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Slicer in Cloud environments

Key Investigators

  • Steve Pieper
  • Theodore Aptekarev

Project Description

This project is aimed to provide an updated overview of existing techniques of using 3D Slicer over an internet connection.


During this project week we would like to:

  1. Categorize existing data regarding using slicer over the internet
  2. Test and create/link a set of easy-to-use manuals/tutorials/boilerplates that explain basic setup options and use cases

Approach and Plan

  1. Collect, categorize and analyse forum posts that ask about using Slicer remotely.
  2. Review existing techniques (Docker, Cloud VM, Slicer Notebooks, Browser-based web app, Headless usage).
  3. Create a set of example manuals/tutorials/boilerplates that show basic setup options for some of the existing techniques.
  4. Submit manuals for review and agree about featuring them in some place visible to relevant people.

Progress and Next Steps

After running a simple scrapper through the forum and collecting all articles that mention keywords such as “web”, “cloud”, “internet” and “remote” a list of 170 articles was filtered based on the criteria of being related to some sort of remote usage of Slicer and not simply mentioning “the cloud” in some context.

The chosen 170 articles were filtered based on relevance to cloud or other remote web-based environments. The resulting 63 forum posts were scanned for external links and their click count.

After analyzing the content and grouping the links tha data leads us to the 4 main approaches:

  • Slicer as a desktop app running on a remote computer with remote desktop access

    For remote access to regular workstations VNC/RPD is used quite often. VNC connection errors appear in the forum topic sample quite frequently.

    For running Slicer on a machine rented form a Cloud provider the forum pointed to the following:

    # Technology Description
    4 SlicerDockers A collection of docker containers with Various versions of Slicer
    6 VirtualGL Techology behind noVNC that allows remote access to a Slicer machine via a web browser
    11 SlicerGCPSetup Instructions on setting up Slicer on a virtual machine rented from Google
    12 SlicerDocker A collection of docker containers with Slicer and Slicer Notebook
  • Slicer as a headless computation node running on a remote computer

    The SlicerDockers container contains a simple proof of concept example to run a slicer based script in a docker instance.

    # Technology Description
    4 SlicerDockers A collection of docker containers with Various versions of Slicer
    5 Girder Slicer cli module for the Girder data management platform
    7 SlicerWeb Slicer module that exposes a web server to support web services an applications.
  • SlicerJupyter with a kernel running on a remote computer with TCP access

    While using Slicer via a Jupyter notebook it is possible to access all the features of the application, render all existing UI elements, use ipywidgets to control parameters in Slicer and have remote interactive access to the application as a whole. See the Binder link to try this functionality online. Voilà being a part of Jupyter allows creation of simple dashboards.

    # Technology Description
    1 SlicerJupyter A collection of instructions on setting up a Jupyter Notebook server inside Slicer locally and remotely.
    3 Binder A collection of notebooks for Binder demonstrating basic Slicer functionality.
    8 Voilà Dashboard creation toolkit for Jupyter ecosystem
    13 Google Collab Google's notebook service
  • Pure web re-implementation of the slicer UI

    If the task is to streampline the existing UI for a single user, serving a Slicelet from a docker container is a viable solution. For many of the re-implementations of the Slicer UI - vtk.js is the technology that is used unter the hood.

    # Technology Description
    2 Slicelets Documentation for creating simplified UI for specific workflows.
    10 vtk.js Javascript port of the Visualization Tool Kit
    15 dcmjs/vtkDisplay An example that demonstrates how to display a DICOM Segmentation object with vtk-js.

    Apart from the technologies mentioned there are a lot of web-applications and toolkits that can be a starting point or an inspiration for re-implementing certain functionality of Slicer:

    # Technology Description
    9 ParaView Glance Web version of Paraview
    14 Universal Viewer Web based 2D image viewer
    16 Sphinx-Gallery Web based image viewer and gallery
    17 SliceDrop Simple browser based image viewer
    -- OHIF A zero-footprint medical image viewer
    -- Cornerstone.js A JS library to display interactive medical images

    Cloud providers:

    # Technology Description
    18 Jetstream HPC Cloud infrastructure provider
    19 Microsoft Azure VMs Cloud infrastructure provider
    20 Google Cloud Cloud infrastructure provider

To test different approaches a repository with docker-compose configuration files was created. It links to the projects mentioned above and makes launching sample containers as simple as running a single docker-compose up command.

SlicerCompose repository


Slicer Dockers

Slicer Web

Slicer Jupyter

Background and References