A collection of assorted functions which do not really have a single place to live.
All methods in this helper class are self contained and called in via static methods.
* Array map, which gives access to array key and a selection of static
* values.
* @param callable $function
* @param iterable<mixed> $data
* @param mixed ...$with
* @return array<int, mixed>
public static function iterable_map_with( callable $function, iterable $data, ...$with ): array
As this uses a foreach loop at its heart, any iterable can be used although care should be taken as the key isn't returned from an iterator unless yield 'key'=>'value';
is used
$my_data = [ 'user_12342' => 'Matt Smith', 'user_23423' => 'Sally Jones' ];
$logged_in_user = 'user_12';
$banned_users = ['user_12342', 'another_key'];
$mapped = Utils::iterable_map_with(
function($user_id, $user_name, $admin_user, $banned_users): string {
$user = new stdClass();
$user->name = $user_name;
$user->banned = in_array($user_id, $banned_users, true);
$user->processed_by = $admin_user;
return $user;
$my_data, $static_value, $banned_users
// Can also be used with a generator.
$generator = function(): Generator {
yield 'user_12342' => 'Matt Smith';
yield 'user_23423' => 'Sally Jones';
yield 'user_12432' => 'Joe Nobody';
$mapped = Utils::iterable_map_with(
function($user_id, $user_name, $admin_user, $banned_users): string {...},
$generator(), $static_value, $banned_users
The static parameters are not required, so this can be used as an array_map which gives access to both key and value.
Utils::iterable_map_with( function($key, $value){...}, $array );
* Recursively remove a directory and all its contents.
* @param string $dir
* @return void
public static function recursive_rmdir( string $dir ): void
This allows for the recursive removal of all files and sub directories within a directory. While you can do this using a directory iterator, this allows for a quick and cleanup of any mock data.
The following example can be cleared using Utils::recursive_rmdir('parent');
Full path must be passed
│ file001.txt
│ │ file011.txt
│ │ file012.txt
│ │
│ └───subfolder1
│ │ file111.txt
│ │ file112.txt
│ file021.txt
│ file022.txt
* Gets an array of all top level sub directories from a parent directory.
* @param string $dir
* @return array<string>
public static function get_subdirectories( string $dir ): array
Sometimes you just need to know the current list of subdirectories, without filtering out files and . , ..
get_subdirectories() allows you to get the next generate of directories either.
// Using dir tree example from recursive_rmdir() docs.
$sub_directories = Utils::get_subdirectories('parent');
print_r($sub_directories); // ['folder1', 'folder2']
If a none existent dir path, passed, will just return an empty array.