- Generating of new Calidus Pool-Key registration metadata is now possible via the
sign --cip88
The data can be generated in human readable JSON format, or as a binary CBOR file. Both can directly be used in a transaction on the blockchain. - Verification of Calidus Pool-Key registration metadata is now possible via the
verify --cip88
The data for verification can be provided as JSON-File, JSON-Plaintext or as a CBOR-HexString
- Cardano-Signer is now using the cardano-serialization-lib version 14.1.1
- Generating of new Calidus Pool-Key registration metadata is now possible via the
- Verification of signatures in
mode now also supports both theCIP-0030
author wittnessAlgorithm - Signing a jsonld file in
mode withed25519
author signatures now also rechecks existingCIP-0030/CIP-0008
signatures - Verification of a
document now also returns thefileHash
of the document in the--json
output format - Generating keys via the
and a set derivation path now also returns therootKey
in the--json-extended
output-mode format - Verification of
structures was moved into its own subfunction, so it can be reused within other functions - Upgraded to CSL v14.1.0
- Verification of signatures in
- Bugfix: Corrected a bug where doublequotes that are already escaped in the body content to form the canonized body array were escaped again.
- Two new flags have been added to the
let you derive your keys in Ledger-Hardware-Wallet type format--trezor
let you derive your keys in Trezor-Hardware-Wallet type format
This new function allows to recover keys from a Hardware-Wallet as pure CLI-Keys.
- The preset path
--path pool
has been added to thekeygen
mode, to directly derive Cardano-Pool Cold-Keys - The
entry in the--json-extended
output for thekeygen
mode was renamed intoderivationPath
(breaking!) - A new entry was added in the
output for thekeygen
mode ->derivationType
, which can beicarus
- If keys are derived for
--path drep
or--path pool
, the output now also contains the corresponding DRep-ID/Pool-ID.
- Two new flags have been added to the
- A new function is now available via the 'sign --cip100' parameter. Its now possible to add authors entries (Name + Signature) with a single command using cardano-signer
- cardano-signer is now compatible with CIP129 standard for drep, committee-cold and committee-hot bech strings. this works now for all functions that allow a '--address' parameter.
- CIP 8/30 DataSign:
- you can now directly also use governance bech-ids for the '--address' parameter like 'drep1xxx'
- CIP 100 - Governance:
- the canonize&hash command 'hash' introduced in version 1.17 was renamed to 'canonize'. change was made to avoid confusion, because this command is to output the hash of the canonized body, not the file-hash.
- output fields of the 'canonize' and 'verify' function changed 'hash' is now 'canonizedHash', 'canonized' is now 'canonizedBody'
- in addition to the existing checks in the 'verify' function, cardano-signer now also checks for duplicated public-key entries in the authors array of the input jsonld file
- verify governance metadata following CIP-100, CIP-108, CIP-119 standard via the new
verify --cip100
- verify governance metadata following CIP-100, CIP-108, CIP-119 standard via the new
- Now using NODE.JS v18
- Updated all dependencies to the latest versions
- canonize & hash governance metadata following CIP-100, CIP-108, CIP-119 standard via the new
canonize --cip100
- Bugfix: The description field of the generated *.vkey file was corrected to be 'Catalyst Vote Verification Key'
- Added a new flag
for the signing and verification in CIP030/008 format. Using this flag will tell cardano-signer to not perform a check of the hash in the address-field against the public-key during the verification process. And additionally it can disable the address/hash check in the signing process too.
- Added a new flag
- small bugfix, parameters
throwing an "unknown" error
- small bugfix, parameters
- generate conway cc-cold keys via the path
--path cc-cold
or - generate conway cc-cold keys from the derivation path "1852'/1815'/acc'/4/idx'
- generate conway cc-cold keys from mnemonics or let cardano-signer generate new mnemonics for you
- generate conway cc-hot keys via the path
--path cc-hot
or - generate conway cc-hot keys from the derivation path "1852'/1815'/acc'/5/idx'
- generate conway cc-hot keys from mnemonics or let cardano-signer generate new mnemonics for you
- some corrections on extended verification key outputs
- an unknown parameter now throws an error. before, optional parameters with a typo were simply ignored
- general code cleanup, typos, etc.
