}, + dictWord{139, 11, 2}, + dictWord{7, 0, 934}, + dictWord{8, 0, 647}, + dictWord{17, 0, 97}, + dictWord{19, 0, 59}, + dictWord{150, 0, 2}, + dictWord{132, 0, 191}, + dictWord{5, 0, 165}, + dictWord{9, 0, 346}, + dictWord{10, 0, 655}, + dictWord{11, 0, 885}, + dictWord{4, 10, 430}, + dictWord{135, 11, 357}, + dictWord{133, 0, 877}, + dictWord{5, 10, 213}, + dictWord{133, 11, 406}, + dictWord{8, 0, 128}, + dictWord{139, 0, 179}, + dictWord{6, 11, 69}, + dictWord{135, 11, 117}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1297}, + dictWord{11, 11, 43}, + dictWord{13, 11, 72}, + dictWord{141, 11, 142}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1830}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 0, + 164, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 57}, + dictWord{6, 0, 101}, + dictWord{6, 0, 586}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1663}, + dictWord{7, 0, 132}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1154}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1415}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1507}, + dictWord{12, 0, 493}, + dictWord{15, 0, 105}, + dictWord{151, 0, 15}, + dictWord{5, 0, 459}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1073}, + dictWord{8, 0, 241}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 334, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 826}, + dictWord{133, 10, 108}, + dictWord{5, 10, 219}, + dictWord{10, 11, 132}, + dictWord{11, 11, 191}, + dictWord{11, 11, 358}, + dictWord{139, 11, 460}, + dictWord{6, 0, 324}, + dictWord{6, 0, 520}, + dictWord{7, 0, 338}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1729}, + dictWord{8, 0, 228}, + dictWord{139, 0, 750}, + dictWord{ + 21, + 0, + 30, + }, + dictWord{22, 0, 53}, + dictWord{4, 10, 193}, + dictWord{5, 10, 916}, + dictWord{7, 10, 364}, + dictWord{10, 10, 398}, + dictWord{10, 10, 726}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 317, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 626}, + dictWord{12, 10, 142}, + dictWord{12, 10, 288}, + dictWord{12, 10, 678}, + dictWord{13, 10, 313}, + dictWord{15, 10, 113}, + dictWord{146, 10, 114}, + dictWord{6, 11, 110}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1681}, + dictWord{135, 0, 910}, + dictWord{6, 10, 241}, + dictWord{7, 10, 907}, + dictWord{8, 10, 832}, + dictWord{9, 10, 342}, + dictWord{10, 10, 729}, + dictWord{11, 10, 284}, + dictWord{11, 10, 445}, + dictWord{11, 10, 651}, + dictWord{11, 10, 863}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 398, + }, + dictWord{146, 10, 99}, + dictWord{7, 0, 705}, + dictWord{9, 0, 734}, + dictWord{5, 11, 1000}, + dictWord{7, 11, 733}, + dictWord{137, 11, 583}, + dictWord{4, 0, 73}, + dictWord{6, 0, 612}, + dictWord{7, 0, 927}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1822}, + dictWord{8, 0, 217}, + dictWord{9, 0, 765}, + dictWord{9, 0, 766}, + dictWord{10, 0, 408}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 51, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 793}, + dictWord{12, 0, 266}, + dictWord{15, 0, 158}, + dictWord{20, 0, 89}, + dictWord{150, 0, 32}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1330}, + dictWord{4, 11, 297}, + dictWord{6, 11, 529}, + dictWord{7, 11, 152}, + dictWord{7, 11, 713}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1845}, + dictWord{8, 11, 710}, + dictWord{8, 11, 717}, + dictWord{140, 11, 639}, + dictWord{5, 0, 389}, + dictWord{136, 0, 636}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1409}, + dictWord{4, 10, 562}, + dictWord{9, 10, 254}, + dictWord{139, 10, 879}, + dictWord{134, 0, 893}, + dictWord{132, 10, 786}, + dictWord{4, 11, 520}, + dictWord{135, 11, 575}, + dictWord{136, 0, 21}, + dictWord{140, 0, 721}, + dictWord{136, 0, 959}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1428, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1640}, + dictWord{9, 11, 169}, + dictWord{9, 11, 182}, + dictWord{9, 11, 367}, + dictWord{9, 11, 478}, + dictWord{9, 11, 506}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 551, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 648}, + dictWord{9, 11, 651}, + dictWord{9, 11, 697}, + dictWord{9, 11, 705}, + dictWord{9, 11, 725}, + dictWord{9, 11, 787}, + dictWord{9, 11, 794}, + dictWord{10, 11, 198}, + dictWord{10, 11, 214}, + dictWord{10, 11, 267}, + dictWord{10, 11, 275}, + dictWord{10, 11, 456}, + dictWord{10, 11, 551}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 561, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 613}, + dictWord{10, 11, 627}, + dictWord{10, 11, 668}, + dictWord{10, 11, 675}, + dictWord{10, 11, 691}, + dictWord{10, 11, 695}, + dictWord{10, 11, 707}, + dictWord{10, 11, 715}, + dictWord{11, 11, 183}, + dictWord{11, 11, 201}, + dictWord{11, 11, 244}, + dictWord{11, 11, 262}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 352, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 439}, + dictWord{11, 11, 493}, + dictWord{11, 11, 572}, + dictWord{11, 11, 591}, + dictWord{11, 11, 608}, + dictWord{11, 11, 611}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 646, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 674}, + dictWord{11, 11, 711}, + dictWord{11, 11, 751}, + dictWord{11, 11, 761}, + dictWord{11, 11, 776}, + dictWord{11, 11, 785}, + dictWord{11, 11, 850}, + dictWord{11, 11, 853}, + dictWord{11, 11, 862}, + dictWord{11, 11, 865}, + dictWord{11, 11, 868}, + dictWord{11, 11, 898}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 902, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 903}, + dictWord{11, 11, 910}, + dictWord{11, 11, 932}, + dictWord{11, 11, 942}, + dictWord{11, 11, 957}, + dictWord{11, 11, 967}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 972, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 148}, + dictWord{12, 11, 195}, + dictWord{12, 11, 220}, + dictWord{12, 11, 237}, + dictWord{12, 11, 318}, + dictWord{12, 11, 339}, + dictWord{12, 11, 393}, + dictWord{12, 11, 445}, + dictWord{12, 11, 450}, + dictWord{12, 11, 474}, + dictWord{12, 11, 509}, + dictWord{12, 11, 533}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 591, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 594}, + dictWord{12, 11, 597}, + dictWord{12, 11, 621}, + dictWord{12, 11, 633}, + dictWord{12, 11, 642}, + dictWord{13, 11, 59}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 60, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 145}, + dictWord{13, 11, 239}, + dictWord{13, 11, 250}, + dictWord{13, 11, 273}, + dictWord{13, 11, 329}, + dictWord{13, 11, 344}, + dictWord{13, 11, 365}, + dictWord{13, 11, 372}, + dictWord{13, 11, 387}, + dictWord{13, 11, 403}, + dictWord{13, 11, 414}, + dictWord{13, 11, 456}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 478, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 483}, + dictWord{13, 11, 489}, + dictWord{14, 11, 55}, + dictWord{14, 11, 57}, + dictWord{14, 11, 81}, + dictWord{14, 11, 90}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 148, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 239}, + dictWord{14, 11, 266}, + dictWord{14, 11, 321}, + dictWord{14, 11, 326}, + dictWord{14, 11, 327}, + dictWord{14, 11, 330}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 347, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 355}, + dictWord{14, 11, 401}, + dictWord{14, 11, 411}, + dictWord{14, 11, 414}, + dictWord{14, 11, 416}, + dictWord{14, 11, 420}, + dictWord{15, 11, 61}, + dictWord{15, 11, 74}, + dictWord{15, 11, 87}, + dictWord{15, 11, 88}, + dictWord{15, 11, 94}, + dictWord{15, 11, 96}, + dictWord{15, 11, 116}, + dictWord{15, 11, 149}, + dictWord{15, 11, 154}, + dictWord{16, 11, 50}, + dictWord{16, 11, 63}, + dictWord{16, 11, 73}, + dictWord{17, 11, 2}, + dictWord{17, 11, 66}, + dictWord{ + 17, + 11, + 92, + }, + dictWord{17, 11, 103}, + dictWord{17, 11, 112}, + dictWord{18, 11, 50}, + dictWord{18, 11, 54}, + dictWord{18, 11, 82}, + dictWord{18, 11, 86}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 11, + 90, + }, + dictWord{18, 11, 111}, + dictWord{18, 11, 115}, + dictWord{18, 11, 156}, + dictWord{19, 11, 40}, + dictWord{19, 11, 79}, + dictWord{20, 11, 78}, + dictWord{ + 149, + 11, + 22, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 170}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1433}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1307}, + dictWord{139, 11, 411}, + dictWord{5, 0, 189}, + dictWord{7, 0, 442}, + dictWord{7, 0, 443}, + dictWord{8, 0, 281}, + dictWord{12, 0, 174}, + dictWord{141, 0, 261}, + dictWord{6, 10, 216}, + dictWord{7, 10, 901}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1343}, + dictWord{136, 10, 493}, + dictWord{5, 11, 397}, + dictWord{6, 11, 154}, + dictWord{7, 10, 341}, + dictWord{7, 11, 676}, + dictWord{8, 11, 443}, + dictWord{8, 11, 609}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 24, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 325}, + dictWord{10, 11, 35}, + dictWord{11, 10, 219}, + dictWord{11, 11, 535}, + dictWord{11, 11, 672}, + dictWord{11, 11, 1018}, + dictWord{12, 11, 637}, + dictWord{144, 11, 30}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2}, + dictWord{7, 0, 191}, + dictWord{7, 0, 446}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1262}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1737}, + dictWord{8, 0, 22}, + dictWord{8, 0, 270}, + dictWord{8, 0, 612}, + dictWord{9, 0, 4}, + dictWord{9, 0, 312}, + dictWord{9, 0, 436}, + dictWord{9, 0, 626}, + dictWord{10, 0, 216}, + dictWord{10, 0, 311}, + dictWord{10, 0, 521}, + dictWord{10, 0, 623}, + dictWord{11, 0, 72}, + dictWord{11, 0, 330}, + dictWord{11, 0, 455}, + dictWord{12, 0, 321}, + dictWord{12, 0, 504}, + dictWord{12, 0, 530}, + dictWord{12, 0, 543}, + dictWord{13, 0, 17}, + dictWord{13, 0, 156}, + dictWord{13, 0, 334}, + dictWord{14, 0, 131}, + dictWord{17, 0, 60}, + dictWord{ + 148, + 0, + 64, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 354}, + dictWord{10, 0, 410}, + dictWord{139, 0, 815}, + dictWord{139, 10, 130}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1734}, + dictWord{137, 11, 631}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 425, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 112}, + dictWord{10, 10, 115}, + dictWord{11, 10, 420}, + dictWord{13, 10, 404}, + dictWord{14, 10, 346}, + dictWord{143, 10, 54}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 60, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 166}, + dictWord{7, 0, 374}, + dictWord{7, 0, 670}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1327}, + dictWord{8, 0, 411}, + dictWord{8, 0, 435}, + dictWord{9, 0, 653}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 740, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 385}, + dictWord{11, 0, 222}, + dictWord{11, 0, 324}, + dictWord{11, 0, 829}, + dictWord{140, 0, 611}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1611}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 14, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 44}, + dictWord{19, 0, 13}, + dictWord{148, 0, 76}, + dictWord{133, 11, 981}, + dictWord{4, 11, 56}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1791}, + dictWord{8, 11, 607}, + dictWord{8, 11, 651}, + dictWord{11, 11, 465}, + dictWord{11, 11, 835}, + dictWord{12, 11, 337}, + dictWord{141, 11, 480}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1478}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 1011, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 701}, + dictWord{139, 0, 596}, + dictWord{5, 0, 206}, + dictWord{134, 0, 398}, + dictWord{4, 10, 54}, + dictWord{5, 10, 666}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1039, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1130}, + dictWord{9, 10, 195}, + dictWord{138, 10, 302}, + dictWord{7, 0, 50}, + dictWord{9, 11, 158}, + dictWord{138, 11, 411}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1120, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 517}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1159}, + dictWord{10, 0, 621}, + dictWord{11, 0, 192}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1669}, + dictWord{4, 0, 592}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 600, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1653}, + dictWord{10, 0, 223}, + dictWord{139, 0, 645}, + dictWord{136, 11, 139}, + dictWord{7, 0, 64}, + dictWord{136, 0, 245}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 0, + 278, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 622}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1030}, + dictWord{136, 0, 604}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1502}, + dictWord{138, 0, 265}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 168, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1763}, + dictWord{140, 0, 310}, + dictWord{7, 10, 798}, + dictWord{139, 11, 719}, + dictWord{7, 11, 160}, + dictWord{10, 11, 624}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 11, + 279, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 363}, + dictWord{7, 10, 122}, + dictWord{9, 10, 259}, + dictWord{10, 10, 84}, + dictWord{11, 10, 470}, + dictWord{12, 10, 541}, + dictWord{141, 10, 379}, + dictWord{5, 0, 129}, + dictWord{6, 0, 61}, + dictWord{135, 0, 947}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1356}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1191}, + dictWord{13, 0, 505}, + dictWord{141, 0, 506}, + dictWord{11, 0, 1000}, + dictWord{5, 10, 82}, + dictWord{5, 10, 131}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1755}, + dictWord{8, 10, 31}, + dictWord{9, 10, 168}, + dictWord{9, 10, 764}, + dictWord{139, 10, 869}, + dictWord{134, 0, 966}, + dictWord{134, 10, 605}, + dictWord{134, 11, 292}, + dictWord{5, 11, 177}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 616, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 827}, + dictWord{9, 11, 525}, + dictWord{138, 11, 656}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1486}, + dictWord{138, 11, 31}, + dictWord{5, 10, 278}, + dictWord{137, 10, 68}, + dictWord{4, 10, 163}, + dictWord{5, 10, 201}, + dictWord{5, 10, 307}, + dictWord{5, 10, 310}, + dictWord{6, 10, 335}, + dictWord{7, 10, 284}, + dictWord{136, 10, 165}, + dictWord{6, 0, 839}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1660}, + dictWord{136, 10, 781}, + dictWord{6, 10, 33}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1244}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 637, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 161}, + dictWord{133, 11, 631}, + dictWord{137, 0, 590}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1953}, + dictWord{136, 10, 720}, + dictWord{5, 0, 280}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1226, + }, + dictWord{138, 10, 203}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1386}, + dictWord{5, 0, 281}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1026}, + dictWord{6, 10, 326}, + dictWord{7, 10, 677}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 425, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1557}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1684}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1064}, + dictWord{9, 11, 469}, + dictWord{9, 11, 709}, + dictWord{12, 11, 512}, + dictWord{14, 11, 65}, + dictWord{145, 11, 12}, + dictWord{134, 0, 917}, + dictWord{10, 11, 229}, + dictWord{11, 11, 73}, + dictWord{11, 11, 376}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 433, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 555}, + dictWord{9, 0, 192}, + dictWord{13, 0, 30}, + dictWord{13, 0, 49}, + dictWord{15, 0, 150}, + dictWord{16, 0, 76}, + dictWord{20, 0, 52}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1316, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1412}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1839}, + dictWord{9, 10, 589}, + dictWord{11, 10, 241}, + dictWord{11, 10, 676}, + dictWord{11, 10, 811}, + dictWord{11, 10, 891}, + dictWord{12, 10, 140}, + dictWord{12, 10, 346}, + dictWord{12, 10, 479}, + dictWord{13, 10, 381}, + dictWord{14, 10, 188}, + dictWord{ + 146, + 10, + 30, + }, + dictWord{149, 0, 15}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1882}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1883}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1897}, + dictWord{9, 0, 945}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1014}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1020}, + dictWord{12, 0, 823}, + dictWord{12, 0, 842}, + dictWord{12, 0, 866}, + dictWord{12, 0, 934}, + dictWord{15, 0, 242}, + dictWord{146, 0, 208}, + dictWord{6, 0, 965}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1499}, + dictWord{7, 0, 33}, + dictWord{7, 0, 120}, + dictWord{8, 0, 489}, + dictWord{9, 0, 319}, + dictWord{10, 0, 820}, + dictWord{11, 0, 1004}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 379, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 679}, + dictWord{13, 0, 117}, + dictWord{13, 0, 412}, + dictWord{14, 0, 25}, + dictWord{15, 0, 52}, + dictWord{15, 0, 161}, + dictWord{16, 0, 47}, + dictWord{149, 0, 2}, + dictWord{6, 11, 558}, + dictWord{7, 11, 651}, + dictWord{8, 11, 421}, + dictWord{9, 11, 0}, + dictWord{138, 11, 34}, + dictWord{4, 0, 937}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 801, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 473}, + dictWord{5, 10, 358}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1184}, + dictWord{10, 10, 662}, + dictWord{13, 10, 212}, + dictWord{13, 10, 304}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 333, + }, + dictWord{145, 10, 98}, + dictWord{132, 0, 877}, + dictWord{6, 0, 693}, + dictWord{134, 0, 824}, + dictWord{132, 0, 365}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1832}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 374, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 7}, + dictWord{139, 0, 774}, + dictWord{4, 0, 734}, + dictWord{5, 0, 662}, + dictWord{134, 0, 430}, + dictWord{4, 0, 746}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1090, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 360}, + dictWord{8, 0, 237}, + dictWord{10, 0, 231}, + dictWord{147, 0, 124}, + dictWord{138, 11, 348}, + dictWord{6, 11, 6}, + dictWord{7, 11, 81}, + dictWord{7, 11, 771}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1731}, + dictWord{9, 11, 405}, + dictWord{138, 11, 421}, + dictWord{6, 0, 740}, + dictWord{137, 0, 822}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 946, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1485}, + dictWord{136, 0, 929}, + dictWord{7, 10, 411}, + dictWord{8, 10, 631}, + dictWord{9, 10, 323}, + dictWord{10, 10, 355}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 491, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 143}, + dictWord{12, 10, 402}, + dictWord{13, 10, 73}, + dictWord{14, 10, 408}, + dictWord{15, 10, 107}, + dictWord{146, 10, 71}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 590, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 881}, + dictWord{133, 11, 885}, + dictWord{150, 11, 25}, + dictWord{4, 0, 852}, + dictWord{5, 11, 142}, + dictWord{134, 11, 546}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1467}, + dictWord{8, 10, 328}, + dictWord{10, 10, 544}, + dictWord{11, 10, 955}, + dictWord{13, 10, 320}, + dictWord{145, 10, 83}, + dictWord{9, 0, 17}, + dictWord{10, 0, 291}, + dictWord{11, 10, 511}, + dictWord{13, 10, 394}, + dictWord{14, 10, 298}, + dictWord{14, 10, 318}, + dictWord{146, 10, 103}, + dictWord{5, 11, 466}, + dictWord{11, 11, 571}, + dictWord{12, 11, 198}, + dictWord{13, 11, 283}, + dictWord{14, 11, 186}, + dictWord{15, 11, 21}, + dictWord{143, 11, 103}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1001, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 185}, + dictWord{5, 11, 257}, + dictWord{5, 11, 839}, + dictWord{5, 11, 936}, + dictWord{7, 11, 171}, + dictWord{9, 11, 399}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 258, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 395}, + dictWord{10, 11, 734}, + dictWord{11, 11, 1014}, + dictWord{12, 11, 23}, + dictWord{13, 11, 350}, + dictWord{14, 11, 150}, + dictWord{147, 11, 6}, + dictWord{143, 0, 35}, + dictWord{132, 0, 831}, + dictWord{5, 10, 835}, + dictWord{134, 10, 483}, + dictWord{4, 0, 277}, + dictWord{5, 0, 608}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 493, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 457}, + dictWord{12, 0, 384}, + dictWord{7, 11, 404}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1377}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1430}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2017}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 149, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 239}, + dictWord{8, 11, 512}, + dictWord{8, 11, 793}, + dictWord{8, 11, 818}, + dictWord{9, 11, 474}, + dictWord{9, 11, 595}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 122, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 565}, + dictWord{10, 11, 649}, + dictWord{10, 11, 783}, + dictWord{11, 11, 239}, + dictWord{11, 11, 295}, + dictWord{11, 11, 447}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 528, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 639}, + dictWord{11, 11, 800}, + dictWord{11, 11, 936}, + dictWord{12, 11, 25}, + dictWord{12, 11, 73}, + dictWord{12, 11, 77}, + dictWord{12, 11, 157}, + dictWord{12, 11, 316}, + dictWord{12, 11, 390}, + dictWord{12, 11, 391}, + dictWord{12, 11, 394}, + dictWord{12, 11, 395}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 478, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 503}, + dictWord{12, 11, 592}, + dictWord{12, 11, 680}, + dictWord{13, 11, 50}, + dictWord{13, 11, 53}, + dictWord{13, 11, 132}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 198, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 275}, + dictWord{13, 11, 322}, + dictWord{13, 11, 415}, + dictWord{14, 11, 71}, + dictWord{14, 11, 257}, + dictWord{14, 11, 395}, + dictWord{15, 11, 71}, + dictWord{15, 11, 136}, + dictWord{17, 11, 123}, + dictWord{18, 11, 93}, + dictWord{147, 11, 58}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1351}, + dictWord{7, 0, 27}, + dictWord{135, 0, 316}, + dictWord{136, 11, 712}, + dictWord{136, 0, 984}, + dictWord{133, 0, 552}, + dictWord{137, 0, 264}, + dictWord{132, 0, 401}, + dictWord{6, 0, 710}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1111}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1343}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1211}, + dictWord{9, 0, 543}, + dictWord{10, 0, 524}, + dictWord{11, 0, 108}, + dictWord{11, 0, 653}, + dictWord{12, 0, 524}, + dictWord{13, 0, 123}, + dictWord{14, 0, 252}, + dictWord{16, 0, 18}, + dictWord{19, 0, 38}, + dictWord{20, 0, 26}, + dictWord{20, 0, 65}, + dictWord{ + 21, + 0, + 3, + }, + dictWord{151, 0, 11}, + dictWord{4, 0, 205}, + dictWord{5, 0, 623}, + dictWord{7, 0, 104}, + dictWord{8, 0, 519}, + dictWord{137, 0, 716}, + dictWord{132, 10, 677}, + dictWord{4, 11, 377}, + dictWord{152, 11, 13}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1673}, + dictWord{7, 0, 579}, + dictWord{9, 0, 41}, + dictWord{9, 0, 244}, + dictWord{9, 0, 669}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 5, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 861}, + dictWord{11, 0, 951}, + dictWord{139, 0, 980}, + dictWord{132, 0, 717}, + dictWord{136, 0, 1011}, + dictWord{132, 0, 805}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 180, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1906}, + dictWord{132, 10, 777}, + dictWord{132, 10, 331}, + dictWord{132, 0, 489}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1024}, + dictWord{4, 11, 491}, + dictWord{133, 10, 747}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1182}, + dictWord{4, 11, 171}, + dictWord{138, 11, 234}, + dictWord{4, 11, 586}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1186}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 631, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 892}, + dictWord{135, 11, 336}, + dictWord{9, 11, 931}, + dictWord{10, 11, 334}, + dictWord{148, 11, 71}, + dictWord{137, 0, 473}, + dictWord{6, 0, 864}, + dictWord{12, 0, 659}, + dictWord{139, 11, 926}, + dictWord{7, 0, 819}, + dictWord{9, 0, 26}, + dictWord{9, 0, 392}, + dictWord{10, 0, 152}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 226, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 19}, + dictWord{12, 0, 276}, + dictWord{12, 0, 426}, + dictWord{12, 0, 589}, + dictWord{13, 0, 460}, + dictWord{15, 0, 97}, + dictWord{19, 0, 48}, + dictWord{148, 0, 104}, + dictWord{135, 0, 51}, + dictWord{133, 10, 326}, + dictWord{4, 10, 691}, + dictWord{146, 10, 16}, + dictWord{9, 0, 130}, + dictWord{11, 0, 765}, + dictWord{10, 10, 680}, + dictWord{10, 10, 793}, + dictWord{141, 10, 357}, + dictWord{133, 11, 765}, + dictWord{8, 0, 229}, + dictWord{6, 10, 32}, + dictWord{7, 10, 385}, + dictWord{7, 10, 757}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1916}, + dictWord{8, 10, 94}, + dictWord{8, 10, 711}, + dictWord{9, 10, 541}, + dictWord{10, 10, 162}, + dictWord{10, 10, 795}, + dictWord{11, 10, 989}, + dictWord{11, 10, 1010}, + dictWord{12, 10, 14}, + dictWord{142, 10, 308}, + dictWord{7, 11, 474}, + dictWord{137, 11, 578}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 674, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 770}, + dictWord{5, 0, 79}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1027}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1477}, + dictWord{139, 0, 52}, + dictWord{133, 11, 424}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1666, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 409}, + dictWord{6, 10, 349}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1682}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1252}, + dictWord{8, 10, 112}, + dictWord{8, 11, 714}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 435, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 668}, + dictWord{10, 10, 290}, + dictWord{10, 10, 319}, + dictWord{10, 10, 815}, + dictWord{11, 10, 180}, + dictWord{11, 10, 837}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 240, + }, + dictWord{13, 10, 152}, + dictWord{13, 10, 219}, + dictWord{142, 10, 158}, + dictWord{5, 0, 789}, + dictWord{134, 0, 195}, + dictWord{4, 0, 251}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 688, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 513}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1284}, + dictWord{132, 10, 581}, + dictWord{9, 11, 420}, + dictWord{10, 11, 269}, + dictWord{10, 11, 285}, + dictWord{10, 11, 576}, + dictWord{11, 11, 397}, + dictWord{13, 11, 175}, + dictWord{145, 11, 90}, + dictWord{6, 10, 126}, + dictWord{7, 10, 573}, + dictWord{8, 10, 397}, + dictWord{142, 10, 44}, + dictWord{132, 11, 429}, + dictWord{133, 0, 889}, + dictWord{4, 0, 160}, + dictWord{5, 0, 330}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1434}, + dictWord{136, 0, 174}, + dictWord{7, 11, 18}, + dictWord{7, 11, 699}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1966}, + dictWord{8, 11, 752}, + dictWord{9, 11, 273}, + dictWord{9, 11, 412}, + dictWord{9, 11, 703}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 71, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 427}, + dictWord{10, 11, 508}, + dictWord{146, 11, 97}, + dictWord{6, 0, 872}, + dictWord{134, 0, 899}, + dictWord{133, 10, 926}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1126}, + dictWord{134, 0, 918}, + dictWord{4, 11, 53}, + dictWord{5, 11, 186}, + dictWord{135, 11, 752}, + dictWord{7, 0, 268}, + dictWord{136, 0, 569}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1224}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1361}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1232}, + dictWord{137, 10, 531}, + dictWord{8, 11, 575}, + dictWord{10, 11, 289}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 319, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 670}, + dictWord{132, 11, 675}, + dictWord{133, 0, 374}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1957}, + dictWord{133, 0, 731}, + dictWord{11, 0, 190}, + dictWord{15, 0, 49}, + dictWord{11, 11, 190}, + dictWord{143, 11, 49}, + dictWord{4, 0, 626}, + dictWord{5, 0, 506}, + dictWord{5, 0, 642}, + dictWord{6, 0, 425}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 202, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 141}, + dictWord{137, 0, 444}, + dictWord{7, 10, 242}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1942}, + dictWord{6, 11, 209}, + dictWord{8, 11, 468}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 210, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 36}, + dictWord{12, 11, 28}, + dictWord{12, 11, 630}, + dictWord{13, 11, 21}, + dictWord{13, 11, 349}, + dictWord{14, 11, 7}, + dictWord{ + 145, + 11, + 13, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 342}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1179}, + dictWord{5, 10, 834}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1202}, + dictWord{8, 10, 14}, + dictWord{9, 10, 481}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 10, + 880, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 928}, + dictWord{133, 11, 910}, + dictWord{4, 11, 318}, + dictWord{4, 11, 496}, + dictWord{7, 11, 856}, + dictWord{139, 11, 654}, + dictWord{136, 0, 835}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1526}, + dictWord{138, 10, 465}, + dictWord{151, 0, 17}, + dictWord{135, 0, 477}, + dictWord{4, 10, 357}, + dictWord{6, 10, 172}, + dictWord{7, 10, 143}, + dictWord{137, 10, 413}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1374}, + dictWord{138, 0, 994}, + dictWord{18, 0, 76}, + dictWord{132, 10, 590}, + dictWord{7, 0, 287}, + dictWord{8, 0, 355}, + dictWord{9, 0, 293}, + dictWord{137, 0, 743}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1389}, + dictWord{7, 11, 915}, + dictWord{8, 11, 247}, + dictWord{147, 11, 0}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 202, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 382}, + dictWord{6, 11, 454}, + dictWord{7, 11, 936}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1803}, + dictWord{8, 11, 758}, + dictWord{9, 11, 375}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 895, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 743}, + dictWord{10, 11, 792}, + dictWord{11, 11, 978}, + dictWord{11, 11, 1012}, + dictWord{142, 11, 109}, + dictWord{5, 0, 384}, + dictWord{8, 0, 455}, + dictWord{140, 0, 48}, + dictWord{132, 11, 390}, + dictWord{5, 10, 169}, + dictWord{7, 10, 333}, + dictWord{136, 10, 45}, + dictWord{5, 0, 264}, + dictWord{134, 0, 184}, + dictWord{138, 11, 791}, + dictWord{133, 11, 717}, + dictWord{132, 10, 198}, + dictWord{6, 11, 445}, + dictWord{7, 11, 332}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 909, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 1001}, + dictWord{4, 10, 24}, + dictWord{5, 10, 140}, + dictWord{5, 10, 185}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1500}, + dictWord{11, 10, 565}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 838, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 578}, + dictWord{5, 0, 633}, + dictWord{6, 0, 28}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1323}, + dictWord{132, 0, 851}, + dictWord{136, 11, 267}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 359, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 243}, + dictWord{140, 0, 175}, + dictWord{4, 10, 334}, + dictWord{133, 10, 593}, + dictWord{141, 11, 87}, + dictWord{136, 11, 766}, + dictWord{10, 0, 287}, + dictWord{12, 0, 138}, + dictWord{10, 11, 287}, + dictWord{140, 11, 138}, + dictWord{4, 0, 105}, + dictWord{132, 0, 740}, + dictWord{140, 10, 116}, + dictWord{134, 0, 857}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1841}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1402}, + dictWord{137, 0, 819}, + dictWord{132, 11, 584}, + dictWord{132, 10, 709}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 897, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 224}, + dictWord{13, 0, 174}, + dictWord{146, 0, 52}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1840}, + dictWord{4, 10, 608}, + dictWord{133, 10, 497}, + dictWord{139, 11, 60}, + dictWord{4, 0, 758}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1649}, + dictWord{4, 11, 226}, + dictWord{4, 11, 326}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1770}, + dictWord{5, 11, 426}, + dictWord{8, 11, 30}, + dictWord{9, 11, 2}, + dictWord{11, 11, 549}, + dictWord{147, 11, 122}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2039}, + dictWord{6, 10, 540}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 10, + 136, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 573}, + dictWord{8, 0, 655}, + dictWord{4, 10, 897}, + dictWord{133, 10, 786}, + dictWord{7, 0, 351}, + dictWord{139, 0, 128}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 999, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 299}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1004}, + dictWord{133, 0, 918}, + dictWord{132, 11, 345}, + dictWord{4, 11, 385}, + dictWord{7, 11, 265}, + dictWord{135, 11, 587}, + dictWord{133, 10, 456}, + dictWord{136, 10, 180}, + dictWord{6, 0, 687}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1537}, + dictWord{4, 11, 347}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 423, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 996}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1329}, + dictWord{132, 10, 755}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1259}, + dictWord{9, 11, 125}, + dictWord{11, 11, 65}, + dictWord{140, 11, 285}, + dictWord{5, 11, 136}, + dictWord{6, 11, 136}, + dictWord{136, 11, 644}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1525}, + dictWord{4, 0, 1009}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1139, + }, + dictWord{139, 10, 338}, + dictWord{132, 0, 340}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1464}, + dictWord{8, 0, 847}, + dictWord{10, 0, 861}, + dictWord{10, 0, 876}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 889, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 922}, + dictWord{10, 0, 929}, + dictWord{10, 0, 933}, + dictWord{12, 0, 784}, + dictWord{140, 0, 791}, + dictWord{139, 0, 176}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 134, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 2}, + dictWord{10, 11, 27}, + dictWord{10, 11, 333}, + dictWord{11, 11, 722}, + dictWord{143, 11, 1}, + dictWord{4, 11, 433}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 719, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 985}, + dictWord{7, 0, 509}, + dictWord{7, 0, 529}, + dictWord{145, 0, 96}, + dictWord{132, 0, 615}, + dictWord{4, 10, 890}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 805, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 819}, + dictWord{5, 10, 961}, + dictWord{6, 10, 396}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1631}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1678}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1967}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 2041, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 630}, + dictWord{11, 10, 8}, + dictWord{11, 10, 1019}, + dictWord{12, 10, 176}, + dictWord{13, 10, 225}, + dictWord{14, 10, 292}, + dictWord{ + 149, + 10, + 24, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1919}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1131}, + dictWord{144, 11, 21}, + dictWord{144, 11, 51}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1815}, + dictWord{4, 0, 247}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1505}, + dictWord{10, 10, 190}, + dictWord{10, 10, 634}, + dictWord{11, 10, 792}, + dictWord{12, 10, 358}, + dictWord{140, 10, 447}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 0, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 536}, + dictWord{7, 10, 604}, + dictWord{13, 10, 445}, + dictWord{145, 10, 126}, + dictWord{4, 0, 184}, + dictWord{5, 0, 390}, + dictWord{6, 0, 337}, + dictWord{7, 0, 23}, + dictWord{7, 0, 494}, + dictWord{7, 0, 618}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1456}, + dictWord{8, 0, 27}, + dictWord{8, 0, 599}, + dictWord{10, 0, 153}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 710, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 232}, + dictWord{6, 10, 412}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1074}, + dictWord{8, 10, 9}, + dictWord{8, 10, 157}, + dictWord{8, 10, 786}, + dictWord{9, 10, 196}, + dictWord{9, 10, 352}, + dictWord{9, 10, 457}, + dictWord{10, 10, 337}, + dictWord{11, 10, 232}, + dictWord{11, 10, 877}, + dictWord{12, 10, 480}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 10, + 546, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 38}, + dictWord{135, 10, 958}, + dictWord{4, 10, 382}, + dictWord{136, 10, 579}, + dictWord{4, 10, 212}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1206}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 555, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 536}, + dictWord{138, 11, 288}, + dictWord{11, 11, 139}, + dictWord{139, 11, 171}, + dictWord{9, 11, 370}, + dictWord{138, 11, 90}, + dictWord{132, 0, 1015}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1088}, + dictWord{5, 10, 655}, + dictWord{135, 11, 977}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1585}, + dictWord{17, 10, 67}, + dictWord{ + 147, + 10, + 74, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 227}, + dictWord{11, 0, 497}, + dictWord{11, 0, 709}, + dictWord{140, 0, 415}, + dictWord{6, 0, 360}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1664}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 478, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 95}, + dictWord{6, 10, 231}, + dictWord{136, 10, 423}, + dictWord{140, 11, 65}, + dictWord{4, 11, 257}, + dictWord{135, 11, 2031}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1768, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 300}, + dictWord{139, 11, 211}, + dictWord{136, 0, 699}, + dictWord{6, 10, 237}, + dictWord{7, 10, 611}, + dictWord{8, 10, 100}, + dictWord{9, 10, 416}, + dictWord{11, 10, 335}, + dictWord{12, 10, 173}, + dictWord{146, 10, 101}, + dictWord{14, 0, 26}, + dictWord{146, 0, 150}, + dictWord{6, 0, 581}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1119}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1208}, + dictWord{132, 0, 739}, + dictWord{6, 11, 83}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1733}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1389}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 0, + 869, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 67}, + dictWord{5, 0, 422}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1037}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1289}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1555}, + dictWord{9, 0, 741}, + dictWord{145, 0, 108}, + dictWord{133, 10, 199}, + dictWord{12, 10, 427}, + dictWord{146, 10, 38}, + dictWord{136, 0, 464}, + dictWord{142, 0, 42}, + dictWord{10, 0, 96}, + dictWord{8, 11, 501}, + dictWord{137, 11, 696}, + dictWord{134, 11, 592}, + dictWord{4, 0, 512}, + dictWord{4, 0, 966}, + dictWord{5, 0, 342}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1855}, + dictWord{8, 0, 869}, + dictWord{8, 0, 875}, + dictWord{8, 0, 901}, + dictWord{144, 0, 26}, + dictWord{8, 0, 203}, + dictWord{11, 0, 823}, + dictWord{11, 0, 846}, + dictWord{12, 0, 482}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 277, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 302}, + dictWord{13, 0, 464}, + dictWord{14, 0, 205}, + dictWord{142, 0, 221}, + dictWord{4, 0, 449}, + dictWord{133, 0, 718}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1718, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 95}, + dictWord{9, 11, 274}, + dictWord{10, 11, 279}, + dictWord{10, 11, 317}, + dictWord{10, 11, 420}, + dictWord{11, 11, 303}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 808, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 134}, + dictWord{12, 11, 367}, + dictWord{13, 11, 149}, + dictWord{13, 11, 347}, + dictWord{14, 11, 349}, + dictWord{14, 11, 406}, + dictWord{18, 11, 22}, + dictWord{18, 11, 89}, + dictWord{18, 11, 122}, + dictWord{147, 11, 47}, + dictWord{133, 11, 26}, + dictWord{4, 0, 355}, + dictWord{6, 0, 311}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 256, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 404}, + dictWord{132, 11, 550}, + dictWord{10, 0, 758}, + dictWord{6, 10, 312}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1715}, + dictWord{10, 10, 584}, + dictWord{11, 10, 546}, + dictWord{11, 10, 692}, + dictWord{12, 10, 259}, + dictWord{12, 10, 295}, + dictWord{13, 10, 46}, + dictWord{141, 10, 154}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 11, + 822, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 827}, + dictWord{4, 11, 902}, + dictWord{5, 11, 809}, + dictWord{6, 11, 122}, + dictWord{135, 11, 896}, + dictWord{5, 0, 64}, + dictWord{140, 0, 581}, + dictWord{4, 0, 442}, + dictWord{6, 0, 739}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1047}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1352}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1643}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1911}, + dictWord{9, 11, 449}, + dictWord{10, 11, 192}, + dictWord{138, 11, 740}, + dictWord{135, 11, 262}, + dictWord{132, 10, 588}, + dictWord{133, 11, 620}, + dictWord{5, 0, 977}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 288, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 528}, + dictWord{4, 11, 34}, + dictWord{5, 11, 574}, + dictWord{7, 11, 279}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1624}, + dictWord{136, 11, 601}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1375, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 231}, + dictWord{5, 10, 61}, + dictWord{6, 10, 104}, + dictWord{7, 10, 729}, + dictWord{7, 10, 964}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1658}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 10, + 414, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 263}, + dictWord{138, 10, 757}, + dictWord{132, 10, 320}, + dictWord{4, 0, 254}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1309}, + dictWord{5, 11, 332}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1309, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 261}, + dictWord{8, 11, 182}, + dictWord{139, 11, 943}, + dictWord{132, 10, 225}, + dictWord{6, 0, 12}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1219}, + dictWord{4, 0, 275}, + dictWord{12, 0, 376}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1721}, + dictWord{141, 11, 490}, + dictWord{4, 11, 933}, + dictWord{133, 11, 880}, + dictWord{6, 0, 951}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1109}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1181}, + dictWord{7, 0, 154}, + dictWord{4, 10, 405}, + dictWord{7, 10, 817}, + dictWord{14, 10, 58}, + dictWord{17, 10, 37}, + dictWord{ + 146, + 10, + 124, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1520}, + dictWord{133, 10, 974}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1753}, + dictWord{6, 0, 369}, + dictWord{6, 0, 502}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1036}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 348, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 452}, + dictWord{10, 0, 26}, + dictWord{11, 0, 224}, + dictWord{11, 0, 387}, + dictWord{11, 0, 772}, + dictWord{12, 0, 95}, + dictWord{12, 0, 629}, + dictWord{13, 0, 195}, + dictWord{13, 0, 207}, + dictWord{13, 0, 241}, + dictWord{14, 0, 260}, + dictWord{14, 0, 270}, + dictWord{143, 0, 140}, + dictWord{132, 0, 269}, + dictWord{5, 0, 480}, + dictWord{7, 0, 532}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1197}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1358}, + dictWord{8, 0, 291}, + dictWord{11, 0, 349}, + dictWord{142, 0, 396}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 235, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1239}, + dictWord{11, 10, 131}, + dictWord{140, 10, 370}, + dictWord{7, 10, 956}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1157}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1506}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1606, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1615}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1619}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1736}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1775}, + dictWord{8, 10, 590}, + dictWord{9, 10, 324}, + dictWord{9, 10, 736}, + dictWord{9, 10, 774}, + dictWord{9, 10, 776}, + dictWord{9, 10, 784}, + dictWord{10, 10, 567}, + dictWord{10, 10, 708}, + dictWord{11, 10, 518}, + dictWord{11, 10, 613}, + dictWord{11, 10, 695}, + dictWord{11, 10, 716}, + dictWord{11, 10, 739}, + dictWord{11, 10, 770}, + dictWord{11, 10, 771}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 848, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 857}, + dictWord{11, 10, 931}, + dictWord{11, 10, 947}, + dictWord{12, 10, 326}, + dictWord{12, 10, 387}, + dictWord{12, 10, 484}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 528, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 552}, + dictWord{12, 10, 613}, + dictWord{13, 10, 189}, + dictWord{13, 10, 256}, + dictWord{13, 10, 340}, + dictWord{13, 10, 432}, + dictWord{13, 10, 436}, + dictWord{13, 10, 440}, + dictWord{13, 10, 454}, + dictWord{14, 10, 174}, + dictWord{14, 10, 220}, + dictWord{14, 10, 284}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 390, + }, + dictWord{145, 10, 121}, + dictWord{8, 11, 598}, + dictWord{9, 11, 664}, + dictWord{138, 11, 441}, + dictWord{9, 10, 137}, + dictWord{138, 10, 221}, + dictWord{133, 11, 812}, + dictWord{148, 0, 15}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1341}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1017}, + dictWord{4, 11, 137}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1178}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1520, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 390}, + dictWord{138, 10, 140}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1260}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1790}, + dictWord{137, 11, 191}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1144, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1810}, + dictWord{7, 0, 657}, + dictWord{8, 0, 886}, + dictWord{10, 0, 857}, + dictWord{14, 0, 440}, + dictWord{144, 0, 96}, + dictWord{8, 0, 533}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1661}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1975}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2009}, + dictWord{135, 11, 2011}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1453}, + dictWord{134, 10, 464}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 715, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 407}, + dictWord{11, 10, 204}, + dictWord{11, 10, 243}, + dictWord{11, 10, 489}, + dictWord{12, 10, 293}, + dictWord{19, 10, 37}, + dictWord{20, 10, 73}, + dictWord{150, 10, 38}, + dictWord{133, 11, 703}, + dictWord{4, 0, 211}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1483}, + dictWord{5, 10, 325}, + dictWord{8, 10, 5}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 227, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 105}, + dictWord{10, 10, 585}, + dictWord{140, 10, 614}, + dictWord{4, 0, 332}, + dictWord{5, 0, 335}, + dictWord{6, 0, 238}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 269, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 811}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1797}, + dictWord{8, 0, 836}, + dictWord{9, 0, 507}, + dictWord{141, 0, 242}, + dictWord{5, 11, 89}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1915}, + dictWord{9, 11, 185}, + dictWord{9, 11, 235}, + dictWord{9, 11, 496}, + dictWord{10, 11, 64}, + dictWord{10, 11, 270}, + dictWord{10, 11, 403}, + dictWord{10, 11, 469}, + dictWord{10, 11, 529}, + dictWord{10, 11, 590}, + dictWord{11, 11, 140}, + dictWord{11, 11, 860}, + dictWord{13, 11, 1}, + dictWord{13, 11, 422}, + dictWord{14, 11, 341}, + dictWord{14, 11, 364}, + dictWord{17, 11, 93}, + dictWord{18, 11, 113}, + dictWord{19, 11, 97}, + dictWord{147, 11, 113}, + dictWord{133, 11, 695}, + dictWord{ + 16, + 0, + 19, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 6}, + dictWord{6, 11, 183}, + dictWord{6, 10, 621}, + dictWord{7, 11, 680}, + dictWord{7, 11, 978}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1013}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1055}, + dictWord{12, 11, 230}, + dictWord{13, 11, 172}, + dictWord{13, 10, 504}, + dictWord{146, 11, 29}, + dictWord{136, 0, 156}, + dictWord{133, 0, 1009}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 29, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 63}, + dictWord{134, 0, 820}, + dictWord{134, 10, 218}, + dictWord{7, 10, 454}, + dictWord{7, 10, 782}, + dictWord{8, 10, 768}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 10, + 686, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 228}, + dictWord{6, 0, 203}, + dictWord{7, 0, 156}, + dictWord{8, 0, 347}, + dictWord{9, 0, 265}, + dictWord{18, 0, 39}, + dictWord{20, 0, 54}, + dictWord{21, 0, 31}, + dictWord{22, 0, 3}, + dictWord{23, 0, 0}, + dictWord{15, 11, 8}, + dictWord{18, 11, 39}, + dictWord{20, 11, 54}, + dictWord{21, 11, 31}, + dictWord{22, 11, 3}, + dictWord{151, 11, 0}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1131}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1468}, + dictWord{144, 10, 0}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1276}, + dictWord{10, 10, 676}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 10, + 462, + }, + dictWord{132, 11, 311}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1740}, + dictWord{7, 11, 170}, + dictWord{8, 11, 90}, + dictWord{8, 11, 177}, + dictWord{8, 11, 415}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 714, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 281}, + dictWord{134, 10, 164}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1792}, + dictWord{138, 0, 849}, + dictWord{150, 10, 50}, + dictWord{5, 0, 291}, + dictWord{5, 0, 318}, + dictWord{7, 0, 765}, + dictWord{9, 0, 389}, + dictWord{12, 0, 548}, + dictWord{8, 11, 522}, + dictWord{142, 11, 328}, + dictWord{11, 11, 91}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 129, + }, + dictWord{15, 11, 101}, + dictWord{145, 11, 125}, + dictWord{4, 11, 494}, + dictWord{6, 11, 74}, + dictWord{7, 11, 44}, + dictWord{7, 11, 407}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 551, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 17}, + dictWord{15, 11, 5}, + dictWord{148, 11, 11}, + dictWord{4, 11, 276}, + dictWord{133, 11, 296}, + dictWord{6, 10, 343}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 195, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1777}, + dictWord{9, 10, 226}, + dictWord{10, 10, 197}, + dictWord{10, 10, 575}, + dictWord{11, 10, 502}, + dictWord{139, 10, 899}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 525, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 82}, + dictWord{14, 0, 453}, + dictWord{4, 11, 7}, + dictWord{5, 11, 90}, + dictWord{5, 11, 158}, + dictWord{6, 11, 542}, + dictWord{7, 11, 221}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1574}, + dictWord{9, 11, 490}, + dictWord{10, 11, 540}, + dictWord{11, 11, 443}, + dictWord{139, 11, 757}, + dictWord{135, 0, 666}, + dictWord{ + 22, + 10, + 29, + }, + dictWord{150, 11, 29}, + dictWord{4, 0, 422}, + dictWord{147, 10, 8}, + dictWord{5, 0, 355}, + dictWord{145, 0, 0}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1873}, + dictWord{9, 0, 918}, + dictWord{7, 11, 588}, + dictWord{9, 11, 175}, + dictWord{138, 11, 530}, + dictWord{143, 11, 31}, + dictWord{11, 0, 165}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1125}, + dictWord{9, 10, 143}, + dictWord{14, 10, 405}, + dictWord{150, 10, 21}, + dictWord{9, 0, 260}, + dictWord{137, 0, 905}, + dictWord{5, 11, 872}, + dictWord{6, 11, 57}, + dictWord{6, 11, 479}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 562, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 471}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1060}, + dictWord{9, 11, 447}, + dictWord{9, 11, 454}, + dictWord{141, 11, 6}, + dictWord{138, 11, 704}, + dictWord{133, 0, 865}, + dictWord{5, 0, 914}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1625}, + dictWord{133, 0, 234}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1383}, + dictWord{5, 11, 31}, + dictWord{6, 11, 614}, + dictWord{145, 11, 61}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1200}, + dictWord{138, 11, 460}, + dictWord{6, 11, 424}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1866}, + dictWord{136, 0, 306}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 959, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 30}, + dictWord{13, 11, 148}, + dictWord{14, 11, 87}, + dictWord{14, 11, 182}, + dictWord{16, 11, 42}, + dictWord{18, 11, 92}, + dictWord{ + 148, + 11, + 70, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1919}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1921}, + dictWord{9, 0, 923}, + dictWord{9, 0, 930}, + dictWord{9, 0, 941}, + dictWord{9, 0, 949}, + dictWord{9, 0, 987}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 988, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 992}, + dictWord{12, 0, 802}, + dictWord{12, 0, 815}, + dictWord{12, 0, 856}, + dictWord{12, 0, 885}, + dictWord{12, 0, 893}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 898, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 919}, + dictWord{12, 0, 920}, + dictWord{12, 0, 941}, + dictWord{12, 0, 947}, + dictWord{15, 0, 183}, + dictWord{15, 0, 185}, + dictWord{15, 0, 189}, + dictWord{15, 0, 197}, + dictWord{15, 0, 202}, + dictWord{15, 0, 233}, + dictWord{18, 0, 218}, + dictWord{18, 0, 219}, + dictWord{18, 0, 233}, + dictWord{143, 11, 156}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1759}, + dictWord{136, 10, 173}, + dictWord{13, 0, 163}, + dictWord{13, 0, 180}, + dictWord{18, 0, 78}, + dictWord{20, 0, 35}, + dictWord{5, 11, 13}, + dictWord{134, 11, 142}, + dictWord{134, 10, 266}, + dictWord{6, 11, 97}, + dictWord{7, 11, 116}, + dictWord{8, 11, 322}, + dictWord{8, 11, 755}, + dictWord{9, 11, 548}, + dictWord{10, 11, 714}, + dictWord{11, 11, 884}, + dictWord{141, 11, 324}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1312}, + dictWord{9, 0, 814}, + dictWord{137, 11, 676}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 707, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1493}, + dictWord{6, 0, 421}, + dictWord{7, 0, 61}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1540}, + dictWord{10, 0, 11}, + dictWord{138, 0, 501}, + dictWord{12, 0, 733}, + dictWord{12, 0, 766}, + dictWord{7, 11, 866}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1163}, + dictWord{137, 0, 341}, + dictWord{142, 0, 98}, + dictWord{145, 11, 115}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1111, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 300}, + dictWord{136, 0, 1014}, + dictWord{8, 11, 1}, + dictWord{9, 11, 112}, + dictWord{138, 11, 326}, + dictWord{132, 11, 730}, + dictWord{5, 11, 488}, + dictWord{6, 11, 527}, + dictWord{7, 11, 489}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1636}, + dictWord{8, 11, 121}, + dictWord{8, 11, 144}, + dictWord{8, 11, 359}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 193, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 241}, + dictWord{9, 11, 336}, + dictWord{9, 11, 882}, + dictWord{11, 11, 266}, + dictWord{11, 11, 372}, + dictWord{11, 11, 944}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 401, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 641}, + dictWord{6, 0, 971}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1121}, + dictWord{6, 0, 102}, + dictWord{7, 0, 72}, + dictWord{15, 0, 142}, + dictWord{ + 147, + 0, + 67, + }, + dictWord{151, 0, 30}, + dictWord{135, 0, 823}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1045}, + dictWord{5, 10, 427}, + dictWord{5, 10, 734}, + dictWord{7, 10, 478}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 10, + 52, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1930}, + dictWord{11, 10, 217}, + dictWord{142, 10, 165}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1512}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1870}, + dictWord{9, 11, 31}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 244, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 699}, + dictWord{12, 11, 149}, + dictWord{141, 11, 497}, + dictWord{133, 11, 377}, + dictWord{145, 11, 101}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 158, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 13}, + dictWord{13, 11, 137}, + dictWord{13, 11, 258}, + dictWord{14, 11, 111}, + dictWord{14, 11, 225}, + dictWord{14, 11, 253}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 304, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 339}, + dictWord{14, 11, 417}, + dictWord{146, 11, 33}, + dictWord{6, 0, 87}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1734}, + dictWord{7, 10, 20}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1056, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 732}, + dictWord{9, 10, 406}, + dictWord{9, 10, 911}, + dictWord{138, 10, 694}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1243}, + dictWord{137, 0, 245}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 68, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 48}, + dictWord{8, 0, 88}, + dictWord{8, 0, 582}, + dictWord{8, 0, 681}, + dictWord{9, 0, 373}, + dictWord{9, 0, 864}, + dictWord{11, 0, 157}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 336, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 843}, + dictWord{148, 0, 27}, + dictWord{8, 11, 663}, + dictWord{144, 11, 8}, + dictWord{133, 10, 613}, + dictWord{4, 0, 88}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 137, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 174}, + dictWord{5, 0, 777}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1664}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1725}, + dictWord{7, 0, 77}, + dictWord{7, 0, 426}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1317}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1355, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 126}, + dictWord{8, 0, 563}, + dictWord{9, 0, 523}, + dictWord{9, 0, 750}, + dictWord{10, 0, 310}, + dictWord{10, 0, 836}, + dictWord{11, 0, 42}, + dictWord{11, 0, 318}, + dictWord{11, 0, 731}, + dictWord{12, 0, 68}, + dictWord{12, 0, 92}, + dictWord{12, 0, 507}, + dictWord{12, 0, 692}, + dictWord{13, 0, 81}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 238, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 374}, + dictWord{14, 0, 436}, + dictWord{18, 0, 138}, + dictWord{19, 0, 78}, + dictWord{19, 0, 111}, + dictWord{20, 0, 55}, + dictWord{20, 0, 77}, + dictWord{148, 0, 92}, + dictWord{141, 0, 418}, + dictWord{4, 0, 938}, + dictWord{137, 0, 625}, + dictWord{138, 0, 351}, + dictWord{5, 11, 843}, + dictWord{7, 10, 32}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 984, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 85}, + dictWord{8, 10, 709}, + dictWord{9, 10, 579}, + dictWord{9, 10, 847}, + dictWord{9, 10, 856}, + dictWord{10, 10, 799}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 258, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 1007}, + dictWord{12, 10, 331}, + dictWord{12, 10, 615}, + dictWord{13, 10, 188}, + dictWord{13, 10, 435}, + dictWord{14, 10, 8}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 10, + 165, + }, + dictWord{16, 10, 27}, + dictWord{148, 10, 40}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1668}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1499}, + dictWord{8, 0, 117}, + dictWord{9, 0, 314}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 174, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 707}, + dictWord{132, 11, 554}, + dictWord{133, 11, 536}, + dictWord{5, 0, 403}, + dictWord{5, 11, 207}, + dictWord{9, 11, 79}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 625, + }, + dictWord{145, 11, 7}, + dictWord{132, 11, 424}, + dictWord{136, 11, 785}, + dictWord{4, 10, 167}, + dictWord{135, 10, 82}, + dictWord{9, 0, 7}, + dictWord{ + 23, + 0, + 6, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 7}, + dictWord{151, 11, 6}, + dictWord{6, 0, 282}, + dictWord{5, 10, 62}, + dictWord{6, 10, 534}, + dictWord{7, 10, 74}, + dictWord{7, 10, 678}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 684, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1043}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1072}, + dictWord{8, 10, 280}, + dictWord{8, 10, 541}, + dictWord{8, 10, 686}, + dictWord{9, 10, 258}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 519, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 252}, + dictWord{140, 10, 282}, + dictWord{138, 10, 33}, + dictWord{132, 10, 359}, + dictWord{4, 0, 44}, + dictWord{5, 0, 311}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 156, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 639}, + dictWord{7, 0, 762}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1827}, + dictWord{9, 0, 8}, + dictWord{9, 0, 462}, + dictWord{148, 0, 83}, + dictWord{7, 11, 769}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 18, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 358}, + dictWord{4, 0, 346}, + dictWord{7, 0, 115}, + dictWord{9, 0, 180}, + dictWord{9, 0, 456}, + dictWord{10, 0, 363}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 896, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 1777}, + dictWord{133, 10, 211}, + dictWord{7, 0, 761}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1051}, + dictWord{137, 0, 545}, + dictWord{6, 10, 145}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 10, + 336, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 750}, + dictWord{9, 11, 223}, + dictWord{11, 11, 27}, + dictWord{11, 11, 466}, + dictWord{12, 11, 624}, + dictWord{14, 11, 265}, + dictWord{146, 11, 61}, + dictWord{6, 0, 752}, + dictWord{6, 0, 768}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1195}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1254}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1619}, + dictWord{137, 0, 835}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1936, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 930}, + dictWord{136, 0, 960}, + dictWord{132, 10, 263}, + dictWord{132, 11, 249}, + dictWord{12, 0, 653}, + dictWord{132, 10, 916}, + dictWord{4, 11, 603}, + dictWord{133, 11, 661}, + dictWord{8, 0, 344}, + dictWord{4, 11, 11}, + dictWord{6, 11, 128}, + dictWord{7, 11, 231}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1533}, + dictWord{138, 11, 725}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1483}, + dictWord{134, 0, 875}, + dictWord{6, 0, 185}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1899}, + dictWord{9, 0, 875}, + dictWord{139, 0, 673}, + dictWord{15, 10, 155}, + dictWord{144, 10, 79}, + dictWord{7, 0, 93}, + dictWord{7, 0, 210}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1223}, + dictWord{8, 0, 451}, + dictWord{8, 0, 460}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 353, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 475}, + dictWord{4, 10, 599}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1634}, + dictWord{7, 10, 67}, + dictWord{7, 10, 691}, + dictWord{7, 10, 979}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1697, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 207}, + dictWord{8, 10, 214}, + dictWord{8, 10, 231}, + dictWord{8, 10, 294}, + dictWord{8, 10, 336}, + dictWord{8, 10, 428}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 471, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 622}, + dictWord{8, 10, 626}, + dictWord{8, 10, 679}, + dictWord{8, 10, 759}, + dictWord{8, 10, 829}, + dictWord{9, 10, 11}, + dictWord{9, 10, 246}, + dictWord{9, 10, 484}, + dictWord{9, 10, 573}, + dictWord{9, 10, 706}, + dictWord{9, 10, 762}, + dictWord{9, 10, 798}, + dictWord{9, 10, 855}, + dictWord{9, 10, 870}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 912, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 303}, + dictWord{10, 10, 335}, + dictWord{10, 10, 424}, + dictWord{10, 10, 461}, + dictWord{10, 10, 543}, + dictWord{10, 10, 759}, + dictWord{10, 10, 814}, + dictWord{11, 10, 59}, + dictWord{11, 10, 235}, + dictWord{11, 10, 590}, + dictWord{11, 10, 929}, + dictWord{11, 10, 963}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 987, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 114}, + dictWord{12, 10, 182}, + dictWord{12, 10, 226}, + dictWord{12, 10, 332}, + dictWord{12, 10, 439}, + dictWord{12, 10, 575}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 598, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 675}, + dictWord{13, 10, 8}, + dictWord{13, 10, 125}, + dictWord{13, 10, 194}, + dictWord{13, 10, 287}, + dictWord{14, 10, 197}, + dictWord{14, 10, 383}, + dictWord{15, 10, 53}, + dictWord{17, 10, 63}, + dictWord{19, 10, 46}, + dictWord{19, 10, 98}, + dictWord{19, 10, 106}, + dictWord{148, 10, 85}, + dictWord{132, 11, 476}, + dictWord{4, 0, 327}, + dictWord{5, 0, 478}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1332}, + dictWord{136, 0, 753}, + dictWord{5, 0, 1020}, + dictWord{133, 0, 1022}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1807}, + dictWord{4, 0, 103}, + dictWord{133, 0, 401}, + dictWord{4, 0, 499}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1421}, + dictWord{10, 0, 207}, + dictWord{13, 0, 164}, + dictWord{147, 10, 126}, + dictWord{9, 11, 20}, + dictWord{10, 11, 324}, + dictWord{139, 11, 488}, + dictWord{132, 0, 96}, + dictWord{9, 11, 280}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 134, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 968}, + dictWord{133, 10, 187}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1286}, + dictWord{5, 11, 112}, + dictWord{6, 11, 103}, + dictWord{134, 11, 150}, + dictWord{8, 0, 914}, + dictWord{10, 0, 3}, + dictWord{4, 10, 215}, + dictWord{9, 10, 38}, + dictWord{11, 10, 23}, + dictWord{11, 10, 127}, + dictWord{139, 10, 796}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 399, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 563}, + dictWord{137, 0, 224}, + dictWord{6, 0, 704}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1214}, + dictWord{4, 11, 708}, + dictWord{8, 11, 15}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 50, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 386}, + dictWord{11, 11, 18}, + dictWord{11, 11, 529}, + dictWord{140, 11, 228}, + dictWord{4, 11, 563}, + dictWord{7, 11, 109}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 592, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 637}, + dictWord{7, 11, 770}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1701}, + dictWord{8, 11, 436}, + dictWord{8, 11, 463}, + dictWord{9, 11, 60}, + dictWord{9, 11, 335}, + dictWord{9, 11, 904}, + dictWord{10, 11, 73}, + dictWord{11, 11, 434}, + dictWord{12, 11, 585}, + dictWord{13, 11, 331}, + dictWord{18, 11, 110}, + dictWord{ + 148, + 11, + 60, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1559}, + dictWord{132, 11, 502}, + dictWord{6, 11, 347}, + dictWord{138, 11, 161}, + dictWord{4, 11, 33}, + dictWord{5, 11, 102}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 500, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 284}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1079}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1423}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1702}, + dictWord{8, 11, 470}, + dictWord{9, 11, 554}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 723, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 333}, + dictWord{7, 11, 246}, + dictWord{135, 11, 840}, + dictWord{6, 11, 10}, + dictWord{8, 11, 571}, + dictWord{9, 11, 739}, + dictWord{ + 143, + 11, + 91, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 861}, + dictWord{10, 0, 905}, + dictWord{12, 0, 730}, + dictWord{12, 0, 789}, + dictWord{133, 11, 626}, + dictWord{134, 0, 946}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 746, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 333}, + dictWord{14, 0, 332}, + dictWord{12, 11, 333}, + dictWord{142, 11, 332}, + dictWord{5, 11, 18}, + dictWord{6, 11, 526}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 24, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 110}, + dictWord{19, 11, 5}, + dictWord{147, 11, 44}, + dictWord{4, 0, 910}, + dictWord{5, 0, 832}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2002}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 768, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 787}, + dictWord{4, 11, 309}, + dictWord{5, 11, 462}, + dictWord{7, 11, 970}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1097}, + dictWord{4, 10, 28}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 440, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 248}, + dictWord{11, 10, 833}, + dictWord{140, 10, 344}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1654}, + dictWord{6, 0, 632}, + dictWord{6, 0, 652}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1272, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1384}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1560}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1704}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1393}, + dictWord{133, 10, 853}, + dictWord{6, 10, 249}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1234}, + dictWord{139, 10, 573}, + dictWord{5, 11, 86}, + dictWord{7, 11, 743}, + dictWord{9, 11, 85}, + dictWord{10, 11, 281}, + dictWord{10, 11, 432}, + dictWord{11, 11, 490}, + dictWord{12, 11, 251}, + dictWord{13, 11, 118}, + dictWord{14, 11, 378}, + dictWord{146, 11, 143}, + dictWord{5, 11, 524}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 744, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1514}, + dictWord{10, 0, 201}, + dictWord{142, 0, 319}, + dictWord{7, 0, 717}, + dictWord{10, 0, 510}, + dictWord{7, 10, 392}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 20, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 172}, + dictWord{8, 10, 690}, + dictWord{9, 10, 383}, + dictWord{9, 10, 845}, + dictWord{11, 10, 293}, + dictWord{11, 10, 832}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 920, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 984}, + dictWord{141, 10, 221}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1381}, + dictWord{5, 10, 858}, + dictWord{133, 10, 992}, + dictWord{8, 0, 528}, + dictWord{137, 0, 348}, + dictWord{10, 11, 107}, + dictWord{140, 11, 436}, + dictWord{4, 0, 20}, + dictWord{133, 0, 616}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1251}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 927, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 123}, + dictWord{12, 11, 670}, + dictWord{13, 11, 371}, + dictWord{14, 11, 142}, + dictWord{146, 11, 94}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1163}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1149, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 156}, + dictWord{134, 0, 307}, + dictWord{133, 11, 778}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1091}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1765}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 502, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 268}, + dictWord{137, 10, 62}, + dictWord{8, 11, 196}, + dictWord{10, 11, 283}, + dictWord{139, 11, 406}, + dictWord{4, 0, 26}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 429, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 245}, + dictWord{7, 0, 704}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1379}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1474}, + dictWord{133, 11, 855}, + dictWord{132, 0, 881}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 621, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1596}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1400}, + dictWord{9, 11, 446}, + dictWord{138, 11, 45}, + dictWord{6, 0, 736}, + dictWord{138, 10, 106}, + dictWord{133, 0, 542}, + dictWord{134, 0, 348}, + dictWord{133, 0, 868}, + dictWord{136, 0, 433}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1495}, + dictWord{138, 0, 771}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 613, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 223}, + dictWord{138, 0, 215}, + dictWord{141, 0, 124}, + dictWord{136, 11, 391}, + dictWord{135, 11, 172}, + dictWord{132, 10, 670}, + dictWord{140, 0, 55}, + dictWord{9, 10, 40}, + dictWord{139, 10, 136}, + dictWord{7, 0, 62}, + dictWord{147, 0, 112}, + dictWord{132, 0, 856}, + dictWord{132, 11, 568}, + dictWord{12, 0, 270}, + dictWord{139, 10, 259}, + dictWord{8, 0, 572}, + dictWord{137, 0, 698}, + dictWord{4, 11, 732}, + dictWord{9, 10, 310}, + dictWord{137, 10, 682}, + dictWord{142, 10, 296}, + dictWord{134, 0, 939}, + dictWord{136, 11, 733}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1435}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1401}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1476}, + dictWord{6, 0, 352}, + dictWord{4, 10, 296}, + dictWord{7, 10, 401}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1410}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1594}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1674}, + dictWord{8, 10, 63}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 660, + }, + dictWord{137, 10, 74}, + dictWord{4, 11, 428}, + dictWord{133, 11, 668}, + dictWord{4, 10, 139}, + dictWord{4, 10, 388}, + dictWord{140, 10, 188}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2015}, + dictWord{140, 11, 665}, + dictWord{132, 0, 647}, + dictWord{146, 0, 10}, + dictWord{138, 0, 220}, + dictWord{142, 0, 464}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 109, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1746}, + dictWord{6, 0, 515}, + dictWord{4, 10, 747}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1623}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1681}, + dictWord{7, 10, 649}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1479, + }, + dictWord{135, 10, 1583}, + dictWord{133, 10, 232}, + dictWord{135, 0, 566}, + dictWord{137, 10, 887}, + dictWord{4, 0, 40}, + dictWord{10, 0, 67}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 117, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 768}, + dictWord{139, 0, 935}, + dictWord{132, 0, 801}, + dictWord{7, 0, 992}, + dictWord{8, 0, 301}, + dictWord{9, 0, 722}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 63, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 29}, + dictWord{14, 0, 161}, + dictWord{143, 0, 18}, + dictWord{139, 0, 923}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1748}, + dictWord{8, 11, 715}, + dictWord{9, 11, 802}, + dictWord{10, 11, 46}, + dictWord{10, 11, 819}, + dictWord{13, 11, 308}, + dictWord{14, 11, 351}, + dictWord{14, 11, 363}, + dictWord{146, 11, 67}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 745, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1145}, + dictWord{4, 10, 14}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1801}, + dictWord{10, 10, 748}, + dictWord{141, 10, 458}, + dictWord{4, 11, 63}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 347, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 474}, + dictWord{135, 0, 568}, + dictWord{4, 10, 425}, + dictWord{7, 11, 577}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1432}, + dictWord{9, 11, 475}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 505, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 526}, + dictWord{9, 11, 609}, + dictWord{9, 11, 689}, + dictWord{9, 11, 726}, + dictWord{9, 11, 735}, + dictWord{9, 11, 738}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 556, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 674}, + dictWord{10, 11, 684}, + dictWord{11, 11, 89}, + dictWord{11, 11, 202}, + dictWord{11, 11, 272}, + dictWord{11, 11, 380}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 415, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 505}, + dictWord{11, 11, 537}, + dictWord{11, 11, 550}, + dictWord{11, 11, 562}, + dictWord{11, 11, 640}, + dictWord{11, 11, 667}, + dictWord{11, 11, 688}, + dictWord{11, 11, 847}, + dictWord{11, 11, 927}, + dictWord{11, 11, 930}, + dictWord{11, 11, 940}, + dictWord{12, 11, 144}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 325, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 329}, + dictWord{12, 11, 389}, + dictWord{12, 11, 403}, + dictWord{12, 11, 451}, + dictWord{12, 11, 515}, + dictWord{12, 11, 604}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 616, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 626}, + dictWord{13, 11, 66}, + dictWord{13, 11, 131}, + dictWord{13, 11, 167}, + dictWord{13, 11, 236}, + dictWord{13, 11, 368}, + dictWord{13, 11, 411}, + dictWord{13, 11, 434}, + dictWord{13, 11, 453}, + dictWord{13, 11, 461}, + dictWord{13, 11, 474}, + dictWord{14, 11, 59}, + dictWord{14, 11, 60}, + dictWord{14, 11, 139}, + dictWord{14, 11, 152}, + dictWord{14, 11, 276}, + dictWord{14, 11, 353}, + dictWord{14, 11, 402}, + dictWord{15, 11, 28}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 11, + 81, + }, + dictWord{15, 11, 123}, + dictWord{15, 11, 152}, + dictWord{18, 11, 136}, + dictWord{148, 11, 88}, + dictWord{137, 0, 247}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1622}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 544, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 413}, + dictWord{144, 11, 25}, + dictWord{4, 0, 645}, + dictWord{7, 0, 825}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1768}, + dictWord{135, 11, 89}, + dictWord{140, 0, 328}, + dictWord{5, 10, 943}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1779}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1363}, + dictWord{5, 10, 245}, + dictWord{6, 10, 576}, + dictWord{7, 10, 582}, + dictWord{136, 10, 225}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1280}, + dictWord{5, 11, 824}, + dictWord{133, 11, 941}, + dictWord{7, 11, 440}, + dictWord{8, 11, 230}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 106, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 28}, + dictWord{6, 0, 204}, + dictWord{10, 0, 320}, + dictWord{10, 0, 583}, + dictWord{13, 0, 502}, + dictWord{14, 0, 72}, + dictWord{14, 0, 274}, + dictWord{14, 0, 312}, + dictWord{14, 0, 344}, + dictWord{15, 0, 159}, + dictWord{16, 0, 62}, + dictWord{16, 0, 69}, + dictWord{17, 0, 30}, + dictWord{18, 0, 42}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 53, + }, + dictWord{18, 0, 84}, + dictWord{18, 0, 140}, + dictWord{19, 0, 68}, + dictWord{19, 0, 85}, + dictWord{20, 0, 5}, + dictWord{20, 0, 45}, + dictWord{20, 0, 101}, + dictWord{ + 22, + 0, + 7, + }, + dictWord{150, 0, 20}, + dictWord{4, 0, 558}, + dictWord{6, 0, 390}, + dictWord{7, 0, 162}, + dictWord{7, 0, 689}, + dictWord{9, 0, 360}, + dictWord{138, 0, 653}, + dictWord{134, 0, 764}, + dictWord{6, 0, 862}, + dictWord{137, 0, 833}, + dictWord{5, 0, 856}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1672}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1757}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1781}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 92, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 736}, + dictWord{140, 0, 102}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1927}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1944}, + dictWord{8, 0, 924}, + dictWord{8, 0, 948}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 967, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 978}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1479}, + dictWord{5, 0, 590}, + dictWord{8, 0, 360}, + dictWord{9, 0, 213}, + dictWord{138, 0, 63}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1521, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 709}, + dictWord{134, 0, 891}, + dictWord{132, 10, 443}, + dictWord{13, 0, 477}, + dictWord{14, 0, 120}, + dictWord{148, 0, 61}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 914, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 800}, + dictWord{133, 11, 852}, + dictWord{10, 11, 54}, + dictWord{141, 11, 115}, + dictWord{4, 11, 918}, + dictWord{133, 11, 876}, + dictWord{139, 11, 152}, + dictWord{4, 11, 92}, + dictWord{133, 11, 274}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1901}, + dictWord{9, 11, 800}, + dictWord{10, 11, 693}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 482, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 734}, + dictWord{139, 11, 789}, + dictWord{9, 0, 483}, + dictWord{132, 10, 298}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1213}, + dictWord{141, 11, 498}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1451}, + dictWord{133, 11, 743}, + dictWord{4, 0, 1022}, + dictWord{10, 0, 1000}, + dictWord{12, 0, 957}, + dictWord{12, 0, 980}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 1013, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 481}, + dictWord{144, 0, 116}, + dictWord{8, 0, 503}, + dictWord{17, 0, 29}, + dictWord{4, 11, 49}, + dictWord{7, 11, 280}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1633, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1712}, + dictWord{134, 0, 466}, + dictWord{136, 11, 47}, + dictWord{5, 10, 164}, + dictWord{7, 10, 121}, + dictWord{142, 10, 189}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 812, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1261}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1360}, + dictWord{9, 10, 632}, + dictWord{140, 10, 352}, + dictWord{139, 10, 556}, + dictWord{132, 0, 731}, + dictWord{5, 11, 272}, + dictWord{5, 11, 908}, + dictWord{5, 11, 942}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1008}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1560}, + dictWord{8, 11, 197}, + dictWord{9, 11, 47}, + dictWord{11, 11, 538}, + dictWord{139, 11, 742}, + dictWord{4, 10, 172}, + dictWord{9, 10, 611}, + dictWord{10, 10, 436}, + dictWord{12, 10, 673}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 10, + 255, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 844}, + dictWord{10, 0, 484}, + dictWord{11, 0, 754}, + dictWord{12, 0, 457}, + dictWord{14, 0, 171}, + dictWord{14, 0, 389}, + dictWord{ + 146, + 0, + 153, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 263}, + dictWord{10, 10, 147}, + dictWord{138, 10, 492}, + dictWord{137, 11, 891}, + dictWord{138, 0, 241}, + dictWord{133, 10, 537}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2005}, + dictWord{136, 0, 964}, + dictWord{137, 10, 842}, + dictWord{151, 11, 8}, + dictWord{4, 11, 407}, + dictWord{132, 11, 560}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1884, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1100}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1242}, + dictWord{135, 0, 954}, + dictWord{5, 10, 230}, + dictWord{5, 10, 392}, + dictWord{6, 10, 420}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 568, + }, + dictWord{140, 10, 612}, + dictWord{4, 11, 475}, + dictWord{11, 11, 35}, + dictWord{11, 11, 90}, + dictWord{13, 11, 7}, + dictWord{13, 11, 71}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 177, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 422}, + dictWord{136, 11, 332}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1958}, + dictWord{6, 0, 549}, + dictWord{8, 0, 34}, + dictWord{8, 0, 283}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 165, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 475}, + dictWord{10, 0, 952}, + dictWord{12, 0, 966}, + dictWord{140, 0, 994}, + dictWord{5, 0, 652}, + dictWord{5, 0, 701}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 449, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 655}, + dictWord{7, 0, 850}, + dictWord{17, 0, 75}, + dictWord{146, 0, 137}, + dictWord{4, 0, 146}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1618}, + dictWord{8, 0, 670}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 41, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1459}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1469}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1859}, + dictWord{9, 10, 549}, + dictWord{139, 10, 905}, + dictWord{133, 10, 696}, + dictWord{6, 0, 159}, + dictWord{6, 0, 364}, + dictWord{7, 0, 516}, + dictWord{137, 0, 518}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1439}, + dictWord{6, 11, 222}, + dictWord{7, 11, 636}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1620, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 409}, + dictWord{9, 11, 693}, + dictWord{139, 11, 77}, + dictWord{13, 0, 151}, + dictWord{141, 11, 45}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1027}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 336, + }, + dictWord{132, 10, 771}, + dictWord{139, 11, 392}, + dictWord{10, 11, 121}, + dictWord{11, 11, 175}, + dictWord{149, 11, 16}, + dictWord{8, 0, 950}, + dictWord{138, 0, 983}, + dictWord{133, 10, 921}, + dictWord{135, 0, 993}, + dictWord{6, 10, 180}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1137}, + dictWord{8, 10, 751}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 805, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 501}, + dictWord{9, 0, 111}, + dictWord{10, 0, 141}, + dictWord{11, 0, 332}, + dictWord{13, 0, 43}, + dictWord{13, 0, 429}, + dictWord{14, 0, 130}, + dictWord{14, 0, 415}, + dictWord{145, 0, 102}, + dictWord{4, 10, 183}, + dictWord{5, 11, 882}, + dictWord{7, 10, 271}, + dictWord{11, 10, 824}, + dictWord{11, 10, 952}, + dictWord{13, 10, 278}, + dictWord{13, 10, 339}, + dictWord{13, 10, 482}, + dictWord{14, 10, 424}, + dictWord{148, 10, 99}, + dictWord{4, 10, 19}, + dictWord{5, 10, 477}, + dictWord{5, 10, 596}, + dictWord{6, 10, 505}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1221}, + dictWord{11, 10, 907}, + dictWord{12, 10, 209}, + dictWord{141, 10, 214}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1215, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 452}, + dictWord{132, 11, 426}, + dictWord{5, 0, 149}, + dictWord{136, 0, 233}, + dictWord{133, 0, 935}, + dictWord{6, 11, 58}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 654, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 745}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1969}, + dictWord{8, 11, 240}, + dictWord{8, 11, 675}, + dictWord{9, 11, 479}, + dictWord{9, 11, 731}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 330, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 593}, + dictWord{10, 11, 817}, + dictWord{11, 11, 32}, + dictWord{11, 11, 133}, + dictWord{11, 11, 221}, + dictWord{145, 11, 68}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 582, + }, + dictWord{18, 0, 131}, + dictWord{7, 11, 102}, + dictWord{137, 11, 538}, + dictWord{136, 0, 801}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1645}, + dictWord{132, 0, 70}, + dictWord{6, 10, 92}, + dictWord{6, 10, 188}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1269}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1524}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1876}, + dictWord{10, 10, 228}, + dictWord{139, 10, 1020}, + dictWord{4, 10, 459}, + dictWord{133, 10, 966}, + dictWord{138, 0, 369}, + dictWord{16, 0, 36}, + dictWord{140, 10, 330}, + dictWord{141, 11, 366}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 721, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 236}, + dictWord{12, 0, 204}, + dictWord{6, 10, 18}, + dictWord{7, 10, 932}, + dictWord{8, 10, 757}, + dictWord{9, 10, 54}, + dictWord{9, 10, 65}, + dictWord{9, 10, 844}, + dictWord{10, 10, 113}, + dictWord{10, 10, 315}, + dictWord{10, 10, 798}, + dictWord{11, 10, 153}, + dictWord{12, 10, 151}, + dictWord{12, 10, 392}, + dictWord{12, 10, 666}, + dictWord{142, 10, 248}, + dictWord{7, 0, 241}, + dictWord{10, 0, 430}, + dictWord{8, 10, 548}, + dictWord{9, 10, 532}, + dictWord{10, 10, 117}, + dictWord{11, 10, 351}, + dictWord{11, 10, 375}, + dictWord{143, 10, 23}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1742}, + dictWord{133, 10, 965}, + dictWord{133, 11, 566}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 48, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 63}, + dictWord{134, 10, 182}, + dictWord{10, 10, 65}, + dictWord{10, 10, 488}, + dictWord{138, 10, 497}, + dictWord{6, 11, 114}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1224}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1556}, + dictWord{136, 11, 3}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1817}, + dictWord{8, 11, 576}, + dictWord{137, 11, 267}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1078, + }, + dictWord{144, 0, 16}, + dictWord{9, 10, 588}, + dictWord{138, 10, 260}, + dictWord{138, 0, 1021}, + dictWord{5, 0, 406}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2022}, + dictWord{133, 11, 933}, + dictWord{6, 0, 69}, + dictWord{135, 0, 117}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1830}, + dictWord{136, 11, 427}, + dictWord{4, 0, 432}, + dictWord{135, 0, 824}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1786}, + dictWord{133, 0, 826}, + dictWord{139, 11, 67}, + dictWord{133, 11, 759}, + dictWord{135, 10, 308}, + dictWord{137, 0, 816}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 1000, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 297}, + dictWord{6, 0, 529}, + dictWord{7, 0, 152}, + dictWord{7, 0, 713}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1845}, + dictWord{8, 0, 710}, + dictWord{8, 0, 717}, + dictWord{12, 0, 639}, + dictWord{140, 0, 685}, + dictWord{7, 0, 423}, + dictWord{136, 10, 588}, + dictWord{136, 10, 287}, + dictWord{136, 0, 510}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1048, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 618}, + dictWord{7, 11, 56}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1989}, + dictWord{8, 11, 337}, + dictWord{8, 11, 738}, + dictWord{9, 11, 600}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 483, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 37}, + dictWord{13, 11, 447}, + dictWord{142, 11, 92}, + dictWord{4, 0, 520}, + dictWord{135, 0, 575}, + dictWord{8, 0, 990}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 977, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 774}, + dictWord{9, 11, 347}, + dictWord{11, 11, 24}, + dictWord{140, 11, 170}, + dictWord{136, 11, 379}, + dictWord{140, 10, 290}, + dictWord{132, 11, 328}, + dictWord{4, 0, 321}, + dictWord{134, 0, 569}, + dictWord{4, 11, 101}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1171}, + dictWord{7, 0, 723}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1135}, + dictWord{5, 11, 833}, + dictWord{136, 11, 744}, + dictWord{7, 10, 719}, + dictWord{8, 10, 809}, + dictWord{136, 10, 834}, + dictWord{8, 0, 921}, + dictWord{136, 10, 796}, + dictWord{5, 10, 210}, + dictWord{6, 10, 213}, + dictWord{7, 10, 60}, + dictWord{10, 10, 364}, + dictWord{139, 10, 135}, + dictWord{5, 0, 397}, + dictWord{6, 0, 154}, + dictWord{7, 0, 676}, + dictWord{8, 0, 443}, + dictWord{8, 0, 609}, + dictWord{9, 0, 24}, + dictWord{9, 0, 325}, + dictWord{10, 0, 35}, + dictWord{11, 0, 535}, + dictWord{11, 0, 672}, + dictWord{11, 0, 1018}, + dictWord{12, 0, 637}, + dictWord{16, 0, 30}, + dictWord{5, 10, 607}, + dictWord{8, 10, 326}, + dictWord{136, 10, 490}, + dictWord{4, 10, 701}, + dictWord{5, 10, 472}, + dictWord{6, 11, 9}, + dictWord{6, 11, 397}, + dictWord{7, 11, 53}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1742}, + dictWord{9, 10, 758}, + dictWord{10, 11, 632}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 828, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 146}, + dictWord{135, 10, 380}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1947}, + dictWord{148, 11, 109}, + dictWord{10, 10, 278}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 278, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 856}, + dictWord{7, 0, 139}, + dictWord{4, 10, 386}, + dictWord{8, 10, 405}, + dictWord{8, 10, 728}, + dictWord{9, 10, 497}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 10, + 110, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 360}, + dictWord{15, 10, 37}, + dictWord{144, 10, 84}, + dictWord{141, 0, 282}, + dictWord{133, 0, 981}, + dictWord{5, 0, 288}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1452, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1480}, + dictWord{8, 10, 634}, + dictWord{140, 10, 472}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1890}, + dictWord{8, 11, 367}, + dictWord{10, 11, 760}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 79, + }, + dictWord{20, 11, 17}, + dictWord{152, 11, 0}, + dictWord{4, 10, 524}, + dictWord{136, 10, 810}, + dictWord{4, 0, 56}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1791}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 607, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 651}, + dictWord{11, 0, 465}, + dictWord{11, 0, 835}, + dictWord{12, 0, 337}, + dictWord{141, 0, 480}, + dictWord{10, 10, 238}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 10, + 33, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 417}, + dictWord{12, 11, 223}, + dictWord{140, 11, 265}, + dictWord{9, 0, 158}, + dictWord{10, 0, 411}, + dictWord{140, 0, 261}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 532, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 997}, + dictWord{12, 11, 186}, + dictWord{12, 11, 292}, + dictWord{14, 11, 100}, + dictWord{146, 11, 70}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1403}, + dictWord{136, 0, 617}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1205}, + dictWord{139, 0, 563}, + dictWord{4, 0, 242}, + dictWord{134, 0, 333}, + dictWord{4, 11, 186}, + dictWord{5, 11, 157}, + dictWord{8, 11, 168}, + dictWord{138, 11, 6}, + dictWord{132, 0, 369}, + dictWord{133, 11, 875}, + dictWord{5, 10, 782}, + dictWord{5, 10, 829}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 1738, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 622}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1272}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1407}, + dictWord{7, 11, 111}, + dictWord{136, 11, 581}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1823}, + dictWord{139, 10, 693}, + dictWord{7, 0, 160}, + dictWord{10, 0, 624}, + dictWord{142, 0, 279}, + dictWord{132, 0, 363}, + dictWord{10, 11, 589}, + dictWord{12, 11, 111}, + dictWord{13, 11, 260}, + dictWord{14, 11, 82}, + dictWord{18, 11, 63}, + dictWord{147, 11, 45}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1364}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1907}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 158, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 404}, + dictWord{4, 11, 659}, + dictWord{135, 11, 675}, + dictWord{13, 11, 211}, + dictWord{14, 11, 133}, + dictWord{14, 11, 204}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 11, + 64, + }, + dictWord{15, 11, 69}, + dictWord{15, 11, 114}, + dictWord{16, 11, 10}, + dictWord{19, 11, 23}, + dictWord{19, 11, 35}, + dictWord{19, 11, 39}, + dictWord{ + 19, + 11, + 51, + }, + dictWord{19, 11, 71}, + dictWord{19, 11, 75}, + dictWord{152, 11, 15}, + dictWord{4, 10, 78}, + dictWord{5, 10, 96}, + dictWord{5, 10, 182}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1724}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1825}, + dictWord{10, 10, 394}, + dictWord{10, 10, 471}, + dictWord{11, 10, 532}, + dictWord{14, 10, 340}, + dictWord{145, 10, 88}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 1964, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 391}, + dictWord{11, 11, 887}, + dictWord{14, 11, 365}, + dictWord{142, 11, 375}, + dictWord{5, 11, 540}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1697}, + dictWord{7, 11, 222}, + dictWord{136, 11, 341}, + dictWord{134, 11, 78}, + dictWord{9, 0, 601}, + dictWord{9, 0, 619}, + dictWord{10, 0, 505}, + dictWord{10, 0, 732}, + dictWord{11, 0, 355}, + dictWord{140, 0, 139}, + dictWord{134, 0, 292}, + dictWord{139, 0, 174}, + dictWord{5, 0, 177}, + dictWord{6, 0, 616}, + dictWord{7, 0, 827}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 525, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 656}, + dictWord{10, 0, 31}, + dictWord{6, 10, 215}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1028}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1473}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1721}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 424, + }, + dictWord{138, 10, 779}, + dictWord{135, 10, 584}, + dictWord{136, 11, 293}, + dictWord{134, 0, 685}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1868}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 460, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 647}, + dictWord{6, 10, 67}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1630}, + dictWord{9, 10, 354}, + dictWord{9, 10, 675}, + dictWord{10, 10, 830}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 80, + }, + dictWord{145, 10, 80}, + dictWord{4, 0, 161}, + dictWord{133, 0, 631}, + dictWord{6, 10, 141}, + dictWord{7, 10, 225}, + dictWord{9, 10, 59}, + dictWord{9, 10, 607}, + dictWord{10, 10, 312}, + dictWord{11, 10, 687}, + dictWord{12, 10, 555}, + dictWord{13, 10, 373}, + dictWord{13, 10, 494}, + dictWord{148, 10, 58}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 965, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1460}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1604}, + dictWord{136, 10, 783}, + dictWord{134, 11, 388}, + dictWord{6, 0, 722}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1267}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 511, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 333}, + dictWord{9, 11, 379}, + dictWord{10, 11, 602}, + dictWord{11, 11, 441}, + dictWord{11, 11, 723}, + dictWord{11, 11, 976}, + dictWord{140, 11, 357}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1797}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1684}, + dictWord{9, 0, 469}, + dictWord{9, 0, 709}, + dictWord{12, 0, 512}, + dictWord{14, 0, 65}, + dictWord{17, 0, 12}, + dictWord{5, 11, 938}, + dictWord{136, 11, 707}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1230}, + dictWord{136, 0, 531}, + dictWord{10, 0, 229}, + dictWord{11, 0, 73}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 376, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 433}, + dictWord{12, 0, 268}, + dictWord{12, 0, 640}, + dictWord{142, 0, 119}, + dictWord{7, 10, 430}, + dictWord{139, 10, 46}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 558, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 651}, + dictWord{8, 0, 421}, + dictWord{9, 0, 0}, + dictWord{10, 0, 34}, + dictWord{139, 0, 1008}, + dictWord{6, 0, 106}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1786}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1821}, + dictWord{9, 0, 102}, + dictWord{9, 0, 763}, + dictWord{5, 10, 602}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2018}, + dictWord{137, 10, 418}, + dictWord{5, 0, 65}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 416, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1720}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1924}, + dictWord{10, 0, 109}, + dictWord{11, 0, 14}, + dictWord{11, 0, 70}, + dictWord{11, 0, 569}, + dictWord{11, 0, 735}, + dictWord{15, 0, 153}, + dictWord{20, 0, 80}, + dictWord{136, 10, 677}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1625}, + dictWord{137, 11, 772}, + dictWord{136, 0, 595}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 469, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1709}, + dictWord{138, 11, 515}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1832}, + dictWord{138, 0, 374}, + dictWord{9, 0, 106}, + dictWord{9, 0, 163}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 296, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 167}, + dictWord{10, 0, 172}, + dictWord{10, 0, 777}, + dictWord{139, 0, 16}, + dictWord{6, 0, 6}, + dictWord{7, 0, 81}, + dictWord{7, 0, 771}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1731, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 405}, + dictWord{138, 0, 421}, + dictWord{4, 11, 500}, + dictWord{135, 11, 938}, + dictWord{5, 11, 68}, + dictWord{134, 11, 383}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 881, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 885}, + dictWord{6, 0, 854}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1132}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1495}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1526}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1533}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1577, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 337}, + dictWord{6, 11, 353}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1934}, + dictWord{8, 11, 488}, + dictWord{137, 11, 429}, + dictWord{7, 11, 236}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1795, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 259}, + dictWord{9, 11, 135}, + dictWord{9, 11, 177}, + dictWord{10, 11, 825}, + dictWord{11, 11, 115}, + dictWord{11, 11, 370}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 405, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 604}, + dictWord{12, 11, 10}, + dictWord{12, 11, 667}, + dictWord{12, 11, 669}, + dictWord{13, 11, 76}, + dictWord{14, 11, 310}, + dictWord{15, 11, 76}, + dictWord{15, 11, 147}, + dictWord{148, 11, 23}, + dictWord{5, 0, 142}, + dictWord{134, 0, 546}, + dictWord{4, 11, 15}, + dictWord{5, 11, 22}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 244, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 40}, + dictWord{7, 11, 200}, + dictWord{7, 11, 906}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1199}, + dictWord{9, 11, 616}, + dictWord{10, 11, 716}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 635, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 801}, + dictWord{140, 11, 458}, + dictWord{5, 0, 466}, + dictWord{11, 0, 571}, + dictWord{12, 0, 198}, + dictWord{13, 0, 283}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 186, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 21}, + dictWord{15, 0, 103}, + dictWord{135, 10, 329}, + dictWord{4, 0, 185}, + dictWord{5, 0, 257}, + dictWord{5, 0, 839}, + dictWord{5, 0, 936}, + dictWord{9, 0, 399}, + dictWord{10, 0, 258}, + dictWord{10, 0, 395}, + dictWord{10, 0, 734}, + dictWord{11, 0, 1014}, + dictWord{12, 0, 23}, + dictWord{13, 0, 350}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 150, + }, + dictWord{19, 0, 6}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1735}, + dictWord{12, 11, 36}, + dictWord{141, 11, 337}, + dictWord{5, 11, 598}, + dictWord{7, 11, 791}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 108, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 123}, + dictWord{132, 10, 469}, + dictWord{7, 0, 404}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1377}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1430}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2017}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 149, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 239}, + dictWord{8, 0, 512}, + dictWord{8, 0, 793}, + dictWord{8, 0, 818}, + dictWord{9, 0, 474}, + dictWord{9, 0, 595}, + dictWord{10, 0, 122}, + dictWord{10, 0, 565}, + dictWord{10, 0, 649}, + dictWord{10, 0, 783}, + dictWord{11, 0, 239}, + dictWord{11, 0, 295}, + dictWord{11, 0, 447}, + dictWord{11, 0, 528}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 639, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 800}, + dictWord{12, 0, 25}, + dictWord{12, 0, 77}, + dictWord{12, 0, 157}, + dictWord{12, 0, 256}, + dictWord{12, 0, 316}, + dictWord{12, 0, 390}, + dictWord{12, 0, 391}, + dictWord{12, 0, 395}, + dictWord{12, 0, 478}, + dictWord{12, 0, 503}, + dictWord{12, 0, 592}, + dictWord{12, 0, 680}, + dictWord{13, 0, 50}, + dictWord{13, 0, 53}, + dictWord{13, 0, 132}, + dictWord{13, 0, 198}, + dictWord{13, 0, 322}, + dictWord{13, 0, 415}, + dictWord{13, 0, 511}, + dictWord{14, 0, 71}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 395, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 71}, + dictWord{15, 0, 136}, + dictWord{17, 0, 123}, + dictWord{18, 0, 93}, + dictWord{147, 0, 58}, + dictWord{136, 0, 712}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 10, + 1743, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 929}, + dictWord{6, 10, 340}, + dictWord{8, 10, 376}, + dictWord{136, 10, 807}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1848}, + dictWord{8, 0, 860}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 856, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 859}, + dictWord{10, 0, 925}, + dictWord{10, 0, 941}, + dictWord{140, 0, 762}, + dictWord{6, 0, 629}, + dictWord{6, 0, 906}, + dictWord{9, 0, 810}, + dictWord{140, 0, 652}, + dictWord{5, 10, 218}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1610}, + dictWord{138, 10, 83}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1512}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1794}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 377, + }, + dictWord{24, 0, 13}, + dictWord{4, 11, 155}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1689}, + dictWord{11, 10, 0}, + dictWord{144, 10, 78}, + dictWord{4, 11, 164}, + dictWord{5, 11, 151}, + dictWord{5, 11, 730}, + dictWord{5, 11, 741}, + dictWord{7, 11, 498}, + dictWord{7, 11, 870}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1542}, + dictWord{12, 11, 213}, + dictWord{14, 11, 36}, + dictWord{14, 11, 391}, + dictWord{17, 11, 111}, + dictWord{18, 11, 6}, + dictWord{18, 11, 46}, + dictWord{18, 11, 151}, + dictWord{19, 11, 36}, + dictWord{20, 11, 32}, + dictWord{20, 11, 56}, + dictWord{20, 11, 69}, + dictWord{20, 11, 102}, + dictWord{21, 11, 4}, + dictWord{22, 11, 8}, + dictWord{22, 11, 10}, + dictWord{22, 11, 14}, + dictWord{ + 150, + 11, + 31, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1842}, + dictWord{133, 10, 571}, + dictWord{4, 10, 455}, + dictWord{4, 11, 624}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1752}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1501}, + dictWord{4, 11, 492}, + dictWord{5, 11, 451}, + dictWord{6, 10, 161}, + dictWord{7, 10, 372}, + dictWord{137, 10, 597}, + dictWord{132, 10, 349}, + dictWord{4, 0, 180}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1906}, + dictWord{135, 11, 835}, + dictWord{141, 11, 70}, + dictWord{132, 0, 491}, + dictWord{137, 10, 751}, + dictWord{6, 10, 432}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 322, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 171}, + dictWord{138, 0, 234}, + dictWord{6, 11, 113}, + dictWord{135, 11, 436}, + dictWord{4, 0, 586}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1186}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 631, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 468}, + dictWord{10, 10, 325}, + dictWord{11, 10, 856}, + dictWord{12, 10, 345}, + dictWord{143, 10, 104}, + dictWord{5, 10, 223}, + dictWord{10, 11, 592}, + dictWord{10, 11, 753}, + dictWord{12, 11, 317}, + dictWord{12, 11, 355}, + dictWord{12, 11, 465}, + dictWord{12, 11, 469}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 560, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 578}, + dictWord{141, 11, 243}, + dictWord{132, 10, 566}, + dictWord{135, 11, 520}, + dictWord{4, 10, 59}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1394}, + dictWord{6, 10, 436}, + dictWord{139, 10, 481}, + dictWord{9, 0, 931}, + dictWord{10, 0, 334}, + dictWord{20, 0, 71}, + dictWord{4, 10, 48}, + dictWord{5, 10, 271}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 953, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1878}, + dictWord{11, 0, 170}, + dictWord{5, 10, 610}, + dictWord{136, 10, 457}, + dictWord{133, 10, 755}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1587}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1217}, + dictWord{4, 10, 197}, + dictWord{149, 11, 26}, + dictWord{133, 11, 585}, + dictWord{137, 11, 521}, + dictWord{133, 0, 765}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 10, + 217, + }, + dictWord{139, 11, 586}, + dictWord{133, 0, 424}, + dictWord{9, 11, 752}, + dictWord{12, 11, 610}, + dictWord{13, 11, 431}, + dictWord{16, 11, 59}, + dictWord{146, 11, 109}, + dictWord{136, 0, 714}, + dictWord{7, 0, 685}, + dictWord{132, 11, 307}, + dictWord{9, 0, 420}, + dictWord{10, 0, 269}, + dictWord{10, 0, 285}, + dictWord{10, 0, 576}, + dictWord{11, 0, 397}, + dictWord{13, 0, 175}, + dictWord{145, 0, 90}, + dictWord{132, 0, 429}, + dictWord{133, 11, 964}, + dictWord{9, 11, 463}, + dictWord{138, 11, 595}, + dictWord{7, 0, 18}, + dictWord{7, 0, 699}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1966}, + dictWord{8, 0, 752}, + dictWord{9, 0, 273}, + dictWord{9, 0, 412}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 703, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 71}, + dictWord{10, 0, 427}, + dictWord{138, 0, 508}, + dictWord{4, 10, 165}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1398}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1829}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 53, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 186}, + dictWord{7, 0, 752}, + dictWord{7, 0, 828}, + dictWord{142, 0, 116}, + dictWord{8, 0, 575}, + dictWord{10, 0, 289}, + dictWord{139, 0, 319}, + dictWord{132, 0, 675}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1424}, + dictWord{4, 11, 75}, + dictWord{5, 11, 180}, + dictWord{6, 11, 500}, + dictWord{7, 11, 58}, + dictWord{7, 11, 710}, + dictWord{138, 11, 645}, + dictWord{133, 11, 649}, + dictWord{6, 11, 276}, + dictWord{7, 11, 282}, + dictWord{7, 11, 879}, + dictWord{7, 11, 924}, + dictWord{8, 11, 459}, + dictWord{9, 11, 599}, + dictWord{9, 11, 754}, + dictWord{11, 11, 574}, + dictWord{12, 11, 128}, + dictWord{12, 11, 494}, + dictWord{13, 11, 52}, + dictWord{13, 11, 301}, + dictWord{15, 11, 30}, + dictWord{143, 11, 132}, + dictWord{6, 0, 647}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1095}, + dictWord{5, 10, 9}, + dictWord{7, 10, 297}, + dictWord{7, 10, 966}, + dictWord{140, 10, 306}, + dictWord{132, 11, 200}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1334}, + dictWord{5, 10, 146}, + dictWord{6, 10, 411}, + dictWord{138, 10, 721}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 209, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1141}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1288}, + dictWord{8, 0, 468}, + dictWord{9, 0, 210}, + dictWord{11, 0, 36}, + dictWord{12, 0, 28}, + dictWord{12, 0, 630}, + dictWord{13, 0, 21}, + dictWord{13, 0, 349}, + dictWord{14, 0, 7}, + dictWord{145, 0, 13}, + dictWord{6, 10, 177}, + dictWord{135, 10, 467}, + dictWord{4, 0, 342}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1179, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 454}, + dictWord{140, 11, 324}, + dictWord{4, 0, 928}, + dictWord{133, 0, 910}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1838}, + dictWord{6, 11, 225}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 11, + 211, + }, + dictWord{16, 0, 101}, + dictWord{20, 0, 115}, + dictWord{20, 0, 118}, + dictWord{148, 0, 122}, + dictWord{4, 0, 496}, + dictWord{135, 0, 856}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 318, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 654}, + dictWord{7, 11, 718}, + dictWord{139, 11, 102}, + dictWord{8, 11, 58}, + dictWord{9, 11, 724}, + dictWord{11, 11, 809}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 113, + }, + dictWord{145, 11, 72}, + dictWord{5, 10, 200}, + dictWord{6, 11, 345}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1247}, + dictWord{8, 11, 767}, + dictWord{8, 11, 803}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 301, + }, + dictWord{137, 11, 903}, + dictWord{7, 0, 915}, + dictWord{8, 0, 247}, + dictWord{19, 0, 0}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1949}, + dictWord{136, 11, 674}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 202, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 382}, + dictWord{6, 0, 454}, + dictWord{7, 0, 936}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1803}, + dictWord{8, 0, 758}, + dictWord{9, 0, 375}, + dictWord{9, 0, 895}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 743, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 792}, + dictWord{11, 0, 978}, + dictWord{11, 0, 1012}, + dictWord{142, 0, 109}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1150}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1425}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1453, + }, + dictWord{140, 0, 513}, + dictWord{134, 11, 259}, + dictWord{138, 0, 791}, + dictWord{11, 0, 821}, + dictWord{12, 0, 110}, + dictWord{12, 0, 153}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 41, + }, + dictWord{150, 0, 19}, + dictWord{134, 10, 481}, + dictWord{132, 0, 796}, + dictWord{6, 0, 445}, + dictWord{9, 0, 909}, + dictWord{136, 11, 254}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 776, + }, + dictWord{13, 0, 345}, + dictWord{142, 0, 425}, + dictWord{4, 10, 84}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1482}, + dictWord{10, 10, 76}, + dictWord{138, 10, 142}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 742, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 578}, + dictWord{133, 10, 1015}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1387}, + dictWord{4, 10, 315}, + dictWord{5, 10, 507}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1370}, + dictWord{4, 0, 438}, + dictWord{133, 0, 555}, + dictWord{136, 0, 766}, + dictWord{133, 11, 248}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1722}, + dictWord{4, 11, 116}, + dictWord{5, 11, 95}, + dictWord{5, 11, 445}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1688}, + dictWord{8, 11, 29}, + dictWord{9, 11, 272}, + dictWord{11, 11, 509}, + dictWord{139, 11, 915}, + dictWord{135, 0, 541}, + dictWord{133, 11, 543}, + dictWord{8, 10, 222}, + dictWord{8, 10, 476}, + dictWord{9, 10, 238}, + dictWord{11, 10, 516}, + dictWord{11, 10, 575}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 10, + 109, + }, + dictWord{146, 10, 100}, + dictWord{6, 0, 880}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1191}, + dictWord{5, 11, 181}, + dictWord{136, 11, 41}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1506}, + dictWord{132, 11, 681}, + dictWord{7, 11, 25}, + dictWord{8, 11, 202}, + dictWord{138, 11, 536}, + dictWord{139, 0, 983}, + dictWord{137, 0, 768}, + dictWord{132, 0, 584}, + dictWord{9, 11, 423}, + dictWord{140, 11, 89}, + dictWord{8, 11, 113}, + dictWord{9, 11, 877}, + dictWord{10, 11, 554}, + dictWord{11, 11, 83}, + dictWord{12, 11, 136}, + dictWord{147, 11, 109}, + dictWord{7, 10, 706}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1058}, + dictWord{138, 10, 538}, + dictWord{133, 11, 976}, + dictWord{4, 11, 206}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 746, + }, + dictWord{136, 11, 526}, + dictWord{140, 0, 737}, + dictWord{11, 10, 92}, + dictWord{11, 10, 196}, + dictWord{11, 10, 409}, + dictWord{11, 10, 450}, + dictWord{11, 10, 666}, + dictWord{11, 10, 777}, + dictWord{12, 10, 262}, + dictWord{13, 10, 385}, + dictWord{13, 10, 393}, + dictWord{15, 10, 115}, + dictWord{ + 16, + 10, + 45, + }, + dictWord{145, 10, 82}, + dictWord{4, 0, 226}, + dictWord{4, 0, 326}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1770}, + dictWord{4, 11, 319}, + dictWord{5, 11, 699}, + dictWord{138, 11, 673}, + dictWord{6, 10, 40}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1781}, + dictWord{5, 0, 426}, + dictWord{8, 0, 30}, + dictWord{9, 0, 2}, + dictWord{11, 0, 549}, + dictWord{147, 0, 122}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1161, + }, + dictWord{134, 0, 1329}, + dictWord{138, 10, 97}, + dictWord{6, 10, 423}, + dictWord{7, 10, 665}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1210}, + dictWord{7, 11, 13}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 226, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 537}, + dictWord{11, 11, 570}, + dictWord{11, 11, 605}, + dictWord{11, 11, 799}, + dictWord{11, 11, 804}, + dictWord{12, 11, 85}, + dictWord{12, 11, 516}, + dictWord{12, 11, 623}, + dictWord{13, 11, 112}, + dictWord{13, 11, 361}, + dictWord{14, 11, 77}, + dictWord{14, 11, 78}, + dictWord{17, 11, 28}, + dictWord{147, 11, 110}, + dictWord{132, 11, 769}, + dictWord{132, 11, 551}, + dictWord{132, 11, 728}, + dictWord{147, 0, 117}, + dictWord{9, 11, 57}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 459, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 425}, + dictWord{11, 11, 119}, + dictWord{12, 11, 184}, + dictWord{12, 11, 371}, + dictWord{13, 11, 358}, + dictWord{145, 11, 51}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 188, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 814}, + dictWord{8, 11, 10}, + dictWord{9, 11, 421}, + dictWord{9, 11, 729}, + dictWord{10, 11, 609}, + dictWord{139, 11, 689}, + dictWord{134, 11, 624}, + dictWord{135, 11, 298}, + dictWord{135, 0, 462}, + dictWord{4, 0, 345}, + dictWord{139, 10, 624}, + dictWord{136, 10, 574}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 385, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 265}, + dictWord{135, 0, 587}, + dictWord{6, 0, 808}, + dictWord{132, 11, 528}, + dictWord{133, 0, 398}, + dictWord{132, 10, 354}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 347, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 423}, + dictWord{5, 0, 996}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1329}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1558}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1259}, + dictWord{9, 0, 125}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 65, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 136}, + dictWord{6, 0, 136}, + dictWord{136, 0, 644}, + dictWord{5, 11, 104}, + dictWord{6, 11, 173}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1631}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 469, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 830}, + dictWord{4, 0, 278}, + dictWord{5, 0, 465}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1367}, + dictWord{7, 11, 810}, + dictWord{8, 11, 138}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 342, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 84}, + dictWord{10, 11, 193}, + dictWord{11, 11, 883}, + dictWord{140, 11, 359}, + dictWord{5, 10, 496}, + dictWord{135, 10, 203}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 433, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 719}, + dictWord{6, 11, 95}, + dictWord{134, 10, 547}, + dictWord{5, 10, 88}, + dictWord{137, 10, 239}, + dictWord{6, 11, 406}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 409, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 447}, + dictWord{11, 11, 44}, + dictWord{140, 11, 100}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1423}, + dictWord{7, 10, 650}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1310}, + dictWord{134, 0, 749}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1243}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1363}, + dictWord{6, 0, 381}, + dictWord{7, 0, 645}, + dictWord{7, 0, 694}, + dictWord{8, 0, 546}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1076}, + dictWord{9, 10, 80}, + dictWord{11, 10, 78}, + dictWord{11, 10, 421}, + dictWord{11, 10, 534}, + dictWord{140, 10, 545}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 11, + 1636, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1344}, + dictWord{12, 0, 277}, + dictWord{7, 10, 274}, + dictWord{11, 10, 479}, + dictWord{139, 10, 507}, + dictWord{6, 0, 705}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 783, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1275}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1481}, + dictWord{4, 11, 282}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1034}, + dictWord{11, 11, 398}, + dictWord{11, 11, 634}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 1, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 79}, + dictWord{12, 11, 544}, + dictWord{14, 11, 237}, + dictWord{17, 11, 10}, + dictWord{146, 11, 20}, + dictWord{134, 0, 453}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 555, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 536}, + dictWord{10, 0, 288}, + dictWord{11, 0, 1005}, + dictWord{4, 10, 497}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1584}, + dictWord{5, 11, 118}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 499, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 476}, + dictWord{7, 11, 600}, + dictWord{7, 11, 888}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1096}, + dictWord{138, 0, 987}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1107}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 261, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 1115}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1354}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1588}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1705}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1902}, + dictWord{9, 10, 465}, + dictWord{10, 10, 248}, + dictWord{10, 10, 349}, + dictWord{10, 10, 647}, + dictWord{11, 10, 527}, + dictWord{11, 10, 660}, + dictWord{11, 10, 669}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 529, + }, + dictWord{141, 10, 305}, + dictWord{7, 11, 296}, + dictWord{7, 11, 596}, + dictWord{8, 11, 560}, + dictWord{8, 11, 586}, + dictWord{9, 11, 612}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 100, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 304}, + dictWord{12, 11, 46}, + dictWord{13, 11, 89}, + dictWord{14, 11, 112}, + dictWord{145, 11, 122}, + dictWord{9, 0, 370}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 0, + 90, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 13}, + dictWord{132, 0, 860}, + dictWord{7, 10, 642}, + dictWord{8, 10, 250}, + dictWord{11, 10, 123}, + dictWord{11, 10, 137}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 48, + }, + dictWord{142, 10, 95}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1429}, + dictWord{137, 11, 321}, + dictWord{132, 0, 257}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2031}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1768}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1599}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1723}, + dictWord{8, 11, 79}, + dictWord{8, 11, 106}, + dictWord{8, 11, 190}, + dictWord{8, 11, 302}, + dictWord{8, 11, 383}, + dictWord{9, 11, 119}, + dictWord{9, 11, 233}, + dictWord{9, 11, 298}, + dictWord{9, 11, 419}, + dictWord{9, 11, 471}, + dictWord{10, 11, 181}, + dictWord{10, 11, 406}, + dictWord{11, 11, 57}, + dictWord{11, 11, 85}, + dictWord{11, 11, 120}, + dictWord{11, 11, 177}, + dictWord{11, 11, 296}, + dictWord{11, 11, 382}, + dictWord{11, 11, 454}, + dictWord{11, 11, 758}, + dictWord{11, 11, 999}, + dictWord{12, 11, 27}, + dictWord{12, 11, 98}, + dictWord{12, 11, 131}, + dictWord{12, 11, 245}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 312, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 446}, + dictWord{12, 11, 454}, + dictWord{13, 11, 25}, + dictWord{13, 11, 98}, + dictWord{13, 11, 426}, + dictWord{13, 11, 508}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 11, + 6, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 163}, + dictWord{14, 11, 272}, + dictWord{14, 11, 277}, + dictWord{14, 11, 370}, + dictWord{15, 11, 95}, + dictWord{15, 11, 138}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 11, + 167, + }, + dictWord{17, 11, 18}, + dictWord{17, 11, 38}, + dictWord{20, 11, 96}, + dictWord{149, 11, 32}, + dictWord{5, 11, 722}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1759}, + dictWord{145, 11, 16}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1071}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1561}, + dictWord{10, 10, 545}, + dictWord{140, 10, 301}, + dictWord{6, 0, 83}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1733}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1389}, + dictWord{4, 0, 835}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1818}, + dictWord{133, 11, 258}, + dictWord{4, 10, 904}, + dictWord{133, 10, 794}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 2006, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 30}, + dictWord{7, 11, 495}, + dictWord{8, 11, 134}, + dictWord{9, 11, 788}, + dictWord{140, 11, 438}, + dictWord{135, 11, 2004}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 0, + 696, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 50}, + dictWord{6, 11, 439}, + dictWord{7, 11, 780}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1040}, + dictWord{7, 11, 772}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1104}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1647, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 269}, + dictWord{11, 11, 539}, + dictWord{11, 11, 607}, + dictWord{11, 11, 627}, + dictWord{11, 11, 706}, + dictWord{11, 11, 975}, + dictWord{12, 11, 248}, + dictWord{12, 11, 311}, + dictWord{12, 11, 434}, + dictWord{12, 11, 600}, + dictWord{12, 11, 622}, + dictWord{13, 11, 297}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 367, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 485}, + dictWord{14, 11, 69}, + dictWord{14, 11, 409}, + dictWord{143, 11, 108}, + dictWord{5, 11, 1}, + dictWord{6, 11, 81}, + dictWord{ + 138, + 11, + 520, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1718}, + dictWord{9, 0, 95}, + dictWord{9, 0, 274}, + dictWord{10, 0, 279}, + dictWord{10, 0, 317}, + dictWord{10, 0, 420}, + dictWord{11, 0, 303}, + dictWord{11, 0, 808}, + dictWord{12, 0, 134}, + dictWord{12, 0, 367}, + dictWord{13, 0, 149}, + dictWord{13, 0, 347}, + dictWord{14, 0, 349}, + dictWord{14, 0, 406}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 22, + }, + dictWord{18, 0, 89}, + dictWord{18, 0, 122}, + dictWord{147, 0, 47}, + dictWord{5, 11, 482}, + dictWord{8, 11, 98}, + dictWord{9, 11, 172}, + dictWord{10, 11, 222}, + dictWord{10, 11, 700}, + dictWord{10, 11, 822}, + dictWord{11, 11, 302}, + dictWord{11, 11, 778}, + dictWord{12, 11, 50}, + dictWord{12, 11, 127}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 396, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 62}, + dictWord{13, 11, 328}, + dictWord{14, 11, 122}, + dictWord{147, 11, 72}, + dictWord{7, 10, 386}, + dictWord{138, 10, 713}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 7, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 35}, + dictWord{7, 10, 147}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1069}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1568}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1575}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1917}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 43, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 208}, + dictWord{9, 10, 128}, + dictWord{9, 10, 866}, + dictWord{10, 10, 20}, + dictWord{11, 10, 981}, + dictWord{147, 10, 33}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 26, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 550}, + dictWord{5, 11, 2}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1494}, + dictWord{136, 11, 589}, + dictWord{6, 11, 512}, + dictWord{7, 11, 797}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 253, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 77}, + dictWord{10, 11, 1}, + dictWord{10, 11, 129}, + dictWord{10, 11, 225}, + dictWord{11, 11, 118}, + dictWord{11, 11, 226}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 251, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 430}, + dictWord{11, 11, 701}, + dictWord{11, 11, 974}, + dictWord{11, 11, 982}, + dictWord{12, 11, 64}, + dictWord{12, 11, 260}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 488, + }, + dictWord{140, 11, 690}, + dictWord{7, 10, 893}, + dictWord{141, 10, 424}, + dictWord{134, 0, 901}, + dictWord{136, 0, 822}, + dictWord{4, 0, 902}, + dictWord{5, 0, 809}, + dictWord{134, 0, 122}, + dictWord{6, 0, 807}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1366}, + dictWord{7, 0, 262}, + dictWord{5, 11, 748}, + dictWord{134, 11, 553}, + dictWord{133, 0, 620}, + dictWord{4, 0, 34}, + dictWord{5, 0, 574}, + dictWord{7, 0, 279}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1624}, + dictWord{136, 0, 601}, + dictWord{9, 0, 170}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 322, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 552}, + dictWord{11, 10, 274}, + dictWord{13, 10, 209}, + dictWord{13, 10, 499}, + dictWord{14, 10, 85}, + dictWord{15, 10, 126}, + dictWord{ + 145, + 10, + 70, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 537}, + dictWord{4, 11, 12}, + dictWord{7, 11, 420}, + dictWord{7, 11, 522}, + dictWord{7, 11, 809}, + dictWord{8, 11, 797}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 88, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 332}, + dictWord{8, 10, 83}, + dictWord{8, 10, 742}, + dictWord{8, 10, 817}, + dictWord{9, 10, 28}, + dictWord{9, 10, 29}, + dictWord{9, 10, 885}, + dictWord{10, 10, 387}, + dictWord{11, 10, 633}, + dictWord{11, 10, 740}, + dictWord{13, 10, 235}, + dictWord{13, 10, 254}, + dictWord{15, 10, 143}, + dictWord{ + 143, + 10, + 146, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1909}, + dictWord{9, 0, 964}, + dictWord{12, 0, 822}, + dictWord{12, 0, 854}, + dictWord{12, 0, 865}, + dictWord{12, 0, 910}, + dictWord{12, 0, 938}, + dictWord{15, 0, 169}, + dictWord{15, 0, 208}, + dictWord{15, 0, 211}, + dictWord{18, 0, 205}, + dictWord{18, 0, 206}, + dictWord{18, 0, 220}, + dictWord{18, 0, 223}, + dictWord{152, 0, 24}, + dictWord{140, 10, 49}, + dictWord{5, 11, 528}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1580}, + dictWord{6, 0, 261}, + dictWord{8, 0, 182}, + dictWord{139, 0, 943}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1721}, + dictWord{4, 0, 933}, + dictWord{133, 0, 880}, + dictWord{136, 11, 321}, + dictWord{5, 11, 266}, + dictWord{9, 11, 290}, + dictWord{9, 11, 364}, + dictWord{10, 11, 293}, + dictWord{11, 11, 606}, + dictWord{142, 11, 45}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1609}, + dictWord{4, 11, 50}, + dictWord{6, 11, 510}, + dictWord{6, 11, 594}, + dictWord{9, 11, 121}, + dictWord{10, 11, 49}, + dictWord{10, 11, 412}, + dictWord{139, 11, 834}, + dictWord{7, 0, 895}, + dictWord{136, 11, 748}, + dictWord{132, 11, 466}, + dictWord{4, 10, 110}, + dictWord{10, 10, 415}, + dictWord{10, 10, 597}, + dictWord{142, 10, 206}, + dictWord{133, 0, 812}, + dictWord{135, 11, 281}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1890, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1902}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1916}, + dictWord{9, 0, 929}, + dictWord{9, 0, 942}, + dictWord{9, 0, 975}, + dictWord{9, 0, 984}, + dictWord{9, 0, 986}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 1011, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 1019}, + dictWord{12, 0, 804}, + dictWord{12, 0, 851}, + dictWord{12, 0, 867}, + dictWord{12, 0, 916}, + dictWord{12, 0, 923}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 0, + 194, + }, + dictWord{15, 0, 204}, + dictWord{15, 0, 210}, + dictWord{15, 0, 222}, + dictWord{15, 0, 223}, + dictWord{15, 0, 229}, + dictWord{15, 0, 250}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 179, + }, + dictWord{18, 0, 186}, + dictWord{18, 0, 192}, + dictWord{7, 10, 205}, + dictWord{135, 10, 2000}, + dictWord{132, 11, 667}, + dictWord{135, 0, 778}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 137, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1178}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1520}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1314}, + dictWord{4, 11, 242}, + dictWord{134, 11, 333}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1661}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1975}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2009}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2011}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1591}, + dictWord{4, 10, 283}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1194}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 820, + }, + dictWord{150, 0, 51}, + dictWord{4, 11, 39}, + dictWord{5, 11, 36}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1843}, + dictWord{8, 11, 407}, + dictWord{11, 11, 144}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 523, + }, + dictWord{134, 10, 1720}, + dictWord{4, 11, 510}, + dictWord{7, 11, 29}, + dictWord{7, 11, 66}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1980}, + dictWord{10, 11, 487}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 809, + }, + dictWord{146, 11, 9}, + dictWord{5, 0, 89}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1915}, + dictWord{9, 0, 185}, + dictWord{9, 0, 235}, + dictWord{10, 0, 64}, + dictWord{10, 0, 270}, + dictWord{10, 0, 403}, + dictWord{10, 0, 469}, + dictWord{10, 0, 529}, + dictWord{10, 0, 590}, + dictWord{11, 0, 140}, + dictWord{11, 0, 860}, + dictWord{13, 0, 1}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 422, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 341}, + dictWord{14, 0, 364}, + dictWord{17, 0, 93}, + dictWord{18, 0, 113}, + dictWord{19, 0, 97}, + dictWord{147, 0, 113}, + dictWord{133, 0, 695}, + dictWord{6, 0, 987}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1160}, + dictWord{5, 0, 6}, + dictWord{6, 0, 183}, + dictWord{7, 0, 680}, + dictWord{7, 0, 978}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1013}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1055, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 230}, + dictWord{13, 0, 172}, + dictWord{146, 0, 29}, + dictWord{134, 11, 570}, + dictWord{132, 11, 787}, + dictWord{134, 11, 518}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 29, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 63}, + dictWord{132, 11, 516}, + dictWord{136, 11, 821}, + dictWord{132, 0, 311}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1740}, + dictWord{7, 0, 170}, + dictWord{8, 0, 90}, + dictWord{8, 0, 177}, + dictWord{8, 0, 415}, + dictWord{11, 0, 714}, + dictWord{14, 0, 281}, + dictWord{136, 10, 735}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1961}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 11, + 1405, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 10}, + dictWord{7, 11, 917}, + dictWord{139, 11, 786}, + dictWord{5, 10, 132}, + dictWord{9, 10, 486}, + dictWord{9, 10, 715}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 458, + }, + dictWord{11, 10, 373}, + dictWord{11, 10, 668}, + dictWord{11, 10, 795}, + dictWord{11, 10, 897}, + dictWord{12, 10, 272}, + dictWord{12, 10, 424}, + dictWord{12, 10, 539}, + dictWord{12, 10, 558}, + dictWord{14, 10, 245}, + dictWord{14, 10, 263}, + dictWord{14, 10, 264}, + dictWord{14, 10, 393}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 10, + 403, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 91}, + dictWord{13, 0, 129}, + dictWord{15, 0, 101}, + dictWord{145, 0, 125}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1132}, + dictWord{4, 0, 494}, + dictWord{6, 0, 74}, + dictWord{7, 0, 44}, + dictWord{7, 0, 407}, + dictWord{12, 0, 17}, + dictWord{15, 0, 5}, + dictWord{148, 0, 11}, + dictWord{133, 10, 379}, + dictWord{5, 0, 270}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 684, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 89}, + dictWord{6, 10, 400}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1569}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1623}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1850}, + dictWord{8, 10, 218}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 422, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 570}, + dictWord{138, 10, 626}, + dictWord{4, 0, 276}, + dictWord{133, 0, 296}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1523}, + dictWord{134, 11, 27}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 387, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 882}, + dictWord{141, 10, 111}, + dictWord{6, 10, 224}, + dictWord{7, 10, 877}, + dictWord{137, 10, 647}, + dictWord{135, 10, 790}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 7, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 90}, + dictWord{5, 0, 158}, + dictWord{6, 0, 542}, + dictWord{7, 0, 221}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1574}, + dictWord{9, 0, 490}, + dictWord{10, 0, 540}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 443, + }, + dictWord{139, 0, 757}, + dictWord{7, 0, 588}, + dictWord{9, 0, 175}, + dictWord{138, 0, 530}, + dictWord{135, 10, 394}, + dictWord{142, 11, 23}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 786, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 580}, + dictWord{7, 0, 88}, + dictWord{136, 0, 627}, + dictWord{5, 0, 872}, + dictWord{6, 0, 57}, + dictWord{7, 0, 471}, + dictWord{9, 0, 447}, + dictWord{137, 0, 454}, + dictWord{6, 11, 342}, + dictWord{6, 11, 496}, + dictWord{8, 11, 275}, + dictWord{137, 11, 206}, + dictWord{4, 11, 909}, + dictWord{133, 11, 940}, + dictWord{6, 0, 735}, + dictWord{132, 11, 891}, + dictWord{8, 0, 845}, + dictWord{8, 0, 916}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1409}, + dictWord{5, 0, 31}, + dictWord{134, 0, 614}, + dictWord{11, 0, 458}, + dictWord{12, 0, 15}, + dictWord{140, 0, 432}, + dictWord{8, 0, 330}, + dictWord{140, 0, 477}, + dictWord{4, 0, 530}, + dictWord{5, 0, 521}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1200, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 460}, + dictWord{132, 11, 687}, + dictWord{6, 0, 424}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1866}, + dictWord{9, 0, 569}, + dictWord{12, 0, 12}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 81, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 319}, + dictWord{13, 0, 69}, + dictWord{14, 0, 259}, + dictWord{16, 0, 87}, + dictWord{17, 0, 1}, + dictWord{17, 0, 21}, + dictWord{17, 0, 24}, + dictWord{ + 18, + 0, + 15, + }, + dictWord{18, 0, 56}, + dictWord{18, 0, 59}, + dictWord{18, 0, 127}, + dictWord{18, 0, 154}, + dictWord{19, 0, 19}, + dictWord{148, 0, 31}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1302}, + dictWord{136, 10, 38}, + dictWord{134, 11, 253}, + dictWord{5, 10, 261}, + dictWord{7, 10, 78}, + dictWord{7, 10, 199}, + dictWord{8, 10, 815}, + dictWord{9, 10, 126}, + dictWord{138, 10, 342}, + dictWord{5, 0, 595}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1863}, + dictWord{6, 11, 41}, + dictWord{141, 11, 160}, + dictWord{5, 0, 13}, + dictWord{134, 0, 142}, + dictWord{6, 0, 97}, + dictWord{7, 0, 116}, + dictWord{8, 0, 322}, + dictWord{8, 0, 755}, + dictWord{9, 0, 548}, + dictWord{10, 0, 714}, + dictWord{11, 0, 884}, + dictWord{13, 0, 324}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1304}, + dictWord{138, 11, 477}, + dictWord{132, 10, 628}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1718}, + dictWord{7, 10, 266}, + dictWord{136, 10, 804}, + dictWord{135, 10, 208}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1021}, + dictWord{6, 10, 79}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1519}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1472}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1554}, + dictWord{6, 11, 362}, + dictWord{146, 11, 51}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1071}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1541}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1767}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1806}, + dictWord{11, 0, 162}, + dictWord{11, 0, 242}, + dictWord{11, 0, 452}, + dictWord{12, 0, 605}, + dictWord{15, 0, 26}, + dictWord{144, 0, 44}, + dictWord{136, 10, 741}, + dictWord{133, 11, 115}, + dictWord{145, 0, 115}, + dictWord{134, 10, 376}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1406}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1543}, + dictWord{5, 11, 193}, + dictWord{12, 11, 178}, + dictWord{13, 11, 130}, + dictWord{ + 145, + 11, + 84, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 1111}, + dictWord{8, 0, 1}, + dictWord{9, 0, 650}, + dictWord{10, 0, 326}, + dictWord{5, 11, 705}, + dictWord{137, 11, 606}, + dictWord{5, 0, 488}, + dictWord{6, 0, 527}, + dictWord{7, 0, 489}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1636}, + dictWord{8, 0, 121}, + dictWord{8, 0, 144}, + dictWord{8, 0, 359}, + dictWord{9, 0, 193}, + dictWord{9, 0, 241}, + dictWord{9, 0, 336}, + dictWord{9, 0, 882}, + dictWord{11, 0, 266}, + dictWord{11, 0, 372}, + dictWord{11, 0, 944}, + dictWord{12, 0, 401}, + dictWord{140, 0, 641}, + dictWord{135, 11, 174}, + dictWord{6, 0, 267}, + dictWord{7, 10, 244}, + dictWord{7, 10, 632}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1609}, + dictWord{8, 10, 178}, + dictWord{8, 10, 638}, + dictWord{141, 10, 58}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1983}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1155}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1575}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1438}, + dictWord{9, 0, 31}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 244, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 699}, + dictWord{12, 0, 149}, + dictWord{141, 0, 497}, + dictWord{133, 0, 377}, + dictWord{4, 11, 122}, + dictWord{5, 11, 796}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 952, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 1660}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1671}, + dictWord{8, 11, 567}, + dictWord{9, 11, 687}, + dictWord{9, 11, 742}, + dictWord{10, 11, 686}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 356, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 682}, + dictWord{140, 11, 281}, + dictWord{145, 0, 101}, + dictWord{11, 11, 0}, + dictWord{144, 11, 78}, + dictWord{5, 11, 179}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 791, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1095}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1213}, + dictWord{8, 11, 372}, + dictWord{9, 11, 122}, + dictWord{138, 11, 175}, + dictWord{7, 10, 686}, + dictWord{8, 10, 33}, + dictWord{8, 10, 238}, + dictWord{10, 10, 616}, + dictWord{11, 10, 467}, + dictWord{11, 10, 881}, + dictWord{13, 10, 217}, + dictWord{13, 10, 253}, + dictWord{142, 10, 268}, + dictWord{9, 0, 476}, + dictWord{4, 11, 66}, + dictWord{7, 11, 722}, + dictWord{135, 11, 904}, + dictWord{7, 11, 352}, + dictWord{137, 11, 684}, + dictWord{135, 0, 2023}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1836}, + dictWord{132, 10, 447}, + dictWord{5, 0, 843}, + dictWord{144, 0, 35}, + dictWord{137, 11, 779}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 35, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 128}, + dictWord{5, 10, 415}, + dictWord{6, 10, 462}, + dictWord{7, 10, 294}, + dictWord{7, 10, 578}, + dictWord{10, 10, 710}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 10, + 86, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 554}, + dictWord{133, 0, 536}, + dictWord{136, 10, 587}, + dictWord{5, 0, 207}, + dictWord{9, 0, 79}, + dictWord{11, 0, 625}, + dictWord{ + 145, + 0, + 7, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1371}, + dictWord{6, 10, 427}, + dictWord{138, 10, 692}, + dictWord{4, 0, 424}, + dictWord{4, 10, 195}, + dictWord{135, 10, 802}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 785, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 564}, + dictWord{135, 0, 336}, + dictWord{4, 0, 896}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1777}, + dictWord{134, 11, 556}, + dictWord{137, 11, 103}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1683}, + dictWord{7, 11, 544}, + dictWord{8, 11, 719}, + dictWord{138, 11, 61}, + dictWord{138, 10, 472}, + dictWord{4, 11, 5}, + dictWord{5, 11, 498}, + dictWord{136, 11, 637}, + dictWord{7, 0, 750}, + dictWord{9, 0, 223}, + dictWord{11, 0, 27}, + dictWord{11, 0, 466}, + dictWord{12, 0, 624}, + dictWord{14, 0, 265}, + dictWord{ + 146, + 0, + 61, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 238}, + dictWord{18, 0, 155}, + dictWord{12, 11, 238}, + dictWord{146, 11, 155}, + dictWord{151, 10, 28}, + dictWord{133, 11, 927}, + dictWord{12, 0, 383}, + dictWord{5, 10, 3}, + dictWord{8, 10, 578}, + dictWord{9, 10, 118}, + dictWord{10, 10, 705}, + dictWord{141, 10, 279}, + dictWord{4, 11, 893}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 780, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 893}, + dictWord{4, 0, 603}, + dictWord{133, 0, 661}, + dictWord{4, 0, 11}, + dictWord{6, 0, 128}, + dictWord{7, 0, 231}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1533, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 725}, + dictWord{5, 10, 229}, + dictWord{5, 11, 238}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1350}, + dictWord{8, 10, 102}, + dictWord{10, 10, 578}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 672, + }, + dictWord{12, 10, 496}, + dictWord{13, 10, 408}, + dictWord{14, 10, 121}, + dictWord{145, 10, 106}, + dictWord{132, 0, 476}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1552}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1729}, + dictWord{8, 10, 115}, + dictWord{8, 10, 350}, + dictWord{9, 10, 489}, + dictWord{10, 10, 128}, + dictWord{11, 10, 306}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 10, + 373, + }, + dictWord{14, 10, 30}, + dictWord{17, 10, 79}, + dictWord{19, 10, 80}, + dictWord{150, 10, 55}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1807}, + dictWord{4, 0, 680}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 11, + 60, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 760}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1800}, + dictWord{8, 11, 314}, + dictWord{9, 11, 700}, + dictWord{139, 11, 487}, + dictWord{4, 10, 230}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 702, + }, + dictWord{148, 11, 94}, + dictWord{132, 11, 228}, + dictWord{139, 0, 435}, + dictWord{9, 0, 20}, + dictWord{10, 0, 324}, + dictWord{10, 0, 807}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 0, + 488, + }, + dictWord{6, 10, 1728}, + dictWord{136, 11, 419}, + dictWord{4, 10, 484}, + dictWord{18, 10, 26}, + dictWord{19, 10, 42}, + dictWord{20, 10, 43}, + dictWord{ + 21, + 10, + 0, + }, + dictWord{23, 10, 27}, + dictWord{152, 10, 14}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1431}, + dictWord{133, 11, 828}, + dictWord{5, 0, 112}, + dictWord{6, 0, 103}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 150, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1303}, + dictWord{9, 0, 292}, + dictWord{10, 0, 481}, + dictWord{20, 0, 13}, + dictWord{7, 11, 176}, + dictWord{7, 11, 178}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1110}, + dictWord{10, 11, 481}, + dictWord{148, 11, 13}, + dictWord{138, 0, 356}, + dictWord{4, 11, 51}, + dictWord{5, 11, 39}, + dictWord{6, 11, 4}, + dictWord{7, 11, 591}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 849, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 951}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1129}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1613}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1760}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1988}, + dictWord{9, 11, 434}, + dictWord{10, 11, 754}, + dictWord{11, 11, 25}, + dictWord{11, 11, 37}, + dictWord{139, 11, 414}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1963}, + dictWord{134, 0, 2000}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 633, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1244}, + dictWord{133, 11, 902}, + dictWord{135, 11, 928}, + dictWord{140, 0, 18}, + dictWord{138, 0, 204}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1173}, + dictWord{134, 0, 867}, + dictWord{4, 0, 708}, + dictWord{8, 0, 15}, + dictWord{9, 0, 50}, + dictWord{9, 0, 386}, + dictWord{11, 0, 18}, + dictWord{11, 0, 529}, + dictWord{140, 0, 228}, + dictWord{134, 11, 270}, + dictWord{4, 0, 563}, + dictWord{7, 0, 109}, + dictWord{7, 0, 592}, + dictWord{7, 0, 637}, + dictWord{7, 0, 770}, + dictWord{8, 0, 463}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 60, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 335}, + dictWord{9, 0, 904}, + dictWord{10, 0, 73}, + dictWord{11, 0, 434}, + dictWord{12, 0, 585}, + dictWord{13, 0, 331}, + dictWord{18, 0, 110}, + dictWord{148, 0, 60}, + dictWord{132, 0, 502}, + dictWord{14, 11, 359}, + dictWord{19, 11, 52}, + dictWord{148, 11, 47}, + dictWord{6, 11, 377}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1025}, + dictWord{9, 11, 613}, + dictWord{145, 11, 104}, + dictWord{6, 0, 347}, + dictWord{10, 0, 161}, + dictWord{5, 10, 70}, + dictWord{5, 10, 622}, + dictWord{6, 10, 334}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1032, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 171}, + dictWord{11, 10, 26}, + dictWord{11, 10, 213}, + dictWord{11, 10, 637}, + dictWord{11, 10, 707}, + dictWord{12, 10, 202}, + dictWord{12, 10, 380}, + dictWord{13, 10, 226}, + dictWord{13, 10, 355}, + dictWord{14, 10, 222}, + dictWord{145, 10, 42}, + dictWord{132, 11, 416}, + dictWord{4, 0, 33}, + dictWord{5, 0, 102}, + dictWord{6, 0, 284}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1079}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1423}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1702}, + dictWord{8, 0, 470}, + dictWord{9, 0, 554}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 723, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 333}, + dictWord{142, 11, 372}, + dictWord{5, 11, 152}, + dictWord{5, 11, 197}, + dictWord{7, 11, 340}, + dictWord{7, 11, 867}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 548, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 581}, + dictWord{11, 11, 6}, + dictWord{12, 11, 3}, + dictWord{12, 11, 19}, + dictWord{14, 11, 110}, + dictWord{142, 11, 289}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 246, + }, + dictWord{135, 0, 840}, + dictWord{6, 0, 10}, + dictWord{8, 0, 571}, + dictWord{9, 0, 739}, + dictWord{143, 0, 91}, + dictWord{6, 0, 465}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1465}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 23, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 141}, + dictWord{5, 10, 313}, + dictWord{5, 10, 1014}, + dictWord{6, 10, 50}, + dictWord{7, 10, 142}, + dictWord{7, 10, 559}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 640, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 460}, + dictWord{9, 10, 783}, + dictWord{11, 10, 741}, + dictWord{12, 10, 183}, + dictWord{141, 10, 488}, + dictWord{133, 0, 626}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 614, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 237}, + dictWord{7, 11, 34}, + dictWord{7, 11, 190}, + dictWord{8, 11, 28}, + dictWord{8, 11, 141}, + dictWord{8, 11, 444}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 811, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 468}, + dictWord{11, 11, 334}, + dictWord{12, 11, 24}, + dictWord{12, 11, 386}, + dictWord{140, 11, 576}, + dictWord{133, 11, 757}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 18, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 526}, + dictWord{13, 0, 24}, + dictWord{13, 0, 110}, + dictWord{19, 0, 5}, + dictWord{147, 0, 44}, + dictWord{6, 0, 506}, + dictWord{134, 11, 506}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1553}, + dictWord{4, 0, 309}, + dictWord{5, 0, 462}, + dictWord{7, 0, 970}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1097}, + dictWord{22, 0, 30}, + dictWord{22, 0, 33}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 11, + 1385, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 582}, + dictWord{11, 11, 650}, + dictWord{11, 11, 901}, + dictWord{11, 11, 949}, + dictWord{12, 11, 232}, + dictWord{12, 11, 236}, + dictWord{13, 11, 413}, + dictWord{13, 11, 501}, + dictWord{146, 11, 116}, + dictWord{9, 0, 140}, + dictWord{5, 10, 222}, + dictWord{138, 10, 534}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1056}, + dictWord{137, 10, 906}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1704}, + dictWord{138, 10, 503}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1036}, + dictWord{5, 10, 154}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1491}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 10, + 379, + }, + dictWord{138, 10, 485}, + dictWord{4, 11, 383}, + dictWord{133, 10, 716}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1315}, + dictWord{5, 0, 86}, + dictWord{7, 0, 743}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 85, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 281}, + dictWord{10, 0, 432}, + dictWord{11, 0, 825}, + dictWord{12, 0, 251}, + dictWord{13, 0, 118}, + dictWord{142, 0, 378}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 264, + }, + dictWord{4, 10, 91}, + dictWord{5, 10, 388}, + dictWord{5, 10, 845}, + dictWord{6, 10, 206}, + dictWord{6, 10, 252}, + dictWord{6, 10, 365}, + dictWord{7, 10, 136}, + dictWord{7, 10, 531}, + dictWord{136, 10, 621}, + dictWord{5, 0, 524}, + dictWord{133, 0, 744}, + dictWord{5, 11, 277}, + dictWord{141, 11, 247}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 11, + 435, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 107}, + dictWord{140, 0, 436}, + dictWord{132, 0, 927}, + dictWord{10, 0, 123}, + dictWord{12, 0, 670}, + dictWord{146, 0, 94}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 1149, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 156}, + dictWord{138, 0, 957}, + dictWord{5, 11, 265}, + dictWord{6, 11, 212}, + dictWord{135, 11, 28}, + dictWord{133, 0, 778}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 502, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 196}, + dictWord{10, 0, 283}, + dictWord{139, 0, 406}, + dictWord{135, 10, 576}, + dictWord{136, 11, 535}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1312}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 771, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 863}, + dictWord{5, 10, 898}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1632}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1644}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1780}, + dictWord{5, 0, 855}, + dictWord{5, 10, 331}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1487}, + dictWord{132, 11, 702}, + dictWord{5, 11, 808}, + dictWord{135, 11, 2045}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1400}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 446, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 45}, + dictWord{140, 10, 632}, + dictWord{132, 0, 1003}, + dictWord{5, 11, 166}, + dictWord{8, 11, 739}, + dictWord{140, 11, 511}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 107, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 201}, + dictWord{136, 10, 518}, + dictWord{6, 10, 446}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1817}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1532}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1097, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 119}, + dictWord{5, 11, 170}, + dictWord{5, 11, 447}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1708}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1889}, + dictWord{9, 11, 357}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 719, + }, + dictWord{12, 11, 486}, + dictWord{140, 11, 596}, + dictWord{9, 10, 851}, + dictWord{141, 10, 510}, + dictWord{7, 0, 612}, + dictWord{8, 0, 545}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 0, + 568, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 642}, + dictWord{9, 0, 717}, + dictWord{10, 0, 541}, + dictWord{10, 0, 763}, + dictWord{11, 0, 449}, + dictWord{12, 0, 489}, + dictWord{13, 0, 153}, + dictWord{13, 0, 296}, + dictWord{14, 0, 138}, + dictWord{14, 0, 392}, + dictWord{15, 0, 50}, + dictWord{16, 0, 6}, + dictWord{16, 0, 12}, + dictWord{20, 0, 9}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 504, + }, + dictWord{4, 11, 450}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1158}, + dictWord{11, 0, 54}, + dictWord{13, 0, 173}, + dictWord{13, 0, 294}, + dictWord{5, 10, 883}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 10, + 975, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 392}, + dictWord{148, 10, 7}, + dictWord{13, 0, 455}, + dictWord{15, 0, 99}, + dictWord{15, 0, 129}, + dictWord{144, 0, 68}, + dictWord{135, 0, 172}, + dictWord{132, 11, 754}, + dictWord{5, 10, 922}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1707}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1029}, + dictWord{17, 11, 39}, + dictWord{148, 11, 36}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 568, + }, + dictWord{5, 10, 993}, + dictWord{7, 10, 515}, + dictWord{137, 10, 91}, + dictWord{132, 0, 732}, + dictWord{10, 0, 617}, + dictWord{138, 11, 617}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 974, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 989}, + dictWord{10, 0, 377}, + dictWord{12, 0, 363}, + dictWord{13, 0, 68}, + dictWord{13, 0, 94}, + dictWord{14, 0, 108}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 0, + 306, + }, + dictWord{136, 0, 733}, + dictWord{132, 0, 428}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1789}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1062}, + dictWord{7, 0, 2015}, + dictWord{140, 0, 665}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1433}, + dictWord{5, 0, 287}, + dictWord{7, 10, 921}, + dictWord{8, 10, 580}, + dictWord{8, 10, 593}, + dictWord{8, 10, 630}, + dictWord{138, 10, 28}, + dictWord{138, 0, 806}, + dictWord{4, 10, 911}, + dictWord{5, 10, 867}, + dictWord{5, 10, 1013}, + dictWord{7, 10, 2034}, + dictWord{8, 10, 798}, + dictWord{136, 10, 813}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1539}, + dictWord{8, 11, 523}, + dictWord{150, 11, 34}, + dictWord{135, 11, 740}, + dictWord{7, 11, 238}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2033}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 120, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 188}, + dictWord{8, 11, 659}, + dictWord{9, 11, 598}, + dictWord{10, 11, 466}, + dictWord{12, 11, 342}, + dictWord{12, 11, 588}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 503, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 246}, + dictWord{143, 11, 92}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1563}, + dictWord{141, 0, 182}, + dictWord{5, 10, 135}, + dictWord{6, 10, 519}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1722, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 271}, + dictWord{11, 10, 261}, + dictWord{145, 10, 54}, + dictWord{14, 10, 338}, + dictWord{148, 10, 81}, + dictWord{7, 0, 484}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 300, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 436}, + dictWord{145, 11, 114}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1623}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1681}, + dictWord{133, 11, 640}, + dictWord{4, 11, 201}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1744}, + dictWord{8, 11, 602}, + dictWord{11, 11, 247}, + dictWord{11, 11, 826}, + dictWord{145, 11, 65}, + dictWord{8, 11, 164}, + dictWord{ + 146, + 11, + 62, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1833}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1861}, + dictWord{136, 0, 878}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1569}, + dictWord{8, 10, 357}, + dictWord{10, 10, 745}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 10, + 426, + }, + dictWord{17, 10, 94}, + dictWord{147, 10, 57}, + dictWord{12, 0, 93}, + dictWord{12, 0, 501}, + dictWord{13, 0, 362}, + dictWord{14, 0, 151}, + dictWord{15, 0, 40}, + dictWord{15, 0, 59}, + dictWord{16, 0, 46}, + dictWord{17, 0, 25}, + dictWord{18, 0, 14}, + dictWord{18, 0, 134}, + dictWord{19, 0, 25}, + dictWord{19, 0, 69}, + dictWord{ + 20, + 0, + 16, + }, + dictWord{20, 0, 19}, + dictWord{20, 0, 66}, + dictWord{21, 0, 23}, + dictWord{21, 0, 25}, + dictWord{150, 0, 42}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1748}, + dictWord{8, 0, 715}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 0, + 802, + }, + dictWord{10, 0, 46}, + dictWord{10, 0, 819}, + dictWord{13, 0, 308}, + dictWord{14, 0, 351}, + dictWord{14, 0, 363}, + dictWord{146, 0, 67}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 994, + }, + dictWord{4, 0, 63}, + dictWord{133, 0, 347}, + dictWord{132, 0, 591}, + dictWord{133, 0, 749}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1577}, + dictWord{10, 11, 304}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 549, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 424}, + dictWord{12, 11, 365}, + dictWord{13, 11, 220}, + dictWord{13, 11, 240}, + dictWord{142, 11, 33}, + dictWord{133, 0, 366}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 557, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 547}, + dictWord{14, 0, 86}, + dictWord{133, 10, 387}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1747}, + dictWord{132, 11, 907}, + dictWord{5, 11, 100}, + dictWord{10, 11, 329}, + dictWord{12, 11, 416}, + dictWord{149, 11, 29}, + dictWord{4, 10, 6}, + dictWord{5, 10, 708}, + dictWord{136, 10, 75}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1351}, + dictWord{9, 10, 581}, + dictWord{10, 10, 639}, + dictWord{11, 10, 453}, + dictWord{140, 10, 584}, + dictWord{7, 0, 89}, + dictWord{132, 10, 303}, + dictWord{138, 10, 772}, + dictWord{132, 11, 176}, + dictWord{5, 11, 636}, + dictWord{5, 11, 998}, + dictWord{8, 11, 26}, + dictWord{137, 11, 358}, + dictWord{7, 11, 9}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1508}, + dictWord{9, 11, 317}, + dictWord{10, 11, 210}, + dictWord{10, 11, 292}, + dictWord{10, 11, 533}, + dictWord{11, 11, 555}, + dictWord{12, 11, 526}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 607, + }, + dictWord{13, 11, 263}, + dictWord{13, 11, 459}, + dictWord{142, 11, 271}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1463}, + dictWord{6, 0, 772}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1137}, + dictWord{ + 139, + 11, + 595, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 977}, + dictWord{139, 11, 66}, + dictWord{138, 0, 893}, + dictWord{20, 0, 48}, + dictWord{148, 11, 48}, + dictWord{5, 0, 824}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 941, + }, + dictWord{134, 11, 295}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1543}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1785}, + dictWord{10, 0, 690}, + dictWord{4, 10, 106}, + dictWord{139, 10, 717}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 0, + 440, + }, + dictWord{8, 0, 230}, + dictWord{139, 0, 106}, + dictWord{5, 10, 890}, + dictWord{133, 10, 988}, + dictWord{6, 10, 626}, + dictWord{142, 10, 431}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 127, + }, + dictWord{141, 11, 27}, + dictWord{17, 0, 32}, + dictWord{10, 10, 706}, + dictWord{150, 10, 44}, + dictWord{132, 0, 216}, + dictWord{137, 0, 332}, + dictWord{4, 10, 698}, + dictWord{136, 11, 119}, + dictWord{139, 11, 267}, + dictWord{138, 10, 17}, + dictWord{11, 11, 526}, + dictWord{11, 11, 939}, + dictWord{ + 141, + 11, + 290, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 1167}, + dictWord{11, 11, 934}, + dictWord{13, 11, 391}, + dictWord{145, 11, 76}, + dictWord{139, 11, 39}, + dictWord{134, 10, 84}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 914, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 800}, + dictWord{133, 0, 852}, + dictWord{10, 0, 416}, + dictWord{141, 0, 115}, + dictWord{7, 0, 564}, + dictWord{142, 0, 168}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 918, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 876}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1764}, + dictWord{152, 0, 3}, + dictWord{4, 0, 92}, + dictWord{5, 0, 274}, + dictWord{7, 11, 126}, + dictWord{136, 11, 84}, + dictWord{140, 10, 498}, + dictWord{136, 11, 790}, + dictWord{8, 0, 501}, + dictWord{5, 10, 986}, + dictWord{6, 10, 130}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1582}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 458, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 101}, + dictWord{10, 10, 318}, + dictWord{138, 10, 823}, + dictWord{6, 11, 64}, + dictWord{12, 11, 377}, + dictWord{141, 11, 309}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 743, + }, + dictWord{138, 0, 851}, + dictWord{4, 0, 49}, + dictWord{7, 0, 280}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1633}, + dictWord{134, 0, 879}, + dictWord{136, 0, 47}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1644, + }, + dictWord{137, 10, 129}, + dictWord{132, 0, 865}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1202}, + dictWord{9, 11, 34}, + dictWord{139, 11, 484}, + dictWord{135, 10, 997}, + dictWord{5, 0, 272}, + dictWord{5, 0, 908}, + dictWord{5, 0, 942}, + dictWord{8, 0, 197}, + dictWord{9, 0, 47}, + dictWord{11, 0, 538}, + dictWord{139, 0, 742}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 1700, + }, + dictWord{7, 11, 26}, + dictWord{7, 11, 293}, + dictWord{7, 11, 382}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1026}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1087}, + dictWord{7, 11, 2027}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 24, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 114}, + dictWord{8, 11, 252}, + dictWord{8, 11, 727}, + dictWord{8, 11, 729}, + dictWord{9, 11, 30}, + dictWord{9, 11, 199}, + dictWord{9, 11, 231}, + dictWord{9, 11, 251}, + dictWord{9, 11, 334}, + dictWord{9, 11, 361}, + dictWord{9, 11, 488}, + dictWord{9, 11, 712}, + dictWord{10, 11, 55}, + dictWord{10, 11, 60}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 11, + 232, + }, + dictWord{10, 11, 332}, + dictWord{10, 11, 384}, + dictWord{10, 11, 396}, + dictWord{10, 11, 504}, + dictWord{10, 11, 542}, + dictWord{10, 11, 652}, + dictWord{11, 11, 20}, + dictWord{11, 11, 48}, + dictWord{11, 11, 207}, + dictWord{11, 11, 291}, + dictWord{11, 11, 298}, + dictWord{11, 11, 342}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 11, + 365, + }, + dictWord{11, 11, 394}, + dictWord{11, 11, 620}, + dictWord{11, 11, 705}, + dictWord{11, 11, 1017}, + dictWord{12, 11, 123}, + dictWord{12, 11, 340}, + dictWord{12, 11, 406}, + dictWord{12, 11, 643}, + dictWord{13, 11, 61}, + dictWord{13, 11, 269}, + dictWord{13, 11, 311}, + dictWord{13, 11, 319}, + dictWord{13, 11, 486}, + dictWord{14, 11, 234}, + dictWord{15, 11, 62}, + dictWord{15, 11, 85}, + dictWord{16, 11, 71}, + dictWord{18, 11, 119}, + dictWord{148, 11, 105}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 1455, + }, + dictWord{150, 11, 37}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1927}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1911}, + dictWord{137, 0, 891}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1756}, + dictWord{137, 10, 98}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1046}, + dictWord{139, 10, 160}, + dictWord{132, 0, 761}, + dictWord{6, 11, 379}, + dictWord{7, 11, 270}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1116}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 176, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 183}, + dictWord{9, 11, 432}, + dictWord{9, 11, 661}, + dictWord{12, 11, 247}, + dictWord{12, 11, 617}, + dictWord{146, 11, 125}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 10, + 45, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 433}, + dictWord{8, 10, 129}, + dictWord{9, 10, 21}, + dictWord{10, 10, 392}, + dictWord{11, 10, 79}, + dictWord{12, 10, 499}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 10, + 199, + }, + dictWord{141, 10, 451}, + dictWord{4, 0, 407}, + dictWord{5, 11, 792}, + dictWord{133, 11, 900}, + dictWord{132, 0, 560}, + dictWord{135, 0, 183}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 0, + 490, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 558}, + dictWord{136, 10, 353}, + dictWord{4, 0, 475}, + dictWord{6, 0, 731}, + dictWord{11, 0, 35}, + dictWord{13, 0, 71}, + dictWord{13, 0, 177}, + dictWord{14, 0, 422}, + dictWord{133, 10, 785}, + dictWord{8, 10, 81}, + dictWord{9, 10, 189}, + dictWord{9, 10, 201}, + dictWord{11, 10, 478}, + dictWord{11, 10, 712}, + dictWord{141, 10, 338}, + dictWord{4, 0, 418}, + dictWord{4, 0, 819}, + dictWord{133, 10, 353}, + dictWord{151, 10, 26}, + dictWord{4, 11, 901}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 11, + 776, + }, + dictWord{132, 0, 575}, + dictWord{7, 0, 818}, + dictWord{16, 0, 92}, + dictWord{17, 0, 14}, + dictWord{17, 0, 45}, + dictWord{18, 0, 75}, + dictWord{148, 0, 18}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 222, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 636}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1620}, + dictWord{8, 0, 409}, + dictWord{9, 0, 693}, + dictWord{139, 0, 77}, + dictWord{6, 10, 25}, + dictWord{7, 10, 855}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1258}, + dictWord{144, 10, 32}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1880}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1887}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1918}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1924}, + dictWord{9, 0, 967}, + dictWord{9, 0, 995}, + dictWord{9, 0, 1015}, + dictWord{12, 0, 826}, + dictWord{12, 0, 849}, + dictWord{12, 0, 857}, + dictWord{12, 0, 860}, + dictWord{12, 0, 886}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 932, + }, + dictWord{18, 0, 228}, + dictWord{18, 0, 231}, + dictWord{146, 0, 240}, + dictWord{134, 0, 633}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1308}, + dictWord{4, 11, 37}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 11, + 334, + }, + dictWord{135, 11, 1253}, + dictWord{10, 0, 86}, + dictWord{4, 10, 4}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1118}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1320}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1706}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 277, + }, + dictWord{9, 10, 622}, + dictWord{11, 10, 724}, + dictWord{12, 10, 350}, + dictWord{12, 10, 397}, + dictWord{13, 10, 28}, + dictWord{13, 10, 159}, + dictWord{ + 15, + 10, + 89, + }, + dictWord{18, 10, 5}, + dictWord{19, 10, 9}, + dictWord{20, 10, 34}, + dictWord{150, 10, 47}, + dictWord{132, 11, 508}, + dictWord{137, 11, 448}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 107, + }, + dictWord{146, 11, 31}, + dictWord{132, 0, 817}, + dictWord{134, 0, 663}, + dictWord{133, 0, 882}, + dictWord{134, 0, 914}, + dictWord{132, 11, 540}, + dictWord{132, 11, 533}, + dictWord{136, 11, 608}, + dictWord{8, 0, 885}, + dictWord{138, 0, 865}, + dictWord{132, 0, 426}, + dictWord{6, 0, 58}, + dictWord{7, 0, 745}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1969}, + dictWord{8, 0, 399}, + dictWord{8, 0, 675}, + dictWord{9, 0, 479}, + dictWord{9, 0, 731}, + dictWord{10, 0, 330}, + dictWord{10, 0, 593}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 817, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 32}, + dictWord{11, 0, 133}, + dictWord{11, 0, 221}, + dictWord{145, 0, 68}, + dictWord{134, 10, 255}, + dictWord{7, 0, 102}, + dictWord{ + 137, + 0, + 538, + }, + dictWord{137, 10, 216}, + dictWord{7, 11, 253}, + dictWord{136, 11, 549}, + dictWord{135, 11, 912}, + dictWord{9, 10, 183}, + dictWord{139, 10, 286}, + dictWord{11, 10, 956}, + dictWord{151, 10, 3}, + dictWord{8, 11, 527}, + dictWord{18, 11, 60}, + dictWord{147, 11, 24}, + dictWord{4, 10, 536}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1141}, + dictWord{10, 10, 723}, + dictWord{139, 10, 371}, + dictWord{133, 11, 920}, + dictWord{7, 0, 876}, + dictWord{135, 10, 285}, + dictWord{135, 10, 560}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 10, + 690, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 126}, + dictWord{11, 10, 33}, + dictWord{12, 10, 571}, + dictWord{149, 10, 1}, + dictWord{133, 0, 566}, + dictWord{9, 0, 139}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 399, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 469}, + dictWord{12, 0, 634}, + dictWord{13, 0, 223}, + dictWord{132, 11, 483}, + dictWord{6, 0, 48}, + dictWord{135, 0, 63}, + dictWord{18, 0, 12}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1862}, + dictWord{12, 10, 491}, + dictWord{12, 10, 520}, + dictWord{13, 10, 383}, + dictWord{142, 10, 244}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1665}, + dictWord{132, 11, 448}, + dictWord{9, 11, 495}, + dictWord{146, 11, 104}, + dictWord{6, 0, 114}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1224}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1556}, + dictWord{136, 0, 3}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 10, + 190, + }, + dictWord{133, 10, 554}, + dictWord{8, 0, 576}, + dictWord{9, 0, 267}, + dictWord{133, 10, 1001}, + dictWord{133, 10, 446}, + dictWord{133, 0, 933}, + dictWord{139, 11, 1009}, + dictWord{8, 11, 653}, + dictWord{13, 11, 93}, + dictWord{147, 11, 14}, + dictWord{6, 0, 692}, + dictWord{6, 0, 821}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1077}, + dictWord{5, 11, 172}, + dictWord{135, 11, 801}, + dictWord{138, 0, 752}, + dictWord{4, 0, 375}, + dictWord{134, 0, 638}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1011}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 11, + 540, + }, + dictWord{9, 0, 96}, + dictWord{133, 11, 260}, + dictWord{139, 11, 587}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1231}, + dictWord{12, 0, 30}, + dictWord{13, 0, 148}, + dictWord{ + 14, + 0, + 87, + }, + dictWord{14, 0, 182}, + dictWord{16, 0, 42}, + dictWord{20, 0, 70}, + dictWord{132, 10, 304}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1398}, + dictWord{7, 0, 56}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1989}, + dictWord{8, 0, 337}, + dictWord{8, 0, 738}, + dictWord{9, 0, 600}, + dictWord{12, 0, 37}, + dictWord{13, 0, 447}, + dictWord{142, 0, 92}, + dictWord{138, 0, 666}, + dictWord{ + 5, + 0, + 394, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 487}, + dictWord{136, 0, 246}, + dictWord{9, 0, 437}, + dictWord{6, 10, 53}, + dictWord{6, 10, 199}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1408}, + dictWord{8, 10, 32}, + dictWord{8, 10, 93}, + dictWord{10, 10, 397}, + dictWord{10, 10, 629}, + dictWord{11, 10, 593}, + dictWord{11, 10, 763}, + dictWord{13, 10, 326}, + dictWord{145, 10, 35}, + dictWord{134, 10, 105}, + dictWord{9, 0, 320}, + dictWord{10, 0, 506}, + dictWord{138, 10, 794}, + dictWord{7, 11, 57}, + dictWord{8, 11, 167}, + dictWord{8, 11, 375}, + dictWord{9, 11, 82}, + dictWord{9, 11, 561}, + dictWord{10, 11, 620}, + dictWord{10, 11, 770}, + dictWord{11, 10, 704}, + dictWord{141, 10, 396}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1003}, + dictWord{5, 10, 114}, + dictWord{5, 10, 255}, + dictWord{141, 10, 285}, + dictWord{7, 0, 866}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1163}, + dictWord{133, 11, 531}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 328, + }, + dictWord{7, 10, 2035}, + dictWord{8, 10, 19}, + dictWord{9, 10, 89}, + dictWord{138, 10, 831}, + dictWord{8, 11, 194}, + dictWord{136, 11, 756}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 0, + 1000, + }, + dictWord{5, 11, 453}, + dictWord{134, 11, 441}, + dictWord{4, 0, 101}, + dictWord{5, 0, 833}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1171}, + dictWord{136, 0, 744}, + dictWord{ + 133, + 0, + 726, + }, + dictWord{136, 10, 746}, + dictWord{138, 0, 176}, + dictWord{6, 0, 9}, + dictWord{6, 0, 397}, + dictWord{7, 0, 53}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1742}, + dictWord{10, 0, 632}, + dictWord{11, 0, 828}, + dictWord{140, 0, 146}, + dictWord{135, 11, 22}, + dictWord{145, 11, 64}, + dictWord{132, 0, 839}, + dictWord{11, 0, 417}, + dictWord{12, 0, 223}, + dictWord{140, 0, 265}, + dictWord{4, 11, 102}, + dictWord{7, 11, 815}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1699}, + dictWord{139, 11, 964}, + dictWord{5, 10, 955}, + dictWord{ + 136, + 10, + 814, + }, + dictWord{6, 0, 1931}, + dictWord{6, 0, 2007}, + dictWord{18, 0, 246}, + dictWord{146, 0, 247}, + dictWord{8, 0, 198}, + dictWord{11, 0, 29}, + dictWord{140, 0, 534}, + dictWord{135, 0, 1771}, + dictWord{6, 0, 846}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1010}, + dictWord{11, 11, 733}, + dictWord{11, 11, 759}, + dictWord{12, 11, 563}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 34, + }, + dictWord{14, 11, 101}, + dictWord{18, 11, 45}, + dictWord{146, 11, 129}, + dictWord{4, 0, 186}, + dictWord{5, 0, 157}, + dictWord{8, 0, 168}, + dictWord{138, 0, 6}, + dictWord{132, 11, 899}, + dictWord{133, 10, 56}, + dictWord{148, 10, 100}, + dictWord{133, 0, 875}, + dictWord{5, 0, 773}, + dictWord{5, 0, 991}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1635}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1788}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1274}, + dictWord{9, 0, 477}, + dictWord{141, 0, 78}, + dictWord{4, 0, 639}, + dictWord{7, 0, 111}, + dictWord{8, 0, 581}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 0, + 177, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 52}, + dictWord{9, 11, 104}, + dictWord{9, 11, 559}, + dictWord{10, 10, 4}, + dictWord{10, 10, 13}, + dictWord{11, 10, 638}, + dictWord{ + 12, + 11, + 308, + }, + dictWord{19, 11, 87}, + dictWord{148, 10, 57}, + dictWord{132, 11, 604}, + dictWord{4, 11, 301}, + dictWord{133, 10, 738}, + dictWord{133, 10, 758}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1747}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1440}, + dictWord{11, 11, 854}, + dictWord{11, 11, 872}, + dictWord{11, 11, 921}, + dictWord{12, 11, 551}, + dictWord{ + 13, + 11, + 472, + }, + dictWord{142, 11, 367}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1364}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1907}, + dictWord{141, 0, 158}, + dictWord{134, 0, 873}, + dictWord{4, 0, 404}, + dictWord{ + 4, + 0, + 659, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 552}, + dictWord{135, 0, 675}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1112}, + dictWord{139, 10, 328}, + dictWord{7, 11, 508}, + dictWord{137, 10, 133}, + dictWord{133, 0, 391}, + dictWord{5, 10, 110}, + dictWord{6, 10, 169}, + dictWord{6, 10, 1702}, + dictWord{7, 10, 400}, + dictWord{8, 10, 538}, + dictWord{9, 10, 184}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 10, + 524, + }, + dictWord{140, 10, 218}, + dictWord{6, 11, 310}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1849}, + dictWord{8, 11, 72}, + dictWord{8, 11, 272}, + dictWord{8, 11, 431}, + dictWord{ + 9, + 11, + 12, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 351}, + dictWord{10, 11, 563}, + dictWord{10, 11, 630}, + dictWord{10, 11, 810}, + dictWord{11, 11, 367}, + dictWord{11, 11, 599}, + dictWord{11, 11, 686}, + dictWord{140, 11, 672}, + dictWord{5, 0, 540}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1697}, + dictWord{136, 0, 668}, + dictWord{132, 0, 883}, + dictWord{134, 0, 78}, + dictWord{12, 0, 628}, + dictWord{18, 0, 79}, + dictWord{6, 10, 133}, + dictWord{9, 10, 353}, + dictWord{139, 10, 993}, + dictWord{6, 11, 181}, + dictWord{7, 11, 537}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 64, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 127}, + dictWord{10, 11, 496}, + dictWord{12, 11, 510}, + dictWord{141, 11, 384}, + dictWord{6, 10, 93}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1422}, + dictWord{ + 7, + 10, + 1851, + }, + dictWord{8, 10, 673}, + dictWord{9, 10, 529}, + dictWord{140, 10, 43}, + dictWord{137, 10, 371}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1460}, + dictWord{134, 0, 962}, + dictWord{4, 11, 244}, + dictWord{135, 11, 233}, + dictWord{9, 10, 25}, + dictWord{10, 10, 467}, + dictWord{138, 10, 559}, + dictWord{4, 10, 335}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 10, + 942, + }, + dictWord{133, 0, 460}, + dictWord{135, 11, 334}, + dictWord{134, 11, 1650}, + dictWord{4, 0, 199}, + dictWord{139, 0, 34}, + dictWord{5, 10, 601}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 10, + 39, + }, + dictWord{10, 10, 773}, + dictWord{11, 10, 84}, + dictWord{12, 10, 205}, + dictWord{142, 10, 1}, + dictWord{133, 10, 870}, + dictWord{134, 0, 388}, + dictWord{14, 0, 474}, + dictWord{148, 0, 120}, + dictWord{133, 11, 369}, + dictWord{139, 0, 271}, + dictWord{4, 0, 511}, + dictWord{9, 0, 333}, + dictWord{9, 0, 379}, + dictWord{ + 10, + 0, + 602, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 441}, + dictWord{11, 0, 723}, + dictWord{11, 0, 976}, + dictWord{12, 0, 357}, + dictWord{132, 10, 181}, + dictWord{134, 0, 608}, + dictWord{134, 10, 1652}, + dictWord{22, 0, 49}, + dictWord{137, 11, 338}, + dictWord{140, 0, 988}, + dictWord{134, 0, 617}, + dictWord{5, 0, 938}, + dictWord{136, 0, 707}, + dictWord{132, 10, 97}, + dictWord{5, 10, 147}, + dictWord{6, 10, 286}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1362}, + dictWord{141, 10, 176}, + dictWord{6, 0, 756}, + dictWord{ + 134, + 0, + 1149, + }, + dictWord{133, 11, 896}, + dictWord{6, 10, 375}, + dictWord{7, 10, 169}, + dictWord{7, 10, 254}, + dictWord{136, 10, 780}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1583}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1447}, + dictWord{139, 0, 285}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1117}, + dictWord{8, 11, 393}, + dictWord{136, 11, 539}, + dictWord{135, 0, 344}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 0, + 469, + }, + dictWord{7, 0, 1709}, + dictWord{138, 0, 515}, + dictWord{5, 10, 629}, + dictWord{135, 10, 1549}, + dictWord{5, 11, 4}, + dictWord{5, 11, 810}, + dictWord{ + 6, + 11, + 13, + }, + dictWord{6, 11, 538}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1690}, + dictWord{6, 11, 1726}, + dictWord{7, 11, 499}, + dictWord{7, 11, 1819}, + dictWord{8, 11, 148}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 696, + }, + dictWord{8, 11, 791}, + dictWord{12, 11, 125}, + dictWord{13, 11, 54}, + dictWord{143, 11, 9}, + dictWord{135, 11, 1268}, + dictWord{137, 0, 404}, + dictWord{ + 132, + 0, + 500, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 68}, + dictWord{134, 0, 383}, + dictWord{11, 0, 216}, + dictWord{139, 0, 340}, + dictWord{4, 11, 925}, + dictWord{5, 11, 803}, + dictWord{ + 8, + 11, + 698, + }, + dictWord{138, 11, 828}, + dictWord{4, 0, 337}, + dictWord{6, 0, 353}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1934}, + dictWord{8, 0, 488}, + dictWord{137, 0, 429}, + dictWord{7, 0, 236}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1795}, + dictWord{8, 0, 259}, + dictWord{9, 0, 135}, + dictWord{9, 0, 177}, + dictWord{9, 0, 860}, + dictWord{10, 0, 825}, + dictWord{11, 0, 115}, + dictWord{ + 11, + 0, + 370, + }, + dictWord{11, 0, 405}, + dictWord{11, 0, 604}, + dictWord{12, 0, 10}, + dictWord{12, 0, 667}, + dictWord{12, 0, 669}, + dictWord{13, 0, 76}, + dictWord{14, 0, 310}, + dictWord{15, 0, 76}, + dictWord{15, 0, 147}, + dictWord{148, 0, 23}, + dictWord{4, 0, 15}, + dictWord{4, 0, 490}, + dictWord{5, 0, 22}, + dictWord{6, 0, 244}, + dictWord{7, 0, 40}, + dictWord{7, 0, 200}, + dictWord{7, 0, 906}, + dictWord{7, 0, 1199}, + dictWord{9, 0, 616}, + dictWord{10, 0, 716}, + dictWord{11, 0, 635}, + dictWord{11, 0, 801}, + dictWord{ + 140, + 0, + 458, + }, + dictWord{12, 0, 756}, + dictWord{132, 10, 420}, + dictWord{134, 0, 1504}, + dictWord{6, 0, 757}, + dictWord{133, 11, 383}, + dictWord{6, 0, 1266}, + dictWord{ + 135, + 0, + 1735, + }, + dictWord{5, 0, 598}, + dictWord{7, 0, 791}, + dictWord{8, 0, 108}, + dictWord{9, 0, 123}, + dictWord{7, 10, 1570}, + dictWord{140, 10, 542}, + dictWord{ + 142, + 11, + 410, + }, + dictWord{9, 11, 660}, + dictWord{138, 11, 347}, +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/symbol_list.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/symbol_list.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c5cb49e5a9dd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/symbol_list.go @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Utilities for building Huffman decoding tables. */ + +type symbolList struct { + storage []uint16 + offset int +} + +func symbolListGet(sl symbolList, i int) uint16 { + return sl.storage[i+sl.offset] +} + +func symbolListPut(sl symbolList, i int, val uint16) { + sl.storage[i+sl.offset] = val +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/transform.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/transform.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..d2c043a6227b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/transform.go @@ -0,0 +1,641 @@ +package brotli + +const ( + transformIdentity = 0 + transformOmitLast1 = 1 + transformOmitLast2 = 2 + transformOmitLast3 = 3 + transformOmitLast4 = 4 + transformOmitLast5 = 5 + transformOmitLast6 = 6 + transformOmitLast7 = 7 + transformOmitLast8 = 8 + transformOmitLast9 = 9 + transformUppercaseFirst = 10 + transformUppercaseAll = 11 + transformOmitFirst1 = 12 + transformOmitFirst2 = 13 + transformOmitFirst3 = 14 + transformOmitFirst4 = 15 + transformOmitFirst5 = 16 + transformOmitFirst6 = 17 + transformOmitFirst7 = 18 + transformOmitFirst8 = 19 + transformOmitFirst9 = 20 + transformShiftFirst = 21 + transformShiftAll = 22 + iota - 22 + numTransformTypes +) + +const transformsMaxCutOff = transformOmitLast9 + +type transforms struct { + prefix_suffix_size uint16 + prefix_suffix []byte + prefix_suffix_map []uint16 + num_transforms uint32 + transforms []byte + params []byte + cutOffTransforms [transformsMaxCutOff + 1]int16 +} + +func transformPrefixId(t *transforms, I int) byte { + return t.transforms[(I*3)+0] +} + +func transformType(t *transforms, I int) byte { + return t.transforms[(I*3)+1] +} + +func transformSuffixId(t *transforms, I int) byte { + return t.transforms[(I*3)+2] +} + +func transformPrefix(t *transforms, I int) []byte { + return t.prefix_suffix[t.prefix_suffix_map[transformPrefixId(t, I)]:] +} + +func transformSuffix(t *transforms, I int) []byte { + return t.prefix_suffix[t.prefix_suffix_map[transformSuffixId(t, I)]:] +} + +/* RFC 7932 transforms string data */ +const kPrefixSuffix string = "\001 \002, \010 of the \004 of \002s \001.\005 and \004 " + "in \001\"\004 to \002\">\001\n\002. \001]\005 for \003 a \006 " + "that \001'\006 with \006 from \004 by \001(\006. T" + "he \004 on \004 as \004 is \004ing \002\n\t\001:\003ed " + "\002=\"\004 at \003ly \001,\002='\005.com/\007. This \005" + " not \003er \003al \004ful \004ive \005less \004es" + "t \004ize \002\xc2\xa0\004ous \005 the \002e \000" + +var kPrefixSuffixMap = [50]uint16{ + 0x00, + 0x02, + 0x05, + 0x0E, + 0x13, + 0x16, + 0x18, + 0x1E, + 0x23, + 0x25, + 0x2A, + 0x2D, + 0x2F, + 0x32, + 0x34, + 0x3A, + 0x3E, + 0x45, + 0x47, + 0x4E, + 0x55, + 0x5A, + 0x5C, + 0x63, + 0x68, + 0x6D, + 0x72, + 0x77, + 0x7A, + 0x7C, + 0x80, + 0x83, + 0x88, + 0x8C, + 0x8E, + 0x91, + 0x97, + 0x9F, + 0xA5, + 0xA9, + 0xAD, + 0xB2, + 0xB7, + 0xBD, + 0xC2, + 0xC7, + 0xCA, + 0xCF, + 0xD5, + 0xD8, +} + +/* RFC 7932 transforms */ +var kTransformsData = []byte{ + 49, + transformIdentity, + 49, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 0, + 0, + transformIdentity, + 0, + 49, + transformOmitFirst1, + 49, + 49, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 0, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 47, + 0, + transformIdentity, + 49, + 4, + transformIdentity, + 0, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 3, + 49, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 49, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 6, + 49, + transformOmitFirst2, + 49, + 49, + transformOmitLast1, + 49, + 1, + transformIdentity, + 0, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 1, + 0, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 0, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 7, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 9, + 48, + transformIdentity, + 0, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 8, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 5, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 10, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 11, + 49, + transformOmitLast3, + 49, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 13, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 14, + 49, + transformOmitFirst3, + 49, + 49, + transformOmitLast2, + 49, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 15, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 16, + 0, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 49, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 12, + 5, + transformIdentity, + 49, + 0, + transformIdentity, + 1, + 49, + transformOmitFirst4, + 49, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 18, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 17, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 19, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 20, + 49, + transformOmitFirst5, + 49, + 49, + transformOmitFirst6, + 49, + 47, + transformIdentity, + 49, + 49, + transformOmitLast4, + 49, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 22, + 49, + transformUppercaseAll, + 49, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 23, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 24, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 25, + 49, + transformOmitLast7, + 49, + 49, + transformOmitLast1, + 26, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 27, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 28, + 0, + transformIdentity, + 12, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 29, + 49, + transformOmitFirst9, + 49, + 49, + transformOmitFirst7, + 49, + 49, + transformOmitLast6, + 49, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 21, + 49, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 1, + 49, + transformOmitLast8, + 49, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 31, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 32, + 47, + transformIdentity, + 3, + 49, + transformOmitLast5, + 49, + 49, + transformOmitLast9, + 49, + 0, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 1, + 49, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 8, + 5, + transformIdentity, + 21, + 49, + transformUppercaseAll, + 0, + 49, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 10, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 30, + 0, + transformIdentity, + 5, + 35, + transformIdentity, + 49, + 47, + transformIdentity, + 2, + 49, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 17, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 36, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 33, + 5, + transformIdentity, + 0, + 49, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 21, + 49, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 5, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 37, + 0, + transformIdentity, + 30, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 38, + 0, + transformUppercaseAll, + 0, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 39, + 0, + transformUppercaseAll, + 49, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 34, + 49, + transformUppercaseAll, + 8, + 49, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 12, + 0, + transformIdentity, + 21, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 40, + 0, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 12, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 41, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 42, + 49, + transformUppercaseAll, + 17, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 43, + 0, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 5, + 49, + transformUppercaseAll, + 10, + 0, + transformIdentity, + 34, + 49, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 33, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 44, + 49, + transformUppercaseAll, + 5, + 45, + transformIdentity, + 49, + 0, + transformIdentity, + 33, + 49, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 30, + 49, + transformUppercaseAll, + 30, + 49, + transformIdentity, + 46, + 49, + transformUppercaseAll, + 1, + 49, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 34, + 0, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 33, + 0, + transformUppercaseAll, + 30, + 0, + transformUppercaseAll, + 1, + 49, + transformUppercaseAll, + 33, + 49, + transformUppercaseAll, + 21, + 49, + transformUppercaseAll, + 12, + 0, + transformUppercaseAll, + 5, + 49, + transformUppercaseAll, + 34, + 0, + transformUppercaseAll, + 12, + 0, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 30, + 0, + transformUppercaseAll, + 34, + 0, + transformUppercaseFirst, + 34, +} + +var kBrotliTransforms = transforms{ + 217, + []byte(kPrefixSuffix), + kPrefixSuffixMap[:], + 121, + kTransformsData, + nil, /* no extra parameters */ + [transformsMaxCutOff + 1]int16{0, 12, 27, 23, 42, 63, 56, 48, 59, 64}, +} + +func getTransforms() *transforms { + return &kBrotliTransforms +} + +func toUpperCase(p []byte) int { + if p[0] < 0xC0 { + if p[0] >= 'a' && p[0] <= 'z' { + p[0] ^= 32 + } + + return 1 + } + + /* An overly simplified uppercasing model for UTF-8. */ + if p[0] < 0xE0 { + p[1] ^= 32 + return 2 + } + + /* An arbitrary transform for three byte characters. */ + p[2] ^= 5 + + return 3 +} + +func shiftTransform(word []byte, word_len int, parameter uint16) int { + /* Limited sign extension: scalar < (1 << 24). */ + var scalar uint32 = (uint32(parameter) & 0x7FFF) + (0x1000000 - (uint32(parameter) & 0x8000)) + if word[0] < 0x80 { + /* 1-byte rune / 0sssssss / 7 bit scalar (ASCII). */ + scalar += uint32(word[0]) + + word[0] = byte(scalar & 0x7F) + return 1 + } else if word[0] < 0xC0 { + /* Continuation / 10AAAAAA. */ + return 1 + } else if word[0] < 0xE0 { + /* 2-byte rune / 110sssss AAssssss / 11 bit scalar. */ + if word_len < 2 { + return 1 + } + scalar += uint32(word[1]&0x3F | (word[0]&0x1F)<<6) + word[0] = byte(0xC0 | (scalar>>6)&0x1F) + word[1] = byte(uint32(word[1]&0xC0) | scalar&0x3F) + return 2 + } else if word[0] < 0xF0 { + /* 3-byte rune / 1110ssss AAssssss BBssssss / 16 bit scalar. */ + if word_len < 3 { + return word_len + } + scalar += uint32(word[2])&0x3F | uint32(word[1]&0x3F)<<6 | uint32(word[0]&0x0F)<<12 + word[0] = byte(0xE0 | (scalar>>12)&0x0F) + word[1] = byte(uint32(word[1]&0xC0) | (scalar>>6)&0x3F) + word[2] = byte(uint32(word[2]&0xC0) | scalar&0x3F) + return 3 + } else if word[0] < 0xF8 { + /* 4-byte rune / 11110sss AAssssss BBssssss CCssssss / 21 bit scalar. */ + if word_len < 4 { + return word_len + } + scalar += uint32(word[3])&0x3F | uint32(word[2]&0x3F)<<6 | uint32(word[1]&0x3F)<<12 | uint32(word[0]&0x07)<<18 + word[0] = byte(0xF0 | (scalar>>18)&0x07) + word[1] = byte(uint32(word[1]&0xC0) | (scalar>>12)&0x3F) + word[2] = byte(uint32(word[2]&0xC0) | (scalar>>6)&0x3F) + word[3] = byte(uint32(word[3]&0xC0) | scalar&0x3F) + return 4 + } + + return 1 +} + +func transformDictionaryWord(dst []byte, word []byte, len int, trans *transforms, transform_idx int) int { + var idx int = 0 + var prefix []byte = transformPrefix(trans, transform_idx) + var type_ byte = transformType(trans, transform_idx) + var suffix []byte = transformSuffix(trans, transform_idx) + { + var prefix_len int = int(prefix[0]) + prefix = prefix[1:] + for { + tmp1 := prefix_len + prefix_len-- + if tmp1 == 0 { + break + } + dst[idx] = prefix[0] + idx++ + prefix = prefix[1:] + } + } + { + var t int = int(type_) + var i int = 0 + if t <= transformOmitLast9 { + len -= t + } else if t >= transformOmitFirst1 && t <= transformOmitFirst9 { + var skip int = t - (transformOmitFirst1 - 1) + word = word[skip:] + len -= skip + } + + for i < len { + dst[idx] = word[i] + idx++ + i++ + } + if t == transformUppercaseFirst { + toUpperCase(dst[idx-len:]) + } else if t == transformUppercaseAll { + var uppercase []byte = dst + uppercase = uppercase[idx-len:] + for len > 0 { + var step int = toUpperCase(uppercase) + uppercase = uppercase[step:] + len -= step + } + } else if t == transformShiftFirst { + var param uint16 = uint16(trans.params[transform_idx*2]) + uint16(trans.params[transform_idx*2+1])<<8 + shiftTransform(dst[idx-len:], int(len), param) + } else if t == transformShiftAll { + var param uint16 = uint16(trans.params[transform_idx*2]) + uint16(trans.params[transform_idx*2+1])<<8 + var shift []byte = dst + shift = shift[idx-len:] + for len > 0 { + var step int = shiftTransform(shift, int(len), param) + shift = shift[step:] + len -= step + } + } + } + { + var suffix_len int = int(suffix[0]) + suffix = suffix[1:] + for { + tmp2 := suffix_len + suffix_len-- + if tmp2 == 0 { + break + } + dst[idx] = suffix[0] + idx++ + suffix = suffix[1:] + } + return idx + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/utf8_util.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/utf8_util.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..3244247eecc13 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/utf8_util.go @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +package brotli + +/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Heuristics for deciding about the UTF8-ness of strings. */ + +const kMinUTF8Ratio float64 = 0.75 + +/* Returns 1 if at least min_fraction of the bytes between pos and + pos + length in the (data, mask) ring-buffer is UTF8-encoded, otherwise + returns 0. */ +func parseAsUTF8(symbol *int, input []byte, size uint) uint { + /* ASCII */ + if input[0]&0x80 == 0 { + *symbol = int(input[0]) + if *symbol > 0 { + return 1 + } + } + + /* 2-byte UTF8 */ + if size > 1 && input[0]&0xE0 == 0xC0 && input[1]&0xC0 == 0x80 { + *symbol = (int(input[0])&0x1F)<<6 | int(input[1])&0x3F + if *symbol > 0x7F { + return 2 + } + } + + /* 3-byte UFT8 */ + if size > 2 && input[0]&0xF0 == 0xE0 && input[1]&0xC0 == 0x80 && input[2]&0xC0 == 0x80 { + *symbol = (int(input[0])&0x0F)<<12 | (int(input[1])&0x3F)<<6 | int(input[2])&0x3F + if *symbol > 0x7FF { + return 3 + } + } + + /* 4-byte UFT8 */ + if size > 3 && input[0]&0xF8 == 0xF0 && input[1]&0xC0 == 0x80 && input[2]&0xC0 == 0x80 && input[3]&0xC0 == 0x80 { + *symbol = (int(input[0])&0x07)<<18 | (int(input[1])&0x3F)<<12 | (int(input[2])&0x3F)<<6 | int(input[3])&0x3F + if *symbol > 0xFFFF && *symbol <= 0x10FFFF { + return 4 + } + } + + /* Not UTF8, emit a special symbol above the UTF8-code space */ + *symbol = 0x110000 | int(input[0]) + + return 1 +} + +/* Returns 1 if at least min_fraction of the data is UTF8-encoded.*/ +func isMostlyUTF8(data []byte, pos uint, mask uint, length uint, min_fraction float64) bool { + var size_utf8 uint = 0 + var i uint = 0 + for i < length { + var symbol int + current_data := data[(pos+i)&mask:] + var bytes_read uint = parseAsUTF8(&symbol, current_data, length-i) + i += bytes_read + if symbol < 0x110000 { + size_utf8 += bytes_read + } + } + + return float64(size_utf8) > min_fraction*float64(length) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/util.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/util.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a84553a639671 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/util.go @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +package brotli + +func assert(cond bool) { + if !cond { + panic("assertion failure") + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/write_bits.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/write_bits.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..87299011985a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/write_bits.go @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +package brotli + +import "encoding/binary" + +/* Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. + + Distributed under MIT license. + See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT +*/ + +/* Write bits into a byte array. */ + +/* This function writes bits into bytes in increasing addresses, and within + a byte least-significant-bit first. + + The function can write up to 56 bits in one go with WriteBits + Example: let's assume that 3 bits (Rs below) have been written already: + + BYTE-0 BYTE+1 BYTE+2 + + 0000 0RRR 0000 0000 0000 0000 + + Now, we could write 5 or less bits in MSB by just sifting by 3 + and OR'ing to BYTE-0. + + For n bits, we take the last 5 bits, OR that with high bits in BYTE-0, + and locate the rest in BYTE+1, BYTE+2, etc. */ +func writeBits(n_bits uint, bits uint64, pos *uint, array []byte) { + /* This branch of the code can write up to 56 bits at a time, + 7 bits are lost by being perhaps already in *p and at least + 1 bit is needed to initialize the bit-stream ahead (i.e. if 7 + bits are in *p and we write 57 bits, then the next write will + access a byte that was never initialized). */ + p := array[*pos>>3:] + v := uint64(p[0]) + v |= bits << (*pos & 7) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(p, v) + *pos += n_bits +} + +func writeSingleBit(bit bool, pos *uint, array []byte) { + if bit { + writeBits(1, 1, pos, array) + } else { + writeBits(1, 0, pos, array) + } +} + +func writeBitsPrepareStorage(pos uint, array []byte) { + assert(pos&7 == 0) + array[pos>>3] = 0 +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/writer.go b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/writer.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8a688117d1327 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/andybalholm/brotli/writer.go @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +package brotli + +import ( + "errors" + "io" + + "github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder" +) + +const ( + BestSpeed = 0 + BestCompression = 11 + DefaultCompression = 6 +) + +// WriterOptions configures Writer. +type WriterOptions struct { + // Quality controls the compression-speed vs compression-density trade-offs. + // The higher the quality, the slower the compression. Range is 0 to 11. + Quality int + // LGWin is the base 2 logarithm of the sliding window size. + // Range is 10 to 24. 0 indicates automatic configuration based on Quality. + LGWin int +} + +var ( + errEncode = errors.New("brotli: encode error") + errWriterClosed = errors.New("brotli: Writer is closed") +) + +// Writes to the returned writer are compressed and written to dst. +// It is the caller's responsibility to call Close on the Writer when done. +// Writes may be buffered and not flushed until Close. +func NewWriter(dst io.Writer) *Writer { + return NewWriterLevel(dst, DefaultCompression) +} + +// NewWriterLevel is like NewWriter but specifies the compression level instead +// of assuming DefaultCompression. +// The compression level can be DefaultCompression or any integer value between +// BestSpeed and BestCompression inclusive. +func NewWriterLevel(dst io.Writer, level int) *Writer { + return NewWriterOptions(dst, WriterOptions{ + Quality: level, + }) +} + +// NewWriterOptions is like NewWriter but specifies WriterOptions +func NewWriterOptions(dst io.Writer, options WriterOptions) *Writer { + w := new(Writer) + w.options = options + w.Reset(dst) + return w +} + +// Reset discards the Writer's state and makes it equivalent to the result of +// its original state from NewWriter or NewWriterLevel, but writing to dst +// instead. This permits reusing a Writer rather than allocating a new one. +func (w *Writer) Reset(dst io.Writer) { + encoderInitState(w) + w.params.quality = w.options.Quality + if w.options.LGWin > 0 { + w.params.lgwin = uint(w.options.LGWin) + } + w.dst = dst + w.err = nil +} + +func (w *Writer) writeChunk(p []byte, op int) (n int, err error) { + if w.dst == nil { + return 0, errWriterClosed + } + if w.err != nil { + return 0, w.err + } + + for { + availableIn := uint(len(p)) + nextIn := p + success := encoderCompressStream(w, op, &availableIn, &nextIn) + bytesConsumed := len(p) - int(availableIn) + p = p[bytesConsumed:] + n += bytesConsumed + if !success { + return n, errEncode + } + + if len(p) == 0 || w.err != nil { + return n, w.err + } + } +} + +// Flush outputs encoded data for all input provided to Write. The resulting +// output can be decoded to match all input before Flush, but the stream is +// not yet complete until after Close. +// Flush has a negative impact on compression. +func (w *Writer) Flush() error { + _, err := w.writeChunk(nil, operationFlush) + return err +} + +// Close flushes remaining data to the decorated writer. +func (w *Writer) Close() error { + // If stream is already closed, it is reported by `writeChunk`. + _, err := w.writeChunk(nil, operationFinish) + w.dst = nil + return err +} + +// Write implements io.Writer. Flush or Close must be called to ensure that the +// encoded bytes are actually flushed to the underlying Writer. +func (w *Writer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { + return w.writeChunk(p, operationProcess) +} + +type nopCloser struct { + io.Writer +} + +func (nopCloser) Close() error { return nil } + +// NewWriterV2 is like NewWriterLevel, but it uses the new implementation +// based on the matchfinder package. It currently supports up to level 7; +// if a higher level is specified, level 7 will be used. +func NewWriterV2(dst io.Writer, level int) *matchfinder.Writer { + var mf matchfinder.MatchFinder + if level < 2 { + mf = matchfinder.M0{Lazy: level == 1} + } else { + hashLen := 6 + if level >= 6 { + hashLen = 5 + } + chainLen := 64 + switch level { + case 2: + chainLen = 0 + case 3: + chainLen = 1 + case 4: + chainLen = 2 + case 5: + chainLen = 4 + case 6: + chainLen = 8 + } + mf = &matchfinder.M4{ + MaxDistance: 1 << 20, + ChainLength: chainLen, + HashLen: hashLen, + DistanceBitCost: 57, + } + } + + return &matchfinder.Writer{ + Dest: dst, + MatchFinder: mf, + Encoder: &Encoder{}, + BlockSize: 1 << 16, + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..042091d9b3b0d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +cmd/snappytool/snappytool +testdata/bench + +# These explicitly listed benchmark data files are for an obsolete version of +# snappy_test.go. +testdata/alice29.txt +testdata/asyoulik.txt +testdata/fireworks.jpeg +testdata/geo.protodata +testdata/html +testdata/html_x_4 +testdata/kppkn.gtb +testdata/lcet10.txt +testdata/paper-100k.pdf +testdata/plrabn12.txt +testdata/urls.10K diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/AUTHORS b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..52ccb5a934d19 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# This is the official list of Snappy-Go authors for copyright purposes. +# This file is distinct from the CONTRIBUTORS files. +# See the latter for an explanation. + +# Names should be added to this file as +# Name or Organization +# The email address is not required for organizations. + +# Please keep the list sorted. + +Amazon.com, Inc +Damian Gryski +Eric Buth +Google Inc. +Jan Mercl <0xjnml@gmail.com> +Klaus Post +Rodolfo Carvalho +Sebastien Binet diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/CONTRIBUTORS b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/CONTRIBUTORS new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ea6524ddd02ff --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/CONTRIBUTORS @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# This is the official list of people who can contribute +# (and typically have contributed) code to the Snappy-Go repository. +# The AUTHORS file lists the copyright holders; this file +# lists people. For example, Google employees are listed here +# but not in AUTHORS, because Google holds the copyright. +# +# The submission process automatically checks to make sure +# that people submitting code are listed in this file (by email address). +# +# Names should be added to this file only after verifying that +# the individual or the individual's organization has agreed to +# the appropriate Contributor License Agreement, found here: +# +# http://code.google.com/legal/individual-cla-v1.0.html +# http://code.google.com/legal/corporate-cla-v1.0.html +# +# The agreement for individuals can be filled out on the web. +# +# When adding J Random Contributor's name to this file, +# either J's name or J's organization's name should be +# added to the AUTHORS file, depending on whether the +# individual or corporate CLA was used. + +# Names should be added to this file like so: +# Name + +# Please keep the list sorted. + +Alex Legg +Damian Gryski +Eric Buth +Jan Mercl <0xjnml@gmail.com> +Jonathan Swinney +Kai Backman +Klaus Post +Marc-Antoine Ruel +Nigel Tao +Rob Pike +Rodolfo Carvalho +Russ Cox +Sebastien Binet diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..6050c10f4c8b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +Copyright (c) 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved. + +Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are +met: + + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above +copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer +in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the +distribution. + * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its +contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from +this software without specific prior written permission. + +THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS +"AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR +A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT +OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, +SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT +LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, +DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY +THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT +(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE +OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/README.md b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8271bbd0903c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# snappy + +The Snappy compression format in the Go programming language. + +This is a drop-in replacement for `github.com/golang/snappy`. + +It provides a full, compatible replacement of the Snappy package by simply changing imports. + +See [Snappy Compatibility](https://github.com/klauspost/compress/tree/master/s2#snappy-compatibility) in the S2 documentation. + +"Better" compression mode is used. For buffered streams concurrent compression is used. + +For more options use the [s2 package](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/klauspost/compress/s2). + +# usage + +Replace imports `github.com/golang/snappy` with `github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy`. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..89f1fa23444a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/decode.go @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +// Copyright 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package snappy + +import ( + "io" + + "github.com/klauspost/compress/s2" +) + +var ( + // ErrCorrupt reports that the input is invalid. + ErrCorrupt = s2.ErrCorrupt + // ErrTooLarge reports that the uncompressed length is too large. + ErrTooLarge = s2.ErrTooLarge + // ErrUnsupported reports that the input isn't supported. + ErrUnsupported = s2.ErrUnsupported +) + +const ( + // maxBlockSize is the maximum size of the input to encodeBlock. It is not + // part of the wire format per se, but some parts of the encoder assume + // that an offset fits into a uint16. + // + // Also, for the framing format (Writer type instead of Encode function), + // https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt says + // that "the uncompressed data in a chunk must be no longer than 65536 + // bytes". + maxBlockSize = 65536 +) + +// DecodedLen returns the length of the decoded block. +func DecodedLen(src []byte) (int, error) { + return s2.DecodedLen(src) +} + +// Decode returns the decoded form of src. The returned slice may be a sub- +// slice of dst if dst was large enough to hold the entire decoded block. +// Otherwise, a newly allocated slice will be returned. +// +// The dst and src must not overlap. It is valid to pass a nil dst. +// +// Decode handles the Snappy block format, not the Snappy stream format. +func Decode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return s2.Decode(dst, src) +} + +// NewReader returns a new Reader that decompresses from r, using the framing +// format described at +// https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt +func NewReader(r io.Reader) *Reader { + return s2.NewReader(r, s2.ReaderMaxBlockSize(maxBlockSize)) +} + +// Reader is an io.Reader that can read Snappy-compressed bytes. +// +// Reader handles the Snappy stream format, not the Snappy block format. +type Reader = s2.Reader diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e8bd72c1864d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/encode.go @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +// Copyright 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package snappy + +import ( + "io" + + "github.com/klauspost/compress/s2" +) + +// Encode returns the encoded form of src. The returned slice may be a sub- +// slice of dst if dst was large enough to hold the entire encoded block. +// Otherwise, a newly allocated slice will be returned. +// +// The dst and src must not overlap. It is valid to pass a nil dst. +// +// Encode handles the Snappy block format, not the Snappy stream format. +func Encode(dst, src []byte) []byte { + return s2.EncodeSnappyBetter(dst, src) +} + +// MaxEncodedLen returns the maximum length of a snappy block, given its +// uncompressed length. +// +// It will return a negative value if srcLen is too large to encode. +func MaxEncodedLen(srcLen int) int { + return s2.MaxEncodedLen(srcLen) +} + +// NewWriter returns a new Writer that compresses to w. +// +// The Writer returned does not buffer writes. There is no need to Flush or +// Close such a Writer. +// +// Deprecated: the Writer returned is not suitable for many small writes, only +// for few large writes. Use NewBufferedWriter instead, which is efficient +// regardless of the frequency and shape of the writes, and remember to Close +// that Writer when done. +func NewWriter(w io.Writer) *Writer { + return s2.NewWriter(w, s2.WriterSnappyCompat(), s2.WriterBetterCompression(), s2.WriterFlushOnWrite(), s2.WriterConcurrency(1)) +} + +// NewBufferedWriter returns a new Writer that compresses to w, using the +// framing format described at +// https://github.com/google/snappy/blob/master/framing_format.txt +// +// The Writer returned buffers writes. Users must call Close to guarantee all +// data has been forwarded to the underlying io.Writer. They may also call +// Flush zero or more times before calling Close. +func NewBufferedWriter(w io.Writer) *Writer { + return s2.NewWriter(w, s2.WriterSnappyCompat(), s2.WriterBetterCompression()) +} + +// Writer is an io.Writer that can write Snappy-compressed bytes. +// +// Writer handles the Snappy stream format, not the Snappy block format. +type Writer = s2.Writer diff --git a/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/snappy.go b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/snappy.