-1||e[n].indexOf(">")>-1||e[n].indexOf("url(data:")>-1)&&delete e[n],"object"===Yt(e[n])&&t(e[n])}))},Qt=function(t){t.fontFamily&&(t.themeVariables&&t.themeVariables.fontFamily||(t.themeVariables={fontFamily:t.fontFamily})),qt.push(t),Vt(Wt,qt)},Kt=function(){Vt(Wt,qt=[])},Jt=n(7856),te=n.n(Jt),ee=function(t){var e=t.replace(/\\u[\dA-F]{4}/gi,(function(t){return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(t.replace(/\\u/g,""),16))}));return e=(e=(e=e.replace(/\\x([0-9a-f]{2})/gi,(function(t,e){return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e,16))}))).replace(/\\[\d\d\d]{3}/gi,(function(t){return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(t.replace(/\\/g,""),8))}))).replace(/\\[\d\d\d]{2}/gi,(function(t){return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(t.replace(/\\/g,""),8))}))},ne=function(t){for(var e="",n=0;n>=0;){if(!((n=t.indexOf(" \n *\n * A summary of all options and their defaults is found [here](#mermaidapi-configuration-defaults).\n * A description of each option follows below.\n *\n * @name Configuration\n */\nconst config = {\n /**\n * Theme , the CSS style sheet\n *\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | --------------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- |\n * | theme | Built in Themes | string | Optional | 'default', 'forest', 'dark', 'neutral', 'null' |\n *\n * **Notes:** To disable any pre-defined mermaid theme, use \"null\". \"theme\": \"forest\",\n * \"themeCSS\": \".node rect { fill: red; }\"
\n */\n theme: 'default',\n themeVariables: theme['default'].getThemeVariables(),\n themeCSS: undefined,\n /* **maxTextSize** - The maximum allowed size of the users text diagram */\n maxTextSize: 50000,\n darkMode: false,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | ------ | -------- | --------------------------- |\n * | fontFamily | specifies the font to be used in the rendered diagrams | string | Required | Any Possible CSS FontFamily |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: '\"trebuchet ms\", verdana, arial, sans-serif;'.\n */\n fontFamily: '\"trebuchet ms\", verdana, arial, sans-serif;',\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | -------- | ------------- |\n * | logLevel | This option decides the amount of logging to be used. | string \\| number | Required | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * - Debug: 1\n * - Info: 2\n * - Warn: 3\n * - Error: 4\n * - Fatal: 5 (default)\n */\n logLevel: 5,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------- | --------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------------- |\n * | securitylevel | Level of trust for parsed diagram | string | Required | 'strict', 'loose', 'antiscript' |\n *\n * **Notes**:\n *\n * - **strict**: (**default**) tags in text are encoded, click functionality is disabled\n * - **loose**: tags in text are allowed, click functionality is enabled\n * - **antiscript**: html tags in text are allowed, (only script element is removed), click\n * functionality is enabled\n */\n securityLevel: 'strict',\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | startOnLoad | Dictates whether mermaid starts on Page load | boolean | Required | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: true\n */\n startOnLoad: true,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | arrowMarkerAbsolute | Controls whether or arrow markers in html code are absolute paths or anchors | boolean | Required | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes**:\n *\n * This matters if you are using base tag settings.\n *\n * Default value: false\n */\n arrowMarkerAbsolute: false,\n\n /**\n * This option controls which currentConfig keys are considered _secure_ and can only be changed\n * via call to mermaidAPI.initialize. Calls to mermaidAPI.reinitialize cannot make changes to the\n * `secure` keys in the current currentConfig. This prevents malicious graph directives from\n * overriding a site's default security.\n *\n * **Notes**:\n *\n * Default value: ['secure', 'securityLevel', 'startOnLoad', 'maxTextSize']\n */\n secure: ['secure', 'securityLevel', 'startOnLoad', 'maxTextSize'],\n\n /**\n * This option controls if the generated ids of nodes in the SVG are generated randomly or based\n * on a seed. If set to false, the IDs are generated based on the current date and thus are not\n * deterministic. This is the default behaviour.\n *\n * **Notes**:\n *\n * This matters if your files are checked into sourcecontrol e.g. git and should not change unless\n * content is changed.\n *\n * Default value: false\n */\n deterministicIds: false,\n\n /**\n * This option is the optional seed for deterministic ids. if set to undefined but\n * deterministicIds is true, a simple number iterator is used. You can set this attribute to base\n * the seed on a static string.\n */\n deterministicIDSeed: undefined,\n\n /** The object containing configurations specific for flowcharts */\n flowchart: {\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | -------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | diagramPadding | Amount of padding around the diagram as a whole | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * The amount of padding around the diagram as a whole so that embedded diagrams have margins,\n * expressed in pixels\n *\n * Default value: 8\n */\n diagramPadding: 8,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | htmlLabels | Flag for setting whether or not a html tag should be used for rendering labels on the edges. | boolean | Required | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: true.\n */\n htmlLabels: true,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------- |\n * | nodeSpacing | Defines the spacing between nodes on the same level | Integer | Required | Any positive Number |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * Pertains to horizontal spacing for TB (top to bottom) or BT (bottom to top) graphs, and the\n * vertical spacing for LR as well as RL graphs.**\n *\n * Default value: 50\n */\n nodeSpacing: 50,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------- |\n * | rankSpacing | Defines the spacing between nodes on different levels | Integer | Required | Any Positive Number |\n *\n * **Notes**:\n *\n * Pertains to vertical spacing for TB (top to bottom) or BT (bottom to top), and the horizontal\n * spacing for LR as well as RL graphs.\n *\n * Default value 50\n */\n rankSpacing: 50,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | ----------------------------- |\n * | curve | Defines how mermaid renders curves for flowcharts. | string | Required | 'basis', 'linear', 'cardinal' |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * Default Value: 'basis'\n */\n curve: 'basis',\n // Only used in new experimental rendering\n // represents the padding between the labels and the shape\n padding: 15,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | useMaxWidth | See notes | boolean | 4 | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * When this flag is set the height and width is set to 100% and is then scaling with the\n * available space if not the absolute space required is used.