From 11bb5b8ae8ceefcd74b5870f9a1d4001ff9b2676 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sverre Rabbelier <>
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2011 15:54:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 001/154] t9350: point out that refs are not updated correctly

This happens only when the corresponding commits are not exported in
the current fast-export run. This can happen either when the relevant
commit is already marked, or when the commit is explicitly marked
as UNINTERESTING with a negative ref by another argument.

This breaks fast-export basec remote helpers.

Signed-off-by: Sverre Rabbelier <>
 t/ | 11 +++++++++++
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 40427883ec6dbf..abffd267e259c4 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -801,4 +801,15 @@ test_expect_success 'fast-export handles --end-of-options' '
 	test_cmp expect actual
+cat > expected << EOF
+reset refs/heads/master
+from $(git rev-parse master)
+test_expect_failure 'refs are updated even if no commits need to be exported' '
+	git fast-export master..master > actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual

From aec753c7130999bdb8a0c35b59a4d2d9daef3e47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sverre Rabbelier <>
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2010 20:49:01 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 002/154] transport-helper: add trailing --

[PT: ensure we add an additional element to the argv array]

Signed-off-by: Sverre Rabbelier <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 transport-helper.c | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/transport-helper.c b/transport-helper.c
index d457b425501a74..fed5d51a2b3d34 100644
--- a/transport-helper.c
+++ b/transport-helper.c
@@ -499,6 +499,8 @@ static int get_exporter(struct transport *transport,
 	for (size_t i = 0; i < revlist_args->nr; i++)
 		strvec_push(&fastexport->args, revlist_args->items[i].string);
+	strvec_push(&fastexport->args, "--");
 	fastexport->git_cmd = 1;
 	return start_command(fastexport);

From 31e1af5cb5d537c4ed86d3cfc280a2e9a8adba56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sverre Rabbelier <>
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2011 00:06:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 003/154] remote-helper: check helper status after

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
Signed-off-by: Sverre Rabbelier <>
 t/ |  2 +-
 transport-helper.c        | 15 +++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d21877150ed82e..3917da47276825 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push update refs failure' '
 	echo "update fail" >>file &&
 	git commit -a -m "update fail" &&
 	git rev-parse --verify testgit/origin/heads/update >expect &&
-	test_expect_code 1 env GIT_REMOTE_TESTGIT_FAILURE="non-fast forward" \
+	test_must_fail env GIT_REMOTE_TESTGIT_FAILURE="non-fast forward" \
 		git push origin update &&
 	git rev-parse --verify testgit/origin/heads/update >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/transport-helper.c b/transport-helper.c
index fed5d51a2b3d34..72588c4d14e3ff 100644
--- a/transport-helper.c
+++ b/transport-helper.c
@@ -505,6 +505,19 @@ static int get_exporter(struct transport *transport,
 	return start_command(fastexport);
+static void check_helper_status(struct helper_data *data)
+	int pid, status;
+	pid = waitpid(data->helper->pid, &status, WNOHANG);
+	if (pid < 0)
+		die("Could not retrieve status of remote helper '%s'",
+		    data->name);
+	if (pid > 0 && WIFEXITED(status))
+		die("Remote helper '%s' died with %d",
+		    data->name, WEXITSTATUS(status));
 static int fetch_with_import(struct transport *transport,
 			     int nr_heads, struct ref **to_fetch)
@@ -541,6 +554,7 @@ static int fetch_with_import(struct transport *transport,
 	if (finish_command(&fastimport))
 		die(_("error while running fast-import"));
+	check_helper_status(data);
 	 * The fast-import stream of a remote helper that advertises
@@ -1160,6 +1174,7 @@ static int push_refs_with_export(struct transport *transport,
 	if (finish_command(&exporter))
 		die(_("error while running fast-export"));
+	check_helper_status(data);
 	if (push_update_refs_status(data, remote_refs, flags))
 		return 1;

From 5a897de38f3311a60fba99b4e671d80902a70e21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2023 13:40:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 004/154] gitk(Windows): avoid inadvertently calling
 executables in the worktree

Just like CVE-2022-41953 for Git GUI, there exists a vulnerability of
`gitk` where it looks for `taskkill.exe` in the current directory before
searching `PATH`.

Note that the many `exec git` calls are unaffected, due to an obscure
quirk in Tcl's `exec` function. Typically, `git.exe` lives next to
`wish.exe` (i.e. the program that is run to execute `gitk` or Git GUI)
in Git for Windows, and that is the saving grace for `git.exe because
`exec` searches the directory where `wish.exe` lives even before the
current directory, according to

	If a directory name was not specified as part of the application
	name, the following directories are automatically searched in
	order when attempting to locate the application:

	    The directory from which the Tcl executable was loaded.

	    The current directory.

	    The Windows 32-bit system directory.

	    The Windows home directory.

	    The directories listed in the path.

The same is not true, however, for `taskkill.exe`: it lives in the
Windows system directory (never mind the 32-bit, Tcl's documentation is
outdated on that point, it really means `C:\Windows\system32`).

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 gitk-git/gitk | 135 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 135 insertions(+)

diff --git a/gitk-git/gitk b/gitk-git/gitk
index 47a7c1d29c430f..5c8790dccd2683 100755
--- a/gitk-git/gitk
+++ b/gitk-git/gitk
@@ -9,6 +9,141 @@ exec wish "$0" -- "$@"
 package require Tk
+## Enabling platform-specific code paths
+proc is_MacOSX {} {
+	if {[tk windowingsystem] eq {aqua}} {
+		return 1
+	}
+	return 0
+proc is_Windows {} {
+	if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}} {
+		return 1
+	}
+	return 0
+set _iscygwin {}
+proc is_Cygwin {} {
+	global _iscygwin
+	if {$_iscygwin eq {}} {
+		if {[string match "CYGWIN_*" $::tcl_platform(os)]} {
+			set _iscygwin 1
+		} else {
+			set _iscygwin 0
+		}
+	}
+	return $_iscygwin
+## PATH lookup
+set _search_path {}
+proc _which {what args} {
+	global env _search_exe _search_path
+	if {$_search_path eq {}} {
+		if {[is_Cygwin] && [regexp {^(/|\.:)} $env(PATH)]} {
+			set _search_path [split [exec cygpath \
+				--windows \
+				--path \
+				--absolute \
+				$env(PATH)] {;}]
+			set _search_exe .exe
+		} elseif {[is_Windows]} {
+			set gitguidir [file dirname [info script]]
+			regsub -all ";" $gitguidir "\\;" gitguidir
+			set env(PATH) "$gitguidir;$env(PATH)"
+			set _search_path [split $env(PATH) {;}]
+			# Skip empty `PATH` elements
+			set _search_path [lsearch -all -inline -not -exact \
+				$_search_path ""]
+			set _search_exe .exe
+		} else {
+			set _search_path [split $env(PATH) :]
+			set _search_exe {}
+		}
+	}
+	if {[is_Windows] && [lsearch -exact $args -script] >= 0} {
+		set suffix {}
+	} else {
+		set suffix $_search_exe
+	}
+	foreach p $_search_path {
+		set p [file join $p $what$suffix]
+		if {[file exists $p]} {
+			return [file normalize $p]
+		}
+	}
+	return {}
+proc sanitize_command_line {command_line from_index} {
+	set i $from_index
+	while {$i < [llength $command_line]} {
+		set cmd [lindex $command_line $i]
+		if {[file pathtype $cmd] ne "absolute"} {
+			set fullpath [_which $cmd]
+			if {$fullpath eq ""} {
+				throw {NOT-FOUND} "$cmd not found in PATH"
+			}
+			lset command_line $i $fullpath
+		}
+		# handle piped commands, e.g. `exec A | B`
+		for {incr i} {$i < [llength $command_line]} {incr i} {
+			if {[lindex $command_line $i] eq "|"} {
+				incr i
+				break
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return $command_line
+# Override `exec` to avoid unsafe PATH lookup
+rename exec real_exec
+proc exec {args} {
+	# skip options
+	for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $args]} {incr i} {
+		set arg [lindex $args $i]
+		if {$arg eq "--"} {
+			incr i
+			break
+		}
+		if {[string range $arg 0 0] ne "-"} {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	set args [sanitize_command_line $args $i]
+	uplevel 1 real_exec $args
+# Override `open` to avoid unsafe PATH lookup
+rename open real_open
+proc open {args} {
+	set arg0 [lindex $args 0]
+	if {[string range $arg0 0 0] eq "|"} {
+		set command_line [string trim [string range $arg0 1 end]]
+		lset args 0 "| [sanitize_command_line $command_line 0]"
+	}
+	uplevel 1 real_open $args
+# End of safe PATH lookup stuff
 proc hasworktree {} {
     return [expr {[exec git rev-parse --is-bare-repository] == "false" &&
                   [exec git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir] == "false"}]

From 78f66b0168c5a6a79d5081431b9dfc7c87cd2947 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2017 12:09:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 005/154] mingw: demonstrate a problem with certain absolute

On Windows, there are several categories of absolute paths. One such
category starts with a backslash and is implicitly relative to the
drive associated with the current working directory. Example:

	git clone \G4W

should clone into C:\G4W.

There is currently a problem with that, in that mingw_mktemp() does not
expect the _wmktemp() function to prefix the absolute path with the
drive prefix, and as a consequence, the resulting path does not fit into
the originally-passed string buffer. The symptom is a "Result too large"

Reported by Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 t/ | 19 ++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 65ef1a3628ee94..2c30f3b51d3183 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -20,14 +20,11 @@ fi
 case "$UNCPATH" in
 	# Use administrative share e.g. \\localhost\C$\git-sdk-64\usr\src\git
 	# (we use forward slashes here because MSYS2 and Git accept them, and
 	# they are easier on the eyes)
-	UNCPATH="//localhost/${UNCPATH%%:*}\$/${UNCPATH#?:}"
-	test -d "$UNCPATH" || {
-		skip_all='could not access administrative share; skipping'
-		test_done
-	}
+	UNCPATH="//localhost/${UNCPATH%%:*}\$$WITHOUTDRIVE"
 	skip_all='skipping UNC path tests, cannot determine current path as UNC'
@@ -35,6 +32,18 @@ case "$UNCPATH" in
+test_expect_failure 'clone into absolute path lacking a drive prefix' '
+	USINGBACKSLASHES="$(echo "$WITHOUTDRIVE"/without-drive-prefix |
+		tr / \\\\)" &&
+	git clone . "$USINGBACKSLASHES" &&
+	test -f without-drive-prefix/.git/HEAD
+test -d "$UNCPATH" || {
+	skip_all='could not access administrative share; skipping'
+	test_done
 test_expect_success setup '
 	test_commit initial

From df3998b77f61a7638899cec6cbfc9ecda23581ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2012 13:04:35 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 006/154] Always auto-gc after calling a fast-import transport

After importing anything with fast-import, we should always let the
garbage collector do its job, since the objects are written to disk

This brings down an initial import of from about
230 megabytes to about 14.

In the future, we may want to make this configurable on a per-remote
basis, or maybe teach fast-import about it in the first place.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 transport-helper.c | 9 +++++++++
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)

diff --git a/transport-helper.c b/transport-helper.c
index 72588c4d14e3ff..7513fd7eea05e4 100644
--- a/transport-helper.c
+++ b/transport-helper.c
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 #include "packfile.h"
 static int debug;
+/* TODO: put somewhere sensible, e.g. git_transport_options? */
+static int auto_gc = 1;
 struct helper_data {
 	char *name;
@@ -588,6 +590,13 @@ static int fetch_with_import(struct transport *transport,
+	if (auto_gc) {
+		struct child_process cmd = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
+		cmd.git_cmd = 1;
+		strvec_pushl(&cmd.args, "gc", "--auto", "--quiet", NULL);
+		run_command(&cmd);
+	}
 	return 0;

From 87d4cfb85d05869bd4a4f5a16046ad51f892d425 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2017 12:38:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 007/154] mingw: allow absolute paths without drive prefix

When specifying an absolute path without a drive prefix, we convert that
path internally. Let's make sure that we handle that case properly, too

This fixes the command

	git clone \G4W

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/mingw.c       | 10 +++++++++-
 t/ |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 1d5b211b548dab..c26c99ef505225 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -1141,11 +1141,19 @@ unsigned int sleep (unsigned int seconds)
 char *mingw_mktemp(char *template)
 	wchar_t wtemplate[MAX_PATH];
+	int offset = 0;
 	if (xutftowcs_path(wtemplate, template) < 0)
 		return NULL;
+	if (is_dir_sep(template[0]) && !is_dir_sep(template[1]) &&
+	    iswalpha(wtemplate[0]) && wtemplate[1] == L':') {
+		/* We have an absolute path missing the drive prefix */
+		offset = 2;
+	}
 	if (!_wmktemp(wtemplate))
 		return NULL;
-	if (xwcstoutf(template, wtemplate, strlen(template) + 1) < 0)
+	if (xwcstoutf(template, wtemplate + offset, strlen(template) + 1) < 0)
 		return NULL;
 	return template;
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2c30f3b51d3183..e9df367d5777fd 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ case "$UNCPATH" in
-test_expect_failure 'clone into absolute path lacking a drive prefix' '
+test_expect_success 'clone into absolute path lacking a drive prefix' '
 	USINGBACKSLASHES="$(echo "$WITHOUTDRIVE"/without-drive-prefix |
 		tr / \\\\)" &&
 	git clone . "$USINGBACKSLASHES" &&

From 3f1a73bdff0f467fbf30290126b6bc5ac002de56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2019 22:08:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 008/154] win32/pthread: avoid name clashes with winpthread

The mingw-w64 GCC seems to link implicitly to libwinpthread, which does
implement a pthread emulation (that is more complete than Git's). Let's
keep preferring Git's.

To avoid linker errors where it thinks that the `pthread_self` and the
`pthread_create` symbols are defined twice, let's give our version a
`win32_` prefix, just like we already do for `pthread_join()`.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/win32/pthread.c | 6 +++---
 compat/win32/pthread.h | 8 +++++---
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compat/win32/pthread.c b/compat/win32/pthread.c
index 58980a529c3eb9..4cc6356f757d80 100644
--- a/compat/win32/pthread.c
+++ b/compat/win32/pthread.c
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ static unsigned __stdcall win32_start_routine(void *arg)
 	return 0;
-int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const void *attr UNUSED,
-		   void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg)
+int win32_pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const void *attr UNUSED,
+			 void *(*start_routine)(void *), void *arg)
 	thread->arg = arg;
 	thread->start_routine = start_routine;
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ int win32_pthread_join(pthread_t *thread, void **value_ptr)
-pthread_t pthread_self(void)
+pthread_t win32_pthread_self(void)
 	pthread_t t = { NULL };
 	t.tid = GetCurrentThreadId();
diff --git a/compat/win32/pthread.h b/compat/win32/pthread.h
index e2b5c4f64c9b91..476e78b911b857 100644
--- a/compat/win32/pthread.h
+++ b/compat/win32/pthread.h
@@ -50,8 +50,9 @@ typedef struct {
 	DWORD tid;
 } pthread_t;
-int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const void *unused,
-		   void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *arg);
+int win32_pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const void *unused,
+			 void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *arg);
+#define pthread_create win32_pthread_create
  * To avoid the need of copying a struct, we use small macro wrapper to pass
@@ -62,7 +63,8 @@ int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const void *unused,
 int win32_pthread_join(pthread_t *thread, void **value_ptr);
 #define pthread_equal(t1, t2) ((t1).tid == (t2).tid)
-pthread_t pthread_self(void);
+pthread_t win32_pthread_self(void);
+#define pthread_self win32_pthread_self
 static inline void NORETURN pthread_exit(void *ret)

From 3f05b3bc783fdae8c584263991b076fbcf09081d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2022 12:44:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 009/154] git-compat-util: avoid redeclaring _DEFAULT_SOURCE

We are about to vendor in `mimalloc`'s source code which we will want to
include `git-compat-util.h` after defining that constant.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 git-compat-util.h | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/git-compat-util.h b/git-compat-util.h
index e283c46c6fa06e..da2986e652fee7 100644
--- a/git-compat-util.h
+++ b/git-compat-util.h
@@ -201,7 +201,9 @@ DISABLE_WARNING(-Wsign-compare)
 #define _ALL_SOURCE 1
 #define _GNU_SOURCE 1
 #define _BSD_SOURCE 1
 #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE 1
 #define _NETBSD_SOURCE 1
 #define _SGI_SOURCE 1

From 560d0d42ac410b35ab8522a6dcb0a763eed9f0d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 21:31:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 010/154] Import the source code of mimalloc v2.1.2

This commit imports mimalloc's source code as per v2.1.2, fetched from
the tag at

The .c files are from the src/ subdirectory, and the .h files from the
include/ and include/mimalloc/ subdirectories. We will subsequently
modify the source code to accommodate building within Git's context.

Since we plan on using the `mi_*()` family of functions, we skip the
C++-specific source code, some POSIX compliant functions to interact
with mimalloc, and the code that wants to support auto-magic overriding
of the `malloc()` function (mimalloc-new-delete.h, alloc-posix.c,
mimalloc-override.h, alloc-override.c, alloc-override-osx.c,
alloc-override-win.c and static.c).

To appease the `check-whitespace` job of Git's Continuous Integration,
this commit was washed one time via `git rebase --whitespace=fix`.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 Makefile                            |    1 +
 compat/mimalloc/LICENSE             |   21 +
 compat/mimalloc/alloc-aligned.c     |  298 +++++
 compat/mimalloc/alloc.c             | 1060 ++++++++++++++++++
 compat/mimalloc/arena.c             |  935 ++++++++++++++++
 compat/mimalloc/bitmap.c            |  432 +++++++
 compat/mimalloc/bitmap.h            |  115 ++
 compat/mimalloc/heap.c              |  626 +++++++++++
 compat/mimalloc/init.c              |  709 ++++++++++++
 compat/mimalloc/mimalloc.h          |  565 ++++++++++
 compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/atomic.h   |  385 +++++++
 compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/internal.h |  979 ++++++++++++++++
 compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/prim.h     |  323 ++++++
 compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/track.h    |  147 +++
 compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/types.h    |  670 +++++++++++
 compat/mimalloc/options.c           |  571 ++++++++++
 compat/mimalloc/os.c                |  689 ++++++++++++
 compat/mimalloc/page-queue.c        |  332 ++++++
 compat/mimalloc/page.c              |  939 ++++++++++++++++
 compat/mimalloc/prim/windows/prim.c |  622 +++++++++++
 compat/mimalloc/random.c            |  254 +++++
 compat/mimalloc/segment-cache.c     |    0
 compat/mimalloc/segment-map.c       |  153 +++
 compat/mimalloc/segment.c           | 1617 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 compat/mimalloc/stats.c             |  467 ++++++++
 25 files changed, 12910 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/LICENSE
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/alloc-aligned.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/alloc.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/arena.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/bitmap.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/bitmap.h
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/heap.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/init.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/mimalloc.h
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/atomic.h
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/internal.h
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/prim.h
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/track.h
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/types.h
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/options.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/os.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/page-queue.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/page.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/prim/windows/prim.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/random.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/segment-cache.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/segment-map.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/segment.c
 create mode 100644 compat/mimalloc/stats.c

