You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
Query Methods
Also includes
This not only allows for the defining of which table(s) will be the start of our query but also the start of a new query
If you wish to add additional tables to the query, please use from()
which follows the same parameters as table()
* @param string|Raw $table Each table name used
* @return QueryBuildHandler
public function table(...$table): QueryBuilderHandler
// Assign multiple tables in a single call
$builder->table('foo', 'bar', 'baz')->get();
// As multiple calls.
->from('baz', 'daz')
// These would both result in
"SELECT * FROM foo, bar, baz, 'daz'"
// With table alias
$builder->table('foo AS f')->get();
"SELECT * FROM foo AS f"
// This also works with defined prefix in connection.
# with 'p_' as a prefix
$builder->table('foo AS f')->get();
"SELECT * FROM p_foo AS f"
It is possible to return your results back in as an object, you can read more about it on the Result Hydration page.
* @param class-string $className The fully namespaced name of the object
* @param array<int, mixed> $constructorArgs Array of any values needed to construct the object.
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function asObject($className, $constructorArgs = array()): QueryBuilderHandler
$model = QB::table( 'my_table' )->asObject(MyModel::class)->select( 'id' )->first();
object(MyModel)#1 (2) {
["id"] => int(1)
["name"] => string(5) "Glynn"
Also includes
Used to specify the columns of data to return.
Defaults to '*' if not set
* @param string[]|string|Raw $field Fields to be selected.
* @return QueryBuildHandler
public function select(...$field): QueryBuilderHandler
// Single column
QB::table( 'my_table' )->select( 'id' );
"SELECT id FROM my_table"
// Single Column from within JSON Document
QB::table('foo')->select(['column->someObj->a' => 'jsonAlias']);
// Multiple
QB::from('foo')->select( 'mytable.myfield1', 'mytable.myfield2', 'another_table.myfield3' );
"SELECT mytable.myfield1, mytable.myfield2, another_table.myfield3 FROM foo"
// With Alias
QB::table( 'my_table' )->select( ['userID' => 'id', 'parentUserID' => 'parent'] );
"SELECT userID AS id, parentUserID AS parent from my_table"
Using select method multiple times select( 'a' )->select( 'b' )
will also select a
and b
. Can be useful if you want to do conditional selects (within a PHP if
$builder = QB::table('foo')->select('colA');
* @param string[]|string|Raw $field Fields to be selected.
* @return QueryBuildHandler
public function selectDistinct(...$field): QueryBuilderHandler
QB::table('foo')->selectDistinct( 'mytable.myfield1', 'mytable.myfield2');
Adds DISTINCT to the select query SELECT DISTINCT mytable.myfield1, mytable.myfield2
Once you have built your queries conditions (see Where & Join), you can retrieve your results.
* @return array<mixed,mixed>|null
public function get()
$results = QB::table('my_table')->where('name', '=', 'Sana')->get();
// You can loop through it like:
foreach ($results as $row) {
echo $row->name;
* @return array<mixed,mixed>|object|null
public function first()
$query = QB::table('my_table')->where('name', '=', 'Sana');
$row = $query->first();
Returns the first row, or null if there is no record. Using this method you can also make sure if a record exists. Access these like echo $row->name
Acts a shortcut for a simple WHERE condition, with a single result. By default assumes 'id' field, but can be set to any
* @return array<mixed,mixed>|object|null
public function find($value, $fieldName = 'id')
$user = QB::table('users')->find(12);
"SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 12 LIMIT 1"
$user = QB::table('users')->find(12, 'userId');
"SELECT * FROM users WHERE userId = 12 LIMIT 1"
Same as find()
but not limited to the first row.
* @return array<mixed,mixed>|object|null
public function findAll($value, $fieldName = 'id')
$user = QB::table('users')->findAll(12);
"SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 12"
$user = QB::table('users')->findAll(12, 'userId');
"SELECT * FROM users WHERE userId = 12"
A version of find()
that will throw an exception if no result found.
This will return a count of the number of row returned by the query.