\n *\n * Default value: true\n */\n useMaxWidth: true,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------------------- |\n * | defaultRenderer | See notes | boolean | 4 | dagre-d3, dagre-wrapper |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * Decides which rendering engine that is to be used for the rendering. Legal values are:\n * dagre-d3 dagre-wrapper - wrapper for dagre implemented in mermaid\n *\n * Default value: 'dagre-d3'\n */\n defaultRenderer: 'dagre-d3',\n },\n\n /** The object containing configurations specific for sequence diagrams */\n sequence: {\n hideUnusedParticipants: false,\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------------- | ---------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | activationWidth | Width of the activation rect | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value :10\n */\n activationWidth: 10,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | diagramMarginX | Margin to the right and left of the sequence diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 50\n */\n diagramMarginX: 50,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | diagramMarginY | Margin to the over and under the sequence diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 10\n */\n diagramMarginY: 10,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | --------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | actorMargin | Margin between actors | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 50\n */\n actorMargin: 50,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | -------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | width | Width of actor boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 150\n */\n width: 150,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | --------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | height | Height of actor boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 65\n */\n height: 65,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | ------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | boxMargin | Margin around loop boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 10\n */\n boxMargin: 10,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | boxTextMargin | Margin around the text in loop/alt/opt boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 5\n */\n boxTextMargin: 5,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ---------- | ------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | noteMargin | margin around notes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 10\n */\n noteMargin: 10,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------- | ---------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | messageMargin | Space between messages | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 35\n */\n messageMargin: 35,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------ | --------------------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------- |\n * | messageAlign | Multiline message alignment | string | Required | 'left', 'center', 'right' |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 'center'\n */\n messageAlign: 'center',\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------ | --------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | mirrorActors | Mirror actors under diagram | boolean | Required | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: true\n */\n mirrorActors: true,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | forceMenus | forces actor popup menus to always be visible (to support E2E testing). | Boolean | Required | True, False |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * Default value: false.\n */\n forceMenus: false,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | bottomMarginAdj | Prolongs the edge of the diagram downwards | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * Depending on css styling this might need adjustment.\n *\n * Default value: 1\n */\n bottomMarginAdj: 1,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | useMaxWidth | See Notes | boolean | Required | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:** When this flag is set to true, the height and width is set to 100% and is then\n * scaling with the available space. If set to false, the absolute space required is used.\n *\n * Default value: true\n */\n useMaxWidth: true,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | ------------------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | rightAngles | display curve arrows as right angles | boolean | Required | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * This will display arrows that start and begin at the same node as right angles, rather than a curve\n *\n * Default value: false\n */\n rightAngles: false,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------------- | ------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | showSequenceNumbers | This will show the node numbers | boolean | Required | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: false\n */\n showSequenceNumbers: false,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | actorFontSize | This sets the font size of the actor's description | Integer | Require | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** **Default value 14**..\n */\n actorFontSize: 14,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | --------------------------- |\n * | actorFontFamily | This sets the font family of the actor's description | string | Required | Any Possible CSS FontFamily |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"'Open Sans\", sans-serif'\n */\n actorFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of the actor's description\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 400.\n */\n actorFontWeight: 400,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | noteFontSize | This sets the font size of actor-attached notes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14\n */\n noteFontSize: 14,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | -------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | --------------------------- |\n * | noteFontFamily | This sets the font family of actor-attached notes. | string | Required | Any Possible CSS FontFamily |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: ''\"trebuchet ms\", verdana, arial, sans-serif'\n */\n noteFontFamily: '\"trebuchet ms\", verdana, arial, sans-serif',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of the note's description\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 400\n */\n noteFontWeight: 400,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | ------------------------- |\n * | noteAlign | This sets the text alignment of actor-attached notes | string | required | 'left', 'center', 'right' |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 'center'\n */\n noteAlign: 'center',\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------- |\n * | messageFontSize | This sets the font size of actor messages | Integer | Required | Any Positive Number |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 16\n */\n messageFontSize: 16,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | --------------------------- |\n * | messageFontFamily | This sets the font family of actor messages | string | Required | Any Possible CSS FontFamily |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: '\"trebuchet ms\", verdana, arial, sans-serif'\n */\n messageFontFamily: '\"trebuchet ms\", verdana, arial, sans-serif',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of the message's description\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 400.\n */\n messageFontWeight: 400,\n\n /**\n * This sets the auto-wrap state for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: false.