As seen on Awesome!
A super tiny plugin (<10 LOC) that clears the terminal when you cd
into $HOME
. That's it.
To install this, just put source the plugin file in your ~/.zshrc
source /path/to/zsh-allclear.plugin.zsh
or, use your favorite plugin manager:
Run the following command
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/}/plugins
and add zsh-allclear
to your plugin list in ~/.zshrc
Add the following to your ~/.zshrc
zplug 'givensuman/zsh-allclear'
Add the following to your ~/.zshrc
zinit ice deptph "1"
zinit light givensuman/zsh-allclear
You know the drill, do whatever you want with this.