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SoftwareBitBang cabling and connectors

Giovanni Blu Mitolo edited this page Apr 9, 2019 · 6 revisions

Low power unshielded servo connector

A male servo connector (composed by 3 pins with 2.54mm pitch) is economical, easily available and often suitable for both signalling and power supply if applied in low power applications.


  • PJDL input/output signal (white or yellow)
  • Unregulated power supply (red)
  • Ground (black)
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 PJDL   +    -

Low power unshielded servo wire

Female 24-20AWG "servo wire" can be used although its cable size and length must be carefully selected taking in consideration the overall application's power supply requirements and selected components' maximum rating.

Coaxial cable

A serious step towards reliability is to use a well insulated wire, for example a coaxial cable in one of its forms, from earbuds wire to expensive gold-plated radio equipment. Thanks to the "sock" ground shielding the use of this sort of cable highly reduces interference and is also really handy, connecting also the ground with only one wire.

 _______                                   _______
|       | I/O PIN                 I/O PIN |       |
|       |\                               /|       |
| ID 1  | > ====== COAXIAL CABLE ====== < | ID 2  |
|       |/                               \|       |
|_______| GND                         GND |_______|