\n */\n wrap: false,\n\n /**\n * This sets the auto-wrap padding for the diagram (sides only)\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 0.\n */\n wrapPadding: 10,\n\n /**\n * This sets the width of the loop-box (loop, alt, opt, par)\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 50.\n */\n labelBoxWidth: 50,\n\n /**\n * This sets the height of the loop-box (loop, alt, opt, par)\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 20.\n */\n labelBoxHeight: 20,\n\n messageFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.messageFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.messageFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.messageFontWeight,\n };\n },\n noteFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.noteFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.noteFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.noteFontWeight,\n };\n },\n actorFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.actorFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.actorFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.actorFontWeight,\n };\n },\n },\n\n /** The object containing configurations specific for gantt diagrams */\n gantt: {\n /**\n * ### titleTopMargin\n *\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | titleTopMargin | Margin top for the text over the gantt diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 25\n */\n titleTopMargin: 25,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | ----------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | barHeight | The height of the bars in the graph | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 20\n */\n barHeight: 20,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | barGap | The margin between the different activities in the gantt diagram | Integer | Optional | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 4\n */\n barGap: 4,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | topPadding | Margin between title and gantt diagram and between axis and gantt diagram. | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 50\n */\n topPadding: 50,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | rightPadding | The space allocated for the section name to the right of the activities | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 75\n */\n rightPadding: 75,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | leftPadding | The space allocated for the section name to the left of the activities | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 75\n */\n leftPadding: 75,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | -------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | gridLineStartPadding | Vertical starting position of the grid lines | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 35\n */\n gridLineStartPadding: 35,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | fontSize | Font size | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 11\n */\n fontSize: 11,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------------- | ---------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | sectionFontSize | Font size for sections | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 11\n */\n sectionFontSize: 11,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | numberSectionStyles | The number of alternating section styles | Integer | 4 | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 4\n */\n numberSectionStyles: 4,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ---------- | --------------------------- | ---- | -------- | ---------------- |\n * | axisFormat | Datetime format of the axis | 3 | Required | Date in yy-mm-dd |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * This might need adjustment to match your locale and preferences\n *\n * Default value: '%Y-%m-%d'.\n */\n axisFormat: '%Y-%m-%d',\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | useMaxWidth | See notes | boolean | 4 | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * When this flag is set the height and width is set to 100% and is then scaling with the\n * available space if not the absolute space required is used.\n *\n * Default value: true\n */\n useMaxWidth: true,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | topAxis | See notes | Boolean | 4 | True, False |\n *\n * **Notes:** when this flag is set date labels will be added to the top of the chart\n *\n * **Default value false**.\n */\n topAxis: false,\n\n useWidth: undefined,\n },\n\n /** The object containing configurations specific for journey diagrams */\n journey: {\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | diagramMarginX | Margin to the right and left of the sequence diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 50\n */\n diagramMarginX: 50,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | -------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | diagramMarginY | Margin to the over and under the sequence diagram. | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 10\n */\n diagramMarginY: 10,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | --------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | actorMargin | Margin between actors | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 50\n */\n leftMargin: 150,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | -------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | width | Width of actor boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 150\n */\n width: 150,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | --------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | height | Height of actor boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 65\n */\n height: 50,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | ------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | boxMargin | Margin around loop boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 10\n */\n boxMargin: 10,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | boxTextMargin | Margin around the text in loop/alt/opt boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 5\n */\n boxTextMargin: 5,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ---------- | ------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | noteMargin | Margin around notes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 10\n */\n noteMargin: 10,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------- | ----------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | messageMargin | Space between messages. | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * Space between messages.\n *\n * Default value: 35\n */\n messageMargin: 35,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------ | --------------------------- | ---- | -------- | ------------------------- |\n * | messageAlign | Multiline message alignment | 3 | 4 | 'left', 'center', 'right' |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 'center'\n */\n messageAlign: 'center',\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | bottomMarginAdj | Prolongs the edge of the diagram downwards | Integer | 4 | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * Depending on css styling this might need adjustment.\n *\n * Default value: 1\n */\n bottomMarginAdj: 1,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | useMaxWidth | See notes | boolean | 4 | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * When this flag is set the height and width is set to 100% and is then scaling with the\n * available space if not the absolute space required is used.