* @param string $field
* @return int
public function count(string $field = '*'): int
If you pass a different field, it must either be a field that is defined in the query
id | name | team | scored | played |
1 | Jon | Team A | 12 | 2 |
2 | Sam | Team A | 34 | 5 |
3 | Dave | Team B | 12 | 7 |
4 | Mike | Team B | 23 | 12 |
5 | James | Team A | 11 | 15 |
4 | Dexter | Team B | 9 | 5 |
$playerCount = $query = QB::table('players')
->where('team', '=', 'Team A')
// 3
Would return the average over the defined column. Column selected must be present in the query,if not using the '*' wildcard for select().
* @param string $field
* @return float
public function average(string $field): float
$avg = QB::table('players')
->where('team', 'Team B')
// 12 + 23 + 9 = 44 | 44 / 3 = 14.66666
Returns the lowest value from the defined column. Column selected must be present in the query,if not using the '*' wildcard for select().
* @param string $field
* @return float
public function min(string $field): float
$min = QB::table('players')
->where('played', '>', 6)
// 3:12, 4:23, 5:11 = 11
Returns the highest value from the defined column. Column selected must be present in the query,if not using the '*' wildcard for select().
* @param string $field
* @return float
public function max(string $field): float
$min = QB::table('players')
->where('scored', '<', 20)
// 2,7,15,5 = 15
Returns the total value from the defined column. Column selected must be present in the query,if not using the '*' wildcard for select().
* @param string $field
* @return float
public function sum(string $field): float
$min = QB::table('players')
->where('team', 'Team A')
// 12 + 34 + 11 = 57
You can define the offset to return the results from.
* @param int $offset
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function offset(int $offset): QueryBuilderHandler
// SELECT * FROM players OFFSET 12
You can limit the number of results that are returned
* @param int $limit
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function limit(int $limit): QueryBuilderHandler
// SELECT * FROM players LIMIT 12
It is possible to order the results by single or multiple columns in either direction.
* @param string|array<string|int, string|Raw> $fields Fields to order by
* @param string $defaultDirection Direction to order by, if not defined
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function orderBy($fields, string $defaultDirection = 'ASC'): QueryBuilderHandler
Single Column
// ASC Direction by default.
// You can change direction using.
->orderBy(['created_at' => 'DESC'])
// If you wish to use a Raw expression, you can set the direction using the
// default direction.
->orderBy(new Raw('column = %s',['foo']), 'DESC')
// ORDER BY column = 'foo' DESC
Multiple Columns
// ASC Direction by default.
$results = QB::table('my_table')
// This allows adding additional sorting rules conditionally.
$query = QB::table('my_table')->orderBy('points', 'DESC');
if( 1==1 ){
$query->orderBy('goals', 'DESC');
$results = $query->get();
// Order by JSON
->orderBy(['jsonData->post_data->upvotes' => 'DESC'])
->orderBy(['jsonData->post_data->downvotes' => 'ASC'])
docs can be found here
You can group your results when used with joins and other expressions.
* @param string|string[] $field either the single field or an array of fields
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function groupBy($field): QueryBuilderHandler
$customersInCountries = QB::table('Customers')
->select(new Raw('COUNT(CustomerID)'), 'Country')
// SELECT COUNT(CustomerID), Country FROM Customers GROUP BY Country;
->select('COUNT(CustomerID)', 'Country')
->orderBy(Raw::val('COUNT(CustomerID)'), 'DESC')
// SELECT COUNT(CustomerID), Country FROM Customers GROUP BY Country ORDER BY COUNT(CustomerID) DESC
You have full access to having, allowing for single or multiple conditions
* @param string|string[]|Raw|Raw[] $key The column to reference
* @param string $operator =, <>, >, <
* @param mixed $value The value to look for
* @param string $joiner If used on second having statement, the method to join with.
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function having($key, string $operator, $value, string $joiner = 'AND'): QueryBuilderHandler
// Using SUM function
->select(['product', 'SUM(quantity)' => '"Total quantity"'])
->having('SUM(quantity)', '>', 10)
// SELECT product, SUM(quantity) AS "Total quantity" FROM order_details GROUP BY product HAVING SUM(quantity) > 10
// Group by multiple
->select('category_id', 'year_released')
->having('category_id', '<', 4)
->having('category_id', '>', 2);
//SELECT category_id, year_released FROM movies GROUP BY year_released HAVING category_id < 4 AND category_id > 2
The same as having()
but uses OR
as it joiner.