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 97e8385b6643b9..995afe21733af4 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1328,6 +1328,7 @@ BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/write-tree.o
 # upstream unnecessarily (making merging in future changes easier).
 THIRD_PARTY_SOURCES += compat/inet_ntop.c
 THIRD_PARTY_SOURCES += compat/inet_pton.c
+THIRD_PARTY_SOURCES += compat/mimalloc/%
 THIRD_PARTY_SOURCES += compat/nedmalloc/%
 THIRD_PARTY_SOURCES += compat/obstack.%
 THIRD_PARTY_SOURCES += compat/poll/%
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/LICENSE b/compat/mimalloc/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..670b668a0c928e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Microsoft Corporation, Daan Leijen
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/alloc-aligned.c b/compat/mimalloc/alloc-aligned.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..e975af5f7c2ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/alloc-aligned.c
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#include "mimalloc/internal.h"
+#include "mimalloc/prim.h"  // mi_prim_get_default_heap
+#include <string.h>     // memset
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Aligned Allocation
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Fallback primitive aligned allocation -- split out for better codegen
+static mi_decl_noinline void* mi_heap_malloc_zero_aligned_at_fallback(mi_heap_t* const heap, const size_t size, const size_t alignment, const size_t offset, const bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept
+  mi_assert_internal(size <= PTRDIFF_MAX);
+  mi_assert_internal(alignment != 0 && _mi_is_power_of_two(alignment));
+  const uintptr_t align_mask = alignment - 1;  // for any x, `(x & align_mask) == (x % alignment)`
+  const size_t padsize = size + MI_PADDING_SIZE;
+  // use regular allocation if it is guaranteed to fit the alignment constraints
+  if (offset==0 && alignment<=padsize && padsize<=MI_MAX_ALIGN_GUARANTEE && (padsize&align_mask)==0) {
+    void* p = _mi_heap_malloc_zero(heap, size, zero);
+    mi_assert_internal(p == NULL || ((uintptr_t)p % alignment) == 0);
+    return p;
+  }
+  void* p;
+  size_t oversize;
+  if mi_unlikely(alignment > MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX) {
+    // use OS allocation for very large alignment and allocate inside a huge page (dedicated segment with 1 page)
+    // This can support alignments >= MI_SEGMENT_SIZE by ensuring the object can be aligned at a point in the
+    // first (and single) page such that the segment info is `MI_SEGMENT_SIZE` bytes before it (so it can be found by aligning the pointer down)
+    if mi_unlikely(offset != 0) {
+      // todo: cannot support offset alignment for very large alignments yet
+      #if MI_DEBUG > 0
+      _mi_error_message(EOVERFLOW, "aligned allocation with a very large alignment cannot be used with an alignment offset (size %zu, alignment %zu, offset %zu)\n", size, alignment, offset);
+      #endif
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    oversize = (size <= MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX ? MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX + 1 /* ensure we use generic malloc path */ : size);
+    p = _mi_heap_malloc_zero_ex(heap, oversize, false, alignment); // the page block size should be large enough to align in the single huge page block
+    // zero afterwards as only the area from the aligned_p may be committed!
+    if (p == NULL) return NULL;
+  }
+  else {
+    // otherwise over-allocate
+    oversize = size + alignment - 1;
+    p = _mi_heap_malloc_zero(heap, oversize, zero);
+    if (p == NULL) return NULL;
+  }
+  // .. and align within the allocation
+  const uintptr_t poffset = ((uintptr_t)p + offset) & align_mask;
+  const uintptr_t adjust  = (poffset == 0 ? 0 : alignment - poffset);
+  mi_assert_internal(adjust < alignment);
+  void* aligned_p = (void*)((uintptr_t)p + adjust);
+  if (aligned_p != p) {
+    mi_page_t* page = _mi_ptr_page(p);
+    mi_page_set_has_aligned(page, true);
+    _mi_padding_shrink(page, (mi_block_t*)p, adjust + size);
+  }
+  // todo: expand padding if overallocated ?
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_usable_block_size(_mi_ptr_page(p)) >= adjust + size);
+  mi_assert_internal(p == _mi_page_ptr_unalign(_mi_ptr_segment(aligned_p), _mi_ptr_page(aligned_p), aligned_p));
+  mi_assert_internal(((uintptr_t)aligned_p + offset) % alignment == 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_usable_size(aligned_p)>=size);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_usable_size(p) == mi_usable_size(aligned_p)+adjust);
+  // now zero the block if needed
+  if (alignment > MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX) {
+    // for the tracker, on huge aligned allocations only from the start of the large block is defined
+    mi_track_mem_undefined(aligned_p, size);
+    if (zero) {
+      _mi_memzero_aligned(aligned_p, mi_usable_size(aligned_p));
+    }
+  }
+  if (p != aligned_p) {
+    mi_track_align(p,aligned_p,adjust,mi_usable_size(aligned_p));
+  }
+  return aligned_p;
+// Primitive aligned allocation
+static void* mi_heap_malloc_zero_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* const heap, const size_t size, const size_t alignment, const size_t offset, const bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept
+  // note: we don't require `size > offset`, we just guarantee that the address at offset is aligned regardless of the allocated size.
+  if mi_unlikely(alignment == 0 || !_mi_is_power_of_two(alignment)) { // require power-of-two (see <>)
+    #if MI_DEBUG > 0
+    _mi_error_message(EOVERFLOW, "aligned allocation requires the alignment to be a power-of-two (size %zu, alignment %zu)\n", size, alignment);
+    #endif
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  if mi_unlikely(size > PTRDIFF_MAX) {          // we don't allocate more than PTRDIFF_MAX (see <>)
+    #if MI_DEBUG > 0
+    _mi_error_message(EOVERFLOW, "aligned allocation request is too large (size %zu, alignment %zu)\n", size, alignment);
+    #endif
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  const uintptr_t align_mask = alignment-1;       // for any x, `(x & align_mask) == (x % alignment)`
+  const size_t padsize = size + MI_PADDING_SIZE;  // note: cannot overflow due to earlier size > PTRDIFF_MAX check
+  // try first if there happens to be a small block available with just the right alignment
+  if mi_likely(padsize <= MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX && alignment <= padsize) {
+    mi_page_t* page = _mi_heap_get_free_small_page(heap, padsize);
+    const bool is_aligned = (((uintptr_t)page->free+offset) & align_mask)==0;
+    if mi_likely(page->free != NULL && is_aligned)
+    {
+      #if MI_STAT>1
+      mi_heap_stat_increase(heap, malloc, size);
+      #endif
+      void* p = _mi_page_malloc(heap, page, padsize, zero); // TODO: inline _mi_page_malloc
+      mi_assert_internal(p != NULL);
+      mi_assert_internal(((uintptr_t)p + offset) % alignment == 0);
+      mi_track_malloc(p,size,zero);
+      return p;
+    }
+  }
+  // fallback
+  return mi_heap_malloc_zero_aligned_at_fallback(heap, size, alignment, offset, zero);
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Optimized mi_heap_malloc_aligned / mi_malloc_aligned
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_malloc_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_malloc_zero_aligned_at(heap, size, alignment, offset, false);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_malloc_aligned(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  if mi_unlikely(alignment == 0 || !_mi_is_power_of_two(alignment)) return NULL;
+  #if !MI_PADDING
+  // without padding, any small sized allocation is naturally aligned (see also `_mi_segment_page_start`)
+  if mi_likely(_mi_is_power_of_two(size) && size >= alignment && size <= MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX)
+  #else
+  // with padding, we can only guarantee this for fixed alignments
+  if mi_likely((alignment == sizeof(void*) || (alignment == MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE && size > (MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE/2)))
+		&& size <= MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX)
+  #endif
+  {
+    // fast path for common alignment and size
+    return mi_heap_malloc_small(heap, size);
+  }
+  else {
+    return mi_heap_malloc_aligned_at(heap, size, alignment, 0);
+  }
+// ensure a definition is emitted
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+static void* _mi_heap_malloc_aligned = (void*)&mi_heap_malloc_aligned;
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Aligned Allocation
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_zalloc_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_malloc_zero_aligned_at(heap, size, alignment, offset, true);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_zalloc_aligned(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_zalloc_aligned_at(heap, size, alignment, 0);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_calloc_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t count, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  size_t total;
+  if (mi_count_size_overflow(count, size, &total)) return NULL;
+  return mi_heap_zalloc_aligned_at(heap, total, alignment, offset);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_calloc_aligned(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t count, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_calloc_aligned_at(heap,count,size,alignment,0);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_malloc_aligned_at(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_malloc_aligned_at(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), size, alignment, offset);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_malloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_malloc_aligned(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), size, alignment);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_zalloc_aligned_at(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_zalloc_aligned_at(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), size, alignment, offset);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_zalloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_zalloc_aligned(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), size, alignment);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_calloc_aligned_at(size_t count, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_calloc_aligned_at(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), count, size, alignment, offset);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_calloc_aligned(size_t count, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_calloc_aligned(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), count, size, alignment);
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Aligned re-allocation
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+static void* mi_heap_realloc_zero_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment, size_t offset, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  mi_assert(alignment > 0);
+  if (alignment <= sizeof(uintptr_t)) return _mi_heap_realloc_zero(heap,p,newsize,zero);
+  if (p == NULL) return mi_heap_malloc_zero_aligned_at(heap,newsize,alignment,offset,zero);
+  size_t size = mi_usable_size(p);
+  if (newsize <= size && newsize >= (size - (size / 2))
+      && (((uintptr_t)p + offset) % alignment) == 0) {
+    return p;  // reallocation still fits, is aligned and not more than 50% waste
+  }
+  else {
+    // note: we don't zero allocate upfront so we only zero initialize the expanded part
+    void* newp = mi_heap_malloc_aligned_at(heap,newsize,alignment,offset);
+    if (newp != NULL) {
+      if (zero && newsize > size) {
+	// also set last word in the previous allocation to zero to ensure any padding is zero-initialized
+	size_t start = (size >= sizeof(intptr_t) ? size - sizeof(intptr_t) : 0);
+	_mi_memzero((uint8_t*)newp + start, newsize - start);
+      }
+      _mi_memcpy_aligned(newp, p, (newsize > size ? size : newsize));
+      mi_free(p); // only free if successful
+    }
+    return newp;
+  }
+static void* mi_heap_realloc_zero_aligned(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  mi_assert(alignment > 0);
+  if (alignment <= sizeof(uintptr_t)) return _mi_heap_realloc_zero(heap,p,newsize,zero);
+  size_t offset = ((uintptr_t)p % alignment); // use offset of previous allocation (p can be NULL)
+  return mi_heap_realloc_zero_aligned_at(heap,p,newsize,alignment,offset,zero);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_heap_realloc_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_realloc_zero_aligned_at(heap,p,newsize,alignment,offset,false);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_heap_realloc_aligned(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_realloc_zero_aligned(heap,p,newsize,alignment,false);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_heap_rezalloc_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_realloc_zero_aligned_at(heap, p, newsize, alignment, offset, true);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_heap_rezalloc_aligned(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_realloc_zero_aligned(heap, p, newsize, alignment, true);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_heap_recalloc_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  size_t total;
+  if (mi_count_size_overflow(newcount, size, &total)) return NULL;
+  return mi_heap_rezalloc_aligned_at(heap, p, total, alignment, offset);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_heap_recalloc_aligned(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  size_t total;
+  if (mi_count_size_overflow(newcount, size, &total)) return NULL;
+  return mi_heap_rezalloc_aligned(heap, p, total, alignment);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_realloc_aligned_at(void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_realloc_aligned_at(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), p, newsize, alignment, offset);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_realloc_aligned(void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_realloc_aligned(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), p, newsize, alignment);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_rezalloc_aligned_at(void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_rezalloc_aligned_at(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), p, newsize, alignment, offset);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_rezalloc_aligned(void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_rezalloc_aligned(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), p, newsize, alignment);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_recalloc_aligned_at(void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_recalloc_aligned_at(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), p, newcount, size, alignment, offset);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_recalloc_aligned(void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_recalloc_aligned(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), p, newcount, size, alignment);
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/alloc.c b/compat/mimalloc/alloc.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..961f6d53d0f2c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/alloc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1060 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2018-2022, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#define _DEFAULT_SOURCE   // for realpath() on Linux
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#include "mimalloc/internal.h"
+#include "mimalloc/atomic.h"
+#include "mimalloc/prim.h"   // _mi_prim_thread_id()
+#include <string.h>      // memset, strlen (for mi_strdup)
+#include <stdlib.h>      // malloc, abort
+#define MI_IN_ALLOC_C
+#include "alloc-override.c"
+#undef MI_IN_ALLOC_C
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Allocation
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Fast allocation in a page: just pop from the free list.
+// Fall back to generic allocation only if the list is empty.
+extern inline void* _mi_page_malloc(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page, size_t size, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  mi_assert_internal(page->xblock_size==0||mi_page_block_size(page) >= size);
+  mi_block_t* const block = page->free;
+  if mi_unlikely(block == NULL) {
+    return _mi_malloc_generic(heap, size, zero, 0);
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(block != NULL && _mi_ptr_page(block) == page);
+  // pop from the free list
+  page->used++;
+  page->free = mi_block_next(page, block);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->free == NULL || _mi_ptr_page(page->free) == page);
+  #if MI_DEBUG>3
+  if (page->free_is_zero) {
+    mi_assert_expensive(mi_mem_is_zero(block+1,size - sizeof(*block)));
+  }
+  #endif
+  // allow use of the block internally
+  // note: when tracking we need to avoid ever touching the MI_PADDING since
+  // that is tracked by valgrind etc. as non-accessible (through the red-zone, see `mimalloc/track.h`)
+  mi_track_mem_undefined(block, mi_page_usable_block_size(page));
+  // zero the block? note: we need to zero the full block size (issue #63)
+  if mi_unlikely(zero) {
+    mi_assert_internal(page->xblock_size != 0); // do not call with zero'ing for huge blocks (see _mi_malloc_generic)
+    mi_assert_internal(page->xblock_size >= MI_PADDING_SIZE);
+    if (page->free_is_zero) {
+      block->next = 0;
+      mi_track_mem_defined(block, page->xblock_size - MI_PADDING_SIZE);
+    }
+    else {
+      _mi_memzero_aligned(block, page->xblock_size - MI_PADDING_SIZE);
+    }
+  }
+  if (!zero && !mi_page_is_huge(page)) {
+    memset(block, MI_DEBUG_UNINIT, mi_page_usable_block_size(page));
+  }
+#elif (MI_SECURE!=0)
+  if (!zero) { block->next = 0; } // don't leak internal data
+#if (MI_STAT>0)
+  const size_t bsize = mi_page_usable_block_size(page);
+  if (bsize <= MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
+    mi_heap_stat_increase(heap, normal, bsize);
+    mi_heap_stat_counter_increase(heap, normal_count, 1);
+#if (MI_STAT>1)
+    const size_t bin = _mi_bin(bsize);
+    mi_heap_stat_increase(heap, normal_bins[bin], 1);
+  }
+  mi_padding_t* const padding = (mi_padding_t*)((uint8_t*)block + mi_page_usable_block_size(page));
+  ptrdiff_t delta = ((uint8_t*)padding - (uint8_t*)block - (size - MI_PADDING_SIZE));
+  #if (MI_DEBUG>=2)
+  mi_assert_internal(delta >= 0 && mi_page_usable_block_size(page) >= (size - MI_PADDING_SIZE + delta));
+  #endif
+  mi_track_mem_defined(padding,sizeof(mi_padding_t));  // note: re-enable since mi_page_usable_block_size may set noaccess
+  padding->canary = (uint32_t)(mi_ptr_encode(page,block,page->keys));
+  padding->delta  = (uint32_t)(delta);
+  if (!mi_page_is_huge(page)) {
+    uint8_t* fill = (uint8_t*)padding - delta;
+    const size_t maxpad = (delta > MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE ? MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE : delta); // set at most N initial padding bytes
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < maxpad; i++) { fill[i] = MI_DEBUG_PADDING; }
+  }
+  #endif
+  return block;
+static inline mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_malloc_small_zero(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  mi_assert(heap != NULL);
+  #if MI_DEBUG
+  const uintptr_t tid = _mi_thread_id();
+  mi_assert(heap->thread_id == 0 || heap->thread_id == tid); // heaps are thread local
+  #endif
+  mi_assert(size <= MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX);
+  #if (MI_PADDING)
+  if (size == 0) { size = sizeof(void*); }
+  #endif
+  mi_page_t* page = _mi_heap_get_free_small_page(heap, size + MI_PADDING_SIZE);
+  void* const p = _mi_page_malloc(heap, page, size + MI_PADDING_SIZE, zero);
+  mi_track_malloc(p,size,zero);
+  #if MI_STAT>1
+  if (p != NULL) {
+    if (!mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) { heap = mi_prim_get_default_heap(); }
+    mi_heap_stat_increase(heap, malloc, mi_usable_size(p));
+  }
+  #endif
+  #if MI_DEBUG>3
+  if (p != NULL && zero) {
+    mi_assert_expensive(mi_mem_is_zero(p, size));
+  }
+  #endif
+  return p;
+// allocate a small block
+mi_decl_nodiscard extern inline mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_malloc_small(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_malloc_small_zero(heap, size, false);
+mi_decl_nodiscard extern inline mi_decl_restrict void* mi_malloc_small(size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_malloc_small(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), size);
+// The main allocation function
+extern inline void* _mi_heap_malloc_zero_ex(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero, size_t huge_alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  if mi_likely(size <= MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX) {
+    mi_assert_internal(huge_alignment == 0);
+    return mi_heap_malloc_small_zero(heap, size, zero);
+  }
+  else {
+    mi_assert(heap!=NULL);
+    mi_assert(heap->thread_id == 0 || heap->thread_id == _mi_thread_id());   // heaps are thread local
+    void* const p = _mi_malloc_generic(heap, size + MI_PADDING_SIZE, zero, huge_alignment);  // note: size can overflow but it is detected in malloc_generic
+    mi_track_malloc(p,size,zero);
+    #if MI_STAT>1
+    if (p != NULL) {
+      if (!mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) { heap = mi_prim_get_default_heap(); }
+      mi_heap_stat_increase(heap, malloc, mi_usable_size(p));
+    }
+    #endif
+    #if MI_DEBUG>3
+    if (p != NULL && zero) {
+      mi_assert_expensive(mi_mem_is_zero(p, size));
+    }
+    #endif
+    return p;
+  }
+extern inline void* _mi_heap_malloc_zero(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return _mi_heap_malloc_zero_ex(heap, size, zero, 0);
+mi_decl_nodiscard extern inline mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_malloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return _mi_heap_malloc_zero(heap, size, false);
+mi_decl_nodiscard extern inline mi_decl_restrict void* mi_malloc(size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_malloc(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), size);
+// zero initialized small block
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_zalloc_small(size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_malloc_small_zero(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), size, true);
+mi_decl_nodiscard extern inline mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_zalloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return _mi_heap_malloc_zero(heap, size, true);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_zalloc(size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_zalloc(mi_prim_get_default_heap(),size);
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Check for double free in secure and debug mode
+// This is somewhat expensive so only enabled for secure mode 4
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// linear check if the free list contains a specific element
+static bool mi_list_contains(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* list, const mi_block_t* elem) {
+  while (list != NULL) {
+    if (elem==list) return true;
+    list = mi_block_next(page, list);
+  }
+  return false;
+static mi_decl_noinline bool mi_check_is_double_freex(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block) {
+  // The decoded value is in the same page (or NULL).
+  // Walk the free lists to verify positively if it is already freed
+  if (mi_list_contains(page, page->free, block) ||
+      mi_list_contains(page, page->local_free, block) ||
+      mi_list_contains(page, mi_page_thread_free(page), block))
+  {
+    _mi_error_message(EAGAIN, "double free detected of block %p with size %zu\n", block, mi_page_block_size(page));
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+#define mi_track_page(page,access)  { size_t psize; void* pstart = _mi_page_start(_mi_page_segment(page),page,&psize); mi_track_mem_##access( pstart, psize); }
+static inline bool mi_check_is_double_free(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block) {
+  bool is_double_free = false;
+  mi_block_t* n = mi_block_nextx(page, block, page->keys); // pretend it is freed, and get the decoded first field
+  if (((uintptr_t)n & (MI_INTPTR_SIZE-1))==0 &&  // quick check: aligned pointer?
+      (n==NULL || mi_is_in_same_page(block, n))) // quick check: in same page or NULL?
+  {
+    // Suspicous: decoded value a in block is in the same page (or NULL) -- maybe a double free?
+    // (continue in separate function to improve code generation)
+    is_double_free = mi_check_is_double_freex(page, block);
+  }
+  return is_double_free;
+static inline bool mi_check_is_double_free(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block) {
+  MI_UNUSED(page);
+  MI_UNUSED(block);
+  return false;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Check for heap block overflow by setting up padding at the end of the block
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static bool mi_page_decode_padding(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block, size_t* delta, size_t* bsize) {
+  *bsize = mi_page_usable_block_size(page);
+  const mi_padding_t* const padding = (mi_padding_t*)((uint8_t*)block + *bsize);
+  mi_track_mem_defined(padding,sizeof(mi_padding_t));
+  *delta = padding->delta;
+  uint32_t canary = padding->canary;
+  uintptr_t keys[2];
+  keys[0] = page->keys[0];
+  keys[1] = page->keys[1];
+  bool ok = ((uint32_t)mi_ptr_encode(page,block,keys) == canary && *delta <= *bsize);
+  mi_track_mem_noaccess(padding,sizeof(mi_padding_t));
+  return ok;
+// Return the exact usable size of a block.
+static size_t mi_page_usable_size_of(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block) {
+  size_t bsize;
+  size_t delta;
+  bool ok = mi_page_decode_padding(page, block, &delta, &bsize);
+  mi_assert_internal(ok); mi_assert_internal(delta <= bsize);
+  return (ok ? bsize - delta : 0);
+// When a non-thread-local block is freed, it becomes part of the thread delayed free
+// list that is freed later by the owning heap. If the exact usable size is too small to
+// contain the pointer for the delayed list, then shrink the padding (by decreasing delta)
+// so it will later not trigger an overflow error in `mi_free_block`.
+void _mi_padding_shrink(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block, const size_t min_size) {
+  size_t bsize;
+  size_t delta;
+  bool ok = mi_page_decode_padding(page, block, &delta, &bsize);
+  mi_assert_internal(ok);
+  if (!ok || (bsize - delta) >= min_size) return;  // usually already enough space
+  mi_assert_internal(bsize >= min_size);
+  if (bsize < min_size) return;  // should never happen
+  size_t new_delta = (bsize - min_size);
+  mi_assert_internal(new_delta < bsize);
+  mi_padding_t* padding = (mi_padding_t*)((uint8_t*)block + bsize);
+  mi_track_mem_defined(padding,sizeof(mi_padding_t));
+  padding->delta = (uint32_t)new_delta;
+  mi_track_mem_noaccess(padding,sizeof(mi_padding_t));
+static size_t mi_page_usable_size_of(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block) {
+  MI_UNUSED(block);
+  return mi_page_usable_block_size(page);
+void _mi_padding_shrink(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block, const size_t min_size) {
+  MI_UNUSED(page);
+  MI_UNUSED(block);
+  MI_UNUSED(min_size);
+static bool mi_verify_padding(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block, size_t* size, size_t* wrong) {
+  size_t bsize;
+  size_t delta;
+  bool ok = mi_page_decode_padding(page, block, &delta, &bsize);
+  *size = *wrong = bsize;
+  if (!ok) return false;
+  mi_assert_internal(bsize >= delta);
+  *size = bsize - delta;
+  if (!mi_page_is_huge(page)) {
+    uint8_t* fill = (uint8_t*)block + bsize - delta;
+    const size_t maxpad = (delta > MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE ? MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE : delta); // check at most the first N padding bytes
+    mi_track_mem_defined(fill, maxpad);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < maxpad; i++) {
+      if (fill[i] != MI_DEBUG_PADDING) {
+	*wrong = bsize - delta + i;
+	ok = false;
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+    mi_track_mem_noaccess(fill, maxpad);
+  }
+  return ok;
+static void mi_check_padding(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block) {
+  size_t size;
+  size_t wrong;
+  if (!mi_verify_padding(page,block,&size,&wrong)) {
+    _mi_error_message(EFAULT, "buffer overflow in heap block %p of size %zu: write after %zu bytes\n", block, size, wrong );
+  }
+static void mi_check_padding(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block) {
+  MI_UNUSED(page);
+  MI_UNUSED(block);
+// only maintain stats for smaller objects if requested
+#if (MI_STAT>0)
+static void mi_stat_free(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block) {
+  #if (MI_STAT < 2)
+  MI_UNUSED(block);
+  #endif
+  mi_heap_t* const heap = mi_heap_get_default();
+  const size_t bsize = mi_page_usable_block_size(page);
+  #if (MI_STAT>1)
+  const size_t usize = mi_page_usable_size_of(page, block);
+  mi_heap_stat_decrease(heap, malloc, usize);
+  #endif
+  if (bsize <= MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
+    mi_heap_stat_decrease(heap, normal, bsize);
+    #if (MI_STAT > 1)
+    mi_heap_stat_decrease(heap, normal_bins[_mi_bin(bsize)], 1);
+    #endif
+  }
+  else if (bsize <= MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
+    mi_heap_stat_decrease(heap, large, bsize);
+  }
+  else {
+    mi_heap_stat_decrease(heap, huge, bsize);
+  }
+static void mi_stat_free(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block) {
+  MI_UNUSED(page); MI_UNUSED(block);
+#if (MI_STAT>0)
+// maintain stats for huge objects
+static void mi_stat_huge_free(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  mi_heap_t* const heap = mi_heap_get_default();
+  const size_t bsize = mi_page_block_size(page); // to match stats in `page.c:mi_page_huge_alloc`
+  if (bsize <= MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
+    mi_heap_stat_decrease(heap, large, bsize);
+  }
+  else {
+    mi_heap_stat_decrease(heap, huge, bsize);
+  }
+static void mi_stat_huge_free(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  MI_UNUSED(page);
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Free
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// multi-threaded free (or free in huge block if compiled with MI_HUGE_PAGE_ABANDON)
+static mi_decl_noinline void _mi_free_block_mt(mi_page_t* page, mi_block_t* block)
+  // The padding check may access the non-thread-owned page for the key values.
+  // that is safe as these are constant and the page won't be freed (as the block is not freed yet).
+  mi_check_padding(page, block);
+  _mi_padding_shrink(page, block, sizeof(mi_block_t));       // for small size, ensure we can fit the delayed thread pointers without triggering overflow detection
+  // huge page segments are always abandoned and can be freed immediately
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_page_segment(page);
+  if (segment->kind == MI_SEGMENT_HUGE) {
+    // huge page segments are always abandoned and can be freed immediately
+    mi_stat_huge_free(page);
+    _mi_segment_huge_page_free(segment, page, block);
+    return;
+    #else
+    // huge pages are special as they occupy the entire segment
+    // as these are large we reset the memory occupied by the page so it is available to other threads
+    // (as the owning thread needs to actually free the memory later).
+    _mi_segment_huge_page_reset(segment, page, block);
+    #endif
+  }
+  #if (MI_DEBUG>0) && !MI_TRACK_ENABLED && !MI_TSAN        // note: when tracking, cannot use mi_usable_size with multi-threading
+  if (segment->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE) {                  // not for huge segments as we just reset the content
+    memset(block, MI_DEBUG_FREED, mi_usable_size(block));
+  }
+  #endif
+  // Try to put the block on either the page-local thread free list, or the heap delayed free list.
+  mi_thread_free_t tfreex;
+  bool use_delayed;
+  mi_thread_free_t tfree = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&page->xthread_free);
+  do {
+    use_delayed = (mi_tf_delayed(tfree) == MI_USE_DELAYED_FREE);
+    if mi_unlikely(use_delayed) {
+      // unlikely: this only happens on the first concurrent free in a page that is in the full list
+      tfreex = mi_tf_set_delayed(tfree,MI_DELAYED_FREEING);
+    }
+    else {
+      // usual: directly add to page thread_free list
+      mi_block_set_next(page, block, mi_tf_block(tfree));
+      tfreex = mi_tf_set_block(tfree,block);
+    }
+  } while (!mi_atomic_cas_weak_release(&page->xthread_free, &tfree, tfreex));
+  if mi_unlikely(use_delayed) {
+    // racy read on `heap`, but ok because MI_DELAYED_FREEING is set (see `mi_heap_delete` and `mi_heap_collect_abandon`)
+    mi_heap_t* const heap = (mi_heap_t*)(mi_atomic_load_acquire(&page->xheap)); //mi_page_heap(page);
+    mi_assert_internal(heap != NULL);
+    if (heap != NULL) {
+      // add to the delayed free list of this heap. (do this atomically as the lock only protects heap memory validity)
+      mi_block_t* dfree = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_block_t, &heap->thread_delayed_free);
+      do {
+	mi_block_set_nextx(heap,block,dfree, heap->keys);
+      } while (!mi_atomic_cas_ptr_weak_release(mi_block_t,&heap->thread_delayed_free, &dfree, block));
+    }
+    // and reset the MI_DELAYED_FREEING flag
+    tfree = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&page->xthread_free);
+    do {
+      tfreex = tfree;
+      mi_assert_internal(mi_tf_delayed(tfree) == MI_DELAYED_FREEING);
+      tfreex = mi_tf_set_delayed(tfree,MI_NO_DELAYED_FREE);
+    } while (!mi_atomic_cas_weak_release(&page->xthread_free, &tfree, tfreex));
+  }
+// regular free
+static inline void _mi_free_block(mi_page_t* page, bool local, mi_block_t* block)
+  // and push it on the free list
+  //const size_t bsize = mi_page_block_size(page);
+  if mi_likely(local) {
+    // owning thread can free a block directly
+    if mi_unlikely(mi_check_is_double_free(page, block)) return;
+    mi_check_padding(page, block);
+    #if (MI_DEBUG>0) && !MI_TRACK_ENABLED && !MI_TSAN
+    if (!mi_page_is_huge(page)) {   // huge page content may be already decommitted
+      memset(block, MI_DEBUG_FREED, mi_page_block_size(page));
+    }
+    #endif
+    mi_block_set_next(page, block, page->local_free);
+    page->local_free = block;
+    page->used--;
+    if mi_unlikely(mi_page_all_free(page)) {
+      _mi_page_retire(page);
+    }
+    else if mi_unlikely(mi_page_is_in_full(page)) {
+      _mi_page_unfull(page);
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    _mi_free_block_mt(page,block);
+  }
+// Adjust a block that was allocated aligned, to the actual start of the block in the page.
+mi_block_t* _mi_page_ptr_unalign(const mi_segment_t* segment, const mi_page_t* page, const void* p) {
+  mi_assert_internal(page!=NULL && p!=NULL);
+  const size_t diff   = (uint8_t*)p - _mi_page_start(segment, page, NULL);
+  const size_t adjust = (diff % mi_page_block_size(page));
+  return (mi_block_t*)((uintptr_t)p - adjust);
+void mi_decl_noinline _mi_free_generic(const mi_segment_t* segment, mi_page_t* page, bool is_local, void* p) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  mi_block_t* const block = (mi_page_has_aligned(page) ? _mi_page_ptr_unalign(segment, page, p) : (mi_block_t*)p);
+  mi_stat_free(page, block);    // stat_free may access the padding
+  mi_track_free_size(block, mi_page_usable_size_of(page,block));
+  _mi_free_block(page, is_local, block);
+// Get the segment data belonging to a pointer
+// This is just a single `and` in assembly but does further checks in debug mode
+// (and secure mode) if this was a valid pointer.
+static inline mi_segment_t* mi_checked_ptr_segment(const void* p, const char* msg)
+  MI_UNUSED(msg);
+  mi_assert(p != NULL);
+#if (MI_DEBUG>0)
+  if mi_unlikely(((uintptr_t)p & (MI_INTPTR_SIZE - 1)) != 0) {
+    _mi_error_message(EINVAL, "%s: invalid (unaligned) pointer: %p\n", msg, p);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  mi_segment_t* const segment = _mi_ptr_segment(p);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment != NULL);
+#if (MI_DEBUG>0)
+  if mi_unlikely(!mi_is_in_heap_region(p)) {
+  #if (MI_INTPTR_SIZE == 8 && defined(__linux__))
+    if (((uintptr_t)p >> 40) != 0x7F) { // linux tends to align large blocks above 0x7F000000000 (issue #640)
+  #else
+    {
+  #endif
+      _mi_warning_message("%s: pointer might not point to a valid heap region: %p\n"
+	"(this may still be a valid very large allocation (over 64MiB))\n", msg, p);
+      if mi_likely(_mi_ptr_cookie(segment) == segment->cookie) {
+	_mi_warning_message("(yes, the previous pointer %p was valid after all)\n", p);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+#if (MI_DEBUG>0 || MI_SECURE>=4)
+  if mi_unlikely(_mi_ptr_cookie(segment) != segment->cookie) {
+    _mi_error_message(EINVAL, "%s: pointer does not point to a valid heap space: %p\n", msg, p);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  return segment;
+// Free a block
+// fast path written carefully to prevent spilling on the stack
+void mi_free(void* p) mi_attr_noexcept
+  if mi_unlikely(p == NULL) return;
+  mi_segment_t* const segment = mi_checked_ptr_segment(p,"mi_free");
+  const bool          is_local= (_mi_prim_thread_id() == mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&segment->thread_id));
+  mi_page_t* const    page    = _mi_segment_page_of(segment, p);
+  if mi_likely(is_local) {                       // thread-local free?
+    if mi_likely(page->flags.full_aligned == 0)  // and it is not a full page (full pages need to move from the full bin), nor has aligned blocks (aligned blocks need to be unaligned)
+    {
+      mi_block_t* const block = (mi_block_t*)p;
+      if mi_unlikely(mi_check_is_double_free(page, block)) return;
+      mi_check_padding(page, block);
+      mi_stat_free(page, block);
+      #if (MI_DEBUG>0) && !MI_TRACK_ENABLED  && !MI_TSAN
+      memset(block, MI_DEBUG_FREED, mi_page_block_size(page));
+      #endif
+      mi_track_free_size(p, mi_page_usable_size_of(page,block)); // faster then mi_usable_size as we already know the page and that p is unaligned
+      mi_block_set_next(page, block, page->local_free);
+      page->local_free = block;
+      if mi_unlikely(--page->used == 0) {   // using this expression generates better code than: page->used--; if (mi_page_all_free(page))
+	_mi_page_retire(page);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      // page is full or contains (inner) aligned blocks; use generic path
+      _mi_free_generic(segment, page, true, p);
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    // not thread-local; use generic path
+    _mi_free_generic(segment, page, false, p);
+  }
+// return true if successful
+bool _mi_free_delayed_block(mi_block_t* block) {
+  // get segment and page
+  const mi_segment_t* const segment = _mi_ptr_segment(block);
+  mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_cookie(segment) == segment->cookie);
+  mi_assert_internal(_mi_thread_id() == segment->thread_id);
+  mi_page_t* const page = _mi_segment_page_of(segment, block);
+  // Clear the no-delayed flag so delayed freeing is used again for this page.
+  // This must be done before collecting the free lists on this page -- otherwise
+  // some blocks may end up in the page `thread_free` list with no blocks in the
+  // heap `thread_delayed_free` list which may cause the page to be never freed!
+  // (it would only be freed if we happen to scan it in `mi_page_queue_find_free_ex`)
+  if (!_mi_page_try_use_delayed_free(page, MI_USE_DELAYED_FREE, false /* dont overwrite never delayed */)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // collect all other non-local frees to ensure up-to-date `used` count
+  _mi_page_free_collect(page, false);
+  // and free the block (possibly freeing the page as well since used is updated)
+  _mi_free_block(page, true, block);
+  return true;
+// Bytes available in a block
+mi_decl_noinline static size_t mi_page_usable_aligned_size_of(const mi_segment_t* segment, const mi_page_t* page, const void* p) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  const mi_block_t* block = _mi_page_ptr_unalign(segment, page, p);
+  const size_t size = mi_page_usable_size_of(page, block);
+  const ptrdiff_t adjust = (uint8_t*)p - (uint8_t*)block;
+  mi_assert_internal(adjust >= 0 && (size_t)adjust <= size);
+  return (size - adjust);
+static inline size_t _mi_usable_size(const void* p, const char* msg) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  if (p == NULL) return 0;
+  const mi_segment_t* const segment = mi_checked_ptr_segment(p, msg);
+  const mi_page_t* const page = _mi_segment_page_of(segment, p);
+  if mi_likely(!mi_page_has_aligned(page)) {
+    const mi_block_t* block = (const mi_block_t*)p;
+    return mi_page_usable_size_of(page, block);
+  }
+  else {
+    // split out to separate routine for improved code generation
+    return mi_page_usable_aligned_size_of(segment, page, p);
+  }
+mi_decl_nodiscard size_t mi_usable_size(const void* p) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return _mi_usable_size(p, "mi_usable_size");
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Allocation extensions
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+void mi_free_size(void* p, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  mi_assert(p == NULL || size <= _mi_usable_size(p,"mi_free_size"));
+  mi_free(p);
+void mi_free_size_aligned(void* p, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  MI_UNUSED_RELEASE(alignment);
+  mi_assert(((uintptr_t)p % alignment) == 0);
+  mi_free_size(p,size);
+void mi_free_aligned(void* p, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  MI_UNUSED_RELEASE(alignment);
+  mi_assert(((uintptr_t)p % alignment) == 0);
+  mi_free(p);
+mi_decl_nodiscard extern inline mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_calloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  size_t total;
+  if (mi_count_size_overflow(count,size,&total)) return NULL;
+  return mi_heap_zalloc(heap,total);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_calloc(size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_calloc(mi_prim_get_default_heap(),count,size);
+// Uninitialized `calloc`
+mi_decl_nodiscard extern mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_mallocn(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  size_t total;
+  if (mi_count_size_overflow(count, size, &total)) return NULL;
+  return mi_heap_malloc(heap, total);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_mallocn(size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_mallocn(mi_prim_get_default_heap(),count,size);
+// Expand (or shrink) in place (or fail)
+void* mi_expand(void* p, size_t newsize) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  // we do not shrink/expand with padding enabled
+  MI_UNUSED(p); MI_UNUSED(newsize);
+  return NULL;
+  #else
+  if (p == NULL) return NULL;
+  const size_t size = _mi_usable_size(p,"mi_expand");
+  if (newsize > size) return NULL;
+  return p; // it fits
+  #endif
+void* _mi_heap_realloc_zero(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  // if p == NULL then behave as malloc.
+  // else if size == 0 then reallocate to a zero-sized block (and don't return NULL, just as mi_malloc(0)).
+  // (this means that returning NULL always indicates an error, and `p` will not have been freed in that case.)
+  const size_t size = _mi_usable_size(p,"mi_realloc"); // also works if p == NULL (with size 0)
+  if mi_unlikely(newsize <= size && newsize >= (size / 2) && newsize > 0) {  // note: newsize must be > 0 or otherwise we return NULL for realloc(NULL,0)
+    mi_assert_internal(p!=NULL);
+    // todo: do not track as the usable size is still the same in the free; adjust potential padding?
+    // mi_track_resize(p,size,newsize)
+    // if (newsize < size) { mi_track_mem_noaccess((uint8_t*)p + newsize, size - newsize); }
+    return p;  // reallocation still fits and not more than 50% waste
+  }
+  void* newp = mi_heap_malloc(heap,newsize);
+  if mi_likely(newp != NULL) {
+    if (zero && newsize > size) {
+      // also set last word in the previous allocation to zero to ensure any padding is zero-initialized
+      const size_t start = (size >= sizeof(intptr_t) ? size - sizeof(intptr_t) : 0);
+      _mi_memzero((uint8_t*)newp + start, newsize - start);
+    }
+    else if (newsize == 0) {
+      ((uint8_t*)newp)[0] = 0; // work around for applications that expect zero-reallocation to be zero initialized (issue #725)
+    }
+    if mi_likely(p != NULL) {
+      const size_t copysize = (newsize > size ? size : newsize);
+      mi_track_mem_defined(p,copysize);  // _mi_useable_size may be too large for byte precise memory tracking..
+      _mi_memcpy(newp, p, copysize);
+      mi_free(p); // only free the original pointer if successful
+    }
+  }
+  return newp;
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_heap_realloc(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return _mi_heap_realloc_zero(heap, p, newsize, false);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_heap_reallocn(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  size_t total;
+  if (mi_count_size_overflow(count, size, &total)) return NULL;
+  return mi_heap_realloc(heap, p, total);
+// Reallocate but free `p` on errors
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_heap_reallocf(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  void* newp = mi_heap_realloc(heap, p, newsize);
+  if (newp==NULL && p!=NULL) mi_free(p);
+  return newp;
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_heap_rezalloc(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return _mi_heap_realloc_zero(heap, p, newsize, true);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_heap_recalloc(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  size_t total;
+  if (mi_count_size_overflow(count, size, &total)) return NULL;
+  return mi_heap_rezalloc(heap, p, total);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_realloc(void* p, size_t newsize) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_realloc(mi_prim_get_default_heap(),p,newsize);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_reallocn(void* p, size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_reallocn(mi_prim_get_default_heap(),p,count,size);
+// Reallocate but free `p` on errors
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_reallocf(void* p, size_t newsize) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_reallocf(mi_prim_get_default_heap(),p,newsize);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_rezalloc(void* p, size_t newsize) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_rezalloc(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), p, newsize);
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_recalloc(void* p, size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_recalloc(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), p, count, size);
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// strdup, strndup, and realpath
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// `strdup` using mi_malloc
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict char* mi_heap_strdup(mi_heap_t* heap, const char* s) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  if (s == NULL) return NULL;
+  size_t n = strlen(s);
+  char* t = (char*)mi_heap_malloc(heap,n+1);
+  if (t == NULL) return NULL;
+  _mi_memcpy(t, s, n);
+  t[n] = 0;
+  return t;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict char* mi_strdup(const char* s) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_strdup(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), s);
+// `strndup` using mi_malloc
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict char* mi_heap_strndup(mi_heap_t* heap, const char* s, size_t n) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  if (s == NULL) return NULL;
+  const char* end = (const char*)memchr(s, 0, n);  // find end of string in the first `n` characters (returns NULL if not found)
+  const size_t m = (end != NULL ? (size_t)(end - s) : n);  // `m` is the minimum of `n` or the end-of-string
+  mi_assert_internal(m <= n);
+  char* t = (char*)mi_heap_malloc(heap, m+1);
+  if (t == NULL) return NULL;
+  _mi_memcpy(t, s, m);
+  t[m] = 0;
+  return t;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict char* mi_strndup(const char* s, size_t n) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_strndup(mi_prim_get_default_heap(),s,n);
+#ifndef __wasi__
+// `realpath` using mi_malloc
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#ifndef PATH_MAX
+#include <windows.h>
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict char* mi_heap_realpath(mi_heap_t* heap, const char* fname, char* resolved_name) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  // todo: use GetFullPathNameW to allow longer file names
+  char buf[PATH_MAX];
+  DWORD res = GetFullPathNameA(fname, PATH_MAX, (resolved_name == NULL ? buf : resolved_name), NULL);
+  if (res == 0) {
+    errno = GetLastError(); return NULL;
+  }
+  else if (res > PATH_MAX) {
+    errno = EINVAL; return NULL;
+  }
+  else if (resolved_name != NULL) {
+    return resolved_name;
+  }
+  else {
+    return mi_heap_strndup(heap, buf, PATH_MAX);
+  }
+#include <unistd.h>  // pathconf
+static size_t mi_path_max(void) {
+  static size_t path_max = 0;
+  if (path_max <= 0) {
+    long m = pathconf("/",_PC_PATH_MAX);
+    if (m <= 0) path_max = 4096;      // guess
+    else if (m < 256) path_max = 256; // at least 256
+    else path_max = m;
+  }
+  return path_max;
+char* mi_heap_realpath(mi_heap_t* heap, const char* fname, char* resolved_name) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  if (resolved_name != NULL) {
+    return realpath(fname,resolved_name);
+  }
+  else {
+    char* rname = realpath(fname, NULL);
+    if (rname == NULL) return NULL;
+    char* result = mi_heap_strdup(heap, rname);
+    free(rname);  // use regular free! (which may be redirected to our free but that's ok)
+    return result;
+  }
+  /*
+    const size_t n  = mi_path_max();
+    char* buf = (char*)mi_malloc(n+1);
+    if (buf == NULL) {
+      errno = ENOMEM;
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    char* rname  = realpath(fname,buf);
+    char* result = mi_heap_strndup(heap,rname,n); // ok if `rname==NULL`
+    mi_free(buf);
+    return result;
+  }
+  */
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict char* mi_realpath(const char* fname, char* resolved_name) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_heap_realpath(mi_prim_get_default_heap(),fname,resolved_name);
+C++ new and new_aligned
+The standard requires calling into `get_new_handler` and
+throwing the bad_alloc exception on failure. If we compile
+with a C++ compiler we can implement this precisely. If we
+use a C compiler we cannot throw a `bad_alloc` exception
+but we call `exit` instead (i.e. not returning).
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <new>
+static bool mi_try_new_handler(bool nothrow) {
+  #if defined(_MSC_VER) || (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
+    std::new_handler h = std::get_new_handler();
+  #else
+    std::new_handler h = std::set_new_handler();
+    std::set_new_handler(h);
+  #endif
+  if (h==NULL) {
+    _mi_error_message(ENOMEM, "out of memory in 'new'");
+    if (!nothrow) {
+      throw std::bad_alloc();
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  else {
+    h();
+    return true;
+  }
+typedef void (*std_new_handler_t)(void);
+#if (defined(__GNUC__) || (defined(__clang__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)))  // exclude clang-cl, see issue #631
+std_new_handler_t __attribute__((weak)) _ZSt15get_new_handlerv(void) {
+  return NULL;
+static std_new_handler_t mi_get_new_handler(void) {
+  return _ZSt15get_new_handlerv();
+// note: on windows we could dynamically link to `?get_new_handler@std@@YAP6AXXZXZ`.
+static std_new_handler_t mi_get_new_handler() {
+  return NULL;
+static bool mi_try_new_handler(bool nothrow) {
+  std_new_handler_t h = mi_get_new_handler();
+  if (h==NULL) {
+    _mi_error_message(ENOMEM, "out of memory in 'new'");
+    if (!nothrow) {
+      abort();  // cannot throw in plain C, use abort
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  else {
+    h();
+    return true;
+  }
+mi_decl_export mi_decl_noinline void* mi_heap_try_new(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool nothrow ) {
+  void* p = NULL;
+  while(p == NULL && mi_try_new_handler(nothrow)) {
+    p = mi_heap_malloc(heap,size);
+  }
+  return p;
+static mi_decl_noinline void* mi_try_new(size_t size, bool nothrow) {
+  return mi_heap_try_new(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), size, nothrow);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_alloc_new(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) {
+  void* p = mi_heap_malloc(heap,size);
+  if mi_unlikely(p == NULL) return mi_heap_try_new(heap, size, false);
+  return p;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new(size_t size) {
+  return mi_heap_alloc_new(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), size);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_alloc_new_n(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t count, size_t size) {
+  size_t total;
+  if mi_unlikely(mi_count_size_overflow(count, size, &total)) {
+    mi_try_new_handler(false);  // on overflow we invoke the try_new_handler once to potentially throw std::bad_alloc
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  else {
+    return mi_heap_alloc_new(heap,total);
+  }
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new_n(size_t count, size_t size) {
+  return mi_heap_alloc_new_n(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), size, count);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new_nothrow(size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  void* p = mi_malloc(size);
+  if mi_unlikely(p == NULL) return mi_try_new(size, true);
+  return p;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment) {
+  void* p;
+  do {
+    p = mi_malloc_aligned(size, alignment);
+  }
+  while(p == NULL && mi_try_new_handler(false));
+  return p;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new_aligned_nothrow(size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  void* p;
+  do {
+    p = mi_malloc_aligned(size, alignment);
+  }
+  while(p == NULL && mi_try_new_handler(true));
+  return p;
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_new_realloc(void* p, size_t newsize) {
+  void* q;
+  do {
+    q = mi_realloc(p, newsize);
+  } while (q == NULL && mi_try_new_handler(false));
+  return q;
+mi_decl_nodiscard void* mi_new_reallocn(void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size) {
+  size_t total;
+  if mi_unlikely(mi_count_size_overflow(newcount, size, &total)) {
+    mi_try_new_handler(false);  // on overflow we invoke the try_new_handler once to potentially throw std::bad_alloc
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  else {
+    return mi_new_realloc(p, total);
+  }
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// ensure explicit external inline definitions are emitted!
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+void* _mi_externs[] = {
+  (void*)&_mi_page_malloc,
+  (void*)&_mi_heap_malloc_zero,
+  (void*)&_mi_heap_malloc_zero_ex,
+  (void*)&mi_malloc,
+  (void*)&mi_malloc_small,
+  (void*)&mi_zalloc_small,
+  (void*)&mi_heap_malloc,
+  (void*)&mi_heap_zalloc,
+  (void*)&mi_heap_malloc_small,
+  // (void*)&mi_heap_alloc_new,
+  // (void*)&mi_heap_alloc_new_n
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/arena.c b/compat/mimalloc/arena.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..879ee9e7e773d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/arena.c
@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2019-2023, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+"Arenas" are fixed area's of OS memory from which we can allocate
+large blocks (>= MI_ARENA_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, 4MiB).
+In contrast to the rest of mimalloc, the arenas are shared between
+threads and need to be accessed using atomic operations.
+Arenas are used to for huge OS page (1GiB) reservations or for reserving
+OS memory upfront which can be improve performance or is sometimes needed
+on embedded devices. We can also employ this with WASI or `sbrk` systems
+to reserve large arenas upfront and be able to reuse the memory more effectively.
+The arena allocation needs to be thread safe and we use an atomic bitmap to allocate.
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#include "mimalloc/internal.h"
+#include "mimalloc/atomic.h"
+#include <string.h>  // memset
+#include <errno.h>   // ENOMEM
+#include "bitmap.h"  // atomic bitmap
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Arena allocation
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Block info: bit 0 contains the `in_use` bit, the upper bits the
+// size in count of arena blocks.
+typedef uintptr_t mi_block_info_t;
+#define MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE   (MI_SEGMENT_SIZE)        // 64MiB  (must be at least MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN)
+#define MI_MAX_ARENAS         (112)                    // not more than 126 (since we use 7 bits in the memid and an arena index + 1)
+// A memory arena descriptor
+typedef struct mi_arena_s {
+  mi_arena_id_t id;                       // arena id; 0 for non-specific
+  mi_memid_t memid;                       // memid of the memory area
+  _Atomic(uint8_t*) start;                // the start of the memory area
+  size_t   block_count;                   // size of the area in arena blocks (of `MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE`)
+  size_t   field_count;                   // number of bitmap fields (where `field_count * MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS >= block_count`)
+  size_t   meta_size;                     // size of the arena structure itself (including its bitmaps)
+  mi_memid_t meta_memid;                  // memid of the arena structure itself (OS or static allocation)
+  int      numa_node;                     // associated NUMA node
+  bool     exclusive;                     // only allow allocations if specifically for this arena
+  bool     is_large;                      // memory area consists of large- or huge OS pages (always committed)
+  _Atomic(size_t) search_idx;             // optimization to start the search for free blocks
+  _Atomic(mi_msecs_t) purge_expire;       // expiration time when blocks should be decommitted from `blocks_decommit`.
+  mi_bitmap_field_t* blocks_dirty;        // are the blocks potentially non-zero?
+  mi_bitmap_field_t* blocks_committed;    // are the blocks committed? (can be NULL for memory that cannot be decommitted)
+  mi_bitmap_field_t* blocks_purge;        // blocks that can be (reset) decommitted. (can be NULL for memory that cannot be (reset) decommitted)
+  mi_bitmap_field_t  blocks_inuse[1];     // in-place bitmap of in-use blocks (of size `field_count`)
+} mi_arena_t;
+// The available arenas
+static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(mi_arena_t*) mi_arenas[MI_MAX_ARENAS];
+static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(size_t)      mi_arena_count; // = 0
+//static bool mi_manage_os_memory_ex2(void* start, size_t size, bool is_large, int numa_node, bool exclusive, mi_memid_t memid, mi_arena_id_t* arena_id) mi_attr_noexcept;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Arena id's
+  id = arena_index + 1
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static size_t mi_arena_id_index(mi_arena_id_t id) {
+  return (size_t)(id <= 0 ? MI_MAX_ARENAS : id - 1);
+static mi_arena_id_t mi_arena_id_create(size_t arena_index) {
+  mi_assert_internal(arena_index < MI_MAX_ARENAS);
+  return (int)arena_index + 1;
+mi_arena_id_t _mi_arena_id_none(void) {
+  return 0;
+static bool mi_arena_id_is_suitable(mi_arena_id_t arena_id, bool arena_is_exclusive, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id) {
+  return ((!arena_is_exclusive && req_arena_id == _mi_arena_id_none()) ||
+	  (arena_id == req_arena_id));
+bool _mi_arena_memid_is_suitable(mi_memid_t memid, mi_arena_id_t request_arena_id) {
+  if (memid.memkind == MI_MEM_ARENA) {
+    return mi_arena_id_is_suitable(, memid.mem.arena.is_exclusive, request_arena_id);
+  }
+  else {
+    return mi_arena_id_is_suitable(0, false, request_arena_id);
+  }
+bool _mi_arena_memid_is_os_allocated(mi_memid_t memid) {
+  return (memid.memkind == MI_MEM_OS);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Arena allocations get a (currently) 16-bit memory id where the
+  lower 8 bits are the arena id, and the upper bits the block index.
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static size_t mi_block_count_of_size(size_t size) {
+  return _mi_divide_up(size, MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE);
+static size_t mi_arena_block_size(size_t bcount) {
+  return (bcount * MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE);
+static size_t mi_arena_size(mi_arena_t* arena) {
+  return mi_arena_block_size(arena->block_count);
+static mi_memid_t mi_memid_create_arena(mi_arena_id_t id, bool is_exclusive, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_index) {
+  mi_memid_t memid = _mi_memid_create(MI_MEM_ARENA);
+ = id;
+  memid.mem.arena.block_index = bitmap_index;
+  memid.mem.arena.is_exclusive = is_exclusive;
+  return memid;
+static bool mi_arena_memid_indices(mi_memid_t memid, size_t* arena_index, mi_bitmap_index_t* bitmap_index) {
+  mi_assert_internal(memid.memkind == MI_MEM_ARENA);
+  *arena_index = mi_arena_id_index(;
+  *bitmap_index = memid.mem.arena.block_index;
+  return memid.mem.arena.is_exclusive;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Special static area for mimalloc internal structures
+  to avoid OS calls (for example, for the arena metadata)
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define MI_ARENA_STATIC_MAX  (MI_INTPTR_SIZE*MI_KiB)  // 8 KiB on 64-bit
+static uint8_t mi_arena_static[MI_ARENA_STATIC_MAX];
+static _Atomic(size_t) mi_arena_static_top;
+static void* mi_arena_static_zalloc(size_t size, size_t alignment, mi_memid_t* memid) {
+  *memid = _mi_memid_none();
+  if (size == 0 || size > MI_ARENA_STATIC_MAX) return NULL;
+  if ((mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_arena_static_top) + size) > MI_ARENA_STATIC_MAX) return NULL;
+  // try to claim space
+  if (alignment == 0) { alignment = 1; }
+  const size_t oversize = size + alignment - 1;
+  if (oversize > MI_ARENA_STATIC_MAX) return NULL;
+  const size_t oldtop = mi_atomic_add_acq_rel(&mi_arena_static_top, oversize);
+  size_t top = oldtop + oversize;
+  if (top > MI_ARENA_STATIC_MAX) {
+    // try to roll back, ok if this fails
+    mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(&mi_arena_static_top, &top, oldtop);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  // success
+  *memid = _mi_memid_create(MI_MEM_STATIC);
+  const size_t start = _mi_align_up(oldtop, alignment);
+  uint8_t* const p = &mi_arena_static[start];
+  _mi_memzero(p, size);
+  return p;
+static void* mi_arena_meta_zalloc(size_t size, mi_memid_t* memid, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  *memid = _mi_memid_none();
+  // try static
+  void* p = mi_arena_static_zalloc(size, MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX, memid);
+  if (p != NULL) return p;
+  // or fall back to the OS
+  return _mi_os_alloc(size, memid, stats);
+static void mi_arena_meta_free(void* p, mi_memid_t memid, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  if (mi_memkind_is_os(memid.memkind)) {
+    _mi_os_free(p, size, memid, stats);
+  }
+  else {
+    mi_assert(memid.memkind == MI_MEM_STATIC);
+  }
+static void* mi_arena_block_start(mi_arena_t* arena, mi_bitmap_index_t bindex) {
+  return (arena->start + mi_arena_block_size(mi_bitmap_index_bit(bindex)));
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Thread safe allocation in an arena
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// claim the `blocks_inuse` bits
+static bool mi_arena_try_claim(mi_arena_t* arena, size_t blocks, mi_bitmap_index_t* bitmap_idx)
+  size_t idx = 0; // mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&arena->search_idx);  // start from last search; ok to be relaxed as the exact start does not matter
+  if (_mi_bitmap_try_find_from_claim_across(arena->blocks_inuse, arena->field_count, idx, blocks, bitmap_idx)) {
+    mi_atomic_store_relaxed(&arena->search_idx, mi_bitmap_index_field(*bitmap_idx));  // start search from found location next time around
+    return true;
+  };
+  return false;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Arena Allocation
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static mi_decl_noinline void* mi_arena_try_alloc_at(mi_arena_t* arena, size_t arena_index, size_t needed_bcount,
+						    bool commit, mi_memid_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
+  MI_UNUSED(arena_index);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_arena_id_index(arena->id) == arena_index);
+  mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_index;
+  if (!mi_arena_try_claim(arena, needed_bcount, &bitmap_index)) return NULL;
+  // claimed it!
+  void* p = mi_arena_block_start(arena, bitmap_index);
+  *memid = mi_memid_create_arena(arena->id, arena->exclusive, bitmap_index);
+  memid->is_pinned = arena->memid.is_pinned;
+  // none of the claimed blocks should be scheduled for a decommit
+  if (arena->blocks_purge != NULL) {
+    // this is thread safe as a potential purge only decommits parts that are not yet claimed as used (in `blocks_inuse`).
+    _mi_bitmap_unclaim_across(arena->blocks_purge, arena->field_count, needed_bcount, bitmap_index);
+  }
+  // set the dirty bits (todo: no need for an atomic op here?)
+  if (arena->memid.initially_zero && arena->blocks_dirty != NULL) {
+    memid->initially_zero = _mi_bitmap_claim_across(arena->blocks_dirty, arena->field_count, needed_bcount, bitmap_index, NULL);
+  }
+  // set commit state
+  if (arena->blocks_committed == NULL) {
+    // always committed
+    memid->initially_committed = true;
+  }
+  else if (commit) {
+    // commit requested, but the range may not be committed as a whole: ensure it is committed now
+    memid->initially_committed = true;
+    bool any_uncommitted;
+    _mi_bitmap_claim_across(arena->blocks_committed, arena->field_count, needed_bcount, bitmap_index, &any_uncommitted);
+    if (any_uncommitted) {
+      bool commit_zero = false;
+      if (!_mi_os_commit(p, mi_arena_block_size(needed_bcount), &commit_zero, tld->stats)) {
+	memid->initially_committed = false;
+      }
+      else {
+	if (commit_zero) { memid->initially_zero = true; }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    // no need to commit, but check if already fully committed
+    memid->initially_committed = _mi_bitmap_is_claimed_across(arena->blocks_committed, arena->field_count, needed_bcount, bitmap_index);
+  }
+  return p;
+// allocate in a speficic arena
+static void* mi_arena_try_alloc_at_id(mi_arena_id_t arena_id, bool match_numa_node, int numa_node, size_t size, size_t alignment,
+				       bool commit, bool allow_large, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_memid_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld )
+  MI_UNUSED_RELEASE(alignment);
+  mi_assert_internal(alignment <= MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN);
+  const size_t bcount = mi_block_count_of_size(size);
+  const size_t arena_index = mi_arena_id_index(arena_id);
+  mi_assert_internal(arena_index < mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_arena_count));
+  mi_assert_internal(size <= mi_arena_block_size(bcount));
+  // Check arena suitability
+  mi_arena_t* arena = mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(mi_arena_t, &mi_arenas[arena_index]);
+  if (arena == NULL) return NULL;
+  if (!allow_large && arena->is_large) return NULL;
+  if (!mi_arena_id_is_suitable(arena->id, arena->exclusive, req_arena_id)) return NULL;
+  if (req_arena_id == _mi_arena_id_none()) { // in not specific, check numa affinity
+    const bool numa_suitable = (numa_node < 0 || arena->numa_node < 0 || arena->numa_node == numa_node);
+    if (match_numa_node) { if (!numa_suitable) return NULL; }
+		    else { if (numa_suitable) return NULL; }
+  }
+  // try to allocate
+  void* p = mi_arena_try_alloc_at(arena, arena_index, bcount, commit, memid, tld);
+  mi_assert_internal(p == NULL || _mi_is_aligned(p, alignment));
+  return p;
+// allocate from an arena with fallback to the OS
+static mi_decl_noinline void* mi_arena_try_alloc(int numa_node, size_t size, size_t alignment,
+						  bool commit, bool allow_large,
+						  mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_memid_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld )
+  MI_UNUSED(alignment);
+  mi_assert_internal(alignment <= MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN);
+  const size_t max_arena = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_arena_count);
+  if mi_likely(max_arena == 0) return NULL;
+  if (req_arena_id != _mi_arena_id_none()) {
+    // try a specific arena if requested
+    if (mi_arena_id_index(req_arena_id) < max_arena) {
+      void* p = mi_arena_try_alloc_at_id(req_arena_id, true, numa_node, size, alignment, commit, allow_large, req_arena_id, memid, tld);
+      if (p != NULL) return p;
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    // try numa affine allocation
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < max_arena; i++) {
+      void* p = mi_arena_try_alloc_at_id(mi_arena_id_create(i), true, numa_node, size, alignment, commit, allow_large, req_arena_id, memid, tld);
+      if (p != NULL) return p;
+    }
+    // try from another numa node instead..
+    if (numa_node >= 0) {  // if numa_node was < 0 (no specific affinity requested), all arena's have been tried already
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < max_arena; i++) {
+	void* p = mi_arena_try_alloc_at_id(mi_arena_id_create(i), false /* only proceed if not numa local */, numa_node, size, alignment, commit, allow_large, req_arena_id, memid, tld);
+	if (p != NULL) return p;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return NULL;
+// try to reserve a fresh arena space
+static bool mi_arena_reserve(size_t req_size, bool allow_large, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_arena_id_t *arena_id)
+  if (_mi_preloading()) return false;  // use OS only while pre loading
+  if (req_arena_id != _mi_arena_id_none()) return false;
+  const size_t arena_count = mi_atomic_load_acquire(&mi_arena_count);
+  if (arena_count > (MI_MAX_ARENAS - 4)) return false;
+  size_t arena_reserve = mi_option_get_size(mi_option_arena_reserve);
+  if (arena_reserve == 0) return false;
+  if (!_mi_os_has_virtual_reserve()) {
+    arena_reserve = arena_reserve/4;  // be conservative if virtual reserve is not supported (for some embedded systems for example)
+  }
+  arena_reserve = _mi_align_up(arena_reserve, MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE);
+  if (arena_count >= 8 && arena_count <= 128) {
+    arena_reserve = ((size_t)1<<(arena_count/8)) * arena_reserve;  // scale up the arena sizes exponentially
+  }
+  if (arena_reserve < req_size) return false;  // should be able to at least handle the current allocation size
+  // commit eagerly?
+  bool arena_commit = false;
+  if (mi_option_get(mi_option_arena_eager_commit) == 2)      { arena_commit = _mi_os_has_overcommit(); }
+  else if (mi_option_get(mi_option_arena_eager_commit) == 1) { arena_commit = true; }
+  return (mi_reserve_os_memory_ex(arena_reserve, arena_commit, allow_large, false /* exclusive */, arena_id) == 0);
+void* _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t align_offset, bool commit, bool allow_large,
+			      mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_memid_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
+  mi_assert_internal(memid != NULL && tld != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(size > 0);
+  *memid = _mi_memid_none();
+  const int numa_node = _mi_os_numa_node(tld); // current numa node
+  // try to allocate in an arena if the alignment is small enough and the object is not too small (as for heap meta data)
+  if (size >= MI_ARENA_MIN_OBJ_SIZE && alignment <= MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN && align_offset == 0) {
+    void* p = mi_arena_try_alloc(numa_node, size, alignment, commit, allow_large, req_arena_id, memid, tld);
+    if (p != NULL) return p;
+    // otherwise, try to first eagerly reserve a new arena
+    if (req_arena_id == _mi_arena_id_none()) {
+      mi_arena_id_t arena_id = 0;
+      if (mi_arena_reserve(size, allow_large, req_arena_id, &arena_id)) {
+	// and try allocate in there
+	mi_assert_internal(req_arena_id == _mi_arena_id_none());
+	p = mi_arena_try_alloc_at_id(arena_id, true, numa_node, size, alignment, commit, allow_large, req_arena_id, memid, tld);
+	if (p != NULL) return p;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // if we cannot use OS allocation, return NULL
+  if (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_limit_os_alloc) || req_arena_id != _mi_arena_id_none()) {
+    errno = ENOMEM;
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  // finally, fall back to the OS
+  if (align_offset > 0) {
+    return _mi_os_alloc_aligned_at_offset(size, alignment, align_offset, commit, allow_large, memid, tld->stats);
+  }
+  else {
+    return _mi_os_alloc_aligned(size, alignment, commit, allow_large, memid, tld->stats);
+  }
+void* _mi_arena_alloc(size_t size, bool commit, bool allow_large, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_memid_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
+  return _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size, MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE, 0, commit, allow_large, req_arena_id, memid, tld);
+void* mi_arena_area(mi_arena_id_t arena_id, size_t* size) {
+  if (size != NULL) *size = 0;
+  size_t arena_index = mi_arena_id_index(arena_id);
+  if (arena_index >= MI_MAX_ARENAS) return NULL;
+  mi_arena_t* arena = mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(mi_arena_t, &mi_arenas[arena_index]);
+  if (arena == NULL) return NULL;
+  if (size != NULL) { *size = mi_arena_block_size(arena->block_count); }
+  return arena->start;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Arena purge
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static long mi_arena_purge_delay(void) {
+  // <0 = no purging allowed, 0=immediate purging, >0=milli-second delay
+  return (mi_option_get(mi_option_purge_delay) * mi_option_get(mi_option_arena_purge_mult));
+// reset or decommit in an arena and update the committed/decommit bitmaps
+// assumes we own the area (i.e. blocks_in_use is claimed by us)
+static void mi_arena_purge(mi_arena_t* arena, size_t bitmap_idx, size_t blocks, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  mi_assert_internal(arena->blocks_committed != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(arena->blocks_purge != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(!arena->memid.is_pinned);
+  const size_t size = mi_arena_block_size(blocks);
+  void* const p = mi_arena_block_start(arena, bitmap_idx);
+  bool needs_recommit;
+  if (_mi_bitmap_is_claimed_across(arena->blocks_committed, arena->field_count, blocks, bitmap_idx)) {
+    // all blocks are committed, we can purge freely
+    needs_recommit = _mi_os_purge(p, size, stats);
+  }
+  else {
+    // some blocks are not committed -- this can happen when a partially committed block is freed
+    // in `_mi_arena_free` and it is conservatively marked as uncommitted but still scheduled for a purge
+    // we need to ensure we do not try to reset (as that may be invalid for uncommitted memory),
+    // and also undo the decommit stats (as it was already adjusted)
+    mi_assert_internal(mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_purge_decommits));
+    needs_recommit = _mi_os_purge_ex(p, size, false /* allow reset? */, stats);
+    _mi_stat_increase(&stats->committed, size);
+  }
+  // clear the purged blocks
+  _mi_bitmap_unclaim_across(arena->blocks_purge, arena->field_count, blocks, bitmap_idx);
+  // update committed bitmap
+  if (needs_recommit) {
+    _mi_bitmap_unclaim_across(arena->blocks_committed, arena->field_count, blocks, bitmap_idx);
+  }
+// Schedule a purge. This is usually delayed to avoid repeated decommit/commit calls.
+// Note: assumes we (still) own the area as we may purge immediately
+static void mi_arena_schedule_purge(mi_arena_t* arena, size_t bitmap_idx, size_t blocks, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  mi_assert_internal(arena->blocks_purge != NULL);
+  const long delay = mi_arena_purge_delay();
+  if (delay < 0) return;  // is purging allowed at all?
+  if (_mi_preloading() || delay == 0) {
+    // decommit directly
+    mi_arena_purge(arena, bitmap_idx, blocks, stats);
+  }
+  else {
+    // schedule decommit
+    mi_msecs_t expire = mi_atomic_loadi64_relaxed(&arena->purge_expire);
+    if (expire != 0) {
+      mi_atomic_addi64_acq_rel(&arena->purge_expire, delay/10);  // add smallish extra delay
+    }
+    else {
+      mi_atomic_storei64_release(&arena->purge_expire, _mi_clock_now() + delay);
+    }
+    _mi_bitmap_claim_across(arena->blocks_purge, arena->field_count, blocks, bitmap_idx, NULL);
+  }
+// purge a range of blocks
+// return true if the full range was purged.
+// assumes we own the area (i.e. blocks_in_use is claimed by us)
+static bool mi_arena_purge_range(mi_arena_t* arena, size_t idx, size_t startidx, size_t bitlen, size_t purge, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  const size_t endidx = startidx + bitlen;
+  size_t bitidx = startidx;
+  bool all_purged = false;
+  while (bitidx < endidx) {
+    // count consequetive ones in the purge mask
+    size_t count = 0;
+    while (bitidx + count < endidx && (purge & ((size_t)1 << (bitidx + count))) != 0) {
+      count++;
+    }
+    if (count > 0) {
+      // found range to be purged
+      const mi_bitmap_index_t range_idx = mi_bitmap_index_create(idx, bitidx);
+      mi_arena_purge(arena, range_idx, count, stats);
+      if (count == bitlen) {
+	all_purged = true;
+      }
+    }
+    bitidx += (count+1); // +1 to skip the zero bit (or end)
+  }
+  return all_purged;
+// returns true if anything was purged
+static bool mi_arena_try_purge(mi_arena_t* arena, mi_msecs_t now, bool force, mi_stats_t* stats)
+  if (arena->memid.is_pinned || arena->blocks_purge == NULL) return false;
+  mi_msecs_t expire = mi_atomic_loadi64_relaxed(&arena->purge_expire);
+  if (expire == 0) return false;
+  if (!force && expire > now) return false;
+  // reset expire (if not already set concurrently)
+  mi_atomic_casi64_strong_acq_rel(&arena->purge_expire, &expire, 0);
+  // potential purges scheduled, walk through the bitmap
+  bool any_purged = false;
+  bool full_purge = true;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < arena->field_count; i++) {
+    size_t purge = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&arena->blocks_purge[i]);
+    if (purge != 0) {
+      size_t bitidx = 0;
+      while (bitidx < MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS) {
+	// find consequetive range of ones in the purge mask
+	size_t bitlen = 0;
+	while (bitidx + bitlen < MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS && (purge & ((size_t)1 << (bitidx + bitlen))) != 0) {
+	  bitlen++;
+	}
+	// try to claim the longest range of corresponding in_use bits
+	const mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_index = mi_bitmap_index_create(i, bitidx);
+	while( bitlen > 0 ) {
+	  if (_mi_bitmap_try_claim(arena->blocks_inuse, arena->field_count, bitlen, bitmap_index)) {
+	    break;
+	  }
+	  bitlen--;
+	}
+	// actual claimed bits at `in_use`
+	if (bitlen > 0) {
+	  // read purge again now that we have the in_use bits
+	  purge = mi_atomic_load_acquire(&arena->blocks_purge[i]);
+	  if (!mi_arena_purge_range(arena, i, bitidx, bitlen, purge, stats)) {
+	    full_purge = false;
+	  }
+	  any_purged = true;
+	  // release the claimed `in_use` bits again
+	  _mi_bitmap_unclaim(arena->blocks_inuse, arena->field_count, bitlen, bitmap_index);
+	}
+	bitidx += (bitlen+1);  // +1 to skip the zero (or end)
+      } // while bitidx
+    } // purge != 0
+  }
+  // if not fully purged, make sure to purge again in the future
+  if (!full_purge) {
+    const long delay = mi_arena_purge_delay();
+    mi_msecs_t expected = 0;
+    mi_atomic_casi64_strong_acq_rel(&arena->purge_expire,&expected,_mi_clock_now() + delay);
+  }
+  return any_purged;
+static void mi_arenas_try_purge( bool force, bool visit_all, mi_stats_t* stats ) {
+  if (_mi_preloading() || mi_arena_purge_delay() <= 0) return;  // nothing will be scheduled
+  const size_t max_arena = mi_atomic_load_acquire(&mi_arena_count);
+  if (max_arena == 0) return;
+  // allow only one thread to purge at a time
+  static mi_atomic_guard_t purge_guard;
+  mi_atomic_guard(&purge_guard)
+  {
+    mi_msecs_t now = _mi_clock_now();
+    size_t max_purge_count = (visit_all ? max_arena : 1);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < max_arena; i++) {
+      mi_arena_t* arena = mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(mi_arena_t, &mi_arenas[i]);
+      if (arena != NULL) {
+	if (mi_arena_try_purge(arena, now, force, stats)) {
+	  if (max_purge_count <= 1) break;
+	  max_purge_count--;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Arena free
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+void _mi_arena_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t committed_size, mi_memid_t memid, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  mi_assert_internal(size > 0 && stats != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(committed_size <= size);
+  if (p==NULL) return;
+  if (size==0) return;
+  const bool all_committed = (committed_size == size);
+  if (mi_memkind_is_os(memid.memkind)) {
+    // was a direct OS allocation, pass through
+    if (!all_committed && committed_size > 0) {
+      // if partially committed, adjust the committed stats (as `_mi_os_free` will increase decommit by the full size)
+      _mi_stat_decrease(&stats->committed, committed_size);
+    }
+    _mi_os_free(p, size, memid, stats);
+  }
+  else if (memid.memkind == MI_MEM_ARENA) {
+    // allocated in an arena
+    size_t arena_idx;
+    size_t bitmap_idx;
+    mi_arena_memid_indices(memid, &arena_idx, &bitmap_idx);
+    mi_assert_internal(arena_idx < MI_MAX_ARENAS);
+    mi_arena_t* arena = mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(mi_arena_t,&mi_arenas[arena_idx]);
+    mi_assert_internal(arena != NULL);
+    const size_t blocks = mi_block_count_of_size(size);
+    // checks
+    if (arena == NULL) {
+      _mi_error_message(EINVAL, "trying to free from non-existent arena: %p, size %zu, memid: 0x%zx\n", p, size, memid);
+      return;
+    }
+    mi_assert_internal(arena->field_count > mi_bitmap_index_field(bitmap_idx));
+    if (arena->field_count <= mi_bitmap_index_field(bitmap_idx)) {
+      _mi_error_message(EINVAL, "trying to free from non-existent arena block: %p, size %zu, memid: 0x%zx\n", p, size, memid);
+      return;
+    }
+    // need to set all memory to undefined as some parts may still be marked as no_access (like padding etc.)
+    mi_track_mem_undefined(p,size);
+    // potentially decommit
+    if (arena->memid.is_pinned || arena->blocks_committed == NULL) {
+      mi_assert_internal(all_committed);
+    }
+    else {
+      mi_assert_internal(arena->blocks_committed != NULL);
+      mi_assert_internal(arena->blocks_purge != NULL);
+      if (!all_committed) {
+	// mark the entire range as no longer committed (so we recommit the full range when re-using)
+	_mi_bitmap_unclaim_across(arena->blocks_committed, arena->field_count, blocks, bitmap_idx);
+	mi_track_mem_noaccess(p,size);
+	if (committed_size > 0) {
+	  // if partially committed, adjust the committed stats (is it will be recommitted when re-using)
+	  // in the delayed purge, we now need to not count a decommit if the range is not marked as committed.
+	  _mi_stat_decrease(&stats->committed, committed_size);
+	}
+	// note: if not all committed, it may be that the purge will reset/decommit the entire range
+	// that contains already decommitted parts. Since purge consistently uses reset or decommit that
+	// works (as we should never reset decommitted parts).
+      }
+      // (delay) purge the entire range
+      mi_arena_schedule_purge(arena, bitmap_idx, blocks, stats);
+    }
+    // and make it available to others again
+    bool all_inuse = _mi_bitmap_unclaim_across(arena->blocks_inuse, arena->field_count, blocks, bitmap_idx);
+    if (!all_inuse) {
+      _mi_error_message(EAGAIN, "trying to free an already freed arena block: %p, size %zu\n", p, size);
+      return;
+    };
+  }
+  else {
+    // arena was none, external, or static; nothing to do
+    mi_assert_internal(memid.memkind < MI_MEM_OS);
+  }
+  // purge expired decommits
+  mi_arenas_try_purge(false, false, stats);
+// destroy owned arenas; this is unsafe and should only be done using `mi_option_destroy_on_exit`
+// for dynamic libraries that are unloaded and need to release all their allocated memory.
+static void mi_arenas_unsafe_destroy(void) {
+  const size_t max_arena = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_arena_count);
+  size_t new_max_arena = 0;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < max_arena; i++) {
+    mi_arena_t* arena = mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(mi_arena_t, &mi_arenas[i]);
+    if (arena != NULL) {
+      if (arena->start != NULL && mi_memkind_is_os(arena->memid.memkind)) {
+	mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(mi_arena_t, &mi_arenas[i], NULL);
+	_mi_os_free(arena->start, mi_arena_size(arena), arena->memid, &_mi_stats_main);
+      }
+      else {
+	new_max_arena = i;
+      }
+      mi_arena_meta_free(arena, arena->meta_memid, arena->meta_size, &_mi_stats_main);
+    }
+  }
+  // try to lower the max arena.
+  size_t expected = max_arena;
+  mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(&mi_arena_count, &expected, new_max_arena);
+// Purge the arenas; if `force_purge` is true, amenable parts are purged even if not yet expired
+void _mi_arena_collect(bool force_purge, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  mi_arenas_try_purge(force_purge, true /* visit all */, stats);
+// destroy owned arenas; this is unsafe and should only be done using `mi_option_destroy_on_exit`
+// for dynamic libraries that are unloaded and need to release all their allocated memory.
+void _mi_arena_unsafe_destroy_all(mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  mi_arenas_unsafe_destroy();
+  _mi_arena_collect(true /* force purge */, stats);  // purge non-owned arenas
+// Is a pointer inside any of our arenas?
+bool _mi_arena_contains(const void* p) {
+  const size_t max_arena = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_arena_count);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < max_arena; i++) {
+    mi_arena_t* arena = mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(mi_arena_t, &mi_arenas[i]);
+    if (arena != NULL && arena->start <= (const uint8_t*)p && arena->start + mi_arena_block_size(arena->block_count) > (const uint8_t*)p) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Add an arena.
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static bool mi_arena_add(mi_arena_t* arena, mi_arena_id_t* arena_id) {
+  mi_assert_internal(arena != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal((uintptr_t)mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(uint8_t,&arena->start) % MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN == 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(arena->block_count > 0);
+  if (arena_id != NULL) { *arena_id = -1; }
+  size_t i = mi_atomic_increment_acq_rel(&mi_arena_count);
+  if (i >= MI_MAX_ARENAS) {
+    mi_atomic_decrement_acq_rel(&mi_arena_count);
+    return false;
+  }
+  arena->id = mi_arena_id_create(i);
+  mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(mi_arena_t,&mi_arenas[i], arena);
+  if (arena_id != NULL) { *arena_id = arena->id; }
+  return true;
+static bool mi_manage_os_memory_ex2(void* start, size_t size, bool is_large, int numa_node, bool exclusive, mi_memid_t memid, mi_arena_id_t* arena_id) mi_attr_noexcept
+  if (arena_id != NULL) *arena_id = _mi_arena_id_none();
+  if (size < MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE) return false;
+  if (is_large) {
+    mi_assert_internal(memid.initially_committed && memid.is_pinned);
+  }
+  const size_t bcount = size / MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE;
+  const size_t fields = _mi_divide_up(bcount, MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
+  const size_t bitmaps = (memid.is_pinned ? 2 : 4);
+  const size_t asize  = sizeof(mi_arena_t) + (bitmaps*fields*sizeof(mi_bitmap_field_t));
+  mi_memid_t meta_memid;
+  mi_arena_t* arena   = (mi_arena_t*)mi_arena_meta_zalloc(asize, &meta_memid, &_mi_stats_main); // TODO: can we avoid allocating from the OS?
+  if (arena == NULL) return false;
+  // already zero'd due to os_alloc
+  // _mi_memzero(arena, asize);
+  arena->id = _mi_arena_id_none();
+  arena->memid = memid;
+  arena->exclusive = exclusive;
+  arena->meta_size = asize;
+  arena->meta_memid = meta_memid;
+  arena->block_count = bcount;
+  arena->field_count = fields;
+  arena->start = (uint8_t*)start;
+  arena->numa_node    = numa_node; // TODO: or get the current numa node if -1? (now it allows anyone to allocate on -1)
+  arena->is_large     = is_large;
+  arena->purge_expire = 0;
+  arena->search_idx   = 0;
+  arena->blocks_dirty = &arena->blocks_inuse[fields]; // just after inuse bitmap
+  arena->blocks_committed = (arena->memid.is_pinned ? NULL : &arena->blocks_inuse[2*fields]); // just after dirty bitmap
+  arena->blocks_purge  = (arena->memid.is_pinned ? NULL : &arena->blocks_inuse[3*fields]); // just after committed bitmap
+  // initialize committed bitmap?
+  if (arena->blocks_committed != NULL && arena->memid.initially_committed) {
+    memset((void*)arena->blocks_committed, 0xFF, fields*sizeof(mi_bitmap_field_t)); // cast to void* to avoid atomic warning
+  }
+  // and claim leftover blocks if needed (so we never allocate there)
+  ptrdiff_t post = (fields * MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS) - bcount;
+  mi_assert_internal(post >= 0);
+  if (post > 0) {
+    // don't use leftover bits at the end
+    mi_bitmap_index_t postidx = mi_bitmap_index_create(fields - 1, MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS - post);
+    _mi_bitmap_claim(arena->blocks_inuse, fields, post, postidx, NULL);
+  }
+  return mi_arena_add(arena, arena_id);
+bool mi_manage_os_memory_ex(void* start, size_t size, bool is_committed, bool is_large, bool is_zero, int numa_node, bool exclusive, mi_arena_id_t* arena_id) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  mi_memid_t memid = _mi_memid_create(MI_MEM_EXTERNAL);
+  memid.initially_committed = is_committed;
+  memid.initially_zero = is_zero;
+  memid.is_pinned = is_large;
+  return mi_manage_os_memory_ex2(start,size,is_large,numa_node,exclusive,memid, arena_id);
+// Reserve a range of regular OS memory
+int mi_reserve_os_memory_ex(size_t size, bool commit, bool allow_large, bool exclusive, mi_arena_id_t* arena_id) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  if (arena_id != NULL) *arena_id = _mi_arena_id_none();
+  size = _mi_align_up(size, MI_ARENA_BLOCK_SIZE); // at least one block
+  mi_memid_t memid;
+  void* start = _mi_os_alloc_aligned(size, MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN, commit, allow_large, &memid, &_mi_stats_main);
+  if (start == NULL) return ENOMEM;
+  const bool is_large = memid.is_pinned; // todo: use separate is_large field?
+  if (!mi_manage_os_memory_ex2(start, size, is_large, -1 /* numa node */, exclusive, memid, arena_id)) {
+    _mi_os_free_ex(start, size, commit, memid, &_mi_stats_main);
+    _mi_verbose_message("failed to reserve %zu k memory\n", _mi_divide_up(size, 1024));
+    return ENOMEM;
+  }
+  _mi_verbose_message("reserved %zu KiB memory%s\n", _mi_divide_up(size, 1024), is_large ? " (in large os pages)" : "");
+  return 0;
+// Manage a range of regular OS memory
+bool mi_manage_os_memory(void* start, size_t size, bool is_committed, bool is_large, bool is_zero, int numa_node) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_manage_os_memory_ex(start, size, is_committed, is_large, is_zero, numa_node, false /* exclusive? */, NULL);
+// Reserve a range of regular OS memory
+int mi_reserve_os_memory(size_t size, bool commit, bool allow_large) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_reserve_os_memory_ex(size, commit, allow_large, false, NULL);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Debugging
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static size_t mi_debug_show_bitmap(const char* prefix, mi_bitmap_field_t* fields, size_t field_count ) {
+  size_t inuse_count = 0;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < field_count; i++) {
+    char buf[MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS + 1];
+    uintptr_t field = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&fields[i]);
+    for (size_t bit = 0; bit < MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS; bit++) {
+      bool inuse = ((((uintptr_t)1 << bit) & field) != 0);
+      if (inuse) inuse_count++;
+      buf[MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS - 1 - bit] = (inuse ? 'x' : '.');
+    }
+    buf[MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS] = 0;
+    _mi_verbose_message("%s%s\n", prefix, buf);
+  }
+  return inuse_count;
+void mi_debug_show_arenas(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  size_t max_arenas = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_arena_count);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < max_arenas; i++) {
+    mi_arena_t* arena = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_arena_t, &mi_arenas[i]);
+    if (arena == NULL) break;
+    size_t inuse_count = 0;
+    _mi_verbose_message("arena %zu: %zu blocks with %zu fields\n", i, arena->block_count, arena->field_count);
+    inuse_count += mi_debug_show_bitmap("  ", arena->blocks_inuse, arena->field_count);
+    _mi_verbose_message("  blocks in use ('x'): %zu\n", inuse_count);
+  }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Reserve a huge page arena.
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// reserve at a specific numa node
+int mi_reserve_huge_os_pages_at_ex(size_t pages, int numa_node, size_t timeout_msecs, bool exclusive, mi_arena_id_t* arena_id) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  if (arena_id != NULL) *arena_id = -1;
+  if (pages==0) return 0;
+  if (numa_node < -1) numa_node = -1;
+  if (numa_node >= 0) numa_node = numa_node % _mi_os_numa_node_count();
+  size_t hsize = 0;
+  size_t pages_reserved = 0;
+  mi_memid_t memid;
+  void* p = _mi_os_alloc_huge_os_pages(pages, numa_node, timeout_msecs, &pages_reserved, &hsize, &memid);
+  if (p==NULL || pages_reserved==0) {
+    _mi_warning_message("failed to reserve %zu GiB huge pages\n", pages);
+    return ENOMEM;
+  }
+  _mi_verbose_message("numa node %i: reserved %zu GiB huge pages (of the %zu GiB requested)\n", numa_node, pages_reserved, pages);
+  if (!mi_manage_os_memory_ex2(p, hsize, true, numa_node, exclusive, memid, arena_id)) {
+    _mi_os_free(p, hsize, memid, &_mi_stats_main);
+    return ENOMEM;
+  }
+  return 0;
+int mi_reserve_huge_os_pages_at(size_t pages, int numa_node, size_t timeout_msecs) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_reserve_huge_os_pages_at_ex(pages, numa_node, timeout_msecs, false, NULL);
+// reserve huge pages evenly among the given number of numa nodes (or use the available ones as detected)
+int mi_reserve_huge_os_pages_interleave(size_t pages, size_t numa_nodes, size_t timeout_msecs) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  if (pages == 0) return 0;
+  // pages per numa node
+  size_t numa_count = (numa_nodes > 0 ? numa_nodes : _mi_os_numa_node_count());
+  if (numa_count <= 0) numa_count = 1;
+  const size_t pages_per = pages / numa_count;
+  const size_t pages_mod = pages % numa_count;
+  const size_t timeout_per = (timeout_msecs==0 ? 0 : (timeout_msecs / numa_count) + 50);
+  // reserve evenly among numa nodes
+  for (size_t numa_node = 0; numa_node < numa_count && pages > 0; numa_node++) {
+    size_t node_pages = pages_per;  // can be 0
+    if (numa_node < pages_mod) node_pages++;
+    int err = mi_reserve_huge_os_pages_at(node_pages, (int)numa_node, timeout_per);
+    if (err) return err;
+    if (pages < node_pages) {
+      pages = 0;
+    }
+    else {
+      pages -= node_pages;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+int mi_reserve_huge_os_pages(size_t pages, double max_secs, size_t* pages_reserved) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  MI_UNUSED(max_secs);
+  _mi_warning_message("mi_reserve_huge_os_pages is deprecated: use mi_reserve_huge_os_pages_interleave/at instead\n");
+  if (pages_reserved != NULL) *pages_reserved = 0;
+  int err = mi_reserve_huge_os_pages_interleave(pages, 0, (size_t)(max_secs * 1000.0));
+  if (err==0 && pages_reserved!=NULL) *pages_reserved = pages;
+  return err;
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/bitmap.c b/compat/mimalloc/bitmap.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..878f0ab3250a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/bitmap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Concurrent bitmap that can set/reset sequences of bits atomically,
+represeted as an array of fields where each field is a machine word (`size_t`)
+There are two api's; the standard one cannot have sequences that cross
+between the bitmap fields (and a sequence must be <= MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS).
+The `_across` postfixed functions do allow sequences that can cross over
+between the fields. (This is used in arena allocation)
+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#include "mimalloc/internal.h"
+#include "bitmap.h"
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Bitmap definition
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// The bit mask for a given number of blocks at a specified bit index.
+static inline size_t mi_bitmap_mask_(size_t count, size_t bitidx) {
+  mi_assert_internal(count + bitidx <= MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
+  mi_assert_internal(count > 0);
+  if (count == 0) return 0;
+  return ((((size_t)1 << count) - 1) << bitidx);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Claim a bit sequence atomically
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Try to atomically claim a sequence of `count` bits in a single
+// field at `idx` in `bitmap`. Returns `true` on success.
+inline bool _mi_bitmap_try_find_claim_field(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t idx, const size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t* bitmap_idx)
+  mi_assert_internal(bitmap_idx != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(count <= MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
+  mi_assert_internal(count > 0);
+  mi_bitmap_field_t* field = &bitmap[idx];
+  size_t map  = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(field);
+  if (map==MI_BITMAP_FIELD_FULL) return false; // short cut
+  // search for 0-bit sequence of length count
+  const size_t mask = mi_bitmap_mask_(count, 0);
+  const size_t bitidx_max = MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS - count;
+  size_t bitidx = mi_ctz(~map);    // quickly find the first zero bit if possible
+  size_t bitidx = 0;               // otherwise start at 0
+  size_t m = (mask << bitidx);     // invariant: m == mask shifted by bitidx
+  // scan linearly for a free range of zero bits
+  while (bitidx <= bitidx_max) {
+    const size_t mapm = (map & m);
+    if (mapm == 0) {  // are the mask bits free at bitidx?
+      mi_assert_internal((m >> bitidx) == mask); // no overflow?
+      const size_t newmap = (map | m);
+      mi_assert_internal((newmap^map) >> bitidx == mask);
+      if (!mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(field, &map, newmap)) {  // TODO: use weak cas here?
+	// no success, another thread claimed concurrently.. keep going (with updated `map`)
+	continue;
+      }
+      else {
+	// success, we claimed the bits!
+	*bitmap_idx = mi_bitmap_index_create(idx, bitidx);
+	return true;
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      // on to the next bit range
+      mi_assert_internal(mapm != 0);
+      const size_t shift = (count == 1 ? 1 : (MI_INTPTR_BITS - mi_clz(mapm) - bitidx));
+      mi_assert_internal(shift > 0 && shift <= count);
+      const size_t shift = 1;
+      bitidx += shift;
+      m <<= shift;
+    }
+  }
+  // no bits found
+  return false;
+// Find `count` bits of 0 and set them to 1 atomically; returns `true` on success.
+// Starts at idx, and wraps around to search in all `bitmap_fields` fields.
+// `count` can be at most MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS and will never cross fields.
+bool _mi_bitmap_try_find_from_claim(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, const size_t bitmap_fields, const size_t start_field_idx, const size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t* bitmap_idx) {
+  size_t idx = start_field_idx;
+  for (size_t visited = 0; visited < bitmap_fields; visited++, idx++) {
+    if (idx >= bitmap_fields) { idx = 0; } // wrap
+    if (_mi_bitmap_try_find_claim_field(bitmap, idx, count, bitmap_idx)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+// Like _mi_bitmap_try_find_from_claim but with an extra predicate that must be fullfilled
+bool _mi_bitmap_try_find_from_claim_pred(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, const size_t bitmap_fields,
+	    const size_t start_field_idx, const size_t count,
+	    mi_bitmap_pred_fun_t pred_fun, void* pred_arg,
+	    mi_bitmap_index_t* bitmap_idx) {
+  size_t idx = start_field_idx;
+  for (size_t visited = 0; visited < bitmap_fields; visited++, idx++) {
+    if (idx >= bitmap_fields) idx = 0; // wrap
+    if (_mi_bitmap_try_find_claim_field(bitmap, idx, count, bitmap_idx)) {
+      if (pred_fun == NULL || pred_fun(*bitmap_idx, pred_arg)) {
+	return true;
+      }
+      // predicate returned false, unclaim and look further
+      _mi_bitmap_unclaim(bitmap, bitmap_fields, count, *bitmap_idx);
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+// Set `count` bits at `bitmap_idx` to 0 atomically
+// Returns `true` if all `count` bits were 1 previously.
+bool _mi_bitmap_unclaim(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx) {
+  const size_t idx = mi_bitmap_index_field(bitmap_idx);
+  const size_t bitidx = mi_bitmap_index_bit_in_field(bitmap_idx);
+  const size_t mask = mi_bitmap_mask_(count, bitidx);
+  mi_assert_internal(bitmap_fields > idx); MI_UNUSED(bitmap_fields);
+  // mi_assert_internal((bitmap[idx] & mask) == mask);
+  const size_t prev = mi_atomic_and_acq_rel(&bitmap[idx], ~mask);
+  return ((prev & mask) == mask);
+// Set `count` bits at `bitmap_idx` to 1 atomically
+// Returns `true` if all `count` bits were 0 previously. `any_zero` is `true` if there was at least one zero bit.
+bool _mi_bitmap_claim(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx, bool* any_zero) {
+  const size_t idx = mi_bitmap_index_field(bitmap_idx);
+  const size_t bitidx = mi_bitmap_index_bit_in_field(bitmap_idx);
+  const size_t mask = mi_bitmap_mask_(count, bitidx);
+  mi_assert_internal(bitmap_fields > idx); MI_UNUSED(bitmap_fields);
+  //mi_assert_internal(any_zero != NULL || (bitmap[idx] & mask) == 0);
+  size_t prev = mi_atomic_or_acq_rel(&bitmap[idx], mask);
+  if (any_zero != NULL) { *any_zero = ((prev & mask) != mask); }
+  return ((prev & mask) == 0);
+// Returns `true` if all `count` bits were 1. `any_ones` is `true` if there was at least one bit set to one.
+static bool mi_bitmap_is_claimedx(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx, bool* any_ones) {
+  const size_t idx = mi_bitmap_index_field(bitmap_idx);
+  const size_t bitidx = mi_bitmap_index_bit_in_field(bitmap_idx);
+  const size_t mask = mi_bitmap_mask_(count, bitidx);
+  mi_assert_internal(bitmap_fields > idx); MI_UNUSED(bitmap_fields);
+  const size_t field = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&bitmap[idx]);
+  if (any_ones != NULL) { *any_ones = ((field & mask) != 0); }
+  return ((field & mask) == mask);
+// Try to set `count` bits at `bitmap_idx` from 0 to 1 atomically.
+// Returns `true` if successful when all previous `count` bits were 0.
+bool _mi_bitmap_try_claim(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx) {
+  const size_t idx = mi_bitmap_index_field(bitmap_idx);
+  const size_t bitidx = mi_bitmap_index_bit_in_field(bitmap_idx);
+  const size_t mask = mi_bitmap_mask_(count, bitidx);
+  mi_assert_internal(bitmap_fields > idx); MI_UNUSED(bitmap_fields);
+  size_t expected = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&bitmap[idx]);
+  do  {
+    if ((expected & mask) != 0) return false;
+  }
+  while (!mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(&bitmap[idx], &expected, expected | mask));
+  mi_assert_internal((expected & mask) == 0);
+  return true;
+bool _mi_bitmap_is_claimed(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx) {
+  return mi_bitmap_is_claimedx(bitmap, bitmap_fields, count, bitmap_idx, NULL);
+bool _mi_bitmap_is_any_claimed(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx) {
+  bool any_ones;
+  mi_bitmap_is_claimedx(bitmap, bitmap_fields, count, bitmap_idx, &any_ones);
+  return any_ones;
+// the `_across` functions work on bitmaps where sequences can cross over
+// between the fields. This is used in arena allocation
+// Try to atomically claim a sequence of `count` bits starting from the field
+// at `idx` in `bitmap` and crossing into subsequent fields. Returns `true` on success.
+// Only needs to consider crossing into the next fields (see `mi_bitmap_try_find_from_claim_across`)
+static bool mi_bitmap_try_find_claim_field_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t idx, const size_t count, const size_t retries, mi_bitmap_index_t* bitmap_idx)
+  mi_assert_internal(bitmap_idx != NULL);
+  // check initial trailing zeros
+  mi_bitmap_field_t* field = &bitmap[idx];
+  size_t map = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(field);
+  const size_t initial = mi_clz(map);  // count of initial zeros starting at idx
+  mi_assert_internal(initial <= MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
+  if (initial == 0)     return false;
+  if (initial >= count) return _mi_bitmap_try_find_claim_field(bitmap, idx, count, bitmap_idx);    // no need to cross fields (this case won't happen for us)
+  if (_mi_divide_up(count - initial, MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS) >= (bitmap_fields - idx)) return false; // not enough entries
+  // scan ahead
+  size_t found = initial;
+  size_t mask = 0;     // mask bits for the final field
+  while(found < count) {
+    field++;
+    map = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(field);
+    const size_t mask_bits = (found + MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS <= count ? MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS : (count - found));
+    mi_assert_internal(mask_bits > 0 && mask_bits <= MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
+    mask = mi_bitmap_mask_(mask_bits, 0);
+    if ((map & mask) != 0) return false;  // some part is already claimed
+    found += mask_bits;
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(field < &bitmap[bitmap_fields]);
+  // we found a range of contiguous zeros up to the final field; mask contains mask in the final field
+  // now try to claim the range atomically
+  mi_bitmap_field_t* const final_field = field;
+  const size_t final_mask = mask;
+  mi_bitmap_field_t* const initial_field = &bitmap[idx];
+  const size_t initial_idx = MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS - initial;
+  const size_t initial_mask = mi_bitmap_mask_(initial, initial_idx);
+  // initial field
+  size_t newmap;
+  field = initial_field;
+  map = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(field);
+  do {
+    newmap = (map | initial_mask);
+    if ((map & initial_mask) != 0) { goto rollback; };
+  } while (!mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(field, &map, newmap));
+  // intermediate fields
+  while (++field < final_field) {
+    newmap = MI_BITMAP_FIELD_FULL;
+    map = 0;
+    if (!mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(field, &map, newmap)) { goto rollback; }
+  }
+  // final field
+  mi_assert_internal(field == final_field);
+  map = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(field);
+  do {
+    newmap = (map | final_mask);
+    if ((map & final_mask) != 0) { goto rollback; }
+  } while (!mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(field, &map, newmap));
+  // claimed!
+  *bitmap_idx = mi_bitmap_index_create(idx, initial_idx);
+  return true;
+  // roll back intermediate fields
+  // (we just failed to claim `field` so decrement first)
+  while (--field > initial_field) {
+    newmap = 0;
+    mi_assert_internal(mi_atomic_load_relaxed(field) == map);
+    mi_atomic_store_release(field, newmap);
+  }
+  if (field == initial_field) {               // (if we failed on the initial field, `field + 1 == initial_field`)
+    map = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(field);
+    do {
+      mi_assert_internal((map & initial_mask) == initial_mask);
+      newmap = (map & ~initial_mask);
+    } while (!mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(field, &map, newmap));
+  }
+  // retry? (we make a recursive call instead of goto to be able to use const declarations)
+  if (retries <= 2) {
+    return mi_bitmap_try_find_claim_field_across(bitmap, bitmap_fields, idx, count, retries+1, bitmap_idx);
+  }
+  else {
+    return false;
+  }
+// Find `count` bits of zeros and set them to 1 atomically; returns `true` on success.
+// Starts at idx, and wraps around to search in all `bitmap_fields` fields.
+bool _mi_bitmap_try_find_from_claim_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, const size_t bitmap_fields, const size_t start_field_idx, const size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t* bitmap_idx) {
+  mi_assert_internal(count > 0);
+  if (count <= 2) {
+    // we don't bother with crossover fields for small counts
+    return _mi_bitmap_try_find_from_claim(bitmap, bitmap_fields, start_field_idx, count, bitmap_idx);
+  }
+  // visit the fields
+  size_t idx = start_field_idx;
+  for (size_t visited = 0; visited < bitmap_fields; visited++, idx++) {
+    if (idx >= bitmap_fields) { idx = 0; } // wrap
+    // first try to claim inside a field
+    if (count <= MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS) {
+      if (_mi_bitmap_try_find_claim_field(bitmap, idx, count, bitmap_idx)) {
+	return true;
+      }
+    }
+    // if that fails, then try to claim across fields
+    if (mi_bitmap_try_find_claim_field_across(bitmap, bitmap_fields, idx, count, 0, bitmap_idx)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+// Helper for masks across fields; returns the mid count, post_mask may be 0
+static size_t mi_bitmap_mask_across(mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, size_t* pre_mask, size_t* mid_mask, size_t* post_mask) {
+  MI_UNUSED(bitmap_fields);
+  const size_t bitidx = mi_bitmap_index_bit_in_field(bitmap_idx);
+  if mi_likely(bitidx + count <= MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS) {
+    *pre_mask = mi_bitmap_mask_(count, bitidx);
+    *mid_mask = 0;
+    *post_mask = 0;
+    mi_assert_internal(mi_bitmap_index_field(bitmap_idx) < bitmap_fields);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  else {
+    const size_t pre_bits = MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS - bitidx;
+    mi_assert_internal(pre_bits < count);
+    *pre_mask = mi_bitmap_mask_(pre_bits, bitidx);
+    count -= pre_bits;
+    const size_t mid_count = (count / MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
+    *mid_mask = MI_BITMAP_FIELD_FULL;
+    count %= MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS;
+    *post_mask = (count==0 ? 0 : mi_bitmap_mask_(count, 0));
+    mi_assert_internal(mi_bitmap_index_field(bitmap_idx) + mid_count + (count==0 ? 0 : 1) < bitmap_fields);
+    return mid_count;
+  }
+// Set `count` bits at `bitmap_idx` to 0 atomically
+// Returns `true` if all `count` bits were 1 previously.
+bool _mi_bitmap_unclaim_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx) {
+  size_t idx = mi_bitmap_index_field(bitmap_idx);
+  size_t pre_mask;
+  size_t mid_mask;
+  size_t post_mask;
+  size_t mid_count = mi_bitmap_mask_across(bitmap_idx, bitmap_fields, count, &pre_mask, &mid_mask, &post_mask);
+  bool all_one = true;
+  mi_bitmap_field_t* field = &bitmap[idx];
+  size_t prev = mi_atomic_and_acq_rel(field++, ~pre_mask);   // clear first part
+  if ((prev & pre_mask) != pre_mask) all_one = false;
+  while(mid_count-- > 0) {
+    prev = mi_atomic_and_acq_rel(field++, ~mid_mask);        // clear mid part
+    if ((prev & mid_mask) != mid_mask) all_one = false;
+  }
+  if (post_mask!=0) {
+    prev = mi_atomic_and_acq_rel(field, ~post_mask);         // clear end part
+    if ((prev & post_mask) != post_mask) all_one = false;
+  }
+  return all_one;
+// Set `count` bits at `bitmap_idx` to 1 atomically
+// Returns `true` if all `count` bits were 0 previously. `any_zero` is `true` if there was at least one zero bit.
+bool _mi_bitmap_claim_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx, bool* pany_zero) {
+  size_t idx = mi_bitmap_index_field(bitmap_idx);
+  size_t pre_mask;
+  size_t mid_mask;
+  size_t post_mask;
+  size_t mid_count = mi_bitmap_mask_across(bitmap_idx, bitmap_fields, count, &pre_mask, &mid_mask, &post_mask);
+  bool all_zero = true;
+  bool any_zero = false;
+  _Atomic(size_t)*field = &bitmap[idx];
+  size_t prev = mi_atomic_or_acq_rel(field++, pre_mask);
+  if ((prev & pre_mask) != 0) all_zero = false;
+  if ((prev & pre_mask) != pre_mask) any_zero = true;
+  while (mid_count-- > 0) {
+    prev = mi_atomic_or_acq_rel(field++, mid_mask);
+    if ((prev & mid_mask) != 0) all_zero = false;
+    if ((prev & mid_mask) != mid_mask) any_zero = true;
+  }
+  if (post_mask!=0) {
+    prev = mi_atomic_or_acq_rel(field, post_mask);
+    if ((prev & post_mask) != 0) all_zero = false;
+    if ((prev & post_mask) != post_mask) any_zero = true;
+  }
+  if (pany_zero != NULL) { *pany_zero = any_zero; }
+  return all_zero;
+// Returns `true` if all `count` bits were 1.
+// `any_ones` is `true` if there was at least one bit set to one.
+static bool mi_bitmap_is_claimedx_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx, bool* pany_ones) {
+  size_t idx = mi_bitmap_index_field(bitmap_idx);
+  size_t pre_mask;
+  size_t mid_mask;
+  size_t post_mask;
+  size_t mid_count = mi_bitmap_mask_across(bitmap_idx, bitmap_fields, count, &pre_mask, &mid_mask, &post_mask);
+  bool all_ones = true;
+  bool any_ones = false;
+  mi_bitmap_field_t* field = &bitmap[idx];
+  size_t prev = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(field++);
+  if ((prev & pre_mask) != pre_mask) all_ones = false;
+  if ((prev & pre_mask) != 0) any_ones = true;
+  while (mid_count-- > 0) {
+    prev = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(field++);
+    if ((prev & mid_mask) != mid_mask) all_ones = false;
+    if ((prev & mid_mask) != 0) any_ones = true;
+  }
+  if (post_mask!=0) {
+    prev = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(field);
+    if ((prev & post_mask) != post_mask) all_ones = false;
+    if ((prev & post_mask) != 0) any_ones = true;
+  }
+  if (pany_ones != NULL) { *pany_ones = any_ones; }
+  return all_ones;
+bool _mi_bitmap_is_claimed_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx) {
+  return mi_bitmap_is_claimedx_across(bitmap, bitmap_fields, count, bitmap_idx, NULL);
+bool _mi_bitmap_is_any_claimed_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx) {
+  bool any_ones;
+  mi_bitmap_is_claimedx_across(bitmap, bitmap_fields, count, bitmap_idx, &any_ones);
+  return any_ones;
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/bitmap.h b/compat/mimalloc/bitmap.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..9ba15d5d6f09ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/bitmap.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Concurrent bitmap that can set/reset sequences of bits atomically,
+represeted as an array of fields where each field is a machine word (`size_t`)
+There are two api's; the standard one cannot have sequences that cross
+between the bitmap fields (and a sequence must be <= MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS).
+(this is used in region allocation)
+The `_across` postfixed functions do allow sequences that can cross over
+between the fields. (This is used in arena allocation)
+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#pragma once
+#ifndef MI_BITMAP_H
+#define MI_BITMAP_H
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Bitmap definition
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define MI_BITMAP_FIELD_FULL   (~((size_t)0))   // all bits set
+// An atomic bitmap of `size_t` fields
+typedef _Atomic(size_t)  mi_bitmap_field_t;
+typedef mi_bitmap_field_t*  mi_bitmap_t;
+// A bitmap index is the index of the bit in a bitmap.
+typedef size_t mi_bitmap_index_t;
+// Create a bit index.
+static inline mi_bitmap_index_t mi_bitmap_index_create(size_t idx, size_t bitidx) {
+  mi_assert_internal(bitidx < MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
+  return (idx*MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS) + bitidx;
+// Create a bit index.
+static inline mi_bitmap_index_t mi_bitmap_index_create_from_bit(size_t full_bitidx) {
+  return mi_bitmap_index_create(full_bitidx / MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS, full_bitidx % MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
+// Get the field index from a bit index.
+static inline size_t mi_bitmap_index_field(mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx) {
+  return (bitmap_idx / MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
+// Get the bit index in a bitmap field
+static inline size_t mi_bitmap_index_bit_in_field(mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx) {
+  return (bitmap_idx % MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
+// Get the full bit index
+static inline size_t mi_bitmap_index_bit(mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx) {
+  return bitmap_idx;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Claim a bit sequence atomically
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Try to atomically claim a sequence of `count` bits in a single
+// field at `idx` in `bitmap`. Returns `true` on success.
+bool _mi_bitmap_try_find_claim_field(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t idx, const size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t* bitmap_idx);
+// Starts at idx, and wraps around to search in all `bitmap_fields` fields.
+// For now, `count` can be at most MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS and will never cross fields.
+bool _mi_bitmap_try_find_from_claim(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, const size_t bitmap_fields, const size_t start_field_idx, const size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t* bitmap_idx);
+// Like _mi_bitmap_try_find_from_claim but with an extra predicate that must be fullfilled
+typedef bool (mi_cdecl *mi_bitmap_pred_fun_t)(mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx, void* pred_arg);
+bool _mi_bitmap_try_find_from_claim_pred(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, const size_t bitmap_fields, const size_t start_field_idx, const size_t count, mi_bitmap_pred_fun_t pred_fun, void* pred_arg, mi_bitmap_index_t* bitmap_idx);
+// Set `count` bits at `bitmap_idx` to 0 atomically
+// Returns `true` if all `count` bits were 1 previously.
+bool _mi_bitmap_unclaim(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx);
+// Try to set `count` bits at `bitmap_idx` from 0 to 1 atomically.
+// Returns `true` if successful when all previous `count` bits were 0.
+bool _mi_bitmap_try_claim(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx);
+// Set `count` bits at `bitmap_idx` to 1 atomically
+// Returns `true` if all `count` bits were 0 previously. `any_zero` is `true` if there was at least one zero bit.
+bool _mi_bitmap_claim(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx, bool* any_zero);
+bool _mi_bitmap_is_claimed(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx);
+bool _mi_bitmap_is_any_claimed(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx);
+// the `_across` functions work on bitmaps where sequences can cross over
+// between the fields. This is used in arena allocation
+// Find `count` bits of zeros and set them to 1 atomically; returns `true` on success.
+// Starts at idx, and wraps around to search in all `bitmap_fields` fields.
+bool _mi_bitmap_try_find_from_claim_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, const size_t bitmap_fields, const size_t start_field_idx, const size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t* bitmap_idx);
+// Set `count` bits at `bitmap_idx` to 0 atomically
+// Returns `true` if all `count` bits were 1 previously.
+bool _mi_bitmap_unclaim_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx);
+// Set `count` bits at `bitmap_idx` to 1 atomically
+// Returns `true` if all `count` bits were 0 previously. `any_zero` is `true` if there was at least one zero bit.
+bool _mi_bitmap_claim_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx, bool* pany_zero);
+bool _mi_bitmap_is_claimed_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx);
+bool _mi_bitmap_is_any_claimed_across(mi_bitmap_t bitmap, size_t bitmap_fields, size_t count, mi_bitmap_index_t bitmap_idx);
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/heap.c b/compat/mimalloc/heap.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..dab8c4bf8ae388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/heap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#include "mimalloc/internal.h"
+#include "mimalloc/atomic.h"
+#include "mimalloc/prim.h"  // mi_prim_get_default_heap
+#include <string.h>  // memset, memcpy
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1920)
+#pragma warning(disable:4204)  // non-constant aggregate initializer
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Helpers
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// return `true` if ok, `false` to break
+typedef bool (heap_page_visitor_fun)(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, mi_page_t* page, void* arg1, void* arg2);
+// Visit all pages in a heap; returns `false` if break was called.
+static bool mi_heap_visit_pages(mi_heap_t* heap, heap_page_visitor_fun* fn, void* arg1, void* arg2)
+  if (heap==NULL || heap->page_count==0) return 0;
+  // visit all pages
+  #if MI_DEBUG>1
+  size_t total = heap->page_count;
+  size_t count = 0;
+  #endif
+  for (size_t i = 0; i <= MI_BIN_FULL; i++) {
+    mi_page_queue_t* pq = &heap->pages[i];
+    mi_page_t* page = pq->first;
+    while(page != NULL) {
+      mi_page_t* next = page->next; // save next in case the page gets removed from the queue
+      mi_assert_internal(mi_page_heap(page) == heap);
+      #if MI_DEBUG>1
+      count++;
+      #endif
+      if (!fn(heap, pq, page, arg1, arg2)) return false;
+      page = next; // and continue
+    }
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(count == total);
+  return true;
+#if MI_DEBUG>=2
+static bool mi_heap_page_is_valid(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, mi_page_t* page, void* arg1, void* arg2) {
+  MI_UNUSED(arg1);
+  MI_UNUSED(arg2);
+  MI_UNUSED(pq);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_heap(page) == heap);
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_page_segment(page);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->thread_id == heap->thread_id);
+  mi_assert_expensive(_mi_page_is_valid(page));
+  return true;
+#if MI_DEBUG>=3
+static bool mi_heap_is_valid(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  mi_assert_internal(heap!=NULL);
+  mi_heap_visit_pages(heap, &mi_heap_page_is_valid, NULL, NULL);
+  return true;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  "Collect" pages by migrating `local_free` and `thread_free`
+  lists and freeing empty pages. This is done when a thread
+  stops (and in that case abandons pages if there are still
+  blocks alive)
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+typedef enum mi_collect_e {
+} mi_collect_t;
+static bool mi_heap_page_collect(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, mi_page_t* page, void* arg_collect, void* arg2 ) {
+  MI_UNUSED(arg2);
+  MI_UNUSED(heap);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_heap_page_is_valid(heap, pq, page, NULL, NULL));
+  mi_collect_t collect = *((mi_collect_t*)arg_collect);
+  _mi_page_free_collect(page, collect >= MI_FORCE);
+  if (mi_page_all_free(page)) {
+    // no more used blocks, free the page.
+    // note: this will free retired pages as well.
+    _mi_page_free(page, pq, collect >= MI_FORCE);
+  }
+  else if (collect == MI_ABANDON) {
+    // still used blocks but the thread is done; abandon the page
+    _mi_page_abandon(page, pq);
+  }
+  return true; // don't break
+static bool mi_heap_page_never_delayed_free(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, mi_page_t* page, void* arg1, void* arg2) {
+  MI_UNUSED(arg1);
+  MI_UNUSED(arg2);
+  MI_UNUSED(heap);
+  MI_UNUSED(pq);
+  _mi_page_use_delayed_free(page, MI_NEVER_DELAYED_FREE, false);
+  return true; // don't break
+static void mi_heap_collect_ex(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_collect_t collect)
+  if (heap==NULL || !mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) return;
+  const bool force = collect >= MI_FORCE;
+  _mi_deferred_free(heap, force);
+  // note: never reclaim on collect but leave it to threads that need storage to reclaim
+  const bool force_main =
+    #ifdef NDEBUG
+      collect == MI_FORCE
+    #else
+      collect >= MI_FORCE
+    #endif
+      && _mi_is_main_thread() && mi_heap_is_backing(heap) && !heap->no_reclaim;
+  if (force_main) {
+    // the main thread is abandoned (end-of-program), try to reclaim all abandoned segments.
+    // if all memory is freed by now, all segments should be freed.
+    _mi_abandoned_reclaim_all(heap, &heap->tld->segments);
+  }
+  // if abandoning, mark all pages to no longer add to delayed_free
+  if (collect == MI_ABANDON) {
+    mi_heap_visit_pages(heap, &mi_heap_page_never_delayed_free, NULL, NULL);
+  }
+  // free all current thread delayed blocks.
+  // (if abandoning, after this there are no more thread-delayed references into the pages.)
+  _mi_heap_delayed_free_all(heap);
+  // collect retired pages
+  _mi_heap_collect_retired(heap, force);
+  // collect all pages owned by this thread
+  mi_heap_visit_pages(heap, &mi_heap_page_collect, &collect, NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal( collect != MI_ABANDON || mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(mi_block_t,&heap->thread_delayed_free) == NULL );
+  // collect abandoned segments (in particular, purge expired parts of segments in the abandoned segment list)
+  // note: forced purge can be quite expensive if many threads are created/destroyed so we do not force on abandonment
+  _mi_abandoned_collect(heap, collect == MI_FORCE /* force? */, &heap->tld->segments);
+  // collect segment local caches
+  if (force) {
+    _mi_segment_thread_collect(&heap->tld->segments);
+  }
+  // collect regions on program-exit (or shared library unload)
+  if (force && _mi_is_main_thread() && mi_heap_is_backing(heap)) {
+    _mi_thread_data_collect();  // collect thread data cache
+    _mi_arena_collect(true /* force purge */, &heap->tld->stats);
+  }
+void _mi_heap_collect_abandon(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  mi_heap_collect_ex(heap, MI_ABANDON);
+void mi_heap_collect(mi_heap_t* heap, bool force) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  mi_heap_collect_ex(heap, (force ? MI_FORCE : MI_NORMAL));
+void mi_collect(bool force) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  mi_heap_collect(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), force);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Heap new
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+mi_heap_t* mi_heap_get_default(void) {
+  mi_thread_init();
+  return mi_prim_get_default_heap();
+static bool mi_heap_is_default(const mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  return (heap == mi_prim_get_default_heap());
+mi_heap_t* mi_heap_get_backing(void) {
+  mi_heap_t* heap = mi_heap_get_default();
+  mi_assert_internal(heap!=NULL);
+  mi_heap_t* bheap = heap->tld->heap_backing;
+  mi_assert_internal(bheap!=NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(bheap->thread_id == _mi_thread_id());
+  return bheap;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_heap_t* mi_heap_new_in_arena(mi_arena_id_t arena_id) {
+  mi_heap_t* bheap = mi_heap_get_backing();
+  mi_heap_t* heap = mi_heap_malloc_tp(bheap, mi_heap_t);  // todo: OS allocate in secure mode?
+  if (heap == NULL) return NULL;
+  _mi_memcpy_aligned(heap, &_mi_heap_empty, sizeof(mi_heap_t));
+  heap->tld = bheap->tld;
+  heap->thread_id = _mi_thread_id();
+  heap->arena_id = arena_id;
+  _mi_random_split(&bheap->random, &heap->random);
+  heap->cookie = _mi_heap_random_next(heap) | 1;
+  heap->keys[0] = _mi_heap_random_next(heap);
+  heap->keys[1] = _mi_heap_random_next(heap);
+  heap->no_reclaim = true;  // don't reclaim abandoned pages or otherwise destroy is unsafe
+  // push on the thread local heaps list
+  heap->next = heap->tld->heaps;
+  heap->tld->heaps = heap;
+  return heap;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_heap_t* mi_heap_new(void) {
+  return mi_heap_new_in_arena(_mi_arena_id_none());
+bool _mi_heap_memid_is_suitable(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_memid_t memid) {
+  return _mi_arena_memid_is_suitable(memid, heap->arena_id);
+uintptr_t _mi_heap_random_next(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  return _mi_random_next(&heap->random);
+// zero out the page queues
+static void mi_heap_reset_pages(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  mi_assert_internal(heap != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_heap_is_initialized(heap));
+  // TODO: copy full empty heap instead?
+  memset(&heap->pages_free_direct, 0, sizeof(heap->pages_free_direct));
+  _mi_memcpy_aligned(&heap->pages, &_mi_heap_empty.pages, sizeof(heap->pages));
+  heap->thread_delayed_free = NULL;
+  heap->page_count = 0;
+// called from `mi_heap_destroy` and `mi_heap_delete` to free the internal heap resources.
+static void mi_heap_free(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  mi_assert(heap != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_heap_is_initialized(heap));
+  if (heap==NULL || !mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) return;
+  if (mi_heap_is_backing(heap)) return; // dont free the backing heap
+  // reset default
+  if (mi_heap_is_default(heap)) {
+    _mi_heap_set_default_direct(heap->tld->heap_backing);
+  }
+  // remove ourselves from the thread local heaps list
+  // linear search but we expect the number of heaps to be relatively small
+  mi_heap_t* prev = NULL;
+  mi_heap_t* curr = heap->tld->heaps;
+  while (curr != heap && curr != NULL) {
+    prev = curr;
+    curr = curr->next;
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(curr == heap);
+  if (curr == heap) {
+    if (prev != NULL) { prev->next = heap->next; }
+		 else { heap->tld->heaps = heap->next; }
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(heap->tld->heaps != NULL);
+  // and free the used memory
+  mi_free(heap);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Heap destroy
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static bool _mi_heap_page_destroy(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, mi_page_t* page, void* arg1, void* arg2) {
+  MI_UNUSED(arg1);
+  MI_UNUSED(arg2);
+  MI_UNUSED(heap);
+  MI_UNUSED(pq);
+  // ensure no more thread_delayed_free will be added
+  _mi_page_use_delayed_free(page, MI_NEVER_DELAYED_FREE, false);
+  // stats
+  const size_t bsize = mi_page_block_size(page);
+  if (bsize > MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
+    if (bsize <= MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
+      mi_heap_stat_decrease(heap, large, bsize);
+    }
+    else {
+      mi_heap_stat_decrease(heap, huge, bsize);
+    }
+  }
+#if (MI_STAT)
+  _mi_page_free_collect(page, false);  // update used count
+  const size_t inuse = page->used;
+  if (bsize <= MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
+    mi_heap_stat_decrease(heap, normal, bsize * inuse);
+#if (MI_STAT>1)
+    mi_heap_stat_decrease(heap, normal_bins[_mi_bin(bsize)], inuse);
+  }
+  mi_heap_stat_decrease(heap, malloc, bsize * inuse);  // todo: off for aligned blocks...
+  /// pretend it is all free now
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_thread_free(page) == NULL);
+  page->used = 0;
+  // and free the page
+  // mi_page_free(page,false);
+  page->next = NULL;
+  page->prev = NULL;
+  _mi_segment_page_free(page,false /* no force? */, &heap->tld->segments);
+  return true; // keep going
+void _mi_heap_destroy_pages(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  mi_heap_visit_pages(heap, &_mi_heap_page_destroy, NULL, NULL);
+  mi_heap_reset_pages(heap);
+static bool mi_cdecl mi_heap_track_block_free(const mi_heap_t* heap, const mi_heap_area_t* area, void* block, size_t block_size, void* arg) {
+  MI_UNUSED(heap); MI_UNUSED(area);  MI_UNUSED(arg); MI_UNUSED(block_size);
+  mi_track_free_size(block,mi_usable_size(block));
+  return true;
+void mi_heap_destroy(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  mi_assert(heap != NULL);
+  mi_assert(mi_heap_is_initialized(heap));
+  mi_assert(heap->no_reclaim);
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_heap_is_valid(heap));
+  if (heap==NULL || !mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) return;
+  if (!heap->no_reclaim) {
+    // don't free in case it may contain reclaimed pages
+    mi_heap_delete(heap);
+  }
+  else {
+    // track all blocks as freed
+    mi_heap_visit_blocks(heap, true, mi_heap_track_block_free, NULL);
+    #endif
+    // free all pages
+    _mi_heap_destroy_pages(heap);
+    mi_heap_free(heap);
+  }
+// forcefully destroy all heaps in the current thread
+void _mi_heap_unsafe_destroy_all(void) {
+  mi_heap_t* bheap = mi_heap_get_backing();
+  mi_heap_t* curr = bheap->tld->heaps;
+  while (curr != NULL) {
+    mi_heap_t* next = curr->next;
+    if (curr->no_reclaim) {
+      mi_heap_destroy(curr);
+    }
+    else {
+      _mi_heap_destroy_pages(curr);
+    }
+    curr = next;
+  }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Safe Heap delete
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Transfer the pages from one heap to the other
+static void mi_heap_absorb(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_heap_t* from) {
+  mi_assert_internal(heap!=NULL);
+  if (from==NULL || from->page_count == 0) return;
+  // reduce the size of the delayed frees
+  _mi_heap_delayed_free_partial(from);
+  // transfer all pages by appending the queues; this will set a new heap field
+  // so threads may do delayed frees in either heap for a while.
+  // note: appending waits for each page to not be in the `MI_DELAYED_FREEING` state
+  // so after this only the new heap will get delayed frees
+  for (size_t i = 0; i <= MI_BIN_FULL; i++) {
+    mi_page_queue_t* pq = &heap->pages[i];
+    mi_page_queue_t* append = &from->pages[i];
+    size_t pcount = _mi_page_queue_append(heap, pq, append);
+    heap->page_count += pcount;
+    from->page_count -= pcount;
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(from->page_count == 0);
+  // and do outstanding delayed frees in the `from` heap
+  // note: be careful here as the `heap` field in all those pages no longer point to `from`,
+  // turns out to be ok as `_mi_heap_delayed_free` only visits the list and calls a
+  // the regular `_mi_free_delayed_block` which is safe.
+  _mi_heap_delayed_free_all(from);
+  #if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER > 1900) // somehow the following line gives an error in VS2015, issue #353
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_block_t,&from->thread_delayed_free) == NULL);
+  #endif
+  // and reset the `from` heap
+  mi_heap_reset_pages(from);
+// Safe delete a heap without freeing any still allocated blocks in that heap.
+void mi_heap_delete(mi_heap_t* heap)
+  mi_assert(heap != NULL);
+  mi_assert(mi_heap_is_initialized(heap));
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_heap_is_valid(heap));
+  if (heap==NULL || !mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) return;
+  if (!mi_heap_is_backing(heap)) {
+    // tranfer still used pages to the backing heap
+    mi_heap_absorb(heap->tld->heap_backing, heap);
+  }
+  else {
+    // the backing heap abandons its pages
+    _mi_heap_collect_abandon(heap);
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(heap->page_count==0);
+  mi_heap_free(heap);
+mi_heap_t* mi_heap_set_default(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  mi_assert(heap != NULL);
+  mi_assert(mi_heap_is_initialized(heap));
+  if (heap==NULL || !mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) return NULL;
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_heap_is_valid(heap));
+  mi_heap_t* old = mi_prim_get_default_heap();
+  _mi_heap_set_default_direct(heap);
+  return old;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Analysis
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// static since it is not thread safe to access heaps from other threads.
+static mi_heap_t* mi_heap_of_block(const void* p) {
+  if (p == NULL) return NULL;
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_ptr_segment(p);
+  bool valid = (_mi_ptr_cookie(segment) == segment->cookie);
+  mi_assert_internal(valid);
+  if mi_unlikely(!valid) return NULL;
+  return mi_page_heap(_mi_segment_page_of(segment,p));
+bool mi_heap_contains_block(mi_heap_t* heap, const void* p) {
+  mi_assert(heap != NULL);
+  if (heap==NULL || !mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) return false;
+  return (heap == mi_heap_of_block(p));
+static bool mi_heap_page_check_owned(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, mi_page_t* page, void* p, void* vfound) {
+  MI_UNUSED(heap);
+  MI_UNUSED(pq);
+  bool* found = (bool*)vfound;
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_page_segment(page);
+  void* start = _mi_page_start(segment, page, NULL);
+  void* end   = (uint8_t*)start + (page->capacity * mi_page_block_size(page));
+  *found = (p >= start && p < end);
+  return (!*found); // continue if not found
+bool mi_heap_check_owned(mi_heap_t* heap, const void* p) {
+  mi_assert(heap != NULL);
+  if (heap==NULL || !mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) return false;
+  if (((uintptr_t)p & (MI_INTPTR_SIZE - 1)) != 0) return false;  // only aligned pointers
+  bool found = false;
+  mi_heap_visit_pages(heap, &mi_heap_page_check_owned, (void*)p, &found);
+  return found;
+bool mi_check_owned(const void* p) {
+  return mi_heap_check_owned(mi_prim_get_default_heap(), p);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Visit all heap blocks and areas
+  Todo: enable visiting abandoned pages, and
+	enable visiting all blocks of all heaps across threads
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Separate struct to keep `mi_page_t` out of the public interface
+typedef struct mi_heap_area_ex_s {
+  mi_heap_area_t area;
+  mi_page_t*     page;
+} mi_heap_area_ex_t;
+static bool mi_heap_area_visit_blocks(const mi_heap_area_ex_t* xarea, mi_block_visit_fun* visitor, void* arg) {
+  mi_assert(xarea != NULL);
+  if (xarea==NULL) return true;
+  const mi_heap_area_t* area = &xarea->area;
+  mi_page_t* page = xarea->page;
+  mi_assert(page != NULL);
+  if (page == NULL) return true;
+  _mi_page_free_collect(page,true);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->local_free == NULL);
+  if (page->used == 0) return true;
+  const size_t bsize = mi_page_block_size(page);
+  const size_t ubsize = mi_page_usable_block_size(page); // without padding
+  size_t   psize;
+  uint8_t* pstart = _mi_page_start(_mi_page_segment(page), page, &psize);
+  if (page->capacity == 1) {
+    // optimize page with one block
+    mi_assert_internal(page->used == 1 && page->free == NULL);
+    return visitor(mi_page_heap(page), area, pstart, ubsize, arg);
+  }
+  // create a bitmap of free blocks.
+  #define MI_MAX_BLOCKS   (MI_SMALL_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(void*))
+  uintptr_t free_map[MI_MAX_BLOCKS / sizeof(uintptr_t)];
+  memset(free_map, 0, sizeof(free_map));
+  #if MI_DEBUG>1
+  size_t free_count = 0;
+  #endif
+  for (mi_block_t* block = page->free; block != NULL; block = mi_block_next(page,block)) {
+    #if MI_DEBUG>1
+    free_count++;
+    #endif
+    mi_assert_internal((uint8_t*)block >= pstart && (uint8_t*)block < (pstart + psize));
+    size_t offset = (uint8_t*)block - pstart;
+    mi_assert_internal(offset % bsize == 0);
+    size_t blockidx = offset / bsize;  // Todo: avoid division?
+    mi_assert_internal( blockidx < MI_MAX_BLOCKS);
+    size_t bitidx = (blockidx / sizeof(uintptr_t));
+    size_t bit = blockidx - (bitidx * sizeof(uintptr_t));
+    free_map[bitidx] |= ((uintptr_t)1 << bit);
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(page->capacity == (free_count + page->used));
+  // walk through all blocks skipping the free ones
+  #if MI_DEBUG>1
+  size_t used_count = 0;
+  #endif
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < page->capacity; i++) {
+    size_t bitidx = (i / sizeof(uintptr_t));
+    size_t bit = i - (bitidx * sizeof(uintptr_t));
+    uintptr_t m = free_map[bitidx];
+    if (bit == 0 && m == UINTPTR_MAX) {
+      i += (sizeof(uintptr_t) - 1); // skip a run of free blocks
+    }
+    else if ((m & ((uintptr_t)1 << bit)) == 0) {
+      #if MI_DEBUG>1
+      used_count++;
+      #endif
+      uint8_t* block = pstart + (i * bsize);
+      if (!visitor(mi_page_heap(page), area, block, ubsize, arg)) return false;
+    }
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(page->used == used_count);
+  return true;
+typedef bool (mi_heap_area_visit_fun)(const mi_heap_t* heap, const mi_heap_area_ex_t* area, void* arg);
+static bool mi_heap_visit_areas_page(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, mi_page_t* page, void* vfun, void* arg) {
+  MI_UNUSED(heap);
+  MI_UNUSED(pq);
+  mi_heap_area_visit_fun* fun = (mi_heap_area_visit_fun*)vfun;
+  mi_heap_area_ex_t xarea;
+  const size_t bsize = mi_page_block_size(page);
+  const size_t ubsize = mi_page_usable_block_size(page);
+ = page;
+  xarea.area.reserved = page->reserved * bsize;
+  xarea.area.committed = page->capacity * bsize;
+  xarea.area.blocks = _mi_page_start(_mi_page_segment(page), page, NULL);
+  xarea.area.used = page->used;   // number of blocks in use (#553)
+  xarea.area.block_size = ubsize;
+  xarea.area.full_block_size = bsize;
+  return fun(heap, &xarea, arg);
+// Visit all heap pages as areas
+static bool mi_heap_visit_areas(const mi_heap_t* heap, mi_heap_area_visit_fun* visitor, void* arg) {
+  if (visitor == NULL) return false;
+  return mi_heap_visit_pages((mi_heap_t*)heap, &mi_heap_visit_areas_page, (void*)(visitor), arg); // note: function pointer to void* :-{
+// Just to pass arguments
+typedef struct mi_visit_blocks_args_s {
+  bool  visit_blocks;
+  mi_block_visit_fun* visitor;
+  void* arg;
+} mi_visit_blocks_args_t;
+static bool mi_heap_area_visitor(const mi_heap_t* heap, const mi_heap_area_ex_t* xarea, void* arg) {
+  mi_visit_blocks_args_t* args = (mi_visit_blocks_args_t*)arg;
+  if (!args->visitor(heap, &xarea->area, NULL, xarea->area.block_size, args->arg)) return false;
+  if (args->visit_blocks) {
+    return mi_heap_area_visit_blocks(xarea, args->visitor, args->arg);
+  }
+  else {
+    return true;
+  }
+// Visit all blocks in a heap
+bool mi_heap_visit_blocks(const mi_heap_t* heap, bool visit_blocks, mi_block_visit_fun* visitor, void* arg) {
+  mi_visit_blocks_args_t args = { visit_blocks, visitor, arg };
+  return mi_heap_visit_areas(heap, &mi_heap_area_visitor, &args);
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/init.c b/compat/mimalloc/init.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..4670d5510db187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/init.c
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2018-2022, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#include "mimalloc/internal.h"
+#include "mimalloc/prim.h"
+#include <string.h>  // memcpy, memset
+#include <stdlib.h>  // atexit
+// Empty page used to initialize the small free pages array
+const mi_page_t _mi_page_empty = {
+  0, false, false, false,
+  0,       // capacity
+  0,       // reserved capacity
+  { 0 },   // flags
+  false,   // is_zero
+  0,       // retire_expire
+  NULL,    // free
+  0,       // used
+  0,       // xblock_size
+  NULL,    // local_free
+  { 0, 0 },
+  #endif
+  MI_ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(0), // xthread_free
+  MI_ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(0), // xheap
+  #if MI_INTPTR_SIZE==8
+  , { 0 }  // padding
+  #endif
+#define MI_PAGE_EMPTY() ((mi_page_t*)&_mi_page_empty)
+#if (MI_SMALL_WSIZE_MAX==128)
+#if (MI_PADDING>0) && (MI_INTPTR_SIZE >= 8)
+#elif (MI_PADDING>0)
+#error "define right initialization sizes corresponding to MI_SMALL_WSIZE_MAX"
+// Empty page queues for every bin
+#define QNULL(sz)  { NULL, NULL, (sz)*sizeof(uintptr_t) }
+  { QNULL(1), \
+    QNULL(     1), QNULL(     2), QNULL(     3), QNULL(     4), QNULL(     5), QNULL(     6), QNULL(     7), QNULL(     8), /* 8 */ \
+    QNULL(    10), QNULL(    12), QNULL(    14), QNULL(    16), QNULL(    20), QNULL(    24), QNULL(    28), QNULL(    32), /* 16 */ \
+    QNULL(    40), QNULL(    48), QNULL(    56), QNULL(    64), QNULL(    80), QNULL(    96), QNULL(   112), QNULL(   128), /* 24 */ \
+    QNULL(   160), QNULL(   192), QNULL(   224), QNULL(   256), QNULL(   320), QNULL(   384), QNULL(   448), QNULL(   512), /* 32 */ \
+    QNULL(   640), QNULL(   768), QNULL(   896), QNULL(  1024), QNULL(  1280), QNULL(  1536), QNULL(  1792), QNULL(  2048), /* 40 */ \
+    QNULL(  2560), QNULL(  3072), QNULL(  3584), QNULL(  4096), QNULL(  5120), QNULL(  6144), QNULL(  7168), QNULL(  8192), /* 48 */ \
+    QNULL( 10240), QNULL( 12288), QNULL( 14336), QNULL( 16384), QNULL( 20480), QNULL( 24576), QNULL( 28672), QNULL( 32768), /* 56 */ \
+    QNULL( 40960), QNULL( 49152), QNULL( 57344), QNULL( 65536), QNULL( 81920), QNULL( 98304), QNULL(114688), QNULL(131072), /* 64 */ \
+    QNULL(163840), QNULL(196608), QNULL(229376), QNULL(262144), QNULL(327680), QNULL(393216), QNULL(458752), QNULL(524288), /* 72 */ \
+    QNULL(MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_WSIZE_MAX + 1  /* 655360, Huge queue */), \
+    QNULL(MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_WSIZE_MAX + 2) /* Full queue */ }
+#define MI_STAT_COUNT_NULL()  {0,0,0,0}
+// Empty statistics
+#if MI_STAT>1
+#define MI_STATS_NULL  \
+  { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, \
+  { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } \
+// Empty slice span queues for every bin
+#define SQNULL(sz)  { NULL, NULL, sz }
+  { SQNULL(1), \
+    SQNULL(     1), SQNULL(     2), SQNULL(     3), SQNULL(     4), SQNULL(     5), SQNULL(     6), SQNULL(     7), SQNULL(    10), /*  8 */ \
+    SQNULL(    12), SQNULL(    14), SQNULL(    16), SQNULL(    20), SQNULL(    24), SQNULL(    28), SQNULL(    32), SQNULL(    40), /* 16 */ \
+    SQNULL(    48), SQNULL(    56), SQNULL(    64), SQNULL(    80), SQNULL(    96), SQNULL(   112), SQNULL(   128), SQNULL(   160), /* 24 */ \
+    SQNULL(   192), SQNULL(   224), SQNULL(   256), SQNULL(   320), SQNULL(   384), SQNULL(   448), SQNULL(   512), SQNULL(   640), /* 32 */ \
+    SQNULL(   768), SQNULL(   896), SQNULL(  1024) /* 35 */ }
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// Statically allocate an empty heap as the initial
+// thread local value for the default heap,
+// and statically allocate the backing heap for the main
+// thread so it can function without doing any allocation
+// itself (as accessing a thread local for the first time
+// may lead to allocation itself on some platforms)
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+mi_decl_cache_align const mi_heap_t _mi_heap_empty = {
+  NULL,
+  0,                // tid
+  0,                // cookie
+  0,                // arena id
+  { 0, 0 },         // keys
+  { {0}, {0}, 0, true }, // random
+  0,                // page count
+  MI_BIN_FULL, 0,   // page retired min/max
+  NULL,             // next
+  false
+#define tld_empty_stats  ((mi_stats_t*)((uint8_t*)&tld_empty + offsetof(mi_tld_t,stats)))
+#define tld_empty_os     ((mi_os_tld_t*)((uint8_t*)&tld_empty + offsetof(mi_tld_t,os)))
+mi_decl_cache_align static const mi_tld_t tld_empty = {
+  0,
+  false,
+  { MI_SEGMENT_SPAN_QUEUES_EMPTY, 0, 0, 0, 0, tld_empty_stats, tld_empty_os }, // segments
+  { 0, tld_empty_stats }, // os
+  { MI_STATS_NULL }       // stats
+mi_threadid_t _mi_thread_id(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return _mi_prim_thread_id();
+// the thread-local default heap for allocation
+mi_decl_thread mi_heap_t* _mi_heap_default = (mi_heap_t*)&_mi_heap_empty;
+extern mi_heap_t _mi_heap_main;
+static mi_tld_t tld_main = {
+  0, false,
+  &_mi_heap_main, & _mi_heap_main,
+  { MI_SEGMENT_SPAN_QUEUES_EMPTY, 0, 0, 0, 0, &tld_main.stats, &tld_main.os }, // segments
+  { 0, &tld_main.stats },  // os
+  { MI_STATS_NULL }       // stats
+mi_heap_t _mi_heap_main = {
+  &tld_main,
+  0,                // thread id
+  0,                // initial cookie
+  0,                // arena id
+  { 0, 0 },         // the key of the main heap can be fixed (unlike page keys that need to be secure!)
+  { {0x846ca68b}, {0}, 0, true },  // random
+  0,                // page count
+  MI_BIN_FULL, 0,   // page retired min/max
+  NULL,             // next heap
+  false             // can reclaim
+bool _mi_process_is_initialized = false;  // set to `true` in `mi_process_init`.
+mi_stats_t _mi_stats_main = { MI_STATS_NULL };
+static void mi_heap_main_init(void) {
+  if (_mi_heap_main.cookie == 0) {
+    _mi_heap_main.thread_id = _mi_thread_id();
+    _mi_heap_main.cookie = 1;
+    #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(MI_SHARED_LIB)
+      _mi_random_init_weak(&_mi_heap_main.random);    // prevent allocation failure during bcrypt dll initialization with static linking
+    #else
+      _mi_random_init(&_mi_heap_main.random);
+    #endif
+    _mi_heap_main.cookie  = _mi_heap_random_next(&_mi_heap_main);
+    _mi_heap_main.keys[0] = _mi_heap_random_next(&_mi_heap_main);
+    _mi_heap_main.keys[1] = _mi_heap_random_next(&_mi_heap_main);
+  }
+mi_heap_t* _mi_heap_main_get(void) {
+  mi_heap_main_init();
+  return &_mi_heap_main;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Initialization and freeing of the thread local heaps
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// note: in x64 in release build `sizeof(mi_thread_data_t)` is under 4KiB (= OS page size).
+typedef struct mi_thread_data_s {
+  mi_heap_t  heap;  // must come first due to cast in `_mi_heap_done`
+  mi_tld_t   tld;
+  mi_memid_t memid;
+} mi_thread_data_t;
+// Thread meta-data is allocated directly from the OS. For
+// some programs that do not use thread pools and allocate and
+// destroy many OS threads, this may causes too much overhead
+// per thread so we maintain a small cache of recently freed metadata.
+#define TD_CACHE_SIZE (16)
+static _Atomic(mi_thread_data_t*) td_cache[TD_CACHE_SIZE];
+static mi_thread_data_t* mi_thread_data_zalloc(void) {
+  // try to find thread metadata in the cache
+  bool is_zero = false;
+  mi_thread_data_t* td = NULL;
+  for (int i = 0; i < TD_CACHE_SIZE; i++) {
+    td = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_thread_data_t, &td_cache[i]);
+    if (td != NULL) {
+      // found cached allocation, try use it
+      td = mi_atomic_exchange_ptr_acq_rel(mi_thread_data_t, &td_cache[i], NULL);
+      if (td != NULL) {
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // if that fails, allocate as meta data
+  if (td == NULL) {
+    mi_memid_t memid;
+    td = (mi_thread_data_t*)_mi_os_alloc(sizeof(mi_thread_data_t), &memid, &_mi_stats_main);
+    if (td == NULL) {
+      // if this fails, try once more. (issue #257)
+      td = (mi_thread_data_t*)_mi_os_alloc(sizeof(mi_thread_data_t), &memid, &_mi_stats_main);
+      if (td == NULL) {
+	// really out of memory
+	_mi_error_message(ENOMEM, "unable to allocate thread local heap metadata (%zu bytes)\n", sizeof(mi_thread_data_t));
+      }
+    }
+    if (td != NULL) {
+      td->memid = memid;
+      is_zero = memid.initially_zero;
+    }
+  }
+  if (td != NULL && !is_zero) {
+    _mi_memzero_aligned(td, sizeof(*td));
+  }
+  return td;
+static void mi_thread_data_free( mi_thread_data_t* tdfree ) {
+  // try to add the thread metadata to the cache
+  for (int i = 0; i < TD_CACHE_SIZE; i++) {
+    mi_thread_data_t* td = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_thread_data_t, &td_cache[i]);
+    if (td == NULL) {
+      mi_thread_data_t* expected = NULL;
+      if (mi_atomic_cas_ptr_weak_acq_rel(mi_thread_data_t, &td_cache[i], &expected, tdfree)) {
+	return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // if that fails, just free it directly
+  _mi_os_free(tdfree, sizeof(mi_thread_data_t), tdfree->memid, &_mi_stats_main);
+void _mi_thread_data_collect(void) {
+  // free all thread metadata from the cache
+  for (int i = 0; i < TD_CACHE_SIZE; i++) {
+    mi_thread_data_t* td = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_thread_data_t, &td_cache[i]);
+    if (td != NULL) {
+      td = mi_atomic_exchange_ptr_acq_rel(mi_thread_data_t, &td_cache[i], NULL);
+      if (td != NULL) {
+	_mi_os_free(td, sizeof(mi_thread_data_t), td->memid, &_mi_stats_main);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Initialize the thread local default heap, called from `mi_thread_init`
+static bool _mi_heap_init(void) {
+  if (mi_heap_is_initialized(mi_prim_get_default_heap())) return true;
+  if (_mi_is_main_thread()) {
+    // mi_assert_internal(_mi_heap_main.thread_id != 0);  // can happen on freeBSD where alloc is called before any initialization
+    // the main heap is statically allocated
+    mi_heap_main_init();
+    _mi_heap_set_default_direct(&_mi_heap_main);
+    //mi_assert_internal(_mi_heap_default->tld->heap_backing == mi_prim_get_default_heap());
+  }
+  else {
+    // use `_mi_os_alloc` to allocate directly from the OS
+    mi_thread_data_t* td = mi_thread_data_zalloc();
+    if (td == NULL) return false;
+    mi_tld_t*  tld = &td->tld;
+    mi_heap_t* heap = &td->heap;
+    _mi_memcpy_aligned(tld, &tld_empty, sizeof(*tld));
+    _mi_memcpy_aligned(heap, &_mi_heap_empty, sizeof(*heap));
+    heap->thread_id = _mi_thread_id();
+    _mi_random_init(&heap->random);
+    heap->cookie  = _mi_heap_random_next(heap) | 1;
+    heap->keys[0] = _mi_heap_random_next(heap);
+    heap->keys[1] = _mi_heap_random_next(heap);
+    heap->tld = tld;
+    tld->heap_backing = heap;
+    tld->heaps = heap;
+    tld->segments.stats = &tld->stats;
+    tld->segments.os = &tld->os;
+    tld->os.stats = &tld->stats;
+    _mi_heap_set_default_direct(heap);
+  }
+  return false;
+// Free the thread local default heap (called from `mi_thread_done`)
+static bool _mi_heap_done(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  if (!mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) return true;
+  // reset default heap
+  _mi_heap_set_default_direct(_mi_is_main_thread() ? &_mi_heap_main : (mi_heap_t*)&_mi_heap_empty);
+  // switch to backing heap
+  heap = heap->tld->heap_backing;
+  if (!mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) return false;
+  // delete all non-backing heaps in this thread
+  mi_heap_t* curr = heap->tld->heaps;
+  while (curr != NULL) {
+    mi_heap_t* next = curr->next; // save `next` as `curr` will be freed
+    if (curr != heap) {
+      mi_assert_internal(!mi_heap_is_backing(curr));
+      mi_heap_delete(curr);
+    }
+    curr = next;
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(heap->tld->heaps == heap && heap->next == NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_heap_is_backing(heap));
+  // collect if not the main thread
+  if (heap != &_mi_heap_main) {
+    _mi_heap_collect_abandon(heap);
+  }
+  // merge stats
+  _mi_stats_done(&heap->tld->stats);
+  // free if not the main thread
+  if (heap != &_mi_heap_main) {
+    // the following assertion does not always hold for huge segments as those are always treated
+    // as abondened: one may allocate it in one thread, but deallocate in another in which case
+    // the count can be too large or negative. todo: perhaps not count huge segments? see issue #363
+    // mi_assert_internal(heap->tld->segments.count == 0 || heap->thread_id != _mi_thread_id());
+    mi_thread_data_free((mi_thread_data_t*)heap);
+  }
+  else {
+    #if 0
+    // never free the main thread even in debug mode; if a dll is linked statically with mimalloc,
+    // there may still be delete/free calls after the mi_fls_done is called. Issue #207
+    _mi_heap_destroy_pages(heap);
+    mi_assert_internal(heap->tld->heap_backing == &_mi_heap_main);
+    #endif
+  }
+  return false;
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// Try to run `mi_thread_done()` automatically so any memory
+// owned by the thread but not yet released can be abandoned
+// and re-owned by another thread.
+// 1. windows dynamic library:
+//     call from DllMain on DLL_THREAD_DETACH
+// 2. windows static library:
+//     use `FlsAlloc` to call a destructor when the thread is done
+// 3. unix, pthreads:
+//     use a pthread key to call a destructor when a pthread is done
+// In the last two cases we also need to call `mi_process_init`
+// to set up the thread local keys.
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// Set up handlers so `mi_thread_done` is called automatically
+static void mi_process_setup_auto_thread_done(void) {
+  static bool tls_initialized = false; // fine if it races
+  if (tls_initialized) return;
+  tls_initialized = true;
+  _mi_prim_thread_init_auto_done();
+  _mi_heap_set_default_direct(&_mi_heap_main);
+bool _mi_is_main_thread(void) {
+  return (_mi_heap_main.thread_id==0 || _mi_heap_main.thread_id == _mi_thread_id());
+static _Atomic(size_t) thread_count = MI_ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(1);
+size_t  _mi_current_thread_count(void) {
+  return mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&thread_count);
+// This is called from the `mi_malloc_generic`
+void mi_thread_init(void) mi_attr_noexcept
+  // ensure our process has started already
+  mi_process_init();
+  // initialize the thread local default heap
+  // (this will call `_mi_heap_set_default_direct` and thus set the
+  //  fiber/pthread key to a non-zero value, ensuring `_mi_thread_done` is called)
+  if (_mi_heap_init()) return;  // returns true if already initialized
+  _mi_stat_increase(&_mi_stats_main.threads, 1);
+  mi_atomic_increment_relaxed(&thread_count);
+  //_mi_verbose_message("thread init: 0x%zx\n", _mi_thread_id());
+void mi_thread_done(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  _mi_thread_done(NULL);
+void _mi_thread_done(mi_heap_t* heap)
+  // calling with NULL implies using the default heap
+  if (heap == NULL) {
+    heap = mi_prim_get_default_heap();
+    if (heap == NULL) return;
+  }
+  // prevent re-entrancy through heap_done/heap_set_default_direct (issue #699)
+  if (!mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  // adjust stats
+  mi_atomic_decrement_relaxed(&thread_count);
+  _mi_stat_decrease(&_mi_stats_main.threads, 1);
+  // check thread-id as on Windows shutdown with FLS the main (exit) thread may call this on thread-local heaps...
+  if (heap->thread_id != _mi_thread_id()) return;
+  // abandon the thread local heap
+  if (_mi_heap_done(heap)) return;  // returns true if already ran
+void _mi_heap_set_default_direct(mi_heap_t* heap)  {
+  mi_assert_internal(heap != NULL);
+  #if defined(MI_TLS_SLOT)
+  mi_prim_tls_slot_set(MI_TLS_SLOT,heap);
+  #elif defined(MI_TLS_PTHREAD_SLOT_OFS)
+  *mi_tls_pthread_heap_slot() = heap;
+  #elif defined(MI_TLS_PTHREAD)
+  // we use _mi_heap_default_key
+  #else
+  _mi_heap_default = heap;
+  #endif
+  // ensure the default heap is passed to `_mi_thread_done`
+  // setting to a non-NULL value also ensures `mi_thread_done` is called.
+  _mi_prim_thread_associate_default_heap(heap);
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// Run functions on process init/done, and thread init/done
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+static void mi_cdecl mi_process_done(void);
+static bool os_preloading = true;    // true until this module is initialized
+static bool mi_redirected = false;   // true if malloc redirects to mi_malloc
+// Returns true if this module has not been initialized; Don't use C runtime routines until it returns false.
+bool mi_decl_noinline _mi_preloading(void) {
+  return os_preloading;
+mi_decl_nodiscard bool mi_is_redirected(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_redirected;
+// Communicate with the redirection module on Windows
+#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(MI_SHARED_LIB) && !defined(MI_WIN_NOREDIRECT)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+mi_decl_export void _mi_redirect_entry(DWORD reason) {
+  // called on redirection; careful as this may be called before DllMain
+  if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
+    mi_redirected = true;
+  }
+  else if (reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) {
+    mi_redirected = false;
+  }
+  else if (reason == DLL_THREAD_DETACH) {
+    mi_thread_done();
+  }
+__declspec(dllimport) bool mi_cdecl mi_allocator_init(const char** message);
+__declspec(dllimport) void mi_cdecl mi_allocator_done(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+static bool mi_allocator_init(const char** message) {
+  if (message != NULL) *message = NULL;
+  return true;
+static void mi_allocator_done(void) {
+  // nothing to do
+// Called once by the process loader
+static void mi_process_load(void) {
+  mi_heap_main_init();
+  #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(MI_TLS_RECURSE_GUARD)
+  volatile mi_heap_t* dummy = _mi_heap_default; // access TLS to allocate it before setting tls_initialized to true;
+  if (dummy == NULL) return;                    // use dummy or otherwise the access may get optimized away (issue #697)
+  #endif
+  os_preloading = false;
+  mi_assert_internal(_mi_is_main_thread());
+  #if !(defined(_WIN32) && defined(MI_SHARED_LIB))  // use Dll process detach (see below) instead of atexit (issue #521)
+  atexit(&mi_process_done);
+  #endif
+  _mi_options_init();
+  mi_process_setup_auto_thread_done();
+  mi_process_init();
+  if (mi_redirected) _mi_verbose_message("malloc is redirected.\n");
+  // show message from the redirector (if present)
+  const char* msg = NULL;
+  mi_allocator_init(&msg);
+  if (msg != NULL && (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_verbose) || mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_show_errors))) {
+    _mi_fputs(NULL,NULL,NULL,msg);
+  }
+  // reseed random
+  _mi_random_reinit_if_weak(&_mi_heap_main.random);
+#if defined(_WIN32) && (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64))
+#include <intrin.h>
+mi_decl_cache_align bool _mi_cpu_has_fsrm = false;
+static void mi_detect_cpu_features(void) {
+  // FSRM for fast rep movsb support (AMD Zen3+ (~2020) or Intel Ice Lake+ (~2017))
+  int32_t cpu_info[4];
+  __cpuid(cpu_info, 7);
+  _mi_cpu_has_fsrm = ((cpu_info[3] & (1 << 4)) != 0); // bit 4 of EDX : see <,_ECX=0:_Extended_Features>
+static void mi_detect_cpu_features(void) {
+  // nothing
+// Initialize the process; called by thread_init or the process loader
+void mi_process_init(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  // ensure we are called once
+  static mi_atomic_once_t process_init;
+	#if _MSC_VER < 1920
+	mi_heap_main_init(); // vs2017 can dynamically re-initialize _mi_heap_main
+	#endif
+  if (!mi_atomic_once(&process_init)) return;
+  _mi_process_is_initialized = true;
+  _mi_verbose_message("process init: 0x%zx\n", _mi_thread_id());
+  mi_process_setup_auto_thread_done();
+  mi_detect_cpu_features();
+  _mi_os_init();
+  mi_heap_main_init();
+  #if MI_DEBUG
+  _mi_verbose_message("debug level : %d\n", MI_DEBUG);
+  #endif
+  _mi_verbose_message("secure level: %d\n", MI_SECURE);
+  _mi_verbose_message("mem tracking: %s\n", MI_TRACK_TOOL);
+  #if MI_TSAN
+  _mi_verbose_message("thread santizer enabled\n");
+  #endif
+  mi_thread_init();
+  #if defined(_WIN32)
+  // On windows, when building as a static lib the FLS cleanup happens to early for the main thread.
+  // To avoid this, set the FLS value for the main thread to NULL so the fls cleanup
+  // will not call _mi_thread_done on the (still executing) main thread. See issue #508.
+  _mi_prim_thread_associate_default_heap(NULL);
+  #endif
+  mi_stats_reset();  // only call stat reset *after* thread init (or the heap tld == NULL)
+  mi_track_init();
+  if (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_reserve_huge_os_pages)) {
+    size_t pages = mi_option_get_clamp(mi_option_reserve_huge_os_pages, 0, 128*1024);
+    long reserve_at = mi_option_get(mi_option_reserve_huge_os_pages_at);
+    if (reserve_at != -1) {
+      mi_reserve_huge_os_pages_at(pages, reserve_at, pages*500);
+    } else {
+      mi_reserve_huge_os_pages_interleave(pages, 0, pages*500);
+    }
+  }
+  if (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_reserve_os_memory)) {
+    long ksize = mi_option_get(mi_option_reserve_os_memory);
+    if (ksize > 0) {
+      mi_reserve_os_memory((size_t)ksize*MI_KiB, true /* commit? */, true /* allow large pages? */);
+    }
+  }
+// Called when the process is done (through `at_exit`)
+static void mi_cdecl mi_process_done(void) {
+  // only shutdown if we were initialized
+  if (!_mi_process_is_initialized) return;
+  // ensure we are called once
+  static bool process_done = false;
+  if (process_done) return;
+  process_done = true;
+  // release any thread specific resources and ensure _mi_thread_done is called on all but the main thread
+  _mi_prim_thread_done_auto_done();
+    #if (MI_DEBUG || !defined(MI_SHARED_LIB))
+    // free all memory if possible on process exit. This is not needed for a stand-alone process
+    // but should be done if mimalloc is statically linked into another shared library which
+    // is repeatedly loaded/unloaded, see issue #281.
+    mi_collect(true /* force */ );
+    #endif
+  #endif
+  // Forcefully release all retained memory; this can be dangerous in general if overriding regular malloc/free
+  // since after process_done there might still be other code running that calls `free` (like at_exit routines,
+  // or C-runtime termination code.
+  if (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_destroy_on_exit)) {
+    mi_collect(true /* force */);
+    _mi_heap_unsafe_destroy_all();     // forcefully release all memory held by all heaps (of this thread only!)
+    _mi_arena_unsafe_destroy_all(& _mi_heap_main_get()->tld->stats);
+  }
+  if (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_show_stats) || mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_verbose)) {
+    mi_stats_print(NULL);
+  }
+  mi_allocator_done();
+  _mi_verbose_message("process done: 0x%zx\n", _mi_heap_main.thread_id);
+  os_preloading = true; // don't call the C runtime anymore
+#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(MI_SHARED_LIB)
+  // Windows DLL: easy to hook into process_init and thread_done
+  __declspec(dllexport) BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE inst, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) {
+    MI_UNUSED(reserved);
+    MI_UNUSED(inst);
+    if (reason==DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {
+      mi_process_load();
+    }
+    else if (reason==DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) {
+      mi_process_done();
+    }
+    else if (reason==DLL_THREAD_DETACH) {
+      if (!mi_is_redirected()) {
+	mi_thread_done();
+      }
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+  }
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+  // MSVC: use data section magic for static libraries
+  // See <>
+  static int _mi_process_init(void) {
+    mi_process_load();
+    return 0;
+  }
+  typedef int(*_mi_crt_callback_t)(void);
+  #if defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_ARM64)
+    __pragma(comment(linker, "/include:" "_mi_msvc_initu"))
+    #pragma section(".CRT$XIU", long, read)
+  #else
+    __pragma(comment(linker, "/include:" "__mi_msvc_initu"))
+  #endif
+  #pragma data_seg(".CRT$XIU")
+  mi_decl_externc _mi_crt_callback_t _mi_msvc_initu[] = { &_mi_process_init };
+  #pragma data_seg()
+#elif defined(__cplusplus)
+  // C++: use static initialization to detect process start
+  static bool _mi_process_init(void) {
+    mi_process_load();
+    return (_mi_heap_main.thread_id != 0);
+  }
+  static bool mi_initialized = _mi_process_init();
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+  // GCC,Clang: use the constructor attribute
+  static void __attribute__((constructor)) _mi_process_init(void) {
+    mi_process_load();
+  }
+#pragma message("define a way to call mi_process_load on your platform")
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc.h b/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..c0f5e96e51e975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2018-2023, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#pragma once
+#ifndef MIMALLOC_H
+#define MIMALLOC_H
+#define MI_MALLOC_VERSION 212   // major + 2 digits minor
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Compiler specific attributes
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+  #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)  // C++11
+    #define mi_attr_noexcept   noexcept
+  #else
+    #define mi_attr_noexcept   throw()
+  #endif
+  #define mi_attr_noexcept
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201703)
+  #define mi_decl_nodiscard    [[nodiscard]]
+#elif (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)) || defined(__clang__)  // includes clang, icc, and clang-cl
+  #define mi_decl_nodiscard    __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
+#elif defined(_HAS_NODISCARD)
+  #define mi_decl_nodiscard    _NODISCARD
+#elif (_MSC_VER >= 1700)
+  #define mi_decl_nodiscard    _Check_return_
+  #define mi_decl_nodiscard
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
+  #if !defined(MI_SHARED_LIB)
+    #define mi_decl_export
+  #elif defined(MI_SHARED_LIB_EXPORT)
+    #define mi_decl_export              __declspec(dllexport)
+  #else
+    #define mi_decl_export              __declspec(dllimport)
+  #endif
+  #if defined(__MINGW32__)
+    #define mi_decl_restrict
+    #define mi_attr_malloc              __attribute__((malloc))
+  #else
+    #if (_MSC_VER >= 1900) && !defined(__EDG__)
+      #define mi_decl_restrict          __declspec(allocator) __declspec(restrict)
+    #else
+      #define mi_decl_restrict          __declspec(restrict)
+    #endif
+    #define mi_attr_malloc
+  #endif
+  #define mi_cdecl                      __cdecl
+  #define mi_attr_alloc_size(s)
+  #define mi_attr_alloc_size2(s1,s2)
+  #define mi_attr_alloc_align(p)
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)                 // includes clang and icc
+  #if defined(MI_SHARED_LIB) && defined(MI_SHARED_LIB_EXPORT)
+    #define mi_decl_export              __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+  #else
+    #define mi_decl_export
+  #endif
+  #define mi_cdecl                      // leads to warnings... __attribute__((cdecl))
+  #define mi_decl_restrict
+  #define mi_attr_malloc                __attribute__((malloc))
+  #if (defined(__clang_major__) && (__clang_major__ < 4)) || (__GNUC__ < 5)
+    #define mi_attr_alloc_size(s)
+    #define mi_attr_alloc_size2(s1,s2)
+    #define mi_attr_alloc_align(p)
+  #elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+    #define mi_attr_alloc_size(s)       __attribute__((alloc_size(s)))
+    #define mi_attr_alloc_size2(s1,s2)  __attribute__((alloc_size(s1,s2)))
+    #define mi_attr_alloc_align(p)
+  #else
+    #define mi_attr_alloc_size(s)       __attribute__((alloc_size(s)))
+    #define mi_attr_alloc_size2(s1,s2)  __attribute__((alloc_size(s1,s2)))
+    #define mi_attr_alloc_align(p)      __attribute__((alloc_align(p)))
+  #endif
+  #define mi_cdecl
+  #define mi_decl_export
+  #define mi_decl_restrict
+  #define mi_attr_malloc
+  #define mi_attr_alloc_size(s)
+  #define mi_attr_alloc_size2(s1,s2)
+  #define mi_attr_alloc_align(p)
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Includes
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+#include <stddef.h>     // size_t
+#include <stdbool.h>    // bool
+#include <stdint.h>     // INTPTR_MAX
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Standard malloc interface
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_malloc(size_t size)  mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_calloc(size_t count, size_t size)  mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size2(1,2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_realloc(void* p, size_t newsize)      mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
+mi_decl_export void* mi_expand(void* p, size_t newsize)                         mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
+mi_decl_export void mi_free(void* p) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict char* mi_strdup(const char* s) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict char* mi_strndup(const char* s, size_t n) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict char* mi_realpath(const char* fname, char* resolved_name) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc;
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Extended functionality
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+#define MI_SMALL_WSIZE_MAX  (128)
+#define MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX   (MI_SMALL_WSIZE_MAX*sizeof(void*))
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_malloc_small(size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_zalloc_small(size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_zalloc(size_t size)       mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_mallocn(size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size2(1,2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_reallocn(void* p, size_t count, size_t size)        mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size2(2,3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_reallocf(void* p, size_t newsize)                   mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export size_t mi_usable_size(const void* p) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export size_t mi_good_size(size_t size)     mi_attr_noexcept;
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Internals
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+typedef void (mi_cdecl mi_deferred_free_fun)(bool force, unsigned long long heartbeat, void* arg);
+mi_decl_export void mi_register_deferred_free(mi_deferred_free_fun* deferred_free, void* arg) mi_attr_noexcept;
+typedef void (mi_cdecl mi_output_fun)(const char* msg, void* arg);
+mi_decl_export void mi_register_output(mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) mi_attr_noexcept;
+typedef void (mi_cdecl mi_error_fun)(int err, void* arg);
+mi_decl_export void mi_register_error(mi_error_fun* fun, void* arg);
+mi_decl_export void mi_collect(bool force)    mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export int  mi_version(void)          mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export void mi_stats_reset(void)      mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export void mi_stats_merge(void)      mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export void mi_stats_print(void* out) mi_attr_noexcept;  // backward compatibility: `out` is ignored and should be NULL