\n *\n * Default value: true\n */\n useMaxWidth: true,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | --------------------------------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | rightAngles | Curved Arrows become Right Angles | 3 | 4 | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * This will display arrows that start and begin at the same node as right angles, rather than a curves\n *\n * Default value: false\n */\n rightAngles: false,\n taskFontSize: 14,\n taskFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n taskMargin: 50,\n // width of activation box\n activationWidth: 10,\n\n // text placement as: tspan | fo | old only text as before\n textPlacement: 'fo',\n actorColours: ['#8FBC8F', '#7CFC00', '#00FFFF', '#20B2AA', '#B0E0E6', '#FFFFE0'],\n\n sectionFills: ['#191970', '#8B008B', '#4B0082', '#2F4F4F', '#800000', '#8B4513', '#00008B'],\n sectionColours: ['#fff'],\n },\n class: {\n arrowMarkerAbsolute: false,\n dividerMargin: 10,\n padding: 5,\n textHeight: 10,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | useMaxWidth | See notes | boolean | 4 | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * When this flag is set the height and width is set to 100% and is then scaling with the\n * available space if not the absolute space required is used.\n *\n * Default value: true\n */\n useMaxWidth: true,\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------------------- |\n * | defaultRenderer | See notes | boolean | 4 | dagre-d3, dagre-wrapper |\n *\n * **Notes**:\n *\n * Decides which rendering engine that is to be used for the rendering. Legal values are:\n * dagre-d3 dagre-wrapper - wrapper for dagre implemented in mermaid\n *\n * Default value: 'dagre-d3'\n */\n defaultRenderer: 'dagre-wrapper',\n },\n state: {\n dividerMargin: 10,\n sizeUnit: 5,\n padding: 8,\n textHeight: 10,\n titleShift: -15,\n noteMargin: 10,\n forkWidth: 70,\n forkHeight: 7,\n // Used\n miniPadding: 2,\n // Font size factor, this is used to guess the width of the edges labels before rendering by dagre\n // layout. This might need updating if/when switching font\n fontSizeFactor: 5.02,\n fontSize: 24,\n labelHeight: 16,\n edgeLengthFactor: '20',\n compositTitleSize: 35,\n radius: 5,\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | useMaxWidth | See notes | boolean | 4 | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * When this flag is set the height and width is set to 100% and is then scaling with the\n * available space if not the absolute space required is used.\n *\n * Default value: true\n */\n useMaxWidth: true,\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------------------- |\n * | defaultRenderer | See notes | boolean | 4 | dagre-d3, dagre-wrapper |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * Decides which rendering engine that is to be used for the rendering. Legal values are:\n * dagre-d3 dagre-wrapper - wrapper for dagre implemented in mermaid\n *\n * Default value: 'dagre-d3'\n */\n defaultRenderer: 'dagre-wrapper',\n },\n\n /** The object containing configurations specific for entity relationship diagrams */\n er: {\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | -------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | diagramPadding | Amount of padding around the diagram as a whole | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * The amount of padding around the diagram as a whole so that embedded diagrams have margins,\n * expressed in pixels\n *\n * Default value: 20\n */\n diagramPadding: 20,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | ---------------------- |\n * | layoutDirection | Directional bias for layout of entities. | string | Required | \"TB\", \"BT\", \"LR\", \"RL\" |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * 'TB' for Top-Bottom, 'BT'for Bottom-Top, 'LR' for Left-Right, or 'RL' for Right to Left.\n *\n * T = top, B = bottom, L = left, and R = right.\n *\n * Default value: 'TB'\n */\n layoutDirection: 'TB',\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | -------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | minEntityWidth | The minimum width of an entity box | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Expressed in pixels. Default value: 100\n */\n minEntityWidth: 100,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | minEntityHeight | The minimum height of an entity box | Integer | 4 | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Expressed in pixels Default value: 75\n */\n minEntityHeight: 75,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | entityPadding | Minimum internal padding between text in box and box borders | Integer | 4 | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * The minimum internal padding between text in an entity box and the enclosing box borders,\n * expressed in pixels.\n *\n * Default value: 15\n */\n entityPadding: 15,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | ----------------------------------- | ------ | -------- | -------------------- |\n * | stroke | Stroke color of box edges and lines | string | 4 | Any recognized color |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 'gray'\n */\n stroke: 'gray',\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | -------------------------- | ------ | -------- | -------------------- |\n * | fill | Fill color of entity boxes | string | 4 | Any recognized color |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 'honeydew'\n */\n fill: 'honeydew',\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | ------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | fontSize | Font Size in pixels | Integer | | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * Font size (expressed as an integer representing a number of pixels) Default value: 12\n */\n fontSize: 12,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | useMaxWidth | See Notes | boolean | Required | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * When this flag is set to true, the diagram width is locked to 100% and scaled based on\n * available space. If set to false, the diagram reserves its absolute width.\n *\n * Default value: true\n */\n useMaxWidth: true,\n },\n\n /** The object containing configurations specific for pie diagrams */\n pie: {\n useWidth: undefined,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | useMaxWidth | See Notes | boolean | Required | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * When this flag is set to true, the diagram width is locked to 100% and scaled based on\n * available space. If set to false, the diagram reserves its absolute width.\n *\n * Default value: true\n */\n useMaxWidth: true,\n },\n\n /** The object containing configurations specific for req diagrams */\n requirement: {\n useWidth: undefined,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | useMaxWidth | See Notes | boolean | Required | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:**\n *\n * When this flag is set to true, the diagram width is locked to 100% and scaled based on\n * available space. If set to false, the diagram reserves its absolute width.