Metric name |
Metric type |
Description |
Labels |
cloudcost_aws_ec2_instance_cpu_usd_per_core_hour |
Gauge |
The processing cost of a EC2 Compute Instance in USD/(core*h) |
cluster_name =<name of the cluster the instance is associated with, if it exists. Can be empty> instance =<name of the compute instance> instance_id =<The unique id associated with the compute instance> region =<AWS region code> family =<broader compute family (General Purpose, Compute Optimized, Memory Optimized, ...) > machine_type =<specific machine type, e.g.: m7a.large> price_tier =<spot|ondemand> architecture =<arm64|x86_64 > |
cloudcost_aws_ec2_instance_memory_usd_per_gib_hour |
Gauge |
The memory cost of a EC2 Compute Instance in USD/(GiB*h) |
cluster_name =<name of the cluster the instance is associated with, if it exists. Can be empty> instance =<name of the compute instance> instance_id =<The unique id associated with the compute instance> region =<AWS region code> family =<broader compute family (General Purpose, Compute Optimized, Memory Optimized, ...) > machine_type =<specific machine type, e.g.: m7a.large> price_tier =<spot|ondemand> architecture =<arm64|x86_64 > |
cloudcost_aws_ec2_instance_total_usd_per_hour |
Gauge |
The total cost of an EC2 Compute Instance in USD/*h) |
cluster_name =<name of the cluster the instance is associated with, if it exists. Can be empty> instance =<name of the compute instance> instance_id =<The unique id associated with the compute instance> region =<AWS region code> family =<broader compute family (General Purpose, Compute Optimized, Memory Optimized, ...) > machine_type =<specific machine type, e.g.: m7a.large> price_tier =<spot|ondemand> architecture =<arm64|x86_64 > |
Metric name |
Metric type |
Description |
Labels |
cloudcost_aws_ec2_persistent_volume_usd_per_hour |
Gauge |
The cost of an EBS Volume in USD/h |
availability_zone =<AWS AZ code> disk =<EBS volume ID> persistentvolume =<k8s persistent volume ID> region =<AWS region code> size_gib =<volume size in GiB, can always be parsed to an integer> state =<volume state, eg: available, in-use; type =<volume type, eg: gp2, gp3> |
The pricing data is sourced from the AWS Pricing API and is updated every 24 hours.
There are a few assumptions that we're making specific to Grafana Labs:
- All costs are in USD
- Only consider Linux based instances
emits the list price and does not take into account any discounts or savings plans