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Abacus is a library for parsing and evaluating expressions. It was designed so that simple expressions can be evaluated or translated to a different language. For more info on translators see translator-java and translator-javascript.

Given an expression it builds an abstract syntax tree (AST) on which it can perform operations. For instance it can simplify it, check it on semantical errors, evaluate it or translate it to some language.

Table of contents

Quick start

For those who can't wait to see it running, try copy pasting the following code:

SimpleSymbolTable sym = new SimpleSymbolTable();

AbstractNode tree;
try {
	NodeFactory nodeFactory = new AbacusNodeFactory();
	Lexer lexer = new AbacusLexer(expression);

	Parser parser = new Parser(lexer, nodeFactory);
	tree = parser.parse();

	SemanticsChecker semanticsChecker = new SemanticsChecker(sym);

	Simplifier simplifier = new Simplifier(sym, nodeFactory);
	tree = simplifier.simplify(tree);

} catch (CompilerException | SemanticsCheckException | SimplificationException e) {
	// Handle exception.

Object value;
try {
	Evaluator evaluator = new Evaluator(sym);
	value = evaluator.evaluate(tree);
} catch (EvaluationException e) {
	// Handle exception.


Some examples of expressions Abacus can handle are:

  • 3*x
  • 6+7
  • x > 1 ? "Singular" : "Plural"
  • "Hello" + " " + "World!"
  • true != false
  • (2*pi*sigma^2)^-(1/2)*e^-(x-mu)^2/2*sigma^2
  • 2*pi*r


###Supported types The following types are supported:

  • String
  • Integer
  • Decimal
  • Boolean
  • Date (TODO)

###Operations The following operations are defined:

addition +

  • Operands: either two numbers or two strings
  • Precedence: 5
  • Return type:
lhs \ rhs String Integer Decimal Unknown
String String - - String
Integer - Integer Decimal Integer
Decimal - Decimal Decimal Decimal
Unknown String Integer Decimal Unknown

substraction -

  • Operands: two numbers
  • Precedence: 5
  • Return type:
lhs \ rhs Integer Decimal Unknown
Integer Integer Decimal Integer
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
Unknown Integer Decimal Unknown

multiplication *

  • Operands: two numbers
  • Precedence: 4
  • Return type:
lhs \ rhs Integer Decimal Unknown
Integer Integer Decimal Integer
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
Unknown Integer Decimal Unknown

division /

  • Operands: two numbers
  • Precedence: 4
  • Return type:
lhs \ rhs Integer Decimal Unknown
Integer Integer Decimal Integer
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
Unknown Integer Decimal Unknown

modulo %

  • Operands: two numbers
  • Precedence: 4
  • Return type:
    • Integer

power ^

  • Operands: two numbers
  • Precedence: 4
  • Return type: Decimal

unary positive +

  • Operands: one number
  • Precedence: 2
  • Return type: the same type as the operand

unary negative -

  • Operands: one number
  • Precedence: 2
  • Return type: the same type as the operand

unary not !

  • Operands: Boolean
  • Precedence: 2
  • Return type: Boolean

smaller <

  • Operands: either two numbers or two operands of the same type
  • Precedence: 6
  • Return type: Boolean

smaller or equals <=

  • Operands: either two numbers or two operands of the same type
  • Precedence: 6
  • Return type: Boolean

equals ==

  • Operands: either two numbers or two operands of the same type
  • Precedence: 7
  • Return type: Boolean

unequals !=

  • Operands: either two numbers or two operands of the same type
  • Precedence: 7
  • Return type: Boolean

greater or equals >=

  • Operands: either two numbers or two operands of the same type
  • Precedence: 6
  • Return type: Boolean

greater >

  • Operands: either two numbers or two operands of the same type
  • Precedence: 6
  • Return type: Boolean

logical and &&

  • Operands: two Booleans
  • Precedence: 8
  • Return type: Boolean

logical or ||

  • Operands: two Booleans
  • Precedence: 8
  • Return type: Boolean

ternary if ? :

  • Operands: a boolean and two operands of the same type
  • Precedence: 10
  • Return type:
if \ else String Integer Decimal Date Unknown
String String - - - String
Integer - Integer Decimal - Integer
Decimal - Decimal Decimal - Decimal
Boolean - - - - Boolean
Date - - - Date Date
Unknown String Integer Decimal Date Unknown

Note: The interpreter does not do a complete check of the AST before evaluating it. Because of this it may be possible that the type of the non-applicable branch (if the condition evaluated to false the if-branch otherwise the else-branch) is unknown while it could have been known otherwise. In this case we also infer the type using the above table. There are a couple of situation where the behaviour is slightly different.