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..398cdc95a0120 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy/snappy.go @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +// Copyright 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package snappy implements the Snappy compression format. It aims for very +// high speeds and reasonable compression. +// +// There are actually two Snappy formats: block and stream. They are related, +// but different: trying to decompress block-compressed data as a Snappy stream +// will fail, and vice versa. The block format is the Decode and Encode +// functions and the stream format is the Reader and Writer types. +// +// The block format, the more common case, is used when the complete size (the +// number of bytes) of the original data is known upfront, at the time +// compression starts. The stream format, also known as the framing format, is +// for when that isn't always true. +// +// The canonical, C++ implementation is at https://github.com/google/snappy and +// it only implements the block format. +package snappy + +/* +Each encoded block begins with the varint-encoded length of the decoded data, +followed by a sequence of chunks. Chunks begin and end on byte boundaries. The +first byte of each chunk is broken into its 2 least and 6 most significant bits +called l and m: l ranges in [0, 4) and m ranges in [0, 64). l is the chunk tag. +Zero means a literal tag. All other values mean a copy tag. + +For literal tags: + - If m < 60, the next 1 + m bytes are literal bytes. + - Otherwise, let n be the little-endian unsigned integer denoted by the next + m - 59 bytes. The next 1 + n bytes after that are literal bytes. + +For copy tags, length bytes are copied from offset bytes ago, in the style of +Lempel-Ziv compression algorithms. In particular: + - For l == 1, the offset ranges in [0, 1<<11) and the length in [4, 12). + The length is 4 + the low 3 bits of m. The high 3 bits of m form bits 8-10 + of the offset. The next byte is bits 0-7 of the offset. + - For l == 2, the offset ranges in [0, 1<<16) and the length in [1, 65). + The length is 1 + m. The offset is the little-endian unsigned integer + denoted by the next 2 bytes. + - For l == 3, this tag is a legacy format that is no longer issued by most + encoders. Nonetheless, the offset ranges in [0, 1<<32) and the length in + [1, 65). The length is 1 + m. The offset is the little-endian unsigned + integer denoted by the next 4 bytes. +*/ diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..91b5cef30ebdf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2016 Yasuhiro Matsumoto + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/README.md b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5e2cfd98cb695 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +go-runewidth +============ + +[![Build Status](https://github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/workflows/test/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/actions?query=workflow%3Atest) +[![Codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/mattn/go-runewidth/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/mattn/go-runewidth) +[![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth?status.svg)](http://godoc.org/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth) +[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth) + +Provides functions to get fixed width of the character or string. + +Usage +----- + +```go +runewidth.StringWidth("つのだ☆HIRO") == 12 +``` + + +Author +------ + +Yasuhiro Matsumoto + +License +------- + +under the MIT License: http://mattn.mit-license.org/2013 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..7dfbb3be91d5f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth.go @@ -0,0 +1,358 @@ +package runewidth + +import ( + "os" + "strings" + + "github.com/rivo/uniseg" +) + +//go:generate go run script/generate.go + +var ( + // EastAsianWidth will be set true if the current locale is CJK + EastAsianWidth bool + + // StrictEmojiNeutral should be set false if handle broken fonts + StrictEmojiNeutral bool = true + + // DefaultCondition is a condition in current locale + DefaultCondition = &Condition{ + EastAsianWidth: false, + StrictEmojiNeutral: true, + } +) + +func init() { + handleEnv() +} + +func handleEnv() { + env := os.Getenv("RUNEWIDTH_EASTASIAN") + if env == "" { + EastAsianWidth = IsEastAsian() + } else { + EastAsianWidth = env == "1" + } + // update DefaultCondition + if DefaultCondition.EastAsianWidth != EastAsianWidth { + DefaultCondition.EastAsianWidth = EastAsianWidth + if len(DefaultCondition.combinedLut) > 0 { + DefaultCondition.combinedLut = DefaultCondition.combinedLut[:0] + CreateLUT() + } + } +} + +type interval struct { + first rune + last rune +} + +type table []interval + +func inTables(r rune, ts ...table) bool { + for _, t := range ts { + if inTable(r, t) { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +func inTable(r rune, t table) bool { + if r < t[0].first { + return false + } + + bot := 0 + top := len(t) - 1 + for top >= bot { + mid := (bot + top) >> 1 + + switch { + case t[mid].last < r: + bot = mid + 1 + case t[mid].first > r: + top = mid - 1 + default: + return true + } + } + + return false +} + +var private = table{ + {0x00E000, 0x00F8FF}, {0x0F0000, 0x0FFFFD}, {0x100000, 0x10FFFD}, +} + +var nonprint = table{ + {0x0000, 0x001F}, {0x007F, 0x009F}, {0x00AD, 0x00AD}, + {0x070F, 0x070F}, {0x180B, 0x180E}, {0x200B, 0x200F}, + {0x2028, 0x202E}, {0x206A, 0x206F}, {0xD800, 0xDFFF}, + {0xFEFF, 0xFEFF}, {0xFFF9, 0xFFFB}, {0xFFFE, 0xFFFF}, +} + +// Condition have flag EastAsianWidth whether the current locale is CJK or not. +type Condition struct { + combinedLut []byte + EastAsianWidth bool + StrictEmojiNeutral bool +} + +// NewCondition return new instance of Condition which is current locale. +func NewCondition() *Condition { + return &Condition{ + EastAsianWidth: EastAsianWidth, + StrictEmojiNeutral: StrictEmojiNeutral, + } +} + +// RuneWidth returns the number of cells in r. +// See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr11/ +func (c *Condition) RuneWidth(r rune) int { + if r < 0 || r > 0x10FFFF { + return 0 + } + if len(c.combinedLut) > 0 { + return int(c.combinedLut[r>>1]>>(uint(r&1)*4)) & 3 + } + // optimized version, verified by TestRuneWidthChecksums() + if !c.EastAsianWidth { + switch { + case r < 0x20: + return 0 + case (r >= 0x7F && r <= 0x9F) || r == 0xAD: // nonprint + return 0 + case r < 0x300: + return 1 + case inTable(r, narrow): + return 1 + case inTables(r, nonprint, combining): + return 0 + case inTable(r, doublewidth): + return 2 + default: + return 1 + } + } else { + switch { + case inTables(r, nonprint, combining): + return 0 + case inTable(r, narrow): + return 1 + case inTables(r, ambiguous, doublewidth): + return 2 + case !c.StrictEmojiNeutral && inTables(r, ambiguous, emoji, narrow): + return 2 + default: + return 1 + } + } +} + +// CreateLUT will create an in-memory lookup table of 557056 bytes for faster operation. +// This should not be called concurrently with other operations on c. +// If options in c is changed, CreateLUT should be called again. +func (c *Condition) CreateLUT() { + const max = 0x110000 + lut := c.combinedLut + if len(c.combinedLut) != 0 { + // Remove so we don't use it. + c.combinedLut = nil + } else { + lut = make([]byte, max/2) + } + for i := range lut { + i32 := int32(i * 2) + x0 := c.RuneWidth(i32) + x1 := c.RuneWidth(i32 + 1) + lut[i] = uint8(x0) | uint8(x1)<<4 + } + c.combinedLut = lut +} + +// StringWidth return width as you can see +func (c *Condition) StringWidth(s string) (width int) { + g := uniseg.NewGraphemes(s) + for g.Next() { + var chWidth int + for _, r := range g.Runes() { + chWidth = c.RuneWidth(r) + if chWidth > 0 { + break // Our best guess at this point is to use the width of the first non-zero-width rune. + } + } + width += chWidth + } + return +} + +// Truncate return string truncated with w cells +func (c *Condition) Truncate(s string, w int, tail string) string { + if c.StringWidth(s) <= w { + return s + } + w -= c.StringWidth(tail) + var width int + pos := len(s) + g := uniseg.NewGraphemes(s) + for g.Next() { + var chWidth int + for _, r := range g.Runes() { + chWidth = c.RuneWidth(r) + if chWidth > 0 { + break // See StringWidth() for details. + } + } + if width+chWidth > w { + pos, _ = g.Positions() + break + } + width += chWidth + } + return s[:pos] + tail +} + +// TruncateLeft cuts w cells from the beginning of the `s`. +func (c *Condition) TruncateLeft(s string, w int, prefix string) string { + if c.StringWidth(s) <= w { + return prefix + } + + var width int + pos := len(s) + + g := uniseg.NewGraphemes(s) + for g.Next() { + var chWidth int + for _, r := range g.Runes() { + chWidth = c.RuneWidth(r) + if chWidth > 0 { + break // See StringWidth() for details. + } + } + + if width+chWidth > w { + if width < w { + _, pos = g.Positions() + prefix += strings.Repeat(" ", width+chWidth-w) + } else { + pos, _ = g.Positions() + } + + break + } + + width += chWidth + } + + return prefix + s[pos:] +} + +// Wrap return string wrapped with w cells +func (c *Condition) Wrap(s string, w int) string { + width := 0 + out := "" + for _, r := range s { + cw := c.RuneWidth(r) + if r == '\n' { + out += string(r) + width = 0 + continue + } else if width+cw > w { + out += "\n" + width = 0 + out += string(r) + width += cw + continue + } + out += string(r) + width += cw + } + return out +} + +// FillLeft return string filled in left by spaces in w cells +func (c *Condition) FillLeft(s string, w int) string { + width := c.StringWidth(s) + count := w - width + if count > 0 { + b := make([]byte, count) + for i := range b { + b[i] = ' ' + } + return string(b) + s + } + return s +} + +// FillRight return string filled in left by spaces in w cells +func (c *Condition) FillRight(s string, w int) string { + width := c.StringWidth(s) + count := w - width + if count > 0 { + b := make([]byte, count) + for i := range b { + b[i] = ' ' + } + return s + string(b) + } + return s +} + +// RuneWidth returns the number of cells in r. +// See http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr11/ +func RuneWidth(r rune) int { + return DefaultCondition.RuneWidth(r) +} + +// IsAmbiguousWidth returns whether is ambiguous width or not. +func IsAmbiguousWidth(r rune) bool { + return inTables(r, private, ambiguous) +} + +// IsNeutralWidth returns whether is neutral width or not. +func IsNeutralWidth(r rune) bool { + return inTable(r, neutral) +} + +// StringWidth return width as you can see +func StringWidth(s string) (width int) { + return DefaultCondition.StringWidth(s) +} + +// Truncate return string truncated with w cells +func Truncate(s string, w int, tail string) string { + return DefaultCondition.Truncate(s, w, tail) +} + +// TruncateLeft cuts w cells from the beginning of the `s`. +func TruncateLeft(s string, w int, prefix string) string { + return DefaultCondition.TruncateLeft(s, w, prefix) +} + +// Wrap return string wrapped with w cells +func Wrap(s string, w int) string { + return DefaultCondition.Wrap(s, w) +} + +// FillLeft return string filled in left by spaces in w cells +func FillLeft(s string, w int) string { + return DefaultCondition.FillLeft(s, w) +} + +// FillRight return string filled in left by spaces in w cells +func FillRight(s string, w int) string { + return DefaultCondition.FillRight(s, w) +} + +// CreateLUT will create an in-memory lookup table of 557055 bytes for faster operation. +// This should not be called concurrently with other operations. +func CreateLUT() { + if len(DefaultCondition.combinedLut) > 0 { + return + } + DefaultCondition.CreateLUT() +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_appengine.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_appengine.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..84b6528dfe914 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_appengine.go @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +//go:build appengine +// +build appengine + +package runewidth + +// IsEastAsian return true if the current locale is CJK +func IsEastAsian() bool { + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_js.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_js.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c2abbc2db30be --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_js.go @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +//go:build js && !appengine +// +build js,!appengine + +package runewidth + +func IsEastAsian() bool { + // TODO: Implement this for the web. Detect east asian in a compatible way, and return true. + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_posix.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_posix.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5a31d738ecce4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_posix.go @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +//go:build !windows && !js && !appengine +// +build !windows,!js,!appengine + +package runewidth + +import ( + "os" + "regexp" + "strings" +) + +var reLoc = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z][a-z][a-z]?(?:_[A-Z][A-Z])?\.(.+)`) + +var mblenTable = map[string]int{ + "utf-8": 6, + "utf8": 6, + "jis": 8, + "eucjp": 3, + "euckr": 2, + "euccn": 2, + "sjis": 2, + "cp932": 2, + "cp51932": 2, + "cp936": 2, + "cp949": 2, + "cp950": 2, + "big5": 2, + "gbk": 2, + "gb2312": 2, +} + +func isEastAsian(locale string) bool { + charset := strings.ToLower(locale) + r := reLoc.FindStringSubmatch(locale) + if len(r) == 2 { + charset = strings.ToLower(r[1]) + } + + if strings.HasSuffix(charset, "@cjk_narrow") { + return false + } + + for pos, b := range []byte(charset) { + if b == '@' { + charset = charset[:pos] + break + } + } + max := 1 + if m, ok := mblenTable[charset]; ok { + max = m + } + if max > 1 && (charset[0] != 'u' || + strings.HasPrefix(locale, "ja") || + strings.HasPrefix(locale, "ko") || + strings.HasPrefix(locale, "zh")) { + return true + } + return false +} + +// IsEastAsian return true if the current locale is CJK +func IsEastAsian() bool { + locale := os.Getenv("LC_ALL") + if locale == "" { + locale = os.Getenv("LC_CTYPE") + } + if locale == "" { + locale = os.Getenv("LANG") + } + + // ignore C locale + if locale == "POSIX" || locale == "C" { + return false + } + if len(locale) > 1 && locale[0] == 'C' && (locale[1] == '.' || locale[1] == '-') { + return false + } + + return isEastAsian(locale) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_table.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_table.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ad025ad529605 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_table.go @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ +// Code generated by script/generate.go. DO NOT EDIT. + +package runewidth + +var combining = table{ + {0x0300, 0x036F}, {0x0483, 0x0489}, {0x07EB, 0x07F3}, + {0x0C00, 0x0C00}, {0x0C04, 0x0C04}, {0x0CF3, 0x0CF3}, + {0x0D00, 0x0D01}, {0x135D, 0x135F}, {0x1A7F, 0x1A7F}, + {0x1AB0, 0x1ACE}, {0x1B6B, 0x1B73}, {0x1DC0, 0x1DFF}, + {0x20D0, 0x20F0}, {0x2CEF, 0x2CF1}, {0x2DE0, 0x2DFF}, + {0x3099, 0x309A}, {0xA66F, 0xA672}, {0xA674, 0xA67D}, + {0xA69E, 0xA69F}, {0xA6F0, 0xA6F1}, {0xA8E0, 0xA8F1}, + {0xFE20, 0xFE2F}, {0x101FD, 0x101FD}, {0x10376, 0x1037A}, + {0x10EAB, 0x10EAC}, {0x10F46, 0x10F50}, {0x10F82, 0x10F85}, + {0x11300, 0x11301}, {0x1133B, 0x1133C}, {0x11366, 0x1136C}, + {0x11370, 0x11374}, {0x16AF0, 0x16AF4}, {0x1CF00, 0x1CF2D}, + {0x1CF30, 0x1CF46}, {0x1D165, 0x1D169}, {0x1D16D, 0x1D172}, + {0x1D17B, 0x1D182}, {0x1D185, 0x1D18B}, {0x1D1AA, 0x1D1AD}, + {0x1D242, 0x1D244}, {0x1E000, 0x1E006}, {0x1E008, 0x1E018}, + {0x1E01B, 0x1E021}, {0x1E023, 0x1E024}, {0x1E026, 0x1E02A}, + {0x1E08F, 0x1E08F}, {0x1E8D0, 0x1E8D6}, +} + +var doublewidth = table{ + {0x1100, 0x115F}, {0x231A, 0x231B}, {0x2329, 0x232A}, + {0x23E9, 0x23EC}, {0x23F0, 0x23F0}, {0x23F3, 0x23F3}, + {0x25FD, 0x25FE}, {0x2614, 0x2615}, {0x2648, 0x2653}, + {0x267F, 0x267F}, {0x2693, 0x2693}, {0x26A1, 0x26A1}, + {0x26AA, 0x26AB}, {0x26BD, 0x26BE}, {0x26C4, 0x26C5}, + {0x26CE, 0x26CE}, {0x26D4, 0x26D4}, {0x26EA, 0x26EA}, + {0x26F2, 0x26F3}, {0x26F5, 0x26F5}, {0x26FA, 0x26FA}, + {0x26FD, 0x26FD}, {0x2705, 0x2705}, {0x270A, 0x270B}, + {0x2728, 0x2728}, {0x274C, 0x274C}, {0x274E, 0x274E}, + {0x2753, 0x2755}, {0x2757, 0x2757}, {0x2795, 0x2797}, + {0x27B0, 0x27B0}, {0x27BF, 0x27BF}, {0x2B1B, 0x2B1C}, + {0x2B50, 0x2B50}, {0x2B55, 0x2B55}, {0x2E80, 0x2E99}, + {0x2E9B, 0x2EF3}, {0x2F00, 0x2FD5}, {0x2FF0, 0x303E}, + {0x3041, 0x3096}, {0x3099, 0x30FF}, {0x3105, 0x312F}, + {0x3131, 0x318E}, {0x3190, 0x31E3}, {0x31EF, 0x321E}, + {0x3220, 0x3247}, {0x3250, 0x4DBF}, {0x4E00, 0xA48C}, + {0xA490, 0xA4C6}, {0xA960, 0xA97C}, {0xAC00, 0xD7A3}, + {0xF900, 0xFAFF}, {0xFE10, 0xFE19}, {0xFE30, 0xFE52}, + {0xFE54, 0xFE66}, {0xFE68, 0xFE6B}, {0xFF01, 0xFF60}, + {0xFFE0, 0xFFE6}, {0x16FE0, 0x16FE4}, {0x16FF0, 0x16FF1}, + {0x17000, 0x187F7}, {0x18800, 0x18CD5}, {0x18D00, 0x18D08}, + {0x1AFF0, 0x1AFF3}, {0x1AFF5, 0x1AFFB}, {0x1AFFD, 0x1AFFE}, + {0x1B000, 0x1B122}, {0x1B132, 0x1B132}, {0x1B150, 0x1B152}, + {0x1B155, 0x1B155}, {0x1B164, 0x1B167}, {0x1B170, 0x1B2FB}, + {0x1F004, 0x1F004}, {0x1F0CF, 0x1F0CF}, {0x1F18E, 0x1F18E}, + {0x1F191, 0x1F19A}, {0x1F200, 0x1F202}, {0x1F210, 0x1F23B}, + {0x1F240, 0x1F248}, {0x1F250, 0x1F251}, {0x1F260, 0x1F265}, + {0x1F300, 0x1F320}, {0x1F32D, 0x1F335}, {0x1F337, 0x1F37C}, + {0x1F37E, 0x1F393}, {0x1F3A0, 0x1F3CA}, {0x1F3CF, 0x1F3D3}, + {0x1F3E0, 0x1F3F0}, {0x1F3F4, 0x1F3F4}, {0x1F3F8, 0x1F43E}, + {0x1F440, 0x1F440}, {0x1F442, 0x1F4FC}, {0x1F4FF, 0x1F53D}, + {0x1F54B, 0x1F54E}, {0x1F550, 0x1F567}, {0x1F57A, 0x1F57A}, + {0x1F595, 0x1F596}, {0x1F5A4, 0x1F5A4}, {0x1F5FB, 0x1F64F}, + {0x1F680, 0x1F6C5}, {0x1F6CC, 0x1F6CC}, {0x1F6D0, 0x1F6D2}, + {0x1F6D5, 0x1F6D7}, {0x1F6DC, 0x1F6DF}, {0x1F6EB, 0x1F6EC}, + {0x1F6F4, 0x1F6FC}, {0x1F7E0, 0x1F7EB}, {0x1F7F0, 0x1F7F0}, + {0x1F90C, 0x1F93A}, {0x1F93C, 0x1F945}, {0x1F947, 0x1F9FF}, + {0x1FA70, 0x1FA7C}, {0x1FA80, 0x1FA88}, {0x1FA90, 0x1FABD}, + {0x1FABF, 0x1FAC5}, {0x1FACE, 0x1FADB}, {0x1FAE0, 0x1FAE8}, + {0x1FAF0, 0x1FAF8}, {0x20000, 0x2FFFD}, {0x30000, 0x3FFFD}, +} + +var ambiguous = table{ + {0x00A1, 0x00A1}, {0x00A4, 0x00A4}, {0x00A7, 0x00A8}, + {0x00AA, 0x00AA}, {0x00AD, 0x00AE}, {0x00B0, 0x00B4}, + {0x00B6, 0x00BA}, {0x00BC, 0x00BF}, {0x00C6, 0x00C6}, + {0x00D0, 0x00D0}, {0x00D7, 0x00D8}, {0x00DE, 0x00E1}, + {0x00E6, 0x00E6}, {0x00E8, 0x00EA}, {0x00EC, 0x00ED}, + {0x00F0, 0x00F0}, {0x00F2, 0x00F3}, {0x00F7, 0x00FA}, + {0x00FC, 0x00FC}, {0x00FE, 0x00FE}, {0x0101, 0x0101}, + {0x0111, 0x0111}, {0x0113, 0x0113}, {0x011B, 0x011B}, + {0x0126, 0x0127}, {0x012B, 0x012B}, {0x0131, 0x0133}, + {0x0138, 0x0138}, {0x013F, 0x0142}, {0x0144, 0x0144}, + {0x0148, 0x014B}, {0x014D, 0x014D}, {0x0152, 0x0153}, + {0x0166, 0x0167}, {0x016B, 0x016B}, {0x01CE, 0x01CE}, + {0x01D0, 0x01D0}, {0x01D2, 0x01D2}, {0x01D4, 0x01D4}, + {0x01D6, 0x01D6}, {0x01D8, 0x01D8}, {0x01DA, 0x01DA}, + {0x01DC, 0x01DC}, {0x0251, 0x0251}, {0x0261, 0x0261}, + {0x02C4, 0x02C4}, {0x02C7, 0x02C7}, {0x02C9, 0x02CB}, + {0x02CD, 0x02CD}, {0x02D0, 0x02D0}, {0x02D8, 0x02DB}, + {0x02DD, 0x02DD}, {0x02DF, 0x02DF}, {0x0300, 0x036F}, + {0x0391, 0x03A1}, {0x03A3, 0x03A9}, {0x03B1, 0x03C1}, + {0x03C3, 0x03C9}, {0x0401, 0x0401}, {0x0410, 0x044F}, + {0x0451, 0x0451}, {0x2010, 0x2010}, {0x2013, 0x2016}, + {0x2018, 0x2019}, {0x201C, 0x201D}, {0x2020, 0x2022}, + {0x2024, 0x2027}, {0x2030, 0x2030}, {0x2032, 0x2033}, + {0x2035, 0x2035}, {0x203B, 0x203B}, {0x203E, 0x203E}, + {0x2074, 0x2074}, {0x207F, 0x207F}, {0x2081, 0x2084}, + {0x20AC, 0x20AC}, {0x2103, 0x2103}, {0x2105, 0x2105}, + {0x2109, 0x2109}, {0x2113, 0x2113}, {0x2116, 0x2116}, + {0x2121, 0x2122}, {0x2126, 0x2126}, {0x212B, 0x212B}, + {0x2153, 0x2154}, {0x215B, 0x215E}, {0x2160, 0x216B}, + {0x2170, 0x2179}, {0x2189, 0x2189}, {0x2190, 0x2199}, + {0x21B8, 0x21B9}, {0x21D2, 0x21D2}, {0x21D4, 0x21D4}, + {0x21E7, 0x21E7}, {0x2200, 0x2200}, {0x2202, 0x2203}, + {0x2207, 0x2208}, {0x220B, 0x220B}, {0x220F, 0x220F}, + {0x2211, 0x2211}, {0x2215, 0x2215}, {0x221A, 0x221A}, + {0x221D, 0x2220}, {0x2223, 0x2223}, {0x2225, 0x2225}, + {0x2227, 0x222C}, {0x222E, 0x222E}, {0x2234, 0x2237}, + {0x223C, 0x223D}, {0x2248, 0x2248}, {0x224C, 0x224C}, + {0x2252, 0x2252}, {0x2260, 0x2261}, {0x2264, 0x2267}, + {0x226A, 0x226B}, {0x226E, 0x226F}, {0x2282, 0x2283}, + {0x2286, 0x2287}, {0x2295, 0x2295}, {0x2299, 0x2299}, + {0x22A5, 0x22A5}, {0x22BF, 0x22BF}, {0x2312, 0x2312}, + {0x2460, 0x24E9}, {0x24EB, 0x254B}, {0x2550, 0x2573}, + {0x2580, 0x258F}, {0x2592, 0x2595}, {0x25A0, 0x25A1}, + {0x25A3, 0x25A9}, {0x25B2, 0x25B3}, {0x25B6, 0x25B7}, + {0x25BC, 0x25BD}, {0x25C0, 0x25C1}, {0x25C6, 0x25C8}, + {0x25CB, 0x25CB}, {0x25CE, 0x25D1}, {0x25E2, 0x25E5}, + {0x25EF, 0x25EF}, {0x2605, 0x2606}, {0x2609, 0x2609}, + {0x260E, 0x260F}, {0x261C, 0x261C}, {0x261E, 0x261E}, + {0x2640, 0x2640}, {0x2642, 0x2642}, {0x2660, 0x2661}, + {0x2663, 0x2665}, {0x2667, 0x266A}, {0x266C, 0x266D}, + {0x266F, 0x266F}, {0x269E, 0x269F}, {0x26BF, 0x26BF}, + {0x26C6, 0x26CD}, {0x26CF, 0x26D3}, {0x26D5, 0x26E1}, + {0x26E3, 0x26E3}, {0x26E8, 0x26E9}, {0x26EB, 0x26F1}, + {0x26F4, 0x26F4}, {0x26F6, 0x26F9}, {0x26FB, 0x26FC}, + {0x26FE, 0x26FF}, {0x273D, 0x273D}, {0x2776, 0x277F}, + {0x2B56, 0x2B59}, {0x3248, 0x324F}, {0xE000, 0xF8FF}, + {0xFE00, 0xFE0F}, {0xFFFD, 0xFFFD}, {0x1F100, 0x1F10A}, + {0x1F110, 0x1F12D}, {0x1F130, 0x1F169}, {0x1F170, 0x1F18D}, + {0x1F18F, 0x1F190}, {0x1F19B, 0x1F1AC}, {0xE0100, 0xE01EF}, + {0xF0000, 0xFFFFD}, {0x100000, 0x10FFFD}, +} +var narrow = table{ + {0x0020, 0x007E}, {0x00A2, 0x00A3}, {0x00A5, 0x00A6}, + {0x00AC, 0x00AC}, {0x00AF, 0x00AF}, {0x27E6, 0x27ED}, + {0x2985, 0x2986}, +} + +var neutral = table{ + {0x0000, 0x001F}, {0x007F, 0x00A0}, {0x00A9, 0x00A9}, + {0x00AB, 0x00AB}, {0x00B5, 0x00B5}, {0x00BB, 0x00BB}, + {0x00C0, 0x00C5}, {0x00C7, 0x00CF}, {0x00D1, 0x00D6}, + {0x00D9, 0x00DD}, {0x00E2, 0x00E5}, {0x00E7, 0x00E7}, + {0x00EB, 0x00EB}, {0x00EE, 0x00EF}, {0x00F1, 0x00F1}, + {0x00F4, 0x00F6}, {0x00FB, 0x00FB}, {0x00FD, 0x00FD}, + {0x00FF, 0x0100}, {0x0102, 0x0110}, {0x0112, 0x0112}, + {0x0114, 0x011A}, {0x011C, 0x0125}, {0x0128, 0x012A}, + {0x012C, 0x0130}, {0x0134, 0x0137}, {0x0139, 0x013E}, + {0x0143, 0x0143}, {0x0145, 0x0147}, {0x014C, 0x014C}, + {0x014E, 0x0151}, {0x0154, 0x0165}, {0x0168, 0x016A}, + {0x016C, 0x01CD}, {0x01CF, 0x01CF}, {0x01D1, 0x01D1}, + {0x01D3, 0x01D3}, {0x01D5, 0x01D5}, {0x01D7, 0x01D7}, + {0x01D9, 0x01D9}, {0x01DB, 0x01DB}, {0x01DD, 0x0250}, + {0x0252, 0x0260}, {0x0262, 0x02C3}, {0x02C5, 0x02C6}, + {0x02C8, 0x02C8}, {0x02CC, 0x02CC}, {0x02CE, 0x02CF}, + {0x02D1, 0x02D7}, {0x02DC, 0x02DC}, {0x02DE, 0x02DE}, + {0x02E0, 0x02FF}, {0x0370, 0x0377}, {0x037A, 0x037F}, + {0x0384, 0x038A}, {0x038C, 0x038C}, {0x038E, 0x0390}, + {0x03AA, 0x03B0}, {0x03C2, 0x03C2}, {0x03CA, 0x0400}, + {0x0402, 0x040F}, {0x0450, 0x0450}, {0x0452, 0x052F}, + {0x0531, 0x0556}, {0x0559, 0x058A}, {0x058D, 0x058F}, + {0x0591, 0x05C7}, {0x05D0, 0x05EA}, {0x05EF, 0x05F4}, + {0x0600, 0x070D}, {0x070F, 0x074A}, {0x074D, 0x07B1}, + {0x07C0, 0x07FA}, {0x07FD, 0x082D}, {0x0830, 0x083E}, + {0x0840, 0x085B}, {0x085E, 0x085E}, {0x0860, 0x086A}, + {0x0870, 0x088E}, {0x0890, 0x0891}, {0x0898, 0x0983}, + {0x0985, 0x098C}, {0x098F, 0x0990}, {0x0993, 0x09A8}, + {0x09AA, 0x09B0}, {0x09B2, 0x09B2}, {0x09B6, 0x09B9}, + {0x09BC, 0x09C4}, {0x09C7, 0x09C8}, {0x09CB, 0x09CE}, + {0x09D7, 0x09D7}, {0x09DC, 0x09DD}, {0x09DF, 0x09E3}, + {0x09E6, 0x09FE}, {0x0A01, 0x0A03}, {0x0A05, 0x0A0A}, + {0x0A0F, 0x0A10}, {0x0A13, 0x0A28}, {0x0A2A, 0x0A30}, + {0x0A32, 0x0A33}, {0x0A35, 0x0A36}, {0x0A38, 0x0A39}, + {0x0A3C, 0x0A3C}, {0x0A3E, 0x0A42}, {0x0A47, 0x0A48}, + {0x0A4B, 0x0A4D}, {0x0A51, 0x0A51}, {0x0A59, 0x0A5C}, + {0x0A5E, 0x0A5E}, {0x0A66, 0x0A76}, {0x0A81, 0x0A83}, + {0x0A85, 0x0A8D}, {0x0A8F, 0x0A91}, {0x0A93, 0x0AA8}, + {0x0AAA, 0x0AB0}, {0x0AB2, 0x0AB3}, {0x0AB5, 0x0AB9}, + {0x0ABC, 0x0AC5}, {0x0AC7, 0x0AC9}, {0x0ACB, 0x0ACD}, + {0x0AD0, 0x0AD0}, {0x0AE0, 0x0AE3}, {0x0AE6, 0x0AF1}, + {0x0AF9, 0x0AFF}, {0x0B01, 0x0B03}, {0x0B05, 0x0B0C}, + {0x0B0F, 0x0B10}, {0x0B13, 0x0B28}, {0x0B2A, 0x0B30}, + {0x0B32, 0x0B33}, {0x0B35, 0x0B39}, {0x0B3C, 0x0B44}, + {0x0B47, 0x0B48}, {0x0B4B, 0x0B4D}, {0x0B55, 0x0B57}, + {0x0B5C, 0x0B5D}, {0x0B5F, 0x0B63}, {0x0B66, 0x0B77}, + {0x0B82, 0x0B83}, {0x0B85, 0x0B8A}, {0x0B8E, 0x0B90}, + {0x0B92, 0x0B95}, {0x0B99, 0x0B9A}, {0x0B9C, 0x0B9C}, + {0x0B9E, 0x0B9F}, {0x0BA3, 0x0BA4}, {0x0BA8, 0x0BAA}, + {0x0BAE, 0x0BB9}, {0x0BBE, 0x0BC2}, {0x0BC6, 0x0BC8}, + {0x0BCA, 0x0BCD}, {0x0BD0, 0x0BD0}, {0x0BD7, 0x0BD7}, + {0x0BE6, 0x0BFA}, {0x0C00, 0x0C0C}, {0x0C0E, 0x0C10}, + {0x0C12, 0x0C28}, {0x0C2A, 0x0C39}, {0x0C3C, 0x0C44}, + {0x0C46, 0x0C48}, {0x0C4A, 0x0C4D}, {0x0C55, 0x0C56}, + {0x0C58, 0x0C5A}, {0x0C5D, 0x0C5D}, {0x0C60, 0x0C63}, + {0x0C66, 0x0C6F}, {0x0C77, 0x0C8C}, {0x0C8E, 0x0C90}, + {0x0C92, 0x0CA8}, {0x0CAA, 0x0CB3}, {0x0CB5, 0x0CB9}, + {0x0CBC, 0x0CC4}, {0x0CC6, 0x0CC8}, {0x0CCA, 0x0CCD}, + {0x0CD5, 0x0CD6}, {0x0CDD, 0x0CDE}, {0x0CE0, 0x0CE3}, + {0x0CE6, 0x0CEF}, {0x0CF1, 0x0CF3}, {0x0D00, 0x0D0C}, + {0x0D0E, 0x0D10}, {0x0D12, 0x0D44}, {0x0D46, 0x0D48}, + {0x0D4A, 0x0D4F}, {0x0D54, 0x0D63}, {0x0D66, 0x0D7F}, + {0x0D81, 0x0D83}, {0x0D85, 0x0D96}, {0x0D9A, 0x0DB1}, + {0x0DB3, 0x0DBB}, {0x0DBD, 0x0DBD}, {0x0DC0, 0x0DC6}, + {0x0DCA, 0x0DCA}, {0x0DCF, 0x0DD4}, {0x0DD6, 0x0DD6}, + {0x0DD8, 0x0DDF}, {0x0DE6, 0x0DEF}, {0x0DF2, 0x0DF4}, + {0x0E01, 0x0E3A}, {0x0E3F, 0x0E5B}, {0x0E81, 0x0E82}, + {0x0E84, 0x0E84}, {0x0E86, 0x0E8A}, {0x0E8C, 0x0EA3}, + {0x0EA5, 0x0EA5}, {0x0EA7, 0x0EBD}, {0x0EC0, 0x0EC4}, + {0x0EC6, 0x0EC6}, {0x0EC8, 0x0ECE}, {0x0ED0, 0x0ED9}, + {0x0EDC, 0x0EDF}, {0x0F00, 0x0F47}, {0x0F49, 0x0F6C}, + {0x0F71, 0x0F97}, {0x0F99, 0x0FBC}, {0x0FBE, 0x0FCC}, + {0x0FCE, 0x0FDA}, {0x1000, 0x10C5}, {0x10C7, 0x10C7}, + {0x10CD, 0x10CD}, {0x10D0, 0x10FF}, {0x1160, 0x1248}, + {0x124A, 0x124D}, {0x1250, 0x1256}, {0x1258, 0x1258}, + {0x125A, 0x125D}, {0x1260, 0x1288}, {0x128A, 0x128D}, + {0x1290, 0x12B0}, {0x12B2, 0x12B5}, {0x12B8, 0x12BE}, + {0x12C0, 0x12C0}, {0x12C2, 0x12C5}, {0x12C8, 0x12D6}, + {0x12D8, 0x1310}, {0x1312, 0x1315}, {0x1318, 0x135A}, + {0x135D, 0x137C}, {0x1380, 0x1399}, {0x13A0, 0x13F5}, + {0x13F8, 0x13FD}, {0x1400, 0x169C}, {0x16A0, 0x16F8}, + {0x1700, 0x1715}, {0x171F, 0x1736}, {0x1740, 0x1753}, + {0x1760, 0x176C}, {0x176E, 0x1770}, {0x1772, 0x1773}, + {0x1780, 0x17DD}, {0x17E0, 0x17E9}, {0x17F0, 0x17F9}, + {0x1800, 0x1819}, {0x1820, 0x1878}, {0x1880, 0x18AA}, + {0x18B0, 0x18F5}, {0x1900, 0x191E}, {0x1920, 0x192B}, + {0x1930, 0x193B}, {0x1940, 0x1940}, {0x1944, 0x196D}, + {0x1970, 0x1974}, {0x1980, 0x19AB}, {0x19B0, 0x19C9}, + {0x19D0, 0x19DA}, {0x19DE, 0x1A1B}, {0x1A1E, 0x1A5E}, + {0x1A60, 0x1A7C}, {0x1A7F, 0x1A89}, {0x1A90, 0x1A99}, + {0x1AA0, 0x1AAD}, {0x1AB0, 0x1ACE}, {0x1B00, 0x1B4C}, + {0x1B50, 0x1B7E}, {0x1B80, 0x1BF3}, {0x1BFC, 0x1C37}, + {0x1C3B, 0x1C49}, {0x1C4D, 0x1C88}, {0x1C90, 0x1CBA}, + {0x1CBD, 0x1CC7}, {0x1CD0, 0x1CFA}, {0x1D00, 0x1F15}, + {0x1F18, 0x1F1D}, {0x1F20, 0x1F45}, {0x1F48, 0x1F4D}, + {0x1F50, 0x1F57}, {0x1F59, 0x1F59}, {0x1F5B, 0x1F5B}, + {0x1F5D, 0x1F5D}, {0x1F5F, 0x1F7D}, {0x1F80, 0x1FB4}, + {0x1FB6, 0x1FC4}, {0x1FC6, 0x1FD3}, {0x1FD6, 0x1FDB}, + {0x1FDD, 0x1FEF}, {0x1FF2, 0x1FF4}, {0x1FF6, 0x1FFE}, + {0x2000, 0x200F}, {0x2011, 0x2012}, {0x2017, 0x2017}, + {0x201A, 0x201B}, {0x201E, 0x201F}, {0x2023, 0x2023}, + {0x2028, 0x202F}, {0x2031, 0x2031}, {0x2034, 0x2034}, + {0x2036, 0x203A}, {0x203C, 0x203D}, {0x203F, 0x2064}, + {0x2066, 0x2071}, {0x2075, 0x207E}, {0x2080, 0x2080}, + {0x2085, 0x208E}, {0x2090, 0x209C}, {0x20A0, 0x20A8}, + {0x20AA, 0x20AB}, {0x20AD, 0x20C0}, {0x20D0, 0x20F0}, + {0x2100, 0x2102}, {0x2104, 0x2104}, {0x2106, 0x2108}, + {0x210A, 0x2112}, {0x2114, 0x2115}, {0x2117, 0x2120}, + {0x2123, 0x2125}, {0x2127, 0x212A}, {0x212C, 0x2152}, + {0x2155, 0x215A}, {0x215F, 0x215F}, {0x216C, 0x216F}, + {0x217A, 0x2188}, {0x218A, 0x218B}, {0x219A, 0x21B7}, + {0x21BA, 0x21D1}, {0x21D3, 0x21D3}, {0x21D5, 0x21E6}, + {0x21E8, 0x21FF}, {0x2201, 0x2201}, {0x2204, 0x2206}, + {0x2209, 0x220A}, {0x220C, 0x220E}, {0x2210, 0x2210}, + {0x2212, 0x2214}, {0x2216, 0x2219}, {0x221B, 0x221C}, + {0x2221, 0x2222}, {0x2224, 0x2224}, {0x2226, 0x2226}, + {0x222D, 0x222D}, {0x222F, 0x2233}, {0x2238, 0x223B}, + {0x223E, 0x2247}, {0x2249, 0x224B}, {0x224D, 0x2251}, + {0x2253, 0x225F}, {0x2262, 0x2263}, {0x2268, 0x2269}, + {0x226C, 0x226D}, {0x2270, 0x2281}, {0x2284, 0x2285}, + {0x2288, 0x2294}, {0x2296, 0x2298}, {0x229A, 0x22A4}, + {0x22A6, 0x22BE}, {0x22C0, 0x2311}, {0x2313, 0x2319}, + {0x231C, 0x2328}, {0x232B, 0x23E8}, {0x23ED, 0x23EF}, + {0x23F1, 0x23F2}, {0x23F4, 0x2426}, {0x2440, 0x244A}, + {0x24EA, 0x24EA}, {0x254C, 0x254F}, {0x2574, 0x257F}, + {0x2590, 0x2591}, {0x2596, 0x259F}, {0x25A2, 0x25A2}, + {0x25AA, 0x25B1}, {0x25B4, 0x25B5}, {0x25B8, 0x25BB}, + {0x25BE, 0x25BF}, {0x25C2, 0x25C5}, {0x25C9, 0x25CA}, + {0x25CC, 0x25CD}, {0x25D2, 0x25E1}, {0x25E6, 0x25EE}, + {0x25F0, 0x25FC}, {0x25FF, 0x2604}, {0x2607, 0x2608}, + {0x260A, 0x260D}, {0x2610, 0x2613}, {0x2616, 0x261B}, + {0x261D, 0x261D}, {0x261F, 0x263F}, {0x2641, 0x2641}, + {0x2643, 0x2647}, {0x2654, 0x265F}, {0x2662, 0x2662}, + {0x2666, 0x2666}, {0x266B, 0x266B}, {0x266E, 0x266E}, + {0x2670, 0x267E}, {0x2680, 0x2692}, {0x2694, 0x269D}, + {0x26A0, 0x26A0}, {0x26A2, 0x26A9}, {0x26AC, 0x26BC}, + {0x26C0, 0x26C3}, {0x26E2, 0x26E2}, {0x26E4, 0x26E7}, + {0x2700, 0x2704}, {0x2706, 0x2709}, {0x270C, 0x2727}, + {0x2729, 0x273C}, {0x273E, 0x274B}, {0x274D, 0x274D}, + {0x274F, 0x2752}, {0x2756, 0x2756}, {0x2758, 0x2775}, + {0x2780, 0x2794}, {0x2798, 0x27AF}, {0x27B1, 0x27BE}, + {0x27C0, 0x27E5}, {0x27EE, 0x2984}, {0x2987, 0x2B1A}, + {0x2B1D, 0x2B4F}, {0x2B51, 0x2B54}, {0x2B5A, 0x2B73}, + {0x2B76, 0x2B95}, {0x2B97, 0x2CF3}, {0x2CF9, 0x2D25}, + {0x2D27, 0x2D27}, {0x2D2D, 0x2D2D}, {0x2D30, 0x2D67}, + {0x2D6F, 0x2D70}, {0x2D7F, 0x2D96}, {0x2DA0, 0x2DA6}, + {0x2DA8, 0x2DAE}, {0x2DB0, 0x2DB6}, {0x2DB8, 0x2DBE}, + {0x2DC0, 0x2DC6}, {0x2DC8, 0x2DCE}, {0x2DD0, 0x2DD6}, + {0x2DD8, 0x2DDE}, {0x2DE0, 0x2E5D}, {0x303F, 0x303F}, + {0x4DC0, 0x4DFF}, {0xA4D0, 0xA62B}, {0xA640, 0xA6F7}, + {0xA700, 0xA7CA}, {0xA7D0, 0xA7D1}, {0xA7D3, 0xA7D3}, + {0xA7D5, 0xA7D9}, {0xA7F2, 0xA82C}, {0xA830, 0xA839}, + {0xA840, 0xA877}, {0xA880, 0xA8C5}, {0xA8CE, 0xA8D9}, + {0xA8E0, 0xA953}, {0xA95F, 0xA95F}, {0xA980, 0xA9CD}, + {0xA9CF, 0xA9D9}, {0xA9DE, 0xA9FE}, {0xAA00, 0xAA36}, + {0xAA40, 0xAA4D}, {0xAA50, 0xAA59}, {0xAA5C, 0xAAC2}, + {0xAADB, 0xAAF6}, {0xAB01, 0xAB06}, {0xAB09, 0xAB0E}, + {0xAB11, 0xAB16}, {0xAB20, 0xAB26}, {0xAB28, 0xAB2E}, + {0xAB30, 0xAB6B}, {0xAB70, 0xABED}, {0xABF0, 0xABF9}, + {0xD7B0, 0xD7C6}, {0xD7CB, 0xD7FB}, {0xD800, 0xDFFF}, + {0xFB00, 0xFB06}, {0xFB13, 0xFB17}, {0xFB1D, 0xFB36}, + {0xFB38, 0xFB3C}, {0xFB3E, 0xFB3E}, {0xFB40, 0xFB41}, + {0xFB43, 0xFB44}, {0xFB46, 0xFBC2}, {0xFBD3, 0xFD8F}, + {0xFD92, 0xFDC7}, {0xFDCF, 0xFDCF}, {0xFDF0, 0xFDFF}, + {0xFE20, 0xFE2F}, {0xFE70, 0xFE74}, {0xFE76, 0xFEFC}, + {0xFEFF, 0xFEFF}, {0xFFF9, 0xFFFC}, {0x10000, 0x1000B}, + {0x1000D, 0x10026}, {0x10028, 0x1003A}, {0x1003C, 0x1003D}, + {0x1003F, 0x1004D}, {0x10050, 0x1005D}, {0x10080, 0x100FA}, + {0x10100, 0x10102}, {0x10107, 0x10133}, {0x10137, 0x1018E}, + {0x10190, 0x1019C}, {0x101A0, 0x101A0}, {0x101D0, 0x101FD}, + {0x10280, 0x1029C}, {0x102A0, 0x102D0}, {0x102E0, 0x102FB}, + {0x10300, 0x10323}, {0x1032D, 0x1034A}, {0x10350, 0x1037A}, + {0x10380, 0x1039D}, {0x1039F, 0x103C3}, {0x103C8, 0x103D5}, + {0x10400, 0x1049D}, {0x104A0, 0x104A9}, {0x104B0, 0x104D3}, + {0x104D8, 0x104FB}, {0x10500, 0x10527}, {0x10530, 0x10563}, + {0x1056F, 0x1057A}, {0x1057C, 0x1058A}, {0x1058C, 0x10592}, + {0x10594, 0x10595}, {0x10597, 0x105A1}, {0x105A3, 0x105B1}, + {0x105B3, 0x105B9}, {0x105BB, 0x105BC}, {0x10600, 0x10736}, + {0x10740, 0x10755}, {0x10760, 0x10767}, {0x10780, 0x10785}, + {0x10787, 0x107B0}, {0x107B2, 0x107BA}, {0x10800, 0x10805}, + {0x10808, 0x10808}, {0x1080A, 0x10835}, {0x10837, 0x10838}, + {0x1083C, 0x1083C}, {0x1083F, 0x10855}, {0x10857, 0x1089E}, + {0x108A7, 0x108AF}, {0x108E0, 0x108F2}, {0x108F4, 0x108F5}, + {0x108FB, 0x1091B}, {0x1091F, 0x10939}, {0x1093F, 0x1093F}, + {0x10980, 0x109B7}, {0x109BC, 0x109CF}, {0x109D2, 0x10A03}, + {0x10A05, 0x10A06}, {0x10A0C, 0x10A13}, {0x10A15, 0x10A17}, + {0x10A19, 0x10A35}, {0x10A38, 0x10A3A}, {0x10A3F, 0x10A48}, + {0x10A50, 0x10A58}, {0x10A60, 0x10A9F}, {0x10AC0, 0x10AE6}, + {0x10AEB, 0x10AF6}, {0x10B00, 0x10B35}, {0x10B39, 0x10B55}, + {0x10B58, 0x10B72}, {0x10B78, 0x10B91}, {0x10B99, 0x10B9C}, + {0x10BA9, 0x10BAF}, {0x10C00, 0x10C48}, {0x10C80, 0x10CB2}, + {0x10CC0, 0x10CF2}, {0x10CFA, 0x10D27}, {0x10D30, 0x10D39}, + {0x10E60, 0x10E7E}, {0x10E80, 0x10EA9}, {0x10EAB, 0x10EAD}, + {0x10EB0, 0x10EB1}, {0x10EFD, 0x10F27}, {0x10F30, 0x10F59}, + {0x10F70, 0x10F89}, {0x10FB0, 0x10FCB}, {0x10FE0, 0x10FF6}, + {0x11000, 0x1104D}, {0x11052, 0x11075}, {0x1107F, 0x110C2}, + {0x110CD, 0x110CD}, {0x110D0, 0x110E8}, {0x110F0, 0x110F9}, + {0x11100, 0x11134}, {0x11136, 0x11147}, {0x11150, 0x11176}, + {0x11180, 0x111DF}, {0x111E1, 0x111F4}, {0x11200, 0x11211}, + {0x11213, 0x11241}, {0x11280, 0x11286}, {0x11288, 0x11288}, + {0x1128A, 0x1128D}, {0x1128F, 0x1129D}, {0x1129F, 0x112A9}, + {0x112B0, 0x112EA}, {0x112F0, 0x112F9}, {0x11300, 0x11303}, + {0x11305, 0x1130C}, {0x1130F, 0x11310}, {0x11313, 0x11328}, + {0x1132A, 0x11330}, {0x11332, 0x11333}, {0x11335, 0x11339}, + {0x1133B, 0x11344}, {0x11347, 0x11348}, {0x1134B, 0x1134D}, + {0x11350, 0x11350}, {0x11357, 0x11357}, {0x1135D, 0x11363}, + {0x11366, 0x1136C}, {0x11370, 0x11374}, {0x11400, 0x1145B}, + {0x1145D, 0x11461}, {0x11480, 0x114C7}, {0x114D0, 0x114D9}, + {0x11580, 0x115B5}, {0x115B8, 0x115DD}, {0x11600, 0x11644}, + {0x11650, 0x11659}, {0x11660, 0x1166C}, {0x11680, 0x116B9}, + {0x116C0, 0x116C9}, {0x11700, 0x1171A}, {0x1171D, 0x1172B}, + {0x11730, 0x11746}, {0x11800, 0x1183B}, {0x118A0, 0x118F2}, + {0x118FF, 0x11906}, {0x11909, 0x11909}, {0x1190C, 0x11913}, + {0x11915, 0x11916}, {0x11918, 0x11935}, {0x11937, 0x11938}, + {0x1193B, 0x11946}, {0x11950, 0x11959}, {0x119A0, 0x119A7}, + {0x119AA, 0x119D7}, {0x119DA, 0x119E4}, {0x11A00, 0x11A47}, + {0x11A50, 0x11AA2}, {0x11AB0, 0x11AF8}, {0x11B00, 0x11B09}, + {0x11C00, 0x11C08}, {0x11C0A, 0x11C36}, {0x11C38, 0x11C45}, + {0x11C50, 0x11C6C}, {0x11C70, 0x11C8F}, {0x11C92, 0x11CA7}, + {0x11CA9, 0x11CB6}, {0x11D00, 0x11D06}, {0x11D08, 0x11D09}, + {0x11D0B, 0x11D36}, {0x11D3A, 0x11D3A}, {0x11D3C, 0x11D3D}, + {0x11D3F, 0x11D47}, {0x11D50, 0x11D59}, {0x11D60, 0x11D65}, + {0x11D67, 0x11D68}, {0x11D6A, 0x11D8E}, {0x11D90, 0x11D91}, + {0x11D93, 0x11D98}, {0x11DA0, 0x11DA9}, {0x11EE0, 0x11EF8}, + {0x11F00, 0x11F10}, {0x11F12, 0x11F3A}, {0x11F3E, 0x11F59}, + {0x11FB0, 0x11FB0}, {0x11FC0, 0x11FF1}, {0x11FFF, 0x12399}, + {0x12400, 0x1246E}, {0x12470, 0x12474}, {0x12480, 0x12543}, + {0x12F90, 0x12FF2}, {0x13000, 0x13455}, {0x14400, 0x14646}, + {0x16800, 0x16A38}, {0x16A40, 0x16A5E}, {0x16A60, 0x16A69}, + {0x16A6E, 0x16ABE}, {0x16AC0, 0x16AC9}, {0x16AD0, 0x16AED}, + {0x16AF0, 0x16AF5}, {0x16B00, 0x16B45}, {0x16B50, 0x16B59}, + {0x16B5B, 0x16B61}, {0x16B63, 0x16B77}, {0x16B7D, 0x16B8F}, + {0x16E40, 0x16E9A}, {0x16F00, 0x16F4A}, {0x16F4F, 0x16F87}, + {0x16F8F, 0x16F9F}, {0x1BC00, 0x1BC6A}, {0x1BC70, 0x1BC7C}, + {0x1BC80, 0x1BC88}, {0x1BC90, 0x1BC99}, {0x1BC9C, 0x1BCA3}, + {0x1CF00, 0x1CF2D}, {0x1CF30, 0x1CF46}, {0x1CF50, 0x1CFC3}, + {0x1D000, 0x1D0F5}, {0x1D100, 0x1D126}, {0x1D129, 0x1D1EA}, + {0x1D200, 0x1D245}, {0x1D2C0, 0x1D2D3}, {0x1D2E0, 0x1D2F3}, + {0x1D300, 0x1D356}, {0x1D360, 0x1D378}, {0x1D400, 0x1D454}, + {0x1D456, 0x1D49C}, {0x1D49E, 0x1D49F}, {0x1D4A2, 0x1D4A2}, + {0x1D4A5, 0x1D4A6}, {0x1D4A9, 0x1D4AC}, {0x1D4AE, 0x1D4B9}, + {0x1D4BB, 0x1D4BB}, {0x1D4BD, 0x1D4C3}, {0x1D4C5, 0x1D505}, + {0x1D507, 0x1D50A}, {0x1D50D, 0x1D514}, {0x1D516, 0x1D51C}, + {0x1D51E, 0x1D539}, {0x1D53B, 0x1D53E}, {0x1D540, 0x1D544}, + {0x1D546, 0x1D546}, {0x1D54A, 0x1D550}, {0x1D552, 0x1D6A5}, + {0x1D6A8, 0x1D7CB}, {0x1D7CE, 0x1DA8B}, {0x1DA9B, 0x1DA9F}, + {0x1DAA1, 0x1DAAF}, {0x1DF00, 0x1DF1E}, {0x1DF25, 0x1DF2A}, + {0x1E000, 0x1E006}, {0x1E008, 0x1E018}, {0x1E01B, 0x1E021}, + {0x1E023, 0x1E024}, {0x1E026, 0x1E02A}, {0x1E030, 0x1E06D}, + {0x1E08F, 0x1E08F}, {0x1E100, 0x1E12C}, {0x1E130, 0x1E13D}, + {0x1E140, 0x1E149}, {0x1E14E, 0x1E14F}, {0x1E290, 0x1E2AE}, + {0x1E2C0, 0x1E2F9}, {0x1E2FF, 0x1E2FF}, {0x1E4D0, 0x1E4F9}, + {0x1E7E0, 0x1E7E6}, {0x1E7E8, 0x1E7EB}, {0x1E7ED, 0x1E7EE}, + {0x1E7F0, 0x1E7FE}, {0x1E800, 0x1E8C4}, {0x1E8C7, 0x1E8D6}, + {0x1E900, 0x1E94B}, {0x1E950, 0x1E959}, {0x1E95E, 0x1E95F}, + {0x1EC71, 0x1ECB4}, {0x1ED01, 0x1ED3D}, {0x1EE00, 0x1EE03}, + {0x1EE05, 0x1EE1F}, {0x1EE21, 0x1EE22}, {0x1EE24, 0x1EE24}, + {0x1EE27, 0x1EE27}, {0x1EE29, 0x1EE32}, {0x1EE34, 0x1EE37}, + {0x1EE39, 0x1EE39}, {0x1EE3B, 0x1EE3B}, {0x1EE42, 0x1EE42}, + {0x1EE47, 0x1EE47}, {0x1EE49, 0x1EE49}, {0x1EE4B, 0x1EE4B}, + {0x1EE4D, 0x1EE4F}, {0x1EE51, 0x1EE52}, {0x1EE54, 0x1EE54}, + {0x1EE57, 0x1EE57}, {0x1EE59, 0x1EE59}, {0x1EE5B, 0x1EE5B}, + {0x1EE5D, 0x1EE5D}, {0x1EE5F, 0x1EE5F}, {0x1EE61, 0x1EE62}, + {0x1EE64, 0x1EE64}, {0x1EE67, 0x1EE6A}, {0x1EE6C, 0x1EE72}, + {0x1EE74, 0x1EE77}, {0x1EE79, 0x1EE7C}, {0x1EE7E, 0x1EE7E}, + {0x1EE80, 0x1EE89}, {0x1EE8B, 0x1EE9B}, {0x1EEA1, 0x1EEA3}, + {0x1EEA5, 0x1EEA9}, {0x1EEAB, 0x1EEBB}, {0x1EEF0, 0x1EEF1}, + {0x1F000, 0x1F003}, {0x1F005, 0x1F02B}, {0x1F030, 0x1F093}, + {0x1F0A0, 0x1F0AE}, {0x1F0B1, 0x1F0BF}, {0x1F0C1, 0x1F0CE}, + {0x1F0D1, 0x1F0F5}, {0x1F10B, 0x1F10F}, {0x1F12E, 0x1F12F}, + {0x1F16A, 0x1F16F}, {0x1F1AD, 0x1F1AD}, {0x1F1E6, 0x1F1FF}, + {0x1F321, 0x1F32C}, {0x1F336, 0x1F336}, {0x1F37D, 0x1F37D}, + {0x1F394, 0x1F39F}, {0x1F3CB, 0x1F3CE}, {0x1F3D4, 0x1F3DF}, + {0x1F3F1, 0x1F3F3}, {0x1F3F5, 0x1F3F7}, {0x1F43F, 0x1F43F}, + {0x1F441, 0x1F441}, {0x1F4FD, 0x1F4FE}, {0x1F53E, 0x1F54A}, + {0x1F54F, 0x1F54F}, {0x1F568, 0x1F579}, {0x1F57B, 0x1F594}, + {0x1F597, 0x1F5A3}, {0x1F5A5, 0x1F5FA}, {0x1F650, 0x1F67F}, + {0x1F6C6, 0x1F6CB}, {0x1F6CD, 0x1F6CF}, {0x1F6D3, 0x1F6D4}, + {0x1F6E0, 0x1F6EA}, {0x1F6F0, 0x1F6F3}, {0x1F700, 0x1F776}, + {0x1F77B, 0x1F7D9}, {0x1F800, 0x1F80B}, {0x1F810, 0x1F847}, + {0x1F850, 0x1F859}, {0x1F860, 0x1F887}, {0x1F890, 0x1F8AD}, + {0x1F8B0, 0x1F8B1}, {0x1F900, 0x1F90B}, {0x1F93B, 0x1F93B}, + {0x1F946, 0x1F946}, {0x1FA00, 0x1FA53}, {0x1FA60, 0x1FA6D}, + {0x1FB00, 0x1FB92}, {0x1FB94, 0x1FBCA}, {0x1FBF0, 0x1FBF9}, + {0xE0001, 0xE0001}, {0xE0020, 0xE007F}, +} + +var emoji = table{ + {0x203C, 0x203C}, {0x2049, 0x2049}, {0x2122, 0x2122}, + {0x2139, 0x2139}, {0x2194, 0x2199}, {0x21A9, 0x21AA}, + {0x231A, 0x231B}, {0x2328, 0x2328}, {0x2388, 0x2388}, + {0x23CF, 0x23CF}, {0x23E9, 0x23F3}, {0x23F8, 0x23FA}, + {0x24C2, 0x24C2}, {0x25AA, 0x25AB}, {0x25B6, 0x25B6}, + {0x25C0, 0x25C0}, {0x25FB, 0x25FE}, {0x2600, 0x2605}, + {0x2607, 0x2612}, {0x2614, 0x2685}, {0x2690, 0x2705}, + {0x2708, 0x2712}, {0x2714, 0x2714}, {0x2716, 0x2716}, + {0x271D, 0x271D}, {0x2721, 0x2721}, {0x2728, 0x2728}, + {0x2733, 0x2734}, {0x2744, 0x2744}, {0x2747, 0x2747}, + {0x274C, 0x274C}, {0x274E, 0x274E}, {0x2753, 0x2755}, + {0x2757, 0x2757}, {0x2763, 0x2767}, {0x2795, 0x2797}, + {0x27A1, 0x27A1}, {0x27B0, 0x27B0}, {0x27BF, 0x27BF}, + {0x2934, 0x2935}, {0x2B05, 0x2B07}, {0x2B1B, 0x2B1C}, + {0x2B50, 0x2B50}, {0x2B55, 0x2B55}, {0x3030, 0x3030}, + {0x303D, 0x303D}, {0x3297, 0x3297}, {0x3299, 0x3299}, + {0x1F000, 0x1F0FF}, {0x1F10D, 0x1F10F}, {0x1F12F, 0x1F12F}, + {0x1F16C, 0x1F171}, {0x1F17E, 0x1F17F}, {0x1F18E, 0x1F18E}, + {0x1F191, 0x1F19A}, {0x1F1AD, 0x1F1E5}, {0x1F201, 0x1F20F}, + {0x1F21A, 0x1F21A}, {0x1F22F, 0x1F22F}, {0x1F232, 0x1F23A}, + {0x1F23C, 0x1F23F}, {0x1F249, 0x1F3FA}, {0x1F400, 0x1F53D}, + {0x1F546, 0x1F64F}, {0x1F680, 0x1F6FF}, {0x1F774, 0x1F77F}, + {0x1F7D5, 0x1F7FF}, {0x1F80C, 0x1F80F}, {0x1F848, 0x1F84F}, + {0x1F85A, 0x1F85F}, {0x1F888, 0x1F88F}, {0x1F8AE, 0x1F8FF}, + {0x1F90C, 0x1F93A}, {0x1F93C, 0x1F945}, {0x1F947, 0x1FAFF}, + {0x1FC00, 0x1FFFD}, +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_windows.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5f987a310fe48 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-runewidth/runewidth_windows.go @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +//go:build windows && !appengine +// +build windows,!appengine + +package runewidth + +import ( + "syscall" +) + +var ( + kernel32 = syscall.NewLazyDLL("kernel32") + procGetConsoleOutputCP = kernel32.NewProc("GetConsoleOutputCP") +) + +// IsEastAsian return true if the current locale is CJK +func IsEastAsian() bool { + r1, _, _ := procGetConsoleOutputCP.Call() + if r1 == 0 { + return false + } + + switch int(r1) { + case 932, 51932, 936, 949, 950: + return true + } + + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b66cec635a5e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Created by .ignore support plugin (hsz.mobi) +### Go template +# Binaries for programs and plugins +*.exe +*.exe~ +*.dll +*.so +*.dylib + +# Test binary, build with `go test -c` +*.test + +# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE +*.out + diff --git a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..366d48a35c42b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +language: go +arch: + - ppc64le + - amd64 +go: + - 1.3 + - 1.4 + - 1.5 + - 1.6 + - 1.7 + - 1.8 + - 1.9 + - "1.10" + - tip +jobs: + exclude : + - arch : ppc64le + go : + - 1.3 + - arch : ppc64le + go : + - 1.4 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/LICENSE.md b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/LICENSE.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a0769b5c15818 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/LICENSE.md @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +Copyright (C) 2014 by Oleku Konko + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/README.md b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f06530d751537 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,431 @@ +ASCII Table Writer +========= + +[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/olekukonko/tablewriter.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/olekukonko/tablewriter) +[![Total views](https://img.shields.io/sourcegraph/rrc/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter.svg)](https://sourcegraph.com/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter) +[![Godoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter) + +Generate ASCII table on the fly ... Installation is simple as + + go get github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter + + +#### Features +- Automatic Padding +- Support Multiple Lines +- Supports Alignment +- Support Custom Separators +- Automatic Alignment of numbers & percentage +- Write directly to http , file etc via `io.Writer` +- Read directly from CSV file +- Optional row line via `SetRowLine` +- Normalise table header +- Make CSV Headers optional +- Enable or disable table border +- Set custom footer support +- Optional identical cells merging +- Set custom caption +- Optional reflowing of paragraphs in multi-line cells. + +#### Example 1 - Basic +```go +data := [][]string{ + []string{"A", "The Good", "500"}, + []string{"B", "The Very very Bad Man", "288"}, + []string{"C", "The Ugly", "120"}, + []string{"D", "The Gopher", "800"}, +} + +table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) +table.SetHeader([]string{"Name", "Sign", "Rating"}) + +for _, v := range data { + table.Append(v) +} +table.Render() // Send output +``` + +##### Output 1 +``` ++------+-----------------------+--------+ +| NAME | SIGN | RATING | ++------+-----------------------+--------+ +| A | The Good | 500 | +| B | The Very very Bad Man | 288 | +| C | The Ugly | 120 | +| D | The Gopher | 800 | ++------+-----------------------+--------+ +``` + +#### Example 2 - Without Border / Footer / Bulk Append +```go +data := [][]string{ + []string{"1/1/2014", "Domain name", "2233", "$10.98"}, + []string{"1/1/2014", "January Hosting", "2233", "$54.95"}, + []string{"1/4/2014", "February Hosting", "2233", "$51.00"}, + []string{"1/4/2014", "February Extra Bandwidth", "2233", "$30.00"}, +} + +table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) +table.SetHeader([]string{"Date", "Description", "CV2", "Amount"}) +table.SetFooter([]string{"", "", "Total", "$146.93"}) // Add Footer +table.SetBorder(false) // Set Border to false +table.AppendBulk(data) // Add Bulk Data +table.Render() +``` + +##### Output 2 +``` + + DATE | DESCRIPTION | CV2 | AMOUNT +-----------+--------------------------+-------+---------- + 1/1/2014 | Domain name | 2233 | $10.98 + 1/1/2014 | January Hosting | 2233 | $54.95 + 1/4/2014 | February Hosting | 2233 | $51.00 + 1/4/2014 | February Extra Bandwidth | 2233 | $30.00 +-----------+--------------------------+-------+---------- + TOTAL | $146 93 + --------+---------- + +``` + + +#### Example 3 - CSV +```go +table, _ := tablewriter.NewCSV(os.Stdout, "testdata/test_info.csv", true) +table.SetAlignment(tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT) // Set Alignment +table.Render() +``` + +##### Output 3 +``` ++----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ +| FIELD | TYPE | NULL | KEY | DEFAULT | EXTRA | ++----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ +| user_id | smallint(5) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | +| username | varchar(10) | NO | | NULL | | +| password | varchar(100) | NO | | NULL | | ++----------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ +``` + +#### Example 4 - Custom Separator +```go +table, _ := tablewriter.NewCSV(os.Stdout, "testdata/test.csv", true) +table.SetRowLine(true) // Enable row line + +// Change table lines +table.SetCenterSeparator("*") +table.SetColumnSeparator("╪") +table.SetRowSeparator("-") + +table.SetAlignment(tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT) +table.Render() +``` + +##### Output 4 +``` +*------------*-----------*---------* +╪ FIRST NAME ╪ LAST NAME ╪ SSN ╪ +*------------*-----------*---------* +╪ John ╪ Barry ╪ 123456 ╪ +*------------*-----------*---------* +╪ Kathy ╪ Smith ╪ 687987 ╪ +*------------*-----------*---------* +╪ Bob ╪ McCornick ╪ 3979870 ╪ +*------------*-----------*---------* +``` + +#### Example 5 - Markdown Format +```go +data := [][]string{ + []string{"1/1/2014", "Domain name", "2233", "$10.98"}, + []string{"1/1/2014", "January Hosting", "2233", "$54.95"}, + []string{"1/4/2014", "February Hosting", "2233", "$51.00"}, + []string{"1/4/2014", "February Extra Bandwidth", "2233", "$30.00"}, +} + +table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) +table.SetHeader([]string{"Date", "Description", "CV2", "Amount"}) +table.SetBorders(tablewriter.Border{Left: true, Top: false, Right: true, Bottom: false}) +table.SetCenterSeparator("|") +table.AppendBulk(data) // Add Bulk Data +table.Render() +``` + +##### Output 5 +``` +| DATE | DESCRIPTION | CV2 | AMOUNT | +|----------|--------------------------|------|--------| +| 1/1/2014 | Domain name | 2233 | $10.98 | +| 1/1/2014 | January Hosting | 2233 | $54.95 | +| 1/4/2014 | February Hosting | 2233 | $51.00 | +| 1/4/2014 | February Extra Bandwidth | 2233 | $30.00 | +``` + +#### Example 6 - Identical cells merging +```go +data := [][]string{ + []string{"1/1/2014", "Domain name", "1234", "$10.98"}, + []string{"1/1/2014", "January Hosting", "2345", "$54.95"}, + []string{"1/4/2014", "February Hosting", "3456", "$51.00"}, + []string{"1/4/2014", "February Extra Bandwidth", "4567", "$30.00"}, +} + +table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) +table.SetHeader([]string{"Date", "Description", "CV2", "Amount"}) +table.SetFooter([]string{"", "", "Total", "$146.93"}) +table.SetAutoMergeCells(true) +table.SetRowLine(true) +table.AppendBulk(data) +table.Render() +``` + +##### Output 6 +``` ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| DATE | DESCRIPTION | CV2 | AMOUNT | ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| 1/1/2014 | Domain name | 1234 | $10.98 | ++ +--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| | January Hosting | 2345 | $54.95 | ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| 1/4/2014 | February Hosting | 3456 | $51.00 | ++ +--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| | February Extra Bandwidth | 4567 | $30.00 | ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| TOTAL | $146 93 | ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +``` + +#### Example 7 - Identical cells merging (specify the column index to merge) +```go +data := [][]string{ + []string{"1/1/2014", "Domain name", "1234", "$10.98"}, + []string{"1/1/2014", "January Hosting", "1234", "$10.98"}, + []string{"1/4/2014", "February Hosting", "3456", "$51.00"}, + []string{"1/4/2014", "February Extra Bandwidth", "4567", "$30.00"}, +} + +table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) +table.SetHeader([]string{"Date", "Description", "CV2", "Amount"}) +table.SetFooter([]string{"", "", "Total", "$146.93"}) +table.SetAutoMergeCellsByColumnIndex([]int{2, 3}) +table.SetRowLine(true) +table.AppendBulk(data) +table.Render() +``` + +##### Output 7 +``` ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| DATE | DESCRIPTION | CV2 | AMOUNT | ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| 1/1/2014 | Domain name | 1234 | $10.98 | ++----------+--------------------------+ + + +| 1/1/2014 | January Hosting | | | ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| 1/4/2014 | February Hosting | 3456 | $51.00 | ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| 1/4/2014 | February Extra Bandwidth | 4567 | $30.00 | ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +| TOTAL | $146.93 | ++----------+--------------------------+-------+---------+ +``` + + +#### Table with color +```go +data := [][]string{ + []string{"1/1/2014", "Domain name", "2233", "$10.98"}, + []string{"1/1/2014", "January Hosting", "2233", "$54.95"}, + []string{"1/4/2014", "February Hosting", "2233", "$51.00"}, + []string{"1/4/2014", "February Extra Bandwidth", "2233", "$30.00"}, +} + +table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) +table.SetHeader([]string{"Date", "Description", "CV2", "Amount"}) +table.SetFooter([]string{"", "", "Total", "$146.93"}) // Add Footer +table.SetBorder(false) // Set Border to false + +table.SetHeaderColor(tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.BgGreenColor}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.FgHiRedColor, tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.BgBlackColor}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.BgRedColor, tablewriter.FgWhiteColor}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.BgCyanColor, tablewriter.FgWhiteColor}) + +table.SetColumnColor(tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.FgHiBlackColor}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.FgHiRedColor}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.FgHiBlackColor}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.FgBlackColor}) + +table.SetFooterColor(tablewriter.Colors{}, tablewriter.Colors{}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.FgHiRedColor}) + +table.AppendBulk(data) +table.Render() +``` + +#### Table with color Output +![Table with Color](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6460392/21101956/bbc7b356-c0a1-11e6-9f36-dba694746efc.png) + +#### Example - 8 Table Cells with Color + +Individual Cell Colors from `func Rich` take precedence over Column Colors + +```go +data := [][]string{ + []string{"Test1Merge", "HelloCol2 - 1", "HelloCol3 - 1", "HelloCol4 - 1"}, + []string{"Test1Merge", "HelloCol2 - 2", "HelloCol3 - 2", "HelloCol4 - 2"}, + []string{"Test1Merge", "HelloCol2 - 3", "HelloCol3 - 3", "HelloCol4 - 3"}, + []string{"Test2Merge", "HelloCol2 - 4", "HelloCol3 - 4", "HelloCol4 - 4"}, + []string{"Test2Merge", "HelloCol2 - 5", "HelloCol3 - 5", "HelloCol4 - 5"}, + []string{"Test2Merge", "HelloCol2 - 6", "HelloCol3 - 6", "HelloCol4 - 6"}, + []string{"Test2Merge", "HelloCol2 - 7", "HelloCol3 - 7", "HelloCol4 - 7"}, + []string{"Test3Merge", "HelloCol2 - 8", "HelloCol3 - 8", "HelloCol4 - 8"}, + []string{"Test3Merge", "HelloCol2 - 9", "HelloCol3 - 9", "HelloCol4 - 9"}, + []string{"Test3Merge", "HelloCol2 - 10", "HelloCol3 -10", "HelloCol4 - 10"}, +} + +table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) +table.SetHeader([]string{"Col1", "Col2", "Col3", "Col4"}) +table.SetFooter([]string{"", "", "Footer3", "Footer4"}) +table.SetBorder(false) + +table.SetHeaderColor(tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.BgGreenColor}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.FgHiRedColor, tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.BgBlackColor}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.BgRedColor, tablewriter.FgWhiteColor}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.BgCyanColor, tablewriter.FgWhiteColor}) + +table.SetColumnColor(tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.FgHiBlackColor}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.FgHiRedColor}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.FgHiBlackColor}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.FgBlackColor}) + +table.SetFooterColor(tablewriter.Colors{}, tablewriter.Colors{}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold}, + tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.FgHiRedColor}) + +colorData1 := []string{"TestCOLOR1Merge", "HelloCol2 - COLOR1", "HelloCol3 - COLOR1", "HelloCol4 - COLOR1"} +colorData2 := []string{"TestCOLOR2Merge", "HelloCol2 - COLOR2", "HelloCol3 - COLOR2", "HelloCol4 - COLOR2"} + +for i, row := range data { + if i == 4 { + table.Rich(colorData1, []tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Colors{}, tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Normal, tablewriter.FgCyanColor}, tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.FgWhiteColor}, tablewriter.Colors{}}) + table.Rich(colorData2, []tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Normal, tablewriter.FgMagentaColor}, tablewriter.Colors{}, tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.Bold, tablewriter.BgRedColor}, tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.FgHiGreenColor, tablewriter.Italic, tablewriter.BgHiCyanColor}}) + } + table.Append(row) +} + +table.SetAutoMergeCells(true) +table.Render() + +``` + +##### Table cells with color Output +![Table cells with Color](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9064687/63969376-bcd88d80-ca6f-11e9-9466-c3d954700b25.png) + +#### Example 9 - Set table caption +```go +data := [][]string{ + []string{"A", "The Good", "500"}, + []string{"B", "The Very very Bad Man", "288"}, + []string{"C", "The Ugly", "120"}, + []string{"D", "The Gopher", "800"}, +} + +table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) +table.SetHeader([]string{"Name", "Sign", "Rating"}) +table.SetCaption(true, "Movie ratings.") + +for _, v := range data { + table.Append(v) +} +table.Render() // Send output +``` + +Note: Caption text will wrap with total width of rendered table. + +##### Output 9 +``` ++------+-----------------------+--------+ +| NAME | SIGN | RATING | ++------+-----------------------+--------+ +| A | The Good | 500 | +| B | The Very very Bad Man | 288 | +| C | The Ugly | 120 | +| D | The Gopher | 800 | ++------+-----------------------+--------+ +Movie ratings. +``` + +#### Example 10 - Set NoWhiteSpace and TablePadding option +```go +data := [][]string{ + {"node1.example.com", "Ready", "compute", "1.11"}, + {"node2.example.com", "Ready", "compute", "1.11"}, + {"node3.example.com", "Ready", "compute", "1.11"}, + {"node4.example.com", "NotReady", "compute", "1.11"}, +} + +table := tablewriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout) +table.SetHeader([]string{"Name", "Status", "Role", "Version"}) +table.SetAutoWrapText(false) +table.SetAutoFormatHeaders(true) +table.SetHeaderAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT) +table.SetAlignment(ALIGN_LEFT) +table.SetCenterSeparator("") +table.SetColumnSeparator("") +table.SetRowSeparator("") +table.SetHeaderLine(false) +table.SetBorder(false) +table.SetTablePadding("\t") // pad with tabs +table.SetNoWhiteSpace(true) +table.AppendBulk(data) // Add Bulk Data +table.Render() +``` + +##### Output 10 +``` +NAME STATUS ROLE VERSION +node1.example.com Ready compute 1.11 +node2.example.com Ready compute 1.11 +node3.example.com Ready compute 1.11 +node4.example.com NotReady compute 1.11 +``` + +#### Render table into a string + +Instead of rendering the table to `io.Stdout` you can also render it into a string. Go 1.10 introduced the `strings.Builder` type which implements the `io.Writer` interface and can therefore be used for this task. Example: + +```go +package main + +import ( + "strings" + "fmt" + + "github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter" +) + +func main() { + tableString := &strings.Builder{} + table := tablewriter.NewWriter(tableString) + + /* + * Code to fill the table + */ + + table.Render() + + fmt.Println(tableString.String()) +} +``` + +#### TODO +- ~~Import Directly from CSV~~ - `done` +- ~~Support for `SetFooter`~~ - `done` +- ~~Support for `SetBorder`~~ - `done` +- ~~Support table with uneven rows~~ - `done` +- ~~Support custom alignment~~ +- General Improvement & Optimisation +- `NewHTML` Parse table from HTML diff --git a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/csv.go b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/csv.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..98878303bc48d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/csv.go @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +// Copyright 2014 Oleku Konko All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// This module is a Table Writer API for the Go Programming Language. +// The protocols were written in pure Go and works on windows and unix systems + +package tablewriter + +import ( + "encoding/csv" + "io" + "os" +) + +// Start A new table by importing from a CSV file +// Takes io.Writer and csv File name +func NewCSV(writer io.Writer, fileName string, hasHeader bool) (*Table, error) { + file, err := os.Open(fileName) + if err != nil { + return &Table{}, err + } + defer file.Close() + csvReader := csv.NewReader(file) + t, err := NewCSVReader(writer, csvReader, hasHeader) + return t, err +} + +// Start a New Table Writer with csv.Reader +// This enables customisation such as reader.Comma = ';' +// See http://golang.org/src/pkg/encoding/csv/reader.go?s=3213:3671#L94 +func NewCSVReader(writer io.Writer, csvReader *csv.Reader, hasHeader bool) (*Table, error) { + t := NewWriter(writer) + if hasHeader { + // Read the first row + headers, err := csvReader.Read() + if err != nil { + return &Table{}, err + } + t.SetHeader(headers) + } + for { + record, err := csvReader.Read() + if err == io.EOF { + break + } else if err != nil { + return &Table{}, err + } + t.Append(record) + } + return t, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/table.go b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/table.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f913149c69bfb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/table.go @@ -0,0 +1,967 @@ +// Copyright 2014 Oleku Konko All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// This module is a Table Writer API for the Go Programming Language. +// The protocols were written in pure Go and works on windows and unix systems + +// Create & Generate text based table +package tablewriter + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "io" + "regexp" + "strings" +) + +const ( + MAX_ROW_WIDTH = 30 +) + +const ( + CENTER = "+" + ROW = "-" + COLUMN = "|" + SPACE = " " + NEWLINE = "\n" +) + +const ( + ALIGN_DEFAULT = iota + ALIGN_CENTER + ALIGN_RIGHT + ALIGN_LEFT +) + +var ( + decimal = regexp.MustCompile(`^-?(?:\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})*|\d+)(?:\.\d+)?$`) + percent = regexp.MustCompile(`^-?\d+\.?\d*$%$`) +) + +type Border struct { + Left bool + Right bool + Top bool + Bottom bool +} + +type Table struct { + out io.Writer + rows [][]string + lines [][][]string + cs map[int]int + rs map[int]int + headers [][]string + footers [][]string + caption bool + captionText string + autoFmt bool + autoWrap bool + reflowText bool + mW int + pCenter string + pRow string + pColumn string + tColumn int + tRow int + hAlign int + fAlign int + align int + newLine string + rowLine bool + autoMergeCells bool + columnsToAutoMergeCells map[int]bool + noWhiteSpace bool + tablePadding string + hdrLine bool + borders Border + colSize int + headerParams []string + columnsParams []string + footerParams []string + columnsAlign []int +} + +// Start New Table +// Take io.Writer Directly +func NewWriter(writer io.Writer) *Table { + t := &Table{ + out: writer, + rows: [][]string{}, + lines: [][][]string{}, + cs: make(map[int]int), + rs: make(map[int]int), + headers: [][]string{}, + footers: [][]string{}, + caption: false, + captionText: "Table caption.", + autoFmt: true, + autoWrap: true, + reflowText: true, + mW: MAX_ROW_WIDTH, + pCenter: CENTER, + pRow: ROW, + pColumn: COLUMN, + tColumn: -1, + tRow: -1, + hAlign: ALIGN_DEFAULT, + fAlign: ALIGN_DEFAULT, + align: ALIGN_DEFAULT, + newLine: NEWLINE, + rowLine: false, + hdrLine: true, + borders: Border{Left: true, Right: true, Bottom: true, Top: true}, + colSize: -1, + headerParams: []string{}, + columnsParams: []string{}, + footerParams: []string{}, + columnsAlign: []int{}} + return t +} + +// Render table output +func (t *Table) Render() { + if t.borders.Top { + t.printLine(true) + } + t.printHeading() + if t.autoMergeCells { + t.printRowsMergeCells() + } else { + t.printRows() + } + if !t.rowLine && t.borders.Bottom { + t.printLine(true) + } + t.printFooter() + + if t.caption { + t.printCaption() + } +} + +const ( + headerRowIdx = -1 + footerRowIdx = -2 +) + +// Set table header +func (t *Table) SetHeader(keys []string) { + t.colSize = len(keys) + for i, v := range keys { + lines := t.parseDimension(v, i, headerRowIdx) + t.headers = append(t.headers, lines) + } +} + +// Set table Footer +func (t *Table) SetFooter(keys []string) { + //t.colSize = len(keys) + for i, v := range keys { + lines := t.parseDimension(v, i, footerRowIdx) + t.footers = append(t.footers, lines) + } +} + +// Set table Caption +func (t *Table) SetCaption(caption bool, captionText ...string) { + t.caption = caption + if len(captionText) == 1 { + t.captionText = captionText[0] + } +} + +// Turn header autoformatting on/off. Default is on (true). +func (t *Table) SetAutoFormatHeaders(auto bool) { + t.autoFmt = auto +} + +// Turn automatic multiline text adjustment on/off. Default is on (true). +func (t *Table) SetAutoWrapText(auto bool) { + t.autoWrap = auto +} + +// Turn automatic reflowing of multiline text when rewrapping. Default is on (true). +func (t *Table) SetReflowDuringAutoWrap(auto bool) { + t.reflowText = auto +} + +// Set the Default column width +func (t *Table) SetColWidth(width int) { + t.mW = width +} + +// Set the minimal width for a column +func (t *Table) SetColMinWidth(column int, width int) { + t.cs[column] = width +} + +// Set the Column Separator +func (t *Table) SetColumnSeparator(sep string) { + t.pColumn = sep +} + +// Set the Row Separator +func (t *Table) SetRowSeparator(sep string) { + t.pRow = sep +} + +// Set the center Separator +func (t *Table) SetCenterSeparator(sep string) { + t.pCenter = sep +} + +// Set Header Alignment +func (t *Table) SetHeaderAlignment(hAlign int) { + t.hAlign = hAlign +} + +// Set Footer Alignment +func (t *Table) SetFooterAlignment(fAlign int) { + t.fAlign = fAlign +} + +// Set Table Alignment +func (t *Table) SetAlignment(align int) { + t.align = align +} + +// Set No White Space +func (t *Table) SetNoWhiteSpace(allow bool) { + t.noWhiteSpace = allow +} + +// Set Table Padding +func (t *Table) SetTablePadding(padding string) { + t.tablePadding = padding +} + +func (t *Table) SetColumnAlignment(keys []int) { + for _, v := range keys { + switch v { + case ALIGN_CENTER: + break + case ALIGN_LEFT: + break + case ALIGN_RIGHT: + break + default: + v = ALIGN_DEFAULT + } + t.columnsAlign = append(t.columnsAlign, v) + } +} + +// Set New Line +func (t *Table) SetNewLine(nl string) { + t.newLine = nl +} + +// Set Header Line +// This would enable / disable a line after the header +func (t *Table) SetHeaderLine(line bool) { + t.hdrLine = line +} + +// Set Row Line +// This would enable / disable a line on each row of the table +func (t *Table) SetRowLine(line bool) { + t.rowLine = line +} + +// Set Auto Merge Cells +// This would enable / disable the merge of cells with identical values +func (t *Table) SetAutoMergeCells(auto bool) { + t.autoMergeCells = auto +} + +// Set Auto Merge Cells By Column Index +// This would enable / disable the merge of cells with identical values for specific columns +// If cols is empty, it is the same as `SetAutoMergeCells(true)`. +func (t *Table) SetAutoMergeCellsByColumnIndex(cols []int) { + t.autoMergeCells = true + + if len(cols) > 0 { + m := make(map[int]bool) + for _, col := range cols { + m[col] = true + } + t.columnsToAutoMergeCells = m + } +} + +// Set Table Border +// This would enable / disable line around the table +func (t *Table) SetBorder(border bool) { + t.SetBorders(Border{border, border, border, border}) +} + +func (t *Table) SetBorders(border Border) { + t.borders = border +} + +// Append row to table +func (t *Table) Append(row []string) { + rowSize := len(t.headers) + if rowSize > t.colSize { + t.colSize = rowSize + } + + n := len(t.lines) + line := [][]string{} + for i, v := range row { + + // Detect string width + // Detect String height + // Break strings into words + out := t.parseDimension(v, i, n) + + // Append broken words + line = append(line, out) + } + t.lines = append(t.lines, line) +} + +// Append row to table with color attributes +func (t *Table) Rich(row []string, colors []Colors) { + rowSize := len(t.headers) + if rowSize > t.colSize { + t.colSize = rowSize + } + + n := len(t.lines) + line := [][]string{} + for i, v := range row { + + // Detect string width + // Detect String height + // Break strings into words + out := t.parseDimension(v, i, n) + + if len(colors) > i { + color := colors[i] + out[0] = format(out[0], color) + } + + // Append broken words + line = append(line, out) + } + t.lines = append(t.lines, line) +} + +// Allow Support for Bulk Append +// Eliminates repeated for loops +func (t *Table) AppendBulk(rows [][]string) { + for _, row := range rows { + t.Append(row) + } +} + +// NumLines to get the number of lines +func (t *Table) NumLines() int { + return len(t.lines) +} + +// Clear rows +func (t *Table) ClearRows() { + t.lines = [][][]string{} +} + +// Clear footer +func (t *Table) ClearFooter() { + t.footers = [][]string{} +} + +// Center based on position and border. +func (t *Table) center(i int) string { + if i == -1 && !t.borders.Left { + return t.pRow + } + + if i == len(t.cs)-1 && !t.borders.Right { + return t.pRow + } + + return t.pCenter +} + +// Print line based on row width +func (t *Table) printLine(nl bool) { + fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.center(-1)) + for i := 0; i < len(t.cs); i++ { + v := t.cs[i] + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s%s%s%s", + t.pRow, + strings.Repeat(string(t.pRow), v), + t.pRow, + t.center(i)) + } + if nl { + fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.newLine) + } +} + +// Print line based on row width with our without cell separator +func (t *Table) printLineOptionalCellSeparators(nl bool, displayCellSeparator []bool) { + fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.pCenter) + for i := 0; i < len(t.cs); i++ { + v := t.cs[i] + if i > len(displayCellSeparator) || displayCellSeparator[i] { + // Display the cell separator + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s%s%s%s", + t.pRow, + strings.Repeat(string(t.pRow), v), + t.pRow, + t.pCenter) + } else { + // Don't display the cell separator for this cell + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s%s", + strings.Repeat(" ", v+2), + t.pCenter) + } + } + if nl { + fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.newLine) + } +} + +// Return the PadRight function if align is left, PadLeft if align is right, +// and Pad by default +func pad(align int) func(string, string, int) string { + padFunc := Pad + switch align { + case ALIGN_LEFT: + padFunc = PadRight + case ALIGN_RIGHT: + padFunc = PadLeft + } + return padFunc +} + +// Print heading information +func (t *Table) printHeading() { + // Check if headers is available + if len(t.headers) < 1 { + return + } + + // Identify last column + end := len(t.cs) - 1 + + // Get pad function + padFunc := pad(t.hAlign) + + // Checking for ANSI escape sequences for header + is_esc_seq := false + if len(t.headerParams) > 0 { + is_esc_seq = true + } + + // Maximum height. + max := t.rs[headerRowIdx] + + // Print Heading + for x := 0; x < max; x++ { + // Check if border is set + // Replace with space if not set + if !t.noWhiteSpace { + fmt.Fprint(t.out, ConditionString(t.borders.Left, t.pColumn, SPACE)) + } + + for y := 0; y <= end; y++ { + v := t.cs[y] + h := "" + + if y < len(t.headers) && x < len(t.headers[y]) { + h = t.headers[y][x] + } + if t.autoFmt { + h = Title(h) + } + pad := ConditionString((y == end && !t.borders.Left), SPACE, t.pColumn) + if t.noWhiteSpace { + pad = ConditionString((y == end && !t.borders.Left), SPACE, t.tablePadding) + } + if is_esc_seq { + if !t.noWhiteSpace { + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, " %s %s", + format(padFunc(h, SPACE, v), + t.headerParams[y]), pad) + } else { + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s %s", + format(padFunc(h, SPACE, v), + t.headerParams[y]), pad) + } + } else { + if !t.noWhiteSpace { + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, " %s %s", + padFunc(h, SPACE, v), + pad) + } else { + // the spaces between breaks the kube formatting + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s%s", + padFunc(h, SPACE, v), + pad) + } + } + } + // Next line + fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.newLine) + } + if t.hdrLine { + t.printLine(true) + } +} + +// Print heading information +func (t *Table) printFooter() { + // Check if headers is available + if len(t.footers) < 1 { + return + } + + // Only print line if border is not set + if !t.borders.Bottom { + t.printLine(true) + } + + // Identify last column + end := len(t.cs) - 1 + + // Get pad function + padFunc := pad(t.fAlign) + + // Checking for ANSI escape sequences for header + is_esc_seq := false + if len(t.footerParams) > 0 { + is_esc_seq = true + } + + // Maximum height. + max := t.rs[footerRowIdx] + + // Print Footer + erasePad := make([]bool, len(t.footers)) + for x := 0; x < max; x++ { + // Check if border is set + // Replace with space if not set + fmt.Fprint(t.out, ConditionString(t.borders.Bottom, t.pColumn, SPACE)) + + for y := 0; y <= end; y++ { + v := t.cs[y] + f := "" + if y < len(t.footers) && x < len(t.footers[y]) { + f = t.footers[y][x] + } + if t.autoFmt { + f = Title(f) + } + pad := ConditionString((y == end && !t.borders.Top), SPACE, t.pColumn) + + if erasePad[y] || (x == 0 && len(f) == 0) { + pad = SPACE + erasePad[y] = true + } + + if is_esc_seq { + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, " %s %s", + format(padFunc(f, SPACE, v), + t.footerParams[y]), pad) + } else { + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, " %s %s", + padFunc(f, SPACE, v), + pad) + } + + //fmt.Fprintf(t.out, " %s %s", + // padFunc(f, SPACE, v), + // pad) + } + // Next line + fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.newLine) + //t.printLine(true) + } + + hasPrinted := false + + for i := 0; i <= end; i++ { + v := t.cs[i] + pad := t.pRow + center := t.pCenter + length := len(t.footers[i][0]) + + if length > 0 { + hasPrinted = true + } + + // Set center to be space if length is 0 + if length == 0 && !t.borders.Right { + center = SPACE + } + + // Print first junction + if i == 0 { + if length > 0 && !t.borders.Left { + center = t.pRow + } + fmt.Fprint(t.out, center) + } + + // Pad With space of length is 0 + if length == 0 { + pad = SPACE + } + // Ignore left space as it has printed before + if hasPrinted || t.borders.Left { + pad = t.pRow + center = t.pCenter + } + + // Change Center end position + if center != SPACE { + if i == end && !t.borders.Right { + center = t.pRow + } + } + + // Change Center start position + if center == SPACE { + if i < end && len(t.footers[i+1][0]) != 0 { + if !t.borders.Left { + center = t.pRow + } else { + center = t.pCenter + } + } + } + + // Print the footer + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s%s%s%s", + pad, + strings.Repeat(string(pad), v), + pad, + center) + + } + + fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.newLine) +} + +// Print caption text +func (t Table) printCaption() { + width := t.getTableWidth() + paragraph, _ := WrapString(t.captionText, width) + for linecount := 0; linecount < len(paragraph); linecount++ { + fmt.Fprintln(t.out, paragraph[linecount]) + } +} + +// Calculate the total number of characters in a row +func (t Table) getTableWidth() int { + var chars int + for _, v := range t.cs { + chars += v + } + + // Add chars, spaces, seperators to calculate the total width of the table. + // ncols := t.colSize + // spaces := ncols * 2 + // seps := ncols + 1 + + return (chars + (3 * t.colSize) + 2) +} + +func (t Table) printRows() { + for i, lines := range t.lines { + t.printRow(lines, i) + } +} + +func (t *Table) fillAlignment(num int) { + if len(t.columnsAlign) < num { + t.columnsAlign = make([]int, num) + for i := range t.columnsAlign { + t.columnsAlign[i] = t.align + } + } +} + +// Print Row Information +// Adjust column alignment based on type + +func (t *Table) printRow(columns [][]string, rowIdx int) { + // Get Maximum Height + max := t.rs[rowIdx] + total := len(columns) + + // TODO Fix uneven col size + // if total < t.colSize { + // for n := t.colSize - total; n < t.colSize ; n++ { + // columns = append(columns, []string{SPACE}) + // t.cs[n] = t.mW + // } + //} + + // Pad Each Height + pads := []int{} + + // Checking for ANSI escape sequences for columns + is_esc_seq := false + if len(t.columnsParams) > 0 { + is_esc_seq = true + } + t.fillAlignment(total) + + for i, line := range columns { + length := len(line) + pad := max - length + pads = append(pads, pad) + for n := 0; n < pad; n++ { + columns[i] = append(columns[i], " ") + } + } + //fmt.Println(max, "\n") + for x := 0; x < max; x++ { + for y := 0; y < total; y++ { + + // Check if border is set + if !t.noWhiteSpace { + fmt.Fprint(t.out, ConditionString((!t.borders.Left && y == 0), SPACE, t.pColumn)) + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, SPACE) + } + + str := columns[y][x] + + // Embedding escape sequence with column value + if is_esc_seq { + str = format(str, t.columnsParams[y]) + } + + // This would print alignment + // Default alignment would use multiple configuration + switch t.columnsAlign[y] { + case ALIGN_CENTER: // + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s", Pad(str, SPACE, t.cs[y])) + case ALIGN_RIGHT: + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s", PadLeft(str, SPACE, t.cs[y])) + case ALIGN_LEFT: + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s", PadRight(str, SPACE, t.cs[y])) + default: + if decimal.MatchString(strings.TrimSpace(str)) || percent.MatchString(strings.TrimSpace(str)) { + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s", PadLeft(str, SPACE, t.cs[y])) + } else { + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s", PadRight(str, SPACE, t.cs[y])) + + // TODO Custom alignment per column + //if max == 1 || pads[y] > 0 { + // fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s", Pad(str, SPACE, t.cs[y])) + //} else { + // fmt.Fprintf(t.out, "%s", PadRight(str, SPACE, t.cs[y])) + //} + + } + } + if !t.noWhiteSpace { + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, SPACE) + } else { + fmt.Fprintf(t.out, t.tablePadding) + } + } + // Check if border is set + // Replace with space if not set + if !t.noWhiteSpace { + fmt.Fprint(t.out, ConditionString(t.borders.Left, t.pColumn, SPACE)) + } + fmt.Fprint(t.out, t.newLine) + } + + if t.rowLine { + t.printLine(true) + } +} + +// Print the rows of the table and merge the cells that are identical +func (t *Table) printRowsMergeCells() { + var previousLine []string + var displayCellBorder []bool + var tmpWriter bytes.Buffer + for i, lines := range t.lines { + // We store the display of the current line in a tmp writer, as we need to know which border needs to be print above + previousLine, displayCellBorder = t.printRowMergeCells(&tmpWriter, lines, i, previousLine) + if i > 0 { //We don't need to print borders above first line + if t.rowLine { + t.printLineOptionalCellSeparators(true, displayCellBorder) + } + } + tmpWriter.WriteTo(t.out) + } + //Print the end of the table + if t.rowLine { + t.printLine(true) + } +} + +// Print Row Information to a writer and merge identical cells. +// Adjust column alignment based on type + +func (t *Table) printRowMergeCells(writer io.Writer, columns [][]string, rowIdx int, previousLine []string) ([]string, []bool) { + // Get Maximum Height + max := t.rs[rowIdx] + total := len(columns) + + // Pad Each Height + pads := []int{} + + // Checking for ANSI escape sequences for columns + is_esc_seq := false + if len(t.columnsParams) > 0 { + is_esc_seq = true + } + for i, line := range columns { + length := len(line) + pad := max - length + pads = append(pads, pad) + for n := 0; n < pad; n++ { + columns[i] = append(columns[i], " ") + } + } + + var displayCellBorder []bool + t.fillAlignment(total) + for x := 0; x < max; x++ { + for y := 0; y < total; y++ { + + // Check if border is set + fmt.Fprint(writer, ConditionString((!t.borders.Left && y == 0), SPACE, t.pColumn)) + + fmt.Fprintf(writer, SPACE) + + str := columns[y][x] + + // Embedding escape sequence with column value + if is_esc_seq { + str = format(str, t.columnsParams[y]) + } + + if t.autoMergeCells { + var mergeCell bool + if t.columnsToAutoMergeCells != nil { + // Check to see if the column index is in columnsToAutoMergeCells. + if t.columnsToAutoMergeCells[y] { + mergeCell = true + } + } else { + // columnsToAutoMergeCells was not set. + mergeCell = true + } + //Store the full line to merge mutli-lines cells + fullLine := strings.TrimRight(strings.Join(columns[y], " "), " ") + if len(previousLine) > y && fullLine == previousLine[y] && fullLine != "" && mergeCell { + // If this cell is identical to the one above but not empty, we don't display the border and keep the cell empty. + displayCellBorder = append(displayCellBorder, false) + str = "" + } else { + // First line or different content, keep the content and print the cell border + displayCellBorder = append(displayCellBorder, true) + } + } + + // This would print alignment + // Default alignment would use multiple configuration + switch t.columnsAlign[y] { + case ALIGN_CENTER: // + fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s", Pad(str, SPACE, t.cs[y])) + case ALIGN_RIGHT: + fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s", PadLeft(str, SPACE, t.cs[y])) + case ALIGN_LEFT: + fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s", PadRight(str, SPACE, t.cs[y])) + default: + if decimal.MatchString(strings.TrimSpace(str)) || percent.MatchString(strings.TrimSpace(str)) { + fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s", PadLeft(str, SPACE, t.cs[y])) + } else { + fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s", PadRight(str, SPACE, t.cs[y])) + } + } + fmt.Fprintf(writer, SPACE) + } + // Check if border is set + // Replace with space if not set + fmt.Fprint(writer, ConditionString(t.borders.Left, t.pColumn, SPACE)) + fmt.Fprint(writer, t.newLine) + } + + //The new previous line is the current one + previousLine = make([]string, total) + for y := 0; y < total; y++ { + previousLine[y] = strings.TrimRight(strings.Join(columns[y], " "), " ") //Store the full line for multi-lines cells + } + //Returns the newly added line and wether or not a border should be displayed above. + return previousLine, displayCellBorder +} + +func (t *Table) parseDimension(str string, colKey, rowKey int) []string { + var ( + raw []string + maxWidth int + ) + + raw = getLines(str) + maxWidth = 0 + for _, line := range raw { + if w := DisplayWidth(line); w > maxWidth { + maxWidth = w + } + } + + // If wrapping, ensure that all paragraphs in the cell fit in the + // specified width. + if t.autoWrap { + // If there's a maximum allowed width for wrapping, use that. + if maxWidth > t.mW { + maxWidth = t.mW + } + + // In the process of doing so, we need to recompute maxWidth. This + // is because perhaps a word in the cell is longer than the + // allowed maximum width in t.mW. + newMaxWidth := maxWidth + newRaw := make([]string, 0, len(raw)) + + if t.reflowText { + // Make a single paragraph of everything. + raw = []string{strings.Join(raw, " ")} + } + for i, para := range raw { + paraLines, _ := WrapString(para, maxWidth) + for _, line := range paraLines { + if w := DisplayWidth(line); w > newMaxWidth { + newMaxWidth = w + } + } + if i > 0 { + newRaw = append(newRaw, " ") + } + newRaw = append(newRaw, paraLines...) + } + raw = newRaw + maxWidth = newMaxWidth + } + + // Store the new known maximum width. + v, ok := t.cs[colKey] + if !ok || v < maxWidth || v == 0 { + t.cs[colKey] = maxWidth + } + + // Remember the number of lines for the row printer. + h := len(raw) + v, ok = t.rs[rowKey] + + if !ok || v < h || v == 0 { + t.rs[rowKey] = h + } + //fmt.Printf("Raw %+v %d\n", raw, len(raw)) + return raw +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/table_with_color.go b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/table_with_color.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ae7a364aed7c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/table_with_color.go @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +package tablewriter + +import ( + "fmt" + "strconv" + "strings" +) + +const ESC = "\033" +const SEP = ";" + +const ( + BgBlackColor int = iota + 40 + BgRedColor + BgGreenColor + BgYellowColor + BgBlueColor + BgMagentaColor + BgCyanColor + BgWhiteColor +) + +const ( + FgBlackColor int = iota + 30 + FgRedColor + FgGreenColor + FgYellowColor + FgBlueColor + FgMagentaColor + FgCyanColor + FgWhiteColor +) + +const ( + BgHiBlackColor int = iota + 100 + BgHiRedColor + BgHiGreenColor + BgHiYellowColor + BgHiBlueColor + BgHiMagentaColor + BgHiCyanColor + BgHiWhiteColor +) + +const ( + FgHiBlackColor int = iota + 90 + FgHiRedColor + FgHiGreenColor + FgHiYellowColor + FgHiBlueColor + FgHiMagentaColor + FgHiCyanColor + FgHiWhiteColor +) + +const ( + Normal = 0 + Bold = 1 + UnderlineSingle = 4 + Italic +) + +type Colors []int + +func startFormat(seq string) string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s[%sm", ESC, seq) +} + +func stopFormat() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s[%dm", ESC, Normal) +} + +// Making the SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) sequence. +func makeSequence(codes []int) string { + codesInString := []string{} + for _, code := range codes { + codesInString = append(codesInString, strconv.Itoa(code)) + } + return strings.Join(codesInString, SEP) +} + +// Adding ANSI escape sequences before and after string +func format(s string, codes interface{}) string { + var seq string + + switch v := codes.(type) { + + case string: + seq = v + case []int: + seq = makeSequence(v) + case Colors: + seq = makeSequence(v) + default: + return s + } + + if len(seq) == 0 { + return s + } + return startFormat(seq) + s + stopFormat() +} + +// Adding header colors (ANSI codes) +func (t *Table) SetHeaderColor(colors ...Colors) { + if t.colSize != len(colors) { + panic("Number of header colors must be equal to number of headers.") + } + for i := 0; i < len(colors); i++ { + t.headerParams = append(t.headerParams, makeSequence(colors[i])) + } +} + +// Adding column colors (ANSI codes) +func (t *Table) SetColumnColor(colors ...Colors) { + if t.colSize != len(colors) { + panic("Number of column colors must be equal to number of headers.") + } + for i := 0; i < len(colors); i++ { + t.columnsParams = append(t.columnsParams, makeSequence(colors[i])) + } +} + +// Adding column colors (ANSI codes) +func (t *Table) SetFooterColor(colors ...Colors) { + if len(t.footers) != len(colors) { + panic("Number of footer colors must be equal to number of footer.") + } + for i := 0; i < len(colors); i++ { + t.footerParams = append(t.footerParams, makeSequence(colors[i])) + } +} + +func Color(colors ...int) []int { + return colors +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/util.go b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/util.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..380e7ab35b654 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/util.go @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +// Copyright 2014 Oleku Konko All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// This module is a Table Writer API for the Go Programming Language. +// The protocols were written in pure Go and works on windows and unix systems + +package tablewriter + +import ( + "math" + "regexp" + "strings" + + "github.com/mattn/go-runewidth" +) + +var ansi = regexp.MustCompile("\033\\[(?:[0-9]{1,3}(?:;[0-9]{1,3})*)?[m|K]") + +func DisplayWidth(str string) int { + return runewidth.StringWidth(ansi.ReplaceAllLiteralString(str, "")) +} + +// Simple Condition for string +// Returns value based on condition +func ConditionString(cond bool, valid, inValid string) string { + if cond { + return valid + } + return inValid +} + +func isNumOrSpace(r rune) bool { + return ('0' <= r && r <= '9') || r == ' ' +} + +// Format Table Header +// Replace _ , . and spaces +func Title(name string) string { + origLen := len(name) + rs := []rune(name) + for i, r := range rs { + switch r { + case '_': + rs[i] = ' ' + case '.': + // ignore floating number 0.0 + if (i != 0 && !isNumOrSpace(rs[i-1])) || (i != len(rs)-1 && !isNumOrSpace(rs[i+1])) { + rs[i] = ' ' + } + } + } + name = string(rs) + name = strings.TrimSpace(name) + if len(name) == 0 && origLen > 0 { + // Keep at least one character. This is important to preserve + // empty lines in multi-line headers/footers. + name = " " + } + return strings.ToUpper(name) +} + +// Pad String +// Attempts to place string in the center +func Pad(s, pad string, width int) string { + gap := width - DisplayWidth(s) + if gap > 0 { + gapLeft := int(math.Ceil(float64(gap / 2))) + gapRight := gap - gapLeft + return strings.Repeat(string(pad), gapLeft) + s + strings.Repeat(string(pad), gapRight) + } + return s +} + +// Pad String Right position +// This would place string at the left side of the screen +func PadRight(s, pad string, width int) string { + gap := width - DisplayWidth(s) + if gap > 0 { + return s + strings.Repeat(string(pad), gap) + } + return s +} + +// Pad String Left position +// This would place string at the right side of the screen +func PadLeft(s, pad string, width int) string { + gap := width - DisplayWidth(s) + if gap > 0 { + return strings.Repeat(string(pad), gap) + s + } + return s +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/wrap.go b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/wrap.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a092ee1f75d3e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter/wrap.go @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +// Copyright 2014 Oleku Konko All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// This module is a Table Writer API for the Go Programming Language. +// The protocols were written in pure Go and works on windows and unix systems + +package tablewriter + +import ( + "math" + "strings" + + "github.com/mattn/go-runewidth" +) + +var ( + nl = "\n" + sp = " " +) + +const defaultPenalty = 1e5 + +// Wrap wraps s into a paragraph of lines of length lim, with minimal +// raggedness. +func WrapString(s string, lim int) ([]string, int) { + words := strings.Split(strings.Replace(s, nl, sp, -1), sp) + var lines []string + max := 0 + for _, v := range words { + max = runewidth.StringWidth(v) + if max > lim { + lim = max + } + } + for _, line := range WrapWords(words, 1, lim, defaultPenalty) { + lines = append(lines, strings.Join(line, sp)) + } + return lines, lim +} + +// WrapWords is the low-level line-breaking algorithm, useful if you need more +// control over the details of the text wrapping process. For most uses, +// WrapString will be sufficient and more convenient. +// +// WrapWords splits a list of words into lines with minimal "raggedness", +// treating each rune as one unit, accounting for spc units between adjacent +// words on each line, and attempting to limit lines to lim units. Raggedness +// is the total error over all lines, where error is the square of the +// difference of the length of the line and lim. Too-long lines (which only +// happen when a single word is longer than lim units) have pen penalty units +// added to the error. +func WrapWords(words []string, spc, lim, pen int) [][]string { + n := len(words) + + length := make([][]int, n) + for i := 0; i < n; i++ { + length[i] = make([]int, n) + length[i][i] = runewidth.StringWidth(words[i]) + for j := i + 1; j < n; j++ { + length[i][j] = length[i][j-1] + spc + runewidth.StringWidth(words[j]) + } + } + nbrk := make([]int, n) + cost := make([]int, n) + for i := range cost { + cost[i] = math.MaxInt32 + } + for i := n - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if length[i][n-1] <= lim { + cost[i] = 0 + nbrk[i] = n + } else { + for j := i + 1; j < n; j++ { + d := lim - length[i][j-1] + c := d*d + cost[j] + if length[i][j-1] > lim { + c += pen // too-long lines get a worse penalty + } + if c < cost[i] { + cost[i] = c + nbrk[i] = j + } + } + } + } + var lines [][]string + i := 0 + for i < n { + lines = append(lines, words[i:nbrk[i]]) + i = nbrk[i] + } + return lines +} + +// getLines decomposes a multiline string into a slice of strings. +func getLines(s string) []string { + return strings.Split(s, nl) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/.gitattributes b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/.gitattributes new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..44d8f56ba0cfb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/.gitattributes @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +internal/gen-go/* linguist-generated=true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c3ca928813ae1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# Binaries for programs and plugins +*.exe +*.exe~ +*.dll +*.so +*.dylib + +# Test binary, built with `go test -c` +*.test + +# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE +*.out + +# Dependency directories (remove the comment below to include it) +# vendor/ + +# Emacs +*~ +#*# +.# diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/.mailmap b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/.mailmap new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..09d89739a51a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/.mailmap @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +Achille Roussel Achille +Thomas Pelletier Thomas Pelletier diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/.words b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/.words new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..d7ff3655600a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/.words @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + +RowType +Twilio +bottlenecked +decompressors +int96 +millis +nanos +reindexing +repositions +schemas +ColumnPages +PageIndex +Zstandard +xxHash +cardinality +enums +32bit +dic +Blart +Versenwald +purego +stdlib +unscaled +cespare +bitset +checksumming diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/AUTHORS.txt b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/AUTHORS.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..26669538c1402 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/AUTHORS.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Achille Roussel +Frederic Branczyk +Julien Fabre +Kevin Burke +Thomas Pelletier diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/CHANGELOG.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..987597104cacc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/CHANGELOG.md @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + # v0.17.0 + + ## Breaking Changes + + - migrate to module github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go [#3](https://github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/pull/3) @kevinburke + - drop support for `go1.17` [#16](https://github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/pull/16) @gernest + + ## Bug fixes + + - fix error handling when reading from io.ReaderAt [#18](https://github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/pull/18) @gernest + - fix zero value of nested field point [#9](https://github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/pull/9) @gernest + - fix memory corruption in `MergeRowGroups` [#31](https://github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/pull/31) @gernest + + ## Enhancements + - performance improvement on GenericReader [#17](https://github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/pull/17) @gernest, @zolstein + - stabilize flakey `TestOpenFile` [#11](https://github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/pull/11) @gernest diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/CODEOWNERS b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/CODEOWNERS new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9a95c2a07c73e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/CODEOWNERS @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +* @achille-roussel @asubiotto @brancz @fpetkovski @joe-elliott @kevinburkesegment @mdisibio @metalmatze @Pryz @thorfour \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..2f0727ed54e6f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as +contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and +our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, +level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal +appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment +include: + +- Using welcoming and inclusive language +- Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +- Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +- Focusing on what is best for the community +- Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +- The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or + advances +- Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +- Public or private harassment +- Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic + address, without explicit permission +- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable +behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or +reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions +that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or +permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, +threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces +when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of +representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail +address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be +further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported by contacting the project team at open-source@twilio.com. All +complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that +is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is +obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. +Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good +faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other +members of the project's leadership. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, +available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html + +[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/CONTRIBUTING.md b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/CONTRIBUTING.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..185d95811846b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# Contributing to segmentio/parquet + +## Code of Conduct + +Help us keep the project open and inclusive. Please be kind to and +considerate of other developers, as we all have the same goal: make +the project as good as it can be. + +* [Code of Conduct](./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) + +## Licensing + +All third party contributors acknowledge that any contributions they provide +will be made under the same open source license that the open source project +is provided under. + +## Contributing + +* Open an Issue to report bugs or discuss non-trivial changes. +* Open a Pull Request to submit a code change for review. + +### Guidelines for code review + +It's good to do code review but we are busy and it's bad to wait for consensus +or opinions that might not arrive. Here are some guidelines + +#### Changes where code review is optional + +- Documentation changes +- Bug fixes where a reproducible test case exists +- Keeping the lights on style work (compat with new Parquet versions, new Go + versions, for example) +- Updates to the CI environment +- Adding additional benchmarks or test cases +- Pull requests that have been open for 30 days, where an attempt has been made + to contact another code owner, and no one has expressly requested changes + +#### Changes that should get at least one code review from an owner + +- Changes that may affect the performance of core library functionality + (serializing, deserializing Parquet data) by more than 2% +- Behavior changes +- New API or changes to existing API + +### Coding Rules + +To ensure consistency throughout the source code, keep these rules in mind +when submitting contributions: + +* All features or bug fixes must be tested by one or more tests. +* All exported types, functions, and symbols must be documented. +* All code must be formatted with `go fmt`. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..251c7e5154fda --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ + + Apache License + Version 2.0, January 2004 + http://www.apache.org/licenses/ + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION + + 1. Definitions. + + "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, + and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. + + "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by + the copyright owner that is granting the License. + + "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all + other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common + control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, + "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the + direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or + otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the + outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + + "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity + exercising permissions granted by this License. + + "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, + including but not limited to software source code, documentation + source, and configuration files. + + "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical + transformation or translation of a Source form, including but + not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, + and conversions to other media types. + + "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or + Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a + copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work + (an example is provided in the Appendix below). + + "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object + form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the + editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications + represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes + of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain + separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, + the Work and Derivative Works thereof. + + "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including + the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions + to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally + submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner + or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of + the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" + means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent + to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to + communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, + and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the + Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but + excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise + designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." + + "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity + on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and + subsequently incorporated within the Work. + + 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, + publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the + Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. + + 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, + use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, + where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable + by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their + Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) + with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You + institute patent litigation against any entity (including a + cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work + or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct + or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses + granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate + as of the date such litigation is filed. + + 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the + Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without + modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You + meet the following conditions: + + (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or + Derivative Works a copy of this License; and + + (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that You changed the files; and + + (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works + that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and + attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, + excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of + the Derivative Works; and + + (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its + distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must + include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained + within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not + pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one + of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed + as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or + documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, + within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and + wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents + of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and + do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution + notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside + or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided + that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed + as modifying the License. + + You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and + may provide additional or different license terms and conditions + for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or + for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, + reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with + the conditions stated in this License. + + 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, + any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work + by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of + this License, without any additional terms or conditions. + Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify + the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed + with Licensor regarding such Contributions. + + 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade + names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, + except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the + origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. + + 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or + agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each + Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or + implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions + of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A + PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the + appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any + risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. + + 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, + whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, + unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly + negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be + liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, + incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a + result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the + Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, + work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all + other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor + has been advised of the possibility of such damages. + + 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing + the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, + and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, + or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this + License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only + on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf + of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, + defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability + incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason + of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. + + To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following + boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" + replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include + the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate + comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a + file or class name and description of purpose be included on the + same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier + identification within third-party archives. + + Copyright 2023 Twilio, Inc. + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +This product includes code from Apache Parquet. + +* deprecated/parquet.go is based on Apache Parquet's thrift file +* format/parquet.go is based on Apache Parquet's thrift file + +Copyright: 2014 The Apache Software Foundation. +Home page: https://github.com/apache/parquet-format +License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/Makefile b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b05ab639d4689 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +.PHONY: format + +AUTHORS.txt: .mailmap + go install github.com/kevinburke/write_mailmap@latest + write_mailmap > AUTHORS.txt + +format: + go install github.com/kevinburke/differ@latest + differ gofmt -w . + +test: + go test -v -trimpath -race -cover -tags= ./... diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/README.md b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..94bbdefad5b6a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,581 @@ +
+ +



+High-performance Go library to manipulate parquet files, initially developed at +Twilio Segment. +

+ +
+ +## Motivation + +Parquet has been established as a powerful solution to represent columnar data +on persistent storage mediums, achieving levels of compression and query +performance that enable managing data sets at scales that reach the petabytes. +In addition, having intensive data applications sharing a common format creates +opportunities for interoperation in our tool kits, providing greater leverage +and value to engineers maintaining and operating those systems. + +The creation and evolution of large scale data management systems, combined with +realtime expectations come with challenging maintenance and performance +requirements, that existing solutions to use parquet with Go were not addressing. + +The `parquet-go/parquet-go` package was designed and developed to respond to those +challenges, offering high level APIs to read and write parquet files, while +keeping a low compute and memory footprint in order to be used in environments +where data volumes and cost constraints require software to achieve high levels +of efficiency. + +## Specification + +Columnar storage allows Parquet to store data more efficiently than, say, +using JSON or Protobuf. For more information, refer to the [Parquet Format Specification](https://github.com/apache/parquet-format). + +## Installation + +The package is distributed as a standard Go module that programs can take a +dependency on and install with the following command: + +```bash +go get github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go +``` + +Go 1.21 or later is required to use the package. + +### Compatibility Guarantees + +The package is currently released as a pre-v1 version, which gives maintainers +the freedom to break backward compatibility to help improve the APIs as we learn +which initial design decisions would need to be revisited to better support the +use cases that the library solves for. These occurrences are expected to be rare +in frequency and documentation will be produce to guide users on how to adapt +their programs to breaking changes. + +## Usage + +The following sections describe how to use APIs exposed by the library, +highlighting the use cases with code examples to demonstrate how they are used +in practice. + +### Writing Parquet Files: [parquet.GenericWriter[T]](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go#GenericWriter) + +A parquet file is a collection of rows sharing the same schema, arranged in +columns to support faster scan operations on subsets of the data set. + +For simple use cases, the `parquet.WriteFile[T]` function allows the creation +of parquet files on the file system from a slice of Go values representing the +rows to write to the file. + +```go +type RowType struct { FirstName, LastName string } + +if err := parquet.WriteFile("file.parquet", []RowType{ + {FirstName: "Bob"}, + {FirstName: "Alice"}, +}); err != nil { + ... +} +``` + +The `parquet.GenericWriter[T]` type denormalizes rows into columns, then encodes +the columns into a parquet file, generating row groups, column chunks, and pages +based on configurable heuristics. + +```go +type RowType struct { FirstName, LastName string } + +writer := parquet.NewGenericWriter[RowType](output) + +_, err := writer.Write([]RowType{ + ... +}) +if err != nil { + ... +} + +// Closing the writer is necessary to flush buffers and write the file footer. +if err := writer.Close(); err != nil { + ... +} +``` + +Explicit declaration of the parquet schema on a writer is useful when the +application needs to ensure that data written to a file adheres to a predefined +schema, which may differ from the schema derived from the writer's type +parameter. The `parquet.Schema` type is a in-memory representation of the schema +of parquet rows, translated from the type of Go values, and can be used for this +purpose. + +```go +schema := parquet.SchemaOf(new(RowType)) +writer := parquet.NewGenericWriter[any](output, schema) +... +``` + +### Reading Parquet Files: [parquet.GenericReader[T]](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go#GenericReader) + +For simple use cases where the data set fits in memory and the program will +read most rows of the file, the `parquet.ReadFile[T]` function returns a slice +of Go values representing the rows read from the file. + +```go +type RowType struct { FirstName, LastName string } + +rows, err := parquet.ReadFile[RowType]("file.parquet") +if err != nil { + ... +} + +for _, c := range rows { + fmt.Printf("%+v\n", c) +} +``` + +The expected schema of rows can be explicitly declared when the reader is +constructed, which is useful to ensure that the program receives rows matching +an specific format; for example, when dealing with files from remote storage +sources that applications cannot trust to have used an expected schema. + +Configuring the schema of a reader is done by passing a `parquet.Schema` +instance as argument when constructing a reader. When the schema is declared, +conversion rules implemented by the package are applied to ensure that rows +read by the application match the desired format (see **Evolving Parquet Schemas**). + +```go +schema := parquet.SchemaOf(new(RowType)) +reader := parquet.NewReader(file, schema) +... +``` + +### Inspecting Parquet Files: [parquet.File](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go#File) + +Sometimes, lower-level APIs can be useful to leverage the columnar layout of +parquet files. The `parquet.File` type is intended to provide such features to +Go applications, by exposing APIs to iterate over the various parts of a +parquet file. + +```go +f, err := parquet.OpenFile(file, size) +if err != nil { + ... +} + +for _, rowGroup := range f.RowGroups() { + for _, columnChunk := range rowGroup.ColumnChunks() { + ... + } +} +``` + +### Evolving Parquet Schemas: [parquet.Convert](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go#Convert) + +Parquet files embed all the metadata necessary to interpret their content, +including a description of the schema of the tables represented by the rows and +columns they contain. + +Parquet files are also immutable; once written, there is not mechanism for +_updating_ a file. If their contents need to be changed, rows must be read, +modified, and written to a new file. + +Because applications evolve, the schema written to parquet files also tend to +evolve over time. Those requirements creating challenges when applications need +to operate on parquet files with heterogenous schemas: algorithms that expect +new columns to exist may have issues dealing with rows that come from files with +mismatching schema versions. + +To help build applications that can handle evolving schemas, `parquet-go/parquet-go` +implements conversion rules that create views of row groups to translate between +schema versions. + +The `parquet.Convert` function is the low-level routine constructing conversion +rules from a source to a target schema. The function is used to build converted +views of `parquet.RowReader` or `parquet.RowGroup`, for example: + +```go +type RowTypeV1 struct { ID int64; FirstName string } +type RowTypeV2 struct { ID int64; FirstName, LastName string } + +source := parquet.SchemaOf(RowTypeV1{}) +target := parquet.SchemaOf(RowTypeV2{}) + +conversion, err := parquet.Convert(target, source) +if err != nil { + ... +} + +targetRowGroup := parquet.ConvertRowGroup(sourceRowGroup, conversion) +... +``` + +Conversion rules are automatically applied by the `parquet.CopyRows` function +when the reader and writers passed to the function also implement the +`parquet.RowReaderWithSchema` and `parquet.RowWriterWithSchema` interfaces. +The copy determines whether the reader and writer schemas can be converted from +one to the other, and automatically applies the conversion rules to facilitate +the translation between schemas. + +At this time, conversion rules only supports adding or removing columns from +the schemas, there are no type conversions performed, nor ways to rename +columns, etc... More advanced conversion rules may be added in the future. + +### Sorting Row Groups: [parquet.GenericBuffer[T]](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go#Buffer) + +The `parquet.GenericWriter[T]` type is optimized for minimal memory usage, +keeping the order of rows unchanged and flushing pages as soon as they are filled. + +Parquet supports expressing columns by which rows are sorted through the +declaration of _sorting columns_ on row groups. Sorting row groups requires +buffering all rows before ordering and writing them to a parquet file. + +To help with those use cases, the `parquet-go/parquet-go` package exposes the +`parquet.GenericBuffer[T]` type which acts as a buffer of rows and implements +`sort.Interface` to allow applications to sort rows prior to writing them +to a file. + +The columns that rows are ordered by are configured when creating +`parquet.GenericBuffer[T]` instances using the `parquet.SortingColumns` function +to construct row group options configuring the buffer. The type of parquet +columns defines how values are compared, see [Parquet Logical Types](https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md) +for details. + +When written to a file, the buffer is materialized into a single row group with +the declared sorting columns. After being written, buffers can be reused by +calling their `Reset` method. + +The following example shows how to use a `parquet.GenericBuffer[T]` to order rows +written to a parquet file: + +```go +type RowType struct { FirstName, LastName string } + +buffer := parquet.NewGenericBuffer[RowType]( + parquet.SortingRowGroupConfig( + parquet.SortingColumns( + parquet.Ascending("LastName"), + parquet.Ascending("FistName"), + ), + ), +) + +buffer.Write([]RowType{ + {FirstName: "Luke", LastName: "Skywalker"}, + {FirstName: "Han", LastName: "Solo"}, + {FirstName: "Anakin", LastName: "Skywalker"}, +}) + +sort.Sort(buffer) + +writer := parquet.NewGenericWriter[RowType](output) +_, err := parquet.CopyRows(writer, buffer.Rows()) +if err != nil { + ... +} +if err := writer.Close(); err != nil { + ... +} +``` + +### Merging Row Groups: [parquet.MergeRowGroups](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go#MergeRowGroups) + +Parquet files are often used as part of the underlying engine for data +processing or storage layers, in which cases merging multiple row groups +into one that contains more rows can be a useful operation to improve query +performance; for example, bloom filters in parquet files are stored for each +row group, the larger the row group, the fewer filters need to be stored and +the more effective they become. + +The `parquet-go/parquet-go` package supports creating merged views of row groups, +where the view contains all the rows of the merged groups, maintaining the order +defined by the sorting columns of the groups. + +There are a few constraints when merging row groups: + +- The sorting columns of all the row groups must be the same, or the merge + operation must be explicitly configured a set of sorting columns which are + a prefix of the sorting columns of all merged row groups. + +- The schemas of row groups must all be equal, or the merge operation must + be explicitly configured with a schema that all row groups can be converted + to, in which case the limitations of schema conversions apply. + +Once a merged view is created, it may be written to a new parquet file or buffer +in order to create a larger row group: + +```go +merge, err := parquet.MergeRowGroups(rowGroups) +if err != nil { + ... +} + +writer := parquet.NewGenericWriter[RowType](output) +_, err := parquet.CopyRows(writer, merge) +if err != nil { + ... +} +if err := writer.Close(); err != nil { + ... +} +``` + +### Using Bloom Filters: [parquet.BloomFilter](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go#BloomFilter) + +Parquet files can embed bloom filters to help improve the performance of point +lookups in the files. The format of parquet bloom filters is documented in +the parquet specification: [Parquet Bloom Filter](https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/BloomFilter.md) + +By default, no bloom filters are created in parquet files, but applications can +configure the list of columns to create filters for using the `parquet.BloomFilters` +option when instantiating writers; for example: + +```go +type RowType struct { + FirstName string `parquet:"first_name"` + LastName string `parquet:"last_name"` +} + +const filterBitsPerValue = 10 +writer := parquet.NewGenericWriter[RowType](output, + parquet.BloomFilters( + // Configures the write to generate split-block bloom filters for the + // "first_name" and "last_name" columns of the parquet schema of rows + // witten by the application. + parquet.SplitBlockFilter(filterBitsPerValue, "first_name"), + parquet.SplitBlockFilter(filterBitsPerValue, "last_name"), + ), +) +... +``` + +Generating bloom filters requires to know how many values exist in a column +chunk in order to properly size the filter, which requires buffering all the +values written to the column in memory. Because of it, the memory footprint +of `parquet.GenericWriter[T]` increases linearly with the number of columns +that the writer needs to generate filters for. This extra cost is optimized +away when rows are copied from a `parquet.GenericBuffer[T]` to a writer, since +in this case the number of values per column in known since the buffer already +holds all the values in memory. + +When reading parquet files, column chunks expose the generated bloom filters +with the `parquet.ColumnChunk.BloomFilter` method, returning a +`parquet.BloomFilter` instance if a filter was available, or `nil` when there +were no filters. + +Using bloom filters in parquet files is useful when performing point-lookups in +parquet files; searching for column rows matching a given value. Programs can +quickly eliminate column chunks that they know does not contain the value they +search for by checking the filter first, which is often multiple orders of +magnitude faster than scanning the column. + +The following code snippet hilights how filters are typically used: + +```go +var candidateChunks []parquet.ColumnChunk + +for _, rowGroup := range file.RowGroups() { + columnChunk := rowGroup.ColumnChunks()[columnIndex] + bloomFilter := columnChunk.BloomFilter() + + if bloomFilter != nil { + if ok, err := bloomFilter.Check(value); err != nil { + ... + } else if !ok { + // Bloom filters may return false positives, but never return false + // negatives, we know this column chunk does not contain the value. + continue + } + } + + candidateChunks = append(candidateChunks, columnChunk) +} +``` + +## Optimizations + +The following sections describe common optimization techniques supported by the +library. + +### Optimizing Reads + +Lower level APIs used to read parquet files offer more efficient ways to access +column values. Consecutive sequences of values are grouped into pages which are +represented by the `parquet.Page` interface. + +A column chunk may contain multiple pages, each holding a section of the column +values. Applications can retrieve the column values either by reading them into +buffers of `parquet.Value`, or type asserting the pages to read arrays of +primitive Go values. The following example demonstrates how to use both +mechanisms to read column values: + +```go +pages := column.Pages() +defer func() { + checkErr(pages.Close()) +}() + +for { + p, err := pages.ReadPage() + if err != nil { + ... // io.EOF when there are no more pages + } + + switch page := p.Values().(type) { + case parquet.Int32Reader: + values := make([]int32, page.NumValues()) + _, err := page.ReadInt32s(values) + ... + case parquet.Int64Reader: + values := make([]int64, page.NumValues()) + _, err := page.ReadInt64s(values) + ... + default: + values := make([]parquet.Value, page.NumValues()) + _, err := page.ReadValues(values) + ... + } +} +``` + +Reading arrays of typed values is often preferable when performing aggregations +on the values as this model offers a more compact representation of the values +in memory, and pairs well with the use of optimizations like SIMD vectorization. + +### Optimizing Writes + +Applications that deal with columnar storage are sometimes designed to work with +columnar data throughout the abstraction layers; it then becomes possible to +write columns of values directly instead of reconstructing rows from the column +values. The package offers two main mechanisms to satisfy those use cases: + +#### A. Writing Columns of Typed Arrays + +The first solution assumes that the program works with in-memory arrays of typed +values, for example slices of primitive Go types like `[]float32`; this would be +the case if the application is built on top of a framework like +[Apache Arrow](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/apache/arrow/go/arrow). + +`parquet.GenericBuffer[T]` is an implementation of the `parquet.RowGroup` +interface which maintains in-memory buffers of column values. Rows can be +written by either boxing primitive values into arrays of `parquet.Value`, +or type asserting the columns to a access specialized versions of the write +methods accepting arrays of Go primitive types. + +When using either of these models, the application is responsible for ensuring +that the same number of rows are written to each column or the resulting parquet +file will be malformed. + +The following examples demonstrate how to use these two models to write columns +of Go values: + +```go +type RowType struct { FirstName, LastName string } + +func writeColumns(buffer *parquet.GenericBuffer[RowType], firstNames []string) error { + values := make([]parquet.Value, len(firstNames)) + for i := range firstNames { + values[i] = parquet.ValueOf(firstNames[i]) + } + _, err := buffer.ColumnBuffers()[0].WriteValues(values) + return err +} +``` + +```go +type RowType struct { ID int64; Value float32 } + +func writeColumns(buffer *parquet.GenericBuffer[RowType], ids []int64, values []float32) error { + if len(ids) != len(values) { + return fmt.Errorf("number of ids and values mismatch: ids=%d values=%d", len(ids), len(values)) + } + columns := buffer.ColumnBuffers() + if err := columns[0].(parquet.Int64Writer).WriteInt64s(ids); err != nil { + return err + } + if err := columns[1].(parquet.FloatWriter).WriteFloats(values); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil +} +``` + +The latter is more efficient as it does not require boxing the input into an +intermediary array of `parquet.Value`. However, it may not always be the right +model depending on the situation, sometimes the generic abstraction can be a +more expressive model. + +#### B. Implementing parquet.RowGroup + +Programs that need full control over the construction of row groups can choose +to provide their own implementation of the `parquet.RowGroup` interface, which +includes defining implementations of `parquet.ColumnChunk` and `parquet.Page` +to expose column values of the row group. + +This model can be preferable when the underlying storage or in-memory +representation of the data needs to be optimized further than what can be +achieved by using an intermediary buffering layer with `parquet.GenericBuffer[T]`. + +See [parquet.RowGroup](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go#RowGroup) +for the full interface documentation. + +#### C. Using on-disk page buffers + +When generating parquet files, the writer needs to buffer all pages before it +can create the row group. This may require significant amounts of memory as the +entire file content must be buffered prior to generating it. In some cases, the +files might even be larger than the amount of memory available to the program. + +The `parquet.GenericWriter[T]` can be configured to use disk storage instead as +a scratch buffer when generating files, by configuring a different page buffer +pool using the `parquet.ColumnPageBuffers` option and `parquet.PageBufferPool` +interface. + +The `parquet-go/parquet-go` package provides an implementation of the interface +which uses temporary files to store pages while a file is generated, allowing +programs to use local storage as swap space to hold pages and keep memory +utilization to a minimum. The following example demonstrates how to configure +a parquet writer to use on-disk page buffers: + +```go +type RowType struct { ... } + +writer := parquet.NewGenericWriter[RowType](output, + parquet.ColumnPageBuffers( + parquet.NewFileBufferPool("", "buffers.*"), + ), +) +``` + +When a row group is complete, pages buffered to disk need to be copied back to +the output file. This results in doubling I/O operations and storage space +requirements (the system needs to have enough free disk space to hold two copies +of the file). The resulting write amplification can often be optimized away by +the kernel if the file system supports copy-on-write of disk pages since copies +between `os.File` instances are optimized using `copy_file_range(2)` (on linux). + +See [parquet.PageBufferPool](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go#PageBufferPool) +for the full interface documentation. + +## Maintenance + +While initial design and development occurred at Twilio Segment, the project is now maintained by the open source community. We welcome external contributors. +to participate in the form of discussions or code changes. Please review to the +[Contribution](./CONTRIBUTING.md) guidelines as well as the [Code of Conduct](./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) +before submitting contributions. + +### Continuous Integration + +The project uses [Github Actions](https://github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/actions) for CI. + +### Debugging + +The package has debugging capabilities built in which can be turned on using the +`PARQUETGODEBUG` environment variable. The value follows a model similar to +`GODEBUG`, it must be formatted as a comma-separated list of `key=value` pairs. + +The following debug flag are currently supported: + +- `tracebuf=1` turns on tracing of internal buffers, which validates that + reference counters are set to zero when buffers are reclaimed by the garbage + collector. When the package detects that a buffer was leaked, it logs an error + message along with the stack trace captured when the buffer was last used. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/allocator.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/allocator.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..693ee5a2471d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/allocator.go @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "unsafe" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +type allocator struct{ buffer []byte } + +func (a *allocator) makeBytes(n int) []byte { + if free := cap(a.buffer) - len(a.buffer); free < n { + newCap := 2 * cap(a.buffer) + if newCap == 0 { + newCap = 4096 + } + for newCap < n { + newCap *= 2 + } + a.buffer = make([]byte, 0, newCap) + } + + i := len(a.buffer) + j := len(a.buffer) + n + a.buffer = a.buffer[:j] + return a.buffer[i:j:j] +} + +func (a *allocator) copyBytes(v []byte) []byte { + b := a.makeBytes(len(v)) + copy(b, v) + return b +} + +func (a *allocator) copyString(v string) string { + b := a.makeBytes(len(v)) + copy(b, v) + return unsafecast.String(b) +} + +func (a *allocator) reset() { + a.buffer = a.buffer[:0] +} + +// rowAllocator is a memory allocator used to make a copy of rows referencing +// memory buffers that parquet-go does not have ownership of. +// +// This type is used in the implementation of various readers and writers that +// need to capture rows passed to the ReadRows/WriteRows methods. Copies to a +// local buffer is necessary in those cases to repect the reader/writer +// contracts that do not allow the implementations to retain the rows they +// are passed as arguments. +// +// See: RowBuffer, DedupeRowReader, DedupeRowWriter +type rowAllocator struct{ allocator } + +func (a *rowAllocator) capture(row Row) { + for i, v := range row { + switch v.Kind() { + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + row[i].ptr = unsafe.SliceData(a.copyBytes(v.byteArray())) + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/array.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/array.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..774e6f85ff071 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/array.go @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "unsafe" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" +) + +func makeArrayValue(values []Value, offset uintptr) sparse.Array { + ptr := sliceData(values) + return sparse.UnsafeArray(unsafe.Add(ptr, offset), len(values), unsafe.Sizeof(Value{})) +} + +func makeArrayString(values []string) sparse.Array { + str := "" + ptr := sliceData(values) + return sparse.UnsafeArray(ptr, len(values), unsafe.Sizeof(str)) +} + +func makeArrayBE128(values []*[16]byte) sparse.Array { + ptr := sliceData(values) + return sparse.UnsafeArray(ptr, len(values), unsafe.Sizeof((*[16]byte)(nil))) +} + +func makeArray(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) sparse.Array { + return sparse.UnsafeArray(base, length, offset) +} + +func makeArrayOf[T any](s []T) sparse.Array { + var model T + return makeArray(sliceData(s), len(s), unsafe.Sizeof(model)) +} + +func makeSlice[T any](a sparse.Array) []T { + return slice[T](a.Index(0), a.Len()) +} + +func slice[T any](p unsafe.Pointer, n int) []T { + return unsafe.Slice((*T)(p), n) +} + +func sliceData[T any](s []T) unsafe.Pointer { + return unsafe.Pointer(unsafe.SliceData(s)) +} + +type sliceHeader struct { + base unsafe.Pointer + len int + cap int +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bitmap.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bitmap.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..108cc8b4e316c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bitmap.go @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +package parquet + +import "sync" + +type bitmap struct { + bits []uint64 +} + +func (m *bitmap) reset(size int) { + size = (size + 63) / 64 + if cap(m.bits) < size { + m.bits = make([]uint64, size, 2*size) + } else { + m.bits = m.bits[:size] + m.clear() + } +} + +func (m *bitmap) clear() { + for i := range m.bits { + m.bits[i] = 0 + } +} + +var ( + bitmapPool sync.Pool // *bitmap +) + +func acquireBitmap(n int) *bitmap { + b, _ := bitmapPool.Get().(*bitmap) + if b == nil { + b = &bitmap{bits: make([]uint64, n, 2*n)} + } else { + b.reset(n) + } + return b +} + +func releaseBitmap(b *bitmap) { + if b != nil { + bitmapPool.Put(b) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..30c64b8486150 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom.go @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "io" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +// BloomFilter is an interface allowing applications to test whether a key +// exists in a bloom filter. +type BloomFilter interface { + // Implement the io.ReaderAt interface as a mechanism to allow reading the + // raw bits of the filter. + io.ReaderAt + + // Returns the size of the bloom filter (in bytes). + Size() int64 + + // Tests whether the given value is present in the filter. + // + // A non-nil error may be returned if reading the filter failed. This may + // happen if the filter was lazily loaded from a storage medium during the + // call to Check for example. Applications that can guarantee that the + // filter was in memory at the time Check was called can safely ignore the + // error, which would always be nil in this case. + Check(value Value) (bool, error) +} + +type bloomFilter struct { + io.SectionReader + hash bloom.Hash + check func(io.ReaderAt, int64, uint64) (bool, error) +} + +func (f *bloomFilter) Check(v Value) (bool, error) { + return f.check(&f.SectionReader, f.Size(), v.hash(f.hash)) +} + +func (v Value) hash(h bloom.Hash) uint64 { + switch v.Kind() { + case Boolean: + return h.Sum64Uint8(v.byte()) + case Int32, Float: + return h.Sum64Uint32(v.uint32()) + case Int64, Double: + return h.Sum64Uint64(v.uint64()) + default: // Int96, ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray, or null + return h.Sum64(v.byteArray()) + } +} + +func newBloomFilter(file io.ReaderAt, offset int64, header *format.BloomFilterHeader) *bloomFilter { + if header.Algorithm.Block != nil { + if header.Hash.XxHash != nil { + if header.Compression.Uncompressed != nil { + return &bloomFilter{ + SectionReader: *io.NewSectionReader(file, offset, int64(header.NumBytes)), + hash: bloom.XXH64{}, + check: bloom.CheckSplitBlock, + } + } + } + } + return nil +} + +// The BloomFilterColumn interface is a declarative representation of bloom filters +// used when configuring filters on a parquet writer. +type BloomFilterColumn interface { + // Returns the path of the column that the filter applies to. + Path() []string + + // Returns the hashing algorithm used when inserting values into a bloom + // filter. + Hash() bloom.Hash + + // Returns an encoding which can be used to write columns of values to the + // filter. + Encoding() encoding.Encoding + + // Returns the size of the filter needed to encode values in the filter, + // assuming each value will be encoded with the given number of bits. + Size(numValues int64) int +} + +// SplitBlockFilter constructs a split block bloom filter object for the column +// at the given path, with the given bitsPerValue. +// +// If you are unsure what number of bitsPerValue to use, 10 is a reasonable +// tradeoff between size and error rate for common datasets. +// +// For more information on the tradeoff between size and error rate, consult +// this website: https://hur.st/bloomfilter/?n=4000&p=0.1&m=&k=1 +func SplitBlockFilter(bitsPerValue uint, path ...string) BloomFilterColumn { + return splitBlockFilter{ + bitsPerValue: bitsPerValue, + path: path, + } +} + +type splitBlockFilter struct { + bitsPerValue uint + path []string +} + +func (f splitBlockFilter) Path() []string { return f.path } +func (f splitBlockFilter) Hash() bloom.Hash { return bloom.XXH64{} } +func (f splitBlockFilter) Encoding() encoding.Encoding { return splitBlockEncoding{} } + +func (f splitBlockFilter) Size(numValues int64) int { + return bloom.BlockSize * bloom.NumSplitBlocksOf(numValues, f.bitsPerValue) +} + +// Creates a header from the given bloom filter. +// +// For now there is only one type of filter supported, but we provide this +// function to suggest a model for extending the implementation if new filters +// are added to the parquet specs. +func bloomFilterHeader(filter BloomFilterColumn) (header format.BloomFilterHeader) { + switch filter.(type) { + case splitBlockFilter: + header.Algorithm.Block = &format.SplitBlockAlgorithm{} + } + switch filter.Hash().(type) { + case bloom.XXH64: + header.Hash.XxHash = &format.XxHash{} + } + header.Compression.Uncompressed = &format.BloomFilterUncompressed{} + return header +} + +func searchBloomFilterColumn(filters []BloomFilterColumn, path columnPath) BloomFilterColumn { + for _, f := range filters { + if path.equal(f.Path()) { + return f + } + } + return nil +} + +const ( + // Size of the stack buffer used to perform bulk operations on bloom filters. + // + // This value was determined as being a good default empirically, + // 128 x uint64 makes a 1KiB buffer which amortizes the cost of calling + // methods of bloom filters while not causing too much stack growth either. + filterEncodeBufferSize = 128 +) + +type splitBlockEncoding struct { + encoding.NotSupported +} + +func (splitBlockEncoding) EncodeBoolean(dst []byte, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + splitBlockEncodeUint8(bloom.MakeSplitBlockFilter(dst), src) + return dst, nil +} + +func (splitBlockEncoding) EncodeInt32(dst []byte, src []int32) ([]byte, error) { + splitBlockEncodeUint32(bloom.MakeSplitBlockFilter(dst), unsafecast.Slice[uint32](src)) + return dst, nil +} + +func (splitBlockEncoding) EncodeInt64(dst []byte, src []int64) ([]byte, error) { + splitBlockEncodeUint64(bloom.MakeSplitBlockFilter(dst), unsafecast.Slice[uint64](src)) + return dst, nil +} + +func (e splitBlockEncoding) EncodeInt96(dst []byte, src []deprecated.Int96) ([]byte, error) { + splitBlockEncodeFixedLenByteArray(bloom.MakeSplitBlockFilter(dst), unsafecastInt96ToBytes(src), 12) + return dst, nil +} + +func (splitBlockEncoding) EncodeFloat(dst []byte, src []float32) ([]byte, error) { + splitBlockEncodeUint32(bloom.MakeSplitBlockFilter(dst), unsafecast.Slice[uint32](src)) + return dst, nil +} + +func (splitBlockEncoding) EncodeDouble(dst []byte, src []float64) ([]byte, error) { + splitBlockEncodeUint64(bloom.MakeSplitBlockFilter(dst), unsafecast.Slice[uint64](src)) + return dst, nil +} + +func (splitBlockEncoding) EncodeByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, offsets []uint32) ([]byte, error) { + filter := bloom.MakeSplitBlockFilter(dst) + buffer := make([]uint64, 0, filterEncodeBufferSize) + baseOffset := offsets[0] + + for _, endOffset := range offsets[1:] { + value := src[baseOffset:endOffset:endOffset] + baseOffset = endOffset + + if len(buffer) == cap(buffer) { + filter.InsertBulk(buffer) + buffer = buffer[:0] + } + + buffer = append(buffer, xxhash.Sum64(value)) + } + + filter.InsertBulk(buffer) + return dst, nil +} + +func (splitBlockEncoding) EncodeFixedLenByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, size int) ([]byte, error) { + filter := bloom.MakeSplitBlockFilter(dst) + if size == 16 { + splitBlockEncodeUint128(filter, unsafecast.Slice[[16]byte](src)) + } else { + splitBlockEncodeFixedLenByteArray(filter, src, size) + } + return dst, nil +} + +func splitBlockEncodeFixedLenByteArray(filter bloom.SplitBlockFilter, data []byte, size int) { + buffer := make([]uint64, 0, filterEncodeBufferSize) + + for i, j := 0, size; j <= len(data); { + if len(buffer) == cap(buffer) { + filter.InsertBulk(buffer) + buffer = buffer[:0] + } + buffer = append(buffer, xxhash.Sum64(data[i:j])) + i += size + j += size + } + + filter.InsertBulk(buffer) +} + +func splitBlockEncodeUint8(filter bloom.SplitBlockFilter, values []uint8) { + buffer := make([]uint64, filterEncodeBufferSize) + + for i := 0; i < len(values); { + n := xxhash.MultiSum64Uint8(buffer, values[i:]) + filter.InsertBulk(buffer[:n]) + i += n + } +} + +func splitBlockEncodeUint32(filter bloom.SplitBlockFilter, values []uint32) { + buffer := make([]uint64, filterEncodeBufferSize) + + for i := 0; i < len(values); { + n := xxhash.MultiSum64Uint32(buffer, values[i:]) + filter.InsertBulk(buffer[:n]) + i += n + } +} + +func splitBlockEncodeUint64(filter bloom.SplitBlockFilter, values []uint64) { + buffer := make([]uint64, filterEncodeBufferSize) + + for i := 0; i < len(values); { + n := xxhash.MultiSum64Uint64(buffer, values[i:]) + filter.InsertBulk(buffer[:n]) + i += n + } +} + +func splitBlockEncodeUint128(filter bloom.SplitBlockFilter, values [][16]byte) { + buffer := make([]uint64, filterEncodeBufferSize) + + for i := 0; i < len(values); { + n := xxhash.MultiSum64Uint128(buffer, values[i:]) + filter.InsertBulk(buffer[:n]) + i += n + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..193dec721def0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block.go @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package bloom + +import "unsafe" + +// Word represents 32 bits words of bloom filter blocks. +type Word uint32 + +// Block represents bloom filter blocks which contain eight 32 bits words. +type Block [8]Word + +// Bytes returns b as a byte slice. +func (b *Block) Bytes() []byte { + return unsafe.Slice((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(b)), BlockSize) +} + +const ( + // BlockSize is the size of bloom filter blocks in bytes. + BlockSize = 32 + + salt0 = 0x47b6137b + salt1 = 0x44974d91 + salt2 = 0x8824ad5b + salt3 = 0xa2b7289d + salt4 = 0x705495c7 + salt5 = 0x2df1424b + salt6 = 0x9efc4947 + salt7 = 0x5c6bfb31 +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5edf9d5d90162 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package bloom + +import "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" + +// The functions in this file are SIMD-optimized versions of the functions +// declared in block_optimized.go for x86 targets. +// +// The optimization yields measurable improvements over the pure Go versions: +// +// goos: darwin +// goarch: amd64 +// pkg: github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom +// cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-8950HK CPU @ 2.90GHz +// +// name old time/op new time/op delta +// BlockInsert 11.6ns ± 4% 2.0ns ± 3% -82.37% (p=0.000 n=8+8) +// BlockCheck 12.6ns ±28% 2.1ns ± 4% -83.12% (p=0.000 n=10+8) +// +// name old speed new speed delta +// BlockInsert 2.73GB/s ±13% 15.70GB/s ± 3% +475.96% (p=0.000 n=9+8) +// BlockCheck 2.59GB/s ±23% 15.06GB/s ± 4% +482.25% (p=0.000 n=10+8) +// +// Note that the numbers above are a comparison to the routines implemented in +// block_optimized.go; the delta comparing to functions in block_default.go is +// significantly larger but not very interesting since those functions have no +// practical use cases. +var hasAVX2 = cpu.X86.HasAVX2 + +//go:noescape +func blockInsert(b *Block, x uint32) + +//go:noescape +func blockCheck(b *Block, x uint32) bool + +func (b *Block) Insert(x uint32) { blockInsert(b, x) } + +func (b *Block) Check(x uint32) bool { return blockCheck(b, x) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..713aea2cd7e16 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +#define salt0 0x47b6137b +#define salt1 0x44974d91 +#define salt2 0x8824ad5b +#define salt3 0xa2b7289d +#define salt4 0x705495c7 +#define salt5 0x2df1424b +#define salt6 0x9efc4947 +#define salt7 0x5c6bfb31 + +DATA ones+0(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ones+4(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ones+8(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ones+12(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ones+16(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ones+20(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ones+24(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ones+28(SB)/4, $1 +GLOBL ones(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $32 + +DATA salt+0(SB)/4, $salt0 +DATA salt+4(SB)/4, $salt1 +DATA salt+8(SB)/4, $salt2 +DATA salt+12(SB)/4, $salt3 +DATA salt+16(SB)/4, $salt4 +DATA salt+20(SB)/4, $salt5 +DATA salt+24(SB)/4, $salt6 +DATA salt+28(SB)/4, $salt7 +GLOBL salt(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $32 + +// This initial block is a SIMD implementation of the mask function declared in +// block_default.go and block_optimized.go. For each of the 8 x 32 bits words of +// the bloom filter block, the operation performed is: +// +// block[i] = 1 << ((x * salt[i]) >> 27) +// +// Arguments +// --------- +// +// * src is a memory location where the value to use when computing the mask is +// located. The memory location is not modified. +// +// * tmp is a YMM register used as scratch space to hold intermediary results in +// the algorithm. +// +// * dst is a YMM register where the final mask is written. +// +#define generateMask(src, tmp, dst) \ + VMOVDQA ones(SB), dst \ + VPBROADCASTD src, tmp \ + VPMULLD salt(SB), tmp, tmp \ + VPSRLD $27, tmp, tmp \ + VPSLLVD tmp, dst, dst + +#define insert(salt, src, dst) \ + MOVL src, CX \ + IMULL salt, CX \ + SHRL $27, CX \ + MOVL $1, DX \ + SHLL CX, DX \ + ORL DX, dst + +#define check(salt, b, x) \ + MOVL b, CX \ + MOVL x, DX \ + IMULL salt, DX \ + SHRL $27, DX \ + BTL DX, CX \ + JAE notfound + +// func blockInsert(b *Block, x uint32) +TEXT ·blockInsert(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16 + MOVQ b+0(FP), AX + CMPB ·hasAVX2(SB), $0 + JE fallback +avx2: + generateMask(x+8(FP), Y1, Y0) + // Set all 1 bits of the mask in the bloom filter block. + VPOR (AX), Y0, Y0 + VMOVDQU Y0, (AX) + VZEROUPPER + RET +fallback: + MOVL x+8(FP), BX + insert($salt0, BX, 0(AX)) + insert($salt1, BX, 4(AX)) + insert($salt2, BX, 8(AX)) + insert($salt3, BX, 12(AX)) + insert($salt4, BX, 16(AX)) + insert($salt5, BX, 20(AX)) + insert($salt6, BX, 24(AX)) + insert($salt7, BX, 28(AX)) + RET + +// func blockCheck(b *Block, x uint32) bool +TEXT ·blockCheck(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-17 + MOVQ b+0(FP), AX + CMPB ·hasAVX2(SB), $0 + JE fallback +avx2: + generateMask(x+8(FP), Y1, Y0) + // Compare the 1 bits of the mask with the bloom filter block, then compare + // the result with the mask, expecting equality if the value `x` was present + // in the block. + VPAND (AX), Y0, Y1 // Y0 = block & mask + VPTEST Y0, Y1 // if (Y0 & ^Y1) != 0 { CF = 1 } + SETCS ret+16(FP) // return CF == 1 + VZEROUPPER + RET +fallback: + MOVL x+8(FP), BX + check($salt0, 0(AX), BX) + check($salt1, 4(AX), BX) + check($salt2, 8(AX), BX) + check($salt3, 12(AX), BX) + check($salt4, 16(AX), BX) + check($salt5, 20(AX), BX) + check($salt6, 24(AX), BX) + check($salt7, 28(AX), BX) + MOVB $1, CX + JMP done +notfound: + XORB CX, CX +done: + MOVB CX, ret+16(FP) + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block_default.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block_default.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..016cb73b4424c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block_default.go @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +//go:build purego && parquet.bloom.no_unroll + +package bloom + +// This file contains direct translation of the algorithms described in the +// parquet bloom filter spec: +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/BloomFilter.md +// +// There are no practical reasons to eable the parquet.bloom.no_unroll build +// tag, the code is left here as a reference to ensure that the optimized +// implementations of block operations behave the same as the functions in this +// file. + +var salt = [8]uint32{ + 0: salt0, + 1: salt1, + 2: salt2, + 3: salt3, + 4: salt4, + 5: salt5, + 6: salt6, + 7: salt7, +} + +func (w *Word) set(i uint) { + *w |= Word(1 << i) +} + +func (w Word) has(i uint) bool { + return ((w >> Word(i)) & 1) != 0 +} + +func mask(x uint32) Block { + var b Block + for i := uint(0); i < 8; i++ { + y := x * salt[i] + b[i].set(uint(y) >> 27) + } + return b +} + +func (b *Block) Insert(x uint32) { + masked := mask(x) + for i := uint(0); i < 8; i++ { + for j := uint(0); j < 32; j++ { + if masked[i].has(j) { + b[i].set(j) + } + } + } +} + +func (b *Block) Check(x uint32) bool { + masked := mask(x) + for i := uint(0); i < 8; i++ { + for j := uint(0); j < 32; j++ { + if masked[i].has(j) { + if !b[i].has(j) { + return false + } + } + } + } + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block_optimized.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block_optimized.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..20a9768121c9b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/block_optimized.go @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +//go:build (!amd64 || purego) && !parquet.bloom.no_unroll + +package bloom + +// The functions in this file are optimized versions of the algorithms described +// in https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/BloomFilter.md +// +// The functions are manual unrolling of the loops, which yield significant +// performance improvements: +// +// goos: darwin +// goarch: amd64 +// pkg: github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom +// cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-8950HK CPU @ 2.90GHz +// +// name old time/op new time/op delta +// BlockInsert 327ns ± 1% 12ns ± 4% -96.47% (p=0.000 n=9+8) +// BlockCheck 240ns ± 4% 13ns ±28% -94.75% (p=0.000 n=8+10) +// +// name old speed new speed delta +// BlockInsert 97.8MB/s ± 1% 2725.0MB/s ±13% +2686.59% (p=0.000 n=9+9) +// BlockCheck 133MB/s ± 4% 2587MB/s ±23% +1838.46% (p=0.000 n=8+10) +// +// The benchmarks measure throughput based on the byte size of a bloom filter +// block. + +func (b *Block) Insert(x uint32) { + b[0] |= 1 << ((x * salt0) >> 27) + b[1] |= 1 << ((x * salt1) >> 27) + b[2] |= 1 << ((x * salt2) >> 27) + b[3] |= 1 << ((x * salt3) >> 27) + b[4] |= 1 << ((x * salt4) >> 27) + b[5] |= 1 << ((x * salt5) >> 27) + b[6] |= 1 << ((x * salt6) >> 27) + b[7] |= 1 << ((x * salt7) >> 27) +} + +func (b *Block) Check(x uint32) bool { + return ((b[0] & (1 << ((x * salt0) >> 27))) != 0) && + ((b[1] & (1 << ((x * salt1) >> 27))) != 0) && + ((b[2] & (1 << ((x * salt2) >> 27))) != 0) && + ((b[3] & (1 << ((x * salt3) >> 27))) != 0) && + ((b[4] & (1 << ((x * salt4) >> 27))) != 0) && + ((b[5] & (1 << ((x * salt5) >> 27))) != 0) && + ((b[6] & (1 << ((x * salt6) >> 27))) != 0) && + ((b[7] & (1 << ((x * salt7) >> 27))) != 0) +} + +func (f SplitBlockFilter) insertBulk(x []uint64) { + for i := range x { + f.Insert(x[i]) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/bloom.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/bloom.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..337fe0d7d8ff8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/bloom.go @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// Package bloom implements parquet bloom filters. +package bloom + +func fasthash1x64(value uint64, scale int32) uint64 { + return ((value >> 32) * uint64(scale)) >> 32 +} + +func fasthash4x64(dst, src *[4]uint64, scale int32) { + dst[0] = ((src[0] >> 32) * uint64(scale)) >> 32 + dst[1] = ((src[1] >> 32) * uint64(scale)) >> 32 + dst[2] = ((src[2] >> 32) * uint64(scale)) >> 32 + dst[3] = ((src[3] >> 32) * uint64(scale)) >> 32 +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/filter.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/filter.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..11cc255a1c102 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/filter.go @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +package bloom + +import ( + "io" + "sync" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +// Filter is an interface representing read-only bloom filters where programs +// can probe for the possible presence of a hash key. +type Filter interface { + Check(uint64) bool +} + +// SplitBlockFilter is an in-memory implementation of the parquet bloom filters. +// +// This type is useful to construct bloom filters that are later serialized +// to a storage medium. +type SplitBlockFilter []Block + +// MakeSplitBlockFilter constructs a SplitBlockFilter value from the data byte +// slice. +func MakeSplitBlockFilter(data []byte) SplitBlockFilter { + return unsafecast.Slice[Block](data) +} + +// NumSplitBlocksOf returns the number of blocks in a filter intended to hold +// the given number of values and bits of filter per value. +// +// This function is useful to determine the number of blocks when creating bloom +// filters in memory, for example: +// +// f := make(bloom.SplitBlockFilter, bloom.NumSplitBlocksOf(n, 10)) +func NumSplitBlocksOf(numValues int64, bitsPerValue uint) int { + numBytes := ((uint(numValues) * bitsPerValue) + 7) / 8 + numBlocks := (numBytes + (BlockSize - 1)) / BlockSize + return int(numBlocks) +} + +// Reset clears the content of the filter f. +func (f SplitBlockFilter) Reset() { + for i := range f { + f[i] = Block{} + } +} + +// Block returns a pointer to the block that the given value hashes to in the +// bloom filter. +func (f SplitBlockFilter) Block(x uint64) *Block { return &f[fasthash1x64(x, int32(len(f)))] } + +// InsertBulk adds all values from x into f. +func (f SplitBlockFilter) InsertBulk(x []uint64) { filterInsertBulk(f, x) } + +// Insert adds x to f. +func (f SplitBlockFilter) Insert(x uint64) { filterInsert(f, x) } + +// Check tests whether x is in f. +func (f SplitBlockFilter) Check(x uint64) bool { return filterCheck(f, x) } + +// Bytes converts f to a byte slice. +// +// The returned slice shares the memory of f. The method is intended to be used +// to serialize the bloom filter to a storage medium. +func (f SplitBlockFilter) Bytes() []byte { + return unsafecast.Slice[byte](f) +} + +// CheckSplitBlock is similar to bloom.SplitBlockFilter.Check but reads the +// bloom filter of n bytes from r. +// +// The size n of the bloom filter is assumed to be a multiple of the block size. +func CheckSplitBlock(r io.ReaderAt, n int64, x uint64) (bool, error) { + block := acquireBlock() + defer releaseBlock(block) + offset := BlockSize * fasthash1x64(x, int32(n/BlockSize)) + _, err := r.ReadAt(block.Bytes(), int64(offset)) + return block.Check(uint32(x)), err +} + +var ( + blockPool sync.Pool +) + +func acquireBlock() *Block { + b, _ := blockPool.Get().(*Block) + if b == nil { + b = new(Block) + } + return b +} + +func releaseBlock(b *Block) { + if b != nil { + blockPool.Put(b) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/filter_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/filter_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..3649da51caed7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/filter_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package bloom + +// This file contains the signatures for bloom filter algorithms implemented in +// filter_amd64.s. +// +// The assembly code provides significant speedups on filter inserts and checks, +// with the greatest gains seen on the bulk insert operation where the use of +// vectorized code yields great results. +// +// The following sections record the kind of performance improvements we were +// able to measure, comparing with performing the filter block lookups in Go +// and calling to the block insert and check routines: +// +// name old time/op new time/op delta +// FilterInsertBulk 45.1ns ± 2% 17.8ns ± 3% -60.41% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// FilterInsert 3.48ns ± 2% 2.55ns ± 1% -26.86% (p=0.000 n=10+8) +// FilterCheck 3.64ns ± 3% 2.66ns ± 2% -26.82% (p=0.000 n=10+9) +// +// name old speed new speed delta +// FilterInsertBulk 11.4GB/s ± 2% 28.7GB/s ± 3% +152.61% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// FilterInsert 9.19GB/s ± 2% 12.56GB/s ± 1% +36.71% (p=0.000 n=10+8) +// FilterCheck 8.80GB/s ± 3% 12.03GB/s ± 2% +36.61% (p=0.000 n=10+9) + +//go:noescape +func filterInsertBulk(f []Block, x []uint64) + +//go:noescape +func filterInsert(f []Block, x uint64) + +//go:noescape +func filterCheck(f []Block, x uint64) bool diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/filter_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/filter_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..cfa75e69fb86e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/filter_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +#define salt0 0x47b6137b +#define salt1 0x44974d91 +#define salt2 0x8824ad5b +#define salt3 0xa2b7289d +#define salt4 0x705495c7 +#define salt5 0x2df1424b +#define salt6 0x9efc4947 +#define salt7 0x5c6bfb31 + +// See block_amd64.s for a description of this algorithm. +#define generateMask(src, dst) \ + VMOVDQA ones(SB), dst \ + VPMULLD salt(SB), src, src \ + VPSRLD $27, src, src \ + VPSLLVD src, dst, dst + +#define applyMask(src, dst) \ + VPOR dst, src, src \ + VMOVDQU src, dst + +#define fasthash1x64(scale, value) \ + SHRQ $32, value \ + IMULQ scale, value \ + SHRQ $32, value \ + SHLQ $5, value + +#define fasthash4x64(scale, value) \ + VPSRLQ $32, value, value \ + VPMULUDQ scale, value, value \ + VPSRLQ $32, value, value \ + VPSLLQ $5, value, value + +#define extract4x64(srcYMM, srcXMM, tmpXMM, r0, r1, r2, r3) \ + VEXTRACTI128 $1, srcYMM, tmpXMM \ + MOVQ srcXMM, r0 \ + VPEXTRQ $1, srcXMM, r1 \ + MOVQ tmpXMM, r2 \ + VPEXTRQ $1, tmpXMM, r3 + +#define insert(salt, src, dst) \ + MOVL src, CX \ + IMULL salt, CX \ + SHRL $27, CX \ + MOVL $1, DX \ + SHLL CX, DX \ + ORL DX, dst + +#define check(salt, b, x) \ + MOVL b, CX \ + MOVL x, DX \ + IMULL salt, DX \ + SHRL $27, DX \ + BTL DX, CX \ + JAE notfound + +// func filterInsertBulk(f []Block, x []uint64) +TEXT ·filterInsertBulk(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48 + MOVQ f_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ f_len+8(FP), CX + MOVQ x_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ x_len+32(FP), DX + CMPB ·hasAVX2(SB), $0 + JE fallback +avx2: + VPBROADCASTQ f_base+8(FP), Y0 + // Loop initialization, SI holds the current index in `x`, DI is the number + // of elements in `x` rounded down to the nearest multiple of 4. + XORQ SI, SI + MOVQ DX, DI + SHRQ $2, DI + SHLQ $2, DI +avx2loop4x64: + CMPQ SI, DI + JAE avx2loop1x64 + + // The masks and indexes for 4 input hashes are computed in each loop + // iteration. The hashes are loaded in Y1 so we can use vector instructions + // to compute all 4 indexes in parallel. The lower 32 bits of the hashes are + // also broadcasted in 4 YMM registers to compute the 4 masks that will then + // be applied to the filter. + VMOVDQU (BX)(SI*8), Y1 + VPBROADCASTD 0(BX)(SI*8), Y2 + VPBROADCASTD 8(BX)(SI*8), Y3 + VPBROADCASTD 16(BX)(SI*8), Y4 + VPBROADCASTD 24(BX)(SI*8), Y5 + + fasthash4x64(Y0, Y1) + generateMask(Y2, Y6) + generateMask(Y3, Y7) + generateMask(Y4, Y8) + generateMask(Y5, Y9) + + // The next block of instructions move indexes from the vector to general + // purpose registers in order to use them as offsets when applying the mask + // to the filter. + extract4x64(Y1, X1, X10, R8, R9, R10, R11) + + // Apply masks to the filter; this operation is sensitive to aliasing, when + // blocks overlap the, CPU has to serialize the reads and writes, which has + // a measurable impact on throughput. This would be frequent for small bloom + // filters which may have only a few blocks, the probability of seeing + // overlapping blocks on large filters should be small enough to make this + // a non-issue though. + applyMask(Y6, (AX)(R8*1)) + applyMask(Y7, (AX)(R9*1)) + applyMask(Y8, (AX)(R10*1)) + applyMask(Y9, (AX)(R11*1)) + + ADDQ $4, SI + JMP avx2loop4x64 +avx2loop1x64: + // Compute trailing elements in `x` if the length was not a multiple of 4. + // This is the same algorithm as the one in the loop4x64 section, working + // on a single mask/block pair at a time. + CMPQ SI, DX + JE avx2done + MOVQ (BX)(SI*8), R8 + VPBROADCASTD (BX)(SI*8), Y0 + fasthash1x64(CX, R8) + generateMask(Y0, Y1) + applyMask(Y1, (AX)(R8*1)) + INCQ SI + JMP avx2loop1x64 +avx2done: + VZEROUPPER + JMP done +fallback: + XORQ SI, SI + MOVQ DX, DI + MOVQ CX, R10 +loop: + CMPQ SI, DI + JE done + MOVLQZX (BX)(SI*8), R8 + MOVQ (BX)(SI*8), R9 + fasthash1x64(R10, R9) + insert($salt0, R8, 0(AX)(R9*1)) + insert($salt1, R8, 4(AX)(R9*1)) + insert($salt2, R8, 8(AX)(R9*1)) + insert($salt3, R8, 12(AX)(R9*1)) + insert($salt4, R8, 16(AX)(R9*1)) + insert($salt5, R8, 20(AX)(R9*1)) + insert($salt6, R8, 24(AX)(R9*1)) + insert($salt7, R8, 28(AX)(R9*1)) + INCQ SI + JMP loop +done: + RET + +// func filterInsert(f []Block, x uint64) +TEXT ·filterInsert(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32 + MOVQ f_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ f_len+8(FP), BX + MOVQ x+24(FP), CX + fasthash1x64(BX, CX) + CMPB ·hasAVX2(SB), $0 + JE fallback +avx2: + VPBROADCASTD x+24(FP), Y1 + generateMask(Y1, Y0) + applyMask(Y0, (AX)(CX*1)) + VZEROUPPER + RET +fallback: + ADDQ CX, AX + MOVL x+24(FP), BX + insert($salt0, BX, 0(AX)) + insert($salt1, BX, 4(AX)) + insert($salt2, BX, 8(AX)) + insert($salt3, BX, 12(AX)) + insert($salt4, BX, 16(AX)) + insert($salt5, BX, 20(AX)) + insert($salt6, BX, 24(AX)) + insert($salt7, BX, 28(AX)) + RET + +// func filterCheck(f []Block, x uint64) bool +TEXT ·filterCheck(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-33 + MOVQ f_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ f_len+8(FP), BX + MOVQ x+24(FP), CX + fasthash1x64(BX, CX) + CMPB ·hasAVX2(SB), $0 + JE fallback +avx2: + VPBROADCASTD x+24(FP), Y1 + generateMask(Y1, Y0) + VPAND (AX)(CX*1), Y0, Y1 + VPTEST Y0, Y1 + SETCS ret+32(FP) + VZEROUPPER + RET +fallback: + ADDQ CX, AX + MOVL x+24(FP), BX + check($salt0, 0(AX), BX) + check($salt1, 4(AX), BX) + check($salt2, 8(AX), BX) + check($salt3, 12(AX), BX) + check($salt4, 16(AX), BX) + check($salt5, 20(AX), BX) + check($salt6, 24(AX), BX) + check($salt7, 28(AX), BX) + MOVB $1, CX + JMP done +notfound: + XORB CX, CX +done: + MOVB CX, ret+32(FP) + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/filter_default.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/filter_default.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..38fadd5be8375 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/filter_default.go @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package bloom + +func filterInsertBulk(f []Block, x []uint64) { + for i := range x { + filterInsert(f, x[i]) + } +} + +func filterInsert(f []Block, x uint64) { + f[fasthash1x64(x, int32(len(f)))].Insert(uint32(x)) +} + +func filterCheck(f []Block, x uint64) bool { + return f[fasthash1x64(x, int32(len(f)))].Check(uint32(x)) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/hash.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/hash.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9a3b61a30004c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/hash.go @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +package bloom + +import "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash" + +// Hash is an interface abstracting the hashing algorithm used in bloom filters. +// +// Hash instances must be safe to use concurrently from multiple goroutines. +type Hash interface { + // Returns the 64 bit hash of the value passed as argument. + Sum64(value []byte) uint64 + + // Compute hashes of individual values of primitive types. + Sum64Uint8(value uint8) uint64 + Sum64Uint16(value uint16) uint64 + Sum64Uint32(value uint32) uint64 + Sum64Uint64(value uint64) uint64 + Sum64Uint128(value [16]byte) uint64 + + // Compute hashes of the array of fixed size values passed as arguments, + // returning the number of hashes written to the destination buffer. + MultiSum64Uint8(dst []uint64, src []uint8) int + MultiSum64Uint16(dst []uint64, src []uint16) int + MultiSum64Uint32(dst []uint64, src []uint32) int + MultiSum64Uint64(dst []uint64, src []uint64) int + MultiSum64Uint128(dst []uint64, src [][16]byte) int +} + +// XXH64 is an implementation of the Hash interface using the XXH64 algorithm. +type XXH64 struct{} + +func (XXH64) Sum64(b []byte) uint64 { + return xxhash.Sum64(b) +} + +func (XXH64) Sum64Uint8(v uint8) uint64 { + return xxhash.Sum64Uint8(v) +} + +func (XXH64) Sum64Uint16(v uint16) uint64 { + return xxhash.Sum64Uint16(v) +} + +func (XXH64) Sum64Uint32(v uint32) uint64 { + return xxhash.Sum64Uint32(v) +} + +func (XXH64) Sum64Uint64(v uint64) uint64 { + return xxhash.Sum64Uint64(v) +} + +func (XXH64) Sum64Uint128(v [16]byte) uint64 { + return xxhash.Sum64Uint128(v) +} + +func (XXH64) MultiSum64Uint8(h []uint64, v []uint8) int { + return xxhash.MultiSum64Uint8(h, v) +} + +func (XXH64) MultiSum64Uint16(h []uint64, v []uint16) int { + return xxhash.MultiSum64Uint16(h, v) +} + +func (XXH64) MultiSum64Uint32(h []uint64, v []uint32) int { + return xxhash.MultiSum64Uint32(h, v) +} + +func (XXH64) MultiSum64Uint64(h []uint64, v []uint64) int { + return xxhash.MultiSum64Uint64(h, v) +} + +func (XXH64) MultiSum64Uint128(h []uint64, v [][16]byte) int { + return xxhash.MultiSum64Uint128(h, v) +} + +var ( + _ Hash = XXH64{} +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..80bef2ebc4e5b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +The following files in this directory were derived from the open-source +project at https://github.com/cespare/xxhash. A copy of the original +license is provided below. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Copyright (c) 2016 Caleb Spare + +MIT License + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/sum64uint.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/sum64uint.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..84423d0efba5b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/sum64uint.go @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +package xxhash + +func Sum64Uint8(v uint8) uint64 { + h := prime5 + 1 + h ^= uint64(v) * prime5 + return avalanche(rol11(h) * prime1) +} + +func Sum64Uint16(v uint16) uint64 { + h := prime5 + 2 + h ^= uint64(v&0xFF) * prime5 + h = rol11(h) * prime1 + h ^= uint64(v>>8) * prime5 + h = rol11(h) * prime1 + return avalanche(h) +} + +func Sum64Uint32(v uint32) uint64 { + h := prime5 + 4 + h ^= uint64(v) * prime1 + return avalanche(rol23(h)*prime2 + prime3) +} + +func Sum64Uint64(v uint64) uint64 { + h := prime5 + 8 + h ^= round(0, v) + return avalanche(rol27(h)*prime1 + prime4) +} + +func Sum64Uint128(v [16]byte) uint64 { + h := prime5 + 16 + h ^= round(0, u64(v[:8])) + h = rol27(h)*prime1 + prime4 + h ^= round(0, u64(v[8:])) + h = rol27(h)*prime1 + prime4 + return avalanche(h) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/sum64uint_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/sum64uint_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..03a4d31b1593e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/sum64uint_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package xxhash + +import "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" + +// This file contains the declaration of signatures for the multi hashing +// functions implemented in sum64uint_amd64.s, which provides vectorized +// versions of the algorithms written in sum64uint_purego.go. +// +// The use of SIMD optimization yields measurable throughput increases when +// computing multiple hash values in parallel compared to hashing values +// individually in loops: +// +// name old speed new speed delta +// MultiSum64Uint8/4KB 4.94GB/s ± 2% 6.82GB/s ± 5% +38.00% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// MultiSum64Uint16/4KB 3.44GB/s ± 2% 4.63GB/s ± 4% +34.56% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// MultiSum64Uint32/4KB 4.84GB/s ± 2% 6.39GB/s ± 4% +31.94% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// MultiSum64Uint64/4KB 3.77GB/s ± 2% 4.95GB/s ± 2% +31.14% (p=0.000 n=9+10) +// MultiSum64Uint128/4KB 1.84GB/s ± 2% 3.11GB/s ± 4% +68.70% (p=0.000 n=9+10) +// +// name old hash/s new hash/s delta +// MultiSum64Uint8/4KB 617M ± 2% 852M ± 5% +38.00% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// MultiSum64Uint16/4KB 431M ± 2% 579M ± 4% +34.56% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// MultiSum64Uint32/4KB 605M ± 2% 799M ± 4% +31.94% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// MultiSum64Uint64/4KB 471M ± 2% 618M ± 2% +31.14% (p=0.000 n=9+10) +// MultiSum64Uint128/4KB 231M ± 2% 389M ± 4% +68.70% (p=0.000 n=9+10) +// +// The benchmarks measure the throughput of hashes produced, as a rate of values +// and bytes. + +var hasAVX512 = cpu.X86.HasAVX512 && + cpu.X86.HasAVX512F && + cpu.X86.HasAVX512CD + +//go:noescape +func MultiSum64Uint8(h []uint64, v []uint8) int + +//go:noescape +func MultiSum64Uint16(h []uint64, v []uint16) int + +//go:noescape +func MultiSum64Uint32(h []uint64, v []uint32) int + +//go:noescape +func MultiSum64Uint64(h []uint64, v []uint64) int + +//go:noescape +func MultiSum64Uint128(h []uint64, v [][16]byte) int diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/sum64uint_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/sum64uint_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..da7f80e24902d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/sum64uint_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,755 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +/* +The algorithms in this file are assembly versions of the Go functions in the +sum64uint_default.go file. + +The implementations are mostly direct translations of the Go code to assembly, +leveraging SIMD instructions to process chunks of the input variables in +parallel at each loop iteration. To maximize utilization of the CPU capacity, +some of the functions unroll two steps of the vectorized loop per iteration, +which yields further throughput because the CPU is able to process some of the +instruction from the two steps in parallel due to having no data dependencies +between the inputs and outputs. + +The use of AVX-512 yields a significant increase in throughput on all the +algorithms, in most part thanks to the VPMULLQ instructions which compute +8 x 64 bits multiplication. There were no equivalent instruction in AVX2, which +required emulating vector multiplication with a combination of 32 bits multiply, +additions, shifts, and masks: the amount of instructions and data dependencies +resulted in the AVX2 code yielding equivalent performance characteristics for a +much higher complexity. + +The benchmark results below showcase the improvements that the AVX-512 code +yields on the XXH64 algorithms: + +name old speed new speed delta +MultiSum64Uint8/4KB 4.97GB/s ± 0% 14.59GB/s ± 1% +193.73% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +MultiSum64Uint16/4KB 3.55GB/s ± 0% 9.46GB/s ± 0% +166.20% (p=0.000 n=10+9) +MultiSum64Uint32/4KB 4.48GB/s ± 0% 13.93GB/s ± 1% +210.93% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +MultiSum64Uint64/4KB 3.57GB/s ± 0% 11.12GB/s ± 1% +211.73% (p=0.000 n=9+10) +MultiSum64Uint128/4KB 2.54GB/s ± 0% 6.49GB/s ± 1% +155.69% (p=0.000 n=10+10) + +name old hash/s new hash/s delta +MultiSum64Uint8/4KB 621M ± 0% 1823M ± 1% +193.73% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +MultiSum64Uint16/4KB 444M ± 0% 1182M ± 0% +166.20% (p=0.000 n=10+9) +MultiSum64Uint32/4KB 560M ± 0% 1742M ± 1% +210.93% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +MultiSum64Uint64/4KB 446M ± 0% 1391M ± 1% +211.73% (p=0.000 n=9+10) +MultiSum64Uint128/4KB 317M ± 0% 811M ± 1% +155.69% (p=0.000 n=10+10) + +The functions perform runtime detection of AVX-512 support by testing the value +of the xxhash.hasAVX512 variable declared and initialized in sum64uint_amd64.go. +Branch mispredictions on those tests are very unlikely since the value is never +modified by the application. The cost of the comparisons are also amortized by +the bulk APIs of the MultiSum64* functions (a single test is required per call). + +If a bug is suspected in the vectorized code, compiling the program or running +the tests with -tags=purego can help verify whether the behavior changes when +the program does not use the assembly versions. + +Maintenance of these functions can be complex; however, the XXH64 algorithm is +unlikely to evolve, and the implementations unlikely to change. The tests in +sum64uint_test.go compare the outputs of MultiSum64* functions with the +reference xxhash.Sum64 function, future maintainers can rely on those tests +passing as a guarantee that they have not introduced regressions. +*/ + +#define PRIME1 0x9E3779B185EBCA87 +#define PRIME2 0xC2B2AE3D27D4EB4F +#define PRIME3 0x165667B19E3779F9 +#define PRIME4 0x85EBCA77C2B2AE63 +#define PRIME5 0x27D4EB2F165667C5 + +#define prime1 R12 +#define prime2 R13 +#define prime3 R14 +#define prime4 R15 +#define prime5 R15 // same as prime4 because they are not used together + +#define prime1ZMM Z12 +#define prime2ZMM Z13 +#define prime3ZMM Z14 +#define prime4ZMM Z15 +#define prime5ZMM Z15 + +DATA prime1vec<>+0(SB)/8, $PRIME1 +DATA prime1vec<>+8(SB)/8, $PRIME1 +DATA prime1vec<>+16(SB)/8, $PRIME1 +DATA prime1vec<>+24(SB)/8, $PRIME1 +DATA prime1vec<>+32(SB)/8, $PRIME1 +DATA prime1vec<>+40(SB)/8, $PRIME1 +DATA prime1vec<>+48(SB)/8, $PRIME1 +DATA prime1vec<>+56(SB)/8, $PRIME1 +GLOBL prime1vec<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA prime2vec<>+0(SB)/8, $PRIME2 +DATA prime2vec<>+8(SB)/8, $PRIME2 +DATA prime2vec<>+16(SB)/8, $PRIME2 +DATA prime2vec<>+24(SB)/8, $PRIME2 +DATA prime2vec<>+32(SB)/8, $PRIME2 +DATA prime2vec<>+40(SB)/8, $PRIME2 +DATA prime2vec<>+48(SB)/8, $PRIME2 +DATA prime2vec<>+56(SB)/8, $PRIME2 +GLOBL prime2vec<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA prime3vec<>+0(SB)/8, $PRIME3 +DATA prime3vec<>+8(SB)/8, $PRIME3 +DATA prime3vec<>+16(SB)/8, $PRIME3 +DATA prime3vec<>+24(SB)/8, $PRIME3 +DATA prime3vec<>+32(SB)/8, $PRIME3 +DATA prime3vec<>+40(SB)/8, $PRIME3 +DATA prime3vec<>+48(SB)/8, $PRIME3 +DATA prime3vec<>+56(SB)/8, $PRIME3 +GLOBL prime3vec<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA prime4vec<>+0(SB)/8, $PRIME4 +DATA prime4vec<>+8(SB)/8, $PRIME4 +DATA prime4vec<>+16(SB)/8, $PRIME4 +DATA prime4vec<>+24(SB)/8, $PRIME4 +DATA prime4vec<>+32(SB)/8, $PRIME4 +DATA prime4vec<>+40(SB)/8, $PRIME4 +DATA prime4vec<>+48(SB)/8, $PRIME4 +DATA prime4vec<>+56(SB)/8, $PRIME4 +GLOBL prime4vec<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA prime5vec<>+0(SB)/8, $PRIME5 +DATA prime5vec<>+8(SB)/8, $PRIME5 +DATA prime5vec<>+16(SB)/8, $PRIME5 +DATA prime5vec<>+24(SB)/8, $PRIME5 +DATA prime5vec<>+32(SB)/8, $PRIME5 +DATA prime5vec<>+40(SB)/8, $PRIME5 +DATA prime5vec<>+48(SB)/8, $PRIME5 +DATA prime5vec<>+56(SB)/8, $PRIME5 +GLOBL prime5vec<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA prime5vec1<>+0(SB)/8, $PRIME5+1 +DATA prime5vec1<>+8(SB)/8, $PRIME5+1 +DATA prime5vec1<>+16(SB)/8, $PRIME5+1 +DATA prime5vec1<>+24(SB)/8, $PRIME5+1 +DATA prime5vec1<>+32(SB)/8, $PRIME5+1 +DATA prime5vec1<>+40(SB)/8, $PRIME5+1 +DATA prime5vec1<>+48(SB)/8, $PRIME5+1 +DATA prime5vec1<>+56(SB)/8, $PRIME5+1 +GLOBL prime5vec1<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA prime5vec2<>+0(SB)/8, $PRIME5+2 +DATA prime5vec2<>+8(SB)/8, $PRIME5+2 +DATA prime5vec2<>+16(SB)/8, $PRIME5+2 +DATA prime5vec2<>+24(SB)/8, $PRIME5+2 +DATA prime5vec2<>+32(SB)/8, $PRIME5+2 +DATA prime5vec2<>+40(SB)/8, $PRIME5+2 +DATA prime5vec2<>+48(SB)/8, $PRIME5+2 +DATA prime5vec2<>+56(SB)/8, $PRIME5+2 +GLOBL prime5vec2<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA prime5vec4<>+0(SB)/8, $PRIME5+4 +DATA prime5vec4<>+8(SB)/8, $PRIME5+4 +DATA prime5vec4<>+16(SB)/8, $PRIME5+4 +DATA prime5vec4<>+24(SB)/8, $PRIME5+4 +DATA prime5vec4<>+32(SB)/8, $PRIME5+4 +DATA prime5vec4<>+40(SB)/8, $PRIME5+4 +DATA prime5vec4<>+48(SB)/8, $PRIME5+4 +DATA prime5vec4<>+56(SB)/8, $PRIME5+4 +GLOBL prime5vec4<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA prime5vec8<>+0(SB)/8, $PRIME5+8 +DATA prime5vec8<>+8(SB)/8, $PRIME5+8 +DATA prime5vec8<>+16(SB)/8, $PRIME5+8 +DATA prime5vec8<>+24(SB)/8, $PRIME5+8 +DATA prime5vec8<>+32(SB)/8, $PRIME5+8 +DATA prime5vec8<>+40(SB)/8, $PRIME5+8 +DATA prime5vec8<>+48(SB)/8, $PRIME5+8 +DATA prime5vec8<>+56(SB)/8, $PRIME5+8 +GLOBL prime5vec8<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA prime5vec16<>+0(SB)/8, $PRIME5+16 +DATA prime5vec16<>+8(SB)/8, $PRIME5+16 +DATA prime5vec16<>+16(SB)/8, $PRIME5+16 +DATA prime5vec16<>+24(SB)/8, $PRIME5+16 +DATA prime5vec16<>+32(SB)/8, $PRIME5+16 +DATA prime5vec16<>+40(SB)/8, $PRIME5+16 +DATA prime5vec16<>+48(SB)/8, $PRIME5+16 +DATA prime5vec16<>+56(SB)/8, $PRIME5+16 +GLOBL prime5vec16<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA lowbytemask<>+0(SB)/8, $0xFF +DATA lowbytemask<>+8(SB)/8, $0xFF +DATA lowbytemask<>+16(SB)/8, $0xFF +DATA lowbytemask<>+24(SB)/8, $0xFF +DATA lowbytemask<>+32(SB)/8, $0xFF +DATA lowbytemask<>+40(SB)/8, $0xFF +DATA lowbytemask<>+48(SB)/8, $0xFF +DATA lowbytemask<>+56(SB)/8, $0xFF +GLOBL lowbytemask<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA vpermi2qeven<>+0(SB)/8, $0 +DATA vpermi2qeven<>+8(SB)/8, $2 +DATA vpermi2qeven<>+16(SB)/8, $4 +DATA vpermi2qeven<>+24(SB)/8, $6 +DATA vpermi2qeven<>+32(SB)/8, $(1<<3)|0 +DATA vpermi2qeven<>+40(SB)/8, $(1<<3)|2 +DATA vpermi2qeven<>+48(SB)/8, $(1<<3)|4 +DATA vpermi2qeven<>+56(SB)/8, $(1<<3)|6 +GLOBL vpermi2qeven<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA vpermi2qodd<>+0(SB)/8, $1 +DATA vpermi2qodd<>+8(SB)/8, $3 +DATA vpermi2qodd<>+16(SB)/8, $5 +DATA vpermi2qodd<>+24(SB)/8, $7 +DATA vpermi2qodd<>+32(SB)/8, $(1<<3)|1 +DATA vpermi2qodd<>+40(SB)/8, $(1<<3)|3 +DATA vpermi2qodd<>+48(SB)/8, $(1<<3)|5 +DATA vpermi2qodd<>+56(SB)/8, $(1<<3)|7 +GLOBL vpermi2qodd<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +#define round(input, acc) \ + IMULQ prime2, input \ + ADDQ input, acc \ + ROLQ $31, acc \ + IMULQ prime1, acc + +#define avalanche(tmp, acc) \ + MOVQ acc, tmp \ + SHRQ $33, tmp \ + XORQ tmp, acc \ + IMULQ prime2, acc \ + MOVQ acc, tmp \ + SHRQ $29, tmp \ + XORQ tmp, acc \ + IMULQ prime3, acc \ + MOVQ acc, tmp \ + SHRQ $32, tmp \ + XORQ tmp, acc + +#define round8x64(input, acc) \ + VPMULLQ prime2ZMM, input, input \ + VPADDQ input, acc, acc \ + VPROLQ $31, acc, acc \ + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, acc, acc + +#define avalanche8x64(tmp, acc) \ + VPSRLQ $33, acc, tmp \ + VPXORQ tmp, acc, acc \ + VPMULLQ prime2ZMM, acc, acc \ + VPSRLQ $29, acc, tmp \ + VPXORQ tmp, acc, acc \ + VPMULLQ prime3ZMM, acc, acc \ + VPSRLQ $32, acc, tmp \ + VPXORQ tmp, acc, acc + +// func MultiSum64Uint8(h []uint64, v []uint8) int +TEXT ·MultiSum64Uint8(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-54 + MOVQ $PRIME1, prime1 + MOVQ $PRIME2, prime2 + MOVQ $PRIME3, prime3 + MOVQ $PRIME5, prime5 + + MOVQ h_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ h_len+8(FP), CX + MOVQ v_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ v_len+32(FP), DX + + CMPQ CX, DX + CMOVQGT DX, CX + MOVQ CX, ret+48(FP) + + XORQ SI, SI + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + CMPB ·hasAVX512(SB), $0 + JE loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + + VMOVDQU64 prime1vec<>(SB), prime1ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime2vec<>(SB), prime2ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime3vec<>(SB), prime3ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime5vec<>(SB), prime5ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime5vec1<>(SB), Z6 +loop32x64: + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z0 + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z3 + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z20 + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z23 + VPMOVZXBQ (BX)(SI*1), Z1 + VPMOVZXBQ 8(BX)(SI*1), Z4 + VPMOVZXBQ 16(BX)(SI*1), Z21 + VPMOVZXBQ 24(BX)(SI*1), Z24 + + VPMULLQ prime5ZMM, Z1, Z1 + VPMULLQ prime5ZMM, Z4, Z4 + VPMULLQ prime5ZMM, Z21, Z21 + VPMULLQ prime5ZMM, Z24, Z24 + VPXORQ Z1, Z0, Z0 + VPXORQ Z4, Z3, Z3 + VPXORQ Z21, Z20, Z20 + VPXORQ Z24, Z23, Z23 + VPROLQ $11, Z0, Z0 + VPROLQ $11, Z3, Z3 + VPROLQ $11, Z20, Z20 + VPROLQ $11, Z23, Z23 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z0, Z0 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z3, Z3 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z20, Z20 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z23, Z23 + + avalanche8x64(Z1, Z0) + avalanche8x64(Z4, Z3) + avalanche8x64(Z21, Z20) + avalanche8x64(Z24, Z23) + + VMOVDQU64 Z0, (AX)(SI*8) + VMOVDQU64 Z3, 64(AX)(SI*8) + VMOVDQU64 Z20, 128(AX)(SI*8) + VMOVDQU64 Z23, 192(AX)(SI*8) + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JB loop32x64 + VZEROUPPER +loop: + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done + MOVQ $PRIME5+1, R8 + MOVBQZX (BX)(SI*1), R9 + + IMULQ prime5, R9 + XORQ R9, R8 + ROLQ $11, R8 + IMULQ prime1, R8 + avalanche(R9, R8) + + MOVQ R8, (AX)(SI*8) + INCQ SI + JMP loop +done: + RET + +// func MultiSum64Uint16(h []uint64, v []uint16) int +TEXT ·MultiSum64Uint16(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-54 + MOVQ $PRIME1, prime1 + MOVQ $PRIME2, prime2 + MOVQ $PRIME3, prime3 + MOVQ $PRIME5, prime5 + + MOVQ h_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ h_len+8(FP), CX + MOVQ v_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ v_len+32(FP), DX + + CMPQ CX, DX + CMOVQGT DX, CX + MOVQ CX, ret+48(FP) + + XORQ SI, SI + CMPQ CX, $16 + JB loop + CMPB ·hasAVX512(SB), $0 + JE loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $4, DI + SHLQ $4, DI + + VMOVDQU64 prime1vec<>(SB), prime1ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime2vec<>(SB), prime2ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime3vec<>(SB), prime3ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime5vec<>(SB), prime5ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime5vec2<>(SB), Z6 + VMOVDQU64 lowbytemask<>(SB), Z7 +loop16x64: + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z0 + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z3 + VPMOVZXWQ (BX)(SI*2), Z1 + VPMOVZXWQ 16(BX)(SI*2), Z4 + + VMOVDQA64 Z1, Z8 + VMOVDQA64 Z4, Z9 + VPSRLQ $8, Z8, Z8 + VPSRLQ $8, Z9, Z9 + VPANDQ Z7, Z1, Z1 + VPANDQ Z7, Z4, Z4 + + VPMULLQ prime5ZMM, Z1, Z1 + VPMULLQ prime5ZMM, Z4, Z4 + VPXORQ Z1, Z0, Z0 + VPXORQ Z4, Z3, Z3 + VPROLQ $11, Z0, Z0 + VPROLQ $11, Z3, Z3 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z0, Z0 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z3, Z3 + + VPMULLQ prime5ZMM, Z8, Z8 + VPMULLQ prime5ZMM, Z9, Z9 + VPXORQ Z8, Z0, Z0 + VPXORQ Z9, Z3, Z3 + VPROLQ $11, Z0, Z0 + VPROLQ $11, Z3, Z3 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z0, Z0 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z3, Z3 + + avalanche8x64(Z1, Z0) + avalanche8x64(Z4, Z3) + + VMOVDQU64 Z0, (AX)(SI*8) + VMOVDQU64 Z3, 64(AX)(SI*8) + ADDQ $16, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JB loop16x64 + VZEROUPPER +loop: + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done + MOVQ $PRIME5+2, R8 + MOVWQZX (BX)(SI*2), R9 + + MOVQ R9, R10 + SHRQ $8, R10 + ANDQ $0xFF, R9 + + IMULQ prime5, R9 + XORQ R9, R8 + ROLQ $11, R8 + IMULQ prime1, R8 + + IMULQ prime5, R10 + XORQ R10, R8 + ROLQ $11, R8 + IMULQ prime1, R8 + + avalanche(R9, R8) + + MOVQ R8, (AX)(SI*8) + INCQ SI + JMP loop +done: + RET + +// func MultiSum64Uint32(h []uint64, v []uint32) int +TEXT ·MultiSum64Uint32(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-54 + MOVQ $PRIME1, prime1 + MOVQ $PRIME2, prime2 + MOVQ $PRIME3, prime3 + + MOVQ h_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ h_len+8(FP), CX + MOVQ v_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ v_len+32(FP), DX + + CMPQ CX, DX + CMOVQGT DX, CX + MOVQ CX, ret+48(FP) + + XORQ SI, SI + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + CMPB ·hasAVX512(SB), $0 + JE loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + + VMOVDQU64 prime1vec<>(SB), prime1ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime2vec<>(SB), prime2ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime3vec<>(SB), prime3ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime5vec4<>(SB), Z6 +loop32x64: + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z0 + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z3 + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z20 + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z23 + VPMOVZXDQ (BX)(SI*4), Z1 + VPMOVZXDQ 32(BX)(SI*4), Z4 + VPMOVZXDQ 64(BX)(SI*4), Z21 + VPMOVZXDQ 96(BX)(SI*4), Z24 + + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z1, Z1 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z4, Z4 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z21, Z21 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z24, Z24 + VPXORQ Z1, Z0, Z0 + VPXORQ Z4, Z3, Z3 + VPXORQ Z21, Z20, Z20 + VPXORQ Z24, Z23, Z23 + VPROLQ $23, Z0, Z0 + VPROLQ $23, Z3, Z3 + VPROLQ $23, Z20, Z20 + VPROLQ $23, Z23, Z23 + VPMULLQ prime2ZMM, Z0, Z0 + VPMULLQ prime2ZMM, Z3, Z3 + VPMULLQ prime2ZMM, Z20, Z20 + VPMULLQ prime2ZMM, Z23, Z23 + VPADDQ prime3ZMM, Z0, Z0 + VPADDQ prime3ZMM, Z3, Z3 + VPADDQ prime3ZMM, Z20, Z20 + VPADDQ prime3ZMM, Z23, Z23 + + avalanche8x64(Z1, Z0) + avalanche8x64(Z4, Z3) + avalanche8x64(Z21, Z20) + avalanche8x64(Z24, Z23) + + VMOVDQU64 Z0, (AX)(SI*8) + VMOVDQU64 Z3, 64(AX)(SI*8) + VMOVDQU64 Z20, 128(AX)(SI*8) + VMOVDQU64 Z23, 192(AX)(SI*8) + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JB loop32x64 + VZEROUPPER +loop: + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done + MOVQ $PRIME5+4, R8 + MOVLQZX (BX)(SI*4), R9 + + IMULQ prime1, R9 + XORQ R9, R8 + ROLQ $23, R8 + IMULQ prime2, R8 + ADDQ prime3, R8 + avalanche(R9, R8) + + MOVQ R8, (AX)(SI*8) + INCQ SI + JMP loop +done: + RET + +// func MultiSum64Uint64(h []uint64, v []uint64) int +TEXT ·MultiSum64Uint64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-54 + MOVQ $PRIME1, prime1 + MOVQ $PRIME2, prime2 + MOVQ $PRIME3, prime3 + MOVQ $PRIME4, prime4 + + MOVQ h_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ h_len+8(FP), CX + MOVQ v_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ v_len+32(FP), DX + + CMPQ CX, DX + CMOVQGT DX, CX + MOVQ CX, ret+48(FP) + + XORQ SI, SI + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + CMPB ·hasAVX512(SB), $0 + JE loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + + VMOVDQU64 prime1vec<>(SB), prime1ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime2vec<>(SB), prime2ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime3vec<>(SB), prime3ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime4vec<>(SB), prime4ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime5vec8<>(SB), Z6 +loop32x64: + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z0 + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z3 + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z20 + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z23 + VMOVDQU64 (BX)(SI*8), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 64(BX)(SI*8), Z4 + VMOVDQU64 128(BX)(SI*8), Z21 + VMOVDQU64 192(BX)(SI*8), Z24 + + VPXORQ Z2, Z2, Z2 + VPXORQ Z5, Z5, Z5 + VPXORQ Z22, Z22, Z22 + VPXORQ Z25, Z25, Z25 + round8x64(Z1, Z2) + round8x64(Z4, Z5) + round8x64(Z21, Z22) + round8x64(Z24, Z25) + + VPXORQ Z2, Z0, Z0 + VPXORQ Z5, Z3, Z3 + VPXORQ Z22, Z20, Z20 + VPXORQ Z25, Z23, Z23 + VPROLQ $27, Z0, Z0 + VPROLQ $27, Z3, Z3 + VPROLQ $27, Z20, Z20 + VPROLQ $27, Z23, Z23 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z0, Z0 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z3, Z3 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z20, Z20 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z23, Z23 + VPADDQ prime4ZMM, Z0, Z0 + VPADDQ prime4ZMM, Z3, Z3 + VPADDQ prime4ZMM, Z20, Z20 + VPADDQ prime4ZMM, Z23, Z23 + + avalanche8x64(Z1, Z0) + avalanche8x64(Z4, Z3) + avalanche8x64(Z21, Z20) + avalanche8x64(Z24, Z23) + + VMOVDQU64 Z0, (AX)(SI*8) + VMOVDQU64 Z3, 64(AX)(SI*8) + VMOVDQU64 Z20, 128(AX)(SI*8) + VMOVDQU64 Z23, 192(AX)(SI*8) + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JB loop32x64 + VZEROUPPER +loop: + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done + MOVQ $PRIME5+8, R8 + MOVQ (BX)(SI*8), R9 + + XORQ R10, R10 + round(R9, R10) + XORQ R10, R8 + ROLQ $27, R8 + IMULQ prime1, R8 + ADDQ prime4, R8 + avalanche(R9, R8) + + MOVQ R8, (AX)(SI*8) + INCQ SI + JMP loop +done: + RET + +// func MultiSum64Uint128(h []uint64, v [][16]byte) int +TEXT ·MultiSum64Uint128(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-54 + MOVQ $PRIME1, prime1 + MOVQ $PRIME2, prime2 + MOVQ $PRIME3, prime3 + MOVQ $PRIME4, prime4 + + MOVQ h_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ h_len+8(FP), CX + MOVQ v_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ v_len+32(FP), DX + + CMPQ CX, DX + CMOVQGT DX, CX + MOVQ CX, ret+48(FP) + + XORQ SI, SI + CMPQ CX, $16 + JB loop + CMPB ·hasAVX512(SB), $0 + JE loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $4, DI + SHLQ $4, DI + + VMOVDQU64 prime1vec<>(SB), prime1ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime2vec<>(SB), prime2ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime3vec<>(SB), prime3ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime4vec<>(SB), prime4ZMM + VMOVDQU64 prime5vec16<>(SB), Z6 + VMOVDQU64 vpermi2qeven<>(SB), Z7 + VMOVDQU64 vpermi2qodd<>(SB), Z8 +loop16x64: + // This algorithm is slightly different from the other ones, because it is + // the only case where the input values are larger than the output (128 bits + // vs 64 bits). + // + // Computing the XXH64 of 128 bits values requires doing two passes over the + // lower and upper 64 bits. The lower and upper quad/ words are split in + // separate vectors, the first pass is applied on the vector holding the + // lower bits of 8 input values, then the second pass is applied with the + // vector holding the upper bits. + // + // Following the model used in the other functions, we unroll the work of + // two consecutive groups of 8 values per loop iteration in order to + // maximize utilization of CPU resources. + CMPQ SI, DI + JE loop + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z0 + VMOVDQA64 Z6, Z20 + VMOVDQU64 (BX), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 64(BX), Z9 + VMOVDQU64 128(BX), Z21 + VMOVDQU64 192(BX), Z29 + + VMOVDQA64 Z7, Z2 + VMOVDQA64 Z8, Z3 + VMOVDQA64 Z7, Z22 + VMOVDQA64 Z8, Z23 + + VPERMI2Q Z9, Z1, Z2 + VPERMI2Q Z9, Z1, Z3 + VPERMI2Q Z29, Z21, Z22 + VPERMI2Q Z29, Z21, Z23 + + // Compute the rounds on inputs. + VPXORQ Z4, Z4, Z4 + VPXORQ Z5, Z5, Z5 + VPXORQ Z24, Z24, Z24 + VPXORQ Z25, Z25, Z25 + round8x64(Z2, Z4) + round8x64(Z3, Z5) + round8x64(Z22, Z24) + round8x64(Z23, Z25) + + // Lower 64 bits. + VPXORQ Z4, Z0, Z0 + VPXORQ Z24, Z20, Z20 + VPROLQ $27, Z0, Z0 + VPROLQ $27, Z20, Z20 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z0, Z0 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z20, Z20 + VPADDQ prime4ZMM, Z0, Z0 + VPADDQ prime4ZMM, Z20, Z20 + + // Upper 64 bits. + VPXORQ Z5, Z0, Z0 + VPXORQ Z25, Z20, Z20 + VPROLQ $27, Z0, Z0 + VPROLQ $27, Z20, Z20 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z0, Z0 + VPMULLQ prime1ZMM, Z20, Z20 + VPADDQ prime4ZMM, Z0, Z0 + VPADDQ prime4ZMM, Z20, Z20 + + avalanche8x64(Z1, Z0) + avalanche8x64(Z21, Z20) + VMOVDQU64 Z0, (AX)(SI*8) + VMOVDQU64 Z20, 64(AX)(SI*8) + ADDQ $256, BX + ADDQ $16, SI + JMP loop16x64 + VZEROUPPER +loop: + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done + MOVQ $PRIME5+16, R8 + MOVQ (BX), DX + MOVQ 8(BX), DI + + XORQ R9, R9 + XORQ R10, R10 + round(DX, R9) + round(DI, R10) + + XORQ R9, R8 + ROLQ $27, R8 + IMULQ prime1, R8 + ADDQ prime4, R8 + + XORQ R10, R8 + ROLQ $27, R8 + IMULQ prime1, R8 + ADDQ prime4, R8 + + avalanche(R9, R8) + MOVQ R8, (AX)(SI*8) + ADDQ $16, BX + INCQ SI + JMP loop +done: + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/sum64uint_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/sum64uint_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4b420dc4f72f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/sum64uint_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package xxhash + +func MultiSum64Uint8(h []uint64, v []uint8) int { + n := min(len(h), len(v)) + h = h[:n] + v = v[:n] + for i := range v { + h[i] = Sum64Uint8(v[i]) + } + return n +} + +func MultiSum64Uint16(h []uint64, v []uint16) int { + n := min(len(h), len(v)) + h = h[:n] + v = v[:n] + for i := range v { + h[i] = Sum64Uint16(v[i]) + } + return n +} + +func MultiSum64Uint32(h []uint64, v []uint32) int { + n := min(len(h), len(v)) + h = h[:n] + v = v[:n] + for i := range v { + h[i] = Sum64Uint32(v[i]) + } + return n +} + +func MultiSum64Uint64(h []uint64, v []uint64) int { + n := min(len(h), len(v)) + h = h[:n] + v = v[:n] + for i := range v { + h[i] = Sum64Uint64(v[i]) + } + return n +} + +func MultiSum64Uint128(h []uint64, v [][16]byte) int { + n := min(len(h), len(v)) + h = h[:n] + v = v[:n] + for i := range v { + h[i] = Sum64Uint128(v[i]) + } + return n +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/xxhash.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/xxhash.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..0d4b44b2dc8b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/xxhash.go @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +// Package xxhash is an extension of github.com/cespare/xxhash which adds +// routines optimized to hash arrays of fixed size elements. +package xxhash + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "math/bits" +) + +const ( + prime1 uint64 = 0x9E3779B185EBCA87 + prime2 uint64 = 0xC2B2AE3D27D4EB4F + prime3 uint64 = 0x165667B19E3779F9 + prime4 uint64 = 0x85EBCA77C2B2AE63 + prime5 uint64 = 0x27D4EB2F165667C5 + // Pre-computed operations because the compiler otherwise complains that the + // results overflow 64 bit integers. + prime1plus2 uint64 = 0x60EA27EEADC0B5D6 // prime1 + prime2 + negprime1 uint64 = 0x61C8864E7A143579 // -prime1 +) + +func avalanche(h uint64) uint64 { + h ^= h >> 33 + h *= prime2 + h ^= h >> 29 + h *= prime3 + h ^= h >> 32 + return h +} + +func round(acc, input uint64) uint64 { + acc += input * prime2 + acc = rol31(acc) + acc *= prime1 + return acc +} + +func mergeRound(acc, val uint64) uint64 { + val = round(0, val) + acc ^= val + acc = acc*prime1 + prime4 + return acc +} + +func u64(b []byte) uint64 { return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b) } +func u32(b []byte) uint32 { return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b) } + +func rol1(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 1) } +func rol7(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 7) } +func rol11(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 11) } +func rol12(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 12) } +func rol18(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 18) } +func rol23(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 23) } +func rol27(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 27) } +func rol31(x uint64) uint64 { return bits.RotateLeft64(x, 31) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/xxhash_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/xxhash_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4b32923def5fc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/xxhash_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package xxhash + +// Sum64 computes the 64-bit xxHash digest of b. +func Sum64(b []byte) uint64 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/xxhash_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/xxhash_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8f88dc1d6ab74 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/xxhash_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +#define PRIME1 0x9E3779B185EBCA87 +#define PRIME2 0xC2B2AE3D27D4EB4F +#define PRIME3 0x165667B19E3779F9 +#define PRIME4 0x85EBCA77C2B2AE63 +#define PRIME5 0x27D4EB2F165667C5 + +DATA prime3<>+0(SB)/8, $PRIME3 +GLOBL prime3<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $8 + +DATA prime5<>+0(SB)/8, $PRIME5 +GLOBL prime5<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $8 + +// Register allocation: +// AX h +// SI pointer to advance through b +// DX n +// BX loop end +// R8 v1, k1 +// R9 v2 +// R10 v3 +// R11 v4 +// R12 tmp +// R13 PRIME1 +// R14 PRIME2 +// DI PRIME4 + +// round reads from and advances the buffer pointer in SI. +// It assumes that R13 has PRIME1 and R14 has PRIME2. +#define round(r) \ + MOVQ (SI), R12 \ + ADDQ $8, SI \ + IMULQ R14, R12 \ + ADDQ R12, r \ + ROLQ $31, r \ + IMULQ R13, r + +// mergeRound applies a merge round on the two registers acc and val. +// It assumes that R13 has PRIME1, R14 has PRIME2, and DI has PRIME4. +#define mergeRound(acc, val) \ + IMULQ R14, val \ + ROLQ $31, val \ + IMULQ R13, val \ + XORQ val, acc \ + IMULQ R13, acc \ + ADDQ DI, acc + +// func Sum64(b []byte) uint64 +TEXT ·Sum64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32 + // Load fixed primes. + MOVQ $PRIME1, R13 + MOVQ $PRIME2, R14 + MOVQ $PRIME4, DI + + // Load slice. + MOVQ b_base+0(FP), SI + MOVQ b_len+8(FP), DX + LEAQ (SI)(DX*1), BX + + // The first loop limit will be len(b)-32. + SUBQ $32, BX + + // Check whether we have at least one block. + CMPQ DX, $32 + JLT noBlocks + + // Set up initial state (v1, v2, v3, v4). + MOVQ R13, R8 + ADDQ R14, R8 + MOVQ R14, R9 + XORQ R10, R10 + XORQ R11, R11 + SUBQ R13, R11 + + // Loop until SI > BX. +blockLoop: + round(R8) + round(R9) + round(R10) + round(R11) + + CMPQ SI, BX + JLE blockLoop + + MOVQ R8, AX + ROLQ $1, AX + MOVQ R9, R12 + ROLQ $7, R12 + ADDQ R12, AX + MOVQ R10, R12 + ROLQ $12, R12 + ADDQ R12, AX + MOVQ R11, R12 + ROLQ $18, R12 + ADDQ R12, AX + + mergeRound(AX, R8) + mergeRound(AX, R9) + mergeRound(AX, R10) + mergeRound(AX, R11) + + JMP afterBlocks + +noBlocks: + MOVQ $PRIME5, AX + +afterBlocks: + ADDQ DX, AX + + // Right now BX has len(b)-32, and we want to loop until SI > len(b)-8. + ADDQ $24, BX + + CMPQ SI, BX + JG fourByte + +wordLoop: + // Calculate k1. + MOVQ (SI), R8 + ADDQ $8, SI + IMULQ R14, R8 + ROLQ $31, R8 + IMULQ R13, R8 + + XORQ R8, AX + ROLQ $27, AX + IMULQ R13, AX + ADDQ DI, AX + + CMPQ SI, BX + JLE wordLoop + +fourByte: + ADDQ $4, BX + CMPQ SI, BX + JG singles + + MOVL (SI), R8 + ADDQ $4, SI + IMULQ R13, R8 + XORQ R8, AX + + ROLQ $23, AX + IMULQ R14, AX + ADDQ prime3<>(SB), AX + +singles: + ADDQ $4, BX + CMPQ SI, BX + JGE finalize + +singlesLoop: + MOVBQZX (SI), R12 + ADDQ $1, SI + IMULQ prime5<>(SB), R12 + XORQ R12, AX + + ROLQ $11, AX + IMULQ R13, AX + + CMPQ SI, BX + JL singlesLoop + +finalize: + MOVQ AX, R12 + SHRQ $33, R12 + XORQ R12, AX + IMULQ R14, AX + MOVQ AX, R12 + SHRQ $29, R12 + XORQ R12, AX + IMULQ prime3<>(SB), AX + MOVQ AX, R12 + SHRQ $32, R12 + XORQ R12, AX + + MOVQ AX, ret+24(FP) + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/xxhash_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/xxhash_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..896f817a5f170 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash/xxhash_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package xxhash + +// Sum64 computes the 64-bit xxHash digest of b. +func Sum64(b []byte) uint64 { + var n = len(b) + var h uint64 + + if n >= 32 { + v1 := prime1plus2 + v2 := prime2 + v3 := uint64(0) + v4 := negprime1 + for len(b) >= 32 { + v1 = round(v1, u64(b[0:8:len(b)])) + v2 = round(v2, u64(b[8:16:len(b)])) + v3 = round(v3, u64(b[16:24:len(b)])) + v4 = round(v4, u64(b[24:32:len(b)])) + b = b[32:len(b):len(b)] + } + h = rol1(v1) + rol7(v2) + rol12(v3) + rol18(v4) + h = mergeRound(h, v1) + h = mergeRound(h, v2) + h = mergeRound(h, v3) + h = mergeRound(h, v4) + } else { + h = prime5 + } + + h += uint64(n) + + i, end := 0, len(b) + for ; i+8 <= end; i += 8 { + k1 := round(0, u64(b[i:i+8:len(b)])) + h ^= k1 + h = rol27(h)*prime1 + prime4 + } + if i+4 <= end { + h ^= uint64(u32(b[i:i+4:len(b)])) * prime1 + h = rol23(h)*prime2 + prime3 + i += 4 + } + for ; i < end; i++ { + h ^= uint64(b[i]) * prime5 + h = rol11(h) * prime1 + } + + return avalanche(h) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom_be.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom_be.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f7800301a6801 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom_be.go @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +//go:build s390x + +package parquet + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" +) + +func unsafecastInt96ToBytes(src []deprecated.Int96) []byte { + out := make([]byte, len(src)*12) + for i := range src { + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(out[(i*12):4+(i*12)], uint32(src[i][0])) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(out[4+(i*12):8+(i*12)], uint32(src[i][1])) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(out[8+(i*12):12+(i*12)], uint32(src[i][2])) + } + return out +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom_le.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom_le.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5b93bf0717785 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom_le.go @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +//go:build !s390x + +package parquet + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +func unsafecastInt96ToBytes(src []deprecated.Int96) []byte { + return unsafecast.Slice[byte](src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/buffer.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/buffer.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ab5b4ea55c085 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/buffer.go @@ -0,0 +1,716 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "log" + "reflect" + "runtime" + "sort" + "sync" + "sync/atomic" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/debug" +) + +// GenericBuffer is similar to a Buffer but uses a type parameter to define the +// Go type representing the schema of rows in the buffer. +// +// See GenericWriter for details about the benefits over the classic Buffer API. +type GenericBuffer[T any] struct { + base Buffer + write bufferFunc[T] +} + +// NewGenericBuffer is like NewBuffer but returns a GenericBuffer[T] suited to write +// rows of Go type T. +// +// The type parameter T should be a map, struct, or any. Any other types will +// cause a panic at runtime. Type checking is a lot more effective when the +// generic parameter is a struct type, using map and interface types is somewhat +// similar to using a Writer. If using an interface type for the type parameter, +// then providing a schema at instantiation is required. +// +// If the option list may explicitly declare a schema, it must be compatible +// with the schema generated from T. +func NewGenericBuffer[T any](options ...RowGroupOption) *GenericBuffer[T] { + config, err := NewRowGroupConfig(options...) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + t := typeOf[T]() + if config.Schema == nil && t != nil { + config.Schema = schemaOf(dereference(t)) + } + + if config.Schema == nil { + panic("generic buffer must be instantiated with schema or concrete type.") + } + + buf := &GenericBuffer[T]{ + base: Buffer{config: config}, + } + buf.base.configure(config.Schema) + buf.write = bufferFuncOf[T](t, config.Schema) + return buf +} + +func typeOf[T any]() reflect.Type { + var v T + return reflect.TypeOf(v) +} + +type bufferFunc[T any] func(*GenericBuffer[T], []T) (int, error) + +func bufferFuncOf[T any](t reflect.Type, schema *Schema) bufferFunc[T] { + if t == nil { + return (*GenericBuffer[T]).writeRows + } + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Interface, reflect.Map: + return (*GenericBuffer[T]).writeRows + + case reflect.Struct: + return makeBufferFunc[T](t, schema) + + case reflect.Pointer: + if e := t.Elem(); e.Kind() == reflect.Struct { + return makeBufferFunc[T](t, schema) + } + } + panic("cannot create buffer for values of type " + t.String()) +} + +func makeBufferFunc[T any](t reflect.Type, schema *Schema) bufferFunc[T] { + writeRows := writeRowsFuncOf(t, schema, nil) + return func(buf *GenericBuffer[T], rows []T) (n int, err error) { + err = writeRows(buf.base.columns, makeArrayOf(rows), columnLevels{}) + if err == nil { + n = len(rows) + } + return n, err + } +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Size() int64 { + return buf.base.Size() +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) NumRows() int64 { + return buf.base.NumRows() +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) ColumnChunks() []ColumnChunk { + return buf.base.ColumnChunks() +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) ColumnBuffers() []ColumnBuffer { + return buf.base.ColumnBuffers() +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) SortingColumns() []SortingColumn { + return buf.base.SortingColumns() +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Len() int { + return buf.base.Len() +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Less(i, j int) bool { + return buf.base.Less(i, j) +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Swap(i, j int) { + buf.base.Swap(i, j) +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Reset() { + buf.base.Reset() +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Write(rows []T) (int, error) { + if len(rows) == 0 { + return 0, nil + } + return buf.write(buf, rows) +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) WriteRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + return buf.base.WriteRows(rows) +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) WriteRowGroup(rowGroup RowGroup) (int64, error) { + return buf.base.WriteRowGroup(rowGroup) +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Rows() Rows { + return buf.base.Rows() +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) Schema() *Schema { + return buf.base.Schema() +} + +func (buf *GenericBuffer[T]) writeRows(rows []T) (int, error) { + if cap(buf.base.rowbuf) < len(rows) { + buf.base.rowbuf = make([]Row, len(rows)) + } else { + buf.base.rowbuf = buf.base.rowbuf[:len(rows)] + } + defer clearRows(buf.base.rowbuf) + + schema := buf.base.Schema() + for i := range rows { + buf.base.rowbuf[i] = schema.Deconstruct(buf.base.rowbuf[i], &rows[i]) + } + + return buf.base.WriteRows(buf.base.rowbuf) +} + +var ( + _ RowGroup = (*GenericBuffer[any])(nil) + _ RowGroupWriter = (*GenericBuffer[any])(nil) + _ sort.Interface = (*GenericBuffer[any])(nil) + + _ RowGroup = (*GenericBuffer[struct{}])(nil) + _ RowGroupWriter = (*GenericBuffer[struct{}])(nil) + _ sort.Interface = (*GenericBuffer[struct{}])(nil) + + _ RowGroup = (*GenericBuffer[map[struct{}]struct{}])(nil) + _ RowGroupWriter = (*GenericBuffer[map[struct{}]struct{}])(nil) + _ sort.Interface = (*GenericBuffer[map[struct{}]struct{}])(nil) +) + +// Buffer represents an in-memory group of parquet rows. +// +// The main purpose of the Buffer type is to provide a way to sort rows before +// writing them to a parquet file. Buffer implements sort.Interface as a way +// to support reordering the rows that have been written to it. +type Buffer struct { + config *RowGroupConfig + schema *Schema + rowbuf []Row + colbuf [][]Value + chunks []ColumnChunk + columns []ColumnBuffer + sorted []ColumnBuffer +} + +// NewBuffer constructs a new buffer, using the given list of buffer options +// to configure the buffer returned by the function. +// +// The function panics if the buffer configuration is invalid. Programs that +// cannot guarantee the validity of the options passed to NewBuffer should +// construct the buffer configuration independently prior to calling this +// function: +// +// config, err := parquet.NewRowGroupConfig(options...) +// if err != nil { +// // handle the configuration error +// ... +// } else { +// // this call to create a buffer is guaranteed not to panic +// buffer := parquet.NewBuffer(config) +// ... +// } +func NewBuffer(options ...RowGroupOption) *Buffer { + config, err := NewRowGroupConfig(options...) