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File metadata and controls

332 lines (276 loc) · 21.7 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and this changelog format.

[1.0.0-beta.3] - 2021-04-26


  • Include paths and sparse field sets that should be used when encoding JSON:API responses can now be manually set on response classes using the withIncludePaths() and withSparseFieldSets() methods, or using the convenience withQueryParameters() method to set both from a query parameters object. When include paths and/or sparse field sets are set on the response, these are used when encoding the response JSON instead of determining these query parameters from the request. If no include paths or sparse field sets are set on the response, the previous behaviour of determining these from the request is used.


  • BREAKING Methods relating to include paths and sparse field sets have been moved from the Responses\Concerns\IsResponsable trait to a new Responses\Concerns\HasEncodingParameters trait. As part of this change, the previous protected method fieldSets() has been renamed sparseFieldSets().
  • BREAKING Made several changes to interfaces for sort fields:
    • The Attribute and ID interfaces no longer implement Sortable and instead have a isSortable() method directly defined on their interface.
    • The Sortable interface is now intended to be implemented on a class that is an additional sort field to those that are attributes. It has one method: sortField() which returns the name of the sort field.
    • The Schema::isSortable() method has been renamed isSortField(). This makes it clearer that the method is querying whether the provided name is a valid sort field.
    • The Schema::sortable() method has been renamed sortFields(). This makes it clearer that the method is returning a list of the sort field names.
    • Added the sortField() and sortables() methods to the Schema interface.

[1.0.0-beta.2] - 2021-04-20


  • The schema container now supports resolving schemas for models where the schema is registered against a parent class or interface. Parent classes are matched before interfaces, and if a match is found the resolution is cached to ensure the resolution logic runs once per model class.
  • The resource factory class now looks up schemas for a model first, then retrieves the fully-qualified resource class from the matched schema. By delegating to the schema like this, the resource container can now convert models to resources where a schema has been registered for a parent class or interface.
  • The Contracts\Resources\Factory interface now has a canCreate() method to determine whether the factory can create a JSON:API resource for the supplied model.
  • The Contracts\Schema\Container interface now has a existsForModel() method, to determine whether a schema exists for the supplied model class.


  • The Core\Resources\Container class now expects a single factory instance to its constructor. This was changed as there was no requirement for multiple resource factories to be loaded into the container. The container still supports injecting a factory, as this allows the creation of resources by the container to be customised, without having to re-implement the logic within the container class. As part of this change, the Container::attach() method was also removed.
  • The Core\Resources\Factory class constructor was amended to only expect a schema container. Additionally the method signature of the protected build() method was changed to receive a schema instance and the model being converted to a JSON:API resource.
  • The Core\Server\Server and Core\Server\ServerRepository classes are now injected with the Laravel application instance, instead of just type-hinting the container. This change was made to allow code within servers to access the application environment, using $this->app->environment() rather than having to use app()->environment() (which used to be the case as the injection was only type-hinted as the container contract).


  • The base Server class now correctly passes extra parameters in its url() method. Previously these were passed to Laravel's url() helper - but that helper only appends extra parameters if there is no HTTP host in the provided path. The server's url() method now passes these as we always went them appended, regardless of whether the API's base path has a HTTP host or not.
  • Include paths, sort fields and countable paths now correctly parse empty values. Previously an error was caused by attempting to cast an empty string to the relevant query objects.


  • The Core\Server\Server::$container property is deprecated and will be removed in 1.0.0-stable. Child classes should use the new Server::$app property instead.


  • The Contracts\Resources\Factory::handles() method has been removed in favour of using the new canCreate() method instead.
  • The Contracts\Schema\Container::resources() method has been removed, in favour of resource factories using the schema container's existsForModel() and schemaForModel() methods.