\n *\n * Default value: true\n */\n useMaxWidth: true,\n\n rect_fill: '#f9f9f9',\n text_color: '#333',\n rect_border_size: '0.5px',\n rect_border_color: '#bbb',\n rect_min_width: 200,\n rect_min_height: 200,\n fontSize: 14,\n rect_padding: 10,\n line_height: 20,\n },\n gitGraph: {\n diagramPadding: 8,\n nodeLabel: {\n width: 75,\n height: 100,\n x: -25,\n y: 0,\n },\n mainBranchName: 'main',\n mainBranchOrder: 0,\n showCommitLabel: true,\n showBranches: true,\n rotateCommitLabel: true,\n },\n\n /** The object containing configurations specific for c4 diagrams */\n c4: {\n useWidth: undefined,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | diagramMarginX | Margin to the right and left of the c4 diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 50\n */\n diagramMarginX: 50,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | -------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | diagramMarginY | Margin to the over and under the c4 diagram | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 10\n */\n diagramMarginY: 10,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------- | --------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | c4ShapeMargin | Margin between shapes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 50\n */\n c4ShapeMargin: 50,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | -------------- | ---------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | c4ShapePadding | Padding between shapes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 20\n */\n c4ShapePadding: 20,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | --------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | width | Width of person boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 216\n */\n width: 216,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | ---------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | height | Height of person boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 60\n */\n height: 60,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | ------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | boxMargin | Margin around boxes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 10\n */\n boxMargin: 10,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ----------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ----------- |\n * | useMaxWidth | See Notes | boolean | Required | true, false |\n *\n * **Notes:** When this flag is set to true, the height and width is set to 100% and is then\n * scaling with the available space. If set to false, the absolute space required is used.\n *\n * Default value: true\n */\n useMaxWidth: true,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | ------------ | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | c4ShapeInRow | See Notes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** How many shapes to place in each row.\n *\n * Default value: 4\n */\n c4ShapeInRow: 4,\n\n nextLinePaddingX: 0,\n\n /**\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------------- | ----------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------ |\n * | c4BoundaryInRow | See Notes | Integer | Required | Any Positive Value |\n *\n * **Notes:** How many boundarys to place in each row.\n *\n * Default value: 2\n */\n c4BoundaryInRow: 2,\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of Person shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n personFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of Person shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n personFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of Person shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n personFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of External Person shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n external_personFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of External Person shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n external_personFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of External Person shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n external_personFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of System shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n systemFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of System shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n systemFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of System shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n systemFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of External System shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n external_systemFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of External System shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n external_systemFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of External System shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n external_systemFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of System DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n system_dbFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of System DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n system_dbFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of System DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n system_dbFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of External System DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n external_system_dbFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of External System DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n external_system_dbFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of External System DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n external_system_dbFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of System Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n system_queueFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of System Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n system_queueFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of System Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n system_queueFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of External System Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n external_system_queueFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of External System Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n external_system_queueFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of External System Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n external_system_queueFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of Boundary shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n boundaryFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of Boundary shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n boundaryFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of Boundary shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n boundaryFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of Message shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 12.