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + buf := &Buffer{ + config: config, + } + if config.Schema != nil { + buf.configure(config.Schema) + } + return buf +} + +func (buf *Buffer) configure(schema *Schema) { + if schema == nil { + return + } + sortingColumns := buf.config.Sorting.SortingColumns + buf.sorted = make([]ColumnBuffer, len(sortingColumns)) + + forEachLeafColumnOf(schema, func(leaf leafColumn) { + nullOrdering := nullsGoLast + columnIndex := int(leaf.columnIndex) + columnType := leaf.node.Type() + bufferCap := buf.config.ColumnBufferCapacity + dictionary := (Dictionary)(nil) + encoding := encodingOf(leaf.node) + + if isDictionaryEncoding(encoding) { + estimatedDictBufferSize := columnType.EstimateSize(bufferCap) + dictBuffer := columnType.NewValues( + make([]byte, 0, estimatedDictBufferSize), + nil, + ) + dictionary = columnType.NewDictionary(columnIndex, 0, dictBuffer) + columnType = dictionary.Type() + } + + sortingIndex := searchSortingColumn(sortingColumns, leaf.path) + if sortingIndex < len(sortingColumns) && sortingColumns[sortingIndex].NullsFirst() { + nullOrdering = nullsGoFirst + } + + column := columnType.NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, bufferCap) + switch { + case leaf.maxRepetitionLevel > 0: + column = newRepeatedColumnBuffer(column, leaf.maxRepetitionLevel, leaf.maxDefinitionLevel, nullOrdering) + case leaf.maxDefinitionLevel > 0: + column = newOptionalColumnBuffer(column, leaf.maxDefinitionLevel, nullOrdering) + } + buf.columns = append(buf.columns, column) + + if sortingIndex < len(sortingColumns) { + if sortingColumns[sortingIndex].Descending() { + column = &reversedColumnBuffer{column} + } + buf.sorted[sortingIndex] = column + } + }) + + buf.schema = schema + buf.rowbuf = make([]Row, 0, 1) + buf.colbuf = make([][]Value, len(buf.columns)) + buf.chunks = make([]ColumnChunk, len(buf.columns)) + + for i, column := range buf.columns { + buf.chunks[i] = column + } +} + +// Size returns the estimated size of the buffer in memory (in bytes). +func (buf *Buffer) Size() int64 { + size := int64(0) + for _, col := range buf.columns { + size += col.Size() + } + return size +} + +// NumRows returns the number of rows written to the buffer. +func (buf *Buffer) NumRows() int64 { return int64(buf.Len()) } + +// ColumnChunks returns the buffer columns. +func (buf *Buffer) ColumnChunks() []ColumnChunk { return buf.chunks } + +// ColumnBuffer returns the buffer columns. +// +// This method is similar to ColumnChunks, but returns a list of ColumnBuffer +// instead of a ColumnChunk values (the latter being read-only); calling +// ColumnBuffers or ColumnChunks with the same index returns the same underlying +// objects, but with different types, which removes the need for making a type +// assertion if the program needed to write directly to the column buffers. +// The presence of the ColumnChunks method is still required to satisfy the +// RowGroup interface. +func (buf *Buffer) ColumnBuffers() []ColumnBuffer { return buf.columns } + +// Schema returns the schema of the buffer. +// +// The schema is either configured by passing a Schema in the option list when +// constructing the buffer, or lazily discovered when the first row is written. +func (buf *Buffer) Schema() *Schema { return buf.schema } + +// SortingColumns returns the list of columns by which the buffer will be +// sorted. +// +// The sorting order is configured by passing a SortingColumns option when +// constructing the buffer. +func (buf *Buffer) SortingColumns() []SortingColumn { return buf.config.Sorting.SortingColumns } + +// Len returns the number of rows written to the buffer. +func (buf *Buffer) Len() int { + if len(buf.columns) == 0 { + return 0 + } else { + // All columns have the same number of rows. + return buf.columns[0].Len() + } +} + +// Less returns true if row[i] < row[j] in the buffer. +func (buf *Buffer) Less(i, j int) bool { + for _, col := range buf.sorted { + switch { + case col.Less(i, j): + return true + case col.Less(j, i): + return false + } + } + return false +} + +// Swap exchanges the rows at indexes i and j. +func (buf *Buffer) Swap(i, j int) { + for _, col := range buf.columns { + col.Swap(i, j) + } +} + +// Reset clears the content of the buffer, allowing it to be reused. +func (buf *Buffer) Reset() { + for _, col := range buf.columns { + col.Reset() + } +} + +// Write writes a row held in a Go value to the buffer. +func (buf *Buffer) Write(row interface{}) error { + if buf.schema == nil { + buf.configure(SchemaOf(row)) + } + + buf.rowbuf = buf.rowbuf[:1] + defer clearRows(buf.rowbuf) + + buf.rowbuf[0] = buf.schema.Deconstruct(buf.rowbuf[0], row) + _, err := buf.WriteRows(buf.rowbuf) + return err +} + +// WriteRows writes parquet rows to the buffer. +func (buf *Buffer) WriteRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + defer func() { + for i, colbuf := range buf.colbuf { + clearValues(colbuf) + buf.colbuf[i] = colbuf[:0] + } + }() + + if buf.schema == nil { + return 0, ErrRowGroupSchemaMissing + } + + for _, row := range rows { + for _, value := range row { + columnIndex := value.Column() + buf.colbuf[columnIndex] = append(buf.colbuf[columnIndex], value) + } + } + + for columnIndex, values := range buf.colbuf { + if _, err := buf.columns[columnIndex].WriteValues(values); err != nil { + // TODO: an error at this stage will leave the buffer in an invalid + // state since the row was partially written. Applications are not + // expected to continue using the buffer after getting an error, + // maybe we can enforce it? + return 0, err + } + } + + return len(rows), nil +} + +// WriteRowGroup satisfies the RowGroupWriter interface. +func (buf *Buffer) WriteRowGroup(rowGroup RowGroup) (int64, error) { + rowGroupSchema := rowGroup.Schema() + switch { + case rowGroupSchema == nil: + return 0, ErrRowGroupSchemaMissing + case buf.schema == nil: + buf.configure(rowGroupSchema) + case !nodesAreEqual(buf.schema, rowGroupSchema): + return 0, ErrRowGroupSchemaMismatch + } + if !sortingColumnsHavePrefix(rowGroup.SortingColumns(), buf.SortingColumns()) { + return 0, ErrRowGroupSortingColumnsMismatch + } + n := buf.NumRows() + r := rowGroup.Rows() + defer r.Close() + _, err := CopyRows(bufferWriter{buf}, r) + return buf.NumRows() - n, err +} + +// Rows returns a reader exposing the current content of the buffer. +// +// The buffer and the returned reader share memory. Mutating the buffer +// concurrently to reading rows may result in non-deterministic behavior. +func (buf *Buffer) Rows() Rows { return newRowGroupRows(buf, ReadModeSync) } + +// bufferWriter is an adapter for Buffer which implements both RowWriter and +// PageWriter to enable optimizations in CopyRows for types that support writing +// rows by copying whole pages instead of calling WriteRow repeatedly. +type bufferWriter struct{ buf *Buffer } + +func (w bufferWriter) WriteRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + return w.buf.WriteRows(rows) +} + +func (w bufferWriter) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) { + return w.buf.columns[values[0].Column()].WriteValues(values) +} + +func (w bufferWriter) WritePage(page Page) (int64, error) { + return CopyValues(w.buf.columns[page.Column()], page.Values()) +} + +var ( + _ RowGroup = (*Buffer)(nil) + _ RowGroupWriter = (*Buffer)(nil) + _ sort.Interface = (*Buffer)(nil) + + _ RowWriter = (*bufferWriter)(nil) + _ PageWriter = (*bufferWriter)(nil) + _ ValueWriter = (*bufferWriter)(nil) +) + +type buffer struct { + data []byte + refc uintptr + pool *bufferPool + stack []byte +} + +func (b *buffer) refCount() int { + return int(atomic.LoadUintptr(&b.refc)) +} + +func (b *buffer) ref() { + atomic.AddUintptr(&b.refc, +1) +} + +func (b *buffer) unref() { + if atomic.AddUintptr(&b.refc, ^uintptr(0)) == 0 { + if b.pool != nil { + b.pool.put(b) + } + } +} + +func monitorBufferRelease(b *buffer) { + if rc := b.refCount(); rc != 0 { + log.Printf("PARQUETGODEBUG: buffer garbage collected with non-zero reference count\n%s", string(b.stack)) + } +} + +type bufferPool struct { + // Buckets are split in two groups for short and large buffers. In the short + // buffer group (below 256KB), the growth rate between each bucket is 2. The + // growth rate changes to 1.5 in the larger buffer group. + // + // Short buffer buckets: + // --------------------- + // 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K + // + // Large buffer buckets: + // --------------------- + // 364K, 546K, 819K ... + // + buckets [bufferPoolBucketCount]sync.Pool +} + +func (p *bufferPool) newBuffer(bufferSize, bucketSize int) *buffer { + b := &buffer{ + data: make([]byte, bufferSize, bucketSize), + refc: 1, + pool: p, + } + if debug.TRACEBUF > 0 { + b.stack = make([]byte, 4096) + runtime.SetFinalizer(b, monitorBufferRelease) + } + return b +} + +// get returns a buffer from the levelled buffer pool. size is used to choose +// the appropriate pool. +func (p *bufferPool) get(bufferSize int) *buffer { + bucketIndex, bucketSize := bufferPoolBucketIndexAndSizeOfGet(bufferSize) + + b := (*buffer)(nil) + if bucketIndex >= 0 { + b, _ = p.buckets[bucketIndex].Get().(*buffer) + } + + if b == nil { + b = p.newBuffer(bufferSize, bucketSize) + } else { + b.data = b.data[:bufferSize] + b.ref() + } + + if debug.TRACEBUF > 0 { + b.stack = b.stack[:runtime.Stack(b.stack[:cap(b.stack)], false)] + } + return b +} + +func (p *bufferPool) put(b *buffer) { + if b.pool != p { + panic("BUG: buffer returned to a different pool than the one it was allocated from") + } + if b.refCount() != 0 { + panic("BUG: buffer returned to pool with a non-zero reference count") + } + if bucketIndex, _ := bufferPoolBucketIndexAndSizeOfPut(cap(b.data)); bucketIndex >= 0 { + p.buckets[bucketIndex].Put(b) + } +} + +const ( + bufferPoolBucketCount = 32 + bufferPoolMinSize = 4096 + bufferPoolLastShortBucketSize = 262144 +) + +func bufferPoolNextSize(size int) int { + if size < bufferPoolLastShortBucketSize { + return size * 2 + } else { + return size + (size / 2) + } +} + +func bufferPoolBucketIndexAndSizeOfGet(size int) (int, int) { + limit := bufferPoolMinSize + + for i := 0; i < bufferPoolBucketCount; i++ { + if size <= limit { + return i, limit + } + limit = bufferPoolNextSize(limit) + } + + return -1, size +} + +func bufferPoolBucketIndexAndSizeOfPut(size int) (int, int) { + // When releasing buffers, some may have a capacity that is not one of the + // bucket sizes (due to the use of append for example). In this case, we + // have to put the buffer is the highest bucket with a size less or equal + // to the buffer capacity. + if limit := bufferPoolMinSize; size >= limit { + for i := 0; i < bufferPoolBucketCount; i++ { + n := bufferPoolNextSize(limit) + if size < n { + return i, limit + } + limit = n + } + } + return -1, size +} + +var ( + buffers bufferPool +) + +type bufferedPage struct { + Page + values *buffer + offsets *buffer + repetitionLevels *buffer + definitionLevels *buffer +} + +func newBufferedPage(page Page, values, offsets, definitionLevels, repetitionLevels *buffer) *bufferedPage { + p := &bufferedPage{ + Page: page, + values: values, + offsets: offsets, + definitionLevels: definitionLevels, + repetitionLevels: repetitionLevels, + } + bufferRef(values) + bufferRef(offsets) + bufferRef(definitionLevels) + bufferRef(repetitionLevels) + return p +} + +func (p *bufferedPage) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return newBufferedPage( + p.Page.Slice(i, j), + p.values, + p.offsets, + p.definitionLevels, + p.repetitionLevels, + ) +} + +func (p *bufferedPage) Retain() { + bufferRef(p.values) + bufferRef(p.offsets) + bufferRef(p.definitionLevels) + bufferRef(p.repetitionLevels) +} + +func (p *bufferedPage) Release() { + bufferUnref(p.values) + bufferUnref(p.offsets) + bufferUnref(p.definitionLevels) + bufferUnref(p.repetitionLevels) +} + +func bufferRef(buf *buffer) { + if buf != nil { + buf.ref() + } +} + +func bufferUnref(buf *buffer) { + if buf != nil { + buf.unref() + } +} + +// Retain is a helper function to increment the reference counter of pages +// backed by memory which can be granularly managed by the application. +// +// Usage of this function is optional and with Release, is intended to allow +// finer grain memory management in the application. Most programs should be +// able to rely on automated memory management provided by the Go garbage +// collector instead. +// +// The function should be called when a page lifetime is about to be shared +// between multiple goroutines or layers of an application, and the program +// wants to express "sharing ownership" of the page. +// +// Calling this function on pages that do not embed a reference counter does +// nothing. +func Retain(page Page) { + if p, _ := page.(retainable); p != nil { + p.Retain() + } +} + +// Release is a helper function to decrement the reference counter of pages +// backed by memory which can be granularly managed by the application. +// +// Usage of this is optional and with Retain, is intended to allow finer grained +// memory management in the application, at the expense of potentially causing +// panics if the page is used after its reference count has reached zero. Most +// programs should be able to rely on automated memory management provided by +// the Go garbage collector instead. +// +// The function should be called to return a page to the internal buffer pool, +// when a goroutine "releases ownership" it acquired either by being the single +// owner (e.g. capturing the return value from a ReadPage call) or having gotten +// shared ownership by calling Retain. +// +// Calling this function on pages that do not embed a reference counter does +// nothing. +func Release(page Page) { + if p, _ := page.(releasable); p != nil { + p.Release() + } +} + +type retainable interface { + Retain() +} + +type releasable interface { + Release() +} + +var ( + _ retainable = (*bufferedPage)(nil) + _ releasable = (*bufferedPage)(nil) +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/buffer_pool.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/buffer_pool.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..2dfc158be81fa --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/buffer_pool.go @@ -0,0 +1,377 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "fmt" + "io" + "os" + "path/filepath" + "sync" +) + +// BufferPool is an interface abstracting the underlying implementation of +// page buffer pools. +// +// The parquet-go package provides two implementations of this interface, one +// backed by in-memory buffers (on the Go heap), and the other using temporary +// files on disk. +// +// Applications which need finer grain control over the allocation and retention +// of page buffers may choose to provide their own implementation and install it +// via the parquet.ColumnPageBuffers writer option. +// +// BufferPool implementations must be safe to use concurrently from multiple +// goroutines. +type BufferPool interface { + // GetBuffer is called when a parquet writer needs to acquire a new + // page buffer from the pool. + GetBuffer() io.ReadWriteSeeker + + // PutBuffer is called when a parquet writer releases a page buffer to + // the pool. + // + // The parquet.Writer type guarantees that the buffers it calls this method + // with were previously acquired by a call to GetBuffer on the same + // pool, and that it will not use them anymore after the call. + PutBuffer(io.ReadWriteSeeker) +} + +// NewBufferPool creates a new in-memory page buffer pool. +// +// The implementation is backed by sync.Pool and allocates memory buffers on the +// Go heap. +func NewBufferPool() BufferPool { return new(memoryBufferPool) } + +type memoryBuffer struct { + data []byte + off int +} + +func (p *memoryBuffer) Reset() { + p.data, p.off = p.data[:0], 0 +} + +func (p *memoryBuffer) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { + n = copy(b, p.data[p.off:]) + p.off += n + if p.off == len(p.data) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +func (p *memoryBuffer) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + n := copy(p.data[p.off:cap(p.data)], b) + p.data = p.data[:p.off+n] + + if n < len(b) { + p.data = append(p.data, b[n:]...) + } + + p.off += len(b) + return len(b), nil +} + +func (p *memoryBuffer) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) { + n, err := w.Write(p.data[p.off:]) + p.off += n + return int64(n), err +} + +func (p *memoryBuffer) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) { + switch whence { + case io.SeekCurrent: + offset += int64(p.off) + case io.SeekEnd: + offset += int64(len(p.data)) + } + if offset < 0 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("seek: negative offset: %d<0", offset) + } + if offset > int64(len(p.data)) { + offset = int64(len(p.data)) + } + p.off = int(offset) + return offset, nil +} + +type memoryBufferPool struct{ sync.Pool } + +func (pool *memoryBufferPool) GetBuffer() io.ReadWriteSeeker { + b, _ := pool.Get().(*memoryBuffer) + if b == nil { + b = new(memoryBuffer) + } else { + b.Reset() + } + return b +} + +func (pool *memoryBufferPool) PutBuffer(buf io.ReadWriteSeeker) { + if b, _ := buf.(*memoryBuffer); b != nil { + pool.Put(b) + } +} + +// NewChunkBufferPool creates a new in-memory page buffer pool. +// +// The implementation is backed by sync.Pool and allocates memory buffers on the +// Go heap in fixed-size chunks. +func NewChunkBufferPool(chunkSize int) BufferPool { + return newChunkMemoryBufferPool(chunkSize) +} + +func newChunkMemoryBufferPool(chunkSize int) *chunkMemoryBufferPool { + pool := &chunkMemoryBufferPool{} + pool.bytesPool.New = func() any { + return make([]byte, chunkSize) + } + return pool +} + +// chunkMemoryBuffer implements an io.ReadWriteSeeker by storing a slice of fixed-size +// buffers into which it copies data. (It uses a sync.Pool to reuse buffers across +// instances.) +type chunkMemoryBuffer struct { + bytesPool *sync.Pool + + data [][]byte + idx int + off int +} + +func (c *chunkMemoryBuffer) Reset() { + for i := range c.data { + c.bytesPool.Put(c.data[i]) + } + for i := range c.data { + c.data[i] = nil + } + c.data, c.idx, c.off = c.data[:0], 0, 0 +} + +func (c *chunkMemoryBuffer) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { + if len(b) == 0 { + return 0, nil + } + + if c.idx >= len(c.data) { + return 0, io.EOF + } + + curData := c.data[c.idx] + + if c.idx == len(c.data)-1 && c.off == len(curData) { + return 0, io.EOF + } + + n = copy(b, curData[c.off:]) + c.off += n + + if c.off == cap(curData) { + c.idx++ + c.off = 0 + } + + return n, err +} + +func (c *chunkMemoryBuffer) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + lenB := len(b) + + if lenB == 0 { + return 0, nil + } + + for len(b) > 0 { + if c.idx == len(c.data) { + c.data = append(c.data, c.bytesPool.Get().([]byte)[:0]) + } + curData := c.data[c.idx] + n := copy(curData[c.off:cap(curData)], b) + c.data[c.idx] = curData[:c.off+n] + c.off += n + b = b[n:] + if c.off >= cap(curData) { + c.idx++ + c.off = 0 + } + } + + return lenB, nil +} + +func (c *chunkMemoryBuffer) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) { + var numWritten int64 + var err error + for err == nil { + curData := c.data[c.idx] + n, e := w.Write(curData[c.off:]) + numWritten += int64(n) + err = e + if c.idx == len(c.data)-1 { + c.off = int(numWritten) + break + } + c.idx++ + c.off = 0 + } + return numWritten, err +} + +func (c *chunkMemoryBuffer) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) { + // Because this is the common case, we check it first to avoid computing endOff. + if offset == 0 && whence == io.SeekStart { + c.idx = 0 + c.off = 0 + return offset, nil + } + endOff := c.endOff() + switch whence { + case io.SeekCurrent: + offset += c.currentOff() + case io.SeekEnd: + offset += endOff + } + if offset < 0 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("seek: negative offset: %d<0", offset) + } + if offset > endOff { + offset = endOff + } + // Repeat this case now that we know the absolute offset. This is a bit faster, but + // mainly protects us from an out-of-bounds if c.data is empty. (If the buffer is + // empty and the absolute offset isn't zero, we'd have errored (if negative) or + // clamped to zero (if positive) above. + if offset == 0 { + c.idx = 0 + c.off = 0 + } else { + stride := cap(c.data[0]) + c.idx = int(offset) / stride + c.off = int(offset) % stride + } + return offset, nil +} + +func (c *chunkMemoryBuffer) currentOff() int64 { + if c.idx == 0 { + return int64(c.off) + } + return int64((c.idx-1)*cap(c.data[0]) + c.off) +} + +func (c *chunkMemoryBuffer) endOff() int64 { + if len(c.data) == 0 { + return 0 + } + l := len(c.data) + last := c.data[l-1] + return int64(cap(last)*(l-1) + len(last)) +} + +type chunkMemoryBufferPool struct { + sync.Pool + bytesPool sync.Pool +} + +func (pool *chunkMemoryBufferPool) GetBuffer() io.ReadWriteSeeker { + b, _ := pool.Get().(*chunkMemoryBuffer) + if b == nil { + b = &chunkMemoryBuffer{bytesPool: &pool.bytesPool} + } else { + b.Reset() + } + return b +} + +func (pool *chunkMemoryBufferPool) PutBuffer(buf io.ReadWriteSeeker) { + if b, _ := buf.(*chunkMemoryBuffer); b != nil { + for _, bytes := range b.data { + b.bytesPool.Put(bytes) + } + for i := range b.data { + b.data[i] = nil + } + b.data = b.data[:0] + pool.Put(b) + } +} + +type fileBufferPool struct { + err error + tempdir string + pattern string +} + +// NewFileBufferPool creates a new on-disk page buffer pool. +func NewFileBufferPool(tempdir, pattern string) BufferPool { + pool := &fileBufferPool{ + tempdir: tempdir, + pattern: pattern, + } + pool.tempdir, pool.err = filepath.Abs(pool.tempdir) + return pool +} + +func (pool *fileBufferPool) GetBuffer() io.ReadWriteSeeker { + if pool.err != nil { + return &errorBuffer{err: pool.err} + } + f, err := os.CreateTemp(pool.tempdir, pool.pattern) + if err != nil { + return &errorBuffer{err: err} + } + return f +} + +func (pool *fileBufferPool) PutBuffer(buf io.ReadWriteSeeker) { + if f, _ := buf.(*os.File); f != nil { + defer f.Close() + os.Remove(f.Name()) + } +} + +type errorBuffer struct{ err error } + +func (buf *errorBuffer) Read([]byte) (int, error) { return 0, buf.err } +func (buf *errorBuffer) Write([]byte) (int, error) { return 0, buf.err } +func (buf *errorBuffer) ReadFrom(io.Reader) (int64, error) { return 0, buf.err } +func (buf *errorBuffer) WriteTo(io.Writer) (int64, error) { return 0, buf.err } +func (buf *errorBuffer) Seek(int64, int) (int64, error) { return 0, buf.err } + +var ( + defaultColumnBufferPool = *newChunkMemoryBufferPool(256 * 1024) + defaultSortingBufferPool memoryBufferPool + + _ io.ReaderFrom = (*errorBuffer)(nil) + _ io.WriterTo = (*errorBuffer)(nil) + _ io.ReadWriteSeeker = (*memoryBuffer)(nil) + _ io.WriterTo = (*memoryBuffer)(nil) + _ io.ReadWriteSeeker = (*chunkMemoryBuffer)(nil) + _ io.WriterTo = (*chunkMemoryBuffer)(nil) +) + +type readerAt struct { + reader io.ReadSeeker + offset int64 +} + +func (r *readerAt) ReadAt(b []byte, off int64) (int, error) { + if r.offset < 0 || off != r.offset { + off, err := r.reader.Seek(off, io.SeekStart) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + r.offset = off + } + n, err := r.reader.Read(b) + r.offset += int64(n) + return n, err +} + +func newReaderAt(r io.ReadSeeker) io.ReaderAt { + if rr, ok := r.(io.ReaderAt); ok { + return rr + } + return &readerAt{reader: r, offset: -1} +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..51f2d20a0971b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column.go @@ -0,0 +1,805 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "io" + "reflect" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +// Column represents a column in a parquet file. +// +// Methods of Column values are safe to call concurrently from multiple +// goroutines. +// +// Column instances satisfy the Node interface. +type Column struct { + typ Type + file *File + schema *format.SchemaElement + order *format.ColumnOrder + path columnPath + columns []*Column + chunks []*format.ColumnChunk + columnIndex []*format.ColumnIndex + offsetIndex []*format.OffsetIndex + encoding encoding.Encoding + compression compress.Codec + + depth int8 + maxRepetitionLevel byte + maxDefinitionLevel byte + index int16 +} + +// Type returns the type of the column. +// +// The returned value is unspecified if c is not a leaf column. +func (c *Column) Type() Type { return c.typ } + +// Optional returns true if the column is optional. +func (c *Column) Optional() bool { return schemaRepetitionTypeOf(c.schema) == format.Optional } + +// Repeated returns true if the column may repeat. +func (c *Column) Repeated() bool { return schemaRepetitionTypeOf(c.schema) == format.Repeated } + +// Required returns true if the column is required. +func (c *Column) Required() bool { return schemaRepetitionTypeOf(c.schema) == format.Required } + +// Leaf returns true if c is a leaf column. +func (c *Column) Leaf() bool { return c.index >= 0 } + +// Fields returns the list of fields on the column. +func (c *Column) Fields() []Field { + fields := make([]Field, len(c.columns)) + for i, column := range c.columns { + fields[i] = column + } + return fields +} + +// Encoding returns the encodings used by this column. +func (c *Column) Encoding() encoding.Encoding { return c.encoding } + +// Compression returns the compression codecs used by this column. +func (c *Column) Compression() compress.Codec { return c.compression } + +// Path of the column in the parquet schema. +func (c *Column) Path() []string { return c.path[1:] } + +// Name returns the column name. +func (c *Column) Name() string { return c.schema.Name } + +// ID returns column field id +func (c *Column) ID() int { return int(c.schema.FieldID) } + +// Columns returns the list of child columns. +// +// The method returns the same slice across multiple calls, the program must +// treat it as a read-only value. +func (c *Column) Columns() []*Column { return c.columns } + +// Column returns the child column matching the given name. +func (c *Column) Column(name string) *Column { + for _, child := range c.columns { + if child.Name() == name { + return child + } + } + return nil +} + +// Pages returns a reader exposing all pages in this column, across row groups. +func (c *Column) Pages() Pages { + if c.index < 0 { + return emptyPages{} + } + r := &columnPages{ + pages: make([]filePages, len(c.file.rowGroups)), + } + for i := range r.pages { + r.pages[i].init(c.file.rowGroups[i].(*fileRowGroup).columns[c.index].(*fileColumnChunk)) + } + return r +} + +type columnPages struct { + pages []filePages + index int +} + +func (c *columnPages) ReadPage() (Page, error) { + for { + if c.index >= len(c.pages) { + return nil, io.EOF + } + p, err := c.pages[c.index].ReadPage() + if err == nil || err != io.EOF { + return p, err + } + c.index++ + } +} + +func (c *columnPages) SeekToRow(rowIndex int64) error { + c.index = 0 + + for c.index < len(c.pages) && c.pages[c.index].chunk.rowGroup.NumRows < rowIndex { + rowIndex -= c.pages[c.index].chunk.rowGroup.NumRows + c.index++ + } + + if c.index < len(c.pages) { + if err := c.pages[c.index].SeekToRow(rowIndex); err != nil { + return err + } + for i := c.index + 1; i < len(c.pages); i++ { + p := &c.pages[i] + if err := p.SeekToRow(0); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + return nil +} + +func (c *columnPages) Close() error { + var lastErr error + + for i := range c.pages { + if err := c.pages[i].Close(); err != nil { + lastErr = err + } + } + + c.pages = nil + c.index = 0 + return lastErr +} + +// Depth returns the position of the column relative to the root. +func (c *Column) Depth() int { return int(c.depth) } + +// MaxRepetitionLevel returns the maximum value of repetition levels on this +// column. +func (c *Column) MaxRepetitionLevel() int { return int(c.maxRepetitionLevel) } + +// MaxDefinitionLevel returns the maximum value of definition levels on this +// column. +func (c *Column) MaxDefinitionLevel() int { return int(c.maxDefinitionLevel) } + +// Index returns the position of the column in a row. Only leaf columns have a +// column index, the method returns -1 when called on non-leaf columns. +func (c *Column) Index() int { return int(c.index) } + +// GoType returns the Go type that best represents the parquet column. +func (c *Column) GoType() reflect.Type { return goTypeOf(c) } + +// Value returns the sub-value in base for the child column at the given +// index. +func (c *Column) Value(base reflect.Value) reflect.Value { + return base.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(&c.schema.Name).Elem()) +} + +// String returns a human-readable string representation of the column. +func (c *Column) String() string { return c.path.String() + ": " + sprint(c.Name(), c) } + +func (c *Column) forEachLeaf(do func(*Column)) { + if len(c.columns) == 0 { + do(c) + } else { + for _, child := range c.columns { + child.forEachLeaf(do) + } + } +} + +func openColumns(file *File) (*Column, error) { + cl := columnLoader{} + + c, err := cl.open(file, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + // Validate that there aren't extra entries in the row group columns, + // which would otherwise indicate that there are dangling data pages + // in the file. + for index, rowGroup := range file.metadata.RowGroups { + if cl.rowGroupColumnIndex != len(rowGroup.Columns) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("row group at index %d contains %d columns but %d were referenced by the column schemas", + index, len(rowGroup.Columns), cl.rowGroupColumnIndex) + } + } + + _, err = c.setLevels(0, 0, 0, 0) + return c, err +} + +func (c *Column) setLevels(depth, repetition, definition, index int) (int, error) { + if depth > MaxColumnDepth { + return -1, fmt.Errorf("cannot represent parquet columns with more than %d nested levels: %s", MaxColumnDepth, c.path) + } + if index > MaxColumnIndex { + return -1, fmt.Errorf("cannot represent parquet rows with more than %d columns: %s", MaxColumnIndex, c.path) + } + if repetition > MaxRepetitionLevel { + return -1, fmt.Errorf("cannot represent parquet columns with more than %d repetition levels: %s", MaxRepetitionLevel, c.path) + } + if definition > MaxDefinitionLevel { + return -1, fmt.Errorf("cannot represent parquet columns with more than %d definition levels: %s", MaxDefinitionLevel, c.path) + } + + switch schemaRepetitionTypeOf(c.schema) { + case format.Optional: + definition++ + case format.Repeated: + repetition++ + definition++ + } + + c.depth = int8(depth) + c.maxRepetitionLevel = byte(repetition) + c.maxDefinitionLevel = byte(definition) + depth++ + + if len(c.columns) > 0 { + c.index = -1 + } else { + c.index = int16(index) + index++ + } + + var err error + for _, child := range c.columns { + if index, err = child.setLevels(depth, repetition, definition, index); err != nil { + return -1, err + } + } + return index, nil +} + +type columnLoader struct { + schemaIndex int + columnOrderIndex int + rowGroupColumnIndex int +} + +func (cl *columnLoader) open(file *File, path []string) (*Column, error) { + c := &Column{ + file: file, + schema: &file.metadata.Schema[cl.schemaIndex], + } + c.path = columnPath(path).append(c.schema.Name) + + cl.schemaIndex++ + numChildren := int(c.schema.NumChildren) + + if numChildren == 0 { + c.typ = schemaElementTypeOf(c.schema) + + if cl.columnOrderIndex < len(file.metadata.ColumnOrders) { + c.order = &file.metadata.ColumnOrders[cl.columnOrderIndex] + cl.columnOrderIndex++ + } + + rowGroups := file.metadata.RowGroups + rowGroupColumnIndex := cl.rowGroupColumnIndex + cl.rowGroupColumnIndex++ + + c.chunks = make([]*format.ColumnChunk, 0, len(rowGroups)) + c.columnIndex = make([]*format.ColumnIndex, 0, len(rowGroups)) + c.offsetIndex = make([]*format.OffsetIndex, 0, len(rowGroups)) + + for i, rowGroup := range rowGroups { + if rowGroupColumnIndex >= len(rowGroup.Columns) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("row group at index %d does not have enough columns", i) + } + c.chunks = append(c.chunks, &rowGroup.Columns[rowGroupColumnIndex]) + } + + if len(file.columnIndexes) > 0 { + for i := range rowGroups { + if rowGroupColumnIndex >= len(file.columnIndexes) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("row group at index %d does not have enough column index pages", i) + } + c.columnIndex = append(c.columnIndex, &file.columnIndexes[rowGroupColumnIndex]) + } + } + + if len(file.offsetIndexes) > 0 { + for i := range rowGroups { + if rowGroupColumnIndex >= len(file.offsetIndexes) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("row group at index %d does not have enough offset index pages", i) + } + c.offsetIndex = append(c.offsetIndex, &file.offsetIndexes[rowGroupColumnIndex]) + } + } + + if len(c.chunks) > 0 { + // Pick the encoding and compression codec of the first chunk. + // + // Technically each column chunk may use a different compression + // codec, and each page of the column chunk might have a different + // encoding. Exposing these details does not provide a lot of value + // to the end user. + // + // Programs that wish to determine the encoding and compression of + // each page of the column should iterate through the pages and read + // the page headers to determine which compression and encodings are + // applied. + for _, encoding := range c.chunks[0].MetaData.Encoding { + if c.encoding == nil { + c.encoding = LookupEncoding(encoding) + } + if encoding != format.Plain && encoding != format.RLE { + c.encoding = LookupEncoding(encoding) + break + } + } + c.compression = LookupCompressionCodec(c.chunks[0].MetaData.Codec) + } + + return c, nil + } + + c.typ = &groupType{} + if lt := c.schema.LogicalType; lt != nil && lt.Map != nil { + c.typ = &mapType{} + } else if lt != nil && lt.List != nil { + c.typ = &listType{} + } + c.columns = make([]*Column, numChildren) + + for i := range c.columns { + if cl.schemaIndex >= len(file.metadata.Schema) { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("column %q has more children than there are schemas in the file: %d > %d", + c.schema.Name, cl.schemaIndex+1, len(file.metadata.Schema)) + } + + var err error + c.columns[i], err = cl.open(file, c.path) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", c.schema.Name, err) + } + } + + return c, nil +} + +func schemaElementTypeOf(s *format.SchemaElement) Type { + if lt := s.LogicalType; lt != nil { + // A logical type exists, the Type interface implementations in this + // package are all based on the logical parquet types declared in the + // format sub-package so we can return them directly via a pointer type + // conversion. + switch { + case lt.UTF8 != nil: + return (*stringType)(lt.UTF8) + case lt.Map != nil: + return (*mapType)(lt.Map) + case lt.List != nil: + return (*listType)(lt.List) + case lt.Enum != nil: + return (*enumType)(lt.Enum) + case lt.Decimal != nil: + // A parquet decimal can be one of several different physical types. + if t := s.Type; t != nil { + var typ Type + switch kind := Kind(*s.Type); kind { + case Int32: + typ = Int32Type + case Int64: + typ = Int64Type + case FixedLenByteArray: + if s.TypeLength == nil { + panic("DECIMAL using FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY must specify a length") + } + typ = FixedLenByteArrayType(int(*s.TypeLength)) + default: + panic("DECIMAL must be of type INT32, INT64, or FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY but got " + kind.String()) + } + return &decimalType{ + decimal: *lt.Decimal, + Type: typ, + } + } + case lt.Date != nil: + return (*dateType)(lt.Date) + case lt.Time != nil: + return (*timeType)(lt.Time) + case lt.Timestamp != nil: + return (*timestampType)(lt.Timestamp) + case lt.Integer != nil: + return (*intType)(lt.Integer) + case lt.Unknown != nil: + return (*nullType)(lt.Unknown) + case lt.Json != nil: + return (*jsonType)(lt.Json) + case lt.Bson != nil: + return (*bsonType)(lt.Bson) + case lt.UUID != nil: + return (*uuidType)(lt.UUID) + } + } + + if ct := s.ConvertedType; ct != nil { + // This column contains no logical type but has a converted type, it + // was likely created by an older parquet writer. Convert the legacy + // type representation to the equivalent logical parquet type. + switch *ct { + case deprecated.UTF8: + return &stringType{} + case deprecated.Map: + return &mapType{} + case deprecated.MapKeyValue: + return &groupType{} + case deprecated.List: + return &listType{} + case deprecated.Enum: + return &enumType{} + case deprecated.Decimal: + if s.Scale != nil && s.Precision != nil { + // A parquet decimal can be one of several different physical types. + if t := s.Type; t != nil { + var typ Type + switch kind := Kind(*s.Type); kind { + case Int32: + typ = Int32Type + case Int64: + typ = Int64Type + case FixedLenByteArray: + if s.TypeLength == nil { + panic("DECIMAL using FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY must specify a length") + } + typ = FixedLenByteArrayType(int(*s.TypeLength)) + case ByteArray: + typ = ByteArrayType + default: + panic("DECIMAL must be of type INT32, INT64, BYTE_ARRAY or FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY but got " + kind.String()) + } + return &decimalType{ + decimal: format.DecimalType{ + Scale: *s.Scale, + Precision: *s.Precision, + }, + Type: typ, + } + } + } + case deprecated.Date: + return &dateType{} + case deprecated.TimeMillis: + return &timeType{IsAdjustedToUTC: true, Unit: Millisecond.TimeUnit()} + case deprecated.TimeMicros: + return &timeType{IsAdjustedToUTC: true, Unit: Microsecond.TimeUnit()} + case deprecated.TimestampMillis: + return ×tampType{IsAdjustedToUTC: true, Unit: Millisecond.TimeUnit()} + case deprecated.TimestampMicros: + return ×tampType{IsAdjustedToUTC: true, Unit: Microsecond.TimeUnit()} + case deprecated.Uint8: + return &unsignedIntTypes[0] + case deprecated.Uint16: + return &unsignedIntTypes[1] + case deprecated.Uint32: + return &unsignedIntTypes[2] + case deprecated.Uint64: + return &unsignedIntTypes[3] + case deprecated.Int8: + return &signedIntTypes[0] + case deprecated.Int16: + return &signedIntTypes[1] + case deprecated.Int32: + return &signedIntTypes[2] + case deprecated.Int64: + return &signedIntTypes[3] + case deprecated.Json: + return &jsonType{} + case deprecated.Bson: + return &bsonType{} + case deprecated.Interval: + // TODO + } + } + + if t := s.Type; t != nil { + // The column only has a physical type, convert it to one of the + // primitive types supported by this package. + switch kind := Kind(*t); kind { + case Boolean: + return BooleanType + case Int32: + return Int32Type + case Int64: + return Int64Type + case Int96: + return Int96Type + case Float: + return FloatType + case Double: + return DoubleType + case ByteArray: + return ByteArrayType + case FixedLenByteArray: + if s.TypeLength != nil { + return FixedLenByteArrayType(int(*s.TypeLength)) + } + } + } + + // If we reach this point, we are likely reading a parquet column that was + // written with a non-standard type or is in a newer version of the format + // than this package supports. + return &nullType{} +} + +func schemaRepetitionTypeOf(s *format.SchemaElement) format.FieldRepetitionType { + if s.RepetitionType != nil { + return *s.RepetitionType + } + return format.Required +} + +func (c *Column) decompress(compressedPageData []byte, uncompressedPageSize int32) (page *buffer, err error) { + page = buffers.get(int(uncompressedPageSize)) + page.data, err = c.compression.Decode(page.data, compressedPageData) + if err != nil { + page.unref() + page = nil + } + return page, err +} + +// DecodeDataPageV1 decodes a data page from the header, compressed data, and +// optional dictionary passed as arguments. +func (c *Column) DecodeDataPageV1(header DataPageHeaderV1, page []byte, dict Dictionary) (Page, error) { + return c.decodeDataPageV1(header, &buffer{data: page}, dict, -1) +} + +func (c *Column) decodeDataPageV1(header DataPageHeaderV1, page *buffer, dict Dictionary, size int32) (Page, error) { + var pageData = page.data + var err error + + if isCompressed(c.compression) { + if page, err = c.decompress(pageData, size); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("decompressing data page v1: %w", err) + } + defer page.unref() + pageData = page.data + } + + var numValues = int(header.NumValues()) + var repetitionLevels *buffer + var definitionLevels *buffer + + if c.maxRepetitionLevel > 0 { + encoding := lookupLevelEncoding(header.RepetitionLevelEncoding(), c.maxRepetitionLevel) + repetitionLevels, pageData, err = decodeLevelsV1(encoding, numValues, pageData) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding repetition levels of data page v1: %w", err) + } + defer repetitionLevels.unref() + } + + if c.maxDefinitionLevel > 0 { + encoding := lookupLevelEncoding(header.DefinitionLevelEncoding(), c.maxDefinitionLevel) + definitionLevels, pageData, err = decodeLevelsV1(encoding, numValues, pageData) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding definition levels of data page v1: %w", err) + } + defer definitionLevels.unref() + + // Data pages v1 did not embed the number of null values, + // so we have to compute it from the definition levels. + numValues -= countLevelsNotEqual(definitionLevels.data, c.maxDefinitionLevel) + } + + return c.decodeDataPage(header, numValues, repetitionLevels, definitionLevels, page, pageData, dict) +} + +// DecodeDataPageV2 decodes a data page from the header, compressed data, and +// optional dictionary passed as arguments. +func (c *Column) DecodeDataPageV2(header DataPageHeaderV2, page []byte, dict Dictionary) (Page, error) { + return c.decodeDataPageV2(header, &buffer{data: page}, dict, -1) +} + +func (c *Column) decodeDataPageV2(header DataPageHeaderV2, page *buffer, dict Dictionary, size int32) (Page, error) { + var numValues = int(header.NumValues()) + var pageData = page.data + var err error + var repetitionLevels *buffer + var definitionLevels *buffer + + if length := header.RepetitionLevelsByteLength(); length > 0 { + if c.maxRepetitionLevel == 0 { + // In some cases we've observed files which have a non-zero + // repetition level despite the column not being repeated + // (nor nested within a repeated column). + // + // See https://github.com/apache/parquet-testing/pull/24 + pageData, err = skipLevelsV2(pageData, length) + } else { + encoding := lookupLevelEncoding(header.RepetitionLevelEncoding(), c.maxRepetitionLevel) + repetitionLevels, pageData, err = decodeLevelsV2(encoding, numValues, pageData, length) + } + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding repetition levels of data page v2: %w", io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + if repetitionLevels != nil { + defer repetitionLevels.unref() + } + } + + if length := header.DefinitionLevelsByteLength(); length > 0 { + if c.maxDefinitionLevel == 0 { + pageData, err = skipLevelsV2(pageData, length) + } else { + encoding := lookupLevelEncoding(header.DefinitionLevelEncoding(), c.maxDefinitionLevel) + definitionLevels, pageData, err = decodeLevelsV2(encoding, numValues, pageData, length) + } + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding definition levels of data page v2: %w", io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + if definitionLevels != nil { + defer definitionLevels.unref() + } + } + + if isCompressed(c.compression) && header.IsCompressed() { + if page, err = c.decompress(pageData, size); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("decompressing data page v2: %w", err) + } + defer page.unref() + pageData = page.data + } + + numValues -= int(header.NumNulls()) + return c.decodeDataPage(header, numValues, repetitionLevels, definitionLevels, page, pageData, dict) +} + +func (c *Column) decodeDataPage(header DataPageHeader, numValues int, repetitionLevels, definitionLevels, page *buffer, data []byte, dict Dictionary) (Page, error) { + pageEncoding := LookupEncoding(header.Encoding()) + pageType := c.Type() + + if isDictionaryEncoding(pageEncoding) { + // In some legacy configurations, the PLAIN_DICTIONARY encoding is used + // on data page headers to indicate that the page contains indexes into + // the dictionary page, but the page is still encoded using the RLE + // encoding in this case, so we convert it to RLE_DICTIONARY. + pageEncoding = &RLEDictionary + pageType = indexedPageType{newIndexedType(pageType, dict)} + } + + var vbuf, obuf *buffer + var pageValues []byte + var pageOffsets []uint32 + + if pageEncoding.CanDecodeInPlace() { + vbuf = page + pageValues = data + } else { + vbuf = buffers.get(pageType.EstimateDecodeSize(numValues, data, pageEncoding)) + defer vbuf.unref() + pageValues = vbuf.data + } + + // Page offsets not needed when dictionary-encoded + if pageType.Kind() == ByteArray && !isDictionaryEncoding(pageEncoding) { + obuf = buffers.get(4 * (numValues + 1)) + defer obuf.unref() + pageOffsets = unsafecast.Slice[uint32](obuf.data) + } + + values := pageType.NewValues(pageValues, pageOffsets) + values, err := pageType.Decode(values, data, pageEncoding) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + newPage := pageType.NewPage(c.Index(), numValues, values) + switch { + case c.maxRepetitionLevel > 0: + newPage = newRepeatedPage( + newPage, + c.maxRepetitionLevel, + c.maxDefinitionLevel, + repetitionLevels.data, + definitionLevels.data, + ) + case c.maxDefinitionLevel > 0: + newPage = newOptionalPage( + newPage, + c.maxDefinitionLevel, + definitionLevels.data, + ) + } + + return newBufferedPage(newPage, vbuf, obuf, repetitionLevels, definitionLevels), nil +} + +func decodeLevelsV1(enc encoding.Encoding, numValues int, data []byte) (*buffer, []byte, error) { + if len(data) < 4 { + return nil, data, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + i := 4 + j := 4 + int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data)) + if j > len(data) { + return nil, data, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + levels, err := decodeLevels(enc, numValues, data[i:j]) + return levels, data[j:], err +} + +func decodeLevelsV2(enc encoding.Encoding, numValues int, data []byte, length int64) (*buffer, []byte, error) { + levels, err := decodeLevels(enc, numValues, data[:length]) + return levels, data[length:], err +} + +func decodeLevels(enc encoding.Encoding, numValues int, data []byte) (levels *buffer, err error) { + levels = buffers.get(numValues) + levels.data, err = enc.DecodeLevels(levels.data, data) + if err != nil { + levels.unref() + levels = nil + } else { + switch { + case len(levels.data) < numValues: + err = fmt.Errorf("decoding level expected %d values but got only %d", numValues, len(levels.data)) + case len(levels.data) > numValues: + levels.data = levels.data[:numValues] + } + } + return levels, err +} + +func skipLevelsV2(data []byte, length int64) ([]byte, error) { + if length >= int64(len(data)) { + return data, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + return data[length:], nil +} + +// DecodeDictionary decodes a data page from the header and compressed data +// passed as arguments. +func (c *Column) DecodeDictionary(header DictionaryPageHeader, page []byte) (Dictionary, error) { + return c.decodeDictionary(header, &buffer{data: page}, -1) +} + +func (c *Column) decodeDictionary(header DictionaryPageHeader, page *buffer, size int32) (Dictionary, error) { + pageData := page.data + + if isCompressed(c.compression) { + var err error + if page, err = c.decompress(pageData, size); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("decompressing dictionary page: %w", err) + } + defer page.unref() + pageData = page.data + } + + pageType := c.Type() + pageEncoding := header.Encoding() + if pageEncoding == format.PlainDictionary { + pageEncoding = format.Plain + } + + // Dictionaries always have PLAIN encoding, so we need to allocate offsets for the decoded page. + numValues := int(header.NumValues()) + dictBufferSize := pageType.EstimateDecodeSize(numValues, pageData, LookupEncoding(pageEncoding)) + values := pageType.NewValues(make([]byte, 0, dictBufferSize), make([]uint32, 0, numValues)) + values, err := pageType.Decode(values, pageData, LookupEncoding(pageEncoding)) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return pageType.NewDictionary(int(c.index), numValues, values), nil +} + +var ( + _ Node = (*Column)(nil) +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_buffer.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_buffer.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..d1bc339862d82 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_buffer.go @@ -0,0 +1,2443 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "io" + "math/bits" + "reflect" + "sort" + "time" + "unsafe" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" +) + +// ColumnBuffer is an interface representing columns of a row group. +// +// ColumnBuffer implements sort.Interface as a way to support reordering the +// rows that have been written to it. +// +// The current implementation has a limitation which prevents applications from +// providing custom versions of this interface because it contains unexported +// methods. The only way to create ColumnBuffer values is to call the +// NewColumnBuffer of Type instances. This limitation may be lifted in future +// releases. +type ColumnBuffer interface { + // Exposes a read-only view of the column buffer. + ColumnChunk + + // The column implements ValueReaderAt as a mechanism to read values at + // specific locations within the buffer. + ValueReaderAt + + // The column implements ValueWriter as a mechanism to optimize the copy + // of values into the buffer in contexts where the row information is + // provided by the values because the repetition and definition levels + // are set. + ValueWriter + + // For indexed columns, returns the underlying dictionary holding the column + // values. If the column is not indexed, nil is returned. + Dictionary() Dictionary + + // Returns a copy of the column. The returned copy shares no memory with + // the original, mutations of either column will not modify the other. + Clone() ColumnBuffer + + // Returns the column as a Page. + Page() Page + + // Clears all rows written to the column. + Reset() + + // Returns the current capacity of the column (rows). + Cap() int + + // Returns the number of rows currently written to the column. + Len() int + + // Compares rows at index i and j and reports whether i < j. + Less(i, j int) bool + + // Swaps rows at index i and j. + Swap(i, j int) + + // Returns the size of the column buffer in bytes. + Size() int64 + + // This method is employed to write rows from arrays of Go values into the + // column buffer. The method is currently unexported because it uses unsafe + // APIs which would be difficult for applications to leverage, increasing + // the risk of introducing bugs in the code. As a consequence, applications + // cannot use custom implementations of the ColumnBuffer interface since + // they cannot declare an unexported method that would match this signature. + // It means that in order to create a ColumnBuffer value, programs need to + // go through a call to NewColumnBuffer on a Type instance. We make this + // trade off for now as it is preferrable to optimize for safety over + // extensibility in the public APIs, we might revisit in the future if we + // learn about valid use cases for custom column buffer types. + writeValues(rows sparse.Array, levels columnLevels) +} + +type columnLevels struct { + repetitionDepth byte + repetitionLevel byte + definitionLevel byte +} + +func columnIndexOfNullable(base ColumnBuffer, maxDefinitionLevel byte, definitionLevels []byte) (ColumnIndex, error) { + index, err := base.ColumnIndex() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &nullableColumnIndex{ + ColumnIndex: index, + maxDefinitionLevel: maxDefinitionLevel, + definitionLevels: definitionLevels, + }, nil +} + +type nullableColumnIndex struct { + ColumnIndex + maxDefinitionLevel byte + definitionLevels []byte +} + +func (index *nullableColumnIndex) NullPage(i int) bool { + return index.NullCount(i) == int64(len(index.definitionLevels)) +} + +func (index *nullableColumnIndex) NullCount(i int) int64 { + return int64(countLevelsNotEqual(index.definitionLevels, index.maxDefinitionLevel)) +} + +type nullOrdering func(column ColumnBuffer, i, j int, maxDefinitionLevel, definitionLevel1, definitionLevel2 byte) bool + +func nullsGoFirst(column ColumnBuffer, i, j int, maxDefinitionLevel, definitionLevel1, definitionLevel2 byte) bool { + if definitionLevel1 != maxDefinitionLevel { + return definitionLevel2 == maxDefinitionLevel + } else { + return definitionLevel2 == maxDefinitionLevel && column.Less(i, j) + } +} + +func nullsGoLast(column ColumnBuffer, i, j int, maxDefinitionLevel, definitionLevel1, definitionLevel2 byte) bool { + return definitionLevel1 == maxDefinitionLevel && (definitionLevel2 != maxDefinitionLevel || column.Less(i, j)) +} + +// reversedColumnBuffer is an adapter of ColumnBuffer which inverses the order +// in which rows are ordered when the column gets sorted. +// +// This type is used when buffers are constructed with sorting columns ordering +// values in descending order. +type reversedColumnBuffer struct{ ColumnBuffer } + +func (col *reversedColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { return col.ColumnBuffer.Less(j, i) } + +// optionalColumnBuffer is an implementation of the ColumnBuffer interface used +// as a wrapper to an underlying ColumnBuffer to manage the creation of +// definition levels. +// +// Null values are not written to the underlying column; instead, the buffer +// tracks offsets of row values in the column, null row values are represented +// by the value -1 and a definition level less than the max. +// +// This column buffer type is used for all leaf columns that have a non-zero +// max definition level and a zero repetition level, which may be because the +// column or one of its parent(s) are marked optional. +type optionalColumnBuffer struct { + base ColumnBuffer + reordered bool + maxDefinitionLevel byte + rows []int32 + sortIndex []int32 + definitionLevels []byte + nullOrdering nullOrdering +} + +func newOptionalColumnBuffer(base ColumnBuffer, maxDefinitionLevel byte, nullOrdering nullOrdering) *optionalColumnBuffer { + n := base.Cap() + return &optionalColumnBuffer{ + base: base, + maxDefinitionLevel: maxDefinitionLevel, + rows: make([]int32, 0, n), + definitionLevels: make([]byte, 0, n), + nullOrdering: nullOrdering, + } +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) Clone() ColumnBuffer { + return &optionalColumnBuffer{ + base: col.base.Clone(), + reordered: col.reordered, + maxDefinitionLevel: col.maxDefinitionLevel, + rows: append([]int32{}, col.rows...), + definitionLevels: append([]byte{}, col.definitionLevels...), + nullOrdering: col.nullOrdering, + } +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) Type() Type { + return col.base.Type() +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) NumValues() int64 { + return int64(len(col.definitionLevels)) +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return columnIndexOfNullable(col.base, col.maxDefinitionLevel, col.definitionLevels) +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return col.base.OffsetIndex() +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { + return col.base.BloomFilter() +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) Dictionary() Dictionary { + return col.base.Dictionary() +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) Column() int { + return col.base.Column() +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) Pages() Pages { + return onePage(col.Page()) +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) Page() Page { + // No need for any cyclic sorting if the rows have not been reordered. + // This case is also important because the cyclic sorting modifies the + // buffer which makes it unsafe to read the buffer concurrently. + if col.reordered { + numNulls := countLevelsNotEqual(col.definitionLevels, col.maxDefinitionLevel) + numValues := len(col.rows) - numNulls + + if numValues > 0 { + if cap(col.sortIndex) < numValues { + col.sortIndex = make([]int32, numValues) + } + sortIndex := col.sortIndex[:numValues] + i := 0 + for _, j := range col.rows { + if j >= 0 { + sortIndex[j] = int32(i) + i++ + } + } + + // Cyclic sort: O(N) + for i := range sortIndex { + for j := int(sortIndex[i]); i != j; j = int(sortIndex[i]) { + col.base.Swap(i, j) + sortIndex[i], sortIndex[j] = sortIndex[j], sortIndex[i] + } + } + } + + i := 0 + for _, r := range col.rows { + if r >= 0 { + col.rows[i] = int32(i) + i++ + } + } + + col.reordered = false + } + + return newOptionalPage(col.base.Page(), col.maxDefinitionLevel, col.definitionLevels) +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) Reset() { + col.base.Reset() + col.rows = col.rows[:0] + col.definitionLevels = col.definitionLevels[:0] +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) Size() int64 { + return int64(4*len(col.rows)+4*len(col.sortIndex)+len(col.definitionLevels)) + col.base.Size() +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) Cap() int { return cap(col.rows) } + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) Len() int { return len(col.rows) } + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { + return col.nullOrdering( + col.base, + int(col.rows[i]), + int(col.rows[j]), + col.maxDefinitionLevel, + col.definitionLevels[i], + col.definitionLevels[j], + ) +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + // Because the underlying column does not contain null values, we cannot + // swap its values at indexes i and j. We swap the row indexes only, then + // reorder the underlying buffer using a cyclic sort when the buffer is + // materialized into a page view. + col.reordered = true + col.rows[i], col.rows[j] = col.rows[j], col.rows[i] + col.definitionLevels[i], col.definitionLevels[j] = col.definitionLevels[j], col.definitionLevels[i] +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) WriteValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + rowIndex := int32(col.base.Len()) + + for n < len(values) { + // Collect index range of contiguous null values, from i to n. If this + // for loop exhausts the values, all remaining if statements and for + // loops will be no-ops and the loop will terminate. + i := n + for n < len(values) && values[n].definitionLevel != col.maxDefinitionLevel { + n++ + } + + // Write the contiguous null values up until the first non-null value + // obtained in the for loop above. + for _, v := range values[i:n] { + col.rows = append(col.rows, -1) + col.definitionLevels = append(col.definitionLevels, v.definitionLevel) + } + + // Collect index range of contiguous non-null values, from i to n. + i = n + for n < len(values) && values[n].definitionLevel == col.maxDefinitionLevel { + n++ + } + + // As long as i < n we have non-null values still to write. It is + // possible that we just exhausted the input values in which case i == n + // and the outer for loop will terminate. + if i < n { + count, err := col.base.WriteValues(values[i:n]) + col.definitionLevels = appendLevel(col.definitionLevels, col.maxDefinitionLevel, count) + + for count > 0 { + col.rows = append(col.rows, rowIndex) + rowIndex++ + count-- + } + + if err != nil { + return n, err + } + } + } + return n, nil +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) writeValues(rows sparse.Array, levels columnLevels) { + // The row count is zero when writing an null optional value, in which case + // we still need to output a row to the buffer to record the definition + // level. + if rows.Len() == 0 { + col.definitionLevels = append(col.definitionLevels, levels.definitionLevel) + col.rows = append(col.rows, -1) + return + } + + col.definitionLevels = appendLevel(col.definitionLevels, levels.definitionLevel, rows.Len()) + + i := len(col.rows) + j := len(col.rows) + rows.Len() + + if j <= cap(col.rows) { + col.rows = col.rows[:j] + } else { + tmp := make([]int32, j, 2*j) + copy(tmp, col.rows) + col.rows = tmp + } + + if levels.definitionLevel != col.maxDefinitionLevel { + broadcastValueInt32(col.rows[i:], -1) + } else { + broadcastRangeInt32(col.rows[i:], int32(col.base.Len())) + col.base.writeValues(rows, levels) + } +} + +func (col *optionalColumnBuffer) ReadValuesAt(values []Value, offset int64) (int, error) { + length := int64(len(col.definitionLevels)) + if offset < 0 { + return 0, errRowIndexOutOfBounds(offset, length) + } + if offset >= length { + return 0, io.EOF + } + if length -= offset; length < int64(len(values)) { + values = values[:length] + } + + numNulls1 := int64(countLevelsNotEqual(col.definitionLevels[:offset], col.maxDefinitionLevel)) + numNulls2 := int64(countLevelsNotEqual(col.definitionLevels[offset:offset+length], col.maxDefinitionLevel)) + + if numNulls2 < length { + n, err := col.base.ReadValuesAt(values[:length-numNulls2], offset-numNulls1) + if err != nil { + return n, err + } + } + + if numNulls2 > 0 { + columnIndex := ^int16(col.Column()) + i := numNulls2 - 1 + j := length - 1 + definitionLevels := col.definitionLevels[offset : offset+length] + maxDefinitionLevel := col.maxDefinitionLevel + + for n := len(definitionLevels) - 1; n >= 0 && j > i; n-- { + if definitionLevels[n] != maxDefinitionLevel { + values[j] = Value{definitionLevel: definitionLevels[n], columnIndex: columnIndex} + } else { + values[j] = values[i] + i-- + } + j-- + } + } + + return int(length), nil +} + +// repeatedColumnBuffer is an implementation of the ColumnBuffer interface used +// as a wrapper to an underlying ColumnBuffer to manage the creation of +// repetition levels, definition levels, and map rows to the region of the +// underlying buffer that contains their sequence of values. +// +// Null values are not written to the underlying column; instead, the buffer +// tracks offsets of row values in the column, null row values are represented +// by the value -1 and a definition level less than the max. +// +// This column buffer type is used for all leaf columns that have a non-zero +// max repetition level, which may be because the column or one of its parent(s) +// are marked repeated. +type repeatedColumnBuffer struct { + base ColumnBuffer + reordered bool + maxRepetitionLevel byte + maxDefinitionLevel byte + rows []offsetMapping + repetitionLevels []byte + definitionLevels []byte + buffer []Value + reordering *repeatedColumnBuffer + nullOrdering nullOrdering +} + +// The offsetMapping type maps the logical offset of rows within the repetition +// and definition levels, to the base offsets in the underlying column buffers +// where the non-null values have been written. +type offsetMapping struct { + offset uint32 + baseOffset uint32 +} + +func newRepeatedColumnBuffer(base ColumnBuffer, maxRepetitionLevel, maxDefinitionLevel byte, nullOrdering nullOrdering) *repeatedColumnBuffer { + n := base.Cap() + return &repeatedColumnBuffer{ + base: base, + maxRepetitionLevel: maxRepetitionLevel, + maxDefinitionLevel: maxDefinitionLevel, + rows: make([]offsetMapping, 0, n/8), + repetitionLevels: make([]byte, 0, n), + definitionLevels: make([]byte, 0, n), + nullOrdering: nullOrdering, + } +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) Clone() ColumnBuffer { + return &repeatedColumnBuffer{ + base: col.base.Clone(), + reordered: col.reordered, + maxRepetitionLevel: col.maxRepetitionLevel, + maxDefinitionLevel: col.maxDefinitionLevel, + rows: append([]offsetMapping{}, col.rows...), + repetitionLevels: append([]byte{}, col.repetitionLevels...), + definitionLevels: append([]byte{}, col.definitionLevels...), + nullOrdering: col.nullOrdering, + } +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) Type() Type { + return col.base.Type() +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) NumValues() int64 { + return int64(len(col.definitionLevels)) +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return columnIndexOfNullable(col.base, col.maxDefinitionLevel, col.definitionLevels) +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return col.base.OffsetIndex() +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { + return col.base.BloomFilter() +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) Dictionary() Dictionary { + return col.base.Dictionary() +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) Column() int { + return col.base.Column() +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) Pages() Pages { + return onePage(col.Page()) +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) Page() Page { + if col.reordered { + if col.reordering == nil { + col.reordering = col.Clone().(*repeatedColumnBuffer) + } + + column := col.reordering + column.Reset() + maxNumValues := 0 + defer func() { + clearValues(col.buffer[:maxNumValues]) + }() + + baseOffset := 0 + + for _, row := range col.rows { + rowOffset := int(row.offset) + rowLength := repeatedRowLength(col.repetitionLevels[rowOffset:]) + numNulls := countLevelsNotEqual(col.definitionLevels[rowOffset:rowOffset+rowLength], col.maxDefinitionLevel) + numValues := rowLength - numNulls + + if numValues > 0 { + if numValues > cap(col.buffer) { + col.buffer = make([]Value, numValues) + } else { + col.buffer = col.buffer[:numValues] + } + n, err := col.base.ReadValuesAt(col.buffer, int64(row.baseOffset)) + if err != nil && n < numValues { + return newErrorPage(col.Type(), col.Column(), "reordering rows of repeated column: %w", err) + } + if _, err := column.base.WriteValues(col.buffer); err != nil { + return newErrorPage(col.Type(), col.Column(), "reordering rows of repeated column: %w", err) + } + if numValues > maxNumValues { + maxNumValues = numValues + } + } + + column.rows = append(column.rows, offsetMapping{ + offset: uint32(len(column.repetitionLevels)), + baseOffset: uint32(baseOffset), + }) + + column.repetitionLevels = append(column.repetitionLevels, col.repetitionLevels[rowOffset:rowOffset+rowLength]...) + column.definitionLevels = append(column.definitionLevels, col.definitionLevels[rowOffset:rowOffset+rowLength]...) + baseOffset += numValues + } + + col.swapReorderingBuffer(column) + col.reordered = false + } + + return newRepeatedPage( + col.base.Page(), + col.maxRepetitionLevel, + col.maxDefinitionLevel, + col.repetitionLevels, + col.definitionLevels, + ) +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) swapReorderingBuffer(buf *repeatedColumnBuffer) { + col.base, buf.base = buf.base, col.base + col.rows, buf.rows = buf.rows, col.rows + col.repetitionLevels, buf.repetitionLevels = buf.repetitionLevels, col.repetitionLevels + col.definitionLevels, buf.definitionLevels = buf.definitionLevels, col.definitionLevels +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) Reset() { + col.base.Reset() + col.rows = col.rows[:0] + col.repetitionLevels = col.repetitionLevels[:0] + col.definitionLevels = col.definitionLevels[:0] +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) Size() int64 { + return int64(8*len(col.rows)+len(col.repetitionLevels)+len(col.definitionLevels)) + col.base.Size() +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) Cap() int { return cap(col.rows) } + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) Len() int { return len(col.rows) } + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { + row1 := col.rows[i] + row2 := col.rows[j] + less := col.nullOrdering + row1Length := repeatedRowLength(col.repetitionLevels[row1.offset:]) + row2Length := repeatedRowLength(col.repetitionLevels[row2.offset:]) + + for k := 0; k < row1Length && k < row2Length; k++ { + x := int(row1.baseOffset) + y := int(row2.baseOffset) + definitionLevel1 := col.definitionLevels[int(row1.offset)+k] + definitionLevel2 := col.definitionLevels[int(row2.offset)+k] + switch { + case less(col.base, x, y, col.maxDefinitionLevel, definitionLevel1, definitionLevel2): + return true + case less(col.base, y, x, col.maxDefinitionLevel, definitionLevel2, definitionLevel1): + return false + } + } + + return row1Length < row2Length +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + // Because the underlying column does not contain null values, and may hold + // an arbitrary number of values per row, we cannot swap its values at + // indexes i and j. We swap the row indexes only, then reorder the base + // column buffer when its view is materialized into a page by creating a + // copy and writing rows back to it following the order of rows in the + // repeated column buffer. + col.reordered = true + col.rows[i], col.rows[j] = col.rows[j], col.rows[i] +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) WriteValues(values []Value) (numValues int, err error) { + maxRowLen := 0 + defer func() { + clearValues(col.buffer[:maxRowLen]) + }() + + for i := 0; i < len(values); { + j := i + + if values[j].repetitionLevel == 0 { + j++ + } + + for j < len(values) && values[j].repetitionLevel != 0 { + j++ + } + + if err := col.writeRow(values[i:j]); err != nil { + return numValues, err + } + + if len(col.buffer) > maxRowLen { + maxRowLen = len(col.buffer) + } + + numValues += j - i + i = j + } + + return numValues, nil +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) writeRow(row []Value) error { + col.buffer = col.buffer[:0] + + for _, v := range row { + if v.definitionLevel == col.maxDefinitionLevel { + col.buffer = append(col.buffer, v) + } + } + + baseOffset := col.base.NumValues() + if len(col.buffer) > 0 { + if _, err := col.base.WriteValues(col.buffer); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + if row[0].repetitionLevel == 0 { + col.rows = append(col.rows, offsetMapping{ + offset: uint32(len(col.repetitionLevels)), + baseOffset: uint32(baseOffset), + }) + } + + for _, v := range row { + col.repetitionLevels = append(col.repetitionLevels, v.repetitionLevel) + col.definitionLevels = append(col.definitionLevels, v.definitionLevel) + } + + return nil +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) writeValues(row sparse.Array, levels columnLevels) { + if levels.repetitionLevel == 0 { + col.rows = append(col.rows, offsetMapping{ + offset: uint32(len(col.repetitionLevels)), + baseOffset: uint32(col.base.NumValues()), + }) + } + + if row.Len() == 0 { + col.repetitionLevels = append(col.repetitionLevels, levels.repetitionLevel) + col.definitionLevels = append(col.definitionLevels, levels.definitionLevel) + return + } + + col.repetitionLevels = appendLevel(col.repetitionLevels, levels.repetitionLevel, row.Len()) + col.definitionLevels = appendLevel(col.definitionLevels, levels.definitionLevel, row.Len()) + + if levels.definitionLevel == col.maxDefinitionLevel { + col.base.writeValues(row, levels) + } +} + +func (col *repeatedColumnBuffer) ReadValuesAt(values []Value, offset int64) (int, error) { + // TODO: + panic("NOT IMPLEMENTED") +} + +// repeatedRowLength gives the length of the repeated row starting at the +// beginning of the repetitionLevels slice. +func repeatedRowLength(repetitionLevels []byte) int { + // If a repetition level exists, at least one value is required to represent + // the column. + if len(repetitionLevels) > 0 { + // The subsequent levels will represent the start of a new record when + // they go back to zero. + if i := bytes.IndexByte(repetitionLevels[1:], 0); i >= 0 { + return i + 1 + } + } + return len(repetitionLevels) +} + +// ============================================================================= +// The types below are in-memory implementations of the ColumnBuffer interface +// for each parquet type. +// +// These column buffers are created by calling NewColumnBuffer on parquet.Type +// instances; each parquet type manages to construct column buffers of the +// appropriate type, which ensures that we are packing as many values as we +// can in memory. +// +// See Type.NewColumnBuffer for details about how these types get created. +// ============================================================================= + +type booleanColumnBuffer struct{ booleanPage } + +func newBooleanColumnBuffer(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32) *booleanColumnBuffer { + // Boolean values are bit-packed, we can fit up to 8 values per byte. + bufferSize := (numValues + 7) / 8 + return &booleanColumnBuffer{ + booleanPage: booleanPage{ + typ: typ, + bits: make([]byte, 0, bufferSize), + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) Clone() ColumnBuffer { + return &booleanColumnBuffer{ + booleanPage: booleanPage{ + typ: col.typ, + bits: append([]byte{}, col.bits...), + offset: col.offset, + numValues: col.numValues, + columnIndex: col.columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return booleanColumnIndex{&col.booleanPage}, nil +} + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return booleanOffsetIndex{&col.booleanPage}, nil +} + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return nil } + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) Pages() Pages { return onePage(col.Page()) } + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) Page() Page { return &col.booleanPage } + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) Reset() { + col.bits = col.bits[:0] + col.offset = 0 + col.numValues = 0 +} + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) Cap() int { return 8 * cap(col.bits) } + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) Len() int { return int(col.numValues) } + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { + a := col.valueAt(i) + b := col.valueAt(j) + return a != b && !a +} + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) valueAt(i int) bool { + j := uint32(i) / 8 + k := uint32(i) % 8 + return ((col.bits[j] >> k) & 1) != 0 +} + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) setValueAt(i int, v bool) { + // `offset` is always zero in the page of a column buffer + j := uint32(i) / 8 + k := uint32(i) % 8 + x := byte(0) + if v { + x = 1 + } + col.bits[j] = (col.bits[j] & ^(1 << k)) | (x << k) +} + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + a := col.valueAt(i) + b := col.valueAt(j) + col.setValueAt(i, b) + col.setValueAt(j, a) +} + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) WriteBooleans(values []bool) (int, error) { + col.writeValues(sparse.MakeBoolArray(values).UnsafeArray(), columnLevels{}) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) { + col.writeValues(makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfBool), columnLevels{}) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) writeValues(rows sparse.Array, _ columnLevels) { + numBytes := bitpack.ByteCount(uint(col.numValues) + uint(rows.Len())) + if cap(col.bits) < numBytes { + col.bits = append(make([]byte, 0, max(numBytes, 2*cap(col.bits))), col.bits...) + } + col.bits = col.bits[:numBytes] + i := 0 + r := 8 - (int(col.numValues) % 8) + bytes := rows.Uint8Array() + + if r <= bytes.Len() { + // First we attempt to write enough bits to align the number of values + // in the column buffer on 8 bytes. After this step the next bit should + // be written at the zero'th index of a byte of the buffer. + if r < 8 { + var b byte + for i < r { + v := bytes.Index(i) + b |= (v & 1) << uint(i) + i++ + } + x := uint(col.numValues) / 8 + y := uint(col.numValues) % 8 + col.bits[x] = (b << y) | (col.bits[x] & ^(0xFF << y)) + col.numValues += int32(i) + } + + if n := ((bytes.Len() - i) / 8) * 8; n > 0 { + // At this stage, we know that that we have at least 8 bits to write + // and the bits will be aligned on the address of a byte in the + // output buffer. We can work on 8 values per loop iteration, + // packing them into a single byte and writing it to the output + // buffer. This effectively reduces by 87.5% the number of memory + // stores that the program needs to perform to generate the values. + i += sparse.GatherBits(col.bits[col.numValues/8:], bytes.Slice(i, i+n)) + col.numValues += int32(n) + } + } + + for i < bytes.Len() { + x := uint(col.numValues) / 8 + y := uint(col.numValues) % 8 + b := bytes.Index(i) + col.bits[x] = ((b & 1) << y) | (col.bits[x] & ^(1 << y)) + col.numValues++ + i++ + } + + col.bits = col.bits[:bitpack.ByteCount(uint(col.numValues))] +} + +func (col *booleanColumnBuffer) ReadValuesAt(values []Value, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + i := int(offset) + switch { + case i < 0: + return 0, errRowIndexOutOfBounds(offset, int64(col.numValues)) + case i >= int(col.numValues): + return 0, io.EOF + default: + for n < len(values) && i < int(col.numValues) { + values[n] = col.makeValue(col.valueAt(i)) + n++ + i++ + } + if n < len(values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err + } +} + +type int32ColumnBuffer struct{ int32Page } + +func newInt32ColumnBuffer(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32) *int32ColumnBuffer { + return &int32ColumnBuffer{ + int32Page: int32Page{ + typ: typ, + values: make([]int32, 0, numValues), + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) Clone() ColumnBuffer { + return &int32ColumnBuffer{ + int32Page: int32Page{ + typ: col.typ, + values: append([]int32{}, col.values...), + columnIndex: col.columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return int32ColumnIndex{&col.int32Page}, nil +} + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return int32OffsetIndex{&col.int32Page}, nil +} + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return nil } + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) Pages() Pages { return onePage(col.Page()) } + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) Page() Page { return &col.int32Page } + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) Reset() { col.values = col.values[:0] } + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) Cap() int { return cap(col.values) } + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) Len() int { return len(col.values) } + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { return col.values[i] < col.values[j] } + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + col.values[i], col.values[j] = col.values[j], col.values[i] +} + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + if (len(b) % 4) != 0 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot write INT32 values from input of size %d", len(b)) + } + col.values = append(col.values, unsafecast.Slice[int32](b)...) + return len(b), nil +} + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) WriteInt32s(values []int32) (int, error) { + col.values = append(col.values, values...) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) { + col.writeValues(makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU32), columnLevels{}) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) writeValues(rows sparse.Array, _ columnLevels) { + if n := len(col.values) + rows.Len(); n > cap(col.values) { + col.values = append(make([]int32, 0, max(n, 2*cap(col.values))), col.values...) + } + n := len(col.values) + col.values = col.values[:n+rows.Len()] + sparse.GatherInt32(col.values[n:], rows.Int32Array()) + +} + +func (col *int32ColumnBuffer) ReadValuesAt(values []Value, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + i := int(offset) + switch { + case i < 0: + return 0, errRowIndexOutOfBounds(offset, int64(len(col.values))) + case i >= len(col.values): + return 0, io.EOF + default: + for n < len(values) && i < len(col.values) { + values[n] = col.makeValue(col.values[i]) + n++ + i++ + } + if n < len(values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err + } +} + +type int64ColumnBuffer struct{ int64Page } + +func newInt64ColumnBuffer(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32) *int64ColumnBuffer { + return &int64ColumnBuffer{ + int64Page: int64Page{ + typ: typ, + values: make([]int64, 0, numValues), + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) Clone() ColumnBuffer { + return &int64ColumnBuffer{ + int64Page: int64Page{ + typ: col.typ, + values: append([]int64{}, col.values...), + columnIndex: col.columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return int64ColumnIndex{&col.int64Page}, nil +} + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return int64OffsetIndex{&col.int64Page}, nil +} + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return nil } + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) Pages() Pages { return onePage(col.Page()) } + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) Page() Page { return &col.int64Page } + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) Reset() { col.values = col.values[:0] } + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) Cap() int { return cap(col.values) } + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) Len() int { return len(col.values) } + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { return col.values[i] < col.values[j] } + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + col.values[i], col.values[j] = col.values[j], col.values[i] +} + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + if (len(b) % 8) != 0 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot write INT64 values from input of size %d", len(b)) + } + col.values = append(col.values, unsafecast.Slice[int64](b)...) + return len(b), nil +} + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) WriteInt64s(values []int64) (int, error) { + col.values = append(col.values, values...) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) { + col.writeValues(makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU64), columnLevels{}) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) writeValues(rows sparse.Array, _ columnLevels) { + if n := len(col.values) + rows.Len(); n > cap(col.values) { + col.values = append(make([]int64, 0, max(n, 2*cap(col.values))), col.values...) + } + n := len(col.values) + col.values = col.values[:n+rows.Len()] + sparse.GatherInt64(col.values[n:], rows.Int64Array()) +} + +func (col *int64ColumnBuffer) ReadValuesAt(values []Value, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + i := int(offset) + switch { + case i < 0: + return 0, errRowIndexOutOfBounds(offset, int64(len(col.values))) + case i >= len(col.values): + return 0, io.EOF + default: + for n < len(values) && i < len(col.values) { + values[n] = col.makeValue(col.values[i]) + n++ + i++ + } + if n < len(values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err + } +} + +type int96ColumnBuffer struct{ int96Page } + +func newInt96ColumnBuffer(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32) *int96ColumnBuffer { + return &int96ColumnBuffer{ + int96Page: int96Page{ + typ: typ, + values: make([]deprecated.Int96, 0, numValues), + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) Clone() ColumnBuffer { + return &int96ColumnBuffer{ + int96Page: int96Page{ + typ: col.typ, + values: append([]deprecated.Int96{}, col.values...), + columnIndex: col.columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return int96ColumnIndex{&col.int96Page}, nil +} + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return int96OffsetIndex{&col.int96Page}, nil +} + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return nil } + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) Pages() Pages { return onePage(col.Page()) } + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) Page() Page { return &col.int96Page } + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) Reset() { col.values = col.values[:0] } + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) Cap() int { return cap(col.values) } + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) Len() int { return len(col.values) } + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { return col.values[i].Less(col.values[j]) } + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + col.values[i], col.values[j] = col.values[j], col.values[i] +} + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + if (len(b) % 12) != 0 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot write INT96 values from input of size %d", len(b)) + } + col.values = append(col.values, unsafecast.Slice[deprecated.Int96](b)...) + return len(b), nil +} + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) WriteInt96s(values []deprecated.Int96) (int, error) { + col.values = append(col.values, values...) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) { + for _, v := range values { + col.values = append(col.values, v.Int96()) + } + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) writeValues(rows sparse.Array, _ columnLevels) { + for i := 0; i < rows.Len(); i++ { + p := rows.Index(i) + col.values = append(col.values, *(*deprecated.Int96)(p)) + } +} + +func (col *int96ColumnBuffer) ReadValuesAt(values []Value, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + i := int(offset) + switch { + case i < 0: + return 0, errRowIndexOutOfBounds(offset, int64(len(col.values))) + case i >= len(col.values): + return 0, io.EOF + default: + for n < len(values) && i < len(col.values) { + values[n] = col.makeValue(col.values[i]) + n++ + i++ + } + if n < len(values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err + } +} + +type floatColumnBuffer struct{ floatPage } + +func newFloatColumnBuffer(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32) *floatColumnBuffer { + return &floatColumnBuffer{ + floatPage: floatPage{ + typ: typ, + values: make([]float32, 0, numValues), + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) Clone() ColumnBuffer { + return &floatColumnBuffer{ + floatPage: floatPage{ + typ: col.typ, + values: append([]float32{}, col.values...), + columnIndex: col.columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return floatColumnIndex{&col.floatPage}, nil +} + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return floatOffsetIndex{&col.floatPage}, nil +} + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return nil } + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) Pages() Pages { return onePage(col.Page()) } + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) Page() Page { return &col.floatPage } + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) Reset() { col.values = col.values[:0] } + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) Cap() int { return cap(col.values) } + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) Len() int { return len(col.values) } + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { return col.values[i] < col.values[j] } + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + col.values[i], col.values[j] = col.values[j], col.values[i] +} + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + if (len(b) % 4) != 0 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot write FLOAT values from input of size %d", len(b)) + } + col.values = append(col.values, unsafecast.Slice[float32](b)...) + return len(b), nil +} + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) WriteFloats(values []float32) (int, error) { + col.values = append(col.values, values...) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) { + col.writeValues(makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU32), columnLevels{}) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) writeValues(rows sparse.Array, _ columnLevels) { + if n := len(col.values) + rows.Len(); n > cap(col.values) { + col.values = append(make([]float32, 0, max(n, 2*cap(col.values))), col.values...) + } + n := len(col.values) + col.values = col.values[:n+rows.Len()] + sparse.GatherFloat32(col.values[n:], rows.Float32Array()) +} + +func (col *floatColumnBuffer) ReadValuesAt(values []Value, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + i := int(offset) + switch { + case i < 0: + return 0, errRowIndexOutOfBounds(offset, int64(len(col.values))) + case i >= len(col.values): + return 0, io.EOF + default: + for n < len(values) && i < len(col.values) { + values[n] = col.makeValue(col.values[i]) + n++ + i++ + } + if n < len(values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err + } +} + +type doubleColumnBuffer struct{ doublePage } + +func newDoubleColumnBuffer(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32) *doubleColumnBuffer { + return &doubleColumnBuffer{ + doublePage: doublePage{ + typ: typ, + values: make([]float64, 0, numValues), + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) Clone() ColumnBuffer { + return &doubleColumnBuffer{ + doublePage: doublePage{ + typ: col.typ, + values: append([]float64{}, col.values...), + columnIndex: col.columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return doubleColumnIndex{&col.doublePage}, nil +} + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return doubleOffsetIndex{&col.doublePage}, nil +} + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return nil } + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) Pages() Pages { return onePage(col.Page()) } + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) Page() Page { return &col.doublePage } + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) Reset() { col.values = col.values[:0] } + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) Cap() int { return cap(col.values) } + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) Len() int { return len(col.values) } + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { return col.values[i] < col.values[j] } + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + col.values[i], col.values[j] = col.values[j], col.values[i] +} + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + if (len(b) % 8) != 0 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot write DOUBLE values from input of size %d", len(b)) + } + col.values = append(col.values, unsafecast.Slice[float64](b)...) + return len(b), nil +} + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) WriteDoubles(values []float64) (int, error) { + col.values = append(col.values, values...) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) { + col.writeValues(makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU64), columnLevels{}) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) writeValues(rows sparse.Array, _ columnLevels) { + if n := len(col.values) + rows.Len(); n > cap(col.values) { + col.values = append(make([]float64, 0, max(n, 2*cap(col.values))), col.values...) + } + n := len(col.values) + col.values = col.values[:n+rows.Len()] + sparse.GatherFloat64(col.values[n:], rows.Float64Array()) +} + +func (col *doubleColumnBuffer) ReadValuesAt(values []Value, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + i := int(offset) + switch { + case i < 0: + return 0, errRowIndexOutOfBounds(offset, int64(len(col.values))) + case i >= len(col.values): + return 0, io.EOF + default: + for n < len(values) && i < len(col.values) { + values[n] = col.makeValue(col.values[i]) + n++ + i++ + } + if n < len(values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err + } +} + +type byteArrayColumnBuffer struct { + byteArrayPage + lengths []uint32 + scratch []byte +} + +func newByteArrayColumnBuffer(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32) *byteArrayColumnBuffer { + return &byteArrayColumnBuffer{ + byteArrayPage: byteArrayPage{ + typ: typ, + values: make([]byte, 0, typ.EstimateSize(int(numValues))), + offsets: make([]uint32, 0, numValues+1), + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + lengths: make([]uint32, 0, numValues), + } +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) Clone() ColumnBuffer { + return &byteArrayColumnBuffer{ + byteArrayPage: byteArrayPage{ + typ: col.typ, + values: col.cloneValues(), + offsets: col.cloneOffsets(), + columnIndex: col.columnIndex, + }, + lengths: col.cloneLengths(), + } +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) cloneLengths() []uint32 { + lengths := make([]uint32, len(col.lengths)) + copy(lengths, col.lengths) + return lengths +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return byteArrayColumnIndex{&col.byteArrayPage}, nil +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return byteArrayOffsetIndex{&col.byteArrayPage}, nil +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return nil } + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) Pages() Pages { return onePage(col.Page()) } + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) Page() Page { + if len(col.lengths) > 0 && orderOfUint32(col.offsets) < 1 { // unordered? + if cap(col.scratch) < len(col.values) { + col.scratch = make([]byte, 0, cap(col.values)) + } else { + col.scratch = col.scratch[:0] + } + + for i := range col.lengths { + n := len(col.scratch) + col.scratch = append(col.scratch, col.index(i)...) + col.offsets[i] = uint32(n) + } + + col.values, col.scratch = col.scratch, col.values + } + // The offsets have the total length as the last item. Since we are about to + // expose the column buffer's internal state as a Page value we ensure that + // the last offset is the total length of all values. + col.offsets = append(col.offsets[:len(col.lengths)], uint32(len(col.values))) + return &col.byteArrayPage +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) Reset() { + col.values = col.values[:0] + col.offsets = col.offsets[:0] + col.lengths = col.lengths[:0] +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) NumRows() int64 { return int64(col.Len()) } + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) NumValues() int64 { return int64(col.Len()) } + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) Cap() int { return cap(col.lengths) } + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) Len() int { return len(col.lengths) } + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { + return bytes.Compare(col.index(i), col.index(j)) < 0 +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + col.offsets[i], col.offsets[j] = col.offsets[j], col.offsets[i] + col.lengths[i], col.lengths[j] = col.lengths[j], col.lengths[i] +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + _, n, err := col.writeByteArrays(b) + return n, err +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) WriteByteArrays(values []byte) (int, error) { + n, _, err := col.writeByteArrays(values) + return n, err +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) writeByteArrays(values []byte) (count, bytes int, err error) { + baseCount := len(col.lengths) + baseBytes := len(col.values) + (plain.ByteArrayLengthSize * len(col.lengths)) + + err = plain.RangeByteArray(values, func(value []byte) error { + col.append(unsafecast.String(value)) + return nil + }) + + count = len(col.lengths) - baseCount + bytes = (len(col.values) - baseBytes) + (plain.ByteArrayLengthSize * count) + return count, bytes, err +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) { + col.writeValues(makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfPtr), columnLevels{}) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) writeValues(rows sparse.Array, _ columnLevels) { + for i := 0; i < rows.Len(); i++ { + p := rows.Index(i) + col.append(*(*string)(p)) + } +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) ReadValuesAt(values []Value, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + i := int(offset) + switch { + case i < 0: + return 0, errRowIndexOutOfBounds(offset, int64(len(col.lengths))) + case i >= len(col.lengths): + return 0, io.EOF + default: + for n < len(values) && i < len(col.lengths) { + values[n] = col.makeValueBytes(col.index(i)) + n++ + i++ + } + if n < len(values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err + } +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) append(value string) { + col.offsets = append(col.offsets, uint32(len(col.values))) + col.lengths = append(col.lengths, uint32(len(value))) + col.values = append(col.values, value...) +} + +func (col *byteArrayColumnBuffer) index(i int) []byte { + offset := col.offsets[i] + length := col.lengths[i] + end := offset + length + return col.values[offset:end:end] +} + +type fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer struct { + fixedLenByteArrayPage + tmp []byte +} + +func newFixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32) *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer { + size := typ.Length() + return &fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer{ + fixedLenByteArrayPage: fixedLenByteArrayPage{ + typ: typ, + size: size, + data: make([]byte, 0, typ.EstimateSize(int(numValues))), + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + tmp: make([]byte, size), + } +} + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) Clone() ColumnBuffer { + return &fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer{ + fixedLenByteArrayPage: fixedLenByteArrayPage{ + typ: col.typ, + size: col.size, + data: append([]byte{}, col.data...), + columnIndex: col.columnIndex, + }, + tmp: make([]byte, col.size), + } +} + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex{&col.fixedLenByteArrayPage}, nil +} + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return fixedLenByteArrayOffsetIndex{&col.fixedLenByteArrayPage}, nil +} + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return nil } + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) Pages() Pages { return onePage(col.Page()) } + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) Page() Page { return &col.fixedLenByteArrayPage } + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) Reset() { col.data = col.data[:0] } + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) Cap() int { return cap(col.data) / col.size } + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) Len() int { return len(col.data) / col.size } + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { + return bytes.Compare(col.index(i), col.index(j)) < 0 +} + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + t, u, v := col.tmp[:col.size], col.index(i), col.index(j) + copy(t, u) + copy(u, v) + copy(v, t) +} + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) index(i int) []byte { + j := (i + 0) * col.size + k := (i + 1) * col.size + return col.data[j:k:k] +} + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + n, err := col.WriteFixedLenByteArrays(b) + return n * col.size, err +} + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) WriteFixedLenByteArrays(values []byte) (int, error) { + d, m := len(values)/col.size, len(values)%col.size + if m != 0 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot write FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY values of size %d from input of size %d", col.size, len(values)) + } + col.data = append(col.data, values...) + return d, nil +} + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) { + for _, v := range values { + col.data = append(col.data, v.byteArray()...) + } + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) writeValues(rows sparse.Array, _ columnLevels) { + n := col.size * rows.Len() + i := len(col.data) + j := len(col.data) + n + + if cap(col.data) < j { + col.data = append(make([]byte, 0, max(i+n, 2*cap(col.data))), col.data...) + } + + col.data = col.data[:j] + newData := col.data[i:] + + for i := 0; i < rows.Len(); i++ { + p := rows.Index(i) + copy(newData[i*col.size:], unsafe.Slice((*byte)(p), col.size)) + } +} + +func (col *fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer) ReadValuesAt(values []Value, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + i := int(offset) * col.size + switch { + case i < 0: + return 0, errRowIndexOutOfBounds(offset, int64(len(col.data)/col.size)) + case i >= len(col.data): + return 0, io.EOF + default: + for n < len(values) && i < len(col.data) { + values[n] = col.makeValueBytes(col.data[i : i+col.size]) + n++ + i += col.size + } + if n < len(values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err + } +} + +type uint32ColumnBuffer struct{ uint32Page } + +func newUint32ColumnBuffer(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32) *uint32ColumnBuffer { + return &uint32ColumnBuffer{ + uint32Page: uint32Page{ + typ: typ, + values: make([]uint32, 0, numValues), + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) Clone() ColumnBuffer { + return &uint32ColumnBuffer{ + uint32Page: uint32Page{ + typ: col.typ, + values: append([]uint32{}, col.values...), + columnIndex: col.columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return uint32ColumnIndex{&col.uint32Page}, nil +} + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return uint32OffsetIndex{&col.uint32Page}, nil +} + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return nil } + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) Pages() Pages { return onePage(col.Page()) } + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) Page() Page { return &col.uint32Page } + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) Reset() { col.values = col.values[:0] } + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) Cap() int { return cap(col.values) } + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) Len() int { return len(col.values) } + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { return col.values[i] < col.values[j] } + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + col.values[i], col.values[j] = col.values[j], col.values[i] +} + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + if (len(b) % 4) != 0 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot write INT32 values from input of size %d", len(b)) + } + col.values = append(col.values, unsafecast.Slice[uint32](b)...) + return len(b), nil +} + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) WriteUint32s(values []uint32) (int, error) { + col.values = append(col.values, values...) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) { + col.writeValues(makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU32), columnLevels{}) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) writeValues(rows sparse.Array, _ columnLevels) { + if n := len(col.values) + rows.Len(); n > cap(col.values) { + col.values = append(make([]uint32, 0, max(n, 2*cap(col.values))), col.values...) + } + n := len(col.values) + col.values = col.values[:n+rows.Len()] + sparse.GatherUint32(col.values[n:], rows.Uint32Array()) +} + +func (col *uint32ColumnBuffer) ReadValuesAt(values []Value, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + i := int(offset) + switch { + case i < 0: + return 0, errRowIndexOutOfBounds(offset, int64(len(col.values))) + case i >= len(col.values): + return 0, io.EOF + default: + for n < len(values) && i < len(col.values) { + values[n] = col.makeValue(col.values[i]) + n++ + i++ + } + if n < len(values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err + } +} + +type uint64ColumnBuffer struct{ uint64Page } + +func newUint64ColumnBuffer(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32) *uint64ColumnBuffer { + return &uint64ColumnBuffer{ + uint64Page: uint64Page{ + typ: typ, + values: make([]uint64, 0, numValues), + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) Clone() ColumnBuffer { + return &uint64ColumnBuffer{ + uint64Page: uint64Page{ + typ: col.typ, + values: append([]uint64{}, col.values...), + columnIndex: col.columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return uint64ColumnIndex{&col.uint64Page}, nil +} + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return uint64OffsetIndex{&col.uint64Page}, nil +} + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return nil } + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) Pages() Pages { return onePage(col.Page()) } + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) Page() Page { return &col.uint64Page } + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) Reset() { col.values = col.values[:0] } + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) Cap() int { return cap(col.values) } + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) Len() int { return len(col.values) } + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { return col.values[i] < col.values[j] } + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + col.values[i], col.values[j] = col.values[j], col.values[i] +} + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + if (len(b) % 8) != 0 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot write INT64 values from input of size %d", len(b)) + } + col.values = append(col.values, unsafecast.Slice[uint64](b)...) + return len(b), nil +} + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) WriteUint64s(values []uint64) (int, error) { + col.values = append(col.values, values...) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) { + col.writeValues(makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU64), columnLevels{}) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) writeValues(rows sparse.Array, _ columnLevels) { + if n := len(col.values) + rows.Len(); n > cap(col.values) { + col.values = append(make([]uint64, 0, max(n, 2*cap(col.values))), col.values...) + } + n := len(col.values) + col.values = col.values[:n+rows.Len()] + sparse.GatherUint64(col.values[n:], rows.Uint64Array()) +} + +func (col *uint64ColumnBuffer) ReadValuesAt(values []Value, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + i := int(offset) + switch { + case i < 0: + return 0, errRowIndexOutOfBounds(offset, int64(len(col.values))) + case i >= len(col.values): + return 0, io.EOF + default: + for n < len(values) && i < len(col.values) { + values[n] = col.makeValue(col.values[i]) + n++ + i++ + } + if n < len(values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err + } +} + +type be128ColumnBuffer struct{ be128Page } + +func newBE128ColumnBuffer(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32) *be128ColumnBuffer { + return &be128ColumnBuffer{ + be128Page: be128Page{ + typ: typ, + values: make([][16]byte, 0, numValues), + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) Clone() ColumnBuffer { + return &be128ColumnBuffer{ + be128Page: be128Page{ + typ: col.typ, + values: append([][16]byte{}, col.values...), + columnIndex: col.columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return be128ColumnIndex{&col.be128Page}, nil +} + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return be128OffsetIndex{&col.be128Page}, nil +} + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return nil } + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) Pages() Pages { return onePage(col.Page()) } + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) Page() Page { return &col.be128Page } + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) Reset() { col.values = col.values[:0] } + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) Cap() int { return cap(col.values) } + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) Len() int { return len(col.values) } + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { + return lessBE128(&col.values[i], &col.values[j]) +} + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + col.values[i], col.values[j] = col.values[j], col.values[i] +} + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) { + if n := len(col.values) + len(values); n > cap(col.values) { + col.values = append(make([][16]byte, 0, max(n, 2*cap(col.values))), col.values...) + } + n := len(col.values) + col.values = col.values[:n+len(values)] + newValues := col.values[n:] + for i, v := range values { + copy(newValues[i][:], v.byteArray()) + } + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) writeValues(rows sparse.Array, _ columnLevels) { + if n := len(col.values) + rows.Len(); n > cap(col.values) { + col.values = append(make([][16]byte, 0, max(n, 2*cap(col.values))), col.values...) + } + n := len(col.values) + col.values = col.values[:n+rows.Len()] + sparse.GatherUint128(col.values[n:], rows.Uint128Array()) +} + +func (col *be128ColumnBuffer) ReadValuesAt(values []Value, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + i := int(offset) + switch { + case i < 0: + return 0, errRowIndexOutOfBounds(offset, int64(len(col.values))) + case i >= len(col.values): + return 0, io.EOF + default: + for n < len(values) && i < len(col.values) { + values[n] = col.makeValue(&col.values[i]) + n++ + i++ + } + if n < len(values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err + } +} + +var ( + _ sort.Interface = (ColumnBuffer)(nil) + _ io.Writer = (*byteArrayColumnBuffer)(nil) + _ io.Writer = (*fixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer)(nil) +) + +// writeRowsFunc is the type of functions that apply rows to a set of column +// buffers. +// +// - columns is the array of column buffer where the rows are written. +// +// - rows is the array of Go values to write to the column buffers. +// +// - levels is used to track the column index, repetition and definition levels +// of values when writing optional or repeated columns. +type writeRowsFunc func(columns []ColumnBuffer, rows sparse.Array, levels columnLevels) error + +// writeRowsFuncOf generates a writeRowsFunc function for the given Go type and +// parquet schema. The column path indicates the column that the function is +// being generated for in the parquet schema. +func writeRowsFuncOf(t reflect.Type, schema *Schema, path columnPath) writeRowsFunc { + if leaf, exists := schema.Lookup(path...); exists && leaf.Node.Type().LogicalType() != nil && leaf.Node.Type().LogicalType().Json != nil { + return writeRowsFuncOfJSON(t, schema, path) + } + + switch t { + case reflect.TypeOf(deprecated.Int96{}): + return writeRowsFuncOfRequired(t, schema, path) + case reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}): + return writeRowsFuncOfTime(t, schema, path) + } + + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool, + reflect.Int, + reflect.Uint, + reflect.Int32, + reflect.Uint32, + reflect.Int64, + reflect.Uint64, + reflect.Float32, + reflect.Float64, + reflect.String: + return writeRowsFuncOfRequired(t, schema, path) + + case reflect.Slice: + if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + return writeRowsFuncOfRequired(t, schema, path) + } else { + return writeRowsFuncOfSlice(t, schema, path) + } + + case reflect.Array: + if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + return writeRowsFuncOfRequired(t, schema, path) + } + + case reflect.Pointer: + return writeRowsFuncOfPointer(t, schema, path) + + case reflect.Struct: + return writeRowsFuncOfStruct(t, schema, path) + + case reflect.Map: + return writeRowsFuncOfMap(t, schema, path) + } + + panic("cannot convert Go values of type " + typeNameOf(t) + " to parquet value") +} + +func writeRowsFuncOfRequired(t reflect.Type, schema *Schema, path columnPath) writeRowsFunc { + column := schema.mapping.lookup(path) + columnIndex := column.columnIndex + return func(columns []ColumnBuffer, rows sparse.Array, levels columnLevels) error { + columns[columnIndex].writeValues(rows, levels) + return nil + } +} + +func writeRowsFuncOfOptional(t reflect.Type, schema *Schema, path columnPath, writeRows writeRowsFunc) writeRowsFunc { + nullIndex := nullIndexFuncOf(t) + return func(columns []ColumnBuffer, rows sparse.Array, levels columnLevels) error { + if rows.Len() == 0 { + return writeRows(columns, rows, levels) + } + + nulls := acquireBitmap(rows.Len()) + defer releaseBitmap(nulls) + nullIndex(nulls.bits, rows) + + nullLevels := levels + levels.definitionLevel++ + // In this function, we are dealing with optional values which are + // neither pointers nor slices; for example, a int32 field marked + // "optional" in its parent struct. + // + // We need to find zero values, which should be represented as nulls + // in the parquet column. In order to minimize the calls to writeRows + // and maximize throughput, we use the nullIndex and nonNullIndex + // functions, which are type-specific implementations of the algorithm. + // + // Sections of the input that are contiguous nulls or non-nulls can be + // sent to a single call to writeRows to be written to the underlying + // buffer since they share the same definition level. + // + // This optimization is defeated by inputs alternating null and non-null + // sequences of single values, we do not expect this condition to be a + // common case. + for i := 0; i < rows.Len(); { + j := 0 + x := i / 64 + y := i % 64 + + if y != 0 { + if b := nulls.bits[x] >> uint(y); b == 0 { + x++ + y = 0 + } else { + y += bits.TrailingZeros64(b) + goto writeNulls + } + } + + for x < len(nulls.bits) && nulls.bits[x] == 0 { + x++ + } + + if x < len(nulls.bits) { + y = bits.TrailingZeros64(nulls.bits[x]) % 64 + } + + writeNulls: + if j = x*64 + y; j > rows.Len() { + j = rows.Len() + } + + if i < j { + if err := writeRows(columns, rows.Slice(i, j), nullLevels); err != nil { + return err + } + i = j + } + + if y != 0 { + if b := nulls.bits[x] >> uint(y); b == (1< rows.Len() { + j = rows.Len() + } + + if i < j { + if err := writeRows(columns, rows.Slice(i, j), levels); err != nil { + return err + } + i = j + } + } + + return nil + } +} + +func writeRowsFuncOfPointer(t reflect.Type, schema *Schema, path columnPath) writeRowsFunc { + elemType := t.Elem() + elemSize := uintptr(elemType.Size()) + writeRows := writeRowsFuncOf(elemType, schema, path) + + if len(path) == 0 { + // This code path is taken when generating a writeRowsFunc for a pointer + // type. In this case, we do not need to increase the definition level + // since we are not deailng with an optional field but a pointer to the + // row type. + return func(columns []ColumnBuffer, rows sparse.Array, levels columnLevels) error { + if rows.Len() == 0 { + return writeRows(columns, rows, levels) + } + + for i := 0; i < rows.Len(); i++ { + p := *(*unsafe.Pointer)(rows.Index(i)) + a := sparse.Array{} + if p != nil { + a = makeArray(p, 1, elemSize) + } + if err := writeRows(columns, a, levels); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil + } + } + + return func(columns []ColumnBuffer, rows sparse.Array, levels columnLevels) error { + if rows.Len() == 0 { + return writeRows(columns, rows, levels) + } + + for i := 0; i < rows.Len(); i++ { + p := *(*unsafe.Pointer)(rows.Index(i)) + a := sparse.Array{} + elemLevels := levels + if p != nil { + a = makeArray(p, 1, elemSize) + elemLevels.definitionLevel++ + } + if err := writeRows(columns, a, elemLevels); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil + } +} + +func writeRowsFuncOfSlice(t reflect.Type, schema *Schema, path columnPath) writeRowsFunc { + elemType := t.Elem() + elemSize := uintptr(elemType.Size()) + writeRows := writeRowsFuncOf(elemType, schema, path) + + // When the element is a pointer type, the writeRows function will be an + // instance returned by writeRowsFuncOfPointer, which handles incrementing + // the definition level if the pointer value is not nil. + definitionLevelIncrement := byte(0) + if elemType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + definitionLevelIncrement = 1 + } + + return func(columns []ColumnBuffer, rows sparse.Array, levels columnLevels) error { + if rows.Len() == 0 { + return writeRows(columns, rows, levels) + } + + levels.repetitionDepth++ + + for i := 0; i < rows.Len(); i++ { + p := (*sliceHeader)(rows.Index(i)) + a := makeArray(p.base, p.len, elemSize) + b := sparse.Array{} + + elemLevels := levels + if a.Len() > 0 { + b = a.Slice(0, 1) + elemLevels.definitionLevel += definitionLevelIncrement + } + + if err := writeRows(columns, b, elemLevels); err != nil { + return err + } + + if a.Len() > 1 { + elemLevels.repetitionLevel = elemLevels.repetitionDepth + + if err := writeRows(columns, a.Slice(1, a.Len()), elemLevels); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + + return nil + } +} + +func writeRowsFuncOfStruct(t reflect.Type, schema *Schema, path columnPath) writeRowsFunc { + type column struct { + offset uintptr + writeRows writeRowsFunc + } + + fields := structFieldsOf(t) + columns := make([]column, len(fields)) + + for i, f := range fields { + optional := false + columnPath := path.append(f.Name) + forEachStructTagOption(f, func(_ reflect.Type, option, _ string) { + switch option { + case "list": + columnPath = columnPath.append("list", "element") + case "optional": + optional = true + } + }) + + writeRows := writeRowsFuncOf(f.Type, schema, columnPath) + if optional { + switch f.Type.Kind() { + case reflect.Pointer, reflect.Slice: + default: + writeRows = writeRowsFuncOfOptional(f.Type, schema, columnPath, writeRows) + } + } + + columns[i] = column{ + offset: f.Offset, + writeRows: writeRows, + } + } + + return func(buffers []ColumnBuffer, rows sparse.Array, levels columnLevels) error { + if rows.Len() == 0 { + for _, column := range columns { + if err := column.writeRows(buffers, rows, levels); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } else { + for _, column := range columns { + if err := column.writeRows(buffers, rows.Offset(column.offset), levels); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + return nil + } +} + +func writeRowsFuncOfMap(t reflect.Type, schema *Schema, path columnPath) writeRowsFunc { + keyPath := path.append("key_value", "key") + keyType := t.Key() + keySize := uintptr(keyType.Size()) + writeKeys := writeRowsFuncOf(keyType, schema, keyPath) + + valuePath := path.append("key_value", "value") + valueType := t.Elem() + valueSize := uintptr(valueType.Size()) + writeValues := writeRowsFuncOf(valueType, schema, valuePath) + + writeKeyValues := func(columns []ColumnBuffer, keys, values sparse.Array, levels columnLevels) error { + if err := writeKeys(columns, keys, levels); err != nil { + return err + } + if err := writeValues(columns, values, levels); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil + } + + return func(columns []ColumnBuffer, rows sparse.Array, levels columnLevels) error { + if rows.Len() == 0 { + return writeKeyValues(columns, rows, rows, levels) + } + + levels.repetitionDepth++ + mapKey := reflect.New(keyType).Elem() + mapValue := reflect.New(valueType).Elem() + + for i := 0; i < rows.Len(); i++ { + m := reflect.NewAt(t, rows.Index(i)).Elem() + + if m.Len() == 0 { + empty := sparse.Array{} + if err := writeKeyValues(columns, empty, empty, levels); err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + elemLevels := levels + elemLevels.definitionLevel++ + + for it := m.MapRange(); it.Next(); { + mapKey.SetIterKey(it) + mapValue.SetIterValue(it) + + k := makeArray(reflectValueData(mapKey), 1, keySize) + v := makeArray(reflectValueData(mapValue), 1, valueSize) + + if err := writeKeyValues(columns, k, v, elemLevels); err != nil { + return err + } + + elemLevels.repetitionLevel = elemLevels.repetitionDepth + } + } + } + + return nil + } +} + +func writeRowsFuncOfJSON(t reflect.Type, schema *Schema, path columnPath) writeRowsFunc { + // If this is a string or a byte array write directly. + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.String: + return writeRowsFuncOfRequired(t, schema, path) + case reflect.Slice: + if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + return writeRowsFuncOfRequired(t, schema, path) + } + } + + // Otherwise handle with a json.Marshal + asStrT := reflect.TypeOf(string("")) + writer := writeRowsFuncOfRequired(asStrT, schema, path) + + return func(columns []ColumnBuffer, rows sparse.Array, levels columnLevels) error { + if rows.Len() == 0 { + return writer(columns, rows, levels) + } + for i := 0; i < rows.Len(); i++ { + val := reflect.NewAt(t, rows.Index(i)) + asI := val.Interface() + + b, err := json.Marshal(asI) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + asStr := string(b) + a := sparse.MakeStringArray([]string{asStr}) + if err := writer(columns, a.UnsafeArray(), levels); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + } +} + +func writeRowsFuncOfTime(_ reflect.Type, schema *Schema, path columnPath) writeRowsFunc { + t := reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)) + elemSize := uintptr(t.Size()) + writeRows := writeRowsFuncOf(t, schema, path) + + col, _ := schema.Lookup(path...) + unit := Nanosecond.TimeUnit() + lt := col.Node.Type().LogicalType() + if lt != nil && lt.Timestamp != nil { + unit = lt.Timestamp.Unit + } + + return func(columns []ColumnBuffer, rows sparse.Array, levels columnLevels) error { + if rows.Len() == 0 { + return writeRows(columns, rows, levels) + } + + times := rows.TimeArray() + for i := 0; i < times.Len(); i++ { + t := times.Index(i) + var val int64 + switch { + case unit.Millis != nil: + val = t.UnixMilli() + case unit.Micros != nil: + val = t.UnixMicro() + default: + val = t.UnixNano() + } + + a := makeArray(reflectValueData(reflect.ValueOf(val)), 1, elemSize) + if err := writeRows(columns, a, levels); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_buffer_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_buffer_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..457172699654f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_buffer_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package parquet + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" + "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" +) + +func broadcastValueInt32(dst []int32, src int8) { + bytealg.Broadcast(unsafecast.Slice[byte](dst), byte(src)) +} + +//go:noescape +func broadcastRangeInt32AVX2(dst []int32, base int32) + +func broadcastRangeInt32(dst []int32, base int32) { + if len(dst) >= 8 && cpu.X86.HasAVX2 { + broadcastRangeInt32AVX2(dst, base) + } else { + for i := range dst { + dst[i] = base + int32(i) + } + } +} + +//go:noescape +func writePointersBE128(values [][16]byte, rows sparse.Array) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_buffer_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_buffer_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1eef03d1d2241 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_buffer_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// func broadcastRangeInt32AVX2(dst []int32, base int32) +TEXT ·broadcastRangeInt32AVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-28 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), BX + MOVL base+24(FP), CX + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ BX, $8 + JB test1x4 + + VMOVDQU ·range0n8(SB), Y0 // [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] + VPBROADCASTD ·range0n8+32(SB), Y1 // [8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8] + VPBROADCASTD base+24(FP), Y2 // [base...] + VPADDD Y2, Y0, Y0 // [base,base+1,...] + + MOVQ BX, DI + SHRQ $3, DI + SHLQ $3, DI + JMP test8x4 +loop8x4: + VMOVDQU Y0, (AX)(SI*4) + VPADDD Y1, Y0, Y0 + ADDQ $8, SI +test8x4: + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop8x4 + VZEROUPPER + JMP test1x4 + +loop1x4: + INCQ SI + MOVL CX, DX + IMULL SI, DX + MOVL DX, -4(AX)(SI*4) +test1x4: + CMPQ SI, BX + JNE loop1x4 + RET + +// func writePointersBE128(values [][16]byte, rows sparse.Array) +TEXT ·writePointersBE128(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48 + MOVQ values_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ rows_array_ptr+24(FP), BX + MOVQ rows_array_len+32(FP), CX + MOVQ rows_array_off+40(FP), DX + + XORQ SI, SI + JMP test +loop: + PXOR X0, X0 + MOVQ (BX), DI // *[16]byte + CMPQ DI, $0 + JE next + MOVOU (DI), X0 +next: + MOVOU X0, (AX) + ADDQ $16, AX + ADDQ DX, BX + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_buffer_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_buffer_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..6f9996f1cb349 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_buffer_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +//go:build !amd64 || purego + +package parquet + +import "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" + +func broadcastValueInt32(dst []int32, src int8) { + value := 0x01010101 * int32(src) + for i := range dst { + dst[i] = value + } +} + +func broadcastRangeInt32(dst []int32, base int32) { + for i := range dst { + dst[i] = base + int32(i) + } +} + +func writePointersBE128(values [][16]byte, rows sparse.Array) { + for i := range values { + p := *(**[16]byte)(rows.Index(i)) + + if p != nil { + values[i] = *p + } else { + values[i] = [16]byte{} + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_chunk.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_chunk.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ad1afb2f0f8c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_chunk.go @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "errors" + "io" +) + +var ( + ErrMissingColumnIndex = errors.New("missing column index") + ErrMissingOffsetIndex = errors.New("missing offset index") +) + +// The ColumnChunk interface represents individual columns of a row group. +type ColumnChunk interface { + // Returns the column type. + Type() Type + + // Returns the index of this column in its parent row group. + Column() int + + // Returns a reader exposing the pages of the column. + Pages() Pages + + // Returns the components of the page index for this column chunk, + // containing details about the content and location of pages within the + // chunk. + // + // Note that the returned value may be the same across calls to these + // methods, programs must treat those as read-only. + // + // If the column chunk does not have a column or offset index, the methods return + // ErrMissingColumnIndex or ErrMissingOffsetIndex respectively. + // + // Prior to v0.20, these methods did not return an error because the page index + // for a file was either fully read when the file was opened, or skipped + // completely using the parquet.SkipPageIndex option. Version v0.20 introduced a + // change that the page index can be read on-demand at any time, even if a file + // was opened with the parquet.SkipPageIndex option. Since reading the page index + // can fail, these methods now return an error. + ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) + OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) + BloomFilter() BloomFilter + + // Returns the number of values in the column chunk. + // + // This quantity may differ from the number of rows in the parent row group + // because repeated columns may hold zero or more values per row. + NumValues() int64 +} + +type pageAndValueWriter interface { + PageWriter + ValueWriter +} + +type readRowsFunc func(*rowGroupRows, []Row, byte) (int, error) + +func readRowsFuncOf(node Node, columnIndex int, repetitionDepth byte) (int, readRowsFunc) { + var read readRowsFunc + + if node.Repeated() { + repetitionDepth++ + } + + if node.Leaf() { + columnIndex, read = readRowsFuncOfLeaf(columnIndex, repetitionDepth) + } else { + columnIndex, read = readRowsFuncOfGroup(node, columnIndex, repetitionDepth) + } + + if node.Repeated() { + read = readRowsFuncOfRepeated(read, repetitionDepth) + } + + return columnIndex, read +} + +//go:noinline +func readRowsFuncOfRepeated(read readRowsFunc, repetitionDepth byte) readRowsFunc { + return func(r *rowGroupRows, rows []Row, repetitionLevel byte) (int, error) { + for i := range rows { + // Repeated columns have variable number of values, we must process + // them one row at a time because we cannot predict how many values + // need to be consumed in each iteration. + row := rows[i : i+1] + + // The first pass looks for values marking the beginning of a row by + // having a repetition level equal to the current level. + n, err := read(r, row, repetitionLevel) + if err != nil { + // The error here may likely be io.EOF, the read function may + // also have successfully read a row, which is indicated by a + // non-zero count. In this case, we increment the index to + // indicate to the caller than rows up to i+1 have been read. + if n > 0 { + i++ + } + return i, err + } + + // The read function may return no errors and also read no rows in + // case where it had more values to read but none corresponded to + // the current repetition level. This is an indication that we will + // not be able to read more rows at this stage, we must return to + // the caller to let it set the repetition level to its current + // depth, which may allow us to read more values when called again. + if n == 0 { + return i, nil + } + + // When we reach this stage, we have successfully read the first + // values of a row of repeated columns. We continue consuming more + // repeated values until we get the indication that we consumed + // them all (the read function returns zero and no errors). + for { + n, err := read(r, row, repetitionDepth) + if err != nil { + return i + 1, err + } + if n == 0 { + break + } + } + } + return len(rows), nil + } +} + +//go:noinline +func readRowsFuncOfGroup(node Node, columnIndex int, repetitionDepth byte) (int, readRowsFunc) { + fields := node.Fields() + + if len(fields) == 0 { + return columnIndex, func(*rowGroupRows, []Row, byte) (int, error) { + return 0, io.EOF + } + } + + if len(fields) == 1 { + // Small optimization for a somewhat common case of groups with a single + // column (like nested list elements for example); there is no need to + // loop over the group of a single element, we can simply skip to calling + // the inner read function. + return readRowsFuncOf(fields[0], columnIndex, repetitionDepth) + } + + group := make([]readRowsFunc, len(fields)) + for i := range group { + columnIndex, group[i] = readRowsFuncOf(fields[i], columnIndex, repetitionDepth) + } + + return columnIndex, func(r *rowGroupRows, rows []Row, repetitionLevel byte) (int, error) { + // When reading a group, we use the first column as an indicator of how + // may rows can be read during this call. + n, err := group[0](r, rows, repetitionLevel) + + if n > 0 { + // Read values for all rows that the group is able to consume. + // Getting io.EOF from calling the read functions indicate that + // we consumed all values of that particular column, but there may + // be more to read in other columns, therefore we must always read + // all columns and cannot stop on the first error. + for _, read := range group[1:] { + _, err2 := read(r, rows[:n], repetitionLevel) + if err2 != nil && err2 != io.EOF { + return 0, err2 + } + } + } + + return n, err + } +} + +//go:noinline +func readRowsFuncOfLeaf(columnIndex int, repetitionDepth byte) (int, readRowsFunc) { + var read readRowsFunc + + if repetitionDepth == 0 { + read = func(r *rowGroupRows, rows []Row, _ byte) (int, error) { + // When the repetition depth is zero, we know that there is exactly + // one value per row for this column, and therefore we can consume + // as many values as there are rows to fill. + col := &r.columns[columnIndex] + buf := r.buffer(columnIndex) + + for i := range rows { + if col.offset == col.length { + n, err := col.values.ReadValues(buf) + col.offset = 0 + col.length = int32(n) + if n == 0 && err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + rows[i] = append(rows[i], buf[col.offset]) + col.offset++ + } + + return len(rows), nil + } + } else { + read = func(r *rowGroupRows, rows []Row, repetitionLevel byte) (int, error) { + // When the repetition depth is not zero, we know that we will be + // called with a single row as input. We attempt to read at most one + // value of a single row and return to the caller. + col := &r.columns[columnIndex] + buf := r.buffer(columnIndex) + + if col.offset == col.length { + n, err := col.values.ReadValues(buf) + col.offset = 0 + col.length = int32(n) + if n == 0 && err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + if buf[col.offset].repetitionLevel != repetitionLevel { + return 0, nil + } + + rows[0] = append(rows[0], buf[col.offset]) + col.offset++ + return 1, nil + } + } + + return columnIndex + 1, read +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_index_be.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_index_be.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f3ea2e7bdfb3b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_index_be.go @@ -0,0 +1,854 @@ +// This file gets added on all the big-endian CPU architectures. + +//go:build armbe || arm64be || m68k || mips || mips64 || mips64p32 || ppc || ppc64 || s390 || s390x || shbe || sparc || sparc64 + +package parquet + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" + "math" +) + +type ColumnIndex interface { + // NumPages returns the number of paged in the column index. + NumPages() int + + // Returns the number of null values in the page at the given index. + NullCount(int) int64 + + // Tells whether the page at the given index contains null values only. + NullPage(int) bool + + // PageIndex return min/max bounds for the page at the given index in the + // column. + MinValue(int) Value + MaxValue(int) Value + + // IsAscending returns true if the column index min/max values are sorted + // in ascending order (based on the ordering rules of the column's logical + // type). + IsAscending() bool + + // IsDescending returns true if the column index min/max values are sorted + // in descending order (based on the ordering rules of the column's logical + // type). + IsDescending() bool +} + +// NewColumnIndex constructs a ColumnIndex instance from the given parquet +// format column index. The kind argument configures the type of values +func NewColumnIndex(kind Kind, index *format.ColumnIndex) ColumnIndex { + return &formatColumnIndex{ + kind: kind, + index: index, + } +} + +type formatColumnIndex struct { + kind Kind + index *format.ColumnIndex +} + +func (f *formatColumnIndex) NumPages() int { + return len(f.index.MinValues) +} + +func (f *formatColumnIndex) NullCount(i int) int64 { + if len(f.index.NullCounts) > 0 { + return f.index.NullCounts[i] + } + return 0 +} + +func (f *formatColumnIndex) NullPage(i int) bool { + return len(f.index.NullPages) > 0 && f.index.NullPages[i] +} + +func (f *formatColumnIndex) MinValue(i int) Value { + if f.NullPage(i) { + return Value{} + } + return f.kind.Value(f.index.MinValues[i]) +} + +func (f *formatColumnIndex) MaxValue(i int) Value { + if f.NullPage(i) { + return Value{} + } + return f.kind.Value(f.index.MaxValues[i]) +} + +func (f *formatColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { + return f.index.BoundaryOrder == format.Ascending +} + +func (f *formatColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { + return f.index.BoundaryOrder == format.Descending +} + +type fileColumnIndex struct{ chunk *fileColumnChunk } + +func (i fileColumnIndex) NumPages() int { + return len(i.columnIndex().NullPages) +} + +func (i fileColumnIndex) NullCount(j int) int64 { + index := i.columnIndex() + if len(index.NullCounts) > 0 { + return index.NullCounts[j] + } + return 0 +} + +func (i fileColumnIndex) NullPage(j int) bool { + return isNullPage(j, i.columnIndex()) +} + +func (i fileColumnIndex) MinValue(j int) Value { + index := i.columnIndex() + if isNullPage(j, index) { + return Value{} + } + return i.makeValue(index.MinValues[j]) +} + +func (i fileColumnIndex) MaxValue(j int) Value { + index := i.columnIndex() + if isNullPage(j, index) { + return Value{} + } + return i.makeValue(index.MaxValues[j]) +} + +func (i fileColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { + return i.columnIndex().BoundaryOrder == format.Ascending +} + +func (i fileColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { + return i.columnIndex().BoundaryOrder == format.Descending +} + +func (i *fileColumnIndex) makeValue(b []byte) Value { + return i.chunk.column.typ.Kind().Value(b) +} + +func (i fileColumnIndex) columnIndex() *format.ColumnIndex { return i.chunk.columnIndex.Load() } +func isNullPage(j int, index *format.ColumnIndex) bool { + return len(index.NullPages) > 0 && index.NullPages[j] +} + +type emptyColumnIndex struct{} + +func (emptyColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 0 } +func (emptyColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (emptyColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (emptyColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return Value{} } +func (emptyColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return Value{} } +func (emptyColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (emptyColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type booleanColumnIndex struct{ page *booleanPage } + +func (i booleanColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i booleanColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i booleanColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i booleanColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueBoolean(i.page.min()) } +func (i booleanColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueBoolean(i.page.max()) } +func (i booleanColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i booleanColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type int32ColumnIndex struct{ page *int32Page } + +func (i int32ColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i int32ColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i int32ColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i int32ColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueInt32(i.page.min()) } +func (i int32ColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueInt32(i.page.max()) } +func (i int32ColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i int32ColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type int64ColumnIndex struct{ page *int64Page } + +func (i int64ColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i int64ColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i int64ColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i int64ColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueInt64(i.page.min()) } +func (i int64ColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueInt64(i.page.max()) } +func (i int64ColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i int64ColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type int96ColumnIndex struct{ page *int96Page } + +func (i int96ColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i int96ColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i int96ColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i int96ColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueInt96(i.page.min()) } +func (i int96ColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueInt96(i.page.max()) } +func (i int96ColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i int96ColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type floatColumnIndex struct{ page *floatPage } + +func (i floatColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i floatColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i floatColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i floatColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueFloat(i.page.min()) } +func (i floatColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueFloat(i.page.max()) } +func (i floatColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i floatColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type doubleColumnIndex struct{ page *doublePage } + +func (i doubleColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i doubleColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i doubleColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i doubleColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueDouble(i.page.min()) } +func (i doubleColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueDouble(i.page.max()) } +func (i doubleColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i doubleColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type byteArrayColumnIndex struct{ page *byteArrayPage } + +func (i byteArrayColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i byteArrayColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i byteArrayColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i byteArrayColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueBytes(ByteArray, i.page.min()) } +func (i byteArrayColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueBytes(ByteArray, i.page.max()) } +func (i byteArrayColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i byteArrayColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex struct{ page *fixedLenByteArrayPage } + +func (i fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { + return makeValueBytes(FixedLenByteArray, i.page.min()) +} +func (i fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { + return makeValueBytes(FixedLenByteArray, i.page.max()) +} +func (i fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type uint32ColumnIndex struct{ page *uint32Page } + +func (i uint32ColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i uint32ColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i uint32ColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i uint32ColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueUint32(i.page.min()) } +func (i uint32ColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueUint32(i.page.max()) } +func (i uint32ColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i uint32ColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type uint64ColumnIndex struct{ page *uint64Page } + +func (i uint64ColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i uint64ColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i uint64ColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i uint64ColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueUint64(i.page.min()) } +func (i uint64ColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueUint64(i.page.max()) } +func (i uint64ColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i uint64ColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type be128ColumnIndex struct{ page *be128Page } + +func (i be128ColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i be128ColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i be128ColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i be128ColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueBytes(FixedLenByteArray, i.page.min()) } +func (i be128ColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueBytes(FixedLenByteArray, i.page.max()) } +func (i be128ColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i be128ColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +// The ColumnIndexer interface is implemented by types that support generating +// parquet column indexes. +// +// The package does not export any types that implement this interface, programs +// must call NewColumnIndexer on a Type instance to construct column indexers. +type ColumnIndexer interface { + // Resets the column indexer state. + Reset() + + // Add a page to the column indexer. + IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) + + // Generates a format.ColumnIndex value from the current state of the + // column indexer. + // + // The returned value may reference internal buffers, in which case the + // values remain valid until the next call to IndexPage or Reset on the + // column indexer. + ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex +} + +type baseColumnIndexer struct { + nullPages []bool + nullCounts []int64 +} + +func (i *baseColumnIndexer) reset() { + i.nullPages = i.nullPages[:0] + i.nullCounts = i.nullCounts[:0] +} + +func (i *baseColumnIndexer) observe(numValues, numNulls int64) { + i.nullPages = append(i.nullPages, numValues == numNulls) + i.nullCounts = append(i.nullCounts, numNulls) +} + +func (i *baseColumnIndexer) columnIndex(minValues, maxValues [][]byte, minOrder, maxOrder int) format.ColumnIndex { + nullPages := make([]bool, len(i.nullPages)) + copy(nullPages, i.nullPages) + nullCounts := make([]int64, len(i.nullCounts)) + copy(nullCounts, i.nullCounts) + return format.ColumnIndex{ + NullPages: nullPages, + NullCounts: nullCounts, + MinValues: minValues, + MaxValues: maxValues, + BoundaryOrder: boundaryOrderOf(minOrder, maxOrder), + } +} + +type booleanColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []bool + maxValues []bool +} + +func newBooleanColumnIndexer() *booleanColumnIndexer { + return new(booleanColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *booleanColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *booleanColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.boolean()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.boolean()) +} + +func (i *booleanColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.minValues), 1), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.maxValues), 1), + orderOfBool(i.minValues), + orderOfBool(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type int32ColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []int32 + maxValues []int32 +} + +func newInt32ColumnIndexer() *int32ColumnIndexer { + return new(int32ColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *int32ColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *int32ColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.int32()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.int32()) +} + +func reverseInt32MinMaxValues(mLen int, mVal []int32) []byte { + buf := make([]byte, mLen*4) + idx := 0 + for k := range mLen { + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[idx:(4+idx)], uint32(mVal[k])) + idx += 4 + } + return buf +} + +func (i *int32ColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + byteMin := reverseInt32MinMaxValues(len(i.minValues), i.minValues) + byteMax := reverseInt32MinMaxValues(len(i.maxValues), i.maxValues) + + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(byteMin, 4), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(byteMax, 4), + orderOfInt32(i.minValues), + orderOfInt32(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type int64ColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []int64 + maxValues []int64 +} + +func newInt64ColumnIndexer() *int64ColumnIndexer { + return new(int64ColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *int64ColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *int64ColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.int64()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.int64()) +} + +func reverseInt64MinMaxValues(mLen int, mVal []int64) []byte { + buf := make([]byte, mLen*8) + idx := 0 + for k := range mLen { + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[idx:(8+idx)], uint64(mVal[k])) + idx += 8 + } + return buf +} + +func (i *int64ColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + byteMin := reverseInt64MinMaxValues(len(i.minValues), i.minValues) + byteMax := reverseInt64MinMaxValues(len(i.maxValues), i.maxValues) + + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(byteMin, 8), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(byteMax, 8), + orderOfInt64(i.minValues), + orderOfInt64(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type int96ColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []deprecated.Int96 + maxValues []deprecated.Int96 +} + +func newInt96ColumnIndexer() *int96ColumnIndexer { + return new(int96ColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *int96ColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *int96ColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.Int96()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.Int96()) +} + +func reverseInt96MinMaxValues(mLen int, mVal []deprecated.Int96) []byte { + buf := make([]byte, mLen*12) + idx := 0 + for k := range mLen { + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[idx:(4+idx)], uint32(mVal[k][0])) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[(4+idx):(8+idx)], uint32(mVal[k][1])) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[(8+idx):(12+idx)], uint32(mVal[k][2])) + idx += 12 + } + return buf +} + +func (i *int96ColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + byteMin := reverseInt96MinMaxValues(len(i.minValues), i.minValues) + byteMax := reverseInt96MinMaxValues(len(i.maxValues), i.maxValues) + + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(byteMin, 12), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(byteMax, 12), + deprecated.OrderOfInt96(i.minValues), + deprecated.OrderOfInt96(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type floatColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []float32 + maxValues []float32 +} + +func newFloatColumnIndexer() *floatColumnIndexer { + return new(floatColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *floatColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *floatColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.float()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.float()) +} + +func reverseFloatMinMaxValues(mLen int, mVal []float32) []byte { + buf := make([]byte, mLen*4) + idx := 0 + for k := range mLen { + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[idx:(4+idx)], math.Float32bits(mVal[k])) + idx += 4 + } + return buf +} + +func (i *floatColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + byteMin := reverseFloatMinMaxValues(len(i.minValues), i.minValues) + byteMax := reverseFloatMinMaxValues(len(i.maxValues), i.maxValues) + + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(byteMin, 4), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(byteMax, 4), + orderOfFloat32(i.minValues), + orderOfFloat32(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type doubleColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []float64 + maxValues []float64 +} + +func newDoubleColumnIndexer() *doubleColumnIndexer { + return new(doubleColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *doubleColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *doubleColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.double()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.double()) +} + +func reverseDoubleMinMaxValues(mLen int, mVal []float64) []byte { + buf := make([]byte, mLen*8) + idx := 0 + for k := range mLen { + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[idx:(8+idx)], math.Float64bits(mVal[k])) + idx += 8 + } + return buf +} + +func (i *doubleColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + byteMin := reverseDoubleMinMaxValues(len(i.minValues), i.minValues) + byteMax := reverseDoubleMinMaxValues(len(i.maxValues), i.maxValues) + + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(byteMin, 8), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(byteMax, 8), + orderOfFloat64(i.minValues), + orderOfFloat64(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type byteArrayColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + sizeLimit int + minValues []byte + maxValues []byte +} + +func newByteArrayColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) *byteArrayColumnIndexer { + return &byteArrayColumnIndexer{sizeLimit: sizeLimit} +} + +func (i *byteArrayColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *byteArrayColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = plain.AppendByteArray(i.minValues, min.byteArray()) + i.maxValues = plain.AppendByteArray(i.maxValues, max.byteArray()) +} + +func (i *byteArrayColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + minValues := splitByteArrays(i.minValues) + maxValues := splitByteArrays(i.maxValues) + if sizeLimit := i.sizeLimit; sizeLimit > 0 { + for i, v := range minValues { + minValues[i] = truncateLargeMinByteArrayValue(v, sizeLimit) + } + for i, v := range maxValues { + maxValues[i] = truncateLargeMaxByteArrayValue(v, sizeLimit) + } + } + return i.columnIndex( + minValues, + maxValues, + orderOfBytes(minValues), + orderOfBytes(maxValues), + ) +} + +type fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + size int + sizeLimit int + minValues []byte + maxValues []byte +} + +func newFixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer(size, sizeLimit int) *fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer { + return &fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer{ + size: size, + sizeLimit: sizeLimit, + } +} + +func (i *fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.byteArray()...) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.byteArray()...) +} + +func (i *fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + minValues := splitFixedLenByteArrays(i.minValues, i.size) + maxValues := splitFixedLenByteArrays(i.maxValues, i.size) + if sizeLimit := i.sizeLimit; sizeLimit > 0 { + for i, v := range minValues { + minValues[i] = truncateLargeMinByteArrayValue(v, sizeLimit) + } + for i, v := range maxValues { + maxValues[i] = truncateLargeMaxByteArrayValue(v, sizeLimit) + } + } + return i.columnIndex( + minValues, + maxValues, + orderOfBytes(minValues), + orderOfBytes(maxValues), + ) +} + +type uint32ColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []uint32 + maxValues []uint32 +} + +func newUint32ColumnIndexer() *uint32ColumnIndexer { + return new(uint32ColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *uint32ColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *uint32ColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.uint32()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.uint32()) +} + +func reverseUint32MinMaxValues(mLen int, mVal []uint32) []byte { + buf := make([]byte, mLen*4) + idx := 0 + for k := range mLen { + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[idx:(4+idx)], mVal[k]) + idx += 4 + } + return buf +} + +func (i *uint32ColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + byteMin := reverseUint32MinMaxValues(len(i.minValues), i.minValues) + byteMax := reverseUint32MinMaxValues(len(i.maxValues), i.maxValues) + + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(byteMin, 4), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(byteMax, 4), + orderOfUint32(i.minValues), + orderOfUint32(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type uint64ColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []uint64 + maxValues []uint64 +} + +func newUint64ColumnIndexer() *uint64ColumnIndexer { + return new(uint64ColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *uint64ColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *uint64ColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.uint64()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.uint64()) +} + +func reverseUint64MinMaxValues(mLen int, mVal []uint64) []byte { + buf := make([]byte, mLen*8) + idx := 0 + for k := range mLen { + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[idx:(8+idx)], mVal[k]) + idx += 8 + } + return buf +} + +func (i *uint64ColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + byteMin := reverseUint64MinMaxValues(len(i.minValues), i.minValues) + byteMax := reverseUint64MinMaxValues(len(i.maxValues), i.maxValues) + + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(byteMin, 8), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(byteMax, 8), + orderOfUint64(i.minValues), + orderOfUint64(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type be128ColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues [][16]byte + maxValues [][16]byte +} + +func newBE128ColumnIndexer() *be128ColumnIndexer { + return new(be128ColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *be128ColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *be128ColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + if !min.IsNull() { + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, *(*[16]byte)(min.byteArray())) + } + if !max.IsNull() { + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, *(*[16]byte)(max.byteArray())) + } +} + +func (i *be128ColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + minValues := splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.minValues), 16) + maxValues := splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.maxValues), 16) + return i.columnIndex( + minValues, + maxValues, + orderOfBytes(minValues), + orderOfBytes(maxValues), + ) +} + +func truncateLargeMinByteArrayValue(value []byte, sizeLimit int) []byte { + if len(value) > sizeLimit { + value = value[:sizeLimit] + } + return value +} + +// truncateLargeMaxByteArrayValue truncates the given byte array to the given size limit. +// If the given byte array is truncated, it is incremented by 1 in place. +func truncateLargeMaxByteArrayValue(value []byte, sizeLimit int) []byte { + if len(value) > sizeLimit { + value = value[:sizeLimit] + incrementByteArrayInplace(value) + } + return value +} + +// incrementByteArray increments the given byte array by 1. +// Reference: https://github.com/apache/parquet-java/blob/master/parquet-column/src/main/java/org/apache/parquet/internal/column/columnindex/BinaryTruncator.java#L124 +func incrementByteArrayInplace(value []byte) { + for i := len(value) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + value[i]++ + if value[i] != 0 { // Did not overflow: 0xFF -> 0x00 + return + } + } + // Fully overflowed, so restore all to 0xFF + for i := range value { + value[i] = 0xFF + } +} + +func splitByteArrays(data []byte) [][]byte { + length := 0 + plain.RangeByteArray(data, func([]byte) error { + length++ + return nil + }) + buffer := make([]byte, 0, len(data)-(4*length)) + values := make([][]byte, 0, length) + plain.RangeByteArray(data, func(value []byte) error { + offset := len(buffer) + buffer = append(buffer, value...) + values = append(values, buffer[offset:]) + return nil + }) + return values +} + +func splitFixedLenByteArrays(data []byte, size int) [][]byte { + data = copyBytes(data) + values := make([][]byte, len(data)/size) + for i := range values { + j := (i + 0) * size + k := (i + 1) * size + values[i] = data[j:k:k] + } + return values +} + +func boundaryOrderOf(minOrder, maxOrder int) format.BoundaryOrder { + if minOrder == maxOrder { + switch { + case minOrder > 0: + return format.Ascending + case minOrder < 0: + return format.Descending + } + } + return format.Unordered +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_index_le.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_index_le.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4d8fec4511a87 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_index_le.go @@ -0,0 +1,760 @@ +// This file gets added on all the little-endian CPU architectures. + +//go:build 386 || amd64 || amd64p32 || alpha || arm || arm64 || loong64 || mipsle || mips64le || mips64p32le || nios2 || ppc64le || riscv || riscv64 || sh || wasm + +package parquet + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +type ColumnIndex interface { + // NumPages returns the number of paged in the column index. + NumPages() int + + // Returns the number of null values in the page at the given index. + NullCount(int) int64 + + // Tells whether the page at the given index contains null values only. + NullPage(int) bool + + // PageIndex return min/max bounds for the page at the given index in the + // column. + MinValue(int) Value + MaxValue(int) Value + + // IsAscending returns true if the column index min/max values are sorted + // in ascending order (based on the ordering rules of the column's logical + // type). + IsAscending() bool + + // IsDescending returns true if the column index min/max values are sorted + // in descending order (based on the ordering rules of the column's logical + // type). + IsDescending() bool +} + +// NewColumnIndex constructs a ColumnIndex instance from the given parquet +// format column index. The kind argument configures the type of values +func NewColumnIndex(kind Kind, index *format.ColumnIndex) ColumnIndex { + return &formatColumnIndex{ + kind: kind, + index: index, + } +} + +type formatColumnIndex struct { + kind Kind + index *format.ColumnIndex +} + +func (f *formatColumnIndex) NumPages() int { + return len(f.index.MinValues) +} + +func (f *formatColumnIndex) NullCount(i int) int64 { + if len(f.index.NullCounts) > 0 { + return f.index.NullCounts[i] + } + return 0 +} + +func (f *formatColumnIndex) NullPage(i int) bool { + return len(f.index.NullPages) > 0 && f.index.NullPages[i] +} + +func (f *formatColumnIndex) MinValue(i int) Value { + if f.NullPage(i) { + return Value{} + } + return f.kind.Value(f.index.MinValues[i]) +} + +func (f *formatColumnIndex) MaxValue(i int) Value { + if f.NullPage(i) { + return Value{} + } + return f.kind.Value(f.index.MaxValues[i]) +} + +func (f *formatColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { + return f.index.BoundaryOrder == format.Ascending +} + +func (f *formatColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { + return f.index.BoundaryOrder == format.Descending +} + +type fileColumnIndex struct{ chunk *fileColumnChunk } + +func (i fileColumnIndex) NumPages() int { + return len(i.columnIndex().NullPages) +} + +func (i fileColumnIndex) NullCount(j int) int64 { + index := i.columnIndex() + if len(index.NullCounts) > 0 { + return index.NullCounts[j] + } + return 0 +} + +func (i fileColumnIndex) NullPage(j int) bool { + return isNullPage(j, i.columnIndex()) +} + +func (i fileColumnIndex) MinValue(j int) Value { + index := i.columnIndex() + if isNullPage(j, index) { + return Value{} + } + return i.makeValue(index.MinValues[j]) +} + +func (i fileColumnIndex) MaxValue(j int) Value { + index := i.columnIndex() + if isNullPage(j, index) { + return Value{} + } + return i.makeValue(index.MaxValues[j]) +} + +func (i fileColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { + return i.columnIndex().BoundaryOrder == format.Ascending +} + +func (i fileColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { + return i.columnIndex().BoundaryOrder == format.Descending +} + +func (i *fileColumnIndex) makeValue(b []byte) Value { + return i.chunk.column.typ.Kind().Value(b) +} + +func (i fileColumnIndex) columnIndex() *format.ColumnIndex { return i.chunk.columnIndex.Load() } + +func isNullPage(j int, index *format.ColumnIndex) bool { + return len(index.NullPages) > 0 && index.NullPages[j] +} + +type emptyColumnIndex struct{} + +func (emptyColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 0 } +func (emptyColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (emptyColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (emptyColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return Value{} } +func (emptyColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return Value{} } +func (emptyColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (emptyColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type booleanColumnIndex struct{ page *booleanPage } + +func (i booleanColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i booleanColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i booleanColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i booleanColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueBoolean(i.page.min()) } +func (i booleanColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueBoolean(i.page.max()) } +func (i booleanColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i booleanColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type int32ColumnIndex struct{ page *int32Page } + +func (i int32ColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i int32ColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i int32ColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i int32ColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueInt32(i.page.min()) } +func (i int32ColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueInt32(i.page.max()) } +func (i int32ColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i int32ColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type int64ColumnIndex struct{ page *int64Page } + +func (i int64ColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i int64ColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i int64ColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i int64ColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueInt64(i.page.min()) } +func (i int64ColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueInt64(i.page.max()) } +func (i int64ColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i int64ColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type int96ColumnIndex struct{ page *int96Page } + +func (i int96ColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i int96ColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i int96ColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i int96ColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueInt96(i.page.min()) } +func (i int96ColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueInt96(i.page.max()) } +func (i int96ColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i int96ColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type floatColumnIndex struct{ page *floatPage } + +func (i floatColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i floatColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i floatColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i floatColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueFloat(i.page.min()) } +func (i floatColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueFloat(i.page.max()) } +func (i floatColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i floatColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type doubleColumnIndex struct{ page *doublePage } + +func (i doubleColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i doubleColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i doubleColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i doubleColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueDouble(i.page.min()) } +func (i doubleColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueDouble(i.page.max()) } +func (i doubleColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i doubleColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type byteArrayColumnIndex struct{ page *byteArrayPage } + +func (i byteArrayColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i byteArrayColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i byteArrayColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i byteArrayColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueBytes(ByteArray, i.page.min()) } +func (i byteArrayColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueBytes(ByteArray, i.page.max()) } +func (i byteArrayColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i byteArrayColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex struct{ page *fixedLenByteArrayPage } + +func (i fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { + return makeValueBytes(FixedLenByteArray, i.page.min()) +} +func (i fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { + return makeValueBytes(FixedLenByteArray, i.page.max()) +} +func (i fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type uint32ColumnIndex struct{ page *uint32Page } + +func (i uint32ColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i uint32ColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i uint32ColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i uint32ColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueUint32(i.page.min()) } +func (i uint32ColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueUint32(i.page.max()) } +func (i uint32ColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i uint32ColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type uint64ColumnIndex struct{ page *uint64Page } + +func (i uint64ColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i uint64ColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i uint64ColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i uint64ColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueUint64(i.page.min()) } +func (i uint64ColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueUint64(i.page.max()) } +func (i uint64ColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i uint64ColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type be128ColumnIndex struct{ page *be128Page } + +func (i be128ColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i be128ColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i be128ColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (i be128ColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return makeValueBytes(FixedLenByteArray, i.page.min()) } +func (i be128ColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return makeValueBytes(FixedLenByteArray, i.page.max()) } +func (i be128ColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return false } +func (i be128ColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +// The ColumnIndexer interface is implemented by types that support generating +// parquet column indexes. +// +// The package does not export any types that implement this interface, programs +// must call NewColumnIndexer on a Type instance to construct column indexers. +type ColumnIndexer interface { + // Resets the column indexer state. + Reset() + + // Add a page to the column indexer. + IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) + + // Generates a format.ColumnIndex value from the current state of the + // column indexer. + // + // The returned value may reference internal buffers, in which case the + // values remain valid until the next call to IndexPage or Reset on the + // column indexer. + ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex +} + +type baseColumnIndexer struct { + nullPages []bool + nullCounts []int64 +} + +func (i *baseColumnIndexer) reset() { + i.nullPages = i.nullPages[:0] + i.nullCounts = i.nullCounts[:0] +} + +func (i *baseColumnIndexer) observe(numValues, numNulls int64) { + i.nullPages = append(i.nullPages, numValues == numNulls) + i.nullCounts = append(i.nullCounts, numNulls) +} + +func (i *baseColumnIndexer) columnIndex(minValues, maxValues [][]byte, minOrder, maxOrder int) format.ColumnIndex { + nullPages := make([]bool, len(i.nullPages)) + copy(nullPages, i.nullPages) + nullCounts := make([]int64, len(i.nullCounts)) + copy(nullCounts, i.nullCounts) + return format.ColumnIndex{ + NullPages: nullPages, + NullCounts: nullCounts, + MinValues: minValues, + MaxValues: maxValues, + BoundaryOrder: boundaryOrderOf(minOrder, maxOrder), + } +} + +type booleanColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []bool + maxValues []bool +} + +func newBooleanColumnIndexer() *booleanColumnIndexer { + return new(booleanColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *booleanColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *booleanColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.boolean()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.boolean()) +} + +func (i *booleanColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.minValues), 1), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.maxValues), 1), + orderOfBool(i.minValues), + orderOfBool(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type int32ColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []int32 + maxValues []int32 +} + +func newInt32ColumnIndexer() *int32ColumnIndexer { + return new(int32ColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *int32ColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *int32ColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.int32()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.int32()) +} + +func (i *int32ColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.minValues), 4), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.maxValues), 4), + orderOfInt32(i.minValues), + orderOfInt32(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type int64ColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []int64 + maxValues []int64 +} + +func newInt64ColumnIndexer() *int64ColumnIndexer { + return new(int64ColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *int64ColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *int64ColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.int64()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.int64()) +} + +func (i *int64ColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.minValues), 8), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.maxValues), 8), + orderOfInt64(i.minValues), + orderOfInt64(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type int96ColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []deprecated.Int96 + maxValues []deprecated.Int96 +} + +func newInt96ColumnIndexer() *int96ColumnIndexer { + return new(int96ColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *int96ColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *int96ColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.Int96()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.Int96()) +} + +func (i *int96ColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.minValues), 12), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.maxValues), 12), + deprecated.OrderOfInt96(i.minValues), + deprecated.OrderOfInt96(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type floatColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []float32 + maxValues []float32 +} + +func newFloatColumnIndexer() *floatColumnIndexer { + return new(floatColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *floatColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *floatColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.float()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.float()) +} + +func (i *floatColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.minValues), 4), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.maxValues), 4), + orderOfFloat32(i.minValues), + orderOfFloat32(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type doubleColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []float64 + maxValues []float64 +} + +func newDoubleColumnIndexer() *doubleColumnIndexer { + return new(doubleColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *doubleColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *doubleColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.double()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.double()) +} + +func (i *doubleColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.minValues), 8), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.maxValues), 8), + orderOfFloat64(i.minValues), + orderOfFloat64(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type byteArrayColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + sizeLimit int + minValues []byte + maxValues []byte +} + +func newByteArrayColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) *byteArrayColumnIndexer { + return &byteArrayColumnIndexer{sizeLimit: sizeLimit} +} + +func (i *byteArrayColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *byteArrayColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = plain.AppendByteArray(i.minValues, min.byteArray()) + i.maxValues = plain.AppendByteArray(i.maxValues, max.byteArray()) +} + +func (i *byteArrayColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + minValues := splitByteArrays(i.minValues) + maxValues := splitByteArrays(i.maxValues) + if sizeLimit := i.sizeLimit; sizeLimit > 0 { + for i, v := range minValues { + minValues[i] = truncateLargeMinByteArrayValue(v, sizeLimit) + } + for i, v := range maxValues { + maxValues[i] = truncateLargeMaxByteArrayValue(v, sizeLimit) + } + } + return i.columnIndex( + minValues, + maxValues, + orderOfBytes(minValues), + orderOfBytes(maxValues), + ) +} + +type fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + size int + sizeLimit int + minValues []byte + maxValues []byte +} + +func newFixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer(size, sizeLimit int) *fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer { + return &fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer{ + size: size, + sizeLimit: sizeLimit, + } +} + +func (i *fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.byteArray()...) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.byteArray()...) +} + +func (i *fixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + minValues := splitFixedLenByteArrays(i.minValues, i.size) + maxValues := splitFixedLenByteArrays(i.maxValues, i.size) + if sizeLimit := i.sizeLimit; sizeLimit > 0 { + for i, v := range minValues { + minValues[i] = truncateLargeMinByteArrayValue(v, sizeLimit) + } + for i, v := range maxValues { + maxValues[i] = truncateLargeMaxByteArrayValue(v, sizeLimit) + } + } + return i.columnIndex( + minValues, + maxValues, + orderOfBytes(minValues), + orderOfBytes(maxValues), + ) +} + +type uint32ColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []uint32 + maxValues []uint32 +} + +func newUint32ColumnIndexer() *uint32ColumnIndexer { + return new(uint32ColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *uint32ColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *uint32ColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.uint32()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.uint32()) +} + +func (i *uint32ColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.minValues), 4), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.maxValues), 4), + orderOfUint32(i.minValues), + orderOfUint32(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type uint64ColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues []uint64 + maxValues []uint64 +} + +func newUint64ColumnIndexer() *uint64ColumnIndexer { + return new(uint64ColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *uint64ColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *uint64ColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, min.uint64()) + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, max.uint64()) +} + +func (i *uint64ColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + return i.columnIndex( + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.minValues), 8), + splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.maxValues), 8), + orderOfUint64(i.minValues), + orderOfUint64(i.maxValues), + ) +} + +type be128ColumnIndexer struct { + baseColumnIndexer + minValues [][16]byte + maxValues [][16]byte +} + +func newBE128ColumnIndexer() *be128ColumnIndexer { + return new(be128ColumnIndexer) +} + +func (i *be128ColumnIndexer) Reset() { + i.reset() + i.minValues = i.minValues[:0] + i.maxValues = i.maxValues[:0] +} + +func (i *be128ColumnIndexer) IndexPage(numValues, numNulls int64, min, max Value) { + i.observe(numValues, numNulls) + if !min.IsNull() { + i.minValues = append(i.minValues, *(*[16]byte)(min.byteArray())) + } + if !max.IsNull() { + i.maxValues = append(i.maxValues, *(*[16]byte)(max.byteArray())) + } +} + +func (i *be128ColumnIndexer) ColumnIndex() format.ColumnIndex { + minValues := splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.minValues), 16) + maxValues := splitFixedLenByteArrays(unsafecast.Slice[byte](i.maxValues), 16) + return i.columnIndex( + minValues, + maxValues, + orderOfBytes(minValues), + orderOfBytes(maxValues), + ) +} + +func truncateLargeMinByteArrayValue(value []byte, sizeLimit int) []byte { + if len(value) > sizeLimit { + value = value[:sizeLimit] + } + return value +} + +// truncateLargeMaxByteArrayValue truncates the given byte array to the given size limit. +// If the given byte array is truncated, it is incremented by 1 in place. +func truncateLargeMaxByteArrayValue(value []byte, sizeLimit int) []byte { + if len(value) > sizeLimit { + value = value[:sizeLimit] + incrementByteArrayInplace(value) + } + return value +} + +// incrementByteArray increments the given byte array by 1. +// Reference: https://github.com/apache/parquet-java/blob/master/parquet-column/src/main/java/org/apache/parquet/internal/column/columnindex/BinaryTruncator.java#L124 +func incrementByteArrayInplace(value []byte) { + for i := len(value) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + value[i]++ + if value[i] != 0 { // Did not overflow: 0xFF -> 0x00 + return + } + } + // Fully overflowed, so restore all to 0xFF + for i := range value { + value[i] = 0xFF + } +} + +func splitByteArrays(data []byte) [][]byte { + length := 0 + plain.RangeByteArray(data, func([]byte) error { + length++ + return nil + }) + buffer := make([]byte, 0, len(data)-(4*length)) + values := make([][]byte, 0, length) + plain.RangeByteArray(data, func(value []byte) error { + offset := len(buffer) + buffer = append(buffer, value...) + values = append(values, buffer[offset:]) + return nil + }) + return values +} + +func splitFixedLenByteArrays(data []byte, size int) [][]byte { + data = copyBytes(data) + values := make([][]byte, len(data)/size) + for i := range values { + j := (i + 0) * size + k := (i + 1) * size + values[i] = data[j:k:k] + } + return values +} + +func boundaryOrderOf(minOrder, maxOrder int) format.BoundaryOrder { + if minOrder == maxOrder { + switch { + case minOrder > 0: + return format.Ascending + case minOrder < 0: + return format.Descending + } + } + return format.Unordered +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_mapping.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_mapping.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a9345adb151bd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_mapping.go @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +package parquet + +// LeafColumn is a struct type representing leaf columns of a parquet schema. +type LeafColumn struct { + Node Node + Path []string + ColumnIndex int + MaxRepetitionLevel int + MaxDefinitionLevel int +} + +func columnMappingOf(schema Node) (mapping columnMappingGroup, columns [][]string) { + mapping = make(columnMappingGroup) + columns = make([][]string, 0, 16) + + forEachLeafColumnOf(schema, func(leaf leafColumn) { + path := make(columnPath, len(leaf.path)) + copy(path, leaf.path) + columns = append(columns, path) + + group := mapping + for len(path) > 1 { + columnName := path[0] + g, ok := group[columnName].(columnMappingGroup) + if !ok { + g = make(columnMappingGroup) + group[columnName] = g + } + group, path = g, path[1:] + } + + leaf.path = path // use the copy + group[path[0]] = &columnMappingLeaf{column: leaf} + }) + + return mapping, columns +} + +type columnMapping interface { + lookup(path columnPath) leafColumn +} + +type columnMappingGroup map[string]columnMapping + +func (group columnMappingGroup) lookup(path columnPath) leafColumn { + if len(path) > 0 { + c, ok := group[path[0]] + if ok { + return c.lookup(path[1:]) + } + } + return leafColumn{columnIndex: -1} +} + +func (group columnMappingGroup) lookupClosest(path columnPath) leafColumn { + for len(path) > 0 { + g, ok := group[path[0]].(columnMappingGroup) + if ok { + group, path = g, path[1:] + } else { + firstName := "" + firstLeaf := (*columnMappingLeaf)(nil) + for name, child := range group { + if leaf, ok := child.(*columnMappingLeaf); ok { + if firstLeaf == nil || name < firstName { + firstName, firstLeaf = name, leaf + } + } + } + if firstLeaf != nil { + return firstLeaf.column + } + break + } + } + return leafColumn{columnIndex: -1} +} + +type columnMappingLeaf struct { + column leafColumn +} + +func (leaf *columnMappingLeaf) lookup(path columnPath) leafColumn { + if len(path) == 0 { + return leaf.column + } + return leafColumn{columnIndex: -1} +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_path.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_path.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c6e104a4dfebf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/column_path.go @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "strings" +) + +type columnPath []string + +func (path columnPath) append(names ...string) columnPath { + return append(path[:len(path):len(path)], names...) +} + +func (path columnPath) equal(other columnPath) bool { + return stringsAreEqual(path, other) +} + +func (path columnPath) less(other columnPath) bool { + return stringsAreOrdered(path, other) +} + +func (path columnPath) String() string { + return strings.Join(path, ".") +} + +func stringsAreEqual(strings1, strings2 []string) bool { + if len(strings1) != len(strings2) { + return false + } + + for i := range strings1 { + if strings1[i] != strings2[i] { + return false + } + } + + return true +} + +func stringsAreOrdered(strings1, strings2 []string) bool { + n := len(strings1) + + if n > len(strings2) { + n = len(strings2) + } + + for i := 0; i < n; i++ { + if strings1[i] >= strings2[i] { + return false + } + } + + return len(strings1) <= len(strings2) +} + +type leafColumn struct { + node Node + path columnPath + maxRepetitionLevel byte + maxDefinitionLevel byte + columnIndex int16 +} + +func forEachLeafColumnOf(node Node, do func(leafColumn)) { + forEachLeafColumn(node, nil, 0, 0, 0, do) +} + +func forEachLeafColumn(node Node, path columnPath, columnIndex, maxRepetitionLevel, maxDefinitionLevel int, do func(leafColumn)) int { + switch { + case node.Optional(): + maxDefinitionLevel++ + case node.Repeated(): + maxRepetitionLevel++ + maxDefinitionLevel++ + } + + if node.Leaf() { + do(leafColumn{ + node: node, + path: path, + maxRepetitionLevel: makeRepetitionLevel(maxRepetitionLevel), + maxDefinitionLevel: makeDefinitionLevel(maxDefinitionLevel), + columnIndex: makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), + }) + return columnIndex + 1 + } + + for _, field := range node.Fields() { + columnIndex = forEachLeafColumn( + field, + path.append(field.Name()), + columnIndex, + maxRepetitionLevel, + maxDefinitionLevel, + do, + ) + } + + return columnIndex +} + +func lookupColumnPath(node Node, path columnPath) Node { + for node != nil && len(path) > 0 { + node = fieldByName(node, path[0]) + path = path[1:] + } + return node +} + +func hasColumnPath(node Node, path columnPath) bool { + return lookupColumnPath(node, path) != nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compare.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compare.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b503eab805bb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compare.go @@ -0,0 +1,351 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "sync" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" +) + +// CompareDescending constructs a comparison function which inverses the order +// of values. +// +//go:noinline +func CompareDescending(cmp func(Value, Value) int) func(Value, Value) int { + return func(a, b Value) int { return -cmp(a, b) } +} + +// CompareNullsFirst constructs a comparison function which assumes that null +// values are smaller than all other values. +// +//go:noinline +func CompareNullsFirst(cmp func(Value, Value) int) func(Value, Value) int { + return func(a, b Value) int { + switch { + case a.IsNull(): + if b.IsNull() { + return 0 + } + return -1 + case b.IsNull(): + return +1 + default: + return cmp(a, b) + } + } +} + +// CompareNullsLast constructs a comparison function which assumes that null +// values are greater than all other values. +// +//go:noinline +func CompareNullsLast(cmp func(Value, Value) int) func(Value, Value) int { + return func(a, b Value) int { + switch { + case a.IsNull(): + if b.IsNull() { + return 0 + } + return +1 + case b.IsNull(): + return -1 + default: + return cmp(a, b) + } + } +} + +func compareBool(v1, v2 bool) int { + switch { + case !v1 && v2: + return -1 + case v1 && !v2: + return +1 + default: + return 0 + } +} + +func compareInt32(v1, v2 int32) int { + switch { + case v1 < v2: + return -1 + case v1 > v2: + return +1 + default: + return 0 + } +} + +func compareInt64(v1, v2 int64) int { + switch { + case v1 < v2: + return -1 + case v1 > v2: + return +1 + default: + return 0 + } +} + +func compareInt96(v1, v2 deprecated.Int96) int { + switch { + case v1.Less(v2): + return -1 + case v2.Less(v1): + return +1 + default: + return 0 + } +} + +func compareFloat32(v1, v2 float32) int { + switch { + case v1 < v2: + return -1 + case v1 > v2: + return +1 + default: + return 0 + } +} + +func compareFloat64(v1, v2 float64) int { + switch { + case v1 < v2: + return -1 + case v1 > v2: + return +1 + default: + return 0 + } +} + +func compareUint32(v1, v2 uint32) int { + switch { + case v1 < v2: + return -1 + case v1 > v2: + return +1 + default: + return 0 + } +} + +func compareUint64(v1, v2 uint64) int { + switch { + case v1 < v2: + return -1 + case v1 > v2: + return +1 + default: + return 0 + } +} + +func compareBE128(v1, v2 *[16]byte) int { + x := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(v1[:8]) + y := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(v2[:8]) + switch { + case x < y: + return -1 + case x > y: + return +1 + } + x = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(v1[8:]) + y = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(v2[8:]) + switch { + case x < y: + return -1 + case x > y: + return +1 + default: + return 0 + } +} + +func lessBE128(v1, v2 *[16]byte) bool { + x := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(v1[:8]) + y := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(v2[:8]) + switch { + case x < y: + return true + case x > y: + return false + } + x = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(v1[8:]) + y = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(v2[8:]) + return x < y +} + +func compareRowsFuncOf(schema *Schema, sortingColumns []SortingColumn) func(Row, Row) int { + leafColumns := make([]leafColumn, len(sortingColumns)) + canCompareRows := true + + forEachLeafColumnOf(schema, func(leaf leafColumn) { + if leaf.maxRepetitionLevel > 0 { + canCompareRows = false + } + + if sortingIndex := searchSortingColumn(sortingColumns, leaf.path); sortingIndex < len(sortingColumns) { + leafColumns[sortingIndex] = leaf + + if leaf.maxDefinitionLevel > 0 { + canCompareRows = false + } + } + }) + + // This is an optimization for the common case where rows + // are sorted by non-optional, non-repeated columns. + // + // The sort function can make the assumption that it will + // find the column value at the current column index, and + // does not need to scan the rows looking for values with + // a matching column index. + if canCompareRows { + return compareRowsFuncOfColumnIndexes(leafColumns, sortingColumns) + } + + return compareRowsFuncOfColumnValues(leafColumns, sortingColumns) +} + +func compareRowsUnordered(Row, Row) int { return 0 } + +//go:noinline +func compareRowsFuncOfIndexColumns(compareFuncs []func(Row, Row) int) func(Row, Row) int { + return func(row1, row2 Row) int { + for _, compare := range compareFuncs { + if cmp := compare(row1, row2); cmp != 0 { + return cmp + } + } + return 0 + } +} + +//go:noinline +func compareRowsFuncOfIndexAscending(columnIndex int16, typ Type) func(Row, Row) int { + return func(row1, row2 Row) int { return typ.Compare(row1[columnIndex], row2[columnIndex]) } +} + +//go:noinline +func compareRowsFuncOfIndexDescending(columnIndex int16, typ Type) func(Row, Row) int { + return func(row1, row2 Row) int { return -typ.Compare(row1[columnIndex], row2[columnIndex]) } +} + +//go:noinline +func compareRowsFuncOfColumnIndexes(leafColumns []leafColumn, sortingColumns []SortingColumn) func(Row, Row) int { + compareFuncs := make([]func(Row, Row) int, len(sortingColumns)) + + for sortingIndex, sortingColumn := range sortingColumns { + leaf := leafColumns[sortingIndex] + typ := leaf.node.Type() + + if sortingColumn.Descending() { + compareFuncs[sortingIndex] = compareRowsFuncOfIndexDescending(leaf.columnIndex, typ) + } else { + compareFuncs[sortingIndex] = compareRowsFuncOfIndexAscending(leaf.columnIndex, typ) + } + } + + switch len(compareFuncs) { + case 0: + return compareRowsUnordered + case 1: + return compareFuncs[0] + default: + return compareRowsFuncOfIndexColumns(compareFuncs) + } +} + +var columnPool = &sync.Pool{New: func() any { return make([][2]int32, 0, 128) }} + +//go:noinline +func compareRowsFuncOfColumnValues(leafColumns []leafColumn, sortingColumns []SortingColumn) func(Row, Row) int { + highestColumnIndex := int16(0) + columnIndexes := make([]int16, len(sortingColumns)) + compareFuncs := make([]func(Value, Value) int, len(sortingColumns)) + + for sortingIndex, sortingColumn := range sortingColumns { + leaf := leafColumns[sortingIndex] + compare := leaf.node.Type().Compare + + if sortingColumn.Descending() { + compare = CompareDescending(compare) + } + + if leaf.maxDefinitionLevel > 0 { + if sortingColumn.NullsFirst() { + compare = CompareNullsFirst(compare) + } else { + compare = CompareNullsLast(compare) + } + } + + columnIndexes[sortingIndex] = leaf.columnIndex + compareFuncs[sortingIndex] = compare + + if leaf.columnIndex > highestColumnIndex { + highestColumnIndex = leaf.columnIndex + } + } + + return func(row1, row2 Row) int { + columns1 := columnPool.Get().([][2]int32) + columns2 := columnPool.Get().([][2]int32) + defer func() { + columns1 = columns1[:0] + columns2 = columns2[:0] + columnPool.Put(columns1) + columnPool.Put(columns2) + }() + + i1 := 0 + i2 := 0 + + for columnIndex := int16(0); columnIndex <= highestColumnIndex; columnIndex++ { + j1 := i1 + 1 + j2 := i2 + 1 + + for j1 < len(row1) && row1[j1].columnIndex == ^columnIndex { + j1++ + } + + for j2 < len(row2) && row2[j2].columnIndex == ^columnIndex { + j2++ + } + + columns1 = append(columns1, [2]int32{int32(i1), int32(j1)}) + columns2 = append(columns2, [2]int32{int32(i2), int32(j2)}) + i1 = j1 + i2 = j2 + } + + for i, compare := range compareFuncs { + columnIndex := columnIndexes[i] + offsets1 := columns1[columnIndex] + offsets2 := columns2[columnIndex] + values1 := row1[offsets1[0]:offsets1[1]:offsets1[1]] + values2 := row2[offsets2[0]:offsets2[1]:offsets2[1]] + i1 := 0 + i2 := 0 + + for i1 < len(values1) && i2 < len(values2) { + if cmp := compare(values1[i1], values2[i2]); cmp != 0 { + return cmp + } + i1++ + i2++ + } + + if i1 < len(values1) { + return +1 + } + if i2 < len(values2) { + return -1 + } + } + return 0 + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c2b2eb130fb7b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress.go @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "fmt" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/brotli" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/gzip" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/lz4" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/snappy" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/uncompressed" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/zstd" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +var ( + // Uncompressed is a parquet compression codec representing uncompressed + // pages. + Uncompressed uncompressed.Codec + + // Snappy is the SNAPPY parquet compression codec. + Snappy snappy.Codec + + // Gzip is the GZIP parquet compression codec. + Gzip = gzip.Codec{ + Level: gzip.DefaultCompression, + } + + // Brotli is the BROTLI parquet compression codec. + Brotli = brotli.Codec{ + Quality: brotli.DefaultQuality, + LGWin: brotli.DefaultLGWin, + } + + // Zstd is the ZSTD parquet compression codec. + Zstd = zstd.Codec{ + Level: zstd.DefaultLevel, + } + + // Lz4Raw is the LZ4_RAW parquet compression codec. + Lz4Raw = lz4.Codec{ + Level: lz4.DefaultLevel, + } + + // Table of compression codecs indexed by their code in the parquet format. + compressionCodecs = [...]compress.Codec{ + format.Uncompressed: &Uncompressed, + format.Snappy: &Snappy, + format.Gzip: &Gzip, + format.Brotli: &Brotli, + format.Zstd: &Zstd, + format.Lz4Raw: &Lz4Raw, + } +) + +// LookupCompressionCodec returns the compression codec associated with the +// given code. +// +// The function never returns nil. If the encoding is not supported, +// an "unsupported" codec is returned. +func LookupCompressionCodec(codec format.CompressionCodec) compress.Codec { + if codec >= 0 && int(codec) < len(compressionCodecs) { + if c := compressionCodecs[codec]; c != nil { + return c + } + } + return &unsupported{codec} +} + +type unsupported struct { + codec format.CompressionCodec +} + +func (u *unsupported) String() string { + return "UNSUPPORTED" +} + +func (u *unsupported) CompressionCodec() format.CompressionCodec { + return u.codec +} + +func (u *unsupported) Encode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return dst[:0], u.error() +} + +func (u *unsupported) Decode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return dst[:0], u.error() +} + +func (u *unsupported) error() error { + return fmt.Errorf("unsupported compression codec: %s", u.codec) +} + +func isCompressed(c compress.Codec) bool { + return c != nil && c.CompressionCodec() != format.Uncompressed +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/brotli/brotli.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/brotli/brotli.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..db7c0bfdf2b4b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/brotli/brotli.go @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +// Package brotli implements the BROTLI parquet compression codec. +package brotli + +import ( + "io" + + "github.com/andybalholm/brotli" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +const ( + DefaultQuality = 0 + DefaultLGWin = 0 +) + +type Codec struct { + // Quality controls the compression-speed vs compression-density trade-offs. + // The higher the quality, the slower the compression. Range is 0 to 11. + Quality int + // LGWin is the base 2 logarithm of the sliding window size. + // Range is 10 to 24. 0 indicates automatic configuration based on Quality. + LGWin int + + r compress.Decompressor + w compress.Compressor +} + +func (c *Codec) String() string { + return "BROTLI" +} + +func (c *Codec) CompressionCodec() format.CompressionCodec { + return format.Brotli +} + +func (c *Codec) Encode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return c.w.Encode(dst, src, func(w io.Writer) (compress.Writer, error) { + return brotli.NewWriterOptions(w, brotli.WriterOptions{ + Quality: c.Quality, + LGWin: c.LGWin, + }), nil + }) +} + +func (c *Codec) Decode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return c.r.Decode(dst, src, func(r io.Reader) (compress.Reader, error) { + return reader{brotli.NewReader(r)}, nil + }) +} + +type reader struct{ *brotli.Reader } + +func (reader) Close() error { return nil } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/compress.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/compress.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5cfac8bfb2093 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/compress.go @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +// Package compress provides the generic APIs implemented by parquet compression +// codecs. +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/Compression.md +package compress + +import ( + "bytes" + "io" + "sync" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +// The Codec interface represents parquet compression codecs implemented by the +// compress sub-packages. +// +// Codec instances must be safe to use concurrently from multiple goroutines. +type Codec interface { + // Returns a human-readable name for the codec. + String() string + + // Returns the code of the compression codec in the parquet format. + CompressionCodec() format.CompressionCodec + + // Writes the compressed version of src to dst and returns it. + // + // The method automatically reallocates the output buffer if its capacity + // was too small to hold the compressed data. + Encode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) + + // Writes the uncompressed version of src to dst and returns it. + // + // The method automatically reallocates the output buffer if its capacity + // was too small to hold the uncompressed data. + Decode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) +} + +type Reader interface { + io.ReadCloser + Reset(io.Reader) error +} + +type Writer interface { + io.WriteCloser + Reset(io.Writer) +} + +type Compressor struct { + writers sync.Pool // *writer +} + +type writer struct { + output bytes.Buffer + writer Writer +} + +func (c *Compressor) Encode(dst, src []byte, newWriter func(io.Writer) (Writer, error)) ([]byte, error) { + w, _ := c.writers.Get().(*writer) + if w != nil { + w.output = *bytes.NewBuffer(dst[:0]) + w.writer.Reset(&w.output) + } else { + w = new(writer) + w.output = *bytes.NewBuffer(dst[:0]) + var err error + if w.writer, err = newWriter(&w.output); err != nil { + return dst, err + } + } + + defer func() { + w.output = *bytes.NewBuffer(nil) + w.writer.Reset(io.Discard) + c.writers.Put(w) + }() + + if _, err := w.writer.Write(src); err != nil { + return w.output.Bytes(), err + } + if err := w.writer.Close(); err != nil { + return w.output.Bytes(), err + } + return w.output.Bytes(), nil +} + +type Decompressor struct { + readers sync.Pool // *reader +} + +type reader struct { + input bytes.Reader + reader Reader +} + +func (d *Decompressor) Decode(dst, src []byte, newReader func(io.Reader) (Reader, error)) ([]byte, error) { + r, _ := d.readers.Get().(*reader) + if r != nil { + r.input.Reset(src) + if err := r.reader.Reset(&r.input); err != nil { + return dst, err + } + } else { + r = new(reader) + r.input.Reset(src) + var err error + if r.reader, err = newReader(&r.input); err != nil { + return dst, err + } + } + + defer func() { + r.input.Reset(nil) + if err := r.reader.Reset(nil); err == nil { + d.readers.Put(r) + } + }() + + if cap(dst) == 0 { + dst = make([]byte, 0, 2*len(src)) + } else { + dst = dst[:0] + } + + for { + n, err := r.reader.Read(dst[len(dst):cap(dst)]) + dst = dst[:len(dst)+n] + + if err != nil { + if err == io.EOF { + err = nil + } + return dst, err + } + + if len(dst) == cap(dst) { + tmp := make([]byte, len(dst), 2*len(dst)) + copy(tmp, dst) + dst = tmp + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/gzip/gzip.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/gzip/gzip.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..99780a95097ba --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/gzip/gzip.go @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// Package gzip implements the GZIP parquet compression codec. +package gzip + +import ( + "io" + "strings" + + "github.com/klauspost/compress/gzip" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +const ( + emptyGzip = "\x1f\x8b\b\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\xff\x01\x00\x00\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" +) + +const ( + NoCompression = gzip.NoCompression + BestSpeed = gzip.BestSpeed + BestCompression = gzip.BestCompression + DefaultCompression = gzip.DefaultCompression + HuffmanOnly = gzip.HuffmanOnly +) + +type Codec struct { + Level int + + r compress.Decompressor + w compress.Compressor +} + +func (c *Codec) String() string { + return "GZIP" +} + +func (c *Codec) CompressionCodec() format.CompressionCodec { + return format.Gzip +} + +func (c *Codec) Encode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return c.w.Encode(dst, src, func(w io.Writer) (compress.Writer, error) { + return gzip.NewWriterLevel(w, c.Level) + }) +} + +func (c *Codec) Decode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return c.r.Decode(dst, src, func(r io.Reader) (compress.Reader, error) { + z, err := gzip.NewReader(r) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return &reader{Reader: z}, nil + }) +} + +type reader struct { + *gzip.Reader + emptyGzip strings.Reader +} + +func (r *reader) Reset(rr io.Reader) error { + if rr == nil { + r.emptyGzip.Reset(emptyGzip) + rr = &r.emptyGzip + } + return r.Reader.Reset(rr) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/lz4/lz4.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/lz4/lz4.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..975cfed8cca34 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/lz4/lz4.go @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +// Package lz4 implements the LZ4_RAW parquet compression codec. +package lz4 + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" + "github.com/pierrec/lz4/v4" +) + +type Level = lz4.CompressionLevel + +const ( + Fastest = lz4.CompressionLevel(99) + Fast = lz4.Fast + Level1 = lz4.Level1 + Level2 = lz4.Level2 + Level3 = lz4.Level3 + Level4 = lz4.Level4 + Level5 = lz4.Level5 + Level6 = lz4.Level6 + Level7 = lz4.Level7 + Level8 = lz4.Level8 + Level9 = lz4.Level9 +) + +const ( + DefaultLevel = Fast +) + +type Codec struct { + Level Level +} + +func (c *Codec) String() string { + return "LZ4_RAW" +} + +func (c *Codec) CompressionCodec() format.CompressionCodec { + return format.Lz4Raw +} + +func (c *Codec) Encode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + dst = reserveAtLeast(dst, lz4.CompressBlockBound(len(src))) + + var ( + n int + err error + ) + if c.Level == Fastest { + compressor := lz4.Compressor{} + n, err = compressor.CompressBlock(src, dst) + } else { + compressor := lz4.CompressorHC{Level: c.Level} + n, err = compressor.CompressBlock(src, dst) + } + return dst[:n], err +} + +func (c *Codec) Decode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + // 3x seems like a common compression ratio, so we optimistically size the + // output buffer to that size. Feel free to change the value if you observe + // different behaviors. + dst = reserveAtLeast(dst, 3*len(src)) + + for { + n, err := lz4.UncompressBlock(src, dst) + // The lz4 package does not expose the error values, they are declared + // in internal/lz4errors. Based on what I read of the implementation, + // the only condition where this function errors is if the output buffer + // was too short. + // + // https://github.com/pierrec/lz4/blob/a5532e5996ee86d17f8ce2694c08fb5bf3c6b471/internal/lz4block/block.go#L45-L53 + if err != nil { + dst = make([]byte, 2*len(dst)) + } else { + return dst[:n], nil + } + } +} + +func reserveAtLeast(b []byte, n int) []byte { + if cap(b) < n { + b = make([]byte, n) + } else { + b = b[:cap(b)] + } + return b +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/snappy/snappy.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/snappy/snappy.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..eb3febda42c03 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/snappy/snappy.go @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +// Package snappy implements the SNAPPY parquet compression codec. +package snappy + +import ( + "github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +type Codec struct { +} + +// The snappy.Reader and snappy.Writer implement snappy encoding/decoding with +// a framing protocol, but snappy requires the implementation to use the raw +// snappy block encoding. This is why we need to use snappy.Encode/snappy.Decode +// and have to ship custom implementations of the compressed reader and writer. + +func (c *Codec) String() string { + return "SNAPPY" +} + +func (c *Codec) CompressionCodec() format.CompressionCodec { + return format.Snappy +} + +func (c *Codec) Encode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return snappy.Encode(dst, src), nil +} + +func (c *Codec) Decode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return snappy.Decode(dst, src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/uncompressed/uncompressed.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/uncompressed/uncompressed.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..2aa0b3538f53a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/uncompressed/uncompressed.go @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +// Package uncompressed provides implementations of the compression codec +// interfaces as pass-through without applying any compression nor +// decompression. +package uncompressed + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +type Codec struct { +} + +func (c *Codec) String() string { + return "UNCOMPRESSED" +} + +func (c *Codec) CompressionCodec() format.CompressionCodec { + return format.Uncompressed +} + +func (c *Codec) Encode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return append(dst[:0], src...), nil +} + +func (c *Codec) Decode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return append(dst[:0], src...), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/zstd/zstd.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/zstd/zstd.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4c2a4e3eaec69 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/zstd/zstd.go @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +// Package zstd implements the ZSTD parquet compression codec. +package zstd + +import ( + "sync" + + "github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +type Level = zstd.EncoderLevel + +const ( + // SpeedFastest will choose the fastest reasonable compression. + // This is roughly equivalent to the fastest Zstandard mode. + SpeedFastest = zstd.SpeedFastest + + // SpeedDefault is the default "pretty fast" compression option. + // This is roughly equivalent to the default Zstandard mode (level 3). + SpeedDefault = zstd.SpeedDefault + + // SpeedBetterCompression will yield better compression than the default. + // Currently it is about zstd level 7-8 with ~ 2x-3x the default CPU usage. + // By using this, notice that CPU usage may go up in the future. + SpeedBetterCompression = zstd.SpeedBetterCompression + + // SpeedBestCompression will choose the best available compression option. + // This will offer the best compression no matter the CPU cost. + SpeedBestCompression = zstd.SpeedBestCompression +) + +const ( + DefaultLevel = SpeedDefault + + DefaultConcurrency = 1 +) + +type Codec struct { + Level Level + + // Concurrency is the number of CPU cores to use for encoding and decoding. + // If Concurrency is 0, it will use DefaultConcurrency. + Concurrency uint + + encoders sync.Pool // *zstd.Encoder + decoders sync.Pool // *zstd.Decoder +} + +func (c *Codec) String() string { + return "ZSTD" +} + +func (c *Codec) CompressionCodec() format.CompressionCodec { + return format.Zstd +} + +func (c *Codec) Encode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + e, _ := c.encoders.Get().(*zstd.Encoder) + if e == nil { + var err error + e, err = zstd.NewWriter(nil, + zstd.WithEncoderConcurrency(c.concurrency()), + zstd.WithEncoderLevel(c.level()), + zstd.WithZeroFrames(true), + zstd.WithEncoderCRC(false), + ) + if err != nil { + return dst[:0], err + } + } + defer c.encoders.Put(e) + return e.EncodeAll(src, dst[:0]), nil +} + +func (c *Codec) Decode(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + d, _ := c.decoders.Get().(*zstd.Decoder) + if d == nil { + var err error + d, err = zstd.NewReader(nil, + zstd.WithDecoderConcurrency(c.concurrency()), + ) + if err != nil { + return dst[:0], err + } + } + defer c.decoders.Put(d) + return d.DecodeAll(src, dst[:0]) +} + +func (c *Codec) level() Level { + if c.Level != 0 { + return c.Level + } + return DefaultLevel +} + +func (c *Codec) concurrency() int { + if c.Concurrency != 0 { + return int(c.Concurrency) + } + return DefaultConcurrency +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/config.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/config.