* @param string|string[]|Raw|Raw[] $key The column to reference
* @param string $operator =, <>, >, <
* @param mixed $value The value to look for
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function orHaving($key, $operator, $value): QueryBuilderHandler
->select('category_id', 'year_released')
->having('category_id', '<', 4)
->orHaving('category_id', '>', 2);
//SELECT category_id, year_released FROM movies GROUP BY year_released HAVING category_id < 4 OR category_id > 2
It is possible to define a where condition as part of a query. Basic syntax is (fieldname, operator, value)
, if you give two parameters then = operator is assumed. So where('name', 'Glynn')
and where('name', '=', 'Glynn')
is the same.
* @param string|Raw|Closure(NestedCriteria):void $key The field key to use to match
* @param string|mixed|null $operator Can be used as value, if 3rd arg not passed
* @param mixed $value
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function where($key, $operator, $value ): QueryBuilderHandler
// Simple where without operator
QB::table('players')->where('team', 'Team A')->get();
// SELECT * FROM players WHERE team = 'Team A';
// Simple where with operator
QB::table('players')->where('team', '<>', 'Team B')->get();
// SELECT * FROM players WHERE team <> 'Team B';
// Simple where using JSON arrow selectors
QB::table('players')->where('column->keyA->keyB', 'foo')->get();
When adding more than 1 where clause, the default joiner used is AND
// Simple where without operator
->where('team', 'Team A')
->where('position', '<>', 'goalkeeper')
// SELECT * FROM players WHERE team = 'Team A' AND position <> goalkeeper;
The first WHERE conditions
is ignored in final query.
The same as where()
but uses OR
as it joiner.
* @param string|Raw|Closure(NestedCriteria):void $key The field key to use to match
* @param string|mixed|null $operator Can be used as value, if 3rd arg not passed
* @param mixed $value
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function orWhere($key, $operator, $value ): QueryBuilderHandler
// As mentioned above, the first where statements joiner is ignored, so use where first
->where('team', 'Team A')
->orWhere('team', 'Team B')
// SELECT * FROM players WHERE team = 'Team A' OR team = 'Team B';
// Remember to use BINDINGS if the value comes from any remote source (REST, Database or User Input)
->where('team', 'Team A')
->orWhere('team', Binding::asString($userInput)) // Assuming $userInput = 'Team C'
//SELECT * FROM players WHERE team = 'Team A' OR team = 'Team C';
JSON arrow selectors are allows in keys, we also have JSON Helper methods
Helps to apply WHERE NOT
to the query.
* @param string|Raw|Closure(NestedCriteria):void $key The field key to use to match
* @param string|mixed|null $operator Can be used as value, if 3rd arg not passed
* @param mixed $value
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function whereNot($key, $operator, $value ): QueryBuilderHandler
// Simple where without operator
QB::table('players')->whereNot('team', 'Team A')->get();
// SELECT * FROM players WHERE NOT team = 'Team A';
// Simple where with operator
QB::table('players')->whereNot('team', '<>', 'Team B')->get();
// SELECT * FROM players WHERE NOT team <> 'Team B';
// Simple where using JSON arrow selectors
QB::table('players')->where('column->keyA->keyB', 'foo')->get();
The same as whereNot()
but uses OR
as it joiner.
* @param string|Raw|Closure(NestedCriteria):void $key The field key to use to match
* @param string|mixed|null $operator Can be used as value, if 3rd arg not passed
* @param mixed $value
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function orWhereNot($key, $operator, $value ): QueryBuilderHandler
// As mentioned above, the first where statements joiner is ignored, so use where first
->whereNot('team', 'Team A')
->orWhereNot('team', 'Team B')
// SELECT * FROM players WHERE NOT team = 'Team A' OR NOT team = 'Team B';
// Remember to use BINDINGS if the value comes from any remote source (REST, Database or User Input)
->whereNot('team', 'Team A')
->orWhereNot('team', Binding::asString($userInput)) // Assuming $userInput = 'Team C'
//SELECT * FROM players WHERE NOT team = 'Team A' OR NOT team = 'Team C';
Checks if a columns value is null
* @param string|Raw|Closure(NestedCriteria):void $key The field key to use to match
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function whereNull($key): QueryBuilderHandler
// Will filter the table where teams value is NOT NULL
// SELECT * FROM players WHERE team IS NULL;
// Can also be used with JSON array selectors.