\n */\n messageFontSize: 12,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of Message shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n messageFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of Message shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n messageFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of Container shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n containerFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of Container shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n containerFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of Container shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n containerFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of External Container shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n external_containerFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of External Container shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n external_containerFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of External Container shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n external_containerFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of Container DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n container_dbFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of Container DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n container_dbFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of Container DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n container_dbFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of External Container DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n external_container_dbFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of External Container DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n external_container_dbFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of External Container DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n external_container_dbFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of Container Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n container_queueFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of Container Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n container_queueFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of Container Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n container_queueFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of External Container Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n external_container_queueFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of External Container Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n external_container_queueFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of External Container Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n external_container_queueFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of Component shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n componentFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of Component shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n componentFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of Component shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n componentFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of External Component shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n external_componentFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of External Component shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n external_componentFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of External Component shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n external_componentFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of Component DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n component_dbFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of Component DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n component_dbFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of Component DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n component_dbFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of External Component DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n external_component_dbFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of External Component DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n external_component_dbFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of External Component DB shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n external_component_dbFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of Component Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n component_queueFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of Component Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n component_queueFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of Component Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n component_queueFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the font size of External Component Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 14.\n */\n external_component_queueFontSize: 14,\n /**\n * This sets the font family of External Component Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: \"Open Sans\", sans-serif.\n */\n external_component_queueFontFamily: '\"Open Sans\", sans-serif',\n /**\n * This sets the font weight of External Component Queue shape for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: normal.\n */\n external_component_queueFontWeight: 'normal',\n\n /**\n * This sets the auto-wrap state for the diagram\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: true.\n */\n wrap: true,\n\n /**\n * This sets the auto-wrap padding for the diagram (sides only)\n *\n * **Notes:** Default value: 0.\n */\n wrapPadding: 10,\n\n personFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.personFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.personFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.personFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n external_personFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.external_personFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.external_personFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.external_personFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n systemFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.systemFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.systemFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.systemFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n external_systemFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.external_systemFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.external_systemFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.external_systemFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n system_dbFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.system_dbFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.system_dbFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.system_dbFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n external_system_dbFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.external_system_dbFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.external_system_dbFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.external_system_dbFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n system_queueFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.system_queueFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.system_queueFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.system_queueFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n external_system_queueFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.external_system_queueFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.external_system_queueFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.external_system_queueFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n containerFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.containerFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.containerFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.containerFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n