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..63922d8e3e831 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/config.go @@ -0,0 +1,856 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "fmt" + "math" + "runtime/debug" + "strings" + "sync" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress" +) + +// ReadMode is an enum that is used to configure the way that a File reads pages. +type ReadMode int + +const ( + ReadModeSync ReadMode = iota // ReadModeSync reads pages synchronously on demand (Default). + ReadModeAsync // ReadModeAsync reads pages asynchronously in the background. +) + +const ( + DefaultColumnIndexSizeLimit = 16 + DefaultColumnBufferCapacity = 16 * 1024 + DefaultPageBufferSize = 256 * 1024 + DefaultWriteBufferSize = 32 * 1024 + DefaultDataPageVersion = 2 + DefaultDataPageStatistics = false + DefaultSkipPageIndex = false + DefaultSkipBloomFilters = false + DefaultMaxRowsPerRowGroup = math.MaxInt64 + DefaultReadMode = ReadModeSync +) + +const ( + parquetGoModulePath = "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go" +) + +var ( + defaultCreatedByInfo string + defaultCreatedByOnce sync.Once +) + +func defaultCreatedBy() string { + defaultCreatedByOnce.Do(func() { + createdBy := parquetGoModulePath + build, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo() + if ok { + for _, mod := range build.Deps { + if mod.Replace == nil && mod.Path == parquetGoModulePath { + semver, _, buildsha := parseModuleVersion(mod.Version) + createdBy = formatCreatedBy(createdBy, semver, buildsha) + break + } + } + } + defaultCreatedByInfo = createdBy + }) + return defaultCreatedByInfo +} + +func parseModuleVersion(version string) (semver, datetime, buildsha string) { + semver, version = splitModuleVersion(version) + datetime, version = splitModuleVersion(version) + buildsha, _ = splitModuleVersion(version) + semver = strings.TrimPrefix(semver, "v") + return +} + +func splitModuleVersion(s string) (head, tail string) { + if i := strings.IndexByte(s, '-'); i < 0 { + head = s + } else { + head, tail = s[:i], s[i+1:] + } + return +} + +func formatCreatedBy(application, version, build string) string { + return application + " version " + version + "(build " + build + ")" +} + +// The FileConfig type carries configuration options for parquet files. +// +// FileConfig implements the FileOption interface so it can be used directly +// as argument to the OpenFile function when needed, for example: +// +// f, err := parquet.OpenFile(reader, size, &parquet.FileConfig{ +// SkipPageIndex: true, +// SkipBloomFilters: true, +// ReadMode: ReadModeAsync, +// }) +type FileConfig struct { + SkipPageIndex bool + SkipBloomFilters bool + ReadBufferSize int + ReadMode ReadMode + Schema *Schema +} + +// DefaultFileConfig returns a new FileConfig value initialized with the +// default file configuration. +func DefaultFileConfig() *FileConfig { + return &FileConfig{ + SkipPageIndex: DefaultSkipPageIndex, + SkipBloomFilters: DefaultSkipBloomFilters, + ReadBufferSize: defaultReadBufferSize, + ReadMode: DefaultReadMode, + Schema: nil, + } +} + +// NewFileConfig constructs a new file configuration applying the options passed +// as arguments. +// +// The function returns an non-nil error if some of the options carried invalid +// configuration values. +func NewFileConfig(options ...FileOption) (*FileConfig, error) { + config := DefaultFileConfig() + config.Apply(options...) + return config, config.Validate() +} + +// Apply applies the given list of options to c. +func (c *FileConfig) Apply(options ...FileOption) { + for _, opt := range options { + opt.ConfigureFile(c) + } +} + +// ConfigureFile applies configuration options from c to config. +func (c *FileConfig) ConfigureFile(config *FileConfig) { + *config = FileConfig{ + SkipPageIndex: c.SkipPageIndex, + SkipBloomFilters: c.SkipBloomFilters, + ReadBufferSize: coalesceInt(c.ReadBufferSize, config.ReadBufferSize), + ReadMode: ReadMode(coalesceInt(int(c.ReadMode), int(config.ReadMode))), + Schema: coalesceSchema(c.Schema, config.Schema), + } +} + +// Validate returns a non-nil error if the configuration of c is invalid. +func (c *FileConfig) Validate() error { + return nil +} + +// The ReaderConfig type carries configuration options for parquet readers. +// +// ReaderConfig implements the ReaderOption interface so it can be used directly +// as argument to the NewReader function when needed, for example: +// +// reader := parquet.NewReader(output, schema, &parquet.ReaderConfig{ +// // ... +// }) +type ReaderConfig struct { + Schema *Schema +} + +// DefaultReaderConfig returns a new ReaderConfig value initialized with the +// default reader configuration. +func DefaultReaderConfig() *ReaderConfig { + return &ReaderConfig{} +} + +// NewReaderConfig constructs a new reader configuration applying the options +// passed as arguments. +// +// The function returns an non-nil error if some of the options carried invalid +// configuration values. +func NewReaderConfig(options ...ReaderOption) (*ReaderConfig, error) { + config := DefaultReaderConfig() + config.Apply(options...) + return config, config.Validate() +} + +// Apply applies the given list of options to c. +func (c *ReaderConfig) Apply(options ...ReaderOption) { + for _, opt := range options { + opt.ConfigureReader(c) + } +} + +// ConfigureReader applies configuration options from c to config. +func (c *ReaderConfig) ConfigureReader(config *ReaderConfig) { + *config = ReaderConfig{ + Schema: coalesceSchema(c.Schema, config.Schema), + } +} + +// Validate returns a non-nil error if the configuration of c is invalid. +func (c *ReaderConfig) Validate() error { + return nil +} + +// The WriterConfig type carries configuration options for parquet writers. +// +// WriterConfig implements the WriterOption interface so it can be used directly +// as argument to the NewWriter function when needed, for example: +// +// writer := parquet.NewWriter(output, schema, &parquet.WriterConfig{ +// CreatedBy: "my test program", +// }) +type WriterConfig struct { + CreatedBy string + ColumnPageBuffers BufferPool + ColumnIndexSizeLimit int + PageBufferSize int + WriteBufferSize int + DataPageVersion int + DataPageStatistics bool + MaxRowsPerRowGroup int64 + KeyValueMetadata map[string]string + Schema *Schema + BloomFilters []BloomFilterColumn + Compression compress.Codec + Sorting SortingConfig + SkipPageBounds [][]string +} + +// DefaultWriterConfig returns a new WriterConfig value initialized with the +// default writer configuration. +func DefaultWriterConfig() *WriterConfig { + return &WriterConfig{ + CreatedBy: defaultCreatedBy(), + ColumnPageBuffers: &defaultColumnBufferPool, + ColumnIndexSizeLimit: DefaultColumnIndexSizeLimit, + PageBufferSize: DefaultPageBufferSize, + WriteBufferSize: DefaultWriteBufferSize, + DataPageVersion: DefaultDataPageVersion, + DataPageStatistics: DefaultDataPageStatistics, + MaxRowsPerRowGroup: DefaultMaxRowsPerRowGroup, + Sorting: SortingConfig{ + SortingBuffers: &defaultSortingBufferPool, + }, + } +} + +// NewWriterConfig constructs a new writer configuration applying the options +// passed as arguments. +// +// The function returns an non-nil error if some of the options carried invalid +// configuration values. +func NewWriterConfig(options ...WriterOption) (*WriterConfig, error) { + config := DefaultWriterConfig() + config.Apply(options...) + return config, config.Validate() +} + +// Apply applies the given list of options to c. +func (c *WriterConfig) Apply(options ...WriterOption) { + for _, opt := range options { + opt.ConfigureWriter(c) + } +} + +// ConfigureWriter applies configuration options from c to config. +func (c *WriterConfig) ConfigureWriter(config *WriterConfig) { + keyValueMetadata := config.KeyValueMetadata + if len(c.KeyValueMetadata) > 0 { + if keyValueMetadata == nil { + keyValueMetadata = make(map[string]string, len(c.KeyValueMetadata)) + } + for k, v := range c.KeyValueMetadata { + keyValueMetadata[k] = v + } + } + + *config = WriterConfig{ + CreatedBy: coalesceString(c.CreatedBy, config.CreatedBy), + ColumnPageBuffers: coalesceBufferPool(c.ColumnPageBuffers, config.ColumnPageBuffers), + ColumnIndexSizeLimit: coalesceInt(c.ColumnIndexSizeLimit, config.ColumnIndexSizeLimit), + PageBufferSize: coalesceInt(c.PageBufferSize, config.PageBufferSize), + WriteBufferSize: coalesceInt(c.WriteBufferSize, config.WriteBufferSize), + DataPageVersion: coalesceInt(c.DataPageVersion, config.DataPageVersion), + DataPageStatistics: coalesceBool(c.DataPageStatistics, config.DataPageStatistics), + MaxRowsPerRowGroup: coalesceInt64(c.MaxRowsPerRowGroup, config.MaxRowsPerRowGroup), + KeyValueMetadata: keyValueMetadata, + Schema: coalesceSchema(c.Schema, config.Schema), + BloomFilters: coalesceBloomFilters(c.BloomFilters, config.BloomFilters), + Compression: coalesceCompression(c.Compression, config.Compression), + Sorting: coalesceSortingConfig(c.Sorting, config.Sorting), + } +} + +// Validate returns a non-nil error if the configuration of c is invalid. +func (c *WriterConfig) Validate() error { + const baseName = "parquet.(*WriterConfig)." + return errorInvalidConfiguration( + validateNotNil(baseName+"ColumnPageBuffers", c.ColumnPageBuffers), + validatePositiveInt(baseName+"ColumnIndexSizeLimit", c.ColumnIndexSizeLimit), + validatePositiveInt(baseName+"PageBufferSize", c.PageBufferSize), + validateOneOfInt(baseName+"DataPageVersion", c.DataPageVersion, 1, 2), + c.Sorting.Validate(), + ) +} + +// The RowGroupConfig type carries configuration options for parquet row groups. +// +// RowGroupConfig implements the RowGroupOption interface so it can be used +// directly as argument to the NewBuffer function when needed, for example: +// +// buffer := parquet.NewBuffer(&parquet.RowGroupConfig{ +// ColumnBufferCapacity: 10_000, +// }) +type RowGroupConfig struct { + ColumnBufferCapacity int + Schema *Schema + Sorting SortingConfig +} + +// DefaultRowGroupConfig returns a new RowGroupConfig value initialized with the +// default row group configuration. +func DefaultRowGroupConfig() *RowGroupConfig { + return &RowGroupConfig{ + ColumnBufferCapacity: DefaultColumnBufferCapacity, + Sorting: SortingConfig{ + SortingBuffers: &defaultSortingBufferPool, + }, + } +} + +// NewRowGroupConfig constructs a new row group configuration applying the +// options passed as arguments. +// +// The function returns an non-nil error if some of the options carried invalid +// configuration values. +func NewRowGroupConfig(options ...RowGroupOption) (*RowGroupConfig, error) { + config := DefaultRowGroupConfig() + config.Apply(options...) + return config, config.Validate() +} + +// Validate returns a non-nil error if the configuration of c is invalid. +func (c *RowGroupConfig) Validate() error { + const baseName = "parquet.(*RowGroupConfig)." + return errorInvalidConfiguration( + validatePositiveInt(baseName+"ColumnBufferCapacity", c.ColumnBufferCapacity), + c.Sorting.Validate(), + ) +} + +func (c *RowGroupConfig) Apply(options ...RowGroupOption) { + for _, opt := range options { + opt.ConfigureRowGroup(c) + } +} + +func (c *RowGroupConfig) ConfigureRowGroup(config *RowGroupConfig) { + *config = RowGroupConfig{ + ColumnBufferCapacity: coalesceInt(c.ColumnBufferCapacity, config.ColumnBufferCapacity), + Schema: coalesceSchema(c.Schema, config.Schema), + Sorting: coalesceSortingConfig(c.Sorting, config.Sorting), + } +} + +// The SortingConfig type carries configuration options for parquet row groups. +// +// SortingConfig implements the SortingOption interface so it can be used +// directly as argument to the NewSortingWriter function when needed, +// for example: +// +// buffer := parquet.NewSortingWriter[Row]( +// parquet.SortingWriterConfig( +// parquet.DropDuplicatedRows(true), +// ), +// }) +type SortingConfig struct { + SortingBuffers BufferPool + SortingColumns []SortingColumn + DropDuplicatedRows bool +} + +// DefaultSortingConfig returns a new SortingConfig value initialized with the +// default row group configuration. +func DefaultSortingConfig() *SortingConfig { + return &SortingConfig{ + SortingBuffers: &defaultSortingBufferPool, + } +} + +// NewSortingConfig constructs a new sorting configuration applying the +// options passed as arguments. +// +// The function returns an non-nil error if some of the options carried invalid +// configuration values. +func NewSortingConfig(options ...SortingOption) (*SortingConfig, error) { + config := DefaultSortingConfig() + config.Apply(options...) + return config, config.Validate() +} + +func (c *SortingConfig) Validate() error { + const baseName = "parquet.(*SortingConfig)." + return errorInvalidConfiguration( + validateNotNil(baseName+"SortingBuffers", c.SortingBuffers), + ) +} + +func (c *SortingConfig) Apply(options ...SortingOption) { + for _, opt := range options { + opt.ConfigureSorting(c) + } +} + +func (c *SortingConfig) ConfigureSorting(config *SortingConfig) { + *config = coalesceSortingConfig(*c, *config) +} + +// FileOption is an interface implemented by types that carry configuration +// options for parquet files. +type FileOption interface { + ConfigureFile(*FileConfig) +} + +// ReaderOption is an interface implemented by types that carry configuration +// options for parquet readers. +type ReaderOption interface { + ConfigureReader(*ReaderConfig) +} + +// WriterOption is an interface implemented by types that carry configuration +// options for parquet writers. +type WriterOption interface { + ConfigureWriter(*WriterConfig) +} + +// RowGroupOption is an interface implemented by types that carry configuration +// options for parquet row groups. +type RowGroupOption interface { + ConfigureRowGroup(*RowGroupConfig) +} + +// SortingOption is an interface implemented by types that carry configuration +// options for parquet sorting writers. +type SortingOption interface { + ConfigureSorting(*SortingConfig) +} + +// SkipPageIndex is a file configuration option which prevents automatically +// reading the page index when opening a parquet file, when set to true. This is +// useful as an optimization when programs know that they will not need to +// consume the page index. +// +// Defaults to false. +func SkipPageIndex(skip bool) FileOption { + return fileOption(func(config *FileConfig) { config.SkipPageIndex = skip }) +} + +// SkipBloomFilters is a file configuration option which prevents automatically +// reading the bloom filters when opening a parquet file, when set to true. +// This is useful as an optimization when programs know that they will not need +// to consume the bloom filters. +// +// Defaults to false. +func SkipBloomFilters(skip bool) FileOption { + return fileOption(func(config *FileConfig) { config.SkipBloomFilters = skip }) +} + +// FileReadMode is a file configuration option which controls the way pages +// are read. Currently the only two options are ReadModeAsync and ReadModeSync +// which control whether or not pages are loaded asynchronously. It can be +// advantageous to use ReadModeAsync if your reader is backed by network +// storage. +// +// Defaults to ReadModeSync. +func FileReadMode(mode ReadMode) FileOption { + return fileOption(func(config *FileConfig) { config.ReadMode = mode }) +} + +// ReadBufferSize is a file configuration option which controls the default +// buffer sizes for reads made to the provided io.Reader. The default of 4096 +// is appropriate for disk based access but if your reader is backed by network +// storage it can be advantageous to increase this value to something more like +// 4 MiB. +// +// Defaults to 4096. +func ReadBufferSize(size int) FileOption { + return fileOption(func(config *FileConfig) { config.ReadBufferSize = size }) +} + +// FileSchema is used to pass a known schema in while opening a Parquet file. +// This optimization is only useful if your application is currently opening +// an extremely large number of parquet files with the same, known schema. +// +// Defaults to nil. +func FileSchema(schema *Schema) FileOption { + return fileOption(func(config *FileConfig) { config.Schema = schema }) +} + +// PageBufferSize configures the size of column page buffers on parquet writers. +// +// Note that the page buffer size refers to the in-memory buffers where pages +// are generated, not the size of pages after encoding and compression. +// This design choice was made to help control the amount of memory needed to +// read and write pages rather than controlling the space used by the encoded +// representation on disk. +// +// Defaults to 256KiB. +func PageBufferSize(size int) WriterOption { + return writerOption(func(config *WriterConfig) { config.PageBufferSize = size }) +} + +// WriteBufferSize configures the size of the write buffer. +// +// Setting the writer buffer size to zero deactivates buffering, all writes are +// immediately sent to the output io.Writer. +// +// Defaults to 32KiB. +func WriteBufferSize(size int) WriterOption { + return writerOption(func(config *WriterConfig) { config.WriteBufferSize = size }) +} + +// MaxRowsPerRowGroup configures the maximum number of rows that a writer will +// produce in each row group. +// +// This limit is useful to control size of row groups in both number of rows and +// byte size. While controlling the byte size of a row group is difficult to +// achieve with parquet due to column encoding and compression, the number of +// rows remains a useful proxy. +// +// Defaults to unlimited. +func MaxRowsPerRowGroup(numRows int64) WriterOption { + if numRows <= 0 { + numRows = DefaultMaxRowsPerRowGroup + } + return writerOption(func(config *WriterConfig) { config.MaxRowsPerRowGroup = numRows }) +} + +// CreatedBy creates a configuration option which sets the name of the +// application that created a parquet file. +// +// The option formats the "CreatedBy" file metadata according to the convention +// described by the parquet spec: +// +// " version (build )" +// +// By default, the option is set to the parquet-go module name, version, and +// build hash. +func CreatedBy(application, version, build string) WriterOption { + createdBy := formatCreatedBy(application, version, build) + return writerOption(func(config *WriterConfig) { config.CreatedBy = createdBy }) +} + +// ColumnPageBuffers creates a configuration option to customize the buffer pool +// used when constructing row groups. This can be used to provide on-disk buffers +// as swap space to ensure that the parquet file creation will no be bottlenecked +// on the amount of memory available. +// +// Defaults to using in-memory buffers. +func ColumnPageBuffers(buffers BufferPool) WriterOption { + return writerOption(func(config *WriterConfig) { config.ColumnPageBuffers = buffers }) +} + +// ColumnIndexSizeLimit creates a configuration option to customize the size +// limit of page boundaries recorded in column indexes. +// +// Defaults to 16. +func ColumnIndexSizeLimit(sizeLimit int) WriterOption { + return writerOption(func(config *WriterConfig) { config.ColumnIndexSizeLimit = sizeLimit }) +} + +// DataPageVersion creates a configuration option which configures the version of +// data pages used when creating a parquet file. +// +// Defaults to version 2. +func DataPageVersion(version int) WriterOption { + return writerOption(func(config *WriterConfig) { config.DataPageVersion = version }) +} + +// DataPageStatistics creates a configuration option which defines whether data +// page statistics are emitted. This option is useful when generating parquet +// files that intend to be backward compatible with older readers which may not +// have the ability to load page statistics from the column index. +// +// Defaults to false. +func DataPageStatistics(enabled bool) WriterOption { + return writerOption(func(config *WriterConfig) { config.DataPageStatistics = enabled }) +} + +// KeyValueMetadata creates a configuration option which adds key/value metadata +// to add to the metadata of parquet files. +// +// This option is additive, it may be used multiple times to add more than one +// key/value pair. +// +// Keys are assumed to be unique, if the same key is repeated multiple times the +// last value is retained. While the parquet format does not require unique keys, +// this design decision was made to optimize for the most common use case where +// applications leverage this extension mechanism to associate single values to +// keys. This may create incompatibilities with other parquet libraries, or may +// cause some key/value pairs to be lost when open parquet files written with +// repeated keys. We can revisit this decision if it ever becomes a blocker. +func KeyValueMetadata(key, value string) WriterOption { + return writerOption(func(config *WriterConfig) { + if config.KeyValueMetadata == nil { + config.KeyValueMetadata = map[string]string{key: value} + } else { + config.KeyValueMetadata[key] = value + } + }) +} + +// BloomFilters creates a configuration option which defines the bloom filters +// that parquet writers should generate. +// +// The compute and memory footprint of generating bloom filters for all columns +// of a parquet schema can be significant, so by default no filters are created +// and applications need to explicitly declare the columns that they want to +// create filters for. +func BloomFilters(filters ...BloomFilterColumn) WriterOption { + filters = append([]BloomFilterColumn{}, filters...) + return writerOption(func(config *WriterConfig) { config.BloomFilters = filters }) +} + +// Compression creates a configuration option which sets the default compression +// codec used by a writer for columns where none were defined. +func Compression(codec compress.Codec) WriterOption { + return writerOption(func(config *WriterConfig) { config.Compression = codec }) +} + +// SortingWriterConfig is a writer option which applies configuration specific +// to sorting writers. +func SortingWriterConfig(options ...SortingOption) WriterOption { + options = append([]SortingOption{}, options...) + return writerOption(func(config *WriterConfig) { config.Sorting.Apply(options...) }) +} + +// SkipPageBounds lists the path to a column that shouldn't have bounds written to the +// footer of the parquet file. This is useful for data blobs, like a raw html file, +// where the bounds are not meaningful. +// +// This option is additive, it may be used multiple times to skip multiple columns. +func SkipPageBounds(path ...string) WriterOption { + return writerOption(func(config *WriterConfig) { config.SkipPageBounds = append(config.SkipPageBounds, path) }) +} + +// ColumnBufferCapacity creates a configuration option which defines the size of +// row group column buffers. +// +// Defaults to 16384. +func ColumnBufferCapacity(size int) RowGroupOption { + return rowGroupOption(func(config *RowGroupConfig) { config.ColumnBufferCapacity = size }) +} + +// SortingRowGroupConfig is a row group option which applies configuration +// specific sorting row groups. +func SortingRowGroupConfig(options ...SortingOption) RowGroupOption { + options = append([]SortingOption{}, options...) + return rowGroupOption(func(config *RowGroupConfig) { config.Sorting.Apply(options...) }) +} + +// SortingColumns creates a configuration option which defines the sorting order +// of columns in a row group. +// +// The order of sorting columns passed as argument defines the ordering +// hierarchy; when elements are equal in the first column, the second column is +// used to order rows, etc... +func SortingColumns(columns ...SortingColumn) SortingOption { + // Make a copy so that we do not retain the input slice generated implicitly + // for the variable argument list, and also avoid having a nil slice when + // the option is passed with no sorting columns, so we can differentiate it + // from it not being passed. + columns = append([]SortingColumn{}, columns...) + return sortingOption(func(config *SortingConfig) { config.SortingColumns = columns }) +} + +// SortingBuffers creates a configuration option which sets the pool of buffers +// used to hold intermediary state when sorting parquet rows. +// +// Defaults to using in-memory buffers. +func SortingBuffers(buffers BufferPool) SortingOption { + return sortingOption(func(config *SortingConfig) { config.SortingBuffers = buffers }) +} + +// DropDuplicatedRows configures whether a sorting writer will keep or remove +// duplicated rows. +// +// Two rows are considered duplicates if the values of their all their sorting +// columns are equal. +// +// Defaults to false +func DropDuplicatedRows(drop bool) SortingOption { + return sortingOption(func(config *SortingConfig) { config.DropDuplicatedRows = drop }) +} + +type fileOption func(*FileConfig) + +func (opt fileOption) ConfigureFile(config *FileConfig) { opt(config) } + +type readerOption func(*ReaderConfig) + +func (opt readerOption) ConfigureReader(config *ReaderConfig) { opt(config) } + +type writerOption func(*WriterConfig) + +func (opt writerOption) ConfigureWriter(config *WriterConfig) { opt(config) } + +type rowGroupOption func(*RowGroupConfig) + +func (opt rowGroupOption) ConfigureRowGroup(config *RowGroupConfig) { opt(config) } + +type sortingOption func(*SortingConfig) + +func (opt sortingOption) ConfigureSorting(config *SortingConfig) { opt(config) } + +func coalesceBool(i1, i2 bool) bool { + return i1 || i2 +} + +func coalesceInt(i1, i2 int) int { + if i1 != 0 { + return i1 + } + return i2 +} + +func coalesceInt64(i1, i2 int64) int64 { + if i1 != 0 { + return i1 + } + return i2 +} + +func coalesceString(s1, s2 string) string { + if s1 != "" { + return s1 + } + return s2 +} + +func coalesceBytes(b1, b2 []byte) []byte { + if b1 != nil { + return b1 + } + return b2 +} + +func coalesceBufferPool(p1, p2 BufferPool) BufferPool { + if p1 != nil { + return p1 + } + return p2 +} + +func coalesceSchema(s1, s2 *Schema) *Schema { + if s1 != nil { + return s1 + } + return s2 +} + +func coalesceSortingColumns(s1, s2 []SortingColumn) []SortingColumn { + if s1 != nil { + return s1 + } + return s2 +} + +func coalesceSortingConfig(c1, c2 SortingConfig) SortingConfig { + return SortingConfig{ + SortingBuffers: coalesceBufferPool(c1.SortingBuffers, c2.SortingBuffers), + SortingColumns: coalesceSortingColumns(c1.SortingColumns, c2.SortingColumns), + DropDuplicatedRows: c1.DropDuplicatedRows, + } +} + +func coalesceBloomFilters(f1, f2 []BloomFilterColumn) []BloomFilterColumn { + if f1 != nil { + return f1 + } + return f2 +} + +func coalesceCompression(c1, c2 compress.Codec) compress.Codec { + if c1 != nil { + return c1 + } + return c2 +} + +func validatePositiveInt(optionName string, optionValue int) error { + if optionValue > 0 { + return nil + } + return errorInvalidOptionValue(optionName, optionValue) +} + +func validatePositiveInt64(optionName string, optionValue int64) error { + if optionValue > 0 { + return nil + } + return errorInvalidOptionValue(optionName, optionValue) +} + +func validateOneOfInt(optionName string, optionValue int, supportedValues ...int) error { + for _, value := range supportedValues { + if value == optionValue { + return nil + } + } + return errorInvalidOptionValue(optionName, optionValue) +} + +func validateNotNil(optionName string, optionValue interface{}) error { + if optionValue != nil { + return nil + } + return errorInvalidOptionValue(optionName, optionValue) +} + +func errorInvalidOptionValue(optionName string, optionValue interface{}) error { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid option value: %s: %v", optionName, optionValue) +} + +func errorInvalidConfiguration(reasons ...error) error { + var err *invalidConfiguration + + for _, reason := range reasons { + if reason != nil { + if err == nil { + err = new(invalidConfiguration) + } + err.reasons = append(err.reasons, reason) + } + } + + if err != nil { + return err + } + + return nil +} + +type invalidConfiguration struct { + reasons []error +} + +func (err *invalidConfiguration) Error() string { + errorMessage := new(strings.Builder) + for _, reason := range err.reasons { + errorMessage.WriteString(reason.Error()) + errorMessage.WriteString("\n") + } + errorString := errorMessage.String() + if errorString != "" { + errorString = errorString[:len(errorString)-1] + } + return errorString +} + +var ( + _ FileOption = (*FileConfig)(nil) + _ ReaderOption = (*ReaderConfig)(nil) + _ WriterOption = (*WriterConfig)(nil) + _ RowGroupOption = (*RowGroupConfig)(nil) + _ SortingOption = (*SortingConfig)(nil) +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/convert.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/convert.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..96a49a81f6376 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/convert.go @@ -0,0 +1,1068 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/hex" + "fmt" + "io" + "math" + "math/big" + "strconv" + "sync" + "time" + + "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +// ConvertError is an error type returned by calls to Convert when the conversion +// of parquet schemas is impossible or the input row for the conversion is +// malformed. +type ConvertError struct { + Path []string + From Node + To Node +} + +// Error satisfies the error interface. +func (e *ConvertError) Error() string { + sourceType := e.From.Type() + targetType := e.To.Type() + + sourceRepetition := fieldRepetitionTypeOf(e.From) + targetRepetition := fieldRepetitionTypeOf(e.To) + + return fmt.Sprintf("cannot convert parquet column %q from %s %s to %s %s", + columnPath(e.Path), + sourceRepetition, + sourceType, + targetRepetition, + targetType, + ) +} + +// Conversion is an interface implemented by types that provide conversion of +// parquet rows from one schema to another. +// +// Conversion instances must be safe to use concurrently from multiple goroutines. +type Conversion interface { + // Applies the conversion logic on the src row, returning the result + // appended to dst. + Convert(rows []Row) (int, error) + // Converts the given column index in the target schema to the original + // column index in the source schema of the conversion. + Column(int) int + // Returns the target schema of the conversion. + Schema() *Schema +} + +type conversion struct { + columns []conversionColumn + schema *Schema + buffers sync.Pool + // This field is used to size the column buffers held in the sync.Pool since + // they are intended to store the source rows being converted from. + numberOfSourceColumns int +} + +type conversionBuffer struct { + columns [][]Value +} + +type conversionColumn struct { + sourceIndex int + convertValues conversionFunc +} + +type conversionFunc func([]Value) error + +func convertToSelf(column []Value) error { return nil } + +//go:noinline +func convertToType(targetType, sourceType Type) conversionFunc { + return func(column []Value) error { + for i, v := range column { + v, err := sourceType.ConvertValue(v, targetType) + if err != nil { + return err + } + column[i].ptr = v.ptr + column[i].u64 = v.u64 + column[i].kind = v.kind + } + return nil + } +} + +//go:noinline +func convertToValue(value Value) conversionFunc { + return func(column []Value) error { + for i := range column { + column[i] = value + } + return nil + } +} + +//go:noinline +func convertToZero(kind Kind) conversionFunc { + return func(column []Value) error { + for i := range column { + column[i].ptr = nil + column[i].u64 = 0 + column[i].kind = ^int8(kind) + } + return nil + } +} + +//go:noinline +func convertToLevels(repetitionLevels, definitionLevels []byte) conversionFunc { + return func(column []Value) error { + for i := range column { + r := column[i].repetitionLevel + d := column[i].definitionLevel + column[i].repetitionLevel = repetitionLevels[r] + column[i].definitionLevel = definitionLevels[d] + } + return nil + } +} + +//go:noinline +func multiConversionFunc(conversions []conversionFunc) conversionFunc { + switch len(conversions) { + case 0: + return convertToSelf + case 1: + return conversions[0] + default: + return func(column []Value) error { + for _, conv := range conversions { + if err := conv(column); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil + } + } +} + +func (c *conversion) getBuffer() *conversionBuffer { + b, _ := c.buffers.Get().(*conversionBuffer) + if b == nil { + b = &conversionBuffer{ + columns: make([][]Value, c.numberOfSourceColumns), + } + values := make([]Value, c.numberOfSourceColumns) + for i := range b.columns { + b.columns[i] = values[i : i : i+1] + } + } + return b +} + +func (c *conversion) putBuffer(b *conversionBuffer) { + c.buffers.Put(b) +} + +// Convert here satisfies the Conversion interface, and does the actual work +// to convert between the source and target Rows. +func (c *conversion) Convert(rows []Row) (int, error) { + source := c.getBuffer() + defer c.putBuffer(source) + + for n, row := range rows { + for i, values := range source.columns { + source.columns[i] = values[:0] + } + row.Range(func(columnIndex int, columnValues []Value) bool { + source.columns[columnIndex] = append(source.columns[columnIndex], columnValues...) + return true + }) + row = row[:0] + + for columnIndex, conv := range c.columns { + columnOffset := len(row) + if conv.sourceIndex < 0 { + // When there is no source column, we put a single value as + // placeholder in the column. This is a condition where the + // target contained a column which did not exist at had not + // other columns existing at that same level. + row = append(row, Value{}) + } else { + // We must copy to the output row first and not mutate the + // source columns because multiple target columns may map to + // the same source column. + row = append(row, source.columns[conv.sourceIndex]...) + } + columnValues := row[columnOffset:] + + if err := conv.convertValues(columnValues); err != nil { + return n, err + } + + // Since the column index may have changed between the source and + // taget columns we ensure that the right value is always written + // to the output row. + for i := range columnValues { + columnValues[i].columnIndex = ^int16(columnIndex) + } + } + + rows[n] = row + } + + return len(rows), nil +} + +func (c *conversion) Column(i int) int { + return c.columns[i].sourceIndex +} + +func (c *conversion) Schema() *Schema { + return c.schema +} + +type identity struct{ schema *Schema } + +func (id identity) Convert(rows []Row) (int, error) { return len(rows), nil } +func (id identity) Column(i int) int { return i } +func (id identity) Schema() *Schema { return id.schema } + +// Convert constructs a conversion function from one parquet schema to another. +// +// The function supports converting between schemas where the source or target +// have extra columns; if there are more columns in the source, they will be +// stripped out of the rows. Extra columns in the target schema will be set to +// null or zero values. +// +// The returned function is intended to be used to append the converted source +// row to the destination buffer. +func Convert(to, from Node) (conv Conversion, err error) { + schema, _ := to.(*Schema) + if schema == nil { + schema = NewSchema("", to) + } + + if nodesAreEqual(to, from) { + return identity{schema}, nil + } + + targetMapping, targetColumns := columnMappingOf(to) + sourceMapping, sourceColumns := columnMappingOf(from) + columns := make([]conversionColumn, len(targetColumns)) + + for i, path := range targetColumns { + targetColumn := targetMapping.lookup(path) + sourceColumn := sourceMapping.lookup(path) + + conversions := []conversionFunc{} + if sourceColumn.node != nil { + targetType := targetColumn.node.Type() + sourceType := sourceColumn.node.Type() + if !typesAreEqual(targetType, sourceType) { + conversions = append(conversions, + convertToType(targetType, sourceType), + ) + } + + repetitionLevels := make([]byte, len(path)+1) + definitionLevels := make([]byte, len(path)+1) + targetRepetitionLevel := byte(0) + targetDefinitionLevel := byte(0) + sourceRepetitionLevel := byte(0) + sourceDefinitionLevel := byte(0) + targetNode := to + sourceNode := from + + for j := 0; j < len(path); j++ { + targetNode = fieldByName(targetNode, path[j]) + sourceNode = fieldByName(sourceNode, path[j]) + + targetRepetitionLevel, targetDefinitionLevel = applyFieldRepetitionType( + fieldRepetitionTypeOf(targetNode), + targetRepetitionLevel, + targetDefinitionLevel, + ) + sourceRepetitionLevel, sourceDefinitionLevel = applyFieldRepetitionType( + fieldRepetitionTypeOf(sourceNode), + sourceRepetitionLevel, + sourceDefinitionLevel, + ) + + repetitionLevels[sourceRepetitionLevel] = targetRepetitionLevel + definitionLevels[sourceDefinitionLevel] = targetDefinitionLevel + } + + repetitionLevels = repetitionLevels[:sourceRepetitionLevel+1] + definitionLevels = definitionLevels[:sourceDefinitionLevel+1] + + if !isDirectLevelMapping(repetitionLevels) || !isDirectLevelMapping(definitionLevels) { + conversions = append(conversions, + convertToLevels(repetitionLevels, definitionLevels), + ) + } + + } else { + targetType := targetColumn.node.Type() + targetKind := targetType.Kind() + sourceColumn = sourceMapping.lookupClosest(path) + if sourceColumn.node != nil { + conversions = append(conversions, + convertToZero(targetKind), + ) + } else { + conversions = append(conversions, + convertToValue(ZeroValue(targetKind)), + ) + } + } + + columns[i] = conversionColumn{ + sourceIndex: int(sourceColumn.columnIndex), + convertValues: multiConversionFunc(conversions), + } + } + + c := &conversion{ + columns: columns, + schema: schema, + numberOfSourceColumns: len(sourceColumns), + } + return c, nil +} + +func isDirectLevelMapping(levels []byte) bool { + for i, level := range levels { + if level != byte(i) { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// ConvertRowGroup constructs a wrapper of the given row group which applies +// the given schema conversion to its rows. +func ConvertRowGroup(rowGroup RowGroup, conv Conversion) RowGroup { + schema := conv.Schema() + numRows := rowGroup.NumRows() + rowGroupColumns := rowGroup.ColumnChunks() + + columns := make([]ColumnChunk, numLeafColumnsOf(schema)) + forEachLeafColumnOf(schema, func(leaf leafColumn) { + i := leaf.columnIndex + j := conv.Column(int(leaf.columnIndex)) + if j < 0 { + columns[i] = &missingColumnChunk{ + typ: leaf.node.Type(), + column: i, + // TODO: we assume the number of values is the same as the + // number of rows, which may not be accurate when the column is + // part of a repeated group; neighbor columns may be repeated in + // which case it would be impossible for this chunk not to be. + numRows: numRows, + numValues: numRows, + numNulls: numRows, + } + } else { + columns[i] = rowGroupColumns[j] + } + }) + + // Sorting columns must exist on the conversion schema in order to be + // advertised on the converted row group otherwise the resulting rows + // would not be in the right order. + sorting := []SortingColumn{} + for _, col := range rowGroup.SortingColumns() { + if !hasColumnPath(schema, col.Path()) { + break + } + sorting = append(sorting, col) + } + + return &convertedRowGroup{ + // The pair of rowGroup+conv is retained to construct a converted row + // reader by wrapping the underlying row reader of the row group because + // it allows proper reconstruction of the repetition and definition + // levels. + // + // TODO: can we figure out how to set the repetition and definition + // levels when reading values from missing column pages? At first sight + // it appears complex to do, however: + // + // * It is possible that having these levels when reading values of + // missing column pages is not necessary in some scenarios (e.g. when + // merging row groups). + // + // * We may be able to assume the repetition and definition levels at + // the call site (e.g. in the functions reading rows from columns). + // + // Columns of the source row group which do not exist in the target are + // masked to prevent loading unneeded pages when reading rows from the + // converted row group. + rowGroup: maskMissingRowGroupColumns(rowGroup, len(columns), conv), + columns: columns, + sorting: sorting, + conv: conv, + } +} + +func maskMissingRowGroupColumns(r RowGroup, numColumns int, conv Conversion) RowGroup { + rowGroupColumns := r.ColumnChunks() + columns := make([]ColumnChunk, len(rowGroupColumns)) + missing := make([]missingColumnChunk, len(columns)) + numRows := r.NumRows() + + for i := range missing { + missing[i] = missingColumnChunk{ + typ: rowGroupColumns[i].Type(), + column: int16(i), + numRows: numRows, + numValues: numRows, + numNulls: numRows, + } + } + + for i := range columns { + columns[i] = &missing[i] + } + + for i := 0; i < numColumns; i++ { + j := conv.Column(i) + if j >= 0 && j < len(columns) { + columns[j] = rowGroupColumns[j] + } + } + + return &rowGroup{ + schema: r.Schema(), + numRows: numRows, + columns: columns, + } +} + +type missingColumnChunk struct { + typ Type + column int16 + numRows int64 + numValues int64 + numNulls int64 +} + +func (c *missingColumnChunk) Type() Type { return c.typ } +func (c *missingColumnChunk) Column() int { return int(c.column) } +func (c *missingColumnChunk) Pages() Pages { return onePage(missingPage{c}) } +func (c *missingColumnChunk) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { return missingColumnIndex{c}, nil } +func (c *missingColumnChunk) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { return missingOffsetIndex{}, nil } +func (c *missingColumnChunk) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return missingBloomFilter{} } +func (c *missingColumnChunk) NumValues() int64 { return c.numValues } + +type missingColumnIndex struct{ *missingColumnChunk } + +func (i missingColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i missingColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return i.numNulls } +func (i missingColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return true } +func (i missingColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { return Value{} } +func (i missingColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { return Value{} } +func (i missingColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { return true } +func (i missingColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { return false } + +type missingOffsetIndex struct{} + +func (missingOffsetIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (missingOffsetIndex) Offset(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (missingOffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (missingOffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(int) int64 { return 0 } + +type missingBloomFilter struct{} + +func (missingBloomFilter) ReadAt([]byte, int64) (int, error) { return 0, io.EOF } +func (missingBloomFilter) Size() int64 { return 0 } +func (missingBloomFilter) Check(Value) (bool, error) { return false, nil } + +type missingPage struct{ *missingColumnChunk } + +func (p missingPage) Column() int { return int(p.column) } +func (p missingPage) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } +func (p missingPage) NumRows() int64 { return p.numRows } +func (p missingPage) NumValues() int64 { return p.numValues } +func (p missingPage) NumNulls() int64 { return p.numNulls } +func (p missingPage) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { return } +func (p missingPage) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return missingPage{ + &missingColumnChunk{ + typ: p.typ, + column: p.column, + numRows: j - i, + numValues: j - i, + numNulls: j - i, + }, + } +} +func (p missingPage) Size() int64 { return 0 } +func (p missingPage) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } +func (p missingPage) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } +func (p missingPage) Data() encoding.Values { return p.typ.NewValues(nil, nil) } +func (p missingPage) Values() ValueReader { return &missingPageValues{page: p} } + +type missingPageValues struct { + page missingPage + read int64 +} + +func (r *missingPageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (int, error) { + remain := r.page.numValues - r.read + if int64(len(values)) > remain { + values = values[:remain] + } + for i := range values { + // TODO: how do we set the repetition and definition levels here? + values[i] = Value{columnIndex: ^r.page.column} + } + if r.read += int64(len(values)); r.read == r.page.numValues { + return len(values), io.EOF + } + return len(values), nil +} + +func (r *missingPageValues) Close() error { + r.read = r.page.numValues + return nil +} + +type convertedRowGroup struct { + rowGroup RowGroup + columns []ColumnChunk + sorting []SortingColumn + conv Conversion +} + +func (c *convertedRowGroup) NumRows() int64 { return c.rowGroup.NumRows() } +func (c *convertedRowGroup) ColumnChunks() []ColumnChunk { return c.columns } +func (c *convertedRowGroup) Schema() *Schema { return c.conv.Schema() } +func (c *convertedRowGroup) SortingColumns() []SortingColumn { return c.sorting } +func (c *convertedRowGroup) Rows() Rows { + rows := c.rowGroup.Rows() + return &convertedRows{ + Closer: rows, + rows: rows, + conv: c.conv, + } +} + +// ConvertRowReader constructs a wrapper of the given row reader which applies +// the given schema conversion to the rows. +func ConvertRowReader(rows RowReader, conv Conversion) RowReaderWithSchema { + return &convertedRows{rows: &forwardRowSeeker{rows: rows}, conv: conv} +} + +type convertedRows struct { + io.Closer + rows RowReadSeeker + conv Conversion +} + +func (c *convertedRows) ReadRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + n, err := c.rows.ReadRows(rows) + if n > 0 { + var convErr error + n, convErr = c.conv.Convert(rows[:n]) + if convErr != nil { + err = convErr + } + } + return n, err +} + +func (c *convertedRows) Schema() *Schema { + return c.conv.Schema() +} + +func (c *convertedRows) SeekToRow(rowIndex int64) error { + return c.rows.SeekToRow(rowIndex) +} + +var ( + trueBytes = []byte(`true`) + falseBytes = []byte(`false`) + unixEpoch = time.Date(1970, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) +) + +func convertBooleanToInt32(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToInt32(int32(v.byte())), nil +} + +func convertBooleanToInt64(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToInt64(int64(v.byte())), nil +} + +func convertBooleanToInt96(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToInt96(deprecated.Int96{0: uint32(v.byte())}), nil +} + +func convertBooleanToFloat(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToFloat(float32(v.byte())), nil +} + +func convertBooleanToDouble(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToDouble(float64(v.byte())), nil +} + +func convertBooleanToByteArray(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToByteArray([]byte{v.byte()}), nil +} + +func convertBooleanToFixedLenByteArray(v Value, size int) (Value, error) { + b := []byte{v.byte()} + c := make([]byte, size) + copy(c, b) + return v.convertToFixedLenByteArray(c), nil +} + +func convertBooleanToString(v Value) (Value, error) { + b := ([]byte)(nil) + if v.boolean() { + b = trueBytes + } else { + b = falseBytes + } + return v.convertToByteArray(b), nil +} + +func convertInt32ToBoolean(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToBoolean(v.int32() != 0), nil +} + +func convertInt32ToInt64(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToInt64(int64(v.int32())), nil +} + +func convertInt32ToInt96(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToInt96(deprecated.Int32ToInt96(v.int32())), nil +} + +func convertInt32ToFloat(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToFloat(float32(v.int32())), nil +} + +func convertInt32ToDouble(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToDouble(float64(v.int32())), nil +} + +func convertInt32ToByteArray(v Value) (Value, error) { + b := make([]byte, 4) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(b, v.uint32()) + return v.convertToByteArray(b), nil +} + +func convertInt32ToFixedLenByteArray(v Value, size int) (Value, error) { + b := make([]byte, 4) + c := make([]byte, size) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(b, v.uint32()) + copy(c, b) + return v.convertToFixedLenByteArray(c), nil +} + +func convertInt32ToString(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToByteArray(strconv.AppendInt(nil, int64(v.int32()), 10)), nil +} + +func convertInt64ToBoolean(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToBoolean(v.int64() != 0), nil +} + +func convertInt64ToInt32(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToInt32(int32(v.int64())), nil +} + +func convertInt64ToInt96(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToInt96(deprecated.Int64ToInt96(v.int64())), nil +} + +func convertInt64ToFloat(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToFloat(float32(v.int64())), nil +} + +func convertInt64ToDouble(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToDouble(float64(v.int64())), nil +} + +func convertInt64ToByteArray(v Value) (Value, error) { + b := make([]byte, 8) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(b, v.uint64()) + return v.convertToByteArray(b), nil +} + +func convertInt64ToFixedLenByteArray(v Value, size int) (Value, error) { + b := make([]byte, 8) + c := make([]byte, size) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(b, v.uint64()) + copy(c, b) + return v.convertToFixedLenByteArray(c), nil +} + +func convertInt64ToString(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToByteArray(strconv.AppendInt(nil, v.int64(), 10)), nil +} + +func convertInt96ToBoolean(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToBoolean(!v.int96().IsZero()), nil +} + +func convertInt96ToInt32(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToInt32(v.int96().Int32()), nil +} + +func convertInt96ToInt64(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToInt64(v.int96().Int64()), nil +} + +func convertInt96ToFloat(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v, invalidConversion(v, "INT96", "FLOAT") +} + +func convertInt96ToDouble(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v, invalidConversion(v, "INT96", "DOUBLE") +} + +func convertInt96ToByteArray(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToByteArray(v.byteArray()), nil +} + +func convertInt96ToFixedLenByteArray(v Value, size int) (Value, error) { + b := v.byteArray() + if len(b) < size { + c := make([]byte, size) + copy(c, b) + b = c + } else { + b = b[:size] + } + return v.convertToFixedLenByteArray(b), nil +} + +func convertInt96ToString(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToByteArray([]byte(v.String())), nil +} + +func convertFloatToBoolean(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToBoolean(v.float() != 0), nil +} + +func convertFloatToInt32(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToInt32(int32(v.float())), nil +} + +func convertFloatToInt64(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToInt64(int64(v.float())), nil +} + +func convertFloatToInt96(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v, invalidConversion(v, "FLOAT", "INT96") +} + +func convertFloatToDouble(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToDouble(float64(v.float())), nil +} + +func convertFloatToByteArray(v Value) (Value, error) { + b := make([]byte, 4) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(b, v.uint32()) + return v.convertToByteArray(b), nil +} + +func convertFloatToFixedLenByteArray(v Value, size int) (Value, error) { + b := make([]byte, 4) + c := make([]byte, size) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(b, v.uint32()) + copy(c, b) + return v.convertToFixedLenByteArray(c), nil +} + +func convertFloatToString(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToByteArray(strconv.AppendFloat(nil, float64(v.float()), 'g', -1, 32)), nil +} + +func convertDoubleToBoolean(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToBoolean(v.double() != 0), nil +} + +func convertDoubleToInt32(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToInt32(int32(v.double())), nil +} + +func convertDoubleToInt64(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToInt64(int64(v.double())), nil +} + +func convertDoubleToInt96(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v, invalidConversion(v, "FLOAT", "INT96") +} + +func convertDoubleToFloat(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToFloat(float32(v.double())), nil +} + +func convertDoubleToByteArray(v Value) (Value, error) { + b := make([]byte, 8) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(b, v.uint64()) + return v.convertToByteArray(b), nil +} + +func convertDoubleToFixedLenByteArray(v Value, size int) (Value, error) { + b := make([]byte, 8) + c := make([]byte, size) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(b, v.uint64()) + copy(c, b) + return v.convertToFixedLenByteArray(c), nil +} + +func convertDoubleToString(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToByteArray(strconv.AppendFloat(nil, v.double(), 'g', -1, 64)), nil +} + +func convertByteArrayToBoolean(v Value) (Value, error) { + return v.convertToBoolean(!isZero(v.byteArray())), nil +} + +func convertByteArrayToInt32(v Value) (Value, error) { + b := make([]byte, 4) + copy(b, v.byteArray()) + return v.convertToInt32(int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b))), nil +} + +func convertByteArrayToInt64(v Value) (Value, error) { + b := make([]byte, 8) + copy(b, v.byteArray()) + return v.convertToInt64(int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b))), nil +} + +func convertByteArrayToInt96(v Value) (Value, error) { + b := make([]byte, 12) + copy(b, v.byteArray()) + return v.convertToInt96(deprecated.Int96{ + 0: binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[0:4]), + 1: binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[4:8]), + 2: binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[8:12]), + }), nil +} + +func convertByteArrayToFloat(v Value) (Value, error) { + b := make([]byte, 4) + copy(b, v.byteArray()) + return v.convertToFloat(math.Float32frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b))), nil +} + +func convertByteArrayToDouble(v Value) (Value, error) { + b := make([]byte, 8) + copy(b, v.byteArray()) + return v.convertToDouble(math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b))), nil +} + +func convertByteArrayToFixedLenByteArray(v Value, size int) (Value, error) { + b := v.byteArray() + if len(b) < size { + c := make([]byte, size) + copy(c, b) + b = c + } else { + b = b[:size] + } + return v.convertToFixedLenByteArray(b), nil +} + +func convertFixedLenByteArrayToString(v Value) (Value, error) { + b := v.byteArray() + c := make([]byte, hex.EncodedLen(len(b))) + hex.Encode(c, b) + return v.convertToByteArray(c), nil +} + +func convertStringToBoolean(v Value) (Value, error) { + b, err := strconv.ParseBool(v.string()) + if err != nil { + return v, conversionError(v, "STRING", "BOOLEAN", err) + } + return v.convertToBoolean(b), nil +} + +func convertStringToInt32(v Value) (Value, error) { + i, err := strconv.ParseInt(v.string(), 10, 32) + if err != nil { + return v, conversionError(v, "STRING", "INT32", err) + } + return v.convertToInt32(int32(i)), nil +} + +func convertStringToInt64(v Value) (Value, error) { + i, err := strconv.ParseInt(v.string(), 10, 64) + if err != nil { + return v, conversionError(v, "STRING", "INT64", err) + } + return v.convertToInt64(i), nil +} + +func convertStringToInt96(v Value) (Value, error) { + i, ok := new(big.Int).SetString(v.string(), 10) + if !ok { + return v, conversionError(v, "STRING", "INT96", strconv.ErrSyntax) + } + b := i.Bytes() + c := make([]byte, 12) + copy(c, b) + if cpu.IsBigEndian { + bufLen := len(c) + for idx := 0; idx < bufLen; idx = idx + 4 { + for m, n := (idx + 0), (idx + 3); m < n; m, n = m+1, n-1 { + c[m], c[n] = c[n], c[m] + } + } + } + i96 := unsafecast.Slice[deprecated.Int96](c) + return v.convertToInt96(i96[0]), nil +} + +func convertStringToFloat(v Value) (Value, error) { + f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v.string(), 32) + if err != nil { + return v, conversionError(v, "STRING", "FLOAT", err) + } + return v.convertToFloat(float32(f)), nil +} + +func convertStringToDouble(v Value) (Value, error) { + f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v.string(), 64) + if err != nil { + return v, conversionError(v, "STRING", "DOUBLE", err) + } + return v.convertToDouble(f), nil +} + +func convertStringToFixedLenByteArray(v Value, size int) (Value, error) { + b := v.byteArray() + c := make([]byte, size) + _, err := hex.Decode(c, b) + if err != nil { + return v, conversionError(v, "STRING", "BYTE_ARRAY", err) + } + return v.convertToFixedLenByteArray(c), nil +} + +func convertStringToDate(v Value, tz *time.Location) (Value, error) { + t, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02", v.string(), tz) + if err != nil { + return v, conversionError(v, "STRING", "DATE", err) + } + d := daysSinceUnixEpoch(t) + return v.convertToInt32(int32(d)), nil +} + +func convertStringToTimeMillis(v Value, tz *time.Location) (Value, error) { + t, err := time.ParseInLocation("15:04:05.999", v.string(), tz) + if err != nil { + return v, conversionError(v, "STRING", "TIME", err) + } + m := nearestMidnightLessThan(t) + milliseconds := t.Sub(m).Milliseconds() + return v.convertToInt32(int32(milliseconds)), nil +} + +func convertStringToTimeMicros(v Value, tz *time.Location) (Value, error) { + t, err := time.ParseInLocation("15:04:05.999999", v.string(), tz) + if err != nil { + return v, conversionError(v, "STRING", "TIME", err) + } + m := nearestMidnightLessThan(t) + microseconds := t.Sub(m).Microseconds() + return v.convertToInt64(microseconds), nil +} + +func convertDateToTimestamp(v Value, u format.TimeUnit, tz *time.Location) (Value, error) { + t := unixEpoch.AddDate(0, 0, int(v.int32())) + d := timeUnitDuration(u) + return v.convertToInt64(int64(t.In(tz).Sub(unixEpoch) / d)), nil +} + +func convertDateToString(v Value) (Value, error) { + t := unixEpoch.AddDate(0, 0, int(v.int32())) + b := t.AppendFormat(make([]byte, 0, 10), "2006-01-02") + return v.convertToByteArray(b), nil +} + +func convertTimeMillisToString(v Value, tz *time.Location) (Value, error) { + t := time.UnixMilli(int64(v.int32())).In(tz) + b := t.AppendFormat(make([]byte, 0, 12), "15:04:05.999") + return v.convertToByteArray(b), nil +} + +func convertTimeMicrosToString(v Value, tz *time.Location) (Value, error) { + t := time.UnixMicro(v.int64()).In(tz) + b := t.AppendFormat(make([]byte, 0, 15), "15:04:05.999999") + return v.convertToByteArray(b), nil +} + +func convertTimestampToDate(v Value, u format.TimeUnit, tz *time.Location) (Value, error) { + t := timestamp(v, u, tz) + d := daysSinceUnixEpoch(t) + return v.convertToInt32(int32(d)), nil +} + +func convertTimestampToTimeMillis(v Value, u format.TimeUnit, sourceZone, targetZone *time.Location) (Value, error) { + t := timestamp(v, u, sourceZone) + m := nearestMidnightLessThan(t) + milliseconds := t.In(targetZone).Sub(m).Milliseconds() + return v.convertToInt32(int32(milliseconds)), nil +} + +func convertTimestampToTimeMicros(v Value, u format.TimeUnit, sourceZone, targetZone *time.Location) (Value, error) { + t := timestamp(v, u, sourceZone) + m := nearestMidnightLessThan(t) + microseconds := t.In(targetZone).Sub(m).Microseconds() + return v.convertToInt64(int64(microseconds)), nil +} + +func convertTimestampToTimestamp(v Value, sourceUnit, targetUnit format.TimeUnit) (Value, error) { + sourceScale := timeUnitDuration(sourceUnit).Nanoseconds() + targetScale := timeUnitDuration(targetUnit).Nanoseconds() + targetValue := (v.int64() * sourceScale) / targetScale + return v.convertToInt64(targetValue), nil +} + +const nanosecondsPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e9 + +func daysSinceUnixEpoch(t time.Time) int { + return int(t.Sub(unixEpoch).Hours()) / 24 +} + +func nearestMidnightLessThan(t time.Time) time.Time { + y, m, d := t.Date() + return time.Date(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0, 0, t.Location()) +} + +func timestamp(v Value, u format.TimeUnit, tz *time.Location) time.Time { + return unixEpoch.In(tz).Add(time.Duration(v.int64()) * timeUnitDuration(u)) +} + +func timeUnitDuration(unit format.TimeUnit) time.Duration { + switch { + case unit.Millis != nil: + return time.Millisecond + case unit.Micros != nil: + return time.Microsecond + default: + return time.Nanosecond + } +} + +func invalidConversion(value Value, from, to string) error { + return fmt.Errorf("%s to %s: %s: %w", from, to, value, ErrInvalidConversion) +} + +func conversionError(value Value, from, to string, err error) error { + return fmt.Errorf("%s to %s: %q: %s: %w", from, to, value.string(), err, ErrInvalidConversion) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dedupe.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dedupe.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9355488d3c13d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dedupe.go @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +package parquet + +// DedupeRowReader constructs a row reader which drops duplicated consecutive +// rows, according to the comparator function passed as argument. +// +// If the underlying reader produces a sequence of rows sorted by the same +// comparison predicate, the output is guaranteed to produce unique rows only. +func DedupeRowReader(reader RowReader, compare func(Row, Row) int) RowReader { + return &dedupeRowReader{reader: reader, compare: compare} +} + +type dedupeRowReader struct { + reader RowReader + compare func(Row, Row) int + dedupe +} + +func (d *dedupeRowReader) ReadRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + for { + n, err := d.reader.ReadRows(rows) + n = d.deduplicate(rows[:n], d.compare) + + if n > 0 || err != nil { + return n, err + } + } +} + +// DedupeRowWriter constructs a row writer which drops duplicated consecutive +// rows, according to the comparator function passed as argument. +// +// If the writer is given a sequence of rows sorted by the same comparison +// predicate, the output is guaranteed to contain unique rows only. +func DedupeRowWriter(writer RowWriter, compare func(Row, Row) int) RowWriter { + return &dedupeRowWriter{writer: writer, compare: compare} +} + +type dedupeRowWriter struct { + writer RowWriter + compare func(Row, Row) int + dedupe + rows []Row +} + +func (d *dedupeRowWriter) WriteRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + // We need to make a copy because we cannot modify the rows slice received + // as argument to respect the RowWriter contract. + d.rows = append(d.rows[:0], rows...) + defer func() { + for i := range d.rows { + d.rows[i] = Row{} + } + }() + + if n := d.deduplicate(d.rows, d.compare); n > 0 { + w, err := d.writer.WriteRows(d.rows[:n]) + if err != nil { + return w, err + } + } + + // Return the number of rows received instead of the number of deduplicated + // rows actually written to the underlying writer because we have to repsect + // the RowWriter contract. + return len(rows), nil +} + +type dedupe struct { + alloc rowAllocator + lastRow Row + uniq []Row + dupe []Row +} + +func (d *dedupe) reset() { + d.alloc.reset() + d.lastRow = d.lastRow[:0] +} + +func (d *dedupe) deduplicate(rows []Row, compare func(Row, Row) int) int { + defer func() { + for i := range d.uniq { + d.uniq[i] = Row{} + } + for i := range d.dupe { + d.dupe[i] = Row{} + } + d.uniq = d.uniq[:0] + d.dupe = d.dupe[:0] + }() + + lastRow := d.lastRow + + for _, row := range rows { + if len(lastRow) != 0 && compare(row, lastRow) == 0 { + d.dupe = append(d.dupe, row) + } else { + lastRow = row + d.uniq = append(d.uniq, row) + } + } + + rows = rows[:0] + rows = append(rows, d.uniq...) + rows = append(rows, d.dupe...) + + d.alloc.reset() + d.alloc.capture(lastRow) + d.lastRow = append(d.lastRow[:0], lastRow...) + return len(d.uniq) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated/int96.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated/int96.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..fc6d40648e8ab --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated/int96.go @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +package deprecated + +import ( + "math/big" + "math/bits" +) + +// Int96 is an implementation of the deprecated INT96 parquet type. +type Int96 [3]uint32 + +// Int32ToInt96 converts a int32 value to a Int96. +func Int32ToInt96(value int32) (i96 Int96) { + if value < 0 { + i96[2] = 0xFFFFFFFF + i96[1] = 0xFFFFFFFF + } + i96[0] = uint32(value) + return +} + +// Int64ToInt96 converts a int64 value to Int96. +func Int64ToInt96(value int64) (i96 Int96) { + if value < 0 { + i96[2] = 0xFFFFFFFF + } + i96[1] = uint32(value >> 32) + i96[0] = uint32(value) + return +} + +// IsZero returns true if i is the zero-value. +func (i Int96) IsZero() bool { return i == Int96{} } + +// Negative returns true if i is a negative value. +func (i Int96) Negative() bool { + return (i[2] >> 31) != 0 +} + +// Less returns true if i < j. +// +// The method implements a signed comparison between the two operands. +func (i Int96) Less(j Int96) bool { + if i.Negative() { + if !j.Negative() { + return true + } + } else { + if j.Negative() { + return false + } + } + for k := 2; k >= 0; k-- { + a, b := i[k], j[k] + switch { + case a < b: + return true + case a > b: + return false + } + } + return false +} + +// Int converts i to a big.Int representation. +func (i Int96) Int() *big.Int { + z := new(big.Int) + z.Or(z, big.NewInt(int64(i[2])<<32|int64(i[1]))) + z.Lsh(z, 32) + z.Or(z, big.NewInt(int64(i[0]))) + return z +} + +// Int32 converts i to a int32, potentially truncating the value. +func (i Int96) Int32() int32 { + return int32(i[0]) +} + +// Int64 converts i to a int64, potentially truncating the value. +func (i Int96) Int64() int64 { + return int64(i[1])<<32 | int64(i[0]) +} + +// String returns a string representation of i. +func (i Int96) String() string { + return i.Int().String() +} + +// Len returns the minimum length in bits required to store the value of i. +func (i Int96) Len() int { + switch { + case i[2] != 0: + return 64 + bits.Len32(i[2]) + case i[1] != 0: + return 32 + bits.Len32(i[1]) + default: + return bits.Len32(i[0]) + } +} + +func MaxLenInt96(data []Int96) int { + max := 0 + for i := range data { + n := data[i].Len() + if n > max { + max = n + } + } + return max +} + +func MinInt96(data []Int96) (min Int96) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[0] + for _, v := range data[1:] { + if v.Less(min) { + min = v + } + } + } + return min +} + +func MaxInt96(data []Int96) (max Int96) { + if len(data) > 0 { + max = data[0] + for _, v := range data[1:] { + if max.Less(v) { + max = v + } + } + } + return max +} + +func MinMaxInt96(data []Int96) (min, max Int96) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[0] + max = data[0] + for _, v := range data[1:] { + if v.Less(min) { + min = v + } + if max.Less(v) { + max = v + } + } + } + return min, max +} + +func OrderOfInt96(data []Int96) int { + if len(data) > 1 { + if int96AreInAscendingOrder(data) { + return +1 + } + if int96AreInDescendingOrder(data) { + return -1 + } + } + return 0 +} + +func int96AreInAscendingOrder(data []Int96) bool { + for i := len(data) - 1; i > 0; i-- { + if data[i].Less(data[i-1]) { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +func int96AreInDescendingOrder(data []Int96) bool { + for i := len(data) - 1; i > 0; i-- { + if data[i-1].Less(data[i]) { + return false + } + } + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated/parquet.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated/parquet.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b2c60072c70fc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated/parquet.go @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +package deprecated + +// DEPRECATED: Common types used by frameworks(e.g. hive, pig) using parquet. +// ConvertedType is superseded by LogicalType. This enum should not be extended. +// +// See LogicalTypes.md for conversion between ConvertedType and LogicalType. +type ConvertedType int32 + +const ( + // a BYTE_ARRAY actually contains UTF8 encoded chars + UTF8 ConvertedType = 0 + + // a map is converted as an optional field containing a repeated key/value pair + Map ConvertedType = 1 + + // a key/value pair is converted into a group of two fields + MapKeyValue ConvertedType = 2 + + // a list is converted into an optional field containing a repeated field for its + // values + List ConvertedType = 3 + + // an enum is converted into a binary field + Enum ConvertedType = 4 + + // A decimal value. + // + // This may be used to annotate binary or fixed primitive types. The + // underlying byte array stores the unscaled value encoded as two's + // complement using big-endian byte order (the most significant byte is the + // zeroth element). The value of the decimal is the value * 10^{-scale}. + // + // This must be accompanied by a (maximum) precision and a scale in the + // SchemaElement. The precision specifies the number of digits in the decimal + // and the scale stores the location of the decimal point. For example 1.23 + // would have precision 3 (3 total digits) and scale 2 (the decimal point is + // 2 digits over). + Decimal ConvertedType = 5 + + // A Date + // + // Stored as days since Unix epoch, encoded as the INT32 physical type. + Date ConvertedType = 6 + + // A time + // + // The total number of milliseconds since midnight. The value is stored + // as an INT32 physical type. + TimeMillis ConvertedType = 7 + + // A time. + // + // The total number of microseconds since midnight. The value is stored as + // an INT64 physical type. + TimeMicros ConvertedType = 8 + + // A date/time combination + // + // Date and time recorded as milliseconds since the Unix epoch. Recorded as + // a physical type of INT64. + TimestampMillis ConvertedType = 9 + + // A date/time combination + // + // Date and time recorded as microseconds since the Unix epoch. The value is + // stored as an INT64 physical type. + TimestampMicros ConvertedType = 10 + + // An unsigned integer value. + // + // The number describes the maximum number of meaningful data bits in + // the stored value. 8, 16 and 32 bit values are stored using the + // INT32 physical type. 64 bit values are stored using the INT64 + // physical type. + Uint8 ConvertedType = 11 + Uint16 ConvertedType = 12 + Uint32 ConvertedType = 13 + Uint64 ConvertedType = 14 + + // A signed integer value. + // + // The number describes the maximum number of meaningful data bits in + // the stored value. 8, 16 and 32 bit values are stored using the + // INT32 physical type. 64 bit values are stored using the INT64 + // physical type. + Int8 ConvertedType = 15 + Int16 ConvertedType = 16 + Int32 ConvertedType = 17 + Int64 ConvertedType = 18 + + // An embedded JSON document + // + // A JSON document embedded within a single UTF8 column. + Json ConvertedType = 19 + + // An embedded BSON document + // + // A BSON document embedded within a single BINARY column. + Bson ConvertedType = 20 + + // An interval of time + // + // This type annotates data stored as a FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY of length 12 + // This data is composed of three separate little endian unsigned + // integers. Each stores a component of a duration of time. The first + // integer identifies the number of months associated with the duration, + // the second identifies the number of days associated with the duration + // and the third identifies the number of milliseconds associated with + // the provided duration. This duration of time is independent of any + // particular timezone or date. + Interval ConvertedType = 21 +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dictionary.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dictionary.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5ff0417b0f730 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dictionary.go @@ -0,0 +1,1482 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "io" + "math/bits" + "unsafe" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" +) + +const ( + // Maximum load of probing tables. This parameter configures the balance + // between memory density and compute time of probing operations. Valid + // values are floating point numbers between 0 and 1. + // + // Smaller values result in lower collision probability when inserting + // values in probing tables, but also increase memory utilization. + // + // TODO: make this configurable by the application? + hashprobeTableMaxLoad = 0.85 + + // An estimate of the CPU cache footprint used by insert operations. + // + // This constant is used to determine a useful chunk size depending on the + // size of values being inserted in dictionaries. More values of small size + // can fit in CPU caches, so the inserts can operate on larger chunks. + insertsTargetCacheFootprint = 8192 +) + +// The Dictionary interface represents type-specific implementations of parquet +// dictionaries. +// +// Programs can instantiate dictionaries by call the NewDictionary method of a +// Type object. +// +// The current implementation has a limitation which prevents applications from +// providing custom versions of this interface because it contains unexported +// methods. The only way to create Dictionary values is to call the +// NewDictionary of Type instances. This limitation may be lifted in future +// releases. +type Dictionary interface { + // Returns the type that the dictionary was created from. + Type() Type + + // Returns the number of value indexed in the dictionary. + Len() int + + // Returns the dictionary value at the given index. + Index(index int32) Value + + // Inserts values from the second slice to the dictionary and writes the + // indexes at which each value was inserted to the first slice. + // + // The method panics if the length of the indexes slice is smaller than the + // length of the values slice. + Insert(indexes []int32, values []Value) + + // Given an array of dictionary indexes, lookup the values into the array + // of values passed as second argument. + // + // The method panics if len(indexes) > len(values), or one of the indexes + // is negative or greater than the highest index in the dictionary. + Lookup(indexes []int32, values []Value) + + // Returns the min and max values found in the given indexes. + Bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max Value) + + // Resets the dictionary to its initial state, removing all values. + Reset() + + // Returns a Page representing the content of the dictionary. + // + // The returned page shares the underlying memory of the buffer, it remains + // valid to use until the dictionary's Reset method is called. + Page() Page + + // See ColumnBuffer.writeValues for details on the use of unexported methods + // on interfaces. + insert(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) + //lookup(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) +} + +func checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + if rows.Len() < len(indexes) { + panic("dictionary lookup with more indexes than values") + } +} + +// The boolean dictionary always contains two values for true and false. +type booleanDictionary struct { + booleanPage + // There are only two possible values for booleans, false and true. + // Rather than using a Go map, we track the indexes of each values + // in an array of two 32 bits integers. When inserting values in the + // dictionary, we ensure that an index exist for each boolean value, + // then use the value 0 or 1 (false or true) to perform a lookup in + // the dictionary's map. + table [2]int32 +} + +func newBooleanDictionary(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, data encoding.Values) *booleanDictionary { + indexOfFalse, indexOfTrue, values := int32(-1), int32(-1), data.Boolean() + + for i := int32(0); i < numValues && indexOfFalse < 0 && indexOfTrue < 0; i += 8 { + v := values[i] + if v != 0x00 { + indexOfTrue = i + int32(bits.TrailingZeros8(v)) + } + if v != 0xFF { + indexOfFalse = i + int32(bits.TrailingZeros8(^v)) + } + } + + return &booleanDictionary{ + booleanPage: booleanPage{ + typ: typ, + bits: values[:bitpack.ByteCount(uint(numValues))], + numValues: numValues, + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + table: [2]int32{ + 0: indexOfFalse, + 1: indexOfTrue, + }, + } +} + +func (d *booleanDictionary) Type() Type { return newIndexedType(d.typ, d) } + +func (d *booleanDictionary) Len() int { return int(d.numValues) } + +func (d *booleanDictionary) Index(i int32) Value { return d.makeValue(d.index(i)) } + +func (d *booleanDictionary) index(i int32) bool { return d.valueAt(int(i)) } + +func (d *booleanDictionary) Insert(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + d.insert(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfBool)) +} + +func (d *booleanDictionary) insert(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + _ = indexes[:rows.Len()] + + if d.table[0] < 0 { + d.table[0] = d.numValues + d.numValues++ + d.bits = plain.AppendBoolean(d.bits, int(d.table[0]), false) + } + + if d.table[1] < 0 { + d.table[1] = d.numValues + d.numValues++ + d.bits = plain.AppendBoolean(d.bits, int(d.table[1]), true) + } + + values := rows.Uint8Array() + dict := d.table + + for i := 0; i < rows.Len(); i++ { + v := values.Index(i) & 1 + indexes[i] = dict[v] + } +} + +func (d *booleanDictionary) Lookup(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + model := d.makeValue(false) + memsetValues(values, model) + d.lookup(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU64)) +} + +func (d *booleanDictionary) lookup(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + for i, j := range indexes { + *(*bool)(rows.Index(i)) = d.index(j) + } +} + +func (d *booleanDictionary) Bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max Value) { + if len(indexes) > 0 { + hasFalse, hasTrue := false, false + + for _, i := range indexes { + v := d.index(i) + if v { + hasTrue = true + } else { + hasFalse = true + } + if hasTrue && hasFalse { + break + } + } + + min = d.makeValue(!hasFalse) + max = d.makeValue(hasTrue) + } + return min, max +} + +func (d *booleanDictionary) Reset() { + d.bits = d.bits[:0] + d.offset = 0 + d.numValues = 0 + d.table = [2]int32{-1, -1} +} + +func (d *booleanDictionary) Page() Page { + return &d.booleanPage +} + +type int32Dictionary struct { + int32Page + table *hashprobe.Int32Table +} + +func newInt32Dictionary(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, data encoding.Values) *int32Dictionary { + return &int32Dictionary{ + int32Page: int32Page{ + typ: typ, + values: data.Int32()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (d *int32Dictionary) Type() Type { return newIndexedType(d.typ, d) } + +func (d *int32Dictionary) Len() int { return len(d.values) } + +func (d *int32Dictionary) Index(i int32) Value { return d.makeValue(d.index(i)) } + +func (d *int32Dictionary) index(i int32) int32 { return d.values[i] } + +func (d *int32Dictionary) Insert(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + d.insert(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU32)) +} + +func (d *int32Dictionary) init(indexes []int32) { + d.table = hashprobe.NewInt32Table(len(d.values), hashprobeTableMaxLoad) + + n := min(len(d.values), len(indexes)) + + for i := 0; i < len(d.values); i += n { + j := min(i+n, len(d.values)) + d.table.Probe(d.values[i:j:j], indexes[:n:n]) + } +} + +func (d *int32Dictionary) insert(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + // Iterating over the input in chunks helps keep relevant data in CPU + // caches when a large number of values are inserted into the dictionary with + // a single method call. + // + // Without this chunking, memory areas from the head of the indexes and + // values arrays end up being evicted from CPU caches as the probing + // operation iterates through the array. The subsequent scan of the indexes + // required to determine which values must be inserted into the page then + // stalls on retrieving data from main memory. + // + // We measured as much as ~37% drop in throughput when disabling the + // chunking, and did not observe any penalties from having it on smaller + // inserts. + const chunkSize = insertsTargetCacheFootprint / 4 + + if d.table == nil { + d.init(indexes) + } + + values := rows.Int32Array() + + for i := 0; i < values.Len(); i += chunkSize { + j := min(i+chunkSize, values.Len()) + + if d.table.ProbeArray(values.Slice(i, j), indexes[i:j:j]) > 0 { + for k, index := range indexes[i:j] { + if index == int32(len(d.values)) { + d.values = append(d.values, values.Index(i+k)) + } + } + } + } +} + +func (d *int32Dictionary) Lookup(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + model := d.makeValue(0) + memsetValues(values, model) + d.lookup(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU32)) +} + +func (d *int32Dictionary) Bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max Value) { + if len(indexes) > 0 { + minValue, maxValue := d.bounds(indexes) + min = d.makeValue(minValue) + max = d.makeValue(maxValue) + } + return min, max +} + +func (d *int32Dictionary) Reset() { + d.values = d.values[:0] + if d.table != nil { + d.table.Reset() + } +} + +func (d *int32Dictionary) Page() Page { + return &d.int32Page +} + +type int64Dictionary struct { + int64Page + table *hashprobe.Int64Table +} + +func newInt64Dictionary(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, data encoding.Values) *int64Dictionary { + return &int64Dictionary{ + int64Page: int64Page{ + typ: typ, + values: data.Int64()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (d *int64Dictionary) Type() Type { return newIndexedType(d.typ, d) } + +func (d *int64Dictionary) Len() int { return len(d.values) } + +func (d *int64Dictionary) Index(i int32) Value { return d.makeValue(d.index(i)) } + +func (d *int64Dictionary) index(i int32) int64 { return d.values[i] } + +func (d *int64Dictionary) Insert(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + d.insert(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU64)) +} + +func (d *int64Dictionary) init(indexes []int32) { + d.table = hashprobe.NewInt64Table(len(d.values), hashprobeTableMaxLoad) + + n := min(len(d.values), len(indexes)) + + for i := 0; i < len(d.values); i += n { + j := min(i+n, len(d.values)) + d.table.Probe(d.values[i:j:j], indexes[:n:n]) + } +} + +func (d *int64Dictionary) insert(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + const chunkSize = insertsTargetCacheFootprint / 8 + + if d.table == nil { + d.init(indexes) + } + + values := rows.Int64Array() + + for i := 0; i < values.Len(); i += chunkSize { + j := min(i+chunkSize, values.Len()) + + if d.table.ProbeArray(values.Slice(i, j), indexes[i:j:j]) > 0 { + for k, index := range indexes[i:j] { + if index == int32(len(d.values)) { + d.values = append(d.values, values.Index(i+k)) + } + } + } + } +} + +func (d *int64Dictionary) Lookup(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + model := d.makeValue(0) + memsetValues(values, model) + d.lookup(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU64)) +} + +func (d *int64Dictionary) Bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max Value) { + if len(indexes) > 0 { + minValue, maxValue := d.bounds(indexes) + min = d.makeValue(minValue) + max = d.makeValue(maxValue) + } + return min, max +} + +func (d *int64Dictionary) Reset() { + d.values = d.values[:0] + if d.table != nil { + d.table.Reset() + } +} + +func (d *int64Dictionary) Page() Page { + return &d.int64Page +} + +type int96Dictionary struct { + int96Page + hashmap map[deprecated.Int96]int32 +} + +func newInt96Dictionary(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, data encoding.Values) *int96Dictionary { + return &int96Dictionary{ + int96Page: int96Page{ + typ: typ, + values: data.Int96()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (d *int96Dictionary) Type() Type { return newIndexedType(d.typ, d) } + +func (d *int96Dictionary) Len() int { return len(d.values) } + +func (d *int96Dictionary) Index(i int32) Value { return d.makeValue(d.index(i)) } + +func (d *int96Dictionary) index(i int32) deprecated.Int96 { return d.values[i] } + +func (d *int96Dictionary) Insert(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + d.insertValues(indexes, len(values), func(i int) deprecated.Int96 { + return values[i].Int96() + }) +} + +func (d *int96Dictionary) insert(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + d.insertValues(indexes, rows.Len(), func(i int) deprecated.Int96 { + return *(*deprecated.Int96)(rows.Index(i)) + }) +} + +func (d *int96Dictionary) insertValues(indexes []int32, count int, valueAt func(int) deprecated.Int96) { + _ = indexes[:count] + + if d.hashmap == nil { + d.hashmap = make(map[deprecated.Int96]int32, len(d.values)) + for i, v := range d.values { + d.hashmap[v] = int32(i) + } + } + + for i := 0; i < count; i++ { + value := valueAt(i) + + index, exists := d.hashmap[value] + if !exists { + index = int32(len(d.values)) + d.values = append(d.values, value) + d.hashmap[value] = index + } + + indexes[i] = index + } +} + +func (d *int96Dictionary) Lookup(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + for i, j := range indexes { + values[i] = d.Index(j) + } +} + +func (d *int96Dictionary) Bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max Value) { + if len(indexes) > 0 { + minValue := d.index(indexes[0]) + maxValue := minValue + + for _, i := range indexes[1:] { + value := d.index(i) + switch { + case value.Less(minValue): + minValue = value + case maxValue.Less(value): + maxValue = value + } + } + + min = d.makeValue(minValue) + max = d.makeValue(maxValue) + } + return min, max +} + +func (d *int96Dictionary) Reset() { + d.values = d.values[:0] + d.hashmap = nil +} + +func (d *int96Dictionary) Page() Page { + return &d.int96Page +} + +type floatDictionary struct { + floatPage + table *hashprobe.Float32Table +} + +func newFloatDictionary(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, data encoding.Values) *floatDictionary { + return &floatDictionary{ + floatPage: floatPage{ + typ: typ, + values: data.Float()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (d *floatDictionary) Type() Type { return newIndexedType(d.typ, d) } + +func (d *floatDictionary) Len() int { return len(d.values) } + +func (d *floatDictionary) Index(i int32) Value { return d.makeValue(d.index(i)) } + +func (d *floatDictionary) index(i int32) float32 { return d.values[i] } + +func (d *floatDictionary) Insert(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + d.insert(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU32)) +} + +func (d *floatDictionary) init(indexes []int32) { + d.table = hashprobe.NewFloat32Table(len(d.values), hashprobeTableMaxLoad) + + n := min(len(d.values), len(indexes)) + + for i := 0; i < len(d.values); i += n { + j := min(i+n, len(d.values)) + d.table.Probe(d.values[i:j:j], indexes[:n:n]) + } +} + +func (d *floatDictionary) insert(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + const chunkSize = insertsTargetCacheFootprint / 4 + + if d.table == nil { + d.init(indexes) + } + + values := rows.Float32Array() + + for i := 0; i < values.Len(); i += chunkSize { + j := min(i+chunkSize, values.Len()) + + if d.table.ProbeArray(values.Slice(i, j), indexes[i:j:j]) > 0 { + for k, index := range indexes[i:j] { + if index == int32(len(d.values)) { + d.values = append(d.values, values.Index(i+k)) + } + } + } + } +} + +func (d *floatDictionary) Lookup(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + model := d.makeValue(0) + memsetValues(values, model) + d.lookup(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU32)) +} + +func (d *floatDictionary) Bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max Value) { + if len(indexes) > 0 { + minValue, maxValue := d.bounds(indexes) + min = d.makeValue(minValue) + max = d.makeValue(maxValue) + } + return min, max +} + +func (d *floatDictionary) Reset() { + d.values = d.values[:0] + if d.table != nil { + d.table.Reset() + } +} + +func (d *floatDictionary) Page() Page { + return &d.floatPage +} + +type doubleDictionary struct { + doublePage + table *hashprobe.Float64Table +} + +func newDoubleDictionary(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, data encoding.Values) *doubleDictionary { + return &doubleDictionary{ + doublePage: doublePage{ + typ: typ, + values: data.Double()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (d *doubleDictionary) Type() Type { return newIndexedType(d.typ, d) } + +func (d *doubleDictionary) Len() int { return len(d.values) } + +func (d *doubleDictionary) Index(i int32) Value { return d.makeValue(d.index(i)) } + +func (d *doubleDictionary) index(i int32) float64 { return d.values[i] } + +func (d *doubleDictionary) Insert(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + d.insert(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU64)) +} + +func (d *doubleDictionary) init(indexes []int32) { + d.table = hashprobe.NewFloat64Table(len(d.values), hashprobeTableMaxLoad) + + n := min(len(d.values), len(indexes)) + + for i := 0; i < len(d.values); i += n { + j := min(i+n, len(d.values)) + d.table.Probe(d.values[i:j:j], indexes[:n:n]) + } +} + +func (d *doubleDictionary) insert(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + const chunkSize = insertsTargetCacheFootprint / 8 + + if d.table == nil { + d.init(indexes) + } + + values := rows.Float64Array() + + for i := 0; i < values.Len(); i += chunkSize { + j := min(i+chunkSize, values.Len()) + + if d.table.ProbeArray(values.Slice(i, j), indexes[i:j:j]) > 0 { + for k, index := range indexes[i:j] { + if index == int32(len(d.values)) { + d.values = append(d.values, values.Index(i+k)) + } + } + } + } +} + +func (d *doubleDictionary) Lookup(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + model := d.makeValue(0) + memsetValues(values, model) + d.lookup(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU64)) +} + +func (d *doubleDictionary) Bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max Value) { + if len(indexes) > 0 { + minValue, maxValue := d.bounds(indexes) + min = d.makeValue(minValue) + max = d.makeValue(maxValue) + } + return min, max +} + +func (d *doubleDictionary) Reset() { + d.values = d.values[:0] + if d.table != nil { + d.table.Reset() + } +} + +func (d *doubleDictionary) Page() Page { + return &d.doublePage +} + +type byteArrayDictionary struct { + byteArrayPage + table map[string]int32 + alloc allocator +} + +func newByteArrayDictionary(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, data encoding.Values) *byteArrayDictionary { + values, offsets := data.ByteArray() + // The first offset must always be zero, and the last offset is the length + // of the values in bytes. + // + // As an optimization we make the assumption that the backing array of the + // offsets slice belongs to the dictionary. + switch { + case cap(offsets) == 0: + offsets = make([]uint32, 1, 8) + case len(offsets) == 0: + offsets = append(offsets[:0], 0) + } + return &byteArrayDictionary{ + byteArrayPage: byteArrayPage{ + typ: typ, + values: values, + offsets: offsets, + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (d *byteArrayDictionary) Type() Type { return newIndexedType(d.typ, d) } + +func (d *byteArrayDictionary) Len() int { return d.len() } + +func (d *byteArrayDictionary) Index(i int32) Value { return d.makeValueBytes(d.index(int(i))) } + +func (d *byteArrayDictionary) Insert(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + d.insert(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfPtr)) +} + +func (d *byteArrayDictionary) init() { + numValues := d.len() + d.table = make(map[string]int32, numValues) + + for i := 0; i < numValues; i++ { + d.table[string(d.index(i))] = int32(len(d.table)) + } +} + +func (d *byteArrayDictionary) insert(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + if d.table == nil { + d.init() + } + + values := rows.StringArray() + + for i := range indexes { + value := values.Index(i) + + index, exists := d.table[value] + if !exists { + value = d.alloc.copyString(value) + index = int32(len(d.table)) + d.table[value] = index + d.values = append(d.values, value...) + d.offsets = append(d.offsets, uint32(len(d.values))) + } + + indexes[i] = index + } +} + +func (d *byteArrayDictionary) Lookup(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + model := d.makeValueString("") + memsetValues(values, model) + d.lookupString(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfPtr)) +} + +func (d *byteArrayDictionary) Bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max Value) { + if len(indexes) > 0 { + base := d.index(int(indexes[0])) + minValue := unsafecast.String(base) + maxValue := minValue + values := [64]string{} + + for i := 1; i < len(indexes); i += len(values) { + n := len(indexes) - i + if n > len(values) { + n = len(values) + } + j := i + n + d.lookupString(indexes[i:j:j], makeArrayString(values[:n:n])) + + for _, value := range values[:n:n] { + switch { + case value < minValue: + minValue = value + case value > maxValue: + maxValue = value + } + } + } + + min = d.makeValueString(minValue) + max = d.makeValueString(maxValue) + } + return min, max +} + +func (d *byteArrayDictionary) Reset() { + d.offsets = d.offsets[:1] + d.values = d.values[:0] + for k := range d.table { + delete(d.table, k) + } + d.alloc.reset() +} + +func (d *byteArrayDictionary) Page() Page { + return &d.byteArrayPage +} + +type fixedLenByteArrayDictionary struct { + fixedLenByteArrayPage + hashmap map[string]int32 +} + +func newFixedLenByteArrayDictionary(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, values encoding.Values) *fixedLenByteArrayDictionary { + data, size := values.FixedLenByteArray() + return &fixedLenByteArrayDictionary{ + fixedLenByteArrayPage: fixedLenByteArrayPage{ + typ: typ, + size: size, + data: data, + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (d *fixedLenByteArrayDictionary) Type() Type { return newIndexedType(d.typ, d) } + +func (d *fixedLenByteArrayDictionary) Len() int { return len(d.data) / d.size } + +func (d *fixedLenByteArrayDictionary) Index(i int32) Value { + return d.makeValueBytes(d.index(i)) +} + +func (d *fixedLenByteArrayDictionary) index(i int32) []byte { + j := (int(i) + 0) * d.size + k := (int(i) + 1) * d.size + return d.data[j:k:k] +} + +func (d *fixedLenByteArrayDictionary) Insert(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + d.insertValues(indexes, len(values), func(i int) *byte { + return values[i].ptr + }) +} + +func (d *fixedLenByteArrayDictionary) insert(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + d.insertValues(indexes, rows.Len(), func(i int) *byte { + return (*byte)(rows.Index(i)) + }) +} + +func (d *fixedLenByteArrayDictionary) insertValues(indexes []int32, count int, valueAt func(int) *byte) { + _ = indexes[:count] + + if d.hashmap == nil { + d.hashmap = make(map[string]int32, cap(d.data)/d.size) + for i, j := 0, int32(0); i < len(d.data); i += d.size { + d.hashmap[string(d.data[i:i+d.size])] = j + j++ + } + } + + for i := 0; i < count; i++ { + value := unsafe.Slice(valueAt(i), d.size) + + index, exists := d.hashmap[string(value)] + if !exists { + index = int32(d.Len()) + start := len(d.data) + d.data = append(d.data, value...) + d.hashmap[string(d.data[start:])] = index + } + + indexes[i] = index + } +} + +func (d *fixedLenByteArrayDictionary) Lookup(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + model := d.makeValueString("") + memsetValues(values, model) + d.lookupString(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfPtr)) +} + +func (d *fixedLenByteArrayDictionary) Bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max Value) { + if len(indexes) > 0 { + base := d.index(indexes[0]) + minValue := unsafecast.String(base) + maxValue := minValue + values := [64]string{} + + for i := 1; i < len(indexes); i += len(values) { + n := len(indexes) - i + if n > len(values) { + n = len(values) + } + j := i + n + d.lookupString(indexes[i:j:j], makeArrayString(values[:n:n])) + + for _, value := range values[:n:n] { + switch { + case value < minValue: + minValue = value + case value > maxValue: + maxValue = value + } + } + } + + min = d.makeValueString(minValue) + max = d.makeValueString(maxValue) + } + return min, max +} + +func (d *fixedLenByteArrayDictionary) Reset() { + d.data = d.data[:0] + d.hashmap = nil +} + +func (d *fixedLenByteArrayDictionary) Page() Page { + return &d.fixedLenByteArrayPage +} + +type uint32Dictionary struct { + uint32Page + table *hashprobe.Uint32Table +} + +func newUint32Dictionary(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, data encoding.Values) *uint32Dictionary { + return &uint32Dictionary{ + uint32Page: uint32Page{ + typ: typ, + values: data.Uint32()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) Type() Type { return newIndexedType(d.typ, d) } + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) Len() int { return len(d.values) } + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) Index(i int32) Value { return d.makeValue(d.index(i)) } + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) index(i int32) uint32 { return d.values[i] } + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) Insert(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + d.insert(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU32)) +} + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) init(indexes []int32) { + d.table = hashprobe.NewUint32Table(len(d.values), hashprobeTableMaxLoad) + + n := min(len(d.values), len(indexes)) + + for i := 0; i < len(d.values); i += n { + j := min(i+n, len(d.values)) + d.table.Probe(d.values[i:j:j], indexes[:n:n]) + } +} + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) insert(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + const chunkSize = insertsTargetCacheFootprint / 4 + + if d.table == nil { + d.init(indexes) + } + + values := rows.Uint32Array() + + for i := 0; i < values.Len(); i += chunkSize { + j := min(i+chunkSize, values.Len()) + + if d.table.ProbeArray(values.Slice(i, j), indexes[i:j:j]) > 0 { + for k, index := range indexes[i:j] { + if index == int32(len(d.values)) { + d.values = append(d.values, values.Index(i+k)) + } + } + } + } +} + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) Lookup(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + model := d.makeValue(0) + memsetValues(values, model) + d.lookup(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU32)) +} + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) Bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max Value) { + if len(indexes) > 0 { + minValue, maxValue := d.bounds(indexes) + min = d.makeValue(minValue) + max = d.makeValue(maxValue) + } + return min, max +} + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) Reset() { + d.values = d.values[:0] + if d.table != nil { + d.table.Reset() + } +} + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) Page() Page { + return &d.uint32Page +} + +type uint64Dictionary struct { + uint64Page + table *hashprobe.Uint64Table +} + +func newUint64Dictionary(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, data encoding.Values) *uint64Dictionary { + return &uint64Dictionary{ + uint64Page: uint64Page{ + typ: typ, + values: data.Uint64()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) Type() Type { return newIndexedType(d.typ, d) } + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) Len() int { return len(d.values) } + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) Index(i int32) Value { return d.makeValue(d.index(i)) } + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) index(i int32) uint64 { return d.values[i] } + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) Insert(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + d.insert(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU64)) +} + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) init(indexes []int32) { + d.table = hashprobe.NewUint64Table(len(d.values), hashprobeTableMaxLoad) + + n := min(len(d.values), len(indexes)) + + for i := 0; i < len(d.values); i += n { + j := min(i+n, len(d.values)) + d.table.Probe(d.values[i:j:j], indexes[:n:n]) + } +} + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) insert(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + const chunkSize = insertsTargetCacheFootprint / 8 + + if d.table == nil { + d.init(indexes) + } + + values := rows.Uint64Array() + + for i := 0; i < values.Len(); i += chunkSize { + j := min(i+chunkSize, values.Len()) + + if d.table.ProbeArray(values.Slice(i, j), indexes[i:j:j]) > 0 { + for k, index := range indexes[i:j] { + if index == int32(len(d.values)) { + d.values = append(d.values, values.Index(i+k)) + } + } + } + } +} + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) Lookup(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + model := d.makeValue(0) + memsetValues(values, model) + d.lookup(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfU64)) +} + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) Bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max Value) { + if len(indexes) > 0 { + minValue, maxValue := d.bounds(indexes) + min = d.makeValue(minValue) + max = d.makeValue(maxValue) + } + return min, max +} + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) Reset() { + d.values = d.values[:0] + if d.table != nil { + d.table.Reset() + } +} + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) Page() Page { + return &d.uint64Page +} + +type be128Dictionary struct { + be128Page + table *hashprobe.Uint128Table +} + +func newBE128Dictionary(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, data encoding.Values) *be128Dictionary { + return &be128Dictionary{ + be128Page: be128Page{ + typ: typ, + values: data.Uint128()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (d *be128Dictionary) Type() Type { return newIndexedType(d.typ, d) } + +func (d *be128Dictionary) Len() int { return len(d.values) } + +func (d *be128Dictionary) Index(i int32) Value { return d.makeValue(d.index(i)) } + +func (d *be128Dictionary) index(i int32) *[16]byte { return &d.values[i] } + +func (d *be128Dictionary) Insert(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + _ = indexes[:len(values)] + + for _, v := range values { + if v.kind != ^int8(FixedLenByteArray) { + panic("values inserted in BE128 dictionary must be of type BYTE_ARRAY") + } + if v.u64 != 16 { + panic("values inserted in BE128 dictionary must be of length 16") + } + } + + if d.table == nil { + d.init(indexes) + } + + const chunkSize = insertsTargetCacheFootprint / 16 + var buffer [chunkSize][16]byte + + for i := 0; i < len(values); i += chunkSize { + j := min(chunkSize+i, len(values)) + n := min(chunkSize, len(values)-i) + + probe := buffer[:n:n] + writePointersBE128(probe, makeArrayValue(values[i:j], unsafe.Offsetof(values[i].ptr))) + + if d.table.Probe(probe, indexes[i:j:j]) > 0 { + for k, v := range probe { + if indexes[i+k] == int32(len(d.values)) { + d.values = append(d.values, v) + } + } + } + } +} + +func (d *be128Dictionary) init(indexes []int32) { + d.table = hashprobe.NewUint128Table(len(d.values), 0.75) + + n := min(len(d.values), len(indexes)) + + for i := 0; i < len(d.values); i += n { + j := min(i+n, len(d.values)) + d.table.Probe(d.values[i:j:j], indexes[:n:n]) + } +} + +func (d *be128Dictionary) insert(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + const chunkSize = insertsTargetCacheFootprint / 16 + + if d.table == nil { + d.init(indexes) + } + + values := rows.Uint128Array() + + for i := 0; i < values.Len(); i += chunkSize { + j := min(i+chunkSize, values.Len()) + + if d.table.ProbeArray(values.Slice(i, j), indexes[i:j:j]) > 0 { + for k, index := range indexes[i:j] { + if index == int32(len(d.values)) { + d.values = append(d.values, values.Index(i+k)) + } + } + } + } +} + +func (d *be128Dictionary) Lookup(indexes []int32, values []Value) { + model := d.makeValueString("") + memsetValues(values, model) + d.lookupString(indexes, makeArrayValue(values, offsetOfPtr)) +} + +func (d *be128Dictionary) Bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max Value) { + if len(indexes) > 0 { + minValue, maxValue := d.bounds(indexes) + min = d.makeValue(minValue) + max = d.makeValue(maxValue) + } + return min, max +} + +func (d *be128Dictionary) Reset() { + d.values = d.values[:0] + if d.table != nil { + d.table.Reset() + } +} + +func (d *be128Dictionary) Page() Page { + return &d.be128Page +} + +// indexedType is a wrapper around a Type value which overrides object +// constructors to use indexed versions referencing values in the dictionary +// instead of storing plain values. +type indexedType struct { + Type + dict Dictionary +} + +func newIndexedType(typ Type, dict Dictionary) *indexedType { + return &indexedType{Type: typ, dict: dict} +} + +func (t *indexedType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return newIndexedColumnBuffer(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues)) +} + +func (t *indexedType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return newIndexedPage(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +// indexedPage is an implementation of the Page interface which stores +// indexes instead of plain value. The indexes reference the values in a +// dictionary that the page was created for. +type indexedPage struct { + typ *indexedType + values []int32 + columnIndex int16 +} + +func newIndexedPage(typ *indexedType, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, data encoding.Values) *indexedPage { + // RLE encoded values that contain dictionary indexes in data pages are + // sometimes truncated when they contain only zeros. We account for this + // special case here and extend the values buffer if it is shorter than + // needed to hold `numValues`. + size := int(numValues) + values := data.Int32() + + if len(values) < size { + if cap(values) < size { + tmp := make([]int32, size) + copy(tmp, values) + values = tmp + } else { + clear := values[len(values):size] + for i := range clear { + clear[i] = 0 + } + } + } + + return &indexedPage{ + typ: typ, + values: values[:size], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *indexedPage) Type() Type { return indexedPageType{page.typ} } + +func (page *indexedPage) Column() int { return int(^page.columnIndex) } + +func (page *indexedPage) Dictionary() Dictionary { return page.typ.dict } + +func (page *indexedPage) NumRows() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *indexedPage) NumValues() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *indexedPage) NumNulls() int64 { return 0 } + +func (page *indexedPage) Size() int64 { return 4 * int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *indexedPage) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *indexedPage) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *indexedPage) Data() encoding.Values { return encoding.Int32Values(page.values) } + +func (page *indexedPage) Values() ValueReader { return &indexedPageValues{page: page} } + +func (page *indexedPage) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { + if ok = len(page.values) > 0; ok { + min, max = page.typ.dict.Bounds(page.values) + min.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + max.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + } + return min, max, ok +} + +func (page *indexedPage) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return &indexedPage{ + typ: page.typ, + values: page.values[i:j], + columnIndex: page.columnIndex, + } +} + +// indexedPageType is an adapter for the indexedType returned when accessing +// the type of an indexedPage value. It overrides the Encode/Decode methods to +// account for the fact that an indexed page is holding indexes of values into +// its dictionary instead of plain values. +type indexedPageType struct{ *indexedType } + +func (t indexedPageType) NewValues(values []byte, _ []uint32) encoding.Values { + return encoding.Int32ValuesFromBytes(values) +} + +func (t indexedPageType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return encoding.EncodeInt32(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t indexedPageType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return encoding.DecodeInt32(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t indexedPageType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return Int32Type.EstimateDecodeSize(numValues, src, enc) +} + +type indexedPageValues struct { + page *indexedPage + offset int +} + +func (r *indexedPageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + if n = len(r.page.values) - r.offset; n == 0 { + return 0, io.EOF + } + if n > len(values) { + n = len(values) + } + r.page.typ.dict.Lookup(r.page.values[r.offset:r.offset+n], values[:n]) + r.offset += n + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +// indexedColumnBuffer is an implementation of the ColumnBuffer interface which +// builds a page of indexes into a parent dictionary when values are written. +type indexedColumnBuffer struct{ indexedPage } + +func newIndexedColumnBuffer(typ *indexedType, columnIndex int16, numValues int32) *indexedColumnBuffer { + return &indexedColumnBuffer{ + indexedPage: indexedPage{ + typ: typ, + values: make([]int32, 0, numValues), + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) Clone() ColumnBuffer { + return &indexedColumnBuffer{ + indexedPage: indexedPage{ + typ: col.typ, + values: append([]int32{}, col.values...), + columnIndex: col.columnIndex, + }, + } +} + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) Type() Type { return col.typ.Type } + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return indexedColumnIndex{col}, nil +} + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return indexedOffsetIndex{col}, nil +} + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return nil } + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) Dictionary() Dictionary { return col.typ.dict } + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) Pages() Pages { return onePage(col.Page()) } + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) Page() Page { return &col.indexedPage } + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) Reset() { col.values = col.values[:0] } + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) Cap() int { return cap(col.values) } + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) Len() int { return len(col.values) } + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { + u := col.typ.dict.Index(col.values[i]) + v := col.typ.dict.Index(col.values[j]) + return col.typ.Compare(u, v) < 0 +} + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + col.values[i], col.values[j] = col.values[j], col.values[i] +} + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) { + i := len(col.values) + j := len(col.values) + len(values) + + if j <= cap(col.values) { + col.values = col.values[:j] + } else { + tmp := make([]int32, j, 2*j) + copy(tmp, col.values) + col.values = tmp + } + + col.typ.dict.Insert(col.values[i:], values) + return len(values), nil +} + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) writeValues(rows sparse.Array, _ columnLevels) { + i := len(col.values) + j := len(col.values) + rows.Len() + + if j <= cap(col.values) { + col.values = col.values[:j] + } else { + tmp := make([]int32, j, 2*j) + copy(tmp, col.values) + col.values = tmp + } + + col.typ.dict.insert(col.values[i:], rows) +} + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) ReadValuesAt(values []Value, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + i := int(offset) + switch { + case i < 0: + return 0, errRowIndexOutOfBounds(offset, int64(len(col.values))) + case i >= len(col.values): + return 0, io.EOF + default: + for n < len(values) && i < len(col.values) { + values[n] = col.typ.dict.Index(col.values[i]) + values[n].columnIndex = col.columnIndex + n++ + i++ + } + if n < len(values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err + } +} + +func (col *indexedColumnBuffer) ReadRowAt(row Row, index int64) (Row, error) { + switch { + case index < 0: + return row, errRowIndexOutOfBounds(index, int64(len(col.values))) + case index >= int64(len(col.values)): + return row, io.EOF + default: + v := col.typ.dict.Index(col.values[index]) + v.columnIndex = col.columnIndex + return append(row, v), nil + } +} + +type indexedColumnIndex struct{ col *indexedColumnBuffer } + +func (index indexedColumnIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (index indexedColumnIndex) NullCount(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (index indexedColumnIndex) NullPage(int) bool { return false } +func (index indexedColumnIndex) MinValue(int) Value { + min, _, _ := index.col.Bounds() + return min +} +func (index indexedColumnIndex) MaxValue(int) Value { + _, max, _ := index.col.Bounds() + return max +} +func (index indexedColumnIndex) IsAscending() bool { + min, max, _ := index.col.Bounds() + return index.col.typ.Compare(min, max) <= 0 +} +func (index indexedColumnIndex) IsDescending() bool { + min, max, _ := index.col.Bounds() + return index.col.typ.Compare(min, max) > 0 +} + +type indexedOffsetIndex struct{ col *indexedColumnBuffer } + +func (index indexedOffsetIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (index indexedOffsetIndex) Offset(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (index indexedOffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(int) int64 { return index.col.Size() } +func (index indexedOffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(int) int64 { return 0 } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dictionary_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dictionary_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..387e65f7592fe --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dictionary_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package parquet + +import ( + "unsafe" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" +) + +//go:noescape +func dictionaryBoundsInt32(dict []int32, indexes []int32) (min, max int32, err errno) + +//go:noescape +func dictionaryBoundsInt64(dict []int64, indexes []int32) (min, max int64, err errno) + +//go:noescape +func dictionaryBoundsFloat32(dict []float32, indexes []int32) (min, max float32, err errno) + +//go:noescape +func dictionaryBoundsFloat64(dict []float64, indexes []int32) (min, max float64, err errno) + +//go:noescape +func dictionaryBoundsUint32(dict []uint32, indexes []int32) (min, max uint32, err errno) + +//go:noescape +func dictionaryBoundsUint64(dict []uint64, indexes []int32) (min, max uint64, err errno) + +//go:noescape +func dictionaryBoundsBE128(dict [][16]byte, indexes []int32) (min, max *[16]byte, err errno) + +//go:noescape +func dictionaryLookup32(dict []uint32, indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) errno + +//go:noescape +func dictionaryLookup64(dict []uint64, indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) errno + +//go:noescape +func dictionaryLookupByteArrayString(dict []uint32, page []byte, indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) errno + +//go:noescape +func dictionaryLookupFixedLenByteArrayString(dict []byte, len int, indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) errno + +//go:noescape +func dictionaryLookupFixedLenByteArrayPointer(dict []byte, len int, indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) errno + +func (d *int32Dictionary) lookup(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + dict := unsafecast.Slice[uint32](d.values) + dictionaryLookup32(dict, indexes, rows).check() +} + +func (d *int64Dictionary) lookup(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + dict := unsafecast.Slice[uint64](d.values) + dictionaryLookup64(dict, indexes, rows).check() +} + +func (d *floatDictionary) lookup(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + dict := unsafecast.Slice[uint32](d.values) + dictionaryLookup32(dict, indexes, rows).check() +} + +func (d *doubleDictionary) lookup(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + dict := unsafecast.Slice[uint64](d.values) + dictionaryLookup64(dict, indexes, rows).check() +} + +func (d *byteArrayDictionary) lookupString(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + // TODO: this optimization is disabled for now because it appears to race + // with the garbage collector and result in writing pointers to free objects + // to the output. + // + // This command was used to trigger the problem: + // + // GOMAXPROCS=8 go test -run TestIssue368 -count 10 + // + // https://github.com/segmentio/parquet-go/issues/368 + // + //dictionaryLookupByteArrayString(d.offsets, d.values, indexes, rows).check() + for i, j := range indexes { + *(*string)(rows.Index(i)) = unsafecast.String(d.index(int(j))) + } +} + +func (d *fixedLenByteArrayDictionary) lookupString(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + //dictionaryLookupFixedLenByteArrayString(d.data, d.size, indexes, rows).check() + for i, j := range indexes { + *(*string)(rows.Index(i)) = unsafecast.String(d.index(j)) + } +} + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) lookup(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + dictionaryLookup32(d.values, indexes, rows).check() +} + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) lookup(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + dictionaryLookup64(d.values, indexes, rows).check() +} + +func (d *be128Dictionary) lookupString(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + //dict := unsafecast.Slice[byte](d.values) + //dictionaryLookupFixedLenByteArrayString(dict, 16, indexes, rows).check() + s := "0123456789ABCDEF" + for i, j := range indexes { + *(**[16]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) = d.index(j) + *(*string)(rows.Index(i)) = s + } +} + +func (d *be128Dictionary) lookupPointer(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + //dict := unsafecast.Slice[byte](d.values) + //dictionaryLookupFixedLenByteArrayPointer(dict, 16, indexes, rows).check() + for i, j := range indexes { + *(**[16]byte)(rows.Index(i)) = d.index(j) + } +} + +func (d *int32Dictionary) bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max int32) { + min, max, err := dictionaryBoundsInt32(d.values, indexes) + err.check() + return min, max +} + +func (d *int64Dictionary) bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max int64) { + min, max, err := dictionaryBoundsInt64(d.values, indexes) + err.check() + return min, max +} + +func (d *floatDictionary) bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max float32) { + min, max, err := dictionaryBoundsFloat32(d.values, indexes) + err.check() + return min, max +} + +func (d *doubleDictionary) bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max float64) { + min, max, err := dictionaryBoundsFloat64(d.values, indexes) + err.check() + return min, max +} + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max uint32) { + min, max, err := dictionaryBoundsUint32(d.values, indexes) + err.check() + return min, max +} + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max uint64) { + min, max, err := dictionaryBoundsUint64(d.values, indexes) + err.check() + return min, max +} + +func (d *be128Dictionary) bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max *[16]byte) { + min, max, err := dictionaryBoundsBE128(d.values, indexes) + err.check() + return min, max +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dictionary_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dictionary_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9372ffbfc0291 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dictionary_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,941 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +#define errnoIndexOutOfBounds 1 + +// func dictionaryBoundsInt32(dict []int32, indexes []int32) (min, max int32, err errno) +TEXT ·dictionaryBoundsInt32(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-64 + MOVQ dict_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dict_len+8(FP), BX + + MOVQ indexes_base+24(FP), CX + MOVQ indexes_len+32(FP), DX + + XORQ R10, R10 // min + XORQ R11, R11 // max + XORQ R12, R12 // err + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ DX, $0 + JE return + + MOVL (CX), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + MOVL (AX)(DI*4), R10 + MOVL R10, R11 + + CMPQ DX, $8 + JB test + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE test + + MOVQ DX, DI + SHRQ $3, DI + SHLQ $3, DI + + MOVQ $0xFFFF, R8 + KMOVW R8, K1 + + VPBROADCASTD BX, Y2 // [len(dict)...] + VPBROADCASTD R10, Y3 // [min...] + VMOVDQU32 Y3, Y4 // [max...] +loopAVX512: + VMOVDQU32 (CX)(SI*4), Y0 + VPCMPUD $1, Y2, Y0, K2 + KMOVW K2, R9 + CMPB R9, $0xFF + JNE indexOutOfBounds + VPGATHERDD (AX)(Y0*4), K1, Y1 + VPMINSD Y1, Y3, Y3 + VPMAXSD Y1, Y4, Y4 + KMOVW R8, K1 + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loopAVX512 + + VPERM2I128 $1, Y3, Y3, Y0 + VPERM2I128 $1, Y4, Y4, Y1 + VPMINSD Y0, Y3, Y3 + VPMAXSD Y1, Y4, Y4 + + VPSHUFD $0b1110, Y3, Y0 + VPSHUFD $0b1110, Y4, Y1 + VPMINSD Y0, Y3, Y3 + VPMAXSD Y1, Y4, Y4 + + VPSHUFD $1, Y3, Y0 + VPSHUFD $1, Y4, Y1 + VPMINSD Y0, Y3, Y3 + VPMAXSD Y1, Y4, Y4 + + MOVQ X3, R10 + MOVQ X4, R11 + ANDQ $0xFFFFFFFF, R10 + ANDQ $0xFFFFFFFF, R11 + + VZEROUPPER + JMP test +loop: + MOVL (CX)(SI*4), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + MOVL (AX)(DI*4), DI + CMPL DI, R10 + CMOVLLT DI, R10 + CMPL DI, R11 + CMOVLGT DI, R11 + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, DX + JNE loop +return: + MOVL R10, min+48(FP) + MOVL R11, max+52(FP) + MOVQ R12, err+56(FP) + RET +indexOutOfBounds: + MOVQ $errnoIndexOutOfBounds, R12 + JMP return + +// func dictionaryBoundsInt64(dict []int64, indexes []int32) (min, max int64, err errno) +TEXT ·dictionaryBoundsInt64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-72 + MOVQ dict_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dict_len+8(FP), BX + + MOVQ indexes_base+24(FP), CX + MOVQ indexes_len+32(FP), DX + + XORQ R10, R10 // min + XORQ R11, R11 // max + XORQ R12, R12 // err + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ DX, $0 + JE return + + MOVL (CX), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + MOVQ (AX)(DI*8), R10 + MOVQ R10, R11 + + CMPQ DX, $8 + JB test + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE test + + MOVQ DX, DI + SHRQ $3, DI + SHLQ $3, DI + + MOVQ $0xFFFF, R8 + KMOVW R8, K1 + + VPBROADCASTD BX, Y2 // [len(dict)...] + VPBROADCASTQ R10, Z3 // [min...] + VMOVDQU64 Z3, Z4 // [max...] +loopAVX512: + VMOVDQU32 (CX)(SI*4), Y0 + VPCMPUD $1, Y2, Y0, K2 + KMOVW K2, R9 + CMPB R9, $0xFF + JNE indexOutOfBounds + VPGATHERDQ (AX)(Y0*8), K1, Z1 + VPMINSQ Z1, Z3, Z3 + VPMAXSQ Z1, Z4, Z4 + KMOVW R8, K1 + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loopAVX512 + + VPERMQ $0b1110, Z3, Z0 + VPERMQ $0b1110, Z4, Z1 + VPMINSQ Z0, Z3, Z3 + VPMAXSQ Z1, Z4, Z4 + + VPERMQ $1, Z3, Z0 + VPERMQ $1, Z4, Z1 + VPMINSQ Z0, Z3, Z3 + VPMAXSQ Z1, Z4, Z4 + + VSHUFF64X2 $2, Z3, Z3, Z0 + VSHUFF64X2 $2, Z4, Z4, Z1 + VPMINSQ Z0, Z3, Z3 + VPMAXSQ Z1, Z4, Z4 + + MOVQ X3, R10 + MOVQ X4, R11 + + VZEROUPPER + JMP test +loop: + MOVL (CX)(SI*4), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + MOVQ (AX)(DI*8), DI + CMPQ DI, R10 + CMOVQLT DI, R10 + CMPQ DI, R11 + CMOVQGT DI, R11 + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, DX + JNE loop +return: + MOVQ R10, min+48(FP) + MOVQ R11, max+56(FP) + MOVQ R12, err+64(FP) + RET +indexOutOfBounds: + MOVQ $errnoIndexOutOfBounds, R12 + JMP return + +// func dictionaryBoundsFloat32(dict []float32, indexes []int32) (min, max float32, err errno) +TEXT ·dictionaryBoundsFloat32(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-64 + MOVQ dict_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dict_len+8(FP), BX + + MOVQ indexes_base+24(FP), CX + MOVQ indexes_len+32(FP), DX + + PXOR X3, X3 // min + PXOR X4, X4 // max + XORQ R12, R12 // err + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ DX, $0 + JE return + + MOVL (CX), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + MOVSS (AX)(DI*4), X3 + MOVAPS X3, X4 + + CMPQ DX, $8 + JB test + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE test + + MOVQ DX, DI + SHRQ $3, DI + SHLQ $3, DI + + MOVQ $0xFFFF, R8 + KMOVW R8, K1 + + VPBROADCASTD BX, Y2 // [len(dict)...] + VPBROADCASTD X3, Y3 // [min...] + VMOVDQU32 Y3, Y4 // [max...] +loopAVX512: + VMOVDQU32 (CX)(SI*4), Y0 + VPCMPUD $1, Y2, Y0, K2 + KMOVW K2, R9 + CMPB R9, $0xFF + JNE indexOutOfBounds + VPGATHERDD (AX)(Y0*4), K1, Y1 + VMINPS Y1, Y3, Y3 + VMAXPS Y1, Y4, Y4 + KMOVW R8, K1 + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loopAVX512 + + VPERM2I128 $1, Y3, Y3, Y0 + VPERM2I128 $1, Y4, Y4, Y1 + VMINPS Y0, Y3, Y3 + VMAXPS Y1, Y4, Y4 + + VPSHUFD $0b1110, Y3, Y0 + VPSHUFD $0b1110, Y4, Y1 + VMINPS Y0, Y3, Y3 + VMAXPS Y1, Y4, Y4 + + VPSHUFD $1, Y3, Y0 + VPSHUFD $1, Y4, Y1 + VMINPS Y0, Y3, Y3 + VMAXPS Y1, Y4, Y4 + + VZEROUPPER + JMP test +loop: + MOVL (CX)(SI*4), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + MOVSS (AX)(DI*4), X1 + UCOMISS X3, X1 + JAE skipAssignMin + MOVAPS X1, X3 +skipAssignMin: + UCOMISS X4, X1 + JBE skipAssignMax + MOVAPS X1, X4 +skipAssignMax: + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, DX + JNE loop +return: + MOVSS X3, min+48(FP) + MOVSS X4, max+52(FP) + MOVQ R12, err+56(FP) + RET +indexOutOfBounds: + MOVQ $errnoIndexOutOfBounds, R12 + JMP return + +// func dictionaryBoundsFloat64(dict []float64, indexes []int32) (min, max float64, err errno) +TEXT ·dictionaryBoundsFloat64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-72 + MOVQ dict_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dict_len+8(FP), BX + + MOVQ indexes_base+24(FP), CX + MOVQ indexes_len+32(FP), DX + + PXOR X3, X3 // min + PXOR X4, X4 // max + XORQ R12, R12 // err + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ DX, $0 + JE return + + MOVL (CX), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + MOVSD (AX)(DI*8), X3 + MOVAPS X3, X4 + + CMPQ DX, $8 + JB test + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE test + + MOVQ DX, DI + SHRQ $3, DI + SHLQ $3, DI + + MOVQ $0xFFFF, R8 + KMOVW R8, K1 + + VPBROADCASTD BX, Y2 // [len(dict)...] + VPBROADCASTQ X3, Z3 // [min...] + VMOVDQU64 Z3, Z4 // [max...] +loopAVX512: + VMOVDQU32 (CX)(SI*4), Y0 + VPCMPUD $1, Y2, Y0, K2 + KMOVW K2, R9 + CMPB R9, $0xFF + JNE indexOutOfBounds + VPGATHERDQ (AX)(Y0*8), K1, Z1 + VMINPD Z1, Z3, Z3 + VMAXPD Z1, Z4, Z4 + KMOVW R8, K1 + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loopAVX512 + + VPERMQ $0b1110, Z3, Z0 + VPERMQ $0b1110, Z4, Z1 + VMINPD Z0, Z3, Z3 + VMAXPD Z1, Z4, Z4 + + VPERMQ $1, Z3, Z0 + VPERMQ $1, Z4, Z1 + VMINPD Z0, Z3, Z3 + VMAXPD Z1, Z4, Z4 + + VSHUFF64X2 $2, Z3, Z3, Z0 + VSHUFF64X2 $2, Z4, Z4, Z1 + VMINPD Z0, Z3, Z3 + VMAXPD Z1, Z4, Z4 + + VZEROUPPER + JMP test +loop: + MOVL (CX)(SI*4), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + MOVSD (AX)(DI*8), X1 + UCOMISD X3, X1 + JAE skipAssignMin + MOVAPD X1, X3 +skipAssignMin: + UCOMISD X4, X1 + JBE skipAssignMax + MOVAPD X1, X4 +skipAssignMax: + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, DX + JNE loop +return: + MOVSD X3, min+48(FP) + MOVSD X4, max+56(FP) + MOVQ R12, err+64(FP) + RET +indexOutOfBounds: + MOVQ $errnoIndexOutOfBounds, R12 + JMP return + +// func dictionaryBoundsUint32(dict []uint32, indexes []int32) (min, max uint32, err errno) +TEXT ·dictionaryBoundsUint32(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-64 + MOVQ dict_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dict_len+8(FP), BX + + MOVQ indexes_base+24(FP), CX + MOVQ indexes_len+32(FP), DX + + XORQ R10, R10 // min + XORQ R11, R11 // max + XORQ R12, R12 // err + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ DX, $0 + JE return + + MOVL (CX), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + MOVL (AX)(DI*4), R10 + MOVL R10, R11 + + CMPQ DX, $8 + JB test + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE test + + MOVQ DX, DI + SHRQ $3, DI + SHLQ $3, DI + + MOVQ $0xFFFF, R8 + KMOVW R8, K1 + + VPBROADCASTD BX, Y2 // [len(dict)...] + VPBROADCASTD R10, Y3 // [min...] + VMOVDQU32 Y3, Y4 // [max...] +loopAVX512: + VMOVDQU32 (CX)(SI*4), Y0 + VPCMPUD $1, Y2, Y0, K2 + KMOVW K2, R9 + CMPB R9, $0xFF + JNE indexOutOfBounds + VPGATHERDD (AX)(Y0*4), K1, Y1 + VPMINUD Y1, Y3, Y3 + VPMAXUD Y1, Y4, Y4 + KMOVW R8, K1 + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loopAVX512 + + VPERM2I128 $1, Y3, Y3, Y0 + VPERM2I128 $1, Y4, Y4, Y1 + VPMINUD Y0, Y3, Y3 + VPMAXUD Y1, Y4, Y4 + + VPSHUFD $0b1110, Y3, Y0 + VPSHUFD $0b1110, Y4, Y1 + VPMINUD Y0, Y3, Y3 + VPMAXUD Y1, Y4, Y4 + + VPSHUFD $1, Y3, Y0 + VPSHUFD $1, Y4, Y1 + VPMINUD Y0, Y3, Y3 + VPMAXUD Y1, Y4, Y4 + + MOVQ X3, R10 + MOVQ X4, R11 + ANDQ $0xFFFFFFFF, R10 + ANDQ $0xFFFFFFFF, R11 + + VZEROUPPER + JMP test +loop: + MOVL (CX)(SI*4), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + MOVL (AX)(DI*4), DI + CMPL DI, R10 + CMOVLCS DI, R10 + CMPL DI, R11 + CMOVLHI DI, R11 + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, DX + JNE loop +return: + MOVL R10, min+48(FP) + MOVL R11, max+52(FP) + MOVQ R12, err+56(FP) + RET +indexOutOfBounds: + MOVQ $errnoIndexOutOfBounds, R12 + JMP return + +// func dictionaryBoundsUint64(dict []uint64, indexes []int32) (min, max uint64, err errno) +TEXT ·dictionaryBoundsUint64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-72 + MOVQ dict_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dict_len+8(FP), BX + + MOVQ indexes_base+24(FP), CX + MOVQ indexes_len+32(FP), DX + + XORQ R10, R10 // min + XORQ R11, R11 // max + XORQ R12, R12 // err + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ DX, $0 + JE return + + MOVL (CX)(SI*4), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + MOVQ (AX)(DI*8), R10 + MOVQ R10, R11 + + CMPQ DX, $8 + JB test + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE test + + MOVQ DX, DI + SHRQ $3, DI + SHLQ $3, DI + + MOVQ $0xFFFF, R8 + KMOVW R8, K1 + + VPBROADCASTD BX, Y2 // [len(dict)...] + VPBROADCASTQ R10, Z3 // [min...] + VMOVDQU64 Z3, Z4 // [max...] +loopAVX512: + VMOVDQU32 (CX)(SI*4), Y0 + VPCMPUD $1, Y2, Y0, K2 + KMOVW K2, R9 + CMPB R9, $0xFF + JNE indexOutOfBounds + VPGATHERDQ (AX)(Y0*8), K1, Z1 + VPMINUQ Z1, Z3, Z3 + VPMAXUQ Z1, Z4, Z4 + KMOVW R8, K1 + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loopAVX512 + + VPERMQ $0b1110, Z3, Z0 + VPERMQ $0b1110, Z4, Z1 + VPMINUQ Z0, Z3, Z3 + VPMAXUQ Z1, Z4, Z4 + + VPERMQ $1, Z3, Z0 + VPERMQ $1, Z4, Z1 + VPMINUQ Z0, Z3, Z3 + VPMAXUQ Z1, Z4, Z4 + + VSHUFF64X2 $2, Z3, Z3, Z0 + VSHUFF64X2 $2, Z4, Z4, Z1 + VPMINUQ Z0, Z3, Z3 + VPMAXUQ Z1, Z4, Z4 + + MOVQ X3, R10 + MOVQ X4, R11 + + VZEROUPPER + JMP test +loop: + MOVL (CX)(SI*4), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + MOVQ (AX)(DI*8), DI + CMPQ DI, R10 + CMOVQCS DI, R10 + CMPQ DI, R11 + CMOVQHI DI, R11 + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, DX + JNE loop +return: + MOVQ R10, min+48(FP) + MOVQ R11, max+56(FP) + MOVQ R12, err+64(FP) + RET +indexOutOfBounds: + MOVQ $errnoIndexOutOfBounds, R12 + JMP return + +// func dictionaryBoundsBE128(dict [][16]byte, indexes []int32) (min, max *[16]byte, err errno) +TEXT ·dictionaryBoundsBE128(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-72 + MOVQ dict_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dict_len+8(FP), BX + + MOVQ indexes_base+24(FP), CX + MOVQ indexes_len+32(FP), DX + SHLQ $2, DX // x 4 + ADDQ CX, DX // end + + XORQ R8, R8 // min (pointer) + XORQ R9, R9 // max (pointer) + XORQ SI, SI // err + XORQ DI, DI + + CMPQ DX, $0 + JE return + + MOVL (CX), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + SHLQ $4, DI // the dictionary contains 16 byte words + LEAQ (AX)(DI*1), R8 + MOVQ R8, R9 + MOVQ 0(AX)(DI*1), R10 // min (high) + MOVQ 8(AX)(DI*1), R11 // min (low) + BSWAPQ R10 + BSWAPQ R11 + MOVQ R10, R12 // max (high) + MOVQ R11, R13 // max (low) + + JMP next +loop: + MOVL (CX), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + SHLQ $4, DI + MOVQ 0(AX)(DI*1), R14 + MOVQ 8(AX)(DI*1), R15 + BSWAPQ R14 + BSWAPQ R15 +testLessThan: + CMPQ R14, R10 + JA testGreaterThan + JB lessThan + CMPQ R15, R11 + JAE testGreaterThan +lessThan: + LEAQ (AX)(DI*1), R8 + MOVQ R14, R10 + MOVQ R15, R11 + JMP next +testGreaterThan: + CMPQ R14, R12 + JB next + JA greaterThan + CMPQ R15, R13 + JBE next +greaterThan: + LEAQ (AX)(DI*1), R9 + MOVQ R14, R12 + MOVQ R15, R13 +next: + ADDQ $4, CX + CMPQ CX, DX + JNE loop +return: + MOVQ R8, min+48(FP) + MOVQ R9, max+56(FP) + MOVQ SI, err+64(FP) + RET +indexOutOfBounds: + MOVQ $errnoIndexOutOfBounds, SI + JMP return + +// The lookup functions provide optimized versions of the dictionary index +// lookup logic. +// +// When AVX512 is available, the AVX512 versions of the functions are used +// which use the VPGATHER* instructions to perform 8 parallel lookups of the +// values in the dictionary, then VPSCATTER* to do 8 parallel writes to the +// sparse output buffer. + +// func dictionaryLookup32(dict []uint32, indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) errno +TEXT ·dictionaryLookup32(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-80 + MOVQ dict_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dict_len+8(FP), BX + + MOVQ indexes_base+24(FP), CX + MOVQ indexes_len+32(FP), DX + + MOVQ rows_array_ptr+48(FP), R8 + MOVQ rows_array_off+64(FP), R9 + + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ DX, $8 + JB test + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE test + + MOVQ DX, DI + SHRQ $3, DI + SHLQ $3, DI + + MOVQ R9, R10 + SHLQ $3, R10 // 8 * size + + MOVW $0xFFFF, R11 + KMOVW R11, K1 + KMOVW R11, K2 + + VPBROADCASTD R9, Y2 // [size...] + VPMULLD ·range0n8(SB), Y2, Y2 // [0*size,1*size,...] + VPBROADCASTD BX, Y3 // [len(dict)...] +loopAVX512: + VMOVDQU32 (CX)(SI*4), Y0 + VPCMPUD $1, Y3, Y0, K3 + KMOVW K3, R11 + CMPB R11, $0xFF + JNE indexOutOfBounds + VPGATHERDD (AX)(Y0*4), K1, Y1 + VPSCATTERDD Y1, K2, (R8)(Y2*1) + KMOVW R11, K1 + KMOVW R11, K2 + ADDQ R10, R8 + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loopAVX512 + VZEROUPPER + JMP test +loop: + MOVL (CX)(SI*4), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + MOVL (AX)(DI*4), DI + MOVL DI, (R8) + ADDQ R9, R8 + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, DX + JNE loop + XORQ AX, AX +return: + MOVQ AX, ret+72(FP) + RET +indexOutOfBounds: + MOVQ $errnoIndexOutOfBounds, AX + JMP return + +// func dictionaryLookup64(dict []uint64, indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) errno +TEXT ·dictionaryLookup64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-80 + MOVQ dict_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dict_len+8(FP), BX + + MOVQ indexes_base+24(FP), CX + MOVQ indexes_len+32(FP), DX + + MOVQ rows_array_ptr+48(FP), R8 + MOVQ rows_array_off+64(FP), R9 + + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ DX, $8 + JB test + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE test + + MOVQ DX, DI + SHRQ $3, DI + SHLQ $3, DI + + MOVQ R9, R10 + SHLQ $3, R10 // 8 * size + + MOVW $0xFFFF, R11 + KMOVW R11, K1 + KMOVW R11, K2 + + VPBROADCASTD R9, Y2 // [size...] + VPMULLD ·range0n8(SB), Y2, Y2 // [0*size,1*size,...] + VPBROADCASTD BX, Y3 // [len(dict)...] +loopAVX512: + VMOVDQU32 (CX)(SI*4), Y0 + VPCMPUD $1, Y3, Y0, K3 + KMOVW K3, R11 + CMPB R11, $0xFF + JNE indexOutOfBounds + VPGATHERDQ (AX)(Y0*8), K1, Z1 + VPSCATTERDQ Z1, K2, (R8)(Y2*1) + KMOVW R11, K1 + KMOVW R11, K2 + ADDQ R10, R8 + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loopAVX512 + VZEROUPPER + JMP test +loop: + MOVL (CX)(SI*4), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + MOVQ (AX)(DI*8), DI + MOVQ DI, (R8) + ADDQ R9, R8 + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, DX + JNE loop + XORQ AX, AX +return: + MOVQ AX, ret+72(FP) + RET +indexOutOfBounds: + MOVQ $errnoIndexOutOfBounds, AX + JMP return + +// func dictionaryLookupByteArrayString(dict []uint32, page []byte, indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) errno +TEXT ·dictionaryLookupByteArrayString(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-104 + MOVQ dict_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dict_len+8(FP), BX + DECQ BX // the offsets have the total length as last element + + MOVQ page_base+24(FP), CX + + MOVQ indexes_base+48(FP), R8 + MOVQ indexes_len+56(FP), R9 + + MOVQ rows_array_ptr+72(FP), R10 + MOVQ rows_array_off+88(FP), R11 + + XORQ DI, DI + XORQ SI, SI +loop: + // Load the index that we want to read the value from. This may come from + // user input so we must validate that the indexes are within the bounds of + // the dictionary. + MOVL (R8)(SI*4), DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + + // Load the offsets within the dictionary page where the value is stored. + // We trust the offsets to be correct since they are generated internally by + // the dictionary code, there is no need to check that they are within the + // bounds of the dictionary page. + MOVL 0(AX)(DI*4), DX + MOVL 4(AX)(DI*4), DI + + // Compute the length of the value (the difference between two consecutive + // offsets), and the pointer to the first byte of the string value. + SUBL DX, DI + LEAQ (CX)(DX*1), DX + + // Store the length and pointer to the value into the output location. + // The memory layout is expected to hold a pointer and length, which are + // both 64 bits words. This is the layout used by parquet.Value and the Go + // string value type. + MOVQ DX, (R10) + MOVQ DI, 8(R10) + + ADDQ R11, R10 + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, R9 + JNE loop + XORQ AX, AX +return: + MOVQ AX, ret+96(FP) + RET +indexOutOfBounds: + MOVQ $errnoIndexOutOfBounds, AX + JMP return + +// func dictionaryLookupFixedLenByteArrayString(dict []byte, len int, indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) errno +TEXT ·dictionaryLookupFixedLenByteArrayString(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-88 + MOVQ dict_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dict_len+8(FP), BX + + MOVQ len+24(FP), CX + + MOVQ indexes_base+32(FP), DX + MOVQ indexes_len+40(FP), R8 + + MOVQ rows_array_ptr+56(FP), R9 + MOVQ rows_array_off+72(FP), R10 + + XORQ DI, DI + XORQ SI, SI +loop: + MOVL (DX)(SI*4), DI + IMULQ CX, DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + + ADDQ AX, DI + MOVQ DI, (R9) + MOVQ CX, 8(R9) + + ADDQ R10, R9 + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, R8 + JNE loop + XORQ AX, AX +return: + MOVQ AX, ret+80(FP) + RET +indexOutOfBounds: + MOVQ $errnoIndexOutOfBounds, AX + JMP return + +// This is the same algorithm as dictionaryLookupFixedLenByteArrayString but we +// only store the pointer to the location holding the value instead of storing +// the pair of pointer and length. Since the length is fixed for this dictionary +// type, the application can assume it at the call site. +// +// func dictionaryLookupFixedLenByteArrayPointer(dict []byte, len int, indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) errno +TEXT ·dictionaryLookupFixedLenByteArrayPointer(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-88 + MOVQ dict_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dict_len+8(FP), BX + + MOVQ len+24(FP), CX + + MOVQ indexes_base+32(FP), DX + MOVQ indexes_len+40(FP), R8 + + MOVQ rows_array_ptr+56(FP), R9 + MOVQ rows_array_off+72(FP), R10 + + XORQ DI, DI + XORQ SI, SI +loop: + MOVL (DX)(SI*4), DI + IMULQ CX, DI + CMPL DI, BX + JAE indexOutOfBounds + + ADDQ AX, DI + MOVQ DI, (R9) + + ADDQ R10, R9 + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, R8 + JNE loop + XORQ AX, AX +return: + MOVQ AX, ret+80(FP) + RET +indexOutOfBounds: + MOVQ $errnoIndexOutOfBounds, AX + JMP return + +GLOBL ·range0n8(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $40 +DATA ·range0n8+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·range0n8+4(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ·range0n8+8(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·range0n8+12(SB)/4, $3 +DATA ·range0n8+16(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·range0n8+20(SB)/4, $5 +DATA ·range0n8+24(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·range0n8+28(SB)/4, $7 +DATA ·range0n8+32(SB)/4, $8 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dictionary_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dictionary_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4893415250f81 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/dictionary_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package parquet + +import ( + "unsafe" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" +) + +func (d *int32Dictionary) lookup(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + for i, j := range indexes { + *(*int32)(rows.Index(i)) = d.index(j) + } +} + +func (d *int64Dictionary) lookup(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + for i, j := range indexes { + *(*int64)(rows.Index(i)) = d.index(j) + } +} + +func (d *floatDictionary) lookup(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + for i, j := range indexes { + *(*float32)(rows.Index(i)) = d.index(j) + } +} + +func (d *doubleDictionary) lookup(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + for i, j := range indexes { + *(*float64)(rows.Index(i)) = d.index(j) + } +} + +func (d *byteArrayDictionary) lookupString(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + for i, j := range indexes { + *(*string)(rows.Index(i)) = unsafecast.String(d.index(int(j))) + } +} + +func (d *fixedLenByteArrayDictionary) lookupString(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + for i, j := range indexes { + *(*string)(rows.Index(i)) = unsafecast.String(d.index(j)) + } +} + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) lookup(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + for i, j := range indexes { + *(*uint32)(rows.Index(i)) = d.index(j) + } +} + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) lookup(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + for i, j := range indexes { + *(*uint64)(rows.Index(i)) = d.index(j) + } +} + +func (d *be128Dictionary) lookupString(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + s := "0123456789ABCDEF" + for i, j := range indexes { + *(**[16]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) = d.index(j) + *(*string)(rows.Index(i)) = s + } +} + +func (d *be128Dictionary) lookupPointer(indexes []int32, rows sparse.Array) { + checkLookupIndexBounds(indexes, rows) + for i, j := range indexes { + *(**[16]byte)(rows.Index(i)) = d.index(j) + } +} + +func (d *int32Dictionary) bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max int32) { + min = d.index(indexes[0]) + max = min + + for _, i := range indexes[1:] { + value := d.index(i) + if value < min { + min = value + } + if value > max { + max = value + } + } + + return min, max +} + +func (d *int64Dictionary) bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max int64) { + min = d.index(indexes[0]) + max = min + + for _, i := range indexes[1:] { + value := d.index(i) + if value < min { + min = value + } + if value > max { + max = value + } + } + + return min, max +} + +func (d *floatDictionary) bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max float32) { + min = d.index(indexes[0]) + max = min + + for _, i := range indexes[1:] { + value := d.index(i) + if value < min { + min = value + } + if value > max { + max = value + } + } + + return min, max +} + +func (d *doubleDictionary) bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max float64) { + min = d.index(indexes[0]) + max = min + + for _, i := range indexes[1:] { + value := d.index(i) + if value < min { + min = value + } + if value > max { + max = value + } + } + + return min, max +} + +func (d *uint32Dictionary) bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max uint32) { + min = d.index(indexes[0]) + max = min + + for _, i := range indexes[1:] { + value := d.index(i) + if value < min { + min = value + } + if value > max { + max = value + } + } + + return min, max +} + +func (d *uint64Dictionary) bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max uint64) { + min = d.index(indexes[0]) + max = min + + for _, i := range indexes[1:] { + value := d.index(i) + if value < min { + min = value + } + if value > max { + max = value + } + } + + return min, max +} + +func (d *be128Dictionary) bounds(indexes []int32) (min, max *[16]byte) { + values := [64]*[16]byte{} + min = d.index(indexes[0]) + max = min + + for i := 1; i < len(indexes); i += len(values) { + n := len(indexes) - i + if n > len(values) { + n = len(values) + } + j := i + n + d.lookupPointer(indexes[i:j:j], makeArrayBE128(values[:n:n])) + + for _, value := range values[:n:n] { + switch { + case lessBE128(value, min): + min = value + case lessBE128(max, value): + max = value + } + } + } + + return min, max +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a7b3717ed3415 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding.go @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "math/bits" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bitpacked" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bytestreamsplit" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +var ( + // Plain is the default parquet encoding. + Plain plain.Encoding + + // RLE is the hybrid bit-pack/run-length parquet encoding. + RLE rle.Encoding + + // BitPacked is the deprecated bit-packed encoding for repetition and + // definition levels. + BitPacked bitpacked.Encoding + + // PlainDictionary is the plain dictionary parquet encoding. + // + // This encoding should not be used anymore in parquet 2.0 and later, + // it is implemented for backwards compatibility to support reading + // files that were encoded with older parquet libraries. + PlainDictionary plain.DictionaryEncoding + + // RLEDictionary is the RLE dictionary parquet encoding. + RLEDictionary rle.DictionaryEncoding + + // DeltaBinaryPacked is the delta binary packed parquet encoding. + DeltaBinaryPacked delta.BinaryPackedEncoding + + // DeltaLengthByteArray is the delta length byte array parquet encoding. + DeltaLengthByteArray delta.LengthByteArrayEncoding + + // DeltaByteArray is the delta byte array parquet encoding. + DeltaByteArray delta.ByteArrayEncoding + + // ByteStreamSplit is an encoding for floating-point data. + ByteStreamSplit bytestreamsplit.Encoding + + // Table indexing the encodings supported by this package. + encodings = [...]encoding.Encoding{ + format.Plain: &Plain, + format.PlainDictionary: &PlainDictionary, + format.BitPacked: &BitPacked, + format.RLE: &RLE, + format.RLEDictionary: &RLEDictionary, + format.DeltaBinaryPacked: &DeltaBinaryPacked, + format.DeltaLengthByteArray: &DeltaLengthByteArray, + format.DeltaByteArray: &DeltaByteArray, + format.ByteStreamSplit: &ByteStreamSplit, + } + + // Table indexing RLE encodings for repetition and definition levels of + // all supported bit widths. + levelEncodingsRLE = [...]rle.Encoding{ + 0: {BitWidth: 1}, + 1: {BitWidth: 2}, + 2: {BitWidth: 3}, + 3: {BitWidth: 4}, + 4: {BitWidth: 5}, + 5: {BitWidth: 6}, + 6: {BitWidth: 7}, + 7: {BitWidth: 8}, + } + + levelEncodingsBitPacked = [...]bitpacked.Encoding{ + 0: {BitWidth: 1}, + 1: {BitWidth: 2}, + 2: {BitWidth: 3}, + 3: {BitWidth: 4}, + 4: {BitWidth: 5}, + 5: {BitWidth: 6}, + 6: {BitWidth: 7}, + 7: {BitWidth: 8}, + } +) + +func isDictionaryEncoding(encoding encoding.Encoding) bool { + return isDictionaryFormat(encoding.Encoding()) +} + +func isDictionaryFormat(encoding format.Encoding) bool { + return encoding == format.PlainDictionary || encoding == format.RLEDictionary +} + +// LookupEncoding returns the parquet encoding associated with the given code. +// +// The function never returns nil. If the encoding is not supported, +// encoding.NotSupported is returned. +func LookupEncoding(enc format.Encoding) encoding.Encoding { + if enc >= 0 && int(enc) < len(encodings) { + if e := encodings[enc]; e != nil { + return e + } + } + return encoding.NotSupported{} +} + +func lookupLevelEncoding(enc format.Encoding, max byte) encoding.Encoding { + i := bits.Len8(max) - 1 + switch enc { + case format.RLE: + return &levelEncodingsRLE[i] + case format.BitPacked: + return &levelEncodingsBitPacked[i] + default: + return encoding.NotSupported{} + } +} + +func canEncode(e encoding.Encoding, k Kind) bool { + if isDictionaryEncoding(e) { + return true + } + switch k { + case Boolean: + return encoding.CanEncodeBoolean(e) + case Int32: + return encoding.CanEncodeInt32(e) + case Int64: + return encoding.CanEncodeInt64(e) + case Int96: + return encoding.CanEncodeInt96(e) + case Float: + return encoding.CanEncodeFloat(e) + case Double: + return encoding.CanEncodeDouble(e) + case ByteArray: + return encoding.CanEncodeByteArray(e) + case FixedLenByteArray: + return encoding.CanEncodeFixedLenByteArray(e) + default: + return false + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bitpacked/bitpacked.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bitpacked/bitpacked.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..47c3dd0906556 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bitpacked/bitpacked.go @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +package bitpacked + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +type Encoding struct { + encoding.NotSupported + BitWidth int +} + +func (e *Encoding) String() string { + return "BIT_PACKED" +} + +func (e *Encoding) Encoding() format.Encoding { + return format.BitPacked +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeLevels(dst []byte, src []uint8) ([]byte, error) { + dst, err := encodeLevels(dst[:0], src, uint(e.BitWidth)) + return dst, e.wrap(err) +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeLevels(dst []uint8, src []byte) ([]uint8, error) { + dst, err := decodeLevels(dst[:0], src, uint(e.BitWidth)) + return dst, e.wrap(err) +} + +func (e *Encoding) wrap(err error) error { + if err != nil { + err = encoding.Error(e, err) + } + return err +} + +func encodeLevels(dst, src []byte, bitWidth uint) ([]byte, error) { + if bitWidth == 0 || len(src) == 0 { + return append(dst[:0], 0), nil + } + + n := ((int(bitWidth) * len(src)) + 7) / 8 + c := n + 1 + + if cap(dst) < c { + dst = make([]byte, c, 2*c) + } else { + dst = dst[:c] + for i := range dst { + dst[i] = 0 + } + } + + bitMask := byte(1<> bitShift + i := bitOffset / 8 + j := bitOffset % 8 + dst[i+0] |= (v & bitMask) << j + dst[i+1] |= (v >> (8 - j)) + bitOffset += bitWidth + } + + return dst[:n], nil +} + +func decodeLevels(dst, src []byte, bitWidth uint) ([]byte, error) { + if bitWidth == 0 || len(src) == 0 { + return append(dst[:0], 0), nil + } + + numBits := 8 * uint(len(src)) + numValues := int(numBits / bitWidth) + if (numBits % bitWidth) != 0 { + numValues++ + } + + if cap(dst) < numValues { + dst = make([]byte, numValues, 2*numValues) + } else { + dst = dst[:numValues] + for i := range dst { + dst[i] = 0 + } + } + + bitMask := byte(1<> j) + if int(i+1) < len(src) { + v |= (src[i+1] << (8 - j)) + } + v &= bitMask + dst[k] = bitFlip(v) >> bitShift + bitOffset += bitWidth + } + + return dst, nil +} + +func bitFlip(b byte) byte { + return (((b >> 0) & 1) << 7) | + (((b >> 1) & 1) << 6) | + (((b >> 2) & 1) << 5) | + (((b >> 3) & 1) << 4) | + (((b >> 4) & 1) << 3) | + (((b >> 5) & 1) << 2) | + (((b >> 6) & 1) << 1) | + (((b >> 7) & 1) << 0) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bytestreamsplit/bytestreamsplit.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bytestreamsplit/bytestreamsplit.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..23b0202d7b00a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bytestreamsplit/bytestreamsplit.go @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +package bytestreamsplit + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +// This encoder implements a version of the Byte Stream Split encoding as described +// in https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/Encodings.md#byte-stream-split-byte_stream_split--9 +type Encoding struct { + encoding.NotSupported +} + +func (e *Encoding) String() string { + return "BYTE_STREAM_SPLIT" +} + +func (e *Encoding) Encoding() format.Encoding { + return format.ByteStreamSplit +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeFloat(dst []byte, src []float32) ([]byte, error) { + dst = resize(dst, 4*len(src)) + encodeFloat(dst, unsafecast.Slice[byte](src)) + return dst, nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeDouble(dst []byte, src []float64) ([]byte, error) { + dst = resize(dst, 8*len(src)) + encodeDouble(dst, unsafecast.Slice[byte](src)) + return dst, nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeFloat(dst []float32, src []byte) ([]float32, error) { + if (len(src) % 4) != 0 { + return dst, encoding.ErrDecodeInvalidInputSize(e, "FLOAT", len(src)) + } + buf := resize(unsafecast.Slice[byte](dst), len(src)) + decodeFloat(buf, src) + return unsafecast.Slice[float32](buf), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeDouble(dst []float64, src []byte) ([]float64, error) { + if (len(src) % 8) != 0 { + return dst, encoding.ErrDecodeInvalidInputSize(e, "DOUBLE", len(src)) + } + buf := resize(unsafecast.Slice[byte](dst), len(src)) + decodeDouble(buf, src) + return unsafecast.Slice[float64](buf), nil +} + +func resize(buf []byte, size int) []byte { + if cap(buf) < size { + buf = make([]byte, size, 2*size) + } else { + buf = buf[:size] + } + return buf +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bytestreamsplit/bytestreamsplit_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bytestreamsplit/bytestreamsplit_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1798c8916c058 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bytestreamsplit/bytestreamsplit_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package bytestreamsplit + +import ( + "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" +) + +var encodeFloatHasAVX512 = cpu.X86.HasAVX512 && + cpu.X86.HasAVX512F && + cpu.X86.HasAVX512VL + +var encodeDoubleHasAVX512 = cpu.X86.HasAVX512 && + cpu.X86.HasAVX512F && + cpu.X86.HasAVX512VL && + cpu.X86.HasAVX512VBMI // VPERMB + +var decodeFloatHasAVX2 = cpu.X86.HasAVX2 + +var decodeDoubleHasAVX512 = cpu.X86.HasAVX512 && + cpu.X86.HasAVX512F && + cpu.X86.HasAVX512VL && + cpu.X86.HasAVX512VBMI // VPERMB + +//go:noescape +func encodeFloat(dst, src []byte) + +//go:noescape +func encodeDouble(dst, src []byte) + +//go:noescape +func decodeFloat(dst, src []byte) + +//go:noescape +func decodeDouble(dst, src []byte) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bytestreamsplit/bytestreamsplit_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bytestreamsplit/bytestreamsplit_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b0c7622dbc4cb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bytestreamsplit/bytestreamsplit_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,426 @@ + //go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// This file contains optimizations of the BYTE_STREAM_SPLIT encoding using AVX2 +// and AVX512 (when available). +// +// The AVX2/512 instruction set comes with instructions to load memory from, or +// store memory at sparse locations called VPGATHER and VPSCATTER. VPGATHER was +// available in the AVX2 instruction set, VPSCATTER was introduced in AVX512 +// (when the AVX512_VBMI extension is supported). Gathering bytes are sparse +// memory locations is useful during the decoding process since we are +// recomposing 32 or 64 bit floating point values from 4 or 8 bytes dispatched +// in the input byte array. +// +// To either deconstruct or reconstruct floating point values, we need to +// reorder the bytes of each value. If we have 4 32 bit floats, we can permute +// their bytes so that the first one contains all the first bytes, the second +// contains all the second bytes, etc... The VPSHUFB instruction is used to +// perform the byte permutation, or the VPERMB instruction for 64 bit floats. +// +// We use different instructions because the VPSHUFB instruction works on two +// lanes of 16 bytes when used on YMM registers. 4 32 bit floats take 16 bytes, +// so a a YMM register can hold two lanes of 4 32 bit floats and the VPSHUFB +// can permute the two sets of values in a single invocation. For 64 bit floats +// we need to permute 8 values, which take 64 bytes and therefore need to be +// held in a ZMM register and apply permutations across the entire register, +// which is only possible using VPERMB. +// +// Technically we could use ZMM registers when working on 32 bit floats to work +// on 16 values per iteration. However, measurements indicated that the latency +// of VPGATHERDD/VPSCATTERDD on ZMM registers did not provide any improvements +// to the throughput of the algorithms, but working on more values increased the +// code complexity. Using YMM registers offered the best balance between +// performance and maintainability. +// +// At a high level the vectorized algorithms are the following: +// +// encoding +// -------- +// * Load a vector of data from the input buffer +// * Permute bytes, grouping bytes by index +// * Scatter bytes of the register to the output buffer +// +// decoding +// -------- +// * Gather sparse bytes from the input buffer +// * Permute bytes, reconstructing the original values +// * Store the vector in the output buffer +// +// When AVX instructions are not available, the functions fallback to scalar +// implementations of the algorithms. These yield much lower throughput, but +// performed 20-30% better than the code generated by the Go compiler. + +// func encodeFloat(dst, src []byte) +TEXT ·encodeFloat(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48 + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), AX + MOVQ src_len+32(FP), BX + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), DX + + MOVQ AX, CX + ADDQ BX, CX // end + SHRQ $2, BX // len + + CMPQ BX, $0 + JE done + + CMPB ·encodeFloatHasAVX512(SB), $0 + JE loop1x4 + + CMPQ BX, $8 + JB loop1x4 + + MOVQ CX, DI + SUBQ AX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + ADDQ AX, DI + + VMOVDQU32 shuffle8x4<>(SB), Y0 + VPBROADCASTD BX, Y2 + VPMULLD scale8x4<>(SB), Y2, Y2 + VPADDD offset8x4<>(SB), Y2, Y2 +loop8x4: + KXORQ K1, K1, K1 + KNOTQ K1, K1 + + VMOVDQU32 (AX), Y1 + VPSHUFB Y0, Y1, Y1 + VPSCATTERDD Y1, K1, (DX)(Y2*1) + + ADDQ $32, AX + ADDQ $8, DX + CMPQ AX, DI + JNE loop8x4 + VZEROUPPER + + CMPQ AX, CX + JE done +loop1x4: + MOVL (AX), SI + MOVQ DX, DI + + MOVB SI, (DI) + SHRL $8, SI + ADDQ BX, DI + + MOVB SI, (DI) + SHRL $8, SI + ADDQ BX, DI + + MOVB SI, (DI) + SHRL $8, SI + ADDQ BX, DI + + MOVB SI, (DI) + + ADDQ $4, AX + INCQ DX + CMPQ AX, CX + JB loop1x4 +done: + RET + +// func encodeDouble(dst, src []byte) +TEXT ·encodeDouble(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48 + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), AX + MOVQ src_len+32(FP), BX + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), DX + + MOVQ AX, CX + ADDQ BX, CX + SHRQ $3, BX + + CMPQ BX, $0 + JE done + + CMPB ·encodeDoubleHasAVX512(SB), $0 + JE loop1x8 + + CMPQ BX, $8 + JB loop1x8 + + MOVQ CX, DI + SUBQ AX, DI + SHRQ $6, DI + SHLQ $6, DI + ADDQ AX, DI + + VMOVDQU64 shuffle8x8<>(SB), Z0 + VPBROADCASTQ BX, Z2 + VPMULLQ scale8x8<>(SB), Z2, Z2 +loop8x8: + KXORQ K1, K1, K1 + KNOTQ K1, K1 + + VMOVDQU64 (AX), Z1 + VPERMB Z1, Z0, Z1 + VPSCATTERQQ Z1, K1, (DX)(Z2*1) + + ADDQ $64, AX + ADDQ $8, DX + CMPQ AX, DI + JNE loop8x8 + VZEROUPPER + + CMPQ AX, CX + JE done +loop1x8: + MOVQ (AX), SI + MOVQ DX, DI + + MOVB SI, (DI) + SHRQ $8, SI + ADDQ BX, DI + + MOVB SI, (DI) + SHRQ $8, SI + ADDQ BX, DI + + MOVB SI, (DI) + SHRQ $8, SI + ADDQ BX, DI + + MOVB SI, (DI) + SHRQ $8, SI + ADDQ BX, DI + + MOVB SI, (DI) + SHRQ $8, SI + ADDQ BX, DI + + MOVB SI, (DI) + SHRQ $8, SI + ADDQ BX, DI + + MOVB SI, (DI) + SHRQ $8, SI + ADDQ BX, DI + + MOVB SI, (DI) + + ADDQ $8, AX + INCQ DX + CMPQ AX, CX + JB loop1x8 +done: + RET + +// func decodeFloat(dst, src []byte) +TEXT ·decodeFloat(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), BX + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), DX + + MOVQ AX, CX + ADDQ BX, CX // end + SHRQ $2, BX // len + + CMPQ BX, $0 + JE done + + CMPB ·decodeFloatHasAVX2(SB), $0 + JE loop1x4 + + CMPQ BX, $8 + JB loop1x4 + + MOVQ CX, DI + SUBQ AX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + ADDQ AX, DI + + MOVQ $0xFFFFFFFF, SI + MOVQ BX, X5 + MOVQ SI, X6 + VMOVDQU shuffle8x4<>(SB), Y0 + VPBROADCASTD X5, Y2 + VPBROADCASTD X6, Y3 + VPMULLD scale8x4<>(SB), Y2, Y2 + VPADDD offset8x4<>(SB), Y2, Y2 + VMOVDQU Y3, Y4 +loop8x4: + VPGATHERDD Y4, (DX)(Y2*1), Y1 + VPSHUFB Y0, Y1, Y1 + VMOVDQU Y1, (AX) + VMOVDQU Y3, Y4 + + ADDQ $32, AX + ADDQ $8, DX + CMPQ AX, DI + JNE loop8x4 + VZEROUPPER + + CMPQ AX, CX + JE done +loop1x4: + MOVQ DX, DI + MOVBLZX (DI), R8 + ADDQ BX, DI + MOVBLZX (DI), R9 + ADDQ BX, DI + MOVBLZX (DI), R10 + ADDQ BX, DI + MOVBLZX (DI), R11 + + SHLL $8, R9 + SHLL $16, R10 + SHLL $24, R11 + + ORL R9, R8 + ORL R10, R8 + ORL R11, R8 + + MOVL R8, (AX) + + ADDQ $4, AX + INCQ DX + CMPQ AX, CX + JB loop1x4 +done: + RET + +// func decodeDouble(dst, src []byte) +TEXT ·decodeDouble(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), BX + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), DX + + MOVQ AX, CX + ADDQ BX, CX + SHRQ $3, BX + + CMPQ BX, $0 + JE done + + CMPB ·decodeDoubleHasAVX512(SB), $0 + JE loop1x8 + + CMPQ BX, $8 + JB loop1x8 + + MOVQ CX, DI + SUBQ AX, DI + SHRQ $6, DI + SHLQ $6, DI + ADDQ AX, DI + + VMOVDQU64 shuffle8x8<>(SB), Z0 + VPBROADCASTQ BX, Z2 + VPMULLQ scale8x8<>(SB), Z2, Z2 +loop8x8: + KXORQ K1, K1, K1 + KNOTQ K1, K1 + + VPGATHERQQ (DX)(Z2*1), K1, Z1 + VPERMB Z1, Z0, Z1 + VMOVDQU64 Z1, (AX) + + ADDQ $64, AX + ADDQ $8, DX + CMPQ AX, DI + JNE loop8x8 + VZEROUPPER + + CMPQ AX, CX + JE done +loop1x8: + MOVQ DX, DI + XORQ R12, R12 + + MOVBQZX (DI), R8 + ADDQ BX, DI + MOVBQZX (DI), R9 + ADDQ BX, DI + MOVBQZX (DI), R10 + ADDQ BX, DI + MOVBQZX (DI), R11 + ADDQ BX, DI + + SHLQ $8, R9 + SHLQ $16, R10 + SHLQ $24, R11 + + ORQ R8, R12 + ORQ R9, R12 + ORQ R10, R12 + ORQ R11, R12 + + MOVBQZX (DI), R8 + ADDQ BX, DI + MOVBQZX (DI), R9 + ADDQ BX, DI + MOVBQZX (DI), R10 + ADDQ BX, DI + MOVBQZX (DI), R11 + + SHLQ $32, R8 + SHLQ $40, R9 + SHLQ $48, R10 + SHLQ $56, R11 + + ORQ R8, R12 + ORQ R9, R12 + ORQ R10, R12 + ORQ R11, R12 + + MOVQ R12, (AX) + + ADDQ $8, AX + INCQ DX + CMPQ AX, CX + JB loop1x8 +done: + RET + +GLOBL scale8x4<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $32 +DATA scale8x4<>+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA scale8x4<>+4(SB)/4, $1 +DATA scale8x4<>+8(SB)/4, $2 +DATA scale8x4<>+12(SB)/4, $3 +DATA scale8x4<>+16(SB)/4, $0 +DATA scale8x4<>+20(SB)/4, $1 +DATA scale8x4<>+24(SB)/4, $2 +DATA scale8x4<>+28(SB)/4, $3 + +GLOBL offset8x4<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $32 +DATA offset8x4<>+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA offset8x4<>+4(SB)/4, $0 +DATA offset8x4<>+8(SB)/4, $0 +DATA offset8x4<>+12(SB)/4, $0 +DATA offset8x4<>+16(SB)/4, $4 +DATA offset8x4<>+20(SB)/4, $4 +DATA offset8x4<>+24(SB)/4, $4 +DATA offset8x4<>+28(SB)/4, $4 + +GLOBL shuffle8x4<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $32 +DATA shuffle8x4<>+0(SB)/4, $0x0C080400 +DATA shuffle8x4<>+4(SB)/4, $0x0D090501 +DATA shuffle8x4<>+8(SB)/4, $0x0E0A0602 +DATA shuffle8x4<>+12(SB)/4, $0x0F0B0703 +DATA shuffle8x4<>+16(SB)/4, $0x0C080400 +DATA shuffle8x4<>+20(SB)/4, $0x0D090501 +DATA shuffle8x4<>+24(SB)/4, $0x0E0A0602 +DATA shuffle8x4<>+28(SB)/4, $0x0F0B0703 + +GLOBL scale8x8<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 +DATA scale8x8<>+0(SB)/8, $0 +DATA scale8x8<>+8(SB)/8, $1 +DATA scale8x8<>+16(SB)/8, $2 +DATA scale8x8<>+24(SB)/8, $3 +DATA scale8x8<>+32(SB)/8, $4 +DATA scale8x8<>+40(SB)/8, $5 +DATA scale8x8<>+48(SB)/8, $6 +DATA scale8x8<>+56(SB)/8, $7 + +GLOBL shuffle8x8<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 +DATA shuffle8x8<>+0(SB)/8, $0x3830282018100800 +DATA shuffle8x8<>+8(SB)/8, $0x3931292119110901 +DATA shuffle8x8<>+16(SB)/8, $0x3A322A221A120A02 +DATA shuffle8x8<>+24(SB)/8, $0x3B332B231B130B03 +DATA shuffle8x8<>+32(SB)/8, $0x3C342C241C140C04 +DATA shuffle8x8<>+40(SB)/8, $0x3D352D251D150D05 +DATA shuffle8x8<>+48(SB)/8, $0x3E362E261E160E06 +DATA shuffle8x8<>+56(SB)/8, $0x3F372F271F170F07 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bytestreamsplit/bytestreamsplit_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bytestreamsplit/bytestreamsplit_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..6f5bf15c795f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bytestreamsplit/bytestreamsplit_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package bytestreamsplit + +import "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" + +func encodeFloat(dst, src []byte) { + n := len(src) / 4 + b0 := dst[0*n : 1*n] + b1 := dst[1*n : 2*n] + b2 := dst[2*n : 3*n] + b3 := dst[3*n : 4*n] + + for i, v := range unsafecast.Slice[uint32](src) { + b0[i] = byte(v >> 0) + b1[i] = byte(v >> 8) + b2[i] = byte(v >> 16) + b3[i] = byte(v >> 24) + } +} + +func encodeDouble(dst, src []byte) { + n := len(src) / 8 + b0 := dst[0*n : 1*n] + b1 := dst[1*n : 2*n] + b2 := dst[2*n : 3*n] + b3 := dst[3*n : 4*n] + b4 := dst[4*n : 5*n] + b5 := dst[5*n : 6*n] + b6 := dst[6*n : 7*n] + b7 := dst[7*n : 8*n] + + for i, v := range unsafecast.Slice[uint64](src) { + b0[i] = byte(v >> 0) + b1[i] = byte(v >> 8) + b2[i] = byte(v >> 16) + b3[i] = byte(v >> 24) + b4[i] = byte(v >> 32) + b5[i] = byte(v >> 40) + b6[i] = byte(v >> 48) + b7[i] = byte(v >> 56) + } +} + +func decodeFloat(dst, src []byte) { + n := len(src) / 4 + b0 := src[0*n : 1*n] + b1 := src[1*n : 2*n] + b2 := src[2*n : 3*n] + b3 := src[3*n : 4*n] + + dst32 := unsafecast.Slice[uint32](dst) + for i := range dst32 { + dst32[i] = uint32(b0[i]) | + uint32(b1[i])<<8 | + uint32(b2[i])<<16 | + uint32(b3[i])<<24 + } +} + +func decodeDouble(dst, src []byte) { + n := len(src) / 8 + b0 := src[0*n : 1*n] + b1 := src[1*n : 2*n] + b2 := src[2*n : 3*n] + b3 := src[3*n : 4*n] + b4 := src[4*n : 5*n] + b5 := src[5*n : 6*n] + b6 := src[6*n : 7*n] + b7 := src[7*n : 8*n] + + dst64 := unsafecast.Slice[uint64](dst) + for i := range dst64 { + dst64[i] = uint64(b0[i]) | + uint64(b1[i])<<8 | + uint64(b2[i])<<16 | + uint64(b3[i])<<24 | + uint64(b4[i])<<32 | + uint64(b5[i])<<40 | + uint64(b6[i])<<48 | + uint64(b7[i])<<56 + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/binary_packed.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/binary_packed.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..cf9d4cfc9ec17 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/binary_packed.go @@ -0,0 +1,488 @@ +package delta + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "io" + "math" + "math/bits" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +type BinaryPackedEncoding struct { + encoding.NotSupported +} + +func (e *BinaryPackedEncoding) String() string { + return "DELTA_BINARY_PACKED" +} + +func (e *BinaryPackedEncoding) Encoding() format.Encoding { + return format.DeltaBinaryPacked +} + +func (e *BinaryPackedEncoding) EncodeInt32(dst []byte, src []int32) ([]byte, error) { + return encodeInt32(dst[:0], src), nil +} + +func (e *BinaryPackedEncoding) EncodeInt64(dst []byte, src []int64) ([]byte, error) { + return encodeInt64(dst[:0], src), nil +} + +func (e *BinaryPackedEncoding) DecodeInt32(dst []int32, src []byte) ([]int32, error) { + buf := unsafecast.Slice[byte](dst) + buf, _, err := decodeInt32(buf[:0], src) + return unsafecast.Slice[int32](buf), e.wrap(err) +} + +func (e *BinaryPackedEncoding) DecodeInt64(dst []int64, src []byte) ([]int64, error) { + buf := unsafecast.Slice[byte](dst) + buf, _, err := decodeInt64(buf[:0], src) + return unsafecast.Slice[int64](buf), e.wrap(err) +} + +func (e *BinaryPackedEncoding) wrap(err error) error { + if err != nil { + err = encoding.Error(e, err) + } + return err +} + +const ( + blockSize = 128 + numMiniBlocks = 4 + miniBlockSize = blockSize / numMiniBlocks + // The parquet spec does not enforce a limit to the block size, but we need + // one otherwise invalid inputs may result in unbounded memory allocations. + // + // 65K+ values should be enough for any valid use case. + maxSupportedBlockSize = 65536 + + maxHeaderLength32 = 4 * binary.MaxVarintLen64 + maxMiniBlockLength32 = binary.MaxVarintLen64 + numMiniBlocks + (4 * blockSize) + + maxHeaderLength64 = 8 * binary.MaxVarintLen64 + maxMiniBlockLength64 = binary.MaxVarintLen64 + numMiniBlocks + (8 * blockSize) +) + +var ( + encodeInt32 = encodeInt32Default + encodeInt64 = encodeInt64Default +) + +func encodeInt32Default(dst []byte, src []int32) []byte { + totalValues := len(src) + firstValue := int32(0) + if totalValues > 0 { + firstValue = src[0] + } + + n := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, n+maxHeaderLength32) + dst = dst[:n+encodeBinaryPackedHeader(dst[n:], blockSize, numMiniBlocks, totalValues, int64(firstValue))] + + if totalValues < 2 { + return dst + } + + lastValue := firstValue + for i := 1; i < len(src); i += blockSize { + block := [blockSize]int32{} + blockLength := copy(block[:], src[i:]) + + lastValue = blockDeltaInt32(&block, lastValue) + minDelta := blockMinInt32(&block) + blockSubInt32(&block, minDelta) + blockClearInt32(&block, blockLength) + + bitWidths := [numMiniBlocks]byte{} + blockBitWidthsInt32(&bitWidths, &block) + + n := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, n+maxMiniBlockLength32+4) + n += encodeBlockHeader(dst[n:], int64(minDelta), bitWidths) + + for i, bitWidth := range bitWidths { + if bitWidth != 0 { + miniBlock := (*[miniBlockSize]int32)(block[i*miniBlockSize:]) + encodeMiniBlockInt32(dst[n:], miniBlock, uint(bitWidth)) + n += (miniBlockSize * int(bitWidth)) / 8 + } + } + + dst = dst[:n] + } + + return dst +} + +func encodeInt64Default(dst []byte, src []int64) []byte { + totalValues := len(src) + firstValue := int64(0) + if totalValues > 0 { + firstValue = src[0] + } + + n := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, n+maxHeaderLength64) + dst = dst[:n+encodeBinaryPackedHeader(dst[n:], blockSize, numMiniBlocks, totalValues, firstValue)] + + if totalValues < 2 { + return dst + } + + lastValue := firstValue + for i := 1; i < len(src); i += blockSize { + block := [blockSize]int64{} + blockLength := copy(block[:], src[i:]) + + lastValue = blockDeltaInt64(&block, lastValue) + minDelta := blockMinInt64(&block) + blockSubInt64(&block, minDelta) + blockClearInt64(&block, blockLength) + + bitWidths := [numMiniBlocks]byte{} + blockBitWidthsInt64(&bitWidths, &block) + + n := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, n+maxMiniBlockLength64+8) + n += encodeBlockHeader(dst[n:], minDelta, bitWidths) + + for i, bitWidth := range bitWidths { + if bitWidth != 0 { + miniBlock := (*[miniBlockSize]int64)(block[i*miniBlockSize:]) + encodeMiniBlockInt64(dst[n:], miniBlock, uint(bitWidth)) + n += (miniBlockSize * int(bitWidth)) / 8 + } + } + + dst = dst[:n] + } + + return dst +} + +func encodeBinaryPackedHeader(dst []byte, blockSize, numMiniBlocks, totalValues int, firstValue int64) (n int) { + n += binary.PutUvarint(dst[n:], uint64(blockSize)) + n += binary.PutUvarint(dst[n:], uint64(numMiniBlocks)) + n += binary.PutUvarint(dst[n:], uint64(totalValues)) + n += binary.PutVarint(dst[n:], firstValue) + return n +} + +func encodeBlockHeader(dst []byte, minDelta int64, bitWidths [numMiniBlocks]byte) (n int) { + n += binary.PutVarint(dst, int64(minDelta)) + n += copy(dst[n:], bitWidths[:]) + return n +} + +func blockClearInt32(block *[blockSize]int32, blockLength int) { + if blockLength < blockSize { + clear := block[blockLength:] + for i := range clear { + clear[i] = 0 + } + } +} + +func blockDeltaInt32(block *[blockSize]int32, lastValue int32) int32 { + for i, v := range block { + block[i], lastValue = v-lastValue, v + } + return lastValue +} + +func blockMinInt32(block *[blockSize]int32) int32 { + min := block[0] + for _, v := range block[1:] { + if v < min { + min = v + } + } + return min +} + +func blockSubInt32(block *[blockSize]int32, value int32) { + for i := range block { + block[i] -= value + } +} + +func blockBitWidthsInt32(bitWidths *[numMiniBlocks]byte, block *[blockSize]int32) { + for i := range bitWidths { + j := (i + 0) * miniBlockSize + k := (i + 1) * miniBlockSize + bitWidth := 0 + + for _, v := range block[j:k] { + if n := bits.Len32(uint32(v)); n > bitWidth { + bitWidth = n + } + } + + bitWidths[i] = byte(bitWidth) + } +} + +func blockClearInt64(block *[blockSize]int64, blockLength int) { + if blockLength < blockSize { + clear := block[blockLength:] + for i := range clear { + clear[i] = 0 + } + } +} + +func blockDeltaInt64(block *[blockSize]int64, lastValue int64) int64 { + for i, v := range block { + block[i], lastValue = v-lastValue, v + } + return lastValue +} + +func blockMinInt64(block *[blockSize]int64) int64 { + min := block[0] + for _, v := range block[1:] { + if v < min { + min = v + } + } + return min +} + +func blockSubInt64(block *[blockSize]int64, value int64) { + for i := range block { + block[i] -= value + } +} + +func blockBitWidthsInt64(bitWidths *[numMiniBlocks]byte, block *[blockSize]int64) { + for i := range bitWidths { + j := (i + 0) * miniBlockSize + k := (i + 1) * miniBlockSize + bitWidth := 0 + + for _, v := range block[j:k] { + if n := bits.Len64(uint64(v)); n > bitWidth { + bitWidth = n + } + } + + bitWidths[i] = byte(bitWidth) + } +} + +func decodeInt32(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) { + blockSize, numMiniBlocks, totalValues, firstValue, src, err := decodeBinaryPackedHeader(src) + if err != nil { + return dst, src, err + } + if totalValues == 0 { + return dst, src, nil + } + if firstValue < math.MinInt32 || firstValue > math.MaxInt32 { + return dst, src, fmt.Errorf("first value out of range: %d", firstValue) + } + + writeOffset := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, len(dst)+4*totalValues) + out := unsafecast.Slice[int32](dst) + out[writeOffset] = int32(firstValue) + writeOffset++ + totalValues-- + lastValue := int32(firstValue) + numValuesInMiniBlock := blockSize / numMiniBlocks + + const padding = 16 + miniBlockTemp := make([]byte, 256+padding) + + for totalValues > 0 && len(src) > 0 { + var minDelta int64 + var bitWidths []byte + minDelta, bitWidths, src, err = decodeBinaryPackedBlock(src, numMiniBlocks) + if err != nil { + return dst, src, err + } + + blockOffset := writeOffset + + for _, bitWidth := range bitWidths { + n := min(numValuesInMiniBlock, totalValues) + if bitWidth != 0 { + miniBlockSize := (numValuesInMiniBlock * int(bitWidth)) / 8 + miniBlockData := src + if miniBlockSize <= len(src) { + miniBlockData = miniBlockData[:miniBlockSize] + } + src = src[len(miniBlockData):] + if cap(miniBlockData) < miniBlockSize+bitpack.PaddingInt32 { + miniBlockTemp = resize(miniBlockTemp[:0], miniBlockSize+bitpack.PaddingInt32) + miniBlockData = miniBlockTemp[:copy(miniBlockTemp, miniBlockData)] + } + miniBlockData = miniBlockData[:miniBlockSize] + bitpack.UnpackInt32(out[writeOffset:writeOffset+n], miniBlockData, uint(bitWidth)) + } + writeOffset += n + totalValues -= n + if totalValues == 0 { + break + } + } + + lastValue = decodeBlockInt32(out[blockOffset:writeOffset], int32(minDelta), lastValue) + } + + if totalValues > 0 { + return dst, src, fmt.Errorf("%d missing values: %w", totalValues, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + + return dst, src, nil +} + +func decodeInt64(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error) { + blockSize, numMiniBlocks, totalValues, firstValue, src, err := decodeBinaryPackedHeader(src) + if err != nil { + return dst, src, err + } + if totalValues == 0 { + return dst, src, nil + } + + writeOffset := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, len(dst)+8*totalValues) + out := unsafecast.Slice[int64](dst) + out[writeOffset] = firstValue + writeOffset++ + totalValues-- + lastValue := firstValue + numValuesInMiniBlock := blockSize / numMiniBlocks + + const padding = 16 + miniBlockTemp := make([]byte, 512+padding) + + for totalValues > 0 && len(src) > 0 { + var minDelta int64 + var bitWidths []byte + minDelta, bitWidths, src, err = decodeBinaryPackedBlock(src, numMiniBlocks) + if err != nil { + return dst, src, err + } + blockOffset := writeOffset + + for _, bitWidth := range bitWidths { + n := min(numValuesInMiniBlock, totalValues) + if bitWidth != 0 { + miniBlockSize := (numValuesInMiniBlock * int(bitWidth)) / 8 + miniBlockData := src + if miniBlockSize <= len(src) { + miniBlockData = src[:miniBlockSize] + } + src = src[len(miniBlockData):] + if len(miniBlockData) < miniBlockSize+bitpack.PaddingInt64 { + miniBlockTemp = resize(miniBlockTemp[:0], miniBlockSize+bitpack.PaddingInt64) + miniBlockData = miniBlockTemp[:copy(miniBlockTemp, miniBlockData)] + } + miniBlockData = miniBlockData[:miniBlockSize] + bitpack.UnpackInt64(out[writeOffset:writeOffset+n], miniBlockData, uint(bitWidth)) + } + writeOffset += n + totalValues -= n + if totalValues == 0 { + break + } + } + + lastValue = decodeBlockInt64(out[blockOffset:writeOffset], minDelta, lastValue) + } + + if totalValues > 0 { + return dst, src, fmt.Errorf("%d missing values: %w", totalValues, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + + return dst, src, nil +} + +func decodeBinaryPackedHeader(src []byte) (blockSize, numMiniBlocks, totalValues int, firstValue int64, next []byte, err error) { + u := uint64(0) + n := 0 + i := 0 + + if u, n, err = decodeUvarint(src[i:], "block size"); err != nil { + return + } + i += n + blockSize = int(u) + + if u, n, err = decodeUvarint(src[i:], "number of mini-blocks"); err != nil { + return + } + i += n + numMiniBlocks = int(u) + + if u, n, err = decodeUvarint(src[i:], "total values"); err != nil { + return + } + i += n + totalValues = int(u) + + if firstValue, n, err = decodeVarint(src[i:], "first value"); err != nil { + return + } + i += n + + if numMiniBlocks == 0 { + err = fmt.Errorf("invalid number of mini block (%d)", numMiniBlocks) + } else if (blockSize <= 0) || (blockSize%128) != 0 { + err = fmt.Errorf("invalid block size is not a multiple of 128 (%d)", blockSize) + } else if blockSize > maxSupportedBlockSize { + err = fmt.Errorf("invalid block size is too large (%d)", blockSize) + } else if miniBlockSize := blockSize / numMiniBlocks; (numMiniBlocks <= 0) || (miniBlockSize%32) != 0 { + err = fmt.Errorf("invalid mini block size is not a multiple of 32 (%d)", miniBlockSize) + } else if totalValues < 0 { + err = fmt.Errorf("invalid total number of values is negative (%d)", totalValues) + } else if totalValues > math.MaxInt32 { + err = fmt.Errorf("too many values: %d", totalValues) + } + + return blockSize, numMiniBlocks, totalValues, firstValue, src[i:], err +} + +func decodeBinaryPackedBlock(src []byte, numMiniBlocks int) (minDelta int64, bitWidths, next []byte, err error) { + minDelta, n, err := decodeVarint(src, "min delta") + if err != nil { + return 0, nil, src, err + } + src = src[n:] + if len(src) < numMiniBlocks { + bitWidths, next = src, nil + } else { + bitWidths, next = src[:numMiniBlocks], src[numMiniBlocks:] + } + return minDelta, bitWidths, next, nil +} + +func decodeUvarint(buf []byte, what string) (u uint64, n int, err error) { + u, n = binary.Uvarint(buf) + if n == 0 { + return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("decoding %s: %w", what, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + if n < 0 { + return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("overflow decoding %s (read %d/%d bytes)", what, -n, len(buf)) + } + return u, n, nil +} + +func decodeVarint(buf []byte, what string) (v int64, n int, err error) { + v, n = binary.Varint(buf) + if n == 0 { + return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("decoding %s: %w", what, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + if n < 0 { + return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("overflow decoding %s (read %d/%d bytes)", what, -n, len(buf)) + } + return v, n, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/binary_packed_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/binary_packed_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..11a5a538b1f72 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/binary_packed_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package delta + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" + "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" +) + +func init() { + if cpu.X86.HasAVX2 { + encodeInt32 = encodeInt32AVX2 + encodeInt64 = encodeInt64AVX2 + } +} + +//go:noescape +func blockDeltaInt32AVX2(block *[blockSize]int32, lastValue int32) int32 + +//go:noescape +func blockMinInt32AVX2(block *[blockSize]int32) int32 + +//go:noescape +func blockSubInt32AVX2(block *[blockSize]int32, value int32) + +//go:noescape +func blockBitWidthsInt32AVX2(bitWidths *[numMiniBlocks]byte, block *[blockSize]int32) + +//go:noescape +func encodeMiniBlockInt32Default(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int32, bitWidth uint) + +//go:noescape +func encodeMiniBlockInt32x1bitAVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int32) + +//go:noescape +func encodeMiniBlockInt32x2bitsAVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int32) + +//go:noescape +func encodeMiniBlockInt32x3to16bitsAVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int32, bitWidth uint) + +//go:noescape +func encodeMiniBlockInt32x32bitsAVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int32) + +func encodeMiniBlockInt32(dst []byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int32, bitWidth uint) { + encodeMiniBlockInt32Default(&dst[0], src, bitWidth) +} + +func encodeMiniBlockInt32AVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int32, bitWidth uint) { + switch { + case bitWidth == 1: + encodeMiniBlockInt32x1bitAVX2(dst, src) + case bitWidth == 2: + encodeMiniBlockInt32x2bitsAVX2(dst, src) + case bitWidth == 32: + encodeMiniBlockInt32x32bitsAVX2(dst, src) + case bitWidth <= 16: + encodeMiniBlockInt32x3to16bitsAVX2(dst, src, bitWidth) + default: + encodeMiniBlockInt32Default(dst, src, bitWidth) + } +} + +func encodeInt32AVX2(dst []byte, src []int32) []byte { + totalValues := len(src) + firstValue := int32(0) + if totalValues > 0 { + firstValue = src[0] + } + + n := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, n+maxHeaderLength32) + dst = dst[:n+encodeBinaryPackedHeader(dst[n:], blockSize, numMiniBlocks, totalValues, int64(firstValue))] + + if totalValues < 2 { + return dst + } + + lastValue := firstValue + for i := 1; i < len(src); i += blockSize { + block := [blockSize]int32{} + blockLength := copy(block[:], src[i:]) + + lastValue = blockDeltaInt32AVX2(&block, lastValue) + minDelta := blockMinInt32AVX2(&block) + blockSubInt32AVX2(&block, minDelta) + blockClearInt32(&block, blockLength) + + bitWidths := [numMiniBlocks]byte{} + blockBitWidthsInt32AVX2(&bitWidths, &block) + + n := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, n+maxMiniBlockLength32+16) + n += encodeBlockHeader(dst[n:], int64(minDelta), bitWidths) + + for i, bitWidth := range bitWidths { + if bitWidth != 0 { + miniBlock := (*[miniBlockSize]int32)(block[i*miniBlockSize:]) + encodeMiniBlockInt32AVX2(&dst[n], miniBlock, uint(bitWidth)) + n += (miniBlockSize * int(bitWidth)) / 8 + } + } + + dst = dst[:n] + } + + return dst +} + +//go:noescape +func blockDeltaInt64AVX2(block *[blockSize]int64, lastValue int64) int64 + +//go:noescape +func blockMinInt64AVX2(block *[blockSize]int64) int64 + +//go:noescape +func blockSubInt64AVX2(block *[blockSize]int64, value int64) + +//go:noescape +func blockBitWidthsInt64AVX2(bitWidths *[numMiniBlocks]byte, block *[blockSize]int64) + +//go:noescape +func encodeMiniBlockInt64Default(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int64, bitWidth uint) + +//go:noescape +func encodeMiniBlockInt64x1bitAVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int64) + +//go:noescape +func encodeMiniBlockInt64x2bitsAVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int64) + +//go:noescape +func encodeMiniBlockInt64x64bitsAVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int64) + +func encodeMiniBlockInt64(dst []byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int64, bitWidth uint) { + encodeMiniBlockInt64Default(&dst[0], src, bitWidth) +} + +func encodeMiniBlockInt64AVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int64, bitWidth uint) { + switch { + case bitWidth == 1: + encodeMiniBlockInt64x1bitAVX2(dst, src) + case bitWidth == 2: + encodeMiniBlockInt64x2bitsAVX2(dst, src) + case bitWidth == 64: + encodeMiniBlockInt64x64bitsAVX2(dst, src) + default: + encodeMiniBlockInt64Default(dst, src, bitWidth) + } +} + +func encodeInt64AVX2(dst []byte, src []int64) []byte { + totalValues := len(src) + firstValue := int64(0) + if totalValues > 0 { + firstValue = src[0] + } + + n := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, n+maxHeaderLength64) + dst = dst[:n+encodeBinaryPackedHeader(dst[n:], blockSize, numMiniBlocks, totalValues, int64(firstValue))] + + if totalValues < 2 { + return dst + } + + lastValue := firstValue + for i := 1; i < len(src); i += blockSize { + block := [blockSize]int64{} + blockLength := copy(block[:], src[i:]) + + lastValue = blockDeltaInt64AVX2(&block, lastValue) + minDelta := blockMinInt64AVX2(&block) + blockSubInt64AVX2(&block, minDelta) + blockClearInt64(&block, blockLength) + + bitWidths := [numMiniBlocks]byte{} + blockBitWidthsInt64AVX2(&bitWidths, &block) + + n := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, n+maxMiniBlockLength64+16) + n += encodeBlockHeader(dst[n:], int64(minDelta), bitWidths) + + for i, bitWidth := range bitWidths { + if bitWidth != 0 { + miniBlock := (*[miniBlockSize]int64)(block[i*miniBlockSize:]) + encodeMiniBlockInt64AVX2(&dst[n], miniBlock, uint(bitWidth)) + n += (miniBlockSize * int(bitWidth)) / 8 + } + } + + dst = dst[:n] + } + + return dst +} + +//go:noescape +func decodeBlockInt32Default(dst []int32, minDelta, lastValue int32) int32 + +//go:noescape +func decodeBlockInt32AVX2(dst []int32, minDelta, lastValue int32) int32 + +func decodeBlockInt32(dst []int32, minDelta, lastValue int32) int32 { + switch { + case cpu.X86.HasAVX2: + return decodeBlockInt32AVX2(dst, minDelta, lastValue) + default: + return decodeBlockInt32Default(dst, minDelta, lastValue) + } +} + +//go:noescape +func decodeMiniBlockInt32Default(dst []int32, src []uint32, bitWidth uint) + +//go:noescape +func decodeMiniBlockInt32x1to16bitsAVX2(dst []int32, src []uint32, bitWidth uint) + +//go:noescape +func decodeMiniBlockInt32x17to26bitsAVX2(dst []int32, src []uint32, bitWidth uint) + +//go:noescape +func decodeMiniBlockInt32x27to31bitsAVX2(dst []int32, src []uint32, bitWidth uint) + +func decodeMiniBlockInt32(dst []int32, src []uint32, bitWidth uint) { + hasAVX2 := cpu.X86.HasAVX2 + switch { + case hasAVX2 && bitWidth <= 16: + decodeMiniBlockInt32x1to16bitsAVX2(dst, src, bitWidth) + case hasAVX2 && bitWidth <= 26: + decodeMiniBlockInt32x17to26bitsAVX2(dst, src, bitWidth) + case hasAVX2 && bitWidth <= 31: + decodeMiniBlockInt32x27to31bitsAVX2(dst, src, bitWidth) + case bitWidth == 32: + copy(dst, unsafecast.Slice[int32](src)) + default: + decodeMiniBlockInt32Default(dst, src, bitWidth) + } +} + +//go:noescape +func decodeBlockInt64Default(dst []int64, minDelta, lastValue int64) int64 + +func decodeBlockInt64(dst []int64, minDelta, lastValue int64) int64 { + return decodeBlockInt64Default(dst, minDelta, lastValue) +} + +//go:noescape +func decodeMiniBlockInt64Default(dst []int64, src []uint32, bitWidth uint) + +func decodeMiniBlockInt64(dst []int64, src []uint32, bitWidth uint) { + switch { + case bitWidth == 64: + copy(dst, unsafecast.Slice[int64](src)) + default: + decodeMiniBlockInt64Default(dst, src, bitWidth) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/binary_packed_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/binary_packed_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..08f80f0900563 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/binary_packed_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,920 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +#define blockSize 128 +#define numMiniBlocks 4 +#define miniBlockSize 32 + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// 32 bits +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#define deltaInt32AVX2x8(baseAddr) \ + VMOVDQU baseAddr, Y1 \ // [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] + VPERMD Y1, Y3, Y2 \ // [7,0,1,2,3,4,5,6] + VPBLENDD $1, Y0, Y2, Y2 \ // [x,0,1,2,3,4,5,6] + VPSUBD Y2, Y1, Y2 \ // [0,1,2,...] - [x,0,1,...] + VMOVDQU Y2, baseAddr \ + VPERMD Y1, Y3, Y0 + +// func blockDeltaInt32AVX2(block *[blockSize]int32, lastValue int32) int32 +TEXT ·blockDeltaInt32AVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-20 + MOVQ block+0(FP), AX + MOVL 4*blockSize-4(AX), CX + MOVL CX, ret+16(FP) + + VPBROADCASTD lastValue+8(FP), Y0 + VMOVDQU ·rotateLeft32(SB), Y3 + + XORQ SI, SI +loop: + deltaInt32AVX2x8(0(AX)(SI*4)) + deltaInt32AVX2x8(32(AX)(SI*4)) + deltaInt32AVX2x8(64(AX)(SI*4)) + deltaInt32AVX2x8(96(AX)(SI*4)) + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, $blockSize + JNE loop + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// func blockMinInt32AVX2(block *[blockSize]int32) int32 +TEXT ·blockMinInt32AVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-12 + MOVQ block+0(FP), AX + VPBROADCASTD (AX), Y15 + + VPMINSD 0(AX), Y15, Y0 + VPMINSD 32(AX), Y15, Y1 + VPMINSD 64(AX), Y15, Y2 + VPMINSD 96(AX), Y15, Y3 + VPMINSD 128(AX), Y15, Y4 + VPMINSD 160(AX), Y15, Y5 + VPMINSD 192(AX), Y15, Y6 + VPMINSD 224(AX), Y15, Y7 + VPMINSD 256(AX), Y15, Y8 + VPMINSD 288(AX), Y15, Y9 + VPMINSD 320(AX), Y15, Y10 + VPMINSD 352(AX), Y15, Y11 + VPMINSD 384(AX), Y15, Y12 + VPMINSD 416(AX), Y15, Y13 + VPMINSD 448(AX), Y15, Y14 + VPMINSD 480(AX), Y15, Y15 + + VPMINSD Y1, Y0, Y0 + VPMINSD Y3, Y2, Y2 + VPMINSD Y5, Y4, Y4 + VPMINSD Y7, Y6, Y6 + VPMINSD Y9, Y8, Y8 + VPMINSD Y11, Y10, Y10 + VPMINSD Y13, Y12, Y12 + VPMINSD Y15, Y14, Y14 + + VPMINSD Y2, Y0, Y0 + VPMINSD Y6, Y4, Y4 + VPMINSD Y10, Y8, Y8 + VPMINSD Y14, Y12, Y12 + + VPMINSD Y4, Y0, Y0 + VPMINSD Y12, Y8, Y8 + + VPMINSD Y8, Y0, Y0 + + VPERM2I128 $1, Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPMINSD Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VPSHUFD $0b00011011, Y0, Y1 + VPMINSD Y1, Y0, Y0 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, CX + MOVL CX, BX + SHRQ $32, CX + CMPL CX, BX + CMOVLLT CX, BX + MOVL BX, ret+8(FP) + RET + +#define subInt32AVX2x32(baseAddr, offset) \ + VMOVDQU offset+0(baseAddr), Y1 \ + VMOVDQU offset+32(baseAddr), Y2 \ + VMOVDQU offset+64(baseAddr), Y3 \ + VMOVDQU offset+96(baseAddr), Y4 \ + VPSUBD Y0, Y1, Y1 \ + VPSUBD Y0, Y2, Y2 \ + VPSUBD Y0, Y3, Y3 \ + VPSUBD Y0, Y4, Y4 \ + VMOVDQU Y1, offset+0(baseAddr) \ + VMOVDQU Y2, offset+32(baseAddr) \ + VMOVDQU Y3, offset+64(baseAddr) \ + VMOVDQU Y4, offset+96(baseAddr) + +// func blockSubInt32AVX2(block *[blockSize]int32, value int32) +TEXT ·blockSubInt32AVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-12 + MOVQ block+0(FP), AX + VPBROADCASTD value+8(FP), Y0 + subInt32AVX2x32(AX, 0) + subInt32AVX2x32(AX, 128) + subInt32AVX2x32(AX, 256) + subInt32AVX2x32(AX, 384) + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// func blockBitWidthsInt32AVX2(bitWidths *[numMiniBlocks]byte, block *[blockSize]int32) +TEXT ·blockBitWidthsInt32AVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16 + MOVQ bitWidths+0(FP), AX + MOVQ block+8(FP), BX + + // AVX2 only has signed comparisons (and min/max), we emulate working on + // unsigned values by adding -2^31 to the values. Y5 is a vector of -2^31 + // used to offset 8 packed 32 bits integers in other YMM registers where + // the block data are loaded. + VPCMPEQD Y5, Y5, Y5 + VPSLLD $31, Y5, Y5 + + XORQ DI, DI +loop: + VPBROADCASTD (BX), Y0 // max + VPADDD Y5, Y0, Y0 + + VMOVDQU (BX), Y1 + VMOVDQU 32(BX), Y2 + VMOVDQU 64(BX), Y3 + VMOVDQU 96(BX), Y4 + + VPADDD Y5, Y1, Y1 + VPADDD Y5, Y2, Y2 + VPADDD Y5, Y3, Y3 + VPADDD Y5, Y4, Y4 + + VPMAXSD Y2, Y1, Y1 + VPMAXSD Y4, Y3, Y3 + VPMAXSD Y3, Y1, Y1 + VPMAXSD Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VPERM2I128 $1, Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPMAXSD Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VPSHUFD $0b00011011, Y0, Y1 + VPMAXSD Y1, Y0, Y0 + VPSUBD Y5, Y0, Y0 + + MOVQ X0, CX + MOVL CX, DX + SHRQ $32, CX + CMPL CX, DX + CMOVLHI CX, DX + + LZCNTL DX, DX + NEGL DX + ADDL $32, DX + MOVB DX, (AX)(DI*1) + + ADDQ $128, BX + INCQ DI + CMPQ DI, $numMiniBlocks + JNE loop + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// encodeMiniBlockInt32Default is the generic implementation of the algorithm to +// pack 32 bit integers into values of a given bit width (<=32). +// +// This algorithm is much slower than the vectorized versions, but is useful +// as a reference implementation to run the tests against, and as fallback when +// the code runs on a CPU which does not support the AVX2 instruction set. +// +// func encodeMiniBlockInt32Default(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int32, bitWidth uint) +TEXT ·encodeMiniBlockInt32Default(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-24 + MOVQ dst+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src+8(FP), BX + MOVQ bitWidth+16(FP), R9 + + XORQ DI, DI // bitOffset + XORQ SI, SI +loop: + MOVQ DI, CX + MOVQ DI, DX + + ANDQ $0b11111, CX // bitOffset % 32 + SHRQ $5, DX // bitOffset / 32 + + MOVLQZX (BX)(SI*4), R8 + SHLQ CX, R8 + ORQ R8, (AX)(DX*4) + + ADDQ R9, DI + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, $miniBlockSize + JNE loop + RET + +// encodeMiniBlockInt32x1bitAVX2 packs 32 bit integers into 1 bit values in the +// the output buffer. +// +// The algorithm uses MOVMSKPS to extract the 8 relevant bits from the 8 values +// packed in YMM registers, then combines 4 of these into a 32 bit word which +// then gets written to the output. The result is 32 bits because each mini +// block has 32 values (the block size is 128 and there are 4 mini blocks per +// block). +// +// func encodeMiniBlockInt32x1bitAVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int32) +TEXT ·encodeMiniBlockInt32x1bitAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16 + MOVQ dst+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src+8(FP), BX + + VMOVDQU 0(BX), Y0 + VMOVDQU 32(BX), Y1 + VMOVDQU 64(BX), Y2 + VMOVDQU 96(BX), Y3 + + VPSLLD $31, Y0, Y0 + VPSLLD $31, Y1, Y1 + VPSLLD $31, Y2, Y2 + VPSLLD $31, Y3, Y3 + + VMOVMSKPS Y0, R8 + VMOVMSKPS Y1, R9 + VMOVMSKPS Y2, R10 + VMOVMSKPS Y3, R11 + + SHLL $8, R9 + SHLL $16, R10 + SHLL $24, R11 + + ORL R9, R8 + ORL R10, R8 + ORL R11, R8 + MOVL R8, (AX) + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// encodeMiniBlockInt32x2bitsAVX2 implements an algorithm for packing 32 bit +// integers into 2 bit values. +// +// The algorithm is derived from the one employed in encodeMiniBlockInt32x1bitAVX2 +// but needs to perform a bit extra work since MOVMSKPS can only extract one bit +// per packed integer of each YMM vector. We run two passes to extract the two +// bits needed to compose each item of the result, and merge the values by +// interleaving the first and second bits with PDEP. +// +// func encodeMiniBlockInt32x2bitsAVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int32) +TEXT ·encodeMiniBlockInt32x2bitsAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16 + MOVQ dst+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src+8(FP), BX + + VMOVDQU 0(BX), Y0 + VMOVDQU 32(BX), Y1 + VMOVDQU 64(BX), Y2 + VMOVDQU 96(BX), Y3 + + VPSLLD $31, Y0, Y4 + VPSLLD $31, Y1, Y5 + VPSLLD $31, Y2, Y6 + VPSLLD $31, Y3, Y7 + + VMOVMSKPS Y4, R8 + VMOVMSKPS Y5, R9 + VMOVMSKPS Y6, R10 + VMOVMSKPS Y7, R11 + + SHLQ $8, R9 + SHLQ $16, R10 + SHLQ $24, R11 + ORQ R9, R8 + ORQ R10, R8 + ORQ R11, R8 + + MOVQ $0x5555555555555555, DX // 0b010101... + PDEPQ DX, R8, R8 + + VPSLLD $30, Y0, Y8 + VPSLLD $30, Y1, Y9 + VPSLLD $30, Y2, Y10 + VPSLLD $30, Y3, Y11 + + VMOVMSKPS Y8, R12 + VMOVMSKPS Y9, R13 + VMOVMSKPS Y10, R14 + VMOVMSKPS Y11, R15 + + SHLQ $8, R13 + SHLQ $16, R14 + SHLQ $24, R15 + ORQ R13, R12 + ORQ R14, R12 + ORQ R15, R12 + + MOVQ $0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, DI // 0b101010... + PDEPQ DI, R12, R12 + + ORQ R12, R8 + MOVQ R8, (AX) + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// encodeMiniBlockInt32x32bitsAVX2 is a specialization of the bit packing logic +// for 32 bit integers when the output bit width is also 32, in which case a +// simple copy of the mini block to the output buffer produces the result. +// +// func encodeMiniBlockInt32x32bitsAVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int32) +TEXT ·encodeMiniBlockInt32x32bitsAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16 + MOVQ dst+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src+8(FP), BX + VMOVDQU 0(BX), Y0 + VMOVDQU 32(BX), Y1 + VMOVDQU 64(BX), Y2 + VMOVDQU 96(BX), Y3 + VMOVDQU Y0, 0(AX) + VMOVDQU Y1, 32(AX) + VMOVDQU Y2, 64(AX) + VMOVDQU Y3, 96(AX) + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// encodeMiniBlockInt32x3to16bitsAVX2 is the algorithm used to bit-pack 32 bit +// integers into values of width 3 to 16 bits. +// +// This function is a small overhead due to having to initialize registers with +// values that depend on the bit width. We measured this cost at ~10% throughput +// in synthetic benchmarks compared to generating constant shifts and offsets +// using a macro. Using a single function rather than generating one for each +// bit width has the benefit of reducing the code size, which in practice can +// also yield benefits like reducing CPU cache misses. Not using a macro also +// has other advantages like providing accurate line number of stack traces and +// enabling the use of breakpoints when debugging. Overall, this approach seemed +// to be the right trade off between performance and maintainability. +// +// The algorithm treats chunks of 8 values in 4 iterations to process all 32 +// values of the mini block. Writes to the output buffer are aligned on 128 bits +// since we may write up to 128 bits (8 x 16 bits). Padding is therefore +// required in the output buffer to avoid triggering a segfault. +// The encodeInt32AVX2 method adds enough padding when sizing the output buffer +// to account for this requirement. +// +// We leverage the two lanes of YMM registers to work on two sets of 4 values +// (in the sequence of VMOVDQU/VPSHUFD, VPAND, VPSLLQ, VPOR), resulting in having +// two sets of bit-packed values in the lower 64 bits of each YMM lane. +// The upper lane is then permuted into a lower lane to merge the two results, +// which may not be aligned on byte boundaries so we shift the lower and upper +// bits and compose two sets of 128 bits sequences (VPSLLQ, VPSRLQ, VBLENDPD), +// merge them and write the 16 bytes result to the output buffer. +TEXT ·encodeMiniBlockInt32x3to16bitsAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-24 + MOVQ dst+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src+8(FP), BX + MOVQ bitWidth+16(FP), CX + + VPBROADCASTQ bitWidth+16(FP), Y6 // [1*bitWidth...] + VPSLLQ $1, Y6, Y7 // [2*bitWidth...] + VPADDQ Y6, Y7, Y8 // [3*bitWidth...] + VPSLLQ $2, Y6, Y9 // [4*bitWidth...] + + VPBROADCASTQ sixtyfour<>(SB), Y10 + VPSUBQ Y6, Y10, Y11 // [64-1*bitWidth...] + VPSUBQ Y9, Y10, Y12 // [64-4*bitWidth...] + VPCMPEQQ Y4, Y4, Y4 + VPSRLVQ Y11, Y4, Y4 + + VPXOR Y5, Y5, Y5 + XORQ SI, SI +loop: + VMOVDQU (BX)(SI*4), Y0 + VPSHUFD $0b01010101, Y0, Y1 + VPSHUFD $0b10101010, Y0, Y2 + VPSHUFD $0b11111111, Y0, Y3 + + VPAND Y4, Y0, Y0 + VPAND Y4, Y1, Y1 + VPAND Y4, Y2, Y2 + VPAND Y4, Y3, Y3 + + VPSLLVQ Y6, Y1, Y1 + VPSLLVQ Y7, Y2, Y2 + VPSLLVQ Y8, Y3, Y3 + + VPOR Y1, Y0, Y0 + VPOR Y3, Y2, Y2 + VPOR Y2, Y0, Y0 + + VPERMQ $0b00001010, Y0, Y1 + + VPSLLVQ X9, X1, X2 + VPSRLQ X12, X1, X3 + VBLENDPD $0b10, X3, X2, X1 + VBLENDPD $0b10, X5, X0, X0 + VPOR X1, X0, X0 + + VMOVDQU X0, (AX) + + ADDQ CX, AX + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, $miniBlockSize + JNE loop + VZEROUPPER + RET + +GLOBL sixtyfour<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $32 +DATA sixtyfour<>+0(SB)/8, $64 +DATA sixtyfour<>+8(SB)/8, $64 +DATA sixtyfour<>+16(SB)/8, $64 +DATA sixtyfour<>+24(SB)/8, $64 + +// func decodeBlockInt32Default(dst []int32, minDelta, lastValue int32) int32 +TEXT ·decodeBlockInt32Default(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-36 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), BX + MOVLQZX minDelta+24(FP), CX + MOVLQZX lastValue+28(FP), DX + XORQ SI, SI + JMP test +loop: + MOVL (AX)(SI*4), DI + ADDL CX, DI + ADDL DI, DX + MOVL DX, (AX)(SI*4) + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, BX + JNE loop +done: + MOVL DX, ret+32(FP) + RET + +// func decodeBlockInt32AVX2(dst []int32, minDelta, lastValue int32) int32 +TEXT ·decodeBlockInt32AVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-36 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), BX + MOVLQZX minDelta+24(FP), CX + MOVLQZX lastValue+28(FP), DX + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ BX, $8 + JB test + + MOVQ BX, DI + SHRQ $3, DI + SHLQ $3, DI + + VPXOR X1, X1, X1 + MOVQ CX, X0 + MOVQ DX, X1 + VPBROADCASTD X0, Y0 +loopAVX2: + VMOVDQU (AX)(SI*4), Y2 + VPADDD Y0, Y2, Y2 // Y2[:] += minDelta + VPADDD Y1, Y2, Y2 // Y2[0] += lastValue + + VPSLLDQ $4, Y2, Y3 + VPADDD Y3, Y2, Y2 + + VPSLLDQ $8, Y2, Y3 + VPADDD Y3, Y2, Y2 + + VPSHUFD $0xFF, X2, X1 + VPERM2I128 $1, Y2, Y2, Y3 + VPADDD X1, X3, X3 + + VMOVDQU X2, (AX)(SI*4) + VMOVDQU X3, 16(AX)(SI*4) + VPSRLDQ $12, X3, X1 // lastValue + + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loopAVX2 + VZEROUPPER + MOVQ X1, DX + JMP test +loop: + MOVL (AX)(SI*4), DI + ADDL CX, DI + ADDL DI, DX + MOVL DX, (AX)(SI*4) + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, BX + JNE loop +done: + MOVL DX, ret+32(FP) + RET + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// 64 bits +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#define deltaInt64AVX2x4(baseAddr) \ + VMOVDQU baseAddr, Y1 \ // [0,1,2,3] + VPERMQ $0b10010011, Y1, Y2 \ // [3,0,1,2] + VPBLENDD $3, Y0, Y2, Y2 \ // [x,0,1,2] + VPSUBQ Y2, Y1, Y2 \ // [0,1,2,3] - [x,0,1,2] + VMOVDQU Y2, baseAddr \ + VPERMQ $0b10010011, Y1, Y0 + +// func blockDeltaInt64AVX2(block *[blockSize]int64, lastValue int64) int64 +TEXT ·blockDeltaInt64AVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-24 + MOVQ block+0(FP), AX + MOVQ 8*blockSize-8(AX), CX + MOVQ CX, ret+16(FP) + + VPBROADCASTQ lastValue+8(FP), Y0 + XORQ SI, SI +loop: + deltaInt64AVX2x4((AX)(SI*8)) + deltaInt64AVX2x4(32(AX)(SI*8)) + deltaInt64AVX2x4(64(AX)(SI*8)) + deltaInt64AVX2x4(96(AX)(SI*8)) + ADDQ $16, SI + CMPQ SI, $blockSize + JNE loop + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// vpminsq is an emulation of the AVX-512 VPMINSQ instruction with AVX2. +#define vpminsq(ones, tmp, arg2, arg1, ret) \ + VPCMPGTQ arg1, arg2, tmp \ + VPBLENDVB tmp, arg1, arg2, ret + +// func blockMinInt64AVX2(block *[blockSize]int64) int64 +TEXT ·blockMinInt64AVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16 + MOVQ block+0(FP), AX + XORQ SI, SI + VPCMPEQQ Y9, Y9, Y9 // ones + VPBROADCASTQ (AX), Y0 +loop: + VMOVDQU 0(AX)(SI*8), Y1 + VMOVDQU 32(AX)(SI*8), Y2 + VMOVDQU 64(AX)(SI*8), Y3 + VMOVDQU 96(AX)(SI*8), Y4 + VMOVDQU 128(AX)(SI*8), Y5 + VMOVDQU 160(AX)(SI*8), Y6 + VMOVDQU 192(AX)(SI*8), Y7 + VMOVDQU 224(AX)(SI*8), Y8 + + vpminsq(Y9, Y10, Y0, Y1, Y1) + vpminsq(Y9, Y11, Y0, Y2, Y2) + vpminsq(Y9, Y12, Y0, Y3, Y3) + vpminsq(Y9, Y13, Y0, Y4, Y4) + vpminsq(Y9, Y14, Y0, Y5, Y5) + vpminsq(Y9, Y15, Y0, Y6, Y6) + vpminsq(Y9, Y10, Y0, Y7, Y7) + vpminsq(Y9, Y11, Y0, Y8, Y8) + + vpminsq(Y9, Y12, Y2, Y1, Y1) + vpminsq(Y9, Y13, Y4, Y3, Y3) + vpminsq(Y9, Y14, Y6, Y5, Y5) + vpminsq(Y9, Y15, Y8, Y7, Y7) + + vpminsq(Y9, Y10, Y3, Y1, Y1) + vpminsq(Y9, Y11, Y7, Y5, Y5) + vpminsq(Y9, Y12, Y5, Y1, Y0) + + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, $blockSize + JNE loop + + VPERM2I128 $1, Y0, Y0, Y1 + vpminsq(Y9, Y10, Y1, Y0, Y0) + + MOVQ X0, CX + VPEXTRQ $1, X0, BX + CMPQ CX, BX + CMOVQLT CX, BX + MOVQ BX, ret+8(FP) + VZEROUPPER + RET + +#define subInt64AVX2x32(baseAddr, offset) \ + VMOVDQU offset+0(baseAddr), Y1 \ + VMOVDQU offset+32(baseAddr), Y2 \ + VMOVDQU offset+64(baseAddr), Y3 \ + VMOVDQU offset+96(baseAddr), Y4 \ + VMOVDQU offset+128(baseAddr), Y5 \ + VMOVDQU offset+160(baseAddr), Y6 \ + VMOVDQU offset+192(baseAddr), Y7 \ + VMOVDQU offset+224(baseAddr), Y8 \ + VPSUBQ Y0, Y1, Y1 \ + VPSUBQ Y0, Y2, Y2 \ + VPSUBQ Y0, Y3, Y3 \ + VPSUBQ Y0, Y4, Y4 \ + VPSUBQ Y0, Y5, Y5 \ + VPSUBQ Y0, Y6, Y6 \ + VPSUBQ Y0, Y7, Y7 \ + VPSUBQ Y0, Y8, Y8 \ + VMOVDQU Y1, offset+0(baseAddr) \ + VMOVDQU Y2, offset+32(baseAddr) \ + VMOVDQU Y3, offset+64(baseAddr) \ + VMOVDQU Y4, offset+96(baseAddr) \ + VMOVDQU Y5, offset+128(baseAddr) \ + VMOVDQU Y6, offset+160(baseAddr) \ + VMOVDQU Y7, offset+192(baseAddr) \ + VMOVDQU Y8, offset+224(baseAddr) + +// func blockSubInt64AVX2(block *[blockSize]int64, value int64) +TEXT ·blockSubInt64AVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16 + MOVQ block+0(FP), AX + VPBROADCASTQ value+8(FP), Y0 + subInt64AVX2x32(AX, 0) + subInt64AVX2x32(AX, 256) + subInt64AVX2x32(AX, 512) + subInt64AVX2x32(AX, 768) + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// vpmaxsq is an emulation of the AVX-512 VPMAXSQ instruction with AVX2. +#define vpmaxsq(tmp, arg2, arg1, ret) \ + VPCMPGTQ arg2, arg1, tmp \ + VPBLENDVB tmp, arg1, arg2, ret + +// func blockBitWidthsInt64AVX2(bitWidths *[numMiniBlocks]byte, block *[blockSize]int64) +TEXT ·blockBitWidthsInt64AVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16 + MOVQ bitWidths+0(FP), AX + MOVQ block+8(FP), BX + + // AVX2 only has signed comparisons (and min/max), we emulate working on + // unsigned values by adding -2^64 to the values. Y9 is a vector of -2^64 + // used to offset 4 packed 64 bits integers in other YMM registers where + // the block data are loaded. + VPCMPEQQ Y9, Y9, Y9 + VPSLLQ $63, Y9, Y9 + + XORQ DI, DI +loop: + VPBROADCASTQ (BX), Y0 // max + VPADDQ Y9, Y0, Y0 + + VMOVDQU (BX), Y1 + VMOVDQU 32(BX), Y2 + VMOVDQU 64(BX), Y3 + VMOVDQU 96(BX), Y4 + VMOVDQU 128(BX), Y5 + VMOVDQU 160(BX), Y6 + VMOVDQU 192(BX), Y7 + VMOVDQU 224(BX), Y8 + + VPADDQ Y9, Y1, Y1 + VPADDQ Y9, Y2, Y2 + VPADDQ Y9, Y3, Y3 + VPADDQ Y9, Y4, Y4 + VPADDQ Y9, Y5, Y5 + VPADDQ Y9, Y6, Y6 + VPADDQ Y9, Y7, Y7 + VPADDQ Y9, Y8, Y8 + + vpmaxsq(Y10, Y2, Y1, Y1) + vpmaxsq(Y11, Y4, Y3, Y3) + vpmaxsq(Y12, Y6, Y5, Y5) + vpmaxsq(Y13, Y8, Y7, Y7) + + vpmaxsq(Y10, Y3, Y1, Y1) + vpmaxsq(Y11, Y7, Y5, Y5) + vpmaxsq(Y12, Y5, Y1, Y1) + vpmaxsq(Y13, Y1, Y0, Y0) + + VPERM2I128 $1, Y0, Y0, Y1 + vpmaxsq(Y10, Y1, Y0, Y0) + VPSUBQ Y9, Y0, Y0 + + MOVQ X0, CX + VPEXTRQ $1, X0, DX + CMPQ CX, DX + CMOVQHI CX, DX + + LZCNTQ DX, DX + NEGQ DX + ADDQ $64, DX + MOVB DX, (AX)(DI*1) + + ADDQ $256, BX + INCQ DI + CMPQ DI, $numMiniBlocks + JNE loop + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// encodeMiniBlockInt64Default is the generic implementation of the algorithm to +// pack 64 bit integers into values of a given bit width (<=64). +// +// This algorithm is much slower than the vectorized versions, but is useful +// as a reference implementation to run the tests against, and as fallback when +// the code runs on a CPU which does not support the AVX2 instruction set. +// +// func encodeMiniBlockInt64Default(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int64, bitWidth uint) +TEXT ·encodeMiniBlockInt64Default(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-24 + MOVQ dst+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src+8(FP), BX + MOVQ bitWidth+16(FP), R10 + + XORQ R11, R11 // zero + XORQ DI, DI // bitOffset + XORQ SI, SI +loop: + MOVQ DI, CX + MOVQ DI, DX + + ANDQ $0b111111, CX // bitOffset % 64 + SHRQ $6, DX // bitOffset / 64 + + MOVQ (BX)(SI*8), R8 + MOVQ R8, R9 + SHLQ CX, R8 + NEGQ CX + ADDQ $64, CX + SHRQ CX, R9 + CMPQ CX, $64 + CMOVQEQ R11, R9 // needed because shifting by more than 63 is undefined + + ORQ R8, 0(AX)(DX*8) + ORQ R9, 8(AX)(DX*8) + + ADDQ R10, DI + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, $miniBlockSize + JNE loop + RET + +// func encodeMiniBlockInt64x1bitAVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int64) +TEXT ·encodeMiniBlockInt64x1bitAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16 + MOVQ dst+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src+8(FP), BX + + VMOVDQU 0(BX), Y0 + VMOVDQU 32(BX), Y1 + VMOVDQU 64(BX), Y2 + VMOVDQU 96(BX), Y3 + VMOVDQU 128(BX), Y4 + VMOVDQU 160(BX), Y5 + VMOVDQU 192(BX), Y6 + VMOVDQU 224(BX), Y7 + + VPSLLQ $63, Y0, Y0 + VPSLLQ $63, Y1, Y1 + VPSLLQ $63, Y2, Y2 + VPSLLQ $63, Y3, Y3 + VPSLLQ $63, Y4, Y4 + VPSLLQ $63, Y5, Y5 + VPSLLQ $63, Y6, Y6 + VPSLLQ $63, Y7, Y7 + + VMOVMSKPD Y0, R8 + VMOVMSKPD Y1, R9 + VMOVMSKPD Y2, R10 + VMOVMSKPD Y3, R11 + VMOVMSKPD Y4, R12 + VMOVMSKPD Y5, R13 + VMOVMSKPD Y6, R14 + VMOVMSKPD Y7, R15 + + SHLL $4, R9 + SHLL $8, R10 + SHLL $12, R11 + SHLL $16, R12 + SHLL $20, R13 + SHLL $24, R14 + SHLL $28, R15 + + ORL R9, R8 + ORL R11, R10 + ORL R13, R12 + ORL R15, R14 + ORL R10, R8 + ORL R14, R12 + ORL R12, R8 + + MOVL R8, (AX) + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// func encodeMiniBlockInt64x2bitsAVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int64) +TEXT ·encodeMiniBlockInt64x2bitsAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16 + MOVQ dst+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src+8(FP), BX + + VMOVDQU 0(BX), Y8 + VMOVDQU 32(BX), Y9 + VMOVDQU 64(BX), Y10 + VMOVDQU 96(BX), Y11 + VMOVDQU 128(BX), Y12 + VMOVDQU 160(BX), Y13 + VMOVDQU 192(BX), Y14 + VMOVDQU 224(BX), Y15 + + VPSLLQ $63, Y8, Y0 + VPSLLQ $63, Y9, Y1 + VPSLLQ $63, Y10, Y2 + VPSLLQ $63, Y11, Y3 + VPSLLQ $63, Y12, Y4 + VPSLLQ $63, Y13, Y5 + VPSLLQ $63, Y14, Y6 + VPSLLQ $63, Y15, Y7 + + VMOVMSKPD Y0, R8 + VMOVMSKPD Y1, R9 + VMOVMSKPD Y2, R10 + VMOVMSKPD Y3, R11 + VMOVMSKPD Y4, R12 + VMOVMSKPD Y5, R13 + VMOVMSKPD Y6, R14 + VMOVMSKPD Y7, R15 + + SHLQ $4, R9 + SHLQ $8, R10 + SHLQ $12, R11 + SHLQ $16, R12 + SHLQ $20, R13 + SHLQ $24, R14 + SHLQ $28, R15 + + ORQ R9, R8 + ORQ R11, R10 + ORQ R13, R12 + ORQ R15, R14 + ORQ R10, R8 + ORQ R14, R12 + ORQ R12, R8 + + MOVQ $0x5555555555555555, CX // 0b010101... + PDEPQ CX, R8, CX + + VPSLLQ $62, Y8, Y8 + VPSLLQ $62, Y9, Y9 + VPSLLQ $62, Y10, Y10 + VPSLLQ $62, Y11, Y11 + VPSLLQ $62, Y12, Y12 + VPSLLQ $62, Y13, Y13 + VPSLLQ $62, Y14, Y14 + VPSLLQ $62, Y15, Y15 + + VMOVMSKPD Y8, R8 + VMOVMSKPD Y9, R9 + VMOVMSKPD Y10, R10 + VMOVMSKPD Y11, R11 + VMOVMSKPD Y12, R12 + VMOVMSKPD Y13, R13 + VMOVMSKPD Y14, R14 + VMOVMSKPD Y15, R15 + + SHLQ $4, R9 + SHLQ $8, R10 + SHLQ $12, R11 + SHLQ $16, R12 + SHLQ $20, R13 + SHLQ $24, R14 + SHLQ $28, R15 + + ORQ R9, R8 + ORQ R11, R10 + ORQ R13, R12 + ORQ R15, R14 + ORQ R10, R8 + ORQ R14, R12 + ORQ R12, R8 + + MOVQ $0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, DX // 0b101010... + PDEPQ DX, R8, DX + ORQ DX, CX + MOVQ CX, (AX) + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// func encodeMiniBlockInt64x64bitsAVX2(dst *byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int64) +TEXT ·encodeMiniBlockInt64x64bitsAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16 + MOVQ dst+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src+8(FP), BX + VMOVDQU 0(BX), Y0 + VMOVDQU 32(BX), Y1 + VMOVDQU 64(BX), Y2 + VMOVDQU 96(BX), Y3 + VMOVDQU 128(BX), Y4 + VMOVDQU 160(BX), Y5 + VMOVDQU 192(BX), Y6 + VMOVDQU 224(BX), Y7 + VMOVDQU Y0, 0(AX) + VMOVDQU Y1, 32(AX) + VMOVDQU Y2, 64(AX) + VMOVDQU Y3, 96(AX) + VMOVDQU Y4, 128(AX) + VMOVDQU Y5, 160(AX) + VMOVDQU Y6, 192(AX) + VMOVDQU Y7, 224(AX) + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// func decodeBlockInt64Default(dst []int64, minDelta, lastValue int64) int64 +TEXT ·decodeBlockInt64Default(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), BX + MOVQ minDelta+24(FP), CX + MOVQ lastValue+32(FP), DX + XORQ SI, SI + JMP test +loop: + MOVQ (AX)(SI*8), DI + ADDQ CX, DI + ADDQ DI, DX + MOVQ DX, (AX)(SI*8) + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, BX + JNE loop +done: + MOVQ DX, ret+40(FP) + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/binary_packed_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/binary_packed_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..aa1f62367bd2f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/binary_packed_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package delta + +import ( + "encoding/binary" +) + +func encodeMiniBlockInt32(dst []byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int32, bitWidth uint) { + bitMask := uint32(1<> (32 - j)) + + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(dst[(i+0)*4:], lo) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(dst[(i+1)*4:], hi) + + bitOffset += bitWidth + } +} + +func encodeMiniBlockInt64(dst []byte, src *[miniBlockSize]int64, bitWidth uint) { + bitMask := uint64(1<> (64 - j)) + + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(dst[(i+0)*8:], lo) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(dst[(i+1)*8:], hi) + + bitOffset += bitWidth + } +} + +func decodeBlockInt32(block []int32, minDelta, lastValue int32) int32 { + for i := range block { + block[i] += minDelta + block[i] += lastValue + lastValue = block[i] + } + return lastValue +} + +func decodeBlockInt64(block []int64, minDelta, lastValue int64) int64 { + for i := range block { + block[i] += minDelta + block[i] += lastValue + lastValue = block[i] + } + return lastValue +} + +func decodeMiniBlockInt32(dst []int32, src []uint32, bitWidth uint) { + bitMask := uint32(1<> j + if j+bitWidth > 32 { + k := 32 - j + d |= (src[i+1] & (bitMask >> k)) << k + } + dst[n] = int32(d) + bitOffset += bitWidth + } +} + +func decodeMiniBlockInt64(dst []int64, src []uint32, bitWidth uint) { + bitMask := uint64(1<> j + if j+bitWidth > 32 { + k := 32 - j + d |= (uint64(src[i+1]) & (bitMask >> k)) << k + if j+bitWidth > 64 { + k := 64 - j + d |= (uint64(src[i+2]) & (bitMask >> k)) << k + } + } + dst[n] = int64(d) + bitOffset += bitWidth + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/byte_array.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/byte_array.