The same as whereNull()
but uses OR
as it joiner.
Checks if a columns value is null
* @param string|Raw|Closure(NestedCriteria):void $key The field key to use to match
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function orWhereNull($key): QueryBuilderHandler
// Will filter the table where either teams OR bar values are NULL
// SELECT * FROM players WHERE team IS NULL OR bar IS NULL;
// Can also be used with JSON array selectors.
Checks if a columns value is NOT null
* @param string|Raw|Closure(NestedCriteria):void $key The field key to use to match
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function whereNotNull($key): QueryBuilderHandler
// Will filter the table where teams value is NOT NULL
// SELECT * FROM players WHERE team IS NOT NULL;
// Can also be used with JSON array selectors.
The same as whereNotNull()
but uses OR
as it joiner.
* @param string|Raw|Closure(NestedCriteria):void $key The field key to use to match
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function OrWhereNotNull($key): QueryBuilderHandler
// Will filter the table where either teams OR bar values are NULL
It is possible to create a WHERE IN condition
* @param string|Raw|Closure(NestedCriteria):void $key The field key to use to match
* @param mixed[] $values The collection of values to looks for a match
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function whereIn($key, $values): QueryBuilderHandler
->whereIn('team', ['Team A', 'Team B'])
// SELECT * FROM players WHERE team IN ('Team A', 'Team B');
// Can be applied to multi conditions.
->whereIn('team', ['Team A', 'Team B'])
->whereIn('position', ['Striker', 'Goalkeeper'])
// "SELECT * FROM players
// WHERE team IN ('Team A', 'Team B') AND position IN ('Striker', 'Goalkeeper')"
// You can use JSON arrow selectors here too.
->whereIn('column->keyA->keyB', ['Value 1', 'Value 2'])
Applies an OR joiner with the previous condition.
* @param string|Raw|Closure(NestedCriteria):void $key The field key to use to match
* @param mixed[] $values The collection of values to looks for a match
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function orWhereIn($key, $values): QueryBuilderHandler
// Can be applied to multi conditions.
->whereIn('team', ['Team A', 'Team B'])
->orWhereIn('position', ['Striker', 'Goalkeeper'])
// "SELECT * FROM players
// WHERE team IN ('Team A', 'Team B') OR position IN ('Striker', 'Goalkeeper')"
Filters all column values that are in a collection of options.
* @param string|Raw|Closure(NestedCriteria):void $key The field key to use to match
* @param mixed[] $values The collection of values to looks for a match
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function whereNotIn($key, $values): QueryBuilderHandler
->whereNotIn('team', ['Team A', 'Team B'])
// SELECT * FROM players WHERE team NOT IN ('Team A', 'Team B');
// Can be applied to multi conditions.
->whereNotIn('team', ['Team A', 'Team B'])
->whereNotIn('position', ['Striker', 'Goalkeeper'])
// "SELECT * FROM players
// WHERE team NOT IN ('Team A', 'Team B') AND position NOT IN ('Striker', 'Goalkeeper')"
// You can use JSON arrow selectors here too.
->whereNotIn('column->keyA->keyB', ['Value 1', 'Value 2'])
Applies an OR joiner with the previous condition.
* @param string|Raw|Closure(NestedCriteria):void $key The field key to use to match
* @param mixed[]|Raw[] $values The collection of values to looks for a match
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function orWhereNotIn($key, $values): QueryBuilderHandler
// Can be applied to multi conditions.
->whereNotIn('team', ['Team A', 'Team B'])
->orWhereNotIn('position', ['Striker', 'Goalkeeper'])
// "SELECT * FROM players
// WHERE team NOT IN ('Team A', 'Team B') OR position NOT IN ('Striker', 'Goalkeeper')"
Filters rows where the defined column/value is between 2 values.