+mi_decl_export void mi_stats_print_out(mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export void mi_process_init(void)     mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export void mi_thread_init(void)      mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export void mi_thread_done(void)      mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export void mi_thread_stats_print_out(mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export void mi_process_info(size_t* elapsed_msecs, size_t* user_msecs, size_t* system_msecs,
+				    size_t* current_rss, size_t* peak_rss,
+				    size_t* current_commit, size_t* peak_commit, size_t* page_faults) mi_attr_noexcept;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Aligned allocation
+// Note that `alignment` always follows `size` for consistency with unaligned
+// allocation, but unfortunately this differs from `posix_memalign` and `aligned_alloc`.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_malloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1) mi_attr_alloc_align(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_malloc_aligned_at(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_zalloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1) mi_attr_alloc_align(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_zalloc_aligned_at(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_calloc_aligned(size_t count, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size2(1,2) mi_attr_alloc_align(3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_calloc_aligned_at(size_t count, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size2(1,2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_realloc_aligned(void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(2) mi_attr_alloc_align(3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_realloc_aligned_at(void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Heaps: first-class, but can only allocate from the same thread that created it.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+struct mi_heap_s;
+typedef struct mi_heap_s mi_heap_t;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_heap_t* mi_heap_new(void);
+mi_decl_export void       mi_heap_delete(mi_heap_t* heap);
+mi_decl_export void       mi_heap_destroy(mi_heap_t* heap);
+mi_decl_export mi_heap_t* mi_heap_set_default(mi_heap_t* heap);
+mi_decl_export mi_heap_t* mi_heap_get_default(void);
+mi_decl_export mi_heap_t* mi_heap_get_backing(void);
+mi_decl_export void       mi_heap_collect(mi_heap_t* heap, bool force) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_malloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_zalloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_calloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size2(2, 3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_mallocn(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size2(2, 3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_malloc_small(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_heap_realloc(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize)              mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_heap_reallocn(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t count, size_t size)  mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size2(3,4);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_heap_reallocf(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize)             mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict char* mi_heap_strdup(mi_heap_t* heap, const char* s)            mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict char* mi_heap_strndup(mi_heap_t* heap, const char* s, size_t n) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict char* mi_heap_realpath(mi_heap_t* heap, const char* fname, char* resolved_name) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_malloc_aligned(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(2) mi_attr_alloc_align(3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_malloc_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_zalloc_aligned(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(2) mi_attr_alloc_align(3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_zalloc_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_calloc_aligned(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t count, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size2(2, 3) mi_attr_alloc_align(4);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_calloc_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t count, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size2(2, 3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_heap_realloc_aligned(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(3) mi_attr_alloc_align(4);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_heap_realloc_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(3);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Zero initialized re-allocation.
+// Only valid on memory that was originally allocated with zero initialization too.
+// e.g. `mi_calloc`, `mi_zalloc`, `mi_zalloc_aligned` etc.
+// see <>
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_rezalloc(void* p, size_t newsize)                mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_recalloc(void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size)  mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size2(2,3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_rezalloc_aligned(void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(2) mi_attr_alloc_align(3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_rezalloc_aligned_at(void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_recalloc_aligned(void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size2(2,3) mi_attr_alloc_align(4);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_recalloc_aligned_at(void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size2(2,3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_heap_rezalloc(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize)                mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_heap_recalloc(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size)  mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size2(3,4);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_heap_rezalloc_aligned(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(3) mi_attr_alloc_align(4);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_heap_rezalloc_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size(3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_heap_recalloc_aligned(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size2(3,4) mi_attr_alloc_align(5);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_heap_recalloc_aligned_at(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size2(3,4);
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Analysis
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+mi_decl_export bool mi_heap_contains_block(mi_heap_t* heap, const void* p);
+mi_decl_export bool mi_heap_check_owned(mi_heap_t* heap, const void* p);
+mi_decl_export bool mi_check_owned(const void* p);
+// An area of heap space contains blocks of a single size.
+typedef struct mi_heap_area_s {
+  void*  blocks;      // start of the area containing heap blocks
+  size_t reserved;    // bytes reserved for this area (virtual)
+  size_t committed;   // current available bytes for this area
+  size_t used;        // number of allocated blocks
+  size_t block_size;  // size in bytes of each block
+  size_t full_block_size; // size in bytes of a full block including padding and metadata.
+} mi_heap_area_t;
+typedef bool (mi_cdecl mi_block_visit_fun)(const mi_heap_t* heap, const mi_heap_area_t* area, void* block, size_t block_size, void* arg);
+mi_decl_export bool mi_heap_visit_blocks(const mi_heap_t* heap, bool visit_all_blocks, mi_block_visit_fun* visitor, void* arg);
+// Experimental
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export bool mi_is_in_heap_region(const void* p) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export bool mi_is_redirected(void) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export int mi_reserve_huge_os_pages_interleave(size_t pages, size_t numa_nodes, size_t timeout_msecs) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export int mi_reserve_huge_os_pages_at(size_t pages, int numa_node, size_t timeout_msecs) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export int  mi_reserve_os_memory(size_t size, bool commit, bool allow_large) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export bool mi_manage_os_memory(void* start, size_t size, bool is_committed, bool is_large, bool is_zero, int numa_node) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export void mi_debug_show_arenas(void) mi_attr_noexcept;
+// Experimental: heaps associated with specific memory arena's
+typedef int mi_arena_id_t;
+mi_decl_export void* mi_arena_area(mi_arena_id_t arena_id, size_t* size);
+mi_decl_export int   mi_reserve_huge_os_pages_at_ex(size_t pages, int numa_node, size_t timeout_msecs, bool exclusive, mi_arena_id_t* arena_id) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export int   mi_reserve_os_memory_ex(size_t size, bool commit, bool allow_large, bool exclusive, mi_arena_id_t* arena_id) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export bool  mi_manage_os_memory_ex(void* start, size_t size, bool is_committed, bool is_large, bool is_zero, int numa_node, bool exclusive, mi_arena_id_t* arena_id) mi_attr_noexcept;
+// Create a heap that only allocates in the specified arena
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_heap_t* mi_heap_new_in_arena(mi_arena_id_t arena_id);
+// deprecated
+mi_decl_export int  mi_reserve_huge_os_pages(size_t pages, double max_secs, size_t* pages_reserved) mi_attr_noexcept;
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Convenience
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+#define mi_malloc_tp(tp)                ((tp*)mi_malloc(sizeof(tp)))
+#define mi_zalloc_tp(tp)                ((tp*)mi_zalloc(sizeof(tp)))
+#define mi_calloc_tp(tp,n)              ((tp*)mi_calloc(n,sizeof(tp)))
+#define mi_mallocn_tp(tp,n)             ((tp*)mi_mallocn(n,sizeof(tp)))
+#define mi_reallocn_tp(p,tp,n)          ((tp*)mi_reallocn(p,n,sizeof(tp)))
+#define mi_recalloc_tp(p,tp,n)          ((tp*)mi_recalloc(p,n,sizeof(tp)))
+#define mi_heap_malloc_tp(hp,tp)        ((tp*)mi_heap_malloc(hp,sizeof(tp)))
+#define mi_heap_zalloc_tp(hp,tp)        ((tp*)mi_heap_zalloc(hp,sizeof(tp)))
+#define mi_heap_calloc_tp(hp,tp,n)      ((tp*)mi_heap_calloc(hp,n,sizeof(tp)))
+#define mi_heap_mallocn_tp(hp,tp,n)     ((tp*)mi_heap_mallocn(hp,n,sizeof(tp)))
+#define mi_heap_reallocn_tp(hp,p,tp,n)  ((tp*)mi_heap_reallocn(hp,p,n,sizeof(tp)))
+#define mi_heap_recalloc_tp(hp,p,tp,n)  ((tp*)mi_heap_recalloc(hp,p,n,sizeof(tp)))
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Options
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+typedef enum mi_option_e {
+  // stable options
+  mi_option_show_errors,              // print error messages
+  mi_option_show_stats,               // print statistics on termination
+  mi_option_verbose,                  // print verbose messages
+  // the following options are experimental (see src/options.h)
+  mi_option_eager_commit,             // eager commit segments? (after `eager_commit_delay` segments) (=1)
+  mi_option_arena_eager_commit,       // eager commit arenas? Use 2 to enable just on overcommit systems (=2)
+  mi_option_purge_decommits,          // should a memory purge decommit (or only reset) (=1)
+  mi_option_allow_large_os_pages,     // allow large (2MiB) OS pages, implies eager commit
+  mi_option_reserve_huge_os_pages,    // reserve N huge OS pages (1GiB/page) at startup
+  mi_option_reserve_huge_os_pages_at, // reserve huge OS pages at a specific NUMA node
+  mi_option_reserve_os_memory,        // reserve specified amount of OS memory in an arena at startup
+  mi_option_deprecated_segment_cache,
+  mi_option_deprecated_page_reset,
+  mi_option_abandoned_page_purge,     // immediately purge delayed purges on thread termination
+  mi_option_deprecated_segment_reset,
+  mi_option_eager_commit_delay,
+  mi_option_purge_delay,              // memory purging is delayed by N milli seconds; use 0 for immediate purging or -1 for no purging at all.
+  mi_option_use_numa_nodes,           // 0 = use all available numa nodes, otherwise use at most N nodes.
+  mi_option_limit_os_alloc,           // 1 = do not use OS memory for allocation (but only programmatically reserved arenas)
+  mi_option_os_tag,                   // tag used for OS logging (macOS only for now)
+  mi_option_max_errors,               // issue at most N error messages
+  mi_option_max_warnings,             // issue at most N warning messages
+  mi_option_max_segment_reclaim,
+  mi_option_destroy_on_exit,          // if set, release all memory on exit; sometimes used for dynamic unloading but can be unsafe.
+  mi_option_arena_reserve,            // initial memory size in KiB for arena reservation (1GiB on 64-bit)
+  mi_option_arena_purge_mult,
+  mi_option_purge_extend_delay,
+  _mi_option_last,
+  // legacy option names
+  mi_option_large_os_pages = mi_option_allow_large_os_pages,
+  mi_option_eager_region_commit = mi_option_arena_eager_commit,
+  mi_option_reset_decommits = mi_option_purge_decommits,
+  mi_option_reset_delay = mi_option_purge_delay,
+  mi_option_abandoned_page_reset = mi_option_abandoned_page_purge
+} mi_option_t;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export bool mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_t option);
+mi_decl_export void mi_option_enable(mi_option_t option);
+mi_decl_export void mi_option_disable(mi_option_t option);
+mi_decl_export void mi_option_set_enabled(mi_option_t option, bool enable);
+mi_decl_export void mi_option_set_enabled_default(mi_option_t option, bool enable);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export long   mi_option_get(mi_option_t option);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export long   mi_option_get_clamp(mi_option_t option, long min, long max);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export size_t mi_option_get_size(mi_option_t option);
+mi_decl_export void mi_option_set(mi_option_t option, long value);
+mi_decl_export void mi_option_set_default(mi_option_t option, long value);
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// "mi" prefixed implementations of various posix, Unix, Windows, and C++ allocation functions.
+// (This can be convenient when providing overrides of these functions as done in `mimalloc-override.h`.)
+// note: we use `mi_cfree` as "checked free" and it checks if the pointer is in our heap before free-ing.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+mi_decl_export void  mi_cfree(void* p) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export void* mi__expand(void* p, size_t newsize) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export size_t mi_malloc_size(const void* p)        mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export size_t mi_malloc_good_size(size_t size)     mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export size_t mi_malloc_usable_size(const void *p) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export int mi_posix_memalign(void** p, size_t alignment, size_t size)   mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_memalign(size_t alignment, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(2) mi_attr_alloc_align(1);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_valloc(size_t size)  mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_pvalloc(size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_aligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(2) mi_attr_alloc_align(1);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_reallocarray(void* p, size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_alloc_size2(2,3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export int   mi_reallocarr(void* p, size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_aligned_recalloc(void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_aligned_offset_recalloc(void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict unsigned short* mi_wcsdup(const unsigned short* s) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc;
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict unsigned char*  mi_mbsdup(const unsigned char* s)  mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc;
+mi_decl_export int mi_dupenv_s(char** buf, size_t* size, const char* name)                      mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export int mi_wdupenv_s(unsigned short** buf, size_t* size, const unsigned short* name) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export void mi_free_size(void* p, size_t size)                           mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export void mi_free_size_aligned(void* p, size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_decl_export void mi_free_aligned(void* p, size_t alignment)                   mi_attr_noexcept;
+// The `mi_new` wrappers implement C++ semantics on out-of-memory instead of directly returning `NULL`.
+// (and call `std::get_new_handler` and potentially raise a `std::bad_alloc` exception).
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new(size_t size)                   mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1) mi_attr_alloc_align(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new_nothrow(size_t size)           mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new_aligned_nothrow(size_t size, size_t alignment) mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(1) mi_attr_alloc_align(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_new_n(size_t count, size_t size)   mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size2(1, 2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_new_realloc(void* p, size_t newsize)                mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export void* mi_new_reallocn(void* p, size_t newcount, size_t size) mi_attr_alloc_size2(2, 3);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_alloc_new(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size)                mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size(2);
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export mi_decl_restrict void* mi_heap_alloc_new_n(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t count, size_t size) mi_attr_malloc mi_attr_alloc_size2(2, 3);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Implement the C++ std::allocator interface for use in STL containers.
+// (note: see `mimalloc-new-delete.h` for overriding the new/delete operators globally)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <cstddef>     // std::size_t
+#include <cstdint>     // PTRDIFF_MAX
+#if (__cplusplus >= 201103L) || (_MSC_VER > 1900)  // C++11
+#include <type_traits> // std::true_type
+#include <utility>     // std::forward
+template<class T> struct _mi_stl_allocator_common {
+  typedef T                 value_type;
+  typedef std::size_t       size_type;
+  typedef std::ptrdiff_t    difference_type;
+  typedef value_type&       reference;
+  typedef value_type const& const_reference;
+  typedef value_type*       pointer;
+  typedef value_type const* const_pointer;
+  #if ((__cplusplus >= 201103L) || (_MSC_VER > 1900))  // C++11
+  using propagate_on_container_copy_assignment = std::true_type;
+  using propagate_on_container_move_assignment = std::true_type;
+  using propagate_on_container_swap            = std::true_type;
+  template <class U, class ...Args> void construct(U* p, Args&& ...args) { ::new(p) U(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
+  template <class U> void destroy(U* p) mi_attr_noexcept { p->~U(); }
+  #else
+  void construct(pointer p, value_type const& val) { ::new(p) value_type(val); }
+  void destroy(pointer p) { p->~value_type(); }
+  #endif
+  size_type     max_size() const mi_attr_noexcept { return (PTRDIFF_MAX/sizeof(value_type)); }
+  pointer       address(reference x) const        { return &x; }
+  const_pointer address(const_reference x) const  { return &x; }
+template<class T> struct mi_stl_allocator : public _mi_stl_allocator_common<T> {
+  using typename _mi_stl_allocator_common<T>::size_type;
+  using typename _mi_stl_allocator_common<T>::value_type;
+  using typename _mi_stl_allocator_common<T>::pointer;
+  template <class U> struct rebind { typedef mi_stl_allocator<U> other; };
+  mi_stl_allocator()                                             mi_attr_noexcept = default;
+  mi_stl_allocator(const mi_stl_allocator&)                      mi_attr_noexcept = default;
+  template<class U> mi_stl_allocator(const mi_stl_allocator<U>&) mi_attr_noexcept { }
+  mi_stl_allocator  select_on_container_copy_construction() const { return *this; }
+  void              deallocate(T* p, size_type) { mi_free(p); }
+  #if (__cplusplus >= 201703L)  // C++17
+  mi_decl_nodiscard T* allocate(size_type count) { return static_cast<T*>(mi_new_n(count, sizeof(T))); }
+  mi_decl_nodiscard T* allocate(size_type count, const void*) { return allocate(count); }
+  #else
+  mi_decl_nodiscard pointer allocate(size_type count, const void* = 0) { return static_cast<pointer>(mi_new_n(count, sizeof(value_type))); }
+  #endif
+  #if ((__cplusplus >= 201103L) || (_MSC_VER > 1900))  // C++11
+  using is_always_equal = std::true_type;
+  #endif
+template<class T1,class T2> bool operator==(const mi_stl_allocator<T1>& , const mi_stl_allocator<T2>& ) mi_attr_noexcept { return true; }
+template<class T1,class T2> bool operator!=(const mi_stl_allocator<T1>& , const mi_stl_allocator<T2>& ) mi_attr_noexcept { return false; }
+#if (__cplusplus >= 201103L) || (_MSC_VER >= 1900)  // C++11
+#include <memory>      // std::shared_ptr
+// Common base class for STL allocators in a specific heap
+template<class T, bool _mi_destroy> struct _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common : public _mi_stl_allocator_common<T> {
+  using typename _mi_stl_allocator_common<T>::size_type;
+  using typename _mi_stl_allocator_common<T>::value_type;
+  using typename _mi_stl_allocator_common<T>::pointer;
+  _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common(mi_heap_t* hp) : heap(hp) { }    /* will not delete nor destroy the passed in heap */
+  #if (__cplusplus >= 201703L)  // C++17
+  mi_decl_nodiscard T* allocate(size_type count) { return static_cast<T*>(mi_heap_alloc_new_n(this->heap.get(), count, sizeof(T))); }
+  mi_decl_nodiscard T* allocate(size_type count, const void*) { return allocate(count); }
+  #else
+  mi_decl_nodiscard pointer allocate(size_type count, const void* = 0) { return static_cast<pointer>(mi_heap_alloc_new_n(this->heap.get(), count, sizeof(value_type))); }
+  #endif
+  #if ((__cplusplus >= 201103L) || (_MSC_VER > 1900))  // C++11
+  using is_always_equal = std::false_type;
+  #endif
+  void collect(bool force) { mi_heap_collect(this->heap.get(), force); }
+  template<class U> bool is_equal(const _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<U, _mi_destroy>& x) const { return (this->heap == x.heap); }
+  std::shared_ptr<mi_heap_t> heap;
+  template<class U, bool D> friend struct _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common;
+  _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common() {
+    mi_heap_t* hp = mi_heap_new();
+    this->heap.reset(hp, (_mi_destroy ? &heap_destroy : &heap_delete));  /* calls heap_delete/destroy when the refcount drops to zero */
+  }
+  _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common(const _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common& x) mi_attr_noexcept : heap(x.heap) { }
+  template<class U> _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common(const _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<U, _mi_destroy>& x) mi_attr_noexcept : heap(x.heap) { }
+  static void heap_delete(mi_heap_t* hp)  { if (hp != NULL) { mi_heap_delete(hp); } }
+  static void heap_destroy(mi_heap_t* hp) { if (hp != NULL) { mi_heap_destroy(hp); } }
+// STL allocator allocation in a specific heap
+template<class T> struct mi_heap_stl_allocator : public _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, false> {
+  using typename _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, false>::size_type;
+  mi_heap_stl_allocator() : _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, false>() { } // creates fresh heap that is deleted when the destructor is called
+  mi_heap_stl_allocator(mi_heap_t* hp) : _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, false>(hp) { }  // no delete nor destroy on the passed in heap
+  template<class U> mi_heap_stl_allocator(const mi_heap_stl_allocator<U>& x) mi_attr_noexcept : _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, false>(x) { }
+  mi_heap_stl_allocator select_on_container_copy_construction() const { return *this; }
+  void deallocate(T* p, size_type) { mi_free(p); }
+  template<class U> struct rebind { typedef mi_heap_stl_allocator<U> other; };
+template<class T1, class T2> bool operator==(const mi_heap_stl_allocator<T1>& x, const mi_heap_stl_allocator<T2>& y) mi_attr_noexcept { return (x.is_equal(y)); }
+template<class T1, class T2> bool operator!=(const mi_heap_stl_allocator<T1>& x, const mi_heap_stl_allocator<T2>& y) mi_attr_noexcept { return (!x.is_equal(y)); }
+// STL allocator allocation in a specific heap, where `free` does nothing and
+// the heap is destroyed in one go on destruction -- use with care!
+template<class T> struct mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator : public _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, true> {
+  using typename _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, true>::size_type;
+  mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator() : _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, true>() { } // creates fresh heap that is destroyed when the destructor is called
+  mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator(mi_heap_t* hp) : _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, true>(hp) { }  // no delete nor destroy on the passed in heap
+  template<class U> mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator(const mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator<U>& x) mi_attr_noexcept : _mi_heap_stl_allocator_common<T, true>(x) { }
+  mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator select_on_container_copy_construction() const { return *this; }
+  void deallocate(T*, size_type) { /* do nothing as we destroy the heap on destruct. */ }
+  template<class U> struct rebind { typedef mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator<U> other; };
+template<class T1, class T2> bool operator==(const mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator<T1>& x, const mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator<T2>& y) mi_attr_noexcept { return (x.is_equal(y)); }
+template<class T1, class T2> bool operator!=(const mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator<T1>& x, const mi_heap_destroy_stl_allocator<T2>& y) mi_attr_noexcept { return (!x.is_equal(y)); }
+#endif // C++11
+#endif // __cplusplus
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/atomic.h b/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/atomic.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..c6b8146ffdb049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/atomic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#pragma once
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Atomics
+// We need to be portable between C, C++, and MSVC.
+// We base the primitives on the C/C++ atomics and create a mimimal wrapper for MSVC in C compilation mode.
+// This is why we try to use only `uintptr_t` and `<type>*` as atomic types.
+// To gain better insight in the range of used atomics, we use explicitly named memory order operations
+// instead of passing the memory order as a parameter.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+// Use C++ atomics
+#include <atomic>
+#define  _Atomic(tp)            std::atomic<tp>
+#define  mi_atomic(name)        std::atomic_##name
+#define  mi_memory_order(name)  std::memory_order_##name
+#if !defined(ATOMIC_VAR_INIT) || (__cplusplus >= 202002L) // c++20, see issue #571
+ #define MI_ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(x)  x
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+// Use MSVC C wrapper for C11 atomics
+#define  _Atomic(tp)            tp
+#define  MI_ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(x)  x
+#define  mi_atomic(name)        mi_atomic_##name
+#define  mi_memory_order(name)  mi_memory_order_##name
+// Use C11 atomics
+#include <stdatomic.h>
+#define  mi_atomic(name)        atomic_##name
+#define  mi_memory_order(name)  memory_order_##name
+#if !defined(ATOMIC_VAR_INIT) || (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 201710L) // c17, see issue #735
+ #define MI_ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(x) x
+// Various defines for all used memory orders in mimalloc
+#define mi_atomic_cas_weak(p,expected,desired,mem_success,mem_fail)  \
+  mi_atomic(compare_exchange_weak_explicit)(p,expected,desired,mem_success,mem_fail)
+#define mi_atomic_cas_strong(p,expected,desired,mem_success,mem_fail)  \
+  mi_atomic(compare_exchange_strong_explicit)(p,expected,desired,mem_success,mem_fail)
+#define mi_atomic_load_acquire(p)                mi_atomic(load_explicit)(p,mi_memory_order(acquire))
+#define mi_atomic_load_relaxed(p)                mi_atomic(load_explicit)(p,mi_memory_order(relaxed))
+#define mi_atomic_store_release(p,x)             mi_atomic(store_explicit)(p,x,mi_memory_order(release))
+#define mi_atomic_store_relaxed(p,x)             mi_atomic(store_explicit)(p,x,mi_memory_order(relaxed))
+#define mi_atomic_exchange_release(p,x)          mi_atomic(exchange_explicit)(p,x,mi_memory_order(release))
+#define mi_atomic_exchange_acq_rel(p,x)          mi_atomic(exchange_explicit)(p,x,mi_memory_order(acq_rel))
+#define mi_atomic_cas_weak_release(p,exp,des)    mi_atomic_cas_weak(p,exp,des,mi_memory_order(release),mi_memory_order(relaxed))
+#define mi_atomic_cas_weak_acq_rel(p,exp,des)    mi_atomic_cas_weak(p,exp,des,mi_memory_order(acq_rel),mi_memory_order(acquire))
+#define mi_atomic_cas_strong_release(p,exp,des)  mi_atomic_cas_strong(p,exp,des,mi_memory_order(release),mi_memory_order(relaxed))
+#define mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(p,exp,des)  mi_atomic_cas_strong(p,exp,des,mi_memory_order(acq_rel),mi_memory_order(acquire))
+#define mi_atomic_add_relaxed(p,x)               mi_atomic(fetch_add_explicit)(p,x,mi_memory_order(relaxed))
+#define mi_atomic_sub_relaxed(p,x)               mi_atomic(fetch_sub_explicit)(p,x,mi_memory_order(relaxed))
+#define mi_atomic_add_acq_rel(p,x)               mi_atomic(fetch_add_explicit)(p,x,mi_memory_order(acq_rel))
+#define mi_atomic_sub_acq_rel(p,x)               mi_atomic(fetch_sub_explicit)(p,x,mi_memory_order(acq_rel))
+#define mi_atomic_and_acq_rel(p,x)               mi_atomic(fetch_and_explicit)(p,x,mi_memory_order(acq_rel))
+#define mi_atomic_or_acq_rel(p,x)                mi_atomic(fetch_or_explicit)(p,x,mi_memory_order(acq_rel))
+#define mi_atomic_increment_relaxed(p)           mi_atomic_add_relaxed(p,(uintptr_t)1)
+#define mi_atomic_decrement_relaxed(p)           mi_atomic_sub_relaxed(p,(uintptr_t)1)
+#define mi_atomic_increment_acq_rel(p)           mi_atomic_add_acq_rel(p,(uintptr_t)1)
+#define mi_atomic_decrement_acq_rel(p)           mi_atomic_sub_acq_rel(p,(uintptr_t)1)
+static inline void mi_atomic_yield(void);
+static inline intptr_t mi_atomic_addi(_Atomic(intptr_t)*p, intptr_t add);
+static inline intptr_t mi_atomic_subi(_Atomic(intptr_t)*p, intptr_t sub);
+#if defined(__cplusplus) || !defined(_MSC_VER)
+// In C++/C11 atomics we have polymorphic atomics so can use the typed `ptr` variants (where `tp` is the type of atomic value)
+// We use these macros so we can provide a typed wrapper in MSVC in C compilation mode as well
+#define mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(tp,p)                mi_atomic_load_acquire(p)
+#define mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(tp,p)                mi_atomic_load_relaxed(p)
+// In C++ we need to add casts to help resolve templates if NULL is passed
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#define mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(tp,p,x)             mi_atomic_store_release(p,(tp*)x)
+#define mi_atomic_store_ptr_relaxed(tp,p,x)             mi_atomic_store_relaxed(p,(tp*)x)
+#define mi_atomic_cas_ptr_weak_release(tp,p,exp,des)    mi_atomic_cas_weak_release(p,exp,(tp*)des)
+#define mi_atomic_cas_ptr_weak_acq_rel(tp,p,exp,des)    mi_atomic_cas_weak_acq_rel(p,exp,(tp*)des)
+#define mi_atomic_cas_ptr_strong_release(tp,p,exp,des)  mi_atomic_cas_strong_release(p,exp,(tp*)des)
+#define mi_atomic_exchange_ptr_release(tp,p,x)          mi_atomic_exchange_release(p,(tp*)x)
+#define mi_atomic_exchange_ptr_acq_rel(tp,p,x)          mi_atomic_exchange_acq_rel(p,(tp*)x)
+#define mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(tp,p,x)             mi_atomic_store_release(p,x)
+#define mi_atomic_store_ptr_relaxed(tp,p,x)             mi_atomic_store_relaxed(p,x)
+#define mi_atomic_cas_ptr_weak_release(tp,p,exp,des)    mi_atomic_cas_weak_release(p,exp,des)
+#define mi_atomic_cas_ptr_weak_acq_rel(tp,p,exp,des)    mi_atomic_cas_weak_acq_rel(p,exp,des)
+#define mi_atomic_cas_ptr_strong_release(tp,p,exp,des)  mi_atomic_cas_strong_release(p,exp,des)
+#define mi_atomic_exchange_ptr_release(tp,p,x)          mi_atomic_exchange_release(p,x)
+#define mi_atomic_exchange_ptr_acq_rel(tp,p,x)          mi_atomic_exchange_acq_rel(p,x)
+// These are used by the statistics
+static inline int64_t mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed(volatile int64_t* p, int64_t add) {
+  return mi_atomic(fetch_add_explicit)((_Atomic(int64_t)*)p, add, mi_memory_order(relaxed));
+static inline void mi_atomic_maxi64_relaxed(volatile int64_t* p, int64_t x) {
+  int64_t current = mi_atomic_load_relaxed((_Atomic(int64_t)*)p);
+  while (current < x && !mi_atomic_cas_weak_release((_Atomic(int64_t)*)p, &current, x)) { /* nothing */ };
+// Used by timers
+#define mi_atomic_loadi64_acquire(p)            mi_atomic(load_explicit)(p,mi_memory_order(acquire))
+#define mi_atomic_loadi64_relaxed(p)            mi_atomic(load_explicit)(p,mi_memory_order(relaxed))
+#define mi_atomic_storei64_release(p,x)         mi_atomic(store_explicit)(p,x,mi_memory_order(release))
+#define mi_atomic_storei64_relaxed(p,x)         mi_atomic(store_explicit)(p,x,mi_memory_order(relaxed))
+#define mi_atomic_casi64_strong_acq_rel(p,e,d)  mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(p,e,d)
+#define mi_atomic_addi64_acq_rel(p,i)           mi_atomic_add_acq_rel(p,i)
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+// MSVC C compilation wrapper that uses Interlocked operations to model C11 atomics.
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <intrin.h>
+#ifdef _WIN64
+typedef LONG64   msc_intptr_t;
+#define MI_64(f) f##64
+typedef LONG     msc_intptr_t;
+#define MI_64(f) f
+typedef enum mi_memory_order_e {
+  mi_memory_order_relaxed,
+  mi_memory_order_consume,
+  mi_memory_order_acquire,
+  mi_memory_order_release,
+  mi_memory_order_acq_rel,
+  mi_memory_order_seq_cst
+} mi_memory_order;
+static inline uintptr_t mi_atomic_fetch_add_explicit(_Atomic(uintptr_t)*p, uintptr_t add, mi_memory_order mo) {
+  (void)(mo);
+  return (uintptr_t)MI_64(_InterlockedExchangeAdd)((volatile msc_intptr_t*)p, (msc_intptr_t)add);
+static inline uintptr_t mi_atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(_Atomic(uintptr_t)*p, uintptr_t sub, mi_memory_order mo) {
+  (void)(mo);
+  return (uintptr_t)MI_64(_InterlockedExchangeAdd)((volatile msc_intptr_t*)p, -((msc_intptr_t)sub));
+static inline uintptr_t mi_atomic_fetch_and_explicit(_Atomic(uintptr_t)*p, uintptr_t x, mi_memory_order mo) {
+  (void)(mo);
+  return (uintptr_t)MI_64(_InterlockedAnd)((volatile msc_intptr_t*)p, (msc_intptr_t)x);
+static inline uintptr_t mi_atomic_fetch_or_explicit(_Atomic(uintptr_t)*p, uintptr_t x, mi_memory_order mo) {
+  (void)(mo);
+  return (uintptr_t)MI_64(_InterlockedOr)((volatile msc_intptr_t*)p, (msc_intptr_t)x);
+static inline bool mi_atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(_Atomic(uintptr_t)*p, uintptr_t* expected, uintptr_t desired, mi_memory_order mo1, mi_memory_order mo2) {
+  (void)(mo1); (void)(mo2);
+  uintptr_t read = (uintptr_t)MI_64(_InterlockedCompareExchange)((volatile msc_intptr_t*)p, (msc_intptr_t)desired, (msc_intptr_t)(*expected));
+  if (read == *expected) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  else {
+    *expected = read;
+    return false;
+  }
+static inline bool mi_atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(_Atomic(uintptr_t)*p, uintptr_t* expected, uintptr_t desired, mi_memory_order mo1, mi_memory_order mo2) {
+  return mi_atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(p, expected, desired, mo1, mo2);
+static inline uintptr_t mi_atomic_exchange_explicit(_Atomic(uintptr_t)*p, uintptr_t exchange, mi_memory_order mo) {
+  (void)(mo);
+  return (uintptr_t)MI_64(_InterlockedExchange)((volatile msc_intptr_t*)p, (msc_intptr_t)exchange);
+static inline void mi_atomic_thread_fence(mi_memory_order mo) {
+  (void)(mo);
+  _Atomic(uintptr_t) x = 0;
+  mi_atomic_exchange_explicit(&x, 1, mo);
+static inline uintptr_t mi_atomic_load_explicit(_Atomic(uintptr_t) const* p, mi_memory_order mo) {
+  (void)(mo);
+#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64)
+  return *p;
+  uintptr_t x = *p;
+  if (mo > mi_memory_order_relaxed) {
+    while (!mi_atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(p, &x, x, mo, mi_memory_order_relaxed)) { /* nothing */ };
+  }
+  return x;
+static inline void mi_atomic_store_explicit(_Atomic(uintptr_t)*p, uintptr_t x, mi_memory_order mo) {
+  (void)(mo);
+#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64)
+  *p = x;
+  mi_atomic_exchange_explicit(p, x, mo);
+static inline int64_t mi_atomic_loadi64_explicit(_Atomic(int64_t)*p, mi_memory_order mo) {
+  (void)(mo);
+#if defined(_M_X64)
+  return *p;
+  int64_t old = *p;
+  int64_t x = old;
+  while ((old = InterlockedCompareExchange64(p, x, old)) != x) {
+    x = old;
+  }
+  return x;
+static inline void mi_atomic_storei64_explicit(_Atomic(int64_t)*p, int64_t x, mi_memory_order mo) {
+  (void)(mo);
+#if defined(x_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64)
+  *p = x;
+  InterlockedExchange64(p, x);
+// These are used by the statistics
+static inline int64_t mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed(volatile _Atomic(int64_t)*p, int64_t add) {
+#ifdef _WIN64
+  return (int64_t)mi_atomic_addi((int64_t*)p, add);
+  int64_t current;
+  int64_t sum;
+  do {
+    current = *p;
+    sum = current + add;
+  } while (_InterlockedCompareExchange64(p, sum, current) != current);
+  return current;
+static inline void mi_atomic_maxi64_relaxed(volatile _Atomic(int64_t)*p, int64_t x) {
+  int64_t current;
+  do {
+    current = *p;
+  } while (current < x && _InterlockedCompareExchange64(p, x, current) != current);
+static inline void mi_atomic_addi64_acq_rel(volatile _Atomic(int64_t*)p, int64_t i) {
+  mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed(p, i);
+static inline bool mi_atomic_casi64_strong_acq_rel(volatile _Atomic(int64_t*)p, int64_t* exp, int64_t des) {
+  int64_t read = _InterlockedCompareExchange64(p, des, *exp);
+  if (read == *exp) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  else {
+    *exp = read;
+    return false;
+  }
+// The pointer macros cast to `uintptr_t`.
+#define mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(tp,p)                (tp*)mi_atomic_load_acquire((_Atomic(uintptr_t)*)(p))
+#define mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(tp,p)                (tp*)mi_atomic_load_relaxed((_Atomic(uintptr_t)*)(p))
+#define mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(tp,p,x)             mi_atomic_store_release((_Atomic(uintptr_t)*)(p),(uintptr_t)(x))
+#define mi_atomic_store_ptr_relaxed(tp,p,x)             mi_atomic_store_relaxed((_Atomic(uintptr_t)*)(p),(uintptr_t)(x))
+#define mi_atomic_cas_ptr_weak_release(tp,p,exp,des)    mi_atomic_cas_weak_release((_Atomic(uintptr_t)*)(p),(uintptr_t*)exp,(uintptr_t)des)
+#define mi_atomic_cas_ptr_weak_acq_rel(tp,p,exp,des)    mi_atomic_cas_weak_acq_rel((_Atomic(uintptr_t)*)(p),(uintptr_t*)exp,(uintptr_t)des)
+#define mi_atomic_cas_ptr_strong_release(tp,p,exp,des)  mi_atomic_cas_strong_release((_Atomic(uintptr_t)*)(p),(uintptr_t*)exp,(uintptr_t)des)
+#define mi_atomic_exchange_ptr_release(tp,p,x)          (tp*)mi_atomic_exchange_release((_Atomic(uintptr_t)*)(p),(uintptr_t)x)
+#define mi_atomic_exchange_ptr_acq_rel(tp,p,x)          (tp*)mi_atomic_exchange_acq_rel((_Atomic(uintptr_t)*)(p),(uintptr_t)x)
+#define mi_atomic_loadi64_acquire(p)    mi_atomic(loadi64_explicit)(p,mi_memory_order(acquire))
+#define mi_atomic_loadi64_relaxed(p)    mi_atomic(loadi64_explicit)(p,mi_memory_order(relaxed))
+#define mi_atomic_storei64_release(p,x) mi_atomic(storei64_explicit)(p,x,mi_memory_order(release))
+#define mi_atomic_storei64_relaxed(p,x) mi_atomic(storei64_explicit)(p,x,mi_memory_order(relaxed))
+// Atomically add a signed value; returns the previous value.
+static inline intptr_t mi_atomic_addi(_Atomic(intptr_t)*p, intptr_t add) {
+  return (intptr_t)mi_atomic_add_acq_rel((_Atomic(uintptr_t)*)p, (uintptr_t)add);
+// Atomically subtract a signed value; returns the previous value.
+static inline intptr_t mi_atomic_subi(_Atomic(intptr_t)*p, intptr_t sub) {
+  return (intptr_t)mi_atomic_addi(p, -sub);
+typedef _Atomic(uintptr_t) mi_atomic_once_t;
+// Returns true only on the first invocation
+static inline bool mi_atomic_once( mi_atomic_once_t* once ) {
+  if (mi_atomic_load_relaxed(once) != 0) return false;     // quick test
+  uintptr_t expected = 0;
+  return mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(once, &expected, (uintptr_t)1); // try to set to 1
+typedef _Atomic(uintptr_t) mi_atomic_guard_t;
+// Allows only one thread to execute at a time
+#define mi_atomic_guard(guard) \
+  uintptr_t _mi_guard_expected = 0; \
+  for(bool _mi_guard_once = true; \
+      _mi_guard_once && mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(guard,&_mi_guard_expected,(uintptr_t)1); \
+      (mi_atomic_store_release(guard,(uintptr_t)0), _mi_guard_once = false) )
+// Yield
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#include <thread>
+static inline void mi_atomic_yield(void) {
+  std::this_thread::yield();
+#elif defined(_WIN32)
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <windows.h>
+static inline void mi_atomic_yield(void) {
+  YieldProcessor();
+#elif defined(__SSE2__)
+#include <emmintrin.h>
+static inline void mi_atomic_yield(void) {
+  _mm_pause();
+#elif (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)) && \
+      (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__armel__) || defined(__ARMEL__) || \
+       defined(__aarch64__) || defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__PPC__)) || defined(__POWERPC__)
+#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
+static inline void mi_atomic_yield(void) {
+  __asm__ volatile ("pause" ::: "memory");
+#elif defined(__aarch64__)
+static inline void mi_atomic_yield(void) {
+  __asm__ volatile("wfe");
+#elif (defined(__arm__) && __ARM_ARCH__ >= 7)
+static inline void mi_atomic_yield(void) {
+  __asm__ volatile("yield" ::: "memory");
+#elif defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__) || defined(__PPC__) || defined(__POWERPC__)
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+static inline void mi_atomic_yield(void) {
+  __asm__ volatile ("or r27,r27,r27" ::: "memory");
+static inline void mi_atomic_yield(void) {
+  __asm__ __volatile__ ("or 27,27,27" ::: "memory");
+#elif defined(__armel__) || defined(__ARMEL__)
+static inline void mi_atomic_yield(void) {
+  __asm__ volatile ("nop" ::: "memory");
+#elif defined(__sun)
+// Fallback for other archs
+#include <synch.h>
+static inline void mi_atomic_yield(void) {
+  smt_pause();
+#elif defined(__wasi__)
+#include <sched.h>
+static inline void mi_atomic_yield(void) {
+  sched_yield();
+#include <unistd.h>
+static inline void mi_atomic_yield(void) {
+  sleep(0);
+#endif // __MIMALLOC_ATOMIC_H
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/internal.h b/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/internal.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..f076bc6a40f977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/internal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,979 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2018-2023, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#pragma once
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This file contains the interal API's of mimalloc and various utility
+// functions and macros.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "mimalloc/types.h"
+#include "mimalloc/track.h"
+#if (MI_DEBUG>0)
+#define mi_trace_message(...)  _mi_trace_message(__VA_ARGS__)
+#define mi_trace_message(...)
+#define MI_CACHE_LINE          64
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma warning(disable:4127)   // suppress constant conditional warning (due to MI_SECURE paths)
+#pragma warning(disable:26812)  // unscoped enum warning
+#define mi_decl_noinline        __declspec(noinline)
+#define mi_decl_thread          __declspec(thread)
+#define mi_decl_cache_align     __declspec(align(MI_CACHE_LINE))
+#elif (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 3)) || defined(__clang__) // includes clang and icc
+#define mi_decl_noinline        __attribute__((noinline))
+#define mi_decl_thread          __thread
+#define mi_decl_cache_align     __attribute__((aligned(MI_CACHE_LINE)))
+#define mi_decl_noinline
+#define mi_decl_thread          __thread        // hope for the best :-)
+#define mi_decl_cache_align
+#if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) && !defined(__wasi__)
+#define __wasi__
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#define mi_decl_externc       extern "C"
+#define mi_decl_externc
+// pthreads
+#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__wasi__)
+#include <pthread.h>
+// "options.c"
+void       _mi_fputs(mi_output_fun* out, void* arg, const char* prefix, const char* message);
+void       _mi_fprintf(mi_output_fun* out, void* arg, const char* fmt, ...);
+void       _mi_warning_message(const char* fmt, ...);
+void       _mi_verbose_message(const char* fmt, ...);
+void       _mi_trace_message(const char* fmt, ...);
+void       _mi_options_init(void);
+void       _mi_error_message(int err, const char* fmt, ...);
+// random.c
+void       _mi_random_init(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx);
+void       _mi_random_init_weak(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx);
+void       _mi_random_reinit_if_weak(mi_random_ctx_t * ctx);
+void       _mi_random_split(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx, mi_random_ctx_t* new_ctx);
+uintptr_t  _mi_random_next(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx);
+uintptr_t  _mi_heap_random_next(mi_heap_t* heap);
+uintptr_t  _mi_os_random_weak(uintptr_t extra_seed);
+static inline uintptr_t _mi_random_shuffle(uintptr_t x);
+// init.c
+extern mi_decl_cache_align mi_stats_t       _mi_stats_main;
+extern mi_decl_cache_align const mi_page_t  _mi_page_empty;
+bool       _mi_is_main_thread(void);
+size_t     _mi_current_thread_count(void);
+bool       _mi_preloading(void);           // true while the C runtime is not initialized yet
+mi_threadid_t _mi_thread_id(void) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_heap_t*    _mi_heap_main_get(void);     // statically allocated main backing heap
+void       _mi_thread_done(mi_heap_t* heap);
+void       _mi_thread_data_collect(void);
+// os.c
+void       _mi_os_init(void);                                            // called from process init
+void*      _mi_os_alloc(size_t size, mi_memid_t* memid, mi_stats_t* stats);
+void       _mi_os_free(void* p, size_t size, mi_memid_t memid, mi_stats_t* stats);
+void       _mi_os_free_ex(void* p, size_t size, bool still_committed, mi_memid_t memid, mi_stats_t* stats);
+size_t     _mi_os_page_size(void);
+size_t     _mi_os_good_alloc_size(size_t size);
+bool       _mi_os_has_overcommit(void);
+bool       _mi_os_has_virtual_reserve(void);
+bool       _mi_os_purge(void* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats);
+bool       _mi_os_reset(void* addr, size_t size, mi_stats_t* tld_stats);
+bool       _mi_os_commit(void* p, size_t size, bool* is_zero, mi_stats_t* stats);
+bool       _mi_os_decommit(void* addr, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats);
+bool       _mi_os_protect(void* addr, size_t size);
+bool       _mi_os_unprotect(void* addr, size_t size);
+bool       _mi_os_purge(void* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats);
+bool       _mi_os_purge_ex(void* p, size_t size, bool allow_reset, mi_stats_t* stats);
+void*      _mi_os_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool commit, bool allow_large, mi_memid_t* memid, mi_stats_t* stats);
+void*      _mi_os_alloc_aligned_at_offset(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t align_offset, bool commit, bool allow_large, mi_memid_t* memid, mi_stats_t* tld_stats);
+void*      _mi_os_get_aligned_hint(size_t try_alignment, size_t size);
+bool       _mi_os_use_large_page(size_t size, size_t alignment);
+size_t     _mi_os_large_page_size(void);
+void*      _mi_os_alloc_huge_os_pages(size_t pages, int numa_node, mi_msecs_t max_secs, size_t* pages_reserved, size_t* psize, mi_memid_t* memid);
+// arena.c
+mi_arena_id_t _mi_arena_id_none(void);
+void       _mi_arena_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t still_committed_size, mi_memid_t memid, mi_stats_t* stats);
+void*      _mi_arena_alloc(size_t size, bool commit, bool allow_large, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_memid_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld);
+void*      _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t align_offset, bool commit, bool allow_large, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_memid_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld);
+bool       _mi_arena_memid_is_suitable(mi_memid_t memid, mi_arena_id_t request_arena_id);
+bool       _mi_arena_contains(const void* p);
+void       _mi_arena_collect(bool force_purge, mi_stats_t* stats);
+void       _mi_arena_unsafe_destroy_all(mi_stats_t* stats);
+// "segment-map.c"
+void       _mi_segment_map_allocated_at(const mi_segment_t* segment);
+void       _mi_segment_map_freed_at(const mi_segment_t* segment);
+// "segment.c"
+mi_page_t* _mi_segment_page_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t block_size, size_t page_alignment, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld);
+void       _mi_segment_page_free(mi_page_t* page, bool force, mi_segments_tld_t* tld);
+void       _mi_segment_page_abandon(mi_page_t* page, mi_segments_tld_t* tld);
+bool       _mi_segment_try_reclaim_abandoned( mi_heap_t* heap, bool try_all, mi_segments_tld_t* tld);
+void       _mi_segment_thread_collect(mi_segments_tld_t* tld);
+void       _mi_segment_huge_page_free(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_page_t* page, mi_block_t* block);
+void       _mi_segment_huge_page_reset(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_page_t* page, mi_block_t* block);
+uint8_t*   _mi_segment_page_start(const mi_segment_t* segment, const mi_page_t* page, size_t* page_size); // page start for any page
+void       _mi_abandoned_reclaim_all(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_segments_tld_t* tld);
+void       _mi_abandoned_await_readers(void);
+void       _mi_abandoned_collect(mi_heap_t* heap, bool force, mi_segments_tld_t* tld);
+// "page.c"
+void*      _mi_malloc_generic(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero, size_t huge_alignment)  mi_attr_noexcept mi_attr_malloc;
+void       _mi_page_retire(mi_page_t* page) mi_attr_noexcept;                  // free the page if there are no other pages with many free blocks
+void       _mi_page_unfull(mi_page_t* page);
+void       _mi_page_free(mi_page_t* page, mi_page_queue_t* pq, bool force);   // free the page
+void       _mi_page_abandon(mi_page_t* page, mi_page_queue_t* pq);            // abandon the page, to be picked up by another thread...
+void       _mi_heap_delayed_free_all(mi_heap_t* heap);
+bool       _mi_heap_delayed_free_partial(mi_heap_t* heap);
+void       _mi_heap_collect_retired(mi_heap_t* heap, bool force);
+void       _mi_page_use_delayed_free(mi_page_t* page, mi_delayed_t delay, bool override_never);
+bool       _mi_page_try_use_delayed_free(mi_page_t* page, mi_delayed_t delay, bool override_never);
+size_t     _mi_page_queue_append(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, mi_page_queue_t* append);
+void       _mi_deferred_free(mi_heap_t* heap, bool force);
+void       _mi_page_free_collect(mi_page_t* page,bool force);
+void       _mi_page_reclaim(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page);   // callback from segments
+size_t     _mi_bin_size(uint8_t bin);           // for stats
+uint8_t    _mi_bin(size_t size);                // for stats
+// "heap.c"
+void       _mi_heap_destroy_pages(mi_heap_t* heap);
+void       _mi_heap_collect_abandon(mi_heap_t* heap);
+void       _mi_heap_set_default_direct(mi_heap_t* heap);
+bool       _mi_heap_memid_is_suitable(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_memid_t memid);
+void       _mi_heap_unsafe_destroy_all(void);
+// "stats.c"
+void       _mi_stats_done(mi_stats_t* stats);
+mi_msecs_t  _mi_clock_now(void);
+mi_msecs_t  _mi_clock_end(mi_msecs_t start);
+mi_msecs_t  _mi_clock_start(void);
+// "alloc.c"
+void*       _mi_page_malloc(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page, size_t size, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept;  // called from `_mi_malloc_generic`
+void*       _mi_heap_malloc_zero(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept;
+void*       _mi_heap_malloc_zero_ex(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero, size_t huge_alignment) mi_attr_noexcept;     // called from `_mi_heap_malloc_aligned`
+void*       _mi_heap_realloc_zero(mi_heap_t* heap, void* p, size_t newsize, bool zero) mi_attr_noexcept;
+mi_block_t* _mi_page_ptr_unalign(const mi_segment_t* segment, const mi_page_t* page, const void* p);
+bool        _mi_free_delayed_block(mi_block_t* block);
+void        _mi_free_generic(const mi_segment_t* segment, mi_page_t* page, bool is_local, void* p) mi_attr_noexcept;  // for runtime integration
+void        _mi_padding_shrink(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block, const size_t min_size);
+// option.c, c primitives
+char        _mi_toupper(char c);
+int         _mi_strnicmp(const char* s, const char* t, size_t n);
+void        _mi_strlcpy(char* dest, const char* src, size_t dest_size);
+void        _mi_strlcat(char* dest, const char* src, size_t dest_size);
+size_t      _mi_strlen(const char* s);
+size_t      _mi_strnlen(const char* s, size_t max_len);
+#if MI_DEBUG>1
+bool        _mi_page_is_valid(mi_page_t* page);
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Branches
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+#define mi_unlikely(x)     (__builtin_expect(!!(x),false))
+#define mi_likely(x)       (__builtin_expect(!!(x),true))
+#elif (defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 202002L)) || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 202002L)
+#define mi_unlikely(x)     (x) [[unlikely]]
+#define mi_likely(x)       (x) [[likely]]
+#define mi_unlikely(x)     (x)
+#define mi_likely(x)       (x)
+#ifndef __has_builtin
+#define __has_builtin(x)  0
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Error codes passed to `_mi_fatal_error`
+  All are recoverable but EFAULT is a serious error and aborts by default in secure mode.
+  For portability define undefined error codes using common Unix codes:
+  <>
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <errno.h>
+#ifndef EAGAIN         // double free
+#define EAGAIN (11)
+#ifndef ENOMEM         // out of memory
+#define ENOMEM (12)
+#ifndef EFAULT         // corrupted free-list or meta-data
+#define EFAULT (14)
+#ifndef EINVAL         // trying to free an invalid pointer
+#define EINVAL (22)
+#ifndef EOVERFLOW      // count*size overflow
+#define EOVERFLOW (75)
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Inlined definitions
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define MI_UNUSED(x)     (void)(x)
+#if (MI_DEBUG>0)
+#define MI_INIT4(x)   x(),x(),x(),x()
+#define MI_INIT8(x)   MI_INIT4(x),MI_INIT4(x)
+#define MI_INIT16(x)  MI_INIT8(x),MI_INIT8(x)
+#define MI_INIT32(x)  MI_INIT16(x),MI_INIT16(x)
+#define MI_INIT64(x)  MI_INIT32(x),MI_INIT32(x)
+#define MI_INIT128(x) MI_INIT64(x),MI_INIT64(x)
+#define MI_INIT256(x) MI_INIT128(x),MI_INIT128(x)
+#include <string.h>
+// initialize a local variable to zero; use memset as compilers optimize constant sized memset's
+#define _mi_memzero_var(x)  memset(&x,0,sizeof(x))
+// Is `x` a power of two? (0 is considered a power of two)
+static inline bool _mi_is_power_of_two(uintptr_t x) {
+  return ((x & (x - 1)) == 0);
+// Is a pointer aligned?
+static inline bool _mi_is_aligned(void* p, size_t alignment) {
+  mi_assert_internal(alignment != 0);
+  return (((uintptr_t)p % alignment) == 0);
+// Align upwards
+static inline uintptr_t _mi_align_up(uintptr_t sz, size_t alignment) {
+  mi_assert_internal(alignment != 0);
+  uintptr_t mask = alignment - 1;
+  if ((alignment & mask) == 0) {  // power of two?
+    return ((sz + mask) & ~mask);
+  }
+  else {
+    return (((sz + mask)/alignment)*alignment);
+  }
+// Align downwards
+static inline uintptr_t _mi_align_down(uintptr_t sz, size_t alignment) {
+  mi_assert_internal(alignment != 0);
+  uintptr_t mask = alignment - 1;
+  if ((alignment & mask) == 0) { // power of two?
+    return (sz & ~mask);
+  }
+  else {
+    return ((sz / alignment) * alignment);
+  }
+// Divide upwards: `s <= _mi_divide_up(s,d)*d < s+d`.
+static inline uintptr_t _mi_divide_up(uintptr_t size, size_t divider) {
+  mi_assert_internal(divider != 0);
+  return (divider == 0 ? size : ((size + divider - 1) / divider));
+// Is memory zero initialized?
+static inline bool mi_mem_is_zero(const void* p, size_t size) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+    if (((uint8_t*)p)[i] != 0) return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+// Align a byte size to a size in _machine words_,
+// i.e. byte size == `wsize*sizeof(void*)`.
+static inline size_t _mi_wsize_from_size(size_t size) {
+  mi_assert_internal(size <= SIZE_MAX - sizeof(uintptr_t));
+  return (size + sizeof(uintptr_t) - 1) / sizeof(uintptr_t);
+// Overflow detecting multiply
+#if __has_builtin(__builtin_umul_overflow) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 5))
+#include <limits.h>      // UINT_MAX, ULONG_MAX
+#if defined(_CLOCK_T)    // for Illumos
+#undef _CLOCK_T
+static inline bool mi_mul_overflow(size_t count, size_t size, size_t* total) {
+  #if (SIZE_MAX == ULONG_MAX)
+    return __builtin_umull_overflow(count, size, (unsigned long *)total);
+  #elif (SIZE_MAX == UINT_MAX)
+    return __builtin_umul_overflow(count, size, (unsigned int *)total);
+  #else
+    return __builtin_umulll_overflow(count, size, (unsigned long long *)total);
+  #endif
+#else /* __builtin_umul_overflow is unavailable */
+static inline bool mi_mul_overflow(size_t count, size_t size, size_t* total) {
+  #define MI_MUL_NO_OVERFLOW ((size_t)1 << (4*sizeof(size_t)))  // sqrt(SIZE_MAX)
+  *total = count * size;
+  // note: gcc/clang optimize this to directly check the overflow flag
+  return ((size >= MI_MUL_NO_OVERFLOW || count >= MI_MUL_NO_OVERFLOW) && size > 0 && (SIZE_MAX / size) < count);
+// Safe multiply `count*size` into `total`; return `true` on overflow.
+static inline bool mi_count_size_overflow(size_t count, size_t size, size_t* total) {
+  if (count==1) {  // quick check for the case where count is one (common for C++ allocators)
+    *total = size;
+    return false;
+  }
+  else if mi_unlikely(mi_mul_overflow(count, size, total)) {
+    #if MI_DEBUG > 0
+    _mi_error_message(EOVERFLOW, "allocation request is too large (%zu * %zu bytes)\n", count, size);
+    #endif
+    *total = SIZE_MAX;
+    return true;
+  }
+  else return false;
+  Heap functions
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+extern const mi_heap_t _mi_heap_empty;  // read-only empty heap, initial value of the thread local default heap
+static inline bool mi_heap_is_backing(const mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  return (heap->tld->heap_backing == heap);
+static inline bool mi_heap_is_initialized(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  mi_assert_internal(heap != NULL);
+  return (heap != &_mi_heap_empty);
+static inline uintptr_t _mi_ptr_cookie(const void* p) {
+  extern mi_heap_t _mi_heap_main;
+  mi_assert_internal(_mi_heap_main.cookie != 0);
+  return ((uintptr_t)p ^ _mi_heap_main.cookie);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Pages
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static inline mi_page_t* _mi_heap_get_free_small_page(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) {
+  mi_assert_internal(size <= (MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX + MI_PADDING_SIZE));
+  const size_t idx = _mi_wsize_from_size(size);
+  mi_assert_internal(idx < MI_PAGES_DIRECT);
+  return heap->pages_free_direct[idx];
+// Segment that contains the pointer
+// Large aligned blocks may be aligned at N*MI_SEGMENT_SIZE (inside a huge segment > MI_SEGMENT_SIZE),
+// and we need align "down" to the segment info which is `MI_SEGMENT_SIZE` bytes before it;
+// therefore we align one byte before `p`.
+static inline mi_segment_t* _mi_ptr_segment(const void* p) {
+  mi_assert_internal(p != NULL);
+  return (mi_segment_t*)(((uintptr_t)p - 1) & ~MI_SEGMENT_MASK);
+static inline mi_page_t* mi_slice_to_page(mi_slice_t* s) {
+  mi_assert_internal(s->slice_offset== 0 && s->slice_count > 0);
+  return (mi_page_t*)(s);
+static inline mi_slice_t* mi_page_to_slice(mi_page_t* p) {
+  mi_assert_internal(p->slice_offset== 0 && p->slice_count > 0);
+  return (mi_slice_t*)(p);
+// Segment belonging to a page
+static inline mi_segment_t* _mi_page_segment(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_ptr_segment(page);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment == NULL || ((mi_slice_t*)page >= segment->slices && (mi_slice_t*)page < segment->slices + segment->slice_entries));
+  return segment;
+static inline mi_slice_t* mi_slice_first(const mi_slice_t* slice) {
+  mi_slice_t* start = (mi_slice_t*)((uint8_t*)slice - slice->slice_offset);
+  mi_assert_internal(start >= _mi_ptr_segment(slice)->slices);
+  mi_assert_internal(start->slice_offset == 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(start + start->slice_count > slice);
+  return start;
+// Get the page containing the pointer (performance critical as it is called in mi_free)
+static inline mi_page_t* _mi_segment_page_of(const mi_segment_t* segment, const void* p) {
+  mi_assert_internal(p > (void*)segment);
+  ptrdiff_t diff = (uint8_t*)p - (uint8_t*)segment;
+  mi_assert_internal(diff > 0 && diff <= (ptrdiff_t)MI_SEGMENT_SIZE);
+  size_t idx = (size_t)diff >> MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SHIFT;
+  mi_assert_internal(idx <= segment->slice_entries);
+  mi_slice_t* slice0 = (mi_slice_t*)&segment->slices[idx];
+  mi_slice_t* slice = mi_slice_first(slice0);  // adjust to the block that holds the page data
+  mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_offset == 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(slice >= segment->slices && slice < segment->slices + segment->slice_entries);
+  return mi_slice_to_page(slice);
+// Quick page start for initialized pages
+static inline uint8_t* _mi_page_start(const mi_segment_t* segment, const mi_page_t* page, size_t* page_size) {
+  return _mi_segment_page_start(segment, page, page_size);
+// Get the page containing the pointer
+static inline mi_page_t* _mi_ptr_page(void* p) {
+  return _mi_segment_page_of(_mi_ptr_segment(p), p);
+// Get the block size of a page (special case for huge objects)
+static inline size_t mi_page_block_size(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  const size_t bsize = page->xblock_size;
+  mi_assert_internal(bsize > 0);
+  if mi_likely(bsize < MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+    return bsize;
+  }
+  else {
+    size_t psize;
+    _mi_segment_page_start(_mi_page_segment(page), page, &psize);
+    return psize;
+  }
+static inline bool mi_page_is_huge(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  return (_mi_page_segment(page)->kind == MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+// Get the usable block size of a page without fixed padding.
+// This may still include internal padding due to alignment and rounding up size classes.
+static inline size_t mi_page_usable_block_size(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  return mi_page_block_size(page) - MI_PADDING_SIZE;
+// size of a segment
+static inline size_t mi_segment_size(mi_segment_t* segment) {
+  return segment->segment_slices * MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE;
+static inline uint8_t* mi_segment_end(mi_segment_t* segment) {
+  return (uint8_t*)segment + mi_segment_size(segment);
+// Thread free access
+static inline mi_block_t* mi_page_thread_free(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  return (mi_block_t*)(mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&((mi_page_t*)page)->xthread_free) & ~3);
+static inline mi_delayed_t mi_page_thread_free_flag(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  return (mi_delayed_t)(mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&((mi_page_t*)page)->xthread_free) & 3);
+// Heap access
+static inline mi_heap_t* mi_page_heap(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  return (mi_heap_t*)(mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&((mi_page_t*)page)->xheap));
+static inline void mi_page_set_heap(mi_page_t* page, mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_thread_free_flag(page) != MI_DELAYED_FREEING);
+  mi_atomic_store_release(&page->xheap,(uintptr_t)heap);
+// Thread free flag helpers
+static inline mi_block_t* mi_tf_block(mi_thread_free_t tf) {
+  return (mi_block_t*)(tf & ~0x03);
+static inline mi_delayed_t mi_tf_delayed(mi_thread_free_t tf) {
+  return (mi_delayed_t)(tf & 0x03);
+static inline mi_thread_free_t mi_tf_make(mi_block_t* block, mi_delayed_t delayed) {
+  return (mi_thread_free_t)((uintptr_t)block | (uintptr_t)delayed);
+static inline mi_thread_free_t mi_tf_set_delayed(mi_thread_free_t tf, mi_delayed_t delayed) {
+  return mi_tf_make(mi_tf_block(tf),delayed);
+static inline mi_thread_free_t mi_tf_set_block(mi_thread_free_t tf, mi_block_t* block) {
+  return mi_tf_make(block, mi_tf_delayed(tf));
+// are all blocks in a page freed?
+// note: needs up-to-date used count, (as the `xthread_free` list may not be empty). see `_mi_page_collect_free`.
+static inline bool mi_page_all_free(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  mi_assert_internal(page != NULL);
+  return (page->used == 0);
+// are there any available blocks?
+static inline bool mi_page_has_any_available(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  mi_assert_internal(page != NULL && page->reserved > 0);
+  return (page->used < page->reserved || (mi_page_thread_free(page) != NULL));
+// are there immediately available blocks, i.e. blocks available on the free list.
+static inline bool mi_page_immediate_available(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  mi_assert_internal(page != NULL);
+  return (page->free != NULL);
+// is more than 7/8th of a page in use?
+static inline bool mi_page_mostly_used(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  if (page==NULL) return true;
+  uint16_t frac = page->reserved / 8U;
+  return (page->reserved - page->used <= frac);
+static inline mi_page_queue_t* mi_page_queue(const mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) {
+  return &((mi_heap_t*)heap)->pages[_mi_bin(size)];
+// Page flags
+static inline bool mi_page_is_in_full(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  return page->flags.x.in_full;
+static inline void mi_page_set_in_full(mi_page_t* page, bool in_full) {
+  page->flags.x.in_full = in_full;
+static inline bool mi_page_has_aligned(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  return page->flags.x.has_aligned;
+static inline void mi_page_set_has_aligned(mi_page_t* page, bool has_aligned) {
+  page->flags.x.has_aligned = has_aligned;
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
+Encoding/Decoding the free list next pointers
+This is to protect against buffer overflow exploits where the
+free list is mutated. Many hardened allocators xor the next pointer `p`
+with a secret key `k1`, as `p^k1`. This prevents overwriting with known
+values but might be still too weak: if the attacker can guess
+the pointer `p` this  can reveal `k1` (since `p^k1^p == k1`).
+Moreover, if multiple blocks can be read as well, the attacker can
+xor both as `(p1^k1) ^ (p2^k1) == p1^p2` which may reveal a lot
+about the pointers (and subsequently `k1`).
+Instead mimalloc uses an extra key `k2` and encodes as `((p^k2)<<<k1)+k1`.
+Since these operations are not associative, the above approaches do not
+work so well any more even if the `p` can be guesstimated. For example,
+for the read case we can subtract two entries to discard the `+k1` term,
+but that leads to `((p1^k2)<<<k1) - ((p2^k2)<<<k1)` at best.
+We include the left-rotation since xor and addition are otherwise linear
+in the lowest bit. Finally, both keys are unique per page which reduces
+the re-use of keys by a large factor.
+We also pass a separate `null` value to be used as `NULL` or otherwise
+`(k2<<<k1)+k1` would appear (too) often as a sentinel value.
+------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static inline bool mi_is_in_same_segment(const void* p, const void* q) {
+  return (_mi_ptr_segment(p) == _mi_ptr_segment(q));
+static inline bool mi_is_in_same_page(const void* p, const void* q) {
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_ptr_segment(p);
+  if (_mi_ptr_segment(q) != segment) return false;
+  // assume q may be invalid // return (_mi_segment_page_of(segment, p) == _mi_segment_page_of(segment, q));
+  mi_page_t* page = _mi_segment_page_of(segment, p);
+  size_t psize;
+  uint8_t* start = _mi_segment_page_start(segment, page, &psize);
+  return (start <= (uint8_t*)q && (uint8_t*)q < start + psize);
+static inline uintptr_t mi_rotl(uintptr_t x, uintptr_t shift) {
+  shift %= MI_INTPTR_BITS;
+  return (shift==0 ? x : ((x << shift) | (x >> (MI_INTPTR_BITS - shift))));
+static inline uintptr_t mi_rotr(uintptr_t x, uintptr_t shift) {
+  shift %= MI_INTPTR_BITS;
+  return (shift==0 ? x : ((x >> shift) | (x << (MI_INTPTR_BITS - shift))));
+static inline void* mi_ptr_decode(const void* null, const mi_encoded_t x, const uintptr_t* keys) {
+  void* p = (void*)(mi_rotr(x - keys[0], keys[0]) ^ keys[1]);
+  return (p==null ? NULL : p);
+static inline mi_encoded_t mi_ptr_encode(const void* null, const void* p, const uintptr_t* keys) {
+  uintptr_t x = (uintptr_t)(p==NULL ? null : p);
+  return mi_rotl(x ^ keys[1], keys[0]) + keys[0];
+static inline mi_block_t* mi_block_nextx( const void* null, const mi_block_t* block, const uintptr_t* keys ) {
+  mi_track_mem_defined(block,sizeof(mi_block_t));
+  mi_block_t* next;
+  next = (mi_block_t*)mi_ptr_decode(null, block->next, keys);
+  #else
+  MI_UNUSED(keys); MI_UNUSED(null);
+  next = (mi_block_t*)block->next;
+  #endif
+  mi_track_mem_noaccess(block,sizeof(mi_block_t));
+  return next;
+static inline void mi_block_set_nextx(const void* null, mi_block_t* block, const mi_block_t* next, const uintptr_t* keys) {
+  mi_track_mem_undefined(block,sizeof(mi_block_t));
+  block->next = mi_ptr_encode(null, next, keys);
+  #else
+  MI_UNUSED(keys); MI_UNUSED(null);
+  block->next = (mi_encoded_t)next;
+  #endif
+  mi_track_mem_noaccess(block,sizeof(mi_block_t));
+static inline mi_block_t* mi_block_next(const mi_page_t* page, const mi_block_t* block) {
+  mi_block_t* next = mi_block_nextx(page,block,page->keys);
+  // check for free list corruption: is `next` at least in the same page?
+  // TODO: check if `next` is `page->block_size` aligned?
+  if mi_unlikely(next!=NULL && !mi_is_in_same_page(block, next)) {
+    _mi_error_message(EFAULT, "corrupted free list entry of size %zub at %p: value 0x%zx\n", mi_page_block_size(page), block, (uintptr_t)next);
+    next = NULL;
+  }
+  return next;
+  #else
+  MI_UNUSED(page);
+  return mi_block_nextx(page,block,NULL);
+  #endif
+static inline void mi_block_set_next(const mi_page_t* page, mi_block_t* block, const mi_block_t* next) {
+  mi_block_set_nextx(page,block,next, page->keys);
+  #else
+  MI_UNUSED(page);
+  mi_block_set_nextx(page,block,next,NULL);
+  #endif
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// commit mask
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+static inline void mi_commit_mask_create_empty(mi_commit_mask_t* cm) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_COUNT; i++) {
+    cm->mask[i] = 0;
+  }
+static inline void mi_commit_mask_create_full(mi_commit_mask_t* cm) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_COUNT; i++) {
+    cm->mask[i] = ~((size_t)0);
+  }
+static inline bool mi_commit_mask_is_empty(const mi_commit_mask_t* cm) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_COUNT; i++) {
+    if (cm->mask[i] != 0) return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+static inline bool mi_commit_mask_is_full(const mi_commit_mask_t* cm) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_COUNT; i++) {
+    if (cm->mask[i] != ~((size_t)0)) return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+// defined in `segment.c`:
+size_t _mi_commit_mask_committed_size(const mi_commit_mask_t* cm, size_t total);
+size_t _mi_commit_mask_next_run(const mi_commit_mask_t* cm, size_t* idx);
+#define mi_commit_mask_foreach(cm,idx,count) \
+  idx = 0; \
+  while ((count = _mi_commit_mask_next_run(cm,&idx)) > 0) {
+#define mi_commit_mask_foreach_end() \
+    idx += count; \
+  }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  memory id's
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static inline mi_memid_t _mi_memid_create(mi_memkind_t memkind) {
+  mi_memid_t memid;
+  _mi_memzero_var(memid);
+  memid.memkind = memkind;
+  return memid;
+static inline mi_memid_t _mi_memid_none(void) {
+  return _mi_memid_create(MI_MEM_NONE);
+static inline mi_memid_t _mi_memid_create_os(bool committed, bool is_zero, bool is_large) {
+  mi_memid_t memid = _mi_memid_create(MI_MEM_OS);
+  memid.initially_committed = committed;
+  memid.initially_zero = is_zero;
+  memid.is_pinned = is_large;
+  return memid;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Fast "random" shuffle
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+static inline uintptr_t _mi_random_shuffle(uintptr_t x) {
+  if (x==0) { x = 17; }   // ensure we don't get stuck in generating zeros
+#if (MI_INTPTR_SIZE==8)
+  // by Sebastiano Vigna, see: <>
+  x ^= x >> 30;
+  x *= 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9UL;
+  x ^= x >> 27;
+  x *= 0x94d049bb133111ebUL;
+  x ^= x >> 31;
+#elif (MI_INTPTR_SIZE==4)
+  // by Chris Wellons, see: <>
+  x ^= x >> 16;
+  x *= 0x7feb352dUL;
+  x ^= x >> 15;
+  x *= 0x846ca68bUL;
+  x ^= x >> 16;
+  return x;
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Optimize numa node access for the common case (= one node)
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+int    _mi_os_numa_node_get(mi_os_tld_t* tld);
+size_t _mi_os_numa_node_count_get(void);
+extern _Atomic(size_t) _mi_numa_node_count;
+static inline int _mi_os_numa_node(mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
+  if mi_likely(mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&_mi_numa_node_count) == 1) { return 0; }
+  else return _mi_os_numa_node_get(tld);
+static inline size_t _mi_os_numa_node_count(void) {
+  const size_t count = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&_mi_numa_node_count);
+  if mi_likely(count > 0) { return count; }
+  else return _mi_os_numa_node_count_get();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Count bits: trailing or leading zeros (with MI_INTPTR_BITS on all zero)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#include <limits.h>       // LONG_MAX
+static inline size_t mi_clz(uintptr_t x) {
+  if (x==0) return MI_INTPTR_BITS;
+  return __builtin_clzl(x);
+  return __builtin_clzll(x);
+static inline size_t mi_ctz(uintptr_t x) {
+  if (x==0) return MI_INTPTR_BITS;
+  return __builtin_ctzl(x);
+  return __builtin_ctzll(x);
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include <limits.h>       // LONG_MAX
+#include <intrin.h>       // BitScanReverse64
+static inline size_t mi_clz(uintptr_t x) {
+  if (x==0) return MI_INTPTR_BITS;
+  unsigned long idx;
+  _BitScanReverse(&idx, x);
+  _BitScanReverse64(&idx, x);
+  return ((MI_INTPTR_BITS - 1) - idx);
+static inline size_t mi_ctz(uintptr_t x) {
+  if (x==0) return MI_INTPTR_BITS;
+  unsigned long idx;
+  _BitScanForward(&idx, x);
+  _BitScanForward64(&idx, x);
+  return idx;
+static inline size_t mi_ctz32(uint32_t x) {
+  // de Bruijn multiplication, see <>
+  static const unsigned char debruijn[32] = {
+    0, 1, 28, 2, 29, 14, 24, 3, 30, 22, 20, 15, 25, 17, 4, 8,
+    31, 27, 13, 23, 21, 19, 16, 7, 26, 12, 18, 6, 11, 5, 10, 9
+  };
+  if (x==0) return 32;
+  return debruijn[((x & -(int32_t)x) * 0x077CB531UL) >> 27];
+static inline size_t mi_clz32(uint32_t x) {
+  // de Bruijn multiplication, see <>
+  static const uint8_t debruijn[32] = {
+    31, 22, 30, 21, 18, 10, 29, 2, 20, 17, 15, 13, 9, 6, 28, 1,
+    23, 19, 11, 3, 16, 14, 7, 24, 12, 4, 8, 25, 5, 26, 27, 0
+  };
+  if (x==0) return 32;
+  x |= x >> 1;
+  x |= x >> 2;
+  x |= x >> 4;
+  x |= x >> 8;
+  x |= x >> 16;
+  return debruijn[(uint32_t)(x * 0x07C4ACDDUL) >> 27];
+static inline size_t mi_clz(uintptr_t x) {
+  if (x==0) return MI_INTPTR_BITS;
+#if (MI_INTPTR_BITS <= 32)
+  return mi_clz32((uint32_t)x);
+  size_t count = mi_clz32((uint32_t)(x >> 32));
+  if (count < 32) return count;
+  return (32 + mi_clz32((uint32_t)x));
+static inline size_t mi_ctz(uintptr_t x) {
+  if (x==0) return MI_INTPTR_BITS;
+#if (MI_INTPTR_BITS <= 32)
+  return mi_ctz32((uint32_t)x);
+  size_t count = mi_ctz32((uint32_t)x);
+  if (count < 32) return count;
+  return (32 + mi_ctz32((uint32_t)(x>>32)));
+// "bit scan reverse": Return index of the highest bit (or MI_INTPTR_BITS if `x` is zero)
+static inline size_t mi_bsr(uintptr_t x) {
+  return (x==0 ? MI_INTPTR_BITS : MI_INTPTR_BITS - 1 - mi_clz(x));
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Provide our own `_mi_memcpy` for potential performance optimizations.
+// For now, only on Windows with msvc/clang-cl we optimize to `rep movsb` if
+// we happen to run on x86/x64 cpu's that have "fast short rep movsb" (FSRM) support
+// (AMD Zen3+ (~2020) or Intel Ice Lake+ (~2017). See also issue #201 and pr #253.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if !MI_TRACK_ENABLED && defined(_WIN32) && (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64))
+#include <intrin.h>
+extern bool _mi_cpu_has_fsrm;
+static inline void _mi_memcpy(void* dst, const void* src, size_t n) {
+  if (_mi_cpu_has_fsrm) {
+    __movsb((unsigned char*)dst, (const unsigned char*)src, n);
+  }
+  else {
+    memcpy(dst, src, n);
+  }
+static inline void _mi_memzero(void* dst, size_t n) {
+  if (_mi_cpu_has_fsrm) {
+    __stosb((unsigned char*)dst, 0, n);
+  }
+  else {
+    memset(dst, 0, n);
+  }
+static inline void _mi_memcpy(void* dst, const void* src, size_t n) {
+  memcpy(dst, src, n);
+static inline void _mi_memzero(void* dst, size_t n) {
+  memset(dst, 0, n);
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The `_mi_memcpy_aligned` can be used if the pointers are machine-word aligned
+// This is used for example in `mi_realloc`.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)) || defined(__clang__)
+// On GCC/CLang we provide a hint that the pointers are word aligned.
+static inline void _mi_memcpy_aligned(void* dst, const void* src, size_t n) {
+  mi_assert_internal(((uintptr_t)dst % MI_INTPTR_SIZE == 0) && ((uintptr_t)src % MI_INTPTR_SIZE == 0));
+  void* adst = __builtin_assume_aligned(dst, MI_INTPTR_SIZE);
+  const void* asrc = __builtin_assume_aligned(src, MI_INTPTR_SIZE);
+  _mi_memcpy(adst, asrc, n);
+static inline void _mi_memzero_aligned(void* dst, size_t n) {
+  mi_assert_internal((uintptr_t)dst % MI_INTPTR_SIZE == 0);
+  void* adst = __builtin_assume_aligned(dst, MI_INTPTR_SIZE);
+  _mi_memzero(adst, n);
+// Default fallback on `_mi_memcpy`
+static inline void _mi_memcpy_aligned(void* dst, const void* src, size_t n) {
+  mi_assert_internal(((uintptr_t)dst % MI_INTPTR_SIZE == 0) && ((uintptr_t)src % MI_INTPTR_SIZE == 0));
+  _mi_memcpy(dst, src, n);
+static inline void _mi_memzero_aligned(void* dst, size_t n) {
+  mi_assert_internal((uintptr_t)dst % MI_INTPTR_SIZE == 0);
+  _mi_memzero(dst, n);
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/prim.h b/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/prim.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..1e55cb5f8802d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/prim.h
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2018-2023, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#pragma once
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This file specifies the primitive portability API.
+// Each OS/host needs to implement these primitives, see `src/prim`
+// for implementations on Window, macOS, WASI, and Linux/Unix.
+// note: on all primitive functions, we always have result parameters != NUL, and:
+//  addr != NULL and page aligned
+//  size > 0     and page aligned
+//  return value is an error code an int where 0 is success.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// OS memory configuration
+typedef struct mi_os_mem_config_s {
+  size_t  page_size;            // 4KiB
+  size_t  large_page_size;      // 2MiB
+  size_t  alloc_granularity;    // smallest allocation size (on Windows 64KiB)
+  bool    has_overcommit;       // can we reserve more memory than can be actually committed?
+  bool    must_free_whole;      // must allocated blocks be freed as a whole (false for mmap, true for VirtualAlloc)
+  bool    has_virtual_reserve;  // supports virtual address space reservation? (if true we can reserve virtual address space without using commit or physical memory)
+} mi_os_mem_config_t;
+// Initialize
+void _mi_prim_mem_init( mi_os_mem_config_t* config );
+// Free OS memory
+int _mi_prim_free(void* addr, size_t size );
+// Allocate OS memory. Return NULL on error.
+// The `try_alignment` is just a hint and the returned pointer does not have to be aligned.
+// If `commit` is false, the virtual memory range only needs to be reserved (with no access)
+// which will later be committed explicitly using `_mi_prim_commit`.
+// `is_zero` is set to true if the memory was zero initialized (as on most OS's)
+// pre: !commit => !allow_large
+//      try_alignment >= _mi_os_page_size() and a power of 2
+int _mi_prim_alloc(size_t size, size_t try_alignment, bool commit, bool allow_large, bool* is_large, bool* is_zero, void** addr);
+// Commit memory. Returns error code or 0 on success.
+// For example, on Linux this would make the memory PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE.
+// `is_zero` is set to true if the memory was zero initialized (e.g. on Windows)
+int _mi_prim_commit(void* addr, size_t size, bool* is_zero);
+// Decommit memory. Returns error code or 0 on success. The `needs_recommit` result is true
+// if the memory would need to be re-committed. For example, on Windows this is always true,
+// but on Linux we could use MADV_DONTNEED to decommit which does not need a recommit.
+// pre: needs_recommit != NULL
+int _mi_prim_decommit(void* addr, size_t size, bool* needs_recommit);
+// Reset memory. The range keeps being accessible but the content might be reset.
+// Returns error code or 0 on success.
+int _mi_prim_reset(void* addr, size_t size);
+// Protect memory. Returns error code or 0 on success.
+int _mi_prim_protect(void* addr, size_t size, bool protect);
+// Allocate huge (1GiB) pages possibly associated with a NUMA node.
+// `is_zero` is set to true if the memory was zero initialized (as on most OS's)
+// pre: size > 0  and a multiple of 1GiB.
+//      numa_node is either negative (don't care), or a numa node number.
+int _mi_prim_alloc_huge_os_pages(void* hint_addr, size_t size, int numa_node, bool* is_zero, void** addr);
+// Return the current NUMA node
+size_t _mi_prim_numa_node(void);
+// Return the number of logical NUMA nodes
+size_t _mi_prim_numa_node_count(void);
+// Clock ticks
+mi_msecs_t _mi_prim_clock_now(void);
+// Return process information (only for statistics)
+typedef struct mi_process_info_s {
+  mi_msecs_t  elapsed;
+  mi_msecs_t  utime;
+  mi_msecs_t  stime;
+  size_t      current_rss;
+  size_t      peak_rss;
+  size_t      current_commit;
+  size_t      peak_commit;
+  size_t      page_faults;
+} mi_process_info_t;
+void _mi_prim_process_info(mi_process_info_t* pinfo);
+// Default stderr output. (only for warnings etc. with verbose enabled)
+// msg != NULL && _mi_strlen(msg) > 0
+void _mi_prim_out_stderr( const char* msg );
+// Get an environment variable. (only for options)
+// name != NULL, result != NULL, result_size >= 64
+bool _mi_prim_getenv(const char* name, char* result, size_t result_size);
+// Fill a buffer with strong randomness; return `false` on error or if
+// there is no strong randomization available.
+bool _mi_prim_random_buf(void* buf, size_t buf_len);
+// Called on the first thread start, and should ensure `_mi_thread_done` is called on thread termination.
+void _mi_prim_thread_init_auto_done(void);
+// Called on process exit and may take action to clean up resources associated with the thread auto done.
+void _mi_prim_thread_done_auto_done(void);
+// Called when the default heap for a thread changes
+void _mi_prim_thread_associate_default_heap(mi_heap_t* heap);
+// Thread id: `_mi_prim_thread_id()`
+// Getting the thread id should be performant as it is called in the
+// fast path of `_mi_free` and we specialize for various platforms as
+// inlined definitions. Regular code should call `init.c:_mi_thread_id()`.
+// We only require _mi_prim_thread_id() to return a unique id
+// for each thread (unequal to zero).
+// defined in `init.c`; do not use these directly
+extern mi_decl_thread mi_heap_t* _mi_heap_default;  // default heap to allocate from
+extern bool _mi_process_is_initialized;             // has mi_process_init been called?
+static inline mi_threadid_t _mi_prim_thread_id(void) mi_attr_noexcept;
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <windows.h>
+static inline mi_threadid_t _mi_prim_thread_id(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  // Windows: works on Intel and ARM in both 32- and 64-bit
+  return (uintptr_t)NtCurrentTeb();
+// We use assembly for a fast thread id on the main platforms. The TLS layout depends on
+// both the OS and libc implementation so we use specific tests for each main platform.
+// If you test on another platform and it works please send a PR :-)
+// see also for more info on the TLS register.
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && ( \
+	   (defined(__GLIBC__)   && (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__))) \
+	|| (defined(__APPLE__)   && (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__aarch64__))) \
+	|| (defined(__BIONIC__)  && (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__))) \
+	|| (defined(__FreeBSD__) && (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__aarch64__))) \
+	|| (defined(__OpenBSD__) && (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__aarch64__))) \
+      )
+static inline void* mi_prim_tls_slot(size_t slot) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  void* res;
+  const size_t ofs = (slot*sizeof(void*));
+  #if defined(__i386__)
+    __asm__("movl %%gs:%1, %0" : "=r" (res) : "m" (*((void**)ofs)) : );  // x86 32-bit always uses GS
+  #elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__x86_64__)
+    __asm__("movq %%gs:%1, %0" : "=r" (res) : "m" (*((void**)ofs)) : );  // x86_64 macOSX uses GS
+  #elif defined(__x86_64__) && (MI_INTPTR_SIZE==4)
+    __asm__("movl %%fs:%1, %0" : "=r" (res) : "m" (*((void**)ofs)) : );  // x32 ABI
+  #elif defined(__x86_64__)
+    __asm__("movq %%fs:%1, %0" : "=r" (res) : "m" (*((void**)ofs)) : );  // x86_64 Linux, BSD uses FS
+  #elif defined(__arm__)
+    void** tcb; MI_UNUSED(ofs);
+    __asm__ volatile ("mrc p15, 0, %0, c13, c0, 3\nbic %0, %0, #3" : "=r" (tcb));
+    res = tcb[slot];
+  #elif defined(__aarch64__)
+    void** tcb; MI_UNUSED(ofs);
+    #if defined(__APPLE__) // M1, issue #343
+    __asm__ volatile ("mrs %0, tpidrro_el0\nbic %0, %0, #7" : "=r" (tcb));
+    #else
+    __asm__ volatile ("mrs %0, tpidr_el0" : "=r" (tcb));
+    #endif
+    res = tcb[slot];
+  #endif
+  return res;
+// setting a tls slot is only used on macOS for now
+static inline void mi_prim_tls_slot_set(size_t slot, void* value) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  const size_t ofs = (slot*sizeof(void*));
+  #if defined(__i386__)
+    __asm__("movl %1,%%gs:%0" : "=m" (*((void**)ofs)) : "rn" (value) : );  // 32-bit always uses GS
+  #elif defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__x86_64__)
+    __asm__("movq %1,%%gs:%0" : "=m" (*((void**)ofs)) : "rn" (value) : );  // x86_64 macOS uses GS
+  #elif defined(__x86_64__) && (MI_INTPTR_SIZE==4)
+    __asm__("movl %1,%%fs:%0" : "=m" (*((void**)ofs)) : "rn" (value) : );  // x32 ABI
+  #elif defined(__x86_64__)
+    __asm__("movq %1,%%fs:%0" : "=m" (*((void**)ofs)) : "rn" (value) : );  // x86_64 Linux, BSD uses FS
+  #elif defined(__arm__)
+    void** tcb; MI_UNUSED(ofs);
+    __asm__ volatile ("mrc p15, 0, %0, c13, c0, 3\nbic %0, %0, #3" : "=r" (tcb));
+    tcb[slot] = value;
+  #elif defined(__aarch64__)
+    void** tcb; MI_UNUSED(ofs);
+    #if defined(__APPLE__) // M1, issue #343
+    __asm__ volatile ("mrs %0, tpidrro_el0\nbic %0, %0, #7" : "=r" (tcb));
+    #else
+    __asm__ volatile ("mrs %0, tpidr_el0" : "=r" (tcb));
+    #endif
+    tcb[slot] = value;
+  #endif
+static inline mi_threadid_t _mi_prim_thread_id(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  #if defined(__BIONIC__)
+    // issue #384, #495: on the Bionic libc (Android), slot 1 is the thread id
+    // see:
+    return (uintptr_t)mi_prim_tls_slot(1);
+  #else
+    // in all our other targets, slot 0 is the thread id
+    // glibc:;a=blob_plain;f=sysdeps/x86_64/nptl/tls.h
+    // apple:
+    return (uintptr_t)mi_prim_tls_slot(0);
+  #endif
+// otherwise use portable C, taking the address of a thread local variable (this is still very fast on most platforms).
+static inline mi_threadid_t _mi_prim_thread_id(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return (uintptr_t)&_mi_heap_default;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+The thread local default heap: `_mi_prim_get_default_heap()`
+This is inlined here as it is on the fast path for allocation functions.
+On most platforms (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, etc), this just returns a
+__thread local variable (`_mi_heap_default`). With the initial-exec TLS model this ensures
+that the storage will always be available (allocated on the thread stacks).
+On some platforms though we cannot use that when overriding `malloc` since the underlying
+TLS implementation (or the loader) will call itself `malloc` on a first access and recurse.
+We try to circumvent this in an efficient way:
+- macOSX : we use an unused TLS slot from the OS allocated slots (MI_TLS_SLOT). On OSX, the
+	   loader itself calls `malloc` even before the modules are initialized.
+- OpenBSD: we use an unused slot from the pthread block (MI_TLS_PTHREAD_SLOT_OFS).
+- DragonFly: defaults are working but seem slow compared to freeBSD (see PR #323)
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static inline mi_heap_t* mi_prim_get_default_heap(void);
+#if defined(MI_MALLOC_OVERRIDE)
+#if defined(__APPLE__) // macOS
+  #define MI_TLS_SLOT               89  // seems unused?
+  // #define MI_TLS_RECURSE_GUARD 1
+  // other possible unused ones are 9, 29, __PTK_FRAMEWORK_JAVASCRIPTCORE_KEY4 (94), __PTK_FRAMEWORK_GC_KEY9 (112) and __PTK_FRAMEWORK_OLDGC_KEY9 (89)
+  // see <>
+#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
+  // use end bytes of a name; goes wrong if anyone uses names > 23 characters (ptrhread specifies 16)
+  // see <>
+  #define MI_TLS_PTHREAD_SLOT_OFS   (6*sizeof(int) + 4*sizeof(void*) + 24)
+  // #elif defined(__DragonFly__)
+  // #warning "mimalloc is not working correctly on DragonFly yet."
+  // #define MI_TLS_PTHREAD_SLOT_OFS   (4 + 1*sizeof(void*))  // offset `uniqueid` (also used by gdb?) <>
+#elif defined(__ANDROID__)
+  // See issue #381
+  #define MI_TLS_PTHREAD
+#if defined(MI_TLS_SLOT)
+static inline mi_heap_t* mi_prim_get_default_heap(void) {
+  mi_heap_t* heap = (mi_heap_t*)mi_prim_tls_slot(MI_TLS_SLOT);
+  if mi_unlikely(heap == NULL) {
+    #ifdef __GNUC__
+    __asm(""); // prevent conditional load of the address of _mi_heap_empty
+    #endif
+    heap = (mi_heap_t*)&_mi_heap_empty;
+  }
+  return heap;
+#elif defined(MI_TLS_PTHREAD_SLOT_OFS)
+static inline mi_heap_t** mi_prim_tls_pthread_heap_slot(void) {
+  pthread_t self = pthread_self();
+  #if defined(__DragonFly__)
+  if (self==NULL) return NULL;
+  #endif
+  return (mi_heap_t**)((uint8_t*)self + MI_TLS_PTHREAD_SLOT_OFS);
+static inline mi_heap_t* mi_prim_get_default_heap(void) {
+  mi_heap_t** pheap = mi_prim_tls_pthread_heap_slot();
+  if mi_unlikely(pheap == NULL) return _mi_heap_main_get();
+  mi_heap_t* heap = *pheap;
+  if mi_unlikely(heap == NULL) return (mi_heap_t*)&_mi_heap_empty;
+  return heap;
+#elif defined(MI_TLS_PTHREAD)
+extern pthread_key_t _mi_heap_default_key;
+static inline mi_heap_t* mi_prim_get_default_heap(void) {
+  mi_heap_t* heap = (mi_unlikely(_mi_heap_default_key == (pthread_key_t)(-1)) ? _mi_heap_main_get() : (mi_heap_t*)pthread_getspecific(_mi_heap_default_key));
+  return (mi_unlikely(heap == NULL) ? (mi_heap_t*)&_mi_heap_empty : heap);
+#else // default using a thread local variable; used on most platforms.
+static inline mi_heap_t* mi_prim_get_default_heap(void) {
+  #if defined(MI_TLS_RECURSE_GUARD)
+  if (mi_unlikely(!_mi_process_is_initialized)) return _mi_heap_main_get();
+  #endif
+  return _mi_heap_default;
+#endif  // mi_prim_get_default_heap()
+#endif  // MIMALLOC_PRIM_H
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/track.h b/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/track.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..fa1a048d846a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/track.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2018-2023, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#pragma once
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Track memory ranges with macros for tools like Valgrind address sanitizer, or other memory checkers.
+These can be defined for tracking allocation:
+  #define mi_track_malloc_size(p,reqsize,size,zero)
+  #define mi_track_free_size(p,_size)
+The macros are set up such that the size passed to `mi_track_free_size`
+always matches the size of `mi_track_malloc_size`. (currently, `size == mi_usable_size(p)`).
+The `reqsize` is what the user requested, and `size >= reqsize`.
+The `size` is either byte precise (and `size==reqsize`) if `MI_PADDING` is enabled,
+or otherwise it is the usable block size which may be larger than the original request.
+Use `_mi_block_size_of(void* p)` to get the full block size that was allocated (including padding etc).
+The `zero` parameter is `true` if the allocated block is zero initialized.
+  #define mi_track_align(p,alignedp,offset,size)
+  #define mi_track_resize(p,oldsize,newsize)
+  #define mi_track_init()
+The `mi_track_align` is called right after a `mi_track_malloc` for aligned pointers in a block.
+The corresponding `mi_track_free` still uses the block start pointer and original size (corresponding to the `mi_track_malloc`).
+The `mi_track_resize` is currently unused but could be called on reallocations within a block.
+`mi_track_init` is called at program start.
+The following macros are for tools like asan and valgrind to track whether memory is
+defined, undefined, or not accessible at all:
+  #define mi_track_mem_defined(p,size)
+  #define mi_track_mem_undefined(p,size)
+  #define mi_track_mem_noaccess(p,size)
+// valgrind tool
+#define MI_TRACK_ENABLED      1
+#define MI_TRACK_HEAP_DESTROY 1           // track free of individual blocks on heap_destroy
+#define MI_TRACK_TOOL         "valgrind"
+#include <valgrind/valgrind.h>
+#include <valgrind/memcheck.h>
+#define mi_track_malloc_size(p,reqsize,size,zero) VALGRIND_MALLOCLIKE_BLOCK(p,size,MI_PADDING_SIZE /*red zone*/,zero)
+#define mi_track_free_size(p,_size)               VALGRIND_FREELIKE_BLOCK(p,MI_PADDING_SIZE /*red zone*/)
+#define mi_track_resize(p,oldsize,newsize)        VALGRIND_RESIZEINPLACE_BLOCK(p,oldsize,newsize,MI_PADDING_SIZE /*red zone*/)
+#define mi_track_mem_defined(p,size)              VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(p,size)
+#define mi_track_mem_undefined(p,size)            VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(p,size)
+#define mi_track_mem_noaccess(p,size)             VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(p,size)
+// address sanitizer
+#define MI_TRACK_ENABLED      1
+#define MI_TRACK_TOOL         "asan"
+#include <sanitizer/asan_interface.h>
+#define mi_track_malloc_size(p,reqsize,size,zero) ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(p,size)
+#define mi_track_free_size(p,size)                ASAN_POISON_MEMORY_REGION(p,size)
+#define mi_track_mem_defined(p,size)              ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(p,size)
+#define mi_track_mem_undefined(p,size)            ASAN_UNPOISON_MEMORY_REGION(p,size)
+#define mi_track_mem_noaccess(p,size)             ASAN_POISON_MEMORY_REGION(p,size)
+// windows event tracing
+#define MI_TRACK_ENABLED      1
+#define MI_TRACK_TOOL         "ETW"
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "../src/prim/windows/etw.h"
+#define mi_track_init()                           EventRegistermicrosoft_windows_mimalloc();
+#define mi_track_malloc_size(p,reqsize,size,zero) EventWriteETW_MI_ALLOC((UINT64)(p), size)
+#define mi_track_free_size(p,size)                EventWriteETW_MI_FREE((UINT64)(p), size)
+// no tracking
+#define MI_TRACK_ENABLED      0
+#define MI_TRACK_TOOL         "none"
+#define mi_track_malloc_size(p,reqsize,size,zero)
+#define mi_track_free_size(p,_size)
+// -------------------
+// Utility definitions
+#ifndef mi_track_resize
+#define mi_track_resize(p,oldsize,newsize)      mi_track_free_size(p,oldsize); mi_track_malloc(p,newsize,false)
+#ifndef mi_track_align
+#define mi_track_align(p,alignedp,offset,size)  mi_track_mem_noaccess(p,offset)
+#ifndef mi_track_init
+#define mi_track_init()
+#ifndef mi_track_mem_defined
+#define mi_track_mem_defined(p,size)
+#ifndef mi_track_mem_undefined
+#define mi_track_mem_undefined(p,size)
+#ifndef mi_track_mem_noaccess
+#define mi_track_mem_noaccess(p,size)
+#define mi_track_malloc(p,reqsize,zero) \
+  if ((p)!=NULL) { \
+    mi_assert_internal(mi_usable_size(p)==(reqsize)); \
+    mi_track_malloc_size(p,reqsize,reqsize,zero); \
+  }
+#define mi_track_malloc(p,reqsize,zero) \
+  if ((p)!=NULL) { \
+    mi_assert_internal(mi_usable_size(p)>=(reqsize)); \
+    mi_track_malloc_size(p,reqsize,mi_usable_size(p),zero); \
+  }
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/types.h b/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/types.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..7616f37e4b978f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc/types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2018-2023, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#pragma once
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This file contains the main type definitions for mimalloc:
+// mi_heap_t      : all data for a thread-local heap, contains
+//                  lists of all managed heap pages.
+// mi_segment_t   : a larger chunk of memory (32GiB) from where pages
+//                  are allocated.
+// mi_page_t      : a mimalloc page (usually 64KiB or 512KiB) from
+//                  where objects are allocated.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <stddef.h>   // ptrdiff_t
+#include <stdint.h>   // uintptr_t, uint16_t, etc
+#include "mimalloc/atomic.h"  // _Atomic
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable:4214) // bitfield is not int
+// Minimal alignment necessary. On most platforms 16 bytes are needed
+// due to SSE registers for example. This must be at least `sizeof(void*)`
+#define MI_MAX_ALIGN_SIZE  16   // sizeof(max_align_t)
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Variants
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Define NDEBUG in the release version to disable assertions.
+// #define NDEBUG
+// Define MI_TRACK_<tool> to enable tracking support
+// #define MI_TRACK_VALGRIND 1
+// #define MI_TRACK_ASAN     1
+// #define MI_TRACK_ETW      1
+// Define MI_STAT as 1 to maintain statistics; set it to 2 to have detailed statistics (but costs some performance).
+// #define MI_STAT 1
+// Define MI_SECURE to enable security mitigations
+// #define MI_SECURE 1  // guard page around metadata
+// #define MI_SECURE 2  // guard page around each mimalloc page
+// #define MI_SECURE 3  // encode free lists (detect corrupted free list (buffer overflow), and invalid pointer free)
+// #define MI_SECURE 4  // checks for double free. (may be more expensive)
+#if !defined(MI_SECURE)
+#define MI_SECURE 0
+// Define MI_DEBUG for debug mode
+// #define MI_DEBUG 1  // basic assertion checks and statistics, check double free, corrupted free list, and invalid pointer free.
+// #define MI_DEBUG 2  // + internal assertion checks
+// #define MI_DEBUG 3  // + extensive internal invariant checking (cmake -DMI_DEBUG_FULL=ON)
+#if !defined(MI_DEBUG)
+#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG)
+#define MI_DEBUG 2
+#define MI_DEBUG 0
+// Reserve extra padding at the end of each block to be more resilient against heap block overflows.
+// The padding can detect buffer overflow on free.
+#define MI_PADDING  1
+// Check padding bytes; allows byte-precise buffer overflow detection
+#if !defined(MI_PADDING_CHECK) && MI_PADDING && (MI_SECURE>=3 || MI_DEBUG>=1)
+// Encoded free lists allow detection of corrupted free lists
+// and can detect buffer overflows, modify after free, and double `free`s.
+#if (MI_SECURE>=3 || MI_DEBUG>=1)
+// We used to abandon huge pages but to eagerly deallocate if freed from another thread,
+// but that makes it not possible to visit them during a heap walk or include them in a
+// `mi_heap_destroy`. We therefore instead reset/decommit the huge blocks if freed from
+// another thread so most memory is available until it gets properly freed by the owning thread.
+// #define MI_HUGE_PAGE_ABANDON 1
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Platform specific values
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Size of a pointer.
+// We assume that `sizeof(void*)==sizeof(intptr_t)`
+// and it holds for all platforms we know of.
+// However, the C standard only requires that:
+//  p == (void*)((intptr_t)p))
+// but we also need:
+//  i == (intptr_t)((void*)i)
+// or otherwise one might define an intptr_t type that is larger than a pointer...
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+# define MI_INTPTR_SHIFT (4)  // assume 128-bit  (as on arm CHERI for example)
+#elif INTPTR_MAX == INT64_MAX
+# define MI_INTPTR_SHIFT (3)
+#elif INTPTR_MAX == INT32_MAX
+# define MI_INTPTR_SHIFT (2)
+#error platform pointers must be 32, 64, or 128 bits
+# define MI_SIZE_SHIFT (3)
+typedef int64_t  mi_ssize_t;
+#elif SIZE_MAX == UINT32_MAX
+# define MI_SIZE_SHIFT (2)
+typedef int32_t  mi_ssize_t;
+#error platform objects must be 32 or 64 bits
+#if (SIZE_MAX/2) > LONG_MAX
+# define MI_ZU(x)  x##ULL
+# define MI_ZI(x)  x##LL
+# define MI_ZU(x)  x##UL
+# define MI_ZI(x)  x##L
+#define MI_KiB     (MI_ZU(1024))
+#define MI_MiB     (MI_KiB*MI_KiB)
+#define MI_GiB     (MI_MiB*MI_KiB)
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Main internal data-structures
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Main tuning parameters for segment and page sizes
+// Sizes for 64-bit (usually divide by two for 32-bit)
+#define MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SHIFT            (13 + MI_INTPTR_SHIFT)         // 64KiB  (32KiB on 32-bit)
+#define MI_SEGMENT_SHIFT                  ( 9 + MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SHIFT)  // 32MiB
+#define MI_SEGMENT_SHIFT                  ( 7 + MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SHIFT)  // 4MiB on 32-bit
+#define MI_SMALL_PAGE_SHIFT               (MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SHIFT)       // 64KiB
+#define MI_MEDIUM_PAGE_SHIFT              ( 3 + MI_SMALL_PAGE_SHIFT)     // 512KiB
+// Derived constants
+#define MI_SEGMENT_SIZE                   (MI_ZU(1)<<MI_SEGMENT_SHIFT)
+#define MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN                  MI_SEGMENT_SIZE
+#define MI_SEGMENT_MASK                   ((uintptr_t)(MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN - 1))
+#define MI_SMALL_PAGE_SIZE                (MI_ZU(1)<<MI_SMALL_PAGE_SHIFT)
+#define MI_MEDIUM_PAGE_SIZE               (MI_ZU(1)<<MI_MEDIUM_PAGE_SHIFT)
+#define MI_SMALL_OBJ_SIZE_MAX             (MI_SMALL_PAGE_SIZE/4)   // 8KiB on 64-bit
+#define MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX            (MI_MEDIUM_PAGE_SIZE/4)  // 128KiB on 64-bit
+#define MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX             (MI_SEGMENT_SIZE/2)      // 32MiB on 64-bit
+// Maximum number of size classes. (spaced exponentially in 12.5% increments)
+#define MI_BIN_HUGE  (73U)
+#if (MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_WSIZE_MAX >= 655360)
+#error "mimalloc internal: define more bins"
+// Maximum slice offset (15)
+// Used as a special value to encode block sizes in 32 bits.
+#define MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE                ((uint32_t)(2*MI_GiB))
+// blocks up to this size are always allocated aligned
+// Alignments over MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX are allocated in dedicated huge page segments
+#define MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX                  (MI_SEGMENT_SIZE >> 1)
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Mimalloc pages contain allocated blocks
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// The free lists use encoded next fields
+// (Only actually encodes when MI_ENCODED_FREELIST is defined.)
+typedef uintptr_t  mi_encoded_t;
+// thread id's
+typedef size_t     mi_threadid_t;
+// free lists contain blocks
+typedef struct mi_block_s {
+  mi_encoded_t next;
+} mi_block_t;
+// The delayed flags are used for efficient multi-threaded free-ing
+typedef enum mi_delayed_e {
+  MI_USE_DELAYED_FREE   = 0, // push on the owning heap thread delayed list
+  MI_DELAYED_FREEING    = 1, // temporary: another thread is accessing the owning heap
+  MI_NO_DELAYED_FREE    = 2, // optimize: push on page local thread free queue if another block is already in the heap thread delayed free list
+  MI_NEVER_DELAYED_FREE = 3  // sticky, only resets on page reclaim
+} mi_delayed_t;
+// The `in_full` and `has_aligned` page flags are put in a union to efficiently
+// test if both are false (`full_aligned == 0`) in the `mi_free` routine.
+#if !MI_TSAN
+typedef union mi_page_flags_s {
+  uint8_t full_aligned;
+  struct {
+    uint8_t in_full : 1;
+    uint8_t has_aligned : 1;
+  } x;
+} mi_page_flags_t;
+// under thread sanitizer, use a byte for each flag to suppress warning, issue #130
+typedef union mi_page_flags_s {
+  uint16_t full_aligned;
+  struct {
+    uint8_t in_full;
+    uint8_t has_aligned;
+  } x;
+} mi_page_flags_t;
+// Thread free list.
+// We use the bottom 2 bits of the pointer for mi_delayed_t flags
+typedef uintptr_t mi_thread_free_t;
+// A page contains blocks of one specific size (`block_size`).
+// Each page has three list of free blocks:
+// `free` for blocks that can be allocated,
+// `local_free` for freed blocks that are not yet available to `mi_malloc`
+// `thread_free` for freed blocks by other threads
+// The `local_free` and `thread_free` lists are migrated to the `free` list
+// when it is exhausted. The separate `local_free` list is necessary to
+// implement a monotonic heartbeat. The `thread_free` list is needed for
+// avoiding atomic operations in the common case.
+// `used - |thread_free|` == actual blocks that are in use (alive)
+// `used - |thread_free| + |free| + |local_free| == capacity`
+// We don't count `freed` (as |free|) but use `used` to reduce
+// the number of memory accesses in the `mi_page_all_free` function(s).
+// Notes:
+// - Access is optimized for `mi_free` and `mi_page_alloc` (in `alloc.c`)
+// - Using `uint16_t` does not seem to slow things down
+// - The size is 8 words on 64-bit which helps the page index calculations
+//   (and 10 words on 32-bit, and encoded free lists add 2 words. Sizes 10
+//    and 12 are still good for address calculation)
+// - To limit the structure size, the `xblock_size` is 32-bits only; for
+//   blocks > MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE the size is determined from the segment page size
+// - `thread_free` uses the bottom bits as a delayed-free flags to optimize
+//   concurrent frees where only the first concurrent free adds to the owning
+//   heap `thread_delayed_free` list (see `alloc.c:mi_free_block_mt`).
+//   The invariant is that no-delayed-free is only set if there is
+//   at least one block that will be added, or as already been added, to
+//   the owning heap `thread_delayed_free` list. This guarantees that pages
+//   will be freed correctly even if only other threads free blocks.
+typedef struct mi_page_s {
+  // "owned" by the segment
+  uint32_t              slice_count;       // slices in this page (0 if not a page)
+  uint32_t              slice_offset;      // distance from the actual page data slice (0 if a page)
+  uint8_t               is_committed : 1;  // `true` if the page virtual memory is committed
+  uint8_t               is_zero_init : 1;  // `true` if the page was initially zero initialized
+  // layout like this to optimize access in `mi_malloc` and `mi_free`
+  uint16_t              capacity;          // number of blocks committed, must be the first field, see `segment.c:page_clear`
+  uint16_t              reserved;          // number of blocks reserved in memory
+  mi_page_flags_t       flags;             // `in_full` and `has_aligned` flags (8 bits)
+  uint8_t               free_is_zero : 1;  // `true` if the blocks in the free list are zero initialized
+  uint8_t               retire_expire : 7; // expiration count for retired blocks
+  mi_block_t*           free;              // list of available free blocks (`malloc` allocates from this list)
+  uint32_t              used;              // number of blocks in use (including blocks in `local_free` and `thread_free`)
+  uint32_t              xblock_size;       // size available in each block (always `>0`)
+  mi_block_t*           local_free;        // list of deferred free blocks by this thread (migrates to `free`)
+  uintptr_t             keys[2];           // two random keys to encode the free lists (see `_mi_block_next`) or padding canary
+  #endif
+  _Atomic(mi_thread_free_t) xthread_free;  // list of deferred free blocks freed by other threads
+  _Atomic(uintptr_t)        xheap;
+  struct mi_page_s*     next;              // next page owned by this thread with the same `block_size`
+  struct mi_page_s*     prev;              // previous page owned by this thread with the same `block_size`
+  // 64-bit 9 words, 32-bit 12 words, (+2 for secure)
+  #if MI_INTPTR_SIZE==8
+  uintptr_t padding[1];
+  #endif
+} mi_page_t;
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Mimalloc segments contain mimalloc pages
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+typedef enum mi_page_kind_e {
+  MI_PAGE_SMALL,    // small blocks go into 64KiB pages inside a segment
+  MI_PAGE_MEDIUM,   // medium blocks go into medium pages inside a segment
+  MI_PAGE_LARGE,    // larger blocks go into a page of just one block
+  MI_PAGE_HUGE,     // huge blocks (> 16 MiB) are put into a single page in a single segment.
+} mi_page_kind_t;
+typedef enum mi_segment_kind_e {
+  MI_SEGMENT_NORMAL, // MI_SEGMENT_SIZE size with pages inside.
+  MI_SEGMENT_HUGE,   // > MI_LARGE_SIZE_MAX segment with just one huge page inside.
+} mi_segment_kind_t;
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// A segment holds a commit mask where a bit is set if
+// the corresponding MI_COMMIT_SIZE area is committed.
+// The MI_COMMIT_SIZE must be a multiple of the slice
+// size. If it is equal we have the most fine grained
+// decommit (but setting it higher can be more efficient).
+// The MI_MINIMAL_COMMIT_SIZE is the minimal amount that will
+// be committed in one go which can be set higher than
+// MI_COMMIT_SIZE for efficiency (while the decommit mask
+// is still tracked in fine-grained MI_COMMIT_SIZE chunks)
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+#define MI_COMMIT_SIZE              (MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE)              // 64KiB
+#error "the segment size must be exactly divisible by the (commit size * size_t bits)"
+typedef struct mi_commit_mask_s {
+} mi_commit_mask_t;
+typedef mi_page_t  mi_slice_t;
+typedef int64_t    mi_msecs_t;
+// Memory can reside in arena's, direct OS allocated, or statically allocated. The memid keeps track of this.
+typedef enum mi_memkind_e {
+  MI_MEM_NONE,      // not allocated
+  MI_MEM_EXTERNAL,  // not owned by mimalloc but provided externally (via `mi_manage_os_memory` for example)
+  MI_MEM_STATIC,    // allocated in a static area and should not be freed (for arena meta data for example)
+  MI_MEM_OS,        // allocated from the OS
+  MI_MEM_OS_HUGE,   // allocated as huge os pages
+  MI_MEM_OS_REMAP,  // allocated in a remapable area (i.e. using `mremap`)
+  MI_MEM_ARENA      // allocated from an arena (the usual case)
+} mi_memkind_t;
+static inline bool mi_memkind_is_os(mi_memkind_t memkind) {
+  return (memkind >= MI_MEM_OS && memkind <= MI_MEM_OS_REMAP);
+typedef struct mi_memid_os_info {
+  void*         base;               // actual base address of the block (used for offset aligned allocations)
+  size_t        alignment;          // alignment at allocation
+} mi_memid_os_info_t;
+typedef struct mi_memid_arena_info {
+  size_t        block_index;        // index in the arena
+  mi_arena_id_t id;                 // arena id (>= 1)
+  bool          is_exclusive;       // the arena can only be used for specific arena allocations
+} mi_memid_arena_info_t;
+typedef struct mi_memid_s {
+  union {
+    mi_memid_os_info_t    os;       // only used for MI_MEM_OS
+    mi_memid_arena_info_t arena;    // only used for MI_MEM_ARENA
+  } mem;
+  bool          is_pinned;          // `true` if we cannot decommit/reset/protect in this memory (e.g. when allocated using large OS pages)
+  bool          initially_committed;// `true` if the memory was originally allocated as committed
+  bool          initially_zero;     // `true` if the memory was originally zero initialized
+  mi_memkind_t  memkind;
+} mi_memid_t;
+// Segments are large allocated memory blocks (8mb on 64 bit) from
+// the OS. Inside segments we allocated fixed size _pages_ that
+// contain blocks.
+typedef struct mi_segment_s {
+  // constant fields
+  mi_memid_t        memid;              // memory id for arena allocation
+  bool              allow_decommit;
+  bool              allow_purge;
+  size_t            segment_size;
+  // segment fields
+  mi_msecs_t        purge_expire;
+  mi_commit_mask_t  purge_mask;
+  mi_commit_mask_t  commit_mask;
+  _Atomic(struct mi_segment_s*) abandoned_next;
+  // from here is zero initialized
+  struct mi_segment_s* next;            // the list of freed segments in the cache (must be first field, see `segment.c:mi_segment_init`)
+  size_t            abandoned;          // abandoned pages (i.e. the original owning thread stopped) (`abandoned <= used`)
+  size_t            abandoned_visits;   // count how often this segment is visited in the abandoned list (to force reclaim it it is too long)
+  size_t            used;               // count of pages in use
+  uintptr_t         cookie;             // verify addresses in debug mode: `mi_ptr_cookie(segment) == segment->cookie`
+  size_t            segment_slices;      // for huge segments this may be different from `MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT`
+  size_t            segment_info_slices; // initial slices we are using segment info and possible guard pages.
+  // layout like this to optimize access in `mi_free`
+  mi_segment_kind_t kind;
+  size_t            slice_entries;       // entries in the `slices` array, at most `MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT`
+  _Atomic(mi_threadid_t) thread_id;      // unique id of the thread owning this segment
+  mi_slice_t        slices[MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT+1];  // one more for huge blocks with large alignment
+} mi_segment_t;
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Heaps
+// Provide first-class heaps to allocate from.
+// A heap just owns a set of pages for allocation and
+// can only be allocate/reallocate from the thread that created it.
+// Freeing blocks can be done from any thread though.
+// Per thread, the segments are shared among its heaps.
+// Per thread, there is always a default heap that is
+// used for allocation; it is initialized to statically
+// point to an empty heap to avoid initialization checks
+// in the fast path.
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Thread local data
+typedef struct mi_tld_s mi_tld_t;
+// Pages of a certain block size are held in a queue.
+typedef struct mi_page_queue_s {
+  mi_page_t* first;
+  mi_page_t* last;
+  size_t     block_size;
+} mi_page_queue_t;
+#define MI_BIN_FULL  (MI_BIN_HUGE+1)
+// Random context
+typedef struct mi_random_cxt_s {
+  uint32_t input[16];
+  uint32_t output[16];
+  int      output_available;
+  bool     weak;
+} mi_random_ctx_t;
+// In debug mode there is a padding structure at the end of the blocks to check for buffer overflows
+typedef struct mi_padding_s {
+  uint32_t canary; // encoded block value to check validity of the padding (in case of overflow)
+  uint32_t delta;  // padding bytes before the block. (mi_usable_size(p) - delta == exact allocated bytes)
+} mi_padding_t;
+#define MI_PADDING_SIZE   (sizeof(mi_padding_t))
+#define MI_PADDING_SIZE   0
+#define MI_PADDING_WSIZE  0
+// A heap owns a set of pages.
+struct mi_heap_s {
+  mi_tld_t*             tld;
+  mi_page_t*            pages_free_direct[MI_PAGES_DIRECT];  // optimize: array where every entry points a page with possibly free blocks in the corresponding queue for that size.
+  mi_page_queue_t       pages[MI_BIN_FULL + 1];              // queue of pages for each size class (or "bin")
+  _Atomic(mi_block_t*)  thread_delayed_free;
+  mi_threadid_t         thread_id;                           // thread this heap belongs too
+  mi_arena_id_t         arena_id;                            // arena id if the heap belongs to a specific arena (or 0)
+  uintptr_t             cookie;                              // random cookie to verify pointers (see `_mi_ptr_cookie`)
+  uintptr_t             keys[2];                             // two random keys used to encode the `thread_delayed_free` list
+  mi_random_ctx_t       random;                              // random number context used for secure allocation
+  size_t                page_count;                          // total number of pages in the `pages` queues.
+  size_t                page_retired_min;                    // smallest retired index (retired pages are fully free, but still in the page queues)
+  size_t                page_retired_max;                    // largest retired index into the `pages` array.
+  mi_heap_t*            next;                                // list of heaps per thread
+  bool                  no_reclaim;                          // `true` if this heap should not reclaim abandoned pages
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Debug
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+#if !defined(MI_DEBUG_UNINIT)
+#define MI_DEBUG_UNINIT     (0xD0)
+#if !defined(MI_DEBUG_FREED)
+#define MI_DEBUG_FREED      (0xDF)
+#if !defined(MI_DEBUG_PADDING)
+#define MI_DEBUG_PADDING    (0xDE)
+#if (MI_DEBUG)
+// use our own assertion to print without memory allocation
+void _mi_assert_fail(const char* assertion, const char* fname, unsigned int line, const char* func );
+#define mi_assert(expr)     ((expr) ? (void)0 : _mi_assert_fail(#expr,__FILE__,__LINE__,__func__))
+#define mi_assert(x)
+#if (MI_DEBUG>1)
+#define mi_assert_internal    mi_assert
+#define mi_assert_internal(x)
+#if (MI_DEBUG>2)
+#define mi_assert_expensive   mi_assert
+#define mi_assert_expensive(x)
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Statistics
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef MI_STAT
+#if (MI_DEBUG>0)
+#define MI_STAT 2
+#define MI_STAT 0
+typedef struct mi_stat_count_s {
+  int64_t allocated;
+  int64_t freed;
+  int64_t peak;
+  int64_t current;
+} mi_stat_count_t;
+typedef struct mi_stat_counter_s {
+  int64_t total;
+  int64_t count;
+} mi_stat_counter_t;
+typedef struct mi_stats_s {
+  mi_stat_count_t segments;
+  mi_stat_count_t pages;
+  mi_stat_count_t reserved;
+  mi_stat_count_t committed;
+  mi_stat_count_t reset;
+  mi_stat_count_t purged;
+  mi_stat_count_t page_committed;
+  mi_stat_count_t segments_abandoned;
+  mi_stat_count_t pages_abandoned;
+  mi_stat_count_t threads;
+  mi_stat_count_t normal;
+  mi_stat_count_t huge;
+  mi_stat_count_t large;
+  mi_stat_count_t malloc;
+  mi_stat_count_t segments_cache;
+  mi_stat_counter_t pages_extended;
+  mi_stat_counter_t mmap_calls;
+  mi_stat_counter_t commit_calls;
+  mi_stat_counter_t reset_calls;
+  mi_stat_counter_t purge_calls;
+  mi_stat_counter_t page_no_retire;
+  mi_stat_counter_t searches;
+  mi_stat_counter_t normal_count;
+  mi_stat_counter_t huge_count;
+  mi_stat_counter_t large_count;
+#if MI_STAT>1
+  mi_stat_count_t normal_bins[MI_BIN_HUGE+1];
+} mi_stats_t;
+void _mi_stat_increase(mi_stat_count_t* stat, size_t amount);
+void _mi_stat_decrease(mi_stat_count_t* stat, size_t amount);
+void _mi_stat_counter_increase(mi_stat_counter_t* stat, size_t amount);
+#if (MI_STAT)
+#define mi_stat_increase(stat,amount)         _mi_stat_increase( &(stat), amount)
+#define mi_stat_decrease(stat,amount)         _mi_stat_decrease( &(stat), amount)
+#define mi_stat_counter_increase(stat,amount) _mi_stat_counter_increase( &(stat), amount)
+#define mi_stat_increase(stat,amount)         (void)0
+#define mi_stat_decrease(stat,amount)         (void)0
+#define mi_stat_counter_increase(stat,amount) (void)0
+#define mi_heap_stat_counter_increase(heap,stat,amount)  mi_stat_counter_increase( (heap)->tld->stats.stat, amount)
+#define mi_heap_stat_increase(heap,stat,amount)  mi_stat_increase( (heap)->tld->stats.stat, amount)
+#define mi_heap_stat_decrease(heap,stat,amount)  mi_stat_decrease( (heap)->tld->stats.stat, amount)
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// Thread Local data
+// ------------------------------------------------------
+// A "span" is is an available range of slices. The span queues keep
+// track of slice spans of at most the given `slice_count` (but more than the previous size class).
+typedef struct mi_span_queue_s {
+  mi_slice_t* first;
+  mi_slice_t* last;
+  size_t      slice_count;
+} mi_span_queue_t;
+#define MI_SEGMENT_BIN_MAX (35)     // 35 == mi_segment_bin(MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT)
+// OS thread local data
+typedef struct mi_os_tld_s {
+  size_t                region_idx;   // start point for next allocation
+  mi_stats_t*           stats;        // points to tld stats
+} mi_os_tld_t;
+// Segments thread local data
+typedef struct mi_segments_tld_s {
+  mi_span_queue_t     spans[MI_SEGMENT_BIN_MAX+1];  // free slice spans inside segments
+  size_t              count;        // current number of segments;
+  size_t              peak_count;   // peak number of segments
+  size_t              current_size; // current size of all segments
+  size_t              peak_size;    // peak size of all segments
+  mi_stats_t*         stats;        // points to tld stats
+  mi_os_tld_t*        os;           // points to os stats
+} mi_segments_tld_t;
+// Thread local data
+struct mi_tld_s {
+  unsigned long long  heartbeat;     // monotonic heartbeat count
+  bool                recurse;       // true if deferred was called; used to prevent infinite recursion.
+  mi_heap_t*          heap_backing;  // backing heap of this thread (cannot be deleted)
+  mi_heap_t*          heaps;         // list of heaps in this thread (so we can abandon all when the thread terminates)
+  mi_segments_tld_t   segments;      // segment tld
+  mi_os_tld_t         os;            // os tld
+  mi_stats_t          stats;         // statistics
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/options.c b/compat/mimalloc/options.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..3a3090d9acfc94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/options.c
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#include "mimalloc/internal.h"
+#include "mimalloc/atomic.h"
+#include "mimalloc/prim.h"  // mi_prim_out_stderr
+#include <stdio.h>      // FILE
+#include <stdlib.h>     // abort
+#include <stdarg.h>
+static long mi_max_error_count   = 16; // stop outputting errors after this (use < 0 for no limit)
+static long mi_max_warning_count = 16; // stop outputting warnings after this (use < 0 for no limit)
+static void mi_add_stderr_output(void);
+int mi_version(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// Options
+// These can be accessed by multiple threads and may be
+// concurrently initialized, but an initializing data race
+// is ok since they resolve to the same value.
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+typedef enum mi_init_e {
+  UNINIT,       // not yet initialized
+  DEFAULTED,    // not found in the environment, use default value
+  INITIALIZED   // found in environment or set explicitly
+} mi_init_t;
+typedef struct mi_option_desc_s {
+  long        value;  // the value
+  mi_init_t   init;   // is it initialized yet? (from the environment)
+  mi_option_t option; // for debugging: the option index should match the option
+  const char* name;   // option name without `mimalloc_` prefix
+  const char* legacy_name; // potential legacy option name
+} mi_option_desc_t;
+#define MI_OPTION(opt)                  mi_option_##opt, #opt, NULL
+#define MI_OPTION_LEGACY(opt,legacy)    mi_option_##opt, #opt, #legacy
+static mi_option_desc_t options[_mi_option_last] =
+  // stable options
+  #if MI_DEBUG || defined(MI_SHOW_ERRORS)
+  { 1, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(show_errors) },
+  #else
+  { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(show_errors) },
+  #endif
+  { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(show_stats) },
+  { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(verbose) },
+  // the following options are experimental and not all combinations make sense.
+  { 1, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(eager_commit) },               // commit per segment directly (4MiB)  (but see also `eager_commit_delay`)
+  { 2, UNINIT, MI_OPTION_LEGACY(arena_eager_commit,eager_region_commit) }, // eager commit arena's? 2 is used to enable this only on an OS that has overcommit (i.e. linux)
+  { 1, UNINIT, MI_OPTION_LEGACY(purge_decommits,reset_decommits) },        // purge decommits memory (instead of reset) (note: on linux this uses MADV_DONTNEED for decommit)
+  { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION_LEGACY(allow_large_os_pages,large_os_pages) },    // use large OS pages, use only with eager commit to prevent fragmentation of VMA's
+  { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(reserve_huge_os_pages) },      // per 1GiB huge pages
+  {-1, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(reserve_huge_os_pages_at) },   // reserve huge pages at node N
+  { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(reserve_os_memory)     },
+  { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(deprecated_segment_cache) },   // cache N segments per thread
+  { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(deprecated_page_reset) },      // reset page memory on free
+  { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION_LEGACY(abandoned_page_purge,abandoned_page_reset) },       // reset free page memory when a thread terminates
+  { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(deprecated_segment_reset) },   // reset segment memory on free (needs eager commit)
+#if defined(__NetBSD__)
+  { 0, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(eager_commit_delay) },         // the first N segments per thread are not eagerly committed
+  { 1, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(eager_commit_delay) },         // the first N segments per thread are not eagerly committed (but per page in the segment on demand)
+  { 10,  UNINIT, MI_OPTION_LEGACY(purge_delay,reset_delay) },  // purge delay in milli-seconds
+  { 0,   UNINIT, MI_OPTION(use_numa_nodes) },           // 0 = use available numa nodes, otherwise use at most N nodes.
+  { 0,   UNINIT, MI_OPTION(limit_os_alloc) },           // 1 = do not use OS memory for allocation (but only reserved arenas)
+  { 100, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(os_tag) },                   // only apple specific for now but might serve more or less related purpose
+  { 16,  UNINIT, MI_OPTION(max_errors) },               // maximum errors that are output
+  { 16,  UNINIT, MI_OPTION(max_warnings) },             // maximum warnings that are output
+  { 8,   UNINIT, MI_OPTION(max_segment_reclaim)},       // max. number of segment reclaims from the abandoned segments per try.
+  { 0,   UNINIT, MI_OPTION(destroy_on_exit)},           // release all OS memory on process exit; careful with dangling pointer or after-exit frees!
+  #if (MI_INTPTR_SIZE>4)
+  { 1024L * 1024L, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(arena_reserve) },  // reserve memory N KiB at a time
+  #else
+  {  128L * 1024L, UNINIT, MI_OPTION(arena_reserve) },
+  #endif
+  { 10,  UNINIT, MI_OPTION(arena_purge_mult) },        // purge delay multiplier for arena's
+  { 1,   UNINIT, MI_OPTION_LEGACY(purge_extend_delay, decommit_extend_delay) },
+static void mi_option_init(mi_option_desc_t* desc);
+void _mi_options_init(void) {
+  // called on process load; should not be called before the CRT is initialized!
+  // (e.g. do not call this from process_init as that may run before CRT initialization)
+  mi_add_stderr_output(); // now it safe to use stderr for output
+  for(int i = 0; i < _mi_option_last; i++ ) {
+    mi_option_t option = (mi_option_t)i;
+    long l = mi_option_get(option); MI_UNUSED(l); // initialize
+    // if (option != mi_option_verbose)
+    {
+      mi_option_desc_t* desc = &options[option];
+      _mi_verbose_message("option '%s': %ld\n", desc->name, desc->value);
+    }
+  }
+  mi_max_error_count = mi_option_get(mi_option_max_errors);
+  mi_max_warning_count = mi_option_get(mi_option_max_warnings);
+mi_decl_nodiscard long mi_option_get(mi_option_t option) {
+  mi_assert(option >= 0 && option < _mi_option_last);
+  if (option < 0 || option >= _mi_option_last) return 0;
+  mi_option_desc_t* desc = &options[option];
+  mi_assert(desc->option == option);  // index should match the option
+  if mi_unlikely(desc->init == UNINIT) {
+    mi_option_init(desc);
+  }
+  return desc->value;
+mi_decl_nodiscard long mi_option_get_clamp(mi_option_t option, long min, long max) {
+  long x = mi_option_get(option);
+  return (x < min ? min : (x > max ? max : x));
+mi_decl_nodiscard size_t mi_option_get_size(mi_option_t option) {
+  mi_assert_internal(option == mi_option_reserve_os_memory || option == mi_option_arena_reserve);
+  long x = mi_option_get(option);
+  return (x < 0 ? 0 : (size_t)x * MI_KiB);
+void mi_option_set(mi_option_t option, long value) {
+  mi_assert(option >= 0 && option < _mi_option_last);
+  if (option < 0 || option >= _mi_option_last) return;
+  mi_option_desc_t* desc = &options[option];
+  mi_assert(desc->option == option);  // index should match the option
+  desc->value = value;
+  desc->init = INITIALIZED;
+void mi_option_set_default(mi_option_t option, long value) {
+  mi_assert(option >= 0 && option < _mi_option_last);
+  if (option < 0 || option >= _mi_option_last) return;
+  mi_option_desc_t* desc = &options[option];
+  if (desc->init != INITIALIZED) {
+    desc->value = value;
+  }
+mi_decl_nodiscard bool mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_t option) {
+  return (mi_option_get(option) != 0);
+void mi_option_set_enabled(mi_option_t option, bool enable) {
+  mi_option_set(option, (enable ? 1 : 0));
+void mi_option_set_enabled_default(mi_option_t option, bool enable) {
+  mi_option_set_default(option, (enable ? 1 : 0));
+void mi_option_enable(mi_option_t option) {
+  mi_option_set_enabled(option,true);
+void mi_option_disable(mi_option_t option) {
+  mi_option_set_enabled(option,false);
+static void mi_cdecl mi_out_stderr(const char* msg, void* arg) {
+  MI_UNUSED(arg);
+  if (msg != NULL && msg[0] != 0) {
+    _mi_prim_out_stderr(msg);
+  }
+// Since an output function can be registered earliest in the `main`
+// function we also buffer output that happens earlier. When
+// an output function is registered it is called immediately with
+// the output up to that point.
+#define MI_MAX_DELAY_OUTPUT ((size_t)(32*1024))
+static char out_buf[MI_MAX_DELAY_OUTPUT+1];
+static _Atomic(size_t) out_len;
+static void mi_cdecl mi_out_buf(const char* msg, void* arg) {
+  MI_UNUSED(arg);
+  if (msg==NULL) return;
+  if (mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&out_len)>=MI_MAX_DELAY_OUTPUT) return;
+  size_t n = _mi_strlen(msg);
+  if (n==0) return;
+  // claim space
+  size_t start = mi_atomic_add_acq_rel(&out_len, n);
+  if (start >= MI_MAX_DELAY_OUTPUT) return;
+  // check bound
+  if (start+n >= MI_MAX_DELAY_OUTPUT) {
+    n = MI_MAX_DELAY_OUTPUT-start-1;
+  }
+  _mi_memcpy(&out_buf[start], msg, n);
+static void mi_out_buf_flush(mi_output_fun* out, bool no_more_buf, void* arg) {
+  if (out==NULL) return;
+  // claim (if `no_more_buf == true`, no more output will be added after this point)
+  size_t count = mi_atomic_add_acq_rel(&out_len, (no_more_buf ? MI_MAX_DELAY_OUTPUT : 1));
+  // and output the current contents
+  out_buf[count] = 0;
+  out(out_buf,arg);
+  if (!no_more_buf) {
+    out_buf[count] = '\n'; // if continue with the buffer, insert a newline
+  }
+// Once this module is loaded, switch to this routine
+// which outputs to stderr and the delayed output buffer.
+static void mi_cdecl mi_out_buf_stderr(const char* msg, void* arg) {
+  mi_out_stderr(msg,arg);
+  mi_out_buf(msg,arg);
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// Default output handler
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// Should be atomic but gives errors on many platforms as generally we cannot cast a function pointer to a uintptr_t.
+// For now, don't register output from multiple threads.
+static mi_output_fun* volatile mi_out_default; // = NULL
+static _Atomic(void*) mi_out_arg; // = NULL
+static mi_output_fun* mi_out_get_default(void** parg) {
+  if (parg != NULL) { *parg = mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(void,&mi_out_arg); }
+  mi_output_fun* out = mi_out_default;
+  return (out == NULL ? &mi_out_buf : out);
+void mi_register_output(mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  mi_out_default = (out == NULL ? &mi_out_stderr : out); // stop using the delayed output buffer
+  mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(void,&mi_out_arg, arg);
+  if (out!=NULL) mi_out_buf_flush(out,true,arg);         // output all the delayed output now
+// add stderr to the delayed output after the module is loaded
+static void mi_add_stderr_output(void) {
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_out_default == NULL);
+  mi_out_buf_flush(&mi_out_stderr, false, NULL); // flush current contents to stderr
+  mi_out_default = &mi_out_buf_stderr;           // and add stderr to the delayed output
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// Messages, all end up calling `_mi_fputs`.
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+static _Atomic(size_t) error_count;   // = 0;  // when >= max_error_count stop emitting errors
+static _Atomic(size_t) warning_count; // = 0;  // when >= max_warning_count stop emitting warnings
+// When overriding malloc, we may recurse into mi_vfprintf if an allocation
+// inside the C runtime causes another message.
+// In some cases (like on macOS) the loader already allocates which
+// calls into mimalloc; if we then access thread locals (like `recurse`)
+// this may crash as the access may call _tlv_bootstrap that tries to
+// (recursively) invoke malloc again to allocate space for the thread local
+// variables on demand. This is why we use a _mi_preloading test on such
+// platforms. However, C code generator may move the initial thread local address
+// load before the `if` and we therefore split it out in a separate funcion.
+static mi_decl_thread bool recurse = false;
+static mi_decl_noinline bool mi_recurse_enter_prim(void) {
+  if (recurse) return false;
+  recurse = true;
+  return true;
+static mi_decl_noinline void mi_recurse_exit_prim(void) {
+  recurse = false;
+static bool mi_recurse_enter(void) {
+  #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(MI_TLS_RECURSE_GUARD)
+  if (_mi_preloading()) return false;
+  #endif
+  return mi_recurse_enter_prim();
+static void mi_recurse_exit(void) {
+  #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(MI_TLS_RECURSE_GUARD)
+  if (_mi_preloading()) return;
+  #endif
+  mi_recurse_exit_prim();
+void _mi_fputs(mi_output_fun* out, void* arg, const char* prefix, const char* message) {
+  if (out==NULL || (void*)out==(void*)stdout || (void*)out==(void*)stderr) { // TODO: use mi_out_stderr for stderr?
+    if (!mi_recurse_enter()) return;
+    out = mi_out_get_default(&arg);
+    if (prefix != NULL) out(prefix, arg);
+    out(message, arg);
+    mi_recurse_exit();
+  }
+  else {
+    if (prefix != NULL) out(prefix, arg);
+    out(message, arg);
+  }
+// Define our own limited `fprintf` that avoids memory allocation.
+// We do this using `snprintf` with a limited buffer.
+static void mi_vfprintf( mi_output_fun* out, void* arg, const char* prefix, const char* fmt, va_list args ) {
+  char buf[512];
+  if (fmt==NULL) return;
+  if (!mi_recurse_enter()) return;
+  vsnprintf(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,fmt,args);
+  mi_recurse_exit();
+  _mi_fputs(out,arg,prefix,buf);
+void _mi_fprintf( mi_output_fun* out, void* arg, const char* fmt, ... ) {
+  va_list args;
+  va_start(args,fmt);
+  mi_vfprintf(out,arg,NULL,fmt,args);
+  va_end(args);
+static void mi_vfprintf_thread(mi_output_fun* out, void* arg, const char* prefix, const char* fmt, va_list args) {
+  if (prefix != NULL && _mi_strnlen(prefix,33) <= 32 && !_mi_is_main_thread()) {
+    char tprefix[64];
+    snprintf(tprefix, sizeof(tprefix), "%sthread 0x%llx: ", prefix, (unsigned long long)_mi_thread_id());
+    mi_vfprintf(out, arg, tprefix, fmt, args);
+  }
+  else {
+    mi_vfprintf(out, arg, prefix, fmt, args);
+  }
+void _mi_trace_message(const char* fmt, ...) {
+  if (mi_option_get(mi_option_verbose) <= 1) return;  // only with verbose level 2 or higher
+  va_list args;
+  va_start(args, fmt);
+  mi_vfprintf_thread(NULL, NULL, "mimalloc: ", fmt, args);
+  va_end(args);
+void _mi_verbose_message(const char* fmt, ...) {
+  if (!mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_verbose)) return;
+  va_list args;
+  va_start(args,fmt);
+  mi_vfprintf(NULL, NULL, "mimalloc: ", fmt, args);
+  va_end(args);
+static void mi_show_error_message(const char* fmt, va_list args) {
+  if (!mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_verbose)) {
+    if (!mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_show_errors)) return;
+    if (mi_max_error_count >= 0 && (long)mi_atomic_increment_acq_rel(&error_count) > mi_max_error_count) return;
+  }
+  mi_vfprintf_thread(NULL, NULL, "mimalloc: error: ", fmt, args);
+void _mi_warning_message(const char* fmt, ...) {
+  if (!mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_verbose)) {
+    if (!mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_show_errors)) return;
+    if (mi_max_warning_count >= 0 && (long)mi_atomic_increment_acq_rel(&warning_count) > mi_max_warning_count) return;
+  }
+  va_list args;
+  va_start(args,fmt);
+  mi_vfprintf_thread(NULL, NULL, "mimalloc: warning: ", fmt, args);
+  va_end(args);
+void _mi_assert_fail(const char* assertion, const char* fname, unsigned line, const char* func ) {
+  _mi_fprintf(NULL, NULL, "mimalloc: assertion failed: at \"%s\":%u, %s\n  assertion: \"%s\"\n", fname, line, (func==NULL?"":func), assertion);
+  abort();
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// Errors
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+static mi_error_fun* volatile  mi_error_handler; // = NULL
+static _Atomic(void*) mi_error_arg;     // = NULL
+static void mi_error_default(int err) {
+  MI_UNUSED(err);
+#if (MI_DEBUG>0)
+  if (err==EFAULT) {
+    #ifdef _MSC_VER
+    __debugbreak();
+    #endif
+    abort();
+  }
+#if (MI_SECURE>0)
+  if (err==EFAULT) {  // abort on serious errors in secure mode (corrupted meta-data)
+    abort();
+  }
+#if defined(MI_XMALLOC)
+  if (err==ENOMEM || err==EOVERFLOW) { // abort on memory allocation fails in xmalloc mode
+    abort();
+  }
+void mi_register_error(mi_error_fun* fun, void* arg) {
+  mi_error_handler = fun;  // can be NULL
+  mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(void,&mi_error_arg, arg);
+void _mi_error_message(int err, const char* fmt, ...) {
+  // show detailed error message
+  va_list args;
+  va_start(args, fmt);
+  mi_show_error_message(fmt, args);
+  va_end(args);
+  // and call the error handler which may abort (or return normally)
+  if (mi_error_handler != NULL) {
+    mi_error_handler(err, mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(void,&mi_error_arg));
+  }
+  else {
+    mi_error_default(err);
+  }
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// Initialize options by checking the environment
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+char _mi_toupper(char c) {
+  if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return (c - 'a' + 'A');
+		       else return c;
+int _mi_strnicmp(const char* s, const char* t, size_t n) {
+  if (n == 0) return 0;
+  for (; *s != 0 && *t != 0 && n > 0; s++, t++, n--) {
+    if (_mi_toupper(*s) != _mi_toupper(*t)) break;
+  }
+  return (n == 0 ? 0 : *s - *t);
+void _mi_strlcpy(char* dest, const char* src, size_t dest_size) {
+  if (dest==NULL || src==NULL || dest_size == 0) return;
+  // copy until end of src, or when dest is (almost) full
+  while (*src != 0 && dest_size > 1) {
+    *dest++ = *src++;
+    dest_size--;
+  }
+  // always zero terminate
+  *dest = 0;
+void _mi_strlcat(char* dest, const char* src, size_t dest_size) {
+  if (dest==NULL || src==NULL || dest_size == 0) return;
+  // find end of string in the dest buffer
+  while (*dest != 0 && dest_size > 1) {
+    dest++;
+    dest_size--;
+  }
+  // and catenate
+  _mi_strlcpy(dest, src, dest_size);
+size_t _mi_strlen(const char* s) {
+  if (s==NULL) return 0;
+  size_t len = 0;
+  while(s[len] != 0) { len++; }
+  return len;
+size_t _mi_strnlen(const char* s, size_t max_len) {
+  if (s==NULL) return 0;
+  size_t len = 0;
+  while(s[len] != 0 && len < max_len) { len++; }
+  return len;
+#ifdef MI_NO_GETENV
+static bool mi_getenv(const char* name, char* result, size_t result_size) {
+  MI_UNUSED(name);
+  MI_UNUSED(result);
+  MI_UNUSED(result_size);
+  return false;
+static bool mi_getenv(const char* name, char* result, size_t result_size) {
+  if (name==NULL || result == NULL || result_size < 64) return false;
+  return _mi_prim_getenv(name,result,result_size);
+// TODO: implement ourselves to reduce dependencies on the C runtime
+#include <stdlib.h> // strtol
+#include <string.h> // strstr
+static void mi_option_init(mi_option_desc_t* desc) {
+  // Read option value from the environment
+  char s[64 + 1];
+  char buf[64+1];
+  _mi_strlcpy(buf, "mimalloc_", sizeof(buf));
+  _mi_strlcat(buf, desc->name, sizeof(buf));
+  bool found = mi_getenv(buf, s, sizeof(s));
+  if (!found && desc->legacy_name != NULL) {
+    _mi_strlcpy(buf, "mimalloc_", sizeof(buf));
+    _mi_strlcat(buf, desc->legacy_name, sizeof(buf));
+    found = mi_getenv(buf, s, sizeof(s));
+    if (found) {
+      _mi_warning_message("environment option \"mimalloc_%s\" is deprecated -- use \"mimalloc_%s\" instead.\n", desc->legacy_name, desc->name);
+    }
+  }
+  if (found) {
+    size_t len = _mi_strnlen(s, sizeof(buf) - 1);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+      buf[i] = _mi_toupper(s[i]);
+    }
+    buf[len] = 0;
+    if (buf[0] == 0 || strstr("1;TRUE;YES;ON", buf) != NULL) {
+      desc->value = 1;
+      desc->init = INITIALIZED;
+    }
+    else if (strstr("0;FALSE;NO;OFF", buf) != NULL) {
+      desc->value = 0;
+      desc->init = INITIALIZED;
+    }
+    else {
+      char* end = buf;
+      long value = strtol(buf, &end, 10);
+      if (desc->option == mi_option_reserve_os_memory || desc->option == mi_option_arena_reserve) {
+	// this option is interpreted in KiB to prevent overflow of `long`
+	if (*end == 'K') { end++; }
+	else if (*end == 'M') { value *= MI_KiB; end++; }
+	else if (*end == 'G') { value *= MI_MiB; end++; }
+	else { value = (value + MI_KiB - 1) / MI_KiB; }
+	if (end[0] == 'I' && end[1] == 'B') { end += 2; }
+	else if (*end == 'B') { end++; }
+      }
+      if (*end == 0) {
+	desc->value = value;
+	desc->init = INITIALIZED;
+      }
+      else {
+	// set `init` first to avoid recursion through _mi_warning_message on mimalloc_verbose.
+	desc->init = DEFAULTED;
+	if (desc->option == mi_option_verbose && desc->value == 0) {
+	  // if the 'mimalloc_verbose' env var has a bogus value we'd never know
+	  // (since the value defaults to 'off') so in that case briefly enable verbose
+	  desc->value = 1;
+	  _mi_warning_message("environment option mimalloc_%s has an invalid value.\n", desc->name);
+	  desc->value = 0;
+	}
+	else {
+	  _mi_warning_message("environment option mimalloc_%s has an invalid value.\n", desc->name);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    mi_assert_internal(desc->init != UNINIT);
+  }
+  else if (!_mi_preloading()) {
+    desc->init = DEFAULTED;
+  }
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/os.c b/compat/mimalloc/os.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..bf9de1be0fdb49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/os.c
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2018-2023, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#include "mimalloc/internal.h"
+#include "mimalloc/atomic.h"
+#include "mimalloc/prim.h"
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Initialization.
+  On windows initializes support for aligned allocation and
+  large OS pages (if MIMALLOC_LARGE_OS_PAGES is true).
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static mi_os_mem_config_t mi_os_mem_config = {
+  4096,   // page size
+  0,      // large page size (usually 2MiB)
+  4096,   // allocation granularity
+  true,   // has overcommit?  (if true we use MAP_NORESERVE on mmap systems)
+  false,  // must free whole? (on mmap systems we can free anywhere in a mapped range, but on Windows we must free the entire span)
+  true    // has virtual reserve? (if true we can reserve virtual address space without using commit or physical memory)
+bool _mi_os_has_overcommit(void) {
+  return mi_os_mem_config.has_overcommit;
+bool _mi_os_has_virtual_reserve(void) {
+  return mi_os_mem_config.has_virtual_reserve;
+// OS (small) page size
+size_t _mi_os_page_size(void) {
+  return mi_os_mem_config.page_size;
+// if large OS pages are supported (2 or 4MiB), then return the size, otherwise return the small page size (4KiB)
+size_t _mi_os_large_page_size(void) {
+  return (mi_os_mem_config.large_page_size != 0 ? mi_os_mem_config.large_page_size : _mi_os_page_size());
+bool _mi_os_use_large_page(size_t size, size_t alignment) {
+  // if we have access, check the size and alignment requirements
+  if (mi_os_mem_config.large_page_size == 0 || !mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_allow_large_os_pages)) return false;
+  return ((size % mi_os_mem_config.large_page_size) == 0 && (alignment % mi_os_mem_config.large_page_size) == 0);
+// round to a good OS allocation size (bounded by max 12.5% waste)
+size_t _mi_os_good_alloc_size(size_t size) {
+  size_t align_size;
+  if (size < 512*MI_KiB) align_size = _mi_os_page_size();
+  else if (size < 2*MI_MiB) align_size = 64*MI_KiB;
+  else if (size < 8*MI_MiB) align_size = 256*MI_KiB;
+  else if (size < 32*MI_MiB) align_size = 1*MI_MiB;
+  else align_size = 4*MI_MiB;
+  if mi_unlikely(size >= (SIZE_MAX - align_size)) return size; // possible overflow?
+  return _mi_align_up(size, align_size);
+void _mi_os_init(void) {
+  _mi_prim_mem_init(&mi_os_mem_config);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Util
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+bool _mi_os_decommit(void* addr, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats);
+bool _mi_os_commit(void* addr, size_t size, bool* is_zero, mi_stats_t* tld_stats);
+static void* mi_align_up_ptr(void* p, size_t alignment) {
+  return (void*)_mi_align_up((uintptr_t)p, alignment);
+static void* mi_align_down_ptr(void* p, size_t alignment) {
+  return (void*)_mi_align_down((uintptr_t)p, alignment);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  aligned hinting
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// On 64-bit systems, we can do efficient aligned allocation by using
+// the 2TiB to 30TiB area to allocate those.
+#if (MI_INTPTR_SIZE >= 8)
+static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(uintptr_t)aligned_base;
+// Return a MI_SEGMENT_SIZE aligned address that is probably available.
+// If this returns NULL, the OS will determine the address but on some OS's that may not be
+// properly aligned which can be more costly as it needs to be adjusted afterwards.
+// For a size > 1GiB this always returns NULL in order to guarantee good ASLR randomization;
+// (otherwise an initial large allocation of say 2TiB has a 50% chance to include (known) addresses
+//  in the middle of the 2TiB - 6TiB address range (see issue #372))
+#define MI_HINT_BASE ((uintptr_t)2 << 40)  // 2TiB start
+#define MI_HINT_AREA ((uintptr_t)4 << 40)  // upto 6TiB   (since before win8 there is "only" 8TiB available to processes)
+#define MI_HINT_MAX  ((uintptr_t)30 << 40) // wrap after 30TiB (area after 32TiB is used for huge OS pages)
+void* _mi_os_get_aligned_hint(size_t try_alignment, size_t size)
+  if (try_alignment <= 1 || try_alignment > MI_SEGMENT_SIZE) return NULL;
+  size = _mi_align_up(size, MI_SEGMENT_SIZE);
+  if (size > 1*MI_GiB) return NULL;  // guarantee the chance of fixed valid address is at most 1/(MI_HINT_AREA / 1<<30) = 1/4096.
+  #if (MI_SECURE>0)
+  size += MI_SEGMENT_SIZE;        // put in `MI_SEGMENT_SIZE` virtual gaps between hinted blocks; this splits VLA's but increases guarded areas.
+  #endif
+  uintptr_t hint = mi_atomic_add_acq_rel(&aligned_base, size);
+  if (hint == 0 || hint > MI_HINT_MAX) {   // wrap or initialize
+    uintptr_t init = MI_HINT_BASE;
+    #if (MI_SECURE>0 || MI_DEBUG==0)       // security: randomize start of aligned allocations unless in debug mode
+    uintptr_t r = _mi_heap_random_next(mi_prim_get_default_heap());
+    init = init + ((MI_SEGMENT_SIZE * ((r>>17) & 0xFFFFF)) % MI_HINT_AREA);  // (randomly 20 bits)*4MiB == 0 to 4TiB
+    #endif
+    uintptr_t expected = hint + size;
+    mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(&aligned_base, &expected, init);
+    hint = mi_atomic_add_acq_rel(&aligned_base, size); // this may still give 0 or > MI_HINT_MAX but that is ok, it is a hint after all
+  }
+  if (hint%try_alignment != 0) return NULL;
+  return (void*)hint;
+void* _mi_os_get_aligned_hint(size_t try_alignment, size_t size) {
+  MI_UNUSED(try_alignment); MI_UNUSED(size);
+  return NULL;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Free memory
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void mi_os_free_huge_os_pages(void* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats);
+static void mi_os_prim_free(void* addr, size_t size, bool still_committed, mi_stats_t* tld_stats) {
+  MI_UNUSED(tld_stats);
+  mi_assert_internal((size % _mi_os_page_size()) == 0);
+  if (addr == NULL || size == 0) return; // || _mi_os_is_huge_reserved(addr)
+  int err = _mi_prim_free(addr, size);
+  if (err != 0) {
+    _mi_warning_message("unable to free OS memory (error: %d (0x%x), size: 0x%zx bytes, address: %p)\n", err, err, size, addr);
+  }
+  mi_stats_t* stats = &_mi_stats_main;
+  if (still_committed) { _mi_stat_decrease(&stats->committed, size); }
+  _mi_stat_decrease(&stats->reserved, size);
+void _mi_os_free_ex(void* addr, size_t size, bool still_committed, mi_memid_t memid, mi_stats_t* tld_stats) {
+  if (mi_memkind_is_os(memid.memkind)) {
+    size_t csize = _mi_os_good_alloc_size(size);
+    void* base = addr;
+    // different base? (due to alignment)
+    if (memid.mem.os.base != NULL) {
+      mi_assert(memid.mem.os.base <= addr);
+      mi_assert((uint8_t*)memid.mem.os.base + memid.mem.os.alignment >= (uint8_t*)addr);
+      base = memid.mem.os.base;
+      csize += ((uint8_t*)addr - (uint8_t*)memid.mem.os.base);
+    }
+    // free it
+    if (memid.memkind == MI_MEM_OS_HUGE) {
+      mi_assert(memid.is_pinned);
+      mi_os_free_huge_os_pages(base, csize, tld_stats);
+    }
+    else {
+      mi_os_prim_free(base, csize, still_committed, tld_stats);
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    // nothing to do
+    mi_assert(memid.memkind < MI_MEM_OS);
+  }
+void  _mi_os_free(void* p, size_t size, mi_memid_t memid, mi_stats_t* tld_stats) {
+  _mi_os_free_ex(p, size, true, memid, tld_stats);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Primitive allocation from the OS.
+-------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Note: the `try_alignment` is just a hint and the returned pointer is not guaranteed to be aligned.
+static void* mi_os_prim_alloc(size_t size, size_t try_alignment, bool commit, bool allow_large, bool* is_large, bool* is_zero, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  mi_assert_internal(size > 0 && (size % _mi_os_page_size()) == 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(is_zero != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(is_large != NULL);
+  if (size == 0) return NULL;
+  if (!commit) { allow_large = false; }
+  if (try_alignment == 0) { try_alignment = 1; } // avoid 0 to ensure there will be no divide by zero when aligning
+  *is_zero = false;
+  void* p = NULL;
+  int err = _mi_prim_alloc(size, try_alignment, commit, allow_large, is_large, is_zero, &p);
+  if (err != 0) {
+    _mi_warning_message("unable to allocate OS memory (error: %d (0x%x), size: 0x%zx bytes, align: 0x%zx, commit: %d, allow large: %d)\n", err, err, size, try_alignment, commit, allow_large);
+  }
+  mi_stat_counter_increase(stats->mmap_calls, 1);
+  if (p != NULL) {
+    _mi_stat_increase(&stats->reserved, size);
+    if (commit) {
+      _mi_stat_increase(&stats->committed, size);
+      // seems needed for asan (or `mimalloc-test-api` fails)
+      #ifdef MI_TRACK_ASAN
+      if (*is_zero) { mi_track_mem_defined(p,size); }
+	       else { mi_track_mem_undefined(p,size); }
+      #endif
+    }
+  }
+  return p;
+// Primitive aligned allocation from the OS.
+// This function guarantees the allocated memory is aligned.
+static void* mi_os_prim_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool commit, bool allow_large, bool* is_large, bool* is_zero, void** base, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  mi_assert_internal(alignment >= _mi_os_page_size() && ((alignment & (alignment - 1)) == 0));
+  mi_assert_internal(size > 0 && (size % _mi_os_page_size()) == 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(is_large != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(is_zero != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(base != NULL);
+  if (!commit) allow_large = false;
+  if (!(alignment >= _mi_os_page_size() && ((alignment & (alignment - 1)) == 0))) return NULL;
+  size = _mi_align_up(size, _mi_os_page_size());
+  // try first with a hint (this will be aligned directly on Win 10+ or BSD)
+  void* p = mi_os_prim_alloc(size, alignment, commit, allow_large, is_large, is_zero, stats);
+  if (p == NULL) return NULL;
+  // aligned already?
+  if (((uintptr_t)p % alignment) == 0) {
+    *base = p;
+  }
+  else {
+    // if not aligned, free it, overallocate, and unmap around it
+    _mi_warning_message("unable to allocate aligned OS memory directly, fall back to over-allocation (size: 0x%zx bytes, address: %p, alignment: 0x%zx, commit: %d)\n", size, p, alignment, commit);
+    mi_os_prim_free(p, size, commit, stats);
+    if (size >= (SIZE_MAX - alignment)) return NULL; // overflow
+    const size_t over_size = size + alignment;
+    if (mi_os_mem_config.must_free_whole) {  // win32 virtualAlloc cannot free parts of an allocate block
+      // over-allocate uncommitted (virtual) memory
+      p = mi_os_prim_alloc(over_size, 1 /*alignment*/, false /* commit? */, false /* allow_large */, is_large, is_zero, stats);
+      if (p == NULL) return NULL;
+      // set p to the aligned part in the full region
+      // note: this is dangerous on Windows as VirtualFree needs the actual base pointer
+      // this is handled though by having the `base` field in the memid's
+      *base = p; // remember the base
+      p = mi_align_up_ptr(p, alignment);
+      // explicitly commit only the aligned part
+      if (commit) {
+	_mi_os_commit(p, size, NULL, stats);
+      }
+    }
+    else  { // mmap can free inside an allocation
+      // overallocate...
+      p = mi_os_prim_alloc(over_size, 1, commit, false, is_large, is_zero, stats);
+      if (p == NULL) return NULL;
+      // and selectively unmap parts around the over-allocated area. (noop on sbrk)
+      void* aligned_p = mi_align_up_ptr(p, alignment);
+      size_t pre_size = (uint8_t*)aligned_p - (uint8_t*)p;
+      size_t mid_size = _mi_align_up(size, _mi_os_page_size());
+      size_t post_size = over_size - pre_size - mid_size;
+      mi_assert_internal(pre_size < over_size&& post_size < over_size&& mid_size >= size);
+      if (pre_size > 0)  { mi_os_prim_free(p, pre_size, commit, stats); }
+      if (post_size > 0) { mi_os_prim_free((uint8_t*)aligned_p + mid_size, post_size, commit, stats); }
+      // we can return the aligned pointer on `mmap` (and sbrk) systems
+      p = aligned_p;
+      *base = aligned_p; // since we freed the pre part, `*base == p`.
+    }
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(p == NULL || (p != NULL && *base != NULL && ((uintptr_t)p % alignment) == 0));
+  return p;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  OS API: alloc and alloc_aligned
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+void* _mi_os_alloc(size_t size, mi_memid_t* memid, mi_stats_t* tld_stats) {
+  MI_UNUSED(tld_stats);
+  *memid = _mi_memid_none();
+  mi_stats_t* stats = &_mi_stats_main;
+  if (size == 0) return NULL;
+  size = _mi_os_good_alloc_size(size);
+  bool os_is_large = false;
+  bool os_is_zero  = false;
+  void* p = mi_os_prim_alloc(size, 0, true, false, &os_is_large, &os_is_zero, stats);
+  if (p != NULL) {
+    *memid = _mi_memid_create_os(true, os_is_zero, os_is_large);
+  }
+  return p;
+void* _mi_os_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool commit, bool allow_large, mi_memid_t* memid, mi_stats_t* tld_stats)
+  MI_UNUSED(&_mi_os_get_aligned_hint); // suppress unused warnings
+  MI_UNUSED(tld_stats);
+  *memid = _mi_memid_none();
+  if (size == 0) return NULL;
+  size = _mi_os_good_alloc_size(size);
+  alignment = _mi_align_up(alignment, _mi_os_page_size());
+  bool os_is_large = false;
+  bool os_is_zero  = false;
+  void* os_base = NULL;
+  void* p = mi_os_prim_alloc_aligned(size, alignment, commit, allow_large, &os_is_large, &os_is_zero, &os_base, &_mi_stats_main /*tld->stats*/ );
+  if (p != NULL) {
+    *memid = _mi_memid_create_os(commit, os_is_zero, os_is_large);
+    memid->mem.os.base = os_base;
+    memid->mem.os.alignment = alignment;
+  }
+  return p;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  OS aligned allocation with an offset. This is used
+  for large alignments > MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX. We use a large mimalloc
+  page where the object can be aligned at an offset from the start of the segment.
+  As we may need to overallocate, we need to free such pointers using `mi_free_aligned`
+  to use the actual start of the memory region.
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+void* _mi_os_alloc_aligned_at_offset(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset, bool commit, bool allow_large, mi_memid_t* memid, mi_stats_t* tld_stats) {
+  mi_assert(offset <= MI_SEGMENT_SIZE);
+  mi_assert(offset <= size);
+  mi_assert((alignment % _mi_os_page_size()) == 0);
+  *memid = _mi_memid_none();
+  if (offset > MI_SEGMENT_SIZE) return NULL;
+  if (offset == 0) {
+    // regular aligned allocation
+    return _mi_os_alloc_aligned(size, alignment, commit, allow_large, memid, tld_stats);
+  }
+  else {
+    // overallocate to align at an offset
+    const size_t extra = _mi_align_up(offset, alignment) - offset;
+    const size_t oversize = size + extra;
+    void* const start = _mi_os_alloc_aligned(oversize, alignment, commit, allow_large, memid, tld_stats);
+    if (start == NULL) return NULL;
+    void* const p = (uint8_t*)start + extra;
+    mi_assert(_mi_is_aligned((uint8_t*)p + offset, alignment));
+    // decommit the overallocation at the start
+    if (commit && extra > _mi_os_page_size()) {
+      _mi_os_decommit(start, extra, tld_stats);
+    }
+    return p;
+  }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  OS memory API: reset, commit, decommit, protect, unprotect.
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// OS page align within a given area, either conservative (pages inside the area only),
+// or not (straddling pages outside the area is possible)
+static void* mi_os_page_align_areax(bool conservative, void* addr, size_t size, size_t* newsize) {
+  mi_assert(addr != NULL && size > 0);
+  if (newsize != NULL) *newsize = 0;
+  if (size == 0 || addr == NULL) return NULL;
+  // page align conservatively within the range
+  void* start = (conservative ? mi_align_up_ptr(addr, _mi_os_page_size())
+    : mi_align_down_ptr(addr, _mi_os_page_size()));
+  void* end = (conservative ? mi_align_down_ptr((uint8_t*)addr + size, _mi_os_page_size())
+    : mi_align_up_ptr((uint8_t*)addr + size, _mi_os_page_size()));
+  ptrdiff_t diff = (uint8_t*)end - (uint8_t*)start;
+  if (diff <= 0) return NULL;
+  mi_assert_internal((conservative && (size_t)diff <= size) || (!conservative && (size_t)diff >= size));
+  if (newsize != NULL) *newsize = (size_t)diff;
+  return start;
+static void* mi_os_page_align_area_conservative(void* addr, size_t size, size_t* newsize) {
+  return mi_os_page_align_areax(true, addr, size, newsize);
+bool _mi_os_commit(void* addr, size_t size, bool* is_zero, mi_stats_t* tld_stats) {
+  MI_UNUSED(tld_stats);
+  mi_stats_t* stats = &_mi_stats_main;
+  if (is_zero != NULL) { *is_zero = false; }
+  _mi_stat_increase(&stats->committed, size);  // use size for precise commit vs. decommit
+  _mi_stat_counter_increase(&stats->commit_calls, 1);
+  // page align range
+  size_t csize;
+  void* start = mi_os_page_align_areax(false /* conservative? */, addr, size, &csize);
+  if (csize == 0) return true;
+  // commit
+  bool os_is_zero = false;
+  int err = _mi_prim_commit(start, csize, &os_is_zero);
+  if (err != 0) {
+    _mi_warning_message("cannot commit OS memory (error: %d (0x%x), address: %p, size: 0x%zx bytes)\n", err, err, start, csize);
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (os_is_zero && is_zero != NULL) {
+    *is_zero = true;
+    mi_assert_expensive(mi_mem_is_zero(start, csize));
+  }
+  // note: the following seems required for asan (otherwise `mimalloc-test-stress` fails)
+  #ifdef MI_TRACK_ASAN
+  if (os_is_zero) { mi_track_mem_defined(start,csize); }
+	     else { mi_track_mem_undefined(start,csize); }
+  #endif
+  return true;
+static bool mi_os_decommit_ex(void* addr, size_t size, bool* needs_recommit, mi_stats_t* tld_stats) {
+  MI_UNUSED(tld_stats);
+  mi_stats_t* stats = &_mi_stats_main;
+  mi_assert_internal(needs_recommit!=NULL);
+  _mi_stat_decrease(&stats->committed, size);
+  // page align
+  size_t csize;
+  void* start = mi_os_page_align_area_conservative(addr, size, &csize);
+  if (csize == 0) return true;
+  // decommit
+  *needs_recommit = true;
+  int err = _mi_prim_decommit(start,csize,needs_recommit);
+  if (err != 0) {
+    _mi_warning_message("cannot decommit OS memory (error: %d (0x%x), address: %p, size: 0x%zx bytes)\n", err, err, start, csize);
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(err == 0);
+  return (err == 0);
+bool _mi_os_decommit(void* addr, size_t size, mi_stats_t* tld_stats) {
+  bool needs_recommit;
+  return mi_os_decommit_ex(addr, size, &needs_recommit, tld_stats);
+// Signal to the OS that the address range is no longer in use
+// but may be used later again. This will release physical memory
+// pages and reduce swapping while keeping the memory committed.
+// We page align to a conservative area inside the range to reset.
+bool _mi_os_reset(void* addr, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  // page align conservatively within the range
+  size_t csize;
+  void* start = mi_os_page_align_area_conservative(addr, size, &csize);
+  if (csize == 0) return true;  // || _mi_os_is_huge_reserved(addr)
+  _mi_stat_increase(&stats->reset, csize);
+  _mi_stat_counter_increase(&stats->reset_calls, 1);
+  memset(start, 0, csize); // pretend it is eagerly reset
+  #endif
+  int err = _mi_prim_reset(start, csize);
+  if (err != 0) {
+    _mi_warning_message("cannot reset OS memory (error: %d (0x%x), address: %p, size: 0x%zx bytes)\n", err, err, start, csize);
+  }
+  return (err == 0);
+// either resets or decommits memory, returns true if the memory needs
+// to be recommitted if it is to be re-used later on.
+bool _mi_os_purge_ex(void* p, size_t size, bool allow_reset, mi_stats_t* stats)
+  if (mi_option_get(mi_option_purge_delay) < 0) return false;  // is purging allowed?
+  _mi_stat_counter_increase(&stats->purge_calls, 1);
+  _mi_stat_increase(&stats->purged, size);
+  if (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_purge_decommits) &&   // should decommit?
+      !_mi_preloading())                                   // don't decommit during preloading (unsafe)
+  {
+    bool needs_recommit = true;
+    mi_os_decommit_ex(p, size, &needs_recommit, stats);
+    return needs_recommit;
+  }
+  else {
+    if (allow_reset) {  // this can sometimes be not allowed if the range is not fully committed
+      _mi_os_reset(p, size, stats);
+    }
+    return false;  // needs no recommit
+  }
+// either resets or decommits memory, returns true if the memory needs
+// to be recommitted if it is to be re-used later on.
+bool _mi_os_purge(void* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t * stats) {
+  return _mi_os_purge_ex(p, size, true, stats);
+// Protect a region in memory to be not accessible.
+static  bool mi_os_protectx(void* addr, size_t size, bool protect) {
+  // page align conservatively within the range
+  size_t csize = 0;
+  void* start = mi_os_page_align_area_conservative(addr, size, &csize);
+  if (csize == 0) return false;
+  /*
+  if (_mi_os_is_huge_reserved(addr)) {
+	  _mi_warning_message("cannot mprotect memory allocated in huge OS pages\n");
+  }
+  */
+  int err = _mi_prim_protect(start,csize,protect);
+  if (err != 0) {
+    _mi_warning_message("cannot %s OS memory (error: %d (0x%x), address: %p, size: 0x%zx bytes)\n", (protect ? "protect" : "unprotect"), err, err, start, csize);
+  }
+  return (err == 0);
+bool _mi_os_protect(void* addr, size_t size) {
+  return mi_os_protectx(addr, size, true);
+bool _mi_os_unprotect(void* addr, size_t size) {
+  return mi_os_protectx(addr, size, false);
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Support for allocating huge OS pages (1Gib) that are reserved up-front
+and possibly associated with a specific NUMA node. (use `numa_node>=0`)
+#if (MI_INTPTR_SIZE >= 8)
+// To ensure proper alignment, use our own area for huge OS pages
+static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(uintptr_t)  mi_huge_start; // = 0
+// Claim an aligned address range for huge pages
+static uint8_t* mi_os_claim_huge_pages(size_t pages, size_t* total_size) {
+  if (total_size != NULL) *total_size = 0;
+  const size_t size = pages * MI_HUGE_OS_PAGE_SIZE;
+  uintptr_t start = 0;
+  uintptr_t end = 0;
+  uintptr_t huge_start = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_huge_start);
+  do {
+    start = huge_start;
+    if (start == 0) {
+      // Initialize the start address after the 32TiB area
+      start = ((uintptr_t)32 << 40);  // 32TiB virtual start address
+    #if (MI_SECURE>0 || MI_DEBUG==0)      // security: randomize start of huge pages unless in debug mode
+      uintptr_t r = _mi_heap_random_next(mi_prim_get_default_heap());
+      start = start + ((uintptr_t)MI_HUGE_OS_PAGE_SIZE * ((r>>17) & 0x0FFF));  // (randomly 12bits)*1GiB == between 0 to 4TiB
+    #endif
+    }
+    end = start + size;
+    mi_assert_internal(end % MI_SEGMENT_SIZE == 0);
+  } while (!mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(&mi_huge_start, &huge_start, end));
+  if (total_size != NULL) *total_size = size;
+  return (uint8_t*)start;
+static uint8_t* mi_os_claim_huge_pages(size_t pages, size_t* total_size) {
+  MI_UNUSED(pages);
+  if (total_size != NULL) *total_size = 0;
+  return NULL;
+// Allocate MI_SEGMENT_SIZE aligned huge pages
+void* _mi_os_alloc_huge_os_pages(size_t pages, int numa_node, mi_msecs_t max_msecs, size_t* pages_reserved, size_t* psize, mi_memid_t* memid) {
+  *memid = _mi_memid_none();
+  if (psize != NULL) *psize = 0;
+  if (pages_reserved != NULL) *pages_reserved = 0;
+  size_t size = 0;
+  uint8_t* start = mi_os_claim_huge_pages(pages, &size);
+  if (start == NULL) return NULL; // or 32-bit systems
+  // Allocate one page at the time but try to place them contiguously
+  // We allocate one page at the time to be able to abort if it takes too long
+  // or to at least allocate as many as available on the system.
+  mi_msecs_t start_t = _mi_clock_start();
+  size_t page = 0;
+  bool all_zero = true;
+  while (page < pages) {
+    // allocate a page
+    bool is_zero = false;
+    void* addr = start + (page * MI_HUGE_OS_PAGE_SIZE);
+    void* p = NULL;
+    int err = _mi_prim_alloc_huge_os_pages(addr, MI_HUGE_OS_PAGE_SIZE, numa_node, &is_zero, &p);
+    if (!is_zero) { all_zero = false;  }
+    if (err != 0) {
+      _mi_warning_message("unable to allocate huge OS page (error: %d (0x%x), address: %p, size: %zx bytes)\n", err, err, addr, MI_HUGE_OS_PAGE_SIZE);
+      break;
+    }
+    // Did we succeed at a contiguous address?
+    if (p != addr) {
+      // no success, issue a warning and break
+      if (p != NULL) {
+	_mi_warning_message("could not allocate contiguous huge OS page %zu at %p\n", page, addr);
+	mi_os_prim_free(p, MI_HUGE_OS_PAGE_SIZE, true, &_mi_stats_main);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    // success, record it
+    page++;  // increase before timeout check (see issue #711)
+    _mi_stat_increase(&_mi_stats_main.committed, MI_HUGE_OS_PAGE_SIZE);
+    _mi_stat_increase(&_mi_stats_main.reserved, MI_HUGE_OS_PAGE_SIZE);
+    // check for timeout
+    if (max_msecs > 0) {
+      mi_msecs_t elapsed = _mi_clock_end(start_t);
+      if (page >= 1) {
+	mi_msecs_t estimate = ((elapsed / (page+1)) * pages);
+	if (estimate > 2*max_msecs) { // seems like we are going to timeout, break
+	  elapsed = max_msecs + 1;
+	}
+      }
+      if (elapsed > max_msecs) {
+	_mi_warning_message("huge OS page allocation timed out (after allocating %zu page(s))\n", page);
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(page*MI_HUGE_OS_PAGE_SIZE <= size);
+  if (pages_reserved != NULL) { *pages_reserved = page; }
+  if (psize != NULL) { *psize = page * MI_HUGE_OS_PAGE_SIZE; }
+  if (page != 0) {
+    mi_assert(start != NULL);
+    *memid = _mi_memid_create_os(true /* is committed */, all_zero, true /* is_large */);
+    memid->memkind = MI_MEM_OS_HUGE;
+    mi_assert(memid->is_pinned);
+    #ifdef MI_TRACK_ASAN
+    if (all_zero) { mi_track_mem_defined(start,size); }
+    #endif
+  }
+  return (page == 0 ? NULL : start);
+// free every huge page in a range individually (as we allocated per page)
+// note: needed with VirtualAlloc but could potentially be done in one go on mmap'd systems.
+static void mi_os_free_huge_os_pages(void* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  if (p==NULL || size==0) return;
+  uint8_t* base = (uint8_t*)p;
+  while (size >= MI_HUGE_OS_PAGE_SIZE) {
+    mi_os_prim_free(base, MI_HUGE_OS_PAGE_SIZE, true, stats);
+    size -= MI_HUGE_OS_PAGE_SIZE;
+    base += MI_HUGE_OS_PAGE_SIZE;
+  }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Support NUMA aware allocation
+_Atomic(size_t)  _mi_numa_node_count; // = 0   // cache the node count
+size_t _mi_os_numa_node_count_get(void) {
+  size_t count = mi_atomic_load_acquire(&_mi_numa_node_count);
+  if (count <= 0) {
+    long ncount = mi_option_get(mi_option_use_numa_nodes); // given explicitly?
+    if (ncount > 0) {
+      count = (size_t)ncount;
+    }
+    else {
+      count = _mi_prim_numa_node_count(); // or detect dynamically
+      if (count == 0) count = 1;
+    }
+    mi_atomic_store_release(&_mi_numa_node_count, count); // save it
+    _mi_verbose_message("using %zd numa regions\n", count);
+  }
+  return count;
+int _mi_os_numa_node_get(mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
+  MI_UNUSED(tld);
+  size_t numa_count = _mi_os_numa_node_count();
+  if (numa_count<=1) return 0; // optimize on single numa node systems: always node 0
+  // never more than the node count and >= 0
+  size_t numa_node = _mi_prim_numa_node();
+  if (numa_node >= numa_count) { numa_node = numa_node % numa_count; }
+  return (int)numa_node;
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/page-queue.c b/compat/mimalloc/page-queue.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..5619a81f9917fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/page-queue.c
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Definition of page queues for each block size
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifndef MI_IN_PAGE_C
+#error "this file should be included from 'page.c'"
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Minimal alignment in machine words (i.e. `sizeof(void*)`)
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+  #error "define alignment for more than 4x word size for this platform"
+  #define MI_ALIGN4W   // 4 machine words minimal alignment
+  #define MI_ALIGN2W   // 2 machine words minimal alignment
+  // ok, default alignment is 1 word
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Queue query
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static inline bool mi_page_queue_is_huge(const mi_page_queue_t* pq) {
+  return (pq->block_size == (MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX+sizeof(uintptr_t)));
+static inline bool mi_page_queue_is_full(const mi_page_queue_t* pq) {
+  return (pq->block_size == (MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX+(2*sizeof(uintptr_t))));
+static inline bool mi_page_queue_is_special(const mi_page_queue_t* pq) {