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1eec9f979dfaf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/byte_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +package delta + +import ( + "bytes" + "sort" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +const ( + maxLinearSearchPrefixLength = 64 // arbitrary +) + +type ByteArrayEncoding struct { + encoding.NotSupported +} + +func (e *ByteArrayEncoding) String() string { + return "DELTA_BYTE_ARRAY" +} + +func (e *ByteArrayEncoding) Encoding() format.Encoding { + return format.DeltaByteArray +} + +func (e *ByteArrayEncoding) EncodeByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, offsets []uint32) ([]byte, error) { + prefix := getInt32Buffer() + defer putInt32Buffer(prefix) + + length := getInt32Buffer() + defer putInt32Buffer(length) + + totalSize := 0 + if len(offsets) > 0 { + lastValue := ([]byte)(nil) + baseOffset := offsets[0] + + for _, endOffset := range offsets[1:] { + v := src[baseOffset:endOffset:endOffset] + n := int(endOffset - baseOffset) + p := 0 + baseOffset = endOffset + + if len(v) <= maxLinearSearchPrefixLength { + p = linearSearchPrefixLength(lastValue, v) + } else { + p = binarySearchPrefixLength(lastValue, v) + } + + prefix.values = append(prefix.values, int32(p)) + length.values = append(length.values, int32(n-p)) + lastValue = v + totalSize += n - p + } + } + + dst = dst[:0] + dst = encodeInt32(dst, prefix.values) + dst = encodeInt32(dst, length.values) + dst = resize(dst, len(dst)+totalSize) + + if len(offsets) > 0 { + b := dst[len(dst)-totalSize:] + i := int(offsets[0]) + j := 0 + + _ = length.values[:len(prefix.values)] + + for k, p := range prefix.values { + n := p + length.values[k] + j += copy(b[j:], src[i+int(p):i+int(n)]) + i += int(n) + } + } + + return dst, nil +} + +func (e *ByteArrayEncoding) EncodeFixedLenByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, size int) ([]byte, error) { + // The parquet specs say that this encoding is only supported for BYTE_ARRAY + // values, but the reference Java implementation appears to support + // FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY as well: + // https://github.com/apache/parquet-java/blob/5608695f5777de1eb0899d9075ec9411cfdf31d3/parquet-column/src/main/java/org/apache/parquet/column/Encoding.java#L211 + if size < 0 || size > encoding.MaxFixedLenByteArraySize { + return dst[:0], encoding.Error(e, encoding.ErrInvalidArgument) + } + if (len(src) % size) != 0 { + return dst[:0], encoding.ErrEncodeInvalidInputSize(e, "FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY", len(src)) + } + + prefix := getInt32Buffer() + defer putInt32Buffer(prefix) + + length := getInt32Buffer() + defer putInt32Buffer(length) + + totalSize := 0 + lastValue := ([]byte)(nil) + + for i := size; i <= len(src); i += size { + v := src[i-size : i : i] + p := linearSearchPrefixLength(lastValue, v) + n := size - p + prefix.values = append(prefix.values, int32(p)) + length.values = append(length.values, int32(n)) + lastValue = v + totalSize += n + } + + dst = dst[:0] + dst = encodeInt32(dst, prefix.values) + dst = encodeInt32(dst, length.values) + dst = resize(dst, len(dst)+totalSize) + + b := dst[len(dst)-totalSize:] + i := 0 + j := 0 + + for _, p := range prefix.values { + j += copy(b[j:], src[i+int(p):i+size]) + i += size + } + + return dst, nil +} + +func (e *ByteArrayEncoding) DecodeByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, offsets []uint32) ([]byte, []uint32, error) { + dst, offsets = dst[:0], offsets[:0] + + prefix := getInt32Buffer() + defer putInt32Buffer(prefix) + + suffix := getInt32Buffer() + defer putInt32Buffer(suffix) + + var err error + src, err = prefix.decode(src) + if err != nil { + return dst, offsets, e.wrapf("decoding prefix lengths: %w", err) + } + src, err = suffix.decode(src) + if err != nil { + return dst, offsets, e.wrapf("decoding suffix lengths: %w", err) + } + if len(prefix.values) != len(suffix.values) { + return dst, offsets, e.wrap(errPrefixAndSuffixLengthMismatch(len(prefix.values), len(suffix.values))) + } + return decodeByteArray(dst, src, prefix.values, suffix.values, offsets) +} + +func (e *ByteArrayEncoding) DecodeFixedLenByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, size int) ([]byte, error) { + dst = dst[:0] + + if size < 0 || size > encoding.MaxFixedLenByteArraySize { + return dst, e.wrap(encoding.ErrInvalidArgument) + } + + prefix := getInt32Buffer() + defer putInt32Buffer(prefix) + + suffix := getInt32Buffer() + defer putInt32Buffer(suffix) + + var err error + src, err = prefix.decode(src) + if err != nil { + return dst, e.wrapf("decoding prefix lengths: %w", err) + } + src, err = suffix.decode(src) + if err != nil { + return dst, e.wrapf("decoding suffix lengths: %w", err) + } + if len(prefix.values) != len(suffix.values) { + return dst, e.wrap(errPrefixAndSuffixLengthMismatch(len(prefix.values), len(suffix.values))) + } + return decodeFixedLenByteArray(dst[:0], src, size, prefix.values, suffix.values) +} + +func (e *ByteArrayEncoding) EstimateDecodeByteArraySize(src []byte) int { + length := getInt32Buffer() + defer putInt32Buffer(length) + src, _ = length.decode(src) + sum := int(length.sum()) + length.decode(src) + return sum + int(length.sum()) +} + +func (e *ByteArrayEncoding) wrap(err error) error { + if err != nil { + err = encoding.Error(e, err) + } + return err +} + +func (e *ByteArrayEncoding) wrapf(msg string, args ...interface{}) error { + return encoding.Errorf(e, msg, args...) +} + +func linearSearchPrefixLength(base, data []byte) (n int) { + for n < len(base) && n < len(data) && base[n] == data[n] { + n++ + } + return n +} + +func binarySearchPrefixLength(base, data []byte) int { + n := len(base) + if n > len(data) { + n = len(data) + } + return sort.Search(n, func(i int) bool { + return !bytes.Equal(base[:i+1], data[:i+1]) + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/byte_array_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/byte_array_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..71a077ee8815c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/byte_array_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package delta + +import ( + "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" +) + +//go:noescape +func validatePrefixAndSuffixLengthValuesAVX2(prefix, suffix []int32, maxLength int) (totalPrefixLength, totalSuffixLength int, ok bool) + +func validatePrefixAndSuffixLengthValues(prefix, suffix []int32, maxLength int) (totalPrefixLength, totalSuffixLength int, err error) { + if cpu.X86.HasAVX2 { + totalPrefixLength, totalSuffixLength, ok := validatePrefixAndSuffixLengthValuesAVX2(prefix, suffix, maxLength) + if ok { + return totalPrefixLength, totalSuffixLength, nil + } + } + + lastValueLength := 0 + + for i := range prefix { + p := int(prefix[i]) + n := int(suffix[i]) + if p < 0 { + err = errInvalidNegativePrefixLength(p) + return + } + if n < 0 { + err = errInvalidNegativeValueLength(n) + return + } + if p > lastValueLength { + err = errPrefixLengthOutOfBounds(p, lastValueLength) + return + } + totalPrefixLength += p + totalSuffixLength += n + lastValueLength = p + n + } + + if totalSuffixLength > maxLength { + err = errValueLengthOutOfBounds(totalSuffixLength, maxLength) + return + } + + return totalPrefixLength, totalSuffixLength, nil +} + +//go:noescape +func decodeByteArrayOffsets(offsets []uint32, prefix, suffix []int32) + +//go:noescape +func decodeByteArrayAVX2(dst, src []byte, prefix, suffix []int32) int + +func decodeByteArray(dst, src []byte, prefix, suffix []int32, offsets []uint32) ([]byte, []uint32, error) { + totalPrefixLength, totalSuffixLength, err := validatePrefixAndSuffixLengthValues(prefix, suffix, len(src)) + if err != nil { + return dst, offsets, err + } + + totalLength := totalPrefixLength + totalSuffixLength + dst = resizeNoMemclr(dst, totalLength+padding) + + if size := len(prefix) + 1; cap(offsets) < size { + offsets = make([]uint32, size) + } else { + offsets = offsets[:size] + } + + _ = prefix[:len(suffix)] + _ = suffix[:len(prefix)] + decodeByteArrayOffsets(offsets, prefix, suffix) + + var lastValue []byte + var i int + var j int + + if cpu.X86.HasAVX2 && len(src) > padding { + k := len(suffix) + n := 0 + + for k > 0 && n < padding { + k-- + n += int(suffix[k]) + } + + if k > 0 && n >= padding { + i = decodeByteArrayAVX2(dst, src, prefix[:k], suffix[:k]) + j = len(src) - n + lastValue = dst[i-(int(prefix[k-1])+int(suffix[k-1])):] + prefix = prefix[k:] + suffix = suffix[k:] + } + } + + for k := range prefix { + p := int(prefix[k]) + n := int(suffix[k]) + lastValueOffset := i + i += copy(dst[i:], lastValue[:p]) + i += copy(dst[i:], src[j:j+n]) + j += n + lastValue = dst[lastValueOffset:] + } + + return dst[:totalLength], offsets, nil +} + +//go:noescape +func decodeByteArrayAVX2x128bits(dst, src []byte, prefix, suffix []int32) int + +func decodeFixedLenByteArray(dst, src []byte, size int, prefix, suffix []int32) ([]byte, error) { + totalPrefixLength, totalSuffixLength, err := validatePrefixAndSuffixLengthValues(prefix, suffix, len(src)) + if err != nil { + return dst, err + } + + totalLength := totalPrefixLength + totalSuffixLength + dst = resizeNoMemclr(dst, totalLength+padding) + + _ = prefix[:len(suffix)] + _ = suffix[:len(prefix)] + + var lastValue []byte + var i int + var j int + + if cpu.X86.HasAVX2 && len(src) > padding { + k := len(suffix) + n := 0 + + for k > 0 && n < padding { + k-- + n += int(suffix[k]) + } + + if k > 0 && n >= padding { + if size == 16 { + i = decodeByteArrayAVX2x128bits(dst, src, prefix[:k], suffix[:k]) + } else { + i = decodeByteArrayAVX2(dst, src, prefix[:k], suffix[:k]) + } + j = len(src) - n + prefix = prefix[k:] + suffix = suffix[k:] + if i >= size { + lastValue = dst[i-size:] + } + } + } + + for k := range prefix { + p := int(prefix[k]) + n := int(suffix[k]) + k := i + i += copy(dst[i:], lastValue[:p]) + i += copy(dst[i:], src[j:j+n]) + j += n + lastValue = dst[k:] + } + + return dst[:totalLength], nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/byte_array_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/byte_array_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b8b7098321032 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/byte_array_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "funcdata.h" +#include "textflag.h" + +// func validatePrefixAndSuffixLengthValuesAVX2(prefix, suffix []int32, maxLength int) (totalPrefixLength, totalSuffixLength int, ok bool) +TEXT ·validatePrefixAndSuffixLengthValuesAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-73 + MOVQ prefix_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ suffix_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ suffix_len+32(FP), CX + MOVQ maxLength+48(FP), DX + + XORQ SI, SI + XORQ DI, DI // lastValueLength + XORQ R8, R8 + XORQ R9, R9 + XORQ R10, R10 // totalPrefixLength + XORQ R11, R11 // totalSuffixLength + XORQ R12, R12 // ok + + CMPQ CX, $8 + JB test + + MOVQ CX, R13 + SHRQ $3, R13 + SHLQ $3, R13 + + VPXOR X0, X0, X0 // lastValueLengths + VPXOR X1, X1, X1 // totalPrefixLengths + VPXOR X2, X2, X2 // totalSuffixLengths + VPXOR X3, X3, X3 // negative prefix length sentinels + VPXOR X4, X4, X4 // negative suffix length sentinels + VPXOR X5, X5, X5 // prefix length overflow sentinels + VMOVDQU ·rotateLeft32(SB), Y6 + +loopAVX2: + VMOVDQU (AX)(SI*4), Y7 // p + VMOVDQU (BX)(SI*4), Y8 // n + + VPADDD Y7, Y1, Y1 + VPADDD Y8, Y2, Y2 + + VPOR Y7, Y3, Y3 + VPOR Y8, Y4, Y4 + + VPADDD Y7, Y8, Y9 // p + n + VPERMD Y0, Y6, Y10 + VPBLENDD $1, Y10, Y9, Y10 + VPCMPGTD Y10, Y7, Y10 + VPOR Y10, Y5, Y5 + + VMOVDQU Y9, Y0 + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, R13 + JNE loopAVX2 + + // If any of the sentinel values has its most significant bit set then one + // of the values was negative or one of the prefixes was greater than the + // length of the previous value, return false. + VPOR Y4, Y3, Y3 + VPOR Y5, Y3, Y3 + VMOVMSKPS Y3, R13 + CMPQ R13, $0 + JNE done + + // We computed 8 sums in parallel for the prefix and suffix arrays, they + // need to be accumulated into single values, which is what these reduction + // steps do. + VPSRLDQ $4, Y1, Y5 + VPSRLDQ $8, Y1, Y6 + VPSRLDQ $12, Y1, Y7 + VPADDD Y5, Y1, Y1 + VPADDD Y6, Y1, Y1 + VPADDD Y7, Y1, Y1 + VPERM2I128 $1, Y1, Y1, Y0 + VPADDD Y0, Y1, Y1 + MOVQ X1, R10 + ANDQ $0x7FFFFFFF, R10 + + VPSRLDQ $4, Y2, Y5 + VPSRLDQ $8, Y2, Y6 + VPSRLDQ $12, Y2, Y7 + VPADDD Y5, Y2, Y2 + VPADDD Y6, Y2, Y2 + VPADDD Y7, Y2, Y2 + VPERM2I128 $1, Y2, Y2, Y0 + VPADDD Y0, Y2, Y2 + MOVQ X2, R11 + ANDQ $0x7FFFFFFF, R11 + + JMP test +loop: + MOVLQSX (AX)(SI*4), R8 + MOVLQSX (BX)(SI*4), R9 + + CMPQ R8, $0 // p < 0 ? + JL done + + CMPQ R9, $0 // n < 0 ? + JL done + + CMPQ R8, DI // p > lastValueLength ? + JG done + + ADDQ R8, R10 + ADDQ R9, R11 + ADDQ R8, DI + ADDQ R9, DI + + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop + + CMPQ R11, DX // totalSuffixLength > maxLength ? + JG done + + MOVB $1, R12 +done: + MOVQ R10, totalPrefixLength+56(FP) + MOVQ R11, totalSuffixLength+64(FP) + MOVB R12, ok+72(FP) + RET + +// func decodeByteArrayOffsets(offsets []uint32, prefix, suffix []int32) +TEXT ·decodeByteArrayOffsets(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-72 + MOVQ offsets_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ prefix_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ suffix_base+48(FP), CX + MOVQ suffix_len+56(FP), DX + + XORQ SI, SI + XORQ R10, R10 + JMP test +loop: + MOVL (BX)(SI*4), R8 + MOVL (CX)(SI*4), R9 + MOVL R10, (AX)(SI*4) + ADDL R8, R10 + ADDL R9, R10 + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, DX + JNE loop + MOVL R10, (AX)(SI*4) + RET + +// func decodeByteArrayAVX2(dst, src []byte, prefix, suffix []int32) int +TEXT ·decodeByteArrayAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-104 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ prefix_base+48(FP), CX + MOVQ suffix_base+72(FP), DX + MOVQ suffix_len+80(FP), DI + + XORQ SI, SI + XORQ R8, R8 + XORQ R9, R9 + MOVQ AX, R10 // last value + + JMP test +loop: + MOVLQZX (CX)(SI*4), R8 // prefix length + MOVLQZX (DX)(SI*4), R9 // suffix length +prefix: + VMOVDQU (R10), Y0 + VMOVDQU Y0, (AX) + CMPQ R8, $32 + JA copyPrefix +suffix: + VMOVDQU (BX), Y1 + VMOVDQU Y1, (AX)(R8*1) + CMPQ R9, $32 + JA copySuffix +next: + MOVQ AX, R10 + ADDQ R9, R8 + LEAQ (AX)(R8*1), AX + LEAQ (BX)(R9*1), BX + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), BX + SUBQ BX, AX + MOVQ AX, ret+96(FP) + VZEROUPPER + RET +copyPrefix: + MOVQ $32, R12 +copyPrefixLoop: + VMOVDQU (R10)(R12*1), Y0 + VMOVDQU Y0, (AX)(R12*1) + ADDQ $32, R12 + CMPQ R12, R8 + JB copyPrefixLoop + JMP suffix +copySuffix: + MOVQ $32, R12 + LEAQ (AX)(R8*1), R13 +copySuffixLoop: + VMOVDQU (BX)(R12*1), Y1 + VMOVDQU Y1, (R13)(R12*1) + ADDQ $32, R12 + CMPQ R12, R9 + JB copySuffixLoop + JMP next + +// func decodeByteArrayAVX2x128bits(dst, src []byte, prefix, suffix []int32) int +TEXT ·decodeByteArrayAVX2x128bits(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-104 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ prefix_base+48(FP), CX + MOVQ suffix_base+72(FP), DX + MOVQ suffix_len+80(FP), DI + + XORQ SI, SI + XORQ R8, R8 + XORQ R9, R9 + VPXOR X0, X0, X0 + + JMP test +loop: + MOVLQZX (CX)(SI*4), R8 // prefix length + MOVLQZX (DX)(SI*4), R9 // suffix length + + VMOVDQU (BX), X1 + VMOVDQU X0, (AX) + VMOVDQU X1, (AX)(R8*1) + VMOVDQU (AX), X0 + + ADDQ R9, R8 + LEAQ (AX)(R8*1), AX + LEAQ (BX)(R9*1), BX + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), BX + SUBQ BX, AX + MOVQ AX, ret+96(FP) + VZEROUPPER + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/byte_array_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/byte_array_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..972c1feca21fa --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/byte_array_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package delta + +func decodeByteArray(dst, src []byte, prefix, suffix []int32, offsets []uint32) ([]byte, []uint32, error) { + _ = prefix[:len(suffix)] + _ = suffix[:len(prefix)] + + var lastValue []byte + for i := range suffix { + n := int(suffix[i]) + p := int(prefix[i]) + if n < 0 { + return dst, offsets, errInvalidNegativeValueLength(n) + } + if n > len(src) { + return dst, offsets, errValueLengthOutOfBounds(n, len(src)) + } + if p < 0 { + return dst, offsets, errInvalidNegativePrefixLength(p) + } + if p > len(lastValue) { + return dst, offsets, errPrefixLengthOutOfBounds(p, len(lastValue)) + } + j := len(dst) + offsets = append(offsets, uint32(j)) + dst = append(dst, lastValue[:p]...) + dst = append(dst, src[:n]...) + lastValue = dst[j:] + src = src[n:] + } + + return dst, append(offsets, uint32(len(dst))), nil +} + +func decodeFixedLenByteArray(dst, src []byte, size int, prefix, suffix []int32) ([]byte, error) { + _ = prefix[:len(suffix)] + _ = suffix[:len(prefix)] + + var lastValue []byte + for i := range suffix { + n := int(suffix[i]) + p := int(prefix[i]) + if n < 0 { + return dst, errInvalidNegativeValueLength(n) + } + if n > len(src) { + return dst, errValueLengthOutOfBounds(n, len(src)) + } + if p < 0 { + return dst, errInvalidNegativePrefixLength(p) + } + if p > len(lastValue) { + return dst, errPrefixLengthOutOfBounds(p, len(lastValue)) + } + j := len(dst) + dst = append(dst, lastValue[:p]...) + dst = append(dst, src[:n]...) + lastValue = dst[j:] + src = src[n:] + } + return dst, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/delta.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/delta.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5fe27797754a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/delta.go @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +package delta + +import ( + "fmt" + "sync" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +type int32Buffer struct { + values []int32 +} + +func (buf *int32Buffer) resize(size int) { + if cap(buf.values) < size { + buf.values = make([]int32, size, 2*size) + } else { + buf.values = buf.values[:size] + } +} + +func (buf *int32Buffer) decode(src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + values, remain, err := decodeInt32(unsafecast.Slice[byte](buf.values[:0]), src) + buf.values = unsafecast.Slice[int32](values) + return remain, err +} + +func (buf *int32Buffer) sum() (sum int32) { + for _, v := range buf.values { + sum += v + } + return sum +} + +var ( + int32BufferPool sync.Pool // *int32Buffer +) + +func getInt32Buffer() *int32Buffer { + b, _ := int32BufferPool.Get().(*int32Buffer) + if b != nil { + b.values = b.values[:0] + } else { + b = &int32Buffer{ + values: make([]int32, 0, 1024), + } + } + return b +} + +func putInt32Buffer(b *int32Buffer) { + int32BufferPool.Put(b) +} + +func resizeNoMemclr(buf []byte, size int) []byte { + if cap(buf) < size { + return grow(buf, size) + } + return buf[:size] +} + +func resize(buf []byte, size int) []byte { + if cap(buf) < size { + return grow(buf, size) + } + if size > len(buf) { + clear := buf[len(buf):size] + for i := range clear { + clear[i] = 0 + } + } + return buf[:size] +} + +func grow(buf []byte, size int) []byte { + newCap := 2 * cap(buf) + if newCap < size { + newCap = size + } + newBuf := make([]byte, size, newCap) + copy(newBuf, buf) + return newBuf +} + +func errPrefixAndSuffixLengthMismatch(prefixLength, suffixLength int) error { + return fmt.Errorf("length of prefix and suffix mismatch: %d != %d", prefixLength, suffixLength) +} + +func errInvalidNegativeValueLength(length int) error { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid negative value length: %d", length) +} + +func errInvalidNegativePrefixLength(length int) error { + return fmt.Errorf("invalid negative prefix length: %d", length) +} + +func errValueLengthOutOfBounds(length, maxLength int) error { + return fmt.Errorf("value length is larger than the input size: %d > %d", length, maxLength) +} + +func errPrefixLengthOutOfBounds(length, maxLength int) error { + return fmt.Errorf("prefix length %d is larger than the last value of size %d", length, maxLength) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/delta_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/delta_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..864aeac136f2b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/delta_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package delta + +const ( + padding = 64 +) + +func findNegativeLength(lengths []int32) int { + for _, n := range lengths { + if n < 0 { + return int(n) + } + } + return -1 +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/delta_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/delta_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e8748a263dcc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/delta_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +GLOBL ·rotateLeft32(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $32 +DATA ·rotateLeft32+0(SB)/4, $7 +DATA ·rotateLeft32+4(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·rotateLeft32+8(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ·rotateLeft32+12(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·rotateLeft32+16(SB)/4, $3 +DATA ·rotateLeft32+20(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·rotateLeft32+24(SB)/4, $5 +DATA ·rotateLeft32+28(SB)/4, $6 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/length_byte_array.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/length_byte_array.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..65ed6f79be0c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/length_byte_array.go @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +package delta + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +type LengthByteArrayEncoding struct { + encoding.NotSupported +} + +func (e *LengthByteArrayEncoding) String() string { + return "DELTA_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY" +} + +func (e *LengthByteArrayEncoding) Encoding() format.Encoding { + return format.DeltaLengthByteArray +} + +func (e *LengthByteArrayEncoding) EncodeByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, offsets []uint32) ([]byte, error) { + if len(offsets) == 0 { + return dst[:0], nil + } + + length := getInt32Buffer() + defer putInt32Buffer(length) + + length.resize(len(offsets) - 1) + encodeByteArrayLengths(length.values, offsets) + + dst = dst[:0] + dst = encodeInt32(dst, length.values) + dst = append(dst, src...) + return dst, nil +} + +func (e *LengthByteArrayEncoding) DecodeByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, offsets []uint32) ([]byte, []uint32, error) { + dst, offsets = dst[:0], offsets[:0] + + length := getInt32Buffer() + defer putInt32Buffer(length) + + src, err := length.decode(src) + if err != nil { + return dst, offsets, e.wrap(err) + } + + if size := len(length.values) + 1; cap(offsets) < size { + offsets = make([]uint32, size, 2*size) + } else { + offsets = offsets[:size] + } + + lastOffset, invalidLength := decodeByteArrayLengths(offsets, length.values) + if invalidLength != 0 { + return dst, offsets, e.wrap(errInvalidNegativeValueLength(int(invalidLength))) + } + if int(lastOffset) > len(src) { + return dst, offsets, e.wrap(errValueLengthOutOfBounds(int(lastOffset), len(src))) + } + + return append(dst, src[:lastOffset]...), offsets, nil +} + +func (e *LengthByteArrayEncoding) EstimateDecodeByteArraySize(src []byte) int { + length := getInt32Buffer() + defer putInt32Buffer(length) + length.decode(src) + return int(length.sum()) +} + +func (e *LengthByteArrayEncoding) CanDecodeInPlace() bool { + return true +} + +func (e *LengthByteArrayEncoding) wrap(err error) error { + if err != nil { + err = encoding.Error(e, err) + } + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/length_byte_array_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/length_byte_array_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..905e8516ee925 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/length_byte_array_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package delta + +//go:noescape +func encodeByteArrayLengths(lengths []int32, offsets []uint32) + +//go:noescape +func decodeByteArrayLengths(offsets []uint32, lengths []int32) (lastOffset uint32, invalidLength int32) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/length_byte_array_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/length_byte_array_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..bc6292e2a14cb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/length_byte_array_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// func encodeByteArrayLengths(lengths []int32, offsets []uint32) +TEXT ·encodeByteArrayLengths(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48 + MOVQ lengths_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ lengths_len+8(FP), CX + MOVQ offsets_base+24(FP), BX + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ CX, $4 + JB test + + MOVQ CX, DX + SHRQ $2, DX + SHLQ $2, DX + +loopSSE2: + MOVOU 0(BX)(SI*4), X0 + MOVOU 4(BX)(SI*4), X1 + PSUBL X0, X1 + MOVOU X1, (AX)(SI*4) + ADDQ $4, SI + CMPQ SI, DX + JNE loopSSE2 + JMP test +loop: + MOVL 0(BX)(SI*4), R8 + MOVL 4(BX)(SI*4), R9 + SUBL R8, R9 + MOVL R9, (AX)(SI*4) + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop + RET + +// func decodeByteArrayLengths(offsets []uint32, length []int32) (lastOffset uint32, invalidLength int32) +TEXT ·decodeByteArrayLengths(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-56 + MOVQ offsets_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ lengths_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ lengths_len+32(FP), CX + + XORQ DX, DX // lastOffset + XORQ DI, DI // invalidLength + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ CX, $4 + JL test + + MOVQ CX, R8 + SHRQ $2, R8 + SHLQ $2, R8 + + MOVL $0, (AX) + PXOR X0, X0 + PXOR X3, X3 + // This loop computes the prefix sum of the lengths array in order to + // generate values of the offsets array. + // + // We stick to SSE2 to keep the code simple (the Go compiler appears to + // assume that SSE2 must be supported on AMD64) which already yields most + // of the performance that we could get on this subroutine if we were using + // AVX2. + // + // The X3 register also accumulates a mask of all length values, which is + // checked after the loop to determine whether any of the lengths were + // negative. + // + // The following article contains a description of the prefix sum algorithm + // used in this function: https://en.algorithmica.org/hpc/algorithms/prefix/ +loopSSE2: + MOVOU (BX)(SI*4), X1 + POR X1, X3 + + MOVOA X1, X2 + PSLLDQ $4, X2 + PADDD X2, X1 + + MOVOA X1, X2 + PSLLDQ $8, X2 + PADDD X2, X1 + + PADDD X1, X0 + MOVOU X0, 4(AX)(SI*4) + + PSHUFD $0b11111111, X0, X0 + + ADDQ $4, SI + CMPQ SI, R8 + JNE loopSSE2 + + // If any of the most significant bits of double words in the X3 register + // are set to 1, it indicates that one of the lengths was negative and + // therefore the prefix sum is invalid. + // + // TODO: we report the invalid length as -1, effectively losing the original + // value due to the aggregation within X3. This is something that we might + // want to address in the future to provide better error reporting. + MOVMSKPS X3, R8 + MOVL $-1, R9 + CMPL R8, $0 + CMOVLNE R9, DI + + MOVQ X0, DX + JMP test +loop: + MOVL (BX)(SI*4), R8 + MOVL DX, (AX)(SI*4) + ADDL R8, DX + CMPL R8, $0 + CMOVLLT R8, DI + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop + + MOVL DX, (AX)(SI*4) + MOVL DX, lastOffset+48(FP) + MOVL DI, invalidLength+52(FP) + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/length_byte_array_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/length_byte_array_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..0c0fb6baeb9c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta/length_byte_array_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package delta + +func encodeByteArrayLengths(lengths []int32, offsets []uint32) { + for i := range lengths { + lengths[i] = int32(offsets[i+1] - offsets[i]) + } +} + +func decodeByteArrayLengths(offsets []uint32, lengths []int32) (uint32, int32) { + lastOffset := uint32(0) + + for i, n := range lengths { + if n < 0 { + return lastOffset, n + } + offsets[i] = lastOffset + lastOffset += uint32(n) + } + + offsets[len(lengths)] = lastOffset + return lastOffset, 0 +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/encoding.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/encoding.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a919f59172905 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/encoding.go @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +// Package encoding provides the generic APIs implemented by parquet encodings +// in its sub-packages. +package encoding + +import ( + "math" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +const ( + MaxFixedLenByteArraySize = math.MaxInt16 +) + +// The Encoding interface is implemented by types representing parquet column +// encodings. +// +// Encoding instances must be safe to use concurrently from multiple goroutines. +type Encoding interface { + // Returns a human-readable name for the encoding. + String() string + + // Returns the parquet code representing the encoding. + Encoding() format.Encoding + + // Encode methods serialize the source sequence of values into the + // destination buffer, potentially reallocating it if it was too short to + // contain the output. + // + // The methods panic if the type of src values differ from the type of + // values being encoded. + EncodeLevels(dst []byte, src []uint8) ([]byte, error) + EncodeBoolean(dst []byte, src []byte) ([]byte, error) + EncodeInt32(dst []byte, src []int32) ([]byte, error) + EncodeInt64(dst []byte, src []int64) ([]byte, error) + EncodeInt96(dst []byte, src []deprecated.Int96) ([]byte, error) + EncodeFloat(dst []byte, src []float32) ([]byte, error) + EncodeDouble(dst []byte, src []float64) ([]byte, error) + EncodeByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, offsets []uint32) ([]byte, error) + EncodeFixedLenByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, size int) ([]byte, error) + + // Decode methods deserialize from the source buffer into the destination + // slice, potentially growing it if it was too short to contain the result. + // + // The methods panic if the type of dst values differ from the type of + // values being decoded. + DecodeLevels(dst []uint8, src []byte) ([]uint8, error) + DecodeBoolean(dst []byte, src []byte) ([]byte, error) + DecodeInt32(dst []int32, src []byte) ([]int32, error) + DecodeInt64(dst []int64, src []byte) ([]int64, error) + DecodeInt96(dst []deprecated.Int96, src []byte) ([]deprecated.Int96, error) + DecodeFloat(dst []float32, src []byte) ([]float32, error) + DecodeDouble(dst []float64, src []byte) ([]float64, error) + DecodeByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, offsets []uint32) ([]byte, []uint32, error) + DecodeFixedLenByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, size int) ([]byte, error) + + // Computes an estimation of the output size of decoding the encoded page + // of values passed as argument. + // + // Note that this is an estimate, it is useful to preallocate the output + // buffer that will be passed to the decode method, but the actual output + // size may be different. + // + // The estimate never errors since it is not intended to be used as an + // input validation method. + EstimateDecodeByteArraySize(src []byte) int + + // When this method returns true, the encoding supports receiving the same + // buffer as source and destination. + CanDecodeInPlace() bool +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/notsupported.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/notsupported.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..58e06e9b2d700 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/notsupported.go @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +package encoding + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +var ( + // ErrNotSupported is an error returned when the underlying encoding does + // not support the type of values being encoded or decoded. + // + // This error may be wrapped with type information, applications must use + // errors.Is rather than equality comparisons to test the error values + // returned by encoders and decoders. + ErrNotSupported = errors.New("encoding not supported") + + // ErrInvalidArgument is an error returned one or more arguments passed to + // the encoding functions are incorrect. + // + // As with ErrNotSupported, this error may be wrapped with specific + // information about the problem and applications are expected to use + // errors.Is for comparisons. + ErrInvalidArgument = errors.New("invalid argument") +) + +// Error constructs an error which wraps err and indicates that it originated +// from the given encoding. +func Error(e Encoding, err error) error { + return fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", e, err) +} + +// Errorf is like Error but constructs the error message from the given format +// and arguments. +func Errorf(e Encoding, msg string, args ...interface{}) error { + return Error(e, fmt.Errorf(msg, args...)) +} + +// ErrEncodeInvalidInputSize constructs an error indicating that encoding failed +// due to the size of the input. +func ErrEncodeInvalidInputSize(e Encoding, typ string, size int) error { + return errInvalidInputSize(e, "encode", typ, size) +} + +// ErrDecodeInvalidInputSize constructs an error indicating that decoding failed +// due to the size of the input. +func ErrDecodeInvalidInputSize(e Encoding, typ string, size int) error { + return errInvalidInputSize(e, "decode", typ, size) +} + +func errInvalidInputSize(e Encoding, op, typ string, size int) error { + return Errorf(e, "cannot %s %s from input of size %d: %w", op, typ, size, ErrInvalidArgument) +} + +// CanEncodeInt8 reports whether e can encode LEVELS values. +func CanEncodeLevels(e Encoding) bool { + _, err := e.EncodeLevels(nil, nil) + return !errors.Is(err, ErrNotSupported) +} + +// CanEncodeBoolean reports whether e can encode BOOLEAN values. +func CanEncodeBoolean(e Encoding) bool { + _, err := e.EncodeBoolean(nil, nil) + return !errors.Is(err, ErrNotSupported) +} + +// CanEncodeInt32 reports whether e can encode INT32 values. +func CanEncodeInt32(e Encoding) bool { + _, err := e.EncodeInt32(nil, nil) + return !errors.Is(err, ErrNotSupported) +} + +// CanEncodeInt64 reports whether e can encode INT64 values. +func CanEncodeInt64(e Encoding) bool { + _, err := e.EncodeInt64(nil, nil) + return !errors.Is(err, ErrNotSupported) +} + +// CanEncodeInt96 reports whether e can encode INT96 values. +func CanEncodeInt96(e Encoding) bool { + _, err := e.EncodeInt96(nil, nil) + return !errors.Is(err, ErrNotSupported) +} + +// CanEncodeFloat reports whether e can encode FLOAT values. +func CanEncodeFloat(e Encoding) bool { + _, err := e.EncodeFloat(nil, nil) + return !errors.Is(err, ErrNotSupported) +} + +// CanEncodeDouble reports whether e can encode DOUBLE values. +func CanEncodeDouble(e Encoding) bool { + _, err := e.EncodeDouble(nil, nil) + return !errors.Is(err, ErrNotSupported) +} + +// CanEncodeByteArray reports whether e can encode BYTE_ARRAY values. +func CanEncodeByteArray(e Encoding) bool { + _, err := e.EncodeByteArray(nil, nil, zeroOffsets[:]) + return !errors.Is(err, ErrNotSupported) +} + +// CanEncodeFixedLenByteArray reports whether e can encode +// FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY values. +func CanEncodeFixedLenByteArray(e Encoding) bool { + _, err := e.EncodeFixedLenByteArray(nil, nil, 1) + return !errors.Is(err, ErrNotSupported) +} + +var zeroOffsets [1]uint32 + +// NotSupported is a type satisfying the Encoding interface which does not +// support encoding nor decoding any value types. +type NotSupported struct { +} + +func (NotSupported) String() string { + return "NOT_SUPPORTED" +} + +func (NotSupported) Encoding() format.Encoding { + return -1 +} + +func (NotSupported) EncodeLevels(dst []byte, src []uint8) ([]byte, error) { + return dst[:0], errNotSupported("LEVELS") +} + +func (NotSupported) EncodeBoolean(dst []byte, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return dst[:0], errNotSupported("BOOLEAN") +} + +func (NotSupported) EncodeInt32(dst []byte, src []int32) ([]byte, error) { + return dst[:0], errNotSupported("INT32") +} + +func (NotSupported) EncodeInt64(dst []byte, src []int64) ([]byte, error) { + return dst[:0], errNotSupported("INT64") +} + +func (NotSupported) EncodeInt96(dst []byte, src []deprecated.Int96) ([]byte, error) { + return dst[:0], errNotSupported("INT96") +} + +func (NotSupported) EncodeFloat(dst []byte, src []float32) ([]byte, error) { + return dst[:0], errNotSupported("FLOAT") +} + +func (NotSupported) EncodeDouble(dst []byte, src []float64) ([]byte, error) { + return dst[:0], errNotSupported("DOUBLE") +} + +func (NotSupported) EncodeByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, offsets []uint32) ([]byte, error) { + return dst[:0], errNotSupported("BYTE_ARRAY") +} + +func (NotSupported) EncodeFixedLenByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, size int) ([]byte, error) { + return dst[:0], errNotSupported("FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY") +} + +func (NotSupported) DecodeLevels(dst []uint8, src []byte) ([]uint8, error) { + return dst, errNotSupported("LEVELS") +} + +func (NotSupported) DecodeBoolean(dst []byte, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return dst, errNotSupported("BOOLEAN") +} + +func (NotSupported) DecodeInt32(dst []int32, src []byte) ([]int32, error) { + return dst, errNotSupported("INT32") +} + +func (NotSupported) DecodeInt64(dst []int64, src []byte) ([]int64, error) { + return dst, errNotSupported("INT64") +} + +func (NotSupported) DecodeInt96(dst []deprecated.Int96, src []byte) ([]deprecated.Int96, error) { + return dst, errNotSupported("INT96") +} + +func (NotSupported) DecodeFloat(dst []float32, src []byte) ([]float32, error) { + return dst, errNotSupported("FLOAT") +} + +func (NotSupported) DecodeDouble(dst []float64, src []byte) ([]float64, error) { + return dst, errNotSupported("DOUBLE") +} + +func (NotSupported) DecodeByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, offsets []uint32) ([]byte, []uint32, error) { + return dst, offsets, errNotSupported("BYTE_ARRAY") +} + +func (NotSupported) DecodeFixedLenByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, size int) ([]byte, error) { + return dst, errNotSupported("FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY") +} + +func (NotSupported) EstimateDecodeByteArraySize(src []byte) int { + return 0 +} + +func (NotSupported) CanDecodeInPlace() bool { + return false +} + +func errNotSupported(typ string) error { + return fmt.Errorf("%w for type %s", ErrNotSupported, typ) +} + +var ( + _ Encoding = NotSupported{} +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain/dictionary.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain/dictionary.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4946a79293dd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain/dictionary.go @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +package plain + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +type DictionaryEncoding struct { + encoding.NotSupported + plain Encoding +} + +func (e *DictionaryEncoding) String() string { + return "PLAIN_DICTIONARY" +} + +func (e *DictionaryEncoding) Encoding() format.Encoding { + return format.PlainDictionary +} + +func (e *DictionaryEncoding) EncodeInt32(dst []byte, src []int32) ([]byte, error) { + return e.plain.EncodeInt32(dst, src) +} + +func (e *DictionaryEncoding) DecodeInt32(dst []int32, src []byte) ([]int32, error) { + return e.plain.DecodeInt32(dst, src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain/plain.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain/plain.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..690bc815555b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain/plain.go @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ +// Package plain implements the PLAIN parquet encoding. +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/Encodings.md#plain-plain--0 +package plain + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "io" + "math" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +const ( + ByteArrayLengthSize = 4 + MaxByteArrayLength = math.MaxInt32 +) + +type Encoding struct { + encoding.NotSupported +} + +func (e *Encoding) String() string { + return "PLAIN" +} + +func (e *Encoding) Encoding() format.Encoding { + return format.Plain +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeBoolean(dst []byte, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return append(dst[:0], src...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeInt96(dst []byte, src []deprecated.Int96) ([]byte, error) { + return append(dst[:0], unsafecast.Slice[byte](src)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, offsets []uint32) ([]byte, error) { + dst = dst[:0] + + if len(offsets) > 0 { + baseOffset := offsets[0] + + for _, endOffset := range offsets[1:] { + dst = AppendByteArray(dst, src[baseOffset:endOffset:endOffset]) + baseOffset = endOffset + } + } + + return dst, nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeFixedLenByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, size int) ([]byte, error) { + if size < 0 || size > encoding.MaxFixedLenByteArraySize { + return dst[:0], encoding.Error(e, encoding.ErrInvalidArgument) + } + return append(dst[:0], src...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeBoolean(dst []byte, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + return append(dst[:0], src...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeInt96(dst []deprecated.Int96, src []byte) ([]deprecated.Int96, error) { + if (len(src) % 12) != 0 { + return dst, encoding.ErrDecodeInvalidInputSize(e, "INT96", len(src)) + } + return append(dst[:0], unsafecast.Slice[deprecated.Int96](src)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, offsets []uint32) ([]byte, []uint32, error) { + dst, offsets = dst[:0], offsets[:0] + + for i := 0; i < len(src); { + if (len(src) - i) < ByteArrayLengthSize { + return dst, offsets, ErrTooShort(len(src)) + } + n := ByteArrayLength(src[i:]) + if n > (len(src) - ByteArrayLengthSize) { + return dst, offsets, ErrTooShort(len(src)) + } + i += ByteArrayLengthSize + offsets = append(offsets, uint32(len(dst))) + dst = append(dst, src[i:i+n]...) + i += n + } + + return dst, append(offsets, uint32(len(dst))), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeFixedLenByteArray(dst []byte, src []byte, size int) ([]byte, error) { + if size < 0 || size > encoding.MaxFixedLenByteArraySize { + return dst, encoding.Error(e, encoding.ErrInvalidArgument) + } + if (len(src) % size) != 0 { + return dst, encoding.ErrDecodeInvalidInputSize(e, "FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY", len(src)) + } + return append(dst[:0], src...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) EstimateDecodeByteArraySize(src []byte) int { + return len(src) +} + +func (e *Encoding) CanDecodeInPlace() bool { + return true +} + +func Boolean(v bool) []byte { return AppendBoolean(nil, 0, v) } + +func Int32(v int32) []byte { return AppendInt32(nil, v) } + +func Int64(v int64) []byte { return AppendInt64(nil, v) } + +func Int96(v deprecated.Int96) []byte { return AppendInt96(nil, v) } + +func Float(v float32) []byte { return AppendFloat(nil, v) } + +func Double(v float64) []byte { return AppendDouble(nil, v) } + +func ByteArray(v []byte) []byte { return AppendByteArray(nil, v) } + +func AppendBoolean(b []byte, n int, v bool) []byte { + i := n / 8 + j := n % 8 + + if cap(b) > i { + b = b[:i+1] + } else { + tmp := make([]byte, i+1, 2*(i+1)) + copy(tmp, b) + b = tmp + } + + k := uint(j) + x := byte(0) + if v { + x = 1 + } + + b[i] = (b[i] & ^(1 << k)) | (x << k) + return b +} + +func AppendInt32(b []byte, v int32) []byte { + x := [4]byte{} + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(x[:], uint32(v)) + return append(b, x[:]...) +} + +func AppendInt64(b []byte, v int64) []byte { + x := [8]byte{} + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(x[:], uint64(v)) + return append(b, x[:]...) +} + +func AppendInt96(b []byte, v deprecated.Int96) []byte { + x := [12]byte{} + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(x[0:4], v[0]) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(x[4:8], v[1]) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(x[8:12], v[2]) + return append(b, x[:]...) +} + +func AppendFloat(b []byte, v float32) []byte { + x := [4]byte{} + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(x[:], math.Float32bits(v)) + return append(b, x[:]...) +} + +func AppendDouble(b []byte, v float64) []byte { + x := [8]byte{} + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(x[:], math.Float64bits(v)) + return append(b, x[:]...) +} + +func AppendByteArray(b, v []byte) []byte { + length := [ByteArrayLengthSize]byte{} + PutByteArrayLength(length[:], len(v)) + b = append(b, length[:]...) + b = append(b, v...) + return b +} + +func AppendByteArrayString(b []byte, v string) []byte { + length := [ByteArrayLengthSize]byte{} + PutByteArrayLength(length[:], len(v)) + b = append(b, length[:]...) + b = append(b, v...) + return b +} + +func AppendByteArrayLength(b []byte, n int) []byte { + length := [ByteArrayLengthSize]byte{} + PutByteArrayLength(length[:], n) + return append(b, length[:]...) +} + +func ByteArrayLength(b []byte) int { + return int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b)) +} + +func PutByteArrayLength(b []byte, n int) { + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(b, uint32(n)) +} + +func RangeByteArray(b []byte, do func([]byte) error) (err error) { + for len(b) > 0 { + var v []byte + if v, b, err = NextByteArray(b); err != nil { + return err + } + if err = do(v); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func NextByteArray(b []byte) (v, r []byte, err error) { + if len(b) < ByteArrayLengthSize { + return nil, b, ErrTooShort(len(b)) + } + n := ByteArrayLength(b) + if n > (len(b) - ByteArrayLengthSize) { + return nil, b, ErrTooShort(len(b)) + } + if n > MaxByteArrayLength { + return nil, b, ErrTooLarge(n) + } + n += ByteArrayLengthSize + return b[ByteArrayLengthSize:n:n], b[n:len(b):len(b)], nil +} + +func ErrTooShort(length int) error { + return fmt.Errorf("input of length %d is too short to contain a PLAIN encoded byte array value: %w", length, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) +} + +func ErrTooLarge(length int) error { + return fmt.Errorf("byte array of length %d is too large to be encoded", length) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain/plain_be.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain/plain_be.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..6c8c9000b5246 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain/plain_be.go @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +//go:build s390x + +package plain + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "math" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" +) + +// TODO: optimize by doing the byte swap in the output slice instead of +// allocating a temporay buffer. + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeInt32(dst []byte, src []int32) ([]byte, error) { + srcLen := len(src) + byteEnc := make([]byte, (srcLen * 4)) + idx := 0 + for k := range srcLen { + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(byteEnc[idx:(4+idx)], uint32((src)[k])) + idx += 4 + } + return append(dst[:0], (byteEnc)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeInt64(dst []byte, src []int64) ([]byte, error) { + srcLen := len(src) + byteEnc := make([]byte, (srcLen * 8)) + idx := 0 + for k := range srcLen { + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(byteEnc[idx:(8+idx)], uint64((src)[k])) + idx += 8 + } + return append(dst[:0], (byteEnc)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeFloat(dst []byte, src []float32) ([]byte, error) { + srcLen := len(src) + byteEnc := make([]byte, (srcLen * 4)) + idx := 0 + for k := range srcLen { + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(byteEnc[idx:(4+idx)], math.Float32bits((src)[k])) + idx += 4 + } + return append(dst[:0], (byteEnc)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeDouble(dst []byte, src []float64) ([]byte, error) { + srcLen := len(src) + byteEnc := make([]byte, (srcLen * 8)) + idx := 0 + for k := range srcLen { + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(byteEnc[idx:(8+idx)], math.Float64bits((src)[k])) + idx += 8 + } + return append(dst[:0], (byteEnc)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeInt32(dst []int32, src []byte) ([]int32, error) { + if (len(src) % 4) != 0 { + return dst, encoding.ErrDecodeInvalidInputSize(e, "INT32", len(src)) + } + srcLen := (len(src) / 4) + byteDec := make([]int32, srcLen) + idx := 0 + for k := range srcLen { + byteDec[k] = int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32((src)[idx:(4 + idx)])) + idx += 4 + } + return append(dst[:0], (byteDec)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeInt64(dst []int64, src []byte) ([]int64, error) { + if (len(src) % 8) != 0 { + return dst, encoding.ErrDecodeInvalidInputSize(e, "INT64", len(src)) + } + srcLen := (len(src) / 8) + byteDec := make([]int64, srcLen) + idx := 0 + for k := range srcLen { + byteDec[k] = int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64((src)[idx:(8 + idx)])) + idx += 8 + } + return append(dst[:0], (byteDec)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeFloat(dst []float32, src []byte) ([]float32, error) { + if (len(src) % 4) != 0 { + return dst, encoding.ErrDecodeInvalidInputSize(e, "FLOAT", len(src)) + } + srcLen := (len(src) / 4) + byteDec := make([]float32, srcLen) + idx := 0 + for k := range srcLen { + byteDec[k] = float32(math.Float32frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32((src)[idx:(4 + idx)]))) + idx += 4 + } + return append(dst[:0], (byteDec)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeDouble(dst []float64, src []byte) ([]float64, error) { + if (len(src) % 8) != 0 { + return dst, encoding.ErrDecodeInvalidInputSize(e, "DOUBLE", len(src)) + } + srcLen := (len(src) / 8) + byteDec := make([]float64, srcLen) + idx := 0 + for k := range srcLen { + byteDec[k] = float64(math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64((src)[idx:(8 + idx)]))) + idx += 8 + } + return append(dst[:0], (byteDec)...), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain/plain_le.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain/plain_le.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..bd1eadf6a06b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain/plain_le.go @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +//go:build !s390x + +package plain + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeInt32(dst []byte, src []int32) ([]byte, error) { + return append(dst[:0], unsafecast.Slice[byte](src)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeInt64(dst []byte, src []int64) ([]byte, error) { + return append(dst[:0], unsafecast.Slice[byte](src)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeFloat(dst []byte, src []float32) ([]byte, error) { + return append(dst[:0], unsafecast.Slice[byte](src)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeDouble(dst []byte, src []float64) ([]byte, error) { + return append(dst[:0], unsafecast.Slice[byte](src)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeInt32(dst []int32, src []byte) ([]int32, error) { + if (len(src) % 4) != 0 { + return dst, encoding.ErrDecodeInvalidInputSize(e, "INT32", len(src)) + } + return append(dst[:0], unsafecast.Slice[int32](src)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeInt64(dst []int64, src []byte) ([]int64, error) { + if (len(src) % 8) != 0 { + return dst, encoding.ErrDecodeInvalidInputSize(e, "INT64", len(src)) + } + return append(dst[:0], unsafecast.Slice[int64](src)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeFloat(dst []float32, src []byte) ([]float32, error) { + if (len(src) % 4) != 0 { + return dst, encoding.ErrDecodeInvalidInputSize(e, "FLOAT", len(src)) + } + return append(dst[:0], unsafecast.Slice[float32](src)...), nil +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeDouble(dst []float64, src []byte) ([]float64, error) { + if (len(src) % 8) != 0 { + return dst, encoding.ErrDecodeInvalidInputSize(e, "DOUBLE", len(src)) + } + return append(dst[:0], unsafecast.Slice[float64](src)...), nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/dictionary.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/dictionary.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8304afc018841 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/dictionary.go @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +package rle + +import ( + "math/bits" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +type DictionaryEncoding struct { + encoding.NotSupported +} + +func (e *DictionaryEncoding) String() string { + return "RLE_DICTIONARY" +} + +func (e *DictionaryEncoding) Encoding() format.Encoding { + return format.RLEDictionary +} + +func (e *DictionaryEncoding) EncodeInt32(dst []byte, src []int32) ([]byte, error) { + bitWidth := maxLenInt32(src) + dst = append(dst[:0], byte(bitWidth)) + dst, err := encodeInt32(dst, src, uint(bitWidth)) + return dst, e.wrap(err) +} + +func (e *DictionaryEncoding) DecodeInt32(dst []int32, src []byte) ([]int32, error) { + if len(src) == 0 { + return dst[:0], nil + } + buf := unsafecast.Slice[byte](dst) + buf, err := decodeInt32(buf[:0], src[1:], uint(src[0])) + return unsafecast.Slice[int32](buf), e.wrap(err) +} + +func (e *DictionaryEncoding) wrap(err error) error { + if err != nil { + err = encoding.Error(e, err) + } + return err +} + +func clearInt32(data []int32) { + for i := range data { + data[i] = 0 + } +} + +func maxLenInt32(data []int32) (max int) { + for _, v := range data { + if n := bits.Len32(uint32(v)); n > max { + max = n + } + } + return max +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/rle.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/rle.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..82ddaa1b51205 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/rle.go @@ -0,0 +1,573 @@ +// Package rle implements the hybrid RLE/Bit-Packed encoding employed in +// repetition and definition levels, dictionary indexed data pages, and +// boolean values in the PLAIN encoding. +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/Encodings.md#run-length-encoding--bit-packing-hybrid-rle--3 +package rle + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "io" + "unsafe" + + "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +const ( + // This limit is intended to prevent unbounded memory allocations when + // decoding runs. + // + // We use a generous limit which allows for over 16 million values per page + // if there is only one run to encode the repetition or definition levels + // (this should be uncommon). + maxSupportedValueCount = 16 * 1024 * 1024 +) + +type Encoding struct { + encoding.NotSupported + BitWidth int +} + +func (e *Encoding) String() string { + return "RLE" +} + +func (e *Encoding) Encoding() format.Encoding { + return format.RLE +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeLevels(dst []byte, src []uint8) ([]byte, error) { + dst, err := encodeBytes(dst[:0], src, uint(e.BitWidth)) + return dst, e.wrap(err) +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeBoolean(dst []byte, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + // In the case of encoding a boolean values, the 4 bytes length of the + // output is expected by the parquet format. We add the bytes as placeholder + // before appending the encoded data. + dst = append(dst[:0], 0, 0, 0, 0) + dst, err := encodeBits(dst, src) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(dst, uint32(len(dst))-4) + return dst, e.wrap(err) +} + +func (e *Encoding) EncodeInt32(dst []byte, src []int32) ([]byte, error) { + dst, err := encodeInt32(dst[:0], src, uint(e.BitWidth)) + return dst, e.wrap(err) +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeLevels(dst []uint8, src []byte) ([]uint8, error) { + dst, err := decodeBytes(dst[:0], src, uint(e.BitWidth)) + return dst, e.wrap(err) +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeBoolean(dst []byte, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + if len(src) == 4 { + return dst[:0], nil + } + if len(src) < 4 { + return dst[:0], fmt.Errorf("input shorter than 4 bytes: %w", io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + n := int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(src)) + src = src[4:] + if n > len(src) { + return dst[:0], fmt.Errorf("input shorter than length prefix: %d < %d: %w", len(src), n, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + dst, err := decodeBits(dst[:0], src[:n]) + return dst, e.wrap(err) +} + +func (e *Encoding) DecodeInt32(dst []int32, src []byte) ([]int32, error) { + buf := unsafecast.Slice[byte](dst) + buf, err := decodeInt32(buf[:0], src, uint(e.BitWidth)) + return unsafecast.Slice[int32](buf), e.wrap(err) +} + +func (e *Encoding) wrap(err error) error { + if err != nil { + err = encoding.Error(e, err) + } + return err +} + +func encodeBits(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + if len(src) == 0 || isZero(src) || isOnes(src) { + dst = appendUvarint(dst, uint64(8*len(src))<<1) + if len(src) > 0 { + dst = append(dst, src[0]) + } + return dst, nil + } + + for i := 0; i < len(src); { + j := i + 1 + + // Look for contiguous sections of 8 bits, all zeros or ones; these + // are run-length encoded as it only takes 2 or 3 bytes to store these + // sequences. + if src[i] == 0 || src[i] == 0xFF { + for j < len(src) && src[i] == src[j] { + j++ + } + + if n := j - i; n > 1 { + dst = appendRunLengthBits(dst, 8*n, src[i]) + i = j + continue + } + } + + // Sequences of bits that are neither all zeroes or ones are bit-packed, + // which is a simple copy of the input to the output preceded with the + // bit-pack header. + for j < len(src) && (src[j-1] != src[j] || (src[j] != 0 && src[j] == 0xFF)) { + j++ + } + + if (j-i) > 1 && j < len(src) { + j-- + } + + dst = appendBitPackedBits(dst, src[i:j]) + i = j + } + return dst, nil +} + +func encodeBytes(dst, src []byte, bitWidth uint) ([]byte, error) { + if bitWidth > 8 { + return dst, errEncodeInvalidBitWidth("INT8", bitWidth) + } + if bitWidth == 0 { + if !isZero(src) { + return dst, errEncodeInvalidBitWidth("INT8", bitWidth) + } + return appendUvarint(dst, uint64(len(src))<<1), nil + } + + if len(src) >= 8 { + words := unsafecast.Slice[uint64](src) + if cpu.IsBigEndian { + srcLen := (len(src) / 8) + idx := 0 + for k := range srcLen { + words[k] = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64((src)[idx:(8 + idx)]) + idx += 8 + } + } else { + words = unsafe.Slice((*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&src[0])), len(src)/8) + } + + for i := 0; i < len(words); { + j := i + pattern := broadcast8x1(words[i]) + + for j < len(words) && words[j] == pattern { + j++ + } + + if i < j { + dst = appendRunLengthBytes(dst, 8*(j-i), byte(pattern)) + } else { + j++ + + for j < len(words) && words[j] != broadcast8x1(words[j-1]) { + j++ + } + + dst = appendBitPackedBytes(dst, words[i:j], bitWidth) + } + + i = j + } + } + + for i := (len(src) / 8) * 8; i < len(src); { + j := i + 1 + + for j < len(src) && src[i] == src[j] { + j++ + } + + dst = appendRunLengthBytes(dst, j-i, src[i]) + i = j + } + + return dst, nil +} + +func encodeInt32(dst []byte, src []int32, bitWidth uint) ([]byte, error) { + if bitWidth > 32 { + return dst, errEncodeInvalidBitWidth("INT32", bitWidth) + } + if bitWidth == 0 { + if !isZero(unsafecast.Slice[byte](src)) { + return dst, errEncodeInvalidBitWidth("INT32", bitWidth) + } + return appendUvarint(dst, uint64(len(src))<<1), nil + } + + if len(src) >= 8 { + words := unsafecast.Slice[[8]int32](src) + + for i := 0; i < len(words); { + j := i + pattern := broadcast8x4(words[i][0]) + + for j < len(words) && words[j] == pattern { + j++ + } + + if i < j { + dst = appendRunLengthInt32(dst, 8*(j-i), pattern[0], bitWidth) + } else { + j += 1 + j += encodeInt32IndexEqual8Contiguous(words[j:]) + dst = appendBitPackedInt32(dst, words[i:j], bitWidth) + } + + i = j + } + } + + for i := (len(src) / 8) * 8; i < len(src); { + j := i + 1 + + for j < len(src) && src[i] == src[j] { + j++ + } + + dst = appendRunLengthInt32(dst, j-i, src[i], bitWidth) + i = j + } + + return dst, nil +} + +func decodeBits(dst, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { + for i := 0; i < len(src); { + u, n := binary.Uvarint(src[i:]) + if n == 0 { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("decoding run-length block header: %w", io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + if n < 0 { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("overflow after decoding %d/%d bytes of run-length block header", -n+i, len(src)) + } + i += n + + count, bitpacked := uint(u>>1), (u&1) != 0 + if count > maxSupportedValueCount { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("decoded run-length block cannot have more than %d values", maxSupportedValueCount) + } + if bitpacked { + n := int(count) + j := i + n + + if j > len(src) { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("decoding bit-packed block of %d values: %w", n, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + + dst = append(dst, src[i:j]...) + i = j + } else { + word := byte(0) + if i < len(src) { + word = src[i] + i++ + } + + offset := len(dst) + length := bitpack.ByteCount(count) + dst = resize(dst, offset+length) + bytealg.Broadcast(dst[offset:], word) + } + } + return dst, nil +} + +func decodeBytes(dst, src []byte, bitWidth uint) ([]byte, error) { + if bitWidth > 8 { + return dst, errDecodeInvalidBitWidth("INT8", bitWidth) + } + + for i := 0; i < len(src); { + u, n := binary.Uvarint(src[i:]) + if n == 0 { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("decoding run-length block header: %w", io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + if n < 0 { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("overflow after decoding %d/%d bytes of run-length block header", -n+i, len(src)) + } + i += n + + count, bitpacked := uint(u>>1), (u&1) != 0 + if count > maxSupportedValueCount { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("decoded run-length block cannot have more than %d values", maxSupportedValueCount) + } + if bitpacked { + count *= 8 + j := i + bitpack.ByteCount(count*bitWidth) + + if j > len(src) { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("decoding bit-packed block of %d values: %w", 8*count, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + + offset := len(dst) + length := int(count) + dst = resize(dst, offset+length) + decodeBytesBitpack(dst[offset:], src[i:j], count, bitWidth) + + i = j + } else { + if bitWidth != 0 && (i+1) > len(src) { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("decoding run-length block of %d values: %w", count, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + + word := byte(0) + if bitWidth != 0 { + word = src[i] + i++ + } + + offset := len(dst) + length := int(count) + dst = resize(dst, offset+length) + bytealg.Broadcast(dst[offset:], word) + } + } + + return dst, nil +} + +func decodeInt32(dst, src []byte, bitWidth uint) ([]byte, error) { + if bitWidth > 32 { + return dst, errDecodeInvalidBitWidth("INT32", bitWidth) + } + + buf := make([]byte, 2*bitpack.PaddingInt32) + + for i := 0; i < len(src); { + u, n := binary.Uvarint(src[i:]) + if n == 0 { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("decoding run-length block header: %w", io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + if n < 0 { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("overflow after decoding %d/%d bytes of run-length block header", -n+i, len(src)) + } + i += n + + count, bitpacked := uint(u>>1), (u&1) != 0 + if count > maxSupportedValueCount { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("decoded run-length block cannot have more than %d values", maxSupportedValueCount) + } + if bitpacked { + offset := len(dst) + length := int(count * bitWidth) + dst = resize(dst, offset+4*8*int(count)) + + // The bitpack.UnpackInt32 function requires the input to be padded + // or the function panics. If there is enough room in the input + // buffer we can use it, otherwise we have to copy it to a larger + // location (which should rarely happen). + in := src[i : i+length] + if (cap(in) - len(in)) >= bitpack.PaddingInt32 { + in = in[:cap(in)] + } else { + buf = resize(buf, len(in)+bitpack.PaddingInt32) + copy(buf, in) + in = buf + } + + out := unsafecast.Slice[int32](dst[offset:]) + bitpack.UnpackInt32(out, in, bitWidth) + i += length + } else { + j := i + bitpack.ByteCount(bitWidth) + + if j > len(src) { + return dst, fmt.Errorf("decoding run-length block of %d values: %w", count, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + } + + bits := [4]byte{} + copy(bits[:], src[i:j]) + + //swap the bytes in the "bits" array to take care of big endian arch + if cpu.IsBigEndian { + for m, n := 0, 3; m < n; m, n = m+1, n-1 { + bits[m], bits[n] = bits[n], bits[m] + } + } + dst = appendRepeat(dst, bits[:], count) + i = j + } + } + + return dst, nil +} + +func errEncodeInvalidBitWidth(typ string, bitWidth uint) error { + return errInvalidBitWidth("encode", typ, bitWidth) +} + +func errDecodeInvalidBitWidth(typ string, bitWidth uint) error { + return errInvalidBitWidth("decode", typ, bitWidth) +} + +func errInvalidBitWidth(op, typ string, bitWidth uint) error { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot %s %s with invalid bit-width=%d", op, typ, bitWidth) +} + +func appendRepeat(dst, pattern []byte, count uint) []byte { + offset := len(dst) + length := int(count) * len(pattern) + dst = resize(dst, offset+length) + i := offset + copy(dst[offset:], pattern) + for i < len(dst) { + i += copy(dst[i:], dst[offset:i]) + } + return dst +} + +func appendUvarint(dst []byte, u uint64) []byte { + var b [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte + var n = binary.PutUvarint(b[:], u) + return append(dst, b[:n]...) +} + +func appendRunLengthBits(dst []byte, count int, value byte) []byte { + return appendRunLengthBytes(dst, count, value) +} + +func appendBitPackedBits(dst []byte, words []byte) []byte { + n := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, n+binary.MaxVarintLen64+len(words)) + n += binary.PutUvarint(dst[n:], uint64(len(words)<<1)|1) + n += copy(dst[n:], words) + return dst[:n] +} + +func appendRunLengthBytes(dst []byte, count int, value byte) []byte { + n := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, n+binary.MaxVarintLen64+1) + n += binary.PutUvarint(dst[n:], uint64(count)<<1) + dst[n] = value + return dst[:n+1] +} + +func appendBitPackedBytes(dst []byte, words []uint64, bitWidth uint) []byte { + n := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, n+binary.MaxVarintLen64+(len(words)*int(bitWidth))+8) + n += binary.PutUvarint(dst[n:], uint64(len(words)<<1)|1) + n += encodeBytesBitpack(dst[n:], words, bitWidth) + return dst[:n] +} + +func appendRunLengthInt32(dst []byte, count int, value int32, bitWidth uint) []byte { + n := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, n+binary.MaxVarintLen64+4) + n += binary.PutUvarint(dst[n:], uint64(count)<<1) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(dst[n:], uint32(value)) + return dst[:n+bitpack.ByteCount(bitWidth)] +} + +func appendBitPackedInt32(dst []byte, words [][8]int32, bitWidth uint) []byte { + n := len(dst) + dst = resize(dst, n+binary.MaxVarintLen64+(len(words)*int(bitWidth))+32) + n += binary.PutUvarint(dst[n:], uint64(len(words))<<1|1) + n += encodeInt32Bitpack(dst[n:], words, bitWidth) + return dst[:n] +} + +func broadcast8x1(v uint64) uint64 { + return (v & 0xFF) * 0x0101010101010101 +} + +func broadcast8x4(v int32) [8]int32 { + return [8]int32{v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v} +} + +func isZero(data []byte) bool { + return bytealg.Count(data, 0x00) == len(data) +} + +func isOnes(data []byte) bool { + return bytealg.Count(data, 0xFF) == len(data) +} + +func resize(buf []byte, size int) []byte { + if cap(buf) < size { + return grow(buf, size) + } + return buf[:size] +} + +func grow(buf []byte, size int) []byte { + newCap := 2 * cap(buf) + if newCap < size { + newCap = size + } + newBuf := make([]byte, size, newCap) + copy(newBuf, buf) + return newBuf +} + +func encodeInt32BitpackDefault(dst []byte, src [][8]int32, bitWidth uint) int { + bits := unsafecast.Slice[int32](src) + bitpack.PackInt32(dst, bits, bitWidth) + return bitpack.ByteCount(uint(len(src)*8) * bitWidth) +} + +func encodeBytesBitpackDefault(dst []byte, src []uint64, bitWidth uint) int { + bitMask := uint64(1<> 8) & bitMask) << (1 * bitWidth)) | + (((word >> 16) & bitMask) << (2 * bitWidth)) | + (((word >> 24) & bitMask) << (3 * bitWidth)) | + (((word >> 32) & bitMask) << (4 * bitWidth)) | + (((word >> 40) & bitMask) << (5 * bitWidth)) | + (((word >> 48) & bitMask) << (6 * bitWidth)) | + (((word >> 56) & bitMask) << (7 * bitWidth)) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(dst[n:], word) + n += int(bitWidth) + } + + return n +} + +func decodeBytesBitpackDefault(dst, src []byte, count, bitWidth uint) { + dst = dst[:0] + + bitMask := uint64(1< 0; count -= 8 { + j := i + byteCount + + bits := [8]byte{} + copy(bits[:], src[i:j]) + word := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(bits[:]) + + dst = append(dst, + byte((word>>(0*bitWidth))&bitMask), + byte((word>>(1*bitWidth))&bitMask), + byte((word>>(2*bitWidth))&bitMask), + byte((word>>(3*bitWidth))&bitMask), + byte((word>>(4*bitWidth))&bitMask), + byte((word>>(5*bitWidth))&bitMask), + byte((word>>(6*bitWidth))&bitMask), + byte((word>>(7*bitWidth))&bitMask), + ) + + i = j + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/rle_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/rle_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..960a2b3e16331 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/rle_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package rle + +import ( + "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" +) + +var ( + encodeInt32IndexEqual8Contiguous func(words [][8]int32) int + encodeInt32Bitpack func(dst []byte, src [][8]int32, bitWidth uint) int + encodeBytesBitpack func(dst []byte, src []uint64, bitWidth uint) int + decodeBytesBitpack func(dst, src []byte, count, bitWidth uint) +) + +func init() { + switch { + case cpu.X86.HasAVX2: + encodeInt32IndexEqual8Contiguous = encodeInt32IndexEqual8ContiguousAVX2 + encodeInt32Bitpack = encodeInt32BitpackAVX2 + default: + encodeInt32IndexEqual8Contiguous = encodeInt32IndexEqual8ContiguousSSE + encodeInt32Bitpack = encodeInt32BitpackDefault + } + + switch { + case cpu.X86.HasBMI2: + encodeBytesBitpack = encodeBytesBitpackBMI2 + decodeBytesBitpack = decodeBytesBitpackBMI2 + default: + encodeBytesBitpack = encodeBytesBitpackDefault + decodeBytesBitpack = decodeBytesBitpackDefault + } +} + +//go:noescape +func encodeBytesBitpackBMI2(dst []byte, src []uint64, bitWidth uint) int + +//go:noescape +func encodeInt32IndexEqual8ContiguousAVX2(words [][8]int32) int + +//go:noescape +func encodeInt32IndexEqual8ContiguousSSE(words [][8]int32) int + +//go:noescape +func encodeInt32Bitpack1to16bitsAVX2(dst []byte, src [][8]int32, bitWidth uint) int + +func encodeInt32BitpackAVX2(dst []byte, src [][8]int32, bitWidth uint) int { + switch { + case bitWidth == 0: + return 0 + case bitWidth <= 16: + return encodeInt32Bitpack1to16bitsAVX2(dst, src, bitWidth) + default: + return encodeInt32BitpackDefault(dst, src, bitWidth) + } +} + +//go:noescape +func decodeBytesBitpackBMI2(dst, src []byte, count, bitWidth uint) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/rle_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/rle_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..a03a559d6b9b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/rle_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +GLOBL bitMasks<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 +DATA bitMasks<>+0(SB)/8, $0b0000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000010000000100000001 +DATA bitMasks<>+8(SB)/8, $0b0000001100000011000000110000001100000011000000110000001100000011 +DATA bitMasks<>+16(SB)/8, $0b0000011100000111000001110000011100000111000001110000011100000111 +DATA bitMasks<>+24(SB)/8, $0b0000111100001111000011110000111100001111000011110000111100001111 +DATA bitMasks<>+32(SB)/8, $0b0001111100011111000111110001111100011111000111110001111100011111 +DATA bitMasks<>+40(SB)/8, $0b0011111100111111001111110011111100111111001111110011111100111111 +DATA bitMasks<>+48(SB)/8, $0b0111111101111111011111110111111101111111011111110111111101111111 +DATA bitMasks<>+56(SB)/8, $0b1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 + +// func decodeBytesBitpackBMI2(dst, src []byte, count, bitWidth uint) +TEXT ·decodeBytesBitpackBMI2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-64 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ count+48(FP), CX + MOVQ bitWidth+56(FP), DX + LEAQ bitMasks<>(SB), DI + MOVQ -8(DI)(DX*8), DI + XORQ SI, SI + SHRQ $3, CX + JMP test +loop: + MOVQ (BX), R8 + PDEPQ DI, R8, R8 + MOVQ R8, (AX)(SI*8) + ADDQ DX, BX + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop + RET + +// func encodeBytesBitpackBMI2(dst []byte, src []uint64, bitWidth uint) int +TEXT ·encodeBytesBitpackBMI2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-64 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ src_len+32(FP), CX + MOVQ bitWidth+48(FP), DX + LEAQ bitMasks<>(SB), DI + MOVQ -8(DI)(DX*8), DI + XORQ SI, SI + JMP test +loop: + MOVQ (BX)(SI*8), R8 + PEXTQ DI, R8, R8 + MOVQ R8, (AX) + ADDQ DX, AX + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + SUBQ dst+0(FP), AX + MOVQ AX, ret+56(FP) + RET + +// func encodeInt32IndexEqual8ContiguousAVX2(words [][8]int32) int +TEXT ·encodeInt32IndexEqual8ContiguousAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32 + MOVQ words_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ words_len+8(FP), BX + XORQ SI, SI + SHLQ $5, BX + JMP test +loop: + VMOVDQU (AX)(SI*1), Y0 + VPSHUFD $0, Y0, Y1 + VPCMPEQD Y1, Y0, Y0 + VMOVMSKPS Y0, CX + CMPL CX, $0xFF + JE done + ADDQ $32, SI +test: + CMPQ SI, BX + JNE loop +done: + VZEROUPPER + SHRQ $5, SI + MOVQ SI, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func encodeInt32IndexEqual8ContiguousSSE(words [][8]int32) int +TEXT ·encodeInt32IndexEqual8ContiguousSSE(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32 + MOVQ words_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ words_len+8(FP), BX + XORQ SI, SI + SHLQ $5, BX + JMP test +loop: + MOVOU (AX)(SI*1), X0 + MOVOU 16(AX)(SI*1), X1 + PSHUFD $0, X0, X2 + PCMPEQL X2, X0 + PCMPEQL X2, X1 + MOVMSKPS X0, CX + MOVMSKPS X1, DX + ANDL DX, CX + CMPL CX, $0xF + JE done + ADDQ $32, SI +test: + CMPQ SI, BX + JNE loop +done: + SHRQ $5, SI + MOVQ SI, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func encodeInt32Bitpack1to16bitsAVX2(dst []byte, src [][8]int32, bitWidth uint) int +TEXT ·encodeInt32Bitpack1to16bitsAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-64 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ src_len+32(FP), CX + MOVQ bitWidth+48(FP), DX + + MOVQ DX, X0 + VPBROADCASTQ X0, Y6 // [1*bitWidth...] + VPSLLQ $1, Y6, Y7 // [2*bitWidth...] + VPADDQ Y6, Y7, Y8 // [3*bitWidth...] + VPSLLQ $2, Y6, Y9 // [4*bitWidth...] + + MOVQ $64, DI + MOVQ DI, X1 + VPBROADCASTQ X1, Y10 + VPSUBQ Y6, Y10, Y11 // [64-1*bitWidth...] + VPSUBQ Y9, Y10, Y12 // [64-4*bitWidth...] + VPCMPEQQ Y4, Y4, Y4 + VPSRLVQ Y11, Y4, Y4 + + VPXOR Y5, Y5, Y5 + XORQ SI, SI + SHLQ $5, CX + JMP test +loop: + VMOVDQU (BX)(SI*1), Y0 + VPSHUFD $0b01010101, Y0, Y1 + VPSHUFD $0b10101010, Y0, Y2 + VPSHUFD $0b11111111, Y0, Y3 + + VPAND Y4, Y0, Y0 + VPAND Y4, Y1, Y1 + VPAND Y4, Y2, Y2 + VPAND Y4, Y3, Y3 + + VPSLLVQ Y6, Y1, Y1 + VPSLLVQ Y7, Y2, Y2 + VPSLLVQ Y8, Y3, Y3 + + VPOR Y1, Y0, Y0 + VPOR Y3, Y2, Y2 + VPOR Y2, Y0, Y0 + + VPERMQ $0b00001010, Y0, Y1 + + VPSLLVQ X9, X1, X2 + VPSRLQ X12, X1, X3 + VBLENDPD $0b10, X3, X2, X1 + VBLENDPD $0b10, X5, X0, X0 + VPOR X1, X0, X0 + + VMOVDQU X0, (AX) + + ADDQ DX, AX + ADDQ $32, SI +test: + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop + VZEROUPPER + SUBQ dst+0(FP), AX + MOVQ AX, ret+56(FP) + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/rle_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/rle_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8f3462d14c0e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle/rle_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package rle + +func encodeBytesBitpack(dst []byte, src []uint64, bitWidth uint) int { + return encodeBytesBitpackDefault(dst, src, bitWidth) +} + +func encodeInt32IndexEqual8Contiguous(words [][8]int32) (n int) { + for n < len(words) && words[n] != broadcast8x4(words[n][0]) { + n++ + } + return n +} + +func encodeInt32Bitpack(dst []byte, src [][8]int32, bitWidth uint) int { + return encodeInt32BitpackDefault(dst, src, bitWidth) +} + +func decodeBytesBitpack(dst, src []byte, count, bitWidth uint) { + decodeBytesBitpackDefault(dst, src, count, bitWidth) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1fbffdf72adc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2019 Segment.io, Inc. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/binary.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/binary.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..73f15b03afbf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/binary.go @@ -0,0 +1,369 @@ +package thrift + +import ( + "bufio" + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "io" + "math" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +// BinaryProtocol is a Protocol implementation for the binary thrift protocol. +// +// https://github.com/apache/thrift/blob/master/doc/specs/thrift-binary-protocol.md +type BinaryProtocol struct { + NonStrict bool +} + +func (p *BinaryProtocol) NewReader(r io.Reader) Reader { + return &binaryReader{p: p, r: r} +} + +func (p *BinaryProtocol) NewWriter(w io.Writer) Writer { + return &binaryWriter{p: p, w: w} +} + +func (p *BinaryProtocol) Features() Features { + return 0 +} + +type binaryReader struct { + p *BinaryProtocol + r io.Reader + b [8]byte +} + +func (r *binaryReader) Protocol() Protocol { + return r.p +} + +func (r *binaryReader) Reader() io.Reader { + return r.r +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadBool() (bool, error) { + v, err := r.ReadByte() + return v != 0, err +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadInt8() (int8, error) { + b, err := r.ReadByte() + return int8(b), err +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadInt16() (int16, error) { + b, err := r.read(2) + if len(b) < 2 { + return 0, err + } + return int16(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(b)), nil +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadInt32() (int32, error) { + b, err := r.read(4) + if len(b) < 4 { + return 0, err + } + return int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b)), nil +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadInt64() (int64, error) { + b, err := r.read(8) + if len(b) < 8 { + return 0, err + } + return int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b)), nil +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadFloat64() (float64, error) { + b, err := r.read(8) + if len(b) < 8 { + return 0, err + } + return math.Float64frombits(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b)), nil +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadBytes() ([]byte, error) { + n, err := r.ReadLength() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + b := make([]byte, n) + _, err = io.ReadFull(r.r, b) + return b, err +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadString() (string, error) { + b, err := r.ReadBytes() + return unsafecast.String(b), err +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadLength() (int, error) { + b, err := r.read(4) + if len(b) < 4 { + return 0, err + } + n := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b) + if n > math.MaxInt32 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("length out of range: %d", n) + } + return int(n), nil +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadMessage() (Message, error) { + m := Message{} + + b, err := r.read(4) + if len(b) < 4 { + return m, err + } + + if (b[0] >> 7) == 0 { // non-strict + n := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(b)) + s := make([]byte, n) + _, err := io.ReadFull(r.r, s) + if err != nil { + return m, dontExpectEOF(err) + } + m.Name = unsafecast.String(s) + + t, err := r.ReadInt8() + if err != nil { + return m, dontExpectEOF(err) + } + + m.Type = MessageType(t & 0x7) + } else { + m.Type = MessageType(b[3] & 0x7) + + if m.Name, err = r.ReadString(); err != nil { + return m, dontExpectEOF(err) + } + } + + m.SeqID, err = r.ReadInt32() + return m, err +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadField() (Field, error) { + t, err := r.ReadInt8() + if err != nil { + return Field{}, err + } + i, err := r.ReadInt16() + if err != nil { + return Field{}, err + } + return Field{ID: i, Type: Type(t)}, nil +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadList() (List, error) { + t, err := r.ReadInt8() + if err != nil { + return List{}, err + } + n, err := r.ReadInt32() + if err != nil { + return List{}, dontExpectEOF(err) + } + return List{Size: n, Type: Type(t)}, nil +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadSet() (Set, error) { + l, err := r.ReadList() + return Set(l), err +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadMap() (Map, error) { + k, err := r.ReadByte() + if err != nil { + return Map{}, err + } + v, err := r.ReadByte() + if err != nil { + return Map{}, dontExpectEOF(err) + } + n, err := r.ReadInt32() + if err != nil { + return Map{}, dontExpectEOF(err) + } + return Map{Size: n, Key: Type(k), Value: Type(v)}, nil +} + +func (r *binaryReader) ReadByte() (byte, error) { + switch x := r.r.(type) { + case *bytes.Buffer: + return x.ReadByte() + case *bytes.Reader: + return x.ReadByte() + case *bufio.Reader: + return x.ReadByte() + case io.ByteReader: + return x.ReadByte() + default: + b, err := r.read(1) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + return b[0], nil + } +} + +func (r *binaryReader) read(n int) ([]byte, error) { + _, err := io.ReadFull(r.r, r.b[:n]) + return r.b[:n], err +} + +type binaryWriter struct { + p *BinaryProtocol + b [8]byte + w io.Writer +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) Protocol() Protocol { + return w.p +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) Writer() io.Writer { + return w.w +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) WriteBool(v bool) error { + var b byte + if v { + b = 1 + } + return w.writeByte(b) +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) WriteInt8(v int8) error { + return w.writeByte(byte(v)) +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) WriteInt16(v int16) error { + binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(w.b[:2], uint16(v)) + return w.write(w.b[:2]) +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) WriteInt32(v int32) error { + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(w.b[:4], uint32(v)) + return w.write(w.b[:4]) +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) WriteInt64(v int64) error { + binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(w.b[:8], uint64(v)) + return w.write(w.b[:8]) +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) WriteFloat64(v float64) error { + binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(w.b[:8], math.Float64bits(v)) + return w.write(w.b[:8]) +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) WriteBytes(v []byte) error { + if err := w.WriteLength(len(v)); err != nil { + return err + } + return w.write(v) +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) WriteString(v string) error { + if err := w.WriteLength(len(v)); err != nil { + return err + } + return w.writeString(v) +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) WriteLength(n int) error { + if n < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("negative length cannot be encoded in thrift: %d", n) + } + if n > math.MaxInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("length is too large to be encoded in thrift: %d", n) + } + return w.WriteInt32(int32(n)) +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) WriteMessage(m Message) error { + if w.p.NonStrict { + if err := w.WriteString(m.Name); err != nil { + return err + } + if err := w.writeByte(byte(m.Type)); err != nil { + return err + } + } else { + w.b[0] = 1 << 7 + w.b[1] = 0 + w.b[2] = 0 + w.b[3] = byte(m.Type) & 0x7 + binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(w.b[4:], uint32(len(m.Name))) + + if err := w.write(w.b[:8]); err != nil { + return err + } + if err := w.writeString(m.Name); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return w.WriteInt32(m.SeqID) +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) WriteField(f Field) error { + if err := w.writeByte(byte(f.Type)); err != nil { + return err + } + return w.WriteInt16(f.ID) +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) WriteList(l List) error { + if err := w.writeByte(byte(l.Type)); err != nil { + return err + } + return w.WriteInt32(l.Size) +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) WriteSet(s Set) error { + return w.WriteList(List(s)) +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) WriteMap(m Map) error { + if err := w.writeByte(byte(m.Key)); err != nil { + return err + } + if err := w.writeByte(byte(m.Value)); err != nil { + return err + } + return w.WriteInt32(m.Size) +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) write(b []byte) error { + _, err := w.w.Write(b) + return err +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) writeString(s string) error { + _, err := io.WriteString(w.w, s) + return err +} + +func (w *binaryWriter) writeByte(b byte) error { + // The special cases are intended to reduce the runtime overheadof testing + // for the io.ByteWriter interface for common types. Type assertions on a + // concrete type is just a pointer comparison, instead of requiring a + // complex lookup in the type metadata. + switch x := w.w.(type) { + case *bytes.Buffer: + return x.WriteByte(b) + case *bufio.Writer: + return x.WriteByte(b) + case io.ByteWriter: + return x.WriteByte(b) + default: + w.b[0] = b + return w.write(w.b[:1]) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/compact.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/compact.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..7bca5771deb49 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/compact.go @@ -0,0 +1,348 @@ +package thrift + +import ( + "bufio" + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "io" + "math" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +// CompactProtocol is a Protocol implementation for the compact thrift protocol. +// +// https://github.com/apache/thrift/blob/master/doc/specs/thrift-compact-protocol.md#integer-encoding +type CompactProtocol struct{} + +func (p *CompactProtocol) NewReader(r io.Reader) Reader { + return &compactReader{protocol: p, binary: binaryReader{r: r}} +} + +func (p *CompactProtocol) NewWriter(w io.Writer) Writer { + return &compactWriter{protocol: p, binary: binaryWriter{w: w}} +} + +func (p *CompactProtocol) Features() Features { + return UseDeltaEncoding | CoalesceBoolFields +} + +type compactReader struct { + protocol *CompactProtocol + binary binaryReader +} + +func (r *compactReader) Protocol() Protocol { + return r.protocol +} + +func (r *compactReader) Reader() io.Reader { + return r.binary.Reader() +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadBool() (bool, error) { + return r.binary.ReadBool() +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadInt8() (int8, error) { + return r.binary.ReadInt8() +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadInt16() (int16, error) { + v, err := r.readVarint("int16", math.MinInt16, math.MaxInt16) + return int16(v), err +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadInt32() (int32, error) { + v, err := r.readVarint("int32", math.MinInt32, math.MaxInt32) + return int32(v), err +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadInt64() (int64, error) { + return r.readVarint("int64", math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64) +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadFloat64() (float64, error) { + return r.binary.ReadFloat64() +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadBytes() ([]byte, error) { + n, err := r.ReadLength() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + b := make([]byte, n) + _, err = io.ReadFull(r.Reader(), b) + return b, err +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadString() (string, error) { + b, err := r.ReadBytes() + return unsafecast.String(b), err +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadLength() (int, error) { + n, err := r.readUvarint("length", math.MaxInt32) + return int(n), err +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadMessage() (Message, error) { + m := Message{} + + b0, err := r.ReadByte() + if err != nil { + return m, err + } + if b0 != 0x82 { + return m, fmt.Errorf("invalid protocol id found when reading thrift message: %#x", b0) + } + + b1, err := r.ReadByte() + if err != nil { + return m, dontExpectEOF(err) + } + + seqID, err := r.readUvarint("seq id", math.MaxInt32) + if err != nil { + return m, dontExpectEOF(err) + } + + m.Type = MessageType(b1) & 0x7 + m.SeqID = int32(seqID) + m.Name, err = r.ReadString() + return m, dontExpectEOF(err) +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadField() (Field, error) { + f := Field{} + + b, err := r.ReadByte() + if err != nil { + return f, err + } + + if Type(b) == STOP { + return f, nil + } + + if (b >> 4) != 0 { + f = Field{ID: int16(b >> 4), Type: Type(b & 0xF), Delta: true} + } else { + i, err := r.ReadInt16() + if err != nil { + return f, dontExpectEOF(err) + } + f = Field{ID: i, Type: Type(b)} + } + + return f, nil +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadList() (List, error) { + b, err := r.ReadByte() + if err != nil { + return List{}, err + } + if (b >> 4) != 0xF { + return List{Size: int32(b >> 4), Type: Type(b & 0xF)}, nil + } + n, err := r.readUvarint("list size", math.MaxInt32) + if err != nil { + return List{}, dontExpectEOF(err) + } + return List{Size: int32(n), Type: Type(b & 0xF)}, nil +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadSet() (Set, error) { + l, err := r.ReadList() + return Set(l), err +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadMap() (Map, error) { + n, err := r.readUvarint("map size", math.MaxInt32) + if err != nil { + return Map{}, err + } + if n == 0 { // empty map + return Map{}, nil + } + b, err := r.ReadByte() + if err != nil { + return Map{}, dontExpectEOF(err) + } + return Map{Size: int32(n), Key: Type(b >> 4), Value: Type(b & 0xF)}, nil +} + +func (r *compactReader) ReadByte() (byte, error) { + return r.binary.ReadByte() +} + +func (r *compactReader) readUvarint(typ string, max uint64) (uint64, error) { + var br io.ByteReader + + switch x := r.Reader().(type) { + case *bytes.Buffer: + br = x + case *bytes.Reader: + br = x + case *bufio.Reader: + br = x + case io.ByteReader: + br = x + default: + br = &r.binary + } + + u, err := binary.ReadUvarint(br) + if err == nil { + if u > max { + err = fmt.Errorf("%s varint out of range: %d > %d", typ, u, max) + } + } + return u, err +} + +func (r *compactReader) readVarint(typ string, min, max int64) (int64, error) { + var br io.ByteReader + + switch x := r.Reader().(type) { + case *bytes.Buffer: + br = x + case *bytes.Reader: + br = x + case *bufio.Reader: + br = x + case io.ByteReader: + br = x + default: + br = &r.binary + } + + v, err := binary.ReadVarint(br) + if err == nil { + if v < min || v > max { + err = fmt.Errorf("%s varint out of range: %d not in [%d;%d]", typ, v, min, max) + } + } + return v, err +} + +type compactWriter struct { + protocol *CompactProtocol + binary binaryWriter + varint [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte +} + +func (w *compactWriter) Protocol() Protocol { + return w.protocol +} + +func (w *compactWriter) Writer() io.Writer { + return w.binary.Writer() +} + +func (w *compactWriter) WriteBool(v bool) error { + return w.binary.WriteBool(v) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) WriteInt8(v int8) error { + return w.binary.WriteInt8(v) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) WriteInt16(v int16) error { + return w.writeVarint(int64(v)) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) WriteInt32(v int32) error { + return w.writeVarint(int64(v)) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) WriteInt64(v int64) error { + return w.writeVarint(v) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) WriteFloat64(v float64) error { + return w.binary.WriteFloat64(v) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) WriteBytes(v []byte) error { + if err := w.WriteLength(len(v)); err != nil { + return err + } + return w.binary.write(v) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) WriteString(v string) error { + if err := w.WriteLength(len(v)); err != nil { + return err + } + return w.binary.writeString(v) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) WriteLength(n int) error { + if n < 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("negative length cannot be encoded in thrift: %d", n) + } + if n > math.MaxInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("length is too large to be encoded in thrift: %d", n) + } + return w.writeUvarint(uint64(n)) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) WriteMessage(m Message) error { + if err := w.binary.writeByte(0x82); err != nil { + return err + } + if err := w.binary.writeByte(byte(m.Type)); err != nil { + return err + } + if err := w.writeUvarint(uint64(m.SeqID)); err != nil { + return err + } + return w.WriteString(m.Name) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) WriteField(f Field) error { + if f.Type == STOP { + return w.binary.writeByte(0) + } + if f.ID <= 15 { + return w.binary.writeByte(byte(f.ID<<4) | byte(f.Type)) + } + if err := w.binary.writeByte(byte(f.Type)); err != nil { + return err + } + return w.WriteInt16(f.ID) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) WriteList(l List) error { + if l.Size <= 14 { + return w.binary.writeByte(byte(l.Size<<4) | byte(l.Type)) + } + if err := w.binary.writeByte(0xF0 | byte(l.Type)); err != nil { + return err + } + return w.writeUvarint(uint64(l.Size)) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) WriteSet(s Set) error { + return w.WriteList(List(s)) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) WriteMap(m Map) error { + if err := w.writeUvarint(uint64(m.Size)); err != nil || m.Size == 0 { + return err + } + return w.binary.writeByte((byte(m.Key) << 4) | byte(m.Value)) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) writeUvarint(v uint64) error { + n := binary.PutUvarint(w.varint[:], v) + return w.binary.write(w.varint[:n]) +} + +func (w *compactWriter) writeVarint(v int64) error { + n := binary.PutVarint(w.varint[:], v) + return w.binary.write(w.varint[:n]) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/debug.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/debug.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..3bf76d7e5eb11 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/debug.go @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +package thrift + +import ( + "io" + "log" +) + +func NewDebugReader(r Reader, l *log.Logger) Reader { + return &debugReader{ + r: r, + l: l, + } +} + +func NewDebugWriter(w Writer, l *log.Logger) Writer { + return &debugWriter{ + w: w, + l: l, + } +} + +type debugReader struct { + r Reader + l *log.Logger +} + +func (d *debugReader) log(method string, res interface{}, err error) { + if err != nil { + d.l.Printf("(%T).%s() → ERROR: %v", d.r, method, err) + } else { + d.l.Printf("(%T).%s() → %#v", d.r, method, res) + } +} + +func (d *debugReader) Protocol() Protocol { + return d.r.Protocol() +} + +func (d *debugReader) Reader() io.Reader { + return d.r.Reader() +} + +func (d *debugReader) ReadBool() (bool, error) { + v, err := d.r.ReadBool() + d.log("ReadBool", v, err) + return v, err +} + +func (d *debugReader) ReadInt8() (int8, error) { + v, err := d.r.ReadInt8() + d.log("ReadInt8", v, err) + return v, err +} + +func (d *debugReader) ReadInt16() (int16, error) { + v, err := d.r.ReadInt16() + d.log("ReadInt16", v, err) + return v, err +} + +func (d *debugReader) ReadInt32() (int32, error) { + v, err := d.r.ReadInt32() + d.log("ReadInt32", v, err) + return v, err +} + +func (d *debugReader) ReadInt64() (int64, error) { + v, err := d.r.ReadInt64() + d.log("ReadInt64", v, err) + return v, err +} + +func (d *debugReader) ReadFloat64() (float64, error) { + v, err := d.r.ReadFloat64() + d.log("ReadFloat64", v, err) + return v, err +} + +func (d *debugReader) ReadBytes() ([]byte, error) { + v, err := d.r.ReadBytes() + d.log("ReadBytes", v, err) + return v, err +} + +func (d *debugReader) ReadString() (string, error) { + v, err := d.r.ReadString() + d.log("ReadString", v, err) + return v, err +} + +func (d *debugReader) ReadLength() (int, error) { + v, err := d.r.ReadLength() + d.log("ReadLength", v, err) + return v, err +} + +func (d *debugReader) ReadMessage() (Message, error) { + v, err := d.r.ReadMessage() + d.log("ReadMessage", v, err) + return v, err +} + +func (d *debugReader) ReadField() (Field, error) { + v, err := d.r.ReadField() + d.log("ReadField", v, err) + return v, err +} + +func (d *debugReader) ReadList() (List, error) { + v, err := d.r.ReadList() + d.log("ReadList", v, err) + return v, err +} + +func (d *debugReader) ReadSet() (Set, error) { + v, err := d.r.ReadSet() + d.log("ReadSet", v, err) + return v, err +} + +func (d *debugReader) ReadMap() (Map, error) { + v, err := d.r.ReadMap() + d.log("ReadMap", v, err) + return v, err +} + +type debugWriter struct { + w Writer + l *log.Logger +} + +func (d *debugWriter) log(method string, arg interface{}, err error) { + if err != nil { + d.l.Printf("(%T).%s(%#v) → ERROR: %v", d.w, method, arg, err) + } else { + d.l.Printf("(%T).%s(%#v)", d.w, method, arg) + } +} + +func (d *debugWriter) Protocol() Protocol { + return d.w.Protocol() +} + +func (d *debugWriter) Writer() io.Writer { + return d.w.Writer() +} + +func (d *debugWriter) WriteBool(v bool) error { + err := d.w.WriteBool(v) + d.log("WriteBool", v, err) + return err +} + +func (d *debugWriter) WriteInt8(v int8) error { + err := d.w.WriteInt8(v) + d.log("WriteInt8", v, err) + return err +} + +func (d *debugWriter) WriteInt16(v int16) error { + err := d.w.WriteInt16(v) + d.log("WriteInt16", v, err) + return err +} + +func (d *debugWriter) WriteInt32(v int32) error { + err := d.w.WriteInt32(v) + d.log("WriteInt32", v, err) + return err +} + +func (d *debugWriter) WriteInt64(v int64) error { + err := d.w.WriteInt64(v) + d.log("WriteInt64", v, err) + return err +} + +func (d *debugWriter) WriteFloat64(v float64) error { + err := d.w.WriteFloat64(v) + d.log("WriteFloat64", v, err) + return err +} + +func (d *debugWriter) WriteBytes(v []byte) error { + err := d.w.WriteBytes(v) + d.log("WriteBytes", v, err) + return err +} + +func (d *debugWriter) WriteString(v string) error { + err := d.w.WriteString(v) + d.log("WriteString", v, err) + return err +} + +func (d *debugWriter) WriteLength(n int) error { + err := d.w.WriteLength(n) + d.log("WriteLength", n, err) + return err +} + +func (d *debugWriter) WriteMessage(m Message) error { + err := d.w.WriteMessage(m) + d.log("WriteMessage", m, err) + return err +} + +func (d *debugWriter) WriteField(f Field) error { + err := d.w.WriteField(f) + d.log("WriteField", f, err) + return err +} + +func (d *debugWriter) WriteList(l List) error { + err := d.w.WriteList(l) + d.log("WriteList", l, err) + return err +} + +func (d *debugWriter) WriteSet(s Set) error { + err := d.w.WriteSet(s) + d.log("WriteSet", s, err) + return err +} + +func (d *debugWriter) WriteMap(m Map) error { + err := d.w.WriteMap(m) + d.log("WriteMap", m, err) + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/decode.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/decode.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4cc394b53d6f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/decode.go @@ -0,0 +1,689 @@ +package thrift + +import ( + "bufio" + "bytes" + "fmt" + "io" + "reflect" + "sync/atomic" +) + +// Unmarshal deserializes the thrift data from b to v using to the protocol p. +// +// The function errors if the data in b does not match the type of v. +// +// The function panics if v cannot be converted to a thrift representation. +// +// As an optimization, the value passed in v may be reused across multiple calls +// to Unmarshal, allowing the function to reuse objects referenced by pointer +// fields of struct values. When reusing objects, the application is responsible +// for resetting the state of v before calling Unmarshal again. +func Unmarshal(p Protocol, b []byte, v interface{}) error { + br := bytes.NewReader(b) + pr := p.NewReader(br) + + if err := NewDecoder(pr).Decode(v); err != nil { + return err + } + + if n := br.Len(); n != 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("unexpected trailing bytes at the end of thrift input: %d", n) + } + + return nil +} + +type Decoder struct { + r Reader + f flags +} + +func NewDecoder(r Reader) *Decoder { + return &Decoder{r: r, f: decoderFlags(r)} +} + +func (d *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) error { + t := reflect.TypeOf(v) + p := reflect.ValueOf(v) + + if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + panic("thrift.(*Decoder).Decode: expected pointer type but got " + t.String()) + } + + t = t.Elem() + p = p.Elem() + + cache, _ := decoderCache.Load().(map[typeID]decodeFunc) + decode, _ := cache[makeTypeID(t)] + + if decode == nil { + decode = decodeFuncOf(t, make(decodeFuncCache)) + + newCache := make(map[typeID]decodeFunc, len(cache)+1) + newCache[makeTypeID(t)] = decode + for k, v := range cache { + newCache[k] = v + } + + decoderCache.Store(newCache) + } + + return decode(d.r, p, d.f) +} + +func (d *Decoder) Reset(r Reader) { + d.r = r + d.f = d.f.without(protocolFlags).with(decoderFlags(r)) +} + +func (d *Decoder) SetStrict(enabled bool) { + if enabled { + d.f = d.f.with(strict) + } else { + d.f = d.f.without(strict) + } +} + +func decoderFlags(r Reader) flags { + return flags(r.Protocol().Features() << featuresBitOffset) +} + +var decoderCache atomic.Value // map[typeID]decodeFunc + +type decodeFunc func(Reader, reflect.Value, flags) error + +type decodeFuncCache map[reflect.Type]decodeFunc + +func decodeFuncOf(t reflect.Type, seen decodeFuncCache) decodeFunc { + f := seen[t] + if f != nil { + return f + } + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool: + f = decodeBool + case reflect.Int8: + f = decodeInt8 + case reflect.Int16: + f = decodeInt16 + case reflect.Int32: + f = decodeInt32 + case reflect.Int64, reflect.Int: + f = decodeInt64 + case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: + f = decodeFloat64 + case reflect.String: + f = decodeString + case reflect.Slice: + if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { // []byte + f = decodeBytes + } else { + f = decodeFuncSliceOf(t, seen) + } + case reflect.Map: + f = decodeFuncMapOf(t, seen) + case reflect.Struct: + f = decodeFuncStructOf(t, seen) + case reflect.Ptr: + f = decodeFuncPtrOf(t, seen) + default: + panic("type cannot be decoded in thrift: " + t.String()) + } + seen[t] = f + return f +} + +func decodeBool(r Reader, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + b, err := r.ReadBool() + if err != nil { + return err + } + v.SetBool(b) + return nil +} + +func decodeInt8(r Reader, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + i, err := r.ReadInt8() + if err != nil { + return err + } + v.SetInt(int64(i)) + return nil +} + +func decodeInt16(r Reader, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + i, err := r.ReadInt16() + if err != nil { + return err + } + v.SetInt(int64(i)) + return nil +} + +func decodeInt32(r Reader, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + i, err := r.ReadInt32() + if err != nil { + return err + } + v.SetInt(int64(i)) + return nil +} + +func decodeInt64(r Reader, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + i, err := r.ReadInt64() + if err != nil { + return err + } + v.SetInt(int64(i)) + return nil +} + +func decodeFloat64(r Reader, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + f, err := r.ReadFloat64() + if err != nil { + return err + } + v.SetFloat(f) + return nil +} + +func decodeString(r Reader, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + s, err := r.ReadString() + if err != nil { + return err + } + v.SetString(s) + return nil +} + +func decodeBytes(r Reader, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + b, err := r.ReadBytes() + if err != nil { + return err + } + v.SetBytes(b) + return nil +} + +func decodeFuncSliceOf(t reflect.Type, seen decodeFuncCache) decodeFunc { + elem := t.Elem() + typ := TypeOf(elem) + dec := decodeFuncOf(elem, seen) + + return func(r Reader, v reflect.Value, flags flags) error { + l, err := r.ReadList() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // Sometimes the list type is set to TRUE when the list contains only + // TRUE values. Thrift does not seem to optimize the encoding by + // omitting the boolean values that are known to all be TRUE, we still + // need to decode them. + switch l.Type { + case TRUE: + l.Type = BOOL + } + + // TODO: implement type conversions? + if typ != l.Type { + if flags.have(strict) { + return &TypeMismatch{item: "list item", Expect: typ, Found: l.Type} + } + return nil + } + + v.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(t, int(l.Size), int(l.Size))) + flags = flags.only(decodeFlags) + + for i := 0; i < int(l.Size); i++ { + if err := dec(r, v.Index(i), flags); err != nil { + return with(dontExpectEOF(err), &decodeErrorList{cause: l, index: i}) + } + } + + return nil + } +} + +func decodeFuncMapOf(t reflect.Type, seen decodeFuncCache) decodeFunc { + key, elem := t.Key(), t.Elem() + if elem.Size() == 0 { // map[?]struct{} + return decodeFuncMapAsSetOf(t, seen) + } + + mapType := reflect.MapOf(key, elem) + keyZero := reflect.Zero(key) + elemZero := reflect.Zero(elem) + keyType := TypeOf(key) + elemType := TypeOf(elem) + decodeKey := decodeFuncOf(key, seen) + decodeElem := decodeFuncOf(elem, seen) + + return func(r Reader, v reflect.Value, flags flags) error { + m, err := r.ReadMap() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + v.Set(reflect.MakeMapWithSize(mapType, int(m.Size))) + + if m.Size == 0 { // empty map + return nil + } + + // TODO: implement type conversions? + if keyType != m.Key { + if flags.have(strict) { + return &TypeMismatch{item: "map key", Expect: keyType, Found: m.Key} + } + return nil + } + + if elemType != m.Value { + if flags.have(strict) { + return &TypeMismatch{item: "map value", Expect: elemType, Found: m.Value} + } + return nil + } + + tmpKey := reflect.New(key).Elem() + tmpElem := reflect.New(elem).Elem() + flags = flags.only(decodeFlags) + + for i := 0; i < int(m.Size); i++ { + if err := decodeKey(r, tmpKey, flags); err != nil { + return with(dontExpectEOF(err), &decodeErrorMap{cause: m, index: i}) + } + if err := decodeElem(r, tmpElem, flags); err != nil { + return with(dontExpectEOF(err), &decodeErrorMap{cause: m, index: i}) + } + v.SetMapIndex(tmpKey, tmpElem) + tmpKey.Set(keyZero) + tmpElem.Set(elemZero) + } + + return nil + } +} + +func decodeFuncMapAsSetOf(t reflect.Type, seen decodeFuncCache) decodeFunc { + key, elem := t.Key(), t.Elem() + keyZero := reflect.Zero(key) + elemZero := reflect.Zero(elem) + typ := TypeOf(key) + dec := decodeFuncOf(key, seen) + + return func(r Reader, v reflect.Value, flags flags) error { + s, err := r.ReadSet() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // See decodeFuncSliceOf for details about why this type conversion + // needs to be done. + switch s.Type { + case TRUE: + s.Type = BOOL + } + + v.Set(reflect.MakeMapWithSize(t, int(s.Size))) + + if s.Size == 0 { + return nil + } + + // TODO: implement type conversions? + if typ != s.Type { + if flags.have(strict) { + return &TypeMismatch{item: "list item", Expect: typ, Found: s.Type} + } + return nil + } + + tmp := reflect.New(key).Elem() + flags = flags.only(decodeFlags) + + for i := 0; i < int(s.Size); i++ { + if err := dec(r, tmp, flags); err != nil { + return with(dontExpectEOF(err), &decodeErrorSet{cause: s, index: i}) + } + v.SetMapIndex(tmp, elemZero) + tmp.Set(keyZero) + } + + return nil + } +} + +type structDecoder struct { + fields []structDecoderField + union []int + minID int16 + zero reflect.Value + required []uint64 +} + +func (dec *structDecoder) decode(r Reader, v reflect.Value, flags flags) error { + flags = flags.only(decodeFlags) + coalesceBoolFields := flags.have(coalesceBoolFields) + + lastField := reflect.Value{} + union := len(dec.union) > 0 + seen := make([]uint64, 1) + if len(dec.required) > len(seen) { + seen = make([]uint64, len(dec.required)) + } + + err := readStruct(r, func(r Reader, f Field) error { + i := int(f.ID) - int(dec.minID) + if i < 0 || i >= len(dec.fields) || dec.fields[i].decode == nil { + return skipField(r, f) + } + field := &dec.fields[i] + seen[i/64] |= 1 << (i % 64) + + // TODO: implement type conversions? + if f.Type != field.typ && !(f.Type == TRUE && field.typ == BOOL) { + if flags.have(strict) { + return &TypeMismatch{item: "field value", Expect: field.typ, Found: f.Type} + } + return nil + } + + x := v + for _, i := range field.index { + if x.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + x = x.Elem() + } + if x = x.Field(i); x.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + if x.IsNil() { + x.Set(reflect.New(x.Type().Elem())) + } + } + } + + if union { + v.Set(dec.zero) + } + + lastField = x + + if coalesceBoolFields && (f.Type == TRUE || f.Type == FALSE) { + for x.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + if x.IsNil() { + x.Set(reflect.New(x.Type().Elem())) + } + x = x.Elem() + } + x.SetBool(f.Type == TRUE) + return nil + } + + return field.decode(r, x, flags.with(field.flags)) + }) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + for i, required := range dec.required { + if mask := required & seen[i]; mask != required { + i *= 64 + for (mask & 1) != 0 { + mask >>= 1 + i++ + } + field := &dec.fields[i] + return &MissingField{Field: Field{ID: field.id, Type: field.typ}} + } + } + + if union && lastField.IsValid() { + v.FieldByIndex(dec.union).Set(lastField.Addr()) + } + + return nil +} + +type structDecoderField struct { + index []int + id int16 + flags flags + typ Type + decode decodeFunc +} + +func decodeFuncStructOf(t reflect.Type, seen decodeFuncCache) decodeFunc { + dec := &structDecoder{ + zero: reflect.Zero(t), + } + decode := dec.decode + seen[t] = decode + + fields := make([]structDecoderField, 0, t.NumField()) + forEachStructField(t, nil, func(f structField) { + if f.flags.have(union) { + dec.union = f.index + } else { + fields = append(fields, structDecoderField{ + index: f.index, + id: f.id, + flags: f.flags, + typ: TypeOf(f.typ), + decode: decodeFuncStructFieldOf(f, seen), + }) + } + }) + + minID := int16(0) + maxID := int16(0) + + for _, f := range fields { + if f.id < minID || minID == 0 { + minID = f.id + } + if f.id > maxID { + maxID = f.id + } + } + + dec.fields = make([]structDecoderField, (maxID-minID)+1) + dec.minID = minID + dec.required = make([]uint64, len(fields)/64+1) + + for _, f := range fields { + i := f.id - minID + p := dec.fields[i] + if p.decode != nil { + panic(fmt.Errorf("thrift struct field id %d is present multiple times in %s with types %s and %s", f.id, t, p.typ, f.typ)) + } + dec.fields[i] = f + if f.flags.have(required) { + dec.required[i/64] |= 1 << (i % 64) + } + } + + return decode +} + +func decodeFuncStructFieldOf(f structField, seen decodeFuncCache) decodeFunc { + if f.flags.have(enum) { + switch f.typ.Kind() { + case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: + return decodeInt32 + } + } + return decodeFuncOf(f.typ, seen) +} + +func decodeFuncPtrOf(t reflect.Type, seen decodeFuncCache) decodeFunc { + elem := t.Elem() + decode := decodeFuncOf(t.Elem(), seen) + return func(r Reader, v reflect.Value, f flags) error { + if v.IsNil() { + v.Set(reflect.New(elem)) + } + return decode(r, v.Elem(), f) + } +} + +func readBinary(r Reader, f func(io.Reader) error) error { + n, err := r.ReadLength() + if err != nil { + return err + } + return dontExpectEOF(f(io.LimitReader(r.Reader(), int64(n)))) +} + +func readList(r Reader, f func(Reader, Type) error) error { + l, err := r.ReadList() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + for i := 0; i < int(l.Size); i++ { + if err := f(r, l.Type); err != nil { + return with(dontExpectEOF(err), &decodeErrorList{cause: l, index: i}) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func readSet(r Reader, f func(Reader, Type) error) error { + s, err := r.ReadSet() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + for i := 0; i < int(s.Size); i++ { + if err := f(r, s.Type); err != nil { + return with(dontExpectEOF(err), &decodeErrorSet{cause: s, index: i}) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func readMap(r Reader, f func(Reader, Type, Type) error) error { + m, err := r.ReadMap() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + for i := 0; i < int(m.Size); i++ { + if err := f(r, m.Key, m.Value); err != nil { + return with(dontExpectEOF(err), &decodeErrorMap{cause: m, index: i}) + } + } + + return nil +} + +func readStruct(r Reader, f func(Reader, Field) error) error { + lastFieldID := int16(0) + numFields := 0 + + for { + x, err := r.ReadField() + if err != nil { + if numFields > 0 { + err = dontExpectEOF(err) + } + return err + } + + if x.Type == STOP { + return nil + } + + if x.Delta { + x.ID += lastFieldID + x.Delta = false + } + + if err := f(r, x); err != nil { + return with(dontExpectEOF(err), &decodeErrorField{cause: x}) + } + + lastFieldID = x.ID + numFields++ + } +} + +func skip(r Reader, t Type) error { + var err error + switch t { + case TRUE, FALSE: + _, err = r.ReadBool() + case I8: + _, err = r.ReadInt8() + case I16: + _, err = r.ReadInt16() + case I32: + _, err = r.ReadInt32() + case I64: + _, err = r.ReadInt64() + case DOUBLE: + _, err = r.ReadFloat64() + case BINARY: + err = skipBinary(r) + case LIST: + err = skipList(r) + case SET: + err = skipSet(r) + case MAP: + err = skipMap(r) + case STRUCT: + err = skipStruct(r) + default: + return fmt.Errorf("skipping unsupported thrift type %d", t) + } + return err +} + +func skipBinary(r Reader) error { + n, err := r.ReadLength() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if n == 0 { + return nil + } + switch x := r.Reader().(type) { + case *bufio.Reader: + _, err = x.Discard(int(n)) + default: + _, err = io.CopyN(io.Discard, x, int64(n)) + } + return dontExpectEOF(err) +} + +func skipList(r Reader) error { + return readList(r, skip) +} + +func skipSet(r Reader) error { + return readSet(r, skip) +} + +func skipMap(r Reader) error { + return readMap(r, func(r Reader, k, v Type) error { + if err := skip(r, k); err != nil { + return dontExpectEOF(err) + } + if err := skip(r, v); err != nil { + return dontExpectEOF(err) + } + return nil + }) +} + +func skipStruct(r Reader) error { + return readStruct(r, skipField) +} + +func skipField(r Reader, f Field) error { + return skip(r, f.Type) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/encode.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/encode.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..bd2c3a98039af --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/encode.go @@ -0,0 +1,399 @@ +package thrift + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "math" + "reflect" + "sort" + "sync/atomic" +) + +// Marshal serializes v into a thrift representation according to the the +// protocol p. +// +// The function panics if v cannot be converted to a thrift representation. +func Marshal(p Protocol, v interface{}) ([]byte, error) { + buf := new(bytes.Buffer) + enc := NewEncoder(p.NewWriter(buf)) + err := enc.Encode(v) + return buf.Bytes(), err +} + +type Encoder struct { + w Writer + f flags +} + +func NewEncoder(w Writer) *Encoder { + return &Encoder{w: w, f: encoderFlags(w)} +} + +func (e *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) error { + t := reflect.TypeOf(v) + cache, _ := encoderCache.Load().(map[typeID]encodeFunc) + encode, _ := cache[makeTypeID(t)] + + if encode == nil { + encode = encodeFuncOf(t, make(encodeFuncCache)) + + newCache := make(map[typeID]encodeFunc, len(cache)+1) + newCache[makeTypeID(t)] = encode + for k, v := range cache { + newCache[k] = v + } + + encoderCache.Store(newCache) + } + + return encode(e.w, reflect.ValueOf(v), e.f) +} + +func (e *Encoder) Reset(w Writer) { + e.w = w + e.f = e.f.without(protocolFlags).with(encoderFlags(w)) +} + +func encoderFlags(w Writer) flags { + return flags(w.Protocol().Features() << featuresBitOffset) +} + +var encoderCache atomic.Value // map[typeID]encodeFunc + +type encodeFunc func(Writer, reflect.Value, flags) error + +type encodeFuncCache map[reflect.Type]encodeFunc + +func encodeFuncOf(t reflect.Type, seen encodeFuncCache) encodeFunc { + f := seen[t] + if f != nil { + return f + } + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool: + f = encodeBool + case reflect.Int8: + f = encodeInt8 + case reflect.Int16: + f = encodeInt16 + case reflect.Int32: + f = encodeInt32 + case reflect.Int64, reflect.Int: + f = encodeInt64 + case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: + f = encodeFloat64 + case reflect.String: + f = encodeString + case reflect.Slice: + if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + f = encodeBytes + } else { + f = encodeFuncSliceOf(t, seen) + } + case reflect.Map: + f = encodeFuncMapOf(t, seen) + case reflect.Struct: + f = encodeFuncStructOf(t, seen) + case reflect.Ptr: + f = encodeFuncPtrOf(t, seen) + default: + panic("type cannot be encoded in thrift: " + t.String()) + } + seen[t] = f + return f +} + +func encodeBool(w Writer, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + return w.WriteBool(v.Bool()) +} + +func encodeInt8(w Writer, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + return w.WriteInt8(int8(v.Int())) +} + +func encodeInt16(w Writer, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + return w.WriteInt16(int16(v.Int())) +} + +func encodeInt32(w Writer, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + return w.WriteInt32(int32(v.Int())) +} + +func encodeInt64(w Writer, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + return w.WriteInt64(v.Int()) +} + +func encodeFloat64(w Writer, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + return w.WriteFloat64(v.Float()) +} + +func encodeString(w Writer, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + return w.WriteString(v.String()) +} + +func encodeBytes(w Writer, v reflect.Value, _ flags) error { + return w.WriteBytes(v.Bytes()) +} + +func encodeFuncSliceOf(t reflect.Type, seen encodeFuncCache) encodeFunc { + elem := t.Elem() + typ := TypeOf(elem) + enc := encodeFuncOf(elem, seen) + + return func(w Writer, v reflect.Value, flags flags) error { + n := v.Len() + if n > math.MaxInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("slice length is too large to be represented in thrift: %d > max(int32)", n) + } + + err := w.WriteList(List{ + Size: int32(n), + Type: typ, + }) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + for i := 0; i < n; i++ { + if err := enc(w, v.Index(i), flags); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil + } +} + +func encodeFuncMapOf(t reflect.Type, seen encodeFuncCache) encodeFunc { + key, elem := t.Key(), t.Elem() + if elem.Size() == 0 { // map[?]struct{} + return encodeFuncMapAsSetOf(t, seen) + } + + keyType := TypeOf(key) + elemType := TypeOf(elem) + encodeKey := encodeFuncOf(key, seen) + encodeElem := encodeFuncOf(elem, seen) + + return func(w Writer, v reflect.Value, flags flags) error { + n := v.Len() + if n > math.MaxInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("map length is too large to be represented in thrift: %d > max(int32)", n) + } + + err := w.WriteMap(Map{ + Size: int32(n), + Key: keyType, + Value: elemType, + }) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if n == 0 { // empty map + return nil + } + + for i, iter := 0, v.MapRange(); iter.Next(); i++ { + if err := encodeKey(w, iter.Key(), flags); err != nil { + return err + } + if err := encodeElem(w, iter.Value(), flags); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil + } +} + +func encodeFuncMapAsSetOf(t reflect.Type, seen encodeFuncCache) encodeFunc { + key := t.Key() + typ := TypeOf(key) + enc := encodeFuncOf(key, seen) + + return func(w Writer, v reflect.Value, flags flags) error { + n := v.Len() + if n > math.MaxInt32 { + return fmt.Errorf("map length is too large to be represented in thrift: %d > max(int32)", n) + } + + err := w.WriteSet(Set{ + Size: int32(n), + Type: typ, + }) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if n == 0 { // empty map + return nil + } + + for i, iter := 0, v.MapRange(); iter.Next(); i++ { + if err := enc(w, iter.Key(), flags); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil + } +} + +type structEncoder struct { + fields []structEncoderField + union bool +} + +func dereference(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value { + for v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + if v.IsNil() { + return v + } + v = v.Elem() + } + return v +} + +func isTrue(v reflect.Value) bool { + v = dereference(v) + return v.IsValid() && v.Kind() == reflect.Bool && v.Bool() +} + +func (enc *structEncoder) encode(w Writer, v reflect.Value, flags flags) error { + useDeltaEncoding := flags.have(useDeltaEncoding) + coalesceBoolFields := flags.have(coalesceBoolFields) + numFields := int16(0) + lastFieldID := int16(0) + +encodeFields: + for _, f := range enc.fields { + x := v + for _, i := range f.index { + if x.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + x = x.Elem() + } + if x = x.Field(i); x.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + if x.IsNil() { + continue encodeFields + } + } + } + + if !f.flags.have(required) && x.IsZero() { + continue encodeFields + } + + field := Field{ + ID: f.id, + Type: f.typ, + } + + if useDeltaEncoding { + if delta := field.ID - lastFieldID; delta <= 15 { + field.ID = delta + field.Delta = true + } + } + + skipValue := coalesceBoolFields && field.Type == BOOL + if skipValue && isTrue(x) == true { + field.Type = TRUE + } + + if err := w.WriteField(field); err != nil { + return err + } + + if !skipValue { + if err := f.encode(w, x, flags); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + numFields++ + lastFieldID = f.id + } + + if err := w.WriteField(Field{Type: STOP}); err != nil { + return err + } + + if numFields > 1 && enc.union { + return fmt.Errorf("thrift union had more than one field with a non-zero value (%d)", numFields) + } + + return nil +} + +func (enc *structEncoder) String() string { + if enc.union { + return "union" + } + return "struct" +} + +type structEncoderField struct { + index []int + id int16 + flags flags + typ Type + encode encodeFunc +} + +func encodeFuncStructOf(t reflect.Type, seen encodeFuncCache) encodeFunc { + enc := &structEncoder{ + fields: make([]structEncoderField, 0, t.NumField()), + } + encode := enc.encode + seen[t] = encode + + forEachStructField(t, nil, func(f structField) { + if f.flags.have(union) { + enc.union = true + } else { + enc.fields = append(enc.fields, structEncoderField{ + index: f.index, + id: f.id, + flags: f.flags, + typ: TypeOf(f.typ), + encode: encodeFuncStructFieldOf(f, seen), + }) + } + }) + + sort.SliceStable(enc.fields, func(i, j int) bool { + return enc.fields[i].id < enc.fields[j].id + }) + + for i := len(enc.fields) - 1; i > 0; i-- { + if enc.fields[i-1].id == enc.fields[i].id { + panic(fmt.Errorf("thrift struct field id %d is present multiple times", enc.fields[i].id)) + } + } + + return encode +} + +func encodeFuncStructFieldOf(f structField, seen encodeFuncCache) encodeFunc { + if f.flags.have(enum) { + switch f.typ.Kind() { + case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: + return encodeInt32 + } + } + return encodeFuncOf(f.typ, seen) +} + +func encodeFuncPtrOf(t reflect.Type, seen encodeFuncCache) encodeFunc { + typ := t.Elem() + enc := encodeFuncOf(typ, seen) + zero := reflect.Zero(typ) + + return func(w Writer, v reflect.Value, f flags) error { + if v.IsNil() { + v = zero + } else { + v = v.Elem() + } + return enc(w, v, f) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/error.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/error.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ceeb1ba09b7cd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/error.go @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +package thrift + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "strings" +) + +type MissingField struct { + Field Field +} + +func (e *MissingField) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("missing required field: %s", e.Field) +} + +type TypeMismatch struct { + Expect Type + Found Type + item string +} + +func (e *TypeMismatch) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s type mismatch: expected %s but found %s", e.item, e.Expect, e.Found) +} + +type decodeError struct { + base error + path []error +} + +func (e *decodeError) Error() string { + s := strings.Builder{} + s.Grow(256) + s.WriteString("decoding thrift payload: ") + + if len(e.path) != 0 { + n := len(e.path) - 1 + for i := n; i >= 0; i-- { + if i < n { + s.WriteString(" → ") + } + s.WriteString(e.path[i].Error()) + } + s.WriteString(": ") + } + + s.WriteString(e.base.Error()) + return s.String() +} + +func (e *decodeError) Unwrap() error { return e.base } + +func with(base, elem error) error { + if errors.Is(base, io.EOF) { + return base + } + e, _ := base.(*decodeError) + if e == nil { + e = &decodeError{base: base} + } + e.path = append(e.path, elem) + return e +} + +type decodeErrorField struct { + cause Field +} + +func (d *decodeErrorField) Error() string { + return d.cause.String() +} + +type decodeErrorList struct { + cause List + index int +} + +func (d *decodeErrorList) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d:%s", d.index, d.cause.Size, d.cause) +} + +type decodeErrorSet struct { + cause Set + index int +} + +func (d *decodeErrorSet) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d:%s", d.index, d.cause.Size, d.cause) +} + +type decodeErrorMap struct { + cause Map + index int +} + +func (d *decodeErrorMap) Error() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d:%s", d.index, d.cause.Size, d.cause) +} + +func dontExpectEOF(err error) error { + switch err { + case nil: + return nil + case io.EOF: + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + default: + return err + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/protocol.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/protocol.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..7c31338cf6f7e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/protocol.go @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +package thrift + +import ( + "io" +) + +// Features is a bitset describing the thrift encoding features supported by +// protocol implementations. +type Features uint + +const ( + // DeltaEncoding is advertised by protocols that allow encoders to apply + // delta encoding on struct fields. + UseDeltaEncoding Features = 1 << iota + + // CoalesceBoolFields is advertised by protocols that allow encoders to + // coalesce boolean values into field types. + CoalesceBoolFields +) + +// The Protocol interface abstracts the creation of low-level thrift readers and +// writers implementing the various protocols that the encoding supports. +// +// Protocol instances must be safe to use concurrently from multiple gourintes. +// However, the readers and writer that they instantiates are intended to be +// used by a single goroutine. +type Protocol interface { + NewReader(r io.Reader) Reader + NewWriter(w io.Writer) Writer + Features() Features +} + +// Reader represents a low-level reader of values encoded according to one of +// the thrift protocols. +type Reader interface { + Protocol() Protocol + Reader() io.Reader + ReadBool() (bool, error) + ReadInt8() (int8, error) + ReadInt16() (int16, error) + ReadInt32() (int32, error) + ReadInt64() (int64, error) + ReadFloat64() (float64, error) + ReadBytes() ([]byte, error) + ReadString() (string, error) + ReadLength() (int, error) + ReadMessage() (Message, error) + ReadField() (Field, error) + ReadList() (List, error) + ReadSet() (Set, error) + ReadMap() (Map, error) +} + +// Writer represents a low-level writer of values encoded according to one of +// the thrift protocols. +type Writer interface { + Protocol() Protocol + Writer() io.Writer + WriteBool(bool) error + WriteInt8(int8) error + WriteInt16(int16) error + WriteInt32(int32) error + WriteInt64(int64) error + WriteFloat64(float64) error + WriteBytes([]byte) error + WriteString(string) error + WriteLength(int) error + WriteMessage(Message) error + WriteField(Field) error + WriteList(List) error + WriteSet(Set) error + WriteMap(Map) error +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/struct.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/struct.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..aa556f3f89bf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/struct.go @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +package thrift + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + "strconv" + "strings" +) + +type flags int16 + +const ( + enum flags = 1 << 0 + union flags = 1 << 1 + required flags = 1 << 2 + optional flags = 1 << 3 + strict flags = 1 << 4 + + featuresBitOffset = 8 + useDeltaEncoding = flags(UseDeltaEncoding) << featuresBitOffset + coalesceBoolFields = flags(CoalesceBoolFields) << featuresBitOffset + + structFlags flags = enum | union | required | optional + encodeFlags flags = strict | protocolFlags + decodeFlags flags = strict | protocolFlags + protocolFlags flags = useDeltaEncoding | coalesceBoolFields +) + +func (f flags) have(x flags) bool { + return (f & x) == x +} + +func (f flags) only(x flags) flags { + return f & x +} + +func (f flags) with(x flags) flags { + return f | x +} + +func (f flags) without(x flags) flags { + return f & ^x +} + +type structField struct { + typ reflect.Type + index []int + id int16 + flags flags +} + +func forEachStructField(t reflect.Type, index []int, do func(structField)) { + for i, n := 0, t.NumField(); i < n; i++ { + f := t.Field(i) + + if f.PkgPath != "" && !f.Anonymous { // unexported + continue + } + + fieldIndex := append(index, i) + fieldIndex = fieldIndex[:len(fieldIndex):len(fieldIndex)] + + if f.Anonymous { + fieldType := f.Type + + for fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + fieldType = fieldType.Elem() + } + + if fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Struct { + forEachStructField(fieldType, fieldIndex, do) + continue + } + } + + tag := f.Tag.Get("thrift") + if tag == "" { + continue + } + tags := strings.Split(tag, ",") + flags := flags(0) + + for _, opt := range tags[1:] { + switch opt { + case "enum": + flags = flags.with(enum) + case "union": + flags = flags.with(union) + case "required": + flags = flags.with(required) + case "optional": + flags = flags.with(optional) + default: + panic(fmt.Errorf("thrift struct field contains an unknown tag option %q in `thrift:\"%s\"`", opt, tag)) + } + } + + if flags.have(optional | required) { + panic(fmt.Errorf("thrift struct field cannot be both optional and required in `thrift:\"%s\"`", tag)) + } + + if flags.have(union) { + if f.Type.Kind() != reflect.Interface { + panic(fmt.Errorf("thrift union tag found on a field which is not an interface type `thrift:\"%s\"`", tag)) + } + + if tags[0] != "" { + panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid thrift field id on union field `thrift:\"%s\"`", tag)) + } + + do(structField{ + typ: f.Type, + index: fieldIndex, + flags: flags, + }) + } else { + if flags.have(enum) { + switch f.Type.Kind() { + case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: + case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: + default: + panic(fmt.Errorf("thrift enum tag found on a field which is not an integer type `thrift:\"%s\"`", tag)) + } + } + + if id, err := strconv.ParseInt(tags[0], 10, 16); err != nil { + panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid thrift field id found in struct tag `thrift:\"%s\"`: %w", tag, err)) + } else if id <= 0 { + panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid thrift field id found in struct tag `thrift:\"%s\"`: %d <= 0", tag, id)) + } else { + do(structField{ + typ: f.Type, + index: fieldIndex, + id: int16(id), + flags: flags, + }) + } + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/thrift.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/thrift.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b3682e4d6307b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/thrift.go @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +package thrift + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" +) + +type Message struct { + Type MessageType + Name string + SeqID int32 +} + +type MessageType int8 + +const ( + Call MessageType = iota + Reply + Exception + Oneway +) + +func (m MessageType) String() string { + switch m { + case Call: + return "Call" + case Reply: + return "Reply" + case Exception: + return "Exception" + case Oneway: + return "Oneway" + default: + return "?" + } +} + +type Field struct { + ID int16 + Type Type + Delta bool // whether the field id is a delta +} + +func (f Field) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%d:FIELD<%s>", f.ID, f.Type) +} + +type Type int8 + +const ( + STOP Type = iota + TRUE + FALSE + I8 + I16 + I32 + I64 + DOUBLE + BINARY + LIST + SET + MAP + STRUCT + BOOL = FALSE +) + +func (t Type) String() string { + switch t { + case STOP: + return "STOP" + case TRUE: + return "TRUE" + case BOOL: + return "BOOL" + case I8: + return "I8" + case I16: + return "I16" + case I32: + return "I32" + case I64: + return "I64" + case DOUBLE: + return "DOUBLE" + case BINARY: + return "BINARY" + case LIST: + return "LIST" + case SET: + return "SET" + case MAP: + return "MAP" + case STRUCT: + return "STRUCT" + default: + return "?" + } +} + +func (t Type) GoString() string { + return "thrift." + t.String() +} + +type List struct { + Size int32 + Type Type +} + +func (l List) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("LIST<%s>", l.Type) +} + +type Set List + +func (s Set) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("SET<%s>", s.Type) +} + +type Map struct { + Size int32 + Key Type + Value Type +} + +func (m Map) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("MAP<%s,%s>", m.Key, m.Value) +} + +func TypeOf(t reflect.Type) Type { + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool: + return BOOL + case reflect.Int8, reflect.Uint8: + return I8 + case reflect.Int16, reflect.Uint16: + return I16 + case reflect.Int32, reflect.Uint32: + return I32 + case reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Int, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uintptr: + return I64 + case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: + return DOUBLE + case reflect.String: + return BINARY + case reflect.Slice: + if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { // []byte + return BINARY + } else { + return LIST + } + case reflect.Map: + if t.Elem().Size() == 0 { + return SET + } else { + return MAP + } + case reflect.Struct: + return STRUCT + case reflect.Ptr: + return TypeOf(t.Elem()) + default: + panic("type cannot be represented in thrift: " + t.String()) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/unsafe.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/unsafe.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b27c6489d8d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift/unsafe.go @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +package thrift + +import ( + "reflect" + "unsafe" +) + +// typeID is used as key in encoder and decoder caches to enable using +// the optimize runtime.mapaccess2_fast64 function instead of the more +// expensive lookup if we were to use reflect.Type as map key. +// +// typeID holds the pointer to the reflect.Type value, which is unique +// in the program. +type typeID struct{ ptr unsafe.Pointer } + +func makeTypeID(t reflect.Type) typeID { + return typeID{ + ptr: (*[2]unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&t))[1], + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/values.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/values.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..41ab0a23e3596 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/values.go @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +package encoding + +import ( + "fmt" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +type Kind int32 + +const ( + Undefined Kind = iota + Boolean + Int32 + Int64 + Int96 + Float + Double + ByteArray + FixedLenByteArray +) + +func (kind Kind) String() string { + switch kind { + case Boolean: + return "BOOLEAN" + case Int32: + return "INT32" + case Int64: + return "INT64" + case Int96: + return "INT96" + case Float: + return "FLOAT" + case Double: + return "DOUBLE" + case ByteArray: + return "BYTE_ARRAY" + case FixedLenByteArray: + return "FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY" + default: + return "UNDEFINED" + } +} + +type Values struct { + kind Kind + size int32 + data []byte + offsets []uint32 +} + +func (v *Values) assertKind(kind Kind) { + if kind != v.kind { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot convert values of type %s to type %s", v.kind, kind)) + } +} + +func (v *Values) assertSize(size int) { + if size != int(v.size) { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot convert values of size %d to size %d", v.size, size)) + } +} + +func (v *Values) Size() int64 { + return int64(len(v.data)) +} + +func (v *Values) Kind() Kind { + return v.kind +} + +func (v *Values) Data() (data []byte, offsets []uint32) { + return v.data, v.offsets +} + +func (v *Values) Boolean() []byte { + v.assertKind(Boolean) + return v.data +} + +func (v *Values) Int32() []int32 { + v.assertKind(Int32) + return unsafecast.Slice[int32](v.data) +} + +func (v *Values) Int64() []int64 { + v.assertKind(Int64) + return unsafecast.Slice[int64](v.data) +} + +func (v *Values) Int96() []deprecated.Int96 { + v.assertKind(Int96) + return unsafecast.Slice[deprecated.Int96](v.data) +} + +func (v *Values) Float() []float32 { + v.assertKind(Float) + return unsafecast.Slice[float32](v.data) +} + +func (v *Values) Double() []float64 { + v.assertKind(Double) + return unsafecast.Slice[float64](v.data) +} + +func (v *Values) ByteArray() (data []byte, offsets []uint32) { + v.assertKind(ByteArray) + return v.data, v.offsets +} + +func (v *Values) FixedLenByteArray() (data []byte, size int) { + v.assertKind(FixedLenByteArray) + return v.data, int(v.size) +} + +func (v *Values) Uint32() []uint32 { + v.assertKind(Int32) + return unsafecast.Slice[uint32](v.data) +} + +func (v *Values) Uint64() []uint64 { + v.assertKind(Int64) + return unsafecast.Slice[uint64](v.data) +} + +func (v *Values) Uint128() [][16]byte { + v.assertKind(FixedLenByteArray) + v.assertSize(16) + return unsafecast.Slice[[16]byte](v.data) +} + +func makeValues[T any](kind Kind, values []T) Values { + return Values{kind: kind, data: unsafecast.Slice[byte](values)} +} + +func BooleanValues(values []byte) Values { + return makeValues(Boolean, values) +} + +func Int32Values(values []int32) Values { + return makeValues(Int32, values) +} + +func Int64Values(values []int64) Values { + return makeValues(Int64, values) +} + +func Int96Values(values []deprecated.Int96) Values { + return makeValues(Int96, values) +} + +func FloatValues(values []float32) Values { + return makeValues(Float, values) +} + +func DoubleValues(values []float64) Values { + return makeValues(Double, values) +} + +func ByteArrayValues(values []byte, offsets []uint32) Values { + return Values{kind: ByteArray, data: values, offsets: offsets} +} + +func FixedLenByteArrayValues(values []byte, size int) Values { + return Values{kind: FixedLenByteArray, size: int32(size), data: values} +} + +func Uint32Values(values []uint32) Values { + return Int32Values(unsafecast.Slice[int32](values)) +} + +func Uint64Values(values []uint64) Values { + return Int64Values(unsafecast.Slice[int64](values)) +} + +func Uint128Values(values [][16]byte) Values { + return FixedLenByteArrayValues(unsafecast.Slice[byte](values), 16) +} + +func Int32ValuesFromBytes(values []byte) Values { + return Values{kind: Int32, data: values} +} + +func Int64ValuesFromBytes(values []byte) Values { + return Values{kind: Int64, data: values} +} + +func Int96ValuesFromBytes(values []byte) Values { + return Values{kind: Int96, data: values} +} + +func FloatValuesFromBytes(values []byte) Values { + return Values{kind: Float, data: values} +} + +func DoubleValuesFromBytes(values []byte) Values { + return Values{kind: Double, data: values} +} + +func EncodeBoolean(dst []byte, src Values, enc Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return enc.EncodeBoolean(dst, src.Boolean()) +} + +func EncodeInt32(dst []byte, src Values, enc Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return enc.EncodeInt32(dst, src.Int32()) +} + +func EncodeInt64(dst []byte, src Values, enc Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return enc.EncodeInt64(dst, src.Int64()) +} + +func EncodeInt96(dst []byte, src Values, enc Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return enc.EncodeInt96(dst, src.Int96()) +} + +func EncodeFloat(dst []byte, src Values, enc Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return enc.EncodeFloat(dst, src.Float()) +} + +func EncodeDouble(dst []byte, src Values, enc Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return enc.EncodeDouble(dst, src.Double()) +} + +func EncodeByteArray(dst []byte, src Values, enc Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + values, offsets := src.ByteArray() + return enc.EncodeByteArray(dst, values, offsets) +} + +func EncodeFixedLenByteArray(dst []byte, src Values, enc Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + data, size := src.FixedLenByteArray() + return enc.EncodeFixedLenByteArray(dst, data, size) +} + +func DecodeBoolean(dst Values, src []byte, enc Encoding) (Values, error) { + values, err := enc.DecodeBoolean(dst.Boolean(), src) + return BooleanValues(values), err +} + +func DecodeInt32(dst Values, src []byte, enc Encoding) (Values, error) { + values, err := enc.DecodeInt32(dst.Int32(), src) + return Int32Values(values), err +} + +func DecodeInt64(dst Values, src []byte, enc Encoding) (Values, error) { + values, err := enc.DecodeInt64(dst.Int64(), src) + return Int64Values(values), err +} + +func DecodeInt96(dst Values, src []byte, enc Encoding) (Values, error) { + values, err := enc.DecodeInt96(dst.Int96(), src) + return Int96Values(values), err +} + +func DecodeFloat(dst Values, src []byte, enc Encoding) (Values, error) { + values, err := enc.DecodeFloat(dst.Float(), src) + return FloatValues(values), err +} + +func DecodeDouble(dst Values, src []byte, enc Encoding) (Values, error) { + values, err := enc.DecodeDouble(dst.Double(), src) + return DoubleValues(values), err +} + +func DecodeByteArray(dst Values, src []byte, enc Encoding) (Values, error) { + values, offsets := dst.ByteArray() + values, offsets, err := enc.DecodeByteArray(values, src, offsets) + return ByteArrayValues(values, offsets), err +} + +func DecodeFixedLenByteArray(dst Values, src []byte, enc Encoding) (Values, error) { + data, size := dst.FixedLenByteArray() + values, err := enc.DecodeFixedLenByteArray(data, src, size) + return FixedLenByteArrayValues(values, size), err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/errors.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/errors.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..bcef1faf52786 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/errors.go @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" +) + +var ( + // ErrCorrupted is an error returned by the Err method of ColumnPages + // instances when they encountered a mismatch between the CRC checksum + // recorded in a page header and the one computed while reading the page + // data. + ErrCorrupted = errors.New("corrupted parquet page") + + // ErrMissingRootColumn is an error returned when opening an invalid parquet + // file which does not have a root column. + ErrMissingRootColumn = errors.New("parquet file is missing a root column") + + // ErrRowGroupSchemaMissing is an error returned when attempting to write a + // row group but the source has no schema. + ErrRowGroupSchemaMissing = errors.New("cannot write rows to a row group which has no schema") + + // ErrRowGroupSchemaMismatch is an error returned when attempting to write a + // row group but the source and destination schemas differ. + ErrRowGroupSchemaMismatch = errors.New("cannot write row groups with mismatching schemas") + + // ErrRowGroupSortingColumnsMismatch is an error returned when attempting to + // write a row group but the sorting columns differ in the source and + // destination. + ErrRowGroupSortingColumnsMismatch = errors.New("cannot write row groups with mismatching sorting columns") + + // ErrSeekOutOfRange is an error returned when seeking to a row index which + // is less than the first row of a page. + ErrSeekOutOfRange = errors.New("seek to row index out of page range") + + // ErrUnexpectedDictionaryPage is an error returned when a page reader + // encounters a dictionary page after the first page, or in a column + // which does not use a dictionary encoding. + ErrUnexpectedDictionaryPage = errors.New("unexpected dictionary page") + + // ErrMissingPageHeader is an error returned when a page reader encounters + // a malformed page header which is missing page-type-specific information. + ErrMissingPageHeader = errors.New("missing page header") + + // ErrUnexpectedRepetitionLevels is an error returned when attempting to + // decode repetition levels into a page which is not part of a repeated + // column. + ErrUnexpectedRepetitionLevels = errors.New("unexpected repetition levels") + + // ErrUnexpectedDefinitionLevels is an error returned when attempting to + // decode definition levels into a page which is part of a required column. + ErrUnexpectedDefinitionLevels = errors.New("unexpected definition levels") + + // ErrTooManyRowGroups is returned when attempting to generate a parquet + // file with more than MaxRowGroups row groups. + ErrTooManyRowGroups = errors.New("the limit of 32767 row groups has been reached") + + // ErrConversion is used to indicate that a conversion betwen two values + // cannot be done because there are no rules to translate between their + // physical types. + ErrInvalidConversion = errors.New("invalid conversion between parquet values") +) + +type errno int + +const ( + ok errno = iota + indexOutOfBounds +) + +func (e errno) check() { + switch e { + case ok: + case indexOutOfBounds: + panic("index out of bounds") + default: + panic("BUG: unknown error code") + } +} + +func errRowIndexOutOfBounds(rowIndex, rowCount int64) error { + return fmt.Errorf("row index out of bounds: %d/%d", rowIndex, rowCount) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/file.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/file.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..384042b308ca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/file.go @@ -0,0 +1,854 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "bufio" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "hash/crc32" + "io" + "sort" + "strings" + "sync" + "sync/atomic" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +const ( + defaultDictBufferSize = 8192 + defaultReadBufferSize = 4096 +) + +// File represents a parquet file. The layout of a Parquet file can be found +// here: https://github.com/apache/parquet-format#file-format +type File struct { + metadata format.FileMetaData + protocol thrift.CompactProtocol + reader io.ReaderAt + size int64 + schema *Schema + root *Column + columnIndexes []format.ColumnIndex + offsetIndexes []format.OffsetIndex + rowGroups []RowGroup + config *FileConfig +} + +// OpenFile opens a parquet file and reads the content between offset 0 and the given +// size in r. +// +// Only the parquet magic bytes and footer are read, column chunks and other +// parts of the file are left untouched; this means that successfully opening +// a file does not validate that the pages have valid checksums. +func OpenFile(r io.ReaderAt, size int64, options ...FileOption) (*File, error) { + b := make([]byte, 8) + c, err := NewFileConfig(options...) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + f := &File{reader: r, size: size, config: c} + + if _, err := readAt(r, b[:4], 0); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading magic header of parquet file: %w", err) + } + if string(b[:4]) != "PAR1" { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid magic header of parquet file: %q", b[:4]) + } + + if cast, ok := f.reader.(interface{ SetMagicFooterSection(offset, length int64) }); ok { + cast.SetMagicFooterSection(size-8, 8) + } + if n, err := r.ReadAt(b[:8], size-8); n != 8 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading magic footer of parquet file: %w", err) + } + if string(b[4:8]) != "PAR1" { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid magic footer of parquet file: %q", b[4:8]) + } + + footerSize := int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[:4])) + footerData := make([]byte, footerSize) + + if cast, ok := f.reader.(interface{ SetFooterSection(offset, length int64) }); ok { + cast.SetFooterSection(size-(footerSize+8), footerSize) + } + if _, err := f.readAt(footerData, size-(footerSize+8)); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading footer of parquet file: %w", err) + } + if err := thrift.Unmarshal(&f.protocol, footerData, &f.metadata); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading parquet file metadata: %w", err) + } + if len(f.metadata.Schema) == 0 { + return nil, ErrMissingRootColumn + } + + if !c.SkipPageIndex { + if f.columnIndexes, f.offsetIndexes, err = f.ReadPageIndex(); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading page index of parquet file: %w", err) + } + } + + if f.root, err = openColumns(f); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("opening columns of parquet file: %w", err) + } + + var schema *Schema + if c.Schema != nil { + schema = c.Schema + } else { + schema = NewSchema(f.root.Name(), f.root) + } + columns := make([]*Column, 0, numLeafColumnsOf(f.root)) + f.schema = schema + f.root.forEachLeaf(func(c *Column) { columns = append(columns, c) }) + + rowGroups := make([]fileRowGroup, len(f.metadata.RowGroups)) + for i := range rowGroups { + rowGroups[i].init(f, schema, columns, &f.metadata.RowGroups[i]) + } + f.rowGroups = make([]RowGroup, len(rowGroups)) + for i := range rowGroups { + f.rowGroups[i] = &rowGroups[i] + } + + if !c.SkipBloomFilters { + section := io.NewSectionReader(r, 0, size) + rbuf, rbufpool := getBufioReader(section, c.ReadBufferSize) + defer putBufioReader(rbuf, rbufpool) + + header := format.BloomFilterHeader{} + compact := thrift.CompactProtocol{} + decoder := thrift.NewDecoder(compact.NewReader(rbuf)) + + for i := range rowGroups { + g := &rowGroups[i] + + for j := range g.columns { + c := g.columns[j].(*fileColumnChunk) + + if offset := c.chunk.MetaData.BloomFilterOffset; offset > 0 { + section.Seek(offset, io.SeekStart) + rbuf.Reset(section) + + header = format.BloomFilterHeader{} + if err := decoder.Decode(&header); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding bloom filter header: %w", err) + } + + offset, _ = section.Seek(0, io.SeekCurrent) + offset -= int64(rbuf.Buffered()) + + if cast, ok := r.(interface{ SetBloomFilterSection(offset, length int64) }); ok { + bloomFilterOffset := c.chunk.MetaData.BloomFilterOffset + bloomFilterLength := (offset - bloomFilterOffset) + int64(header.NumBytes) + cast.SetBloomFilterSection(bloomFilterOffset, bloomFilterLength) + } + + c.bloomFilter = newBloomFilter(r, offset, &header) + } + } + } + } + + sortKeyValueMetadata(f.metadata.KeyValueMetadata) + return f, nil +} + +// ReadPageIndex reads the page index section of the parquet file f. +// +// If the file did not contain a page index, the method returns two empty slices +// and a nil error. +// +// Only leaf columns have indexes, the returned indexes are arranged using the +// following layout: +// +// ------------------ +// | col 0: chunk 0 | +// ------------------ +// | col 1: chunk 0 | +// ------------------ +// | ... | +// ------------------ +// | col 0: chunk 1 | +// ------------------ +// | col 1: chunk 1 | +// ------------------ +// | ... | +// ------------------ +// +// This method is useful in combination with the SkipPageIndex option to delay +// reading the page index section until after the file was opened. Note that in +// this case the page index is not cached within the file, programs are expected +// to make use of independently from the parquet package. +func (f *File) ReadPageIndex() ([]format.ColumnIndex, []format.OffsetIndex, error) { + if len(f.metadata.RowGroups) == 0 { + return nil, nil, nil + } + + columnIndexOffset := f.metadata.RowGroups[0].Columns[0].ColumnIndexOffset + offsetIndexOffset := f.metadata.RowGroups[0].Columns[0].OffsetIndexOffset + columnIndexLength := int64(0) + offsetIndexLength := int64(0) + + forEachColumnChunk := func(do func(int, int, *format.ColumnChunk) error) error { + for i := range f.metadata.RowGroups { + for j := range f.metadata.RowGroups[i].Columns { + c := &f.metadata.RowGroups[i].Columns[j] + if err := do(i, j, c); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + return nil + } + + forEachColumnChunk(func(_, _ int, c *format.ColumnChunk) error { + columnIndexLength += int64(c.ColumnIndexLength) + offsetIndexLength += int64(c.OffsetIndexLength) + return nil + }) + + if columnIndexLength == 0 && offsetIndexLength == 0 { + return nil, nil, nil + } + + numRowGroups := len(f.metadata.RowGroups) + numColumns := len(f.metadata.RowGroups[0].Columns) + numColumnChunks := numRowGroups * numColumns + + columnIndexes := make([]format.ColumnIndex, numColumnChunks) + offsetIndexes := make([]format.OffsetIndex, numColumnChunks) + indexBuffer := make([]byte, max(int(columnIndexLength), int(offsetIndexLength))) + + if columnIndexOffset > 0 { + columnIndexData := indexBuffer[:columnIndexLength] + + if cast, ok := f.reader.(interface{ SetColumnIndexSection(offset, length int64) }); ok { + cast.SetColumnIndexSection(columnIndexOffset, columnIndexLength) + } + if _, err := f.readAt(columnIndexData, columnIndexOffset); err != nil { + return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("reading %d bytes column index at offset %d: %w", columnIndexLength, columnIndexOffset, err) + } + + err := forEachColumnChunk(func(i, j int, c *format.ColumnChunk) error { + // Some parquet files are missing the column index on some columns. + // + // An example of this file is testdata/alltypes_tiny_pages_plain.parquet + // which was added in https://github.com/apache/parquet-testing/pull/24. + if c.ColumnIndexOffset > 0 { + offset := c.ColumnIndexOffset - columnIndexOffset + length := int64(c.ColumnIndexLength) + buffer := columnIndexData[offset : offset+length] + if err := thrift.Unmarshal(&f.protocol, buffer, &columnIndexes[(i*numColumns)+j]); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("decoding column index: rowGroup=%d columnChunk=%d/%d: %w", i, j, numColumns, err) + } + } + return nil + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + } + + if offsetIndexOffset > 0 { + offsetIndexData := indexBuffer[:offsetIndexLength] + + if cast, ok := f.reader.(interface{ SetOffsetIndexSection(offset, length int64) }); ok { + cast.SetOffsetIndexSection(offsetIndexOffset, offsetIndexLength) + } + if _, err := f.readAt(offsetIndexData, offsetIndexOffset); err != nil { + return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("reading %d bytes offset index at offset %d: %w", offsetIndexLength, offsetIndexOffset, err) + } + + err := forEachColumnChunk(func(i, j int, c *format.ColumnChunk) error { + if c.OffsetIndexOffset > 0 { + offset := c.OffsetIndexOffset - offsetIndexOffset + length := int64(c.OffsetIndexLength) + buffer := offsetIndexData[offset : offset+length] + if err := thrift.Unmarshal(&f.protocol, buffer, &offsetIndexes[(i*numColumns)+j]); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("decoding column index: rowGroup=%d columnChunk=%d/%d: %w", i, j, numColumns, err) + } + } + return nil + }) + if err != nil { + return nil, nil, err + } + } + + return columnIndexes, offsetIndexes, nil +} + +// NumRows returns the number of rows in the file. +func (f *File) NumRows() int64 { return f.metadata.NumRows } + +// RowGroups returns the list of row groups in the file. +func (f *File) RowGroups() []RowGroup { return f.rowGroups } + +// Root returns the root column of f. +func (f *File) Root() *Column { return f.root } + +// Schema returns the schema of f. +func (f *File) Schema() *Schema { return f.schema } + +// Metadata returns the metadata of f. +func (f *File) Metadata() *format.FileMetaData { return &f.metadata } + +// Size returns the size of f (in bytes). +func (f *File) Size() int64 { return f.size } + +// ReadAt reads bytes into b from f at the given offset. +// +// The method satisfies the io.ReaderAt interface. +func (f *File) ReadAt(b []byte, off int64) (int, error) { + if off < 0 || off >= f.size { + return 0, io.EOF + } + + if limit := f.size - off; limit < int64(len(b)) { + n, err := f.readAt(b[:limit], off) + if err == nil { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err + } + + return f.readAt(b, off) +} + +// ColumnIndexes returns the page index of the parquet file f. +// +// If the file did not contain a column index, the method returns an empty slice +// and nil error. +func (f *File) ColumnIndexes() []format.ColumnIndex { return f.columnIndexes } + +// OffsetIndexes returns the page index of the parquet file f. +// +// If the file did not contain an offset index, the method returns an empty +// slice and nil error. +func (f *File) OffsetIndexes() []format.OffsetIndex { return f.offsetIndexes } + +// Lookup returns the value associated with the given key in the file key/value +// metadata. +// +// The ok boolean will be true if the key was found, false otherwise. +func (f *File) Lookup(key string) (value string, ok bool) { + return lookupKeyValueMetadata(f.metadata.KeyValueMetadata, key) +} + +func (f *File) hasIndexes() bool { + return f.columnIndexes != nil && f.offsetIndexes != nil +} + +var _ io.ReaderAt = (*File)(nil) + +func sortKeyValueMetadata(keyValueMetadata []format.KeyValue) { + sort.Slice(keyValueMetadata, func(i, j int) bool { + switch { + case keyValueMetadata[i].Key < keyValueMetadata[j].Key: + return true + case keyValueMetadata[i].Key > keyValueMetadata[j].Key: + return false + default: + return keyValueMetadata[i].Value < keyValueMetadata[j].Value + } + }) +} + +func lookupKeyValueMetadata(keyValueMetadata []format.KeyValue, key string) (value string, ok bool) { + i := sort.Search(len(keyValueMetadata), func(i int) bool { + return keyValueMetadata[i].Key >= key + }) + if i == len(keyValueMetadata) || keyValueMetadata[i].Key != key { + return "", false + } + return keyValueMetadata[i].Value, true +} + +type fileRowGroup struct { + schema *Schema + rowGroup *format.RowGroup + columns []ColumnChunk + sorting []SortingColumn + config *FileConfig +} + +func (g *fileRowGroup) init(file *File, schema *Schema, columns []*Column, rowGroup *format.RowGroup) { + g.schema = schema + g.rowGroup = rowGroup + g.config = file.config + g.columns = make([]ColumnChunk, len(rowGroup.Columns)) + g.sorting = make([]SortingColumn, len(rowGroup.SortingColumns)) + fileColumnChunks := make([]fileColumnChunk, len(rowGroup.Columns)) + + for i := range g.columns { + fileColumnChunks[i] = fileColumnChunk{ + file: file, + column: columns[i], + rowGroup: rowGroup, + chunk: &rowGroup.Columns[i], + } + + if file.hasIndexes() { + j := (int(rowGroup.Ordinal) * len(columns)) + i + fileColumnChunks[i].columnIndex.Store(&file.columnIndexes[j]) + fileColumnChunks[i].offsetIndex.Store(&file.offsetIndexes[j]) + } + + g.columns[i] = &fileColumnChunks[i] + } + + for i := range g.sorting { + g.sorting[i] = &fileSortingColumn{ + column: columns[rowGroup.SortingColumns[i].ColumnIdx], + descending: rowGroup.SortingColumns[i].Descending, + nullsFirst: rowGroup.SortingColumns[i].NullsFirst, + } + } +} + +func (g *fileRowGroup) Schema() *Schema { return g.schema } +func (g *fileRowGroup) NumRows() int64 { return g.rowGroup.NumRows } +func (g *fileRowGroup) ColumnChunks() []ColumnChunk { return g.columns } +func (g *fileRowGroup) SortingColumns() []SortingColumn { return g.sorting } +func (g *fileRowGroup) Rows() Rows { return newRowGroupRows(g, g.config.ReadMode) } + +type fileSortingColumn struct { + column *Column + descending bool + nullsFirst bool +} + +func (s *fileSortingColumn) Path() []string { return s.column.Path() } +func (s *fileSortingColumn) Descending() bool { return s.descending } +func (s *fileSortingColumn) NullsFirst() bool { return s.nullsFirst } +func (s *fileSortingColumn) String() string { + b := new(strings.Builder) + if s.nullsFirst { + b.WriteString("nulls_first+") + } + if s.descending { + b.WriteString("descending(") + } else { + b.WriteString("ascending(") + } + b.WriteString(columnPath(s.Path()).String()) + b.WriteString(")") + return b.String() +} + +type fileColumnChunk struct { + file *File + column *Column + bloomFilter *bloomFilter + rowGroup *format.RowGroup + columnIndex atomic.Pointer[format.ColumnIndex] + offsetIndex atomic.Pointer[format.OffsetIndex] + chunk *format.ColumnChunk +} + +func (c *fileColumnChunk) Type() Type { + return c.column.Type() +} + +func (c *fileColumnChunk) Column() int { + return int(c.column.Index()) +} + +func (c *fileColumnChunk) Pages() Pages { + r := new(filePages) + r.init(c) + return r +} + +func (c *fileColumnChunk) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + index, err := c.readColumnIndex() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if index == nil || c.chunk.ColumnIndexOffset == 0 { + return nil, ErrMissingColumnIndex + } + return fileColumnIndex{c}, nil +} + +func (c *fileColumnChunk) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + index, err := c.readOffsetIndex() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if index == nil || c.chunk.OffsetIndexOffset == 0 { + return nil, ErrMissingOffsetIndex + } + return (*fileOffsetIndex)(index), nil +} + +func (c *fileColumnChunk) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { + if c.bloomFilter == nil { + return nil + } + return c.bloomFilter +} + +func (c *fileColumnChunk) NumValues() int64 { + return c.chunk.MetaData.NumValues +} + +func (c *fileColumnChunk) readColumnIndex() (*format.ColumnIndex, error) { + if index := c.columnIndex.Load(); index != nil { + return index, nil + } + chunkMeta := c.file.metadata.RowGroups[c.rowGroup.Ordinal].Columns[c.Column()] + offset, length := chunkMeta.ColumnIndexOffset, chunkMeta.ColumnIndexLength + if offset == 0 { + return nil, nil + } + + indexData := make([]byte, int(length)) + var columnIndex format.ColumnIndex + if _, err := readAt(c.file.reader, indexData, offset); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("read %d bytes column index at offset %d: %w", length, offset, err) + } + if err := thrift.Unmarshal(&c.file.protocol, indexData, &columnIndex); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("decode column index: rowGroup=%d columnChunk=%d/%d: %w", c.rowGroup.Ordinal, c.Column(), len(c.rowGroup.Columns), err) + } + index := &columnIndex + // We do a CAS (and Load on CAS failure) instead of a simple Store for + // the nice property that concurrent calling goroutines will only ever + // observe a single pointer value for the result. + if !c.columnIndex.CompareAndSwap(nil, index) { + // another goroutine populated it since we last read the pointer + return c.columnIndex.Load(), nil + } + return index, nil +} + +func (c *fileColumnChunk) readOffsetIndex() (*format.OffsetIndex, error) { + if index := c.offsetIndex.Load(); index != nil { + return index, nil + } + chunkMeta := c.file.metadata.RowGroups[c.rowGroup.Ordinal].Columns[c.Column()] + offset, length := chunkMeta.OffsetIndexOffset, chunkMeta.OffsetIndexLength + if offset == 0 { + return nil, nil + } + + indexData := make([]byte, int(length)) + var offsetIndex format.OffsetIndex + if _, err := readAt(c.file.reader, indexData, offset); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("read %d bytes offset index at offset %d: %w", length, offset, err) + } + if err := thrift.Unmarshal(&c.file.protocol, indexData, &offsetIndex); err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("decode offset index: rowGroup=%d columnChunk=%d/%d: %w", c.rowGroup.Ordinal, c.Column(), len(c.rowGroup.Columns), err) + } + index := &offsetIndex + if !c.offsetIndex.CompareAndSwap(nil, index) { + // another goroutine populated it since we last read the pointer + return c.offsetIndex.Load(), nil + } + return index, nil +} + +type filePages struct { + chunk *fileColumnChunk + rbuf *bufio.Reader + rbufpool *sync.Pool + section io.SectionReader + + protocol thrift.CompactProtocol + decoder thrift.Decoder + + baseOffset int64 + dataOffset int64 + dictOffset int64 + index int + skip int64 + dictionary Dictionary + + bufferSize int +} + +func (f *filePages) init(c *fileColumnChunk) { + f.chunk = c + f.baseOffset = c.chunk.MetaData.DataPageOffset + f.dataOffset = f.baseOffset + f.bufferSize = c.file.config.ReadBufferSize + + if c.chunk.MetaData.DictionaryPageOffset != 0 { + f.baseOffset = c.chunk.MetaData.DictionaryPageOffset + f.dictOffset = f.baseOffset + } + + f.section = *io.NewSectionReader(c.file, f.baseOffset, c.chunk.MetaData.TotalCompressedSize) + f.rbuf, f.rbufpool = getBufioReader(&f.section, f.bufferSize) + f.decoder.Reset(f.protocol.NewReader(f.rbuf)) +} + +func (f *filePages) ReadPage() (Page, error) { + if f.chunk == nil { + return nil, io.EOF + } + + for { + // Instantiate a new format.PageHeader for each page. + // + // A previous implementation reused page headers to save allocations. + // https://github.com/segmentio/parquet-go/pull/484 + // The optimization turned out to be less effective than expected, + // because all the values referenced by pointers in the page header + // are lost when the header is reset and put back in the pool. + // https://github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/pull/11 + // + // Even after being reset, reusing page headers still produced instability + // issues. + // https://github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/issues/70 + header := new(format.PageHeader) + if err := f.decoder.Decode(header); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + data, err := f.readPage(header, f.rbuf) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + var page Page + switch header.Type { + case format.DataPageV2: + page, err = f.readDataPageV2(header, data) + case format.DataPage: + page, err = f.readDataPageV1(header, data) + case format.DictionaryPage: + // Sometimes parquet files do not have the dictionary page offset + // recorded in the column metadata. We account for this by lazily + // reading dictionary pages when we encounter them. + err = f.readDictionaryPage(header, data) + default: + err = fmt.Errorf("cannot read values of type %s from page", header.Type) + } + + data.unref() + + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("decoding page %d of column %q: %w", f.index, f.columnPath(), err) + } + + if page == nil { + continue + } + + f.index++ + if f.skip == 0 { + return page, nil + } + + // TODO: what about pages that don't embed the number of rows? + // (data page v1 with no offset index in the column chunk). + numRows := page.NumRows() + + if numRows <= f.skip { + Release(page) + } else { + tail := page.Slice(f.skip, numRows) + Release(page) + f.skip = 0 + return tail, nil + } + + f.skip -= numRows + } +} + +func (f *filePages) readDictionary() error { + chunk := io.NewSectionReader(f.chunk.file, f.baseOffset, f.chunk.chunk.MetaData.TotalCompressedSize) + rbuf, pool := getBufioReader(chunk, f.bufferSize) + defer putBufioReader(rbuf, pool) + + decoder := thrift.NewDecoder(f.protocol.NewReader(rbuf)) + + header := new(format.PageHeader) + + if err := decoder.Decode(header); err != nil { + return err + } + + page := buffers.get(int(header.CompressedPageSize)) + defer page.unref() + + if _, err := io.ReadFull(rbuf, page.data); err != nil { + return err + } + + return f.readDictionaryPage(header, page) +} + +func (f *filePages) readDictionaryPage(header *format.PageHeader, page *buffer) error { + if header.DictionaryPageHeader == nil { + return ErrMissingPageHeader + } + d, err := f.chunk.column.decodeDictionary(DictionaryPageHeader{header.DictionaryPageHeader}, page, header.UncompressedPageSize) + if err != nil { + return err + } + f.dictionary = d + return nil +} + +func (f *filePages) readDataPageV1(header *format.PageHeader, page *buffer) (Page, error) { + if header.DataPageHeader == nil { + return nil, ErrMissingPageHeader + } + if isDictionaryFormat(header.DataPageHeader.Encoding) && f.dictionary == nil { + if err := f.readDictionary(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + return f.chunk.column.decodeDataPageV1(DataPageHeaderV1{header.DataPageHeader}, page, f.dictionary, header.UncompressedPageSize) +} + +func (f *filePages) readDataPageV2(header *format.PageHeader, page *buffer) (Page, error) { + if header.DataPageHeaderV2 == nil { + return nil, ErrMissingPageHeader + } + if isDictionaryFormat(header.DataPageHeaderV2.Encoding) && f.dictionary == nil { + // If the program seeked to a row passed the first page, the dictionary + // page may not have been seen, in which case we have to lazily load it + // from the beginning of column chunk. + if err := f.readDictionary(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + return f.chunk.column.decodeDataPageV2(DataPageHeaderV2{header.DataPageHeaderV2}, page, f.dictionary, header.UncompressedPageSize) +} + +func (f *filePages) readPage(header *format.PageHeader, reader *bufio.Reader) (*buffer, error) { + page := buffers.get(int(header.CompressedPageSize)) + defer page.unref() + + if _, err := io.ReadFull(reader, page.data); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + if header.CRC != 0 { + headerChecksum := uint32(header.CRC) + bufferChecksum := crc32.ChecksumIEEE(page.data) + + if headerChecksum != bufferChecksum { + // The parquet specs indicate that corruption errors could be + // handled gracefully by skipping pages, tho this may not always + // be practical. Depending on how the pages are consumed, + // missing rows may cause unpredictable behaviors in algorithms. + // + // For now, we assume these errors to be fatal, but we may + // revisit later and improve error handling to be more resilient + // to data corruption. + return nil, fmt.Errorf("crc32 checksum mismatch in page of column %q: want=0x%08X got=0x%08X: %w", + f.columnPath(), + headerChecksum, + bufferChecksum, + ErrCorrupted, + ) + } + } + + page.ref() + return page, nil +} + +func (f *filePages) SeekToRow(rowIndex int64) (err error) { + if f.chunk == nil { + return io.ErrClosedPipe + } + if index := f.chunk.offsetIndex.Load(); index == nil { + _, err = f.section.Seek(f.dataOffset-f.baseOffset, io.SeekStart) + f.skip = rowIndex + f.index = 0 + if f.dictOffset > 0 { + f.index = 1 + } + } else { + pages := index.PageLocations + index := sort.Search(len(pages), func(i int) bool { + return pages[i].FirstRowIndex > rowIndex + }) - 1 + if index < 0 { + return ErrSeekOutOfRange + } + _, err = f.section.Seek(pages[index].Offset-f.baseOffset, io.SeekStart) + f.skip = rowIndex - pages[index].FirstRowIndex + f.index = index + } + f.rbuf.Reset(&f.section) + return err +} + +func (f *filePages) Close() error { + putBufioReader(f.rbuf, f.rbufpool) + f.chunk = nil + f.section = io.SectionReader{} + f.rbuf = nil + f.rbufpool = nil + f.baseOffset = 0 + f.dataOffset = 0 + f.dictOffset = 0 + f.index = 0 + f.skip = 0 + f.dictionary = nil + return nil +} + +func (f *filePages) columnPath() columnPath { + return columnPath(f.chunk.column.Path()) +} + +type putBufioReaderFunc func() + +var ( + bufioReaderPoolLock sync.Mutex + bufioReaderPool = map[int]*sync.Pool{} +) + +func getBufioReader(r io.Reader, bufferSize int) (*bufio.Reader, *sync.Pool) { + pool := getBufioReaderPool(bufferSize) + rbuf, _ := pool.Get().(*bufio.Reader) + if rbuf == nil { + rbuf = bufio.NewReaderSize(r, bufferSize) + } else { + rbuf.Reset(r) + } + return rbuf, pool +} + +func putBufioReader(rbuf *bufio.Reader, pool *sync.Pool) { + if rbuf != nil && pool != nil { + rbuf.Reset(nil) + pool.Put(rbuf) + } +} + +func getBufioReaderPool(size int) *sync.Pool { + bufioReaderPoolLock.Lock() + defer bufioReaderPoolLock.Unlock() + + if pool := bufioReaderPool[size]; pool != nil { + return pool + } + + pool := &sync.Pool{} + bufioReaderPool[size] = pool + return pool +} + +func (f *File) readAt(p []byte, off int64) (int, error) { + return readAt(f.reader, p, off) +} + +func readAt(r io.ReaderAt, p []byte, off int64) (n int, err error) { + n, err = r.ReadAt(p, off) + if n == len(p) { + err = nil + // p was fully read.There is no further need to check for errors. This + // operation is a success in principle. + return + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/filter.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/filter.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1941c17ec76cf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/filter.go @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +package parquet + +// FilterRowReader constructs a RowReader which exposes rows from reader for +// which the predicate has returned true. +func FilterRowReader(reader RowReader, predicate func(Row) bool) RowReader { + f := &filterRowReader{reader: reader, predicate: predicate} + for i := range f.rows { + f.rows[i] = f.values[i : i : i+1] + } + return f +} + +type filterRowReader struct { + reader RowReader + predicate func(Row) bool + rows [defaultRowBufferSize]Row + values [defaultRowBufferSize]Value +} + +func (f *filterRowReader) ReadRows(rows []Row) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(rows) { + r := len(rows) - n + + if r > len(f.rows) { + r = len(f.rows) + } + + r, err = f.reader.ReadRows(f.rows[:r]) + + for i := 0; i < r; i++ { + if f.predicate(f.rows[i]) { + rows[n] = append(rows[n][:0], f.rows[i]...) + n++ + } + } + + if err != nil { + break + } + } + return n, err +} + +// FilterRowWriter constructs a RowWriter which writes rows to writer for which +// the predicate has returned true. +func FilterRowWriter(writer RowWriter, predicate func(Row) bool) RowWriter { + return &filterRowWriter{writer: writer, predicate: predicate} +} + +type filterRowWriter struct { + writer RowWriter + predicate func(Row) bool + rows [defaultRowBufferSize]Row +} + +func (f *filterRowWriter) WriteRows(rows []Row) (n int, err error) { + defer func() { + clear := f.rows[:] + for i := range clear { + clearValues(clear[i]) + } + }() + + for n < len(rows) { + i := 0 + j := len(rows) - n + + if j > len(f.rows) { + j = len(f.rows) + } + + for _, row := range rows[n : n+j] { + if f.predicate(row) { + f.rows[i] = row + i++ + } + } + + if i > 0 { + _, err := f.writer.WriteRows(f.rows[:i]) + if err != nil { + break + } + } + + n += j + } + + return n, err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format/parquet.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format/parquet.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..7939e6a0964fd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format/parquet.go @@ -0,0 +1,1023 @@ +package format + +import ( + "fmt" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" +) + +// Types supported by Parquet. These types are intended to be used in combination +// with the encodings to control the on disk storage format. For example INT16 +// is not included as a type since a good encoding of INT32 would handle this. +type Type int32 + +const ( + Boolean Type = 0 + Int32 Type = 1 + Int64 Type = 2 + Int96 Type = 3 // deprecated, only used by legacy implementations. + Float Type = 4 + Double Type = 5 + ByteArray Type = 6 + FixedLenByteArray Type = 7 +) + +func (t Type) String() string { + switch t { + case Boolean: + return "BOOLEAN" + case Int32: + return "INT32" + case Int64: + return "INT64" + case Int96: + return "INT96" + case Float: + return "FLOAT" + case Double: + return "DOUBLE" + case ByteArray: + return "BYTE_ARRAY" + case FixedLenByteArray: + return "FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY" + default: + return "Type(?)" + } +} + +// Representation of Schemas. +type FieldRepetitionType int32 + +const ( + // The field is required (can not be null) and each record has exactly 1 value. + Required FieldRepetitionType = 0 + // The field is optional (can be null) and each record has 0 or 1 values. + Optional FieldRepetitionType = 1 + // The field is repeated and can contain 0 or more values. + Repeated FieldRepetitionType = 2 +) + +func (t FieldRepetitionType) String() string { + switch t { + case Required: + return "REQUIRED" + case Optional: + return "OPTIONAL" + case Repeated: + return "REPEATED" + default: + return "FieldRepeationaType(?)" + } +} + +// Statistics per row group and per page. +// All fields are optional. +type Statistics struct { + // DEPRECATED: min and max value of the column. Use min_value and max_value. + // + // Values are encoded using PLAIN encoding, except that variable-length byte + // arrays do not include a length prefix. + // + // These fields encode min and max values determined by signed comparison + // only. New files should use the correct order for a column's logical type + // and store the values in the min_value and max_value fields. + // + // To support older readers, these may be set when the column order is + // signed. + Max []byte `thrift:"1"` + Min []byte `thrift:"2"` + // Count of null value in the column. + NullCount int64 `thrift:"3"` + // Count of distinct values occurring. + DistinctCount int64 `thrift:"4"` + // Min and max values for the column, determined by its ColumnOrder. + // + // Values are encoded using PLAIN encoding, except that variable-length byte + // arrays do not include a length prefix. + MaxValue []byte `thrift:"5"` + MinValue []byte `thrift:"6"` +} + +// Empty structs to use as logical type annotations. +type StringType struct{} // allowed for BINARY, must be encoded with UTF-8 +type UUIDType struct{} // allowed for FIXED[16], must encode raw UUID bytes +type MapType struct{} // see see LogicalTypes.md +type ListType struct{} // see LogicalTypes.md +type EnumType struct{} // allowed for BINARY, must be encoded with UTF-8 +type DateType struct{} // allowed for INT32 + +func (*StringType) String() string { return "STRING" } +func (*UUIDType) String() string { return "UUID" } +func (*MapType) String() string { return "MAP" } +func (*ListType) String() string { return "LIST" } +func (*EnumType) String() string { return "ENUM" } +func (*DateType) String() string { return "DATE" } + +// Logical type to annotate a column that is always null. +// +// Sometimes when discovering the schema of existing data, values are always +// null and the physical type can't be determined. This annotation signals +// the case where the physical type was guessed from all null values. +type NullType struct{} + +func (*NullType) String() string { return "NULL" } + +// Decimal logical type annotation +// +// To maintain forward-compatibility in v1, implementations using this logical +// type must also set scale and precision on the annotated SchemaElement. +// +// Allowed for physical types: INT32, INT64, FIXED, and BINARY +type DecimalType struct { + Scale int32 `thrift:"1,required"` + Precision int32 `thrift:"2,required"` +} + +func (t *DecimalType) String() string { + // Matching parquet-cli's decimal string format: https://github.com/apache/parquet-java/blob/d057b39d93014fe40f5067ee4a33621e65c91552/parquet-column/src/test/java/org/apache/parquet/parser/TestParquetParser.java#L249-L265 + return fmt.Sprintf("DECIMAL(%d,%d)", t.Precision, t.Scale) +} + +// Time units for logical types. +type MilliSeconds struct{} +type MicroSeconds struct{} +type NanoSeconds struct{} + +func (*MilliSeconds) String() string { return "MILLIS" } +func (*MicroSeconds) String() string { return "MICROS" } +func (*NanoSeconds) String() string { return "NANOS" } + +type TimeUnit struct { // union + Millis *MilliSeconds `thrift:"1"` + Micros *MicroSeconds `thrift:"2"` + Nanos *NanoSeconds `thrift:"3"` +} + +func (u *TimeUnit) String() string { + switch { + case u.Millis != nil: + return u.Millis.String() + case u.Micros != nil: + return u.Micros.String() + case u.Nanos != nil: + return u.Nanos.String() + default: + return "" + } +} + +// Timestamp logical type annotation +// +// Allowed for physical types: INT64 +type TimestampType struct { + IsAdjustedToUTC bool `thrift:"1,required"` + Unit TimeUnit `thrift:"2,required"` +} + +func (t *TimestampType) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("TIMESTAMP(isAdjustedToUTC=%t,unit=%s)", t.IsAdjustedToUTC, &t.Unit) +} + +// Time logical type annotation +// +// Allowed for physical types: INT32 (millis), INT64 (micros, nanos) +type TimeType struct { + IsAdjustedToUTC bool `thrift:"1,required"` + Unit TimeUnit `thrift:"2,required"` +} + +func (t *TimeType) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("TIME(isAdjustedToUTC=%t,unit=%s)", t.IsAdjustedToUTC, &t.Unit) +} + +// Integer logical type annotation +// +// bitWidth must be 8, 16, 32, or 64. +// +// Allowed for physical types: INT32, INT64 +type IntType struct { + BitWidth int8 `thrift:"1,required"` + IsSigned bool `thrift:"2,required"` +} + +func (t *IntType) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("INT(%d,%t)", t.BitWidth, t.IsSigned) +} + +// Embedded JSON logical type annotation +// +// Allowed for physical types: BINARY +type JsonType struct{} + +func (t *JsonType) String() string { return "JSON" } + +// Embedded BSON logical type annotation +// +// Allowed for physical types: BINARY +type BsonType struct{} + +func (t *BsonType) String() string { return "BSON" } + +// LogicalType annotations to replace ConvertedType. +// +// To maintain compatibility, implementations using LogicalType for a +// SchemaElement must also set the corresponding ConvertedType (if any) +// from the following table. +type LogicalType struct { // union + UTF8 *StringType `thrift:"1"` // use ConvertedType UTF8 + Map *MapType `thrift:"2"` // use ConvertedType Map + List *ListType `thrift:"3"` // use ConvertedType List + Enum *EnumType `thrift:"4"` // use ConvertedType Enum + Decimal *DecimalType `thrift:"5"` // use ConvertedType Decimal + SchemaElement.{Scale, Precision} + Date *DateType `thrift:"6"` // use ConvertedType Date + + // use ConvertedType TimeMicros for Time{IsAdjustedToUTC: *, Unit: Micros} + // use ConvertedType TimeMillis for Time{IsAdjustedToUTC: *, Unit: Millis} + Time *TimeType `thrift:"7"` + + // use ConvertedType TimestampMicros for Timestamp{IsAdjustedToUTC: *, Unit: Micros} + // use ConvertedType TimestampMillis for Timestamp{IsAdjustedToUTC: *, Unit: Millis} + Timestamp *TimestampType `thrift:"8"` + + // 9: reserved for Interval + Integer *IntType `thrift:"10"` // use ConvertedType Int* or Uint* + Unknown *NullType `thrift:"11"` // no compatible ConvertedType + Json *JsonType `thrift:"12"` // use ConvertedType JSON + Bson *BsonType `thrift:"13"` // use ConvertedType BSON + UUID *UUIDType `thrift:"14"` // no compatible ConvertedType +} + +func (t *LogicalType) String() string { + switch { + case t.UTF8 != nil: + return t.UTF8.String() + case t.Map != nil: + return t.Map.String() + case t.List != nil: + return t.List.String() + case t.Enum != nil: + return t.Enum.String() + case t.Decimal != nil: + return t.Decimal.String() + case t.Date != nil: + return t.Date.String() + case t.Time != nil: + return t.Time.String() + case t.Timestamp != nil: + return t.Timestamp.String() + case t.Integer != nil: + return t.Integer.String() + case t.Unknown != nil: + return t.Unknown.String() + case t.Json != nil: + return t.Json.String() + case t.Bson != nil: + return t.Bson.String() + case t.UUID != nil: + return t.UUID.String() + default: + return "" + } +} + +// Represents a element inside a schema definition. +// +// - if it is a group (inner node) then type is undefined and num_children is +// defined +// +// - if it is a primitive type (leaf) then type is defined and num_children is +// undefined +// +// The nodes are listed in depth first traversal order. +type SchemaElement struct { + // Data type for this field. Not set if the current element is a non-leaf node. + Type *Type `thrift:"1,optional"` + + // If type is FixedLenByteArray, this is the byte length of the values. + // Otherwise, if specified, this is the maximum bit length to store any of the values. + // (e.g. a low cardinality INT col could have this set to 3). Note that this is + // in the schema, and therefore fixed for the entire file. + TypeLength *int32 `thrift:"2,optional"` + + // repetition of the field. The root of the schema does not have a repetition_type. + // All other nodes must have one. + RepetitionType *FieldRepetitionType `thrift:"3,optional"` + + // Name of the field in the schema. + Name string `thrift:"4,required"` + + // Nested fields. Since thrift does not support nested fields, + // the nesting is flattened to a single list by a depth-first traversal. + // The children count is used to construct the nested relationship. + // This field is not set when the element is a primitive type + NumChildren int32 `thrift:"5,optional"` + + // DEPRECATED: When the schema is the result of a conversion from another model. + // Used to record the original type to help with cross conversion. + // + // This is superseded by logicalType. + ConvertedType *deprecated.ConvertedType `thrift:"6,optional"` + + // DEPRECATED: Used when this column contains decimal data. + // See the DECIMAL converted type for more details. + // + // This is superseded by using the DecimalType annotation in logicalType. + Scale *int32 `thrift:"7,optional"` + Precision *int32 `thrift:"8,optional"` + + // When the original schema supports field ids, this will save the + // original field id in the parquet schema. + FieldID int32 `thrift:"9,optional"` + + // The logical type of this SchemaElement + // + // LogicalType replaces ConvertedType, but ConvertedType is still required + // for some logical types to ensure forward-compatibility in format v1. + LogicalType *LogicalType `thrift:"10,optional"` +} + +// Encodings supported by Parquet. Not all encodings are valid for all types. +// These enums are also used to specify the encoding of definition and +// repetition levels. See the accompanying doc for the details of the more +// complicated encodings. +type Encoding int32 + +const ( + // Default encoding. + // Boolean - 1 bit per value. 0 is false; 1 is true. + // Int32 - 4 bytes per value. Stored as little-endian. + // Int64 - 8 bytes per value. Stored as little-endian. + // Float - 4 bytes per value. IEEE. Stored as little-endian. + // Double - 8 bytes per value. IEEE. Stored as little-endian. + // ByteArray - 4 byte length stored as little endian, followed by bytes. + // FixedLenByteArray - Just the bytes. + Plain Encoding = 0 + + // Group VarInt encoding for Int32/Int64. + // This encoding is deprecated. It was never used. + // GroupVarInt Encoding = 1 + + // Deprecated: Dictionary encoding. The values in the dictionary are encoded + // in the plain type. + // In a data page use RLEDictionary instead. + // In a Dictionary page use Plain instead. + PlainDictionary Encoding = 2 + + // Group packed run length encoding. Usable for definition/repetition levels + // encoding and Booleans (on one bit: 0 is false 1 is true.) + RLE Encoding = 3 + + // Bit packed encoding. This can only be used if the data has a known max + // width. Usable for definition/repetition levels encoding. + BitPacked Encoding = 4 + + // Delta encoding for integers. This can be used for int columns and works best + // on sorted data. + DeltaBinaryPacked Encoding = 5 + + // Encoding for byte arrays to separate the length values and the data. + // The lengths are encoded using DeltaBinaryPacked. + DeltaLengthByteArray Encoding = 6 + + // Incremental-encoded byte array. Prefix lengths are encoded using DELTA_BINARY_PACKED. + // Suffixes are stored as delta length byte arrays. + DeltaByteArray Encoding = 7 + + // Dictionary encoding: the ids are encoded using the RLE encoding + RLEDictionary Encoding = 8 + + // Encoding for floating-point data. + // K byte-streams are created where K is the size in bytes of the data type. + // The individual bytes of an FP value are scattered to the corresponding stream and + // the streams are concatenated. + // This itself does not reduce the size of the data but can lead to better compression + // afterwards. + ByteStreamSplit Encoding = 9 +) + +func (e Encoding) String() string { + switch e { + case Plain: + return "PLAIN" + case PlainDictionary: + return "PLAIN_DICTIONARY" + case RLE: + return "RLE" + case BitPacked: + return "BIT_PACKED" + case DeltaBinaryPacked: + return "DELTA_BINARY_PACKED" + case DeltaLengthByteArray: + return "DELTA_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY" + case DeltaByteArray: + return "DELTA_BYTE_ARRAY" + case RLEDictionary: + return "RLE_DICTIONARY" + case ByteStreamSplit: + return "BYTE_STREAM_SPLIT" + default: + return "Encoding(?)" + } +} + +// Supported compression algorithms. +// +// Codecs added in format version X.Y can be read by readers based on X.Y and later. +// Codec support may vary between readers based on the format version and +// libraries available at runtime. +// +// See Compression.md for a detailed specification of these algorithms. +type CompressionCodec int32 + +const ( + Uncompressed CompressionCodec = 0 + Snappy CompressionCodec = 1 + Gzip CompressionCodec = 2 + LZO CompressionCodec = 3 + Brotli CompressionCodec = 4 // Added in 2.4 + Lz4 CompressionCodec = 5 // DEPRECATED (Added in 2.4) + Zstd CompressionCodec = 6 // Added in 2.4 + Lz4Raw CompressionCodec = 7 // Added in 2.9 +) + +func (c CompressionCodec) String() string { + switch c { + case Uncompressed: + return "UNCOMPRESSED" + case Snappy: + return "SNAPPY" + case Gzip: + return "GZIP" + case LZO: + return "LZO" + case Brotli: + return "BROTLI" + case Lz4: + return "LZ4" + case Zstd: + return "ZSTD" + case Lz4Raw: + return "LZ4_RAW" + default: + return "CompressionCodec(?)" + } +} + +type PageType int32 + +const ( + DataPage PageType = 0 + IndexPage PageType = 1 + DictionaryPage PageType = 2 + // Version 2 is indicated in the PageHeader and the use of DataPageHeaderV2, + // and allows you to read repetition and definition level data without + // decompressing the Page. + DataPageV2 PageType = 3 +) + +func (p PageType) String() string { + switch p { + case DataPage: + return "DATA_PAGE" + case IndexPage: + return "INDEX_PAGE" + case DictionaryPage: + return "DICTIONARY_PAGE" + case DataPageV2: + return "DATA_PAGE_V2" + default: + return "PageType(?)" + } +} + +// Enum to annotate whether lists of min/max elements inside ColumnIndex +// are ordered and if so, in which direction. +type BoundaryOrder int32 + +const ( + Unordered BoundaryOrder = 0 + Ascending BoundaryOrder = 1 + Descending BoundaryOrder = 2 +) + +func (b BoundaryOrder) String() string { + switch b { + case Unordered: + return "UNORDERED" + case Ascending: + return "ASCENDING" + case Descending: + return "DESCENDING" + default: + return "BoundaryOrder(?)" + } +} + +// Data page header. +type DataPageHeader struct { + // Number of values, including NULLs, in this data page. + NumValues int32 `thrift:"1,required"` + + // Encoding used for this data page. + Encoding Encoding `thrift:"2,required"` + + // Encoding used for definition levels. + DefinitionLevelEncoding Encoding `thrift:"3,required"` + + // Encoding used for repetition levels. + RepetitionLevelEncoding Encoding `thrift:"4,required"` + + // Optional statistics for the data in this page. + Statistics Statistics `thrift:"5,optional"` +} + +type IndexPageHeader struct { + // TODO +} + +// The dictionary page must be placed at the first position of the column chunk +// if it is partly or completely dictionary encoded. At most one dictionary page +// can be placed in a column chunk. +type DictionaryPageHeader struct { + // Number of values in the dictionary. + NumValues int32 `thrift:"1,required"` + + // Encoding using this dictionary page. + Encoding Encoding `thrift:"2,required"` + + // If true, the entries in the dictionary are sorted in ascending order. + IsSorted bool `thrift:"3,optional"` +} + +// New page format allowing reading levels without decompressing the data +// Repetition and definition levels are uncompressed +// The remaining section containing the data is compressed if is_compressed is +// true. +type DataPageHeaderV2 struct { + // Number of values, including NULLs, in this data page. + NumValues int32 `thrift:"1,required"` + // Number of NULL values, in this data page. + // Number of non-null = num_values - num_nulls which is also the number of + // values in the data section. + NumNulls int32 `thrift:"2,required"` + // Number of rows in this data page. which means pages change on record boundaries (r = 0). + NumRows int32 `thrift:"3,required"` + // Encoding used for data in this page. + Encoding Encoding `thrift:"4,required"` + + // Repetition levels and definition levels are always using RLE (without size in it). + + // Length of the definition levels. + DefinitionLevelsByteLength int32 `thrift:"5,required"` + // Length of the repetition levels. + RepetitionLevelsByteLength int32 `thrift:"6,required"` + + // Whether the values are compressed. + // Which means the section of the page between + // definition_levels_byte_length + repetition_levels_byte_length + 1 and compressed_page_size (included) + // is compressed with the compression_codec. + // If missing it is considered compressed. + IsCompressed *bool `thrift:"7,optional"` + + // Optional statistics for the data in this page. + Statistics Statistics `thrift:"8,optional"` +} + +// Block-based algorithm type annotation. +type SplitBlockAlgorithm struct{} + +// The algorithm used in Bloom filter. +type BloomFilterAlgorithm struct { // union + Block *SplitBlockAlgorithm `thrift:"1"` +} + +// Hash strategy type annotation. xxHash is an extremely fast non-cryptographic +// hash algorithm. It uses 64 bits version of xxHash. +type XxHash struct{} + +// The hash function used in Bloom filter. This function takes the hash of a +// column value using plain encoding. +type BloomFilterHash struct { // union + XxHash *XxHash `thrift:"1"` +} + +// The compression used in the Bloom filter. +type BloomFilterUncompressed struct{} +type BloomFilterCompression struct { // union + Uncompressed *BloomFilterUncompressed `thrift:"1"` +} + +// Bloom filter header is stored at beginning of Bloom filter data of each column +// and followed by its bitset. +type BloomFilterHeader struct { + // The size of bitset in bytes. + NumBytes int32 `thrift:"1,required"` + // The algorithm for setting bits. + Algorithm BloomFilterAlgorithm `thrift:"2,required"` + // The hash function used for Bloom filter. + Hash BloomFilterHash `thrift:"3,required"` + // The compression used in the Bloom filter. + Compression BloomFilterCompression `thrift:"4,required"` +} + +type PageHeader struct { + // The type of the page indicates which of the *Header fields below is set. + Type PageType `thrift:"1,required"` + + // Uncompressed page size in bytes (not including this header). + UncompressedPageSize int32 `thrift:"2,required"` + + // Compressed (and potentially encrypted) page size in bytes, not including + // this header. + CompressedPageSize int32 `thrift:"3,required"` + + // The 32bit CRC for the page, to be be calculated as follows: + // - Using the standard CRC32 algorithm + // - On the data only, i.e. this header should not be included. 'Data' + // hereby refers to the concatenation of the repetition levels, the + // definition levels and the column value, in this exact order. + // - On the encoded versions of the repetition levels, definition levels and + // column values. + // - On the compressed versions of the repetition levels, definition levels + // and column values where possible; + // - For v1 data pages, the repetition levels, definition levels and column + // values are always compressed together. If a compression scheme is + // specified, the CRC shall be calculated on the compressed version of + // this concatenation. If no compression scheme is specified, the CRC + // shall be calculated on the uncompressed version of this concatenation. + // - For v2 data pages, the repetition levels and definition levels are + // handled separately from the data and are never compressed (only + // encoded). If a compression scheme is specified, the CRC shall be + // calculated on the concatenation of the uncompressed repetition levels, + // uncompressed definition levels and the compressed column values. + // If no compression scheme is specified, the CRC shall be calculated on + // the uncompressed concatenation. + // - In encrypted columns, CRC is calculated after page encryption; the + // encryption itself is performed after page compression (if compressed) + // If enabled, this allows for disabling checksumming in HDFS if only a few + // pages need to be read. + CRC int32 `thrift:"4,optional"` + + // Headers for page specific data. One only will be set. + DataPageHeader *DataPageHeader `thrift:"5,optional"` + IndexPageHeader *IndexPageHeader `thrift:"6,optional"` + DictionaryPageHeader *DictionaryPageHeader `thrift:"7,optional"` + DataPageHeaderV2 *DataPageHeaderV2 `thrift:"8,optional"` +} + +// Wrapper struct to store key values. +type KeyValue struct { + Key string `thrift:"1,required"` + Value string `thrift:"2,required"` +} + +// Wrapper struct to specify sort order. +type SortingColumn struct { + // The column index (in this row group) + ColumnIdx int32 `thrift:"1,required"` + + // If true, indicates this column is sorted in descending order. + Descending bool `thrift:"2,required"` + + // If true, nulls will come before non-null values, otherwise, + // nulls go at the end. + NullsFirst bool `thrift:"3,required"` +} + +// Statistics of a given page type and encoding. +type PageEncodingStats struct { + // The page type (data/dic/...). + PageType PageType `thrift:"1,required"` + + // Encoding of the page. + Encoding Encoding `thrift:"2,required"` + + // Number of pages of this type with this encoding. + Count int32 `thrift:"3,required"` +} + +// Description for column metadata. +type ColumnMetaData struct { + // Type of this column. + Type Type `thrift:"1,required"` + + // Set of all encodings used for this column. The purpose is to validate + // whether we can decode those pages. + Encoding []Encoding `thrift:"2,required"` + + // Path in schema. + PathInSchema []string `thrift:"3,required"` + + // Compression codec. + Codec CompressionCodec `thrift:"4,required"` + + // Number of values in this column. + NumValues int64 `thrift:"5,required"` + + // Total byte size of all uncompressed pages in this column chunk (including the headers). + TotalUncompressedSize int64 `thrift:"6,required"` + + // Total byte size of all compressed, and potentially encrypted, pages + // in this column chunk (including the headers). + TotalCompressedSize int64 `thrift:"7,required"` + + // Optional key/value metadata. + KeyValueMetadata []KeyValue `thrift:"8,optional"` + + // Byte offset from beginning of file to first data page. + DataPageOffset int64 `thrift:"9,required"` + + // Byte offset from beginning of file to root index page. + IndexPageOffset int64 `thrift:"10,optional"` + + // Byte offset from the beginning of file to first (only) dictionary page. + DictionaryPageOffset int64 `thrift:"11,optional"` + + // optional statistics for this column chunk. + Statistics Statistics `thrift:"12,optional"` + + // Set of all encodings used for pages in this column chunk. + // This information can be used to determine if all data pages are + // dictionary encoded for example. + EncodingStats []PageEncodingStats `thrift:"13,optional"` + + // Byte offset from beginning of file to Bloom filter data. + BloomFilterOffset int64 `thrift:"14,optional"` +} + +type EncryptionWithFooterKey struct{} + +type EncryptionWithColumnKey struct { + // Column path in schema. + PathInSchema []string `thrift:"1,required"` + + // Retrieval metadata of column encryption key. + KeyMetadata []byte `thrift:"2,optional"` +} + +type ColumnCryptoMetaData struct { + EncryptionWithFooterKey *EncryptionWithFooterKey `thrift:"1"` + EncryptionWithColumnKey *EncryptionWithColumnKey `thrift:"2"` +} + +type ColumnChunk struct { + // File where column data is stored. If not set, assumed to be same file as + // metadata. This path is relative to the current file. + FilePath string `thrift:"1,optional"` + + // Byte offset in file_path to the ColumnMetaData. + FileOffset int64 `thrift:"2,required"` + + // Column metadata for this chunk. This is the same content as what is at + // file_path/file_offset. Having it here has it replicated in the file + // metadata. + MetaData ColumnMetaData `thrift:"3,optional"` + + // File offset of ColumnChunk's OffsetIndex. + OffsetIndexOffset int64 `thrift:"4,optional"` + + // Size of ColumnChunk's OffsetIndex, in bytes. + OffsetIndexLength int32 `thrift:"5,optional"` + + // File offset of ColumnChunk's ColumnIndex. + ColumnIndexOffset int64 `thrift:"6,optional"` + + // Size of ColumnChunk's ColumnIndex, in bytes. + ColumnIndexLength int32 `thrift:"7,optional"` + + // Crypto metadata of encrypted columns. + CryptoMetadata ColumnCryptoMetaData `thrift:"8,optional"` + + // Encrypted column metadata for this chunk. + EncryptedColumnMetadata []byte `thrift:"9,optional"` +} + +type RowGroup struct { + // Metadata for each column chunk in this row group. + // This list must have the same order as the SchemaElement list in FileMetaData. + Columns []ColumnChunk `thrift:"1,required"` + + // Total byte size of all the uncompressed column data in this row group. + TotalByteSize int64 `thrift:"2,required"` + + // Number of rows in this row group. + NumRows int64 `thrift:"3,required"` + + // If set, specifies a sort ordering of the rows in this RowGroup. + // The sorting columns can be a subset of all the columns. + SortingColumns []SortingColumn `thrift:"4,optional"` + + // Byte offset from beginning of file to first page (data or dictionary) + // in this row group + FileOffset int64 `thrift:"5,optional"` + + // Total byte size of all compressed (and potentially encrypted) column data + // in this row group. + TotalCompressedSize int64 `thrift:"6,optional"` + + // Row group ordinal in the file. + Ordinal int16 `thrift:"7,optional"` +} + +// Empty struct to signal the order defined by the physical or logical type. +type TypeDefinedOrder struct{} + +// Union to specify the order used for the min_value and max_value fields for a +// column. This union takes the role of an enhanced enum that allows rich +// elements (which will be needed for a collation-based ordering in the future). +// +// Possible values are: +// +// TypeDefinedOrder - the column uses the order defined by its logical or +// physical type (if there is no logical type). +// +// If the reader does not support the value of this union, min and max stats +// for this column should be ignored. +type ColumnOrder struct { // union + // The sort orders for logical types are: + // UTF8 - unsigned byte-wise comparison + // INT8 - signed comparison + // INT16 - signed comparison + // INT32 - signed comparison + // INT64 - signed comparison + // UINT8 - unsigned comparison + // UINT16 - unsigned comparison + // UINT32 - unsigned comparison + // UINT64 - unsigned comparison + // DECIMAL - signed comparison of the represented value + // DATE - signed comparison + // TIME_MILLIS - signed comparison + // TIME_MICROS - signed comparison + // TIMESTAMP_MILLIS - signed comparison + // TIMESTAMP_MICROS - signed comparison + // INTERVAL - unsigned comparison + // JSON - unsigned byte-wise comparison + // BSON - unsigned byte-wise comparison + // ENUM - unsigned byte-wise comparison + // LIST - undefined + // MAP - undefined + // + // In the absence of logical types, the sort order is determined by the physical type: + // BOOLEAN - false, true + // INT32 - signed comparison + // INT64 - signed comparison + // INT96 (only used for legacy timestamps) - undefined + // FLOAT - signed comparison of the represented value (*) + // DOUBLE - signed comparison of the represented value (*) + // BYTE_ARRAY - unsigned byte-wise comparison + // FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY - unsigned byte-wise comparison + // + // (*) Because the sorting order is not specified properly for floating + // point values (relations vs. total ordering) the following + // compatibility rules should be applied when reading statistics: + // - If the min is a NaN, it should be ignored. + // - If the max is a NaN, it should be ignored. + // - If the min is +0, the row group may contain -0 values as well. + // - If the max is -0, the row group may contain +0 values as well. + // - When looking for NaN values, min and max should be ignored. + TypeOrder *TypeDefinedOrder `thrift:"1"` +} + +type PageLocation struct { + // Offset of the page in the file. + Offset int64 `thrift:"1,required"` + + // Size of the page, including header. Sum of compressed_page_size and + // header length. + CompressedPageSize int32 `thrift:"2,required"` + + // Index within the RowGroup of the first row of the page; this means + // pages change on record boundaries (r = 0). + FirstRowIndex int64 `thrift:"3,required"` +} + +type OffsetIndex struct { + // PageLocations, ordered by increasing PageLocation.offset. It is required + // that page_locations[i].first_row_index < page_locations[i+1].first_row_index. + PageLocations []PageLocation `thrift:"1,required"` +} + +// Description for ColumnIndex. +// Each [i] refers to the page at OffsetIndex.PageLocations[i] +type ColumnIndex struct { + // A list of Boolean values to determine the validity of the corresponding + // min and max values. If true, a page contains only null values, and writers + // have to set the corresponding entries in min_values and max_values to + // byte[0], so that all lists have the same length. If false, the + // corresponding entries in min_values and max_values must be valid. + NullPages []bool `thrift:"1,required"` + + // Two lists containing lower and upper bounds for the values of each page + // determined by the ColumnOrder of the column. These may be the actual + // minimum and maximum values found on a page, but can also be (more compact) + // values that do not exist on a page. For example, instead of storing ""Blart + // Versenwald III", a writer may set min_values[i]="B", max_values[i]="C". + // Such more compact values must still be valid values within the column's + // logical type. Readers must make sure that list entries are populated before + // using them by inspecting null_pages. + MinValues [][]byte `thrift:"2,required"` + MaxValues [][]byte `thrift:"3,required"` + + // Stores whether both min_values and max_values are ordered and if so, in + // which direction. This allows readers to perform binary searches in both + // lists. Readers cannot assume that max_values[i] <= min_values[i+1], even + // if the lists are ordered. + BoundaryOrder BoundaryOrder `thrift:"4,required"` + + // A list containing the number of null values for each page. + NullCounts []int64 `thrift:"5,optional"` +} + +type AesGcmV1 struct { + // AAD prefix. + AadPrefix []byte `thrift:"1,optional"` + + // Unique file identifier part of AAD suffix. + AadFileUnique []byte `thrift:"2,optional"` + + // In files encrypted with AAD prefix without storing it, + // readers must supply the prefix. + SupplyAadPrefix bool `thrift:"3,optional"` +} + +type AesGcmCtrV1 struct { + // AAD prefix. + AadPrefix []byte `thrift:"1,optional"` + + // Unique file identifier part of AAD suffix. + AadFileUnique []byte `thrift:"2,optional"` + + // In files encrypted with AAD prefix without storing it, + // readers must supply the prefix. + SupplyAadPrefix bool `thrift:"3,optional"` +} + +type EncryptionAlgorithm struct { // union + AesGcmV1 *AesGcmV1 `thrift:"1"` + AesGcmCtrV1 *AesGcmCtrV1 `thrift:"2"` +} + +// Description for file metadata. +type FileMetaData struct { + // Version of this file. + Version int32 `thrift:"1,required"` + + // Parquet schema for this file. This schema contains metadata for all the columns. + // The schema is represented as a tree with a single root. The nodes of the tree + // are flattened to a list by doing a depth-first traversal. + // The column metadata contains the path in the schema for that column which can be + // used to map columns to nodes in the schema. + // The first element is the root. + Schema []SchemaElement `thrift:"2,required"` + + // Number of rows in this file. + NumRows int64 `thrift:"3,required"` + + // Row groups in this file. + RowGroups []RowGroup `thrift:"4,required"` + + // Optional key/value metadata. + KeyValueMetadata []KeyValue `thrift:"5,optional"` + + // String for application that wrote this file. This should be in the format + // version (build ). + // e.g. impala version 1.0 (build 6cf94d29b2b7115df4de2c06e2ab4326d721eb55) + CreatedBy string `thrift:"6,optional"` + + // Sort order used for the min_value and max_value fields in the Statistics + // objects and the min_values and max_values fields in the ColumnIndex + // objects of each column in this file. Sort orders are listed in the order + // matching the columns in the schema. The indexes are not necessary the same + // though, because only leaf nodes of the schema are represented in the list + // of sort orders. + // + // Without column_orders, the meaning of the min_value and max_value fields + // in the Statistics object and the ColumnIndex object is undefined. To ensure + // well-defined behavior, if these fields are written to a Parquet file, + // column_orders must be written as well. + // + // The obsolete min and max fields in the Statistics object are always sorted + // by signed comparison regardless of column_orders. + ColumnOrders []ColumnOrder `thrift:"7,optional"` + + // Encryption algorithm. This field is set only in encrypted files + // with plaintext footer. Files with encrypted footer store algorithm id + // in FileCryptoMetaData structure. + EncryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithm `thrift:"8,optional"` + + // Retrieval metadata of key used for signing the footer. + // Used only in encrypted files with plaintext footer. + FooterSigningKeyMetadata []byte `thrift:"9,optional"` +} + +// Crypto metadata for files with encrypted footer. +type FileCryptoMetaData struct { + // Encryption algorithm. This field is only used for files + // with encrypted footer. Files with plaintext footer store algorithm id + // inside footer (FileMetaData structure). + EncryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithm `thrift:"1,required"` + + // Retrieval metadata of key used for encryption of footer, + // and (possibly) columns. + KeyMetadata []byte `thrift:"2,optional"` +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/aeshash/aeshash.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/aeshash/aeshash.