* @param string|Raw|Closure(NestedCriteria):void $key The field key to use to match
* @param mixed|Raw $valueFrom From value
* @param mixed|Raw $valueTo From value
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function whereBetween($key, $valueFrom , $valueTo): QueryBuilderHandler
->whereBetween('goals_scored', 25, 30)
// SELECT * FROM players WHERE goals_scored BETWEEN 25 AND 30;
// Can be applied to multi conditions.
->whereBetween('goals_scored', 10, 49)
->whereBetween('games_played', 5, 40)
// "SELECT * FROM players WHERE goals_scored BETWEEN 10 AND 49 AND games_played BETWEEN 5 AND 40"
// You can use JSON arrow selectors here too.
->whereBetween('column->keyA->keyB', 10, 49)
The same as whereBetween()
but uses OR
as the joiner
* @param string|Raw|Closure(NestedCriteria):void $key The field key to use to match
* @param mixed|Raw $valueFrom From value
* @param mixed|Raw $valueTo From value
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function orWhereBetween($key, $valueFrom , $valueTo): QueryBuilderHandler
// Can be applied to multi conditions.
->whereBetween('goals_scored', 10, 49)
->orWhereBetween('games_played', 5, 40)
// "SELECT * FROM players WHERE goals_scored BETWEEN 10 AND 49 OR games_played BETWEEN 5 AND 40"
Its possible to filter date column (date
, datetime
, unix
) types for matching (full) dates.
* @param string|Raw $key
* @param string|mixed|null $operator Can be used as value, if 3rd arg not passed
* @param mixed|null $value
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function whereDate($key, $operator = null, $value = null):QueryBuilderHandler
DB Table
id | title | date | datetime |
1 | 5 Easy Rules Of Tree | 2022-10-10 | 2022-10-10 18:19:03 |
2 | The Death Of Lard | 2010-10-05 | 2010-10-05 18:19:03 |
3 | Is Bacon Still Relevant? | 2020-03-10 | 2020-03-10 18:19:03 |
// Filtering date with a date.
QB::table('foo')->select('id','title')->whereDate('date', '2022-10-10')->first();
// Result { id:1, title:'5 Easy Rules Of Tree' }
// Filtering DateTime with just a date, this works with UNIX format too
QB::table('foo')->select('id','title')->whereDate('datetime', '2010-10-05')->first();
// Result { id:2, title:'The Death Of Lard' }
// Finding all results after a date.
QB::table('foo')->select('id','title')->whereDate('date', '>', '2019-03-12')->get();
// Result [
// {id: 2, title: 'The Death Of Lard' },
// {id: 3, title: 'Is Bacon Still Relevant?' },
// ]
JSON Selectors are not currently supported with WHERE DATE functions (including
It is possible to query a valid date column for any dates with the same day
* @param string|Raw $key
* @param string|mixed|null $operator Can be used as value, if 3rd arg not passed
* @param mixed|null $value
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function whereDay($key, $operator = null, $value = null):QueryBuilderHandler
// Filtering date with a date.
QB::table('foo')->select('id','title')->whereDay('date', '10')->get();
// Result [
// {id: 1, title: '5 Easy Rules Of Tree' },
// {id: 3, title: 'Is Bacon Still Relevant?' },
// ]
// Filtering DateTime with just a date, this works with UNIX format too
QB::table('foo')->select('id','title')->whereDay('datetime', '5')->first();
// Result {id:2, title:'The Death Of Lard'}
It is possible to query a valid date column for any dates with the same month
* @param string|Raw $key
* @param string|mixed|null $operator Can be used as value, if 3rd arg not passed
* @param mixed|null $value
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function whereMonth($key, $operator = null, $value = null):QueryBuilderHandler
// Filtering date with a date.
QB::table('foo')->select('id','title')->whereMonth('date', '10')->get();
// Result [
// {id: 1, title: '5 Easy Rules Of Tree' },
// {id: 2, title: 'The Death Of Lard' },
// ]
// Filtering DateTime with just a date, this works with UNIX format too
QB::table('foo')->select('id','title')->whereMonth('datetime', '3')->first();
// Result {id: 3, title: 'Is Bacon Still Relevant?' }
It is possible to query a valid date column for any dates with the same year
* @param string|Raw $key
* @param string|mixed|null $operator Can be used as value, if 3rd arg not passed
* @param mixed|null $value
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function whereYear($key, $operator = null, $value = null):QueryBuilderHandler
// Filtering date with a date.