+  return (pq->block_size > MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Bins
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Return the bin for a given field size.
+// Returns MI_BIN_HUGE if the size is too large.
+// We use `wsize` for the size in "machine word sizes",
+// i.e. byte size == `wsize*sizeof(void*)`.
+static inline uint8_t mi_bin(size_t size) {
+  size_t wsize = _mi_wsize_from_size(size);
+  uint8_t bin;
+  if (wsize <= 1) {
+    bin = 1;
+  }
+  #if defined(MI_ALIGN4W)
+  else if (wsize <= 4) {
+    bin = (uint8_t)((wsize+1)&~1); // round to double word sizes
+  }
+  #elif defined(MI_ALIGN2W)
+  else if (wsize <= 8) {
+    bin = (uint8_t)((wsize+1)&~1); // round to double word sizes
+  }
+  #else
+  else if (wsize <= 8) {
+    bin = (uint8_t)wsize;
+  }
+  #endif
+  else if (wsize > MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_WSIZE_MAX) {
+    bin = MI_BIN_HUGE;
+  }
+  else {
+    #if defined(MI_ALIGN4W)
+    if (wsize <= 16) { wsize = (wsize+3)&~3; } // round to 4x word sizes
+    #endif
+    wsize--;
+    // find the highest bit
+    uint8_t b = (uint8_t)mi_bsr(wsize);  // note: wsize != 0
+    // and use the top 3 bits to determine the bin (~12.5% worst internal fragmentation).
+    // - adjust with 3 because we use do not round the first 8 sizes
+    //   which each get an exact bin
+    bin = ((b << 2) + (uint8_t)((wsize >> (b - 2)) & 0x03)) - 3;
+    mi_assert_internal(bin < MI_BIN_HUGE);
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(bin > 0 && bin <= MI_BIN_HUGE);
+  return bin;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Queue of pages with free blocks
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+uint8_t _mi_bin(size_t size) {
+  return mi_bin(size);
+size_t _mi_bin_size(uint8_t bin) {
+  return _mi_heap_empty.pages[bin].block_size;
+// Good size for allocation
+size_t mi_good_size(size_t size) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  if (size <= MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
+    return _mi_bin_size(mi_bin(size));
+  }
+  else {
+    return _mi_align_up(size,_mi_os_page_size());
+  }
+#if (MI_DEBUG>1)
+static bool mi_page_queue_contains(mi_page_queue_t* queue, const mi_page_t* page) {
+  mi_assert_internal(page != NULL);
+  mi_page_t* list = queue->first;
+  while (list != NULL) {
+    mi_assert_internal(list->next == NULL || list->next->prev == list);
+    mi_assert_internal(list->prev == NULL || list->prev->next == list);
+    if (list == page) break;
+    list = list->next;
+  }
+  return (list == page);
+#if (MI_DEBUG>1)
+static bool mi_heap_contains_queue(const mi_heap_t* heap, const mi_page_queue_t* pq) {
+  return (pq >= &heap->pages[0] && pq <= &heap->pages[MI_BIN_FULL]);
+static mi_page_queue_t* mi_page_queue_of(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  uint8_t bin = (mi_page_is_in_full(page) ? MI_BIN_FULL : mi_bin(page->xblock_size));
+  mi_heap_t* heap = mi_page_heap(page);
+  mi_assert_internal(heap != NULL && bin <= MI_BIN_FULL);
+  mi_page_queue_t* pq = &heap->pages[bin];
+  mi_assert_internal(bin >= MI_BIN_HUGE || page->xblock_size == pq->block_size);
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_page_queue_contains(pq, page));
+  return pq;
+static mi_page_queue_t* mi_heap_page_queue_of(mi_heap_t* heap, const mi_page_t* page) {
+  uint8_t bin = (mi_page_is_in_full(page) ? MI_BIN_FULL : mi_bin(page->xblock_size));
+  mi_assert_internal(bin <= MI_BIN_FULL);
+  mi_page_queue_t* pq = &heap->pages[bin];
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_is_in_full(page) || page->xblock_size == pq->block_size);
+  return pq;
+// The current small page array is for efficiency and for each
+// small size (up to 256) it points directly to the page for that
+// size without having to compute the bin. This means when the
+// current free page queue is updated for a small bin, we need to update a
+// range of entries in `_mi_page_small_free`.
+static inline void mi_heap_queue_first_update(mi_heap_t* heap, const mi_page_queue_t* pq) {
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_heap_contains_queue(heap,pq));
+  size_t size = pq->block_size;
+  if (size > MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX) return;
+  mi_page_t* page = pq->first;
+  if (pq->first == NULL) page = (mi_page_t*)&_mi_page_empty;
+  // find index in the right direct page array
+  size_t start;
+  size_t idx = _mi_wsize_from_size(size);
+  mi_page_t** pages_free = heap->pages_free_direct;
+  if (pages_free[idx] == page) return;  // already set
+  // find start slot
+  if (idx<=1) {
+    start = 0;
+  }
+  else {
+    // find previous size; due to minimal alignment upto 3 previous bins may need to be skipped
+    uint8_t bin = mi_bin(size);
+    const mi_page_queue_t* prev = pq - 1;
+    while( bin == mi_bin(prev->block_size) && prev > &heap->pages[0]) {
+      prev--;
+    }
+    start = 1 + _mi_wsize_from_size(prev->block_size);
+    if (start > idx) start = idx;
+  }
+  // set size range to the right page
+  mi_assert(start <= idx);
+  for (size_t sz = start; sz <= idx; sz++) {
+    pages_free[sz] = page;
+  }
+static bool mi_page_queue_is_empty(mi_page_queue_t* queue) {
+  return (queue->first == NULL);
+static void mi_page_queue_remove(mi_page_queue_t* queue, mi_page_t* page) {
+  mi_assert_internal(page != NULL);
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_page_queue_contains(queue, page));
+  mi_assert_internal(page->xblock_size == queue->block_size || (page->xblock_size > MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX && mi_page_queue_is_huge(queue))  || (mi_page_is_in_full(page) && mi_page_queue_is_full(queue)));
+  mi_heap_t* heap = mi_page_heap(page);
+  if (page->prev != NULL) page->prev->next = page->next;
+  if (page->next != NULL) page->next->prev = page->prev;
+  if (page == queue->last)  queue->last = page->prev;
+  if (page == queue->first) {
+    queue->first = page->next;
+    // update first
+    mi_assert_internal(mi_heap_contains_queue(heap, queue));
+    mi_heap_queue_first_update(heap,queue);
+  }
+  heap->page_count--;
+  page->next = NULL;
+  page->prev = NULL;
+  // mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(mi_atomic_cast(void*, &page->heap), NULL);
+  mi_page_set_in_full(page,false);
+static void mi_page_queue_push(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* queue, mi_page_t* page) {
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_heap(page) == heap);
+  mi_assert_internal(!mi_page_queue_contains(queue, page));
+  mi_assert_internal(_mi_page_segment(page)->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+  #endif
+  mi_assert_internal(page->xblock_size == queue->block_size ||
+		      (page->xblock_size > MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) ||
+			(mi_page_is_in_full(page) && mi_page_queue_is_full(queue)));
+  mi_page_set_in_full(page, mi_page_queue_is_full(queue));
+  // mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(mi_atomic_cast(void*, &page->heap), heap);
+  page->next = queue->first;
+  page->prev = NULL;
+  if (queue->first != NULL) {
+    mi_assert_internal(queue->first->prev == NULL);
+    queue->first->prev = page;
+    queue->first = page;
+  }
+  else {
+    queue->first = queue->last = page;
+  }
+  // update direct
+  mi_heap_queue_first_update(heap, queue);
+  heap->page_count++;
+static void mi_page_queue_enqueue_from(mi_page_queue_t* to, mi_page_queue_t* from, mi_page_t* page) {
+  mi_assert_internal(page != NULL);
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_page_queue_contains(from, page));
+  mi_assert_expensive(!mi_page_queue_contains(to, page));
+  mi_assert_internal((page->xblock_size == to->block_size && page->xblock_size == from->block_size) ||
+		     (page->xblock_size == to->block_size && mi_page_queue_is_full(from)) ||
+		     (page->xblock_size == from->block_size && mi_page_queue_is_full(to)) ||
+		     (page->xblock_size > MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX && mi_page_queue_is_huge(to)) ||
+		     (page->xblock_size > MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX && mi_page_queue_is_full(to)));
+  mi_heap_t* heap = mi_page_heap(page);
+  if (page->prev != NULL) page->prev->next = page->next;
+  if (page->next != NULL) page->next->prev = page->prev;
+  if (page == from->last)  from->last = page->prev;
+  if (page == from->first) {
+    from->first = page->next;
+    // update first
+    mi_assert_internal(mi_heap_contains_queue(heap, from));
+    mi_heap_queue_first_update(heap, from);
+  }
+  page->prev = to->last;
+  page->next = NULL;
+  if (to->last != NULL) {
+    mi_assert_internal(heap == mi_page_heap(to->last));
+    to->last->next = page;
+    to->last = page;
+  }
+  else {
+    to->first = page;
+    to->last = page;
+    mi_heap_queue_first_update(heap, to);
+  }
+  mi_page_set_in_full(page, mi_page_queue_is_full(to));
+// Only called from `mi_heap_absorb`.
+size_t _mi_page_queue_append(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, mi_page_queue_t* append) {
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_heap_contains_queue(heap,pq));
+  mi_assert_internal(pq->block_size == append->block_size);
+  if (append->first==NULL) return 0;
+  // set append pages to new heap and count
+  size_t count = 0;
+  for (mi_page_t* page = append->first; page != NULL; page = page->next) {
+    // inline `mi_page_set_heap` to avoid wrong assertion during absorption;
+    // in this case it is ok to be delayed freeing since both "to" and "from" heap are still alive.
+    mi_atomic_store_release(&page->xheap, (uintptr_t)heap);
+    // set the flag to delayed free (not overriding NEVER_DELAYED_FREE) which has as a
+    // side effect that it spins until any DELAYED_FREEING is finished. This ensures
+    // that after appending only the new heap will be used for delayed free operations.
+    _mi_page_use_delayed_free(page, MI_USE_DELAYED_FREE, false);
+    count++;
+  }
+  if (pq->last==NULL) {
+    // take over afresh
+    mi_assert_internal(pq->first==NULL);
+    pq->first = append->first;
+    pq->last = append->last;
+    mi_heap_queue_first_update(heap, pq);
+  }
+  else {
+    // append to end
+    mi_assert_internal(pq->last!=NULL);
+    mi_assert_internal(append->first!=NULL);
+    pq->last->next = append->first;
+    append->first->prev = pq->last;
+    pq->last = append->last;
+  }
+  return count;
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/page.c b/compat/mimalloc/page.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..211204aa79e59d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/page.c
@@ -0,0 +1,939 @@
+Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  The core of the allocator. Every segment contains
+  pages of a certain block size. The main function
+  exported is `mi_malloc_generic`.
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#include "mimalloc/internal.h"
+#include "mimalloc/atomic.h"
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Definition of page queues for each block size
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define MI_IN_PAGE_C
+#include "page-queue.c"
+#undef MI_IN_PAGE_C
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Page helpers
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Index a block in a page
+static inline mi_block_t* mi_page_block_at(const mi_page_t* page, void* page_start, size_t block_size, size_t i) {
+  MI_UNUSED(page);
+  mi_assert_internal(page != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(i <= page->reserved);
+  return (mi_block_t*)((uint8_t*)page_start + (i * block_size));
+static void mi_page_init(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page, size_t size, mi_tld_t* tld);
+static void mi_page_extend_free(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page, mi_tld_t* tld);
+#if (MI_DEBUG>=3)
+static size_t mi_page_list_count(mi_page_t* page, mi_block_t* head) {
+  size_t count = 0;
+  while (head != NULL) {
+    mi_assert_internal(page == _mi_ptr_page(head));
+    count++;
+    head = mi_block_next(page, head);
+  }
+  return count;
+// Start of the page available memory
+static inline uint8_t* mi_page_area(const mi_page_t* page) {
+  return _mi_page_start(_mi_page_segment(page), page, NULL);
+static bool mi_page_list_is_valid(mi_page_t* page, mi_block_t* p) {
+  size_t psize;
+  uint8_t* page_area = _mi_page_start(_mi_page_segment(page), page, &psize);
+  mi_block_t* start = (mi_block_t*)page_area;
+  mi_block_t* end   = (mi_block_t*)(page_area + psize);
+  while(p != NULL) {
+    if (p < start || p >= end) return false;
+    p = mi_block_next(page, p);
+  }
+#if MI_DEBUG>3 // generally too expensive to check this
+  if (page->free_is_zero) {
+    const size_t ubsize = mi_page_usable_block_size(page);
+    for (mi_block_t* block = page->free; block != NULL; block = mi_block_next(page, block)) {
+      mi_assert_expensive(mi_mem_is_zero(block + 1, ubsize - sizeof(mi_block_t)));
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+static bool mi_page_is_valid_init(mi_page_t* page) {
+  mi_assert_internal(page->xblock_size > 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->used <= page->capacity);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->capacity <= page->reserved);
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_page_segment(page);
+  uint8_t* start = _mi_page_start(segment,page,NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(start == _mi_segment_page_start(segment,page,NULL));
+  //const size_t bsize = mi_page_block_size(page);
+  //mi_assert_internal(start + page->capacity*page->block_size == page->top);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_list_is_valid(page,page->free));
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_list_is_valid(page,page->local_free));
+  #if MI_DEBUG>3 // generally too expensive to check this
+  if (page->free_is_zero) {
+    const size_t ubsize = mi_page_usable_block_size(page);
+    for(mi_block_t* block = page->free; block != NULL; block = mi_block_next(page,block)) {
+      mi_assert_expensive(mi_mem_is_zero(block + 1, ubsize - sizeof(mi_block_t)));
+    }
+  }
+  #endif
+  mi_block_t* tfree = mi_page_thread_free(page);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_list_is_valid(page, tfree));
+  //size_t tfree_count = mi_page_list_count(page, tfree);
+  //mi_assert_internal(tfree_count <= page->thread_freed + 1);
+  #endif
+  size_t free_count = mi_page_list_count(page, page->free) + mi_page_list_count(page, page->local_free);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->used + free_count == page->capacity);
+  return true;
+extern bool _mi_process_is_initialized;             // has mi_process_init been called?
+bool _mi_page_is_valid(mi_page_t* page) {
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_is_valid_init(page));
+  #if MI_SECURE
+  mi_assert_internal(page->keys[0] != 0);
+  #endif
+  if (mi_page_heap(page)!=NULL) {
+    mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_page_segment(page);
+    mi_assert_internal(!_mi_process_is_initialized || segment->thread_id==0 || segment->thread_id == mi_page_heap(page)->thread_id);
+    if (segment->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE)
+    #endif
+    {
+      mi_page_queue_t* pq = mi_page_queue_of(page);
+      mi_assert_internal(mi_page_queue_contains(pq, page));
+      mi_assert_internal(pq->block_size==mi_page_block_size(page) || mi_page_block_size(page) > MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX || mi_page_is_in_full(page));
+      mi_assert_internal(mi_heap_contains_queue(mi_page_heap(page),pq));
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+void _mi_page_use_delayed_free(mi_page_t* page, mi_delayed_t delay, bool override_never) {
+  while (!_mi_page_try_use_delayed_free(page, delay, override_never)) {
+    mi_atomic_yield();
+  }
+bool _mi_page_try_use_delayed_free(mi_page_t* page, mi_delayed_t delay, bool override_never) {
+  mi_thread_free_t tfreex;
+  mi_delayed_t     old_delay;
+  mi_thread_free_t tfree;
+  size_t yield_count = 0;
+  do {
+    tfree = mi_atomic_load_acquire(&page->xthread_free); // note: must acquire as we can break/repeat this loop and not do a CAS;
+    tfreex = mi_tf_set_delayed(tfree, delay);
+    old_delay = mi_tf_delayed(tfree);
+    if mi_unlikely(old_delay == MI_DELAYED_FREEING) {
+      if (yield_count >= 4) return false;  // give up after 4 tries
+      yield_count++;
+      mi_atomic_yield(); // delay until outstanding MI_DELAYED_FREEING are done.
+      // tfree = mi_tf_set_delayed(tfree, MI_NO_DELAYED_FREE); // will cause CAS to busy fail
+    }
+    else if (delay == old_delay) {
+      break; // avoid atomic operation if already equal
+    }
+    else if (!override_never && old_delay == MI_NEVER_DELAYED_FREE) {
+      break; // leave never-delayed flag set
+    }
+  } while ((old_delay == MI_DELAYED_FREEING) ||
+	   !mi_atomic_cas_weak_release(&page->xthread_free, &tfree, tfreex));
+  return true; // success
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Page collect the `local_free` and `thread_free` lists
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Collect the local `thread_free` list using an atomic exchange.
+// Note: The exchange must be done atomically as this is used right after
+// moving to the full list in `mi_page_collect_ex` and we need to
+// ensure that there was no race where the page became unfull just before the move.
+static void _mi_page_thread_free_collect(mi_page_t* page)
+  mi_block_t* head;
+  mi_thread_free_t tfreex;
+  mi_thread_free_t tfree = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&page->xthread_free);
+  do {
+    head = mi_tf_block(tfree);
+    tfreex = mi_tf_set_block(tfree,NULL);
+  } while (!mi_atomic_cas_weak_acq_rel(&page->xthread_free, &tfree, tfreex));
+  // return if the list is empty
+  if (head == NULL) return;
+  // find the tail -- also to get a proper count (without data races)
+  uint32_t max_count = page->capacity; // cannot collect more than capacity
+  uint32_t count = 1;
+  mi_block_t* tail = head;
+  mi_block_t* next;
+  while ((next = mi_block_next(page,tail)) != NULL && count <= max_count) {
+    count++;
+    tail = next;
+  }
+  // if `count > max_count` there was a memory corruption (possibly infinite list due to double multi-threaded free)
+  if (count > max_count) {
+    _mi_error_message(EFAULT, "corrupted thread-free list\n");
+    return; // the thread-free items cannot be freed
+  }
+  // and append the current local free list
+  mi_block_set_next(page,tail, page->local_free);
+  page->local_free = head;
+  // update counts now
+  page->used -= count;
+void _mi_page_free_collect(mi_page_t* page, bool force) {
+  mi_assert_internal(page!=NULL);
+  // collect the thread free list
+  if (force || mi_page_thread_free(page) != NULL) {  // quick test to avoid an atomic operation
+    _mi_page_thread_free_collect(page);
+  }
+  // and the local free list
+  if (page->local_free != NULL) {
+    if mi_likely(page->free == NULL) {
+      // usual case
+      page->free = page->local_free;
+      page->local_free = NULL;
+      page->free_is_zero = false;
+    }
+    else if (force) {
+      // append -- only on shutdown (force) as this is a linear operation
+      mi_block_t* tail = page->local_free;
+      mi_block_t* next;
+      while ((next = mi_block_next(page, tail)) != NULL) {
+	tail = next;
+      }
+      mi_block_set_next(page, tail, page->free);
+      page->free = page->local_free;
+      page->local_free = NULL;
+      page->free_is_zero = false;
+    }
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(!force || page->local_free == NULL);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Page fresh and retire
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// called from segments when reclaiming abandoned pages
+void _mi_page_reclaim(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page) {
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_page_is_valid_init(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_heap(page) == heap);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_thread_free_flag(page) != MI_NEVER_DELAYED_FREE);
+  mi_assert_internal(_mi_page_segment(page)->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+  #endif
+  // TODO: push on full queue immediately if it is full?
+  mi_page_queue_t* pq = mi_page_queue(heap, mi_page_block_size(page));
+  mi_page_queue_push(heap, pq, page);
+  mi_assert_expensive(_mi_page_is_valid(page));
+// allocate a fresh page from a segment
+static mi_page_t* mi_page_fresh_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, size_t block_size, size_t page_alignment) {
+  mi_assert_internal(pq != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_heap_contains_queue(heap, pq));
+  mi_assert_internal(page_alignment > 0 || block_size > MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX || block_size == pq->block_size);
+  #endif
+  mi_page_t* page = _mi_segment_page_alloc(heap, block_size, page_alignment, &heap->tld->segments, &heap->tld->os);
+  if (page == NULL) {
+    // this may be out-of-memory, or an abandoned page was reclaimed (and in our queue)
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(page_alignment >0 || block_size > MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX || _mi_page_segment(page)->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+  mi_assert_internal(pq!=NULL || page->xblock_size != 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(pq!=NULL || mi_page_block_size(page) >= block_size);
+  // a fresh page was found, initialize it
+  const size_t full_block_size = ((pq == NULL || mi_page_queue_is_huge(pq)) ? mi_page_block_size(page) : block_size); // see also: mi_segment_huge_page_alloc
+  mi_assert_internal(full_block_size >= block_size);
+  mi_page_init(heap, page, full_block_size, heap->tld);
+  mi_heap_stat_increase(heap, pages, 1);
+  if (pq != NULL) { mi_page_queue_push(heap, pq, page); }
+  mi_assert_expensive(_mi_page_is_valid(page));
+  return page;
+// Get a fresh page to use
+static mi_page_t* mi_page_fresh(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq) {
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_heap_contains_queue(heap, pq));
+  mi_page_t* page = mi_page_fresh_alloc(heap, pq, pq->block_size, 0);
+  if (page==NULL) return NULL;
+  mi_assert_internal(pq->block_size==mi_page_block_size(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(pq==mi_page_queue(heap, mi_page_block_size(page)));
+  return page;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Do any delayed frees
+   (put there by other threads if they deallocated in a full page)
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+void _mi_heap_delayed_free_all(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  while (!_mi_heap_delayed_free_partial(heap)) {
+    mi_atomic_yield();
+  }
+// returns true if all delayed frees were processed
+bool _mi_heap_delayed_free_partial(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  // take over the list (note: no atomic exchange since it is often NULL)
+  mi_block_t* block = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_block_t, &heap->thread_delayed_free);
+  while (block != NULL && !mi_atomic_cas_ptr_weak_acq_rel(mi_block_t, &heap->thread_delayed_free, &block, NULL)) { /* nothing */ };
+  bool all_freed = true;
+  // and free them all
+  while(block != NULL) {
+    mi_block_t* next = mi_block_nextx(heap,block, heap->keys);
+    // use internal free instead of regular one to keep stats etc correct
+    if (!_mi_free_delayed_block(block)) {
+      // we might already start delayed freeing while another thread has not yet
+      // reset the delayed_freeing flag; in that case delay it further by reinserting the current block
+      // into the delayed free list
+      all_freed = false;
+      mi_block_t* dfree = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_block_t, &heap->thread_delayed_free);
+      do {
+	mi_block_set_nextx(heap, block, dfree, heap->keys);
+      } while (!mi_atomic_cas_ptr_weak_release(mi_block_t,&heap->thread_delayed_free, &dfree, block));
+    }
+    block = next;
+  }
+  return all_freed;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Unfull, abandon, free and retire
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Move a page from the full list back to a regular list
+void _mi_page_unfull(mi_page_t* page) {
+  mi_assert_internal(page != NULL);
+  mi_assert_expensive(_mi_page_is_valid(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_is_in_full(page));
+  if (!mi_page_is_in_full(page)) return;
+  mi_heap_t* heap = mi_page_heap(page);
+  mi_page_queue_t* pqfull = &heap->pages[MI_BIN_FULL];
+  mi_page_set_in_full(page, false); // to get the right queue
+  mi_page_queue_t* pq = mi_heap_page_queue_of(heap, page);
+  mi_page_set_in_full(page, true);
+  mi_page_queue_enqueue_from(pq, pqfull, page);
+static void mi_page_to_full(mi_page_t* page, mi_page_queue_t* pq) {
+  mi_assert_internal(pq == mi_page_queue_of(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(!mi_page_immediate_available(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(!mi_page_is_in_full(page));
+  if (mi_page_is_in_full(page)) return;
+  mi_page_queue_enqueue_from(&mi_page_heap(page)->pages[MI_BIN_FULL], pq, page);
+  _mi_page_free_collect(page,false);  // try to collect right away in case another thread freed just before MI_USE_DELAYED_FREE was set
+// Abandon a page with used blocks at the end of a thread.
+// Note: only call if it is ensured that no references exist from
+// the `page->heap->thread_delayed_free` into this page.
+// Currently only called through `mi_heap_collect_ex` which ensures this.
+void _mi_page_abandon(mi_page_t* page, mi_page_queue_t* pq) {
+  mi_assert_internal(page != NULL);
+  mi_assert_expensive(_mi_page_is_valid(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(pq == mi_page_queue_of(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_heap(page) != NULL);
+  mi_heap_t* pheap = mi_page_heap(page);
+  // remove from our page list
+  mi_segments_tld_t* segments_tld = &pheap->tld->segments;
+  mi_page_queue_remove(pq, page);
+  // page is no longer associated with our heap
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_thread_free_flag(page)==MI_NEVER_DELAYED_FREE);
+  mi_page_set_heap(page, NULL);
+  // check there are no references left..
+  for (mi_block_t* block = (mi_block_t*)pheap->thread_delayed_free; block != NULL; block = mi_block_nextx(pheap, block, pheap->keys)) {
+    mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_page(block) != page);
+  }
+  // and abandon it
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_heap(page) == NULL);
+  _mi_segment_page_abandon(page,segments_tld);
+// Free a page with no more free blocks
+void _mi_page_free(mi_page_t* page, mi_page_queue_t* pq, bool force) {
+  mi_assert_internal(page != NULL);
+  mi_assert_expensive(_mi_page_is_valid(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(pq == mi_page_queue_of(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_all_free(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_thread_free_flag(page)!=MI_DELAYED_FREEING);
+  // no more aligned blocks in here
+  mi_page_set_has_aligned(page, false);
+  mi_heap_t* heap = mi_page_heap(page);
+  // remove from the page list
+  // (no need to do _mi_heap_delayed_free first as all blocks are already free)
+  mi_segments_tld_t* segments_tld = &heap->tld->segments;
+  mi_page_queue_remove(pq, page);
+  // and free it
+  mi_page_set_heap(page,NULL);
+  _mi_segment_page_free(page, force, segments_tld);
+// Retire parameters
+#define MI_RETIRE_CYCLES      (16)
+// Retire a page with no more used blocks
+// Important to not retire too quickly though as new
+// allocations might coming.
+// Note: called from `mi_free` and benchmarks often
+// trigger this due to freeing everything and then
+// allocating again so careful when changing this.
+void _mi_page_retire(mi_page_t* page) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  mi_assert_internal(page != NULL);
+  mi_assert_expensive(_mi_page_is_valid(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_all_free(page));
+  mi_page_set_has_aligned(page, false);
+  // don't retire too often..
+  // (or we end up retiring and re-allocating most of the time)
+  // NOTE: refine this more: we should not retire if this
+  // is the only page left with free blocks. It is not clear
+  // how to check this efficiently though...
+  // for now, we don't retire if it is the only page left of this size class.
+  mi_page_queue_t* pq = mi_page_queue_of(page);
+  if mi_likely(page->xblock_size <= MI_MAX_RETIRE_SIZE && !mi_page_queue_is_special(pq)) {  // not too large && not full or huge queue?
+    if (pq->last==page && pq->first==page) { // the only page in the queue?
+      mi_stat_counter_increase(_mi_stats_main.page_no_retire,1);
+      page->retire_expire = 1 + (page->xblock_size <= MI_SMALL_OBJ_SIZE_MAX ? MI_RETIRE_CYCLES : MI_RETIRE_CYCLES/4);
+      mi_heap_t* heap = mi_page_heap(page);
+      mi_assert_internal(pq >= heap->pages);
+      const size_t index = pq - heap->pages;
+      mi_assert_internal(index < MI_BIN_FULL && index < MI_BIN_HUGE);
+      if (index < heap->page_retired_min) heap->page_retired_min = index;
+      if (index > heap->page_retired_max) heap->page_retired_max = index;
+      mi_assert_internal(mi_page_all_free(page));
+      return; // dont't free after all
+    }
+  }
+  _mi_page_free(page, pq, false);
+// free retired pages: we don't need to look at the entire queues
+// since we only retire pages that are at the head position in a queue.
+void _mi_heap_collect_retired(mi_heap_t* heap, bool force) {
+  size_t min = MI_BIN_FULL;
+  size_t max = 0;
+  for(size_t bin = heap->page_retired_min; bin <= heap->page_retired_max; bin++) {
+    mi_page_queue_t* pq   = &heap->pages[bin];
+    mi_page_t*       page = pq->first;
+    if (page != NULL && page->retire_expire != 0) {
+      if (mi_page_all_free(page)) {
+	page->retire_expire--;
+	if (force || page->retire_expire == 0) {
+	  _mi_page_free(pq->first, pq, force);
+	}
+	else {
+	  // keep retired, update min/max
+	  if (bin < min) min = bin;
+	  if (bin > max) max = bin;
+	}
+      }
+      else {
+	page->retire_expire = 0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  heap->page_retired_min = min;
+  heap->page_retired_max = max;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Initialize the initial free list in a page.
+  In secure mode we initialize a randomized list by
+  alternating between slices.
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define MI_MAX_SLICE_SHIFT  (6)   // at most 64 slices
+#define MI_MAX_SLICES       (1UL << MI_MAX_SLICE_SHIFT)
+#define MI_MIN_SLICES       (2)
+static void mi_page_free_list_extend_secure(mi_heap_t* const heap, mi_page_t* const page, const size_t bsize, const size_t extend, mi_stats_t* const stats) {
+  MI_UNUSED(stats);
+  #if (MI_SECURE<=2)
+  mi_assert_internal(page->free == NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->local_free == NULL);
+  #endif
+  mi_assert_internal(page->capacity + extend <= page->reserved);
+  mi_assert_internal(bsize == mi_page_block_size(page));
+  void* const page_area = _mi_page_start(_mi_page_segment(page), page, NULL);
+  // initialize a randomized free list
+  // set up `slice_count` slices to alternate between
+  size_t shift = MI_MAX_SLICE_SHIFT;
+  while ((extend >> shift) == 0) {
+    shift--;
+  }
+  const size_t slice_count = (size_t)1U << shift;
+  const size_t slice_extend = extend / slice_count;
+  mi_assert_internal(slice_extend >= 1);
+  mi_block_t* blocks[MI_MAX_SLICES];   // current start of the slice
+  size_t      counts[MI_MAX_SLICES];   // available objects in the slice
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < slice_count; i++) {
+    blocks[i] = mi_page_block_at(page, page_area, bsize, page->capacity + i*slice_extend);
+    counts[i] = slice_extend;
+  }
+  counts[slice_count-1] += (extend % slice_count);  // final slice holds the modulus too (todo: distribute evenly?)
+  // and initialize the free list by randomly threading through them
+  // set up first element
+  const uintptr_t r = _mi_heap_random_next(heap);
+  size_t current = r % slice_count;
+  counts[current]--;
+  mi_block_t* const free_start = blocks[current];
+  // and iterate through the rest; use `random_shuffle` for performance
+  uintptr_t rnd = _mi_random_shuffle(r|1); // ensure not 0
+  for (size_t i = 1; i < extend; i++) {
+    // call random_shuffle only every INTPTR_SIZE rounds
+    const size_t round = i%MI_INTPTR_SIZE;
+    if (round == 0) rnd = _mi_random_shuffle(rnd);
+    // select a random next slice index
+    size_t next = ((rnd >> 8*round) & (slice_count-1));
+    while (counts[next]==0) {                            // ensure it still has space
+      next++;
+      if (next==slice_count) next = 0;
+    }
+    // and link the current block to it
+    counts[next]--;
+    mi_block_t* const block = blocks[current];
+    blocks[current] = (mi_block_t*)((uint8_t*)block + bsize);  // bump to the following block
+    mi_block_set_next(page, block, blocks[next]);   // and set next; note: we may have `current == next`
+    current = next;
+  }
+  // prepend to the free list (usually NULL)
+  mi_block_set_next(page, blocks[current], page->free);  // end of the list
+  page->free = free_start;
+static mi_decl_noinline void mi_page_free_list_extend( mi_page_t* const page, const size_t bsize, const size_t extend, mi_stats_t* const stats)
+  MI_UNUSED(stats);
+  #if (MI_SECURE <= 2)
+  mi_assert_internal(page->free == NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->local_free == NULL);
+  #endif
+  mi_assert_internal(page->capacity + extend <= page->reserved);
+  mi_assert_internal(bsize == mi_page_block_size(page));
+  void* const page_area = _mi_page_start(_mi_page_segment(page), page, NULL );
+  mi_block_t* const start = mi_page_block_at(page, page_area, bsize, page->capacity);
+  // initialize a sequential free list
+  mi_block_t* const last = mi_page_block_at(page, page_area, bsize, page->capacity + extend - 1);
+  mi_block_t* block = start;
+  while(block <= last) {
+    mi_block_t* next = (mi_block_t*)((uint8_t*)block + bsize);
+    mi_block_set_next(page,block,next);
+    block = next;
+  }
+  // prepend to free list (usually `NULL`)
+  mi_block_set_next(page, last, page->free);
+  page->free = start;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Page initialize and extend the capacity
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define MI_MAX_EXTEND_SIZE    (4*1024)      // heuristic, one OS page seems to work well.
+#if (MI_SECURE>0)
+#define MI_MIN_EXTEND         (8*MI_SECURE) // extend at least by this many
+#define MI_MIN_EXTEND         (4)
+// Extend the capacity (up to reserved) by initializing a free list
+// We do at most `MI_MAX_EXTEND` to avoid touching too much memory
+// Note: we also experimented with "bump" allocation on the first
+// allocations but this did not speed up any benchmark (due to an
+// extra test in malloc? or cache effects?)
+static void mi_page_extend_free(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page, mi_tld_t* tld) {
+  MI_UNUSED(tld);
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_page_is_valid_init(page));
+  #if (MI_SECURE<=2)
+  mi_assert(page->free == NULL);
+  mi_assert(page->local_free == NULL);
+  if (page->free != NULL) return;
+  #endif
+  if (page->capacity >= page->reserved) return;
+  size_t page_size;
+  _mi_page_start(_mi_page_segment(page), page, &page_size);
+  mi_stat_counter_increase(tld->stats.pages_extended, 1);
+  // calculate the extend count
+  const size_t bsize = (page->xblock_size < MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE ? page->xblock_size : page_size);
+  size_t extend = page->reserved - page->capacity;
+  mi_assert_internal(extend > 0);
+  size_t max_extend = (bsize >= MI_MAX_EXTEND_SIZE ? MI_MIN_EXTEND : MI_MAX_EXTEND_SIZE/(uint32_t)bsize);
+  if (max_extend < MI_MIN_EXTEND) { max_extend = MI_MIN_EXTEND; }
+  mi_assert_internal(max_extend > 0);
+  if (extend > max_extend) {
+    // ensure we don't touch memory beyond the page to reduce page commit.
+    // the `lean` benchmark tests this. Going from 1 to 8 increases rss by 50%.
+    extend = max_extend;
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(extend > 0 && extend + page->capacity <= page->reserved);
+  mi_assert_internal(extend < (1UL<<16));
+  // and append the extend the free list
+  if (extend < MI_MIN_SLICES || MI_SECURE==0) { //!mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_secure)) {
+    mi_page_free_list_extend(page, bsize, extend, &tld->stats );
+  }
+  else {
+    mi_page_free_list_extend_secure(heap, page, bsize, extend, &tld->stats);
+  }
+  // enable the new free list
+  page->capacity += (uint16_t)extend;
+  mi_stat_increase(tld->stats.page_committed, extend * bsize);
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_page_is_valid_init(page));
+// Initialize a fresh page
+static void mi_page_init(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_t* page, size_t block_size, mi_tld_t* tld) {
+  mi_assert(page != NULL);
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_page_segment(page);
+  mi_assert(segment != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(block_size > 0);
+  // set fields
+  mi_page_set_heap(page, heap);
+  page->xblock_size = (block_size < MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE ? (uint32_t)block_size : MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE); // initialize before _mi_segment_page_start
+  size_t page_size;
+  const void* page_start = _mi_segment_page_start(segment, page, &page_size);
+  MI_UNUSED(page_start);
+  mi_track_mem_noaccess(page_start,page_size);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_block_size(page) <= page_size);
+  mi_assert_internal(page_size <= page->slice_count*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE);
+  mi_assert_internal(page_size / block_size < (1L<<16));
+  page->reserved = (uint16_t)(page_size / block_size);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->reserved > 0);
+  page->keys[0] = _mi_heap_random_next(heap);
+  page->keys[1] = _mi_heap_random_next(heap);
+  #endif
+  page->free_is_zero = page->is_zero_init;
+  #if MI_DEBUG>2
+  if (page->is_zero_init) {
+    mi_track_mem_defined(page_start, page_size);
+    mi_assert_expensive(mi_mem_is_zero(page_start, page_size));
+  }
+  #endif
+  mi_assert_internal(page->is_committed);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->capacity == 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->free == NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->used == 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->xthread_free == 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->next == NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->prev == NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->retire_expire == 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(!mi_page_has_aligned(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(page->keys[0] != 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->keys[1] != 0);
+  #endif
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_page_is_valid_init(page));
+  // initialize an initial free list
+  mi_page_extend_free(heap,page,tld);
+  mi_assert(mi_page_immediate_available(page));
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Find pages with free blocks
+// Find a page with free blocks of `page->block_size`.
+static mi_page_t* mi_page_queue_find_free_ex(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_queue_t* pq, bool first_try)
+  // search through the pages in "next fit" order
+  #if MI_STAT
+  size_t count = 0;
+  #endif
+  mi_page_t* page = pq->first;
+  while (page != NULL)
+  {
+    mi_page_t* next = page->next; // remember next
+    #if MI_STAT
+    count++;
+    #endif
+    // 0. collect freed blocks by us and other threads
+    _mi_page_free_collect(page, false);
+    // 1. if the page contains free blocks, we are done
+    if (mi_page_immediate_available(page)) {
+      break;  // pick this one
+    }
+    // 2. Try to extend
+    if (page->capacity < page->reserved) {
+      mi_page_extend_free(heap, page, heap->tld);
+      mi_assert_internal(mi_page_immediate_available(page));
+      break;
+    }
+    // 3. If the page is completely full, move it to the `mi_pages_full`
+    // queue so we don't visit long-lived pages too often.
+    mi_assert_internal(!mi_page_is_in_full(page) && !mi_page_immediate_available(page));
+    mi_page_to_full(page, pq);
+    page = next;
+  } // for each page
+  mi_heap_stat_counter_increase(heap, searches, count);
+  if (page == NULL) {
+    _mi_heap_collect_retired(heap, false); // perhaps make a page available?
+    page = mi_page_fresh(heap, pq);
+    if (page == NULL && first_try) {
+      // out-of-memory _or_ an abandoned page with free blocks was reclaimed, try once again
+      page = mi_page_queue_find_free_ex(heap, pq, false);
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    mi_assert(pq->first == page);
+    page->retire_expire = 0;
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(page == NULL || mi_page_immediate_available(page));
+  return page;
+// Find a page with free blocks of `size`.
+static inline mi_page_t* mi_find_free_page(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size) {
+  mi_page_queue_t* pq = mi_page_queue(heap,size);
+  mi_page_t* page = pq->first;
+  if (page != NULL) {
+   #if (MI_SECURE>=3) // in secure mode, we extend half the time to increase randomness
+    if (page->capacity < page->reserved && ((_mi_heap_random_next(heap) & 1) == 1)) {
+      mi_page_extend_free(heap, page, heap->tld);
+      mi_assert_internal(mi_page_immediate_available(page));
+    }
+    else
+   #endif
+    {
+      _mi_page_free_collect(page,false);
+    }
+    if (mi_page_immediate_available(page)) {
+      page->retire_expire = 0;
+      return page; // fast path
+    }
+  }
+  return mi_page_queue_find_free_ex(heap, pq, true);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Users can register a deferred free function called
+  when the `free` list is empty. Since the `local_free`
+  is separate this is deterministically called after
+  a certain number of allocations.
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static mi_deferred_free_fun* volatile deferred_free = NULL;
+static _Atomic(void*) deferred_arg; // = NULL
+void _mi_deferred_free(mi_heap_t* heap, bool force) {
+  heap->tld->heartbeat++;
+  if (deferred_free != NULL && !heap->tld->recurse) {
+    heap->tld->recurse = true;
+    deferred_free(force, heap->tld->heartbeat, mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(void,&deferred_arg));
+    heap->tld->recurse = false;
+  }
+void mi_register_deferred_free(mi_deferred_free_fun* fn, void* arg) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  deferred_free = fn;
+  mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(void,&deferred_arg, arg);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  General allocation
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Large and huge page allocation.
+// Huge pages are allocated directly without being in a queue.
+// Because huge pages contain just one block, and the segment contains
+// just that page, we always treat them as abandoned and any thread
+// that frees the block can free the whole page and segment directly.
+// Huge pages are also use if the requested alignment is very large (> MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX).
+static mi_page_t* mi_large_huge_page_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, size_t page_alignment) {
+  size_t block_size = _mi_os_good_alloc_size(size);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_bin(block_size) == MI_BIN_HUGE || page_alignment > 0);
+  bool is_huge = (block_size > MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX || page_alignment > 0);
+  mi_page_queue_t* pq = (is_huge ? NULL : mi_page_queue(heap, block_size));
+  #else
+  mi_page_queue_t* pq = mi_page_queue(heap, is_huge ? MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE : block_size); // not block_size as that can be low if the page_alignment > 0
+  mi_assert_internal(!is_huge || mi_page_queue_is_huge(pq));
+  #endif
+  mi_page_t* page = mi_page_fresh_alloc(heap, pq, block_size, page_alignment);
+  if (page != NULL) {
+    mi_assert_internal(mi_page_immediate_available(page));
+    if (is_huge) {
+      mi_assert_internal(_mi_page_segment(page)->kind == MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+      mi_assert_internal(_mi_page_segment(page)->used==1);
+      mi_assert_internal(_mi_page_segment(page)->thread_id==0); // abandoned, not in the huge queue
+      mi_page_set_heap(page, NULL);
+      #endif
+    }
+    else {
+      mi_assert_internal(_mi_page_segment(page)->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+    }
+    const size_t bsize = mi_page_usable_block_size(page);  // note: not `mi_page_block_size` to account for padding
+    if (bsize <= MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
+      mi_heap_stat_increase(heap, large, bsize);
+      mi_heap_stat_counter_increase(heap, large_count, 1);
+    }
+    else {
+      mi_heap_stat_increase(heap, huge, bsize);
+      mi_heap_stat_counter_increase(heap, huge_count, 1);
+    }
+  }
+  return page;
+// Allocate a page
+// Note: in debug mode the size includes MI_PADDING_SIZE and might have overflowed.
+static mi_page_t* mi_find_page(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, size_t huge_alignment) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  // huge allocation?
+  const size_t req_size = size - MI_PADDING_SIZE;  // correct for padding_size in case of an overflow on `size`
+  if mi_unlikely(req_size > (MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX - MI_PADDING_SIZE) || huge_alignment > 0) {
+    if mi_unlikely(req_size > PTRDIFF_MAX) {  // we don't allocate more than PTRDIFF_MAX (see <>)
+      _mi_error_message(EOVERFLOW, "allocation request is too large (%zu bytes)\n", req_size);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    else {
+      return mi_large_huge_page_alloc(heap,size,huge_alignment);
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    // otherwise find a page with free blocks in our size segregated queues
+    #if MI_PADDING
+    mi_assert_internal(size >= MI_PADDING_SIZE);
+    #endif
+    return mi_find_free_page(heap, size);
+  }
+// Generic allocation routine if the fast path (`alloc.c:mi_page_malloc`) does not succeed.
+// Note: in debug mode the size includes MI_PADDING_SIZE and might have overflowed.
+// The `huge_alignment` is normally 0 but is set to a multiple of MI_SEGMENT_SIZE for
+// very large requested alignments in which case we use a huge segment.
+void* _mi_malloc_generic(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t size, bool zero, size_t huge_alignment) mi_attr_noexcept
+  mi_assert_internal(heap != NULL);
+  // initialize if necessary
+  if mi_unlikely(!mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) {
+    heap = mi_heap_get_default(); // calls mi_thread_init
+    if mi_unlikely(!mi_heap_is_initialized(heap)) { return NULL; }
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_heap_is_initialized(heap));
+  // call potential deferred free routines
+  _mi_deferred_free(heap, false);
+  // free delayed frees from other threads (but skip contended ones)
+  _mi_heap_delayed_free_partial(heap);
+  // find (or allocate) a page of the right size
+  mi_page_t* page = mi_find_page(heap, size, huge_alignment);
+  if mi_unlikely(page == NULL) { // first time out of memory, try to collect and retry the allocation once more
+    mi_heap_collect(heap, true /* force */);
+    page = mi_find_page(heap, size, huge_alignment);
+  }
+  if mi_unlikely(page == NULL) { // out of memory
+    const size_t req_size = size - MI_PADDING_SIZE;  // correct for padding_size in case of an overflow on `size`
+    _mi_error_message(ENOMEM, "unable to allocate memory (%zu bytes)\n", req_size);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_immediate_available(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_block_size(page) >= size);
+  // and try again, this time succeeding! (i.e. this should never recurse through _mi_page_malloc)
+  if mi_unlikely(zero && page->xblock_size == 0) {
+    // note: we cannot call _mi_page_malloc with zeroing for huge blocks; we zero it afterwards in that case.
+    void* p = _mi_page_malloc(heap, page, size, false);
+    mi_assert_internal(p != NULL);
+    _mi_memzero_aligned(p, mi_page_usable_block_size(page));
+    return p;
+  }
+  else {
+    return _mi_page_malloc(heap, page, size, zero);
+  }
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/prim/windows/prim.c b/compat/mimalloc/prim/windows/prim.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..d060833c5b644d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/prim/windows/prim.c
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2018-2023, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+// This file is included in `src/prim/prim.c`
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#include "mimalloc/internal.h"
+#include "mimalloc/atomic.h"
+#include "mimalloc/prim.h"
+#include <stdio.h>   // fputs, stderr
+// Dynamically bind Windows API points for portability
+// We use VirtualAlloc2 for aligned allocation, but it is only supported on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.
+// So, we need to look it up dynamically to run on older systems. (use __stdcall for 32-bit compatibility)
+// NtAllocateVirtualAllocEx is used for huge OS page allocation (1GiB)
+// We define a minimal MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER ourselves in order to be able to compile with older SDK's.
+  MiMemExtendedParameterInvalidType = 0,
+  MiMemExtendedParameterAddressRequirements,
+  MiMemExtendedParameterNumaNode,
+  MiMemExtendedParameterPartitionHandle,
+  MiMemExtendedParameterUserPhysicalHandle,
+  MiMemExtendedParameterAttributeFlags,
+  MiMemExtendedParameterMax
+  struct { DWORD64 Type : 8; DWORD64 Reserved : 56; } Type;
+  union  { DWORD64 ULong64; PVOID Pointer; SIZE_T Size; HANDLE Handle; DWORD ULong; } Arg;
+  PVOID  LowestStartingAddress;
+  PVOID  HighestEndingAddress;
+  SIZE_T Alignment;
+#include <winternl.h>
+static PVirtualAlloc2 pVirtualAlloc2 = NULL;
+static PNtAllocateVirtualMemoryEx pNtAllocateVirtualMemoryEx = NULL;
+// Similarly, GetNumaProcesorNodeEx is only supported since Windows 7
+typedef struct MI_PROCESSOR_NUMBER_S { WORD Group; BYTE Number; BYTE Reserved; } MI_PROCESSOR_NUMBER;
+typedef VOID (__stdcall *PGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx)(MI_PROCESSOR_NUMBER* ProcNumber);
+typedef BOOL (__stdcall *PGetNumaProcessorNodeEx)(MI_PROCESSOR_NUMBER* Processor, PUSHORT NodeNumber);
+typedef BOOL (__stdcall* PGetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx)(USHORT Node, PGROUP_AFFINITY ProcessorMask);
+typedef BOOL (__stdcall *PGetNumaProcessorNode)(UCHAR Processor, PUCHAR NodeNumber);
+static PGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx pGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx = NULL;
+static PGetNumaProcessorNodeEx      pGetNumaProcessorNodeEx = NULL;
+static PGetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx  pGetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx = NULL;
+static PGetNumaProcessorNode        pGetNumaProcessorNode = NULL;
+// Enable large page support dynamically (if possible)
+static bool win_enable_large_os_pages(size_t* large_page_size)
+  static bool large_initialized = false;
+  if (large_initialized) return (_mi_os_large_page_size() > 0);
+  large_initialized = true;
+  // Try to see if large OS pages are supported
+  // To use large pages on Windows, we first need access permission
+  // Set "Lock pages in memory" permission in the group policy editor
+  // <>
+  unsigned long err = 0;
+  HANDLE token = NULL;
+  BOOL ok = OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &token);
+  if (ok) {
+    ok = LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, TEXT("SeLockMemoryPrivilege"), &tp.Privileges[0].Luid);
+    if (ok) {
+      tp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
+      tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
+      ok = AdjustTokenPrivileges(token, FALSE, &tp, 0, (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES)NULL, 0);
+      if (ok) {
+	err = GetLastError();
+	ok = (err == ERROR_SUCCESS);
+	if (ok && large_page_size != NULL) {
+	  *large_page_size = GetLargePageMinimum();
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    CloseHandle(token);
+  }
+  if (!ok) {
+    if (err == 0) err = GetLastError();
+    _mi_warning_message("cannot enable large OS page support, error %lu\n", err);
+  }
+  return (ok!=0);
+// Initialize
+void _mi_prim_mem_init( mi_os_mem_config_t* config )
+  config->has_overcommit = false;
+  config->must_free_whole = true;
+  config->has_virtual_reserve = true;
+  // get the page size
+  GetSystemInfo(&si);
+  if (si.dwPageSize > 0) { config->page_size = si.dwPageSize; }
+  if (si.dwAllocationGranularity > 0) { config->alloc_granularity = si.dwAllocationGranularity; }
+  // get the VirtualAlloc2 function
+  hDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("kernelbase.dll"));
+  if (hDll != NULL) {
+    // use VirtualAlloc2FromApp if possible as it is available to Windows store apps
+    pVirtualAlloc2 = (PVirtualAlloc2)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "VirtualAlloc2FromApp");
+    if (pVirtualAlloc2==NULL) pVirtualAlloc2 = (PVirtualAlloc2)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "VirtualAlloc2");
+    FreeLibrary(hDll);
+  }
+  // NtAllocateVirtualMemoryEx is used for huge page allocation
+  hDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("ntdll.dll"));
+  if (hDll != NULL) {
+    pNtAllocateVirtualMemoryEx = (PNtAllocateVirtualMemoryEx)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "NtAllocateVirtualMemoryEx");
+    FreeLibrary(hDll);
+  }
+  // Try to use Win7+ numa API
+  hDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("kernel32.dll"));
+  if (hDll != NULL) {
+    pGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx = (PGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx");
+    pGetNumaProcessorNodeEx = (PGetNumaProcessorNodeEx)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "GetNumaProcessorNodeEx");
+    pGetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx = (PGetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "GetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx");
+    pGetNumaProcessorNode = (PGetNumaProcessorNode)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "GetNumaProcessorNode");
+    FreeLibrary(hDll);
+  }
+  if (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_allow_large_os_pages) || mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_reserve_huge_os_pages)) {
+    win_enable_large_os_pages(&config->large_page_size);
+  }
+// Free
+int _mi_prim_free(void* addr, size_t size ) {
+  MI_UNUSED(size);
+  DWORD errcode = 0;
+  bool err = (VirtualFree(addr, 0, MEM_RELEASE) == 0);
+  if (err) { errcode = GetLastError(); }
+  if (errcode == ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS) {
+    // In mi_os_mem_alloc_aligned the fallback path may have returned a pointer inside
+    // the memory region returned by VirtualAlloc; in that case we need to free using
+    // the start of the region.
+    VirtualQuery(addr, &info, sizeof(info));
+    if (info.AllocationBase < addr && ((uint8_t*)addr - (uint8_t*)info.AllocationBase) < (ptrdiff_t)MI_SEGMENT_SIZE) {
+      errcode = 0;
+      err = (VirtualFree(info.AllocationBase, 0, MEM_RELEASE) == 0);
+      if (err) { errcode = GetLastError(); }
+    }
+  }
+  return (int)errcode;
+// VirtualAlloc
+static void* win_virtual_alloc_prim(void* addr, size_t size, size_t try_alignment, DWORD flags) {
+  #if (MI_INTPTR_SIZE >= 8)
+  // on 64-bit systems, try to use the virtual address area after 2TiB for 4MiB aligned allocations
+  if (addr == NULL) {
+    void* hint = _mi_os_get_aligned_hint(try_alignment,size);
+    if (hint != NULL) {
+      void* p = VirtualAlloc(hint, size, flags, PAGE_READWRITE);
+      if (p != NULL) return p;
+      _mi_verbose_message("warning: unable to allocate hinted aligned OS memory (%zu bytes, error code: 0x%x, address: %p, alignment: %zu, flags: 0x%x)\n", size, GetLastError(), hint, try_alignment, flags);
+      // fall through on error
+    }
+  }
+  #endif
+  // on modern Windows try use VirtualAlloc2 for aligned allocation
+  if (try_alignment > 1 && (try_alignment % _mi_os_page_size()) == 0 && pVirtualAlloc2 != NULL) {
+    MI_MEM_ADDRESS_REQUIREMENTS reqs = { 0, 0, 0 };
+    reqs.Alignment = try_alignment;
+    MI_MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER param = { {0, 0}, {0} };
+    param.Type.Type = MiMemExtendedParameterAddressRequirements;
+    param.Arg.Pointer = &reqs;
+    void* p = (*pVirtualAlloc2)(GetCurrentProcess(), addr, size, flags, PAGE_READWRITE, &param, 1);
+    if (p != NULL) return p;
+    _mi_warning_message("unable to allocate aligned OS memory (%zu bytes, error code: 0x%x, address: %p, alignment: %zu, flags: 0x%x)\n", size, GetLastError(), addr, try_alignment, flags);
+    // fall through on error
+  }
+  // last resort
+  return VirtualAlloc(addr, size, flags, PAGE_READWRITE);
+static void* win_virtual_alloc(void* addr, size_t size, size_t try_alignment, DWORD flags, bool large_only, bool allow_large, bool* is_large) {
+  mi_assert_internal(!(large_only && !allow_large));
+  static _Atomic(size_t) large_page_try_ok; // = 0;
+  void* p = NULL;
+  // Try to allocate large OS pages (2MiB) if allowed or required.
+  if ((large_only || _mi_os_use_large_page(size, try_alignment))
+      && allow_large && (flags&MEM_COMMIT)!=0 && (flags&MEM_RESERVE)!=0) {
+    size_t try_ok = mi_atomic_load_acquire(&large_page_try_ok);
+    if (!large_only && try_ok > 0) {
+      // if a large page allocation fails, it seems the calls to VirtualAlloc get very expensive.
+      // therefore, once a large page allocation failed, we don't try again for `large_page_try_ok` times.
+      mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(&large_page_try_ok, &try_ok, try_ok - 1);
+    }
+    else {
+      // large OS pages must always reserve and commit.
+      *is_large = true;
+      p = win_virtual_alloc_prim(addr, size, try_alignment, flags | MEM_LARGE_PAGES);
+      if (large_only) return p;
+      // fall back to non-large page allocation on error (`p == NULL`).
+      if (p == NULL) {
+	mi_atomic_store_release(&large_page_try_ok,10UL);  // on error, don't try again for the next N allocations
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Fall back to regular page allocation
+  if (p == NULL) {
+    *is_large = ((flags&MEM_LARGE_PAGES) != 0);
+    p = win_virtual_alloc_prim(addr, size, try_alignment, flags);
+  }
+  //if (p == NULL) { _mi_warning_message("unable to allocate OS memory (%zu bytes, error code: 0x%x, address: %p, alignment: %zu, flags: 0x%x, large only: %d, allow large: %d)\n", size, GetLastError(), addr, try_alignment, flags, large_only, allow_large); }
+  return p;
+int _mi_prim_alloc(size_t size, size_t try_alignment, bool commit, bool allow_large, bool* is_large, bool* is_zero, void** addr) {
+  mi_assert_internal(size > 0 && (size % _mi_os_page_size()) == 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(commit || !allow_large);
+  mi_assert_internal(try_alignment > 0);
+  *is_zero = true;
+  int flags = MEM_RESERVE;
+  if (commit) { flags |= MEM_COMMIT; }
+  *addr = win_virtual_alloc(NULL, size, try_alignment, flags, false, allow_large, is_large);
+  return (*addr != NULL ? 0 : (int)GetLastError());
+// Commit/Reset/Protect
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(disable:6250)   // suppress warning calling VirtualFree without MEM_RELEASE (for decommit)
+int _mi_prim_commit(void* addr, size_t size, bool* is_zero) {
+  *is_zero = false;
+  /*
+  // zero'ing only happens on an initial commit... but checking upfront seems expensive..
+  _MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION meminfo; _mi_memzero_var(meminfo);
+  if (VirtualQuery(addr, &meminfo, size) > 0) {
+    if ((meminfo.State & MEM_COMMIT) == 0) {
+      *is_zero = true;
+    }
+  }
+  */
+  // commit
+  void* p = VirtualAlloc(addr, size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
+  if (p == NULL) return (int)GetLastError();
+  return 0;
+int _mi_prim_decommit(void* addr, size_t size, bool* needs_recommit) {
+  BOOL ok = VirtualFree(addr, size, MEM_DECOMMIT);
+  *needs_recommit = true;  // for safety, assume always decommitted even in the case of an error.
+  return (ok ? 0 : (int)GetLastError());
+int _mi_prim_reset(void* addr, size_t size) {
+  void* p = VirtualAlloc(addr, size, MEM_RESET, PAGE_READWRITE);
+  mi_assert_internal(p == addr);
+  #if 0
+  if (p != NULL) {
+    VirtualUnlock(addr,size); // VirtualUnlock after MEM_RESET removes the memory directly from the working set
+  }
+  #endif
+  return (p != NULL ? 0 : (int)GetLastError());
+int _mi_prim_protect(void* addr, size_t size, bool protect) {
+  DWORD oldprotect = 0;
+  BOOL ok = VirtualProtect(addr, size, protect ? PAGE_NOACCESS : PAGE_READWRITE, &oldprotect);
+  return (ok ? 0 : (int)GetLastError());
+// Huge page allocation
+static void* _mi_prim_alloc_huge_os_pagesx(void* hint_addr, size_t size, int numa_node)
+  win_enable_large_os_pages(NULL);
+  MI_MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER params[3] = { {{0,0},{0}},{{0,0},{0}},{{0,0},{0}} };
+  // on modern Windows try use NtAllocateVirtualMemoryEx for 1GiB huge pages
+  static bool mi_huge_pages_available = true;
+  if (pNtAllocateVirtualMemoryEx != NULL && mi_huge_pages_available) {
+    params[0].Type.Type = MiMemExtendedParameterAttributeFlags;
+    ULONG param_count = 1;
+    if (numa_node >= 0) {
+      param_count++;
+      params[1].Type.Type = MiMemExtendedParameterNumaNode;
+      params[1].Arg.ULong = (unsigned)numa_node;
+    }
+    SIZE_T psize = size;
+    void* base = hint_addr;
+    NTSTATUS err = (*pNtAllocateVirtualMemoryEx)(GetCurrentProcess(), &base, &psize, flags, PAGE_READWRITE, params, param_count);
+    if (err == 0 && base != NULL) {
+      return base;
+    }
+    else {
+      // fall back to regular large pages
+      mi_huge_pages_available = false; // don't try further huge pages
+      _mi_warning_message("unable to allocate using huge (1GiB) pages, trying large (2MiB) pages instead (status 0x%lx)\n", err);
+    }
+  }
+  // on modern Windows try use VirtualAlloc2 for numa aware large OS page allocation
+  if (pVirtualAlloc2 != NULL && numa_node >= 0) {
+    params[0].Type.Type = MiMemExtendedParameterNumaNode;
+    params[0].Arg.ULong = (unsigned)numa_node;
+    return (*pVirtualAlloc2)(GetCurrentProcess(), hint_addr, size, flags, PAGE_READWRITE, params, 1);
+  }
+  // otherwise use regular virtual alloc on older windows
+  return VirtualAlloc(hint_addr, size, flags, PAGE_READWRITE);
+int _mi_prim_alloc_huge_os_pages(void* hint_addr, size_t size, int numa_node, bool* is_zero, void** addr) {
+  *is_zero = true;
+  *addr = _mi_prim_alloc_huge_os_pagesx(hint_addr,size,numa_node);
+  return (*addr != NULL ? 0 : (int)GetLastError());
+// Numa nodes
+size_t _mi_prim_numa_node(void) {
+  USHORT numa_node = 0;
+  if (pGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx != NULL && pGetNumaProcessorNodeEx != NULL) {
+    // Extended API is supported
+    (*pGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx)(&pnum);
+    USHORT nnode = 0;
+    BOOL ok = (*pGetNumaProcessorNodeEx)(&pnum, &nnode);
+    if (ok) { numa_node = nnode; }
+  }
+  else if (pGetNumaProcessorNode != NULL) {
+    // Vista or earlier, use older API that is limited to 64 processors. Issue #277
+    DWORD pnum = GetCurrentProcessorNumber();
+    UCHAR nnode = 0;
+    BOOL ok = pGetNumaProcessorNode((UCHAR)pnum, &nnode);
+    if (ok) { numa_node = nnode; }
+  }
+  return numa_node;
+size_t _mi_prim_numa_node_count(void) {
+  ULONG numa_max = 0;
+  GetNumaHighestNodeNumber(&numa_max);
+  // find the highest node number that has actual processors assigned to it. Issue #282
+  while(numa_max > 0) {
+    if (pGetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx != NULL) {
+      // Extended API is supported
+      GROUP_AFFINITY affinity;
+      if ((*pGetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx)((USHORT)numa_max, &affinity)) {
+	if (affinity.Mask != 0) break;  // found the maximum non-empty node
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      // Vista or earlier, use older API that is limited to 64 processors.
+      ULONGLONG mask;
+      if (GetNumaNodeProcessorMask((UCHAR)numa_max, &mask)) {
+	if (mask != 0) break; // found the maximum non-empty node
+      };
+    }
+    // max node was invalid or had no processor assigned, try again
+    numa_max--;
+  }
+  return ((size_t)numa_max + 1);
+// Clock
+static mi_msecs_t mi_to_msecs(LARGE_INTEGER t) {
+  static LARGE_INTEGER mfreq; // = 0
+  if (mfreq.QuadPart == 0LL) {
+    QueryPerformanceFrequency(&f);
+    mfreq.QuadPart = f.QuadPart/1000LL;
+    if (mfreq.QuadPart == 0) mfreq.QuadPart = 1;
+  }
+  return (mi_msecs_t)(t.QuadPart / mfreq.QuadPart);
+mi_msecs_t _mi_prim_clock_now(void) {
+  QueryPerformanceCounter(&t);
+  return mi_to_msecs(t);
+// Process Info
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <psapi.h>
+static mi_msecs_t filetime_msecs(const FILETIME* ftime) {
+  i.LowPart = ftime->dwLowDateTime;
+  i.HighPart = ftime->dwHighDateTime;
+  mi_msecs_t msecs = (i.QuadPart / 10000); // FILETIME is in 100 nano seconds
+  return msecs;
+static PGetProcessMemoryInfo pGetProcessMemoryInfo = NULL;
+void _mi_prim_process_info(mi_process_info_t* pinfo)
+  GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(), &ct, &et, &st, &ut);
+  pinfo->utime = filetime_msecs(&ut);
+  pinfo->stime = filetime_msecs(&st);
+  // load psapi on demand
+  if (pGetProcessMemoryInfo == NULL) {
+    HINSTANCE hDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("psapi.dll"));
+    if (hDll != NULL) {
+      pGetProcessMemoryInfo = (PGetProcessMemoryInfo)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "GetProcessMemoryInfo");
+    }
+  }
+  // get process info
+  memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
+  if (pGetProcessMemoryInfo != NULL) {
+    pGetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), &info, sizeof(info));
+  }
+  pinfo->current_rss    = (size_t)info.WorkingSetSize;
+  pinfo->peak_rss       = (size_t)info.PeakWorkingSetSize;
+  pinfo->current_commit = (size_t)info.PagefileUsage;
+  pinfo->peak_commit    = (size_t)info.PeakPagefileUsage;
+  pinfo->page_faults    = (size_t)info.PageFaultCount;
+// Output
+void _mi_prim_out_stderr( const char* msg )
+  // on windows with redirection, the C runtime cannot handle locale dependent output
+  // after the main thread closes so we use direct console output.
+  if (!_mi_preloading()) {
+    // _cputs(msg);  // _cputs cannot be used at is aborts if it fails to lock the console
+    static bool hconIsConsole;
+    if (hcon == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+      hcon = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
+      hconIsConsole = ((hcon != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hcon, &sbi));
+    }
+    const size_t len = _mi_strlen(msg);
+    if (len > 0 && len < UINT32_MAX) {
+      DWORD written = 0;
+      if (hconIsConsole) {
+	WriteConsoleA(hcon, msg, (DWORD)len, &written, NULL);
+      }
+      else if (hcon != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+	// use direct write if stderr was redirected
+	WriteFile(hcon, msg, (DWORD)len, &written, NULL);
+      }
+      else {
+	// finally fall back to fputs after all
+	fputs(msg, stderr);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Environment
+// On Windows use GetEnvironmentVariable instead of getenv to work
+// reliably even when this is invoked before the C runtime is initialized.
+// i.e. when `_mi_preloading() == true`.
+// Note: on windows, environment names are not case sensitive.
+bool _mi_prim_getenv(const char* name, char* result, size_t result_size) {
+  result[0] = 0;
+  size_t len = GetEnvironmentVariableA(name, result, (DWORD)result_size);
+  return (len > 0 && len < result_size);
+// Random
+#if defined(MI_USE_RTLGENRANDOM) // || defined(__cplusplus)
+// We prefer to use BCryptGenRandom instead of (the unofficial) RtlGenRandom but when using
+// dynamic overriding, we observed it can raise an exception when compiled with C++, and
+// sometimes deadlocks when also running under the VS debugger.
+// In contrast, issue #623 implies that on Windows Server 2019 we need to use BCryptGenRandom.
+// To be continued..
+#pragma comment (lib,"advapi32.lib")
+#define RtlGenRandom  SystemFunction036
+mi_decl_externc BOOLEAN NTAPI RtlGenRandom(PVOID RandomBuffer, ULONG RandomBufferLength);
+bool _mi_prim_random_buf(void* buf, size_t buf_len) {
+  return (RtlGenRandom(buf, (ULONG)buf_len) != 0);
+static  PBCryptGenRandom pBCryptGenRandom = NULL;
+bool _mi_prim_random_buf(void* buf, size_t buf_len) {
+  if (pBCryptGenRandom == NULL) {
+    HINSTANCE hDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("bcrypt.dll"));
+    if (hDll != NULL) {
+      pBCryptGenRandom = (PBCryptGenRandom)(void (*)(void))GetProcAddress(hDll, "BCryptGenRandom");
+    }
+    if (pBCryptGenRandom == NULL) return false;
+  }
+  return (pBCryptGenRandom(NULL, (PUCHAR)buf, (ULONG)buf_len, BCRYPT_USE_SYSTEM_PREFERRED_RNG) >= 0);
+// Thread init/done
+#if !defined(MI_SHARED_LIB)
+// use thread local storage keys to detect thread ending
+#include <fibersapi.h>
+#if (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x600)  // before Windows Vista
+WINBASEAPI BOOL  WINAPI FlsSetValue( _In_ DWORD dwFlsIndex, _In_opt_ PVOID lpFlsData );
+static DWORD mi_fls_key = (DWORD)(-1);
+static void NTAPI mi_fls_done(PVOID value) {
+  mi_heap_t* heap = (mi_heap_t*)value;
+  if (heap != NULL) {
+    _mi_thread_done(heap);
+    FlsSetValue(mi_fls_key, NULL);  // prevent recursion as _mi_thread_done may set it back to the main heap, issue #672
+  }
+void _mi_prim_thread_init_auto_done(void) {
+  mi_fls_key = FlsAlloc(&mi_fls_done);
+void _mi_prim_thread_done_auto_done(void) {
+  // call thread-done on all threads (except the main thread) to prevent
+  // dangling callback pointer if statically linked with a DLL; Issue #208
+  FlsFree(mi_fls_key);
+void _mi_prim_thread_associate_default_heap(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_fls_key != (DWORD)(-1));
+  FlsSetValue(mi_fls_key, heap);
+// Dll; nothing to do as in that case thread_done is handled through the DLL_THREAD_DETACH event.
+void _mi_prim_thread_init_auto_done(void) {
+void _mi_prim_thread_done_auto_done(void) {
+void _mi_prim_thread_associate_default_heap(mi_heap_t* heap) {
+  MI_UNUSED(heap);
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/random.c b/compat/mimalloc/random.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..2a18b5aa992dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/random.c
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2019-2021, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#include "mimalloc/internal.h"
+#include "mimalloc/prim.h"    // _mi_prim_random_buf
+#include <string.h>       // memset
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+We use our own PRNG to keep predictable performance of random number generation
+and to avoid implementations that use a lock. We only use the OS provided
+random source to initialize the initial seeds. Since we do not need ultimate
+performance but we do rely on the security (for secret cookies in secure mode)
+we use a cryptographically secure generator (chacha20).
+#define MI_CHACHA_ROUNDS (20)   // perhaps use 12 for better performance?
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Chacha20 implementation as the original algorithm with a 64-bit nonce
+and counter:
+The input matrix has sixteen 32-bit values:
+Position  0 to  3: constant key
+Position  4 to 11: the key
+Position 12 to 13: the counter.
+Position 14 to 15: the nonce.
+The implementation uses regular C code which compiles very well on modern compilers.
+(gcc x64 has no register spills, and clang 6+ uses SSE instructions)
+static inline uint32_t rotl(uint32_t x, uint32_t shift) {
+  return (x << shift) | (x >> (32 - shift));
+static inline void qround(uint32_t x[16], size_t a, size_t b, size_t c, size_t d) {
+  x[a] += x[b]; x[d] = rotl(x[d] ^ x[a], 16);
+  x[c] += x[d]; x[b] = rotl(x[b] ^ x[c], 12);
+  x[a] += x[b]; x[d] = rotl(x[d] ^ x[a], 8);
+  x[c] += x[d]; x[b] = rotl(x[b] ^ x[c], 7);
+static void chacha_block(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx)
+  // scramble into `x`
+  uint32_t x[16];
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+    x[i] = ctx->input[i];
+  }
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < MI_CHACHA_ROUNDS; i += 2) {
+    qround(x, 0, 4,  8, 12);
+    qround(x, 1, 5,  9, 13);
+    qround(x, 2, 6, 10, 14);
+    qround(x, 3, 7, 11, 15);
+    qround(x, 0, 5, 10, 15);
+    qround(x, 1, 6, 11, 12);
+    qround(x, 2, 7,  8, 13);
+    qround(x, 3, 4,  9, 14);
+  }
+  // add scrambled data to the initial state
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+    ctx->output[i] = x[i] + ctx->input[i];
+  }
+  ctx->output_available = 16;
+  // increment the counter for the next round
+  ctx->input[12] += 1;
+  if (ctx->input[12] == 0) {
+    ctx->input[13] += 1;
+    if (ctx->input[13] == 0) {  // and keep increasing into the nonce
+      ctx->input[14] += 1;
+    }
+  }
+static uint32_t chacha_next32(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx) {
+  if (ctx->output_available <= 0) {
+    chacha_block(ctx);
+    ctx->output_available = 16; // (assign again to suppress static analysis warning)
+  }
+  const uint32_t x = ctx->output[16 - ctx->output_available];
+  ctx->output[16 - ctx->output_available] = 0; // reset once the data is handed out
+  ctx->output_available--;
+  return x;
+static inline uint32_t read32(const uint8_t* p, size_t idx32) {
+  const size_t i = 4*idx32;
+  return ((uint32_t)p[i+0] | (uint32_t)p[i+1] << 8 | (uint32_t)p[i+2] << 16 | (uint32_t)p[i+3] << 24);
+static void chacha_init(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx, const uint8_t key[32], uint64_t nonce)
+  // since we only use chacha for randomness (and not encryption) we
+  // do not _need_ to read 32-bit values as little endian but we do anyways
+  // just for being compatible :-)
+  memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+    const uint8_t* sigma = (uint8_t*)"expand 32-byte k";
+    ctx->input[i] = read32(sigma,i);
+  }
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+    ctx->input[i + 4] = read32(key,i);
+  }
+  ctx->input[12] = 0;
+  ctx->input[13] = 0;
+  ctx->input[14] = (uint32_t)nonce;
+  ctx->input[15] = (uint32_t)(nonce >> 32);
+static void chacha_split(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx, uint64_t nonce, mi_random_ctx_t* ctx_new) {
+  memset(ctx_new, 0, sizeof(*ctx_new));
+  _mi_memcpy(ctx_new->input, ctx->input, sizeof(ctx_new->input));
+  ctx_new->input[12] = 0;
+  ctx_new->input[13] = 0;
+  ctx_new->input[14] = (uint32_t)nonce;
+  ctx_new->input[15] = (uint32_t)(nonce >> 32);
+  mi_assert_internal(ctx->input[14] != ctx_new->input[14] || ctx->input[15] != ctx_new->input[15]); // do not reuse nonces!
+  chacha_block(ctx_new);
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Random interface
+#if MI_DEBUG>1
+static bool mi_random_is_initialized(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx) {
+  return (ctx != NULL && ctx->input[0] != 0);
+void _mi_random_split(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx, mi_random_ctx_t* ctx_new) {
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_random_is_initialized(ctx));
+  mi_assert_internal(ctx != ctx_new);
+  chacha_split(ctx, (uintptr_t)ctx_new /*nonce*/, ctx_new);
+uintptr_t _mi_random_next(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx) {
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_random_is_initialized(ctx));
+  #if MI_INTPTR_SIZE <= 4
+    return chacha_next32(ctx);
+  #elif MI_INTPTR_SIZE == 8
+    return (((uintptr_t)chacha_next32(ctx) << 32) | chacha_next32(ctx));
+  #else
+  # error "define mi_random_next for this platform"
+  #endif
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+To initialize a fresh random context.
+If we cannot get good randomness, we fall back to weak randomness based on a timer and ASLR.
+uintptr_t _mi_os_random_weak(uintptr_t extra_seed) {
+  uintptr_t x = (uintptr_t)&_mi_os_random_weak ^ extra_seed; // ASLR makes the address random
+  x ^= _mi_prim_clock_now();
+  // and do a few randomization steps
+  uintptr_t max = ((x ^ (x >> 17)) & 0x0F) + 1;
+  for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < max; i++) {
+    x = _mi_random_shuffle(x);
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(x != 0);
+  return x;
+static void mi_random_init_ex(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx, bool use_weak) {
+  uint8_t key[32];
+  if (use_weak || !_mi_prim_random_buf(key, sizeof(key))) {
+    // if we fail to get random data from the OS, we fall back to a
+    // weak random source based on the current time
+    #if !defined(__wasi__)
+    if (!use_weak) { _mi_warning_message("unable to use secure randomness\n"); }
+    #endif
+    uintptr_t x = _mi_os_random_weak(0);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {  // key is eight 32-bit words.
+      x = _mi_random_shuffle(x);
+      ((uint32_t*)key)[i] = (uint32_t)x;
+    }
+    ctx->weak = true;
+  }
+  else {
+    ctx->weak = false;
+  }
+  chacha_init(ctx, key, (uintptr_t)ctx /*nonce*/ );
+void _mi_random_init(mi_random_ctx_t* ctx) {
+  mi_random_init_ex(ctx, false);
+void _mi_random_init_weak(mi_random_ctx_t * ctx) {
+  mi_random_init_ex(ctx, true);
+void _mi_random_reinit_if_weak(mi_random_ctx_t * ctx) {
+  if (ctx->weak) {
+    _mi_random_init(ctx);
+  }
+/* --------------------------------------------------------
+test vectors from <>
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static bool array_equals(uint32_t* x, uint32_t* y, size_t n) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    if (x[i] != y[i]) return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+static void chacha_test(void)
+  uint32_t x[4] = { 0x11111111, 0x01020304, 0x9b8d6f43, 0x01234567 };
+  uint32_t x_out[4] = { 0xea2a92f4, 0xcb1cf8ce, 0x4581472e, 0x5881c4bb };
+  qround(x, 0, 1, 2, 3);
+  mi_assert_internal(array_equals(x, x_out, 4));
+  uint32_t y[16] = {
+       0x879531e0,  0xc5ecf37d,  0x516461b1,  0xc9a62f8a,
+       0x44c20ef3,  0x3390af7f,  0xd9fc690b,  0x2a5f714c,
+       0x53372767,  0xb00a5631,  0x974c541a,  0x359e9963,
+       0x5c971061,  0x3d631689,  0x2098d9d6,  0x91dbd320 };
+  uint32_t y_out[16] = {
+       0x879531e0,  0xc5ecf37d,  0xbdb886dc,  0xc9a62f8a,
+       0x44c20ef3,  0x3390af7f,  0xd9fc690b,  0xcfacafd2,
+       0xe46bea80,  0xb00a5631,  0x974c541a,  0x359e9963,
+       0x5c971061,  0xccc07c79,  0x2098d9d6,  0x91dbd320 };
+  qround(y, 2, 7, 8, 13);
+  mi_assert_internal(array_equals(y, y_out, 16));
+  mi_random_ctx_t r = {
+    { 0x61707865, 0x3320646e, 0x79622d32, 0x6b206574,
+      0x03020100, 0x07060504, 0x0b0a0908, 0x0f0e0d0c,
+      0x13121110, 0x17161514, 0x1b1a1918, 0x1f1e1d1c,
+      0x00000001, 0x09000000, 0x4a000000, 0x00000000 },
+    {0},
+    0
+  };
+  uint32_t r_out[16] = {
+       0xe4e7f110, 0x15593bd1, 0x1fdd0f50, 0xc47120a3,
+       0xc7f4d1c7, 0x0368c033, 0x9aaa2204, 0x4e6cd4c3,
+       0x466482d2, 0x09aa9f07, 0x05d7c214, 0xa2028bd9,
+       0xd19c12b5, 0xb94e16de, 0xe883d0cb, 0x4e3c50a2 };
+  chacha_block(&r);
+  mi_assert_internal(array_equals(r.output, r_out, 16));
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/segment-cache.c b/compat/mimalloc/segment-cache.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/segment-map.c b/compat/mimalloc/segment-map.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..3cd2127e56c1a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/segment-map.c
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2019-2023, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  The following functions are to reliably find the segment or
+  block that encompasses any pointer p (or NULL if it is not
+  in any of our segments).
+  We maintain a bitmap of all memory with 1 bit per MI_SEGMENT_SIZE (64MiB)
+  set to 1 if it contains the segment meta data.
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#include "mimalloc/internal.h"
+#include "mimalloc/atomic.h"
+#if (MI_INTPTR_SIZE==8)
+#define MI_MAX_ADDRESS    ((size_t)40 << 40)  // 40TB (to include huge page areas)
+#define MI_MAX_ADDRESS    ((size_t)2 << 30)   // 2Gb
+static _Atomic(uintptr_t) mi_segment_map[MI_SEGMENT_MAP_WSIZE + 1];  // 2KiB per TB with 64MiB segments
+static size_t mi_segment_map_index_of(const mi_segment_t* segment, size_t* bitidx) {
+  mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_segment(segment + 1) == segment); // is it aligned on MI_SEGMENT_SIZE?
+  if ((uintptr_t)segment >= MI_MAX_ADDRESS) {
+    *bitidx = 0;
+  }
+  else {
+    const uintptr_t segindex = ((uintptr_t)segment) / MI_SEGMENT_SIZE;
+    *bitidx = segindex % MI_INTPTR_BITS;
+    const size_t mapindex = segindex / MI_INTPTR_BITS;
+    mi_assert_internal(mapindex < MI_SEGMENT_MAP_WSIZE);
+    return mapindex;
+  }
+void _mi_segment_map_allocated_at(const mi_segment_t* segment) {
+  size_t bitidx;
+  size_t index = mi_segment_map_index_of(segment, &bitidx);
+  mi_assert_internal(index <= MI_SEGMENT_MAP_WSIZE);
+  if (index==MI_SEGMENT_MAP_WSIZE) return;
+  uintptr_t mask = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_segment_map[index]);
+  uintptr_t newmask;
+  do {
+    newmask = (mask | ((uintptr_t)1 << bitidx));
+  } while (!mi_atomic_cas_weak_release(&mi_segment_map[index], &mask, newmask));
+void _mi_segment_map_freed_at(const mi_segment_t* segment) {
+  size_t bitidx;
+  size_t index = mi_segment_map_index_of(segment, &bitidx);
+  mi_assert_internal(index <= MI_SEGMENT_MAP_WSIZE);
+  if (index == MI_SEGMENT_MAP_WSIZE) return;
+  uintptr_t mask = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_segment_map[index]);
+  uintptr_t newmask;
+  do {
+    newmask = (mask & ~((uintptr_t)1 << bitidx));
+  } while (!mi_atomic_cas_weak_release(&mi_segment_map[index], &mask, newmask));
+// Determine the segment belonging to a pointer or NULL if it is not in a valid segment.
+static mi_segment_t* _mi_segment_of(const void* p) {
+  if (p == NULL) return NULL;
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_ptr_segment(p);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment != NULL);
+  size_t bitidx;
+  size_t index = mi_segment_map_index_of(segment, &bitidx);
+  // fast path: for any pointer to valid small/medium/large object or first MI_SEGMENT_SIZE in huge
+  const uintptr_t mask = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_segment_map[index]);
+  if mi_likely((mask & ((uintptr_t)1 << bitidx)) != 0) {
+    return segment; // yes, allocated by us
+  }
+  if (index==MI_SEGMENT_MAP_WSIZE) return NULL;
+  // TODO: maintain max/min allocated range for efficiency for more efficient rejection of invalid pointers?
+  // search downwards for the first segment in case it is an interior pointer
+  // could be slow but searches in MI_INTPTR_SIZE * MI_SEGMENT_SIZE (512MiB) steps trough
+  // valid huge objects
+  // note: we could maintain a lowest index to speed up the path for invalid pointers?
+  size_t lobitidx;
+  size_t loindex;
+  uintptr_t lobits = mask & (((uintptr_t)1 << bitidx) - 1);
+  if (lobits != 0) {
+    loindex = index;
+    lobitidx = mi_bsr(lobits);    // lobits != 0
+  }
+  else if (index == 0) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  else {
+    mi_assert_internal(index > 0);
+    uintptr_t lomask = mask;
+    loindex = index;
+    do {
+      loindex--;
+      lomask = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&mi_segment_map[loindex]);
+    } while (lomask != 0 && loindex > 0);
+    if (lomask == 0) return NULL;
+    lobitidx = mi_bsr(lomask);    // lomask != 0
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(loindex < MI_SEGMENT_MAP_WSIZE);
+  // take difference as the addresses could be larger than the MAX_ADDRESS space.
+  size_t diff = (((index - loindex) * (8*MI_INTPTR_SIZE)) + bitidx - lobitidx) * MI_SEGMENT_SIZE;
+  segment = (mi_segment_t*)((uint8_t*)segment - diff);
+  if (segment == NULL) return NULL;
+  mi_assert_internal((void*)segment < p);
+  bool cookie_ok = (_mi_ptr_cookie(segment) == segment->cookie);
+  mi_assert_internal(cookie_ok);
+  if mi_unlikely(!cookie_ok) return NULL;
+  if (((uint8_t*)segment + mi_segment_size(segment)) <= (uint8_t*)p) return NULL; // outside the range
+  mi_assert_internal(p >= (void*)segment && (uint8_t*)p < (uint8_t*)segment + mi_segment_size(segment));
+  return segment;
+// Is this a valid pointer in our heap?
+static bool  mi_is_valid_pointer(const void* p) {
+  return ((_mi_segment_of(p) != NULL) || (_mi_arena_contains(p)));
+mi_decl_nodiscard mi_decl_export bool mi_is_in_heap_region(const void* p) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  return mi_is_valid_pointer(p);
+// Return the full segment range belonging to a pointer
+static void* mi_segment_range_of(const void* p, size_t* size) {
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_segment_of(p);
+  if (segment == NULL) {
+    if (size != NULL) *size = 0;
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  else {
+    if (size != NULL) *size = segment->segment_size;
+    return segment;
+  }
+  mi_assert_expensive(page == NULL || mi_segment_is_valid(_mi_page_segment(page),tld));
+  mi_assert_internal(page == NULL || (mi_segment_page_size(_mi_page_segment(page)) - (MI_SECURE == 0 ? 0 : _mi_os_page_size())) >= block_size);
+  mi_reset_delayed(tld);
+  mi_assert_internal(page == NULL || mi_page_not_in_queue(page, tld));
+  return page;
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/segment.c b/compat/mimalloc/segment.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..6b901f6cc80f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/segment.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1617 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#include "mimalloc/internal.h"
+#include "mimalloc/atomic.h"
+#include <string.h>  // memset
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define MI_PAGE_HUGE_ALIGN   (256*1024)
+static void mi_segment_try_purge(mi_segment_t* segment, bool force, mi_stats_t* stats);
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// commit mask
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+static bool mi_commit_mask_all_set(const mi_commit_mask_t* commit, const mi_commit_mask_t* cm) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_COUNT; i++) {
+    if ((commit->mask[i] & cm->mask[i]) != cm->mask[i]) return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+static bool mi_commit_mask_any_set(const mi_commit_mask_t* commit, const mi_commit_mask_t* cm) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_COUNT; i++) {
+    if ((commit->mask[i] & cm->mask[i]) != 0) return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+static void mi_commit_mask_create_intersect(const mi_commit_mask_t* commit, const mi_commit_mask_t* cm, mi_commit_mask_t* res) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_COUNT; i++) {
+    res->mask[i] = (commit->mask[i] & cm->mask[i]);
+  }
+static void mi_commit_mask_clear(mi_commit_mask_t* res, const mi_commit_mask_t* cm) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_COUNT; i++) {
+    res->mask[i] &= ~(cm->mask[i]);
+  }
+static void mi_commit_mask_set(mi_commit_mask_t* res, const mi_commit_mask_t* cm) {
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_COUNT; i++) {
+    res->mask[i] |= cm->mask[i];
+  }
+static void mi_commit_mask_create(size_t bitidx, size_t bitcount, mi_commit_mask_t* cm) {
+  mi_assert_internal(bitidx < MI_COMMIT_MASK_BITS);
+  mi_assert_internal((bitidx + bitcount) <= MI_COMMIT_MASK_BITS);
+  if (bitcount == MI_COMMIT_MASK_BITS) {
+    mi_assert_internal(bitidx==0);
+    mi_commit_mask_create_full(cm);
+  }
+  else if (bitcount == 0) {
+    mi_commit_mask_create_empty(cm);
+  }
+  else {
+    mi_commit_mask_create_empty(cm);
+    size_t i = bitidx / MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_BITS;
+    size_t ofs = bitidx % MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_BITS;
+    while (bitcount > 0) {
+      mi_assert_internal(i < MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_COUNT);
+      size_t avail = MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_BITS - ofs;
+      size_t count = (bitcount > avail ? avail : bitcount);
+      size_t mask = (count >= MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_BITS ? ~((size_t)0) : (((size_t)1 << count) - 1) << ofs);
+      cm->mask[i] = mask;
+      bitcount -= count;
+      ofs = 0;
+      i++;
+    }
+  }
+size_t _mi_commit_mask_committed_size(const mi_commit_mask_t* cm, size_t total) {
+  mi_assert_internal((total%MI_COMMIT_MASK_BITS)==0);
+  size_t count = 0;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_COUNT; i++) {
+    size_t mask = cm->mask[i];
+    if (~mask == 0) {
+      count += MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_BITS;
+    }
+    else {
+      for (; mask != 0; mask >>= 1) {  // todo: use popcount
+	if ((mask&1)!=0) count++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // we use total since for huge segments each commit bit may represent a larger size
+  return ((total / MI_COMMIT_MASK_BITS) * count);
+size_t _mi_commit_mask_next_run(const mi_commit_mask_t* cm, size_t* idx) {
+  size_t i = (*idx) / MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_BITS;
+  size_t ofs = (*idx) % MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_BITS;
+  size_t mask = 0;
+  // find first ones
+    mask = cm->mask[i];
+    mask >>= ofs;
+    if (mask != 0) {
+      while ((mask&1) == 0) {
+	mask >>= 1;
+	ofs++;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    i++;
+    ofs = 0;
+  }
+    // not found
+    *idx = MI_COMMIT_MASK_BITS;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  else {
+    // found, count ones
+    size_t count = 0;
+    *idx = (i*MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_BITS) + ofs;
+    do {
+      mi_assert_internal(ofs < MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_BITS && (mask&1) == 1);
+      do {
+	count++;
+	mask >>= 1;
+      } while ((mask&1) == 1);
+      if ((((*idx + count) % MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_BITS) == 0)) {
+	i++;
+	if (i >= MI_COMMIT_MASK_FIELD_COUNT) break;
+	mask = cm->mask[i];
+	ofs = 0;
+      }
+    } while ((mask&1) == 1);
+    mi_assert_internal(count > 0);
+    return count;
+  }
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Segment allocation
+  If a  thread ends, it "abandons" pages with used blocks
+  and there is an abandoned segment list whose segments can
+  be reclaimed by still running threads, much like work-stealing.
+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Slices
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static const mi_slice_t* mi_segment_slices_end(const mi_segment_t* segment) {
+  return &segment->slices[segment->slice_entries];
+static uint8_t* mi_slice_start(const mi_slice_t* slice) {
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_ptr_segment(slice);
+  mi_assert_internal(slice >= segment->slices && slice < mi_segment_slices_end(segment));
+  return ((uint8_t*)segment + ((slice - segment->slices)*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE));
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Bins
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Use bit scan forward to quickly find the first zero bit if it is available
+static inline size_t mi_slice_bin8(size_t slice_count) {
+  if (slice_count<=1) return slice_count;
+  mi_assert_internal(slice_count <= MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT);
+  slice_count--;
+  size_t s = mi_bsr(slice_count);  // slice_count > 1
+  if (s <= 2) return slice_count + 1;
+  size_t bin = ((s << 2) | ((slice_count >> (s - 2))&0x03)) - 4;
+  return bin;
+static inline size_t mi_slice_bin(size_t slice_count) {
+  mi_assert_internal(slice_count*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE <= MI_SEGMENT_SIZE);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_slice_bin8(MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT) <= MI_SEGMENT_BIN_MAX);
+  size_t bin = mi_slice_bin8(slice_count);
+  mi_assert_internal(bin <= MI_SEGMENT_BIN_MAX);
+  return bin;
+static inline size_t mi_slice_index(const mi_slice_t* slice) {
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_ptr_segment(slice);
+  ptrdiff_t index = slice - segment->slices;
+  mi_assert_internal(index >= 0 && index < (ptrdiff_t)segment->slice_entries);
+  return index;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Slice span queues
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void mi_span_queue_push(mi_span_queue_t* sq, mi_slice_t* slice) {
+  // todo: or push to the end?
+  mi_assert_internal(slice->prev == NULL && slice->next==NULL);
+  slice->prev = NULL; // paranoia
+  slice->next = sq->first;
+  sq->first = slice;
+  if (slice->next != NULL) slice->next->prev = slice;
+		     else sq->last = slice;
+  slice->xblock_size = 0; // free
+static mi_span_queue_t* mi_span_queue_for(size_t slice_count, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  size_t bin = mi_slice_bin(slice_count);
+  mi_span_queue_t* sq = &tld->spans[bin];
+  mi_assert_internal(sq->slice_count >= slice_count);
+  return sq;
+static void mi_span_queue_delete(mi_span_queue_t* sq, mi_slice_t* slice) {
+  mi_assert_internal(slice->xblock_size==0 && slice->slice_count>0 && slice->slice_offset==0);
+  // should work too if the queue does not contain slice (which can happen during reclaim)
+  if (slice->prev != NULL) slice->prev->next = slice->next;
+  if (slice == sq->first) sq->first = slice->next;
+  if (slice->next != NULL) slice->next->prev = slice->prev;
+  if (slice == sq->last) sq->last = slice->prev;
+  slice->prev = NULL;
+  slice->next = NULL;
+  slice->xblock_size = 1; // no more free
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+ Invariant checking
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static bool mi_slice_is_used(const mi_slice_t* slice) {
+  return (slice->xblock_size > 0);
+#if (MI_DEBUG>=3)
+static bool mi_span_queue_contains(mi_span_queue_t* sq, mi_slice_t* slice) {
+  for (mi_slice_t* s = sq->first; s != NULL; s = s->next) {
+    if (s==slice) return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+static bool mi_segment_is_valid(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  mi_assert_internal(segment != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_cookie(segment) == segment->cookie);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->abandoned <= segment->used);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->thread_id == 0 || segment->thread_id == _mi_thread_id());
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_commit_mask_all_set(&segment->commit_mask, &segment->purge_mask)); // can only decommit committed blocks
+  //mi_assert_internal(segment->segment_info_size % MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE == 0);
+  mi_slice_t* slice = &segment->slices[0];
+  const mi_slice_t* end = mi_segment_slices_end(segment);
+  size_t used_count = 0;
+  mi_span_queue_t* sq;
+  while(slice < end) {
+    mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_count > 0);
+    mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_offset == 0);
+    size_t index = mi_slice_index(slice);
+    size_t maxindex = (index + slice->slice_count >= segment->slice_entries ? segment->slice_entries : index + slice->slice_count) - 1;
+    if (mi_slice_is_used(slice)) { // a page in use, we need at least MAX_SLICE_OFFSET valid back offsets
+      used_count++;
+      for (size_t i = 0; i <= MI_MAX_SLICE_OFFSET && index + i <= maxindex; i++) {
+	mi_assert_internal(segment->slices[index + i].slice_offset == i*sizeof(mi_slice_t));
+	mi_assert_internal(i==0 || segment->slices[index + i].slice_count == 0);
+	mi_assert_internal(i==0 || segment->slices[index + i].xblock_size == 1);
+      }
+      // and the last entry as well (for coalescing)
+      const mi_slice_t* last = slice + slice->slice_count - 1;
+      if (last > slice && last < mi_segment_slices_end(segment)) {
+	mi_assert_internal(last->slice_offset == (slice->slice_count-1)*sizeof(mi_slice_t));
+	mi_assert_internal(last->slice_count == 0);
+	mi_assert_internal(last->xblock_size == 1);
+      }
+    }
+    else {  // free range of slices; only last slice needs a valid back offset
+      mi_slice_t* last = &segment->slices[maxindex];
+      if (segment->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE || slice->slice_count <= (segment->slice_entries - segment->segment_info_slices)) {
+	mi_assert_internal((uint8_t*)slice == (uint8_t*)last - last->slice_offset);
+      }
+      mi_assert_internal(slice == last || last->slice_count == 0 );
+      mi_assert_internal(last->xblock_size == 0 || (segment->kind==MI_SEGMENT_HUGE && last->xblock_size==1));
+      if (segment->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE && segment->thread_id != 0) { // segment is not huge or abandoned
+	sq = mi_span_queue_for(slice->slice_count,tld);
+	mi_assert_internal(mi_span_queue_contains(sq,slice));
+      }
+    }
+    slice = &segment->slices[maxindex+1];
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(slice == end);
+  mi_assert_internal(used_count == segment->used + 1);
+  return true;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+ Segment size calculations
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static size_t mi_segment_info_size(mi_segment_t* segment) {
+  return segment->segment_info_slices * MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE;
+static uint8_t* _mi_segment_page_start_from_slice(const mi_segment_t* segment, const mi_slice_t* slice, size_t xblock_size, size_t* page_size)
+  ptrdiff_t idx = slice - segment->slices;
+  size_t psize = (size_t)slice->slice_count * MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE;
+  // make the start not OS page aligned for smaller blocks to avoid page/cache effects
+  // note: the offset must always be an xblock_size multiple since we assume small allocations
+  // are aligned (see `mi_heap_malloc_aligned`).
+  size_t start_offset = 0;
+  if (xblock_size >= MI_INTPTR_SIZE) {
+    if (xblock_size <= 64) { start_offset = 3*xblock_size; }
+    else if (xblock_size <= 512) { start_offset = xblock_size; }
+  }
+  if (page_size != NULL) { *page_size = psize - start_offset; }
+  return (uint8_t*)segment + ((idx*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE) + start_offset);
+// Start of the page available memory; can be used on uninitialized pages
+uint8_t* _mi_segment_page_start(const mi_segment_t* segment, const mi_page_t* page, size_t* page_size)
+  const mi_slice_t* slice = mi_page_to_slice((mi_page_t*)page);
+  uint8_t* p = _mi_segment_page_start_from_slice(segment, slice, page->xblock_size, page_size);
+  mi_assert_internal(page->xblock_size > 0 || _mi_ptr_page(p) == page);
+  mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_segment(p) == segment);
+  return p;
+static size_t mi_segment_calculate_slices(size_t required, size_t* pre_size, size_t* info_slices) {
+  size_t page_size = _mi_os_page_size();
+  size_t isize     = _mi_align_up(sizeof(mi_segment_t), page_size);
+  size_t guardsize = 0;
+  if (MI_SECURE>0) {
+    // in secure mode, we set up a protected page in between the segment info
+    // and the page data (and one at the end of the segment)
+    guardsize = page_size;
+    if (required > 0) {
+      required = _mi_align_up(required, MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE) + page_size;
+    }
+  }
+  if (pre_size != NULL) *pre_size = isize;
+  isize = _mi_align_up(isize + guardsize, MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE);
+  if (info_slices != NULL) *info_slices = isize / MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE;
+  size_t segment_size = (required==0 ? MI_SEGMENT_SIZE : _mi_align_up( required + isize + guardsize, MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE) );
+  mi_assert_internal(segment_size % MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE == 0);
+  return (segment_size / MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE);
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Segment caches
+We keep a small segment cache per thread to increase local
+reuse and avoid setting/clearing guard pages in secure mode.
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void mi_segments_track_size(long segment_size, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  if (segment_size>=0) _mi_stat_increase(&tld->stats->segments,1);
+		  else _mi_stat_decrease(&tld->stats->segments,1);
+  tld->count += (segment_size >= 0 ? 1 : -1);
+  if (tld->count > tld->peak_count) tld->peak_count = tld->count;
+  tld->current_size += segment_size;
+  if (tld->current_size > tld->peak_size) tld->peak_size = tld->current_size;
+static void mi_segment_os_free(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  segment->thread_id = 0;
+  _mi_segment_map_freed_at(segment);
+  mi_segments_track_size(-((long)mi_segment_size(segment)),tld);
+  if (MI_SECURE>0) {
+    // _mi_os_unprotect(segment, mi_segment_size(segment)); // ensure no more guard pages are set
+    // unprotect the guard pages; we cannot just unprotect the whole segment size as part may be decommitted
+    size_t os_pagesize = _mi_os_page_size();
+    _mi_os_unprotect((uint8_t*)segment + mi_segment_info_size(segment) - os_pagesize, os_pagesize);
+    uint8_t* end = (uint8_t*)segment + mi_segment_size(segment) - os_pagesize;
+    _mi_os_unprotect(end, os_pagesize);
+  }
+  // purge delayed decommits now? (no, leave it to the arena)
+  // mi_segment_try_purge(segment,true,tld->stats);
+  const size_t size = mi_segment_size(segment);
+  const size_t csize = _mi_commit_mask_committed_size(&segment->commit_mask, size);
+  _mi_abandoned_await_readers();  // wait until safe to free
+  _mi_arena_free(segment, mi_segment_size(segment), csize, segment->memid, tld->stats);
+// called by threads that are terminating
+void _mi_segment_thread_collect(mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  MI_UNUSED(tld);
+  // nothing to do
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Commit/Decommit ranges
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void mi_segment_commit_mask(mi_segment_t* segment, bool conservative, uint8_t* p, size_t size, uint8_t** start_p, size_t* full_size, mi_commit_mask_t* cm) {
+  mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_segment(p + 1) == segment);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+  mi_commit_mask_create_empty(cm);
+  if (size == 0 || size > MI_SEGMENT_SIZE || segment->kind == MI_SEGMENT_HUGE) return;
+  const size_t segstart = mi_segment_info_size(segment);
+  const size_t segsize = mi_segment_size(segment);
+  if (p >= (uint8_t*)segment + segsize) return;
+  size_t pstart = (p - (uint8_t*)segment);
+  mi_assert_internal(pstart + size <= segsize);
+  size_t start;
+  size_t end;
+  if (conservative) {
+    // decommit conservative
+    start = _mi_align_up(pstart, MI_COMMIT_SIZE);
+    end   = _mi_align_down(pstart + size, MI_COMMIT_SIZE);
+    mi_assert_internal(start >= segstart);
+    mi_assert_internal(end <= segsize);
+  }
+  else {
+    // commit liberal
+    start = _mi_align_down(pstart, MI_MINIMAL_COMMIT_SIZE);
+    end   = _mi_align_up(pstart + size, MI_MINIMAL_COMMIT_SIZE);
+  }
+  if (pstart >= segstart && start < segstart) {  // note: the mask is also calculated for an initial commit of the info area
+    start = segstart;
+  }
+  if (end > segsize) {
+    end = segsize;
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(start <= pstart && (pstart + size) <= end);
+  mi_assert_internal(start % MI_COMMIT_SIZE==0 && end % MI_COMMIT_SIZE == 0);
+  *start_p   = (uint8_t*)segment + start;
+  *full_size = (end > start ? end - start : 0);
+  if (*full_size == 0) return;
+  size_t bitidx = start / MI_COMMIT_SIZE;
+  mi_assert_internal(bitidx < MI_COMMIT_MASK_BITS);
+  size_t bitcount = *full_size / MI_COMMIT_SIZE; // can be 0
+  if (bitidx + bitcount > MI_COMMIT_MASK_BITS) {
+    _mi_warning_message("commit mask overflow: idx=%zu count=%zu start=%zx end=%zx p=0x%p size=%zu fullsize=%zu\n", bitidx, bitcount, start, end, p, size, *full_size);
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal((bitidx + bitcount) <= MI_COMMIT_MASK_BITS);
+  mi_commit_mask_create(bitidx, bitcount, cm);
+static bool mi_segment_commit(mi_segment_t* segment, uint8_t* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_commit_mask_all_set(&segment->commit_mask, &segment->purge_mask));
+  // commit liberal
+  uint8_t* start = NULL;
+  size_t   full_size = 0;
+  mi_commit_mask_t mask;
+  mi_segment_commit_mask(segment, false /* conservative? */, p, size, &start, &full_size, &mask);
+  if (mi_commit_mask_is_empty(&mask) || full_size == 0) return true;
+  if (!mi_commit_mask_all_set(&segment->commit_mask, &mask)) {
+    // committing
+    bool is_zero = false;
+    mi_commit_mask_t cmask;
+    mi_commit_mask_create_intersect(&segment->commit_mask, &mask, &cmask);
+    _mi_stat_decrease(&_mi_stats_main.committed, _mi_commit_mask_committed_size(&cmask, MI_SEGMENT_SIZE)); // adjust for overlap
+    if (!_mi_os_commit(start, full_size, &is_zero, stats)) return false;
+    mi_commit_mask_set(&segment->commit_mask, &mask);
+  }
+  // increase purge expiration when using part of delayed purges -- we assume more allocations are coming soon.
+  if (mi_commit_mask_any_set(&segment->purge_mask, &mask)) {
+    segment->purge_expire = _mi_clock_now() + mi_option_get(mi_option_purge_delay);
+  }
+  // always clear any delayed purges in our range (as they are either committed now)
+  mi_commit_mask_clear(&segment->purge_mask, &mask);
+  return true;
+static bool mi_segment_ensure_committed(mi_segment_t* segment, uint8_t* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_commit_mask_all_set(&segment->commit_mask, &segment->purge_mask));
+  // note: assumes commit_mask is always full for huge segments as otherwise the commit mask bits can overflow
+  if (mi_commit_mask_is_full(&segment->commit_mask) && mi_commit_mask_is_empty(&segment->purge_mask)) return true; // fully committed
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+  return mi_segment_commit(segment, p, size, stats);
+static bool mi_segment_purge(mi_segment_t* segment, uint8_t* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_commit_mask_all_set(&segment->commit_mask, &segment->purge_mask));
+  if (!segment->allow_purge) return true;
+  // purge conservative
+  uint8_t* start = NULL;
+  size_t   full_size = 0;
+  mi_commit_mask_t mask;
+  mi_segment_commit_mask(segment, true /* conservative? */, p, size, &start, &full_size, &mask);
+  if (mi_commit_mask_is_empty(&mask) || full_size==0) return true;
+  if (mi_commit_mask_any_set(&segment->commit_mask, &mask)) {
+    // purging
+    mi_assert_internal((void*)start != (void*)segment);
+    mi_assert_internal(segment->allow_decommit);
+    const bool decommitted = _mi_os_purge(start, full_size, stats);  // reset or decommit
+    if (decommitted) {
+      mi_commit_mask_t cmask;
+      mi_commit_mask_create_intersect(&segment->commit_mask, &mask, &cmask);
+      _mi_stat_increase(&_mi_stats_main.committed, full_size - _mi_commit_mask_committed_size(&cmask, MI_SEGMENT_SIZE)); // adjust for double counting
+      mi_commit_mask_clear(&segment->commit_mask, &mask);
+    }
+  }
+  // always clear any scheduled purges in our range
+  mi_commit_mask_clear(&segment->purge_mask, &mask);
+  return true;
+static void mi_segment_schedule_purge(mi_segment_t* segment, uint8_t* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  if (!segment->allow_purge) return;
+  if (mi_option_get(mi_option_purge_delay) == 0) {
+    mi_segment_purge(segment, p, size, stats);
+  }
+  else {
+    // register for future purge in the purge mask
+    uint8_t* start = NULL;
+    size_t   full_size = 0;
+    mi_commit_mask_t mask;
+    mi_segment_commit_mask(segment, true /*conservative*/, p, size, &start, &full_size, &mask);
+    if (mi_commit_mask_is_empty(&mask) || full_size==0) return;
+    // update delayed commit
+    mi_assert_internal(segment->purge_expire > 0 || mi_commit_mask_is_empty(&segment->purge_mask));
+    mi_commit_mask_t cmask;
+    mi_commit_mask_create_intersect(&segment->commit_mask, &mask, &cmask);  // only purge what is committed; span_free may try to decommit more
+    mi_commit_mask_set(&segment->purge_mask, &cmask);
+    mi_msecs_t now = _mi_clock_now();
+    if (segment->purge_expire == 0) {
+      // no previous purgess, initialize now
+      segment->purge_expire = now + mi_option_get(mi_option_purge_delay);
+    }
+    else if (segment->purge_expire <= now) {
+      // previous purge mask already expired
+      if (segment->purge_expire + mi_option_get(mi_option_purge_extend_delay) <= now) {
+	mi_segment_try_purge(segment, true, stats);
+      }
+      else {
+	segment->purge_expire = now + mi_option_get(mi_option_purge_extend_delay); // (mi_option_get(mi_option_purge_delay) / 8); // wait a tiny bit longer in case there is a series of free's
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      // previous purge mask is not yet expired, increase the expiration by a bit.
+      segment->purge_expire += mi_option_get(mi_option_purge_extend_delay);
+    }
+  }
+static void mi_segment_try_purge(mi_segment_t* segment, bool force, mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  if (!segment->allow_purge || mi_commit_mask_is_empty(&segment->purge_mask)) return;
+  mi_msecs_t now = _mi_clock_now();
+  if (!force && now < segment->purge_expire) return;
+  mi_commit_mask_t mask = segment->purge_mask;
+  segment->purge_expire = 0;
+  mi_commit_mask_create_empty(&segment->purge_mask);
+  size_t idx;
+  size_t count;
+  mi_commit_mask_foreach(&mask, idx, count) {
+    // if found, decommit that sequence
+    if (count > 0) {
+      uint8_t* p = (uint8_t*)segment + (idx*MI_COMMIT_SIZE);
+      size_t size = count * MI_COMMIT_SIZE;
+      mi_segment_purge(segment, p, size, stats);
+    }
+  }
+  mi_commit_mask_foreach_end()
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_commit_mask_is_empty(&segment->purge_mask));
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Span free
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static bool mi_segment_is_abandoned(mi_segment_t* segment) {
+  return (segment->thread_id == 0);
+// note: can be called on abandoned segments
+static void mi_segment_span_free(mi_segment_t* segment, size_t slice_index, size_t slice_count, bool allow_purge, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  mi_assert_internal(slice_index < segment->slice_entries);
+  mi_span_queue_t* sq = (segment->kind == MI_SEGMENT_HUGE || mi_segment_is_abandoned(segment)
+			  ? NULL : mi_span_queue_for(slice_count,tld));
+  if (slice_count==0) slice_count = 1;
+  mi_assert_internal(slice_index + slice_count - 1 < segment->slice_entries);
+  // set first and last slice (the intermediates can be undetermined)
+  mi_slice_t* slice = &segment->slices[slice_index];
+  slice->slice_count = (uint32_t)slice_count;
+  mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_count == slice_count); // no overflow?
+  slice->slice_offset = 0;
+  if (slice_count > 1) {
+    mi_slice_t* last = &segment->slices[slice_index + slice_count - 1];
+    last->slice_count = 0;
+    last->slice_offset = (uint32_t)(sizeof(mi_page_t)*(slice_count - 1));
+    last->xblock_size = 0;
+  }
+  // perhaps decommit
+  if (allow_purge) {
+    mi_segment_schedule_purge(segment, mi_slice_start(slice), slice_count * MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE, tld->stats);
+  }
+  // and push it on the free page queue (if it was not a huge page)
+  if (sq != NULL) mi_span_queue_push( sq, slice );
+	     else slice->xblock_size = 0; // mark huge page as free anyways
+// called from reclaim to add existing free spans
+static void mi_segment_span_add_free(mi_slice_t* slice, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_ptr_segment(slice);
+  mi_assert_internal(slice->xblock_size==0 && slice->slice_count>0 && slice->slice_offset==0);
+  size_t slice_index = mi_slice_index(slice);
+  mi_segment_span_free(segment,slice_index,slice->slice_count,tld);
+static void mi_segment_span_remove_from_queue(mi_slice_t* slice, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_count > 0 && slice->slice_offset==0 && slice->xblock_size==0);
+  mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_segment(slice)->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+  mi_span_queue_t* sq = mi_span_queue_for(slice->slice_count, tld);
+  mi_span_queue_delete(sq, slice);
+// note: can be called on abandoned segments
+static mi_slice_t* mi_segment_span_free_coalesce(mi_slice_t* slice, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  mi_assert_internal(slice != NULL && slice->slice_count > 0 && slice->slice_offset == 0);
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_ptr_segment(slice);
+  bool is_abandoned = mi_segment_is_abandoned(segment);
+  // for huge pages, just mark as free but don't add to the queues
+  if (segment->kind == MI_SEGMENT_HUGE) {
+    // issue #691: segment->used can be 0 if the huge page block was freed while abandoned (reclaim will get here in that case)
+    mi_assert_internal((segment->used==0 && slice->xblock_size==0) || segment->used == 1);  // decreased right after this call in `mi_segment_page_clear`
+    slice->xblock_size = 0;  // mark as free anyways
+    // we should mark the last slice `xblock_size=0` now to maintain invariants but we skip it to
+    // avoid a possible cache miss (and the segment is about to be freed)
+    return slice;
+  }
+  // otherwise coalesce the span and add to the free span queues
+  size_t slice_count = slice->slice_count;
+  mi_slice_t* next = slice + slice->slice_count;
+  mi_assert_internal(next <= mi_segment_slices_end(segment));
+  if (next < mi_segment_slices_end(segment) && next->xblock_size==0) {
+    // free next block -- remove it from free and merge
+    mi_assert_internal(next->slice_count > 0 && next->slice_offset==0);
+    slice_count += next->slice_count; // extend
+    if (!is_abandoned) { mi_segment_span_remove_from_queue(next, tld); }
+  }
+  if (slice > segment->slices) {
+    mi_slice_t* prev = mi_slice_first(slice - 1);
+    mi_assert_internal(prev >= segment->slices);
+    if (prev->xblock_size==0) {
+      // free previous slice -- remove it from free and merge
+      mi_assert_internal(prev->slice_count > 0 && prev->slice_offset==0);
+      slice_count += prev->slice_count;
+      if (!is_abandoned) { mi_segment_span_remove_from_queue(prev, tld); }
+      slice = prev;
+    }
+  }
+  // and add the new free page
+  mi_segment_span_free(segment, mi_slice_index(slice), slice_count, true, tld);
+  return slice;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Page allocation
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Note: may still return NULL if committing the memory failed
+static mi_page_t* mi_segment_span_allocate(mi_segment_t* segment, size_t slice_index, size_t slice_count, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  mi_assert_internal(slice_index < segment->slice_entries);
+  mi_slice_t* const slice = &segment->slices[slice_index];
+  mi_assert_internal(slice->xblock_size==0 || slice->xblock_size==1);
+  // commit before changing the slice data
+  if (!mi_segment_ensure_committed(segment, _mi_segment_page_start_from_slice(segment, slice, 0, NULL), slice_count * MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE, tld->stats)) {
+    return NULL;  // commit failed!
+  }
+  // convert the slices to a page
+  slice->slice_offset = 0;
+  slice->slice_count = (uint32_t)slice_count;
+  mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_count == slice_count);
+  const size_t bsize = slice_count * MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE;
+  slice->xblock_size = (uint32_t)(bsize >= MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE ? MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE : bsize);
+  mi_page_t*  page = mi_slice_to_page(slice);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_block_size(page) == bsize);
+  // set slice back pointers for the first MI_MAX_SLICE_OFFSET entries
+  size_t extra = slice_count-1;
+  if (extra > MI_MAX_SLICE_OFFSET) extra = MI_MAX_SLICE_OFFSET;
+  if (slice_index + extra >= segment->slice_entries) extra = segment->slice_entries - slice_index - 1;  // huge objects may have more slices than avaiable entries in the segment->slices
+  mi_slice_t* slice_next = slice + 1;
+  for (size_t i = 1; i <= extra; i++, slice_next++) {
+    slice_next->slice_offset = (uint32_t)(sizeof(mi_slice_t)*i);
+    slice_next->slice_count = 0;
+    slice_next->xblock_size = 1;
+  }
+  // and also for the last one (if not set already) (the last one is needed for coalescing and for large alignments)
+  // note: the cast is needed for ubsan since the index can be larger than MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT for huge allocations (see #543)
+  mi_slice_t* last = slice + slice_count - 1;
+  mi_slice_t* end = (mi_slice_t*)mi_segment_slices_end(segment);
+  if (last > end) last = end;
+  if (last > slice) {
+    last->slice_offset = (uint32_t)(sizeof(mi_slice_t) * (last - slice));
+    last->slice_count = 0;
+    last->xblock_size = 1;
+  }
+  // and initialize the page
+  page->is_committed = true;
+  segment->used++;
+  return page;
+static void mi_segment_slice_split(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_slice_t* slice, size_t slice_count, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_segment(slice) == segment);
+  mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_count >= slice_count);
+  mi_assert_internal(slice->xblock_size > 0); // no more in free queue
+  if (slice->slice_count <= slice_count) return;
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+  size_t next_index = mi_slice_index(slice) + slice_count;
+  size_t next_count = slice->slice_count - slice_count;
+  mi_segment_span_free(segment, next_index, next_count, false /* don't purge left-over part */, tld);
+  slice->slice_count = (uint32_t)slice_count;
+static mi_page_t* mi_segments_page_find_and_allocate(size_t slice_count, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  mi_assert_internal(slice_count*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE <= MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX);
+  // search from best fit up
+  mi_span_queue_t* sq = mi_span_queue_for(slice_count, tld);
+  if (slice_count == 0) slice_count = 1;
+  while (sq <= &tld->spans[MI_SEGMENT_BIN_MAX]) {
+    for (mi_slice_t* slice = sq->first; slice != NULL; slice = slice->next) {
+      if (slice->slice_count >= slice_count) {
+	// found one
+	mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_ptr_segment(slice);
+	if (_mi_arena_memid_is_suitable(segment->memid, req_arena_id)) {
+	  // found a suitable page span
+	  mi_span_queue_delete(sq, slice);
+	  if (slice->slice_count > slice_count) {
+	    mi_segment_slice_split(segment, slice, slice_count, tld);
+	  }
+	  mi_assert_internal(slice != NULL && slice->slice_count == slice_count && slice->xblock_size > 0);
+	  mi_page_t* page = mi_segment_span_allocate(segment, mi_slice_index(slice), slice->slice_count, tld);
+	  if (page == NULL) {
+	    // commit failed; return NULL but first restore the slice
+	    mi_segment_span_free_coalesce(slice, tld);
+	    return NULL;
+	  }
+	  return page;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    sq++;
+  }
+  // could not find a page..
+  return NULL;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Segment allocation
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_os_alloc( size_t required, size_t page_alignment, bool eager_delayed, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id,
+					  size_t* psegment_slices, size_t* ppre_size, size_t* pinfo_slices,
+					  bool commit, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld)
+  mi_memid_t memid;
+  bool   allow_large = (!eager_delayed && (MI_SECURE == 0)); // only allow large OS pages once we are no longer lazy
+  size_t align_offset = 0;
+  size_t alignment = MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN;
+  if (page_alignment > 0) {
+    // mi_assert_internal(huge_page != NULL);
+    mi_assert_internal(page_alignment >= MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN);
+    alignment = page_alignment;
+    const size_t info_size = (*pinfo_slices) * MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE;
+    align_offset = _mi_align_up( info_size, MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN );
+    const size_t extra = align_offset - info_size;
+    // recalculate due to potential guard pages
+    *psegment_slices = mi_segment_calculate_slices(required + extra, ppre_size, pinfo_slices);
+  }
+  const size_t segment_size = (*psegment_slices) * MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE;
+  mi_segment_t* segment = (mi_segment_t*)_mi_arena_alloc_aligned(segment_size, alignment, align_offset, commit, allow_large, req_arena_id, &memid, os_tld);
+  if (segment == NULL) {
+    return NULL;  // failed to allocate
+  }
+  // ensure metadata part of the segment is committed
+  mi_commit_mask_t commit_mask;
+  if (memid.initially_committed) {
+    mi_commit_mask_create_full(&commit_mask);
+  }
+  else {
+    // at least commit the info slices
+    const size_t commit_needed = _mi_divide_up((*pinfo_slices)*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE, MI_COMMIT_SIZE);
+    mi_assert_internal(commit_needed>0);
+    mi_commit_mask_create(0, commit_needed, &commit_mask);
+    mi_assert_internal(commit_needed*MI_COMMIT_SIZE >= (*pinfo_slices)*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE);
+    if (!_mi_os_commit(segment, commit_needed*MI_COMMIT_SIZE, NULL, tld->stats)) {
+      _mi_arena_free(segment,segment_size,0,memid,tld->stats);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(segment != NULL && (uintptr_t)segment % MI_SEGMENT_SIZE == 0);
+  segment->memid = memid;
+  segment->allow_decommit = !memid.is_pinned;
+  segment->allow_purge = segment->allow_decommit && (mi_option_get(mi_option_purge_delay) >= 0);
+  segment->segment_size = segment_size;
+  segment->commit_mask = commit_mask;
+  segment->purge_expire = 0;
+  mi_commit_mask_create_empty(&segment->purge_mask);
+  mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(mi_segment_t, &segment->abandoned_next, NULL);  // tsan
+  mi_segments_track_size((long)(segment_size), tld);
+  _mi_segment_map_allocated_at(segment);
+  return segment;
+// Allocate a segment from the OS aligned to `MI_SEGMENT_SIZE` .
+static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_alloc(size_t required, size_t page_alignment, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld, mi_page_t** huge_page)
+  mi_assert_internal((required==0 && huge_page==NULL) || (required>0 && huge_page != NULL));
+  // calculate needed sizes first
+  size_t info_slices;
+  size_t pre_size;
+  size_t segment_slices = mi_segment_calculate_slices(required, &pre_size, &info_slices);
+  // Commit eagerly only if not the first N lazy segments (to reduce impact of many threads that allocate just a little)
+  const bool eager_delay = (// !_mi_os_has_overcommit() &&             // never delay on overcommit systems
+			    _mi_current_thread_count() > 1 &&       // do not delay for the first N threads
+			    tld->count < (size_t)mi_option_get(mi_option_eager_commit_delay));
+  const bool eager = !eager_delay && mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_eager_commit);
+  bool commit = eager || (required > 0);
+  // Allocate the segment from the OS
+  mi_segment_t* segment = mi_segment_os_alloc(required, page_alignment, eager_delay, req_arena_id,
+					      &segment_slices, &pre_size, &info_slices, commit, tld, os_tld);
+  if (segment == NULL) return NULL;
+  // zero the segment info? -- not always needed as it may be zero initialized from the OS
+  if (!segment->memid.initially_zero) {
+    ptrdiff_t ofs    = offsetof(mi_segment_t, next);
+    size_t    prefix = offsetof(mi_segment_t, slices) - ofs;
+    size_t    zsize  = prefix + (sizeof(mi_slice_t) * (segment_slices + 1)); // one more
+    _mi_memzero((uint8_t*)segment + ofs, zsize);
+  }
+  // initialize the rest of the segment info
+  const size_t slice_entries = (segment_slices > MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT ? MI_SLICES_PER_SEGMENT : segment_slices);
+  segment->segment_slices = segment_slices;
+  segment->segment_info_slices = info_slices;
+  segment->thread_id = _mi_thread_id();
+  segment->cookie = _mi_ptr_cookie(segment);
+  segment->slice_entries = slice_entries;
+  segment->kind = (required == 0 ? MI_SEGMENT_NORMAL : MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+  // _mi_memzero(segment->slices, sizeof(mi_slice_t)*(info_slices+1));
+  _mi_stat_increase(&tld->stats->page_committed, mi_segment_info_size(segment));
+  // set up guard pages
+  size_t guard_slices = 0;
+  if (MI_SECURE>0) {
+    // in secure mode, we set up a protected page in between the segment info
+    // and the page data, and at the end of the segment.
+    size_t os_pagesize = _mi_os_page_size();
+    mi_assert_internal(mi_segment_info_size(segment) - os_pagesize >= pre_size);
+    _mi_os_protect((uint8_t*)segment + mi_segment_info_size(segment) - os_pagesize, os_pagesize);
+    uint8_t* end = (uint8_t*)segment + mi_segment_size(segment) - os_pagesize;
+    mi_segment_ensure_committed(segment, end, os_pagesize, tld->stats);
+    _mi_os_protect(end, os_pagesize);
+    if (slice_entries == segment_slices) segment->slice_entries--; // don't use the last slice :-(
+    guard_slices = 1;
+  }
+  // reserve first slices for segment info
+  mi_page_t* page0 = mi_segment_span_allocate(segment, 0, info_slices, tld);
+  mi_assert_internal(page0!=NULL); if (page0==NULL) return NULL; // cannot fail as we always commit in advance
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->used == 1);
+  segment->used = 0; // don't count our internal slices towards usage
+  // initialize initial free pages
+  if (segment->kind == MI_SEGMENT_NORMAL) { // not a huge page
+    mi_assert_internal(huge_page==NULL);
+    mi_segment_span_free(segment, info_slices, segment->slice_entries - info_slices, false /* don't purge */, tld);
+  }
+  else {
+    mi_assert_internal(huge_page!=NULL);
+    mi_assert_internal(mi_commit_mask_is_empty(&segment->purge_mask));
+    mi_assert_internal(mi_commit_mask_is_full(&segment->commit_mask));
+    *huge_page = mi_segment_span_allocate(segment, info_slices, segment_slices - info_slices - guard_slices, tld);
+    mi_assert_internal(*huge_page != NULL); // cannot fail as we commit in advance
+  }
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_segment_is_valid(segment,tld));
+  return segment;
+static void mi_segment_free(mi_segment_t* segment, bool force, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  MI_UNUSED(force);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->next == NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->used == 0);
+  // Remove the free pages
+  mi_slice_t* slice = &segment->slices[0];
+  const mi_slice_t* end = mi_segment_slices_end(segment);
+  #if MI_DEBUG>1
+  size_t page_count = 0;
+  #endif
+  while (slice < end) {
+    mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_count > 0);
+    mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_offset == 0);
+    mi_assert_internal(mi_slice_index(slice)==0 || slice->xblock_size == 0); // no more used pages ..
+    if (slice->xblock_size == 0 && segment->kind != MI_SEGMENT_HUGE) {
+      mi_segment_span_remove_from_queue(slice, tld);
+    }
+    #if MI_DEBUG>1
+    page_count++;
+    #endif
+    slice = slice + slice->slice_count;
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(page_count == 2); // first page is allocated by the segment itself
+  // stats
+  _mi_stat_decrease(&tld->stats->page_committed, mi_segment_info_size(segment));
+  // return it to the OS
+  mi_segment_os_free(segment, tld);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Page Free
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void mi_segment_abandon(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_segments_tld_t* tld);
+// note: can be called on abandoned pages
+static mi_slice_t* mi_segment_page_clear(mi_page_t* page, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  mi_assert_internal(page->xblock_size > 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_all_free(page));
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_ptr_segment(page);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->used > 0);
+  size_t inuse = page->capacity * mi_page_block_size(page);
+  _mi_stat_decrease(&tld->stats->page_committed, inuse);
+  _mi_stat_decrease(&tld->stats->pages, 1);
+  // reset the page memory to reduce memory pressure?
+  if (segment->allow_decommit && mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_deprecated_page_reset)) {
+    size_t psize;
+    uint8_t* start = _mi_page_start(segment, page, &psize);
+    _mi_os_reset(start, psize, tld->stats);
+  }
+  // zero the page data, but not the segment fields
+  page->is_zero_init = false;
+  ptrdiff_t ofs = offsetof(mi_page_t, capacity);
+  _mi_memzero((uint8_t*)page + ofs, sizeof(*page) - ofs);
+  page->xblock_size = 1;
+  // and free it
+  mi_slice_t* slice = mi_segment_span_free_coalesce(mi_page_to_slice(page), tld);
+  segment->used--;
+  // cannot assert segment valid as it is called during reclaim
+  // mi_assert_expensive(mi_segment_is_valid(segment, tld));
+  return slice;
+void _mi_segment_page_free(mi_page_t* page, bool force, mi_segments_tld_t* tld)
+  mi_assert(page != NULL);
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_page_segment(page);
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_segment_is_valid(segment,tld));
+  // mark it as free now
+  mi_segment_page_clear(page, tld);
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_segment_is_valid(segment, tld));
+  if (segment->used == 0) {
+    // no more used pages; remove from the free list and free the segment
+    mi_segment_free(segment, force, tld);
+  }
+  else if (segment->used == segment->abandoned) {
+    // only abandoned pages; remove from free list and abandon
+    mi_segment_abandon(segment,tld);
+  }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+When threads terminate, they can leave segments with
+live blocks (reachable through other threads). Such segments
+are "abandoned" and will be reclaimed by other threads to
+reuse their pages and/or free them eventually
+We maintain a global list of abandoned segments that are
+reclaimed on demand. Since this is shared among threads
+the implementation needs to avoid the A-B-A problem on
+popping abandoned segments: <>
+We use tagged pointers to avoid accidentally identifying
+reused segments, much like stamped references in Java.
+Secondly, we maintain a reader counter to avoid resetting
+or decommitting segments that have a pending read operation.
+Note: the current implementation is one possible design;
+another way might be to keep track of abandoned segments
+in the arenas/segment_cache's. This would have the advantage of keeping
+all concurrent code in one place and not needing to deal
+with ABA issues. The drawback is that it is unclear how to
+scan abandoned segments efficiently in that case as they
+would be spread among all other segments in the arenas.
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Use the bottom 20-bits (on 64-bit) of the aligned segment pointers
+// to put in a tag that increments on update to avoid the A-B-A problem.
+typedef uintptr_t        mi_tagged_segment_t;
+static mi_segment_t* mi_tagged_segment_ptr(mi_tagged_segment_t ts) {
+  return (mi_segment_t*)(ts & ~MI_TAGGED_MASK);
+static mi_tagged_segment_t mi_tagged_segment(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_tagged_segment_t ts) {
+  mi_assert_internal(((uintptr_t)segment & MI_TAGGED_MASK) == 0);
+  uintptr_t tag = ((ts & MI_TAGGED_MASK) + 1) & MI_TAGGED_MASK;
+  return ((uintptr_t)segment | tag);
+// This is a list of visited abandoned pages that were full at the time.
+// this list migrates to `abandoned` when that becomes NULL. The use of
+// this list reduces contention and the rate at which segments are visited.
+static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(mi_segment_t*)       abandoned_visited; // = NULL
+// The abandoned page list (tagged as it supports pop)
+static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(mi_tagged_segment_t) abandoned;         // = NULL
+// Maintain these for debug purposes (these counts may be a bit off)
+static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(size_t)           abandoned_count;
+static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(size_t)           abandoned_visited_count;
+// We also maintain a count of current readers of the abandoned list
+// in order to prevent resetting/decommitting segment memory if it might
+// still be read.
+static mi_decl_cache_align _Atomic(size_t)           abandoned_readers; // = 0
+// Push on the visited list
+static void mi_abandoned_visited_push(mi_segment_t* segment) {
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->thread_id == 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_segment_t,&segment->abandoned_next) == NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->next == NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->used > 0);
+  mi_segment_t* anext = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_segment_t, &abandoned_visited);
+  do {
+    mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(mi_segment_t, &segment->abandoned_next, anext);
+  } while (!mi_atomic_cas_ptr_weak_release(mi_segment_t, &abandoned_visited, &anext, segment));
+  mi_atomic_increment_relaxed(&abandoned_visited_count);
+// Move the visited list to the abandoned list.
+static bool mi_abandoned_visited_revisit(void)
+  // quick check if the visited list is empty
+  if (mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_segment_t, &abandoned_visited) == NULL) return false;
+  // grab the whole visited list
+  mi_segment_t* first = mi_atomic_exchange_ptr_acq_rel(mi_segment_t, &abandoned_visited, NULL);
+  if (first == NULL) return false;
+  // first try to swap directly if the abandoned list happens to be NULL
+  mi_tagged_segment_t afirst;
+  mi_tagged_segment_t ts = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&abandoned);
+  if (mi_tagged_segment_ptr(ts)==NULL) {
+    size_t count = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&abandoned_visited_count);
+    afirst = mi_tagged_segment(first, ts);
+    if (mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(&abandoned, &ts, afirst)) {
+      mi_atomic_add_relaxed(&abandoned_count, count);
+      mi_atomic_sub_relaxed(&abandoned_visited_count, count);
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  // find the last element of the visited list: O(n)
+  mi_segment_t* last = first;
+  mi_segment_t* next;
+  while ((next = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_segment_t, &last->abandoned_next)) != NULL) {
+    last = next;
+  }
+  // and atomically prepend to the abandoned list
+  // (no need to increase the readers as we don't access the abandoned segments)
+  mi_tagged_segment_t anext = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&abandoned);
+  size_t count;
+  do {
+    count = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&abandoned_visited_count);
+    mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(mi_segment_t, &last->abandoned_next, mi_tagged_segment_ptr(anext));
+    afirst = mi_tagged_segment(first, anext);
+  } while (!mi_atomic_cas_weak_release(&abandoned, &anext, afirst));
+  mi_atomic_add_relaxed(&abandoned_count, count);
+  mi_atomic_sub_relaxed(&abandoned_visited_count, count);
+  return true;
+// Push on the abandoned list.
+static void mi_abandoned_push(mi_segment_t* segment) {
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->thread_id == 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_segment_t, &segment->abandoned_next) == NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->next == NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->used > 0);
+  mi_tagged_segment_t next;
+  mi_tagged_segment_t ts = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&abandoned);
+  do {
+    mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(mi_segment_t, &segment->abandoned_next, mi_tagged_segment_ptr(ts));
+    next = mi_tagged_segment(segment, ts);
+  } while (!mi_atomic_cas_weak_release(&abandoned, &ts, next));
+  mi_atomic_increment_relaxed(&abandoned_count);
+// Wait until there are no more pending reads on segments that used to be in the abandoned list
+// called for example from `arena.c` before decommitting
+void _mi_abandoned_await_readers(void) {
+  size_t n;
+  do {
+    n = mi_atomic_load_acquire(&abandoned_readers);
+    if (n != 0) mi_atomic_yield();
+  } while (n != 0);
+// Pop from the abandoned list
+static mi_segment_t* mi_abandoned_pop(void) {
+  mi_segment_t* segment;
+  // Check efficiently if it is empty (or if the visited list needs to be moved)
+  mi_tagged_segment_t ts = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&abandoned);
+  segment = mi_tagged_segment_ptr(ts);
+  if mi_likely(segment == NULL) {
+    if mi_likely(!mi_abandoned_visited_revisit()) { // try to swap in the visited list on NULL
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  // Do a pop. We use a reader count to prevent
+  // a segment to be decommitted while a read is still pending,
+  // and a tagged pointer to prevent A-B-A link corruption.
+  // (this is called from `region.c:_mi_mem_free` for example)
+  mi_atomic_increment_relaxed(&abandoned_readers);  // ensure no segment gets decommitted
+  mi_tagged_segment_t next = 0;
+  ts = mi_atomic_load_acquire(&abandoned);
+  do {
+    segment = mi_tagged_segment_ptr(ts);
+    if (segment != NULL) {
+      mi_segment_t* anext = mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_segment_t, &segment->abandoned_next);
+      next = mi_tagged_segment(anext, ts); // note: reads the segment's `abandoned_next` field so should not be decommitted
+    }
+  } while (segment != NULL && !mi_atomic_cas_weak_acq_rel(&abandoned, &ts, next));
+  mi_atomic_decrement_relaxed(&abandoned_readers);  // release reader lock
+  if (segment != NULL) {
+    mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(mi_segment_t, &segment->abandoned_next, NULL);
+    mi_atomic_decrement_relaxed(&abandoned_count);
+  }
+  return segment;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Abandon segment/page
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void mi_segment_abandon(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->used == segment->abandoned);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->used > 0);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_segment_t, &segment->abandoned_next) == NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->abandoned_visits == 0);
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_segment_is_valid(segment,tld));
+  // remove the free pages from the free page queues
+  mi_slice_t* slice = &segment->slices[0];
+  const mi_slice_t* end = mi_segment_slices_end(segment);
+  while (slice < end) {
+    mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_count > 0);
+    mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_offset == 0);
+    if (slice->xblock_size == 0) { // a free page
+      mi_segment_span_remove_from_queue(slice,tld);
+      slice->xblock_size = 0; // but keep it free
+    }
+    slice = slice + slice->slice_count;
+  }
+  // perform delayed decommits (forcing is much slower on mstress)
+  mi_segment_try_purge(segment, mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_abandoned_page_purge) /* force? */, tld->stats);
+  // all pages in the segment are abandoned; add it to the abandoned list
+  _mi_stat_increase(&tld->stats->segments_abandoned, 1);
+  mi_segments_track_size(-((long)mi_segment_size(segment)), tld);
+  segment->thread_id = 0;
+  mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(mi_segment_t, &segment->abandoned_next, NULL);
+  segment->abandoned_visits = 1;   // from 0 to 1 to signify it is abandoned
+  mi_abandoned_push(segment);
+void _mi_segment_page_abandon(mi_page_t* page, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  mi_assert(page != NULL);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_thread_free_flag(page)==MI_NEVER_DELAYED_FREE);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_heap(page) == NULL);
+  mi_segment_t* segment = _mi_page_segment(page);
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_segment_is_valid(segment,tld));
+  segment->abandoned++;
+  _mi_stat_increase(&tld->stats->pages_abandoned, 1);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->abandoned <= segment->used);
+  if (segment->used == segment->abandoned) {
+    // all pages are abandoned, abandon the entire segment
+    mi_segment_abandon(segment, tld);
+  }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Reclaim abandoned pages
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static mi_slice_t* mi_slices_start_iterate(mi_segment_t* segment, const mi_slice_t** end) {
+  mi_slice_t* slice = &segment->slices[0];
+  *end = mi_segment_slices_end(segment);
+  mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_count>0 && slice->xblock_size>0); // segment allocated page
+  slice = slice + slice->slice_count; // skip the first segment allocated page
+  return slice;
+// Possibly free pages and check if free space is available
+static bool mi_segment_check_free(mi_segment_t* segment, size_t slices_needed, size_t block_size, mi_segments_tld_t* tld)
+  mi_assert_internal(block_size < MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_segment_is_abandoned(segment));
+  bool has_page = false;
+  // for all slices
+  const mi_slice_t* end;
+  mi_slice_t* slice = mi_slices_start_iterate(segment, &end);
+  while (slice < end) {
+    mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_count > 0);
+    mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_offset == 0);
+    if (mi_slice_is_used(slice)) { // used page
+      // ensure used count is up to date and collect potential concurrent frees
+      mi_page_t* const page = mi_slice_to_page(slice);
+      _mi_page_free_collect(page, false);
+      if (mi_page_all_free(page)) {
+	// if this page is all free now, free it without adding to any queues (yet)
+	mi_assert_internal(page->next == NULL && page->prev==NULL);
+	_mi_stat_decrease(&tld->stats->pages_abandoned, 1);
+	segment->abandoned--;
+	slice = mi_segment_page_clear(page, tld); // re-assign slice due to coalesce!
+	mi_assert_internal(!mi_slice_is_used(slice));
+	if (slice->slice_count >= slices_needed) {
+	  has_page = true;
+	}
+      }
+      else {
+	if (page->xblock_size == block_size && mi_page_has_any_available(page)) {
+	  // a page has available free blocks of the right size
+	  has_page = true;
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      // empty span
+      if (slice->slice_count >= slices_needed) {
+	has_page = true;
+      }
+    }
+    slice = slice + slice->slice_count;
+  }
+  return has_page;
+// Reclaim an abandoned segment; returns NULL if the segment was freed
+// set `right_page_reclaimed` to `true` if it reclaimed a page of the right `block_size` that was not full.
+static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_reclaim(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_heap_t* heap, size_t requested_block_size, bool* right_page_reclaimed, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(mi_segment_t, &segment->abandoned_next) == NULL);
+  mi_assert_expensive(mi_segment_is_valid(segment, tld));
+  if (right_page_reclaimed != NULL) { *right_page_reclaimed = false; }
+  segment->thread_id = _mi_thread_id();
+  segment->abandoned_visits = 0;
+  mi_segments_track_size((long)mi_segment_size(segment), tld);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->next == NULL);
+  _mi_stat_decrease(&tld->stats->segments_abandoned, 1);
+  // for all slices
+  const mi_slice_t* end;
+  mi_slice_t* slice = mi_slices_start_iterate(segment, &end);
+  while (slice < end) {
+    mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_count > 0);
+    mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_offset == 0);
+    if (mi_slice_is_used(slice)) {
+      // in use: reclaim the page in our heap
+      mi_page_t* page = mi_slice_to_page(slice);
+      mi_assert_internal(page->is_committed);
+      mi_assert_internal(mi_page_thread_free_flag(page)==MI_NEVER_DELAYED_FREE);
+      mi_assert_internal(mi_page_heap(page) == NULL);
+      mi_assert_internal(page->next == NULL && page->prev==NULL);
+      _mi_stat_decrease(&tld->stats->pages_abandoned, 1);
+      segment->abandoned--;
+      // set the heap again and allow delayed free again
+      mi_page_set_heap(page, heap);
+      _mi_page_use_delayed_free(page, MI_USE_DELAYED_FREE, true); // override never (after heap is set)
+      _mi_page_free_collect(page, false); // ensure used count is up to date
+      if (mi_page_all_free(page)) {
+	// if everything free by now, free the page
+	slice = mi_segment_page_clear(page, tld);   // set slice again due to coalesceing
+      }
+      else {
+	// otherwise reclaim it into the heap
+	_mi_page_reclaim(heap, page);
+	if (requested_block_size == page->xblock_size && mi_page_has_any_available(page)) {
+	  if (right_page_reclaimed != NULL) { *right_page_reclaimed = true; }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      // the span is free, add it to our page queues
+      slice = mi_segment_span_free_coalesce(slice, tld); // set slice again due to coalesceing
+    }
+    mi_assert_internal(slice->slice_count>0 && slice->slice_offset==0);
+    slice = slice + slice->slice_count;
+  }
+  mi_assert(segment->abandoned == 0);
+  if (segment->used == 0) {  // due to page_clear
+    mi_assert_internal(right_page_reclaimed == NULL || !(*right_page_reclaimed));
+    mi_segment_free(segment, false, tld);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  else {
+    return segment;
+  }
+void _mi_abandoned_reclaim_all(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_segments_tld_t* tld) {
+  mi_segment_t* segment;
+  while ((segment = mi_abandoned_pop()) != NULL) {
+    mi_segment_reclaim(segment, heap, 0, NULL, tld);
+  }
+static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_try_reclaim(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t needed_slices, size_t block_size, bool* reclaimed, mi_segments_tld_t* tld)
+  *reclaimed = false;
+  mi_segment_t* segment;
+  long max_tries = mi_option_get_clamp(mi_option_max_segment_reclaim, 8, 1024);     // limit the work to bound allocation times
+  while ((max_tries-- > 0) && ((segment = mi_abandoned_pop()) != NULL)) {
+    segment->abandoned_visits++;
+    // todo: an arena exclusive heap will potentially visit many abandoned unsuitable segments
+    // and push them into the visited list and use many tries. Perhaps we can skip non-suitable ones in a better way?
+    bool is_suitable = _mi_heap_memid_is_suitable(heap, segment->memid);
+    bool has_page = mi_segment_check_free(segment,needed_slices,block_size,tld); // try to free up pages (due to concurrent frees)
+    if (segment->used == 0) {
+      // free the segment (by forced reclaim) to make it available to other threads.
+      // note1: we prefer to free a segment as that might lead to reclaiming another
+      // segment that is still partially used.
+      // note2: we could in principle optimize this by skipping reclaim and directly
+      // freeing but that would violate some invariants temporarily)
+      mi_segment_reclaim(segment, heap, 0, NULL, tld);
+    }
+    else if (has_page && is_suitable) {
+      // found a large enough free span, or a page of the right block_size with free space
+      // we return the result of reclaim (which is usually `segment`) as it might free
+      // the segment due to concurrent frees (in which case `NULL` is returned).
+      return mi_segment_reclaim(segment, heap, block_size, reclaimed, tld);
+    }
+    else if (segment->abandoned_visits > 3 && is_suitable) {
+      // always reclaim on 3rd visit to limit the abandoned queue length.
+      mi_segment_reclaim(segment, heap, 0, NULL, tld);
+    }
+    else {
+      // otherwise, push on the visited list so it gets not looked at too quickly again
+      mi_segment_try_purge(segment, true /* force? */, tld->stats); // force purge if needed as we may not visit soon again
+      mi_abandoned_visited_push(segment);
+    }
+  }
+  return NULL;
+void _mi_abandoned_collect(mi_heap_t* heap, bool force, mi_segments_tld_t* tld)
+  mi_segment_t* segment;
+  int max_tries = (force ? 16*1024 : 1024); // limit latency
+  if (force) {
+    mi_abandoned_visited_revisit();
+  }
+  while ((max_tries-- > 0) && ((segment = mi_abandoned_pop()) != NULL)) {
+    mi_segment_check_free(segment,0,0,tld); // try to free up pages (due to concurrent frees)
+    if (segment->used == 0) {
+      // free the segment (by forced reclaim) to make it available to other threads.
+      // note: we could in principle optimize this by skipping reclaim and directly
+      // freeing but that would violate some invariants temporarily)
+      mi_segment_reclaim(segment, heap, 0, NULL, tld);
+    }
+    else {
+      // otherwise, purge if needed and push on the visited list
+      // note: forced purge can be expensive if many threads are destroyed/created as in mstress.
+      mi_segment_try_purge(segment, force, tld->stats);
+      mi_abandoned_visited_push(segment);
+    }
+  }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Reclaim or allocate
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static mi_segment_t* mi_segment_reclaim_or_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t needed_slices, size_t block_size, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld)
+  mi_assert_internal(block_size < MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE);
+  mi_assert_internal(block_size <= MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX);
+  // 1. try to reclaim an abandoned segment
+  bool reclaimed;
+  mi_segment_t* segment = mi_segment_try_reclaim(heap, needed_slices, block_size, &reclaimed, tld);
+  if (reclaimed) {
+    // reclaimed the right page right into the heap
+    mi_assert_internal(segment != NULL);
+    return NULL; // pretend out-of-memory as the page will be in the page queue of the heap with available blocks
+  }
+  else if (segment != NULL) {
+    // reclaimed a segment with a large enough empty span in it
+    return segment;
+  }
+  // 2. otherwise allocate a fresh segment
+  return mi_segment_alloc(0, 0, heap->arena_id, tld, os_tld, NULL);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Page allocation
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static mi_page_t* mi_segments_page_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, mi_page_kind_t page_kind, size_t required, size_t block_size, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld)
+  mi_assert_internal(required <= MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX && page_kind <= MI_PAGE_LARGE);
+  // find a free page
+  size_t page_size = _mi_align_up(required, (required > MI_MEDIUM_PAGE_SIZE ? MI_MEDIUM_PAGE_SIZE : MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE));
+  size_t slices_needed = page_size / MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE;
+  mi_assert_internal(slices_needed * MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE == page_size);
+  mi_page_t* page = mi_segments_page_find_and_allocate(slices_needed, heap->arena_id, tld); //(required <= MI_SMALL_SIZE_MAX ? 0 : slices_needed), tld);
+  if (page==NULL) {
+    // no free page, allocate a new segment and try again
+    if (mi_segment_reclaim_or_alloc(heap, slices_needed, block_size, tld, os_tld) == NULL) {
+      // OOM or reclaimed a good page in the heap
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    else {
+      // otherwise try again
+      return mi_segments_page_alloc(heap, page_kind, required, block_size, tld, os_tld);
+    }
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(page != NULL && page->slice_count*MI_SEGMENT_SLICE_SIZE == page_size);
+  mi_assert_internal(_mi_ptr_segment(page)->thread_id == _mi_thread_id());
+  mi_segment_try_purge(_mi_ptr_segment(page), false, tld->stats);
+  return page;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Huge page allocation
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static mi_page_t* mi_segment_huge_page_alloc(size_t size, size_t page_alignment, mi_arena_id_t req_arena_id, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld)
+  mi_page_t* page = NULL;
+  mi_segment_t* segment = mi_segment_alloc(size,page_alignment,req_arena_id,tld,os_tld,&page);
+  if (segment == NULL || page==NULL) return NULL;
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->used==1);
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_page_block_size(page) >= size);
+  segment->thread_id = 0; // huge segments are immediately abandoned
+  #endif
+  // for huge pages we initialize the xblock_size as we may
+  // overallocate to accommodate large alignments.
+  size_t psize;
+  uint8_t* start = _mi_segment_page_start(segment, page, &psize);
+  page->xblock_size = (psize > MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE ? MI_HUGE_BLOCK_SIZE : (uint32_t)psize);
+  // decommit the part of the prefix of a page that will not be used; this can be quite large (close to MI_SEGMENT_SIZE)
+  if (page_alignment > 0 && segment->allow_decommit) {
+    uint8_t* aligned_p = (uint8_t*)_mi_align_up((uintptr_t)start, page_alignment);
+    mi_assert_internal(_mi_is_aligned(aligned_p, page_alignment));
+    mi_assert_internal(psize - (aligned_p - start) >= size);
+    uint8_t* decommit_start = start + sizeof(mi_block_t);              // for the free list
+    ptrdiff_t decommit_size = aligned_p - decommit_start;
+    _mi_os_reset(decommit_start, decommit_size, &_mi_stats_main);   // note: cannot use segment_decommit on huge segments
+  }
+  return page;
+// free huge block from another thread
+void _mi_segment_huge_page_free(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_page_t* page, mi_block_t* block) {
+  // huge page segments are always abandoned and can be freed immediately by any thread
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->kind==MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment == _mi_page_segment(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&segment->thread_id)==0);
+  // claim it and free
+  mi_heap_t* heap = mi_heap_get_default(); // issue #221; don't use the internal get_default_heap as we need to ensure the thread is initialized.
+  // paranoia: if this it the last reference, the cas should always succeed
+  size_t expected_tid = 0;
+  if (mi_atomic_cas_strong_acq_rel(&segment->thread_id, &expected_tid, heap->thread_id)) {
+    mi_block_set_next(page, block, page->free);
+    page->free = block;
+    page->used--;
+    page->is_zero = false;
+    mi_assert(page->used == 0);
+    mi_tld_t* tld = heap->tld;
+    _mi_segment_page_free(page, true, &tld->segments);
+  }
+#if (MI_DEBUG!=0)
+  else {
+    mi_assert_internal(false);
+  }
+// reset memory of a huge block from another thread
+void _mi_segment_huge_page_reset(mi_segment_t* segment, mi_page_t* page, mi_block_t* block) {
+  MI_UNUSED(page);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment->kind == MI_SEGMENT_HUGE);
+  mi_assert_internal(segment == _mi_page_segment(page));
+  mi_assert_internal(page->used == 1); // this is called just before the free
+  mi_assert_internal(page->free == NULL);
+  if (segment->allow_decommit) {
+    size_t csize = mi_usable_size(block);
+    if (csize > sizeof(mi_block_t)) {
+      csize = csize - sizeof(mi_block_t);
+      uint8_t* p = (uint8_t*)block + sizeof(mi_block_t);
+      _mi_os_reset(p, csize, &_mi_stats_main);  // note: cannot use segment_decommit on huge segments
+    }
+  }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+   Page allocation and free
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+mi_page_t* _mi_segment_page_alloc(mi_heap_t* heap, size_t block_size, size_t page_alignment, mi_segments_tld_t* tld, mi_os_tld_t* os_tld) {
+  mi_page_t* page;
+  if mi_unlikely(page_alignment > MI_ALIGNMENT_MAX) {
+    mi_assert_internal(_mi_is_power_of_two(page_alignment));
+    mi_assert_internal(page_alignment >= MI_SEGMENT_SIZE);
+    if (page_alignment < MI_SEGMENT_SIZE) { page_alignment = MI_SEGMENT_SIZE; }
+    page = mi_segment_huge_page_alloc(block_size,page_alignment,heap->arena_id,tld,os_tld);
+  }
+  else if (block_size <= MI_SMALL_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
+    page = mi_segments_page_alloc(heap,MI_PAGE_SMALL,block_size,block_size,tld,os_tld);
+  }
+  else if (block_size <= MI_MEDIUM_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
+    page = mi_segments_page_alloc(heap,MI_PAGE_MEDIUM,MI_MEDIUM_PAGE_SIZE,block_size,tld, os_tld);
+  }
+  else if (block_size <= MI_LARGE_OBJ_SIZE_MAX) {
+    page = mi_segments_page_alloc(heap,MI_PAGE_LARGE,block_size,block_size,tld, os_tld);
+  }
+  else {
+    page = mi_segment_huge_page_alloc(block_size,page_alignment,heap->arena_id,tld,os_tld);
+  }
+  mi_assert_internal(page == NULL || _mi_heap_memid_is_suitable(heap, _mi_page_segment(page)->memid));
+  mi_assert_expensive(page == NULL || mi_segment_is_valid(_mi_page_segment(page),tld));
+  return page;
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/stats.c b/compat/mimalloc/stats.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..6817e07aa1ee9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/stats.c
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
+"LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#include "mimalloc/internal.h"
+#include "mimalloc/atomic.h"
+#include "mimalloc/prim.h"
+#include <stdio.h>  // snprintf
+#include <string.h> // memset
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1920)
+#pragma warning(disable:4204)  // non-constant aggregate initializer
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Statistics operations
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+static bool mi_is_in_main(void* stat) {
+  return ((uint8_t*)stat >= (uint8_t*)&_mi_stats_main
+	 && (uint8_t*)stat < ((uint8_t*)&_mi_stats_main + sizeof(mi_stats_t)));
+static void mi_stat_update(mi_stat_count_t* stat, int64_t amount) {
+  if (amount == 0) return;
+  if (mi_is_in_main(stat))
+  {
+    // add atomically (for abandoned pages)
+    int64_t current = mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed(&stat->current, amount);
+    mi_atomic_maxi64_relaxed(&stat->peak, current + amount);
+    if (amount > 0) {
+      mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed(&stat->allocated,amount);
+    }
+    else {
+      mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed(&stat->freed, -amount);
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    // add thread local
+    stat->current += amount;
+    if (stat->current > stat->peak) stat->peak = stat->current;
+    if (amount > 0) {
+      stat->allocated += amount;
+    }
+    else {
+      stat->freed += -amount;
+    }
+  }
+void _mi_stat_counter_increase(mi_stat_counter_t* stat, size_t amount) {
+  if (mi_is_in_main(stat)) {
+    mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed( &stat->count, 1 );
+    mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed( &stat->total, (int64_t)amount );
+  }
+  else {
+    stat->count++;
+    stat->total += amount;
+  }
+void _mi_stat_increase(mi_stat_count_t* stat, size_t amount) {
+  mi_stat_update(stat, (int64_t)amount);
+void _mi_stat_decrease(mi_stat_count_t* stat, size_t amount) {
+  mi_stat_update(stat, -((int64_t)amount));
+// must be thread safe as it is called from stats_merge
+static void mi_stat_add(mi_stat_count_t* stat, const mi_stat_count_t* src, int64_t unit) {
+  if (stat==src) return;
+  if (src->allocated==0 && src->freed==0) return;
+  mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed( &stat->allocated, src->allocated * unit);
+  mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed( &stat->current, src->current * unit);
+  mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed( &stat->freed, src->freed * unit);
+  // peak scores do not work across threads..
+  mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed( &stat->peak, src->peak * unit);
+static void mi_stat_counter_add(mi_stat_counter_t* stat, const mi_stat_counter_t* src, int64_t unit) {
+  if (stat==src) return;
+  mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed( &stat->total, src->total * unit);
+  mi_atomic_addi64_relaxed( &stat->count, src->count * unit);
+// must be thread safe as it is called from stats_merge
+static void mi_stats_add(mi_stats_t* stats, const mi_stats_t* src) {
+  if (stats==src) return;
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->segments, &src->segments,1);
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->pages, &src->pages,1);
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->reserved, &src->reserved, 1);
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->committed, &src->committed, 1);
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->reset, &src->reset, 1);
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->purged, &src->purged, 1);
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->page_committed, &src->page_committed, 1);
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->pages_abandoned, &src->pages_abandoned, 1);
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->segments_abandoned, &src->segments_abandoned, 1);
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->threads, &src->threads, 1);
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->malloc, &src->malloc, 1);
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->segments_cache, &src->segments_cache, 1);
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->normal, &src->normal, 1);
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->huge, &src->huge, 1);
+  mi_stat_add(&stats->large, &src->large, 1);
+  mi_stat_counter_add(&stats->pages_extended, &src->pages_extended, 1);
+  mi_stat_counter_add(&stats->mmap_calls, &src->mmap_calls, 1);
+  mi_stat_counter_add(&stats->commit_calls, &src->commit_calls, 1);
+  mi_stat_counter_add(&stats->reset_calls, &src->reset_calls, 1);
+  mi_stat_counter_add(&stats->purge_calls, &src->purge_calls, 1);
+  mi_stat_counter_add(&stats->page_no_retire, &src->page_no_retire, 1);
+  mi_stat_counter_add(&stats->searches, &src->searches, 1);
+  mi_stat_counter_add(&stats->normal_count, &src->normal_count, 1);
+  mi_stat_counter_add(&stats->huge_count, &src->huge_count, 1);
+  mi_stat_counter_add(&stats->large_count, &src->large_count, 1);
+#if MI_STAT>1
+  for (size_t i = 0; i <= MI_BIN_HUGE; i++) {
+    if (src->normal_bins[i].allocated > 0 || src->normal_bins[i].freed > 0) {
+      mi_stat_add(&stats->normal_bins[i], &src->normal_bins[i], 1);
+    }
+  }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------
+  Display statistics
+----------------------------------------------------------- */
+// unit > 0 : size in binary bytes
+// unit == 0: count as decimal
+// unit < 0 : count in binary
+static void mi_printf_amount(int64_t n, int64_t unit, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg, const char* fmt) {
+  char buf[32]; buf[0] = 0;
+  int  len = 32;
+  const char* suffix = (unit <= 0 ? " " : "B");
+  const int64_t base = (unit == 0 ? 1000 : 1024);
+  if (unit>0) n *= unit;
+  const int64_t pos = (n < 0 ? -n : n);
+  if (pos < base) {
+    if (n!=1 || suffix[0] != 'B') {  // skip printing 1 B for the unit column
+      snprintf(buf, len, "%d   %-3s", (int)n, (n==0 ? "" : suffix));
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    int64_t divider = base;
+    const char* magnitude = "K";
+    if (pos >= divider*base) { divider *= base; magnitude = "M"; }
+    if (pos >= divider*base) { divider *= base; magnitude = "G"; }
+    const int64_t tens = (n / (divider/10));
+    const long whole = (long)(tens/10);
+    const long frac1 = (long)(tens%10);
+    char unitdesc[8];
+    snprintf(unitdesc, 8, "%s%s%s", magnitude, (base==1024 ? "i" : ""), suffix);
+    snprintf(buf, len, "%ld.%ld %-3s", whole, (frac1 < 0 ? -frac1 : frac1), unitdesc);
+  }
+  _mi_fprintf(out, arg, (fmt==NULL ? "%12s" : fmt), buf);
+static void mi_print_amount(int64_t n, int64_t unit, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) {
+  mi_printf_amount(n,unit,out,arg,NULL);
+static void mi_print_count(int64_t n, int64_t unit, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) {
+  if (unit==1) _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%12s"," ");
+	  else mi_print_amount(n,0,out,arg);
+static void mi_stat_print_ex(const mi_stat_count_t* stat, const char* msg, int64_t unit, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg, const char* notok ) {
+  _mi_fprintf(out, arg,"%10s:", msg);
+  if (unit > 0) {
+    mi_print_amount(stat->peak, unit, out, arg);
+    mi_print_amount(stat->allocated, unit, out, arg);
+    mi_print_amount(stat->freed, unit, out, arg);
+    mi_print_amount(stat->current, unit, out, arg);
+    mi_print_amount(unit, 1, out, arg);
+    mi_print_count(stat->allocated, unit, out, arg);
+    if (stat->allocated > stat->freed) {
+      _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "  ");
+      _mi_fprintf(out, arg, (notok == NULL ? "not all freed" : notok));
+      _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "\n");
+    }
+    else {
+      _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "  ok\n");
+    }
+  }
+  else if (unit<0) {
+    mi_print_amount(stat->peak, -1, out, arg);
+    mi_print_amount(stat->allocated, -1, out, arg);
+    mi_print_amount(stat->freed, -1, out, arg);
+    mi_print_amount(stat->current, -1, out, arg);
+    if (unit==-1) {
+      _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%24s", "");
+    }
+    else {
+      mi_print_amount(-unit, 1, out, arg);
+      mi_print_count((stat->allocated / -unit), 0, out, arg);
+    }
+    if (stat->allocated > stat->freed)
+      _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "  not all freed!\n");
+    else
+      _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "  ok\n");
+  }
+  else {
+    mi_print_amount(stat->peak, 1, out, arg);
+    mi_print_amount(stat->allocated, 1, out, arg);
+    _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%11s", " ");  // no freed
+    mi_print_amount(stat->current, 1, out, arg);
+    _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "\n");
+  }
+static void mi_stat_print(const mi_stat_count_t* stat, const char* msg, int64_t unit, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) {
+  mi_stat_print_ex(stat, msg, unit, out, arg, NULL);
+static void mi_stat_peak_print(const mi_stat_count_t* stat, const char* msg, int64_t unit, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) {
+  _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%10s:", msg);
+  mi_print_amount(stat->peak, unit, out, arg);
+  _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "\n");
+static void mi_stat_counter_print(const mi_stat_counter_t* stat, const char* msg, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg ) {
+  _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%10s:", msg);
+  mi_print_amount(stat->total, -1, out, arg);
+  _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "\n");
+static void mi_stat_counter_print_avg(const mi_stat_counter_t* stat, const char* msg, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) {
+  const int64_t avg_tens = (stat->count == 0 ? 0 : (stat->total*10 / stat->count));
+  const long avg_whole = (long)(avg_tens/10);
+  const long avg_frac1 = (long)(avg_tens%10);
+  _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%10s: %5ld.%ld avg\n", msg, avg_whole, avg_frac1);
+static void mi_print_header(mi_output_fun* out, void* arg ) {
+  _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%10s: %11s %11s %11s %11s %11s %11s\n", "heap stats", "peak   ", "total   ", "freed   ", "current   ", "unit   ", "count   ");
+#if MI_STAT>1
+static void mi_stats_print_bins(const mi_stat_count_t* bins, size_t max, const char* fmt, mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) {
+  bool found = false;
+  char buf[64];
+  for (size_t i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
+    if (bins[i].allocated > 0) {
+      found = true;
+      int64_t unit = _mi_bin_size((uint8_t)i);
+      snprintf(buf, 64, "%s %3lu", fmt, (long)i);
+      mi_stat_print(&bins[i], buf, unit, out, arg);
+    }
+  }
+  if (found) {
+    _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "\n");
+    mi_print_header(out, arg);
+  }
+// Use an output wrapper for line-buffered output
+// (which is nice when using loggers etc.)
+typedef struct buffered_s {
+  mi_output_fun* out;   // original output function
+  void*          arg;   // and state
+  char*          buf;   // local buffer of at least size `count+1`
+  size_t         used;  // currently used chars `used <= count`
+  size_t         count; // total chars available for output
+} buffered_t;
+static void mi_buffered_flush(buffered_t* buf) {
+  buf->buf[buf->used] = 0;
+  _mi_fputs(buf->out, buf->arg, NULL, buf->buf);
+  buf->used = 0;
+static void mi_cdecl mi_buffered_out(const char* msg, void* arg) {
+  buffered_t* buf = (buffered_t*)arg;
+  if (msg==NULL || buf==NULL) return;
+  for (const char* src = msg; *src != 0; src++) {
+    char c = *src;
+    if (buf->used >= buf->count) mi_buffered_flush(buf);
+    mi_assert_internal(buf->used < buf->count);
+    buf->buf[buf->used++] = c;
+    if (c == '\n') mi_buffered_flush(buf);
+  }
+// Print statistics
+static void _mi_stats_print(mi_stats_t* stats, mi_output_fun* out0, void* arg0) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  // wrap the output function to be line buffered
+  char buf[256];
+  buffered_t buffer = { out0, arg0, NULL, 0, 255 };
+  buffer.buf = buf;
+  mi_output_fun* out = &mi_buffered_out;
+  void* arg = &buffer;
+  // and print using that
+  mi_print_header(out,arg);
+  #if MI_STAT>1
+  mi_stats_print_bins(stats->normal_bins, MI_BIN_HUGE, "normal",out,arg);
+  #endif
+  #if MI_STAT
+  mi_stat_print(&stats->normal, "normal", (stats->normal_count.count == 0 ? 1 : -(stats->normal.allocated / stats->normal_count.count)), out, arg);
+  mi_stat_print(&stats->large, "large", (stats->large_count.count == 0 ? 1 : -(stats->large.allocated / stats->large_count.count)), out, arg);
+  mi_stat_print(&stats->huge, "huge", (stats->huge_count.count == 0 ? 1 : -(stats->huge.allocated / stats->huge_count.count)), out, arg);
+  mi_stat_count_t total = { 0,0,0,0 };
+  mi_stat_add(&total, &stats->normal, 1);
+  mi_stat_add(&total, &stats->large, 1);
+  mi_stat_add(&total, &stats->huge, 1);
+  mi_stat_print(&total, "total", 1, out, arg);
+  #endif
+  #if MI_STAT>1
+  mi_stat_print(&stats->malloc, "malloc req", 1, out, arg);
+  _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "\n");
+  #endif
+  mi_stat_print_ex(&stats->reserved, "reserved", 1, out, arg, "");
+  mi_stat_print_ex(&stats->committed, "committed", 1, out, arg, "");
+  mi_stat_peak_print(&stats->reset, "reset", 1, out, arg );
+  mi_stat_peak_print(&stats->purged, "purged", 1, out, arg );
+  mi_stat_print(&stats->page_committed, "touched", 1, out, arg);
+  mi_stat_print(&stats->segments, "segments", -1, out, arg);
+  mi_stat_print(&stats->segments_abandoned, "-abandoned", -1, out, arg);
+  mi_stat_print(&stats->segments_cache, "-cached", -1, out, arg);
+  mi_stat_print(&stats->pages, "pages", -1, out, arg);
+  mi_stat_print(&stats->pages_abandoned, "-abandoned", -1, out, arg);
+  mi_stat_counter_print(&stats->pages_extended, "-extended", out, arg);
+  mi_stat_counter_print(&stats->page_no_retire, "-noretire", out, arg);
+  mi_stat_counter_print(&stats->mmap_calls, "mmaps", out, arg);
+  mi_stat_counter_print(&stats->commit_calls, "commits", out, arg);
+  mi_stat_counter_print(&stats->reset_calls, "resets", out, arg);
+  mi_stat_counter_print(&stats->purge_calls, "purges", out, arg);
+  mi_stat_print(&stats->threads, "threads", -1, out, arg);
+  mi_stat_counter_print_avg(&stats->searches, "searches", out, arg);
+  _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%10s: %5zu\n", "numa nodes", _mi_os_numa_node_count());
+  size_t elapsed;
+  size_t user_time;
+  size_t sys_time;
+  size_t current_rss;
+  size_t peak_rss;
+  size_t current_commit;
+  size_t peak_commit;
+  size_t page_faults;
+  mi_process_info(&elapsed, &user_time, &sys_time, &current_rss, &peak_rss, &current_commit, &peak_commit, &page_faults);
+  _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%10s: %5ld.%03ld s\n", "elapsed", elapsed/1000, elapsed%1000);
+  _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "%10s: user: %ld.%03ld s, system: %ld.%03ld s, faults: %lu, rss: ", "process",
+	      user_time/1000, user_time%1000, sys_time/1000, sys_time%1000, (unsigned long)page_faults );
+  mi_printf_amount((int64_t)peak_rss, 1, out, arg, "%s");
+  if (peak_commit > 0) {
+    _mi_fprintf(out, arg, ", commit: ");
+    mi_printf_amount((int64_t)peak_commit, 1, out, arg, "%s");
+  }
+  _mi_fprintf(out, arg, "\n");
+static mi_msecs_t mi_process_start; // = 0
+static mi_stats_t* mi_stats_get_default(void) {
+  mi_heap_t* heap = mi_heap_get_default();
+  return &heap->tld->stats;
+static void mi_stats_merge_from(mi_stats_t* stats) {
+  if (stats != &_mi_stats_main) {
+    mi_stats_add(&_mi_stats_main, stats);
+    memset(stats, 0, sizeof(mi_stats_t));
+  }
+void mi_stats_reset(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  mi_stats_t* stats = mi_stats_get_default();
+  if (stats != &_mi_stats_main) { memset(stats, 0, sizeof(mi_stats_t)); }
+  memset(&_mi_stats_main, 0, sizeof(mi_stats_t));
+  if (mi_process_start == 0) { mi_process_start = _mi_clock_start(); };
+void mi_stats_merge(void) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  mi_stats_merge_from( mi_stats_get_default() );
+void _mi_stats_done(mi_stats_t* stats) {  // called from `mi_thread_done`
+  mi_stats_merge_from(stats);
+void mi_stats_print_out(mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  mi_stats_merge_from(mi_stats_get_default());
+  _mi_stats_print(&_mi_stats_main, out, arg);
+void mi_stats_print(void* out) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  // for compatibility there is an `out` parameter (which can be `stdout` or `stderr`)
+  mi_stats_print_out((mi_output_fun*)out, NULL);
+void mi_thread_stats_print_out(mi_output_fun* out, void* arg) mi_attr_noexcept {
+  _mi_stats_print(mi_stats_get_default(), out, arg);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Basic timer for convenience; use milli-seconds to avoid doubles
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+static mi_msecs_t mi_clock_diff;
+mi_msecs_t _mi_clock_now(void) {
+  return _mi_prim_clock_now();
+mi_msecs_t _mi_clock_start(void) {
+  if (mi_clock_diff == 0.0) {
+    mi_msecs_t t0 = _mi_clock_now();
+    mi_clock_diff = _mi_clock_now() - t0;
+  }
+  return _mi_clock_now();
+mi_msecs_t _mi_clock_end(mi_msecs_t start) {
+  mi_msecs_t end = _mi_clock_now();
+  return (end - start - mi_clock_diff);
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+// Basic process statistics
+// --------------------------------------------------------
+mi_decl_export void mi_process_info(size_t* elapsed_msecs, size_t* user_msecs, size_t* system_msecs, size_t* current_rss, size_t* peak_rss, size_t* current_commit, size_t* peak_commit, size_t* page_faults) mi_attr_noexcept
+  mi_process_info_t pinfo;
+  _mi_memzero_var(pinfo);
+  pinfo.elapsed        = _mi_clock_end(mi_process_start);
+  pinfo.current_commit = (size_t)(mi_atomic_loadi64_relaxed((_Atomic(int64_t)*)&_mi_stats_main.committed.current));
+  pinfo.peak_commit    = (size_t)(mi_atomic_loadi64_relaxed((_Atomic(int64_t)*)&_mi_stats_main.committed.peak));
+  pinfo.current_rss    = pinfo.current_commit;
+  pinfo.peak_rss       = pinfo.peak_commit;
+  pinfo.utime          = 0;
+  pinfo.stime          = 0;
+  pinfo.page_faults    = 0;
+  _mi_prim_process_info(&pinfo);
+  if (elapsed_msecs!=NULL)  *elapsed_msecs  = (pinfo.elapsed < 0 ? 0 : (pinfo.elapsed < (mi_msecs_t)PTRDIFF_MAX ? (size_t)pinfo.elapsed : PTRDIFF_MAX));
+  if (user_msecs!=NULL)     *user_msecs     = (pinfo.utime < 0 ? 0 : (pinfo.utime < (mi_msecs_t)PTRDIFF_MAX ? (size_t)pinfo.utime : PTRDIFF_MAX));
+  if (system_msecs!=NULL)   *system_msecs   = (pinfo.stime < 0 ? 0 : (pinfo.stime < (mi_msecs_t)PTRDIFF_MAX ? (size_t)pinfo.stime : PTRDIFF_MAX));
+  if (current_rss!=NULL)    *current_rss    = pinfo.current_rss;
+  if (peak_rss!=NULL)       *peak_rss       = pinfo.peak_rss;
+  if (current_commit!=NULL) *current_commit = pinfo.current_commit;
+  if (peak_commit!=NULL)    *peak_commit    = pinfo.peak_commit;
+  if (page_faults!=NULL)    *page_faults    = pinfo.page_faults;