  • The applicable branch has type Integer, while the non applicable brach has type Decimal. The inferred type when using the interpreter is Integer, otherwise it would have been Decimal. For example: true ? 1 : (false ? 2.0 : 3.0).
  • When both branches have non compatible types, i.e. String and Integer, the interpreter does not throw an exception. For example: true ? 'Hello World!' : (false ? 2.0 : 3.0).

assignment =

  • Operands: left a variable, right any type
  • Precedence: 1
  • Return type: the same type as the right operand

###Language definition

We will define the language in two parts. The first part is a list of tokens the lexer recognises. The second part is a Backus-Naur Formish description using the tokens.


The lexer recognises the following tokens:

END_OF_INPUT      = (Not really a character, just the end of the input. \0 if you like.)
WHITE_SPACE       = " " | "\t" | "\n" | "\r"
NEW_LINE          = "\n" | "\r\n"
COMMA             = ","
IDENTIFIER        = [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
STRING            = \'(\\.|[^\\'])*\'  (escaping of special characters is possible)
DECIMAL           = ([0-9]+ \. [0-9]* | \. [0-9]+)
INTEGER           = 0 | [1-9][0-9]*
BOOLEAN_AND       = "&&"
BOOLEAN_OR        = "||"
PLUS              = "+"
MINUS             = "-"
MULTIPLY          = "*"
DIVIDE            = "/"
NEQ               = "!="
NOT               = "!"
LEQ               = "<="
LT                = "<"
GEQ               = ">="
GT                = ">"
EQ                = "=="
IF                = "?"
COLON             = ":"
PERCENT           = "%"
POWER             = "^"
ASSIGNMENT        = "="
NULL              = "null"


<statement-list>   := <statement> | <statement> <statement-list>
<statement>        := <assignment> <eos>
<assignment>       := <expression> | <expression> ASSIGNMENT <assignment>
<expression>       := <conditional>
<conditional>      := <booleanoperation> | <booleanoperation> IF <expression> COLON <expression>
<booleanoperation> := <comparison> | <comparison> ( BOOLEAN_AND | BOOLEAN_OR ) <booleanoperation>
<comparison>       := <addition> | <addition> ( EQ | NEQ | LT | LEQ | GEQ | GT ) <comparison>
<addition>         := <term> | <term> ( PLUS | MINUS ) <comparison>
<term>             := <power> | <power> ( MULTIPLY | DIVIDE | PERCENT ) <term>
<power>            := <unary> | <unary> ( POWER ) <power>
<unary>            := ( epsilon | PLUS | MINUS | NOT ) <factor>
<factor>           := DECIMAL | INTEGER | STRING | ( LEFT_PARENTHESIS <expression> RIGHT_PARENTHESIS )
                         | IDENTIFIER ( epsilon | LEFT_PARENTHESIS <expression-list> RIGHT_PARENTHESIS )
<expression-list>  := <expression> | <expression> <expression-list>

<eos> := ; | end of input


  • Parse dates. Probably using the following syntax; D'yyyy-MM-dd'.
  • Apply typechecking on the rhs of an OrNode, on the rhs of an AndNode and on the rhs of an IfNode in the Interperter. For instance, the Interpreter will evaluate the expression true || 9.6 to true, while the Evaluator will throw an exception beacuse the rhs is of type Decimal. In this case the checking can be done easilly. In contrast; in the case true || (a * b) we cannot infer the type of the rhs (without interpreting), but we do know that the type of the rhs cannot ever become Boolean. So (without interpreting the rhs) we should be able to deduct that an exception should be thrown. For the IfNode this also means that the type cannot always be inferred.
  • Translate comments in code to English.


Copyright 2011 Geert Mulders

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.