QB::table('foo')->select('id','title')->whereYear('date', '!=', '2010')->get();
// Result [
// {id: 1, title: '5 Easy Rules Of Tree' },
// {id: 3, title: 'Is Bacon Still Relevant?' },
// ]
// Filtering DateTime with just a date, this works with UNIX format too
QB::table('foo')->select('id','title')->whereYear('datetime', '2022')->first();
// Result {id: 1, title: '5 Easy Rules Of Tree' }
It is possible to have an inline if
or if/else
as part of a statement declaration.
* @param bool $condition
* @param \Closure $if
* @param \Closure|null $else
* @return self
public function when(bool $condition, \Closure $if, ?\Closure $else = null): self
# IF expression
->where('type', 'free')
$user->type === 'premium',
fn($builder)=> $builder->orWhere('type', 'premium')
// Would only add the orWhere() condition if the user type was premium
# IFELSE expression
->select('id', 'bio')
fn($builder) => $builder->select(['fullname' => 'name']),
fn($builder) => $builder->select(['username' => 'name']),
->where('bio', 'like', '%something%')
// Would return either fullname or username as name field based on $foo->showFullName
It is possible to join 2 tables or sub queries using any of the common MYSQL methods.
* @param string|Raw $table Table name or expression to join
* @param string|Raw|Closure $key Column/field of $table to join on
* @param string|null $operator The operation to use (=, !=, <, > etc)
* @param string|Raw|null $value
* @param string $type
* @return QueryBuilderHandler
public function join($table, $key, ?string $operator = null, $value = null, $type = 'inner'): QueryBuilderHandler
->join('other', 'other.reference', '=', 'reference.id')
"SELECT * FROM reference INNER JOIN other ON other.reference = reference.id"
// Multiple tables can be joined.
->join('other', 'other.reference', '=', 'reference.id')
->join('another', 'another.id', '=', 'reference.id');
"SELECT * FROM reference
INNER JOIN other ON other.reference = reference.id
INNER JOIN another ON another.id = reference.id"
The parent join() method allows the passing of the $type, so those without helpers can still be used.
->join('other', 'other.reference', '=', 'reference.id', 'NATURAL')
"SELECT * FROM reference NATURAL JOIN other ON other.reference = reference.id"
JSON Arrow selectors are allows to be used for both
in all join methods.
->join('other', 'other.json->someKey->value', '=', 'reference.json->id')
You can do joins ON multiple conditions using a grouped join
As with join, but for LEFT JOIN
* @param string|Raw $table
* @param string|Raw|Closure $key
* @param string|null $operator
* @param mixed $value
* @return static
public function leftJoin($table, $key, $operator = null, $value = null): self
->leftJoin('other', 'other.reference', '=', 'reference.id')
"SELECT * FROM reference LEFT JOIN other ON other.reference = reference.id"
JSON Arrow selectors are allows to be used for both
in all join methods.
->leftJoin('other', 'other.json->someKey->value', '=', 'reference.json->id')
As with join, but for RIGHT JOIN
* @param string|Raw $table
* @param string|Raw|Closure $key
* @param string|null $operator
* @param mixed $value
* @return static
public function rightJoin($table, $key, $operator = null, $value = null): self
->rightJoin('other', 'other.reference', '=', 'reference.id')
"SELECT * FROM reference RIGHT JOIN other ON other.reference = reference.id"
JSON Arrow selectors are allows to be used for both
in all join methods.
->rightJoin('other', 'other.json->someKey->value', '=', 'reference.json->id')
As with join, but for OUTER JOIN
* @param string|Raw $table
* @param string|Raw|Closure $key
* @param string|null $operator
* @param mixed $value
* @return static
public function outerJoin($table, $key, $operator = null, $value = null): self
->outerJoin('other', 'other.reference', '=', 'reference.id')
"SELECT * FROM reference OUTER JOIN other ON other.reference = reference.id"
JSON Arrow selectors are allows to be used for both
in all join methods.
->outerJoin('other', 'other.json->someKey->value', '=', 'reference.json->id')