external_containerFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.external_containerFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.external_containerFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.external_containerFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n container_dbFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.container_dbFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.container_dbFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.container_dbFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n external_container_dbFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.external_container_dbFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.external_container_dbFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.external_container_dbFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n container_queueFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.container_queueFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.container_queueFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.container_queueFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n external_container_queueFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.external_container_queueFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.external_container_queueFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.external_container_queueFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n componentFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.componentFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.componentFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.componentFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n external_componentFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.external_componentFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.external_componentFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.external_componentFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n component_dbFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.component_dbFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.component_dbFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.component_dbFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n external_component_dbFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.external_component_dbFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.external_component_dbFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.external_component_dbFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n component_queueFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.component_queueFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.component_queueFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.component_queueFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n external_component_queueFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.external_component_queueFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.external_component_queueFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.external_component_queueFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n boundaryFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.boundaryFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.boundaryFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.boundaryFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n messageFont: function () {\n return {\n fontFamily: this.messageFontFamily,\n fontSize: this.messageFontSize,\n fontWeight: this.messageFontWeight,\n };\n },\n\n // ' Colors\n // ' ##################################\n person_bg_color: '#08427B',\n person_border_color: '#073B6F',\n external_person_bg_color: '#686868',\n external_person_border_color: '#8A8A8A',\n system_bg_color: '#1168BD',\n system_border_color: '#3C7FC0',\n system_db_bg_color: '#1168BD',\n system_db_border_color: '#3C7FC0',\n system_queue_bg_color: '#1168BD',\n system_queue_border_color: '#3C7FC0',\n external_system_bg_color: '#999999',\n external_system_border_color: '#8A8A8A',\n external_system_db_bg_color: '#999999',\n external_system_db_border_color: '#8A8A8A',\n external_system_queue_bg_color: '#999999',\n external_system_queue_border_color: '#8A8A8A',\n container_bg_color: '#438DD5',\n container_border_color: '#3C7FC0',\n container_db_bg_color: '#438DD5',\n container_db_border_color: '#3C7FC0',\n container_queue_bg_color: '#438DD5',\n container_queue_border_color: '#3C7FC0',\n external_container_bg_color: '#B3B3B3',\n external_container_border_color: '#A6A6A6',\n external_container_db_bg_color: '#B3B3B3',\n external_container_db_border_color: '#A6A6A6',\n external_container_queue_bg_color: '#B3B3B3',\n external_container_queue_border_color: '#A6A6A6',\n component_bg_color: '#85BBF0',\n component_border_color: '#78A8D8',\n component_db_bg_color: '#85BBF0',\n component_db_border_color: '#78A8D8',\n component_queue_bg_color: '#85BBF0',\n component_queue_border_color: '#78A8D8',\n external_component_bg_color: '#CCCCCC',\n external_component_border_color: '#BFBFBF',\n external_component_db_bg_color: '#CCCCCC',\n external_component_db_border_color: '#BFBFBF',\n external_component_queue_bg_color: '#CCCCCC',\n external_component_queue_border_color: '#BFBFBF',\n },\n};\n\nconfig.class.arrowMarkerAbsolute = config.arrowMarkerAbsolute;\nconfig.gitGraph.arrowMarkerAbsolute = config.arrowMarkerAbsolute;\n\nconst keyify = (obj, prefix = '') =>\n Object.keys(obj).reduce((res, el) => {\n if (Array.isArray(obj[el])) {\n return res;\n } else if (typeof obj[el] === 'object' && obj[el] !== null) {\n return [...res, prefix + el, ...keyify(obj[el], '')];\n }\n return [...res, prefix + el];\n }, []);\n\nexport const configKeys = keyify(config, '');\nexport default config;\n","import assignWithDepth from './assignWithDepth';\nimport { log } from './logger';\nimport theme from './themes';\nimport config from './defaultConfig';\n\nexport const defaultConfig = Object.freeze(config);\n\nlet siteConfig = assignWithDepth({}, defaultConfig);\nlet configFromInitialize;\nlet directives = [];\nlet currentConfig = assignWithDepth({}, defaultConfig);\n\nexport const updateCurrentConfig = (siteCfg, _directives) => {\n // start with config beeing the siteConfig\n let cfg = assignWithDepth({}, siteCfg);\n // let sCfg = assignWithDepth(defaultConfig, siteConfigDelta);\n\n // Join directives\n let sumOfDirectives = {};\n for (let i = 0; i < _directives.length; i++) {\n const d = _directives[i];\n sanitize(d);\n\n // Apply the data from the directive where the the overrides the themeVariables\n sumOfDirectives = assignWithDepth(sumOfDirectives, d);\n }\n\n cfg = assignWithDepth(cfg, sumOfDirectives);\n\n if (sumOfDirectives.theme && theme[sumOfDirectives.theme]) {\n const tmpConfigFromInitialize = assignWithDepth({}, configFromInitialize);\n const themeVariables = assignWithDepth(\n tmpConfigFromInitialize.themeVariables || {},\n sumOfDirectives.themeVariables\n );\n cfg.themeVariables = theme[cfg.theme].getThemeVariables(themeVariables);\n }\n\n currentConfig = cfg;\n return cfg;\n};\n\n/**\n * ## setSiteConfig\n *\n * | Function | Description | Type | Values |\n * | ------------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------- |\n * | setSiteConfig | Sets the siteConfig to desired values | Put Request | Any Values, except ones in secure array |\n *\n * **Notes:** Sets the siteConfig. The siteConfig is a protected configuration for repeat use. Calls\n * to reset() will reset the currentConfig to siteConfig. Calls