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4e1018a01789e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/aeshash/aeshash.go @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +// Package aeshash implements hashing functions derived from the Go runtime's +// internal hashing based on the support of AES encryption in CPU instructions. +// +// On architecture where the CPU does not provide instructions for AES +// encryption, the aeshash.Enabled function always returns false, and attempting +// to call any other function will trigger a panic. +package aeshash + +import "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" + +func MultiHash32(hashes []uintptr, values []uint32, seed uintptr) { + MultiHashUint32Array(hashes, sparse.MakeUint32Array(values), seed) +} + +func MultiHash64(hashes []uintptr, values []uint64, seed uintptr) { + MultiHashUint64Array(hashes, sparse.MakeUint64Array(values), seed) +} + +func MultiHash128(hashes []uintptr, values [][16]byte, seed uintptr) { + MultiHashUint128Array(hashes, sparse.MakeUint128Array(values), seed) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/aeshash/aeshash_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/aeshash/aeshash_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8b6ee21290c17 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/aeshash/aeshash_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package aeshash + +import ( + "math/rand" + "unsafe" + + "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" +) + +// hashRandomBytes is 48 since this is what the assembly code depends on. +const hashRandomBytes = 48 + +var aeskeysched [hashRandomBytes]byte + +func init() { + for _, v := range aeskeysched { + if v != 0 { + // aeskeysched was initialized somewhere else (e.g. tests), so we + // can skip initialization. No synchronization is needed since init + // functions are called sequentially in a single goroutine (see + // https://go.dev/ref/spec#Package_initialization). + return + } + } + + key := (*[hashRandomBytes / 8]uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&aeskeysched)) + for i := range key { + key[i] = rand.Uint64() + } +} + +// Enabled returns true if AES hash is available on the system. +// +// The function uses the same logic than the Go runtime since we depend on +// the AES hash state being initialized. +// +// See https://go.dev/src/runtime/alg.go +func Enabled() bool { return cpu.X86.HasAES && cpu.X86.HasSSSE3 && cpu.X86.HasSSE41 } + +//go:noescape +func Hash32(value uint32, seed uintptr) uintptr + +//go:noescape +func Hash64(value uint64, seed uintptr) uintptr + +//go:noescape +func Hash128(value [16]byte, seed uintptr) uintptr + +//go:noescape +func MultiHashUint32Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint32Array, seed uintptr) + +//go:noescape +func MultiHashUint64Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint64Array, seed uintptr) + +//go:noescape +func MultiHashUint128Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint128Array, seed uintptr) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/aeshash/aeshash_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/aeshash/aeshash_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ad6812aeba42f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/aeshash/aeshash_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// func Hash32(value uint32, seed uintptr) uintptr +TEXT ·Hash32(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-24 + MOVL value+0(FP), AX + MOVQ seed+8(FP), BX + + MOVOU ·aeskeysched+0(SB), X1 + MOVOU ·aeskeysched+16(SB), X2 + MOVOU ·aeskeysched+32(SB), X3 + + MOVQ BX, X0 + PINSRD $2, AX, X0 + + AESENC X1, X0 + AESENC X2, X0 + AESENC X3, X0 + + MOVQ X0, ret+16(FP) + RET + +// func Hash64(value uint64, seed uintptr) uintptr +TEXT ·Hash64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-24 + MOVQ value+0(FP), AX + MOVQ seed+8(FP), BX + + MOVOU ·aeskeysched+0(SB), X1 + MOVOU ·aeskeysched+16(SB), X2 + MOVOU ·aeskeysched+32(SB), X3 + + MOVQ BX, X0 + PINSRQ $1, AX, X0 + + AESENC X1, X0 + AESENC X2, X0 + AESENC X3, X0 + + MOVQ X0, ret+16(FP) + RET + +// func Hash128(value [16]byte, seed uintptr) uintptr +TEXT ·Hash128(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32 + LEAQ value+0(FP), AX + MOVQ seed+16(FP), BX + MOVQ $16, CX + + MOVQ BX, X0 // 64 bits of per-table hash seed + PINSRW $4, CX, X0 // 16 bits of length + PSHUFHW $0, X0, X0 // repeat length 4 times total + PXOR ·aeskeysched(SB), X0 // xor in per-process seed + AESENC X0, X0 // scramble seed + + MOVOU (AX), X1 + PXOR X0, X1 + AESENC X1, X1 + AESENC X1, X1 + AESENC X1, X1 + + MOVQ X1, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func MultiHashUint32Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint32Array, seed uintptr) +TEXT ·MultiHashUint32Array(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-56 + MOVQ hashes_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ values_array_ptr+24(FP), BX + MOVQ values_array_len+32(FP), CX + MOVQ values_array_off+40(FP), R8 + MOVQ seed+48(FP), DX + + MOVOU ·aeskeysched+0(SB), X1 + MOVOU ·aeskeysched+16(SB), X2 + MOVOU ·aeskeysched+32(SB), X3 + + XORQ SI, SI + JMP test +loop: + MOVQ DX, X0 + PINSRD $2, (BX), X0 + + AESENC X1, X0 + AESENC X2, X0 + AESENC X3, X0 + + MOVQ X0, (AX)(SI*8) + INCQ SI + ADDQ R8, BX +test: + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop + RET + +// func MultiHashUint64Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint64Array, seed uintptr) +TEXT ·MultiHashUint64Array(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-56 + MOVQ hashes_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ values_array_ptr+24(FP), BX + MOVQ values_array_len+32(FP), CX + MOVQ values_array_off+40(FP), R8 + MOVQ seed+48(FP), DX + + MOVOU ·aeskeysched+0(SB), X1 + MOVOU ·aeskeysched+16(SB), X2 + MOVOU ·aeskeysched+32(SB), X3 + + XORQ SI, SI + JMP test +loop: + MOVQ DX, X0 + PINSRQ $1, (BX), X0 + + AESENC X1, X0 + AESENC X2, X0 + AESENC X3, X0 + + MOVQ X0, (AX)(SI*8) + INCQ SI + ADDQ R8, BX +test: + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop + RET + +// func MultiHashUint128Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint128Array, seed uintptr) +TEXT ·MultiHashUint128Array(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-56 + MOVQ hashes_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ values_array_ptr+24(FP), BX + MOVQ values_array_len+32(FP), CX + MOVQ values_array_off+40(FP), R8 + MOVQ seed+48(FP), DX + MOVQ $16, DI + + MOVQ DX, X0 + PINSRW $4, DI, X0 + PSHUFHW $0, X0, X0 + PXOR ·aeskeysched(SB), X0 + AESENC X0, X0 + + XORQ SI, SI + JMP test +loop: + MOVOU (BX), X1 + + PXOR X0, X1 + AESENC X1, X1 + AESENC X1, X1 + AESENC X1, X1 + + MOVQ X1, (AX)(SI*8) + INCQ SI + ADDQ R8, BX +test: + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/aeshash/aeshash_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/aeshash/aeshash_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..42d367a0de408 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/aeshash/aeshash_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package aeshash + +import "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" + +// Enabled always returns false since we assume that AES instructions are not +// available by default. +func Enabled() bool { return false } + +const unsupported = "BUG: AES hash is not available on this platform" + +func Hash32(value uint32, seed uintptr) uintptr { panic(unsupported) } + +func Hash64(value uint64, seed uintptr) uintptr { panic(unsupported) } + +func Hash128(value [16]byte, seed uintptr) uintptr { panic(unsupported) } + +func MultiHashUint32Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint32Array, seed uintptr) { + panic(unsupported) +} + +func MultiHashUint64Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint64Array, seed uintptr) { + panic(unsupported) +} + +func MultiHashUint128Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint128Array, seed uintptr) { + panic(unsupported) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/hashprobe.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/hashprobe.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..0a1686f17b609 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/hashprobe.go @@ -0,0 +1,783 @@ +// Package hashprobe provides implementations of probing tables for various +// data types. +// +// Probing tables are specialized hash tables supporting only a single +// "probing" operation which behave like a "lookup or insert". When a key +// is probed, either its value is retrieved if it already existed in the table, +// or it is inserted and assigned its index in the insert sequence as value. +// +// Values are represented as signed 32 bits integers, which means that probing +// tables defined in this package may contain at most 2^31-1 entries. +// +// Probing tables have a method named Probe with the following signature: +// +// func (t *Int64Table) Probe(keys []int64, values []int32) int { +// ... +// } +// +// The method takes an array of keys to probe as first argument, an array of +// values where the indexes of each key will be written as second argument, and +// returns the number of keys that were inserted during the call. +// +// Applications that need to determine which keys were inserted can capture the +// length of the probing table prior to the call, and scan the list of values +// looking for indexes greater or equal to the length of the table before the +// call. +package hashprobe + +import ( + cryptoRand "crypto/rand" + "encoding/binary" + "math" + "math/bits" + "math/rand" + "sync" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/aeshash" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/wyhash" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" +) + +const ( + // Number of probes tested per iteration. This parameter balances between + // the amount of memory allocated on the stack to hold the computed hashes + // of the keys being probed, and amortizing the baseline cost of the probing + // algorithm. + // + // The larger the value, the more memory is required, but lower the baseline + // cost will be. + // + // We chose a value that is somewhat large, resulting in reserving 2KiB of + // stack but mostly erasing the baseline cost. + probesPerLoop = 256 +) + +var ( + prngSeed [8]byte + prngMutex sync.Mutex + prngSource rand.Source64 +) + +func init() { + _, err := cryptoRand.Read(prngSeed[:]) + if err != nil { + panic("cannot seed random number generator from system source: " + err.Error()) + } + seed := int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(prngSeed[:])) + prngSource = rand.NewSource(seed).(rand.Source64) +} + +func tableSizeAndMaxLen(groupSize, numValues int, maxLoad float64) (size, maxLen int) { + n := int(math.Ceil((1 / maxLoad) * float64(numValues))) + size = nextPowerOf2((n + (groupSize - 1)) / groupSize) + maxLen = int(math.Ceil(maxLoad * float64(groupSize*size))) + return +} + +func nextPowerOf2(n int) int { + return 1 << (64 - bits.LeadingZeros64(uint64(n-1))) +} + +func randSeed() uintptr { + prngMutex.Lock() + defer prngMutex.Unlock() + return uintptr(prngSource.Uint64()) +} + +type Int32Table struct{ table32 } + +func NewInt32Table(cap int, maxLoad float64) *Int32Table { + return &Int32Table{makeTable32(cap, maxLoad)} +} + +func (t *Int32Table) Reset() { t.reset() } + +func (t *Int32Table) Len() int { return t.len } + +func (t *Int32Table) Cap() int { return t.size() } + +func (t *Int32Table) Probe(keys, values []int32) int { + return t.probe(unsafecast.Slice[uint32](keys), values) +} + +func (t *Int32Table) ProbeArray(keys sparse.Int32Array, values []int32) int { + return t.probeArray(keys.Uint32Array(), values) +} + +type Float32Table struct{ table32 } + +func NewFloat32Table(cap int, maxLoad float64) *Float32Table { + return &Float32Table{makeTable32(cap, maxLoad)} +} + +func (t *Float32Table) Reset() { t.reset() } + +func (t *Float32Table) Len() int { return t.len } + +func (t *Float32Table) Cap() int { return t.size() } + +func (t *Float32Table) Probe(keys []float32, values []int32) int { + return t.probe(unsafecast.Slice[uint32](keys), values) +} + +func (t *Float32Table) ProbeArray(keys sparse.Float32Array, values []int32) int { + return t.probeArray(keys.Uint32Array(), values) +} + +type Uint32Table struct{ table32 } + +func NewUint32Table(cap int, maxLoad float64) *Uint32Table { + return &Uint32Table{makeTable32(cap, maxLoad)} +} + +func (t *Uint32Table) Reset() { t.reset() } + +func (t *Uint32Table) Len() int { return t.len } + +func (t *Uint32Table) Cap() int { return t.size() } + +func (t *Uint32Table) Probe(keys []uint32, values []int32) int { + return t.probe(keys, values) +} + +func (t *Uint32Table) ProbeArray(keys sparse.Uint32Array, values []int32) int { + return t.probeArray(keys, values) +} + +// table32 is the generic implementation of probing tables for 32 bit types. +// +// The table uses the following memory layout: +// +// [group 0][group 1][...][group N] +// +// Each group contains up to 7 key/value pairs, and is exactly 64 bytes in size, +// which allows it to fit within a single cache line, and ensures that probes +// can be performed with a single memory load per key. +// +// Groups fill up by appending new entries to the keys and values arrays. When a +// group is full, the probe checks the next group. +// +// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_probing +type table32 struct { + len int + maxLen int + maxLoad float64 + seed uintptr + table []table32Group +} + +const table32GroupSize = 7 + +type table32Group struct { + keys [table32GroupSize]uint32 + values [table32GroupSize]uint32 + bits uint32 + _ uint32 +} + +func makeTable32(cap int, maxLoad float64) (t table32) { + if maxLoad < 0 || maxLoad > 1 { + panic("max load of probing table must be a value between 0 and 1") + } + if cap < table32GroupSize { + cap = table32GroupSize + } + t.init(cap, maxLoad) + return t +} + +func (t *table32) size() int { + return table32GroupSize * len(t.table) +} + +func (t *table32) init(cap int, maxLoad float64) { + size, maxLen := tableSizeAndMaxLen(table32GroupSize, cap, maxLoad) + *t = table32{ + maxLen: maxLen, + maxLoad: maxLoad, + seed: randSeed(), + table: make([]table32Group, size), + } +} + +func (t *table32) grow(totalValues int) { + tmp := table32{} + tmp.init(totalValues, t.maxLoad) + tmp.len = t.len + + hashes := make([]uintptr, table32GroupSize) + modulo := uintptr(len(tmp.table)) - 1 + + for i := range t.table { + g := &t.table[i] + n := bits.OnesCount32(g.bits) + + if aeshash.Enabled() { + aeshash.MultiHash32(hashes[:n], g.keys[:n], tmp.seed) + } else { + wyhash.MultiHash32(hashes[:n], g.keys[:n], tmp.seed) + } + + for j, hash := range hashes[:n] { + for { + group := &tmp.table[hash&modulo] + + if n := bits.OnesCount32(group.bits); n < table32GroupSize { + group.bits = (group.bits << 1) | 1 + group.keys[n] = g.keys[j] + group.values[n] = g.values[j] + break + } + + hash++ + } + } + } + + *t = tmp +} + +func (t *table32) reset() { + t.len = 0 + + for i := range t.table { + t.table[i] = table32Group{} + } +} + +func (t *table32) probe(keys []uint32, values []int32) int { + return t.probeArray(sparse.MakeUint32Array(keys), values) +} + +func (t *table32) probeArray(keys sparse.Uint32Array, values []int32) int { + numKeys := keys.Len() + + if totalValues := t.len + numKeys; totalValues > t.maxLen { + t.grow(totalValues) + } + + var hashes [probesPerLoop]uintptr + var baseLength = t.len + var useAesHash = aeshash.Enabled() + + _ = values[:numKeys] + + for i := 0; i < numKeys; { + j := len(hashes) + i + n := len(hashes) + + if j > numKeys { + j = numKeys + n = numKeys - i + } + + k := keys.Slice(i, j) + v := values[i:j:j] + h := hashes[:n:n] + + if useAesHash { + aeshash.MultiHashUint32Array(h, k, t.seed) + } else { + wyhash.MultiHashUint32Array(h, k, t.seed) + } + + t.len = multiProbe32(t.table, t.len, h, k, v) + i = j + } + + return t.len - baseLength +} + +func multiProbe32Default(table []table32Group, numKeys int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint32Array, values []int32) int { + modulo := uintptr(len(table)) - 1 + + for i, hash := range hashes { + key := keys.Index(i) + for { + group := &table[hash&modulo] + index := table32GroupSize + value := int32(0) + + for j, k := range group.keys { + if k == key { + index = j + break + } + } + + if n := bits.OnesCount32(group.bits); index < n { + value = int32(group.values[index]) + } else { + if n == table32GroupSize { + hash++ + continue + } + + value = int32(numKeys) + group.bits = (group.bits << 1) | 1 + group.keys[n] = key + group.values[n] = uint32(value) + numKeys++ + } + + values[i] = value + break + } + } + + return numKeys +} + +type Int64Table struct{ table64 } + +func NewInt64Table(cap int, maxLoad float64) *Int64Table { + return &Int64Table{makeTable64(cap, maxLoad)} +} + +func (t *Int64Table) Reset() { t.reset() } + +func (t *Int64Table) Len() int { return t.len } + +func (t *Int64Table) Cap() int { return t.size() } + +func (t *Int64Table) Probe(keys []int64, values []int32) int { + return t.probe(unsafecast.Slice[uint64](keys), values) +} + +func (t *Int64Table) ProbeArray(keys sparse.Int64Array, values []int32) int { + return t.probeArray(keys.Uint64Array(), values) +} + +type Float64Table struct{ table64 } + +func NewFloat64Table(cap int, maxLoad float64) *Float64Table { + return &Float64Table{makeTable64(cap, maxLoad)} +} + +func (t *Float64Table) Reset() { t.reset() } + +func (t *Float64Table) Len() int { return t.len } + +func (t *Float64Table) Cap() int { return t.size() } + +func (t *Float64Table) Probe(keys []float64, values []int32) int { + return t.probe(unsafecast.Slice[uint64](keys), values) +} + +func (t *Float64Table) ProbeArray(keys sparse.Float64Array, values []int32) int { + return t.probeArray(keys.Uint64Array(), values) +} + +type Uint64Table struct{ table64 } + +func NewUint64Table(cap int, maxLoad float64) *Uint64Table { + return &Uint64Table{makeTable64(cap, maxLoad)} +} + +func (t *Uint64Table) Reset() { t.reset() } + +func (t *Uint64Table) Len() int { return t.len } + +func (t *Uint64Table) Cap() int { return t.size() } + +func (t *Uint64Table) Probe(keys []uint64, values []int32) int { + return t.probe(keys, values) +} + +func (t *Uint64Table) ProbeArray(keys sparse.Uint64Array, values []int32) int { + return t.probeArray(keys, values) +} + +// table64 is the generic implementation of probing tables for 64 bit types. +// +// The table uses a layout similar to the one documented on the table for 32 bit +// keys (see table32). Each group holds up to 4 key/value pairs (instead of 7 +// like table32) so that each group fits in a single CPU cache line. This table +// version has a bit lower memory density, with ~23% of table memory being used +// for padding. +// +// Technically we could hold up to 5 entries per group and still fit within the +// 64 bytes of a CPU cache line; on x86 platforms, AVX2 registers can only hold +// four 64 bit values, we would need twice as many instructions per probe if the +// groups were holding 5 values. The trade off of memory for compute efficiency +// appeared to be the right choice at the time. +type table64 struct { + len int + maxLen int + maxLoad float64 + seed uintptr + table []table64Group +} + +const table64GroupSize = 4 + +type table64Group struct { + keys [table64GroupSize]uint64 + values [table64GroupSize]uint32 + bits uint32 + _ uint32 + _ uint32 + _ uint32 +} + +func makeTable64(cap int, maxLoad float64) (t table64) { + if maxLoad < 0 || maxLoad > 1 { + panic("max load of probing table must be a value between 0 and 1") + } + if cap < table64GroupSize { + cap = table64GroupSize + } + t.init(cap, maxLoad) + return t +} + +func (t *table64) size() int { + return table64GroupSize * len(t.table) +} + +func (t *table64) init(cap int, maxLoad float64) { + size, maxLen := tableSizeAndMaxLen(table64GroupSize, cap, maxLoad) + *t = table64{ + maxLen: maxLen, + maxLoad: maxLoad, + seed: randSeed(), + table: make([]table64Group, size), + } +} + +func (t *table64) grow(totalValues int) { + tmp := table64{} + tmp.init(totalValues, t.maxLoad) + tmp.len = t.len + + hashes := make([]uintptr, table64GroupSize) + modulo := uintptr(len(tmp.table)) - 1 + + for i := range t.table { + g := &t.table[i] + n := bits.OnesCount32(g.bits) + + if aeshash.Enabled() { + aeshash.MultiHash64(hashes[:n], g.keys[:n], tmp.seed) + } else { + wyhash.MultiHash64(hashes[:n], g.keys[:n], tmp.seed) + } + + for j, hash := range hashes[:n] { + for { + group := &tmp.table[hash&modulo] + + if n := bits.OnesCount32(group.bits); n < table64GroupSize { + group.bits = (group.bits << 1) | 1 + group.keys[n] = g.keys[j] + group.values[n] = g.values[j] + break + } + + hash++ + } + } + } + + *t = tmp +} + +func (t *table64) reset() { + t.len = 0 + + for i := range t.table { + t.table[i] = table64Group{} + } +} + +func (t *table64) probe(keys []uint64, values []int32) int { + return t.probeArray(sparse.MakeUint64Array(keys), values) +} + +func (t *table64) probeArray(keys sparse.Uint64Array, values []int32) int { + numKeys := keys.Len() + + if totalValues := t.len + numKeys; totalValues > t.maxLen { + t.grow(totalValues) + } + + var hashes [probesPerLoop]uintptr + var baseLength = t.len + var useAesHash = aeshash.Enabled() + + _ = values[:numKeys] + + for i := 0; i < numKeys; { + j := len(hashes) + i + n := len(hashes) + + if j > numKeys { + j = numKeys + n = numKeys - i + } + + k := keys.Slice(i, j) + v := values[i:j:j] + h := hashes[:n:n] + + if useAesHash { + aeshash.MultiHashUint64Array(h, k, t.seed) + } else { + wyhash.MultiHashUint64Array(h, k, t.seed) + } + + t.len = multiProbe64(t.table, t.len, h, k, v) + i = j + } + + return t.len - baseLength +} + +func multiProbe64Default(table []table64Group, numKeys int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint64Array, values []int32) int { + modulo := uintptr(len(table)) - 1 + + for i, hash := range hashes { + key := keys.Index(i) + for { + group := &table[hash&modulo] + index := table64GroupSize + value := int32(0) + + for i, k := range group.keys { + if k == key { + index = i + break + } + } + + if n := bits.OnesCount32(group.bits); index < n { + value = int32(group.values[index]) + } else { + if n == table64GroupSize { + hash++ + continue + } + + value = int32(numKeys) + group.bits = (group.bits << 1) | 1 + group.keys[n] = key + group.values[n] = uint32(value) + numKeys++ + } + + values[i] = value + break + } + } + + return numKeys +} + +type Uint128Table struct{ table128 } + +func NewUint128Table(cap int, maxLoad float64) *Uint128Table { + return &Uint128Table{makeTable128(cap, maxLoad)} +} + +func (t *Uint128Table) Reset() { t.reset() } + +func (t *Uint128Table) Len() int { return t.len } + +func (t *Uint128Table) Cap() int { return t.cap } + +func (t *Uint128Table) Probe(keys [][16]byte, values []int32) int { + return t.probe(keys, values) +} + +func (t *Uint128Table) ProbeArray(keys sparse.Uint128Array, values []int32) int { + return t.probeArray(keys, values) +} + +// table128 is the generic implementation of probing tables for 128 bit types. +// +// This table uses the following memory layout: +// +// [key A][key B][...][value A][value B][...] +// +// The table stores values as their actual value plus one, and uses zero as a +// sentinel to determine whether a slot is occupied. A linear probing strategy +// is used to resolve conflicts. This approach results in at most two memory +// loads for every four keys being tested, since the location of a key and its +// corresponding value will not be contiguous on the same CPU cache line, but +// a cache line can hold four 16 byte keys. +type table128 struct { + len int + cap int + maxLen int + maxLoad float64 + seed uintptr + table []byte +} + +func makeTable128(cap int, maxLoad float64) (t table128) { + if maxLoad < 0 || maxLoad > 1 { + panic("max load of probing table must be a value between 0 and 1") + } + if cap < 8 { + cap = 8 + } + t.init(cap, maxLoad) + return t +} + +func (t *table128) init(cap int, maxLoad float64) { + size, maxLen := tableSizeAndMaxLen(1, cap, maxLoad) + *t = table128{ + cap: size, + maxLen: maxLen, + maxLoad: maxLoad, + seed: randSeed(), + table: make([]byte, 16*size+4*size), + } +} + +func (t *table128) kv() (keys [][16]byte, values []int32) { + i := t.cap * 16 + return unsafecast.Slice[[16]byte](t.table[:i]), unsafecast.Slice[int32](t.table[i:]) +} + +func (t *table128) grow(totalValues int) { + tmp := table128{} + tmp.init(totalValues, t.maxLoad) + tmp.len = t.len + + keys, values := t.kv() + hashes := make([]uintptr, probesPerLoop) + useAesHash := aeshash.Enabled() + + _ = values[:len(keys)] + + for i := 0; i < len(keys); { + j := len(hashes) + i + n := len(hashes) + + if j > len(keys) { + j = len(keys) + n = len(keys) - i + } + + h := hashes[:n:n] + k := keys[i:j:j] + v := values[i:j:j] + + if useAesHash { + aeshash.MultiHash128(h, k, tmp.seed) + } else { + wyhash.MultiHash128(h, k, tmp.seed) + } + + tmp.insert(h, k, v) + i = j + } + + *t = tmp +} + +func (t *table128) insert(hashes []uintptr, keys [][16]byte, values []int32) { + tableKeys, tableValues := t.kv() + modulo := uintptr(t.cap) - 1 + + for i, hash := range hashes { + for { + j := hash & modulo + v := tableValues[j] + + if v == 0 { + tableKeys[j] = keys[i] + tableValues[j] = values[i] + break + } + + hash++ + } + } +} + +func (t *table128) reset() { + t.len = 0 + + for i := range t.table { + t.table[i] = 0 + } +} + +func (t *table128) probe(keys [][16]byte, values []int32) int { + return t.probeArray(sparse.MakeUint128Array(keys), values) +} + +func (t *table128) probeArray(keys sparse.Uint128Array, values []int32) int { + numKeys := keys.Len() + + if totalValues := t.len + numKeys; totalValues > t.maxLen { + t.grow(totalValues) + } + + var hashes [probesPerLoop]uintptr + var baseLength = t.len + var useAesHash = aeshash.Enabled() + + _ = values[:numKeys] + + for i := 0; i < numKeys; { + j := len(hashes) + i + n := len(hashes) + + if j > numKeys { + j = numKeys + n = numKeys - i + } + + k := keys.Slice(i, j) + v := values[i:j:j] + h := hashes[:n:n] + + if useAesHash { + aeshash.MultiHashUint128Array(h, k, t.seed) + } else { + wyhash.MultiHashUint128Array(h, k, t.seed) + } + + t.len = multiProbe128(t.table, t.cap, t.len, h, k, v) + i = j + } + + return t.len - baseLength +} + +func multiProbe128Default(table []byte, tableCap, tableLen int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint128Array, values []int32) int { + modulo := uintptr(tableCap) - 1 + offset := uintptr(tableCap) * 16 + tableKeys := unsafecast.Slice[[16]byte](table[:offset]) + tableValues := unsafecast.Slice[int32](table[offset:]) + + for i, hash := range hashes { + key := keys.Index(i) + for { + j := hash & modulo + v := tableValues[j] + + if v == 0 { + values[i] = int32(tableLen) + tableLen++ + tableKeys[j] = key + tableValues[j] = int32(tableLen) + break + } + + if key == tableKeys[j] { + values[i] = v - 1 + break + } + + hash++ + } + } + + return tableLen +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/hashprobe_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/hashprobe_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8802d151a6b62 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/hashprobe_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package hashprobe + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" + "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" +) + +//go:noescape +func multiProbe32AVX2(table []table32Group, numKeys int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint32Array, values []int32) int + +//go:noescape +func multiProbe64AVX2(table []table64Group, numKeys int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint64Array, values []int32) int + +//go:noescape +func multiProbe128SSE2(table []byte, tableCap, tableLen int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint128Array, values []int32) int + +func multiProbe32(table []table32Group, numKeys int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint32Array, values []int32) int { + if cpu.X86.HasAVX2 { + return multiProbe32AVX2(table, numKeys, hashes, keys, values) + } + return multiProbe32Default(table, numKeys, hashes, keys, values) +} + +func multiProbe64(table []table64Group, numKeys int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint64Array, values []int32) int { + if cpu.X86.HasAVX2 { + return multiProbe64AVX2(table, numKeys, hashes, keys, values) + } + return multiProbe64Default(table, numKeys, hashes, keys, values) +} + +func multiProbe128(table []byte, tableCap, tableLen int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint128Array, values []int32) int { + if cpu.X86.HasSSE2 { + return multiProbe128SSE2(table, tableCap, tableLen, hashes, keys, values) + } + return multiProbe128Default(table, tableCap, tableLen, hashes, keys, values) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/hashprobe_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/hashprobe_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5c5c0c02f7e11 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/hashprobe_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// This version of the probing algorithm for 32 bit keys takes advantage of +// the memory layout of table groups and SIMD instructions to accelerate the +// probing operations. +// +// The first 32 bytes of a table group contain the bit mask indicating which +// slots are in use, and the array of keys, which fits into a single vector +// register (YMM) and can be loaded and tested with a single instruction. +// +// A first version of the table group used the number of keys held in the +// group instead of a bit mask, which required the probing operation to +// reconstruct the bit mask during the lookup operation in order to identify +// which elements of the VPCMPEQD result should be retained. The extra CPU +// instructions used to reconstruct the bit mask had a measurable overhead. +// By holding the bit mask in the data structure, we can determine the number +// of keys in a group using the POPCNT instruction, and avoid recomputing the +// mask during lookups. +// +// func multiProbe32AVX2(table []table32Group, numKeys int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint32Array, values []int32) int +TEXT ·multiProbe32AVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-112 + MOVQ table_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ table_len+8(FP), BX + MOVQ numKeys+24(FP), CX + MOVQ hashes_base+32(FP), DX + MOVQ hashes_len+40(FP), DI + MOVQ keys_array_ptr+56(FP), R8 + MOVQ keys_array_off+72(FP), R15 + MOVQ values_base+80(FP), R9 + DECQ BX // modulo = len(table) - 1 + + XORQ SI, SI + JMP test +loop: + MOVQ (DX)(SI*8), R10 // hash + VPBROADCASTD (R8), Y0 // [key] +probe: + MOVQ R10, R11 + ANDQ BX, R11 // hash & modulo + SHLQ $6, R11 // x 64 (size of table32Group) + LEAQ (AX)(R11*1), R12 + + VMOVDQU (R12), Y1 + VPCMPEQD Y0, Y1, Y2 + VMOVMSKPS Y2, R11 + MOVL 56(R12), R13 + TESTL R11, R13 + JZ insert + + TZCNTL R11, R13 + MOVL 28(R12)(R13*4), R14 +next: + MOVL R14, (R9)(SI*4) + INCQ SI + ADDQ R15, R8 +test: + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop + MOVQ CX, ret+104(FP) + VZEROUPPER + RET +insert: + CMPL R13, $0b1111111 + JE probeNextGroup + + MOVL R13, R11 + POPCNTL R13, R13 + MOVQ X0, R14 // key + SHLL $1, R11 + ORL $1, R11 + MOVL R11, 56(R12) // group.len = (group.len << 1) | 1 + MOVL R14, (R12)(R13*4) // group.keys[i] = key + MOVL CX, 28(R12)(R13*4) // group.values[i] = value + MOVL CX, R14 + INCL CX + JMP next +probeNextGroup: + INCQ R10 + JMP probe + +// func multiProbe64AVX2(table []table64Group, numKeys int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint64Array, values []int32) int +TEXT ·multiProbe64AVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-112 + MOVQ table_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ table_len+8(FP), BX + MOVQ numKeys+24(FP), CX + MOVQ hashes_base+32(FP), DX + MOVQ hashes_len+40(FP), DI + MOVQ keys_array_ptr+56(FP), R8 + MOVQ keys_array_off+72(FP), R15 + MOVQ values_base+80(FP), R9 + DECQ BX // modulo = len(table) - 1 + + XORQ SI, SI + JMP test +loop: + MOVQ (DX)(SI*8), R10 // hash + VPBROADCASTQ (R8), Y0 // [key] +probe: + MOVQ R10, R11 + ANDQ BX, R11 // hash & modulo + SHLQ $6, R11 // x 64 (size of table64Group) + LEAQ (AX)(R11*1), R12 + + VMOVDQU (R12), Y1 + VPCMPEQQ Y0, Y1, Y2 + VMOVMSKPD Y2, R11 + MOVL 48(R12), R13 + TESTL R11, R13 + JZ insert + + TZCNTL R11, R13 + MOVL 32(R12)(R13*4), R14 +next: + MOVL R14, (R9)(SI*4) + INCQ SI + ADDQ R15, R8 +test: + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop + MOVQ CX, ret+104(FP) + VZEROUPPER + RET +insert: + CMPL R13, $0b1111 + JE probeNextGroup + + MOVL R13, R11 + POPCNTL R13, R13 + SHLL $1, R11 + ORL $1, R11 + MOVL R11, 48(R12) // group.len = (group.len << 1) | 1 + MOVQ X0, (R12)(R13*8) // group.keys[i] = key + MOVL CX, 32(R12)(R13*4) // group.values[i] = value + MOVL CX, R14 + INCL CX + JMP next +probeNextGroup: + INCQ R10 + JMP probe + +// func multiProbe128SSE2(table []byte, tableCap, tableLen int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint128Array, values []int32) int +TEXT ·multiProbe128SSE2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-120 + MOVQ table_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ tableCap+24(FP), BX + MOVQ tableLen+32(FP), CX + MOVQ hashes_base+40(FP), DX + MOVQ hashes_len+48(FP), DI + MOVQ keys_array_ptr+64(FP), R8 + MOVQ keys_array_off+80(FP), R15 + MOVQ values_base+88(FP), R9 + + MOVQ BX, R10 + SHLQ $4, R10 + LEAQ (AX)(R10*1), R10 + DECQ BX // modulo = tableCap - 1 + + XORQ SI, SI + JMP test +loop: + MOVQ (DX)(SI*8), R11 // hash + MOVOU (R8), X0 // key +probe: + MOVQ R11, R12 + ANDQ BX, R12 + + MOVL (R10)(R12*4), R14 + CMPL R14, $0 + JE insert + + SHLQ $4, R12 + MOVOU (AX)(R12*1), X1 + PCMPEQL X0, X1 + MOVMSKPS X1, R13 + CMPL R13, $0b1111 + JE next + + INCQ R11 + JMP probe +next: + DECL R14 + MOVL R14, (R9)(SI*4) + INCQ SI + ADDQ R15, R8 +test: + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop + MOVQ CX, ret+112(FP) + RET +insert: + INCL CX + MOVL CX, (R10)(R12*4) + MOVL CX, R14 + SHLQ $4, R12 + MOVOU X0, (AX)(R12*1) + JMP next diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/hashprobe_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/hashprobe_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5afb40c74e919 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/hashprobe_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package hashprobe + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" +) + +func multiProbe32(table []table32Group, numKeys int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint32Array, values []int32) int { + return multiProbe32Default(table, numKeys, hashes, keys, values) +} + +func multiProbe64(table []table64Group, numKeys int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint64Array, values []int32) int { + return multiProbe64Default(table, numKeys, hashes, keys, values) +} + +func multiProbe128(table []byte, tableCap, tableLen int, hashes []uintptr, keys sparse.Uint128Array, values []int32) int { + return multiProbe128Default(table, tableCap, tableLen, hashes, keys, values) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/wyhash/wyhash.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/wyhash/wyhash.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..457bd8e114dc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/wyhash/wyhash.go @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +// Package wyhash implements a hashing algorithm derived from the Go runtime's +// internal hashing fallback, which uses a variation of the wyhash algorithm. +package wyhash + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "math/bits" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" +) + +const ( + m1 = 0xa0761d6478bd642f + m2 = 0xe7037ed1a0b428db + m3 = 0x8ebc6af09c88c6e3 + m4 = 0x589965cc75374cc3 + m5 = 0x1d8e4e27c47d124f +) + +func mix(a, b uint64) uint64 { + hi, lo := bits.Mul64(a, b) + return hi ^ lo +} + +func Hash32(value uint32, seed uintptr) uintptr { + return uintptr(mix(m5^4, mix(uint64(value)^m2, uint64(value)^uint64(seed)^m1))) +} + +func Hash64(value uint64, seed uintptr) uintptr { + return uintptr(mix(m5^8, mix(value^m2, value^uint64(seed)^m1))) +} + +func Hash128(value [16]byte, seed uintptr) uintptr { + a := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(value[:8]) + b := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(value[8:]) + return uintptr(mix(m5^16, mix(a^m2, b^uint64(seed)^m1))) +} + +func MultiHash32(hashes []uintptr, values []uint32, seed uintptr) { + MultiHashUint32Array(hashes, sparse.MakeUint32Array(values), seed) +} + +func MultiHash64(hashes []uintptr, values []uint64, seed uintptr) { + MultiHashUint64Array(hashes, sparse.MakeUint64Array(values), seed) +} + +func MultiHash128(hashes []uintptr, values [][16]byte, seed uintptr) { + MultiHashUint128Array(hashes, sparse.MakeUint128Array(values), seed) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/wyhash/wyhash_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/wyhash/wyhash_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..55f499debcf6a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/wyhash/wyhash_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package wyhash + +import "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" + +//go:noescape +func MultiHashUint32Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint32Array, seed uintptr) + +//go:noescape +func MultiHashUint64Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint64Array, seed uintptr) + +//go:noescape +func MultiHashUint128Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint128Array, seed uintptr) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/wyhash/wyhash_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/wyhash/wyhash_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..7b99879f02d64 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/wyhash/wyhash_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +#define m1 0xa0761d6478bd642f +#define m2 0xe7037ed1a0b428db +#define m3 0x8ebc6af09c88c6e3 +#define m4 0x589965cc75374cc3 +#define m5 0x1d8e4e27c47d124f + +// func MultiHashUint32Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint32Array, seed uintptr) +TEXT ·MultiHashUint32Array(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-56 + MOVQ hashes_base+0(FP), R12 + MOVQ values_array_ptr+24(FP), R13 + MOVQ values_array_len+32(FP), R14 + MOVQ values_array_off+40(FP), R15 + MOVQ seed+48(FP), R11 + + MOVQ $m1, R8 + MOVQ $m2, R9 + MOVQ $m5^4, R10 + XORQ R11, R8 + + XORQ SI, SI + JMP test +loop: + MOVL (R13), AX + MOVQ R8, BX + + XORQ AX, BX + XORQ R9, AX + + MULQ BX + XORQ DX, AX + + MULQ R10 + XORQ DX, AX + + MOVQ AX, (R12)(SI*8) + INCQ SI + ADDQ R15, R13 +test: + CMPQ SI, R14 + JNE loop + RET + +// func MultiHashUint64Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint64Array, seed uintptr) +TEXT ·MultiHashUint64Array(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-56 + MOVQ hashes_base+0(FP), R12 + MOVQ values_array_ptr+24(FP), R13 + MOVQ values_array_len+32(FP), R14 + MOVQ values_array_off+40(FP), R15 + MOVQ seed+48(FP), R11 + + MOVQ $m1, R8 + MOVQ $m2, R9 + MOVQ $m5^8, R10 + XORQ R11, R8 + + XORQ SI, SI + JMP test +loop: + MOVQ (R13), AX + MOVQ R8, BX + + XORQ AX, BX + XORQ R9, AX + + MULQ BX + XORQ DX, AX + + MULQ R10 + XORQ DX, AX + + MOVQ AX, (R12)(SI*8) + INCQ SI + ADDQ R15, R13 +test: + CMPQ SI, R14 + JNE loop + RET + +// func MultiHashUint128Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint128Array, seed uintptr) +TEXT ·MultiHashUint128Array(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-56 + MOVQ hashes_base+0(FP), R12 + MOVQ values_array_ptr+24(FP), R13 + MOVQ values_array_len+32(FP), R14 + MOVQ values_array_off+40(FP), R15 + MOVQ seed+48(FP), R11 + + MOVQ $m1, R8 + MOVQ $m2, R9 + MOVQ $m5^16, R10 + XORQ R11, R8 + + XORQ SI, SI + JMP test +loop: + MOVQ 0(R13), AX + MOVQ 8(R13), DX + MOVQ R8, BX + + XORQ DX, BX + XORQ R9, AX + + MULQ BX + XORQ DX, AX + + MULQ R10 + XORQ DX, AX + + MOVQ AX, (R12)(SI*8) + INCQ SI + ADDQ R15, R13 +test: + CMPQ SI, R14 + JNE loop + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/wyhash/wyhash_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/wyhash/wyhash_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b5760f7ec5ca4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/wyhash/wyhash_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package wyhash + +import "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" + +func MultiHashUint32Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint32Array, seed uintptr) { + for i := range hashes { + hashes[i] = Hash32(values.Index(i), seed) + } +} + +func MultiHashUint64Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint64Array, seed uintptr) { + for i := range hashes { + hashes[i] = Hash64(values.Index(i), seed) + } +} + +func MultiHashUint128Array(hashes []uintptr, values sparse.Uint128Array, seed uintptr) { + for i := range hashes { + hashes[i] = Hash128(values.Index(i), seed) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/bitpack.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/bitpack.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e6a11884d6db2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/bitpack.go @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +// Package bitpack implements efficient bit packing and unpacking routines for +// integers of various bit widths. +package bitpack + +// ByteCount returns the number of bytes needed to hold the given bit count. +func ByteCount(bitCount uint) int { + return int((bitCount + 7) / 8) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/masks_int32_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/masks_int32_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..6ffe4e2c53554 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/masks_int32_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,1288 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Shuffle masks used to broadcast bytes of bit-packed valued into vector +// registers at positions where they can then be shifted into the right +// locations. +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// Shuffle masks for unpacking values from bit widths 1 to 16. +// +// The masks are grouped in 32 bytes chunks containing 2 masks of 16 bytes, with +// the following layout: +// +// - The first mask is used to shuffle values from the 16 bytes of input into +// the lower 16 bytes of output. These values are then shifted RIGHT to be +// aligned on the begining of each 32 bit word. +// +// - The second mask selects values from the 16 bytes of input into the upper +// 16 bytes of output. These values are then shifted RIGHT to be aligned on +// the beginning of each 32 bit word. +// +// The bit width is intended to be used as an index into this array, using this +// formula to convert from the index to a byte offset: +// +// offset = 32 * (bitWidth - 1) +// +GLOBL ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $512 + +// 1 bit => 32 bits +// ----------------- +// 0: [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+0+0(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+0+4(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+0+8(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+0+12(SB)/4, $0x80808000 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+0+16(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+0+20(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+0+24(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+0+28(SB)/4, $0x80808000 + +// 2 bits => 32 bits +// ----------------- +// 0: [a,a,b,b,c,c,d,d] +// 1: [e,e,f,f,g,g,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+32+0(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+32+4(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+32+8(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+32+12(SB)/4, $0x80808000 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+32+16(SB)/4, $0x80808001 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+32+20(SB)/4, $0x80808001 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+32+24(SB)/4, $0x80808001 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+32+28(SB)/4, $0x80808001 + +// 3 bits => 32 bits +// ----------------- +// 0: [a,a,a,b,b,b,c,c] +// 1: [c,d,d,d,e,e,e,f] +// 2: [f,f,g,g,g,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+64+0(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+64+4(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+64+8(SB)/4, $0x80800100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+64+12(SB)/4, $0x80808001 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+64+16(SB)/4, $0x80808001 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+64+20(SB)/4, $0x80800201 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+64+24(SB)/4, $0x80808002 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+64+28(SB)/4, $0x80808002 + +// 4 bits => 32 bits +// ----------------- +// 0: [a,a,a,a,b,b,b,b] +// 1: [c,c,c,c,d,d,d,d] +// 2: [e,e,e,e,f,f,f,f] +// 3: [g,g,g,g,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+96+0(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+96+4(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+96+8(SB)/4, $0x80808001 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+96+12(SB)/4, $0x80808001 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+96+16(SB)/4, $0x80808002 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+96+20(SB)/4, $0x80808002 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+96+24(SB)/4, $0x80808003 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+96+28(SB)/4, $0x80808003 + +// 5 bits => 32 bits +// ----------------- +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,b,b,b] +// 1: [b,b,c,c,c,c,c,d] +// 2: [d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e] +// 3: [e,f,f,f,f,f,g,g] +// 4: [g,g,g,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+128+0(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+128+4(SB)/4, $0x80800100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+128+8(SB)/4, $0x80808001 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+128+12(SB)/4, $0x80800201 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+128+16(SB)/4, $0x80800302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+128+20(SB)/4, $0x80808003 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+128+24(SB)/4, $0x80800403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+128+28(SB)/4, $0x80808004 + +// 6 bits => 32 bits +// ----------------- +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,b,b] +// 1: [b,b,b,b,c,c,c,c] +// 2: [c,c,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 3: [e,e,e,e,e,e,f,f] +// 4: [f,f,f,f,g,g,g,g] +// 5: [g,g,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+160+0(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+160+4(SB)/4, $0x80800100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+160+8(SB)/4, $0x80800201 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+160+12(SB)/4, $0x80808002 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+160+16(SB)/4, $0x80808003 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+160+20(SB)/4, $0x80800403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+160+24(SB)/4, $0x80800504 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+160+28(SB)/4, $0x80808005 + +// 7 bits => 32 bits +// ----------------- +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,b] +// 1: [b,b,b,b,b,b,c,c] +// 2: [c,c,c,c,c,d,d,d] +// 3: [d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e] +// 4: [e,e,e,f,f,f,f,f] +// 5: [f,f,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 6: [g,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+192+0(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+192+4(SB)/4, $0x80800100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+192+8(SB)/4, $0x80800201 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+192+12(SB)/4, $0x80800302 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+192+16(SB)/4, $0x80800403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+192+20(SB)/4, $0x80800504 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+192+24(SB)/4, $0x80800605 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+192+28(SB)/4, $0x80808006 + +// 8 bits => 32 bits +// ----------------- +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 2: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 3: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 4: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 5: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 6: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 7: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+224+0(SB)/4, $0x80808000 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+224+4(SB)/4, $0x80808001 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+224+8(SB)/4, $0x80808002 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+224+12(SB)/4, $0x80808003 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+224+16(SB)/4, $0x80808004 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+224+20(SB)/4, $0x80808005 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+224+24(SB)/4, $0x80808006 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+224+28(SB)/4, $0x80808007 + +// 9 bits => 32 bits +// ----------------- +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 2: [b,b,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 3: [c,c,c,d,d,d,d,d] +// 4: [d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e] +// 5: [e,e,e,e,e,f,f,f] +// 6: [f,f,f,f,f,f,g,g] +// 7: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,h] +// 8: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+256+0(SB)/4, $0x80800100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+256+4(SB)/4, $0x80800201 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+256+8(SB)/4, $0x80800302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+256+12(SB)/4, $0x80800403 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+256+16(SB)/4, $0x80800504 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+256+20(SB)/4, $0x80800605 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+256+24(SB)/4, $0x80800706 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+256+28(SB)/4, $0x80800807 + +// 10 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 2: [b,b,b,b,c,c,c,c] +// 3: [c,c,c,c,c,c,d,d] +// 4: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 5: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 6: [e,e,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 7: [f,f,f,f,g,g,g,g] +// 8: [g,g,g,g,g,g,h,h] +// 9: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+288+0(SB)/4, $0x80800100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+288+4(SB)/4, $0x80800201 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+288+8(SB)/4, $0x80800302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+288+12(SB)/4, $0x80800403 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+288+16(SB)/4, $0x80800605 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+288+20(SB)/4, $0x80800706 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+288+24(SB)/4, $0x80800807 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+288+28(SB)/4, $0x80800908 + +// 11 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,b,b,b,b,b] +// 2: [b,b,b,b,b,b,c,c] +// 3: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 4: [c,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 5: [d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e] +// 6: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,f] +// 7: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 8: [f,f,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 9: [g,g,g,g,g,h,h,h] +// A: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+320+0(SB)/4, $0x80800100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+320+4(SB)/4, $0x80800201 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+320+8(SB)/4, $0x80040302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+320+12(SB)/4, $0x80800504 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+320+16(SB)/4, $0x80800605 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+320+20(SB)/4, $0x80080706 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+320+24(SB)/4, $0x80800908 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+320+28(SB)/4, $0x80800A09 + +// 12 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,b,b,b,b] +// 2: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 3: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 4: [c,c,c,c,d,d,d,d] +// 5: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 6: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 7: [e,e,e,e,f,f,f,f] +// 8: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 9: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// A: [g,g,g,g,h,h,h,h] +// B: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+352+0(SB)/4, $0x80800100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+352+4(SB)/4, $0x80800201 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+352+8(SB)/4, $0x80080403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+352+12(SB)/4, $0x80800504 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+352+16(SB)/4, $0x80800706 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+352+20(SB)/4, $0x80800807 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+352+24(SB)/4, $0x80800A09 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+352+28(SB)/4, $0x80800B0A + +// 13 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,b,b,b] +// 2: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 3: [b,b,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 4: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,d] +// 5: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 6: [d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e] +// 7: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 8: [e,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 9: [f,f,f,f,f,f,g,g] +// A: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// B: [g,g,g,h,h,h,h,h] +// C: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+384+0(SB)/4, $0x80800100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+384+4(SB)/4, $0x80030201 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+384+8(SB)/4, $0x80800403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+384+12(SB)/4, $0x80060504 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+384+16(SB)/4, $0x80080706 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+384+20(SB)/4, $0x80800908 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+384+24(SB)/4, $0x800B0A09 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+384+28(SB)/4, $0x80800C0B + +// 14 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,b,b] +// 2: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 3: [b,b,b,b,c,c,c,c] +// 4: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 5: [c,c,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 6: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 7: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 8: [e,e,e,e,e,e,f,f] +// 9: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// A: [f,f,f,f,g,g,g,g] +// B: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// C: [g,g,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// D: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+416+0(SB)/4, $0x80800100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+416+4(SB)/4, $0x80030201 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+416+8(SB)/4, $0x80050403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+416+12(SB)/4, $0x80800605 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+416+16(SB)/4, $0x80080807 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+416+20(SB)/4, $0x800A0908 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+416+24(SB)/4, $0x800C0B0A +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+416+28(SB)/4, $0x80800D0C + +// 15 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,b] +// 2: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 3: [b,b,b,b,b,b,c,c] +// 4: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 5: [c,c,c,c,c,d,d,d] +// 6: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 7: [d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e] +// 8: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 9: [e,e,e,f,f,f,f,f] +// A: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// B: [f,f,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// C: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// D: [g,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// E: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+448+0(SB)/4, $0x80800100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+448+4(SB)/4, $0x80030201 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+448+8(SB)/4, $0x80050403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+448+12(SB)/4, $0x80070605 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+448+16(SB)/4, $0x80090807 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+448+20(SB)/4, $0x800B0A09 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+448+24(SB)/4, $0x800D0C0B +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+448+28(SB)/4, $0x80800E0D + +// 16 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 3: [b,b,b,b,b,b,c,b] +// 4: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 5: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 6: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 7: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 8: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 9: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// A: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// B: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// C: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// D: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// E: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// F: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+480+0(SB)/4, $0x80800100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+480+4(SB)/4, $0x80800302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+480+8(SB)/4, $0x80800504 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+480+12(SB)/4, $0x80800706 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+480+16(SB)/4, $0x80800908 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+480+20(SB)/4, $0x80800B0A +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+480+24(SB)/4, $0x80800D0C +DATA ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits+480+28(SB)/4, $0x80800F0E + +// Shuffle masks for unpacking values from bit widths 17 to 26. +// +// The masks are grouped in 48 bytes chunks containing 3 masks of 16 bytes, with +// the following layout: +// +// - The first mask is used to shuffle values from the first 16 bytes of input +// into the lower 16 bytes of output. These values are then shifted RIGHT to +// be aligned on the begining of each 32 bit word. +// +// - The second mask selects values from the first 16 bytes of input into the +// upper 16 bytes of output. These values are then shifted RIGHT to be aligned +// on the beginning of each 32 bit word. +// +// - The third mask selects values from the second 16 bytes of input into the +// upper 16 bytes of output. These values are then shifted RIGHT to be aligned +// on the beginning of each 32 bit word. +// +// The bit width is intended to be used as an index into this array, using this +// formula to convert from the index to a byte offset: +// +// offset = 48 * (bitWidth - 17) +// +GLOBL ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $480 + +// 17 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 3: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 4: [b,b,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 5: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 6: [c,c,c,d,d,d,d,d] +// 7: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 8: [d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e] +// 9: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// A: [e,e,e,e,e,f,f,f] +// B: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// C: [f,f,f,f,f,f,g,g] +// D: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// E: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,h] +// F: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// --- +// 0: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+0+0(SB)/4, $0x80020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+0+4(SB)/4, $0x80040302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+0+8(SB)/4, $0x80060504 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+0+12(SB)/4, $0x80080706 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+0+16(SB)/4, $0x800A0908 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+0+20(SB)/4, $0x800C0B0A +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+0+24(SB)/4, $0x800E0D0C +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+0+28(SB)/4, $0x80800F0E + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+0+32(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+0+36(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+0+40(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+0+44(SB)/4, $0x80008080 + +// 18 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,a,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 3: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 4: [b,b,b,b,c,c,c,c] +// 5: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 6: [c,c,c,c,c,c,d,d] +// 7: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 8: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 9: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// A: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// B: [e,e,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// C: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// D: [f,f,f,f,g,g,g,g] +// E: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// F: [g,g,g,g,g,g,h,h] +// --- +// 0: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 1: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+48+0(SB)/4, $0x80020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+48+4(SB)/4, $0x80040302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+48+8(SB)/4, $0x80060504 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+48+12(SB)/4, $0x80080706 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+48+16(SB)/4, $0x800B0A09 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+48+20(SB)/4, $0x800D0C0B +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+48+24(SB)/4, $0x800F0E0D +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+48+28(SB)/4, $0x8080800F + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+48+32(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+48+36(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+48+40(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+48+44(SB)/4, $0x80010080 + +// 19 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,a,a,b,b,b,b,b] +// 3: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 4: [b,b,b,b,b,b,c,c] +// 5: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 6: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 7: [c,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 8: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 9: [d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e] +// A: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// B: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,f] +// C: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// D: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// E: [f,f,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// F: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// --- +// 0: [g,g,g,g,g,h,h,h] +// 1: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 2: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+96+0(SB)/4, $0x80020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+96+4(SB)/4, $0x80040302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+96+8(SB)/4, $0x07060504 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+96+12(SB)/4, $0x80090807 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+96+16(SB)/4, $0x800B0A09 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+96+20(SB)/4, $0x0E0D0C0B +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+96+24(SB)/4, $0x80800F0E +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+96+28(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+96+32(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+96+36(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+96+40(SB)/4, $0x80008080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+96+44(SB)/4, $0x80020100 + +// 20 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,a,a,a,b,b,b,b] +// 3: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 4: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 5: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 6: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 7: [c,c,c,c,d,d,d,d] +// 8: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 9: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// A: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// B: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// C: [e,e,e,e,f,f,f,f] +// D: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// E: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// F: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// --- +// 0: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 1: [g,g,g,g,h,h,h,h] +// 2: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 3: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+144+0(SB)/4, $0x80020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+144+4(SB)/4, $0x80040302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+144+8(SB)/4, $0x80070605 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+144+12(SB)/4, $0x80090807 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+144+16(SB)/4, $0x800C0B0A +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+144+20(SB)/4, $0x800E0D0C +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+144+24(SB)/4, $0x8080800F +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+144+28(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+144+32(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+144+36(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+144+40(SB)/4, $0x80010080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+144+44(SB)/4, $0x80030201 + +// 21 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,a,a,a,a,b,b,b] +// 3: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 4: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 5: [b,b,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 6: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 7: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,d] +// 8: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 9: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// A: [d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e] +// B: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// C: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// D: [e,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// E: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// F: [f,f,f,f,f,f,g,g] +// --- +// 0: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 1: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 2: [g,g,g,h,h,h,h,h] +// 3: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 4: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+192+0(SB)/4, $0x80020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+192+4(SB)/4, $0x05040302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+192+8(SB)/4, $0x80070605 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+192+12(SB)/4, $0x0A090807 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+192+16(SB)/4, $0x0D0C0B0A +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+192+20(SB)/4, $0x800F0E0D +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+192+24(SB)/4, $0x8080800F +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+192+28(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+192+32(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+192+36(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+192+40(SB)/4, $0x02010080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+192+44(SB)/4, $0x80040302 + +// 22 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,a,a,a,a,a,b,b] +// 3: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 4: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 5: [b,b,b,b,c,c,c,c] +// 6: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 7: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 8: [c,c,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// 9: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// A: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// B: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// C: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// D: [e,e,e,e,e,e,f,f] +// E: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// F: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// --- +// 0: [f,f,f,f,g,g,g,g] +// 1: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 2: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 3: [g,g,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 4: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 5: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+240+0(SB)/4, $0x80020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+240+4(SB)/4, $0x05040302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+240+8(SB)/4, $0x08070605 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+240+12(SB)/4, $0x800A0908 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+240+16(SB)/4, $0x800D0C0B +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+240+20(SB)/4, $0x800F0E0D +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+240+24(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+240+28(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+240+32(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+240+36(SB)/4, $0x00808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+240+40(SB)/4, $0x03020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+240+44(SB)/4, $0x80050403 + +// 23 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,b] +// 3: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 4: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 5: [b,b,b,b,b,b,c,c] +// 6: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 7: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 8: [c,c,c,c,c,d,d,d] +// 9: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// A: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// B: [d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e] +// C: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// D: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// E: [e,e,e,f,f,f,f,f] +// F: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// --- +// 0: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 1: [f,f,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 2: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 3: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 4: [g,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 5: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 6: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+288+0(SB)/4, $0x80020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+288+4(SB)/4, $0x05040302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+288+8(SB)/4, $0x08070605 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+288+12(SB)/4, $0x0B0A0908 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+288+16(SB)/4, $0x0E0D0C0B +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+288+20(SB)/4, $0x80800F0E +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+288+24(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+288+28(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+288+32(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+288+36(SB)/4, $0x01008080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+288+40(SB)/4, $0x04030201 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+288+44(SB)/4, $0x80060504 + +// 24 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 3: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 4: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 5: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 6: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 7: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 8: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 9: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// A: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// B: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// C: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// D: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// E: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// F: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// --- +// 0: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 1: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 2: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 3: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 4: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 5: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 6: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 7: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+336+0(SB)/4, $0x80020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+336+4(SB)/4, $0x80050403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+336+8(SB)/4, $0x80080706 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+336+12(SB)/4, $0x800B0A09 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+336+16(SB)/4, $0x800E0D0C +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+336+20(SB)/4, $0x8080800F +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+336+24(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+336+28(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+336+32(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+336+36(SB)/4, $0x80010080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+336+40(SB)/4, $0x80040302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+336+44(SB)/4, $0x80070605 + +// 25 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 3: [a,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 4: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 5: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 6: [b,b,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 7: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 8: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 9: [c,c,c,d,d,d,d,d] +// A: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// B: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// C: [d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e] +// D: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// E: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// F: [e,e,e,e,e,f,f,f] +// --- +// 0: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 1: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 2: [f,f,f,f,f,f,g,g] +// 3: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 4: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 5: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,h] +// 6: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 7: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 8: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+384+0(SB)/4, $0x03020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+384+4(SB)/4, $0x06050403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+384+8(SB)/4, $0x09080706 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+384+12(SB)/4, $0x0C0B0A09 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+384+16(SB)/4, $0x0F0E0D0C +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+384+20(SB)/4, $0x8080800F +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+384+24(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+384+28(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+384+32(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+384+36(SB)/4, $0x02010080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+384+40(SB)/4, $0x05040302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+384+44(SB)/4, $0x08070605 + +// 26 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 3: [a,a,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 4: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 5: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 6: [b,b,b,b,c,c,c,c] +// 7: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 8: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 9: [c,c,c,c,c,c,d,d] +// A: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// B: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// C: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// D: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// E: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// F: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// --- +// 0: [e,e,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 1: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 2: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 3: [f,f,f,f,g,g,g,g] +// 4: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 5: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 6: [g,g,g,g,g,g,h,h] +// 7: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 8: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 9: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+432+0(SB)/4, $0x03020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+432+4(SB)/4, $0x06050403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+432+8(SB)/4, $0x09080706 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+432+12(SB)/4, $0x0C0B0A09 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+432+16(SB)/4, $0x800F0E0D +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+432+20(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+432+24(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+432+28(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+432+32(SB)/4, $0x00808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+432+36(SB)/4, $0x03020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+432+40(SB)/4, $0x06050403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits+432+44(SB)/4, $0x09080706 + +// Shuffle masks for unpacking values from bit widths 27 to 31. +// +// The masks are grouped in 80 bytes chunks containing 5 masks of 16 bytes, with +// the following layout: +// +// - The first mask is used to shuffle values from the first 16 bytes of input +// into the lower 16 bytes of output. These values are then shifted RIGHT to +// be aligned on the begining of each 32 bit word. +// +// - The second mask is used to shuffle upper bits of bit-packed values of the +// first 16 bytes of input that spanned across 5 bytes. These extra bits cannot +// be selected by the first mask (which can select at most 4 bytes per word). +// The extra bits are then shifted LEFT to be positioned at the end of the +// words, after the bits extracted by the first mask. +// +// - The third mask selects values from the first 16 bytes of input into the +// upper 16 bytes of output. These values are then shifted RIGHT to be aligned +// on the beginning of each 32 bit word. +// +// - The fourth mask selects values from the second 16 bytes of input into the +// upper 16 bytes of output. These values are then shifted RIGHT to be aligned +// on the beginning of each 32 bit word. +// +// - The fifth mask is used to shuffle upper bits of bit-packed values values of +// second 16 bytes of input that spanned across 5 bytes. These values are then +// shifted LEFT to be aligned on the beginning of each 32 bit word. +// +// The bit width is intended to be used as an index into this array, using this +// formula to convert from the index to a byte offset: +// +// offset = 80 * (bitWidth - 27) +// +GLOBL ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $400 + +// 27 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 3: [a,a,a,b,b,b,b,b] +// 4: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 5: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 6: [b,b,b,b,b,b,c,c] +// 7: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 8: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 9: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// A: [c,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// B: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// C: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// D: [d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e] +// E: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// F: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// --- +// 0: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,f] +// 1: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 2: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 3: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 4: [f,f,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 5: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 6: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 7: [g,g,g,g,g,h,h,h] +// 8: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// 9: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// A: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+0(SB)/4, $0x03020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+4(SB)/4, $0x06050403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+8(SB)/4, $0x09080706 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+12(SB)/4, $0x0D0C0B0A + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+16(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+20(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+24(SB)/4, $0x0A808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+28(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+32(SB)/4, $0x800F0E0D +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+36(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+40(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+44(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+48(SB)/4, $0x00808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+52(SB)/4, $0x03020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+56(SB)/4, $0x07060504 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+60(SB)/4, $0x0A090807 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+64(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+68(SB)/4, $0x04808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+72(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+0+76(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +// 28 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 3: [a,a,a,a,b,b,b,b] +// 4: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 5: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 6: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 7: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 8: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 9: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// A: [c,c,c,c,d,d,d,d] +// B: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// C: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// D: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// E: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// F: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// --- +// 0: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 1: [e,e,e,e,f,f,f,f] +// 2: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 3: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 4: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 5: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 6: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 7: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 8: [g,g,g,g,h,h,h,h] +// 9: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// A: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// B: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+0(SB)/4, $0x03020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+4(SB)/4, $0x06050403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+8(SB)/4, $0x0A090807 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+12(SB)/4, $0x0D0C0B0A + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+16(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+20(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+24(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+28(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+32(SB)/4, $0x80800F0E +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+36(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+40(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+44(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+48(SB)/4, $0x01008080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+52(SB)/4, $0x04030201 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+56(SB)/4, $0x08070605 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+60(SB)/4, $0x0B0A0908 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+64(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+68(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+72(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+80+76(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +// 29 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 3: [a,a,a,a,a,b,b,b] +// 4: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 5: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 6: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 7: [b,b,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 8: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 9: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// A: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,d] +// B: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// C: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// D: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// E: [d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e] +// F: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// --- +// 0: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 1: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 2: [e,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 3: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 4: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 5: [f,f,f,f,f,f,g,g] +// 6: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 7: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 8: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 9: [g,g,g,h,h,h,h,h] +// A: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// B: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// C: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+0(SB)/4, $0x03020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+4(SB)/4, $0x06050403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+8(SB)/4, $0x0A090807 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+12(SB)/4, $0x0D0C0B0A + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+16(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+20(SB)/4, $0x07808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+24(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+28(SB)/4, $0x0E808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+32(SB)/4, $0x80800F0E +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+36(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+40(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+44(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+48(SB)/4, $0x01008080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+52(SB)/4, $0x05040302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+56(SB)/4, $0x08070605 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+60(SB)/4, $0x0C0B0A09 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+64(SB)/4, $0x02808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+68(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+72(SB)/4, $0x09808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+160+76(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +// 30 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 3: [a,a,a,a,a,a,b,b] +// 4: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 5: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 6: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 7: [b,b,b,b,c,c,c,c] +// 8: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 9: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// A: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// B: [c,c,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// C: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// D: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// E: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// F: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// --- +// 0: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 1: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 2: [e,e,e,e,e,e,f,f] +// 3: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 4: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 5: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 6: [f,f,f,f,g,g,g,g] +// 7: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 8: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 9: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// A: [g,g,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// B: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// C: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// D: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+0(SB)/4, $0x03020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+4(SB)/4, $0x06050403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+8(SB)/4, $0x0A090807 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+12(SB)/4, $0x0E0D0C0B + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+16(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+20(SB)/4, $0x07808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+24(SB)/4, $0x0B808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+28(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+32(SB)/4, $0x8080800F +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+36(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+40(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+44(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+48(SB)/4, $0x02010080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+52(SB)/4, $0x05040302 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+56(SB)/4, $0x09080706 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+60(SB)/4, $0x0D0C0B0A + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+64(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+68(SB)/4, $0x06808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+72(SB)/4, $0x0A808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+240+76(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +// 31 bits => 32 bits +// ------------------ +// 0: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 1: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 2: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,a] +// 3: [a,a,a,a,a,a,a,b] +// 4: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 5: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 6: [b,b,b,b,b,b,b,b] +// 7: [b,b,b,b,b,b,c,c] +// 8: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// 9: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// A: [c,c,c,c,c,c,c,c] +// B: [c,c,c,c,c,d,d,d] +// C: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// D: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// E: [d,d,d,d,d,d,d,d] +// F: [d,d,d,d,e,e,e,e] +// --- +// 0: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 1: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 2: [e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e] +// 3: [e,e,e,f,f,f,f,f] +// 4: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 5: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 6: [f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f] +// 7: [f,f,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 8: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// 9: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// A: [g,g,g,g,g,g,g,g] +// B: [g,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// C: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// D: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// E: [h,h,h,h,h,h,h,h] +// ... +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+0(SB)/4, $0x03020100 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+4(SB)/4, $0x06050403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+8(SB)/4, $0x0A090807 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+12(SB)/4, $0x0E0D0C0B + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+16(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+20(SB)/4, $0x07808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+24(SB)/4, $0x0B808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+28(SB)/4, $0x0F808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+32(SB)/4, $0x8080800F +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+36(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+40(SB)/4, $0x80808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+44(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+48(SB)/4, $0x02010080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+52(SB)/4, $0x06050403 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+56(SB)/4, $0x0A090807 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+60(SB)/4, $0x0E0D0C0B + +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+64(SB)/4, $0x03808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+68(SB)/4, $0x07808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+72(SB)/4, $0x0B808080 +DATA ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits+320+76(SB)/4, $0x80808080 + +// The RIGHT shifts to unpack 32 bits integers. +// +// The following formula was determined empirically as the expression which +// generates shift values: +// +// shift[i] = (i * bitWidth) % 8 +// +GLOBL ·shiftRightInt32(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $256 + +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+0+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+0+4(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+0+8(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+0+12(SB)/4, $3 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+0+16(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+0+20(SB)/4, $5 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+0+24(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+0+28(SB)/4, $7 + +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+32+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+32+4(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+32+8(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+32+12(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+32+16(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+32+20(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+32+24(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+32+28(SB)/4, $6 + +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+64+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+64+4(SB)/4, $3 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+64+8(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+64+12(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+64+16(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+64+20(SB)/4, $7 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+64+24(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+64+28(SB)/4, $5 + +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+96+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+96+4(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+96+8(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+96+12(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+96+16(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+96+20(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+96+24(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+96+28(SB)/4, $4 + +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+128+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+128+4(SB)/4, $5 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+128+8(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+128+12(SB)/4, $7 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+128+16(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+128+20(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+128+24(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+128+28(SB)/4, $3 + +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+160+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+160+4(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+160+8(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+160+12(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+160+16(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+160+20(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+160+24(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+160+28(SB)/4, $2 + +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+192+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+192+4(SB)/4, $7 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+192+8(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+192+12(SB)/4, $5 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+192+16(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+192+20(SB)/4, $3 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+192+24(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+192+28(SB)/4, $1 + +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+224+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+224+4(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+224+8(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+224+12(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+224+16(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+224+20(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+224+24(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftRightInt32+224+28(SB)/4, $0 + +// The LEFT shifts to unpack 32 bits integers. +// +// The following formula was determined empirically as the expression which +// generates shift values: +// +// shift[i] = (8 - (i * bitWidth)) % 8 +// +GLOBL ·shiftLeftInt32(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $256 + +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+0+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+0+4(SB)/4, $7 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+0+8(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+0+12(SB)/4, $5 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+0+16(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+0+20(SB)/4, $3 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+0+24(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+0+28(SB)/4, $1 + +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+32+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+32+4(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+32+8(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+32+12(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+32+16(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+32+20(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+32+24(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+32+28(SB)/4, $2 + +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+64+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+64+4(SB)/4, $5 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+64+8(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+64+12(SB)/4, $7 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+64+16(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+64+20(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+64+24(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+64+28(SB)/4, $3 + +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+96+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+96+4(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+96+8(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+96+12(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+96+16(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+96+20(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+96+24(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+96+28(SB)/4, $4 + +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+128+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+128+4(SB)/4, $3 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+128+8(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+128+12(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+128+16(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+128+20(SB)/4, $7 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+128+24(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+128+28(SB)/4, $5 + +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+160+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+160+4(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+160+8(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+160+12(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+160+16(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+160+20(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+160+24(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+160+28(SB)/4, $6 + +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+192+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+192+4(SB)/4, $1 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+192+8(SB)/4, $2 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+192+12(SB)/4, $3 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+192+16(SB)/4, $4 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+192+20(SB)/4, $5 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+192+24(SB)/4, $6 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+192+28(SB)/4, $7 + +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+224+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+224+4(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+224+8(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+224+12(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+224+16(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+224+20(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+224+24(SB)/4, $0 +DATA ·shiftLeftInt32+224+28(SB)/4, $0 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/pack.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/pack.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..585202842fcb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/pack.go @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +package bitpack + +import ( + "encoding/binary" +) + +// PackInt32 packs values from src to dst, each value is packed into the given +// bit width regardless of how many bits are needed to represent it. +// +// The function panics if dst is too short to hold the bit packed values. +func PackInt32(dst []byte, src []int32, bitWidth uint) { + assertPack(dst, len(src), bitWidth) + packInt32(dst, src, bitWidth) +} + +func packInt32(dst []byte, src []int32, bitWidth uint) { + n := ByteCount(uint(len(src)) * bitWidth) + b := dst[:n] + + for i := range b { + b[i] = 0 + } + + bitMask := uint32(1<> (32 - j)) + + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(dst[(i+0)*4:], lo) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(dst[(i+1)*4:], hi) + + bitOffset += bitWidth + } +} + +// PackInt64 packs values from src to dst, each value is packed into the given +// bit width regardless of how many bits are needed to represent it. +// +// The function panics if dst is too short to hold the bit packed values. +func PackInt64(dst []byte, src []int64, bitWidth uint) { + assertPack(dst, len(src), bitWidth) + packInt64(dst, src, bitWidth) +} + +func packInt64(dst []byte, src []int64, bitWidth uint) { + n := ByteCount(uint(len(src)) * bitWidth) + b := dst[:n] + + for i := range b { + b[i] = 0 + } + + bitMask := uint64(1<> (64 - j)) + + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(dst[(i+0)*8:], lo) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(dst[(i+1)*8:], hi) + + bitOffset += bitWidth + } +} + +func assertPack(dst []byte, count int, bitWidth uint) { + _ = dst[:ByteCount(bitWidth*uint(count))] +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..752a6f7ff8cd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack.go @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +package bitpack + +// PaddingInt32 is the padding expected to exist after the end of input buffers +// for the UnpackInt32 algorithm to avoid reading beyond the end of the input. +const PaddingInt32 = 16 + +// PaddingInt64 is the padding expected to exist after the end of input buffers +// for the UnpackInt32 algorithm to avoid reading beyond the end of the input. +const PaddingInt64 = 32 + +// UnpackInt32 unpacks 32 bit integers from src to dst. +// +// The function unpacked len(dst) integers, it panics if src is too short to +// contain len(dst) values of the given bit width. +func UnpackInt32(dst []int32, src []byte, bitWidth uint) { + _ = src[:ByteCount(bitWidth*uint(len(dst))+8*PaddingInt32)] + unpackInt32(dst, src, bitWidth) +} + +// UnpackInt64 unpacks 64 bit integers from src to dst. +// +// The function unpacked len(dst) integers, it panics if src is too short to +// contain len(dst) values of the given bit width. +func UnpackInt64(dst []int64, src []byte, bitWidth uint) { + _ = src[:ByteCount(bitWidth*uint(len(dst))+8*PaddingInt64)] + unpackInt64(dst, src, bitWidth) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f39322239190f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package bitpack + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" + "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" +) + +//go:noescape +func unpackInt32Default(dst []int32, src []byte, bitWidth uint) + +//go:noescape +func unpackInt32x1to16bitsAVX2(dst []int32, src []byte, bitWidth uint) + +//go:noescape +func unpackInt32x17to26bitsAVX2(dst []int32, src []byte, bitWidth uint) + +//go:noescape +func unpackInt32x27to31bitsAVX2(dst []int32, src []byte, bitWidth uint) + +func unpackInt32(dst []int32, src []byte, bitWidth uint) { + hasAVX2 := cpu.X86.HasAVX2 + switch { + case hasAVX2 && bitWidth <= 16: + unpackInt32x1to16bitsAVX2(dst, src, bitWidth) + case hasAVX2 && bitWidth <= 26: + unpackInt32x17to26bitsAVX2(dst, src, bitWidth) + case hasAVX2 && bitWidth <= 31: + unpackInt32x27to31bitsAVX2(dst, src, bitWidth) + case bitWidth == 32: + copy(dst, unsafecast.Slice[int32](src)) + default: + unpackInt32Default(dst, src, bitWidth) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e0f2bf4a4d628 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "funcdata.h" +#include "textflag.h" + +// func unpackInt32Default(dst []int32, src []byte, bitWidth uint) +TEXT ·unpackInt32Default(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-56 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), DX + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ bitWidth+48(FP), CX + + MOVQ $1, R8 // bitMask = (1 << bitWidth) - 1 + SHLQ CX, R8 + DECQ R8 + MOVQ CX, R9 // bitWidth + + XORQ DI, DI // bitOffset + XORQ SI, SI // index + JMP test +loop: + MOVQ DI, R10 + MOVQ DI, CX + SHRQ $5, R10 // i = bitOffset / 32 + ANDQ $0b11111, CX // j = bitOffset % 32 + + MOVL (BX)(R10*4), R11 + MOVL R8, R12 // d = bitMask + SHLL CX, R12 // d = d << j + ANDL R12, R11 // d = src[i] & d + SHRL CX, R11 // d = d >> j + + MOVL CX, R13 + ADDL R9, R13 + CMPL R13, $32 + JBE next // j+bitWidth <= 32 ? + + MOVL 4(BX)(R10*4), R14 + MOVL CX, R12 + MOVL $32, CX + SUBL R12, CX // k = 32 - j + MOVL R8, R12 // c = bitMask + SHRL CX, R12 // c = c >> k + ANDL R12, R14 // c = src[i+1] & c + SHLL CX, R14 // c = c << k + ORL R14, R11 // d = d | c +next: + MOVL R11, (AX)(SI*4) // dst[n] = d + ADDQ R9, DI // bitOffset += bitWidth + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, DX + JNE loop + RET + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// The unpack* functions below are adaptations of the algorithms +// described in "Decoding billions of integers per second through vectorization" +// from D. Lemire & L. Boytsov, the following changes were made: +// +// - The paper described two methods for decoding integers called "horizontal" +// and "vertical". The "horizontal" version is the one that applies the best +// to the bit packing done in the Parquet delta encoding; however, it also +// differs in some ways, many compression techniques discussed in the paper +// are not implemented in the Parquet format. +// +// - The paper focuses on implementations based on SSE instructions, which +// describes how to use PMULLD to emulate the lack of variable bit shift +// for packed integers. Our version of the bit unpacking algorithms here +// uses AVX2 and can perform variable bit shifts using VPSRLVD, which yields +// better throughput since the instruction latency is a single CPU cycle, +// vs 10 for VPMULLD. +// +// - The reference implementation at https://github.com/lemire/FastPFor/ uses +// specializations for each bit size, resulting in 32 unique functions. +// Our version here are more generic, we provide 3 variations of the +// algorithm for bit widths 1 to 16, 17 to 26, and 27 to 31 (unpacking 32 +// bits values is a simple copy). In that regard, our implementation is +// somewhat an improvement over the reference, since it uses less code and +// less memory to hold the shuffle masks and shift tables. +// +// Technically, each specialization of our functions could be expressed by the +// algorithm used for unpacking values of 27 to 31 bits. However, multiple steps +// of the main loop can be removed for lower bit widths, providing up to ~35% +// better throughput for smaller sizes. Since we expect delta encoding to often +// result in bit packing values to smaller bit widths, the specializations are +// worth the extra complexity. +// +// For more details, see: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1209.2137v5.pdf +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +// unpackInt32x1to16bitsAVX2 is the implementation of the bit unpacking +// algorithm for inputs of bit width 1 to 16. +// +// In this version of the algorithm, we can perform a single memory load in each +// loop iteration since we know that 8 values will fit in a single XMM register. +// +// func unpackInt32x1to16bitsAVX2(dst []int32, src []byte, bitWidth uint) +TEXT ·unpackInt32x1to16bitsAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $56-56 + NO_LOCAL_POINTERS + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), DX + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ bitWidth+48(FP), CX + + CMPQ DX, $8 + JB tail + + MOVQ DX, DI + SHRQ $3, DI + SHLQ $3, DI + XORQ SI, SI + + MOVQ $1, R8 + SHLQ CX, R8 + DECQ R8 + MOVQ R8, X0 + VPBROADCASTD X0, X0 // bitMask = (1 << bitWidth) - 1 + + MOVQ CX, R9 + DECQ R9 + SHLQ $5, R9 // 32 * (bitWidth - 1) + + MOVQ CX, R10 + DECQ R10 + SHLQ $5, R10 + ANDQ $0xFF, R10 // (32 * (bitWidth - 1)) % 256 + + LEAQ ·shuffleInt32x1to16bits(SB), R11 + VMOVDQA (R11)(R9*1), X1 + VMOVDQA 16(R11)(R9*1), X2 + + LEAQ ·shiftRightInt32(SB), R12 + VMOVDQA (R12)(R10*1), X3 + VMOVDQA 16(R12)(R10*1), X4 +loop: + VMOVDQU (BX), X7 + + VPSHUFB X1, X7, X5 + VPSHUFB X2, X7, X6 + + VPSRLVD X3, X5, X5 + VPSRLVD X4, X6, X6 + + VPAND X0, X5, X5 + VPAND X0, X6, X6 + + VMOVDQU X5, (AX)(SI*4) + VMOVDQU X6, 16(AX)(SI*4) + + ADDQ CX, BX + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop + VZEROUPPER + + CMPQ SI, DX + JE done + LEAQ (AX)(SI*4), AX + SUBQ SI, DX +tail: + MOVQ AX, dst_base-56(SP) + MOVQ DX, dst_len-48(SP) + MOVQ BX, src_base-32(SP) + MOVQ CX, bitWidth-8(SP) + CALL ·unpackInt32Default(SB) +done: + RET + +// unpackInt32x17to26bitsAVX2 is the implementation of the bit unpacking +// algorithm for inputs of bit width 17 to 26. +// +// In this version of the algorithm, we need to 32 bytes at each loop iteration +// because 8 bit-packed values will span across two XMM registers. +// +// func unpackInt32x17to26bitsAVX2(dst []int32, src []byte, bitWidth uint) +TEXT ·unpackInt32x17to26bitsAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $56-56 + NO_LOCAL_POINTERS + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), DX + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ bitWidth+48(FP), CX + + CMPQ DX, $8 + JB tail + + MOVQ DX, DI + SHRQ $3, DI + SHLQ $3, DI + XORQ SI, SI + + MOVQ $1, R8 + SHLQ CX, R8 + DECQ R8 + MOVQ R8, X0 + VPBROADCASTD X0, X0 + + MOVQ CX, R9 + SUBQ $17, R9 + IMULQ $48, R9 // 48 * (bitWidth - 17) + + MOVQ CX, R10 + DECQ R10 + SHLQ $5, R10 + ANDQ $0xFF, R10 // (32 * (bitWidth - 1)) % 256 + + LEAQ ·shuffleInt32x17to26bits(SB), R11 + VMOVDQA (R11)(R9*1), X1 + VMOVDQA 16(R11)(R9*1), X2 + VMOVDQA 32(R11)(R9*1), X3 + + LEAQ ·shiftRightInt32(SB), R12 + VMOVDQA (R12)(R10*1), X4 + VMOVDQA 16(R12)(R10*1), X5 +loop: + VMOVDQU (BX), X6 + VMOVDQU 16(BX), X7 + + VPSHUFB X1, X6, X8 + VPSHUFB X2, X6, X9 + VPSHUFB X3, X7, X10 + VPOR X10, X9, X9 + + VPSRLVD X4, X8, X8 + VPSRLVD X5, X9, X9 + + VPAND X0, X8, X8 + VPAND X0, X9, X9 + + VMOVDQU X8, (AX)(SI*4) + VMOVDQU X9, 16(AX)(SI*4) + + ADDQ CX, BX + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop + VZEROUPPER + + CMPQ SI, DX + JE done + LEAQ (AX)(SI*4), AX + SUBQ SI, DX +tail: + MOVQ AX, dst_base-56(SP) + MOVQ DX, dst_len-48(SP) + MOVQ BX, src_base-32(SP) + MOVQ CX, bitWidth-8(SP) + CALL ·unpackInt32Default(SB) +done: + RET + +// unpackInt32x27to31bitsAVX2 is the implementation of the bit unpacking +// algorithm for inputs of bit width 27 to 31. +// +// In this version of the algorithm the bit-packed values may span across up to +// 5 bytes. The simpler approach for smaller bit widths where we could perform a +// single shuffle + shift to unpack the values do not work anymore. +// +// Values are unpacked in two steps: the first one extracts lower bits which are +// shifted RIGHT to align on the beginning of 32 bit words, the second extracts +// upper bits which are shifted LEFT to be moved to the end of the 32 bit words. +// +// The amount of LEFT shifts is always "8 minus the amount of RIGHT shift". +// +// func unpackInt32x27to31bitsAVX2(dst []int32, src []byte, bitWidth uint) +TEXT ·unpackInt32x27to31bitsAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $56-56 + NO_LOCAL_POINTERS + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), DX + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ bitWidth+48(FP), CX + + CMPQ DX, $8 + JB tail + + MOVQ DX, DI + SHRQ $3, DI + SHLQ $3, DI + XORQ SI, SI + + MOVQ $1, R8 + SHLQ CX, R8 + DECQ R8 + MOVQ R8, X0 + VPBROADCASTD X0, X0 + + MOVQ CX, R9 + SUBQ $27, R9 + IMULQ $80, R9 // (80 * (bitWidth - 27)) + + MOVQ CX, R10 + DECQ R10 + SHLQ $5, R10 + ANDQ $0xFF, R10 // (32 * (bitWidth - 1)) % 256 + + LEAQ ·shuffleInt32x27to31bits(SB), R11 + VMOVDQA (R11)(R9*1), X1 + VMOVDQA 16(R11)(R9*1), X2 + VMOVDQA 32(R11)(R9*1), X3 + VMOVDQA 48(R11)(R9*1), X4 + VMOVDQA 64(R11)(R9*1), X5 + + LEAQ ·shiftRightInt32(SB), R12 + LEAQ ·shiftLeftInt32(SB), R13 + VMOVDQA (R12)(R10*1), X6 + VMOVDQA (R13)(R10*1), X7 + VMOVDQA 16(R12)(R10*1), X8 + VMOVDQA 16(R13)(R10*1), X9 +loop: + VMOVDQU (BX), X10 + VMOVDQU 16(BX), X11 + + VPSHUFB X1, X10, X12 + VPSHUFB X2, X10, X13 + VPSHUFB X3, X10, X14 + VPSHUFB X4, X11, X15 + VPSHUFB X5, X11, X11 + + VPSRLVD X6, X12, X12 + VPSLLVD X7, X13, X13 + VPSRLVD X8, X14, X14 + VPSRLVD X8, X15, X15 + VPSLLVD X9, X11, X11 + + VPOR X13, X12, X12 + VPOR X15, X14, X14 + VPOR X11, X14, X14 + + VPAND X0, X12, X12 + VPAND X0, X14, X14 + + VMOVDQU X12, (AX)(SI*4) + VMOVDQU X14, 16(AX)(SI*4) + + ADDQ CX, BX + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop + VZEROUPPER + + CMPQ SI, DX + JE done + LEAQ (AX)(SI*4), AX + SUBQ SI, DX +tail: + MOVQ AX, dst_base-56(SP) + MOVQ DX, dst_len-48(SP) + MOVQ BX, src_base-32(SP) + MOVQ CX, bitWidth-8(SP) + CALL ·unpackInt32Default(SB) +done: + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_be.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_be.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..0f4ba054c42b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_be.go @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +//go:build s390x + +package bitpack + +import "encoding/binary" + +func unsafecastBytesToUint32(src []byte) []uint32 { + out := make([]uint32, len(src)/4) + idx := 0 + for k := range out { + out[k] = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32((src)[idx:(4 + idx)]) + idx += 4 + } + return out +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_le.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_le.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f754e704ff113 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_le.go @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +//go:build !s390x + +package bitpack + +import "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" + +func unsafecastBytesToUint32(src []byte) []uint32 { + return unsafecast.Slice[uint32](src) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1e65d8c02b9bc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int32_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package bitpack + +func unpackInt32(dst []int32, src []byte, bitWidth uint) { + bits := unsafecastBytesToUint32(src) + bitMask := uint32(1<> j + if j+bitWidth > 32 { + k := 32 - j + d |= (bits[i+1] & (bitMask >> k)) << k + } + dst[n] = int32(d) + bitOffset += bitWidth + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int64_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int64_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9314e73c2e9a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int64_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package bitpack + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" + "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" +) + +//go:noescape +func unpackInt64Default(dst []int64, src []byte, bitWidth uint) + +//go:noescape +func unpackInt64x1to32bitsAVX2(dst []int64, src []byte, bitWidth uint) + +func unpackInt64(dst []int64, src []byte, bitWidth uint) { + hasAVX2 := cpu.X86.HasAVX2 + switch { + case hasAVX2 && bitWidth <= 32: + unpackInt64x1to32bitsAVX2(dst, src, bitWidth) + case bitWidth == 64: + copy(dst, unsafecast.Slice[int64](src)) + default: + unpackInt64Default(dst, src, bitWidth) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int64_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int64_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..91d28f680e3d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int64_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "funcdata.h" +#include "textflag.h" + +// func unpackInt64Default(dst []int64, src []uint32, bitWidth uint) +TEXT ·unpackInt64Default(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-56 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), DX + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ bitWidth+48(FP), CX + + MOVQ $1, R8 // bitMask = (1 << bitWidth) - 1 + SHLQ CX, R8, R8 + DECQ R8 + MOVQ CX, R9 // bitWidth + + XORQ DI, DI // bitOffset + XORQ SI, SI // index + XORQ R10, R10 + XORQ R11, R11 + XORQ R14, R14 + JMP test +loop: + MOVQ DI, R10 + MOVQ DI, CX + SHRQ $5, R10 // i = bitOffset / 32 + ANDQ $0b11111, CX // j = bitOffset % 32 + + MOVLQZX (BX)(R10*4), R11 + MOVQ R8, R12 // d = bitMask + SHLQ CX, R12 // d = d << j + ANDQ R12, R11 // d = src[i] & d + SHRQ CX, R11 // d = d >> j + + MOVQ CX, R13 + ADDQ R9, R13 + CMPQ R13, $32 + JBE next // j+bitWidth <= 32 ? + MOVQ CX, R15 // j + + MOVLQZX 4(BX)(R10*4), R14 + MOVQ $32, CX + SUBQ R15, CX // k = 32 - j + MOVQ R8, R12 // c = bitMask + SHRQ CX, R12 // c = c >> k + ANDQ R12, R14 // c = src[i+1] & c + SHLQ CX, R14 // c = c << k + ORQ R14, R11 // d = d | c + + CMPQ R13, $64 + JBE next + + MOVLQZX 8(BX)(R10*4), R14 + MOVQ $64, CX + SUBQ R15, CX // k = 64 - j + MOVQ R8, R12 // c = bitMask + SHRQ CX, R12 // c = c >> k + ANDQ R12, R14 // c = src[i+2] & c + SHLQ CX, R14 // c = c << k + ORQ R14, R11 // d = d | c +next: + MOVQ R11, (AX)(SI*8) // dst[n] = d + ADDQ R9, DI // bitOffset += bitWidth + INCQ SI +test: + CMPQ SI, DX + JNE loop + RET + +// This bit unpacking function was inspired from the 32 bit version, but +// adapted to account for the fact that eight 64 bit values span across +// two YMM registers, and across lanes of YMM registers. +// +// Because of the two lanes of YMM registers, we cannot use the VPSHUFB +// instruction to dispatch bytes of the input to the registers. Instead we use +// the VPERMD instruction, which has higher latency but supports dispatching +// bytes across register lanes. Measurable throughput gains remain despite the +// algorithm running on a few more CPU cycles per loop. +// +// The initialization phase of this algorithm generates masks for +// permutations and shifts used to decode the bit-packed values. +// +// The permutation masks are written to Y7 and Y8, and contain the results +// of this formula: +// +// temp[i] = (bitWidth * i) / 32 +// mask[i] = temp[i] | ((temp[i] + 1) << 32) +// +// Since VPERMQ only supports reading the permutation combination from an +// immediate value, we use VPERMD and generate permutation for pairs of two +// consecutive 32 bit words, which is why we have the upper part of each 64 +// bit word set with (x+1)<<32. +// +// The masks for right shifts are written to Y5 and Y6, and computed with +// this formula: +// +// shift[i] = (bitWidth * i) - (32 * ((bitWidth * i) / 32)) +// +// The amount to shift by is the number of values previously unpacked, offseted +// by the byte count of 32 bit words that we read from first bits from. +// +// Technically the masks could be precomputed and declared in global tables; +// however, declaring masks for all bit width is tedious and makes code +// maintenance more costly for no measurable benefits on production workloads. +// +// func unpackInt64x1to32bitsAVX2(dst []int64, src []byte, bitWidth uint) +TEXT ·unpackInt64x1to32bitsAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $56-56 + NO_LOCAL_POINTERS + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), DX + MOVQ src_base+24(FP), BX + MOVQ bitWidth+48(FP), CX + + CMPQ DX, $8 + JB tail + + MOVQ DX, DI + SHRQ $3, DI + SHLQ $3, DI + XORQ SI, SI + + MOVQ $1, R8 + SHLQ CX, R8 + DECQ R8 + MOVQ R8, X0 + VPBROADCASTQ X0, Y0 // bitMask = (1 << bitWidth) - 1 + + VPCMPEQQ Y1, Y1, Y1 + VPSRLQ $63, Y1, Y1 // [1,1,1,1] + + MOVQ CX, X2 + VPBROADCASTQ X2, Y2 // [bitWidth] + + VMOVDQU range0n7<>+0(SB), Y3 // [0,1,2,3] + VMOVDQU range0n7<>+32(SB), Y4 // [4,5,6,7] + + VPMULLD Y2, Y3, Y5 // [bitWidth] * [0,1,2,3] + VPMULLD Y2, Y4, Y6 // [bitWidth] * [4,5,6,7] + + VPSRLQ $5, Y5, Y7 // ([bitWidth] * [0,1,2,3]) / 32 + VPSRLQ $5, Y6, Y8 // ([bitWidth] * [4,5,6,7]) / 32 + + VPSLLQ $5, Y7, Y9 // (([bitWidth] * [0,1,2,3]) / 32) * 32 + VPSLLQ $5, Y8, Y10 // (([bitWidth] * [4,5,6,7]) / 32) * 32 + + VPADDQ Y1, Y7, Y11 + VPADDQ Y1, Y8, Y12 + VPSLLQ $32, Y11, Y11 + VPSLLQ $32, Y12, Y12 + VPOR Y11, Y7, Y7 // permutations[i] = [i | ((i + 1) << 32)] + VPOR Y12, Y8, Y8 // permutations[i] = [i | ((i + 1) << 32)] + + VPSUBQ Y9, Y5, Y5 // shifts + VPSUBQ Y10, Y6, Y6 +loop: + VMOVDQU (BX), Y1 + + VPERMD Y1, Y7, Y2 + VPERMD Y1, Y8, Y3 + + VPSRLVQ Y5, Y2, Y2 + VPSRLVQ Y6, Y3, Y3 + + VPAND Y0, Y2, Y2 + VPAND Y0, Y3, Y3 + + VMOVDQU Y2, (AX)(SI*8) + VMOVDQU Y3, 32(AX)(SI*8) + + ADDQ CX, BX + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop + VZEROUPPER + + CMPQ SI, DX + JE done + LEAQ (AX)(SI*8), AX + SUBQ SI, DX +tail: + MOVQ AX, dst_base-56(SP) + MOVQ DX, dst_len-48(SP) + MOVQ BX, src_base-32(SP) + MOVQ CX, bitWidth-8(SP) + CALL ·unpackInt64Default(SB) +done: + RET + +GLOBL range0n7<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 +DATA range0n7<>+0(SB)/8, $0 +DATA range0n7<>+8(SB)/8, $1 +DATA range0n7<>+16(SB)/8, $2 +DATA range0n7<>+24(SB)/8, $3 +DATA range0n7<>+32(SB)/8, $4 +DATA range0n7<>+40(SB)/8, $5 +DATA range0n7<>+48(SB)/8, $6 +DATA range0n7<>+56(SB)/8, $7 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int64_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int64_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..7a20882efbc50 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack/unpack_int64_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package bitpack + +func unpackInt64(dst []int64, src []byte, bitWidth uint) { + bits := unsafecastBytesToUint32(src) + bitMask := uint64(1<> j + if j+bitWidth > 32 { + k := 32 - j + d |= (uint64(bits[i+1]) & (bitMask >> k)) << k + if j+bitWidth > 64 { + k := 64 - j + d |= (uint64(bits[i+2]) & (bitMask >> k)) << k + } + } + dst[n] = int64(d) + bitOffset += bitWidth + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/broadcast_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/broadcast_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..407f1cfc528f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/broadcast_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package bytealg + +//go:noescape +func broadcastAVX2(dst []byte, src byte) + +// Broadcast writes the src value to all bytes of dst. +func Broadcast(dst []byte, src byte) { + if len(dst) >= 8 && hasAVX2 { + broadcastAVX2(dst, src) + } else { + for i := range dst { + dst[i] = src + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/broadcast_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/broadcast_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..241a658e318c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/broadcast_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// func broadcastAVX2(dst []byte, src byte) +TEXT ·broadcastAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-25 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), BX + MOVBQZX src+24(FP), CX + + CMPQ BX, $8 + JBE test + + CMPQ BX, $64 + JB init8 + + XORQ SI, SI + MOVQ BX, DX + SHRQ $6, DX + SHLQ $6, DX + MOVQ CX, X0 + VPBROADCASTB X0, Y0 +loop64: + VMOVDQU Y0, (AX)(SI*1) + VMOVDQU Y0, 32(AX)(SI*1) + ADDQ $64, SI + CMPQ SI, DX + JNE loop64 + VMOVDQU Y0, -64(AX)(BX*1) + VMOVDQU Y0, -32(AX)(BX*1) + VZEROUPPER + RET + +init8: + MOVQ $0x0101010101010101, R8 + IMULQ R8, CX +loop8: + MOVQ CX, -8(AX)(BX*1) + SUBQ $8, BX + CMPQ BX, $8 + JAE loop8 + MOVQ CX, (AX) + RET + +loop: + MOVB CX, -1(AX)(BX*1) + DECQ BX +test: + CMPQ BX, $0 + JNE loop + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/broadcast_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/broadcast_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..fd858e0a23686 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/broadcast_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package bytealg + +func Broadcast(dst []byte, src byte) { + for i := range dst { + dst[i] = src + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/bytealg.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/bytealg.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..0698df22f5f59 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/bytealg.go @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +// Package bytealg contains optimized algorithms operating on byte slices. +package bytealg diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/bytealg_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/bytealg_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..edfcb64c74a6b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/bytealg_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package bytealg + +import "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" + +var ( + hasAVX2 = cpu.X86.HasAVX2 + // These use AVX-512 instructions in the countByte algorithm relies + // operations that are available in the AVX512BW extension: + // * VPCMPUB + // * KMOVQ + // + // Note that the function will fallback to an AVX2 version if those + // instructions are not available. + hasAVX512Count = cpu.X86.HasAVX512VL && cpu.X86.HasAVX512BW +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/count_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/count_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b41d3d8d9793d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/count_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package bytealg + +// This function is similar to using the standard bytes.Count function with a +// one-byte separator. However, the implementation makes use of AVX-512 when +// possible, which yields measurable throughput improvements: +// +// name old time/op new time/op delta +// CountByte 82.5ns ± 0% 43.9ns ± 0% -46.74% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// +// name old speed new speed delta +// CountByte 49.6GB/s ± 0% 93.2GB/s ± 0% +87.74% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// +// On systems that do not have AVX-512, the AVX2 version of the code is also +// optimized to make use of multiple register lanes, which gives a bit better +// throughput than the standard library function: +// +// name old time/op new time/op delta +// CountByte 82.5ns ± 0% 61.0ns ± 0% -26.04% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// +// name old speed new speed delta +// CountByte 49.6GB/s ± 0% 67.1GB/s ± 0% +35.21% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// +//go:noescape +func Count(data []byte, value byte) int diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/count_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/count_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..d429614098b68 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/count_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// func Count(data []byte, value byte) int +TEXT ·Count(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-40 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + MOVB value+24(FP), BX + MOVQ CX, DX // len + ADDQ AX, CX // end + XORQ SI, SI // count + + CMPQ DX, $256 + JB test + + CMPB ·hasAVX2(SB), $0 + JE test + + XORQ R12, R12 + XORQ R13, R13 + XORQ R14, R14 + XORQ R15, R15 + + CMPB ·hasAVX512Count(SB), $0 + JE initAVX2 + + SHRQ $8, DX + SHLQ $8, DX + ADDQ AX, DX + VPBROADCASTB BX, Z0 +loopAVX512: + VMOVDQU64 (AX), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 64(AX), Z2 + VMOVDQU64 128(AX), Z3 + VMOVDQU64 192(AX), Z4 + VPCMPUB $0, Z0, Z1, K1 + VPCMPUB $0, Z0, Z2, K2 + VPCMPUB $0, Z0, Z3, K3 + VPCMPUB $0, Z0, Z4, K4 + KMOVQ K1, R8 + KMOVQ K2, R9 + KMOVQ K3, R10 + KMOVQ K4, R11 + POPCNTQ R8, R8 + POPCNTQ R9, R9 + POPCNTQ R10, R10 + POPCNTQ R11, R11 + ADDQ R8, R12 + ADDQ R9, R13 + ADDQ R10, R14 + ADDQ R11, R15 + ADDQ $256, AX + CMPQ AX, DX + JNE loopAVX512 + ADDQ R12, R13 + ADDQ R14, R15 + ADDQ R13, SI + ADDQ R15, SI + JMP doneAVX + +initAVX2: + SHRQ $6, DX + SHLQ $6, DX + ADDQ AX, DX + VPBROADCASTB value+24(FP), Y0 +loopAVX2: + VMOVDQU (AX), Y1 + VMOVDQU 32(AX), Y2 + VPCMPEQB Y0, Y1, Y1 + VPCMPEQB Y0, Y2, Y2 + VPMOVMSKB Y1, R12 + VPMOVMSKB Y2, R13 + POPCNTL R12, R12 + POPCNTL R13, R13 + ADDQ R12, R14 + ADDQ R13, R15 + ADDQ $64, AX + CMPQ AX, DX + JNE loopAVX2 + ADDQ R14, SI + ADDQ R15, SI + +doneAVX: + VZEROUPPER + JMP test + +loop: + MOVQ SI, DI + INCQ DI + MOVB (AX), R8 + CMPB BX, R8 + CMOVQEQ DI, SI + INCQ AX +test: + CMPQ AX, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVQ SI, ret+32(FP) + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/count_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/count_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..de35ee44a3993 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg/count_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package bytealg + +import "bytes" + +func Count(data []byte, value byte) int { + return bytes.Count(data, []byte{value}) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/debug/debug.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/debug/debug.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..45c12e2a03aee --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/debug/debug.go @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +package debug + +import ( + "encoding/hex" + "fmt" + "io" + "log" + "os" + "strconv" + "strings" +) + +func ReaderAt(reader io.ReaderAt, prefix string) io.ReaderAt { + return &ioReaderAt{ + reader: reader, + prefix: prefix, + } +} + +type ioReaderAt struct { + reader io.ReaderAt + prefix string +} + +func (d *ioReaderAt) ReadAt(b []byte, off int64) (int, error) { + n, err := d.reader.ReadAt(b, off) + fmt.Printf("%s: Read(%d) @%d => %d %v \n%s\n", d.prefix, len(b), off, n, err, hex.Dump(b[:n])) + return n, err +} + +func Reader(reader io.Reader, prefix string) io.Reader { + return &ioReader{ + reader: reader, + prefix: prefix, + } +} + +type ioReader struct { + reader io.Reader + prefix string + offset int64 +} + +func (d *ioReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) { + n, err := d.reader.Read(b) + fmt.Printf("%s: Read(%d) @%d => %d %v \n%s\n", d.prefix, len(b), d.offset, n, err, hex.Dump(b[:n])) + d.offset += int64(n) + return n, err +} + +func Writer(writer io.Writer, prefix string) io.Writer { + return &ioWriter{ + writer: writer, + prefix: prefix, + } +} + +type ioWriter struct { + writer io.Writer + prefix string + offset int64 +} + +func (d *ioWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + n, err := d.writer.Write(b) + fmt.Printf("%s: Write(%d) @%d => %d %v \n %q\n", d.prefix, len(b), d.offset, n, err, b[:n]) + d.offset += int64(n) + return n, err +} + +var ( + TRACEBUF int +) + +func init() { + for _, arg := range strings.Split(os.Getenv("PARQUETGODEBUG"), ",") { + k := arg + v := "" + i := strings.IndexByte(arg, '=') + if i >= 0 { + k, v = arg[:i], arg[i+1:] + } + var err error + switch k { + case "": + // ignore empty entries + case "tracebuf": + if TRACEBUF, err = strconv.Atoi(v); err != nil { + log.Printf("PARQUETGODEBUG: invalid value for tracebuf: %q", v) + } + default: + log.Printf("PARQUETGODEBUG: unrecognized debug option: %q", k) + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/debug/finalizer_off.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/debug/finalizer_off.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..acabe9cdf6963 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/debug/finalizer_off.go @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +//go:build debug + +package debug + +// SetFinalizer is a no-op when the debug tag is specified. +func SetFinalizer(interface{}, interface{}) {} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/debug/finalizer_on.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/debug/finalizer_on.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..fc188ccac72b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/debug/finalizer_on.go @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +//go:build !debug + +package debug + +import "runtime" + +func SetFinalizer(obj, finalizer interface{}) { runtime.SetFinalizer(obj, finalizer) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast/unsafecast.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast/unsafecast.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..0838fd10e68df --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast/unsafecast.go @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +// Package unsafecast exposes functions to bypass the Go type system and perform +// conversions between types that would otherwise not be possible. +// +// The functions of this package are mostly useful as optimizations to avoid +// memory copies when converting between compatible memory layouts; for example, +// casting a [][16]byte to a []byte in order to use functions of the standard +// bytes package on the slices. +// +// With great power comes great responsibility. +package unsafecast + +import "unsafe" + +// The slice type represents the memory layout of slices in Go. It is similar to +// reflect.SliceHeader but uses a unsafe.Pointer instead of uintptr to for the +// backing array to allow the garbage collector to track track the reference. +type slice struct { + ptr unsafe.Pointer + len int + cap int +} + +// Slice converts the data slice of type []From to a slice of type []To sharing +// the same backing array. The length and capacity of the returned slice are +// scaled according to the size difference between the source and destination +// types. +// +// Note that the function does not perform any checks to ensure that the memory +// layouts of the types are compatible, it is possible to cause memory +// corruption if the layouts mismatch (e.g. the pointers in the From are +// different than the pointers in To). +func Slice[To, From any](data []From) []To { + // This function could use unsafe.Slice but it would drop the capacity + // information, so instead we implement the type conversion. + var zf From + var zt To + var s = slice{ + ptr: unsafe.Pointer(unsafe.SliceData(data)), + len: int((uintptr(len(data)) * unsafe.Sizeof(zf)) / unsafe.Sizeof(zt)), + cap: int((uintptr(cap(data)) * unsafe.Sizeof(zf)) / unsafe.Sizeof(zt)), + } + return *(*[]To)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) +} + +// String converts a byte slice to a string value. The returned string shares +// the backing array of the byte slice. +// +// Programs using this function are responsible for ensuring that the data slice +// is not modified while the returned string is in use, otherwise the guarantee +// of immutability of Go string values will be violated, resulting in undefined +// behavior. +func String(data []byte) string { + return unsafe.String(unsafe.SliceData(data), len(data)) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/level.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/level.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..0e2576fab5629 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/level.go @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +package parquet + +import "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg" + +func countLevelsEqual(levels []byte, value byte) int { + return bytealg.Count(levels, value) +} + +func countLevelsNotEqual(levels []byte, value byte) int { + return len(levels) - countLevelsEqual(levels, value) +} + +func appendLevel(levels []byte, value byte, count int) []byte { + i := len(levels) + n := len(levels) + count + + if cap(levels) < n { + newLevels := make([]byte, n, 2*n) + copy(newLevels, levels) + levels = newLevels + } else { + levels = levels[:n] + } + + bytealg.Broadcast(levels[i:], value) + return levels +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/limits.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/limits.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..bf877565c981e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/limits.go @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "fmt" + "math" +) + +const ( + // MaxColumnDepth is the maximum column depth supported by this package. + MaxColumnDepth = math.MaxInt8 + + // MaxColumnIndex is the maximum column index supported by this package. + MaxColumnIndex = math.MaxInt16 + + // MaxRepetitionLevel is the maximum repetition level supported by this + // package. + MaxRepetitionLevel = math.MaxUint8 + + // MaxDefinitionLevel is the maximum definition level supported by this + // package. + MaxDefinitionLevel = math.MaxUint8 + + // MaxRowGroups is the maximum number of row groups which can be contained + // in a single parquet file. + // + // This limit is enforced by the use of 16 bits signed integers in the file + // metadata footer of parquet files. It is part of the parquet specification + // and therefore cannot be changed. + MaxRowGroups = math.MaxInt16 +) + +const ( + estimatedSizeOfByteArrayValues = 20 +) + +func makeRepetitionLevel(i int) byte { + checkIndexRange("repetition level", i, 0, MaxRepetitionLevel) + return byte(i) +} + +func makeDefinitionLevel(i int) byte { + checkIndexRange("definition level", i, 0, MaxDefinitionLevel) + return byte(i) +} + +func makeColumnIndex(i int) int16 { + checkIndexRange("column index", i, 0, MaxColumnIndex) + return int16(i) +} + +func makeNumValues(i int) int32 { + checkIndexRange("number of values", i, 0, math.MaxInt32) + return int32(i) +} + +func checkIndexRange(typ string, i, min, max int) { + if i < min || i > max { + panic(errIndexOutOfRange(typ, i, min, max)) + } +} + +func errIndexOutOfRange(typ string, i, min, max int) error { + return fmt.Errorf("%s out of range: %d not in [%d:%d]", typ, i, min, max) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/merge.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/merge.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c45cd7103d3e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/merge.go @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "container/heap" + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "sync" +) + +// MergeRowGroups constructs a row group which is a merged view of rowGroups. If +// rowGroups are sorted and the passed options include sorting, the merged row +// group will also be sorted. +// +// The function validates the input to ensure that the merge operation is +// possible, ensuring that the schemas match or can be converted to an +// optionally configured target schema passed as argument in the option list. +// +// The sorting columns of each row group are also consulted to determine whether +// the output can be represented. If sorting columns are configured on the merge +// they must be a prefix of sorting columns of all row groups being merged. +func MergeRowGroups(rowGroups []RowGroup, options ...RowGroupOption) (RowGroup, error) { + config, err := NewRowGroupConfig(options...) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + schema := config.Schema + if len(rowGroups) == 0 { + return newEmptyRowGroup(schema), nil + } + if schema == nil { + schema = rowGroups[0].Schema() + + for _, rowGroup := range rowGroups[1:] { + if !nodesAreEqual(schema, rowGroup.Schema()) { + return nil, ErrRowGroupSchemaMismatch + } + } + } + + mergedRowGroups := make([]RowGroup, len(rowGroups)) + copy(mergedRowGroups, rowGroups) + + for i, rowGroup := range mergedRowGroups { + if rowGroupSchema := rowGroup.Schema(); !nodesAreEqual(schema, rowGroupSchema) { + conv, err := Convert(schema, rowGroupSchema) + if err != nil { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot merge row groups: %w", err) + } + mergedRowGroups[i] = ConvertRowGroup(rowGroup, conv) + } + } + + m := &mergedRowGroup{sorting: config.Sorting.SortingColumns} + m.init(schema, mergedRowGroups) + + if len(m.sorting) == 0 { + // When the row group has no ordering, use a simpler version of the + // merger which simply concatenates rows from each of the row groups. + // This is preferable because it makes the output deterministic, the + // heap merge may otherwise reorder rows across groups. + return &m.multiRowGroup, nil + } + + for _, rowGroup := range m.rowGroups { + if !sortingColumnsHavePrefix(rowGroup.SortingColumns(), m.sorting) { + return nil, ErrRowGroupSortingColumnsMismatch + } + } + + m.compare = compareRowsFuncOf(schema, m.sorting) + return m, nil +} + +type mergedRowGroup struct { + multiRowGroup + sorting []SortingColumn + compare func(Row, Row) int +} + +func (m *mergedRowGroup) SortingColumns() []SortingColumn { + return m.sorting +} + +func (m *mergedRowGroup) Rows() Rows { + // The row group needs to respect a sorting order; the merged row reader + // uses a heap to merge rows from the row groups. + rows := make([]Rows, len(m.rowGroups)) + for i := range rows { + rows[i] = m.rowGroups[i].Rows() + } + return &mergedRowGroupRows{ + merge: mergedRowReader{ + compare: m.compare, + readers: makeBufferedRowReaders(len(rows), func(i int) RowReader { return rows[i] }), + }, + rows: rows, + schema: m.schema, + } +} + +type mergedRowGroupRows struct { + merge mergedRowReader + rowIndex int64 + seekToRow int64 + rows []Rows + schema *Schema +} + +func (r *mergedRowGroupRows) WriteRowsTo(w RowWriter) (n int64, err error) { + b := newMergeBuffer() + b.setup(r.rows, r.merge.compare) + n, err = b.WriteRowsTo(w) + r.rowIndex += int64(n) + b.release() + return +} + +func (r *mergedRowGroupRows) readInternal(rows []Row) (int, error) { + n, err := r.merge.ReadRows(rows) + r.rowIndex += int64(n) + return n, err +} + +func (r *mergedRowGroupRows) Close() (lastErr error) { + r.merge.close() + r.rowIndex = 0 + r.seekToRow = 0 + + for _, rows := range r.rows { + if err := rows.Close(); err != nil { + lastErr = err + } + } + + return lastErr +} + +func (r *mergedRowGroupRows) ReadRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + for r.rowIndex < r.seekToRow { + n := int(r.seekToRow - r.rowIndex) + if n > len(rows) { + n = len(rows) + } + n, err := r.readInternal(rows[:n]) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + return r.readInternal(rows) +} + +func (r *mergedRowGroupRows) SeekToRow(rowIndex int64) error { + if rowIndex >= r.rowIndex { + r.seekToRow = rowIndex + return nil + } + return fmt.Errorf("SeekToRow: merged row reader cannot seek backward from row %d to %d", r.rowIndex, rowIndex) +} + +func (r *mergedRowGroupRows) Schema() *Schema { + return r.schema +} + +// MergeRowReader constructs a RowReader which creates an ordered sequence of +// all the readers using the given compare function as the ordering predicate. +func MergeRowReaders(readers []RowReader, compare func(Row, Row) int) RowReader { + return &mergedRowReader{ + compare: compare, + readers: makeBufferedRowReaders(len(readers), func(i int) RowReader { return readers[i] }), + } +} + +func makeBufferedRowReaders(numReaders int, readerAt func(int) RowReader) []*bufferedRowReader { + buffers := make([]bufferedRowReader, numReaders) + readers := make([]*bufferedRowReader, numReaders) + + for i := range readers { + buffers[i].rows = readerAt(i) + readers[i] = &buffers[i] + } + + return readers +} + +type mergedRowReader struct { + compare func(Row, Row) int + readers []*bufferedRowReader + initialized bool +} + +func (m *mergedRowReader) initialize() error { + for i, r := range m.readers { + switch err := r.read(); err { + case nil: + case io.EOF: + m.readers[i] = nil + default: + m.readers = nil + return err + } + } + + n := 0 + for _, r := range m.readers { + if r != nil { + m.readers[n] = r + n++ + } + } + + clear := m.readers[n:] + for i := range clear { + clear[i] = nil + } + + m.readers = m.readers[:n] + heap.Init(m) + return nil +} + +func (m *mergedRowReader) close() { + for _, r := range m.readers { + r.close() + } + m.readers = nil +} + +func (m *mergedRowReader) ReadRows(rows []Row) (n int, err error) { + if !m.initialized { + m.initialized = true + + if err := m.initialize(); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + for n < len(rows) && len(m.readers) != 0 { + r := m.readers[0] + if r.end == r.off { // This readers buffer has been exhausted, repopulate it. + if err := r.read(); err != nil { + if err == io.EOF { + heap.Pop(m) + continue + } + return n, err + } else { + heap.Fix(m, 0) + continue + } + } + + rows[n] = append(rows[n][:0], r.head()...) + n++ + + if err := r.next(); err != nil { + if err != io.EOF { + return n, err + } + return n, nil + } else { + heap.Fix(m, 0) + } + } + + if len(m.readers) == 0 { + err = io.EOF + } + + return n, err +} + +func (m *mergedRowReader) Less(i, j int) bool { + return m.compare(m.readers[i].head(), m.readers[j].head()) < 0 +} + +func (m *mergedRowReader) Len() int { + return len(m.readers) +} + +func (m *mergedRowReader) Swap(i, j int) { + m.readers[i], m.readers[j] = m.readers[j], m.readers[i] +} + +func (m *mergedRowReader) Push(x interface{}) { + panic("NOT IMPLEMENTED") +} + +func (m *mergedRowReader) Pop() interface{} { + i := len(m.readers) - 1 + r := m.readers[i] + m.readers = m.readers[:i] + return r +} + +type bufferedRowReader struct { + rows RowReader + off int32 + end int32 + buf [10]Row +} + +func (r *bufferedRowReader) head() Row { + return r.buf[r.off] +} + +func (r *bufferedRowReader) next() error { + if r.off++; r.off == r.end { + r.off = 0 + r.end = 0 + // We need to read more rows, however it is unsafe to do so here because we haven't + // returned the current rows to the caller yet which may cause buffer corruption. + return io.EOF + } + return nil +} + +func (r *bufferedRowReader) read() error { + if r.rows == nil { + return io.EOF + } + n, err := r.rows.ReadRows(r.buf[r.end:]) + if err != nil && n == 0 { + return err + } + r.end += int32(n) + return nil +} + +func (r *bufferedRowReader) close() { + r.rows = nil + r.off = 0 + r.end = 0 +} + +type mergeBuffer struct { + compare func(Row, Row) int + rows []Rows + buffer [][]Row + head []int + len int + copy [mergeBufferSize]Row +} + +const mergeBufferSize = 1 << 10 + +func newMergeBuffer() *mergeBuffer { + return mergeBufferPool.Get().(*mergeBuffer) +} + +var mergeBufferPool = &sync.Pool{ + New: func() any { + return new(mergeBuffer) + }, +} + +func (m *mergeBuffer) setup(rows []Rows, compare func(Row, Row) int) { + m.compare = compare + m.rows = append(m.rows, rows...) + size := len(rows) + if len(m.buffer) < size { + extra := size - len(m.buffer) + b := make([][]Row, extra) + for i := range b { + b[i] = make([]Row, 0, mergeBufferSize) + } + m.buffer = append(m.buffer, b...) + m.head = append(m.head, make([]int, extra)...) + } + m.len = size +} + +func (m *mergeBuffer) reset() { + for i := range m.rows { + m.buffer[i] = m.buffer[i][:0] + m.head[i] = 0 + } + m.rows = m.rows[:0] + m.compare = nil + for i := range m.copy { + m.copy[i] = nil + } + m.len = 0 +} + +func (m *mergeBuffer) release() { + m.reset() + mergeBufferPool.Put(m) +} + +func (m *mergeBuffer) fill() error { + m.len = len(m.rows) + for i := range m.rows { + if m.head[i] < len(m.buffer[i]) { + // There is still rows data in m.buffer[i]. Skip filling the row buffer until + // all rows have been read. + continue + } + m.head[i] = 0 + m.buffer[i] = m.buffer[i][:mergeBufferSize] + n, err := m.rows[i].ReadRows(m.buffer[i]) + if err != nil { + if !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { + return err + } + } + m.buffer[i] = m.buffer[i][:n] + } + heap.Init(m) + return nil +} + +func (m *mergeBuffer) Less(i, j int) bool { + x := m.buffer[i] + if len(x) == 0 { + return false + } + y := m.buffer[j] + if len(y) == 0 { + return true + } + return m.compare(x[m.head[i]], y[m.head[j]]) == -1 +} + +func (m *mergeBuffer) Pop() interface{} { + m.len-- + // We don't use the popped value. + return nil +} + +func (m *mergeBuffer) Len() int { + return m.len +} + +func (m *mergeBuffer) Swap(i, j int) { + m.buffer[i], m.buffer[j] = m.buffer[j], m.buffer[i] + m.head[i], m.head[j] = m.head[j], m.head[i] +} + +func (m *mergeBuffer) Push(x interface{}) { + panic("NOT IMPLEMENTED") +} + +func (m *mergeBuffer) WriteRowsTo(w RowWriter) (n int64, err error) { + err = m.fill() + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + var count int + for m.left() { + size := m.read() + if size == 0 { + break + } + count, err = w.WriteRows(m.copy[:size]) + if err != nil { + return + } + n += int64(count) + err = m.fill() + if err != nil { + return + } + } + return +} + +func (m *mergeBuffer) left() bool { + for i := 0; i < m.len; i++ { + if m.head[i] < len(m.buffer[i]) { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +func (m *mergeBuffer) read() (n int64) { + for n < int64(len(m.copy)) && m.Len() != 0 { + r := m.buffer[:m.len][0] + if len(r) == 0 { + heap.Pop(m) + continue + } + m.copy[n] = append(m.copy[n][:0], r[m.head[0]]...) + m.head[0]++ + n++ + if m.head[0] < len(r) { + // There is still rows in this row group. Adjust the heap + heap.Fix(m, 0) + } else { + heap.Pop(m) + } + } + return +} + +var ( + _ RowReaderWithSchema = (*mergedRowGroupRows)(nil) + _ RowWriterTo = (*mergedRowGroupRows)(nil) + _ heap.Interface = (*mergeBuffer)(nil) + _ RowWriterTo = (*mergeBuffer)(nil) +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/multi_row_group.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/multi_row_group.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b68c8782a670b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/multi_row_group.go @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "io" +) + +// MultiRowGroup wraps multiple row groups to appear as if it was a single +// RowGroup. RowGroups must have the same schema or it will error. +func MultiRowGroup(rowGroups ...RowGroup) RowGroup { + return newMultiRowGroup(ReadModeSync, rowGroups...) +} + +func newMultiRowGroup(pageReadMode ReadMode, rowGroups ...RowGroup) RowGroup { + if len(rowGroups) == 0 { + return &emptyRowGroup{} + } + if len(rowGroups) == 1 { + return rowGroups[0] + } + + schema, err := compatibleSchemaOf(rowGroups) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + rowGroupsCopy := make([]RowGroup, len(rowGroups)) + copy(rowGroupsCopy, rowGroups) + + c := &multiRowGroup{ + pageReadMode: pageReadMode, + } + c.init(schema, rowGroupsCopy) + return c +} + +func (c *multiRowGroup) init(schema *Schema, rowGroups []RowGroup) error { + columns := make([]multiColumnChunk, len(schema.Columns())) + + rowGroupColumnChunks := make([][]ColumnChunk, len(rowGroups)) + for i, rowGroup := range rowGroups { + rowGroupColumnChunks[i] = rowGroup.ColumnChunks() + } + + for i := range columns { + columns[i].rowGroup = c + columns[i].column = i + columns[i].chunks = make([]ColumnChunk, len(rowGroupColumnChunks)) + + for j, columnChunks := range rowGroupColumnChunks { + columns[i].chunks[j] = columnChunks[i] + } + } + + c.schema = schema + c.rowGroups = rowGroups + c.columns = make([]ColumnChunk, len(columns)) + + for i := range columns { + c.columns[i] = &columns[i] + } + + return nil +} + +func compatibleSchemaOf(rowGroups []RowGroup) (*Schema, error) { + schema := rowGroups[0].Schema() + + // Fast path: Many times all row groups have the exact same schema so a + // pointer comparison is cheaper. + samePointer := true + for _, rowGroup := range rowGroups[1:] { + if rowGroup.Schema() != schema { + samePointer = false + break + } + } + if samePointer { + return schema, nil + } + + // Slow path: The schema pointers are not the same, but they still have to + // be compatible. + for _, rowGroup := range rowGroups[1:] { + if !nodesAreEqual(schema, rowGroup.Schema()) { + return nil, ErrRowGroupSchemaMismatch + } + } + + return schema, nil +} + +type multiRowGroup struct { + schema *Schema + rowGroups []RowGroup + columns []ColumnChunk + pageReadMode ReadMode +} + +func (c *multiRowGroup) NumRows() (numRows int64) { + for _, rowGroup := range c.rowGroups { + numRows += rowGroup.NumRows() + } + return numRows +} + +func (c *multiRowGroup) ColumnChunks() []ColumnChunk { return c.columns } + +func (c *multiRowGroup) SortingColumns() []SortingColumn { return nil } + +func (c *multiRowGroup) Schema() *Schema { return c.schema } + +func (c *multiRowGroup) Rows() Rows { return newRowGroupRows(c, c.pageReadMode) } + +type multiColumnChunk struct { + rowGroup *multiRowGroup + column int + chunks []ColumnChunk +} + +func (c *multiColumnChunk) Type() Type { + if len(c.chunks) != 0 { + return c.chunks[0].Type() // all chunks should be of the same type + } + return nil +} + +func (c *multiColumnChunk) NumValues() int64 { + n := int64(0) + for i := range c.chunks { + n += c.chunks[i].NumValues() + } + return n +} + +func (c *multiColumnChunk) Column() int { + return c.column +} + +func (c *multiColumnChunk) Pages() Pages { + return &multiPages{column: c} +} + +func (c *multiColumnChunk) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + // TODO: implement + return nil, nil +} + +func (c *multiColumnChunk) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + // TODO: implement + return nil, nil +} + +func (c *multiColumnChunk) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { + return multiBloomFilter{c} +} + +type multiBloomFilter struct{ *multiColumnChunk } + +func (f multiBloomFilter) ReadAt(b []byte, off int64) (int, error) { + // TODO: add a test for this function + i := 0 + + for i < len(f.chunks) { + if r := f.chunks[i].BloomFilter(); r != nil { + size := r.Size() + if off < size { + break + } + off -= size + } + i++ + } + + if i == len(f.chunks) { + return 0, io.EOF + } + + rn := int(0) + for len(b) > 0 { + if r := f.chunks[i].BloomFilter(); r != nil { + n, err := r.ReadAt(b, off) + rn += n + if err != nil { + return rn, err + } + if b = b[n:]; len(b) == 0 { + return rn, nil + } + off += int64(n) + } + i++ + } + + if i == len(f.chunks) { + return rn, io.EOF + } + return rn, nil +} + +func (f multiBloomFilter) Size() int64 { + size := int64(0) + for _, c := range f.chunks { + if b := c.BloomFilter(); b != nil { + size += b.Size() + } + } + return size +} + +func (f multiBloomFilter) Check(v Value) (bool, error) { + for _, c := range f.chunks { + if b := c.BloomFilter(); b != nil { + if ok, err := b.Check(v); ok || err != nil { + return ok, err + } + } + } + return false, nil +} + +type multiPages struct { + pages Pages + index int + column *multiColumnChunk +} + +func (m *multiPages) ReadPage() (Page, error) { + for { + if m.pages != nil { + p, err := m.pages.ReadPage() + if err == nil || err != io.EOF { + return p, err + } + if err := m.pages.Close(); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + m.pages = nil + } + + if m.column == nil || m.index == len(m.column.chunks) { + return nil, io.EOF + } + + m.pages = m.column.chunks[m.index].Pages() + m.index++ + } +} + +func (m *multiPages) SeekToRow(rowIndex int64) error { + if m.column == nil { + return io.ErrClosedPipe + } + + if m.pages != nil { + if err := m.pages.Close(); err != nil { + return err + } + } + + rowGroups := m.column.rowGroup.rowGroups + numRows := int64(0) + m.pages = nil + m.index = 0 + + for m.index < len(rowGroups) { + numRows = rowGroups[m.index].NumRows() + if rowIndex < numRows { + break + } + rowIndex -= numRows + m.index++ + } + + if m.index < len(rowGroups) { + m.pages = m.column.chunks[m.index].Pages() + m.index++ + return m.pages.SeekToRow(rowIndex) + } + return nil +} + +func (m *multiPages) Close() (err error) { + if m.pages != nil { + err = m.pages.Close() + } + m.pages = nil + m.index = 0 + m.column = nil + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/node.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/node.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b3540b09e06f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/node.go @@ -0,0 +1,537 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "reflect" + "sort" + "unicode" + "unicode/utf8" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +// Node values represent nodes of a parquet schema. +// +// Nodes carry the type of values, as well as properties like whether the values +// are optional or repeat. Nodes with one or more children represent parquet +// groups and therefore do not have a logical type. +// +// Nodes are immutable values and therefore safe to use concurrently from +// multiple goroutines. +type Node interface { + // The id of this node in its parent node. Zero value is treated as id is not + // set. ID only needs to be unique within its parent context. + // + // This is the same as parquet field_id + ID() int + + // Returns a human-readable representation of the parquet node. + String() string + + // For leaf nodes, returns the type of values of the parquet column. + // + // Calling this method on non-leaf nodes will panic. + Type() Type + + // Returns whether the parquet column is optional. + Optional() bool + + // Returns whether the parquet column is repeated. + Repeated() bool + + // Returns whether the parquet column is required. + Required() bool + + // Returns true if this a leaf node. + Leaf() bool + + // Returns a mapping of the node's fields. + // + // As an optimization, the same slices may be returned by multiple calls to + // this method, programs must treat the returned values as immutable. + // + // This method returns an empty mapping when called on leaf nodes. + Fields() []Field + + // Returns the encoding used by the node. + // + // The method may return nil to indicate that no specific encoding was + // configured on the node, in which case a default encoding might be used. + Encoding() encoding.Encoding + + // Returns compression codec used by the node. + // + // The method may return nil to indicate that no specific compression codec + // was configured on the node, in which case a default compression might be + // used. + Compression() compress.Codec + + // Returns the Go type that best represents the parquet node. + // + // For leaf nodes, this will be one of bool, int32, int64, deprecated.Int96, + // float32, float64, string, []byte, or [N]byte. + // + // For groups, the method returns a struct type. + // + // If the method is called on a repeated node, the method returns a slice of + // the underlying type. + // + // For optional nodes, the method returns a pointer of the underlying type. + // + // For nodes that were constructed from Go values (e.g. using SchemaOf), the + // method returns the original Go type. + GoType() reflect.Type +} + +// Field instances represent fields of a parquet node, which associate a node to +// their name in their parent node. +type Field interface { + Node + + // Returns the name of this field in its parent node. + Name() string + + // Given a reference to the Go value matching the structure of the parent + // node, returns the Go value of the field. + Value(base reflect.Value) reflect.Value +} + +// Encoded wraps the node passed as argument to use the given encoding. +// +// The function panics if it is called on a non-leaf node, or if the +// encoding does not support the node type. +func Encoded(node Node, encoding encoding.Encoding) Node { + if !node.Leaf() { + panic("cannot add encoding to a non-leaf node") + } + if encoding != nil { + kind := node.Type().Kind() + if !canEncode(encoding, kind) { + panic("cannot apply " + encoding.Encoding().String() + " to node of type " + kind.String()) + } + } + return &encodedNode{ + Node: node, + encoding: encoding, + } +} + +type encodedNode struct { + Node + encoding encoding.Encoding +} + +func (n *encodedNode) Encoding() encoding.Encoding { + return n.encoding +} + +// Compressed wraps the node passed as argument to use the given compression +// codec. +// +// If the codec is nil, the node's compression is left unchanged. +// +// The function panics if it is called on a non-leaf node. +func Compressed(node Node, codec compress.Codec) Node { + if !node.Leaf() { + panic("cannot add compression codec to a non-leaf node") + } + return &compressedNode{ + Node: node, + codec: codec, + } +} + +type compressedNode struct { + Node + codec compress.Codec +} + +func (n *compressedNode) Compression() compress.Codec { + return n.codec +} + +// Optional wraps the given node to make it optional. +func Optional(node Node) Node { return &optionalNode{node} } + +type optionalNode struct{ Node } + +func (opt *optionalNode) Optional() bool { return true } +func (opt *optionalNode) Repeated() bool { return false } +func (opt *optionalNode) Required() bool { return false } +func (opt *optionalNode) GoType() reflect.Type { return reflect.PtrTo(opt.Node.GoType()) } + +// FieldID wraps a node to provide node field id +func FieldID(node Node, id int) Node { return &fieldIDNode{Node: node, id: id} } + +type fieldIDNode struct { + Node + id int +} + +func (f *fieldIDNode) ID() int { return f.id } + +// Repeated wraps the given node to make it repeated. +func Repeated(node Node) Node { return &repeatedNode{node} } + +type repeatedNode struct{ Node } + +func (rep *repeatedNode) Optional() bool { return false } +func (rep *repeatedNode) Repeated() bool { return true } +func (rep *repeatedNode) Required() bool { return false } +func (rep *repeatedNode) GoType() reflect.Type { return reflect.SliceOf(rep.Node.GoType()) } + +// Required wraps the given node to make it required. +func Required(node Node) Node { return &requiredNode{node} } + +type requiredNode struct{ Node } + +func (req *requiredNode) Optional() bool { return false } +func (req *requiredNode) Repeated() bool { return false } +func (req *requiredNode) Required() bool { return true } +func (req *requiredNode) GoType() reflect.Type { return req.Node.GoType() } + +type node struct{} + +// Leaf returns a leaf node of the given type. +func Leaf(typ Type) Node { + return &leafNode{typ: typ} +} + +type leafNode struct{ typ Type } + +func (n *leafNode) ID() int { return 0 } + +func (n *leafNode) String() string { return sprint("", n) } + +func (n *leafNode) Type() Type { return n.typ } + +func (n *leafNode) Optional() bool { return false } + +func (n *leafNode) Repeated() bool { return false } + +func (n *leafNode) Required() bool { return true } + +func (n *leafNode) Leaf() bool { return true } + +func (n *leafNode) Fields() []Field { return nil } + +func (n *leafNode) Encoding() encoding.Encoding { return nil } + +func (n *leafNode) Compression() compress.Codec { return nil } + +func (n *leafNode) GoType() reflect.Type { return goTypeOfLeaf(n) } + +var repetitionTypes = [...]format.FieldRepetitionType{ + 0: format.Required, + 1: format.Optional, + 2: format.Repeated, +} + +func fieldRepetitionTypePtrOf(node Node) *format.FieldRepetitionType { + switch { + case node.Required(): + return &repetitionTypes[format.Required] + case node.Optional(): + return &repetitionTypes[format.Optional] + case node.Repeated(): + return &repetitionTypes[format.Repeated] + default: + return nil + } +} + +func fieldRepetitionTypeOf(node Node) format.FieldRepetitionType { + switch { + case node.Optional(): + return format.Optional + case node.Repeated(): + return format.Repeated + default: + return format.Required + } +} + +func applyFieldRepetitionType(t format.FieldRepetitionType, repetitionLevel, definitionLevel byte) (byte, byte) { + switch t { + case format.Optional: + definitionLevel++ + case format.Repeated: + repetitionLevel++ + definitionLevel++ + } + return repetitionLevel, definitionLevel +} + +type Group map[string]Node + +func (g Group) ID() int { return 0 } + +func (g Group) String() string { return sprint("", g) } + +func (g Group) Type() Type { return groupType{} } + +func (g Group) Optional() bool { return false } + +func (g Group) Repeated() bool { return false } + +func (g Group) Required() bool { return true } + +func (g Group) Leaf() bool { return false } + +func (g Group) Fields() []Field { + groupFields := make([]groupField, 0, len(g)) + for name, node := range g { + groupFields = append(groupFields, groupField{ + Node: node, + name: name, + }) + } + sort.Slice(groupFields, func(i, j int) bool { + return groupFields[i].name < groupFields[j].name + }) + fields := make([]Field, len(groupFields)) + for i := range groupFields { + fields[i] = &groupFields[i] + } + return fields +} + +func (g Group) Encoding() encoding.Encoding { return nil } + +func (g Group) Compression() compress.Codec { return nil } + +func (g Group) GoType() reflect.Type { return goTypeOfGroup(g) } + +type groupField struct { + Node + name string +} + +func (f *groupField) Name() string { return f.name } + +func (f *groupField) Value(base reflect.Value) reflect.Value { + if base.Kind() == reflect.Interface { + if base.IsNil() { + return reflect.ValueOf(nil) + } + if base = base.Elem(); base.Kind() == reflect.Pointer && base.IsNil() { + return reflect.ValueOf(nil) + } + } + return base.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(&f.name).Elem()) +} + +func goTypeOf(node Node) reflect.Type { + switch { + case node.Optional(): + return goTypeOfOptional(node) + case node.Repeated(): + return goTypeOfRepeated(node) + default: + return goTypeOfRequired(node) + } +} + +func goTypeOfOptional(node Node) reflect.Type { + return reflect.PtrTo(goTypeOfRequired(node)) +} + +func goTypeOfRepeated(node Node) reflect.Type { + return reflect.SliceOf(goTypeOfRequired(node)) +} + +func goTypeOfRequired(node Node) reflect.Type { + if node.Leaf() { + return goTypeOfLeaf(node) + } else { + return goTypeOfGroup(node) + } +} + +func goTypeOfLeaf(node Node) reflect.Type { + t := node.Type() + if convertibleType, ok := t.(interface{ GoType() reflect.Type }); ok { + return convertibleType.GoType() + } + switch t.Kind() { + case Boolean: + return reflect.TypeOf(false) + case Int32: + return reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)) + case Int64: + return reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)) + case Int96: + return reflect.TypeOf(deprecated.Int96{}) + case Float: + return reflect.TypeOf(float32(0)) + case Double: + return reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)) + case ByteArray: + return reflect.TypeOf(([]byte)(nil)) + case FixedLenByteArray: + return reflect.ArrayOf(t.Length(), reflect.TypeOf(byte(0))) + default: + panic("BUG: parquet type returned an unsupported kind") + } +} + +func goTypeOfGroup(node Node) reflect.Type { + fields := node.Fields() + structFields := make([]reflect.StructField, len(fields)) + for i, field := range fields { + structFields[i].Name = exportedStructFieldName(field.Name()) + structFields[i].Type = field.GoType() + // TODO: can we reconstruct a struct tag that would be valid if a value + // of this type were passed to SchemaOf? + } + return reflect.StructOf(structFields) +} + +func exportedStructFieldName(name string) string { + firstRune, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name) + return string([]rune{unicode.ToUpper(firstRune)}) + name[size:] +} + +func isList(node Node) bool { + logicalType := node.Type().LogicalType() + return logicalType != nil && logicalType.List != nil +} + +func isMap(node Node) bool { + logicalType := node.Type().LogicalType() + return logicalType != nil && logicalType.Map != nil +} + +func numLeafColumnsOf(node Node) int16 { + return makeColumnIndex(numLeafColumns(node, 0)) +} + +func numLeafColumns(node Node, columnIndex int) int { + if node.Leaf() { + return columnIndex + 1 + } + for _, field := range node.Fields() { + columnIndex = numLeafColumns(field, columnIndex) + } + return columnIndex +} + +func listElementOf(node Node) Node { + if !node.Leaf() { + if list := fieldByName(node, "list"); list != nil { + if elem := fieldByName(list, "element"); elem != nil { + return elem + } + // TODO: It should not be named "item", but some versions of pyarrow + // and some versions of polars used that instead of "element". + // https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARROW-11497 + // https://github.com/pola-rs/polars/issues/17100 + if elem := fieldByName(list, "item"); elem != nil { + return elem + } + } + } + panic("node with logical type LIST is not composed of a repeated .list.element") +} + +func mapKeyValueOf(node Node) Node { + if !node.Leaf() && (node.Required() || node.Optional()) { + for _, kv_name := range []string{"key_value", "map"} { + if keyValue := fieldByName(node, kv_name); keyValue != nil && !keyValue.Leaf() && keyValue.Repeated() { + k := fieldByName(keyValue, "key") + v := fieldByName(keyValue, "value") + if k != nil && v != nil && k.Required() { + return keyValue + } + } + } + } + panic("node with logical type MAP is not composed of a repeated .key_value group (or .map group) with key and value fields") +} + +func encodingOf(node Node) encoding.Encoding { + encoding := node.Encoding() + // The parquet-format documentation states that the + // DELTA_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY is always preferred to PLAIN when + // encoding BYTE_ARRAY values. We apply it as a default if + // none were explicitly specified, which gives the application + // the opportunity to override this behavior if needed. + // + // https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/Encodings.md#delta-length-byte-array-delta_length_byte_array--6 + if node.Type().Kind() == ByteArray && encoding == nil { + encoding = &DeltaLengthByteArray + } + if encoding == nil { + encoding = &Plain + } + return encoding +} + +func forEachNodeOf(name string, node Node, do func(string, Node)) { + do(name, node) + + for _, f := range node.Fields() { + forEachNodeOf(f.Name(), f, do) + } +} + +func fieldByName(node Node, name string) Field { + for _, f := range node.Fields() { + if f.Name() == name { + return f + } + } + return nil +} + +func nodesAreEqual(node1, node2 Node) bool { + if node1.Leaf() { + return node2.Leaf() && leafNodesAreEqual(node1, node2) + } else { + return !node2.Leaf() && groupNodesAreEqual(node1, node2) + } +} + +func typesAreEqual(type1, type2 Type) bool { + return type1.Kind() == type2.Kind() && + type1.Length() == type2.Length() && + reflect.DeepEqual(type1.LogicalType(), type2.LogicalType()) +} + +func repetitionsAreEqual(node1, node2 Node) bool { + return node1.Optional() == node2.Optional() && node1.Repeated() == node2.Repeated() +} + +func leafNodesAreEqual(node1, node2 Node) bool { + return typesAreEqual(node1.Type(), node2.Type()) && repetitionsAreEqual(node1, node2) +} + +func groupNodesAreEqual(node1, node2 Node) bool { + fields1 := node1.Fields() + fields2 := node2.Fields() + + if len(fields1) != len(fields2) { + return false + } + + if !repetitionsAreEqual(node1, node2) { + return false + } + + for i := range fields1 { + f1 := fields1[i] + f2 := fields2[i] + + if f1.Name() != f2.Name() { + return false + } + + if !nodesAreEqual(f1, f2) { + return false + } + } + + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/null.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/null.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ca1219e99124f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/null.go @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "reflect" + "unsafe" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" +) + +// nullIndexFunc is the type of functions used to detect null values in rows. +// +// For each value of the rows array, the bitmap passed as first argument is +// populated to indicate whether the values were null (0) or not (1). +// +// The function writes one bit to the output buffer for each row in the input, +// the buffer must be sized accordingly. +type nullIndexFunc func(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) + +func nullIndex[T comparable](bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + var zero T + for i := 0; i < rows.Len(); i++ { + v := *(*T)(rows.Index(i)) + if v != zero { + x := uint(i) / 64 + y := uint(i) % 64 + bits[x] |= 1 << y + } + } +} + +func nullIndexStruct(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + bytealg.Broadcast(unsafecast.Slice[byte](bits), 0xFF) +} + +func nullIndexFuncOf(t reflect.Type) nullIndexFunc { + switch t { + case reflect.TypeOf(deprecated.Int96{}): + return nullIndex[deprecated.Int96] + } + + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool: + return nullIndexBool + + case reflect.Int: + return nullIndexInt + + case reflect.Int32: + return nullIndexInt32 + + case reflect.Int64: + return nullIndexInt64 + + case reflect.Uint: + return nullIndexUint + + case reflect.Uint32: + return nullIndexUint32 + + case reflect.Uint64: + return nullIndexUint64 + + case reflect.Float32: + return nullIndexFloat32 + + case reflect.Float64: + return nullIndexFloat64 + + case reflect.String: + return nullIndexString + + case reflect.Slice: + return nullIndexSlice + + case reflect.Map: + return nullIndexPointer + + case reflect.Array: + if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + switch size := t.Len(); size { + case 16: + return nullIndexUint128 + default: + return nullIndexFuncOfByteArray(size) + } + } + + case reflect.Pointer: + return nullIndexPointer + + case reflect.Struct: + return nullIndexStruct + } + + panic("cannot convert Go values of type " + typeNameOf(t) + " to parquet value") +} + +func nullIndexFuncOfByteArray(n int) nullIndexFunc { + return func(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + for i := 0; i < rows.Len(); i++ { + p := (*byte)(rows.Index(i)) + b := unsafe.Slice(p, n) + if !isZero(b) { + x := uint(i) / 64 + y := uint(i) % 64 + bits[x] |= 1 << y + } + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/null_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/null_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..aa0cbfffaceaa --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/null_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package parquet + +import "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" + +//go:noescape +func nullIndex8(bits *uint64, rows sparse.Array) + +//go:noescape +func nullIndex32(bits *uint64, rows sparse.Array) + +//go:noescape +func nullIndex64(bits *uint64, rows sparse.Array) + +//go:noescape +func nullIndex128(bits *uint64, rows sparse.Array) + +func nullIndexBool(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex8(&bits[0], rows) +} + +func nullIndexInt(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex64(&bits[0], rows) +} + +func nullIndexInt32(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex32(&bits[0], rows) +} + +func nullIndexInt64(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex64(&bits[0], rows) +} + +func nullIndexUint(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex64(&bits[0], rows) +} + +func nullIndexUint32(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex32(&bits[0], rows) +} + +func nullIndexUint64(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex64(&bits[0], rows) +} + +func nullIndexUint128(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex128(&bits[0], rows) +} + +func nullIndexFloat32(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex32(&bits[0], rows) +} + +func nullIndexFloat64(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex64(&bits[0], rows) +} + +func nullIndexString(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + // We offset by an extra 8 bytes to test the lengths of string values where + // the first field is the pointer and the second is the length which we want + // to test. + nullIndex64(&bits[0], rows.Offset(8)) +} + +func nullIndexSlice(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + // Slice values are null if their pointer is nil, which is held in the first + // 8 bytes of the object so we can simply test 64 bits words. + nullIndex64(&bits[0], rows) +} + +func nullIndexPointer(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex64(&bits[0], rows) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/null_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/null_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..52804d3f12bc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/null_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// func nullIndex8(bits *uint64, rows sparse.Array) +TEXT ·nullIndex8(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32 + MOVQ bits+0(FP), AX + MOVQ rows_array_ptr+8(FP), BX + MOVQ rows_array_len+16(FP), DI + MOVQ rows_array_off+24(FP), DX + + MOVQ $1, CX + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ DI, $0 + JE done +loop1x1: + XORQ R8, R8 + MOVB (BX), R9 + CMPB R9, $0 + JE next1x1 + + MOVQ SI, R10 + SHRQ $6, R10 + ORQ CX, (AX)(R10*8) +next1x1: + ADDQ DX, BX + ROLQ $1, CX + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop1x1 +done: + RET + +// func nullIndex32(bits *uint64, rows sparse.Array) +TEXT ·nullIndex32(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32 + MOVQ bits+0(FP), AX + MOVQ rows_array_ptr+8(FP), BX + MOVQ rows_array_len+16(FP), DI + MOVQ rows_array_off+24(FP), DX + + MOVQ $1, CX + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ DI, $0 + JE done + + CMPQ DI, $8 + JB loop1x4 + + CMPB ·hasAVX2(SB), $0 + JE loop1x4 + + MOVQ DI, R8 + SHRQ $3, R8 + SHLQ $3, R8 + + VPBROADCASTD rows_array_off+24(FP), Y0 + VPMULLD ·range0n8(SB), Y0, Y0 + VPCMPEQD Y1, Y1, Y1 + VPCMPEQD Y2, Y2, Y2 + VPXOR Y3, Y3, Y3 +loop8x4: + VPGATHERDD Y1, (BX)(Y0*1), Y4 + VPCMPEQD Y3, Y4, Y4 + VMOVMSKPS Y4, R9 + VMOVDQU Y2, Y1 + + NOTQ R9 + ANDQ $0b11111111, R9 + + MOVQ SI, CX + ANDQ $0b111111, CX + + MOVQ SI, R10 + SHRQ $6, R10 + + SHLQ CX, R9 + ORQ R9, (AX)(R10*8) + + LEAQ (BX)(DX*8), BX + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, R8 + JNE loop8x4 + VZEROUPPER + + CMPQ SI, DI + JE done + + MOVQ $1, R8 + MOVQ SI, CX + ANDQ $0b111111, R8 + SHLQ CX, R8 + MOVQ R8, CX + +loop1x4: + MOVL (BX), R8 + CMPL R8, $0 + JE next1x4 + + MOVQ SI, R9 + SHRQ $6, R9 + ORQ CX, (AX)(R9*8) +next1x4: + ADDQ DX, BX + ROLQ $1, CX + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop1x4 +done: + RET + +// func nullIndex64(bits *uint64, rows sparse.Array) +TEXT ·nullIndex64(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32 + MOVQ bits+0(FP), AX + MOVQ rows_array_ptr+8(FP), BX + MOVQ rows_array_len+16(FP), DI + MOVQ rows_array_off+24(FP), DX + + MOVQ $1, CX + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ DI, $0 + JE done + + CMPQ DI, $4 + JB loop1x8 + + CMPB ·hasAVX2(SB), $0 + JE loop1x8 + + MOVQ DI, R8 + SHRQ $2, R8 + SHLQ $2, R8 + + VPBROADCASTQ rows_array_off+24(FP), Y0 + VPMULLD scale4x8<>(SB), Y0, Y0 + VPCMPEQQ Y1, Y1, Y1 + VPCMPEQQ Y2, Y2, Y2 + VPXOR Y3, Y3, Y3 +loop4x8: + VPGATHERQQ Y1, (BX)(Y0*1), Y4 + VPCMPEQQ Y3, Y4, Y4 + VMOVMSKPD Y4, R9 + VMOVDQU Y2, Y1 + + NOTQ R9 + ANDQ $0b1111, R9 + + MOVQ SI, CX + ANDQ $0b111111, CX + + MOVQ SI, R10 + SHRQ $6, R10 + + SHLQ CX, R9 + ORQ R9, (AX)(R10*8) + + LEAQ (BX)(DX*4), BX + ADDQ $4, SI + CMPQ SI, R8 + JNE loop4x8 + VZEROUPPER + + CMPQ SI, DI + JE done + + MOVQ $1, R8 + MOVQ SI, CX + ANDQ $0b111111, R8 + SHLQ CX, R8 + MOVQ R8, CX + +loop1x8: + MOVQ (BX), R8 + CMPQ R8, $0 + JE next1x8 + + MOVQ SI, R9 + SHRQ $6, R9 + ORQ CX, (AX)(R9*8) +next1x8: + ADDQ DX, BX + ROLQ $1, CX + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop1x8 +done: + RET + +GLOBL scale4x8<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $32 +DATA scale4x8<>+0(SB)/8, $0 +DATA scale4x8<>+8(SB)/8, $1 +DATA scale4x8<>+16(SB)/8, $2 +DATA scale4x8<>+24(SB)/8, $3 + +// func nullIndex128(bits *uint64, rows sparse.Array) +TEXT ·nullIndex128(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32 + MOVQ bits+0(FP), AX + MOVQ rows_array_ptr+8(FP), BX + MOVQ rows_array_len+16(FP), DI + MOVQ rows_array_off+24(FP), DX + + CMPQ DI, $0 + JE done + + MOVQ $1, CX + XORQ SI, SI + PXOR X0, X0 +loop1x16: + MOVOU (BX), X1 + PCMPEQQ X0, X1 + MOVMSKPD X1, R8 + CMPB R8, $0b11 + JE next1x16 + + MOVQ SI, R9 + SHRQ $6, R9 + ORQ CX, (AX)(R9*8) +next1x16: + ADDQ DX, BX + ROLQ $1, CX + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop1x16 +done: + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/null_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/null_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..6cde104cb826b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/null_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package parquet + +import "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse" + +func nullIndexBool(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex[bool](bits, rows) +} + +func nullIndexInt(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex[int](bits, rows) +} + +func nullIndexInt32(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex[int32](bits, rows) +} + +func nullIndexInt64(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex[int64](bits, rows) +} + +func nullIndexUint(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex[uint](bits, rows) +} + +func nullIndexUint32(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex[uint32](bits, rows) +} + +func nullIndexUint64(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex[uint64](bits, rows) +} + +func nullIndexUint128(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex[[16]byte](bits, rows) +} + +func nullIndexFloat32(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex[float32](bits, rows) +} + +func nullIndexFloat64(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex[float64](bits, rows) +} + +func nullIndexString(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex[string](bits, rows) +} + +func nullIndexSlice(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + for i := 0; i < rows.Len(); i++ { + p := *(**struct{})(rows.Index(i)) + b := uint64(0) + if p != nil { + b = 1 + } + bits[uint(i)/64] |= b << (uint(i) % 64) + } +} + +func nullIndexPointer(bits []uint64, rows sparse.Array) { + nullIndex[*struct{}](bits, rows) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/offset_index.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/offset_index.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..49b9041ab55e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/offset_index.go @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +type OffsetIndex interface { + // NumPages returns the number of pages in the offset index. + NumPages() int + + // Offset returns the offset starting from the beginning of the file for the + // page at the given index. + Offset(int) int64 + + // CompressedPageSize returns the size of the page at the given index + // (in bytes). + CompressedPageSize(int) int64 + + // FirstRowIndex returns the the first row in the page at the given index. + // + // The returned row index is based on the row group that the page belongs + // to, the first row has index zero. + FirstRowIndex(int) int64 +} + +type fileOffsetIndex format.OffsetIndex + +func (i *fileOffsetIndex) NumPages() int { + return len(i.PageLocations) +} + +func (i *fileOffsetIndex) Offset(j int) int64 { + return i.PageLocations[j].Offset +} + +func (i *fileOffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(j int) int64 { + return int64(i.PageLocations[j].CompressedPageSize) +} + +func (i *fileOffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(j int) int64 { + return i.PageLocations[j].FirstRowIndex +} + +type emptyOffsetIndex struct{} + +func (emptyOffsetIndex) NumPages() int { return 0 } +func (emptyOffsetIndex) Offset(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (emptyOffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (emptyOffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(int) int64 { return 0 } + +type booleanOffsetIndex struct{ page *booleanPage } + +func (i booleanOffsetIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i booleanOffsetIndex) Offset(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i booleanOffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(int) int64 { return i.page.Size() } +func (i booleanOffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(int) int64 { return 0 } + +type int32OffsetIndex struct{ page *int32Page } + +func (i int32OffsetIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i int32OffsetIndex) Offset(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i int32OffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(int) int64 { return i.page.Size() } +func (i int32OffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(int) int64 { return 0 } + +type int64OffsetIndex struct{ page *int64Page } + +func (i int64OffsetIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i int64OffsetIndex) Offset(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i int64OffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(int) int64 { return i.page.Size() } +func (i int64OffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(int) int64 { return 0 } + +type int96OffsetIndex struct{ page *int96Page } + +func (i int96OffsetIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i int96OffsetIndex) Offset(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i int96OffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(int) int64 { return i.page.Size() } +func (i int96OffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(int) int64 { return 0 } + +type floatOffsetIndex struct{ page *floatPage } + +func (i floatOffsetIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i floatOffsetIndex) Offset(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i floatOffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(int) int64 { return i.page.Size() } +func (i floatOffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(int) int64 { return 0 } + +type doubleOffsetIndex struct{ page *doublePage } + +func (i doubleOffsetIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i doubleOffsetIndex) Offset(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i doubleOffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(int) int64 { return i.page.Size() } +func (i doubleOffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(int) int64 { return 0 } + +type byteArrayOffsetIndex struct{ page *byteArrayPage } + +func (i byteArrayOffsetIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i byteArrayOffsetIndex) Offset(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i byteArrayOffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(int) int64 { return i.page.Size() } +func (i byteArrayOffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(int) int64 { return 0 } + +type fixedLenByteArrayOffsetIndex struct{ page *fixedLenByteArrayPage } + +func (i fixedLenByteArrayOffsetIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i fixedLenByteArrayOffsetIndex) Offset(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i fixedLenByteArrayOffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(int) int64 { return i.page.Size() } +func (i fixedLenByteArrayOffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(int) int64 { return 0 } + +type uint32OffsetIndex struct{ page *uint32Page } + +func (i uint32OffsetIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i uint32OffsetIndex) Offset(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i uint32OffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(int) int64 { return i.page.Size() } +func (i uint32OffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(int) int64 { return 0 } + +type uint64OffsetIndex struct{ page *uint64Page } + +func (i uint64OffsetIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i uint64OffsetIndex) Offset(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i uint64OffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(int) int64 { return i.page.Size() } +func (i uint64OffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(int) int64 { return 0 } + +type be128OffsetIndex struct{ page *be128Page } + +func (i be128OffsetIndex) NumPages() int { return 1 } +func (i be128OffsetIndex) Offset(int) int64 { return 0 } +func (i be128OffsetIndex) CompressedPageSize(int) int64 { return i.page.Size() } +func (i be128OffsetIndex) FirstRowIndex(int) int64 { return 0 } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/order.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/order.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b789f1bb65923 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/order.go @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "bytes" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +func orderOfBool(data []bool) int { + switch len(data) { + case 0, 1: + return 0 + default: + k := 0 + i := 0 + + if data[0] { // true => false: descending + k = -1 + i = streakOfTrue(data) + if i == len(data) { + k = +1 + } else { + i += streakOfFalse(data[i:]) + } + } else { // false => true: ascending + k = +1 + i = streakOfFalse(data) + i += streakOfTrue(data[i:]) + } + + if i != len(data) { + k = 0 + } + return k + } +} + +func streakOfTrue(data []bool) int { + if i := bytes.IndexByte(unsafecast.Slice[byte](data), 0); i >= 0 { + return i + } + return len(data) +} + +func streakOfFalse(data []bool) int { + if i := bytes.IndexByte(unsafecast.Slice[byte](data), 1); i >= 0 { + return i + } + return len(data) +} + +func orderOfBytes(data [][]byte) int { + switch len(data) { + case 0, 1: + return 0 + } + data = skipBytesStreak(data) + if len(data) < 2 { + return 1 + } + ordering := bytes.Compare(data[0], data[1]) + switch { + case ordering < 0: + if bytesAreInAscendingOrder(data[1:]) { + return +1 + } + case ordering > 0: + if bytesAreInDescendingOrder(data[1:]) { + return -1 + } + } + return 0 +} + +func skipBytesStreak(data [][]byte) [][]byte { + for i := 1; i < len(data); i++ { + if !bytes.Equal(data[i], data[0]) { + return data[i-1:] + } + } + return data[len(data)-1:] +} + +func bytesAreInAscendingOrder(data [][]byte) bool { + for i := len(data) - 1; i > 0; i-- { + k := bytes.Compare(data[i-1], data[i]) + if k > 0 { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +func bytesAreInDescendingOrder(data [][]byte) bool { + for i := len(data) - 1; i > 0; i-- { + k := bytes.Compare(data[i-1], data[i]) + if k < 0 { + return false + } + } + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/order_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/order_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8ac597d62a7fe --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/order_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package parquet + +//go:noescape +func orderOfInt32(data []int32) int + +//go:noescape +func orderOfInt64(data []int64) int + +//go:noescape +func orderOfUint32(data []uint32) int + +//go:noescape +func orderOfUint64(data []uint64) int + +//go:noescape +func orderOfFloat32(data []float32) int + +//go:noescape +func orderOfFloat64(data []float64) int diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/order_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/order_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..651d2510bc6e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/order_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,547 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +#define UNDEFINED 0 +#define ASCENDING 1 +#define DESCENDING -1 + +DATA shift1x32<>+0(SB)/4, $1 +DATA shift1x32<>+4(SB)/4, $2 +DATA shift1x32<>+8(SB)/4, $3 +DATA shift1x32<>+12(SB)/4, $4 +DATA shift1x32<>+16(SB)/4, $5 +DATA shift1x32<>+20(SB)/4, $6 +DATA shift1x32<>+24(SB)/4, $7 +DATA shift1x32<>+28(SB)/4, $8 +DATA shift1x32<>+32(SB)/4, $9 +DATA shift1x32<>+36(SB)/4, $10 +DATA shift1x32<>+40(SB)/4, $11 +DATA shift1x32<>+44(SB)/4, $12 +DATA shift1x32<>+48(SB)/4, $13 +DATA shift1x32<>+52(SB)/4, $14 +DATA shift1x32<>+56(SB)/4, $15 +DATA shift1x32<>+60(SB)/4, $15 +GLOBL shift1x32<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA shift1x64<>+0(SB)/4, $1 +DATA shift1x64<>+8(SB)/4, $2 +DATA shift1x64<>+16(SB)/4, $3 +DATA shift1x64<>+24(SB)/4, $4 +DATA shift1x64<>+32(SB)/4, $5 +DATA shift1x64<>+40(SB)/4, $6 +DATA shift1x64<>+48(SB)/4, $7 +DATA shift1x64<>+56(SB)/4, $7 +GLOBL shift1x64<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +// func orderOfInt32(data []int32) int +TEXT ·orderOfInt32(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), R8 + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), R9 + XORQ SI, SI + XORQ DI, DI + + CMPQ R9, $2 + JB undefined + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE test + + CMPQ R9, $16 + JB test + + XORQ DX, DX + MOVQ R9, AX + SHRQ $4, AX + SHLQ $4, AX + MOVQ $15, CX + IDIVQ CX + IMULQ $15, AX + DECQ R9 + + VMOVDQU32 shift1x32<>(SB), Z2 + KXORW K2, K2, K2 +testAscending15: + VMOVDQU32 (R8)(SI*4), Z0 + VMOVDQU32 Z2, Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPCMPD $2, Z1, Z0, K1 + KORTESTW K2, K1 + JNC testDescending15 + ADDQ $15, SI + CMPQ SI, AX + JNE testAscending15 + VZEROUPPER + JMP testAscending +testDescending15: + VMOVDQU32 (R8)(DI*4), Z0 + VMOVDQU32 Z2, Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPCMPD $5, Z1, Z0, K1 + KORTESTW K2, K1 + JNC undefined15 + ADDQ $15, DI + CMPQ DI, AX + JNE testDescending15 + VZEROUPPER + JMP testDescending + +test: + DECQ R9 +testAscending: + CMPQ SI, R9 + JAE ascending + MOVL (R8)(SI*4), BX + MOVL 4(R8)(SI*4), DX + INCQ SI + CMPL BX, DX + JLE testAscending + JMP testDescending +ascending: + MOVQ $ASCENDING, ret+24(FP) + RET +testDescending: + CMPQ DI, R9 + JAE descending + MOVL (R8)(DI*4), BX + MOVL 4(R8)(DI*4), DX + INCQ DI + CMPL BX, DX + JGE testDescending + JMP undefined +descending: + MOVQ $DESCENDING, ret+24(FP) + RET +undefined15: + VZEROUPPER +undefined: + MOVQ $UNDEFINED, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func orderOfInt64(data []int64) int +TEXT ·orderOfInt64(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), R8 + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), R9 + XORQ SI, SI + XORQ DI, DI + + CMPQ R9, $2 + JB undefined + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE test + + CMPQ R9, $8 + JB test + + XORQ DX, DX + MOVQ R9, AX + SHRQ $3, AX + SHLQ $3, AX + MOVQ $7, CX + IDIVQ CX + IMULQ $7, AX + DECQ R9 + + VMOVDQU64 shift1x64<>(SB), Z2 + KXORB K2, K2, K2 +testAscending7: + VMOVDQU64 (R8)(SI*8), Z0 + VMOVDQU64 Z2, Z1 + VPERMI2Q Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPCMPQ $2, Z1, Z0, K1 + KORTESTB K2, K1 + JNC testDescending7 + ADDQ $7, SI + CMPQ SI, AX + JNE testAscending7 + VZEROUPPER + JMP testAscending +testDescending7: + VMOVDQU64 (R8)(DI*8), Z0 + VMOVDQU64 Z2, Z1 + VPERMI2Q Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPCMPQ $5, Z1, Z0, K1 + KORTESTB K2, K1 + JNC undefined7 + ADDQ $7, DI + CMPQ DI, AX + JNE testDescending7 + VZEROUPPER + JMP testDescending + +test: + DECQ R9 +testAscending: + CMPQ SI, R9 + JAE ascending + MOVQ (R8)(SI*8), BX + MOVQ 8(R8)(SI*8), DX + INCQ SI + CMPQ BX, DX + JLE testAscending + JMP testDescending +ascending: + MOVQ $ASCENDING, ret+24(FP) + RET +testDescending: + CMPQ DI, R9 + JAE descending + MOVQ (R8)(DI*8), BX + MOVQ 8(R8)(DI*8), DX + INCQ DI + CMPQ BX, DX + JGE testDescending + JMP undefined +descending: + MOVQ $DESCENDING, ret+24(FP) + RET +undefined7: + VZEROUPPER +undefined: + MOVQ $UNDEFINED, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func orderOfUint32(data []uint32) int +TEXT ·orderOfUint32(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), R8 + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), R9 + XORQ SI, SI + XORQ DI, DI + + CMPQ R9, $2 + JB undefined + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE test + + CMPQ R9, $16 + JB test + + XORQ DX, DX + MOVQ R9, AX + SHRQ $4, AX + SHLQ $4, AX + MOVQ $15, CX + IDIVQ CX + IMULQ $15, AX + DECQ R9 + + VMOVDQU32 shift1x32<>(SB), Z2 + KXORW K2, K2, K2 +testAscending15: + VMOVDQU32 (R8)(SI*4), Z0 + VMOVDQU32 Z2, Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPCMPUD $2, Z1, Z0, K1 + KORTESTW K2, K1 + JNC testDescending15 + ADDQ $15, SI + CMPQ SI, AX + JNE testAscending15 + VZEROUPPER + JMP testAscending +testDescending15: + VMOVDQU32 (R8)(DI*4), Z0 + VMOVDQU32 Z2, Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPCMPUD $5, Z1, Z0, K1 + KORTESTW K2, K1 + JNC undefined15 + ADDQ $15, DI + CMPQ DI, AX + JNE testDescending15 + VZEROUPPER + JMP testDescending + +test: + DECQ R9 +testAscending: + CMPQ SI, R9 + JAE ascending + MOVL (R8)(SI*4), BX + MOVL 4(R8)(SI*4), DX + INCQ SI + CMPL BX, DX + JBE testAscending + JMP testDescending +ascending: + MOVQ $ASCENDING, ret+24(FP) + RET +testDescending: + CMPQ DI, R9 + JAE descending + MOVL (R8)(DI*4), BX + MOVL 4(R8)(DI*4), DX + INCQ DI + CMPL BX, DX + JAE testDescending + JMP undefined +descending: + MOVQ $DESCENDING, ret+24(FP) + RET +undefined15: + VZEROUPPER +undefined: + MOVQ $UNDEFINED, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func orderOfUint64(data []uint64) int +TEXT ·orderOfUint64(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), R8 + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), R9 + XORQ SI, SI + XORQ DI, DI + + CMPQ R9, $2 + JB undefined + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE test + + CMPQ R9, $8 + JB test + + XORQ DX, DX + MOVQ R9, AX + SHRQ $3, AX + SHLQ $3, AX + MOVQ $7, CX + IDIVQ CX + IMULQ $7, AX + DECQ R9 + + VMOVDQU64 shift1x64<>(SB), Z2 + KXORB K2, K2, K2 +testAscending7: + VMOVDQU64 (R8)(SI*8), Z0 + VMOVDQU64 Z2, Z1 + VPERMI2Q Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPCMPUQ $2, Z1, Z0, K1 + KORTESTB K2, K1 + JNC testDescending7 + ADDQ $7, SI + CMPQ SI, AX + JNE testAscending7 + VZEROUPPER + JMP testAscending +testDescending7: + VMOVDQU64 (R8)(DI*8), Z0 + VMOVDQU64 Z2, Z1 + VPERMI2Q Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPCMPUQ $5, Z1, Z0, K1 + KORTESTB K2, K1 + JNC undefined7 + ADDQ $7, DI + CMPQ DI, AX + JNE testDescending7 + VZEROUPPER + JMP testDescending + +test: + DECQ R9 +testAscending: + CMPQ SI, R9 + JAE ascending + MOVQ (R8)(SI*8), BX + MOVQ 8(R8)(SI*8), DX + INCQ SI + CMPQ BX, DX + JBE testAscending + JMP testDescending +ascending: + MOVQ $ASCENDING, ret+24(FP) + RET +testDescending: + CMPQ DI, R9 + JAE descending + MOVQ (R8)(DI*8), BX + MOVQ 8(R8)(DI*8), DX + INCQ DI + CMPQ BX, DX + JAE testDescending + JMP undefined +descending: + MOVQ $DESCENDING, ret+24(FP) + RET +undefined7: + VZEROUPPER +undefined: + MOVQ $UNDEFINED, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func orderOfFloat32(data []float32) int +TEXT ·orderOfFloat32(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), R8 + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), R9 + XORQ SI, SI + XORQ DI, DI + + CMPQ R9, $2 + JB undefined + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE test + + CMPQ R9, $16 + JB test + + XORQ DX, DX + MOVQ R9, AX + SHRQ $4, AX + SHLQ $4, AX + MOVQ $15, CX + IDIVQ CX + IMULQ $15, AX + DECQ R9 + + VMOVDQU32 shift1x32<>(SB), Z2 + KXORW K2, K2, K2 +testAscending15: + VMOVDQU32 (R8)(SI*4), Z0 + VMOVDQU32 Z2, Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VCMPPS $2, Z1, Z0, K1 + KORTESTW K2, K1 + JNC testDescending15 + ADDQ $15, SI + CMPQ SI, AX + JNE testAscending15 + VZEROUPPER + JMP testAscending +testDescending15: + VMOVDQU32 (R8)(DI*4), Z0 + VMOVDQU32 Z2, Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VCMPPS $5, Z1, Z0, K1 + KORTESTW K2, K1 + JNC undefined15 + ADDQ $15, DI + CMPQ DI, AX + JNE testDescending15 + VZEROUPPER + JMP testDescending + +test: + DECQ R9 +testAscending: + CMPQ SI, R9 + JAE ascending + MOVLQZX (R8)(SI*4), BX + MOVLQZX 4(R8)(SI*4), DX + INCQ SI + MOVQ BX, X0 + MOVQ DX, X1 + UCOMISS X1, X0 + JBE testAscending + JMP testDescending +ascending: + MOVQ $ASCENDING, ret+24(FP) + RET +testDescending: + CMPQ DI, R9 + JAE descending + MOVLQZX (R8)(DI*4), BX + MOVLQZX 4(R8)(DI*4), DX + INCQ DI + MOVQ BX, X0 + MOVQ DX, X1 + UCOMISS X1, X0 + JAE testDescending + JMP undefined +descending: + MOVQ $DESCENDING, ret+24(FP) + RET +undefined15: + VZEROUPPER +undefined: + MOVQ $UNDEFINED, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func orderOfFloat64(data []uint64) int +TEXT ·orderOfFloat64(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), R8 + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), R9 + XORQ SI, SI + XORQ DI, DI + + CMPQ R9, $2 + JB undefined + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE test + + CMPQ R9, $8 + JB test + + XORQ DX, DX + MOVQ R9, AX + SHRQ $3, AX + SHLQ $3, AX + MOVQ $7, CX + IDIVQ CX + IMULQ $7, AX + DECQ R9 + + VMOVDQU64 shift1x64<>(SB), Z2 + KXORB K2, K2, K2 +testAscending7: + VMOVDQU64 (R8)(SI*8), Z0 + VMOVDQU64 Z2, Z1 + VPERMI2Q Z0, Z0, Z1 + VCMPPD $2, Z1, Z0, K1 + KORTESTB K2, K1 + JNC testDescending7 + ADDQ $7, SI + CMPQ SI, AX + JNE testAscending7 + VZEROUPPER + JMP testAscending +testDescending7: + VMOVDQU64 (R8)(DI*8), Z0 + VMOVDQU64 Z2, Z1 + VPERMI2Q Z0, Z0, Z1 + VCMPPD $5, Z1, Z0, K1 + KORTESTB K2, K1 + JNC undefined7 + ADDQ $7, DI + CMPQ DI, AX + JNE testDescending7 + VZEROUPPER + JMP testDescending + +test: + DECQ R9 +testAscending: + CMPQ SI, R9 + JAE ascending + MOVQ (R8)(SI*8), BX + MOVQ 8(R8)(SI*8), DX + INCQ SI + MOVQ BX, X0 + MOVQ DX, X1 + UCOMISD X1, X0 + JBE testAscending + JMP testDescending +ascending: + MOVQ $ASCENDING, ret+24(FP) + RET +testDescending: + CMPQ DI, R9 + JAE descending + MOVQ (R8)(DI*8), BX + MOVQ 8(R8)(DI*8), DX + INCQ DI + MOVQ BX, X0 + MOVQ DX, X1 + UCOMISD X1, X0 + JAE testDescending + JMP undefined +descending: + MOVQ $DESCENDING, ret+24(FP) + RET +undefined7: + VZEROUPPER +undefined: + MOVQ $UNDEFINED, ret+24(FP) + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/order_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/order_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..44c4d7905e30b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/order_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package parquet + +import "cmp" + +func orderOfInt32(data []int32) int { return orderOf(data) } +func orderOfInt64(data []int64) int { return orderOf(data) } +func orderOfUint32(data []uint32) int { return orderOf(data) } +func orderOfUint64(data []uint64) int { return orderOf(data) } +func orderOfFloat32(data []float32) int { return orderOf(data) } +func orderOfFloat64(data []float64) int { return orderOf(data) } + +func orderOf[T cmp.Ordered](data []T) int { + if len(data) > 1 { + if orderIsAscending(data) { + return +1 + } + if orderIsDescending(data) { + return -1 + } + } + return 0 +} + +func orderIsAscending[T cmp.Ordered](data []T) bool { + for i := len(data) - 1; i > 0; i-- { + if data[i-1] > data[i] { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +func orderIsDescending[T cmp.Ordered](data []T) bool { + for i := len(data) - 1; i > 0; i-- { + if data[i-1] < data[i] { + return false + } + } + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..0c3ef0329a898 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page.go @@ -0,0 +1,1396 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "io" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/debug" +) + +// Page values represent sequences of parquet values. From the Parquet +// documentation: "Column chunks are a chunk of the data for a particular +// column. They live in a particular row group and are guaranteed to be +// contiguous in the file. Column chunks are divided up into pages. A page is +// conceptually an indivisible unit (in terms of compression and encoding). +// There can be multiple page types which are interleaved in a column chunk." +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format#glossary +type Page interface { + // Returns the type of values read from this page. + // + // The returned type can be used to encode the page data, in the case of + // an indexed page (which has a dictionary), the type is configured to + // encode the indexes stored in the page rather than the plain values. + Type() Type + + // Returns the column index that this page belongs to. + Column() int + + // If the page contains indexed values, calling this method returns the + // dictionary in which the values are looked up. Otherwise, the method + // returns nil. + Dictionary() Dictionary + + // Returns the number of rows, values, and nulls in the page. The number of + // rows may be less than the number of values in the page if the page is + // part of a repeated column. + NumRows() int64 + NumValues() int64 + NumNulls() int64 + + // Returns the page's min and max values. + // + // The third value is a boolean indicating whether the page bounds were + // available. Page bounds may not be known if the page contained no values + // or only nulls, or if they were read from a parquet file which had neither + // page statistics nor a page index. + Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) + + // Returns the size of the page in bytes (uncompressed). + Size() int64 + + // Returns a reader exposing the values contained in the page. + // + // Depending on the underlying implementation, the returned reader may + // support reading an array of typed Go values by implementing interfaces + // like parquet.Int32Reader. Applications should use type assertions on + // the returned reader to determine whether those optimizations are + // available. + Values() ValueReader + + // Returns a new page which is as slice of the receiver between row indexes + // i and j. + Slice(i, j int64) Page + + // Expose the lists of repetition and definition levels of the page. + // + // The returned slices may be empty when the page has no repetition or + // definition levels. + RepetitionLevels() []byte + DefinitionLevels() []byte + + // Returns the in-memory buffer holding the page values. + // + // The intent is for the returned value to be used as input parameter when + // calling the Encode method of the associated Type. + // + // The slices referenced by the encoding.Values may be the same across + // multiple calls to this method, applications must treat the content as + // immutable. + Data() encoding.Values +} + +// PageReader is an interface implemented by types that support producing a +// sequence of pages. +type PageReader interface { + // Reads and returns the next page from the sequence. When all pages have + // been read, or if the sequence was closed, the method returns io.EOF. + ReadPage() (Page, error) +} + +// PageWriter is an interface implemented by types that support writing pages +// to an underlying storage medium. +type PageWriter interface { + WritePage(Page) (int64, error) +} + +// Pages is an interface implemented by page readers returned by calling the +// Pages method of ColumnChunk instances. +type Pages interface { + PageReader + RowSeeker + io.Closer +} + +// AsyncPages wraps the given Pages instance to perform page reads +// asynchronously in a separate goroutine. +// +// Performing page reads asynchronously is important when the application may +// be reading pages from a high latency backend, and the last +// page read may be processed while initiating reading of the next page. +func AsyncPages(pages Pages) Pages { + p := new(asyncPages) + p.init(pages, nil) + // If the pages object gets garbage collected without Close being called, + // this finalizer would ensure that the goroutine is stopped and doesn't + // leak. + debug.SetFinalizer(p, func(p *asyncPages) { p.Close() }) + return p +} + +type asyncPages struct { + read <-chan asyncPage + seek chan<- int64 + done chan<- struct{} + version int64 +} + +type asyncPage struct { + page Page + err error + version int64 +} + +func (pages *asyncPages) init(base Pages, done chan struct{}) { + read := make(chan asyncPage) + seek := make(chan int64, 1) + + pages.read = read + pages.seek = seek + + if done == nil { + done = make(chan struct{}) + pages.done = done + } + + go readPages(base, read, seek, done) +} + +func (pages *asyncPages) Close() (err error) { + if pages.done != nil { + close(pages.done) + pages.done = nil + } + for p := range pages.read { + // Capture the last error, which is the value returned from closing the + // underlying Pages instance. + err = p.err + } + pages.seek = nil + return err +} + +func (pages *asyncPages) ReadPage() (Page, error) { + for { + p, ok := <-pages.read + if !ok { + return nil, io.EOF + } + // Because calls to SeekToRow might be made concurrently to reading + // pages, it is possible for ReadPage to see pages that were read before + // the last SeekToRow call. + // + // A version number is attached to each page read asynchronously to + // discard outdated pages and ensure that we maintain a consistent view + // of the sequence of pages read. + if p.version == pages.version { + return p.page, p.err + } + } +} + +func (pages *asyncPages) SeekToRow(rowIndex int64) error { + if pages.seek == nil { + return io.ErrClosedPipe + } + // The seek channel has a capacity of 1 to allow the first SeekToRow call to + // be non-blocking. + // + // If SeekToRow calls are performed faster than they can be handled by the + // goroutine reading pages, this path might become a contention point. + pages.seek <- rowIndex + pages.version++ + return nil +} + +func readPages(pages Pages, read chan<- asyncPage, seek <-chan int64, done <-chan struct{}) { + defer func() { + read <- asyncPage{err: pages.Close(), version: -1} + close(read) + }() + + version := int64(0) + for { + page, err := pages.ReadPage() + + for { + select { + case <-done: + return + case read <- asyncPage{ + page: page, + err: err, + version: version, + }: + case rowIndex := <-seek: + version++ + err = pages.SeekToRow(rowIndex) + } + if err == nil { + break + } + } + } +} + +type singlePage struct { + page Page + seek int64 + numRows int64 +} + +func (r *singlePage) ReadPage() (Page, error) { + if r.page != nil { + if r.seek < r.numRows { + seek := r.seek + r.seek = r.numRows + if seek > 0 { + return r.page.Slice(seek, r.numRows), nil + } + return r.page, nil + } + } + return nil, io.EOF +} + +func (r *singlePage) SeekToRow(rowIndex int64) error { + r.seek = rowIndex + return nil +} + +func (r *singlePage) Close() error { + r.page = nil + r.seek = 0 + return nil +} + +func onePage(page Page) Pages { + return &singlePage{page: page, numRows: page.NumRows()} +} + +// CopyPages copies pages from src to dst, returning the number of values that +// were copied. +// +// The function returns any error it encounters reading or writing pages, except +// for io.EOF from the reader which indicates that there were no more pages to +// read. +func CopyPages(dst PageWriter, src PageReader) (numValues int64, err error) { + for { + p, err := src.ReadPage() + if err != nil { + if err == io.EOF { + err = nil + } + return numValues, err + } + n, err := dst.WritePage(p) + numValues += n + if err != nil { + return numValues, err + } + } +} + +// errorPage is an implementation of the Page interface which always errors when +// attempting to read its values. +// +// The error page declares that it contains one value (even if it does not) +// as a way to ensure that it is not ignored due to being empty when written +// to a file. +type errorPage struct { + typ Type + err error + columnIndex int +} + +func newErrorPage(typ Type, columnIndex int, msg string, args ...interface{}) *errorPage { + return &errorPage{ + typ: typ, + err: fmt.Errorf(msg, args...), + columnIndex: columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *errorPage) Type() Type { return page.typ } +func (page *errorPage) Column() int { return page.columnIndex } +func (page *errorPage) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } +func (page *errorPage) NumRows() int64 { return 1 } +func (page *errorPage) NumValues() int64 { return 1 } +func (page *errorPage) NumNulls() int64 { return 0 } +func (page *errorPage) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { return } +func (page *errorPage) Slice(i, j int64) Page { return page } +func (page *errorPage) Size() int64 { return 1 } +func (page *errorPage) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } +func (page *errorPage) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } +func (page *errorPage) Data() encoding.Values { return encoding.Values{} } +func (page *errorPage) Values() ValueReader { return errorPageValues{page: page} } + +type errorPageValues struct{ page *errorPage } + +func (r errorPageValues) ReadValues([]Value) (int, error) { return 0, r.page.err } +func (r errorPageValues) Close() error { return nil } + +func errPageBoundsOutOfRange(i, j, n int64) error { + return fmt.Errorf("page bounds out of range [%d:%d]: with length %d", i, j, n) +} + +type optionalPage struct { + base Page + maxDefinitionLevel byte + definitionLevels []byte +} + +func newOptionalPage(base Page, maxDefinitionLevel byte, definitionLevels []byte) *optionalPage { + return &optionalPage{ + base: base, + maxDefinitionLevel: maxDefinitionLevel, + definitionLevels: definitionLevels, + } +} + +func (page *optionalPage) Type() Type { return page.base.Type() } + +func (page *optionalPage) Column() int { return page.base.Column() } + +func (page *optionalPage) Dictionary() Dictionary { return page.base.Dictionary() } + +func (page *optionalPage) NumRows() int64 { return int64(len(page.definitionLevels)) } + +func (page *optionalPage) NumValues() int64 { return int64(len(page.definitionLevels)) } + +func (page *optionalPage) NumNulls() int64 { + return int64(countLevelsNotEqual(page.definitionLevels, page.maxDefinitionLevel)) +} + +func (page *optionalPage) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { return page.base.Bounds() } + +func (page *optionalPage) Size() int64 { return int64(len(page.definitionLevels)) + page.base.Size() } + +func (page *optionalPage) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *optionalPage) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return page.definitionLevels } + +func (page *optionalPage) Data() encoding.Values { return page.base.Data() } + +func (page *optionalPage) Values() ValueReader { + return &optionalPageValues{ + page: page, + values: page.base.Values(), + } +} + +func (page *optionalPage) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + maxDefinitionLevel := page.maxDefinitionLevel + definitionLevels := page.definitionLevels + numNulls1 := int64(countLevelsNotEqual(definitionLevels[:i], maxDefinitionLevel)) + numNulls2 := int64(countLevelsNotEqual(definitionLevels[i:j], maxDefinitionLevel)) + return newOptionalPage( + page.base.Slice(i-numNulls1, j-(numNulls1+numNulls2)), + maxDefinitionLevel, + definitionLevels[i:j:j], + ) +} + +type repeatedPage struct { + base Page + maxRepetitionLevel byte + maxDefinitionLevel byte + definitionLevels []byte + repetitionLevels []byte +} + +func newRepeatedPage(base Page, maxRepetitionLevel, maxDefinitionLevel byte, repetitionLevels, definitionLevels []byte) *repeatedPage { + return &repeatedPage{ + base: base, + maxRepetitionLevel: maxRepetitionLevel, + maxDefinitionLevel: maxDefinitionLevel, + definitionLevels: definitionLevels, + repetitionLevels: repetitionLevels, + } +} + +func (page *repeatedPage) Type() Type { return page.base.Type() } + +func (page *repeatedPage) Column() int { return page.base.Column() } + +func (page *repeatedPage) Dictionary() Dictionary { return page.base.Dictionary() } + +func (page *repeatedPage) NumRows() int64 { return int64(countLevelsEqual(page.repetitionLevels, 0)) } + +func (page *repeatedPage) NumValues() int64 { return int64(len(page.definitionLevels)) } + +func (page *repeatedPage) NumNulls() int64 { + return int64(countLevelsNotEqual(page.definitionLevels, page.maxDefinitionLevel)) +} + +func (page *repeatedPage) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { return page.base.Bounds() } + +func (page *repeatedPage) Size() int64 { + return int64(len(page.repetitionLevels)) + int64(len(page.definitionLevels)) + page.base.Size() +} + +func (page *repeatedPage) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return page.repetitionLevels } + +func (page *repeatedPage) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return page.definitionLevels } + +func (page *repeatedPage) Data() encoding.Values { return page.base.Data() } + +func (page *repeatedPage) Values() ValueReader { + return &repeatedPageValues{ + page: page, + values: page.base.Values(), + } +} + +func (page *repeatedPage) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + numRows := page.NumRows() + if i < 0 || i > numRows { + panic(errPageBoundsOutOfRange(i, j, numRows)) + } + if j < 0 || j > numRows { + panic(errPageBoundsOutOfRange(i, j, numRows)) + } + if i > j { + panic(errPageBoundsOutOfRange(i, j, numRows)) + } + + maxRepetitionLevel := page.maxRepetitionLevel + maxDefinitionLevel := page.maxDefinitionLevel + repetitionLevels := page.repetitionLevels + definitionLevels := page.definitionLevels + + rowIndex0 := 0 + rowIndex1 := len(repetitionLevels) + rowIndex2 := len(repetitionLevels) + + for k, def := range repetitionLevels { + if def == 0 { + if rowIndex0 == int(i) { + rowIndex1 = k + break + } + rowIndex0++ + } + } + + for k, def := range repetitionLevels[rowIndex1:] { + if def == 0 { + if rowIndex0 == int(j) { + rowIndex2 = rowIndex1 + k + break + } + rowIndex0++ + } + } + + numNulls1 := countLevelsNotEqual(definitionLevels[:rowIndex1], maxDefinitionLevel) + numNulls2 := countLevelsNotEqual(definitionLevels[rowIndex1:rowIndex2], maxDefinitionLevel) + + i = int64(rowIndex1 - numNulls1) + j = int64(rowIndex2 - (numNulls1 + numNulls2)) + + return newRepeatedPage( + page.base.Slice(i, j), + maxRepetitionLevel, + maxDefinitionLevel, + repetitionLevels[rowIndex1:rowIndex2:rowIndex2], + definitionLevels[rowIndex1:rowIndex2:rowIndex2], + ) +} + +type booleanPage struct { + typ Type + bits []byte + offset int32 + numValues int32 + columnIndex int16 +} + +func newBooleanPage(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, values encoding.Values) *booleanPage { + return &booleanPage{ + typ: typ, + bits: values.Boolean()[:bitpack.ByteCount(uint(numValues))], + numValues: numValues, + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *booleanPage) Type() Type { return page.typ } + +func (page *booleanPage) Column() int { return int(^page.columnIndex) } + +func (page *booleanPage) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (page *booleanPage) NumRows() int64 { return int64(page.numValues) } + +func (page *booleanPage) NumValues() int64 { return int64(page.numValues) } + +func (page *booleanPage) NumNulls() int64 { return 0 } + +func (page *booleanPage) Size() int64 { return int64(len(page.bits)) } + +func (page *booleanPage) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *booleanPage) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *booleanPage) Data() encoding.Values { return encoding.BooleanValues(page.bits) } + +func (page *booleanPage) Values() ValueReader { return &booleanPageValues{page: page} } + +func (page *booleanPage) valueAt(i int) bool { + j := uint32(int(page.offset)+i) / 8 + k := uint32(int(page.offset)+i) % 8 + return ((page.bits[j] >> k) & 1) != 0 +} + +func (page *booleanPage) min() bool { + for i := 0; i < int(page.numValues); i++ { + if !page.valueAt(i) { + return false + } + } + return page.numValues > 0 +} + +func (page *booleanPage) max() bool { + for i := 0; i < int(page.numValues); i++ { + if page.valueAt(i) { + return true + } + } + return false +} + +func (page *booleanPage) bounds() (min, max bool) { + hasFalse, hasTrue := false, false + + for i := 0; i < int(page.numValues); i++ { + v := page.valueAt(i) + if v { + hasTrue = true + } else { + hasFalse = true + } + if hasTrue && hasFalse { + break + } + } + + min = !hasFalse + max = hasTrue + return min, max +} + +func (page *booleanPage) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { + if ok = page.numValues > 0; ok { + minBool, maxBool := page.bounds() + min = page.makeValue(minBool) + max = page.makeValue(maxBool) + } + return min, max, ok +} + +func (page *booleanPage) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + lowWithOffset := i + int64(page.offset) + highWithOffset := j + int64(page.offset) + + off := lowWithOffset / 8 + end := highWithOffset / 8 + + if (highWithOffset % 8) != 0 { + end++ + } + + return &booleanPage{ + typ: page.typ, + bits: page.bits[off:end], + offset: int32(lowWithOffset % 8), + numValues: int32(j - i), + columnIndex: page.columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *booleanPage) makeValue(v bool) Value { + value := makeValueBoolean(v) + value.