From 6dd92cad06784c7ea0297b70ea42849817bdff20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 23:41:27 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 011/154] mimalloc: adjust for building inside Git

We want to compile mimalloc's source code as part of Git, rather than
requiring the code to be built as an external library: mimalloc uses a
CMake-based build, which is not necessarily easy to integrate into the
flavors of Git for Windows (which will be the main benefitting port).

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/mimalloc/alloc.c    | 4 ----
 compat/mimalloc/mimalloc.h | 3 ++-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/alloc.c b/compat/mimalloc/alloc.c
index 961f6d53d0f2c7..ae272c1fb54504 100644
--- a/compat/mimalloc/alloc.c
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/alloc.c
@@ -16,10 +16,6 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
 #include <string.h>      // memset, strlen (for mi_strdup)
 #include <stdlib.h>      // malloc, abort
-#define MI_IN_ALLOC_C
-#include "alloc-override.c"
-#undef MI_IN_ALLOC_C
 // ------------------------------------------------------
 // Allocation
 // ------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc.h b/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc.h
index c0f5e96e51e975..7e3b5dd66e91a0 100644
--- a/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc.h
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/mimalloc.h
@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
 // Includes
 // ------------------------------------------------------
-#include <stddef.h>     // size_t
+#include "git-compat-util.h"
 #include <stdbool.h>    // bool
 #include <stdint.h>     // INTPTR_MAX

From febf841a8db4eff03d8761afa043f0fd3464df3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 23:43:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 012/154] mimalloc: offer a build-time option to enable it

By defining `USE_MIMALLOC`, Git can now be compiled with that
nicely-fast and small allocator.

Note that we have to disable a couple `DEVELOPER` options to build
mimalloc's source code, as it makes heavy use of declarations after
statements, among other things that disagree with Git's conventions.

We even have to silence some GCC warnings in non-DEVELOPER mode. For
example, the `-Wno-array-bounds` flag is needed because in `-O2` builds,
trying to call `NtCurrentTeb()` (which `_mi_thread_id()` does on
Windows) causes the bogus warning about a system header, likely related
to and to

        error: array subscript 0 is outside array bounds of 'long long unsigned int[0]' [-Werror=array-bounds]
  838 | __buildreadseg(__readgsqword, unsigned __int64, "gs", "q")
      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Also: The `mimalloc` library uses C11-style atomics, therefore we must
require that standard when compiling with GCC if we want to use
`mimalloc` (instead of requiring "only" C99). This is what we do in the
CMake definition already, therefore this commit does not need to touch

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 Makefile          | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++    |  2 ++
 config.mak.uname  |  2 +-
 git-compat-util.h | 10 ++++++++++
 4 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 995afe21733af4..9617ae86807cc4 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -2124,6 +2124,43 @@ ifdef USE_NED_ALLOCATOR
+		compat/mimalloc/alloc-aligned.o \
+		compat/mimalloc/alloc.o \
+		compat/mimalloc/arena.o \
+		compat/mimalloc/bitmap.o \
+		compat/mimalloc/heap.o \
+		compat/mimalloc/init.o \
+		compat/mimalloc/options.o \
+		compat/mimalloc/os.o \
+		compat/mimalloc/page.o \
+		compat/mimalloc/random.o \
+		compat/mimalloc/prim/windows/prim.o \
+		compat/mimalloc/segment.o \
+		compat/mimalloc/segment-cache.o \
+		compat/mimalloc/segment-map.o \
+		compat/mimalloc/stats.o
+	COMPAT_CFLAGS += -Icompat/mimalloc -DMI_DEBUG=0 -DUSE_MIMALLOC --std=gnu11
+	-Wno-attributes \
+	-Wno-unknown-pragmas \
+	-Wno-array-bounds
+	-Wno-pedantic \
+	-Wno-declaration-after-statement \
+	-Wno-old-style-definition \
+	-Wno-missing-prototypes
 	COMPAT_OBJS += compat/strdup.o
diff --git a/ b/
index 0fd8cc4d355ebb..a5d6dd67dfd77e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ endif
 ifneq ($(uname_S),FreeBSD)
 ifneq ($(or $(filter gcc6,$(COMPILER_FEATURES)),$(filter clang7,$(COMPILER_FEATURES))),)
 DEVELOPER_CFLAGS += -std=gnu99
 # FreeBSD cannot limit to C99 because its system headers unconditionally
 # rely on C11 features.
diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index 7fba3e595c5cd5..cdfb606f010ba4 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ endif
 	CC = compat/vcbuild/scripts/
 	AR = compat/vcbuild/scripts/
 	COMPAT_OBJS = compat/msvc.o compat/winansi.o \
 		compat/win32/flush.o \
 		compat/win32/path-utils.o \
diff --git a/git-compat-util.h b/git-compat-util.h
index da2986e652fee7..dd055abdfad4c8 100644
--- a/git-compat-util.h
+++ b/git-compat-util.h
@@ -443,6 +443,16 @@ char *gitdirname(char *);
 # include <sys/sysinfo.h>
+#include "mimalloc.h"
+#define malloc mi_malloc
+#define calloc mi_calloc
+#define realloc mi_realloc
+#define free mi_free
+#define strdup mi_strdup
+#define strndup mi_strndup
 /* On most systems <netdb.h> would have given us this, but
  * not on some systems (e.g. z/OS).

From 4528095bc74e76ca131ef900f93ce0cb296694ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Hostetler <>
Date: Fri, 12 May 2023 15:54:11 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 013/154] mimalloc: use "weak" random seed when statically

Always use the internal "use_weak" random seed when initializing
the "mimalloc" heap when statically linked on Windows.

The imported "mimalloc" routines support several random sources
to seed the heap data structures, including BCrypt.dll and
RtlGenRandom.  Crashes have been reported when using BCrypt.dll
if it initialized during an `atexit()` handler function.  Granted,
such DLL initialization should not happen in an atexit handler,
but yet the crashes remain.

It should be noted that on Windows when statically linked, the
mimalloc startup code (called by the GCC CRT to initialize static
data prior to calling `main()`) always uses the internal "weak"
random seed.  "mimalloc" does not try to load an alternate
random source until after the OS initialization has completed.

Heap data is stored in `__declspec(thread)` TLS data and in theory
each Git thread will have its own heap data.  However, testing
shows that the "mimalloc" library doesn't actually call
`os_random_buf()` (to load a new random source) when creating these
new per-thread heap structures.

However, if an atexit handler is forced to run on a non-main
thread, the "mimalloc" library *WILL* try to create a new heap
and seed it with `os_random_buf()`.  (The reason for this is still
a mystery to this author.)  The `os_random_buf()` call can cause
the (previously uninitialized BCrypt.dll library) to be dynamically
loaded and a call made into it.  Crashes have been reported in
v2.40.1.vfs.0.0 while in this call.

As a workaround, the fix here forces the use of the internal
"use_weak" random code for the subsequent `os_random_buf()` calls.
Since we have been using that random generator for the majority
of the program, it seems safe to use it for the final few mallocs
in the atexit handler (of which there really shouldn't be that many.

Signed-off-by: Jeff Hostetler <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/mimalloc/init.c | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/compat/mimalloc/init.c b/compat/mimalloc/init.c
index 4670d5510db187..4ec5812e3ce1d0 100644
--- a/compat/mimalloc/init.c
+++ b/compat/mimalloc/init.c
@@ -302,7 +302,11 @@ static bool _mi_heap_init(void) {
     _mi_memcpy_aligned(tld, &tld_empty, sizeof(*tld));
     _mi_memcpy_aligned(heap, &_mi_heap_empty, sizeof(*heap));
     heap->thread_id = _mi_thread_id();
+    #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(MI_SHARED_LIB)
+    _mi_random_init_weak(&heap->random); // match mi_heap_main_init()
+    #else
+    #endif
     heap->cookie  = _mi_heap_random_next(heap) | 1;
     heap->keys[0] = _mi_heap_random_next(heap);
     heap->keys[1] = _mi_heap_random_next(heap);

From 3cc3ffa8581b270eca7f3890840cb73d79c4dcab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 14:06:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 014/154] mingw: include the Python parts in the build

While Git for Windows does not _ship_ Python (in order to save on
bandwidth), MSYS2 provides very fine Python interpreters that users can
easily take advantage of, by using Git for Windows within its SDK.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 config.mak.uname | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index b12d4e168ae119..7fba3e595c5cd5 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -739,6 +739,7 @@ ifeq ($(uname_S),MINGW)
 	USE_GETTEXT_SCHEME = fallthrough
 	USE_LIBPCRE = YesPlease
         ifeq (/mingw64,$(subst 32,64,$(prefix)))
 		# Move system config into top-level /etc/
 		ETC_GITCONFIG = ../etc/gitconfig

From f458355c852e21c640ce7f28a0f3f31be34d020e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2019 23:45:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 015/154] mingw: use mimalloc

Thorough benchmarking with repacking a subset of linux.git (the commit
history reachable from 93a6fefe2f ([PATCH] fix the SYSCTL=n compilation,
2007-02-28), to be precise) suggest that this allocator is on par, in
multi-threaded situations maybe even better than nedmalloc:

`git repack -adfq` with mimalloc, 8 threads:

31.166991900 27.576763800 28.712311000 27.373859000 27.163141900

`git repack -adfq` with nedmalloc, 8 threads:

31.915032900 27.149883100 28.244933700 27.240188800 28.580849500

In a different test using GitHub Actions build agents (probably
single-threaded, a core-strength of nedmalloc)):

`git repack -q -d -l -A --unpack-unreachable=2.weeks.ago` with mimalloc:

943.426 978.500 939.709 959.811 954.605

`git repack -q -d -l -A --unpack-unreachable=2.weeks.ago` with nedmalloc:

995.383 952.179 943.253 963.043 980.468

While these measurements were not executed with complete scientific
rigor, as no hardware was set aside specifically for these benchmarks,
it shows that mimalloc and nedmalloc perform almost the same, nedmalloc
with a bit higher variance and also slightly higher average (further
testing suggests that nedmalloc performs worse in multi-threaded
situations than in single-threaded ones).

In short: mimalloc seems to be slightly better suited for our purposes
than nedmalloc.

Seeing that mimalloc is developed actively, while nedmalloc ceased to
see any updates in eight years, let's use mimalloc on Windows instead.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 config.mak.uname | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index cdfb606f010ba4..2ebb82feb9f1b2 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ ifeq ($(uname_S),MINGW)
 	USE_GETTEXT_SCHEME = fallthrough
 	USE_LIBPCRE = YesPlease
+	USE_MIMALLOC = YesPlease
         ifeq (/mingw64,$(subst 32,64,$(prefix)))
 		# Move system config into top-level /etc/

From 9d275a00c9eafa0f1cc346fea18b1c86b8b45bba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 12:02:47 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 016/154] mingw: demonstrate a `git add` issue with NTFS

NTFS junctions are somewhat similar in spirit to Unix bind mounts: they
point to a different directory and are resolved by the filesystem
driver. As such, they appear to `lstat()` as if they are directories,
not as if they are symbolic links.

_Any_ user can create junctions, while symbolic links can only be
created by non-administrators in Developer Mode on Windows 10. Hence
NTFS junctions are much more common "in the wild" than NTFS symbolic

It was reported in
that adding files via an absolute path that traverses an NTFS junction:
since 1e64d18 (mingw: do resolve symlinks in `getcwd()`), we resolve not
only symbolic links but also NTFS junctions when determining the
absolute path of the current directory. The same is not true for `git
add <file>`, where symbolic links are resolved in `<file>`, but not NTFS

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 t/ | 11 +++++++++++
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index df580a5806b4f1..d934f3417faa45 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -548,4 +548,15 @@ test_expect_success CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS 'path is case-insensitive' '
 	git add "$downcased"
+test_expect_failure MINGW 'can add files via NTFS junctions' '
+	test_when_finished "cmd //c rmdir junction && rm -rf target" &&
+	test_create_repo target &&
+	cmd //c "mklink /j junction target" &&
+	>target/via-junction &&
+	git -C junction add "$(pwd)/junction/via-junction" &&
+	echo via-junction >expect &&
+	git -C target diff --cached --name-only >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual

From 31f58e3b23d82d4a35bde8db75a44e72fb5c166d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 11:44:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 017/154] strbuf_realpath(): use platform-dependent API if

Some platforms (e.g. Windows) provide API functions to resolve paths
much quicker. Let's offer a way to short-cut `strbuf_realpath()` on
those platforms.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 abspath.c         | 3 +++
 git-compat-util.h | 4 ++++
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+)

diff --git a/abspath.c b/abspath.c
index 1202cde23dbc9b..0c17e98654e4b0 100644
--- a/abspath.c
+++ b/abspath.c
@@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ static char *strbuf_realpath_1(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path,
 			goto error_out;
+	if (platform_strbuf_realpath(resolved, path))
+		return resolved->buf;
 	strbuf_addstr(&remaining, path);
 	get_root_part(resolved, &remaining);
diff --git a/git-compat-util.h b/git-compat-util.h
index e283c46c6fa06e..3e419bbe886fe2 100644
--- a/git-compat-util.h
+++ b/git-compat-util.h
@@ -630,6 +630,10 @@ static inline int git_has_dir_sep(const char *path)
 #define query_user_email() NULL
+#ifndef platform_strbuf_realpath
+#define platform_strbuf_realpath(resolved, path) NULL
 #ifdef __TANDEM
 #include <floss.h(floss_execl,floss_execlp,floss_execv,floss_execvp)>
 #include <floss.h(floss_getpwuid)>

From f3e2ad90deadd08e37cbb3a666a179cab92d271f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Braun <>
Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 21:43:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 018/154] transport: optionally disable side-band-64k

Since commit 0c499ea60fda (send-pack: demultiplex a sideband stream with
status data, 2010-02-05) the send-pack builtin uses the side-band-64k
capability if advertised by the server.

Unfortunately this breaks pushing over the dump git protocol if used
over a network connection.

The detailed reasons for this breakage are (by courtesy of Jeff Preshing,
quoted from

	MinGW wraps Windows sockets in CRT file descriptors in order to
	mimic the functionality of POSIX sockets. This causes msvcrt.dll
	to treat sockets as Installable File System (IFS) handles,
	calling ReadFile, WriteFile, DuplicateHandle and CloseHandle on
	them. This approach works well in simple cases on recent
	versions of Windows, but does not support all usage patterns. In
	particular, using this approach, any attempt to read & write
	concurrently on the same socket (from one or more processes)
	will deadlock in a scenario where the read waits for a response
	from the server which is only invoked after the write. This is
	what send_pack currently attempts to do in the use_sideband

The new config option `sendpack.sideband` allows to override the
side-band-64k capability of the server, and thus makes the dumb git
protocol work.

Other transportation methods like ssh and http/https still benefit from
the sideband channel, therefore the default value of `sendpack.sideband`
is still true.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Braun <>
Signed-off-by: Oliver Schneider <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 Documentation/config.txt          | 2 ++
 Documentation/config/sendpack.txt | 5 +++++
 send-pack.c                       | 6 +++---
 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/config/sendpack.txt

diff --git a/Documentation/config.txt b/Documentation/config.txt
index 8c0b3ed8075214..3ad4956fe48944 100644
--- a/Documentation/config.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config.txt
@@ -518,6 +518,8 @@ include::config/safe.txt[]
diff --git a/Documentation/config/sendpack.txt b/Documentation/config/sendpack.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..e306f657fba7dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/config/sendpack.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+	Allows to disable the side-band-64k capability for send-pack even
+	when it is advertised by the server. Makes it possible to work
+	around a limitation in the git for windows implementation together
+	with the dump git protocol. Defaults to true.
diff --git a/send-pack.c b/send-pack.c
index 7e8321368379ef..0d39ee7859d067 100644
--- a/send-pack.c
+++ b/send-pack.c
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ int send_pack(struct send_pack_args *args,
 	int need_pack_data = 0;
 	int allow_deleting_refs = 0;
 	int status_report = 0;
-	int use_sideband = 0;
+	int use_sideband = 1;
 	int quiet_supported = 0;
 	int agent_supported = 0;
 	int advertise_sid = 0;
@@ -518,6 +518,7 @@ int send_pack(struct send_pack_args *args,
 		goto out;
+	git_config_get_bool("sendpack.sideband", &use_sideband);
 	git_config_get_bool("push.negotiate", &push_negotiate);
 	if (push_negotiate) {
 		trace2_region_enter("send_pack", "push_negotiate", the_repository);
@@ -539,8 +540,7 @@ int send_pack(struct send_pack_args *args,
 		allow_deleting_refs = 1;
 	if (server_supports("ofs-delta"))
 		args->use_ofs_delta = 1;
-	if (server_supports("side-band-64k"))
-		use_sideband = 1;
+	use_sideband = use_sideband && server_supports("side-band-64k");
 	if (server_supports("quiet"))
 		quiet_supported = 1;
 	if (server_supports("agent"))

From a2b1b4969952347b1412eebd91ed1196fede75eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 20:09:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 019/154] mingw: make sure `errno` is set correctly when socket
 operations fail

The winsock2 library provides functions that work on different data
types than file descriptors, therefore we wrap them.

But that is not the only difference: they also do not set `errno` but
expect the callers to enquire about errors via `WSAGetLastError()`.

Let's translate that into appropriate `errno` values whenever the socket
operations fail so that Git's code base does not have to change its

This closes

Helped-by: Jeff Hostetler <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/mingw.c | 157 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 147 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 1d5b211b548dab..6554dd6d9d5bff 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -2115,18 +2115,150 @@ static void ensure_socket_initialization(void)
 	initialized = 1;
+static int winsock_error_to_errno(DWORD err)
+	switch (err) {
+	case WSAEINTR: return EINTR;
+	case WSAEBADF: return EBADF;
+	case WSAEACCES: return EACCES;
+	case WSAEFAULT: return EFAULT;
+	case WSAEINVAL: return EINVAL;
+	case WSAEMFILE: return EMFILE;
+	case WSAENOBUFS: return ENOBUFS;
+	case WSAEISCONN: return EISCONN;
+	case WSAELOOP: return ELOOP;
+	/* No errno equivalent; default to EIO */
+	case WSA_E_NO_MORE:
+	case WSANO_DATA:
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+	default: return EIO;
+	}
+ * On Windows, `errno` is a global macro to a function call.
+ * This makes it difficult to debug and single-step our mappings.
+ */
+static inline void set_wsa_errno(void)
+	DWORD wsa = WSAGetLastError();
+	int e = winsock_error_to_errno(wsa);
+	errno = e;
+	fprintf(stderr, "winsock error: %d -> %d\n", wsa, e);
+	fflush(stderr);
+static inline int winsock_return(int ret)
+	if (ret < 0)
+		set_wsa_errno();
+	return ret;
+#define WINSOCK_RETURN(x) do { return winsock_return(x); } while (0)
 #undef gethostname
 int mingw_gethostname(char *name, int namelen)
-    ensure_socket_initialization();
-    return gethostname(name, namelen);
+	ensure_socket_initialization();
+	WINSOCK_RETURN(gethostname(name, namelen));
 #undef gethostbyname
 struct hostent *mingw_gethostbyname(const char *host)
+	struct hostent *ret;
-	return gethostbyname(host);
+	ret = gethostbyname(host);
+	if (!ret)
+		set_wsa_errno();
+	return ret;
 #undef getaddrinfo
@@ -2134,7 +2266,7 @@ int mingw_getaddrinfo(const char *node, const char *service,
 		      const struct addrinfo *hints, struct addrinfo **res)
-	return getaddrinfo(node, service, hints, res);
+	WINSOCK_RETURN(getaddrinfo(node, service, hints, res));
 int mingw_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol)
@@ -2154,7 +2286,7 @@ int mingw_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol)
 		 * in errno so that _if_ someone looks up the code somewhere,
 		 * then it is at least the number that are usually listed.
-		errno = WSAGetLastError();
+		set_wsa_errno();
 		return -1;
 	/* convert into a file descriptor */
@@ -2170,35 +2302,35 @@ int mingw_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol)
 int mingw_connect(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *sa, size_t sz)
 	SOCKET s = (SOCKET)_get_osfhandle(sockfd);
-	return connect(s, sa, sz);
+	WINSOCK_RETURN(connect(s, sa, sz));
 #undef bind
 int mingw_bind(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *sa, size_t sz)
 	SOCKET s = (SOCKET)_get_osfhandle(sockfd);
-	return bind(s, sa, sz);
+	WINSOCK_RETURN(bind(s, sa, sz));
 #undef setsockopt
 int mingw_setsockopt(int sockfd, int lvl, int optname, void *optval, int optlen)
 	SOCKET s = (SOCKET)_get_osfhandle(sockfd);
-	return setsockopt(s, lvl, optname, (const char*)optval, optlen);
+	WINSOCK_RETURN(setsockopt(s, lvl, optname, (const char*)optval, optlen));
 #undef shutdown
 int mingw_shutdown(int sockfd, int how)
 	SOCKET s = (SOCKET)_get_osfhandle(sockfd);
-	return shutdown(s, how);
+	WINSOCK_RETURN(shutdown(s, how));
 #undef listen
 int mingw_listen(int sockfd, int backlog)
 	SOCKET s = (SOCKET)_get_osfhandle(sockfd);
-	return listen(s, backlog);
+	WINSOCK_RETURN(listen(s, backlog));
 #undef accept
@@ -2209,6 +2341,11 @@ int mingw_accept(int sockfd1, struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t *sz)
 	SOCKET s1 = (SOCKET)_get_osfhandle(sockfd1);
 	SOCKET s2 = accept(s1, sa, sz);
+	if (s2 == INVALID_SOCKET) {
+		set_wsa_errno();
+		return -1;
+	}
 	/* convert into a file descriptor */
 	if ((sockfd2 = _open_osfhandle(s2, O_RDWR|O_BINARY)) < 0) {
 		int err = errno;

From 13b040d5a270c5be54b85739347f88de3b4e93c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2020 21:07:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 020/154] mingw: do resolve symlinks in `getcwd()`

As pointed out in,
the `git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree` command currently fails when
the current directory's path contains symbolic links.

The underlying reason for this bug is that `getcwd()` is supposed to
resolve symbolic links, but our `mingw_getcwd()` implementation did not.

We do have all the building blocks for that, though: the
`GetFinalPathByHandleW()` function will resolve symbolic links. However,
we only called that function if `GetLongPathNameW()` failed, for
historical reasons: the latter function was supported for a long time,
but the former API function was introduced only with Windows Vista, and
we used to support also Windows XP. With that support having been
dropped, we are free to call the symbolic link-resolving function right

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/mingw.c | 18 +++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 1d5b211b548dab..6263a725c8bc36 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -1211,18 +1211,16 @@ char *mingw_getcwd(char *pointer, int len)
 	wchar_t cwd[MAX_PATH], wpointer[MAX_PATH];
 	DWORD ret = GetCurrentDirectoryW(ARRAY_SIZE(cwd), cwd);
+	HANDLE hnd;
 	if (!ret || ret >= ARRAY_SIZE(cwd)) {
 		errno = ret ? ENAMETOOLONG : err_win_to_posix(GetLastError());
 		return NULL;
-	ret = GetLongPathNameW(cwd, wpointer, ARRAY_SIZE(wpointer));
-	if (!ret && GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) {
-		HANDLE hnd = CreateFileW(cwd, 0,
-			return NULL;
+	hnd = CreateFileW(cwd, 0,
+	if (hnd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
 		ret = GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(hnd, wpointer, ARRAY_SIZE(wpointer), 0);
 		if (!ret || ret >= ARRAY_SIZE(wpointer))
@@ -1231,13 +1229,11 @@ char *mingw_getcwd(char *pointer, int len)
 			return NULL;
 		return pointer;
-	if (!ret || ret >= ARRAY_SIZE(wpointer))
-		return NULL;
-	if (GetFileAttributesW(wpointer) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
+	if (GetFileAttributesW(cwd) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
 		errno = ENOENT;
 		return NULL;
-	if (xwcstoutf(pointer, wpointer, len) < 0)
+	if (xwcstoutf(pointer, cwd, len) < 0)
 		return NULL;
 	return pointer;

From 3272ab07ccb439778c5aedd4343500ceb546c390 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bjoern Mueller <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2020 13:49:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 021/154] mingw: fix fatal error working on mapped network
 drives on Windows

In 1e64d18 (mingw: do resolve symlinks in `getcwd()`) a problem was
introduced that causes git for Windows to stop working with certain
mapped network drives (in particular, drives that are mapped to
locations with long path names). Error message was "fatal: Unable to
read current working directory: No such file or directory". Present
change fixes this issue as discussed in

Signed-off-by: Bjoern Mueller <>
 compat/mingw.c | 9 +++++++--
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 1d5b211b548dab..6b5938f62e4534 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -1225,8 +1225,13 @@ char *mingw_getcwd(char *pointer, int len)
 			return NULL;
 		ret = GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(hnd, wpointer, ARRAY_SIZE(wpointer), 0);
-		if (!ret || ret >= ARRAY_SIZE(wpointer))
-			return NULL;
+		if (!ret || ret >= ARRAY_SIZE(wpointer)) {
+			ret = GetLongPathNameW(cwd, wpointer, ARRAY_SIZE(wpointer));
+			if (!ret || ret >= ARRAY_SIZE(wpointer)) {
+				errno = ret ? ENAMETOOLONG : err_win_to_posix(GetLastError());
+				return NULL;
+			}
+		}
 		if (xwcstoutf(pointer, normalize_ntpath(wpointer), len) < 0)
 			return NULL;
 		return pointer;

From 3acd06a118e79611ea8b7b8b5ba9151c28427545 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Hostetler <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 14:22:27 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 022/154] fix MSVC compile script to handle

Update to link with either libcurl.lib or libcurl-d.lib
depending on whether DEBUG=1 is set.

Signed-off-by: Jeff Hostetler <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/vcbuild/scripts/ | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/scripts/ b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
index 3bd824154be381..c4c99d1a11f18c 100755
--- a/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@
 		# need to use that instead?
 		foreach my $flag (@lflags) {
 			if ($flag =~ /^-LIBPATH:(.*)/) {
-				foreach my $l ("libcurl_imp.lib", "libcurl.lib") {
+				my $libcurl = $is_debug ? "libcurl-d.lib" : "libcurl.lib";
+				foreach my $l ("libcurl_imp.lib", $libcurl) {
 					if (-f "$1/$l") {
 						$lib = $l;

From 222babcd77962dfdbc61d93119e0e323cedb5c9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 11:49:04 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 023/154] mingw: implement a platform-specific

There is a Win32 API function to resolve symbolic links, and we can use
that instead of resolving them manually. Even better, this function also
resolves NTFS junction points (which are somewhat similar to bind

This fixes

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/mingw.c        | 76 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 compat/mingw.h        |  3 ++
 t/ |  8 +++++
 t/        |  2 +-
 t/      |  7 ++++
 5 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 1d5b211b548dab..69b3c762f4f5d9 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -1207,6 +1207,82 @@ struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *timep, struct tm *result)
+char *mingw_strbuf_realpath(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path)
+	wchar_t wpath[MAX_PATH];
+	DWORD ret;
+	int len;
+	const char *last_component = NULL;
+	char *append = NULL;
+	if (xutftowcs_path(wpath, path) < 0)
+		return NULL;
+	h = CreateFileW(wpath, 0,
+	/*
+	 * strbuf_realpath() allows the last path component to not exist. If
+	 * that is the case, now it's time to try without last component.
+	 */
+	    GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
+		/* cut last component off of `wpath` */
+		wchar_t *p = wpath + wcslen(wpath);
+		while (p != wpath)
+			if (*(--p) == L'/' || *p == L'\\')
+				break; /* found start of last component */
+		if (p != wpath && (last_component = find_last_dir_sep(path))) {
+			append = xstrdup(last_component + 1); /* skip directory separator */
+			/*
+			 * Do not strip the trailing slash at the drive root, otherwise
+			 * the path would be e.g. `C:` (which resolves to the
+			 * _current_ directory on that drive).
+			 */
+			if (p[-1] == L':')
+				p[1] = L'\0';
+			else
+				*p = L'\0';
+			h = CreateFileW(wpath, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ |
+		}
+	}
+		FREE_AND_NULL(append);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	ret = GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(h, wpath, ARRAY_SIZE(wpath), 0);
+	CloseHandle(h);
+	if (!ret || ret >= ARRAY_SIZE(wpath))
+		goto realpath_failed;
+	len = wcslen(wpath) * 3;
+	strbuf_grow(resolved, len);
+	len = xwcstoutf(resolved->buf, normalize_ntpath(wpath), len);
+	if (len < 0)
+		goto realpath_failed;
+	resolved->len = len;
+	if (append) {
+		/* Use forward-slash, like `normalize_ntpath()` */
+		strbuf_complete(resolved, '/');
+		strbuf_addstr(resolved, append);
+		FREE_AND_NULL(append);
+	}
+	return resolved->buf;
 char *mingw_getcwd(char *pointer, int len)
 	wchar_t cwd[MAX_PATH], wpointer[MAX_PATH];
diff --git a/compat/mingw.h b/compat/mingw.h
index ebfb8ba423b754..35c427376cbc6d 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.h
+++ b/compat/mingw.h
@@ -457,6 +457,9 @@ static inline void convert_slashes(char *path)
 #define PATH_SEP ';'
 char *mingw_query_user_email(void);
 #define query_user_email mingw_query_user_email
+struct strbuf;
+char *mingw_strbuf_realpath(struct strbuf *resolved, const char *path);
+#define platform_strbuf_realpath mingw_strbuf_realpath
 #if !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR) && (!defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER < 1800)
 #define PRIuMAX "I64u"
 #define PRId64 "I64d"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index dbb2e73bcd912a..14ac5c1137d0c2 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -281,6 +281,14 @@ test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'real path works on symlinks' '
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success MINGW 'real path works near drive root' '
+	# we need a non-existing path at the drive root; simply skip if C:/xyz exists
+	if test ! -e C:/xyz
+	then
+		test C:/xyz = $(test-tool path-utils real_path C:/xyz)
+	fi
 test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'prefix_path works with absolute paths to work tree symlinks' '
 	ln -s target symlink &&
 	echo "symlink" >expect &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d934f3417faa45..10185f31f019a9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ test_expect_success CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS 'path is case-insensitive' '
 	git add "$downcased"
-test_expect_failure MINGW 'can add files via NTFS junctions' '
+test_expect_success MINGW 'can add files via NTFS junctions' '
 	test_when_finished "cmd //c rmdir junction && rm -rf target" &&
 	test_create_repo target &&
 	cmd //c "mklink /j junction target" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d0c18660e33113..b3ecd6b8b06c33 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -78,6 +78,13 @@ test_expect_success 'clone respects GIT_WORK_TREE' '
+test_expect_success CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS 'core.worktree is not added due to path case' '
+	mkdir UPPERCASE &&
+	git clone src "$(pwd)/uppercase" &&
+	test "unset" = "$(git -C UPPERCASE config --default unset core.worktree)"
 test_expect_success 'clone from hooks' '
 	test_create_repo r0 &&

From d0e2fb916698170cc92f265979002f905a12cc11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2017 13:28:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 024/154] mingw: ensure valid CTYPE

A change between versions 2.4.1 and 2.6.0 of the MSYS2 runtime modified
how Cygwin's runtime (and hence Git for Windows' MSYS2 runtime
derivative) handles locales: d16a56306d (Consolidate wctomb/mbtowc calls
for POSIX-1.2008, 2016-07-20).

An unintended side-effect is that "cold-calling" into the POSIX
emulation will start with a locale based on the current code page,
something that Git for Windows is very ill-prepared for, as it expects
to be able to pass a command-line containing non-ASCII characters to the
shell without having those characters munged.

One symptom of this behavior: when `git clone` or `git fetch` shell out
to call `git-upload-pack` with a path that contains non-ASCII
characters, the shell tried to interpret the entire command-line
(including command-line parameters) as executable path, which obviously
must fail.

This fixes

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/mingw.c | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 1d5b211b548dab..5f6b42b3301643 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -2822,6 +2822,9 @@ static void setup_windows_environment(void)
 		if (!tmp && (tmp = getenv("USERPROFILE")))
 			setenv("HOME", tmp, 1);
+	if (!getenv("LC_ALL") && !getenv("LC_CTYPE") && !getenv("LANG"))
+		setenv("LC_CTYPE", "C.UTF-8", 1);
 static PSID get_current_user_sid(void)

From 0b5dd6d021af6e9acf4b94da30ce0f374685d487 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2020 00:31:16 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 025/154] mingw: allow `git.exe` to be used instead of the "Git

Git for Windows wants to add `git.exe` to the users' `PATH`, without
cluttering the latter with unnecessary executables such as `wish.exe`.
To that end, it invented the concept of its "Git wrapper", i.e. a tiny
executable located in `C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe` (originally a
CMD script) whose sole purpose is to set up a couple of environment
variables and then spawn the _actual_ `git.exe` (which nowadays lives in
`C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\git.exe` for 64-bit, and the obvious
equivalent for 32-bit installations).

Currently, the following environment variables are set unless already

- `MSYSTEM`, to make sure that the MSYS2 Bash and the MSYS2 Perl
  interpreter behave as expected, and

- `PLINK_PROTOCOL`, to force PuTTY's `plink.exe` to use the SSH
  protocol instead of Telnet,

- `PATH`, to make sure that the `bin` folder in the user's home
  directory, as well as the `/mingw64/bin` and the `/usr/bin`
  directories are included. The trick here is that the `/mingw64/bin/`
  and `/usr/bin/` directories are relative to the top-level installation
  directory of Git for Windows (which the included Bash interprets as
  `/`, i.e. as the MSYS pseudo root directory).

Using the absence of `MSYSTEM` as a tell-tale, we can detect in
`git.exe` whether these environment variables have been initialized
properly. Therefore we can call `C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\git`
in-place after this change, without having to call Git through the Git

Obviously, above-mentioned directories must be _prepended_ to the `PATH`
variable, otherwise we risk picking up executables from unrelated Git
installations. We do that by constructing the new `PATH` value from
scratch, appending `$HOME/bin` (if `HOME` is set), then the MSYS2 system
directories, and then appending the original `PATH`.

Side note: this modification of the `PATH` variable is independent of
the modification necessary to reach the executables and scripts in
`/mingw64/libexec/git-core/`, i.e. the `GIT_EXEC_PATH`. That
modification is still performed by Git, elsewhere, long after making the
changes described above.

While we _still_ cannot simply hard-link `mingw64\bin\git.exe` to `cmd`
(because the former depends on a couple of `.dll` files that are only in
`mingw64\bin`, i.e. calling `...\cmd\git.exe` would fail to load due to
missing dependencies), at least we can now avoid that extra process of
running the Git wrapper (which then has to wait for the spawned
`git.exe` to finish) by calling `...\mingw64\bin\git.exe` directly, via
its absolute path.

Testing this is in Git's test suite tricky: we set up a "new" MSYS
pseudo-root and copy the `git.exe` file into the appropriate location,
then verify that `MSYSTEM` is set properly, and also that the `PATH` is
modified so that scripts can be found in `$HOME/bin`, `/mingw64/bin/`
and `/usr/bin/`.

This addresses

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/mingw.c        | 69 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 config.mak.uname      |  4 +--
 t/ | 31 ++++++++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 5f6b42b3301643..97860f1fc7eff1 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -2771,6 +2771,47 @@ int xwcstoutf(char *utf, const wchar_t *wcs, size_t utflen)
 	return -1;
+static size_t append_system_bin_dirs(char *path, size_t size)
+#if !defined(RUNTIME_PREFIX) || !defined(HAVE_WPGMPTR)
+	return 0;
+	char prefix[32768];
+	const char *slash;
+	size_t len = xwcstoutf(prefix, _wpgmptr, sizeof(prefix)), off = 0;
+	if (len == 0 || len >= sizeof(prefix) ||
+	    !(slash = find_last_dir_sep(prefix)))
+		return 0;
+	/* strip trailing `git.exe` */
+	len = slash - prefix;
+	/* strip trailing `cmd` or `mingw64\bin` or `mingw32\bin` or `bin` or `libexec\git-core` */
+	if (strip_suffix_mem(prefix, &len, "\\mingw64\\libexec\\git-core") ||
+	    strip_suffix_mem(prefix, &len, "\\mingw64\\bin"))
+		off += xsnprintf(path + off, size - off,
+				 "%.*s\\mingw64\\bin;", (int)len, prefix);
+	else if (strip_suffix_mem(prefix, &len, "\\mingw32\\libexec\\git-core") ||
+		 strip_suffix_mem(prefix, &len, "\\mingw32\\bin"))
+		off += xsnprintf(path + off, size - off,
+				 "%.*s\\mingw32\\bin;", (int)len, prefix);
+	else if (strip_suffix_mem(prefix, &len, "\\cmd") ||
+		 strip_suffix_mem(prefix, &len, "\\bin") ||
+		 strip_suffix_mem(prefix, &len, "\\libexec\\git-core"))
+		off += xsnprintf(path + off, size - off,
+				 "%.*s\\mingw%d\\bin;", (int)len, prefix,
+				 (int)(sizeof(void *) * 8));
+	else
+		return 0;
+	off += xsnprintf(path + off, size - off,
+			 "%.*s\\usr\\bin;", (int)len, prefix);
+	return off;
 static void setup_windows_environment(void)
 	char *tmp = getenv("TMPDIR");
@@ -2823,6 +2864,34 @@ static void setup_windows_environment(void)
 			setenv("HOME", tmp, 1);
+	if (!getenv("PLINK_PROTOCOL"))
+		setenv("PLINK_PROTOCOL", "ssh", 0);
+	if (!(tmp = getenv("MSYSTEM")) || !tmp[0]) {
+		const char *home = getenv("HOME"), *path = getenv("PATH");
+		char buf[32768];
+		size_t off = 0;
+		xsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
+			  "MINGW%d", (int)(sizeof(void *) * 8));
+		setenv("MSYSTEM", buf, 1);
+		if (home)
+			off += xsnprintf(buf + off, sizeof(buf) - off,
+					 "%s\\bin;", home);
+		off += append_system_bin_dirs(buf + off, sizeof(buf) - off);
+		if (path)
+			off += xsnprintf(buf + off, sizeof(buf) - off,
+					 "%s", path);
+		else if (off > 0)
+			buf[off - 1] = '\0';
+		else
+			buf[0] = '\0';
+		setenv("PATH", buf, 1);
+	}
 	if (!getenv("LC_ALL") && !getenv("LC_CTYPE") && !getenv("LANG"))
 		setenv("LC_CTYPE", "C.UTF-8", 1);
diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index b12d4e168ae119..23748b65a8e480 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ endif
 		compat/win32/pthread.o compat/win32/syslog.o \
 		compat/win32/trace2_win32_process_info.o \
 	# invalidcontinue.obj allows Git's source code to close the same file
 	# handle twice, or to access the osfhandle of an already-closed stdout
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ ifeq ($(uname_S),MINGW)
 	CC = gcc
-		-fstack-protector-strong
+		-DENSURE_MSYSTEM_IS_SET -fstack-protector-strong
 	EXTLIBS += -lntdll
 	EXTRA_PROGRAMS += headless-git$X
 	INSTALL = /bin/install
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index dbb2e73bcd912a..a4edda1462da52 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -598,7 +598,8 @@ test_expect_success !VALGRIND,RUNTIME_PREFIX,CAN_EXEC_IN_PWD 'RUNTIME_PREFIX wor
 	cp "$GIT_EXEC_PATH"/git$X pretend/bin/ &&
 	GIT_EXEC_PATH= ./pretend/bin/git here >actual &&
 	echo HERE >expect &&
-	test_cmp expect actual'
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success !VALGRIND,RUNTIME_PREFIX,CAN_EXEC_IN_PWD '%(prefix)/ works' '
 	mkdir -p pretend/bin &&
@@ -609,4 +610,32 @@ test_expect_success !VALGRIND,RUNTIME_PREFIX,CAN_EXEC_IN_PWD '%(prefix)/ works'
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success MINGW 'MSYSTEM/PATH is adjusted if necessary' '
+	mkdir -p "$HOME"/bin pretend/mingw64/bin \
+		pretend/mingw64/libexec/git-core pretend/usr/bin &&
+	cp "$GIT_EXEC_PATH"/git.exe pretend/mingw64/bin/ &&
+	cp "$GIT_EXEC_PATH"/git.exe pretend/mingw64/libexec/git-core/ &&
+	# copy the .dll files, if any (happens when building via CMake)
+	case "$GIT_EXEC_PATH"/*.dll in
+	*/"*.dll") ;; # no `.dll` files to be copied
+	*)
+		cp "$GIT_EXEC_PATH"/*.dll pretend/mingw64/bin/ &&
+		cp "$GIT_EXEC_PATH"/*.dll pretend/mingw64/libexec/git-core/
+		;;
+	esac &&
+	echo "env | grep MSYSTEM=" | write_script "$HOME"/bin/git-test-home &&
+	echo "echo mingw64" | write_script pretend/mingw64/bin/git-test-bin &&
+	echo "echo usr" | write_script pretend/usr/bin/git-test-bin2 &&
+	(
+		MSYSTEM= &&
+		pretend/mingw64/libexec/git-core/git.exe test-home >actual &&
+		pretend/mingw64/libexec/git-core/git.exe test-bin >>actual &&
+		pretend/mingw64/bin/git.exe test-bin2 >>actual
+	) &&
+	test_write_lines MSYSTEM=$MSYSTEM mingw64 usr >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect actual

From ac16fde85958b78450bf5552af0089243f70db05 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2020 12:13:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 026/154] mingw: ignore HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH if it points to
 Windows' system directory

Internally, Git expects the environment variable `HOME` to be set, and
to point to the current user's home directory.

This environment variable is not set by default on Windows, and
therefore Git tries its best to construct one if it finds `HOME` unset.

There are actually two different approaches Git tries: first, it looks
at `HOMEDRIVE`/`HOMEPATH` because this is widely used in corporate
environments with roaming profiles, and a user generally wants their
global Git settings to be in a roaming profile.

Only when `HOMEDRIVE`/`HOMEPATH` is either unset or does not point to a
valid location, Git will fall back to using `USERPROFILE` instead.

However, starting with Windows Vista, for secondary logons and services,
the environment variables `HOMEDRIVE`/`HOMEPATH` point to Windows'
system directory (usually `C:\Windows\system32`).

That is undesirable, and that location is usually write-protected anyway.

So let's verify that the `HOMEDRIVE`/`HOMEPATH` combo does not point to
Windows' system directory before using it, falling back to `USERPROFILE`
if it does.

This fixes git-for-windows#2709

Initial-Path-by: Ivan Pozdeev <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/mingw.c | 15 ++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 97860f1fc7eff1..bd415c4471348a 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -2812,6 +2812,18 @@ static size_t append_system_bin_dirs(char *path, size_t size)
+static int is_system32_path(const char *path)
+	WCHAR system32[MAX_PATH], wpath[MAX_PATH];
+	if (xutftowcs_path(wpath, path) < 0 ||
+	    !GetSystemDirectoryW(system32, ARRAY_SIZE(system32)) ||
+	    _wcsicmp(system32, wpath))
+		return 0;
+	return 1;
 static void setup_windows_environment(void)
 	char *tmp = getenv("TMPDIR");
@@ -2852,7 +2864,8 @@ static void setup_windows_environment(void)
 			strbuf_addstr(&buf, tmp);
 			if ((tmp = getenv("HOMEPATH"))) {
 				strbuf_addstr(&buf, tmp);
-				if (is_directory(buf.buf))
+				if (!is_system32_path(buf.buf) &&
+				    is_directory(buf.buf))
 					setenv("HOME", buf.buf, 1);
 					tmp = NULL; /* use $USERPROFILE */

From efa8463fab110caf8bb6bfcb0024fe3755fe0d83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 21:55:28 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 027/154] http: use new "best effort" strategy for Secure
 Channel revoke checking
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

The native Windows HTTPS backend is based on Secure Channel which lets
the caller decide how to handle revocation checking problems caused by
missing information in the certificate or offline CRL distribution

Unfortunately, cURL chose to handle these problems differently than
OpenSSL by default: while OpenSSL happily ignores those problems
(essentially saying "¯\_(ツ)_/¯"), the Secure Channel backend will error
out instead.

As a remedy, the "no revoke" mode was introduced, which turns off
revocation checking altogether. This is a bit heavy-handed. We support
this via the `http.schannelCheckRevoke` setting.

In, we contributed an opt-in
"best effort" strategy that emulates what OpenSSL seems to do.

In Git for Windows, we actually want this to be the default. This patch
makes it so, introducing it as a new value for the
`http.schannelCheckRevoke" setting, which now becmes a tristate: it
accepts the values "false", "true" or "best-effort" (defaulting to the
last one).

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 Documentation/config/http.txt | 12 +++++++-----
 http.c                        | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/config/http.txt b/Documentation/config/http.txt
index a14371b5c96a51..9125d93a75b036 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/http.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/http.txt
@@ -218,11 +218,13 @@ http.sslBackend::
 	Used to enforce or disable certificate revocation checks in cURL
-	when http.sslBackend is set to "schannel". Defaults to `true` if
-	unset. Only necessary to disable this if Git consistently errors
-	and the message is about checking the revocation status of a
-	certificate. This option is ignored if cURL lacks support for
-	setting the relevant SSL option at runtime.
+	when http.sslBackend is set to "schannel" via "true" and "false",
+	respectively. Another accepted value is "best-effort" (the default)
+	in which case revocation checks are performed, but errors due to
+	revocation list distribution points that are offline are silently
+	ignored, as well as errors due to certificates missing revocation
+	list distribution points. This option is ignored if cURL lacks
+	support for setting the relevant SSL option at runtime.
 	As of cURL v7.60.0, the Secure Channel backend can use the
diff --git a/http.c b/http.c
index c8fc15aa118d3b..e057e877163b7b 100644
--- a/http.c
+++ b/http.c
@@ -143,7 +143,13 @@ static char *cached_accept_language;
 static char *http_ssl_backend;
-static int http_schannel_check_revoke = 1;
+static int http_schannel_check_revoke_mode =
  * With the backend being set to `schannel`, setting sslCAinfo would override
  * the Certificate Store in cURL v7.60.0 and later, which is not what we want
@@ -418,7 +424,19 @@ static int http_options(const char *var, const char *value,
 	if (!strcmp("http.schannelcheckrevoke", var)) {
-		http_schannel_check_revoke = git_config_bool(var, value);
+		if (value && !strcmp(value, "best-effort")) {
+			http_schannel_check_revoke_mode =
+			warning(_("%s=%s unsupported by current cURL"),
+				var, value);
+		} else
+			http_schannel_check_revoke_mode =
+				(git_config_bool(var, value) ?
 		return 0;
@@ -1045,8 +1063,8 @@ static CURL *get_curl_handle(void)
 	if (http_ssl_backend && !strcmp("schannel", http_ssl_backend) &&
-	    !http_schannel_check_revoke) {
-		curl_easy_setopt(result, CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS, CURLSSLOPT_NO_REVOKE);
+	    http_schannel_check_revoke_mode) {
+		curl_easy_setopt(result, CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS, http_schannel_check_revoke_mode);
 	if (http_proactive_auth != PROACTIVE_AUTH_NONE)

From 10731e489cb84d6031cb576fd844dcd2d0409b96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 14:08:36 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 028/154] vcxproj: unclash project directories with build

It already caused problems with the test suite that the directory
containing `git.vcxproj` is called the same as the Git executable
without its file extension: `./git` is ambiguous, it could refer both to
the directory `git/` as well as to `git.exe`.

Now there is one more problem: when our GitHub workflow runs on the
`vs/master` branch, it fails in all but the Windows builds, as they want
to write the file `git` but there is already a directory in the way.

Let's just go ahead and append `.proj` to all of those directories, e.g.
`git.proj/` instead of `git/`.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 config.mak.uname                           |  8 ++++----
 contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ | 18 ++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index b12d4e168ae119..ecca53fc0d0d8b 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ vcxproj:
 	# Make .vcxproj files and add them
 	perl contrib/buildsystems/generate -g Vcxproj
-	git add -f git.sln {*,*/lib,t/helper/*}/*.vcxproj
+	git add -f git.sln {*,*/lib.proj,t/helper/*}/*.vcxproj
 	# Generate the LinkOrCopyBuiltins.targets and LinkOrCopyRemoteHttp.targets file
 	(echo '<Project xmlns="">' && \
@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ vcxproj:
 	   echo '    <Copy SourceFiles="$$(OutDir)\git.exe" DestinationFiles="$$(OutDir)\'"$$name"'" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" UseHardlinksIfPossible="true" />'; \
 	 done && \
 	 echo '  </Target>' && \
-	 echo '</Project>') >git/LinkOrCopyBuiltins.targets
+	 echo '</Project>') >git.proj/LinkOrCopyBuiltins.targets
 	(echo '<Project xmlns="">' && \
 	 echo '  <Target Name="CopyBuiltins_AfterBuild" AfterTargets="AfterBuild">' && \
 	 for name in $(REMOTE_CURL_ALIASES); \
@@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ vcxproj:
 	   echo '    <Copy SourceFiles="$$(OutDir)\'"$(REMOTE_CURL_PRIMARY)"'" DestinationFiles="$$(OutDir)\'"$$name"'" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" UseHardlinksIfPossible="true" />'; \
 	 done && \
 	 echo '  </Target>' && \
-	 echo '</Project>') >git-remote-http/LinkOrCopyRemoteHttp.targets
-	git add -f git/LinkOrCopyBuiltins.targets git-remote-http/LinkOrCopyRemoteHttp.targets
+	 echo '</Project>') >git-remote-http.proj/LinkOrCopyRemoteHttp.targets
+	git add -f git.proj/LinkOrCopyBuiltins.targets git-remote-http.proj/LinkOrCopyRemoteHttp.targets
 	# Add generated headers
 	$(MAKE) MSVC=1 SKIP_VCPKG=1 prefix=/mingw64 $(GENERATED_H)
diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
index b2e68a16715e39..0439b82f55e243 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ sub createProject {
     my $uuid = generate_guid($name);
     $$build_structure{"$prefix${target}_GUID"} = $uuid;
     my $vcxproj = $target;
-    $vcxproj =~ s/(.*\/)?(.*)/$&\/$2.vcxproj/;
-    $vcxproj =~ s/([^\/]*)(\/lib)\/(lib.vcxproj)/$1$2\/$1_$3/;
+    $vcxproj =~ s/(.*\/)?(.*)/$&.proj\/$2.vcxproj/;
+    $vcxproj =~ s/([^\/]*)(\/lib\.proj)\/(lib.vcxproj)/$1$2\/$1_$3/;
     $$build_structure{"$prefix${target}_VCXPROJ"} = $vcxproj;
     my @srcs = sort(map("$rel_dir\\$_", @{$$build_structure{"$prefix${name}_SOURCES"}}));
@@ -89,7 +89,9 @@ sub createProject {
     $defines =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
     $defines =~ s/\'//g;
-    die "Could not create the directory $target for $label project!\n" unless (-d "$target" || mkdir "$target");
+    my $dir = $vcxproj;
+    $dir =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//;
+    die "Could not create the directory $dir for $label project!\n" unless (-d "$dir" || mkdir "$dir");
     open F, ">$vcxproj" or die "Could not open $vcxproj for writing!\n";
     binmode F, ":crlf :utf8";
@@ -237,7 +239,7 @@ EOM
       print F << "EOM";
-    <ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\libgit\\libgit.vcxproj">
+    <ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\libgit.proj\\libgit.vcxproj">
@@ -252,7 +254,7 @@ EOM
       if (!($name =~ 'xdiff')) {
         print F << "EOM";
-    <ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\xdiff\\lib\\xdiff_lib.vcxproj">
+    <ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\xdiff\\lib.proj\\xdiff_lib.vcxproj">
@@ -261,7 +263,7 @@ EOM
       if ($name =~ /(test-(line-buffer|svn-fe)|^git-remote-testsvn)\.exe$/) {
         my $uuid_vcs_svn_lib = $$build_structure{"LIBS_vcs-svn/lib_GUID"};
         print F << "EOM";
-    <ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\vcs-svn\\lib\\vcs-svn_lib.vcxproj">
+    <ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\vcs-svn\\lib.proj\\vcs-svn_lib.vcxproj">
@@ -338,7 +340,7 @@ sub createGlueProject {
 	my $vcxproj = $build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_VCXPROJ"};
 	$vcxproj =~ s/\//\\/g;
         $appname =~ s/.*\///;
-        print F "\"${appname}\", \"${vcxproj}\", \"${uuid}\"";
+        print F "\"${appname}.proj\", \"${vcxproj}\", \"${uuid}\"";
         print F "$SLN_POST";
     foreach (@libs) {
@@ -348,7 +350,7 @@ sub createGlueProject {
         my $vcxproj = $build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_VCXPROJ"};
 	$vcxproj =~ s/\//\\/g;
         $libname =~ s/\//_/g;
-        print F "\"${libname}\", \"${vcxproj}\", \"${uuid}\"";
+        print F "\"${libname}.proj\", \"${vcxproj}\", \"${uuid}\"";
         print F "$SLN_POST";

From a6ba31732b56604859563634163b6de65a0c8382 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 16:19:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 029/154] t5505/t5516: allow running without `.git/branches/`
 in the templates

When we commit the template directory as part of `make vcxproj`, the
`branches/` directory is not actually commited, as it is empty.

Two tests were not prepared for that situation.

This developer tried to get rid of the support for `.git/branches/` a
long time ago, but that effort did not bear fruit, so the best we can do
is work around in these here tests.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 t/     | 4 ++--
 t/ | 8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 519f7973e31287..a64f3fb077564b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ test_expect_success 'migrate a remote from named file in $GIT_DIR/branches' '
 		cd six &&
 		git remote rm origin &&
-		mkdir .git/branches &&
+		mkdir -p .git/branches &&
 		echo "$origin_url#main" >.git/branches/origin &&
 		git remote rename origin origin &&
 		test_path_is_missing .git/branches/origin &&
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ test_expect_success 'migrate a remote from named file in $GIT_DIR/branches (2)'
 		cd seven &&
 		git remote rm origin &&
-		mkdir .git/branches &&
+		mkdir -p .git/branches &&
 		echo "quux#foom" > .git/branches/origin &&
 		git remote rename origin origin &&
 		test_path_is_missing .git/branches/origin &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 041d7d806fea57..ab6beb4b9b333f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -979,7 +979,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with branches' '
 	mk_empty testrepo &&
 	git branch second $the_first_commit &&
 	git checkout second &&
-	mkdir testrepo/.git/branches &&
+	mkdir -p testrepo/.git/branches &&
 	echo ".." > testrepo/.git/branches/branch1 &&
 		cd testrepo &&
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with branches' '
 test_expect_success 'fetch with branches containing #' '
 	mk_empty testrepo &&
-	mkdir testrepo/.git/branches &&
+	mkdir -p testrepo/.git/branches &&
 	echo "..#second" > testrepo/.git/branches/branch2 &&
 		cd testrepo &&
@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with branches' '
 	git checkout second &&
 	test_when_finished "rm -rf .git/branches" &&
-	mkdir .git/branches &&
+	mkdir -p .git/branches &&
 	echo "testrepo" > .git/branches/branch1 &&
 	git push branch1 &&
@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with branches containing #' '
 	mk_empty testrepo &&
 	test_when_finished "rm -rf .git/branches" &&
-	mkdir .git/branches &&
+	mkdir -p .git/branches &&
 	echo "testrepo#branch3" > .git/branches/branch2 &&
 	git push branch2 &&

From 41c294eb81871d48d80ad2a381a22d9301a3f53a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sat, 9 May 2020 19:24:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 030/154] t5505/t5516: fix white-space around redirectors

The convention in Git project's shell scripts is to have white-space
_before_, but not _after_ the `>` (or `<`).

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 t/     |  6 +++---
 t/ | 10 +++++-----
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a64f3fb077564b..86498c62b29273 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -941,8 +941,8 @@ test_expect_success '"remote show" does not show symbolic refs' '
 		cd three &&
 		git remote show origin >output &&
-		! grep "^ *HEAD$" < output &&
-		! grep -i stale < output
+		! grep "^ *HEAD$" <output &&
+		! grep -i stale <output
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ test_expect_success 'migrate a remote from named file in $GIT_DIR/branches (2)'
 		cd seven &&
 		git remote rm origin &&
 		mkdir -p .git/branches &&
-		echo "quux#foom" > .git/branches/origin &&
+		echo "quux#foom" >.git/branches/origin &&
 		git remote rename origin origin &&
 		test_path_is_missing .git/branches/origin &&
 		test "$(git config remote.origin.url)" = "quux" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ab6beb4b9b333f..cc0fad65bfce9f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -980,7 +980,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with branches' '
 	git branch second $the_first_commit &&
 	git checkout second &&
 	mkdir -p testrepo/.git/branches &&
-	echo ".." > testrepo/.git/branches/branch1 &&
+	echo ".." >testrepo/.git/branches/branch1 &&
 		cd testrepo &&
 		git fetch branch1 &&
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch with branches' '
 test_expect_success 'fetch with branches containing #' '
 	mk_empty testrepo &&
 	mkdir -p testrepo/.git/branches &&
-	echo "..#second" > testrepo/.git/branches/branch2 &&
+	echo "..#second" >testrepo/.git/branches/branch2 &&
 		cd testrepo &&
 		git fetch branch2 &&
@@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with branches' '
 	test_when_finished "rm -rf .git/branches" &&
 	mkdir -p .git/branches &&
-	echo "testrepo" > .git/branches/branch1 &&
+	echo "testrepo" >.git/branches/branch1 &&
 	git push branch1 &&
@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ test_expect_success 'push with branches containing #' '
 	test_when_finished "rm -rf .git/branches" &&
 	mkdir -p .git/branches &&
-	echo "testrepo#branch3" > .git/branches/branch2 &&
+	echo "testrepo#branch3" >.git/branches/branch2 &&
 	git push branch2 &&
@@ -1557,7 +1557,7 @@ EOF
 	git init no-thin &&
 	git --git-dir=no-thin/.git config receive.unpacklimit 0 &&
 	git push no-thin/.git refs/heads/main:refs/heads/foo &&
-	echo modified >> path1 &&
+	echo modified >>path1 &&
 	git commit -am modified &&
 	git repack -adf &&
 	rcvpck="git receive-pack --reject-thin-pack-for-testing" &&

From ff5a4db2730d487063a8e7a34f22ac7b24fd1825 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 12:25:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 031/154] t3701: verify that we can add *lots* of files

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 t/ | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b8a05d95f3f130..81d0487b3b90eb 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1166,6 +1166,27 @@ test_expect_success 'checkout -p patch editing of added file' '
+test_expect_success EXPENSIVE 'add -i with a lot of files' '
+	git reset --hard &&
+	x160=0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 &&
+	x160=$x160$x160$x160$x160 &&
+	y= &&
+	i=0 &&
+	while test $i -le 200
+	do
+		name=$(printf "%s%03d" $x160 $i) &&
+		echo $name >$name &&
+		git add -N $name &&
+		y="${y}y$LF" &&
+		i=$(($i+1)) ||
+		exit 1
+	done &&
+	echo "$y" | git add -p -- . &&
+	git diff --cached >staged &&
+	test_line_count = 1407 staged &&
+	git reset --hard
 test_expect_success 'show help from add--helper' '
 	git reset --hard &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&

From 184a4ba0c5bfa21ab1d898a6f6b3c6d00d4d445c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Hostetler <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2021 14:25:31 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 032/154] fix libexpatd.lib link error when using

When building with `make MSVC=1 DEBUG=1`, link to `libexpatd.lib`
rather than `libexpat.lib`.

It appears that the `vcpkg` package for "libexpat" has changed and now
creates `libexpatd.lib` for debug mode builds.  Previously, both debug
and release builds created a ".lib" with the same basename.

Signed-off-by: Jeff Hostetler <>
 compat/vcbuild/scripts/ | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/scripts/ b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
index 3bd824154be381..2768ae15f1879f 100755
--- a/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
@@ -66,7 +66,11 @@
 		push(@args, $lib);
 	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-lexpat") {
+	    if ($is_debug) {
+		push(@args, "libexpatd.lib");
+	    } else {
 		push(@args, "libexpat.lib");
+	    }
 	} elsif ("$arg" =~ /^-L/ && "$arg" ne "-LTCG") {
 		$arg =~ s/^-L/-LIBPATH:/;
 		push(@lflags, $arg);

From eda3ac0a8b21aa14159f8c4247ab0ebd7e1191f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Hostetler <>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2021 15:27:38 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 033/154] Makefile: clean up .ilk files when MSVC=1

Signed-off-by: Jeff Hostetler <>
 Makefile | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 97e8385b6643b9..38da50f916aa47 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -3740,12 +3740,15 @@ ifdef MSVC
 	$(RM) $(patsubst %.o,%.o.pdb,$(OBJECTS))
 	$(RM) headless-git.o.pdb
 	$(RM) $(patsubst %.exe,%.pdb,$(OTHER_PROGRAMS))
+	$(RM) $(patsubst %.exe,%.ilk,$(OTHER_PROGRAMS))
 	$(RM) $(patsubst %.exe,%.iobj,$(OTHER_PROGRAMS))
 	$(RM) $(patsubst %.exe,%.ipdb,$(OTHER_PROGRAMS))
 	$(RM) $(patsubst %.exe,%.pdb,$(PROGRAMS))
+	$(RM) $(patsubst %.exe,%.ilk,$(PROGRAMS))
 	$(RM) $(patsubst %.exe,%.iobj,$(PROGRAMS))
 	$(RM) $(patsubst %.exe,%.ipdb,$(PROGRAMS))
 	$(RM) $(patsubst %.exe,%.pdb,$(TEST_PROGRAMS))
+	$(RM) $(patsubst %.exe,%.ilk,$(TEST_PROGRAMS))
 	$(RM) $(patsubst %.exe,%.iobj,$(TEST_PROGRAMS))
 	$(RM) $(patsubst %.exe,%.ipdb,$(TEST_PROGRAMS))
 	$(RM) compat/vcbuild/MSVC-DEFS-GEN

From 87fe2b98d421dfc2ec768f2510b353458137513c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Hostetler <>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2021 14:08:22 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 034/154] vcbuild: add support for compiling Windows resource

Create a wrapper for the Windows Resource Compiler (RC.EXE)
for use by the MSVC=1 builds. This is similar to the CL.EXE
and LIB.EXE wrappers used for the MSVC=1 builds.

Signed-off-by: Jeff Hostetler <>
 compat/vcbuild/find_vs_env.bat |  7 ++++++
 compat/vcbuild/scripts/   | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 config.mak.uname               |  3 ++-
 3 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 compat/vcbuild/scripts/

diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/find_vs_env.bat b/compat/vcbuild/find_vs_env.bat
index b35d264c0e6bed..379b16296e09c2 100644
--- a/compat/vcbuild/find_vs_env.bat
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/find_vs_env.bat
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ REM ================================================================
    SET sdk_dir=%WindowsSdkDir%
    SET sdk_ver=%WindowsSDKVersion%
+   SET sdk_ver_bin_dir=%WindowsSdkVerBinPath%%tgt%
    SET si=%sdk_dir%Include\%sdk_ver%
    SET sdk_includes=-I"%si%ucrt" -I"%si%um" -I"%si%shared"
    SET sl=%sdk_dir%lib\%sdk_ver%
@@ -130,6 +131,7 @@ REM ================================================================
    SET sdk_dir=%WindowsSdkDir%
    SET sdk_ver=%WindowsSDKVersion%
+   SET sdk_ver_bin_dir=%WindowsSdkVerBinPath%bin\amd64
    SET si=%sdk_dir%Include\%sdk_ver%
    SET sdk_includes=-I"%si%ucrt" -I"%si%um" -I"%si%shared" -I"%si%winrt"
    SET sl=%sdk_dir%lib\%sdk_ver%
@@ -160,6 +162,11 @@ REM ================================================================
    echo msvc_includes=%msvc_includes%
    echo msvc_libs=%msvc_libs%
+   echo sdk_ver_bin_dir=%sdk_ver_bin_dir%
+   SET X1=%sdk_ver_bin_dir:C:=/C%
+   SET X2=%X1:\=/%
+   echo sdk_ver_bin_dir_msys=%X2%
    echo sdk_includes=%sdk_includes%
    echo sdk_libs=%sdk_libs%
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/scripts/ b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..7bca4cd81c6c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Compile Resources on Windows
+# This is a wrapper to facilitate the compilation of Git with MSVC
+# using GNU Make as the build system. So, instead of manipulating the
+# Makefile into something nasty, just to support non-space arguments
+# etc, we use this wrapper to fix the command line options
+use strict;
+my @args = ();
+my @input = ();
+while (@ARGV) {
+	my $arg = shift @ARGV;
+	if ("$arg" =~ /^-[dD]/) {
+		# GIT_VERSION gets passed with too many
+		# layers of dquote escaping.
+		$arg =~ s/\\"/"/g;
+		push(@args, $arg);
+	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-i") {
+		my $arg = shift @ARGV;
+		# TODO complain if NULL or is dashed ??
+		push(@input, $arg);
+	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-o") {
+		my $arg = shift @ARGV;
+		# TODO complain if NULL or is dashed ??
+		push(@args, "-fo$arg");
+	} else {
+		push(@args, $arg);
+	}
+push(@args, "-nologo");
+push(@args, "-v");
+push(@args, @input);
+unshift(@args, "rc.exe");
+printf("**** @args\n");
+exit (system(@args) != 0);
diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index a57432ba5ad6b6..73f6219c5d8ef7 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ ifeq ($(uname_S),Windows)
 	# link.exe next to, and required by, cl.exe, we have to prepend this
 	# onto the existing $PATH.
-	SANE_TOOL_PATH ?= $(msvc_bin_dir_msys)
+	SANE_TOOL_PATH ?= $(msvc_bin_dir_msys):$(sdk_ver_bin_dir_msys)
 	HAVE_ALLOCA_H = YesPlease
 	NO_PREAD = YesPlease
@@ -508,6 +508,7 @@ endif
 	# See
 	EXTLIBS = user32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib wininet.lib ws2_32.lib invalidcontinue.obj kernel32.lib ntdll.lib
+	RC = compat/vcbuild/scripts/
 	lib =
 	BASIC_CFLAGS += $(vcpkg_inc) $(sdk_includes) $(msvc_includes)
 ifndef DEBUG

From 085334175b1c625ea387a53747b79ce5291db745 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Hostetler <>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2021 14:12:14 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 035/154] config.mak.uname: add git.rc to MSVC builds

Teach MSVC=1 builds to depend on the `git.rc` file so that
the resulting executables have Windows-style resources and
version number information within them.

Signed-off-by: Jeff Hostetler <>
 config.mak.uname | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index 73f6219c5d8ef7..f27cbfe9d0f796 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -507,6 +507,7 @@ endif
 	# handle twice, or to access the osfhandle of an already-closed stdout
 	# See
 	EXTLIBS = user32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib wininet.lib ws2_32.lib invalidcontinue.obj kernel32.lib ntdll.lib
+	GITLIBS += git.res
 	RC = compat/vcbuild/scripts/
 	lib =

From b47a343f4111f51beeca7e8e6369c6d5cd72501b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Hostetler <>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2021 14:24:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 036/154] ignore no-stack-protector arg on MSVC=1

Ignore the `-fno-stack-protector` compiler argument when building
with MSVC.  This will be used in a later commit that needs to build
a Win32 GUI app.

Signed-off-by: Jeff Hostetler <>
 compat/vcbuild/scripts/ | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/scripts/ b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
index 2768ae15f1879f..73c8a2b184f38b 100755
--- a/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
@@ -122,6 +122,8 @@
 		push(@cflags, "-wd4996");
 	} elsif ("$arg" =~ /^-W[a-z]/) {
 		# let's ignore those
+	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-fno-stack-protector") {
+		# eat this
 	} else {
 		push(@args, $arg);

From e4243ee79df60f4c668dbaf2002b9aed17771990 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2020 16:35:05 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 037/154] git add -i: handle CR/LF line endings in the
 interactive input

As of Git for Windows v2.27.0, there is an option to use Windows'
newly-introduced Pseudo Console support. When running an interactive add
operation with this support enabled, Git will receive CR/LF line

Therefore, let's not pretend that we are expecting Unix line endings.

This fixes

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 prompt.c | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/prompt.c b/prompt.c
index f21c5bf1c7e42f..a07b135050b9c2 100644
--- a/prompt.c
+++ b/prompt.c
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ int git_read_line_interactively(struct strbuf *line)
 	int ret;
-	ret = strbuf_getline_lf(line, stdin);
+	ret = strbuf_getline(line, stdin);
 	if (ret != EOF)

From fffb68b3ec755f13a90be793055213cfca36d6cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Luke Bonanomi <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2020 07:45:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 038/154] commit: accept "scissors" with CR/LF line endings

This change enhances `git commit --cleanup=scissors` by detecting
scissors lines ending in either LF (UNIX-style) or CR/LF (DOS-style).

Regression tests are included to specifically test for trailing
comments after a CR/LF-terminated scissors line.

Signed-off-by: Luke Bonanomi <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 t/ | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 wt-status.c                 | 13 +++++++++---
 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b37e2018a74a7b..c38b96b66cd20a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -623,6 +623,48 @@ test_expect_success 'cleanup commit messages (scissors option,-F,-e, scissors on
 	test_must_be_empty actual
+test_expect_success 'helper-editor' '
+	write_script <<-\EOF
+	sed "s/\$/Q/" <"$1" | tr Q "\\015" >"$1".new &&
+	mv -f "$1".new "$1"
+test_expect_success 'cleanup commit messages (scissors option,-F,-e, CR/LF line endings)' '
+	test_config core.editor "\"$PWD/\"" &&
+	scissors="# ------------------------ >8 ------------------------" &&
+	test_write_lines >text \
+	"# Keep this comment" "" " $scissors" \
+	"# Keep this comment, too" "$scissors" \
+	"# Remove this comment" "$scissors" \
+	"Remove this comment, too" &&
+	test_write_lines >expect \
+	"# Keep this comment" "" " $scissors" \
+	"# Keep this comment, too" &&
+	git commit --cleanup=scissors -e -F text --allow-empty &&
+	git cat-file -p HEAD >raw &&
+	sed -e "1,/^\$/d" raw >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'cleanup commit messages (scissors option,-F,-e, scissors on first line, CR/LF line endings)' '
+	scissors="# ------------------------ >8 ------------------------" &&
+	test_write_lines >text \
+	"$scissors" \
+	"# Remove this comment and any following lines" &&
+	cp text /tmp/test2-text &&
+	git commit --cleanup=scissors -e -F text --allow-empty --allow-empty-message &&
+	git cat-file -p HEAD >raw &&
+	sed -e "1,/^\$/d" raw >actual &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual
 test_expect_success 'cleanup commit messages (strip option,-F)' '
 	echo >>negative &&
diff --git a/wt-status.c b/wt-status.c
index 3ee918176422c7..9609ba260fe804 100644
--- a/wt-status.c
+++ b/wt-status.c
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 #define UF_DELAY_WARNING_IN_MS (2 * 1000)
 static const char cut_line[] =
-"------------------------ >8 ------------------------\n";
+"------------------------ >8 ------------------------";
 static char default_wt_status_colors[][COLOR_MAXLEN] = {
@@ -1096,15 +1096,22 @@ static void wt_longstatus_print_other(struct wt_status *s,
 	status_printf_ln(s, GIT_COLOR_NORMAL, "%s", "");
+static inline int starts_with_newline(const char *p)
+    return *p == '\n' || (*p == '\r' && p[1] == '\n');
 size_t wt_status_locate_end(const char *s, size_t len)
 	const char *p;
 	struct strbuf pattern = STRBUF_INIT;
 	strbuf_addf(&pattern, "\n%s %s", comment_line_str, cut_line);
-	if (starts_with(s, pattern.buf + 1))
+	if (starts_with(s, pattern.buf + 1) &&
+	    starts_with_newline(s + pattern.len - 1))
 		len = 0;
-	else if ((p = strstr(s, pattern.buf))) {
+	else if ((p = strstr(s, pattern.buf)) &&
+		 starts_with_newline(p + pattern.len)) {
 		size_t newlen = p - s + 1;
 		if (newlen < len)
 			len = newlen;

From 9f96f7a1d620f8a38a86515056368c89de8b3ba0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jens Glathe <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2020 12:12:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 039/154] t0014: fix indentation

For some reason, this test case was indented with 4 spaces instead of 1
horizontal tab. The other test cases in the same test script are fine.

Signed-off-by: Jens Glathe <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 t/ | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 854d59ec58c25a..30708146887d19 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ test_expect_success 'looping aliases - internal execution' '
 test_expect_success 'run-command formats empty args properly' '
-    test_must_fail env GIT_TRACE=1 git frotz a "" b " " c 2>actual.raw &&
-    sed -ne "/run_command:/s/.*trace: run_command: //p" actual.raw >actual &&
-    echo "git-frotz a '\'''\'' b '\'' '\'' c" >expect &&
-    test_cmp expect actual
+	test_must_fail env GIT_TRACE=1 git frotz a "" b " " c 2>actual.raw &&
+	sed -ne "/run_command:/s/.*trace: run_command: //p" actual.raw >actual &&
+	echo "git-frotz a '\'''\'' b '\'' '\'' c" >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'tracing a shell alias with arguments shows trace of prepared command' '

From 1379467a1abb5521bc3083af3d711a6acf9f8d93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2020 15:06:17 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 040/154] git-gui: accommodate for intent-to-add files

As of Git v2.28.0, the diff for files staged via `git add -N` marks them
as new files. Git GUI was ill-prepared for that, and this patch teaches
Git GUI about them.

Please note that this will not even fix things with v2.28.0, as the
`rp/apply-cached-with-i-t-a` patches are required on Git's side, too.

This fixes

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
Signed-off-by: Pratyush Yadav <>
 git-gui/   |  2 ++
 git-gui/lib/diff.tcl | 12 ++++++++----
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/git-gui/ b/git-gui/
index 887d6d596c16fc..3390dc15ccaffe 100755
--- a/git-gui/
+++ b/git-gui/
@@ -2078,6 +2078,7 @@ set all_icons(U$ui_index)   file_merge
 set all_icons(T$ui_index)   file_statechange
 set all_icons(_$ui_workdir) file_plain
+set all_icons(A$ui_workdir) file_plain
 set all_icons(M$ui_workdir) file_mod
 set all_icons(D$ui_workdir) file_question
 set all_icons(U$ui_workdir) file_merge
@@ -2104,6 +2105,7 @@ foreach i {
 		{A_ {mc "Staged for commit"}}
 		{AM {mc "Portions staged for commit"}}
 		{AD {mc "Staged for commit, missing"}}
+		{AA {mc "Intended to be added"}}
 		{_D {mc "Missing"}}
 		{D_ {mc "Staged for removal"}}
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl b/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl
index d657bfec05b498..9a593a3f6e1547 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl
@@ -568,7 +568,8 @@ proc apply_or_revert_hunk {x y revert} {
 	if {$current_diff_side eq $ui_index} {
 		set failed_msg [mc "Failed to unstage selected hunk."]
 		lappend apply_cmd --reverse --cached
-		if {[string index $mi 0] ne {M}} {
+		set file_state [string index $mi 0]
+		if {$file_state ne {M} && $file_state ne {A}} {
@@ -581,7 +582,8 @@ proc apply_or_revert_hunk {x y revert} {
 			lappend apply_cmd --cached
-		if {[string index $mi 1] ne {M}} {
+		set file_state [string index $mi 1]
+		if {$file_state ne {M} && $file_state ne {A}} {
@@ -673,7 +675,8 @@ proc apply_or_revert_range_or_line {x y revert} {
 		set failed_msg [mc "Failed to unstage selected line."]
 		set to_context {+}
 		lappend apply_cmd --reverse --cached
-		if {[string index $mi 0] ne {M}} {
+		set file_state [string index $mi 0]
+		if {$file_state ne {M} && $file_state ne {A}} {
@@ -688,7 +691,8 @@ proc apply_or_revert_range_or_line {x y revert} {
 			lappend apply_cmd --cached
-		if {[string index $mi 1] ne {M}} {
+		set file_state [string index $mi 1]
+		if {$file_state ne {M} && $file_state ne {A}} {

From 040d62ceca677123255b70384f28683fd6f32656 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Bearman <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 15:37:27 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 041/154] vcxproj: support building Windows/ARM64 binaries

Signed-off-by: Ian Bearman <>
Signed-off-by: Dennis Ameling <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
index b2e68a16715e39..f9db773fdbb6cb 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
@@ -114,12 +114,21 @@ sub createProject {
+    <ProjectConfiguration Include="Debug|ARM64">
+      <Configuration>Debug</Configuration>
+      <Platform>ARM64</Platform>
+    </ProjectConfiguration>
+    <ProjectConfiguration Include="Release|ARM64">
+      <Configuration>Release</Configuration>
+      <Platform>ARM64</Platform>
+    </ProjectConfiguration>
   <PropertyGroup Label="Globals">
     <VCPKGArch Condition="'\$(Platform)'=='Win32'">x86-windows</VCPKGArch>
-    <VCPKGArch Condition="'\$(Platform)'!='Win32'">x64-windows</VCPKGArch>
+    <VCPKGArch Condition="'\$(Platform)'=='x64'">x64-windows</VCPKGArch>
+    <VCPKGArch Condition="'\$(Platform)'=='ARM64'">arm64-windows</VCPKGArch>
     <VCPKGBinDirectory Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">\$(VCPKGArchDirectory)\\debug\\bin</VCPKGBinDirectory>
     <VCPKGLibDirectory Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">\$(VCPKGArchDirectory)\\debug\\lib</VCPKGLibDirectory>
@@ -140,7 +149,7 @@ sub createProject {
-    <PlatformToolset>v140</PlatformToolset>
+    <PlatformToolset>v142</PlatformToolset>
     <!-- <CharacterSet>UTF-8</CharacterSet> -->
     <!-- <IntDir>\$(ProjectDir)\$(Configuration)\\</IntDir> -->
@@ -355,8 +364,10 @@ sub createGlueProject {
     print F << "EOM";
 	GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+		Debug|ARM64 = Debug|ARM64
 		Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
 		Debug|x86 = Debug|x86
+		Release|ARM64 = Release|ARM64
 		Release|x64 = Release|x64
 		Release|x86 = Release|x86
@@ -367,10 +378,14 @@ EOM
     foreach (@apps) {
         my $appname = $_;
         my $uuid = $build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_GUID"};
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|ARM64.ActiveCfg = Debug|ARM64\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|ARM64.Build.0 = Debug|ARM64\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|ARM64.ActiveCfg = Release|ARM64\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|ARM64.Build.0 = Release|ARM64\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\n";
@@ -379,10 +394,14 @@ EOM
     foreach (@libs) {
         my $libname = $_;
         my $uuid = $build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_GUID"};
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|ARM64.ActiveCfg = Debug|ARM64\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|ARM64.Build.0 = Debug|ARM64\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|ARM64.ActiveCfg = Release|ARM64\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|ARM64.Build.0 = Release|ARM64\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\n";

From f15d9a4e75b37dd2605d4642174e5b7a05e6467a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Hostetler <>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2021 14:39:33 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 042/154] move default linker options for MSVC=1

Move the default `-ENTRY` and `-SUBSYSTEM` arguments for
MSVC=1 builds from `config.mak.uname` into ``.
These args are constant for console-mode executables.

Add support to `` for generating a Win32 GUI application
using the `-mwindows` argument (to match how GCC does it).  This
changes the `-ENTRY` and `-SUBSYSTEM` arguments accordingly.

Signed-off-by: Jeff Hostetler <>
 compat/vcbuild/scripts/ | 11 +++++++++++
 config.mak.uname                |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/scripts/ b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
index 73c8a2b184f38b..a38b360015ece9 100755
--- a/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 my @lflags = ();
 my $is_linking = 0;
 my $is_debug = 0;
+my $is_gui = 0;
 while (@ARGV) {
 	my $arg = shift @ARGV;
 	if ("$arg" eq "-DDEBUG") {
@@ -124,11 +125,21 @@
 		# let's ignore those
 	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-fno-stack-protector") {
 		# eat this
+	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-mwindows") {
+		$is_gui = 1;
 	} else {
 		push(@args, $arg);
 if ($is_linking) {
+	if ($is_gui) {
+		push(@args, "-ENTRY:wWinMainCRTStartup");
+		push(@args, "-SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS");
+	} else {
+		push(@args, "-ENTRY:wmainCRTStartup");
+		push(@args, "-SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE");
+	}
 	push(@args, @lflags);
 	unshift(@args, "link.exe");
 } else {
diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index f27cbfe9d0f796..9f4671734aec90 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ endif
 		compat/win32/trace2_win32_process_info.o \
 	# invalidcontinue.obj allows Git's source code to close the same file
 	# handle twice, or to access the osfhandle of an already-closed stdout
 	# See

From eec15e981240615e674962bfd532092e800a0752 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Bearman <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 16:00:25 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 043/154] vcbuild: install ARM64 dependencies when building
 ARM64 binaries

Co-authored-by: Dennis Ameling <>
Signed-off-by: Ian Bearman <>
Signed-off-by: Dennis Ameling <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/vcbuild/README                      | 6 +++++-
 compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat         | 7 ++++++-
 compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat           | 9 +++++++--
 contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ | 2 +-
 4 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/README b/compat/vcbuild/README
index 29ec1d0f104b80..1df1cabb1ebbbd 100644
--- a/compat/vcbuild/README
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/README
@@ -6,7 +6,11 @@ The Steps to Build Git with VS2015 or VS2017 from the command line.
    Prompt or from an SDK bash window:
    $ cd <repo_root>
-   $ ./compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
+   $ ./compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat x64-windows
+   or
+   $ ./compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat arm64-windows
    The vcpkg tools and all of the third-party sources will be installed
    in this folder:
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat
index 13661c14f8705c..8bea0cbf83b6cf 100644
--- a/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat
@@ -15,7 +15,12 @@ REM ================================================================
 	@FOR /F "delims=" %%D IN ("%~dp0") DO @SET cwd=%%~fD
 	cd %cwd%
-	SET arch=x64-windows
+	SET arch=%2
+		echo defaulting to 'x64-windows`. Invoke %0 with 'x86-windows', 'x64-windows', or 'arm64-windows'
+		set arch=x64-windows
+	)
 	SET inst=%cwd%vcpkg\installed\%arch%
 	IF [%1]==[release] (
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
index 8330d8120fb511..cacef18c11dc79 100644
--- a/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
@@ -31,6 +31,12 @@ REM ================================================================
 	SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
+	SET arch=%1
+		echo defaulting to 'x64-windows`. Invoke %0 with 'x86-windows', 'x64-windows', or 'arm64-windows'
+		set arch=x64-windows
+	)
 	@FOR /F "delims=" %%D IN ("%~dp0") DO @SET cwd=%%~fD
 	cd %cwd%
@@ -55,9 +61,8 @@ REM ================================================================
 	echo Successfully installed %cwd%vcpkg\vcpkg.exe
-	SET arch=x64-windows
-	echo Installing third-party libraries...
+	echo Installing third-party libraries(%arch%)...
 	FOR %%i IN (zlib expat libiconv openssl libssh2 curl) DO (
 	    cd %cwd%vcpkg
 	    IF NOT EXIST "packages\%%i_%arch%" CALL :sub__install_one %%i
diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
index f9db773fdbb6cb..dc32493f91bf7f 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ EOM
     <PreBuildEvent Condition="!Exists('$cdup\\compat\\vcbuild\\vcpkg\\installed\\\$(VCPKGArch)\\include\\openssl\\ssl.h')">
       <Message>Initialize VCPKG</Message>
       <Command>del "$cdup\\compat\\vcbuild\\vcpkg"</Command>
-      <Command>call "$cdup\\compat\\vcbuild\\vcpkg_install.bat"</Command>
+      <Command>call "$cdup\\compat\\vcbuild\\vcpkg_install.bat" \$(VCPKGArch)</Command>

From a9494c8fb7aa1a73713b99f79095527d3ad2afe8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2021 15:29:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 044/154] buildsystems: remove duplicate clause

This seems to have been there since 259d87c35495 (Add scripts to
generate projects for other buildsystems (MSVC vcproj, QMake),
2009-09-16), i.e. since the beginning of that file.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 contrib/buildsystems/ | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/ b/contrib/buildsystems/
index 069be7e4befcd7..4243784e8a6b6e 100755
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/
@@ -265,7 +265,6 @@ sub handleCompileLine
             shift @parts;
         } elsif ("$part" eq "-c") {
             # ignore compile flag
-        } elsif ("$part" eq "-c") {
         } elsif ($part =~ /^.?-I/) {
             push(@incpaths, $part);
         } elsif ($part =~ /^.?-D/) {

From b76a3ad47d3540089ea6170d61435da3ebef4a83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Bearman <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2020 10:34:40 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 045/154] vcbuild: add an option to install individual

In this context, a "feature" is a dependency combined with its own

Signed-off-by: Ian Bearman <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
index cacef18c11dc79..8da212487ae97d 100644
--- a/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
@@ -85,14 +85,47 @@ REM ================================================================
 	echo     Installing package %1...
+	call :%1_features
 	REM vcpkg may not be reliable on slow, intermittent or proxy
 	REM connections, see e.g.
 	REM which explains the hidden 21 second timeout
 	REM (last post by Dave : Microsoft - Windows Networking team)
-	.\vcpkg.exe install %1:%arch%
+	.\vcpkg.exe install %1%features%:%arch%
 	echo     Finished %1
 	goto :EOF
+:: features for each vcpkg to install
+:: there should be an entry here for each package to install
+:: 'set features=' means use the default otherwise
+:: 'set features=[comma-delimited-feature-set]' is the syntax
+set features=
+goto :EOF
+set features=
+goto :EOF
+set features=
+goto :EOF
+set features=
+goto :EOF
+set features=
+goto :EOF
+set features=[core,openssl]
+goto :EOF

From df922fa772b79df0b2965c78d29ae6be0ccb2d38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2021 15:15:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 046/154] vcxproj: handle resource files, too

On Windows, we also compile a "resource" file, which is similar to
source code, but contains metadata (such as the program version).

So far, we did not compile it in `MSVC` mode, only when compiling Git
for Windows with the GNU C Compiler.

In preparation for including it also when compiling with MS Visual C,
let's teach our `vcxproj` generator to handle those sort of files, too.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ | 17 ++++++++++++++++-
 contrib/buildsystems/             |  9 +++++----
 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
index 0439b82f55e243..5e97f2ff99d344 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
@@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ sub createProject {
     $defines =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
     $defines =~ s/\'//g;
+    my $rcdefines = $defines;
+    $rcdefines =~ s/(?<!\\)"/\\$&/g;
     my $dir = $vcxproj;
     $dir =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//;
     die "Could not create the directory $dir for $label project!\n" unless (-d "$dir" || mkdir "$dir");
@@ -203,6 +206,9 @@ EOM
+    <ResourceCompile>
+      <PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;_DEBUG;$rcdefines;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
+    </ResourceCompile>
@@ -216,6 +222,9 @@ EOM
+    <ResourceCompile>
+      <PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;NDEBUG;$rcdefines;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
+    </ResourceCompile>
@@ -225,9 +234,15 @@ EOM
     foreach(@sources) {
-        print F << "EOM";
+        if (/\.rc$/) {
+            print F << "EOM";
+    <ResourceCompile Include="$_" />
+        } else {
+            print F << "EOM";
     <ClCompile Include="$_" />
+        }
     print F << "EOM";
diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/ b/contrib/buildsystems/
index 4243784e8a6b6e..82849812212efc 100755
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ sub parseMakeOutput
-        if($text =~ / -c /) {
+        if($text =~ / -c / || $text =~ / -i \S+\.rc /) {
             # compilation
             handleCompileLine($text, $line);
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ sub handleCompileLine
         if ("$part" eq "-o") {
             # ignore object file
             shift @parts;
-        } elsif ("$part" eq "-c") {
+        } elsif ("$part" eq "-c" || "$part" eq "-i") {
             # ignore compile flag
         } elsif ($part =~ /^.?-I/) {
             push(@incpaths, $part);
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ sub handleCompileLine
             push(@defines, $part);
         } elsif ($part =~ /^-/) {
             push(@cflags, $part);
-        } elsif ($part =~ /\.(c|cc|cpp)$/) {
+        } elsif ($part =~ /\.(c|cc|cpp|rc)$/) {
             $sourcefile = $part;
         } else {
             die "Unhandled compiler option @ line $lineno: $part";
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ sub handleLinkLine
             push(@libs, $part);
         } elsif ($part eq 'invalidcontinue.obj') {
             # ignore - known to MSVC
-        } elsif ($part =~ /\.o$/) {
+        } elsif ($part =~ /\.(o|res)$/) {
             push(@objfiles, $part);
         } elsif ($part =~ /\.obj$/) {
             # do nothing, 'make' should not be producing .obj, only .o files
@@ -372,6 +372,7 @@ sub handleLinkLine
         my $sourcefile = $_;
         $sourcefile =~ s/^headless-git\.o$/compat\/win32\/headless.c/;
         $sourcefile =~ s/\.o$/.c/;
+        $sourcefile =~ s/\.res$/.rc/;
         push(@sources, $sourcefile);
         push(@cflags, @{$compile_options{"${sourcefile}_CFLAGS"}});
         push(@defines, @{$compile_options{"${sourcefile}_DEFINES"}});

From 48ecb20028c75ff62b3bebf7df01183617140ab0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dennis Ameling <>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2020 14:11:34 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 047/154] cmake: allow building for Windows/ARM64

Signed-off-by: Dennis Ameling <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
index 10dc54fdcb647b..fb70820f959803 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ if(USE_VCPKG)
 	set(VCPKG_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg")
 		message("Initializing vcpkg and building the Git's dependencies (this will take a while...)")
-		execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat)
+		execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat ${VCPKG_ARCH})
-	list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${VCPKG_DIR}/installed/x64-windows")
 	# In the vcpkg edition, we need this to be able to link to libcurl
@@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ string(REPLACE "@USE_GETTEXT_SCHEME@" "" git_build_options "${git_build_options}
 string(REPLACE "@USE_LIBPCRE2@" "" git_build_options "${git_build_options}")
 string(REPLACE "@X@" "${EXE_EXTENSION}" git_build_options "${git_build_options}")
-	string(APPEND git_build_options "PATH=\"$PATH:$TEST_DIRECTORY/../compat/vcbuild/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/bin\"\n")
+	string(APPEND git_build_options "PATH=\"$PATH:$TEST_DIRECTORY/../compat/vcbuild/vcpkg/installed/${VCPKG_ARCH}/bin\"\n")
 file(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/GIT-BUILD-OPTIONS ${git_build_options})

From c07314965c3650ac242f437fcf1cefd7b802508c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2021 21:57:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 048/154] vcxproj: ignore -fno-stack-protector and -fno-common

An upcoming commit will introduce those compile options; MSVC does not
understand them, so let's suppress them when generating the Visual
Studio project files.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 contrib/buildsystems/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/ b/contrib/buildsystems/
index 82849812212efc..417ae71d44ccab 100755
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ sub handleCompileLine
         if ("$part" eq "-o") {
             # ignore object file
             shift @parts;
-        } elsif ("$part" eq "-c" || "$part" eq "-i") {
+        } elsif ("$part" eq "-c" || "$part" eq "-i" || "$part" =~ /^-fno-/) {
             # ignore compile flag
         } elsif ($part =~ /^.?-I/) {
             push(@incpaths, $part);

From 342ac02be6f2d8f72fe7c3486a276cb20222b7a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Oakley <>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2019 18:40:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 049/154] vcpkg_install: detect lack of Git

The vcpkg_install batch file depends on the availability of a
working Git on the CMD path. This may not be present if the user
has selected the 'bash only' option during Git-for-Windows install.

Detect and tell the user about their lack of a working Git in the CMD

Fixes #2348.
A separate PR
now highlights the recommended path setting during install.

Signed-off-by: Philip Oakley <>
 compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat | 7 +++++++
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)

diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
index ebd0bad242a8ca..bcbbf536af3141 100644
--- a/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
@@ -36,6 +36,13 @@ REM ================================================================
 	dir vcpkg\vcpkg.exe >nul 2>nul && GOTO :install_libraries
+	git.exe version 2>nul
+	echo "***"
+	echo "Git not found. Please adjust your CMD path or Git install option."
+	echo "***"
+	EXIT /B 1 )
 	echo Fetching vcpkg in %cwd%vcpkg
 	git.exe clone vcpkg

From 7eb63e571e37967d7de6c7807fd864277f075352 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dennis Ameling <>
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 00:12:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 050/154] ci(vs-build) also build Windows/ARM64 artifacts

There are no Windows/ARM64 agents in GitHub Actions yet, therefore we
just skip adjusting the `vs-test` job for now.

Signed-off-by: Dennis Ameling <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 .github/workflows/main.yml | 17 ++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml
index 900be9957a23fc..441b858fb77fee 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/main.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml
@@ -169,8 +169,11 @@ jobs:
       NO_PERL: 1
     runs-on: windows-latest
+    strategy:
+      matrix:
+        arch: [x64, arm64]
-      group: vs-build-${{ github.ref }}
+      group: vs-build-${{ github.ref }}-${{ matrix.arch }}
       cancel-in-progress: ${{ == 'yes' }}
     - uses: actions/checkout@v4
@@ -189,14 +192,14 @@ jobs:
       uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v2
     - name: copy dlls to root
       shell: cmd
-      run: compat\vcbuild\vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat release
+      run: compat\vcbuild\vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat release ${{ matrix.arch }}-windows
     - name: generate Visual Studio solution
       shell: bash
       run: |
-        cmake `pwd`/contrib/buildsystems/ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`pwd`/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows \
+        cmake `pwd`/contrib/buildsystems/ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`pwd`/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg/installed/${{ matrix.arch }}-windows \
     - name: MSBuild
-      run: msbuild git.sln -property:Configuration=Release -property:Platform=x64 -maxCpuCount:4 -property:PlatformToolset=v142
+      run: msbuild git.sln -property:Configuration=Release -property:Platform=${{ matrix.arch }} -maxCpuCount:4 -property:PlatformToolset=v142
     - name: bundle artifact tar
       shell: bash
@@ -210,7 +213,7 @@ jobs:
     - name: upload tracked files and build artifacts
       uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
-        name: vs-artifacts
+        name: vs-artifacts-${{ matrix.arch }}
         path: artifacts
     name: win+VS test
@@ -228,7 +231,7 @@ jobs:
     - name: download tracked files and build artifacts
       uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
-        name: vs-artifacts
+        name: vs-artifacts-x64
         path: ${{github.workspace}}
     - name: extract tracked files and build artifacts
       shell: bash

From 3f2bc247ebf2d072bdceba80ada6bdc753c2c0ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2021 15:48:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 051/154] vcxproj: handle GUI programs, too

So far, we only built Console programs, but we are about to introduce a
program that targets the Windows subsystem (i.e. it is a so-called "GUI"

Let's handle this preemptively in the script that generates the Visual
Studio files.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ | 11 +++++++++--
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
index 5e97f2ff99d344..a6d1c6b8d05682 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
@@ -92,6 +92,13 @@ sub createProject {
     my $rcdefines = $defines;
     $rcdefines =~ s/(?<!\\)"/\\$&/g;
+    my $entrypoint = 'wmainCRTStartup';
+    my $subsystem = 'Console';
+    if (grep /^-mwindows$/, @{$$build_structure{"$prefix${name}_LFLAGS"}}) {
+        $entrypoint = 'wWinMainCRTStartup';
+        $subsystem = 'Windows';
+    }
     my $dir = $vcxproj;
     $dir =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//;
     die "Could not create the directory $dir for $label project!\n" unless (-d "$dir" || mkdir "$dir");
@@ -179,9 +186,9 @@ sub createProject {
       <AdditionalOptions>invalidcontinue.obj %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>
-      <EntryPointSymbol>wmainCRTStartup</EntryPointSymbol>
+      <EntryPointSymbol>$entrypoint</EntryPointSymbol>
-      <SubSystem>Console</SubSystem>
+      <SubSystem>$subsystem</SubSystem>
     if ($target eq 'libgit') {

From 297e25892f9ef6bdfb04d409275308e7c7d47828 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yuyi Wang <>
Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2023 17:51:18 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 052/154] cmake: install headless-git.

headless-git is a git executable without opening a console window. It is
useful when other GUI executables want to call git. We should install it
together with git on Windows.

Signed-off-by: Yuyi Wang <>
 contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
index 10dc54fdcb647b..4655158ae20149 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -745,6 +745,7 @@ if(WIN32)
 	add_executable(headless-git ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/compat/win32/headless.c)
+	list(APPEND PROGRAMS_BUILT headless-git)
 		target_link_options(headless-git PUBLIC -municode -Wl,-subsystem,windows)
@@ -945,7 +946,7 @@ list(TRANSFORM git_perl_scripts PREPEND "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/")
 foreach(program ${PROGRAMS_BUILT})
-if(program MATCHES "^(git|git-shell|scalar)$")
+if(program MATCHES "^(git|git-shell|headless-git|scalar)$")
 install(TARGETS ${program}

From b4879d1ec35003c3ae7640ed89fa09dd8d6a7697 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Oakley <>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2019 18:43:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 053/154] vcpkg_install: add comment regarding slow network

The vcpkg downloads may not succeed. Warn careful readers of the time out.

A simple retry will usually resolve the issue.

Signed-off-by: Philip Oakley <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat | 6 ++++++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
index bcbbf536af3141..8330d8120fb511 100644
--- a/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
@@ -80,6 +80,12 @@ REM ================================================================
 	echo     Installing package %1...
+	REM vcpkg may not be reliable on slow, intermittent or proxy
+	REM connections, see e.g.
+	REM which explains the hidden 21 second timeout
+	REM (last post by Dave : Microsoft - Windows Networking team)
 	.\vcpkg.exe install %1:%arch%

From d4c2eb088a6b370fd97556d7305b0472267ef2fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dennis Ameling <>
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2020 18:39:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 054/154] Add schannel to curl installation

Signed-off-by: Dennis Ameling <>
 compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
index 8da212487ae97d..575c65c20ba307 100644
--- a/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
@@ -127,5 +127,5 @@ set features=
 goto :EOF
-set features=[core,openssl]
+set features=[core,openssl,schannel]
 goto :EOF

From cc998a1d44587f2efb7c8909c89878aec493e0be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dennis Ameling <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2021 13:02:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 055/154] cmake(): allow setting HOST_CPU for cross-compilation

Git's regular Makefile mentions that HOST_CPU should be defined when cross-compiling Git:

This is then used to set the GIT_HOST_CPU variable when compiling Git:

Then, when the user runs `git version --build-options`, it returns that value:

This commit adds the same functionality to the CMake configuration. Users can now set -DHOST_CPU= to set the target architecture.

Signed-off-by: Dennis Ameling <>
 .github/workflows/main.yml          | 2 +-
 contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt | 9 ++++++++-
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml
index 441b858fb77fee..b1ed3794e2b2c8 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/main.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ jobs:
       shell: bash
       run: |
         cmake `pwd`/contrib/buildsystems/ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`pwd`/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg/installed/${{ matrix.arch }}-windows \
+        -DNO_GETTEXT=YesPlease -DPERL_TESTS=OFF -DPYTHON_TESTS=OFF -DCURL_NO_CURL_CMAKE=ON -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=${{ matrix.arch }} -DVCPKG_ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }}-windows -DHOST_CPU=${{ matrix.arch }}
     - name: MSBuild
       run: msbuild git.sln -property:Configuration=Release -property:Platform=${{ matrix.arch }} -maxCpuCount:4 -property:PlatformToolset=v142
     - name: bundle artifact tar
diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
index fb70820f959803..4951d4d350ebb4 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -212,7 +212,14 @@ endif()
 #default behaviour
+# When cross-compiling, define HOST_CPU as the canonical name of the CPU on
+# which the built Git will run (for instance "x86_64").
+	add_compile_definitions(GIT_HOST_CPU="${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}")
+	add_compile_definitions(GIT_HOST_CPU="${HOST_CPU}")
 add_compile_definitions(SHA256_BLK INTERNAL_QSORT RUNTIME_PREFIX)

From 60e1f22581879ef965867554481f8104a3310684 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Victoria Dye <>
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2021 19:04:13 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 056/154] subtree: update `contrib/subtree` `test` target

The intention of this change is to align with how the top-level git
`Makefile` defines its own test target (which also internally calls
`$(MAKE) -C t/ all`). This change also ensures the consistency of
`make -C contrib/subtree test` with other testing in CI executions
(which rely on `$DEFAULT_TEST_TARGET` being defined as `prove`).

Signed-off-by: Victoria Dye <>
 contrib/subtree/Makefile | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/contrib/subtree/Makefile b/contrib/subtree/Makefile
index 6fa7496bfdb3fd..6f6e90c4cb49b6 100644
--- a/contrib/subtree/Makefile
+++ b/contrib/subtree/Makefile
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ $(GIT_SUBTREE_TEST): $(GIT_SUBTREE)
 	cp $< $@
-	$(MAKE) -C t/ test
+	$(MAKE) -C t/ all

From 84ade651f5f690cbc77ca04ed265117e6603f72b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 2021 22:50:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 057/154] mingw: allow for longer paths in
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

As reported in, it
looks like 99 bytes is not really sufficient to represent e.g. the full
path to Python when installed via Windows Store (and this path is used
in the hasb bang line when installing scripts via `pip`).

Let's increase it to what is probably the maximum sensible path size:
MAX_PATH. This makes `parse_interpreter()` in line with what
`lookup_prog()` handles.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
Signed-off-by: Vilius Šumskas <>
 compat/mingw.c | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 1d5b211b548dab..cad3f5802102bc 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@ static const char *quote_arg_msys2(const char *arg)
 static const char *parse_interpreter(const char *cmd)
-	static char buf[100];
+	static char buf[MAX_PATH];
 	char *p, *opt;
 	ssize_t n; /* read() can return negative values */
 	int fd;

From c20d25f92920a01b18b375988092903a61e6e6f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Mon, 17 May 2021 10:46:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 058/154] compat/vcbuild: document preferred way to build in
 Visual Studio

We used to have that `make vcxproj` hack, but a hack it is. In the
meantime, we have a much cleaner solution: using CMake, either
explicitly, or even more conveniently via Visual Studio's built-in CMake
support (simply open Git's top-level directory via File>Open>Folder...).

Let's let the `README` reflect this.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/vcbuild/README | 28 +++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/README b/compat/vcbuild/README
index 29ec1d0f104b80..5c71ea2daa4017 100644
--- a/compat/vcbuild/README
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/README
@@ -37,27 +37,17 @@ The Steps to Build Git with VS2015 or VS2017 from the command line.
-Alternatively, run `make vcxproj` and then load the generated `git.sln` in
-Visual Studio. The initial build will install the vcpkg system and build the
+Alternatively, just open Git's top-level directory in Visual Studio, via
+`File>Open>Folder...`. This will use CMake internally to generate the
+project definitions. It will also install the vcpkg system and build the
 dependencies automatically. This will take a while.
-Instead of generating the `git.sln` file yourself (which requires a full Git
-for Windows SDK), you may want to consider fetching the `vs/master` branch of
- instead (which is updated automatically
-via CI running `make vcxproj`). The `vs/master` branch does not require a Git
-for Windows to build, but you can run the test scripts in a regular Git Bash.
-Note that `make vcxproj` will automatically add and commit the generated `.sln`
-and `.vcxproj` files to the repo. This is necessary to allow building a
-fully-testable Git in Visual Studio, where a regular Git Bash can be used to
-run the test scripts (as opposed to a full Git for Windows SDK): a number of
-build targets, such as Git commands implemented as Unix shell scripts (where
-`@@SHELL_PATH@@` and other placeholders are interpolated) require a full-blown
-Git for Windows SDK (which is about 10x the size of a regular Git for Windows
-If your plan is to open a Pull Request with Git for Windows, it is a good idea
-to drop this commit before submitting.
+You can also generate the Visual Studio solution manually by downloading
+and running CMake explicitly rather than letting Visual Studio doing
+that implicitly.
+Another, deprecated option is to run `make vcxproj`. This option is
+superseded by the CMake-based build, and will be removed at some point.
 The Steps of Build Git with VS2008

From caa497b43f7401b0d44b74265d6bbf03d4cef623 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pascal Muller <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2021 21:21:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 059/154] http: optionally send SSL client certificate

This adds support for a new http.sslAutoClientCert config value.

