diff --git a/flax/nnx/module.py b/flax/nnx/module.py
index 795bb9a08..05e14988a 100644
--- a/flax/nnx/module.py
+++ b/flax/nnx/module.py
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ def set_attributes(
     raise_if_not_found: bool = True,
     **attributes: tp.Any,
   ) -> None:
-    """Sets the attributes of nested Modules including the current Module.
-    If the attribute is not found in the Module, it is ignored.
+    """Sets the attributes of nested :class:`flax.nnx.Module`'s including the current
+    ``nnx.Module``. If the attribute is not found in the ``nnx.Module``, it is ignored.
@@ -288,7 +288,8 @@ def set_attributes(
       >>> block.dropout.deterministic, block.batch_norm.use_running_average
       (True, True)
-    ``Filter``'s can be used to set the attributes of specific Modules::
+    ``Filter``'s (``flax.nnx.filterlib``) can be used to set the attributes of specific
+    ``nnx.Module``'s::
       >>> block = Block(2, 5, rngs=nnx.Rngs(0))
       >>> block.set_attributes(nnx.Dropout, deterministic=True)
@@ -297,8 +298,8 @@ def set_attributes(
       (True, False)
-      *filters: Filters to select the Modules to set the attributes of.
-      raise_if_not_found: If True (default), raises a ValueError if at least one attribute
+      *filters: NNX ``Filter``'s to select the :class:`flax.nnx.Module`'s whose attributes will be to be set.
+      raise_if_not_found: If ``True`` (default), raises a ValueError if at least one attribute
         instance is not found in one of the selected Modules.
       **attributes: The attributes to set.