[1.0.0-beta.1] - 2021-03-30


  • BREAKING Added the following methods to the Contracts\Schema\Schema interface: isFilter(), isSparseField, isSortable() and hasSelfLink(). These methods have been added to the abstract schema class provided by this package, so this is unlikely to have a significant impact on implementing packages.
  • BREAKING Made the following changes to the Contracts\Query\QueryParameters interface:
    • New unrecognisedParameters method. This returns any query parameters that are not defined by the JSON:API specification, which allows implementations to add support for additional query parameters as needed.
    • The filters method now returns a FilterParameters object or null. Previously it returned an array or null.
  • BREAKING The $baseUri argument on the Contracts\Resources\Serializer\Relation interface is now nullable.
  • BREAKING The Contracts\Store\Store interface now has a findOrFail method. This is unlikely to be breaking in most implementations because the Core\Store\Store class will be in use and has been updated.
  • BREAKING Added a cast method to the Contracts\Resources\Container interface. This is unlikely to be breaking in most implementations because the Core\Resources\Container class will be in use and has been updated.
  • New Contracts\Schema\IdEncoder interface to encode model IDs to JSON:API resource IDs.
  • New FilterParameters class for handling a collection of filter parameters received from a client.
  • The FieldSets, IncludePaths and SortFields classes all now have a collect() method, that returns a collection object.
  • The IncludePaths and SortFields classes now have filter, reject and forSchema methods.
  • The SortField class now has static ascending and descending methods, to easily create a sort field with the specified direction.
  • The QueryParameters class now has a toQuery() method, that casts the value back to a HTTP query parameter array. This is different from QueryParameters::toArray(), as the include and sort parameters are strings in a HTTP query array.
  • The QueryParameters class now has a forSchema() method, that returns a new query parameters instance that contains only parameters valid for the supplied schema.
  • The Document\ResourceObject class has a new withRelationshipMeta method for adding meta for a specified relationship.
  • Added new response classes for returning related resources for a relationship - e.g. the /api/posts/1/comments endpoint. Previously the DataResponse class was used for this endpoint, but the new classes allow for relationship meta to be merged into the top-level meta member of the response for the endpoint.
  • The core package now supports the countable implementation-semantic. This adds a custom query parameter that allows a client to specify which relationships should have a count added to their relationship meta.
  • Added a number of pagination traits - HasPageMeta and HasPageNumbers, so that these can be used in both the Eloquent and non-Eloquent implementations.
  • Added a dump method to the Core\Document\ResourceObject class.


  • BREAKING The return type of Contracts\Schema\Schema::repository() is now nullable.
  • BREAKING The return type of Contracts\Store\Store::resources() is now nullable.
  • BREAKING Made a number of changes to store contracts, so that the contracts are easier to implement in when not working with Eloquent resources:
    • The QueryAllBuilder contract has been removed; support for singular filters is now implemented via the HasSingularFilters interface which is intended to be added to classes implementing QueryManyBuilder. As part of this change, the QueriesAll::queryAll() method now has the QueryManyBuilder interface as its return type.
    • The QueryManyBuilder contract no longer has pagination methods on it. If a builder supports pagination, it must add the HasPagination interface.
    • Removed the cursor method from the QueryManyBuilder contract, as it is not required on the contract (implementing classes can add it if needed). The get method now has a return type of iterable instead of the Laravel Collection class.
  • BREAKING The Contracts\Encoder\Encoder interface now has two methods for encoding resource identifiers: withToOne and withToMany. These replace the withIdentifiers method, which has been removed.
  • Moved the following classes from the Core\Responses namespace to the Core\Responses\Internal namespace. This is considered non-breaking because the classes are not part of the public API (responses that can be used for the public API are still in the Core\Responses namespace):
    • PaginatedResourceResponse
    • ResourceCollectionResponse
    • ResourceIdentifierCollectionResponse
    • ResourceIdentifierResponse
    • ResourceResponse


  • Deleted the Core\Responses\Concerns\EncodesIdentifiers trait. This is considered non-breaking as the trait was only intended for internal use.


  • The QueryParameters::setFieldSet() method now correctly passes the fields lists as an array to the field set constructor.
  • Fixed the Core\Document\ResourceObject::merge() method handling of merging relationships. Previously this used array_replace_recursive to megre the relationship object, but this led to incorrect merging of data members, particularly for to-many relationships. This has been altered to array_replace, so that the data, links and meta members of the relationship are replaced with the values from the resource object's relationship that is being merged in.