- generate conway cc-cold keys via the path
- generate conway dRep keys via the path
--path drep
or - generate conway dRep keys from the derivation path
- generate conway dRep keys from mnemonics or let cardano-signer generate new mnemonics for you
- the flag
has been replaced by the new flagvkey-extended
. this makes it easier for the users to understand the meaning - per default the public keys are now always generated as non-extended keys, the secret keys are always extended ones if derived from a path
- code cleanup
- generate conway dRep keys via the path
- generate normal ed25519 keys
- generate extended ed25519 keys from a derivation path like "1852H/1815H/0H/0/0"
- generate keys from mnemonics or let cardano-signer generate new mnemonics for you
- generate CIP36 conform vote keys incl. bech
data and an optional vote_purpose - generate keys with or without chaincode attached
- directly write out
files (like cardano-cli) - extended information like an
key is available via the--json-extended
flag - shortcuts for paths can be used like
--path payment
,--path stake
,--path cip36
- Changed the
parameter to--payment-address
parameter. This reflects the latest changes in CIP-36 - Also the keys for
in the--json-extended
output are not renamed topaymentAddressHex
- Changed the
- The output via
is now showing more details about the address (hex, type, network) - The help description can now be displayed for each sub command like:
cardano-signer sign --cip8 --help
- Addresses provided via the
parameter can now be a bech-address, hex-string or the path to a file containing the bech-address (typical mywallet.addr) files
- Completely reworked CIP-8/CIP-30 code. Flags
will currently do the same, because CIP-30 uses CIP-8 signing. - Signing a payload now generates a full COSE_Sign1 signature together with the COSE_Key publicKey
- The payload can be set to hashed via the new flag
- The payload can be excluded from the COSE_Sign1 signature with the new flag
- The signing address will be automatically checked against the publicKey (signing and verification)
- Extended data structure check of the given COSE_Sign1 & COSE_Key
- Verification can be done against the COSE_Sign1 & COSE_Key, and optionally also against a given payload and address
- The output via
shows additional information if the payload is hashed, address infos, etc.
- The output via
- Added an optional flag
works), to output the signature and public key in jcli compatible bech format with prefixesed25519_sig
. This is available in the normal signing mode. - The verify function now also accepts bech encoded signatures
in addition to hex strings. - With this update the sign/verify functions in cardano-signer can substitute jcli for sign/verify.
- Added an optional flag
- Starting with Fund10, the rewards address for the voting rewards must be a regular payment address (enterprise or base address), not a stake address like before.
- Added an optional address check for the normal sign/verify functions via the
parameter. If provided, cardano-signer checks that the address belongs to the provided signing/public key.
- Added an optional address check for the normal sign/verify functions via the
- Added the new deregistration metadata format in CIP-36 mode, which is using key 61286 for the deregistration data.
- Changed the output of
in CIP-36 mode to output the cbor and json content below the "output" key example
- Using the general bech32 lib to decode public/private keys, so any bech32 string can be used. Before it was limited to
prefixes. - Defining command-line argument types to avoid parsing arguments like
as a number. Must be parsed as a string of course. - Added command-line aliases so you can also use:
, etc.
- Allow duplicated voting_key entries
- New check to avoid using a wrong vote-public-key or a wrong stake secret-key. Because the public-key of the signing secret-key must be different than the entries in the delegations array.
- New check that the total-vote-weight is not zero
- Added the fields
to the--json-extended
output-mode - Syntax Update: Added flag
to generate an empty delegation array, no voting_keys or rewards address is needed using that flag - Syntax Update: If no
parameter is provided, cardano-signer automatically calculates the Mainnet slotHeight from the current machine time and uses it as the nonce
- Syntax Update: Added parameter
--testnet-magic [xxx]
to CIP-8 and CIP-36 mode to allow an additional check about the right bech-address format. (Default = mainnet)
- Added JSON and JSON-Extended output format: Default output format is plaintext, using the
flag generates a JSON output. Using the--json-extended
flag generates a JSON output with much more information. - In CIP-36 mode, using the new
flag together with the--out-file
parameter generates directly a JSON Format which is compatible to be used as a registration.json metadata with cardano-cli.--out-cbor
always generates a binary registration.cbor metadata file, also compatible to be used with cardano-cli. - Usage/Help context is now colored for better readability
- Added JSON and JSON-Extended output format: Default output format is plaintext, using the
- Added new check in CIP-36 mode to avoid duplicated voting_key entries in the delegations. Exits with an error if duplicates are found.
- New Syntax - Now you can use the parameter
to use any binary file as the data source to sign. - Added the function to directly use bech encoded secret and public keys for the signing/verification. You can mix the formats.
- New Syntax - Now you can use the parameter
- New CIP-36 mode via parameter
. This enables the new catalyst/governance registration and votingpower (multi-)delegation mode. Output generates a signed cbor file or hex_string.
- New CIP-36 mode via parameter
- New CIP-8 mode via parameter
. This enables CIP-8 conform payload signing. - New Syntax - Now you can use the parameter
for pure text payloads, and--data-hex
for hex-encoded payloads.
- New CIP-8 mode via parameter
- Now supporting true parameter/flag names.
- Added new optional
option, which would write the signature+publicKey to a file and not to the standard output.
- Added support to use Cardano-Key-Files in addition to a direct Key-Hexstring. Supports standard sKey/vKey JSON files and also files with a Bech32-Key in it, like the ones generated via jcli
- Added functionality to do also a Verification of the Signature together with the data and the Public Key.
- Initial version, supports signing of a Data-Hexstring string with a Key-Hexstring.