to reset(configApi.defaultConfig)\n * will reset siteConfig and currentConfig to the defaultConfig Note: currentConfig is set in this\n * function _Default value: At default, will mirror Global Config_\n *\n * @param conf - The base currentConfig to use as siteConfig\n * @returns {object} - The siteConfig\n */\nexport const setSiteConfig = (conf) => {\n siteConfig = assignWithDepth({}, defaultConfig);\n siteConfig = assignWithDepth(siteConfig, conf);\n\n if (conf.theme && theme[conf.theme]) {\n siteConfig.themeVariables = theme[conf.theme].getThemeVariables(conf.themeVariables);\n }\n\n currentConfig = updateCurrentConfig(siteConfig, directives);\n return siteConfig;\n};\n\nexport const saveConfigFromInitialize = (conf) => {\n configFromInitialize = assignWithDepth({}, conf);\n};\n\nexport const updateSiteConfig = (conf) => {\n siteConfig = assignWithDepth(siteConfig, conf);\n updateCurrentConfig(siteConfig, directives);\n\n return siteConfig;\n};\n/**\n * ## getSiteConfig\n *\n * | Function | Description | Type | Values |\n * | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------------- |\n * | setSiteConfig | Returns the current siteConfig base configuration | Get Request | Returns Any Values in siteConfig |\n *\n * **Notes**: Returns **any** values in siteConfig.\n *\n * @returns {object} - The siteConfig\n */\nexport const getSiteConfig = () => {\n return assignWithDepth({}, siteConfig);\n};\n/**\n * ## setConfig\n *\n * | Function | Description | Type | Values |\n * | ------------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------- |\n * | setSiteConfig | Sets the siteConfig to desired values | Put Request | Any Values, except ones in secure array |\n *\n * **Notes**: Sets the currentConfig. The parameter conf is sanitized based on the siteConfig.secure\n * keys. Any values found in conf with key found in siteConfig.secure will be replaced with the\n * corresponding siteConfig value.\n *\n * @param {any} conf - The potential currentConfig\n * @returns {any} - The currentConfig merged with the sanitized conf\n */\nexport const setConfig = (conf) => {\n // sanitize(conf);\n // Object.keys(conf).forEach(key => {\n // const manipulator = manipulators[key];\n // conf[key] = manipulator ? manipulator(conf[key]) : conf[key];\n // });\n\n assignWithDepth(currentConfig, conf);\n\n return getConfig();\n};\n\n/**\n * ## getConfig\n *\n * | Function | Description | Type | Return Values |\n * | --------- | ------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------ |\n * | getConfig | Obtains the currentConfig | Get Request | Any Values from current Config |\n *\n * **Notes**: Returns **any** the currentConfig\n *\n * @returns {any} - The currentConfig\n */\nexport const getConfig = () => {\n return assignWithDepth({}, currentConfig);\n};\n/**\n * ## sanitize\n *\n * | Function | Description | Type | Values |\n * | -------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------ |\n * | sanitize | Sets the siteConfig to desired values. | Put Request | None |\n *\n * Ensures options parameter does not attempt to override siteConfig secure keys **Notes**: modifies\n * options in-place\n *\n * @param {any} options - The potential setConfig parameter\n */\nexport const sanitize = (options) => {\n // Checking that options are not in the list of excluded options\n Object.keys(siteConfig.secure).forEach((key) => {\n if (typeof options[siteConfig.secure[key]] !== 'undefined') {\n // DO NOT attempt to print options[siteConfig.secure[key]] within `${}` as a malicious script\n // can exploit the logger's attempt to stringify the value and execute arbitrary code\n log.debug(\n `Denied attempt to modify a secure key ${siteConfig.secure[key]}`,\n options[siteConfig.secure[key]]\n );\n delete options[siteConfig.secure[key]];\n }\n });\n\n // Check that there no attempts of prototype pollution\n Object.keys(options).forEach((key) => {\n if (key.indexOf('__') === 0) {\n delete options[key];\n }\n });\n // Check that there no attempts of xss, there should be no tags at all in the directive\n // blocking data urls as base64 urls can contain svgs with inline script tags\n Object.keys(options).forEach((key) => {\n if (typeof options[key] === 'string') {\n if (\n options[key].indexOf('<') > -1 ||\n options[key].indexOf('>') > -1 ||\n options[key].indexOf('url(data:') > -1\n ) {\n delete options[key];\n }\n }\n if (typeof options[key] === 'object') {\n sanitize(options[key]);\n }\n });\n};\n\n/**\n * Pushes in a directive to the configuration\n *\n * @param {object} directive The directive to push in\n */\nexport const addDirective = (directive) => {\n if (directive.fontFamily) {\n if (!directive.themeVariables) {\n directive.themeVariables = { fontFamily: directive.fontFamily };\n } else {\n if (!directive.themeVariables.fontFamily) {\n directive.themeVariables = { fontFamily: directive.fontFamily };\n }\n }\n }\n directives.push(directive);\n updateCurrentConfig(siteConfig, directives);\n};\n\n/**\n * ## reset\n *\n * | Function | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | -------- | ---------------------------- | ----------- | -------- | ------ |\n * | reset | Resets currentConfig to conf | Put Request | Required | None |\n *\n * ## conf\n *\n * | Parameter | Description | Type | Required | Values |\n * | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------- |\n * | conf | base set of values, which currentConfig could be **reset** to. | Dictionary | Required | Any Values, with respect to the secure Array |\n *\n * **Notes**: (default: current siteConfig ) (optional, default `getSiteConfig()`)\n */\nexport const reset = () => {\n // Replace current config with siteConfig\n directives = [];\n updateCurrentConfig(siteConfig, directives);\n};\n","import DOMPurify from 'dompurify';\n\n/**\n * Gets the number of lines in a string\n *\n * @param {string | undefined} s The string to check the lines for\n * @returns {number} The number of lines in that string\n */\nexport const getRows = (s) => {\n if (!s) return 1;\n let str = breakToPlaceholder(s);\n str = str.replace(/\\\\n/g, '#br#');\n return str.split('#br#');\n};\n\nexport const removeEscapes = (text) => {\n let newStr = text.replace(/\\\\u[\\dA-F]{4}/gi, function (match) {\n return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(match.replace(/\\\\u/g, ''), 16));\n });\n\n newStr = newStr.replace(/\\\\x([0-9a-f]{2})/gi, (_, c) => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(c, 16)));\n newStr = newStr.replace(/\\\\[\\d\\d\\d]{3}/gi, function (match) {\n return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(match.replace(/\\\\/g, ''), 8));\n });\n newStr = newStr.replace(/\\\\[\\d\\d\\d]{2}/gi, function (match) {\n return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(match.replace(/\\\\/g, ''), 8));\n });\n\n return newStr;\n};\n\n/**\n * Removes script tags from a text\n *\n * @param {string} txt The text to sanitize\n * @returns {string} The safer text\n */\nexport const removeScript = (txt) => {\n var rs = '';\n var idx = 0;\n\n while (idx >= 0) {\n idx = txt.indexOf('');\n if (idx >= 0) {\n idx += 9;\n txt = txt.substr(idx);\n }\n } else {\n rs += txt;\n idx = -1;\n break;\n }\n }\n let decodedText = removeEscapes(rs);\n decodedText = decodedText.replaceAll(/script>/gi, '#');\n decodedText = decodedText.replaceAll(/javascript:/gi, '#');\n decodedText = decodedText.replaceAll(/javascript&colon/gi, '#');\n decodedText = decodedText.replaceAll(/onerror=/gi, 'onerror:');\n decodedText = decodedText.replaceAll(/