[1.0.0-alpha.5] - 2021-03-12


  • If closures are used for data and/or meta on the Resources\Relation class, the closures will now receive the model as their first and only argument.
  • The default value of the Resources\Relation class is now returned by a protected value method, allowing child classes to modify the default behaviour if needed.
  • New Creatable interface, which the JsonApiResource class delegates to when determining whether a resource was created within the current HTTP request.


  • The $container property on the Server class is now protected and can be used by child classes if needed.
  • The $resource property on the Resources\Relation class is now protected.


  • Reverted #3 Server classes can no longer use constructor dependency injection. This is because server classes are created in a number of different contexts - e.g. HTTP requests, Artisan generators, etc - so injecting dependencies via the constructor will likely result in developers injecting dependencies that are only required in certain contexts in which the server is being used. See laravel #44 for discussion on this topic.
  • The Server\Server contract no longer has a serving() method on it. This has been removed from the contract so that developers can type-hint dependencies in their serving method.

[1.0.0-alpha.4] - 2021-02-27


  • BREAKING The builder interfaces in the Contracts\Store namespace now have a withRequest method. This allows passing the request into the builder process as context for the action.
  • BREAKING The Contracts\Routing\Route contract now has an authorizer method, for getting the authorizer instance for the route.
  • BREAKING The Contracts\Schema\Schema contract now has a url method, for generating a URL for the resource that the schema defines.
  • BREAKING Added the allInverse() method to the Contracts\Schema\Relation contract. This returns a list of the allowed resource types for the relationship. Typically this will just be one resource type; polymorphic relations will return multiple.
  • New get method on the ConditionalField class for retrieving the value of the field.
  • Response classes now have a withServer method, for explicitly setting the JSON:API server to use when generating the response. This is useful when returning responses from routes that do not have the JSON:API middleware applied to them.
  • New MetaResponse class for returning a JSON:API response with a document containing a top-level meta value.
  • #3 Server classes are now resolved via the service container, allowing the developer to use constructor dependency injection if desired.
  • The DataResponse class now has a didntCreate method for ensure the resource response does not have a 201 Created status.


  • BREAKING The Contracts\Auth\Authorizer contract now requires the model class to be passed as the second argument on the index and store methods. Also, all methods have been updated to type-hint the Illuminate request object.
  • BREAKING The using method has been renamed to withQuery on the following interfaces in the Contracts\Store namespace:
    • QueryManyBuilder
    • QueryOneBuilder
    • ResourceBuilder
    • ToManyBuilder
    • ToOneBuilder
  • BREAKING The Contracts\Resources\Serializer\Hideable contract has been updated to type-hint the request class in its method signatures.
  • BREAKING The Core\Schema\SchemaAware trait has been moved to the Core\Schema\Concerns namespace, for consistency with other traits.
  • BREAKING The Core\Schema\Container class now expects the server instance to be passed as its second constructor argument, with the list of schemas now its third constructor argument.
  • BREAKING The constructor argument for the abstract Core\Schema\Schema class has been changed to the server instance that the schema belongs to. This change was made so that schemas can generate URLs using the server instance, while also injecting the server's schema container into fields if needed.
  • The server repository now caches servers it has created, and should now be registered in the service container as a singleton.


  • Fixed parsing the fields query parameter to the Core\Query\FieldSets and Core\Query\FieldSet classes.

[1.0.0-alpha.3] - 2021-02-09


  • BREAKING The Contracts\Schema\Relation contract now has a isValidated() method, to determine if the relation value should be merged when validating update requests. There is now a Core\Schema\Concerns\RequiredForValidation trait that can be used on relationship fields to implement the required method.
  • New features for the Core\Documents\ResourceObject class:
    • New merge() method for merging two resource objects together. This is useful for update validation, where the values supplied by a client need to be merged over the existing resource field values.
    • The putRelation and replace methods now accept an instance of UrlRoutable for the id value of to-one or to-many relations.
  • The schema container instance is now injected into schema classes via the constructor $schemas property. This has been added so that a schema class can be instantiated directly from the service container if the schema container is bound in the service container.
  • New Core\Resources\ConditionalList class, for iterating over conditional attributes but yielding them as a zero-indexed array list.