In cURL 7.77 or later the schannel backend does not automatically send
client certificates from the Windows Certificate Store anymore.

This config value is only used if http.sslBackend is set to "schannel",
and can be used to opt in to the old behavior and force cURL to send
client certificates.

This fixes

Signed-off-by: Pascal Muller <>
 Documentation/config/http.txt |  5 +++++
 git-curl-compat.h             |  8 ++++++++
 http.c                        | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++---
 3 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/config/http.txt b/Documentation/config/http.txt
index 9125d93a75b036..ddda264dbed9b7 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/http.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/http.txt
@@ -234,6 +234,11 @@ http.schannelUseSSLCAInfo::
 	when the `schannel` backend was configured via `http.sslBackend`,
 	unless `http.schannelUseSSLCAInfo` overrides this behavior.
+	As of cURL v7.77.0, the Secure Channel backend won't automatically
+	send client certificates from the Windows Certificate Store anymore.
+	To opt in to the old behavior, http.sslAutoClientCert can be set.
 	Public key of the https service. It may either be the filename of
 	a PEM or DER encoded public key file or a string starting with
diff --git a/git-curl-compat.h b/git-curl-compat.h
index 703756ba851d5b..8291755f50454f 100644
--- a/git-curl-compat.h
+++ b/git-curl-compat.h
@@ -45,4 +45,12 @@
+ * CURLSSLOPT_AUTO_CLIENT_CERT was added in 7.77.0, released in May
+ * 2021.
+ */
+#if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x074d00
diff --git a/http.c b/http.c
index e057e877163b7b..b6a5b87a4c3d63 100644
--- a/http.c
+++ b/http.c
@@ -157,6 +157,8 @@ static int http_schannel_check_revoke_mode =
 static int http_schannel_use_ssl_cainfo;
+static int http_auto_client_cert;
 static int always_auth_proactively(void)
 	return http_proactive_auth != PROACTIVE_AUTH_NONE &&
@@ -445,6 +447,11 @@ static int http_options(const char *var, const char *value,
 		return 0;
+	if (!strcmp("http.sslautoclientcert", var)) {
+		http_auto_client_cert = git_config_bool(var, value);
+		return 0;
+	}
 	if (!strcmp("http.minsessions", var)) {
 		min_curl_sessions = git_config_int(var, value, ctx->kvi);
 		if (min_curl_sessions > 1)
@@ -1062,9 +1069,20 @@ static CURL *get_curl_handle(void)
-	if (http_ssl_backend && !strcmp("schannel", http_ssl_backend) &&
-	    http_schannel_check_revoke_mode) {
-		curl_easy_setopt(result, CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS, http_schannel_check_revoke_mode);
+	if (http_ssl_backend && !strcmp("schannel", http_ssl_backend)) {
+		long ssl_options = 0;
+		if (http_schannel_check_revoke_mode) {
+			ssl_options |= http_schannel_check_revoke_mode;
+		}
+		if (http_auto_client_cert) {
+		}
+		if (ssl_options)
+			curl_easy_setopt(result, CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS, ssl_options);
 	if (http_proactive_auth != PROACTIVE_AUTH_NONE)

From ef3864e92f9fd75c7bc8a3afde50ccbc0ec471c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Victoria Dye <>
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2021 19:11:59 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 060/154] ci: run `contrib/subtree` tests in CI builds

Because `git subtree` (unlike most other `contrib` modules) is included as
part of the standard release of Git for Windows, its stability should be
verified as consistently as it is for the rest of git. By including the
`git subtree` tests in the CI workflow, these tests are as much of a gate to
merging and indicator of stability as the standard test suite.

Signed-off-by: Victoria Dye <>
 ci/ | 4 ++++
 ci/      | 3 +++
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index c4a41bba0b84df..00ee82ff80a347 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -72,5 +72,9 @@ case "$jobname" in
+case " $MAKE_TARGETS " in
+*" all "*) make -C contrib/subtree test;;
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index e167e646f79e3d..8cb0038d07ca64 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -20,4 +20,7 @@ if [ "$1" == "0" ] ; then
 	group "Run unit tests" make --quiet -C t unit-tests-test-tool
+# Run the git subtree tests only if main tests succeeded
+test 0 != "$1" || make -C contrib/subtree test

From da9353e5505842fabc1ba27f9860d7a6115214d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Oakley <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2021 00:30:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 061/154] CMake: default Visual Studio generator has changed

Correct some wording and inform users regarding the Visual Studio
changes (from V16.6) to the default generator.

Subsequent commits ensure that Git for Windows can be directly
opened in modern Visual Studio without needing special configuration
of the CMakeLists settings.

It appeares that internally Visual Studio creates it's own version of the
.sln file (etc.) for extension tools that expect them.

The large number of references below document the shifting of Visual Studio
default and CMake setting options.


(note the linux bit)
 "In Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6 or later ***, Ninja is the default
generator for configurations targeting a remote system or WSL. For more
information, see this post on the C++ Team Blog

For more information about these settings, see CMakeSettings.json reference

"CMake supports two files that allow users to specify common configure,
build, and test options and share them with others: CMakePresets.json
and CMakeUserPresets.json."

" Both files are supported in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.10 or later.
" Ninja has been the default generator (underlying build system) for
CMake configurations targeting Windows for some time***, but in Visual
Studio 2019 version 16.6 Preview 3*** we added support for Ninja on Linux."

" `generator`: specifies CMake generator to use for this configuration.
May be one of:

    Visual Studio 2019 only:
        Visual Studio 16 2019
        Visual Studio 16 2019 Win64
        Visual Studio 16 2019 ARM

    Visual Studio 2017 and later:
        Visual Studio 15 2017
        Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64
        Visual Studio 15 2017 ARM
        Visual Studio 14 2015
        Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64
        Visual Studio 14 2015 ARM
        Unix Makefiles

Because Ninja is designed for fast build speeds instead of flexibility
and function, it is set as the default. However, some CMake projects may
be unable to correctly build using Ninja. If this occurs, you can
instruct CMake to generate Visual Studio projects instead.

To specify a Visual Studio generator in Visual Studio 2017, open the
settings editor from the main menu by choosing CMake | Change CMake
Settings. Delete "Ninja" and type "V". This activates IntelliSense,
which enables you to choose the generator you want."

"To specify a Visual Studio generator in Visual Studio 2019, right-click
on the CMakeLists.txt file in Solution Explorer and choose CMake
Settings for project > Show Advanced Settings > CMake Generator.

When the active configuration specifies a Visual Studio generator, by
default MSBuild.exe is invoked with` -m -v:minimal` arguments."

"Enable CMakePresets.json integration in Visual Studio 2019

CMakePresets.json integration isn't enabled by default in Visual Studio
2019. You can enable it for all CMake projects in Tools > Options >
CMake > General: (tick a box)" ... see more.

(whichever v140 is..)
"CMake projects are supported in Visual Studio 2017 and later."

"Support added for the CMake Ninja generator."

"CMake support via Open Folder
Visual Studio 2017 introduces support for using CMake projects without
converting to MSBuild project files (.vcxproj). For more information,
see CMake projects in Visual
Opening CMake projects with Open Folder automatically configures the
environment for C++ editing, building, and debugging." ... +more!

"Visual Studio reads and evaluates CMakePresets.json and
CMakeUserPresets.json itself and doesn't invoke CMake directly with the
--preset option. So, CMake version 3.20 or later isn't strictly required
when you're building with CMakePresets.json inside Visual Studio. We
recommend using CMake version 3.14 or later."

"If you don't want to enable CMakePresets.json integration for all CMake
projects, you can enable CMakePresets.json integration for a single
CMake project by adding a CMakePresets.json file to the root of the open
folder. You must close and reopen the folder in Visual Studio to
activate the integration.

***(doesn't actually say which version..)
"Default Configure Presets
If no CMakePresets.json or CMakeUserPresets.json file exists, or if
CMakePresets.json or CMakeUserPresets.json is invalid, Visual Studio
will fall back*** on the following default Configure Presets:

Windows example
  "name": "windows-default",
  "displayName": "Windows x64 Debug",
  "description": "Sets Ninja generator, compilers, x64 architecture,
build and install directory, debug build type",
  "generator": "Ninja",
  "binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/out/build/${presetName}",
  "architecture": {
    "value": "x64",
    "strategy": "external"
  "cacheVariables": {
    "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "Debug",
    "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX": "${sourceDir}/out/install/${presetName}"
  "vendor": {
    "": {
      "hostOS": [ "Windows" ]

Signed-off-by: Philip Oakley <>
 contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt | 16 ++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
index 4951d4d350ebb4..08da5b6cfe42aa 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ Note: Visual Studio also has the option of opening `CMakeLists.txt`
 directly; Using this option, Visual Studio will not find the source code,
 though, therefore the `File>Open>Folder...` option is preferred.
+Visual Studio does not produce a .sln solution file nor the .vcxproj files
+that may be required by VS extension tools.
+To generate the .sln/.vcxproj files run CMake manually, as described below.
 Instructions to run CMake manually:
     mkdir -p contrib/buildsystems/out
@@ -22,7 +27,7 @@ Instructions to run CMake manually:
 This will build the git binaries in contrib/buildsystems/out
 directory (our top-level .gitignore file knows to ignore contents of
-this directory).
+this directory). The project .sln and .vcxproj files are also generated.
 Possible build configurations(-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) with corresponding
 compiler flags
@@ -35,17 +40,16 @@ empty(default) :
 NOTE: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is optional. For multi-config generators like Visual Studio
 this option is ignored
-This process generates a Makefile(Linux/*BSD/MacOS) , Visual Studio solution(Windows) by default.
+This process generates a Makefile(Linux/*BSD/MacOS), Visual Studio solution(Windows) by default.
 Run `make` to build Git on Linux/*BSD/MacOS.
 Open git.sln on Windows and build Git.
-NOTE: By default CMake uses Makefile as the build tool on Linux and Visual Studio in Windows,
-to use another tool say `ninja` add this to the command line when configuring.
-`-G Ninja`
 NOTE: By default CMake will install vcpkg locally to your source tree on configuration,
 to avoid this, add `-DNO_VCPKG=TRUE` to the command line when configuring.
+The Visual Studio default generator changed in v16.6 from its Visual Studio
+implemenation to `Ninja` This required changes to many CMake scripts.
 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)

From d02506e7e2a745f0cbf3cf5bdcf22a9b6f67342a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Oakley <>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2021 11:09:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 062/154] .gitignore: add Visual Studio CMakeSetting.json file

The CMakeSettings.json file is tool generated. Developers may track it
should they provide additional settings.

Signed-off-by: Philip Oakley <>
 .gitignore | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e82aa19df03fc8..d6cdb6ca15efe1 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -250,3 +250,4 @@ Release/

From 217c404843111046b18041d850853cfbe5b592ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Oakley <>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2021 11:11:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 063/154] CMakeLists: add default "x64-windows" arch for Visual

In Git-for-Windows, work on using ARM64 has progressed. The
commit 2d94b77b27 (cmake: allow building for Windows/ARM64, 2020-12-04)
failed to notice that /compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat will default to
using the "x64-windows" architecture for the vcpkg installation if not set,
but CMake is not told of this default. Commit 635b6d99b3 (vcbuild: install
ARM64 dependencies when building ARM64 binaries, 2020-01-31) later updated
vcpkg_install.bat to accept an arch (%1) parameter, but retained the default.

This default is neccessary for the use case where the project directory is
opened directly in Visual Studio, which will find and build a CMakeLists.txt
file without any parameters, thus expecting use of the default setting.

Also Visual studio will generate internal .sln solution and .vcxproj project
files needed for some extension tools. Inform users of the additional
.sln/.vcxproj generation.

** How to test:
 rm -rf '.vs' # remove old visual studio settings
 rm -rf 'compat/vcbuild/vcpkg' # remove any vcpkg downloads
 rm -rf 'contrib/buildsystems/out' # remove builds & CMake artifacts
 with a fresh Visual Studio Community Edition, File>>Open>>(git *folder*)
   to load the project (which will take some time!).
 check for successful compilation.
The implicit .sln (etc.) are in the hidden .vs directory created by
Visual Studio.

Signed-off-by: Philip Oakley <>
 contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
index 08da5b6cfe42aa..374e34b0cf51b3 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ if(USE_VCPKG)
 		message("Initializing vcpkg and building the Git's dependencies (this will take a while...)")
 		execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat ${VCPKG_ARCH})
+		message("VCPKG_ARCH: unset, using 'x64-windows'")
+		set(VCPKG_ARCH "x64-windows") # default from vcpkg_install.bat
+	endif()
 	# In the vcpkg edition, we need this to be able to link to libcurl

From 4659ca0f0a8ead1b770cae5b228d342727f945d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Oakley <>
Date: Mon, 10 May 2021 16:47:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 064/154] CMake: show Win32 and Generator_platform build-option

Ensure key CMake option values are part of the CMake output to
facilitate user support when tool updates impact the wider CMake
actions, particularly ongoing 'improvements' in Visual Studio.

These CMake displays perform the same function as the build-options.txt
provided in the main Git for Windows. CMake is already chatty.
The setting of CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS is also reported.

Include the environment's CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS value which
may have been propogated to CMake's internal value.

Testing the CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS processing can be difficult
in the Visual Studio environment, as it may be cached in many places.
The 'environment' may include the OS, the user shell, CMake's
own environment, along with the Visual Studio presets and caches.

See previous commit for arefacts that need removing for a clean test.

Signed-off-by: Philip Oakley <>
 contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt | 10 ++++++++++
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
index 374e34b0cf51b3..54c28134bd0481 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -63,10 +63,20 @@ endif()
 	set(VCPKG_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg")
+	message("WIN32: ${WIN32}") # show its underlying text values
+	message("VCPKG_DIR: ${VCPKG_DIR}")
+	message("VCPKG_ARCH: ${VCPKG_ARCH}") # maybe unset
+	message("MSVC: ${MSVC}")
 		message("Initializing vcpkg and building the Git's dependencies (this will take a while...)")
 		execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat ${VCPKG_ARCH})

From 706447445d0b124bb2a04cbb54a67716a139e008 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Oakley <>
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2021 23:15:13 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 065/154] hash-object: demonstrate a >4GB/LLP64 problem

On LLP64 systems, such as Windows, the size of `long`, `int`, etc. is
only 32 bits (for backward compatibility). Git's use of `unsigned long`
for file memory sizes in many places, rather than size_t, limits the
handling of large files on LLP64 systems (commonly given as `>4GB`).

Provide a minimum test for handling a >4GB file. The `hash-object`
command, with the  `--literally` and without `-w` option avoids
writing the object, either loose or packed. This avoids the code paths
hitting the `bigFileThreshold` config test code, the zlib code, and the
pack code.

Subsequent patches will walk the test's call chain, converting types to
`size_t` (which is larger in LLP64 data models) where appropriate.

Signed-off-by: Philip Oakley <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 t/ | 11 +++++++++++
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a0481139de5519..51604797e98b35 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ test_expect_success 'setup' '
 	example sha1:ddd3f836d3e3fbb7ae289aa9ae83536f76956399
 	example sha256:b44fe1fe65589848253737db859bd490453510719d7424daab03daf0767b85ae
+	large5GB sha1:0be2be10a4c8764f32c4bf372a98edc731a4b204
+	large5GB sha256:dc18ca621300c8d3cfa505a275641ebab00de189859e022a975056882d313e64
@@ -265,4 +268,12 @@ test_expect_success '--stdin outside of repository (uses SHA-1)' '
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_failure EXPENSIVE,SIZE_T_IS_64BIT,!LONG_IS_64BIT \
+		'files over 4GB hash literally' '
+	test-tool genzeros $((5*1024*1024*1024)) >big &&
+	test_oid large5GB >expect &&
+	git hash-object --stdin --literally <big >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual

From cc41ae7e4f0c004f7a0fc9be5cee53ba77ffa703 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Oakley <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2021 21:07:03 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 066/154] write_object_file_literally(): use size_t

The previous commit adds a test that demonstrates a problem in the
`hash-object --literally` command, manifesting in an unnecessary file
size limit on systems using the LLP64 data model (which includes

Walking the affected code path is `cmd_hash_object()` >> `hash_fd()` >>
`hash_literally()` >> `hash_object_file_literally()`.

The function `hash_object_file_literally()` is the first with a file
length parameter (via a mem buffer). This commit changes the type of
that parameter to the LLP64 compatible `size_t` type.

There are no other uses of the function. The `strbuf` type is already
`size_t` compatible.

Note: The hash-object test does not yet pass. Subsequent commits will
continue to walk the call tree's lower level functions to identify
further fixes.

Signed-off-by: Philip Oakley <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 object-file.c     | 4 ++--
 object-store-ll.h | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/object-file.c b/object-file.c
index 5b792b3dd42cec..db2d977e8cdb71 100644
--- a/object-file.c
+++ b/object-file.c
@@ -1960,7 +1960,7 @@ static void write_object_file_prepare(const struct git_hash_algo *algo,
 static void write_object_file_prepare_literally(const struct git_hash_algo *algo,
-				      const void *buf, unsigned long len,
+				      const void *buf, size_t len,
 				      const char *type, struct object_id *oid,
 				      char *hdr, int *hdrlen)
@@ -2498,7 +2498,7 @@ int write_object_file_flags(const void *buf, unsigned long len,
 	return 0;
-int write_object_file_literally(const void *buf, unsigned long len,
+int write_object_file_literally(const void *buf, size_t len,
 				const char *type, struct object_id *oid,
 				unsigned flags)
diff --git a/object-store-ll.h b/object-store-ll.h
index cd3bd5bd99f78c..d54534742f97df 100644
--- a/object-store-ll.h
+++ b/object-store-ll.h
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ static inline int write_object_file(const void *buf, unsigned long len,
 	return write_object_file_flags(buf, len, type, oid, NULL, 0);
-int write_object_file_literally(const void *buf, unsigned long len,
+int write_object_file_literally(const void *buf, size_t len,
 				const char *type, struct object_id *oid,
 				unsigned flags);
 int stream_loose_object(struct input_stream *in_stream, size_t len,

From d356a95698b77ec306c4de460dde7841bc16ac3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Oakley <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2021 21:14:50 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 067/154] object-file.c: use size_t for header lengths

Continue walking the code path for the >4GB `hash-object --literally`
test. The `hash_object_file_literally()` function internally uses both
`hash_object_file()` and `write_object_file_prepare()`. Both function
signatures use `unsigned long` rather than `size_t` for the mem buffer
sizes. Use `size_t` instead, for LLP64 compatibility.

While at it, convert those function's object's header buffer length to
`size_t` for consistency. The value is already upcast to `uintmax_t` for
print format compatibility.

Note: The hash-object test still does not pass. A subsequent commit
continues to walk the call tree's lower level hash functions to identify
further fixes.

Signed-off-by: Philip Oakley <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 object-file.c     | 22 +++++++++++-----------
 object-store-ll.h |  4 ++--
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/object-file.c b/object-file.c
index db2d977e8cdb71..2960775978f0f6 100644
--- a/object-file.c
+++ b/object-file.c
@@ -1937,7 +1937,7 @@ void *read_object_with_reference(struct repository *r,
 static void hash_object_body(const struct git_hash_algo *algo, git_hash_ctx *c,
 			     const void *buf, unsigned long len,
 			     struct object_id *oid,
-			     char *hdr, int *hdrlen)
+			     char *hdr, size_t *hdrlen)
 	algo->update_fn(c, hdr, *hdrlen);
@@ -1946,9 +1946,9 @@ static void hash_object_body(const struct git_hash_algo *algo, git_hash_ctx *c,
 static void write_object_file_prepare(const struct git_hash_algo *algo,
-				      const void *buf, unsigned long len,
+				      const void *buf, size_t len,
 				      enum object_type type, struct object_id *oid,
-				      char *hdr, int *hdrlen)
+				      char *hdr, size_t *hdrlen)
 	git_hash_ctx c;
@@ -1962,7 +1962,7 @@ static void write_object_file_prepare(const struct git_hash_algo *algo,
 static void write_object_file_prepare_literally(const struct git_hash_algo *algo,
 				      const void *buf, size_t len,
 				      const char *type, struct object_id *oid,
-				      char *hdr, int *hdrlen)
+				      char *hdr, size_t *hdrlen)
 	git_hash_ctx c;
@@ -2082,17 +2082,17 @@ int finalize_object_file_flags(const char *tmpfile, const char *filename,
 static void hash_object_file_literally(const struct git_hash_algo *algo,
-				       const void *buf, unsigned long len,
+				       const void *buf, size_t len,
 				       const char *type, struct object_id *oid)
 	char hdr[MAX_HEADER_LEN];
-	int hdrlen = sizeof(hdr);
+	size_t hdrlen = sizeof(hdr);
 	write_object_file_prepare_literally(algo, buf, len, type, oid, hdr, &hdrlen);
 void hash_object_file(const struct git_hash_algo *algo, const void *buf,
-		      unsigned long len, enum object_type type,
+		      size_t len, enum object_type type,
 		      struct object_id *oid)
 	hash_object_file_literally(algo, buf, len, type_name(type), oid);
@@ -2458,7 +2458,7 @@ int stream_loose_object(struct input_stream *in_stream, size_t len,
 	return err;
-int write_object_file_flags(const void *buf, unsigned long len,
+int write_object_file_flags(const void *buf, size_t len,
 			    enum object_type type, struct object_id *oid,
 			    struct object_id *compat_oid_in, unsigned flags)
@@ -2467,7 +2467,7 @@ int write_object_file_flags(const void *buf, unsigned long len,
 	const struct git_hash_algo *compat = repo->compat_hash_algo;
 	struct object_id compat_oid;
 	char hdr[MAX_HEADER_LEN];
-	int hdrlen = sizeof(hdr);
+	size_t hdrlen = sizeof(hdr);
 	/* Generate compat_oid */
 	if (compat) {
@@ -2507,8 +2507,8 @@ int write_object_file_literally(const void *buf, size_t len,
 	const struct git_hash_algo *algo = repo->hash_algo;
 	const struct git_hash_algo *compat = repo->compat_hash_algo;
 	struct object_id compat_oid;
-	int hdrlen, status = 0;
-	int compat_type = -1;
+	size_t hdrlen;
+	int status = 0, compat_type = -1;
 	if (compat) {
 		compat_type = type_from_string_gently(type, -1, 1);
diff --git a/object-store-ll.h b/object-store-ll.h
index d54534742f97df..f9eee3433a112c 100644
--- a/object-store-ll.h
+++ b/object-store-ll.h
@@ -270,10 +270,10 @@ void *repo_read_object_file(struct repository *r,
 int oid_object_info(struct repository *r, const struct object_id *, unsigned long *);
 void hash_object_file(const struct git_hash_algo *algo, const void *buf,
-		      unsigned long len, enum object_type type,
+		      size_t len, enum object_type type,
 		      struct object_id *oid);
-int write_object_file_flags(const void *buf, unsigned long len,
+int write_object_file_flags(const void *buf, size_t len,
 			    enum object_type type, struct object_id *oid,
 			    struct object_id *comapt_oid_in, unsigned flags);
 static inline int write_object_file(const void *buf, unsigned long len,

From 3a7bad36d5af381de3876aaa07205a9cc3e5445b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Oakley <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2021 21:16:51 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 068/154] hash algorithms: use size_t for section lengths

Continue walking the code path for the >4GB `hash-object --literally`
test to the hash algorithm step for LLP64 systems.

This patch lets the SHA1DC code use `size_t`, making it compatible with
LLP64 data models (as used e.g. by Windows).

The interested reader of this patch will note that we adjust the
signature of the `git_SHA1DCUpdate()` function without updating _any_
call site. This certainly puzzled at least one reviewer already, so here
is an explanation:

This function is never called directly, but always via the macro
`platform_SHA1_Update`, which is usually called via the macro
`git_SHA1_Update`. However, we never call `git_SHA1_Update()` directly
in `struct git_hash_algo`. Instead, we call `git_hash_sha1_update()`,
which is defined thusly:

    static void git_hash_sha1_update(git_hash_ctx *ctx,
                                     const void *data, size_t len)
        git_SHA1_Update(&ctx->sha1, data, len);

i.e. it contains an implicit downcast from `size_t` to `unsigned long`
(before this here patch). With this patch, there is no downcast anymore.

With this patch, finally, the "files over 4GB hash
literally" test case is fixed.

Signed-off-by: Philip Oakley <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 object-file.c          | 4 ++--
 sha1dc_git.c           | 3 +--
 sha1dc_git.h           | 2 +-
 t/ | 2 +-
 4 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/object-file.c b/object-file.c
index 2960775978f0f6..f94254a0202c66 100644
--- a/object-file.c
+++ b/object-file.c
@@ -1935,7 +1935,7 @@ void *read_object_with_reference(struct repository *r,
 static void hash_object_body(const struct git_hash_algo *algo, git_hash_ctx *c,
-			     const void *buf, unsigned long len,
+			     const void *buf, size_t len,
 			     struct object_id *oid,
 			     char *hdr, size_t *hdrlen)
@@ -1955,7 +1955,7 @@ static void write_object_file_prepare(const struct git_hash_algo *algo,
 	/* Generate the header */
 	*hdrlen = format_object_header(hdr, *hdrlen, type, len);
-	/* Sha1.. */
+	/* Hash (function pointers) computation */
 	hash_object_body(algo, &c, buf, len, oid, hdr, hdrlen);
diff --git a/sha1dc_git.c b/sha1dc_git.c
index 9b675a046ee699..fe58d7962a30c9 100644
--- a/sha1dc_git.c
+++ b/sha1dc_git.c
@@ -27,10 +27,9 @@ void git_SHA1DCFinal(unsigned char hash[20], SHA1_CTX *ctx)
  * Same as SHA1DCUpdate, but adjust types to match git's usual interface.
-void git_SHA1DCUpdate(SHA1_CTX *ctx, const void *vdata, unsigned long len)
+void git_SHA1DCUpdate(SHA1_CTX *ctx, const void *vdata, size_t len)
 	const char *data = vdata;
-	/* We expect an unsigned long, but sha1dc only takes an int */
 	while (len > INT_MAX) {
 		SHA1DCUpdate(ctx, data, INT_MAX);
 		data += INT_MAX;
diff --git a/sha1dc_git.h b/sha1dc_git.h
index f6f880cabea382..0bcf1aa84b7241 100644
--- a/sha1dc_git.h
+++ b/sha1dc_git.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ void git_SHA1DCInit(SHA1_CTX *);
 void git_SHA1DCFinal(unsigned char [20], SHA1_CTX *);
-void git_SHA1DCUpdate(SHA1_CTX *ctx, const void *data, unsigned long len);
+void git_SHA1DCUpdate(SHA1_CTX *ctx, const void *data, size_t len);
 #define platform_SHA_IS_SHA1DC /* used by "test-tool sha1-is-sha1dc" */
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 51604797e98b35..710139837e7a91 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ test_expect_success '--stdin outside of repository (uses SHA-1)' '
 	test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_failure EXPENSIVE,SIZE_T_IS_64BIT,!LONG_IS_64BIT \
+test_expect_success EXPENSIVE,SIZE_T_IS_64BIT,!LONG_IS_64BIT \
 		'files over 4GB hash literally' '
 	test-tool genzeros $((5*1024*1024*1024)) >big &&
 	test_oid large5GB >expect &&

From e712f83ab3cb0ebae96d79acf0002f6ea3c2ad1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Oakley <>
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2021 22:26:50 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 069/154] hash-object --stdin: verify that it works with

Just like the `hash-object --literally` code path, the `--stdin` code
path also needs to use `size_t` instead of `unsigned long` to represent
memory sizes, otherwise it would cause problems on platforms using the
LLP64 data model (such as Windows).

To limit the scope of the test case, the object is explicitly not
written to the object store, nor are any filters applied.

The `big` file from the previous test case is reused to save setup time;
To avoid relying on that side effect, it is generated if it does not
exist (e.g. when running via `sh t1007-*.sh --long --run=1,41`).

Signed-off-by: Philip Oakley <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 t/ | 8 ++++++++
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 710139837e7a91..aa1dd51709d5cc 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -276,4 +276,12 @@ test_expect_success EXPENSIVE,SIZE_T_IS_64BIT,!LONG_IS_64BIT \
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success EXPENSIVE,SIZE_T_IS_64BIT,!LONG_IS_64BIT \
+		'files over 4GB hash correctly via --stdin' '
+	{ test -f big || test-tool genzeros $((5*1024*1024*1024)) >big; } &&
+	test_oid large5GB >expect &&
+	git hash-object --stdin <big >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual

From 93c471bcce0b143072b02b49a8d79b6da4bf9ed8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Oakley <>
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2021 22:42:46 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 070/154] hash-object: add another >4GB/LLP64 test case

To complement the `--stdin` and `--literally` test cases that verify
that we can hash files larger than 4GB on 64-bit platforms using the
LLP64 data model, here is a test case that exercises `hash-object`
_without_ any options.

Just as before, we use the `big` file from the previous test case if it
exists to save on setup time, otherwise generate it.

Signed-off-by: Philip Oakley <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 t/ | 8 ++++++++
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index aa1dd51709d5cc..7c6b7913d4f23d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -284,4 +284,12 @@ test_expect_success EXPENSIVE,SIZE_T_IS_64BIT,!LONG_IS_64BIT \
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success EXPENSIVE,SIZE_T_IS_64BIT,!LONG_IS_64BIT \
+		'files over 4GB hash correctly' '
+	{ test -f big || test-tool genzeros $((5*1024*1024*1024)) >big; } &&
+	test_oid large5GB >expect &&
+	git hash-object -- big >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual

From 3806fdcac944b843aa3d797425a7fad5256337f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 14:49:17 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 071/154] setup: properly use "%(prefix)/" when in WSL

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 setup.c | 11 ++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/setup.c b/setup.c
index 8a488f3e7c74b1..fc4e9ff742efc9 100644
--- a/setup.c
+++ b/setup.c
@@ -1781,10 +1781,19 @@ const char *setup_git_directory_gently(int *nongit_ok)
 		if (!nongit_ok) {
+			struct strbuf prequoted = STRBUF_INIT;
 			struct strbuf quoted = STRBUF_INIT;
 			strbuf_complete(&report, '\n');
-			sq_quote_buf_pretty(&quoted, dir.buf);
+#ifdef __MINGW32__
+			if (dir.buf[0] == '/')
+				strbuf_addstr(&prequoted, "%(prefix)/");
+			strbuf_add(&prequoted, dir.buf, dir.len);
+			sq_quote_buf_pretty(&quoted, prequoted.buf);
 			die(_("detected dubious ownership in repository at '%s'\n"
 			      "To add an exception for this directory, call:\n"

From 49953686bcf31a8f928c0d38f544bb754a4a257d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2021 13:05:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 072/154] init: do parse _all_ core.* settings early

In Git for Windows, `has_symlinks` is set to 0 by default. Therefore, we
need to parse the config setting `core.symlinks` to know if it has been
set to `true`. In `git init`, we must do that before copying the
templates because they might contain symbolic links.

Even if the support for symbolic links on Windows has not made it to
upstream Git yet, we really should make sure that all the `core.*`
settings are parsed before proceeding, as they might very well change
the behavior of `git init` in a way the user intended.

This fixes

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 config.c | 4 ++--
 config.h | 2 ++
 setup.c  | 2 +-
 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config.c b/config.c
index 50f2d17b399446..95b7de0522d180 100644
--- a/config.c
+++ b/config.c
@@ -1392,8 +1392,8 @@ int git_config_color(char *dest, const char *var, const char *value)
 	return 0;
-static int git_default_core_config(const char *var, const char *value,
-				   const struct config_context *ctx, void *cb)
+int git_default_core_config(const char *var, const char *value,
+			    const struct config_context *ctx, void *cb)
 	/* This needs a better name */
 	if (!strcmp(var, "core.filemode")) {
diff --git a/config.h b/config.h
index 5c730c4f899160..e4199bbdc07685 100644
--- a/config.h
+++ b/config.h
@@ -167,6 +167,8 @@ typedef int (*config_fn_t)(const char *, const char *,
 int git_default_config(const char *, const char *,
 		       const struct config_context *, void *);
+int git_default_core_config(const char *var, const char *value,
+			    const struct config_context *ctx, void *cb);
  * Read a specific file in git-config format.
diff --git a/setup.c b/setup.c
index 8a488f3e7c74b1..9bcfa72f6e8cd2 100644
--- a/setup.c
+++ b/setup.c
@@ -2586,7 +2586,7 @@ int init_db(const char *git_dir, const char *real_git_dir,
 	 * have set up the repository format such that we can evaluate
 	 * includeIf conditions correctly in the case of re-initialization.
-	git_config(platform_core_config, NULL);
+	git_config(git_default_core_config, NULL);
 	safe_create_dir(git_dir, 0);

From a6eb08235fedfbf684c65c6c926f8d994a9a8606 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Oakley <>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2021 09:53:41 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 073/154] hash-object: add a >4GB/LLP64 test case using
 filtered input

To verify that the `clean` side of the `clean`/`smudge` filter code is
correct with regards to LLP64 (read: to ensure that `size_t` is used
instead of `unsigned long`), here is a test case using a trivial filter,
specifically _not_ writing anything to the object store to limit the
scope of the test case.

As in previous commits, the `big` file from previous test cases is
reused if available, to save setup time, otherwise re-generated.

Signed-off-by: Philip Oakley <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 t/ | 12 ++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7c6b7913d4f23d..5850c27a9cc315 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -292,4 +292,16 @@ test_expect_success EXPENSIVE,SIZE_T_IS_64BIT,!LONG_IS_64BIT \
 	test_cmp expect actual
+# This clean filter does nothing, other than excercising the interface.
+# We ensure that cleaning doesn't mangle large files on 64-bit Windows.
+test_expect_success EXPENSIVE,SIZE_T_IS_64BIT,!LONG_IS_64BIT \
+		'hash filtered files over 4GB correctly' '
+	{ test -f big || test-tool genzeros $((5*1024*1024*1024)) >big; } &&
+	test_oid large5GB >expect &&
+	test_config filter.null-filter.clean "cat" &&
+	echo "big filter=null-filter" >.gitattributes &&
+	git hash-object -- big >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual

From d750ec6e046c35ab779560b6af710005fc400a3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2022 12:05:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 074/154] vcxproj: allow building with `NO_PERL` again

This is another fall-out of the recent refactoring flurry.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 config.mak.uname | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index 9f4671734aec90..a2a23f0f30c07e 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -802,9 +802,11 @@ vcxproj:
 	sed -i '/^git_broken_path_fix ".*/d' git-sh-setup
 	git add -f $(SCRIPT_LIB) $(SCRIPTS)
+ifndef NO_PERL
 	# Add Perl module
 	git add -f perl/build
 	# Add bin-wrappers, for testing
 	rm -rf bin-wrappers/

From 5735c9f80299a2c3603422472619221a47a42624 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 16:35:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 075/154] vcxproj: require C11

This fixes the build after 7bc341e21b (git-compat-util: add a test
balloon for C99 support, 2021-12-01).

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
index a6d1c6b8d05682..1858107378396a 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ sub createProject {
       <PrecompiledHeader />
+      <LanguageStandard_C>stdc11</LanguageStandard_C>

From 0c544f2693d91e53c3059284db34292d9a9f66db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 16:38:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 076/154] vcxproj: ignore the `-pedantic` option

This is now passed by default, ever since 6a8cbc41ba (developer: enable
pedantic by default, 2021-09-03).

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 contrib/buildsystems/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/ b/contrib/buildsystems/
index 417ae71d44ccab..ee4fca200cc506 100755
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ sub handleCompileLine
         if ("$part" eq "-o") {
             # ignore object file
             shift @parts;
-        } elsif ("$part" eq "-c" || "$part" eq "-i" || "$part" =~ /^-fno-/) {
+        } elsif ("$part" eq "-c" || "$part" eq "-i" || "$part" =~ /^-fno-/ || "$part" eq '-pedantic') {
             # ignore compile flag
         } elsif ($part =~ /^.?-I/) {
             push(@incpaths, $part);

From a743fb7389588e20143d4aa340662ccd8b2cb177 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 17:00:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 077/154] vcxproj: include reftable when committing `.vcxproj`

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 config.mak.uname | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index a2a23f0f30c07e..9b7e0a519374b3 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ vcxproj:
 	# Make .vcxproj files and add them
 	perl contrib/buildsystems/generate -g Vcxproj
-	git add -f git.sln {*,*/lib.proj,t/helper/*}/*.vcxproj
+	git add -f git.sln {*,*/lib.proj,t/helper/*,reftable/libreftable{,_test}.proj}/*.vcxproj
 	# Generate the LinkOrCopyBuiltins.targets and LinkOrCopyRemoteHttp.targets file
 	(echo '<Project xmlns="">' && \

From 6ee1f625e519c8bbf7223e4f7c177a0b4e53f530 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 14:54:43 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 078/154] compat/mingw.c: do not warn when failing to get owner

In the case of Git for Windows (say, in a Git Bash window) running in a
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) directory, the GetNamedSecurityInfoW()
call in is_path_owned_By_current_side() returns an error code other than
ERROR_SUCCESS. This is consistent behavior across this boundary.

In these cases, the owner would always be different because the WSL
owner is a different entity than the Windows user.

The change here is to suppress the error message that looks like this:

  error: failed to get owner for '//wsl.localhost/...' (1)

Before this change, this warning happens for every Git command,
regardless of whether the directory is marked with

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 compat/mingw.c | 4 +---
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 1d5b211b548dab..ed466660f39cc6 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -2924,9 +2924,7 @@ int is_path_owned_by_current_sid(const char *path, struct strbuf *report)
 				    &sid, NULL, NULL, NULL, &descriptor);
-	if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-		error(_("failed to get owner for '%s' (%ld)"), path, err);
-	else if (sid && IsValidSid(sid)) {
+	if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS && sid && IsValidSid(sid)) {
 		/* Now, verify that the SID matches the current user's */
 		static PSID current_user_sid;
 		BOOL is_member;

From bd7b567642602de71daa9f7a12595627dce15480 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rafael Kitover <>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2022 19:53:33 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 079/154] mingw: $env:TERM="xterm-256color" for newer OSes

For Windows builds >= 15063 set $env:TERM to "xterm-256color" instead of
"cygwin" because they have a more capable console system that supports
this. Also set $env:COLORTERM="truecolor" if unset.

$env:TERM is initialized so that ANSI colors in color.c work, see
29a3963484 (Win32: patch Windows environment on startup, 2012-01-15).

See git-for-windows/git#3629 regarding problems caused by always setting

This is the same heuristic used by the Cygwin runtime.

Signed-off-by: Rafael Kitover <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/mingw.c | 17 ++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 1d5b211b548dab..a90f8daa3c66df 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -2795,9 +2795,20 @@ static void setup_windows_environment(void)
-	/* simulate TERM to enable auto-color (see color.c) */
-	if (!getenv("TERM"))
-		setenv("TERM", "cygwin", 1);
+	/*
+	 * Make sure TERM is set up correctly to enable auto-color
+	 * (see color.c .) Use "cygwin" for older OS releases which
+	 * works correctly with MSYS2 utilities on older consoles.
+	 */
+	if (!getenv("TERM")) {
+		if ((GetVersion() >> 16) < 15063)
+			setenv("TERM", "cygwin", 0);
+		else {
+			setenv("TERM", "xterm-256color", 0);
+			setenv("COLORTERM", "truecolor", 0);
+		}
+	}
 	/* calculate HOME if not set */
 	if (!getenv("HOME")) {

From 267c656c8e6a376a90675c4f53d6ff6f7e815d76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christopher Degawa <>
Date: Sat, 28 May 2022 14:53:54 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 080/154] winansi: check result and Buffer before using Name

NtQueryObject under Wine can return a success but fill out no name.
In those situations, Wine will set Buffer to NULL, and set result to

Running a command such as

echo "$(git.exe --version 2>/dev/null)"

will crash due to a NULL pointer dereference when the code attempts to
null terminate the buffer, although, weirdly, removing the subshell or
redirecting stdout to a file will not trigger the crash.

Code has been added to also check Buffer and Length to ensure the check
is as robust as possible due to the current behavior being fragile at
best, and could potentially change in the future

This code is based on the behavior of NtQueryObject under wine and

Signed-off-by: Christopher Degawa <>
 compat/winansi.c | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/compat/winansi.c b/compat/winansi.c
index ac2ffb78691a7d..d28137a20b0bcc 100644
--- a/compat/winansi.c
+++ b/compat/winansi.c
@@ -575,6 +575,9 @@ static void detect_msys_tty(int fd)
 	if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtQueryObject(h, ObjectNameInformation,
 			buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 2, &result)))
+	if (result < sizeof(*nameinfo) || !nameinfo->Name.Buffer ||
+		!nameinfo->Name.Length)
+		return;
 	name = nameinfo->Name.Buffer;
 	name[nameinfo->Name.Length / sizeof(*name)] = 0;

From a966265ab3885536d02737bc6780448ff27b31f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?=E5=AD=99=E5=8D=93=E8=AF=86?= <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2022 03:38:33 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 081/154] Add config option `windows.appendAtomically`
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Atomic append on windows is only supported on local disk files, and it may
cause errors in other situations, e.g. network file system. If that is the
case, this config option should be used to turn atomic append off.

Co-Authored-By: Johannes Schindelin <>
Signed-off-by: 孙卓识 <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 Documentation/config.txt         |  2 ++
 Documentation/config/windows.txt |  4 ++++
 compat/mingw.c                   | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 3 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/config/windows.txt

diff --git a/Documentation/config.txt b/Documentation/config.txt
index 8c0b3ed8075214..f1510a85205487 100644
--- a/Documentation/config.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config.txt
@@ -554,4 +554,6 @@ include::config/versionsort.txt[]
diff --git a/Documentation/config/windows.txt b/Documentation/config/windows.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..fdaaf1c65504f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/config/windows.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+	By default, append atomic API is used on windows. But it works only with
+	local disk files, if you're working on a network file system, you should
+	set it false to turn it off.
diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 1d5b211b548dab..599bf6cd1c6388 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include "gettext.h"
 #define SECURITY_WIN32
 #include <sspi.h>
+#include "../repository.h"
 #define HCAST(type, handle) ((type)(intptr_t)handle)
@@ -614,6 +615,7 @@ static int is_local_named_pipe_path(const char *filename)
 int mingw_open (const char *filename, int oflags, ...)
+	static int append_atomically = -1;
 	typedef int (*open_fn_t)(wchar_t const *wfilename, int oflags, ...);
 	va_list args;
 	unsigned mode;
@@ -630,7 +632,16 @@ int mingw_open (const char *filename, int oflags, ...)
 		return -1;
-	if ((oflags & O_APPEND) && !is_local_named_pipe_path(filename))
+	/*
+	 * Only set append_atomically to default value(1) when repo is initialized
+	 * and fail to get config value
+	 */
+	if (append_atomically < 0 && the_repository && the_repository->commondir &&
+		git_config_get_bool("windows.appendatomically", &append_atomically))
+		append_atomically = 1;
+	if (append_atomically && (oflags & O_APPEND) &&
+		!is_local_named_pipe_path(filename))
 		open_fn = mingw_open_append;
 	else if (!(oflags & ~(O_ACCMODE | O_NOINHERIT)))
 		open_fn = mingw_open_existing;
@@ -781,9 +792,28 @@ ssize_t mingw_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t len)
 		/* check if fd is a pipe */
 		HANDLE h = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(fd);
-		if (GetFileType(h) != FILE_TYPE_PIPE)
+		if (GetFileType(h) != FILE_TYPE_PIPE) {
+			if (orig == EINVAL) {
+				wchar_t path[MAX_PATH];
+				DWORD ret = GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(h, path,
+								ARRAY_SIZE(path), 0);
+				UINT drive_type = ret > 0 && ret < ARRAY_SIZE(path) ?
+					GetDriveTypeW(path) : DRIVE_UNKNOWN;
+				/*
+				 * The default atomic append causes such an error on
+				 * network file systems, in such a case, it should be
+				 * turned off via config.
+				 *
+				 * `drive_type` of UNC path: DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR
+				 */
+				if (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR == drive_type || DRIVE_REMOTE == drive_type)
+					warning("invalid write operation detected; you may try:\n"
+						"\n\tgit config windows.appendAtomically false");
+			}
 			errno = orig;
-		else if (orig == EINVAL)
+		} else if (orig == EINVAL)
 			errno = EPIPE;
 		else {
 			DWORD buf_size;

From a27122f8523c65d23ecb5aa880e19a1da3d7fbff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2017 11:59:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 082/154] mingw: change core.fsyncObjectFiles = 1 by default
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

From the documentation of said setting:

	This boolean will enable fsync() when writing object files.

	This is a total waste of time and effort on a filesystem that
	orders data writes properly, but can be useful for filesystems
	that do not use journalling (traditional UNIX filesystems) or
	that only journal metadata and not file contents (OS X’s HFS+,
	or Linux ext3 with "data=writeback").

The most common file system on Windows (NTFS) does not guarantee that
order, therefore a sudden loss of power (or any other event causing an
unclean shutdown) would cause corrupt files (i.e. files filled with
NULs). Therefore we need to change the default.

Note that the documentation makes it sound as if this causes really bad
performance. In reality, writing loose objects is something that is done
only rarely, and only a handful of files at a time.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/mingw.c | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 599bf6cd1c6388..59b8aaa004d5f7 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include "gettext.h"
 #define SECURITY_WIN32
 #include <sspi.h>
+#include "../write-or-die.h"
 #include "../repository.h"
 #define HCAST(type, handle) ((type)(intptr_t)handle)
@@ -3283,6 +3284,7 @@ int wmain(int argc, const wchar_t **wargv)
+	fsync_object_files = 1;
 	/* determine size of argv and environ conversion buffer */
 	maxlen = wcslen(wargv[0]);

From 4473e64aba51219db4cdb355a0da4d84a097a9c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 18:04:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 083/154] vcxproj: handle libreftable_test, too

Since ef8a6c6268 (reftable: utility functions, 2021-10-07) we not only
have a libreftable, but also a libreftable_test.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ | 9 +++++++--
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
index 1858107378396a..20d91ea84bfd44 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ sub createProject {
     my $libs_release = "\n    ";
     my $libs_debug = "\n    ";
     if (!$static_library && $name ne 'headless-git') {
-      $libs_release = join(";", sort(grep /^(?!libgit\.lib|xdiff\/lib\.lib|vcs-svn\/lib\.lib|reftable\/libreftable\.lib)/, @{$$build_structure{"$prefix${name}_LIBS"}}));
+      $libs_release = join(";", sort(grep /^(?!libgit\.lib|xdiff\/lib\.lib|vcs-svn\/lib\.lib|reftable\/libreftable(_test)?\.lib)/, @{$$build_structure{"$prefix${name}_LIBS"}}));
       $libs_debug = $libs_release;
       $libs_debug =~ s/zlib\.lib/zlibd\.lib/g;
       $libs_debug =~ s/libexpat\.lib/libexpatd\.lib/g;
@@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ EOM
     if ((!$static_library || $target =~ 'vcs-svn' || $target =~ 'xdiff') && !($name =~ /headless-git/)) {
       my $uuid_libgit = $$build_structure{"LIBS_libgit_GUID"};
       my $uuid_libreftable = $$build_structure{"LIBS_reftable/libreftable_GUID"};
+      my $uuid_libreftable_test = $$build_structure{"LIBS_reftable/libreftable_test_GUID"};
       my $uuid_xdiff_lib = $$build_structure{"LIBS_xdiff/lib_GUID"};
       print F << "EOM";
@@ -269,10 +270,14 @@ EOM
       if (!($name =~ /xdiff|libreftable/)) {
         print F << "EOM";
-    <ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\reftable\\libreftable\\libreftable.vcxproj">
+    <ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\reftable\\libreftable.proj\\libreftable.vcxproj">
+    <ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\reftable\\libreftable_test.proj\\libreftable_test.vcxproj">
+      <Project>$uuid_libreftable_test</Project>
+      <ReferenceOutputAssembly>false</ReferenceOutputAssembly>
+    </ProjectReference>
       if (!($name =~ 'xdiff')) {

From d4953f32ae166cd9af00a4c90d5e8b80df25f3d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 17:36:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 084/154] vcxproj: avoid escaping double quotes in the defines

Visual Studio 2022 does not like that at all.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
index 20d91ea84bfd44..bf77a44e11f463 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ sub createProject {
     $defines =~ s/</&lt;/g;
     $defines =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
     $defines =~ s/\'//g;
+    $defines =~ s/\\"/"/g;
     my $rcdefines = $defines;
     $rcdefines =~ s/(?<!\\)"/\\$&/g;

From d8215b98ef492626be7faf7254e83901cea4d866 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2022 00:39:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 085/154] ci: adjust Azure Pipeline for `runs_on_pool`

These refactorings are really gifts that keep on giving.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 ci/ | 6 ++++++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 8885ee3c3f86c6..1e192b2756e4b0 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -225,6 +225,12 @@ then
+	case "$CI_OS_NAME" in
+	linux) runs_on_pool=ubuntu-latest;;
+	macos|osx) runs_on_pool=macos-latest;;
+	windows_nt) runs_on_pool=windows-latest;;
+	*) echo "Unhandled OS: $CI_OS_NAME" >&2; exit 1;;
+	esac
 elif test true = "$GITHUB_ACTIONS"

From 6be0928f1eb93d9ae84113f8466819d4d59f36c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2022 01:15:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 086/154] ci: stop linking the `prove` cache

It is not useful because we do not have any persisted directory anymore,
not since dropping our Travis CI support.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 ci/ | 5 -----
 ci/      | 5 -----
 2 files changed, 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index c4a41bba0b84df..822cdd63f5f122 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -5,11 +5,6 @@
 . ${0%/*}/
-case "$CI_OS_NAME" in
-windows*) cmd //c mklink //j t\\.prove "$(cygpath -aw "$cache_dir/.prove")";;
-*) ln -s "$cache_dir/.prove" t/.prove;;
 case "$jobname" in
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index e167e646f79e3d..0444c79c023c82 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -5,11 +5,6 @@
 . ${0%/*}/
-case "$CI_OS_NAME" in
-windows*) cmd //c mklink //j t\\.prove "$(cygpath -aw "$cache_dir/.prove")";;
-*) ln -s "$cache_dir/.prove" t/.prove;;
 group "Run tests" make --quiet -C t T="$(cd t &&
 	./helper/test-tool path-utils slice-tests "$1" "$2" t[0-9]*.sh |
 	tr '\n' ' ')" ||

From 697c1b98a2fd89139a734aedb01bb8c8e7bb5934 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 15:09:57 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 087/154] ci: reinstate Azure Pipelines support

... so that we can test a MinGit backport in a private repository (with
GitHub Actions, minutes and parallel jobs are limited way more than with
Azure Pipelines in private repositories).

In this commit, we reinstate the exact version of `azure-pipelines.yml`
as 6081d3898fe (ci: retire the Azure Pipelines definition, 2020-04-11)

Naturally, many adjustments are required to make it work again. Some of
the changes are actually outside of that file (such as the
`runs_on_pool` changes that are needed in the Azure Pipelines part of
`ci/`) and they were made in the commits leading up to this here

However, other adjustments are required in the `azure-pipelines.yml`
file itself, and for ease of review (read: to build confidence in those
changes) they will be made in subsequent, individual commits that
explain the intent, context, implementation and justification like every
good commit message should do.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 azure-pipelines.yml | 558 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 558 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 azure-pipelines.yml

diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..11413f66f89662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+  Agent.Source.Git.ShallowFetchDepth: 1
+- job: windows_build
+  displayName: Windows Build
+  condition: succeeded()
+  pool:
+    vmImage: windows-latest
+  timeoutInMinutes: 240
+  steps:
+  - powershell: |
+      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
+        net use s: \\\test-cache "$GITFILESHAREPWD" /user:AZURE\gitfileshare /persistent:no
+        cmd /c mklink /d "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache" S:\
+      }
+    displayName: 'Mount test-cache'
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - powershell: |
+      $urlbase = ""
+      $id = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}?definitions=22&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&`$top=1").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].id
+      $downloadUrl = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}/$id/artifacts").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[1].resource.downloadUrl
+      (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadUrl,"")
+      Expand-Archive -DestinationPath . -Force
+      Remove-Item
+      # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
+      "/git-sdk-64-minimal/`n/test-cache/`n" | Out-File -NoNewLine -Encoding ascii -Append "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\.git\info\exclude"
+    displayName: 'Download git-sdk-64-minimal'
+  - powershell: |
+      & git-sdk-64-minimal\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
+        ci/ artifacts
+      "@
+      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+    displayName: Build
+    env:
+      HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
+      DEVELOPER: 1
+      NO_PERL: 1
+  - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@0
+    displayName: 'Publish Pipeline Artifact: test artifacts'
+    inputs:
+      artifactName: 'windows-artifacts'
+      targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\artifacts'
+  - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@0
+    displayName: 'Publish Pipeline Artifact: git-sdk-64-minimal'
+    inputs:
+      artifactName: 'git-sdk-64-minimal'
+      targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\git-sdk-64-minimal'
+  - powershell: |
+      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
+        cmd /c rmdir "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache"
+      }
+    displayName: 'Unmount test-cache'
+    condition: true
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+- job: windows_test
+  displayName: Windows Test
+  dependsOn: windows_build
+  condition: succeeded()
+  pool:
+    vmImage: windows-latest
+  timeoutInMinutes: 240
+  strategy:
+    parallel: 10
+  steps:
+  - powershell: |
+      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
+        net use s: \\\test-cache "$GITFILESHAREPWD" /user:AZURE\gitfileshare /persistent:no
+        cmd /c mklink /d "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache" S:\
+      }
+    displayName: 'Mount test-cache'
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@0
+    displayName: 'Download Pipeline Artifact: test artifacts'
+    inputs:
+      artifactName: 'windows-artifacts'
+      targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
+  - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@0
+    displayName: 'Download Pipeline Artifact: git-sdk-64-minimal'
+    inputs:
+      artifactName: 'git-sdk-64-minimal'
+      targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\git-sdk-64-minimal'
+  - powershell: |
+      & git-sdk-64-minimal\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
+        test -f artifacts.tar.gz || {
+          echo No test artifacts found\; skipping >&2
+          exit 0
+        }
+        tar xf artifacts.tar.gz || exit 1
+        # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
+        printf '%s\n' /git-sdk-64-minimal/ /test-cache/ >>.git/info/exclude
+          ci/
+          exit 1
+        }
+      "@
+      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+    displayName: 'Test (parallel)'
+    env:
+      HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
+      NO_SVN_TESTS: 1
+  - powershell: |
+      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
+        cmd /c rmdir "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache"
+      }
+    displayName: 'Unmount test-cache'
+    condition: true
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - task: PublishTestResults@2
+    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
+    inputs:
+      mergeTestResults: true
+      testRunTitle: 'windows'
+      platform: Windows
+      publishRunAttachments: false
+    condition: succeededOrFailed()
+  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
+    condition: failed()
+    inputs:
+      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
+      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
+- job: vs_build
+  displayName: Visual Studio Build
+  condition: succeeded()
+  pool:
+    vmImage: windows-latest
+  timeoutInMinutes: 240
+  steps:
+  - powershell: |
+      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
+        net use s: \\\test-cache "$GITFILESHAREPWD" /user:AZURE\gitfileshare /persistent:no
+        cmd /c mklink /d "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache" S:\
+      }
+    displayName: 'Mount test-cache'
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - powershell: |
+      $urlbase = ""
+      $id = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}?definitions=22&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&`$top=1").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].id
+      $downloadUrl = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}/$id/artifacts").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[1].resource.downloadUrl
+      (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadUrl,"")
+      Expand-Archive -DestinationPath . -Force
+      Remove-Item
+      # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
+      "/git-sdk-64-minimal/`n/test-cache/`n" | Out-File -NoNewLine -Encoding ascii -Append "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\.git\info\exclude"
+    displayName: 'Download git-sdk-64-minimal'
+  - powershell: |
+      & git-sdk-64-minimal\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
+        make NDEBUG=1 DEVELOPER=1 vcxproj
+      "@
+      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+    displayName: Generate Visual Studio Solution
+    env:
+      HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
+      DEVELOPER: 1
+      NO_PERL: 1
+  - powershell: |
+      $urlbase = ""
+      $id = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}?definitions=9&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&`$top=1").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].id
+      $downloadUrl = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}/$id/artifacts").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].resource.downloadUrl
+      (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadUrl, "")
+      Expand-Archive -DestinationPath . -Force
+      Remove-Item
+    displayName: 'Download vcpkg artifacts'
+  - task: MSBuild@1
+    inputs:
+      solution: git.sln
+      platform: x64
+      configuration: Release
+      maximumCpuCount: 4
+      msbuildArguments: /p:PlatformToolset=v142
+  - powershell: |
+      & compat\vcbuild\vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat release
+      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+      & git-sdk-64-minimal\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
+        mkdir -p artifacts &&
+        eval \"`$(make -n artifacts-tar INCLUDE_DLLS_IN_ARTIFACTS=YesPlease ARTIFACTS_DIRECTORY=artifacts | grep ^tar)\"
+      "@
+      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+    displayName: Bundle artifact tar
+    env:
+      HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
+      DEVELOPER: 1
+      NO_PERL: 1
+      MSVC: 1
+      VCPKG_ROOT: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\compat\vcbuild\vcpkg
+  - powershell: |
+      $tag = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "").content
+      $version = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "").content
+      $url = "${tag}/PortableGit-${version}-64-bit.7z.exe"
+      (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url,"PortableGit.exe")
+      & .\PortableGit.exe -y -oartifacts\PortableGit
+      # Wait until it is unpacked
+      while (-not @(Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue PortableGit.exe; $?)) { sleep 1 }
+    displayName: Download & extract portable Git
+  - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@0
+    displayName: 'Publish Pipeline Artifact: MSVC test artifacts'
+    inputs:
+      artifactName: 'vs-artifacts'
+      targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\artifacts'
+  - powershell: |
+      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
+        cmd /c rmdir "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache"
+      }
+    displayName: 'Unmount test-cache'
+    condition: true
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+- job: vs_test
+  displayName: Visual Studio Test
+  dependsOn: vs_build
+  condition: succeeded()
+  pool:
+    vmImage: windows-latest
+  timeoutInMinutes: 240
+  strategy:
+    parallel: 10
+  steps:
+  - powershell: |
+      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
+        net use s: \\\test-cache "$GITFILESHAREPWD" /user:AZURE\gitfileshare /persistent:no
+        cmd /c mklink /d "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache" S:\
+      }
+    displayName: 'Mount test-cache'
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@0
+    displayName: 'Download Pipeline Artifact: VS test artifacts'
+    inputs:
+      artifactName: 'vs-artifacts'
+      targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
+  - powershell: |
+      & PortableGit\git-cmd.exe --command=usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
+        test -f artifacts.tar.gz || {
+          echo No test artifacts found\; skipping >&2
+          exit 0
+        }
+        tar xf artifacts.tar.gz || exit 1
+        # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
+        printf '%s\n' /PortableGit/ /test-cache/ >>.git/info/exclude
+        cd t &&
+        PATH=\"`$PWD/helper:`$PATH\" &&
+        test-tool.exe run-command testsuite --jobs=10 -V -x --write-junit-xml \
+                `$(test-tool.exe path-utils slice-tests \
+      "@
+      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+    displayName: 'Test (parallel)'
+    env:
+      HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
+      NO_SVN_TESTS: 1
+  - powershell: |
+      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
+        cmd /c rmdir "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache"
+      }
+    displayName: 'Unmount test-cache'
+    condition: true
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - task: PublishTestResults@2
+    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
+    inputs:
+      mergeTestResults: true
+      testRunTitle: 'vs'
+      platform: Windows
+      publishRunAttachments: false
+    condition: succeededOrFailed()
+  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
+    condition: failed()
+    inputs:
+      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
+      ArtifactName: failed-vs-test-artifacts
+- job: linux_clang
+  displayName: linux-clang
+  condition: succeeded()
+  pool:
+    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
+  steps:
+  - bash: |
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+       sudo apt-get update &&
+       sudo apt-get -y install git gcc make libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libexpat-dev tcl tk gettext git-email zlib1g-dev apache2-bin &&
+       export CC=clang || exit 1
+       ci/ || exit 1
+       ci/ || {
+           ci/
+           exit 1
+       }
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+    displayName: 'ci/'
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - task: PublishTestResults@2
+    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
+    inputs:
+      mergeTestResults: true
+      testRunTitle: 'linux-clang'
+      platform: Linux
+      publishRunAttachments: false
+    condition: succeededOrFailed()
+  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
+    condition: failed()
+    inputs:
+      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
+      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
+- job: linux_gcc
+  displayName: linux-gcc
+  condition: succeeded()
+  pool:
+    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
+  steps:
+  - bash: |
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+       sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test &&
+       sudo apt-get update &&
+       sudo apt-get -y install git gcc make libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libexpat-dev tcl tk gettext git-email zlib1g-dev apache2 language-pack-is git-svn gcc-8 || exit 1
+       ci/ || exit 1
+       ci/ || {
+           ci/
+           exit 1
+       }
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+    displayName: 'ci/'
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - task: PublishTestResults@2
+    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
+    inputs:
+      mergeTestResults: true
+      testRunTitle: 'linux-gcc'
+      platform: Linux
+      publishRunAttachments: false
+    condition: succeededOrFailed()
+  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
+    condition: failed()
+    inputs:
+      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
+      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
+- job: osx_clang
+  displayName: osx-clang
+  condition: succeeded()
+  pool:
+    vmImage: macOS-latest
+  steps:
+  - bash: |
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+       export CC=clang
+       ci/ || exit 1
+       ci/ || {
+           ci/
+           exit 1
+       }
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+    displayName: 'ci/'
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - task: PublishTestResults@2
+    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
+    inputs:
+      mergeTestResults: true
+      testRunTitle: 'osx-clang'
+      platform: macOS
+      publishRunAttachments: false
+    condition: succeededOrFailed()
+  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
+    condition: failed()
+    inputs:
+      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
+      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
+- job: osx_gcc
+  displayName: osx-gcc
+  condition: succeeded()
+  pool:
+    vmImage: macOS-latest
+  steps:
+  - bash: |
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+       ci/ || exit 1
+       ci/ || {
+           ci/
+           exit 1
+       }
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+    displayName: 'ci/'
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - task: PublishTestResults@2
+    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
+    inputs:
+      mergeTestResults: true
+      testRunTitle: 'osx-gcc'
+      platform: macOS
+      publishRunAttachments: false
+    condition: succeededOrFailed()
+  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
+    condition: failed()
+    inputs:
+      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
+      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
+- job: gettext_poison
+  displayName: GETTEXT_POISON
+  condition: succeeded()
+  pool:
+    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
+  steps:
+  - bash: |
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+       sudo apt-get update &&
+       sudo apt-get -y install git gcc make libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libexpat-dev tcl tk gettext git-email zlib1g-dev &&
+       export jobname=GETTEXT_POISON || exit 1
+       ci/ || {
+           ci/
+           exit 1
+       }
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+    displayName: 'ci/'
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - task: PublishTestResults@2
+    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
+    inputs:
+      mergeTestResults: true
+      testRunTitle: 'gettext-poison'
+      platform: Linux
+      publishRunAttachments: false
+    condition: succeededOrFailed()
+  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
+    condition: failed()
+    inputs:
+      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
+      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
+- job: linux32
+  displayName: Linux32
+  condition: succeeded()
+  pool:
+    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
+  steps:
+  - bash: |
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+       res=0
+       sudo chmod a+r t/out/TEST-*.xml
+       test ! -d t/failed-test-artifacts || sudo chmod a+r t/failed-test-artifacts
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || res=1
+       exit $res
+    displayName: 'jobname=Linux32 ci/'
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - task: PublishTestResults@2
+    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
+    inputs:
+      mergeTestResults: true
+      testRunTitle: 'linux32'
+      platform: Linux
+      publishRunAttachments: false
+    condition: succeededOrFailed()
+  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
+    condition: failed()
+    inputs:
+      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
+      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
+- job: static_analysis
+  displayName: StaticAnalysis
+  condition: succeeded()
+  pool:
+    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
+  steps:
+  - bash: |
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+       sudo apt-get update &&
+       sudo apt-get install -y coccinelle libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libexpat-dev gettext &&
+       export jobname=StaticAnalysis &&
+       ci/ || exit 1
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+    displayName: 'ci/'
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+- job: documentation
+  displayName: Documentation
+  condition: succeeded()
+  pool:
+    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
+  steps:
+  - bash: |
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+       sudo apt-get update &&
+       sudo apt-get install -y asciidoc xmlto asciidoctor docbook-xsl-ns &&
+       export ALREADY_HAVE_ASCIIDOCTOR=yes. &&
+       export jobname=Documentation &&
+       ci/ || exit 1
+       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
+    displayName: 'ci/'
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)

From 928a978d4f1f61650e5e6d61528ee9ced393032b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2022 13:42:19 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 088/154] azure-pipeline: drop the `GETTEXT_POISON` job

This is a follow-up to 6c280b4142 (ci: remove GETTEXT_POISON jobs,
2021-01-20) after reinstating the Azure Pipeline.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 azure-pipelines.yml | 38 --------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
index 11413f66f89662..7b20ad2667fdc9 100644
--- a/azure-pipelines.yml
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -441,44 +441,6 @@ jobs:
       PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
       ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
-- job: gettext_poison
-  displayName: GETTEXT_POISON
-  condition: succeeded()
-  pool:
-    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
-  steps:
-  - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-       sudo apt-get update &&
-       sudo apt-get -y install git gcc make libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libexpat-dev tcl tk gettext git-email zlib1g-dev &&
-       export jobname=GETTEXT_POISON || exit 1
-       ci/ || {
-           ci/
-           exit 1
-       }
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-    displayName: 'ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
-  - task: PublishTestResults@2
-    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
-    inputs:
-      mergeTestResults: true
-      testRunTitle: 'gettext-poison'
-      platform: Linux
-      publishRunAttachments: false
-    condition: succeededOrFailed()
-  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
-    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
-    condition: failed()
-    inputs:
-      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
-      ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
 - job: linux32
   displayName: Linux32
   condition: succeeded()

From f450aab487742cf6c99430ca49e3cdb012627f8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2022 12:28:12 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 089/154] azure-pipeline: stop hard-coding `apt-get` calls

We have `ci/` for that. Incidentally, this avoids
the following error in the linux-* jobs:

    The following packages have unmet dependencies:
    git-email : Depends: git (< 1:2.25.1-.) but 1:2.35.1-0ppa1~ubuntu20.04.1 is to be installed
	  Recommends: libemail-valid-perl but it is not going to be installed

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 azure-pipelines.yml | 7 -------
 1 file changed, 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
index 7b20ad2667fdc9..e311d3055e5eca 100644
--- a/azure-pipelines.yml
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -303,9 +303,6 @@ jobs:
   - bash: |
        test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-       sudo apt-get update &&
-       sudo apt-get -y install git gcc make libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libexpat-dev tcl tk gettext git-email zlib1g-dev apache2-bin &&
        export CC=clang || exit 1
        ci/ || exit 1
@@ -342,10 +339,6 @@ jobs:
   - bash: |
        test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
-       sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test &&
-       sudo apt-get update &&
-       sudo apt-get -y install git gcc make libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libexpat-dev tcl tk gettext git-email zlib1g-dev apache2 language-pack-is git-svn gcc-8 || exit 1
        ci/ || exit 1
        ci/ || {

From 35109d2f55a3822df56d86a1a5094e8b8a497f9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2022 00:02:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 090/154] azure-pipeline: drop the code to write to/read from a
 file share

We haven't used this feature in ages, we don't actually need to.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 azure-pipelines.yml | 105 --------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 105 deletions(-)

diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
index e311d3055e5eca..94bc7ea1f51b47 100644
--- a/azure-pipelines.yml
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -9,14 +9,6 @@ jobs:
     vmImage: windows-latest
   timeoutInMinutes: 240
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        net use s: \\\test-cache "$GITFILESHAREPWD" /user:AZURE\gitfileshare /persistent:no
-        cmd /c mklink /d "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache" S:\
-      }
-    displayName: 'Mount test-cache'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
   - powershell: |
       $urlbase = ""
       $id = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}?definitions=22&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&`$top=1").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].id
@@ -49,14 +41,6 @@ jobs:
       artifactName: 'git-sdk-64-minimal'
       targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\git-sdk-64-minimal'
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        cmd /c rmdir "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache"
-      }
-    displayName: 'Unmount test-cache'
-    condition: true
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
 - job: windows_test
   displayName: Windows Test
@@ -68,14 +52,6 @@ jobs:
     parallel: 10
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        net use s: \\\test-cache "$GITFILESHAREPWD" /user:AZURE\gitfileshare /persistent:no
-        cmd /c mklink /d "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache" S:\
-      }
-    displayName: 'Mount test-cache'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
   - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@0
     displayName: 'Download Pipeline Artifact: test artifacts'
@@ -109,14 +85,6 @@ jobs:
       NO_SVN_TESTS: 1
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        cmd /c rmdir "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache"
-      }
-    displayName: 'Unmount test-cache'
-    condition: true
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
   - task: PublishTestResults@2
     displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
@@ -139,14 +107,6 @@ jobs:
     vmImage: windows-latest
   timeoutInMinutes: 240
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        net use s: \\\test-cache "$GITFILESHAREPWD" /user:AZURE\gitfileshare /persistent:no
-        cmd /c mklink /d "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache" S:\
-      }
-    displayName: 'Mount test-cache'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
   - powershell: |
       $urlbase = ""
       $id = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}?definitions=22&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&`$top=1").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].id
@@ -215,14 +175,6 @@ jobs:
       artifactName: 'vs-artifacts'
       targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\artifacts'
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        cmd /c rmdir "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache"
-      }
-    displayName: 'Unmount test-cache'
-    condition: true
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
 - job: vs_test
   displayName: Visual Studio Test
@@ -234,14 +186,6 @@ jobs:
     parallel: 10
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        net use s: \\\test-cache "$GITFILESHAREPWD" /user:AZURE\gitfileshare /persistent:no
-        cmd /c mklink /d "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache" S:\
-      }
-    displayName: 'Mount test-cache'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
   - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@0
     displayName: 'Download Pipeline Artifact: VS test artifacts'
@@ -271,14 +215,6 @@ jobs:
       NO_SVN_TESTS: 1
-  - powershell: |
-      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
-        cmd /c rmdir "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache"
-      }
-    displayName: 'Unmount test-cache'
-    condition: true
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
   - task: PublishTestResults@2
     displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
@@ -301,8 +237,6 @@ jobs:
     vmImage: ubuntu-latest
   - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
        export CC=clang || exit 1
        ci/ || exit 1
@@ -310,11 +244,7 @@ jobs:
            exit 1
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
     displayName: 'ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
   - task: PublishTestResults@2
     displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
@@ -337,18 +267,12 @@ jobs:
     vmImage: ubuntu-latest
   - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
        ci/ || exit 1
        ci/ || {
            exit 1
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
     displayName: 'ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
   - task: PublishTestResults@2
     displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
@@ -371,8 +295,6 @@ jobs:
     vmImage: macOS-latest
   - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
        export CC=clang
        ci/ || exit 1
@@ -380,11 +302,7 @@ jobs:
            exit 1
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
     displayName: 'ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
   - task: PublishTestResults@2
     displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
@@ -407,18 +325,12 @@ jobs:
     vmImage: macOS-latest
   - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
        ci/ || exit 1
        ci/ || {
            exit 1
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
     displayName: 'ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
   - task: PublishTestResults@2
     displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
@@ -441,19 +353,14 @@ jobs:
     vmImage: ubuntu-latest
   - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
        sudo chmod a+r t/out/TEST-*.xml
        test ! -d t/failed-test-artifacts || sudo chmod a+r t/failed-test-artifacts
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || res=1
        exit $res
     displayName: 'jobname=Linux32 ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
   - task: PublishTestResults@2
     displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
@@ -476,19 +383,13 @@ jobs:
     vmImage: ubuntu-latest
   - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
        sudo apt-get update &&
        sudo apt-get install -y coccinelle libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libexpat-dev gettext &&
        export jobname=StaticAnalysis &&
        ci/ || exit 1
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
     displayName: 'ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
 - job: documentation
   displayName: Documentation
@@ -497,8 +398,6 @@ jobs:
     vmImage: ubuntu-latest
   - bash: |
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
        sudo apt-get update &&
        sudo apt-get install -y asciidoc xmlto asciidoctor docbook-xsl-ns &&
@@ -506,8 +405,4 @@ jobs:
        export jobname=Documentation &&
        ci/ || exit 1
-       test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || sudo umount "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
     displayName: 'ci/'
-    env:
-      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)

From 3c25d5bf0ceb2b226b361d6f067260d0d8368a7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2022 00:14:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 091/154] azure-pipeline: use partial clone/parallel checkout
 to initialize minimal-sdk

The Azure Pipeline `git-sdk-64-minimal` was retired...

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 azure-pipelines.yml | 125 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
index 94bc7ea1f51b47..f11f1342cd080b 100644
--- a/azure-pipelines.yml
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
   Agent.Source.Git.ShallowFetchDepth: 1
+  GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS: "'checkout.workers=56' '' ''"
 - job: windows_build
@@ -9,28 +10,24 @@ jobs:
     vmImage: windows-latest
   timeoutInMinutes: 240
-  - powershell: |
-      $urlbase = ""
-      $id = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}?definitions=22&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&`$top=1").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].id
-      $downloadUrl = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}/$id/artifacts").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[1].resource.downloadUrl
-      (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadUrl,"")
-      Expand-Archive -DestinationPath . -Force
-      Remove-Item
+  - bash: git clone --bare --depth=1 --filter=blob:none --single-branch -b main
+    displayName: 'clone git-sdk-64'
+  - bash: git clone --depth=1 --single-branch -b main
+    displayName: 'clone build-extra'
+  - bash: sh -x ./build-extra/ create-sdk-artifact --sdk=git-sdk-64.git --out=git-sdk-64-minimal minimal-sdk
+    displayName: 'build git-sdk-64-minimal-sdk'
+  - bash: |
       # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
-      "/git-sdk-64-minimal/`n/test-cache/`n" | Out-File -NoNewLine -Encoding ascii -Append "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\.git\info\exclude"
-    displayName: 'Download git-sdk-64-minimal'
-  - powershell: |
-      & git-sdk-64-minimal\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
-        ci/ artifacts
-      "@
-      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+      printf "%s\n" /git-sdk-64.git/ /build-extra/ /git-sdk-64-minimal/ /test-cache/ >>'.git/info/exclude'
+    displayName: 'Ignore untracked directories'
+  - bash: ci/ artifacts
     displayName: Build
       HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
       DEVELOPER: 1
       NO_PERL: 1
+      PATH: "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\\git-sdk-64-minimal\\mingw64\\bin;$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\\git-sdk-64-minimal\\usr\\bin;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\system32\\wbem"
   - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@0
     displayName: 'Publish Pipeline Artifact: test artifacts'
@@ -62,29 +59,27 @@ jobs:
       artifactName: 'git-sdk-64-minimal'
       targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\git-sdk-64-minimal'
-  - powershell: |
-      & git-sdk-64-minimal\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
-        test -f artifacts.tar.gz || {
-          echo No test artifacts found\; skipping >&2
-          exit 0
-        }
-        tar xf artifacts.tar.gz || exit 1
+  - bash: |
+      test -f artifacts.tar.gz || {
+        echo No test artifacts found\; skipping >&2
+        exit 0
+      }
+      tar xf artifacts.tar.gz || exit 1
-        # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
-        printf '%s\n' /git-sdk-64-minimal/ /test-cache/ >>.git/info/exclude
+      # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
+      printf '%s\n' /git-sdk-64.git/ /build-extra/ /git-sdk-64-minimal/ /test-cache/ >>.git/info/exclude
-          ci/
-          exit 1
-        }
-      "@
-      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+        ci/
+        exit 1
+      }
     displayName: 'Test (parallel)'
       HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
       NO_SVN_TESTS: 1
+      PATH: "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\\git-sdk-64-minimal\\mingw64\\bin;$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\\git-sdk-64-minimal\\usr\\bin\\core_perl;$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\\git-sdk-64-minimal\\usr\\bin;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\system32\\wbem"
   - task: PublishTestResults@2
     displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
@@ -107,29 +102,24 @@ jobs:
     vmImage: windows-latest
   timeoutInMinutes: 240
-  - powershell: |
-      $urlbase = ""
-      $id = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}?definitions=22&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&`$top=1").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].id
-      $downloadUrl = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}/$id/artifacts").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[1].resource.downloadUrl
-      (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadUrl,"")
-      Expand-Archive -DestinationPath . -Force
-      Remove-Item
+  - bash: git clone --bare --depth=1 --filter=blob:none --single-branch -b main
+    displayName: 'clone git-sdk-64'
+  - bash: git clone --depth=1 --single-branch -b main
+    displayName: 'clone build-extra'
+  - bash: sh -x ./build-extra/ create-sdk-artifact --sdk=git-sdk-64.git --out=git-sdk-64-minimal minimal-sdk
+    displayName: 'build git-sdk-64-minimal-sdk'
+  - bash: |
       # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
-      "/git-sdk-64-minimal/`n/test-cache/`n" | Out-File -NoNewLine -Encoding ascii -Append "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\.git\info\exclude"
-    displayName: 'Download git-sdk-64-minimal'
-  - powershell: |
-      & git-sdk-64-minimal\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
-        make NDEBUG=1 DEVELOPER=1 vcxproj
-      "@
-      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+      printf "%s\n" /git-sdk-64-minimal/ /test-cache/ >>'.git/info/exclude'
+    displayName: 'Ignore untracked directories'
+  - bash: make NDEBUG=1 DEVELOPER=1 vcxproj
     displayName: Generate Visual Studio Solution
       HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
       DEVELOPER: 1
       NO_PERL: 1
+      PATH: "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\\git-sdk-64-minimal\\mingw64\\bin;$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\\git-sdk-64-minimal\\usr\\bin;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\system32\\wbem"
   - powershell: |
       $urlbase = ""
       $id = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}?definitions=9&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&`$top=1").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].id
@@ -145,14 +135,10 @@ jobs:
       configuration: Release
       maximumCpuCount: 4
       msbuildArguments: /p:PlatformToolset=v142
-  - powershell: |
-      & compat\vcbuild\vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat release
-      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
-      & git-sdk-64-minimal\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
-        mkdir -p artifacts &&
-        eval \"`$(make -n artifacts-tar INCLUDE_DLLS_IN_ARTIFACTS=YesPlease ARTIFACTS_DIRECTORY=artifacts | grep ^tar)\"
-      "@
-      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+  - bash: |
+      ./compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat release &&
+      mkdir -p artifacts &&
+      eval "$(make -n artifacts-tar INCLUDE_DLLS_IN_ARTIFACTS=YesPlease ARTIFACTS_DIRECTORY=artifacts | grep ^tar)"
     displayName: Bundle artifact tar
       HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
@@ -161,6 +147,7 @@ jobs:
       NO_PERL: 1
       MSVC: 1
       VCPKG_ROOT: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\compat\vcbuild\vcpkg
+      PATH: "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\\git-sdk-64-minimal\\mingw64\\bin;$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\\git-sdk-64-minimal\\usr\\bin;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\system32\\wbem"
   - powershell: |
       $tag = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "").content
       $version = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "").content
@@ -191,30 +178,28 @@ jobs:
       artifactName: 'vs-artifacts'
       targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
-  - powershell: |
-      & PortableGit\git-cmd.exe --command=usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
-        test -f artifacts.tar.gz || {
-          echo No test artifacts found\; skipping >&2
-          exit 0
-        }
-        tar xf artifacts.tar.gz || exit 1
+  - bash: |
+      test -f artifacts.tar.gz || {
+        echo No test artifacts found\; skipping >&2
+        exit 0
+      }
+      tar xf artifacts.tar.gz || exit 1
-        # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
-        printf '%s\n' /PortableGit/ /test-cache/ >>.git/info/exclude
+      # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
+      printf '%s\n' /PortableGit/ /test-cache/ >>.git/info/exclude
-        cd t &&
-        PATH=\"`$PWD/helper:`$PATH\" &&
-        test-tool.exe run-command testsuite --jobs=10 -V -x --write-junit-xml \
-                `$(test-tool.exe path-utils slice-tests \
-      "@
-      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+      cd t &&
+      PATH="$PWD/helper:$PATH" &&
+      test-tool.exe run-command testsuite --jobs=10 -V -x --write-junit-xml \
+              $(test-tool.exe path-utils slice-tests \
     displayName: 'Test (parallel)'
       HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
       NO_SVN_TESTS: 1
+      PATH: "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\\PortableGit\\mingw64\\bin;$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\\PortableGit\\usr\\bin;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\system32\\wbem"
   - task: PublishTestResults@2
     displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'

From e95207ba4c1c5a414865a92d99e49c4ba18e808c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2022 00:52:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 092/154] azure-pipeline: downcase the job name of the
 `Linux32` job

These many refactorings in Git sure are gifts that keep on giving.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 azure-pipelines.yml | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
index f11f1342cd080b..21ee5a463380d6 100644
--- a/azure-pipelines.yml
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -339,13 +339,13 @@ jobs:
   - bash: |
        sudo chmod a+r t/out/TEST-*.xml
        test ! -d t/failed-test-artifacts || sudo chmod a+r t/failed-test-artifacts
        exit $res
-    displayName: 'jobname=Linux32 ci/'
+    displayName: 'jobname=linux32 ci/'
   - task: PublishTestResults@2
     displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'

From 32fc08e169e2563753aa8dfa5f11c5270c86a76c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Taylor Blau <>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2021 16:22:34 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 093/154] azure-pipeline: run static-analysis on jammy

This is inspired by d051ed77ee6 (.github/workflows/main.yml: run
static-analysis on bionic, 2021-02-08) and by ef46584831 (ci: update
'static-analysis' to Ubuntu 22.04, 2022-08-23), adapted to the Azure

When Azure Pipelines' build agents transitioned 'ubuntu-latest' from
18.04 to 20.04, it broke our `static-analysis` job, since Coccinelle
was not madeavailable on Ubuntu focal (it is only available in the
universe suite).

This is not an issue with Ubuntu 22.04, but we will only know whether it
is an issue with 24.04 when _that_ comes out. So let's play it safe and
pin the `static_analysis` job to the latest Ubuntu version that we know
to offer a working Coccinelle package.

Signed-off-by: Taylor Blau <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 azure-pipelines.yml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
index 21ee5a463380d6..fed26341d49a4a 100644
--- a/azure-pipelines.yml
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ jobs:
   displayName: StaticAnalysis
   condition: succeeded()
-    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
+    vmImage: ubuntu-22.04
   - bash: |
        sudo apt-get update &&

From 09065574a5011a888d0a0be3b49f979dda04bb8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Matthias=20A=C3=9Fhauer?= <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2022 11:27:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 094/154] MinGW: link as terminal server aware
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Whith Windows 2000, Microsoft introduced a flag to the PE header to mark executables as
"terminal server aware". Windows terminal servers provide a redirected Windows directory and
redirected registry hives when launching legacy applications without this flag set. Since we
do not use any INI files in the Windows directory and don't write to the registry, we don't
need  this additional preparation. Telling the OS that we don't need this should provide
slightly improved startup times in terminal server environments.

When building for supported Windows Versions with MSVC the /TSAWARE linker flag is
automatically set, but MinGW requires us to set the --tsaware flag manually.

This partially addresses

Signed-off-by: Matthias Aßhauer <>
 config.mak.uname | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index b12d4e168ae119..1736c4f0116e75 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ ifeq ($(uname_S),MINGW)
 	CSPRNG_METHOD = rtlgenrandom
-	BASIC_LDFLAGS += -municode
+	BASIC_LDFLAGS += -municode -Wl,--tsaware
 	COMPAT_CFLAGS += -DNOGDI -Icompat -Icompat/win32
 	COMPAT_OBJS += compat/mingw.o compat/winansi.o \

From 8752383f3d11d22688aea447ebe6eda4b1a1ae6b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kiel Hurley <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2022 22:56:16 +1300
Subject: [PATCH 095/154] Fix Windows version resources

Add FileVersion, which is a required field
As not all required fields were present, none were being included
Fixes #4090

Signed-off-by: Kiel Hurley <>
--- | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/ b/
index e69444eef3f0c5..460ea39561b87f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ BEGIN
       VALUE "OriginalFilename", "git.exe\0"
       VALUE "ProductName", "Git\0"
       VALUE "ProductVersion", "@GIT_VERSION@\0"
+      VALUE "FileVersion", "@GIT_VERSION@\0"

From 01511dc905b0da8076deb6b69e97a320f66abb0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dennis Ameling <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2022 09:58:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 096/154] bswap.h: add support for built-in bswap functions

Newer compiler versions, like GCC 10 and Clang 12, have built-in
functions for bswap32 and bswap64. This comes in handy, for example,
when targeting CLANGARM64 on Windows, which would not be supported
without this logic.

Signed-off-by: Dennis Ameling <>
 compat/bswap.h | 14 +++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/compat/bswap.h b/compat/bswap.h
index 512f6f4b9937c8..a443e99eef2f1c 100644
--- a/compat/bswap.h
+++ b/compat/bswap.h
@@ -35,7 +35,19 @@ static inline uint64_t default_bswap64(uint64_t val)
 #undef bswap32
 #undef bswap64
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
+ * __has_builtin is available since Clang 10 and GCC 10.
+ * Below is a fallback for older compilers.
+ */
+#ifndef __has_builtin
+	#define __has_builtin(x) 0
+#if __has_builtin(__builtin_bswap32) && __has_builtin(__builtin_bswap64)
+#define bswap32(x) __builtin_bswap32((x))
+#define bswap64(x) __builtin_bswap64((x))
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__))
 #define bswap32 git_bswap32
 static inline uint32_t git_bswap32(uint32_t x)

From 10c9b97af35f56325abe0e060d537199d9b5d494 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dennis Ameling <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2022 09:59:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 097/154] config.mak.uname: add support for clangarm64

CLANGARM64 is a relatively new MSYSTEM added by the MSYS2 team. In order
to have Git build correctly for this platform, let's add some
configuration for it to config.mak.uname.

Signed-off-by: Dennis Ameling <>
 config.mak.uname | 4 ++++
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index b12d4e168ae119..1e5d89f1aa4a73 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -724,6 +724,10 @@ ifeq ($(uname_S),MINGW)
 		prefix = /mingw64
 		HOST_CPU = x86_64
 		BASIC_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--pic-executable,-e,mainCRTStartup
+        else ifeq (CLANGARM64,$(MSYSTEM))
+		prefix = /clangarm64
+		HOST_CPU = aarch64
+		BASIC_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--pic-executable,-e,mainCRTStartup
 		BASIC_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--large-address-aware

From a312f705c439b6abbb69aa9b194920ad72367389 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrey Zabavnikov <>
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2022 17:12:06 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 098/154] status: fix for old-style submodules with commondir

In f9b7573f6b00 (repository: free fields before overwriting them,
2017-09-05), Git was taught to release memory before overwriting it, but
357a03ebe9e0 (repository.c: move env-related setup code back to
environment.c, 2018-03-03) changed the code so that it would not
_always_ be overwritten.

As a consequence, the `commondir` attribute would point to
already-free()d memory.

This seems not to cause problems in core Git, but there are add-on
patches in Git for Windows where the `commondir` attribute is
subsequently used and causing invalid memory accesses e.g. in setups
containing old-style submodules (i.e. the ones with a `.git` directory
within theirs worktrees) that have `commondir` configured.

This fixes

Signed-off-by: Andrey Zabavnikov <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 repository.c | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/repository.c b/repository.c
index 1a6a62bbd03a5d..468fe580a5d6b6 100644
--- a/repository.c
+++ b/repository.c
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ static void repo_set_commondir(struct repository *repo,
 	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
-	free(repo->commondir);
+	FREE_AND_NULL(repo->commondir);
 	if (commondir) {
 		repo->different_commondir = 1;

From 0c6e6d7180392950f1d3851c883551a4554339f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 08:55:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 099/154] windows: skip linking `git-<command>` for built-ins

It is merely a historical wart that, say, `git-commit` exists in the
`libexec/git-core/` directory, a tribute to the original idea to let Git
be essentially a bunch of Unix shell scripts revolving around very few
"plumbing" (AKA low-level) commands.

Git has evolved a lot from there. These days, most of Git's
functionality is contained within the `git` executable, in the form of
"built-in" commands.

To accommodate for scripts that use the "dashed" form of Git commands,
even today, Git provides hard-links that make the `git` executable
available as, say, `git-commit`, just in case that an old script has not
been updated to invoke `git commit`.

Those hard-links do not come cheap: they take about half a minute for
every build of Git on Windows, they are mistaken for taking up huge
amounts of space by some Windows Explorer versions that do not
understand hard-links, and therefore many a "bug" report had to be

The "dashed form" has been officially deprecated in Git version 1.5.4,
which was released on February 2nd, 2008, i.e. a very long time ago.
This deprecation was never finalized by skipping these hard-links, but
we can start the process now, in Git for Windows.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 config.mak.uname | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index b12d4e168ae119..05260d0f1885de 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -485,6 +485,7 @@ ifeq ($(uname_S),Windows)
 	NO_POSIX_GOODIES = UnfortunatelyYes
 	NATIVE_CRLF = YesPlease
 ifeq (/mingw64,$(subst 32,64,$(prefix)))
 	# Move system config into top-level /etc/
 	ETC_GITCONFIG = ../etc/gitconfig
@@ -677,6 +678,7 @@ ifeq ($(uname_S),MINGW)

From 2191bbdf8bb23aa030155e7915e20bcc42ba66e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 16:14:44 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 100/154] windows: fix Repository>Explore Working Copy

Since Git v2.39.1, we are a bit more stringent in searching the PATH. In
particular, we specifically require the `.exe` suffix.

However, the `Repository>Explore Working Copy` command asks for
`explorer.exe` to be found on the `PATH`, which _already_ has that

Let's unstartle the PATH-finding logic about this scenario.

This fixes

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 git-gui/ | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/git-gui/ b/git-gui/
index 887d6d596c16fc..c913a08566542e 100755
--- a/git-gui/
+++ b/git-gui/
@@ -101,6 +101,9 @@ proc _which {what args} {
 	if {[is_Windows] && [lsearch -exact $args -script] >= 0} {
 		set suffix {}
+	} elseif {[string match *$_search_exe $what]} {
+		# The search string already has the file extension
+		set suffix {}
 	} else {
 		set suffix $_search_exe

From a2e93ff5d607f0c008112e98aad2df79ed3c7154 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sat, 6 May 2023 22:26:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 101/154] http: optionally load libcurl lazily

This compile-time option allows to ask Git to load libcurl dynamically
at runtime.

Together with a follow-up patch that optionally overrides the file name
depending on the `http.sslBackend` setting, this kicks open the door for
installing multiple libcurl flavors side by side, and load the one
corresponding to the (runtime-)configured SSL/TLS backend.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 Makefile               |  28 +++-
 compat/lazyload-curl.c | 354 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 375 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 compat/lazyload-curl.c

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 97e8385b6643b9..4e96a2ee9b85db 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -471,6 +471,11 @@ include shared.mak
 #     CURL_LDFLAGS=-lcurl
+# Define LAZYLOAD_LIBCURL to dynamically load the libcurl; This can be useful
+# if Multiple libcurl versions exist (with different file names) that link to
+# various SSL/TLS backends, to support the `http.sslBackend` runtime switch in
+# such a scenario.
 # === Optional library: libpcre2 ===
 # Define USE_LIBPCRE if you have and want to use libpcre. Various
@@ -1647,10 +1652,19 @@ else
-        ifndef CURL_LDFLAGS
-		CURL_LDFLAGS = $(eval CURL_LDFLAGS := $$(shell $$(CURL_CONFIG) --libs))$(CURL_LDFLAGS)
+        ifdef LAZYLOAD_LIBCURL
+		LAZYLOAD_LIBCURL_OBJ = compat/lazyload-curl.o
+		# The `CURL_STATICLIB` constant must be defined to avoid seeing the functions
+		# declared as DLL imports
+		CURL_LIBCURL = -ldl
+        else
+                ifndef CURL_LDFLAGS
+			CURL_LDFLAGS = $(eval CURL_LDFLAGS := $$(shell $$(CURL_CONFIG) --libs))$(CURL_LDFLAGS)
+                endif
         ifndef CURL_CFLAGS
 		CURL_CFLAGS = $(eval CURL_CFLAGS := $$(shell $$(CURL_CONFIG) --cflags))$(CURL_CFLAGS)
@@ -1671,7 +1685,7 @@ else
         ifdef USE_CURL_FOR_IMAP_SEND
         ifndef NO_EXPAT
@@ -2849,10 +2863,10 @@ git-imap-send$X: imap-send.o $(IMAP_SEND_BUILDDEPS) GIT-LDFLAGS $(GITLIBS)
 	$(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -o $@ $(ALL_LDFLAGS) $(filter %.o,$^) \
-git-http-fetch$X: http.o http-walker.o http-fetch.o GIT-LDFLAGS $(GITLIBS)
+git-http-fetch$X: http.o http-walker.o http-fetch.o $(LAZYLOAD_LIBCURL_OBJ) GIT-LDFLAGS $(GITLIBS)
 	$(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -o $@ $(ALL_LDFLAGS) $(filter %.o,$^) \
-git-http-push$X: http.o http-push.o GIT-LDFLAGS $(GITLIBS)
+git-http-push$X: http.o http-push.o $(LAZYLOAD_LIBCURL_OBJ) GIT-LDFLAGS $(GITLIBS)
 	$(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -o $@ $(ALL_LDFLAGS) $(filter %.o,$^) \
@@ -2862,7 +2876,7 @@ $(REMOTE_CURL_ALIASES): $(REMOTE_CURL_PRIMARY)
 	ln -s $< $@ 2>/dev/null || \
 	cp $< $@
-$(REMOTE_CURL_PRIMARY): remote-curl.o http.o http-walker.o GIT-LDFLAGS $(GITLIBS)
+$(REMOTE_CURL_PRIMARY): remote-curl.o http.o http-walker.o $(LAZYLOAD_LIBCURL_OBJ) GIT-LDFLAGS $(GITLIBS)
 	$(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -o $@ $(ALL_LDFLAGS) $(filter %.o,$^) \
diff --git a/compat/lazyload-curl.c b/compat/lazyload-curl.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..19aa2b6d4b6942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/lazyload-curl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#include "../git-compat-util.h"
+#include "../git-curl-compat.h"
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+ * The ABI version of libcurl is encoded in its shared libraries' file names.
+ * This ABI version has not changed since October 2006 and is unlikely to be
+ * changed in the future. See for details.
+ */
+typedef void (*func_t)(void);
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+#define LIBCURL_FILE_NAME(base) base "." LIBCURL_ABI_VERSION ".dylib"
+#define LIBCURL_FILE_NAME(base) base ".so." LIBCURL_ABI_VERSION
+static void *load_library(const char *name)
+	return dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY);
+static func_t load_function(void *handle, const char *name)
+	/*
+	 * Casting the return value of `dlsym()` to a function pointer is
+	 * explicitly allowed in recent POSIX standards, but GCC complains
+	 * about this in pedantic mode nevertheless. For more about this issue,
+	 * see and
+	 *
+	 */
+	func_t f;
+	*(void **)&f = dlsym(handle, name);
+	return f;
+typedef struct curl_version_info_data *(*curl_version_info_type)(CURLversion version);
+static curl_version_info_type curl_version_info_func;
+typedef char *(*curl_easy_escape_type)(CURL *handle, const char *string, int length);
+static curl_easy_escape_type curl_easy_escape_func;
+typedef void (*curl_free_type)(void *p);
+static curl_free_type curl_free_func;
+typedef CURLcode (*curl_global_init_type)(long flags);
+static curl_global_init_type curl_global_init_func;
+typedef CURLsslset (*curl_global_sslset_type)(curl_sslbackend id, const char *name, const curl_ssl_backend ***avail);
+static curl_global_sslset_type curl_global_sslset_func;
+typedef void (*curl_global_cleanup_type)(void);
+static curl_global_cleanup_type curl_global_cleanup_func;
+typedef struct curl_slist *(*curl_slist_append_type)(struct curl_slist *list, const char *data);
+static curl_slist_append_type curl_slist_append_func;
+typedef void (*curl_slist_free_all_type)(struct curl_slist *list);
+static curl_slist_free_all_type curl_slist_free_all_func;
+typedef const char *(*curl_easy_strerror_type)(CURLcode error);
+static curl_easy_strerror_type curl_easy_strerror_func;
+typedef CURLM *(*curl_multi_init_type)(void);
+static curl_multi_init_type curl_multi_init_func;
+typedef CURLMcode (*curl_multi_add_handle_type)(CURLM *multi_handle, CURL *curl_handle);
+static curl_multi_add_handle_type curl_multi_add_handle_func;
+typedef CURLMcode (*curl_multi_remove_handle_type)(CURLM *multi_handle, CURL *curl_handle);
+static curl_multi_remove_handle_type curl_multi_remove_handle_func;
+typedef CURLMcode (*curl_multi_fdset_type)(CURLM *multi_handle, fd_set *read_fd_set, fd_set *write_fd_set, fd_set *exc_fd_set, int *max_fd);
+static curl_multi_fdset_type curl_multi_fdset_func;
+typedef CURLMcode (*curl_multi_perform_type)(CURLM *multi_handle, int *running_handles);
+static curl_multi_perform_type curl_multi_perform_func;
+typedef CURLMcode (*curl_multi_cleanup_type)(CURLM *multi_handle);
+static curl_multi_cleanup_type curl_multi_cleanup_func;
+typedef CURLMsg *(*curl_multi_info_read_type)(CURLM *multi_handle, int *msgs_in_queue);
+static curl_multi_info_read_type curl_multi_info_read_func;
+typedef const char *(*curl_multi_strerror_type)(CURLMcode error);
+static curl_multi_strerror_type curl_multi_strerror_func;
+typedef CURLMcode (*curl_multi_timeout_type)(CURLM *multi_handle, long *milliseconds);
+static curl_multi_timeout_type curl_multi_timeout_func;
+typedef CURL *(*curl_easy_init_type)(void);
+static curl_easy_init_type curl_easy_init_func;
+typedef CURLcode (*curl_easy_perform_type)(CURL *curl);
+static curl_easy_perform_type curl_easy_perform_func;
+typedef void (*curl_easy_cleanup_type)(CURL *curl);
+static curl_easy_cleanup_type curl_easy_cleanup_func;
+typedef CURL *(*curl_easy_duphandle_type)(CURL *curl);
+static curl_easy_duphandle_type curl_easy_duphandle_func;
+typedef CURLcode (*curl_easy_getinfo_long_type)(CURL *curl, CURLINFO info, long *value);
+static curl_easy_getinfo_long_type curl_easy_getinfo_long_func;
+typedef CURLcode (*curl_easy_getinfo_pointer_type)(CURL *curl, CURLINFO info, void **value);
+static curl_easy_getinfo_pointer_type curl_easy_getinfo_pointer_func;
+typedef CURLcode (*curl_easy_getinfo_off_t_type)(CURL *curl, CURLINFO info, curl_off_t *value);
+static curl_easy_getinfo_off_t_type curl_easy_getinfo_off_t_func;
+typedef CURLcode (*curl_easy_setopt_long_type)(CURL *curl, CURLoption opt, long value);
+static curl_easy_setopt_long_type curl_easy_setopt_long_func;
+typedef CURLcode (*curl_easy_setopt_pointer_type)(CURL *curl, CURLoption opt, void *value);
+static curl_easy_setopt_pointer_type curl_easy_setopt_pointer_func;
+typedef CURLcode (*curl_easy_setopt_off_t_type)(CURL *curl, CURLoption opt, curl_off_t value);
+static curl_easy_setopt_off_t_type curl_easy_setopt_off_t_func;
+static void lazy_load_curl(void)
+	static int initialized;
+	void *libcurl;
+	func_t curl_easy_getinfo_func, curl_easy_setopt_func;
+	if (initialized)
+		return;
+	initialized = 1;
+	libcurl = load_library(LIBCURL_FILE_NAME("libcurl"));
+	if (!libcurl)
+		die("failed to load library '%s'", LIBCURL_FILE_NAME("libcurl"));
+	curl_version_info_func = (curl_version_info_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_version_info");
+	curl_easy_escape_func = (curl_easy_escape_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_easy_escape");
+	curl_free_func = (curl_free_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_free");
+	curl_global_init_func = (curl_global_init_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_global_init");
+	curl_global_sslset_func = (curl_global_sslset_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_global_sslset");
+	curl_global_cleanup_func = (curl_global_cleanup_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_global_cleanup");
+	curl_slist_append_func = (curl_slist_append_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_slist_append");
+	curl_slist_free_all_func = (curl_slist_free_all_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_slist_free_all");
+	curl_easy_strerror_func = (curl_easy_strerror_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_easy_strerror");
+	curl_multi_init_func = (curl_multi_init_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_multi_init");
+	curl_multi_add_handle_func = (curl_multi_add_handle_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_multi_add_handle");
+	curl_multi_remove_handle_func = (curl_multi_remove_handle_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_multi_remove_handle");
+	curl_multi_fdset_func = (curl_multi_fdset_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_multi_fdset");
+	curl_multi_perform_func = (curl_multi_perform_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_multi_perform");
+	curl_multi_cleanup_func = (curl_multi_cleanup_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_multi_cleanup");
+	curl_multi_info_read_func = (curl_multi_info_read_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_multi_info_read");
+	curl_multi_strerror_func = (curl_multi_strerror_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_multi_strerror");
+	curl_multi_timeout_func = (curl_multi_timeout_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_multi_timeout");
+	curl_easy_init_func = (curl_easy_init_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_easy_init");
+	curl_easy_perform_func = (curl_easy_perform_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_easy_perform");
+	curl_easy_cleanup_func = (curl_easy_cleanup_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_easy_cleanup");
+	curl_easy_duphandle_func = (curl_easy_duphandle_type)load_function(libcurl, "curl_easy_duphandle");
+	curl_easy_getinfo_func = load_function(libcurl, "curl_easy_getinfo");
+	curl_easy_getinfo_long_func = (curl_easy_getinfo_long_type)curl_easy_getinfo_func;
+	curl_easy_getinfo_pointer_func = (curl_easy_getinfo_pointer_type)curl_easy_getinfo_func;
+	curl_easy_getinfo_off_t_func = (curl_easy_getinfo_off_t_type)curl_easy_getinfo_func;
+	curl_easy_setopt_func = load_function(libcurl, "curl_easy_setopt");
+	curl_easy_setopt_long_func = (curl_easy_setopt_long_type)curl_easy_setopt_func;
+	curl_easy_setopt_pointer_func = (curl_easy_setopt_pointer_type)curl_easy_setopt_func;
+	curl_easy_setopt_off_t_func = (curl_easy_setopt_off_t_type)curl_easy_setopt_func;
+struct curl_version_info_data *curl_version_info(CURLversion version)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_version_info_func(version);
+char *curl_easy_escape(CURL *handle, const char *string, int length)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_easy_escape_func(handle, string, length);
+void curl_free(void *p)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	curl_free_func(p);
+CURLcode curl_global_init(long flags)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_global_init_func(flags);
+CURLsslset curl_global_sslset(curl_sslbackend id, const char *name, const curl_ssl_backend ***avail)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_global_sslset_func(id, name, avail);
+void curl_global_cleanup(void)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	curl_global_cleanup_func();
+struct curl_slist *curl_slist_append(struct curl_slist *list, const char *data)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_slist_append_func(list, data);
+void curl_slist_free_all(struct curl_slist *list)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	curl_slist_free_all_func(list);
+const char *curl_easy_strerror(CURLcode error)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_easy_strerror_func(error);
+CURLM *curl_multi_init(void)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_multi_init_func();
+CURLMcode curl_multi_add_handle(CURLM *multi_handle, CURL *curl_handle)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_multi_add_handle_func(multi_handle, curl_handle);
+CURLMcode curl_multi_remove_handle(CURLM *multi_handle, CURL *curl_handle)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_multi_remove_handle_func(multi_handle, curl_handle);
+CURLMcode curl_multi_fdset(CURLM *multi_handle, fd_set *read_fd_set, fd_set *write_fd_set, fd_set *exc_fd_set, int *max_fd)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_multi_fdset_func(multi_handle, read_fd_set, write_fd_set, exc_fd_set, max_fd);
+CURLMcode curl_multi_perform(CURLM *multi_handle, int *running_handles)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_multi_perform_func(multi_handle, running_handles);
+CURLMcode curl_multi_cleanup(CURLM *multi_handle)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_multi_cleanup_func(multi_handle);
+CURLMsg *curl_multi_info_read(CURLM *multi_handle, int *msgs_in_queue)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_multi_info_read_func(multi_handle, msgs_in_queue);
+const char *curl_multi_strerror(CURLMcode error)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_multi_strerror_func(error);
+CURLMcode curl_multi_timeout(CURLM *multi_handle, long *milliseconds)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_multi_timeout_func(multi_handle, milliseconds);
+CURL *curl_easy_init(void)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_easy_init_func();
+CURLcode curl_easy_perform(CURL *curl)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_easy_perform_func(curl);
+void curl_easy_cleanup(CURL *curl)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	curl_easy_cleanup_func(curl);
+CURL *curl_easy_duphandle(CURL *curl)
+	lazy_load_curl();
+	return curl_easy_duphandle_func(curl);
+#define CURLOPTTYPE_BLOB 40000
+#undef curl_easy_getinfo
+CURLcode curl_easy_getinfo(CURL *curl, CURLINFO info, ...)
+	va_list ap;
+	CURLcode res;
+	va_start(ap, info);
+	lazy_load_curl();
+		if (info >= CURLINFO_LONG && info < CURLINFO_DOUBLE)
+			res = curl_easy_getinfo_long_func(curl, info, va_arg(ap, long *));
+		else if ((info >= CURLINFO_STRING && info < CURLINFO_LONG) ||
+			 (info >= CURLINFO_SLIST && info < CURLINFO_SOCKET))
+			res = curl_easy_getinfo_pointer_func(curl, info, va_arg(ap, void **));
+		else if (info >= CURLINFO_OFF_T)
+			res = curl_easy_getinfo_off_t_func(curl, info, va_arg(ap, curl_off_t *));
+		else
+			die("%s:%d: TODO (info: %d)!", __FILE__, __LINE__, info);
+	)
+	va_end(ap);
+	return res;
+#undef curl_easy_setopt
+CURLcode curl_easy_setopt(CURL *curl, CURLoption opt, ...)
+	va_list ap;
+	CURLcode res;
+	va_start(ap, opt);
+	lazy_load_curl();
+			res = curl_easy_setopt_long_func(curl, opt, va_arg(ap, long));
+			res = curl_easy_setopt_pointer_func(curl, opt, va_arg(ap, void *));
+		else if (opt >= CURLOPTTYPE_OFF_T && opt < CURLOPTTYPE_BLOB)
+			res = curl_easy_setopt_off_t_func(curl, opt, va_arg(ap, curl_off_t));
+		else
+			die("%s:%d: TODO (opt: %d)!", __FILE__, __LINE__, opt);
+	)
+	va_end(ap);
+	return res;

From 61872fbaca309fb4c55a7dbc8450efb55a6a29e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sun, 7 May 2023 22:51:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 102/154] http: support lazy-loading libcurl also on Windows

This implements the Windows-specific support code, because everything is
slightly different on Windows, even loading shared libraries.

Note: I specifically do _not_ use the code from
`compat/win32/lazyload.h` here because that code is optimized for
loading individual functions from various system DLLs, while we
specifically want to load _many_ functions from _one_ DLL here, and
distinctly not a system DLL (we expect libcurl to be located outside
`C:\Windows\system32`, something `INIT_PROC_ADDR` refuses to work with).
Also, the `curl_easy_getinfo()`/`curl_easy_setopt()` functions are
declared as vararg functions, which `lazyload.h` cannot handle. Finally,
we are about to optionally override the exact file name that is to be
loaded, which is a goal contrary to `lazyload.h`'s design.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 Makefile               |  4 ++++
 compat/lazyload-curl.c | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 56 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4e96a2ee9b85db..1b5fd1de6768bb 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1658,7 +1658,11 @@ else
 		# The `CURL_STATICLIB` constant must be defined to avoid seeing the functions
 		# declared as DLL imports
+ifneq ($(uname_S),MINGW)
+ifneq ($(uname_S),Windows)
 		CURL_LIBCURL = -ldl
                 ifndef CURL_LDFLAGS
 			CURL_LDFLAGS = $(eval CURL_LDFLAGS := $$(shell $$(CURL_CONFIG) --libs))$(CURL_LDFLAGS)
diff --git a/compat/lazyload-curl.c b/compat/lazyload-curl.c
index 19aa2b6d4b6942..98d73fb0f2a66f 100644
--- a/compat/lazyload-curl.c
+++ b/compat/lazyload-curl.c
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 #include "../git-compat-util.h"
 #include "../git-curl-compat.h"
+#ifndef WIN32
 #include <dlfcn.h>
  * The ABI version of libcurl is encoded in its shared libraries' file names.
@@ -11,6 +13,7 @@
 typedef void (*func_t)(void);
+#ifndef WIN32
 #ifdef __APPLE__
 #define LIBCURL_FILE_NAME(base) base "." LIBCURL_ABI_VERSION ".dylib"
@@ -35,6 +38,55 @@ static func_t load_function(void *handle, const char *name)
 	*(void **)&f = dlsym(handle, name);
 	return f;
+#define LIBCURL_FILE_NAME(base) base "-" LIBCURL_ABI_VERSION ".dll"
+static void *load_library(const char *name)
+	size_t name_size = strlen(name) + 1;
+	const char *path = getenv("PATH");
+	char dll_path[MAX_PATH];
+	while (path && *path) {
+		const char *sep = strchrnul(path, ';');
+		size_t len = sep - path;
+		if (len && len + name_size < sizeof(dll_path)) {
+			memcpy(dll_path, path, len);
+			dll_path[len] = '/';
+			memcpy(dll_path + len + 1, name, name_size);
+			if (!access(dll_path, R_OK)) {
+				wchar_t wpath[MAX_PATH];
+				int wlen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, dll_path, -1, wpath, ARRAY_SIZE(wpath));
+				void *res = wlen ? (void *)LoadLibraryExW(wpath, NULL, 0) : NULL;
+				if (!res) {
+					DWORD err = GetLastError();
+					char buf[1024];
+					if (!FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |
+							    NULL, err, LANG_NEUTRAL,
+							    buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, NULL))
+						xsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "last error: %ld", err);
+					error("LoadLibraryExW() failed with: %s", buf);
+				}
+				return res;
+			}
+		}
+		path = *sep ? sep + 1 : NULL;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static func_t load_function(void *handle, const char *name)
+	return (func_t)GetProcAddress((HANDLE)handle, name);
 typedef struct curl_version_info_data *(*curl_version_info_type)(CURLversion version);
 static curl_version_info_type curl_version_info_func;

From edb4af1744d2d4e80c67d44241513eb5d08673f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sun, 7 May 2023 22:05:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 103/154] http: when loading libcurl lazily, allow for multiple
 SSL backends

The previous commits introduced a compile-time option to load libcurl
lazily, but it uses the hard-coded name "libcurl-4.dll" (or equivalent
on platforms other than Windows).

To allow for installing multiple libcurl flavors side by side, where
each supports one specific SSL/TLS backend, let's first look whether
`libcurl-<backend>-4.dll` exists, and only use `libcurl-4.dll` as a fall

That will allow us to ship with a libcurl by default that only supports
the Secure Channel backend for the `https://` protocol. This libcurl
won't suffer from any dependency problem when upgrading OpenSSL to a new
major version (which will change the DLL name, and hence break every
program and library that depends on it).

This is crucial because Git for Windows relies on libcurl to keep
working when building and deploying a new OpenSSL package because that
library is used by `git fetch` and `git clone`.

Note that this feature is by no means specific to Windows. On Ubuntu,
for example, a `git` built using `LAZY_LOAD_LIBCURL` will use
`` for `http.sslbackend=openssl` and ``
for `http.sslbackend=gnutls`.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/lazyload-curl.c | 16 ++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compat/lazyload-curl.c b/compat/lazyload-curl.c
index 98d73fb0f2a66f..2f2b2ebc27993e 100644
--- a/compat/lazyload-curl.c
+++ b/compat/lazyload-curl.c
@@ -172,17 +172,26 @@ static curl_easy_setopt_pointer_type curl_easy_setopt_pointer_func;
 typedef CURLcode (*curl_easy_setopt_off_t_type)(CURL *curl, CURLoption opt, curl_off_t value);
 static curl_easy_setopt_off_t_type curl_easy_setopt_off_t_func;
+static char ssl_backend[64];
 static void lazy_load_curl(void)
 	static int initialized;
-	void *libcurl;
+	void *libcurl = NULL;
 	func_t curl_easy_getinfo_func, curl_easy_setopt_func;
 	if (initialized)
 	initialized = 1;
-	libcurl = load_library(LIBCURL_FILE_NAME("libcurl"));
+	if (ssl_backend[0]) {
+		char dll_name[64 + 16];
+		snprintf(dll_name, sizeof(dll_name) - 1,
+			 LIBCURL_FILE_NAME("libcurl-%s"), ssl_backend);
+		libcurl = load_library(dll_name);
+	}
+	if (!libcurl)
+		libcurl = load_library(LIBCURL_FILE_NAME("libcurl"));
 	if (!libcurl)
 		die("failed to load library '%s'", LIBCURL_FILE_NAME("libcurl"));
@@ -246,6 +255,9 @@ CURLcode curl_global_init(long flags)
 CURLsslset curl_global_sslset(curl_sslbackend id, const char *name, const curl_ssl_backend ***avail)
+	if (name && strlen(name) < sizeof(ssl_backend))
+		strlcpy(ssl_backend, name, sizeof(ssl_backend));
 	return curl_global_sslset_func(id, name, avail);

From 4733873b451bb61ed17bb508063ba3788f3d6b50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Sun, 7 May 2023 22:43:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 104/154] mingw: do load libcurl dynamically by default

This will help with Git for Windows' maintenance going forward: It
allows Git for Windows to switch its primary libcurl to a variant
without the OpenSSL backend, while still loading an alternate when
setting `http.sslBackend = openssl`.

This is necessary to avoid maintenance headaches with upgrading OpenSSL:
its major version name is encoded in the shared library's file name and
hence major version updates (temporarily) break libraries that are
linked against the OpenSSL library.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 config.mak.uname | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index 1736c4f0116e75..76b60c2fba8d57 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -692,6 +692,7 @@ ifeq ($(uname_S),MINGW)
 	CSPRNG_METHOD = rtlgenrandom
 	BASIC_LDFLAGS += -municode -Wl,--tsaware
 	COMPAT_CFLAGS += -DNOGDI -Icompat -Icompat/win32
 	COMPAT_OBJS += compat/mingw.o compat/winansi.o \

From a13f5951a9caa0139a7cd36fd525cce13b32ea92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2022 16:23:58 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 105/154] Add a GitHub workflow to verify that Git/Scalar work
 in Nano Server

In Git for Windows v2.39.0, we fixed a regression where `git.exe` would
no longer work in Windows Nano Server (frequently used in Docker

This GitHub workflow can be used to verify manually that the Git/Scalar
executables work in Nano Server.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 .github/workflows/nano-server.yml | 76 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 76 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .github/workflows/nano-server.yml

diff --git a/.github/workflows/nano-server.yml b/.github/workflows/nano-server.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..3d943c23d2616d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/nano-server.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+name: Windows Nano Server tests
+  workflow_dispatch:
+  test-nano-server:
+    runs-on: windows-2022
+    env:
+      WINDBG_DIR: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Debuggers/x64"
+      IMAGE:
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+      - uses: git-for-windows/setup-git-for-windows-sdk@v1
+      - name: build Git
+        shell: bash
+        run: make -j15
+      - name: pull nanoserver image
+        shell: bash
+        run: docker pull $IMAGE
+      - name: run nano-server test
+        shell: bash
+        run: |
+          docker run \
+            --user "ContainerAdministrator" \
+            -v "$WINDBG_DIR:C:/dbg" \
+            -v "$(cygpath -aw /mingw64/bin):C:/mingw64-bin" \
+            -v "$(cygpath -aw .):C:/test" \
+            $IMAGE pwsh.exe -Command '
+              # Extend the PATH to include the `.dll` files in /mingw64/bin/
+              $env:PATH += ";C:\mingw64-bin"
+              # For each executable to test pick some no-operation set of
+              # flags/subcommands or something that should quickly result in an
+              # error with known exit code that is not a negative 32-bit
+              # number, and set the expected return code appropriately.
+              #
+              # Only test executables that could be expected to run in a UI
+              # less environment.
+              #
+              # ( Executable path, arguments, expected return code )
+              # also note space is required before close parenthesis (a
+              # powershell quirk when defining nested arrays like this)
+              $executables_to_test = @(
+                  ("C:\test\git.exe", "", 1 ),
+                  ("C:\test\scalar.exe", "version", 0 )
+              )
+              foreach ($executable in $executables_to_test)
+              {
+                  Write-Output "Now testing $($executable[0])"
+                  &$executable[0] $executable[1]
+                  if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne $executable[2]) {
+                      # if we failed, run the debugger to find out what function
+                      # or DLL could not be found and then exit the script with
+                      # failure The missing DLL or EXE will be referenced near
+                      # the end of the output
+                      # Set a flag to have the debugger show loader stub
+                      # diagnostics. This requires running as administrator,
+                      # otherwise the flag will be ignored.
+                      C:\dbg\gflags -i $executable[0] +SLS
+                      C:\dbg\cdb.exe -c "g" -c "q" $executable[0] $executable[1]
+                      exit 1
+                  }
+              }
+              exit 0
+            '

From 2f6d36e5a6e621f12d108f9b451cd9b4e16c2049 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Lomas <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2023 15:31:25 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 106/154] mingw: suggest `windows.appendAtomically` in more

When running Git for Windows on a remote APFS filesystem, it would
appear that the `mingw_open_append()`/`write()` combination would fail
almost exactly like on some CIFS-mounted shares as had been reported in, albeit with a
different `errno` value.

Let's handle that `errno` value just the same, by suggesting to set

Signed-off-by: David Lomas <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/mingw.c | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 599bf6cd1c6388..afb0f8eb3beeff 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ ssize_t mingw_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t len)
 	ssize_t result = write(fd, buf, len);
-	if (result < 0 && (errno == EINVAL || errno == ENOSPC) && buf) {
+	if (result < 0 && (errno == EINVAL || errno == EBADF || errno == ENOSPC) && buf) {
 		int orig = errno;
 		/* check if fd is a pipe */
@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ ssize_t mingw_write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t len)
 			errno = orig;
-		} else if (orig == EINVAL)
+		} else if (orig == EINVAL || errno == EBADF)
 			errno = EPIPE;
 		else {
 			DWORD buf_size;

From 6fa79c8740f9f29f489e433f7b48d60aaec89e15 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2023 22:57:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 107/154] win32: use native ANSI sequence processing, if

Windows 10 version 1511 (also known as Anniversary Update), according to
introduced native support for ANSI sequence processing. This allows
using colors from the entire 24-bit color range.

All we need to do is test whether the console's "virtual processing
support" can be enabled. If it can, we do not even need to start the
`console_thread` to handle ANSI sequences.

Or, almost all we need to do: When `console_thread()` does its work, it
uses the Unicode-aware `write_console()` function to write to the Win32
Console, which supports Git for Windows' implicit convention that all
text that is written is encoded in UTF-8. The same is not necessarily
true if native ANSI sequence processing is used, as the output is then
subject to the current code page. Let's ensure that the code page is set
to `CP_UTF8` as long as Git writes to it.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/winansi.c | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+)

diff --git a/compat/winansi.c b/compat/winansi.c
index ac2ffb78691a7d..a83a7f47ada9b2 100644
--- a/compat/winansi.c
+++ b/compat/winansi.c
@@ -593,6 +593,49 @@ static void detect_msys_tty(int fd)
+static HANDLE std_console_handle;
+static UINT std_console_code_page = CP_UTF8;
+static void reset_std_console(void)
+		SetConsoleMode(std_console_handle, std_console_mode);
+	if (std_console_code_page != CP_UTF8)
+		SetConsoleOutputCP(std_console_code_page);
+static int enable_virtual_processing(void)
+	std_console_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+	if (std_console_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ||
+	    !GetConsoleMode(std_console_handle, &std_console_mode)) {
+		std_console_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
+		if (std_console_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ||
+		    !GetConsoleMode(std_console_handle, &std_console_mode))
+		return 0;
+	}
+	std_console_code_page = GetConsoleOutputCP();
+	if (std_console_code_page != CP_UTF8)
+		SetConsoleOutputCP(CP_UTF8);
+	if (!std_console_code_page)
+		std_console_code_page = CP_UTF8;
+	atexit(reset_std_console);
+		return 1;
+	if (!SetConsoleMode(std_console_handle,
+			    std_console_mode |
+		return 0;
+	return 1;
  * Wrapper for isatty().  Most calls in the main git code
  * call isatty(1 or 2) to see if the instance is interactive
@@ -631,6 +674,9 @@ void winansi_init(void)
+	if (enable_virtual_processing())
+		return;
 	/* create a named pipe to communicate with the console thread */
 	if (swprintf(name, ARRAY_SIZE(name) - 1, L"\\\\.\\pipe\\winansi%lu",
 		     GetCurrentProcessId()) < 0)

From 70bfa98d35b0c7258cc47f66994f5b50f43df402 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Matthias=20A=C3=9Fhauer?= <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2023 12:10:00 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 108/154] git.rc: include winuser.h
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

winuser.h contains the definition of RT_MANIFEST that our LLVM based
toolchain needs to understand that we want to embed
compat/win32/git.manifest as an application manifest. It currently just
embeds it as additional data that Windows doesn't understand.

This also helps our GCC based toolchain understand that we only want one
copy embedded. It currently embeds one working assembly manifest and one
nearly identical, but useless copy as additional data.

This also teaches our Visual Studio based buildsystems to pick up the
manifest file from git.rc. This means we don't have to explicitly specify
it in contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ anymore. Slightly
counter-intuitively this also means we have to explicitly tell Cmake
not to embed a default manifest.

This fixes

Signed-off-by: Matthias Aßhauer <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt        | 1 +
 contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ | 1 -                                  | 1 +
 3 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
index 10dc54fdcb647b..4bb616a7dc9321 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "MSVC")
 	add_compile_options(/MP /std:c11)
+	add_link_options(/MANIFEST:NO)
 #default behaviour
diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
index a6d1c6b8d05682..7a62542eed152b 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
@@ -187,7 +187,6 @@ sub createProject {
       <AdditionalOptions>invalidcontinue.obj %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>
-      <ManifestFile>$cdup\\compat\\win32\\git.manifest</ManifestFile>
diff --git a/ b/
index e69444eef3f0c5..1d5b627b610549 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

From 234f80e5d415e883f804acf0d1fb9830eb1422eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 19:43:45 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 109/154] pack-objects: add --full-name-hash option

The pack_name_hash() method has not been materially changed since it was
introduced in ce0bd64299a (pack-objects: improve path grouping
heuristics., 2006-06-05). The intention here is to group objects by path
name, but also attempt to group similar file types together by making
the most-significant digits of the hash be focused on the final

Here's the crux of the implementation:

	 * This effectively just creates a sortable number from the
	 * last sixteen non-whitespace characters. Last characters
	 * count "most", so things that end in ".c" sort together.
	while ((c = *name++) != 0) {
		if (isspace(c))
		hash = (hash >> 2) + (c << 24);

As the comment mentions, this only cares about the last sixteen
non-whitespace characters. This cause some filenames to collide more
than others. Here are some examples that I've seen while investigating
repositories that are growing more than they should be:

 * "/CHANGELOG.json" is 15 characters, and is created by the beachball
   [1] tool. Only the final character of the parent directory can
   differntiate different versions of this file, but also only the two
   most-significant digits. If that character is a letter, then this is
   always a collision. Similar issues occur with the similar
   "/" path, though there is more opportunity for
   differences in the parent directory.

 * Localization files frequently have common filenames but differentiate
   via parent directories. In C#, the name "/strings.resx.lcl" is used
   for these localization files and they will all collide in name-hash.


I've come across many other examples where some internal tool uses a
common name across multiple directories and is causing Git to repack
poorly due to name-hash collisions.

It is clear that the existing name-hash algorithm is optimized for
repositories with short path names, but also is optimized for packing a
single snapshot of a repository, not a repository with many versions of
the same file. In my testing, this has proven out where the name-hash
algorithm does a good job of finding peer files as delta bases when
unable to use a historical version of that exact file.

However, for repositories that have many versions of most files and
directories, it is more important that the objects that appear at the
same path are grouped together.

Create a new pack_full_name_hash() method and a new --full-name-hash
option for 'git pack-objects' to call that method instead. Add a simple
pass-through for 'git repack --full-name-hash' for additional testing in
the context of a full repack, where I expect this will be most

The hash algorithm is as simple as possible to be reasonably effective:
for each character of the path string, add a multiple of that character
and a large prime number (chosen arbitrarily, but intended to be large
relative to the size of a uint32_t). Then, shift the current hash value
to the right by 5, with overlap. The addition and shift parameters are
standard mechanisms for creating hard-to-predict behaviors in the bits
of the resulting hash.

This is not meant to be cryptographic at all, but uniformly distributed
across the possible hash values. This creates a hash that appears
pseudorandom. There is no ability to consider similar file types as
being close to each other.

In a later change, a test-tool will be added so the effectiveness of
this hash can be demonstrated directly.

For now, let's consider how effective this mechanism is when repacking a
repository with and without the --full-name-hash option. Specifically,
let's use 'git repack -adf [--full-name-hash]' as our test.

On the Git repository, we do not expect much difference. All path names
are short. This is backed by our results:

| Stage                 | Pack Size | Repack Time |
| After clone           | 260 MB    | N/A         |
| Standard Repack       | 127MB     | 106s        |
| With --full-name-hash | 126 MB    | 99s         |

This example demonstrates how there is some natural overhead coming from
the cloned copy because the server is hosting many forks and has not
optimized for exactly this set of reachable objects. But the full repack
has similar characteristics with and without --full-name-hash.

However, we can test this in a repository that uses one of the
problematic naming conventions above. The fluentui [2] repo uses
beachball to generate CHANGELOG.json and files, and these
files have very poor delta characteristics when comparing against
versions across parent directories.

| Stage                 | Pack Size | Repack Time |
| After clone           | 694 MB    | N/A         |
| Standard Repack       | 438 MB    | 728s        |
| With --full-name-hash | 168 MB    | 142s        |


In this example, we see significant gains in the compressed packfile
size as well as the time taken to compute the packfile.