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + return value +} + +type int32Page struct { + typ Type + values []int32 + columnIndex int16 +} + +func newInt32Page(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, values encoding.Values) *int32Page { + return &int32Page{ + typ: typ, + values: values.Int32()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *int32Page) Type() Type { return page.typ } + +func (page *int32Page) Column() int { return int(^page.columnIndex) } + +func (page *int32Page) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (page *int32Page) NumRows() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *int32Page) NumValues() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *int32Page) NumNulls() int64 { return 0 } + +func (page *int32Page) Size() int64 { return 4 * int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *int32Page) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *int32Page) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *int32Page) Data() encoding.Values { return encoding.Int32Values(page.values) } + +func (page *int32Page) Values() ValueReader { return &int32PageValues{page: page} } + +func (page *int32Page) min() int32 { return minInt32(page.values) } + +func (page *int32Page) max() int32 { return maxInt32(page.values) } + +func (page *int32Page) bounds() (min, max int32) { return boundsInt32(page.values) } + +func (page *int32Page) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { + if ok = len(page.values) > 0; ok { + minInt32, maxInt32 := page.bounds() + min = page.makeValue(minInt32) + max = page.makeValue(maxInt32) + } + return min, max, ok +} + +func (page *int32Page) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return &int32Page{ + typ: page.typ, + values: page.values[i:j], + columnIndex: page.columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *int32Page) makeValue(v int32) Value { + value := makeValueInt32(v) + value.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + return value +} + +type int64Page struct { + typ Type + values []int64 + columnIndex int16 +} + +func newInt64Page(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, values encoding.Values) *int64Page { + return &int64Page{ + typ: typ, + values: values.Int64()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *int64Page) Type() Type { return page.typ } + +func (page *int64Page) Column() int { return int(^page.columnIndex) } + +func (page *int64Page) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (page *int64Page) NumRows() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *int64Page) NumValues() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *int64Page) NumNulls() int64 { return 0 } + +func (page *int64Page) Size() int64 { return 8 * int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *int64Page) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *int64Page) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *int64Page) Data() encoding.Values { return encoding.Int64Values(page.values) } + +func (page *int64Page) Values() ValueReader { return &int64PageValues{page: page} } + +func (page *int64Page) min() int64 { return minInt64(page.values) } + +func (page *int64Page) max() int64 { return maxInt64(page.values) } + +func (page *int64Page) bounds() (min, max int64) { return boundsInt64(page.values) } + +func (page *int64Page) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { + if ok = len(page.values) > 0; ok { + minInt64, maxInt64 := page.bounds() + min = page.makeValue(minInt64) + max = page.makeValue(maxInt64) + } + return min, max, ok +} + +func (page *int64Page) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return &int64Page{ + typ: page.typ, + values: page.values[i:j], + columnIndex: page.columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *int64Page) makeValue(v int64) Value { + value := makeValueInt64(v) + value.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + return value +} + +type int96Page struct { + typ Type + values []deprecated.Int96 + columnIndex int16 +} + +func newInt96Page(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, values encoding.Values) *int96Page { + return &int96Page{ + typ: typ, + values: values.Int96()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *int96Page) Type() Type { return page.typ } + +func (page *int96Page) Column() int { return int(^page.columnIndex) } + +func (page *int96Page) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (page *int96Page) NumRows() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *int96Page) NumValues() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *int96Page) NumNulls() int64 { return 0 } + +func (page *int96Page) Size() int64 { return 12 * int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *int96Page) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *int96Page) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *int96Page) Data() encoding.Values { return encoding.Int96Values(page.values) } + +func (page *int96Page) Values() ValueReader { return &int96PageValues{page: page} } + +func (page *int96Page) min() deprecated.Int96 { return deprecated.MinInt96(page.values) } + +func (page *int96Page) max() deprecated.Int96 { return deprecated.MaxInt96(page.values) } + +func (page *int96Page) bounds() (min, max deprecated.Int96) { + return deprecated.MinMaxInt96(page.values) +} + +func (page *int96Page) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { + if ok = len(page.values) > 0; ok { + minInt96, maxInt96 := page.bounds() + min = page.makeValue(minInt96) + max = page.makeValue(maxInt96) + } + return min, max, ok +} + +func (page *int96Page) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return &int96Page{ + typ: page.typ, + values: page.values[i:j], + columnIndex: page.columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *int96Page) makeValue(v deprecated.Int96) Value { + value := makeValueInt96(v) + value.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + return value +} + +type floatPage struct { + typ Type + values []float32 + columnIndex int16 +} + +func newFloatPage(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, values encoding.Values) *floatPage { + return &floatPage{ + typ: typ, + values: values.Float()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *floatPage) Type() Type { return page.typ } + +func (page *floatPage) Column() int { return int(^page.columnIndex) } + +func (page *floatPage) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (page *floatPage) NumRows() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *floatPage) NumValues() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *floatPage) NumNulls() int64 { return 0 } + +func (page *floatPage) Size() int64 { return 4 * int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *floatPage) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *floatPage) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *floatPage) Data() encoding.Values { return encoding.FloatValues(page.values) } + +func (page *floatPage) Values() ValueReader { return &floatPageValues{page: page} } + +func (page *floatPage) min() float32 { return minFloat32(page.values) } + +func (page *floatPage) max() float32 { return maxFloat32(page.values) } + +func (page *floatPage) bounds() (min, max float32) { return boundsFloat32(page.values) } + +func (page *floatPage) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { + if ok = len(page.values) > 0; ok { + minFloat32, maxFloat32 := page.bounds() + min = page.makeValue(minFloat32) + max = page.makeValue(maxFloat32) + } + return min, max, ok +} + +func (page *floatPage) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return &floatPage{ + typ: page.typ, + values: page.values[i:j], + columnIndex: page.columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *floatPage) makeValue(v float32) Value { + value := makeValueFloat(v) + value.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + return value +} + +type doublePage struct { + typ Type + values []float64 + columnIndex int16 +} + +func newDoublePage(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, values encoding.Values) *doublePage { + return &doublePage{ + typ: typ, + values: values.Double()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *doublePage) Type() Type { return page.typ } + +func (page *doublePage) Column() int { return int(^page.columnIndex) } + +func (page *doublePage) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (page *doublePage) NumRows() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *doublePage) NumValues() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *doublePage) NumNulls() int64 { return 0 } + +func (page *doublePage) Size() int64 { return 8 * int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *doublePage) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *doublePage) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *doublePage) Data() encoding.Values { return encoding.DoubleValues(page.values) } + +func (page *doublePage) Values() ValueReader { return &doublePageValues{page: page} } + +func (page *doublePage) min() float64 { return minFloat64(page.values) } + +func (page *doublePage) max() float64 { return maxFloat64(page.values) } + +func (page *doublePage) bounds() (min, max float64) { return boundsFloat64(page.values) } + +func (page *doublePage) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { + if ok = len(page.values) > 0; ok { + minFloat64, maxFloat64 := page.bounds() + min = page.makeValue(minFloat64) + max = page.makeValue(maxFloat64) + } + return min, max, ok +} + +func (page *doublePage) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return &doublePage{ + typ: page.typ, + values: page.values[i:j], + columnIndex: page.columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *doublePage) makeValue(v float64) Value { + value := makeValueDouble(v) + value.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + return value +} + +type byteArrayPage struct { + typ Type + values []byte + offsets []uint32 + columnIndex int16 +} + +func newByteArrayPage(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, values encoding.Values) *byteArrayPage { + data, offsets := values.ByteArray() + return &byteArrayPage{ + typ: typ, + values: data, + offsets: offsets[:numValues+1], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *byteArrayPage) Type() Type { return page.typ } + +func (page *byteArrayPage) Column() int { return int(^page.columnIndex) } + +func (page *byteArrayPage) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (page *byteArrayPage) NumRows() int64 { return int64(page.len()) } + +func (page *byteArrayPage) NumValues() int64 { return int64(page.len()) } + +func (page *byteArrayPage) NumNulls() int64 { return 0 } + +func (page *byteArrayPage) Size() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) + 4*int64(len(page.offsets)) } + +func (page *byteArrayPage) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *byteArrayPage) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *byteArrayPage) Data() encoding.Values { + return encoding.ByteArrayValues(page.values, page.offsets) +} + +func (page *byteArrayPage) Values() ValueReader { return &byteArrayPageValues{page: page} } + +func (page *byteArrayPage) len() int { return len(page.offsets) - 1 } + +func (page *byteArrayPage) index(i int) []byte { + j := page.offsets[i+0] + k := page.offsets[i+1] + return page.values[j:k:k] +} + +func (page *byteArrayPage) min() (min []byte) { + if n := page.len(); n > 0 { + min = page.index(0) + + for i := 1; i < n; i++ { + v := page.index(i) + + if bytes.Compare(v, min) < 0 { + min = v + } + } + } + return min +} + +func (page *byteArrayPage) max() (max []byte) { + if n := page.len(); n > 0 { + max = page.index(0) + + for i := 1; i < n; i++ { + v := page.index(i) + + if bytes.Compare(v, max) > 0 { + max = v + } + } + } + return max +} + +func (page *byteArrayPage) bounds() (min, max []byte) { + if n := page.len(); n > 0 { + min = page.index(0) + max = min + + for i := 1; i < n; i++ { + v := page.index(i) + + switch { + case bytes.Compare(v, min) < 0: + min = v + case bytes.Compare(v, max) > 0: + max = v + } + } + } + return min, max +} + +func (page *byteArrayPage) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { + if ok = len(page.offsets) > 1; ok { + minBytes, maxBytes := page.bounds() + min = page.makeValueBytes(minBytes) + max = page.makeValueBytes(maxBytes) + } + return min, max, ok +} + +func (page *byteArrayPage) cloneValues() []byte { + values := make([]byte, len(page.values)) + copy(values, page.values) + return values +} + +func (page *byteArrayPage) cloneOffsets() []uint32 { + offsets := make([]uint32, len(page.offsets)) + copy(offsets, page.offsets) + return offsets +} + +func (page *byteArrayPage) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return &byteArrayPage{ + typ: page.typ, + values: page.values, + offsets: page.offsets[i : j+1], + columnIndex: page.columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *byteArrayPage) makeValueBytes(v []byte) Value { + value := makeValueBytes(ByteArray, v) + value.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + return value +} + +func (page *byteArrayPage) makeValueString(v string) Value { + value := makeValueString(ByteArray, v) + value.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + return value +} + +type fixedLenByteArrayPage struct { + typ Type + data []byte + size int + columnIndex int16 +} + +func newFixedLenByteArrayPage(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, values encoding.Values) *fixedLenByteArrayPage { + data, size := values.FixedLenByteArray() + return &fixedLenByteArrayPage{ + typ: typ, + data: data[:int(numValues)*size], + size: size, + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) Type() Type { return page.typ } + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) Column() int { return int(^page.columnIndex) } + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) NumRows() int64 { return int64(len(page.data) / page.size) } + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) NumValues() int64 { return int64(len(page.data) / page.size) } + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) NumNulls() int64 { return 0 } + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) Size() int64 { return int64(len(page.data)) } + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) Data() encoding.Values { + return encoding.FixedLenByteArrayValues(page.data, page.size) +} + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) Values() ValueReader { + return &fixedLenByteArrayPageValues{page: page} +} + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) min() []byte { return minFixedLenByteArray(page.data, page.size) } + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) max() []byte { return maxFixedLenByteArray(page.data, page.size) } + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) bounds() (min, max []byte) { + return boundsFixedLenByteArray(page.data, page.size) +} + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { + if ok = len(page.data) > 0; ok { + minBytes, maxBytes := page.bounds() + min = page.makeValueBytes(minBytes) + max = page.makeValueBytes(maxBytes) + } + return min, max, ok +} + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return &fixedLenByteArrayPage{ + typ: page.typ, + data: page.data[i*int64(page.size) : j*int64(page.size)], + size: page.size, + columnIndex: page.columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) makeValueBytes(v []byte) Value { + value := makeValueBytes(FixedLenByteArray, v) + value.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + return value +} + +func (page *fixedLenByteArrayPage) makeValueString(v string) Value { + value := makeValueString(FixedLenByteArray, v) + value.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + return value +} + +type uint32Page struct { + typ Type + values []uint32 + columnIndex int16 +} + +func newUint32Page(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, values encoding.Values) *uint32Page { + return &uint32Page{ + typ: typ, + values: values.Uint32()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *uint32Page) Type() Type { return page.typ } + +func (page *uint32Page) Column() int { return int(^page.columnIndex) } + +func (page *uint32Page) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (page *uint32Page) NumRows() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *uint32Page) NumValues() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *uint32Page) NumNulls() int64 { return 0 } + +func (page *uint32Page) Size() int64 { return 4 * int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *uint32Page) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *uint32Page) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *uint32Page) Data() encoding.Values { return encoding.Uint32Values(page.values) } + +func (page *uint32Page) Values() ValueReader { return &uint32PageValues{page: page} } + +func (page *uint32Page) min() uint32 { return minUint32(page.values) } + +func (page *uint32Page) max() uint32 { return maxUint32(page.values) } + +func (page *uint32Page) bounds() (min, max uint32) { return boundsUint32(page.values) } + +func (page *uint32Page) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { + if ok = len(page.values) > 0; ok { + minUint32, maxUint32 := page.bounds() + min = page.makeValue(minUint32) + max = page.makeValue(maxUint32) + } + return min, max, ok +} + +func (page *uint32Page) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return &uint32Page{ + typ: page.typ, + values: page.values[i:j], + columnIndex: page.columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *uint32Page) makeValue(v uint32) Value { + value := makeValueUint32(v) + value.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + return value +} + +type uint64Page struct { + typ Type + values []uint64 + columnIndex int16 +} + +func newUint64Page(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, values encoding.Values) *uint64Page { + return &uint64Page{ + typ: typ, + values: values.Uint64()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *uint64Page) Type() Type { return page.typ } + +func (page *uint64Page) Column() int { return int(^page.columnIndex) } + +func (page *uint64Page) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (page *uint64Page) NumRows() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *uint64Page) NumValues() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *uint64Page) NumNulls() int64 { return 0 } + +func (page *uint64Page) Size() int64 { return 8 * int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *uint64Page) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *uint64Page) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *uint64Page) Data() encoding.Values { return encoding.Uint64Values(page.values) } + +func (page *uint64Page) Values() ValueReader { return &uint64PageValues{page: page} } + +func (page *uint64Page) min() uint64 { return minUint64(page.values) } + +func (page *uint64Page) max() uint64 { return maxUint64(page.values) } + +func (page *uint64Page) bounds() (min, max uint64) { return boundsUint64(page.values) } + +func (page *uint64Page) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { + if ok = len(page.values) > 0; ok { + minUint64, maxUint64 := page.bounds() + min = page.makeValue(minUint64) + max = page.makeValue(maxUint64) + } + return min, max, ok +} + +func (page *uint64Page) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return &uint64Page{ + typ: page.typ, + values: page.values[i:j], + columnIndex: page.columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *uint64Page) makeValue(v uint64) Value { + value := makeValueUint64(v) + value.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + return value +} + +type be128Page struct { + typ Type + values [][16]byte + columnIndex int16 +} + +func newBE128Page(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32, values encoding.Values) *be128Page { + return &be128Page{ + typ: typ, + values: values.Uint128()[:numValues], + columnIndex: ^columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *be128Page) Type() Type { return page.typ } + +func (page *be128Page) Column() int { return int(^page.columnIndex) } + +func (page *be128Page) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (page *be128Page) NumRows() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *be128Page) NumValues() int64 { return int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *be128Page) NumNulls() int64 { return 0 } + +func (page *be128Page) Size() int64 { return 16 * int64(len(page.values)) } + +func (page *be128Page) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *be128Page) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } + +func (page *be128Page) Data() encoding.Values { return encoding.Uint128Values(page.values) } + +func (page *be128Page) Values() ValueReader { return &be128PageValues{page: page} } + +func (page *be128Page) min() []byte { return minBE128(page.values) } + +func (page *be128Page) max() []byte { return maxBE128(page.values) } + +func (page *be128Page) bounds() (min, max []byte) { return boundsBE128(page.values) } + +func (page *be128Page) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { + if ok = len(page.values) > 0; ok { + minBytes, maxBytes := page.bounds() + min = page.makeValueBytes(minBytes) + max = page.makeValueBytes(maxBytes) + } + return min, max, ok +} + +func (page *be128Page) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return &be128Page{ + typ: page.typ, + values: page.values[i:j], + columnIndex: page.columnIndex, + } +} + +func (page *be128Page) makeValue(v *[16]byte) Value { + return page.makeValueBytes(v[:]) +} + +func (page *be128Page) makeValueBytes(v []byte) Value { + value := makeValueBytes(FixedLenByteArray, v) + value.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + return value +} + +func (page *be128Page) makeValueString(v string) Value { + value := makeValueString(FixedLenByteArray, v) + value.columnIndex = page.columnIndex + return value +} + +type nullPage struct { + typ Type + column int + count int +} + +func newNullPage(typ Type, columnIndex int16, numValues int32) *nullPage { + return &nullPage{ + typ: typ, + column: int(columnIndex), + count: int(numValues), + } +} + +func (page *nullPage) Type() Type { return page.typ } +func (page *nullPage) Column() int { return page.column } +func (page *nullPage) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } +func (page *nullPage) NumRows() int64 { return int64(page.count) } +func (page *nullPage) NumValues() int64 { return int64(page.count) } +func (page *nullPage) NumNulls() int64 { return int64(page.count) } +func (page *nullPage) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { return } +func (page *nullPage) Size() int64 { return 1 } +func (page *nullPage) Values() ValueReader { + return &nullPageValues{column: page.column, remain: page.count} +} +func (page *nullPage) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return &nullPage{column: page.column, count: page.count - int(j-i)} +} +func (page *nullPage) RepetitionLevels() []byte { return nil } +func (page *nullPage) DefinitionLevels() []byte { return nil } +func (page *nullPage) Data() encoding.Values { return encoding.Values{} } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_bounds.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_bounds.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8278e25ce003a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_bounds.go @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +package parquet + +import "bytes" + +func boundsFixedLenByteArray(data []byte, size int) (min, max []byte) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[:size] + max = data[:size] + + for i, j := size, 2*size; j <= len(data); { + item := data[i:j] + + if bytes.Compare(item, min) < 0 { + min = item + } + if bytes.Compare(item, max) > 0 { + max = item + } + + i += size + j += size + } + } + return min, max +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_bounds_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_bounds_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9cb513b407c5c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_bounds_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package parquet + +// The min-max algorithms combine looking for the min and max values in a single +// pass over the data. While the behavior is the same as calling functions to +// look for the min and max values independently, doing both operations at the +// same time means that we only load the data from memory once. When working on +// large arrays the algorithms are limited by memory bandwidth, computing both +// the min and max together shrinks by half the amount of data read from memory. +// +// The following benchmarks results were highlighting the benefits of combining +// the min-max search, compared to calling the min and max functions separately: +// +// name old time/op new time/op delta +// BoundsInt64/10240KiB 590µs ±15% 330µs ±10% -44.01% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// +// name old speed new speed delta +// BoundsInt64/10240KiB 17.9GB/s ±13% 31.8GB/s ±11% +78.13% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// +// As expected, since the functions are memory-bound in those cases, and load +// half as much data, we see significant improvements. The gains are not 2x because +// running more AVX-512 instructions in the tight loops causes more contention +// on CPU ports. +// +// Optimizations being trade offs, using min/max functions independently appears +// to yield better throughput when the data resides in CPU caches: +// +// name old time/op new time/op delta +// BoundsInt64/4KiB 52.1ns ± 0% 46.2ns ± 1% -12.65% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// +// name old speed new speed delta +// BoundsInt64/4KiB 78.6GB/s ± 0% 88.6GB/s ± 1% +11.23% (p=0.000 n=10+10) +// +// The probable explanation is that in those cases the algorithms are not +// memory-bound anymore, but limited by contention on CPU ports, and the +// individual min/max functions are able to better parallelize the work due +// to running less instructions per loop. The performance starts to equalize +// around 256KiB, and degrade beyond 1MiB, so we use this threshold to determine +// which approach to prefer. +const combinedBoundsThreshold = 1 * 1024 * 1024 + +//go:noescape +func combinedBoundsBool(data []bool) (min, max bool) + +//go:noescape +func combinedBoundsInt32(data []int32) (min, max int32) + +//go:noescape +func combinedBoundsInt64(data []int64) (min, max int64) + +//go:noescape +func combinedBoundsUint32(data []uint32) (min, max uint32) + +//go:noescape +func combinedBoundsUint64(data []uint64) (min, max uint64) + +//go:noescape +func combinedBoundsFloat32(data []float32) (min, max float32) + +//go:noescape +func combinedBoundsFloat64(data []float64) (min, max float64) + +//go:noescape +func combinedBoundsBE128(data [][16]byte) (min, max []byte) + +func boundsInt32(data []int32) (min, max int32) { + if 4*len(data) >= combinedBoundsThreshold { + return combinedBoundsInt32(data) + } + min = minInt32(data) + max = maxInt32(data) + return +} + +func boundsInt64(data []int64) (min, max int64) { + if 8*len(data) >= combinedBoundsThreshold { + return combinedBoundsInt64(data) + } + min = minInt64(data) + max = maxInt64(data) + return +} + +func boundsUint32(data []uint32) (min, max uint32) { + if 4*len(data) >= combinedBoundsThreshold { + return combinedBoundsUint32(data) + } + min = minUint32(data) + max = maxUint32(data) + return +} + +func boundsUint64(data []uint64) (min, max uint64) { + if 8*len(data) >= combinedBoundsThreshold { + return combinedBoundsUint64(data) + } + min = minUint64(data) + max = maxUint64(data) + return +} + +func boundsFloat32(data []float32) (min, max float32) { + if 4*len(data) >= combinedBoundsThreshold { + return combinedBoundsFloat32(data) + } + min = minFloat32(data) + max = maxFloat32(data) + return +} + +func boundsFloat64(data []float64) (min, max float64) { + if 8*len(data) >= combinedBoundsThreshold { + return combinedBoundsFloat64(data) + } + min = minFloat64(data) + max = maxFloat64(data) + return +} + +func boundsBE128(data [][16]byte) (min, max []byte) { + // TODO: min/max BE128 is really complex to vectorize, and the returns + // were barely better than doing the min and max independently, for all + // input sizes. We should revisit if we find ways to improve the min or + // max algorithms which can be transposed to the combined version. + min = minBE128(data) + max = maxBE128(data) + return +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_bounds_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_bounds_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c6d172a5e1a35 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_bounds_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,551 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +#define bswap128lo 0x08080A0B0C0D0E0F +#define bswap128hi 0x0001020304050607 + +DATA bswap128+0(SB)/8, $bswap128lo +DATA bswap128+8(SB)/8, $bswap128hi +DATA bswap128+16(SB)/8, $bswap128lo +DATA bswap128+24(SB)/8, $bswap128hi +DATA bswap128+32(SB)/8, $bswap128lo +DATA bswap128+40(SB)/8, $bswap128hi +DATA bswap128+48(SB)/8, $bswap128lo +DATA bswap128+56(SB)/8, $bswap128hi +GLOBL bswap128(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA indexes128+0(SB)/8, $0 +DATA indexes128+8(SB)/8, $0 +DATA indexes128+16(SB)/8, $1 +DATA indexes128+24(SB)/8, $1 +DATA indexes128+32(SB)/8, $2 +DATA indexes128+40(SB)/8, $2 +DATA indexes128+48(SB)/8, $3 +DATA indexes128+56(SB)/8, $3 +GLOBL indexes128(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA swap64+0(SB)/8, $4 +DATA swap64+8(SB)/8, $5 +DATA swap64+16(SB)/8, $6 +DATA swap64+24(SB)/8, $7 +DATA swap64+32(SB)/8, $2 +DATA swap64+40(SB)/8, $3 +DATA swap64+48(SB)/8, $0 +DATA swap64+56(SB)/8, $1 +GLOBL swap64(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +DATA swap32+0(SB)/4, $8 +DATA swap32+4(SB)/4, $9 +DATA swap32+8(SB)/4, $10 +DATA swap32+12(SB)/4, $11 +DATA swap32+16(SB)/4, $12 +DATA swap32+20(SB)/4, $13 +DATA swap32+24(SB)/4, $14 +DATA swap32+28(SB)/4, $15 +DATA swap32+32(SB)/4, $4 +DATA swap32+36(SB)/4, $5 +DATA swap32+40(SB)/4, $6 +DATA swap32+44(SB)/4, $7 +DATA swap32+48(SB)/4, $2 +DATA swap32+52(SB)/4, $3 +DATA swap32+56(SB)/4, $0 +DATA swap32+60(SB)/4, $1 +GLOBL swap32(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $64 + +// func combinedBoundsInt32(data []int32) (min, max int32) +TEXT ·combinedBoundsInt32(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ R8, R8 + XORQ R9, R9 + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORQ SI, SI + MOVLQZX (AX), R8 // min + MOVLQZX (AX), R9 // max + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + VPBROADCASTD (AX), Z0 + VPBROADCASTD (AX), Z3 +loop32: + VMOVDQU32 (AX)(SI*4), Z1 + VMOVDQU32 64(AX)(SI*4), Z2 + VPMINSD Z1, Z0, Z0 + VPMINSD Z2, Z0, Z0 + VPMAXSD Z1, Z3, Z3 + VPMAXSD Z2, Z3, Z3 + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop32 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z2 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPERMI2D Z3, Z3, Z2 + VPMINSD Y1, Y0, Y0 + VPMAXSD Y2, Y3, Y3 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y2 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPERMI2D Y3, Y3, Y2 + VPMINSD X1, X0, X0 + VPMAXSD X2, X3, X3 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X2 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VPERMI2D X3, X3, X2 + VPMINSD X1, X0, X0 + VPMAXSD X2, X3, X3 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, BX + MOVQ X3, DX + MOVL BX, R8 + MOVL DX, R9 + SHRQ $32, BX + SHRQ $32, DX + CMPL BX, R8 + CMOVLLT BX, R8 + CMPL DX, R9 + CMOVLGT DX, R9 + + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVLQZX (AX)(SI*4), DX + CMPL DX, R8 + CMOVLLT DX, R8 + CMPL DX, R9 + CMOVLGT DX, R9 + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVL R8, min+24(FP) + MOVL R9, max+28(FP) + RET + +// func combinedBoundsInt64(data []int64) (min, max int64) +TEXT ·combinedBoundsInt64(SB), NOSPLIT, $-40 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ R8, R8 + XORQ R9, R9 + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORQ SI, SI + MOVQ (AX), R8 // min + MOVQ (AX), R9 // max + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $16 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $4, DI + SHLQ $4, DI + VPBROADCASTQ (AX), Z0 + VPBROADCASTQ (AX), Z3 +loop16: + VMOVDQU64 (AX)(SI*8), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 64(AX)(SI*8), Z2 + VPMINSQ Z1, Z0, Z0 + VPMINSQ Z2, Z0, Z0 + VPMAXSQ Z1, Z3, Z3 + VPMAXSQ Z2, Z3, Z3 + ADDQ $16, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop16 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z2 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPERMI2D Z3, Z3, Z2 + VPMINSQ Y1, Y0, Y0 + VPMAXSQ Y2, Y3, Y3 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y2 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPERMI2D Y3, Y3, Y2 + VPMINSQ X1, X0, X0 + VPMAXSQ X2, X3, X3 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X2 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VPERMI2D X3, X3, X2 + VPMINSQ X1, X0, X0 + VPMAXSQ X2, X3, X3 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, R8 + MOVQ X3, R9 + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVQ (AX)(SI*8), DX + CMPQ DX, R8 + CMOVQLT DX, R8 + CMPQ DX, R9 + CMOVQGT DX, R9 + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVQ R8, min+24(FP) + MOVQ R9, max+32(FP) + RET + +// func combinedBoundsUint32(data []uint32) (min, max uint32) +TEXT ·combinedBoundsUint32(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ R8, R8 + XORQ R9, R9 + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORQ SI, SI + MOVLQZX (AX), R8 // min + MOVLQZX (AX), R9 // max + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + VPBROADCASTD (AX), Z0 + VPBROADCASTD (AX), Z3 +loop32: + VMOVDQU32 (AX)(SI*4), Z1 + VMOVDQU32 64(AX)(SI*4), Z2 + VPMINUD Z1, Z0, Z0 + VPMINUD Z2, Z0, Z0 + VPMAXUD Z1, Z3, Z3 + VPMAXUD Z2, Z3, Z3 + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop32 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z2 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPERMI2D Z3, Z3, Z2 + VPMINUD Y1, Y0, Y0 + VPMAXUD Y2, Y3, Y3 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y2 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPERMI2D Y3, Y3, Y2 + VPMINUD X1, X0, X0 + VPMAXUD X2, X3, X3 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X2 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VPERMI2D X3, X3, X2 + VPMINUD X1, X0, X0 + VPMAXUD X2, X3, X3 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, BX + MOVQ X3, DX + MOVL BX, R8 + MOVL DX, R9 + SHRQ $32, BX + SHRQ $32, DX + CMPL BX, R8 + CMOVLCS BX, R8 + CMPL DX, R9 + CMOVLHI DX, R9 + + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVLQZX (AX)(SI*4), DX + CMPL DX, R8 + CMOVLCS DX, R8 + CMPL DX, R9 + CMOVLHI DX, R9 + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVL R8, min+24(FP) + MOVL R9, max+28(FP) + RET + +// func combinedBoundsUint64(data []uint64) (min, max uint64) +TEXT ·combinedBoundsUint64(SB), NOSPLIT, $-40 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ R8, R8 + XORQ R9, R9 + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORQ SI, SI + MOVQ (AX), R8 // min + MOVQ (AX), R9 // max + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $16 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $4, DI + SHLQ $4, DI + VPBROADCASTQ (AX), Z0 + VPBROADCASTQ (AX), Z3 +loop16: + VMOVDQU64 (AX)(SI*8), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 64(AX)(SI*8), Z2 + VPMINUQ Z1, Z0, Z0 + VPMINUQ Z2, Z0, Z0 + VPMAXUQ Z1, Z3, Z3 + VPMAXUQ Z2, Z3, Z3 + ADDQ $16, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop16 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z2 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPERMI2D Z3, Z3, Z2 + VPMINUQ Y1, Y0, Y0 + VPMAXUQ Y2, Y3, Y3 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y2 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPERMI2D Y3, Y3, Y2 + VPMINUQ X1, X0, X0 + VPMAXUQ X2, X3, X3 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X2 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VPERMI2D X3, X3, X2 + VPMINUQ X1, X0, X0 + VPMAXUQ X2, X3, X3 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, R8 + MOVQ X3, R9 + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVQ (AX)(SI*8), DX + CMPQ DX, R8 + CMOVQCS DX, R8 + CMPQ DX, R9 + CMOVQHI DX, R9 + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVQ R8, min+24(FP) + MOVQ R9, max+32(FP) + RET + +// func combinedBoundsFloat32(data []float32) (min, max float32) +TEXT ·combinedBoundsFloat32(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ R8, R8 + XORQ R9, R9 + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORPS X0, X0 + XORPS X1, X1 + XORQ SI, SI + MOVLQZX (AX), R8 // min + MOVLQZX (AX), R9 // max + MOVQ R8, X0 + MOVQ R9, X1 + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + VPBROADCASTD (AX), Z0 + VPBROADCASTD (AX), Z3 +loop32: + VMOVDQU32 (AX)(SI*4), Z1 + VMOVDQU32 64(AX)(SI*4), Z2 + VMINPS Z1, Z0, Z0 + VMINPS Z2, Z0, Z0 + VMAXPS Z1, Z3, Z3 + VMAXPS Z2, Z3, Z3 + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop32 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z2 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPERMI2D Z3, Z3, Z2 + VMINPS Y1, Y0, Y0 + VMAXPS Y2, Y3, Y3 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y2 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPERMI2D Y3, Y3, Y2 + VMINPS X1, X0, X0 + VMAXPS X2, X3, X3 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X2 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VPERMI2D X3, X3, X2 + VMINPS X1, X0, X0 + VMAXPS X2, X3, X3 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVAPS X0, X1 + MOVAPS X3, X2 + + PSRLQ $32, X1 + MOVQ X0, R8 + MOVQ X1, R10 + UCOMISS X0, X1 + CMOVLCS R10, R8 + + PSRLQ $32, X2 + MOVQ X3, R9 + MOVQ X2, R11 + UCOMISS X3, X2 + CMOVLHI R11, R9 + + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done + MOVQ R8, X0 + MOVQ R9, X1 +loop: + MOVLQZX (AX)(SI*4), DX + MOVQ DX, X2 + UCOMISS X0, X2 + CMOVLCS DX, R8 + UCOMISS X1, X2 + CMOVLHI DX, R9 + MOVQ R8, X0 + MOVQ R9, X1 + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVL R8, min+24(FP) + MOVL R9, max+28(FP) + RET + +// func combinedBoundsFloat64(data []float64) (min, max float64) +TEXT ·combinedBoundsFloat64(SB), NOSPLIT, $-40 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ R8, R8 + XORQ R9, R9 + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORPD X0, X0 + XORPD X1, X1 + XORQ SI, SI + MOVQ (AX), R8 // min + MOVQ (AX), R9 // max + MOVQ R8, X0 + MOVQ R9, X1 + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $16 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $4, DI + SHLQ $4, DI + VPBROADCASTQ (AX), Z0 + VPBROADCASTQ (AX), Z3 +loop16: + VMOVDQU64 (AX)(SI*8), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 64(AX)(SI*8), Z2 + VMINPD Z1, Z0, Z0 + VMINPD Z2, Z0, Z0 + VMAXPD Z1, Z3, Z3 + VMAXPD Z2, Z3, Z3 + ADDQ $16, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop16 + + VMOVDQU64 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 swap32+0(SB), Z2 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPERMI2D Z3, Z3, Z2 + VMINPD Y1, Y0, Y0 + VMAXPD Y2, Y3, Y3 + + VMOVDQU64 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VMOVDQU64 swap32+32(SB), Y2 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPERMI2D Y3, Y3, Y2 + VMINPD X1, X0, X0 + VMAXPD X2, X3, X3 + + VMOVDQU64 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VMOVDQU64 swap32+48(SB), X2 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VPERMI2D X3, X3, X2 + VMINPD X1, X0, X0 + VMAXPD X2, X3, X1 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, R8 + MOVQ X1, R9 + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVQ (AX)(SI*8), DX + MOVQ DX, X2 + UCOMISD X0, X2 + CMOVQCS DX, R8 + UCOMISD X1, X2 + CMOVQHI DX, R9 + MOVQ R8, X0 + MOVQ R9, X1 + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVQ R8, min+24(FP) + MOVQ R9, max+32(FP) + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_bounds_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_bounds_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..0b5a2474f829d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_bounds_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package parquet + +import ( + "encoding/binary" +) + +func boundsInt32(data []int32) (min, max int32) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[0] + max = data[0] + + for _, v := range data[1:] { + if v < min { + min = v + } + if v > max { + max = v + } + } + } + return min, max +} + +func boundsInt64(data []int64) (min, max int64) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[0] + max = data[0] + + for _, v := range data[1:] { + if v < min { + min = v + } + if v > max { + max = v + } + } + } + return min, max +} + +func boundsUint32(data []uint32) (min, max uint32) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[0] + max = data[0] + + for _, v := range data[1:] { + if v < min { + min = v + } + if v > max { + max = v + } + } + } + return min, max +} + +func boundsUint64(data []uint64) (min, max uint64) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[0] + max = data[0] + + for _, v := range data[1:] { + if v < min { + min = v + } + if v > max { + max = v + } + } + } + return min, max +} + +func boundsFloat32(data []float32) (min, max float32) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[0] + max = data[0] + + for _, v := range data[1:] { + if v < min { + min = v + } + if v > max { + max = v + } + } + } + return min, max +} + +func boundsFloat64(data []float64) (min, max float64) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[0] + max = data[0] + + for _, v := range data[1:] { + if v < min { + min = v + } + if v > max { + max = v + } + } + } + return min, max +} + +func boundsBE128(data [][16]byte) (min, max []byte) { + if len(data) > 0 { + minHi := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[0][:8]) + maxHi := minHi + minIndex := 0 + maxIndex := 0 + for i := 1; i < len(data); i++ { + hi := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[i][:8]) + lo := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[i][8:]) + switch { + case hi < minHi: + minHi, minIndex = hi, i + case hi == minHi: + minLo := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[minIndex][8:]) + if lo < minLo { + minHi, minIndex = hi, i + } + } + switch { + case hi > maxHi: + maxHi, maxIndex = hi, i + case hi == maxHi: + maxLo := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[maxIndex][8:]) + if lo > maxLo { + maxHi, maxIndex = hi, i + } + } + } + min = data[minIndex][:] + max = data[maxIndex][:] + } + return min, max +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_header.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_header.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..14f912b11ba98 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_header.go @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "fmt" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +// PageHeader is an interface implemented by parquet page headers. +type PageHeader interface { + // Returns the number of values in the page (including nulls). + NumValues() int64 + + // Returns the page encoding. + Encoding() format.Encoding + + // Returns the parquet format page type. + PageType() format.PageType +} + +// DataPageHeader is a specialization of the PageHeader interface implemented by +// data pages. +type DataPageHeader interface { + PageHeader + + // Returns the encoding of the repetition level section. + RepetitionLevelEncoding() format.Encoding + + // Returns the encoding of the definition level section. + DefinitionLevelEncoding() format.Encoding + + // Returns the number of null values in the page. + NullCount() int64 + + // Returns the minimum value in the page based on the ordering rules of the + // column's logical type. + // + // As an optimization, the method may return the same slice across multiple + // calls. Programs must treat the returned value as immutable to prevent + // unpredictable behaviors. + // + // If the page only contains only null values, an empty slice is returned. + MinValue() []byte + + // Returns the maximum value in the page based on the ordering rules of the + // column's logical type. + // + // As an optimization, the method may return the same slice across multiple + // calls. Programs must treat the returned value as immutable to prevent + // unpredictable behaviors. + // + // If the page only contains only null values, an empty slice is returned. + MaxValue() []byte +} + +// DictionaryPageHeader is an implementation of the PageHeader interface +// representing dictionary pages. +type DictionaryPageHeader struct { + header *format.DictionaryPageHeader +} + +func (dict DictionaryPageHeader) NumValues() int64 { + return int64(dict.header.NumValues) +} + +func (dict DictionaryPageHeader) Encoding() format.Encoding { + return dict.header.Encoding +} + +func (dict DictionaryPageHeader) PageType() format.PageType { + return format.DictionaryPage +} + +func (dict DictionaryPageHeader) IsSorted() bool { + return dict.header.IsSorted +} + +func (dict DictionaryPageHeader) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("DICTIONARY_PAGE_HEADER{NumValues=%d,Encoding=%s,IsSorted=%t}", + dict.header.NumValues, + dict.header.Encoding, + dict.header.IsSorted) +} + +// DataPageHeaderV1 is an implementation of the DataPageHeader interface +// representing data pages version 1. +type DataPageHeaderV1 struct { + header *format.DataPageHeader +} + +func (v1 DataPageHeaderV1) NumValues() int64 { + return int64(v1.header.NumValues) +} + +func (v1 DataPageHeaderV1) RepetitionLevelEncoding() format.Encoding { + return v1.header.RepetitionLevelEncoding +} + +func (v1 DataPageHeaderV1) DefinitionLevelEncoding() format.Encoding { + return v1.header.DefinitionLevelEncoding +} + +func (v1 DataPageHeaderV1) Encoding() format.Encoding { + return v1.header.Encoding +} + +func (v1 DataPageHeaderV1) PageType() format.PageType { + return format.DataPage +} + +func (v1 DataPageHeaderV1) NullCount() int64 { + return v1.header.Statistics.NullCount +} + +func (v1 DataPageHeaderV1) MinValue() []byte { + return v1.header.Statistics.MinValue +} + +func (v1 DataPageHeaderV1) MaxValue() []byte { + return v1.header.Statistics.MaxValue +} + +func (v1 DataPageHeaderV1) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("DATA_PAGE_HEADER{NumValues=%d,Encoding=%s}", + v1.header.NumValues, + v1.header.Encoding) +} + +// DataPageHeaderV2 is an implementation of the DataPageHeader interface +// representing data pages version 2. +type DataPageHeaderV2 struct { + header *format.DataPageHeaderV2 +} + +func (v2 DataPageHeaderV2) NumValues() int64 { + return int64(v2.header.NumValues) +} + +func (v2 DataPageHeaderV2) NumNulls() int64 { + return int64(v2.header.NumNulls) +} + +func (v2 DataPageHeaderV2) NumRows() int64 { + return int64(v2.header.NumRows) +} + +func (v2 DataPageHeaderV2) RepetitionLevelsByteLength() int64 { + return int64(v2.header.RepetitionLevelsByteLength) +} + +func (v2 DataPageHeaderV2) DefinitionLevelsByteLength() int64 { + return int64(v2.header.DefinitionLevelsByteLength) +} + +func (v2 DataPageHeaderV2) RepetitionLevelEncoding() format.Encoding { + return format.RLE +} + +func (v2 DataPageHeaderV2) DefinitionLevelEncoding() format.Encoding { + return format.RLE +} + +func (v2 DataPageHeaderV2) Encoding() format.Encoding { + return v2.header.Encoding +} + +func (v2 DataPageHeaderV2) PageType() format.PageType { + return format.DataPageV2 +} + +func (v2 DataPageHeaderV2) NullCount() int64 { + return v2.header.Statistics.NullCount +} + +func (v2 DataPageHeaderV2) MinValue() []byte { + return v2.header.Statistics.MinValue +} + +func (v2 DataPageHeaderV2) MaxValue() []byte { + return v2.header.Statistics.MaxValue +} + +func (v2 DataPageHeaderV2) IsCompressed() bool { + return v2.header.IsCompressed == nil || *v2.header.IsCompressed +} + +func (v2 DataPageHeaderV2) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("DATA_PAGE_HEADER_V2{NumValues=%d,NumNulls=%d,NumRows=%d,Encoding=%s,IsCompressed=%t}", + v2.header.NumValues, + v2.header.NumNulls, + v2.header.NumRows, + v2.header.Encoding, + v2.IsCompressed()) +} + +type unknownPageHeader struct { + header *format.PageHeader +} + +func (u unknownPageHeader) NumValues() int64 { + return 0 +} + +func (u unknownPageHeader) Encoding() format.Encoding { + return -1 +} + +func (u unknownPageHeader) PageType() format.PageType { + return u.header.Type +} + +func (u unknownPageHeader) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("UNKNOWN_PAGE_HEADER{Type=%d}", u.header.Type) +} + +var ( + _ PageHeader = DictionaryPageHeader{} + _ DataPageHeader = DataPageHeaderV1{} + _ DataPageHeader = DataPageHeaderV2{} + _ PageHeader = unknownPageHeader{} +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_max.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_max.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f6afecf6a681d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_max.go @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "bytes" +) + +func maxFixedLenByteArray(data []byte, size int) (max []byte) { + if len(data) > 0 { + max = data[:size] + + for i, j := size, 2*size; j <= len(data); { + item := data[i:j] + + if bytes.Compare(item, max) > 0 { + max = item + } + + i += size + j += size + } + } + return max +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_max_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_max_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..2ac1de2f06663 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_max_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package parquet + +//go:noescape +func maxInt32(data []int32) int32 + +//go:noescape +func maxInt64(data []int64) int64 + +//go:noescape +func maxUint32(data []uint32) uint32 + +//go:noescape +func maxUint64(data []uint64) uint64 + +//go:noescape +func maxFloat32(data []float32) float32 + +//go:noescape +func maxFloat64(data []float64) float64 + +//go:noescape +func maxBE128(data [][16]byte) []byte diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_max_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_max_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8159583d1fdae --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_max_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,598 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// func maxInt32(data []int32) int32 +TEXT ·maxInt32(SB), NOSPLIT, $-28 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ BX, BX + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORQ SI, SI + MOVLQZX (AX), BX + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + VPBROADCASTD (AX), Z0 +loop32: + VMOVDQU32 (AX)(SI*4), Z1 + VMOVDQU32 64(AX)(SI*4), Z2 + VPMAXSD Z1, Z0, Z0 + VPMAXSD Z2, Z0, Z0 + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop32 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPMAXSD Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPMAXSD X1, X0, X0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VPMAXSD X1, X0, X0 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, DX + MOVL DX, BX + SHRQ $32, DX + CMPL DX, BX + CMOVLGT DX, BX + + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVLQZX (AX)(SI*4), DX + CMPL DX, BX + CMOVLGT DX, BX + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVL BX, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func maxInt64(data []int64) int64 +TEXT ·maxInt64(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ BX, BX + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORQ SI, SI + MOVQ (AX), BX + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + VPBROADCASTQ (AX), Z0 +loop32: + VMOVDQU64 (AX)(SI*8), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 64(AX)(SI*8), Z2 + VMOVDQU64 128(AX)(SI*8), Z3 + VMOVDQU64 192(AX)(SI*8), Z4 + VPMAXSQ Z1, Z2, Z5 + VPMAXSQ Z3, Z4, Z6 + VPMAXSQ Z5, Z6, Z1 + VPMAXSQ Z1, Z0, Z0 + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop32 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPMAXSQ Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPMAXSQ X1, X0, X0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VPMAXSQ X1, X0, X0 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, BX + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVQ (AX)(SI*8), DX + CMPQ DX, BX + CMOVQGT DX, BX + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVQ BX, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func maxUint32(data []int32) int32 +TEXT ·maxUint32(SB), NOSPLIT, $-28 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ BX, BX + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORQ SI, SI + MOVLQZX (AX), BX + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + VPBROADCASTD (AX), Z0 +loop32: + VMOVDQU32 (AX)(SI*4), Z1 + VMOVDQU32 64(AX)(SI*4), Z2 + VPMAXUD Z1, Z0, Z0 + VPMAXUD Z2, Z0, Z0 + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop32 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPMAXUD Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPMAXUD X1, X0, X0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VPMAXUD X1, X0, X0 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, DX + MOVL DX, BX + SHRQ $32, DX + CMPL DX, BX + CMOVLHI DX, BX + + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVLQZX (AX)(SI*4), DX + CMPL DX, BX + CMOVLHI DX, BX + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVL BX, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func maxUint64(data []uint64) uint64 +TEXT ·maxUint64(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ BX, BX + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORQ SI, SI + MOVQ (AX), BX + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + VPBROADCASTQ (AX), Z0 +loop32: + VMOVDQU64 (AX)(SI*8), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 64(AX)(SI*8), Z2 + VMOVDQU64 128(AX)(SI*8), Z3 + VMOVDQU64 192(AX)(SI*8), Z4 + VPMAXUQ Z1, Z2, Z5 + VPMAXUQ Z3, Z4, Z6 + VPMAXUQ Z5, Z6, Z1 + VPMAXUQ Z1, Z0, Z0 + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop32 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPMAXUQ Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPMAXUQ X1, X0, X0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VPMAXUQ X1, X0, X0 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, BX + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVQ (AX)(SI*8), DX + CMPQ DX, BX + CMOVQHI DX, BX + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVQ BX, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func maxFloat32(data []float32) float32 +TEXT ·maxFloat32(SB), NOSPLIT, $-28 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ BX, BX + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORPS X0, X0 + XORPS X1, X1 + XORQ SI, SI + MOVLQZX (AX), BX + MOVQ BX, X0 + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $64 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $6, DI + SHLQ $6, DI + VPBROADCASTD (AX), Z0 +loop64: + VMOVDQU32 (AX)(SI*4), Z1 + VMOVDQU32 64(AX)(SI*4), Z2 + VMOVDQU32 128(AX)(SI*4), Z3 + VMOVDQU32 192(AX)(SI*4), Z4 + VMAXPS Z1, Z2, Z5 + VMAXPS Z3, Z4, Z6 + VMAXPS Z5, Z6, Z1 + VMAXPS Z1, Z0, Z0 + ADDQ $64, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop64 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VMAXPS Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VMAXPS X1, X0, X0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VMAXPS X1, X0, X0 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVAPS X0, X1 + PSRLQ $32, X1 + MOVQ X0, BX + MOVQ X1, DX + UCOMISS X0, X1 + CMOVLHI DX, BX + + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done + MOVQ BX, X0 +loop: + MOVLQZX (AX)(SI*4), DX + MOVQ DX, X1 + UCOMISS X0, X1 + CMOVLHI DX, BX + MOVQ BX, X0 + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVL BX, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func maxFloat64(data []float64) float64 +TEXT ·maxFloat64(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ BX, BX + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORPD X0, X0 + XORPD X1, X1 + XORQ SI, SI + MOVQ (AX), BX + MOVQ BX, X0 + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + VPBROADCASTQ (AX), Z0 +loop32: + VMOVDQU64 (AX)(SI*8), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 64(AX)(SI*8), Z2 + VMOVDQU64 128(AX)(SI*8), Z3 + VMOVDQU64 192(AX)(SI*8), Z4 + VMAXPD Z1, Z2, Z5 + VMAXPD Z3, Z4, Z6 + VMAXPD Z5, Z6, Z1 + VMAXPD Z1, Z0, Z0 + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop32 + + VMOVDQU64 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VMAXPD Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VMOVDQU64 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VMAXPD X1, X0, X0 + + VMOVDQU64 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VMAXPD X1, X0, X0 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, BX + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVQ (AX)(SI*8), DX + MOVQ DX, X1 + UCOMISD X0, X1 + CMOVQHI DX, BX + MOVQ BX, X0 + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVQ BX, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// vpmaxu128 is a macro comparing unsigned 128 bits values held in the +// `srcValues` and `maxValues` vectors. The `srcIndexes` and `maxIndexes` +// vectors contain the indexes of elements in the value vectors. Remaining +// K and R arguments are mask and general purpose registers needed to hold +// temporary values during the computation. The last M argument is a mask +// generated by vpmaxu128mask. +// +// The routine uses AVX-512 instructions (VPCMPUQ, VPBLENDMQ) to implement +// the comparison of 128 bits values. The values are expected to be stored +// in the vectors as a little-endian pair of two consecutive quad words. +// +// The results are written to the `maxValues` and `maxIndexes` vectors, +// overwriting the inputs. `srcValues` and `srcIndexes` are read-only +// parameters. +// +// At a high level, for two pairs of quad words formaxg two 128 bits values +// A and B, the test implemented by this macro is: +// +// A[1] > B[1] || (A[1] == B[1] && A[0] > B[0]) +// +// Values in the source vector that evaluate to true on this expression are +// written to the vector of maximum values, and their indexes are written to +// the vector of indexes. +#define vpmaxu128(srcValues, srcIndexes, maxValues, maxIndexes, K1, K2, R1, R2, R3, M) \ + VPCMPUQ $0, maxValues, srcValues, K1 \ + VPCMPUQ $6, maxValues, srcValues, K2 \ + KMOVB K1, R1 \ + KMOVB K2, R2 \ + MOVB R2, R3 \ + SHLB $1, R3 \ + ANDB R3, R1 \ + ORB R2, R1 \ + ANDB M, R1 \ + MOVB R1, R2 \ + SHRB $1, R2 \ + ORB R2, R1 \ + KMOVB R1, K1 \ + VPBLENDMQ srcValues, maxValues, K1, maxValues \ + VPBLENDMQ srcIndexes, maxIndexes, K1, maxIndexes + +// vpmaxu128mask is a macro used to initialize the mask passed as last argument +// to vpmaxu128. The argument M is intended to be a general purpose register. +// +// The bit mask is used to merge the results of the "greater than" and "equal" +// comparison that are performed on each lane of maximum vectors. The upper bits +// are used to compute results of the operation to determine which of the pairs +// of quad words representing the 128 bits elements are the maximums. +#define vpmaxu128mask(M) MOVB $0b10101010, M + +// func maxBE128(data [][16]byte) []byte +TEXT ·maxBE128(SB), NOSPLIT, $-48 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE null + + SHLQ $4, CX + MOVQ CX, DX // len + MOVQ AX, BX // max + ADDQ AX, CX // end + + CMPQ DX, $256 + JB loop + + CMPB ·hasAVX512MinMaxBE128(SB), $0 + JE loop + + // Z19 holds a vector of the count by which we increment the vectors of + // swap at each loop iteration. + MOVQ $16, DI + VPBROADCASTQ DI, Z19 + + // Z31 holds the shuffle mask used to convert 128 bits elements from big to + // little endian so we can apply vectorized comparison instructions. + VMOVDQU64 bswap128(SB), Z31 + + // These vectors hold four lanes of maximum values found in the input. + VBROADCASTI64X2 (AX), Z0 + VPSHUFB Z31, Z0, Z0 + VMOVDQU64 Z0, Z5 + VMOVDQU64 Z0, Z10 + VMOVDQU64 Z0, Z15 + + // These vectors hold four lanes of swap of maximum values. + // + // We initialize them at zero because we broadcast the first value of the + // input in the vectors that track the maximums of each lane; in other + // words, we assume the maximum value is at the first offset and work our + // way up from there. + VPXORQ Z2, Z2, Z2 + VPXORQ Z7, Z7, Z7 + VPXORQ Z12, Z12, Z12 + VPXORQ Z17, Z17, Z17 + + // These vectors are used to compute the swap of maximum values held + // in [Z1, Z5, Z10, Z15]. Each vector holds a contiguous sequence of + // swap; for example, Z3 is initialized with [0, 1, 2, 3]. At each + // loop iteration, the swap are incremented by the number of elements + // consumed from the input (4x4=16). + VMOVDQU64 indexes128(SB), Z3 + VPXORQ Z8, Z8, Z8 + VPXORQ Z13, Z13, Z13 + VPXORQ Z18, Z18, Z18 + MOVQ $4, DI + VPBROADCASTQ DI, Z1 + VPADDQ Z1, Z3, Z8 + VPADDQ Z1, Z8, Z13 + VPADDQ Z1, Z13, Z18 + + // This bit mask is used to merge the results of the "less than" and "equal" + // comparison that we perform on each lane of maximum vectors. We use the + // upper bits to compute four results of the operation which determines + // which of the pair of quad words representing the 128 bits elements is the + // maximum. + vpmaxu128mask(DI) + SHRQ $8, DX + SHLQ $8, DX + ADDQ AX, DX +loop16: + // Compute 4x4 maximum values in vector registers, along with their swap + // in the input array. + VMOVDQU64 (AX), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 64(AX), Z6 + VMOVDQU64 128(AX), Z11 + VMOVDQU64 192(AX), Z16 + VPSHUFB Z31, Z1, Z1 + VPSHUFB Z31, Z6, Z6 + VPSHUFB Z31, Z11, Z11 + VPSHUFB Z31, Z16, Z16 + vpmaxu128(Z1, Z3, Z0, Z2, K1, K2, R8, R9, R10, DI) + vpmaxu128(Z6, Z8, Z5, Z7, K3, K4, R11, R12, R13, DI) + vpmaxu128(Z11, Z13, Z10, Z12, K1, K2, R8, R9, R10, DI) + vpmaxu128(Z16, Z18, Z15, Z17, K3, K4, R11, R12, R13, DI) + VPADDQ Z19, Z3, Z3 + VPADDQ Z19, Z8, Z8 + VPADDQ Z19, Z13, Z13 + VPADDQ Z19, Z18, Z18 + ADDQ $256, AX + CMPQ AX, DX + JB loop16 + + // After the loop completed, we need to merge the lanes that each contain + // 4 maximum values (so 16 total candidate at this stage). The results are + // reduced into 4 candidates in Z0, with their swap in Z2. + vpmaxu128(Z10, Z12, Z0, Z2, K1, K2, R8, R9, R10, DI) + vpmaxu128(Z15, Z17, Z5, Z7, K3, K4, R11, R12, R13, DI) + vpmaxu128(Z5, Z7, Z0, Z2, K1, K2, R8, R9, R10, DI) + + // Further reduce the results by swapping the upper and lower parts of the + // vector registers, and comparing them to determaxe which values are the + // smallest. We compare 2x2 values at this step, then 2x1 values at the next + // to find the index of the maximum. + VMOVDQU64 swap64+0(SB), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 swap64+0(SB), Z3 + VPERMI2Q Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPERMI2Q Z2, Z2, Z3 + vpmaxu128(Y1, Y3, Y0, Y2, K1, K2, R8, R9, R10, DI) + + VMOVDQU64 swap64+32(SB), Y1 + VMOVDQU64 swap64+32(SB), Y3 + VPERMI2Q Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPERMI2Q Y2, Y2, Y3 + vpmaxu128(X1, X3, X0, X2, K1, K2, R8, R9, R10, DI) + VZEROUPPER + + // Extract the index of the maximum value computed in the lower 64 bits of + // X2 and position the BX pointer at the index of the maximum value. + MOVQ X2, DX + SHLQ $4, DX + ADDQ DX, BX + CMPQ AX, CX + JE done + + // Unless the input was aligned on 256 bytes, we need to perform a few more + // iterations on the remaining elements. + // + // This loop is also taken if the CPU has no support for AVX-512. +loop: + MOVQ (AX), R8 + MOVQ (BX), R9 + BSWAPQ R8 + BSWAPQ R9 + CMPQ R8, R9 + JA more + JB next + MOVQ 8(AX), R8 + MOVQ 8(BX), R9 + BSWAPQ R8 + BSWAPQ R9 + CMPQ R8, R9 + JBE next +more: + MOVQ AX, BX +next: + ADDQ $16, AX + CMPQ AX, CX + JB loop +done: + MOVQ BX, ret_base+24(FP) + MOVQ $16, ret_len+32(FP) + MOVQ $16, ret_cap+40(FP) + RET +null: + XORQ BX, BX + MOVQ BX, ret_base+24(FP) + MOVQ BX, ret_len+32(FP) + MOVQ BX, ret_cap+40(FP) + RET + diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_max_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_max_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e3f828811f575 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_max_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package parquet + +import "encoding/binary" + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// TODO: use generics versions of the these functions to reduce the amount of +// code to maintain when we drop compatilibty with Go version older than 1.18. +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +func maxInt32(data []int32) (max int32) { + if len(data) > 0 { + max = data[0] + + for _, value := range data { + if value > max { + max = value + } + } + } + return max +} + +func maxInt64(data []int64) (max int64) { + if len(data) > 0 { + max = data[0] + + for _, value := range data { + if value > max { + max = value + } + } + } + return max +} + +func maxUint32(data []uint32) (max uint32) { + if len(data) > 0 { + max = data[0] + + for _, value := range data { + if value > max { + max = value + } + } + } + return max +} + +func maxUint64(data []uint64) (max uint64) { + if len(data) > 0 { + max = data[0] + + for _, value := range data { + if value > max { + max = value + } + } + } + return max +} + +func maxFloat32(data []float32) (max float32) { + if len(data) > 0 { + max = data[0] + + for _, value := range data { + if value > max { + max = value + } + } + } + return max +} + +func maxFloat64(data []float64) (max float64) { + if len(data) > 0 { + max = data[0] + + for _, value := range data { + if value > max { + max = value + } + } + } + return max +} + +func maxBE128(data [][16]byte) (min []byte) { + if len(data) > 0 { + m := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[0][:8]) + j := 0 + for i := 1; i < len(data); i++ { + x := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[i][:8]) + switch { + case x > m: + m, j = x, i + case x == m: + y := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[i][8:]) + n := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[j][8:]) + if y > n { + m, j = x, i + } + } + } + min = data[j][:] + } + return min +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_min.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_min.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..2bc185ac2859e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_min.go @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "bytes" +) + +func minFixedLenByteArray(data []byte, size int) (min []byte) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[:size] + + for i, j := size, 2*size; j <= len(data); { + item := data[i:j] + + if bytes.Compare(item, min) < 0 { + min = item + } + + i += size + j += size + } + } + return min +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_min_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_min_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c9fd654753c56 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_min_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package parquet + +//go:noescape +func minInt32(data []int32) int32 + +//go:noescape +func minInt64(data []int64) int64 + +//go:noescape +func minUint32(data []uint32) uint32 + +//go:noescape +func minUint64(data []uint64) uint64 + +//go:noescape +func minFloat32(data []float32) float32 + +//go:noescape +func minFloat64(data []float64) float64 + +//go:noescape +func minBE128(data [][16]byte) []byte diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_min_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_min_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..7bd2e3a87271e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_min_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,592 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// func minInt32(data []int32) int32 +TEXT ·minInt32(SB), NOSPLIT, $-28 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ BX, BX + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORQ SI, SI + MOVLQZX (AX), BX + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + VPBROADCASTD (AX), Z0 +loop32: + VMOVDQU32 (AX)(SI*4), Z1 + VMOVDQU32 64(AX)(SI*4), Z2 + VPMINSD Z1, Z0, Z0 + VPMINSD Z2, Z0, Z0 + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop32 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPMINSD Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPMINSD X1, X0, X0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VPMINSD X1, X0, X0 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, DX + MOVL DX, BX + SHRQ $32, DX + CMPL DX, BX + CMOVLLT DX, BX + + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVLQZX (AX)(SI*4), DX + CMPL DX, BX + CMOVLLT DX, BX + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVL BX, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func minInt64(data []int64) int64 +TEXT ·minInt64(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ BX, BX + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORQ SI, SI + MOVQ (AX), BX + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + VPBROADCASTQ (AX), Z0 +loop32: + VMOVDQU64 (AX)(SI*8), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 64(AX)(SI*8), Z2 + VMOVDQU64 128(AX)(SI*8), Z3 + VMOVDQU64 192(AX)(SI*8), Z4 + VPMINSQ Z1, Z2, Z5 + VPMINSQ Z3, Z4, Z6 + VPMINSQ Z5, Z6, Z1 + VPMINSQ Z1, Z0, Z0 + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop32 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPMINSQ Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPMINSQ X1, X0, X0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VPMINSQ X1, X0, X0 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, BX + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVQ (AX)(SI*8), DX + CMPQ DX, BX + CMOVQLT DX, BX + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVQ BX, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func minUint32(data []int32) int32 +TEXT ·minUint32(SB), NOSPLIT, $-28 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ BX, BX + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORQ SI, SI + MOVLQZX (AX), BX + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + VPBROADCASTD (AX), Z0 +loop32: + VMOVDQU32 (AX)(SI*4), Z1 + VMOVDQU32 64(AX)(SI*4), Z2 + VPMINUD Z1, Z0, Z0 + VPMINUD Z2, Z0, Z0 + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop32 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPMINUD Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPMINUD X1, X0, X0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VPMINUD X1, X0, X0 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, DX + MOVL DX, BX + SHRQ $32, DX + CMPL DX, BX + CMOVLCS DX, BX + + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVLQZX (AX)(SI*4), DX + CMPL DX, BX + CMOVLCS DX, BX + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVL BX, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func minUint64(data []uint64) uint64 +TEXT ·minUint64(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ BX, BX + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORQ SI, SI + MOVQ (AX), BX + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + VPBROADCASTQ (AX), Z0 +loop32: + VMOVDQU64 (AX)(SI*8), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 64(AX)(SI*8), Z2 + VMOVDQU64 128(AX)(SI*8), Z3 + VMOVDQU64 192(AX)(SI*8), Z4 + VPMINUQ Z1, Z2, Z5 + VPMINUQ Z3, Z4, Z6 + VPMINUQ Z5, Z6, Z1 + VPMINUQ Z1, Z0, Z0 + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop32 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPMINUQ Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPMINUQ X1, X0, X0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VPMINUQ X1, X0, X0 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, BX + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVQ (AX)(SI*8), DX + CMPQ DX, BX + CMOVQCS DX, BX + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVQ BX, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func minFloat32(data []float32) float32 +TEXT ·minFloat32(SB), NOSPLIT, $-28 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ BX, BX + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORPS X0, X0 + XORPS X1, X1 + XORQ SI, SI + MOVLQZX (AX), BX + MOVQ BX, X0 + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $64 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $6, DI + SHLQ $6, DI + VPBROADCASTD (AX), Z0 +loop64: + VMOVDQU32 (AX)(SI*4), Z1 + VMOVDQU32 64(AX)(SI*4), Z2 + VMOVDQU32 128(AX)(SI*4), Z3 + VMOVDQU32 192(AX)(SI*4), Z4 + VMINPS Z1, Z2, Z5 + VMINPS Z3, Z4, Z6 + VMINPS Z5, Z6, Z1 + VMINPS Z1, Z0, Z0 + ADDQ $64, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop64 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VMINPS Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VMINPS X1, X0, X0 + + VMOVDQU32 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VMINPS X1, X0, X0 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVAPS X0, X1 + PSRLQ $32, X1 + MOVQ X0, BX + MOVQ X1, DX + UCOMISS X0, X1 + CMOVLCS DX, BX + + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done + MOVQ BX, X0 +loop: + MOVLQZX (AX)(SI*4), DX + MOVQ DX, X1 + UCOMISS X0, X1 + CMOVLCS DX, BX + MOVQ BX, X0 + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVL BX, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// func minFloat64(data []float64) float64 +TEXT ·minFloat64(SB), NOSPLIT, $-32 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + XORQ BX, BX + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + XORPD X0, X0 + XORPD X1, X1 + XORQ SI, SI + MOVQ (AX), BX + MOVQ BX, X0 + + CMPB ·hasAVX512VL(SB), $0 + JE loop + + CMPQ CX, $32 + JB loop + + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $5, DI + SHLQ $5, DI + VPBROADCASTQ (AX), Z0 +loop32: + VMOVDQU64 (AX)(SI*8), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 64(AX)(SI*8), Z2 + VMOVDQU64 128(AX)(SI*8), Z3 + VMOVDQU64 192(AX)(SI*8), Z4 + VMINPD Z1, Z2, Z5 + VMINPD Z3, Z4, Z6 + VMINPD Z5, Z6, Z1 + VMINPD Z1, Z0, Z0 + ADDQ $32, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop32 + + VMOVDQU64 swap32+0(SB), Z1 + VPERMI2D Z0, Z0, Z1 + VMINPD Y1, Y0, Y0 + + VMOVDQU64 swap32+32(SB), Y1 + VPERMI2D Y0, Y0, Y1 + VMINPD X1, X0, X0 + + VMOVDQU64 swap32+48(SB), X1 + VPERMI2D X0, X0, X1 + VMINPD X1, X0, X0 + VZEROUPPER + + MOVQ X0, BX + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +loop: + MOVQ (AX)(SI*8), DX + MOVQ DX, X1 + UCOMISD X0, X1 + CMOVQCS DX, BX + MOVQ BX, X0 + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop +done: + MOVQ BX, ret+24(FP) + RET + +// vpminu128 is a macro comparing unsigned 128 bits values held in the +// `srcValues` and `minValues` vectors. The `srcIndexes` and `minIndexes` +// vectors contain the indexes of elements in the value vectors. Remaining +// K and R arguments are mask and general purpose registers needed to hold +// temporary values during the computation. The last M argument is a mask +// generated by vpminu128mask. +// +// The routine uses AVX-512 instructions (VPCMPUQ, VPBLENDMQ) to implement +// the comparison of 128 bits values. The values are expected to be stored +// in the vectors as a little-endian pair of two consecutive quad words. +// +// The results are written to the `minValues` and `minIndexes` vectors, +// overwriting the inputs. `srcValues` and `srcIndexes` are read-only +// parameters. +// +// At a high level, for two pairs of quad words forming two 128 bits values +// A and B, the test implemented by this macro is: +// +// A[1] < B[1] || (A[1] == B[1] && A[0] < B[0]) +// +// Values in the source vector that evalute to true on this expression are +// written to the vector of minimum values, and their indexes are written to +// the vector of indexes. +#define vpminu128(srcValues, srcIndexes, minValues, minIndexes, K1, K2, R1, R2, R3, M) \ + VPCMPUQ $0, minValues, srcValues, K1 \ + VPCMPUQ $1, minValues, srcValues, K2 \ + KMOVB K1, R1 \ + KMOVB K2, R2 \ + MOVB R2, R3 \ + SHLB $1, R3 \ + ANDB R3, R1 \ + ORB R2, R1 \ + ANDB M, R1 \ + MOVB R1, R2 \ + SHRB $1, R2 \ + ORB R2, R1 \ + KMOVB R1, K1 \ + VPBLENDMQ srcValues, minValues, K1, minValues \ + VPBLENDMQ srcIndexes, minIndexes, K1, minIndexes + +// vpminu128mask is a macro used to initialize the mask passed as last argument +// to vpminu128. The argument M is intended to be a general purpose register. +// +// The bit mask is used to merge the results of the "less than" and "equal" +// comparison that are performed on each lane of minimum vectors. The upper bits +// are used to compute results of the operation to determines which of the pairs +// of quad words representing the 128 bits elements are the minimums. +#define vpminu128mask(M) MOVB $0b10101010, M + +// func minBE128(data [][16]byte) []byte +TEXT ·minBE128(SB), NOSPLIT, $-48 + MOVQ data_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ data_len+8(FP), CX + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE null + + SHLQ $4, CX + MOVQ CX, DX // len + MOVQ AX, BX // min + ADDQ AX, CX // end + + CMPQ DX, $256 + JB loop + + CMPB ·hasAVX512MinMaxBE128(SB), $0 + JE loop + + // Z19 holds a vector of the count by which we increment the vectors of + // swap at each loop iteration. + MOVQ $16, DI + VPBROADCASTQ DI, Z19 + + // Z31 holds the shuffle mask used to convert 128 bits elements from big to + // little endian so we can apply vectorized comparison instructions. + VMOVDQU64 bswap128(SB), Z31 + + // These vectors hold four lanes of minimum values found in the input. + VBROADCASTI64X2 (AX), Z0 + VPSHUFB Z31, Z0, Z0 + VMOVDQU64 Z0, Z5 + VMOVDQU64 Z0, Z10 + VMOVDQU64 Z0, Z15 + + // These vectors hold four lanes of swap of minimum values. + // + // We initialize them at zero because we broadcast the first value of the + // input in the vectors that track the minimums of each lane; in other + // words, we assume the minimum value is at the first offset and work our + // way up from there. + VPXORQ Z2, Z2, Z2 + VPXORQ Z7, Z7, Z7 + VPXORQ Z12, Z12, Z12 + VPXORQ Z17, Z17, Z17 + + // These vectors are used to compute the swap of minimum values held + // in [Z1, Z5, Z10, Z15]. Each vector holds a contiguous sequence of + // swap; for example, Z3 is initialized with [0, 1, 2, 3]. At each + // loop iteration, the swap are incremented by the number of elements + // consumed from the input (4x4=16). + VMOVDQU64 indexes128(SB), Z3 + VPXORQ Z8, Z8, Z8 + VPXORQ Z13, Z13, Z13 + VPXORQ Z18, Z18, Z18 + MOVQ $4, DI + VPBROADCASTQ DI, Z1 + VPADDQ Z1, Z3, Z8 + VPADDQ Z1, Z8, Z13 + VPADDQ Z1, Z13, Z18 + + vpminu128mask(DI) + SHRQ $8, DX + SHLQ $8, DX + ADDQ AX, DX +loop16: + // Compute 4x4 minimum values in vector registers, along with their swap + // in the input array. + VMOVDQU64 (AX), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 64(AX), Z6 + VMOVDQU64 128(AX), Z11 + VMOVDQU64 192(AX), Z16 + VPSHUFB Z31, Z1, Z1 + VPSHUFB Z31, Z6, Z6 + VPSHUFB Z31, Z11, Z11 + VPSHUFB Z31, Z16, Z16 + vpminu128(Z1, Z3, Z0, Z2, K1, K2, R8, R9, R10, DI) + vpminu128(Z6, Z8, Z5, Z7, K3, K4, R11, R12, R13, DI) + vpminu128(Z11, Z13, Z10, Z12, K1, K2, R8, R9, R10, DI) + vpminu128(Z16, Z18, Z15, Z17, K3, K4, R11, R12, R13, DI) + VPADDQ Z19, Z3, Z3 + VPADDQ Z19, Z8, Z8 + VPADDQ Z19, Z13, Z13 + VPADDQ Z19, Z18, Z18 + ADDQ $256, AX + CMPQ AX, DX + JB loop16 + + // After the loop completed, we need to merge the lanes that each contain + // 4 minimum values (so 16 total candidate at this stage). The results are + // reduced into 4 candidates in Z0, with their swap in Z2. + vpminu128(Z10, Z12, Z0, Z2, K1, K2, R8, R9, R10, DI) + vpminu128(Z15, Z17, Z5, Z7, K3, K4, R11, R12, R13, DI) + vpminu128(Z5, Z7, Z0, Z2, K1, K2, R8, R9, R10, DI) + + // Further reduce the results by swapping the upper and lower parts of the + // vector registers, and comparing them to determine which values are the + // smallest. We compare 2x2 values at this step, then 2x1 values at the next + // to find the index of the minimum. + VMOVDQU64 swap64+0(SB), Z1 + VMOVDQU64 swap64+0(SB), Z3 + VPERMI2Q Z0, Z0, Z1 + VPERMI2Q Z2, Z2, Z3 + vpminu128(Y1, Y3, Y0, Y2, K1, K2, R8, R9, R10, DI) + + VMOVDQU64 swap64+32(SB), Y1 + VMOVDQU64 swap64+32(SB), Y3 + VPERMI2Q Y0, Y0, Y1 + VPERMI2Q Y2, Y2, Y3 + vpminu128(X1, X3, X0, X2, K1, K2, R8, R9, R10, DI) + VZEROUPPER + + // Extract the index of the minimum value computed in the lower 64 bits of + // X2 and position the BX pointer at the index of the minimum value. + MOVQ X2, DX + SHLQ $4, DX + ADDQ DX, BX + CMPQ AX, CX + JE done + + // Unless the input was aligned on 256 bytes, we need to perform a few more + // iterations on the remaining elements. + // + // This loop is also taken if the CPU has no support for AVX-512. +loop: + MOVQ (AX), R8 + MOVQ (BX), R9 + BSWAPQ R8 + BSWAPQ R9 + CMPQ R8, R9 + JB less + JA next + MOVQ 8(AX), R8 + MOVQ 8(BX), R9 + BSWAPQ R8 + BSWAPQ R9 + CMPQ R8, R9 + JAE next +less: + MOVQ AX, BX +next: + ADDQ $16, AX + CMPQ AX, CX + JB loop +done: + MOVQ BX, ret_base+24(FP) + MOVQ $16, ret_len+32(FP) + MOVQ $16, ret_cap+40(FP) + RET +null: + XORQ BX, BX + MOVQ BX, ret_base+24(FP) + MOVQ BX, ret_len+32(FP) + MOVQ BX, ret_cap+40(FP) + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_min_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_min_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e68afbb6d89a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_min_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package parquet + +import "encoding/binary" + +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// TODO: use generics versions of the these functions to reduce the amount of +// code to maintain when we drop compatilibty with Go version older than 1.18. +// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +func minInt32(data []int32) (min int32) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[0] + + for _, value := range data { + if value < min { + min = value + } + } + } + return min +} + +func minInt64(data []int64) (min int64) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[0] + + for _, value := range data { + if value < min { + min = value + } + } + } + return min +} + +func minUint32(data []uint32) (min uint32) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[0] + + for _, value := range data { + if value < min { + min = value + } + } + } + return min +} + +func minUint64(data []uint64) (min uint64) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[0] + + for _, value := range data { + if value < min { + min = value + } + } + } + return min +} + +func minFloat32(data []float32) (min float32) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[0] + + for _, value := range data { + if value < min { + min = value + } + } + } + return min +} + +func minFloat64(data []float64) (min float64) { + if len(data) > 0 { + min = data[0] + + for _, value := range data { + if value < min { + min = value + } + } + } + return min +} + +func minBE128(data [][16]byte) (min []byte) { + if len(data) > 0 { + m := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[0][:8]) + j := 0 + for i := 1; i < len(data); i++ { + x := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[i][:8]) + switch { + case x < m: + m, j = x, i + case x == m: + y := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[i][8:]) + n := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[j][8:]) + if y < n { + m, j = x, i + } + } + } + min = data[j][:] + } + return min +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_values.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_values.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ecbdffb0c8da1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/page_values.go @@ -0,0 +1,487 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "io" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" +) + +type optionalPageValues struct { + page *optionalPage + values ValueReader + offset int +} + +func (r *optionalPageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + maxDefinitionLevel := r.page.maxDefinitionLevel + definitionLevels := r.page.definitionLevels + columnIndex := ^int16(r.page.Column()) + + for n < len(values) && r.offset < len(definitionLevels) { + for n < len(values) && r.offset < len(definitionLevels) && definitionLevels[r.offset] != maxDefinitionLevel { + values[n] = Value{ + definitionLevel: definitionLevels[r.offset], + columnIndex: columnIndex, + } + r.offset++ + n++ + } + + i := n + j := r.offset + for i < len(values) && j < len(definitionLevels) && definitionLevels[j] == maxDefinitionLevel { + i++ + j++ + } + + if n < i { + for j, err = r.values.ReadValues(values[n:i]); j > 0; j-- { + values[n].definitionLevel = maxDefinitionLevel + r.offset++ + n++ + } + // Do not return on an io.EOF here as we may still have null values to read. + if err != nil && err != io.EOF { + return n, err + } + err = nil + } + } + + if r.offset == len(definitionLevels) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +type repeatedPageValues struct { + page *repeatedPage + values ValueReader + offset int +} + +func (r *repeatedPageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + maxDefinitionLevel := r.page.maxDefinitionLevel + definitionLevels := r.page.definitionLevels + repetitionLevels := r.page.repetitionLevels + columnIndex := ^int16(r.page.Column()) + + // While we haven't exceeded the output buffer and we haven't exceeded the page size. + for n < len(values) && r.offset < len(definitionLevels) { + + // While we haven't exceeded the output buffer and we haven't exceeded the + // page size AND the current element's definitionLevel is not the + // maxDefinitionLevel (this is a null value), Create the zero values to be + // returned in this run. + for n < len(values) && r.offset < len(definitionLevels) && definitionLevels[r.offset] != maxDefinitionLevel { + values[n] = Value{ + repetitionLevel: repetitionLevels[r.offset], + definitionLevel: definitionLevels[r.offset], + columnIndex: columnIndex, + } + r.offset++ + n++ + } + + i := n + j := r.offset + // Get the length of the run of non-zero values to be copied. + for i < len(values) && j < len(definitionLevels) && definitionLevels[j] == maxDefinitionLevel { + i++ + j++ + } + + // Copy all the non-zero values in this run. + if n < i { + for j, err = r.values.ReadValues(values[n:i]); j > 0; j-- { + values[n].repetitionLevel = repetitionLevels[r.offset] + values[n].definitionLevel = maxDefinitionLevel + r.offset++ + n++ + } + if err != nil && err != io.EOF { + return n, err + } + err = nil + } + } + + if r.offset == len(definitionLevels) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +type booleanPageValues struct { + page *booleanPage + offset int +} + +func (r *booleanPageValues) ReadBooleans(values []bool) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(values) && r.offset < int(r.page.numValues) { + values[n] = r.page.valueAt(r.offset) + r.offset++ + n++ + } + if r.offset == int(r.page.numValues) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +func (r *booleanPageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(values) && r.offset < int(r.page.numValues) { + values[n] = r.page.makeValue(r.page.valueAt(r.offset)) + r.offset++ + n++ + } + if r.offset == int(r.page.numValues) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +type int32PageValues struct { + page *int32Page + offset int +} + +func (r *int32PageValues) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { + n, err = r.ReadInt32s(unsafecast.Slice[int32](b)) + return 4 * n, err +} + +func (r *int32PageValues) ReadInt32s(values []int32) (n int, err error) { + n = copy(values, r.page.values[r.offset:]) + r.offset += n + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +func (r *int32PageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(values) && r.offset < len(r.page.values) { + values[n] = r.page.makeValue(r.page.values[r.offset]) + r.offset++ + n++ + } + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +type int64PageValues struct { + page *int64Page + offset int +} + +func (r *int64PageValues) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { + n, err = r.ReadInt64s(unsafecast.Slice[int64](b)) + return 8 * n, err +} + +func (r *int64PageValues) ReadInt64s(values []int64) (n int, err error) { + n = copy(values, r.page.values[r.offset:]) + r.offset += n + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +func (r *int64PageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(values) && r.offset < len(r.page.values) { + values[n] = r.page.makeValue(r.page.values[r.offset]) + r.offset++ + n++ + } + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +type int96PageValues struct { + page *int96Page + offset int +} + +func (r *int96PageValues) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { + n, err = r.ReadInt96s(unsafecast.Slice[deprecated.Int96](b)) + return 12 * n, err +} + +func (r *int96PageValues) ReadInt96s(values []deprecated.Int96) (n int, err error) { + n = copy(values, r.page.values[r.offset:]) + r.offset += n + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +func (r *int96PageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(values) && r.offset < len(r.page.values) { + values[n] = r.page.makeValue(r.page.values[r.offset]) + r.offset++ + n++ + } + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +type floatPageValues struct { + page *floatPage + offset int +} + +func (r *floatPageValues) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { + n, err = r.ReadFloats(unsafecast.Slice[float32](b)) + return 4 * n, err +} + +func (r *floatPageValues) ReadFloats(values []float32) (n int, err error) { + n = copy(values, r.page.values[r.offset:]) + r.offset += n + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +func (r *floatPageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(values) && r.offset < len(r.page.values) { + values[n] = r.page.makeValue(r.page.values[r.offset]) + r.offset++ + n++ + } + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +type doublePageValues struct { + page *doublePage + offset int +} + +func (r *doublePageValues) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { + n, err = r.ReadDoubles(unsafecast.Slice[float64](b)) + return 8 * n, err +} + +func (r *doublePageValues) ReadDoubles(values []float64) (n int, err error) { + n = copy(values, r.page.values[r.offset:]) + r.offset += n + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +func (r *doublePageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(values) && r.offset < len(r.page.values) { + values[n] = r.page.makeValue(r.page.values[r.offset]) + r.offset++ + n++ + } + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +type byteArrayPageValues struct { + page *byteArrayPage + offset int +} + +func (r *byteArrayPageValues) Read(b []byte) (int, error) { + _, n, err := r.readByteArrays(b) + return n, err +} + +func (r *byteArrayPageValues) ReadRequired(values []byte) (int, error) { + return r.ReadByteArrays(values) +} + +func (r *byteArrayPageValues) ReadByteArrays(values []byte) (int, error) { + n, _, err := r.readByteArrays(values) + return n, err +} + +func (r *byteArrayPageValues) readByteArrays(values []byte) (c, n int, err error) { + numValues := r.page.len() + for r.offset < numValues { + b := r.page.index(r.offset) + k := plain.ByteArrayLengthSize + len(b) + if k > (len(values) - n) { + break + } + plain.PutByteArrayLength(values[n:], len(b)) + n += plain.ByteArrayLengthSize + n += copy(values[n:], b) + r.offset++ + c++ + } + if r.offset == numValues { + err = io.EOF + } else if n == 0 && len(values) > 0 { + err = io.ErrShortBuffer + } + return c, n, err +} + +func (r *byteArrayPageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + numValues := r.page.len() + for n < len(values) && r.offset < numValues { + values[n] = r.page.makeValueBytes(r.page.index(r.offset)) + r.offset++ + n++ + } + if r.offset == numValues { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +type fixedLenByteArrayPageValues struct { + page *fixedLenByteArrayPage + offset int +} + +func (r *fixedLenByteArrayPageValues) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { + n, err = r.ReadFixedLenByteArrays(b) + return n * r.page.size, err +} + +func (r *fixedLenByteArrayPageValues) ReadRequired(values []byte) (int, error) { + return r.ReadFixedLenByteArrays(values) +} + +func (r *fixedLenByteArrayPageValues) ReadFixedLenByteArrays(values []byte) (n int, err error) { + n = copy(values, r.page.data[r.offset:]) / r.page.size + r.offset += n * r.page.size + if r.offset == len(r.page.data) { + err = io.EOF + } else if n == 0 && len(values) > 0 { + err = io.ErrShortBuffer + } + return n, err +} + +func (r *fixedLenByteArrayPageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(values) && r.offset < len(r.page.data) { + values[n] = r.page.makeValueBytes(r.page.data[r.offset : r.offset+r.page.size]) + r.offset += r.page.size + n++ + } + if r.offset == len(r.page.data) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +type uint32PageValues struct { + page *uint32Page + offset int +} + +func (r *uint32PageValues) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { + n, err = r.ReadUint32s(unsafecast.Slice[uint32](b)) + return 4 * n, err +} + +func (r *uint32PageValues) ReadUint32s(values []uint32) (n int, err error) { + n = copy(values, r.page.values[r.offset:]) + r.offset += n + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +func (r *uint32PageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(values) && r.offset < len(r.page.values) { + values[n] = r.page.makeValue(r.page.values[r.offset]) + r.offset++ + n++ + } + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +type uint64PageValues struct { + page *uint64Page + offset int +} + +func (r *uint64PageValues) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) { + n, err = r.ReadUint64s(unsafecast.Slice[uint64](b)) + return 8 * n, err +} + +func (r *uint64PageValues) ReadUint64s(values []uint64) (n int, err error) { + n = copy(values, r.page.values[r.offset:]) + r.offset += n + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +func (r *uint64PageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(values) && r.offset < len(r.page.values) { + values[n] = r.page.makeValue(r.page.values[r.offset]) + r.offset++ + n++ + } + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +type be128PageValues struct { + page *be128Page + offset int +} + +func (r *be128PageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(values) && r.offset < len(r.page.values) { + values[n] = r.page.makeValue(&r.page.values[r.offset]) + r.offset++ + n++ + } + if r.offset == len(r.page.values) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +type nullPageValues struct { + column int + remain int +} + +func (r *nullPageValues) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + columnIndex := ^int16(r.column) + values = values[:min(r.remain, len(values))] + for i := range values { + values[i] = Value{columnIndex: columnIndex} + } + r.remain -= len(values) + if r.remain == 0 { + err = io.EOF + } + return len(values), err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/parquet.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/parquet.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..666b16eb18c16 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/parquet.go @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +// Copyright 2022 Twilio Inc. + +// Package parquet is a library for working with parquet files. For an overview +// of Parquet's qualities as a storage format, see this blog post: +// https://blog.twitter.com/engineering/en_us/a/2013/dremel-made-simple-with-parquet +// +// Or see the Parquet documentation: https://parquet.apache.org/docs/ +package parquet + +import ( + "io" + "os" + "reflect" +) + +// Read reads and returns rows from the parquet file in the given reader. +// +// The type T defines the type of rows read from r. T must be compatible with +// the file's schema or an error will be returned. The row type might represent +// a subset of the full schema, in which case only a subset of the columns will +// be loaded from r. +// +// This function is provided for convenience to facilitate reading of parquet +// files from arbitrary locations in cases where the data set fit in memory. +func Read[T any](r io.ReaderAt, size int64, options ...ReaderOption) (rows []T, err error) { + config, err := NewReaderConfig(options...) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + file, err := OpenFile(r, size) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + rows = make([]T, file.NumRows()) + reader := NewGenericReader[T](file, config) + n, err := reader.Read(rows) + if err == io.EOF { + err = nil + } + reader.Close() + return rows[:n], err +} + +// ReadFile reads rows of the parquet file at the given path. +// +// The type T defines the type of rows read from r. T must be compatible with +// the file's schema or an error will be returned. The row type might represent +// a subset of the full schema, in which case only a subset of the columns will +// be loaded from the file. +// +// This function is provided for convenience to facilitate reading of parquet +// files from the file system in cases where the data set fit in memory. +func ReadFile[T any](path string, options ...ReaderOption) (rows []T, err error) { + f, err := os.Open(path) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer f.Close() + s, err := f.Stat() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return Read[T](f, s.Size()) +} + +// Write writes the given list of rows to a parquet file written to w. +// +// This function is provided for convenience to facilitate the creation of +// parquet files. +func Write[T any](w io.Writer, rows []T, options ...WriterOption) error { + config, err := NewWriterConfig(options...) + if err != nil { + return err + } + writer := NewGenericWriter[T](w, config) + if _, err := writer.Write(rows); err != nil { + return err + } + return writer.Close() +} + +// Write writes the given list of rows to a parquet file written to w. +// +// This function is provided for convenience to facilitate writing parquet +// files to the file system. +func WriteFile[T any](path string, rows []T, options ...WriterOption) error { + f, err := os.Create(path) + if err != nil { + return err + } + defer f.Close() + return Write(f, rows, options...) +} + +func atLeastOne(size int) int { + return atLeast(size, 1) +} + +func atLeast(size, least int) int { + if size < least { + return least + } + return size +} + +func typeNameOf(t reflect.Type) string { + s1 := t.String() + s2 := t.Kind().String() + if s1 == s2 { + return s1 + } + return s1 + " (" + s2 + ")" +} + +func isZero(b []byte) bool { + for _, c := range b { + if c != 0 { + return false + } + } + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/parquet_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/parquet_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..64165571d3f98 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/parquet_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package parquet + +import "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" + +var ( + // This variable is used in x86 assembly source files to gate the use of + // AVX2 instructions depending on whether the CPU supports it. + hasAVX2 = cpu.X86.HasAVX2 + hasAVX512F = cpu.X86.HasAVX512F + hasAVX512VL = cpu.X86.HasAVX512F && cpu.X86.HasAVX512VL + // For min/max functions over big-endian 128 bits values, we need the + // follwing instructions from the DQ set: + // * VPBROADCASTQ (with 64 bits source register) + // * VBROADCASTI64X2 + hasAVX512MinMaxBE128 = cpu.X86.HasAVX512F && cpu.X86.HasAVX512DQ +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/print.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/print.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..746c900ce6ba1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/print.go @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter" +) + +func PrintSchema(w io.Writer, name string, node Node) error { + return PrintSchemaIndent(w, name, node, "\t", "\n") +} + +func PrintSchemaIndent(w io.Writer, name string, node Node, pattern, newline string) error { + pw := &printWriter{writer: w} + pi := &printIndent{} + + if node.Leaf() { + printSchemaWithIndent(pw, "", node, pi) + } else { + pw.WriteString("message ") + + if name == "" { + pw.WriteString("{") + } else { + pw.WriteString(name) + pw.WriteString(" {") + } + + pi.pattern = pattern + pi.newline = newline + pi.repeat = 1 + pi.writeNewLine(pw) + + for _, field := range node.Fields() { + printSchemaWithIndent(pw, field.Name(), field, pi) + pi.writeNewLine(pw) + } + + pw.WriteString("}") + } + + return pw.err +} + +func printSchemaWithIndent(w io.StringWriter, name string, node Node, indent *printIndent) { + indent.writeTo(w) + + switch { + case node.Optional(): + w.WriteString("optional ") + case node.Repeated(): + w.WriteString("repeated ") + default: + w.WriteString("required ") + } + + if node.Leaf() { + t := node.Type() + switch t.Kind() { + case Boolean: + w.WriteString("boolean") + case Int32: + w.WriteString("int32") + case Int64: + w.WriteString("int64") + case Int96: + w.WriteString("int96") + case Float: + w.WriteString("float") + case Double: + w.WriteString("double") + case ByteArray: + w.WriteString("binary") + case FixedLenByteArray: + w.WriteString("fixed_len_byte_array(") + w.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(t.Length())) + w.WriteString(")") + default: + w.WriteString("") + } + + if name != "" { + w.WriteString(" ") + w.WriteString(name) + } + + if annotation := annotationOf(node); annotation != "" { + w.WriteString(" (") + w.WriteString(annotation) + w.WriteString(")") + } + + if id := node.ID(); id != 0 { + w.WriteString(" = ") + w.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(id)) + } + + w.WriteString(";") + } else { + w.WriteString("group") + + if name != "" { + w.WriteString(" ") + w.WriteString(name) + } + + if annotation := annotationOf(node); annotation != "" { + w.WriteString(" (") + w.WriteString(annotation) + w.WriteString(")") + } + + if id := node.ID(); id != 0 { + w.WriteString(" = ") + w.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(id)) + } + + w.WriteString(" {") + indent.writeNewLine(w) + indent.push() + + for _, field := range node.Fields() { + printSchemaWithIndent(w, field.Name(), field, indent) + indent.writeNewLine(w) + } + + indent.pop() + indent.writeTo(w) + w.WriteString("}") + } +} + +func annotationOf(node Node) string { + if logicalType := node.Type().LogicalType(); logicalType != nil { + return logicalType.String() + } + return "" +} + +type printIndent struct { + pattern string + newline string + repeat int +} + +func (i *printIndent) push() { + i.repeat++ +} + +func (i *printIndent) pop() { + i.repeat-- +} + +func (i *printIndent) writeTo(w io.StringWriter) { + if i.pattern != "" { + for n := i.repeat; n > 0; n-- { + w.WriteString(i.pattern) + } + } +} + +func (i *printIndent) writeNewLine(w io.StringWriter) { + if i.newline != "" { + w.WriteString(i.newline) + } +} + +type printWriter struct { + writer io.Writer + err error +} + +func (w *printWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + if w.err != nil { + return 0, w.err + } + n, err := w.writer.Write(b) + if err != nil { + w.err = err + } + return n, err +} + +func (w *printWriter) WriteString(s string) (int, error) { + if w.err != nil { + return 0, w.err + } + n, err := io.WriteString(w.writer, s) + if err != nil { + w.err = err + } + return n, err +} + +var ( + _ io.StringWriter = (*printWriter)(nil) +) + +func sprint(name string, node Node) string { + s := new(strings.Builder) + PrintSchema(s, name, node) + return s.String() +} + +func PrintRowGroup(w io.Writer, rowGroup RowGroup) error { + schema := rowGroup.Schema() + pw := &printWriter{writer: w} + tw := tablewriter.NewWriter(pw) + + columns := schema.Columns() + header := make([]string, len(columns)) + footer := make([]string, len(columns)) + alignment := make([]int, len(columns)) + + for i, column := range columns { + leaf, _ := schema.Lookup(column...) + columnType := leaf.Node.Type() + + header[i] = strings.Join(column, ".") + footer[i] = columnType.String() + + switch columnType.Kind() { + case ByteArray: + alignment[i] = tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT + default: + alignment[i] = tablewriter.ALIGN_RIGHT + } + } + + rowbuf := make([]Row, defaultRowBufferSize) + cells := make([]string, 0, len(columns)) + rows := rowGroup.Rows() + defer rows.Close() + + for { + n, err := rows.ReadRows(rowbuf) + + for _, row := range rowbuf[:n] { + cells = cells[:0] + + for _, value := range row { + columnIndex := value.Column() + + for len(cells) <= columnIndex { + cells = append(cells, "") + } + + if cells[columnIndex] == "" { + cells[columnIndex] = value.String() + } else { + cells[columnIndex] += "," + value.String() + alignment[columnIndex] = tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT + } + } + + tw.Append(cells) + } + + if err != nil { + if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { + break + } + return err + } + } + + tw.SetAutoFormatHeaders(false) + tw.SetColumnAlignment(alignment) + tw.SetHeaderAlignment(tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT) + tw.SetFooterAlignment(tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT) + tw.SetHeader(header) + tw.SetFooter(footer) + tw.Render() + + fmt.Fprintf(pw, "%d rows\n\n", rowGroup.NumRows()) + return pw.err +} + +func PrintColumnChunk(w io.Writer, columnChunk ColumnChunk) error { + pw := &printWriter{writer: w} + pw.WriteString(columnChunk.Type().String()) + pw.WriteString("\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") + + values := [42]Value{} + pages := columnChunk.Pages() + numPages, numValues := int64(0), int64(0) + + defer pages.Close() + for { + p, err := pages.ReadPage() + if err != nil { + if !errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { + return err + } + break + } + + numPages++ + n := p.NumValues() + if n == 0 { + fmt.Fprintf(pw, "*** page %d, no values ***\n", numPages) + } else { + fmt.Fprintf(pw, "*** page %d, values %d to %d ***\n", numPages, numValues+1, numValues+n) + printPage(w, p, values[:], numValues+1) + numValues += n + } + + pw.WriteString("\n") + } + + return pw.err +} + +func PrintPage(w io.Writer, page Page) error { + return printPage(w, page, make([]Value, 42), 0) +} + +func printPage(w io.Writer, page Page, values []Value, numValues int64) error { + r := page.Values() + for { + n, err := r.ReadValues(values[:]) + for i, v := range values[:n] { + _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "value %d: %+v\n", numValues+int64(i), v) + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + if err != nil { + if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { + err = nil + } + return err + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/reader.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/reader.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..2f444bb739b83 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/reader.go @@ -0,0 +1,560 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "reflect" +) + +// GenericReader is similar to a Reader but uses a type parameter to define the +// Go type representing the schema of rows being read. +// +// See GenericWriter for details about the benefits over the classic Reader API. +type GenericReader[T any] struct { + base Reader + read readFunc[T] +} + +// NewGenericReader is like NewReader but returns GenericReader[T] suited to write +// rows of Go type T. +// +// The type parameter T should be a map, struct, or any. Any other types will +// cause a panic at runtime. Type checking is a lot more effective when the +// generic parameter is a struct type, using map and interface types is somewhat +// similar to using a Writer. +// +// If the option list may explicitly declare a schema, it must be compatible +// with the schema generated from T. +func NewGenericReader[T any](input io.ReaderAt, options ...ReaderOption) *GenericReader[T] { + c, err := NewReaderConfig(options...) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + f, err := openFile(input) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + rowGroup := fileRowGroupOf(f) + + t := typeOf[T]() + if c.Schema == nil { + if t == nil { + c.Schema = rowGroup.Schema() + } else { + c.Schema = schemaOf(dereference(t)) + } + } + + r := &GenericReader[T]{ + base: Reader{ + file: reader{ + schema: c.Schema, + rowGroup: rowGroup, + }, + }, + } + + if !nodesAreEqual(c.Schema, f.schema) { + r.base.file.rowGroup = convertRowGroupTo(r.base.file.rowGroup, c.Schema) + } + + r.base.read.init(r.base.file.schema, r.base.file.rowGroup) + r.read = readFuncOf[T](t, r.base.file.schema) + return r +} + +func NewGenericRowGroupReader[T any](rowGroup RowGroup, options ...ReaderOption) *GenericReader[T] { + c, err := NewReaderConfig(options...) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + t := typeOf[T]() + if c.Schema == nil { + if t == nil { + c.Schema = rowGroup.Schema() + } else { + c.Schema = schemaOf(dereference(t)) + } + } + + r := &GenericReader[T]{ + base: Reader{ + file: reader{ + schema: c.Schema, + rowGroup: rowGroup, + }, + }, + } + + if !nodesAreEqual(c.Schema, rowGroup.Schema()) { + r.base.file.rowGroup = convertRowGroupTo(r.base.file.rowGroup, c.Schema) + } + + r.base.read.init(r.base.file.schema, r.base.file.rowGroup) + r.read = readFuncOf[T](t, r.base.file.schema) + return r +} + +func (r *GenericReader[T]) Reset() { + r.base.Reset() +} + +// Read reads the next rows from the reader into the given rows slice up to len(rows). +// +// The returned values are safe to reuse across Read calls and do not share +// memory with the reader's underlying page buffers. +// +// The method returns the number of rows read and io.EOF when no more rows +// can be read from the reader. +func (r *GenericReader[T]) Read(rows []T) (int, error) { + return r.read(r, rows) +} + +func (r *GenericReader[T]) ReadRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + return r.base.ReadRows(rows) +} + +func (r *GenericReader[T]) Schema() *Schema { + return r.base.Schema() +} + +func (r *GenericReader[T]) NumRows() int64 { + return r.base.NumRows() +} + +func (r *GenericReader[T]) SeekToRow(rowIndex int64) error { + return r.base.SeekToRow(rowIndex) +} + +func (r *GenericReader[T]) Close() error { + return r.base.Close() +} + +// readRows reads the next rows from the reader into the given rows slice up to len(rows). +// +// The returned values are safe to reuse across readRows calls and do not share +// memory with the reader's underlying page buffers. +// +// The method returns the number of rows read and io.EOF when no more rows +// can be read from the reader. +func (r *GenericReader[T]) readRows(rows []T) (int, error) { + nRequest := len(rows) + if cap(r.base.rowbuf) < nRequest { + r.base.rowbuf = make([]Row, nRequest) + } else { + r.base.rowbuf = r.base.rowbuf[:nRequest] + } + + var n, nTotal int + var err error + for { + // ReadRows reads the minimum remaining rows in a column page across all columns + // of the underlying reader, unless the length of the slice passed to it is smaller. + // In that case, ReadRows will read the number of rows equal to the length of the + // given slice argument. We limit that length to never be more than requested + // because sequential reads can cross page boundaries. + n, err = r.base.ReadRows(r.base.rowbuf[:nRequest-nTotal]) + if n > 0 { + schema := r.base.Schema() + + for i, row := range r.base.rowbuf[:n] { + if err2 := schema.Reconstruct(&rows[nTotal+i], row); err2 != nil { + return nTotal + i, err2 + } + } + } + nTotal += n + if n == 0 || nTotal == nRequest || err != nil { + break + } + } + + return nTotal, err +} + +var ( + _ Rows = (*GenericReader[any])(nil) + _ RowReaderWithSchema = (*Reader)(nil) + + _ Rows = (*GenericReader[struct{}])(nil) + _ RowReaderWithSchema = (*GenericReader[struct{}])(nil) + + _ Rows = (*GenericReader[map[struct{}]struct{}])(nil) + _ RowReaderWithSchema = (*GenericReader[map[struct{}]struct{}])(nil) +) + +type readFunc[T any] func(*GenericReader[T], []T) (int, error) + +func readFuncOf[T any](t reflect.Type, schema *Schema) readFunc[T] { + if t == nil { + return (*GenericReader[T]).readRows + } + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Interface, reflect.Map: + return (*GenericReader[T]).readRows + + case reflect.Struct: + return (*GenericReader[T]).readRows + + case reflect.Pointer: + if e := t.Elem(); e.Kind() == reflect.Struct { + return (*GenericReader[T]).readRows + } + } + panic("cannot create reader for values of type " + t.String()) +} + +// Deprecated: A Reader reads Go values from parquet files. +// +// This example showcases a typical use of parquet readers: +// +// reader := parquet.NewReader(file) +// rows := []RowType{} +// for { +// row := RowType{} +// err := reader.Read(&row) +// if err != nil { +// if err == io.EOF { +// break +// } +// ... +// } +// rows = append(rows, row) +// } +// if err := reader.Close(); err != nil { +// ... +// } +// +// For programs building with Go 1.18 or later, the GenericReader[T] type +// supersedes this one. +type Reader struct { + seen reflect.Type + file reader + read reader + rowIndex int64 + rowbuf []Row +} + +// NewReader constructs a parquet reader reading rows from the given +// io.ReaderAt. +// +// In order to read parquet rows, the io.ReaderAt must be converted to a +// parquet.File. If r is already a parquet.File it is used directly; otherwise, +// the io.ReaderAt value is expected to either have a `Size() int64` method or +// implement io.Seeker in order to determine its size. +// +// The function panics if the reader configuration is invalid. Programs that +// cannot guarantee the validity of the options passed to NewReader should +// construct the reader configuration independently prior to calling this +// function: +// +// config, err := parquet.NewReaderConfig(options...) +// if err != nil { +// // handle the configuration error +// ... +// } else { +// // this call to create a reader is guaranteed not to panic +// reader := parquet.NewReader(input, config) +// ... +// } +func NewReader(input io.ReaderAt, options ...ReaderOption) *Reader { + c, err := NewReaderConfig(options...) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + f, err := openFile(input) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + r := &Reader{ + file: reader{ + schema: f.schema, + rowGroup: fileRowGroupOf(f), + }, + } + + if c.Schema != nil { + r.file.schema = c.Schema + r.file.rowGroup = convertRowGroupTo(r.file.rowGroup, c.Schema) + } + + r.read.init(r.file.schema, r.file.rowGroup) + return r +} + +func openFile(input io.ReaderAt) (*File, error) { + f, _ := input.(*File) + if f != nil { + return f, nil + } + n, err := sizeOf(input) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return OpenFile(input, n) +} + +func fileRowGroupOf(f *File) RowGroup { + switch rowGroups := f.RowGroups(); len(rowGroups) { + case 0: + return newEmptyRowGroup(f.Schema()) + case 1: + return rowGroups[0] + default: + // TODO: should we attempt to merge the row groups via MergeRowGroups + // to preserve the global order of sorting columns within the file? + return newMultiRowGroup(f.config.ReadMode, rowGroups...) + } +} + +// NewRowGroupReader constructs a new Reader which reads rows from the RowGroup +// passed as argument. +func NewRowGroupReader(rowGroup RowGroup, options ...ReaderOption) *Reader { + c, err := NewReaderConfig(options...) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + if c.Schema != nil { + rowGroup = convertRowGroupTo(rowGroup, c.Schema) + } + + r := &Reader{ + file: reader{ + schema: rowGroup.Schema(), + rowGroup: rowGroup, + }, + } + + r.read.init(r.file.schema, r.file.rowGroup) + return r +} + +func convertRowGroupTo(rowGroup RowGroup, schema *Schema) RowGroup { + if rowGroupSchema := rowGroup.Schema(); !nodesAreEqual(schema, rowGroupSchema) { + conv, err := Convert(schema, rowGroupSchema) + if err != nil { + // TODO: this looks like something we should not be panicking on, + // but the current NewReader API does not offer a mechanism to + // report errors. + panic(err) + } + rowGroup = ConvertRowGroup(rowGroup, conv) + } + return rowGroup +} + +func sizeOf(r io.ReaderAt) (int64, error) { + switch f := r.(type) { + case interface{ Size() int64 }: + return f.Size(), nil + case io.Seeker: + off, err := f.Seek(0, io.SeekCurrent) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + end, err := f.Seek(0, io.SeekEnd) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + _, err = f.Seek(off, io.SeekStart) + return end, err + default: + return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot determine length of %T", r) + } +} + +// Reset repositions the reader at the beginning of the underlying parquet file. +func (r *Reader) Reset() { + r.file.Reset() + r.read.Reset() + r.rowIndex = 0 + clearRows(r.rowbuf) +} + +// Read reads the next row from r. The type of the row must match the schema +// of the underlying parquet file or an error will be returned. +// +// The method returns io.EOF when no more rows can be read from r. +func (r *Reader) Read(row interface{}) error { + if rowType := dereference(reflect.TypeOf(row)); rowType.Kind() == reflect.Struct { + if r.seen != rowType { + if err := r.updateReadSchema(rowType); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot read parquet row into go value of type %T: %w", row, err) + } + } + } + + if err := r.read.SeekToRow(r.rowIndex); err != nil { + if errors.Is(err, io.ErrClosedPipe) { + return io.EOF + } + return fmt.Errorf("seeking reader to row %d: %w", r.rowIndex, err) + } + + if cap(r.rowbuf) == 0 { + r.rowbuf = make([]Row, 1) + } else { + r.rowbuf = r.rowbuf[:1] + } + + n, err := r.read.ReadRows(r.rowbuf[:]) + if n == 0 { + return err + } + + r.rowIndex++ + return r.read.schema.Reconstruct(row, r.rowbuf[0]) +} + +func (r *Reader) updateReadSchema(rowType reflect.Type) error { + schema := schemaOf(rowType) + + if nodesAreEqual(schema, r.file.schema) { + r.read.init(schema, r.file.rowGroup) + } else { + conv, err := Convert(schema, r.file.schema) + if err != nil { + return err + } + r.read.init(schema, ConvertRowGroup(r.file.rowGroup, conv)) + } + + r.seen = rowType + return nil +} + +// ReadRows reads the next rows from r into the given Row buffer. +// +// The returned values are laid out in the order expected by the +// parquet.(*Schema).Reconstruct method. +// +// The method returns io.EOF when no more rows can be read from r. +func (r *Reader) ReadRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + if err := r.file.SeekToRow(r.rowIndex); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + n, err := r.file.ReadRows(rows) + r.rowIndex += int64(n) + return n, err +} + +// Schema returns the schema of rows read by r. +func (r *Reader) Schema() *Schema { return r.file.schema } + +// NumRows returns the number of rows that can be read from r. +func (r *Reader) NumRows() int64 { return r.file.rowGroup.NumRows() } + +// SeekToRow positions r at the given row index. +func (r *Reader) SeekToRow(rowIndex int64) error { + if err := r.file.SeekToRow(rowIndex); err != nil { + return err + } + r.rowIndex = rowIndex + return nil +} + +// Close closes the reader, preventing more rows from being read. +func (r *Reader) Close() error { + if err := r.read.Close(); err != nil { + return err + } + if err := r.file.Close(); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil +} + +// reader is a subtype used in the implementation of Reader to support the two +// use cases of either reading rows calling the ReadRow method (where full rows +// are read from the underlying parquet file), or calling the Read method to +// read rows into Go values, potentially doing partial reads on a subset of the +// columns due to using a converted row group view. +type reader struct { + schema *Schema + rowGroup RowGroup + rows Rows + rowIndex int64 +} + +func (r *reader) init(schema *Schema, rowGroup RowGroup) { + r.schema = schema + r.rowGroup = rowGroup + r.Reset() +} + +func (r *reader) Reset() { + r.rowIndex = 0 + + if rows, ok := r.rows.(interface{ Reset() }); ok { + // This optimization works for the common case where the underlying type + // of the Rows instance is rowGroupRows, which should be true in most + // cases since even external implementations of the RowGroup interface + // can construct values of this type via the NewRowGroupRowReader + // function. + // + // Foreign implementations of the Rows interface may also define a Reset + // method in order to participate in this optimization. + rows.Reset() + return + } + + if r.rows != nil { + r.rows.Close() + r.rows = nil + } +} + +func (r *reader) ReadRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + if r.rowGroup == nil { + return 0, io.EOF + } + if r.rows == nil { + r.rows = r.rowGroup.Rows() + if r.rowIndex > 0 { + if err := r.rows.SeekToRow(r.rowIndex); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + } + n, err := r.rows.ReadRows(rows) + r.rowIndex += int64(n) + return n, err +} + +func (r *reader) SeekToRow(rowIndex int64) error { + if r.rowGroup == nil { + return io.ErrClosedPipe + } + if rowIndex != r.rowIndex { + if r.rows != nil { + if err := r.rows.SeekToRow(rowIndex); err != nil { + return err + } + } + r.rowIndex = rowIndex + } + return nil +} + +func (r *reader) Close() (err error) { + r.rowGroup = nil + if r.rows != nil { + err = r.rows.Close() + } + return err +} + +var ( + _ Rows = (*Reader)(nil) + _ RowReaderWithSchema = (*Reader)(nil) + + _ RowReader = (*reader)(nil) + _ RowSeeker = (*reader)(nil) +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/row.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/row.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..c7f314925bfbd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/row.go @@ -0,0 +1,827 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + "io" + "reflect" +) + +const ( + defaultRowBufferSize = 42 +) + +// Row represents a parquet row as a slice of values. +// +// Each value should embed a column index, repetition level, and definition +// level allowing the program to determine how to reconstruct the original +// object from the row. +type Row []Value + +// MakeRow constructs a Row from a list of column values. +// +// The function panics if the column indexes of values in each column do not +// match their position in the argument list. +func MakeRow(columns ...[]Value) Row { return AppendRow(nil, columns...) } + +// AppendRow appends to row the given list of column values. +// +// AppendRow can be used to construct a Row value from columns, while retaining +// the underlying memory buffer to avoid reallocation; for example: +// +// The function panics if the column indexes of values in each column do not +// match their position in the argument list. +func AppendRow(row Row, columns ...[]Value) Row { + numValues := 0 + + for expectedColumnIndex, column := range columns { + numValues += len(column) + + for _, value := range column { + if value.columnIndex != ^int16(expectedColumnIndex) { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("value of column %d has column index %d", expectedColumnIndex, value.Column())) + } + } + } + + if capacity := cap(row) - len(row); capacity < numValues { + row = append(make(Row, 0, len(row)+numValues), row...) + } + + return appendRow(row, columns) +} + +func appendRow(row Row, columns [][]Value) Row { + for _, column := range columns { + row = append(row, column...) + } + return row +} + +// Clone creates a copy of the row which shares no pointers. +// +// This method is useful to capture rows after a call to RowReader.ReadRows when +// values need to be retained before the next call to ReadRows or after the lifespan +// of the reader. +func (row Row) Clone() Row { + clone := make(Row, len(row)) + for i := range row { + clone[i] = row[i].Clone() + } + return clone +} + +// Equal returns true if row and other contain the same sequence of values. +func (row Row) Equal(other Row) bool { + if len(row) != len(other) { + return false + } + for i := range row { + if !Equal(row[i], other[i]) { + return false + } + if row[i].repetitionLevel != other[i].repetitionLevel { + return false + } + if row[i].definitionLevel != other[i].definitionLevel { + return false + } + if row[i].columnIndex != other[i].columnIndex { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// Range calls f for each column of row. +func (row Row) Range(f func(columnIndex int, columnValues []Value) bool) { + columnIndex := 0 + + for i := 0; i < len(row); { + j := i + 1 + + for j < len(row) && row[j].columnIndex == ^int16(columnIndex) { + j++ + } + + if !f(columnIndex, row[i:j:j]) { + break + } + + columnIndex++ + i = j + } +} + +// RowSeeker is an interface implemented by readers of parquet rows which can be +// positioned at a specific row index. +type RowSeeker interface { + // Positions the stream on the given row index. + // + // Some implementations of the interface may only allow seeking forward. + // + // The method returns io.ErrClosedPipe if the stream had already been closed. + SeekToRow(int64) error +} + +// RowReader reads a sequence of parquet rows. +type RowReader interface { + // ReadRows reads rows from the reader, returning the number of rows read + // into the buffer, and any error that occurred. Note that the rows read + // into the buffer are not safe for reuse after a subsequent call to + // ReadRows. Callers that want to reuse rows must copy the rows using Clone. + // + // When all rows have been read, the reader returns io.EOF to indicate the + // end of the sequence. It is valid for the reader to return both a non-zero + // number of rows and a non-nil error (including io.EOF). + // + // The buffer of rows passed as argument will be used to store values of + // each row read from the reader. If the rows are not nil, the backing array + // of the slices will be used as an optimization to avoid re-allocating new + // arrays. + // + // The application is expected to handle the case where ReadRows returns + // less rows than requested and no error, by looking at the first returned + // value from ReadRows, which is the number of rows that were read. + ReadRows([]Row) (int, error) +} + +// RowReaderFrom reads parquet rows from reader. +type RowReaderFrom interface { + ReadRowsFrom(RowReader) (int64, error) +} + +// RowReaderWithSchema is an extension of the RowReader interface which +// advertises the schema of rows returned by ReadRow calls. +type RowReaderWithSchema interface { + RowReader + Schema() *Schema +} + +// RowReadSeeker is an interface implemented by row readers which support +// seeking to arbitrary row positions. +type RowReadSeeker interface { + RowReader + RowSeeker +} + +// RowWriter writes parquet rows to an underlying medium. +type RowWriter interface { + // Writes rows to the writer, returning the number of rows written and any + // error that occurred. + // + // Because columnar operations operate on independent columns of values, + // writes of rows may not be atomic operations, and could result in some + // rows being partially written. The method returns the number of rows that + // were successfully written, but if an error occurs, values of the row(s) + // that failed to be written may have been partially committed to their + // columns. For that reason, applications should consider a write error as + // fatal and assume that they need to discard the state, they cannot retry + // the write nor recover the underlying file. + WriteRows([]Row) (int, error) +} + +// RowWriterTo writes parquet rows to a writer. +type RowWriterTo interface { + WriteRowsTo(RowWriter) (int64, error) +} + +// RowWriterWithSchema is an extension of the RowWriter interface which +// advertises the schema of rows expected to be passed to WriteRow calls. +type RowWriterWithSchema interface { + RowWriter + Schema() *Schema +} + +// RowReaderFunc is a function type implementing the RowReader interface. +type RowReaderFunc func([]Row) (int, error) + +func (f RowReaderFunc) ReadRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { return f(rows) } + +// RowWriterFunc is a function type implementing the RowWriter interface. +type RowWriterFunc func([]Row) (int, error) + +func (f RowWriterFunc) WriteRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { return f(rows) } + +// MultiRowWriter constructs a RowWriter which dispatches writes to all the +// writers passed as arguments. +// +// When writing rows, if any of the writers returns an error, the operation is +// aborted and the error returned. If one of the writers did not error, but did +// not write all the rows, the operation is aborted and io.ErrShortWrite is +// returned. +// +// Rows are written sequentially to each writer in the order they are given to +// this function. +func MultiRowWriter(writers ...RowWriter) RowWriter { + m := &multiRowWriter{writers: make([]RowWriter, len(writers))} + copy(m.writers, writers) + return m +} + +type multiRowWriter struct{ writers []RowWriter } + +func (m *multiRowWriter) WriteRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + for _, w := range m.writers { + n, err := w.WriteRows(rows) + if err != nil { + return n, err + } + if n != len(rows) { + return n, io.ErrShortWrite + } + } + return len(rows), nil +} + +type forwardRowSeeker struct { + rows RowReader + seek int64 + index int64 +} + +func (r *forwardRowSeeker) ReadRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + for { + n, err := r.rows.ReadRows(rows) + + if n > 0 && r.index < r.seek { + skip := r.seek - r.index + r.index += int64(n) + if skip >= int64(n) { + continue + } + + for i, j := 0, int(skip); j < n; i++ { + rows[i] = append(rows[i][:0], rows[j]...) + } + + n -= int(skip) + } + + return n, err + } +} + +func (r *forwardRowSeeker) SeekToRow(rowIndex int64) error { + if rowIndex >= r.index { + r.seek = rowIndex + return nil + } + return fmt.Errorf( + "SeekToRow: %T does not implement parquet.RowSeeker: cannot seek backward from row %d to %d", + r.rows, + r.index, + rowIndex, + ) +} + +// CopyRows copies rows from src to dst. +// +// The underlying types of src and dst are tested to determine if they expose +// information about the schema of rows that are read and expected to be +// written. If the schema information are available but do not match, the +// function will attempt to automatically convert the rows from the source +// schema to the destination. +// +// As an optimization, the src argument may implement RowWriterTo to bypass +// the default row copy logic and provide its own. The dst argument may also +// implement RowReaderFrom for the same purpose. +// +// The function returns the number of rows written, or any error encountered +// other than io.EOF. +func CopyRows(dst RowWriter, src RowReader) (int64, error) { + return copyRows(dst, src, nil) +} + +func copyRows(dst RowWriter, src RowReader, buf []Row) (written int64, err error) { + targetSchema := targetSchemaOf(dst) + sourceSchema := sourceSchemaOf(src) + + if targetSchema != nil && sourceSchema != nil { + if !nodesAreEqual(targetSchema, sourceSchema) { + conv, err := Convert(targetSchema, sourceSchema) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + // The conversion effectively disables a potential optimization + // if the source reader implemented RowWriterTo. It is a trade off + // we are making to optimize for safety rather than performance. + // + // Entering this code path should not be the common case tho, it is + // most often used when parquet schemas are evolving, but we expect + // that the majority of files of an application to be sharing a + // common schema. + src = ConvertRowReader(src, conv) + } + } + + if wt, ok := src.(RowWriterTo); ok { + return wt.WriteRowsTo(dst) + } + + if rf, ok := dst.(RowReaderFrom); ok { + return rf.ReadRowsFrom(src) + } + + if len(buf) == 0 { + buf = make([]Row, defaultRowBufferSize) + } + + defer clearRows(buf) + + for { + rn, err := src.ReadRows(buf) + + if rn > 0 { + wn, err := dst.WriteRows(buf[:rn]) + if err != nil { + return written, err + } + + written += int64(wn) + } + + if err != nil { + if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) { + err = nil + } + return written, err + } + + if rn == 0 { + return written, io.ErrNoProgress + } + } +} + +func makeRows(n int) []Row { + buf := make([]Value, n) + row := make([]Row, n) + for i := range row { + row[i] = buf[i : i : i+1] + } + return row +} + +func clearRows(rows []Row) { + for i, values := range rows { + clearValues(values) + rows[i] = values[:0] + } +} + +func sourceSchemaOf(r RowReader) *Schema { + if rrs, ok := r.(RowReaderWithSchema); ok { + return rrs.Schema() + } + return nil +} + +func targetSchemaOf(w RowWriter) *Schema { + if rws, ok := w.(RowWriterWithSchema); ok { + return rws.Schema() + } + return nil +} + +// ============================================================================= +// Functions returning closures are marked with "go:noinline" below to prevent +// losing naming information of the closure in stack traces. +// +// Because some of the functions are very short (simply return a closure), the +// compiler inlines when at their call site, which result in the closure being +// named something like parquet.deconstructFuncOf.func2 instead of the original +// parquet.deconstructFuncOfLeaf.func1; the latter being much more meaningful +// when reading CPU or memory profiles. +// ============================================================================= + +type levels struct { + repetitionDepth byte + repetitionLevel byte + definitionLevel byte +} + +// deconstructFunc accepts a row, the current levels, the value to deserialize +// the current column onto, and returns the row minus the deserialied value(s) +// It recurses until it hits a leaf node, then deserializes that value +// individually as the base case. +type deconstructFunc func([][]Value, levels, reflect.Value) + +func deconstructFuncOf(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, deconstructFunc) { + switch { + case node.Optional(): + return deconstructFuncOfOptional(columnIndex, node) + case node.Repeated(): + return deconstructFuncOfRepeated(columnIndex, node) + case isList(node): + return deconstructFuncOfList(columnIndex, node) + case isMap(node): + return deconstructFuncOfMap(columnIndex, node) + default: + return deconstructFuncOfRequired(columnIndex, node) + } +} + +//go:noinline +func deconstructFuncOfOptional(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, deconstructFunc) { + columnIndex, deconstruct := deconstructFuncOf(columnIndex, Required(node)) + return columnIndex, func(columns [][]Value, levels levels, value reflect.Value) { + if value.IsValid() { + if value.IsZero() { + value = reflect.Value{} + } else { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + value = value.Elem() + } + levels.definitionLevel++ + } + } + deconstruct(columns, levels, value) + } +} + +//go:noinline +func deconstructFuncOfRepeated(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, deconstructFunc) { + columnIndex, deconstruct := deconstructFuncOf(columnIndex, Required(node)) + return columnIndex, func(columns [][]Value, levels levels, value reflect.Value) { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Interface { + value = value.Elem() + } + + if !value.IsValid() || value.Len() == 0 { + deconstruct(columns, levels, reflect.Value{}) + return + } + + levels.repetitionDepth++ + levels.definitionLevel++ + + for i, n := 0, value.Len(); i < n; i++ { + deconstruct(columns, levels, value.Index(i)) + levels.repetitionLevel = levels.repetitionDepth + } + } +} + +func deconstructFuncOfRequired(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, deconstructFunc) { + switch { + case node.Leaf(): + return deconstructFuncOfLeaf(columnIndex, node) + default: + return deconstructFuncOfGroup(columnIndex, node) + } +} + +func deconstructFuncOfList(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, deconstructFunc) { + return deconstructFuncOf(columnIndex, Repeated(listElementOf(node))) +} + +//go:noinline +func deconstructFuncOfMap(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, deconstructFunc) { + keyValue := mapKeyValueOf(node) + keyValueType := keyValue.GoType() + keyValueElem := keyValueType.Elem() + keyType := keyValueElem.Field(0).Type + valueType := keyValueElem.Field(1).Type + nextColumnIndex, deconstruct := deconstructFuncOf(columnIndex, schemaOf(keyValueElem)) + return nextColumnIndex, func(columns [][]Value, levels levels, mapValue reflect.Value) { + if !mapValue.IsValid() || mapValue.Len() == 0 { + deconstruct(columns, levels, reflect.Value{}) + return + } + + levels.repetitionDepth++ + levels.definitionLevel++ + + elem := reflect.New(keyValueElem).Elem() + k := elem.Field(0) + v := elem.Field(1) + + for _, key := range mapValue.MapKeys() { + k.Set(key.Convert(keyType)) + v.Set(mapValue.MapIndex(key).Convert(valueType)) + deconstruct(columns, levels, elem) + levels.repetitionLevel = levels.repetitionDepth + } + } +} + +//go:noinline +func deconstructFuncOfGroup(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, deconstructFunc) { + fields := node.Fields() + funcs := make([]deconstructFunc, len(fields)) + for i, field := range fields { + columnIndex, funcs[i] = deconstructFuncOf(columnIndex, field) + } + return columnIndex, func(columns [][]Value, levels levels, value reflect.Value) { + if value.IsValid() { + for i, f := range funcs { + f(columns, levels, fields[i].Value(value)) + } + } else { + for _, f := range funcs { + f(columns, levels, value) + } + } + } +} + +//go:noinline +func deconstructFuncOfLeaf(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, deconstructFunc) { + if columnIndex > MaxColumnIndex { + panic("row cannot be deconstructed because it has more than 127 columns") + } + typ := node.Type() + kind := typ.Kind() + lt := typ.LogicalType() + valueColumnIndex := ^columnIndex + return columnIndex + 1, func(columns [][]Value, levels levels, value reflect.Value) { + v := Value{} + + if value.IsValid() { + v = makeValue(kind, lt, value) + } + + v.repetitionLevel = levels.repetitionLevel + v.definitionLevel = levels.definitionLevel + v.columnIndex = valueColumnIndex + + columns[columnIndex] = append(columns[columnIndex], v) + } +} + +// "reconstructX" turns a Go value into a Go representation of a Parquet series +// of values + +type reconstructFunc func(reflect.Value, levels, [][]Value) error + +func reconstructFuncOf(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, reconstructFunc) { + switch { + case node.Optional(): + return reconstructFuncOfOptional(columnIndex, node) + case node.Repeated(): + return reconstructFuncOfRepeated(columnIndex, node) + case isList(node): + return reconstructFuncOfList(columnIndex, node) + case isMap(node): + return reconstructFuncOfMap(columnIndex, node) + default: + return reconstructFuncOfRequired(columnIndex, node) + } +} + +//go:noinline +func reconstructFuncOfOptional(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, reconstructFunc) { + // We convert the optional func to required so that we eventually reach the + // leaf base-case. We're still using the heuristics of optional in the + // returned closure (see levels.definitionLevel++), but we don't actually do + // deserialization here, that happens in the leaf function, hence this line. + nextColumnIndex, reconstruct := reconstructFuncOf(columnIndex, Required(node)) + + return nextColumnIndex, func(value reflect.Value, levels levels, columns [][]Value) error { + levels.definitionLevel++ + + if columns[0][0].definitionLevel < levels.definitionLevel { + value.Set(reflect.Zero(value.Type())) + return nil + } + + if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + if value.IsNil() { + value.Set(reflect.New(value.Type().Elem())) + } + value = value.Elem() + } + + return reconstruct(value, levels, columns) + } +} + +func setMakeSlice(v reflect.Value, n int) reflect.Value { + t := v.Type() + if t.Kind() == reflect.Interface { + t = reflect.TypeOf(([]interface{})(nil)) + } + s := reflect.MakeSlice(t, n, n) + v.Set(s) + return s +} + +//go:noinline +func reconstructFuncOfRepeated(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, reconstructFunc) { + nextColumnIndex, reconstruct := reconstructFuncOf(columnIndex, Required(node)) + return nextColumnIndex, func(value reflect.Value, levels levels, columns [][]Value) error { + levels.repetitionDepth++ + levels.definitionLevel++ + + if columns[0][0].definitionLevel < levels.definitionLevel { + setMakeSlice(value, 0) + return nil + } + + values := make([][]Value, len(columns)) + column := columns[0] + n := 0 + + for i, column := range columns { + values[i] = column[0:0:len(column)] + } + + for i := 0; i < len(column); { + i++ + n++ + + for i < len(column) && column[i].repetitionLevel > levels.repetitionDepth { + i++ + } + } + + value = setMakeSlice(value, n) + + for i := 0; i < n; i++ { + for j, column := range values { + column = column[:cap(column)] + if len(column) == 0 { + continue + } + + k := 1 + for k < len(column) && column[k].repetitionLevel > levels.repetitionDepth { + k++ + } + + values[j] = column[:k] + } + + if err := reconstruct(value.Index(i), levels, values); err != nil { + return err + } + + for j, column := range values { + values[j] = column[len(column):len(column):cap(column)] + } + + levels.repetitionLevel = levels.repetitionDepth + } + + return nil + } +} + +func reconstructFuncOfRequired(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, reconstructFunc) { + switch { + case node.Leaf(): + return reconstructFuncOfLeaf(columnIndex, node) + default: + return reconstructFuncOfGroup(columnIndex, node) + } +} + +func reconstructFuncOfList(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, reconstructFunc) { + return reconstructFuncOf(columnIndex, Repeated(listElementOf(node))) +} + +//go:noinline +func reconstructFuncOfMap(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, reconstructFunc) { + keyValue := mapKeyValueOf(node) + keyValueType := keyValue.GoType() + keyValueElem := keyValueType.Elem() + keyValueZero := reflect.Zero(keyValueElem) + nextColumnIndex, reconstruct := reconstructFuncOf(columnIndex, schemaOf(keyValueElem)) + return nextColumnIndex, func(value reflect.Value, levels levels, columns [][]Value) error { + levels.repetitionDepth++ + levels.definitionLevel++ + + if columns[0][0].definitionLevel < levels.definitionLevel { + value.Set(reflect.MakeMap(value.Type())) + return nil + } + + values := make([][]Value, len(columns)) + column := columns[0] + t := value.Type() + if t.Kind() == reflect.Interface { + t = reflect.TypeOf((map[string]any)(nil)) + } + k := t.Key() + v := t.Elem() + n := 0 + + for i, column := range columns { + values[i] = column[0:0:len(column)] + } + + for i := 0; i < len(column); { + i++ + n++ + + for i < len(column) && column[i].repetitionLevel > levels.repetitionDepth { + i++ + } + } + + if value.IsNil() { + m := reflect.MakeMapWithSize(t, n) + value.Set(m) + value = m // track map instead of interface{} for read[any]() + } + + elem := reflect.New(keyValueElem).Elem() + for i := 0; i < n; i++ { + for j, column := range values { + column = column[:cap(column)] + k := 1 + + for k < len(column) && column[k].repetitionLevel > levels.repetitionDepth { + k++ + } + + values[j] = column[:k] + } + + if err := reconstruct(elem, levels, values); err != nil { + return err + } + + for j, column := range values { + values[j] = column[len(column):len(column):cap(column)] + } + + value.SetMapIndex(elem.Field(0).Convert(k), elem.Field(1).Convert(v)) + elem.Set(keyValueZero) + levels.repetitionLevel = levels.repetitionDepth + } + + return nil + } +} + +//go:noinline +func reconstructFuncOfGroup(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, reconstructFunc) { + fields := node.Fields() + funcs := make([]reconstructFunc, len(fields)) + columnOffsets := make([]int16, len(fields)) + firstColumnIndex := columnIndex + + for i, field := range fields { + columnIndex, funcs[i] = reconstructFuncOf(columnIndex, field) + columnOffsets[i] = columnIndex - firstColumnIndex + } + + return columnIndex, func(value reflect.Value, levels levels, columns [][]Value) error { + if value.Kind() == reflect.Interface { + value.Set(reflect.MakeMap(reflect.TypeOf((map[string]interface{})(nil)))) + value = value.Elem() + } + + if value.Kind() == reflect.Map { + elemType := value.Type().Elem() + name := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf("")).Elem() + elem := reflect.New(elemType).Elem() + zero := reflect.Zero(elemType) + + if value.Len() > 0 { + value.Set(reflect.MakeMap(value.Type())) + } + + off := int16(0) + + for i, f := range funcs { + name.SetString(fields[i].Name()) + end := columnOffsets[i] + err := f(elem, levels, columns[off:end:end]) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("%s → %w", name, err) + } + off = end + value.SetMapIndex(name, elem) + elem.Set(zero) + } + } else { + off := int16(0) + + for i, f := range funcs { + end := columnOffsets[i] + err := f(fields[i].Value(value), levels, columns[off:end:end]) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("%s → %w", fields[i].Name(), err) + } + off = end + } + } + + return nil + } +} + +//go:noinline +func reconstructFuncOfLeaf(columnIndex int16, node Node) (int16, reconstructFunc) { + typ := node.Type() + return columnIndex + 1, func(value reflect.Value, _ levels, columns [][]Value) error { + column := columns[0] + if len(column) == 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("no values found in parquet row for column %d", columnIndex) + } + return typ.AssignValue(value, column[0]) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/row_buffer.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/row_buffer.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9f98e4d057b69 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/row_buffer.go @@ -0,0 +1,463 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "io" + "sort" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" +) + +// RowBuffer is an implementation of the RowGroup interface which stores parquet +// rows in memory. +// +// Unlike GenericBuffer which uses a column layout to store values in memory +// buffers, RowBuffer uses a row layout. The use of row layout provides greater +// efficiency when sorting the buffer, which is the primary use case for the +// RowBuffer type. Applications which intend to sort rows prior to writing them +// to a parquet file will often see lower CPU utilization from using a RowBuffer +// than a GenericBuffer. +// +// RowBuffer values are not safe to use concurrently from multiple goroutines. +type RowBuffer[T any] struct { + alloc rowAllocator + schema *Schema + sorting []SortingColumn + rows []Row + values []Value + compare func(Row, Row) int +} + +// NewRowBuffer constructs a new row buffer. +func NewRowBuffer[T any](options ...RowGroupOption) *RowBuffer[T] { + config := DefaultRowGroupConfig() + config.Apply(options...) + if err := config.Validate(); err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + t := typeOf[T]() + if config.Schema == nil && t != nil { + config.Schema = schemaOf(dereference(t)) + } + + if config.Schema == nil { + panic("row buffer must be instantiated with schema or concrete type.") + } + + return &RowBuffer[T]{ + schema: config.Schema, + sorting: config.Sorting.SortingColumns, + compare: config.Schema.Comparator(config.Sorting.SortingColumns...), + } +} + +// Reset clears the content of the buffer without releasing its memory. +func (buf *RowBuffer[T]) Reset() { + for i := range buf.rows { + buf.rows[i] = nil + } + for i := range buf.values { + buf.values[i] = Value{} + } + buf.rows = buf.rows[:0] + buf.values = buf.values[:0] + buf.alloc.reset() +} + +// NumRows returns the number of rows currently written to the buffer. +func (buf *RowBuffer[T]) NumRows() int64 { return int64(len(buf.rows)) } + +// ColumnChunks returns a view of the buffer's columns. +// +// Note that reading columns of a RowBuffer will be less efficient than reading +// columns of a GenericBuffer since the latter uses a column layout. This method +// is mainly exposed to satisfy the RowGroup interface, applications which need +// compute-efficient column scans on in-memory buffers should likely use a +// GenericBuffer instead. +// +// The returned column chunks are snapshots at the time the method is called, +// they remain valid until the next call to Reset on the buffer. +func (buf *RowBuffer[T]) ColumnChunks() []ColumnChunk { + columns := buf.schema.Columns() + chunks := make([]rowBufferColumnChunk, len(columns)) + + for i, column := range columns { + leafColumn, _ := buf.schema.Lookup(column...) + chunks[i] = rowBufferColumnChunk{ + page: rowBufferPage{ + rows: buf.rows, + typ: leafColumn.Node.Type(), + column: leafColumn.ColumnIndex, + maxRepetitionLevel: byte(leafColumn.MaxRepetitionLevel), + maxDefinitionLevel: byte(leafColumn.MaxDefinitionLevel), + }, + } + } + + columnChunks := make([]ColumnChunk, len(chunks)) + for i := range chunks { + columnChunks[i] = &chunks[i] + } + return columnChunks +} + +// SortingColumns returns the list of columns that rows are expected to be +// sorted by. +// +// The list of sorting columns is configured when the buffer is created and used +// when it is sorted. +// +// Note that unless the buffer is explicitly sorted, there are no guarantees +// that the rows it contains will be in the order specified by the sorting +// columns. +func (buf *RowBuffer[T]) SortingColumns() []SortingColumn { return buf.sorting } + +// Schema returns the schema of rows in the buffer. +func (buf *RowBuffer[T]) Schema() *Schema { return buf.schema } + +// Len returns the number of rows in the buffer. +// +// The method contributes to satisfying sort.Interface. +func (buf *RowBuffer[T]) Len() int { return len(buf.rows) } + +// Less compares the rows at index i and j according to the sorting columns +// configured on the buffer. +// +// The method contributes to satisfying sort.Interface. +func (buf *RowBuffer[T]) Less(i, j int) bool { + return buf.compare(buf.rows[i], buf.rows[j]) < 0 +} + +// Swap exchanges the rows at index i and j in the buffer. +// +// The method contributes to satisfying sort.Interface. +func (buf *RowBuffer[T]) Swap(i, j int) { + buf.rows[i], buf.rows[j] = buf.rows[j], buf.rows[i] +} + +// Rows returns a Rows instance exposing rows stored in the buffer. +// +// The rows returned are a snapshot at the time the method is called. +// The returned rows and values read from it remain valid until the next call +// to Reset on the buffer. +func (buf *RowBuffer[T]) Rows() Rows { + return &rowBufferRows{rows: buf.rows, schema: buf.schema} +} + +// Write writes rows to the buffer, returning the number of rows written. +func (buf *RowBuffer[T]) Write(rows []T) (int, error) { + for i := range rows { + off := len(buf.values) + buf.values = buf.schema.Deconstruct(buf.values, &rows[i]) + end := len(buf.values) + row := buf.values[off:end:end] + buf.alloc.capture(row) + buf.rows = append(buf.rows, row) + } + return len(rows), nil +} + +// WriteRows writes parquet rows to the buffer, returing the number of rows +// written. +func (buf *RowBuffer[T]) WriteRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + for i := range rows { + off := len(buf.values) + buf.values = append(buf.values, rows[i]...) + end := len(buf.values) + row := buf.values[off:end:end] + buf.alloc.capture(row) + buf.rows = append(buf.rows, row) + } + return len(rows), nil +} + +type rowBufferColumnChunk struct{ page rowBufferPage } + +func (c *rowBufferColumnChunk) Type() Type { return c.page.Type() } + +func (c *rowBufferColumnChunk) Column() int { return c.page.Column() } + +func (c *rowBufferColumnChunk) Pages() Pages { return onePage(&c.page) } + +func (c *rowBufferColumnChunk) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { return nil, nil } + +func (c *rowBufferColumnChunk) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { return nil, nil } + +func (c *rowBufferColumnChunk) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return nil } + +func (c *rowBufferColumnChunk) NumValues() int64 { return c.page.NumValues() } + +type rowBufferPage struct { + rows []Row + typ Type + column int + maxRepetitionLevel byte + maxDefinitionLevel byte +} + +func (p *rowBufferPage) Type() Type { return p.typ } + +func (p *rowBufferPage) Column() int { return p.column } + +func (p *rowBufferPage) Dictionary() Dictionary { return nil } + +func (p *rowBufferPage) NumRows() int64 { return int64(len(p.rows)) } + +func (p *rowBufferPage) NumValues() int64 { + numValues := int64(0) + p.scan(func(value Value) { + if !value.isNull() { + numValues++ + } + }) + return numValues +} + +func (p *rowBufferPage) NumNulls() int64 { + numNulls := int64(0) + p.scan(func(value Value) { + if value.isNull() { + numNulls++ + } + }) + return numNulls +} + +func (p *rowBufferPage) Bounds() (min, max Value, ok bool) { + p.scan(func(value Value) { + if !value.IsNull() { + switch { + case !ok: + min, max, ok = value, value, true + case p.typ.Compare(value, min) < 0: + min = value + case p.typ.Compare(value, max) > 0: + max = value + } + } + }) + return min, max, ok +} + +func (p *rowBufferPage) Size() int64 { return 0 } + +func (p *rowBufferPage) Values() ValueReader { + return &rowBufferPageValueReader{ + page: p, + columnIndex: ^int16(p.column), + } +} + +func (p *rowBufferPage) Clone() Page { + rows := make([]Row, len(p.rows)) + for i := range rows { + rows[i] = p.rows[i].Clone() + } + return &rowBufferPage{ + rows: rows, + typ: p.typ, + column: p.column, + } +} + +func (p *rowBufferPage) Slice(i, j int64) Page { + return &rowBufferPage{ + rows: p.rows[i:j], + typ: p.typ, + column: p.column, + } +} + +func (p *rowBufferPage) RepetitionLevels() (repetitionLevels []byte) { + if p.maxRepetitionLevel != 0 { + repetitionLevels = make([]byte, 0, len(p.rows)) + p.scan(func(value Value) { + repetitionLevels = append(repetitionLevels, value.repetitionLevel) + }) + } + return repetitionLevels +} + +func (p *rowBufferPage) DefinitionLevels() (definitionLevels []byte) { + if p.maxDefinitionLevel != 0 { + definitionLevels = make([]byte, 0, len(p.rows)) + p.scan(func(value Value) { + definitionLevels = append(definitionLevels, value.definitionLevel) + }) + } + return definitionLevels +} + +func (p *rowBufferPage) Data() encoding.Values { + switch p.typ.Kind() { + case Boolean: + values := make([]byte, (len(p.rows)+7)/8) + numValues := 0 + p.scanNonNull(func(value Value) { + if value.boolean() { + i := uint(numValues) / 8 + j := uint(numValues) % 8 + values[i] |= 1 << j + } + numValues++ + }) + return encoding.BooleanValues(values[:(numValues+7)/8]) + + case Int32: + values := make([]int32, 0, len(p.rows)) + p.scanNonNull(func(value Value) { values = append(values, value.int32()) }) + return encoding.Int32Values(values) + + case Int64: + values := make([]int64, 0, len(p.rows)) + p.scanNonNull(func(value Value) { values = append(values, value.int64()) }) + return encoding.Int64Values(values) + + case Int96: + values := make([]deprecated.Int96, 0, len(p.rows)) + p.scanNonNull(func(value Value) { values = append(values, value.int96()) }) + return encoding.Int96Values(values) + + case Float: + values := make([]float32, 0, len(p.rows)) + p.scanNonNull(func(value Value) { values = append(values, value.float()) }) + return encoding.FloatValues(values) + + case Double: + values := make([]float64, 0, len(p.rows)) + p.scanNonNull(func(value Value) { values = append(values, value.double()) }) + return encoding.DoubleValues(values) + + case ByteArray: + values := make([]byte, 0, p.typ.EstimateSize(len(p.rows))) + offsets := make([]uint32, 0, len(p.rows)) + p.scanNonNull(func(value Value) { + offsets = append(offsets, uint32(len(values))) + values = append(values, value.byteArray()...) + }) + offsets = append(offsets, uint32(len(values))) + return encoding.ByteArrayValues(values, offsets) + + case FixedLenByteArray: + length := p.typ.Length() + values := make([]byte, 0, length*len(p.rows)) + p.scanNonNull(func(value Value) { values = append(values, value.byteArray()...) }) + return encoding.FixedLenByteArrayValues(values, length) + + default: + return encoding.Values{} + } +} + +func (p *rowBufferPage) scan(f func(Value)) { + columnIndex := ^int16(p.column) + + for _, row := range p.rows { + for _, value := range row { + if value.columnIndex == columnIndex { + f(value) + } + } + } +} + +func (p *rowBufferPage) scanNonNull(f func(Value)) { + p.scan(func(value Value) { + if !value.isNull() { + f(value) + } + }) +} + +type rowBufferPageValueReader struct { + page *rowBufferPage + rowIndex int + valueIndex int + columnIndex int16 +} + +func (r *rowBufferPageValueReader) ReadValues(values []Value) (n int, err error) { + for n < len(values) && r.rowIndex < len(r.page.rows) { + for n < len(values) && r.valueIndex < len(r.page.rows[r.rowIndex]) { + if v := r.page.rows[r.rowIndex][r.valueIndex]; v.columnIndex == r.columnIndex { + values[n] = v + n++ + } + r.valueIndex++ + } + r.rowIndex++ + r.valueIndex = 0 + } + if r.rowIndex == len(r.page.rows) { + err = io.EOF + } + return n, err +} + +type rowBufferRows struct { + rows []Row + index int + schema *Schema +} + +func (r *rowBufferRows) Close() error { + r.index = -1 + return nil +} + +func (r *rowBufferRows) Schema() *Schema { + return r.schema +} + +func (r *rowBufferRows) SeekToRow(rowIndex int64) error { + if rowIndex < 0 { + return ErrSeekOutOfRange + } + + if r.index < 0 { + return io.ErrClosedPipe + } + + maxRowIndex := int64(len(r.rows)) + if rowIndex > maxRowIndex { + rowIndex = maxRowIndex + } + + r.index = int(rowIndex) + return nil +} + +func (r *rowBufferRows) ReadRows(rows []Row) (n int, err error) { + if r.index < 0 { + return 0, io.EOF + } + + if n = len(r.rows) - r.index; n > len(rows) { + n = len(rows) + } + + for i, row := range r.rows[r.index : r.index+n] { + rows[i] = append(rows[i][:0], row...) + } + + if r.index += n; r.index == len(r.rows) { + err = io.EOF + } + + return n, err +} + +func (r *rowBufferRows) WriteRowsTo(w RowWriter) (int64, error) { + n, err := w.WriteRows(r.rows[r.index:]) + r.index += n + return int64(n), err +} + +var ( + _ RowGroup = (*RowBuffer[any])(nil) + _ RowWriter = (*RowBuffer[any])(nil) + _ sort.Interface = (*RowBuffer[any])(nil) + + _ RowWriterTo = (*rowBufferRows)(nil) +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/row_builder.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/row_builder.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e7eb96a379178 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/row_builder.go @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +package parquet + +// RowBuilder is a type which helps build parquet rows incrementally by adding +// values to columns. +type RowBuilder struct { + columns [][]Value + models []Value + levels []columnLevel + groups []*columnGroup +} + +type columnLevel struct { + repetitionDepth byte + repetitionLevel byte + definitionLevel byte +} + +type columnGroup struct { + baseColumn []Value + members []int16 + startIndex int16 + endIndex int16 + repetitionLevel byte + definitionLevel byte +} + +// NewRowBuilder constructs a RowBuilder which builds rows for the parquet +// schema passed as argument. +func NewRowBuilder(schema Node) *RowBuilder { + if schema.Leaf() { + panic("schema of row builder must be a group") + } + n := numLeafColumnsOf(schema) + b := &RowBuilder{ + columns: make([][]Value, n), + models: make([]Value, n), + levels: make([]columnLevel, n), + } + buffers := make([]Value, len(b.columns)) + for i := range b.columns { + b.columns[i] = buffers[i : i : i+1] + } + topGroup := &columnGroup{baseColumn: []Value{{}}} + endIndex := b.configure(schema, 0, columnLevel{}, topGroup) + topGroup.endIndex = endIndex + b.groups = append(b.groups, topGroup) + return b +} + +func (b *RowBuilder) configure(node Node, columnIndex int16, level columnLevel, group *columnGroup) (endIndex int16) { + switch { + case node.Optional(): + level.definitionLevel++ + endIndex = b.configure(Required(node), columnIndex, level, group) + + for i := columnIndex; i < endIndex; i++ { + b.models[i].kind = 0 // null if not set + b.models[i].ptr = nil + b.models[i].u64 = 0 + } + + case node.Repeated(): + level.definitionLevel++ + + group = &columnGroup{ + startIndex: columnIndex, + repetitionLevel: level.repetitionDepth, + definitionLevel: level.definitionLevel, + } + + level.repetitionDepth++ + endIndex = b.configure(Required(node), columnIndex, level, group) + + for i := columnIndex; i < endIndex; i++ { + b.models[i].kind = 0 // null if not set + b.models[i].ptr = nil + b.models[i].u64 = 0 + } + + group.endIndex = endIndex + b.groups = append(b.groups, group) + + case node.Leaf(): + typ := node.Type() + kind := typ.Kind() + model := makeValueKind(kind) + model.repetitionLevel = level.repetitionLevel + model.definitionLevel = level.definitionLevel + // FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY is the only type which needs to be given a + // non-nil zero-value if the field is required. + if kind == FixedLenByteArray { + zero := make([]byte, typ.Length()) + model.ptr = &zero[0] + model.u64 = uint64(len(zero)) + } + group.members = append(group.members, columnIndex) + b.models[columnIndex] = model + b.levels[columnIndex] = level + endIndex = columnIndex + 1 + + default: + endIndex = columnIndex + + for _, field := range node.Fields() { + endIndex = b.configure(field, endIndex, level, group) + } + } + return endIndex +} + +// Add adds columnValue to the column at columnIndex. +func (b *RowBuilder) Add(columnIndex int, columnValue Value) { + level := &b.levels[columnIndex] + columnValue.repetitionLevel = level.repetitionLevel + columnValue.definitionLevel = level.definitionLevel + columnValue.columnIndex = ^int16(columnIndex) + level.repetitionLevel = level.repetitionDepth + b.columns[columnIndex] = append(b.columns[columnIndex], columnValue) +} + +// Next must be called to indicate the start of a new repeated record for the +// column at the given index. +// +// If the column index is part of a repeated group, the builder automatically +// starts a new record for all adjacent columns, the application does not need +// to call this method for each column of the repeated group. +// +// Next must be called after adding a sequence of records. +func (b *RowBuilder) Next(columnIndex int) { + for _, group := range b.groups { + if group.startIndex <= int16(columnIndex) && int16(columnIndex) < group.endIndex { + for i := group.startIndex; i < group.endIndex; i++ { + if level := &b.levels[i]; level.repetitionLevel != 0 { + level.repetitionLevel = group.repetitionLevel + } + } + break + } + } +} + +// Reset clears the internal state of b, making it possible to reuse while +// retaining the internal buffers. +func (b *RowBuilder) Reset() { + for i, column := range b.columns { + clearValues(column) + b.columns[i] = column[:0] + } + for i := range b.levels { + b.levels[i].repetitionLevel = 0 + } +} + +// Row materializes the current state of b into a parquet row. +func (b *RowBuilder) Row() Row { + numValues := 0 + for _, column := range b.columns { + numValues += len(column) + } + return b.AppendRow(make(Row, 0, numValues)) +} + +// AppendRow appends the current state of b to row and returns it. +func (b *RowBuilder) AppendRow(row Row) Row { + for _, group := range b.groups { + maxColumn := group.baseColumn + + for _, columnIndex := range group.members { + if column := b.columns[columnIndex]; len(column) > len(maxColumn) { + maxColumn = column + } + } + + if len(maxColumn) != 0 { + columns := b.columns[group.startIndex:group.endIndex] + + for i, column := range columns { + if len(column) < len(maxColumn) { + n := len(column) + column = append(column, maxColumn[n:]...) + + columnIndex := group.startIndex + int16(i) + model := b.models[columnIndex] + + for n < len(column) { + v := &column[n] + v.kind = model.kind + v.ptr = model.ptr + v.u64 = model.u64 + v.definitionLevel = group.definitionLevel + v.columnIndex = ^columnIndex + n++ + } + + columns[i] = column + } + } + } + } + + return appendRow(row, b.columns) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/row_group.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/row_group.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..cf11bfca11782 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/row_group.go @@ -0,0 +1,547 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "fmt" + "io" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/debug" +) + +// RowGroup is an interface representing a parquet row group. From the Parquet +// docs, a RowGroup is "a logical horizontal partitioning of the data into rows. +// There is no physical structure that is guaranteed for a row group. A row +// group consists of a column chunk for each column in the dataset." +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format#glossary +type RowGroup interface { + // Returns the number of rows in the group. + NumRows() int64 + + // Returns the list of column chunks in this row group. The chunks are + // ordered in the order of leaf columns from the row group's schema. + // + // If the underlying implementation is not read-only, the returned + // parquet.ColumnChunk may implement other interfaces: for example, + // parquet.ColumnBuffer if the chunk is backed by an in-memory buffer, + // or typed writer interfaces like parquet.Int32Writer depending on the + // underlying type of values that can be written to the chunk. + // + // As an optimization, the row group may return the same slice across + // multiple calls to this method. Applications should treat the returned + // slice as read-only. + ColumnChunks() []ColumnChunk + + // Returns the schema of rows in the group. + Schema() *Schema + + // Returns the list of sorting columns describing how rows are sorted in the + // group. + // + // The method will return an empty slice if the rows are not sorted. + SortingColumns() []SortingColumn + + // Returns a reader exposing the rows of the row group. + // + // As an optimization, the returned parquet.Rows object may implement + // parquet.RowWriterTo, and test the RowWriter it receives for an + // implementation of the parquet.RowGroupWriter interface. + // + // This optimization mechanism is leveraged by the parquet.CopyRows function + // to skip the generic row-by-row copy algorithm and delegate the copy logic + // to the parquet.Rows object. + Rows() Rows +} + +// Rows is an interface implemented by row readers returned by calling the Rows +// method of RowGroup instances. +// +// Applications should call Close when they are done using a Rows instance in +// order to release the underlying resources held by the row sequence. +// +// After calling Close, all attempts to read more rows will return io.EOF. +type Rows interface { + RowReaderWithSchema + RowSeeker + io.Closer +} + +// RowGroupReader is an interface implemented by types that expose sequences of +// row groups to the application. +type RowGroupReader interface { + ReadRowGroup() (RowGroup, error) +} + +// RowGroupWriter is an interface implemented by types that allow the program +// to write row groups. +type RowGroupWriter interface { + WriteRowGroup(RowGroup) (int64, error) +} + +// SortingColumn represents a column by which a row group is sorted. +type SortingColumn interface { + // Returns the path of the column in the row group schema, omitting the name + // of the root node. + Path() []string + + // Returns true if the column will sort values in descending order. + Descending() bool + + // Returns true if the column will put null values at the beginning. + NullsFirst() bool +} + +// Ascending constructs a SortingColumn value which dictates to sort the column +// at the path given as argument in ascending order. +func Ascending(path ...string) SortingColumn { return ascending(path) } + +// Descending constructs a SortingColumn value which dictates to sort the column +// at the path given as argument in descending order. +func Descending(path ...string) SortingColumn { return descending(path) } + +// NullsFirst wraps the SortingColumn passed as argument so that it instructs +// the row group to place null values first in the column. +func NullsFirst(sortingColumn SortingColumn) SortingColumn { return nullsFirst{sortingColumn} } + +type ascending []string + +func (asc ascending) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("ascending(%s)", columnPath(asc)) } +func (asc ascending) Path() []string { return asc } +func (asc ascending) Descending() bool { return false } +func (asc ascending) NullsFirst() bool { return false } + +type descending []string + +func (desc descending) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("descending(%s)", columnPath(desc)) } +func (desc descending) Path() []string { return desc } +func (desc descending) Descending() bool { return true } +func (desc descending) NullsFirst() bool { return false } + +type nullsFirst struct{ SortingColumn } + +func (nf nullsFirst) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("nulls_first+%s", nf.SortingColumn) } +func (nf nullsFirst) NullsFirst() bool { return true } + +func searchSortingColumn(sortingColumns []SortingColumn, path columnPath) int { + // There are usually a few sorting columns in a row group, so the linear + // scan is the fastest option and works whether the sorting column list + // is sorted or not. Please revisit this decision if this code path ends + // up being more costly than necessary. + for i, sorting := range sortingColumns { + if path.equal(sorting.Path()) { + return i + } + } + return len(sortingColumns) +} + +func sortingColumnsHavePrefix(sortingColumns, prefix []SortingColumn) bool { + if len(sortingColumns) < len(prefix) { + return false + } + for i, sortingColumn := range prefix { + if !sortingColumnsAreEqual(sortingColumns[i], sortingColumn) { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +func sortingColumnsAreEqual(s1, s2 SortingColumn) bool { + path1 := columnPath(s1.Path()) + path2 := columnPath(s2.Path()) + return path1.equal(path2) && s1.Descending() == s2.Descending() && s1.NullsFirst() == s2.NullsFirst() +} + +type rowGroup struct { + schema *Schema + numRows int64 + columns []ColumnChunk + sorting []SortingColumn +} + +func (r *rowGroup) NumRows() int64 { return r.numRows } +func (r *rowGroup) ColumnChunks() []ColumnChunk { return r.columns } +func (r *rowGroup) SortingColumns() []SortingColumn { return r.sorting } +func (r *rowGroup) Schema() *Schema { return r.schema } +func (r *rowGroup) Rows() Rows { return newRowGroupRows(r, ReadModeSync) } + +func NewRowGroupRowReader(rowGroup RowGroup) Rows { + return newRowGroupRows(rowGroup, ReadModeSync) +} + +type rowGroupRows struct { + rowGroup RowGroup + buffers []Value + readers []Pages + columns []columnChunkRows + inited bool + closed bool + done chan<- struct{} + pageReadMode ReadMode +} + +type columnChunkRows struct { + rows int64 + offset int32 + length int32 + page Page + values ValueReader +} + +const columnBufferSize = defaultValueBufferSize + +func (r *rowGroupRows) buffer(i int) []Value { + j := (i + 0) * columnBufferSize + k := (i + 1) * columnBufferSize + return r.buffers[j:k:k] +} + +func newRowGroupRows(rowGroup RowGroup, pageReadMode ReadMode) *rowGroupRows { + return &rowGroupRows{ + rowGroup: rowGroup, + pageReadMode: pageReadMode, + } +} + +func (r *rowGroupRows) init() { + columns := r.rowGroup.ColumnChunks() + + r.buffers = make([]Value, len(columns)*columnBufferSize) + r.readers = make([]Pages, len(columns)) + r.columns = make([]columnChunkRows, len(columns)) + + switch r.pageReadMode { + case ReadModeAsync: + done := make(chan struct{}) + r.done = done + readers := make([]asyncPages, len(columns)) + for i, column := range columns { + readers[i].init(column.Pages(), done) + r.readers[i] = &readers[i] + } + case ReadModeSync: + for i, column := range columns { + r.readers[i] = column.Pages() + } + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("parquet: invalid page read mode: %d", r.pageReadMode)) + } + + r.inited = true + // This finalizer is used to ensure that the goroutines started by calling + // init on the underlying page readers will be shutdown in the event that + // Close isn't called and the rowGroupRows object is garbage collected. + debug.SetFinalizer(r, func(r *rowGroupRows) { r.Close() }) +} + +func (r *rowGroupRows) clear() { + for i := range r.columns { + Release(r.columns[i].page) + } + + for i := range r.columns { + r.columns[i] = columnChunkRows{} + } + + for i := range r.buffers { + r.buffers[i] = Value{} + } +} + +func (r *rowGroupRows) Reset() { + for i := range r.readers { + // Ignore errors because we are resetting the reader, if the error + // persists we will see it on the next read, and otherwise we can + // read back from the beginning. + r.readers[i].SeekToRow(0) + } + r.clear() +} + +func (r *rowGroupRows) Close() error { + var lastErr error + + if r.done != nil { + close(r.done) + r.done = nil + } + + for i := range r.readers { + if err := r.readers[i].Close(); err != nil { + lastErr = err + } + } + + r.clear() + r.inited = true + r.closed = true + return lastErr +} + +func (r *rowGroupRows) SeekToRow(rowIndex int64) error { + var lastErr error + + if r.closed { + return io.ErrClosedPipe + } + + if !r.inited { + r.init() + } + + for i := range r.readers { + if err := r.readers[i].SeekToRow(rowIndex); err != nil { + lastErr = err + } + } + + r.clear() + return lastErr +} + +func (r *rowGroupRows) ReadRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + if r.closed { + return 0, io.EOF + } + + if !r.inited { + r.init() + } + + // Limit the number of rows that we read to the smallest number of rows + // remaining in the current page of each column. This is necessary because + // the pointers exposed to the returned rows need to remain valid until the + // next call to ReadRows, SeekToRow, Reset, or Close. If we release one of + // the columns' page, the rows that were already read during the ReadRows + // call would be invalidated, and might reference memory locations that have + // been reused due to pooling of page buffers. + numRows := int64(len(rows)) + + for i := range r.columns { + c := &r.columns[i] + // When all rows of the current page of a column have been consumed we + // have to read the next page. This will effectively invalidate all + // pointers of values previously held in the page, which is valid if + // the application respects the RowReader interface and does not retain + // parquet values without cloning them first. + for c.rows == 0 { + var err error + clearValues(r.buffer(i)) + + c.offset = 0 + c.length = 0 + c.values = nil + Release(c.page) + + c.page, err = r.readers[i].ReadPage() + if err != nil { + if err != io.EOF { + return 0, err + } + break + } + + c.rows = c.page.NumRows() + c.values = c.page.Values() + } + + if c.rows < numRows { + numRows = c.rows + } + } + + for i := range rows { + rows[i] = rows[i][:0] + } + + if numRows == 0 { + return 0, io.EOF + } + + n, err := r.readRows(rows[:numRows]) + + for i := range r.columns { + r.columns[i].rows -= int64(n) + } + + return n, err +} + +func (r *rowGroupRows) Schema() *Schema { + return r.rowGroup.Schema() +} + +func (r *rowGroupRows) readRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + for i := range rows { + readColumns: + for columnIndex := range r.columns { + col := &r.columns[columnIndex] + buf := r.buffer(columnIndex) + + skip := int32(1) + for { + if col.offset == col.length { + n, err := col.values.ReadValues(buf) + if n == 0 { + switch err { + case nil: + err = io.ErrNoProgress + case io.EOF: + continue readColumns + } + return i, err + } + col.offset = 0 + col.length = int32(n) + } + + _ = buf[:col.offset] + _ = buf[:col.length] + endOffset := col.offset + skip + + for endOffset < col.length && buf[endOffset].repetitionLevel != 0 { + endOffset++ + } + + rows[i] = append(rows[i], buf[col.offset:endOffset]...) + + if col.offset = endOffset; col.offset < col.length { + break + } + skip = 0 + } + } + } + return len(rows), nil +} + +type seekRowGroup struct { + base RowGroup + seek int64 + columns []ColumnChunk +} + +func (g *seekRowGroup) NumRows() int64 { + return g.base.NumRows() - g.seek +} + +func (g *seekRowGroup) ColumnChunks() []ColumnChunk { + return g.columns +} + +func (g *seekRowGroup) Schema() *Schema { + return g.base.Schema() +} + +func (g *seekRowGroup) SortingColumns() []SortingColumn { + return g.base.SortingColumns() +} + +func (g *seekRowGroup) Rows() Rows { + rows := g.base.Rows() + rows.SeekToRow(g.seek) + return rows +} + +type seekColumnChunk struct { + base ColumnChunk + seek int64 +} + +func (c *seekColumnChunk) Type() Type { + return c.base.Type() +} + +func (c *seekColumnChunk) Column() int { + return c.base.Column() +} + +func (c *seekColumnChunk) Pages() Pages { + pages := c.base.Pages() + pages.SeekToRow(c.seek) + return pages +} + +func (c *seekColumnChunk) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { + return c.base.ColumnIndex() +} + +func (c *seekColumnChunk) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { + return c.base.OffsetIndex() +} + +func (c *seekColumnChunk) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { + return c.base.BloomFilter() +} + +func (c *seekColumnChunk) NumValues() int64 { + return c.base.NumValues() +} + +type emptyRowGroup struct { + schema *Schema + columns []ColumnChunk +} + +func newEmptyRowGroup(schema *Schema) *emptyRowGroup { + columns := schema.Columns() + rowGroup := &emptyRowGroup{ + schema: schema, + columns: make([]ColumnChunk, len(columns)), + } + emptyColumnChunks := make([]emptyColumnChunk, len(columns)) + for i, column := range schema.Columns() { + leaf, _ := schema.Lookup(column...) + emptyColumnChunks[i].typ = leaf.Node.Type() + emptyColumnChunks[i].column = int16(leaf.ColumnIndex) + rowGroup.columns[i] = &emptyColumnChunks[i] + } + return rowGroup +} + +func (g *emptyRowGroup) NumRows() int64 { return 0 } +func (g *emptyRowGroup) ColumnChunks() []ColumnChunk { return g.columns } +func (g *emptyRowGroup) Schema() *Schema { return g.schema } +func (g *emptyRowGroup) SortingColumns() []SortingColumn { return nil } +func (g *emptyRowGroup) Rows() Rows { return emptyRows{g.schema} } + +type emptyColumnChunk struct { + typ Type + column int16 +} + +func (c *emptyColumnChunk) Type() Type { return c.typ } +func (c *emptyColumnChunk) Column() int { return int(c.column) } +func (c *emptyColumnChunk) Pages() Pages { return emptyPages{} } +func (c *emptyColumnChunk) ColumnIndex() (ColumnIndex, error) { return emptyColumnIndex{}, nil } +func (c *emptyColumnChunk) OffsetIndex() (OffsetIndex, error) { return emptyOffsetIndex{}, nil } +func (c *emptyColumnChunk) BloomFilter() BloomFilter { return emptyBloomFilter{} } +func (c *emptyColumnChunk) NumValues() int64 { return 0 } + +type emptyBloomFilter struct{} + +func (emptyBloomFilter) ReadAt([]byte, int64) (int, error) { return 0, io.EOF } +func (emptyBloomFilter) Size() int64 { return 0 } +func (emptyBloomFilter) Check(Value) (bool, error) { return false, nil } + +type emptyRows struct{ schema *Schema } + +func (r emptyRows) Close() error { return nil } +func (r emptyRows) Schema() *Schema { return r.schema } +func (r emptyRows) ReadRows([]Row) (int, error) { return 0, io.EOF } +func (r emptyRows) SeekToRow(int64) error { return nil } +func (r emptyRows) WriteRowsTo(RowWriter) (int64, error) { return 0, nil } + +type emptyPages struct{} + +func (emptyPages) ReadPage() (Page, error) { return nil, io.EOF } +func (emptyPages) SeekToRow(int64) error { return nil } +func (emptyPages) Close() error { return nil } + +var ( + _ RowReaderWithSchema = (*rowGroupRows)(nil) + //_ RowWriterTo = (*rowGroupRows)(nil) + + _ RowReaderWithSchema = emptyRows{} + _ RowWriterTo = emptyRows{} +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/scan.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/scan.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..abc287e7045e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/scan.go @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +package parquet + +import "io" + +// ScanRowReader constructs a RowReader which exposes rows from reader until +// the predicate returns false for one of the rows, or EOF is reached. +func ScanRowReader(reader RowReader, predicate func(Row, int64) bool) RowReader { + return &scanRowReader{reader: reader, predicate: predicate} +} + +type scanRowReader struct { + reader RowReader + predicate func(Row, int64) bool + rowIndex int64 +} + +func (s *scanRowReader) ReadRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + if s.rowIndex < 0 { + return 0, io.EOF + } + + n, err := s.reader.ReadRows(rows) + + for i, row := range rows[:n] { + if !s.predicate(row, s.rowIndex) { + s.rowIndex = -1 + return i, io.EOF + } + s.rowIndex++ + } + + return n, err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/schema.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/schema.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..41935a5a2a933 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/schema.go @@ -0,0 +1,981 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "fmt" + "math" + "reflect" + "strconv" + "strings" + "sync" + "time" + + "github.com/google/uuid" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" +) + +// Schema represents a parquet schema created from a Go value. +// +// Schema implements the Node interface to represent the root node of a parquet +// schema. +type Schema struct { + name string + root Node + deconstruct deconstructFunc + reconstruct reconstructFunc + mapping columnMapping + columns [][]string +} + +// SchemaOf constructs a parquet schema from a Go value. +// +// The function can construct parquet schemas from struct or pointer-to-struct +// values only. A panic is raised if a Go value of a different type is passed +// to this function. +// +// When creating a parquet Schema from a Go value, the struct fields may contain +// a "parquet" tag to describe properties of the parquet node. The "parquet" tag +// follows the conventional format of Go struct tags: a comma-separated list of +// values describe the options, with the first one defining the name of the +// parquet column. +// +// The following options are also supported in the "parquet" struct tag: +// +// optional | make the parquet column optional +// snappy | sets the parquet column compression codec to snappy +// gzip | sets the parquet column compression codec to gzip +// brotli | sets the parquet column compression codec to brotli +// lz4 | sets the parquet column compression codec to lz4 +// zstd | sets the parquet column compression codec to zstd +// plain | enables the plain encoding (no-op default) +// dict | enables dictionary encoding on the parquet column +// delta | enables delta encoding on the parquet column +// list | for slice types, use the parquet LIST logical type +// enum | for string types, use the parquet ENUM logical type +// uuid | for string and [16]byte types, use the parquet UUID logical type +// decimal | for int32, int64 and [n]byte types, use the parquet DECIMAL logical type +// date | for int32 types use the DATE logical type +// timestamp | for int64 types use the TIMESTAMP logical type with, by default, millisecond precision +// split | for float32/float64, use the BYTE_STREAM_SPLIT encoding +// id(n) | where n is int denoting a column field id. Example id(2) for a column with field id of 2 +// +// # The date logical type is an int32 value of the number of days since the unix epoch +// +// The timestamp precision can be changed by defining which precision to use as an argument. +// Supported precisions are: nanosecond, millisecond and microsecond. Example: +// +// type Message struct { +// TimestrampMicros int64 `parquet:"timestamp_micros,timestamp(microsecond)" +// } +// +// The decimal tag must be followed by two integer parameters, the first integer +// representing the scale and the second the precision; for example: +// +// type Item struct { +// Cost int64 `parquet:"cost,decimal(0:3)"` +// } +// +// Invalid combination of struct tags and Go types, or repeating options will +// cause the function to panic. +// +// As a special case, if the field tag is "-", the field is omitted from the schema +// and the data will not be written into the parquet file(s). +// Note that a field with name "-" can still be generated using the tag "-,". +// +// The configuration of Parquet maps are done via two tags: +// - The `parquet-key` tag allows to configure the key of a map. +// - The parquet-value tag allows users to configure a map's values, for example to declare their native Parquet types. +// +// When configuring a Parquet map, the `parquet` tag will configure the map itself. +// +// For example, the following will set the int64 key of the map to be a timestamp: +// +// type Actions struct { +// Action map[int64]string `parquet:"," parquet-key:",timestamp"` +// } +// +// The schema name is the Go type name of the value. +func SchemaOf(model interface{}) *Schema { + return schemaOf(dereference(reflect.TypeOf(model))) +} + +var cachedSchemas sync.Map // map[reflect.Type]*Schema + +func schemaOf(model reflect.Type) *Schema { + cached, _ := cachedSchemas.Load(model) + schema, _ := cached.(*Schema) + if schema != nil { + return schema + } + if model.Kind() != reflect.Struct { + panic("cannot construct parquet schema from value of type " + model.String()) + } + schema = NewSchema(model.Name(), nodeOf(model, nil)) + if actual, loaded := cachedSchemas.LoadOrStore(model, schema); loaded { + schema = actual.(*Schema) + } + return schema +} + +// NewSchema constructs a new Schema object with the given name and root node. +// +// The function panics if Node contains more leaf columns than supported by the +// package (see parquet.MaxColumnIndex). +func NewSchema(name string, root Node) *Schema { + mapping, columns := columnMappingOf(root) + return &Schema{ + name: name, + root: root, + deconstruct: makeDeconstructFunc(root), + reconstruct: makeReconstructFunc(root), + mapping: mapping, + columns: columns, + } +} + +func dereference(t reflect.Type) reflect.Type { + for t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + t = t.Elem() + } + return t +} + +func makeDeconstructFunc(node Node) (deconstruct deconstructFunc) { + if schema, _ := node.(*Schema); schema != nil { + return schema.deconstruct + } + if !node.Leaf() { + _, deconstruct = deconstructFuncOf(0, node) + } + return deconstruct +} + +func makeReconstructFunc(node Node) (reconstruct reconstructFunc) { + if schema, _ := node.(*Schema); schema != nil { + return schema.reconstruct + } + if !node.Leaf() { + _, reconstruct = reconstructFuncOf(0, node) + } + return reconstruct +} + +// ConfigureRowGroup satisfies the RowGroupOption interface, allowing Schema +// instances to be passed to row group constructors to pre-declare the schema of +// the output parquet file. +func (s *Schema) ConfigureRowGroup(config *RowGroupConfig) { config.Schema = s } + +// ConfigureReader satisfies the ReaderOption interface, allowing Schema +// instances to be passed to NewReader to pre-declare the schema of rows +// read from the reader. +func (s *Schema) ConfigureReader(config *ReaderConfig) { config.Schema = s } + +// ConfigureWriter satisfies the WriterOption interface, allowing Schema +// instances to be passed to NewWriter to pre-declare the schema of the +// output parquet file. +func (s *Schema) ConfigureWriter(config *WriterConfig) { config.Schema = s } + +// ID returns field id of the root node. +func (s *Schema) ID() int { return s.root.ID() } + +// String returns a parquet schema representation of s. +func (s *Schema) String() string { return sprint(s.name, s.root) } + +// Name returns the name of s. +func (s *Schema) Name() string { return s.name } + +// Type returns the parquet type of s. +func (s *Schema) Type() Type { return s.root.Type() } + +// Optional returns false since the root node of a parquet schema is always required. +func (s *Schema) Optional() bool { return s.root.Optional() } + +// Repeated returns false since the root node of a parquet schema is always required. +func (s *Schema) Repeated() bool { return s.root.Repeated() } + +// Required returns true since the root node of a parquet schema is always required. +func (s *Schema) Required() bool { return s.root.Required() } + +// Leaf returns true if the root node of the parquet schema is a leaf column. +func (s *Schema) Leaf() bool { return s.root.Leaf() } + +// Fields returns the list of fields on the root node of the parquet schema. +func (s *Schema) Fields() []Field { return s.root.Fields() } + +// Encoding returns the encoding set on the root node of the parquet schema. +func (s *Schema) Encoding() encoding.Encoding { return s.root.Encoding() } + +// Compression returns the compression codec set on the root node of the parquet +// schema. +func (s *Schema) Compression() compress.Codec { return s.root.Compression() } + +// GoType returns the Go type that best represents the schema. +func (s *Schema) GoType() reflect.Type { return s.root.GoType() } + +// Deconstruct deconstructs a Go value and appends it to a row. +// +// The method panics is the structure of the go value does not match the +// parquet schema. +func (s *Schema) Deconstruct(row Row, value interface{}) Row { + columns := make([][]Value, len(s.columns)) + values := make([]Value, len(s.columns)) + + for i := range columns { + columns[i] = values[i : i : i+1] + } + + s.deconstructValueToColumns(columns, reflect.ValueOf(value)) + return appendRow(row, columns) +} + +func (s *Schema) deconstructValueToColumns(columns [][]Value, value reflect.Value) { + for value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || value.Kind() == reflect.Interface { + if value.IsNil() { + value = reflect.Value{} + break + } + value = value.Elem() + } + s.deconstruct(columns, levels{}, value) +} + +// Reconstruct reconstructs a Go value from a row. +// +// The go value passed as first argument must be a non-nil pointer for the +// row to be decoded into. +// +// The method panics if the structure of the go value and parquet row do not +// match. +func (s *Schema) Reconstruct(value interface{}, row Row) error { + v := reflect.ValueOf(value) + if !v.IsValid() { + panic("cannot reconstruct row into go value of type ") + } + if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + panic("cannot reconstruct row into go value of non-pointer type " + v.Type().String()) + } + if v.IsNil() { + panic("cannot reconstruct row into nil pointer of type " + v.Type().String()) + } + for v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + if v.IsNil() { + v.Set(reflect.New(v.Type().Elem())) + } + v = v.Elem() + } + + b := valuesSliceBufferPool.Get().(*valuesSliceBuffer) + + columns := b.reserve(len(s.columns)) + row.Range(func(columnIndex int, columnValues []Value) bool { + if columnIndex < len(columns) { + columns[columnIndex] = columnValues + } + return true + }) + // we avoid the defer penalty by releasing b manually + err := s.reconstruct(v, levels{}, columns) + b.release() + return err +} + +type valuesSliceBuffer struct { + values [][]Value +} + +func (v *valuesSliceBuffer) reserve(n int) [][]Value { + if n <= cap(v.values) { + return v.values[:n] + } + // we can try to keep growing by the power of two, but we care more about the + // memory footprint so this should suffice. + // + // The nature of reads tends to be from similar number of columns.The less work + // we do here the better performance we can get. + v.values = make([][]Value, n) + return v.values +} + +func (v *valuesSliceBuffer) release() { + v.values = v.values[:0] + valuesSliceBufferPool.Put(v) +} + +var valuesSliceBufferPool = &sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { + return &valuesSliceBuffer{ + // use 64 as a cache friendly base estimate of max column numbers we will be + // reading. + values: make([][]Value, 0, 64), + } + }, +} + +// Lookup returns the leaf column at the given path. +// +// The path is the sequence of column names identifying a leaf column (not +// including the root). +// +// If the path was not found in the mapping, or if it did not represent a +// leaf column of the parquet schema, the boolean will be false. +func (s *Schema) Lookup(path ...string) (LeafColumn, bool) { + leaf := s.mapping.lookup(path) + return LeafColumn{ + Node: leaf.node, + Path: leaf.path, + ColumnIndex: int(leaf.columnIndex), + MaxRepetitionLevel: int(leaf.maxRepetitionLevel), + MaxDefinitionLevel: int(leaf.maxDefinitionLevel), + }, leaf.node != nil +} + +// Columns returns the list of column paths available in the schema. +// +// The method always returns the same slice value across calls to ColumnPaths, +// applications should treat it as immutable. +func (s *Schema) Columns() [][]string { + return s.columns +} + +// Comparator constructs a comparator function which orders rows according to +// the list of sorting columns passed as arguments. +func (s *Schema) Comparator(sortingColumns ...SortingColumn) func(Row, Row) int { + return compareRowsFuncOf(s, sortingColumns) +} + +func (s *Schema) forEachNode(do func(name string, node Node)) { + forEachNodeOf(s.Name(), s, do) +} + +type structNode struct { + gotype reflect.Type + fields []structField +} + +func structNodeOf(t reflect.Type) *structNode { + // Collect struct fields first so we can order them before generating the + // column indexes. + fields := structFieldsOf(t) + + s := &structNode{ + gotype: t, + fields: make([]structField, len(fields)), + } + + for i := range fields { + field := structField{name: fields[i].Name, index: fields[i].Index} + field.Node = makeNodeOf(fields[i].Type, fields[i].Name, []string{ + fields[i].Tag.Get("parquet"), + fields[i].Tag.Get("parquet-key"), + fields[i].Tag.Get("parquet-value"), + }) + s.fields[i] = field + } + + return s +} + +func structFieldsOf(t reflect.Type) []reflect.StructField { + fields := appendStructFields(t, nil, nil, 0) + + for i := range fields { + f := &fields[i] + + if tag := f.Tag.Get("parquet"); tag != "" { + name, _ := split(tag) + if name != "" { + f.Name = name + } + } + } + + return fields +} + +func appendStructFields(t reflect.Type, fields []reflect.StructField, index []int, offset uintptr) []reflect.StructField { + for i, n := 0, t.NumField(); i < n; i++ { + f := t.Field(i) + if tag := f.Tag.Get("parquet"); tag != "" { + name, _ := split(tag) + if tag != "-," && name == "-" { + continue + } + } + + fieldIndex := index[:len(index):len(index)] + fieldIndex = append(fieldIndex, i) + + f.Offset += offset + + if f.Anonymous { + fields = appendStructFields(f.Type, fields, fieldIndex, f.Offset) + } else if f.IsExported() { + f.Index = fieldIndex + fields = append(fields, f) + } + } + return fields +} + +func (s *structNode) Optional() bool { return false } + +func (s *structNode) Repeated() bool { return false } + +func (s *structNode) Required() bool { return true } + +func (s *structNode) Leaf() bool { return false } + +func (s *structNode) Encoding() encoding.Encoding { return nil } + +func (s *structNode) Compression() compress.Codec { return nil } + +func (s *structNode) GoType() reflect.Type { return s.gotype } + +func (s *structNode) ID() int { return 0 } + +func (s *structNode) String() string { return sprint("", s) } + +func (s *structNode) Type() Type { return groupType{} } + +func (s *structNode) Fields() []Field { + fields := make([]Field, len(s.fields)) + for i := range s.fields { + fields[i] = &s.fields[i] + } + return fields +} + +// fieldByIndex is like reflect.Value.FieldByIndex but returns the zero-value of +// reflect.Value if one of the fields was a nil pointer instead of panicking. +func fieldByIndex(v reflect.Value, index []int) reflect.Value { + for _, i := range index { + if v = v.Field(i); v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || v.Kind() == reflect.Interface { + if v.IsNil() { + v.Set(reflect.New(v.Type().Elem())) + v = v.Elem() + break + } else { + v = v.Elem() + } + } + } + return v +} + +type structField struct { + Node + name string + index []int +} + +func (f *structField) Name() string { return f.name } + +func (f *structField) Value(base reflect.Value) reflect.Value { + switch base.Kind() { + case reflect.Map: + return base.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(&f.name).Elem()) + case reflect.Ptr: + if base.IsNil() { + base.Set(reflect.New(base.Type().Elem())) + } + return fieldByIndex(base.Elem(), f.index) + default: + if len(f.index) == 1 { + return base.Field(f.index[0]) + } else { + return fieldByIndex(base, f.index) + } + } +} + +func nodeString(t reflect.Type, name string, tag ...string) string { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %v", name, t.String(), tag) +} + +func throwInvalidTag(t reflect.Type, name string, tag string) { + panic(tag + " is an invalid parquet tag: " + nodeString(t, name, tag)) +} + +func throwUnknownTag(t reflect.Type, name string, tag string) { + panic(tag + " is an unrecognized parquet tag: " + nodeString(t, name, tag)) +} + +func throwInvalidNode(t reflect.Type, msg, name string, tag ...string) { + panic(msg + ": " + nodeString(t, name, tag...)) +} + +// FixedLenByteArray decimals are sized based on precision +// this function calculates the necessary byte array size. +func decimalFixedLenByteArraySize(precision int) int { + return int(math.Ceil((math.Log10(2) + float64(precision)) / math.Log10(256))) +} + +func forEachStructTagOption(sf reflect.StructField, do func(t reflect.Type, option, args string)) { + if tag := sf.Tag.Get("parquet"); tag != "" { + _, tag = split(tag) // skip the field name + for tag != "" { + option := "" + args := "" + option, tag = split(tag) + option, args = splitOptionArgs(option) + ft := sf.Type + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + ft = ft.Elem() + } + do(ft, option, args) + } + } +} + +func nodeOf(t reflect.Type, tag []string) Node { + switch t { + case reflect.TypeOf(deprecated.Int96{}): + return Leaf(Int96Type) + case reflect.TypeOf(uuid.UUID{}): + return UUID() + case reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}): + return Timestamp(Nanosecond) + } + + var n Node + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool: + n = Leaf(BooleanType) + + case reflect.Int, reflect.Int64: + n = Int(64) + + case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32: + n = Int(t.Bits()) + + case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uintptr, reflect.Uint64: + n = Uint(64) + + case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32: + n = Uint(t.Bits()) + + case reflect.Float32: + n = Leaf(FloatType) + + case reflect.Float64: + n = Leaf(DoubleType) + + case reflect.String: + n = String() + + case reflect.Ptr: + n = Optional(nodeOf(t.Elem(), nil)) + + case reflect.Slice: + if elem := t.Elem(); elem.Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { // []byte? + n = Leaf(ByteArrayType) + } else { + n = Repeated(nodeOf(elem, nil)) + } + + case reflect.Array: + if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + n = Leaf(FixedLenByteArrayType(t.Len())) + } + + case reflect.Map: + var mapTag, valueTag, keyTag string + if len(tag) > 0 { + mapTag = tag[0] + if len(tag) > 1 { + keyTag = tag[1] + } + if len(tag) >= 2 { + valueTag = tag[2] + } + } + + if strings.Contains(mapTag, "json") { + n = JSON() + } else { + n = Map( + makeNodeOf(t.Key(), t.Name(), []string{keyTag}), + makeNodeOf(t.Elem(), t.Name(), []string{valueTag}), + ) + } + + forEachTagOption([]string{mapTag}, func(option, args string) { + switch option { + case "", "json": + return + case "optional": + n = Optional(n) + case "id": + id, err := parseIDArgs(args) + if err != nil { + throwInvalidTag(t, "map", option) + } + n = FieldID(n, id) + default: + throwUnknownTag(t, "map", option) + } + }) + + case reflect.Struct: + return structNodeOf(t) + } + + if n == nil { + panic("cannot create parquet node from go value of type " + t.String()) + } + + return &goNode{Node: n, gotype: t} +} + +func split(s string) (head, tail string) { + if i := strings.IndexByte(s, ','); i < 0 { + head = s + } else { + head, tail = s[:i], s[i+1:] + } + return +} + +func splitOptionArgs(s string) (option, args string) { + if i := strings.IndexByte(s, '('); i >= 0 { + option = s[:i] + args = s[i:] + } else { + option = s + args = "()" + } + return +} + +func parseDecimalArgs(args string) (scale, precision int, err error) { + if !strings.HasPrefix(args, "(") || !strings.HasSuffix(args, ")") { + return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("malformed decimal args: %s", args) + } + args = strings.TrimPrefix(args, "(") + args = strings.TrimSuffix(args, ")") + parts := strings.Split(args, ":") + if len(parts) != 2 { + return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("malformed decimal args: (%s)", args) + } + s, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[0], 10, 32) + if err != nil { + return 0, 0, err + } + p, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 32) + if err != nil { + return 0, 0, err + } + return int(s), int(p), nil +} + +func parseIDArgs(args string) (int, error) { + if !strings.HasPrefix(args, "(") || !strings.HasSuffix(args, ")") { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("malformed id args: %s", args) + } + args = strings.TrimPrefix(args, "(") + args = strings.TrimSuffix(args, ")") + return strconv.Atoi(args) +} + +func parseTimestampArgs(args string) (TimeUnit, error) { + if !strings.HasPrefix(args, "(") || !strings.HasSuffix(args, ")") { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed timestamp args: %s", args) + } + + args = strings.TrimPrefix(args, "(") + args = strings.TrimSuffix(args, ")") + + if len(args) == 0 { + return Millisecond, nil + } + + switch args { + case "millisecond": + return Millisecond, nil + case "microsecond": + return Microsecond, nil + case "nanosecond": + return Nanosecond, nil + default: + } + + return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown time unit: %s", args) +} + +type goNode struct { + Node + gotype reflect.Type +} + +func (n *goNode) GoType() reflect.Type { return n.gotype } + +var ( + _ RowGroupOption = (*Schema)(nil) + _ ReaderOption = (*Schema)(nil) + _ WriterOption = (*Schema)(nil) +) + +func makeNodeOf(t reflect.Type, name string, tag []string) Node { + var ( + node Node + optional bool + list bool + encoded encoding.Encoding + compressed compress.Codec + fieldID int + ) + + setNode := func(n Node) { + if node != nil { + throwInvalidNode(t, "struct field has multiple logical parquet types declared", name, tag...) + } + node = n + } + + setOptional := func() { + if optional { + throwInvalidNode(t, "struct field has multiple declaration of the optional tag", name, tag...) + } + optional = true + } + + setList := func() { + if list { + throwInvalidNode(t, "struct field has multiple declaration of the list tag", name, tag...) + } + list = true + } + + setEncoding := func(e encoding.Encoding) { + if encoded != nil { + throwInvalidNode(t, "struct field has encoding declared multiple time", name, tag...) + } + encoded = e + } + + setCompression := func(c compress.Codec) { + if compressed != nil { + throwInvalidNode(t, "struct field has compression codecs declared multiple times", name, tag...) + } + compressed = c + } + + forEachTagOption(tag, func(option, args string) { + if t.Kind() == reflect.Map { + node = nodeOf(t, tag) + return + } + switch option { + case "": + return + case "optional": + setOptional() + + case "snappy": + setCompression(&Snappy) + + case "gzip": + setCompression(&Gzip) + + case "brotli": + setCompression(&Brotli) + + case "lz4": + setCompression(&Lz4Raw) + + case "zstd": + setCompression(&Zstd) + + case "uncompressed": + setCompression(&Uncompressed) + + case "plain": + setEncoding(&Plain) + + case "dict": + setEncoding(&RLEDictionary) + + case "json": + setNode(JSON()) + + case "delta": + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Int, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: + setEncoding(&DeltaBinaryPacked) + case reflect.String: + setEncoding(&DeltaByteArray) + case reflect.Slice: + if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { // []byte? + setEncoding(&DeltaByteArray) + } else { + throwInvalidTag(t, name, option) + } + case reflect.Array: + if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { // [N]byte? + setEncoding(&DeltaByteArray) + } else { + throwInvalidTag(t, name, option) + } + default: + switch t { + case reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}): + setEncoding(&DeltaBinaryPacked) + default: + throwInvalidTag(t, name, option) + } + } + + case "split": + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: + setEncoding(&ByteStreamSplit) + default: + throwInvalidTag(t, name, option) + } + + case "list": + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Slice: + element := nodeOf(t.Elem(), nil) + setNode(element) + setList() + default: + throwInvalidTag(t, name, option) + } + + case "enum": + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.String: + setNode(Enum()) + default: + throwInvalidTag(t, name, option) + } + + case "uuid": + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + if t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 || t.Len() != 16 { + throwInvalidTag(t, name, option) + } + default: + throwInvalidTag(t, name, option) + } + + case "decimal": + scale, precision, err := parseDecimalArgs(args) + if err != nil { + throwInvalidTag(t, name, option+args) + } + var baseType Type + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Int32: + baseType = Int32Type + case reflect.Int64: + baseType = Int64Type + case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice: + baseType = FixedLenByteArrayType(decimalFixedLenByteArraySize(precision)) + default: + throwInvalidTag(t, name, option) + } + + setNode(Decimal(scale, precision, baseType)) + case "date": + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Int32: + setNode(Date()) + default: + throwInvalidTag(t, name, option) + } + case "timestamp": + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Int64: + timeUnit, err := parseTimestampArgs(args) + if err != nil { + throwInvalidTag(t, name, option) + } + setNode(Timestamp(timeUnit)) + default: + switch t { + case reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}): + timeUnit, err := parseTimestampArgs(args) + if err != nil { + throwInvalidTag(t, name, option) + } + setNode(Timestamp(timeUnit)) + default: + throwInvalidTag(t, name, option) + } + } + case "id": + id, err := parseIDArgs(args) + if err != nil { + throwInvalidNode(t, "struct field has field id that is not a valid int", name, tag...) + } + fieldID = id + } + }) + + // Special case: an "optional" struct tag on a slice applies to the + // individual items, not the overall list. The least messy way to + // deal with this is at this level, instead of passing down optional + // information into the nodeOf function, and then passing back whether an + // optional tag was applied. + if node == nil && t.