  • The Core\Document\ResourceObject::withoutLinks() method now correctly removes both resource links and relationship links.
  • BREAKING As conditional values are now supported in relationships (previously only supported in attributes), the following have been renamed to make it clear that they are not just for use in attributes:
    • The Core\Resources\Concerns\ConditionallyLoadsAttributes trait is now ConditionallyLoadsFields.
    • The Core\Resources\ConditionalAttr is now ConditionalField.
    • The Core\Resources\ConditionalAttrs is now ConditionalFields.
  • BREAKING The first argument on the Contracts\Server\Server interface ($parameters) has been made optional.


  • BREAKING Removed the mustValidate() and isValidated() methods from the Core\Resources\Relation class. These fields are now defined on the schema's relation field instead of the resource's relation.
  • BREAKING Made changes to the Core\Documents\ResourceObject class:
    • Removed the deprecated create() method, as this was never intended to be brought in from the old package.
    • Remove the Arrayable contract (and therefore the toArray() method). This is because toArray() was always ambiguous - would it return the field values, or the JSON representation of the resource? Replace toArray() with jsonSerialize(). The all() method continues to return the field values.

[1.0.0-alpha.2] - 2021-02-02


  • #2 BREAKING The Core\Resources\JsonApiResource is no longer abstract, and now expects the schema and the model to be injected via its constructor. It will use the schema to convert a model to a JSON:API resource. This allows the resource classes to be optional, as the resource resolution logic can now fall-back to the JsonApiResource when no specific resource class exists. Schema fields must implement the Contracts\Resources\Serializer\Attribute and Contracts\Resources\Serializer\Relation interfaces on their fields for the serialization to work.
  • BREAKING The Contracts\Encoder\Encoder contract now has a withRequest method to inject the current HTTP request into the encoding process. The response classes have been updated to pass the request through to the encoder in their toResponse() methods.
  • BREAKING The Contracts\Schema\Container contract now has a schemaForModel method to lookup a schema by providing either a model instance, or the fully-qualified class name of a model.
  • BREAKING The Contracts\Schema\ID contract now has a key() method, that can return the model key for the ID.
  • BREAKING The Contracts\Schema\Schema contract now has new methods:
    • uriType() which returns the resource type as it appears in URIs.
    • idKeyName() which returns the object key for the id value.
  • New Contracts\Resources\JsonApiRelation contract for the relation object returned by the JsonApiResource::relationships() method. This has the methods on it that encoders can rely on when encoding the relationship to JSON.
  • BREAKING The Contracts\Schema\Relation contract now has a uriName() method for retrieving the relationship's field name as it appears in a URI. The JsonApiResource class now automatically injects this value from the schema field into the resource relation object.
  • New Core\Resources\ConditionalIterator class for iterating over values that could contain conditional attributes.


  • BREAKING The attributes, relationships, meta and links method of the JsonApiResource class now require the request to be passed as a parameter. This is to bring the resource in line with Laravel's Eloquent resource, though our implementation allows the request to be null to cater for resource encoding outside of HTTP requests (e.g. queued broadcasting). Additionally, the relationship method return type has been changed to the new Contracts\Resources\JsonApiResource contract.
  • BREAKING The exists and create methods on the Contracts\Resources\Container contract now correctly type-hint the parameter as an object.
  • BREAKING The createResource method on the Contracts\Resources\Factory contract now correctly type-hints the parameter as an object.
  • BREAKING The constructor of the Core\Resources\Factory class now expects a schema container and an optional array of resource bindings (instead of an iterable). If a null value is provided for the bindings, the bindings will be retrieved from the schema container. Additionally, the protected build method signature has been updated to correctly type-hint the second argument as an object.
  • BREAKING The constructor arguments for the Core\Resources\Relation class have been changed so that it now receives the model and base URI - rather than the JsonApiResource object. This change was made so that it can be used more broadly.


  • BREAKING The attach and attachAll methods of the Core\Resources\Factory class have been removed, because they were not in use.

[1.0.0-alpha.1] - 2021-01-25

Initial release.