Using a collection of repositories that use the beachball tool, I was
able to make similar comparisions with dramatic results. While the
fluentui repo is public, the others are private so cannot be shared for
reproduction. The results are so significant that I find it important to
share here:

| Repo     | Standard Repack | With --full-name-hash |
| fluentui |         438 MB  |               168 MB  |
| Repo B   |       6,255 MB  |               829 MB  |
| Repo C   |      37,737 MB  |             7,125 MB  |
| Repo D   |     130,049 MB  |             6,190 MB  |

Future changes could include making --full-name-hash implied by a config
value or even implied by default during a full repack.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/git-pack-objects.txt |  3 ++-
 builtin/pack-objects.c             | 23 ++++++++++++++++++-----
 builtin/repack.c                   |  5 +++++
 pack-objects.h                     | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 t/             | 15 +++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-pack-objects.txt b/Documentation/git-pack-objects.txt
index e32404c6aaee30..93861d9f85b3b1 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-pack-objects.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-pack-objects.txt
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ SYNOPSIS
 	[--revs [--unpacked | --all]] [--keep-pack=<pack-name>]
 	[--cruft] [--cruft-expiration=<time>]
 	[--stdout [--filter=<filter-spec>] | <base-name>]
-	[--shallow] [--keep-true-parents] [--[no-]sparse] < <object-list>
+	[--shallow] [--keep-true-parents] [--[no-]sparse]
+	[--full-name-hash] < <object-list>
diff --git a/builtin/pack-objects.c b/builtin/pack-objects.c
index 1c3b8426515c42..f9f10e7ffb6762 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-objects.c
@@ -269,6 +269,14 @@ struct configured_exclusion {
 static struct oidmap configured_exclusions;
 static struct oidset excluded_by_config;
+static int use_full_name_hash;
+static inline uint32_t pack_name_hash_fn(const char *name)
+	if (use_full_name_hash)
+		return pack_full_name_hash(name);
+	return pack_name_hash(name);
  * stats
@@ -1686,7 +1694,7 @@ static int add_object_entry(const struct object_id *oid, enum object_type type,
 		return 0;
-	create_object_entry(oid, type, pack_name_hash(name),
+	create_object_entry(oid, type, pack_name_hash_fn(name),
 			    exclude, name && no_try_delta(name),
 			    found_pack, found_offset);
 	return 1;
@@ -1900,7 +1908,7 @@ static void add_preferred_base_object(const char *name)
 	struct pbase_tree *it;
 	size_t cmplen;
-	unsigned hash = pack_name_hash(name);
+	unsigned hash = pack_name_hash_fn(name);
 	if (!num_preferred_base || check_pbase_path(hash))
@@ -3410,7 +3418,7 @@ static void show_object_pack_hint(struct object *object, const char *name,
 	 * here using a now in order to perhaps improve the delta selection
 	 * process.
-	oe->hash = pack_name_hash(name);
+	oe->hash = pack_name_hash_fn(name);
 	oe->no_try_delta = name && no_try_delta(name);
@@ -3560,7 +3568,7 @@ static void add_cruft_object_entry(const struct object_id *oid, enum object_type
 	entry = packlist_find(&to_pack, oid);
 	if (entry) {
 		if (name) {
-			entry->hash = pack_name_hash(name);
+			entry->hash = pack_name_hash_fn(name);
 			entry->no_try_delta = no_try_delta(name);
 	} else {
@@ -3583,7 +3591,7 @@ static void add_cruft_object_entry(const struct object_id *oid, enum object_type
-		entry = create_object_entry(oid, type, pack_name_hash(name),
+		entry = create_object_entry(oid, type, pack_name_hash_fn(name),
 					    0, name && no_try_delta(name),
 					    pack, offset);
@@ -4435,6 +4443,8 @@ int cmd_pack_objects(int argc,
 		OPT_STRING_LIST(0, "uri-protocol", &uri_protocols,
 				N_("exclude any configured uploadpack.blobpackfileuri with this protocol")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "full-name-hash", &use_full_name_hash,
+			 N_("optimize delta compression across identical path names over time")),
@@ -4590,6 +4600,9 @@ int cmd_pack_objects(int argc,
 	if (pack_to_stdout || !rev_list_all)
 		write_bitmap_index = 0;
+	if (write_bitmap_index && use_full_name_hash)
+		die(_("currently, the --full-name-hash option is incompatible with --write-bitmap-index"));
 	if (use_delta_islands)
 		strvec_push(&rp, "--topo-order");
diff --git a/builtin/repack.c b/builtin/repack.c
index 0c6dad7df47a16..f883a13664e0dd 100644
--- a/builtin/repack.c
+++ b/builtin/repack.c
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ struct pack_objects_args {
 	int no_reuse_object;
 	int quiet;
 	int local;
+	int full_name_hash;
 	struct list_objects_filter_options filter_options;
@@ -308,6 +309,8 @@ static void prepare_pack_objects(struct child_process *cmd,
 		strvec_pushf(&cmd->args, "--no-reuse-delta");
 	if (args->no_reuse_object)
 		strvec_pushf(&cmd->args, "--no-reuse-object");
+	if (args->full_name_hash)
+		strvec_pushf(&cmd->args, "--full-name-hash");
 	if (args->local)
 		strvec_push(&cmd->args,  "--local");
 	if (args->quiet)
@@ -1205,6 +1208,8 @@ int cmd_repack(int argc,
 				N_("pass --no-reuse-delta to git-pack-objects")),
 		OPT_BOOL('F', NULL, &po_args.no_reuse_object,
 				N_("pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "full-name-hash", &po_args.full_name_hash,
+				N_("pass --full-name-hash to git-pack-objects")),
 		OPT_NEGBIT('n', NULL, &run_update_server_info,
 				N_("do not run git-update-server-info"), 1),
 		OPT__QUIET(&po_args.quiet, N_("be quiet")),
diff --git a/pack-objects.h b/pack-objects.h
index 3f6f5042030041..20f95c8132e789 100644
--- a/pack-objects.h
+++ b/pack-objects.h
@@ -208,6 +208,27 @@ static inline uint32_t pack_name_hash(const char *name)
 	return hash;
+static inline uint32_t pack_full_name_hash(const char *name)
+	const uint32_t bigp = 1234572167U;
+	uint32_t c, hash = bigp;
+	if (!name)
+		return 0;
+	/*
+	 * Do the simplest thing that will resemble pseudo-randomness: add
+	 * random multiples of a large prime number with a binary shift.
+	 * The goal is not to be cryptographic, but to be generally
+	 * uniformly distributed.
+	 */
+	while ((c = *name++) != 0) {
+		hash += c * bigp;
+		hash = (hash >> 5) | (hash << 27);
+	}
+	return hash;
 static inline enum object_type oe_type(const struct object_entry *e)
 	return e->type_valid ? e->type_ : OBJ_BAD;
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d1d6248558238c..8a6e81d48e449f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -689,4 +689,19 @@ do
+# The following test is not necessarily a permanent choice, but since we do not
+# have a "name hash version" bit in the .bitmap file format, we cannot write the
+# full-name hash values into the .bitmap file without risking breakage later.
+# TODO: Make these compatible in the future and replace this test with the
+# expected behavior when both are specified.
+test_expect_success '--full-name-hash and --write-bitmap-index are incompatible' '
+	test_must_fail git pack-objects base --all \
+		--full-name-hash --write-bitmap-index 2>err &&
+	grep incompatible err &&
+	# --stdout option silently removes --write-bitmap-index
+	git pack-objects --stdout --all --full-name-hash --write-bitmap-index >out

From b0f1e442fb29782fd17a06744ae8da79e05a15b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 14:53:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 110/154] repack: test --full-name-hash option

The new '--full-name-hash' option for 'git repack' is a simple
pass-through to the underlying 'git pack-objects' subcommand. However,
this subcommand may have other options and a temporary filename as part
of the subcommand execution that may not be predictable or could change
over time.

The existing test_subcommand method requires an exact list of arguments
for the subcommand. This is too rigid for our needs here, so create a
new method, test_subcommand_flex. Use it to check that the
--full-name-hash option is passing through.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 t/       |  7 +++++++
 t/ | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 34 insertions(+)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index be1188e7365b19..1feb6643e69979 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -776,6 +776,13 @@ test_expect_success 'repack -ad cleans up old .tmp-* packs' '
 	test_must_be_empty tmpfiles
+test_expect_success '--full-name-hash option passes through to pack-objects' '
+	GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/full-trace.txt" \
+		git repack -a --full-name-hash &&
+	test_subcommand_flex git pack-objects --full-name-hash <full-trace.txt
 test_expect_success 'setup for update-server-info' '
 	git init update-server-info &&
 	test_commit -C update-server-info message
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 78e054ab503a65..860ce3f260ab71 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1886,6 +1886,33 @@ test_subcommand () {
+# Check that the given subcommand was run with the given set of
+# arguments in order (but with possible extra arguments).
+#	test_subcommand_flex [!] <command> <args>... < <trace>
+# If the first parameter passed is !, this instead checks that
+# the given command was not called.
+test_subcommand_flex () {
+	local negate=
+	if test "$1" = "!"
+	then
+		negate=t
+		shift
+	fi
+	local expr="$(printf '"%s".*' "$@")"
+	if test -n "$negate"
+	then
+		! grep "\[$expr\]"
+	else
+		grep "\[$expr\]"
+	fi
 # Check that the given command was invoked as part of the
 # trace2-format trace on stdin.

From c85f4fd00b7ff17f65f9af100843c160e9dc3f43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 15:24:02 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 111/154] pack-objects: add GIT_TEST_FULL_NAME_HASH

Add a new environment variable to opt-in to the --full-name-hash option
in 'git pack-objects'. This allows for extra testing of the feature
without repeating all of the test scenarios.

But this option isn't free. There are a few tests that change behavior
with the variable enabled.

First, there are a few tests that are very sensitive to certain delta
bases being picked. These are both involving the generation of thin
bundles and then counting their objects via 'git index-pack --fix-thin'
which pulls the delta base into the new packfile. For these tests,
disable the option as a decent long-term option.

Second, there are two tests in that I believe are
actually broken scenarios. While the client is set up to clone the
'promisor-server' repo via a treeless partial clone filter (tree:0),
that filter does not translate to the 'server' repo. Thus, fetching from
these repos causes the server to think that the client has all reachable
trees and blobs from the commits advertised as 'haves'. This leads the
server to providing a thin pack assuming those objects as delta bases.
Changing the name-hash algorithm presents new delta bases and thus
breaks the expectations of these tests. An alternative could be to set
up 'server' as a promisor server with the correct filter enabled. This
may also point out more issues with partial clone being set up as a
remote-based filtering mechanism and not a repository-wide setting. For
now, do the minimal change to make the test work by disabling the test

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 builtin/pack-objects.c    |  6 ++++--
 ci/ |  1 +
 t/README                  |  4 ++++
 t/          |  7 ++++++-
 t/  | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 t/    |  6 +++++-
 6 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builtin/pack-objects.c b/builtin/pack-objects.c
index f9f10e7ffb6762..d21fc28d085225 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-objects.c
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ struct configured_exclusion {
 static struct oidmap configured_exclusions;
 static struct oidset excluded_by_config;
-static int use_full_name_hash;
+static int use_full_name_hash = -1;
 static inline uint32_t pack_name_hash_fn(const char *name)
@@ -4600,8 +4600,10 @@ int cmd_pack_objects(int argc,
 	if (pack_to_stdout || !rev_list_all)
 		write_bitmap_index = 0;
-	if (write_bitmap_index && use_full_name_hash)
+	if (write_bitmap_index && use_full_name_hash > 0)
 		die(_("currently, the --full-name-hash option is incompatible with --write-bitmap-index"));
+	if (use_full_name_hash < 0)
+		use_full_name_hash = git_env_bool("GIT_TEST_FULL_NAME_HASH", 0);
 	if (use_delta_islands)
 		strvec_push(&rp, "--topo-order");
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index c4a41bba0b84df..47827b6dec9bfe 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ linux-TEST-vars)
diff --git a/t/README b/t/README
index e84824dc002932..d40fc5b429d488 100644
--- a/t/README
+++ b/t/README
@@ -471,6 +471,10 @@ a test and then fails then the whole test run will abort. This can help to make
 sure the expected tests are executed and not silently skipped when their
 dependency breaks or is simply not present in a new environment.
+GIT_TEST_FULL_NAME_HASH=<boolean>, when true, sets the default name-hash
+function in 'git pack-objects' to be the one used by the --full-name-hash
 Naming Tests
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2d9587059f5083..3ef509cd058d26 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1240,7 +1240,12 @@ test_expect_success 'all boundary commits are excluded' '
 	test_tick &&
 	git merge otherside &&
 	ad=$(git log --no-walk --format=%ad HEAD) &&
-	git bundle create twoside-boundary.bdl main --since="$ad" &&
+	# If the --full-name-hash function is used here, then no delta
+	# pair is found and the bundle does not expand to three objects
+	# when fixing the thin object.
+		git bundle create twoside-boundary.bdl main --since="$ad" &&
 	test_bundle_object_count --thin twoside-boundary.bdl 3
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4650451964339d..20d946cc16ac22 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -515,7 +515,18 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch lazy-fetches only to resolve deltas' '
 	# Exercise to make sure it works. Git will not fetch anything from the
 	# promisor remote other than for the big tree (because it needs to
 	# resolve the delta).
-	GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/trace" git -C client \
+	#
+	# TODO: the --full-name-hash option is disabled here, since this test
+	# is fundamentally broken! When GIT_TEST_FULL_NAME_HASH=1, the server
+	# recognizes delta bases in a different way and then sends a _blob_ to
+	# the client with a delta base that the client does not have! This is
+	# because the client is cloned from "promisor-server" with tree:0 but
+	# is now fetching from "server" withot any filter. This is violating the
+	# promise to the server that all reachable objects exist and could be
+	# used as delta bases!
+	GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/trace" \
+		git -C client \
 		fetch "file://$(pwd)/server" main &&
 	# Verify the assumption that the client needed to fetch the delta base
@@ -534,7 +545,18 @@ test_expect_success 'fetch lazy-fetches only to resolve deltas, protocol v2' '
 	# Exercise to make sure it works. Git will not fetch anything from the
 	# promisor remote other than for the big blob (because it needs to
 	# resolve the delta).
-	GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/trace" git -C client \
+	#
+	# TODO: the --full-name-hash option is disabled here, since this test
+	# is fundamentally broken! When GIT_TEST_FULL_NAME_HASH=1, the server
+	# recognizes delta bases in a different way and then sends a _blob_ to
+	# the client with a delta base that the client does not have! This is
+	# because the client is cloned from "promisor-server" with tree:0 but
+	# is now fetching from "server" withot any filter. This is violating the
+	# promise to the server that all reachable objects exist and could be
+	# used as delta bases!
+	GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/trace" \
+		git -C client \
 		fetch "file://$(pwd)/server" main &&
 	# Verify that protocol version 2 was used.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4ce62feaa26fde..5317649b7223b8 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -246,7 +246,11 @@ test_expect_success 'create bundle with --since option' '
 	test_cmp expect actual &&
-	git bundle create since.bdl \
+	# If the --full-name-hash option is used, then one fewer
+	# delta base is found and this counts a different number
+	# of objects after performing --fix-thin.
+		git bundle create since.bdl \
 		--since "Thu Apr 7 15:27:00 2005 -0700" \
 		--all &&

From 4875b991ddf71998a87e36fbc1f1c3c9747889fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2024 07:16:37 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 112/154] git-repack: update usage to match docs

This also adds the '--full-name-hash' option introduced in the previous
change and adds newlines to the synopsis.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/git-repack.txt | 4 +++-
 builtin/repack.c             | 4 +++-
 t/t0450/txt-help-mismatches  | 1 -
 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-repack.txt b/Documentation/git-repack.txt
index c902512a9e89b0..457a793fa89b2e 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-repack.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-repack.txt
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ git-repack - Pack unpacked objects in a repository
-'git repack' [-a] [-A] [-d] [-f] [-F] [-l] [-n] [-q] [-b] [-m] [--window=<n>] [--depth=<n>] [--threads=<n>] [--keep-pack=<pack-name>] [--write-midx]
+'git repack' [-a] [-A] [-d] [-f] [-F] [-l] [-n] [-q] [-b] [-m]
+	[--window=<n>] [--depth=<n>] [--threads=<n>] [--keep-pack=<pack-name>]
+	[--write-midx] [--full-name-hash]
diff --git a/builtin/repack.c b/builtin/repack.c
index f883a13664e0dd..bc42608d6a6cf7 100644
--- a/builtin/repack.c
+++ b/builtin/repack.c
@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ static int run_update_server_info = 1;
 static char *packdir, *packtmp_name, *packtmp;
 static const char *const git_repack_usage[] = {
-	N_("git repack [<options>]"),
+	N_("git repack [-a] [-A] [-d] [-f] [-F] [-l] [-n] [-q] [-b] [-m]\n"
+	   "[--window=<n>] [--depth=<n>] [--threads=<n>] [--keep-pack=<pack-name>]\n"
+	   "[--write-midx] [--full-name-hash]"),
diff --git a/t/t0450/txt-help-mismatches b/t/t0450/txt-help-mismatches
index 28003f18c924bb..c4a15fd0cb885a 100644
--- a/t/t0450/txt-help-mismatches
+++ b/t/t0450/txt-help-mismatches
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ rebase

From 2c5bf429d86f9c23e99ffaaff1b19117af4510c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: MinarKotonoha <>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2024 16:41:10 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 113/154] common-main.c: fflush stdout buffer upon exit

By default, the buffer type of Windows' `stdout` is unbuffered (_IONBF),
and there is no need to manually fflush `stdout`.

But some programs, such as the Windows Filtering Platform driver
provided by the security software, may change the buffer type of
`stdout` to full buffering. This nees `fflush(stdout)` to be called
manually, otherwise there will be no output to `stdout`.

Signed-off-by: MinarKotonoha <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 common-main.c | 7 +++++++
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)

diff --git a/common-main.c b/common-main.c
index 8e68ac9e42993d..75cf58abf645f0 100644
--- a/common-main.c
+++ b/common-main.c
@@ -77,6 +77,13 @@ static void check_bug_if_BUG(void)
 /* We wrap exit() to call common_exit() in git-compat-util.h */
 int common_exit(const char *file, int line, int code)
+	/*
+	 *  Windows Filtering Platform driver provided by the security software
+	 * may change buffer type of stdout from _IONBF to _IOFBF.
+	 * It will no output without fflush manually.
+	 */
+	fflush(stdout);
 	 * For non-POSIX systems: Take the lowest 8 bits of the "code"
 	 * to e.g. turn -1 into 255. On a POSIX system this is

From 08fb43a04ad12c8b65ee30c716ab16fa01c79bdd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 16:50:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 114/154] t5601/t7406(mingw): do run tests with symlink support

A long time ago, we decided to run tests in Git for Windows' SDK with
the default `winsymlinks` mode: copying instead of linking. This is
still the default mode of MSYS2 to this day.

However, this is not how most users run Git for Windows: As the majority
of Git for Windows' users seem to be on Windows 10 and newer, likely
having enabled Developer Mode (which allows creating symbolic links
without administrator privileges), they will run with symlink support

This is the reason why it is crucial to get the fixes for CVE-2024-? to
the users, and also why it is crucial to ensure that the test suite
exercises the related test cases. This commit ensures the latter.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 t/            | 10 ++++++++++
 t/ |  9 +++++++++
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+)

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d0c18660e33113..a529916e71a4de 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
 . ./
+# This test script contains test cases that need to create symbolic links. To
+# make sure that these test cases are exercised in Git for Windows, where (for
+# historical reasons) `ln -s` creates copies by default, let's specifically ask
+# for `ln -s` to create symbolic links whenever possible.
+if test_have_prereq MINGW
+	MSYS=${MSYS+$MSYS }winsymlinks:nativestrict
+	export MSYS
 test_have_prereq !MINGW || X=.exe
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 297c6c3b5cc4b8..80647e440f7093 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -14,6 +14,15 @@ export GIT_TEST_DEFAULT_INITIAL_BRANCH_NAME
 . ./
+# This test script contains test cases that need to create symbolic links. To
+# make sure that these test cases are exercised in Git for Windows, where (for
+# historical reasons) `ln -s` creates copies by default, let's specifically ask
+# for `ln -s` to create symbolic links whenever possible.
+if test_have_prereq MINGW
+	MSYS=${MSYS+$MSYS }winsymlinks:nativestrict
+	export MSYS

From f3b8834fd67cae222d4c2b8913c894b7d56aa94c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 13:55:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 115/154] win32: ensure that `localtime_r()` is declared even
 in i686 builds

The `__MINGW64__` constant is defined, surprise, surprise, only when
building for a 64-bit CPU architecture.

Therefore using it as a guard to define `_POSIX_C_SOURCE` (so that
`localtime_r()` is declared, among other functions) is not enough, we
also need to check `__MINGW32__`.

Technically, the latter constant is defined even for 64-bit builds. But
let's make things a bit easier to understand by testing for both

Making it so fixes this compile warning (turned error in GCC v14.1):

  archive-zip.c: In function 'dos_time':
  archive-zip.c:612:9: error: implicit declaration of function 'localtime_r';
  did you mean 'localtime_s'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
    612 |         localtime_r(&time, &tm);
        |         ^~~~~~~~~~~
        |         localtime_s

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 git-compat-util.h | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/git-compat-util.h b/git-compat-util.h
index e283c46c6fa06e..bc3db5085ab715 100644
--- a/git-compat-util.h
+++ b/git-compat-util.h
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ DISABLE_WARNING(-Wsign-compare)
 /* Approximation of the length of the decimal representation of this type. */
 #define decimal_length(x)	((int)(sizeof(x) * 2.56 + 0.5) + 1)
-#ifdef __MINGW64__
+#if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__MINGW64__)
 #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 1
 #elif defined(__sun__)

From a591f5604ab3c8890fe56e6c36c98e3d8bdf8086 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ariel Lourenco <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 18:09:43 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 116/154] Fallback to AppData if XDG_CONFIG_HOME is unset

In order to be a better Windows citizenship, Git should
save its configuration files on AppData folder. This can
enables git configuration files be replicated between machines
using the same Microsoft account logon which would reduce the
friction of setting up Git on new systems. Therefore, if
%APPDATA%\Git\config exists, we use it; otherwise
$HOME/.config/git/config is used.

Signed-off-by: Ariel Lourenco <>
 path.c | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/path.c b/path.c
index 07964f5d32c977..4254a0ae8738a6 100644
--- a/path.c
+++ b/path.c
@@ -1443,6 +1443,7 @@ int looks_like_command_line_option(const char *str)
 char *xdg_config_home_for(const char *subdir, const char *filename)
 	const char *home, *config_home;
+	char *home_config = NULL;
@@ -1451,10 +1452,26 @@ char *xdg_config_home_for(const char *subdir, const char *filename)
 		return mkpathdup("%s/%s/%s", config_home, subdir, filename);
 	home = getenv("HOME");
-	if (home)
-		return mkpathdup("%s/.config/%s/%s", home, subdir, filename);
+	if (home && *home)
+		home_config = mkpathdup("%s/.config/%s/%s", home, subdir, filename);
+	#ifdef WIN32
+	{
+		const char *appdata = getenv("APPDATA");
+		if (appdata && *appdata) {
+			char *appdata_config = mkpathdup("%s/Git/%s", appdata, filename);
+			if (file_exists(appdata_config)) {
+				if (home_config && file_exists(home_config))
+					warning("'%s' was ignored because '%s' exists.", home_config, appdata_config);
+				free(home_config);
+				return appdata_config;
+			}
+			free(appdata_config);
+		}
+	}
+	#endif
-	return NULL;
+	return home_config;
 char *xdg_config_home(const char *filename)

From e06da52130fc4b07ea0641b1ea901cf7157aba88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 12:07:42 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 117/154] p5313: add size comparison test

As custom options are added to 'git pack-objects' and 'git repack' to
adjust how compression is done, use this new performance test script to
demonstrate their effectiveness in performance and size.

The recently-added --full-name-hash option swaps the default name-hash
algorithm with one that attempts to uniformly distribute the hashes
based on the full path name instead of the last 16 characters.

This has a dramatic effect on full repacks for repositories with many
versions of most paths. It can have a negative impact on cases such as
pushing a single change.

This can be seen by running pt5313 on the open source fluentui
repository [1]. Most commits will have this kind of output for the thin
and big pack cases, though certain commits (such as [2]) will have
problematic thin pack size for other reasons.

[2] a637a06df05360ce5ff21420803f64608226a875

Checked out at the parent of [2], I see the following statistics:

Test                                           this tree
5313.2: thin pack                              0.02(0.01+0.01)
5313.3: thin pack size                                    1.1K
5313.4: thin pack with --full-name-hash        0.02(0.01+0.00)
5313.5: thin pack size with --full-name-hash              3.0K
5313.6: big pack                               1.65(3.35+0.24)
5313.7: big pack size                                    58.0M
5313.8: big pack with --full-name-hash         1.53(2.52+0.18)
5313.9: big pack size with --full-name-hash              57.6M
5313.10: repack                                176.52(706.60+3.53)
5313.11: repack size                                    446.7K
5313.12: repack with --full-name-hash          37.47(134.18+3.06)
5313.13: repack size with --full-name-hash              183.1K

Note that this demonstrates a 3x size _increase_ in the case that
simulates a small "git push". The size change is neutral on the case of
pushing the difference between HEAD and HEAD~1000.

However, the full repack case is both faster and more efficient.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 t/perf/ | 73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 73 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 t/perf/

diff --git a/t/perf/ b/t/perf/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000000..bf6f0d69e48373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/perf/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+test_description='Tests pack performance using bitmaps'
+. ./
+test_expect_success 'create rev input' '
+	cat >in-thin <<-EOF &&
+	$(git rev-parse HEAD)
+	^$(git rev-parse HEAD~1)
+	cat >in-big <<-EOF
+	$(git rev-parse HEAD)
+	^$(git rev-parse HEAD~1000)
+test_perf 'thin pack' '
+	git pack-objects --thin --stdout --revs --sparse  <in-thin >out
+test_size 'thin pack size' '
+	test_file_size out
+test_perf 'thin pack with --full-name-hash' '
+	git pack-objects --thin --stdout --revs --sparse --full-name-hash <in-thin >out
+test_size 'thin pack size with --full-name-hash' '
+	test_file_size out
+test_perf 'big pack' '
+	git pack-objects --stdout --revs --sparse  <in-big >out
+test_size 'big pack size' '
+	test_file_size out
+test_perf 'big pack with --full-name-hash' '
+	git pack-objects --stdout --revs --sparse --full-name-hash <in-big >out
+test_size 'big pack size with --full-name-hash' '
+	test_file_size out
+test_perf 'repack' '
+	git repack -adf
+test_size 'repack size' '
+	pack=$(ls .git/objects/pack/pack-*.pack) &&
+	test_file_size "$pack"
+test_perf 'repack with --full-name-hash' '
+	git repack -adf --full-name-hash
+test_size 'repack size with --full-name-hash' '
+	pack=$(ls .git/objects/pack/pack-*.pack) &&
+	test_file_size "$pack"

From fe4d14523856edd22385139db80ef0c9dab3e03e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2024 22:41:56 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 118/154] run-command: be helpful with Git LFS fails on Windows

Git LFS is now built with Go 1.21 which no longer supports Windows 7.
However, Git for Windows still wants to support Windows 7.

Ideally, Git LFS would re-introduce Windows 7 support until Git for
Windows drops support for Windows 7, but that's not going to happen:

The next best thing we can do is to let the users know what is
happening, and how to get out of their fix, at least.

This is not quite as easy as it would first seem because programs
compiled with Go 1.21 or newer will simply throw an exception and fail
with an Access Violation on Windows 7.

The only way I found to address this is to replicate the logic from Go's
very own `version` command (which can determine the Go version with
which a given executable was built) to detect the situation, and in that
case offer a helpful error message.

This addresses

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 compat/win32/path-utils.c | 199 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 compat/win32/path-utils.h |   3 +
 git-compat-util.h         |   7 ++
 run-command.c             |   1 +
 4 files changed, 210 insertions(+)

diff --git a/compat/win32/path-utils.c b/compat/win32/path-utils.c
index 966ef779b9ca9b..c4fea0301b5ecc 100644
--- a/compat/win32/path-utils.c
+++ b/compat/win32/path-utils.c
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 #include "../../git-compat-util.h"
 #include "../../environment.h"
+#include "../../wrapper.h"
+#include "../../strbuf.h"
+#include "../../versioncmp.h"
 int win32_has_dos_drive_prefix(const char *path)
@@ -89,3 +92,199 @@ int win32_fspathcmp(const char *a, const char *b)
 	return win32_fspathncmp(a, b, (size_t)-1);
+static int read_at(int fd, char *buffer, size_t offset, size_t size)
+	if (lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "could not seek to 0x%x\n", (unsigned int)offset);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return read_in_full(fd, buffer, size);
+static size_t le16(const char *buffer)
+	unsigned char *u = (unsigned char *)buffer;
+	return u[0] | (u[1] << 8);
+static size_t le32(const char *buffer)
+	return le16(buffer) | (le16(buffer + 2) << 16);
+ * Determine the Go version of a given executable, if it was built with Go.
+ *
+ * This recapitulates the logic from
+ *
+ * (without requiring the user to install `go.exe` to find out).
+ */
+static ssize_t get_go_version(const char *path, char *go_version, size_t go_version_size)
+	int fd = open(path, O_RDONLY);
+	char buffer[1024];
+	off_t offset;
+	size_t num_sections, opt_header_size, i;
+	char *p = NULL, *q;
+	ssize_t res = -1;
+	if (fd < 0)
+		return -1;
+	if (read_in_full(fd, buffer, 2) < 0)
+		goto fail;
+	/*
+	 * Parse the PE file format, for more details, see
+	 * and
+	 *
+	 */
+	if (buffer[0] != 'M' || buffer[1] != 'Z')
+		goto fail;
+	if (read_at(fd, buffer, 0x3c, 4) < 0)
+		goto fail;
+	/* Read the `PE\0\0` signature and the COFF file header */
+	offset = le32(buffer);
+	if (read_at(fd, buffer, offset, 24) < 0)
+		goto fail;
+	if (buffer[0] != 'P' || buffer[1] != 'E' || buffer[2] != '\0' || buffer[3] != '\0')
+		goto fail;
+	num_sections = le16(buffer + 6);
+	opt_header_size = le16(buffer + 20);
+	offset += 24; /* skip file header */
+	/*
+	 * Validate magic number 0x10b or 0x20b, for full details see
+	 *
+	 */
+	if (read_at(fd, buffer, offset, 2) < 0 ||
+	    ((i = le16(buffer)) != 0x10b && i != 0x20b))
+		goto fail;
+	offset += opt_header_size;
+	for (i = 0; i < num_sections; i++) {
+		if (read_at(fd, buffer, offset + i * 40, 40) < 0)
+			goto fail;
+		/*
+		 * For full details about the section headers, see
+		 *
+		 */
+		if ((le32(buffer + 36) /* characteristics */ & ~0x600000) /* IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_32BYTES */ ==
+		    (/* IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA */ 0x00000040 |
+		     /* IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ */ 0x40000000 |
+		     /* IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE */ 0x80000000)) {
+			size_t size = le32(buffer + 16); /* "SizeOfRawData " */
+			size_t pointer = le32(buffer + 20); /* "PointerToRawData " */
+			/*
+			 * Skip the section if either size or pointer is 0, see
+			 *
+			 * for full details.
+			 *
+			 * Merely seeing a non-zero size will not actually do,
+			 * though: he size must be at least `buildInfoSize`,
+			 * i.e. 32, and we expect a UVarint (at least another
+			 * byte) _and_ the bytes representing the string,
+			 * which we expect to start with the letters "go" and
+			 * continue with the Go version number.
+			 */
+			if (size < 32 + 1 + 2 + 1 || !pointer)
+				continue;
+			p = malloc(size);
+			if (!p || read_at(fd, p, pointer, size) < 0)
+				goto fail;
+			/*
+			 * Look for the build information embedded by Go, see
+			 *
+			 * for full details.
+			 *
+			 * Note: Go contains code to enforce alignment along a
+			 * 16-byte boundary. In practice, no `.exe` has been
+			 * observed that required any adjustment, therefore
+			 * this here code skips that logic for simplicity.
+			 */
+			q = memmem(p, size - 18, "\xff Go buildinf:", 14);
+			if (!q)
+				goto fail;
+			/*
+			 * Decode the build blob. For full details, see
+			 *
+			 *
+			 * Note: The `endianness` values observed in practice
+			 * were always 2, therefore the complex logic to handle
+			 * any other value is skipped for simplicty.
+			 */
+			if ((q[14] == 8 || q[14] == 4) && q[15] == 2) {
+				/*
+				 * Only handle a Go version string with fewer
+				 * than 128 characters, so the Go UVarint at
+				 * q[32] that indicates the string's length must
+				 * be only one byte (without the high bit set).
+				 */
+				if ((q[32] & 0x80) ||
+				    !q[32] ||
+				    (q + 33 + q[32] - p) > (ssize_t)size ||
+				    q[32] + 1 > (ssize_t)go_version_size)
+					goto fail;
+				res = q[32];
+				memcpy(go_version, q + 33, res);
+				go_version[res] = '\0';
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	free(p);
+	close(fd);
+	return res;
+void win32_warn_about_git_lfs_on_windows7(int exit_code, const char *argv0)
+	char buffer[128], *git_lfs = NULL;
+	const char *p;
+	/*
+	 * Git LFS v3.5.1 fails with an Access Violation on Windows 7; That
+	 * would usually show up as an exit code 0xc0000005. For some reason
+	 * (probably because at this point, we no longer have the _original_
+	 * HANDLE that was returned by `CreateProcess()`) we observe other
+	 * values like 0xb00 and 0x2 instead. Since the exact exit code
+	 * seems to be inconsistent, we check for a non-zero exit status.
+	 */
+	if (exit_code == 0)
+		return;
+	if (GetVersion() >> 16 > 7601)
+		return; /* Warn only on Windows 7 or older */
+	if (!istarts_with(argv0, "git-lfs ") &&
+	    strcasecmp(argv0, "git-lfs"))
+		return;
+	if (!(git_lfs = locate_in_PATH("git-lfs")))
+		return;
+	if (get_go_version(git_lfs, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) > 0 &&
+	    skip_prefix(buffer, "go", &p) &&
+	    versioncmp("1.21.0", p) <= 0)
+		warning("This program was built with Go v%s\n"
+			"i.e. without support for this Windows version:\n"
+			"\n\t%s\n"
+			"\n"
+			"To work around this, you can download and install a "
+			"working version from\n"
+			"\n"
+			"\t"
+			"v3.4.1\n",
+			p, git_lfs);
+	free(git_lfs);
diff --git a/compat/win32/path-utils.h b/compat/win32/path-utils.h
index a561c700e75713..a69483c332c1a7 100644
--- a/compat/win32/path-utils.h
+++ b/compat/win32/path-utils.h
@@ -34,4 +34,7 @@ int win32_fspathcmp(const char *a, const char *b);
 int win32_fspathncmp(const char *a, const char *b, size_t count);
 #define fspathncmp win32_fspathncmp
+void win32_warn_about_git_lfs_on_windows7(int exit_code, const char *argv0);
+#define warn_about_git_lfs_on_windows7 win32_warn_about_git_lfs_on_windows7
diff --git a/git-compat-util.h b/git-compat-util.h
index e283c46c6fa06e..c48c00fe944b7e 100644
--- a/git-compat-util.h
+++ b/git-compat-util.h
@@ -537,6 +537,13 @@ static inline int git_offset_1st_component(const char *path)
 #define fspathncmp git_fspathncmp
+#ifndef warn_about_git_lfs_on_windows7
+static inline void warn_about_git_lfs_on_windows7(int exit_code UNUSED,
+						  const char *argv0 UNUSED)
 #ifndef is_valid_path
 #define is_valid_path(path) 1
diff --git a/run-command.c b/run-command.c
index 402138b8b53ae8..ca546563f985c3 100644
--- a/run-command.c
+++ b/run-command.c
@@ -576,6 +576,7 @@ static int wait_or_whine(pid_t pid, const char *argv0, int in_signal)
 		code += 128;
 	} else if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
+		warn_about_git_lfs_on_windows7(status, argv0);
 		code = WEXITSTATUS(status);
 	} else {
 		if (!in_signal)

From 06e01127608589048aaedc0c330bcc8d7eb91ada Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 13:39:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 119/154] clean: do not traverse mount points

It seems to be not exactly rare on Windows to install NTFS junction
points (the equivalent of "bind mounts" on Linux/Unix) in worktrees,
e.g. to map some development tools into a subdirectory.

In such a scenario, it is pretty horrible if `git clean -dfx` traverses
into the mapped directory and starts to "clean up".

Let's just not do that. Let's make sure before we traverse into a
directory that it is not a mount point (or junction).

This addresses

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 builtin/clean.c   | 14 ++++++++++++++
 compat/mingw.c    | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 compat/mingw.h    |  3 +++
 git-compat-util.h |  4 ++++
 path.c            | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 path.h            |  1 +
 t/  |  9 +++++++++
 7 files changed, 92 insertions(+)

diff --git a/builtin/clean.c b/builtin/clean.c
index 053c94fc6bd12a..aeb7eb2d1ed2c3 100644
--- a/builtin/clean.c
+++ b/builtin/clean.c
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ static const char *msg_remove = N_("Removing %s\n");
 static const char *msg_would_remove = N_("Would remove %s\n");
 static const char *msg_skip_git_dir = N_("Skipping repository %s\n");
 static const char *msg_would_skip_git_dir = N_("Would skip repository %s\n");
+static const char *msg_skip_mount_point = N_("Skipping mount point %s\n");
+static const char *msg_would_skip_mount_point = N_("Would skip mount point %s\n");
 static const char *msg_warn_remove_failed = N_("failed to remove %s");
 static const char *msg_warn_lstat_failed = N_("could not lstat %s\n");
 static const char *msg_skip_cwd = N_("Refusing to remove current working directory\n");
@@ -184,6 +186,18 @@ static int remove_dirs(struct strbuf *path, const char *prefix, int force_flag,
 		goto out;
+	if (is_mount_point(path)) {
+		if (!quiet) {
+			quote_path(path->buf, prefix, &quoted, 0);
+			printf(dry_run ?
+			       _(msg_would_skip_mount_point) :
+			       _(msg_skip_mount_point), quoted.buf);
+		}
+		*dir_gone = 0;
+		goto out;
+	}
 	dir = opendir(path->buf);
 	if (!dir) {
 		/* an empty dir could be removed even if it is unreadble */
diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index 1d5b211b548dab..c616269ab56fc6 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -2686,6 +2686,28 @@ pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *status, int options)
 	return -1;
+int mingw_is_mount_point(struct strbuf *path)
+	WIN32_FIND_DATAW findbuf = { 0 };
+	HANDLE handle;
+	wchar_t wfilename[MAX_PATH];
+	int wlen = xutftowcs_path(wfilename, path->buf);
+	if (wlen < 0)
+		die(_("could not get long path for '%s'"), path->buf);
+	/* remove trailing slash, if any */
+	if (wlen > 0 && wfilename[wlen - 1] == L'/')
+		wfilename[--wlen] = L'\0';
+	handle = FindFirstFileW(wfilename, &findbuf);
+	if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+		return 0;
+	FindClose(handle);
+	return (findbuf.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) &&
+		(findbuf.dwReserved0 == IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT);
 int xutftowcsn(wchar_t *wcs, const char *utfs, size_t wcslen, int utflen)
 	int upos = 0, wpos = 0;
diff --git a/compat/mingw.h b/compat/mingw.h
index ebfb8ba423b754..92830de32a40e3 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.h
+++ b/compat/mingw.h
@@ -454,6 +454,9 @@ static inline void convert_slashes(char *path)
 		if (*path == '\\')
 			*path = '/';
+struct strbuf;
+int mingw_is_mount_point(struct strbuf *path);
+#define is_mount_point mingw_is_mount_point
 #define PATH_SEP ';'
 char *mingw_query_user_email(void);
 #define query_user_email mingw_query_user_email
diff --git a/git-compat-util.h b/git-compat-util.h
index e283c46c6fa06e..a9d455612fd62f 100644
--- a/git-compat-util.h
+++ b/git-compat-util.h
@@ -626,6 +626,10 @@ static inline int git_has_dir_sep(const char *path)
 #define has_dir_sep(path) git_has_dir_sep(path)
+#ifndef is_mount_point
+#define is_mount_point is_mount_point_via_stat
 #ifndef query_user_email
 #define query_user_email() NULL
diff --git a/path.c b/path.c
index 07964f5d32c977..7defc7bbefbb38 100644
--- a/path.c
+++ b/path.c
@@ -1226,6 +1226,45 @@ char *strip_path_suffix(const char *path, const char *suffix)
 	return offset == -1 ? NULL : xstrndup(path, offset);
+int is_mount_point_via_stat(struct strbuf *path)
+	size_t len = path->len;
+	dev_t current_dev;
+	struct stat st;
+	if (!strcmp("/", path->buf))
+		return 1;
+	strbuf_addstr(path, "/.");
+	if (lstat(path->buf, &st)) {
+		/*
+		 * If we cannot access the current directory, we cannot say
+		 * that it is a bind mount.
+		 */
+		strbuf_setlen(path, len);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	current_dev = st.st_dev;
+	/* Now look at the parent directory */
+	strbuf_addch(path, '.');
+	if (lstat(path->buf, &st)) {
+		/*
+		 * If we cannot access the parent directory, we cannot say
+		 * that it is a bind mount.
+		 */
+		strbuf_setlen(path, len);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	strbuf_setlen(path, len);
+	/*
+	 * If the device ID differs between current and parent directory,
+	 * then it is a bind mount.
+	 */
+	return current_dev != st.st_dev;
 int daemon_avoid_alias(const char *p)
 	int sl, ndot;
diff --git a/path.h b/path.h
index 5f6c85e5f8d795..9b0b5d2718e5f8 100644
--- a/path.h
+++ b/path.h
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ int normalize_path_copy(char *dst, const char *src);
 int strbuf_normalize_path(struct strbuf *src);
 int longest_ancestor_length(const char *path, struct string_list *prefixes);
 char *strip_path_suffix(const char *path, const char *suffix);
+int is_mount_point_via_stat(struct strbuf *path);
 int daemon_avoid_alias(const char *path);
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 00d4070156243b..7c3a1ca91df534 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -800,4 +800,13 @@ test_expect_success 'traverse into directories that may have ignored entries' '
+test_expect_success MINGW 'clean does not traverse mount points' '
+	mkdir target &&
+	>target/dont-clean-me &&
+	git init with-mountpoint &&
+	cmd //c "mklink /j with-mountpoint\\mountpoint target" &&
+	git -C with-mountpoint clean -dfx &&
+	test_path_is_file target/dont-clean-me

From 7dbe5612101acd4ebde5287447e2e591b242daf9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 12:55:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 120/154] clean: remove mount points when possible

Windows' equivalent to "bind mounts", NTFS junction points, can be
unlinked without affecting the mount target. This is clearly what users
expect to happen when they call `git clean -dfx` in a worktree that
contains NTFS junction points: the junction should be removed, and the
target directory of said junction should be left alone (unless it is
inside the worktree).

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 builtin/clean.c  | 13 +++++++++++++
 compat/mingw.h   |  1 +
 t/ |  1 +
 3 files changed, 15 insertions(+)

diff --git a/builtin/clean.c b/builtin/clean.c
index aeb7eb2d1ed2c3..df39efcc50fbc4 100644
--- a/builtin/clean.c
+++ b/builtin/clean.c
@@ -40,8 +40,10 @@ static const char *msg_remove = N_("Removing %s\n");
 static const char *msg_would_remove = N_("Would remove %s\n");
 static const char *msg_skip_git_dir = N_("Skipping repository %s\n");
 static const char *msg_would_skip_git_dir = N_("Would skip repository %s\n");
 static const char *msg_skip_mount_point = N_("Skipping mount point %s\n");
 static const char *msg_would_skip_mount_point = N_("Would skip mount point %s\n");
 static const char *msg_warn_remove_failed = N_("failed to remove %s");
 static const char *msg_warn_lstat_failed = N_("could not lstat %s\n");
 static const char *msg_skip_cwd = N_("Refusing to remove current working directory\n");
@@ -187,6 +189,7 @@ static int remove_dirs(struct strbuf *path, const char *prefix, int force_flag,
 	if (is_mount_point(path)) {
 		if (!quiet) {
 			quote_path(path->buf, prefix, &quoted, 0);
 			printf(dry_run ?
@@ -194,6 +197,16 @@ static int remove_dirs(struct strbuf *path, const char *prefix, int force_flag,
 			       _(msg_skip_mount_point), quoted.buf);
 		*dir_gone = 0;
+		if (!dry_run && unlink(path->buf)) {
+			int saved_errno = errno;
+			quote_path(path->buf, prefix, &quoted, 0);
+			errno = saved_errno;
+			warning_errno(_(msg_warn_remove_failed), quoted.buf);
+			*dir_gone = 0;
+			ret = -1;
+		}
 		goto out;
diff --git a/compat/mingw.h b/compat/mingw.h
index 92830de32a40e3..92aa29bb8bb790 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.h
+++ b/compat/mingw.h
@@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ static inline void convert_slashes(char *path)
 struct strbuf;
 int mingw_is_mount_point(struct strbuf *path);
 #define is_mount_point mingw_is_mount_point
 #define PATH_SEP ';'
 char *mingw_query_user_email(void);
 #define query_user_email mingw_query_user_email
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7c3a1ca91df534..6f16f3893191e7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -806,6 +806,7 @@ test_expect_success MINGW 'clean does not traverse mount points' '
 	git init with-mountpoint &&
 	cmd //c "mklink /j with-mountpoint\\mountpoint target" &&
 	git -C with-mountpoint clean -dfx &&
+	test_path_is_missing with-mountpoint/mountpoint &&
 	test_path_is_file target/dont-clean-me

From c18eec2138eef7ba510c1ad0968a18a4602b3f04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2024 21:04:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 121/154] test-tool: add helper for name-hash values

Add a new test-tool helper, name-hash, to output the value of the
name-hash algorithms for the input list of strings, one per line.

Since the name-hash values can be stored in the .bitmap files, it is
important that these hash functions do not change across Git versions.
Add a simple test to to provide some testing of
the current values. Due to how these functions are implemented, it would
be difficult to change them without disturbing these values.

Create a performance test that uses test_size to demonstrate how
collisions occur for these hash algorithms. This test helps inform
someone as to the behavior of the name-hash algorithms for their repo
based on the paths at HEAD.

My copy of the Git repository shows modest statistics around the
collisions of the default name-hash algorithm:

Test                                              this tree
5314.1: paths at head                                        4.5K
5314.2: number of distinct name-hashes                       4.1K
5314.3: number of distinct full-name-hashes                  4.5K
5314.4: maximum multiplicity of name-hashes                    13
5314.5: maximum multiplicity of fullname-hashes                 1

Here, the maximum collision multiplicity is 13, but around 10% of paths
have a collision with another path.

In a more interesting example, the microsoft/fluentui [1] repo had these
statistics at time of committing:

Test                                              this tree
5314.1: paths at head                                       19.6K
5314.2: number of distinct name-hashes                       8.2K
5314.3: number of distinct full-name-hashes                 19.6K
5314.4: maximum multiplicity of name-hashes                   279
5314.5: maximum multiplicity of fullname-hashes                 1


That demonstrates that of the nearly twenty thousand path names, they
are assigned around eight thousand distinct values. 279 paths are
assigned to a single value, leading the packing algorithm to sort
objects from those paths together, by size.

In this repository, no collisions occur for the full-name-hash

In a more extreme example, an internal monorepo had a much worse
collision rate:

Test                                              this tree
5314.1: paths at head                                      221.6K
5314.2: number of distinct name-hashes                      72.0K
5314.3: number of distinct full-name-hashes                221.6K
5314.4: maximum multiplicity of name-hashes                 14.4K
5314.5: maximum multiplicity of fullname-hashes                 2

Even in this repository with many more paths at HEAD, the collision rate
was low and the maximum number of paths being grouped into a single
bucket by the full-path-name algorithm was two.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Makefile                  |  1 +
 t/helper/      |  1 +
 t/helper/test-name-hash.c | 24 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 t/helper/test-tool.c      |  1 +
 t/helper/test-tool.h      |  1 +
 t/perf/ | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 t/   | 26 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 95 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 t/helper/test-name-hash.c
 create mode 100755 t/perf/

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 97e8385b6643b9..f16d8ca10a65a3 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -812,6 +812,7 @@ TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-lazy-init-name-hash.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-match-trees.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-mergesort.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-mktemp.o
+TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-name-hash.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-online-cpus.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-pack-mtimes.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-parse-options.o
diff --git a/t/helper/ b/t/helper/
index 5e83884246edc7..c90ffc6a53b3a4 100644
--- a/t/helper/
+++ b/t/helper/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ test_tool_sources = [
+  'test-name-hash.c',
diff --git a/t/helper/test-name-hash.c b/t/helper/test-name-hash.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..e4ecd159b76400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/helper/test-name-hash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * test-name-hash.c: Read a list of paths over stdin and report on their
+ * name-hash and full name-hash.
+ */
+#include "test-tool.h"
+#include "git-compat-util.h"
+#include "pack-objects.h"
+#include "strbuf.h"
+int cmd__name_hash(int argc UNUSED, const char **argv UNUSED)
+	struct strbuf line = STRBUF_INIT;
+	while (!strbuf_getline(&line, stdin)) {
+		uint32_t name_hash = pack_name_hash(line.buf);
+		uint32_t full_hash = pack_full_name_hash(line.buf);
+		printf("%10"PRIu32"\t%10"PRIu32"\t%s\n", name_hash, full_hash, line.buf);
+	}
+	strbuf_release(&line);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/t/helper/test-tool.c b/t/helper/test-tool.c
index 4a7aa993ba99e2..72eeb03af1f81e 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-tool.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-tool.c
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ static struct test_cmd cmds[] = {
 	{ "match-trees", cmd__match_trees },
 	{ "mergesort", cmd__mergesort },
 	{ "mktemp", cmd__mktemp },
+	{ "name-hash", cmd__name_hash },
 	{ "online-cpus", cmd__online_cpus },
 	{ "pack-mtimes", cmd__pack_mtimes },
 	{ "parse-options", cmd__parse_options },
diff --git a/t/helper/test-tool.h b/t/helper/test-tool.h
index 21802ac27da37f..26ff30a5a9abfe 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-tool.h
+++ b/t/helper/test-tool.h
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ int cmd__lazy_init_name_hash(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__match_trees(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__mergesort(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__mktemp(int argc, const char **argv);
+int cmd__name_hash(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__online_cpus(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__pack_mtimes(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__parse_options(int argc, const char **argv);
diff --git a/t/perf/ b/t/perf/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000000..9fe26612facc1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/perf/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+test_description='Tests pack performance using bitmaps'
+. ./
+test_size 'paths at head' '
+	git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD >path-list &&
+	wc -l <path-list
+test_size 'number of distinct name-hashes' '
+	cat path-list | test-tool name-hash >name-hashes &&
+	cat name-hashes | awk "{ print \$1; }" | sort -n | uniq -c >name-hash-count &&
+	wc -l <name-hash-count
+test_size 'number of distinct full-name-hashes' '
+	cat name-hashes | awk "{ print \$2; }" | sort -n | uniq -c >full-name-hash-count &&
+	wc -l <full-name-hash-count
+test_size 'maximum multiplicity of name-hashes' '
+	cat name-hash-count | \
+		sort -nr | \
+		head -n 1 | \
+		awk "{ print \$1; }"
+test_size 'maximum multiplicity of fullname-hashes' '
+	cat full-name-hash-count | \
+		sort -nr | \
+		head -n 1 | \
+		awk "{ print \$1; }"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index eabfcd7ff67d2f..0f1e2b6f49361d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -26,6 +26,32 @@ has_any () {
 	grep -Ff "$1" "$2"
+# Since name-hash values are stored in the .bitmap files, add a test
+# that checks that the name-hash calculations are stable across versions.
+# Not exhaustive, but these hashing algorithms would be hard to change
+# without causing deviations here.
+test_expect_success 'name-hash value stability' '
+	cat >names <<-\EOF &&
+	first
+	second
+	third
+	one-long-enough-for-collisions
+	two-long-enough-for-collisions
+	test-tool name-hash <names >out &&
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	2582249472	3109209818	first
+	2289942528	3781118409	second
+	2300837888	3028707182	third
+	2544516325	3241327563	one-long-enough-for-collisions
+	2544516325	4207880830	two-long-enough-for-collisions
+	test_cmp expect out
 test_bitmap_cases () {
 	for i in "$@"

From 717d2ea2cadefa549a40ec0a25167e2d69e3f4cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 12:27:28 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 122/154] path-walk: introduce an object walk by path

In anticipation of a few planned applications, introduce the most basic form
of a path-walk API. It currently assumes that there are no UNINTERESTING
objects, and does not include any complicated filters. It calls a function
pointer on groups of tree and blob objects as grouped by path. This only
includes objects the first time they are discovered, so an object that
appears at multiple paths will not be included in two batches.

There are many future adaptations that could be made, but they are left for
future updates when consumers are ready to take advantage of those features.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt |  54 +++++
 Makefile                                  |   1 +                               |   1 +
 path-walk.c                               | 237 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 path-walk.h                               |  43 ++++
 5 files changed, 336 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
 create mode 100644 path-walk.c
 create mode 100644 path-walk.h

diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..6472222ae6d8d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Path-Walk API
+The path-walk API is used to walk reachable objects, but to visit objects
+in batches based on a common path they appear in, or by type.
+For example, all reachable commits are visited in a group. All tags are
+visited in a group. Then, all root trees are visited. At some point, all
+blobs reachable via a path `my/dir/to/A` are visited. When there are
+multiple paths possible to reach the same object, then only one of those
+paths is used to visit the object.
+When walking a range of commits with some `UNINTERESTING` objects, the
+objects with the `UNINTERESTING` flag are included in these batches. In
+order to walk `UNINTERESTING` objects, the `--boundary` option must be
+used in the commit walk in order to visit `UNINTERESTING` commits.
+To use the path-walk API, include `path-walk.h` and call
+`walk_objects_by_path()` with a customized `path_walk_info` struct. The
+struct is used to set all of the options for how the walk should proceed.
+Let's dig into the different options and their use.
+`path_fn` and `path_fn_data`::
+	The most important option is the `path_fn` option, which is a
+	function pointer to the callback that can execute logic on the
+	object IDs for objects grouped by type and path. This function
+	also receives a `data` value that corresponds to the
+	`path_fn_data` member, for providing custom data structures to
+	this callback function.
+	To configure the exact details of the reachable set of objects,
+	use the `revs` member and initialize it using the revision
+	machinery in `revision.h`. Initialize `revs` using calls such as
+	`setup_revisions()` or `parse_revision_opt()`. Do not call
+	`prepare_revision_walk()`, as that will be called within
+	`walk_objects_by_path()`.
+It is also important that you do not specify the `--objects` flag for the
+`revs` struct. The revision walk should only be used to walk commits, and
+the objects will be walked in a separate way based on those starting
+If you want the path-walk API to emit `UNINTERESTING` objects based on the
+commit walk's boundary, be sure to set `revs.boundary` so the boundary
+commits are emitted.
+See example usages in future changes.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index f16d8ca10a65a3..60104b6b1d5b5a 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1095,6 +1095,7 @@ LIB_OBJS += parse-options.o
 LIB_OBJS += patch-delta.o
 LIB_OBJS += patch-ids.o
 LIB_OBJS += path.o
+LIB_OBJS += path-walk.o
 LIB_OBJS += pathspec.o
 LIB_OBJS += pkt-line.o
 LIB_OBJS += preload-index.o
diff --git a/ b/
index 0064eb64f546a6..5cfe0045fb0d14 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -358,6 +358,7 @@ libgit_sources = [
+  'path-walk.c',
diff --git a/path-walk.c b/path-walk.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..dc2437770d7696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/path-walk.c
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+ * path-walk.c: implementation for path-based walks of the object graph.
+ */
+#include "git-compat-util.h"
+#include "path-walk.h"
+#include "blob.h"
+#include "commit.h"
+#include "dir.h"
+#include "hashmap.h"
+#include "hex.h"
+#include "object.h"
+#include "oid-array.h"
+#include "revision.h"
+#include "string-list.h"
+#include "strmap.h"
+#include "trace2.h"
+#include "tree.h"
+#include "tree-walk.h"
+struct type_and_oid_list
+	enum object_type type;
+	struct oid_array oids;
+	.type = OBJ_NONE, 	 \
+	.oids = OID_ARRAY_INIT	 \
+struct path_walk_context {
+	/**
+	 * Repeats of data in 'struct path_walk_info' for
+	 * access with fewer characters.
+	 */
+	struct repository *repo;
+	struct rev_info *revs;
+	struct path_walk_info *info;
+	/**
+	 * Map a path to a 'struct type_and_oid_list'
+	 * containing the objects discovered at that
+	 * path.
+	 */
+	struct strmap paths_to_lists;
+	/**
+	 * Store the current list of paths in a stack, to
+	 * facilitate depth-first-search without recursion.
+	 */
+	struct string_list path_stack;
+static int add_children(struct path_walk_context *ctx,
+			const char *base_path,
+			struct object_id *oid)
+	struct tree_desc desc;
+	struct name_entry entry;
+	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	size_t base_len;
+	struct tree *tree = lookup_tree(ctx->repo, oid);
+	if (!tree) {
+		error(_("failed to walk children of tree %s: not found"),
+		      oid_to_hex(oid));
+		return -1;
+	} else if (parse_tree_gently(tree, 1)) {
+		die("bad tree object %s", oid_to_hex(oid));
+	}
+	strbuf_addstr(&path, base_path);
+	base_len = path.len;
+	parse_tree(tree);
+	init_tree_desc(&desc, &tree->object.oid, tree->buffer, tree->size);
+	while (tree_entry(&desc, &entry)) {
+		struct type_and_oid_list *list;
+		struct object *o;
+		/* Not actually true, but we will ignore submodules later. */
+		enum object_type type = S_ISDIR(entry.mode) ? OBJ_TREE : OBJ_BLOB;
+		/* Skip submodules. */
+		if (S_ISGITLINK(entry.mode))
+			continue;
+		if (type == OBJ_TREE) {
+			struct tree *child = lookup_tree(ctx->repo, &entry.oid);
+			o = child ? &child->object : NULL;
+		} else if (type == OBJ_BLOB) {
+			struct blob *child = lookup_blob(ctx->repo, &entry.oid);
+			o = child ? &child->object : NULL;
+		} else {
+			/* Wrong type? */
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (!o) /* report error?*/
+			continue;
+		/* Skip this object if already seen. */
+		if (o->flags & SEEN)
+			continue;
+		o->flags |= SEEN;
+		strbuf_setlen(&path, base_len);
+		strbuf_add(&path, entry.path, entry.pathlen);
+		/*
+		 * Trees will end with "/" for concatenation and distinction
+		 * from blobs at the same path.
+		 */
+		if (type == OBJ_TREE)
+			strbuf_addch(&path, '/');
+		if (!(list = strmap_get(&ctx->paths_to_lists, path.buf))) {
+			CALLOC_ARRAY(list, 1);
+			list->type = type;
+			strmap_put(&ctx->paths_to_lists, path.buf, list);
+			string_list_append(&ctx->path_stack, path.buf);
+		}
+		oid_array_append(&list->oids, &entry.oid);
+	}
+	free_tree_buffer(tree);
+	strbuf_release(&path);
+	return 0;
+ * For each path in paths_to_explore, walk the trees another level
+ * and add any found blobs to the batch (but only if they exist and
+ * haven't been added yet).
+ */
+static int walk_path(struct path_walk_context *ctx,
+		     const char *path)
+	struct type_and_oid_list *list;
+	int ret = 0;
+	list = strmap_get(&ctx->paths_to_lists, path);
+	/* Evaluate function pointer on this data. */
+	ret = ctx->info->path_fn(path, &list->oids, list->type,
+				 ctx->info->path_fn_data);
+	/* Expand data for children. */
+	if (list->type == OBJ_TREE) {
+		for (size_t i = 0; i < list->; i++) {
+			ret |= add_children(ctx,
+					    path,
+					    &list->oids.oid[i]);
+		}
+	}
+	oid_array_clear(&list->oids);
+	strmap_remove(&ctx->paths_to_lists, path, 1);
+	return ret;
+static void clear_strmap(struct strmap *map)
+	struct hashmap_iter iter;
+	struct strmap_entry *e;
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(&map->map, &iter, e, ent) {
+		struct type_and_oid_list *list = e->value;
+		oid_array_clear(&list->oids);
+	}
+	strmap_clear(map, 1);
+	strmap_init(map);
+ * Given the configuration of 'info', walk the commits based on 'info->revs' and
+ * call 'info->path_fn' on each discovered path.
+ *
+ * Returns nonzero on an error.
+ */
+int walk_objects_by_path(struct path_walk_info *info)
+	const char *root_path = "";
+	int ret = 0;
+	size_t commits_nr = 0, paths_nr = 0;
+	struct commit *c;
+	struct type_and_oid_list *root_tree_list;
+	struct path_walk_context ctx = {
+		.repo = info->revs->repo,
+		.revs = info->revs,
+		.info = info,
+		.path_stack = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP,
+		.paths_to_lists = STRMAP_INIT
+	};
+	trace2_region_enter("path-walk", "commit-walk", info->revs->repo);
+	/* Insert a single list for the root tree into the paths. */
+	CALLOC_ARRAY(root_tree_list, 1);
+	root_tree_list->type = OBJ_TREE;
+	strmap_put(&ctx.paths_to_lists, root_path, root_tree_list);
+	if (prepare_revision_walk(info->revs))
+		die(_("failed to setup revision walk"));
+	while ((c = get_revision(info->revs))) {
+		struct object_id *oid = get_commit_tree_oid(c);
+		struct tree *t = lookup_tree(info->revs->repo, oid);
+		commits_nr++;
+		if (t)
+			oid_array_append(&root_tree_list->oids, oid);
+		else
+			warning("could not find tree %s", oid_to_hex(oid));
+	}
+	trace2_data_intmax("path-walk", ctx.repo, "commits", commits_nr);
+	trace2_region_leave("path-walk", "commit-walk", info->revs->repo);
+	string_list_append(&ctx.path_stack, root_path);
+	trace2_region_enter("path-walk", "path-walk", info->revs->repo);
+	while (!ret && {
+		char *path = ctx.path_stack.items[ - 1].string;
+		paths_nr++;
+		ret = walk_path(&ctx, path);
+		free(path);
+	}
+	trace2_data_intmax("path-walk", ctx.repo, "paths", paths_nr);
+	trace2_region_leave("path-walk", "path-walk", info->revs->repo);
+	clear_strmap(&ctx.paths_to_lists);
+	string_list_clear(&ctx.path_stack, 0);
+	return ret;
diff --git a/path-walk.h b/path-walk.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..c9e94a98bc8f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/path-walk.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * path-walk.h : Methods and structures for walking the object graph in batches
+ * by the paths that can reach those objects.
+ */
+#include "object.h" /* Required for 'enum object_type'. */
+struct rev_info;
+struct oid_array;
+ * The type of a function pointer for the method that is called on a list of
+ * objects reachable at a given path.
+ */
+typedef int (*path_fn)(const char *path,
+		       struct oid_array *oids,
+		       enum object_type type,
+		       void *data);
+struct path_walk_info {
+	/**
+	 * revs provides the definitions for the commit walk, including
+	 * which commits are UNINTERESTING or not.
+	 */
+	struct rev_info *revs;
+	/**
+	 * The caller wishes to execute custom logic on objects reachable at a
+	 * given path. Every reachable object will be visited exactly once, and
+	 * the first path to see an object wins. This may not be a stable choice.
+	 */
+	path_fn path_fn;
+	void *path_fn_data;
+#define PATH_WALK_INFO_INIT { 0 }
+ * Given the configuration of 'info', walk the commits based on 'info->revs' and
+ * call 'info->path_fn' on each discovered path.
+ *
+ * Returns nonzero on an error.
+ */
+int walk_objects_by_path(struct path_walk_info *info);

From 5712852c0519b5c3c46c44f51e0ff775546ef12e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 10:03:03 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 123/154] t6601: add helper for testing path-walk API

Add some tests based on the current behavior, doing interesting checks
for different sets of branches, ranges, and the --boundary option. This
sets a baseline for the behavior and we can extend it as new options are

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt |   3 +-
 Makefile                                  |   1 +
 t/helper/                      |   1 +
 t/helper/test-path-walk.c                 |  86 ++++++++++++++
 t/helper/test-tool.c                      |   1 +
 t/helper/test-tool.h                      |   1 +
 t/                             |   1 +
 t/                      | 130 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 t/helper/test-path-walk.c
 create mode 100755 t/

diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
index 6472222ae6d8d8..e588897ab8d089 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
@@ -51,4 +51,5 @@ commits are emitted.
-See example usages in future changes.
+See example usages in:
+	`t/helper/test-path-walk.c`
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 60104b6b1d5b5a..ea5ea5bd86ecd6 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -819,6 +819,7 @@ TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-parse-options.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-parse-pathspec-file.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-partial-clone.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-path-utils.o
+TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-path-walk.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-pcre2-config.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-pkt-line.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-proc-receive.o
diff --git a/t/helper/ b/t/helper/
index c90ffc6a53b3a4..1d6154ce9756db 100644
--- a/t/helper/
+++ b/t/helper/
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ test_tool_sources = [
+  'test-path-walk.c',
diff --git a/t/helper/test-path-walk.c b/t/helper/test-path-walk.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..06d0b6df974b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/helper/test-path-walk.c
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#include "test-tool.h"
+#include "environment.h"
+#include "hex.h"
+#include "object-name.h"
+#include "object.h"
+#include "pretty.h"
+#include "revision.h"
+#include "setup.h"
+#include "parse-options.h"
+#include "path-walk.h"
+#include "oid-array.h"
+static const char * const path_walk_usage[] = {
+	N_("test-tool path-walk <options> -- <revision-options>"),
+struct path_walk_test_data {
+	uintmax_t tree_nr;
+	uintmax_t blob_nr;
+static int emit_block(const char *path, struct oid_array *oids,
+		      enum object_type type, void *data)
+	struct path_walk_test_data *tdata = data;
+	const char *typestr;
+	switch (type) {
+	case OBJ_TREE:
+		typestr = "TREE";
+		tdata->tree_nr += oids->nr;
+		break;
+	case OBJ_BLOB:
+		typestr = "BLOB";
+		tdata->blob_nr += oids->nr;
+		break;
+	default:
+		BUG("we do not understand this type");
+	}
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < oids->nr; i++)
+		printf("%s:%s:%s\n", typestr, path, oid_to_hex(&oids->oid[i]));
+	return 0;
+int cmd__path_walk(int argc, const char **argv)
+	int res;
+	struct rev_info revs = REV_INFO_INIT;
+	struct path_walk_info info = PATH_WALK_INFO_INIT;
+	struct path_walk_test_data data = { 0 };
+	struct option options[] = {
+		OPT_END(),
+	};
+	setup_git_directory();
+	revs.repo = the_repository;
+	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, NULL,
+			     options, path_walk_usage,
+	if (argc > 1)
+		setup_revisions(argc, argv, &revs, NULL);
+	else
+		usage(path_walk_usage[0]);
+	info.revs = &revs;
+	info.path_fn = emit_block;
+	info.path_fn_data = &data;
+	res = walk_objects_by_path(&info);
+	printf("trees:%" PRIuMAX "\n"
+	       "blobs:%" PRIuMAX "\n",
+	       data.tree_nr, data.blob_nr);
+	release_revisions(&revs);
+	return res;
diff --git a/t/helper/test-tool.c b/t/helper/test-tool.c
index 72eeb03af1f81e..dd9a6d277318c1 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-tool.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-tool.c
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ static struct test_cmd cmds[] = {
 	{ "parse-subcommand", cmd__parse_subcommand },
 	{ "partial-clone", cmd__partial_clone },
 	{ "path-utils", cmd__path_utils },
+	{ "path-walk", cmd__path_walk },
 	{ "pcre2-config", cmd__pcre2_config },
 	{ "pkt-line", cmd__pkt_line },
 	{ "proc-receive", cmd__proc_receive },
diff --git a/t/helper/test-tool.h b/t/helper/test-tool.h
index 26ff30a5a9abfe..2dc5ec515feea9 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-tool.h
+++ b/t/helper/test-tool.h
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ int cmd__parse_pathspec_file(int argc, const char** argv);
 int cmd__parse_subcommand(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__partial_clone(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__path_utils(int argc, const char **argv);
+int cmd__path_walk(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__pcre2_config(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__pkt_line(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__proc_receive(int argc, const char **argv);
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 602ebfe6a26021..ea89d347f44e5d 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -829,6 +829,7 @@ integration_tests = [
+  '',
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000000..ca18b61c3f1dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+test_description='direct path-walk API tests'
+. ./
+test_expect_success 'setup test repository' '
+	git checkout -b base &&
+	mkdir left &&
+	mkdir right &&
+	echo a >a &&
+	echo b >left/b &&
+	echo c >right/c &&
+	git add . &&
+	git commit -m "first" &&
+	echo d >right/d &&
+	git add right &&
+	git commit -m "second" &&
+	echo bb >left/b &&
+	git commit -a -m "third" &&
+	git checkout -b topic HEAD~1 &&
+	echo cc >right/c &&
+	git commit -a -m "topic"
+test_expect_success 'all' '
+	test-tool path-walk -- --all >out &&
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse topic^{tree})
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse base^{tree})
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~1^{tree})
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~2^{tree})
+	TREE:left/:$(git rev-parse base:left)
+	TREE:left/:$(git rev-parse base~2:left)
+	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse topic:right)
+	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse base~1:right)
+	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse base~2:right)
+	trees:9
+	BLOB:a:$(git rev-parse base~2:a)
+	BLOB:left/b:$(git rev-parse base~2:left/b)
+	BLOB:left/b:$(git rev-parse base:left/b)
+	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse base~2:right/c)
+	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse topic:right/c)
+	BLOB:right/d:$(git rev-parse base~1:right/d)
+	blobs:6
+	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
+	sort out >out.sorted &&
+	test_cmp expect.sorted out.sorted
+test_expect_success 'topic only' '
+	test-tool path-walk -- topic >out &&
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse topic^{tree})
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~1^{tree})
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~2^{tree})
+	TREE:left/:$(git rev-parse base~2:left)
+	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse topic:right)
+	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse base~1:right)
+	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse base~2:right)
+	trees:7
+	BLOB:a:$(git rev-parse base~2:a)
+	BLOB:left/b:$(git rev-parse base~2:left/b)
+	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse base~2:right/c)
+	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse topic:right/c)
+	BLOB:right/d:$(git rev-parse base~1:right/d)
+	blobs:5
+	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
+	sort out >out.sorted &&
+	test_cmp expect.sorted out.sorted
+test_expect_success 'topic, not base' '
+	test-tool path-walk -- topic --not base >out &&
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse topic^{tree})
+	TREE:left/:$(git rev-parse topic:left)
+	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse topic:right)
+	trees:3
+	BLOB:a:$(git rev-parse topic:a)
+	BLOB:left/b:$(git rev-parse topic:left/b)
+	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse topic:right/c)
+	BLOB:right/d:$(git rev-parse topic:right/d)
+	blobs:4
+	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
+	sort out >out.sorted &&
+	test_cmp expect.sorted out.sorted
+test_expect_success 'topic, not base, boundary' '
+	test-tool path-walk -- --boundary topic --not base >out &&
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse topic^{tree})
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~1^{tree})
+	TREE:left/:$(git rev-parse base~1:left)
+	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse topic:right)
+	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse base~1:right)
+	trees:5
+	BLOB:a:$(git rev-parse base~1:a)
+	BLOB:left/b:$(git rev-parse base~1:left/b)
+	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse base~1:right/c)
+	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse topic:right/c)
+	BLOB:right/d:$(git rev-parse base~1:right/d)
+	blobs:5
+	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
+	sort out >out.sorted &&
+	test_cmp expect.sorted out.sorted

From 5ca70e20b92cd3a7264deed1960aa98984efbffd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 14:25:33 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 124/154] path-walk: allow consumer to specify object types

We add the ability to filter the object types in the path-walk API so
the callback function is called fewer times.

This adds the ability to ask for the commits in a list, as well. Future
changes will add the ability to visit annotated tags.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt |  9 +++
 path-walk.c                               | 39 ++++++++++--
 path-walk.h                               | 13 +++-
 t/helper/test-path-walk.c                 | 17 +++++-
 t/                      | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
index e588897ab8d089..b7ae476ea0a15f 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
@@ -48,6 +48,15 @@ If you want the path-walk API to emit `UNINTERESTING` objects based on the
 commit walk's boundary, be sure to set `revs.boundary` so the boundary
 commits are emitted.
+`commits`, `blobs`, `trees`::
+	By default, these members are enabled and signal that the path-walk
+	API should call the `path_fn` on objects of these types. Specialized
+	applications could disable some options to make it simpler to walk
+	the objects or to have fewer calls to `path_fn`.
+While it is possible to walk only commits in this way, consumers would be
+better off using the revision walk API instead.
diff --git a/path-walk.c b/path-walk.c
index dc2437770d7696..2a8021dd6d236e 100644
--- a/path-walk.c
+++ b/path-walk.c
@@ -84,6 +84,10 @@ static int add_children(struct path_walk_context *ctx,
 		if (S_ISGITLINK(entry.mode))
+		/* If the caller doesn't want blobs, then don't bother. */
+		if (!ctx->info->blobs && type == OBJ_BLOB)
+			continue;
 		if (type == OBJ_TREE) {
 			struct tree *child = lookup_tree(ctx->repo, &entry.oid);
 			o = child ? &child->object : NULL;
@@ -140,9 +144,11 @@ static int walk_path(struct path_walk_context *ctx,
 	list = strmap_get(&ctx->paths_to_lists, path);
-	/* Evaluate function pointer on this data. */
-	ret = ctx->info->path_fn(path, &list->oids, list->type,
-				 ctx->info->path_fn_data);
+	/* Evaluate function pointer on this data, if requested. */
+	if ((list->type == OBJ_TREE && ctx->info->trees) ||
+	    (list->type == OBJ_BLOB && ctx->info->blobs))
+		ret = ctx->info->path_fn(path, &list->oids, list->type,
+					ctx->info->path_fn_data);
 	/* Expand data for children. */
 	if (list->type == OBJ_TREE) {
@@ -184,6 +190,7 @@ int walk_objects_by_path(struct path_walk_info *info)
 	size_t commits_nr = 0, paths_nr = 0;
 	struct commit *c;
 	struct type_and_oid_list *root_tree_list;
+	struct type_and_oid_list *commit_list;
 	struct path_walk_context ctx = {
 		.repo = info->revs->repo,
 		.revs = info->revs,
@@ -194,19 +201,32 @@ int walk_objects_by_path(struct path_walk_info *info)
 	trace2_region_enter("path-walk", "commit-walk", info->revs->repo);
+	CALLOC_ARRAY(commit_list, 1);
+	commit_list->type = OBJ_COMMIT;
 	/* Insert a single list for the root tree into the paths. */
 	CALLOC_ARRAY(root_tree_list, 1);
 	root_tree_list->type = OBJ_TREE;
 	strmap_put(&ctx.paths_to_lists, root_path, root_tree_list);
 	if (prepare_revision_walk(info->revs))
 		die(_("failed to setup revision walk"));
 	while ((c = get_revision(info->revs))) {
-		struct object_id *oid = get_commit_tree_oid(c);
-		struct tree *t = lookup_tree(info->revs->repo, oid);
+		struct object_id *oid;
+		struct tree *t;
+		if (info->commits)
+			oid_array_append(&commit_list->oids,
+					 &c->object.oid);
+		/* If we only care about commits, then skip trees. */
+		if (!info->trees && !info->blobs)
+			continue;
+		oid = get_commit_tree_oid(c);
+		t = lookup_tree(info->revs->repo, oid);
 		if (t)
 			oid_array_append(&root_tree_list->oids, oid);
@@ -216,6 +236,13 @@ int walk_objects_by_path(struct path_walk_info *info)
 	trace2_data_intmax("path-walk", ctx.repo, "commits", commits_nr);
 	trace2_region_leave("path-walk", "commit-walk", info->revs->repo);
+	/* Track all commits. */
+	if (info->commits)
+		ret = info->path_fn("", &commit_list->oids, OBJ_COMMIT,
+				    info->path_fn_data);
+	oid_array_clear(&commit_list->oids);
+	free(commit_list);
 	string_list_append(&ctx.path_stack, root_path);
 	trace2_region_enter("path-walk", "path-walk", info->revs->repo);
diff --git a/path-walk.h b/path-walk.h
index c9e94a98bc8f6b..6ef372d8942402 100644
--- a/path-walk.h
+++ b/path-walk.h
@@ -30,9 +30,20 @@ struct path_walk_info {
 	path_fn path_fn;
 	void *path_fn_data;
+	/**
+	 * Initialize which object types the path_fn should be called on. This
+	 * could also limit the walk to skip blobs if not set.
+	 */
+	int commits;
+	int trees;
+	int blobs;
-#define PATH_WALK_INFO_INIT { 0 }
+#define PATH_WALK_INFO_INIT {   \
+	.blobs = 1,		\
+	.trees = 1,		\
+	.commits = 1,		\
  * Given the configuration of 'info', walk the commits based on 'info->revs' and
diff --git a/t/helper/test-path-walk.c b/t/helper/test-path-walk.c
index 06d0b6df974b3a..5c67d3afde14f9 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-path-walk.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-path-walk.c
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ static const char * const path_walk_usage[] = {
 struct path_walk_test_data {
+	uintmax_t commit_nr;
 	uintmax_t tree_nr;
 	uintmax_t blob_nr;
@@ -29,6 +30,11 @@ static int emit_block(const char *path, struct oid_array *oids,
 	const char *typestr;
 	switch (type) {
+	case OBJ_COMMIT:
+		typestr = "COMMIT";
+		tdata->commit_nr += oids->nr;
+		break;
 	case OBJ_TREE:
 		typestr = "TREE";
 		tdata->tree_nr += oids->nr;
@@ -56,6 +62,12 @@ int cmd__path_walk(int argc, const char **argv)
 	struct path_walk_info info = PATH_WALK_INFO_INIT;
 	struct path_walk_test_data data = { 0 };
 	struct option options[] = {
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "blobs", &info.blobs,
+			 N_("toggle inclusion of blob objects")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "commits", &info.commits,
+			 N_("toggle inclusion of commit objects")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "trees", &info.trees,
+			 N_("toggle inclusion of tree objects")),
@@ -77,9 +89,10 @@ int cmd__path_walk(int argc, const char **argv)
 	res = walk_objects_by_path(&info);
-	printf("trees:%" PRIuMAX "\n"
+	printf("commits:%" PRIuMAX "\n"
+	       "trees:%" PRIuMAX "\n"
 	       "blobs:%" PRIuMAX "\n",
-	       data.tree_nr, data.blob_nr);
+	       data.commit_nr, data.tree_nr, data.blob_nr);
 	return res;
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ca18b61c3f1dbd..e4788664f93a8a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ test_expect_success 'all' '
 	test-tool path-walk -- --all >out &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse topic)
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse base)
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse base~1)
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse base~2)
+	commits:4
 	TREE::$(git rev-parse topic^{tree})
 	TREE::$(git rev-parse base^{tree})
 	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~1^{tree})
@@ -60,6 +65,10 @@ test_expect_success 'topic only' '
 	test-tool path-walk -- topic >out &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse topic)
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse base~1)
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse base~2)
+	commits:3
 	TREE::$(git rev-parse topic^{tree})
 	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~1^{tree})
 	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~2^{tree})
@@ -86,6 +95,8 @@ test_expect_success 'topic, not base' '
 	test-tool path-walk -- topic --not base >out &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse topic)
+	commits:1
 	TREE::$(git rev-parse topic^{tree})
 	TREE:left/:$(git rev-parse topic:left)
 	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse topic:right)
@@ -103,10 +114,71 @@ test_expect_success 'topic, not base' '
 	test_cmp expect.sorted out.sorted
+test_expect_success 'topic, not base, only blobs' '
+	test-tool path-walk --no-trees --no-commits \
+		-- topic --not base >out &&
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	commits:0
+	trees:0
+	BLOB:a:$(git rev-parse topic:a)
+	BLOB:left/b:$(git rev-parse topic:left/b)
+	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse topic:right/c)
+	BLOB:right/d:$(git rev-parse topic:right/d)
+	blobs:4
+	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
+	sort out >out.sorted &&
+	test_cmp expect.sorted out.sorted
+# No, this doesn't make a lot of sense for the path-walk API,
+# but it is possible to do.
+test_expect_success 'topic, not base, only commits' '
+	test-tool path-walk --no-blobs --no-trees \
+		-- topic --not base >out &&
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse topic)
+	commits:1
+	trees:0
+	blobs:0
+	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
+	sort out >out.sorted &&
+	test_cmp expect.sorted out.sorted
+test_expect_success 'topic, not base, only trees' '
+	test-tool path-walk --no-blobs --no-commits \
+		-- topic --not base >out &&
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	commits:0
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse topic^{tree})
+	TREE:left/:$(git rev-parse topic:left)
+	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse topic:right)
+	trees:3
+	blobs:0
+	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
+	sort out >out.sorted &&
+	test_cmp expect.sorted out.sorted
 test_expect_success 'topic, not base, boundary' '
 	test-tool path-walk -- --boundary topic --not base >out &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse topic)
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse base~1)
+	commits:2
 	TREE::$(git rev-parse topic^{tree})
 	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~1^{tree})
 	TREE:left/:$(git rev-parse base~1:left)

From ea9bfb172d2ee7c8cbde3627234d8c2b3da63c7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2024 12:31:21 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 125/154] path-walk: allow visiting tags

In anticipation of using the path-walk API to analyze tags or include
them in a pack-file, add the ability to walk the tags that were included
in the revision walk.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt |  2 +-
 path-walk.c                               | 74 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 path-walk.h                               |  2 +
 t/helper/test-path-walk.c                 | 13 +++-
 t/                      | 63 +++++++++++++++++--
 5 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
index b7ae476ea0a15f..5fea1d1db17735 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ If you want the path-walk API to emit `UNINTERESTING` objects based on the
 commit walk's boundary, be sure to set `revs.boundary` so the boundary
 commits are emitted.
-`commits`, `blobs`, `trees`::
+`commits`, `blobs`, `trees`, `tags`::
 	By default, these members are enabled and signal that the path-walk
 	API should call the `path_fn` on objects of these types. Specialized
 	applications could disable some options to make it simpler to walk
diff --git a/path-walk.c b/path-walk.c
index 2a8021dd6d236e..7715f0f8e41435 100644
--- a/path-walk.c
+++ b/path-walk.c
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include "revision.h"
 #include "string-list.h"
 #include "strmap.h"
+#include "tag.h"
 #include "trace2.h"
 #include "tree.h"
 #include "tree-walk.h"
@@ -204,13 +205,86 @@ int walk_objects_by_path(struct path_walk_info *info)
 	CALLOC_ARRAY(commit_list, 1);
 	commit_list->type = OBJ_COMMIT;
+	if (info->tags)
+		info->revs->tag_objects = 1;
 	/* Insert a single list for the root tree into the paths. */
 	CALLOC_ARRAY(root_tree_list, 1);
 	root_tree_list->type = OBJ_TREE;
 	strmap_put(&ctx.paths_to_lists, root_path, root_tree_list);
+	/*
+	 * Set these values before preparing the walk to catch
+	 * lightweight tags pointing to non-commits.
+	 */
+	info->revs->blob_objects = info->blobs;
+	info->revs->tree_objects = info->trees;
 	if (prepare_revision_walk(info->revs))
 		die(_("failed to setup revision walk"));
+	info->revs->blob_objects = info->revs->tree_objects = 0;
+	if (info->tags) {
+		struct oid_array tagged_blob_list = OID_ARRAY_INIT;
+		struct oid_array tags = OID_ARRAY_INIT;
+		trace2_region_enter("path-walk", "tag-walk", info->revs->repo);
+		/*
+		 * Walk any pending objects at this point, but they should only
+		 * be tags.
+		 */
+		for (size_t i = 0; i < info->revs->; i++) {
+			struct object_array_entry *pending = info->revs->pending.objects + i;
+			struct object *obj = pending->item;
+			if (obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT)
+				continue;
+			while (obj->type == OBJ_TAG) {
+				struct tag *tag = lookup_tag(info->revs->repo,
+							     &obj->oid);
+				if (oid_array_lookup(&tags, &obj->oid) < 0)
+					oid_array_append(&tags, &obj->oid);
+				obj = tag->tagged;
+			}
+			switch (obj->type) {
+			case OBJ_TREE:
+				if (info->trees &&
+				    oid_array_lookup(&root_tree_list->oids, &obj->oid) < 0)
+					oid_array_append(&root_tree_list->oids, &obj->oid);
+				break;
+			case OBJ_BLOB:
+				if (info->blobs &&
+				    oid_array_lookup(&tagged_blob_list, &obj->oid) < 0)
+					oid_array_append(&tagged_blob_list, &obj->oid);
+				break;
+			case OBJ_COMMIT:
+				/* Make sure it is in the object walk */
+				add_pending_object(info->revs, obj, "");
+				break;
+			default:
+				BUG("should not see any other type here");
+			}
+		}
+		info->path_fn("", &tags, OBJ_TAG, info->path_fn_data);
+		if ( && info->blobs)
+			info->path_fn("/tagged-blobs", &tagged_blob_list, OBJ_BLOB,
+				      info->path_fn_data);
+		trace2_data_intmax("path-walk", ctx.repo, "tags",;
+		trace2_region_leave("path-walk", "tag-walk", info->revs->repo);
+		oid_array_clear(&tags);
+		oid_array_clear(&tagged_blob_list);
+	}
 	while ((c = get_revision(info->revs))) {
 		struct object_id *oid;
 		struct tree *t;
diff --git a/path-walk.h b/path-walk.h
index 6ef372d8942402..3f3b63180efda7 100644
--- a/path-walk.h
+++ b/path-walk.h
@@ -37,12 +37,14 @@ struct path_walk_info {
 	int commits;
 	int trees;
 	int blobs;
+	int tags;
 #define PATH_WALK_INFO_INIT {   \
 	.blobs = 1,		\
 	.trees = 1,		\
 	.commits = 1,		\
+	.tags = 1,		\
diff --git a/t/helper/test-path-walk.c b/t/helper/test-path-walk.c
index 5c67d3afde14f9..69a4361f6de43b 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-path-walk.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-path-walk.c
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ struct path_walk_test_data {
 	uintmax_t commit_nr;
 	uintmax_t tree_nr;
 	uintmax_t blob_nr;
+	uintmax_t tag_nr;
 static int emit_block(const char *path, struct oid_array *oids,
@@ -45,6 +46,11 @@ static int emit_block(const char *path, struct oid_array *oids,
 		tdata->blob_nr += oids->nr;
+	case OBJ_TAG:
+		typestr = "TAG";
+		tdata->tag_nr += oids->nr;
+		break;
 		BUG("we do not understand this type");
@@ -66,6 +72,8 @@ int cmd__path_walk(int argc, const char **argv)
 			 N_("toggle inclusion of blob objects")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "commits", &info.commits,
 			 N_("toggle inclusion of commit objects")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "tags", &info.tags,
+			 N_("toggle inclusion of tag objects")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "trees", &info.trees,
 			 N_("toggle inclusion of tree objects")),
@@ -91,8 +99,9 @@ int cmd__path_walk(int argc, const char **argv)
 	printf("commits:%" PRIuMAX "\n"
 	       "trees:%" PRIuMAX "\n"
-	       "blobs:%" PRIuMAX "\n",
-	       data.commit_nr, data.tree_nr, data.blob_nr);
+	       "blobs:%" PRIuMAX "\n"
+	       "tags:%" PRIuMAX "\n",
+	       data.commit_nr, data.tree_nr, data.blob_nr, data.tag_nr);
 	return res;
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e4788664f93a8a..f4cdc9c8d361e3 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,24 +7,55 @@ test_description='direct path-walk API tests'
 test_expect_success 'setup test repository' '
 	git checkout -b base &&
+	# Make some objects that will only be reachable
+	# via non-commit tags.
+	mkdir child &&
+	echo file >child/file &&
+	git add child &&
+	git commit -m "will abandon" &&
+	git tag -a -m "tree" tree-tag HEAD^{tree} &&
+	echo file2 >file2 &&
+	git add file2 &&
+	git commit --amend -m "will abandon" &&
+	git tag tree-tag2 HEAD^{tree} &&
+	echo blob >file &&
+	blob_oid=$(git hash-object -t blob -w --stdin <file) &&
+	git tag -a -m "blob" blob-tag "$blob_oid" &&
+	echo blob2 >file2 &&
+	blob2_oid=$(git hash-object -t blob -w --stdin <file2) &&
+	git tag blob-tag2 "$blob2_oid" &&
+	rm -fr child file file2 &&
 	mkdir left &&
 	mkdir right &&
 	echo a >a &&
 	echo b >left/b &&
 	echo c >right/c &&
 	git add . &&
-	git commit -m "first" &&
+	git commit --amend -m "first" &&
+	git tag -m "first" first HEAD &&
 	echo d >right/d &&
 	git add right &&
 	git commit -m "second" &&
+	git tag -a -m "second (under)" second.1 HEAD &&
+	git tag -a -m "second (top)" second.2 second.1 &&
+	# Set up file/dir collision in history.
+	rm a &&
+	mkdir a &&
+	echo a >a/a &&
 	echo bb >left/b &&
-	git commit -a -m "third" &&
+	git add a left &&
+	git commit -m "third" &&
+	git tag -a -m "third" third &&
 	git checkout -b topic HEAD~1 &&
 	echo cc >right/c &&
-	git commit -a -m "topic"
+	git commit -a -m "topic" &&
+	git tag -a -m "fourth" fourth
 test_expect_success 'all' '
@@ -40,19 +71,35 @@ test_expect_success 'all' '
 	TREE::$(git rev-parse base^{tree})
 	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~1^{tree})
 	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~2^{tree})
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse refs/tags/tree-tag^{})
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse refs/tags/tree-tag2^{})
+	TREE:a/:$(git rev-parse base:a)
 	TREE:left/:$(git rev-parse base:left)
 	TREE:left/:$(git rev-parse base~2:left)
 	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse topic:right)
 	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse base~1:right)
 	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse base~2:right)
-	trees:9
+	TREE:child/:$(git rev-parse refs/tags/tree-tag^{}:child)
+	trees:13
 	BLOB:a:$(git rev-parse base~2:a)
+	BLOB:file2:$(git rev-parse refs/tags/tree-tag2^{}:file2)
 	BLOB:left/b:$(git rev-parse base~2:left/b)
 	BLOB:left/b:$(git rev-parse base:left/b)
 	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse base~2:right/c)
 	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse topic:right/c)
 	BLOB:right/d:$(git rev-parse base~1:right/d)
-	blobs:6
+	BLOB:/tagged-blobs:$(git rev-parse refs/tags/blob-tag^{})
+	BLOB:/tagged-blobs:$(git rev-parse refs/tags/blob-tag2^{})
+	BLOB:child/file:$(git rev-parse refs/tags/tree-tag^{}:child/file)
+	blobs:10
+	TAG::$(git rev-parse refs/tags/first)
+	TAG::$(git rev-parse refs/tags/second.1)
+	TAG::$(git rev-parse refs/tags/second.2)
+	TAG::$(git rev-parse refs/tags/third)
+	TAG::$(git rev-parse refs/tags/fourth)
+	TAG::$(git rev-parse refs/tags/tree-tag)
+	TAG::$(git rev-parse refs/tags/blob-tag)
+	tags:7
 	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
@@ -83,6 +130,7 @@ test_expect_success 'topic only' '
 	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse topic:right/c)
 	BLOB:right/d:$(git rev-parse base~1:right/d)
+	tags:0
 	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
@@ -106,6 +154,7 @@ test_expect_success 'topic, not base' '
 	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse topic:right/c)
 	BLOB:right/d:$(git rev-parse topic:right/d)
+	tags:0
 	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
@@ -126,6 +175,7 @@ test_expect_success 'topic, not base, only blobs' '
 	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse topic:right/c)
 	BLOB:right/d:$(git rev-parse topic:right/d)
+	tags:0
 	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
@@ -145,6 +195,7 @@ test_expect_success 'topic, not base, only commits' '
+	tags:0
 	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
@@ -164,6 +215,7 @@ test_expect_success 'topic, not base, only trees' '
 	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse topic:right)
+	tags:0
 	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
@@ -191,6 +243,7 @@ test_expect_success 'topic, not base, boundary' '
 	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse topic:right/c)
 	BLOB:right/d:$(git rev-parse base~1:right/d)
+	tags:0
 	sort expect >expect.sorted &&

From 22bf55ac0a3c81e2e90eaa2ee50433e068893dff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2024 14:16:13 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 126/154] revision: create mark_trees_uninteresting_dense()

The sparse tree walk algorithm was created in d5d2e93577e (revision:
implement sparse algorithm, 2019-01-16) and involves using the
mark_trees_uninteresting_sparse() method. This method takes a repository
and an oidset of tree IDs, some of which have the UNINTERESTING flag and
some of which do not.

Create a method that has an equivalent set of preconditions but uses a
"dense" walk (recursively visits all reachable trees, as long as they
have not previously been marked UNINTERESTING). This is an important
difference from mark_tree_uninteresting(), which short-circuits if the
given tree has the UNINTERESTING flag.

A use of this method will be added in a later change, with a condition
set whether the sparse or dense approach should be used.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 revision.c | 15 +++++++++++++++
 revision.h |  1 +
 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+)

diff --git a/revision.c b/revision.c
index 474fa1e767c8d8..32d949b36feb80 100644
--- a/revision.c
+++ b/revision.c
@@ -220,6 +220,21 @@ static void add_children_by_path(struct repository *r,
+void mark_trees_uninteresting_dense(struct repository *r,
+				    struct oidset *trees)
+	struct object_id *oid;
+	struct oidset_iter iter;
+	oidset_iter_init(trees, &iter);
+	while ((oid = oidset_iter_next(&iter))) {
+		struct tree *tree = lookup_tree(r, oid);
+		if (tree->object.flags & UNINTERESTING)
+			mark_tree_contents_uninteresting(r, tree);
+	}
 void mark_trees_uninteresting_sparse(struct repository *r,
 				     struct oidset *trees)
diff --git a/revision.h b/revision.h
index 71e984c452b8d7..8938b2db112e2a 100644
--- a/revision.h
+++ b/revision.h
@@ -487,6 +487,7 @@ void put_revision_mark(const struct rev_info *revs,
 void mark_parents_uninteresting(struct rev_info *revs, struct commit *commit);
 void mark_tree_uninteresting(struct repository *r, struct tree *tree);
+void mark_trees_uninteresting_dense(struct repository *r, struct oidset *trees);
 void mark_trees_uninteresting_sparse(struct repository *r, struct oidset *trees);
 void show_object_with_name(FILE *, struct object *, const char *);

From d3c8e10135aa8ff137b7489b1f565345945ab9dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 10:06:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 127/154] repack/pack-objects: mark `--full-name-hash` as

This option is still under discussion on the Git mailing list.

We still would like to have some real-world data, and the best way to
get it is to get a Git for Windows release into users' hands so that
they can test it.

Nevertheless, without the official blessing of the Git maintainer, this
optionis experimental, and we need to be clear about that.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 builtin/pack-objects.c | 2 +-
 builtin/repack.c       | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builtin/pack-objects.c b/builtin/pack-objects.c
index d21fc28d085225..9ae6be6709ee6b 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-objects.c
@@ -4444,7 +4444,7 @@ int cmd_pack_objects(int argc,
 				N_("exclude any configured uploadpack.blobpackfileuri with this protocol")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "full-name-hash", &use_full_name_hash,
-			 N_("optimize delta compression across identical path names over time")),
+			 N_("(EXPERIMENTAL!) optimize delta compression across identical path names over time")),
diff --git a/builtin/repack.c b/builtin/repack.c
index bc42608d6a6cf7..bc82e2b8571fb0 100644
--- a/builtin/repack.c
+++ b/builtin/repack.c
@@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ int cmd_repack(int argc,
 		OPT_BOOL('F', NULL, &po_args.no_reuse_object,
 				N_("pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "full-name-hash", &po_args.full_name_hash,
-				N_("pass --full-name-hash to git-pack-objects")),
+				N_("(EXPERIMENTAL!) pass --full-name-hash to git-pack-objects")),
 		OPT_NEGBIT('n', NULL, &run_update_server_info,
 				N_("do not run git-update-server-info"), 1),
 		OPT__QUIET(&po_args.quiet, N_("be quiet")),

From c828be5e073de548713659e411378cbdf94dc20d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 21:55:47 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 128/154] path-walk: add prune_all_uninteresting option

This option causes the path-walk API to act like the sparse tree-walk
algorithm implemented by mark_trees_uninteresting_sparse() in

Starting from the commits marked as UNINTERESTING, their root trees and
all objects reachable from those trees are UNINTERSTING, at least as we
walk path-by-path. When we reach a path where all objects associated
with that path are marked UNINTERESTING, then do no continue walking the
children of that path.

We need to be careful to pass the UNINTERESTING flag in a deep way on
the UNINTERESTING objects before we start the path-walk, or else the
depth-first search for the path-walk API may accidentally report some
objects as interesting.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt |  8 +++
 path-walk.c                               | 67 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
 path-walk.h                               |  8 +++
 t/helper/test-path-walk.c                 | 10 +++-
 t/                      | 40 +++++++++++---
 5 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
index 5fea1d1db17735..c51f92cd6495a4 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
@@ -57,6 +57,14 @@ commits are emitted.
 While it is possible to walk only commits in this way, consumers would be
 better off using the revision walk API instead.
+	By default, all reachable paths are emitted by the path-walk API.
+	This option allows consumers to declare that they are not
+	interested in paths where all included objects are marked with the
+	`UNINTERESTING` flag. This requires using the `boundary` option in
+	the revision walk so that the walk emits commits marked with the
diff --git a/path-walk.c b/path-walk.c
index 7715f0f8e41435..aaa2cce7471941 100644
--- a/path-walk.c
+++ b/path-walk.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ struct type_and_oid_list
 	enum object_type type;
 	struct oid_array oids;
+	int maybe_interesting;
@@ -124,6 +125,8 @@ static int add_children(struct path_walk_context *ctx,
 			strmap_put(&ctx->paths_to_lists, path.buf, list);
 			string_list_append(&ctx->path_stack, path.buf);
+		if (!(o->flags & UNINTERESTING))
+			list->maybe_interesting = 1;
 		oid_array_append(&list->oids, &entry.oid);
@@ -145,6 +148,40 @@ static int walk_path(struct path_walk_context *ctx,
 	list = strmap_get(&ctx->paths_to_lists, path);
+	if (ctx->info->prune_all_uninteresting) {
+		/*
+		 * This is true if all objects were UNINTERESTING
+		 * when added to the list.
+		 */
+		if (!list->maybe_interesting)
+			return 0;
+		/*
+		 * But it's still possible that the objects were set
+		 * as UNINTERESTING after being added. Do a quick check.
+		 */
+		list->maybe_interesting = 0;
+		for (size_t i = 0;
+		     !list->maybe_interesting && i < list->;
+		     i++) {
+			if (list->type == OBJ_TREE) {
+				struct tree *t = lookup_tree(ctx->repo,
+							     &list->oids.oid[i]);
+				if (t && !(t->object.flags & UNINTERESTING))
+					list->maybe_interesting = 1;
+			} else {
+				struct blob *b = lookup_blob(ctx->repo,
+							     &list->oids.oid[i]);
+				if (b && !(b->object.flags & UNINTERESTING))
+					list->maybe_interesting = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		/* We have confirmed that all objects are UNINTERESTING. */
+		if (!list->maybe_interesting)
+			return 0;
+	}
 	/* Evaluate function pointer on this data, if requested. */
 	if ((list->type == OBJ_TREE && ctx->info->trees) ||
 	    (list->type == OBJ_BLOB && ctx->info->blobs))
@@ -187,7 +224,7 @@ static void clear_strmap(struct strmap *map)
 int walk_objects_by_path(struct path_walk_info *info)
 	const char *root_path = "";
-	int ret = 0;
+	int ret = 0, has_uninteresting = 0;
 	size_t commits_nr = 0, paths_nr = 0;
 	struct commit *c;
 	struct type_and_oid_list *root_tree_list;
@@ -199,6 +236,7 @@ int walk_objects_by_path(struct path_walk_info *info)
 		.path_stack = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP,
 		.paths_to_lists = STRMAP_INIT
+	struct oidset root_tree_set = OIDSET_INIT;
 	trace2_region_enter("path-walk", "commit-walk", info->revs->repo);
@@ -211,6 +249,7 @@ int walk_objects_by_path(struct path_walk_info *info)
 	/* Insert a single list for the root tree into the paths. */
 	CALLOC_ARRAY(root_tree_list, 1);
 	root_tree_list->type = OBJ_TREE;
+	root_tree_list->maybe_interesting = 1;
 	strmap_put(&ctx.paths_to_lists, root_path, root_tree_list);
@@ -301,10 +340,17 @@ int walk_objects_by_path(struct path_walk_info *info)
 		oid = get_commit_tree_oid(c);
 		t = lookup_tree(info->revs->repo, oid);
-		if (t)
+		if (t) {
+			oidset_insert(&root_tree_set, oid);
 			oid_array_append(&root_tree_list->oids, oid);
-		else
+		} else {
 			warning("could not find tree %s", oid_to_hex(oid));
+		}
+		if (t && (c->object.flags & UNINTERESTING)) {
+			t->object.flags |= UNINTERESTING;
+			has_uninteresting = 1;
+		}
 	trace2_data_intmax("path-walk", ctx.repo, "commits", commits_nr);
@@ -317,6 +363,21 @@ int walk_objects_by_path(struct path_walk_info *info)
+	/*
+	 * Before performing a DFS of our paths and emitting them as interesting,
+	 * do a full walk of the trees to distribute the UNINTERESTING bit. Use
+	 * the sparse algorithm if prune_all_uninteresting was set.
+	 */
+	if (has_uninteresting) {
+		trace2_region_enter("path-walk", "uninteresting-walk", info->revs->repo);
+		if (info->prune_all_uninteresting)
+			mark_trees_uninteresting_sparse(ctx.repo, &root_tree_set);
+		else
+			mark_trees_uninteresting_dense(ctx.repo, &root_tree_set);
+		trace2_region_leave("path-walk", "uninteresting-walk", info->revs->repo);
+	}
+	oidset_clear(&root_tree_set);
 	string_list_append(&ctx.path_stack, root_path);
 	trace2_region_enter("path-walk", "path-walk", info->revs->repo);
diff --git a/path-walk.h b/path-walk.h
index 3f3b63180efda7..3e44c4b8a588e9 100644
--- a/path-walk.h
+++ b/path-walk.h
@@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ struct path_walk_info {
 	int trees;
 	int blobs;
 	int tags;
+	/**
+	 * When 'prune_all_uninteresting' is set and a path has all objects
+	 * marked as UNINTERESTING, then the path-walk will not visit those
+	 * objects. It will not call path_fn on those objects and will not
+	 * walk the children of such trees.
+	 */
+	int prune_all_uninteresting;
 #define PATH_WALK_INFO_INIT {   \
diff --git a/t/helper/test-path-walk.c b/t/helper/test-path-walk.c
index 69a4361f6de43b..fa3bfe46b5de1c 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-path-walk.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-path-walk.c
@@ -55,8 +55,12 @@ static int emit_block(const char *path, struct oid_array *oids,
 		BUG("we do not understand this type");
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < oids->nr; i++)
-		printf("%s:%s:%s\n", typestr, path, oid_to_hex(&oids->oid[i]));
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < oids->nr; i++) {
+		struct object *o = lookup_unknown_object(the_repository,
+							 &oids->oid[i]);
+		printf("%s:%s:%s%s\n", typestr, path, oid_to_hex(&oids->oid[i]),
+		       o->flags & UNINTERESTING ? ":UNINTERESTING" : "");
+	}
 	return 0;
@@ -76,6 +80,8 @@ int cmd__path_walk(int argc, const char **argv)
 			 N_("toggle inclusion of tag objects")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "trees", &info.trees,
 			 N_("toggle inclusion of tree objects")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "prune", &info.prune_all_uninteresting,
+			 N_("toggle pruning of uninteresting paths")),
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index f4cdc9c8d361e3..26498cab24890d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -229,19 +229,19 @@ test_expect_success 'topic, not base, boundary' '
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
 	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse topic)
-	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse base~1)
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse base~1):UNINTERESTING
 	TREE::$(git rev-parse topic^{tree})
-	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~1^{tree})
-	TREE:left/:$(git rev-parse base~1:left)
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~1^{tree}):UNINTERESTING
+	TREE:left/:$(git rev-parse base~1:left):UNINTERESTING
 	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse topic:right)
-	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse base~1:right)
+	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse base~1:right):UNINTERESTING
-	BLOB:a:$(git rev-parse base~1:a)
-	BLOB:left/b:$(git rev-parse base~1:left/b)
-	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse base~1:right/c)
+	BLOB:a:$(git rev-parse base~1:a):UNINTERESTING
+	BLOB:left/b:$(git rev-parse base~1:left/b):UNINTERESTING
+	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse base~1:right/c):UNINTERESTING
 	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse topic:right/c)
-	BLOB:right/d:$(git rev-parse base~1:right/d)
+	BLOB:right/d:$(git rev-parse base~1:right/d):UNINTERESTING
@@ -252,4 +252,28 @@ test_expect_success 'topic, not base, boundary' '
 	test_cmp expect.sorted out.sorted
+test_expect_success 'topic, not base, boundary with pruning' '
+	test-tool path-walk --prune -- --boundary topic --not base >out &&
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse topic)
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse base~1):UNINTERESTING
+	commits:2
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse topic^{tree})
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~1^{tree}):UNINTERESTING
+	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse topic:right)
+	TREE:right/:$(git rev-parse base~1:right):UNINTERESTING
+	trees:4
+	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse base~1:right/c):UNINTERESTING
+	BLOB:right/c:$(git rev-parse topic:right/c)
+	blobs:2
+	tags:0
+	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
+	sort out >out.sorted &&
+	test_cmp expect.sorted out.sorted

From 4ba7825547dff19840b7809f4cad247d79f7245f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 13:45:19 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 129/154] pack-objects: extract should_attempt_deltas()

This will be helpful in a future change.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 builtin/pack-objects.c | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builtin/pack-objects.c b/builtin/pack-objects.c
index 9ae6be6709ee6b..c68961efd8c5bb 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-objects.c
@@ -3163,6 +3163,33 @@ static int add_ref_tag(const char *tag UNUSED, const char *referent UNUSED, cons
 	return 0;
+static int should_attempt_deltas(struct object_entry *entry)
+	if (DELTA(entry))
+		return 0;
+	if (!entry->type_valid ||
+	    oe_size_less_than(&to_pack, entry, 50))
+		return 0;
+	if (entry->no_try_delta)
+		return 0;
+	if (!entry->preferred_base) {
+		if (oe_type(entry) < 0)
+			die(_("unable to get type of object %s"),
+				oid_to_hex(&entry->idx.oid));
+	} else if (oe_type(entry) < 0) {
+		/*
+		 * This object is not found, but we
+		 * don't have to include it anyway.
+		 */
+		return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
 static void prepare_pack(int window, int depth)
 	struct object_entry **delta_list;
@@ -3193,33 +3220,11 @@ static void prepare_pack(int window, int depth)
 	for (i = 0; i < to_pack.nr_objects; i++) {
 		struct object_entry *entry = to_pack.objects + i;
-		if (DELTA(entry))
-			/* This happens if we decided to reuse existing
-			 * delta from a pack.  "reuse_delta &&" is implied.
-			 */
-			continue;
-		if (!entry->type_valid ||
-		    oe_size_less_than(&to_pack, entry, 50))
+		if (!should_attempt_deltas(entry))
-		if (entry->no_try_delta)
-			continue;
-		if (!entry->preferred_base) {
+		if (!entry->preferred_base)
-			if (oe_type(entry) < 0)
-				die(_("unable to get type of object %s"),
-				    oid_to_hex(&entry->idx.oid));
-		} else {
-			if (oe_type(entry) < 0) {
-				/*
-				 * This object is not found, but we
-				 * don't have to include it anyway.
-				 */
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
 		delta_list[n++] = entry;

From 631e5aec649e57ac91b0ccbeba78487520cdda27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 10:04:51 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 130/154] pack-objects: add --path-walk option

In order to more easily compute delta bases among objects that appear at the
exact same path, add a --path-walk option to 'git pack-objects'.

This option will use the path-walk API instead of the object walk given by
the revision machinery. Since objects will be provided in batches
representing a common path, those objects can be tested for delta bases
immediately instead of waiting for a sort of the full object list by
name-hash. This has multiple benefits, including avoiding collisions by

The objects marked as UNINTERESTING are included in these batches, so we
are guaranteeing some locality to find good delta bases.

After the individual passes are done on a per-path basis, the default
name-hash is used to find other opportunistic delta bases that did not
match exactly by the full path name.

RFC TODO: It is important to note that this option is inherently
incompatible with using a bitmap index. This walk probably also does not
work with other advanced features, such as delta islands.

Getting ahead of myself, this option compares well with --full-name-hash
when the packfile is large enough, but also performs at least as well as
the default in all cases that I've seen.

RFC TODO: this should probably be recording the batch locations to another
list so they could be processed in a second phase using threads.

RFC TODO: list some examples of how this outperforms previous pack-objects
strategies. (This is coming in later commits that include performance
test changes.)

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/git-pack-objects.txt        |  12 +-
 Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt |   3 +-
 builtin/pack-objects.c                    | 147 ++++++++++++++++++++--
 t/                    |  17 +++
 4 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-pack-objects.txt b/Documentation/git-pack-objects.txt
index 93861d9f85b3b1..1a3023e2067f28 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-pack-objects.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-pack-objects.txt
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ SYNOPSIS
 	[--cruft] [--cruft-expiration=<time>]
 	[--stdout [--filter=<filter-spec>] | <base-name>]
 	[--shallow] [--keep-true-parents] [--[no-]sparse]
-	[--full-name-hash] < <object-list>
+	[--full-name-hash] [--path-walk] < <object-list>
@@ -346,6 +346,16 @@ raise an error.
 	Restrict delta matches based on "islands". See DELTA ISLANDS
+	By default, `git pack-objects` walks objects in an order that
+	presents trees and blobs in an order unrelated to the path they
+	appear relative to a commit's root tree. The `--path-walk` option
+	enables a different walking algorithm that organizes trees and
+	blobs by path. This has the potential to improve delta compression
+	especially in the presence of filenames that cause collisions in
+	Git's default name-hash algorithm. Due to changing how the objects
+	are walked, this option is not compatible with `--delta-islands`,
+	`--shallow`, or `--filter`.
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
index c51f92cd6495a4..2d25281774d43d 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
@@ -69,4 +69,5 @@ Examples
 See example usages in:
-	`t/helper/test-path-walk.c`
+	`t/helper/test-path-walk.c`,
+	`builtin/pack-objects.c`
diff --git a/builtin/pack-objects.c b/builtin/pack-objects.c
index c68961efd8c5bb..27ea3a45e01ca6 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-objects.c
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@
 #include "promisor-remote.h"
 #include "pack-mtimes.h"
 #include "parse-options.h"
+#include "blob.h"
+#include "tree.h"
+#include "path-walk.h"
  * Objects we are going to pack are collected in the `to_pack` structure.
@@ -217,6 +220,7 @@ static int delta_search_threads;
 static int pack_to_stdout;
 static int sparse;
 static int thin;
+static int path_walk;
 static int num_preferred_base;
 static struct progress *progress_state;
@@ -4142,6 +4146,105 @@ static void mark_bitmap_preferred_tips(void)
+static inline int is_oid_interesting(struct repository *repo,
+				     struct object_id *oid)
+	struct object *o = lookup_object(repo, oid);
+	return o && !(o->flags & UNINTERESTING);
+static int add_objects_by_path(const char *path,
+			       struct oid_array *oids,
+			       enum object_type type,
+			       void *data)
+	struct object_entry **delta_list;
+	size_t oe_start = to_pack.nr_objects;
+	size_t oe_end;
+	unsigned int sub_list_size;
+	unsigned int *processed = data;
+	/*
+	 * First, add all objects to the packing data, including the ones
+	 * marked UNINTERESTING (translated to 'exclude') as they can be
+	 * used as delta bases.
+	 */
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < oids->nr; i++) {
+		int exclude;
+		struct object_info oi = OBJECT_INFO_INIT;
+		struct object_id *oid = &oids->oid[i];
+		/* Skip objects that do not exist locally. */
+		if (exclude_promisor_objects &&
+		    oid_object_info_extended(the_repository, oid, &oi,
+			continue;
+		exclude = !is_oid_interesting(the_repository, oid);
+		if (exclude && !thin)
+			continue;
+		add_object_entry(oid, type, path, exclude);
+	}
+	oe_end = to_pack.nr_objects;
+	/* We can skip delta calculations if it is a no-op. */
+	if (oe_end == oe_start || !window)
+		return 0;
+	sub_list_size = 0;
+	ALLOC_ARRAY(delta_list, oe_end - oe_start);
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < oe_end - oe_start; i++) {
+		struct object_entry *entry = to_pack.objects + oe_start + i;
+		if (!should_attempt_deltas(entry))
+			continue;
+		delta_list[sub_list_size++] = entry;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Find delta bases among this list of objects that all match the same
+	 * path. This causes the delta compression to be interleaved in the
+	 * object walk, which can lead to confusing progress indicators. This is
+	 * also incompatible with threaded delta calculations. In the future,
+	 * consider creating a list of regions in the full to_pack.objects array
+	 * that could be picked up by the threaded delta computation.
+	 */
+	if (sub_list_size && window) {
+		QSORT(delta_list, sub_list_size, type_size_sort);
+		find_deltas(delta_list, &sub_list_size, window, depth, processed);
+	}
+	free(delta_list);
+	return 0;
+static void get_object_list_path_walk(struct rev_info *revs)
+	struct path_walk_info info = PATH_WALK_INFO_INIT;
+	unsigned int processed = 0;
+	info.revs = revs;
+	info.path_fn = add_objects_by_path;
+	info.path_fn_data = &processed;
+	revs->tag_objects = 1;
+	/*
+	 * Allow the --[no-]sparse option to be interesting here, if only
+	 * for testing purposes. Paths with no interesting objects will not
+	 * contribute to the resulting pack, but only create noisy preferred
+	 * base objects.
+	 */
+	info.prune_all_uninteresting = sparse;
+	if (walk_objects_by_path(&info))
+		die(_("failed to pack objects via path-walk"));
 static void get_object_list(struct rev_info *revs, int ac, const char **av)
 	struct setup_revision_opt s_r_opt = {
@@ -4188,7 +4291,7 @@ static void get_object_list(struct rev_info *revs, int ac, const char **av)
 	warn_on_object_refname_ambiguity = save_warning;
-	if (use_bitmap_index && !get_object_list_from_bitmap(revs))
+	if (use_bitmap_index && !path_walk && !get_object_list_from_bitmap(revs))
 	if (use_delta_islands)
@@ -4197,15 +4300,19 @@ static void get_object_list(struct rev_info *revs, int ac, const char **av)
 	if (write_bitmap_index)
-	if (prepare_revision_walk(revs))
-		die(_("revision walk setup failed"));
-	mark_edges_uninteresting(revs, show_edge, sparse);
 	if (!fn_show_object)
 		fn_show_object = show_object;
-	traverse_commit_list(revs,
-			     show_commit, fn_show_object,
-			     NULL);
+	if (path_walk) {
+		get_object_list_path_walk(revs);
+	} else {
+		if (prepare_revision_walk(revs))
+			die(_("revision walk setup failed"));
+		mark_edges_uninteresting(revs, show_edge, sparse);
+		traverse_commit_list(revs,
+				show_commit, fn_show_object,
+				NULL);
+	}
 	if (unpack_unreachable_expiration) {
 		revs->ignore_missing_links = 1;
@@ -4415,6 +4522,8 @@ int cmd_pack_objects(int argc,
 			 N_("use the sparse reachability algorithm")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "thin", &thin,
 			 N_("create thin packs")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "path-walk", &path_walk,
+			 N_("use the path-walk API to walk objects when possible")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "shallow", &shallow,
 			 N_("create packs suitable for shallow fetches")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "honor-pack-keep", &ignore_packed_keep_on_disk,
@@ -4500,7 +4609,27 @@ int cmd_pack_objects(int argc,
 		window = 0;
 	strvec_push(&rp, "pack-objects");
-	if (thin) {
+	if (path_walk && filter_options.choice) {
+		warning(_("cannot use --filter with --path-walk"));
+		path_walk = 0;
+	}
+	if (path_walk && use_delta_islands) {
+		warning(_("cannot use delta islands with --path-walk"));
+		path_walk = 0;
+	}
+	if (path_walk && shallow) {
+		warning(_("cannot use --shallow with --path-walk"));
+		path_walk = 0;
+	}
+	if (path_walk) {
+		strvec_push(&rp, "--boundary");
+		 /*
+		  * We must disable the bitmaps because we are removing
+		  * the --objects / --objects-edge[-aggressive] options.
+		  */
+		use_bitmap_index = 0;
+	} else if (thin) {
 		use_internal_rev_list = 1;
 		strvec_push(&rp, shallow
 				? "--objects-edge-aggressive"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8a6e81d48e449f..26e6962b544584 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -704,4 +704,21 @@ test_expect_success '--full-name-hash and --write-bitmap-index are incompatible'
 	git pack-objects --stdout --all --full-name-hash --write-bitmap-index >out
+# Basic "repack everything" test
+test_expect_success '--path-walk pack everything' '
+	git -C server rev-parse HEAD >in &&
+	git -C server pack-objects --stdout --revs --path-walk <in >out.pack &&
+	git -C server index-pack --stdin <out.pack
+# Basic "thin pack" test
+test_expect_success '--path-walk thin pack' '
+	cat >in <<-EOF &&
+	$(git -C server rev-parse HEAD)
+	^$(git -C server rev-parse HEAD~2)
+	git -C server pack-objects --thin --stdout --revs --path-walk <in >out.pack &&
+	git -C server index-pack --fix-thin --stdin <out.pack

From 668d2c679b5bacbc40133951b77487e3f14c0f0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2024 09:18:43 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 131/154] pack-objects: introduce GIT_TEST_PACK_PATH_WALK

There are many tests that validate whether 'git pack-objects' works as
expected. Instead of duplicating these tests, add a new test environment
variable, GIT_TEST_PACK_PATH_WALK, that implies --path-walk by default
when specified.

This was useful in testing the implementation of the --path-walk
implementation, especially in conjunction with test such as:

 - : One test fetches from a repo that does
   not have the boundary objects. This causes the path-based walk to
   fail. Disable the variable for this test.

 - : Similar to t0411, one test fetches from a repo
   without a boundary object.

 - : One test compares the case when packing with
   bitmaps to the case when packing without them. Since we disable the
   test variable when writing bitmaps, this causes a difference in the
   object list (the --path-walk option adds an extra object). Specify
   --no-path-walk in both processes for the comparison. Another test
   checks for a specific delta base, but when computing dynamically
   without using bitmaps, the base object it too small to be considered
   in the delta calculations so no base is used.

 - : This script cares about certain delta
   choices and their chain lengths. The --path-walk option changes how
   these chains are selected, and thus changes the results of this test.

 - : This demonstrates the effectiveness of
   the --sparse option and how it combines with --path-walk.

 - : This test verifies that the preferred
   pack is used for delta reuse when possible. The --path-walk option is
   not currently aware of the preferred pack at all, so finds a
   different delta base.

 - : When using the variable, the --depth
   option collides with the --path-walk feature, resulting in a warning
   message. Disable the variable so this warning does not appear.

I want to call out one specific test change that is only temporary:

 - : One test cares specifically about an
   "unable to read" error message. Since the current implementation
   performs delta calculations within the path-walk API callback, a
   different "unable to get size" error message appears. When this
   is changed in a future refactoring, this test change can be reverted.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 builtin/pack-objects.c        | 12 ++++++++++--
 ci/     |  1 +
 t/README                      |  4 ++++
 t/ |  6 ++++++
 t/        |  5 +++++
 t/       | 13 +++++++++++--
 t/   |  9 ++++++---
 t/   |  7 +++++++
 t/  |  6 ++++++
 t/   |  4 ++++
 10 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builtin/pack-objects.c b/builtin/pack-objects.c
index 27ea3a45e01ca6..50f794759e7596 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-objects.c
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ static int delta_search_threads;
 static int pack_to_stdout;
 static int sparse;
 static int thin;
-static int path_walk;
+static int path_walk = -1;
 static int num_preferred_base;
 static struct progress *progress_state;
@@ -4175,7 +4175,7 @@ static int add_objects_by_path(const char *path,
 		struct object_id *oid = &oids->oid[i];
 		/* Skip objects that do not exist locally. */
-		if (exclude_promisor_objects &&
+		if ((exclude_promisor_objects || arg_missing_action != MA_ERROR) &&
 		    oid_object_info_extended(the_repository, oid, &oi,
@@ -4593,6 +4593,14 @@ int cmd_pack_objects(int argc,
 	if (pack_to_stdout != !base_name || argc)
 		usage_with_options(pack_usage, pack_objects_options);
+	if (path_walk < 0) {
+		if (use_bitmap_index > 0 ||
+		    !use_internal_rev_list)
+			path_walk = 0;
+		else
+			path_walk = git_env_bool("GIT_TEST_PACK_PATH_WALK", 0);
+	}
 	if (depth < 0)
 		depth = 0;
 	if (depth >= (1 << OE_DEPTH_BITS)) {
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 47827b6dec9bfe..64b918cd11df9e 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ linux-TEST-vars)
diff --git a/t/README b/t/README
index d40fc5b429d488..17f16c2af409e2 100644
--- a/t/README
+++ b/t/README
@@ -415,6 +415,10 @@ GIT_TEST_PACK_SPARSE=<boolean> if disabled will default the pack-objects
 builtin to use the non-sparse object walk. This can still be overridden by
 the --sparse command-line argument.
+GIT_TEST_PACK_PATH_WALK=<boolean> if enabled will default the pack-objects
+builtin to use the path-walk API for the object walk. This can still be
+overridden by the --no-path-walk command-line argument.
 GIT_TEST_PRELOAD_INDEX=<boolean> exercises the preload-index code path
 by overriding the minimum number of cache entries required per thread.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 196fc617843cb9..9e6bca56255be9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -59,6 +59,12 @@ test_expect_success 'pack-objects should fetch from promisor remote and execute
 test_expect_success 'clone from promisor remote does not lazy-fetch by default' '
 	rm -f script-executed &&
+	# The --path-walk feature of "git pack-objects" is not
+	# compatible with this kind of fetch from an incomplete repo.
 	test_must_fail git clone evil no-lazy 2>err &&
 	test_grep "lazy fetching disabled" err &&
 	test_path_is_missing script-executed
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 805d60ff3179ce..609399d54fbb5b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ test_expect_success 'indirectly clone patch_clone' '
 	 git pull ../.git &&
 	 test $(git rev-parse HEAD) = $B &&
+	# The --path-walk feature of "git pack-objects" is not
+	# compatible with this kind of fetch from an incomplete repo.
 	 git pull ../patch_clone/.git &&
 	 test $(git rev-parse HEAD) = $C
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0f1e2b6f49361d..fac653c120efa9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -154,8 +154,9 @@ test_bitmap_cases () {
 		ls .git/objects/pack/ | grep bitmap >output &&
 		test_line_count = 1 output &&
 		# verify equivalent packs are generated with/without using bitmap index
-		packasha1=$(git pack-objects --no-use-bitmap-index --all packa </dev/null) &&
-		packbsha1=$(git pack-objects --use-bitmap-index --all packb </dev/null) &&
+		# Be careful to not use the path-walk option in either case.
+		packasha1=$(git pack-objects --no-use-bitmap-index --no-path-walk --all packa </dev/null) &&
+		packbsha1=$(git pack-objects --use-bitmap-index --no-path-walk --all packb </dev/null) &&
 		list_packed_objects packa-$packasha1.idx >packa.objects &&
 		list_packed_objects packb-$packbsha1.idx >packb.objects &&
 		test_cmp packa.objects packb.objects
@@ -384,6 +385,14 @@ test_bitmap_cases () {
 		git init --bare client.git &&
 			cd client.git &&
+			# This test relies on reusing a delta, but if the
+			# path-walk machinery is engaged, the base object
+			# is considered too small to use during the
+			# dynamic computation, so is not used.
 			git config transfer.unpackLimit 1 &&
 			git fetch .. delta-reuse-old:delta-reuse-old &&
 			git fetch .. delta-reuse-new:delta-reuse-new &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 32cf4227451ff7..167c3a35234576 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -89,15 +89,18 @@ max_chain() {
 # adjusted (or scrapped if the heuristics have become too unreliable)
 test_expect_success 'packing produces a long delta' '
 	# Use --window=0 to make sure we are seeing reused deltas,
-	# not computing a new long chain.
-	pack=$(git pack-objects --all --window=0 </dev/null pack) &&
+	# not computing a new long chain. (Also avoid the --path-walk
+	# option as it may break delta chains.)
+	pack=$(git pack-objects --all --window=0 --no-path-walk </dev/null pack) &&
 	echo 9 >expect &&
 	max_chain pack-$pack.pack >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success '--depth limits depth' '
-	pack=$(git pack-objects --all --depth=5 </dev/null pack) &&
+	# Avoid --path-walk to avoid breaking delta chains across path
+	# boundaries.
+	pack=$(git pack-objects --all --depth=5 --no-path-walk </dev/null pack) &&
 	echo 5 >expect &&
 	max_chain pack-$pack.pack >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 57cad7708f80f9..395d09444ced72 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,6 +7,13 @@ test_description='pack-objects multi-pack reuse'
+# The --path-walk option does not consider the preferred pack
+# at all for reusing deltas, so this variable changes the
+# behavior of this test, if enabled.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 558eedf25a4c9b..8eb6fea839a63f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ test_expect_success 'upload-pack fails due to error in pack-objects packing' '
 	hexsz=$(test_oid hexsz) &&
 	printf "%04xwant %s\n00000009done\n0000" \
 		$(($hexsz + 10)) $head >input &&
+	# The current implementation of path-walk causes a different
+	# error message. This will be changed by a future refactoring.
 	test_must_fail git upload-pack . <input >/dev/null 2>output.err &&
 	test_grep "unable to read" output.err &&
 	test_grep "pack-objects died" output.err
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 297c6c3b5cc4b8..d2284e67d3d2e5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1093,12 +1093,16 @@ test_expect_success 'submodule update --quiet passes quietness to fetch with a s
 	) &&
 	git clone super4 super5 &&
 	(cd super5 &&
+	 # This test variable will create a "warning" message to stderr
 	 git submodule update --quiet --init --depth=1 submodule3 >out 2>err &&
 	 test_must_be_empty out &&
 	 test_must_be_empty err
 	) &&
 	git clone super4 super6 &&
 	(cd super6 &&
+	 # This test variable will create a "warning" message to stderr
 	 git submodule update --init --depth=1 submodule3 >out 2>err &&
 	 test_file_not_empty out &&
 	 test_file_not_empty err

From c08b741196e206356c9bedf90cda7997b59ece3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 09:49:23 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 132/154] repack: add --path-walk option

Since 'git pack-objects' supports a --path-walk option, allow passing it
through in 'git repack'. This presents interesting testing opportunities for
comparing the different repacking strategies against each other.