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + isUint8 := t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 + // Note for strings "optional" applies only to the entire BYTE_ARRAY and + // not each individual byte. + if optional && !isUint8 { + node = Repeated(Optional(nodeOf(t.Elem(), tag))) + // Don't also apply "optional" to the whole list. + optional = false + } + } + + if node == nil { + node = nodeOf(t, tag) + } + + if compressed != nil { + node = Compressed(node, compressed) + } + + if encoded != nil { + node = Encoded(node, encoded) + } + + if list { + node = List(node) + } + + if node.Repeated() && !list { + repeated := node.GoType().Elem() + if repeated.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + // Special case: allow [][]uint as seen in a logical map of strings + if repeated.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 { + panic("unhandled nested slice on parquet schema without list tag") + } + } + } + + if optional { + node = Optional(node) + } + if fieldID != 0 { + node = FieldID(node, fieldID) + } + return node +} + +func forEachTagOption(tags []string, do func(option, args string)) { + for _, tag := range tags { + _, tag = split(tag) // skip the field name + for tag != "" { + option := "" + option, tag = split(tag) + var args string + option, args = splitOptionArgs(option) + do(option, args) + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/search.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/search.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..14e604b095f80 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/search.go @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +package parquet + +// Search is like Find, but uses the default ordering of the given type. Search +// and Find are scoped to a given ColumnChunk and find the pages within a +// ColumnChunk which might contain the result. See Find for more details. +func Search(index ColumnIndex, value Value, typ Type) int { + return Find(index, value, CompareNullsLast(typ.Compare)) +} + +// Find uses the ColumnIndex passed as argument to find the page in a column +// chunk (determined by the given ColumnIndex) that the given value is expected +// to be found in. +// +// The function returns the index of the first page that might contain the +// value. If the function determines that the value does not exist in the +// index, NumPages is returned. +// +// If you want to search the entire parquet file, you must iterate over the +// RowGroups and search each one individually, if there are multiple in the +// file. If you call writer.Flush before closing the file, then you will have +// multiple RowGroups to iterate over, otherwise Flush is called once on Close. +// +// The comparison function passed as last argument is used to determine the +// relative order of values. This should generally be the Compare method of +// the column type, but can sometimes be customized to modify how null values +// are interpreted, for example: +// +// pageIndex := parquet.Find(columnIndex, value, +// parquet.CompareNullsFirst(typ.Compare), +// ) +func Find(index ColumnIndex, value Value, cmp func(Value, Value) int) int { + switch { + case index.IsAscending(): + return binarySearch(index, value, cmp) + default: + return linearSearch(index, value, cmp) + } +} + +func binarySearch(index ColumnIndex, value Value, cmp func(Value, Value) int) int { + n := index.NumPages() + curIdx := 0 + topIdx := n + + // while there's at least one more page to check + for (topIdx - curIdx) > 1 { + + // nextIdx is set to halfway between curIdx and topIdx + nextIdx := ((topIdx - curIdx) / 2) + curIdx + + smallerThanMin := cmp(value, index.MinValue(nextIdx)) + + switch { + // search below pages[nextIdx] + case smallerThanMin < 0: + topIdx = nextIdx + // search pages[nextIdx] and above + case smallerThanMin > 0: + curIdx = nextIdx + case smallerThanMin == 0: + // this case is hit when winValue == value of nextIdx + // we must check below this index to find if there's + // another page before this. + // e.g. searching for first page 3 is in: + // [1,2,3] + // [3,4,5] + // [6,7,8] + + // if the page proceeding this has a maxValue matching the value we're + // searching, continue the search. + // otherwise, we can return early + // + // cases covered by else block + // if cmp(value, index.MaxValue(nextIdx-1)) < 0: the value is only in this page + // if cmp(value, index.MaxValue(nextIdx-1)) > 0: we've got a sorting problem with overlapping pages + // + // bounds check not needed for nextIdx-1 because nextIdx is guaranteed to be at least curIdx + 1 + // line 82 & 85 above + if cmp(value, index.MaxValue(nextIdx-1)) == 0 { + topIdx = nextIdx + } else { + return nextIdx + } + } + } + + // last page check, if it wasn't explicitly found above + if curIdx < n { + + // check pages[curIdx] for value + min := index.MinValue(curIdx) + max := index.MaxValue(curIdx) + + // if value is not in pages[curIdx], then it's not in this columnChunk + if cmp(value, min) < 0 || cmp(value, max) > 0 { + curIdx = n + } + } + + return curIdx +} + +func linearSearch(index ColumnIndex, value Value, cmp func(Value, Value) int) int { + n := index.NumPages() + + for i := 0; i < n; i++ { + min := index.MinValue(i) + max := index.MaxValue(i) + + if cmp(min, value) <= 0 && cmp(value, max) <= 0 { + return i + } + } + + return n +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sorting.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sorting.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8f3bea18b5e97 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sorting.go @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "io" + "sort" +) + +// SortingWriter is a type similar to GenericWriter but it ensures that rows +// are sorted according to the sorting columns configured on the writer. +// +// The writer accumulates rows in an in-memory buffer which is sorted when it +// reaches the target number of rows, then written to a temporary row group. +// When the writer is flushed or closed, the temporary row groups are merged +// into a row group in the output file, ensuring that rows remain sorted in the +// final row group. +// +// Because row groups get encoded and compressed, they hold a lot less memory +// than if all rows were retained in memory. Sorting then merging rows chunks +// also tends to be a lot more efficient than sorting all rows in memory as it +// results in better CPU cache utilization since sorting multi-megabyte arrays +// causes a lot of cache misses since the data set cannot be held in CPU caches. +type SortingWriter[T any] struct { + rowbuf *RowBuffer[T] + writer *GenericWriter[T] + output *GenericWriter[T] + buffer io.ReadWriteSeeker + maxRows int64 + numRows int64 + sorting SortingConfig + dedupe dedupe +} + +// NewSortingWriter constructs a new sorting writer which writes a parquet file +// where rows of each row group are ordered according to the sorting columns +// configured on the writer. +// +// The sortRowCount argument defines the target number of rows that will be +// sorted in memory before being written to temporary row groups. The greater +// this value the more memory is needed to buffer rows in memory. Choosing a +// value that is too small limits the maximum number of rows that can exist in +// the output file since the writer cannot create more than 32K temporary row +// groups to hold the sorted row chunks. +func NewSortingWriter[T any](output io.Writer, sortRowCount int64, options ...WriterOption) *SortingWriter[T] { + config, err := NewWriterConfig(options...) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return &SortingWriter[T]{ + rowbuf: NewRowBuffer[T](&RowGroupConfig{ + Schema: config.Schema, + Sorting: config.Sorting, + }), + writer: NewGenericWriter[T](io.Discard, &WriterConfig{ + CreatedBy: config.CreatedBy, + ColumnPageBuffers: config.ColumnPageBuffers, + ColumnIndexSizeLimit: config.ColumnIndexSizeLimit, + PageBufferSize: config.PageBufferSize, + WriteBufferSize: config.WriteBufferSize, + DataPageVersion: config.DataPageVersion, + Schema: config.Schema, + Compression: config.Compression, + Sorting: config.Sorting, + }), + output: NewGenericWriter[T](output, config), + maxRows: sortRowCount, + sorting: config.Sorting, + } +} + +func (w *SortingWriter[T]) Close() error { + if err := w.Flush(); err != nil { + return err + } + return w.output.Close() +} + +func (w *SortingWriter[T]) Flush() error { + defer w.resetSortingBuffer() + + if err := w.sortAndWriteBufferedRows(); err != nil { + return err + } + + if w.numRows == 0 { + return nil + } + + if err := w.writer.Close(); err != nil { + return err + } + + size, err := w.buffer.Seek(0, io.SeekCurrent) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + f, err := OpenFile(newReaderAt(w.buffer), size, + &FileConfig{ + SkipPageIndex: true, + SkipBloomFilters: true, + ReadBufferSize: defaultReadBufferSize, + }, + ) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + m, err := MergeRowGroups(f.RowGroups(), + &RowGroupConfig{ + Schema: w.Schema(), + Sorting: w.sorting, + }, + ) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + rows := m.Rows() + defer rows.Close() + + reader := RowReader(rows) + if w.sorting.DropDuplicatedRows { + reader = DedupeRowReader(rows, w.rowbuf.compare) + } + + if _, err := CopyRows(w.output, reader); err != nil { + return err + } + + return w.output.Flush() +} + +func (w *SortingWriter[T]) Reset(output io.Writer) { + w.output.Reset(output) + w.rowbuf.Reset() + w.resetSortingBuffer() +} + +func (w *SortingWriter[T]) resetSortingBuffer() { + w.writer.Reset(io.Discard) + w.numRows = 0 + + if w.buffer != nil { + w.sorting.SortingBuffers.PutBuffer(w.buffer) + w.buffer = nil + } +} + +func (w *SortingWriter[T]) Write(rows []T) (int, error) { + return w.writeRows(len(rows), func(i, j int) (int, error) { return w.rowbuf.Write(rows[i:j]) }) +} + +func (w *SortingWriter[T]) WriteRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + return w.writeRows(len(rows), func(i, j int) (int, error) { return w.rowbuf.WriteRows(rows[i:j]) }) +} + +func (w *SortingWriter[T]) writeRows(numRows int, writeRows func(i, j int) (int, error)) (int, error) { + wn := 0 + + for wn < numRows { + if w.rowbuf.NumRows() >= w.maxRows { + if err := w.sortAndWriteBufferedRows(); err != nil { + return wn, err + } + } + + n := int(w.maxRows - w.rowbuf.NumRows()) + n += wn + if n > numRows { + n = numRows + } + + n, err := writeRows(wn, n) + wn += n + + if err != nil { + return wn, err + } + } + + return wn, nil +} + +func (w *SortingWriter[T]) SetKeyValueMetadata(key, value string) { + w.output.SetKeyValueMetadata(key, value) +} + +func (w *SortingWriter[T]) Schema() *Schema { + return w.output.Schema() +} + +func (w *SortingWriter[T]) sortAndWriteBufferedRows() error { + if w.rowbuf.Len() == 0 { + return nil + } + + defer w.rowbuf.Reset() + sort.Sort(w.rowbuf) + + if w.sorting.DropDuplicatedRows { + w.rowbuf.rows = w.rowbuf.rows[:w.dedupe.deduplicate(w.rowbuf.rows, w.rowbuf.compare)] + defer w.dedupe.reset() + } + + rows := w.rowbuf.Rows() + defer rows.Close() + + if w.buffer == nil { + w.buffer = w.sorting.SortingBuffers.GetBuffer() + w.writer.Reset(w.buffer) + } + + n, err := CopyRows(w.writer, rows) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if err := w.writer.Flush(); err != nil { + return err + } + + w.numRows += n + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/array.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/array.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..fecfb4dc4d72b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/array.go @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +package sparse + +import ( + "time" + "unsafe" +) + +type Array struct{ array } + +func UnsafeArray(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) Array { + return Array{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a Array) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a Array) Index(i int) unsafe.Pointer { return a.index(i) } +func (a Array) Slice(i, j int) Array { return Array{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a Array) Offset(off uintptr) Array { return Array{a.offset(off)} } +func (a Array) BoolArray() BoolArray { return BoolArray{a.array} } +func (a Array) Int8Array() Int8Array { return Int8Array{a.array} } +func (a Array) Int16Array() Int16Array { return Int16Array{a.array} } +func (a Array) Int32Array() Int32Array { return Int32Array{a.array} } +func (a Array) Int64Array() Int64Array { return Int64Array{a.array} } +func (a Array) Float32Array() Float32Array { return Float32Array{a.array} } +func (a Array) Float64Array() Float64Array { return Float64Array{a.array} } +func (a Array) Uint8Array() Uint8Array { return Uint8Array{a.array} } +func (a Array) Uint16Array() Uint16Array { return Uint16Array{a.array} } +func (a Array) Uint32Array() Uint32Array { return Uint32Array{a.array} } +func (a Array) Uint64Array() Uint64Array { return Uint64Array{a.array} } +func (a Array) Uint128Array() Uint128Array { return Uint128Array{a.array} } +func (a Array) StringArray() StringArray { return StringArray{a.array} } +func (a Array) TimeArray() TimeArray { return TimeArray{a.array} } + +type array struct { + ptr unsafe.Pointer + len uintptr + off uintptr +} + +func makeArray[T any](base []T) array { + var z T + return array{ + ptr: unsafe.Pointer(unsafe.SliceData(base)), + len: uintptr(len(base)), + off: unsafe.Sizeof(z), + } +} + +func unsafeArray(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) array { + return array{ptr: base, len: uintptr(length), off: offset} +} + +func (a array) index(i int) unsafe.Pointer { + if uintptr(i) >= a.len { + panic("index out of bounds") + } + return unsafe.Add(a.ptr, a.off*uintptr(i)) +} + +func (a array) slice(i, j int) array { + if uintptr(i) > a.len || uintptr(j) > a.len || i > j { + panic("slice index out of bounds") + } + return array{ + ptr: unsafe.Add(a.ptr, a.off*uintptr(i)), + len: uintptr(j - i), + off: a.off, + } +} + +func (a array) offset(off uintptr) array { + if a.ptr == nil { + panic("offset of nil array") + } + return array{ + ptr: unsafe.Add(a.ptr, off), + len: a.len, + off: a.off, + } +} + +type BoolArray struct{ array } + +func MakeBoolArray(values []bool) BoolArray { + return BoolArray{makeArray(values)} +} + +func UnsafeBoolArray(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) BoolArray { + return BoolArray{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a BoolArray) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a BoolArray) Index(i int) bool { return *(*byte)(a.index(i)) != 0 } +func (a BoolArray) Slice(i, j int) BoolArray { return BoolArray{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a BoolArray) Uint8Array() Uint8Array { return Uint8Array{a.array} } +func (a BoolArray) UnsafeArray() Array { return Array{a.array} } + +type Int8Array struct{ array } + +func MakeInt8Array(values []int8) Int8Array { + return Int8Array{makeArray(values)} +} + +func UnsafeInt8Array(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) Int8Array { + return Int8Array{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a Int8Array) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a Int8Array) Index(i int) int8 { return *(*int8)(a.index(i)) } +func (a Int8Array) Slice(i, j int) Int8Array { return Int8Array{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a Int8Array) Uint8Array() Uint8Array { return Uint8Array{a.array} } +func (a Int8Array) UnsafeArray() Array { return Array{a.array} } + +type Int16Array struct{ array } + +func MakeInt16Array(values []int16) Int16Array { + return Int16Array{makeArray(values)} +} + +func UnsafeInt16Array(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) Int16Array { + return Int16Array{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a Int16Array) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a Int16Array) Index(i int) int16 { return *(*int16)(a.index(i)) } +func (a Int16Array) Slice(i, j int) Int16Array { return Int16Array{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a Int16Array) Int8Array() Int8Array { return Int8Array{a.array} } +func (a Int16Array) Uint8Array() Uint8Array { return Uint8Array{a.array} } +func (a Int16Array) Uint16Array() Uint16Array { return Uint16Array{a.array} } +func (a Int16Array) UnsafeArray() Array { return Array{a.array} } + +type Int32Array struct{ array } + +func MakeInt32Array(values []int32) Int32Array { + return Int32Array{makeArray(values)} +} + +func UnsafeInt32Array(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) Int32Array { + return Int32Array{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a Int32Array) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a Int32Array) Index(i int) int32 { return *(*int32)(a.index(i)) } +func (a Int32Array) Slice(i, j int) Int32Array { return Int32Array{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a Int32Array) Int8Array() Int8Array { return Int8Array{a.array} } +func (a Int32Array) Int16Array() Int16Array { return Int16Array{a.array} } +func (a Int32Array) Uint8Array() Uint8Array { return Uint8Array{a.array} } +func (a Int32Array) Uint16Array() Uint16Array { return Uint16Array{a.array} } +func (a Int32Array) Uint32Array() Uint32Array { return Uint32Array{a.array} } +func (a Int32Array) UnsafeArray() Array { return Array{a.array} } + +type Int64Array struct{ array } + +func MakeInt64Array(values []int64) Int64Array { + return Int64Array{makeArray(values)} +} + +func UnsafeInt64Array(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) Int64Array { + return Int64Array{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a Int64Array) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a Int64Array) Index(i int) int64 { return *(*int64)(a.index(i)) } +func (a Int64Array) Slice(i, j int) Int64Array { return Int64Array{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a Int64Array) Int8Array() Int8Array { return Int8Array{a.array} } +func (a Int64Array) Int16Array() Int16Array { return Int16Array{a.array} } +func (a Int64Array) Int32Array() Int32Array { return Int32Array{a.array} } +func (a Int64Array) Uint8Array() Uint8Array { return Uint8Array{a.array} } +func (a Int64Array) Uint16Array() Uint16Array { return Uint16Array{a.array} } +func (a Int64Array) Uint32Array() Uint32Array { return Uint32Array{a.array} } +func (a Int64Array) Uint64Array() Uint64Array { return Uint64Array{a.array} } +func (a Int64Array) UnsafeArray() Array { return Array{a.array} } + +type Float32Array struct{ array } + +func MakeFloat32Array(values []float32) Float32Array { + return Float32Array{makeArray(values)} +} + +func UnsafeFloat32Array(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) Float32Array { + return Float32Array{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a Float32Array) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a Float32Array) Index(i int) float32 { return *(*float32)(a.index(i)) } +func (a Float32Array) Slice(i, j int) Float32Array { return Float32Array{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a Float32Array) Array() Array { return Array{a.array} } +func (a Float32Array) Uint32Array() Uint32Array { return Uint32Array{a.array} } +func (a Float32Array) UnsafeArray() Array { return Array{a.array} } + +type Float64Array struct{ array } + +func MakeFloat64Array(values []float64) Float64Array { + return Float64Array{makeArray(values)} +} + +func UnsafeFloat64Array(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) Float64Array { + return Float64Array{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a Float64Array) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a Float64Array) Index(i int) float64 { return *(*float64)(a.index(i)) } +func (a Float64Array) Slice(i, j int) Float64Array { return Float64Array{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a Float64Array) Uint64Array() Uint64Array { return Uint64Array{a.array} } +func (a Float64Array) UnsafeArray() Array { return Array{a.array} } + +type Uint8Array struct{ array } + +func MakeUint8Array(values []uint8) Uint8Array { + return Uint8Array{makeArray(values)} +} + +func UnsafeUint8Array(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) Uint8Array { + return Uint8Array{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a Uint8Array) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a Uint8Array) Index(i int) uint8 { return *(*uint8)(a.index(i)) } +func (a Uint8Array) Slice(i, j int) Uint8Array { return Uint8Array{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a Uint8Array) UnsafeArray() Array { return Array{a.array} } + +type Uint16Array struct{ array } + +func MakeUint16Array(values []uint16) Uint16Array { + return Uint16Array{makeArray(values)} +} + +func UnsafeUint16Array(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) Uint16Array { + return Uint16Array{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a Uint16Array) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a Uint16Array) Index(i int) uint16 { return *(*uint16)(a.index(i)) } +func (a Uint16Array) Slice(i, j int) Uint16Array { return Uint16Array{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a Uint16Array) Uint8Array() Uint8Array { return Uint8Array{a.array} } +func (a Uint16Array) UnsafeArray() Array { return Array{a.array} } + +type Uint32Array struct{ array } + +func MakeUint32Array(values []uint32) Uint32Array { + return Uint32Array{makeArray(values)} +} + +func UnsafeUint32Array(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) Uint32Array { + return Uint32Array{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a Uint32Array) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a Uint32Array) Index(i int) uint32 { return *(*uint32)(a.index(i)) } +func (a Uint32Array) Slice(i, j int) Uint32Array { return Uint32Array{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a Uint32Array) Uint8Array() Uint8Array { return Uint8Array{a.array} } +func (a Uint32Array) Uint16Array() Uint16Array { return Uint16Array{a.array} } +func (a Uint32Array) UnsafeArray() Array { return Array{a.array} } + +type Uint64Array struct{ array } + +func MakeUint64Array(values []uint64) Uint64Array { + return Uint64Array{makeArray(values)} +} + +func UnsafeUint64Array(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) Uint64Array { + return Uint64Array{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a Uint64Array) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a Uint64Array) Index(i int) uint64 { return *(*uint64)(a.index(i)) } +func (a Uint64Array) Slice(i, j int) Uint64Array { return Uint64Array{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a Uint64Array) Uint8Array() Uint8Array { return Uint8Array{a.array} } +func (a Uint64Array) Uint16Array() Uint16Array { return Uint16Array{a.array} } +func (a Uint64Array) Uint32Array() Uint32Array { return Uint32Array{a.array} } +func (a Uint64Array) UnsafeArray() Array { return Array{a.array} } + +type Uint128Array struct{ array } + +func MakeUint128Array(values [][16]byte) Uint128Array { + return Uint128Array{makeArray(values)} +} + +func UnsafeUint128Array(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) Uint128Array { + return Uint128Array{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a Uint128Array) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a Uint128Array) Index(i int) [16]byte { return *(*[16]byte)(a.index(i)) } +func (a Uint128Array) Slice(i, j int) Uint128Array { return Uint128Array{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a Uint128Array) Uint8Array() Uint8Array { return Uint8Array{a.array} } +func (a Uint128Array) Uint16Array() Uint16Array { return Uint16Array{a.array} } +func (a Uint128Array) Uint32Array() Uint32Array { return Uint32Array{a.array} } +func (a Uint128Array) Uint64Array() Uint64Array { return Uint64Array{a.array} } +func (a Uint128Array) UnsafeArray() Array { return Array{a.array} } + +type StringArray struct{ array } + +func MakeStringArray(values []string) StringArray { + const sizeOfString = unsafe.Sizeof("") + return StringArray{makeArray(values)} +} + +func UnsafeStringArray(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) StringArray { + return StringArray{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a StringArray) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a StringArray) Index(i int) string { return *(*string)(a.index(i)) } +func (a StringArray) Slice(i, j int) StringArray { return StringArray{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a StringArray) UnsafeArray() Array { return Array{a.array} } + +type TimeArray struct{ array } + +func MakeTimeArray(values []time.Time) TimeArray { + return TimeArray{makeArray(values)} +} + +func UnsafeTimeArray(base unsafe.Pointer, length int, offset uintptr) TimeArray { + return TimeArray{unsafeArray(base, length, offset)} +} + +func (a TimeArray) Len() int { return int(a.len) } +func (a TimeArray) Index(i int) time.Time { return *(*time.Time)(a.index(i)) } +func (a TimeArray) Slice(i, j int) TimeArray { return TimeArray{a.slice(i, j)} } +func (a TimeArray) UnsafeArray() Array { return Array{a.array} } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/gather.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/gather.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..d7d72d091bfac --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/gather.go @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +package sparse + +import "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast" + +func GatherInt32(dst []int32, src Int32Array) int { + return GatherUint32(unsafecast.Slice[uint32](dst), src.Uint32Array()) +} + +func GatherInt64(dst []int64, src Int64Array) int { + return GatherUint64(unsafecast.Slice[uint64](dst), src.Uint64Array()) +} + +func GatherFloat32(dst []float32, src Float32Array) int { + return GatherUint32(unsafecast.Slice[uint32](dst), src.Uint32Array()) +} + +func GatherFloat64(dst []float64, src Float64Array) int { + return GatherUint64(unsafecast.Slice[uint64](dst), src.Uint64Array()) +} + +func GatherBits(dst []byte, src Uint8Array) int { return gatherBits(dst, src) } + +func GatherUint32(dst []uint32, src Uint32Array) int { return gather32(dst, src) } + +func GatherUint64(dst []uint64, src Uint64Array) int { return gather64(dst, src) } + +func GatherUint128(dst [][16]byte, src Uint128Array) int { return gather128(dst, src) } + +func GatherString(dst []string, src StringArray) int { + n := min(len(dst), src.Len()) + + for i := range dst[:n] { + dst[i] = src.Index(i) + } + + return n +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/gather_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/gather_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..427abbccbf592 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/gather_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package sparse + +import ( + "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" +) + +func gatherBits(dst []byte, src Uint8Array) int { + n := min(len(dst)*8, src.Len()) + i := 0 + + if n >= 8 { + i = (n / 8) * 8 + // Make sure `offset` is at least 4 bytes, otherwise VPGATHERDD may read + // data beyond the end of the program memory and trigger a fault. + // + // If the boolean values do not have enough padding we must fallback to + // the scalar algorithm to be able to load single bytes from memory. + if src.off >= 4 && cpu.X86.HasAVX2 { + gatherBitsAVX2(dst, src.Slice(0, i)) + } else { + gatherBitsDefault(dst, src.Slice(0, i)) + } + } + + for i < n { + x := i / 8 + y := i % 8 + b := src.Index(i) + dst[x] = ((b & 1) << y) | (dst[x] & ^(1 << y)) + i++ + } + + return n +} + +func gather32(dst []uint32, src Uint32Array) int { + n := min(len(dst), src.Len()) + i := 0 + + if n >= 16 && cpu.X86.HasAVX2 { + i = (n / 8) * 8 + gather32AVX2(dst[:i:i], src) + } + + for i < n { + dst[i] = src.Index(i) + i++ + } + + return n +} + +func gather64(dst []uint64, src Uint64Array) int { + n := min(len(dst), src.Len()) + i := 0 + + if n >= 8 && cpu.X86.HasAVX2 { + i = (n / 4) * 4 + gather64AVX2(dst[:i:i], src) + } + + for i < n { + dst[i] = src.Index(i) + i++ + } + + return n +} + +//go:noescape +func gatherBitsAVX2(dst []byte, src Uint8Array) + +//go:noescape +func gatherBitsDefault(dst []byte, src Uint8Array) + +//go:noescape +func gather32AVX2(dst []uint32, src Uint32Array) + +//go:noescape +func gather64AVX2(dst []uint64, src Uint64Array) + +//go:noescape +func gather128(dst [][16]byte, src Uint128Array) int diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/gather_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/gather_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e87dee82af4b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/gather_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +// func gatherBitsAVX2(dst []byte, src Uint8Array) +TEXT ·gatherBitsAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src_array_ptr+24(FP), BX + MOVQ src_array_len+32(FP), CX + MOVQ src_array_off+40(FP), DX + XORQ SI, SI + SHRQ $3, CX + + VPBROADCASTD src_array_off+40(FP), Y0 + VPMULLD range0n7<>(SB), Y0, Y0 + VPCMPEQD Y1, Y1, Y1 + VPCMPEQD Y2, Y2, Y2 +loop: + VPGATHERDD Y1, (BX)(Y0*1), Y3 + VMOVDQU Y2, Y1 + VPSLLD $31, Y3, Y3 + VMOVMSKPS Y3, DI + + MOVB DI, (AX)(SI*1) + + LEAQ (BX)(DX*8), BX + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// func gatherBitsDefault(dst []byte, src Uint8Array) +TEXT ·gatherBitsDefault(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ src_array_ptr+24(FP), BX + MOVQ src_array_len+32(FP), CX + MOVQ src_array_off+40(FP), DX + XORQ SI, SI + SHRQ $3, CX +loop: + LEAQ (BX)(DX*2), DI + MOVBQZX (BX), R8 + MOVBQZX (BX)(DX*1), R9 + MOVBQZX (DI), R10 + MOVBQZX (DI)(DX*1), R11 + LEAQ (BX)(DX*4), BX + LEAQ (DI)(DX*4), DI + MOVBQZX (BX), R12 + MOVBQZX (BX)(DX*1), R13 + MOVBQZX (DI), R14 + MOVBQZX (DI)(DX*1), R15 + LEAQ (BX)(DX*4), BX + + ANDQ $1, R8 + ANDQ $1, R9 + ANDQ $1, R10 + ANDQ $1, R11 + ANDQ $1, R12 + ANDQ $1, R13 + ANDQ $1, R14 + ANDQ $1, R15 + + SHLQ $1, R9 + SHLQ $2, R10 + SHLQ $3, R11 + SHLQ $4, R12 + SHLQ $5, R13 + SHLQ $6, R14 + SHLQ $7, R15 + + ORQ R9, R8 + ORQ R11, R10 + ORQ R13, R12 + ORQ R15, R14 + ORQ R10, R8 + ORQ R12, R8 + ORQ R14, R8 + + MOVB R8, (AX)(SI*1) + + INCQ SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop + RET + +// func gather32AVX2(dst []uint32, src Uint32Array) +TEXT ·gather32AVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), CX + MOVQ src_array_ptr+24(FP), BX + MOVQ src_array_off+40(FP), DX + XORQ SI, SI + + VPBROADCASTD src_array_off+40(FP), Y0 + VPMULLD range0n7<>(SB), Y0, Y0 + VPCMPEQD Y1, Y1, Y1 + VPCMPEQD Y2, Y2, Y2 +loop: + VPGATHERDD Y1, (BX)(Y0*1), Y3 + VMOVDQU Y3, (AX)(SI*4) + VMOVDQU Y2, Y1 + + LEAQ (BX)(DX*8), BX + ADDQ $8, SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// func gather64AVX2(dst []uint64, src Uint64Array) +TEXT ·gather64AVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-48 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), CX + MOVQ src_array_ptr+24(FP), BX + MOVQ src_array_off+40(FP), DX + XORQ SI, SI + + VPBROADCASTQ src_array_off+40(FP), Y0 + VPMULLD range0n3<>(SB), Y0, Y0 + VPCMPEQQ Y1, Y1, Y1 + VPCMPEQQ Y2, Y2, Y2 +loop: + VPGATHERQQ Y1, (BX)(Y0*1), Y3 + VMOVDQU Y3, (AX)(SI*8) + VMOVDQU Y2, Y1 + + LEAQ (BX)(DX*4), BX + ADDQ $4, SI + CMPQ SI, CX + JNE loop + VZEROUPPER + RET + +// func gather128(dst [][16]byte, src Uint128Array) int +TEXT ·gather128(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-56 + MOVQ dst_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ dst_len+8(FP), CX + MOVQ src_array_ptr+24(FP), BX + MOVQ src_array_len+32(FP), DI + MOVQ src_array_off+40(FP), DX + XORQ SI, SI + + CMPQ DI, CX + CMOVQLT DI, CX + + CMPQ CX, $0 + JE done + + CMPQ CX, $1 + JE tail + + XORQ SI, SI + MOVQ CX, DI + SHRQ $1, DI + SHLQ $1, DI +loop: + MOVOU (BX), X0 + MOVOU (BX)(DX*1), X1 + + MOVOU X0, (AX) + MOVOU X1, 16(AX) + + LEAQ (BX)(DX*2), BX + ADDQ $32, AX + ADDQ $2, SI + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop + + CMPQ SI, CX + JE done +tail: + MOVOU (BX), X0 + MOVOU X0, (AX) +done: + MOVQ CX, ret+48(FP) + RET + +GLOBL range0n3<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $32 +DATA range0n3<>+0(SB)/8, $0 +DATA range0n3<>+8(SB)/8, $1 +DATA range0n3<>+16(SB)/8, $2 +DATA range0n3<>+24(SB)/8, $3 + +GLOBL range0n7<>(SB), RODATA|NOPTR, $32 +DATA range0n7<>+0(SB)/4, $0 +DATA range0n7<>+4(SB)/4, $1 +DATA range0n7<>+8(SB)/4, $2 +DATA range0n7<>+12(SB)/4, $3 +DATA range0n7<>+16(SB)/4, $4 +DATA range0n7<>+20(SB)/4, $5 +DATA range0n7<>+24(SB)/4, $6 +DATA range0n7<>+28(SB)/4, $7 diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/gather_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/gather_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..2f25c4486f038 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/gather_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package sparse + +func gatherBits(dst []byte, src Uint8Array) int { + n := min(len(dst)*8, src.Len()) + i := 0 + + if k := (n / 8) * 8; k > 0 { + for j := 0; i < k; j++ { + b0 := src.Index(i + 0) + b1 := src.Index(i + 1) + b2 := src.Index(i + 2) + b3 := src.Index(i + 3) + b4 := src.Index(i + 4) + b5 := src.Index(i + 5) + b6 := src.Index(i + 6) + b7 := src.Index(i + 7) + + dst[j] = (b0 & 1) | + ((b1 & 1) << 1) | + ((b2 & 1) << 2) | + ((b3 & 1) << 3) | + ((b4 & 1) << 4) | + ((b5 & 1) << 5) | + ((b6 & 1) << 6) | + ((b7 & 1) << 7) + + i += 8 + } + } + + for i < n { + x := i / 8 + y := i % 8 + b := src.Index(i) + dst[x] = ((b & 1) << y) | (dst[x] & ^(1 << y)) + i++ + } + + return n +} + +func gather32(dst []uint32, src Uint32Array) int { + n := min(len(dst), src.Len()) + + for i := range dst[:n] { + dst[i] = src.Index(i) + } + + return n +} + +func gather64(dst []uint64, src Uint64Array) int { + n := min(len(dst), src.Len()) + + for i := range dst[:n] { + dst[i] = src.Index(i) + } + + return n +} + +func gather128(dst [][16]byte, src Uint128Array) int { + n := min(len(dst), src.Len()) + + for i := range dst[:n] { + dst[i] = src.Index(i) + } + + return n +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/sparse.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/sparse.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b2680bf554b1c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse/sparse.go @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +// Package sparse contains abstractions to help work on arrays of values in +// sparse memory locations. +// +// Conversion between array types is supported when converting integers to a +// lower size (e.g. int32 to int16, or uint64 to uint8), or converting from +// signed integers to unsigned. Float types can also be converted to unsigned +// integers of the same size, in which case the conversion is similar to using +// the standard library's math.Float32bits and math.Float64bits functions. +// +// All array types can be converted to a generic Array type that can be used to erase +// type information and bypass type conversion rules. This conversion is similar +// to using Go's unsafe package to bypass Go's type system and should usually be +// avoided and a sign that the application is attempting to break type safety +// boundaries. +// +// The package provides Gather* functions which retrieve values from sparse +// arrays into contiguous memory buffers. On platforms that support it, these +// operations are implemented using SIMD gather instructions (e.g. VPGATHER on +// Intel CPUs). +package sparse diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/transform.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/transform.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..ed944de5415d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/transform.go @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +package parquet + +// TransformRowReader constructs a RowReader which applies the given transform +// to each row rad from reader. +// +// The transformation function appends the transformed src row to dst, returning +// dst and any error that occurred during the transformation. If dst is returned +// unchanged, the row is skipped. +func TransformRowReader(reader RowReader, transform func(dst, src Row) (Row, error)) RowReader { + return &transformRowReader{reader: reader, transform: transform} +} + +type transformRowReader struct { + reader RowReader + transform func(Row, Row) (Row, error) + rows []Row + offset int + length int +} + +func (t *transformRowReader) ReadRows(rows []Row) (n int, err error) { + if len(t.rows) == 0 { + t.rows = makeRows(len(rows)) + } + + for { + for n < len(rows) && t.offset < t.length { + dst := rows[n][:0] + src := t.rows[t.offset] + rows[n], err = t.transform(dst, src) + if err != nil { + return n, err + } + clearValues(src) + t.rows[t.offset] = src[:0] + t.offset++ + n++ + } + + if n == len(rows) { + return n, nil + } + + r, err := t.reader.ReadRows(t.rows) + if r == 0 && err != nil { + return n, err + } + t.offset = 0 + t.length = r + } +} + +type transformRowBuffer struct { + buffer []Row + offset int32 + length int32 +} + +func (b *transformRowBuffer) init(n int) { + b.buffer = makeRows(n) + b.offset = 0 + b.length = 0 +} + +func (b *transformRowBuffer) discard() { + row := b.buffer[b.offset] + clearValues(row) + b.buffer[b.offset] = row[:0] + + if b.offset++; b.offset == b.length { + b.reset(0) + } +} + +func (b *transformRowBuffer) reset(n int) { + b.offset = 0 + b.length = int32(n) +} + +func (b *transformRowBuffer) rows() []Row { + return b.buffer[b.offset:b.length] +} + +func (b *transformRowBuffer) cap() int { + return len(b.buffer) +} + +func (b *transformRowBuffer) len() int { + return int(b.length - b.offset) +} + +// TransformRowWriter constructs a RowWriter which applies the given transform +// to each row writter to writer. +// +// The transformation function appends the transformed src row to dst, returning +// dst and any error that occurred during the transformation. If dst is returned +// unchanged, the row is skipped. +func TransformRowWriter(writer RowWriter, transform func(dst, src Row) (Row, error)) RowWriter { + return &transformRowWriter{writer: writer, transform: transform} +} + +type transformRowWriter struct { + writer RowWriter + transform func(Row, Row) (Row, error) + rows []Row +} + +func (t *transformRowWriter) WriteRows(rows []Row) (n int, err error) { + if len(t.rows) == 0 { + t.rows = makeRows(len(rows)) + } + + for n < len(rows) { + numRows := len(rows) - n + if numRows > len(t.rows) { + numRows = len(t.rows) + } + if err := t.writeRows(rows[n : n+numRows]); err != nil { + return n, err + } + n += numRows + } + + return n, nil +} + +func (t *transformRowWriter) writeRows(rows []Row) (err error) { + numRows := 0 + defer func() { clearRows(t.rows[:numRows]) }() + + for _, row := range rows { + t.rows[numRows], err = t.transform(t.rows[numRows][:0], row) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if len(t.rows[numRows]) != 0 { + numRows++ + } + } + + _, err = t.writer.WriteRows(t.rows[:numRows]) + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/type.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/type.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f5690a22e2b2d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/type.go @@ -0,0 +1,2330 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "math/bits" + "reflect" + "time" + "unsafe" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +// Kind is an enumeration type representing the physical types supported by the +// parquet type system. +type Kind int8 + +const ( + Boolean Kind = Kind(format.Boolean) + Int32 Kind = Kind(format.Int32) + Int64 Kind = Kind(format.Int64) + Int96 Kind = Kind(format.Int96) + Float Kind = Kind(format.Float) + Double Kind = Kind(format.Double) + ByteArray Kind = Kind(format.ByteArray) + FixedLenByteArray Kind = Kind(format.FixedLenByteArray) +) + +// String returns a human-readable representation of the physical type. +func (k Kind) String() string { return format.Type(k).String() } + +// Value constructs a value from k and v. +// +// The method panics if the data is not a valid representation of the value +// kind; for example, if the kind is Int32 but the data is not 4 bytes long. +func (k Kind) Value(v []byte) Value { + x, err := parseValue(k, v) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return x +} + +// The Type interface represents logical types of the parquet type system. +// +// Types are immutable and therefore safe to access from multiple goroutines. +type Type interface { + // Returns a human-readable representation of the parquet type. + String() string + + // Returns the Kind value representing the underlying physical type. + // + // The method panics if it is called on a group type. + Kind() Kind + + // For integer and floating point physical types, the method returns the + // size of values in bits. + // + // For fixed-length byte arrays, the method returns the size of elements + // in bytes. + // + // For other types, the value is zero. + Length() int + + // Returns an estimation of the number of bytes required to hold the given + // number of values of this type in memory. + // + // The method returns zero for group types. + EstimateSize(numValues int) int + + // Returns an estimation of the number of values of this type that can be + // held in the given byte size. + // + // The method returns zero for group types. + EstimateNumValues(size int) int + + // Compares two values and returns a negative integer if a < b, positive if + // a > b, or zero if a == b. + // + // The values' Kind must match the type, otherwise the result is undefined. + // + // The method panics if it is called on a group type. + Compare(a, b Value) int + + // ColumnOrder returns the type's column order. For group types, this method + // returns nil. + // + // The order describes the comparison logic implemented by the Less method. + // + // As an optimization, the method may return the same pointer across + // multiple calls. Applications must treat the returned value as immutable, + // mutating the value will result in undefined behavior. + ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder + + // Returns the physical type as a *format.Type value. For group types, this + // method returns nil. + // + // As an optimization, the method may return the same pointer across + // multiple calls. Applications must treat the returned value as immutable, + // mutating the value will result in undefined behavior. + PhysicalType() *format.Type + + // Returns the logical type as a *format.LogicalType value. When the logical + // type is unknown, the method returns nil. + // + // As an optimization, the method may return the same pointer across + // multiple calls. Applications must treat the returned value as immutable, + // mutating the value will result in undefined behavior. + LogicalType() *format.LogicalType + + // Returns the logical type's equivalent converted type. When there are + // no equivalent converted type, the method returns nil. + // + // As an optimization, the method may return the same pointer across + // multiple calls. Applications must treat the returned value as immutable, + // mutating the value will result in undefined behavior. + ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType + + // Creates a column indexer for values of this type. + // + // The size limit is a hint to the column indexer that it is allowed to + // truncate the page boundaries to the given size. Only BYTE_ARRAY and + // FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY types currently take this value into account. + // + // A value of zero or less means no limits. + // + // The method panics if it is called on a group type. + NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer + + // Creates a row group buffer column for values of this type. + // + // Column buffers are created using the index of the column they are + // accumulating values in memory for (relative to the parent schema), + // and the size of their memory buffer. + // + // The application may give an estimate of the number of values it expects + // to write to the buffer as second argument. This estimate helps set the + // initialize buffer capacity but is not a hard limit, the underlying memory + // buffer will grown as needed to allow more values to be written. Programs + // may use the Size method of the column buffer (or the parent row group, + // when relevant) to determine how many bytes are being used, and perform a + // flush of the buffers to a storage layer. + // + // The method panics if it is called on a group type. + NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer + + // Creates a dictionary holding values of this type. + // + // The dictionary retains the data buffer, it does not make a copy of it. + // If the application needs to share ownership of the memory buffer, it must + // ensure that it will not be modified while the page is in use, or it must + // make a copy of it prior to creating the dictionary. + // + // The method panics if the data type does not correspond to the parquet + // type it is called on. + NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary + + // Creates a page belonging to a column at the given index, backed by the + // data buffer. + // + // The page retains the data buffer, it does not make a copy of it. If the + // application needs to share ownership of the memory buffer, it must ensure + // that it will not be modified while the page is in use, or it must make a + // copy of it prior to creating the page. + // + // The method panics if the data type does not correspond to the parquet + // type it is called on. + NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page + + // Creates an encoding.Values instance backed by the given buffers. + // + // The offsets is only used by BYTE_ARRAY types, where it represents the + // positions of each variable length value in the values buffer. + // + // The following expression creates an empty instance for any type: + // + // values := typ.NewValues(nil, nil) + // + // The method panics if it is called on group types. + NewValues(values []byte, offsets []uint32) encoding.Values + + // Assuming the src buffer contains PLAIN encoded values of the type it is + // called on, applies the given encoding and produces the output to the dst + // buffer passed as first argument by dispatching the call to one of the + // encoding methods. + Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) + + // Assuming the src buffer contains values encoding in the given encoding, + // decodes the input and produces the encoded values into the dst output + // buffer passed as first argument by dispatching the call to one of the + // encoding methods. + Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) + + // Returns an estimation of the output size after decoding the values passed + // as first argument with the given encoding. + // + // For most types, this is similar to calling EstimateSize with the known + // number of encoded values. For variable size types, using this method may + // provide a more precise result since it can inspect the input buffer. + EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int + + // Assigns a Parquet value to a Go value. Returns an error if assignment is + // not possible. The source Value must be an expected logical type for the + // receiver. This can be accomplished using ConvertValue. + AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error + + // Convert a Parquet Value of the given Type into a Parquet Value that is + // compatible with the receiver. The returned Value is suitable to be passed + // to AssignValue. + ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) +} + +var ( + BooleanType Type = booleanType{} + Int32Type Type = int32Type{} + Int64Type Type = int64Type{} + Int96Type Type = int96Type{} + FloatType Type = floatType{} + DoubleType Type = doubleType{} + ByteArrayType Type = byteArrayType{} +) + +// In the current parquet version supported by this library, only type-defined +// orders are supported. +var typeDefinedColumnOrder = format.ColumnOrder{ + TypeOrder: new(format.TypeDefinedOrder), +} + +var physicalTypes = [...]format.Type{ + 0: format.Boolean, + 1: format.Int32, + 2: format.Int64, + 3: format.Int96, + 4: format.Float, + 5: format.Double, + 6: format.ByteArray, + 7: format.FixedLenByteArray, +} + +var convertedTypes = [...]deprecated.ConvertedType{ + 0: deprecated.UTF8, + 1: deprecated.Map, + 2: deprecated.MapKeyValue, + 3: deprecated.List, + 4: deprecated.Enum, + 5: deprecated.Decimal, + 6: deprecated.Date, + 7: deprecated.TimeMillis, + 8: deprecated.TimeMicros, + 9: deprecated.TimestampMillis, + 10: deprecated.TimestampMicros, + 11: deprecated.Uint8, + 12: deprecated.Uint16, + 13: deprecated.Uint32, + 14: deprecated.Uint64, + 15: deprecated.Int8, + 16: deprecated.Int16, + 17: deprecated.Int32, + 18: deprecated.Int64, + 19: deprecated.Json, + 20: deprecated.Bson, + 21: deprecated.Interval, +} + +type booleanType struct{} + +func (t booleanType) String() string { return "BOOLEAN" } +func (t booleanType) Kind() Kind { return Boolean } +func (t booleanType) Length() int { return 1 } +func (t booleanType) EstimateSize(n int) int { return (n + 7) / 8 } +func (t booleanType) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return 8 * n } +func (t booleanType) Compare(a, b Value) int { return compareBool(a.boolean(), b.boolean()) } +func (t booleanType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return &typeDefinedColumnOrder } +func (t booleanType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { return nil } +func (t booleanType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { return nil } +func (t booleanType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return &physicalTypes[Boolean] } + +func (t booleanType) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return newBooleanColumnIndexer() +} + +func (t booleanType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return newBooleanColumnBuffer(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues)) +} + +func (t booleanType) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return newBooleanDictionary(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t booleanType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return newBooleanPage(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t booleanType) NewValues(values []byte, _ []uint32) encoding.Values { + return encoding.BooleanValues(values) +} + +func (t booleanType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return encoding.EncodeBoolean(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t booleanType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return encoding.DecodeBoolean(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t booleanType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return t.EstimateSize(numValues) +} + +func (t booleanType) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + v := src.boolean() + switch dst.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool: + dst.SetBool(v) + default: + dst.Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) + } + return nil +} + +func (t booleanType) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch typ.(type) { + case *stringType: + return convertStringToBoolean(val) + } + switch typ.Kind() { + case Boolean: + return val, nil + case Int32: + return convertInt32ToBoolean(val) + case Int64: + return convertInt64ToBoolean(val) + case Int96: + return convertInt96ToBoolean(val) + case Float: + return convertFloatToBoolean(val) + case Double: + return convertDoubleToBoolean(val) + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + return convertByteArrayToBoolean(val) + default: + return makeValueKind(Boolean), nil + } +} + +type int32Type struct{} + +func (t int32Type) String() string { return "INT32" } +func (t int32Type) Kind() Kind { return Int32 } +func (t int32Type) Length() int { return 32 } +func (t int32Type) EstimateSize(n int) int { return 4 * n } +func (t int32Type) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return n / 4 } +func (t int32Type) Compare(a, b Value) int { return compareInt32(a.int32(), b.int32()) } +func (t int32Type) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return &typeDefinedColumnOrder } +func (t int32Type) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { return nil } +func (t int32Type) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { return nil } +func (t int32Type) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return &physicalTypes[Int32] } + +func (t int32Type) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return newInt32ColumnIndexer() +} + +func (t int32Type) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return newInt32ColumnBuffer(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues)) +} + +func (t int32Type) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return newInt32Dictionary(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t int32Type) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return newInt32Page(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t int32Type) NewValues(values []byte, _ []uint32) encoding.Values { + return encoding.Int32ValuesFromBytes(values) +} + +func (t int32Type) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return encoding.EncodeInt32(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t int32Type) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return encoding.DecodeInt32(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t int32Type) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return t.EstimateSize(numValues) +} + +func (t int32Type) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + v := src.int32() + switch dst.Kind() { + case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32: + dst.SetInt(int64(v)) + case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32: + dst.SetUint(uint64(v)) + default: + dst.Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) + } + return nil +} + +func (t int32Type) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch typ.(type) { + case *stringType: + return convertStringToInt32(val) + } + switch typ.Kind() { + case Boolean: + return convertBooleanToInt32(val) + case Int32: + return val, nil + case Int64: + return convertInt64ToInt32(val) + case Int96: + return convertInt96ToInt32(val) + case Float: + return convertFloatToInt32(val) + case Double: + return convertDoubleToInt32(val) + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + return convertByteArrayToInt32(val) + default: + return makeValueKind(Int32), nil + } +} + +type int64Type struct{} + +func (t int64Type) String() string { return "INT64" } +func (t int64Type) Kind() Kind { return Int64 } +func (t int64Type) Length() int { return 64 } +func (t int64Type) EstimateSize(n int) int { return 8 * n } +func (t int64Type) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return n / 8 } +func (t int64Type) Compare(a, b Value) int { return compareInt64(a.int64(), b.int64()) } +func (t int64Type) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return &typeDefinedColumnOrder } +func (t int64Type) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { return nil } +func (t int64Type) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { return nil } +func (t int64Type) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return &physicalTypes[Int64] } + +func (t int64Type) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return newInt64ColumnIndexer() +} + +func (t int64Type) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return newInt64ColumnBuffer(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues)) +} + +func (t int64Type) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return newInt64Dictionary(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t int64Type) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return newInt64Page(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t int64Type) NewValues(values []byte, _ []uint32) encoding.Values { + return encoding.Int64ValuesFromBytes(values) +} + +func (t int64Type) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return encoding.EncodeInt64(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t int64Type) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return encoding.DecodeInt64(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t int64Type) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return t.EstimateSize(numValues) +} + +func (t int64Type) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + v := src.int64() + switch dst.Kind() { + case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Int: + dst.SetInt(v) + case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uintptr: + dst.SetUint(uint64(v)) + default: + dst.Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) + } + return nil +} + +func (t int64Type) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch typ.(type) { + case *stringType: + return convertStringToInt64(val) + } + switch typ.Kind() { + case Boolean: + return convertBooleanToInt64(val) + case Int32: + return convertInt32ToInt64(val) + case Int64: + return val, nil + case Int96: + return convertInt96ToInt64(val) + case Float: + return convertFloatToInt64(val) + case Double: + return convertDoubleToInt64(val) + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + return convertByteArrayToInt64(val) + default: + return makeValueKind(Int64), nil + } +} + +type int96Type struct{} + +func (t int96Type) String() string { return "INT96" } + +func (t int96Type) Kind() Kind { return Int96 } +func (t int96Type) Length() int { return 96 } +func (t int96Type) EstimateSize(n int) int { return 12 * n } +func (t int96Type) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return n / 12 } +func (t int96Type) Compare(a, b Value) int { return compareInt96(a.int96(), b.int96()) } +func (t int96Type) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return &typeDefinedColumnOrder } +func (t int96Type) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { return nil } +func (t int96Type) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { return nil } +func (t int96Type) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return &physicalTypes[Int96] } + +func (t int96Type) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return newInt96ColumnIndexer() +} + +func (t int96Type) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return newInt96ColumnBuffer(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues)) +} + +func (t int96Type) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return newInt96Dictionary(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t int96Type) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return newInt96Page(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t int96Type) NewValues(values []byte, _ []uint32) encoding.Values { + return encoding.Int96ValuesFromBytes(values) +} + +func (t int96Type) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return encoding.EncodeInt96(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t int96Type) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return encoding.DecodeInt96(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t int96Type) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return t.EstimateSize(numValues) +} + +func (t int96Type) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + v := src.Int96() + dst.Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) + return nil +} + +func (t int96Type) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch typ.(type) { + case *stringType: + return convertStringToInt96(val) + } + switch typ.Kind() { + case Boolean: + return convertBooleanToInt96(val) + case Int32: + return convertInt32ToInt96(val) + case Int64: + return convertInt64ToInt96(val) + case Int96: + return val, nil + case Float: + return convertFloatToInt96(val) + case Double: + return convertDoubleToInt96(val) + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + return convertByteArrayToInt96(val) + default: + return makeValueKind(Int96), nil + } +} + +type floatType struct{} + +func (t floatType) String() string { return "FLOAT" } +func (t floatType) Kind() Kind { return Float } +func (t floatType) Length() int { return 32 } +func (t floatType) EstimateSize(n int) int { return 4 * n } +func (t floatType) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return n / 4 } +func (t floatType) Compare(a, b Value) int { return compareFloat32(a.float(), b.float()) } +func (t floatType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return &typeDefinedColumnOrder } +func (t floatType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { return nil } +func (t floatType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { return nil } +func (t floatType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return &physicalTypes[Float] } + +func (t floatType) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return newFloatColumnIndexer() +} + +func (t floatType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return newFloatColumnBuffer(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues)) +} + +func (t floatType) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return newFloatDictionary(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t floatType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return newFloatPage(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t floatType) NewValues(values []byte, _ []uint32) encoding.Values { + return encoding.FloatValuesFromBytes(values) +} + +func (t floatType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return encoding.EncodeFloat(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t floatType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return encoding.DecodeFloat(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t floatType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return t.EstimateSize(numValues) +} + +func (t floatType) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + v := src.float() + switch dst.Kind() { + case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: + dst.SetFloat(float64(v)) + default: + dst.Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) + } + return nil +} + +func (t floatType) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch typ.(type) { + case *stringType: + return convertStringToFloat(val) + } + switch typ.Kind() { + case Boolean: + return convertBooleanToFloat(val) + case Int32: + return convertInt32ToFloat(val) + case Int64: + return convertInt64ToFloat(val) + case Int96: + return convertInt96ToFloat(val) + case Float: + return val, nil + case Double: + return convertDoubleToFloat(val) + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + return convertByteArrayToFloat(val) + default: + return makeValueKind(Float), nil + } +} + +type doubleType struct{} + +func (t doubleType) String() string { return "DOUBLE" } +func (t doubleType) Kind() Kind { return Double } +func (t doubleType) Length() int { return 64 } +func (t doubleType) EstimateSize(n int) int { return 8 * n } +func (t doubleType) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return n / 8 } +func (t doubleType) Compare(a, b Value) int { return compareFloat64(a.double(), b.double()) } +func (t doubleType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return &typeDefinedColumnOrder } +func (t doubleType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { return nil } +func (t doubleType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { return nil } +func (t doubleType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return &physicalTypes[Double] } + +func (t doubleType) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return newDoubleColumnIndexer() +} + +func (t doubleType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return newDoubleColumnBuffer(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues)) +} + +func (t doubleType) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return newDoubleDictionary(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t doubleType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return newDoublePage(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t doubleType) NewValues(values []byte, _ []uint32) encoding.Values { + return encoding.DoubleValuesFromBytes(values) +} + +func (t doubleType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return encoding.EncodeDouble(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t doubleType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return encoding.DecodeDouble(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t doubleType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return t.EstimateSize(numValues) +} + +func (t doubleType) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + v := src.double() + switch dst.Kind() { + case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: + dst.SetFloat(v) + default: + dst.Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) + } + return nil +} + +func (t doubleType) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch typ.(type) { + case *stringType: + return convertStringToDouble(val) + } + switch typ.Kind() { + case Boolean: + return convertBooleanToDouble(val) + case Int32: + return convertInt32ToDouble(val) + case Int64: + return convertInt64ToDouble(val) + case Int96: + return convertInt96ToDouble(val) + case Float: + return convertFloatToDouble(val) + case Double: + return val, nil + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + return convertByteArrayToDouble(val) + default: + return makeValueKind(Double), nil + } +} + +type byteArrayType struct{} + +func (t byteArrayType) String() string { return "BYTE_ARRAY" } +func (t byteArrayType) Kind() Kind { return ByteArray } +func (t byteArrayType) Length() int { return 0 } +func (t byteArrayType) EstimateSize(n int) int { return estimatedSizeOfByteArrayValues * n } +func (t byteArrayType) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return n / estimatedSizeOfByteArrayValues } +func (t byteArrayType) Compare(a, b Value) int { return bytes.Compare(a.byteArray(), b.byteArray()) } +func (t byteArrayType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return &typeDefinedColumnOrder } +func (t byteArrayType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { return nil } +func (t byteArrayType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { return nil } +func (t byteArrayType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return &physicalTypes[ByteArray] } + +func (t byteArrayType) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return newByteArrayColumnIndexer(sizeLimit) +} + +func (t byteArrayType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return newByteArrayColumnBuffer(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues)) +} + +func (t byteArrayType) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return newByteArrayDictionary(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t byteArrayType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return newByteArrayPage(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t byteArrayType) NewValues(values []byte, offsets []uint32) encoding.Values { + return encoding.ByteArrayValues(values, offsets) +} + +func (t byteArrayType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return encoding.EncodeByteArray(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t byteArrayType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return encoding.DecodeByteArray(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t byteArrayType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return enc.EstimateDecodeByteArraySize(src) +} + +func (t byteArrayType) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + v := src.byteArray() + switch dst.Kind() { + case reflect.String: + dst.SetString(string(v)) + case reflect.Slice: + dst.SetBytes(copyBytes(v)) + default: + val := reflect.ValueOf(string(v)) + dst.Set(val) + } + return nil +} + +func (t byteArrayType) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch typ.Kind() { + case Boolean: + return convertBooleanToByteArray(val) + case Int32: + return convertInt32ToByteArray(val) + case Int64: + return convertInt64ToByteArray(val) + case Int96: + return convertInt96ToByteArray(val) + case Float: + return convertFloatToByteArray(val) + case Double: + return convertDoubleToByteArray(val) + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + return val, nil + default: + return makeValueKind(ByteArray), nil + } +} + +type fixedLenByteArrayType struct{ length int } + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY(%d)", t.length) +} + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) Kind() Kind { return FixedLenByteArray } + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) Length() int { return t.length } + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) EstimateSize(n int) int { return t.length * n } + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return n / t.length } + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) Compare(a, b Value) int { + return bytes.Compare(a.byteArray(), b.byteArray()) +} + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return &typeDefinedColumnOrder } + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { return nil } + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { return nil } + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return &physicalTypes[FixedLenByteArray] } + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return newFixedLenByteArrayColumnIndexer(t.length, sizeLimit) +} + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return newFixedLenByteArrayColumnBuffer(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues)) +} + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return newFixedLenByteArrayDictionary(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return newFixedLenByteArrayPage(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) NewValues(values []byte, _ []uint32) encoding.Values { + return encoding.FixedLenByteArrayValues(values, t.length) +} + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return encoding.EncodeFixedLenByteArray(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return encoding.DecodeFixedLenByteArray(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return t.EstimateSize(numValues) +} + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + v := src.byteArray() + switch dst.Kind() { + case reflect.Array: + if dst.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 && dst.Len() == len(v) { + // This code could be implemented as a call to reflect.Copy but + // it would require creating a reflect.Value from v which causes + // the heap allocation to pack the []byte value. To avoid this + // overhead we instead convert the reflect.Value holding the + // destination array into a byte slice which allows us to use + // a more efficient call to copy. + d := unsafe.Slice((*byte)(reflectValueData(dst)), len(v)) + copy(d, v) + return nil + } + case reflect.Slice: + dst.SetBytes(copyBytes(v)) + return nil + } + + val := reflect.ValueOf(copyBytes(v)) + dst.Set(val) + return nil +} + +func reflectValueData(v reflect.Value) unsafe.Pointer { + return (*[2]unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))[1] +} + +func (t fixedLenByteArrayType) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch typ.(type) { + case *stringType: + return convertStringToFixedLenByteArray(val, t.length) + } + switch typ.Kind() { + case Boolean: + return convertBooleanToFixedLenByteArray(val, t.length) + case Int32: + return convertInt32ToFixedLenByteArray(val, t.length) + case Int64: + return convertInt64ToFixedLenByteArray(val, t.length) + case Int96: + return convertInt96ToFixedLenByteArray(val, t.length) + case Float: + return convertFloatToFixedLenByteArray(val, t.length) + case Double: + return convertDoubleToFixedLenByteArray(val, t.length) + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + return convertByteArrayToFixedLenByteArray(val, t.length) + default: + return makeValueBytes(FixedLenByteArray, make([]byte, t.length)), nil + } +} + +type uint32Type struct{ int32Type } + +func (t uint32Type) Compare(a, b Value) int { + return compareUint32(a.uint32(), b.uint32()) +} + +func (t uint32Type) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return newUint32ColumnIndexer() +} + +func (t uint32Type) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return newUint32ColumnBuffer(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues)) +} + +func (t uint32Type) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return newUint32Dictionary(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t uint32Type) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return newUint32Page(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +type uint64Type struct{ int64Type } + +func (t uint64Type) Compare(a, b Value) int { + return compareUint64(a.uint64(), b.uint64()) +} + +func (t uint64Type) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return newUint64ColumnIndexer() +} + +func (t uint64Type) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return newUint64ColumnBuffer(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues)) +} + +func (t uint64Type) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return newUint64Dictionary(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t uint64Type) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return newUint64Page(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +// BE128 stands for "big-endian 128 bits". This type is used as a special case +// for fixed-length byte arrays of 16 bytes, which are commonly used to +// represent columns of random unique identifiers such as UUIDs. +// +// Comparisons of BE128 values use the natural byte order, the zeroth byte is +// the most significant byte. +// +// The special case is intended to provide optimizations based on the knowledge +// that the values are 16 bytes long. Stronger type checking can also be applied +// by the compiler when using [16]byte values rather than []byte, reducing the +// risk of errors on these common code paths. +type be128Type struct{} + +func (t be128Type) String() string { return "FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY(16)" } + +func (t be128Type) Kind() Kind { return FixedLenByteArray } + +func (t be128Type) Length() int { return 16 } + +func (t be128Type) EstimateSize(n int) int { return 16 * n } + +func (t be128Type) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return n / 16 } + +func (t be128Type) Compare(a, b Value) int { return compareBE128(a.be128(), b.be128()) } + +func (t be128Type) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return &typeDefinedColumnOrder } + +func (t be128Type) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { return nil } + +func (t be128Type) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { return nil } + +func (t be128Type) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return &physicalTypes[FixedLenByteArray] } + +func (t be128Type) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return newBE128ColumnIndexer() +} + +func (t be128Type) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return newBE128ColumnBuffer(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues)) +} + +func (t be128Type) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return newBE128Dictionary(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t be128Type) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return newBE128Page(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t be128Type) NewValues(values []byte, _ []uint32) encoding.Values { + return encoding.FixedLenByteArrayValues(values, 16) +} + +func (t be128Type) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return encoding.EncodeFixedLenByteArray(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t be128Type) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return encoding.DecodeFixedLenByteArray(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t be128Type) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return t.EstimateSize(numValues) +} + +func (t be128Type) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + return fixedLenByteArrayType{length: 16}.AssignValue(dst, src) +} + +func (t be128Type) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + return fixedLenByteArrayType{length: 16}.ConvertValue(val, typ) +} + +// FixedLenByteArrayType constructs a type for fixed-length values of the given +// size (in bytes). +func FixedLenByteArrayType(length int) Type { + switch length { + case 16: + return be128Type{} + default: + return fixedLenByteArrayType{length: length} + } +} + +// Int constructs a leaf node of signed integer logical type of the given bit +// width. +// +// The bit width must be one of 8, 16, 32, 64, or the function will panic. +func Int(bitWidth int) Node { + return Leaf(integerType(bitWidth, &signedIntTypes)) +} + +// Uint constructs a leaf node of unsigned integer logical type of the given +// bit width. +// +// The bit width must be one of 8, 16, 32, 64, or the function will panic. +func Uint(bitWidth int) Node { + return Leaf(integerType(bitWidth, &unsignedIntTypes)) +} + +func integerType(bitWidth int, types *[4]intType) *intType { + switch bitWidth { + case 8: + return &types[0] + case 16: + return &types[1] + case 32: + return &types[2] + case 64: + return &types[3] + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot create a %d bits parquet integer node", bitWidth)) + } +} + +var signedIntTypes = [...]intType{ + {BitWidth: 8, IsSigned: true}, + {BitWidth: 16, IsSigned: true}, + {BitWidth: 32, IsSigned: true}, + {BitWidth: 64, IsSigned: true}, +} + +var unsignedIntTypes = [...]intType{ + {BitWidth: 8, IsSigned: false}, + {BitWidth: 16, IsSigned: false}, + {BitWidth: 32, IsSigned: false}, + {BitWidth: 64, IsSigned: false}, +} + +type intType format.IntType + +func (t *intType) baseType() Type { + if t.IsSigned { + if t.BitWidth == 64 { + return int64Type{} + } else { + return int32Type{} + } + } else { + if t.BitWidth == 64 { + return uint64Type{} + } else { + return uint32Type{} + } + } +} + +func (t *intType) String() string { return (*format.IntType)(t).String() } + +func (t *intType) Kind() Kind { return t.baseType().Kind() } + +func (t *intType) Length() int { return int(t.BitWidth) } + +func (t *intType) EstimateSize(n int) int { return (int(t.BitWidth) / 8) * n } + +func (t *intType) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return n / (int(t.BitWidth) / 8) } + +func (t *intType) Compare(a, b Value) int { + // This code is similar to t.baseType().Compare(a,b) but comparison methods + // tend to be invoked a lot (e.g. when sorting) so avoiding the interface + // indirection in this case yields much better throughput in some cases. + if t.BitWidth == 64 { + i1 := a.int64() + i2 := b.int64() + if t.IsSigned { + return compareInt64(i1, i2) + } else { + return compareUint64(uint64(i1), uint64(i2)) + } + } else { + i1 := a.int32() + i2 := b.int32() + if t.IsSigned { + return compareInt32(i1, i2) + } else { + return compareUint32(uint32(i1), uint32(i2)) + } + } +} + +func (t *intType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return t.baseType().ColumnOrder() } + +func (t *intType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return t.baseType().PhysicalType() } + +func (t *intType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { + return &format.LogicalType{Integer: (*format.IntType)(t)} +} + +func (t *intType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { + convertedType := bits.Len8(uint8(t.BitWidth)/8) - 1 // 8=>0, 16=>1, 32=>2, 64=>4 + if t.IsSigned { + convertedType += int(deprecated.Int8) + } else { + convertedType += int(deprecated.Uint8) + } + return &convertedTypes[convertedType] +} + +func (t *intType) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return t.baseType().NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit) +} + +func (t *intType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return t.baseType().NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues) +} + +func (t *intType) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return t.baseType().NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *intType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return t.baseType().NewPage(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *intType) NewValues(values []byte, offsets []uint32) encoding.Values { + return t.baseType().NewValues(values, offsets) +} + +func (t *intType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return t.baseType().Encode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *intType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return t.baseType().Decode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *intType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return t.baseType().EstimateDecodeSize(numValues, src, enc) +} + +func (t *intType) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + if t.BitWidth == 64 { + return int64Type{}.AssignValue(dst, src) + } else { + return int32Type{}.AssignValue(dst, src) + } +} + +func (t *intType) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + if t.BitWidth == 64 { + return int64Type{}.ConvertValue(val, typ) + } else { + return int32Type{}.ConvertValue(val, typ) + } +} + +// Decimal constructs a leaf node of decimal logical type with the given +// scale, precision, and underlying type. +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md#decimal +func Decimal(scale, precision int, typ Type) Node { + switch typ.Kind() { + case Int32, Int64, FixedLenByteArray: + default: + panic("DECIMAL node must annotate Int32, Int64 or FixedLenByteArray but got " + typ.String()) + } + return Leaf(&decimalType{ + decimal: format.DecimalType{ + Scale: int32(scale), + Precision: int32(precision), + }, + Type: typ, + }) +} + +type decimalType struct { + decimal format.DecimalType + Type +} + +func (t *decimalType) String() string { return t.decimal.String() } + +func (t *decimalType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { + return &format.LogicalType{Decimal: &t.decimal} +} + +func (t *decimalType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { + return &convertedTypes[deprecated.Decimal] +} + +// String constructs a leaf node of UTF8 logical type. +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md#string +func String() Node { return Leaf(&stringType{}) } + +type stringType format.StringType + +func (t *stringType) String() string { return (*format.StringType)(t).String() } + +func (t *stringType) Kind() Kind { return ByteArray } + +func (t *stringType) Length() int { return 0 } + +func (t *stringType) EstimateSize(n int) int { return byteArrayType{}.EstimateSize(n) } + +func (t *stringType) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return byteArrayType{}.EstimateNumValues(n) } + +func (t *stringType) Compare(a, b Value) int { + return bytes.Compare(a.byteArray(), b.byteArray()) +} + +func (t *stringType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { + return &typeDefinedColumnOrder +} + +func (t *stringType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { + return &physicalTypes[ByteArray] +} + +func (t *stringType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { + return &format.LogicalType{UTF8: (*format.StringType)(t)} +} + +func (t *stringType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { + return &convertedTypes[deprecated.UTF8] +} + +func (t *stringType) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return newByteArrayColumnIndexer(sizeLimit) +} + +func (t *stringType) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return newByteArrayDictionary(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t *stringType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return newByteArrayColumnBuffer(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues)) +} + +func (t *stringType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return newByteArrayPage(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues), data) +} + +func (t *stringType) NewValues(values []byte, offsets []uint32) encoding.Values { + return encoding.ByteArrayValues(values, offsets) +} + +func (t *stringType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return encoding.EncodeByteArray(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *stringType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return encoding.DecodeByteArray(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *stringType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return byteArrayType{}.EstimateDecodeSize(numValues, src, enc) +} + +func (t *stringType) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + return byteArrayType{}.AssignValue(dst, src) +} + +func (t *stringType) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch t2 := typ.(type) { + case *dateType: + return convertDateToString(val) + case *timeType: + tz := t2.tz() + if t2.Unit.Micros != nil { + return convertTimeMicrosToString(val, tz) + } else { + return convertTimeMillisToString(val, tz) + } + } + switch typ.Kind() { + case Boolean: + return convertBooleanToString(val) + case Int32: + return convertInt32ToString(val) + case Int64: + return convertInt64ToString(val) + case Int96: + return convertInt96ToString(val) + case Float: + return convertFloatToString(val) + case Double: + return convertDoubleToString(val) + case ByteArray: + return val, nil + case FixedLenByteArray: + return convertFixedLenByteArrayToString(val) + default: + return makeValueKind(ByteArray), nil + } +} + +// UUID constructs a leaf node of UUID logical type. +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md#uuid +func UUID() Node { return Leaf(&uuidType{}) } + +type uuidType format.UUIDType + +func (t *uuidType) String() string { return (*format.UUIDType)(t).String() } + +func (t *uuidType) Kind() Kind { return be128Type{}.Kind() } + +func (t *uuidType) Length() int { return be128Type{}.Length() } + +func (t *uuidType) EstimateSize(n int) int { return be128Type{}.EstimateSize(n) } + +func (t *uuidType) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return be128Type{}.EstimateNumValues(n) } + +func (t *uuidType) Compare(a, b Value) int { return be128Type{}.Compare(a, b) } + +func (t *uuidType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return &typeDefinedColumnOrder } + +func (t *uuidType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return &physicalTypes[FixedLenByteArray] } + +func (t *uuidType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { + return &format.LogicalType{UUID: (*format.UUIDType)(t)} +} + +func (t *uuidType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { return nil } + +func (t *uuidType) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return be128Type{}.NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit) +} + +func (t *uuidType) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return be128Type{}.NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *uuidType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return be128Type{}.NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues) +} + +func (t *uuidType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return be128Type{}.NewPage(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *uuidType) NewValues(values []byte, offsets []uint32) encoding.Values { + return be128Type{}.NewValues(values, offsets) +} + +func (t *uuidType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return be128Type{}.Encode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *uuidType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return be128Type{}.Decode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *uuidType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return be128Type{}.EstimateDecodeSize(numValues, src, enc) +} + +func (t *uuidType) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + return be128Type{}.AssignValue(dst, src) +} + +func (t *uuidType) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + return be128Type{}.ConvertValue(val, typ) +} + +// Enum constructs a leaf node with a logical type representing enumerations. +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md#enum +func Enum() Node { return Leaf(&enumType{}) } + +type enumType format.EnumType + +func (t *enumType) String() string { return (*format.EnumType)(t).String() } + +func (t *enumType) Kind() Kind { return new(stringType).Kind() } + +func (t *enumType) Length() int { return new(stringType).Length() } + +func (t *enumType) EstimateSize(n int) int { return new(stringType).EstimateSize(n) } + +func (t *enumType) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return new(stringType).EstimateNumValues(n) } + +func (t *enumType) Compare(a, b Value) int { return new(stringType).Compare(a, b) } + +func (t *enumType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return new(stringType).ColumnOrder() } + +func (t *enumType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return new(stringType).PhysicalType() } + +func (t *enumType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { + return &format.LogicalType{Enum: (*format.EnumType)(t)} +} + +func (t *enumType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { + return &convertedTypes[deprecated.Enum] +} + +func (t *enumType) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return new(stringType).NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit) +} + +func (t *enumType) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return new(stringType).NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *enumType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return new(stringType).NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues) +} + +func (t *enumType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return new(stringType).NewPage(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *enumType) NewValues(values []byte, offsets []uint32) encoding.Values { + return new(stringType).NewValues(values, offsets) +} + +func (t *enumType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return new(stringType).Encode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *enumType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return new(stringType).Decode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *enumType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return new(stringType).EstimateDecodeSize(numValues, src, enc) +} + +func (t *enumType) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + return new(stringType).AssignValue(dst, src) +} + +func (t *enumType) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch typ.(type) { + case *byteArrayType, *stringType, *enumType: + return val, nil + default: + return val, invalidConversion(val, "ENUM", typ.String()) + } +} + +// JSON constructs a leaf node of JSON logical type. +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md#json +func JSON() Node { return Leaf(&jsonType{}) } + +type jsonType format.JsonType + +func (t *jsonType) String() string { return (*format.JsonType)(t).String() } + +func (t *jsonType) Kind() Kind { return byteArrayType{}.Kind() } + +func (t *jsonType) Length() int { return byteArrayType{}.Length() } + +func (t *jsonType) EstimateSize(n int) int { return byteArrayType{}.EstimateSize(n) } + +func (t *jsonType) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return byteArrayType{}.EstimateNumValues(n) } + +func (t *jsonType) Compare(a, b Value) int { return byteArrayType{}.Compare(a, b) } + +func (t *jsonType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return byteArrayType{}.ColumnOrder() } + +func (t *jsonType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return byteArrayType{}.PhysicalType() } + +func (t *jsonType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { + return &format.LogicalType{Json: (*format.JsonType)(t)} +} + +func (t *jsonType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { + return &convertedTypes[deprecated.Json] +} + +func (t *jsonType) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return byteArrayType{}.NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit) +} + +func (t *jsonType) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return byteArrayType{}.NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *jsonType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return byteArrayType{}.NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues) +} + +func (t *jsonType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return byteArrayType{}.NewPage(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *jsonType) NewValues(values []byte, offsets []uint32) encoding.Values { + return byteArrayType{}.NewValues(values, offsets) +} + +func (t *jsonType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return byteArrayType{}.Encode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *jsonType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return byteArrayType{}.Decode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *jsonType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return byteArrayType{}.EstimateDecodeSize(numValues, src, enc) +} + +func (t *jsonType) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + // Assign value using ByteArrayType for BC... + switch dst.Kind() { + case reflect.String: + return byteArrayType{}.AssignValue(dst, src) + case reflect.Slice: + if dst.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + return byteArrayType{}.AssignValue(dst, src) + } + } + + // Otherwise handle with json.Unmarshal + b := src.byteArray() + val := reflect.New(dst.Type()).Elem() + err := json.Unmarshal(b, val.Addr().Interface()) + if err != nil { + return err + } + dst.Set(val) + return nil +} + +func (t *jsonType) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch typ.(type) { + case *byteArrayType, *stringType, *jsonType: + return val, nil + default: + return val, invalidConversion(val, "JSON", typ.String()) + } +} + +// BSON constructs a leaf node of BSON logical type. +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md#bson +func BSON() Node { return Leaf(&bsonType{}) } + +type bsonType format.BsonType + +func (t *bsonType) String() string { return (*format.BsonType)(t).String() } + +func (t *bsonType) Kind() Kind { return byteArrayType{}.Kind() } + +func (t *bsonType) Length() int { return byteArrayType{}.Length() } + +func (t *bsonType) EstimateSize(n int) int { return byteArrayType{}.EstimateSize(n) } + +func (t *bsonType) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return byteArrayType{}.EstimateNumValues(n) } + +func (t *bsonType) Compare(a, b Value) int { return byteArrayType{}.Compare(a, b) } + +func (t *bsonType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return byteArrayType{}.ColumnOrder() } + +func (t *bsonType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return byteArrayType{}.PhysicalType() } + +func (t *bsonType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { + return &format.LogicalType{Bson: (*format.BsonType)(t)} +} + +func (t *bsonType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { + return &convertedTypes[deprecated.Bson] +} + +func (t *bsonType) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return byteArrayType{}.NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit) +} + +func (t *bsonType) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return byteArrayType{}.NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *bsonType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return byteArrayType{}.NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues) +} + +func (t *bsonType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return byteArrayType{}.NewPage(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *bsonType) NewValues(values []byte, offsets []uint32) encoding.Values { + return byteArrayType{}.NewValues(values, offsets) +} + +func (t *bsonType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return byteArrayType{}.Encode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *bsonType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return byteArrayType{}.Decode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *bsonType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return byteArrayType{}.EstimateDecodeSize(numValues, src, enc) +} + +func (t *bsonType) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + return byteArrayType{}.AssignValue(dst, src) +} + +func (t *bsonType) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch typ.(type) { + case *byteArrayType, *bsonType: + return val, nil + default: + return val, invalidConversion(val, "BSON", typ.String()) + } +} + +// Date constructs a leaf node of DATE logical type. +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md#date +func Date() Node { return Leaf(&dateType{}) } + +type dateType format.DateType + +func (t *dateType) String() string { return (*format.DateType)(t).String() } + +func (t *dateType) Kind() Kind { return int32Type{}.Kind() } + +func (t *dateType) Length() int { return int32Type{}.Length() } + +func (t *dateType) EstimateSize(n int) int { return int32Type{}.EstimateSize(n) } + +func (t *dateType) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return int32Type{}.EstimateNumValues(n) } + +func (t *dateType) Compare(a, b Value) int { return int32Type{}.Compare(a, b) } + +func (t *dateType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return int32Type{}.ColumnOrder() } + +func (t *dateType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return int32Type{}.PhysicalType() } + +func (t *dateType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { + return &format.LogicalType{Date: (*format.DateType)(t)} +} + +func (t *dateType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { + return &convertedTypes[deprecated.Date] +} + +func (t *dateType) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return int32Type{}.NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit) +} + +func (t *dateType) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return int32Type{}.NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *dateType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return int32Type{}.NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues) +} + +func (t *dateType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return int32Type{}.NewPage(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *dateType) NewValues(values []byte, offsets []uint32) encoding.Values { + return int32Type{}.NewValues(values, offsets) +} + +func (t *dateType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return int32Type{}.Encode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *dateType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return int32Type{}.Decode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *dateType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return int32Type{}.EstimateDecodeSize(numValues, src, enc) +} + +func (t *dateType) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + return int32Type{}.AssignValue(dst, src) +} + +func (t *dateType) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch src := typ.(type) { + case *stringType: + return convertStringToDate(val, time.UTC) + case *timestampType: + return convertTimestampToDate(val, src.Unit, src.tz()) + } + return int32Type{}.ConvertValue(val, typ) +} + +// TimeUnit represents units of time in the parquet type system. +type TimeUnit interface { + // Returns the precision of the time unit as a time.Duration value. + Duration() time.Duration + // Converts the TimeUnit value to its representation in the parquet thrift + // format. + TimeUnit() format.TimeUnit +} + +var ( + Millisecond TimeUnit = &millisecond{} + Microsecond TimeUnit = µsecond{} + Nanosecond TimeUnit = &nanosecond{} +) + +type millisecond format.MilliSeconds + +func (u *millisecond) Duration() time.Duration { return time.Millisecond } +func (u *millisecond) TimeUnit() format.TimeUnit { + return format.TimeUnit{Millis: (*format.MilliSeconds)(u)} +} + +type microsecond format.MicroSeconds + +func (u *microsecond) Duration() time.Duration { return time.Microsecond } +func (u *microsecond) TimeUnit() format.TimeUnit { + return format.TimeUnit{Micros: (*format.MicroSeconds)(u)} +} + +type nanosecond format.NanoSeconds + +func (u *nanosecond) Duration() time.Duration { return time.Nanosecond } +func (u *nanosecond) TimeUnit() format.TimeUnit { + return format.TimeUnit{Nanos: (*format.NanoSeconds)(u)} +} + +// Time constructs a leaf node of TIME logical type. +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md#time +func Time(unit TimeUnit) Node { + return Leaf(&timeType{IsAdjustedToUTC: true, Unit: unit.TimeUnit()}) +} + +type timeType format.TimeType + +func (t *timeType) tz() *time.Location { + if t.IsAdjustedToUTC { + return time.UTC + } else { + return time.Local + } +} + +func (t *timeType) baseType() Type { + if t.useInt32() { + return int32Type{} + } else { + return int64Type{} + } +} + +func (t *timeType) useInt32() bool { return t.Unit.Millis != nil } + +func (t *timeType) useInt64() bool { return t.Unit.Micros != nil } + +func (t *timeType) String() string { return (*format.TimeType)(t).String() } + +func (t *timeType) Kind() Kind { return t.baseType().Kind() } + +func (t *timeType) Length() int { return t.baseType().Length() } + +func (t *timeType) EstimateSize(n int) int { return t.baseType().EstimateSize(n) } + +func (t *timeType) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return t.baseType().EstimateNumValues(n) } + +func (t *timeType) Compare(a, b Value) int { return t.baseType().Compare(a, b) } + +func (t *timeType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return t.baseType().ColumnOrder() } + +func (t *timeType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return t.baseType().PhysicalType() } + +func (t *timeType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { + return &format.LogicalType{Time: (*format.TimeType)(t)} +} + +func (t *timeType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { + switch { + case t.useInt32(): + return &convertedTypes[deprecated.TimeMillis] + case t.useInt64(): + return &convertedTypes[deprecated.TimeMicros] + default: + return nil + } +} + +func (t *timeType) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return t.baseType().NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit) +} + +func (t *timeType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return t.baseType().NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues) +} + +func (t *timeType) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return t.baseType().NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *timeType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return t.baseType().NewPage(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *timeType) NewValues(values []byte, offset []uint32) encoding.Values { + return t.baseType().NewValues(values, offset) +} + +func (t *timeType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return t.baseType().Encode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *timeType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return t.baseType().Decode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *timeType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return t.baseType().EstimateDecodeSize(numValues, src, enc) +} + +func (t *timeType) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + return t.baseType().AssignValue(dst, src) +} + +func (t *timeType) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch src := typ.(type) { + case *stringType: + tz := t.tz() + if t.Unit.Micros != nil { + return convertStringToTimeMicros(val, tz) + } else { + return convertStringToTimeMillis(val, tz) + } + case *timestampType: + tz := t.tz() + if t.Unit.Micros != nil { + return convertTimestampToTimeMicros(val, src.Unit, src.tz(), tz) + } else { + return convertTimestampToTimeMillis(val, src.Unit, src.tz(), tz) + } + } + return t.baseType().ConvertValue(val, typ) +} + +// Timestamp constructs of leaf node of TIMESTAMP logical type. +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md#timestamp +func Timestamp(unit TimeUnit) Node { + return Leaf(×tampType{IsAdjustedToUTC: true, Unit: unit.TimeUnit()}) +} + +type timestampType format.TimestampType + +func (t *timestampType) tz() *time.Location { + if t.IsAdjustedToUTC { + return time.UTC + } else { + return time.Local + } +} + +func (t *timestampType) String() string { return (*format.TimestampType)(t).String() } + +func (t *timestampType) Kind() Kind { return int64Type{}.Kind() } + +func (t *timestampType) Length() int { return int64Type{}.Length() } + +func (t *timestampType) EstimateSize(n int) int { return int64Type{}.EstimateSize(n) } + +func (t *timestampType) EstimateNumValues(n int) int { return int64Type{}.EstimateNumValues(n) } + +func (t *timestampType) Compare(a, b Value) int { return int64Type{}.Compare(a, b) } + +func (t *timestampType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return int64Type{}.ColumnOrder() } + +func (t *timestampType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return int64Type{}.PhysicalType() } + +func (t *timestampType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { + return &format.LogicalType{Timestamp: (*format.TimestampType)(t)} +} + +func (t *timestampType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { + switch { + case t.Unit.Millis != nil: + return &convertedTypes[deprecated.TimestampMillis] + case t.Unit.Micros != nil: + return &convertedTypes[deprecated.TimestampMicros] + default: + return nil + } +} + +func (t *timestampType) NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit int) ColumnIndexer { + return int64Type{}.NewColumnIndexer(sizeLimit) +} + +func (t *timestampType) NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Dictionary { + return int64Type{}.NewDictionary(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *timestampType) NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues int) ColumnBuffer { + return int64Type{}.NewColumnBuffer(columnIndex, numValues) +} + +func (t *timestampType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, data encoding.Values) Page { + return int64Type{}.NewPage(columnIndex, numValues, data) +} + +func (t *timestampType) NewValues(values []byte, offsets []uint32) encoding.Values { + return int64Type{}.NewValues(values, offsets) +} + +func (t *timestampType) Encode(dst []byte, src encoding.Values, enc encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return int64Type{}.Encode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *timestampType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return int64Type{}.Decode(dst, src, enc) +} + +func (t *timestampType) EstimateDecodeSize(numValues int, src []byte, enc encoding.Encoding) int { + return int64Type{}.EstimateDecodeSize(numValues, src, enc) +} + +func (t *timestampType) AssignValue(dst reflect.Value, src Value) error { + switch dst.Type() { + case reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}): + unit := Nanosecond.TimeUnit() + lt := t.LogicalType() + if lt != nil && lt.Timestamp != nil { + unit = lt.Timestamp.Unit + } + + nanos := src.int64() + switch { + case unit.Millis != nil: + nanos = nanos * 1e6 + case unit.Micros != nil: + nanos = nanos * 1e3 + } + + val := time.Unix(0, nanos).UTC() + dst.Set(reflect.ValueOf(val)) + return nil + default: + return int64Type{}.AssignValue(dst, src) + } +} + +func (t *timestampType) ConvertValue(val Value, typ Type) (Value, error) { + switch src := typ.(type) { + case *timestampType: + return convertTimestampToTimestamp(val, src.Unit, t.Unit) + case *dateType: + return convertDateToTimestamp(val, t.Unit, t.tz()) + } + return int64Type{}.ConvertValue(val, typ) +} + +// List constructs a node of LIST logical type. +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md#lists +func List(of Node) Node { + return listNode{Group{"list": Repeated(Group{"element": of})}} +} + +type listNode struct{ Group } + +func (listNode) Type() Type { return &listType{} } + +type listType format.ListType + +func (t *listType) String() string { return (*format.ListType)(t).String() } + +func (t *listType) Kind() Kind { panic("cannot call Kind on parquet LIST type") } + +func (t *listType) Length() int { return 0 } + +func (t *listType) EstimateSize(int) int { return 0 } + +func (t *listType) EstimateNumValues(int) int { return 0 } + +func (t *listType) Compare(Value, Value) int { panic("cannot compare values on parquet LIST type") } + +func (t *listType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return nil } + +func (t *listType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return nil } + +func (t *listType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { + return &format.LogicalType{List: (*format.ListType)(t)} +} + +func (t *listType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { + return &convertedTypes[deprecated.List] +} + +func (t *listType) NewColumnIndexer(int) ColumnIndexer { + panic("create create column indexer from parquet LIST type") +} + +func (t *listType) NewDictionary(int, int, encoding.Values) Dictionary { + panic("cannot create dictionary from parquet LIST type") +} + +func (t *listType) NewColumnBuffer(int, int) ColumnBuffer { + panic("cannot create column buffer from parquet LIST type") +} + +func (t *listType) NewPage(int, int, encoding.Values) Page { + panic("cannot create page from parquet LIST type") +} + +func (t *listType) NewValues(values []byte, _ []uint32) encoding.Values { + panic("cannot create values from parquet LIST type") +} + +func (t *listType) Encode(_ []byte, _ encoding.Values, _ encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + panic("cannot encode parquet LIST type") +} + +func (t *listType) Decode(_ encoding.Values, _ []byte, _ encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + panic("cannot decode parquet LIST type") +} + +func (t *listType) EstimateDecodeSize(_ int, _ []byte, _ encoding.Encoding) int { + panic("cannot estimate decode size of parquet LIST type") +} + +func (t *listType) AssignValue(reflect.Value, Value) error { + panic("cannot assign value to a parquet LIST type") +} + +func (t *listType) ConvertValue(Value, Type) (Value, error) { + panic("cannot convert value to a parquet LIST type") +} + +// Map constructs a node of MAP logical type. +// +// https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md#maps +func Map(key, value Node) Node { + return mapNode{Group{ + "key_value": Repeated(Group{ + "key": Required(key), + "value": value, + }), + }} +} + +type mapNode struct{ Group } + +func (mapNode) Type() Type { return &mapType{} } + +type mapType format.MapType + +func (t *mapType) String() string { return (*format.MapType)(t).String() } + +func (t *mapType) Kind() Kind { panic("cannot call Kind on parquet MAP type") } + +func (t *mapType) Length() int { return 0 } + +func (t *mapType) EstimateSize(int) int { return 0 } + +func (t *mapType) EstimateNumValues(int) int { return 0 } + +func (t *mapType) Compare(Value, Value) int { panic("cannot compare values on parquet MAP type") } + +func (t *mapType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return nil } + +func (t *mapType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return nil } + +func (t *mapType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { + return &format.LogicalType{Map: (*format.MapType)(t)} +} + +func (t *mapType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { + return &convertedTypes[deprecated.Map] +} + +func (t *mapType) NewColumnIndexer(int) ColumnIndexer { + panic("create create column indexer from parquet MAP type") +} + +func (t *mapType) NewDictionary(int, int, encoding.Values) Dictionary { + panic("cannot create dictionary from parquet MAP type") +} + +func (t *mapType) NewColumnBuffer(int, int) ColumnBuffer { + panic("cannot create column buffer from parquet MAP type") +} + +func (t *mapType) NewPage(int, int, encoding.Values) Page { + panic("cannot create page from parquet MAP type") +} + +func (t *mapType) NewValues(values []byte, _ []uint32) encoding.Values { + panic("cannot create values from parquet MAP type") +} + +func (t *mapType) Encode(_ []byte, _ encoding.Values, _ encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + panic("cannot encode parquet MAP type") +} + +func (t *mapType) Decode(_ encoding.Values, _ []byte, _ encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + panic("cannot decode parquet MAP type") +} + +func (t *mapType) EstimateDecodeSize(_ int, _ []byte, _ encoding.Encoding) int { + panic("cannot estimate decode size of parquet MAP type") +} + +func (t *mapType) AssignValue(reflect.Value, Value) error { + panic("cannot assign value to a parquet MAP type") +} + +func (t *mapType) ConvertValue(Value, Type) (Value, error) { + panic("cannot convert value to a parquet MAP type") +} + +type nullType format.NullType + +func (t *nullType) String() string { return (*format.NullType)(t).String() } + +func (t *nullType) Kind() Kind { return -1 } + +func (t *nullType) Length() int { return 0 } + +func (t *nullType) EstimateSize(int) int { return 0 } + +func (t *nullType) EstimateNumValues(int) int { return 0 } + +func (t *nullType) Compare(Value, Value) int { panic("cannot compare values on parquet NULL type") } + +func (t *nullType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return nil } + +func (t *nullType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return nil } + +func (t *nullType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { + return &format.LogicalType{Unknown: (*format.NullType)(t)} +} + +func (t *nullType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { return nil } + +func (t *nullType) NewColumnIndexer(int) ColumnIndexer { + panic("create create column indexer from parquet NULL type") +} + +func (t *nullType) NewDictionary(int, int, encoding.Values) Dictionary { + panic("cannot create dictionary from parquet NULL type") +} + +func (t *nullType) NewColumnBuffer(int, int) ColumnBuffer { + panic("cannot create column buffer from parquet NULL type") +} + +func (t *nullType) NewPage(columnIndex, numValues int, _ encoding.Values) Page { + return newNullPage(t, makeColumnIndex(columnIndex), makeNumValues(numValues)) +} + +func (t *nullType) NewValues(_ []byte, _ []uint32) encoding.Values { + return encoding.Values{} +} + +func (t *nullType) Encode(dst []byte, _ encoding.Values, _ encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + return dst[:0], nil +} + +func (t *nullType) Decode(dst encoding.Values, _ []byte, _ encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + return dst, nil +} + +func (t *nullType) EstimateDecodeSize(_ int, _ []byte, _ encoding.Encoding) int { + return 0 +} + +func (t *nullType) AssignValue(reflect.Value, Value) error { + return nil +} + +func (t *nullType) ConvertValue(val Value, _ Type) (Value, error) { + return val, nil +} + +type groupType struct{} + +func (groupType) String() string { return "group" } + +func (groupType) Kind() Kind { + panic("cannot call Kind on parquet group") +} + +func (groupType) Compare(Value, Value) int { + panic("cannot compare values on parquet group") +} + +func (groupType) NewColumnIndexer(int) ColumnIndexer { + panic("cannot create column indexer from parquet group") +} + +func (groupType) NewDictionary(int, int, encoding.Values) Dictionary { + panic("cannot create dictionary from parquet group") +} + +func (t groupType) NewColumnBuffer(int, int) ColumnBuffer { + panic("cannot create column buffer from parquet group") +} + +func (t groupType) NewPage(int, int, encoding.Values) Page { + panic("cannot create page from parquet group") +} + +func (t groupType) NewValues(_ []byte, _ []uint32) encoding.Values { + panic("cannot create values from parquet group") +} + +func (groupType) Encode(_ []byte, _ encoding.Values, _ encoding.Encoding) ([]byte, error) { + panic("cannot encode parquet group") +} + +func (groupType) Decode(_ encoding.Values, _ []byte, _ encoding.Encoding) (encoding.Values, error) { + panic("cannot decode parquet group") +} + +func (groupType) EstimateDecodeSize(_ int, _ []byte, _ encoding.Encoding) int { + panic("cannot estimate decode size of parquet group") +} + +func (groupType) AssignValue(reflect.Value, Value) error { + panic("cannot assign value to a parquet group") +} + +func (t groupType) ConvertValue(Value, Type) (Value, error) { + panic("cannot convert value to a parquet group") +} + +func (groupType) Length() int { return 0 } + +func (groupType) EstimateSize(int) int { return 0 } + +func (groupType) EstimateNumValues(int) int { return 0 } + +func (groupType) ColumnOrder() *format.ColumnOrder { return nil } + +func (groupType) PhysicalType() *format.Type { return nil } + +func (groupType) LogicalType() *format.LogicalType { return nil } + +func (groupType) ConvertedType() *deprecated.ConvertedType { return nil } + +func checkTypeKindEqual(to, from Type) error { + if to.Kind() != from.Kind() { + return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert from parquet value of type %s to %s", from, to) + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5e044c093ee74 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value.go @@ -0,0 +1,1072 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "io" + "math" + "reflect" + "strconv" + "time" + "unsafe" + + "github.com/google/uuid" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +const ( + // 170 x sizeof(Value) = 4KB + defaultValueBufferSize = 170 + + offsetOfPtr = unsafe.Offsetof(Value{}.ptr) + offsetOfU64 = unsafe.Offsetof(Value{}.u64) + offsetOfU32 = offsetOfU64 + firstByteOffsetOf32BitsValue + offsetOfBool = offsetOfU64 + firstByteOffsetOfBooleanValue +) + +// The Value type is similar to the reflect.Value abstraction of Go values, but +// for parquet values. Value instances wrap underlying Go values mapped to one +// of the parquet physical types. +// +// Value instances are small, immutable objects, and usually passed by value +// between function calls. +// +// The zero-value of Value represents the null parquet value. +type Value struct { + // data + ptr *byte + u64 uint64 + // type + kind int8 // XOR(Kind) so the zero-value is + // levels + definitionLevel byte + repetitionLevel byte + columnIndex int16 // XOR so the zero-value is -1 +} + +// ValueReader is an interface implemented by types that support reading +// batches of values. +type ValueReader interface { + // Read values into the buffer passed as argument and return the number of + // values read. When all values have been read, the error will be io.EOF. + ReadValues([]Value) (int, error) +} + +// ValueReaderAt is an interface implemented by types that support reading +// values at offsets specified by the application. +type ValueReaderAt interface { + ReadValuesAt([]Value, int64) (int, error) +} + +// ValueReaderFrom is an interface implemented by value writers to read values +// from a reader. +type ValueReaderFrom interface { + ReadValuesFrom(ValueReader) (int64, error) +} + +// ValueWriter is an interface implemented by types that support reading +// batches of values. +type ValueWriter interface { + // Write values from the buffer passed as argument and returns the number + // of values written. + WriteValues([]Value) (int, error) +} + +// ValueWriterTo is an interface implemented by value readers to write values to +// a writer. +type ValueWriterTo interface { + WriteValuesTo(ValueWriter) (int64, error) +} + +// ValueReaderFunc is a function type implementing the ValueReader interface. +type ValueReaderFunc func([]Value) (int, error) + +func (f ValueReaderFunc) ReadValues(values []Value) (int, error) { return f(values) } + +// ValueWriterFunc is a function type implementing the ValueWriter interface. +type ValueWriterFunc func([]Value) (int, error) + +func (f ValueWriterFunc) WriteValues(values []Value) (int, error) { return f(values) } + +// CopyValues copies values from src to dst, returning the number of values +// that were written. +// +// As an optimization, the reader and writer may choose to implement +// ValueReaderFrom and ValueWriterTo to provide their own copy logic. +// +// The function returns any error it encounters reading or writing pages, except +// for io.EOF from the reader which indicates that there were no more values to +// read. +func CopyValues(dst ValueWriter, src ValueReader) (int64, error) { + return copyValues(dst, src, nil) +} + +func copyValues(dst ValueWriter, src ValueReader, buf []Value) (written int64, err error) { + if wt, ok := src.(ValueWriterTo); ok { + return wt.WriteValuesTo(dst) + } + + if rf, ok := dst.(ValueReaderFrom); ok { + return rf.ReadValuesFrom(src) + } + + if len(buf) == 0 { + buf = make([]Value, defaultValueBufferSize) + } + + defer clearValues(buf) + + for { + n, err := src.ReadValues(buf) + + if n > 0 { + wn, werr := dst.WriteValues(buf[:n]) + written += int64(wn) + if werr != nil { + return written, werr + } + } + + if err != nil { + if err == io.EOF { + err = nil + } + return written, err + } + + if n == 0 { + return written, io.ErrNoProgress + } + } +} + +// ValueOf constructs a parquet value from a Go value v. +// +// The physical type of the value is assumed from the Go type of v using the +// following conversion table: +// +// Go type | Parquet physical type +// ------- | --------------------- +// nil | NULL +// bool | BOOLEAN +// int8 | INT32 +// int16 | INT32 +// int32 | INT32 +// int64 | INT64 +// int | INT64 +// uint8 | INT32 +// uint16 | INT32 +// uint32 | INT32 +// uint64 | INT64 +// uintptr | INT64 +// float32 | FLOAT +// float64 | DOUBLE +// string | BYTE_ARRAY +// []byte | BYTE_ARRAY +// [*]byte | FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY +// +// When converting a []byte or [*]byte value, the underlying byte array is not +// copied; instead, the returned parquet value holds a reference to it. +// +// The repetition and definition levels of the returned value are both zero. +// +// The function panics if the Go value cannot be represented in parquet. +func ValueOf(v interface{}) Value { + k := Kind(-1) + t := reflect.TypeOf(v) + + switch value := v.(type) { + case nil: + return Value{} + case uuid.UUID: + return makeValueBytes(FixedLenByteArray, value[:]) + case deprecated.Int96: + return makeValueInt96(value) + case time.Time: + k = Int64 + } + + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool: + k = Boolean + case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32: + k = Int32 + case reflect.Int64, reflect.Int, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uintptr: + k = Int64 + case reflect.Float32: + k = Float + case reflect.Float64: + k = Double + case reflect.String: + k = ByteArray + case reflect.Slice: + if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + k = ByteArray + } + case reflect.Array: + if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + k = FixedLenByteArray + } + } + + if k < 0 { + panic("cannot create parquet value from go value of type " + t.String()) + } + + return makeValue(k, nil, reflect.ValueOf(v)) +} + +// NulLValue constructs a null value, which is the zero-value of the Value type. +func NullValue() Value { return Value{} } + +// ZeroValue constructs a zero value of the given kind. +func ZeroValue(kind Kind) Value { return makeValueKind(kind) } + +// BooleanValue constructs a BOOLEAN parquet value from the bool passed as +// argument. +func BooleanValue(value bool) Value { return makeValueBoolean(value) } + +// Int32Value constructs a INT32 parquet value from the int32 passed as +// argument. +func Int32Value(value int32) Value { return makeValueInt32(value) } + +// Int64Value constructs a INT64 parquet value from the int64 passed as +// argument. +func Int64Value(value int64) Value { return makeValueInt64(value) } + +// Int96Value constructs a INT96 parquet value from the deprecated.Int96 passed +// as argument. +func Int96Value(value deprecated.Int96) Value { return makeValueInt96(value) } + +// FloatValue constructs a FLOAT parquet value from the float32 passed as +// argument. +func FloatValue(value float32) Value { return makeValueFloat(value) } + +// DoubleValue constructs a DOUBLE parquet value from the float64 passed as +// argument. +func DoubleValue(value float64) Value { return makeValueDouble(value) } + +// ByteArrayValue constructs a BYTE_ARRAY parquet value from the byte slice +// passed as argument. +func ByteArrayValue(value []byte) Value { return makeValueBytes(ByteArray, value) } + +// FixedLenByteArrayValue constructs a BYTE_ARRAY parquet value from the byte +// slice passed as argument. +func FixedLenByteArrayValue(value []byte) Value { return makeValueBytes(FixedLenByteArray, value) } + +func makeValue(k Kind, lt *format.LogicalType, v reflect.Value) Value { + if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface { + if v.IsNil() { + return Value{} + } + if v = v.Elem(); v.Kind() == reflect.Pointer && v.IsNil() { + return Value{} + } + } + + switch v.Type() { + case reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}): + unit := Nanosecond.TimeUnit() + if lt != nil && lt.Timestamp != nil { + unit = lt.Timestamp.Unit + } + + t := v.Interface().(time.Time) + var val int64 + switch { + case unit.Millis != nil: + val = t.UnixMilli() + case unit.Micros != nil: + val = t.UnixMicro() + default: + val = t.UnixNano() + } + return makeValueInt64(val) + } + + switch k { + case Boolean: + return makeValueBoolean(v.Bool()) + + case Int32: + switch v.Kind() { + case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32: + return makeValueInt32(int32(v.Int())) + case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32: + return makeValueInt32(int32(v.Uint())) + } + + case Int64: + switch v.Kind() { + case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Int: + return makeValueInt64(v.Int()) + case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uintptr: + return makeValueUint64(v.Uint()) + } + + case Int96: + switch v.Type() { + case reflect.TypeOf(deprecated.Int96{}): + return makeValueInt96(v.Interface().(deprecated.Int96)) + } + + case Float: + switch v.Kind() { + case reflect.Float32: + return makeValueFloat(float32(v.Float())) + } + + case Double: + switch v.Kind() { + case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: + return makeValueDouble(v.Float()) + } + + case ByteArray: + switch v.Kind() { + case reflect.String: + return makeValueString(k, v.String()) + case reflect.Slice: + if v.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + return makeValueBytes(k, v.Bytes()) + } + } + + case FixedLenByteArray: + switch v.Kind() { + case reflect.String: // uuid + return makeValueString(k, v.String()) + case reflect.Array: + if v.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + return makeValueFixedLenByteArray(v) + } + case reflect.Slice: + if v.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + return makeValueBytes(k, v.Bytes()) + } + } + } + + panic("cannot create parquet value of type " + k.String() + " from go value of type " + v.Type().String()) +} + +func makeValueKind(kind Kind) Value { + return Value{kind: ^int8(kind)} +} + +func makeValueBoolean(value bool) Value { + v := Value{kind: ^int8(Boolean)} + if value { + v.u64 = 1 + } + return v +} + +func makeValueInt32(value int32) Value { + return Value{ + kind: ^int8(Int32), + u64: uint64(value), + } +} + +func makeValueInt64(value int64) Value { + return Value{ + kind: ^int8(Int64), + u64: uint64(value), + } +} + +func makeValueInt96(value deprecated.Int96) Value { + // TODO: this is highly inefficient because we need a heap allocation to + // store the value; we don't expect INT96 to be used frequently since it + // is a deprecated feature of parquet, and it helps keep the Value type + // compact for all the other more common cases. + bits := [12]byte{} + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(bits[0:4], value[0]) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(bits[4:8], value[1]) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(bits[8:12], value[2]) + return Value{ + kind: ^int8(Int96), + ptr: &bits[0], + u64: 12, // set the length so we can use the ByteArray method + } +} + +func makeValueUint32(value uint32) Value { + return Value{ + kind: ^int8(Int32), + u64: uint64(value), + } +} + +func makeValueUint64(value uint64) Value { + return Value{ + kind: ^int8(Int64), + u64: value, + } +} + +func makeValueFloat(value float32) Value { + return Value{ + kind: ^int8(Float), + u64: uint64(math.Float32bits(value)), + } +} + +func makeValueDouble(value float64) Value { + return Value{ + kind: ^int8(Double), + u64: math.Float64bits(value), + } +} + +func makeValueBytes(kind Kind, value []byte) Value { + return makeValueByteArray(kind, unsafe.SliceData(value), len(value)) +} + +func makeValueString(kind Kind, value string) Value { + return makeValueByteArray(kind, unsafe.StringData(value), len(value)) +} + +func makeValueFixedLenByteArray(v reflect.Value) Value { + t := v.Type() + // When the array is addressable, we take advantage of this + // condition to avoid the heap allocation otherwise needed + // to pack the reference into an interface{} value. + if v.CanAddr() { + v = v.Addr() + } else { + u := reflect.New(t) + u.Elem().Set(v) + v = u + } + return makeValueByteArray(FixedLenByteArray, (*byte)(v.UnsafePointer()), t.Len()) +} + +func makeValueByteArray(kind Kind, data *byte, size int) Value { + return Value{ + kind: ^int8(kind), + ptr: data, + u64: uint64(size), + } +} + +// These methods are internal versions of methods exported by the Value type, +// they are usually inlined by the compiler and intended to be used inside the +// parquet-go package because they tend to generate better code than their +// exported counter part, which requires making a copy of the receiver. +func (v *Value) isNull() bool { return v.kind == 0 } +func (v *Value) byte() byte { return byte(v.u64) } +func (v *Value) boolean() bool { return v.u64 != 0 } +func (v *Value) int32() int32 { return int32(v.u64) } +func (v *Value) int64() int64 { return int64(v.u64) } +func (v *Value) int96() deprecated.Int96 { return makeInt96(v.byteArray()) } +func (v *Value) float() float32 { return math.Float32frombits(uint32(v.u64)) } +func (v *Value) double() float64 { return math.Float64frombits(uint64(v.u64)) } +func (v *Value) uint32() uint32 { return uint32(v.u64) } +func (v *Value) uint64() uint64 { return v.u64 } +func (v *Value) byteArray() []byte { return unsafe.Slice(v.ptr, v.u64) } +func (v *Value) string() string { return unsafe.String(v.ptr, v.u64) } +func (v *Value) be128() *[16]byte { return (*[16]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(v.ptr)) } +func (v *Value) column() int { return int(^v.columnIndex) } + +func (v Value) convertToBoolean(x bool) Value { + v.kind = ^int8(Boolean) + v.ptr = nil + v.u64 = 0 + if x { + v.u64 = 1 + } + return v +} + +func (v Value) convertToInt32(x int32) Value { + v.kind = ^int8(Int32) + v.ptr = nil + v.u64 = uint64(x) + return v +} + +func (v Value) convertToInt64(x int64) Value { + v.kind = ^int8(Int64) + v.ptr = nil + v.u64 = uint64(x) + return v +} + +func (v Value) convertToInt96(x deprecated.Int96) Value { + i96 := makeValueInt96(x) + v.kind = i96.kind + v.ptr = i96.ptr + v.u64 = i96.u64 + return v +} + +func (v Value) convertToFloat(x float32) Value { + v.kind = ^int8(Float) + v.ptr = nil + v.u64 = uint64(math.Float32bits(x)) + return v +} + +func (v Value) convertToDouble(x float64) Value { + v.kind = ^int8(Double) + v.ptr = nil + v.u64 = math.Float64bits(x) + return v +} + +func (v Value) convertToByteArray(x []byte) Value { + v.kind = ^int8(ByteArray) + v.ptr = unsafe.SliceData(x) + v.u64 = uint64(len(x)) + return v +} + +func (v Value) convertToFixedLenByteArray(x []byte) Value { + v.kind = ^int8(FixedLenByteArray) + v.ptr = unsafe.SliceData(x) + v.u64 = uint64(len(x)) + return v +} + +// Kind returns the kind of v, which represents its parquet physical type. +func (v Value) Kind() Kind { return ^Kind(v.kind) } + +// IsNull returns true if v is the null value. +func (v Value) IsNull() bool { return v.isNull() } + +// Byte returns v as a byte, which may truncate the underlying byte. +func (v Value) Byte() byte { return v.byte() } + +// Boolean returns v as a bool, assuming the underlying type is BOOLEAN. +func (v Value) Boolean() bool { return v.boolean() } + +// Int32 returns v as a int32, assuming the underlying type is INT32. +func (v Value) Int32() int32 { return v.int32() } + +// Int64 returns v as a int64, assuming the underlying type is INT64. +func (v Value) Int64() int64 { return v.int64() } + +// Int96 returns v as a int96, assuming the underlying type is INT96. +func (v Value) Int96() deprecated.Int96 { + var val deprecated.Int96 + if !v.isNull() { + val = v.int96() + } + return val +} + +// Float returns v as a float32, assuming the underlying type is FLOAT. +func (v Value) Float() float32 { return v.float() } + +// Double returns v as a float64, assuming the underlying type is DOUBLE. +func (v Value) Double() float64 { return v.double() } + +// Uint32 returns v as a uint32, assuming the underlying type is INT32. +func (v Value) Uint32() uint32 { return v.uint32() } + +// Uint64 returns v as a uint64, assuming the underlying type is INT64. +func (v Value) Uint64() uint64 { return v.uint64() } + +// ByteArray returns v as a []byte, assuming the underlying type is either +// BYTE_ARRAY or FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY. +// +// The application must treat the returned byte slice as a read-only value, +// mutating the content will result in undefined behaviors. +func (v Value) ByteArray() []byte { return v.byteArray() } + +// RepetitionLevel returns the repetition level of v. +func (v Value) RepetitionLevel() int { return int(v.repetitionLevel) } + +// DefinitionLevel returns the definition level of v. +func (v Value) DefinitionLevel() int { return int(v.definitionLevel) } + +// Column returns the column index within the row that v was created from. +// +// Returns -1 if the value does not carry a column index. +func (v Value) Column() int { return v.column() } + +// Bytes returns the binary representation of v. +// +// If v is the null value, an nil byte slice is returned. +func (v Value) Bytes() []byte { + switch v.Kind() { + case Boolean: + buf := [8]byte{} + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[:4], v.uint32()) + return buf[0:1] + case Int32, Float: + buf := [8]byte{} + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[:4], v.uint32()) + return buf[:4] + case Int64, Double: + buf := [8]byte{} + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[:8], v.uint64()) + return buf[:8] + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray, Int96: + return v.byteArray() + default: + return nil + } +} + +// AppendBytes appends the binary representation of v to b. +// +// If v is the null value, b is returned unchanged. +func (v Value) AppendBytes(b []byte) []byte { + buf := [8]byte{} + switch v.Kind() { + case Boolean: + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[:4], v.uint32()) + return append(b, buf[0]) + case Int32, Float: + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(buf[:4], v.uint32()) + return append(b, buf[:4]...) + case Int64, Double: + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[:8], v.uint64()) + return append(b, buf[:8]...) + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray, Int96: + return append(b, v.byteArray()...) + default: + return b + } +} + +// Format outputs a human-readable representation of v to w, using r as the +// formatting verb to describe how the value should be printed. +// +// The following formatting options are supported: +// +// %c prints the column index +// %+c prints the column index, prefixed with "C:" +// %d prints the definition level +// %+d prints the definition level, prefixed with "D:" +// %r prints the repetition level +// %+r prints the repetition level, prefixed with "R:" +// %q prints the quoted representation of v +// %+q prints the quoted representation of v, prefixed with "V:" +// %s prints the string representation of v +// %+s prints the string representation of v, prefixed with "V:" +// %v same as %s +// %+v prints a verbose representation of v +// %#v prints a Go value representation of v +// +// Format satisfies the fmt.Formatter interface. +func (v Value) Format(w fmt.State, r rune) { + switch r { + case 'c': + if w.Flag('+') { + io.WriteString(w, "C:") + } + fmt.Fprint(w, v.column()) + + case 'd': + if w.Flag('+') { + io.WriteString(w, "D:") + } + fmt.Fprint(w, v.definitionLevel) + + case 'r': + if w.Flag('+') { + io.WriteString(w, "R:") + } + fmt.Fprint(w, v.repetitionLevel) + + case 'q': + if w.Flag('+') { + io.WriteString(w, "V:") + } + switch v.Kind() { + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q", v.byteArray()) + default: + fmt.Fprintf(w, `"%s"`, v) + } + + case 's': + if w.Flag('+') { + io.WriteString(w, "V:") + } + switch v.Kind() { + case Boolean: + fmt.Fprint(w, v.boolean()) + case Int32: + fmt.Fprint(w, v.int32()) + case Int64: + fmt.Fprint(w, v.int64()) + case Int96: + fmt.Fprint(w, v.int96()) + case Float: + fmt.Fprint(w, v.float()) + case Double: + fmt.Fprint(w, v.double()) + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + w.Write(v.byteArray()) + default: + io.WriteString(w, "") + } + + case 'v': + switch { + case w.Flag('+'): + fmt.Fprintf(w, "%+[1]c %+[1]d %+[1]r %+[1]s", v) + case w.Flag('#'): + v.formatGoString(w) + default: + v.Format(w, 's') + } + } +} + +func (v Value) formatGoString(w fmt.State) { + io.WriteString(w, "parquet.") + switch v.Kind() { + case Boolean: + fmt.Fprintf(w, "BooleanValue(%t)", v.boolean()) + case Int32: + fmt.Fprintf(w, "Int32Value(%d)", v.int32()) + case Int64: + fmt.Fprintf(w, "Int64Value(%d)", v.int64()) + case Int96: + fmt.Fprintf(w, "Int96Value(%#v)", v.int96()) + case Float: + fmt.Fprintf(w, "FloatValue(%g)", v.float()) + case Double: + fmt.Fprintf(w, "DoubleValue(%g)", v.double()) + case ByteArray: + fmt.Fprintf(w, "ByteArrayValue(%q)", v.byteArray()) + case FixedLenByteArray: + fmt.Fprintf(w, "FixedLenByteArrayValue(%#v)", v.byteArray()) + default: + io.WriteString(w, "Value{}") + return + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, ".Level(%d,%d,%d)", + v.RepetitionLevel(), + v.DefinitionLevel(), + v.Column(), + ) +} + +// String returns a string representation of v. +func (v Value) String() string { + switch v.Kind() { + case Boolean: + return strconv.FormatBool(v.boolean()) + case Int32: + return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v.int32()), 10) + case Int64: + return strconv.FormatInt(v.int64(), 10) + case Int96: + return v.Int96().String() + case Float: + return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v.float()), 'g', -1, 32) + case Double: + return strconv.FormatFloat(v.double(), 'g', -1, 32) + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + return string(v.byteArray()) + default: + return "" + } +} + +// GoString returns a Go value string representation of v. +func (v Value) GoString() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%#v", v) } + +// Level returns v with the repetition level, definition level, and column index +// set to the values passed as arguments. +// +// The method panics if either argument is negative. +func (v Value) Level(repetitionLevel, definitionLevel, columnIndex int) Value { + v.repetitionLevel = makeRepetitionLevel(repetitionLevel) + v.definitionLevel = makeDefinitionLevel(definitionLevel) + v.columnIndex = ^makeColumnIndex(columnIndex) + return v +} + +// Clone returns a copy of v which does not share any pointers with it. +func (v Value) Clone() Value { + switch k := v.Kind(); k { + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + v.ptr = unsafe.SliceData(copyBytes(v.byteArray())) + } + return v +} + +func makeInt96(bits []byte) (i96 deprecated.Int96) { + return deprecated.Int96{ + 2: binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(bits[8:12]), + 1: binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(bits[4:8]), + 0: binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(bits[0:4]), + } +} + +func parseValue(kind Kind, data []byte) (val Value, err error) { + switch kind { + case Boolean: + if len(data) == 1 { + val = makeValueBoolean(data[0] != 0) + } + case Int32: + if len(data) == 4 { + val = makeValueInt32(int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data))) + } + case Int64: + if len(data) == 8 { + val = makeValueInt64(int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(data))) + } + case Int96: + if len(data) == 12 { + val = makeValueInt96(makeInt96(data)) + } + case Float: + if len(data) == 4 { + val = makeValueFloat(float32(math.Float32frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data)))) + } + case Double: + if len(data) == 8 { + val = makeValueDouble(float64(math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(data)))) + } + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + val = makeValueBytes(kind, data) + } + if val.isNull() { + err = fmt.Errorf("cannot decode %s value from input of length %d", kind, len(data)) + } + return val, err +} + +func copyBytes(b []byte) []byte { + c := make([]byte, len(b)) + copy(c, b) + return c +} + +// Equal returns true if v1 and v2 are equal. +// +// Values are considered equal if they are of the same physical type and hold +// the same Go values. For BYTE_ARRAY and FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY, the content of +// the underlying byte arrays are tested for equality. +// +// Note that the repetition levels, definition levels, and column indexes are +// not compared by this function, use DeepEqual instead. +func Equal(v1, v2 Value) bool { + if v1.kind != v2.kind { + return false + } + switch ^Kind(v1.kind) { + case Boolean: + return v1.boolean() == v2.boolean() + case Int32: + return v1.int32() == v2.int32() + case Int64: + return v1.int64() == v2.int64() + case Int96: + return v1.int96() == v2.int96() + case Float: + return v1.float() == v2.float() + case Double: + return v1.double() == v2.double() + case ByteArray, FixedLenByteArray: + return bytes.Equal(v1.byteArray(), v2.byteArray()) + case -1: // null + return true + default: + return false + } +} + +// DeepEqual returns true if v1 and v2 are equal, including their repetition +// levels, definition levels, and column indexes. +// +// See Equal for details about how value equality is determined. +func DeepEqual(v1, v2 Value) bool { + return Equal(v1, v2) && + v1.repetitionLevel == v2.repetitionLevel && + v1.definitionLevel == v2.definitionLevel && + v1.columnIndex == v2.columnIndex +} + +var ( + _ fmt.Formatter = Value{} + _ fmt.Stringer = Value{} +) + +func clearValues(values []Value) { + for i := range values { + values[i] = Value{} + } +} + +// BooleanReader is an interface implemented by ValueReader instances which +// expose the content of a column of boolean values. +type BooleanReader interface { + // Read boolean values into the buffer passed as argument. + // + // The method returns io.EOF when all values have been read. + ReadBooleans(values []bool) (int, error) +} + +// BooleanWriter is an interface implemented by ValueWriter instances which +// support writing columns of boolean values. +type BooleanWriter interface { + // Write boolean values. + // + // The method returns the number of values written, and any error that + // occurred while writing the values. + WriteBooleans(values []bool) (int, error) +} + +// Int32Reader is an interface implemented by ValueReader instances which expose +// the content of a column of int32 values. +type Int32Reader interface { + // Read 32 bits integer values into the buffer passed as argument. + // + // The method returns io.EOF when all values have been read. + ReadInt32s(values []int32) (int, error) +} + +// Int32Writer is an interface implemented by ValueWriter instances which +// support writing columns of 32 bits signed integer values. +type Int32Writer interface { + // Write 32 bits signed integer values. + // + // The method returns the number of values written, and any error that + // occurred while writing the values. + WriteInt32s(values []int32) (int, error) +} + +// Int64Reader is an interface implemented by ValueReader instances which expose +// the content of a column of int64 values. +type Int64Reader interface { + // Read 64 bits integer values into the buffer passed as argument. + // + // The method returns io.EOF when all values have been read. + ReadInt64s(values []int64) (int, error) +} + +// Int64Writer is an interface implemented by ValueWriter instances which +// support writing columns of 64 bits signed integer values. +type Int64Writer interface { + // Write 64 bits signed integer values. + // + // The method returns the number of values written, and any error that + // occurred while writing the values. + WriteInt64s(values []int64) (int, error) +} + +// Int96Reader is an interface implemented by ValueReader instances which expose +// the content of a column of int96 values. +type Int96Reader interface { + // Read 96 bits integer values into the buffer passed as argument. + // + // The method returns io.EOF when all values have been read. + ReadInt96s(values []deprecated.Int96) (int, error) +} + +// Int96Writer is an interface implemented by ValueWriter instances which +// support writing columns of 96 bits signed integer values. +type Int96Writer interface { + // Write 96 bits signed integer values. + // + // The method returns the number of values written, and any error that + // occurred while writing the values. + WriteInt96s(values []deprecated.Int96) (int, error) +} + +// FloatReader is an interface implemented by ValueReader instances which expose +// the content of a column of single-precision floating point values. +type FloatReader interface { + // Read single-precision floating point values into the buffer passed as + // argument. + // + // The method returns io.EOF when all values have been read. + ReadFloats(values []float32) (int, error) +} + +// FloatWriter is an interface implemented by ValueWriter instances which +// support writing columns of single-precision floating point values. +type FloatWriter interface { + // Write single-precision floating point values. + // + // The method returns the number of values written, and any error that + // occurred while writing the values. + WriteFloats(values []float32) (int, error) +} + +// DoubleReader is an interface implemented by ValueReader instances which +// expose the content of a column of double-precision float point values. +type DoubleReader interface { + // Read double-precision floating point values into the buffer passed as + // argument. + // + // The method returns io.EOF when all values have been read. + ReadDoubles(values []float64) (int, error) +} + +// DoubleWriter is an interface implemented by ValueWriter instances which +// support writing columns of double-precision floating point values. +type DoubleWriter interface { + // Write double-precision floating point values. + // + // The method returns the number of values written, and any error that + // occurred while writing the values. + WriteDoubles(values []float64) (int, error) +} + +// ByteArrayReader is an interface implemented by ValueReader instances which +// expose the content of a column of variable length byte array values. +type ByteArrayReader interface { + // Read values into the byte buffer passed as argument, returning the number + // of values written to the buffer (not the number of bytes). Values are + // written using the PLAIN encoding, each byte array prefixed with its + // length encoded as a 4 bytes little endian unsigned integer. + // + // The method returns io.EOF when all values have been read. + // + // If the buffer was not empty, but too small to hold at least one value, + // io.ErrShortBuffer is returned. + ReadByteArrays(values []byte) (int, error) +} + +// ByteArrayWriter is an interface implemented by ValueWriter instances which +// support writing columns of variable length byte array values. +type ByteArrayWriter interface { + // Write variable length byte array values. + // + // The values passed as input must be laid out using the PLAIN encoding, + // with each byte array prefixed with the four bytes little endian unsigned + // integer length. + // + // The method returns the number of values written to the underlying column + // (not the number of bytes), or any error that occurred while attempting to + // write the values. + WriteByteArrays(values []byte) (int, error) +} + +// FixedLenByteArrayReader is an interface implemented by ValueReader instances +// which expose the content of a column of fixed length byte array values. +type FixedLenByteArrayReader interface { + // Read values into the byte buffer passed as argument, returning the number + // of values written to the buffer (not the number of bytes). + // + // The method returns io.EOF when all values have been read. + // + // If the buffer was not empty, but too small to hold at least one value, + // io.ErrShortBuffer is returned. + ReadFixedLenByteArrays(values []byte) (int, error) +} + +// FixedLenByteArrayWriter is an interface implemented by ValueWriter instances +// which support writing columns of fixed length byte array values. +type FixedLenByteArrayWriter interface { + // Writes the fixed length byte array values. + // + // The size of the values is assumed to be the same as the expected size of + // items in the column. The method errors if the length of the input values + // is not a multiple of the expected item size. + WriteFixedLenByteArrays(values []byte) (int, error) +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value_amd64.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..fbd6432fd9b55 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +//go:build !purego + +package parquet + +import "golang.org/x/sys/cpu" + +//go:noescape +func memsetValuesAVX2(values []Value, model Value, _ uint64) + +func memsetValues(values []Value, model Value) { + if cpu.X86.HasAVX2 { + memsetValuesAVX2(values, model, 0) + } else { + for i := range values { + values[i] = model + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value_amd64.s b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value_amd64.s new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..255117412f96e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value_amd64.s @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +//go:build !purego + +#include "textflag.h" + +#define sizeOfValue 24 + +// This function is an optimized implementation of the memsetValues function +// which assigns the parquet.Value passed as second argument to all elements of +// the first slice argument. +// +// The optimizations relies on the fact that we can pack 4 parquet.Value values +// into 3 YMM registers (24 x 4 = 32 x 3 = 96). +// +// func memsetValuesAVX2(values []Value, model Value, _ uint64) +TEXT ·memsetValuesAVX2(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-56 // 48 + padding to load model in YMM + MOVQ values_base+0(FP), AX + MOVQ values_len+8(FP), BX + + MOVQ model_ptr+24(FP), R10 + MOVQ model_u64+32(FP), R11 + MOVQ model+40(FP), R12 // go vet complains about this line but it's OK + + XORQ SI, SI // byte index + MOVQ BX, DI // byte count + IMULQ $sizeOfValue, DI + + CMPQ BX, $4 + JB test + + MOVQ BX, R8 + SHRQ $2, R8 + SHLQ $2, R8 + IMULQ $sizeOfValue, R8 + + VMOVDQU model+24(FP), Y0 + VMOVDQU Y0, Y1 + VMOVDQU Y0, Y2 + + VPERMQ $0b00100100, Y0, Y0 + VPERMQ $0b01001001, Y1, Y1 + VPERMQ $0b10010010, Y2, Y2 +loop4: + VMOVDQU Y0, 0(AX)(SI*1) + VMOVDQU Y1, 32(AX)(SI*1) + VMOVDQU Y2, 64(AX)(SI*1) + ADDQ $4*sizeOfValue, SI + CMPQ SI, R8 + JNE loop4 + VZEROUPPER + JMP test +loop: + MOVQ R10, 0(AX)(SI*1) + MOVQ R11, 8(AX)(SI*1) + MOVQ R12, 16(AX)(SI*1) + ADDQ $sizeOfValue, SI +test: + CMPQ SI, DI + JNE loop + RET diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value_be.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value_be.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..5e7c038df8b95 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value_be.go @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +//go:build s390x + +package parquet + +// On a big endian system, a boolean/byte value, which is in little endian byte +// format, is byte aligned to the 7th byte in a u64 (8 bytes) variable. +// Hence the data will be available at 7th byte when interpreted as a little +// endian byte format. So, in order to access a boolean/byte value out of u64 +// variable, we need to add an offset of "7". +// +// In the same way, an int32/uint32/float value, which is in little endian byte +// format, is byte aligned to the 4th byte in a u64 (8 bytes) variable. +// Hence the data will be available at 4th byte when interpreted as a little +// endian byte format. So, in order to access an int32/uint32/float value out of +// u64 variable, we need to add an offset of "4". +const ( + firstByteOffsetOfBooleanValue = 7 + firstByteOffsetOf32BitsValue = 4 +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value_le.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value_le.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..f11170ef731e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/value_le.go @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +//go:build !s390x + +package parquet + +const ( + firstByteOffsetOfBooleanValue = 0 + firstByteOffsetOf32BitsValue = 0 +) diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/values_purego.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/values_purego.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8151134649fbe --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/values_purego.go @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +//go:build purego || !amd64 + +package parquet + +func memsetValues(values []Value, model Value) { + for i := range values { + values[i] = model + } +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/writer.go b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/writer.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..8d9e44c7ee2ba --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/writer.go @@ -0,0 +1,1729 @@ +package parquet + +import ( + "bufio" + "bytes" + "encoding/binary" + "fmt" + "hash/crc32" + "io" + "math" + "math/bits" + "os" + "reflect" + "slices" + "sort" + + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift" + "github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format" +) + +const ( + // The uncompressed page size is stored as int32 and must not be larger than the + // maximum int32 value (see format.PageHeader). + maxUncompressedPageSize = math.MaxInt32 +) + +// GenericWriter is similar to a Writer but uses a type parameter to define the +// Go type representing the schema of rows being written. +// +// Using this type over Writer has multiple advantages: +// +// - By leveraging type information, the Go compiler can provide greater +// guarantees that the code is correct. For example, the parquet.Writer.Write +// method accepts an argument of type interface{}, which delays type checking +// until runtime. The parquet.GenericWriter[T].Write method ensures at +// compile time that the values it receives will be of type T, reducing the +// risk of introducing errors. +// +// - Since type information is known at compile time, the implementation of +// parquet.GenericWriter[T] can make safe assumptions, removing the need for +// runtime validation of how the parameters are passed to its methods. +// Optimizations relying on type information are more effective, some of the +// writer's state can be precomputed at initialization, which was not possible +// with parquet.Writer. +// +// - The parquet.GenericWriter[T].Write method uses a data-oriented design, +// accepting an slice of T instead of a single value, creating more +// opportunities to amortize the runtime cost of abstractions. +// This optimization is not available for parquet.Writer because its Write +// method's argument would be of type []interface{}, which would require +// conversions back and forth from concrete types to empty interfaces (since +// a []T cannot be interpreted as []interface{} in Go), would make the API +// more difficult to use and waste compute resources in the type conversions, +// defeating the purpose of the optimization in the first place. +// +// Note that this type is only available when compiling with Go 1.18 or later. +type GenericWriter[T any] struct { + // At this time GenericWriter is expressed in terms of Writer to reuse the + // underlying logic. In the future, and if we accepted to break backward + // compatibility on the Write method, we could modify Writer to be an alias + // to GenericWriter with: + // + // type Writer = GenericWriter[any] + // + base Writer + // This function writes rows of type T to the writer, it gets generated by + // the NewGenericWriter function based on the type T and the underlying + // schema of the parquet file. + write writeFunc[T] + // This field is used to leverage the optimized writeRowsFunc algorithms. + columns []ColumnBuffer +} + +// NewGenericWriter is like NewWriter but returns a GenericWriter[T] suited to +// write rows of Go type T. +// +// The type parameter T should be a map, struct, or any. Any other types will +// cause a panic at runtime. Type checking is a lot more effective when the +// generic parameter is a struct type, using map and interface types is somewhat +// similar to using a Writer. +// +// If the option list may explicitly declare a schema, it must be compatible +// with the schema generated from T. +// +// Sorting columns may be set on the writer to configure the generated row +// groups metadata. However, rows are always written in the order they were +// seen, no reordering is performed, the writer expects the application to +// ensure proper correlation between the order of rows and the list of sorting +// columns. See SortingWriter[T] for a writer which handles reordering rows +// based on the configured sorting columns. +func NewGenericWriter[T any](output io.Writer, options ...WriterOption) *GenericWriter[T] { + config, err := NewWriterConfig(options...) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + schema := config.Schema + t := typeOf[T]() + + if schema == nil && t != nil { + schema = schemaOf(dereference(t)) + config.Schema = schema + } + + if config.Schema == nil { + panic("generic writer must be instantiated with schema or concrete type.") + } + + return &GenericWriter[T]{ + base: Writer{ + output: output, + config: config, + schema: schema, + writer: newWriter(output, config), + }, + write: writeFuncOf[T](t, config.Schema), + } +} + +type writeFunc[T any] func(*GenericWriter[T], []T) (int, error) + +func writeFuncOf[T any](t reflect.Type, schema *Schema) writeFunc[T] { + if t == nil { + return (*GenericWriter[T]).writeAny + } + switch t.Kind() { + case reflect.Interface, reflect.Map: + return (*GenericWriter[T]).writeRows + + case reflect.Struct: + return makeWriteFunc[T](t, schema) + + case reflect.Pointer: + if e := t.Elem(); e.Kind() == reflect.Struct { + return makeWriteFunc[T](t, schema) + } + } + panic("cannot create writer for values of type " + t.String()) +} + +func makeWriteFunc[T any](t reflect.Type, schema *Schema) writeFunc[T] { + writeRows := writeRowsFuncOf(t, schema, nil) + return func(w *GenericWriter[T], rows []T) (n int, err error) { + if w.columns == nil { + w.columns = make([]ColumnBuffer, len(w.base.writer.columns)) + for i, c := range w.base.writer.columns { + // These fields are usually lazily initialized when writing rows, + // we need them to exist now tho. + c.columnBuffer = c.newColumnBuffer() + w.columns[i] = c.columnBuffer + } + } + err = writeRows(w.columns, makeArrayOf(rows), columnLevels{}) + if err == nil { + n = len(rows) + } + return n, err + } +} + +func (w *GenericWriter[T]) Close() error { + return w.base.Close() +} + +func (w *GenericWriter[T]) Flush() error { + return w.base.Flush() +} + +func (w *GenericWriter[T]) Reset(output io.Writer) { + w.base.Reset(output) +} + +func (w *GenericWriter[T]) Write(rows []T) (int, error) { + return w.base.writer.writeRows(len(rows), func(i, j int) (int, error) { + n, err := w.write(w, rows[i:j:j]) + if err != nil { + return n, err + } + + for _, c := range w.base.writer.columns { + if c.columnBuffer.Size() >= int64(c.bufferSize) { + if err := c.flush(); err != nil { + return n, err + } + } + } + + return n, nil + }) +} + +func (w *GenericWriter[T]) WriteRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + return w.base.WriteRows(rows) +} + +func (w *GenericWriter[T]) WriteRowGroup(rowGroup RowGroup) (int64, error) { + return w.base.WriteRowGroup(rowGroup) +} + +// SetKeyValueMetadata sets a key/value pair in the Parquet file metadata. +// +// Keys are assumed to be unique, if the same key is repeated multiple times the +// last value is retained. While the parquet format does not require unique keys, +// this design decision was made to optimize for the most common use case where +// applications leverage this extension mechanism to associate single values to +// keys. This may create incompatibilities with other parquet libraries, or may +// cause some key/value pairs to be lost when open parquet files written with +// repeated keys. We can revisit this decision if it ever becomes a blocker. +func (w *GenericWriter[T]) SetKeyValueMetadata(key, value string) { + w.base.SetKeyValueMetadata(key, value) +} + +func (w *GenericWriter[T]) ReadRowsFrom(rows RowReader) (int64, error) { + return w.base.ReadRowsFrom(rows) +} + +func (w *GenericWriter[T]) Schema() *Schema { + return w.base.Schema() +} + +func (w *GenericWriter[T]) writeRows(rows []T) (int, error) { + if cap(w.base.rowbuf) < len(rows) { + w.base.rowbuf = make([]Row, len(rows)) + } else { + w.base.rowbuf = w.base.rowbuf[:len(rows)] + } + defer clearRows(w.base.rowbuf) + + schema := w.base.Schema() + for i := range rows { + w.base.rowbuf[i] = schema.Deconstruct(w.base.rowbuf[i], &rows[i]) + } + + return w.base.WriteRows(w.base.rowbuf) +} + +func (w *GenericWriter[T]) writeAny(rows []T) (n int, err error) { + for i := range rows { + if err = w.base.Write(rows[i]); err != nil { + return n, err + } + n++ + } + return n, nil +} + +var ( + _ RowWriterWithSchema = (*GenericWriter[any])(nil) + _ RowReaderFrom = (*GenericWriter[any])(nil) + _ RowGroupWriter = (*GenericWriter[any])(nil) + + _ RowWriterWithSchema = (*GenericWriter[struct{}])(nil) + _ RowReaderFrom = (*GenericWriter[struct{}])(nil) + _ RowGroupWriter = (*GenericWriter[struct{}])(nil) + + _ RowWriterWithSchema = (*GenericWriter[map[struct{}]struct{}])(nil) + _ RowReaderFrom = (*GenericWriter[map[struct{}]struct{}])(nil) + _ RowGroupWriter = (*GenericWriter[map[struct{}]struct{}])(nil) +) + +// Deprecated: A Writer uses a parquet schema and sequence of Go values to +// produce a parquet file to an io.Writer. +// +// This example showcases a typical use of parquet writers: +// +// writer := parquet.NewWriter(output) +// +// for _, row := range rows { +// if err := writer.Write(row); err != nil { +// ... +// } +// } +// +// if err := writer.Close(); err != nil { +// ... +// } +// +// The Writer type optimizes for minimal memory usage, each page is written as +// soon as it has been filled so only a single page per column needs to be held +// in memory and as a result, there are no opportunities to sort rows within an +// entire row group. Programs that need to produce parquet files with sorted +// row groups should use the Buffer type to buffer and sort the rows prior to +// writing them to a Writer. +// +// For programs building with Go 1.18 or later, the GenericWriter[T] type +// supersedes this one. +type Writer struct { + output io.Writer + config *WriterConfig + schema *Schema + writer *writer + rowbuf []Row +} + +// NewWriter constructs a parquet writer writing a file to the given io.Writer. +// +// The function panics if the writer configuration is invalid. Programs that +// cannot guarantee the validity of the options passed to NewWriter should +// construct the writer configuration independently prior to calling this +// function: +// +// config, err := parquet.NewWriterConfig(options...) +// if err != nil { +// // handle the configuration error +// ... +// } else { +// // this call to create a writer is guaranteed not to panic +// writer := parquet.NewWriter(output, config) +// ... +// } +func NewWriter(output io.Writer, options ...WriterOption) *Writer { + config, err := NewWriterConfig(options...) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + w := &Writer{ + output: output, + config: config, + } + if config.Schema != nil { + w.configure(config.Schema) + } + return w +} + +func (w *Writer) configure(schema *Schema) { + if schema != nil { + w.config.Schema = schema + w.schema = schema + w.writer = newWriter(w.output, w.config) + } +} + +// Close must be called after all values were produced to the writer in order to +// flush all buffers and write the parquet footer. +func (w *Writer) Close() error { + if w.writer != nil { + return w.writer.close() + } + return nil +} + +// Flush flushes all buffers into a row group to the underlying io.Writer. +// +// Flush is called automatically on Close, it is only useful to call explicitly +// if the application needs to limit the size of row groups or wants to produce +// multiple row groups per file. +// +// If the writer attempts to create more than MaxRowGroups row groups the method +// returns ErrTooManyRowGroups. +func (w *Writer) Flush() error { + if w.writer != nil { + return w.writer.flush() + } + return nil +} + +// Reset clears the state of the writer without flushing any of the buffers, +// and setting the output to the io.Writer passed as argument, allowing the +// writer to be reused to produce another parquet file. +// +// Reset may be called at any time, including after a writer was closed. +func (w *Writer) Reset(output io.Writer) { + if w.output = output; w.writer != nil { + w.writer.reset(w.output) + } +} + +// Write is called to write another row to the parquet file. +// +// The method uses the parquet schema configured on w to traverse the Go value +// and decompose it into a set of columns and values. If no schema were passed +// to NewWriter, it is deducted from the Go type of the row, which then have to +// be a struct or pointer to struct. +func (w *Writer) Write(row interface{}) error { + if w.schema == nil { + w.configure(SchemaOf(row)) + } + if cap(w.rowbuf) == 0 { + w.rowbuf = make([]Row, 1) + } else { + w.rowbuf = w.rowbuf[:1] + } + defer clearRows(w.rowbuf) + w.rowbuf[0] = w.schema.Deconstruct(w.rowbuf[0][:0], row) + _, err := w.WriteRows(w.rowbuf) + return err +} + +// WriteRows is called to write rows to the parquet file. +// +// The Writer must have been given a schema when NewWriter was called, otherwise +// the structure of the parquet file cannot be determined from the row only. +// +// The row is expected to contain values for each column of the writer's schema, +// in the order produced by the parquet.(*Schema).Deconstruct method. +func (w *Writer) WriteRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + return w.writer.WriteRows(rows) +} + +// WriteRowGroup writes a row group to the parquet file. +// +// Buffered rows will be flushed prior to writing rows from the group, unless +// the row group was empty in which case nothing is written to the file. +// +// The content of the row group is flushed to the writer; after the method +// returns successfully, the row group will be empty and in ready to be reused. +func (w *Writer) WriteRowGroup(rowGroup RowGroup) (int64, error) { + rowGroupSchema := rowGroup.Schema() + switch { + case rowGroupSchema == nil: + return 0, ErrRowGroupSchemaMissing + case w.schema == nil: + w.configure(rowGroupSchema) + case !nodesAreEqual(w.schema, rowGroupSchema): + return 0, ErrRowGroupSchemaMismatch + } + if err := w.writer.flush(); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + w.writer.configureBloomFilters(rowGroup.ColumnChunks()) + rows := rowGroup.Rows() + defer rows.Close() + n, err := CopyRows(w.writer, rows) + if err != nil { + return n, err + } + return w.writer.writeRowGroup(rowGroup.Schema(), rowGroup.SortingColumns()) +} + +// ReadRowsFrom reads rows from the reader passed as arguments and writes them +// to w. +// +// This is similar to calling WriteRow repeatedly, but will be more efficient +// if optimizations are supported by the reader. +func (w *Writer) ReadRowsFrom(rows RowReader) (written int64, err error) { + if w.schema == nil { + if r, ok := rows.(RowReaderWithSchema); ok { + w.configure(r.Schema()) + } + } + if cap(w.rowbuf) < defaultRowBufferSize { + w.rowbuf = make([]Row, defaultRowBufferSize) + } else { + w.rowbuf = w.rowbuf[:cap(w.rowbuf)] + } + return copyRows(w.writer, rows, w.rowbuf) +} + +// Schema returns the schema of rows written by w. +// +// The returned value will be nil if no schema has yet been configured on w. +func (w *Writer) Schema() *Schema { return w.schema } + +// SetKeyValueMetadata sets a key/value pair in the Parquet file metadata. +// +// Keys are assumed to be unique, if the same key is repeated multiple times the +// last value is retained. While the parquet format does not require unique keys, +// this design decision was made to optimize for the most common use case where +// applications leverage this extension mechanism to associate single values to +// keys. This may create incompatibilities with other parquet libraries, or may +// cause some key/value pairs to be lost when open parquet files written with +// repeated keys. We can revisit this decision if it ever becomes a blocker. +func (w *Writer) SetKeyValueMetadata(key, value string) { + for i, kv := range w.writer.metadata { + if kv.Key == key { + kv.Value = value + w.writer.metadata[i] = kv + return + } + } + w.writer.metadata = append(w.writer.metadata, format.KeyValue{ + Key: key, + Value: value, + }) +} + +type writer struct { + buffer *bufio.Writer + writer offsetTrackingWriter + values [][]Value + numRows int64 + maxRows int64 + + createdBy string + metadata []format.KeyValue + + columns []*writerColumn + columnChunk []format.ColumnChunk + columnIndex []format.ColumnIndex + offsetIndex []format.OffsetIndex + + columnOrders []format.ColumnOrder + schemaElements []format.SchemaElement + rowGroups []format.RowGroup + columnIndexes [][]format.ColumnIndex + offsetIndexes [][]format.OffsetIndex + sortingColumns []format.SortingColumn +} + +func newWriter(output io.Writer, config *WriterConfig) *writer { + w := new(writer) + if config.WriteBufferSize <= 0 { + w.writer.Reset(output) + } else { + w.buffer = bufio.NewWriterSize(output, config.WriteBufferSize) + w.writer.Reset(w.buffer) + } + w.maxRows = config.MaxRowsPerRowGroup + w.createdBy = config.CreatedBy + w.metadata = make([]format.KeyValue, 0, len(config.KeyValueMetadata)) + for k, v := range config.KeyValueMetadata { + w.metadata = append(w.metadata, format.KeyValue{Key: k, Value: v}) + } + sortKeyValueMetadata(w.metadata) + w.sortingColumns = make([]format.SortingColumn, len(config.Sorting.SortingColumns)) + + config.Schema.forEachNode(func(name string, node Node) { + nodeType := node.Type() + + repetitionType := (*format.FieldRepetitionType)(nil) + if node != config.Schema { // the root has no repetition type + repetitionType = fieldRepetitionTypePtrOf(node) + } + // For backward compatibility with older readers, the parquet specification + // recommends to set the scale and precision on schema elements when the + // column is of logical type decimal. + logicalType := nodeType.LogicalType() + scale, precision := (*int32)(nil), (*int32)(nil) + if logicalType != nil && logicalType.Decimal != nil { + scale = &logicalType.Decimal.Scale + precision = &logicalType.Decimal.Precision + } + + typeLength := (*int32)(nil) + if n := int32(nodeType.Length()); n > 0 { + typeLength = &n + } + + w.schemaElements = append(w.schemaElements, format.SchemaElement{ + Type: nodeType.PhysicalType(), + TypeLength: typeLength, + RepetitionType: repetitionType, + Name: name, + NumChildren: int32(len(node.Fields())), + ConvertedType: nodeType.ConvertedType(), + Scale: scale, + Precision: precision, + FieldID: int32(node.ID()), + LogicalType: logicalType, + }) + }) + + dataPageType := format.DataPage + if config.DataPageVersion == 2 { + dataPageType = format.DataPageV2 + } + + defaultCompression := config.Compression + if defaultCompression == nil { + defaultCompression = &Uncompressed + } + + // Those buffers are scratch space used to generate the page header and + // content, they are shared by all column chunks because they are only + // used during calls to writeDictionaryPage or writeDataPage, which are + // not done concurrently. + buffers := new(writerBuffers) + + forEachLeafColumnOf(config.Schema, func(leaf leafColumn) { + encoding := encodingOf(leaf.node) + dictionary := Dictionary(nil) + columnType := leaf.node.Type() + columnIndex := int(leaf.columnIndex) + compression := leaf.node.Compression() + + if compression == nil { + compression = defaultCompression + } + + if isDictionaryEncoding(encoding) { + dictBuffer := columnType.NewValues( + make([]byte, 0, defaultDictBufferSize), + nil, + ) + dictionary = columnType.NewDictionary(columnIndex, 0, dictBuffer) + columnType = dictionary.Type() + } + + c := &writerColumn{ + buffers: buffers, + pool: config.ColumnPageBuffers, + columnPath: leaf.path, + columnType: columnType, + columnIndex: columnType.NewColumnIndexer(config.ColumnIndexSizeLimit), + columnFilter: searchBloomFilterColumn(config.BloomFilters, leaf.path), + compression: compression, + dictionary: dictionary, + dataPageType: dataPageType, + maxRepetitionLevel: leaf.maxRepetitionLevel, + maxDefinitionLevel: leaf.maxDefinitionLevel, + bufferIndex: int32(leaf.columnIndex), + bufferSize: int32(float64(config.PageBufferSize) * 0.98), + writePageStats: config.DataPageStatistics, + writePageBounds: !slices.ContainsFunc(config.SkipPageBounds, func(skip []string) bool { + return columnPath(skip).equal(leaf.path) + }), + encodings: make([]format.Encoding, 0, 3), + // Data pages in version 2 can omit compression when dictionary + // encoding is employed; only the dictionary page needs to be + // compressed, the data pages are encoded with the hybrid + // RLE/Bit-Pack encoding which doesn't benefit from an extra + // compression layer. + isCompressed: isCompressed(compression) && (dataPageType != format.DataPageV2 || dictionary == nil), + } + + c.header.encoder.Reset(c.header.protocol.NewWriter(&buffers.header)) + + if leaf.maxDefinitionLevel > 0 { + c.encodings = addEncoding(c.encodings, format.RLE) + } + + if isDictionaryEncoding(encoding) { + c.encodings = addEncoding(c.encodings, format.Plain) + } + + c.encoding = encoding + c.encodings = addEncoding(c.encodings, c.encoding.Encoding()) + sortPageEncodings(c.encodings) + + w.columns = append(w.columns, c) + + if sortingIndex := searchSortingColumn(config.Sorting.SortingColumns, leaf.path); sortingIndex < len(w.sortingColumns) { + w.sortingColumns[sortingIndex] = format.SortingColumn{ + ColumnIdx: int32(leaf.columnIndex), + Descending: config.Sorting.SortingColumns[sortingIndex].Descending(), + NullsFirst: config.Sorting.SortingColumns[sortingIndex].NullsFirst(), + } + } + }) + + // Pre-allocate the backing array so that in most cases where the rows + // contain a single value we will hit collocated memory areas when writing + // rows to the writer. This won't benefit repeated columns much but in that + // case we would just waste a bit of memory which we can afford. + values := make([]Value, len(w.columns)) + w.values = make([][]Value, len(w.columns)) + for i := range values { + w.values[i] = values[i : i : i+1] + } + + w.columnChunk = make([]format.ColumnChunk, len(w.columns)) + w.columnIndex = make([]format.ColumnIndex, len(w.columns)) + w.offsetIndex = make([]format.OffsetIndex, len(w.columns)) + w.columnOrders = make([]format.ColumnOrder, len(w.columns)) + + for i, c := range w.columns { + w.columnChunk[i] = format.ColumnChunk{ + MetaData: format.ColumnMetaData{ + Type: format.Type(c.columnType.Kind()), + Encoding: c.encodings, + PathInSchema: c.columnPath, + Codec: c.compression.CompressionCodec(), + KeyValueMetadata: nil, // TODO + }, + } + } + + for i, c := range w.columns { + c.columnChunk = &w.columnChunk[i] + c.offsetIndex = &w.offsetIndex[i] + } + + for i, c := range w.columns { + w.columnOrders[i] = *c.columnType.ColumnOrder() + } + + return w +} + +func (w *writer) reset(writer io.Writer) { + if w.buffer == nil { + w.writer.Reset(writer) + } else { + w.buffer.Reset(writer) + w.writer.Reset(w.buffer) + } + for _, c := range w.columns { + c.reset() + } + for i := range w.rowGroups { + w.rowGroups[i] = format.RowGroup{} + } + for i := range w.columnIndexes { + w.columnIndexes[i] = nil + } + for i := range w.offsetIndexes { + w.offsetIndexes[i] = nil + } + w.rowGroups = w.rowGroups[:0] + w.columnIndexes = w.columnIndexes[:0] + w.offsetIndexes = w.offsetIndexes[:0] +} + +func (w *writer) close() error { + if err := w.writeFileHeader(); err != nil { + return err + } + if err := w.flush(); err != nil { + return err + } + if err := w.writeFileFooter(); err != nil { + return err + } + if w.buffer != nil { + return w.buffer.Flush() + } + return nil +} + +func (w *writer) flush() error { + _, err := w.writeRowGroup(nil, nil) + return err +} + +func (w *writer) writeFileHeader() error { + if w.writer.writer == nil { + return io.ErrClosedPipe + } + if w.writer.offset == 0 { + _, err := w.writer.WriteString("PAR1") + return err + } + return nil +} + +func (w *writer) configureBloomFilters(columnChunks []ColumnChunk) { + for i, c := range w.columns { + if c.columnFilter != nil { + c.resizeBloomFilter(columnChunks[i].NumValues()) + } + } +} + +func (w *writer) writeFileFooter() error { + // The page index is composed of two sections: column and offset indexes. + // They are written after the row groups, right before the footer (which + // is written by the parent Writer.Close call). + // + // This section both writes the page index and generates the values of + // ColumnIndexOffset, ColumnIndexLength, OffsetIndexOffset, and + // OffsetIndexLength in the corresponding columns of the file metadata. + // + // Note: the page index is always written, even if we created data pages v1 + // because the parquet format is backward compatible in this case. Older + // readers will simply ignore this section since they do not know how to + // decode its content, nor have loaded any metadata to reference it. + protocol := new(thrift.CompactProtocol) + encoder := thrift.NewEncoder(protocol.NewWriter(&w.writer)) + + for i, columnIndexes := range w.columnIndexes { + rowGroup := &w.rowGroups[i] + for j := range columnIndexes { + column := &rowGroup.Columns[j] + column.ColumnIndexOffset = w.writer.offset + if err := encoder.Encode(&columnIndexes[j]); err != nil { + return err + } + column.ColumnIndexLength = int32(w.writer.offset - column.ColumnIndexOffset) + } + } + + for i, offsetIndexes := range w.offsetIndexes { + rowGroup := &w.rowGroups[i] + for j := range offsetIndexes { + column := &rowGroup.Columns[j] + column.OffsetIndexOffset = w.writer.offset + if err := encoder.Encode(&offsetIndexes[j]); err != nil { + return err + } + column.OffsetIndexLength = int32(w.writer.offset - column.OffsetIndexOffset) + } + } + + numRows := int64(0) + for rowGroupIndex := range w.rowGroups { + numRows += w.rowGroups[rowGroupIndex].NumRows + } + + // We implemented the parquet specification version 2+, which is represented + // by the version number 2 in the file metadata. + // + // For reference, see: + // https://github.com/apache/arrow/blob/70b9ef5/go/parquet/metadata/file.go#L122-L127 + const parquetFileFormatVersion = 2 + + footer, err := thrift.Marshal(new(thrift.CompactProtocol), &format.FileMetaData{ + Version: parquetFileFormatVersion, + Schema: w.schemaElements, + NumRows: numRows, + RowGroups: w.rowGroups, + KeyValueMetadata: w.metadata, + CreatedBy: w.createdBy, + ColumnOrders: w.columnOrders, + }) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + length := len(footer) + footer = append(footer, 0, 0, 0, 0) + footer = append(footer, "PAR1"...) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(footer[length:], uint32(length)) + + _, err = w.writer.Write(footer) + return err +} + +func (w *writer) writeRowGroup(rowGroupSchema *Schema, rowGroupSortingColumns []SortingColumn) (int64, error) { + numRows := w.columns[0].totalRowCount() + if numRows == 0 { + return 0, nil + } + + if len(w.rowGroups) == MaxRowGroups { + return 0, ErrTooManyRowGroups + } + + defer func() { + w.numRows = 0 + for _, c := range w.columns { + c.reset() + } + for i := range w.columnIndex { + w.columnIndex[i] = format.ColumnIndex{} + } + }() + + for _, c := range w.columns { + if err := c.flush(); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + if err := c.flushFilterPages(); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + if err := w.writeFileHeader(); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + fileOffset := w.writer.offset + + for _, c := range w.columns { + if len(c.filter) > 0 { + c.columnChunk.MetaData.BloomFilterOffset = w.writer.offset + if err := c.writeBloomFilter(&w.writer); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + } + + for i, c := range w.columns { + w.columnIndex[i] = format.ColumnIndex(c.columnIndex.ColumnIndex()) + + if c.dictionary != nil { + c.columnChunk.MetaData.DictionaryPageOffset = w.writer.offset + if err := c.writeDictionaryPage(&w.writer, c.dictionary); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("writing dictionary page of row group colum %d: %w", i, err) + } + } + + dataPageOffset := w.writer.offset + c.columnChunk.MetaData.DataPageOffset = dataPageOffset + for j := range c.offsetIndex.PageLocations { + c.offsetIndex.PageLocations[j].Offset += dataPageOffset + } + + if offset, err := c.pageBuffer.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil { + return 0, err + } else if offset != 0 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("resetting parquet page buffer to the start expected offset zero but got %d", offset) + } + if _, err := io.Copy(&w.writer, c.pageBuffer); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("writing buffered pages of row group column %d: %w", i, err) + } + } + + totalByteSize := int64(0) + totalCompressedSize := int64(0) + + for i := range w.columnChunk { + c := &w.columnChunk[i].MetaData + sortPageEncodingStats(c.EncodingStats) + totalByteSize += int64(c.TotalUncompressedSize) + totalCompressedSize += int64(c.TotalCompressedSize) + } + + sortingColumns := w.sortingColumns + if len(sortingColumns) == 0 && len(rowGroupSortingColumns) > 0 { + sortingColumns = make([]format.SortingColumn, 0, len(rowGroupSortingColumns)) + forEachLeafColumnOf(rowGroupSchema, func(leaf leafColumn) { + if sortingIndex := searchSortingColumn(rowGroupSortingColumns, leaf.path); sortingIndex < len(sortingColumns) { + sortingColumns[sortingIndex] = format.SortingColumn{ + ColumnIdx: int32(leaf.columnIndex), + Descending: rowGroupSortingColumns[sortingIndex].Descending(), + NullsFirst: rowGroupSortingColumns[sortingIndex].NullsFirst(), + } + } + }) + } + + columns := make([]format.ColumnChunk, len(w.columnChunk)) + copy(columns, w.columnChunk) + + columnIndex := make([]format.ColumnIndex, len(w.columnIndex)) + copy(columnIndex, w.columnIndex) + + offsetIndex := make([]format.OffsetIndex, len(w.offsetIndex)) + copy(offsetIndex, w.offsetIndex) + + for i := range columns { + c := &columns[i] + c.MetaData.EncodingStats = make([]format.PageEncodingStats, len(c.MetaData.EncodingStats)) + copy(c.MetaData.EncodingStats, w.columnChunk[i].MetaData.EncodingStats) + } + + for i := range offsetIndex { + c := &offsetIndex[i] + c.PageLocations = make([]format.PageLocation, len(c.PageLocations)) + copy(c.PageLocations, w.offsetIndex[i].PageLocations) + } + + w.rowGroups = append(w.rowGroups, format.RowGroup{ + Columns: columns, + TotalByteSize: totalByteSize, + NumRows: numRows, + SortingColumns: sortingColumns, + FileOffset: fileOffset, + TotalCompressedSize: totalCompressedSize, + Ordinal: int16(len(w.rowGroups)), + }) + + w.columnIndexes = append(w.columnIndexes, columnIndex) + w.offsetIndexes = append(w.offsetIndexes, offsetIndex) + return numRows, nil +} + +func (w *writer) WriteRows(rows []Row) (int, error) { + return w.writeRows(len(rows), func(start, end int) (int, error) { + defer func() { + for i, values := range w.values { + clearValues(values) + w.values[i] = values[:0] + } + }() + + // TODO: if an error occurs in this method the writer may be left in an + // partially functional state. Applications are not expected to continue + // using the writer after getting an error, but maybe we could ensure that + // we are preventing further use as well? + for _, row := range rows[start:end] { + row.Range(func(columnIndex int, columnValues []Value) bool { + w.values[columnIndex] = append(w.values[columnIndex], columnValues...) + return true + }) + } + + for i, values := range w.values { + if len(values) > 0 { + if err := w.columns[i].writeRows(values); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + } + + return end - start, nil + }) +} + +func (w *writer) writeRows(numRows int, write func(i, j int) (int, error)) (int, error) { + written := 0 + + for written < numRows { + remain := w.maxRows - w.numRows + length := numRows - written + + if remain == 0 { + remain = w.maxRows + + if err := w.flush(); err != nil { + return written, err + } + } + + if remain < int64(length) { + length = int(remain) + } + + // Since the writer cannot flush pages across row boundaries, calls to + // WriteRows with very large slices can result in greatly exceeding the + // target page size. To set a limit to the impact of these large writes + // we chunk the input in slices of 64 rows. + // + // Note that this mechanism isn't perfect; for example, values may hold + // large byte slices which could still cause the column buffers to grow + // beyond the target page size. + const maxRowsPerWrite = 64 + if length > maxRowsPerWrite { + length = maxRowsPerWrite + } + + n, err := write(written, written+length) + written += n + w.numRows += int64(n) + if err != nil { + return written, err + } + } + + return written, nil +} + +// The WriteValues method is intended to work in pair with WritePage to allow +// programs to target writing values to specific columns of of the writer. +func (w *writer) WriteValues(values []Value) (numValues int, err error) { + return w.columns[values[0].Column()].WriteValues(values) +} + +// One writerBuffers is used by each writer instance, the memory buffers here +// are shared by all columns of the writer because serialization is not done +// concurrently, which helps keep memory utilization low, both in the total +// footprint and GC cost. +// +// The type also exposes helper methods to facilitate the generation of parquet +// pages. A scratch space is used when serialization requires combining multiple +// buffers or compressing the page data, with double-buffering technique being +// employed by swapping the scratch and page buffers to minimize memory copies. +type writerBuffers struct { + header bytes.Buffer // buffer where page headers are encoded + repetitions []byte // buffer used to encode repetition levels + definitions []byte // buffer used to encode definition levels + page []byte // page buffer holding the page data + scratch []byte // scratch space used for compression +} + +func (wb *writerBuffers) crc32() (checksum uint32) { + checksum = crc32.Update(checksum, crc32.IEEETable, wb.repetitions) + checksum = crc32.Update(checksum, crc32.IEEETable, wb.definitions) + checksum = crc32.Update(checksum, crc32.IEEETable, wb.page) + return checksum +} + +func (wb *writerBuffers) size() int { + return len(wb.repetitions) + len(wb.definitions) + len(wb.page) +} + +func (wb *writerBuffers) reset() { + wb.repetitions = wb.repetitions[:0] + wb.definitions = wb.definitions[:0] + wb.page = wb.page[:0] +} + +func encodeLevels(dst, src []byte, maxLevel byte) ([]byte, error) { + bitWidth := bits.Len8(maxLevel) + return levelEncodingsRLE[bitWidth-1].EncodeLevels(dst, src) +} + +func (wb *writerBuffers) encodeRepetitionLevels(page Page, maxRepetitionLevel byte) (err error) { + wb.repetitions, err = encodeLevels(wb.repetitions, page.RepetitionLevels(), maxRepetitionLevel) + return +} + +func (wb *writerBuffers) encodeDefinitionLevels(page Page, maxDefinitionLevel byte) (err error) { + wb.definitions, err = encodeLevels(wb.definitions, page.DefinitionLevels(), maxDefinitionLevel) + return +} + +func (wb *writerBuffers) prependLevelsToDataPageV1(maxRepetitionLevel, maxDefinitionLevel byte) { + hasRepetitionLevels := maxRepetitionLevel > 0 + hasDefinitionLevels := maxDefinitionLevel > 0 + + if hasRepetitionLevels || hasDefinitionLevels { + wb.scratch = wb.scratch[:0] + // In data pages v1, the repetition and definition levels are prefixed + // with the 4 bytes length of the sections. While the parquet-format + // documentation indicates that the length prefix is part of the hybrid + // RLE/Bit-Pack encoding, this is the only condition where it is used + // so we treat it as a special case rather than implementing it in the + // encoding. + // + // Reference https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/Encodings.md#run-length-encoding--bit-packing-hybrid-rle--3 + if hasRepetitionLevels { + wb.scratch = plain.AppendInt32(wb.scratch, int32(len(wb.repetitions))) + wb.scratch = append(wb.scratch, wb.repetitions...) + wb.repetitions = wb.repetitions[:0] + } + if hasDefinitionLevels { + wb.scratch = plain.AppendInt32(wb.scratch, int32(len(wb.definitions))) + wb.scratch = append(wb.scratch, wb.definitions...) + wb.definitions = wb.definitions[:0] + } + wb.scratch = append(wb.scratch, wb.page...) + wb.swapPageAndScratchBuffers() + } +} + +func (wb *writerBuffers) encode(page Page, enc encoding.Encoding) (err error) { + pageType := page.Type() + pageData := page.Data() + wb.page, err = pageType.Encode(wb.page[:0], pageData, enc) + return err +} + +func (wb *writerBuffers) compress(codec compress.Codec) (err error) { + wb.scratch, err = codec.Encode(wb.scratch[:0], wb.page) + wb.swapPageAndScratchBuffers() + return err +} + +func (wb *writerBuffers) swapPageAndScratchBuffers() { + wb.page, wb.scratch = wb.scratch, wb.page[:0] +} + +type writerColumn struct { + pool BufferPool + pageBuffer io.ReadWriteSeeker + numPages int + + columnPath columnPath + columnType Type + columnIndex ColumnIndexer + columnBuffer ColumnBuffer + columnFilter BloomFilterColumn + encoding encoding.Encoding + compression compress.Codec + dictionary Dictionary + + dataPageType format.PageType + maxRepetitionLevel byte + maxDefinitionLevel byte + + buffers *writerBuffers + + header struct { + protocol thrift.CompactProtocol + encoder thrift.Encoder + } + + filter []byte + numRows int64 + bufferIndex int32 + bufferSize int32 + writePageStats bool + writePageBounds bool + isCompressed bool + encodings []format.Encoding + + columnChunk *format.ColumnChunk + offsetIndex *format.OffsetIndex +} + +func (c *writerColumn) reset() { + if c.columnBuffer != nil { + c.columnBuffer.Reset() + } + if c.columnIndex != nil { + c.columnIndex.Reset() + } + if c.dictionary != nil { + c.dictionary.Reset() + } + if c.pageBuffer != nil { + c.pool.PutBuffer(c.pageBuffer) + c.pageBuffer = nil + } + c.numPages = 0 + // Bloom filters may change in size between row groups, but we retain the + // buffer to avoid reallocating large memory blocks. + c.filter = c.filter[:0] + c.numRows = 0 + // Reset the fields of column chunks that change between row groups, + // but keep the ones that remain unchanged. + c.columnChunk.MetaData.NumValues = 0 + c.columnChunk.MetaData.TotalUncompressedSize = 0 + c.columnChunk.MetaData.TotalCompressedSize = 0 + c.columnChunk.MetaData.DataPageOffset = 0 + c.columnChunk.MetaData.DictionaryPageOffset = 0 + c.columnChunk.MetaData.Statistics = format.Statistics{} + c.columnChunk.MetaData.EncodingStats = c.columnChunk.MetaData.EncodingStats[:0] + c.columnChunk.MetaData.BloomFilterOffset = 0 + c.offsetIndex.PageLocations = c.offsetIndex.PageLocations[:0] +} + +func (c *writerColumn) totalRowCount() int64 { + n := c.numRows + if c.columnBuffer != nil { + n += int64(c.columnBuffer.Len()) + } + return n +} + +func (c *writerColumn) flush() (err error) { + if c.columnBuffer.Len() > 0 { + defer c.columnBuffer.Reset() + _, err = c.writeDataPage(c.columnBuffer.Page()) + } + return err +} + +func (c *writerColumn) flushFilterPages() (err error) { + if c.columnFilter == nil { + return nil + } + + // If there is a dictionary, it contains all the values that we need to + // write to the filter. + if dict := c.dictionary; dict != nil { + // Need to always attempt to resize the filter, as the writer might + // be reused after resetting which would have reset the length of + // the filter to 0. + c.resizeBloomFilter(int64(dict.Len())) + return c.writePageToFilter(dict.Page()) + } + + // When the filter was already allocated, pages have been written to it as + // they were seen by the column writer. + if len(c.filter) > 0 { + return nil + } + + // When the filter was not allocated, the writer did not know how many + // values were going to be seen and therefore could not properly size the + // filter ahead of time. In this case, we read back all the pages that we + // have encoded and copy their values back to the filter. + // + // A prior implementation of the column writer used to create in-memory + // copies of the pages to avoid this decoding step; however, this unbounded + // allocation caused memory exhaustion in production applications. CPU being + // a somewhat more stretchable resource, we prefer spending time on this + // decoding step than having to trigger incident response when production + // systems are getting OOM-Killed. + c.resizeBloomFilter(c.columnChunk.MetaData.NumValues) + + column := &Column{ + // Set all the fields required by the decodeDataPage* methods. + typ: c.columnType, + encoding: c.encoding, + compression: c.compression, + maxRepetitionLevel: c.maxRepetitionLevel, + maxDefinitionLevel: c.maxDefinitionLevel, + index: int16(c.bufferIndex), + } + + var pageReader io.Reader = c.pageBuffer + if offset, err := c.pageBuffer.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil { + return err + } else if offset != 0 { + return fmt.Errorf("resetting parquet page buffer to the start expected offset zero but got %d", offset) + } + + if _, ok := pageReader.(*os.File); ok { + rbuf, pool := getBufioReader(pageReader, 1024) + defer func() { + putBufioReader(rbuf, pool) + }() + pageReader = rbuf + } + + pbuf := (*buffer)(nil) + defer func() { + if pbuf != nil { + pbuf.unref() + } + }() + + decoder := thrift.NewDecoder(c.header.protocol.NewReader(pageReader)) + + for i := 0; i < c.numPages; i++ { + header := new(format.PageHeader) + if err := decoder.Decode(header); err != nil { + return err + } + + if pbuf != nil { + pbuf.unref() + } + pbuf = buffers.get(int(header.CompressedPageSize)) + if _, err := io.ReadFull(pageReader, pbuf.data); err != nil { + return err + } + + var page Page + + switch header.Type { + case format.DataPage: + page, err = column.decodeDataPageV1(DataPageHeaderV1{header.DataPageHeader}, pbuf, nil, header.UncompressedPageSize) + case format.DataPageV2: + page, err = column.decodeDataPageV2(DataPageHeaderV2{header.DataPageHeaderV2}, pbuf, nil, header.UncompressedPageSize) + } + if page != nil { + err = c.writePageToFilter(page) + Release(page) + } + if err != nil { + return err + } + } + + return nil +} + +func (c *writerColumn) resizeBloomFilter(numValues int64) { + filterSize := c.columnFilter.Size(numValues) + if cap(c.filter) < filterSize { + c.filter = make([]byte, filterSize) + } else { + c.filter = c.filter[:filterSize] + for i := range c.filter { + c.filter[i] = 0 + } + } +} + +func (c *writerColumn) newColumnBuffer() ColumnBuffer { + column := c.columnType.NewColumnBuffer(int(c.bufferIndex), c.columnType.EstimateNumValues(int(c.bufferSize))) + switch { + case c.maxRepetitionLevel > 0: + column = newRepeatedColumnBuffer(column, c.maxRepetitionLevel, c.maxDefinitionLevel, nullsGoLast) + case c.maxDefinitionLevel > 0: + column = newOptionalColumnBuffer(column, c.maxDefinitionLevel, nullsGoLast) + } + return column +} + +func (c *writerColumn) writeRows(rows []Value) error { + if c.columnBuffer == nil { + // Lazily create the row group column so we don't need to allocate it if + // rows are not written individually to the column. + c.columnBuffer = c.newColumnBuffer() + } + if _, err := c.columnBuffer.WriteValues(rows); err != nil { + return err + } + if c.columnBuffer.Size() >= int64(c.bufferSize) { + return c.flush() + } + return nil +} + +func (c *writerColumn) WriteValues(values []Value) (numValues int, err error) { + if c.columnBuffer == nil { + c.columnBuffer = c.newColumnBuffer() + } + return c.columnBuffer.WriteValues(values) +} + +func (c *writerColumn) writeBloomFilter(w io.Writer) error { + e := thrift.NewEncoder(c.header.protocol.NewWriter(w)) + h := bloomFilterHeader(c.columnFilter) + h.NumBytes = int32(len(c.filter)) + if err := e.Encode(&h); err != nil { + return err + } + _, err := w.Write(c.filter) + return err +} + +func (c *writerColumn) writeDataPage(page Page) (int64, error) { + numValues := page.NumValues() + if numValues == 0 { + return 0, nil + } + + buf := c.buffers + buf.reset() + + if c.maxRepetitionLevel > 0 { + buf.encodeRepetitionLevels(page, c.maxRepetitionLevel) + } + if c.maxDefinitionLevel > 0 { + buf.encodeDefinitionLevels(page, c.maxDefinitionLevel) + } + + if err := buf.encode(page, c.encoding); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("encoding parquet data page: %w", err) + } + if c.dataPageType == format.DataPage { + buf.prependLevelsToDataPageV1(c.maxDefinitionLevel, c.maxDefinitionLevel) + } + + uncompressedPageSize := buf.size() + if uncompressedPageSize > maxUncompressedPageSize { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("page size limit exceeded: %d>%d", uncompressedPageSize, maxUncompressedPageSize) + } + if c.isCompressed { + if err := buf.compress(c.compression); err != nil { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("compressing parquet data page: %w", err) + } + } + + if page.Dictionary() == nil && len(c.filter) > 0 { + // When the writer knows the number of values in advance (e.g. when + // writing a full row group), the filter encoding is set and the page + // can be directly applied to the filter, which minimizes memory usage + // since there is no need to buffer the values in order to determine + // the size of the filter. + if err := c.writePageToFilter(page); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + + statistics := format.Statistics{} + if c.writePageStats { + statistics = c.makePageStatistics(page) + } + + pageHeader := &format.PageHeader{ + Type: c.dataPageType, + UncompressedPageSize: int32(uncompressedPageSize), + CompressedPageSize: int32(buf.size()), + CRC: int32(buf.crc32()), + } + + numRows := page.NumRows() + numNulls := page.NumNulls() + switch c.dataPageType { + case format.DataPage: + pageHeader.DataPageHeader = &format.DataPageHeader{ + NumValues: int32(numValues), + Encoding: c.encoding.Encoding(), + DefinitionLevelEncoding: format.RLE, + RepetitionLevelEncoding: format.RLE, + Statistics: statistics, + } + case format.DataPageV2: + pageHeader.DataPageHeaderV2 = &format.DataPageHeaderV2{ + NumValues: int32(numValues), + NumNulls: int32(numNulls), + NumRows: int32(numRows), + Encoding: c.encoding.Encoding(), + DefinitionLevelsByteLength: int32(len(buf.definitions)), + RepetitionLevelsByteLength: int32(len(buf.repetitions)), + IsCompressed: &c.isCompressed, + Statistics: statistics, + } + } + + buf.header.Reset() + if err := c.header.encoder.Encode(pageHeader); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + + size := int64(buf.header.Len()) + + int64(len(buf.repetitions)) + + int64(len(buf.definitions)) + + int64(len(buf.page)) + + err := c.writePageTo(size, func(output io.Writer) (written int64, err error) { + for _, data := range [...][]byte{ + buf.header.Bytes(), + buf.repetitions, + buf.definitions, + buf.page, + } { + wn, err := output.Write(data) + written += int64(wn) + if err != nil { + return written, err + } + } + return written, nil + }) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + + c.recordPageStats(int32(buf.header.Len()), pageHeader, page) + return numValues, nil +} + +func (c *writerColumn) writeDictionaryPage(output io.Writer, dict Dictionary) (err error) { + buf := c.buffers + buf.reset() + + if err := buf.encode(dict.Page(), &Plain); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("writing parquet dictionary page: %w", err) + } + + uncompressedPageSize := buf.size() + if uncompressedPageSize > maxUncompressedPageSize { + return fmt.Errorf("page size limit exceeded: %d>%d", uncompressedPageSize, maxUncompressedPageSize) + } + if isCompressed(c.compression) { + if err := buf.compress(c.compression); err != nil { + return fmt.Errorf("copmressing parquet dictionary page: %w", err) + } + } + + pageHeader := &format.PageHeader{ + Type: format.DictionaryPage, + UncompressedPageSize: int32(uncompressedPageSize), + CompressedPageSize: int32(buf.size()), + CRC: int32(buf.crc32()), + DictionaryPageHeader: &format.DictionaryPageHeader{ + NumValues: int32(dict.Len()), + Encoding: format.Plain, + IsSorted: false, + }, + } + + header := &c.buffers.header + header.Reset() + if err := c.header.encoder.Encode(pageHeader); err != nil { + return err + } + if _, err := output.Write(header.Bytes()); err != nil { + return err + } + if _, err := output.Write(buf.page); err != nil { + return err + } + c.recordPageStats(int32(header.Len()), pageHeader, nil) + return nil +} + +func (w *writerColumn) writePageToFilter(page Page) (err error) { + pageType := page.Type() + pageData := page.Data() + w.filter, err = pageType.Encode(w.filter, pageData, w.columnFilter.Encoding()) + return err +} + +func (c *writerColumn) writePageTo(size int64, writeTo func(io.Writer) (int64, error)) (err error) { + if c.pageBuffer == nil { + c.pageBuffer = c.pool.GetBuffer() + defer func() { + if err != nil { + c.pool.PutBuffer(c.pageBuffer) + c.pageBuffer = nil + } + }() + if _, err = c.pageBuffer.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil { + return err + } + } + written, err := writeTo(c.pageBuffer) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if written != size { + return fmt.Errorf("writing parquet column page expected %dB but got %dB: %w", size, written, io.ErrShortWrite) + } + c.numPages++ + return nil +} + +func (c *writerColumn) makePageStatistics(page Page) format.Statistics { + numNulls := page.NumNulls() + minValue, maxValue, _ := page.Bounds() + minValueBytes := minValue.Bytes() + maxValueBytes := maxValue.Bytes() + return format.Statistics{ + Min: minValueBytes, // deprecated + Max: maxValueBytes, // deprecated + NullCount: numNulls, + MinValue: minValueBytes, + MaxValue: maxValueBytes, + } +} + +func (c *writerColumn) recordPageStats(headerSize int32, header *format.PageHeader, page Page) { + uncompressedSize := headerSize + header.UncompressedPageSize + compressedSize := headerSize + header.CompressedPageSize + + if page != nil { + numNulls := page.NumNulls() + numValues := page.NumValues() + + var minValue, maxValue Value + var pageHasBounds bool + if c.writePageBounds { + minValue, maxValue, pageHasBounds = page.Bounds() + } + + c.columnIndex.IndexPage(numValues, numNulls, minValue, maxValue) + c.columnChunk.MetaData.NumValues += numValues + c.columnChunk.MetaData.Statistics.NullCount += numNulls + + if pageHasBounds { + var existingMaxValue, existingMinValue Value + + if c.columnChunk.MetaData.Statistics.MaxValue != nil && c.columnChunk.MetaData.Statistics.MinValue != nil { + existingMaxValue = c.columnType.Kind().Value(c.columnChunk.MetaData.Statistics.MaxValue) + existingMinValue = c.columnType.Kind().Value(c.columnChunk.MetaData.Statistics.MinValue) + } + + if existingMaxValue.isNull() || c.columnType.Compare(maxValue, existingMaxValue) > 0 { + buf := c.columnChunk.MetaData.Statistics.MaxValue[:0] + // if maxValue is empty string, c.columnChunk.MetaData.Statistics.MaxValue should be []bytes{}, but nil + if buf == nil && maxValue.Kind() == ByteArray && len(maxValue.ByteArray()) == 0 { + buf = make([]byte, 0) + } + c.columnChunk.MetaData.Statistics.MaxValue = maxValue.AppendBytes(buf) + } + + if existingMinValue.isNull() || c.columnType.Compare(minValue, existingMinValue) < 0 { + buf := c.columnChunk.MetaData.Statistics.MinValue[:0] + // same as above + if buf == nil && minValue.Kind() == ByteArray && len(minValue.ByteArray()) == 0 { + buf = make([]byte, 0) + } + c.columnChunk.MetaData.Statistics.MinValue = minValue.AppendBytes(buf) + } + } + + c.offsetIndex.PageLocations = append(c.offsetIndex.PageLocations, format.PageLocation{ + Offset: c.columnChunk.MetaData.TotalCompressedSize, + CompressedPageSize: compressedSize, + FirstRowIndex: c.numRows, + }) + + c.numRows += page.NumRows() + } + + pageType := header.Type + encoding := format.Encoding(-1) + switch pageType { + case format.DataPageV2: + encoding = header.DataPageHeaderV2.Encoding + case format.DataPage: + encoding = header.DataPageHeader.Encoding + case format.DictionaryPage: + encoding = header.DictionaryPageHeader.Encoding + } + + c.columnChunk.MetaData.TotalUncompressedSize += int64(uncompressedSize) + c.columnChunk.MetaData.TotalCompressedSize += int64(compressedSize) + c.columnChunk.MetaData.EncodingStats = addPageEncodingStats(c.columnChunk.MetaData.EncodingStats, format.PageEncodingStats{ + PageType: pageType, + Encoding: encoding, + Count: 1, + }) +} + +func addEncoding(encodings []format.Encoding, add format.Encoding) []format.Encoding { + for _, enc := range encodings { + if enc == add { + return encodings + } + } + return append(encodings, add) +} + +func addPageEncodingStats(stats []format.PageEncodingStats, pages ...format.PageEncodingStats) []format.PageEncodingStats { +addPages: + for _, add := range pages { + for i, st := range stats { + if st.PageType == add.PageType && st.Encoding == add.Encoding { + stats[i].Count += add.Count + continue addPages + } + } + stats = append(stats, add) + } + return stats +} + +func sortPageEncodings(encodings []format.Encoding) { + sort.Slice(encodings, func(i, j int) bool { + return encodings[i] < encodings[j] + }) +} + +func sortPageEncodingStats(stats []format.PageEncodingStats) { + sort.Slice(stats, func(i, j int) bool { + s1 := &stats[i] + s2 := &stats[j] + if s1.PageType != s2.PageType { + return s1.PageType < s2.PageType + } + return s1.Encoding < s2.Encoding + }) +} + +type offsetTrackingWriter struct { + writer io.Writer + offset int64 +} + +func (w *offsetTrackingWriter) Reset(writer io.Writer) { + w.writer = writer + w.offset = 0 +} + +func (w *offsetTrackingWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { + n, err := w.writer.Write(b) + w.offset += int64(n) + return n, err +} + +func (w *offsetTrackingWriter) WriteString(s string) (int, error) { + n, err := io.WriteString(w.writer, s) + w.offset += int64(n) + return n, err +} + +func (w *offsetTrackingWriter) ReadFrom(r io.Reader) (int64, error) { + // io.Copy will make use of io.ReaderFrom if w.writer implements it. + n, err := io.Copy(w.writer, r) + w.offset += n + return n, err +} + +var ( + _ RowWriterWithSchema = (*Writer)(nil) + _ RowReaderFrom = (*Writer)(nil) + _ RowGroupWriter = (*Writer)(nil) + + _ RowWriter = (*writer)(nil) + _ ValueWriter = (*writer)(nil) + + _ ValueWriter = (*writerColumn)(nil) + + _ io.ReaderFrom = (*offsetTrackingWriter)(nil) + _ io.StringWriter = (*offsetTrackingWriter)(nil) +) diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index 32cbda8db7749..3b538afcf9634 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -322,6 +322,10 @@ github.com/alicebob/miniredis/v2/size # github.com/aliyun/aliyun-oss-go-sdk v3.0.2+incompatible ## explicit github.com/aliyun/aliyun-oss-go-sdk/oss +# github.com/andybalholm/brotli v1.1.0 +## explicit; go 1.13 +github.com/andybalholm/brotli +github.com/andybalholm/brotli/matchfinder # github.com/armon/go-metrics v0.4.1 ## explicit; go 1.12 github.com/armon/go-metrics @@ -1183,6 +1187,7 @@ github.com/klauspost/compress/internal/cpuinfo github.com/klauspost/compress/internal/race github.com/klauspost/compress/internal/snapref github.com/klauspost/compress/s2 +github.com/klauspost/compress/snappy github.com/klauspost/compress/zlib github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd/internal/xxhash @@ -1229,6 +1234,9 @@ github.com/mattn/go-ieproxy # github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.20 ## explicit; go 1.15 github.com/mattn/go-isatty +# github.com/mattn/go-runewidth v0.0.16 +## explicit; go 1.9 +github.com/mattn/go-runewidth # github.com/miekg/dns v1.1.61 ## explicit; go 1.19 github.com/miekg/dns @@ -1304,6 +1312,9 @@ github.com/oklog/run # github.com/oklog/ulid v1.3.1 ## explicit github.com/oklog/ulid +# github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter v0.0.5 +## explicit; go 1.12 +github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter # github.com/opencontainers/go-digest v1.0.0 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/opencontainers/go-digest @@ -1329,6 +1340,35 @@ github.com/oschwald/geoip2-golang # github.com/oschwald/maxminddb-golang v1.13.0 ## explicit; go 1.21 github.com/oschwald/maxminddb-golang +# github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go v0.24.0 +## explicit; go 1.22 +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/bloom/xxhash +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/brotli +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/gzip +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/lz4 +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/snappy +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/uncompressed +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/compress/zstd +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/deprecated +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bitpacked +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/bytestreamsplit +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/delta +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/plain +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/rle +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/encoding/thrift +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/format +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/aeshash +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/hashprobe/wyhash +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bitpack +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/bytealg +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/debug +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/internal/unsafecast +github.com/parquet-go/parquet-go/sparse # github.com/pierrec/lz4/v4 v4.1.22 ## explicit; go 1.14 github.com/pierrec/lz4/v4