Add the --path-walk option to the performance tests in p5313.

For the microsoft/fluentui repo [1] checked out at a specific commit [2],
the results are very interesting:

Test                                           this tree
5313.2: thin pack                              0.40(0.47+0.04)
5313.3: thin pack size                                    1.2M
5313.4: thin pack with --full-name-hash        0.09(0.10+0.04)
5313.5: thin pack size with --full-name-hash             22.8K
5313.6: thin pack with --path-walk             0.08(0.06+0.02)
5313.7: thin pack size with --path-walk                  20.8K
5313.8: big pack                               2.16(8.43+0.23)
5313.9: big pack size                                    17.7M
5313.10: big pack with --full-name-hash        1.42(3.06+0.21)
5313.11: big pack size with --full-name-hash             18.0M
5313.12: big pack with --path-walk             2.21(8.39+0.24)
5313.13: big pack size with --path-walk                  17.8M
5313.14: repack                                98.05(662.37+2.64)
5313.15: repack size                                    449.1K
5313.16: repack with --full-name-hash          33.95(129.44+2.63)
5313.17: repack size with --full-name-hash              182.9K
5313.18: repack with --path-walk               106.21(121.58+0.82)
5313.19: repack size with --path-walk                   159.6K

[2] e70848ebac1cd720875bccaa3026f4a9ed700e08

This repo suffers from having a lot of paths that collide in the name
hash, so examining them in groups by path leads to better deltas. Also,
in this case, the single-threaded implementation is competitive with the
full repack. This is saving time diffing files that have significant
differences from each other.

A similar, but private, repo has even more extremes in the thin packs:

Test                                           this tree
5313.2: thin pack                              2.39(2.91+0.10)
5313.3: thin pack size                                    4.5M
5313.4: thin pack with --full-name-hash        0.29(0.47+0.12)
5313.5: thin pack size with --full-name-hash             15.5K
5313.6: thin pack with --path-walk             0.35(0.31+0.04)
5313.7: thin pack size with --path-walk                  14.2K

Notice, however, that while the --full-name-hash version is working
quite well in these cases for the thin pack, it does poorly for some
other standard cases, such as this test on the Linux kernel repository:

Test                                           this tree
5313.2: thin pack                              0.01(0.00+0.00)
5313.3: thin pack size                                     310
5313.4: thin pack with --full-name-hash        0.00(0.00+0.00)
5313.5: thin pack size with --full-name-hash              1.4K
5313.6: thin pack with --path-walk             0.00(0.00+0.00)
5313.7: thin pack size with --path-walk                    310

Here, the --full-name-hash option does much worse than the default name
hash, but the path-walk option does exactly as well.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/git-repack.txt | 15 ++++++++++++++-
 builtin/repack.c             |  7 ++++++-
 t/perf/ | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-repack.txt b/Documentation/git-repack.txt
index 457a793fa89b2e..717e0a8e41a03b 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-repack.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-repack.txt
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ SYNOPSIS
 'git repack' [-a] [-A] [-d] [-f] [-F] [-l] [-n] [-q] [-b] [-m]
 	[--window=<n>] [--depth=<n>] [--threads=<n>] [--keep-pack=<pack-name>]
-	[--write-midx] [--full-name-hash]
+	[--write-midx] [--full-name-hash] [--path-walk]
@@ -251,6 +251,19 @@ linkgit:git-multi-pack-index[1]).
 	Write a multi-pack index (see linkgit:git-multi-pack-index[1])
 	containing the non-redundant packs.
+	This option passes the `--path-walk` option to the underlying
+	`git pack-options` process (see linkgit:git-pack-objects[1]).
+	By default, `git pack-objects` walks objects in an order that
+	presents trees and blobs in an order unrelated to the path they
+	appear relative to a commit's root tree. The `--path-walk` option
+	enables a different walking algorithm that organizes trees and
+	blobs by path. This has the potential to improve delta compression
+	especially in the presence of filenames that cause collisions in
+	Git's default name-hash algorithm. Due to changing how the objects
+	are walked, this option is not compatible with `--delta-islands`
+	or `--filter`.
diff --git a/builtin/repack.c b/builtin/repack.c
index bc82e2b8571fb0..01db1b8f52913a 100644
--- a/builtin/repack.c
+++ b/builtin/repack.c
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ static char *packdir, *packtmp_name, *packtmp;
 static const char *const git_repack_usage[] = {
 	N_("git repack [-a] [-A] [-d] [-f] [-F] [-l] [-n] [-q] [-b] [-m]\n"
 	   "[--window=<n>] [--depth=<n>] [--threads=<n>] [--keep-pack=<pack-name>]\n"
-	   "[--write-midx] [--full-name-hash]"),
+	   "[--write-midx] [--full-name-hash] [--path-walk]"),
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ struct pack_objects_args {
 	int quiet;
 	int local;
 	int full_name_hash;
+	int path_walk;
 	struct list_objects_filter_options filter_options;
@@ -313,6 +314,8 @@ static void prepare_pack_objects(struct child_process *cmd,
 		strvec_pushf(&cmd->args, "--no-reuse-object");
 	if (args->full_name_hash)
 		strvec_pushf(&cmd->args, "--full-name-hash");
+	if (args->path_walk)
+		strvec_pushf(&cmd->args, "--path-walk");
 	if (args->local)
 		strvec_push(&cmd->args,  "--local");
 	if (args->quiet)
@@ -1212,6 +1215,8 @@ int cmd_repack(int argc,
 				N_("pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "full-name-hash", &po_args.full_name_hash,
 				N_("(EXPERIMENTAL!) pass --full-name-hash to git-pack-objects")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "path-walk", &po_args.path_walk,
+				N_("(EXPERIMENTAL!) pass --path-walk to git-pack-objects")),
 		OPT_NEGBIT('n', NULL, &run_update_server_info,
 				N_("do not run git-update-server-info"), 1),
 		OPT__QUIET(&po_args.quiet, N_("be quiet")),
diff --git a/t/perf/ b/t/perf/
index bf6f0d69e48373..9903b4a23e7f91 100755
--- a/t/perf/
+++ b/t/perf/
@@ -36,6 +36,14 @@ test_size 'thin pack size with --full-name-hash' '
 	test_file_size out
+test_perf 'thin pack with --path-walk' '
+	git pack-objects --thin --stdout --revs --sparse --path-walk <in-thin >out
+test_size 'thin pack size with --path-walk' '
+	wc -c <out
 test_perf 'big pack' '
 	git pack-objects --stdout --revs --sparse  <in-big >out
@@ -52,6 +60,14 @@ test_size 'big pack size with --full-name-hash' '
 	test_file_size out
+test_perf 'big pack with --path-walk' '
+	git pack-objects --stdout --revs --sparse --path-walk <in-big >out
+test_size 'big pack size with --path-walk' '
+	wc -c <out
 test_perf 'repack' '
 	git repack -adf
@@ -70,4 +86,12 @@ test_size 'repack size with --full-name-hash' '
 	test_file_size "$pack"
+test_perf 'repack with --path-walk' '
+	git repack -adf --path-walk
+test_size 'repack size with --path-walk' '
+	wc -c <.git/objects/pack/pack-*.pack

From bcc299814aa40b8e26f2f3ac62e9b3dd0a21b7e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 09:50:06 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 133/154] pack-objects: enable --path-walk via config

Users may want to enable the --path-walk option for 'git pack-objects' by
default, especially underneath commands like 'git push' or 'git repack'.

This should be limited to client repositories, since the --path-walk option
disables bitmap walks, so would be bad to include in Git servers when
serving fetches and clones. There is potential that it may be helpful to
consider when repacking the repository, to take advantage of improved deltas
across historical versions of the same files.

Much like how "pack.useSparse" was introduced and included in
"feature.experimental" before being enabled by default, use the repository
settings infrastructure to make the new "pack.usePathWalk" config enabled by
"feature.experimental" and "feature.manyFiles".

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/config/feature.txt | 4 ++++
 Documentation/config/pack.txt    | 8 ++++++++
 builtin/pack-objects.c           | 3 +++
 repo-settings.c                  | 3 +++
 repo-settings.h                  | 1 +
 5 files changed, 19 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Documentation/config/feature.txt b/Documentation/config/feature.txt
index f061b64b748449..cb49ff2604a632 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/feature.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/feature.txt
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ walking fewer objects.
 * `pack.allowPackReuse=multi` may improve the time it takes to create a pack by
 reusing objects from multiple packs instead of just one.
+* `pack.usePathWalk` may speed up packfile creation and make the packfiles be
+significantly smaller in the presence of certain filename collisions with Git's
+default name-hash.
 	Enable config options that optimize for repos with many files in the
diff --git a/Documentation/config/pack.txt b/Documentation/config/pack.txt
index da527377fafcb6..08d06271177006 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/pack.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/pack.txt
@@ -155,6 +155,14 @@ pack.useSparse::
 	commits contain certain types of direct renames. Default is
+	When true, git will default to using the '--path-walk' option in
+	'git pack-objects' when the '--revs' option is present. This
+	algorithm groups objects by path to maximize the ability to
+	compute delta chains across historical versions of the same
+	object. This may disable other options, such as using bitmaps to
+	enumerate objects.
 	When selecting which commits will receive bitmaps, prefer a
 	commit at the tip of any reference that is a suffix of any value
diff --git a/builtin/pack-objects.c b/builtin/pack-objects.c
index 50f794759e7596..f1c0a889dee69c 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-objects.c
@@ -4597,6 +4597,9 @@ int cmd_pack_objects(int argc,
 		if (use_bitmap_index > 0 ||
 			path_walk = 0;
+		else if (the_repository->gitdir &&
+			 the_repository->settings.pack_use_path_walk)
+			path_walk = 1;
 			path_walk = git_env_bool("GIT_TEST_PACK_PATH_WALK", 0);
diff --git a/repo-settings.c b/repo-settings.c
index 9d16d5399e3751..633b154c20ab57 100644
--- a/repo-settings.c
+++ b/repo-settings.c
@@ -47,11 +47,13 @@ void prepare_repo_settings(struct repository *r)
 		r->settings.fetch_negotiation_algorithm = FETCH_NEGOTIATION_SKIPPING;
 		r->settings.pack_use_bitmap_boundary_traversal = 1;
 		r->settings.pack_use_multi_pack_reuse = 1;
+		r->settings.pack_use_path_walk = 1;
 	if (manyfiles) {
 		r->settings.index_version = 4;
 		r->settings.index_skip_hash = 1;
 		r->settings.core_untracked_cache = UNTRACKED_CACHE_WRITE;
+		r->settings.pack_use_path_walk = 1;
 	/* Commit graph config or default, does not cascade (simple) */
@@ -66,6 +68,7 @@ void prepare_repo_settings(struct repository *r)
 	/* Boolean config or default, does not cascade (simple)  */
 	repo_cfg_bool(r, "pack.usesparse", &r->settings.pack_use_sparse, 1);
+	repo_cfg_bool(r, "pack.usepathwalk", &r->settings.pack_use_path_walk, 0);
 	repo_cfg_bool(r, "core.multipackindex", &r->settings.core_multi_pack_index, 1);
 	repo_cfg_bool(r, "index.sparse", &r->settings.sparse_index, 0);
 	repo_cfg_bool(r, "index.skiphash", &r->settings.index_skip_hash, r->settings.index_skip_hash);
diff --git a/repo-settings.h b/repo-settings.h
index 93ea0c32741125..7e8869ac4efcb8 100644
--- a/repo-settings.h
+++ b/repo-settings.h
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ struct repo_settings {
 	enum untracked_cache_setting core_untracked_cache;
 	int pack_use_sparse;
+	int pack_use_path_walk;
 	enum fetch_negotiation_setting fetch_negotiation_algorithm;
 	int core_multi_pack_index;

From b66f206163c58e1037959d96bb2afef855ee2874 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 09:51:33 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 134/154] scalar: enable path-walk during push via config

Repositories registered with Scalar are expected to be client-only
repositories that are rather large. This means that they are more likely to
be good candidates for using the --path-walk option when running 'git
pack-objects', especially under the hood of 'git push'. Enable this config
in Scalar repositories.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 scalar.c | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/scalar.c b/scalar.c
index f24bcd0169cee4..22932ad9d6da4e 100644
--- a/scalar.c
+++ b/scalar.c
@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ static int set_recommended_config(int reconfigure)
 		{ "core.autoCRLF", "false" },
 		{ "core.safeCRLF", "false" },
 		{ "fetch.showForcedUpdates", "false" },
+		{ "pack.usePathWalk", "true" },
 		{ NULL, NULL },
 	int i;

From fc1b841a20a2c28f4ec9d0e685eb54d77908ff94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 13:38:08 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 135/154] pack-objects: refactor path-walk delta phase

Previously, the --path-walk option to 'git pack-objects' would compute
deltas inline with the path-walk logic. This would make the progress
indicator look like it is taking a long time to enumerate objects, and
then very quickly computed deltas.

Instead of computing deltas on each region of objects organized by tree,
store a list of regions corresponding to these groups. These can later
be pulled from the list for delta compression before doing the "global"
delta search.

This presents a new progress indicator that can be used in tests to
verify that this stage is happening.

The current implementation is not integrated with threads, but could be
done in a future update.

Since we do not attempt to sort objects by size until after exploring
all trees, we can remove the previous change to t5530 due to a different
error message appearing first.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 builtin/pack-objects.c       | 81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 pack-objects.h               | 12 ++++++
 t/       |  8 +++-
 t/ |  6 ---
 4 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builtin/pack-objects.c b/builtin/pack-objects.c
index f1c0a889dee69c..d718463c6a576e 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-objects.c
@@ -3194,6 +3194,50 @@ static int should_attempt_deltas(struct object_entry *entry)
 	return 1;
+static void find_deltas_for_region(struct object_entry *list UNUSED,
+				   struct packing_region *region,
+				   unsigned int *processed)
+	struct object_entry **delta_list;
+	uint32_t delta_list_nr = 0;
+	ALLOC_ARRAY(delta_list, region->nr);
+	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < region->nr; i++) {
+		struct object_entry *entry = to_pack.objects + region->start + i;
+		if (should_attempt_deltas(entry))
+			delta_list[delta_list_nr++] = entry;
+	}
+	QSORT(delta_list, delta_list_nr, type_size_sort);
+	find_deltas(delta_list, &delta_list_nr, window, depth, processed);
+	free(delta_list);
+static void find_deltas_by_region(struct object_entry *list,
+				  struct packing_region *regions,
+				  uint32_t start, uint32_t nr)
+	unsigned int processed = 0;
+	uint32_t progress_nr;
+	if (!nr)
+		return;
+	progress_nr = regions[nr - 1].start + regions[nr - 1].nr;
+	if (progress)
+		progress_state = start_progress(_("Compressing objects by path"),
+						progress_nr);
+	while (nr--)
+		find_deltas_for_region(list,
+				       &regions[start++],
+				       &processed);
+	display_progress(progress_state, progress_nr);
+	stop_progress(&progress_state);
 static void prepare_pack(int window, int depth)
 	struct object_entry **delta_list;
@@ -3218,6 +3262,10 @@ static void prepare_pack(int window, int depth)
 	if (!to_pack.nr_objects || !window || !depth)
+	if (path_walk)
+		find_deltas_by_region(to_pack.objects, to_pack.regions,
+				      0, to_pack.nr_regions);
 	ALLOC_ARRAY(delta_list, to_pack.nr_objects);
 	nr_deltas = n = 0;
@@ -4158,10 +4206,8 @@ static int add_objects_by_path(const char *path,
 			       enum object_type type,
 			       void *data)
-	struct object_entry **delta_list;
 	size_t oe_start = to_pack.nr_objects;
 	size_t oe_end;
-	unsigned int sub_list_size;
 	unsigned int *processed = data;
@@ -4194,32 +4240,17 @@ static int add_objects_by_path(const char *path,
 	if (oe_end == oe_start || !window)
 		return 0;
-	sub_list_size = 0;
-	ALLOC_ARRAY(delta_list, oe_end - oe_start);
+	ALLOC_GROW(to_pack.regions,
+		   to_pack.nr_regions + 1,
+		   to_pack.nr_regions_alloc);
-	for (size_t i = 0; i < oe_end - oe_start; i++) {
-		struct object_entry *entry = to_pack.objects + oe_start + i;
+	to_pack.regions[to_pack.nr_regions].start = oe_start;
+	to_pack.regions[to_pack.nr_regions].nr = oe_end - oe_start;
+	to_pack.nr_regions++;
-		if (!should_attempt_deltas(entry))
-			continue;
+	*processed += oids->nr;
+	display_progress(progress_state, *processed);
-		delta_list[sub_list_size++] = entry;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Find delta bases among this list of objects that all match the same
-	 * path. This causes the delta compression to be interleaved in the
-	 * object walk, which can lead to confusing progress indicators. This is
-	 * also incompatible with threaded delta calculations. In the future,
-	 * consider creating a list of regions in the full to_pack.objects array
-	 * that could be picked up by the threaded delta computation.
-	 */
-	if (sub_list_size && window) {
-		QSORT(delta_list, sub_list_size, type_size_sort);
-		find_deltas(delta_list, &sub_list_size, window, depth, processed);
-	}
-	free(delta_list);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/pack-objects.h b/pack-objects.h
index 20f95c8132e789..5ec9efdf4af210 100644
--- a/pack-objects.h
+++ b/pack-objects.h
@@ -119,11 +119,23 @@ struct object_entry {
 	unsigned ext_base:1; /* delta_idx points outside packlist */
+ * A packing region is a section of the packing_data.objects array
+ * as given by a starting index and a number of elements.
+ */
+struct packing_region {
+	uint32_t start;
+	uint32_t nr;
 struct packing_data {
 	struct repository *repo;
 	struct object_entry *objects;
 	uint32_t nr_objects, nr_alloc;
+	struct packing_region *regions;
+	uint32_t nr_regions, nr_regions_alloc;
 	int32_t *index;
 	uint32_t index_size;
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 26e6962b544584..1fffa7209b785b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -707,7 +707,9 @@ test_expect_success '--full-name-hash and --write-bitmap-index are incompatible'
 # Basic "repack everything" test
 test_expect_success '--path-walk pack everything' '
 	git -C server rev-parse HEAD >in &&
-	git -C server pack-objects --stdout --revs --path-walk <in >out.pack &&
+	GIT_PROGRESS_DELAY=0 git -C server pack-objects \
+		--stdout --revs --path-walk --progress <in >out.pack 2>err &&
+	grep "Compressing objects by path" err &&
 	git -C server index-pack --stdin <out.pack
@@ -717,7 +719,9 @@ test_expect_success '--path-walk thin pack' '
 	$(git -C server rev-parse HEAD)
 	^$(git -C server rev-parse HEAD~2)
-	git -C server pack-objects --thin --stdout --revs --path-walk <in >out.pack &&
+	GIT_PROGRESS_DELAY=0 git -C server pack-objects \
+		--thin --stdout --revs --path-walk --progress <in >out.pack 2>err &&
+	grep "Compressing objects by path" err &&
 	git -C server index-pack --fix-thin --stdin <out.pack
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8eb6fea839a63f..558eedf25a4c9b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@ test_expect_success 'upload-pack fails due to error in pack-objects packing' '
 	hexsz=$(test_oid hexsz) &&
 	printf "%04xwant %s\n00000009done\n0000" \
 		$(($hexsz + 10)) $head >input &&
-	# The current implementation of path-walk causes a different
-	# error message. This will be changed by a future refactoring.
 	test_must_fail git upload-pack . <input >/dev/null 2>output.err &&
 	test_grep "unable to read" output.err &&
 	test_grep "pack-objects died" output.err

From ed579232105a88e4e0b106dc8092ec9911a87527 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 12:18:50 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 136/154] backfill: add builtin boilerplate

In anticipation of implementing 'git backfill', populate the necessary files
with the boilerplate of a new builtin.

RFC TODO: When preparing this for a full implementation, make sure it is
based on the newest standards introduced by [1].

    [PATCH 1/3] builtin: add a repository parameter for builtin functions

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 .gitignore                     |  1 +
 Documentation/git-backfill.txt | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 Makefile                       |  1 +
 builtin.h                      |  1 +
 builtin/backfill.c             | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 command-list.txt               |  1 +
 git.c                          |  1 +                    |  1 +
 8 files changed, 58 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/git-backfill.txt
 create mode 100644 builtin/backfill.c

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e82aa19df03fc8..95cd94c504460c 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
diff --git a/Documentation/git-backfill.txt b/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..640144187d33b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+git-backfill - Download missing objects in a partial clone
+'git backfill' [<options>]
+Part of the linkgit:git[1] suite
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index ea5ea5bd86ecd6..b1910d0851f5e7 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1204,6 +1204,7 @@ BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/am.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/annotate.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/apply.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/archive.o
+BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/backfill.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/bisect.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/blame.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/branch.o
diff --git a/builtin.h b/builtin.h
index f7b166b33484d3..89928ccf92f532 100644
--- a/builtin.h
+++ b/builtin.h
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ int cmd_am(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *r
 int cmd_annotate(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo);
 int cmd_apply(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo);
 int cmd_archive(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo);
+int cmd_backfill(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo);
 int cmd_bisect(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo);
 int cmd_blame(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo);
 int cmd_branch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo);
diff --git a/builtin/backfill.c b/builtin/backfill.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..38e6aaeaa030ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin/backfill.c
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#include "builtin.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "parse-options.h"
+#include "repository.h"
+#include "object.h"
+static const char * const builtin_backfill_usage[] = {
+	N_("git backfill [<options>]"),
+int cmd_backfill(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo)
+	struct option options[] = {
+		OPT_END(),
+	};
+	if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-h"))
+		usage_with_options(builtin_backfill_usage, options);
+	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, options, builtin_backfill_usage,
+			     0);
+	repo_config(repo, git_default_config, NULL);
+	die(_("not implemented"));
+	return 0;
diff --git a/command-list.txt b/command-list.txt
index e0bb87b3b5c278..c537114b4687b8 100644
--- a/command-list.txt
+++ b/command-list.txt
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ git-annotate                            ancillaryinterrogators
 git-apply                               plumbingmanipulators            complete
 git-archimport                          foreignscminterface
 git-archive                             mainporcelain
+git-backfill                            mainporcelain           history
 git-bisect                              mainporcelain           info
 git-blame                               ancillaryinterrogators          complete
 git-branch                              mainporcelain           history
diff --git a/git.c b/git.c
index 71d644dc1c5990..f78484e395d8fc 100644
--- a/git.c
+++ b/git.c
@@ -506,6 +506,7 @@ static struct cmd_struct commands[] = {
 	{ "annotate", cmd_annotate, RUN_SETUP },
 	{ "apply", cmd_apply, RUN_SETUP_GENTLY },
 	{ "archive", cmd_archive, RUN_SETUP_GENTLY },
+	{ "backfill", cmd_backfill, RUN_SETUP },
 	{ "bisect", cmd_bisect, RUN_SETUP },
 	{ "blame", cmd_blame, RUN_SETUP },
 	{ "branch", cmd_branch, RUN_SETUP | DELAY_PAGER_CONFIG },
diff --git a/ b/
index 5cfe0045fb0d14..842bcedd38af35 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -487,6 +487,7 @@ builtin_sources = [
+  'builtin/backfill.c',

From 8fa78d45d085dd07642ba0fbcff3f816bd35b821 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 12:07:10 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 137/154] backfill: basic functionality and tests

The default behavior of 'git backfill' is to fetch all missing blobs that
are reachable from HEAD. Document and test this behavior.

The implementation is a very simple use of the path-walk API, initializing
the revision walk at HEAD to start the path-walk from all commits reachable
from HEAD. Ignore the object arrays that correspond to tree entries,
assuming that they are all present already.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/git-backfill.txt            |  24 +++++
 Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt |   1 +
 builtin/backfill.c                        | 105 +++++++++++++++++++++-
 t/                             |   1 +
 t/                       |  94 +++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 t/

diff --git a/Documentation/git-backfill.txt b/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
index 640144187d33b7..0e10f066fef56f 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
@@ -14,6 +14,30 @@ SYNOPSIS
+Blobless partial clones are created using `git clone --filter=blob:none`
+and then configure the local repository such that the Git client avoids
+downloading blob objects unless they are required for a local operation.
+This initially means that the clone and later fetches download reachable
+commits and trees but no blobs. Later operations that change the `HEAD`
+pointer, such as `git checkout` or `git merge`, may need to download
+missing blobs in order to complete their operation.
+In the worst cases, commands that compute blob diffs, such as `git blame`,
+become very slow as they download the missing blobs in single-blob
+requests to satisfy the missing object as the Git command needs it. This
+leads to multiple download requests and no ability for the Git server to
+provide delta compression across those objects.
+The `git backfill` command provides a way for the user to request that
+Git downloads the missing blobs (with optional filters) such that the
+missing blobs representing historical versions of files can be downloaded
+in batches. The `backfill` command attempts to optimize the request by
+grouping blobs that appear at the same path, hopefully leading to good
+delta compression in the packfile sent by the server.
+By default, `git backfill` downloads all blobs reachable from the `HEAD`
+commit. This set can be restricted or expanded using various options.
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
index 2d25281774d43d..a371b9e6e67b84 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
@@ -70,4 +70,5 @@ Examples
 See example usages in:
+	`builtin/backfill.c`,
diff --git a/builtin/backfill.c b/builtin/backfill.c
index 38e6aaeaa030ec..2c13478a25a95f 100644
--- a/builtin/backfill.c
+++ b/builtin/backfill.c
@@ -1,16 +1,117 @@
 #include "builtin.h"
+#include "git-compat-util.h"
 #include "config.h"
 #include "parse-options.h"
 #include "repository.h"
+#include "commit.h"
+#include "hex.h"
+#include "tree.h"
+#include "tree-walk.h"
 #include "object.h"
+#include "object-store-ll.h"
+#include "oid-array.h"
+#include "oidset.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
+#include "strmap.h"
+#include "string-list.h"
+#include "revision.h"
+#include "trace2.h"
+#include "progress.h"
+#include "packfile.h"
+#include "path-walk.h"
 static const char * const builtin_backfill_usage[] = {
 	N_("git backfill [<options>]"),
+struct backfill_context {
+	struct repository *repo;
+	struct oid_array current_batch;
+	size_t batch_size;
+static void clear_backfill_context(struct backfill_context *ctx)
+	oid_array_clear(&ctx->current_batch);
+static void download_batch(struct backfill_context *ctx)
+	promisor_remote_get_direct(ctx->repo,
+				   ctx->current_batch.oid,
+				   ctx->;
+	oid_array_clear(&ctx->current_batch);
+	/*
+	 * We likely have a new packfile. Add it to the packed list to
+	 * avoid possible duplicate downloads of the same objects.
+	 */
+	reprepare_packed_git(ctx->repo);
+static int fill_missing_blobs(const char *path UNUSED,
+			      struct oid_array *list,
+			      enum object_type type,
+			      void *data)
+	struct backfill_context *ctx = data;
+	if (type != OBJ_BLOB)
+		return 0;
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < list->nr; i++) {
+		off_t size = 0;
+		struct object_info info = OBJECT_INFO_INIT;
+		info.disk_sizep = &size;
+		if (oid_object_info_extended(ctx->repo,
+					     &list->oid[i],
+					     &info,
+		    !size)
+			oid_array_append(&ctx->current_batch, &list->oid[i]);
+	}
+	if (ctx-> >= ctx->batch_size)
+		download_batch(ctx);
+	return 0;
+static int do_backfill(struct backfill_context *ctx)
+	struct rev_info revs;
+	struct path_walk_info info = PATH_WALK_INFO_INIT;
+	int ret;
+	repo_init_revisions(ctx->repo, &revs, "");
+	handle_revision_arg("HEAD", &revs, 0, 0);
+	info.blobs = 1;
+	info.tags = info.commits = info.trees = 0;
+	info.revs = &revs;
+	info.path_fn = fill_missing_blobs;
+	info.path_fn_data = ctx;
+	ret = walk_objects_by_path(&info);
+	/* Download the objects that did not fill a batch. */
+	if (!ret)
+		download_batch(ctx);
+	clear_backfill_context(ctx);
+	release_revisions(&revs);
+	return ret;
 int cmd_backfill(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo)
+	struct backfill_context ctx = {
+		.repo = repo,
+		.current_batch = OID_ARRAY_INIT,
+		.batch_size = 50000,
+	};
 	struct option options[] = {
@@ -23,7 +124,5 @@ int cmd_backfill(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct reposit
 	repo_config(repo, git_default_config, NULL);
-	die(_("not implemented"));
-	return 0;
+	return do_backfill(&ctx);
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ea89d347f44e5d..8685e9633258fc 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -721,6 +721,7 @@ integration_tests = [
+  '',
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000000..64326362d80f8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+test_description='git backfill on partial clones'
+. ./
+# We create objects in the 'src' repo.
+test_expect_success 'setup repo for object creation' '
+	echo "{print \$1}" >print_1.awk &&
+	echo "{print \$2}" >print_2.awk &&
+	git init src &&
+	mkdir -p src/a/b/c &&
+	mkdir -p src/d/e &&
+	for i in 1 2
+	do
+		for n in 1 2 3 4
+		do
+			echo "Version $i of file $n" > src/file.$n.txt &&
+			echo "Version $i of file a/$n" > src/a/file.$n.txt &&
+			echo "Version $i of file a/b/$n" > src/a/b/file.$n.txt &&
+			echo "Version $i of file a/b/c/$n" > src/a/b/c/file.$n.txt &&
+			echo "Version $i of file d/$n" > src/d/file.$n.txt &&
+			echo "Version $i of file d/e/$n" > src/d/e/file.$n.txt &&
+			git -C src add . &&
+			git -C src commit -m "Iteration $n" || return 1
+		done
+	done
+# Clone 'src' into 'srv.bare' so we have a bare repo to be our origin
+# server for the partial clone.
+test_expect_success 'setup bare clone for server' '
+	git clone --bare "file://$(pwd)/src" srv.bare &&
+	git -C srv.bare config --local uploadpack.allowfilter 1 &&
+	git -C srv.bare config --local uploadpack.allowanysha1inwant 1
+# do basic partial clone from "srv.bare"
+test_expect_success 'do partial clone 1, backfill gets all objects' '
+	git clone --no-checkout --filter=blob:none	\
+		--single-branch --branch=main 		\
+		"file://$(pwd)/srv.bare" backfill1 &&
+	# Backfill with no options gets everything reachable from HEAD.
+	GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/backfill-file-trace" git \
+		-C backfill1 backfill &&
+	# We should have engaged the partial clone machinery
+	test_trace2_data promisor fetch_count 48 <backfill-file-trace &&
+	# No more missing objects!
+	git -C backfill1 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print HEAD >revs2 &&
+	test_line_count = 0 revs2
+test_expect_success 'create a partial clone over HTTP' '
+	rm -rf "$SERVER" repo &&
+	git clone --bare "file://$(pwd)/src" "$SERVER" &&
+	test_config -C "$SERVER" uploadpack.allowfilter 1 &&
+	test_config -C "$SERVER" uploadpack.allowanysha1inwant 1 &&
+	git clone --no-checkout --filter=blob:none \
+		"$HTTPD_URL/smart/server" backfill-http
+test_expect_success 'backfilling over HTTP succeeds' '
+	GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/backfill-http-trace" git \
+		-C backfill-http backfill &&
+	# We should have engaged the partial clone machinery
+	test_trace2_data promisor fetch_count 48 <backfill-http-trace &&
+	# Confirm all objects are present, none missing.
+	git -C backfill-http rev-list --objects --all >rev-list-out &&
+	awk "{print \$1;}" <rev-list-out >oids &&
+	GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/walk-trace" git -C backfill-http \
+		cat-file --batch-check <oids >batch-out &&
+	! grep missing batch-out
+# DO NOT add non-httpd-specific tests here, because the last part of this
+# test script is only executed when httpd is available and enabled.

From 6bbef1552c7a86530618a57b6140ccf404a753e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 12:22:10 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 138/154] backfill: add --batch-size=<n> option

Users may want to specify a minimum batch size for their needs. This is only
a minimum: the path-walk API provides a list of OIDs that correspond to the
same path, and thus it is optimal to allow delta compression across those
objects in a single server request.

We could consider limiting the request to have a maximum batch size in the

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/git-backfill.txt | 10 +++++++++-
 builtin/backfill.c             |  4 +++-
 t/            | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-backfill.txt b/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
index 0e10f066fef56f..9b0bae04e9d8f3 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ git-backfill - Download missing objects in a partial clone
-'git backfill' [<options>]
+'git backfill' [--batch-size=<n>]
@@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ delta compression in the packfile sent by the server.
 By default, `git backfill` downloads all blobs reachable from the `HEAD`
 commit. This set can be restricted or expanded using various options.
+	Specify a minimum size for a batch of missing objects to request
+	from the server. This size may be exceeded by the last set of
+	blobs seen at a given path. Default batch size is 16,000.
diff --git a/builtin/backfill.c b/builtin/backfill.c
index 2c13478a25a95f..ba8580e4b5e966 100644
--- a/builtin/backfill.c
+++ b/builtin/backfill.c
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include "path-walk.h"
 static const char * const builtin_backfill_usage[] = {
-	N_("git backfill [<options>]"),
+	N_("git backfill [--batch-size=<n>]"),
@@ -113,6 +113,8 @@ int cmd_backfill(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct reposit
 		.batch_size = 50000,
 	struct option options[] = {
+		OPT_INTEGER(0, "batch-size", &ctx.batch_size,
+			    N_("Minimun number of objects to request at a time")),
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 64326362d80f8f..32e2bb1c1327fe 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -59,6 +59,24 @@ test_expect_success 'do partial clone 1, backfill gets all objects' '
 	test_line_count = 0 revs2
+test_expect_success 'do partial clone 2, backfill batch size' '
+	git clone --no-checkout --filter=blob:none	\
+		--single-branch --branch=main 		\
+		"file://$(pwd)/srv.bare" backfill2 &&
+	GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/batch-trace" git \
+		-C backfill2 backfill --batch-size=20 &&
+	# Batches were used
+	test_trace2_data promisor fetch_count 20 <batch-trace >matches &&
+	test_line_count = 2 matches &&
+	test_trace2_data promisor fetch_count 8 <batch-trace &&
+	# No more missing objects!
+	git -C backfill2 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print HEAD >revs2 &&
+	test_line_count = 0 revs2

From cdcc11757005033ffe7242aedb87bdd63cc1f408 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 13:39:18 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 139/154] backfill: add --sparse option

One way to significantly reduce the cost of a Git clone and later fetches is
to use a blobless partial clone and combine that with a sparse-checkout that
reduces the paths that need to be populated in the working directory. Not
only does this reduce the cost of clones and fetches, the sparse-checkout
reduces the number of objects needed to download from a promisor remote.

However, history investigations can be expensie as computing blob diffs will
trigger promisor remote requests for one object at a time. This can be
avoided by downloading the blobs needed for the given sparse-checkout using
'git backfill' and its new '--sparse' mode, at a time that the user is
willing to pay that extra cost.

Note that this is distinctly different from the '--filter=sparse:<oid>'
option, as this assumes that the partial clone has all reachable trees and
we are using client-side logic to avoid downloading blobs outside of the
sparse-checkout cone. This avoids the server-side cost of walking trees
while also achieving a similar goal. It also downloads in batches based on
similar path names, presenting a resumable download if things are

This augments the path-walk API to have a possibly-NULL 'pl' member that may
point to a 'struct pattern_list'. This could be more general than the
sparse-checkout definition at HEAD, but 'git backfill --sparse' is currently
the only consumer.

Be sure to test this in both cone mode and not cone mode. Cone mode has the
benefit that the path-walk can skip certain paths once they would expand
beyond the sparse-checkout.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/git-backfill.txt            |  6 ++-
 Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt |  8 ++++
 builtin/backfill.c                        | 20 ++++++++-
 dir.c                                     | 10 ++---
 dir.h                                     |  3 ++
 path-walk.c                               | 18 ++++++++
 path-walk.h                               | 11 +++++
 t/helper/test-path-walk.c                 | 21 ++++++++-
 t/                       | 55 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 t/                      | 35 +++++++++++++++
 10 files changed, 177 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-backfill.txt b/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
index 9b0bae04e9d8f3..ecf2ac428cefb7 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ git-backfill - Download missing objects in a partial clone
-'git backfill' [--batch-size=<n>]
+'git backfill' [--batch-size=<n>] [--[no-]sparse]
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ OPTIONS
 	from the server. This size may be exceeded by the last set of
 	blobs seen at a given path. Default batch size is 16,000.
+	Only download objects if they appear at a path that matches the
+	current sparse-checkout.
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
index a371b9e6e67b84..83bfe3d665e9fb 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-path-walk.txt
@@ -65,6 +65,14 @@ better off using the revision walk API instead.
 	the revision walk so that the walk emits commits marked with the
+	This pattern list pointer allows focusing the path-walk search to
+	a set of patterns, only emitting paths that match the given
+	patterns. See linkgit:gitignore[5] or
+	linkgit:git-sparse-checkout[1] for details about pattern lists.
+	When the pattern list uses cone-mode patterns, then the path-walk
+	API can prune the set of paths it walks to improve performance.
diff --git a/builtin/backfill.c b/builtin/backfill.c
index ba8580e4b5e966..b6b8e093eab1e0 100644
--- a/builtin/backfill.c
+++ b/builtin/backfill.c
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include "parse-options.h"
 #include "repository.h"
 #include "commit.h"
+#include "dir.h"
 #include "hex.h"
 #include "tree.h"
 #include "tree-walk.h"
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@
 #include "path-walk.h"
 static const char * const builtin_backfill_usage[] = {
-	N_("git backfill [--batch-size=<n>]"),
+	N_("git backfill [--batch-size=<n>] [--[no-]sparse]"),
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ struct backfill_context {
 	struct repository *repo;
 	struct oid_array current_batch;
 	size_t batch_size;
+	int sparse;
 static void clear_backfill_context(struct backfill_context *ctx)
@@ -84,6 +86,15 @@ static int do_backfill(struct backfill_context *ctx)
 	struct path_walk_info info = PATH_WALK_INFO_INIT;
 	int ret;
+	if (ctx->sparse) {
+		if (get_sparse_checkout_patterns( {
+			clear_pattern_list(;
+			free(;
+			return error(_("problem loading sparse-checkout"));
+		}
+	}
 	repo_init_revisions(ctx->repo, &revs, "");
 	handle_revision_arg("HEAD", &revs, 0, 0);
@@ -102,6 +113,10 @@ static int do_backfill(struct backfill_context *ctx)
+	if ( {
+		clear_pattern_list(;
+		free(;
+	}
 	return ret;
@@ -111,10 +126,13 @@ int cmd_backfill(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct reposit
 		.repo = repo,
 		.current_batch = OID_ARRAY_INIT,
 		.batch_size = 50000,
+		.sparse = 0,
 	struct option options[] = {
 		OPT_INTEGER(0, "batch-size", &ctx.batch_size,
 			    N_("Minimun number of objects to request at a time")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "sparse", &ctx.sparse,
+			 N_("Restrict the missing objects to the current sparse-checkout")),
diff --git a/dir.c b/dir.c
index 5b2181e5899ce9..16ccfe7e4e868d 100644
--- a/dir.c
+++ b/dir.c
@@ -1093,10 +1093,6 @@ static void invalidate_directory(struct untracked_cache *uc,
 		dir->dirs[i]->recurse = 0;
-static int add_patterns_from_buffer(char *buf, size_t size,
-				    const char *base, int baselen,
-				    struct pattern_list *pl);
 /* Flags for add_patterns() */
 #define PATTERN_NOFOLLOW (1<<0)
@@ -1186,9 +1182,9 @@ static int add_patterns(const char *fname, const char *base, int baselen,
 	return 0;
-static int add_patterns_from_buffer(char *buf, size_t size,
-				    const char *base, int baselen,
-				    struct pattern_list *pl)
+int add_patterns_from_buffer(char *buf, size_t size,
+			     const char *base, int baselen,
+			     struct pattern_list *pl)
 	char *orig = buf;
 	int i, lineno = 1;
diff --git a/dir.h b/dir.h
index a3a2f00f5d9273..6cfef5df66091b 100644
--- a/dir.h
+++ b/dir.h
@@ -467,6 +467,9 @@ void add_patterns_from_file(struct dir_struct *, const char *fname);
 int add_patterns_from_blob_to_list(struct object_id *oid,
 				   const char *base, int baselen,
 				   struct pattern_list *pl);
+int add_patterns_from_buffer(char *buf, size_t size,
+			     const char *base, int baselen,
+			     struct pattern_list *pl);
 void parse_path_pattern(const char **string, int *patternlen, unsigned *flags, int *nowildcardlen);
 void add_pattern(const char *string, const char *base,
 		 int baselen, struct pattern_list *pl, int srcpos);
diff --git a/path-walk.c b/path-walk.c
index dd1acb29d92b45..10c6dedbab82b1 100644
--- a/path-walk.c
+++ b/path-walk.c
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include "hex.h"
 #include "object.h"
 #include "oid-array.h"
+#include "repository.h"
 #include "revision.h"
 #include "string-list.h"
 #include "strmap.h"
@@ -119,6 +120,23 @@ static int add_children(struct path_walk_context *ctx,
 		if (type == OBJ_TREE)
 			strbuf_addch(&path, '/');
+		if (ctx->info->pl) {
+			int dtype;
+			enum pattern_match_result match;
+			match = path_matches_pattern_list(path.buf, path.len,
+							  path.buf + base_len, &dtype,
+							  ctx->info->pl,
+							  ctx->repo->index);
+			if (ctx->info->pl->use_cone_patterns &&
+			    match == NOT_MATCHED)
+				continue;
+			else if (!ctx->info->pl->use_cone_patterns &&
+				 type == OBJ_BLOB &&
+				 match != MATCHED)
+				continue;
+		}
 		if (!(list = strmap_get(&ctx->paths_to_lists, path.buf))) {
 			CALLOC_ARRAY(list, 1);
 			list->type = type;
diff --git a/path-walk.h b/path-walk.h
index 3e44c4b8a588e9..090cda3b5cf8f4 100644
--- a/path-walk.h
+++ b/path-walk.h
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 struct rev_info;
 struct oid_array;
+struct pattern_list;
  * The type of a function pointer for the method that is called on a list of
@@ -46,6 +47,16 @@ struct path_walk_info {
 	 * walk the children of such trees.
 	int prune_all_uninteresting;
+	/**
+	 * Specify a sparse-checkout definition to match our paths to. Do not
+	 * walk outside of this sparse definition. If the patterns are in
+	 * cone mode, then the search may prune directories that are outside
+	 * of the cone. If not in cone mode, then all tree paths will be
+	 * explored but the path_fn will only be called when the path matches
+	 * the sparse-checkout patterns.
+	 */
+	struct pattern_list *pl;
 #define PATH_WALK_INFO_INIT {   \
diff --git a/t/helper/test-path-walk.c b/t/helper/test-path-walk.c
index fa3bfe46b5de1c..405c0f43be1694 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-path-walk.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-path-walk.c
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #include "test-tool.h"
+#include "dir.h"
 #include "environment.h"
 #include "hex.h"
 #include "object-name.h"
@@ -9,6 +10,7 @@
 #include "revision.h"
 #include "setup.h"
 #include "parse-options.h"
+#include "strbuf.h"
 #include "path-walk.h"
 #include "oid-array.h"
@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ static int emit_block(const char *path, struct oid_array *oids,
 int cmd__path_walk(int argc, const char **argv)
-	int res;
+	int res, stdin_pl = 0;
 	struct rev_info revs = REV_INFO_INIT;
 	struct path_walk_info info = PATH_WALK_INFO_INIT;
 	struct path_walk_test_data data = { 0 };
@@ -82,6 +84,8 @@ int cmd__path_walk(int argc, const char **argv)
 			 N_("toggle inclusion of tree objects")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "prune", &info.prune_all_uninteresting,
 			 N_("toggle pruning of uninteresting paths")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "stdin-pl", &stdin_pl,
+			 N_("read a pattern list over stdin")),
@@ -101,6 +105,17 @@ int cmd__path_walk(int argc, const char **argv)
 	info.path_fn = emit_block;
 	info.path_fn_data = &data;
+	if (stdin_pl) {
+		struct strbuf in = STRBUF_INIT;
+>use_cone_patterns = 1;
+		strbuf_fread(&in, 2048, stdin);
+		add_patterns_from_buffer(in.buf, in.len, "", 0,;
+		strbuf_release(&in);
+	}
 	res = walk_objects_by_path(&info);
 	printf("commits:%" PRIuMAX "\n"
@@ -109,6 +124,10 @@ int cmd__path_walk(int argc, const char **argv)
 	       "tags:%" PRIuMAX "\n",
 	       data.commit_nr, data.tree_nr, data.blob_nr, data.tag_nr);
+	if ( {
+		clear_pattern_list(;
+		free(;
+	}
 	return res;
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 32e2bb1c1327fe..c2acd1339bd454 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -77,6 +77,61 @@ test_expect_success 'do partial clone 2, backfill batch size' '
 	test_line_count = 0 revs2
+test_expect_success 'backfill --sparse' '
+	git clone --sparse --filter=blob:none		\
+		--single-branch --branch=main 		\
+		"file://$(pwd)/srv.bare" backfill3 &&
+	# Initial checkout includes four files at root.
+	git -C backfill3 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print HEAD >missing &&
+	test_line_count = 44 missing &&
+	# Initial sparse-checkout is just the files at root, so we get the
+	# older versions of the four files at tip.
+	GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/sparse-trace1" git \
+		-C backfill3 backfill --sparse &&
+	test_trace2_data promisor fetch_count 4 <sparse-trace1 &&
+	test_trace2_data path-walk paths 5 <sparse-trace1 &&
+	git -C backfill3 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print HEAD >missing &&
+	test_line_count = 40 missing &&
+	# Expand the sparse-checkout to include 'd' recursively. This
+	# engages the algorithm to skip the trees for 'a'. Note that
+	# the "sparse-checkout set" command downloads the objects at tip
+	# to satisfy the current checkout.
+	git -C backfill3 sparse-checkout set d &&
+	GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/sparse-trace2" git \
+		-C backfill3 backfill --sparse &&
+	test_trace2_data promisor fetch_count 8 <sparse-trace2 &&
+	test_trace2_data path-walk paths 15 <sparse-trace2 &&
+	git -C backfill3 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print HEAD >missing &&
+	test_line_count = 24 missing
+test_expect_success 'backfill --sparse without cone mode' '
+	git clone --no-checkout --filter=blob:none		\
+		--single-branch --branch=main 		\
+		"file://$(pwd)/srv.bare" backfill4 &&
+	# No blobs yet
+	git -C backfill4 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print HEAD >missing &&
+	test_line_count = 48 missing &&
+	# Define sparse-checkout by filename regardless of parent directory.
+	# This downloads 6 blobs to satisfy the checkout.
+	git -C backfill4 sparse-checkout set --no-cone "**/file.1.txt" &&
+	git -C backfill4 checkout main &&
+	GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/no-cone-trace1" git \
+		-C backfill4 backfill --sparse &&
+	test_trace2_data promisor fetch_count 6 <no-cone-trace1 &&
+	# This walk needed to visit all directories to search for these paths.
+	test_trace2_data path-walk paths 12 <no-cone-trace1 &&
+	git -C backfill4 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print HEAD >missing &&
+	test_line_count = 36 missing
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 943adc6c8f132f..312bf3c19c176a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -108,6 +108,41 @@ test_expect_success 'all' '
 	test_cmp expect.sorted out.sorted
+test_expect_success 'base & topic, sparse' '
+	cat >patterns <<-EOF &&
+	/*
+	!/*/
+	/left/
+	test-tool path-walk --stdin-pl -- base topic <patterns >out &&
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse topic)
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse base)
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse base~1)
+	COMMIT::$(git rev-parse base~2)
+	commits:4
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse topic^{tree})
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse base^{tree})
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~1^{tree})
+	TREE::$(git rev-parse base~2^{tree})
+	TREE:left/:$(git rev-parse base:left)
+	TREE:left/:$(git rev-parse base~2:left)
+	trees:6
+	BLOB:a:$(git rev-parse base~2:a)
+	BLOB:left/b:$(git rev-parse base~2:left/b)
+	BLOB:left/b:$(git rev-parse base:left/b)
+	blobs:3
+	tags:0
+	sort expect >expect.sorted &&
+	sort out >out.sorted &&
+	test_cmp expect.sorted out.sorted
 test_expect_success 'topic only' '
 	test-tool path-walk -- topic >out &&

From 00d5b701e324eb64a9450aff0ecff46d15ba5dcd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 14:38:05 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 140/154] pack-objects: thread the path-based compression

Adapting the implementation of ll_find_deltas(), create a threaded
version of the --path-walk compression step in 'git pack-objects'.

This involves adding a 'regions' member to the thread_params struct,
allowing each thread to own a section of paths. We can simplify the way
jobs are split because there is no value in extending the batch based on
name-hash the way sections of the object entry array are attempted to be
grouped. We re-use the 'list_size' and 'remaining' items for the purpose
of borrowing work in progress from other "victim" threads when a thread
has finished its batch of work more quickly.

Using the Git repository as a test repo, the p5313 performance test
shows that the resulting size of the repo is the same, but the threaded
implementation gives gains of varying degrees depending on the number of
objects being packed. (This was tested on a 16-core machine.)

Test                                    HEAD~1    HEAD
5313.6: thin pack with --path-walk        0.01    0.01  +0.0%
5313.7: thin pack size with --path-walk    475     475  +0.0%
5313.12: big pack with --path-walk        1.99    1.87  -6.0%
5313.13: big pack size with --path-walk  14.4M   14.3M  -0.4%
5313.18: repack with --path-walk         98.14   41.46 -57.8%
5313.19: repack size with --path-walk   197.2M  197.3M  +0.0%

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 builtin/pack-objects.c       | 162 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 t/perf/ |   7 +-
 2 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builtin/pack-objects.c b/builtin/pack-objects.c
index d718463c6a576e..4eeaf788b117f8 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-objects.c
@@ -2925,6 +2925,7 @@ static void find_deltas(struct object_entry **list, unsigned *list_size,
 struct thread_params {
 	pthread_t thread;
 	struct object_entry **list;
+	struct packing_region *regions;
 	unsigned list_size;
 	unsigned remaining;
 	int window;
@@ -3238,6 +3239,163 @@ static void find_deltas_by_region(struct object_entry *list,
+static void *threaded_find_deltas_by_path(void *arg)
+	struct thread_params *me = arg;
+	progress_lock();
+	while (me->remaining) {
+		while (me->remaining) {
+			progress_unlock();
+			find_deltas_for_region(to_pack.objects,
+					       me->regions,
+					       me->processed);
+			progress_lock();
+			me->remaining--;
+			me->regions++;
+		}
+		me->working = 0;
+		pthread_cond_signal(&progress_cond);
+		progress_unlock();
+		/*
+		 * We must not set ->data_ready before we wait on the
+		 * condition because the main thread may have set it to 1
+		 * before we get here. In order to be sure that new
+		 * work is available if we see 1 in ->data_ready, it
+		 * was initialized to 0 before this thread was spawned
+		 * and we reset it to 0 right away.
+		 */
+		pthread_mutex_lock(&me->mutex);
+		while (!me->data_ready)
+			pthread_cond_wait(&me->cond, &me->mutex);
+		me->data_ready = 0;
+		pthread_mutex_unlock(&me->mutex);
+		progress_lock();
+	}
+	progress_unlock();
+	/* leave ->working 1 so that this doesn't get more work assigned */
+	return NULL;
+static void ll_find_deltas_by_region(struct object_entry *list,
+				     struct packing_region *regions,
+				     uint32_t start, uint32_t nr)
+	struct thread_params *p;
+	int i, ret, active_threads = 0;
+	unsigned int processed = 0;
+	uint32_t progress_nr;
+	init_threaded_search();
+	if (!nr)
+		return;
+	progress_nr =  regions[nr - 1].start + regions[nr - 1].nr;
+	if (delta_search_threads <= 1) {
+		find_deltas_by_region(list, regions, start, nr);
+		cleanup_threaded_search();
+		return;
+	}
+	if (progress > pack_to_stdout)
+		fprintf_ln(stderr, _("Path-based delta compression using up to %d threads"),
+			   delta_search_threads);
+	CALLOC_ARRAY(p, delta_search_threads);
+	if (progress)
+		progress_state = start_progress(_("Compressing objects by path"),
+						progress_nr);
+	/* Partition the work amongst work threads. */
+	for (i = 0; i < delta_search_threads; i++) {
+		unsigned sub_size = nr / (delta_search_threads - i);
+		p[i].window = window;
+		p[i].depth = depth;
+		p[i].processed = &processed;
+		p[i].working = 1;
+		p[i].data_ready = 0;
+		p[i].regions = regions;
+		p[i].list_size = sub_size;
+		p[i].remaining = sub_size;
+		regions += sub_size;
+		nr -= sub_size;
+	}
+	/* Start work threads. */
+	for (i = 0; i < delta_search_threads; i++) {
+		if (!p[i].list_size)
+			continue;
+		pthread_mutex_init(&p[i].mutex, NULL);
+		pthread_cond_init(&p[i].cond, NULL);
+		ret = pthread_create(&p[i].thread, NULL,
+				     threaded_find_deltas_by_path, &p[i]);
+		if (ret)
+			die(_("unable to create thread: %s"), strerror(ret));
+		active_threads++;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Now let's wait for work completion.  Each time a thread is done
+	 * with its work, we steal half of the remaining work from the
+	 * thread with the largest number of unprocessed objects and give
+	 * it to that newly idle thread.  This ensure good load balancing
+	 * until the remaining object list segments are simply too short
+	 * to be worth splitting anymore.
+	 */
+	while (active_threads) {
+		struct thread_params *target = NULL;
+		struct thread_params *victim = NULL;
+		unsigned sub_size = 0;
+		progress_lock();
+		for (;;) {
+			for (i = 0; !target && i < delta_search_threads; i++)
+				if (!p[i].working)
+					target = &p[i];
+			if (target)
+				break;
+			pthread_cond_wait(&progress_cond, &progress_mutex);
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i < delta_search_threads; i++)
+			if (p[i].remaining > 2*window &&
+			    (!victim || victim->remaining < p[i].remaining))
+				victim = &p[i];
+		if (victim) {
+			sub_size = victim->remaining / 2;
+			target->regions = victim->regions + victim->remaining - sub_size;
+			victim->list_size -= sub_size;
+			victim->remaining -= sub_size;
+		}
+		target->list_size = sub_size;
+		target->remaining = sub_size;
+		target->working = 1;
+		progress_unlock();
+		pthread_mutex_lock(&target->mutex);
+		target->data_ready = 1;
+		pthread_cond_signal(&target->cond);
+		pthread_mutex_unlock(&target->mutex);
+		if (!sub_size) {
+			pthread_join(target->thread, NULL);
+			pthread_cond_destroy(&target->cond);
+			pthread_mutex_destroy(&target->mutex);
+			active_threads--;
+		}
+	}
+	cleanup_threaded_search();
+	free(p);
+	display_progress(progress_state, progress_nr);
+	stop_progress(&progress_state);
 static void prepare_pack(int window, int depth)
 	struct object_entry **delta_list;
@@ -3263,8 +3421,8 @@ static void prepare_pack(int window, int depth)
 	if (path_walk)
-		find_deltas_by_region(to_pack.objects, to_pack.regions,
-				      0, to_pack.nr_regions);
+		ll_find_deltas_by_region(to_pack.objects, to_pack.regions,
+					 0, to_pack.nr_regions);
 	ALLOC_ARRAY(delta_list, to_pack.nr_objects);
 	nr_deltas = n = 0;
diff --git a/t/perf/ b/t/perf/
index 9903b4a23e7f91..2e10895621ce75 100755
--- a/t/perf/
+++ b/t/perf/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ test_perf 'thin pack with --path-walk' '
 test_size 'thin pack size with --path-walk' '
-	wc -c <out
+	test_file_size out
 test_perf 'big pack' '
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ test_perf 'big pack with --path-walk' '
 test_size 'big pack size with --path-walk' '
-	wc -c <out
+	test_file_size out
 test_perf 'repack' '
@@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ test_perf 'repack with --path-walk' '
 test_size 'repack size with --path-walk' '
-	wc -c <.git/objects/pack/pack-*.pack
+	pack=$(ls .git/objects/pack/pack-*.pack) &&
+	test_file_size "$pack"

From 82591fb6bc093604d92944d49d39a0daf43e6620 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2024 18:33:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 141/154] path-walk API: avoid adding a root tree more than

When adding tree objects, we are very careful to avoid adding the same
tree object more than once. There was one small gap in that logic,
though: when adding a root tree object. Two refs can easily share the
same root tree object, and we should still not add it more than once.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 path-walk.c          | 12 +++++++++---
 t/ | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/path-walk.c b/path-walk.c
index aaa2cce7471941..dd1acb29d92b45 100644
--- a/path-walk.c
+++ b/path-walk.c
@@ -278,9 +278,11 @@ int walk_objects_by_path(struct path_walk_info *info)
 			struct object_array_entry *pending = info->revs->pending.objects + i;
 			struct object *obj = pending->item;
-			if (obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT)
+			if (obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT || obj->flags & SEEN)
+			obj->flags |= SEEN;
 			while (obj->type == OBJ_TAG) {
 				struct tag *tag = lookup_tag(info->revs->repo,
@@ -341,8 +343,12 @@ int walk_objects_by_path(struct path_walk_info *info)
 		t = lookup_tree(info->revs->repo, oid);
 		if (t) {
-			oidset_insert(&root_tree_set, oid);
-			oid_array_append(&root_tree_list->oids, oid);
+			if (t->object.flags & SEEN)
+				continue;
+			t->object.flags |= SEEN;
+			if (!oidset_insert(&root_tree_set, oid))
+				oid_array_append(&root_tree_list->oids, oid);
 		} else {
 			warning("could not find tree %s", oid_to_hex(oid));
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 26498cab24890d..943adc6c8f132f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -276,4 +276,26 @@ test_expect_success 'topic, not base, boundary with pruning' '
 	test_cmp expect.sorted out.sorted
+test_expect_success 'trees are reported exactly once' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -rf unique-trees" &&
+	test_create_repo unique-trees &&
+	(
+		cd unique-trees &&
+		mkdir initial &&
+		test_commit initial/file &&
+		git switch -c move-to-top &&
+		git mv initial/file.t ./ &&
+		test_tick &&
+		git commit -m moved &&
+		git update-ref refs/heads/other HEAD
+	) &&
+	test-tool -C unique-trees path-walk -- --all >out &&
+	tree=$(git -C unique-trees rev-parse HEAD:) &&
+	grep "$tree" out >out-filtered &&
+	test_line_count = 1 out-filtered

From 247d73723d447287ce43b12ba4762dbc616811d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Hostetler <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 08:55:03 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 142/154] survey: stub in new experimental 'git-survey' command

Start work on a new 'git survey' command to scan the repository
for monorepo performance and scaling problems.  The goal is to
measure the various known "dimensions of scale" and serve as a
foundation for adding additional measurements as we learn more
about Git monorepo scaling problems.

The initial goal is to complement the scanning and analysis performed
by the GO-based 'git-sizer' ( tool.
It is hoped that by creating a builtin command, we may be able to take
advantage of internal Git data structures and code that is not
accessible from GO to gain further insight into potential scaling

Co-authored-by: Derrick Stolee <>
Signed-off-by: Jeff Hostetler <>
Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 .gitignore                      |  1 +
 Documentation/config.txt        |  2 +
 Documentation/config/survey.txt | 11 +++++
 Documentation/git-survey.txt    | 36 ++++++++++++++++
 Makefile                        |  1 +
 builtin.h                       |  1 +
 builtin/survey.c                | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 command-list.txt                |  1 +
 git.c                           |  1 +                     |  1 +
 t/                   |  1 +
 t/           | 18 ++++++++
 12 files changed, 149 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/config/survey.txt
 create mode 100644 Documentation/git-survey.txt
 create mode 100644 builtin/survey.c
 create mode 100755 t/

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 95cd94c504460c..f56a3784efaa83 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@
diff --git a/Documentation/config.txt b/Documentation/config.txt
index 8c0b3ed8075214..4ee8b693022ef7 100644
--- a/Documentation/config.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config.txt
@@ -534,6 +534,8 @@ include::config/status.txt[]
diff --git a/Documentation/config/survey.txt b/Documentation/config/survey.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..c1b0f852a1250e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/config/survey.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+	These variables adjust the default behavior of the `git survey`
+	command. The intention is that this command could be run in the
+	background with these options.
+	verbose::
+		This boolean value implies the `--[no-]verbose` option.
+	progress::
+		This boolean value implies the `--[no-]progress` option.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-survey.txt b/Documentation/git-survey.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..5f8ec9bfea673b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/git-survey.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+git-survey - EXPERIMENTAL: Measure various repository dimensions of scale
+(EXPERIMENTAL!) 'git survey' <options>
+Survey the repository and measure various dimensions of scale.
+As repositories grow to "monorepo" size, certain data shapes can cause
+performance problems.  `git-survey` attempts to measure and report on
+known problem areas.
+	Show progress.  This is automatically enabled when interactive.
+By default, `git survey` will print information about the repository in a
+human-readable format that includes overviews and tables.
+Part of the linkgit:git[1] suite
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b1910d0851f5e7..15eb60576d260d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1309,6 +1309,7 @@ BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/sparse-checkout.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/stash.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/stripspace.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/submodule--helper.o
+BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/survey.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/symbolic-ref.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/tag.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/unpack-file.o
diff --git a/builtin.h b/builtin.h
index 89928ccf92f532..5f64730cf0273d 100644
--- a/builtin.h
+++ b/builtin.h
@@ -231,6 +231,7 @@ int cmd_sparse_checkout(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct
 int cmd_status(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo);
 int cmd_stash(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo);
 int cmd_stripspace(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo);
+int cmd_survey(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo);
 int cmd_submodule__helper(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo);
 int cmd_switch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo);
 int cmd_symbolic_ref(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo);
diff --git a/builtin/survey.c b/builtin/survey.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..4c7751f8708640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin/survey.c
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#include "builtin.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "parse-options.h"
+static const char * const survey_usage[] = {
+	N_("(EXPERIMENTAL!) git survey <options>"),
+struct survey_opts {
+	int verbose;
+	int show_progress;
+struct survey_context {
+	struct repository *repo;
+	/* Options that control what is done. */
+	struct survey_opts opts;
+static int survey_load_config_cb(const char *var, const char *value,
+				 const struct config_context *cctx, void *pvoid)
+	struct survey_context *ctx = pvoid;
+	if (!strcmp(var, "survey.verbose")) {
+		ctx->opts.verbose = git_config_bool(var, value);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (!strcmp(var, "survey.progress")) {
+		ctx->opts.show_progress = git_config_bool(var, value);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	return git_default_config(var, value, cctx, pvoid);
+static void survey_load_config(struct survey_context *ctx)
+	git_config(survey_load_config_cb, ctx);
+int cmd_survey(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo)
+	static struct survey_context ctx = {
+		.opts = {
+			.verbose = 0,
+			.show_progress = -1, /* defaults to isatty(2) */
+		},
+	};
+	static struct option survey_options[] = {
+		OPT__VERBOSE(&ctx.opts.verbose, N_("verbose output")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "progress", &ctx.opts.show_progress, N_("show progress")),
+		OPT_END(),
+	};
+	if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-h"))
+		usage_with_options(survey_usage, survey_options);
+	ctx.repo = repo;
+	prepare_repo_settings(ctx.repo);
+	survey_load_config(&ctx);
+	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, survey_options, survey_usage, 0);
+	if (ctx.opts.show_progress < 0)
+		ctx.opts.show_progress = isatty(2);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/command-list.txt b/command-list.txt
index c537114b4687b8..ecc9d2281a0909 100644
--- a/command-list.txt
+++ b/command-list.txt
@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ git-stash                               mainporcelain
 git-status                              mainporcelain           info
 git-stripspace                          purehelpers
 git-submodule                           mainporcelain
+git-survey                              mainporcelain
 git-svn                                 foreignscminterface
 git-switch                              mainporcelain           history
 git-symbolic-ref                        plumbingmanipulators
diff --git a/git.c b/git.c
index f78484e395d8fc..71f4a9c37236ab 100644
--- a/git.c
+++ b/git.c
@@ -627,6 +627,7 @@ static struct cmd_struct commands[] = {
 	{ "status", cmd_status, RUN_SETUP | NEED_WORK_TREE },
 	{ "stripspace", cmd_stripspace },
 	{ "submodule--helper", cmd_submodule__helper, RUN_SETUP },
+	{ "survey", cmd_survey, RUN_SETUP },
 	{ "switch", cmd_switch, RUN_SETUP | NEED_WORK_TREE },
 	{ "symbolic-ref", cmd_symbolic_ref, RUN_SETUP },
 	{ "tag", cmd_tag, RUN_SETUP | DELAY_PAGER_CONFIG },
diff --git a/ b/
index 842bcedd38af35..38cdec55728f6a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -592,6 +592,7 @@ builtin_sources = [
+  'builtin/survey.c',
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8685e9633258fc..95282e2d894c53 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -957,6 +957,7 @@ integration_tests = [
+  '',
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000000..2df7fa83629301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+test_description='git survey'
+. ./
+test_expect_success 'git survey -h shows experimental warning' '
+	test_expect_code 129 git survey -h 2>usage &&
+	grep "EXPERIMENTAL!" usage

From 1b0e485103cb1b8e19a9bbcbc3e390debc294333 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Hostetler <>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 09:51:34 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 143/154] survey: add command line opts to select references

By default we will scan all references in "refs/heads/", "refs/tags/"
and "refs/remotes/".

Add command line opts let the use ask for all refs or a subset of them
and to include a detached HEAD.

Signed-off-by: Jeff Hostetler <>
Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/git-survey.txt |  34 +++++
 builtin/survey.c             | 247 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 t/        |   9 ++
 3 files changed, 290 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-survey.txt b/Documentation/git-survey.txt
index 5f8ec9bfea673b..56060d14b5cfef 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-survey.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-survey.txt
@@ -19,12 +19,46 @@ As repositories grow to "monorepo" size, certain data shapes can cause
 performance problems.  `git-survey` attempts to measure and report on
 known problem areas.
+Ref Selection and Reachable Objects
+In this first analysis phase, `git survey` will iterate over the set of
+requested branches, tags, and other refs and treewalk over all of the
+reachable commits, trees, and blobs and generate various statistics.
 	Show progress.  This is automatically enabled when interactive.
+Ref Selection
+The following options control the set of refs that `git survey` will examine.
+By default, `git survey` will look at tags, local branches, and remote refs.
+If any of the following options are given, the default set is cleared and
+only refs for the given options are added.
+	Use all refs.  This includes local branches, tags, remote refs,
+	notes, and stashes.  This option overrides all of the following.
+	Add local branches (`refs/heads/`) to the set.
+	Add tags (`refs/tags/`) to the set.
+	Add remote branches (`refs/remote/`) to the set.
+	Add HEAD to the set.
+	Add notes (`refs/notes/`) and stashes (`refs/stash/`) to the set.
diff --git a/builtin/survey.c b/builtin/survey.c
index 4c7751f8708640..95ad105c246d3a 100644
--- a/builtin/survey.c
+++ b/builtin/survey.c
@@ -2,16 +2,55 @@
 #include "builtin.h"
 #include "config.h"
+#include "object.h"
+#include "object-store-ll.h"
 #include "parse-options.h"
+#include "progress.h"
+#include "ref-filter.h"
+#include "strvec.h"
+#include "trace2.h"
 static const char * const survey_usage[] = {
 	N_("(EXPERIMENTAL!) git survey <options>"),
+struct survey_refs_wanted {
+	int want_all_refs; /* special override */
+	int want_branches;
+	int want_tags;
+	int want_remotes;
+	int want_detached;
+	int want_other; /* see FILTER_REFS_OTHERS -- refs/notes/, refs/stash/ */
+static struct survey_refs_wanted default_ref_options = {
+	.want_all_refs = 1,
 struct survey_opts {
 	int verbose;
 	int show_progress;
+	struct survey_refs_wanted refs;
+struct survey_report_ref_summary {
+	size_t refs_nr;
+	size_t branches_nr;
+	size_t remote_refs_nr;
+	size_t tags_nr;
+	size_t tags_annotated_nr;
+	size_t others_nr;
+	size_t unknown_nr;
+ * This struct contains all of the information that needs to be printed
+ * at the end of the exploration of the repository and its references.
+ */
+struct survey_report {
+	struct survey_report_ref_summary refs;
 struct survey_context {
@@ -19,8 +58,84 @@ struct survey_context {
 	/* Options that control what is done. */
 	struct survey_opts opts;
+	/* Info for output only. */
+	struct survey_report report;
+	/*
+	 * The rest of the members are about enabling the activity
+	 * of the 'git survey' command, including ref listings, object
+	 * pointers, and progress.
+	 */
+	struct progress *progress;
+	size_t progress_nr;
+	size_t progress_total;
+	struct strvec refs;
+static void clear_survey_context(struct survey_context *ctx)
+	strvec_clear(&ctx->refs);
+ * After parsing the command line arguments, figure out which refs we
+ * should scan.
+ *
+ * If ANY were given in positive sense, then we ONLY include them and
+ * do not use the builtin values.
+ */
+static void fixup_refs_wanted(struct survey_context *ctx)
+	struct survey_refs_wanted *rw = &ctx->opts.refs;
+	/*
+	 * `--all-refs` overrides and enables everything.
+	 */
+	if (rw->want_all_refs == 1) {
+		rw->want_branches = 1;
+		rw->want_tags = 1;
+		rw->want_remotes = 1;
+		rw->want_detached = 1;
+		rw->want_other = 1;
+		return;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * If none of the `--<ref-type>` were given, we assume all
+	 * of the builtin unspecified values.
+	 */
+	if (rw->want_branches == -1 &&
+	    rw->want_tags == -1 &&
+	    rw->want_remotes == -1 &&
+	    rw->want_detached == -1 &&
+	    rw->want_other == -1) {
+		*rw = default_ref_options;
+		return;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Since we only allow positive boolean values on the command
+	 * line, we will only have true values where they specified
+	 * a `--<ref-type>`.
+	 *
+	 * So anything that still has an unspecified value should be
+	 * set to false.
+	 */
+	if (rw->want_branches == -1)
+		rw->want_branches = 0;
+	if (rw->want_tags == -1)
+		rw->want_tags = 0;
+	if (rw->want_remotes == -1)
+		rw->want_remotes = 0;
+	if (rw->want_detached == -1)
+		rw->want_detached = 0;
+	if (rw->want_other == -1)
+		rw->want_other = 0;
 static int survey_load_config_cb(const char *var, const char *value,
 				 const struct config_context *cctx, void *pvoid)
@@ -43,18 +158,145 @@ static void survey_load_config(struct survey_context *ctx)
 	git_config(survey_load_config_cb, ctx);
+static void do_load_refs(struct survey_context *ctx,
+			 struct ref_array *ref_array)
+	struct ref_filter filter = REF_FILTER_INIT;
+	struct ref_sorting *sorting;
+	struct string_list sorting_options = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
+	string_list_append(&sorting_options, "objectname");
+	sorting = ref_sorting_options(&sorting_options);
+	if (ctx->opts.refs.want_detached)
+		strvec_push(&ctx->refs, "HEAD");
+	if (ctx->opts.refs.want_all_refs) {
+		strvec_push(&ctx->refs, "refs/");
+	} else {
+		if (ctx->opts.refs.want_branches)
+			strvec_push(&ctx->refs, "refs/heads/");
+		if (ctx->opts.refs.want_tags)
+			strvec_push(&ctx->refs, "refs/tags/");
+		if (ctx->opts.refs.want_remotes)
+			strvec_push(&ctx->refs, "refs/remotes/");
+		if (ctx->opts.refs.want_other) {
+			strvec_push(&ctx->refs, "refs/notes/");
+			strvec_push(&ctx->refs, "refs/stash/");
+		}
+	}
+	filter.name_patterns = ctx->refs.v;
+	filter.ignore_case = 0;
+	filter.match_as_path = 1;
+	if (ctx->opts.show_progress) {
+		ctx->progress_total = 0;
+		ctx->progress = start_progress(_("Scanning refs..."), 0);
+	}
+	filter_refs(ref_array, &filter, FILTER_REFS_KIND_MASK);
+	if (ctx->opts.show_progress) {
+		ctx->progress_total = ref_array->nr;
+		display_progress(ctx->progress, ctx->progress_total);
+	}
+	ref_array_sort(sorting, ref_array);
+	stop_progress(&ctx->progress);
+	ref_filter_clear(&filter);
+	ref_sorting_release(sorting);
+ * The REFS phase:
+ *
+ * Load the set of requested refs and assess them for scalablity problems.
+ * Use that set to start a treewalk to all reachable objects and assess
+ * them.
+ *
+ * This data will give us insights into the repository itself (the number
+ * of refs, the size and shape of the DAG, the number and size of the
+ * objects).
+ *
+ * Theoretically, this data is independent of the on-disk representation
+ * (e.g. independent of packing concerns).
+ */
+static void survey_phase_refs(struct survey_context *ctx)
+	struct ref_array ref_array = { 0 };
+	trace2_region_enter("survey", "phase/refs", ctx->repo);
+	do_load_refs(ctx, &ref_array);
+	ctx->report.refs.refs_nr =;
+	for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
+		unsigned long size;
+		struct ref_array_item *item = ref_array.items[i];
+		switch (item->kind) {
+			ctx->report.refs.tags_nr++;
+			if (oid_object_info(ctx->repo,
+					    &item->objectname,
+					    &size) == OBJ_TAG)
+				ctx->report.refs.tags_annotated_nr++;
+			break;
+			ctx->report.refs.branches_nr++;
+			break;
+			ctx->report.refs.remote_refs_nr++;
+			break;
+			ctx->report.refs.others_nr++;
+			break;
+		default:
+			ctx->report.refs.unknown_nr++;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	trace2_region_leave("survey", "phase/refs", ctx->repo);
+	ref_array_clear(&ref_array);
 int cmd_survey(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo)
 	static struct survey_context ctx = {
 		.opts = {
 			.verbose = 0,
 			.show_progress = -1, /* defaults to isatty(2) */
+			.refs.want_all_refs = -1,
+			.refs.want_branches = -1, /* default these to undefined */
+			.refs.want_tags = -1,
+			.refs.want_remotes = -1,
+			.refs.want_detached = -1,
+			.refs.want_other = -1,
+		.refs = STRVEC_INIT,
 	static struct option survey_options[] = {
 		OPT__VERBOSE(&ctx.opts.verbose, N_("verbose output")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "progress", &ctx.opts.show_progress, N_("show progress")),
+		OPT_BOOL_F(0, "all-refs", &ctx.opts.refs.want_all_refs, N_("include all refs"),          PARSE_OPT_NONEG),
+		OPT_BOOL_F(0, "branches", &ctx.opts.refs.want_branches, N_("include branches"),          PARSE_OPT_NONEG),
+		OPT_BOOL_F(0, "tags",     &ctx.opts.refs.want_tags,     N_("include tags"),              PARSE_OPT_NONEG),
+		OPT_BOOL_F(0, "remotes",  &ctx.opts.refs.want_remotes,  N_("include all remotes refs"),  PARSE_OPT_NONEG),
+		OPT_BOOL_F(0, "detached", &ctx.opts.refs.want_detached, N_("include detached HEAD"),     PARSE_OPT_NONEG),
+		OPT_BOOL_F(0, "other",    &ctx.opts.refs.want_other,    N_("include notes and stashes"), PARSE_OPT_NONEG),
@@ -71,5 +313,10 @@ int cmd_survey(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repositor
 	if (ctx.opts.show_progress < 0)
 		ctx.opts.show_progress = isatty(2);
+	fixup_refs_wanted(&ctx);
+	survey_phase_refs(&ctx);
+	clear_survey_context(&ctx);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2df7fa83629301..6656cf20bf7a17 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -15,4 +15,13 @@ test_expect_success 'git survey -h shows experimental warning' '
 	grep "EXPERIMENTAL!" usage
+test_expect_success 'create a semi-interesting repo' '
+	test_commit_bulk 10
+test_expect_success 'git survey (default)' '
+	git survey >out 2>err &&
+	test_line_count = 0 err

From dcde0e1656f1d0c8e52d838fe7f79ad4a3e4e912 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 15:58:32 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 144/154] survey: start pretty printing data in table form

When 'git survey' provides information to the user, this will be presented
in one of two formats: plaintext and JSON. The JSON implementation will be
delayed until the functionality is complete for the plaintext format.

The most important parts of the plaintext format are headers specifying the
different sections of the report and tables providing concreted data.

Create a custom table data structure that allows specifying a list of
strings for the row values. When printing the table, check each column for
the maximum width so we can create a table of the correct size from the

The table structure is designed to be flexible to the different kinds of
output that will be implemented in future changes.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/git-survey.txt |   7 ++
 builtin/survey.c             | 157 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 t/        |  18 +++-
 3 files changed, 181 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-survey.txt b/Documentation/git-survey.txt
index 56060d14b5cfef..120ecb9a4d49f2 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-survey.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-survey.txt
@@ -65,6 +65,13 @@ OUTPUT
 By default, `git survey` will print information about the repository in a
 human-readable format that includes overviews and tables.
+References Summary
+The references summary includes a count of each kind of reference,
+including branches, remote refs, and tags (split by "all" and
 Part of the linkgit:git[1] suite
diff --git a/builtin/survey.c b/builtin/survey.c
index 95ad105c246d3a..97d378e6addd01 100644
--- a/builtin/survey.c
+++ b/builtin/survey.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include "parse-options.h"
 #include "progress.h"
 #include "ref-filter.h"
+#include "strbuf.h"
 #include "strvec.h"
 #include "trace2.h"
@@ -80,6 +81,160 @@ static void clear_survey_context(struct survey_context *ctx)
+struct survey_table {
+	const char *table_name;
+	struct strvec header;
+	struct strvec *rows;
+	size_t rows_nr;
+	size_t rows_alloc;
+#define SURVEY_TABLE_INIT {	\
+	.header = STRVEC_INIT,	\
+static void clear_table(struct survey_table *table)
+	strvec_clear(&table->header);
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < table->rows_nr; i++)
+		strvec_clear(&table->rows[i]);
+	free(table->rows);
+static void insert_table_rowv(struct survey_table *table, ...)
+	va_list ap;
+	char *arg;
+	ALLOC_GROW(table->rows, table->rows_nr + 1, table->rows_alloc);
+	memset(&table->rows[table->rows_nr], 0, sizeof(struct strvec));
+	va_start(ap, table);
+	while ((arg = va_arg(ap, char *)))
+		strvec_push(&table->rows[table->rows_nr], arg);
+	va_end(ap);
+	table->rows_nr++;
+#define SECTION_SEGMENT "========================================"
+static const char *section_line = SECTION_SEGMENT
+static const size_t section_len = 4 * SECTION_SEGMENT_LEN;
+static void print_table_title(const char *name, size_t *widths, size_t nr)
+	size_t width = 3 * (nr - 1);
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < nr; i++)
+		width += widths[i];
+	if (width > section_len)
+		width = section_len;
+	printf("\n%s\n%.*s\n", name, (int)width, section_line);
+static void print_row_plaintext(struct strvec *row, size_t *widths)
+	static struct strbuf line = STRBUF_INIT;
+	strbuf_setlen(&line, 0);
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < row->nr; i++) {
+		const char *str = row->v[i];
+		size_t len = strlen(str);
+		if (i)
+			strbuf_add(&line, " | ", 3);
+		strbuf_addchars(&line, ' ', widths[i] - len);
+		strbuf_add(&line, str, len);
+	}
+	printf("%s\n", line.buf);
+static void print_divider_plaintext(size_t *widths, size_t nr)
+	static struct strbuf line = STRBUF_INIT;
+	strbuf_setlen(&line, 0);
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
+		if (i)
+			strbuf_add(&line, "-+-", 3);
+		strbuf_addchars(&line, '-', widths[i]);
+	}
+	printf("%s\n", line.buf);
+static void print_table_plaintext(struct survey_table *table)
+	size_t *column_widths;
+	size_t columns_nr = table->;
+	CALLOC_ARRAY(column_widths, columns_nr);
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < columns_nr; i++) {
+		column_widths[i] = strlen(table->header.v[i]);
+		for (size_t j = 0; j < table->rows_nr; j++) {
+			size_t rowlen = strlen(table->rows[j].v[i]);
+			if (column_widths[i] < rowlen)
+				column_widths[i] = rowlen;
+		}
+	}
+	print_table_title(table->table_name, column_widths, columns_nr);
+	print_row_plaintext(&table->header, column_widths);
+	print_divider_plaintext(column_widths, columns_nr);
+	for (size_t j = 0; j < table->rows_nr; j++)
+		print_row_plaintext(&table->rows[j], column_widths);
+	free(column_widths);
+static void survey_report_plaintext_refs(struct survey_context *ctx)
+	struct survey_report_ref_summary *refs = &ctx->report.refs;
+	struct survey_table table = SURVEY_TABLE_INIT;
+	table.table_name = _("REFERENCES SUMMARY");
+	strvec_push(&table.header, _("Ref Type"));
+	strvec_push(&table.header, _("Count"));
+	if (ctx->opts.refs.want_all_refs || ctx->opts.refs.want_branches) {
+		char *fmt = xstrfmt("%"PRIuMAX"", (uintmax_t)refs->branches_nr);
+		insert_table_rowv(&table, _("Branches"), fmt, NULL);
+		free(fmt);
+	}
+	if (ctx->opts.refs.want_all_refs || ctx->opts.refs.want_remotes) {
+		char *fmt = xstrfmt("%"PRIuMAX"", (uintmax_t)refs->remote_refs_nr);
+		insert_table_rowv(&table, _("Remote refs"), fmt, NULL);
+		free(fmt);
+	}
+	if (ctx->opts.refs.want_all_refs || ctx->opts.refs.want_tags) {
+		char *fmt = xstrfmt("%"PRIuMAX"", (uintmax_t)refs->tags_nr);
+		insert_table_rowv(&table, _("Tags (all)"), fmt, NULL);
+		free(fmt);
+		fmt = xstrfmt("%"PRIuMAX"", (uintmax_t)refs->tags_annotated_nr);
+		insert_table_rowv(&table, _("Tags (annotated)"), fmt, NULL);
+		free(fmt);
+	}
+	print_table_plaintext(&table);
+	clear_table(&table);
+static void survey_report_plaintext(struct survey_context *ctx)
+	printf("GIT SURVEY for \"%s\"\n", ctx->repo->worktree);
+	printf("-----------------------------------------------------\n");
+	survey_report_plaintext_refs(ctx);
  * After parsing the command line arguments, figure out which refs we
  * should scan.
@@ -317,6 +472,8 @@ int cmd_survey(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repositor
+	survey_report_plaintext(&ctx);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6656cf20bf7a17..b76064b2a867ac 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -21,7 +21,23 @@ test_expect_success 'create a semi-interesting repo' '
 test_expect_success 'git survey (default)' '
 	git survey >out 2>err &&
-	test_line_count = 0 err
+	test_line_count = 0 err &&
+	tr , " " >expect <<-EOF &&
+	GIT SURVEY for "$(pwd)"
+	-----------------------------------------------------
+	========================
+	,       Ref Type | Count
+	-----------------+------
+	,       Branches |     1
+	     Remote refs |     0
+	      Tags (all) |     0
+	Tags (annotated) |     0
+	test_cmp expect out

From ae8bf205f2436920beb83fa5a17ee22c705ba447 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 20:33:47 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 145/154] survey: add object count summary

At the moment, nothing is obvious about the reason for the use of the
path-walk API, but this will become more prevelant in future iterations. For
now, use the path-walk API to sum up the counts of each kind of object.

For example, this is the reachable object summary output for my local repo:

Object Type |  Count
       Tags |   1343
    Commits | 179344
      Trees | 314350
      Blobs | 184030

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/git-survey.txt |   6 ++
 builtin/survey.c             | 131 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 t/        |  23 ++++--
 3 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-survey.txt b/Documentation/git-survey.txt
index 120ecb9a4d49f2..44f3a0568b7697 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-survey.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-survey.txt
@@ -72,6 +72,12 @@ The references summary includes a count of each kind of reference,
 including branches, remote refs, and tags (split by "all" and
+Reachable Object Summary
+The reachable object summary shows the total number of each kind of Git
+object, including tags, commits, trees, and blobs.
 Part of the linkgit:git[1] suite
diff --git a/builtin/survey.c b/builtin/survey.c
index 97d378e6addd01..ca88aafcd8b5bc 100644
--- a/builtin/survey.c
+++ b/builtin/survey.c
@@ -2,13 +2,20 @@
 #include "builtin.h"
 #include "config.h"
+#include "environment.h"
+#include "hex.h"
 #include "object.h"
+#include "object-name.h"
 #include "object-store-ll.h"
 #include "parse-options.h"
+#include "path-walk.h"
 #include "progress.h"
 #include "ref-filter.h"
+#include "refs.h"
+#include "revision.h"
 #include "strbuf.h"
 #include "strvec.h"
+#include "tag.h"
 #include "trace2.h"
 static const char * const survey_usage[] = {
@@ -46,12 +53,20 @@ struct survey_report_ref_summary {
 	size_t unknown_nr;
+struct survey_report_object_summary {
+	size_t commits_nr;
+	size_t tags_nr;
+	size_t trees_nr;
+	size_t blobs_nr;
  * This struct contains all of the information that needs to be printed
  * at the end of the exploration of the repository and its references.
 struct survey_report {
 	struct survey_report_ref_summary refs;
+	struct survey_report_object_summary reachable_objects;
 struct survey_context {
@@ -74,10 +89,12 @@ struct survey_context {
 	size_t progress_total;
 	struct strvec refs;
+	struct ref_array ref_array;
 static void clear_survey_context(struct survey_context *ctx)
+	ref_array_clear(&ctx->ref_array);
@@ -128,10 +145,14 @@ static const size_t section_len = 4 * SECTION_SEGMENT_LEN;
 static void print_table_title(const char *name, size_t *widths, size_t nr)
 	size_t width = 3 * (nr - 1);
+	size_t min_width = strlen(name);
 	for (size_t i = 0; i < nr; i++)
 		width += widths[i];
+	if (width < min_width)
+		width = min_width;
 	if (width > section_len)
 		width = section_len;
@@ -228,11 +249,43 @@ static void survey_report_plaintext_refs(struct survey_context *ctx)
+static void survey_report_plaintext_reachable_object_summary(struct survey_context *ctx)
+	struct survey_report_object_summary *objs = &ctx->report.reachable_objects;
+	struct survey_table table = SURVEY_TABLE_INIT;
+	char *fmt;
+	table.table_name = _("REACHABLE OBJECT SUMMARY");
+	strvec_push(&table.header, _("Object Type"));
+	strvec_push(&table.header, _("Count"));
+	fmt = xstrfmt("%"PRIuMAX"", (uintmax_t)objs->tags_nr);
+	insert_table_rowv(&table, _("Tags"), fmt, NULL);
+	free(fmt);
+	fmt = xstrfmt("%"PRIuMAX"", (uintmax_t)objs->commits_nr);
+	insert_table_rowv(&table, _("Commits"), fmt, NULL);
+	free(fmt);
+	fmt = xstrfmt("%"PRIuMAX"", (uintmax_t)objs->trees_nr);
+	insert_table_rowv(&table, _("Trees"), fmt, NULL);
+	free(fmt);
+	fmt = xstrfmt("%"PRIuMAX"", (uintmax_t)objs->blobs_nr);
+	insert_table_rowv(&table, _("Blobs"), fmt, NULL);
+	free(fmt);
+	print_table_plaintext(&table);
+	clear_table(&table);
 static void survey_report_plaintext(struct survey_context *ctx)
 	printf("GIT SURVEY for \"%s\"\n", ctx->repo->worktree);
+	survey_report_plaintext_reachable_object_summary(ctx);
@@ -380,15 +433,13 @@ static void do_load_refs(struct survey_context *ctx,
 static void survey_phase_refs(struct survey_context *ctx)
-	struct ref_array ref_array = { 0 };
 	trace2_region_enter("survey", "phase/refs", ctx->repo);
-	do_load_refs(ctx, &ref_array);
+	do_load_refs(ctx, &ctx->ref_array);
-	ctx->report.refs.refs_nr =;
-	for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
+	ctx->report.refs.refs_nr = ctx->;
+	for (int i = 0; i < ctx->; i++) {
 		unsigned long size;
-		struct ref_array_item *item = ref_array.items[i];
+		struct ref_array_item *item = ctx->ref_array.items[i];
 		switch (item->kind) {
@@ -418,8 +469,72 @@ static void survey_phase_refs(struct survey_context *ctx)
 	trace2_region_leave("survey", "phase/refs", ctx->repo);
+static void increment_object_counts(
+		struct survey_report_object_summary *summary,
+		enum object_type type,
+		size_t nr)
+	switch (type) {
+	case OBJ_COMMIT:
+		summary->commits_nr += nr;
+		break;
-	ref_array_clear(&ref_array);
+	case OBJ_TREE:
+		summary->trees_nr += nr;
+		break;
+	case OBJ_BLOB:
+		summary->blobs_nr += nr;
+		break;
+	case OBJ_TAG:
+		summary->tags_nr += nr;
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+static int survey_objects_path_walk_fn(const char *path,
+				       struct oid_array *oids,
+				       enum object_type type,
+				       void *data)
+	struct survey_context *ctx = data;
+	increment_object_counts(&ctx->report.reachable_objects,
+				type, oids->nr);
+	return 0;
+static void survey_phase_objects(struct survey_context *ctx)
+	struct rev_info revs = REV_INFO_INIT;
+	struct path_walk_info info = PATH_WALK_INFO_INIT;
+	unsigned int add_flags = 0;
+	trace2_region_enter("survey", "phase/objects", ctx->repo);
+	info.revs = &revs;
+	info.path_fn = survey_objects_path_walk_fn;
+	info.path_fn_data = ctx;
+	repo_init_revisions(ctx->repo, &revs, "");
+	revs.tag_objects = 1;
+	for (int i = 0; i < ctx->; i++) {
+		struct ref_array_item *item = ctx->ref_array.items[i];
+		add_pending_oid(&revs, NULL, &item->objectname, add_flags);
+	}
+	walk_objects_by_path(&info);
+	release_revisions(&revs);
+	trace2_region_leave("survey", "phase/objects", ctx->repo);
 int cmd_survey(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repository *repo)
@@ -472,6 +587,8 @@ int cmd_survey(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repositor
+	survey_phase_objects(&ctx);
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b76064b2a867ac..7a37da1bb2dadc 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -16,11 +16,17 @@ test_expect_success 'git survey -h shows experimental warning' '
 test_expect_success 'create a semi-interesting repo' '
-	test_commit_bulk 10
+	test_commit_bulk 10 &&
+	git tag -a -m one one HEAD~5 &&
+	git tag -a -m two two HEAD~3 &&
+	git tag -a -m three three two &&
+	git tag -a -m four four three &&
+	git update-ref -d refs/tags/three &&
+	git update-ref -d refs/tags/two
 test_expect_success 'git survey (default)' '
-	git survey >out 2>err &&
+	git survey --all-refs >out 2>err &&
 	test_line_count = 0 err &&
 	tr , " " >expect <<-EOF &&
@@ -33,8 +39,17 @@ test_expect_success 'git survey (default)' '
 	,       Branches |     1
 	     Remote refs |     0
-	      Tags (all) |     0
-	Tags (annotated) |     0
+	      Tags (all) |     2
+	Tags (annotated) |     2
+	========================
+	Object Type | Count
+	------------+------
+	       Tags |     4
+	    Commits |    10
+	      Trees |    10
+	      Blobs |    10
 	test_cmp expect out

From 0ccd24d2b6f50f87dc81b900948a2b4e0798fd21 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 14:06:11 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 146/154] backfill: assume --sparse when sparse-checkout is

The previous change introduced the '--[no-]sparse' option for the 'git
backfill' command, but did not assume it as enabled by default. However,
this is likely the behavior that users will most often want to happen.
Without this default, users with a small sparse-checkout may be confused
when 'git backfill' downloads every version of every object in the full

However, this is left as a separate change so this decision can be reviewed
independently of the value of the '--[no-]sparse' option.

Add a test of adding the '--sparse' option to a repo without sparse-checkout
to make it clear that supplying it without a sparse-checkout is an error.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 Documentation/git-backfill.txt |  3 ++-
 builtin/backfill.c             |  6 ++++++
 t/            | 13 ++++++++++++-
 3 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-backfill.txt b/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
index ecf2ac428cefb7..066ec6b161a22c 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ OPTIONS
 	Only download objects if they appear at a path that matches the
-	current sparse-checkout.
+	current sparse-checkout. If the sparse-checkout feature is enabled,
+	then `--sparse` is assumed and can be disabled with `--no-sparse`.
diff --git a/builtin/backfill.c b/builtin/backfill.c
index b6b8e093eab1e0..b893369ac67313 100644
--- a/builtin/backfill.c
+++ b/builtin/backfill.c
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+#define USE_THE_REPOSITORY_VARIABLE /* for core_apply_sparse_checkout */
 #include "builtin.h"
 #include "git-compat-util.h"
 #include "config.h"
@@ -5,6 +7,7 @@
 #include "repository.h"
 #include "commit.h"
 #include "dir.h"
+#include "environment.h"
 #include "hex.h"
 #include "tree.h"
 #include "tree-walk.h"
@@ -144,5 +147,8 @@ int cmd_backfill(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct reposit
 	repo_config(repo, git_default_config, NULL);
+	if (ctx.sparse < 0)
+		ctx.sparse = core_apply_sparse_checkout;
 	return do_backfill(&ctx);
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c2acd1339bd454..eecf03d5199ea9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -77,6 +77,12 @@ test_expect_success 'do partial clone 2, backfill batch size' '
 	test_line_count = 0 revs2
+test_expect_success 'backfill --sparse without sparse-checkout fails' '
+	git init not-sparse &&
+	test_must_fail git -C not-sparse backfill --sparse 2>err &&
+	grep "problem loading sparse-checkout" err
 test_expect_success 'backfill --sparse' '
 	git clone --sparse --filter=blob:none		\
 		--single-branch --branch=main 		\
@@ -105,7 +111,12 @@ test_expect_success 'backfill --sparse' '
 	test_trace2_data promisor fetch_count 8 <sparse-trace2 &&
 	test_trace2_data path-walk paths 15 <sparse-trace2 &&
 	git -C backfill3 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print HEAD >missing &&
-	test_line_count = 24 missing
+	test_line_count = 24 missing &&
+	# Disabling the --sparse option (on by default) will download everything
+	git -C backfill3 backfill --no-sparse &&
+	git -C backfill3 rev-list --quiet --objects --missing=print HEAD >missing &&
+	test_line_count = 0 missing
 test_expect_success 'backfill --sparse without cone mode' '

From e91880a1a5811c49ad08f22117cfcdd8ced64b55 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 20:58:35 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 147/154] survey: summarize total sizes by object type

Now that we have explored objects by count, we can expand that a bit more to
summarize the data for the on-disk and inflated size of those objects. This
information is helpful for diagnosing both why disk space (and perhaps
clone or fetch times) is growing but also why certain operations are slow
because the inflated size of the abstract objects that must be processed is
so large.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 builtin/survey.c      | 132 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 t/ |  29 ++++++++++
 2 files changed, 161 insertions(+)

diff --git a/builtin/survey.c b/builtin/survey.c
index ca88aafcd8b5bc..bd5af58c4edbeb 100644
--- a/builtin/survey.c
+++ b/builtin/survey.c
@@ -60,6 +60,19 @@ struct survey_report_object_summary {
 	size_t blobs_nr;
+ * For some category given by 'label', count the number of objects
+ * that match that label along with the on-disk size and the size
+ * after decompressing (both with delta bases and zlib).
+ */
+struct survey_report_object_size_summary {
+	char *label;
+	size_t nr;
+	size_t disk_size;
+	size_t inflated_size;
+	size_t num_missing;
  * This struct contains all of the information that needs to be printed
  * at the end of the exploration of the repository and its references.
@@ -67,8 +80,16 @@ struct survey_report_object_summary {
 struct survey_report {
 	struct survey_report_ref_summary refs;
 	struct survey_report_object_summary reachable_objects;
+	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *by_type;
+#define REPORT_TYPE_TAG 3
 struct survey_context {
 	struct repository *repo;
@@ -280,12 +301,48 @@ static void survey_report_plaintext_reachable_object_summary(struct survey_conte
+static void survey_report_object_sizes(const char *title,
+				       const char *categories,
+				       struct survey_report_object_size_summary *summary,
+				       size_t summary_nr)
+	struct survey_table table = SURVEY_TABLE_INIT;
+	table.table_name = title;
+	strvec_push(&table.header, categories);
+	strvec_push(&table.header, _("Count"));
+	strvec_push(&table.header, _("Disk Size"));
+	strvec_push(&table.header, _("Inflated Size"));
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < summary_nr; i++) {
+		char *label_str =  xstrdup(summary[i].label);
+		char *nr_str = xstrfmt("%"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)summary[i].nr);
+		char *disk_str = xstrfmt("%"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)summary[i].disk_size);
+		char *inflate_str = xstrfmt("%"PRIuMAX, (uintmax_t)summary[i].inflated_size);
+		insert_table_rowv(&table, label_str, nr_str,
+				  disk_str, inflate_str, NULL);
+		free(label_str);
+		free(nr_str);
+		free(disk_str);
+		free(inflate_str);
+	}
+	print_table_plaintext(&table);
+	clear_table(&table);
 static void survey_report_plaintext(struct survey_context *ctx)
 	printf("GIT SURVEY for \"%s\"\n", ctx->repo->worktree);
+	survey_report_object_sizes(_("TOTAL OBJECT SIZES BY TYPE"),
+				   _("Object Type"),
+				   ctx->report.by_type,
@@ -498,6 +555,68 @@ static void increment_object_counts(
+static void increment_totals(struct survey_context *ctx,
+			     struct oid_array *oids,
+			     struct survey_report_object_size_summary *summary)
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < oids->nr; i++) {
+		struct object_info oi = OBJECT_INFO_INIT;
+		unsigned oi_flags = OBJECT_INFO_FOR_PREFETCH;
+		unsigned long object_length = 0;
+		off_t disk_sizep = 0;
+		enum object_type type;
+		oi.typep = &type;
+		oi.sizep = &object_length;
+		oi.disk_sizep = &disk_sizep;
+		if (oid_object_info_extended(ctx->repo, &oids->oid[i],
+					     &oi, oi_flags) < 0) {
+			summary->num_missing++;
+		} else {
+			summary->nr++;
+			summary->disk_size += disk_sizep;
+			summary->inflated_size += object_length;
+		}
+	}
+static void increment_object_totals(struct survey_context *ctx,
+				    struct oid_array *oids,
+				    enum object_type type)
+	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *total;
+	struct survey_report_object_size_summary summary = { 0 };
+	increment_totals(ctx, oids, &summary);
+	switch (type) {
+	case OBJ_COMMIT:
+		total = &ctx->report.by_type[REPORT_TYPE_COMMIT];
+		break;
+	case OBJ_TREE:
+		total = &ctx->report.by_type[REPORT_TYPE_TREE];
+		break;
+	case OBJ_BLOB:
+		total = &ctx->report.by_type[REPORT_TYPE_BLOB];
+		break;
+	case OBJ_TAG:
+		total = &ctx->report.by_type[REPORT_TYPE_TAG];
+		break;
+	default:
+		BUG("No other type allowed");
+	}
+	total->nr +=;
+	total->disk_size += summary.disk_size;
+	total->inflated_size += summary.inflated_size;
+	total->num_missing += summary.num_missing;
 static int survey_objects_path_walk_fn(const char *path,
 				       struct oid_array *oids,
 				       enum object_type type,
@@ -507,10 +626,20 @@ static int survey_objects_path_walk_fn(const char *path,
 				type, oids->nr);
+	increment_object_totals(ctx, oids, type);
 	return 0;
+static void initialize_report(struct survey_context *ctx)
+	CALLOC_ARRAY(ctx->report.by_type, REPORT_TYPE_COUNT);
+	ctx->report.by_type[REPORT_TYPE_COMMIT].label = xstrdup(_("Commits"));
+	ctx->report.by_type[REPORT_TYPE_TREE].label = xstrdup(_("Trees"));
+	ctx->report.by_type[REPORT_TYPE_BLOB].label = xstrdup(_("Blobs"));
+	ctx->report.by_type[REPORT_TYPE_TAG].label = xstrdup(_("Tags"));
 static void survey_phase_objects(struct survey_context *ctx)
 	struct rev_info revs = REV_INFO_INIT;
@@ -523,12 +652,15 @@ static void survey_phase_objects(struct survey_context *ctx)
 	info.path_fn = survey_objects_path_walk_fn;
 	info.path_fn_data = ctx;
+	initialize_report(ctx);
 	repo_init_revisions(ctx->repo, &revs, "");
 	revs.tag_objects = 1;
 	for (int i = 0; i < ctx->; i++) {
 		struct ref_array_item *item = ctx->ref_array.items[i];
 		add_pending_oid(&revs, NULL, &item->objectname, add_flags);
+		display_progress(ctx->progress, ++(ctx->progress_nr));
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7a37da1bb2dadc..e738d6421a3224 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -29,6 +29,26 @@ test_expect_success 'git survey (default)' '
 	git survey --all-refs >out 2>err &&
 	test_line_count = 0 err &&
+	test_oid_cache <<-EOF &&
+	commits_size_on_disk sha1:     1523
+	commits_size_on_disk sha256:     1811
+	commits_size sha1:         2153
+	commits_size sha256:         2609
+	trees_size_on_disk sha1:      495
+	trees_size_on_disk sha256:      635
+	trees_size sha1:         1706
+	trees_size sha256:         2366
+	tags_size sha1:          528
+	tags_size sha256:          624
+	tags_size_on_disk sha1:      510
+	tags_size_on_disk sha256:      569
 	tr , " " >expect <<-EOF &&
 	GIT SURVEY for "$(pwd)"
@@ -50,6 +70,15 @@ test_expect_success 'git survey (default)' '
 	    Commits |    10
 	      Trees |    10
 	      Blobs |    10
+	===============================================
+	Object Type | Count | Disk Size | Inflated Size
+	------------+-------+-----------+--------------
+	    Commits |    10 | $(test_oid commits_size_on_disk) | $(test_oid commits_size)
+	      Trees |    10 | $(test_oid trees_size_on_disk) | $(test_oid trees_size)
+	      Blobs |    10 |       191 |           101
+	       Tags |     4 | $(test_oid tags_size_on_disk) | $(test_oid tags_size)
 	test_cmp expect out

From e3a0eb1e818eb9332f5ce4b02f54d071b7118eaf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 02:51:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 148/154] backfill: mark it as experimental

This is a highly useful command, and we want it to get some testing "in
the wild". However, the patches have not yet been reviewed on the Git
mailing list, and are therefore subject to change. By marking the
command as experimental, users will be warned to pay attention to those

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 Documentation/git-backfill.txt | 2 +-
 builtin/backfill.c             | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/git-backfill.txt b/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
index 066ec6b161a22c..2e1f8505209cbb 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-backfill.txt
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ git-backfill - Download missing objects in a partial clone
-'git backfill' [--batch-size=<n>] [--[no-]sparse]
+(EXPERIMENTAL) 'git backfill' [--batch-size=<n>] [--[no-]sparse]
diff --git a/builtin/backfill.c b/builtin/backfill.c
index b893369ac67313..6fab33fccf4f7e 100644
--- a/builtin/backfill.c
+++ b/builtin/backfill.c
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 #include "path-walk.h"
 static const char * const builtin_backfill_usage[] = {
-	N_("git backfill [--batch-size=<n>] [--[no-]sparse]"),
+	N_("(EXPERIMENTAL) git backfill [--batch-size=<n>] [--[no-]sparse]"),

From 8039e131a32cbacb4ad2ac3ea48febdfc7a859cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 21:21:54 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 149/154] survey: show progress during object walk

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 builtin/survey.c      | 14 ++++++++++++++
 t/ |  5 +++++
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+)

diff --git a/builtin/survey.c b/builtin/survey.c
index bd5af58c4edbeb..4cb9c7e4ce7d68 100644
--- a/builtin/survey.c
+++ b/builtin/survey.c
@@ -628,6 +628,9 @@ static int survey_objects_path_walk_fn(const char *path,
 				type, oids->nr);
 	increment_object_totals(ctx, oids, type);
+	ctx->progress_nr += oids->nr;
+	display_progress(ctx->progress, ctx->progress_nr);
 	return 0;
@@ -657,13 +660,24 @@ static void survey_phase_objects(struct survey_context *ctx)
 	repo_init_revisions(ctx->repo, &revs, "");
 	revs.tag_objects = 1;
+	ctx->progress_nr = 0;
+	ctx->progress_total = ctx->;
+	if (ctx->opts.show_progress)
+		ctx->progress = start_progress(_("Preparing object walk"),
+					       ctx->progress_total);
 	for (int i = 0; i < ctx->; i++) {
 		struct ref_array_item *item = ctx->ref_array.items[i];
 		add_pending_oid(&revs, NULL, &item->objectname, add_flags);
 		display_progress(ctx->progress, ++(ctx->progress_nr));
+	stop_progress(&ctx->progress);
+	ctx->progress_nr = 0;
+	ctx->progress_total = 0;
+	if (ctx->opts.show_progress)
+		ctx->progress = start_progress(_("Walking objects"), 0);
+	stop_progress(&ctx->progress);
 	trace2_region_leave("survey", "phase/objects", ctx->repo);
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e738d6421a3224..6c2867c11c323c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ test_expect_success 'create a semi-interesting repo' '
 	git update-ref -d refs/tags/two
+test_expect_success 'git survey --progress' '
+	GIT_PROGRESS_DELAY=0 git survey --all-refs --progress >out 2>err &&
+	grep "Preparing object walk" err
 test_expect_success 'git survey (default)' '
 	git survey --all-refs >out 2>err &&
 	test_line_count = 0 err &&

From 4c6ca700c08b6e83a7d4a25d2ed482ef0413a8d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 22:35:06 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 150/154] survey: add ability to track prioritized lists

In future changes, we will make use of these methods. The intention is to
keep track of the top contributors according to some metric. We don't want
to store all of the entries and do a sort at the end, so track a
constant-size table and remove rows that get pushed out depending on the
chosen sorting algorithm.

Co-authored-by: Jeff Hostetler <>
Signed-off-by; Jeff Hostetler <>
Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 builtin/survey.c | 113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 113 insertions(+)

diff --git a/builtin/survey.c b/builtin/survey.c
index 4cb9c7e4ce7d68..2fe2e5e0199ee0 100644
--- a/builtin/survey.c
+++ b/builtin/survey.c
@@ -73,6 +73,119 @@ struct survey_report_object_size_summary {
 	size_t num_missing;
+typedef int (*survey_top_cmp)(void *v1, void *v2);
+static int cmp_by_nr(void *v1, void *v2)
+	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *s1 = v1;
+	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *s2 = v2;
+	if (s1->nr < s2->nr)
+		return -1;
+	if (s1->nr > s2->nr)
+		return 1;
+	return 0;
+static int cmp_by_disk_size(void *v1, void *v2)
+	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *s1 = v1;
+	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *s2 = v2;
+	if (s1->disk_size < s2->disk_size)
+		return -1;
+	if (s1->disk_size > s2->disk_size)
+		return 1;
+	return 0;
+static int cmp_by_inflated_size(void *v1, void *v2)
+	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *s1 = v1;
+	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *s2 = v2;
+	if (s1->inflated_size < s2->inflated_size)
+		return -1;
+	if (s1->inflated_size > s2->inflated_size)
+		return 1;
+	return 0;
+ * Store a list of "top" categories by some sorting function. When
+ * inserting a new category, reorder the list and free the one that
+ * got ejected (if any).
+ */
+struct survey_report_top_table {
+	const char *name;
+	survey_top_cmp cmp_fn;
+	size_t nr;
+	size_t alloc;
+	/**
+	 * 'data' stores an array of structs and must be cast into
+	 * the proper array type before evaluating an index.
+	 */
+	void *data;
+static void init_top_sizes(struct survey_report_top_table *top,
+			   size_t limit, const char *name,
+			   survey_top_cmp cmp)
+	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *sz_array;
+	top->name = name;
+	top->cmp_fn = cmp;
+	top->alloc = limit;
+	top->nr = 0;
+	CALLOC_ARRAY(sz_array, limit);
+	top->data = sz_array;
+static void clear_top_sizes(struct survey_report_top_table *top)
+	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *sz_array = top->data;
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < top->nr; i++)
+		free(sz_array[i].label);
+	free(sz_array);
+static void maybe_insert_into_top_size(struct survey_report_top_table *top,
+				       struct survey_report_object_size_summary *summary)
+	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *sz_array = top->data;
+	size_t pos = top->nr;
+	/* Compare against list from the bottom. */
+	while (pos > 0 && top->cmp_fn(&sz_array[pos - 1], summary) < 0)
+		pos--;
+	/* Not big enough! */
+	if (pos >= top->alloc)
+		return;
+	/* We need to shift the data. */
+	if (top->nr == top->alloc)
+		free(sz_array[top->nr - 1].label);
+	else
+		top->nr++;
+	for (size_t i = top->nr - 1; i > pos; i--)
+		memcpy(&sz_array[i], &sz_array[i - 1], sizeof(*sz_array));
+	memcpy(&sz_array[pos], summary, sizeof(*summary));
+	sz_array[pos].label = xstrdup(summary->label);
  * This struct contains all of the information that needs to be printed
  * at the end of the exploration of the repository and its references.

From b0605a4d5c157f05cb7b5bede225dbcc1e54ed42 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 22:35:40 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 151/154] survey: add report of "largest" paths

Since we are already walking our reachable objects using the path-walk API,
let's now collect lists of the paths that contribute most to different
metrics. Specifically, we care about

 * Number of versions.
 * Total size on disk.
 * Total inflated size (no delta or zlib compression).

This information can be critical to discovering which parts of the
repository are causing the most growth, especially on-disk size. Different
packing strategies might help compress data more efficiently, but the toal
inflated size is a representation of the raw size of all snapshots of those
paths. Even when stored efficiently on disk, that size represents how much
information must be processed to complete a command such as 'git blame'.

Since the on-disk size is likely to be fragile, stop testing the exact
output of 'git survey' and check that the correct set of headers is

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
 builtin/survey.c      | 77 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 t/ | 12 ++++++-
 2 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builtin/survey.c b/builtin/survey.c
index 2fe2e5e0199ee0..3fa6e4458304a6 100644
--- a/builtin/survey.c
+++ b/builtin/survey.c
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ struct survey_report_object_size_summary {
 typedef int (*survey_top_cmp)(void *v1, void *v2);
 static int cmp_by_nr(void *v1, void *v2)
 	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *s1 = v1;
@@ -88,7 +87,6 @@ static int cmp_by_nr(void *v1, void *v2)
 	return 0;
 static int cmp_by_disk_size(void *v1, void *v2)
 	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *s1 = v1;
@@ -101,7 +99,6 @@ static int cmp_by_disk_size(void *v1, void *v2)
 	return 0;
 static int cmp_by_inflated_size(void *v1, void *v2)
 	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *s1 = v1;
@@ -132,7 +129,6 @@ struct survey_report_top_table {
 	void *data;
 static void init_top_sizes(struct survey_report_top_table *top,
 			   size_t limit, const char *name,
 			   survey_top_cmp cmp)
@@ -158,7 +154,6 @@ static void clear_top_sizes(struct survey_report_top_table *top)
 static void maybe_insert_into_top_size(struct survey_report_top_table *top,
 				       struct survey_report_object_size_summary *summary)
@@ -195,6 +190,10 @@ struct survey_report {
 	struct survey_report_object_summary reachable_objects;
 	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *by_type;
+	struct survey_report_top_table *top_paths_by_count;
+	struct survey_report_top_table *top_paths_by_disk;
+	struct survey_report_top_table *top_paths_by_inflate;
@@ -446,6 +445,13 @@ static void survey_report_object_sizes(const char *title,
+static void survey_report_plaintext_sorted_size(
+		struct survey_report_top_table *top)
+	survey_report_object_sizes(top->name,  _("Path"),
+				   top->data, top->nr);
 static void survey_report_plaintext(struct survey_context *ctx)
 	printf("GIT SURVEY for \"%s\"\n", ctx->repo->worktree);
@@ -456,6 +462,21 @@ static void survey_report_plaintext(struct survey_context *ctx)
 				   _("Object Type"),
+	survey_report_plaintext_sorted_size(
+		&ctx->report.top_paths_by_count[REPORT_TYPE_TREE]);
+	survey_report_plaintext_sorted_size(
+		&ctx->report.top_paths_by_count[REPORT_TYPE_BLOB]);
+	survey_report_plaintext_sorted_size(
+		&ctx->report.top_paths_by_disk[REPORT_TYPE_TREE]);
+	survey_report_plaintext_sorted_size(
+		&ctx->report.top_paths_by_disk[REPORT_TYPE_BLOB]);
+	survey_report_plaintext_sorted_size(
+		&ctx->report.top_paths_by_inflate[REPORT_TYPE_TREE]);
+	survey_report_plaintext_sorted_size(
+		&ctx->report.top_paths_by_inflate[REPORT_TYPE_BLOB]);
@@ -696,7 +717,8 @@ static void increment_totals(struct survey_context *ctx,
 static void increment_object_totals(struct survey_context *ctx,
 				    struct oid_array *oids,
-				    enum object_type type)
+				    enum object_type type,
+				    const char *path)
 	struct survey_report_object_size_summary *total;
 	struct survey_report_object_size_summary summary = { 0 };
@@ -728,6 +750,27 @@ static void increment_object_totals(struct survey_context *ctx,
 	total->disk_size += summary.disk_size;
 	total->inflated_size += summary.inflated_size;
 	total->num_missing += summary.num_missing;
+	if (type == OBJ_TREE || type == OBJ_BLOB) {
+		int index = type == OBJ_TREE ?
+		struct survey_report_top_table *top;
+		/*
+		 * Temporarily store (const char *) here, but it will
+		 * be duped if inserted and will not be freed.
+		 */
+		summary.label = (char *)path;
+		top = ctx->report.top_paths_by_count;
+		maybe_insert_into_top_size(&top[index], &summary);
+		top = ctx->report.top_paths_by_disk;
+		maybe_insert_into_top_size(&top[index], &summary);
+		top = ctx->report.top_paths_by_inflate;
+		maybe_insert_into_top_size(&top[index], &summary);
+	}
 static int survey_objects_path_walk_fn(const char *path,
@@ -739,7 +782,7 @@ static int survey_objects_path_walk_fn(const char *path,
 				type, oids->nr);
-	increment_object_totals(ctx, oids, type);
+	increment_object_totals(ctx, oids, type, path);
 	ctx->progress_nr += oids->nr;
 	display_progress(ctx->progress, ctx->progress_nr);
@@ -749,11 +792,31 @@ static int survey_objects_path_walk_fn(const char *path,
 static void initialize_report(struct survey_context *ctx)
+	const int top_limit = 100;
 	CALLOC_ARRAY(ctx->report.by_type, REPORT_TYPE_COUNT);
 	ctx->report.by_type[REPORT_TYPE_COMMIT].label = xstrdup(_("Commits"));
 	ctx->report.by_type[REPORT_TYPE_TREE].label = xstrdup(_("Trees"));
 	ctx->report.by_type[REPORT_TYPE_BLOB].label = xstrdup(_("Blobs"));
 	ctx->report.by_type[REPORT_TYPE_TAG].label = xstrdup(_("Tags"));
+	CALLOC_ARRAY(ctx->report.top_paths_by_count, REPORT_TYPE_COUNT);
+	init_top_sizes(&ctx->report.top_paths_by_count[REPORT_TYPE_TREE],
+		       top_limit, _("TOP DIRECTORIES BY COUNT"), cmp_by_nr);
+	init_top_sizes(&ctx->report.top_paths_by_count[REPORT_TYPE_BLOB],
+		       top_limit, _("TOP FILES BY COUNT"), cmp_by_nr);
+	CALLOC_ARRAY(ctx->report.top_paths_by_disk, REPORT_TYPE_COUNT);
+	init_top_sizes(&ctx->report.top_paths_by_disk[REPORT_TYPE_TREE],
+		       top_limit, _("TOP DIRECTORIES BY DISK SIZE"), cmp_by_disk_size);
+	init_top_sizes(&ctx->report.top_paths_by_disk[REPORT_TYPE_BLOB],
+		       top_limit, _("TOP FILES BY DISK SIZE"), cmp_by_disk_size);
+	CALLOC_ARRAY(ctx->report.top_paths_by_inflate, REPORT_TYPE_COUNT);
+	init_top_sizes(&ctx->report.top_paths_by_inflate[REPORT_TYPE_TREE],
+		       top_limit, _("TOP DIRECTORIES BY INFLATED SIZE"), cmp_by_inflated_size);
+	init_top_sizes(&ctx->report.top_paths_by_inflate[REPORT_TYPE_BLOB],
+		       top_limit, _("TOP FILES BY INFLATED SIZE"), cmp_by_inflated_size);
 static void survey_phase_objects(struct survey_context *ctx)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6c2867c11c323c..8c6edfcae0c6c2 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -86,7 +86,17 @@ test_expect_success 'git survey (default)' '
 	       Tags |     4 | $(test_oid tags_size_on_disk) | $(test_oid tags_size)
-	test_cmp expect out
+	lines=$(wc -l <expect) &&
+	head -n $lines out >out-trimmed &&
+	test_cmp expect out-trimmed &&
+	for type in "DIRECTORIES" "FILES"
+	do
+		for metric in "COUNT" "DISK SIZE" "INFLATED SIZE"
+		do
+			grep "TOP $type BY $metric" out || return 1
+		done || return 1
+	done

From daeb926b7366822dc8ff90b09c36b7dc214786ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 15:38:25 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 152/154] survey: add --top=<N> option and config

The 'git survey' builtin provides several detail tables, such as "top
files by on-disk size". The size of these tables defaults to 10,

Allow the user to specify this number via a new --top=<N> option or the
new config key.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 Documentation/config/survey.txt |  3 +++
 builtin/survey.c                | 22 ++++++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/config/survey.txt b/Documentation/config/survey.txt
index c1b0f852a1250e..9e594a2092f225 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/survey.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/survey.txt
@@ -8,4 +8,7 @@ survey.*::
 		This boolean value implies the `--[no-]verbose` option.
 		This boolean value implies the `--[no-]progress` option.
+	top::
+		This integer value implies `--top=<N>`, specifying the
+		number of entries in the detail tables.
diff --git a/builtin/survey.c b/builtin/survey.c
index 3fa6e4458304a6..87c6e744791cfd 100644
--- a/builtin/survey.c
+++ b/builtin/survey.c
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ static struct survey_refs_wanted default_ref_options = {
 struct survey_opts {
 	int verbose;
 	int show_progress;
+	int top_nr;
 	struct survey_refs_wanted refs;
@@ -548,6 +549,10 @@ static int survey_load_config_cb(const char *var, const char *value,
 		ctx->opts.show_progress = git_config_bool(var, value);
 		return 0;
+	if (!strcmp(var, "")) {
+		ctx->opts.top_nr = git_config_bool(var, value);
+		return 0;
+	}
 	return git_default_config(var, value, cctx, pvoid);
@@ -792,8 +797,6 @@ static int survey_objects_path_walk_fn(const char *path,
 static void initialize_report(struct survey_context *ctx)
-	const int top_limit = 100;
 	CALLOC_ARRAY(ctx->report.by_type, REPORT_TYPE_COUNT);
 	ctx->report.by_type[REPORT_TYPE_COMMIT].label = xstrdup(_("Commits"));
 	ctx->report.by_type[REPORT_TYPE_TREE].label = xstrdup(_("Trees"));
@@ -802,21 +805,21 @@ static void initialize_report(struct survey_context *ctx)
 	CALLOC_ARRAY(ctx->report.top_paths_by_count, REPORT_TYPE_COUNT);
-		       top_limit, _("TOP DIRECTORIES BY COUNT"), cmp_by_nr);
+		       ctx->opts.top_nr, _("TOP DIRECTORIES BY COUNT"), cmp_by_nr);
-		       top_limit, _("TOP FILES BY COUNT"), cmp_by_nr);
+		       ctx->opts.top_nr, _("TOP FILES BY COUNT"), cmp_by_nr);
 	CALLOC_ARRAY(ctx->report.top_paths_by_disk, REPORT_TYPE_COUNT);
-		       top_limit, _("TOP DIRECTORIES BY DISK SIZE"), cmp_by_disk_size);
+		       ctx->opts.top_nr, _("TOP DIRECTORIES BY DISK SIZE"), cmp_by_disk_size);
-		       top_limit, _("TOP FILES BY DISK SIZE"), cmp_by_disk_size);
+		       ctx->opts.top_nr, _("TOP FILES BY DISK SIZE"), cmp_by_disk_size);
 	CALLOC_ARRAY(ctx->report.top_paths_by_inflate, REPORT_TYPE_COUNT);
-		       top_limit, _("TOP DIRECTORIES BY INFLATED SIZE"), cmp_by_inflated_size);
+		       ctx->opts.top_nr, _("TOP DIRECTORIES BY INFLATED SIZE"), cmp_by_inflated_size);
-		       top_limit, _("TOP FILES BY INFLATED SIZE"), cmp_by_inflated_size);
+		       ctx->opts.top_nr, _("TOP FILES BY INFLATED SIZE"), cmp_by_inflated_size);
 static void survey_phase_objects(struct survey_context *ctx)
@@ -865,6 +868,7 @@ int cmd_survey(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repositor
 		.opts = {
 			.verbose = 0,
 			.show_progress = -1, /* defaults to isatty(2) */
+			.top_nr = 10,
 			.refs.want_all_refs = -1,
@@ -880,6 +884,8 @@ int cmd_survey(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repositor
 	static struct option survey_options[] = {
 		OPT__VERBOSE(&ctx.opts.verbose, N_("verbose output")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "progress", &ctx.opts.show_progress, N_("show progress")),
+		OPT_INTEGER('n', "top", &ctx.opts.top_nr,
+			    N_("number of entries to include in detail tables")),
 		OPT_BOOL_F(0, "all-refs", &ctx.opts.refs.want_all_refs, N_("include all refs"),          PARSE_OPT_NONEG),

From 937327eb9e88bb4705e7be55a32b7aa7d9c7746f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Johannes Schindelin <>
Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 23:28:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 153/154] survey: clearly note the experimental nature in the

While this command is definitely something we _want_, chances are that
upstreaming this will require substantial changes.

We still want to be able to experiment with this before that, to focus
on what we need out of this command: To assist with diagnosing issues
with large repositories, as well as to help monitoring the growth and
the associated painpoints of such repositories.

To that end, we are about to integrate this command into
`microsoft/git`, to get the tool into the hands of users who need it
most, with the idea to iterate in close collaboration between these
users and the developers familar with Git's internals.

However, we will definitely want to avoid letting anybody have the
impression that this command, its exact inner workings, as well as its
output format, are anywhere close to stable. To make that fact utterly
clear (and thereby protect the freedom to iterate and innovate freely
before upstreaming the command), let's mark its output as experimental
in all-caps, as the first thing we do.

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 builtin/survey.c | 6 ++++++
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/builtin/survey.c b/builtin/survey.c
index 87c6e744791cfd..a86b728d6a2671 100644
--- a/builtin/survey.c
+++ b/builtin/survey.c
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #include "strvec.h"
 #include "tag.h"
 #include "trace2.h"
+#include "color.h"
 static const char * const survey_usage[] = {
 	N_("(EXPERIMENTAL!) git survey <options>"),
@@ -901,6 +902,11 @@ int cmd_survey(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix, struct repositor
 	if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-h"))
 		usage_with_options(survey_usage, survey_options);
+	if (isatty(2))
+		color_fprintf_ln(stderr,
+				 want_color_fd(2, GIT_COLOR_AUTO) ? GIT_COLOR_YELLOW : "",
 	ctx.repo = repo;

From 43f7f1355007fc00ad826830f9238e2f1409d34c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Derrick Stolee <>
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 09:57:32 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 154/154] path-walk: improve path-walk speed with many tags

In the presence of many tags, the use of oid_array_lookup() can become
extremely slow. We should rely upon the SEEN bit instead.

This affects the tag-peeling walk as well as the switch statement for
adding the peeled object to the correct oid_array.

Signed-off-by: Derrick Stolee <>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin <>
 path-walk.c | 16 +++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/path-walk.c b/path-walk.c
index 10c6dedbab82b1..c0be95922c1615 100644
--- a/path-walk.c
+++ b/path-walk.c
@@ -299,26 +299,28 @@ int walk_objects_by_path(struct path_walk_info *info)
 			if (obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT || obj->flags & SEEN)
-			obj->flags |= SEEN;
 			while (obj->type == OBJ_TAG) {
 				struct tag *tag = lookup_tag(info->revs->repo,
-				if (oid_array_lookup(&tags, &obj->oid) < 0)
+				if (!(obj->flags & SEEN)) {
+					obj->flags |= SEEN;
 					oid_array_append(&tags, &obj->oid);
+				}
 				obj = tag->tagged;
+			if ((obj->flags & SEEN))
+				continue;
+			obj->flags |= SEEN;
 			switch (obj->type) {
 			case OBJ_TREE:
-				if (info->trees &&
-				    oid_array_lookup(&root_tree_list->oids, &obj->oid) < 0)
+				if (info->trees)
 					oid_array_append(&root_tree_list->oids, &obj->oid);
 			case OBJ_BLOB:
-				if (info->blobs &&
-				    oid_array_lookup(&tagged_blob_list, &obj->oid) < 0)
+				if (info->blobs)
 					oid_array_append(&tagged_blob_list, &obj->oid);